RigVeda Mandala 04

Mandala 4 comprises 58 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra as well as the Rbhus, Ashvins, Brhaspati, Vayu, Usas, etc. Most hymns in this book are attributed to vāmadeva gautama. This edition uses Rigveda's translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].

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Shanti Mantra

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||

Sloka : 4.1.1

ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं ४

त्वां ह्य॑ग्ने॒ सद॒मित्स॑म॒न्यवो॑ दे॒वासो॑ दे॒वम॑र॒तिं न्ये॑रि॒र इति॒ क्रत्वा॑ न्येरि॒रे ।

अम॑र्त्यं यजत॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा दे॒वमादे॑वं जनत॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ विश्व॒मादे॑वं जनत॒ प्रचे॑तसम् ॥ ४.००१.०१

ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 4

tvāṃ hya̍gne̱ sada̱mitsa̍ma̱nyavo̍ de̱vāso̍ de̱vama̍ra̱tiṃ nye̍ri̱ra iti̱ kratvā̍ nyeri̱re .

ama̍rtyaṃ yajata̱ martye̱ṣvā de̱vamāde̍vaṃ janata̱ prace̍tasa̱ṃ viśva̱māde̍vaṃ janata̱ prace̍tasam .. 4.001.01

1 THEE Agni, have the Gods, ever of one accord, sent hither down, a God, appointed messenger, yea, with their wisdom sent thee down.
The Immortal, O thou Holy One, mid mortal men, the God-devoted God, the wise, have they brought forth, brought forth the omnipresent God-devoted Sage.

Sloka : 4.1.2

स भ्रात॑रं॒ वरु॑णमग्न॒ आ व॑वृत्स्व दे॒वाँ अच्छा॑ सुम॒ती य॒ज्ञव॑नसं॒ ज्येष्ठं॑ य॒ज्ञव॑नसम् ।

ऋ॒तावा॑नमादि॒त्यं च॑र्षणी॒धृतं॒ राजा॑नं चर्षणी॒धृत॑म् ॥ ४.००१.०२

sa bhrāta̍ra̱ṃ varu̍ṇamagna̱ ā va̍vṛtsva de̱vām̐ acchā̍ suma̱tī ya̱jñava̍nasa̱ṃ jyeṣṭha̍ṃ ya̱jñava̍nasam .

ṛ̱tāvā̍namādi̱tyaṃ ca̍rṣaṇī̱dhṛta̱ṃ rājā̍naṃ carṣaṇī̱dhṛta̍m .. 4.001.02

2 As such, O Agni, bring with favour to the Gods thy Brother Varuṇa who loveth sacrifice,
True to the Law, the Āditya who supporteth men, the King, supporter of mankind.

Sloka : 4.1.3

सखे॒ सखा॑यम॒भ्या व॑वृत्स्वा॒शुं न च॒क्रं रथ्ये॑व॒ रंह्या॒स्मभ्यं॑ दस्म॒ रंह्या॑ ।

अग्ने॑ मृळी॒कं वरु॑णे॒ सचा॑ विदो म॒रुत्सु॑ वि॒श्वभा॑नुषु ।

तो॒काय॑ तु॒जे शु॑शुचान॒ शं कृ॑ध्य॒स्मभ्यं॑ दस्म॒ शं कृ॑धि ॥ ४.००१.०३

sakhe̱ sakhā̍yama̱bhyā va̍vṛtsvā̱śuṃ na ca̱kraṃ rathye̍va̱ raṃhyā̱smabhya̍ṃ dasma̱ raṃhyā̍ .

agne̍ mṛl̤ī̱kaṃ varu̍ṇe̱ sacā̍ vido ma̱rutsu̍ vi̱śvabhā̍nuṣu .

to̱kāya̍ tu̱je śu̍śucāna̱ śaṃ kṛ̍dhya̱smabhya̍ṃ dasma̱ śaṃ kṛ̍dhi .. 4.001.03

3 Do thou, O Friend, turn hither him who is our Friend, swift as a wheel, like two car-steeds in rapid course, Wondrous! to us in rapid course.
O Agni, find thou grace for us with Varuṇa, with Maruts who illumine all.
Bless us, thou Radiant One, for seed and progeny, yea, bless us, O thou Wondrous God.

Sloka : 4.1.4

त्वं नो॑ अग्ने॒ वरु॑णस्य वि॒द्वान्दे॒वस्य॒ हेळोऽव॑ यासिसीष्ठाः ।

यजि॑ष्ठो॒ वह्नि॑तमः॒ शोशु॑चानो॒ विश्वा॒ द्वेषां॑सि॒ प्र मु॑मुग्ध्य॒स्मत् ॥ ४.००१.०४

tvaṃ no̍ agne̱ varu̍ṇasya vi̱dvānde̱vasya̱ hel̤o'va̍ yāsisīṣṭhāḥ .

yaji̍ṣṭho̱ vahni̍tama̱ḥ śośu̍cāno̱ viśvā̱ dveṣā̍ṃsi̱ pra mu̍mugdhya̱smat .. 4.001.04

4 Do thou who knowest Varuṇa, O Agni, put far away from us the God's displeasure.
Best Sacrificer, brightest One, refulgent remove thou far from us all those who hate us.

Sloka : 4.1.5

स त्वं नो॑ अग्नेऽव॒मो भ॑वो॒ती नेदि॑ष्ठो अ॒स्या उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ ।

अव॑ यक्ष्व नो॒ वरु॑णं॒ ररा॑णो वी॒हि मृ॑ळी॒कं सु॒हवो॑ न एधि ॥ ४.००१.०५

sa tvaṃ no̍ agne'va̱mo bha̍vo̱tī nedi̍ṣṭho a̱syā u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭau .

ava̍ yakṣva no̱ varu̍ṇa̱ṃ rarā̍ṇo vī̱hi mṛ̍l̤ī̱kaṃ su̱havo̍ na edhi .. 4.001.05

5 Be thou, O Agni, nearest us with succour, our closest Friend while now this Morn is breaking.
Reconcile to us Varuṇa, be bounteous enjoy the gracious juice; be swift to hear us.

Sloka : 4.1.6

अ॒स्य श्रेष्ठा॑ सु॒भग॑स्य सं॒दृग्दे॒वस्य॑ चि॒त्रत॑मा॒ मर्त्ये॑षु ।

शुचि॑ घृ॒तं न त॒प्तमघ्न्या॑याः स्पा॒र्हा दे॒वस्य॑ मं॒हने॑व धे॒नोः ॥ ४.००१.०६

a̱sya śreṣṭhā̍ su̱bhaga̍sya sa̱ṃdṛgde̱vasya̍ ci̱trata̍mā̱ martye̍ṣu .

śuci̍ ghṛ̱taṃ na ta̱ptamaghnyā̍yāḥ spā̱rhā de̱vasya̍ ma̱ṃhane̍va dhe̱noḥ .. 4.001.06

6 Excellent is the glance, of brightest splendour, which the auspicious God bestows on mortals-
The God's glance, longed-for even as the butter, pure, heated, of the cow, the milch-cow's bounty.

Sloka : 4.1.7

त्रिर॑स्य॒ ता प॑र॒मा स॑न्ति स॒त्या स्पा॒र्हा दे॒वस्य॒ जनि॑मान्य॒ग्नेः ।

अ॒न॒न्ते अ॒न्तः परि॑वीत॒ आगा॒च्छुचिः॑ शु॒क्रो अ॒र्यो रोरु॑चानः ॥ ४.००१.०७

trira̍sya̱ tā pa̍ra̱mā sa̍nti sa̱tyā spā̱rhā de̱vasya̱ jani̍mānya̱gneḥ .

a̱na̱nte a̱ntaḥ pari̍vīta̱ āgā̱cchuci̍ḥ śu̱kro a̱ryo roru̍cānaḥ .. 4.001.07

7 Three are those births, the true, the most exalted, eagerly longed-for, of the God, of Agni.
He came invested in the boundless region, pure, radiant, friendly, mightily resplendent.

Sloka : 4.1.8

स दू॒तो विश्वेद॒भि व॑ष्टि॒ सद्मा॒ होता॒ हिर॑ण्यरथो॒ रंसु॑जिह्वः ।

रो॒हिद॑श्वो वपु॒ष्यो॑ वि॒भावा॒ सदा॑ र॒ण्वः पि॑तु॒मती॑व सं॒सत् ॥ ४.००१.०८

sa dū̱to viśveda̱bhi va̍ṣṭi̱ sadmā̱ hotā̱ hira̍ṇyaratho̱ raṃsu̍jihvaḥ .

ro̱hida̍śvo vapu̱ṣyo̍ vi̱bhāvā̱ sadā̍ ra̱ṇvaḥ pi̍tu̱matī̍va sa̱ṃsat .. 4.001.08

8 This envoy joyeth in all seats of worship, borne on his golden car, sweet-tongued Invoker:-
Lovely to look on, with red steeds, effulgent, like a feast rich in food, joyous for ever.

Sloka : 4.1.9

स चे॑तय॒न्मनु॑षो य॒ज्ञब॑न्धुः॒ प्र तं म॒ह्या र॑श॒नया॑ नयन्ति ।

स क्षे॑त्यस्य॒ दुर्या॑सु॒ साध॑न्दे॒वो मर्त॑स्य सधनि॒त्वमा॑प ॥ ४.००१.०९

sa ce̍taya̱nmanu̍ṣo ya̱jñaba̍ndhu̱ḥ pra taṃ ma̱hyā ra̍śa̱nayā̍ nayanti .

sa kṣe̍tyasya̱ duryā̍su̱ sādha̍nde̱vo marta̍sya sadhani̱tvamā̍pa .. 4.001.09

9 Allied by worship, let him give man knowledge:- by an extended cord they lead him onward.
He stays, effectual in this mortal's dwelling, and the God wins a share in his possessions.

Sloka : 4.1.10

स तू नो॑ अ॒ग्निर्न॑यतु प्रजा॒नन्नच्छा॒ रत्नं॑ दे॒वभ॑क्तं॒ यद॑स्य ।

धि॒या यद्विश्वे॑ अ॒मृता॒ अकृ॑ण्व॒न्द्यौष्पि॒ता ज॑नि॒ता स॒त्यमु॑क्षन् ॥ ४.००१.१०

sa tū no̍ a̱gnirna̍yatu prajā̱nannacchā̱ ratna̍ṃ de̱vabha̍kta̱ṃ yada̍sya .

dhi̱yā yadviśve̍ a̱mṛtā̱ akṛ̍ṇva̱ndyauṣpi̱tā ja̍ni̱tā sa̱tyamu̍kṣan .. 4.001.10

10 Let Agni -for he knows the way- conduct us to all that he enjoys of God-sent riches,
What all the Immortals have prepared with wisdom, Dyaus, Sire, Begetter, raining down true blessings.

Sloka : 4.1.11

स जा॑यत प्रथ॒मः प॒स्त्या॑सु म॒हो बु॒ध्ने रज॑सो अ॒स्य योनौ॑ ।

अ॒पाद॑शी॒र्षा गु॒हमा॑नो॒ अन्ता॒योयु॑वानो वृष॒भस्य॑ नी॒ळे ॥ ४.००१.११

sa jā̍yata pratha̱maḥ pa̱styā̍su ma̱ho bu̱dhne raja̍so a̱sya yonau̍ .

a̱pāda̍śī̱rṣā gu̱hamā̍no̱ antā̱yoyu̍vāno vṛṣa̱bhasya̍ nī̱l̤e .. 4.001.11

11 In houses first he sprang into existence, at great heaven's base, and in this region's bosom;
Footless and headless, both his ends concealing, in his Bull's lair drawing himself together.

Sloka : 4.1.12

प्र शर्ध॑ आर्त प्रथ॒मं वि॑प॒न्याँ ऋ॒तस्य॒ योना॑ वृष॒भस्य॑ नी॒ळे ।

स्पा॒र्हो युवा॑ वपु॒ष्यो॑ वि॒भावा॑ स॒प्त प्रि॒यासो॑ऽजनयन्त॒ वृष्णे॑ ॥ ४.००१.१२

pra śardha̍ ārta pratha̱maṃ vi̍pa̱nyām̐ ṛ̱tasya̱ yonā̍ vṛṣa̱bhasya̍ nī̱l̤e .

spā̱rho yuvā̍ vapu̱ṣyo̍ vi̱bhāvā̍ sa̱pta pri̱yāso̎janayanta̱ vṛṣṇe̍ .. 4.001.12

12 Wondrously first he rose aloft, defiant, in the Bull's lair, the homeof holy Order,
Longed-for, young, beautiful, and far-resplendent:- and sevendear frieuds sprang up unto the Mighty.

Sloka : 4.1.13

अ॒स्माक॒मत्र॑ पि॒तरो॑ मनु॒ष्या॑ अ॒भि प्र से॑दुरृ॒तमा॑शुषा॒णाः ।

अश्म॑व्रजाः सु॒दुघा॑ व॒व्रे अ॒न्तरुदु॒स्रा आ॑जन्नु॒षसो॑ हुवा॒नाः ॥ ४.००१.१३

a̱smāka̱matra̍ pi̱taro̍ manu̱ṣyā̍ a̱bhi pra se̍durṛ̱tamā̍śuṣā̱ṇāḥ .

aśma̍vrajāḥ su̱dughā̍ va̱vre a̱ntarudu̱srā ā̍jannu̱ṣaso̍ huvā̱nāḥ .. 4.001.13

13 Here did our human fathers take their places, fain to fulfil the sacred Law of worship.
Forth drave they, with loud call, Dawn's teeming Milch-kine bid in the mountainstable, in the cavern.

Sloka : 4.1.14

ते म॑र्मृजत ददृ॒वांसो॒ अद्रिं॒ तदे॑षाम॒न्ये अ॒भितो॒ वि वो॑चन् ।

प॒श्वय॑न्त्रासो अ॒भि का॒रम॑र्चन्वि॒दन्त॒ ज्योति॑श्चकृ॒पन्त॑ धी॒भिः ॥ ४.००१.१४

te ma̍rmṛjata dadṛ̱vāṃso̱ adri̱ṃ tade̍ṣāma̱nye a̱bhito̱ vi vo̍can .

pa̱śvaya̍ntrāso a̱bhi kā̱rama̍rcanvi̱danta̱ jyoti̍ścakṛ̱panta̍ dhī̱bhiḥ .. 4.001.14

14 Splendid were they when they had rent the mountain:- others, around, shall tell forth this their exploit.
They sang their song, prepared to free the cattle:- they found the light; with holy hymns they worshipped.

Sloka : 4.1.15

ते ग॑व्य॒ता मन॑सा दृ॒ध्रमु॒ब्धं गा ये॑मा॒नं परि॒ षन्त॒मद्रि॑म् ।

दृ॒ळ्हं नरो॒ वच॑सा॒ दैव्ये॑न व्र॒जं गोम॑न्तमु॒शिजो॒ वि व॑व्रुः ॥ ४.००१.१५

te ga̍vya̱tā mana̍sā dṛ̱dhramu̱bdhaṃ gā ye̍mā̱naṃ pari̱ ṣanta̱madri̍m .

dṛ̱l̤haṃ naro̱ vaca̍sā̱ daivye̍na vra̱jaṃ goma̍ntamu̱śijo̱ vi va̍vruḥ .. 4.001.15

15 Eager, with thought intent upon the booty, the men with their celestial speech threw open,
The solid mountain firm, compact, enclosing, confining Cows, the stable full of cattle.

Sloka : 4.1.16

ते म॑न्वत प्रथ॒मं नाम॑ धे॒नोस्त्रिः स॒प्त मा॒तुः प॑र॒माणि॑ विन्दन् ।

तज्जा॑न॒तीर॒भ्य॑नूषत॒ व्रा आ॒विर्भु॑वदरु॒णीर्य॒शसा॒ गोः ॥ ४.००१.१६

te ma̍nvata pratha̱maṃ nāma̍ dhe̱nostriḥ sa̱pta mā̱tuḥ pa̍ra̱māṇi̍ vindan .

tajjā̍na̱tīra̱bhya̍nūṣata̱ vrā ā̱virbhu̍vadaru̱ṇīrya̱śasā̱ goḥ .. 4.001.16

16 The Milch-cow's earliest name they comprehended:- they found the Mother's thrice-seven noblest titles.
This the bands knew, and sent forth acclamation:-with the Bull's sheen the Red One was apparent.

Sloka : 4.1.17

नेश॒त्तमो॒ दुधि॑तं॒ रोच॑त॒ द्यौरुद्दे॒व्या उ॒षसो॑ भा॒नुर॑र्त ।

आ सूर्यो॑ बृह॒तस्ति॑ष्ठ॒दज्रा॑ँ ऋ॒जु मर्ते॑षु वृजि॒ना च॒ पश्य॑न् ॥ ४.००१.१७

neśa̱ttamo̱ dudhi̍ta̱ṃ roca̍ta̱ dyaurudde̱vyā u̱ṣaso̍ bhā̱nura̍rta .

ā sūryo̍ bṛha̱tasti̍ṣṭha̱dajrā̍m̐ ṛ̱ju marte̍ṣu vṛji̱nā ca̱ paśya̍n .. 4.001.17

17 The turbid darkness fled, the heaven was sp, endid! up rose the bright beam of celestial Morning.
Sūrya ascended to the wide expanses, beholding deeds of men both good and evil.

Sloka : 4.1.18

आदित्प॒श्चा बु॑बुधा॒ना व्य॑ख्य॒न्नादिद्रत्नं॑ धारयन्त॒ द्युभ॑क्तम् ।

विश्वे॒ विश्वा॑सु॒ दुर्या॑सु दे॒वा मित्र॑ धि॒ये व॑रुण स॒त्यम॑स्तु ॥ ४.००१.१८

āditpa̱ścā bu̍budhā̱nā vya̍khya̱nnādidratna̍ṃ dhārayanta̱ dyubha̍ktam .

viśve̱ viśvā̍su̱ duryā̍su de̱vā mitra̍ dhi̱ye va̍ruṇa sa̱tyama̍stu .. 4.001.18

18 Then, afterwards they looked around, awakened, when first they held that Heaven allotted treasure.
Now all the Gods abide in all their dwellings. Varuṇa, Mitra, be the prayer effective.

Sloka : 4.1.19

अच्छा॑ वोचेय शुशुचा॒नम॒ग्निं होता॑रं वि॒श्वभ॑रसं॒ यजि॑ष्ठम् ।

शुच्यूधो॑ अतृण॒न्न गवा॒मन्धो॒ न पू॒तं परि॑षिक्तमं॒शोः ॥ ४.००१.१९

acchā̍ voceya śuśucā̱nama̱gniṃ hotā̍raṃ vi̱śvabha̍rasa̱ṃ yaji̍ṣṭham .

śucyūdho̍ atṛṇa̱nna gavā̱mandho̱ na pū̱taṃ pari̍ṣiktama̱ṃśoḥ .. 4.001.19

19 I will call hither brightly-beaming Agni, the Herald, all-supporting, best at worship.
He hath disclosed, like the milch cows' pure udder, the Sorria's juice when cleansed and poured from beakers.

Sloka : 4.1.20

विश्वे॑षा॒मदि॑तिर्य॒ज्ञिया॑नां॒ विश्वे॑षा॒मति॑थि॒र्मानु॑षाणाम् ।

अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वाना॒मव॑ आवृणा॒नः सु॑मृळी॒को भ॑वतु जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ ४.००१.२०

viśve̍ṣā̱madi̍tirya̱jñiyā̍nā̱ṃ viśve̍ṣā̱mati̍thi̱rmānu̍ṣāṇām .

a̱gnirde̱vānā̱mava̍ āvṛṇā̱naḥ su̍mṛl̤ī̱ko bha̍vatu jā̱tave̍dāḥ .. 4.001.20

20 The freest God of all who should be worshipped, the guest who is received in all men's houses,
Agni who hath secured the Gods’ high favour,—may he be gracious, to us Jātavedas.

Sloka : 4.2.1

यो मर्त्ये॑ष्व॒मृत॑ ऋ॒तावा॑ दे॒वो दे॒वेष्व॑र॒तिर्नि॒धायि॑ ।

होता॒ यजि॑ष्ठो म॒ह्ना शु॒चध्यै॑ ह॒व्यैर॒ग्निर्मनु॑ष ईर॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ४.००२.०१

yo martye̍ṣva̱mṛta̍ ṛ̱tāvā̍ de̱vo de̱veṣva̍ra̱tirni̱dhāyi̍ .

hotā̱ yaji̍ṣṭho ma̱hnā śu̱cadhyai̍ ha̱vyaira̱gnirmanu̍ṣa īra̱yadhyai̍ .. 4.002.01

1. THE, Faithful One, Immortal among mortals, a God among the Gods, appointed envoy,
Priest, best at worship, must shine forth in glory . Agni shall be raised high with man's oblations.

Sloka : 4.2.2

इ॒ह त्वं सू॑नो सहसो नो अ॒द्य जा॒तो जा॒ताँ उ॒भया॑ँ अ॒न्तर॑ग्ने ।

दू॒त ई॑यसे युयुजा॒न ऋ॑ष्व ऋजुमु॒ष्कान्वृष॑णः शु॒क्राँश्च॑ ॥ ४.००२.०२

i̱ha tvaṃ sū̍no sahaso no a̱dya jā̱to jā̱tām̐ u̱bhayā̍m̐ a̱ntara̍gne .

dū̱ta ī̍yase yuyujā̱na ṛ̍ṣva ṛjumu̱ṣkānvṛṣa̍ṇaḥ śu̱krām̐śca̍ .. 4.002.02

2 Born for us here this day, O Son of Vigour, between both races of born beings, Agni,
Thou farest as an envoy, having harnessed, Sublime One! thy strong-muscled radiant stallions.

Sloka : 4.2.3

अत्या॑ वृध॒स्नू रोहि॑ता घृ॒तस्नू॑ ऋ॒तस्य॑ मन्ये॒ मन॑सा॒ जवि॑ष्ठा ।

अ॒न्तरी॑यसे अरु॒षा यु॑जा॒नो यु॒ष्माँश्च॑ दे॒वान्विश॒ आ च॒ मर्ता॑न् ॥ ४.००२.०३

atyā̍ vṛdha̱snū rohi̍tā ghṛ̱tasnū̍ ṛ̱tasya̍ manye̱ mana̍sā̱ javi̍ṣṭhā .

a̱ntarī̍yase aru̱ṣā yu̍jā̱no yu̱ṣmām̐śca̍ de̱vānviśa̱ ā ca̱ martā̍n .. 4.002.03

3 I laud the ruddy steeds who pour down blessing, dropping oil, flectest through the thoualit of Order.
Yoking red horses to and fro thou goest between you Deities and mortal races.

Sloka : 4.2.4

अ॒र्य॒मणं॒ वरु॑णं मि॒त्रमे॑षा॒मिन्द्रा॒विष्णू॑ म॒रुतो॑ अ॒श्विनो॒त ।

स्वश्वो॑ अग्ने सु॒रथः॑ सु॒राधा॒ एदु॑ वह सुह॒विषे॒ जना॑य ॥ ४.००२.०४

a̱rya̱maṇa̱ṃ varu̍ṇaṃ mi̱trame̍ṣā̱mindrā̱viṣṇū̍ ma̱ruto̍ a̱śvino̱ta .

svaśvo̍ agne su̱ratha̍ḥ su̱rādhā̱ edu̍ vaha suha̱viṣe̱ janā̍ya .. 4.002.04

4 Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa, and Indra with Viṣṇu, of the Gods, Maruts and Aśvins-
These, Agni, with good car and steeds, bring hither, most bountiful, to folk with fair oblations.

Sloka : 4.2.5

गोमा॑ँ अ॒ग्नेऽवि॑माँ अ॒श्वी य॒ज्ञो नृ॒वत्स॑खा॒ सद॒मिद॑प्रमृ॒ष्यः ।

इळा॑वाँ ए॒षो अ॑सुर प्र॒जावा॑न्दी॒र्घो र॒यिः पृ॑थुबु॒ध्नः स॒भावा॑न् ॥ ४.००२.०५

gomā̍m̐ a̱gne'vi̍mām̐ a̱śvī ya̱jño nṛ̱vatsa̍khā̱ sada̱mida̍pramṛ̱ṣyaḥ .

il̤ā̍vām̐ e̱ṣo a̍sura pra̱jāvā̍ndī̱rgho ra̱yiḥ pṛ̍thubu̱dhnaḥ sa̱bhāvā̍n .. 4.002.05

5 Agni, be this our sacrifice eternal, with brave friends, rich in kine and sheep and horses,
Rich, Asura! in sacred food and children, in full assembly, wealth broad-based and during.

Sloka : 4.2.6

यस्त॑ इ॒ध्मं ज॒भर॑त्सिष्विदा॒नो मू॒र्धानं॑ वा त॒तप॑ते त्वा॒या ।

भुव॒स्तस्य॒ स्वत॑वाँः पा॒युर॑ग्ने॒ विश्व॑स्मात्सीमघाय॒त उ॑रुष्य ॥ ४.००२.०६

yasta̍ i̱dhmaṃ ja̱bhara̍tsiṣvidā̱no mū̱rdhāna̍ṃ vā ta̱tapa̍te tvā̱yā .

bhuva̱stasya̱ svata̍vām̐ḥ pā̱yura̍gne̱ viśva̍smātsīmaghāya̱ta u̍ruṣya .. 4.002.06

6 The man who, sweating, brings for thee the fuel, and makes his head to ache, thy faithful servant,—
Agni, to him be a self-strong Protector guard him from all who seek to do him mischief.

Sloka : 4.2.7

यस्ते॒ भरा॒दन्नि॑यते चि॒दन्नं॑ नि॒शिष॑न्म॒न्द्रमति॑थिमु॒दीर॑त् ।

आ दे॑व॒युरि॒नध॑ते दुरो॒णे तस्मि॑न्र॒यिर्ध्रु॒वो अ॑स्तु॒ दास्वा॑न् ॥ ४.००२.०७

yaste̱ bharā̱danni̍yate ci̱danna̍ṃ ni̱śiṣa̍nma̱ndramati̍thimu̱dīra̍t .

ā de̍va̱yuri̱nadha̍te duro̱ṇe tasmi̍nra̱yirdhru̱vo a̍stu̱ dāsvā̍n .. 4.002.07

7 Who brings thee food, though thou hast food in plenty, welcomes his cheerful guest and speeds him onward,
Who kindles thee devoutly in his dwelling,to him be wealth secure and freely giving.

Sloka : 4.2.8

यस्त्वा॑ दो॒षा य उ॒षसि॑ प्र॒शंसा॑त्प्रि॒यं वा॑ त्वा कृ॒णव॑ते ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।

अश्वो॒ न स्वे दम॒ आ हे॒म्यावा॒न्तमंह॑सः पीपरो दा॒श्वांस॑म् ॥ ४.००२.०८

yastvā̍ do̱ṣā ya u̱ṣasi̍ pra̱śaṃsā̍tpri̱yaṃ vā̍ tvā kṛ̱ṇava̍te ha̱viṣmā̍n .

aśvo̱ na sve dama̱ ā he̱myāvā̱ntamaṃha̍saḥ pīparo dā̱śvāṃsa̍m .. 4.002.08

8 Whoso sings praise to thee at eve or morning, and, with oblation, doth the thing thou lovest,—
In his own home, even as a goId-girt courser, rescue him from distress, the bounteous giver.

Sloka : 4.2.9

यस्तुभ्य॑मग्ने अ॒मृता॑य॒ दाश॒द्दुव॒स्त्वे कृ॒णव॑ते य॒तस्रु॑क् ।

न स रा॒या श॑शमा॒नो वि यो॑ष॒न्नैन॒मंहः॒ परि॑ वरदघा॒योः ॥ ४.००२.०९

yastubhya̍magne a̱mṛtā̍ya̱ dāśa̱dduva̱stve kṛ̱ṇava̍te ya̱tasru̍k .

na sa rā̱yā śa̍śamā̱no vi yo̍ṣa̱nnaina̱maṃha̱ḥ pari̍ varadaghā̱yoḥ .. 4.002.09

9 Whoso brings gifts to thee Immortal, Agni, and doth thee service with uplifted ladle,—
Let him not, sorely toiling, lose his riches; let not the sinner's wickedness enclose him.

Sloka : 4.2.10

यस्य॒ त्वम॑ग्ने अध्व॒रं जुजो॑षो दे॒वो मर्त॑स्य॒ सुधि॑तं॒ ररा॑णः ।

प्री॒तेद॑स॒द्धोत्रा॒ सा य॑वि॒ष्ठासा॑म॒ यस्य॑ विध॒तो वृ॒धासः॑ ॥ ४.००२.१०

yasya̱ tvama̍gne adhva̱raṃ jujo̍ṣo de̱vo marta̍sya̱ sudhi̍ta̱ṃ rarā̍ṇaḥ .

prī̱teda̍sa̱ddhotrā̱ sā ya̍vi̱ṣṭhāsā̍ma̱ yasya̍ vidha̱to vṛ̱dhāsa̍ḥ .. 4.002.10

10 Whose well-wrought worship thou acceptest, Agni, thou God a mortal's gift, thou liberal Giver,—
Dear be his sacrifice to thee, Most Youthful! and may we strengthen him when he adores thee.

Sloka : 4.2.11

चित्ति॒मचि॑त्तिं चिनव॒द्वि वि॒द्वान्पृ॒ष्ठेव॑ वी॒ता वृ॑जि॒ना च॒ मर्ता॑न् ।

रा॒ये च॑ नः स्वप॒त्याय॑ देव॒ दितिं॑ च॒ रास्वादि॑तिमुरुष्य ॥ ४.००२.११

citti̱maci̍ttiṃ cinava̱dvi vi̱dvānpṛ̱ṣṭheva̍ vī̱tā vṛ̍ji̱nā ca̱ martā̍n .

rā̱ye ca̍ naḥ svapa̱tyāya̍ deva̱ diti̍ṃ ca̱ rāsvādi̍timuruṣya .. 4.002.11

11 May he who knows distinguish sense and folly of men, like straight and crooked backs of horses.
Lead us, O God, to wealth and noble offspring:- keep penury afar and grant us plenty.

Sloka : 4.2.12

क॒विं श॑शासुः क॒वयोऽद॑ब्धा निधा॒रय॑न्तो॒ दुर्या॑स्वा॒योः ।

अत॒स्त्वं दृश्या॑ँ अग्न ए॒तान्प॒ड्भिः प॑श्ये॒रद्भु॑ताँ अ॒र्य एवैः॑ ॥ ४.००२.१२

ka̱viṃ śa̍śāsuḥ ka̱vayo'da̍bdhā nidhā̱raya̍nto̱ duryā̍svā̱yoḥ .

ata̱stvaṃ dṛśyā̍m̐ agna e̱tānpa̱ḍbhiḥ pa̍śye̱radbhu̍tām̐ a̱rya evai̍ḥ .. 4.002.12

12 This Sage the Sages, ne’er deceived, commanded, setting him down in dwellings of the living.
Hence mayst thou, friendly God, with rapid footsteps behold the Gods, wonderful, fair to look on.

Sloka : 4.2.13

त्वम॑ग्ने वा॒घते॑ सु॒प्रणी॑तिः सु॒तसो॑माय विध॒ते य॑विष्ठ ।

रत्नं॑ भर शशमा॒नाय॑ घृष्वे पृ॒थु श्च॒न्द्रमव॑से चर्षणि॒प्राः ॥ ४.००२.१३

tvama̍gne vā̱ghate̍ su̱praṇī̍tiḥ su̱taso̍māya vidha̱te ya̍viṣṭha .

ratna̍ṃ bhara śaśamā̱nāya̍ ghṛṣve pṛ̱thu śca̱ndramava̍se carṣaṇi̱prāḥ .. 4.002.13

13 Good guidance hast thou for the priest, O Agni, who, Youngest God! with outpoured Soma serves thee.
Ruler of men, thou joyous God, bring treasure splendid and plentiful to aid the toiler.

Sloka : 4.2.14

अधा॑ ह॒ यद्व॒यम॑ग्ने त्वा॒या प॒ड्भिर्हस्ते॑भिश्चकृ॒मा त॒नूभिः॑ ।

रथं॒ न क्रन्तो॒ अप॑सा भु॒रिजो॑रृ॒तं ये॑मुः सु॒ध्य॑ आशुषा॒णाः ॥ ४.००२.१४

adhā̍ ha̱ yadva̱yama̍gne tvā̱yā pa̱ḍbhirhaste̍bhiścakṛ̱mā ta̱nūbhi̍ḥ .

ratha̱ṃ na kranto̱ apa̍sā bhu̱rijo̍rṛ̱taṃ ye̍muḥ su̱dhya̍ āśuṣā̱ṇāḥ .. 4.002.14

14 Now all that we, thy faithful servants, Agni, have done with feet, with hands, and with our bodies,
The wise, with toil, the holy rite have guided, as those who frame a car with manual cunning.

Sloka : 4.2.15

अधा॑ मा॒तुरु॒षसः॑ स॒प्त विप्रा॒ जाये॑महि प्रथ॒मा वे॒धसो॒ नॄन् ।

दि॒वस्पु॒त्रा अङ्गि॑रसो भवे॒माद्रिं॑ रुजेम ध॒निनं॑ शु॒चन्तः॑ ॥ ४.००२.१५

adhā̍ mā̱turu̱ṣasa̍ḥ sa̱pta viprā̱ jāye̍mahi pratha̱mā ve̱dhaso̱ nṝn .

di̱vaspu̱trā aṅgi̍raso bhave̱mādri̍ṃ rujema dha̱nina̍ṃ śu̱canta̍ḥ .. 4.002.15

15 May we, seven sages first in rank, engender, from Dawn the Mother, men to be ordainers.
May we, Aṅgirases, be sons of Heaven, and, radiant, burst the wealth-containing mountain.

Sloka : 4.2.16

अधा॒ यथा॑ नः पि॒तरः॒ परा॑सः प्र॒त्नासो॑ अग्न ऋ॒तमा॑शुषा॒णाः ।

शुचीद॑य॒न्दीधि॑तिमुक्थ॒शासः॒ क्षामा॑ भि॒न्दन्तो॑ अरु॒णीरप॑ व्रन् ॥ ४.००२.१६

adhā̱ yathā̍ naḥ pi̱tara̱ḥ parā̍saḥ pra̱tnāso̍ agna ṛ̱tamā̍śuṣā̱ṇāḥ .

śucīda̍ya̱ndīdhi̍timuktha̱śāsa̱ḥ kṣāmā̍ bhi̱ndanto̍ aru̱ṇīrapa̍ vran .. 4.002.16

16 As in the days of old our ancient Fathers, speeding the work of holy worship, Agni,
Sought pure light and devotion, singing praises; they cleft the ground and made red Dawns apparent.

Sloka : 4.2.17

सु॒कर्मा॑णः सु॒रुचो॑ देव॒यन्तोऽयो॒ न दे॒वा जनि॑मा॒ धम॑न्तः ।

शु॒चन्तो॑ अ॒ग्निं व॑वृ॒धन्त॒ इन्द्र॑मू॒र्वं गव्यं॑ परि॒षद॑न्तो अग्मन् ॥ ४.००२.१७

su̱karmā̍ṇaḥ su̱ruco̍ deva̱yanto'yo̱ na de̱vā jani̍mā̱ dhama̍ntaḥ .

śu̱canto̍ a̱gniṃ va̍vṛ̱dhanta̱ indra̍mū̱rvaṃ gavya̍ṃ pari̱ṣada̍nto agman .. 4.002.17

17 Gods, doing holy acts, devout, resplendent, smelting like ore their human generations.
Enkindling Agni and exalting Indra, they came encompassing the stall of cattle.

Sloka : 4.2.18

आ यू॒थेव॑ क्षु॒मति॑ प॒श्वो अ॑ख्यद्दे॒वानां॒ यज्जनि॒मान्त्यु॑ग्र ।

मर्ता॑नां चिदु॒र्वशी॑रकृप्रन्वृ॒धे चि॑द॒र्य उप॑रस्या॒योः ॥ ४.००२.१८

ā yū̱theva̍ kṣu̱mati̍ pa̱śvo a̍khyadde̱vānā̱ṃ yajjani̱māntyu̍gra .

martā̍nāṃ cidu̱rvaśī̍rakṛpranvṛ̱dhe ci̍da̱rya upa̍rasyā̱yoḥ .. 4.002.18

18 Strong One! he marked them-and the Gods before them-like herds of cattle in a foodful pasture.
There they moaned forth their strong desire for mortals, to aid the True, the nearest One, the Living.

Sloka : 4.2.19

अक॑र्म ते॒ स्वप॑सो अभूम ऋ॒तम॑वस्रन्नु॒षसो॑ विभा॒तीः ।

अनू॑नम॒ग्निं पु॑रु॒धा सु॑श्च॒न्द्रं दे॒वस्य॒ मर्मृ॑जत॒श्चारु॒ चक्षुः॑ ॥ ४.००२.१९

aka̍rma te̱ svapa̍so abhūma ṛ̱tama̍vasrannu̱ṣaso̍ vibhā̱tīḥ .

anū̍nama̱gniṃ pu̍ru̱dhā su̍śca̱ndraṃ de̱vasya̱ marmṛ̍jata̱ścāru̱ cakṣu̍ḥ .. 4.002.19

19 We have worked for thee, we have laboured nobly-bright Dawns have shed their light upon our worship-
Adding a beauty to the perfect Agni, and the God's beauteous eye that shines for ever.

Sloka : 4.2.20

ए॒ता ते॑ अग्न उ॒चथा॑नि वे॒धोऽवो॑चाम क॒वये॒ ता जु॑षस्व ।

उच्छो॑चस्व कृणु॒हि वस्य॑सो नो म॒हो रा॒यः पु॑रुवार॒ प्र य॑न्धि ॥ ४.००२.२०

e̱tā te̍ agna u̱cathā̍ni ve̱dho'vo̍cāma ka̱vaye̱ tā ju̍ṣasva .

uccho̍casva kṛṇu̱hi vasya̍so no ma̱ho rā̱yaḥ pu̍ruvāra̱ pra ya̍ndhi .. 4.002.20

20 Agni, Disposer, we have sung these praises to thee the Wise:- do thou accept them gladly.
Blaze up on high and ever make us richer. Give us great wealth, O thou whose boons are many.

Sloka : 4.3.1

आ वो॒ राजा॑नमध्व॒रस्य॑ रु॒द्रं होता॑रं सत्य॒यजं॒ रोद॑स्योः ।

अ॒ग्निं पु॒रा त॑नयि॒त्नोर॒चित्ता॒द्धिर॑ण्यरूप॒मव॑से कृणुध्वम् ॥ ४.००३.०१

ā vo̱ rājā̍namadhva̱rasya̍ ru̱draṃ hotā̍raṃ satya̱yaja̱ṃ roda̍syoḥ .

a̱gniṃ pu̱rā ta̍nayi̱tnora̱cittā̱ddhira̍ṇyarūpa̱mava̍se kṛṇudhvam .. 4.003.01

1. WIN, to assist you, Rudra, Lord of worship, Priest of both worlds, effectual
Agni, invested with his golden colours, before the thunder strike and lay you senseless.

Sloka : 4.3.2

अ॒यं योनि॑श्चकृ॒मा यं व॒यं ते॑ जा॒येव॒ पत्य॑ उश॒ती सु॒वासाः॑ ।

अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नः परि॑वीतो॒ नि षी॑दे॒मा उ॑ ते स्वपाक प्रती॒चीः ॥ ४.००३.०२

a̱yaṃ yoni̍ścakṛ̱mā yaṃ va̱yaṃ te̍ jā̱yeva̱ patya̍ uśa̱tī su̱vāsā̍ḥ .

a̱rvā̱cī̱naḥ pari̍vīto̱ ni ṣī̍de̱mā u̍ te svapāka pratī̱cīḥ .. 4.003.02

2 This shrine have we made ready for thy coming, as the fond dame attires her for her husband.
Performer of good work, sit down before us, invested while these flames incline to meet thee.

Sloka : 4.3.3

आ॒श‍ृ॒ण्व॒ते अदृ॑पिताय॒ मन्म॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑से सुमृळी॒काय॑ वेधः ।

दे॒वाय॑ श॒स्तिम॒मृता॑य शंस॒ ग्रावे॑व॒ सोता॑ मधु॒षुद्यमी॒ळे ॥ ४.००३.०३

ā̱śṛ̱ṇva̱te adṛ̍pitāya̱ manma̍ nṛ̱cakṣa̍se sumṛl̤ī̱kāya̍ vedhaḥ .

de̱vāya̍ śa̱stima̱mṛtā̍ya śaṃsa̱ grāve̍va̱ sotā̍ madhu̱ṣudyamī̱l̤e .. 4.003.03

3 A hymn, O Priest, to him who hears, the gentle, to him who looks on men, exceeding gracious,
A song of praise sing to the God Immortal, whom the stone, presser of the sweet juice, worships.

Sloka : 4.3.4

त्वं चि॑न्नः॒ शम्या॑ अग्ने अ॒स्या ऋ॒तस्य॑ बोध्यृतचित्स्वा॒धीः ।

क॒दा त॑ उ॒क्था स॑ध॒माद्या॑नि क॒दा भ॑वन्ति स॒ख्या गृ॒हे ते॑ ॥ ४.००३.०४

tvaṃ ci̍nna̱ḥ śamyā̍ agne a̱syā ṛ̱tasya̍ bodhyṛtacitsvā̱dhīḥ .

ka̱dā ta̍ u̱kthā sa̍dha̱mādyā̍ni ka̱dā bha̍vanti sa̱khyā gṛ̱he te̍ .. 4.003.04

4 Even as true knower of the Law, O Agni, to this our solemn rite he thou attentive.
When shall thy songs of festival be sung thee? When is thy friendship shown within our dwelling?

Sloka : 4.3.5

क॒था ह॒ तद्वरु॑णाय॒ त्वम॑ग्ने क॒था दि॒वे ग॑र्हसे॒ कन्न॒ आगः॑ ।

क॒था मि॒त्राय॑ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ पृथि॒व्यै ब्रवः॒ कद॑र्य॒म्णे कद्भगा॑य ॥ ४.००३.०५

ka̱thā ha̱ tadvaru̍ṇāya̱ tvama̍gne ka̱thā di̱ve ga̍rhase̱ kanna̱ āga̍ḥ .

ka̱thā mi̱trāya̍ mī̱l̤huṣe̍ pṛthi̱vyai brava̱ḥ kada̍rya̱mṇe kadbhagā̍ya .. 4.003.05

5 Why this complaint to Varuṇa, O Agni? And why to Heaven? for what is our transgression?
How wilt thou speak to Earth and bounteous Mitra? What wilt thou say to Aryaman and Bhaga?

Sloka : 4.3.6

कद्धिष्ण्या॑सु वृधसा॒नो अ॑ग्ने॒ कद्वाता॑य॒ प्रत॑वसे शुभं॒ये ।

परि॑ज्मने॒ नास॑त्याय॒ क्षे ब्रवः॒ कद॑ग्ने रु॒द्राय॑ नृ॒घ्ने ॥ ४.००३.०६

kaddhiṣṇyā̍su vṛdhasā̱no a̍gne̱ kadvātā̍ya̱ prata̍vase śubha̱ṃye .

pari̍jmane̱ nāsa̍tyāya̱ kṣe brava̱ḥ kada̍gne ru̱drāya̍ nṛ̱ghne .. 4.003.06

6 What, when thou blazest on the lesser altars, what to the mighty Wind who comes to bless us,
True, circumambient? what to Earth, O Agni, what wilt thou say to man-destroying Rudra?

Sloka : 4.3.7

क॒था म॒हे पु॑ष्टिम्भ॒राय॑ पू॒ष्णे कद्रु॒द्राय॒ सुम॑खाय हवि॒र्दे ।

कद्विष्ण॑व उरुगा॒याय॒ रेतो॒ ब्रवः॒ कद॑ग्ने॒ शर॑वे बृह॒त्यै ॥ ४.००३.०७

ka̱thā ma̱he pu̍ṣṭimbha̱rāya̍ pū̱ṣṇe kadru̱drāya̱ suma̍khāya havi̱rde .

kadviṣṇa̍va urugā̱yāya̱ reto̱ brava̱ḥ kada̍gne̱ śara̍ve bṛha̱tyai .. 4.003.07

7 How to great Pūṣan who promotes our welfare,—to honoured Rudra what, who gives oblations?
What sin of ours to the far-striding Viṣṇu, what, Agni, wilt thou tell the Lofty Arrow.

Sloka : 4.3.8

क॒था शर्धा॑य म॒रुता॑मृ॒ताय॑ क॒था सू॒रे बृ॑ह॒ते पृ॒च्छ्यमा॑नः ।

प्रति॑ ब्र॒वोऽदि॑तये तु॒राय॒ साधा॑ दि॒वो जा॑तवेदश्चिकि॒त्वान् ॥ ४.००३.०८

ka̱thā śardhā̍ya ma̱rutā̍mṛ̱tāya̍ ka̱thā sū̱re bṛ̍ha̱te pṛ̱cchyamā̍naḥ .

prati̍ bra̱vo'di̍taye tu̱rāya̱ sādhā̍ di̱vo jā̍tavedaściki̱tvān .. 4.003.08

8 What wilt thou tell the truthful band of Maruts, how answer the great Sun when thou art questioned?
Before the Free, before the Swift, defend us:- fulfil heaven's work, all-knowing Jātavedas.

Sloka : 4.3.9

ऋ॒तेन॑ ऋ॒तं निय॑तमीळ॒ आ गोरा॒मा सचा॒ मधु॑मत्प॒क्वम॑ग्ने ।

कृ॒ष्णा स॒ती रुश॑ता धा॒सिनै॒षा जाम॑र्येण॒ पय॑सा पीपाय ॥ ४.००३.०९

ṛ̱tena̍ ṛ̱taṃ niya̍tamīl̤a̱ ā gorā̱mā sacā̱ madhu̍matpa̱kvama̍gne .

kṛ̱ṣṇā sa̱tī ruśa̍tā dhā̱sinai̱ṣā jāma̍ryeṇa̱ paya̍sā pīpāya .. 4.003.09

9 I crave the cow's true gift arranged by Order:- though raw, she hath the sweet ripe juice, O Agni.
Though she is black of hue with milk she teemeth, nutritious, brightly shining, all-sustaining.

Sloka : 4.3.10

ऋ॒तेन॒ हि ष्मा॑ वृष॒भश्चि॑द॒क्तः पुमा॑ँ अ॒ग्निः पय॑सा पृ॒ष्ठ्ये॑न ।

अस्प॑न्दमानो अचरद्वयो॒धा वृषा॑ शु॒क्रं दु॑दुहे॒ पृश्नि॒रूधः॑ ॥ ४.००३.१०

ṛ̱tena̱ hi ṣmā̍ vṛṣa̱bhaści̍da̱ktaḥ pumā̍m̐ a̱gniḥ paya̍sā pṛ̱ṣṭhye̍na .

aspa̍ndamāno acaradvayo̱dhā vṛṣā̍ śu̱kraṃ du̍duhe̱ pṛśni̱rūdha̍ḥ .. 4.003.10

10 Agni the Bull, the manly, hath been sprinkled with oil upon his back, by Law eternal.
He who gives vital power goes on unswerving. Pṛśni the Bull hath milked the pure wiiite udder.

Sloka : 4.3.11

ऋ॒तेनाद्रिं॒ व्य॑सन्भि॒दन्तः॒ समङ्गि॑रसो नवन्त॒ गोभिः॑ ।

शु॒नं नरः॒ परि॑ षदन्नु॒षास॑मा॒विः स्व॑रभवज्जा॒ते अ॒ग्नौ ॥ ४.००३.११

ṛ̱tenādri̱ṃ vya̍sanbhi̱danta̱ḥ samaṅgi̍raso navanta̱ gobhi̍ḥ .

śu̱naṃ nara̱ḥ pari̍ ṣadannu̱ṣāsa̍mā̱viḥ sva̍rabhavajjā̱te a̱gnau .. 4.003.11

11 By Law the Aṅgirases cleft the rock asunder, and sang their hymns together with the cattle.
Bringing great bliss the men encompassed Morning:- light was apparent at the birth of Agni.

Sloka : 4.3.12

ऋ॒तेन॑ दे॒वीर॒मृता॒ अमृ॑क्ता॒ अर्णो॑भि॒रापो॒ मधु॑मद्भिरग्ने ।

वा॒जी न सर्गे॑षु प्रस्तुभा॒नः प्र सद॒मित्स्रवि॑तवे दधन्युः ॥ ४.००३.१२

ṛ̱tena̍ de̱vīra̱mṛtā̱ amṛ̍ktā̱ arṇo̍bhi̱rāpo̱ madhu̍madbhiragne .

vā̱jī na sarge̍ṣu prastubhā̱naḥ pra sada̱mitsravi̍tave dadhanyuḥ .. 4.003.12

12 By Law the Immortal Goddesses the Waters, with meath-rich waves, O Agni, and uninjured,
Like a strong courser lauded in his running, sped to flow onward swiftly and for ever.

Sloka : 4.3.13

मा कस्य॑ य॒क्षं सद॒मिद्धु॒रो गा॒ मा वे॒शस्य॑ प्रमिन॒तो मापेः ।

मा भ्रातु॑रग्ने॒ अनृ॑जोरृ॒णं वे॒र्मा सख्यु॒र्दक्षं॑ रि॒पोर्भु॑जेम ॥ ४.००३.१३

mā kasya̍ ya̱kṣaṃ sada̱middhu̱ro gā̱ mā ve̱śasya̍ pramina̱to māpeḥ .

mā bhrātu̍ragne̱ anṛ̍jorṛ̱ṇaṃ ve̱rmā sakhyu̱rdakṣa̍ṃ ri̱porbhu̍jema .. 4.003.13

13 Go never to the feast of one who harms us, the treacherous neighbour or unworthy kinsman.
Punish us not for a false brother's trespass. Let us not feel the might of friend or foeman.

Sloka : 4.3.14

रक्षा॑ णो अग्ने॒ तव॒ रक्ष॑णेभी रारक्षा॒णः सु॑मख प्रीणा॒नः ।

प्रति॑ ष्फुर॒ वि रु॑ज वी॒ड्वंहो॑ ज॒हि रक्षो॒ महि॑ चिद्वावृधा॒नम् ॥ ४.००३.१४

rakṣā̍ ṇo agne̱ tava̱ rakṣa̍ṇebhī rārakṣā̱ṇaḥ su̍makha prīṇā̱naḥ .

prati̍ ṣphura̱ vi ru̍ja vī̱ḍvaṃho̍ ja̱hi rakṣo̱ mahi̍ cidvāvṛdhā̱nam .. 4.003.14

14 O Agni, keep us safe with thy protection, loving us, honoured God! and ever guarding.
Beat thou away, destroy severe affliction slay e’en the demon when he waxes mighty.

Sloka : 4.3.15

ए॒भिर्भ॑व सु॒मना॑ अग्ने अ॒र्कैरि॒मान्स्पृ॑श॒ मन्म॑भिः शूर॒ वाजा॑न् ।

उ॒त ब्रह्मा॑ण्यङ्गिरो जुषस्व॒ सं ते॑ श॒स्तिर्दे॒ववा॑ता जरेत ॥ ४.००३.१५

e̱bhirbha̍va su̱manā̍ agne a̱rkairi̱mānspṛ̍śa̱ manma̍bhiḥ śūra̱ vājā̍n .

u̱ta brahmā̍ṇyaṅgiro juṣasva̱ saṃ te̍ śa̱stirde̱vavā̍tā jareta .. 4.003.15

15 Through these our songs of praise be gracious, Agni; moved by our prayers, O Hero, touch our viands.
Accept, O Aṅgiras, these our devotions, and let the praise which Gods desire address thee.

Sloka : 4.3.16

ए॒ता विश्वा॑ वि॒दुषे॒ तुभ्यं॑ वेधो नी॒थान्य॑ग्ने नि॒ण्या वचां॑सि ।

नि॒वच॑ना क॒वये॒ काव्या॒न्यशं॑सिषं म॒तिभि॒र्विप्र॑ उ॒क्थैः ॥ ४.००३.१६

e̱tā viśvā̍ vi̱duṣe̱ tubhya̍ṃ vedho nī̱thānya̍gne ni̱ṇyā vacā̍ṃsi .

ni̱vaca̍nā ka̱vaye̱ kāvyā̱nyaśa̍ṃsiṣaṃ ma̱tibhi̱rvipra̍ u̱kthaiḥ .. 4.003.16

16 To thee who knowest, Agni, thou Disposer, all these wise secret speeches have I uttered,
Sung to thee, Sage, the charming words of wisdom, to thee, O Singer, with. my thoughts and Praises.

Sloka : 4.4.1

कृ॒णु॒ष्व पाजः॒ प्रसि॑तिं॒ न पृ॒थ्वीं या॒हि राजे॒वाम॑वा॒ँ इभे॑न ।

तृ॒ष्वीमनु॒ प्रसि॑तिं द्रूणा॒नोऽस्ता॑सि॒ विध्य॑ र॒क्षस॒स्तपि॑ष्ठैः ॥ ४.००४.०१

kṛ̱ṇu̱ṣva pāja̱ḥ prasi̍ti̱ṃ na pṛ̱thvīṃ yā̱hi rāje̱vāma̍vā̱m̐ ibhe̍na .

tṛ̱ṣvīmanu̱ prasi̍tiṃ drūṇā̱no'stā̍si̱ vidhya̍ ra̱kṣasa̱stapi̍ṣṭhaiḥ .. 4.004.01

1. PUT forth like a wide-spreading net thy vigour; go like a mighty King with his attendants.
Thou, following thy swift net, shootest arrows:- transfix the fiends with darts that burn most fiercely.

Sloka : 4.4.2

तव॑ भ्र॒मास॑ आशु॒या प॑त॒न्त्यनु॑ स्पृश धृष॒ता शोशु॑चानः ।

तपूं॑ष्यग्ने जु॒ह्वा॑ पतं॒गानसं॑दितो॒ वि सृ॑ज॒ विष्व॑गु॒ल्काः ॥ ४.००४.०२

tava̍ bhra̱māsa̍ āśu̱yā pa̍ta̱ntyanu̍ spṛśa dhṛṣa̱tā śośu̍cānaḥ .

tapū̍ṃṣyagne ju̱hvā̍ pata̱ṃgānasa̍ṃdito̱ vi sṛ̍ja̱ viṣva̍gu̱lkāḥ .. 4.004.02

2 Forth go in rapid flight thy whirling weapons:- follow them closely, glowing in thy fury.
Spread with thy tongue the winged flames, O Agni; unfettered, cast thy firebrands all around thee.

Sloka : 4.4.3

प्रति॒ स्पशो॒ वि सृ॑ज॒ तूर्णि॑तमो॒ भवा॑ पा॒युर्वि॒शो अ॒स्या अद॑ब्धः ।

यो नो॑ दू॒रे अ॒घशं॑सो॒ यो अन्त्यग्ने॒ माकि॑ष्टे॒ व्यथि॒रा द॑धर्षीत् ॥ ४.००४.०३

prati̱ spaśo̱ vi sṛ̍ja̱ tūrṇi̍tamo̱ bhavā̍ pā̱yurvi̱śo a̱syā ada̍bdhaḥ .

yo no̍ dū̱re a̱ghaśa̍ṃso̱ yo antyagne̱ māki̍ṣṭe̱ vyathi̱rā da̍dharṣīt .. 4.004.03

3 Send thy spies forward, fleetest in thy motion; be, ne’er deceived, the guardian of this people
From him who, near or far, is bent on evil, and let no trouble sent from thee o’ercome us.

Sloka : 4.4.4

उद॑ग्ने तिष्ठ॒ प्रत्या त॑नुष्व॒ न्य१॒॑मित्रा॑ँ ओषतात्तिग्महेते ।

यो नो॒ अरा॑तिं समिधान च॒क्रे नी॒चा तं ध॑क्ष्यत॒सं न शुष्क॑म् ॥ ४.००४.०४

uda̍gne tiṣṭha̱ pratyā ta̍nuṣva̱ nya1̱̍mitrā̍m̐ oṣatāttigmahete .

yo no̱ arā̍tiṃ samidhāna ca̱kre nī̱cā taṃ dha̍kṣyata̱saṃ na śuṣka̍m .. 4.004.04

4 Rise up, O Agni, spread thee out before us:- burn down our foes, thou who hast sharpened arrows.
Him, blazing Agni! who hath worked us mischief, consume thou utterly like dried-up stubble.

Sloka : 4.4.5

ऊ॒र्ध्वो भ॑व॒ प्रति॑ वि॒ध्याध्य॒स्मदा॒विष्कृ॑णुष्व॒ दैव्या॑न्यग्ने ।

अव॑ स्थि॒रा त॑नुहि यातु॒जूनां॑ जा॒मिमजा॑मिं॒ प्र मृ॑णीहि॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ ४.००४.०५

ū̱rdhvo bha̍va̱ prati̍ vi̱dhyādhya̱smadā̱viṣkṛ̍ṇuṣva̱ daivyā̍nyagne .

ava̍ sthi̱rā ta̍nuhi yātu̱jūnā̍ṃ jā̱mimajā̍mi̱ṃ pra mṛ̍ṇīhi̱ śatrū̍n .. 4.004.05

5 Rise, Agni, drive off those who fight against us:- make manifest thine own celestial vigour.
Slacken the strong bows of the demon-driven:- destroy our foemen whether kin or stranger.

Sloka : 4.4.6

स ते॑ जानाति सुम॒तिं य॑विष्ठ॒ य ईव॑ते॒ ब्रह्म॑णे गा॒तुमैर॑त् ।

विश्वा॑न्यस्मै सु॒दिना॑नि रा॒यो द्यु॒म्नान्य॒र्यो वि दुरो॑ अ॒भि द्यौ॑त् ॥ ४.००४.०६

sa te̍ jānāti suma̱tiṃ ya̍viṣṭha̱ ya īva̍te̱ brahma̍ṇe gā̱tumaira̍t .

viśvā̍nyasmai su̱dinā̍ni rā̱yo dyu̱mnānya̱ryo vi duro̍ a̱bhi dyau̍t .. 4.004.06

6 Most Youthful God, he knoweth well thy favour who gave an impulse to this high devotion.
All fair days and magnificence of riches hast thou beamed forth upon the good man's portals.

Sloka : 4.4.7

सेद॑ग्ने अस्तु सु॒भगः॑ सु॒दानु॒र्यस्त्वा॒ नित्ये॑न ह॒विषा॒ य उ॒क्थैः ।

पिप्री॑षति॒ स्व आयु॑षि दुरो॒णे विश्वेद॑स्मै सु॒दिना॒ सास॑दि॒ष्टिः ॥ ४.००४.०७

seda̍gne astu su̱bhaga̍ḥ su̱dānu̱ryastvā̱ nitye̍na ha̱viṣā̱ ya u̱kthaiḥ .

piprī̍ṣati̱ sva āyu̍ṣi duro̱ṇe viśveda̍smai su̱dinā̱ sāsa̍di̱ṣṭiḥ .. 4.004.07

7 Blest, Agni, be the man, the liberal giver, who with his lauds and regular oblation
Is fain to please thee for his life and dwelling. May all his days be bright:- be this his longing.

Sloka : 4.4.8

अर्चा॑मि ते सुम॒तिं घोष्य॒र्वाक्सं ते॑ वा॒वाता॑ जरतामि॒यं गीः ।

स्वश्वा॑स्त्वा सु॒रथा॑ मर्जयेमा॒स्मे क्ष॒त्राणि॑ धारये॒रनु॒ द्यून् ॥ ४.००४.०८

arcā̍mi te suma̱tiṃ ghoṣya̱rvāksaṃ te̍ vā̱vātā̍ jaratāmi̱yaṃ gīḥ .

svaśvā̍stvā su̱rathā̍ marjayemā̱sme kṣa̱trāṇi̍ dhāraye̱ranu̱ dyūn .. 4.004.08

8 I praise thy gracious favour:- sing in answer. May this my song sing like a loved one with thee.
Lords of good steeds and cars may we adorn thee, and day by day vouchsafe thou us dominion.

Sloka : 4.4.9

इ॒ह त्वा॒ भूर्या च॑रे॒दुप॒ त्मन्दोषा॑वस्तर्दीदि॒वांस॒मनु॒ द्यून् ।

क्रीळ॑न्तस्त्वा सु॒मन॑सः सपेमा॒भि द्यु॒म्ना त॑स्थि॒वांसो॒ जना॑नाम् ॥ ४.००४.०९

i̱ha tvā̱ bhūryā ca̍re̱dupa̱ tmandoṣā̍vastardīdi̱vāṃsa̱manu̱ dyūn .

krīl̤a̍ntastvā su̱mana̍saḥ sapemā̱bhi dyu̱mnā ta̍sthi̱vāṃso̱ janā̍nām .. 4.004.09

9 Here of free choice let each one serve thee richly, resplendent day by day at eve and morning.
So may we honour thee, content and joyous, passing beyond the glories of the people.

Sloka : 4.4.10

यस्त्वा॒ स्वश्वः॑ सुहिर॒ण्यो अ॑ग्न उप॒याति॒ वसु॑मता॒ रथे॑न ।

तस्य॑ त्रा॒ता भ॑वसि॒ तस्य॒ सखा॒ यस्त॑ आति॒थ्यमा॑नु॒षग्जुजो॑षत् ॥ ४.००४.१०

yastvā̱ svaśva̍ḥ suhira̱ṇyo a̍gna upa̱yāti̱ vasu̍matā̱ rathe̍na .

tasya̍ trā̱tā bha̍vasi̱ tasya̱ sakhā̱ yasta̍ āti̱thyamā̍nu̱ṣagjujo̍ṣat .. 4.004.10

10 Whoso with good steeds and fine gold, O Agni, comes nigh thee on a car laden with treasure,
His Friend art thou, yea, thou art his Protector whose joy it is to entertain thee duly.

Sloka : 4.4.11

म॒हो रु॑जामि ब॒न्धुता॒ वचो॑भि॒स्तन्मा॑ पि॒तुर्गोत॑मा॒दन्वि॑याय ।

त्वं नो॑ अ॒स्य वच॑सश्चिकिद्धि॒ होत॑र्यविष्ठ सुक्रतो॒ दमू॑नाः ॥ ४.००४.११

ma̱ho ru̍jāmi ba̱ndhutā̱ vaco̍bhi̱stanmā̍ pi̱turgota̍mā̱danvi̍yāya .

tvaṃ no̍ a̱sya vaca̍saścikiddhi̱ hota̍ryaviṣṭha sukrato̱ damū̍nāḥ .. 4.004.11

11 Through words and kinship I destroy the mighty:- this power I have from Gotama my father.
Mark thou this speech of ours, O thou Most Youthful, Friend of the House, exceeding wise, Invoker.

Sloka : 4.4.12

अस्व॑प्नजस्त॒रण॑यः सु॒शेवा॒ अत॑न्द्रासोऽवृ॒का अश्र॑मिष्ठाः ।

ते पा॒यवः॑ स॒ध्र्य॑ञ्चो नि॒षद्याग्ने॒ तव॑ नः पान्त्वमूर ॥ ४.००४.१२

asva̍pnajasta̱raṇa̍yaḥ su̱śevā̱ ata̍ndrāso'vṛ̱kā aśra̍miṣṭhāḥ .

te pā̱yava̍ḥ sa̱dhrya̍ñco ni̱ṣadyāgne̱ tava̍ naḥ pāntvamūra .. 4.004.12

12 Knowing no slumber, speedy and propitious, alert and ever friendly, most unwearied,
May thy protecting powers, unerring Agni, taking their places here, combined, preserve us.

Sloka : 4.4.13

ये पा॒यवो॑ मामते॒यं ते॑ अग्ने॒ पश्य॑न्तो अ॒न्धं दु॑रि॒तादर॑क्षन् ।

र॒रक्ष॒ तान्सु॒कृतो॑ वि॒श्ववे॑दा॒ दिप्स॑न्त॒ इद्रि॒पवो॒ नाह॑ देभुः ॥ ४.००४.१३

ye pā̱yavo̍ māmate̱yaṃ te̍ agne̱ paśya̍nto a̱ndhaṃ du̍ri̱tādara̍kṣan .

ra̱rakṣa̱ tānsu̱kṛto̍ vi̱śvave̍dā̱ dipsa̍nta̱ idri̱pavo̱ nāha̍ debhuḥ .. 4.004.13

13 Thy guardian rays, O Agni, when they saw him, preserved blind Māmateya from affliction.
Lord of all riches, he preserved the pious:- the fees who fain would harm them did no mischief

Sloka : 4.4.14

त्वया॑ व॒यं स॑ध॒न्य१॒॑स्त्वोता॒स्तव॒ प्रणी॑त्यश्याम॒ वाजा॑न् ।

उ॒भा शंसा॑ सूदय सत्यतातेऽनुष्ठु॒या कृ॑णुह्यह्रयाण ॥ ४.००४.१४

tvayā̍ va̱yaṃ sa̍dha̱nya1̱̍stvotā̱stava̱ praṇī̍tyaśyāma̱ vājā̍n .

u̱bhā śaṃsā̍ sūdaya satyatāte'nuṣṭhu̱yā kṛ̍ṇuhyahrayāṇa .. 4.004.14

14 Aided by thee with thee may we be wealthy, may we gain strength with thee to guide us onward.
Fulfil the words of both, O Ever Truthful:- straightway do this, thou God whom power emboldens.

Sloka : 4.4.15

अ॒या ते॑ अग्ने स॒मिधा॑ विधेम॒ प्रति॒ स्तोमं॑ श॒स्यमा॑नं गृभाय ।

दहा॒शसो॑ र॒क्षसः॑ पा॒ह्य१॒॑स्मान्द्रु॒हो नि॒दो मि॑त्रमहो अव॒द्यात् ॥ ४.००४.१५

a̱yā te̍ agne sa̱midhā̍ vidhema̱ prati̱ stoma̍ṃ śa̱syamā̍naṃ gṛbhāya .

dahā̱śaso̍ ra̱kṣasa̍ḥ pā̱hya1̱̍smāndru̱ho ni̱do mi̍tramaho ava̱dyāt .. 4.004.15

15 O Agni, with this fuel will we serve thee; accept the laud we sing to thee with favour
Destroy the cursing Rākṣasas:- preserve us, O rich in friends, from guile and scorn and slander.

Sloka : 4.5.1

वै॒श्वा॒न॒राय॑ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ स॒जोषाः॑ क॒था दा॑शेमा॒ग्नये॑ बृ॒हद्भाः ।

अनू॑नेन बृह॒ता व॒क्षथे॒नोप॑ स्तभायदुप॒मिन्न रोधः॑ ॥ ४.००५.०१

vai̱śvā̱na̱rāya̍ mī̱l̤huṣe̍ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ ka̱thā dā̍śemā̱gnaye̍ bṛ̱hadbhāḥ .

anū̍nena bṛha̱tā va̱kṣathe̱nopa̍ stabhāyadupa̱minna rodha̍ḥ .. 4.005.01

1. How shall we give with one accord oblation to Agni, to Vaiśvānara the Bounteous?
Great light, with full high growth hath he uplifted, and, as a pillar bears the roof, sustains it.

Sloka : 4.5.2

मा नि॑न्दत॒ य इ॒मां मह्यं॑ रा॒तिं दे॒वो द॒दौ मर्त्या॑य स्व॒धावा॑न् ।

पाका॑य॒ गृत्सो॑ अ॒मृतो॒ विचे॑ता वैश्वान॒रो नृत॑मो य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निः ॥ ४.००५.०२

mā ni̍ndata̱ ya i̱māṃ mahya̍ṃ rā̱tiṃ de̱vo da̱dau martyā̍ya sva̱dhāvā̍n .

pākā̍ya̱ gṛtso̍ a̱mṛto̱ vice̍tā vaiśvāna̱ro nṛta̍mo ya̱hvo a̱gniḥ .. 4.005.02

2 Reproach not him who, God and self-reliant, vouchsafed this bounty unto me a mortal,—
Deathless, discerner, wise, to me the simple, Vaiśvānara most manly, youthful Agni.

Sloka : 4.5.3

साम॑ द्वि॒बर्हा॒ महि॑ ति॒ग्मभृ॑ष्टिः स॒हस्र॑रेता वृष॒भस्तुवि॑ष्मान् ।

प॒दं न गोरप॑गूळ्हं विवि॒द्वान॒ग्निर्मह्यं॒ प्रेदु॑ वोचन्मनी॒षाम् ॥ ४.००५.०३

sāma̍ dvi̱barhā̱ mahi̍ ti̱gmabhṛ̍ṣṭiḥ sa̱hasra̍retā vṛṣa̱bhastuvi̍ṣmān .

pa̱daṃ na gorapa̍gūl̤haṃ vivi̱dvāna̱gnirmahya̱ṃ predu̍ vocanmanī̱ṣām .. 4.005.03

3 Sharp-pointed, powerful, strong, of boundless vigour, Agni who knows the lofty hymn, kept secret
As the lost milch-cow's track, the doubly Mighty,—he hath declared to me this hidden knowledge.

Sloka : 4.5.4

प्र ताँ अ॒ग्निर्ब॑भसत्ति॒ग्मज॑म्भ॒स्तपि॑ष्ठेन शो॒चिषा॒ यः सु॒राधाः॑ ।

प्र ये मि॒नन्ति॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धाम॑ प्रि॒या मि॒त्रस्य॒ चेत॑तो ध्रु॒वाणि॑ ॥ ४.००५.०४

pra tām̐ a̱gnirba̍bhasatti̱gmaja̍mbha̱stapi̍ṣṭhena śo̱ciṣā̱ yaḥ su̱rādhā̍ḥ .

pra ye mi̱nanti̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ dhāma̍ pri̱yā mi̱trasya̱ ceta̍to dhru̱vāṇi̍ .. 4.005.04

4 May he with sharpened teeth, the Bounteous Giver, Agni, consume with flame most fiercely glowing.
Those who regard not Varuṇa's commandments and the dear stedfast laws of sapient Mitra.

Sloka : 4.5.5

अ॒भ्रा॒तरो॒ न योष॑णो॒ व्यन्तः॑ पति॒रिपो॒ न जन॑यो दु॒रेवाः॑ ।

पा॒पासः॒ सन्तो॑ अनृ॒ता अ॑स॒त्या इ॒दं प॒दम॑जनता गभी॒रम् ॥ ४.००५.०५

a̱bhrā̱taro̱ na yoṣa̍ṇo̱ vyanta̍ḥ pati̱ripo̱ na jana̍yo du̱revā̍ḥ .

pā̱pāsa̱ḥ santo̍ anṛ̱tā a̍sa̱tyā i̱daṃ pa̱dama̍janatā gabhī̱ram .. 4.005.05

5 Like youthful women without brothers, straying, like dames who hate their lords, of evil conduct,
They who are full of sin, untrue, unfaithful, they have engendered this abysmal station.

Sloka : 4.5.6

इ॒दं मे॑ अग्ने॒ किय॑ते पाव॒कामि॑नते गु॒रुं भा॒रं न मन्म॑ ।

बृ॒हद्द॑धाथ धृष॒ता ग॑भी॒रं य॒ह्वं पृ॒ष्ठं प्रय॑सा स॒प्तधा॑तु ॥ ४.००५.०६

i̱daṃ me̍ agne̱ kiya̍te pāva̱kāmi̍nate gu̱ruṃ bhā̱raṃ na manma̍ .

bṛ̱hadda̍dhātha dhṛṣa̱tā ga̍bhī̱raṃ ya̱hvaṃ pṛ̱ṣṭhaṃ praya̍sā sa̱ptadhā̍tu .. 4.005.06

6 To me, weak, innocent, thou, luminous Agni, hast boldly given as ’twere a heavy burthen,
This Pṛṣṭha hymn, profound and strong and mighty, of seven elements, and with offered dainties.

Sloka : 4.5.7

तमिन्न्वे॒३॒॑व स॑म॒ना स॑मा॒नम॒भि क्रत्वा॑ पुन॒ती धी॒तिर॑श्याः ।

स॒सस्य॒ चर्म॒न्नधि॒ चारु॒ पृश्ने॒रग्रे॑ रु॒प आरु॑पितं॒ जबा॑रु ॥ ४.००५.०७

taminnve̱3̱̍va sa̍ma̱nā sa̍mā̱nama̱bhi kratvā̍ puna̱tī dhī̱tira̍śyāḥ .

sa̱sasya̱ carma̱nnadhi̱ cāru̱ pṛśne̱ragre̍ ru̱pa āru̍pita̱ṃ jabā̍ru .. 4.005.07

7 So may our song that purifies, through wisdom reach in a moment him the Universal,
Established on the height, on earth's best station, above the beauteous grassy skin of Pṛśni.

Sloka : 4.5.8

प्र॒वाच्यं॒ वच॑सः॒ किं मे॑ अ॒स्य गुहा॑ हि॒तमुप॑ नि॒णिग्व॑दन्ति ।

यदु॒स्रिया॑णा॒मप॒ वारि॑व॒ व्रन्पाति॑ प्रि॒यं रु॒पो अग्रं॑ प॒दं वेः ॥ ४.००५.०८

pra̱vācya̱ṃ vaca̍sa̱ḥ kiṃ me̍ a̱sya guhā̍ hi̱tamupa̍ ni̱ṇigva̍danti .

yadu̱sriyā̍ṇā̱mapa̱ vāri̍va̱ vranpāti̍ pri̱yaṃ ru̱po agra̍ṃ pa̱daṃ veḥ .. 4.005.08

8 Of this my speech what shall I utter further? They indicate the milk stored up in secret
When they have thrown as ’twere the cows' stalls open. The Bird protects earths’ best and well-loved station.

Sloka : 4.5.9

इ॒दमु॒ त्यन्महि॑ म॒हामनी॑कं॒ यदु॒स्रिया॒ सच॑त पू॒र्व्यं गौः ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒दे अधि॒ दीद्या॑नं॒ गुहा॑ रघु॒ष्यद्र॑घु॒यद्वि॑वेद ॥ ४.००५.०९

i̱damu̱ tyanmahi̍ ma̱hāmanī̍ka̱ṃ yadu̱sriyā̱ saca̍ta pū̱rvyaṃ gauḥ .

ṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱de adhi̱ dīdyā̍na̱ṃ guhā̍ raghu̱ṣyadra̍ghu̱yadvi̍veda .. 4.005.09

9 This is the Great Ones’ mighty apparition which from of old the radiant Cow hath followed.
This, shining brightly in the place of Order, swift, hasting on in secret, she discovered.

Sloka : 4.5.10

अध॑ द्युता॒नः पि॒त्रोः सचा॒साम॑नुत॒ गुह्यं॒ चारु॒ पृश्नेः॑ ।

मा॒तुष्प॒दे प॑र॒मे अन्ति॒ षद्गोर्वृष्णः॑ शो॒चिषः॒ प्रय॑तस्य जि॒ह्वा ॥ ४.००५.१०

adha̍ dyutā̱naḥ pi̱troḥ sacā̱sāma̍nuta̱ guhya̱ṃ cāru̱ pṛśne̍ḥ .

mā̱tuṣpa̱de pa̍ra̱me anti̱ ṣadgorvṛṣṇa̍ḥ śo̱ciṣa̱ḥ praya̍tasya ji̱hvā .. 4.005.10

10 He then who shone together with his Parents remembered Pṛśni's fair and secret treasure,
Which, in the Mother Cow's most lofty station, the Bull's tongue, of the flame bent forward, tasted.

Sloka : 4.5.11

ऋ॒तं वो॑चे॒ नम॑सा पृ॒च्छ्यमा॑न॒स्तवा॒शसा॑ जातवेदो॒ यदी॒दम् ।

त्वम॒स्य क्ष॑यसि॒ यद्ध॒ विश्वं॑ दि॒वि यदु॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ यत्पृ॑थि॒व्याम् ॥ ४.००५.११

ṛ̱taṃ vo̍ce̱ nama̍sā pṛ̱cchyamā̍na̱stavā̱śasā̍ jātavedo̱ yadī̱dam .

tvama̱sya kṣa̍yasi̱ yaddha̱ viśva̍ṃ di̱vi yadu̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ yatpṛ̍thi̱vyām .. 4.005.11

11 With reverence I declare the Law, O Agni; what is, comes by thine order, Jātavedas.
Of this, whate’er it be, thou art the Sovran, yea, all the wealth that is in earth or

Sloka : 4.5.12

किं नो॑ अ॒स्य द्रवि॑णं॒ कद्ध॒ रत्नं॒ वि नो॑ वोचो जातवेदश्चिकि॒त्वान् ।

गुहाध्व॑नः पर॒मं यन्नो॑ अ॒स्य रेकु॑ प॒दं न नि॑दा॒ना अग॑न्म ॥ ४.००५.१२

kiṃ no̍ a̱sya dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ kaddha̱ ratna̱ṃ vi no̍ voco jātavedaściki̱tvān .

guhādhva̍naḥ para̱maṃ yanno̍ a̱sya reku̍ pa̱daṃ na ni̍dā̱nā aga̍nma .. 4.005.12

12 What is our wealth therefrom, and what our treasure? Tell us O Jātavedas, for thou
What is our best course in this secret passage:- we, unreproached, have reached a place far distant.

Sloka : 4.5.13

का म॒र्यादा॑ व॒युना॒ कद्ध॑ वा॒ममच्छा॑ गमेम र॒घवो॒ न वाज॑म् ।

क॒दा नो॑ दे॒वीर॒मृत॑स्य॒ पत्नीः॒ सूरो॒ वर्णे॑न ततनन्नु॒षासः॑ ॥ ४.००५.१३

kā ma̱ryādā̍ va̱yunā̱ kaddha̍ vā̱mamacchā̍ gamema ra̱ghavo̱ na vāja̍m .

ka̱dā no̍ de̱vīra̱mṛta̍sya̱ patnī̱ḥ sūro̱ varṇe̍na tatanannu̱ṣāsa̍ḥ .. 4.005.13

13 What is the limit, what the rules, the guerdon? Like fleet-foot coursers speed we to the contest.
When will the Goddesses, the Immortal's Spouses, the Dawns, spread over us the Sun-God's splendour?

Sloka : 4.5.14

अ॒नि॒रेण॒ वच॑सा फ॒ल्ग्वे॑न प्र॒तीत्ये॑न कृ॒धुना॑तृ॒पासः॑ ।

अधा॒ ते अ॑ग्ने॒ किमि॒हा व॑दन्त्यनायु॒धास॒ आस॑ता सचन्ताम् ॥ ४.००५.१४

a̱ni̱reṇa̱ vaca̍sā pha̱lgve̍na pra̱tītye̍na kṛ̱dhunā̍tṛ̱pāsa̍ḥ .

adhā̱ te a̍gne̱ kimi̱hā va̍dantyanāyu̱dhāsa̱ āsa̍tā sacantām .. 4.005.14

14 Unsatisfied, with speech devoid of vigour, scanty and frivolous and inconclusive,
Wherefore do they address thee here, O Agni? Let these who have no weapons suffer sorrow.

Sloka : 4.5.15

अ॒स्य श्रि॒ये स॑मिधा॒नस्य॒ वृष्णो॒ वसो॒रनी॑कं॒ दम॒ आ रु॑रोच ।

रुश॒द्वसा॑नः सु॒दृशी॑करूपः क्षि॒तिर्न रा॒या पु॑रु॒वारो॑ अद्यौत् ॥ ४.००५.१५

a̱sya śri̱ye sa̍midhā̱nasya̱ vṛṣṇo̱ vaso̱ranī̍ka̱ṃ dama̱ ā ru̍roca .

ruśa̱dvasā̍naḥ su̱dṛśī̍karūpaḥ kṣi̱tirna rā̱yā pu̍ru̱vāro̍ adyaut .. 4.005.15

15 The majesty of him the Good, the Mighty, aflame, hath shone for glory in the dwelling.
He, clothed in light, hath shone most fair to look on, wealthy in boons, as a home shines with riches.

Sloka : 4.6.1

ऊ॒र्ध्व ऊ॒ षु णो॑ अध्वरस्य होत॒रग्ने॒ तिष्ठ॑ दे॒वता॑ता॒ यजी॑यान् ।

त्वं हि विश्व॑म॒भ्यसि॒ मन्म॒ प्र वे॒धस॑श्चित्तिरसि मनी॒षाम् ॥ ४.००६.०१

ū̱rdhva ū̱ ṣu ṇo̍ adhvarasya hota̱ragne̱ tiṣṭha̍ de̱vatā̍tā̱ yajī̍yān .

tvaṃ hi viśva̍ma̱bhyasi̱ manma̱ pra ve̱dhasa̍ścittirasi manī̱ṣām .. 4.006.01

1. PRIEST of our rite, stand up erect, O Agni, in the Gods’ service best of sacrificers,
For over evei y thought thou art the Ruler:- thou furtherest e’en the wisdom of the pious.

Sloka : 4.6.2

अमू॑रो॒ होता॒ न्य॑सादि वि॒क्ष्व१॒॑ग्निर्म॒न्द्रो वि॒दथे॑षु॒ प्रचे॑ताः ।

ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं स॑वि॒तेवा॑श्रे॒न्मेते॑व धू॒मं स्त॑भाय॒दुप॒ द्याम् ॥ ४.००६.०२

amū̍ro̱ hotā̱ nya̍sādi vi̱kṣva1̱̍gnirma̱ndro vi̱dathe̍ṣu̱ prace̍tāḥ .

ū̱rdhvaṃ bhā̱nuṃ sa̍vi̱tevā̍śre̱nmete̍va dhū̱maṃ sta̍bhāya̱dupa̱ dyām .. 4.006.02

2 He was set down mid men as Priest unerring, Agni, wise, welcome in our holy synods.
Like Savitar he hath lifted up his splendour, and like a builder raised his smoke to heaven.

Sloka : 4.6.3

य॒ता सु॑जू॒र्णी रा॒तिनी॑ घृ॒ताची॑ प्रदक्षि॒णिद्दे॒वता॑तिमुरा॒णः ।

उदु॒ स्वरु॑र्नव॒जा नाक्रः प॒श्वो अ॑नक्ति॒ सुधि॑तः सु॒मेकः॑ ॥ ४.००६.०३

ya̱tā su̍jū̱rṇī rā̱tinī̍ ghṛ̱tācī̍ pradakṣi̱ṇidde̱vatā̍timurā̱ṇaḥ .

udu̱ svaru̍rnava̱jā nākraḥ pa̱śvo a̍nakti̱ sudhi̍taḥ su̱meka̍ḥ .. 4.006.03

3 The glowing ladle, filled with oil, is lifted; choosing Gods’ service to the right he circles.
Eager he rises like the new-wrought pillar which, firmly set and fixed, anoints the victims.

Sloka : 4.6.4

स्ती॒र्णे ब॒र्हिषि॑ समिधा॒ने अ॒ग्ना ऊ॒र्ध्वो अ॑ध्व॒र्युर्जु॑जुषा॒णो अ॑स्थात् ।

पर्य॒ग्निः प॑शु॒पा न होता॑ त्रिवि॒ष्ट्ये॑ति प्र॒दिव॑ उरा॒णः ॥ ४.००६.०४

stī̱rṇe ba̱rhiṣi̍ samidhā̱ne a̱gnā ū̱rdhvo a̍dhva̱ryurju̍juṣā̱ṇo a̍sthāt .

parya̱gniḥ pa̍śu̱pā na hotā̍ trivi̱ṣṭye̍ti pra̱diva̍ urā̱ṇaḥ .. 4.006.04

4 When sacred grass is strewn and Agni kindled, the Adhvaryu rises to, his task rejoicing.
Agni the Priest, like one who tends the cattle, goes three times round, as from of old he wills it.

Sloka : 4.6.5

परि॒ त्मना॑ मि॒तद्रु॑रेति॒ होता॒ग्निर्म॒न्द्रो मधु॑वचा ऋ॒तावा॑ ।

द्रव॑न्त्यस्य वा॒जिनो॒ न शोका॒ भय॑न्ते॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒ यदभ्रा॑ट् ॥ ४.००६.०५

pari̱ tmanā̍ mi̱tadru̍reti̱ hotā̱gnirma̱ndro madhu̍vacā ṛ̱tāvā̍ .

drava̍ntyasya vā̱jino̱ na śokā̱ bhaya̍nte̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱ yadabhrā̍ṭ .. 4.006.05

5 Agni himself, the Priest, with measured motion, goes round, with sweet speech, cheerful, true to Order.
His fulgent flames run forth like vigorous horses; all creatures are affrighted when he blazes.

Sloka : 4.6.6

भ॒द्रा ते॑ अग्ने स्वनीक सं॒दृग्घो॒रस्य॑ स॒तो विषु॑णस्य॒ चारुः॑ ।

न यत्ते॑ शो॒चिस्तम॑सा॒ वर॑न्त॒ न ध्व॒स्मान॑स्त॒न्वी॒३॒॑ रेप॒ आ धुः॑ ॥ ४.००६.०६

bha̱drā te̍ agne svanīka sa̱ṃdṛggho̱rasya̍ sa̱to viṣu̍ṇasya̱ cāru̍ḥ .

na yatte̍ śo̱cistama̍sā̱ vara̍nta̱ na dhva̱smāna̍sta̱nvī̱3̱̍ repa̱ ā dhu̍ḥ .. 4.006.06

6 Beautiful and auspicious is thine aspect, O lovely Agni, terrible when spreading.
Thy splendours are not covered by the darkness:- detraction leaves no stain upon thy body.

Sloka : 4.6.7

न यस्य॒ सातु॒र्जनि॑तो॒रवा॑रि॒ न मा॒तरा॑पि॒तरा॒ नू चि॑दि॒ष्टौ ।

अधा॑ मि॒त्रो न सुधि॑तः पाव॒को॒३॒॑ऽग्निर्दी॑दाय॒ मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्षु ॥ ४.००६.०७

na yasya̱ sātu̱rjani̍to̱ravā̍ri̱ na mā̱tarā̍pi̱tarā̱ nū ci̍di̱ṣṭau .

adhā̍ mi̱tro na sudhi̍taḥ pāva̱ko̱3̱̎gnirdī̍dāya̱ mānu̍ṣīṣu vi̱kṣu .. 4.006.07

7 Naught hindered his production, Bounteous Giver:- his Mother and his Sire were free to send him.
Then as Friend benevolent, refulgent, Agni shone forth in human habitations.

Sloka : 4.6.8

द्विर्यं पञ्च॒ जीज॑नन्सं॒वसा॑नाः॒ स्वसा॑रो अ॒ग्निं मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्षु ।

उ॒ष॒र्बुध॑मथ॒र्यो॒३॒॑ न दन्तं॑ शु॒क्रं स्वासं॑ पर॒शुं न ति॒ग्मम् ॥ ४.००६.०८

dviryaṃ pañca̱ jīja̍nansa̱ṃvasā̍nā̱ḥ svasā̍ro a̱gniṃ mānu̍ṣīṣu vi̱kṣu .

u̱ṣa̱rbudha̍matha̱ryo̱3̱̍ na danta̍ṃ śu̱kraṃ svāsa̍ṃ para̱śuṃ na ti̱gmam .. 4.006.08

8 He, Agni, whom the twice-five sisters, dwelling together, in the homes of men engendered,
Bright like a spear's tooth, wakened in the morning, with powerful mouth and like an axe well-sharpened.

Sloka : 4.6.9

तव॒ त्ये अ॑ग्ने ह॒रितो॑ घृत॒स्ना रोहि॑तास ऋ॒ज्वञ्चः॒ स्वञ्चः॑ ।

अ॒रु॒षासो॒ वृष॑ण ऋजुमु॒ष्का आ दे॒वता॑तिमह्वन्त द॒स्माः ॥ ४.००६.०९

tava̱ tye a̍gne ha̱rito̍ ghṛta̱snā rohi̍tāsa ṛ̱jvañca̱ḥ svañca̍ḥ .

a̱ru̱ṣāso̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa ṛjumu̱ṣkā ā de̱vatā̍timahvanta da̱smāḥ .. 4.006.09

9 These thy Bay Coursers, Agni, dropping fatness, ruddy vigorous, speeding straightly forward,
And red steeds, wonderful, of mighty muscle, are to this service of the Gods invited:-

Sloka : 4.6.10

ये ह॒ त्ये ते॒ सह॑माना अ॒यास॑स्त्वे॒षासो॑ अग्ने अ॒र्चय॒श्चर॑न्ति ।

श्ये॒नासो॒ न दु॑वस॒नासो॒ अर्थं॑ तुविष्व॒णसो॒ मारु॑तं॒ न शर्धः॑ ॥ ४.००६.१०

ye ha̱ tye te̱ saha̍mānā a̱yāsa̍stve̱ṣāso̍ agne a̱rcaya̱ścara̍nti .

śye̱nāso̱ na du̍vasa̱nāso̱ artha̍ṃ tuviṣva̱ṇaso̱ māru̍ta̱ṃ na śardha̍ḥ .. 4.006.10

10 These brightly-shining games of thine, O Agni, that move for ever restless, all-subduing,
Like falcons hasting eagerly to the quarry, roar loudly like the army of the Maruts.

Sloka : 4.6.11

अका॑रि॒ ब्रह्म॑ समिधान॒ तुभ्यं॒ शंसा॑त्यु॒क्थं यज॑ते॒ व्यू॑ धाः ।

होता॑रम॒ग्निं मनु॑षो॒ नि षे॑दुर्नम॒स्यन्त॑ उ॒शिजः॒ शंस॑मा॒योः ॥ ४.००६.११

akā̍ri̱ brahma̍ samidhāna̱ tubhya̱ṃ śaṃsā̍tyu̱kthaṃ yaja̍te̱ vyū̍ dhāḥ .

hotā̍rama̱gniṃ manu̍ṣo̱ ni ṣe̍durnama̱syanta̍ u̱śija̱ḥ śaṃsa̍mā̱yoḥ .. 4.006.11

11 To thee, O flaming God, hath prayer been offered. Let the priest laud thee:- give to him who worships.
Men have established Agni as Invoker, fain to adore the glory of the living.

Sloka : 4.7.1

अ॒यमि॒ह प्र॑थ॒मो धा॑यि धा॒तृभि॒र्होता॒ यजि॑ष्ठो अध्व॒रेष्वीड्यः॑ ।

यमप्न॑वानो॒ भृग॑वो विरुरु॒चुर्वने॑षु चि॒त्रं वि॒भ्वं॑ वि॒शेवि॑शे ॥ ४.००७.०१

a̱yami̱ha pra̍tha̱mo dhā̍yi dhā̱tṛbhi̱rhotā̱ yaji̍ṣṭho adhva̱reṣvīḍya̍ḥ .

yamapna̍vāno̱ bhṛga̍vo viruru̱curvane̍ṣu ci̱traṃ vi̱bhva̍ṃ vi̱śevi̍śe .. 4.007.01

1. HERE by ordainers was this God appointed first Invoker, best at worship, to be praised at rites:-
Whom Apnavāna, and the Bhṛgus caused to shine bright-coloured in the wood, spreading from home to home.

Sloka : 4.7.2

अग्ने॑ क॒दा त॑ आनु॒षग्भुव॑द्दे॒वस्य॒ चेत॑नम् ।

अधा॒ हि त्वा॑ जगृभ्रि॒रे मर्ता॑सो वि॒क्ष्वीड्य॑म् ॥ ४.००७.०२

agne̍ ka̱dā ta̍ ānu̱ṣagbhuva̍dde̱vasya̱ ceta̍nam .

adhā̱ hi tvā̍ jagṛbhri̱re martā̍so vi̱kṣvīḍya̍m .. 4.007.02

2 When shall thy glory as a God, Agni, be suddenly shown forth.
For mortal men have held thee fast, adorable in all their homes,

Sloka : 4.7.3

ऋ॒तावा॑नं॒ विचे॑तसं॒ पश्य॑न्तो॒ द्यामि॑व॒ स्तृभिः॑ ।

विश्वे॑षामध्व॒राणां॑ हस्क॒र्तारं॒ दमे॑दमे ॥ ४.००७.०३

ṛ̱tāvā̍na̱ṃ vice̍tasa̱ṃ paśya̍nto̱ dyāmi̍va̱ stṛbhi̍ḥ .

viśve̍ṣāmadhva̱rāṇā̍ṃ haska̱rtāra̱ṃ dame̍dame .. 4.007.03

3 Seeing thee faithful to the Law, most sapient, like the starry heaven,
Illumining with cheerful ray each solemn rite in every house.

Sloka : 4.7.4

आ॒शुं दू॒तं वि॒वस्व॑तो॒ विश्वा॒ यश्च॑र्ष॒णीर॒भि ।

आ ज॑भ्रुः के॒तुमा॒यवो॒ भृग॑वाणं वि॒शेवि॑शे ॥ ४.००७.०४

ā̱śuṃ dū̱taṃ vi̱vasva̍to̱ viśvā̱ yaśca̍rṣa̱ṇīra̱bhi .

ā ja̍bhruḥ ke̱tumā̱yavo̱ bhṛga̍vāṇaṃ vi̱śevi̍śe .. 4.007.04

4 Vivasvān's envoy living men have taken as their ensign, swift,
The ruler over all mankind, moving like Bhṛgu in each home.

Sloka : 4.7.5

तमीं॒ होता॑रमानु॒षक्चि॑कि॒त्वांसं॒ नि षे॑दिरे ।

र॒ण्वं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं॒ यजि॑ष्ठं स॒प्त धाम॑भिः ॥ ४.००७.०५

tamī̱ṃ hotā̍ramānu̱ṣakci̍ki̱tvāṃsa̱ṃ ni ṣe̍dire .

ra̱ṇvaṃ pā̍va̱kaśo̍ciṣa̱ṃ yaji̍ṣṭhaṃ sa̱pta dhāma̍bhiḥ .. 4.007.05

5 Him the intelligent have they placed duly as Invoking Priest,
Welcome, with sanctifying flame, best worshipper, with sevenfold might;

Sloka : 4.7.6

तं शश्व॑तीषु मा॒तृषु॒ वन॒ आ वी॒तमश्रि॑तम् ।

चि॒त्रं सन्तं॒ गुहा॑ हि॒तं सु॒वेदं॑ कूचिद॒र्थिन॑म् ॥ ४.००७.०६

taṃ śaśva̍tīṣu mā̱tṛṣu̱ vana̱ ā vī̱tamaśri̍tam .

ci̱traṃ santa̱ṃ guhā̍ hi̱taṃ su̱veda̍ṃ kūcida̱rthina̍m .. 4.007.06

6 In his Eternal Mothers, in the wood, concealed and unapproached,
Kept secret though his flames are bright seeking on all sides, quickly found.

Sloka : 4.7.7

स॒सस्य॒ यद्वियु॑ता॒ सस्मि॒न्नूध॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ धाम॑न्र॒णय॑न्त दे॒वाः ।

म॒हाँ अ॒ग्निर्नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्यो॒ वेर॑ध्व॒राय॒ सद॒मिदृ॒तावा॑ ॥ ४.००७.०७

sa̱sasya̱ yadviyu̍tā̱ sasmi̱nnūdha̍nnṛ̱tasya̱ dhāma̍nra̱ṇaya̍nta de̱vāḥ .

ma̱hām̐ a̱gnirnama̍sā rā̱taha̍vyo̱ vera̍dhva̱rāya̱ sada̱midṛ̱tāvā̍ .. 4.007.07

7 That as food spreads forth in this earthly udder, Gods may rejoice them in the home of Order,
Great Agni, served with reverence and oblation, flies ever to the sacrifice, the Faithful.

Sloka : 4.7.8

वेर॑ध्व॒रस्य॑ दू॒त्या॑नि वि॒द्वानु॒भे अ॒न्ता रोद॑सी संचिकि॒त्वान् ।

दू॒त ई॑यसे प्र॒दिव॑ उरा॒णो वि॒दुष्ट॑रो दि॒व आ॒रोध॑नानि ॥ ४.००७.०८

vera̍dhva̱rasya̍ dū̱tyā̍ni vi̱dvānu̱bhe a̱ntā roda̍sī saṃciki̱tvān .

dū̱ta ī̍yase pra̱diva̍ urā̱ṇo vi̱duṣṭa̍ro di̱va ā̱rodha̍nāni .. 4.007.08

8 Bird of each rite, skilled in an envoy's duties, knowing both worlds and that which lies between them,
Thou goest from of old a willing Herald, knowing full well heaven's innermost recesses.

Sloka : 4.7.9

कृ॒ष्णं त॒ एम॒ रुश॑तः पु॒रो भाश्च॑रि॒ष्ण्व१॒॑र्चिर्वपु॑षा॒मिदेक॑म् ।

यदप्र॑वीता॒ दध॑ते ह॒ गर्भं॑ स॒द्यश्चि॑ज्जा॒तो भव॒सीदु॑ दू॒तः ॥ ४.००७.०९

kṛ̱ṣṇaṃ ta̱ ema̱ ruśa̍taḥ pu̱ro bhāśca̍ri̱ṣṇva1̱̍rcirvapu̍ṣā̱mideka̍m .

yadapra̍vītā̱ dadha̍te ha̱ garbha̍ṃ sa̱dyaści̍jjā̱to bhava̱sīdu̍ dū̱taḥ .. 4.007.09

9 Bright God, thy path is black:- light is before thee:- thy moving splendour is the chief of wonders.
When she, yet unimpregnate, hath conceived thee, even when newly born thou art an envoy.

Sloka : 4.7.10

स॒द्यो जा॒तस्य॒ ददृ॑शान॒मोजो॒ यद॑स्य॒ वातो॑ अनु॒वाति॑ शो॒चिः ।

वृ॒णक्ति॑ ति॒ग्माम॑त॒सेषु॑ जि॒ह्वां स्थि॒रा चि॒दन्ना॑ दयते॒ वि जम्भैः॑ ॥ ४.००७.१०

sa̱dyo jā̱tasya̱ dadṛ̍śāna̱mojo̱ yada̍sya̱ vāto̍ anu̱vāti̍ śo̱ciḥ .

vṛ̱ṇakti̍ ti̱gmāma̍ta̱seṣu̍ ji̱hvāṃ sthi̱rā ci̱dannā̍ dayate̱ vi jambhai̍ḥ .. 4.007.10

10 Yet newly born, his vigour is apparent when the wind blows upon his fiery splendour,
His sharpened tongue he layeth on the brushwood, and with his teeth e’en solid food consumeth.

Sloka : 4.7.11

तृ॒षु यदन्ना॑ तृ॒षुणा॑ व॒वक्ष॑ तृ॒षुं दू॒तं कृ॑णुते य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निः ।

वात॑स्य मे॒ळिं स॑चते नि॒जूर्व॑न्ना॒शुं न वा॑जयते हि॒न्वे अर्वा॑ ॥ ४.००७.११

tṛ̱ṣu yadannā̍ tṛ̱ṣuṇā̍ va̱vakṣa̍ tṛ̱ṣuṃ dū̱taṃ kṛ̍ṇute ya̱hvo a̱gniḥ .

vāta̍sya me̱l̤iṃ sa̍cate ni̱jūrva̍nnā̱śuṃ na vā̍jayate hi̱nve arvā̍ .. 4.007.11

11 When he hath borne off food with swift flame swiftly, strong Agni makes himself a speedy envoy,
Follows the rustling of the wind, consuming, and courser-like, speeds, drives the swift horse onward.

Sloka : 4.8.1

दू॒तं वो॑ वि॒श्ववे॑दसं हव्य॒वाह॒मम॑र्त्यम् ।

यजि॑ष्ठमृञ्जसे गि॒रा ॥ ४.००८.०१

dū̱taṃ vo̍ vi̱śvave̍dasaṃ havya̱vāha̱mama̍rtyam .

yaji̍ṣṭhamṛñjase gi̱rā .. 4.008.01

1. YOUR envoy who possesses all, Immortal, bearer of your gifts,
Best worshipper, I woo with song.

Sloka : 4.8.2

स हि वेदा॒ वसु॑धितिं म॒हाँ आ॒रोध॑नं दि॒वः ।

स दे॒वाँ एह व॑क्षति ॥ ४.००८.०२

sa hi vedā̱ vasu̍dhitiṃ ma̱hām̐ ā̱rodha̍naṃ di̱vaḥ .

sa de̱vām̐ eha va̍kṣati .. 4.008.02

2 He, Mighty, knows the gift of wealth, he knows the deep recess of heaven:-
He shall bring hitherward the Gods.

Sloka : 4.8.3

स वे॑द दे॒व आ॒नमं॑ दे॒वाँ ऋ॑ताय॒ते दमे॑ ।

दाति॑ प्रि॒याणि॑ चि॒द्वसु॑ ॥ ४.००८.०३

sa ve̍da de̱va ā̱nama̍ṃ de̱vām̐ ṛ̍tāya̱te dame̍ .

dāti̍ pri̱yāṇi̍ ci̱dvasu̍ .. 4.008.03

3 He knows, a God himself, to guide Gods to the righteous in his home:-
He gives e’en treasures that we love.

Sloka : 4.8.4

स होता॒ सेदु॑ दू॒त्यं॑ चिकि॒त्वाँ अ॒न्तरी॑यते ।

वि॒द्वाँ आ॒रोध॑नं दि॒वः ॥ ४.००८.०४

sa hotā̱ sedu̍ dū̱tya̍ṃ ciki̱tvām̐ a̱ntarī̍yate .

vi̱dvām̐ ā̱rodha̍naṃ di̱vaḥ .. 4.008.04

4 He is the Herald:- well-informed, he doth his errand to and fro,
Knowing the deep recess of heaven.

Sloka : 4.8.5

ते स्या॑म॒ ये अ॒ग्नये॑ ददा॒शुर्ह॒व्यदा॑तिभिः ।

य ईं॒ पुष्य॑न्त इन्ध॒ते ॥ ४.००८.०५

te syā̍ma̱ ye a̱gnaye̍ dadā̱śurha̱vyadā̍tibhiḥ .

ya ī̱ṃ puṣya̍nta indha̱te .. 4.008.05

5 May we be they who gratify Agni with sacrificial gifts,
Who cherish and enkindle him.

Sloka : 4.8.6

ते रा॒या ते सु॒वीर्यैः॑ सस॒वांसो॒ वि श‍ृ॑ण्विरे ।

ये अ॒ग्ना द॑धि॒रे दुवः॑ ॥ ४.००८.०६

te rā̱yā te su̱vīryai̍ḥ sasa̱vāṃso̱ vi śṛ̍ṇvire .

ye a̱gnā da̍dhi̱re duva̍ḥ .. 4.008.06

6 Illustrious for wealth are they, and hero deeds, victorious,
Who have served Agni reverently.

Sloka : 4.8.7

अ॒स्मे रायो॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ सं च॑रन्तु पुरु॒स्पृहः॑ ।

अ॒स्मे वाजा॑स ईरताम् ॥ ४.००८.०७

a̱sme rāyo̍ di̱vedi̍ve̱ saṃ ca̍rantu puru̱spṛha̍ḥ .

a̱sme vājā̍sa īratām .. 4.008.07

7 So unto us, day after day, may riches craved by many come,
And power and might spring up for us.

Sloka : 4.8.8

स विप्र॑श्चर्षणी॒नां शव॑सा॒ मानु॑षाणाम् ।

अति॑ क्षि॒प्रेव॑ विध्यति ॥ ४.००८.०८

sa vipra̍ścarṣaṇī̱nāṃ śava̍sā̱ mānu̍ṣāṇām .

ati̍ kṣi̱preva̍ vidhyati .. 4.008.08

8 That holy Singer in his strength shoots forth his arrows swifter than
The swift shafts of the tribes of men.

Sloka : 4.9.1

अग्ने॑ मृ॒ळ म॒हाँ अ॑सि॒ य ई॒मा दे॑व॒युं जन॑म् ।

इ॒येथ॑ ब॒र्हिरा॒सद॑म् ॥ ४.००९.०१

agne̍ mṛ̱l̤a ma̱hām̐ a̍si̱ ya ī̱mā de̍va̱yuṃ jana̍m .

i̱yetha̍ ba̱rhirā̱sada̍m .. 4.009.01

1. AGNI, show favour:- great art thou who to this pious man art come,
To seat thee on the sacred grass.

Sloka : 4.9.2

स मानु॑षीषु दू॒ळभो॑ वि॒क्षु प्रा॒वीरम॑र्त्यः ।

दू॒तो विश्वे॑षां भुवत् ॥ ४.००९.०२

sa mānu̍ṣīṣu dū̱l̤abho̍ vi̱kṣu prā̱vīrama̍rtyaḥ .

dū̱to viśve̍ṣāṃ bhuvat .. 4.009.02

2 May he the Immortal, Helper, bard to be deceived among mankind,
Become the messenger of all.

Sloka : 4.9.3

स सद्म॒ परि॑ णीयते॒ होता॑ म॒न्द्रो दिवि॑ष्टिषु ।

उ॒त पोता॒ नि षी॑दति ॥ ४.००९.०३

sa sadma̱ pari̍ ṇīyate̱ hotā̍ ma̱ndro divi̍ṣṭiṣu .

u̱ta potā̱ ni ṣī̍dati .. 4.009.03

3 Around the altar is he led, welcome Chief Priest at solemn rites,
Or as the Potar sits him down.

Sloka : 4.9.4

उ॒त ग्ना अ॒ग्निर॑ध्व॒र उ॒तो गृ॒हप॑ति॒र्दमे॑ ।

उ॒त ब्र॒ह्मा नि षी॑दति ॥ ४.००९.०४

u̱ta gnā a̱gnira̍dhva̱ra u̱to gṛ̱hapa̍ti̱rdame̍ .

u̱ta bra̱hmā ni ṣī̍dati .. 4.009.04

4 Agni in fire at sacrifice, and in the house as Lord thereof,
And as a Brahman takes his seat.

Sloka : 4.9.5

वेषि॒ ह्य॑ध्वरीय॒तामु॑पव॒क्ता जना॑नाम् ।

ह॒व्या च॒ मानु॑षाणाम् ॥ ४.००९.०५

veṣi̱ hya̍dhvarīya̱tāmu̍pava̱ktā janā̍nām .

ha̱vyā ca̱ mānu̍ṣāṇām .. 4.009.05

5 Thou comest as the guide of folk who celebrate a sacrifice,
And to oblations brought by men.

Sloka : 4.9.6

वेषीद्व॑स्य दू॒त्यं१॒॑ यस्य॒ जुजो॑षो अध्व॒रम् ।

ह॒व्यं मर्त॑स्य॒ वोळ्ह॑वे ॥ ४.००९.०६

veṣīdva̍sya dū̱tyaṃ1̱̍ yasya̱ jujo̍ṣo adhva̱ram .

ha̱vyaṃ marta̍sya̱ vol̤ha̍ve .. 4.009.06

6 Thou servest as his messenger whose sacrifice thou lovest well,
To bear the mortal's gifts to heaven.

Sloka : 4.9.7

अ॒स्माकं॑ जोष्यध्व॒रम॒स्माकं॑ य॒ज्ञम॑ङ्गिरः ।

अ॒स्माकं॑ श‍ृणुधी॒ हव॑म् ॥ ४.००९.०७

a̱smāka̍ṃ joṣyadhva̱rama̱smāka̍ṃ ya̱jñama̍ṅgiraḥ .

a̱smāka̍ṃ śṛṇudhī̱ hava̍m .. 4.009.07

7 Accept our solemn rite; be pleased, Aṅgiras, with our sacrifice:-
Give ear and listen to our call.

Sloka : 4.9.8

परि॑ ते दू॒ळभो॒ रथो॒ऽस्माँ अ॑श्नोतु वि॒श्वतः॑ ।

येन॒ रक्ष॑सि दा॒शुषः॑ ॥ ४.००९.०८

pari̍ te dū̱l̤abho̱ ratho̱'smām̐ a̍śnotu vi̱śvata̍ḥ .

yena̱ rakṣa̍si dā̱śuṣa̍ḥ .. 4.009.08

8 May thine inviolable car, wherewith thou guardest those who give,
Come near to us from every side.

Sloka : 4.10.1

अग्ने॒ तम॒द्याश्वं॒ न स्तोमैः॒ क्रतुं॒ न भ॒द्रं हृ॑दि॒स्पृश॑म् ।

ऋ॒ध्यामा॑ त॒ ओहैः॑ ॥ ४.०१०.०१

agne̱ tama̱dyāśva̱ṃ na stomai̱ḥ kratu̱ṃ na bha̱draṃ hṛ̍di̱spṛśa̍m .

ṛ̱dhyāmā̍ ta̱ ohai̍ḥ .. 4.010.01

1. This day with praises, Agni, we bring thee that which thou lovest.
Right judgment, like a horse, with our devotions.

Sloka : 4.10.2

अधा॒ ह्य॑ग्ने॒ क्रतो॑र्भ॒द्रस्य॒ दक्ष॑स्य सा॒धोः ।

र॒थीरृ॒तस्य॑ बृह॒तो ब॒भूथ॑ ॥ ४.०१०.०२

adhā̱ hya̍gne̱ krato̍rbha̱drasya̱ dakṣa̍sya sā̱dhoḥ .

ra̱thīrṛ̱tasya̍ bṛha̱to ba̱bhūtha̍ .. 4.010.02

2 For thou hast ever been the Car-driver, Agni, of noble
Strength, lofty sacrifice, and rightful judgment.

Sloka : 4.10.3

ए॒भिर्नो॑ अ॒र्कैर्भवा॑ नो अ॒र्वाङ्स्व१॒॑र्ण ज्योतिः॑ ।

अग्ने॒ विश्वे॑भिः सु॒मना॒ अनी॑कैः ॥ ४.०१०.०३

e̱bhirno̍ a̱rkairbhavā̍ no a̱rvāṅsva1̱̍rṇa jyoti̍ḥ .

agne̱ viśve̍bhiḥ su̱manā̱ anī̍kaiḥ .. 4.010.03

3 Through these our praises come thou to meet us, bright as the sunlight,
O Agni, well disposed, with all thine aspects.

Sloka : 4.10.4

आ॒भिष्टे॑ अ॒द्य गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णन्तोऽग्ने॒ दाशे॑म ।

प्र ते॑ दि॒वो न स्त॑नयन्ति॒ शुष्माः॑ ॥ ४.०१०.०४

ā̱bhiṣṭe̍ a̱dya gī̱rbhirgṛ̱ṇanto'gne̱ dāśe̍ma .

pra te̍ di̱vo na sta̍nayanti̱ śuṣmā̍ḥ .. 4.010.04

4 Now may we serve thee singing these lauds this day to thee, Agni.
Loud as the voice of Heaven thy blasts are roaring.

Sloka : 4.10.5

तव॒ स्वादि॒ष्ठाग्ने॒ संदृ॑ष्टिरि॒दा चि॒दह्न॑ इ॒दा चि॑द॒क्तोः ।

श्रि॒ये रु॒क्मो न रो॑चत उपा॒के ॥ ४.०१०.०५

tava̱ svādi̱ṣṭhāgne̱ saṃdṛ̍ṣṭiri̱dā ci̱dahna̍ i̱dā ci̍da̱ktoḥ .

śri̱ye ru̱kmo na ro̍cata upā̱ke .. 4.010.05

5 Just at this time of the day and the night thy look is the sweetest:-
It shineth near us even as gold for glory.

Sloka : 4.10.6

घृ॒तं न पू॒तं त॒नूर॑रे॒पाः शुचि॒ हिर॑ण्यम् ।

तत्ते॑ रु॒क्मो न रो॑चत स्वधावः ॥ ४.०१०.०६

ghṛ̱taṃ na pū̱taṃ ta̱nūra̍re̱pāḥ śuci̱ hira̍ṇyam .

tatte̍ ru̱kmo na ro̍cata svadhāvaḥ .. 4.010.06

6 Spotless thy body, brilliant as gold, like clarified butter:-
This gleams like gold on thee, O Self. dependent.

Sloka : 4.10.7

कृ॒तं चि॒द्धि ष्मा॒ सने॑मि॒ द्वेषोऽग्न॑ इ॒नोषि॒ मर्ता॑त् ।

इ॒त्था यज॑मानादृतावः ॥ ४.०१०.०७

kṛ̱taṃ ci̱ddhi ṣmā̱ sane̍mi̱ dveṣo'gna̍ i̱noṣi̱ martā̍t .

i̱tthā yaja̍mānādṛtāvaḥ .. 4.010.07

7 All hate and mischief, yea, if committed, Agni, thou turnest,
Holy One, from the man who rightly worships.

Sloka : 4.10.8

शि॒वा नः॑ स॒ख्या सन्तु॑ भ्रा॒त्राग्ने॑ दे॒वेषु॑ यु॒ष्मे ।

सा नो॒ नाभिः॒ सद॑ने॒ सस्मि॒न्नूध॑न् ॥ ४.०१०.०८

śi̱vā na̍ḥ sa̱khyā santu̍ bhrā̱trāgne̍ de̱veṣu̍ yu̱ṣme .

sā no̱ nābhi̱ḥ sada̍ne̱ sasmi̱nnūdha̍n .. 4.010.08

8 Agni, with you Gods, prosperous be our friendships and kinships.
Be this our bond here by this place, thine altar.

Sloka : 4.11.1

भ॒द्रं ते॑ अग्ने सहसि॒न्ननी॑कमुपा॒क आ रो॑चते॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।

रुश॑द्दृ॒शे द॑दृशे नक्त॒या चि॒दरू॑क्षितं दृ॒श आ रू॒पे अन्न॑म् ॥ ४.०११.०१

bha̱draṃ te̍ agne sahasi̱nnanī̍kamupā̱ka ā ro̍cate̱ sūrya̍sya .

ruśa̍ddṛ̱śe da̍dṛśe nakta̱yā ci̱darū̍kṣitaṃ dṛ̱śa ā rū̱pe anna̍m .. 4.011.01

1. THY blessed majesty, victorious Agni, shines brightly in the neighbourhood of Sūrya.
Splendid to see, it shows even at nighttime, and food is fair to look on in thy beauty.

Sloka : 4.11.2

वि षा॑ह्यग्ने गृण॒ते म॑नी॒षां खं वेप॑सा तुविजात॒ स्तवा॑नः ।

विश्वे॑भि॒र्यद्वा॒वनः॑ शुक्र दे॒वैस्तन्नो॑ रास्व सुमहो॒ भूरि॒ मन्म॑ ॥ ४.०११.०२

vi ṣā̍hyagne gṛṇa̱te ma̍nī̱ṣāṃ khaṃ vepa̍sā tuvijāta̱ stavā̍naḥ .

viśve̍bhi̱ryadvā̱vana̍ḥ śukra de̱vaistanno̍ rāsva sumaho̱ bhūri̱ manma̍ .. 4.011.02

2 Agni, disclose his thought for him who singeth, the well, Strong God! while thou art praised with fervour.
Vouchsafe to us that powerful hymn, O Mighty, which, Radiant One! with all the Gods thou lovest.

Sloka : 4.11.3

त्वद॑ग्ने॒ काव्या॒ त्वन्म॑नी॒षास्त्वदु॒क्था जा॑यन्ते॒ राध्या॑नि ।

त्वदे॑ति॒ द्रवि॑णं वी॒रपे॑शा इ॒त्थाधि॑ये दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ॥ ४.०११.०३

tvada̍gne̱ kāvyā̱ tvanma̍nī̱ṣāstvadu̱kthā jā̍yante̱ rādhyā̍ni .

tvade̍ti̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ vī̱rape̍śā i̱tthādhi̍ye dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .. 4.011.03

3 From thee, O Agni, springs poetic wisdom, from thee come thoughts and hymns of praise that prosper;
From thee flows wealth, with heroes to adorn it, to the true-hearted man who gives oblation.

Sloka : 4.11.4

त्वद्वा॒जी वा॑जम्भ॒रो विहा॑या अभिष्टि॒कृज्जा॑यते स॒त्यशु॑ष्मः ।

त्वद्र॒यिर्दे॒वजू॑तो मयो॒भुस्त्वदा॒शुर्जू॑जु॒वाँ अ॑ग्ने॒ अर्वा॑ ॥ ४.०११.०४

tvadvā̱jī vā̍jambha̱ro vihā̍yā abhiṣṭi̱kṛjjā̍yate sa̱tyaśu̍ṣmaḥ .

tvadra̱yirde̱vajū̍to mayo̱bhustvadā̱śurjū̍ju̱vām̐ a̍gne̱ arvā̍ .. 4.011.04

4 From thee the hero springs who wins the booty, bringer of help, mighty, of real courage.
From thee comes wealth, sent by the Gods, bliss-giving; Agni, from thee the fleet impetuous charger.

Sloka : 4.11.5

त्वाम॑ग्ने प्रथ॒मं दे॑व॒यन्तो॑ दे॒वं मर्ता॑ अमृत म॒न्द्रजि॑ह्वम् ।

द्वे॒षो॒युत॒मा वि॑वासन्ति धी॒भिर्दमू॑नसं गृ॒हप॑ति॒ममू॑रम् ॥ ४.०११.०५

tvāma̍gne pratha̱maṃ de̍va̱yanto̍ de̱vaṃ martā̍ amṛta ma̱ndraji̍hvam .

dve̱ṣo̱yuta̱mā vi̍vāsanti dhī̱bhirdamū̍nasaṃ gṛ̱hapa̍ti̱mamū̍ram .. 4.011.05

5 Immortal Agni, thee whose voice is pleasant, as first in rank, as God, religious mortals
Invite with hymns; thee who removest hatred, Friend of the Home, the household's Lord, unerring.

Sloka : 4.11.6

आ॒रे अ॒स्मदम॑तिमा॒रे अंह॑ आ॒रे विश्वां॑ दुर्म॒तिं यन्नि॒पासि॑ ।

दो॒षा शि॒वः स॑हसः सूनो अग्ने॒ यं दे॒व आ चि॒त्सच॑से स्व॒स्ति ॥ ४.०११.०६

ā̱re a̱smadama̍timā̱re aṃha̍ ā̱re viśvā̍ṃ durma̱tiṃ yanni̱pāsi̍ .

do̱ṣā śi̱vaḥ sa̍hasaḥ sūno agne̱ yaṃ de̱va ā ci̱tsaca̍se sva̱sti .. 4.011.06

6 Far from us thou removest want and sorrow, far from us all ill-will when thou protectest.
Son of Strength, Agni, blest is he at evening, whom thou as God attendest for his welfare.

Sloka : 4.12.1

यस्त्वाम॑ग्न इ॒नध॑ते य॒तस्रु॒क्त्रिस्ते॒ अन्नं॑ कृ॒णव॒त्सस्मि॒न्नह॑न् ।

स सु द्यु॒म्नैर॒भ्य॑स्तु प्र॒सक्ष॒त्तव॒ क्रत्वा॑ जातवेदश्चिकि॒त्वान् ॥ ४.०१२.०१

yastvāma̍gna i̱nadha̍te ya̱tasru̱ktriste̱ anna̍ṃ kṛ̱ṇava̱tsasmi̱nnaha̍n .

sa su dyu̱mnaira̱bhya̍stu pra̱sakṣa̱ttava̱ kratvā̍ jātavedaściki̱tvān .. 4.012.01

1. WHOSO enkindles thee, with lifted ladle, and thrice this day offers thee food, O Agni,
May he excel, triumphant through thy splendours, wise through thy mental power, O Jātavedas.

Sloka : 4.12.2

इ॒ध्मं यस्ते॑ ज॒भर॑च्छश्रमा॒णो म॒हो अ॑ग्ने॒ अनी॑क॒मा स॑प॒र्यन् ।

स इ॑धा॒नः प्रति॑ दो॒षामु॒षासं॒ पुष्य॑न्र॒यिं स॑चते॒ घ्नन्न॒मित्रा॑न् ॥ ४.०१२.०२

i̱dhmaṃ yaste̍ ja̱bhara̍cchaśramā̱ṇo ma̱ho a̍gne̱ anī̍ka̱mā sa̍pa̱ryan .

sa i̍dhā̱naḥ prati̍ do̱ṣāmu̱ṣāsa̱ṃ puṣya̍nra̱yiṃ sa̍cate̱ ghnanna̱mitrā̍n .. 4.012.02

2 Whoso with toil and trouble brings thee fuel, serving the majesty of mighty Agni,
He, kindling thee at evening and at morning, prospers, and comes to wealth, and slays his foemen.

Sloka : 4.12.3

अ॒ग्निरी॑शे बृह॒तः क्ष॒त्रिय॑स्या॒ग्निर्वाज॑स्य पर॒मस्य॑ रा॒यः ।

दधा॑ति॒ रत्नं॑ विध॒ते यवि॑ष्ठो॒ व्या॑नु॒षङ्मर्त्या॑य स्व॒धावा॑न् ॥ ४.०१२.०३

a̱gnirī̍śe bṛha̱taḥ kṣa̱triya̍syā̱gnirvāja̍sya para̱masya̍ rā̱yaḥ .

dadhā̍ti̱ ratna̍ṃ vidha̱te yavi̍ṣṭho̱ vyā̍nu̱ṣaṅmartyā̍ya sva̱dhāvā̍n .. 4.012.03

3 Agni is Master of sublime dominion, Agni is Lord of strength and lofty riches.
Straightway the self-reliant God, Most Youthful, gives treasures to the mortal who adores him.

Sloka : 4.12.4

यच्चि॒द्धि ते॑ पुरुष॒त्रा य॑वि॒ष्ठाचि॑त्तिभिश्चकृ॒मा कच्चि॒दागः॑ ।

कृ॒धी ष्व१॒॑स्माँ अदि॑ते॒रना॑गा॒न्व्येनां॑सि शिश्रथो॒ विष्व॑गग्ने ॥ ४.०१२.०४

yacci̱ddhi te̍ puruṣa̱trā ya̍vi̱ṣṭhāci̍ttibhiścakṛ̱mā kacci̱dāga̍ḥ .

kṛ̱dhī ṣva1̱̍smām̐ adi̍te̱ranā̍gā̱nvyenā̍ṃsi śiśratho̱ viṣva̍gagne .. 4.012.04

4 Most Youthful God, whatever sin, through folly, we here, as human beings, have committed,
In sight of Aditi make thou us sinless remit, entirely, Agni, our offences.

Sloka : 4.12.5

म॒हश्चि॑दग्न॒ एन॑सो अ॒भीक॑ ऊ॒र्वाद्दे॒वाना॑मु॒त मर्त्या॑नाम् ।

मा ते॒ सखा॑यः॒ सद॒मिद्रि॑षाम॒ यच्छा॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय॒ शं योः ॥ ४.०१२.०५

ma̱haści̍dagna̱ ena̍so a̱bhīka̍ ū̱rvādde̱vānā̍mu̱ta martyā̍nām .

mā te̱ sakhā̍ya̱ḥ sada̱midri̍ṣāma̱ yacchā̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ .. 4.012.05

5 Even in the presence of great sin, O Agni, free us from prison of the Gods or mortals.
Never may we who are thy friends be injured:- grant health and strength unto our seed and offspring.

Sloka : 4.12.6

यथा॑ ह॒ त्यद्व॑सवो गौ॒र्यं॑ चित्प॒दि षि॒ताममु॑ञ्चता यजत्राः ।

ए॒वो ष्व१॒॑स्मन्मु॑ञ्चता॒ व्यंहः॒ प्र ता॑र्यग्ने प्रत॒रं न॒ आयुः॑ ॥ ४.०१२.०६

yathā̍ ha̱ tyadva̍savo gau̱rya̍ṃ citpa̱di ṣi̱tāmamu̍ñcatā yajatrāḥ .

e̱vo ṣva1̱̍smanmu̍ñcatā̱ vyaṃha̱ḥ pra tā̍ryagne prata̱raṃ na̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 4.012.06

6 Even as ye here, Gods Excellent and Holy, have loosed the cow that by the foot was tethered,
So also set us free from this affliction long let our life, O Agni, be extended.

Sloka : 4.13.1

प्रत्य॒ग्निरु॒षसा॒मग्र॑मख्यद्विभाती॒नां सु॒मना॑ रत्न॒धेय॑म् ।

या॒तम॑श्विना सु॒कृतो॑ दुरो॒णमुत्सूर्यो॒ ज्योति॑षा दे॒व ए॑ति ॥ ४.०१३.०१

pratya̱gniru̱ṣasā̱magra̍makhyadvibhātī̱nāṃ su̱manā̍ ratna̱dheya̍m .

yā̱tama̍śvinā su̱kṛto̍ duro̱ṇamutsūryo̱ jyoti̍ṣā de̱va e̍ti .. 4.013.01

1. AGNI hath looked, benevolently-minded, on the wealth-giving spring of radiant Mornings.
Come, Aśvins, to the dwelling of the pious:- Sūrya the God is rising with his splendour.

Sloka : 4.13.2

ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं स॑वि॒ता दे॒वो अ॑श्रेद्द्र॒प्सं दवि॑ध्वद्गवि॒षो न सत्वा॑ ।

अनु॑ व्र॒तं वरु॑णो यन्ति मि॒त्रो यत्सूर्यं॑ दि॒व्या॑रो॒हय॑न्ति ॥ ४.०१३.०२

ū̱rdhvaṃ bhā̱nuṃ sa̍vi̱tā de̱vo a̍średdra̱psaṃ davi̍dhvadgavi̱ṣo na satvā̍ .

anu̍ vra̱taṃ varu̍ṇo yanti mi̱tro yatsūrya̍ṃ di̱vyā̍ro̱haya̍nti .. 4.013.02

2 Savitar, God, hath spread on high his lustre, waving his flag like a spoil-seeking hero.
Their stablished way go Varuṇa and Mitra, what time they make the Sun ascend the heaven.

Sloka : 4.13.3

यं सी॒मकृ॑ण्व॒न्तम॑से वि॒पृचे॑ ध्रु॒वक्षे॑मा॒ अन॑वस्यन्तो॒ अर्थ॑म् ।

तं सूर्यं॑ ह॒रितः॑ स॒प्त य॒ह्वीः स्पशं॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ जग॑तो वहन्ति ॥ ४.०१३.०३

yaṃ sī̱makṛ̍ṇva̱ntama̍se vi̱pṛce̍ dhru̱vakṣe̍mā̱ ana̍vasyanto̱ artha̍m .

taṃ sūrya̍ṃ ha̱rita̍ḥ sa̱pta ya̱hvīḥ spaśa̱ṃ viśva̍sya̱ jaga̍to vahanti .. 4.013.03

3 Him whom they made to drive away the darkness, Lords of sure mansions, constant to their object,
Him who beholds the universe, the Sun-God, seven strong and youthful Coursers carry onward.

Sloka : 4.13.4

वहि॑ष्ठेभिर्वि॒हर॑न्यासि॒ तन्तु॑मव॒व्यय॒न्नसि॑तं देव॒ वस्म॑ ।

दवि॑ध्वतो र॒श्मयः॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ चर्मे॒वावा॑धु॒स्तमो॑ अ॒प्स्व१॒॑न्तः ॥ ४.०१३.०४

vahi̍ṣṭhebhirvi̱hara̍nyāsi̱ tantu̍mava̱vyaya̱nnasi̍taṃ deva̱ vasma̍ .

davi̍dhvato ra̱śmaya̱ḥ sūrya̍sya̱ carme̱vāvā̍dhu̱stamo̍ a̱psva1̱̍ntaḥ .. 4.013.04

4 Spreading thy web with mightiest Steeds thou comest, rending apart, thou God, the black-hued mantle.
The rays of Sūrya tremulously shining sink, like a hide, the darkness in the waters.

Sloka : 4.13.5

अना॑यतो॒ अनि॑बद्धः क॒थायं न्य॑ङ्ङुत्ता॒नोऽव॑ पद्यते॒ न ।

कया॑ याति स्व॒धया॒ को द॑दर्श दि॒वः स्क॒म्भः समृ॑तः पाति॒ नाक॑म् ॥ ४.०१३.०५

anā̍yato̱ ani̍baddhaḥ ka̱thāyaṃ nya̍ṅṅuttā̱no'va̍ padyate̱ na .

kayā̍ yāti sva̱dhayā̱ ko da̍darśa di̱vaḥ ska̱mbhaḥ samṛ̍taḥ pāti̱ nāka̍m .. 4.013.05

5 How is it that, unbound and not supported, he falleth not although directed downward?
By what self power moves he? Who hath seen it? He guards the vault of heaven, a close-set pillar.

Sloka : 4.14.1

प्रत्य॒ग्निरु॒षसो॑ जा॒तवे॑दा॒ अख्य॑द्दे॒वो रोच॑माना॒ महो॑भिः ।

आ ना॑सत्योरुगा॒या रथे॑ने॒मं य॒ज्ञमुप॑ नो यात॒मच्छ॑ ॥ ४.०१४.०१

pratya̱gniru̱ṣaso̍ jā̱tave̍dā̱ akhya̍dde̱vo roca̍mānā̱ maho̍bhiḥ .

ā nā̍satyorugā̱yā rathe̍ne̱maṃ ya̱jñamupa̍ no yāta̱maccha̍ .. 4.014.01

1. THE God hath looked, even Agni Jātavedas, to meet the Dawns refulgent in their glories.
Come on your chariot, ye who travel widely, come to this sacrifice of ours, Nāsatyas.

Sloka : 4.14.2

ऊ॒र्ध्वं के॒तुं स॑वि॒ता दे॒वो अ॑श्रे॒ज्ज्योति॒र्विश्व॑स्मै॒ भुव॑नाय कृ॒ण्वन् ।

आप्रा॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ वि सूर्यो॑ र॒श्मिभि॒श्चेकि॑तानः ॥ ४.०१४.०२

ū̱rdhvaṃ ke̱tuṃ sa̍vi̱tā de̱vo a̍śre̱jjyoti̱rviśva̍smai̱ bhuva̍nāya kṛ̱ṇvan .

āprā̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̱ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ vi sūryo̍ ra̱śmibhi̱śceki̍tānaḥ .. 4.014.02

2 Producing light for all the world of creatures, God Savitar hath raised aloft his banner.
Making his presence known by sunbeams, Sūrya hath filled the firmament and earth and heaven.

Sloka : 4.14.3

आ॒वह॑न्त्यरु॒णीर्ज्योति॒षागा॑न्म॒ही चि॒त्रा र॒श्मिभि॒श्चेकि॑ताना ।

प्र॒बो॒धय॑न्ती सुवि॒ताय॑ दे॒व्यु१॒॑षा ई॑यते सु॒युजा॒ रथे॑न ॥ ४.०१४.०३

ā̱vaha̍ntyaru̱ṇīrjyoti̱ṣāgā̍nma̱hī ci̱trā ra̱śmibhi̱śceki̍tānā .

pra̱bo̱dhaya̍ntī suvi̱tāya̍ de̱vyu1̱̍ṣā ī̍yate su̱yujā̱ rathe̍na .. 4.014.03

3 Red Dawn is come, riding with brightness onward, distinguished by her beams, gay-hued and mighty.
Dawn on her nobly-harnessed car, the Goddess, awaking men to happiness, approacheth.

Sloka : 4.14.4

आ वां॒ वहि॑ष्ठा इ॒ह ते व॑हन्तु॒ रथा॒ अश्वा॑स उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ ।

इ॒मे हि वां॑ मधु॒पेया॑य॒ सोमा॑ अ॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे वृ॑षणा मादयेथाम् ॥ ४.०१४.०४

ā vā̱ṃ vahi̍ṣṭhā i̱ha te va̍hantu̱ rathā̱ aśvā̍sa u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭau .

i̱me hi vā̍ṃ madhu̱peyā̍ya̱ somā̍ a̱sminya̱jñe vṛ̍ṣaṇā mādayethām .. 4.014.04

4 May those most powerful steeds and chariot bring you, O Aśvins, hither at the break of morning.
Here for your draught of meath are Soma juices:- at this our sacrifice rejoice, ye Mighty.

Sloka : 4.14.5

अना॑यतो॒ अनि॑बद्धः क॒थायं न्य॑ङ्ङुत्ता॒नोऽव॑ पद्यते॒ न ।

कया॑ याति स्व॒धया॒ को द॑दर्श दि॒वः स्क॒म्भः समृ॑तः पाति॒ नाक॑म् ॥ ४.०१४.०५

anā̍yato̱ ani̍baddhaḥ ka̱thāyaṃ nya̍ṅṅuttā̱no'va̍ padyate̱ na .

kayā̍ yāti sva̱dhayā̱ ko da̍darśa di̱vaḥ ska̱mbhaḥ samṛ̍taḥ pāti̱ nāka̍m .. 4.014.05

5 How is it that, unbound and unsupported, he falleth not although directed downward?
By what self-power moves he? Who hath seen it? He guards the vault of heaven, a close-set pillar?

Sloka : 4.15.1

अ॒ग्निर्होता॑ नो अध्व॒रे वा॒जी सन्परि॑ णीयते ।

दे॒वो दे॒वेषु॑ य॒ज्ञियः॑ ॥ ४.०१५.०१

a̱gnirhotā̍ no adhva̱re vā̱jī sanpari̍ ṇīyate .

de̱vo de̱veṣu̍ ya̱jñiya̍ḥ .. 4.015.01

1. AGNI the Herald, like a horse, is led forth at our solemn rite,
God among Gods adorable.

Sloka : 4.15.2

परि॑ त्रिवि॒ष्ट्य॑ध्व॒रं यात्य॒ग्नी र॒थीरि॑व ।

आ दे॒वेषु॒ प्रयो॒ दध॑त् ॥ ४.०१५.०२

pari̍ trivi̱ṣṭya̍dhva̱raṃ yātya̱gnī ra̱thīri̍va .

ā de̱veṣu̱ prayo̱ dadha̍t .. 4.015.02

2 Three times unto our solemn rite comes Agni like a charioteer,
Bearing the viands to the Gods.

Sloka : 4.15.3

परि॒ वाज॑पतिः क॒विर॒ग्निर्ह॒व्यान्य॑क्रमीत् ।

दध॒द्रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ४.०१५.०३

pari̱ vāja̍patiḥ ka̱vira̱gnirha̱vyānya̍kramīt .

dadha̱dratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 4.015.03

3 Round the oblations hath he paced, Agni the Wise, the Lord of Strength,
Giving the offerer precious boons.

Sloka : 4.15.4

अ॒यं यः सृञ्ज॑ये पु॒रो दै॑ववा॒ते स॑मि॒ध्यते॑ ।

द्यु॒माँ अ॑मित्र॒दम्भ॑नः ॥ ४.०१५.०४

a̱yaṃ yaḥ sṛñja̍ye pu̱ro dai̍vavā̱te sa̍mi̱dhyate̍ .

dyu̱mām̐ a̍mitra̱dambha̍naḥ .. 4.015.04

4 He who is kindled eastward for Sṛñjaya, Devāvata's son,
Resplendent, tamer of the foe.

Sloka : 4.15.5

अस्य॑ घा वी॒र ईव॑तो॒ऽग्नेरी॑शीत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

ति॒ग्मज॑म्भस्य मी॒ळ्हुषः॑ ॥ ४.०१५.०५

asya̍ ghā vī̱ra īva̍to̱'gnerī̍śīta̱ martya̍ḥ .

ti̱gmaja̍mbhasya mī̱l̤huṣa̍ḥ .. 4.015.05

5 So mighty be the Agni whom the mortal hero shall command,
With sharpened teeth and bountiful.

Sloka : 4.15.6

तमर्व॑न्तं॒ न सा॑न॒सिम॑रु॒षं न दि॒वः शिशु॑म् ।

म॒र्मृ॒ज्यन्ते॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥ ४.०१५.०६

tamarva̍nta̱ṃ na sā̍na̱sima̍ru̱ṣaṃ na di̱vaḥ śiśu̍m .

ma̱rmṛ̱jyante̍ di̱vedi̍ve .. 4.015.06

6 Day after day they dress him, as they clean a horse who wins the prize.
Dress the red Scion of the Sky.

Sloka : 4.15.7

बोध॒द्यन्मा॒ हरि॑भ्यां कुमा॒रः सा॑हदे॒व्यः ।

अच्छा॒ न हू॒त उद॑रम् ॥ ४.०१५.०७

bodha̱dyanmā̱ hari̍bhyāṃ kumā̱raḥ sā̍hade̱vyaḥ .

acchā̱ na hū̱ta uda̍ram .. 4.015.07

7 When Sahadeva's princely son with two bay horses thought of me,
Summoned by him I drew not back.

Sloka : 4.15.8

उ॒त त्या य॑ज॒ता हरी॑ कुमा॒रात्सा॑हदे॒व्यात् ।

प्रय॑ता स॒द्य आ द॑दे ॥ ४.०१५.०८

u̱ta tyā ya̍ja̱tā harī̍ kumā̱rātsā̍hade̱vyāt .

praya̍tā sa̱dya ā da̍de .. 4.015.08

8 And truly those two noble bays I straightway took when offered me,
From Sahadeva's princely son.

Sloka : 4.15.9

ए॒ष वां॑ देवावश्विना कुमा॒रः सा॑हदे॒व्यः ।

दी॒र्घायु॑रस्तु॒ सोम॑कः ॥ ४.०१५.०९

e̱ṣa vā̍ṃ devāvaśvinā kumā̱raḥ sā̍hade̱vyaḥ .

dī̱rghāyu̍rastu̱ soma̍kaḥ .. 4.015.09

9 Long, O ye Aśvins, may he live, your care, ye Gods, the princely son.
Of Sahadeva, Somaka.

Sloka : 4.15.10

तं यु॒वं दे॑वावश्विना कुमा॒रं सा॑हदे॒व्यम् ।

दी॒र्घायु॑षं कृणोतन ॥ ४.०१५.१०

taṃ yu̱vaṃ de̍vāvaśvinā kumā̱raṃ sā̍hade̱vyam .

dī̱rghāyu̍ṣaṃ kṛṇotana .. 4.015.10

10 Cause him the youthful prince, the son of Sahadeva, to enjoy
Long life, O Aśvins, O ye Gods.

Sloka : 4.16.1

आ स॒त्यो या॑तु म॒घवा॑ँ ऋजी॒षी द्रव॑न्त्वस्य॒ हर॑य॒ उप॑ नः ।

तस्मा॒ इदन्धः॑ सुषुमा सु॒दक्ष॑मि॒हाभि॑पि॒त्वं क॑रते गृणा॒नः ॥ ४.०१६.०१

ā sa̱tyo yā̍tu ma̱ghavā̍m̐ ṛjī̱ṣī drava̍ntvasya̱ hara̍ya̱ upa̍ naḥ .

tasmā̱ idandha̍ḥ suṣumā su̱dakṣa̍mi̱hābhi̍pi̱tvaṃ ka̍rate gṛṇā̱naḥ .. 4.016.01

1. IMPETUOUS, true, let Maghavan come hither, and let his Tawny Coursers speed to reach us.
For him have we pressed juice exceeding potent:- here, praised with song, let him effect his visit.

Sloka : 4.16.2

अव॑ स्य शू॒राध्व॑नो॒ नान्ते॒ऽस्मिन्नो॑ अ॒द्य सव॑ने म॒न्दध्यै॑ ।

शंसा॑त्यु॒क्थमु॒शने॑व वे॒धाश्चि॑कि॒तुषे॑ असु॒र्या॑य॒ मन्म॑ ॥ ४.०१६.०२

ava̍ sya śū̱rādhva̍no̱ nānte̱'sminno̍ a̱dya sava̍ne ma̱ndadhyai̍ .

śaṃsā̍tyu̱kthamu̱śane̍va ve̱dhāści̍ki̱tuṣe̍ asu̱ryā̍ya̱ manma̍ .. 4.016.02

2 Unyoke, as at thy journey's end, O Hero, to gladden thee today at this libation.
Like Uśanā, the priest a laud shall utter, a hymn to thee, the Lord Divine, who markest.

Sloka : 4.16.3

क॒विर्न नि॒ण्यं वि॒दथा॑नि॒ साध॒न्वृषा॒ यत्सेकं॑ विपिपा॒नो अर्चा॑त् ।

दि॒व इ॒त्था जी॑जनत्स॒प्त का॒रूनह्ना॑ चिच्चक्रुर्व॒युना॑ गृ॒णन्तः॑ ॥ ४.०१६.०३

ka̱virna ni̱ṇyaṃ vi̱dathā̍ni̱ sādha̱nvṛṣā̱ yatseka̍ṃ vipipā̱no arcā̍t .

di̱va i̱tthā jī̍janatsa̱pta kā̱rūnahnā̍ ciccakrurva̱yunā̍ gṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ .. 4.016.03

3 When the Bull, quaffing, praises our libation, as a sage paying holy rites in secret,
Seven singers here from heaven hath he begotten, who e’en by day have wrought their works while singing.

Sloka : 4.16.4

स्व१॒॑र्यद्वेदि॑ सु॒दृशी॑कम॒र्कैर्महि॒ ज्योती॑ रुरुचु॒र्यद्ध॒ वस्तोः॑ ।

अ॒न्धा तमां॑सि॒ दुधि॑ता वि॒चक्षे॒ नृभ्य॑श्चकार॒ नृत॑मो अ॒भिष्टौ॑ ॥ ४.०१६.०४

sva1̱̍ryadvedi̍ su̱dṛśī̍kama̱rkairmahi̱ jyotī̍ rurucu̱ryaddha̱ vasto̍ḥ .

a̱ndhā tamā̍ṃsi̱ dudhi̍tā vi̱cakṣe̱ nṛbhya̍ścakāra̱ nṛta̍mo a̱bhiṣṭau̍ .. 4.016.04

4 When heaven's fair light by hymns was made apparent (they made great splendour shine at break of morning),
He with his succour, best of Heroes, scattered the blinding darkness so that men saw clearly.

Sloka : 4.16.5

व॒व॒क्ष इन्द्रो॒ अमि॑तमृजी॒ष्यु१॒॑भे आ प॑प्रौ॒ रोद॑सी महि॒त्वा ।

अत॑श्चिदस्य महि॒मा वि रे॑च्य॒भि यो विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना ब॒भूव॑ ॥ ४.०१६.०५

va̱va̱kṣa indro̱ ami̍tamṛjī̱ṣyu1̱̍bhe ā pa̍prau̱ roda̍sī mahi̱tvā .

ata̍ścidasya mahi̱mā vi re̍cya̱bhi yo viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā ba̱bhūva̍ .. 4.016.05

5 Indra, Impetuous One, hath waxed immensely:- he with his vastness hath filled earth and heaven.
E’en beyond this his majesty extendeth who hath exceeded all the worlds in greatness.

Sloka : 4.16.6

विश्वा॑नि श॒क्रो नर्या॑णि वि॒द्वान॒पो रि॑रेच॒ सखि॑भि॒र्निका॑मैः ।

अश्मा॑नं चि॒द्ये बि॑भि॒दुर्वचो॑भिर्व्र॒जं गोम॑न्तमु॒शिजो॒ वि व॑व्रुः ॥ ४.०१६.०६

viśvā̍ni śa̱kro naryā̍ṇi vi̱dvāna̱po ri̍reca̱ sakhi̍bhi̱rnikā̍maiḥ .

aśmā̍naṃ ci̱dye bi̍bhi̱durvaco̍bhirvra̱jaṃ goma̍ntamu̱śijo̱ vi va̍vruḥ .. 4.016.06

6 Śakra who knoweth well all human actions hath with his eager Friends let loose the waters.
They with their songs cleft e’en the mountain open and willingly disclosed the stall of cattle.

Sloka : 4.16.7

अ॒पो वृ॒त्रं व॑व्रि॒वांसं॒ परा॑ह॒न्प्राव॑त्ते॒ वज्रं॑ पृथि॒वी सचे॑ताः ।

प्रार्णां॑सि समु॒द्रिया॑ण्यैनोः॒ पति॒र्भव॒ञ्छव॑सा शूर धृष्णो ॥ ४.०१६.०७

a̱po vṛ̱traṃ va̍vri̱vāṃsa̱ṃ parā̍ha̱nprāva̍tte̱ vajra̍ṃ pṛthi̱vī sace̍tāḥ .

prārṇā̍ṃsi samu̱driyā̍ṇyaino̱ḥ pati̱rbhava̱ñchava̍sā śūra dhṛṣṇo .. 4.016.07

7 He smote away the floods' obstructer, Vṛtra; Earth, conscious, lent her aid to speed thy thunder.
Thou sentest forth the waters of the ocean, as Lord through power and might, O daring Hero.

Sloka : 4.16.8

अ॒पो यदद्रिं॑ पुरुहूत॒ दर्द॑रा॒विर्भु॑वत्स॒रमा॑ पू॒र्व्यं ते॑ ।

स नो॑ ने॒ता वाज॒मा द॑र्षि॒ भूरिं॑ गो॒त्रा रु॒जन्नङ्गि॑रोभिर्गृणा॒नः ॥ ४.०१६.०८

a̱po yadadri̍ṃ puruhūta̱ darda̍rā̱virbhu̍vatsa̱ramā̍ pū̱rvyaṃ te̍ .

sa no̍ ne̱tā vāja̱mā da̍rṣi̱ bhūri̍ṃ go̱trā ru̱jannaṅgi̍robhirgṛṇā̱naḥ .. 4.016.08

8 When, Much-invoked! the water's rock thou cleftest, Saramā showed herself and went before thee.
Hymned by Aṅgirases, bursting the cow-stalls, much strength thou foundest for us as our leader.

Sloka : 4.16.9

अच्छा॑ क॒विं नृ॑मणो गा अ॒भिष्टौ॒ स्व॑र्षाता मघव॒न्नाध॑मानम् ।

ऊ॒तिभि॒स्तमि॑षणो द्यु॒म्नहू॑तौ॒ नि मा॒यावा॒नब्र॑ह्मा॒ दस्यु॑रर्त ॥ ४.०१६.०९

acchā̍ ka̱viṃ nṛ̍maṇo gā a̱bhiṣṭau̱ sva̍rṣātā maghava̱nnādha̍mānam .

ū̱tibhi̱stami̍ṣaṇo dyu̱mnahū̍tau̱ ni mā̱yāvā̱nabra̍hmā̱ dasyu̍rarta .. 4.016.09

9 Come, Maghavan, Friend of Man, to aid the singer imploring thee in battle for the sunlight.
Speed him with help in his inspired invokings:- down sink the sorcerer, the prayerless Dasyu.

Sloka : 4.16.10

आ द॑स्यु॒घ्ना मन॑सा या॒ह्यस्तं॒ भुव॑त्ते॒ कुत्सः॑ स॒ख्ये निका॑मः ।

स्वे योनौ॒ नि ष॑दतं॒ सरू॑पा॒ वि वां॑ चिकित्सदृत॒चिद्ध॒ नारी॑ ॥ ४.०१६.१०

ā da̍syu̱ghnā mana̍sā yā̱hyasta̱ṃ bhuva̍tte̱ kutsa̍ḥ sa̱khye nikā̍maḥ .

sve yonau̱ ni ṣa̍data̱ṃ sarū̍pā̱ vi vā̍ṃ cikitsadṛta̱ciddha̱ nārī̍ .. 4.016.10

10 Come to our home resolved to slay the Dasyu:- Kutsa longed eagerly to win thy friendship.
Alike in form ye both sate in his dwelling the faithful Lady was in doubt between you.

Sloka : 4.16.11

यासि॒ कुत्से॑न स॒रथ॑मव॒स्युस्तो॒दो वात॑स्य॒ हर्यो॒रीशा॑नः ।

ऋ॒ज्रा वाजं॒ न गध्यं॒ युयू॑षन्क॒विर्यदह॒न्पार्या॑य॒ भूषा॑त् ॥ ४.०१६.११

yāsi̱ kutse̍na sa̱ratha̍mava̱syusto̱do vāta̍sya̱ haryo̱rīśā̍naḥ .

ṛ̱jrā vāja̱ṃ na gadhya̱ṃ yuyū̍ṣanka̱viryadaha̱npāryā̍ya̱ bhūṣā̍t .. 4.016.11

11 Thou comest, fain to succour him, with Kutsa,—a goad that masters both the Wind-God's horses,
That, holding the brown steeds like spoil for capture, the sage may on the final day be present.

Sloka : 4.16.12

कुत्सा॑य॒ शुष्ण॑म॒शुषं॒ नि ब॑र्हीः प्रपि॒त्वे अह्नः॒ कुय॑वं स॒हस्रा॑ ।

स॒द्यो दस्यू॒न्प्र मृ॑ण कु॒त्स्येन॒ प्र सूर॑श्च॒क्रं वृ॑हताद॒भीके॑ ॥ ४.०१६.१२

kutsā̍ya̱ śuṣṇa̍ma̱śuṣa̱ṃ ni ba̍rhīḥ prapi̱tve ahna̱ḥ kuya̍vaṃ sa̱hasrā̍ .

sa̱dyo dasyū̱npra mṛ̍ṇa ku̱tsyena̱ pra sūra̍śca̱kraṃ vṛ̍hatāda̱bhīke̍ .. 4.016.12

12 For Kutsa, with thy thousand, thou at day-break didst hurl down greedy Śuṣṇa, foe of harvest.
Quickly with Kutsa's friend destroy the Dasyus, and roll the chariot-wheel of Sūrya near us.

Sloka : 4.16.13

त्वं पिप्रुं॒ मृग॑यं शूशु॒वांस॑मृ॒जिश्व॑ने वैदथि॒नाय॑ रन्धीः ।

प॒ञ्चा॒शत्कृ॒ष्णा नि व॑पः स॒हस्रात्कं॒ न पुरो॑ जरि॒मा वि द॑र्दः ॥ ४.०१६.१३

tvaṃ pipru̱ṃ mṛga̍yaṃ śūśu̱vāṃsa̍mṛ̱jiśva̍ne vaidathi̱nāya̍ randhīḥ .

pa̱ñcā̱śatkṛ̱ṣṇā ni va̍paḥ sa̱hasrātka̱ṃ na puro̍ jari̱mā vi da̍rdaḥ .. 4.016.13

13 Thou to the son of Vidathin, Ṛjiśvan, gavest up mighty Mṛgaya and Pipru.
Thou smotest down the swarthy fifty thousand, and rentest forts as age consumes a garment.

Sloka : 4.16.14

सूर॑ उपा॒के त॒न्वं१॒॑ दधा॑नो॒ वि यत्ते॒ चेत्य॒मृत॑स्य॒ वर्पः॑ ।

मृ॒गो न ह॒स्ती तवि॑षीमुषा॒णः सिं॒हो न भी॒म आयु॑धानि॒ बिभ्र॑त् ॥ ४.०१६.१४

sūra̍ upā̱ke ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ dadhā̍no̱ vi yatte̱ cetya̱mṛta̍sya̱ varpa̍ḥ .

mṛ̱go na ha̱stī tavi̍ṣīmuṣā̱ṇaḥ si̱ṃho na bhī̱ma āyu̍dhāni̱ bibhra̍t .. 4.016.14

14 What time thou settest near the Sun thy body, thy form, Immortal One, is seen expanding:-
Thou a wild elephant with might invested. like a dread lion as thou wieldest weapons.

Sloka : 4.16.15

इन्द्रं॒ कामा॑ वसू॒यन्तो॑ अग्म॒न्स्व॑र्मीळ्हे॒ न सव॑ने चका॒नाः ।

श्र॒व॒स्यवः॑ शशमा॒नास॑ उ॒क्थैरोको॒ न र॒ण्वा सु॒दृशी॑व पु॒ष्टिः ॥ ४.०१६.१५

indra̱ṃ kāmā̍ vasū̱yanto̍ agma̱nsva̍rmīl̤he̱ na sava̍ne cakā̱nāḥ .

śra̱va̱syava̍ḥ śaśamā̱nāsa̍ u̱kthairoko̱ na ra̱ṇvā su̱dṛśī̍va pu̱ṣṭiḥ .. 4.016.15

15 Wishes for wealth have gone to Indra, longing for him in war for light and at libation,
Eager for glory, labouring with praisesongs:- he is like home, like sweet and fair nutrition.

Sloka : 4.16.16

तमिद्व॒ इन्द्रं॑ सु॒हवं॑ हुवेम॒ यस्ता च॒कार॒ नर्या॑ पु॒रूणि॑ ।

यो माव॑ते जरि॒त्रे गध्यं॑ चिन्म॒क्षू वाजं॒ भर॑ति स्पा॒र्हरा॑धाः ॥ ४.०१६.१६

tamidva̱ indra̍ṃ su̱hava̍ṃ huvema̱ yastā ca̱kāra̱ naryā̍ pu̱rūṇi̍ .

yo māva̍te jari̱tre gadhya̍ṃ cinma̱kṣū vāja̱ṃ bhara̍ti spā̱rharā̍dhāḥ .. 4.016.16

16 Call we for you that Indra, prompt to listen, him who hath done so much for men's advantage;
Who, Lord of envied bounty, to a singer like me brings quickly booty worth the capture.

Sloka : 4.16.17

ति॒ग्मा यद॒न्तर॒शनिः॒ पता॑ति॒ कस्मि॑ञ्चिच्छूर मुहु॒के जना॑नाम् ।

घो॒रा यद॑र्य॒ समृ॑ति॒र्भवा॒त्यध॑ स्मा नस्त॒न्वो॑ बोधि गो॒पाः ॥ ४.०१६.१७

ti̱gmā yada̱ntara̱śani̱ḥ patā̍ti̱ kasmi̍ñcicchūra muhu̱ke janā̍nām .

gho̱rā yada̍rya̱ samṛ̍ti̱rbhavā̱tyadha̍ smā nasta̱nvo̍ bodhi go̱pāḥ .. 4.016.17

17 When the sharp-pointed arrow, O thou Hero, flieth mid any conflict of the people,
When, Faithful One, the dread encounter cometh, then be thou the Protector of our body.

Sloka : 4.16.18

भुवो॑ऽवि॒ता वा॒मदे॑वस्य धी॒नां भुवः॒ सखा॑वृ॒को वाज॑सातौ ।

त्वामनु॒ प्रम॑ति॒मा ज॑गन्मोरु॒शंसो॑ जरि॒त्रे वि॒श्वध॑ स्याः ॥ ४.०१६.१८

bhuvo̎vi̱tā vā̱made̍vasya dhī̱nāṃ bhuva̱ḥ sakhā̍vṛ̱ko vāja̍sātau .

tvāmanu̱ prama̍ti̱mā ja̍ganmoru̱śaṃso̍ jari̱tre vi̱śvadha̍ syāḥ .. 4.016.18

18 Further the holy thoughts of Vamadeva be thou a guileless Friend in fight for booty.
We come to thee whose providence protects us:- wide be thy sway for ever for thy singer.

Sloka : 4.16.19

ए॒भिर्नृभि॑रिन्द्र त्वा॒युभि॑ष्ट्वा म॒घव॑द्भिर्मघव॒न्विश्व॑ आ॒जौ ।

द्यावो॒ न द्यु॒म्नैर॒भि सन्तो॑ अ॒र्यः क्ष॒पो म॑देम श॒रद॑श्च पू॒र्वीः ॥ ४.०१६.१९

e̱bhirnṛbhi̍rindra tvā̱yubhi̍ṣṭvā ma̱ghava̍dbhirmaghava̱nviśva̍ ā̱jau .

dyāvo̱ na dyu̱mnaira̱bhi santo̍ a̱ryaḥ kṣa̱po ma̍dema śa̱rada̍śca pū̱rvīḥ .. 4.016.19

19 O Indra, with these men who love thee truly, free givers, Maghavan, in every battle,
May we rejoice through many autumns, quelling our foes, as days subdue the nights with splendour.

Sloka : 4.16.20

ए॒वेदिन्द्रा॑य वृष॒भाय॒ वृष्णे॒ ब्रह्मा॑कर्म॒ भृग॑वो॒ न रथ॑म् ।

नू चि॒द्यथा॑ नः स॒ख्या वि॒योष॒दस॑न्न उ॒ग्रो॑ऽवि॒ता त॑नू॒पाः ॥ ४.०१६.२०

e̱vedindrā̍ya vṛṣa̱bhāya̱ vṛṣṇe̱ brahmā̍karma̱ bhṛga̍vo̱ na ratha̍m .

nū ci̱dyathā̍ naḥ sa̱khyā vi̱yoṣa̱dasa̍nna u̱gro̎vi̱tā ta̍nū̱pāḥ .. 4.016.20

20 Now, as the Bhṛgus wrought a car, for Indra the Strong, the Mighty, we our prayer have fashioned,
That he may, ne’er withdraw from us his friendship, but be our bodies' guard and strong defender.

Sloka : 4.16.21

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०१६.२१

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.016.21

21 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let power swell. high like rivers for the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays, is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.17.1

त्वं म॒हाँ इ॑न्द्र॒ तुभ्यं॑ ह॒ क्षा अनु॑ क्ष॒त्रं मं॒हना॑ मन्यत॒ द्यौः ।

त्वं वृ॒त्रं शव॑सा जघ॒न्वान्सृ॒जः सिन्धू॒ँरहि॑ना जग्रसा॒नान् ॥ ४.०१७.०१

tvaṃ ma̱hām̐ i̍ndra̱ tubhya̍ṃ ha̱ kṣā anu̍ kṣa̱traṃ ma̱ṃhanā̍ manyata̱ dyauḥ .

tvaṃ vṛ̱traṃ śava̍sā jagha̱nvānsṛ̱jaḥ sindhū̱m̐rahi̍nā jagrasā̱nān .. 4.017.01

1. GREAT art thou, Indra; yea, the earth, with gladness, and heaven confess to thee thine high dominion.
Thou in thy vigour having slaughtered Vṛtra didst free the floods arrested by the Dragon.

Sloka : 4.17.2

तव॑ त्वि॒षो जनि॑मन्रेजत॒ द्यौ रेज॒द्भूमि॑र्भि॒यसा॒ स्वस्य॑ म॒न्योः ।

ऋ॒घा॒यन्त॑ सु॒भ्व१॒ः॑ पर्व॑तास॒ आर्द॒न्धन्वा॑नि स॒रय॑न्त॒ आपः॑ ॥ ४.०१७.०२

tava̍ tvi̱ṣo jani̍manrejata̱ dyau reja̱dbhūmi̍rbhi̱yasā̱ svasya̍ ma̱nyoḥ .

ṛ̱ghā̱yanta̍ su̱bhva1̱̍ḥ parva̍tāsa̱ ārda̱ndhanvā̍ni sa̱raya̍nta̱ āpa̍ḥ .. 4.017.02

2 Heaven trembled at the birth of thine effulgence; Earth trembled at the fear of thy displeasure.
The stedfast mountains shook in agitation . the waters flowed, and desert spots were flooded.

Sloka : 4.17.3

भि॒नद्गि॒रिं शव॑सा॒ वज्र॑मि॒ष्णन्ना॑विष्कृण्वा॒नः स॑हसा॒न ओजः॑ ।

वधी॑द्वृ॒त्रं वज्रे॑ण मन्दसा॒नः सर॒न्नापो॒ जव॑सा ह॒तवृ॑ष्णीः ॥ ४.०१७.०३

bhi̱nadgi̱riṃ śava̍sā̱ vajra̍mi̱ṣṇannā̍viṣkṛṇvā̱naḥ sa̍hasā̱na oja̍ḥ .

vadhī̍dvṛ̱traṃ vajre̍ṇa mandasā̱naḥ sara̱nnāpo̱ java̍sā ha̱tavṛ̍ṣṇīḥ .. 4.017.03

3 Hurling his bolt with might he cleft the mountain, while, putting forth his strength, he showed his vigour.
He slaughtered Vṛtra with his bolt, exulting, and, their lord slain, forth flowed the waters swiftly.

Sloka : 4.17.4

सु॒वीर॑स्ते जनि॒ता म॑न्यत॒ द्यौरिन्द्र॑स्य क॒र्ता स्वप॑स्तमो भूत् ।

य ईं॑ ज॒जान॑ स्व॒र्यं॑ सु॒वज्र॒मन॑पच्युतं॒ सद॑सो॒ न भूम॑ ॥ ४.०१७.०४

su̱vīra̍ste jani̱tā ma̍nyata̱ dyaurindra̍sya ka̱rtā svapa̍stamo bhūt .

ya ī̍ṃ ja̱jāna̍ sva̱rya̍ṃ su̱vajra̱mana̍pacyuta̱ṃ sada̍so̱ na bhūma̍ .. 4.017.04

4 Thy Father Dyaus esteemed himself a hero:- most noble was the work of Indra's Maker,
His who begat the strong bolt's Lord who roareth, immovable like earth from her foundation.

Sloka : 4.17.5

य एक॑ इच्च्या॒वय॑ति॒ प्र भूमा॒ राजा॑ कृष्टी॒नां पु॑रुहू॒त इन्द्रः॑ ।

स॒त्यमे॑न॒मनु॒ विश्वे॑ मदन्ति रा॒तिं दे॒वस्य॑ गृण॒तो म॒घोनः॑ ॥ ४.०१७.०५

ya eka̍ iccyā̱vaya̍ti̱ pra bhūmā̱ rājā̍ kṛṣṭī̱nāṃ pu̍ruhū̱ta indra̍ḥ .

sa̱tyame̍na̱manu̱ viśve̍ madanti rā̱tiṃ de̱vasya̍ gṛṇa̱to ma̱ghona̍ḥ .. 4.017.05

5 He who alone o’erthrows the world of creatures, Indra the peoples' King, invoked of many-
Verily all rejoice in him, extolling the boons which Maghavan the God hath sent them.

Sloka : 4.17.6

स॒त्रा सोमा॑ अभवन्नस्य॒ विश्वे॑ स॒त्रा मदा॑सो बृह॒तो मदि॑ष्ठाः ।

स॒त्राभ॑वो॒ वसु॑पति॒र्वसू॑नां॒ दत्रे॒ विश्वा॑ अधिथा इन्द्र कृ॒ष्टीः ॥ ४.०१७.०६

sa̱trā somā̍ abhavannasya̱ viśve̍ sa̱trā madā̍so bṛha̱to madi̍ṣṭhāḥ .

sa̱trābha̍vo̱ vasu̍pati̱rvasū̍nā̱ṃ datre̱ viśvā̍ adhithā indra kṛ̱ṣṭīḥ .. 4.017.06

6 All Soma juices are his own for ever, most gladdening draughts are ever his, the Mighty,
Thou ever wast the Treasure-Lord of treasures:- Indra, thou lettest all folk share thy bounty.

Sloka : 4.17.7

त्वमध॑ प्रथ॒मं जाय॑मा॒नोऽमे॒ विश्वा॑ अधिथा इन्द्र कृ॒ष्टीः ।

त्वं प्रति॑ प्र॒वत॑ आ॒शया॑न॒महिं॒ वज्रे॑ण मघव॒न्वि वृ॑श्चः ॥ ४.०१७.०७

tvamadha̍ pratha̱maṃ jāya̍mā̱no'me̱ viśvā̍ adhithā indra kṛ̱ṣṭīḥ .

tvaṃ prati̍ pra̱vata̍ ā̱śayā̍na̱mahi̱ṃ vajre̍ṇa maghava̱nvi vṛ̍ścaḥ .. 4.017.07

7 Moreover, when thou first wast born, O Indra, thou struckest terror into all the people.
Thou, Maghavan, rentest with thy bolt the Dragon who lay against the waterfloods of heaven.

Sloka : 4.17.8

स॒त्रा॒हणं॒ दाधृ॑षिं॒ तुम्र॒मिन्द्रं॑ म॒हाम॑पा॒रं वृ॑ष॒भं सु॒वज्र॑म् ।

हन्ता॒ यो वृ॒त्रं सनि॑तो॒त वाजं॒ दाता॑ म॒घानि॑ म॒घवा॑ सु॒राधाः॑ ॥ ४.०१७.०८

sa̱trā̱haṇa̱ṃ dādhṛ̍ṣi̱ṃ tumra̱mindra̍ṃ ma̱hāma̍pā̱raṃ vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaṃ su̱vajra̍m .

hantā̱ yo vṛ̱traṃ sani̍to̱ta vāja̱ṃ dātā̍ ma̱ghāni̍ ma̱ghavā̍ su̱rādhā̍ḥ .. 4.017.08

8 The ever-slaying, bold and furious Indra, the bright bolt's Lord, infinite, strong and mighty,
Who slayeth Vṛtra and acquireth booty, giver of blessings, Maghavan the bounteous:-

Sloka : 4.17.9

अ॒यं वृत॑श्चातयते समी॒चीर्य आ॒जिषु॑ म॒घवा॑ श‍ृ॒ण्व एकः॑ ।

अ॒यं वाजं॑ भरति॒ यं स॒नोत्य॒स्य प्रि॒यासः॑ स॒ख्ये स्या॑म ॥ ४.०१७.०९

a̱yaṃ vṛta̍ścātayate samī̱cīrya ā̱jiṣu̍ ma̱ghavā̍ śṛ̱ṇva eka̍ḥ .

a̱yaṃ vāja̍ṃ bharati̱ yaṃ sa̱notya̱sya pri̱yāsa̍ḥ sa̱khye syā̍ma .. 4.017.09

9 Alone renowned as Maghavan in battles, he frighteneth away assembled armies.
He bringeth us the booty that he winneth may we, well-loved, continue in his friendship.

Sloka : 4.17.10

अ॒यं श‍ृ॑ण्वे॒ अध॒ जय॑न्नु॒त घ्नन्न॒यमु॒त प्र कृ॑णुते यु॒धा गाः ।

य॒दा स॒त्यं कृ॑णु॒ते म॒न्युमिन्द्रो॒ विश्वं॑ दृ॒ळ्हं भ॑यत॒ एज॑दस्मात् ॥ ४.०१७.१०

a̱yaṃ śṛ̍ṇve̱ adha̱ jaya̍nnu̱ta ghnanna̱yamu̱ta pra kṛ̍ṇute yu̱dhā gāḥ .

ya̱dā sa̱tyaṃ kṛ̍ṇu̱te ma̱nyumindro̱ viśva̍ṃ dṛ̱l̤haṃ bha̍yata̱ eja̍dasmāt .. 4.017.10

10 Renowned is he when conquering and when slaying:- 'fis he who winneth cattle in the combat.
When Indra hardeneth his indignation all that is fixed and all that moveth fear him.

Sloka : 4.17.11

समिन्द्रो॒ गा अ॑जय॒त्सं हिर॑ण्या॒ सम॑श्वि॒या म॒घवा॒ यो ह॑ पू॒र्वीः ।

ए॒भिर्नृभि॒र्नृत॑मो अस्य शा॒कै रा॒यो वि॑भ॒क्ता स॑म्भ॒रश्च॒ वस्वः॑ ॥ ४.०१७.११

samindro̱ gā a̍jaya̱tsaṃ hira̍ṇyā̱ sama̍śvi̱yā ma̱ghavā̱ yo ha̍ pū̱rvīḥ .

e̱bhirnṛbhi̱rnṛta̍mo asya śā̱kai rā̱yo vi̍bha̱ktā sa̍mbha̱raśca̱ vasva̍ḥ .. 4.017.11

11 Indra hath won all kine, all gold, all horses,—Maghavan, he who breaketh forts in pieces;
Most manly with these men of his who help him, dealing out wealth and gathering the treasure.

Sloka : 4.17.12

किय॑त्स्वि॒दिन्द्रो॒ अध्ये॑ति मा॒तुः किय॑त्पि॒तुर्ज॑नि॒तुर्यो ज॒जान॑ ।

यो अ॑स्य॒ शुष्मं॑ मुहु॒कैरिय॑र्ति॒ वातो॒ न जू॒तः स्त॒नय॑द्भिर॒भ्रैः ॥ ४.०१७.१२

kiya̍tsvi̱dindro̱ adhye̍ti mā̱tuḥ kiya̍tpi̱turja̍ni̱turyo ja̱jāna̍ .

yo a̍sya̱ śuṣma̍ṃ muhu̱kairiya̍rti̱ vāto̱ na jū̱taḥ sta̱naya̍dbhira̱bhraiḥ .. 4.017.12

12 What is the care of Indra for his Mother, what cares he for the Father who begat him?
His care is that which speeds his might in conflicts, like wind borne onward by the clouds that thunder.

Sloka : 4.17.13

क्षि॒यन्तं॑ त्व॒मक्षि॑यन्तं कृणो॒तीय॑र्ति रे॒णुं म॒घवा॑ स॒मोह॑म् ।

वि॒भ॒ञ्ज॒नुर॒शनि॑माँ इव॒ द्यौरु॒त स्तो॒तारं॑ म॒घवा॒ वसौ॑ धात् ॥ ४.०१७.१३

kṣi̱yanta̍ṃ tva̱makṣi̍yantaṃ kṛṇo̱tīya̍rti re̱ṇuṃ ma̱ghavā̍ sa̱moha̍m .

vi̱bha̱ñja̱nura̱śani̍mām̐ iva̱ dyauru̱ta sto̱tāra̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̱ vasau̍ dhāt .. 4.017.13

13 Maghavan makes the settled man unsettled:- he scatters dust that he hath swept together,
Breaking in pieces like Heaven armed with lightning:- Maghavan shall enrich the man who lauds h;m.

Sloka : 4.17.14

अ॒यं च॒क्रमि॑षण॒त्सूर्य॑स्य॒ न्येत॑शं रीरमत्ससृमा॒णम् ।

आ कृ॒ष्ण ईं॑ जुहुरा॒णो जि॑घर्ति त्व॒चो बु॒ध्ने रज॑सो अ॒स्य योनौ॑ ॥ ४.०१७.१४

a̱yaṃ ca̱krami̍ṣaṇa̱tsūrya̍sya̱ nyeta̍śaṃ rīramatsasṛmā̱ṇam .

ā kṛ̱ṣṇa ī̍ṃ juhurā̱ṇo ji̍gharti tva̱co bu̱dhne raja̍so a̱sya yonau̍ .. 4.017.14

14 He urged the chariot-wheel of Sūrya forward:- Etaśa, speeding on his way, he rested.
Him the black undulating cloud bedeweth, in this mid-air's depth, at the base of darkness,

Sloka : 4.17.15

असि॑क्न्यां॒ यज॑मानो॒ न होता॑ ॥ ४.०१७.१५

asi̍knyā̱ṃ yaja̍māno̱ na hotā̍ .. 4.017.15

15 As in the night the sacrificing priest.

Sloka : 4.17.16

ग॒व्यन्त॒ इन्द्रं॑ स॒ख्याय॒ विप्रा॑ अश्वा॒यन्तो॒ वृष॑णं वा॒जय॑न्तः ।

ज॒नी॒यन्तो॑ जनि॒दामक्षि॑तोति॒मा च्या॑वयामोऽव॒ते न कोश॑म् ॥ ४.०१७.१६

ga̱vyanta̱ indra̍ṃ sa̱khyāya̱ viprā̍ aśvā̱yanto̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ vā̱jaya̍ntaḥ .

ja̱nī̱yanto̍ jani̱dāmakṣi̍toti̱mā cyā̍vayāmo'va̱te na kośa̍m .. 4.017.16

16 Eager for booty, craving strength and horses, we-singers stir Indra, the strong, for friendship,
Who gives the wives we seek, whose succour fails not, to hasten, like a pitcher to the fountain.

Sloka : 4.17.17

त्रा॒ता नो॑ बोधि॒ ददृ॑शान आ॒पिर॑भिख्या॒ता म॑र्डि॒ता सो॒म्याना॑म् ।

सखा॑ पि॒ता पि॒तृत॑मः पितॄ॒णां कर्ते॑मु लो॒कमु॑श॒ते व॑यो॒धाः ॥ ४.०१७.१७

trā̱tā no̍ bodhi̱ dadṛ̍śāna ā̱pira̍bhikhyā̱tā ma̍rḍi̱tā so̱myānā̍m .

sakhā̍ pi̱tā pi̱tṛta̍maḥ pitṝ̱ṇāṃ karte̍mu lo̱kamu̍śa̱te va̍yo̱dhāḥ .. 4.017.17

17 Be thou our guardian, show thyself our kinsman, watching and blessing those who pour the Soma;
As Friend, as Sire, most fatherly of fathers giving the suppliant vital strength and freedom.

Sloka : 4.17.18

स॒खी॒य॒ताम॑वि॒ता बो॑धि॒ सखा॑ गृणा॒न इ॑न्द्र स्तुव॒ते वयो॑ धाः ।

व॒यं ह्या ते॑ चकृ॒मा स॒बाध॑ आ॒भिः शमी॑भिर्म॒हय॑न्त इन्द्र ॥ ४.०१७.१८

sa̱khī̱ya̱tāma̍vi̱tā bo̍dhi̱ sakhā̍ gṛṇā̱na i̍ndra stuva̱te vayo̍ dhāḥ .

va̱yaṃ hyā te̍ cakṛ̱mā sa̱bādha̍ ā̱bhiḥ śamī̍bhirma̱haya̍nta indra .. 4.017.18

18 Be helping Friend of those who seek thy friendship . give life, when lauded, Indra, to the singer.
For, Indra, we the priests have paid thee worship, exalting thee with these our sacrifices.

Sloka : 4.17.19

स्तु॒त इन्द्रो॑ म॒घवा॒ यद्ध॑ वृ॒त्रा भूरी॒ण्येको॑ अप्र॒तीनि॑ हन्ति ।

अ॒स्य प्रि॒यो ज॑रि॒ता यस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नकि॑र्दे॒वा वा॒रय॑न्ते॒ न मर्ताः॑ ॥ ४.०१७.१९

stu̱ta indro̍ ma̱ghavā̱ yaddha̍ vṛ̱trā bhūrī̱ṇyeko̍ apra̱tīni̍ hanti .

a̱sya pri̱yo ja̍ri̱tā yasya̱ śarma̱nnaki̍rde̱vā vā̱raya̍nte̱ na martā̍ḥ .. 4.017.19

19 Alone, when Indra Maghavan is lauded, he slayeth many ne’er-resisted Vṛtras.
Him in whose keeping is the well-loved singer never do Gods or mortals stay or hinder.

Sloka : 4.17.20

ए॒वा न॒ इन्द्रो॑ म॒घवा॑ विर॒प्शी कर॑त्स॒त्या च॑र्षणी॒धृद॑न॒र्वा ।

त्वं राजा॑ ज॒नुषां॑ धेह्य॒स्मे अधि॒ श्रवो॒ माहि॑नं॒ यज्ज॑रि॒त्रे ॥ ४.०१७.२०

e̱vā na̱ indro̍ ma̱ghavā̍ vira̱pśī kara̍tsa̱tyā ca̍rṣaṇī̱dhṛda̍na̱rvā .

tvaṃ rājā̍ ja̱nuṣā̍ṃ dhehya̱sme adhi̱ śravo̱ māhi̍na̱ṃ yajja̍ri̱tre .. 4.017.20

20 E’en so let Maghavan, the loud-voiced Indra, give us true blessings, foeless, men's upholder.
King of all creatures, give us glory amply, exalted glory due to him who lauds thee.

Sloka : 4.17.21

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०१७.२१

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.017.21

21 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let power swell high like rivers for the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays! is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.18.1

अ॒यं पन्था॒ अनु॑वित्तः पुरा॒णो यतो॑ दे॒वा उ॒दजा॑यन्त॒ विश्वे॑ ।

अत॑श्चि॒दा ज॑निषीष्ट॒ प्रवृ॑द्धो॒ मा मा॒तर॑ममु॒या पत्त॑वे कः ॥ ४.०१८.०१

a̱yaṃ panthā̱ anu̍vittaḥ purā̱ṇo yato̍ de̱vā u̱dajā̍yanta̱ viśve̍ .

ata̍ści̱dā ja̍niṣīṣṭa̱ pravṛ̍ddho̱ mā mā̱tara̍mamu̱yā patta̍ve kaḥ .. 4.018.01

1. THIS is the ancient and accepted pathway by which all Gods have come into existence.
Hereby could one be born though waxen mighty. Let him not, otherwise, destroy his Mother.

Sloka : 4.18.2

नाहमतो॒ निर॑या दु॒र्गहै॒तत्ति॑र॒श्चता॑ पा॒र्श्वान्निर्ग॑माणि ।

ब॒हूनि॑ मे॒ अकृ॑ता॒ कर्त्वा॑नि॒ युध्यै॑ त्वेन॒ सं त्वे॑न पृच्छै ॥ ४.०१८.०२

nāhamato̱ nira̍yā du̱rgahai̱tatti̍ra̱ścatā̍ pā̱rśvānnirga̍māṇi .

ba̱hūni̍ me̱ akṛ̍tā̱ kartvā̍ni̱ yudhyai̍ tvena̱ saṃ tve̍na pṛcchai .. 4.018.02

2 Not this way go I forth:- hard is the passage. Forth from the side obliquely will I issue.
Much that is yet undone must I accomplish; one must I combat and the other question.

Sloka : 4.18.3

प॒रा॒य॒तीं मा॒तर॒मन्व॑चष्ट॒ न नानु॑ गा॒न्यनु॒ नू ग॑मानि ।

त्वष्टु॑र्गृ॒हे अ॑पिब॒त्सोम॒मिन्द्रः॑ शतध॒न्यं॑ च॒म्वोः॑ सु॒तस्य॑ ॥ ४.०१८.०३

pa̱rā̱ya̱tīṃ mā̱tara̱manva̍caṣṭa̱ na nānu̍ gā̱nyanu̱ nū ga̍māni .

tvaṣṭu̍rgṛ̱he a̍piba̱tsoma̱mindra̍ḥ śatadha̱nya̍ṃ ca̱mvo̍ḥ su̱tasya̍ .. 4.018.03

3 He bent his eye upon the dying Mother:- My word I now withdraw. That way I follow.
In Tvaṣṭar's dwelling India drank the Soma, a hundredworth of juice pressed from the mortar.

Sloka : 4.18.4

किं स ऋध॑क्कृणव॒द्यं स॒हस्रं॑ मा॒सो ज॒भार॑ श॒रद॑श्च पू॒र्वीः ।

न॒ही न्व॑स्य प्रति॒मान॒मस्त्य॒न्तर्जा॒तेषू॒त ये जनि॑त्वाः ॥ ४.०१८.०४

kiṃ sa ṛdha̍kkṛṇava̱dyaṃ sa̱hasra̍ṃ mā̱so ja̱bhāra̍ śa̱rada̍śca pū̱rvīḥ .

na̱hī nva̍sya prati̱māna̱mastya̱ntarjā̱teṣū̱ta ye jani̍tvāḥ .. 4.018.04

4 What strange act shall he do, he whom his Mother bore for a thousand months and many autumns?
No peer hath he among those born already, nor among those who shall be born hereafter.

Sloka : 4.18.5

अ॒व॒द्यमि॑व॒ मन्य॑माना॒ गुहा॑क॒रिन्द्रं॑ मा॒ता वी॒र्ये॑णा॒ न्यृ॑ष्टम् ।

अथोद॑स्थात्स्व॒यमत्कं॒ वसा॑न॒ आ रोद॑सी अपृणा॒ज्जाय॑मानः ॥ ४.०१८.०५

a̱va̱dyami̍va̱ manya̍mānā̱ guhā̍ka̱rindra̍ṃ mā̱tā vī̱rye̍ṇā̱ nyṛ̍ṣṭam .

athoda̍sthātsva̱yamatka̱ṃ vasā̍na̱ ā roda̍sī apṛṇā̱jjāya̍mānaḥ .. 4.018.05

5 Deeming him a reproach, his mother hid him, Indra, endowed with all heroic valour.
Then up he sprang himself, assumed his vesture, and filled, as soon as born, the earth and heaven.

Sloka : 4.18.6

ए॒ता अ॑र्षन्त्यलला॒भव॑न्तीरृ॒ताव॑रीरिव सं॒क्रोश॑मानाः ।

ए॒ता वि पृ॑च्छ॒ किमि॒दं भ॑नन्ति॒ कमापो॒ अद्रिं॑ परि॒धिं रु॑जन्ति ॥ ४.०१८.०६

e̱tā a̍rṣantyalalā̱bhava̍ntīrṛ̱tāva̍rīriva sa̱ṃkrośa̍mānāḥ .

e̱tā vi pṛ̍ccha̱ kimi̱daṃ bha̍nanti̱ kamāpo̱ adri̍ṃ pari̱dhiṃ ru̍janti .. 4.018.06

6 With lively motion onward flow these waters, the Holy Ones, shouting, as ’twere, together.
Ask them to. tell thee what the floods are saying, what girdling rock the waters burst asunder.

Sloka : 4.18.7

किमु॑ ष्विदस्मै नि॒विदो॑ भन॒न्तेन्द्र॑स्याव॒द्यं दि॑धिषन्त॒ आपः॑ ।

ममै॒तान्पु॒त्रो म॑ह॒ता व॒धेन॑ वृ॒त्रं ज॑घ॒न्वाँ अ॑सृज॒द्वि सिन्धू॑न् ॥ ४.०१८.०७

kimu̍ ṣvidasmai ni̱vido̍ bhana̱ntendra̍syāva̱dyaṃ di̍dhiṣanta̱ āpa̍ḥ .

mamai̱tānpu̱tro ma̍ha̱tā va̱dhena̍ vṛ̱traṃ ja̍gha̱nvām̐ a̍sṛja̱dvi sindhū̍n .. 4.018.07

7 Are they addressing him with words of welcome? Will the floods take on them the shame of Indra?
With his great thunderbolt my Son hath slaughtered Vṛtra, and set these rivers free to wander.

Sloka : 4.18.8

मम॑च्च॒न त्वा॑ युव॒तिः प॒रास॒ मम॑च्च॒न त्वा॑ कु॒षवा॑ ज॒गार॑ ।

मम॑च्चि॒दापः॒ शिश॑वे ममृड्यु॒र्मम॑च्चि॒दिन्द्रः॒ सह॒सोद॑तिष्ठत् ॥ ४.०१८.०८

mama̍cca̱na tvā̍ yuva̱tiḥ pa̱rāsa̱ mama̍cca̱na tvā̍ ku̱ṣavā̍ ja̱gāra̍ .

mama̍cci̱dāpa̱ḥ śiśa̍ve mamṛḍyu̱rmama̍cci̱dindra̱ḥ saha̱soda̍tiṣṭhat .. 4.018.08

8 I cast thee from me, mine,—thy youthful mother:- thee, mine own offspring, Kusava hath swallowed.
To him, mine infant, were the waters gracious. Indra, my Son, rose up in conquering vigour.

Sloka : 4.18.9

मम॑च्च॒न ते॑ मघव॒न्व्यं॑सो निविवि॒ध्वाँ अप॒ हनू॑ ज॒घान॑ ।

अधा॒ निवि॑द्ध॒ उत्त॑रो बभू॒वाञ्छिरो॑ दा॒सस्य॒ सं पि॑णग्व॒धेन॑ ॥ ४.०१८.०९

mama̍cca̱na te̍ maghava̱nvya̍ṃso nivivi̱dhvām̐ apa̱ hanū̍ ja̱ghāna̍ .

adhā̱ nivi̍ddha̱ utta̍ro babhū̱vāñchiro̍ dā̱sasya̱ saṃ pi̍ṇagva̱dhena̍ .. 4.018.09

9 Thou art mine own, O Maghavan, whom Vyaṁsa struck to the ground and smote thy jaws in pieces.
But, smitten through, the mastery thou wonnest, and with thy bolt the Dāsa's head thou crushedst.

Sloka : 4.18.10

गृ॒ष्टिः स॑सूव॒ स्थवि॑रं तवा॒गाम॑नाधृ॒ष्यं वृ॑ष॒भं तुम्र॒मिन्द्र॑म् ।

अरी॑ळ्हं व॒त्सं च॒रथा॑य मा॒ता स्व॒यं गा॒तुं त॒न्व॑ इ॒च्छमा॑नम् ॥ ४.०१८.१०

gṛ̱ṣṭiḥ sa̍sūva̱ sthavi̍raṃ tavā̱gāma̍nādhṛ̱ṣyaṃ vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaṃ tumra̱mindra̍m .

arī̍l̤haṃ va̱tsaṃ ca̱rathā̍ya mā̱tā sva̱yaṃ gā̱tuṃ ta̱nva̍ i̱cchamā̍nam .. 4.018.10

10 The Heifer hath brought forth the Strong, the Mighty, the unconquerable Bull, the furious Indra.
The Mother left her unlicked Calf to wander, seeking himself, the path that he would follow.

Sloka : 4.18.11

उ॒त मा॒ता म॑हि॒षमन्व॑वेनद॒मी त्वा॑ जहति पुत्र दे॒वाः ।

अथा॑ब्रवीद्वृ॒त्रमिन्द्रो॑ हनि॒ष्यन्सखे॑ विष्णो वित॒रं वि क्र॑मस्व ॥ ४.०१८.११

u̱ta mā̱tā ma̍hi̱ṣamanva̍venada̱mī tvā̍ jahati putra de̱vāḥ .

athā̍bravīdvṛ̱tramindro̍ hani̱ṣyansakhe̍ viṣṇo vita̱raṃ vi kra̍masva .. 4.018.11

11 Then to her mighty Child the Mother turned her, saying, My son, these Deities forsake thee.
Then Indra said, about to slaughter Vṛtra, O my friend Vṛtra, stride full boldly forward.

Sloka : 4.18.12

कस्ते॑ मा॒तरं॑ वि॒धवा॑मचक्रच्छ॒युं कस्त्वाम॑जिघांस॒च्चर॑न्तम् ।

कस्ते॑ दे॒वो अधि॑ मार्डी॒क आ॑सी॒द्यत्प्राक्षि॑णाः पि॒तरं॑ पाद॒गृह्य॑ ॥ ४.०१८.१२

kaste̍ mā̱tara̍ṃ vi̱dhavā̍macakraccha̱yuṃ kastvāma̍jighāṃsa̱ccara̍ntam .

kaste̍ de̱vo adhi̍ mārḍī̱ka ā̍sī̱dyatprākṣi̍ṇāḥ pi̱tara̍ṃ pāda̱gṛhya̍ .. 4.018.12

12 Who was he then who made thy Mother widow? Who sought to stay thee lying still or moving?
What God, when by the foot thy Sire thou tookest and slewest, was at hand to give thee comfort?

Sloka : 4.18.13

अव॑र्त्या॒ शुन॑ आ॒न्त्राणि॑ पेचे॒ न दे॒वेषु॑ विविदे मर्डि॒तार॑म् ।

अप॑श्यं जा॒यामम॑हीयमाना॒मधा॑ मे श्ये॒नो मध्वा ज॑भार ॥ ४.०१८.१३

ava̍rtyā̱ śuna̍ ā̱ntrāṇi̍ pece̱ na de̱veṣu̍ vivide marḍi̱tāra̍m .

apa̍śyaṃ jā̱yāmama̍hīyamānā̱madhā̍ me śye̱no madhvā ja̍bhāra .. 4.018.13

13 In deep distress I cooked a dog's intestines. Among the Gods I found not one to comfort.
My consort I beheld in degradation. The Falcon then brought me the pleasant Soma.

Sloka : 4.19.1

ए॒वा त्वामि॑न्द्र वज्रि॒न्नत्र॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वासः॑ सु॒हवा॑स॒ ऊमाः॑ ।

म॒हामु॒भे रोद॑सी वृ॒द्धमृ॒ष्वं निरेक॒मिद्वृ॑णते वृत्र॒हत्ये॑ ॥ ४.०१९.०१

e̱vā tvāmi̍ndra vajri̱nnatra̱ viśve̍ de̱vāsa̍ḥ su̱havā̍sa̱ ūmā̍ḥ .

ma̱hāmu̱bhe roda̍sī vṛ̱ddhamṛ̱ṣvaṃ nireka̱midvṛ̍ṇate vṛtra̱hatye̍ .. 4.019.01

1. THEE, verily, O Thunder-wielding Indra, all the Gods here, the Helpers swift to listen,
And both the worlds elected, thee the Mighty, High, waxen strong, alone to slaughter Vṛtra.

Sloka : 4.19.2

अवा॑सृजन्त॒ जिव्र॑यो॒ न दे॒वा भुवः॑ स॒म्राळि॑न्द्र स॒त्ययो॑निः ।

अह॒न्नहिं॑ परि॒शया॑न॒मर्णः॒ प्र व॑र्त॒नीर॑रदो वि॒श्वधे॑नाः ॥ ४.०१९.०२

avā̍sṛjanta̱ jivra̍yo̱ na de̱vā bhuva̍ḥ sa̱mrāl̤i̍ndra sa̱tyayo̍niḥ .

aha̱nnahi̍ṃ pari̱śayā̍na̱marṇa̱ḥ pra va̍rta̱nīra̍rado vi̱śvadhe̍nāḥ .. 4.019.02

2 The Gods, as worn witheld, relaxed their efforts:- thou, Indra, born of truth, wast Sovran Ruler.
Thou slewest Ahi who besieged the waters, and duggest out their all-supporting channels.

Sloka : 4.19.3

अतृ॑प्णुवन्तं॒ विय॑तमबु॒ध्यमबु॑ध्यमानं सुषुपा॒णमि॑न्द्र ।

स॒प्त प्रति॑ प्र॒वत॑ आ॒शया॑न॒महिं॒ वज्रे॑ण॒ वि रि॑णा अप॒र्वन् ॥ ४.०१९.०३

atṛ̍pṇuvanta̱ṃ viya̍tamabu̱dhyamabu̍dhyamānaṃ suṣupā̱ṇami̍ndra .

sa̱pta prati̍ pra̱vata̍ ā̱śayā̍na̱mahi̱ṃ vajre̍ṇa̱ vi ri̍ṇā apa̱rvan .. 4.019.03

3 The insatiate one, extended, hard to waken, who slumbered in perpetual sleep, O Indra,—
The Dragon stretched against the seven prone rivers, where no joint was, thou rentest with thy thunder.

Sloka : 4.19.4

अक्षो॑दय॒च्छव॑सा॒ क्षाम॑ बु॒ध्नं वार्ण वात॒स्तवि॑षीभि॒रिन्द्रः॑ ।

दृ॒ळ्हान्यौ॑भ्नादु॒शमा॑न॒ ओजोऽवा॑भिनत्क॒कुभः॒ पर्व॑तानाम् ॥ ४.०१९.०४

akṣo̍daya̱cchava̍sā̱ kṣāma̍ bu̱dhnaṃ vārṇa vāta̱stavi̍ṣībhi̱rindra̍ḥ .

dṛ̱l̤hānyau̍bhnādu̱śamā̍na̱ ojo'vā̍bhinatka̱kubha̱ḥ parva̍tānām .. 4.019.04

4 Indra with might shook earth and her foundation as the wind stirs the water with its fury.
Striving, with strength he burst the firm asunder, and tore away the summits of the mountains.

Sloka : 4.19.5

अ॒भि प्र द॑द्रु॒र्जन॑यो॒ न गर्भं॒ रथा॑ इव॒ प्र य॑युः सा॒कमद्र॑यः ।

अत॑र्पयो वि॒सृत॑ उ॒ब्ज ऊ॒र्मीन्त्वं वृ॒ताँ अ॑रिणा इन्द्र॒ सिन्धू॑न् ॥ ४.०१९.०५

a̱bhi pra da̍dru̱rjana̍yo̱ na garbha̱ṃ rathā̍ iva̱ pra ya̍yuḥ sā̱kamadra̍yaḥ .

ata̍rpayo vi̱sṛta̍ u̱bja ū̱rmīntvaṃ vṛ̱tām̐ a̍riṇā indra̱ sindhū̍n .. 4.019.05

5 They ran to thee as mothers to their offspring:- the clouds, like chariots, hastened forth together.
Thou didst refresh the streams and force the billows:- thou, Indra, settest free obstructed rivers.

Sloka : 4.19.6

त्वं म॒हीम॒वनिं॑ वि॒श्वधे॑नां तु॒र्वीत॑ये व॒य्या॑य॒ क्षर॑न्तीम् ।

अर॑मयो॒ नम॒सैज॒दर्णः॑ सुतर॒णाँ अ॑कृणोरिन्द्र॒ सिन्धू॑न् ॥ ४.०१९.०६

tvaṃ ma̱hīma̱vani̍ṃ vi̱śvadhe̍nāṃ tu̱rvīta̍ye va̱yyā̍ya̱ kṣara̍ntīm .

ara̍mayo̱ nama̱saija̱darṇa̍ḥ sutara̱ṇām̐ a̍kṛṇorindra̱ sindhū̍n .. 4.019.06

6 Thou for the sake of Vayya and Turvīti didst stay the great stream, flowing, all-sustaining:-
Yea, at their prayer didst check the rushing river and make the floods easy to cross, O Indra.

Sloka : 4.19.7

प्राग्रुवो॑ नभ॒न्वो॒३॒॑ न वक्वा॑ ध्व॒स्रा अ॑पिन्वद्युव॒तीरृ॑त॒ज्ञाः ।

धन्वा॒न्यज्रा॑ँ अपृणक्तृषा॒णाँ अधो॒गिन्द्रः॑ स्त॒र्यो॒३॒॑ दंसु॑पत्नीः ॥ ४.०१९.०७

prāgruvo̍ nabha̱nvo̱3̱̍ na vakvā̍ dhva̱srā a̍pinvadyuva̱tīrṛ̍ta̱jñāḥ .

dhanvā̱nyajrā̍m̐ apṛṇaktṛṣā̱ṇām̐ adho̱gindra̍ḥ sta̱ryo̱3̱̍ daṃsu̍patnīḥ .. 4.019.07

7 He let the young Maids skilled in Law, unwedded, like fountains, bubbling, flow forth streaming onward.
He inundated thirsty plains and deserts, and milked the dry Cows of the mighty master.

Sloka : 4.19.8

पू॒र्वीरु॒षसः॑ श॒रद॑श्च गू॒र्ता वृ॒त्रं ज॑घ॒न्वाँ अ॑सृज॒द्वि सिन्धू॑न् ।

परि॑ष्ठिता अतृणद्बद्बधा॒नाः सी॒रा इन्द्रः॒ स्रवि॑तवे पृथि॒व्या ॥ ४.०१९.०८

pū̱rvīru̱ṣasa̍ḥ śa̱rada̍śca gū̱rtā vṛ̱traṃ ja̍gha̱nvām̐ a̍sṛja̱dvi sindhū̍n .

pari̍ṣṭhitā atṛṇadbadbadhā̱nāḥ sī̱rā indra̱ḥ sravi̍tave pṛthi̱vyā .. 4.019.08

8 Through many a morn and many a lovely autumn, having slain Vṛtra, he set free the rivers.
Indra hath set at liberty to wander on earth the streams encompassed pressed together.

Sloka : 4.19.9

व॒म्रीभिः॑ पु॒त्रम॒ग्रुवो॑ अदा॒नं नि॒वेश॑नाद्धरिव॒ आ ज॑भर्थ ।

व्य१॒॑न्धो अ॑ख्य॒दहि॑माददा॒नो निर्भू॑दुख॒च्छित्सम॑रन्त॒ पर्व॑ ॥ ४.०१९.०९

va̱mrībhi̍ḥ pu̱trama̱gruvo̍ adā̱naṃ ni̱veśa̍nāddhariva̱ ā ja̍bhartha .

vya1̱̍ndho a̍khya̱dahi̍mādadā̱no nirbhū̍dukha̱cchitsama̍ranta̱ parva̍ .. 4.019.09

9 Lord of Bay Steeds, thou broughtest from the ant-hill the unwedded damsel's son whom ants were eating.
The blind saw clearly, as he grasped the serpent, rose, brake the jar:- his joints again united.

Sloka : 4.19.10

प्र ते॒ पूर्वा॑णि॒ कर॑णानि विप्रावि॒द्वाँ आ॑ह वि॒दुषे॒ करां॑सि ।

यथा॑यथा॒ वृष्ण्या॑नि॒ स्वगू॒र्तापां॑सि राज॒न्नर्यावि॑वेषीः ॥ ४.०१९.१०

pra te̱ pūrvā̍ṇi̱ kara̍ṇāni viprāvi̱dvām̐ ā̍ha vi̱duṣe̱ karā̍ṃsi .

yathā̍yathā̱ vṛṣṇyā̍ni̱ svagū̱rtāpā̍ṃsi rāja̱nnaryāvi̍veṣīḥ .. 4.019.10

10 To the wise man, O Sage and Sovran Ruler, the man who knoweth all thine ancient exploits.
Hath told these deeds of might as thou hast wrought them, great acts, spontaneous, and to man's advantage.

Sloka : 4.19.11

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०१९.११

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.019.11

11 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let powers swell high, like rivers, for the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays! is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.20.1

आ न॒ इन्द्रो॑ दू॒रादा न॑ आ॒साद॑भिष्टि॒कृदव॑से यासदु॒ग्रः ।

ओजि॑ष्ठेभिर्नृ॒पति॒र्वज्र॑बाहुः सं॒गे स॒मत्सु॑ तु॒र्वणिः॑ पृत॒न्यून् ॥ ४.०२०.०१

ā na̱ indro̍ dū̱rādā na̍ ā̱sāda̍bhiṣṭi̱kṛdava̍se yāsadu̱graḥ .

oji̍ṣṭhebhirnṛ̱pati̱rvajra̍bāhuḥ sa̱ṃge sa̱matsu̍ tu̱rvaṇi̍ḥ pṛta̱nyūn .. 4.020.01

1. FROM near or far away may mighty Indra giver of succour, come for our protection
Lord of men, armed with thunder, with the Strongest, slaying his foes in conflict, in the battles.

Sloka : 4.20.2

आ न॒ इन्द्रो॒ हरि॑भिर्या॒त्वच्छा॑र्वाची॒नोऽव॑से॒ राध॑से च ।

तिष्ठा॑ति व॒ज्री म॒घवा॑ विर॒प्शीमं य॒ज्ञमनु॑ नो॒ वाज॑सातौ ॥ ४.०२०.०२

ā na̱ indro̱ hari̍bhiryā̱tvacchā̍rvācī̱no'va̍se̱ rādha̍se ca .

tiṣṭhā̍ti va̱jrī ma̱ghavā̍ vira̱pśīmaṃ ya̱jñamanu̍ no̱ vāja̍sātau .. 4.020.02

2 May Indra come to us with Tawny Coursers, inclined to us, to favour and enrich us.
May Maghavan, loud-voiced and wielding thunder, stand by us at this sacrifice, in combat.

Sloka : 4.20.3

इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं त्वम॒स्माक॑मिन्द्र पु॒रो दध॑त्सनिष्यसि॒ क्रतुं॑ नः ।

श्व॒घ्नीव॑ वज्रिन्स॒नये॒ धना॑नां॒ त्वया॑ व॒यम॒र्य आ॒जिं ज॑येम ॥ ४.०२०.०३

i̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ tvama̱smāka̍mindra pu̱ro dadha̍tsaniṣyasi̱ kratu̍ṃ naḥ .

śva̱ghnīva̍ vajrinsa̱naye̱ dhanā̍nā̱ṃ tvayā̍ va̱yama̱rya ā̱jiṃ ja̍yema .. 4.020.03

3 Thou, honouring this our sacrifice, O Indra, shalt give us strength and fill us full of courage.
To win the booty, Thunder-armed! like hunters may we with thee subdue in fight our foemen.

Sloka : 4.20.4

उ॒शन्नु॒ षु णः॑ सु॒मना॑ उपा॒के सोम॑स्य॒ नु सुषु॑तस्य स्वधावः ।

पा इ॑न्द्र॒ प्रति॑भृतस्य॒ मध्वः॒ समन्ध॑सा ममदः पृ॒ष्ठ्ये॑न ॥ ४.०२०.०४

u̱śannu̱ ṣu ṇa̍ḥ su̱manā̍ upā̱ke soma̍sya̱ nu suṣu̍tasya svadhāvaḥ .

pā i̍ndra̱ prati̍bhṛtasya̱ madhva̱ḥ samandha̍sā mamadaḥ pṛ̱ṣṭhye̍na .. 4.020.04

4 Loving us well, benevolent, close beside us, drink, Godlike Indra, of the well-pressed Soma.
Drink of the meath we offer, and delight thee with food that cometh from the mountain ridges.

Sloka : 4.20.5

वि यो र॑र॒प्श ऋषि॑भि॒र्नवे॑भिर्वृ॒क्षो न प॒क्वः सृण्यो॒ न जेता॑ ।

मर्यो॒ न योषा॑म॒भि मन्य॑मा॒नोऽच्छा॑ विवक्मि पुरुहू॒तमिन्द्र॑म् ॥ ४.०२०.०५

vi yo ra̍ra̱pśa ṛṣi̍bhi̱rnave̍bhirvṛ̱kṣo na pa̱kvaḥ sṛṇyo̱ na jetā̍ .

maryo̱ na yoṣā̍ma̱bhi manya̍mā̱no'cchā̍ vivakmi puruhū̱tamindra̍m .. 4.020.05

5 Him who is sung aloud by recent sages, like a ripe-fruited tree, a scythe-armed victor,—
I, like a bridegroom thinking of his consort, call hither Indra, him invoked of many;

Sloka : 4.20.6

गि॒रिर्न यः स्वत॑वाँ ऋ॒ष्व इन्द्रः॑ स॒नादे॒व सह॑से जा॒त उ॒ग्रः ।

आद॑र्ता॒ वज्रं॒ स्थवि॑रं॒ न भी॒म उ॒द्नेव॒ कोशं॒ वसु॑ना॒ न्यृ॑ष्टम् ॥ ४.०२०.०६

gi̱rirna yaḥ svata̍vām̐ ṛ̱ṣva indra̍ḥ sa̱nāde̱va saha̍se jā̱ta u̱graḥ .

āda̍rtā̱ vajra̱ṃ sthavi̍ra̱ṃ na bhī̱ma u̱dneva̱ kośa̱ṃ vasu̍nā̱ nyṛ̍ṣṭam .. 4.020.06

6 Him who in native strength is like a mountain, the lofty Indra born or old for conquest,
Terrific wielder of the ancient thunder. filled full with splendour as a jar with water.

Sloka : 4.20.7

न यस्य॑ व॒र्ता ज॒नुषा॒ न्वस्ति॒ न राध॑स आमरी॒ता म॒घस्य॑ ।

उ॒द्वा॒वृ॒षा॒णस्त॑विषीव उग्रा॒स्मभ्यं॑ दद्धि पुरुहूत रा॒यः ॥ ४.०२०.०७

na yasya̍ va̱rtā ja̱nuṣā̱ nvasti̱ na rādha̍sa āmarī̱tā ma̱ghasya̍ .

u̱dvā̱vṛ̱ṣā̱ṇasta̍viṣīva ugrā̱smabhya̍ṃ daddhi puruhūta rā̱yaḥ .. 4.020.07

7 Whom from of old there is not one to hinder, none to curtail the riches of his bounty.
Pouring forth freely, O thou Strong and Mighty, vouchsafe us riches, God invoked of many!

Sloka : 4.20.8

ईक्षे॑ रा॒यः क्षय॑स्य चर्षणी॒नामु॒त व्र॒जम॑पव॒र्तासि॒ गोना॑म् ।

शि॒क्षा॒न॒रः स॑मि॒थेषु॑ प्र॒हावा॒न्वस्वो॑ रा॒शिम॑भिने॒तासि॒ भूरि॑म् ॥ ४.०२०.०८

īkṣe̍ rā̱yaḥ kṣaya̍sya carṣaṇī̱nāmu̱ta vra̱jama̍pava̱rtāsi̱ gonā̍m .

śi̱kṣā̱na̱raḥ sa̍mi̱theṣu̍ pra̱hāvā̱nvasvo̍ rā̱śima̍bhine̱tāsi̱ bhūri̍m .. 4.020.08

8 Of wealth and homes of men thou art the ruler, and opener of the stable of the cattle.
Helper of men, winner of spoil in combats, thou leadest to an ample heap of riches.

Sloka : 4.20.9

कया॒ तच्छृ॑ण्वे॒ शच्या॒ शचि॑ष्ठो॒ यया॑ कृ॒णोति॒ मुहु॒ का चि॑दृ॒ष्वः ।

पु॒रु दा॒शुषे॒ विच॑यिष्ठो॒ अंहोऽथा॑ दधाति॒ द्रवि॑णं जरि॒त्रे ॥ ४.०२०.०९

kayā̱ tacchṛ̍ṇve̱ śacyā̱ śaci̍ṣṭho̱ yayā̍ kṛ̱ṇoti̱ muhu̱ kā ci̍dṛ̱ṣvaḥ .

pu̱ru dā̱śuṣe̱ vica̍yiṣṭho̱ aṃho'thā̍ dadhāti̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ jari̱tre .. 4.020.09

9 By what great might is he renowned as strongest, wherewith the Lofty One stirs up wild battles?
Best soother of the worshipper's great sorrow, he gives possessions to the man who lauds him.

Sloka : 4.20.10

मा नो॑ मर्धी॒रा भ॑रा द॒द्धि तन्नः॒ प्र दा॒शुषे॒ दात॑वे॒ भूरि॒ यत्ते॑ ।

नव्ये॑ दे॒ष्णे श॒स्ते अ॒स्मिन्त॑ उ॒क्थे प्र ब्र॑वाम व॒यमि॑न्द्र स्तु॒वन्तः॑ ॥ ४.०२०.१०

mā no̍ mardhī̱rā bha̍rā da̱ddhi tanna̱ḥ pra dā̱śuṣe̱ dāta̍ve̱ bhūri̱ yatte̍ .

navye̍ de̱ṣṇe śa̱ste a̱sminta̍ u̱kthe pra bra̍vāma va̱yami̍ndra stu̱vanta̍ḥ .. 4.020.10

10 Slay us not; bring, bestow onus the ample gift which thou hast to give to him who offers.
At this new gift, with this laud sung before thee, extolling thee, we, Indra, will declare it.

Sloka : 4.20.11

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०२०.११

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.020.11

11 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let power swell high, like rivers, for the singer.
A new hymn, Lord of Bays! for thee is fashioned. May we, car-born, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.21.1

आ या॒त्विन्द्रोऽव॑स॒ उप॑ न इ॒ह स्तु॒तः स॑ध॒माद॑स्तु॒ शूरः॑ ।

वा॒वृ॒धा॒नस्तवि॑षी॒र्यस्य॑ पू॒र्वीर्द्यौर्न क्ष॒त्रम॒भिभू॑ति॒ पुष्या॑त् ॥ ४.०२१.०१

ā yā̱tvindro'va̍sa̱ upa̍ na i̱ha stu̱taḥ sa̍dha̱māda̍stu̱ śūra̍ḥ .

vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱nastavi̍ṣī̱ryasya̍ pū̱rvīrdyaurna kṣa̱trama̱bhibhū̍ti̱ puṣyā̍t .. 4.021.01

1. MAY Indra come to us for our protection; here be the Hero, praised, our feast-companion.
May he whose powers are many, waxen mighty, cherish, like Dyaus, his own supreme dominion.

Sloka : 4.21.2

तस्येदि॒ह स्त॑वथ॒ वृष्ण्या॑नि तुविद्यु॒म्नस्य॑ तुवि॒राध॑सो॒ नॄन् ।

यस्य॒ क्रतु॑र्विद॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ न स॒म्राट् सा॒ह्वान्तरु॑त्रो अ॒भ्यस्ति॑ कृ॒ष्टीः ॥ ४.०२१.०२

tasyedi̱ha sta̍vatha̱ vṛṣṇyā̍ni tuvidyu̱mnasya̍ tuvi̱rādha̍so̱ nṝn .

yasya̱ kratu̍rvida̱thyo̱3̱̍ na sa̱mrāṭ sā̱hvāntaru̍tro a̱bhyasti̍ kṛ̱ṣṭīḥ .. 4.021.02

2 Here magnify his great heroic exploits, most glorious One, enriching men with bounties,
Whose will is like a Sovran in assembly, who rules the people, Conqueror, all-surpassing.

Sloka : 4.21.3

आ या॒त्विन्द्रो॑ दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्या म॒क्षू स॑मु॒द्रादु॒त वा॒ पुरी॑षात् ।

स्व॑र्णरा॒दव॑से नो म॒रुत्वा॑न्परा॒वतो॑ वा॒ सद॑नादृ॒तस्य॑ ॥ ४.०२१.०३

ā yā̱tvindro̍ di̱va ā pṛ̍thi̱vyā ma̱kṣū sa̍mu̱drādu̱ta vā̱ purī̍ṣāt .

sva̍rṇarā̱dava̍se no ma̱rutvā̍nparā̱vato̍ vā̱ sada̍nādṛ̱tasya̍ .. 4.021.03

3 Hither let Indra come from earth or heaven, hither with speech from firmament or ocean;
With Maruts, from the realm of light to aid us, or from a distance, from the seat of Order.

Sloka : 4.21.4

स्थू॒रस्य॑ रा॒यो बृ॑ह॒तो य ईशे॒ तमु॑ ष्टवाम वि॒दथे॒ष्विन्द्र॑म् ।

यो वा॒युना॒ जय॑ति॒ गोम॑तीषु॒ प्र धृ॑ष्णु॒या नय॑ति॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छ॑ ॥ ४.०२१.०४

sthū̱rasya̍ rā̱yo bṛ̍ha̱to ya īśe̱ tamu̍ ṣṭavāma vi̱dathe̱ṣvindra̍m .

yo vā̱yunā̱ jaya̍ti̱ goma̍tīṣu̱ pra dhṛ̍ṣṇu̱yā naya̍ti̱ vasyo̱ accha̍ .. 4.021.04

4 That Indra will we laud in our assemblies, him who is Lord of great and lasting riches,
Victor with Vāyu where the herds are gathered, who leads with boldness on to higher fortune.

Sloka : 4.21.5

उप॒ यो नमो॒ नम॑सि स्तभा॒यन्निय॑र्ति॒ वाचं॑ ज॒नय॒न्यज॑ध्यै ।

ऋ॒ञ्ज॒सा॒नः पु॑रु॒वार॑ उ॒क्थैरेन्द्रं॑ कृण्वीत॒ सद॑नेषु॒ होता॑ ॥ ४.०२१.०५

upa̱ yo namo̱ nama̍si stabhā̱yanniya̍rti̱ vāca̍ṃ ja̱naya̱nyaja̍dhyai .

ṛ̱ñja̱sā̱naḥ pu̍ru̱vāra̍ u̱kthairendra̍ṃ kṛṇvīta̱ sada̍neṣu̱ hotā̍ .. 4.021.05

5 May the Priest, Lord of many blessings, striving,—who fixing reverence on reverence, giving
Vent to his voice, inciteth men to worship—with lauds bring Indra hither to our dwellings.

Sloka : 4.21.6

धि॒षा यदि॑ धिष॒ण्यन्तः॑ सर॒ण्यान्सद॑न्तो॒ अद्रि॑मौशि॒जस्य॒ गोहे॑ ।

आ दु॒रोषाः॑ पा॒स्त्यस्य॒ होता॒ यो नो॑ म॒हान्सं॒वर॑णेषु॒ वह्निः॑ ॥ ४.०२१.०६

dhi̱ṣā yadi̍ dhiṣa̱ṇyanta̍ḥ sara̱ṇyānsada̍nto̱ adri̍mauśi̱jasya̱ gohe̍ .

ā du̱roṣā̍ḥ pā̱styasya̱ hotā̱ yo no̍ ma̱hānsa̱ṃvara̍ṇeṣu̱ vahni̍ḥ .. 4.021.06

6 When sitting pondering in deep devotion in Auśija's abode they ply the press-stone,
May he whose wrath is fierce, the mighty bearer, come as the house-lord's priest within our chambers.

Sloka : 4.21.7

स॒त्रा यदीं॑ भार्व॒रस्य॒ वृष्णः॒ सिष॑क्ति॒ शुष्मः॑ स्तुव॒ते भरा॑य ।

गुहा॒ यदी॑मौशि॒जस्य॒ गोहे॒ प्र यद्धि॒ये प्राय॑से॒ मदा॑य ॥ ४.०२१.०७

sa̱trā yadī̍ṃ bhārva̱rasya̱ vṛṣṇa̱ḥ siṣa̍kti̱ śuṣma̍ḥ stuva̱te bharā̍ya .

guhā̱ yadī̍mauśi̱jasya̱ gohe̱ pra yaddhi̱ye prāya̍se̱ madā̍ya .. 4.021.07

7 Surely the power of Bhārvara the mighty for ever helpeth to support the singer;
That which in Auśija's abode lies hidden, to come forth for delight and for devotion.

Sloka : 4.21.8

वि यद्वरां॑सि॒ पर्व॑तस्य वृ॒ण्वे पयो॑भिर्जि॒न्वे अ॒पां जवां॑सि ।

वि॒दद्गौ॒रस्य॑ गव॒यस्य॒ गोहे॒ यदी॒ वाजा॑य सु॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ वह॑न्ति ॥ ४.०२१.०८

vi yadvarā̍ṃsi̱ parva̍tasya vṛ̱ṇve payo̍bhirji̱nve a̱pāṃ javā̍ṃsi .

vi̱dadgau̱rasya̍ gava̱yasya̱ gohe̱ yadī̱ vājā̍ya su̱dhyo̱3̱̍ vaha̍nti .. 4.021.08

8 When he unbars the spaces of the mountains, and quickens with his floods the water-torrents,
He finds in lair the buffalo and wild-ox when the wise lead him on to vigorous exploit.

Sloka : 4.21.9

भ॒द्रा ते॒ हस्ता॒ सुकृ॑तो॒त पा॒णी प्र॑य॒न्तारा॑ स्तुव॒ते राध॑ इन्द्र ।

का ते॒ निष॑त्तिः॒ किमु॒ नो म॑मत्सि॒ किं नोदु॑दु हर्षसे॒ दात॒वा उ॑ ॥ ४.०२१.०९

bha̱drā te̱ hastā̱ sukṛ̍to̱ta pā̱ṇī pra̍ya̱ntārā̍ stuva̱te rādha̍ indra .

kā te̱ niṣa̍tti̱ḥ kimu̱ no ma̍matsi̱ kiṃ nodu̍du harṣase̱ dāta̱vā u̍ .. 4.021.09

9 Auspicious are thy hands, thine arms well-fashioned which proffer bounty, Indra, to thy praiser.
What sloth is this? Why dost thou not rejoice thee? Why dost thou not delight thyself with giving?

Sloka : 4.21.10

ए॒वा वस्व॒ इन्द्रः॑ स॒त्यः स॒म्राड्ढन्ता॑ वृ॒त्रं वरि॑वः पू॒रवे॑ कः ।

पुरु॑ष्टुत॒ क्रत्वा॑ नः शग्धि रा॒यो भ॑क्षी॒य तेऽव॑सो॒ दैव्य॑स्य ॥ ४.०२१.१०

e̱vā vasva̱ indra̍ḥ sa̱tyaḥ sa̱mrāḍḍhantā̍ vṛ̱traṃ vari̍vaḥ pū̱rave̍ kaḥ .

puru̍ṣṭuta̱ kratvā̍ naḥ śagdhi rā̱yo bha̍kṣī̱ya te'va̍so̱ daivya̍sya .. 4.021.10

10 So Indra is the truthful Lord of treasure. Freedom he gave to man by slaying Vṛtra.
Much-lauded! help us with thy power to riches:- may I be sharer of thy Godlike favour.

Sloka : 4.21.11

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०२१.११

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.021.11

11 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let power swell high, like rivers, for the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays! is fashioned. May we, care-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.22.1

यन्न॒ इन्द्रो॑ जुजु॒षे यच्च॒ वष्टि॒ तन्नो॑ म॒हान्क॑रति शु॒ष्म्या चि॑त् ।

ब्रह्म॒ स्तोमं॑ म॒घवा॒ सोम॑मु॒क्था यो अश्मा॑नं॒ शव॑सा॒ बिभ्र॒देति॑ ॥ ४.०२२.०१

yanna̱ indro̍ juju̱ṣe yacca̱ vaṣṭi̱ tanno̍ ma̱hānka̍rati śu̱ṣmyā ci̍t .

brahma̱ stoma̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̱ soma̍mu̱kthā yo aśmā̍na̱ṃ śava̍sā̱ bibhra̱deti̍ .. 4.022.01

1. THAT gift of ours which Indra loves and welcomes, even that he makes for us, the Great and Strong One.
He who comes wielding in his might the thunder, Maghavan, gives prayer, praise, and laud, and Soma.

Sloka : 4.22.2

वृषा॒ वृष॑न्धिं॒ चतु॑रश्रि॒मस्य॑न्नु॒ग्रो बा॒हुभ्यां॒ नृत॑मः॒ शची॑वान् ।

श्रि॒ये परु॑ष्णीमु॒षमा॑ण॒ ऊर्णां॒ यस्याः॒ पर्वा॑णि स॒ख्याय॑ वि॒व्ये ॥ ४.०२२.०२

vṛṣā̱ vṛṣa̍ndhi̱ṃ catu̍raśri̱masya̍nnu̱gro bā̱hubhyā̱ṃ nṛta̍ma̱ḥ śacī̍vān .

śri̱ye paru̍ṣṇīmu̱ṣamā̍ṇa̱ ūrṇā̱ṃ yasyā̱ḥ parvā̍ṇi sa̱khyāya̍ vi̱vye .. 4.022.02

2 Bull, hurler of the four-edged rain-producer with both his arms, strong, mighty, most heroic;
Wearing as wool Paruṣṇī for adornment, whose joints for sake of friendship he hath covered.

Sloka : 4.22.3

यो दे॒वो दे॒वत॑मो॒ जाय॑मानो म॒हो वाजे॑भिर्म॒हद्भि॑श्च॒ शुष्मैः॑ ।

दधा॑नो॒ वज्रं॑ बा॒ह्वोरु॒शन्तं॒ द्याममे॑न रेजय॒त्प्र भूम॑ ॥ ४.०२२.०३

yo de̱vo de̱vata̍mo̱ jāya̍māno ma̱ho vāje̍bhirma̱hadbhi̍śca̱ śuṣmai̍ḥ .

dadhā̍no̱ vajra̍ṃ bā̱hvoru̱śanta̱ṃ dyāmame̍na rejaya̱tpra bhūma̍ .. 4.022.03

3 God who of all the Gods was born divinest, endowed with ample strength and mighty powers,
And bearing in his arms the yearning thunder, with violent rush caused heaven and earth to tremble.

Sloka : 4.22.4

विश्वा॒ रोधां॑सि प्र॒वत॑श्च पू॒र्वीर्द्यौरृ॒ष्वाज्जनि॑मन्रेजत॒ क्षाः ।

आ मा॒तरा॒ भर॑ति शु॒ष्म्या गोर्नृ॒वत्परि॑ज्मन्नोनुवन्त॒ वाताः॑ ॥ ४.०२२.०४

viśvā̱ rodhā̍ṃsi pra̱vata̍śca pū̱rvīrdyaurṛ̱ṣvājjani̍manrejata̱ kṣāḥ .

ā mā̱tarā̱ bhara̍ti śu̱ṣmyā gornṛ̱vatpari̍jmannonuvanta̱ vātā̍ḥ .. 4.022.04

4 Before the High God, at his birth, heaven trembled, earth, many floods and all the precipices.
The Strong One bringeth nigh the Bull's two Parents:- loud sing the winds, like men, in air's mid-region.

Sloka : 4.22.5

ता तू त॑ इन्द्र मह॒तो म॒हानि॒ विश्वे॒ष्वित्सव॑नेषु प्र॒वाच्या॑ ।

यच्छू॑र धृष्णो धृष॒ता द॑धृ॒ष्वानहिं॒ वज्रे॑ण॒ शव॒सावि॑वेषीः ॥ ४.०२२.०५

tā tū ta̍ indra maha̱to ma̱hāni̱ viśve̱ṣvitsava̍neṣu pra̱vācyā̍ .

yacchū̍ra dhṛṣṇo dhṛṣa̱tā da̍dhṛ̱ṣvānahi̱ṃ vajre̍ṇa̱ śava̱sāvi̍veṣīḥ .. 4.022.05

5 These are thy great deeds, Indra, thine, the Mighty, deeds to be told aloud at all libations,
That thou, O Hero, bold and boldly daring, didst with thy bolt, by strength, destroy the Dragon.

Sloka : 4.22.6

ता तू ते॑ स॒त्या तु॑विनृम्ण॒ विश्वा॒ प्र धे॒नवः॑ सिस्रते॒ वृष्ण॒ ऊध्नः॑ ।

अधा॑ ह॒ त्वद्वृ॑षमणो भिया॒नाः प्र सिन्ध॑वो॒ जव॑सा चक्रमन्त ॥ ४.०२२.०६

tā tū te̍ sa̱tyā tu̍vinṛmṇa̱ viśvā̱ pra dhe̱nava̍ḥ sisrate̱ vṛṣṇa̱ ūdhna̍ḥ .

adhā̍ ha̱ tvadvṛ̍ṣamaṇo bhiyā̱nāḥ pra sindha̍vo̱ java̍sā cakramanta .. 4.022.06

6 True are all these thy deeds, O Most Heroic. The Milch-kine issued from the streaming udder.
In fear of thee, O thou of manly spirit, the rivers swiftly set themselves in motion.

Sloka : 4.22.7

अत्राह॑ ते हरिव॒स्ता उ॑ दे॒वीरवो॑भिरिन्द्र स्तवन्त॒ स्वसा॑रः ।

यत्सी॒मनु॒ प्र मु॒चो ब॑द्बधा॒ना दी॒र्घामनु॒ प्रसि॑तिं स्यन्द॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ४.०२२.०७

atrāha̍ te hariva̱stā u̍ de̱vīravo̍bhirindra stavanta̱ svasā̍raḥ .

yatsī̱manu̱ pra mu̱co ba̍dbadhā̱nā dī̱rghāmanu̱ prasi̍tiṃ syanda̱yadhyai̍ .. 4.022.07

7 With joy, O Indra, Lord of Tawny Coursers, the Sisters then, these Goddesses, extolled thee,
When thou didst give the prisoned ones their freedom to wander at their will in long succession.

Sloka : 4.22.8

पि॒पी॒ळे अं॒शुर्मद्यो॒ न सिन्धु॒रा त्वा॒ शमी॑ शशमा॒नस्य॑ श॒क्तिः ।

अ॒स्म॒द्र्य॑क्छुशुचा॒नस्य॑ यम्या आ॒शुर्न र॒श्मिं तु॒व्योज॑सं॒ गोः ॥ ४.०२२.०८

pi̱pī̱l̤e a̱ṃśurmadyo̱ na sindhu̱rā tvā̱ śamī̍ śaśamā̱nasya̍ śa̱ktiḥ .

a̱sma̱drya̍kchuśucā̱nasya̍ yamyā ā̱śurna ra̱śmiṃ tu̱vyoja̍sa̱ṃ goḥ .. 4.022.08

8 Pressed is the gladdening stalk as ’twere a river:- so let the rite, the toiler's power, attract thee
To us-ward, of the Bright One, as the courser strains his. exceedingly strong leather bridle.

Sloka : 4.22.9

अ॒स्मे वर्षि॑ष्ठा कृणुहि॒ ज्येष्ठा॑ नृ॒म्णानि॑ स॒त्रा स॑हुरे॒ सहां॑सि ।

अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ वृ॒त्रा सु॒हना॑नि रन्धि ज॒हि वध॑र्व॒नुषो॒ मर्त्य॑स्य ॥ ४.०२२.०९

a̱sme varṣi̍ṣṭhā kṛṇuhi̱ jyeṣṭhā̍ nṛ̱mṇāni̍ sa̱trā sa̍hure̱ sahā̍ṃsi .

a̱smabhya̍ṃ vṛ̱trā su̱hanā̍ni randhi ja̱hi vadha̍rva̱nuṣo̱ martya̍sya .. 4.022.09

9 Ever by us perform thy most heroic, thine highest, best victorious deeds, O Victor.
For us make Vṛtras easy to be conquered:- destroy the weapon of our mortal foeman.

Sloka : 4.22.10

अ॒स्माक॒मित्सु श‍ृ॑णुहि॒ त्वमि॑न्द्रा॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्राँ उप॑ माहि॒ वाजा॑न् ।

अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ विश्वा॑ इषणः॒ पुरं॑धीर॒स्माकं॒ सु म॑घवन्बोधि गो॒दाः ॥ ४.०२२.१०

a̱smāka̱mitsu śṛ̍ṇuhi̱ tvami̍ndrā̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱trām̐ upa̍ māhi̱ vājā̍n .

a̱smabhya̱ṃ viśvā̍ iṣaṇa̱ḥ pura̍ṃdhīra̱smāka̱ṃ su ma̍ghavanbodhi go̱dāḥ .. 4.022.10

10 Graciously listen to our prayer, O Indra, and strength of varied sort bestow thou on us.
Send to us all intelligence arid wisdom O Maghavan, be he who gives us cattle.

Sloka : 4.22.11

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०२२.११

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.022.11

11 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let wealth swell high like rivers to the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays, is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.23.1

क॒था म॒हाम॑वृध॒त्कस्य॒ होतु॑र्य॒ज्ञं जु॑षा॒णो अ॒भि सोम॒मूधः॑ ।

पिब॑न्नुशा॒नो जु॒षमा॑णो॒ अन्धो॑ वव॒क्ष ऋ॒ष्वः शु॑च॒ते धना॑य ॥ ४.०२३.०१

ka̱thā ma̱hāma̍vṛdha̱tkasya̱ hotu̍rya̱jñaṃ ju̍ṣā̱ṇo a̱bhi soma̱mūdha̍ḥ .

piba̍nnuśā̱no ju̱ṣamā̍ṇo̱ andho̍ vava̱kṣa ṛ̱ṣvaḥ śu̍ca̱te dhanā̍ya .. 4.023.01

1. How, what priest's sacrifice hath he made mighty, rejoicing in the Soma and its fountain?
Delighting in juice, eagerly drinking, the Lofty One hath waxed for splendid riches.

Sloka : 4.23.2

को अ॑स्य वी॒रः स॑ध॒माद॑माप॒ समा॑नंश सुम॒तिभिः॒ को अ॑स्य ।

कद॑स्य चि॒त्रं चि॑किते॒ कदू॒ती वृ॒धे भु॑वच्छशमा॒नस्य॒ यज्योः॑ ॥ ४.०२३.०२

ko a̍sya vī̱raḥ sa̍dha̱māda̍māpa̱ samā̍naṃśa suma̱tibhi̱ḥ ko a̍sya .

kada̍sya ci̱traṃ ci̍kite̱ kadū̱tī vṛ̱dhe bhu̍vacchaśamā̱nasya̱ yajyo̍ḥ .. 4.023.02

2 What hero hath been made his feast-companion? Who hath been partner in his loving-kindness?
What know we of his wondrous acts? How often comes he to aid and speed the pious toiler?

Sloka : 4.23.3

क॒था श‍ृ॑णोति हू॒यमा॑न॒मिन्द्रः॑ क॒था श‍ृ॒ण्वन्नव॑सामस्य वेद ।

का अ॑स्य पू॒र्वीरुप॑मातयो ह क॒थैन॑माहुः॒ पपु॑रिं जरि॒त्रे ॥ ४.०२३.०३

ka̱thā śṛ̍ṇoti hū̱yamā̍na̱mindra̍ḥ ka̱thā śṛ̱ṇvannava̍sāmasya veda .

kā a̍sya pū̱rvīrupa̍mātayo ha ka̱thaina̍māhu̱ḥ papu̍riṃ jari̱tre .. 4.023.03

3 How heareth Indra offered invocation? How, hearing, marketh he the invoker's wishes?
What are his ancient acts of bounty? Wherefore call they him One who filleth full the singer?

Sloka : 4.23.4

क॒था स॒बाधः॑ शशमा॒नो अ॑स्य॒ नश॑द॒भि द्रवि॑णं॒ दीध्या॑नः ।

दे॒वो भु॑व॒न्नवे॑दा म ऋ॒तानां॒ नमो॑ जगृ॒भ्वाँ अ॒भि यज्जुजो॑षत् ॥ ४.०२३.०४

ka̱thā sa̱bādha̍ḥ śaśamā̱no a̍sya̱ naśa̍da̱bhi dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ dīdhyā̍naḥ .

de̱vo bhu̍va̱nnave̍dā ma ṛ̱tānā̱ṃ namo̍ jagṛ̱bhvām̐ a̱bhi yajjujo̍ṣat .. 4.023.04

4 How doth the priest who laboureth, ever longing, win for himself the wealth which he possesseth?
May he, the God, mark well my truthful praises, having received the homage which he loveth.

Sloka : 4.23.5

क॒था कद॒स्या उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ दे॒वो मर्त॑स्य स॒ख्यं जु॑जोष ।

क॒था कद॑स्य स॒ख्यं सखि॑भ्यो॒ ये अ॑स्मि॒न्कामं॑ सु॒युजं॑ तत॒स्रे ॥ ४.०२३.०५

ka̱thā kada̱syā u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭau de̱vo marta̍sya sa̱khyaṃ ju̍joṣa .

ka̱thā kada̍sya sa̱khyaṃ sakhi̍bhyo̱ ye a̍smi̱nkāma̍ṃ su̱yuja̍ṃ tata̱sre .. 4.023.05

5 How, and what bond of friendship with a mortal hath the God chosen as this morn is breaking?
How, and what love hath he for those who love him, who have entwined in him their firm affection?

Sloka : 4.23.6

किमादम॑त्रं स॒ख्यं सखि॑भ्यः क॒दा नु ते॑ भ्रा॒त्रं प्र ब्र॑वाम ।

श्रि॒ये सु॒दृशो॒ वपु॑रस्य॒ सर्गाः॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण चि॒त्रत॑ममिष॒ आ गोः ॥ ४.०२३.०६

kimādama̍traṃ sa̱khyaṃ sakhi̍bhyaḥ ka̱dā nu te̍ bhrā̱traṃ pra bra̍vāma .

śri̱ye su̱dṛśo̱ vapu̍rasya̱ sargā̱ḥ sva1̱̍rṇa ci̱trata̍mamiṣa̱ ā goḥ .. 4.023.06

6 Is then thy friendship with thy friends most mighty? Thy brotherhood with us,—when may we tell it?
The streams of milk move, as most wondrous sunlight, the beauty of the Lovely One for glory.

Sloka : 4.23.7

द्रुहं॒ जिघां॑सन्ध्व॒रस॑मनि॒न्द्रां तेति॑क्ते ति॒ग्मा तु॒जसे॒ अनी॑का ।

ऋ॒णा चि॒द्यत्र॑ ऋण॒या न॑ उ॒ग्रो दू॒रे अज्ञा॑ता उ॒षसो॑ बबा॒धे ॥ ४.०२३.०७

druha̱ṃ jighā̍ṃsandhva̱rasa̍mani̱ndrāṃ teti̍kte ti̱gmā tu̱jase̱ anī̍kā .

ṛ̱ṇā ci̱dyatra̍ ṛṇa̱yā na̍ u̱gro dū̱re ajñā̍tā u̱ṣaso̍ babā̱dhe .. 4.023.07

7 About to stay the Indra-less destructive spirit he sharpens his keen arms to strike her.
Whereby the Strong, although our debts’ exactor, drives in the distant mornings that we know not.

Sloka : 4.23.8

ऋ॒तस्य॒ हि शु॒रुधः॒ सन्ति॑ पू॒र्वीरृ॒तस्य॑ धी॒तिर्वृ॑जि॒नानि॑ हन्ति ।

ऋ॒तस्य॒ श्लोको॑ बधि॒रा त॑तर्द॒ कर्णा॑ बुधा॒नः शु॒चमा॑न आ॒योः ॥ ४.०२३.०८

ṛ̱tasya̱ hi śu̱rudha̱ḥ santi̍ pū̱rvīrṛ̱tasya̍ dhī̱tirvṛ̍ji̱nāni̍ hanti .

ṛ̱tasya̱ śloko̍ badhi̱rā ta̍tarda̱ karṇā̍ budhā̱naḥ śu̱camā̍na ā̱yoḥ .. 4.023.08

8 Eternal Law hath varied food that strengthens; thought of eternal Law, removes transgressions.
The praise-hymn of eternal Law, arousing, glowing, hath oped the deaf ears of the living.

Sloka : 4.23.9

ऋ॒तस्य॑ दृ॒ळ्हा ध॒रुणा॑नि सन्ति पु॒रूणि॑ च॒न्द्रा वपु॑षे॒ वपूं॑षि ।

ऋ॒तेन॑ दी॒र्घमि॑षणन्त॒ पृक्ष॑ ऋ॒तेन॒ गाव॑ ऋ॒तमा वि॑वेशुः ॥ ४.०२३.०९

ṛ̱tasya̍ dṛ̱l̤hā dha̱ruṇā̍ni santi pu̱rūṇi̍ ca̱ndrā vapu̍ṣe̱ vapū̍ṃṣi .

ṛ̱tena̍ dī̱rghami̍ṣaṇanta̱ pṛkṣa̍ ṛ̱tena̱ gāva̍ ṛ̱tamā vi̍veśuḥ .. 4.023.09

9 Firm-seated are eternal Law's foundations in its fair form are many splendid beauties.
By holy Law long lasting food they bring us; by holy Law have cows come to our worship.

Sloka : 4.23.10

ऋ॒तं ये॑मा॒न ऋ॒तमिद्व॑नोत्यृ॒तस्य॒ शुष्म॑स्तुर॒या उ॑ ग॒व्युः ।

ऋ॒ताय॑ पृ॒थ्वी ब॑हु॒ले ग॑भी॒रे ऋ॒ताय॑ धे॒नू प॑र॒मे दु॑हाते ॥ ४.०२३.१०

ṛ̱taṃ ye̍mā̱na ṛ̱tamidva̍notyṛ̱tasya̱ śuṣma̍stura̱yā u̍ ga̱vyuḥ .

ṛ̱tāya̍ pṛ̱thvī ba̍hu̱le ga̍bhī̱re ṛ̱tāya̍ dhe̱nū pa̍ra̱me du̍hāte .. 4.023.10

10 Fixing eternal Law he, too, upholds it swift moves the might of Law and wins the booty.
To Law belong the vast deep Earth and Heaven:- Milch-kine supreme, to Law their milk they render.

Sloka : 4.23.11

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०२३.११

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.023.11

11 Now, Indra! lauded,—glorified with praises, let power swell high like rivers to the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays, is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.24.1

का सु॑ष्टु॒तिः शव॑सः सू॒नुमिन्द्र॑मर्वाची॒नं राध॑स॒ आ व॑वर्तत् ।

द॒दिर्हि वी॒रो गृ॑ण॒ते वसू॑नि॒ स गोप॑तिर्नि॒ष्षिधां॑ नो जनासः ॥ ४.०२४.०१

kā su̍ṣṭu̱tiḥ śava̍saḥ sū̱numindra̍marvācī̱naṃ rādha̍sa̱ ā va̍vartat .

da̱dirhi vī̱ro gṛ̍ṇa̱te vasū̍ni̱ sa gopa̍tirni̱ṣṣidhā̍ṃ no janāsaḥ .. 4.024.01

1. WHAT worthy praise will bring before us Indra, the Son of Strength, that he may grant us riches;
For he the Hero, gives the singer treasures:- he is the Lord who sends us gifts, ye people.

Sloka : 4.24.2

स वृ॑त्र॒हत्ये॒ हव्यः॒ स ईड्यः॒ स सुष्टु॑त॒ इन्द्रः॑ स॒त्यरा॑धाः ।

स याम॒न्ना म॒घवा॒ मर्त्या॑य ब्रह्मण्य॒ते सुष्व॑ये॒ वरि॑वो धात् ॥ ४.०२४.०२

sa vṛ̍tra̱hatye̱ havya̱ḥ sa īḍya̱ḥ sa suṣṭu̍ta̱ indra̍ḥ sa̱tyarā̍dhāḥ .

sa yāma̱nnā ma̱ghavā̱ martyā̍ya brahmaṇya̱te suṣva̍ye̱ vari̍vo dhāt .. 4.024.02

2 To be invoked and hymned in fight with Vṛtra, that well-praised Indra gives us real bounties.
That Maghavan brings comfort in the foray to the religious man who pours libations.

Sloka : 4.24.3

तमिन्नरो॒ वि ह्व॑यन्ते समी॒के रि॑रि॒क्वांस॑स्त॒न्वः॑ कृण्वत॒ त्राम् ।

मि॒थो यत्त्या॒गमु॒भया॑सो॒ अग्म॒न्नर॑स्तो॒कस्य॒ तन॑यस्य सा॒तौ ॥ ४.०२४.०३

taminnaro̱ vi hva̍yante samī̱ke ri̍ri̱kvāṃsa̍sta̱nva̍ḥ kṛṇvata̱ trām .

mi̱tho yattyā̱gamu̱bhayā̍so̱ agma̱nnara̍sto̱kasya̱ tana̍yasya sā̱tau .. 4.024.03

3 Him, verily, the men invoke in combat; risking their lives they make him their protector,
When heroes, foe to foe, give up their bodies, fighting, each side, for children and their offspring.

Sloka : 4.24.4

क्र॒तू॒यन्ति॑ क्षि॒तयो॒ योग॑ उग्राशुषा॒णासो॑ मि॒थो अर्ण॑सातौ ।

सं यद्विशोऽव॑वृत्रन्त यु॒ध्मा आदिन्नेम॑ इन्द्रयन्ते अ॒भीके॑ ॥ ४.०२४.०४

kra̱tū̱yanti̍ kṣi̱tayo̱ yoga̍ ugrāśuṣā̱ṇāso̍ mi̱tho arṇa̍sātau .

saṃ yadviśo'va̍vṛtranta yu̱dhmā ādinnema̍ indrayante a̱bhīke̍ .. 4.024.04

4 Strong God! the folk at need put forth their vigour, striving together in the whirl of battle.
When warrior bands encounter one another some in the grapple quit themselves like Indra.

Sloka : 4.24.5

आदिद्ध॒ नेम॑ इन्द्रि॒यं य॑जन्त॒ आदित्प॒क्तिः पु॑रो॒ळाशं॑ रिरिच्यात् ।

आदित्सोमो॒ वि प॑पृच्या॒दसु॑ष्वी॒नादिज्जु॑जोष वृष॒भं यज॑ध्यै ॥ ४.०२४.०५

ādiddha̱ nema̍ indri̱yaṃ ya̍janta̱ āditpa̱ktiḥ pu̍ro̱l̤āśa̍ṃ riricyāt .

āditsomo̱ vi pa̍pṛcyā̱dasu̍ṣvī̱nādijju̍joṣa vṛṣa̱bhaṃ yaja̍dhyai .. 4.024.05

5 Hence many a one worships the might of Indra:- hence let the brew succeed the meal-oblation.
Hence let the Soma banish those who pour not:- even hence I joy to pay the Strong One worship.

Sloka : 4.24.6

कृ॒णोत्य॑स्मै॒ वरि॑वो॒ य इ॒त्थेन्द्रा॑य॒ सोम॑मुश॒ते सु॒नोति॑ ।

स॒ध्री॒चीने॑न॒ मन॒सावि॑वेन॒न्तमित्सखा॑यं कृणुते स॒मत्सु॑ ॥ ४.०२४.०६

kṛ̱ṇotya̍smai̱ vari̍vo̱ ya i̱tthendrā̍ya̱ soma̍muśa̱te su̱noti̍ .

sa̱dhrī̱cīne̍na̱ mana̱sāvi̍vena̱ntamitsakhā̍yaṃ kṛṇute sa̱matsu̍ .. 4.024.06

6 Indra gives comfort to the man who truly presses, for him who longs for it, the Soma,
Not disaffected, with devoted spirit this man he takes to be his friend in battles.

Sloka : 4.24.7

य इन्द्रा॑य सु॒नव॒त्सोम॑म॒द्य पचा॑त्प॒क्तीरु॒त भृ॒ज्जाति॑ धा॒नाः ।

प्रति॑ मना॒योरु॒चथा॑नि॒ हर्य॒न्तस्मि॑न्दध॒द्वृष॑णं॒ शुष्म॒मिन्द्रः॑ ॥ ४.०२४.०७

ya indrā̍ya su̱nava̱tsoma̍ma̱dya pacā̍tpa̱ktīru̱ta bhṛ̱jjāti̍ dhā̱nāḥ .

prati̍ manā̱yoru̱cathā̍ni̱ harya̱ntasmi̍ndadha̱dvṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ śuṣma̱mindra̍ḥ .. 4.024.07

7 He who this day for Indra presses Soma, prepares the brew and fries the grains of barley—
Loving the hymns of that devoted servant, to him may Indra give heroic vigour.

Sloka : 4.24.8

य॒दा स॑म॒र्यं व्यचे॒दृघा॑वा दी॒र्घं यदा॒जिम॒भ्यख्य॑द॒र्यः ।

अचि॑क्रद॒द्वृष॑णं॒ पत्न्यच्छा॑ दुरो॒ण आ निशि॑तं सोम॒सुद्भिः॑ ॥ ४.०२४.०८

ya̱dā sa̍ma̱ryaṃ vyace̱dṛghā̍vā dī̱rghaṃ yadā̱jima̱bhyakhya̍da̱ryaḥ .

aci̍krada̱dvṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ patnyacchā̍ duro̱ṇa ā niśi̍taṃ soma̱sudbhi̍ḥ .. 4.024.08

8 When the impetuous chief hath sought the conflict, and the lord looked upon the long-drawn battle,
The matron calls to the Strong God whom pressers of Soma have encouraged in the dwelling.

Sloka : 4.24.9

भूय॑सा व॒स्नम॑चर॒त्कनी॒योऽवि॑क्रीतो अकानिषं॒ पुन॒र्यन् ।

स भूय॑सा॒ कनी॑यो॒ नारि॑रेचीद्दी॒ना दक्षा॒ वि दु॑हन्ति॒ प्र वा॒णम् ॥ ४.०२४.०९

bhūya̍sā va̱snama̍cara̱tkanī̱yo'vi̍krīto akāniṣa̱ṃ puna̱ryan .

sa bhūya̍sā̱ kanī̍yo̱ nāri̍recīddī̱nā dakṣā̱ vi du̍hanti̱ pra vā̱ṇam .. 4.024.09

9 He bid a small price for a thing of value:- I was content, returning, still unpurchased.
He heightened not his insufficient offer. Simple and clever, both milk out the udder.

Sloka : 4.24.10

क इ॒मं द॒शभि॒र्ममेन्द्रं॑ क्रीणाति धे॒नुभिः॑ ।

य॒दा वृ॒त्राणि॒ जङ्घ॑न॒दथै॑नं मे॒ पुन॑र्ददत् ॥ ४.०२४.१०

ka i̱maṃ da̱śabhi̱rmamendra̍ṃ krīṇāti dhe̱nubhi̍ḥ .

ya̱dā vṛ̱trāṇi̱ jaṅgha̍na̱dathai̍naṃ me̱ puna̍rdadat .. 4.024.10

10 Who for ten milch-kine purchaseth from me this Indra who is mine?
When he hath slain the Vṛtras let the buyer give him back to me.

Sloka : 4.24.11

नू ष्टु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ नू गृ॑णा॒न इषं॑ जरि॒त्रे न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ न पी॑पेः ।

अका॑रि ते हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्यं॑ धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०२४.११

nū ṣṭu̱ta i̍ndra̱ nū gṛ̍ṇā̱na iṣa̍ṃ jari̱tre na̱dyo̱3̱̍ na pī̍peḥ .

akā̍ri te harivo̱ brahma̱ navya̍ṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.024.11

11 Now, Indra! lauded, glorified with praises, let wealth swell high like rivers for the singer.
For thee a new hymn, Lord of Bays, is fashioned. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.25.1

को अ॒द्य नर्यो॑ दे॒वका॑म उ॒शन्निन्द्र॑स्य स॒ख्यं जु॑जोष ।

को वा॑ म॒हेऽव॑से॒ पार्या॑य॒ समि॑द्धे अ॒ग्नौ सु॒तसो॑म ईट्टे ॥ ४.०२५.०१

ko a̱dya naryo̍ de̱vakā̍ma u̱śannindra̍sya sa̱khyaṃ ju̍joṣa .

ko vā̍ ma̱he'va̍se̱ pāryā̍ya̱ sami̍ddhe a̱gnau su̱taso̍ma īṭṭe .. 4.025.01

1. WHAT friend of man, God-loving, hath delighted, yearning therefor, this day in Indra's friendship?
Who with enkindled flame and flowing Soma laudeth him for his great protecting favour?

Sloka : 4.25.2

को ना॑नाम॒ वच॑सा सो॒म्याय॑ मना॒युर्वा॑ भवति॒ वस्त॑ उ॒स्राः ।

क इन्द्र॑स्य॒ युज्यं॒ कः स॑खि॒त्वं को भ्रा॒त्रं व॑ष्टि क॒वये॒ क ऊ॒ती ॥ ४.०२५.०२

ko nā̍nāma̱ vaca̍sā so̱myāya̍ manā̱yurvā̍ bhavati̱ vasta̍ u̱srāḥ .

ka indra̍sya̱ yujya̱ṃ kaḥ sa̍khi̱tvaṃ ko bhrā̱traṃ va̍ṣṭi ka̱vaye̱ ka ū̱tī .. 4.025.02

2 Who hath with prayer bowed to the Soma-lover? What pious man endues the beams of morning?
Who seeks bond, friendship, brotherhood with Indra? Who hath recourse unto the Sage for succour?

Sloka : 4.25.3

को दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीते॒ क आ॑दि॒त्याँ अदि॑तिं॒ ज्योति॑रीट्टे ।

कस्या॒श्विना॒विन्द्रो॑ अ॒ग्निः सु॒तस्यां॒शोः पि॑बन्ति॒ मन॒सावि॑वेनम् ॥ ४.०२५.०३

ko de̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīte̱ ka ā̍di̱tyām̐ adi̍ti̱ṃ jyoti̍rīṭṭe .

kasyā̱śvinā̱vindro̍ a̱gniḥ su̱tasyā̱ṃśoḥ pi̍banti̱ mana̱sāvi̍venam .. 4.025.03

3 Who claims to-day the Deities' protection, asks Aditi for light, or the Ādityas?
Of whose pressed stalk of Soma drink the Aśvins, Indra, and Agni, well-inclined in spirit?

Sloka : 4.25.4

तस्मा॑ अ॒ग्निर्भार॑तः॒ शर्म॑ यंस॒ज्ज्योक्प॑श्या॒त्सूर्य॑मु॒च्चर॑न्तम् ।

य इन्द्रा॑य सु॒नवा॒मेत्याह॒ नरे॒ नर्या॑य॒ नृत॑माय नृ॒णाम् ॥ ४.०२५.०४

tasmā̍ a̱gnirbhāra̍ta̱ḥ śarma̍ yaṃsa̱jjyokpa̍śyā̱tsūrya̍mu̱ccara̍ntam .

ya indrā̍ya su̱navā̱metyāha̱ nare̱ naryā̍ya̱ nṛta̍māya nṛ̱ṇām .. 4.025.04

4 To him shall Agni Bhārata give shelter:- long shall he look upon the Sun up-rising,
Who sayeth, Let us press the juice for Indra, man's Friend, the Hero manliest of heroes.

Sloka : 4.25.5

न तं जि॑नन्ति ब॒हवो॒ न द॒भ्रा उ॒र्व॑स्मा॒ अदि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ यंसत् ।

प्रि॒यः सु॒कृत्प्रि॒य इन्द्रे॑ मना॒युः प्रि॒यः सु॑प्रा॒वीः प्रि॒यो अ॑स्य सो॒मी ॥ ४.०२५.०५

na taṃ ji̍nanti ba̱havo̱ na da̱bhrā u̱rva̍smā̱ adi̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ yaṃsat .

pri̱yaḥ su̱kṛtpri̱ya indre̍ manā̱yuḥ pri̱yaḥ su̍prā̱vīḥ pri̱yo a̍sya so̱mī .. 4.025.05

5 Him neither few men overcome, nor many to him shall Aditi give spacious shelter.
Dear is the pious, the devout, to Indra dear is the zealous, dear the Soma-bringer.

Sloka : 4.25.6

सु॒प्रा॒व्यः॑ प्राशु॒षाळे॒ष वी॒रः सुष्वेः॑ प॒क्तिं कृ॑णुते॒ केव॒लेन्द्रः॑ ।

नासु॑ष्वेरा॒पिर्न सखा॒ न जा॒मिर्दु॑ष्प्रा॒व्यो॑ऽवह॒न्तेदवा॑चः ॥ ४.०२५.०६

su̱prā̱vya̍ḥ prāśu̱ṣāl̤e̱ṣa vī̱raḥ suṣve̍ḥ pa̱ktiṃ kṛ̍ṇute̱ keva̱lendra̍ḥ .

nāsu̍ṣverā̱pirna sakhā̱ na jā̱mirdu̍ṣprā̱vyo̎vaha̱ntedavā̍caḥ .. 4.025.06

6 This Hero curbs the mighty for the zealous:- the presser's brew Indra possesses solely:-
No brother, kin, or friend to him who pours not, destroyer of the dumb who would resist him.

Sloka : 4.25.7

न रे॒वता॑ प॒णिना॑ स॒ख्यमिन्द्रोऽसु॑न्वता सुत॒पाः सं गृ॑णीते ।

आस्य॒ वेदः॑ खि॒दति॒ हन्ति॑ न॒ग्नं वि सुष्व॑ये प॒क्तये॒ केव॑लो भूत् ॥ ४.०२५.०७

na re̱vatā̍ pa̱ṇinā̍ sa̱khyamindro'su̍nvatā suta̱pāḥ saṃ gṛ̍ṇīte .

āsya̱ veda̍ḥ khi̱dati̱ hanti̍ na̱gnaṃ vi suṣva̍ye pa̱ktaye̱ keva̍lo bhūt .. 4.025.07

7 Not with the wealthy churl who pours no Soma doth Indra, Soma-drinker, bind alliance.
He draws away his wealth and slays him naked, own Friend to him who offers, for oblation.

Sloka : 4.25.8

इन्द्रं॒ परेऽव॑रे मध्य॒मास॒ इन्द्रं॒ यान्तोऽव॑सितास॒ इन्द्र॑म् ।

इन्द्रं॑ क्षि॒यन्त॑ उ॒त युध्य॑माना॒ इन्द्रं॒ नरो॑ वाज॒यन्तो॑ हवन्ते ॥ ४.०२५.०८

indra̱ṃ pare'va̍re madhya̱māsa̱ indra̱ṃ yānto'va̍sitāsa̱ indra̍m .

indra̍ṃ kṣi̱yanta̍ u̱ta yudhya̍mānā̱ indra̱ṃ naro̍ vāja̱yanto̍ havante .. 4.025.08

8 Highest and lowest, men who stand between diem, going, returning, dwelling in contentment,
Those who show forth their strength when urged to battle-these are the men who call for aid on Indra.

Sloka : 4.26.1

अ॒हं मनु॑रभवं॒ सूर्य॑श्चा॒हं क॒क्षीवा॒ँ ऋषि॑रस्मि॒ विप्रः॑ ।

अ॒हं कुत्स॑मार्जुने॒यं न्यृ॑ञ्जे॒ऽहं क॒विरु॒शना॒ पश्य॑ता मा ॥ ४.०२६.०१

a̱haṃ manu̍rabhava̱ṃ sūrya̍ścā̱haṃ ka̱kṣīvā̱m̐ ṛṣi̍rasmi̱ vipra̍ḥ .

a̱haṃ kutsa̍mārjune̱yaṃ nyṛ̍ñje̱'haṃ ka̱viru̱śanā̱ paśya̍tā mā .. 4.026.01

1. I WAS aforetime Manu, I was Sūrya:- I am the sage Kakṣīvān, holy singer.
Kutsa the son of Ārjuni I master. I am the sapient Uśanā behold me.

Sloka : 4.26.2

अ॒हं भूमि॑मददा॒मार्या॑या॒हं वृ॒ष्टिं दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ।

अ॒हम॒पो अ॑नयं वावशा॒ना मम॑ दे॒वासो॒ अनु॒ केत॑मायन् ॥ ४.०२६.०२

a̱haṃ bhūmi̍madadā̱māryā̍yā̱haṃ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .

a̱hama̱po a̍nayaṃ vāvaśā̱nā mama̍ de̱vāso̱ anu̱ keta̍māyan .. 4.026.02

2 I have bestowed the earth upon the Ārya, and rain upon the man who brings oblation.
I guided forth the loudly-roaring waters, and the Gods moved according to my pleasure.

Sloka : 4.26.3

अ॒हं पुरो॑ मन्दसा॒नो व्यै॑रं॒ नव॑ सा॒कं न॑व॒तीः शम्ब॑रस्य ।

श॒त॒त॒मं वे॒श्यं॑ स॒र्वता॑ता॒ दिवो॑दासमतिथि॒ग्वं यदाव॑म् ॥ ४.०२६.०३

a̱haṃ puro̍ mandasā̱no vyai̍ra̱ṃ nava̍ sā̱kaṃ na̍va̱tīḥ śamba̍rasya .

śa̱ta̱ta̱maṃ ve̱śya̍ṃ sa̱rvatā̍tā̱ divo̍dāsamatithi̱gvaṃ yadāva̍m .. 4.026.03

3 In the wild joy of Soma I demolished Śambara's forts, ninety-and-nine, together;
And, utterly, the hundredth habitation, when helping Divodāsa Atithigva.

Sloka : 4.26.4

प्र सु ष विभ्यो॑ मरुतो॒ विर॑स्तु॒ प्र श्ये॒नः श्ये॒नेभ्य॑ आशु॒पत्वा॑ ।

अ॒च॒क्रया॒ यत्स्व॒धया॑ सुप॒र्णो ह॒व्यं भर॒न्मन॑वे दे॒वजु॑ष्टम् ॥ ४.०२६.०४

pra su ṣa vibhyo̍ maruto̱ vira̍stu̱ pra śye̱naḥ śye̱nebhya̍ āśu̱patvā̍ .

a̱ca̱krayā̱ yatsva̱dhayā̍ supa̱rṇo ha̱vyaṃ bhara̱nmana̍ve de̱vaju̍ṣṭam .. 4.026.04

4 Before all birds be ranked this Bird, O Maruts; supreme of falcons be this fleet-winged Falcon,
Because, strong- pinioned, with no car to bear him, he brought to Manu the Godloved oblation.

Sloka : 4.26.5

भर॒द्यदि॒ विरतो॒ वेवि॑जानः प॒थोरुणा॒ मनो॑जवा असर्जि ।

तूयं॑ ययौ॒ मधु॑ना सो॒म्येनो॒त श्रवो॑ विविदे श्ये॒नो अत्र॑ ॥ ४.०२६.०५

bhara̱dyadi̱ virato̱ vevi̍jānaḥ pa̱thoruṇā̱ mano̍javā asarji .

tūya̍ṃ yayau̱ madhu̍nā so̱myeno̱ta śravo̍ vivide śye̱no atra̍ .. 4.026.05

5 When the Bird brought it, hence in rapid motion sent on the wide path fleet as thought he hurried.
Swift he returned with sweetness of the Soma, and hence the Falcon hath acquired his glory.

Sloka : 4.26.6

ऋ॒जी॒पी श्ये॒नो दद॑मानो अं॒शुं प॑रा॒वतः॑ शकु॒नो म॒न्द्रं मद॑म् ।

सोमं॑ भरद्दादृहा॒णो दे॒वावा॑न्दि॒वो अ॒मुष्मा॒दुत्त॑रादा॒दाय॑ ॥ ४.०२६.०६

ṛ̱jī̱pī śye̱no dada̍māno a̱ṃśuṃ pa̍rā̱vata̍ḥ śaku̱no ma̱ndraṃ mada̍m .

soma̍ṃ bharaddādṛhā̱ṇo de̱vāvā̍ndi̱vo a̱muṣmā̱dutta̍rādā̱dāya̍ .. 4.026.06

6 Bearing the stalk, the Falcon speeding onward, Bird bringing from afar the draught that gladdens,
Friend of the Gods, brought, grasping fast, the Soma which be bad taken from yon loftiest heaven.

Sloka : 4.26.7

आ॒दाय॑ श्ये॒नो अ॑भर॒त्सोमं॑ स॒हस्रं॑ स॒वाँ अ॒युतं॑ च सा॒कम् ।

अत्रा॒ पुरं॑धिरजहा॒दरा॑ती॒र्मदे॒ सोम॑स्य मू॒रा अमू॑रः ॥ ४.०२६.०७

ā̱dāya̍ śye̱no a̍bhara̱tsoma̍ṃ sa̱hasra̍ṃ sa̱vām̐ a̱yuta̍ṃ ca sā̱kam .

atrā̱ pura̍ṃdhirajahā̱darā̍tī̱rmade̱ soma̍sya mū̱rā amū̍raḥ .. 4.026.07

7 The Falcon took and brought the Soma, bearing thousand libations with him, yea, ten thousand.
The Bold One left Malignities behind him, wise, in wild joy of Soma, left the foolish.

Sloka : 4.27.1

गर्भे॒ नु सन्नन्वे॑षामवेदम॒हं दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।

श॒तं मा॒ पुर॒ आय॑सीररक्ष॒न्नध॑ श्ये॒नो ज॒वसा॒ निर॑दीयम् ॥ ४.०२७.०१

garbhe̱ nu sannanve̍ṣāmavedama̱haṃ de̱vānā̱ṃ jani̍māni̱ viśvā̍ .

śa̱taṃ mā̱ pura̱ āya̍sīrarakṣa̱nnadha̍ śye̱no ja̱vasā̱ nira̍dīyam .. 4.027.01

1. I, As I lay within the womb, considered all generations of these Gods in order.
A hundred iron fortresses confined me but forth I flew with rapid speed a Falcon.

Sloka : 4.27.2

न घा॒ स मामप॒ जोषं॑ जभारा॒भीमा॑स॒ त्वक्ष॑सा वी॒र्ये॑ण ।

ई॒र्मा पुरं॑धिरजहा॒दरा॑तीरु॒त वाता॑ँ अतर॒च्छूशु॑वानः ॥ ४.०२७.०२

na ghā̱ sa māmapa̱ joṣa̍ṃ jabhārā̱bhīmā̍sa̱ tvakṣa̍sā vī̱rye̍ṇa .

ī̱rmā pura̍ṃdhirajahā̱darā̍tīru̱ta vātā̍m̐ atara̱cchūśu̍vānaḥ .. 4.027.02

2 Not at his own free pleasure did he bear me:- he conquered with his strength and manly courage.
Straightway the Bold One left the fiends behind him and passed the winds as he grew yet more mighty.

Sloka : 4.27.3

अव॒ यच्छ्ये॒नो अस्व॑नी॒दध॒ द्योर्वि यद्यदि॒ वात॑ ऊ॒हुः पुरं॑धिम् ।

सृ॒जद्यद॑स्मा॒ अव॑ ह क्षि॒पज्ज्यां कृ॒शानु॒रस्ता॒ मन॑सा भुर॒ण्यन् ॥ ४.०२७.०३

ava̱ yacchye̱no asva̍nī̱dadha̱ dyorvi yadyadi̱ vāta̍ ū̱huḥ pura̍ṃdhim .

sṛ̱jadyada̍smā̱ ava̍ ha kṣi̱pajjyāṃ kṛ̱śānu̱rastā̱ mana̍sā bhura̱ṇyan .. 4.027.03

3 When with loud cry from heaven down sped the Falcon, thence hasting like the wind he bore the Bold One.
Then, wildly raging in his mind, the archer Kṛśānu aimed and loosed the string to strike him.

Sloka : 4.27.4

ऋ॒जि॒प्य ई॒मिन्द्रा॑वतो॒ न भु॒ज्युं श्ये॒नो ज॑भार बृह॒तो अधि॒ ष्णोः ।

अ॒न्तः प॑तत्पत॒त्र्य॑स्य प॒र्णमध॒ याम॑नि॒ प्रसि॑तस्य॒ तद्वेः ॥ ४.०२७.०४

ṛ̱ji̱pya ī̱mindrā̍vato̱ na bhu̱jyuṃ śye̱no ja̍bhāra bṛha̱to adhi̱ ṣṇoḥ .

a̱ntaḥ pa̍tatpata̱trya̍sya pa̱rṇamadha̱ yāma̍ni̱ prasi̍tasya̱ tadveḥ .. 4.027.04

4 The Falcon bore him from heaven's lofty summit as the swift car of Indra's Friend bore Bhujyu.
Then downward hither fell a flying feather of the Bird hasting forward in his journey.

Sloka : 4.27.5

अध॑ श्वे॒तं क॒लशं॒ गोभि॑र॒क्तमा॑पिप्या॒नं म॒घवा॑ शु॒क्रमन्धः॑ ।

अ॒ध्व॒र्युभिः॒ प्रय॑तं॒ मध्वो॒ अग्र॒मिन्द्रो॒ मदा॑य॒ प्रति॑ ध॒त्पिब॑ध्यै॒ शूरो॒ मदा॑य॒ प्रति॑ ध॒त्पिब॑ध्यै ॥ ४.०२७.०५

adha̍ śve̱taṃ ka̱laśa̱ṃ gobhi̍ra̱ktamā̍pipyā̱naṃ ma̱ghavā̍ śu̱kramandha̍ḥ .

a̱dhva̱ryubhi̱ḥ praya̍ta̱ṃ madhvo̱ agra̱mindro̱ madā̍ya̱ prati̍ dha̱tpiba̍dhyai̱ śūro̱ madā̍ya̱ prati̍ dha̱tpiba̍dhyai .. 4.027.05

5 And now let Maghavan accept the beaker, white, filled with milk, filled with the shining liquid;
The best of sweet meath which the priests have offered:- that Indra to his joy may drink, the Hero, that he may take and drink it to his rapture.

Sloka : 4.28.1

त्वा यु॒जा तव॒ तत्सो॑म स॒ख्य इन्द्रो॑ अ॒पो मन॑वे स॒स्रुत॑स्कः ।

अह॒न्नहि॒मरि॑णात्स॒प्त सिन्धू॒नपा॑वृणो॒दपि॑हितेव॒ खानि॑ ॥ ४.०२८.०१

tvā yu̱jā tava̱ tatso̍ma sa̱khya indro̍ a̱po mana̍ve sa̱sruta̍skaḥ .

aha̱nnahi̱mari̍ṇātsa̱pta sindhū̱napā̍vṛṇo̱dapi̍hiteva̱ khāni̍ .. 4.028.01

1. ALLIED with thee, in this thy friendship, Soma, Indra for man made waters flow together,
Slew Ahi, and sent forth the Seven Rivers, and opened as it were obstructed fountains.

Sloka : 4.28.2

त्वा यु॒जा नि खि॑द॒त्सूर्य॒स्येन्द्र॑श्च॒क्रं सह॑सा स॒द्य इ॑न्दो ।

अधि॒ ष्णुना॑ बृह॒ता वर्त॑मानं म॒हो द्रु॒हो अप॑ वि॒श्वायु॑ धायि ॥ ४.०२८.०२

tvā yu̱jā ni khi̍da̱tsūrya̱syendra̍śca̱kraṃ saha̍sā sa̱dya i̍ndo .

adhi̱ ṣṇunā̍ bṛha̱tā varta̍mānaṃ ma̱ho dru̱ho apa̍ vi̱śvāyu̍ dhāyi .. 4.028.02

2 Indu, with thee for his confederate, Indra swiftly with might pressed down the wheel of Sūrya.
What rolled, all life's support, on heaven's high summit was separated from the great oppressor.

Sloka : 4.28.3

अह॒न्निन्द्रो॒ अद॑हद॒ग्निरि॑न्दो पु॒रा दस्यू॑न्म॒ध्यंदि॑नाद॒भीके॑ ।

दु॒र्गे दु॑रो॒णे क्रत्वा॒ न या॒तां पु॒रू स॒हस्रा॒ शर्वा॒ नि ब॑र्हीत् ॥ ४.०२८.०३

aha̱nnindro̱ ada̍hada̱gniri̍ndo pu̱rā dasyū̍nma̱dhyaṃdi̍nāda̱bhīke̍ .

du̱rge du̍ro̱ṇe kratvā̱ na yā̱tāṃ pu̱rū sa̱hasrā̱ śarvā̱ ni ba̍rhīt .. 4.028.03

3 Indra smote down, Agni consumed, O Indu, the Dasyus ere the noontide in the conflict.
Of those who gladly sought a hard-won dwelling he cast down many a thousand with his arrow.

Sloka : 4.28.4

विश्व॑स्मात्सीमध॒माँ इ॑न्द्र॒ दस्यू॒न्विशो॒ दासी॑रकृणोरप्रश॒स्ताः ।

अबा॑धेथा॒ममृ॑णतं॒ नि शत्रू॒नवि॑न्देथा॒मप॑चितिं॒ वध॑त्रैः ॥ ४.०२८.०४

viśva̍smātsīmadha̱mām̐ i̍ndra̱ dasyū̱nviśo̱ dāsī̍rakṛṇorapraśa̱stāḥ .

abā̍dhethā̱mamṛ̍ṇata̱ṃ ni śatrū̱navi̍ndethā̱mapa̍citi̱ṃ vadha̍traiḥ .. 4.028.04

4 Lower than all besides hast thou, O Indra, cast down the Dasyus, abject tribes of Dāsas.
Ye drave away, ye put to death the foemen, and took great vengeance with your murdering weapons.

Sloka : 4.28.5

ए॒वा स॒त्यं म॑घवाना यु॒वं तदिन्द्र॑श्च सोमो॒र्वमश्व्यं॒ गोः ।

आद॑र्दृत॒मपि॑हिता॒न्यश्ना॑ रिरि॒चथुः॒ क्षाश्चि॑त्ततृदा॒ना ॥ ४.०२८.०५

e̱vā sa̱tyaṃ ma̍ghavānā yu̱vaṃ tadindra̍śca somo̱rvamaśvya̱ṃ goḥ .

āda̍rdṛta̱mapi̍hitā̱nyaśnā̍ riri̱cathu̱ḥ kṣāści̍ttatṛdā̱nā .. 4.028.05

5 So, of a truth, Indra and Soma, Heroes, ye burst the stable of the kine and horses,
The stable which the bar or stone obstructed; and piercing through set free the habitations.

Sloka : 4.29.1

आ नः॑ स्तु॒त उप॒ वाजे॑भिरू॒ती इन्द्र॑ या॒हि हरि॑भिर्मन्दसा॒नः ।

ति॒रश्चि॑द॒र्यः सव॑ना पु॒रूण्या॑ङ्गू॒षेभि॑र्गृणा॒नः स॒त्यरा॑धाः ॥ ४.०२९.०१

ā na̍ḥ stu̱ta upa̱ vāje̍bhirū̱tī indra̍ yā̱hi hari̍bhirmandasā̱naḥ .

ti̱raści̍da̱ryaḥ sava̍nā pu̱rūṇyā̍ṅgū̱ṣebhi̍rgṛṇā̱naḥ sa̱tyarā̍dhāḥ .. 4.029.01

1. COME, lauded, unto us with powers and succours, O Indra, with thy Tawny Steeds; exulting,
Past even the foeman's manifold libations, glorified with our hymns, true Wealth-bestower.

Sloka : 4.29.2

आ हि ष्मा॒ याति॒ नर्य॑श्चिकि॒त्वान्हू॒यमा॑नः सो॒तृभि॒रुप॑ य॒ज्ञम् ।

स्वश्वो॒ यो अभी॑रु॒र्मन्य॑मानः सुष्वा॒णेभि॒र्मद॑ति॒ सं ह॑ वी॒रैः ॥ ४.०२९.०२

ā hi ṣmā̱ yāti̱ narya̍ściki̱tvānhū̱yamā̍naḥ so̱tṛbhi̱rupa̍ ya̱jñam .

svaśvo̱ yo abhī̍ru̱rmanya̍mānaḥ suṣvā̱ṇebhi̱rmada̍ti̱ saṃ ha̍ vī̱raiḥ .. 4.029.02

2 Man's Friend, to this our sacrifice he cometh marking how he is called by Soma-pressers.
Fearless, and conscious that his Steeds are noble, he joyeth with the Soma-pouring heroes.

Sloka : 4.29.3

श्रा॒वयेद॑स्य॒ कर्णा॑ वाज॒यध्यै॒ जुष्टा॒मनु॒ प्र दिशं॑ मन्द॒यध्यै॑ ।

उ॒द्वा॒वृ॒षा॒णो राध॑से॒ तुवि॑ष्मा॒न्कर॑न्न॒ इन्द्रः॑ सुती॒र्थाभ॑यं च ॥ ४.०२९.०३

śrā̱vayeda̍sya̱ karṇā̍ vāja̱yadhyai̱ juṣṭā̱manu̱ pra diśa̍ṃ manda̱yadhyai̍ .

u̱dvā̱vṛ̱ṣā̱ṇo rādha̍se̱ tuvi̍ṣmā̱nkara̍nna̱ indra̍ḥ sutī̱rthābha̍yaṃ ca .. 4.029.03

3 Make his cars hear, that he may show his vigour and may be joyful in the way he loveth.
May mighty Indra pouring forth in bounty bestow on us good roads and perfect safety;

Sloka : 4.29.4

अच्छा॒ यो गन्ता॒ नाध॑मानमू॒ती इ॒त्था विप्रं॒ हव॑मानं गृ॒णन्त॑म् ।

उप॒ त्मनि॒ दधा॑नो धु॒र्या॒३॒॑शून्स॒हस्रा॑णि श॒तानि॒ वज्र॑बाहुः ॥ ४.०२९.०४

acchā̱ yo gantā̱ nādha̍mānamū̱tī i̱tthā vipra̱ṃ hava̍mānaṃ gṛ̱ṇanta̍m .

upa̱ tmani̱ dadhā̍no dhu̱ryā̱3̱̍śūnsa̱hasrā̍ṇi śa̱tāni̱ vajra̍bāhuḥ .. 4.029.04

4 He who with succour comes to his implorer, the singer here who with his song invites him;
He who himself sets to the pole swift Coursers, he who hath hundreds, thousands, Thunder-wielder.

Sloka : 4.29.5

त्वोता॑सो मघवन्निन्द्र॒ विप्रा॑ व॒यं ते॑ स्याम सू॒रयो॑ गृ॒णन्तः॑ ।

भे॒जा॒नासो॑ बृ॒हद्दि॑वस्य रा॒य आ॑का॒य्य॑स्य दा॒वने॑ पुरु॒क्षोः ॥ ४.०२९.०५

tvotā̍so maghavannindra̱ viprā̍ va̱yaṃ te̍ syāma sū̱rayo̍ gṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ .

bhe̱jā̱nāso̍ bṛ̱haddi̍vasya rā̱ya ā̍kā̱yya̍sya dā̱vane̍ puru̱kṣoḥ .. 4.029.05

5 O Indra Maghavan, by thee protected may we be thine, princes and priests and singers,
Sharing the riches sent from lofty heaven which yields much food, and all desire its bounty.

Sloka : 4.30.1

नकि॑रिन्द्र॒ त्वदुत्त॑रो॒ न ज्याया॑ँ अस्ति वृत्रहन् ।

नकि॑रे॒वा यथा॒ त्वम् ॥ ४.०३०.०१

naki̍rindra̱ tvadutta̍ro̱ na jyāyā̍m̐ asti vṛtrahan .

naki̍re̱vā yathā̱ tvam .. 4.030.01

1. O INDRA, Vṛtra-slayer, none is better, mightier than thou:-
Verily there is none like thee.

Sloka : 4.30.2

स॒त्रा ते॒ अनु॑ कृ॒ष्टयो॒ विश्वा॑ च॒क्रेव॑ वावृतुः ।

स॒त्रा म॒हाँ अ॑सि श्रु॒तः ॥ ४.०३०.०२

sa̱trā te̱ anu̍ kṛ̱ṣṭayo̱ viśvā̍ ca̱kreva̍ vāvṛtuḥ .

sa̱trā ma̱hām̐ a̍si śru̱taḥ .. 4.030.02

2 Like chariot-wheels these people all together follow after thee:-
Thou ever art renowned as Great.

Sloka : 4.30.3

विश्वे॑ च॒नेद॒ना त्वा॑ दे॒वास॑ इन्द्र युयुधुः ।

यदहा॒ नक्त॒माति॑रः ॥ ४.०३०.०३

viśve̍ ca̱neda̱nā tvā̍ de̱vāsa̍ indra yuyudhuḥ .

yadahā̱ nakta̱māti̍raḥ .. 4.030.03

3 Not even all the gathered Gods conquered thee, Indra, in the war,
When thou didst lengthen days by night.

Sloka : 4.30.4

यत्रो॒त बा॑धि॒तेभ्य॑श्च॒क्रं कुत्सा॑य॒ युध्य॑ते ।

मु॒षा॒य इ॑न्द्र॒ सूर्य॑म् ॥ ४.०३०.०४

yatro̱ta bā̍dhi̱tebhya̍śca̱kraṃ kutsā̍ya̱ yudhya̍te .

mu̱ṣā̱ya i̍ndra̱ sūrya̍m .. 4.030.04

4 When for the sake of those oppressed, and Kutsa as he battled,
Thou stolest away the Sun's car-wheel.

Sloka : 4.30.5

यत्र॑ दे॒वाँ ऋ॑घाय॒तो विश्वा॒ँ अयु॑ध्य॒ एक॒ इत् ।

त्वमि॑न्द्र व॒नूँरह॑न् ॥ ४.०३०.०५

yatra̍ de̱vām̐ ṛ̍ghāya̱to viśvā̱m̐ ayu̍dhya̱ eka̱ it .

tvami̍ndra va̱nūm̐raha̍n .. 4.030.05

5 When, fighting singly, Indra. thou o’ercamest all the furious Gods, thou slewest those who strove with thee.

Sloka : 4.30.6

यत्रो॒त मर्त्या॑य॒ कमरि॑णा इन्द्र॒ सूर्य॑म् ।

प्रावः॒ शची॑भि॒रेत॑शम् ॥ ४.०३०.०६

yatro̱ta martyā̍ya̱ kamari̍ṇā indra̱ sūrya̍m .

prāva̱ḥ śacī̍bhi̱reta̍śam .. 4.030.06

6 When also for a mortal man, Indra, thou speddest forth the Sun,
And holpest Etaśa with might.

Sloka : 4.30.7

किमादु॒तासि॑ वृत्रह॒न्मघ॑वन्मन्यु॒मत्त॑मः ।

अत्राह॒ दानु॒माति॑रः ॥ ४.०३०.०७

kimādu̱tāsi̍ vṛtraha̱nmagha̍vanmanyu̱matta̍maḥ .

atrāha̱ dānu̱māti̍raḥ .. 4.030.07

7 What? Vṛtra-slayer, art not thou, Maghavan, fiercest in thy wrath?
So hast thou quelled the demon too.

Sloka : 4.30.8

ए॒तद्घेदु॒त वी॒र्य१॒॑मिन्द्र॑ च॒कर्थ॒ पौंस्य॑म् ।

स्त्रियं॒ यद्दु॑र्हणा॒युवं॒ वधी॑र्दुहि॒तरं॑ दि॒वः ॥ ४.०३०.०८

e̱tadghedu̱ta vī̱rya1̱̍mindra̍ ca̱kartha̱ pauṃsya̍m .

striya̱ṃ yaddu̍rhaṇā̱yuva̱ṃ vadhī̍rduhi̱tara̍ṃ di̱vaḥ .. 4.030.08

8 And this heroic deed of might thou, Indra, also hast achieved,
That thou didst smite to death the Dame, Heaven's Daughter, meditating ill.

Sloka : 4.30.9

दि॒वश्चि॑द्घा दुहि॒तरं॑ म॒हान्म॑ही॒यमा॑नाम् ।

उ॒षास॑मिन्द्र॒ सं पि॑णक् ॥ ४.०३०.०९

di̱vaści̍dghā duhi̱tara̍ṃ ma̱hānma̍hī̱yamā̍nām .

u̱ṣāsa̍mindra̱ saṃ pi̍ṇak .. 4.030.09

9 Thou, Indra, Mighty One, didst crush Uṣas, though Daughter of the Sky.
When lifting up herself in pride.

Sloka : 4.30.10

अपो॒षा अन॑सः सर॒त्सम्पि॑ष्टा॒दह॑ बि॒भ्युषी॑ ।

नि यत्सीं॑ शि॒श्नथ॒द्वृषा॑ ॥ ४.०३०.१०

apo̱ṣā ana̍saḥ sara̱tsampi̍ṣṭā̱daha̍ bi̱bhyuṣī̍ .

ni yatsī̍ṃ śi̱śnatha̱dvṛṣā̍ .. 4.030.10

10 Then from her chariot Uṣas fled, affrighted, from her ruined car.
When the strong God had shattered it.

Sloka : 4.30.11

ए॒तद॑स्या॒ अनः॑ शये॒ सुस॑म्पिष्टं॒ विपा॒श्या ।

स॒सार॑ सीं परा॒वतः॑ ॥ ४.०३०.११

e̱tada̍syā̱ ana̍ḥ śaye̱ susa̍mpiṣṭa̱ṃ vipā̱śyā .

sa̱sāra̍ sīṃ parā̱vata̍ḥ .. 4.030.11

11 So there this car of Uṣas lay, broken to pieces, in Vipāś,
And she herself fled far away.

Sloka : 4.30.12

उ॒त सिन्धुं॑ विबा॒ल्यं॑ वितस्था॒नामधि॒ क्षमि॑ ।

परि॑ ष्ठा इन्द्र मा॒यया॑ ॥ ४.०३०.१२

u̱ta sindhu̍ṃ vibā̱lya̍ṃ vitasthā̱nāmadhi̱ kṣami̍ .

pari̍ ṣṭhā indra mā̱yayā̍ .. 4.030.12

12 Thou, Indra, didst. with magic power resist the overflowing stream
Who spread her waters o’er the land.

Sloka : 4.30.13

उ॒त शुष्ण॑स्य धृष्णु॒या प्र मृ॑क्षो अ॒भि वेद॑नम् ।

पुरो॒ यद॑स्य सम्पि॒णक् ॥ ४.०३०.१३

u̱ta śuṣṇa̍sya dhṛṣṇu̱yā pra mṛ̍kṣo a̱bhi veda̍nam .

puro̱ yada̍sya sampi̱ṇak .. 4.030.13

13 Valiantly didst thou seize and take the store which Śuṣṇa had amassed,
When thou didst crush his fortresses.

Sloka : 4.30.14

उ॒त दा॒सं कौ॑लित॒रं बृ॑ह॒तः पर्व॑ता॒दधि॑ ।

अवा॑हन्निन्द्र॒ शम्ब॑रम् ॥ ४.०३०.१४

u̱ta dā̱saṃ kau̍lita̱raṃ bṛ̍ha̱taḥ parva̍tā̱dadhi̍ .

avā̍hannindra̱ śamba̍ram .. 4.030.14

14 Thou, Indra, also smotest down Kulitara's son Śambara,
The Dāsa, from the lofty hill.

Sloka : 4.30.15

उ॒त दा॒सस्य॑ व॒र्चिनः॑ स॒हस्रा॑णि श॒ताव॑धीः ।

अधि॒ पञ्च॑ प्र॒धीँरि॑व ॥ ४.०३०.१५

u̱ta dā̱sasya̍ va̱rcina̍ḥ sa̱hasrā̍ṇi śa̱tāva̍dhīḥ .

adhi̱ pañca̍ pra̱dhīm̐ri̍va .. 4.030.15

15 Of Dāsa Varcin's thou didst slay the hundred thousand and the five,
Crushed like the fellies, of a car.

Sloka : 4.30.16

उ॒त त्यं पु॒त्रम॒ग्रुवः॒ परा॑वृक्तं श॒तक्र॑तुः ।

उ॒क्थेष्विन्द्र॒ आभ॑जत् ॥ ४.०३०.१६

u̱ta tyaṃ pu̱trama̱gruva̱ḥ parā̍vṛktaṃ śa̱takra̍tuḥ .

u̱ktheṣvindra̱ ābha̍jat .. 4.030.16

16 So Indra, Lord of Heroes, Powers, caused the unwedded damsel's son,
The castaway, to share the lauds.

Sloka : 4.30.17

उ॒त त्या तु॒र्वशा॒यदू॑ अस्ना॒तारा॒ शची॒पतिः॑ ।

इन्द्रो॑ वि॒द्वाँ अ॑पारयत् ॥ ४.०३०.१७

u̱ta tyā tu̱rvaśā̱yadū̍ asnā̱tārā̱ śacī̱pati̍ḥ .

indro̍ vi̱dvām̐ a̍pārayat .. 4.030.17

17 So sapient Indra, Lord of Might, brought Turvaśa and Yadu, those
Who feared the flood, in safety o’er.

Sloka : 4.30.18

उ॒त त्या स॒द्य आर्या॑ स॒रयो॑रिन्द्र पा॒रतः॑ ।

अर्णा॑चि॒त्रर॑थावधीः ॥ ४.०३०.१८

u̱ta tyā sa̱dya āryā̍ sa̱rayo̍rindra pā̱rata̍ḥ .

arṇā̍ci̱trara̍thāvadhīḥ .. 4.030.18

18 Arṇa and Citraratha, both Āryas, thou, Indra, slewest swift,
On yonder side of Sarayu,

Sloka : 4.30.19

अनु॒ द्वा ज॑हि॒ता न॑यो॒ऽन्धं श्रो॒णं च॑ वृत्रहन् ।

न तत्ते॑ सु॒म्नमष्ट॑वे ॥ ४.०३०.१९

anu̱ dvā ja̍hi̱tā na̍yo̱'ndhaṃ śro̱ṇaṃ ca̍ vṛtrahan .

na tatte̍ su̱mnamaṣṭa̍ve .. 4.030.19

19 Thou, Vṛtra-slayer, didst conduct those two forlorn, the blind, the lame.
None may attain this bliss of thine.

Sloka : 4.30.20

श॒तम॑श्म॒न्मयी॑नां पु॒रामिन्द्रो॒ व्या॑स्यत् ।

दिवो॑दासाय दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ४.०३०.२०

śa̱tama̍śma̱nmayī̍nāṃ pu̱rāmindro̱ vyā̍syat .

divo̍dāsāya dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 4.030.20

20 For Divodāsa, him who brought oblations, Indra overthrew
A hundred fortresses of stone.

Sloka : 4.30.21

अस्वा॑पयद्द॒भीत॑ये स॒हस्रा॑ त्रिं॒शतं॒ हथैः॑ ।

दा॒साना॒मिन्द्रो॑ मा॒यया॑ ॥ ४.०३०.२१

asvā̍payadda̱bhīta̍ye sa̱hasrā̍ tri̱ṃśata̱ṃ hathai̍ḥ .

dā̱sānā̱mindro̍ mā̱yayā̍ .. 4.030.21

21 The thirty thousand Dāsas he with magic power and weapons sent
To slumber, for Dabhīti's sake.

Sloka : 4.30.22

स घेदु॒तासि॑ वृत्रहन्समा॒न इ॑न्द्र॒ गोप॑तिः ।

यस्ता विश्वा॑नि चिच्यु॒षे ॥ ४.०३०.२२

sa ghedu̱tāsi̍ vṛtrahansamā̱na i̍ndra̱ gopa̍tiḥ .

yastā viśvā̍ni cicyu̱ṣe .. 4.030.22

22 As such, O Vṛtra-slayer, thou art general Lord of kine for all,
Thou Shaker of all things that be.

Sloka : 4.30.23

उ॒त नू॒नं यदि॑न्द्रि॒यं क॑रि॒ष्या इ॑न्द्र॒ पौंस्य॑म् ।

अ॒द्या नकि॒ष्टदा मि॑नत् ॥ ४.०३०.२३

u̱ta nū̱naṃ yadi̍ndri̱yaṃ ka̍ri̱ṣyā i̍ndra̱ pauṃsya̍m .

a̱dyā naki̱ṣṭadā mi̍nat .. 4.030.23

23 Indra, whatever deed of might thou hast this day to execute,
None be there now to hinder it.

Sloka : 4.30.24

वा॒मंवा॑मं त आदुरे दे॒वो द॑दात्वर्य॒मा ।

वा॒मं पू॒षा वा॒मं भगो॑ वा॒मं दे॒वः करू॑ळती ॥ ४.०३०.२४

vā̱maṃvā̍maṃ ta ādure de̱vo da̍dātvarya̱mā .

vā̱maṃ pū̱ṣā vā̱maṃ bhago̍ vā̱maṃ de̱vaḥ karū̍l̤atī .. 4.030.24

24 O Watchful One, may Aryaman the God give thee all goodly things.
May Pūṣan, Bhaga, and the God Karūḷatī give all things fair.

Sloka : 4.31.1

कया॑ नश्चि॒त्र आ भु॑वदू॒ती स॒दावृ॑धः॒ सखा॑ ।

कया॒ शचि॑ष्ठया वृ॒ता ॥ ४.०३१.०१

kayā̍ naści̱tra ā bhu̍vadū̱tī sa̱dāvṛ̍dha̱ḥ sakhā̍ .

kayā̱ śaci̍ṣṭhayā vṛ̱tā .. 4.031.01

1. WITH what help will he come to us, wonderful, ever-waxing Friend;
With what most mighty company?

Sloka : 4.31.2

कस्त्वा॑ स॒त्यो मदा॑नां॒ मंहि॑ष्ठो मत्स॒दन्ध॑सः ।

दृ॒ळ्हा चि॑दा॒रुजे॒ वसु॑ ॥ ४.०३१.०२

kastvā̍ sa̱tyo madā̍nā̱ṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭho matsa̱dandha̍saḥ .

dṛ̱l̤hā ci̍dā̱ruje̱ vasu̍ .. 4.031.02

2 What genuine and most liberal draught will spirit thee with juice to burst
Open e’en strongly-guarded wealth?

Sloka : 4.31.3

अ॒भी षु णः॒ सखी॑नामवि॒ता ज॑रितॄ॒णाम् ।

श॒तं भ॑वास्यू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ४.०३१.०३

a̱bhī ṣu ṇa̱ḥ sakhī̍nāmavi̱tā ja̍ritṝ̱ṇām .

śa̱taṃ bha̍vāsyū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 4.031.03

3 Do thou who art Protector of us thy friends who praise thee
With hundred aids approach us.

Sloka : 4.31.4

अ॒भी न॒ आ व॑वृत्स्व च॒क्रं न वृ॒त्तमर्व॑तः ।

नि॒युद्भि॑श्चर्षणी॒नाम् ॥ ४.०३१.०४

a̱bhī na̱ ā va̍vṛtsva ca̱kraṃ na vṛ̱ttamarva̍taḥ .

ni̱yudbhi̍ścarṣaṇī̱nām .. 4.031.04

4 Like as a courser's circling wheel, so turn thee hitherward to us,
Attracted by the hymns of men.

Sloka : 4.31.5

प्र॒वता॒ हि क्रतू॑ना॒मा हा॑ प॒देव॒ गच्छ॑सि ।

अभ॑क्षि॒ सूर्ये॒ सचा॑ ॥ ४.०३१.०५

pra̱vatā̱ hi kratū̍nā̱mā hā̍ pa̱deva̱ gaccha̍si .

abha̍kṣi̱ sūrye̱ sacā̍ .. 4.031.05

5 Thou seekest as it were thine own stations with swift descent of powers:-
I share thee even with the Sun.

Sloka : 4.31.6

सं यत्त॑ इन्द्र म॒न्यवः॒ सं च॒क्राणि॑ दधन्वि॒रे ।

अध॒ त्वे अध॒ सूर्ये॑ ॥ ४.०३१.०६

saṃ yatta̍ indra ma̱nyava̱ḥ saṃ ca̱krāṇi̍ dadhanvi̱re .

adha̱ tve adha̱ sūrye̍ .. 4.031.06

6 What time thy courage and his wheels together, Indra, run their course
With thee and with the Sun alike,

Sloka : 4.31.7

उ॒त स्मा॒ हि त्वामा॒हुरिन्म॒घवा॑नं शचीपते ।

दाता॑र॒मवि॑दीधयुम् ॥ ४.०३१.०७

u̱ta smā̱ hi tvāmā̱hurinma̱ghavā̍naṃ śacīpate .

dātā̍ra̱mavi̍dīdhayum .. 4.031.07

7 So even, Lord of Power and Might, the people call thee Maghavan,
Giver, who pauses not to think.

Sloka : 4.31.8

उ॒त स्मा॑ स॒द्य इत्परि॑ शशमा॒नाय॑ सुन्व॒ते ।

पु॒रू चि॑न्मंहसे॒ वसु॑ ॥ ४.०३१.०८

u̱ta smā̍ sa̱dya itpari̍ śaśamā̱nāya̍ sunva̱te .

pu̱rū ci̍nmaṃhase̱ vasu̍ .. 4.031.08

8 And verily to him who toils and presses Soma juice for thee
Thou quickly givest ample wealth.

Sloka : 4.31.9

न॒हि ष्मा॑ ते श॒तं च॒न राधो॒ वर॑न्त आ॒मुरः॑ ।

न च्यौ॒त्नानि॑ करिष्य॒तः ॥ ४.०३१.०९

na̱hi ṣmā̍ te śa̱taṃ ca̱na rādho̱ vara̍nta ā̱mura̍ḥ .

na cyau̱tnāni̍ kariṣya̱taḥ .. 4.031.09

9 No, not a hundred hinderers can check thy gracious bounty's flow,
Nor thy great deeds when thou wilt act.

Sloka : 4.31.10

अ॒स्माँ अ॑वन्तु ते श॒तम॒स्मान्स॒हस्र॑मू॒तयः॑ ।

अ॒स्मान्विश्वा॑ अ॒भिष्ट॑यः ॥ ४.०३१.१०

a̱smām̐ a̍vantu te śa̱tama̱smānsa̱hasra̍mū̱taya̍ḥ .

a̱smānviśvā̍ a̱bhiṣṭa̍yaḥ .. 4.031.10

10 May thine assistance keep us safe, thy hundred and thy thousand aids:-
May all thy favours strengthen us.

Sloka : 4.31.11

अ॒स्माँ इ॒हा वृ॑णीष्व स॒ख्याय॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ।

म॒हो रा॒ये दि॒वित्म॑ते ॥ ४.०३१.११

a̱smām̐ i̱hā vṛ̍ṇīṣva sa̱khyāya̍ sva̱staye̍ .

ma̱ho rā̱ye di̱vitma̍te .. 4.031.11

11 Do thou elect us this place for friendship and prosperity,
And great celestial opulence.

Sloka : 4.31.12

अ॒स्माँ अ॑विड्ढि वि॒श्वहेन्द्र॑ रा॒या परी॑णसा ।

अ॒स्मान्विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ४.०३१.१२

a̱smām̐ a̍viḍḍhi vi̱śvahendra̍ rā̱yā parī̍ṇasā .

a̱smānviśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 4.031.12

12 Favour us, Indra, evermore with overflowing store of wealth:-
With all thy succours aid thou us.

Sloka : 4.31.13

अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ ताँ अपा॑ वृधि व्र॒जाँ अस्ते॑व॒ गोम॑तः ।

नवा॑भिरिन्द्रो॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ४.०३१.१३

a̱smabhya̱ṃ tām̐ apā̍ vṛdhi vra̱jām̐ aste̍va̱ goma̍taḥ .

navā̍bhirindro̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 4.031.13

13 With new protections, Indra, like an archer, open thou for us
The stables that are filled with kine.

Sloka : 4.31.14

अ॒स्माकं॑ धृष्णु॒या रथो॑ द्यु॒माँ इ॒न्द्रान॑पच्युतः ।

ग॒व्युर॑श्व॒युरी॑यते ॥ ४.०३१.१४

a̱smāka̍ṃ dhṛṣṇu̱yā ratho̍ dyu̱mām̐ i̱ndrāna̍pacyutaḥ .

ga̱vyura̍śva̱yurī̍yate .. 4.031.14

14 Our chariot, Indra, boldly moves endued with splendour, ne’er repulsed,
Winning for us both kine and steeds.

Sloka : 4.31.15

अ॒स्माक॑मुत्त॒मं कृ॑धि॒ श्रवो॑ दे॒वेषु॑ सूर्य ।

वर्षि॑ष्ठं॒ द्यामि॑वो॒परि॑ ॥ ४.०३१.१५

a̱smāka̍mutta̱maṃ kṛ̍dhi̱ śravo̍ de̱veṣu̍ sūrya .

varṣi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ dyāmi̍vo̱pari̍ .. 4.031.15

15 O Sūrya, make our fame to be most excellent among the Gods,
Most lofty as the heaven on high.

Sloka : 4.32.1

आ तू न॑ इन्द्र वृत्रहन्न॒स्माक॑म॒र्धमा ग॑हि ।

म॒हान्म॒हीभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ४.०३२.०१

ā tū na̍ indra vṛtrahanna̱smāka̍ma̱rdhamā ga̍hi .

ma̱hānma̱hībhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 4.032.01

1. O THOU who slewest Vṛtra, come, O Indra, hither to our side,
Mighty One with thy mighty aids.

Sloka : 4.32.2

भृमि॑श्चिद्घासि॒ तूतु॑जि॒रा चि॑त्र चि॒त्रिणी॒ष्वा ।

चि॒त्रं कृ॑णोष्यू॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०३२.०२

bhṛmi̍ścidghāsi̱ tūtu̍ji̱rā ci̍tra ci̱triṇī̱ṣvā .

ci̱traṃ kṛ̍ṇoṣyū̱taye̍ .. 4.032.02

2 Swift and impetuous art thou, wondrous amid the well-dressed folk:-
Thou doest marvels for our help.

Sloka : 4.32.3

द॒भ्रेभि॑श्चि॒च्छशी॑यांसं॒ हंसि॒ व्राध॑न्त॒मोज॑सा ।

सखि॑भि॒र्ये त्वे सचा॑ ॥ ४.०३२.०३

da̱bhrebhi̍ści̱cchaśī̍yāṃsa̱ṃ haṃsi̱ vrādha̍nta̱moja̍sā .

sakhi̍bhi̱rye tve sacā̍ .. 4.032.03

3 Even with the weak thou smitest down him
who is stronger, with thy strength
The mighty, with the Friends thou hast.

Sloka : 4.32.4

व॒यमि॑न्द्र॒ त्वे सचा॑ व॒यं त्वा॒भि नो॑नुमः ।

अ॒स्माँअ॑स्मा॒ँ इदुद॑व ॥ ४.०३२.०४

va̱yami̍ndra̱ tve sacā̍ va̱yaṃ tvā̱bhi no̍numaḥ .

a̱smām̐a̍smā̱m̐ iduda̍va .. 4.032.04

4 O Indra, we are close to thee; to thee we sing aloud our songs:-
Help and defend us, even us.

Sloka : 4.32.5

स न॑श्चि॒त्राभि॑रद्रिवोऽनव॒द्याभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।

अना॑धृष्टाभि॒रा ग॑हि ॥ ४.०३२.०५

sa na̍ści̱trābhi̍radrivo'nava̱dyābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

anā̍dhṛṣṭābhi̱rā ga̍hi .. 4.032.05

5 As such, O Caster of the Stone, come with thy succours wonderful,
Blameless, and irresistible.

Sloka : 4.32.6

भू॒यामो॒ षु त्वाव॑तः॒ सखा॑य इन्द्र॒ गोम॑तः ।

युजो॒ वाजा॑य॒ घृष्व॑ये ॥ ४.०३२.०६

bhū̱yāmo̱ ṣu tvāva̍ta̱ḥ sakhā̍ya indra̱ goma̍taḥ .

yujo̱ vājā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍ye .. 4.032.06

6 May we be friends of one like thee, O Indra, with the wealth of kine,
Comrades for lively energy.

Sloka : 4.32.7

त्वं ह्येक॒ ईशि॑ष॒ इन्द्र॒ वाज॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

स नो॑ यन्धि म॒हीमिष॑म् ॥ ४.०३२.०७

tvaṃ hyeka̱ īśi̍ṣa̱ indra̱ vāja̍sya̱ goma̍taḥ .

sa no̍ yandhi ma̱hīmiṣa̍m .. 4.032.07

7 For thou, O Indra, art alone the Lord of strength that comes from kine
So grant thou us abundant food.

Sloka : 4.32.8

न त्वा॑ वरन्ते अ॒न्यथा॒ यद्दित्स॑सि स्तु॒तो म॒घम् ।

स्तो॒तृभ्य॑ इन्द्र गिर्वणः ॥ ४.०३२.०८

na tvā̍ varante a̱nyathā̱ yadditsa̍si stu̱to ma̱gham .

sto̱tṛbhya̍ indra girvaṇaḥ .. 4.032.08

8 They turn thee not another way, when, lauded, Lover of the Song,
Thou wilt give wealth to those who praise.

Sloka : 4.32.9

अ॒भि त्वा॒ गोत॑मा गि॒रानू॑षत॒ प्र दा॒वने॑ ।

इन्द्र॒ वाजा॑य॒ घृष्व॑ये ॥ ४.०३२.०९

a̱bhi tvā̱ gota̍mā gi̱rānū̍ṣata̱ pra dā̱vane̍ .

indra̱ vājā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍ye .. 4.032.09

9 The Gotamas have sung their song of praise to thee that thou mayst give,
Indra, for lively energy.

Sloka : 4.32.10

प्र ते॑ वोचाम वी॒र्या॒३॒॑ या म॑न्दसा॒न आरु॑जः ।

पुरो॒ दासी॑र॒भीत्य॑ ॥ ४.०३२.१०

pra te̍ vocāma vī̱ryā̱3̱̍ yā ma̍ndasā̱na āru̍jaḥ .

puro̱ dāsī̍ra̱bhītya̍ .. 4.032.10

10 We will declare thy hero deeds, what Dāsa forts thou brakest down,
Attacking them in rapturous joy.

Sloka : 4.32.11

ता ते॑ गृणन्ति वे॒धसो॒ यानि॑ च॒कर्थ॒ पौंस्या॑ ।

सु॒तेष्वि॑न्द्र गिर्वणः ॥ ४.०३२.११

tā te̍ gṛṇanti ve̱dhaso̱ yāni̍ ca̱kartha̱ pauṃsyā̍ .

su̱teṣvi̍ndra girvaṇaḥ .. 4.032.11

11 The sages sing those manly deeds which, Indra, Lover of the Song,
Thou wroughtest when the Soma flowed.

Sloka : 4.32.12

अवी॑वृधन्त॒ गोत॑मा॒ इन्द्र॒ त्वे स्तोम॑वाहसः ।

ऐषु॑ धा वी॒रव॒द्यशः॑ ॥ ४.०३२.१२

avī̍vṛdhanta̱ gota̍mā̱ indra̱ tve stoma̍vāhasaḥ .

aiṣu̍ dhā vī̱rava̱dyaśa̍ḥ .. 4.032.12

12 Indra, the Gotamas who bring thee praises have grown strong by thee.
Give them renown with hero sons.

Sloka : 4.32.13

यच्चि॒द्धि शश्व॑ता॒मसीन्द्र॒ साधा॑रण॒स्त्वम् ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं ह॑वामहे ॥ ४.०३२.१३

yacci̱ddhi śaśva̍tā̱masīndra̱ sādhā̍raṇa̱stvam .

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ ha̍vāmahe .. 4.032.13

13 For, Indra, verily thou art the general treasure even of all .
Thee, therefore, do we invocate.

Sloka : 4.32.14

अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नो व॑सो भवा॒स्मे सु म॒त्स्वान्ध॑सः ।

सोमा॑नामिन्द्र सोमपाः ॥ ४.०३२.१४

a̱rvā̱cī̱no va̍so bhavā̱sme su ma̱tsvāndha̍saḥ .

somā̍nāmindra somapāḥ .. 4.032.14

14 Excellent Indra, turn to us:- glad thee among us with the juice
Of Somas, Soma-drinker thou.

Sloka : 4.32.15

अ॒स्माकं॑ त्वा मती॒नामा स्तोम॑ इन्द्र यच्छतु ।

अ॒र्वागा व॑र्तया॒ हरी॑ ॥ ४.०३२.१५

a̱smāka̍ṃ tvā matī̱nāmā stoma̍ indra yacchatu .

a̱rvāgā va̍rtayā̱ harī̍ .. 4.032.15

15 May praise from us who think Qn thee, O Indra, bring thee near to us.
Turn thy two Bay Steeds hitherward.

Sloka : 4.32.16

पु॒रो॒ळाशं॑ च नो॒ घसो॑ जो॒षया॑से॒ गिर॑श्च नः ।

व॒धू॒युरि॑व॒ योष॑णाम् ॥ ४.०३२.१६

pu̱ro̱l̤āśa̍ṃ ca no̱ ghaso̍ jo̱ṣayā̍se̱ gira̍śca naḥ .

va̱dhū̱yuri̍va̱ yoṣa̍ṇām .. 4.032.16

16 Eat of our sacrificial cake:- rejoice thee in the songs we sing.
Even as a lover in his bride.

Sloka : 4.32.17

स॒हस्रं॒ व्यती॑नां यु॒क्ताना॒मिन्द्र॑मीमहे ।

श॒तं सोम॑स्य खा॒र्यः॑ ॥ ४.०३२.१७

sa̱hasra̱ṃ vyatī̍nāṃ yu̱ktānā̱mindra̍mīmahe .

śa̱taṃ soma̍sya khā̱rya̍ḥ .. 4.032.17

17 To India for a thousand steeds well-trained and fleet of foot we pray,
And hundred jars of Soma juice.

Sloka : 4.32.18

स॒हस्रा॑ ते श॒ता व॒यं गवा॒मा च्या॑वयामसि ।

अ॒स्म॒त्रा राध॑ एतु ते ॥ ४.०३२.१८

sa̱hasrā̍ te śa̱tā va̱yaṃ gavā̱mā cyā̍vayāmasi .

a̱sma̱trā rādha̍ etu te .. 4.032.18

18 We make a hundred of thy kine, yea, and a thousand, hasten nigh:-
So let thy bounty come to us.

Sloka : 4.32.19

दश॑ ते क॒लशा॑नां॒ हिर॑ण्यानामधीमहि ।

भू॒रि॒दा अ॑सि वृत्रहन् ॥ ४.०३२.१९

daśa̍ te ka̱laśā̍nā̱ṃ hira̍ṇyānāmadhīmahi .

bhū̱ri̱dā a̍si vṛtrahan .. 4.032.19

19 We have obtained, a gift from thee, ten water-ewers wrought of gold:-
Thou, Vṛtra-slayer, givest much.

Sloka : 4.32.20

भूरि॑दा॒ भूरि॑ देहि नो॒ मा द॒भ्रं भूर्या भ॑र ।

भूरि॒ घेदि॑न्द्र दित्ससि ॥ ४.०३२.२०

bhūri̍dā̱ bhūri̍ dehi no̱ mā da̱bhraṃ bhūryā bha̍ra .

bhūri̱ ghedi̍ndra ditsasi .. 4.032.20

20 A bounteous Giver, give us much, bring much and not a trifling gift:-
Much, Indra, wilt thou fain bestow.

Sloka : 4.32.21

भू॒रि॒दा ह्यसि॑ श्रु॒तः पु॑रु॒त्रा शू॑र वृत्रहन् ।

आ नो॑ भजस्व॒ राध॑सि ॥ ४.०३२.२१

bhū̱ri̱dā hyasi̍ śru̱taḥ pu̍ru̱trā śū̍ra vṛtrahan .

ā no̍ bhajasva̱ rādha̍si .. 4.032.21

21 O Vṛtra-slayer, thou art famed in many a place as bountiful
Hero, thy bounty let us share.

Sloka : 4.32.22

प्र ते॑ ब॒भ्रू वि॑चक्षण॒ शंसा॑मि गोषणो नपात् ।

माभ्यां॒ गा अनु॑ शिश्रथः ॥ ४.०३२.२२

pra te̍ ba̱bhrū vi̍cakṣaṇa̱ śaṃsā̍mi goṣaṇo napāt .

mābhyā̱ṃ gā anu̍ śiśrathaḥ .. 4.032.22

22 I praise thy pair of Tawny Steeds, wise Son of him who giveth kine
Terrify not the cows with these.

Sloka : 4.32.23

क॒नी॒न॒केव॑ विद्र॒धे नवे॑ द्रुप॒दे अ॑र्भ॒के ।

ब॒भ्रू यामे॑षु शोभेते ॥ ४.०३२.२३

ka̱nī̱na̱keva̍ vidra̱dhe nave̍ drupa̱de a̍rbha̱ke .

ba̱bhrū yāme̍ṣu śobhete .. 4.032.23

23 Like two slight images of girls, unrobed, upon a new-wrought post,
So shine the Bay Steeds in their course.

Sloka : 4.32.24

अरं॑ म उ॒स्रया॒म्णेऽर॒मनु॑स्रयाम्णे ।

ब॒भ्रू यामे॑ष्व॒स्रिधा॑ ॥ ४.०३२.२४

ara̍ṃ ma u̱srayā̱mṇe'ra̱manu̍srayāmṇe .

ba̱bhrū yāme̍ṣva̱sridhā̍ .. 4.032.24

24 For me the Bays are ready when I start, or start not, with the dawn, Innocuous in the ways they take.

Sloka : 4.33.1

प्र ऋ॒भुभ्यो॑ दू॒तमि॑व॒ वाच॑मिष्य उप॒स्तिरे॒ श्वैत॑रीं धे॒नुमी॑ळे ।

ये वात॑जूतास्त॒रणि॑भि॒रेवैः॒ परि॒ द्यां स॒द्यो अ॒पसो॑ बभू॒वुः ॥ ४.०३३.०१

pra ṛ̱bhubhyo̍ dū̱tami̍va̱ vāca̍miṣya upa̱stire̱ śvaita̍rīṃ dhe̱numī̍l̤e .

ye vāta̍jūtāsta̱raṇi̍bhi̱revai̱ḥ pari̱ dyāṃ sa̱dyo a̱paso̍ babhū̱vuḥ .. 4.033.01

1. I SEND my voice as herald to the Ṛbhus; I crave the white cow for the overspreading.
Wind-sped, the Skillful Ones in rapid motion have in an instant compassed round the heaven.

Sloka : 4.33.2

य॒दार॒मक्र॑न्नृ॒भवः॑ पि॒तृभ्यां॒ परि॑विष्टी वे॒षणा॑ दं॒सना॑भिः ।

आदिद्दे॒वाना॒मुप॑ स॒ख्यमा॑य॒न्धीरा॑सः पु॒ष्टिम॑वहन्म॒नायै॑ ॥ ४.०३३.०२

ya̱dāra̱makra̍nnṛ̱bhava̍ḥ pi̱tṛbhyā̱ṃ pari̍viṣṭī ve̱ṣaṇā̍ da̱ṃsanā̍bhiḥ .

ādidde̱vānā̱mupa̍ sa̱khyamā̍ya̱ndhīrā̍saḥ pu̱ṣṭima̍vahanma̱nāyai̍ .. 4.033.02

2 What time the Rbus had with care and marvels done proper service to assist their Parents,
They won the friendship of the Gods; the Sages carried away the fruit of their devotion.

Sloka : 4.33.3

पुन॒र्ये च॒क्रुः पि॒तरा॒ युवा॑ना॒ सना॒ यूपे॑व जर॒णा शया॑ना ।

ते वाजो॒ विभ्वा॑ँ ऋ॒भुरिन्द्र॑वन्तो॒ मधु॑प्सरसो नोऽवन्तु य॒ज्ञम् ॥ ४.०३३.०३

puna̱rye ca̱kruḥ pi̱tarā̱ yuvā̍nā̱ sanā̱ yūpe̍va jara̱ṇā śayā̍nā .

te vājo̱ vibhvā̍m̐ ṛ̱bhurindra̍vanto̱ madhu̍psaraso no'vantu ya̱jñam .. 4.033.03

3 May they who made their Parents, who were lying like posts that moulder, young again for ever,—
May Vāja, Vibhvan, Ṛbhu, joined with Indra , protect our sacrifice, the Soma-lovers.

Sloka : 4.33.4

यत्सं॒वत्स॑मृ॒भवो॒ गामर॑क्ष॒न्यत्सं॒वत्स॑मृ॒भवो॒ मा अपिं॑शन् ।

यत्सं॒वत्स॒मभ॑र॒न्भासो॑ अस्या॒स्ताभिः॒ शमी॑भिरमृत॒त्वमा॑शुः ॥ ४.०३३.०४

yatsa̱ṃvatsa̍mṛ̱bhavo̱ gāmara̍kṣa̱nyatsa̱ṃvatsa̍mṛ̱bhavo̱ mā api̍ṃśan .

yatsa̱ṃvatsa̱mabha̍ra̱nbhāso̍ asyā̱stābhi̱ḥ śamī̍bhiramṛta̱tvamā̍śuḥ .. 4.033.04

4 As for a year the Ṛbhus kept the Milch-cow, throughout a year fashioned and formed her body,
And through a year's space still sustained her brightness, through these their labours they were made immortal.

Sloka : 4.33.5

ज्ये॒ष्ठ आ॑ह चम॒सा द्वा क॒रेति॒ कनी॑या॒न्त्रीन्कृ॑णवा॒मेत्या॑ह ।

क॒नि॒ष्ठ आ॑ह च॒तुर॑स्क॒रेति॒ त्वष्ट॑ ऋभव॒स्तत्प॑नय॒द्वचो॑ वः ॥ ४.०३३.०५

jye̱ṣṭha ā̍ha cama̱sā dvā ka̱reti̱ kanī̍yā̱ntrīnkṛ̍ṇavā̱metyā̍ha .

ka̱ni̱ṣṭha ā̍ha ca̱tura̍ska̱reti̱ tvaṣṭa̍ ṛbhava̱statpa̍naya̱dvaco̍ vaḥ .. 4.033.05

5 Two beakers let us make,—thus said the eldest. Let us make three,—this was the younger's sentence.
Four beakers let us make,—thus spoke the youngest. Tvaṣṭar approved this rede of yours, O Ṛbhus.

Sloka : 4.33.6

स॒त्यमू॑चु॒र्नर॑ ए॒वा हि च॒क्रुरनु॑ स्व॒धामृ॒भवो॑ जग्मुरे॒ताम् ।

वि॒भ्राज॑मानाँश्चम॒साँ अहे॒वावे॑न॒त्त्वष्टा॑ च॒तुरो॑ ददृ॒श्वान् ॥ ४.०३३.०६

sa̱tyamū̍cu̱rnara̍ e̱vā hi ca̱kruranu̍ sva̱dhāmṛ̱bhavo̍ jagmure̱tām .

vi̱bhrāja̍mānām̐ścama̱sām̐ ahe̱vāve̍na̱ttvaṣṭā̍ ca̱turo̍ dadṛ̱śvān .. 4.033.06

6 The men spake truth and even so they acted:- this Godlike way of theirs the Ṛbhus followed.
And Tvaṣṭar, when he looked on the four beakers resplendent as the day, was moved with envy.

Sloka : 4.33.7

द्वाद॑श॒ द्यून्यदगो॑ह्यस्याति॒थ्ये रण॑न्नृ॒भवः॑ स॒सन्तः॑ ।

सु॒क्षेत्रा॑कृण्व॒न्नन॑यन्त॒ सिन्धू॒न्धन्वाति॑ष्ठ॒न्नोष॑धीर्नि॒म्नमापः॑ ॥ ४.०३३.०७

dvāda̍śa̱ dyūnyadago̍hyasyāti̱thye raṇa̍nnṛ̱bhava̍ḥ sa̱santa̍ḥ .

su̱kṣetrā̍kṛṇva̱nnana̍yanta̱ sindhū̱ndhanvāti̍ṣṭha̱nnoṣa̍dhīrni̱mnamāpa̍ḥ .. 4.033.07

7 When for twelve days the Ṛbhus joyed reposing as guests of him who never may be hidden,
They made fair fertile fields, they brought the rivers. Plants spread o’er deserts, waters filled the hollows.

Sloka : 4.33.8

रथं॒ ये च॒क्रुः सु॒वृतं॑ नरे॒ष्ठां ये धे॒नुं वि॑श्व॒जुवं॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पाम् ।

त आ त॑क्षन्त्वृ॒भवो॑ र॒यिं नः॒ स्वव॑सः॒ स्वप॑सः सु॒हस्ताः॑ ॥ ४.०३३.०८

ratha̱ṃ ye ca̱kruḥ su̱vṛta̍ṃ nare̱ṣṭhāṃ ye dhe̱nuṃ vi̍śva̱juva̍ṃ vi̱śvarū̍pām .

ta ā ta̍kṣantvṛ̱bhavo̍ ra̱yiṃ na̱ḥ svava̍sa̱ḥ svapa̍saḥ su̱hastā̍ḥ .. 4.033.08

8 May they who formed the swift car, bearing Heroes, and the Cow omniform and all-impelling,
Even may they form wealth for us,—the Ṛbhus, dexterous-handed, deft in work and gracious.

Sloka : 4.33.9

अपो॒ ह्ये॑षा॒मजु॑षन्त दे॒वा अ॒भि क्रत्वा॒ मन॑सा॒ दीध्या॑नाः ।

वाजो॑ दे॒वाना॑मभवत्सु॒कर्मेन्द्र॑स्य ऋभु॒क्षा वरु॑णस्य॒ विभ्वा॑ ॥ ४.०३३.०९

apo̱ hye̍ṣā̱maju̍ṣanta de̱vā a̱bhi kratvā̱ mana̍sā̱ dīdhyā̍nāḥ .

vājo̍ de̱vānā̍mabhavatsu̱karmendra̍sya ṛbhu̱kṣā varu̍ṇasya̱ vibhvā̍ .. 4.033.09

9 So in their work the Gods had satisfaction, pondering it with thought and mental insight.
The Gods’ expert artificer was Vāja, Indra's Ṛbhukṣan, Varuṇa's was Vibhvan.

Sloka : 4.33.10

ये हरी॑ मे॒धयो॒क्था मद॑न्त॒ इन्द्रा॑य च॒क्रुः सु॒युजा॒ ये अश्वा॑ ।

ते रा॒यस्पोषं॒ द्रवि॑णान्य॒स्मे ध॒त्त ऋ॑भवः क्षेम॒यन्तो॒ न मि॒त्रम् ॥ ४.०३३.१०

ye harī̍ me̱dhayo̱kthā mada̍nta̱ indrā̍ya ca̱kruḥ su̱yujā̱ ye aśvā̍ .

te rā̱yaspoṣa̱ṃ dravi̍ṇānya̱sme dha̱tta ṛ̍bhavaḥ kṣema̱yanto̱ na mi̱tram .. 4.033.10

10 They who made glad with sacrifice and praises, wrought the two Bays, his docile Steeds, for Indra,—
Ṛbhus, as those who wish a friend to prosper, bestow upon us gear and growth of riches.

Sloka : 4.33.11

इ॒दाह्नः॑ पी॒तिमु॒त वो॒ मदं॑ धु॒र्न ऋ॒ते श्रा॒न्तस्य॑ स॒ख्याय॑ दे॒वाः ।

ते नू॒नम॒स्मे ऋ॑भवो॒ वसू॑नि तृ॒तीये॑ अ॒स्मिन्सव॑ने दधात ॥ ४.०३३.११

i̱dāhna̍ḥ pī̱timu̱ta vo̱ mada̍ṃ dhu̱rna ṛ̱te śrā̱ntasya̍ sa̱khyāya̍ de̱vāḥ .

te nū̱nama̱sme ṛ̍bhavo̱ vasū̍ni tṛ̱tīye̍ a̱sminsava̍ne dadhāta .. 4.033.11

11 This day have they set gladdening drink before you. Not without toil are Gods inclined to friendship.
Therefore do ye who are so great, O Ṛbhus, vouchsafe us treasures at this third libation.

Sloka : 4.34.1

ऋ॒भुर्विभ्वा॒ वाज॒ इन्द्रो॑ नो॒ अच्छे॒मं य॒ज्ञं र॑त्न॒धेयोप॑ यात ।

इ॒दा हि वो॑ धि॒षणा॑ दे॒व्यह्ना॒मधा॑त्पी॒तिं सं मदा॑ अग्मता वः ॥ ४.०३४.०१

ṛ̱bhurvibhvā̱ vāja̱ indro̍ no̱ acche̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ ra̍tna̱dheyopa̍ yāta .

i̱dā hi vo̍ dhi̱ṣaṇā̍ de̱vyahnā̱madhā̍tpī̱tiṃ saṃ madā̍ agmatā vaḥ .. 4.034.01

1. To this our sacrifice come Ṛbhu, Vibhvan, Vāja, and Indra with the gift of riches,
Because this day hath Dhiṣaṇā the Goddess set drink for you:- the gladdening draughts have reached you.

Sloka : 4.34.2

वि॒दा॒नासो॒ जन्म॑नो वाजरत्ना उ॒त ऋ॒तुभि॑रृभवो मादयध्वम् ।

सं वो॒ मदा॒ अग्म॑त॒ सं पुरं॑धिः सु॒वीरा॑म॒स्मे र॒यिमेर॑यध्वम् ॥ ४.०३४.०२

vi̱dā̱nāso̱ janma̍no vājaratnā u̱ta ṛ̱tubhi̍rṛbhavo mādayadhvam .

saṃ vo̱ madā̱ agma̍ta̱ saṃ pura̍ṃdhiḥ su̱vīrā̍ma̱sme ra̱yimera̍yadhvam .. 4.034.02

2 Knowing your birth and rich in gathered treasure, Ṛbhus, rejoice together with the Ṛtus.
The gladdening draughts and wisdom have approached you:- send ye us riches with good store of heroes.

Sloka : 4.34.3

अ॒यं वो॑ य॒ज्ञ ऋ॑भवोऽकारि॒ यमा म॑नु॒ष्वत्प्र॒दिवो॑ दधि॒ध्वे ।

प्र वोऽच्छा॑ जुजुषा॒णासो॑ अस्थु॒रभू॑त॒ विश्वे॑ अग्रि॒योत वा॑जाः ॥ ४.०३४.०३

a̱yaṃ vo̍ ya̱jña ṛ̍bhavo'kāri̱ yamā ma̍nu̱ṣvatpra̱divo̍ dadhi̱dhve .

pra vo'cchā̍ jujuṣā̱ṇāso̍ asthu̱rabhū̍ta̱ viśve̍ agri̱yota vā̍jāḥ .. 4.034.03

3 For you was made this sacrifice, O Ṛbhus, which ye, like men, won for yourselves aforetime.
To you come all who find in you their pleasure:- ye all were—even the two elder—Vājas.

Sloka : 4.34.4

अभू॑दु वो विध॒ते र॑त्न॒धेय॑मि॒दा न॑रो दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ।

पिब॑त वाजा ऋभवो द॒दे वो॒ महि॑ तृ॒तीयं॒ सव॑नं॒ मदा॑य ॥ ४.०३४.०४

abhū̍du vo vidha̱te ra̍tna̱dheya̍mi̱dā na̍ro dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .

piba̍ta vājā ṛbhavo da̱de vo̱ mahi̍ tṛ̱tīya̱ṃ sava̍na̱ṃ madā̍ya .. 4.034.04

4 Now for the mortal worshipper, O Heroes, for him who served you, was the gift of riches.
Drink, Vājas, Ṛbhus! unto you is offered, to gladden you, the third and great libation.

Sloka : 4.34.5

आ वा॑जा या॒तोप॑ न ऋभुक्षा म॒हो न॑रो॒ द्रवि॑णसो गृणा॒नाः ।

आ वः॑ पी॒तयो॑ऽभिपि॒त्वे अह्ना॑मि॒मा अस्तं॑ नव॒स्व॑ इव ग्मन् ॥ ४.०३४.०५

ā vā̍jā yā̱topa̍ na ṛbhukṣā ma̱ho na̍ro̱ dravi̍ṇaso gṛṇā̱nāḥ .

ā va̍ḥ pī̱tayo̎bhipi̱tve ahnā̍mi̱mā asta̍ṃ nava̱sva̍ iva gman .. 4.034.05

5 Come to us, Heroes, Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans, glorified for the sake of mighty treasure.
These draughts approach you as the day is closing, as cows, whose calves are newly-born, their stable.

Sloka : 4.34.6

आ न॑पातः शवसो यात॒नोपे॒मं य॒ज्ञं नम॑सा हू॒यमा॑नाः ।

स॒जोष॑सः सूरयो॒ यस्य॑ च॒ स्थ मध्वः॑ पात रत्न॒धा इन्द्र॑वन्तः ॥ ४.०३४.०६

ā na̍pātaḥ śavaso yāta̱nope̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ nama̍sā hū̱yamā̍nāḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍saḥ sūrayo̱ yasya̍ ca̱ stha madhva̍ḥ pāta ratna̱dhā indra̍vantaḥ .. 4.034.06

6 Come to this sacrifice of ours, ye Children of Strength, invoked with humble adoration.
Drink of this meath, Wealth-givers, joined with Indra with whom ye are in full accord, ye Princes.

Sloka : 4.34.7

स॒जोषा॑ इन्द्र॒ वरु॑णेन॒ सोमं॑ स॒जोषाः॑ पाहि गिर्वणो म॒रुद्भिः॑ ।

अ॒ग्रे॒पाभि॑रृतु॒पाभिः॑ स॒जोषा॒ ग्नास्पत्नी॑भी रत्न॒धाभिः॑ स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ ४.०३४.०७

sa̱joṣā̍ indra̱ varu̍ṇena̱ soma̍ṃ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ pāhi girvaṇo ma̱rudbhi̍ḥ .

a̱gre̱pābhi̍rṛtu̱pābhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣā̱ gnāspatnī̍bhī ratna̱dhābhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 4.034.07

7 Close knit with Varuṇa drink the Soma, Indra; close-knit, Hymn-lover! with the Maruts drink it:-
Close-knit with drinkers first, who drink in season; close-knit with heavenly Dames who give us treasures.

Sloka : 4.34.8

स॒जोष॑स आदि॒त्यैर्मा॑दयध्वं स॒जोष॑स ऋभवः॒ पर्व॑तेभिः ।

स॒जोष॑सो॒ दैव्ये॑ना सवि॒त्रा स॒जोष॑सः॒ सिन्धु॑भी रत्न॒धेभिः॑ ॥ ४.०३४.०८

sa̱joṣa̍sa ādi̱tyairmā̍dayadhvaṃ sa̱joṣa̍sa ṛbhava̱ḥ parva̍tebhiḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍so̱ daivye̍nā savi̱trā sa̱joṣa̍sa̱ḥ sindhu̍bhī ratna̱dhebhi̍ḥ .. 4.034.08

8 Rejoice in full accord with the Ādityas, in concord with the Parvatas, O Ṛbhus;
In full accord with Savitar, Divine One; in full accord with floods that pour forth riches.

Sloka : 4.34.9

ये अ॒श्विना॒ ये पि॒तरा॒ य ऊ॒ती धे॒नुं त॑त॒क्षुरृ॒भवो॒ ये अश्वा॑ ।

ये अंस॑त्रा॒ य ऋध॒ग्रोद॑सी॒ ये विभ्वो॒ नरः॑ स्वप॒त्यानि॑ च॒क्रुः ॥ ४.०३४.०९

ye a̱śvinā̱ ye pi̱tarā̱ ya ū̱tī dhe̱nuṃ ta̍ta̱kṣurṛ̱bhavo̱ ye aśvā̍ .

ye aṃsa̍trā̱ ya ṛdha̱groda̍sī̱ ye vibhvo̱ nara̍ḥ svapa̱tyāni̍ ca̱kruḥ .. 4.034.09

9 Ṛbhus, who helped their Parents and the Aśvins, who formed the Milch-cow and the pair of horses,
Made armour, set the heaven and earth asunder,—far- reaching Heroes, they have made good offspring.

Sloka : 4.34.10

ये गोम॑न्तं॒ वाज॑वन्तं सु॒वीरं॑ र॒यिं ध॒त्थ वसु॑मन्तं पुरु॒क्षुम् ।

ते अ॑ग्रे॒पा ऋ॑भवो मन्दसा॒ना अ॒स्मे ध॑त्त॒ ये च॑ रा॒तिं गृ॒णन्ति॑ ॥ ४.०३४.१०

ye goma̍nta̱ṃ vāja̍vantaṃ su̱vīra̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ dha̱ttha vasu̍mantaṃ puru̱kṣum .

te a̍gre̱pā ṛ̍bhavo mandasā̱nā a̱sme dha̍tta̱ ye ca̍ rā̱tiṃ gṛ̱ṇanti̍ .. 4.034.10

10 Ye who have wealth in cattle and in booty, in heroes, in rich sustenance and treasure,
Such, O ye Ṛbhus, first to drink, rejoicing, give unto us and those who laud our present.

Sloka : 4.34.11

नापा॑भूत॒ न वो॑ऽतीतृषा॒मानिः॑शस्ता ऋभवो य॒ज्ञे अ॒स्मिन् ।

समिन्द्रे॑ण॒ मद॑थ॒ सं म॒रुद्भिः॒ सं राज॑भी रत्न॒धेया॑य देवाः ॥ ४.०३४.११

nāpā̍bhūta̱ na vo̎tītṛṣā̱māni̍ḥśastā ṛbhavo ya̱jñe a̱smin .

samindre̍ṇa̱ mada̍tha̱ saṃ ma̱rudbhi̱ḥ saṃ rāja̍bhī ratna̱dheyā̍ya devāḥ .. 4.034.11

11 Ye were not far:- we have not left you thirsting, blameless in this our sacrifice, O Ṛbhus.
Rejoice you with the Maruts and with Indra, with the Kings, Gods! that ye may give us riches.

Sloka : 4.35.1

इ॒होप॑ यात शवसो नपातः॒ सौध॑न्वना ऋभवो॒ माप॑ भूत ।

अ॒स्मिन्हि वः॒ सव॑ने रत्न॒धेयं॒ गम॒न्त्विन्द्र॒मनु॑ वो॒ मदा॑सः ॥ ४.०३५.०१

i̱hopa̍ yāta śavaso napāta̱ḥ saudha̍nvanā ṛbhavo̱ māpa̍ bhūta .

a̱sminhi va̱ḥ sava̍ne ratna̱dheya̱ṃ gama̱ntvindra̱manu̍ vo̱ madā̍saḥ .. 4.035.01

1. Come hither, O ye Sons of Strength, ye Ṛbhus; stay not afar, ye Children of Sudhanvan.
At this libation is your gift of treasure. Let gladdening draughts approach you after Indra's.

Sloka : 4.35.2

आग॑न्नृभू॒णामि॒ह र॑त्न॒धेय॒मभू॒त्सोम॑स्य॒ सुषु॑तस्य पी॒तिः ।

सु॒कृ॒त्यया॒ यत्स्व॑प॒स्यया॑ च॒ँ एकं॑ विच॒क्र च॑म॒सं च॑तु॒र्धा ॥ ४.०३५.०२

āga̍nnṛbhū̱ṇāmi̱ha ra̍tna̱dheya̱mabhū̱tsoma̍sya̱ suṣu̍tasya pī̱tiḥ .

su̱kṛ̱tyayā̱ yatsva̍pa̱syayā̍ ca̱m̐ eka̍ṃ vica̱kra ca̍ma̱saṃ ca̍tu̱rdhā .. 4.035.02

2 Hither is come the Ṛbhus' gift of riches; here was the drinking of the well-pressed Soma,
Since by dexterity and skill as craftsmen ye made the single chalice to be fourfold

Sloka : 4.35.3

व्य॑कृणोत चम॒सं च॑तु॒र्धा सखे॒ वि शि॒क्षेत्य॑ब्रवीत ।

अथै॑त वाजा अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ पन्थां॑ ग॒णं दे॒वाना॑मृभवः सुहस्ताः ॥ ४.०३५.०३

vya̍kṛṇota cama̱saṃ ca̍tu̱rdhā sakhe̱ vi śi̱kṣetya̍bravīta .

athai̍ta vājā a̱mṛta̍sya̱ panthā̍ṃ ga̱ṇaṃ de̱vānā̍mṛbhavaḥ suhastāḥ .. 4.035.03

3 Ye made fourfold the chalice that wag single:- ye spake these words and said, O Friend, assist us;
Then, Vājas! gained the path of life eternal, deft-handed Ṛbhus, to the Gods’ assembly.

Sloka : 4.35.4

कि॒म्मयः॑ स्विच्चम॒स ए॒ष आ॑स॒ यं काव्ये॑न च॒तुरो॑ विच॒क्र ।

अथा॑ सुनुध्वं॒ सव॑नं॒ मदा॑य पा॒त ऋ॑भवो॒ मधु॑नः सो॒म्यस्य॑ ॥ ४.०३५.०४

ki̱mmaya̍ḥ sviccama̱sa e̱ṣa ā̍sa̱ yaṃ kāvye̍na ca̱turo̍ vica̱kra .

athā̍ sunudhva̱ṃ sava̍na̱ṃ madā̍ya pā̱ta ṛ̍bhavo̱ madhu̍naḥ so̱myasya̍ .. 4.035.04

4 Out of what substance was that chalice fashioned which ye made fourfold by your art and wisdom?
Now for the gladdening draught press out the liquor, and drink, O Ṛbhus, of die meath of Soma.

Sloka : 4.35.5

शच्या॑कर्त पि॒तरा॒ युवा॑ना॒ शच्या॑कर्त चम॒सं दे॑व॒पान॑म् ।

शच्या॒ हरी॒ धनु॑तरावतष्टेन्द्र॒वाहा॑वृभवो वाजरत्नाः ॥ ४.०३५.०५

śacyā̍karta pi̱tarā̱ yuvā̍nā̱ śacyā̍karta cama̱saṃ de̍va̱pāna̍m .

śacyā̱ harī̱ dhanu̍tarāvataṣṭendra̱vāhā̍vṛbhavo vājaratnāḥ .. 4.035.05

5 Ye with your cunning made your Parents youthful; the cup, for Gods to drink, ye formed with cunning;
With cunning, Ṛbhus, rich in treasure, fashioned the two swift Tawny Steeds who carry Indra.

Sloka : 4.35.6

यो वः॑ सु॒नोत्य॑भिपि॒त्वे अह्नां॑ ती॒व्रं वा॑जासः॒ सव॑नं॒ मदा॑य ।

तस्मै॑ र॒यिमृ॑भवः॒ सर्व॑वीर॒मा त॑क्षत वृषणो मन्दसा॒नाः ॥ ४.०३५.०६

yo va̍ḥ su̱notya̍bhipi̱tve ahnā̍ṃ tī̱vraṃ vā̍jāsa̱ḥ sava̍na̱ṃ madā̍ya .

tasmai̍ ra̱yimṛ̍bhava̱ḥ sarva̍vīra̱mā ta̍kṣata vṛṣaṇo mandasā̱nāḥ .. 4.035.06

6 Whoso pours out for you, when days are closing, the sharp libation for your joy, O Vājas,
For him, O mighty Ṛbhus, ye, rejoicing, have fashioned wealth with plenteous store of heroes.

Sloka : 4.35.7

प्रा॒तः सु॒तम॑पिबो हर्यश्व॒ माध्यं॑दिनं॒ सव॑नं॒ केव॑लं ते ।

समृ॒भुभिः॑ पिबस्व रत्न॒धेभिः॒ सखी॒ँर्याँ इ॑न्द्र चकृ॒षे सु॑कृ॒त्या ॥ ४.०३५.०७

prā̱taḥ su̱tama̍pibo haryaśva̱ mādhya̍ṃdina̱ṃ sava̍na̱ṃ keva̍laṃ te .

samṛ̱bhubhi̍ḥ pibasva ratna̱dhebhi̱ḥ sakhī̱m̐ryām̐ i̍ndra cakṛ̱ṣe su̍kṛ̱tyā .. 4.035.07

7 Lord of Bay Steeds, at dawn the juice thou drankest:- thine, only thine, is the noonday libation.
Now drink thou with the wealth-bestowing Ṛbhus, whom for their skill thou madest friends, O Indra.

Sloka : 4.35.8

ये दे॒वासो॒ अभ॑वता सुकृ॒त्या श्ये॒ना इ॒वेदधि॑ दि॒वि नि॑षे॒द ।

ते रत्नं॑ धात शवसो नपातः॒ सौध॑न्वना॒ अभ॑वता॒मृता॑सः ॥ ४.०३५.०८

ye de̱vāso̱ abha̍vatā sukṛ̱tyā śye̱nā i̱vedadhi̍ di̱vi ni̍ṣe̱da .

te ratna̍ṃ dhāta śavaso napāta̱ḥ saudha̍nvanā̱ abha̍vatā̱mṛtā̍saḥ .. 4.035.08

8 Ye, whom your artist skill hath raised to Godhead have set you down above in heaven like falcons.
So give us riches, Children of Sudhanvan, O Sons of Strength; ye have become immortal.

Sloka : 4.35.9

यत्तृ॒तीयं॒ सव॑नं रत्न॒धेय॒मकृ॑णुध्वं स्वप॒स्या सु॑हस्ताः ।

तदृ॑भवः॒ परि॑षिक्तं व ए॒तत्सं मदे॑भिरिन्द्रि॒येभिः॑ पिबध्वम् ॥ ४.०३५.०९

yattṛ̱tīya̱ṃ sava̍naṃ ratna̱dheya̱makṛ̍ṇudhvaṃ svapa̱syā su̍hastāḥ .

tadṛ̍bhava̱ḥ pari̍ṣiktaṃ va e̱tatsaṃ made̍bhirindri̱yebhi̍ḥ pibadhvam .. 4.035.09

9 The third libation, that bestoweth treasure, which ye have won by skill, ye dexterous-handed,—
This drink hath been effused for you, O Ṛbhus . drink it with high delight, with joy like Indra's.

Sloka : 4.36.1

अ॒न॒श्वो जा॒तो अ॑नभी॒शुरु॒क्थ्यो॒३॒॑ रथ॑स्त्रिच॒क्रः परि॑ वर्तते॒ रजः॑ ।

म॒हत्तद्वो॑ दे॒व्य॑स्य प्र॒वाच॑नं॒ द्यामृ॑भवः पृथि॒वीं यच्च॒ पुष्य॑थ ॥ ४.०३६.०१

a̱na̱śvo jā̱to a̍nabhī̱śuru̱kthyo̱3̱̍ ratha̍strica̱kraḥ pari̍ vartate̱ raja̍ḥ .

ma̱hattadvo̍ de̱vya̍sya pra̱vāca̍na̱ṃ dyāmṛ̍bhavaḥ pṛthi̱vīṃ yacca̱ puṣya̍tha .. 4.036.01

1. THE car that was not made for horses or for reins, three-wheeled, worthy of lauds, rolls round the firmament.
That is the great announcement of your Deity, that, O ye Ṛbhus, ye sustain the earth and heaven.

Sloka : 4.36.2

रथं॒ ये च॒क्रुः सु॒वृतं॑ सु॒चेत॒सोऽवि॑ह्वरन्तं॒ मन॑स॒स्परि॒ ध्यया॑ ।

ताँ ऊ॒ न्व१॒॑स्य सव॑नस्य पी॒तय॒ आ वो॑ वाजा ऋभवो वेदयामसि ॥ ४.०३६.०२

ratha̱ṃ ye ca̱kruḥ su̱vṛta̍ṃ su̱ceta̱so'vi̍hvaranta̱ṃ mana̍sa̱spari̱ dhyayā̍ .

tām̐ ū̱ nva1̱̍sya sava̍nasya pī̱taya̱ ā vo̍ vājā ṛbhavo vedayāmasi .. 4.036.02

2 Ye Sapient Ones who made the lightly-rolling car out of your mind, by thought, the car that never errs,
You, being such, to drink of this drink-offering, you, O ye Vājas, and ye Ṛbhus, we invoke.

Sloka : 4.36.3

तद्वो॑ वाजा ऋभवः सुप्रवाच॒नं दे॒वेषु॑ विभ्वो अभवन्महित्व॒नम् ।

जिव्री॒ यत्सन्ता॑ पि॒तरा॑ सना॒जुरा॒ पुन॒र्युवा॑ना च॒रथा॑य॒ तक्ष॑थ ॥ ४.०३६.०३

tadvo̍ vājā ṛbhavaḥ supravāca̱naṃ de̱veṣu̍ vibhvo abhavanmahitva̱nam .

jivrī̱ yatsantā̍ pi̱tarā̍ sanā̱jurā̱ puna̱ryuvā̍nā ca̱rathā̍ya̱ takṣa̍tha .. 4.036.03

3 O Vājas, Ṛbhus, reaching far, among the Gods this was your exaltation gloriously declared,
In that your aged Parents, worn with length of days, ye wrought again to youth so that they moved at will.

Sloka : 4.36.4

एकं॒ वि च॑क्र चम॒सं चतु॑र्वयं॒ निश्चर्म॑णो॒ गाम॑रिणीत धी॒तिभिः॑ ।

अथा॑ दे॒वेष्व॑मृत॒त्वमा॑नश श्रु॒ष्टी वा॑जा ऋभव॒स्तद्व॑ उ॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ४.०३६.०४

eka̱ṃ vi ca̍kra cama̱saṃ catu̍rvaya̱ṃ niścarma̍ṇo̱ gāma̍riṇīta dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .

athā̍ de̱veṣva̍mṛta̱tvamā̍naśa śru̱ṣṭī vā̍jā ṛbhava̱stadva̍ u̱kthya̍m .. 4.036.04

4 The chalice that wag single ye have made fourfold, and by your wisdom brought the Cow forth from the hide.
So quickly, mid the Gods, ye gained immortal life. Vājas and Ṛbhus, your great work must be extolled.

Sloka : 4.36.5

ऋ॒भु॒तो र॒यिः प्र॑थ॒मश्र॑वस्तमो॒ वाज॑श्रुतासो॒ यमजी॑जन॒न्नरः॑ ।

वि॒भ्व॒त॒ष्टो वि॒दथे॑षु प्र॒वाच्यो॒ यं दे॑वा॒सोऽव॑था॒ स विच॑र्षणिः ॥ ४.०३६.०५

ṛ̱bhu̱to ra̱yiḥ pra̍tha̱maśra̍vastamo̱ vāja̍śrutāso̱ yamajī̍jana̱nnara̍ḥ .

vi̱bhva̱ta̱ṣṭo vi̱dathe̍ṣu pra̱vācyo̱ yaṃ de̍vā̱so'va̍thā̱ sa vica̍rṣaṇiḥ .. 4.036.05

5 Wealth from the Ṛbhus is most glorious in renown, that which the Heroes, famed for vigour, have produced.
In synods must be sung the car which Vibhvan wrought:- that which ye favour, Gods! is famed among mankind.

Sloka : 4.36.6

स वा॒ज्यर्वा॒ स ऋषि॑र्वच॒स्यया॒ स शूरो॒ अस्ता॒ पृत॑नासु दु॒ष्टरः॑ ।

स रा॒यस्पोषं॒ स सु॒वीर्यं॑ दधे॒ यं वाजो॒ विभ्वा॑ँ ऋ॒भवो॒ यमावि॑षुः ॥ ४.०३६.०६

sa vā̱jyarvā̱ sa ṛṣi̍rvaca̱syayā̱ sa śūro̱ astā̱ pṛta̍nāsu du̱ṣṭara̍ḥ .

sa rā̱yaspoṣa̱ṃ sa su̱vīrya̍ṃ dadhe̱ yaṃ vājo̱ vibhvā̍m̐ ṛ̱bhavo̱ yamāvi̍ṣuḥ .. 4.036.06

6 Strong is the steed, the man a sage in eloquence, the bowman is a hero hard to beat in fight,
Great store of wealth and manly power hath he obtained whom Vāja, Vibhvan, Ṛbhus have looked kindly on.

Sloka : 4.36.7

श्रेष्ठं॑ वः॒ पेशो॒ अधि॑ धायि दर्श॒तं स्तोमो॑ वाजा ऋभव॒स्तं जु॑जुष्टन ।

धीरा॑सो॒ हि ष्ठा क॒वयो॑ विप॒श्चित॒स्तान्व॑ ए॒ना ब्रह्म॒णा वे॑दयामसि ॥ ४.०३६.०७

śreṣṭha̍ṃ va̱ḥ peśo̱ adhi̍ dhāyi darśa̱taṃ stomo̍ vājā ṛbhava̱staṃ ju̍juṣṭana .

dhīrā̍so̱ hi ṣṭhā ka̱vayo̍ vipa̱ścita̱stānva̍ e̱nā brahma̱ṇā ve̍dayāmasi .. 4.036.07

7 To you hath been assigned the fairest ornament, the hymn of praise:- Vājas and Ṛbhus, joy therein;
For ye have lore and wisdom and poetic skill:- as such, with this our prayer we call on you to come.

Sloka : 4.36.8

यू॒यम॒स्मभ्यं॑ धि॒षणा॑भ्य॒स्परि॑ वि॒द्वांसो॒ विश्वा॒ नर्या॑णि॒ भोज॑ना ।

द्यु॒मन्तं॒ वाजं॒ वृष॑शुष्ममुत्त॒ममा नो॑ र॒यिमृ॑भवस्तक्ष॒ता वयः॑ ॥ ४.०३६.०८

yū̱yama̱smabhya̍ṃ dhi̱ṣaṇā̍bhya̱spari̍ vi̱dvāṃso̱ viśvā̱ naryā̍ṇi̱ bhoja̍nā .

dyu̱manta̱ṃ vāja̱ṃ vṛṣa̍śuṣmamutta̱mamā no̍ ra̱yimṛ̍bhavastakṣa̱tā vaya̍ḥ .. 4.036.08

8 According to the wishes of our hearts may ye, who have full knowledge of all the delights of men,
Fashion for us, O Ṛbhus, power and splendid wealth, rich in high courage, excellent, and vital strength.

Sloka : 4.36.9

इ॒ह प्र॒जामि॒ह र॒यिं ररा॑णा इ॒ह श्रवो॑ वी॒रव॑त्तक्षता नः ।

येन॑ व॒यं चि॒तये॒मात्य॒न्यान्तं वाजं॑ चि॒त्रमृ॑भवो ददा नः ॥ ४.०३६.०९

i̱ha pra̱jāmi̱ha ra̱yiṃ rarā̍ṇā i̱ha śravo̍ vī̱rava̍ttakṣatā naḥ .

yena̍ va̱yaṃ ci̱taye̱mātya̱nyāntaṃ vāja̍ṃ ci̱tramṛ̍bhavo dadā naḥ .. 4.036.09

9 Bestowing on us here riches and offspring, here fashion fame for us befitting heroes.
Vouchsafe us wealth of splendid sort, O Ṛbhus, that we may make us more renowned than others.

Sloka : 4.37.1

उप॑ नो वाजा अध्व॒रमृ॑भुक्षा॒ देवा॑ या॒त प॒थिभि॑र्देव॒यानैः॑ ।

यथा॑ य॒ज्ञं मनु॑षो वि॒क्ष्वा॒३॒॑सु द॑धि॒ध्वे र॑ण्वाः सु॒दिने॒ष्वह्ना॑म् ॥ ४.०३७.०१

upa̍ no vājā adhva̱ramṛ̍bhukṣā̱ devā̍ yā̱ta pa̱thibhi̍rdeva̱yānai̍ḥ .

yathā̍ ya̱jñaṃ manu̍ṣo vi̱kṣvā̱3̱̍su da̍dhi̱dhve ra̍ṇvāḥ su̱dine̱ṣvahnā̍m .. 4.037.01

1. COME to our sacrifice, Vājas, Ṛbhukṣans, Gods, by the paths which Gods are wont to travel,
As ye, gay Gods, accept in splendid weather the sacrifice among these folk of Manus.

Sloka : 4.37.2

ते वो॑ हृ॒दे मन॑से सन्तु य॒ज्ञा जुष्टा॑सो अ॒द्य घृ॒तनि॑र्णिजो गुः ।

प्र वः॑ सु॒तासो॑ हरयन्त पू॒र्णाः क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य हर्षयन्त पी॒ताः ॥ ४.०३७.०२

te vo̍ hṛ̱de mana̍se santu ya̱jñā juṣṭā̍so a̱dya ghṛ̱tani̍rṇijo guḥ .

pra va̍ḥ su̱tāso̍ harayanta pū̱rṇāḥ kratve̱ dakṣā̍ya harṣayanta pī̱tāḥ .. 4.037.02

2 May these rites please you in your heart and spirit; may the drops clothed in oil this day approach you.
May the abundant juices bear you onward to power and strength, and, when imbibed, delight you.

Sloka : 4.37.3

त्र्यु॒दा॒यं दे॒वहि॑तं॒ यथा॑ वः॒ स्तोमो॑ वाजा ऋभुक्षणो द॒दे वः॑ ।

जु॒ह्वे म॑नु॒ष्वदुप॑रासु वि॒क्षु यु॒ष्मे सचा॑ बृ॒हद्दि॑वेषु॒ सोम॑म् ॥ ४.०३७.०३

tryu̱dā̱yaṃ de̱vahi̍ta̱ṃ yathā̍ va̱ḥ stomo̍ vājā ṛbhukṣaṇo da̱de va̍ḥ .

ju̱hve ma̍nu̱ṣvadupa̍rāsu vi̱kṣu yu̱ṣme sacā̍ bṛ̱haddi̍veṣu̱ soma̍m .. 4.037.03

3 Your threefold going near is God-appointed, so praise is given you, Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans.
So, Manus-like, mid younger folk I offer, to you who are aloft in heaven, the Soma.

Sloka : 4.37.4

पीवो॑अश्वाः शु॒चद्र॑था॒ हि भू॒तायः॑शिप्रा वाजिनः सुनि॒ष्काः ।

इन्द्र॑स्य सूनो शवसो नपा॒तोऽनु॑ वश्चेत्यग्रि॒यं मदा॑य ॥ ४.०३७.०४

pīvo̍aśvāḥ śu̱cadra̍thā̱ hi bhū̱tāya̍ḥśiprā vājinaḥ suni̱ṣkāḥ .

indra̍sya sūno śavaso napā̱to'nu̍ vaścetyagri̱yaṃ madā̍ya .. 4.037.04

4 Strong, with fair chains of gold and jaws of iron, ye have a splendid car and well-fed horses.
Ye Sons of Strength, ye progeny of Indra, to you the best is offered to delight you.

Sloka : 4.37.5

ऋ॒भुमृ॑भुक्षणो र॒यिं वाजे॑ वा॒जिन्त॑मं॒ युज॑म् ।

इन्द्र॑स्वन्तं हवामहे सदा॒सात॑मम॒श्विन॑म् ॥ ४.०३७.०५

ṛ̱bhumṛ̍bhukṣaṇo ra̱yiṃ vāje̍ vā̱jinta̍ma̱ṃ yuja̍m .

indra̍svantaṃ havāmahe sadā̱sāta̍mama̱śvina̍m .. 4.037.05

5 Ṛbhukṣans! him, for handy wealth, the mightiest comrade in the fight,
Him, Indra's equal, we invoke, most bounteous ever, rich in steeds.

Sloka : 4.37.6

सेदृ॑भवो॒ यमव॑थ यू॒यमिन्द्र॑श्च॒ मर्त्य॑म् ।

स धी॒भिर॑स्तु॒ सनि॑ता मे॒धसा॑ता॒ सो अर्व॑ता ॥ ४.०३७.०६

sedṛ̍bhavo̱ yamava̍tha yū̱yamindra̍śca̱ martya̍m .

sa dhī̱bhira̍stu̱ sani̍tā me̱dhasā̍tā̱ so arva̍tā .. 4.037.06

6 The mortal man whom, Ṛbhus, ye and Indra favour with your help,
Must be successful, by his thoughts, at sacrifice and with the steed.

Sloka : 4.37.7

वि नो॑ वाजा ऋभुक्षणः प॒थश्चि॑तन॒ यष्ट॑वे ।

अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ सूरयः स्तु॒ता विश्वा॒ आशा॑स्तरी॒षणि॑ ॥ ४.०३७.०७

vi no̍ vājā ṛbhukṣaṇaḥ pa̱thaści̍tana̱ yaṣṭa̍ve .

a̱smabhya̍ṃ sūrayaḥ stu̱tā viśvā̱ āśā̍starī̱ṣaṇi̍ .. 4.037.07

7 O Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans, free for us the paths to sacrifice,
Ye Princes, lauded, that we may press forward to each point of heaven.

Sloka : 4.37.8

तं नो॑ वाजा ऋभुक्षण॒ इन्द्र॒ नास॑त्या र॒यिम् ।

समश्वं॑ चर्ष॒णिभ्य॒ आ पु॒रु श॑स्त म॒घत्त॑ये ॥ ४.०३७.०८

taṃ no̍ vājā ṛbhukṣaṇa̱ indra̱ nāsa̍tyā ra̱yim .

samaśva̍ṃ carṣa̱ṇibhya̱ ā pu̱ru śa̍sta ma̱ghatta̍ye .. 4.037.08

8 O Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans, ye Nāsatyas, Indra, bless this wealth,
And, before other men's, the steed, that ample riches may be won.

Sloka : 4.38.1

उ॒तो हि वां॑ दा॒त्रा सन्ति॒ पूर्वा॒ या पू॒रुभ्य॑स्त्र॒सद॑स्युर्नितो॒शे ।

क्षे॒त्रा॒सां द॑दथुरुर्वरा॒सां घ॒नं दस्यु॑भ्यो अ॒भिभू॑तिमु॒ग्रम् ॥ ४.०३८.०१

u̱to hi vā̍ṃ dā̱trā santi̱ pūrvā̱ yā pū̱rubhya̍stra̱sada̍syurnito̱śe .

kṣe̱trā̱sāṃ da̍dathururvarā̱sāṃ gha̱naṃ dasyu̍bhyo a̱bhibhū̍timu̱gram .. 4.038.01

1. FROM you two came the gifts in days aforetime which Trasadasyu granted to the Pūrus.
Ye gave the winner of our fields and plough-lands, and the strong smiter who subdued the Dasyus.

Sloka : 4.38.2

उ॒त वा॒जिनं॑ पुरुनि॒ष्षिध्वा॑नं दधि॒क्रामु॑ ददथुर्वि॒श्वकृ॑ष्टिम् ।

ऋ॒जि॒प्यं श्ये॒नं प्रु॑षि॒तप्सु॑मा॒शुं च॒र्कृत्य॑म॒र्यो नृ॒पतिं॒ न शूर॑म् ॥ ४.०३८.०२

u̱ta vā̱jina̍ṃ puruni̱ṣṣidhvā̍naṃ dadhi̱krāmu̍ dadathurvi̱śvakṛ̍ṣṭim .

ṛ̱ji̱pyaṃ śye̱naṃ pru̍ṣi̱tapsu̍mā̱śuṃ ca̱rkṛtya̍ma̱ryo nṛ̱pati̱ṃ na śūra̍m .. 4.038.02

2 And ye gave mighty Dadhikrās, the giver of many gifts, who visiteth all people,
Impetuous hawk, swift and of varied colour, like a brave King whom each true man must honour.

Sloka : 4.38.3

यं सी॒मनु॑ प्र॒वते॑व॒ द्रव॑न्तं॒ विश्वः॑ पू॒रुर्मद॑ति॒ हर्ष॑माणः ।

प॒ड्भिर्गृध्य॑न्तं मेध॒युं न शूरं॑ रथ॒तुरं॒ वात॑मिव॒ ध्रज॑न्तम् ॥ ४.०३८.०३

yaṃ sī̱manu̍ pra̱vate̍va̱ drava̍nta̱ṃ viśva̍ḥ pū̱rurmada̍ti̱ harṣa̍māṇaḥ .

pa̱ḍbhirgṛdhya̍ntaṃ medha̱yuṃ na śūra̍ṃ ratha̱tura̱ṃ vāta̍miva̱ dhraja̍ntam .. 4.038.03

3 Whom, as ’twere down a precipice, swift rushing, each Pūru praises and his heart rejoices,—
Springing forth like a hero fain for battle, whirling the car and flying like the tempest.

Sloka : 4.38.4

यः स्मा॑रुन्धा॒नो गध्या॑ स॒मत्सु॒ सनु॑तर॒श्चर॑ति॒ गोषु॒ गच्छ॑न् ।

आ॒विरृ॑जीको वि॒दथा॑ नि॒चिक्य॑त्ति॒रो अ॑र॒तिं पर्याप॑ आ॒योः ॥ ४.०३८.०४

yaḥ smā̍rundhā̱no gadhyā̍ sa̱matsu̱ sanu̍tara̱ścara̍ti̱ goṣu̱ gaccha̍n .

ā̱virṛ̍jīko vi̱dathā̍ ni̱cikya̍tti̱ro a̍ra̱tiṃ paryāpa̍ ā̱yoḥ .. 4.038.04

4 Who gaineth precious booty in the combats and moveth, winning spoil, among the cattle;
Shown in bright colour, looking on the assemblies, beyond the churl, to worship of the living.

Sloka : 4.38.5

उ॒त स्मै॑नं वस्त्र॒मथिं॒ न ता॒युमनु॑ क्रोशन्ति क्षि॒तयो॒ भरे॑षु ।

नी॒चाय॑मानं॒ जसु॑रिं॒ न श्ये॒नं श्रव॒श्चाच्छा॑ पशु॒मच्च॑ यू॒थम् ॥ ४.०३८.०५

u̱ta smai̍naṃ vastra̱mathi̱ṃ na tā̱yumanu̍ krośanti kṣi̱tayo̱ bhare̍ṣu .

nī̱cāya̍māna̱ṃ jasu̍ri̱ṃ na śye̱naṃ śrava̱ścācchā̍ paśu̱macca̍ yū̱tham .. 4.038.05

5 Loudly the folk cry after him in battles, as ’twere a thief who steals away a garment;
Speeding to glory, or a herd of cattle, even as a hungry falcon swooping downward.

Sloka : 4.38.6

उ॒त स्मा॑सु प्रथ॒मः स॑रि॒ष्यन्नि वे॑वेति॒ श्रेणि॑भी॒ रथा॑नाम् ।

स्रजं॑ कृण्वा॒नो जन्यो॒ न शुभ्वा॑ रे॒णुं रेरि॑हत्कि॒रणं॑ दद॒श्वान् ॥ ४.०३८.०६

u̱ta smā̍su pratha̱maḥ sa̍ri̱ṣyanni ve̍veti̱ śreṇi̍bhī̱ rathā̍nām .

sraja̍ṃ kṛṇvā̱no janyo̱ na śubhvā̍ re̱ṇuṃ reri̍hatki̱raṇa̍ṃ dada̱śvān .. 4.038.06

6 And, fain to come forth first amid these armies, this way and that with rows of cars he rushes,
Gay like a bridesman, making him a garland, tossing the dust, champing the rein that holds him.

Sloka : 4.38.7

उ॒त स्य वा॒जी सहु॑रिरृ॒तावा॒ शुश्रू॑षमाणस्त॒न्वा॑ सम॒र्ये ।

तुरं॑ य॒तीषु॑ तु॒रय॑न्नृजि॒प्योऽधि॑ भ्रु॒वोः कि॑रते रे॒णुमृ॒ञ्जन् ॥ ४.०३८.०७

u̱ta sya vā̱jī sahu̍rirṛ̱tāvā̱ śuśrū̍ṣamāṇasta̱nvā̍ sama̱rye .

tura̍ṃ ya̱tīṣu̍ tu̱raya̍nnṛji̱pyo'dhi̍ bhru̱voḥ ki̍rate re̱ṇumṛ̱ñjan .. 4.038.07

7 And that strong Steed, victorious and faithful, obedient with his body in the combat,
Speeding straight on amid the swiftly pressing, casts o’er his brows the dust he tosses upward.

Sloka : 4.38.8

उ॒त स्मा॑स्य तन्य॒तोरि॑व॒ द्योरृ॑घाय॒तो अ॑भि॒युजो॑ भयन्ते ।

य॒दा स॒हस्र॑म॒भि षी॒मयो॑धीद्दु॒र्वर्तुः॑ स्मा भवति भी॒म ऋ॒ञ्जन् ॥ ४.०३८.०८

u̱ta smā̍sya tanya̱tori̍va̱ dyorṛ̍ghāya̱to a̍bhi̱yujo̍ bhayante .

ya̱dā sa̱hasra̍ma̱bhi ṣī̱mayo̍dhīddu̱rvartu̍ḥ smā bhavati bhī̱ma ṛ̱ñjan .. 4.038.08

8 And at his thunder, like the roar of heaven, those who attack tremble and are affrighted;
For when he fights against embattled thousands, dread is he in his striving; none may stay him.

Sloka : 4.38.9

उ॒त स्मा॑स्य पनयन्ति॒ जना॑ जू॒तिं कृ॑ष्टि॒प्रो अ॒भिभू॑तिमा॒शोः ।

उ॒तैन॑माहुः समि॒थे वि॒यन्तः॒ परा॑ दधि॒क्रा अ॑सरत्स॒हस्रैः॑ ॥ ४.०३८.०९

u̱ta smā̍sya panayanti̱ janā̍ jū̱tiṃ kṛ̍ṣṭi̱pro a̱bhibhū̍timā̱śoḥ .

u̱taina̍māhuḥ sami̱the vi̱yanta̱ḥ parā̍ dadhi̱krā a̍saratsa̱hasrai̍ḥ .. 4.038.09

9 The people praise the overpowering swiftness of this fleet Steed who giveth men abundance.
Of him they say when drawing back from battle. Dadhikrās hath sped forward with his thousands.

Sloka : 4.38.10

आ द॑धि॒क्राः शव॑सा॒ पञ्च॑ कृ॒ष्टीः सूर्य॑ इव॒ ज्योति॑षा॒पस्त॑तान ।

स॒ह॒स्र॒साः श॑त॒सा वा॒ज्यर्वा॑ पृ॒णक्तु॒ मध्वा॒ समि॒मा वचां॑सि ॥ ४.०३८.१०

ā da̍dhi̱krāḥ śava̍sā̱ pañca̍ kṛ̱ṣṭīḥ sūrya̍ iva̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱pasta̍tāna .

sa̱ha̱sra̱sāḥ śa̍ta̱sā vā̱jyarvā̍ pṛ̱ṇaktu̱ madhvā̱ sami̱mā vacā̍ṃsi .. 4.038.10

10 Dadhikrās hath o’erspread the Fivefold People with vigour, as the Sun lightens the waters.
May the strong Steed who winneth hundreds, thousands, requite with sweetness these my words and praises.

Sloka : 4.39.1

आ॒शुं द॑धि॒क्रां तमु॒ नु ष्ट॑वाम दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्या उ॒त च॑र्किराम ।

उ॒च्छन्ती॒र्मामु॒षसः॑ सूदय॒न्त्वति॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒तानि॑ पर्षन् ॥ ४.०३९.०१

ā̱śuṃ da̍dhi̱krāṃ tamu̱ nu ṣṭa̍vāma di̱vaspṛ̍thi̱vyā u̱ta ca̍rkirāma .

u̱cchantī̱rmāmu̱ṣasa̍ḥ sūdaya̱ntvati̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tāni̍ parṣan .. 4.039.01

1. Now give we praise to Dadhikrās the rapid, and mention in our laud the Earth and Heaven.
May the Dawns flushing move me to exertion, and bear me safely over every trouble.

Sloka : 4.39.2

म॒हश्च॑र्क॒र्म्यर्व॑तः क्रतु॒प्रा द॑धि॒क्राव्णः॑ पुरु॒वार॑स्य॒ वृष्णः॑ ।

यं पू॒रुभ्यो॑ दीदि॒वांसं॒ नाग्निं द॒दथु॑र्मित्रावरुणा॒ ततु॑रिम् ॥ ४.०३९.०२

ma̱haśca̍rka̱rmyarva̍taḥ kratu̱prā da̍dhi̱krāvṇa̍ḥ puru̱vāra̍sya̱ vṛṣṇa̍ḥ .

yaṃ pū̱rubhyo̍ dīdi̱vāṃsa̱ṃ nāgniṃ da̱dathu̍rmitrāvaruṇā̱ tatu̍rim .. 4.039.02

2 I praise the mighty Steed who fills my spirit, the Stallion Dadhikrāvan rich in bounties,
Whom, swift of foot and shining bright as Agni, ye, Varuṇa and Mitra, gave to Pūrus.

Sloka : 4.39.3

यो अश्व॑स्य दधि॒क्राव्णो॒ अका॑री॒त्समि॑द्धे अ॒ग्ना उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ ।

अना॑गसं॒ तमदि॑तिः कृणोतु॒ स मि॒त्रेण॒ वरु॑णेना स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ ४.०३९.०३

yo aśva̍sya dadhi̱krāvṇo̱ akā̍rī̱tsami̍ddhe a̱gnā u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭau .

anā̍gasa̱ṃ tamadi̍tiḥ kṛṇotu̱ sa mi̱treṇa̱ varu̍ṇenā sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 4.039.03

3 Him who hath honoured, when the flame is kindled at break of dawn, the Courser Dadhikrāvan,
Him, of one mind with Varuṇa and Mitra may Aditi make free from all transgression.

Sloka : 4.39.4

द॒धि॒क्राव्ण॑ इ॒ष ऊ॒र्जो म॒हो यदम॑न्महि म॒रुतां॒ नाम॑ भ॒द्रम् ।

स्व॒स्तये॒ वरु॑णं मि॒त्रम॒ग्निं हवा॑मह॒ इन्द्रं॒ वज्र॑बाहुम् ॥ ४.०३९.०४

da̱dhi̱krāvṇa̍ i̱ṣa ū̱rjo ma̱ho yadama̍nmahi ma̱rutā̱ṃ nāma̍ bha̱dram .

sva̱staye̱ varu̍ṇaṃ mi̱trama̱gniṃ havā̍maha̱ indra̱ṃ vajra̍bāhum .. 4.039.04

4 When we remember mighty Dadhikrāvan our food and strength, then the blest name of Maruts,
Varuṇa, Mitra, we invoke for welfare, and Agni, and the thunder-wielding Indra.

Sloka : 4.39.5

इन्द्र॑मि॒वेदु॒भये॒ वि ह्व॑यन्त उ॒दीरा॑णा य॒ज्ञमु॑पप्र॒यन्तः॑ ।

द॒धि॒क्रामु॒ सूद॑नं॒ मर्त्या॑य द॒दथु॑र्मित्रावरुणा नो॒ अश्व॑म् ॥ ४.०३९.०५

indra̍mi̱vedu̱bhaye̱ vi hva̍yanta u̱dīrā̍ṇā ya̱jñamu̍papra̱yanta̍ḥ .

da̱dhi̱krāmu̱ sūda̍na̱ṃ martyā̍ya da̱dathu̍rmitrāvaruṇā no̱ aśva̍m .. 4.039.05

5 Both sides invoke him as they call on Indra when they stir forth and turn to sacrificing.
To us have Varuṇa and Mitra granted the Courser Dadhikrās, a guide for mortals.

Sloka : 4.39.6

द॒धि॒क्राव्णो॑ अकारिषं जि॒ष्णोरश्व॑स्य वा॒जिनः॑ ।

सु॒र॒भि नो॒ मुखा॑ कर॒त्प्र ण॒ आयूं॑षि तारिषत् ॥ ४.०३९.०६

da̱dhi̱krāvṇo̍ akāriṣaṃ ji̱ṣṇoraśva̍sya vā̱jina̍ḥ .

su̱ra̱bhi no̱ mukhā̍ kara̱tpra ṇa̱ āyū̍ṃṣi tāriṣat .. 4.039.06

6 So have I glorified with praise strong Dadhikrāvan, conquering Steed.
Sweet may he make our mouths; may he prolong the days we have to live.

Sloka : 4.40.1

द॒धि॒क्राव्ण॒ इदु॒ नु च॑र्किराम॒ विश्वा॒ इन्मामु॒षसः॑ सूदयन्तु ।

अ॒पाम॒ग्नेरु॒षसः॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ बृह॒स्पते॑राङ्गिर॒सस्य॑ जि॒ष्णोः ॥ ४.०४०.०१

da̱dhi̱krāvṇa̱ idu̱ nu ca̍rkirāma̱ viśvā̱ inmāmu̱ṣasa̍ḥ sūdayantu .

a̱pāma̱gneru̱ṣasa̱ḥ sūrya̍sya̱ bṛha̱spate̍rāṅgira̱sasya̍ ji̱ṣṇoḥ .. 4.040.01

1. LET us recite the praise of Dadhikrāvan:- may all the Mornings move me to exertion;
Praise of the Lord of Waters, Dawn, and Agni, Bṛhaspati Son of Aṅgiras, and Sūrya.

Sloka : 4.40.2

सत्वा॑ भरि॒षो ग॑वि॒षो दु॑वन्य॒सच्छ्र॑व॒स्यादि॒ष उ॒षस॑स्तुरण्य॒सत् ।

स॒त्यो द्र॒वो द्र॑व॒रः प॑तंग॒रो द॑धि॒क्रावेष॒मूर्जं॒ स्व॑र्जनत् ॥ ४.०४०.०२

satvā̍ bhari̱ṣo ga̍vi̱ṣo du̍vanya̱sacchra̍va̱syādi̱ṣa u̱ṣasa̍sturaṇya̱sat .

sa̱tyo dra̱vo dra̍va̱raḥ pa̍taṃga̱ro da̍dhi̱krāveṣa̱mūrja̱ṃ sva̍rjanat .. 4.040.02

2 Brave, seeking war and booty, dwelling with the good and with the swift, may he hasten the food of Dawn.
May he the true, the fleet, the lover of the course, the bird-like Dadhikrāvan, bring food, strength, and light.

Sloka : 4.40.3

उ॒त स्मा॑स्य॒ द्रव॑तस्तुरण्य॒तः प॒र्णं न वेरनु॑ वाति प्रग॒र्धिनः॑ ।

श्ये॒नस्ये॑व॒ ध्रज॑तो अङ्क॒सं परि॑ दधि॒क्राव्णः॑ स॒होर्जा तरि॑त्रतः ॥ ४.०४०.०३

u̱ta smā̍sya̱ drava̍tasturaṇya̱taḥ pa̱rṇaṃ na veranu̍ vāti praga̱rdhina̍ḥ .

śye̱nasye̍va̱ dhraja̍to aṅka̱saṃ pari̍ dadhi̱krāvṇa̍ḥ sa̱horjā tari̍trataḥ .. 4.040.03

3 His pinion, rapid runner, fans him m his way, as of a bird that hastens onward to its aim,
And, as it were a falcon's gliding through the air, strikes Dadhikrāvan's side as he speeds on with might.

Sloka : 4.40.4

उ॒त स्य वा॒जी क्षि॑प॒णिं तु॑रण्यति ग्री॒वायां॑ ब॒द्धो अ॑पिक॒क्ष आ॒सनि॑ ।

क्रतुं॑ दधि॒क्रा अनु॑ सं॒तवी॑त्वत्प॒थामङ्कां॒स्यन्वा॒पनी॑फणत् ॥ ४.०४०.०४

u̱ta sya vā̱jī kṣi̍pa̱ṇiṃ tu̍raṇyati grī̱vāyā̍ṃ ba̱ddho a̍pika̱kṣa ā̱sani̍ .

kratu̍ṃ dadhi̱krā anu̍ sa̱ṃtavī̍tvatpa̱thāmaṅkā̱ṃsyanvā̱panī̍phaṇat .. 4.040.04

4 Bound by the neck and by the flanks and by the mouth, the vigorous Courser lends new swiftness to his speed.
Drawing himself together, as his strength allows, Dadhikrās springs along the windings of the paths.

Sloka : 4.40.5

हं॒सः शु॑चि॒षद्वसु॑रन्तरिक्ष॒सद्धोता॑ वेदि॒षदति॑थिर्दुरोण॒सत् ।

नृ॒षद्व॑र॒सदृ॑त॒सद्व्यो॑म॒सद॒ब्जा गो॒जा ऋ॑त॒जा अ॑द्रि॒जा ऋ॒तम् ॥ ४.०४०.०५

ha̱ṃsaḥ śu̍ci̱ṣadvasu̍rantarikṣa̱saddhotā̍ vedi̱ṣadati̍thirduroṇa̱sat .

nṛ̱ṣadva̍ra̱sadṛ̍ta̱sadvyo̍ma̱sada̱bjā go̱jā ṛ̍ta̱jā a̍dri̱jā ṛ̱tam .. 4.040.05

5 The Haṁsa homed in light, the Vasu in mid-air, the priest beside the altar, in the house the guest,
Dweller in noblest place, mid men, in truth, in sky, born of flood, kine, truth, mountain, he is holy Law.

Sloka : 4.41.1

इन्द्रा॒ को वां॑ वरुणा सु॒म्नमा॑प॒ स्तोमो॑ ह॒विष्मा॑ँ अ॒मृतो॒ न होता॑ ।

यो वां॑ हृ॒दि क्रतु॑माँ अ॒स्मदु॒क्तः प॒स्पर्श॑दिन्द्रावरुणा॒ नम॑स्वान् ॥ ४.०४१.०१

indrā̱ ko vā̍ṃ varuṇā su̱mnamā̍pa̱ stomo̍ ha̱viṣmā̍m̐ a̱mṛto̱ na hotā̍ .

yo vā̍ṃ hṛ̱di kratu̍mām̐ a̱smadu̱ktaḥ pa̱sparśa̍dindrāvaruṇā̱ nama̍svān .. 4.041.01

1. WHAT laud, O Indra-Varuṇa, with oblation, hath like the Immortal Priest obtained your favour?
Hath our effectual laud, addressed with homage, touched you, O Indra-Varuṇa, in spirit?

Sloka : 4.41.2

इन्द्रा॑ ह॒ यो वरु॑णा च॒क्र आ॒पी दे॒वौ मर्तः॑ स॒ख्याय॒ प्रय॑स्वान् ।

स ह॑न्ति वृ॒त्रा स॑मि॒थेषु॒ शत्रू॒नवो॑भिर्वा म॒हद्भिः॒ स प्र श‍ृ॑ण्वे ॥ ४.०४१.०२

indrā̍ ha̱ yo varu̍ṇā ca̱kra ā̱pī de̱vau marta̍ḥ sa̱khyāya̱ praya̍svān .

sa ha̍nti vṛ̱trā sa̍mi̱theṣu̱ śatrū̱navo̍bhirvā ma̱hadbhi̱ḥ sa pra śṛ̍ṇve .. 4.041.02

2 He who with dainty food hath won you, Indra and Varuṇa, Gods, as his allies to friendship,
Slayeth the Vṛtras and his foes in battles, and through your mighty favours is made famous.

Sloka : 4.41.3

इन्द्रा॑ ह॒ रत्नं॒ वरु॑णा॒ धेष्ठे॒त्था नृभ्यः॑ शशमा॒नेभ्य॒स्ता ।

यदी॒ सखा॑या स॒ख्याय॒ सोमैः॑ सु॒तेभिः॑ सुप्र॒यसा॑ मा॒दयै॑ते ॥ ४.०४१.०३

indrā̍ ha̱ ratna̱ṃ varu̍ṇā̱ dheṣṭhe̱tthā nṛbhya̍ḥ śaśamā̱nebhya̱stā .

yadī̱ sakhā̍yā sa̱khyāya̱ somai̍ḥ su̱tebhi̍ḥ supra̱yasā̍ mā̱dayai̍te .. 4.041.03

3 Indra and Varuṇa are most liberal givers of treasure to the men who toil to serve them,
When they, as Friends inclined to friendship, honoured with dainty food, delight in flowing Soma.

Sloka : 4.41.4

इन्द्रा॑ यु॒वं व॑रुणा दि॒द्युम॑स्मि॒न्नोजि॑ष्ठमुग्रा॒ नि व॑धिष्टं॒ वज्र॑म् ।

यो नो॑ दु॒रेवो॑ वृ॒कति॑र्द॒भीति॒स्तस्मि॑न्मिमाथाम॒भिभू॒त्योजः॑ ॥ ४.०४१.०४

indrā̍ yu̱vaṃ va̍ruṇā di̱dyuma̍smi̱nnoji̍ṣṭhamugrā̱ ni va̍dhiṣṭa̱ṃ vajra̍m .

yo no̍ du̱revo̍ vṛ̱kati̍rda̱bhīti̱stasmi̍nmimāthāma̱bhibhū̱tyoja̍ḥ .. 4.041.04

4 Indra and Varuṇa, ye hurl, O Mighty, on him your strongest flashing bolt of thunder
Who treats us ill, the robber and oppressor:- measure on him your overwhelming vigour.

Sloka : 4.41.5

इन्द्रा॑ यु॒वं व॑रुणा भू॒तम॒स्या धि॒यः प्रे॒तारा॑ वृष॒भेव॑ धे॒नोः ।

सा नो॑ दुहीय॒द्यव॑सेव ग॒त्वी स॒हस्र॑धारा॒ पय॑सा म॒ही गौः ॥ ४.०४१.०५

indrā̍ yu̱vaṃ va̍ruṇā bhū̱tama̱syā dhi̱yaḥ pre̱tārā̍ vṛṣa̱bheva̍ dhe̱noḥ .

sā no̍ duhīya̱dyava̍seva ga̱tvī sa̱hasra̍dhārā̱ paya̍sā ma̱hī gauḥ .. 4.041.05

5 O Indra-Varuṇa, be ye the lovers of this my song, as steers who love the milch-Cow.
Milk may it yield us as, gone forth to pasture, the great Cow pouring out her thousand rivers.

Sloka : 4.41.6

तो॒के हि॒ते तन॑य उ॒र्वरा॑सु॒ सूरो॒ दृशी॑के॒ वृष॑णश्च॒ पौंस्ये॑ ।

इन्द्रा॑ नो॒ अत्र॒ वरु॑णा स्याता॒मवो॑भिर्द॒स्मा परि॑तक्म्यायाम् ॥ ४.०४१.०६

to̱ke hi̱te tana̍ya u̱rvarā̍su̱ sūro̱ dṛśī̍ke̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaśca̱ pauṃsye̍ .

indrā̍ no̱ atra̱ varu̍ṇā syātā̱mavo̍bhirda̱smā pari̍takmyāyām .. 4.041.06

6 For fertile fields, for worthy sons and grandsons, for the Sun's beauty and for steer-like vigour,
May Indra-Varuṇa with gracious favours work marvels for us in the stress of battle.

Sloka : 4.41.7

यु॒वामिद्ध्यव॑से पू॒र्व्याय॒ परि॒ प्रभू॑ती ग॒विषः॑ स्वापी ।

वृ॒णी॒महे॑ स॒ख्याय॑ प्रि॒याय॒ शूरा॒ मंहि॑ष्ठा पि॒तरे॑व श॒म्भू ॥ ४.०४१.०७

yu̱vāmiddhyava̍se pū̱rvyāya̱ pari̱ prabhū̍tī ga̱viṣa̍ḥ svāpī .

vṛ̱ṇī̱mahe̍ sa̱khyāya̍ pri̱yāya̱ śūrā̱ maṃhi̍ṣṭhā pi̱tare̍va śa̱mbhū .. 4.041.07

7 For you, as Princes, for your ancient kindness, good comrades of the man who seeks for booty,
We choose to us for the dear bond of friendship, most liberal Heroes bringing bliss like parents.

Sloka : 4.41.8

ता वां॒ धियोऽव॑से वाज॒यन्ती॑रा॒जिं न ज॑ग्मुर्युव॒यूः सु॑दानू ।

श्रि॒ये न गाव॒ उप॒ सोम॑मस्थु॒रिन्द्रं॒ गिरो॒ वरु॑णं मे मनी॒षाः ॥ ४.०४१.०८

tā vā̱ṃ dhiyo'va̍se vāja̱yantī̍rā̱jiṃ na ja̍gmuryuva̱yūḥ su̍dānū .

śri̱ye na gāva̱ upa̱ soma̍masthu̱rindra̱ṃ giro̱ varu̍ṇaṃ me manī̱ṣāḥ .. 4.041.08

8 Showing their strength, these hymns for grace, Free-givers I have gone to you, devoted, as to battle.
For glory have they gone, as milk to Soma, to Indra-Varuṇa my thoughts and praises.

Sloka : 4.41.9

इ॒मा इन्द्रं॒ वरु॑णं मे मनी॒षा अग्म॒न्नुप॒ द्रवि॑णमि॒च्छमा॑नाः ।

उपे॑मस्थुर्जो॒ष्टार॑ इव॒ वस्वो॑ र॒घ्वीरि॑व॒ श्रव॑सो॒ भिक्ष॑माणाः ॥ ४.०४१.०९

i̱mā indra̱ṃ varu̍ṇaṃ me manī̱ṣā agma̱nnupa̱ dravi̍ṇami̱cchamā̍nāḥ .

upe̍masthurjo̱ṣṭāra̍ iva̱ vasvo̍ ra̱ghvīri̍va̱ śrava̍so̱ bhikṣa̍māṇāḥ .. 4.041.09

9 To Indra and to Varuṇa, desirous of gaining wealth have these my thoughts proceeded.
They have come nigh to you as treasure-lovers, like mares, fleet-footed, eager for the glory.

Sloka : 4.41.10

अश्व्य॑स्य॒ त्मना॒ रथ्य॑स्य पु॒ष्टेर्नित्य॑स्य रा॒यः पत॑यः स्याम ।

ता च॑क्रा॒णा ऊ॒तिभि॒र्नव्य॑सीभिरस्म॒त्रा रायो॑ नि॒युतः॑ सचन्ताम् ॥ ४.०४१.१०

aśvya̍sya̱ tmanā̱ rathya̍sya pu̱ṣṭernitya̍sya rā̱yaḥ pata̍yaḥ syāma .

tā ca̍krā̱ṇā ū̱tibhi̱rnavya̍sībhirasma̱trā rāyo̍ ni̱yuta̍ḥ sacantām .. 4.041.10

10 May we ourselves be lords of during riches, of ample sustenance for car and hones.
So may the Twain who work with newest succours bring yoked teams hitherward to us and riches.

Sloka : 4.41.11

आ नो॑ बृहन्ता बृह॒तीभि॑रू॒ती इन्द्र॑ या॒तं व॑रुण॒ वाज॑सातौ ।

यद्दि॒द्यवः॒ पृत॑नासु प्र॒क्रीळा॒न्तस्य॑ वां स्याम सनि॒तार॑ आ॒जेः ॥ ४.०४१.११

ā no̍ bṛhantā bṛha̱tībhi̍rū̱tī indra̍ yā̱taṃ va̍ruṇa̱ vāja̍sātau .

yaddi̱dyava̱ḥ pṛta̍nāsu pra̱krīl̤ā̱ntasya̍ vāṃ syāma sani̱tāra̍ ā̱jeḥ .. 4.041.11

11 Come with your mighty succours, O ye Mighty; come, Indra-Varuṇa, to us in battle.
What time the flashing arrows play in combat, may we through you be winners in the contest.

Sloka : 4.42.1

मम॑ द्वि॒ता रा॒ष्ट्रं क्ष॒त्रिय॑स्य वि॒श्वायो॒र्विश्वे॑ अ॒मृता॒ यथा॑ नः ।

क्रतुं॑ सचन्ते॒ वरु॑णस्य दे॒वा राजा॑मि कृ॒ष्टेरु॑प॒मस्य॑ व॒व्रेः ॥ ४.०४२.०१

mama̍ dvi̱tā rā̱ṣṭraṃ kṣa̱triya̍sya vi̱śvāyo̱rviśve̍ a̱mṛtā̱ yathā̍ naḥ .

kratu̍ṃ sacante̱ varu̍ṇasya de̱vā rājā̍mi kṛ̱ṣṭeru̍pa̱masya̍ va̱vreḥ .. 4.042.01

1. I AM the royal Ruler, mine is empire, as mine who sway all life are all Immortals.
Varuṇa's will the Gods obey and follow. I am the King of men's most lofty cover.

Sloka : 4.42.2

अ॒हं राजा॒ वरु॑णो॒ मह्यं॒ तान्य॑सु॒र्या॑णि प्रथ॒मा धा॑रयन्त ।

क्रतुं॑ सचन्ते॒ वरु॑णस्य दे॒वा राजा॑मि कृ॒ष्टेरु॑प॒मस्य॑ व॒व्रेः ॥ ४.०४२.०२

a̱haṃ rājā̱ varu̍ṇo̱ mahya̱ṃ tānya̍su̱ryā̍ṇi pratha̱mā dhā̍rayanta .

kratu̍ṃ sacante̱ varu̍ṇasya de̱vā rājā̍mi kṛ̱ṣṭeru̍pa̱masya̍ va̱vreḥ .. 4.042.02

2 I am King Varuṇa. To me were given these first existing high celestial powers.
Varuṇa's will the Gods obey and follow. I am the King of men's most lofty cover.

Sloka : 4.42.3

अ॒हमिन्द्रो॒ वरु॑ण॒स्ते म॑हि॒त्वोर्वी ग॑भी॒रे रज॑सी सु॒मेके॑ ।

त्वष्टे॑व॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि वि॒द्वान्समै॑रयं॒ रोद॑सी धा॒रयं॑ च ॥ ४.०४२.०३

a̱hamindro̱ varu̍ṇa̱ste ma̍hi̱tvorvī ga̍bhī̱re raja̍sī su̱meke̍ .

tvaṣṭe̍va̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni vi̱dvānsamai̍raya̱ṃ roda̍sī dhā̱raya̍ṃ ca .. 4.042.03

3 I Varuṇa am Indra:- in their greatness, these the two wide deep fairly-fashioned regions,
These the two world-halves have I, even as Tvaṣṭar knowing all beings, joined and held together.

Sloka : 4.42.4

अ॒हम॒पो अ॑पिन्वमु॒क्षमा॑णा धा॒रयं॒ दिवं॒ सद॑न ऋ॒तस्य॑ ।

ऋ॒तेन॑ पु॒त्रो अदि॑तेरृ॒तावो॒त त्रि॒धातु॑ प्रथय॒द्वि भूम॑ ॥ ४.०४२.०४

a̱hama̱po a̍pinvamu̱kṣamā̍ṇā dhā̱raya̱ṃ diva̱ṃ sada̍na ṛ̱tasya̍ .

ṛ̱tena̍ pu̱tro adi̍terṛ̱tāvo̱ta tri̱dhātu̍ prathaya̱dvi bhūma̍ .. 4.042.04

4 I made to flow the moisture-shedding waters, and set the heaven firm in the scat of Order.
By Law the Son of Aditi, Law Observer, hath spread abroad the world in threefold measure.

Sloka : 4.42.5

मां नरः॒ स्वश्वा॑ वा॒जय॑न्तो॒ मां वृ॒ताः स॒मर॑णे हवन्ते ।

कृ॒णोम्या॒जिं म॒घवा॒हमिन्द्र॒ इय॑र्मि रे॒णुम॒भिभू॑त्योजाः ॥ ४.०४२.०५

māṃ nara̱ḥ svaśvā̍ vā̱jaya̍nto̱ māṃ vṛ̱tāḥ sa̱mara̍ṇe havante .

kṛ̱ṇomyā̱jiṃ ma̱ghavā̱hamindra̱ iya̍rmi re̱ṇuma̱bhibhū̍tyojāḥ .. 4.042.05

5 Heroes with noble horses, fain for battle, selected warriors, call on me in combat.
I Indra Maghavan, excite the conflict; I stir the dust, Lord of surpassing vigour.

Sloka : 4.42.6

अ॒हं ता विश्वा॑ चकरं॒ नकि॑र्मा॒ दैव्यं॒ सहो॑ वरते॒ अप्र॑तीतम् ।

यन्मा॒ सोमा॑सो म॒मद॒न्यदु॒क्थोभे भ॑येते॒ रज॑सी अपा॒रे ॥ ४.०४२.०६

a̱haṃ tā viśvā̍ cakara̱ṃ naki̍rmā̱ daivya̱ṃ saho̍ varate̱ apra̍tītam .

yanmā̱ somā̍so ma̱mada̱nyadu̱kthobhe bha̍yete̱ raja̍sī apā̱re .. 4.042.06

6 All this I did. The Gods’ own conquering power never impedeth me whom none opposeth.
When lauds and Soma juice have made me joyful, both the unbounded regions are affrighted.

Sloka : 4.42.7

वि॒दुष्टे॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि॒ तस्य॒ ता प्र ब्र॑वीषि॒ वरु॑णाय वेधः ।

त्वं वृ॒त्राणि॑ श‍ृण्विषे जघ॒न्वान्त्वं वृ॒ताँ अ॑रिणा इन्द्र॒ सिन्धू॑न् ॥ ४.०४२.०७

vi̱duṣṭe̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ tasya̱ tā pra bra̍vīṣi̱ varu̍ṇāya vedhaḥ .

tvaṃ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ śṛṇviṣe jagha̱nvāntvaṃ vṛ̱tām̐ a̍riṇā indra̱ sindhū̍n .. 4.042.07

7 All beings know these deeds of thine thou tellest this unto Varuṇa, thou great Disposer!
Thou art renowned as having slain the Vṛtras. Thou madest flow the floods that were obstructed.

Sloka : 4.42.8

अ॒स्माक॒मत्र॑ पि॒तर॒स्त आ॑सन्स॒प्त ऋष॑यो दौर्ग॒हे ब॒ध्यमा॑ने ।

त आय॑जन्त त्र॒सद॑स्युमस्या॒ इन्द्रं॒ न वृ॑त्र॒तुर॑मर्धदे॒वम् ॥ ४.०४२.०८

a̱smāka̱matra̍ pi̱tara̱sta ā̍sansa̱pta ṛṣa̍yo daurga̱he ba̱dhyamā̍ne .

ta āya̍janta tra̱sada̍syumasyā̱ indra̱ṃ na vṛ̍tra̱tura̍mardhade̱vam .. 4.042.08

8 Our fathers then were these, the Seven his, what time the son of Durgaha was captive.
For her they gained by sacrifice Trasadasyu, a demi-god, like Indra, conquering foemen.

Sloka : 4.42.9

पु॒रु॒कुत्सा॑नी॒ हि वा॒मदा॑शद्ध॒व्येभि॑रिन्द्रावरुणा॒ नमो॑भिः ।

अथा॒ राजा॑नं त्र॒सद॑स्युमस्या वृत्र॒हणं॑ ददथुरर्धदे॒वम् ॥ ४.०४२.०९

pu̱ru̱kutsā̍nī̱ hi vā̱madā̍śaddha̱vyebhi̍rindrāvaruṇā̱ namo̍bhiḥ .

athā̱ rājā̍naṃ tra̱sada̍syumasyā vṛtra̱haṇa̍ṃ dadathurardhade̱vam .. 4.042.09

9 The spouse of Purukutsa gave oblations to you, O Indra-Varuṇa, with homage.
Then unto her ye gave King Trasadasyu, the demi-god, the slayer of the foeman.

Sloka : 4.42.10

रा॒या व॒यं स॑स॒वांसो॑ मदेम ह॒व्येन॑ दे॒वा यव॑सेन॒ गावः॑ ।

तां धे॒नुमि॑न्द्रावरुणा यु॒वं नो॑ वि॒श्वाहा॑ धत्त॒मन॑पस्फुरन्तीम् ॥ ४.०४२.१०

rā̱yā va̱yaṃ sa̍sa̱vāṃso̍ madema ha̱vyena̍ de̱vā yava̍sena̱ gāva̍ḥ .

tāṃ dhe̱numi̍ndrāvaruṇā yu̱vaṃ no̍ vi̱śvāhā̍ dhatta̱mana̍pasphurantīm .. 4.042.10

10 May we, possessing much, delight in riches, Gods in oblations and the kine in pasture;
And that Milch-cow who shrinks not from the milking, O Indra-Varuṇa, give to us daily.

Sloka : 4.43.1

क उ॑ श्रवत्कत॒मो य॒ज्ञिया॑नां व॒न्दारु॑ दे॒वः क॑त॒मो जु॑षाते ।

कस्ये॒मां दे॒वीम॒मृते॑षु॒ प्रेष्ठां॑ हृ॒दि श्रे॑षाम सुष्टु॒तिं सु॑ह॒व्याम् ॥ ४.०४३.०१

ka u̍ śravatkata̱mo ya̱jñiyā̍nāṃ va̱ndāru̍ de̱vaḥ ka̍ta̱mo ju̍ṣāte .

kasye̱māṃ de̱vīma̱mṛte̍ṣu̱ preṣṭhā̍ṃ hṛ̱di śre̍ṣāma suṣṭu̱tiṃ su̍ha̱vyām .. 4.043.01

1. WHO will hear, who of those who merit worship, which of all Gods take pleasure in our homage?
On whose heart shall we lay this laud celestial, rich with fair offerings, dearest to Immortals?

Sloka : 4.43.2

को मृ॑ळाति कत॒म आग॑मिष्ठो दे॒वाना॑मु कत॒मः शम्भ॑विष्ठः ।

रथं॒ कमा॑हुर्द्र॒वद॑श्वमा॒शुं यं सूर्य॑स्य दुहि॒तावृ॑णीत ॥ ४.०४३.०२

ko mṛ̍l̤āti kata̱ma āga̍miṣṭho de̱vānā̍mu kata̱maḥ śambha̍viṣṭhaḥ .

ratha̱ṃ kamā̍hurdra̱vada̍śvamā̱śuṃ yaṃ sūrya̍sya duhi̱tāvṛ̍ṇīta .. 4.043.02

2 Who will be gracious? Who will come most quickly of all the Gods? Who will
bring bliss most largely?
What car do they call swift with rapid coursers? That which the Daughter of the Sun elected.

Sloka : 4.43.3

म॒क्षू हि ष्मा॒ गच्छ॑थ॒ ईव॑तो॒ द्यूनिन्द्रो॒ न श॒क्तिं परि॑तक्म्यायाम् ।

दि॒व आजा॑ता दि॒व्या सु॑प॒र्णा कया॒ शची॑नां भवथः॒ शचि॑ष्ठा ॥ ४.०४३.०३

ma̱kṣū hi ṣmā̱ gaccha̍tha̱ īva̍to̱ dyūnindro̱ na śa̱ktiṃ pari̍takmyāyām .

di̱va ājā̍tā di̱vyā su̍pa̱rṇā kayā̱ śacī̍nāṃ bhavatha̱ḥ śaci̍ṣṭhā .. 4.043.03

3 So many days do ye come swiftly hither, as Indra to give help in stress of battle.
Descended from the sky, divine, strong-pinioned, by which of all your powers are ye most mighty?

Sloka : 4.43.4

का वां॑ भू॒दुप॑मातिः॒ कया॑ न॒ आश्वि॑ना गमथो हू॒यमा॑ना ।

को वां॑ म॒हश्चि॒त्त्यज॑सो अ॒भीक॑ उरु॒ष्यतं॑ माध्वी दस्रा न ऊ॒ती ॥ ४.०४३.०४

kā vā̍ṃ bhū̱dupa̍māti̱ḥ kayā̍ na̱ āśvi̍nā gamatho hū̱yamā̍nā .

ko vā̍ṃ ma̱haści̱ttyaja̍so a̱bhīka̍ uru̱ṣyata̍ṃ mādhvī dasrā na ū̱tī .. 4.043.04

4 What is the prayer that we should bring you, Aśvins, whereby ye come to us when invocated?
Whether of you confronts e’en great betrayal? Lovers of sweetness, Dasras, help and save us.

Sloka : 4.43.5

उ॒रु वां॒ रथः॒ परि॑ नक्षति॒ द्यामा यत्स॑मु॒द्राद॒भि वर्त॑ते वाम् ।

मध्वा॑ माध्वी॒ मधु॑ वां प्रुषाय॒न्यत्सीं॑ वां॒ पृक्षो॑ भु॒रज॑न्त प॒क्वाः ॥ ४.०४३.०५

u̱ru vā̱ṃ ratha̱ḥ pari̍ nakṣati̱ dyāmā yatsa̍mu̱drāda̱bhi varta̍te vām .

madhvā̍ mādhvī̱ madhu̍ vāṃ pruṣāya̱nyatsī̍ṃ vā̱ṃ pṛkṣo̍ bhu̱raja̍nta pa̱kvāḥ .. 4.043.05

5 In the wide space your chariot reacheth heaven, what time it turneth hither from the ocean.
Sweets from your sweet shall drop, lovers of sweetness! These have they dressed for you as dainty viands.

Sloka : 4.43.6

सिन्धु॑र्ह वां र॒सया॑ सिञ्च॒दश्वा॑न्घृ॒णा वयो॑ऽरु॒षासः॒ परि॑ ग्मन् ।

तदू॒ षु वा॑मजि॒रं चे॑ति॒ यानं॒ येन॒ पती॒ भव॑थः सू॒र्यायाः॑ ॥ ४.०४३.०६

sindhu̍rha vāṃ ra̱sayā̍ siñca̱daśvā̍nghṛ̱ṇā vayo̎ru̱ṣāsa̱ḥ pari̍ gman .

tadū̱ ṣu vā̍maji̱raṃ ce̍ti̱ yāna̱ṃ yena̱ patī̱ bhava̍thaḥ sū̱ryāyā̍ḥ .. 4.043.06

6 Let Sindhu with his wave bedew your horses:- in fiery glow have the red birds come hither.
Observed of all was that your rapid going, whereby ye were the Lords of Sūrya's Daughter.

Sloka : 4.43.7

इ॒हेह॒ यद्वां॑ सम॒ना प॑पृ॒क्षे सेयम॒स्मे सु॑म॒तिर्वा॑जरत्ना ।

उ॒रु॒ष्यतं॑ जरि॒तारं॑ यु॒वं ह॑ श्रि॒तः कामो॑ नासत्या युव॒द्रिक् ॥ ४.०४३.०७

i̱heha̱ yadvā̍ṃ sama̱nā pa̍pṛ̱kṣe seyama̱sme su̍ma̱tirvā̍jaratnā .

u̱ru̱ṣyata̍ṃ jari̱tāra̍ṃ yu̱vaṃ ha̍ śri̱taḥ kāmo̍ nāsatyā yuva̱drik .. 4.043.07

7 Whene’er I gratified you here together, your grace was given us, O ye rich in booty.
Protect, ye Twain, the singer of your praises:- to you, Nāsatyas, is my wish directed.

Sloka : 4.44.1

तं वां॒ रथं॑ व॒यम॒द्या हु॑वेम पृथु॒ज्रय॑मश्विना॒ संग॑तिं॒ गोः ।

यः सू॒र्यां वह॑ति वन्धुरा॒युर्गिर्वा॑हसं पुरु॒तमं॑ वसू॒युम् ॥ ४.०४४.०१

taṃ vā̱ṃ ratha̍ṃ va̱yama̱dyā hu̍vema pṛthu̱jraya̍maśvinā̱ saṃga̍ti̱ṃ goḥ .

yaḥ sū̱ryāṃ vaha̍ti vandhurā̱yurgirvā̍hasaṃ puru̱tama̍ṃ vasū̱yum .. 4.044.01

1. WE will invoke this day your car, far-spreading, O Aśvins, even the gathering, of the sunlight,—
Car praised in hymns, most ample, rich in treasure, fitted with seats, the car that beareth Sūrya.

Sloka : 4.44.2

यु॒वं श्रिय॑मश्विना दे॒वता॒ तां दिवो॑ नपाता वनथः॒ शची॑भिः ।

यु॒वोर्वपु॑र॒भि पृक्षः॑ सचन्ते॒ वह॑न्ति॒ यत्क॑कु॒हासो॒ रथे॑ वाम् ॥ ४.०४४.०२

yu̱vaṃ śriya̍maśvinā de̱vatā̱ tāṃ divo̍ napātā vanatha̱ḥ śacī̍bhiḥ .

yu̱vorvapu̍ra̱bhi pṛkṣa̍ḥ sacante̱ vaha̍nti̱ yatka̍ku̱hāso̱ rathe̍ vām .. 4.044.02

2 Aśvins, ye gained that glory by your Godhead, ye Sons of Heaven, by your own might and power.
Food followeth close upon your bright appearing when stately horses in your chariot draw you.

Sloka : 4.44.3

को वा॑म॒द्या क॑रते रा॒तह॑व्य ऊ॒तये॑ वा सुत॒पेया॑य वा॒र्कैः ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ वा व॒नुषे॑ पू॒र्व्याय॒ नमो॑ येमा॒नो अ॑श्वि॒ना व॑वर्तत् ॥ ४.०४४.०३

ko vā̍ma̱dyā ka̍rate rā̱taha̍vya ū̱taye̍ vā suta̱peyā̍ya vā̱rkaiḥ .

ṛ̱tasya̍ vā va̱nuṣe̍ pū̱rvyāya̱ namo̍ yemā̱no a̍śvi̱nā va̍vartat .. 4.044.03

3 Who bringeth you to-day for help with offered oblation, or with hymns to drink the juices?
Who, for the sacrifice's ancient lover, turneth you hither, Aśvins, offering homage?

Sloka : 4.44.4

हि॒र॒ण्यये॑न पुरुभू॒ रथे॑ने॒मं य॒ज्ञं ना॑स॒त्योप॑ यातम् ।

पिबा॑थ॒ इन्मधु॑नः सो॒म्यस्य॒ दध॑थो॒ रत्नं॑ विध॒ते जना॑य ॥ ४.०४४.०४

hi̱ra̱ṇyaye̍na purubhū̱ rathe̍ne̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ nā̍sa̱tyopa̍ yātam .

pibā̍tha̱ inmadhu̍naḥ so̱myasya̱ dadha̍tho̱ ratna̍ṃ vidha̱te janā̍ya .. 4.044.04

4 Borne on your golden car, ye omnipresent! come to this sacrifice of ours, Nāsatyas.
Drink of the pleasant liquor of the Soma give riches to the people who adore you.

Sloka : 4.44.5

आ नो॑ यातं दि॒वो अच्छा॑ पृथि॒व्या हि॑र॒ण्यये॑न सु॒वृता॒ रथे॑न ।

मा वा॑म॒न्ये नि य॑मन्देव॒यन्तः॒ सं यद्द॒दे नाभिः॑ पू॒र्व्या वा॑म् ॥ ४.०४४.०५

ā no̍ yātaṃ di̱vo acchā̍ pṛthi̱vyā hi̍ra̱ṇyaye̍na su̱vṛtā̱ rathe̍na .

mā vā̍ma̱nye ni ya̍mandeva̱yanta̱ḥ saṃ yadda̱de nābhi̍ḥ pū̱rvyā vā̍m .. 4.044.05

5 Come hitherward to us from earth, from heaven, borne on your golden chariot rolling lightly.
Suffer not other worshippers to stay you here are ye bound by earlier bonds of friendship.

Sloka : 4.44.6

नू नो॑ र॒यिं पु॑रु॒वीरं॑ बृ॒हन्तं॒ दस्रा॒ मिमा॑थामु॒भये॑ष्व॒स्मे ।

नरो॒ यद्वा॑मश्विना॒ स्तोम॒माव॑न्स॒धस्तु॑तिमाजमी॒ळ्हासो॑ अग्मन् ॥ ४.०४४.०६

nū no̍ ra̱yiṃ pu̍ru̱vīra̍ṃ bṛ̱hanta̱ṃ dasrā̱ mimā̍thāmu̱bhaye̍ṣva̱sme .

naro̱ yadvā̍maśvinā̱ stoma̱māva̍nsa̱dhastu̍timājamī̱l̤hāso̍ agman .. 4.044.06

6 Now for us both, mete out, O Wonder-Workers, riches exceeding great with store of heroes,
Because the men have sent you praise, O Aśvins, and Ajamīlhas come to the laudation.

Sloka : 4.44.7

इ॒हेह॒ यद्वां॑ सम॒ना प॑पृ॒क्षे सेयम॒स्मे सु॑म॒तिर्वा॑जरत्ना ।

उ॒रु॒ष्यतं॑ जरि॒तारं॑ यु॒वं ह॑ श्रि॒तः कामो॑ नासत्या युव॒द्रिक् ॥ ४.०४४.०७

i̱heha̱ yadvā̍ṃ sama̱nā pa̍pṛ̱kṣe seyama̱sme su̍ma̱tirvā̍jaratnā .

u̱ru̱ṣyata̍ṃ jari̱tāra̍ṃ yu̱vaṃ ha̍ śri̱taḥ kāmo̍ nāsatyā yuva̱drik .. 4.044.07

7 Whene’er I gratified you here together, your grace was given us, O ye rich in booty.
Protect, ye Twain, the singer of your praises:- to you, Nāsatyas, is my wish directed.

Sloka : 4.45.1

ए॒ष स्य भा॒नुरुदि॑यर्ति यु॒ज्यते॒ रथः॒ परि॑ज्मा दि॒वो अ॒स्य सान॑वि ।

पृ॒क्षासो॑ अस्मिन्मिथु॒ना अधि॒ त्रयो॒ दृति॑स्तु॒रीयो॒ मधु॑नो॒ वि र॑प्शते ॥ ४.०४५.०१

e̱ṣa sya bhā̱nurudi̍yarti yu̱jyate̱ ratha̱ḥ pari̍jmā di̱vo a̱sya sāna̍vi .

pṛ̱kṣāso̍ asminmithu̱nā adhi̱ trayo̱ dṛti̍stu̱rīyo̱ madhu̍no̱ vi ra̍pśate .. 4.045.01

1. YONDER goes up that light:- your chariot is yoked that travels round upon the summit of this heaven.
Within this car are stored three kindred shares of food, and a skin filled with meath is rustling as the fourth.

Sloka : 4.45.2

उद्वां॑ पृ॒क्षासो॒ मधु॑मन्त ईरते॒ रथा॒ अश्वा॑स उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टिषु ।

अ॒पो॒र्णु॒वन्त॒स्तम॒ आ परी॑वृतं॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण शु॒क्रं त॒न्वन्त॒ आ रजः॑ ॥ ४.०४५.०२

udvā̍ṃ pṛ̱kṣāso̱ madhu̍manta īrate̱ rathā̱ aśvā̍sa u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭiṣu .

a̱po̱rṇu̱vanta̱stama̱ ā parī̍vṛta̱ṃ sva1̱̍rṇa śu̱kraṃ ta̱nvanta̱ ā raja̍ḥ .. 4.045.02

2 Forth come your viands rich with store of pleasant meath, and cars and horses at the flushing of the dawn,
Stripping the covering from the surrounded gloom, and spreading through mid-air bright radiance like the Sun.

Sloka : 4.45.3

मध्वः॑ पिबतं मधु॒पेभि॑रा॒सभि॑रु॒त प्रि॒यं मधु॑ने युञ्जाथां॒ रथ॑म् ।

आ व॑र्त॒निं मधु॑ना जिन्वथस्प॒थो दृतिं॑ वहेथे॒ मधु॑मन्तमश्विना ॥ ४.०४५.०३

madhva̍ḥ pibataṃ madhu̱pebhi̍rā̱sabhi̍ru̱ta pri̱yaṃ madhu̍ne yuñjāthā̱ṃ ratha̍m .

ā va̍rta̱niṃ madhu̍nā jinvathaspa̱tho dṛti̍ṃ vahethe̱ madhu̍mantamaśvinā .. 4.045.03

3 Drink of the meath with lips accustomed to the draught; harness for the meath's sake the chariot that ye love.
Refresh the way ye go, refresh the paths with meath:- hither, O Aśvins, bring the skin that holds the meath.

Sloka : 4.45.4

हं॒सासो॒ ये वां॒ मधु॑मन्तो अ॒स्रिधो॒ हिर॑ण्यपर्णा उ॒हुव॑ उष॒र्बुधः॑ ।

उ॒द॒प्रुतो॑ म॒न्दिनो॑ मन्दिनि॒स्पृशो॒ मध्वो॒ न मक्षः॒ सव॑नानि गच्छथः ॥ ४.०४५.०४

ha̱ṃsāso̱ ye vā̱ṃ madhu̍manto a̱sridho̱ hira̍ṇyaparṇā u̱huva̍ uṣa̱rbudha̍ḥ .

u̱da̱pruto̍ ma̱ndino̍ mandini̱spṛśo̱ madhvo̱ na makṣa̱ḥ sava̍nāni gacchathaḥ .. 4.045.04

4 The swans ye have are friendly, rich in store of meath, gold-pinioned, strong to draw, awake at early morn,
Swimming the flood, exultant, fain for draughts that cheer:- ye come like flies to our libations of the meath.

Sloka : 4.45.5

स्व॒ध्व॒रासो॒ मधु॑मन्तो अ॒ग्नय॑ उ॒स्रा ज॑रन्ते॒ प्रति॒ वस्तो॑र॒श्विना॑ ।

यन्नि॒क्तह॑स्तस्त॒रणि॑र्विचक्ष॒णः सोमं॑ सु॒षाव॒ मधु॑मन्त॒मद्रि॑भिः ॥ ४.०४५.०५

sva̱dhva̱rāso̱ madhu̍manto a̱gnaya̍ u̱srā ja̍rante̱ prati̱ vasto̍ra̱śvinā̍ .

yanni̱ktaha̍stasta̱raṇi̍rvicakṣa̱ṇaḥ soma̍ṃ su̱ṣāva̱ madhu̍manta̱madri̍bhiḥ .. 4.045.05

5 Well knowing solemn rites and rich in meath, the fires sing to the morning Aśvins at the break of day,
When with pure hands the prudent energetic priest hath with the stones pressed out the Soma rich in meath.

Sloka : 4.45.6

आ॒के॒नि॒पासो॒ अह॑भि॒र्दवि॑ध्वतः॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण शु॒क्रं त॒न्वन्त॒ आ रजः॑ ।

सूर॑श्चि॒दश्वा॑न्युयुजा॒न ई॑यते॒ विश्वा॒ँ अनु॑ स्व॒धया॑ चेतथस्प॒थः ॥ ४.०४५.०६

ā̱ke̱ni̱pāso̱ aha̍bhi̱rdavi̍dhvata̱ḥ sva1̱̍rṇa śu̱kraṃ ta̱nvanta̱ ā raja̍ḥ .

sūra̍ści̱daśvā̍nyuyujā̱na ī̍yate̱ viśvā̱m̐ anu̍ sva̱dhayā̍ cetathaspa̱thaḥ .. 4.045.06

6 The rays advancing nigh, chasing with day the gloom, spread through the firmament bright radiance like the Sun;
And the Sun harnessing his horses goeth forth:- ye through your Godlike nature let his paths be known.

Sloka : 4.45.7

प्र वा॑मवोचमश्विना धियं॒धा रथः॒ स्वश्वो॑ अ॒जरो॒ यो अस्ति॑ ।

येन॑ स॒द्यः परि॒ रजां॑सि या॒थो ह॒विष्म॑न्तं त॒रणिं॑ भो॒जमच्छ॑ ॥ ४.०४५.०७

pra vā̍mavocamaśvinā dhiya̱ṃdhā ratha̱ḥ svaśvo̍ a̱jaro̱ yo asti̍ .

yena̍ sa̱dyaḥ pari̱ rajā̍ṃsi yā̱tho ha̱viṣma̍ntaṃ ta̱raṇi̍ṃ bho̱jamaccha̍ .. 4.045.07

7 Devout in thought I have declared, O Aśvins, your chariot with good steeds, which lasts for ever,
Wherewith ye travel swiftly through the regions to the prompt worshipper who brings oblation.

Sloka : 4.46.1

अग्रं॑ पिबा॒ मधू॑नां सु॒तं वा॑यो॒ दिवि॑ष्टिषु ।

त्वं हि पू॑र्व॒पा असि॑ ॥ ४.०४६.०१

agra̍ṃ pibā̱ madhū̍nāṃ su̱taṃ vā̍yo̱ divi̍ṣṭiṣu .

tvaṃ hi pū̍rva̱pā asi̍ .. 4.046.01

1. DRINK the best draught of Soma-juice, O Vāyu, at our holy rites:-
For thou art he who drinketh first.

Sloka : 4.46.2

श॒तेना॑ नो अ॒भिष्टि॑भिर्नि॒युत्वा॒ँ इन्द्र॑सारथिः ।

वायो॑ सु॒तस्य॑ तृम्पतम् ॥ ४.०४६.०२

śa̱tenā̍ no a̱bhiṣṭi̍bhirni̱yutvā̱m̐ indra̍sārathiḥ .

vāyo̍ su̱tasya̍ tṛmpatam .. 4.046.02

2 Come, team-drawn, with thy hundred helps, with Indra, seated in the car,
Vāyu, and drink your fill of juice.

Sloka : 4.46.3

आ वां॑ स॒हस्रं॒ हर॑य॒ इन्द्र॑वायू अ॒भि प्रयः॑ ।

वह॑न्तु॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ४.०४६.०३

ā vā̍ṃ sa̱hasra̱ṃ hara̍ya̱ indra̍vāyū a̱bhi praya̍ḥ .

vaha̍ntu̱ soma̍pītaye .. 4.046.03

3 May steeds a thousand bring you both, Indra. and Vāyu, hitherward
To drink the Soma, to the feast.

Sloka : 4.46.4

रथं॒ हिर॑ण्यवन्धुर॒मिन्द्र॑वायू स्वध्व॒रम् ।

आ हि स्थाथो॑ दिवि॒स्पृश॑म् ॥ ४.०४६.०४

ratha̱ṃ hira̍ṇyavandhura̱mindra̍vāyū svadhva̱ram .

ā hi sthātho̍ divi̱spṛśa̍m .. 4.046.04

4 For ye, O Indra-Vāyu, mount the golden-seated car that aids
The sacrifice, that reaches heaven.

Sloka : 4.46.5

रथे॑न पृथु॒पाज॑सा दा॒श्वांस॒मुप॑ गच्छतम् ।

इन्द्र॑वायू इ॒हा ग॑तम् ॥ ४.०४६.०५

rathe̍na pṛthu̱pāja̍sā dā̱śvāṃsa̱mupa̍ gacchatam .

indra̍vāyū i̱hā ga̍tam .. 4.046.05

5 On far-refulgent chariot come unto the man who offers gifts:-
Come, Indra-Vāyu, hitherward.

Sloka : 4.46.6

इन्द्र॑वायू अ॒यं सु॒तस्तं दे॒वेभिः॑ स॒जोष॑सा ।

पिब॑तं दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हे ॥ ४.०४६.०६

indra̍vāyū a̱yaṃ su̱tastaṃ de̱vebhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣa̍sā .

piba̍taṃ dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱he .. 4.046.06

6 Here, Indra-Vāyu, is the juice:- drink it, accordant with the Gods,
Within the giver's dwelling-place.

Sloka : 4.46.7

इ॒ह प्र॒याण॑मस्तु वा॒मिन्द्र॑वायू वि॒मोच॑नम् ।

इ॒ह वां॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ४.०४६.०७

i̱ha pra̱yāṇa̍mastu vā̱mindra̍vāyū vi̱moca̍nam .

i̱ha vā̱ṃ soma̍pītaye .. 4.046.07

7 Hither, O Indra-Vāyu, be your journey here unyoke your steeds,
Here for your draught of Soma juice.

Sloka : 4.47.1

वायो॑ शु॒क्रो अ॑यामि ते॒ मध्वो॒ अग्रं॒ दिवि॑ष्टिषु ।

आ या॑हि॒ सोम॑पीतये स्पा॒र्हो दे॑व नि॒युत्व॑ता ॥ ४.०४७.०१

vāyo̍ śu̱kro a̍yāmi te̱ madhvo̱ agra̱ṃ divi̍ṣṭiṣu .

ā yā̍hi̱ soma̍pītaye spā̱rho de̍va ni̱yutva̍tā .. 4.047.01

1. Vāyu, the bright is offered thee, best of the meath at holy rites.
Come thou to drink the Soma juice, God, longed-for, on thy team-drawn car.

Sloka : 4.47.2

इन्द्र॑श्च वायवेषां॒ सोमा॑नां पी॒तिम॑र्हथः ।

यु॒वां हि यन्तीन्द॑वो नि॒म्नमापो॒ न स॒ध्र्य॑क् ॥ ४.०४७.०२

indra̍śca vāyaveṣā̱ṃ somā̍nāṃ pī̱tima̍rhathaḥ .

yu̱vāṃ hi yantīnda̍vo ni̱mnamāpo̱ na sa̱dhrya̍k .. 4.047.02

2 O Vāyu, thou and Indra are meet drinkers of these Soma-draughts,
For unto you the drops proceed as waters gather to the vale.

Sloka : 4.47.3

वाय॒विन्द्र॑श्च शु॒ष्मिणा॑ स॒रथं॑ शवसस्पती ।

नि॒युत्व॑न्ता न ऊ॒तय॒ आ या॑तं॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ४.०४७.०३

vāya̱vindra̍śca śu̱ṣmiṇā̍ sa̱ratha̍ṃ śavasaspatī .

ni̱yutva̍ntā na ū̱taya̱ ā yā̍ta̱ṃ soma̍pītaye .. 4.047.03

3 O Indra-Vāyu, mighty Twain, speeding together, Lords of Strength,
Come to our succour with your team, that ye may drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 4.47.4

या वां॒ सन्ति॑ पुरु॒स्पृहो॑ नि॒युतो॑ दा॒शुषे॑ नरा ।

अ॒स्मे ता य॑ज्ञवाह॒सेन्द्र॑वायू॒ नि य॑च्छतम् ॥ ४.०४७.०४

yā vā̱ṃ santi̍ puru̱spṛho̍ ni̱yuto̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ narā .

a̱sme tā ya̍jñavāha̱sendra̍vāyū̱ ni ya̍cchatam .. 4.047.04

4 The longed-for teams which ye possess, O Heroes, for the worshipper,
Turn to us, Indra-Vāyu, ye to whom the sacrifice is paid.

Sloka : 4.48.1

वि॒हि होत्रा॒ अवी॑ता॒ विपो॒ न रायो॑ अ॒र्यः ।

वाय॒वा च॒न्द्रेण॒ रथे॑न या॒हि सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०४८.०१

vi̱hi hotrā̱ avī̍tā̱ vipo̱ na rāyo̍ a̱ryaḥ .

vāya̱vā ca̱ndreṇa̱ rathe̍na yā̱hi su̱tasya̍ pī̱taye̍ .. 4.048.01

1. TASTE offerings never tasted yet, as bards enjoy the foeman's wealth.
O Vāyu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.

Sloka : 4.48.2

नि॒र्यु॒वा॒णो अश॑स्तीर्नि॒युत्वा॒ँ इन्द्र॑सारथिः ।

वाय॒वा च॒न्द्रेण॒ रथे॑न या॒हि सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०४८.०२

ni̱ryu̱vā̱ṇo aśa̍stīrni̱yutvā̱m̐ indra̍sārathiḥ .

vāya̱vā ca̱ndreṇa̱ rathe̍na yā̱hi su̱tasya̍ pī̱taye̍ .. 4.048.02

2 Removing curses, drawn by teams, with Indra, seated by thy side,
O Vāyu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.

Sloka : 4.48.3

अनु॑ कृ॒ष्णे वसु॑धिती ये॒माते॑ वि॒श्वपे॑शसा ।

वाय॒वा च॒न्द्रेण॒ रथे॑न या॒हि सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०४८.०३

anu̍ kṛ̱ṣṇe vasu̍dhitī ye̱māte̍ vi̱śvape̍śasā .

vāya̱vā ca̱ndreṇa̱ rathe̍na yā̱hi su̱tasya̍ pī̱taye̍ .. 4.048.03

3 The two dark treasuries of wealth that wear
all beauties wait on thee.
O Vāyu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.

Sloka : 4.48.4

वह॑न्तु त्वा मनो॒युजो॑ यु॒क्तासो॑ नव॒तिर्नव॑ ।

वाय॒वा च॒न्द्रेण॒ रथे॑न या॒हि सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०४८.०४

vaha̍ntu tvā mano̱yujo̍ yu̱ktāso̍ nava̱tirnava̍ .

vāya̱vā ca̱ndreṇa̱ rathe̍na yā̱hi su̱tasya̍ pī̱taye̍ .. 4.048.04

4 May nine-and-ninety harnessed steeds who yoke them at thy will bring thee.
O Vāyu, on refulgent car come to the drinking of the juice.

Sloka : 4.48.5

वायो॑ श॒तं हरी॑णां यु॒वस्व॒ पोष्या॑णाम् ।

उ॒त वा॑ ते सह॒स्रिणो॒ रथ॒ आ या॑तु॒ पाज॑सा ॥ ४.०४८.०५

vāyo̍ śa̱taṃ harī̍ṇāṃ yu̱vasva̱ poṣyā̍ṇām .

u̱ta vā̍ te saha̱sriṇo̱ ratha̱ ā yā̍tu̱ pāja̍sā .. 4.048.05

5 Harness, O Vāyu, to thy car a hundred well-fed tawny steeds,
Yea, or a thousand steeds, and let thy chariot come to us with might.

Sloka : 4.49.1

इ॒दं वा॑मा॒स्ये॑ ह॒विः प्रि॒यमि॑न्द्राबृहस्पती ।

उ॒क्थं मद॑श्च शस्यते ॥ ४.०४९.०१

i̱daṃ vā̍mā̱sye̍ ha̱viḥ pri̱yami̍ndrābṛhaspatī .

u̱kthaṃ mada̍śca śasyate .. 4.049.01

1. DEAR is this offering in your mouth, O Indra and Bṛhaspati:-
Famed is the laud, the gladdening draught.

Sloka : 4.49.2

अ॒यं वां॒ परि॑ षिच्यते॒ सोम॑ इन्द्राबृहस्पती ।

चारु॒र्मदा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०४९.०२

a̱yaṃ vā̱ṃ pari̍ ṣicyate̱ soma̍ indrābṛhaspatī .

cāru̱rmadā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 4.049.02

2 This lovely Soma is effused, O Indra and Bṛhaspati,
For you, to drink it and rejoice.

Sloka : 4.49.3

आ न॑ इन्द्राबृहस्पती गृ॒हमिन्द्र॑श्च गच्छतम् ।

सो॒म॒पा सोम॑पीतये ॥ ४.०४९.०३

ā na̍ indrābṛhaspatī gṛ̱hamindra̍śca gacchatam .

so̱ma̱pā soma̍pītaye .. 4.049.03

3 As Soma-drinkers to our house come, Indra and Bṛhaspati-and Indra-to drink Soma juice.

Sloka : 4.49.4

अ॒स्मे इ॑न्द्राबृहस्पती र॒यिं ध॑त्तं शत॒ग्विन॑म् ।

अश्वा॑वन्तं सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ४.०४९.०४

a̱sme i̍ndrābṛhaspatī ra̱yiṃ dha̍ttaṃ śata̱gvina̍m .

aśvā̍vantaṃ saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 4.049.04

4 Vouchsafe us riches hundredfold, O Indra, and Bṛhaspati,
With store of horses, thousandfold.

Sloka : 4.49.5

इन्द्रा॒बृह॒स्पती॑ व॒यं सु॒ते गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे ।

अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ४.०४९.०५

indrā̱bṛha̱spatī̍ va̱yaṃ su̱te gī̱rbhirha̍vāmahe .

a̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 4.049.05

5 O Indra. and Bṛhaspati, we call you when the meath is shed,
With songs, to drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 4.49.6

सोम॑मिन्द्राबृहस्पती॒ पिब॑तं दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हे ।

मा॒दये॑थां॒ तदो॑कसा ॥ ४.०४९.०६

soma̍mindrābṛhaspatī̱ piba̍taṃ dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱he .

mā̱daye̍thā̱ṃ tado̍kasā .. 4.049.06

6 Drink, Indra and Bṛhaspati, the Soma in the giver's house:-
Delight yourselves abiding there.

Sloka : 4.50.1

यस्त॒स्तम्भ॒ सह॑सा॒ वि ज्मो अन्ता॒न्बृह॒स्पति॑स्त्रिषध॒स्थो रवे॑ण ।

तं प्र॒त्नास॒ ऋष॑यो॒ दीध्या॑नाः पु॒रो विप्रा॑ दधिरे म॒न्द्रजि॑ह्वम् ॥ ४.०५०.०१

yasta̱stambha̱ saha̍sā̱ vi jmo antā̱nbṛha̱spati̍striṣadha̱stho rave̍ṇa .

taṃ pra̱tnāsa̱ ṛṣa̍yo̱ dīdhyā̍nāḥ pu̱ro viprā̍ dadhire ma̱ndraji̍hvam .. 4.050.01

1. Him who with might hath propped earth's ends, who sitteth in threefold seat, Bṛhaspati, with thunder,
Him of the pleasant tongue have ancient sages, deep-thinking, holy singers, set before them.

Sloka : 4.50.2

धु॒नेत॑यः सुप्रके॒तं मद॑न्तो॒ बृह॑स्पते अ॒भि ये न॑स्तत॒स्रे ।

पृष॑न्तं सृ॒प्रमद॑ब्धमू॒र्वं बृह॑स्पते॒ रक्ष॑तादस्य॒ योनि॑म् ॥ ४.०५०.०२

dhu̱neta̍yaḥ suprake̱taṃ mada̍nto̱ bṛha̍spate a̱bhi ye na̍stata̱sre .

pṛṣa̍ntaṃ sṛ̱pramada̍bdhamū̱rvaṃ bṛha̍spate̱ rakṣa̍tādasya̱ yoni̍m .. 4.050.02

2 Wild in their course, in well-marked wise rejoicing were they, Bṛhaspati, who pressed around us.
Preserve Bṛhaspati, the stall uninjured, this company's raining, ever-moving birthplace.

Sloka : 4.50.3

बृह॑स्पते॒ या प॑र॒मा प॑रा॒वदत॒ आ त॑ ऋत॒स्पृशो॒ नि षे॑दुः ।

तुभ्यं॑ खा॒ता अ॑व॒ता अद्रि॑दुग्धा॒ मध्वः॑ श्चोतन्त्य॒भितो॑ विर॒प्शम् ॥ ४.०५०.०३

bṛha̍spate̱ yā pa̍ra̱mā pa̍rā̱vadata̱ ā ta̍ ṛta̱spṛśo̱ ni ṣe̍duḥ .

tubhya̍ṃ khā̱tā a̍va̱tā adri̍dugdhā̱ madhva̍ḥ ścotantya̱bhito̍ vira̱pśam .. 4.050.03

3 Bṛhaspati, from thy remotest distance have they sat down who love the law eternal.
For thee were dug wells springing from the mountain, which murmuring round about pour streams of sweetness.

Sloka : 4.50.4

बृह॒स्पतिः॑ प्रथ॒मं जाय॑मानो म॒हो ज्योति॑षः पर॒मे व्यो॑मन् ।

स॒प्तास्य॑स्तुविजा॒तो रवे॑ण॒ वि स॒प्तर॑श्मिरधम॒त्तमां॑सि ॥ ४.०५०.०४

bṛha̱spati̍ḥ pratha̱maṃ jāya̍māno ma̱ho jyoti̍ṣaḥ para̱me vyo̍man .

sa̱ptāsya̍stuvijā̱to rave̍ṇa̱ vi sa̱ptara̍śmiradhama̱ttamā̍ṃsi .. 4.050.04

4 Bṛhaspati, when first he had his being from mighty splendour in supremest heaven,
Strong, with his sevenfold mouth, with noise of thunder, with his seven rays, blew and dispersed the darkness.

Sloka : 4.50.5

स सु॒ष्टुभा॒ स ऋक्व॑ता ग॒णेन॑ व॒लं रु॑रोज फलि॒गं रवे॑ण ।

बृह॒स्पति॑रु॒स्रिया॑ हव्य॒सूदः॒ कनि॑क्रद॒द्वाव॑शती॒रुदा॑जत् ॥ ४.०५०.०५

sa su̱ṣṭubhā̱ sa ṛkva̍tā ga̱ṇena̍ va̱laṃ ru̍roja phali̱gaṃ rave̍ṇa .

bṛha̱spati̍ru̱sriyā̍ havya̱sūda̱ḥ kani̍krada̱dvāva̍śatī̱rudā̍jat .. 4.050.05

5 With the loud-shouting band who sang his praises, with thunder, he destroyed obstructive Vala.
Bṛhaspati thundering drave forth the cattle, the lowing cows who make oblations ready.

Sloka : 4.50.6

ए॒वा पि॒त्रे वि॒श्वदे॑वाय॒ वृष्णे॑ य॒ज्ञैर्वि॑धेम॒ नम॑सा ह॒विर्भिः॑ ।

बृह॑स्पते सुप्र॒जा वी॒रव॑न्तो व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥ ४.०५०.०६

e̱vā pi̱tre vi̱śvade̍vāya̱ vṛṣṇe̍ ya̱jñairvi̍dhema̱ nama̍sā ha̱virbhi̍ḥ .

bṛha̍spate supra̱jā vī̱rava̍nto va̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ pata̍yo rayī̱ṇām .. 4.050.06

6 Serve we with sacrifices, gifts, and homage even thus the Steer of all the Gods, the Father.
Bṛhaspati, may we be lords of riches, with noble progeny and store of heroes.

Sloka : 4.50.7

स इद्राजा॒ प्रति॑जन्यानि॒ विश्वा॒ शुष्मे॑ण तस्थाव॒भि वी॒र्ये॑ण ।

बृह॒स्पतिं॒ यः सुभृ॑तं बि॒भर्ति॑ वल्गू॒यति॒ वन्द॑ते पूर्व॒भाज॑म् ॥ ४.०५०.०७

sa idrājā̱ prati̍janyāni̱ viśvā̱ śuṣme̍ṇa tasthāva̱bhi vī̱rye̍ṇa .

bṛha̱spati̱ṃ yaḥ subhṛ̍taṃ bi̱bharti̍ valgū̱yati̱ vanda̍te pūrva̱bhāja̍m .. 4.050.07

7 Surely that King by power and might heroic hath made him lord of all his foes' posses-ions,
Who cherishes Bṛhaspati well-tended, adorns and worships him as foremost sharer.

Sloka : 4.50.8

स इत्क्षे॑ति॒ सुधि॑त॒ ओक॑सि॒ स्वे तस्मा॒ इळा॑ पिन्वते विश्व॒दानी॑म् ।

तस्मै॒ विशः॑ स्व॒यमे॒वा न॑मन्ते॒ यस्मि॑न्ब्र॒ह्मा राज॑नि॒ पूर्व॒ एति॑ ॥ ४.०५०.०८

sa itkṣe̍ti̱ sudhi̍ta̱ oka̍si̱ sve tasmā̱ il̤ā̍ pinvate viśva̱dānī̍m .

tasmai̱ viśa̍ḥ sva̱yame̱vā na̍mante̱ yasmi̍nbra̱hmā rāja̍ni̱ pūrva̱ eti̍ .. 4.050.08

8 In his own house he dwells in peace and comfort:- to him for ever holy food flows richly.
To him the people with free will pay homage-the King with whom the Brahman hath precedence.

Sloka : 4.50.9

अप्र॑तीतो जयति॒ सं धना॑नि॒ प्रति॑जन्यान्यु॒त या सज॑न्या ।

अ॒व॒स्यवे॒ यो वरि॑वः कृ॒णोति॑ ब्र॒ह्मणे॒ राजा॒ तम॑वन्ति दे॒वाः ॥ ४.०५०.०९

apra̍tīto jayati̱ saṃ dhanā̍ni̱ prati̍janyānyu̱ta yā saja̍nyā .

a̱va̱syave̱ yo vari̍vaḥ kṛ̱ṇoti̍ bra̱hmaṇe̱ rājā̱ tama̍vanti de̱vāḥ .. 4.050.09

9 He, unopposed, is master of the riches of his own subjects and of hostile people.
The Gods uphold that King with their protection who helps the Brahman when he seeks his favour.

Sloka : 4.50.10

इन्द्र॑श्च॒ सोमं॑ पिबतं बृहस्पते॒ऽस्मिन्य॒ज्ञे म॑न्दसा॒ना वृ॑षण्वसू ।

आ वां॑ विश॒न्त्विन्द॑वः स्वा॒भुवो॒ऽस्मे र॒यिं सर्व॑वीरं॒ नि य॑च्छतम् ॥ ४.०५०.१०

indra̍śca̱ soma̍ṃ pibataṃ bṛhaspate̱'sminya̱jñe ma̍ndasā̱nā vṛ̍ṣaṇvasū .

ā vā̍ṃ viśa̱ntvinda̍vaḥ svā̱bhuvo̱'sme ra̱yiṃ sarva̍vīra̱ṃ ni ya̍cchatam .. 4.050.10

10 Indra, Bṛhaspati, rainers of treasure, rejoicing at this sacrifice drink the Soma.
Let the abundant drops sink deep within you:- vouchsafe us riches with full store of heroes.

Sloka : 4.50.11

बृह॑स्पत इन्द्र॒ वर्ध॑तं नः॒ सचा॒ सा वां॑ सुम॒तिर्भू॑त्व॒स्मे ।

अ॒वि॒ष्टं धियो॑ जिगृ॒तं पुरं॑धीर्जज॒स्तम॒र्यो व॒नुषा॒मरा॑तीः ॥ ४.०५०.११

bṛha̍spata indra̱ vardha̍taṃ na̱ḥ sacā̱ sā vā̍ṃ suma̱tirbhū̍tva̱sme .

a̱vi̱ṣṭaṃ dhiyo̍ jigṛ̱taṃ pura̍ṃdhīrjaja̱stama̱ryo va̱nuṣā̱marā̍tīḥ .. 4.050.11

11 Bṛhaspati and Indra, make us prosper may this be your benevolence to us-ward.
Assist our holy thoughts, wake up our spirit:- weaken the hatred of our foe and rivals.

Sloka : 4.51.1

इ॒दमु॒ त्यत्पु॑रु॒तमं॑ पु॒रस्ता॒ज्ज्योति॒स्तम॑सो व॒युना॑वदस्थात् ।

नू॒नं दि॒वो दु॑हि॒तरो॑ विभा॒तीर्गा॒तुं कृ॑णवन्नु॒षसो॒ जना॑य ॥ ४.०५१.०१

i̱damu̱ tyatpu̍ru̱tama̍ṃ pu̱rastā̱jjyoti̱stama̍so va̱yunā̍vadasthāt .

nū̱naṃ di̱vo du̍hi̱taro̍ vibhā̱tīrgā̱tuṃ kṛ̍ṇavannu̱ṣaso̱ janā̍ya .. 4.051.01

1. FORTH from the darkness in the region eastward this most abundant splendid light hatb mounted.
Now verily the far-refulgent Mornings, Daughters of Heaven, bring welfare to the people.

Sloka : 4.51.2

अस्थु॑रु चि॒त्रा उ॒षसः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑न्मि॒ता इ॑व॒ स्वर॑वोऽध्व॒रेषु॑ ।

व्यू॑ व्र॒जस्य॒ तम॑सो॒ द्वारो॒च्छन्ती॑रव्र॒ञ्छुच॑यः पाव॒काः ॥ ४.०५१.०२

asthu̍ru ci̱trā u̱ṣasa̍ḥ pu̱rastā̍nmi̱tā i̍va̱ svara̍vo'dhva̱reṣu̍ .

vyū̍ vra̱jasya̱ tama̍so̱ dvāro̱cchantī̍ravra̱ñchuca̍yaḥ pāva̱kāḥ .. 4.051.02

2 The richly-coloured Dawns have mounted eastward, like pillars planted at our sacrifices,
And, flushing far, splendid and purifying, unbarred the portals of the fold of darkness.

Sloka : 4.51.3

उ॒च्छन्ती॑र॒द्य चि॑तयन्त भो॒जान्रा॑धो॒देया॑यो॒षसो॑ म॒घोनीः॑ ।

अ॒चि॒त्रे अ॒न्तः प॒णयः॑ सस॒न्त्वबु॑ध्यमाना॒स्तम॑सो॒ विम॑ध्ये ॥ ४.०५१.०३

u̱cchantī̍ra̱dya ci̍tayanta bho̱jānrā̍dho̱deyā̍yo̱ṣaso̍ ma̱ghonī̍ḥ .

a̱ci̱tre a̱ntaḥ pa̱ṇaya̍ḥ sasa̱ntvabu̍dhyamānā̱stama̍so̱ vima̍dhye .. 4.051.03

3 Dispelling gloom this day the wealthy Mornings urge liberal givers to present their treasures.
In the unlightened depth of darkness round them let niggard traffickers sleep unawakened.

Sloka : 4.51.4

कु॒वित्स दे॑वीः स॒नयो॒ नवो॑ वा॒ यामो॑ बभू॒यादु॑षसो वो अ॒द्य ।

येना॒ नव॑ग्वे॒ अङ्गि॑रे॒ दश॑ग्वे स॒प्तास्ये॑ रेवती रे॒वदू॒ष ॥ ४.०५१.०४

ku̱vitsa de̍vīḥ sa̱nayo̱ navo̍ vā̱ yāmo̍ babhū̱yādu̍ṣaso vo a̱dya .

yenā̱ nava̍gve̱ aṅgi̍re̱ daśa̍gve sa̱ptāsye̍ revatī re̱vadū̱ṣa .. 4.051.04

4 O Goddesses, is this your car, I ask you, ancient this day, or is it new, ye Mornings,
Wherewith, rich Dawns, ye seek with wealth Navagva, Daśagva Aṅgira, the seven-toned singer?

Sloka : 4.51.5

यू॒यं हि दे॑वीरृत॒युग्भि॒रश्वैः॑ परिप्रया॒थ भुव॑नानि स॒द्यः ।

प्र॒बो॒धय॑न्तीरुषसः स॒सन्तं॑ द्वि॒पाच्चतु॑ष्पाच्च॒रथा॑य जी॒वम् ॥ ४.०५१.०५

yū̱yaṃ hi de̍vīrṛta̱yugbhi̱raśvai̍ḥ pariprayā̱tha bhuva̍nāni sa̱dyaḥ .

pra̱bo̱dhaya̍ntīruṣasaḥ sa̱santa̍ṃ dvi̱pāccatu̍ṣpācca̱rathā̍ya jī̱vam .. 4.051.05

5 With horses harnessed by eternal Order, Goddesses, swiftly round the worlds ye travel,
Arousing from their rest, O Dawns, the sleeping, and all that lives, man, bird, and beast, to motion.

Sloka : 4.51.6

क्व॑ स्विदासां कत॒मा पु॑रा॒णी यया॑ वि॒धाना॑ विद॒धुरृ॑भू॒णाम् ।

शुभं॒ यच्छु॒भ्रा उ॒षस॒श्चर॑न्ति॒ न वि ज्ञा॑यन्ते स॒दृशी॑रजु॒र्याः ॥ ४.०५१.०६

kva̍ svidāsāṃ kata̱mā pu̍rā̱ṇī yayā̍ vi̱dhānā̍ vida̱dhurṛ̍bhū̱ṇām .

śubha̱ṃ yacchu̱bhrā u̱ṣasa̱ścara̍nti̱ na vi jñā̍yante sa̱dṛśī̍raju̱ryāḥ .. 4.051.06

6 Which among these is eldest, and where is she through whom they fixed the Ṛbhus' regulations?
What time the splendid Dawns go forth for splendour, they are not known apart, alike, unwasting.

Sloka : 4.51.7

ता घा॒ ता भ॒द्रा उ॒षसः॑ पु॒रासु॑रभि॒ष्टिद्यु॑म्ना ऋ॒तजा॑तसत्याः ।

यास्वी॑जा॒नः श॑शमा॒न उ॒क्थैः स्तु॒वञ्छंस॒न्द्रवि॑णं स॒द्य आप॑ ॥ ४.०५१.०७

tā ghā̱ tā bha̱drā u̱ṣasa̍ḥ pu̱rāsu̍rabhi̱ṣṭidyu̍mnā ṛ̱tajā̍tasatyāḥ .

yāsvī̍jā̱naḥ śa̍śamā̱na u̱kthaiḥ stu̱vañchaṃsa̱ndravi̍ṇaṃ sa̱dya āpa̍ .. 4.051.07

7 Blest were these Dawns of old, shining with succour, true with the truth that springs from holy Order;
With whom the toiling worshipper, by praises, hymning and lauding, soon attained to riches.

Sloka : 4.51.8

ता आ च॑रन्ति सम॒ना पु॒रस्ता॑त्समा॒नतः॑ सम॒ना प॑प्रथा॒नाः ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ दे॒वीः सद॑सो बुधा॒ना गवां॒ न सर्गा॑ उ॒षसो॑ जरन्ते ॥ ४.०५१.०८

tā ā ca̍ranti sama̱nā pu̱rastā̍tsamā̱nata̍ḥ sama̱nā pa̍prathā̱nāḥ .

ṛ̱tasya̍ de̱vīḥ sada̍so budhā̱nā gavā̱ṃ na sargā̍ u̱ṣaso̍ jarante .. 4.051.08

8 Hither from eastward all at once they travel, from one place spreading in the selfsame manner.
Awaking, from the seat of holy Order the Godlike Dawns come nigh like troops of cattle.

Sloka : 4.51.9

ता इन्न्वे॒३॒॑व स॑म॒ना स॑मा॒नीरमी॑तवर्णा उ॒षस॑श्चरन्ति ।

गूह॑न्ती॒रभ्व॒मसि॑तं॒ रुश॑द्भिः शु॒क्रास्त॒नूभिः॒ शुच॑यो रुचा॒नाः ॥ ४.०५१.०९

tā innve̱3̱̍va sa̍ma̱nā sa̍mā̱nīramī̍tavarṇā u̱ṣasa̍ścaranti .

gūha̍ntī̱rabhva̱masi̍ta̱ṃ ruśa̍dbhiḥ śu̱krāsta̱nūbhi̱ḥ śuca̍yo rucā̱nāḥ .. 4.051.09

9 Thus they go forth with undiminished colours, these Mornings similar, in self-same fashion,
Concealing the gigantic might of darkness with radiant bodies bright and pure and shining.

Sloka : 4.51.10

र॒यिं दि॑वो दुहितरो विभा॒तीः प्र॒जाव॑न्तं यच्छता॒स्मासु॑ देवीः ।

स्यो॒नादा वः॑ प्रति॒बुध्य॑मानाः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ पत॑यः स्याम ॥ ४.०५१.१०

ra̱yiṃ di̍vo duhitaro vibhā̱tīḥ pra̱jāva̍ntaṃ yacchatā̱smāsu̍ devīḥ .

syo̱nādā va̍ḥ prati̱budhya̍mānāḥ su̱vīrya̍sya̱ pata̍yaḥ syāma .. 4.051.10

10 O Goddesses, O Heaven's refulgent Daughters, bestow upon us wealth with store of children.
As from our pleasant place of rest ye rouse us may we be masters of heroic vigour.

Sloka : 4.51.11

तद्वो॑ दिवो दुहितरो विभा॒तीरुप॑ ब्रुव उषसो य॒ज्ञके॑तुः ।

व॒यं स्या॑म य॒शसो॒ जने॑षु॒ तद्द्यौश्च॑ ध॒त्तां पृ॑थि॒वी च॑ दे॒वी ॥ ४.०५१.११

tadvo̍ divo duhitaro vibhā̱tīrupa̍ bruva uṣaso ya̱jñake̍tuḥ .

va̱yaṃ syā̍ma ya̱śaso̱ jane̍ṣu̱ taddyauśca̍ dha̱ttāṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī ca̍ de̱vī .. 4.051.11

11 Well-skilled in lore of sacrifice, ye Daughters of Heaven, refulgent Dawns, I thus address you.
May we be glorious among the people. May Heaven vouchsafe us this, and Earth the Goddess,

Sloka : 4.52.1

प्रति॒ ष्या सू॒नरी॒ जनी॑ व्यु॒च्छन्ती॒ परि॒ स्वसुः॑ ।

दि॒वो अ॑दर्शि दुहि॒ता ॥ ४.०५२.०१

prati̱ ṣyā sū̱narī̱ janī̍ vyu̱cchantī̱ pari̱ svasu̍ḥ .

di̱vo a̍darśi duhi̱tā .. 4.052.01

1. THIS Lady, giver of delight, after her Sister shining forth, Daughter of Heaven, hath shown herself.-

Sloka : 4.52.2

अश्वे॑व चि॒त्रारु॑षी मा॒ता गवा॑मृ॒ताव॑री ।

सखा॑भूद॒श्विनो॑रु॒षाः ॥ ४.०५२.०२

aśve̍va ci̱trāru̍ṣī mā̱tā gavā̍mṛ̱tāva̍rī .

sakhā̍bhūda̱śvino̍ru̱ṣāḥ .. 4.052.02

2 Unfailing, Mother of the Kine, in colour like a bright red mare,
The Dawn became the Aśvins' Friend.

Sloka : 4.52.3

उ॒त सखा॑स्य॒श्विनो॑रु॒त मा॒ता गवा॑मसि ।

उ॒तोषो॒ वस्व॑ ईशिषे ॥ ४.०५२.०३

u̱ta sakhā̍sya̱śvino̍ru̱ta mā̱tā gavā̍masi .

u̱toṣo̱ vasva̍ īśiṣe .. 4.052.03

3 Yea, and thou art the Aśvins' Friend, the Mother of the Kine art thou:-
O Dawn thou rulest over wealth.

Sloka : 4.52.4

या॒व॒यद्द्वे॑षसं त्वा चिकि॒त्वित्सू॑नृतावरि ।

प्रति॒ स्तोमै॑रभुत्स्महि ॥ ४.०५२.०४

yā̱va̱yaddve̍ṣasaṃ tvā ciki̱tvitsū̍nṛtāvari .

prati̱ stomai̍rabhutsmahi .. 4.052.04

4 Thinking of thee, O joyous One, as her who driveth hate away,
We woke to meet thee with our lauds.

Sloka : 4.52.5

प्रति॑ भ॒द्रा अ॑दृक्षत॒ गवां॒ सर्गा॒ न र॒श्मयः॑ ।

ओषा अ॑प्रा उ॒रु ज्रयः॑ ॥ ४.०५२.०५

prati̍ bha̱drā a̍dṛkṣata̱ gavā̱ṃ sargā̱ na ra̱śmaya̍ḥ .

oṣā a̍prā u̱ru jraya̍ḥ .. 4.052.05

5 Our eyes behold thy blessed rays like troops of cattle loosed to feed.
Dawn hath filled full the wide expanse.

Sloka : 4.52.6

आ॒प॒प्रुषी॑ विभावरि॒ व्या॑व॒र्ज्योति॑षा॒ तमः॑ ।

उषो॒ अनु॑ स्व॒धाम॑व ॥ ४.०५२.०६

ā̱pa̱pruṣī̍ vibhāvari̱ vyā̍va̱rjyoti̍ṣā̱ tama̍ḥ .

uṣo̱ anu̍ sva̱dhāma̍va .. 4.052.06

6 When thou hast filled it, Fulgent One! thou layest bare the gloom with light.
After thy nature aid us, Dawn.

Sloka : 4.52.7

आ द्यां त॑नोषि र॒श्मिभि॒रान्तरि॑क्षमु॒रु प्रि॒यम् ।

उषः॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॑ ॥ ४.०५२.०७

ā dyāṃ ta̍noṣi ra̱śmibhi̱rāntari̍kṣamu̱ru pri̱yam .

uṣa̍ḥ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̍ .. 4.052.07

7 Thou overspreadest heaven with rays, the dear wide region of mid-air.
With thy bright shining lustre, Dawn.

Sloka : 4.53.1

तद्दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुर्वार्यं॑ म॒हद्वृ॑णी॒महे॒ असु॑रस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसः ।

छ॒र्दिर्येन॑ दा॒शुषे॒ यच्छ॑ति॒ त्मना॒ तन्नो॑ म॒हाँ उद॑यान्दे॒वो अ॒क्तुभिः॑ ॥ ४.०५३.०१

tadde̱vasya̍ savi̱turvārya̍ṃ ma̱hadvṛ̍ṇī̱mahe̱ asu̍rasya̱ prace̍tasaḥ .

cha̱rdiryena̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ yaccha̍ti̱ tmanā̱ tanno̍ ma̱hām̐ uda̍yānde̱vo a̱ktubhi̍ḥ .. 4.053.01

1. OF Savitar the God, the sapient Asura, we crave this great gift which is worthy of our choice,
Wherewith he freely grants his worshiper defence. This with his rays the Great God hath vouchsafed to us.

Sloka : 4.53.2

दि॒वो ध॒र्ता भुव॑नस्य प्र॒जाप॑तिः पि॒शङ्गं॑ द्रा॒पिं प्रति॑ मुञ्चते क॒विः ।

वि॒च॒क्ष॒णः प्र॒थय॑न्नापृ॒णन्नु॒र्वजी॑जनत्सवि॒ता सु॒म्नमु॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ४.०५३.०२

di̱vo dha̱rtā bhuva̍nasya pra̱jāpa̍tiḥ pi̱śaṅga̍ṃ drā̱piṃ prati̍ muñcate ka̱viḥ .

vi̱ca̱kṣa̱ṇaḥ pra̱thaya̍nnāpṛ̱ṇannu̱rvajī̍janatsavi̱tā su̱mnamu̱kthya̍m .. 4.053.02

2 Sustainer of the heaven, Lord of the whole world's life, the Sage, he putteth on his golden-coloured mail.
Clear-sighted, spreading far, filling the spacious realm, Savitar hath brought forth bliss that deserveth laud.

Sloka : 4.53.3

आप्रा॒ रजां॑सि दि॒व्यानि॒ पार्थि॑वा॒ श्लोकं॑ दे॒वः कृ॑णुते॒ स्वाय॒ धर्म॑णे ।

प्र बा॒हू अ॑स्राक्सवि॒ता सवी॑मनि निवे॒शय॑न्प्रसु॒वन्न॒क्तुभि॒र्जग॑त् ॥ ४.०५३.०३

āprā̱ rajā̍ṃsi di̱vyāni̱ pārthi̍vā̱ śloka̍ṃ de̱vaḥ kṛ̍ṇute̱ svāya̱ dharma̍ṇe .

pra bā̱hū a̍srāksavi̱tā savī̍mani nive̱śaya̍nprasu̱vanna̱ktubhi̱rjaga̍t .. 4.053.03

3 He hath filled full the regions of the heaven and earth:- the God for his own strengthening waketh up the hymn.
Savitar hath stretched out his arms to cherish life, producing with his rays and lulling all that moves.

Sloka : 4.53.4

अदा॑भ्यो॒ भुव॑नानि प्र॒चाक॑शद्व्र॒तानि॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ताभि र॑क्षते ।

प्रास्रा॑ग्बा॒हू भुव॑नस्य प्र॒जाभ्यो॑ धृ॒तव्र॑तो म॒हो अज्म॑स्य राजति ॥ ४.०५३.०४

adā̍bhyo̱ bhuva̍nāni pra̱cāka̍śadvra̱tāni̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tābhi ra̍kṣate .

prāsrā̍gbā̱hū bhuva̍nasya pra̱jābhyo̍ dhṛ̱tavra̍to ma̱ho ajma̍sya rājati .. 4.053.04

4 Lighting all living creatures, ne’er to be deceived, Savitar, God, protects each holy ordinance.
He hath stretched out his arms to all the folk of earth, and, with his laws observed, rules his own mighty course.

Sloka : 4.53.5

त्रिर॒न्तरि॑क्षं सवि॒ता म॑हित्व॒ना त्री रजां॑सि परि॒भुस्त्रीणि॑ रोच॒ना ।

ति॒स्रो दिवः॑ पृथि॒वीस्ति॒स्र इ॑न्वति त्रि॒भिर्व्र॒तैर॒भि नो॑ रक्षति॒ त्मना॑ ॥ ४.०५३.०५

trira̱ntari̍kṣaṃ savi̱tā ma̍hitva̱nā trī rajā̍ṃsi pari̱bhustrīṇi̍ roca̱nā .

ti̱sro diva̍ḥ pṛthi̱vīsti̱sra i̍nvati tri̱bhirvra̱taira̱bhi no̍ rakṣati̱ tmanā̍ .. 4.053.05

5 Savitar thrice surrounding with his mightiness mid-air, three regions, and the triple sphere of light,
Sets the three heavens in motion and the threefold earth, and willingly protects us with his triple law.

Sloka : 4.53.6

बृ॒हत्सु॑म्नः प्रसवी॒ता नि॒वेश॑नो॒ जग॑तः स्था॒तुरु॒भय॑स्य॒ यो व॒शी ।

स नो॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता शर्म॑ यच्छत्व॒स्मे क्षया॑य त्रि॒वरू॑थ॒मंह॑सः ॥ ४.०५३.०६

bṛ̱hatsu̍mnaḥ prasavī̱tā ni̱veśa̍no̱ jaga̍taḥ sthā̱turu̱bhaya̍sya̱ yo va̱śī .

sa no̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā śarma̍ yacchatva̱sme kṣayā̍ya tri̱varū̍tha̱maṃha̍saḥ .. 4.053.06

6 Most gracious God, who brings to life and lulls to rest, he who controls the world, what moves not and what moves,
May he vouchsafe us shelter,—Savitar the God,—for tranquil life, with triple bar against distress.

Sloka : 4.53.7

आग॑न्दे॒व ऋ॒तुभि॒र्वर्ध॑तु॒ क्षयं॒ दधा॑तु नः सवि॒ता सु॑प्र॒जामिष॑म् ।

स नः॑ क्ष॒पाभि॒रह॑भिश्च जिन्वतु प्र॒जाव॑न्तं र॒यिम॒स्मे समि॑न्वतु ॥ ४.०५३.०७

āga̍nde̱va ṛ̱tubhi̱rvardha̍tu̱ kṣaya̱ṃ dadhā̍tu naḥ savi̱tā su̍pra̱jāmiṣa̍m .

sa na̍ḥ kṣa̱pābhi̱raha̍bhiśca jinvatu pra̱jāva̍ntaṃ ra̱yima̱sme sami̍nvatu .. 4.053.07

7 With the year's seasons hath Savitar, God, come nigh:- may he prosper our home, give food and noble sons.
May he invigorate us through the days and nights, and may he send us opulence with progeny.

Sloka : 4.54.1

अभू॑द्दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता वन्द्यो॒ नु न॑ इ॒दानी॒मह्न॑ उप॒वाच्यो॒ नृभिः॑ ।

वि यो रत्ना॒ भज॑ति मान॒वेभ्यः॒ श्रेष्ठं॑ नो॒ अत्र॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ यथा॒ दध॑त् ॥ ४.०५४.०१

abhū̍dde̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā vandyo̱ nu na̍ i̱dānī̱mahna̍ upa̱vācyo̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .

vi yo ratnā̱ bhaja̍ti māna̱vebhya̱ḥ śreṣṭha̍ṃ no̱ atra̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ yathā̱ dadha̍t .. 4.054.01

1. Now must we praise and honour Savitar the God:- at this time of the day the men must call to him,
Him who distributes wealth to Manu's progeny, that he may grant us here riches most excellent.

Sloka : 4.54.2

दे॒वेभ्यो॒ हि प्र॑थ॒मं य॒ज्ञिये॑भ्योऽमृत॒त्वं सु॒वसि॑ भा॒गमु॑त्त॒मम् ।

आदिद्दा॒मानं॑ सवित॒र्व्यू॑र्णुषेऽनूची॒ना जी॑वि॒ता मानु॑षेभ्यः ॥ ४.०५४.०२

de̱vebhyo̱ hi pra̍tha̱maṃ ya̱jñiye̍bhyo'mṛta̱tvaṃ su̱vasi̍ bhā̱gamu̍tta̱mam .

ādiddā̱māna̍ṃ savita̱rvyū̍rṇuṣe'nūcī̱nā jī̍vi̱tā mānu̍ṣebhyaḥ .. 4.054.02

2 For thou at first producest for the holy Gods the noblest of all portions, immortality:-
Thereafter as a gift to men, O Savitar, thou openest existence, life succeeding life.

Sloka : 4.54.3

अचि॑त्ती॒ यच्च॑कृ॒मा दैव्ये॒ जने॑ दी॒नैर्दक्षैः॒ प्रभू॑ती पूरुष॒त्वता॑ ।

दे॒वेषु॑ च सवित॒र्मानु॑षेषु च॒ त्वं नो॒ अत्र॑ सुवता॒दना॑गसः ॥ ४.०५४.०३

aci̍ttī̱ yacca̍kṛ̱mā daivye̱ jane̍ dī̱nairdakṣai̱ḥ prabhū̍tī pūruṣa̱tvatā̍ .

de̱veṣu̍ ca savita̱rmānu̍ṣeṣu ca̱ tvaṃ no̱ atra̍ suvatā̱danā̍gasaḥ .. 4.054.03

3 If we, men as we are, have sinned against the Gods through want of thought, in weakness, or through insolence,
Absolve us from the guilt and make us free from sin, O Savitar, alike among both Gods and men.

Sloka : 4.54.4

न प्र॒मिये॑ सवि॒तुर्दैव्य॑स्य॒ तद्यथा॒ विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं धारयि॒ष्यति॑ ।

यत्पृ॑थि॒व्या वरि॑म॒न्ना स्व॑ङ्गु॒रिर्वर्ष्म॑न्दि॒वः सु॒वति॑ स॒त्यम॑स्य॒ तत् ॥ ४.०५४.०४

na pra̱miye̍ savi̱turdaivya̍sya̱ tadyathā̱ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍naṃ dhārayi̱ṣyati̍ .

yatpṛ̍thi̱vyā vari̍ma̱nnā sva̍ṅgu̱rirvarṣma̍ndi̱vaḥ su̱vati̍ sa̱tyama̍sya̱ tat .. 4.054.04

4 None may impede that power of Savitar the God whereby he will maintain the universal world.
What the fair-fingered God brings forth on earth's expanse or in the height of heaven, that work of his stands sure.

Sloka : 4.54.5

इन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठान्बृ॒हद्भ्यः॒ पर्व॑तेभ्यः॒ क्षया॑ँ एभ्यः सुवसि प॒स्त्या॑वतः ।

यथा॑यथा प॒तय॑न्तो वियेमि॒र ए॒वैव त॑स्थुः सवितः स॒वाय॑ ते ॥ ४.०५४.०५

indra̍jyeṣṭhānbṛ̱hadbhya̱ḥ parva̍tebhya̱ḥ kṣayā̍m̐ ebhyaḥ suvasi pa̱styā̍vataḥ .

yathā̍yathā pa̱taya̍nto viyemi̱ra e̱vaiva ta̍sthuḥ savitaḥ sa̱vāya̍ te .. 4.054.05

5 To lofty hills thou sendest those whom Indra leads, and givest fixed abodes with houses unto these.
However they may fly and draw themselves apart, still, Savitar, they stand obeying thy behest.

Sloka : 4.54.6

ये ते॒ त्रिरह॑न्सवितः स॒वासो॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ सौभ॑गमासु॒वन्ति॑ ।

इन्द्रो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी सिन्धु॑र॒द्भिरा॑दि॒त्यैर्नो॒ अदि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ यंसत् ॥ ४.०५४.०६

ye te̱ triraha̍nsavitaḥ sa̱vāso̍ di̱vedi̍ve̱ saubha̍gamāsu̱vanti̍ .

indro̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī sindhu̍ra̱dbhirā̍di̱tyairno̱ adi̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ yaṃsat .. 4.054.06

6 May the libations poured to thee thrice daily, day after day, O Savitar, bring us blessing.
May Indra, Heaven, Earth, Sindhu with the Waters, Aditi with Ādityas, give us shelter.

Sloka : 4.55.1

को व॑स्त्रा॒ता व॑सवः॒ को व॑रू॒ता द्यावा॑भूमी अदिते॒ त्रासी॑थां नः ।

सही॑यसो वरुण मित्र॒ मर्ता॒त्को वो॑ऽध्व॒रे वरि॑वो धाति देवाः ॥ ४.०५५.०१

ko va̍strā̱tā va̍sava̱ḥ ko va̍rū̱tā dyāvā̍bhūmī adite̱ trāsī̍thāṃ naḥ .

sahī̍yaso varuṇa mitra̱ martā̱tko vo̎dhva̱re vari̍vo dhāti devāḥ .. 4.055.01

1. WHO of you, Vasus, saveth? who protecteth? O Heaven and Earth and Aditi, preserve us,
Varuṇa., Mitra, from the stronger mortal. Gods, which of you at sacrifice giveth comfort?

Sloka : 4.55.2

प्र ये धामा॑नि पू॒र्व्याण्यर्चा॒न्वि यदु॒च्छान्वि॑यो॒तारो॒ अमू॑राः ।

वि॒धा॒तारो॒ वि ते द॑धु॒रज॑स्रा ऋ॒तधी॑तयो रुरुचन्त द॒स्माः ॥ ४.०५५.०२

pra ye dhāmā̍ni pū̱rvyāṇyarcā̱nvi yadu̱cchānvi̍yo̱tāro̱ amū̍rāḥ .

vi̱dhā̱tāro̱ vi te da̍dhu̱raja̍srā ṛ̱tadhī̍tayo rurucanta da̱smāḥ .. 4.055.02

2 They who with laud extol the ancient statutes, when they shine forth infallible dividers,
Have ordered as perpetual Ordainers, and beamed as holy-thoughted Wonder-Workers.

Sloka : 4.55.3

प्र प॒स्त्या॒३॒॑मदि॑तिं॒ सिन्धु॑म॒र्कैः स्व॒स्तिमी॑ळे स॒ख्याय॑ दे॒वीम् ।

उ॒भे यथा॑ नो॒ अह॑नी नि॒पात॑ उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ करता॒मद॑ब्धे ॥ ४.०५५.०३

pra pa̱styā̱3̱̍madi̍ti̱ṃ sindhu̍ma̱rkaiḥ sva̱stimī̍l̤e sa̱khyāya̍ de̱vīm .

u̱bhe yathā̍ no̱ aha̍nī ni̱pāta̍ u̱ṣāsā̱naktā̍ karatā̱mada̍bdhe .. 4.055.03

3 The Housewife Goddess, Aditi, and Sindhu, the Goddess Svasti I implore for friendship:-
And may the unobstructed Night and Morning both, day and night, provide for our protection.

Sloka : 4.55.4

व्य॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णश्चेति॒ पन्था॑मि॒षस्पतिः॑ सुवि॒तं गा॒तुम॒ग्निः ।

इन्द्रा॑विष्णू नृ॒वदु॒ षु स्तवा॑ना॒ शर्म॑ नो यन्त॒मम॑व॒द्वरू॑थम् ॥ ४.०५५.०४

vya̍rya̱mā varu̍ṇaśceti̱ panthā̍mi̱ṣaspati̍ḥ suvi̱taṃ gā̱tuma̱gniḥ .

indrā̍viṣṇū nṛ̱vadu̱ ṣu stavā̍nā̱ śarma̍ no yanta̱mama̍va̱dvarū̍tham .. 4.055.04

4 Aryaman, Varuṇa have disclosed the pathway, Agni as Lord of Strength the road to welfare.
Lauded in manly mode may Indra-Viṣṇu grant us their powerful defence and shelter.

Sloka : 4.55.5

आ पर्व॑तस्य म॒रुता॒मवां॑सि दे॒वस्य॑ त्रा॒तुर॑व्रि॒ भग॑स्य ।

पात्पति॒र्जन्या॒दंह॑सो नो मि॒त्रो मि॒त्रिया॑दु॒त न॑ उरुष्येत् ॥ ४.०५५.०५

ā parva̍tasya ma̱rutā̱mavā̍ṃsi de̱vasya̍ trā̱tura̍vri̱ bhaga̍sya .

pātpati̱rjanyā̱daṃha̍so no mi̱tro mi̱triyā̍du̱ta na̍ uruṣyet .. 4.055.05

5 I have besought the favour of the Maruts, of Parvata, of Bhaga God who rescues.
From trouble caused by man the Lord preserve us; from woe sent by his friend let Mitra save us.

Sloka : 4.55.6

नू रो॑दसी॒ अहि॑ना बु॒ध्न्ये॑न स्तुवी॒त दे॑वी॒ अप्ये॑भिरि॒ष्टैः ।

स॒मु॒द्रं न सं॒चर॑णे सनि॒ष्यवो॑ घ॒र्मस्व॑रसो न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ अप॑ व्रन् ॥ ४.०५५.०६

nū ro̍dasī̱ ahi̍nā bu̱dhnye̍na stuvī̱ta de̍vī̱ apye̍bhiri̱ṣṭaiḥ .

sa̱mu̱draṃ na sa̱ṃcara̍ṇe sani̱ṣyavo̍ gha̱rmasva̍raso na̱dyo̱3̱̍ apa̍ vran .. 4.055.06

6 Agree, through these our watery oblations, Goddesses, Heaven and Earth, with Ahibudhnya.
As if to win the sea, the Gharma-heaters have opened, as they come anear, the rivers.

Sloka : 4.55.7

दे॒वैर्नो॑ दे॒व्यदि॑ति॒र्नि पा॑तु दे॒वस्त्रा॒ता त्रा॑यता॒मप्र॑युच्छन् ।

न॒हि मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य धा॒सिमर्हा॑मसि प्र॒मियं॒ सान्व॒ग्नेः ॥ ४.०५५.०७

de̱vairno̍ de̱vyadi̍ti̱rni pā̍tu de̱vastrā̱tā trā̍yatā̱mapra̍yucchan .

na̱hi mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya dhā̱simarhā̍masi pra̱miya̱ṃ sānva̱gneḥ .. 4.055.07

7 May Goddess Aditi with Gods defend us, save us the saviour God with care unceasing.
We dare not stint the sacred food of Mitra and Varuṇa upon the back of Agni.

Sloka : 4.55.8

अ॒ग्निरी॑शे वस॒व्य॑स्या॒ग्निर्म॒हः सौभ॑गस्य ।

तान्य॒स्मभ्यं॑ रासते ॥ ४.०५५.०८

a̱gnirī̍śe vasa̱vya̍syā̱gnirma̱haḥ saubha̍gasya .

tānya̱smabhya̍ṃ rāsate .. 4.055.08

8 Agni is Sovran Lord of wealth, Agni of great prosperity:-
May he bestow these gifts on us.

Sloka : 4.55.9

उषो॑ मघो॒न्या व॑ह॒ सूनृ॑ते॒ वार्या॑ पु॒रु ।

अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ वाजिनीवति ॥ ४.०५५.०९

uṣo̍ magho̱nyā va̍ha̱ sūnṛ̍te̱ vāryā̍ pu̱ru .

a̱smabhya̍ṃ vājinīvati .. 4.055.09

9 Hither to us, rich pleasant Dawn, bring many things to be desired,
Thou who hast ample store of wealth.

Sloka : 4.55.10

तत्सु नः॑ सवि॒ता भगो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।

इन्द्रो॑ नो॒ राध॒सा ग॑मत् ॥ ४.०५५.१०

tatsu na̍ḥ savi̱tā bhago̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .

indro̍ no̱ rādha̱sā ga̍mat .. 4.055.10

10 So then may Bhaga, Savitar, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman, Indra, with bounty come to us.

Sloka : 4.56.1

म॒ही द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी इ॒ह ज्येष्ठे॑ रु॒चा भ॑वतां शु॒चय॑द्भिर॒र्कैः ।

यत्सीं॒ वरि॑ष्ठे बृह॒ती वि॑मि॒न्वन्रु॒वद्धो॒क्षा प॑प्रथा॒नेभि॒रेवैः॑ ॥ ४.०५६.०१

ma̱hī dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī i̱ha jyeṣṭhe̍ ru̱cā bha̍vatāṃ śu̱caya̍dbhira̱rkaiḥ .

yatsī̱ṃ vari̍ṣṭhe bṛha̱tī vi̍mi̱nvanru̱vaddho̱kṣā pa̍prathā̱nebhi̱revai̍ḥ .. 4.056.01

1. MAY mighty Heaven and Earth, most meet for honour, be present here with light and gleaming splendours;
When, fixing them apart, vast, most extensive, the Steer roars loudly in far-reaching courses.

Sloka : 4.56.2

दे॒वी दे॒वेभि॑र्यज॒ते यज॑त्रै॒रमि॑नती तस्थतुरु॒क्षमा॑णे ।

ऋ॒ताव॑री अ॒द्रुहा॑ दे॒वपु॑त्रे य॒ज्ञस्य॑ ने॒त्री शु॒चय॑द्भिर॒र्कैः ॥ ४.०५६.०२

de̱vī de̱vebhi̍ryaja̱te yaja̍trai̱rami̍natī tasthaturu̱kṣamā̍ṇe .

ṛ̱tāva̍rī a̱druhā̍ de̱vapu̍tre ya̱jñasya̍ ne̱trī śu̱caya̍dbhira̱rkaiḥ .. 4.056.02

2 The Goddesses with Gods, holy with holy, the Two stand pouring out their rain, exhaustless:-
Faithful and guileless, having Gods for children, leaders of sacrifice with shining splendours.

Sloka : 4.56.3

स इत्स्वपा॒ भुव॑नेष्वास॒ य इ॒मे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी ज॒जान॑ ।

उ॒र्वी ग॑भी॒रे रज॑सी सु॒मेके॑ अवं॒शे धीरः॒ शच्या॒ समै॑रत् ॥ ४.०५६.०३

sa itsvapā̱ bhuva̍neṣvāsa̱ ya i̱me dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ja̱jāna̍ .

u̱rvī ga̍bhī̱re raja̍sī su̱meke̍ ava̱ṃśe dhīra̱ḥ śacyā̱ samai̍rat .. 4.056.03

3 Sure in the worlds he was a skilful Craftsman, he who produced these Twain the Earth and Heaven.
Wise, with his power he brought both realms, together spacious and deep, well-fashioned, unsupported.

Sloka : 4.56.4

नू रो॑दसी बृ॒हद्भि॑र्नो॒ वरू॑थैः॒ पत्नी॑वद्भिरि॒षय॑न्ती स॒जोषाः॑ ।

उ॒रू॒ची विश्वे॑ यज॒ते नि पा॑तं धि॒या स्या॑म र॒थ्यः॑ सदा॒साः ॥ ४.०५६.०४

nū ro̍dasī bṛ̱hadbhi̍rno̱ varū̍thai̱ḥ patnī̍vadbhiri̱ṣaya̍ntī sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .

u̱rū̱cī viśve̍ yaja̱te ni pā̍taṃ dhi̱yā syā̍ma ra̱thya̍ḥ sadā̱sāḥ .. 4.056.04

4 O Heaven and Earth, with one accord promoting, with high protection as of Queens, our welfare,
Far-reaching, universal, holy, guard us. May we, car-borne, through song be victors ever.

Sloka : 4.56.5

प्र वां॒ महि॒ द्यवी॑ अ॒भ्युप॑स्तुतिं भरामहे ।

शुची॒ उप॒ प्रश॑स्तये ॥ ४.०५६.०५

pra vā̱ṃ mahi̱ dyavī̍ a̱bhyupa̍stutiṃ bharāmahe .

śucī̱ upa̱ praśa̍staye .. 4.056.05

5 To both of you, O Heaven and Earth, we bring our lofty song of praise,
Pure Ones! to glorify you both.

Sloka : 4.56.6

पु॒ना॒ने त॒न्वा॑ मि॒थः स्वेन॒ दक्षे॑ण राजथः ।

ऊ॒ह्याथे॑ स॒नादृ॒तम् ॥ ४.०५६.०६

pu̱nā̱ne ta̱nvā̍ mi̱thaḥ svena̱ dakṣe̍ṇa rājathaḥ .

ū̱hyāthe̍ sa̱nādṛ̱tam .. 4.056.06

6 Ye sanctify each other's form, by your own proper might ye rule,
And from of old observe the Law.

Sloka : 4.56.7

म॒ही मि॒त्रस्य॑ साधथ॒स्तर॑न्ती॒ पिप्र॑ती ऋ॒तम् ।

परि॑ य॒ज्ञं नि षे॑दथुः ॥ ४.०५६.०७

ma̱hī mi̱trasya̍ sādhatha̱stara̍ntī̱ pipra̍tī ṛ̱tam .

pari̍ ya̱jñaṃ ni ṣe̍dathuḥ .. 4.056.07

7 Furthering and fulfilling, ye, O Mighty, perfect Mitra's Law.
Ye sit around our sacrifice.

Sloka : 4.57.1

क्षेत्र॑स्य॒ पति॑ना व॒यं हि॒तेने॑व जयामसि ।

गामश्वं॑ पोषयि॒त्न्वा स नो॑ मृळाती॒दृशे॑ ॥ ४.०५७.०१

kṣetra̍sya̱ pati̍nā va̱yaṃ hi̱tene̍va jayāmasi .

gāmaśva̍ṃ poṣayi̱tnvā sa no̍ mṛl̤ātī̱dṛśe̍ .. 4.057.01

1. WE through the Master of the Field, even as through a friend, obtain
What nourisheth our kine and steeds. In such may he be good to us.

Sloka : 4.57.2

क्षेत्र॑स्य पते॒ मधु॑मन्तमू॒र्मिं धे॒नुरि॑व॒ पयो॑ अ॒स्मासु॑ धुक्ष्व ।

म॒धु॒श्चुतं॑ घृ॒तमि॑व॒ सुपू॑तमृ॒तस्य॑ नः॒ पत॑यो मृळयन्तु ॥ ४.०५७.०२

kṣetra̍sya pate̱ madhu̍mantamū̱rmiṃ dhe̱nuri̍va̱ payo̍ a̱smāsu̍ dhukṣva .

ma̱dhu̱ścuta̍ṃ ghṛ̱tami̍va̱ supū̍tamṛ̱tasya̍ na̱ḥ pata̍yo mṛl̤ayantu .. 4.057.02

2 As the cow yieldeth milk, pour for us freely, Lord of the Field, the wave that beareth sweetness,
Distilling meath, well-purified like butter, and let the. Lords of holy Law be gracious.

Sloka : 4.57.3

मधु॑मती॒रोष॑धी॒र्द्याव॒ आपो॒ मधु॑मन्नो भवत्व॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ।

क्षेत्र॑स्य॒ पति॒र्मधु॑मान्नो अ॒स्त्वरि॑ष्यन्तो॒ अन्वे॑नं चरेम ॥ ४.०५७.०३

madhu̍matī̱roṣa̍dhī̱rdyāva̱ āpo̱ madhu̍manno bhavatva̱ntari̍kṣam .

kṣetra̍sya̱ pati̱rmadhu̍mānno a̱stvari̍ṣyanto̱ anve̍naṃ carema .. 4.057.03

3 Sweet be the plants for us. the heavens, the waters, and full of sweets for us be air's mid-region.
May the Field's Lord for us be full of sweetness, and may we follow after him uninjured.

Sloka : 4.57.4

शु॒नं वा॒हाः शु॒नं नरः॑ शु॒नं कृ॑षतु॒ लाङ्ग॑लम् ।

शु॒नं व॑र॒त्रा ब॑ध्यन्तां शु॒नमष्ट्रा॒मुदि॑ङ्गय ॥ ४.०५७.०४

śu̱naṃ vā̱hāḥ śu̱naṃ nara̍ḥ śu̱naṃ kṛ̍ṣatu̱ lāṅga̍lam .

śu̱naṃ va̍ra̱trā ba̍dhyantāṃ śu̱namaṣṭrā̱mudi̍ṅgaya .. 4.057.04

4 Happily work our steers and men, may the plough furrow happily.
Happily be the traces bound; happily may he ply the goad.

Sloka : 4.57.5

शुना॑सीरावि॒मां वाचं॑ जुषेथां॒ यद्दि॒वि च॒क्रथुः॒ पयः॑ ।

तेने॒मामुप॑ सिञ्चतम् ॥ ४.०५७.०५

śunā̍sīrāvi̱māṃ vāca̍ṃ juṣethā̱ṃ yaddi̱vi ca̱krathu̱ḥ paya̍ḥ .

tene̱māmupa̍ siñcatam .. 4.057.05

5 Śuna and Sīra, welcome ye this laud, and with the milk which ye have made in heaven
Bedew ye both this earth of ours.

Sloka : 4.57.6

अ॒र्वाची॑ सुभगे भव॒ सीते॒ वन्दा॑महे त्वा ।

यथा॑ नः सु॒भगास॑सि॒ यथा॑ नः सु॒फलास॑सि ॥ ४.०५७.०६

a̱rvācī̍ subhage bhava̱ sīte̱ vandā̍mahe tvā .

yathā̍ naḥ su̱bhagāsa̍si̱ yathā̍ naḥ su̱phalāsa̍si .. 4.057.06

6 Auspicious Sītā, come thou near:- we venerate and worship thee
That thou mayst bless and prosper us and bring us fruits abundantly.

Sloka : 4.57.7

इन्द्रः॒ सीतां॒ नि गृ॑ह्णातु॒ तां पू॒षानु॑ यच्छतु ।

सा नः॒ पय॑स्वती दुहा॒मुत्त॑रामुत्तरां॒ समा॑म् ॥ ४.०५७.०७

indra̱ḥ sītā̱ṃ ni gṛ̍hṇātu̱ tāṃ pū̱ṣānu̍ yacchatu .

sā na̱ḥ paya̍svatī duhā̱mutta̍rāmuttarā̱ṃ samā̍m .. 4.057.07

7 May Indra press the furrow down, may Pūṣan guide its course aright.
May she, as rich in milk, be drained for us through each succeeding year.

Sloka : 4.57.8

शु॒नं नः॒ फाला॒ वि कृ॑षन्तु॒ भूमिं॑ शु॒नं की॒नाशा॑ अ॒भि य॑न्तु वा॒हैः ।

शु॒नं प॒र्जन्यो॒ मधु॑ना॒ पयो॑भिः॒ शुना॑सीरा शु॒नम॒स्मासु॑ धत्तम् ॥ ४.०५७.०८

śu̱naṃ na̱ḥ phālā̱ vi kṛ̍ṣantu̱ bhūmi̍ṃ śu̱naṃ kī̱nāśā̍ a̱bhi ya̍ntu vā̱haiḥ .

śu̱naṃ pa̱rjanyo̱ madhu̍nā̱ payo̍bhi̱ḥ śunā̍sīrā śu̱nama̱smāsu̍ dhattam .. 4.057.08

8 Happily let the shares turn up the plough-land, happily go the ploughers with the oxen.
With meath and milk Parjanya make us happy. Grant us prosperity, Śuna and Sīra.

Sloka : 4.58.1

स॒मु॒द्रादू॒र्मिर्मधु॑मा॒ँ उदा॑र॒दुपां॒शुना॒ सम॑मृत॒त्वमा॑नट् ।

घृ॒तस्य॒ नाम॒ गुह्यं॒ यदस्ति॑ जि॒ह्वा दे॒वाना॑म॒मृत॑स्य॒ नाभिः॑ ॥ ४.०५८.०१

sa̱mu̱drādū̱rmirmadhu̍mā̱m̐ udā̍ra̱dupā̱ṃśunā̱ sama̍mṛta̱tvamā̍naṭ .

ghṛ̱tasya̱ nāma̱ guhya̱ṃ yadasti̍ ji̱hvā de̱vānā̍ma̱mṛta̍sya̱ nābhi̍ḥ .. 4.058.01

1. FORTH from the ocean sprang the wave of sweetness:- together with the stalk it turned to Amṛta,
That which is holy oil's mysterious title:- but the Gods’ tongue is truly Amṛta's centre.

Sloka : 4.58.2

व॒यं नाम॒ प्र ब्र॑वामा घृ॒तस्या॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे धा॑रयामा॒ नमो॑भिः ।

उप॑ ब्र॒ह्मा श‍ृ॑णवच्छ॒स्यमा॑नं॒ चतुः॑श‍ृङ्गोऽवमीद्गौ॒र ए॒तत् ॥ ४.०५८.०२

va̱yaṃ nāma̱ pra bra̍vāmā ghṛ̱tasyā̱sminya̱jñe dhā̍rayāmā̱ namo̍bhiḥ .

upa̍ bra̱hmā śṛ̍ṇavaccha̱syamā̍na̱ṃ catu̍ḥśṛṅgo'vamīdgau̱ra e̱tat .. 4.058.02

2 Let us declare aloud the name of Ghṛta, and at this sacrifice hold it up with homage.
So let the Brahman hear the praise we utter. This hath the four-horned Buffalo emitted.

Sloka : 4.58.3

च॒त्वारि॒ श‍ृङ्गा॒ त्रयो॑ अस्य॒ पादा॒ द्वे शी॒र्षे स॒प्त हस्ता॑सो अस्य ।

त्रिधा॑ ब॒द्धो वृ॑ष॒भो रो॑रवीति म॒हो दे॒वो मर्त्या॒ँ आ वि॑वेश ॥ ४.०५८.०३

ca̱tvāri̱ śṛṅgā̱ trayo̍ asya̱ pādā̱ dve śī̱rṣe sa̱pta hastā̍so asya .

tridhā̍ ba̱ddho vṛ̍ṣa̱bho ro̍ravīti ma̱ho de̱vo martyā̱m̐ ā vi̍veśa .. 4.058.03

3 Four are his horns, three are the feet that bear him; his heads are two, his hands are seven in number.
Bound with a triple bond the Steer roars loudly:- the mighty God hath entered in to mortals.

Sloka : 4.58.4

त्रिधा॑ हि॒तं प॒णिभि॑र्गु॒ह्यमा॑नं॒ गवि॑ दे॒वासो॑ घृ॒तमन्व॑विन्दन् ।

इन्द्र॒ एकं॒ सूर्य॒ एकं॑ जजान वे॒नादेकं॑ स्व॒धया॒ निष्ट॑तक्षुः ॥ ४.०५८.०४

tridhā̍ hi̱taṃ pa̱ṇibhi̍rgu̱hyamā̍na̱ṃ gavi̍ de̱vāso̍ ghṛ̱tamanva̍vindan .

indra̱ eka̱ṃ sūrya̱ eka̍ṃ jajāna ve̱nādeka̍ṃ sva̱dhayā̱ niṣṭa̍takṣuḥ .. 4.058.04

4 That oil in triple shape the Gods discovered laid down within the Cow, concealed by Paṇis.
Indra produced one shape, Sūrya another:- by their own power they formed the third from Vena.

Sloka : 4.58.5

ए॒ता अ॑र्षन्ति॒ हृद्या॑त्समु॒द्राच्छ॒तव्र॑जा रि॒पुणा॒ नाव॒चक्षे॑ ।

घृ॒तस्य॒ धारा॑ अ॒भि चा॑कशीमि हिर॒ण्ययो॑ वेत॒सो मध्य॑ आसाम् ॥ ४.०५८.०५

e̱tā a̍rṣanti̱ hṛdyā̍tsamu̱drāccha̱tavra̍jā ri̱puṇā̱ nāva̱cakṣe̍ .

ghṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̍ a̱bhi cā̍kaśīmi hira̱ṇyayo̍ veta̱so madhya̍ āsām .. 4.058.05

5 From inmost reservoir in countless channels flow down these rivers which the foe beholds not.
I look upon the streams of oil descending, and lo! the Golden Reed is there among them.

Sloka : 4.58.6

स॒म्यक्स्र॑वन्ति स॒रितो॒ न धेना॑ अ॒न्तर्हृ॒दा मन॑सा पू॒यमा॑नाः ।

ए॒ते अ॑र्षन्त्यू॒र्मयो॑ घृ॒तस्य॑ मृ॒गा इ॑व क्षिप॒णोरीष॑माणाः ॥ ४.०५८.०६

sa̱myaksra̍vanti sa̱rito̱ na dhenā̍ a̱ntarhṛ̱dā mana̍sā pū̱yamā̍nāḥ .

e̱te a̍rṣantyū̱rmayo̍ ghṛ̱tasya̍ mṛ̱gā i̍va kṣipa̱ṇorīṣa̍māṇāḥ .. 4.058.06

6 Like rivers our libations flow together, cleansing themselves in inmost heart and spirit.
The streams of holy oil pour swiftly downward like the wild beasts that fly before the bowman.

Sloka : 4.58.7

सिन्धो॑रिव प्राध्व॒ने शू॑घ॒नासो॒ वात॑प्रमियः पतयन्ति य॒ह्वाः ।

घृ॒तस्य॒ धारा॑ अरु॒षो न वा॒जी काष्ठा॑ भि॒न्दन्नू॒र्मिभिः॒ पिन्व॑मानः ॥ ४.०५८.०७

sindho̍riva prādhva̱ne śū̍gha̱nāso̱ vāta̍pramiyaḥ patayanti ya̱hvāḥ .

ghṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̍ aru̱ṣo na vā̱jī kāṣṭhā̍ bhi̱ndannū̱rmibhi̱ḥ pinva̍mānaḥ .. 4.058.07

7 As rushing down the rapids of a river, flow swifter than the wind the vigorous currents,
The streams of oil in swelling fluctuation like a red courser bursting through the fences.

Sloka : 4.58.8

अ॒भि प्र॑वन्त॒ सम॑नेव॒ योषाः॑ कल्या॒ण्य१॒ः॑ स्मय॑मानासो अ॒ग्निम् ।

घृ॒तस्य॒ धाराः॑ स॒मिधो॑ नसन्त॒ ता जु॑षा॒णो ह॑र्यति जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ ४.०५८.०८

a̱bhi pra̍vanta̱ sama̍neva̱ yoṣā̍ḥ kalyā̱ṇya1̱̍ḥ smaya̍mānāso a̱gnim .

ghṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̍ḥ sa̱midho̍ nasanta̱ tā ju̍ṣā̱ṇo ha̍ryati jā̱tave̍dāḥ .. 4.058.08

8 Like women at a gathering fair to look on and gently smiling, they incline to Agni.
The streams of holy oil attain the fuel, and Jātavedas joyfully receives them.

Sloka : 4.58.9

क॒न्या॑ इव वह॒तुमेत॒वा उ॑ अ॒ञ्ज्य॑ञ्जा॒ना अ॒भि चा॑कशीमि ।

यत्र॒ सोमः॑ सू॒यते॒ यत्र॑ य॒ज्ञो घृ॒तस्य॒ धारा॑ अ॒भि तत्प॑वन्ते ॥ ४.०५८.०९

ka̱nyā̍ iva vaha̱tumeta̱vā u̍ a̱ñjya̍ñjā̱nā a̱bhi cā̍kaśīmi .

yatra̱ soma̍ḥ sū̱yate̱ yatra̍ ya̱jño ghṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̍ a̱bhi tatpa̍vante .. 4.058.09

9 As maidens dock themselves with gay adornment to join the bridal feast, I now behold them.
Where Soma flows and sacrifice is ready, thither the streams of holy oil are running.

Sloka : 4.58.10

अ॒भ्य॑र्षत सुष्टु॒तिं गव्य॑मा॒जिम॒स्मासु॑ भ॒द्रा द्रवि॑णानि धत्त ।

इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं न॑यत दे॒वता॑ नो घृ॒तस्य॒ धारा॒ मधु॑मत्पवन्ते ॥ ४.०५८.१०

a̱bhya̍rṣata suṣṭu̱tiṃ gavya̍mā̱jima̱smāsu̍ bha̱drā dravi̍ṇāni dhatta .

i̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ na̍yata de̱vatā̍ no ghṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̱ madhu̍matpavante .. 4.058.10

10 Send to our eulogy a herd of cattle bestow upon us excellent possessions.
Bear to the Gods the sacrifice we offer the streams of oil flow pure and full of sweetness.

Sloka : 4.58.11

धाम॑न्ते॒ विश्वं॒ भुव॑न॒मधि॑ श्रि॒तम॒न्तः स॑मु॒द्रे हृ॒द्य१॒॑न्तरायु॑षि ।

अ॒पामनी॑के समि॒थे य आभृ॑त॒स्तम॑श्याम॒ मधु॑मन्तं त ऊ॒र्मिम् ॥ ४.०५८.११

dhāma̍nte̱ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍na̱madhi̍ śri̱tama̱ntaḥ sa̍mu̱dre hṛ̱dya1̱̍ntarāyu̍ṣi .

a̱pāmanī̍ke sami̱the ya ābhṛ̍ta̱stama̍śyāma̱ madhu̍mantaṃ ta ū̱rmim .. 4.058.11

11 The universe depends upon thy power and might within the sea, within the heart, within all life.

Shanti Mantra (END)

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||

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