RigVeda Mandala 05
Mandala 5 comprises 87 hymns, mainly to Agni and Indra, the Visvedevas ("all the gods'), the Maruts, the twin-deity Mitra-Varuna and the Asvins. Two hymns each are dedicated to Ushas (the dawn) and to Savitr. Most hymns in this book are attributed to the atri clan. This edition uses Rigveda's translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].
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Shanti Mantra
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||
Sloka : 5.1.1
ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं ५
अबो॑ध्य॒ग्निः स॒मिधा॒ जना॑नां॒ प्रति॑ धे॒नुमि॑वाय॒तीमु॒षास॑म् ।
य॒ह्वा इ॑व॒ प्र व॒यामु॒ज्जिहा॑नाः॒ प्र भा॒नवः॑ सिस्रते॒ नाक॒मच्छ॑ ॥ ५.००१.०१
ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 5
abo̍dhya̱gniḥ sa̱midhā̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ prati̍ dhe̱numi̍vāya̱tīmu̱ṣāsa̍m .
ya̱hvā i̍va̱ pra va̱yāmu̱jjihā̍nā̱ḥ pra bhā̱nava̍ḥ sisrate̱ nāka̱maccha̍ .. 5.001.01
1. Agni is wakened by the people's fuel to meet the Dawn who cometh like a milch-cow.
Like young trees shooting up on high their branches, his flames are rising to the vault of heaven.
Sloka : 5.1.2
अबो॑धि॒ होता॑ य॒जथा॑य दे॒वानू॒र्ध्वो अ॒ग्निः सु॒मनाः॑ प्रा॒तर॑स्थात् ।
समि॑द्धस्य॒ रुश॑ददर्शि॒ पाजो॑ म॒हान्दे॒वस्तम॑सो॒ निर॑मोचि ॥ ५.००१.०२
abo̍dhi̱ hotā̍ ya̱jathā̍ya de̱vānū̱rdhvo a̱gniḥ su̱manā̍ḥ prā̱tara̍sthāt .
sami̍ddhasya̱ ruśa̍dadarśi̱ pājo̍ ma̱hānde̱vastama̍so̱ nira̍moci .. 5.001.02
2 For worship of the Gods the Priest was wakened:- at morning gracious Agni hath arisen.
Kindled, his radiant might is made apparent, and the great Deity set free from darkness.
Sloka : 5.1.3
यदीं॑ ग॒णस्य॑ रश॒नामजी॑गः॒ शुचि॑रङ्क्ते॒ शुचि॑भि॒र्गोभि॑र॒ग्निः ।
आद्दक्षि॑णा युज्यते वाज॒यन्त्यु॑त्ता॒नामू॒र्ध्वो अ॑धयज्जु॒हूभिः॑ ॥ ५.००१.०३
yadī̍ṃ ga̱ṇasya̍ raśa̱nāmajī̍ga̱ḥ śuci̍raṅkte̱ śuci̍bhi̱rgobhi̍ra̱gniḥ .
āddakṣi̍ṇā yujyate vāja̱yantyu̍ttā̱nāmū̱rdhvo a̍dhayajju̱hūbhi̍ḥ .. 5.001.03
3 When he hath stirred the line of his attendants, with the pure milk pure Agni is anointed.
The strength-bestowing gift is then made ready, which spread in front, with tongues, erect, he drinketh.
Sloka : 5.1.4
अ॒ग्निमच्छा॑ देवय॒तां मनां॑सि॒ चक्षूं॑षीव॒ सूर्ये॒ सं च॑रन्ति ।
यदीं॒ सुवा॑ते उ॒षसा॒ विरू॑पे श्वे॒तो वा॒जी जा॑यते॒ अग्रे॒ अह्ना॑म् ॥ ५.००१.०४
a̱gnimacchā̍ devaya̱tāṃ manā̍ṃsi̱ cakṣū̍ṃṣīva̱ sūrye̱ saṃ ca̍ranti .
yadī̱ṃ suvā̍te u̱ṣasā̱ virū̍pe śve̱to vā̱jī jā̍yate̱ agre̱ ahnā̍m .. 5.001.04
4 The spirits of the pious turn together to Agni, as the eyes of all to Sūrya.
He, when both Dawns of different hues have borne him, springs up at daybreak as a strong white charger.
Sloka : 5.1.5
जनि॑ष्ट॒ हि जेन्यो॒ अग्रे॒ अह्नां॑ हि॒तो हि॒तेष्व॑रु॒षो वने॑षु ।
दमे॑दमे स॒प्त रत्ना॒ दधा॑नो॒ऽग्निर्होता॒ नि ष॑सादा॒ यजी॑यान् ॥ ५.००१.०५
jani̍ṣṭa̱ hi jenyo̱ agre̱ ahnā̍ṃ hi̱to hi̱teṣva̍ru̱ṣo vane̍ṣu .
dame̍dame sa̱pta ratnā̱ dadhā̍no̱'gnirhotā̱ ni ṣa̍sādā̱ yajī̍yān .. 5.001.05
5 The noble One was born at days' beginning, laid red in colour mid the well-laid fuel.
Yielding in every house his seven rich treasures, Agni is seated, Priest most skilled in worship.
Sloka : 5.1.6
अ॒ग्निर्होता॒ न्य॑सीद॒द्यजी॑यानु॒पस्थे॑ मा॒तुः सु॑र॒भा उ॑ लो॒के ।
युवा॑ क॒विः पु॑रुनि॒ष्ठ ऋ॒तावा॑ ध॒र्ता कृ॑ष्टी॒नामु॒त मध्य॑ इ॒द्धः ॥ ५.००१.०६
a̱gnirhotā̱ nya̍sīda̱dyajī̍yānu̱pasthe̍ mā̱tuḥ su̍ra̱bhā u̍ lo̱ke .
yuvā̍ ka̱viḥ pu̍runi̱ṣṭha ṛ̱tāvā̍ dha̱rtā kṛ̍ṣṭī̱nāmu̱ta madhya̍ i̱ddhaḥ .. 5.001.06
6 Agni hath sat him down, a Priest most skilful, on a sweet-smelling place, his Mother's bosom.
Young, faithful, sage, preeminent oer many, kindled among the folk whom he sustaineth.
Sloka : 5.1.7
प्र णु त्यं विप्र॑मध्व॒रेषु॑ सा॒धुम॒ग्निं होता॑रमीळते॒ नमो॑भिः ।
आ यस्त॒तान॒ रोद॑सी ऋ॒तेन॒ नित्यं॑ मृजन्ति वा॒जिनं॑ घृ॒तेन॑ ॥ ५.००१.०७
pra ṇu tyaṃ vipra̍madhva̱reṣu̍ sā̱dhuma̱gniṃ hotā̍ramīl̤ate̱ namo̍bhiḥ .
ā yasta̱tāna̱ roda̍sī ṛ̱tena̱ nitya̍ṃ mṛjanti vā̱jina̍ṃ ghṛ̱tena̍ .. 5.001.07
7 This Singer excellent at sacrifices, Agni the Priest, they glorify with homage.
Him who spread out both worlds by Law Eternal they balm with oil, strong Steed who never faileth.
Sloka : 5.1.8
मा॒र्जा॒ल्यो॑ मृज्यते॒ स्वे दमू॑नाः कविप्रश॒स्तो अति॑थिः शि॒वो नः॑ ।
स॒हस्र॑शृङ्गो वृष॒भस्तदो॑जा॒ विश्वा॑ँ अग्ने॒ सह॑सा॒ प्रास्य॒न्यान् ॥ ५.००१.०८
mā̱rjā̱lyo̍ mṛjyate̱ sve damū̍nāḥ kavipraśa̱sto ati̍thiḥ śi̱vo na̍ḥ .
sa̱hasra̍śṛṅgo vṛṣa̱bhastado̍jā̱ viśvā̍m̐ agne̱ saha̍sā̱ prāsya̱nyān .. 5.001.08
8. He, worshipful House-Friend, in his home is worshipped, our own auspicious guest, lauded by sages.
That strength the Bull with thousand horns possesses. In might, O Agni, thou excellest others.
Sloka : 5.1.9
प्र स॒द्यो अ॑ग्ने॒ अत्ये॑ष्य॒न्याना॒विर्यस्मै॒ चारु॑तमो ब॒भूथ॑ ।
ई॒ळेन्यो॑ वपु॒ष्यो॑ वि॒भावा॑ प्रि॒यो वि॒शामति॑थि॒र्मानु॑षीणाम् ॥ ५.००१.०९
pra sa̱dyo a̍gne̱ atye̍ṣya̱nyānā̱viryasmai̱ cāru̍tamo ba̱bhūtha̍ .
ī̱l̤enyo̍ vapu̱ṣyo̍ vi̱bhāvā̍ pri̱yo vi̱śāmati̍thi̱rmānu̍ṣīṇām .. 5.001.09
9 Thou quickly passest by all others, Agni, for him to whom thou hast appeared most lovely,
Wondrously fair, adorable, effulgent, the guest of men, the darling of the people.
Sloka : 5.1.10
तुभ्यं॑ भरन्ति क्षि॒तयो॑ यविष्ठ ब॒लिम॑ग्ने॒ अन्ति॑त॒ ओत दू॒रात् ।
आ भन्दि॑ष्ठस्य सुम॒तिं चि॑किद्धि बृ॒हत्ते॑ अग्ने॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ भ॒द्रम् ॥ ५.००१.१०
tubhya̍ṃ bharanti kṣi̱tayo̍ yaviṣṭha ba̱lima̍gne̱ anti̍ta̱ ota dū̱rāt .
ā bhandi̍ṣṭhasya suma̱tiṃ ci̍kiddhi bṛ̱hatte̍ agne̱ mahi̱ śarma̍ bha̱dram .. 5.001.10
10 To thee, Most Youthful God! to thee, O Agni from near and far the people bring their tribute.
Mark well the prayer of him who best extols thee. Great, high, auspicious, Agni, is thy shelter.
Sloka : 5.1.11
आद्य रथं॑ भानुमो भानु॒मन्त॒मग्ने॒ तिष्ठ॑ यज॒तेभिः॒ सम॑न्तम् ।
वि॒द्वान्प॑थी॒नामु॒र्व१॒॑न्तरि॑क्ष॒मेह दे॒वान्ह॑वि॒रद्या॑य वक्षि ॥ ५.००१.११
ādya ratha̍ṃ bhānumo bhānu̱manta̱magne̱ tiṣṭha̍ yaja̱tebhi̱ḥ sama̍ntam .
vi̱dvānpa̍thī̱nāmu̱rva1̱̍ntari̍kṣa̱meha de̱vānha̍vi̱radyā̍ya vakṣi .. 5.001.11
11 Ascend to-day thy splendid car, O Agni, in splendour, with the Holy Ones around it.
Knowing the paths by mid-air's spacious region bring hither Gods to feast on our oblation.
Sloka : 5.1.12
अवो॑चाम क॒वये॒ मेध्या॑य॒ वचो॑ व॒न्दारु॑ वृष॒भाय॒ वृष्णे॑ ।
गवि॑ष्ठिरो॒ नम॑सा॒ स्तोम॑म॒ग्नौ दि॒वी॑व रु॒क्ममु॑रु॒व्यञ्च॑मश्रेत् ॥ ५.००१.१२
avo̍cāma ka̱vaye̱ medhyā̍ya̱ vaco̍ va̱ndāru̍ vṛṣa̱bhāya̱ vṛṣṇe̍ .
gavi̍ṣṭhiro̱ nama̍sā̱ stoma̍ma̱gnau di̱vī̍va ru̱kmamu̍ru̱vyañca̍maśret .. 5.001.12
12 To him adorable, sage, strong and mighty we have sung forth our song of praise and homage.
Gavisthira hath raised with prayer to Agni this laud far-reaching, like gold light to heaven.
Sloka : 5.2.1
कु॒मा॒रं मा॒ता यु॑व॒तिः समु॑ब्धं॒ गुहा॑ बिभर्ति॒ न द॑दाति पि॒त्रे ।
अनी॑कमस्य॒ न मि॒नज्जना॑सः पु॒रः प॑श्यन्ति॒ निहि॑तमर॒तौ ॥ ५.००२.०१
ku̱mā̱raṃ mā̱tā yu̍va̱tiḥ samu̍bdha̱ṃ guhā̍ bibharti̱ na da̍dāti pi̱tre .
anī̍kamasya̱ na mi̱najjanā̍saḥ pu̱raḥ pa̍śyanti̱ nihi̍tamara̱tau .. 5.002.01
1. THE youthful Mother keeps the Boy in secret pressed to her close, nor yields him to the Father.
But, when he lies upon the arm, the people see his unfading countenance before them.
Sloka : 5.2.2
कमे॒तं त्वं यु॑वते कुमा॒रं पेषी॑ बिभर्षि॒ महि॑षी जजान ।
पू॒र्वीर्हि गर्भः॑ श॒रदो॑ व॒वर्धाप॑श्यं जा॒तं यदसू॑त मा॒ता ॥ ५.००२.०२
kame̱taṃ tvaṃ yu̍vate kumā̱raṃ peṣī̍ bibharṣi̱ mahi̍ṣī jajāna .
pū̱rvīrhi garbha̍ḥ śa̱rado̍ va̱vardhāpa̍śyaṃ jā̱taṃ yadasū̍ta mā̱tā .. 5.002.02
2 What child is this thou carriest as handmaid, O Youthful One? The Consort-Queen hath borne him.
The Babe unborn increased through many autumns. I saw him born what time his Mother bare him.
Sloka : 5.2.3
हिर॑ण्यदन्तं॒ शुचि॑वर्णमा॒रात्क्षेत्रा॑दपश्य॒मायु॑धा॒ मिमा॑नम् ।
द॒दा॒नो अ॑स्मा अ॒मृतं॑ वि॒पृक्व॒त्किं माम॑नि॒न्द्राः कृ॑णवन्ननु॒क्थाः ॥ ५.००२.०३
hira̍ṇyadanta̱ṃ śuci̍varṇamā̱rātkṣetrā̍dapaśya̱māyu̍dhā̱ mimā̍nam .
da̱dā̱no a̍smā a̱mṛta̍ṃ vi̱pṛkva̱tkiṃ māma̍ni̱ndrāḥ kṛ̍ṇavannanu̱kthāḥ .. 5.002.03
3 I saw him from afar gold-toothed, bright-coloured, hurling his weapons from his habitation,
What time I gave him Amṛta free from mixture. How can the Indraless, the hymnless harm me?
Sloka : 5.2.4
क्षेत्रा॑दपश्यं सनु॒तश्चर॑न्तं सु॒मद्यू॒थं न पु॒रु शोभ॑मानम् ।
न ता अ॑गृभ्र॒न्नज॑निष्ट॒ हि षः पलि॑क्नी॒रिद्यु॑व॒तयो॑ भवन्ति ॥ ५.००२.०४
kṣetrā̍dapaśyaṃ sanu̱taścara̍ntaṃ su̱madyū̱thaṃ na pu̱ru śobha̍mānam .
na tā a̍gṛbhra̱nnaja̍niṣṭa̱ hi ṣaḥ pali̍knī̱ridyu̍va̱tayo̍ bhavanti .. 5.002.04
4 I saw him moving from the place he dwells in, even as with a herd, brilliantly shining.
These seized him not:- he had been born already. They who were grey with age again grow youthful.
Sloka : 5.2.5
के मे॑ मर्य॒कं वि य॑वन्त॒ गोभि॒र्न येषां॑ गो॒पा अर॑णश्चि॒दास॑ ।
य ईं॑ जगृ॒भुरव॒ ते सृ॑ज॒न्त्वाजा॑ति प॒श्व उप॑ नश्चिकि॒त्वान् ॥ ५.००२.०५
ke me̍ marya̱kaṃ vi ya̍vanta̱ gobhi̱rna yeṣā̍ṃ go̱pā ara̍ṇaści̱dāsa̍ .
ya ī̍ṃ jagṛ̱bhurava̱ te sṛ̍ja̱ntvājā̍ti pa̱śva upa̍ naściki̱tvān .. 5.002.05
5 Who separate my young bull from the cattle, they whose protector was in truth no stranger?
Let those whose hands have seized upon them free them. May he, observant, drive the herd to us-ward.
Sloka : 5.2.6
व॒सां राजा॑नं वस॒तिं जना॑ना॒मरा॑तयो॒ नि द॑धु॒र्मर्त्ये॑षु ।
ब्रह्मा॒ण्यत्रे॒रव॒ तं सृ॑जन्तु निन्दि॒तारो॒ निन्द्या॑सो भवन्तु ॥ ५.००२.०६
va̱sāṃ rājā̍naṃ vasa̱tiṃ janā̍nā̱marā̍tayo̱ ni da̍dhu̱rmartye̍ṣu .
brahmā̱ṇyatre̱rava̱ taṃ sṛ̍jantu nindi̱tāro̱ nindyā̍so bhavantu .. 5.002.06
6 Mid mortal men godless have secreted the King of all who live, home of the people.
So may the prayers of Atri give him freedom. Reproached in turn be those who now reproach him.
Sloka : 5.2.7
शुन॑श्चि॒च्छेपं॒ निदि॑तं स॒हस्रा॒द्यूपा॑दमुञ्चो॒ अश॑मिष्ट॒ हि षः ।
ए॒वास्मद॑ग्ने॒ वि मु॑मुग्धि॒ पाशा॒न्होत॑श्चिकित्व इ॒ह तू नि॒षद्य॑ ॥ ५.००२.०७
śuna̍ści̱cchepa̱ṃ nidi̍taṃ sa̱hasrā̱dyūpā̍damuñco̱ aśa̍miṣṭa̱ hi ṣaḥ .
e̱vāsmada̍gne̱ vi mu̍mugdhi̱ pāśā̱nhota̍ścikitva i̱ha tū ni̱ṣadya̍ .. 5.002.07
7 Thou from the stake didst loose een Śunaḥśepa bound for a thousand; for he prayed with fervour.
So, Agni, loose from us the bonds that bind us, when thou art seated here, O Priest who knowest.
Sloka : 5.2.8
हृ॒णी॒यमा॑नो॒ अप॒ हि मदैयेः॒ प्र मे॑ दे॒वानां॑ व्रत॒पा उ॑वाच ।
इन्द्रो॑ वि॒द्वाँ अनु॒ हि त्वा॑ च॒चक्ष॒ तेना॒हम॑ग्ने॒ अनु॑शिष्ट॒ आगा॑म् ॥ ५.००२.०८
hṛ̱ṇī̱yamā̍no̱ apa̱ hi madaiye̱ḥ pra me̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ vrata̱pā u̍vāca .
indro̍ vi̱dvām̐ anu̱ hi tvā̍ ca̱cakṣa̱ tenā̱hama̍gne̱ anu̍śiṣṭa̱ āgā̍m .. 5.002.08
8 Thou hast sped from me, Agni, in thine anger:- this the protector of Gods Laws hath told me.
Indra who knoweth bent his eye upon thee:- by him instructed am I come, O Agni.
Sloka : 5.2.9
वि ज्योति॑षा बृह॒ता भा॑त्य॒ग्निरा॒विर्विश्वा॑नि कृणुते महि॒त्वा ।
प्रादे॑वीर्मा॒याः स॑हते दु॒रेवाः॒ शिशी॑ते॒ शृङ्गे॒ रक्ष॑से वि॒निक्षे॑ ॥ ५.००२.०९
vi jyoti̍ṣā bṛha̱tā bhā̍tya̱gnirā̱virviśvā̍ni kṛṇute mahi̱tvā .
prāde̍vīrmā̱yāḥ sa̍hate du̱revā̱ḥ śiśī̍te̱ śṛṅge̱ rakṣa̍se vi̱nikṣe̍ .. 5.002.09
9 Agni shines far and wide with lofty splendour, and by his greatness makes all things apparent.
He conquers godless and malign enchantments, and sharpens both his horns to gore the Rakṣas.
Sloka : 5.2.10
उ॒त स्वा॒नासो॑ दि॒वि ष॑न्त्व॒ग्नेस्ति॒ग्मायु॑धा॒ रक्ष॑से॒ हन्त॒वा उ॑ ।
मदे॑ चिदस्य॒ प्र रु॑जन्ति॒ भामा॒ न व॑रन्ते परि॒बाधो॒ अदे॑वीः ॥ ५.००२.१०
u̱ta svā̱nāso̍ di̱vi ṣa̍ntva̱gnesti̱gmāyu̍dhā̱ rakṣa̍se̱ hanta̱vā u̍ .
made̍ cidasya̱ pra ru̍janti̱ bhāmā̱ na va̍rante pari̱bādho̱ ade̍vīḥ .. 5.002.10
10 Loud in the heaven above be Agni's roarings with keen-edged weapons to destroy the demons.
Forth burst his splendours in the Soma's rapture. The godless bands press round but cannot stay him.
Sloka : 5.2.11
ए॒तं ते॒ स्तोमं॑ तुविजात॒ विप्रो॒ रथं॒ न धीरः॒ स्वपा॑ अतक्षम् ।
यदीद॑ग्ने॒ प्रति॒ त्वं दे॑व॒ हर्याः॒ स्व॑र्वतीर॒प ए॑ना जयेम ॥ ५.००२.११
e̱taṃ te̱ stoma̍ṃ tuvijāta̱ vipro̱ ratha̱ṃ na dhīra̱ḥ svapā̍ atakṣam .
yadīda̍gne̱ prati̱ tvaṃ de̍va̱ haryā̱ḥ sva̍rvatīra̱pa e̍nā jayema .. 5.002.11
11 As a skilled craftsman makes a car, a singer I, Mighty One! this hymn for thee have fashioned.
If thou, O Agni, God, accept it gladly, may we obtain thereby the heavenly Waters.
Sloka : 5.2.12
तु॒वि॒ग्रीवो॑ वृष॒भो वा॑वृधा॒नो॑ऽश॒त्र्व१॒॑र्यः सम॑जाति॒ वेदः॑ ।
इती॒मम॒ग्निम॒मृता॑ अवोचन्ब॒र्हिष्म॑ते॒ मन॑वे॒ शर्म॑ यंसद्ध॒विष्म॑ते॒ मन॑वे॒ शर्म॑ यंसत् ॥ ५.००२.१२
tu̱vi̱grīvo̍ vṛṣa̱bho vā̍vṛdhā̱no̎śa̱trva1̱̍ryaḥ sama̍jāti̱ veda̍ḥ .
itī̱mama̱gnima̱mṛtā̍ avocanba̱rhiṣma̍te̱ mana̍ve̱ śarma̍ yaṃsaddha̱viṣma̍te̱ mana̍ve̱ śarma̍ yaṃsat .. 5.002.12
12 May he, the strong-necked Steer, waxing in vigour, gather the foeman's wealth with none to check him.
Thus to this Agni have the Immortals spoken. To man who spreads the grass may he grant shelter, grant shelter to the man who brings oblation.
Sloka : 5.3.1
त्वम॑ग्ने॒ वरु॑णो॒ जाय॑से॒ यत्त्वं मि॒त्रो भ॑वसि॒ यत्समि॑द्धः ।
त्वे विश्वे॑ सहसस्पुत्र दे॒वास्त्वमिन्द्रो॑ दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ॥ ५.००३.०१
tvama̍gne̱ varu̍ṇo̱ jāya̍se̱ yattvaṃ mi̱tro bha̍vasi̱ yatsami̍ddhaḥ .
tve viśve̍ sahasasputra de̱vāstvamindro̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .. 5.003.01
1. THOU at thy birth art Varuṇa, O Agni; when thou art kindled thou becomest Mitra.
In thee, O Son of Strength, all Gods are centred. Indra art thou to man who brings oblation.
Sloka : 5.3.2
त्वम॑र्य॒मा भ॑वसि॒ यत्क॒नीनां॒ नाम॑ स्वधाव॒न्गुह्यं॑ बिभर्षि ।
अ॒ञ्जन्ति॑ मि॒त्रं सुधि॑तं॒ न गोभि॒र्यद्दम्प॑ती॒ सम॑नसा कृ॒णोषि॑ ॥ ५.००३.०२
tvama̍rya̱mā bha̍vasi̱ yatka̱nīnā̱ṃ nāma̍ svadhāva̱nguhya̍ṃ bibharṣi .
a̱ñjanti̍ mi̱traṃ sudhi̍ta̱ṃ na gobhi̱ryaddampa̍tī̱ sama̍nasā kṛ̱ṇoṣi̍ .. 5.003.02
2 Aryaman art thou as regardeth maidens mysterious, is thy name, O Self-sustainer.
As a kind friend with streams of milk they balm thee what time thou makest wife and lord one-minded.
Sloka : 5.3.3
तव॑ श्रि॒ये म॒रुतो॑ मर्जयन्त॒ रुद्र॒ यत्ते॒ जनि॑म॒ चारु॑ चि॒त्रम् ।
प॒दं यद्विष्णो॑रुप॒मं नि॒धायि॒ तेन॑ पासि॒ गुह्यं॒ नाम॒ गोना॑म् ॥ ५.००३.०३
tava̍ śri̱ye ma̱ruto̍ marjayanta̱ rudra̱ yatte̱ jani̍ma̱ cāru̍ ci̱tram .
pa̱daṃ yadviṣṇo̍rupa̱maṃ ni̱dhāyi̱ tena̍ pāsi̱ guhya̱ṃ nāma̱ gonā̍m .. 5.003.03
3 The Maruts deck their beauty for thy glory, yea, Rudra! for thy birth fair, brightly-coloured.
That which was fixed as Viṣṇu's loftiest stationtherewith the secret of the Cows thou guardest.
Sloka : 5.3.4
तव॑ श्रि॒या सु॒दृशो॑ देव दे॒वाः पु॒रू दधा॑ना अ॒मृतं॑ सपन्त ।
होता॑रम॒ग्निं मनु॑षो॒ नि षे॑दुर्दश॒स्यन्त॑ उ॒शिजः॒ शंस॑मा॒योः ॥ ५.००३.०४
tava̍ śri̱yā su̱dṛśo̍ deva de̱vāḥ pu̱rū dadhā̍nā a̱mṛta̍ṃ sapanta .
hotā̍rama̱gniṃ manu̍ṣo̱ ni ṣe̍durdaśa̱syanta̍ u̱śija̱ḥ śaṃsa̍mā̱yoḥ .. 5.003.04
4 Gods through thy glory, God who art so lovely! granting abundant gifts gained life immortal.
As their own Priest have men established Agni; and serve him fain for praise from him who liveth.
Sloka : 5.3.5
न त्वद्धोता॒ पूर्वो॑ अग्ने॒ यजी॑या॒न्न काव्यैः॑ प॒रो अ॑स्ति स्वधावः ।
वि॒शश्च॒ यस्या॒ अति॑थि॒र्भवा॑सि॒ स य॒ज्ञेन॑ वनवद्देव॒ मर्ता॑न् ॥ ५.००३.०५
na tvaddhotā̱ pūrvo̍ agne̱ yajī̍yā̱nna kāvyai̍ḥ pa̱ro a̍sti svadhāvaḥ .
vi̱śaśca̱ yasyā̱ ati̍thi̱rbhavā̍si̱ sa ya̱jñena̍ vanavaddeva̱ martā̍n .. 5.003.05
5 There is no priest more skilled than thou in worship; none Self-sustainer pass thee in wisdom.
The man within whose house as guest thou dwellest, O God, by sacrifice shall conquer mortals.
Sloka : 5.3.6
व॒यम॑ग्ने वनुयाम॒ त्वोता॑ वसू॒यवो॑ ह॒विषा॒ बुध्य॑मानाः ।
व॒यं स॑म॒र्ये वि॒दथे॒ष्वह्नां॑ व॒यं रा॒या स॑हसस्पुत्र॒ मर्ता॑न् ॥ ५.००३.०६
va̱yama̍gne vanuyāma̱ tvotā̍ vasū̱yavo̍ ha̱viṣā̱ budhya̍mānāḥ .
va̱yaṃ sa̍ma̱rye vi̱dathe̱ṣvahnā̍ṃ va̱yaṃ rā̱yā sa̍hasasputra̱ martā̍n .. 5.003.06
6 Aided by thee, O Agni may we conquer through our oblation, fain for wealth, awakened:-
May we in battle, in the days assemblies, O Son of Strength, by riches conquer mortals.
Sloka : 5.3.7
यो न॒ आगो॑ अ॒भ्येनो॒ भरा॒त्यधीद॒घम॒घशं॑से दधात ।
ज॒ही चि॑कित्वो अ॒भिश॑स्तिमे॒तामग्ने॒ यो नो॑ म॒र्चय॑ति द्व॒येन॑ ॥ ५.००३.०७
yo na̱ āgo̍ a̱bhyeno̱ bharā̱tyadhīda̱ghama̱ghaśa̍ṃse dadhāta .
ja̱hī ci̍kitvo a̱bhiśa̍stime̱tāmagne̱ yo no̍ ma̱rcaya̍ti dva̱yena̍ .. 5.003.07
7 He shall bring evil on the evil-plotter whoever turns against us sin and outrage.
Destroy this calumny of him, O Agni, whoever injures us with double-dealing.
Sloka : 5.3.8
त्वाम॒स्या व्युषि॑ देव॒ पूर्वे॑ दू॒तं कृ॑ण्वा॒ना अ॑यजन्त ह॒व्यैः ।
सं॒स्थे यद॑ग्न॒ ईय॑से रयी॒णां दे॒वो मर्तै॒र्वसु॑भिरि॒ध्यमा॑नः ॥ ५.००३.०८
tvāma̱syā vyuṣi̍ deva̱ pūrve̍ dū̱taṃ kṛ̍ṇvā̱nā a̍yajanta ha̱vyaiḥ .
sa̱ṃsthe yada̍gna̱ īya̍se rayī̱ṇāṃ de̱vo martai̱rvasu̍bhiri̱dhyamā̍naḥ .. 5.003.08
8 At this dawn's flushing, God! our ancient fathers served thee with offerings, making thee their envoy,
When, Agni, to the store of wealth thou goest, a God enkindled with good things by mortals.
Sloka : 5.3.9
अव॑ स्पृधि पि॒तरं॒ योधि॑ वि॒द्वान्पु॒त्रो यस्ते॑ सहसः सून ऊ॒हे ।
क॒दा चि॑कित्वो अ॒भि च॑क्षसे॒ नोऽग्ने॑ क॒दाँ ऋ॑त॒चिद्या॑तयासे ॥ ५.००३.०९
ava̍ spṛdhi pi̱tara̱ṃ yodhi̍ vi̱dvānpu̱tro yaste̍ sahasaḥ sūna ū̱he .
ka̱dā ci̍kitvo a̱bhi ca̍kṣase̱ no'gne̍ ka̱dām̐ ṛ̍ta̱cidyā̍tayāse .. 5.003.09
9 Save, thou who knowest, draw thy father near thee, who counts as thine own son, O Child of Power.
O sapient Agni, when wilt thou regard us? When, skilled in holy Law, wilt thou direct us?
Sloka : 5.3.10
भूरि॒ नाम॒ वन्द॑मानो दधाति पि॒ता व॑सो॒ यदि॒ तज्जो॒षया॑से ।
कु॒विद्दे॒वस्य॒ सह॑सा चका॒नः सु॒म्नम॒ग्निर्व॑नते वावृधा॒नः ॥ ५.००३.१०
bhūri̱ nāma̱ vanda̍māno dadhāti pi̱tā va̍so̱ yadi̱ tajjo̱ṣayā̍se .
ku̱vidde̱vasya̱ saha̍sā cakā̱naḥ su̱mnama̱gnirva̍nate vāvṛdhā̱naḥ .. 5.003.10
10 Adoring thee he gives thee many a title, when thou, Good Lord! acceptest this as Father.
And doth not Agni, glad in strength of Godhead, gain splendid bliss when he hath waxen mighty?
Sloka : 5.3.11
त्वम॒ङ्ग ज॑रि॒तारं॑ यविष्ठ॒ विश्वा॑न्यग्ने दुरि॒ताति॑ पर्षि ।
स्ते॒ना अ॑दृश्रन्रि॒पवो॒ जना॒सोऽज्ञा॑तकेता वृजि॒ना अ॑भूवन् ॥ ५.००३.११
tvama̱ṅga ja̍ri̱tāra̍ṃ yaviṣṭha̱ viśvā̍nyagne duri̱tāti̍ parṣi .
ste̱nā a̍dṛśranri̱pavo̱ janā̱so'jñā̍taketā vṛji̱nā a̍bhūvan .. 5.003.11
11 Most Youthful Agni, verily thou bearest thy praiser safely over all his troubles.
Thieves have been seen by us and open foemen:- unknown have been the plottings of the wicked.
Sloka : 5.3.12
इ॒मे यामा॑सस्त्व॒द्रिग॑भूव॒न्वस॑वे वा॒ तदिदागो॑ अवाचि ।
नाहा॒यम॒ग्निर॒भिश॑स्तये नो॒ न रीष॑ते वावृधा॒नः परा॑ दात् ॥ ५.००३.१२
i̱me yāmā̍sastva̱driga̍bhūva̱nvasa̍ve vā̱ tadidāgo̍ avāci .
nāhā̱yama̱gnira̱bhiśa̍staye no̱ na rīṣa̍te vāvṛdhā̱naḥ parā̍ dāt .. 5.003.12
12 To thee these eulogies have been directed:- or to the Vasu hath this sin been spoken.
But this our Agni, flaming high, shall never yield us to calumny, to him who wrongs us.
Sloka : 5.4.1
त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ वसु॑पतिं॒ वसू॑नाम॒भि प्र म॑न्दे अध्व॒रेषु॑ राजन् ।
त्वया॒ वाजं॑ वाज॒यन्तो॑ जयेमा॒भि ष्या॑म पृत्सु॒तीर्मर्त्या॑नाम् ॥ ५.००४.०१
tvāma̍gne̱ vasu̍pati̱ṃ vasū̍nāma̱bhi pra ma̍nde adhva̱reṣu̍ rājan .
tvayā̱ vāja̍ṃ vāja̱yanto̍ jayemā̱bhi ṣyā̍ma pṛtsu̱tīrmartyā̍nām .. 5.004.01
1. O AGNI, King and Lord of wealth and treasures, in thee is my delight at sacrifices.
Through thee may we obtain the strength we long for, and overcome the fierce attacks of mortals.
Sloka : 5.4.2
ह॒व्य॒वाळ॒ग्निर॒जरः॑ पि॒ता नो॑ वि॒भुर्वि॒भावा॑ सु॒दृशी॑को अ॒स्मे ।
सु॒गा॒र्ह॒प॒त्याः समिषो॑ दिदीह्यस्म॒द्र्य१॒॑क्सं मि॑मीहि॒ श्रवां॑सि ॥ ५.००४.०२
ha̱vya̱vāl̤a̱gnira̱jara̍ḥ pi̱tā no̍ vi̱bhurvi̱bhāvā̍ su̱dṛśī̍ko a̱sme .
su̱gā̱rha̱pa̱tyāḥ samiṣo̍ didīhyasma̱drya1̱̍ksaṃ mi̍mīhi̱ śravā̍ṃsi .. 5.004.02
2 Agni, Eternal Father, offering-bearer, fair to behold, far-reaching, far-refulgent,
From well-kept household fire beam food to feed us, and measure out to us abundant glory.
Sloka : 5.4.3
वि॒शां क॒विं वि॒श्पतिं॒ मानु॑षीणां॒ शुचिं॑ पाव॒कं घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठम॒ग्निम् ।
नि होता॑रं विश्व॒विदं॑ दधिध्वे॒ स दे॒वेषु॑ वनते॒ वार्या॑णि ॥ ५.००४.०३
vi̱śāṃ ka̱viṃ vi̱śpati̱ṃ mānu̍ṣīṇā̱ṃ śuci̍ṃ pāva̱kaṃ ghṛ̱tapṛ̍ṣṭhama̱gnim .
ni hotā̍raṃ viśva̱vida̍ṃ dadhidhve̱ sa de̱veṣu̍ vanate̱ vāryā̍ṇi .. 5.004.03
3 The Sage of men, the Lord of human races, pure, purifying Agni, balmed with butter,
Him the Omniscient as your Priest ye stablish:- he wins among the Gods things worth the choosing.
Sloka : 5.4.4
जु॒षस्वा॑ग्न॒ इळ॑या स॒जोषा॒ यत॑मानो र॒श्मिभिः॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
जु॒षस्व॑ नः स॒मिधं॑ जातवेद॒ आ च॑ दे॒वान्ह॑वि॒रद्या॑य वक्षि ॥ ५.००४.०४
ju̱ṣasvā̍gna̱ il̤a̍yā sa̱joṣā̱ yata̍māno ra̱śmibhi̱ḥ sūrya̍sya .
ju̱ṣasva̍ naḥ sa̱midha̍ṃ jātaveda̱ ā ca̍ de̱vānha̍vi̱radyā̍ya vakṣi .. 5.004.04
4 Agni, enjoy, of one accord with Iḷā, striving in rivalry with beams of Sūrya,
Enjoy, O Jātavedas, this our fuel, and bring the Gods to us to taste oblations.
Sloka : 5.4.5
जुष्टो॒ दमू॑ना॒ अति॑थिर्दुरो॒ण इ॒मं नो॑ य॒ज्ञमुप॑ याहि वि॒द्वान् ।
विश्वा॑ अग्ने अभि॒युजो॑ वि॒हत्या॑ शत्रूय॒तामा भ॑रा॒ भोज॑नानि ॥ ५.००४.०५
juṣṭo̱ damū̍nā̱ ati̍thirduro̱ṇa i̱maṃ no̍ ya̱jñamupa̍ yāhi vi̱dvān .
viśvā̍ agne abhi̱yujo̍ vi̱hatyā̍ śatrūya̱tāmā bha̍rā̱ bhoja̍nāni .. 5.004.05
5 As dear House-Friend, guest welcome in the dwelling, to this our sacrifice come thou who knowest.
And, Agni, having scattered all assailants, bring to us the possessions of our foemen.
Sloka : 5.4.6
व॒धेन॒ दस्युं॒ प्र हि चा॒तय॑स्व॒ वयः॑ कृण्वा॒नस्त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ स्वायै॑ ।
पिप॑र्षि॒ यत्स॑हसस्पुत्र दे॒वान्त्सो अ॑ग्ने पाहि नृतम॒ वाजे॑ अ॒स्मान् ॥ ५.००४.०६
va̱dhena̱ dasyu̱ṃ pra hi cā̱taya̍sva̱ vaya̍ḥ kṛṇvā̱nasta̱nve̱3̱̍ svāyai̍ .
pipa̍rṣi̱ yatsa̍hasasputra de̱vāntso a̍gne pāhi nṛtama̱ vāje̍ a̱smān .. 5.004.06
6 Drive thou away the Dasyu with thy weapon. As, gaining vital power for thine own body,
O Son of Strength, the Gods thou satisfiest, so in fight save us, most heroic Agni.
Sloka : 5.4.7
व॒यं ते॑ अग्न उ॒क्थैर्वि॑धेम व॒यं ह॒व्यैः पा॑वक भद्रशोचे ।
अ॒स्मे र॒यिं वि॒श्ववा॑रं॒ समि॑न्वा॒स्मे विश्वा॑नि॒ द्रवि॑णानि धेहि ॥ ५.००४.०७
va̱yaṃ te̍ agna u̱kthairvi̍dhema va̱yaṃ ha̱vyaiḥ pā̍vaka bhadraśoce .
a̱sme ra̱yiṃ vi̱śvavā̍ra̱ṃ sami̍nvā̱sme viśvā̍ni̱ dravi̍ṇāni dhehi .. 5.004.07
7 May we, O Agni, with our lauds adore thee, and with our gifts, fair-beaming Purifier!
Send to us wealth containing all things precious:- bestow upon us every sort of riches.
Sloka : 5.4.8
अ॒स्माक॑मग्ने अध्व॒रं जु॑षस्व॒ सह॑सः सूनो त्रिषधस्थ ह॒व्यम् ।
व॒यं दे॒वेषु॑ सु॒कृतः॑ स्याम॒ शर्म॑णा नस्त्रि॒वरू॑थेन पाहि ॥ ५.००४.०८
a̱smāka̍magne adhva̱raṃ ju̍ṣasva̱ saha̍saḥ sūno triṣadhastha ha̱vyam .
va̱yaṃ de̱veṣu̍ su̱kṛta̍ḥ syāma̱ śarma̍ṇā nastri̱varū̍thena pāhi .. 5.004.08
8 Son of Strength, Agni, dweller in three regions, accept our sacrifice and our oblation.
Among the Gods may we be counted pious:- protect us with a triply-guarding shelter.
Sloka : 5.4.9
विश्वा॑नि नो दु॒र्गहा॑ जातवेदः॒ सिन्धुं॒ न ना॒वा दु॑रि॒ताति॑ पर्षि ।
अग्ने॑ अत्रि॒वन्नम॑सा गृणा॒नो॒३॒॑ऽस्माकं॑ बोध्यवि॒ता त॒नूना॑म् ॥ ५.००४.०९
viśvā̍ni no du̱rgahā̍ jātaveda̱ḥ sindhu̱ṃ na nā̱vā du̍ri̱tāti̍ parṣi .
agne̍ atri̱vannama̍sā gṛṇā̱no̱3̱̎smāka̍ṃ bodhyavi̱tā ta̱nūnā̍m .. 5.004.09
9 Over all woes and dangers, Jātavedas, bear us as in a boat across a river.
Praised with our homage even as Atri praised thee, O Agni, be the guardian of our bodies.
Sloka : 5.4.10
यस्त्वा॑ हृ॒दा की॒रिणा॒ मन्य॑मा॒नोऽम॑र्त्यं॒ मर्त्यो॒ जोह॑वीमि ।
जात॑वेदो॒ यशो॑ अ॒स्मासु॑ धेहि प्र॒जाभि॑रग्ने अमृत॒त्वम॑श्याम् ॥ ५.००४.१०
yastvā̍ hṛ̱dā kī̱riṇā̱ manya̍mā̱no'ma̍rtya̱ṃ martyo̱ joha̍vīmi .
jāta̍vedo̱ yaśo̍ a̱smāsu̍ dhehi pra̱jābhi̍ragne amṛta̱tvama̍śyām .. 5.004.10
10 As I, remembering thee with grateful spirit, a mortal, call with might on thee Immortal,
Vouchsafe us high renown, O Jātavedas, and may I be immortal by my children.
Sloka : 5.4.11
यस्मै॒ त्वं सु॒कृते॑ जातवेद उ लो॒कम॑ग्ने कृ॒णवः॑ स्यो॒नम् ।
अ॒श्विनं॒ स पु॒त्रिणं॑ वी॒रव॑न्तं॒ गोम॑न्तं र॒यिं न॑शते स्व॒स्ति ॥ ५.००४.११
yasmai̱ tvaṃ su̱kṛte̍ jātaveda u lo̱kama̍gne kṛ̱ṇava̍ḥ syo̱nam .
a̱śvina̱ṃ sa pu̱triṇa̍ṃ vī̱rava̍nta̱ṃ goma̍ntaṃ ra̱yiṃ na̍śate sva̱sti .. 5.004.11
11 The pious man, O Jātavedas Agni, to whom thou grantest ample room and pleasure,
Gaineth abundant wealth with sons and horses, with heroes and with kine for his well-being.
Sloka : 5.5.1
सुस॑मिद्धाय शो॒चिषे॑ घृ॒तं ती॒व्रं जु॑होतन ।
अ॒ग्नये॑ जा॒तवे॑दसे ॥ ५.००५.०१
susa̍middhāya śo̱ciṣe̍ ghṛ̱taṃ tī̱vraṃ ju̍hotana .
a̱gnaye̍ jā̱tave̍dase .. 5.005.01
1. To Agni, Jātavedas, to the flame, the well-enkindled God,
Offer thick sacrificial oil.
Sloka : 5.5.2
नरा॒शंसः॑ सुषूदती॒मं य॒ज्ञमदा॑भ्यः ।
क॒विर्हि मधु॑हस्त्यः ॥ ५.००५.०२
narā̱śaṃsa̍ḥ suṣūdatī̱maṃ ya̱jñamadā̍bhyaḥ .
ka̱virhi madhu̍hastyaḥ .. 5.005.02
2 He, Narāśaṁsa, neer beguiled, inspiriteth this sacrifice:-
For sage is he, with sweets in hand.
Sloka : 5.5.3
ई॒ळि॒तो अ॑ग्न॒ आ व॒हेन्द्रं॑ चि॒त्रमि॒ह प्रि॒यम् ।
सु॒खै रथे॑भिरू॒तये॑ ॥ ५.००५.०३
ī̱l̤i̱to a̍gna̱ ā va̱hendra̍ṃ ci̱trami̱ha pri̱yam .
su̱khai rathe̍bhirū̱taye̍ .. 5.005.03
3 Adored, O Agni, hither bring Indra the Wonderful, the Friend,
On lightly-rolling car to aid.
Sloka : 5.5.4
ऊर्ण॑म्रदा॒ वि प्र॑थस्वा॒भ्य१॒॑र्का अ॑नूषत ।
भवा॑ नः शुभ्र सा॒तये॑ ॥ ५.००५.०४
ūrṇa̍mradā̱ vi pra̍thasvā̱bhya1̱̍rkā a̍nūṣata .
bhavā̍ naḥ śubhra sā̱taye̍ .. 5.005.04
4 Spread thyself out, thou soft as wool The holy hymns have sung to thee.
Bring gain to us, O beautiful!
Sloka : 5.5.5
देवी॑र्द्वारो॒ वि श्र॑यध्वं सुप्राय॒णा न॑ ऊ॒तये॑ ।
प्रप्र॑ य॒ज्ञं पृ॑णीतन ॥ ५.००५.०५
devī̍rdvāro̱ vi śra̍yadhvaṃ suprāya̱ṇā na̍ ū̱taye̍ .
prapra̍ ya̱jñaṃ pṛ̍ṇītana .. 5.005.05
5 Open yourselves, ye Doors Divine, easy of access for our aid:-
Fill, more and more, the sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.5.6
सु॒प्रती॑के वयो॒वृधा॑ य॒ह्वी ऋ॒तस्य॑ मा॒तरा॑ ।
दो॒षामु॒षास॑मीमहे ॥ ५.००५.०६
su̱pratī̍ke vayo̱vṛdhā̍ ya̱hvī ṛ̱tasya̍ mā̱tarā̍ .
do̱ṣāmu̱ṣāsa̍mīmahe .. 5.005.06
6 Fair strengtheners of vital power, young Mothers of eternal Law,
Morning and Night we supplicate.
Sloka : 5.5.7
वात॑स्य॒ पत्म॑न्नीळि॒ता दैव्या॒ होता॑रा॒ मनु॑षः ।
इ॒मं नो॑ य॒ज्ञमा ग॑तम् ॥ ५.००५.०७
vāta̍sya̱ patma̍nnīl̤i̱tā daivyā̱ hotā̍rā̱ manu̍ṣaḥ .
i̱maṃ no̍ ya̱jñamā ga̍tam .. 5.005.07
7 On the wind's flight come, glorified, ye two celestial Priests of man
Come ye to this our sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.5.8
इळा॒ सर॑स्वती म॒ही ति॒स्रो दे॒वीर्म॑यो॒भुवः॑ ।
ब॒र्हिः सी॑दन्त्व॒स्रिधः॑ ॥ ५.००५.०८
il̤ā̱ sara̍svatī ma̱hī ti̱sro de̱vīrma̍yo̱bhuva̍ḥ .
ba̱rhiḥ sī̍dantva̱sridha̍ḥ .. 5.005.08
8 Iḷā, Sarasvatī, Mahī, three Goddesses who bring us weal,
Be seated harmless on the grass.
Sloka : 5.5.9
शि॒वस्त्व॑ष्टरि॒हा ग॑हि वि॒भुः पोष॑ उ॒त त्मना॑ ।
य॒ज्ञेय॑ज्ञे न॒ उद॑व ॥ ५.००५.०९
śi̱vastva̍ṣṭari̱hā ga̍hi vi̱bhuḥ poṣa̍ u̱ta tmanā̍ .
ya̱jñeya̍jñe na̱ uda̍va .. 5.005.09
9 Rich in all plenty, Tvaṣṭar, come auspicious of thine own accord
Help us in every sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.5.10
यत्र॒ वेत्थ॑ वनस्पते दे॒वानां॒ गुह्या॒ नामा॑नि ।
तत्र॑ ह॒व्यानि॑ गामय ॥ ५.००५.१०
yatra̱ vettha̍ vanaspate de̱vānā̱ṃ guhyā̱ nāmā̍ni .
tatra̍ ha̱vyāni̍ gāmaya .. 5.005.10
10 Vanaspati, wherever thou knowest the Gods mysterious names,
Send our oblations thitherward.
Sloka : 5.5.11
स्वाहा॒ग्नये॒ वरु॑णाय॒ स्वाहेन्द्रा॑य म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ।
स्वाहा॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ ह॒विः ॥ ५.००५.११
svāhā̱gnaye̱ varu̍ṇāya̱ svāhendrā̍ya ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .
svāhā̍ de̱vebhyo̍ ha̱viḥ .. 5.005.11
11 To Agni and to Varuṇa, Indra, the Maruts, and the Gods,
With Svāhā be oblation brought.
Sloka : 5.6.1
अ॒ग्निं तं म॑न्ये॒ यो वसु॒रस्तं॒ यं यन्ति॑ धे॒नवः॑ ।
अस्त॒मर्व॑न्त आ॒शवोऽस्तं॒ नित्या॑सो वा॒जिन॒ इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०१
a̱gniṃ taṃ ma̍nye̱ yo vasu̱rasta̱ṃ yaṃ yanti̍ dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
asta̱marva̍nta ā̱śavo'sta̱ṃ nityā̍so vā̱jina̱ iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.01
1. I VALUE Agni that good Lord, the home to which the kine return:-
Whom fleet-foot coursers seek as home, and strong enduring steeds as home. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.2
सो अ॒ग्निर्यो वसु॑र्गृ॒णे सं यमा॒यन्ति॑ धे॒नवः॑ ।
समर्व॑न्तो रघु॒द्रुवः॒ सं सु॑जा॒तासः॑ सू॒रय॒ इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०२
so a̱gniryo vasu̍rgṛ̱ṇe saṃ yamā̱yanti̍ dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
samarva̍nto raghu̱druva̱ḥ saṃ su̍jā̱tāsa̍ḥ sū̱raya̱ iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.02
2 Tis Agni whom we laud as good, to whom the milch-kine come in herds,
To whom the chargers swift of foot, to whom our well-born princes come. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.3
अ॒ग्निर्हि वा॒जिनं॑ वि॒शे ददा॑ति वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिः ।
अ॒ग्नी रा॒ये स्वा॒भुवं॒ स प्री॒तो या॑ति॒ वार्य॒मिषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०३
a̱gnirhi vā̱jina̍ṃ vi̱śe dadā̍ti vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇiḥ .
a̱gnī rā̱ye svā̱bhuva̱ṃ sa prī̱to yā̍ti̱ vārya̱miṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.03
3 Agni the God of all mankind, gives, verily, a steed to man.
Agni gives precious gear for wealth, treasure he gives when he is pleased. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.4
आ ते॑ अग्न इधीमहि द्यु॒मन्तं॑ देवा॒जर॑म् ।
यद्ध॒ स्या ते॒ पनी॑यसी स॒मिद्दी॒दय॑ति॒ द्यवीषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०४
ā te̍ agna idhīmahi dyu̱manta̍ṃ devā̱jara̍m .
yaddha̱ syā te̱ panī̍yasī sa̱middī̱daya̍ti̱ dyavīṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.04
4 God, Agni, we will kindle thee, rich in thy splendour, fading not,
So that this glorious fuel may send forth by day its light for thee. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.5
आ ते॑ अग्न ऋ॒चा ह॒विः शुक्र॑स्य शोचिषस्पते ।
सुश्च॑न्द्र॒ दस्म॒ विश्प॑ते॒ हव्य॑वा॒ट् तुभ्यं॑ हूयत॒ इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०५
ā te̍ agna ṛ̱cā ha̱viḥ śukra̍sya śociṣaspate .
suśca̍ndra̱ dasma̱ viśpa̍te̱ havya̍vā̱ṭ tubhya̍ṃ hūyata̱ iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.05
5 To thee the splendid, Lord of flame, bright, wondrous, Prince of men, is brought.
Oblation with the holy verse, O Agni, bearer of our gifts.
Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.6
प्रो त्ये अ॒ग्नयो॒ऽग्निषु॒ विश्वं॑ पुष्यन्ति॒ वार्य॑म् ।
ते हि॑न्विरे॒ त इ॑न्विरे॒ त इ॑षण्यन्त्यानु॒षगिषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०६
pro tye a̱gnayo̱'gniṣu̱ viśva̍ṃ puṣyanti̱ vārya̍m .
te hi̍nvire̱ ta i̍nvire̱ ta i̍ṣaṇyantyānu̱ṣagiṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.06
6 These Agnis in the seats of the fire nourish each thing most excellent.
They give delight, they spread abroad, they move themselves continually. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.7
तव॒ त्ये अ॑ग्ने अ॒र्चयो॒ महि॑ व्राधन्त वा॒जिनः॑ ।
ये पत्व॑भिः श॒फानां॑ व्र॒जा भु॒रन्त॒ गोना॒मिषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०७
tava̱ tye a̍gne a̱rcayo̱ mahi̍ vrādhanta vā̱jina̍ḥ .
ye patva̍bhiḥ śa̱phānā̍ṃ vra̱jā bhu̱ranta̱ gonā̱miṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.07
7 Agni, these brilliant flames of thine wax like strong chargers mightily,
Who with the treadings of their hoofs go swiftly to the stalls of kine. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.8
नवा॑ नो अग्न॒ आ भ॑र स्तो॒तृभ्यः॑ सुक्षि॒तीरिषः॑ ।
ते स्या॑म॒ य आ॑नृ॒चुस्त्वादू॑तासो॒ दमे॑दम॒ इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०८
navā̍ no agna̱ ā bha̍ra sto̱tṛbhya̍ḥ sukṣi̱tīriṣa̍ḥ .
te syā̍ma̱ ya ā̍nṛ̱custvādū̍tāso̱ dame̍dama̱ iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.08
8 To us who laud thee, Agni, bring fresh food and safe and happy homes.
May we who have sung hymns to thee have thee for envoy in each house. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.9
उ॒भे सु॑श्चन्द्र स॒र्पिषो॒ दर्वी॑ श्रीणीष आ॒सनि॑ ।
उ॒तो न॒ उत्पु॑पूर्या उ॒क्थेषु॑ शवसस्पत॒ इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.०९
u̱bhe su̍ścandra sa̱rpiṣo̱ darvī̍ śrīṇīṣa ā̱sani̍ .
u̱to na̱ utpu̍pūryā u̱ktheṣu̍ śavasaspata̱ iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.09
9 Thou, brilliant God, within thy mouth warmest both ladles of the oil.
So fill us also, in our hymns, abundantly, O Lord of Strength. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.6.10
ए॒वाँ अ॒ग्निम॑जुर्यमुर्गी॒र्भिर्य॒ज्ञेभि॑रानु॒षक् ।
दध॑द॒स्मे सु॒वीर्य॑मु॒त त्यदा॒श्वश्व्य॒मिषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.००६.१०
e̱vām̐ a̱gnima̍juryamurgī̱rbhirya̱jñebhi̍rānu̱ṣak .
dadha̍da̱sme su̱vīrya̍mu̱ta tyadā̱śvaśvya̱miṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.006.10
10 Thus Agni have we duly served with sacrifices and with hymns.
So may he give us what we crave, store of brave sons and fleet-foot steeds. Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 5.7.1
सखा॑यः॒ सं वः॑ स॒म्यञ्च॒मिषं॒ स्तोमं॑ चा॒ग्नये॑ ।
वर्षि॑ष्ठाय क्षिती॒नामू॒र्जो नप्त्रे॒ सह॑स्वते ॥ ५.००७.०१
sakhā̍ya̱ḥ saṃ va̍ḥ sa̱myañca̱miṣa̱ṃ stoma̍ṃ cā̱gnaye̍ .
varṣi̍ṣṭhāya kṣitī̱nāmū̱rjo naptre̱ saha̍svate .. 5.007.01
1. OFFER to Agni, O my friends, your seemly food, your seemly praise;
To him supremest oer the folk, the Son of Strength, the mighty Lord:-
Sloka : 5.7.2
कुत्रा॑ चि॒द्यस्य॒ समृ॑तौ र॒ण्वा नरो॑ नृ॒षद॑ने ।
अर्ह॑न्तश्चि॒द्यमि॑न्ध॒ते सं॑ज॒नय॑न्ति ज॒न्तवः॑ ॥ ५.००७.०२
kutrā̍ ci̱dyasya̱ samṛ̍tau ra̱ṇvā naro̍ nṛ̱ṣada̍ne .
arha̍ntaści̱dyami̍ndha̱te sa̍ṃja̱naya̍nti ja̱ntava̍ḥ .. 5.007.02
2 Him in whose presence, when they meet in full assembly, men rejoice;
Even him whom worthy ones inflame, and living creatures bring to life.
Sloka : 5.7.3
सं यदि॒षो वना॑महे॒ सं ह॒व्या मानु॑षाणाम् ।
उ॒त द्यु॒म्नस्य॒ शव॑स ऋ॒तस्य॑ र॒श्मिमा द॑दे ॥ ५.००७.०३
saṃ yadi̱ṣo vanā̍mahe̱ saṃ ha̱vyā mānu̍ṣāṇām .
u̱ta dyu̱mnasya̱ śava̍sa ṛ̱tasya̍ ra̱śmimā da̍de .. 5.007.03
3 When we present to him the food and sacrificial gifts of men,
He by the might of splendour grasps the holy Ordinance's rein.
Sloka : 5.7.4
स स्मा॑ कृणोति के॒तुमा नक्तं॑ चिद्दू॒र आ स॒ते ।
पा॒व॒को यद्वन॒स्पती॒न्प्र स्मा॑ मि॒नात्य॒जरः॑ ॥ ५.००७.०४
sa smā̍ kṛṇoti ke̱tumā nakta̍ṃ ciddū̱ra ā sa̱te .
pā̱va̱ko yadvana̱spatī̱npra smā̍ mi̱nātya̱jara̍ḥ .. 5.007.04
4 He gives a signal in the night even to him who is afar,
When he, the Bright, unchanged by eld, consumes the sovrans of the wood.
Sloka : 5.7.5
अव॑ स्म॒ यस्य॒ वेष॑णे॒ स्वेदं॑ प॒थिषु॒ जुह्व॑ति ।
अ॒भीमह॒ स्वजे॑न्यं॒ भूमा॑ पृ॒ष्ठेव॑ रुरुहुः ॥ ५.००७.०५
ava̍ sma̱ yasya̱ veṣa̍ṇe̱ sveda̍ṃ pa̱thiṣu̱ juhva̍ti .
a̱bhīmaha̱ svaje̍nya̱ṃ bhūmā̍ pṛ̱ṣṭheva̍ ruruhuḥ .. 5.007.05
5 He in whose service on the ways they offer up their drops of sweat,
On him is their high kin have they mounted, as ridges on the earth.
Sloka : 5.7.6
यं मर्त्यः॑ पुरु॒स्पृहं॑ वि॒दद्विश्व॑स्य॒ धाय॑से ।
प्र स्वाद॑नं पितू॒नामस्त॑तातिं चिदा॒यवे॑ ॥ ५.००७.०६
yaṃ martya̍ḥ puru̱spṛha̍ṃ vi̱dadviśva̍sya̱ dhāya̍se .
pra svāda̍naṃ pitū̱nāmasta̍tātiṃ cidā̱yave̍ .. 5.007.06
6 Whom, sought of many, mortal man hath found to be the Stay of all;
He who gives flavour to our food, the home of every man that lives.
Sloka : 5.7.7
स हि ष्मा॒ धन्वाक्षि॑तं॒ दाता॒ न दात्या प॒शुः ।
हिरि॑श्मश्रुः॒ शुचि॑दन्नृ॒भुरनि॑भृष्टतविषिः ॥ ५.००७.०७
sa hi ṣmā̱ dhanvākṣi̍ta̱ṃ dātā̱ na dātyā pa̱śuḥ .
hiri̍śmaśru̱ḥ śuci̍dannṛ̱bhurani̍bhṛṣṭataviṣiḥ .. 5.007.07
7 Even as a herd that crops the grass he shears the field and wilderness,
With flashing teeth and beard of gold, deft with his unabated might.
Sloka : 5.7.8
शुचिः॑ ष्म॒ यस्मा॑ अत्रि॒वत्प्र स्वधि॑तीव॒ रीय॑ते ।
सु॒षूर॑सूत मा॒ता क्रा॒णा यदा॑न॒शे भग॑म् ॥ ५.००७.०८
śuci̍ḥ ṣma̱ yasmā̍ atri̱vatpra svadhi̍tīva̱ rīya̍te .
su̱ṣūra̍sūta mā̱tā krā̱ṇā yadā̍na̱śe bhaga̍m .. 5.007.08
8 For him, to whom, bright as an axe he, as to Atri, hath flashed forth,
Hath the well-bearing Mother borne, producing when her time is come.
Sloka : 5.7.9
आ यस्ते॑ सर्पिरासु॒तेऽग्ने॒ शमस्ति॒ धाय॑से ।
ऐषु॑ द्यु॒म्नमु॒त श्रव॒ आ चि॒त्तं मर्त्ये॑षु धाः ॥ ५.००७.०९
ā yaste̍ sarpirāsu̱te'gne̱ śamasti̱ dhāya̍se .
aiṣu̍ dyu̱mnamu̱ta śrava̱ ā ci̱ttaṃ martye̍ṣu dhāḥ .. 5.007.09
9 Agni to whom the oil is shed by him thou lovest to support,
Bestow upon these mortals fame and splendour and intelligence.
Sloka : 5.7.10
इति॑ चिन्म॒न्युम॒ध्रिज॒स्त्वादा॑त॒मा प॒शुं द॑दे ।
आद॑ग्ने॒ अपृ॑ण॒तोऽत्रिः॑ सासह्या॒द्दस्यू॑नि॒षः सा॑सह्या॒न्नॄन् ॥ ५.००७.१०
iti̍ cinma̱nyuma̱dhrija̱stvādā̍ta̱mā pa̱śuṃ da̍de .
āda̍gne̱ apṛ̍ṇa̱to'tri̍ḥ sāsahyā̱ddasyū̍ni̱ṣaḥ sā̍sahyā̱nnṝn .. 5.007.10
10 Such zeal hath he, resistless one:- he gained the cattle given by thee.
Agni, may Atri overcome the Dasyus who bestow no gifts, subdue the men who give no food.
Sloka : 5.8.1
त्वाम॑ग्न ऋता॒यवः॒ समी॑धिरे प्र॒त्नं प्र॒त्नास॑ ऊ॒तये॑ सहस्कृत ।
पु॒रु॒श्च॒न्द्रं य॑ज॒तं वि॒श्वधा॑यसं॒ दमू॑नसं गृ॒हप॑तिं॒ वरे॑ण्यम् ॥ ५.००८.०१
tvāma̍gna ṛtā̱yava̱ḥ samī̍dhire pra̱tnaṃ pra̱tnāsa̍ ū̱taye̍ sahaskṛta .
pu̱ru̱śca̱ndraṃ ya̍ja̱taṃ vi̱śvadhā̍yasa̱ṃ damū̍nasaṃ gṛ̱hapa̍ti̱ṃ vare̍ṇyam .. 5.008.01
1. O AGNI urged to strength, the men of old who loved the Law enkindled thee,
the Ancient, for their aid,
Thee very bright, and holy, nourisher of all, most excellent, the Friend and Master of the home.
Sloka : 5.8.2
त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ अति॑थिं पू॒र्व्यं विशः॑ शो॒चिष्के॑शं गृ॒हप॑तिं॒ नि षे॑दिरे ।
बृ॒हत्के॑तुं पुरु॒रूपं॑ धन॒स्पृतं॑ सु॒शर्मा॑णं॒ स्वव॑सं जर॒द्विष॑म् ॥ ५.००८.०२
tvāma̍gne̱ ati̍thiṃ pū̱rvyaṃ viśa̍ḥ śo̱ciṣke̍śaṃ gṛ̱hapa̍ti̱ṃ ni ṣe̍dire .
bṛ̱hatke̍tuṃ puru̱rūpa̍ṃ dhana̱spṛta̍ṃ su̱śarmā̍ṇa̱ṃ svava̍saṃ jara̱dviṣa̍m .. 5.008.02
2 Thee, Agni, men have stablished as their guest of old, as Master of the household, thee, with hair of flame;
High-bannered, multiform, distributor of wealth, kind helper, good protector, drier of the floods.
Sloka : 5.8.3
त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ मानु॑षीरीळते॒ विशो॑ होत्रा॒विदं॒ विवि॑चिं रत्न॒धात॑मम् ।
गुहा॒ सन्तं॑ सुभग वि॒श्वद॑र्शतं तुविष्व॒णसं॑ सु॒यजं॑ घृत॒श्रिय॑म् ॥ ५.००८.०३
tvāma̍gne̱ mānu̍ṣīrīl̤ate̱ viśo̍ hotrā̱vida̱ṃ vivi̍ciṃ ratna̱dhāta̍mam .
guhā̱ santa̍ṃ subhaga vi̱śvada̍rśataṃ tuviṣva̱ṇasa̍ṃ su̱yaja̍ṃ ghṛta̱śriya̍m .. 5.008.03
3 The tribes of men praise thee, Agni, who knowest well burnt offerings, the Discerner, lavishest of wealth,
Dwelling in secret, Blest One! visible to all, loud-roaring, skilled in worship, glorified with oil.
Sloka : 5.8.4
त्वाम॑ग्ने धर्ण॒सिं वि॒श्वधा॑ व॒यं गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णन्तो॒ नम॒सोप॑ सेदिम ।
स नो॑ जुषस्व समिधा॒नो अ॑ङ्गिरो दे॒वो मर्त॑स्य य॒शसा॑ सुदी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ५.००८.०४
tvāma̍gne dharṇa̱siṃ vi̱śvadhā̍ va̱yaṃ gī̱rbhirgṛ̱ṇanto̱ nama̱sopa̍ sedima .
sa no̍ juṣasva samidhā̱no a̍ṅgiro de̱vo marta̍sya ya̱śasā̍ sudī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 5.008.04
4 Ever to thee, O Agni, as exceeding strong have we drawn nigh with songs and reverence singing hymns.
So be thou pleased with us, Aṅgiras! as a God enkindled by the noble with man's goodly light.
Sloka : 5.8.5
त्वम॑ग्ने पुरु॒रूपो॑ वि॒शेवि॑शे॒ वयो॑ दधासि प्र॒त्नथा॑ पुरुष्टुत ।
पु॒रूण्यन्ना॒ सह॑सा॒ वि रा॑जसि॒ त्विषिः॒ सा ते॑ तित्विषा॒णस्य॒ नाधृषे॑ ॥ ५.००८.०५
tvama̍gne puru̱rūpo̍ vi̱śevi̍śe̱ vayo̍ dadhāsi pra̱tnathā̍ puruṣṭuta .
pu̱rūṇyannā̱ saha̍sā̱ vi rā̍jasi̱ tviṣi̱ḥ sā te̍ titviṣā̱ṇasya̱ nādhṛṣe̍ .. 5.008.05
5 Thou, Agni! multiform, God who art lauded much! givest in every house subsistence as of old.
Thou rulest by thy might oer food of many a sort:- that light of thine when blazing may not be opposed.
Sloka : 5.8.6
त्वाम॑ग्ने समिधा॒नं य॑विष्ठ्य दे॒वा दू॒तं च॑क्रिरे हव्य॒वाह॑नम् ।
उ॒रु॒ज्रय॑सं घृ॒तयो॑नि॒माहु॑तं त्वे॒षं चक्षु॑र्दधिरे चोद॒यन्म॑ति ॥ ५.००८.०६
tvāma̍gne samidhā̱naṃ ya̍viṣṭhya de̱vā dū̱taṃ ca̍krire havya̱vāha̍nam .
u̱ru̱jraya̍saṃ ghṛ̱tayo̍ni̱māhu̍taṃ tve̱ṣaṃ cakṣu̍rdadhire coda̱yanma̍ti .. 5.008.06
6 The Gods, Most Youthful Agni, have made thee, inflamed, the bearer of oblations and the messenger.
Thee, widely-reaching, homed in sacred oil, invoked, effulgent, have they made the Eye that stirs the thought.
Sloka : 5.8.7
त्वाम॑ग्ने प्र॒दिव॒ आहु॑तं घृ॒तैः सु॑म्ना॒यवः॑ सुष॒मिधा॒ समी॑धिरे ।
स वा॑वृधा॒न ओष॑धीभिरुक्षि॒तो॒३॒॑ऽभि ज्रयां॑सि॒ पार्थि॑वा॒ वि ति॑ष्ठसे ॥ ५.००८.०७
tvāma̍gne pra̱diva̱ āhu̍taṃ ghṛ̱taiḥ su̍mnā̱yava̍ḥ suṣa̱midhā̱ samī̍dhire .
sa vā̍vṛdhā̱na oṣa̍dhībhirukṣi̱to̱3̱̎bhi jrayā̍ṃsi̱ pārthi̍vā̱ vi ti̍ṣṭhase .. 5.008.07
7 Men seeking joy have lit thee worshipped from of old, O Agni, with good fuel and with sacred oil.
So thou, bedewed and waxing mighty by the plants, spreadest thyself abroad over the realms of earth.
Sloka : 5.9.1
त्वाम॑ग्ने ह॒विष्म॑न्तो दे॒वं मर्ता॑स ईळते ।
मन्ये॑ त्वा जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ स ह॒व्या व॑क्ष्यानु॒षक् ॥ ५.००९.०१
tvāma̍gne ha̱viṣma̍nto de̱vaṃ martā̍sa īl̤ate .
manye̍ tvā jā̱tave̍dasa̱ṃ sa ha̱vyā va̍kṣyānu̱ṣak .. 5.009.01
1. BEARING; oblations mortal men, O Agni, worship thee the God.
I deem thee Jātavedas:- bear our offerings, thou, unceasingly.
Sloka : 5.9.2
अ॒ग्निर्होता॒ दास्व॑तः॒ क्षय॑स्य वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।
सं य॒ज्ञास॒श्चर॑न्ति॒ यं सं वाजा॑सः श्रव॒स्यवः॑ ॥ ५.००९.०२
a̱gnirhotā̱ dāsva̍ta̱ḥ kṣaya̍sya vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .
saṃ ya̱jñāsa̱ścara̍nti̱ yaṃ saṃ vājā̍saḥ śrava̱syava̍ḥ .. 5.009.02
2 In the man's home who offers gifts, where grass is trimmed, Agni is Priest,
To whom all sacrifices come and strengthenings that win renown.
Sloka : 5.9.3
उ॒त स्म॒ यं शिशुं॑ यथा॒ नवं॒ जनि॑ष्टा॒रणी॑ ।
ध॒र्तारं॒ मानु॑षीणां वि॒शाम॒ग्निं स्व॑ध्व॒रम् ॥ ५.००९.०३
u̱ta sma̱ yaṃ śiśu̍ṃ yathā̱ nava̱ṃ jani̍ṣṭā̱raṇī̍ .
dha̱rtāra̱ṃ mānu̍ṣīṇāṃ vi̱śāma̱gniṃ sva̍dhva̱ram .. 5.009.03
3 Whom, as an infant newly-born, the kindling-sticks have brought to life,
Sustainer of the tribes of men, skilled in well-ordered sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.9.4
उ॒त स्म॑ दुर्गृभीयसे पु॒त्रो न ह्वा॒र्याणा॑म् ।
पु॒रू यो दग्धासि॒ वनाग्ने॑ प॒शुर्न यव॑से ॥ ५.००९.०४
u̱ta sma̍ durgṛbhīyase pu̱tro na hvā̱ryāṇā̍m .
pu̱rū yo dagdhāsi̱ vanāgne̍ pa̱śurna yava̍se .. 5.009.04
4 Yea, very hard art thou to grasp, like offspring of the wriggling snakes,
When thou consumest many woods like an ox, Agni, in the mead.
Sloka : 5.9.5
अध॑ स्म॒ यस्या॒र्चयः॑ स॒म्यक्सं॒यन्ति॑ धू॒मिनः॑ ।
यदी॒मह॑ त्रि॒तो दि॒व्युप॒ ध्माते॑व॒ धम॑ति॒ शिशी॑ते ध्मा॒तरी॑ यथा ॥ ५.००९.०५
adha̍ sma̱ yasyā̱rcaya̍ḥ sa̱myaksa̱ṃyanti̍ dhū̱mina̍ḥ .
yadī̱maha̍ tri̱to di̱vyupa̱ dhmāte̍va̱ dhama̍ti̱ śiśī̍te dhmā̱tarī̍ yathā .. 5.009.05
5 Whose flames, when thou art sending forth the smoke, completely reach the mark,
When Tṛta in the height of heaven, like as a smelter fanneth thee, een as a smelter sharpeneth thee.
Sloka : 5.9.6
तवा॒हम॑ग्न ऊ॒तिभि॑र्मि॒त्रस्य॑ च॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिः ।
द्वे॒षो॒युतो॒ न दु॑रि॒ता तु॒र्याम॒ मर्त्या॑नाम् ॥ ५.००९.०६
tavā̱hama̍gna ū̱tibhi̍rmi̱trasya̍ ca̱ praśa̍stibhiḥ .
dve̱ṣo̱yuto̱ na du̍ri̱tā tu̱ryāma̱ martyā̍nām .. 5.009.06
6 O Agni, by thy succour and by Mitra's friendly furtherance,
May we, averting hate, subdue the wickedness of mortal men.
Sloka : 5.9.7
तं नो॑ अग्ने अ॒भी नरो॑ र॒यिं स॑हस्व॒ आ भ॑र ।
स क्षे॑पय॒त्स पो॑षय॒द्भुव॒द्वाज॑स्य सा॒तय॑ उ॒तैधि॑ पृ॒त्सु नो॑ वृ॒धे ॥ ५.००९.०७
taṃ no̍ agne a̱bhī naro̍ ra̱yiṃ sa̍hasva̱ ā bha̍ra .
sa kṣe̍paya̱tsa po̍ṣaya̱dbhuva̱dvāja̍sya sā̱taya̍ u̱taidhi̍ pṛ̱tsu no̍ vṛ̱dhe .. 5.009.07
7 O Agni, to our heroes bring such riches, thou victorious God.
May he protect and nourish us, and help in gaining strength:- be thou near us in fight for our success.
Sloka : 5.10.1
अग्न॒ ओजि॑ष्ठ॒मा भ॑र द्यु॒म्नम॒स्मभ्य॑मध्रिगो ।
प्र नो॑ रा॒या परी॑णसा॒ रत्सि॒ वाजा॑य॒ पन्था॑म् ॥ ५.०१०.०१
agna̱ oji̍ṣṭha̱mā bha̍ra dyu̱mnama̱smabhya̍madhrigo .
pra no̍ rā̱yā parī̍ṇasā̱ ratsi̱ vājā̍ya̱ panthā̍m .. 5.010.01
1. BRING us most mighty splendour thou, Agni, resistless on thy way.
With overflowing store of wealth mark out for us a path to strength.
Sloka : 5.10.2
त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अद्भुत॒ क्रत्वा॒ दक्ष॑स्य मं॒हना॑ ।
त्वे अ॑सु॒र्य१॒॑मारु॑हत्क्रा॒णा मि॒त्रो न य॒ज्ञियः॑ ॥ ५.०१०.०२
tvaṃ no̍ agne adbhuta̱ kratvā̱ dakṣa̍sya ma̱ṃhanā̍ .
tve a̍su̱rya1̱̍māru̍hatkrā̱ṇā mi̱tro na ya̱jñiya̍ḥ .. 5.010.02
2 Ours art thou, wondrous Agni, by wisdom and bounteousness of power.
The might of Asuras rests on thee, like Mitra worshipful in act.
Sloka : 5.10.3
त्वं नो॑ अग्न एषां॒ गयं॑ पु॒ष्टिं च॑ वर्धय ।
ये स्तोमे॑भिः॒ प्र सू॒रयो॒ नरो॑ म॒घान्या॑न॒शुः ॥ ५.०१०.०३
tvaṃ no̍ agna eṣā̱ṃ gaya̍ṃ pu̱ṣṭiṃ ca̍ vardhaya .
ye stome̍bhi̱ḥ pra sū̱rayo̱ naro̍ ma̱ghānyā̍na̱śuḥ .. 5.010.03
3 Agni, increase our means of life, increase the house and home of these,
The men, the princes who have won great riches through our hymns of praise.
Sloka : 5.10.4
ये अ॑ग्ने चन्द्र ते॒ गिरः॑ शु॒म्भन्त्यश्व॑राधसः ।
शुष्मे॑भिः शु॒ष्मिणो॒ नरो॑ दि॒वश्चि॒द्येषां॑ बृ॒हत्सु॑की॒र्तिर्बोध॑ति॒ त्मना॑ ॥ ५.०१०.०४
ye a̍gne candra te̱ gira̍ḥ śu̱mbhantyaśva̍rādhasaḥ .
śuṣme̍bhiḥ śu̱ṣmiṇo̱ naro̍ di̱vaści̱dyeṣā̍ṃ bṛ̱hatsu̍kī̱rtirbodha̍ti̱ tmanā̍ .. 5.010.04
4 Bright Agni, they who deck their songs for thee have horses as their meed.
The men are mighty in their might, they whose high laud, as that of heaven, awakes thee of its own accord.
Sloka : 5.10.5
तव॒ त्ये अ॑ग्ने अ॒र्चयो॒ भ्राज॑न्तो यन्ति धृष्णु॒या ।
परि॑ज्मानो॒ न वि॒द्युतः॑ स्वा॒नो रथो॒ न वा॑ज॒युः ॥ ५.०१०.०५
tava̱ tye a̍gne a̱rcayo̱ bhrāja̍nto yanti dhṛṣṇu̱yā .
pari̍jmāno̱ na vi̱dyuta̍ḥ svā̱no ratho̱ na vā̍ja̱yuḥ .. 5.010.05
5 O Agni, those resplendent flames of thine go valorously forth,
Like lightnings flashing round us, like a rattling car that seeks the spoil.
Sloka : 5.10.6
नू नो॑ अग्न ऊ॒तये॑ स॒बाध॑सश्च रा॒तये॑ ।
अ॒स्माका॑सश्च सू॒रयो॒ विश्वा॒ आशा॑स्तरी॒षणि॑ ॥ ५.०१०.०६
nū no̍ agna ū̱taye̍ sa̱bādha̍saśca rā̱taye̍ .
a̱smākā̍saśca sū̱rayo̱ viśvā̱ āśā̍starī̱ṣaṇi̍ .. 5.010.06
6 Now, Agni, come to succour us; let priests draw nigh to offer gifts;
And let the patrons of our rites subdue all regions of the earth.
Sloka : 5.10.7
त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अङ्गिरः स्तु॒तः स्तवा॑न॒ आ भ॑र ।
होत॑र्विभ्वा॒सहं॑ र॒यिं स्तो॒तृभ्यः॒ स्तव॑से च न उ॒तैधि॑ पृ॒त्सु नो॑ वृ॒धे ॥ ५.०१०.०७
tvaṃ no̍ agne aṅgiraḥ stu̱taḥ stavā̍na̱ ā bha̍ra .
hota̍rvibhvā̱saha̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ḥ stava̍se ca na u̱taidhi̍ pṛ̱tsu no̍ vṛ̱dhe .. 5.010.07
7 Bring to us, Agni, Aṅgiras, lauded of old and lauded now,
Invoker! wealth to quell the strong, that singers may extol thee. Be near us in fight for our success.
Sloka : 5.11.1
जन॑स्य गो॒पा अ॑जनिष्ट॒ जागृ॑विर॒ग्निः सु॒दक्षः॑ सुवि॒ताय॒ नव्य॑से ।
घृ॒तप्र॑तीको बृह॒ता दि॑वि॒स्पृशा॑ द्यु॒मद्वि भा॑ति भर॒तेभ्यः॒ शुचिः॑ ॥ ५.०११.०१
jana̍sya go̱pā a̍janiṣṭa̱ jāgṛ̍vira̱gniḥ su̱dakṣa̍ḥ suvi̱tāya̱ navya̍se .
ghṛ̱tapra̍tīko bṛha̱tā di̍vi̱spṛśā̍ dyu̱madvi bhā̍ti bhara̱tebhya̱ḥ śuci̍ḥ .. 5.011.01
1. THE watchful Guardian of the people hath been born, Agni, the very strong, for fresh prosperity.
With oil upon his face, with high heaven-touching flame, he shineth splendidly, pure, for the Bharatas.
Sloka : 5.11.2
य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुं प्र॑थ॒मं पु॒रोहि॑तम॒ग्निं नर॑स्त्रिषध॒स्थे समी॑धिरे ।
इन्द्रे॑ण दे॒वैः स॒रथं॒ स ब॒र्हिषि॒ सीद॒न्नि होता॑ य॒जथा॑य सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ५.०११.०२
ya̱jñasya̍ ke̱tuṃ pra̍tha̱maṃ pu̱rohi̍tama̱gniṃ nara̍striṣadha̱sthe samī̍dhire .
indre̍ṇa de̱vaiḥ sa̱ratha̱ṃ sa ba̱rhiṣi̱ sīda̱nni hotā̍ ya̱jathā̍ya su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 5.011.02
2 Ensign of sacrifice, the earliest Household-Priest, the men have kindled Agni in his threefold seat,
With Indra and the Gods together on the grass let the wise Priest sit to complete the sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.11.3
अस॑म्मृष्टो जायसे मा॒त्रोः शुचि॑र्म॒न्द्रः क॒विरुद॑तिष्ठो वि॒वस्व॑तः ।
घृ॒तेन॑ त्वावर्धयन्नग्न आहुत धू॒मस्ते॑ के॒तुर॑भवद्दि॒वि श्रि॒तः ॥ ५.०११.०३
asa̍mmṛṣṭo jāyase mā̱troḥ śuci̍rma̱ndraḥ ka̱viruda̍tiṣṭho vi̱vasva̍taḥ .
ghṛ̱tena̍ tvāvardhayannagna āhuta dhū̱maste̍ ke̱tura̍bhavaddi̱vi śri̱taḥ .. 5.011.03
3 Pure , unadorned, from thy two Mothers art thou born:- thou camest from Vivasvān as a charming Sage.
With oil they strengthened thee, O Agni, worshipped God:- thy banner was the smoke that mounted to the sky.
Sloka : 5.11.4
अ॒ग्निर्नो॑ य॒ज्ञमुप॑ वेतु साधु॒याग्निं नरो॒ वि भ॑रन्ते गृ॒हेगृ॑हे ।
अ॒ग्निर्दू॒तो अ॑भवद्धव्य॒वाह॑नो॒ऽग्निं वृ॑णा॒ना वृ॑णते क॒विक्र॑तुम् ॥ ५.०११.०४
a̱gnirno̍ ya̱jñamupa̍ vetu sādhu̱yāgniṃ naro̱ vi bha̍rante gṛ̱hegṛ̍he .
a̱gnirdū̱to a̍bhavaddhavya̱vāha̍no̱'gniṃ vṛ̍ṇā̱nā vṛ̍ṇate ka̱vikra̍tum .. 5.011.04
4 May Agni graciously come to our sacrifice. The men bear Agni here and there in every house.
He hath become an envoy, bearer of our gifts:- electing Agni, men choose one exceeding wise.
Sloka : 5.11.5
तुभ्ये॒दम॑ग्ने॒ मधु॑मत्तमं॒ वच॒स्तुभ्यं॑ मनी॒षा इ॒यम॑स्तु॒ शं हृ॒दे ।
त्वां गिरः॒ सिन्धु॑मिवा॒वनी॑र्म॒हीरा पृ॑णन्ति॒ शव॑सा व॒र्धय॑न्ति च ॥ ५.०११.०५
tubhye̱dama̍gne̱ madhu̍mattama̱ṃ vaca̱stubhya̍ṃ manī̱ṣā i̱yama̍stu̱ śaṃ hṛ̱de .
tvāṃ gira̱ḥ sindhu̍mivā̱vanī̍rma̱hīrā pṛ̍ṇanti̱ śava̍sā va̱rdhaya̍nti ca .. 5.011.05
5 For thee, O Agni, is this sweetest prayer of mine:- dear to thy spirit be this product of my thought.
As great streams fill the river so our song of praise fill thee, and make thee yet more mighty in thy strength.
Sloka : 5.11.6
त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ अङ्गि॑रसो॒ गुहा॑ हि॒तमन्व॑विन्दञ्छिश्रिया॒णं वने॑वने ।
स जा॑यसे म॒थ्यमा॑नः॒ सहो॑ म॒हत्त्वामा॑हुः॒ सह॑सस्पु॒त्रम॑ङ्गिरः ॥ ५.०११.०६
tvāma̍gne̱ aṅgi̍raso̱ guhā̍ hi̱tamanva̍vindañchiśriyā̱ṇaṃ vane̍vane .
sa jā̍yase ma̱thyamā̍na̱ḥ saho̍ ma̱hattvāmā̍hu̱ḥ saha̍saspu̱trama̍ṅgiraḥ .. 5.011.06
6 O Agni, the Aṅgirases discovered thee what time thou layest hidden, fleeing back from wood to wood.
Thou by attrition art produced as conquering might, and men, O Aṅgiras, call thee the Son of Strength.
Sloka : 5.12.1
प्राग्नये॑ बृह॒ते य॒ज्ञिया॑य ऋ॒तस्य॒ वृष्णे॒ असु॑राय॒ मन्म॑ ।
घृ॒तं न य॒ज्ञ आ॒स्ये॒३॒॑ सुपू॑तं॒ गिरं॑ भरे वृष॒भाय॑ प्रती॒चीम् ॥ ५.०१२.०१
prāgnaye̍ bṛha̱te ya̱jñiyā̍ya ṛ̱tasya̱ vṛṣṇe̱ asu̍rāya̱ manma̍ .
ghṛ̱taṃ na ya̱jña ā̱sye̱3̱̍ supū̍ta̱ṃ gira̍ṃ bhare vṛṣa̱bhāya̍ pratī̱cīm .. 5.012.01
1. To Agni, lofty Asura, meet for worship, Steer of eternal Law, my prayer I offer;
I bring my song directed to the Mighty like pure oil for his mouth at sacrifices.
Sloka : 5.12.2
ऋ॒तं चि॑कित्व ऋ॒तमिच्चि॑किद्ध्यृ॒तस्य॒ धारा॒ अनु॑ तृन्धि पू॒र्वीः ।
नाहं या॒तुं सह॑सा॒ न द्व॒येन॑ ऋ॒तं स॑पाम्यरु॒षस्य॒ वृष्णः॑ ॥ ५.०१२.०२
ṛ̱taṃ ci̍kitva ṛ̱tamicci̍kiddhyṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̱ anu̍ tṛndhi pū̱rvīḥ .
nāhaṃ yā̱tuṃ saha̍sā̱ na dva̱yena̍ ṛ̱taṃ sa̍pāmyaru̱ṣasya̱ vṛṣṇa̍ḥ .. 5.012.02
2 Mark the Law, thou who knowest, yea, observe it:- send forth the full streams of eternal Order.
I use no sorcery with might or falsehood the sacred Law of the Red Steer I follow.
Sloka : 5.12.3
कया॑ नो अग्न ऋ॒तय॑न्नृ॒तेन॒ भुवो॒ नवे॑दा उ॒चथ॑स्य॒ नव्यः॑ ।
वेदा॑ मे दे॒व ऋ॑तु॒पा ऋ॑तू॒नां नाहं पतिं॑ सनि॒तुर॒स्य रा॒यः ॥ ५.०१२.०३
kayā̍ no agna ṛ̱taya̍nnṛ̱tena̱ bhuvo̱ nave̍dā u̱catha̍sya̱ navya̍ḥ .
vedā̍ me de̱va ṛ̍tu̱pā ṛ̍tū̱nāṃ nāhaṃ pati̍ṃ sani̱tura̱sya rā̱yaḥ .. 5.012.03
3 How hast thou, follower of the Law eternal, become the knower of a new song, Agni?
The God, the Guardian of the seasons, knows me:- the Lord of him who won this wealth I know not.
Sloka : 5.12.4
के ते॑ अग्ने रि॒पवे॒ बन्ध॑नासः॒ के पा॒यवः॑ सनिषन्त द्यु॒मन्तः॑ ।
के धा॒सिम॑ग्ने॒ अनृ॑तस्य पान्ति॒ क आस॑तो॒ वच॑सः सन्ति गो॒पाः ॥ ५.०१२.०४
ke te̍ agne ri̱pave̱ bandha̍nāsa̱ḥ ke pā̱yava̍ḥ saniṣanta dyu̱manta̍ḥ .
ke dhā̱sima̍gne̱ anṛ̍tasya pānti̱ ka āsa̍to̱ vaca̍saḥ santi go̱pāḥ .. 5.012.04
4 Who, Agni, in alliance with thy foeman, what splendid helpers won for them their riches?
Agni, who guard the dwelling-place of falsehood? Who are protectors of the speech of liars?
Sloka : 5.12.5
सखा॑यस्ते॒ विषु॑णा अग्न ए॒ते शि॒वासः॒ सन्तो॒ अशि॑वा अभूवन् ।
अधू॑र्षत स्व॒यमे॒ते वचो॑भिरृजूय॒ते वृ॑जि॒नानि॑ ब्रु॒वन्तः॑ ॥ ५.०१२.०५
sakhā̍yaste̱ viṣu̍ṇā agna e̱te śi̱vāsa̱ḥ santo̱ aśi̍vā abhūvan .
adhū̍rṣata sva̱yame̱te vaco̍bhirṛjūya̱te vṛ̍ji̱nāni̍ bru̱vanta̍ḥ .. 5.012.05
5 Agni, those friends of thine have turned them from thee:- gracious of old, they have become ungracious.
They have deceived themselves by their own speeches, uttering wicked words against the righteous.
Sloka : 5.12.6
यस्ते॑ अग्ने॒ नम॑सा य॒ज्ञमीट्ट॑ ऋ॒तं स पा॑त्यरु॒षस्य॒ वृष्णः॑ ।
तस्य॒ क्षयः॑ पृ॒थुरा सा॒धुरे॑तु प्र॒सर्स्रा॑णस्य॒ नहु॑षस्य॒ शेषः॑ ॥ ५.०१२.०६
yaste̍ agne̱ nama̍sā ya̱jñamīṭṭa̍ ṛ̱taṃ sa pā̍tyaru̱ṣasya̱ vṛṣṇa̍ḥ .
tasya̱ kṣaya̍ḥ pṛ̱thurā sā̱dhure̍tu pra̱sarsrā̍ṇasya̱ nahu̍ṣasya̱ śeṣa̍ḥ .. 5.012.06
6 He who pays sacrifice to thee with homage, O Agni, keeps the Red Steer's Law eternal;
Wide is his dwelling. May the noble offspring of Nahuṣa who wandered forth come hither.
Sloka : 5.13.1
अर्च॑न्तस्त्वा हवाम॒हेऽर्च॑न्तः॒ समि॑धीमहि ।
अग्ने॒ अर्च॑न्त ऊ॒तये॑ ॥ ५.०१३.०१
arca̍ntastvā havāma̱he'rca̍nta̱ḥ sami̍dhīmahi .
agne̱ arca̍nta ū̱taye̍ .. 5.013.01
1. WITH songs of praise we call on thee, we kindle thee with songs of praise,
Agni, with songs of praise, for help.
Sloka : 5.13.2
अ॒ग्नेः स्तोमं॑ मनामहे सि॒ध्रम॒द्य दि॑वि॒स्पृशः॑ ।
दे॒वस्य॑ द्रविण॒स्यवः॑ ॥ ५.०१३.०२
a̱gneḥ stoma̍ṃ manāmahe si̱dhrama̱dya di̍vi̱spṛśa̍ḥ .
de̱vasya̍ draviṇa̱syava̍ḥ .. 5.013.02
2 Eager for wealth, we meditate Agni's effectual praise to-day,
Praise of the God who touches heaven.
Sloka : 5.13.3
अ॒ग्निर्जु॑षत नो॒ गिरो॒ होता॒ यो मानु॑षे॒ष्वा ।
स य॑क्ष॒द्दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ५.०१३.०३
a̱gnirju̍ṣata no̱ giro̱ hotā̱ yo mānu̍ṣe̱ṣvā .
sa ya̍kṣa̱ddaivya̱ṃ jana̍m .. 5.013.03
3 May Agni, Priest among mankind, take pleasure in our songs of praise,
And worship the Celestial Folk.
Sloka : 5.13.4
त्वम॑ग्ने स॒प्रथा॑ असि॒ जुष्टो॒ होता॒ वरे॑ण्यः ।
त्वया॑ य॒ज्ञं वि त॑न्वते ॥ ५.०१३.०४
tvama̍gne sa̱prathā̍ asi̱ juṣṭo̱ hotā̱ vare̍ṇyaḥ .
tvayā̍ ya̱jñaṃ vi ta̍nvate .. 5.013.04
4 Thou, Agni, art spread widely forth, Priest dear and excellent; through thee
Men make the sacrifice complete.
Sloka : 5.13.5
त्वाम॑ग्ने वाज॒सात॑मं॒ विप्रा॑ वर्धन्ति॒ सुष्टु॑तम् ।
स नो॑ रास्व सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ५.०१३.०५
tvāma̍gne vāja̱sāta̍ma̱ṃ viprā̍ vardhanti̱ suṣṭu̍tam .
sa no̍ rāsva su̱vīrya̍m .. 5.013.05
5 Singers exalt thee, Agni, well lauded, best giver of our strength:-
So grant thou us heroic might.
Sloka : 5.13.6
अग्ने॑ ने॒मिर॒राँ इ॑व दे॒वाँस्त्वं प॑रि॒भूर॑सि ।
आ राध॑श्चि॒त्रमृ॑ञ्जसे ॥ ५.०१३.०६
agne̍ ne̱mira̱rām̐ i̍va de̱vām̐stvaṃ pa̍ri̱bhūra̍si .
ā rādha̍ści̱tramṛ̍ñjase .. 5.013.06
6 Thou Agni, as the felly rings the spokes, encompassest the Gods.
I yearn for bounty manifold.
Sloka : 5.14.1
अ॒ग्निं स्तोमे॑न बोधय समिधा॒नो अम॑र्त्यम् ।
ह॒व्या दे॒वेषु॑ नो दधत् ॥ ५.०१४.०१
a̱gniṃ stome̍na bodhaya samidhā̱no ama̍rtyam .
ha̱vyā de̱veṣu̍ no dadhat .. 5.014.01
1. ENKINDLING the Immortal, wake Agni with song of praise:- may he bear our oblations to the Gods.
Sloka : 5.14.2
तम॑ध्व॒रेष्वी॑ळते दे॒वं मर्ता॒ अम॑र्त्यम् ।
यजि॑ष्ठं॒ मानु॑षे॒ जने॑ ॥ ५.०१४.०२
tama̍dhva̱reṣvī̍l̤ate de̱vaṃ martā̱ ama̍rtyam .
yaji̍ṣṭha̱ṃ mānu̍ṣe̱ jane̍ .. 5.014.02
2 At high solemnities mortal men glorify him the Immortal, best
At sacrifice among mankind.
Sloka : 5.14.3
तं हि शश्व॑न्त॒ ईळ॑ते स्रु॒चा दे॒वं घृ॑त॒श्चुता॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं ह॒व्याय॒ वोळ्ह॑वे ॥ ५.०१४.०३
taṃ hi śaśva̍nta̱ īl̤a̍te sru̱cā de̱vaṃ ghṛ̍ta̱ścutā̍ .
a̱gniṃ ha̱vyāya̱ vol̤ha̍ve .. 5.014.03
3 That he may bear their gifts to heaven, all glorify him Agni, God,
With ladle that distilleth oil.
Sloka : 5.14.4
अ॒ग्निर्जा॒तो अ॑रोचत॒ घ्नन्दस्यू॒ञ्ज्योति॑षा॒ तमः॑ ।
अवि॑न्द॒द्गा अ॒पः स्वः॑ ॥ ५.०१४.०४
a̱gnirjā̱to a̍rocata̱ ghnandasyū̱ñjyoti̍ṣā̱ tama̍ḥ .
avi̍nda̱dgā a̱paḥ sva̍ḥ .. 5.014.04
4 Agni shone bright when born, with light killing the Dasyus and the dark:-
He found the Kine, the Floods, the Sun.
Sloka : 5.14.5
अ॒ग्निमी॒ळेन्यं॑ क॒विं घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठं सपर्यत ।
वेतु॑ मे शृ॒णव॒द्धव॑म् ॥ ५.०१४.०५
a̱gnimī̱l̤enya̍ṃ ka̱viṃ ghṛ̱tapṛ̍ṣṭhaṃ saparyata .
vetu̍ me śṛ̱ṇava̱ddhava̍m .. 5.014.05
5 Serve Agni, God adorable, the Sage whose back is balmed with oil:-
Let him approach, and hear my call.
Sloka : 5.14.6
अ॒ग्निं घृ॒तेन॑ वावृधुः॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिम् ।
स्वा॒धीभि॑र्वच॒स्युभिः॑ ॥ ५.०१४.०६
a̱gniṃ ghṛ̱tena̍ vāvṛdhu̱ḥ stome̍bhirvi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇim .
svā̱dhībhi̍rvaca̱syubhi̍ḥ .. 5.014.06
6 They have exalted Agni, God of all mankind, with oil and hymns
Of praise, devout and eloquent.
Sloka : 5.15.1
प्र वे॒धसे॑ क॒वये॒ वेद्या॑य॒ गिरं॑ भरे य॒शसे॑ पू॒र्व्याय॑ ।
घृ॒तप्र॑सत्तो॒ असु॑रः सु॒शेवो॑ रा॒यो ध॒र्ता ध॒रुणो॒ वस्वो॑ अ॒ग्निः ॥ ५.०१५.०१
pra ve̱dhase̍ ka̱vaye̱ vedyā̍ya̱ gira̍ṃ bhare ya̱śase̍ pū̱rvyāya̍ .
ghṛ̱tapra̍satto̱ asu̍raḥ su̱śevo̍ rā̱yo dha̱rtā dha̱ruṇo̱ vasvo̍ a̱gniḥ .. 5.015.01
1. To him, the far-renowned, the wise Ordainer, ancient and glorious, a song I offer.
Enthroned in oil, the Asura, bliss-giver, is Agni, firm support of noble, riches.
Sloka : 5.15.2
ऋ॒तेन॑ ऋ॒तं ध॒रुणं॑ धारयन्त य॒ज्ञस्य॑ शा॒के प॑र॒मे व्यो॑मन् ।
दि॒वो धर्म॑न्ध॒रुणे॑ से॒दुषो॒ नॄञ्जा॒तैरजा॑ताँ अ॒भि ये न॑न॒क्षुः ॥ ५.०१५.०२
ṛ̱tena̍ ṛ̱taṃ dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ dhārayanta ya̱jñasya̍ śā̱ke pa̍ra̱me vyo̍man .
di̱vo dharma̍ndha̱ruṇe̍ se̱duṣo̱ nṝñjā̱tairajā̍tām̐ a̱bhi ye na̍na̱kṣuḥ .. 5.015.02
2 By holy Law they kept supporting Order, by help of sacrifice, in loftiest heaven,
They who attained with born men to the unborn, men seated on that stay, heaven's firm sustainer.
Sloka : 5.15.3
अ॒ङ्हो॒युव॑स्त॒न्व॑स्तन्वते॒ वि वयो॑ म॒हद्दु॒ष्टरं॑ पू॒र्व्याय॑ ।
स सं॒वतो॒ नव॑जातस्तुतुर्यात्सि॒ङ्हं न क्रु॒द्धम॒भितः॒ परि॑ ष्ठुः ॥ ५.०१५.०३
a̱ṅho̱yuva̍sta̱nva̍stanvate̱ vi vayo̍ ma̱haddu̱ṣṭara̍ṃ pū̱rvyāya̍ .
sa sa̱ṃvato̱ nava̍jātastuturyātsi̱ṅhaṃ na kru̱ddhama̱bhita̱ḥ pari̍ ṣṭhuḥ .. 5.015.03
3 Averting woe, they labour hard to bring him, the ancient, plenteous food as power resistless.
May he, born newly, conquer his assailants:- round him they stand as round an angry lion.
Sloka : 5.15.4
मा॒तेव॒ यद्भर॑से पप्रथा॒नो जनं॑जनं॒ धाय॑से॒ चक्ष॑से च ।
वयो॑वयो जरसे॒ यद्दधा॑नः॒ परि॒ त्मना॒ विषु॑रूपो जिगासि ॥ ५.०१५.०४
mā̱teva̱ yadbhara̍se paprathā̱no jana̍ṃjana̱ṃ dhāya̍se̱ cakṣa̍se ca .
vayo̍vayo jarase̱ yaddadhā̍na̱ḥ pari̱ tmanā̱ viṣu̍rūpo jigāsi .. 5.015.04
4 When, like a mother, spreading forth to nourish, to cherish and regard each man that liveth,
Consuming all the strength that thou hast gotten, thou wanderest round, thyself, in varied fashion.
Sloka : 5.15.5
वाजो॒ नु ते॒ शव॑सस्पा॒त्वन्त॑मु॒रुं दोघं॑ ध॒रुणं॑ देव रा॒यः ।
प॒दं न ता॒युर्गुहा॒ दधा॑नो म॒हो रा॒ये चि॒तय॒न्नत्रि॑मस्पः ॥ ५.०१५.०५
vājo̱ nu te̱ śava̍saspā̱tvanta̍mu̱ruṃ dogha̍ṃ dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ deva rā̱yaḥ .
pa̱daṃ na tā̱yurguhā̱ dadhā̍no ma̱ho rā̱ye ci̱taya̱nnatri̍maspaḥ .. 5.015.05
5 May strength preserve the compass of thy vigour, God! that broad stream of thine that beareth riches.
Thou, like a thief who keeps his refuge secret, hast holpen Atri to great wealth, by teaching.
Sloka : 5.16.1
बृ॒हद्वयो॒ हि भा॒नवेऽर्चा॑ दे॒वाया॒ग्नये॑ ।
यं मि॒त्रं न प्रश॑स्तिभि॒र्मर्ता॑सो दधि॒रे पु॒रः ॥ ५.०१६.०१
bṛ̱hadvayo̱ hi bhā̱nave'rcā̍ de̱vāyā̱gnaye̍ .
yaṃ mi̱traṃ na praśa̍stibhi̱rmartā̍so dadhi̱re pu̱raḥ .. 5.016.01
1. GREAT power is in the beam of light, sing praise to, Agni, to the God
Whom men have set in foremost place like Mitra with their eulogies.
Sloka : 5.16.2
स हि द्युभि॒र्जना॑नां॒ होता॒ दक्ष॑स्य बा॒ह्वोः ।
वि ह॒व्यम॒ग्निरा॑नु॒षग्भगो॒ न वार॑मृण्वति ॥ ५.०१६.०२
sa hi dyubhi̱rjanā̍nā̱ṃ hotā̱ dakṣa̍sya bā̱hvoḥ .
vi ha̱vyama̱gnirā̍nu̱ṣagbhago̱ na vāra̍mṛṇvati .. 5.016.02
2 He by the splendour of his arms is Priest of every able man.
Agni conveys oblation straight, and deals, as Bhaga deals, his boons.
Sloka : 5.16.3
अ॒स्य स्तोमे॑ म॒घोनः॑ स॒ख्ये वृ॒द्धशो॑चिषः ।
विश्वा॒ यस्मि॑न्तुवि॒ष्वणि॒ सम॒र्ये शुष्म॑माद॒धुः ॥ ५.०१६.०३
a̱sya stome̍ ma̱ghona̍ḥ sa̱khye vṛ̱ddhaśo̍ciṣaḥ .
viśvā̱ yasmi̍ntuvi̱ṣvaṇi̱ sama̱rye śuṣma̍māda̱dhuḥ .. 5.016.03
3 All rests upon the laud and love of him the rich, high-flaming God,
On whom, loud-roaring, men have laid great strength as on a faithful friend.
Sloka : 5.16.4
अधा॒ ह्य॑ग्न एषां सु॒वीर्य॑स्य मं॒हना॑ ।
तमिद्य॒ह्वं न रोद॑सी॒ परि॒ श्रवो॑ बभूवतुः ॥ ५.०१६.०४
adhā̱ hya̍gna eṣāṃ su̱vīrya̍sya ma̱ṃhanā̍ .
tamidya̱hvaṃ na roda̍sī̱ pari̱ śravo̍ babhūvatuḥ .. 5.016.04
4 So, Agni, be the Friend of these with liberal gift of hero strength.
Yea, Heaven and Earth have not surpassed this Youthful One in glorious fame.
Sloka : 5.16.5
नू न॒ एहि॒ वार्य॒मग्ने॑ गृणा॒न आ भ॑र ।
ये व॒यं ये च॑ सू॒रयः॑ स्व॒स्ति धाम॑हे॒ सचो॒तैधि॑ पृ॒त्सु नो॑ वृ॒धे ॥ ५.०१६.०५
nū na̱ ehi̱ vārya̱magne̍ gṛṇā̱na ā bha̍ra .
ye va̱yaṃ ye ca̍ sū̱raya̍ḥ sva̱sti dhāma̍he̱ saco̱taidhi̍ pṛ̱tsu no̍ vṛ̱dhe .. 5.016.05
5 O Agni, quickly come to us, and, glorified, bring precious wealth.
So we and these our princes will assemble for the good of all. Be near in fight to prosper us.
Sloka : 5.17.1
आ य॒ज्ञैर्दे॑व॒ मर्त्य॑ इ॒त्था तव्यां॑समू॒तये॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं कृ॒ते स्व॑ध्व॒रे पू॒रुरी॑ळी॒ताव॑से ॥ ५.०१७.०१
ā ya̱jñairde̍va̱ martya̍ i̱tthā tavyā̍ṃsamū̱taye̍ .
a̱gniṃ kṛ̱te sva̍dhva̱re pū̱rurī̍l̤ī̱tāva̍se .. 5.017.01
1. GOD, may a mortal call the Strong hither, with solemn rites, to aid,
A man call Agni to protect when sacrifice is well prepared.
Sloka : 5.17.2
अस्य॒ हि स्वय॑शस्तर आ॒सा वि॑धर्म॒न्मन्य॑से ।
तं नाकं॑ चि॒त्रशो॑चिषं म॒न्द्रं प॒रो म॑नी॒षया॑ ॥ ५.०१७.०२
asya̱ hi svaya̍śastara ā̱sā vi̍dharma̱nmanya̍se .
taṃ nāka̍ṃ ci̱traśo̍ciṣaṃ ma̱ndraṃ pa̱ro ma̍nī̱ṣayā̍ .. 5.017.02
2 Near him thou seemest mightier still in native glory, set to hold
Apart yon flame-hued vault of heaven, lovely beyond the thought of man.
Sloka : 5.17.3
अ॒स्य वासा उ॑ अ॒र्चिषा॒ य आयु॑क्त तु॒जा गि॒रा ।
दि॒वो न यस्य॒ रेत॑सा बृ॒हच्छोच॑न्त्य॒र्चयः॑ ॥ ५.०१७.०३
a̱sya vāsā u̍ a̱rciṣā̱ ya āyu̍kta tu̱jā gi̱rā .
di̱vo na yasya̱ reta̍sā bṛ̱hacchoca̍ntya̱rcaya̍ḥ .. 5.017.03
3 Yea, this is by the light of him whom powerful song hath bound to act,
Whose beams of splendour flash on high as though they sprang from heavenly seed.
Sloka : 5.17.4
अ॒स्य क्रत्वा॒ विचे॑तसो द॒स्मस्य॒ वसु॒ रथ॒ आ ।
अधा॒ विश्वा॑सु॒ हव्यो॒ऽग्निर्वि॒क्षु प्र श॑स्यते ॥ ५.०१७.०४
a̱sya kratvā̱ vice̍taso da̱smasya̱ vasu̱ ratha̱ ā .
adhā̱ viśvā̍su̱ havyo̱'gnirvi̱kṣu pra śa̍syate .. 5.017.04
4 Wealth loads the Wonder-Worker's car through his, the very wise One's power.
Then, meet to be invoked among all tribes, is Agni glorified.
Sloka : 5.17.5
नू न॒ इद्धि वार्य॑मा॒सा स॑चन्त सू॒रयः॑ ।
ऊर्जो॑ नपाद॒भिष्ट॑ये पा॒हि श॒ग्धि स्व॒स्तय॑ उ॒तैधि॑ पृ॒त्सु नो॑ वृ॒धे ॥ ५.०१७.०५
nū na̱ iddhi vārya̍mā̱sā sa̍canta sū̱raya̍ḥ .
ūrjo̍ napāda̱bhiṣṭa̍ye pā̱hi śa̱gdhi sva̱staya̍ u̱taidhi̍ pṛ̱tsu no̍ vṛ̱dhe .. 5.017.05
5 Now, too, the princes shall obtain excellent riches by our lips.
Protect us for our welfare:- lend thy succour, O thou Son of Strength. Be near in fight to prosper us.
Sloka : 5.18.1
प्रा॒तर॒ग्निः पु॑रुप्रि॒यो वि॒शः स्त॑वे॒ताति॑थिः ।
विश्वा॑नि॒ यो अम॑र्त्यो ह॒व्या मर्ते॑षु॒ रण्य॑ति ॥ ५.०१८.०१
prā̱tara̱gniḥ pu̍rupri̱yo vi̱śaḥ sta̍ve̱tāti̍thiḥ .
viśvā̍ni̱ yo ama̍rtyo ha̱vyā marte̍ṣu̱ raṇya̍ti .. 5.018.01
1. AT dawn let Agni, much-beloved guest of the house, be glorified;
Immortal who delights in all oblations brought by mortal men.
Sloka : 5.18.2
द्वि॒ताय॑ मृ॒क्तवा॑हसे॒ स्वस्य॒ दक्ष॑स्य मं॒हना॑ ।
इन्दुं॒ स ध॑त्त आनु॒षक्स्तो॒ता चि॑त्ते अमर्त्य ॥ ५.०१८.०२
dvi̱tāya̍ mṛ̱ktavā̍hase̱ svasya̱ dakṣa̍sya ma̱ṃhanā̍ .
indu̱ṃ sa dha̍tta ānu̱ṣaksto̱tā ci̍tte amartya .. 5.018.02
2 For Dvita who receives through wealth of native strength maimed offerings,
Thy praiser even gains at once the Soma-drops, Immortal Gods!
Sloka : 5.18.3
तं वो॑ दी॒र्घायु॑शोचिषं गि॒रा हु॑वे म॒घोना॑म् ।
अरि॑ष्टो॒ येषां॒ रथो॒ व्य॑श्वदाव॒न्नीय॑ते ॥ ५.०१८.०३
taṃ vo̍ dī̱rghāyu̍śociṣaṃ gi̱rā hu̍ve ma̱ghonā̍m .
ari̍ṣṭo̱ yeṣā̱ṃ ratho̱ vya̍śvadāva̱nnīya̍te .. 5.018.03
3 Nobles, with song I call that car of yours that shines with lengthened life,
For, God who givest steeds! that car hither and thither goes unharmed.
Sloka : 5.18.4
चि॒त्रा वा॒ येषु॒ दीधि॑तिरा॒सन्नु॒क्था पान्ति॒ ये ।
स्ती॒र्णं ब॒र्हिः स्व॑र्णरे॒ श्रवां॑सि दधिरे॒ परि॑ ॥ ५.०१८.०४
ci̱trā vā̱ yeṣu̱ dīdhi̍tirā̱sannu̱kthā pānti̱ ye .
stī̱rṇaṃ ba̱rhiḥ sva̍rṇare̱ śravā̍ṃsi dadhire̱ pari̍ .. 5.018.04
4 They who have varied ways of thought, who guard the lauds within their lips,
And strew the grass before the light, have decked themselves with high renown.
Sloka : 5.18.5
ये मे॑ पञ्चा॒शतं॑ द॒दुरश्वा॑नां स॒धस्तु॑ति ।
द्यु॒मद॑ग्ने॒ महि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत्कृ॑धि म॒घोनां॑ नृ॒वद॑मृत नृ॒णाम् ॥ ५.०१८.०५
ye me̍ pañcā̱śata̍ṃ da̱duraśvā̍nāṃ sa̱dhastu̍ti .
dyu̱mada̍gne̱ mahi̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hatkṛ̍dhi ma̱ghonā̍ṃ nṛ̱vada̍mṛta nṛ̱ṇām .. 5.018.05
5 Immortal Agni, give the chiefs, heroes who institute the rite,
Heroes illustrious, lofty fame, who at the synod met for praise presented me with fifty steeds.
Sloka : 5.19.1
अ॒भ्य॑व॒स्थाः प्र जा॑यन्ते॒ प्र व॒व्रेर्व॒व्रिश्चि॑केत ।
उ॒पस्थे॑ मा॒तुर्वि च॑ष्टे ॥ ५.०१९.०१
a̱bhya̍va̱sthāḥ pra jā̍yante̱ pra va̱vrerva̱vriści̍keta .
u̱pasthe̍ mā̱turvi ca̍ṣṭe .. 5.019.01
1. ONE state begets another state:- husk is made visible from husk:-
Within his Mother's side he speaks.
Sloka : 5.19.2
जु॒हु॒रे वि चि॒तय॒न्तोऽनि॑मिषं नृ॒म्णं पा॑न्ति ।
आ दृ॒ळ्हां पुरं॑ विविशुः ॥ ५.०१९.०२
ju̱hu̱re vi ci̱taya̱nto'ni̍miṣaṃ nṛ̱mṇaṃ pā̍nti .
ā dṛ̱l̤hāṃ pura̍ṃ viviśuḥ .. 5.019.02
2 Discerning, have they offered gifts:- they guard the strength that never wastes.
To a strong fort have they pressed in.
Sloka : 5.19.3
आ श्वै॑त्रे॒यस्य॑ ज॒न्तवो॑ द्यु॒मद्व॑र्धन्त कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।
नि॒ष्कग्री॑वो बृ॒हदु॑क्थ ए॒ना मध्वा॒ न वा॑ज॒युः ॥ ५.०१९.०३
ā śvai̍tre̱yasya̍ ja̱ntavo̍ dyu̱madva̍rdhanta kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .
ni̱ṣkagrī̍vo bṛ̱hadu̍ktha e̱nā madhvā̱ na vā̍ja̱yuḥ .. 5.019.03
3 Śvaitreya's people, all his men, have gloriously increased in might.
A gold chain Bṛhaduktha wears, as, through this Soma, seeking spoil.
Sloka : 5.19.4
प्रि॒यं दु॒ग्धं न काम्य॒मजा॑मि जा॒म्योः सचा॑ ।
घ॒र्मो न वाज॑जठ॒रोऽद॑ब्धः॒ शश्व॑तो॒ दभः॑ ॥ ५.०१९.०४
pri̱yaṃ du̱gdhaṃ na kāmya̱majā̍mi jā̱myoḥ sacā̍ .
gha̱rmo na vāja̍jaṭha̱ro'da̍bdha̱ḥ śaśva̍to̱ dabha̍ḥ .. 5.019.04
4 I bring, as twere, the longed-for milk, the dear milk of the Sister-Pair.
Like to a caldron filled with food is he, unconquered, conquering all.
Sloka : 5.19.5
क्रीळ॑न्नो रश्म॒ आ भु॑वः॒ सं भस्म॑ना वा॒युना॒ वेवि॑दानः ।
ता अ॑स्य सन्धृ॒षजो॒ न ति॒ग्माः सुसं॑शिता व॒क्ष्यो॑ वक्षणे॒स्थाः ॥ ५.०१९.०५
krīl̤a̍nno raśma̱ ā bhu̍va̱ḥ saṃ bhasma̍nā vā̱yunā̱ vevi̍dānaḥ .
tā a̍sya sandhṛ̱ṣajo̱ na ti̱gmāḥ susa̍ṃśitā va̱kṣyo̍ vakṣaṇe̱sthāḥ .. 5.019.05
5 Beam of light, come to us in sportive fashion, finding thyself close to the wind that fans thee.
These flames of his are wasting flames, like arrows keen-pointed, sharpened, on his breast.
Sloka : 5.20.1
यम॑ग्ने वाजसातम॒ त्वं चि॒न्मन्य॑से र॒यिम् ।
तं नो॑ गी॒र्भिः श्र॒वाय्यं॑ देव॒त्रा प॑नया॒ युज॑म् ॥ ५.०२०.०१
yama̍gne vājasātama̱ tvaṃ ci̱nmanya̍se ra̱yim .
taṃ no̍ gī̱rbhiḥ śra̱vāyya̍ṃ deva̱trā pa̍nayā̱ yuja̍m .. 5.020.01
1. AGNI, best winner of the spoil, cause us to praise before the Gods
As our associate meet for lauds, wealth which thou verily deemest wealth.
Sloka : 5.20.2
ये अ॑ग्ने॒ नेरय॑न्ति ते वृ॒द्धा उ॒ग्रस्य॒ शव॑सः ।
अप॒ द्वेषो॒ अप॒ ह्वरो॒ऽन्यव्र॑तस्य सश्चिरे ॥ ५.०२०.०२
ye a̍gne̱ neraya̍nti te vṛ̱ddhā u̱grasya̱ śava̍saḥ .
apa̱ dveṣo̱ apa̱ hvaro̱'nyavra̍tasya saścire .. 5.020.02
2 Agni, the great who ward not off the anger of thy power and might
Stir up the wrath and hatred due to one who holds an alien creed.
Sloka : 5.20.3
होता॑रं त्वा वृणीम॒हेऽग्ने॒ दक्ष॑स्य॒ साध॑नम् ।
य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यं गि॒रा प्रय॑स्वन्तो हवामहे ॥ ५.०२०.०३
hotā̍raṃ tvā vṛṇīma̱he'gne̱ dakṣa̍sya̱ sādha̍nam .
ya̱jñeṣu̍ pū̱rvyaṃ gi̱rā praya̍svanto havāmahe .. 5.020.03
3 Thee, Agni, would we choose as Priest, the perfecter of strength and skill;
We who bring sacred food invoke with song thee Chief at holy rites.
Sloka : 5.20.4
इ॒त्था यथा॑ त ऊ॒तये॒ सह॑सावन्दि॒वेदि॑वे ।
रा॒य ऋ॒ताय॑ सुक्रतो॒ गोभिः॑ ष्याम सध॒मादो॑ वी॒रैः स्या॑म सध॒मादः॑ ॥ ५.०२०.०४
i̱tthā yathā̍ ta ū̱taye̱ saha̍sāvandi̱vedi̍ve .
rā̱ya ṛ̱tāya̍ sukrato̱ gobhi̍ḥ ṣyāma sadha̱mādo̍ vī̱raiḥ syā̍ma sadha̱māda̍ḥ .. 5.020.04
4 Here as is needful for thine aid we toil, O Conqueror, day by day,
For wealth, for Law. May we rejoice, Most Wise One! at the feast, with kine, rejoice, with heroes, at the feast.
Sloka : 5.21.1
म॒नु॒ष्वत्त्वा॒ नि धी॑महि मनु॒ष्वत्समि॑धीमहि ।
अग्ने॑ मनु॒ष्वद॑ङ्गिरो दे॒वान्दे॑वय॒ते य॑ज ॥ ५.०२१.०१
ma̱nu̱ṣvattvā̱ ni dhī̍mahi manu̱ṣvatsami̍dhīmahi .
agne̍ manu̱ṣvada̍ṅgiro de̱vānde̍vaya̱te ya̍ja .. 5.021.01
1. WE stablish thee as Manus used, as Manus used we kindle thee.
Like Manus, for the pious man , Aṅgiras, Agni, worship Gods.
Sloka : 5.21.2
त्वं हि मानु॑षे॒ जनेऽग्ने॒ सुप्री॑त इ॒ध्यसे॑ ।
स्रुच॑स्त्वा यन्त्यानु॒षक्सुजा॑त॒ सर्पि॑रासुते ॥ ५.०२१.०२
tvaṃ hi mānu̍ṣe̱ jane'gne̱ suprī̍ta i̱dhyase̍ .
sruca̍stvā yantyānu̱ṣaksujā̍ta̱ sarpi̍rāsute .. 5.021.02
2 For well, O Agni, art thou pleased when thou art kindled mid mankind.
Straight go the ladles unto thee, thou highborn God whose food is oil.
Sloka : 5.21.3
त्वां विश्वे॑ स॒जोष॑सो दे॒वासो॑ दू॒तम॑क्रत ।
स॒प॒र्यन्त॑स्त्वा कवे य॒ज्ञेषु॑ दे॒वमी॑ळते ॥ ५.०२१.०३
tvāṃ viśve̍ sa̱joṣa̍so de̱vāso̍ dū̱tama̍krata .
sa̱pa̱ryanta̍stvā kave ya̱jñeṣu̍ de̱vamī̍l̤ate .. 5.021.03
3 Thee have all Gods of one accord established as their messenger.
Serving at sacrifices men adore thee as a God, O Sage.
Sloka : 5.21.4
दे॒वं वो॑ देवय॒ज्यया॒ग्निमी॑ळीत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।
समि॑द्धः शुक्र दीदिह्यृ॒तस्य॒ योनि॒मास॑दः स॒सस्य॒ योनि॒मास॑दः ॥ ५.०२१.०४
de̱vaṃ vo̍ devaya̱jyayā̱gnimī̍l̤īta̱ martya̍ḥ .
sami̍ddhaḥ śukra dīdihyṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̱māsa̍daḥ sa̱sasya̱ yoni̱māsa̍daḥ .. 5.021.04
4 Let mortal man adore your God, Agni, with worship due to Gods.
Shine forth enkindled, Radiant One. Sit in the chamber of the Law, sit in the chamber of the food.
Sloka : 5.22.1
प्र वि॑श्वसामन्नत्रि॒वदर्चा॑ पाव॒कशो॑चिषे ।
यो अ॑ध्व॒रेष्वीड्यो॒ होता॑ म॒न्द्रत॑मो वि॒शि ॥ ५.०२२.०१
pra vi̍śvasāmannatri̱vadarcā̍ pāva̱kaśo̍ciṣe .
yo a̍dhva̱reṣvīḍyo̱ hotā̍ ma̱ndrata̍mo vi̱śi .. 5.022.01
1. LIKE Atri, Viśvasāman! sing to him of purifying light,
Who must be praised in holy rites, the Priest most welcome in the house.
Sloka : 5.22.2
न्य१॒॑ग्निं जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ दधा॑ता दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म् ।
प्र य॒ज्ञ ए॑त्वानु॒षग॒द्या दे॒वव्य॑चस्तमः ॥ ५.०२२.०२
nya1̱̍gniṃ jā̱tave̍dasa̱ṃ dadhā̍tā de̱vamṛ̱tvija̍m .
pra ya̱jña e̍tvānu̱ṣaga̱dyā de̱vavya̍castamaḥ .. 5.022.02
2 Set Jātavedas in his place, Agni the God and Minister.
Let sacrifice proceed to-day duly, comprising all the Gods.
Sloka : 5.22.3
चि॒कि॒त्विन्म॑नसं त्वा दे॒वं मर्ता॑स ऊ॒तये॑ ।
वरे॑ण्यस्य॒ तेऽव॑स इया॒नासो॑ अमन्महि ॥ ५.०२२.०३
ci̱ki̱tvinma̍nasaṃ tvā de̱vaṃ martā̍sa ū̱taye̍ .
vare̍ṇyasya̱ te'va̍sa iyā̱nāso̍ amanmahi .. 5.022.03
3 All mortals come to thee for aid, the God of most observant mind.
Of thine excelling favour we bethink us as we long for it.
Sloka : 5.22.4
अग्ने॑ चिकि॒द्ध्य१॒॑स्य न॑ इ॒दं वचः॑ सहस्य ।
तं त्वा॑ सुशिप्र दम्पते॒ स्तोमै॑र्वर्ध॒न्त्यत्र॑यो गी॒र्भिः शु॑म्भ॒न्त्यत्र॑यः ॥ ५.०२२.०४
agne̍ ciki̱ddhya1̱̍sya na̍ i̱daṃ vaca̍ḥ sahasya .
taṃ tvā̍ suśipra dampate̱ stomai̍rvardha̱ntyatra̍yo gī̱rbhiḥ śu̍mbha̱ntyatra̍yaḥ .. 5.022.04
4 Mark with attention this our speech, O Agni, thou victorious One.
Thee, Strong-jawed! as the homestead's Lord, the Atris with their lauds exalt, the Atris beautify with songs.
Sloka : 5.23.1
अग्ने॒ सह॑न्त॒मा भ॑र द्यु॒म्नस्य॑ प्रा॒सहा॑ र॒यिम् ।
विश्वा॒ यश्च॑र्ष॒णीर॒भ्या॒३॒॑सा वाजे॑षु सा॒सह॑त् ॥ ५.०२३.०१
agne̱ saha̍nta̱mā bha̍ra dyu̱mnasya̍ prā̱sahā̍ ra̱yim .
viśvā̱ yaśca̍rṣa̱ṇīra̱bhyā̱3̱̍sā vāje̍ṣu sā̱saha̍t .. 5.023.01
1. By thy fair splendour's mighty power, O Agni, bring victorious wealth,
Wealth that oercometh all mankind, and, near us, conquereth in fight.
Sloka : 5.23.2
तम॑ग्ने पृतना॒षहं॑ र॒यिं स॑हस्व॒ आ भ॑र ।
त्वं हि स॒त्यो अद्भु॑तो दा॒ता वाज॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः ॥ ५.०२३.०२
tama̍gne pṛtanā̱ṣaha̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ sa̍hasva̱ ā bha̍ra .
tvaṃ hi sa̱tyo adbhu̍to dā̱tā vāja̍sya̱ goma̍taḥ .. 5.023.02
2 Victorious Agni, bring to us the wealth that vanquisheth in war;
For thou art wonderful and true, giver of strength in herds of kine.
Sloka : 5.23.3
विश्वे॒ हि त्वा॑ स॒जोष॑सो॒ जना॑सो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।
होता॑रं॒ सद्म॑सु प्रि॒यं व्यन्ति॒ वार्या॑ पु॒रु ॥ ५.०२३.०३
viśve̱ hi tvā̍ sa̱joṣa̍so̱ janā̍so vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .
hotā̍ra̱ṃ sadma̍su pri̱yaṃ vyanti̱ vāryā̍ pu̱ru .. 5.023.03
3 For all the folk with one accord, whose sacred grass is trimmed and strewn,
Invite thee to their worship-halls, as a dear Priest, for choicest wealth.
Sloka : 5.23.4
स हि ष्मा॑ वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिर॒भिमा॑ति॒ सहो॑ द॒धे ।
अग्न॑ ए॒षु क्षये॒ष्वा रे॒वन्नः॑ शुक्र दीदिहि द्यु॒मत्पा॑वक दीदिहि ॥ ५.०२३.०४
sa hi ṣmā̍ vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇira̱bhimā̍ti̱ saho̍ da̱dhe .
agna̍ e̱ṣu kṣaye̱ṣvā re̱vanna̍ḥ śukra dīdihi dyu̱matpā̍vaka dīdihi .. 5.023.04
4 For he, the God of all men, hath gotten him might that quelleth foes.
O Agni, in these homes shine forth, bright God! for our prosperity, shine, Purifier! splendidly.
Sloka : 5.24.1
अग्ने॒ त्वं नो॒ अन्त॑म उ॒त त्रा॒ता शि॒वो भ॑वा वरू॒थ्यः॑ ॥ ५.०२४.०१
agne̱ tvaṃ no̱ anta̍ma u̱ta trā̱tā śi̱vo bha̍vā varū̱thya̍ḥ .. 5.024.01
1. O AGNI, be our nearest Friend, be thou a kind deliverer and a gracious Friend.
Sloka : 5.24.2
वसु॑र॒ग्निर्वसु॑श्रवा॒ अच्छा॑ नक्षि द्यु॒मत्त॑मं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ ५.०२४.०२
vasu̍ra̱gnirvasu̍śravā̱ acchā̍ nakṣi dyu̱matta̍maṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 5.024.02
2 Excellent Agni, come thou nigh to us, and give us wealth most splendidly renowned.
Sloka : 5.24.3
स नो॑ बोधि श्रु॒धी हव॑मुरु॒ष्या णो॑ अघाय॒तः स॑मस्मात् ॥ ५.०२४.०३
sa no̍ bodhi śru̱dhī hava̍muru̱ṣyā ṇo̍ aghāya̱taḥ sa̍masmāt .. 5.024.03
3 So hear us, listen to this call of ours, and keep us far from every sinful man.
Sloka : 5.24.4
तं त्वा॑ शोचिष्ठ दीदिवः सु॒म्नाय॑ नू॒नमी॑महे॒ सखि॑भ्यः ॥ ५.०२४.०४
taṃ tvā̍ śociṣṭha dīdivaḥ su̱mnāya̍ nū̱namī̍mahe̱ sakhi̍bhyaḥ .. 5.024.04
4 To thee then, O Most Bright, O Radiant God, we come with prayer for happiness for our friends.
Sloka : 5.25.1
अच्छा॑ वो अ॒ग्निमव॑से दे॒वं गा॑सि॒ स नो॒ वसुः॑ ।
रास॑त्पु॒त्र ऋ॑षू॒णामृ॒तावा॑ पर्षति द्वि॒षः ॥ ५.०२५.०१
acchā̍ vo a̱gnimava̍se de̱vaṃ gā̍si̱ sa no̱ vasu̍ḥ .
rāsa̍tpu̱tra ṛ̍ṣū̱ṇāmṛ̱tāvā̍ parṣati dvi̱ṣaḥ .. 5.025.01
1. I WILL sing near, for grace, your God Agni, for he is good to us.
Son of the Brands, may he give gifts, and, righteous, save us from the foe.
Sloka : 5.25.2
स हि स॒त्यो यं पूर्वे॑ चिद्दे॒वास॑श्चि॒द्यमी॑धि॒रे ।
होता॑रं म॒न्द्रजि॑ह्व॒मित्सु॑दी॒तिभि॑र्वि॒भाव॑सुम् ॥ ५.०२५.०२
sa hi sa̱tyo yaṃ pūrve̍ cidde̱vāsa̍ści̱dyamī̍dhi̱re .
hotā̍raṃ ma̱ndraji̍hva̱mitsu̍dī̱tibhi̍rvi̱bhāva̍sum .. 5.025.02
2 For he is true, whom men of old enkindled, and the Gods themselves,
The Priest with the delicious tongue, rich with the light of glorious beams.
Sloka : 5.25.3
स नो॑ धी॒ती वरि॑ष्ठया॒ श्रेष्ठ॑या च सुम॒त्या ।
अग्ने॑ रा॒यो दि॑दीहि नः सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑र्वरेण्य ॥ ५.०२५.०३
sa no̍ dhī̱tī vari̍ṣṭhayā̱ śreṣṭha̍yā ca suma̱tyā .
agne̍ rā̱yo di̍dīhi naḥ suvṛ̱ktibhi̍rvareṇya .. 5.025.03
3 With wisdom that surpasseth all, with gracious will most excellent,
O Agni, worthy of our choice, shine wealth on us through hymns of praise.
Sloka : 5.25.4
अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वेषु॑ राजत्य॒ग्निर्मर्ते॑ष्वावि॒शन् ।
अ॒ग्निर्नो॑ हव्य॒वाह॑नो॒ऽग्निं धी॒भिः स॑पर्यत ॥ ५.०२५.०४
a̱gnirde̱veṣu̍ rājatya̱gnirmarte̍ṣvāvi̱śan .
a̱gnirno̍ havya̱vāha̍no̱'gniṃ dhī̱bhiḥ sa̍paryata .. 5.025.04
4 Agni is King, for he extends to mortals and to Gods alike.
Agni is bearer of our gifts. Worship ye Agni with your thoughts.
Sloka : 5.25.5
अ॒ग्निस्तु॒विश्र॑वस्तमं तु॒विब्र॑ह्माणमुत्त॒मम् ।
अ॒तूर्तं॑ श्राव॒यत्प॑तिं पु॒त्रं द॑दाति दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ५.०२५.०५
a̱gnistu̱viśra̍vastamaṃ tu̱vibra̍hmāṇamutta̱mam .
a̱tūrta̍ṃ śrāva̱yatpa̍tiṃ pu̱traṃ da̍dāti dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 5.025.05
5 Agni gives to the worshipper a son, the best, of mightiest fame,
Of deep devotion, neer subdued, bringer of glory to his sire.
Sloka : 5.25.6
अ॒ग्निर्द॑दाति॒ सत्प॑तिं सा॒साह॒ यो यु॒धा नृभिः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निरत्यं॑ रघु॒ष्यदं॒ जेता॑र॒मप॑राजितम् ॥ ५.०२५.०६
a̱gnirda̍dāti̱ satpa̍tiṃ sā̱sāha̱ yo yu̱dhā nṛbhi̍ḥ .
a̱gniratya̍ṃ raghu̱ṣyada̱ṃ jetā̍ra̱mapa̍rājitam .. 5.025.06
6 Agni bestows the hero-lord who conquers with the men in fight.
Agni bestows the fleet-foot steed, the victor never overcome.
Sloka : 5.25.7
यद्वाहि॑ष्ठं॒ तद॒ग्नये॑ बृ॒हद॑र्च विभावसो ।
महि॑षीव॒ त्वद्र॒यिस्त्वद्वाजा॒ उदी॑रते ॥ ५.०२५.०७
yadvāhi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ tada̱gnaye̍ bṛ̱hada̍rca vibhāvaso .
mahi̍ṣīva̱ tvadra̱yistvadvājā̱ udī̍rate .. 5.025.07
7 The mightiest song is Agni's:- shine on high, thou who art rich in light.
Like the Chief Consort of a King, riches and strength proceed from thee.
Sloka : 5.25.8
तव॑ द्यु॒मन्तो॑ अ॒र्चयो॒ ग्रावे॑वोच्यते बृ॒हत् ।
उ॒तो ते॑ तन्य॒तुर्य॑था स्वा॒नो अ॑र्त॒ त्मना॑ दि॒वः ॥ ५.०२५.०८
tava̍ dyu̱manto̍ a̱rcayo̱ grāve̍vocyate bṛ̱hat .
u̱to te̍ tanya̱turya̍thā svā̱no a̍rta̱ tmanā̍ di̱vaḥ .. 5.025.08
8 Resplendent are thy rays of light:- loud is thy voice like pressing-stones.
Yea, of itself thy thunder goes forth like the roaring of the heaven.
Sloka : 5.25.9
ए॒वाँ अ॒ग्निं व॑सू॒यवः॑ सहसा॒नं व॑वन्दिम ।
स नो॒ विश्वा॒ अति॒ द्विषः॒ पर्ष॑न्ना॒वेव॑ सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ५.०२५.०९
e̱vām̐ a̱gniṃ va̍sū̱yava̍ḥ sahasā̱naṃ va̍vandima .
sa no̱ viśvā̱ ati̱ dviṣa̱ḥ parṣa̍nnā̱veva̍ su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 5.025.09
9 Thus, seeking riches, have we paid homage to Agni Conqueror.
May he, most wise, as with a ship, carry us over all our foes.
Sloka : 5.26.1
अग्ने॑ पावक रो॒चिषा॑ म॒न्द्रया॑ देव जि॒ह्वया॑ ।
आ दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ यक्षि॑ च ॥ ५.०२६.०१
agne̍ pāvaka ro̱ciṣā̍ ma̱ndrayā̍ deva ji̱hvayā̍ .
ā de̱vānva̍kṣi̱ yakṣi̍ ca .. 5.026.01
1. O AGNI, Holy and Divine, with splendour and thy pleasant tongue
Bring hither and adore the Gods.
Sloka : 5.26.2
तं त्वा॑ घृतस्नवीमहे॒ चित्र॑भानो स्व॒र्दृश॑म् ।
दे॒वाँ आ वी॒तये॑ वह ॥ ५.०२६.०२
taṃ tvā̍ ghṛtasnavīmahe̱ citra̍bhāno sva̱rdṛśa̍m .
de̱vām̐ ā vī̱taye̍ vaha .. 5.026.02
2 We pray thee, thou who droppest oil, bright-rayed! who lookest on the Sun,
Bring the Gods hither to the feast.
Sloka : 5.26.3
वी॒तिहो॑त्रं त्वा कवे द्यु॒मन्तं॒ समि॑धीमहि ।
अग्ने॑ बृ॒हन्त॑मध्व॒रे ॥ ५.०२६.०३
vī̱tiho̍traṃ tvā kave dyu̱manta̱ṃ sami̍dhīmahi .
agne̍ bṛ̱hanta̍madhva̱re .. 5.026.03
3 We have enkindled thee, O Sage, bright caller of the Gods to feast.
O Agni, great in Sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.26.4
अग्ने॒ विश्वे॑भि॒रा ग॑हि दे॒वेभि॑र्ह॒व्यदा॑तये ।
होता॑रं त्वा वृणीमहे ॥ ५.०२६.०४
agne̱ viśve̍bhi̱rā ga̍hi de̱vebhi̍rha̱vyadā̍taye .
hotā̍raṃ tvā vṛṇīmahe .. 5.026.04
4 O Agni, come with all the Gods, come to our sacrificial gift:-
We choose thee as Invoking Priest.
Sloka : 5.26.5
यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒त आग्ने॑ सु॒वीर्यं॑ वह ।
दे॒वैरा स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥ ५.०२६.०५
yaja̍mānāya sunva̱ta āgne̍ su̱vīrya̍ṃ vaha .
de̱vairā sa̍tsi ba̱rhiṣi̍ .. 5.026.05
5 Bring, Agni, to the worshipper who pours the juice, heroic strength:-
Sit with the Gods upon the grass.
Sloka : 5.26.6
स॒मि॒धा॒नः स॑हस्रजि॒दग्ने॒ धर्मा॑णि पुष्यसि ।
दे॒वानां॑ दू॒त उ॒क्थ्यः॑ ॥ ५.०२६.०६
sa̱mi̱dhā̱naḥ sa̍hasraji̱dagne̱ dharmā̍ṇi puṣyasi .
de̱vānā̍ṃ dū̱ta u̱kthya̍ḥ .. 5.026.06
6 Victor of thousands, Agni, thou, enkindled, cherishest the laws,
Laud-worthy, envoy of the Gods.
Sloka : 5.26.7
न्य१॒॑ग्निं जा॒तवे॑दसं होत्र॒वाहं॒ यवि॑ष्ठ्यम् ।
दधा॑ता दे॒वमृ॒त्विज॑म् ॥ ५.०२६.०७
nya1̱̍gniṃ jā̱tave̍dasaṃ hotra̱vāha̱ṃ yavi̍ṣṭhyam .
dadhā̍tā de̱vamṛ̱tvija̍m .. 5.026.07
7 Set Agni Jātavedas down, the bearer of our sacred gifts,
MostYouthful, God and Minister.
Sloka : 5.26.8
प्र य॒ज्ञ ए॑त्वानु॒षग॒द्या दे॒वव्य॑चस्तमः ।
स्तृ॒णी॒त ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ॥ ५.०२६.०८
pra ya̱jña e̍tvānu̱ṣaga̱dyā de̱vavya̍castamaḥ .
stṛ̱ṇī̱ta ba̱rhirā̱sade̍ .. 5.026.08
8 Duly proceed our sacrifice, comprising all the Gods, to-day:-
Strew holy grass to be their seat.
Sloka : 5.26.9
एदं म॒रुतो॑ अ॒श्विना॑ मि॒त्रः सी॑दन्तु॒ वरु॑णः ।
दे॒वासः॒ सर्व॑या वि॒शा ॥ ५.०२६.०९
edaṃ ma̱ruto̍ a̱śvinā̍ mi̱traḥ sī̍dantu̱ varu̍ṇaḥ .
de̱vāsa̱ḥ sarva̍yā vi̱śā .. 5.026.09
9 So may the Maruts sit thereon, the Aśvins, Mitra, Varuṇa:-
The Gods with all their company.
Sloka : 5.27.1
अन॑स्वन्ता॒ सत्प॑तिर्मामहे मे॒ गावा॒ चेति॑ष्ठो॒ असु॑रो म॒घोनः॑ ।
त्रै॒वृ॒ष्णो अ॑ग्ने द॒शभिः॑ स॒हस्रै॒र्वैश्वा॑नर॒ त्र्य॑रुणश्चिकेत ॥ ५.०२७.०१
ana̍svantā̱ satpa̍tirmāmahe me̱ gāvā̱ ceti̍ṣṭho̱ asu̍ro ma̱ghona̍ḥ .
trai̱vṛ̱ṣṇo a̍gne da̱śabhi̍ḥ sa̱hasrai̱rvaiśvā̍nara̱ trya̍ruṇaściketa .. 5.027.01
1. THE Godlike hero, famousest of nobles, hath granted me two oxen with a wagon.
Trvrsan's son Tryaruna hath distinguished himself, Vaiśvānara Agni! with ten thousands.
Sloka : 5.27.2
यो मे॑ श॒ता च॑ विंश॒तिं च॒ गोनां॒ हरी॑ च यु॒क्ता सु॒धुरा॒ ददा॑ति ।
वैश्वा॑नर॒ सुष्टु॑तो वावृधा॒नोऽग्ने॒ यच्छ॒ त्र्य॑रुणाय॒ शर्म॑ ॥ ५.०२७.०२
yo me̍ śa̱tā ca̍ viṃśa̱tiṃ ca̱ gonā̱ṃ harī̍ ca yu̱ktā su̱dhurā̱ dadā̍ti .
vaiśvā̍nara̱ suṣṭu̍to vāvṛdhā̱no'gne̱ yaccha̱ trya̍ruṇāya̱ śarma̍ .. 5.027.02
2 Protect Tryaruna, as thou art waxing strong and art highly praised, Vaiśvānara Agni!
Who granteth me a hundred kine and twenty, and two bay horses, good at draught, and harnessed.
Sloka : 5.27.3
ए॒वा ते॑ अग्ने सुम॒तिं च॑का॒नो नवि॑ष्ठाय नव॒मं त्र॒सद॑स्युः ।
यो मे॒ गिर॑स्तुविजा॒तस्य॑ पू॒र्वीर्यु॒क्तेना॒भि त्र्य॑रुणो गृ॒णाति॑ ॥ ५.०२७.०३
e̱vā te̍ agne suma̱tiṃ ca̍kā̱no navi̍ṣṭhāya nava̱maṃ tra̱sada̍syuḥ .
yo me̱ gira̍stuvijā̱tasya̍ pū̱rvīryu̱ktenā̱bhi trya̍ruṇo gṛ̱ṇāti̍ .. 5.027.03
3 So Trasadasyu served thee, God Most Youthful, craving thy favour for the ninth time, Agni;
Tryaruya who with attentive spirit accepteth many a song from me the mighty.
Sloka : 5.27.4
यो म॒ इति॑ प्र॒वोच॒त्यश्व॑मेधाय सू॒रये॑ ।
दद॑दृ॒चा स॒निं य॒ते दद॑न्मे॒धामृ॑ताय॒ते ॥ ५.०२७.०४
yo ma̱ iti̍ pra̱voca̱tyaśva̍medhāya sū̱raye̍ .
dada̍dṛ̱cā sa̱niṃ ya̱te dada̍nme̱dhāmṛ̍tāya̱te .. 5.027.04
4 He who declares his wish to me, to Asvamedha, to the Prince,
Pays him who with his verse seeks gain, gives power to him who keeps the Law.
Sloka : 5.27.5
यस्य॑ मा परु॒षाः श॒तमु॑द्ध॒र्षय॑न्त्यु॒क्षणः॑ ।
अश्व॑मेधस्य॒ दानाः॒ सोमा॑ इव॒ त्र्या॑शिरः ॥ ५.०२७.०५
yasya̍ mā paru̱ṣāḥ śa̱tamu̍ddha̱rṣaya̍ntyu̱kṣaṇa̍ḥ .
aśva̍medhasya̱ dānā̱ḥ somā̍ iva̱ tryā̍śiraḥ .. 5.027.05
5 From whom a hundred oxen, all of speckled hue, delight my heart,
The gifts of Asvamedha, like thrice-mingled draughts of Soma juice.
Sloka : 5.27.6
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी शत॒दाव्न्यश्व॑मेधे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
क्ष॒त्रं धा॑रयतं बृ॒हद्दि॒वि सूर्य॑मिवा॒जर॑म् ॥ ५.०२७.०६
indrā̍gnī śata̱dāvnyaśva̍medhe su̱vīrya̍m .
kṣa̱traṃ dhā̍rayataṃ bṛ̱haddi̱vi sūrya̍mivā̱jara̍m .. 5.027.06
6 To Asvamedha who bestows a hundred gifts grant hero power,
O Indra-Agni! lofty rule like the unwasting Sun in heaven.
Sloka : 5.28.1
समि॑द्धो अ॒ग्निर्दि॒वि शो॒चिर॑श्रेत्प्र॒त्यङ्ङु॒षस॑मुर्वि॒या वि भा॑ति ।
एति॒ प्राची॑ वि॒श्ववा॑रा॒ नमो॑भिर्दे॒वाँ ईळा॑ना ह॒विषा॑ घृ॒ताची॑ ॥ ५.०२८.०१
sami̍ddho a̱gnirdi̱vi śo̱cira̍śretpra̱tyaṅṅu̱ṣasa̍murvi̱yā vi bhā̍ti .
eti̱ prācī̍ vi̱śvavā̍rā̱ namo̍bhirde̱vām̐ īl̤ā̍nā ha̱viṣā̍ ghṛ̱tācī̍ .. 5.028.01
1. AGNI inflamed hath sent to heaven his lustre:- he shines forth widely turning unto Morning.
Eastward the ladle goes that brings all blessing, praising the Godswith homage and oblation.
Sloka : 5.28.2
स॒मि॒ध्यमा॑नो अ॒मृत॑स्य राजसि ह॒विष्कृ॒ण्वन्तं॑ सचसे स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
विश्वं॒ स ध॑त्ते॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ यमिन्व॑स्याति॒थ्यम॑ग्ने॒ नि च॑ धत्त॒ इत्पु॒रः ॥ ५.०२८.०२
sa̱mi̱dhyamā̍no a̱mṛta̍sya rājasi ha̱viṣkṛ̱ṇvanta̍ṃ sacase sva̱staye̍ .
viśva̱ṃ sa dha̍tte̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ yaminva̍syāti̱thyama̍gne̱ ni ca̍ dhatta̱ itpu̱raḥ .. 5.028.02
2 Enkindled, thou art King of the immortal world:- him who brings offerings thou attendest for his weal.
He whom thou urgest on makes all possessions his:- he sets before thee, Agni, gifts that guests may claim.
Sloka : 5.28.3
अग्ने॒ शर्ध॑ मह॒ते सौभ॑गाय॒ तव॑ द्यु॒म्नान्यु॑त्त॒मानि॑ सन्तु ।
सं जा॑स्प॒त्यं सु॒यम॒मा कृ॑णुष्व शत्रूय॒ताम॒भि ति॑ष्ठा॒ महां॑सि ॥ ५.०२८.०३
agne̱ śardha̍ maha̱te saubha̍gāya̱ tava̍ dyu̱mnānyu̍tta̱māni̍ santu .
saṃ jā̍spa̱tyaṃ su̱yama̱mā kṛ̍ṇuṣva śatrūya̱tāma̱bhi ti̍ṣṭhā̱ mahā̍ṃsi .. 5.028.03
3 Show thyself strong for mighty bliss, O Agni, most excellent be thine effulgent splendours.
Make easy to maintain our household lordship, and overcome the might of those who hate us.
Sloka : 5.28.4
समि॑द्धस्य॒ प्रम॑ह॒सोऽग्ने॒ वन्दे॒ तव॒ श्रिय॑म् ।
वृ॒ष॒भो द्यु॒म्नवा॑ँ असि॒ सम॑ध्व॒रेष्वि॑ध्यसे ॥ ५.०२८.०४
sami̍ddhasya̱ prama̍ha̱so'gne̱ vande̱ tava̱ śriya̍m .
vṛ̱ṣa̱bho dyu̱mnavā̍m̐ asi̱ sama̍dhva̱reṣvi̍dhyase .. 5.028.04
4 Thy glory, Agni, I adore, kindled, exalted in thy strength.
A Steer of brilliant splendour, thou art lighted well at sacred rites.
Sloka : 5.28.5
समि॑द्धो अग्न आहुत दे॒वान्य॑क्षि स्वध्वर ।
त्वं हि ह॑व्य॒वाळसि॑ ॥ ५.०२८.०५
sami̍ddho agna āhuta de̱vānya̍kṣi svadhvara .
tvaṃ hi ha̍vya̱vāl̤asi̍ .. 5.028.05
5 Agni, invoked and kindled, serve the Gods, thou skilled in sacrifice:-
For thou art bearer of our gifts.
Sloka : 5.28.6
आ जु॑होता दुव॒स्यता॒ग्निं प्र॑य॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ।
वृ॒णी॒ध्वं ह॑व्य॒वाह॑नम् ॥ ५.०२८.०६
ā ju̍hotā duva̱syatā̱gniṃ pra̍ya̱tya̍dhva̱re .
vṛ̱ṇī̱dhvaṃ ha̍vya̱vāha̍nam .. 5.028.06
6 Invoke and worship Agni while the sacrificial rite proceeds:-
For offering-bearer choose ye him.
Sloka : 5.29.1
त्र्य॑र्य॒मा मनु॑षो दे॒वता॑ता॒ त्री रो॑च॒ना दि॒व्या धा॑रयन्त ।
अर्च॑न्ति त्वा म॒रुतः॑ पू॒तद॑क्षा॒स्त्वमे॑षा॒मृषि॑रिन्द्रासि॒ धीरः॑ ॥ ५.०२९.०१
trya̍rya̱mā manu̍ṣo de̱vatā̍tā̱ trī ro̍ca̱nā di̱vyā dhā̍rayanta .
arca̍nti tvā ma̱ruta̍ḥ pū̱tada̍kṣā̱stvame̍ṣā̱mṛṣi̍rindrāsi̱ dhīra̍ḥ .. 5.029.01
1. MAN'S worship of the Gods hath three great lustres, and three celestial lights have they established
The Maruts gifted with pure strength adore thee, for thou, O Indra, art their sapient Ṛṣi.
Sloka : 5.29.2
अनु॒ यदीं॑ म॒रुतो॑ मन्दसा॒नमार्च॒न्निन्द्रं॑ पपि॒वांसं॑ सु॒तस्य॑ ।
आद॑त्त॒ वज्र॑म॒भि यदहिं॒ हन्न॒पो य॒ह्वीर॑सृज॒त्सर्त॒वा उ॑ ॥ ५.०२९.०२
anu̱ yadī̍ṃ ma̱ruto̍ mandasā̱namārca̱nnindra̍ṃ papi̱vāṃsa̍ṃ su̱tasya̍ .
āda̍tta̱ vajra̍ma̱bhi yadahi̱ṃ hanna̱po ya̱hvīra̍sṛja̱tsarta̱vā u̍ .. 5.029.02
2 What time the Maruts sang their song to Indra, joyous when he had drunk of Soma juices,
He grasped his thunderbolt to slay the Dragon, and loosed, that they might flow, the youthful Waters.
Sloka : 5.29.3
उ॒त ब्र॑ह्माणो मरुतो मे अ॒स्येन्द्रः॒ सोम॑स्य॒ सुषु॑तस्य पेयाः ।
तद्धि ह॒व्यं मनु॑षे॒ गा अवि॑न्द॒दह॒न्नहिं॑ पपि॒वाँ इन्द्रो॑ अस्य ॥ ५.०२९.०३
u̱ta bra̍hmāṇo maruto me a̱syendra̱ḥ soma̍sya̱ suṣu̍tasya peyāḥ .
taddhi ha̱vyaṃ manu̍ṣe̱ gā avi̍nda̱daha̱nnahi̍ṃ papi̱vām̐ indro̍ asya .. 5.029.03
3 And, O ye Brahmans, Maruts, so may Indra drink draughts of this my carefully pressed Soma;
For this oblation found for man the cattle, and Indra, having quaffed it, slew the Dragon.
Sloka : 5.29.4
आद्रोद॑सी वित॒रं वि ष्क॑भायत्संविव्या॒नश्चि॑द्भि॒यसे॑ मृ॒गं कः॑ ।
जिग॑र्ति॒मिन्द्रो॑ अप॒जर्गु॑राणः॒ प्रति॑ श्व॒सन्त॒मव॑ दान॒वं ह॑न् ॥ ५.०२९.०४
ādroda̍sī vita̱raṃ vi ṣka̍bhāyatsaṃvivyā̱naści̍dbhi̱yase̍ mṛ̱gaṃ ka̍ḥ .
jiga̍rti̱mindro̍ apa̱jargu̍rāṇa̱ḥ prati̍ śva̱santa̱mava̍ dāna̱vaṃ ha̍n .. 5.029.04
4 Then heaven and earth he sundered and supported:- wrapped even in these he struck the Beast with terror.
So Indra forced the Engulfer to disgorgement, and slew the Dānava. panting against him.
Sloka : 5.29.5
अध॒ क्रत्वा॑ मघव॒न्तुभ्यं॑ दे॒वा अनु॒ विश्वे॑ अददुः सोम॒पेय॑म् ।
यत्सूर्य॑स्य ह॒रितः॒ पत॑न्तीः पु॒रः स॒तीरुप॑रा॒ एत॑शे॒ कः ॥ ५.०२९.०५
adha̱ kratvā̍ maghava̱ntubhya̍ṃ de̱vā anu̱ viśve̍ adaduḥ soma̱peya̍m .
yatsūrya̍sya ha̱rita̱ḥ pata̍ntīḥ pu̱raḥ sa̱tīrupa̍rā̱ eta̍śe̱ kaḥ .. 5.029.05
5 Thus all the Gods, O Maghavan, delivered to thee of their free will the draught of Soma;
When thou for Etaśa didst cause to tarry the flying mares of Sūrya racing forward.
Sloka : 5.29.6
नव॒ यद॑स्य नव॒तिं च॑ भो॒गान्सा॒कं वज्रे॑ण म॒घवा॑ विवृ॒श्चत् ।
अर्च॒न्तीन्द्रं॑ म॒रुतः॑ स॒धस्थे॒ त्रैष्टु॑भेन॒ वच॑सा बाधत॒ द्याम् ॥ ५.०२९.०६
nava̱ yada̍sya nava̱tiṃ ca̍ bho̱gānsā̱kaṃ vajre̍ṇa ma̱ghavā̍ vivṛ̱ścat .
arca̱ntīndra̍ṃ ma̱ruta̍ḥ sa̱dhasthe̱ traiṣṭu̍bhena̱ vaca̍sā bādhata̱ dyām .. 5.029.06
6 When Maghavan with the thunderbolt demolished his nine-and-ninety castles all together,
The Maruts, where they met, glorified Indra:- ye with the Tṛṣṭup hymn obstructed heaven.
Sloka : 5.29.7
सखा॒ सख्ये॑ अपच॒त्तूय॑म॒ग्निर॒स्य क्रत्वा॑ महि॒षा त्री श॒तानि॑ ।
त्री सा॒कमिन्द्रो॒ मनु॑षः॒ सरां॑सि सु॒तं पि॑बद्वृत्र॒हत्या॑य॒ सोम॑म् ॥ ५.०२९.०७
sakhā̱ sakhye̍ apaca̱ttūya̍ma̱gnira̱sya kratvā̍ mahi̱ṣā trī śa̱tāni̍ .
trī sā̱kamindro̱ manu̍ṣa̱ḥ sarā̍ṃsi su̱taṃ pi̍badvṛtra̱hatyā̍ya̱ soma̍m .. 5.029.07
7 As friend to aid a friend, Agni dressed quickly three hundred buffaloes, even as he willed it.
And Indra, from man's gift, for Vṛtra's slaughter, drank ofr at once three lakes of pressed-out Soma.
Sloka : 5.29.8
त्री यच्छ॒ता म॑हि॒षाणा॒मघो॒ मास्त्री सरां॑सि म॒घवा॑ सो॒म्यापाः॑ ।
का॒रं न विश्वे॑ अह्वन्त दे॒वा भर॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ यदहिं॑ ज॒घान॑ ॥ ५.०२९.०८
trī yaccha̱tā ma̍hi̱ṣāṇā̱magho̱ māstrī sarā̍ṃsi ma̱ghavā̍ so̱myāpā̍ḥ .
kā̱raṃ na viśve̍ ahvanta de̱vā bhara̱mindrā̍ya̱ yadahi̍ṃ ja̱ghāna̍ .. 5.029.08
8 When thou three hundred buffaloes' flesh hadst eaten, and drunk, as Maghavan, three lakes of Soma,
All the Gods raised as twere a shout of triumph to Indra praise because he slew the Dragon.
Sloka : 5.29.9
उ॒शना॒ यत्स॑ह॒स्यै॒३॒॑रया॑तं गृ॒हमि॑न्द्र जूजुवा॒नेभि॒रश्वैः॑ ।
व॒न्वा॒नो अत्र॑ स॒रथं॑ ययाथ॒ कुत्से॑न दे॒वैरव॑नोर्ह॒ शुष्ण॑म् ॥ ५.०२९.०९
u̱śanā̱ yatsa̍ha̱syai̱3̱̍rayā̍taṃ gṛ̱hami̍ndra jūjuvā̱nebhi̱raśvai̍ḥ .
va̱nvā̱no atra̍ sa̱ratha̍ṃ yayātha̱ kutse̍na de̱vairava̍norha̱ śuṣṇa̍m .. 5.029.09
9 What time ye came with strong steeds swiftly speeding, O Uśanā and Indra, to the dwelling,
Thou camest thither -conquering together with Kutsa and the Gods:- thou slewest Śuṣṇa.
Sloka : 5.29.10
प्रान्यच्च॒क्रम॑वृहः॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ कुत्सा॑या॒न्यद्वरि॑वो॒ यात॑वेऽकः ।
अ॒नासो॒ दस्यू॑ँरमृणो व॒धेन॒ नि दु॑र्यो॒ण आ॑वृणङ्मृ॒ध्रवा॑चः ॥ ५.०२९.१०
prānyacca̱krama̍vṛha̱ḥ sūrya̍sya̱ kutsā̍yā̱nyadvari̍vo̱ yāta̍ve'kaḥ .
a̱nāso̱ dasyū̍m̐ramṛṇo va̱dhena̱ ni du̍ryo̱ṇa ā̍vṛṇaṅmṛ̱dhravā̍caḥ .. 5.029.10
10 One car-wheel of the Sun thou rolledst forward, and one thou settest free to move for Kutsa.
Thou slewest noseless Dasyus with thy weapon, and in their home oerthrewest hostile speakers.
Sloka : 5.29.11
स्तोमा॑सस्त्वा॒ गौरि॑वीतेरवर्ध॒न्नर॑न्धयो वैदथि॒नाय॒ पिप्रु॑म् ।
आ त्वामृ॒जिश्वा॑ स॒ख्याय॑ चक्रे॒ पच॑न्प॒क्तीरपि॑बः॒ सोम॑मस्य ॥ ५.०२९.११
stomā̍sastvā̱ gauri̍vīteravardha̱nnara̍ndhayo vaidathi̱nāya̱ pipru̍m .
ā tvāmṛ̱jiśvā̍ sa̱khyāya̍ cakre̱ paca̍npa̱ktīrapi̍ba̱ḥ soma̍masya .. 5.029.11
11 The lauds of Gauriviti made thee mighty to Vidathin's son, as prey, thou gavest Pipru.
Rjisivan drew thee into friendship dressing the sacred food, and thou hast drunk his Soma.
Sloka : 5.29.12
नव॑ग्वासः सु॒तसो॑मास॒ इन्द्रं॒ दश॑ग्वासो अ॒भ्य॑र्चन्त्य॒र्कैः ।
गव्यं॑ चिदू॒र्वम॑पि॒धान॑वन्तं॒ तं चि॒न्नरः॑ शशमा॒ना अप॑ व्रन् ॥ ५.०२९.१२
nava̍gvāsaḥ su̱taso̍māsa̱ indra̱ṃ daśa̍gvāso a̱bhya̍rcantya̱rkaiḥ .
gavya̍ṃ cidū̱rvama̍pi̱dhāna̍vanta̱ṃ taṃ ci̱nnara̍ḥ śaśamā̱nā apa̍ vran .. 5.029.12
12 Navagvas and Dasgvas with libations of Soma juice sing hymns of praise to Indra.
Labouring at their task the men laid open the stall of Kine though firmly closed and fastened.
Sloka : 5.29.13
क॒थो नु ते॒ परि॑ चराणि वि॒द्वान्वी॒र्या॑ मघव॒न्या च॒कर्थ॑ ।
या चो॒ नु नव्या॑ कृ॒णवः॑ शविष्ठ॒ प्रेदु॒ ता ते॑ वि॒दथे॑षु ब्रवाम ॥ ५.०२९.१३
ka̱tho nu te̱ pari̍ carāṇi vi̱dvānvī̱ryā̍ maghava̱nyā ca̱kartha̍ .
yā co̱ nu navyā̍ kṛ̱ṇava̍ḥ śaviṣṭha̱ predu̱ tā te̍ vi̱dathe̍ṣu bravāma .. 5.029.13
13 How shall I serve thee, Maghavan, though knowing full well what hero deeds thou hast accomplished?
And the fresh deeds which thou wilt do, Most Mighty! these, too, will we tell forth in sacred synods.
Sloka : 5.29.14
ए॒ता विश्वा॑ चकृ॒वाँ इ॑न्द्र॒ भूर्यप॑रीतो ज॒नुषा॑ वी॒र्ये॑ण ।
या चि॒न्नु व॑ज्रिन्कृ॒णवो॑ दधृ॒ष्वान्न ते॑ व॒र्ता तवि॑ष्या अस्ति॒ तस्याः॑ ॥ ५.०२९.१४
e̱tā viśvā̍ cakṛ̱vām̐ i̍ndra̱ bhūryapa̍rīto ja̱nuṣā̍ vī̱rye̍ṇa .
yā ci̱nnu va̍jrinkṛ̱ṇavo̍ dadhṛ̱ṣvānna te̍ va̱rtā tavi̍ṣyā asti̱ tasyā̍ḥ .. 5.029.14
14 Resistless from of old through hero courage, thou hast done all these many acts, O Indra.
What thou wilt do in bravery, Thunder-wielder! none is there who may hinder this thy prowess.
Sloka : 5.29.15
इन्द्र॒ ब्रह्म॑ क्रि॒यमा॑णा जुषस्व॒ या ते॑ शविष्ठ॒ नव्या॒ अक॑र्म ।
वस्त्रे॑व भ॒द्रा सुकृ॑ता वसू॒यू रथं॒ न धीरः॒ स्वपा॑ अतक्षम् ॥ ५.०२९.१५
indra̱ brahma̍ kri̱yamā̍ṇā juṣasva̱ yā te̍ śaviṣṭha̱ navyā̱ aka̍rma .
vastre̍va bha̱drā sukṛ̍tā vasū̱yū ratha̱ṃ na dhīra̱ḥ svapā̍ atakṣam .. 5.029.15
15 Indra, accept the prayers which now are offered, accept the new prayers, Mightiest! which we utter.
Like fair and well-made robes, I, seeking riches, as a deft craftsman makes a car, have wrought them.
Sloka : 5.30.1
क्व१॒॑ स्य वी॒रः को अ॑पश्य॒दिन्द्रं॑ सु॒खर॑थ॒मीय॑मानं॒ हरि॑भ्याम् ।
यो रा॒या व॒ज्री सु॒तसो॑ममि॒च्छन्तदोको॒ गन्ता॑ पुरुहू॒त ऊ॒ती ॥ ५.०३०.०१
kva1̱̍ sya vī̱raḥ ko a̍paśya̱dindra̍ṃ su̱khara̍tha̱mīya̍māna̱ṃ hari̍bhyām .
yo rā̱yā va̱jrī su̱taso̍mami̱cchantadoko̱ gantā̍ puruhū̱ta ū̱tī .. 5.030.01
1. WHERE is that Hero? Who hath looked on Indra borne on light-rolling car by Tawny Coursers,
Who, Thunderer, seeks with wealth the Soma-presser, and to his house goes, much-invoked, to aid him?
Sloka : 5.30.2
अवा॑चचक्षं प॒दम॑स्य स॒स्वरु॒ग्रं नि॑धा॒तुरन्वा॑यमि॒च्छन् ।
अपृ॑च्छम॒न्याँ उ॒त ते म॑ आहु॒रिन्द्रं॒ नरो॑ बुबुधा॒ना अ॑शेम ॥ ५.०३०.०२
avā̍cacakṣaṃ pa̱dama̍sya sa̱svaru̱graṃ ni̍dhā̱turanvā̍yami̱cchan .
apṛ̍cchama̱nyām̐ u̱ta te ma̍ āhu̱rindra̱ṃ naro̍ bubudhā̱nā a̍śema .. 5.030.02
2 I have beheld his strong and secret dwelling, longing have sought the Founder's habitation.
I asked of others, and they said in answer, May we, awakened men, attain to Indra.
Sloka : 5.30.3
प्र नु व॒यं सु॒ते या ते॑ कृ॒तानीन्द्र॒ ब्रवा॑म॒ यानि॑ नो॒ जुजो॑षः ।
वेद॒दवि॑द्वाञ्छृ॒णव॑च्च वि॒द्वान्वह॑ते॒ऽयं म॒घवा॒ सर्व॑सेनः ॥ ५.०३०.०३
pra nu va̱yaṃ su̱te yā te̍ kṛ̱tānīndra̱ bravā̍ma̱ yāni̍ no̱ jujo̍ṣaḥ .
veda̱davi̍dvāñchṛ̱ṇava̍cca vi̱dvānvaha̍te̱'yaṃ ma̱ghavā̱ sarva̍senaḥ .. 5.030.03
3 We will tell, Indra, when we pour libation, what mighty deeds thou hast performed to please us.
Let him who knows not learn, who knows them listen:- hither rides Maghavan with all his army.
Sloka : 5.30.4
स्थि॒रं मन॑श्चकृषे जा॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ वेषीदेको॑ यु॒धये॒ भूय॑सश्चित् ।
अश्मा॑नं चि॒च्छव॑सा दिद्युतो॒ वि वि॒दो गवा॑मू॒र्वमु॒स्रिया॑णाम् ॥ ५.०३०.०४
sthi̱raṃ mana̍ścakṛṣe jā̱ta i̍ndra̱ veṣīdeko̍ yu̱dhaye̱ bhūya̍saścit .
aśmā̍naṃ ci̱cchava̍sā didyuto̱ vi vi̱do gavā̍mū̱rvamu̱sriyā̍ṇām .. 5.030.04
4 Indra, when born, thou madest firm thy spirit:- alone thou seekest war to fight with many.
With might thou clavest een the rock asunder, and foundest out the stable of the Milch-kine.
Sloka : 5.30.5
प॒रो यत्त्वं प॑र॒म आ॒जनि॑ष्ठाः परा॒वति॒ श्रुत्यं॒ नाम॒ बिभ्र॑त् ।
अत॑श्चि॒दिन्द्रा॑दभयन्त दे॒वा विश्वा॑ अ॒पो अ॑जयद्दा॒सप॑त्नीः ॥ ५.०३०.०५
pa̱ro yattvaṃ pa̍ra̱ma ā̱jani̍ṣṭhāḥ parā̱vati̱ śrutya̱ṃ nāma̱ bibhra̍t .
ata̍ści̱dindrā̍dabhayanta de̱vā viśvā̍ a̱po a̍jayaddā̱sapa̍tnīḥ .. 5.030.05
5 When thou wast born supremest at a distance, bearing a name renowned in far-off regions,
Since then een Gods have been afraid of Indra:- he conquered all the floods which served the Dāsa.
Sloka : 5.30.6
तुभ्येदे॒ते म॒रुतः॑ सु॒शेवा॒ अर्च॑न्त्य॒र्कं सु॒न्वन्त्यन्धः॑ ।
अहि॑मोहा॒नम॒प आ॒शया॑नं॒ प्र मा॒याभि॑र्मा॒यिनं॑ सक्ष॒दिन्द्रः॑ ॥ ५.०३०.०६
tubhyede̱te ma̱ruta̍ḥ su̱śevā̱ arca̍ntya̱rkaṃ su̱nvantyandha̍ḥ .
ahi̍mohā̱nama̱pa ā̱śayā̍na̱ṃ pra mā̱yābhi̍rmā̱yina̍ṃ sakṣa̱dindra̍ḥ .. 5.030.06
6 These blissful Maruts sing their psalm to praise thee, and pour to thee libation of the Soma.
Indra with wondrous powers subdued the Dragon, the guileful lurker who beset the waters.
Sloka : 5.30.7
वि षू मृधो॑ ज॒नुषा॒ दान॒मिन्व॒न्नह॒न्गवा॑ मघवन्संचका॒नः ।
अत्रा॑ दा॒सस्य॒ नमु॑चेः॒ शिरो॒ यदव॑र्तयो॒ मन॑वे गा॒तुमि॒च्छन् ॥ ५.०३०.०७
vi ṣū mṛdho̍ ja̱nuṣā̱ dāna̱minva̱nnaha̱ngavā̍ maghavansaṃcakā̱naḥ .
atrā̍ dā̱sasya̱ namu̍ce̱ḥ śiro̱ yadava̍rtayo̱ mana̍ve gā̱tumi̱cchan .. 5.030.07
7 Thou, Maghavan, from the first didst scatter foemen, speeding, while joying in the milk, the Giver.
There, seeking man's prosperity, thou torest away the head of Namuci the Dāsa.
Sloka : 5.30.8
युजं॒ हि मामकृ॑था॒ आदिदि॑न्द्र॒ शिरो॑ दा॒सस्य॒ नमु॑चेर्मथा॒यन् ।
अश्मा॑नं चित्स्व॒र्यं१॒॑ वर्त॑मानं॒ प्र च॒क्रिये॑व॒ रोद॑सी म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ॥ ५.०३०.०८
yuja̱ṃ hi māmakṛ̍thā̱ ādidi̍ndra̱ śiro̍ dā̱sasya̱ namu̍cermathā̱yan .
aśmā̍naṃ citsva̱ryaṃ1̱̍ varta̍māna̱ṃ pra ca̱kriye̍va̱ roda̍sī ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .. 5.030.08
8 Pounding the head of Namuci the Dāsa, me, too thou madest thine associate, Indra!
Yea, and the rolling stone that is in heaven both worlds, as on a car, brought to the Maruts.
Sloka : 5.30.9
स्त्रियो॒ हि दा॒स आयु॑धानि च॒क्रे किं मा॑ करन्नब॒ला अ॑स्य॒ सेनाः॑ ।
अ॒न्तर्ह्यख्य॑दु॒भे अ॑स्य॒ धेने॒ अथोप॒ प्रैद्यु॒धये॒ दस्यु॒मिन्द्रः॑ ॥ ५.०३०.०९
striyo̱ hi dā̱sa āyu̍dhāni ca̱kre kiṃ mā̍ karannaba̱lā a̍sya̱ senā̍ḥ .
a̱ntarhyakhya̍du̱bhe a̍sya̱ dhene̱ athopa̱ praidyu̱dhaye̱ dasyu̱mindra̍ḥ .. 5.030.09
9 Women for weapons hath the Dāsa taken, What injury can his feeble armies To me?
Well he distinguished his two different voices, and Indra then advanced to fight the Dasyu.
Sloka : 5.30.10
समत्र॒ गावो॒ऽभितो॑ऽनवन्ते॒हेह॑ व॒त्सैर्वियु॑ता॒ यदास॑न् ।
सं ता इन्द्रो॑ असृजदस्य शा॒कैर्यदीं॒ सोमा॑सः॒ सुषु॑ता॒ अम॑न्दन् ॥ ५.०३०.१०
samatra̱ gāvo̱'bhito̎navante̱heha̍ va̱tsairviyu̍tā̱ yadāsa̍n .
saṃ tā indro̍ asṛjadasya śā̱kairyadī̱ṃ somā̍sa̱ḥ suṣu̍tā̱ ama̍ndan .. 5.030.10
10 Divided from their calves the Cows went lowing around, on every side, hither and thither.
These Indra re-united with his helpers, what time the well-pressed Soma made him joyful.
Sloka : 5.30.11
यदीं॒ सोमा॑ ब॒भ्रुधू॑ता॒ अम॑न्द॒न्नरो॑रवीद्वृष॒भः साद॑नेषु ।
पु॒रं॒द॒रः प॑पि॒वाँ इन्द्रो॑ अस्य॒ पुन॒र्गवा॑मददादु॒स्रिया॑णाम् ॥ ५.०३०.११
yadī̱ṃ somā̍ ba̱bhrudhū̍tā̱ ama̍nda̱nnaro̍ravīdvṛṣa̱bhaḥ sāda̍neṣu .
pu̱ra̱ṃda̱raḥ pa̍pi̱vām̐ indro̍ asya̱ puna̱rgavā̍madadādu̱sriyā̍ṇām .. 5.030.11
11 What time the Somas mixed by Babhru cheered him, loud the Steer bellowed in his habitations.
So Indra drank thereof, the Fort-destroyer, and gave him guerdon, in return, of milch-kine.
Sloka : 5.30.12
भ॒द्रमि॒दं रु॒शमा॑ अग्ने अक्र॒न्गवां॑ च॒त्वारि॒ दद॑तः स॒हस्रा॑ ।
ऋ॒णं॒च॒यस्य॒ प्रय॑ता म॒घानि॒ प्रत्य॑ग्रभीष्म॒ नृत॑मस्य नृ॒णाम् ॥ ५.०३०.१२
bha̱drami̱daṃ ru̱śamā̍ agne akra̱ngavā̍ṃ ca̱tvāri̱ dada̍taḥ sa̱hasrā̍ .
ṛ̱ṇa̱ṃca̱yasya̱ praya̍tā ma̱ghāni̱ pratya̍grabhīṣma̱ nṛta̍masya nṛ̱ṇām .. 5.030.12
12 This good deed have the Rusamas done, Agni! that they have granted me four thousand cattle.
We have received Rnancaya's wealth, of heroes the most heroic, which was freely offered.
Sloka : 5.30.13
सु॒पेश॑सं॒ माव॑ सृज॒न्त्यस्तं॒ गवां॑ स॒हस्रै॑ रु॒शमा॑सो अग्ने ।
ती॒व्रा इन्द्र॑मममन्दुः सु॒तासो॒ऽक्तोर्व्यु॑ष्टौ॒ परि॑तक्म्यायाः ॥ ५.०३०.१३
su̱peśa̍sa̱ṃ māva̍ sṛja̱ntyasta̱ṃ gavā̍ṃ sa̱hasrai̍ ru̱śamā̍so agne .
tī̱vrā indra̍mamamanduḥ su̱tāso̱'ktorvyu̍ṣṭau̱ pari̍takmyāyāḥ .. 5.030.13
13 The Rusamas, O Agni, sent me homeward with fair adornment and with kine in thousands.
The strong libations have made Indra joyful, when night, whose course was ending, changed to morning.
Sloka : 5.30.14
औच्छ॒त्सा रात्री॒ परि॑तक्म्या॒ याँ ऋ॑णंच॒ये राज॑नि रु॒शमा॑नाम् ।
अत्यो॒ न वा॒जी र॒घुर॒ज्यमा॑नो ब॒भ्रुश्च॒त्वार्य॑सनत्स॒हस्रा॑ ॥ ५.०३०.१४
auccha̱tsā rātrī̱ pari̍takmyā̱ yām̐ ṛ̍ṇaṃca̱ye rāja̍ni ru̱śamā̍nām .
atyo̱ na vā̱jī ra̱ghura̱jyamā̍no ba̱bhruśca̱tvārya̍sanatsa̱hasrā̍ .. 5.030.14
14 Night, well-nigh ended, at Rnancaya's coming, King of the Rusamas, was changed to morning.
Like a strong courser, fleet of foot, urged onward, Babhru hath gained four thousand as his guerdon.
Sloka : 5.30.15
चतुः॑सहस्रं॒ गव्य॑स्य प॒श्वः प्रत्य॑ग्रभीष्म रु॒शमे॑ष्वग्ने ।
घ॒र्मश्चि॑त्त॒प्तः प्र॒वृजे॒ य आसी॑दय॒स्मय॒स्तम्वादा॑म॒ विप्राः॑ ॥ ५.०३०.१५
catu̍ḥsahasra̱ṃ gavya̍sya pa̱śvaḥ pratya̍grabhīṣma ru̱śame̍ṣvagne .
gha̱rmaści̍tta̱ptaḥ pra̱vṛje̱ ya āsī̍daya̱smaya̱stamvādā̍ma̱ viprā̍ḥ .. 5.030.15
15 We have received four thousand head of cattle presented by the Rusamas, O Agni.
And we, the singers, have received the caldron of metal which was heated for Pravargya.
Sloka : 5.31.1
इन्द्रो॒ रथा॑य प्र॒वतं॑ कृणोति॒ यम॒ध्यस्था॑न्म॒घवा॑ वाज॒यन्त॑म् ।
यू॒थेव॑ प॒श्वो व्यु॑नोति गो॒पा अरि॑ष्टो याति प्रथ॒मः सिषा॑सन् ॥ ५.०३१.०१
indro̱ rathā̍ya pra̱vata̍ṃ kṛṇoti̱ yama̱dhyasthā̍nma̱ghavā̍ vāja̱yanta̍m .
yū̱theva̍ pa̱śvo vyu̍noti go̱pā ari̍ṣṭo yāti pratha̱maḥ siṣā̍san .. 5.031.01
1. MAGHAVAN Indra turns his chariot downward, the strength-displaying car which he hath mounted.
Even as a herdsman driveth forth his cattle, he goeth, first, uninjured, fain for treasure.
Sloka : 5.31.2
आ प्र द्र॑व हरिवो॒ मा वि वे॑नः॒ पिश॑ङ्गराते अ॒भि नः॑ सचस्व ।
न॒हि त्वदि॑न्द्र॒ वस्यो॑ अ॒न्यदस्त्य॑मे॒नाँश्चि॒ज्जनि॑वतश्चकर्थ ॥ ५.०३१.०२
ā pra dra̍va harivo̱ mā vi ve̍na̱ḥ piśa̍ṅgarāte a̱bhi na̍ḥ sacasva .
na̱hi tvadi̍ndra̱ vasyo̍ a̱nyadastya̍me̱nām̐ści̱jjani̍vataścakartha .. 5.031.02
2. Haste to us, Lord of Bays; be not ungracious:- visit us, lover of gold-hued oblation.
There is naught else better than thou art, Indra:- een to the wifeless hast thou given spouses.
Sloka : 5.31.3
उद्यत्सहः॒ सह॑स॒ आज॑निष्ट॒ देदि॑ष्ट॒ इन्द्र॑ इन्द्रि॒याणि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
प्राचो॑दयत्सु॒दुघा॑ व॒व्रे अ॒न्तर्वि ज्योति॑षा संववृ॒त्वत्तमो॑ऽवः ॥ ५.०३१.०३
udyatsaha̱ḥ saha̍sa̱ āja̍niṣṭa̱ dedi̍ṣṭa̱ indra̍ indri̱yāṇi̱ viśvā̍ .
prāco̍dayatsu̱dughā̍ va̱vre a̱ntarvi jyoti̍ṣā saṃvavṛ̱tvattamo̎vaḥ .. 5.031.03
3 When out of strength arose the strength that conquers, Indra displayed all powers that he possesses.
Forth from the cave he drove the milky mothers, and with the light laid bare investing darkness.
Sloka : 5.31.4
अन॑वस्ते॒ रथ॒मश्वा॑य तक्ष॒न्त्वष्टा॒ वज्रं॑ पुरुहूत द्यु॒मन्त॑म् ।
ब्र॒ह्माण॒ इन्द्रं॑ म॒हय॑न्तो अ॒र्कैरव॑र्धय॒न्नह॑ये॒ हन्त॒वा उ॑ ॥ ५.०३१.०४
ana̍vaste̱ ratha̱maśvā̍ya takṣa̱ntvaṣṭā̱ vajra̍ṃ puruhūta dyu̱manta̍m .
bra̱hmāṇa̱ indra̍ṃ ma̱haya̍nto a̱rkairava̍rdhaya̱nnaha̍ye̱ hanta̱vā u̍ .. 5.031.04
4. Anus have wrought a chariot for thy Courser, and Tvaṣṭar, Much-invoked! thy bolt that glitters.
The Brahmans with their songs exalting Indra increased his strength that he might slaughter Ahi.
Sloka : 5.31.5
वृष्णे॒ यत्ते॒ वृष॑णो अ॒र्कमर्चा॒निन्द्र॒ ग्रावा॑णो॒ अदि॑तिः स॒जोषाः॑ ।
अ॒न॒श्वासो॒ ये प॒वयो॑ऽर॒था इन्द्रे॑षिता अ॒भ्यव॑र्तन्त॒ दस्यू॑न् ॥ ५.०३१.०५
vṛṣṇe̱ yatte̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo a̱rkamarcā̱nindra̱ grāvā̍ṇo̱ adi̍tiḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .
a̱na̱śvāso̱ ye pa̱vayo̎ra̱thā indre̍ṣitā a̱bhyava̍rtanta̱ dasyū̍n .. 5.031.05
5 When heroes sang their laud to thee the Hero, Indra! and stones and Aditi accordant,
Without or steed or chariot were the fellies which, sped by Indra, rolled upon the Dasytis.
Sloka : 5.31.6
प्र ते॒ पूर्वा॑णि॒ कर॑णानि वोचं॒ प्र नूत॑ना मघव॒न्या च॒कर्थ॑ ।
शक्ती॑वो॒ यद्वि॒भरा॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे जय॑न्न॒पो मन॑वे॒ दानु॑चित्राः ॥ ५.०३१.०६
pra te̱ pūrvā̍ṇi̱ kara̍ṇāni voca̱ṃ pra nūta̍nā maghava̱nyā ca̱kartha̍ .
śaktī̍vo̱ yadvi̱bharā̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe jaya̍nna̱po mana̍ve̱ dānu̍citrāḥ .. 5.031.06
6 I will declare thine exploits wrought aforetime, and, Maghavan, thy deeds of late achievement,
When, Lord of Might, thou sunderedst earth and heaven, winning for man the moistly-gleaming waters.
Sloka : 5.31.7
तदिन्नु ते॒ कर॑णं दस्म वि॒प्राहिं॒ यद्घ्नन्नोजो॒ अत्रामि॑मीथाः ।
शुष्ण॑स्य चि॒त्परि॑ मा॒या अ॑गृभ्णाः प्रपि॒त्वं यन्नप॒ दस्यू॑ँरसेधः ॥ ५.०३१.०७
tadinnu te̱ kara̍ṇaṃ dasma vi̱prāhi̱ṃ yadghnannojo̱ atrāmi̍mīthāḥ .
śuṣṇa̍sya ci̱tpari̍ mā̱yā a̍gṛbhṇāḥ prapi̱tvaṃ yannapa̱ dasyū̍m̐rasedhaḥ .. 5.031.07
7 This is thy deed, een this, Wonderful! Singer! that, slaying Ahi, here thy strength thou showedst,
Didst check and stay een gusna's wiles and magic, and, drawing nigh, didst chase away the Dasytis.
Sloka : 5.31.8
त्वम॒पो यद॑वे तु॒र्वशा॒यार॑मयः सु॒दुघाः॑ पा॒र इ॑न्द्र ।
उ॒ग्रम॑यात॒मव॑हो ह॒ कुत्सं॒ सं ह॒ यद्वा॑मु॒शनार॑न्त दे॒वाः ॥ ५.०३१.०८
tvama̱po yada̍ve tu̱rvaśā̱yāra̍mayaḥ su̱dughā̍ḥ pā̱ra i̍ndra .
u̱grama̍yāta̱mava̍ho ha̱ kutsa̱ṃ saṃ ha̱ yadvā̍mu̱śanāra̍nta de̱vāḥ .. 5.031.08
8 Thou, Indra, on the farther bank forYadu and Turvaga didst stay the gushing waters.
Ye both assailed the fierce:- thou barest Kutsa:- when Gods and Uśanā came to you together.
Sloka : 5.31.9
इन्द्रा॑कुत्सा॒ वह॑माना॒ रथे॒ना वा॒मत्या॒ अपि॒ कर्णे॑ वहन्तु ।
निः षी॑म॒द्भ्यो धम॑थो॒ निः ष॒धस्था॑न्म॒घोनो॑ हृ॒दो व॑रथ॒स्तमां॑सि ॥ ५.०३१.०९
indrā̍kutsā̱ vaha̍mānā̱ rathe̱nā vā̱matyā̱ api̱ karṇe̍ vahantu .
niḥ ṣī̍ma̱dbhyo dhama̍tho̱ niḥ ṣa̱dhasthā̍nma̱ghono̍ hṛ̱do va̍ratha̱stamā̍ṃsi .. 5.031.09
9 Let the steeds bring you both, Indra and Kutsa, borne on the chariot within hearing-distance.
Ye blew him from the waters, from his dwelling, and chased the darkness from the noble's spirit.
Sloka : 5.31.10
वात॑स्य यु॒क्तान्सु॒युज॑श्चि॒दश्वा॑न्क॒विश्चि॑दे॒षो अ॑जगन्नव॒स्युः ।
विश्वे॑ ते॒ अत्र॑ म॒रुतः॒ सखा॑य॒ इन्द्र॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ तवि॑षीमवर्धन् ॥ ५.०३१.१०
vāta̍sya yu̱ktānsu̱yuja̍ści̱daśvā̍nka̱viści̍de̱ṣo a̍jagannava̱syuḥ .
viśve̍ te̱ atra̍ ma̱ruta̱ḥ sakhā̍ya̱ indra̱ brahmā̍ṇi̱ tavi̍ṣīmavardhan .. 5.031.10
10 Even this sage hath come looking for succour even to Vāta's docile harnessed horses.
Here are the Maruts, all, thy dear companions:- prayers have increased thy power and might, O Indra.
Sloka : 5.31.11
सूर॑श्चि॒द्रथं॒ परि॑तक्म्यायां॒ पूर्वं॑ कर॒दुप॑रं जूजु॒वांस॑म् ।
भर॑च्च॒क्रमेत॑शः॒ सं रि॑णाति पु॒रो दध॑त्सनिष्यति॒ क्रतुं॑ नः ॥ ५.०३१.११
sūra̍ści̱dratha̱ṃ pari̍takmyāyā̱ṃ pūrva̍ṃ kara̱dupa̍raṃ jūju̱vāṃsa̍m .
bhara̍cca̱krameta̍śa̱ḥ saṃ ri̍ṇāti pu̱ro dadha̍tsaniṣyati̱ kratu̍ṃ naḥ .. 5.031.11
11 When night was near its close he carried forward een the Sun's chariot backward in its running.
Etaga brought his wheel and firmly stays it:- setting it eastward he shall give us courage.
Sloka : 5.31.12
आयं ज॑ना अभि॒चक्षे॑ जगा॒मेन्द्रः॒ सखा॑यं सु॒तसो॑ममि॒च्छन् ।
वद॒न्ग्रावाव॒ वेदिं॑ भ्रियाते॒ यस्य॑ जी॒रम॑ध्व॒र्यव॒श्चर॑न्ति ॥ ५.०३१.१२
āyaṃ ja̍nā abhi̱cakṣe̍ jagā̱mendra̱ḥ sakhā̍yaṃ su̱taso̍mami̱cchan .
vada̱ngrāvāva̱ vedi̍ṃ bhriyāte̱ yasya̍ jī̱rama̍dhva̱ryava̱ścara̍nti .. 5.031.12
12 This Indra, O ye men, hath come to see you, seeking a friend who hath expressed the Soma.
The creaking stone is laid upon the altar, and the Adhvaryus come to turn it quickly.
Sloka : 5.31.13
ये चा॒कन॑न्त चा॒कन॑न्त॒ नू ते मर्ता॑ अमृत॒ मो ते अंह॒ आर॑न् ।
वा॒व॒न्धि यज्यू॑ँरु॒त तेषु॑ धे॒ह्योजो॒ जने॑षु॒ येषु॑ ते॒ स्याम॑ ॥ ५.०३१.१३
ye cā̱kana̍nta cā̱kana̍nta̱ nū te martā̍ amṛta̱ mo te aṃha̱ āra̍n .
vā̱va̱ndhi yajyū̍m̐ru̱ta teṣu̍ dhe̱hyojo̱ jane̍ṣu̱ yeṣu̍ te̱ syāma̍ .. 5.031.13
13 Let mortals who were happy still be happy; let them not come to sorrow, O Immortal.
Love thou the pious, and to these thy people-with whom may we be numbered-give thou vigour.
Sloka : 5.32.1
अद॑र्द॒रुत्स॒मसृ॑जो॒ वि खानि॒ त्वम॑र्ण॒वान्ब॑द्बधा॒नाँ अ॑रम्णाः ।
म॒हान्त॑मिन्द्र॒ पर्व॑तं॒ वि यद्वः सृ॒जो वि धारा॒ अव॑ दान॒वं ह॑न् ॥ ५.०३२.०१
ada̍rda̱rutsa̱masṛ̍jo̱ vi khāni̱ tvama̍rṇa̱vānba̍dbadhā̱nām̐ a̍ramṇāḥ .
ma̱hānta̍mindra̱ parva̍ta̱ṃ vi yadvaḥ sṛ̱jo vi dhārā̱ ava̍ dāna̱vaṃ ha̍n .. 5.032.01
Sloka : 5.32.2
त्वमुत्सा॑ँ ऋ॒तुभि॑र्बद्बधा॒नाँ अरं॑ह॒ ऊधः॒ पर्व॑तस्य वज्रिन् ।
अहिं॑ चिदुग्र॒ प्रयु॑तं॒ शया॑नं जघ॒न्वाँ इ॑न्द्र॒ तवि॑षीमधत्थाः ॥ ५.०३२.०२
tvamutsā̍m̐ ṛ̱tubhi̍rbadbadhā̱nām̐ ara̍ṃha̱ ūdha̱ḥ parva̍tasya vajrin .
ahi̍ṃ cidugra̱ prayu̍ta̱ṃ śayā̍naṃ jagha̱nvām̐ i̍ndra̱ tavi̍ṣīmadhatthāḥ .. 5.032.02
2 The fountain-depths obstructed in their seasons, thou, Thunderer! madest flow, the mountain's udder.
Strong Indra, thou by slaying een the Dragon that lay extended there hast shown thy vigour.
Sloka : 5.32.3
त्यस्य॑ चिन्मह॒तो निर्मृ॒गस्य॒ वध॑र्जघान॒ तवि॑षीभि॒रिन्द्रः॑ ।
य एक॒ इद॑प्र॒तिर्मन्य॑मान॒ आद॑स्माद॒न्यो अ॑जनिष्ट॒ तव्या॑न् ॥ ५.०३२.०३
tyasya̍ cinmaha̱to nirmṛ̱gasya̱ vadha̍rjaghāna̱ tavi̍ṣībhi̱rindra̍ḥ .
ya eka̱ ida̍pra̱tirmanya̍māna̱ āda̍smāda̱nyo a̍janiṣṭa̱ tavyā̍n .. 5.032.03
3 Indra with violence smote down the weapon,
yea, even of that wild and mighty creature.
Although he deemed himself alone unequalled, another had been born een yet more potent.
Sloka : 5.32.4
त्यं चि॑देषां स्व॒धया॒ मद॑न्तं मि॒हो नपा॑तं सु॒वृधं॑ तमो॒गाम् ।
वृष॑प्रभर्मा दान॒वस्य॒ भामं॒ वज्रे॑ण व॒ज्री नि ज॑घान॒ शुष्ण॑म् ॥ ५.०३२.०४
tyaṃ ci̍deṣāṃ sva̱dhayā̱ mada̍ntaṃ mi̱ho napā̍taṃ su̱vṛdha̍ṃ tamo̱gām .
vṛṣa̍prabharmā dāna̱vasya̱ bhāma̱ṃ vajre̍ṇa va̱jrī ni ja̍ghāna̱ śuṣṇa̍m .. 5.032.04
4 Him, whom the heavenly food of these delighted, child of the mist, strong waxing, couched in darkness,
Him the bolt-hurling Thunderer with his lightning smote down and slew, the Dānava's wrath-fire, Śuṣṇa.
Sloka : 5.32.5
त्यं चि॑दस्य॒ क्रतु॑भि॒र्निष॑त्तमम॒र्मणो॑ वि॒ददिद॑स्य॒ मर्म॑ ।
यदीं॑ सुक्षत्र॒ प्रभृ॑ता॒ मद॑स्य॒ युयु॑त्सन्तं॒ तम॑सि ह॒र्म्ये धाः ॥ ५.०३२.०५
tyaṃ ci̍dasya̱ kratu̍bhi̱rniṣa̍ttamama̱rmaṇo̍ vi̱dadida̍sya̱ marma̍ .
yadī̍ṃ sukṣatra̱ prabhṛ̍tā̱ mada̍sya̱ yuyu̍tsanta̱ṃ tama̍si ha̱rmye dhāḥ .. 5.032.05
5 Though he might neer be wounded still his vitals felt that, the God's bolt, which his powers supported,
When, after offered draughts, Strong Lord, thou laidest him, fain to battle, in the pit in darkness.
Sloka : 5.32.6
त्यं चि॑दि॒त्था क॑त्प॒यं शया॑नमसू॒र्ये तम॑सि वावृधा॒नम् ।
तं चि॑न्मन्दा॒नो वृ॑ष॒भः सु॒तस्यो॒च्चैरिन्द्रो॑ अप॒गूर्या॑ जघान ॥ ५.०३२.०६
tyaṃ ci̍di̱tthā ka̍tpa̱yaṃ śayā̍namasū̱rye tama̍si vāvṛdhā̱nam .
taṃ ci̍nmandā̱no vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaḥ su̱tasyo̱ccairindro̍ apa̱gūryā̍ jaghāna .. 5.032.06
6 Him as he lay there huge in length extended, still waxing in the gloom which no sun lightened,
Him, after loud-voiced threats, the Hero Indra, rejoicing in the poured libation, slaughtered.
Sloka : 5.32.7
उद्यदिन्द्रो॑ मह॒ते दा॑न॒वाय॒ वध॒र्यमि॑ष्ट॒ सहो॒ अप्र॑तीतम् ।
यदीं॒ वज्र॑स्य॒ प्रभृ॑तौ द॒दाभ॒ विश्व॑स्य ज॒न्तोर॑ध॒मं च॑कार ॥ ५.०३२.०७
udyadindro̍ maha̱te dā̍na̱vāya̱ vadha̱ryami̍ṣṭa̱ saho̱ apra̍tītam .
yadī̱ṃ vajra̍sya̱ prabhṛ̍tau da̱dābha̱ viśva̍sya ja̱ntora̍dha̱maṃ ca̍kāra .. 5.032.07
7 When 'gainst the mighty Dānava his weapon Indra uplifted, power which none could combat,
When at the hurling of his bolt he smote him, he made him lower than all living creatures.
Sloka : 5.32.8
त्यं चि॒दर्णं॑ मधु॒पं शया॑नमसि॒न्वं व॒व्रं मह्याद॑दु॒ग्रः ।
अ॒पाद॑म॒त्रं म॑ह॒ता व॒धेन॒ नि दु॑र्यो॒ण आ॑वृणङ्मृ॒ध्रवा॑चम् ॥ ५.०३२.०८
tyaṃ ci̱darṇa̍ṃ madhu̱paṃ śayā̍namasi̱nvaṃ va̱vraṃ mahyāda̍du̱graḥ .
a̱pāda̍ma̱traṃ ma̍ha̱tā va̱dhena̱ ni du̍ryo̱ṇa ā̍vṛṇaṅmṛ̱dhravā̍cam .. 5.032.08
8 The fierce God seized that huge and restless coiler, insatiate, drinker of the sweets, recumbent,
And with his mighty weapon in his dwelling smote down the footless evil-speaking ogre.
Sloka : 5.32.9
को अ॑स्य॒ शुष्मं॒ तवि॑षीं वरात॒ एको॒ धना॑ भरते॒ अप्र॑तीतः ।
इ॒मे चि॑दस्य॒ ज्रय॑सो॒ नु दे॒वी इन्द्र॒स्यौज॑सो भि॒यसा॑ जिहाते ॥ ५.०३२.०९
ko a̍sya̱ śuṣma̱ṃ tavi̍ṣīṃ varāta̱ eko̱ dhanā̍ bharate̱ apra̍tītaḥ .
i̱me ci̍dasya̱ jraya̍so̱ nu de̱vī indra̱syauja̍so bhi̱yasā̍ jihāte .. 5.032.09
9 Who may arrest his strength or cheek his vigour? Alone, resistless, he bears off all riches.
Even these Twain, these Goddesses, through terror of Indra's might, retire from his dominion.
Sloka : 5.32.10
न्य॑स्मै दे॒वी स्वधि॑तिर्जिहीत॒ इन्द्रा॑य गा॒तुरु॑श॒तीव॑ येमे ।
सं यदोजो॑ यु॒वते॒ विश्व॑माभि॒रनु॑ स्व॒धाव्ने॑ क्षि॒तयो॑ नमन्त ॥ ५.०३२.१०
nya̍smai de̱vī svadhi̍tirjihīta̱ indrā̍ya gā̱turu̍śa̱tīva̍ yeme .
saṃ yadojo̍ yu̱vate̱ viśva̍mābhi̱ranu̍ sva̱dhāvne̍ kṣi̱tayo̍ namanta .. 5.032.10
10 Een the Celestial Axe bows down before him, and the Earth, lover-like, gives way to Indra.
As he imparts all vigour to these people, straightway the folk bend them to him the Godlike.
Sloka : 5.32.11
एकं॒ नु त्वा॒ सत्प॑तिं॒ पाञ्च॑जन्यं जा॒तं शृ॑णोमि य॒शसं॒ जने॑षु ।
तं मे॑ जगृभ्र आ॒शसो॒ नवि॑ष्ठं दो॒षा वस्तो॒र्हव॑मानास॒ इन्द्र॑म् ॥ ५.०३२.११
eka̱ṃ nu tvā̱ satpa̍ti̱ṃ pāñca̍janyaṃ jā̱taṃ śṛ̍ṇomi ya̱śasa̱ṃ jane̍ṣu .
taṃ me̍ jagṛbhra ā̱śaso̱ navi̍ṣṭhaṃ do̱ṣā vasto̱rhava̍mānāsa̱ indra̍m .. 5.032.11
11 I hear that thou wast born sole Lord of heroes of the Five Races, famed among the people.
As such my wishes have most lately grasped him, invoking Indra both at eve and morning.
Sloka : 5.32.12
ए॒वा हि त्वामृ॑तु॒था या॒तय॑न्तं म॒घा विप्रे॑भ्यो॒ दद॑तं शृ॒णोमि॑ ।
किं ते॑ ब्र॒ह्माणो॑ गृहते॒ सखा॑यो॒ ये त्वा॒या नि॑द॒धुः काम॑मिन्द्र ॥ ५.०३२.१२
e̱vā hi tvāmṛ̍tu̱thā yā̱taya̍ntaṃ ma̱ghā vipre̍bhyo̱ dada̍taṃ śṛ̱ṇomi̍ .
kiṃ te̍ bra̱hmāṇo̍ gṛhate̱ sakhā̍yo̱ ye tvā̱yā ni̍da̱dhuḥ kāma̍mindra .. 5.032.12
12 So, too, I hear of thee as in due season urging to action and enriching singers.
What have thy friends received from thee, the Brahmans who, faithful, rest their hopes on thee, O Indra?
Sloka : 5.33.1
महि॑ म॒हे त॒वसे॑ दीध्ये॒ नॄनिन्द्रा॑ये॒त्था त॒वसे॒ अत॑व्यान् ।
यो अ॑स्मै सुम॒तिं वाज॑सातौ स्तु॒तो जने॑ सम॒र्य॑श्चि॒केत॑ ॥ ५.०३३.०१
mahi̍ ma̱he ta̱vase̍ dīdhye̱ nṝnindrā̍ye̱tthā ta̱vase̱ ata̍vyān .
yo a̍smai suma̱tiṃ vāja̍sātau stu̱to jane̍ sama̱rya̍ści̱keta̍ .. 5.033.01
1. GREAT praise to Indra, great and strong mid heroes, I ponder thus, the feeble to the Mighty,
Who with his band shows favour to this people, when lauded, in the fight where spoil is gathered.
Sloka : 5.33.2
स त्वं न॑ इन्द्र धियसा॒नो अ॒र्कैर्हरी॑णां वृष॒न्योक्त्र॑मश्रेः ।
या इ॒त्था म॑घव॒न्ननु॒ जोषं॒ वक्षो॑ अ॒भि प्रार्यः स॑क्षि॒ जना॑न् ॥ ५.०३३.०२
sa tvaṃ na̍ indra dhiyasā̱no a̱rkairharī̍ṇāṃ vṛṣa̱nyoktra̍maśreḥ .
yā i̱tthā ma̍ghava̱nnanu̱ joṣa̱ṃ vakṣo̍ a̱bhi prāryaḥ sa̍kṣi̱ janā̍n .. 5.033.02
2 So made attentive by our hymns, Steer! Indra! thou fastenedst the girth of thy Bay Coursers,
Which, Maghavan, at thy will thou drivest hither. With these subdue for us the men who hate us.
Sloka : 5.33.3
न ते त॑ इन्द्रा॒भ्य१॒॑स्मदृ॒ष्वायु॑क्तासो अब्र॒ह्मता॒ यदस॑न् ।
तिष्ठा॒ रथ॒मधि॒ तं व॑ज्रह॒स्ता र॒श्मिं दे॑व यमसे॒ स्वश्वः॑ ॥ ५.०३३.०३
na te ta̍ indrā̱bhya1̱̍smadṛ̱ṣvāyu̍ktāso abra̱hmatā̱ yadasa̍n .
tiṣṭhā̱ ratha̱madhi̱ taṃ va̍jraha̱stā ra̱śmiṃ de̍va yamase̱ svaśva̍ḥ .. 5.033.03
3 They were not turned to us-wtrd, lofty Indra! while yet through lack of prayer they stood unharnessed.
Ascend this chariot, thou whose hand wields thunder, and draw the rein, O Lord of noble horses.
Sloka : 5.33.4
पु॒रू यत्त॑ इन्द्र॒ सन्त्यु॒क्था गवे॑ च॒कर्थो॒र्वरा॑सु॒ युध्य॑न् ।
त॒त॒क्षे सूर्या॑य चि॒दोक॑सि॒ स्वे वृषा॑ स॒मत्सु॑ दा॒सस्य॒ नाम॑ चित् ॥ ५.०३३.०४
pu̱rū yatta̍ indra̱ santyu̱kthā gave̍ ca̱kartho̱rvarā̍su̱ yudhya̍n .
ta̱ta̱kṣe sūryā̍ya ci̱doka̍si̱ sve vṛṣā̍ sa̱matsu̍ dā̱sasya̱ nāma̍ cit .. 5.033.04
4 Thou, because many lauds are thine, O Indra, wast active warring in the fields
for cattle.
For Sūrya in his own abode thou, Hero, formedst in fights even a Dāsa's nature.
Sloka : 5.33.5
व॒यं ते त॑ इन्द्र॒ ये च॒ नरः॒ शर्धो॑ जज्ञा॒ना या॒ताश्च॒ रथाः॑ ।
आस्माञ्ज॑गम्यादहिशुष्म॒ सत्वा॒ भगो॒ न हव्यः॑ प्रभृ॒थेषु॒ चारुः॑ ॥ ५.०३३.०५
va̱yaṃ te ta̍ indra̱ ye ca̱ nara̱ḥ śardho̍ jajñā̱nā yā̱tāśca̱ rathā̍ḥ .
āsmāñja̍gamyādahiśuṣma̱ satvā̱ bhago̱ na havya̍ḥ prabhṛ̱theṣu̱ cāru̍ḥ .. 5.033.05
5 Thine are we, Indra; thine are all these people, conscious of might, whose cars are set in motion.
Some hero come to us, O Strong as Ahi beauteous in war, to be invoked like Bhaga.
Sloka : 5.33.6
प॒पृ॒क्षेण्य॑मिन्द्र॒ त्वे ह्योजो॑ नृ॒म्णानि॑ च नृ॒तमा॑नो॒ अम॑र्तः ।
स न॒ एनीं॑ वसवानो र॒यिं दाः॒ प्रार्यः स्तु॑षे तुविम॒घस्य॒ दान॑म् ॥ ५.०३३.०६
pa̱pṛ̱kṣeṇya̍mindra̱ tve hyojo̍ nṛ̱mṇāni̍ ca nṛ̱tamā̍no̱ ama̍rtaḥ .
sa na̱ enī̍ṃ vasavāno ra̱yiṃ dā̱ḥ prāryaḥ stu̍ṣe tuvima̱ghasya̱ dāna̍m .. 5.033.06
6 Strength much to be desired is in thee, Indra:- the Immortal dances forth his hero exploits.
Such, Lord of Treasure, give us splendid riches. I praise the Friend's gift, his whose wealth is mighty.
Sloka : 5.33.7
ए॒वा न॑ इन्द्रो॒तिभि॑रव पा॒हि गृ॑ण॒तः शू॑र का॒रून् ।
उ॒त त्वचं॒ दद॑तो॒ वाज॑सातौ पिप्री॒हि मध्वः॒ सुषु॑तस्य॒ चारोः॑ ॥ ५.०३३.०७
e̱vā na̍ indro̱tibhi̍rava pā̱hi gṛ̍ṇa̱taḥ śū̍ra kā̱rūn .
u̱ta tvaca̱ṃ dada̍to̱ vāja̍sātau piprī̱hi madhva̱ḥ suṣu̍tasya̱ cāro̍ḥ .. 5.033.07
7 Thus favour us, O Indra, with ihy succour; Hero, protect the bards who sing thy praises.
Be friendly in the fray to those who offer the skin of beautiful and well-pressed Soma.
Sloka : 5.33.8
उ॒त त्ये मा॑ पौरुकु॒त्स्यस्य॑ सू॒रेस्त्र॒सद॑स्योर्हिर॒णिनो॒ ररा॑णाः ।
वह॑न्तु मा॒ दश॒ श्येता॑सो अस्य गैरिक्षि॒तस्य॒ क्रतु॑भि॒र्नु स॑श्चे ॥ ५.०३३.०८
u̱ta tye mā̍ pauruku̱tsyasya̍ sū̱restra̱sada̍syorhira̱ṇino̱ rarā̍ṇāḥ .
vaha̍ntu mā̱ daśa̱ śyetā̍so asya gairikṣi̱tasya̱ kratu̍bhi̱rnu sa̍śce .. 5.033.08
8 And these ten steeds which Trasadasyu gives me, the goldrich chief, the son of Purukutsa,
Resplendent in their brightness shall convey me. Gairiksita willed it and so came I hither.
Sloka : 5.33.9
उ॒त त्ये मा॑ मारु॒ताश्व॑स्य॒ शोणाः॒ क्रत्वा॑मघासो वि॒दथ॑स्य रा॒तौ ।
स॒हस्रा॑ मे॒ च्यव॑तानो॒ ददा॑न आनू॒कम॒र्यो वपु॑षे॒ नार्च॑त् ॥ ५.०३३.०९
u̱ta tye mā̍ māru̱tāśva̍sya̱ śoṇā̱ḥ kratvā̍maghāso vi̱datha̍sya rā̱tau .
sa̱hasrā̍ me̱ cyava̍tāno̱ dadā̍na ānū̱kama̱ryo vapu̍ṣe̱ nārca̍t .. 5.033.09
9 And these, bestowed as sacrificial guerdon, the powerful tawny steeds of Marutasva;
And thousands which kind Cyavatana gave me, abundantly bestowed for my adornment.
Sloka : 5.33.10
उ॒त त्ये मा॑ ध्व॒न्य॑स्य॒ जुष्टा॑ लक्ष्म॒ण्य॑स्य सु॒रुचो॒ यता॑नाः ।
म॒ह्ना रा॒यः सं॒वर॑णस्य॒ ऋषे॑र्व्र॒जं न गावः॒ प्रय॑ता॒ अपि॑ ग्मन् ॥ ५.०३३.१०
u̱ta tye mā̍ dhva̱nya̍sya̱ juṣṭā̍ lakṣma̱ṇya̍sya su̱ruco̱ yatā̍nāḥ .
ma̱hnā rā̱yaḥ sa̱ṃvara̍ṇasya̱ ṛṣe̍rvra̱jaṃ na gāva̱ḥ praya̍tā̱ api̍ gman .. 5.033.10
10 And these commended horses, bright and active, by Dhvanya son of Laksmana presented,
Came unto me, as cows into the Ṛṣi Samvarana's stall, with magnitude of riches.
Sloka : 5.34.1
अजा॑तशत्रुम॒जरा॒ स्व॑र्व॒त्यनु॑ स्व॒धामि॑ता द॒स्ममी॑यते ।
सु॒नोत॑न॒ पच॑त॒ ब्रह्म॑वाहसे पुरुष्टु॒ताय॑ प्रत॒रं द॑धातन ॥ ५.०३४.०१
ajā̍taśatruma̱jarā̱ sva̍rva̱tyanu̍ sva̱dhāmi̍tā da̱smamī̍yate .
su̱nota̍na̱ paca̍ta̱ brahma̍vāhase puruṣṭu̱tāya̍ prata̱raṃ da̍dhātana .. 5.034.01
1. BOUNDLESS and wasting not, the heavenly food of Gods goes to the foeless One, doer of wondrous deeds.
Press out, make ready, offer gifts with special zeal to him whom many laud, accepter of the prayer.
Sloka : 5.34.2
आ यः सोमे॑न ज॒ठर॒मपि॑प्र॒ताम॑न्दत म॒घवा॒ मध्वो॒ अन्ध॑सः ।
यदीं॑ मृ॒गाय॒ हन्त॑वे म॒हाव॑धः स॒हस्र॑भृष्टिमु॒शना॑ व॒धं यम॑त् ॥ ५.०३४.०२
ā yaḥ some̍na ja̱ṭhara̱mapi̍pra̱tāma̍ndata ma̱ghavā̱ madhvo̱ andha̍saḥ .
yadī̍ṃ mṛ̱gāya̱ hanta̍ve ma̱hāva̍dhaḥ sa̱hasra̍bhṛṣṭimu̱śanā̍ va̱dhaṃ yama̍t .. 5.034.02
2 He who filled full his belly with the Soma's juice, Maghavan, was delighted with the meath's sweet draught,
When Uśanā, that he might slay the monstrous beast, gave him the mighty weapon with a thousand points.
Sloka : 5.34.3
यो अ॑स्मै घ्रं॒स उ॒त वा॒ य ऊध॑नि॒ सोमं॑ सु॒नोति॒ भव॑ति द्यु॒माँ अह॑ ।
अपा॑प श॒क्रस्त॑त॒नुष्टि॑मूहति त॒नूशु॑भ्रं म॒घवा॒ यः क॑वास॒खः ॥ ५.०३४.०३
yo a̍smai ghra̱ṃsa u̱ta vā̱ ya ūdha̍ni̱ soma̍ṃ su̱noti̱ bhava̍ti dyu̱mām̐ aha̍ .
apā̍pa śa̱krasta̍ta̱nuṣṭi̍mūhati ta̱nūśu̍bhraṃ ma̱ghavā̱ yaḥ ka̍vāsa̱khaḥ .. 5.034.03
3 Illustrious is the man whoever presseth out Soma for him in sunshine or in cloud and rain.
The mighty Maghavan who is the sage's Friend advanceth more and more his beauteous progeny.
Sloka : 5.34.4
यस्याव॑धीत्पि॒तरं॒ यस्य॑ मा॒तरं॒ यस्य॑ श॒क्रो भ्रात॑रं॒ नात॑ ईषते ।
वेतीद्व॑स्य॒ प्रय॑ता यतंक॒रो न किल्बि॑षादीषते॒ वस्व॑ आक॒रः ॥ ५.०३४.०४
yasyāva̍dhītpi̱tara̱ṃ yasya̍ mā̱tara̱ṃ yasya̍ śa̱kro bhrāta̍ra̱ṃ nāta̍ īṣate .
vetīdva̍sya̱ praya̍tā yataṃka̱ro na kilbi̍ṣādīṣate̱ vasva̍ āka̱raḥ .. 5.034.04
4 The Strong God doth not flee away from him whose sire, whose mother or whose brother he hath done to death.
He, the Avenger, seeketh this man's offered gifts:- this God, the source of riches, doth not flee from sin.
Sloka : 5.34.5
न प॒ञ्चभि॑र्द॒शभि॑र्वष्ट्या॒रभं॒ नासु॑न्वता सचते॒ पुष्य॑ता च॒न ।
जि॒नाति॒ वेद॑मु॒या हन्ति॑ वा॒ धुनि॒रा दे॑व॒युं भ॑जति॒ गोम॑ति व्र॒जे ॥ ५.०३४.०५
na pa̱ñcabhi̍rda̱śabhi̍rvaṣṭyā̱rabha̱ṃ nāsu̍nvatā sacate̱ puṣya̍tā ca̱na .
ji̱nāti̱ veda̍mu̱yā hanti̍ vā̱ dhuni̱rā de̍va̱yuṃ bha̍jati̱ goma̍ti vra̱je .. 5.034.05
5 He seeks no enterprise with five or ten to aid, nor stays with him who pours no juice though prospering well.
The Shaker conquers or slays in this way or that, and to the pious gives a stable full of kine.
Sloka : 5.34.6
वि॒त्वक्ष॑णः॒ समृ॑तौ चक्रमास॒जोऽसु॑न्वतो॒ विषु॑णः सुन्व॒तो वृ॒धः ।
इन्द्रो॒ विश्व॑स्य दमि॒ता वि॒भीष॑णो यथाव॒शं न॑यति॒ दास॒मार्यः॑ ॥ ५.०३४.०६
vi̱tvakṣa̍ṇa̱ḥ samṛ̍tau cakramāsa̱jo'su̍nvato̱ viṣu̍ṇaḥ sunva̱to vṛ̱dhaḥ .
indro̱ viśva̍sya dami̱tā vi̱bhīṣa̍ṇo yathāva̱śaṃ na̍yati̱ dāsa̱mārya̍ḥ .. 5.034.06
6 Exceeding strong in war he stays the chariot wheel, and, hating him who pours not, prospers him who pours.
Indra the terrible, tamer of every man, as Ārya leads away the Dāsa at his will.
Sloka : 5.34.7
समीं॑ प॒णेर॑जति॒ भोज॑नं मु॒षे वि दा॒शुषे॑ भजति सू॒नरं॒ वसु॑ ।
दु॒र्गे च॒न ध्रि॑यते॒ विश्व॒ आ पु॒रु जनो॒ यो अ॑स्य॒ तवि॑षी॒मचु॑क्रुधत् ॥ ५.०३४.०७
samī̍ṃ pa̱ṇera̍jati̱ bhoja̍naṃ mu̱ṣe vi dā̱śuṣe̍ bhajati sū̱nara̱ṃ vasu̍ .
du̱rge ca̱na dhri̍yate̱ viśva̱ ā pu̱ru jano̱ yo a̍sya̱ tavi̍ṣī̱macu̍krudhat .. 5.034.07
7 He gathers up for plunder all the niggards gear:- excellent wealth he gives to him who offers gifts.
Not even in wide stronghold may all the folk stand firm who have provoked to anger his surpassing might.
Sloka : 5.34.8
सं यज्जनौ॑ सु॒धनौ॑ वि॒श्वश॑र्धसा॒ववे॒दिन्द्रो॑ म॒घवा॒ गोषु॑ शु॒भ्रिषु॑ ।
युजं॒ ह्य१॒॑न्यमकृ॑त प्रवेप॒न्युदीं॒ गव्यं॑ सृजते॒ सत्व॑भि॒र्धुनिः॑ ॥ ५.०३४.०८
saṃ yajjanau̍ su̱dhanau̍ vi̱śvaśa̍rdhasā̱vave̱dindro̍ ma̱ghavā̱ goṣu̍ śu̱bhriṣu̍ .
yuja̱ṃ hya1̱̍nyamakṛ̍ta pravepa̱nyudī̱ṃ gavya̍ṃ sṛjate̱ satva̍bhi̱rdhuni̍ḥ .. 5.034.08
8 When Indra Maghavan hath marked two wealthy men fighting for beauteous cows with all their followers,
He who stirs all things takes one as his close ally, and, Shaker, with his Heroes, sends the kine to him.
Sloka : 5.34.9
स॒ह॒स्र॒सामाग्नि॑वेशिं गृणीषे॒ शत्रि॑मग्न उप॒मां के॒तुम॒र्यः ।
तस्मा॒ आपः॑ सं॒यतः॑ पीपयन्त॒ तस्मि॑न्क्ष॒त्रमम॑वत्त्वे॒षम॑स्तु ॥ ५.०३४.०९
sa̱ha̱sra̱sāmāgni̍veśiṃ gṛṇīṣe̱ śatri̍magna upa̱māṃ ke̱tuma̱ryaḥ .
tasmā̱ āpa̍ḥ sa̱ṃyata̍ḥ pīpayanta̱ tasmi̍nkṣa̱tramama̍vattve̱ṣama̍stu .. 5.034.09
9 Agni! I laud the liberal Agnivesi, Satri the type and standard of the pious.
May the collected waters yield him plenty, and his be powerful and bright dominion.
Sloka : 5.35.1
यस्ते॒ साधि॒ष्ठोऽव॑स॒ इन्द्र॒ क्रतु॒ष्टमा भ॑र ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ चर्षणी॒सहं॒ सस्निं॒ वाजे॑षु दु॒ष्टर॑म् ॥ ५.०३५.०१
yaste̱ sādhi̱ṣṭho'va̍sa̱ indra̱ kratu̱ṣṭamā bha̍ra .
a̱smabhya̍ṃ carṣaṇī̱saha̱ṃ sasni̱ṃ vāje̍ṣu du̱ṣṭara̍m .. 5.035.01
1. INDRA, for our assistance bring that most effectual power of thine,
Which conquers men for us, and wins the spoil, invincible in fight.
Sloka : 5.35.2
यदि॑न्द्र ते॒ चत॑स्रो॒ यच्छू॑र॒ सन्ति॑ ति॒स्रः ।
यद्वा॒ पञ्च॑ क्षिती॒नामव॒स्तत्सु न॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ५.०३५.०२
yadi̍ndra te̱ cata̍sro̱ yacchū̍ra̱ santi̍ ti̱sraḥ .
yadvā̱ pañca̍ kṣitī̱nāmava̱statsu na̱ ā bha̍ra .. 5.035.02
2 Indra, whatever aids be thine, four be they, or, O Hero, three,
Or those of the Five Tribes of men, bring quickly all that help to us.
Sloka : 5.35.3
आ तेऽवो॒ वरे॑ण्यं॒ वृष॑न्तमस्य हूमहे ।
वृष॑जूति॒र्हि ज॑ज्ञि॒ष आ॒भूभि॑रिन्द्र तु॒र्वणिः॑ ॥ ५.०३५.०३
ā te'vo̱ vare̍ṇya̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ntamasya hūmahe .
vṛṣa̍jūti̱rhi ja̍jñi̱ṣa ā̱bhūbhi̍rindra tu̱rvaṇi̍ḥ .. 5.035.03
3 The aid most excellent of thee the Mightiest hitherward we call,
For thou wast born with hero might, conquering, Indra, with the Strong.
Sloka : 5.35.4
वृषा॒ ह्यसि॒ राध॑से जज्ञि॒षे वृष्णि॑ ते॒ शवः॑ ।
स्वक्ष॑त्रं ते धृ॒षन्मनः॑ सत्रा॒हमि॑न्द्र॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ५.०३५.०४
vṛṣā̱ hyasi̱ rādha̍se jajñi̱ṣe vṛṣṇi̍ te̱ śava̍ḥ .
svakṣa̍traṃ te dhṛ̱ṣanmana̍ḥ satrā̱hami̍ndra̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 5.035.04
4 Mighty to prosper us wast thou born, and mighty is the strength thou hast.
In native power thy soul is firm:- thy valour, Indra, slays a host.
Sloka : 5.35.5
त्वं तमि॑न्द्र॒ मर्त्य॑ममित्र॒यन्त॑मद्रिवः ।
स॒र्व॒र॒था श॑तक्रतो॒ नि या॑हि शवसस्पते ॥ ५.०३५.०५
tvaṃ tami̍ndra̱ martya̍mamitra̱yanta̍madrivaḥ .
sa̱rva̱ra̱thā śa̍takrato̱ ni yā̍hi śavasaspate .. 5.035.05
5 O Śatakratu, Lord of Strength, O Indra, Caster of the Stone.
With all thy chariot's force assail the man who shows himself thy foe.
Sloka : 5.35.6
त्वामिद्वृ॑त्रहन्तम॒ जना॑सो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।
उ॒ग्रं पू॒र्वीषु॑ पू॒र्व्यं हव॑न्ते॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ५.०३५.०६
tvāmidvṛ̍trahantama̱ janā̍so vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .
u̱graṃ pū̱rvīṣu̍ pū̱rvyaṃ hava̍nte̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 5.035.06
6 For, Mightiest Vṛtra-slayer, thee, fierce, foremost among many, folk
Whose sacred grass is trimmed invite to battle where the spoil is won.
Sloka : 5.35.7
अ॒स्माक॑मिन्द्र दु॒ष्टरं॑ पुरो॒यावा॑नमा॒जिषु॑ ।
स॒यावा॑नं॒ धने॑धने वाज॒यन्त॑मवा॒ रथ॑म् ॥ ५.०३५.०७
a̱smāka̍mindra du̱ṣṭara̍ṃ puro̱yāvā̍namā̱jiṣu̍ .
sa̱yāvā̍na̱ṃ dhane̍dhane vāja̱yanta̍mavā̱ ratha̍m .. 5.035.07
7 Indra, do thou protect our car that mingles foremost in the fights,
That bears its part in every fray, invincible and seeking spoil.
Sloka : 5.35.8
अ॒स्माक॑मि॒न्द्रेहि॑ नो॒ रथ॑मवा॒ पुरं॑ध्या ।
व॒यं श॑विष्ठ॒ वार्यं॑ दि॒वि श्रवो॑ दधीमहि दि॒वि स्तोमं॑ मनामहे ॥ ५.०३५.०८
a̱smāka̍mi̱ndrehi̍ no̱ ratha̍mavā̱ pura̍ṃdhyā .
va̱yaṃ śa̍viṣṭha̱ vārya̍ṃ di̱vi śravo̍ dadhīmahi di̱vi stoma̍ṃ manāmahe .. 5.035.08
8 Come to us, Indra, and protect our car with thine intelligence.
May we, O Mightiest One, obtain excellent fame at break of day, and meditate our hymn at dawn.
Sloka : 5.36.1
स आ ग॑म॒दिन्द्रो॒ यो वसू॑नां॒ चिके॑त॒द्दातुं॒ दाम॑नो रयी॒णाम् ।
ध॒न्व॒च॒रो न वंस॑गस्तृषा॒णश्च॑कमा॒नः पि॑बतु दु॒ग्धमं॒शुम् ॥ ५.०३६.०१
sa ā ga̍ma̱dindro̱ yo vasū̍nā̱ṃ cike̍ta̱ddātu̱ṃ dāma̍no rayī̱ṇām .
dha̱nva̱ca̱ro na vaṃsa̍gastṛṣā̱ṇaśca̍kamā̱naḥ pi̍batu du̱gdhama̱ṃśum .. 5.036.01
1. MAY Indra come to us, he who knows rightly to give forth treasures from his store of riches.
Even as a thirsty steer who roams the deserts may he drink eagerly the milked-out Soma.
Sloka : 5.36.2
आ ते॒ हनू॑ हरिवः शूर॒ शिप्रे॒ रुह॒त्सोमो॒ न पर्व॑तस्य पृ॒ष्ठे ।
अनु॑ त्वा राज॒न्नर्व॑तो॒ न हि॒न्वन्गी॒र्भिर्म॑देम पुरुहूत॒ विश्वे॑ ॥ ५.०३६.०२
ā te̱ hanū̍ harivaḥ śūra̱ śipre̱ ruha̱tsomo̱ na parva̍tasya pṛ̱ṣṭhe .
anu̍ tvā rāja̱nnarva̍to̱ na hi̱nvangī̱rbhirma̍dema puruhūta̱ viśve̍ .. 5.036.02
2 Lord of Bay Horses, Hero, may the Soma rise to thy cheeks and jaws like mountain-ridges.
May we, O King, as he who driveth coursers, all joy in thee with hymns, invoked of many!
Sloka : 5.36.3
च॒क्रं न वृ॒त्तं पु॑रुहूत वेपते॒ मनो॑ भि॒या मे॒ अम॑ते॒रिद॑द्रिवः ।
रथा॒दधि॑ त्वा जरि॒ता स॑दावृध कु॒विन्नु स्तो॑षन्मघवन्पुरू॒वसुः॑ ॥ ५.०३६.०३
ca̱kraṃ na vṛ̱ttaṃ pu̍ruhūta vepate̱ mano̍ bhi̱yā me̱ ama̍te̱rida̍drivaḥ .
rathā̱dadhi̍ tvā jari̱tā sa̍dāvṛdha ku̱vinnu sto̍ṣanmaghavanpurū̱vasu̍ḥ .. 5.036.03
3 Invoked of many, Caster of the Stone my heart quakes like a rolling wheel for fear of penury.
Shall not Puruvasu the singer give thee praise, O ever-prospering Maghavan, mounted on thy car?
Sloka : 5.36.4
ए॒ष ग्रावे॑व जरि॒ता त॑ इ॒न्द्रेय॑र्ति॒ वाचं॑ बृ॒हदा॑शुषा॒णः ।
प्र स॒व्येन॑ मघव॒न्यंसि॑ रा॒यः प्र द॑क्षि॒णिद्ध॑रिवो॒ मा वि वे॑नः ॥ ५.०३६.०४
e̱ṣa grāve̍va jari̱tā ta̍ i̱ndreya̍rti̱ vāca̍ṃ bṛ̱hadā̍śuṣā̱ṇaḥ .
pra sa̱vyena̍ maghava̱nyaṃsi̍ rā̱yaḥ pra da̍kṣi̱ṇiddha̍rivo̱ mā vi ve̍naḥ .. 5.036.04
4 Like the press-stone is this thy praiser, Indra. Loudly he lifts his voice with strong endeavour.
With thy left hand, O Maghavan, give us riches:- with thy right, Lord of Bays, be not reluctant.
Sloka : 5.36.5
वृषा॑ त्वा॒ वृष॑णं वर्धतु॒ द्यौर्वृषा॒ वृष॑भ्यां वहसे॒ हरि॑भ्याम् ।
स नो॒ वृषा॒ वृष॑रथः सुशिप्र॒ वृष॑क्रतो॒ वृषा॑ वज्रि॒न्भरे॑ धाः ॥ ५.०३६.०५
vṛṣā̍ tvā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ vardhatu̱ dyaurvṛṣā̱ vṛṣa̍bhyāṃ vahase̱ hari̍bhyām .
sa no̱ vṛṣā̱ vṛṣa̍rathaḥ suśipra̱ vṛṣa̍krato̱ vṛṣā̍ vajri̱nbhare̍ dhāḥ .. 5.036.05
5 May the strong Heaven make thee the Strong wax stronger:- Strong, thou art borne by thy two strong Bay Horses.
So, fair of cheek, with mighty chariot, mighty, uphold us, strong-willed, thunderarmed, in battle.
Sloka : 5.36.6
यो रोहि॑तौ वा॒जिनौ॑ वा॒जिनी॑वान्त्रि॒भिः श॒तैः सच॑माना॒वदि॑ष्ट ।
यूने॒ सम॑स्मै क्षि॒तयो॑ नमन्तां श्रु॒तर॑थाय मरुतो दुवो॒या ॥ ५.०३६.०६
yo rohi̍tau vā̱jinau̍ vā̱jinī̍vāntri̱bhiḥ śa̱taiḥ saca̍mānā̱vadi̍ṣṭa .
yūne̱ sama̍smai kṣi̱tayo̍ namantāṃ śru̱tara̍thāya maruto duvo̱yā .. 5.036.06
6 Maruts, let all the people in obeisance bow down before this youthful Srutaratha,
Who, rich in steeds, gave me two dark red horses together with three hundred head of cattle.
Sloka : 5.37.1
सं भा॒नुना॑ यतते॒ सूर्य॑स्या॒जुह्वा॑नो घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठः॒ स्वञ्चाः॑ ।
तस्मा॒ अमृ॑ध्रा उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑च्छा॒न्य इन्द्रा॑य सु॒नवा॒मेत्याह॑ ॥ ५.०३७.०१
saṃ bhā̱nunā̍ yatate̱ sūrya̍syā̱juhvā̍no ghṛ̱tapṛ̍ṣṭha̱ḥ svañcā̍ḥ .
tasmā̱ amṛ̍dhrā u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍cchā̱nya indrā̍ya su̱navā̱metyāha̍ .. 5.037.01
1. BEDEWED with holy oil and meetly worshipped, the Swift One vies with Sūrya's beam in splendour.
For him may mornings dawn without cessation who saith, Let us press Soma out for Indra.
Sloka : 5.37.2
समि॑द्धाग्निर्वनवत्स्ती॒र्णब॑र्हिर्यु॒क्तग्रा॑वा सु॒तसो॑मो जराते ।
ग्रावा॑णो॒ यस्ये॑षि॒रं वद॒न्त्यय॑दध्व॒र्युर्ह॒विषाव॒ सिन्धु॑म् ॥ ५.०३७.०२
sami̍ddhāgnirvanavatstī̱rṇaba̍rhiryu̱ktagrā̍vā su̱taso̍mo jarāte .
grāvā̍ṇo̱ yasye̍ṣi̱raṃ vada̱ntyaya̍dadhva̱ryurha̱viṣāva̱ sindhu̍m .. 5.037.02
2 With kindled fire and strewn grass let him worship, and, Soma-presser, sing with stones adjusted:-
And let the priest whose press-stones ring forth loudly, go down with his oblation to the river.
Sloka : 5.37.3
व॒धूरि॒यं पति॑मि॒च्छन्त्ये॑ति॒ य ईं॒ वहा॑ते॒ महि॑षीमिषि॒राम् ।
आस्य॑ श्रवस्या॒द्रथ॒ आ च॑ घोषात्पु॒रू स॒हस्रा॒ परि॑ वर्तयाते ॥ ५.०३७.०३
va̱dhūri̱yaṃ pati̍mi̱cchantye̍ti̱ ya ī̱ṃ vahā̍te̱ mahi̍ṣīmiṣi̱rām .
āsya̍ śravasyā̱dratha̱ ā ca̍ ghoṣātpu̱rū sa̱hasrā̱ pari̍ vartayāte .. 5.037.03
3 This wife is coming near who loves her husband who carries to his home a vigorous consort.
Here may his car seek fame, here loudly thunder, and his wheel make a thousand revolutions.
Sloka : 5.37.4
न स राजा॑ व्यथते॒ यस्मि॒न्निन्द्र॑स्ती॒व्रं सोमं॒ पिब॑ति॒ गोस॑खायम् ।
आ स॑त्व॒नैरज॑ति॒ हन्ति॑ वृ॒त्रं क्षेति॑ क्षि॒तीः सु॒भगो॒ नाम॒ पुष्य॑न् ॥ ५.०३७.०४
na sa rājā̍ vyathate̱ yasmi̱nnindra̍stī̱vraṃ soma̱ṃ piba̍ti̱ gosa̍khāyam .
ā sa̍tva̱nairaja̍ti̱ hanti̍ vṛ̱traṃ kṣeti̍ kṣi̱tīḥ su̱bhago̱ nāma̱ puṣya̍n .. 5.037.04
4 No troubles vex that King in whose home Indra drinks the sharp Soma juice with milk commingled.
With heroes he drives near, he slays the foeman:- Blest, cherishing that name, he guards his people.
Sloka : 5.37.5
पुष्या॒त्क्षेमे॑ अ॒भि योगे॑ भवात्यु॒भे वृतौ॑ संय॒ती सं ज॑याति ।
प्रि॒यः सूर्ये॑ प्रि॒यो अ॒ग्ना भ॑वाति॒ य इन्द्रा॑य सु॒तसो॑मो॒ ददा॑शत् ॥ ५.०३७.०५
puṣyā̱tkṣeme̍ a̱bhi yoge̍ bhavātyu̱bhe vṛtau̍ saṃya̱tī saṃ ja̍yāti .
pri̱yaḥ sūrye̍ pri̱yo a̱gnā bha̍vāti̱ ya indrā̍ya su̱taso̍mo̱ dadā̍śat .. 5.037.05
5 May he support in peace and win in battle:- he masters both the hosts that meet together.
Dear shall he be to Sūrya, dear to Agni, who with pressed Soma offers gifts to India.
Sloka : 5.38.1
उ॒रोष्ट॑ इन्द्र॒ राध॑सो वि॒भ्वी रा॒तिः श॑तक्रतो ।
अधा॑ नो विश्वचर्षणे द्यु॒म्ना सु॑क्षत्र मंहय ॥ ५.०३८.०१
u̱roṣṭa̍ indra̱ rādha̍so vi̱bhvī rā̱tiḥ śa̍takrato .
adhā̍ no viśvacarṣaṇe dyu̱mnā su̍kṣatra maṃhaya .. 5.038.01
1. WIDE, Indra Śatakratu, spreads the bounty of thine ample grace:-
So, Lord of fair dominion, Friend of all men, give us splendid wealth.
Sloka : 5.38.2
यदी॑मिन्द्र श्र॒वाय्य॒मिषं॑ शविष्ठ दधि॒षे ।
प॒प्र॒थे दी॑र्घ॒श्रुत्त॑मं॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्ण दु॒ष्टर॑म् ॥ ५.०३८.०२
yadī̍mindra śra̱vāyya̱miṣa̍ṃ śaviṣṭha dadhi̱ṣe .
pa̱pra̱the dī̍rgha̱śrutta̍ma̱ṃ hira̍ṇyavarṇa du̱ṣṭara̍m .. 5.038.02
2 The food which, Mightiest Indra, thou possessest worthy of renown
Is bruited as most widely famed, invincible, O Golden-hued!
Sloka : 5.38.3
शुष्मा॑सो॒ ये ते॑ अद्रिवो मे॒हना॑ केत॒सापः॑ ।
उ॒भा दे॒वाव॒भिष्ट॑ये दि॒वश्च॒ ग्मश्च॑ राजथः ॥ ५.०३८.०३
śuṣmā̍so̱ ye te̍ adrivo me̱hanā̍ keta̱sāpa̍ḥ .
u̱bhā de̱vāva̱bhiṣṭa̍ye di̱vaśca̱ gmaśca̍ rājathaḥ .. 5.038.03
3 O Darter of the Stone, the powers which readily obey thy will,
Divinities, both thou and they, ye rule, to guard them, earth and heaven.
Sloka : 5.38.4
उ॒तो नो॑ अ॒स्य कस्य॑ चि॒द्दक्ष॑स्य॒ तव॑ वृत्रहन् ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ नृ॒म्णमा भ॑रा॒स्मभ्यं॑ नृमणस्यसे ॥ ५.०३८.०४
u̱to no̍ a̱sya kasya̍ ci̱ddakṣa̍sya̱ tava̍ vṛtrahan .
a̱smabhya̍ṃ nṛ̱mṇamā bha̍rā̱smabhya̍ṃ nṛmaṇasyase .. 5.038.04
4 And from whatever power of thine, O Vṛtra-slayer, it may be,
Bring thou to us heroic strength:- thou hast a man's regard for us.
Sloka : 5.38.5
नू त॑ आ॒भिर॒भिष्टि॑भि॒स्तव॒ शर्म॑ञ्छतक्रतो ।
इन्द्र॒ स्याम॑ सुगो॒पाः शूर॒ स्याम॑ सुगो॒पाः ॥ ५.०३८.०५
nū ta̍ ā̱bhira̱bhiṣṭi̍bhi̱stava̱ śarma̍ñchatakrato .
indra̱ syāma̍ sugo̱pāḥ śūra̱ syāma̍ sugo̱pāḥ .. 5.038.05
5 In thy protection, with these aids of thine, O Lord of Hundred Powers,
Indra, may we be guarded well, Hero, may we be guarded well.
Sloka : 5.39.1
यदि॑न्द्र चित्र मे॒हनास्ति॒ त्वादा॑तमद्रिवः ।
राध॒स्तन्नो॑ विदद्वस उभयाह॒स्त्या भ॑र ॥ ५.०३९.०१
yadi̍ndra citra me̱hanāsti̱ tvādā̍tamadrivaḥ .
rādha̱stanno̍ vidadvasa ubhayāha̱styā bha̍ra .. 5.039.01
1. STONE-DARTING Indra. Wondrous One, what wealth is richly given from thee,
That bounty, Treasure-Finder! bring filling both thy hands, to us.
Sloka : 5.39.2
यन्मन्य॑से॒ वरे॑ण्य॒मिन्द्र॑ द्यु॒क्षं तदा भ॑र ।
वि॒द्याम॒ तस्य॑ ते व॒यमकू॑पारस्य दा॒वने॑ ॥ ५.०३९.०२
yanmanya̍se̱ vare̍ṇya̱mindra̍ dyu̱kṣaṃ tadā bha̍ra .
vi̱dyāma̱ tasya̍ te va̱yamakū̍pārasya dā̱vane̍ .. 5.039.02
2 Bring what thou deemest worth the wish, O Indra, that which is in heaven.
So may we know thee as thou art, boundless in thy munificence.
Sloka : 5.39.3
यत्ते॑ दि॒त्सु प्र॒राध्यं॒ मनो॒ अस्ति॑ श्रु॒तं बृ॒हत् ।
तेन॑ दृ॒ळ्हा चि॑दद्रिव॒ आ वाजं॑ दर्षि सा॒तये॑ ॥ ५.०३९.०३
yatte̍ di̱tsu pra̱rādhya̱ṃ mano̱ asti̍ śru̱taṃ bṛ̱hat .
tena̍ dṛ̱l̤hā ci̍dadriva̱ ā vāja̍ṃ darṣi sā̱taye̍ .. 5.039.03
3 Thy lofty spirit, far-renowned as fain to give and prompt to win,
With this thou rendest een the firm, Stone-Darter! so to gain thee strength.
Sloka : 5.39.4
मंहि॑ष्ठं वो म॒घोनां॒ राजा॑नं चर्षणी॒नाम् ।
इन्द्र॒मुप॒ प्रश॑स्तये पू॒र्वीभि॑र्जुजुषे॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ५.०३९.०४
maṃhi̍ṣṭhaṃ vo ma̱ghonā̱ṃ rājā̍naṃ carṣaṇī̱nām .
indra̱mupa̱ praśa̍staye pū̱rvībhi̍rjujuṣe̱ gira̍ḥ .. 5.039.04
4 Singers with many songs have made Indra propitious to their fame,
Him who is King of human kind, most liberal of your wealthy ones.
Sloka : 5.39.5
अस्मा॒ इत्काव्यं॒ वच॑ उ॒क्थमिन्द्रा॑य॒ शंस्य॑म् ।
तस्मा॑ उ॒ ब्रह्म॑वाहसे॒ गिरो॑ वर्ध॒न्त्यत्र॑यो॒ गिरः॑ शुम्भ॒न्त्यत्र॑यः ॥ ५.०३९.०५
asmā̱ itkāvya̱ṃ vaca̍ u̱kthamindrā̍ya̱ śaṃsya̍m .
tasmā̍ u̱ brahma̍vāhase̱ giro̍ vardha̱ntyatra̍yo̱ gira̍ḥ śumbha̱ntyatra̍yaḥ .. 5.039.05
5 To him, to Indra must be sung the poet's word, the hymn of praise.
To him, accepter of the prayer, the Atris raise their songs on high, the Atris beautify their songs.
Sloka : 5.40.1
आ या॒ह्यद्रि॑भिः सु॒तं सोमं॑ सोमपते पिब ।
वृष॑न्निन्द्र॒ वृष॑भिर्वृत्रहन्तम ॥ ५.०४०.०१
ā yā̱hyadri̍bhiḥ su̱taṃ soma̍ṃ somapate piba .
vṛṣa̍nnindra̱ vṛṣa̍bhirvṛtrahantama .. 5.040.01
1. COME thou to what the stones have pressed, drink Soma, O thou Soma's Lord,
Indra best Vṛtra-slayer Strong One, with the Strong.
Sloka : 5.40.2
वृषा॒ ग्रावा॒ वृषा॒ मदो॒ वृषा॒ सोमो॑ अ॒यं सु॒तः ।
वृष॑न्निन्द्र॒ वृष॑भिर्वृत्रहन्तम ॥ ५.०४०.०२
vṛṣā̱ grāvā̱ vṛṣā̱ mado̱ vṛṣā̱ somo̍ a̱yaṃ su̱taḥ .
vṛṣa̍nnindra̱ vṛṣa̍bhirvṛtrahantama .. 5.040.02
2 Strong is the stone, the draught is strong, strong is this Soma that is pressed,
Indra, best Vṛtra-slayer, Strong One with the Strong.
Sloka : 5.40.3
वृषा॑ त्वा॒ वृष॑णं हुवे॒ वज्रि॑ञ्चि॒त्राभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।
वृष॑न्निन्द्र॒ वृष॑भिर्वृत्रहन्तम ॥ ५.०४०.०३
vṛṣā̍ tvā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ huve̱ vajri̍ñci̱trābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .
vṛṣa̍nnindra̱ vṛṣa̍bhirvṛtrahantama .. 5.040.03
3 As strong I call on thee the Strong, O Thunder-armed, with various aids,
Indra, best Vṛtra-slayer, Strong One with the Strong.
Sloka : 5.40.4
ऋ॒जी॒षी व॒ज्री वृ॑ष॒भस्तु॑रा॒षाट् छु॒ष्मी राजा॑ वृत्र॒हा सो॑म॒पावा॑ ।
यु॒क्त्वा हरि॑भ्या॒मुप॑ यासद॒र्वाङ्माध्यं॑दिने॒ सव॑ने मत्स॒दिन्द्रः॑ ॥ ५.०४०.०४
ṛ̱jī̱ṣī va̱jrī vṛ̍ṣa̱bhastu̍rā̱ṣāṭ chu̱ṣmī rājā̍ vṛtra̱hā so̍ma̱pāvā̍ .
yu̱ktvā hari̍bhyā̱mupa̍ yāsada̱rvāṅmādhya̍ṃdine̱ sava̍ne matsa̱dindra̍ḥ .. 5.040.04
4 Impetuous, Thunderer, Strong, quelling the mighty, King, potent, Vṛtra-slayer, Soma-drinker,
May he come hither with his yoked Bay Horses; may Indra gladden him at the noon libation.
Sloka : 5.40.5
यत्त्वा॑ सूर्य॒ स्व॑र्भानु॒स्तम॒सावि॑ध्यदासु॒रः ।
अक्षे॑त्रवि॒द्यथा॑ मु॒ग्धो भुव॑नान्यदीधयुः ॥ ५.०४०.०५
yattvā̍ sūrya̱ sva̍rbhānu̱stama̱sāvi̍dhyadāsu̱raḥ .
akṣe̍travi̱dyathā̍ mu̱gdho bhuva̍nānyadīdhayuḥ .. 5.040.05
5 O Sūrya, when the Asura's descendant Svarbhanu, pierced thee through and through with darkness,
All creatures looked like one who is bewildered, who knoweth not the place where he is standing.
Sloka : 5.40.6
स्व॑र्भानो॒रध॒ यदि॑न्द्र मा॒या अ॒वो दि॒वो वर्त॑माना अ॒वाह॑न् ।
गू॒ळ्हं सूर्यं॒ तम॒साप॑व्रतेन तु॒रीये॑ण॒ ब्रह्म॑णाविन्द॒दत्रिः॑ ॥ ५.०४०.०६
sva̍rbhāno̱radha̱ yadi̍ndra mā̱yā a̱vo di̱vo varta̍mānā a̱vāha̍n .
gū̱l̤haṃ sūrya̱ṃ tama̱sāpa̍vratena tu̱rīye̍ṇa̱ brahma̍ṇāvinda̱datri̍ḥ .. 5.040.06
6 What time thou smotest down Svarbhanu's magic that spread itself beneath the sky, O Indra,
By his fourth sacred prayer Atri disoovered Sūrya concealed in gloom that stayed his function.
Sloka : 5.40.7
मा मामि॒मं तव॒ सन्त॑मत्र इर॒स्या द्रु॒ग्धो भि॒यसा॒ नि गा॑रीत् ।
त्वं मि॒त्रो अ॑सि स॒त्यरा॑धा॒स्तौ मे॒हाव॑तं॒ वरु॑णश्च॒ राजा॑ ॥ ५.०४०.०७
mā māmi̱maṃ tava̱ santa̍matra ira̱syā dru̱gdho bhi̱yasā̱ ni gā̍rīt .
tvaṃ mi̱tro a̍si sa̱tyarā̍dhā̱stau me̱hāva̍ta̱ṃ varu̍ṇaśca̱ rājā̍ .. 5.040.07
7 Let not the oppressor with this dread, through anger swallow me up, for I am thine, O Atri.
Mitra art thou, the sender of true blessings:- thou and King Varuṇa be both my helpers.
Sloka : 5.40.8
ग्राव्णो॑ ब्र॒ह्मा यु॑युजा॒नः स॑प॒र्यन्की॒रिणा॑ दे॒वान्नम॑सोप॒शिक्ष॑न् ।
अत्रिः॒ सूर्य॑स्य दि॒वि चक्षु॒राधा॒त्स्व॑र्भानो॒रप॑ मा॒या अ॑घुक्षत् ॥ ५.०४०.०८
grāvṇo̍ bra̱hmā yu̍yujā̱naḥ sa̍pa̱ryankī̱riṇā̍ de̱vānnama̍sopa̱śikṣa̍n .
atri̱ḥ sūrya̍sya di̱vi cakṣu̱rādhā̱tsva̍rbhāno̱rapa̍ mā̱yā a̍ghukṣat .. 5.040.08
8 The Brahman Atri, as he set the press-stones, serving the Gods with praise and adoration,
Established in the heaven the eye of Sūrya, and caused Svarbhanu's magic arts to vanish.
Sloka : 5.40.9
यं वै सूर्यं॒ स्व॑र्भानु॒स्तम॒सावि॑ध्यदासु॒रः ।
अत्र॑य॒स्तमन्व॑विन्दन्न॒ह्य१॒॑न्ये अश॑क्नुवन् ॥ ५.०४०.०९
yaṃ vai sūrya̱ṃ sva̍rbhānu̱stama̱sāvi̍dhyadāsu̱raḥ .
atra̍ya̱stamanva̍vindanna̱hya1̱̍nye aśa̍knuvan .. 5.040.09
9 The Atris found the Sun again, him whom Svarbhanu of the brood
Of Asuras had pierced with gloom. This none besides had power to do.
Sloka : 5.41.1
को नु वां॑ मित्रावरुणावृता॒यन्दि॒वो वा॑ म॒हः पार्थि॑वस्य वा॒ दे ।
ऋ॒तस्य॑ वा॒ सद॑सि॒ त्रासी॑थां नो यज्ञाय॒ते वा॑ पशु॒षो न वाजा॑न् ॥ ५.०४१.०१
ko nu vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇāvṛtā̱yandi̱vo vā̍ ma̱haḥ pārthi̍vasya vā̱ de .
ṛ̱tasya̍ vā̱ sada̍si̱ trāsī̍thāṃ no yajñāya̱te vā̍ paśu̱ṣo na vājā̍n .. 5.041.01
1. WHO, Mitra-Varuṇa, is your pious servant to give you gifts from earth or mighty heaven?
Preserve us in the seat of holy Order, and give the offerer power that winneth cattle.
Sloka : 5.41.2
ते नो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो अर्य॒मायुरिन्द्र॑ ऋभु॒क्षा म॒रुतो॑ जुषन्त ।
नमो॑भिर्वा॒ ये दध॑ते सुवृ॒क्तिं स्तोमं॑ रु॒द्राय॑ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ ५.०४१.०२
te no̍ mi̱tro varu̍ṇo arya̱māyurindra̍ ṛbhu̱kṣā ma̱ruto̍ juṣanta .
namo̍bhirvā̱ ye dadha̍te suvṛ̱ktiṃ stoma̍ṃ ru̱drāya̍ mī̱l̤huṣe̍ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 5.041.02
2 May Mitra, Varuṇa, Aryaman, and Āyu, Indra Ṛbhukṣan, and the Maruts, love us,
And they who of one mind with bounteous Rudra accept the hymn and laud with adorations.
Sloka : 5.41.3
आ वां॒ येष्ठा॑श्विना हु॒वध्यै॒ वात॑स्य॒ पत्म॒न्रथ्य॑स्य पु॒ष्टौ ।
उ॒त वा॑ दि॒वो असु॑राय॒ मन्म॒ प्रान्धां॑सीव॒ यज्य॑वे भरध्वम् ॥ ५.०४१.०३
ā vā̱ṃ yeṣṭhā̍śvinā hu̱vadhyai̱ vāta̍sya̱ patma̱nrathya̍sya pu̱ṣṭau .
u̱ta vā̍ di̱vo asu̍rāya̱ manma̱ prāndhā̍ṃsīva̱ yajya̍ve bharadhvam .. 5.041.03
3 You will I call to feed the car-horse, Aśvins, with the wind's flight swiftest of those who travel:-
Or also to the Asura of heaven, Worshipful, bring a hymn as twere libation.
Sloka : 5.41.4
प्र स॒क्षणो॑ दि॒व्यः कण्व॑होता त्रि॒तो दि॒वः स॒जोषा॒ वातो॑ अ॒ग्निः ।
पू॒षा भगः॑ प्रभृ॒थे वि॒श्वभो॑जा आ॒जिं न ज॑ग्मुरा॒श्व॑श्वतमाः ॥ ५.०४१.०४
pra sa̱kṣaṇo̍ di̱vyaḥ kaṇva̍hotā tri̱to di̱vaḥ sa̱joṣā̱ vāto̍ a̱gniḥ .
pū̱ṣā bhaga̍ḥ prabhṛ̱the vi̱śvabho̍jā ā̱jiṃ na ja̍gmurā̱śva̍śvatamāḥ .. 5.041.04
4 The heavenly Victor, he whose priest is Kaṇva, Tṛta with Dyaus accordant, Vāta, Agni,
All-feeding Pūṣan, Bhaga sought the oblation, as they whose steeds are fleetest seek the contest.
Sloka : 5.41.5
प्र वो॑ र॒यिं यु॒क्ताश्वं॑ भरध्वं रा॒य एषेऽव॑से दधीत॒ धीः ।
सु॒शेव॒ एवै॑रौशि॒जस्य॒ होता॒ ये व॒ एवा॑ मरुतस्तु॒राणा॑म् ॥ ५.०४१.०५
pra vo̍ ra̱yiṃ yu̱ktāśva̍ṃ bharadhvaṃ rā̱ya eṣe'va̍se dadhīta̱ dhīḥ .
su̱śeva̱ evai̍rauśi̱jasya̱ hotā̱ ye va̱ evā̍ marutastu̱rāṇā̍m .. 5.041.05
5 Bring ye your riches forward borne on horses:- let thought be framed for help and gain of treasure.
Blest he the priest of Auśija through courses, the courses which are yours the fleet, O Maruts.
Sloka : 5.41.6
प्र वो॑ वा॒युं र॑थ॒युजं॑ कृणुध्वं॒ प्र दे॒वं विप्रं॑ पनि॒तार॑म॒र्कैः ।
इ॒षु॒ध्यव॑ ऋत॒सापः॒ पुरं॑धी॒र्वस्वी॑र्नो॒ अत्र॒ पत्नी॒रा धि॒ये धुः॑ ॥ ५.०४१.०६
pra vo̍ vā̱yuṃ ra̍tha̱yuja̍ṃ kṛṇudhva̱ṃ pra de̱vaṃ vipra̍ṃ pani̱tāra̍ma̱rkaiḥ .
i̱ṣu̱dhyava̍ ṛta̱sāpa̱ḥ pura̍ṃdhī̱rvasvī̍rno̱ atra̱ patnī̱rā dhi̱ye dhu̍ḥ .. 5.041.06
6 Bring hither him who yokes the car, your Vāyu, who praises with his songs, the God and Singer;
And, praying and devout, noble and prudent, may the Gods Spouses in their thoughts retain us.
Sloka : 5.41.7
उप॑ व॒ एषे॒ वन्द्ये॑भिः शू॒षैः प्र य॒ह्वी दि॒वश्चि॒तय॑द्भिर॒र्कैः ।
उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ वि॒दुषी॑व॒ विश्व॒मा हा॑ वहतो॒ मर्त्या॑य य॒ज्ञम् ॥ ५.०४१.०७
upa̍ va̱ eṣe̱ vandye̍bhiḥ śū̱ṣaiḥ pra ya̱hvī di̱vaści̱taya̍dbhira̱rkaiḥ .
u̱ṣāsā̱naktā̍ vi̱duṣī̍va̱ viśva̱mā hā̍ vahato̱ martyā̍ya ya̱jñam .. 5.041.07
7 I speed to you with powers that should be honoured, with songs distinguishing Heaven's mighty Daughters,
Morning and Night, the Two, as twere all-knowing:- these bring the sacrifice unto the mortal.
Sloka : 5.41.8
अ॒भि वो॑ अर्चे पो॒ष्याव॑तो॒ नॄन्वास्तो॒ष्पतिं॒ त्वष्टा॑रं॒ ररा॑णः ।
धन्या॑ स॒जोषा॑ धि॒षणा॒ नमो॑भि॒र्वन॒स्पती॒ँरोष॑धी रा॒य एषे॑ ॥ ५.०४१.०८
a̱bhi vo̍ arce po̱ṣyāva̍to̱ nṝnvāsto̱ṣpati̱ṃ tvaṣṭā̍ra̱ṃ rarā̍ṇaḥ .
dhanyā̍ sa̱joṣā̍ dhi̱ṣaṇā̱ namo̍bhi̱rvana̱spatī̱m̐roṣa̍dhī rā̱ya eṣe̍ .. 5.041.08
8 You I extol, the nourishers of heroes bringing you gifts, Vastospati and Tvaṣṭar-
Rich Dhiṣaṇā accords through our obeisance - andTrees and Plants, for the swift gain of riches.
Sloka : 5.41.9
तु॒जे न॒स्तने॒ पर्व॑ताः सन्तु॒ स्वैत॑वो॒ ये वस॑वो॒ न वी॒राः ।
प॒नि॒त आ॒प्त्यो य॑ज॒तः सदा॑ नो॒ वर्धा॑न्नः॒ शंसं॒ नर्यो॑ अ॒भिष्टौ॑ ॥ ५.०४१.०९
tu̱je na̱stane̱ parva̍tāḥ santu̱ svaita̍vo̱ ye vasa̍vo̱ na vī̱rāḥ .
pa̱ni̱ta ā̱ptyo ya̍ja̱taḥ sadā̍ no̱ vardhā̍nna̱ḥ śaṃsa̱ṃ naryo̍ a̱bhiṣṭau̍ .. 5.041.09
9 Ours be the Parvatas, even they, for offspring, free-moving, who are Heroes like the Vasus.
May holy Āptya, Friend of man, exalted, strengthen our word for ever and be near us.
Sloka : 5.41.10
वृष्णो॑ अस्तोषि भू॒म्यस्य॒ गर्भं॑ त्रि॒तो नपा॑तम॒पां सु॑वृ॒क्ति ।
गृ॒णी॒ते अ॒ग्निरे॒तरी॒ न शू॒षैः शो॒चिष्के॑शो॒ नि रि॑णाति॒ वना॑ ॥ ५.०४१.१०
vṛṣṇo̍ astoṣi bhū̱myasya̱ garbha̍ṃ tri̱to napā̍tama̱pāṃ su̍vṛ̱kti .
gṛ̱ṇī̱te a̱gnire̱tarī̱ na śū̱ṣaiḥ śo̱ciṣke̍śo̱ ni ri̍ṇāti̱ vanā̍ .. 5.041.10
10 Tṛta praised him, germ of the earthly hero, with pure songs him the Offspring of the Waters.
Agn; with might neighs loudly like a charger:- he of the flaming hair destroys the forests.
Sloka : 5.41.11
क॒था म॒हे रु॒द्रिया॑य ब्रवाम॒ कद्रा॒ये चि॑कि॒तुषे॒ भगा॑य ।
आप॒ ओष॑धीरु॒त नो॑ऽवन्तु॒ द्यौर्वना॑ गि॒रयो॑ वृ॒क्षके॑शाः ॥ ५.०४१.११
ka̱thā ma̱he ru̱driyā̍ya bravāma̱ kadrā̱ye ci̍ki̱tuṣe̱ bhagā̍ya .
āpa̱ oṣa̍dhīru̱ta no̎vantu̱ dyaurvanā̍ gi̱rayo̍ vṛ̱kṣake̍śāḥ .. 5.041.11
11 How shall we speak to the great might of Rudra? How speak to Bhaga who takes thought for riches?
May Plants, the Waters, and the Sky preserve us, and Woods and Mountains with their trees for tresses.
Sloka : 5.41.12
शृ॒णोतु॑ न ऊ॒र्जां पति॒र्गिरः॒ स नभ॒स्तरी॑याँ इषि॒रः परि॑ज्मा ।
शृ॒ण्वन्त्वापः॒ पुरो॒ न शु॒भ्राः परि॒ स्रुचो॑ बबृहा॒णस्याद्रेः॑ ॥ ५.०४१.१२
śṛ̱ṇotu̍ na ū̱rjāṃ pati̱rgira̱ḥ sa nabha̱starī̍yām̐ iṣi̱raḥ pari̍jmā .
śṛ̱ṇvantvāpa̱ḥ puro̱ na śu̱bhrāḥ pari̱ sruco̍ babṛhā̱ṇasyādre̍ḥ .. 5.041.12
12 May the swift Wanderer, Lord of refreshments listen to our songs, who speeds throuih cloudy heaven:-
And may the Waters, bright like castles, hear us, as they flow onward from the cloven mountain.
Sloka : 5.41.13
वि॒दा चि॒न्नु म॑हान्तो॒ ये व॒ एवा॒ ब्रवा॑म दस्मा॒ वार्यं॒ दधा॑नाः ।
वय॑श्च॒न सु॒भ्व१॒॑ आव॑ यन्ति क्षु॒भा मर्त॒मनु॑यतं वध॒स्नैः ॥ ५.०४१.१३
vi̱dā ci̱nnu ma̍hānto̱ ye va̱ evā̱ bravā̍ma dasmā̱ vārya̱ṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .
vaya̍śca̱na su̱bhva1̱̍ āva̍ yanti kṣu̱bhā marta̱manu̍yataṃ vadha̱snaiḥ .. 5.041.13
13 We know your ways, ye Mighty Ones receiving choice meed, ye Wonderful, we will proclaim it.
Even strong birds descend not to the mortal who strives to reach them with swift blow and weapons.
Sloka : 5.41.14
आ दैव्या॑नि॒ पार्थि॑वानि॒ जन्मा॒पश्चाच्छा॒ सुम॑खाय वोचम् ।
वर्ध॑न्तां॒ द्यावो॒ गिर॑श्च॒न्द्राग्रा॑ उ॒दा व॑र्धन्ताम॒भिषा॑ता॒ अर्णाः॑ ॥ ५.०४१.१४
ā daivyā̍ni̱ pārthi̍vāni̱ janmā̱paścācchā̱ suma̍khāya vocam .
vardha̍ntā̱ṃ dyāvo̱ gira̍śca̱ndrāgrā̍ u̱dā va̍rdhantāma̱bhiṣā̍tā̱ arṇā̍ḥ .. 5.041.14
14 Celestial and terrestrial generations, and Waters will I summon to the feasting.
May days with bright dawns cause my songs to prosper, and may the conquered streams increase their waters.
Sloka : 5.41.15
प॒देप॑दे मे जरि॒मा नि धा॑यि॒ वरू॑त्री वा श॒क्रा या पा॒युभि॑श्च ।
सिष॑क्तु मा॒ता म॒ही र॒सा नः॒ स्मत्सू॒रिभि॑रृजु॒हस्त॑ ऋजु॒वनिः॑ ॥ ५.०४१.१५
pa̱depa̍de me jari̱mā ni dhā̍yi̱ varū̍trī vā śa̱krā yā pā̱yubhi̍śca .
siṣa̍ktu mā̱tā ma̱hī ra̱sā na̱ḥ smatsū̱ribhi̍rṛju̱hasta̍ ṛju̱vani̍ḥ .. 5.041.15
15 Duly to each one hath my laud been offered. Strong be Varūtrī with her powers to succour.
May the great Mother Rasā here befriend us, straight-handed, with the princes, striving forward.
Sloka : 5.41.16
क॒था दा॑शेम॒ नम॑सा सु॒दानू॑नेव॒या म॒रुतो॒ अच्छो॑क्तौ॒ प्रश्र॑वसो म॒रुतो॒ अच्छो॑क्तौ ।
मा नोऽहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्यो॑ रि॒षे धा॑द॒स्माकं॑ भूदुपमाति॒वनिः॑ ॥ ५.०४१.१६
ka̱thā dā̍śema̱ nama̍sā su̱dānū̍neva̱yā ma̱ruto̱ accho̍ktau̱ praśra̍vaso ma̱ruto̱ accho̍ktau .
mā no'hi̍rbu̱dhnyo̍ ri̱ṣe dhā̍da̱smāka̍ṃ bhūdupamāti̱vani̍ḥ .. 5.041.16
16 How may we serve the Liberal Ones with worship, the Maruts swift of course in invocation, the Maruts far-renowned in invocation?
Let not the Dragon of the Deep annoy us, and gladly may he welcome our addresses.
Sloka : 5.41.17
इति॑ चि॒न्नु प्र॒जायै॑ पशु॒मत्यै॒ देवा॑सो॒ वन॑ते॒ मर्त्यो॑ व॒ आ दे॑वासो वनते॒ मर्त्यो॑ वः ।
अत्रा॑ शि॒वां त॒न्वो॑ धा॒सिम॒स्या ज॒रां चि॑न्मे॒ निरृ॑तिर्जग्रसीत ॥ ५.०४१.१७
iti̍ ci̱nnu pra̱jāyai̍ paśu̱matyai̱ devā̍so̱ vana̍te̱ martyo̍ va̱ ā de̍vāso vanate̱ martyo̍ vaḥ .
atrā̍ śi̱vāṃ ta̱nvo̍ dhā̱sima̱syā ja̱rāṃ ci̍nme̱ nirṛ̍tirjagrasīta .. 5.041.17
17 Thus thinking, O ye Gods, the mortal wins you to give him increase of his herds of cattle:- the mortal wins him, O ye Gods, your favour.
Here he wins wholesome food to feed this body:- as for mine old age, Nirrti consume it
Sloka : 5.41.18
तां वो॑ देवाः सुम॒तिमू॒र्जय॑न्ती॒मिष॑मश्याम वसवः॒ शसा॒ गोः ।
सा नः॑ सु॒दानु॑र्मृ॒ळय॑न्ती दे॒वी प्रति॒ द्रव॑न्ती सुवि॒ताय॑ गम्याः ॥ ५.०४१.१८
tāṃ vo̍ devāḥ suma̱timū̱rjaya̍ntī̱miṣa̍maśyāma vasava̱ḥ śasā̱ goḥ .
sā na̍ḥ su̱dānu̍rmṛ̱l̤aya̍ntī de̱vī prati̱ drava̍ntī suvi̱tāya̍ gamyāḥ .. 5.041.18
18 O Gods, may we obtain from you this favour, strengthening food through the Cow's praise, ye Vasus.
May she who gives good gifts, the gracious Goddes. s, come speeding nigh to us for our well-being.
Sloka : 5.41.19
अ॒भि न॒ इळा॑ यू॒थस्य॑ मा॒ता स्मन्न॒दीभि॑रु॒र्वशी॑ वा गृणातु ।
उ॒र्वशी॑ वा बृहद्दि॒वा गृ॑णा॒नाभ्यू॑र्ण्वा॒ना प्र॑भृ॒थस्या॒योः ॥ ५.०४१.१९
a̱bhi na̱ il̤ā̍ yū̱thasya̍ mā̱tā smanna̱dībhi̍ru̱rvaśī̍ vā gṛṇātu .
u̱rvaśī̍ vā bṛhaddi̱vā gṛ̍ṇā̱nābhyū̍rṇvā̱nā pra̍bhṛ̱thasyā̱yoḥ .. 5.041.19
19 May Iḷā, Mother of the herds of cattle, and Urvasi with all the streams accept us;
May Urvasi in lofty heaven accepting, as she partakes the oblation of the living,
Sloka : 5.41.20
सिष॑क्तु न ऊर्ज॒व्य॑स्य पु॒ष्टेः ॥ ५.०४१.२०
siṣa̍ktu na ūrja̱vya̍sya pu̱ṣṭeḥ .. 5.041.20
20 Visit us while she shares Urjavya's food.
Sloka : 5.42.1
प्र शंत॑मा॒ वरु॑णं॒ दीधि॑ती॒ गीर्मि॒त्रं भग॒मदि॑तिं नू॒नम॑श्याः ।
पृष॑द्योनिः॒ पञ्च॑होता शृणो॒त्वतू॑र्तपन्था॒ असु॑रो मयो॒भुः ॥ ५.०४२.०१
pra śaṃta̍mā̱ varu̍ṇa̱ṃ dīdhi̍tī̱ gīrmi̱traṃ bhaga̱madi̍tiṃ nū̱nama̍śyāḥ .
pṛṣa̍dyoni̱ḥ pañca̍hotā śṛṇo̱tvatū̍rtapanthā̱ asu̍ro mayo̱bhuḥ .. 5.042.01
1. Now may our sweetest song with deep devotion reach Varuṇa, Mitra, Aditi, and Bhaga.
May the Five Priests' Lord, dwelling in oblations, bliss-giving Asura, hear, whose paths are open.
Sloka : 5.42.2
प्रति॑ मे॒ स्तोम॒मदि॑तिर्जगृभ्यात्सू॒नुं न मा॒ता हृद्यं॑ सु॒शेव॑म् ।
ब्रह्म॑ प्रि॒यं दे॒वहि॑तं॒ यदस्त्य॒हं मि॒त्रे वरु॑णे॒ यन्म॑यो॒भु ॥ ५.०४२.०२
prati̍ me̱ stoma̱madi̍tirjagṛbhyātsū̱nuṃ na mā̱tā hṛdya̍ṃ su̱śeva̍m .
brahma̍ pri̱yaṃ de̱vahi̍ta̱ṃ yadastya̱haṃ mi̱tre varu̍ṇe̱ yanma̍yo̱bhu .. 5.042.02
2 May Aditi welcome, even as a mother her dear heart-gladdening son, my song that lauds her.
The prayer they love, bliss-giving, God-appointed, I offer unto Varuṇa and Mitra.
Sloka : 5.42.3
उदी॑रय क॒वित॑मं कवी॒नामु॒नत्तै॑नम॒भि मध्वा॑ घृ॒तेन॑ ।
स नो॒ वसू॑नि॒ प्रय॑ता हि॒तानि॑ च॒न्द्राणि॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता सु॑वाति ॥ ५.०४२.०३
udī̍raya ka̱vita̍maṃ kavī̱nāmu̱nattai̍nama̱bhi madhvā̍ ghṛ̱tena̍ .
sa no̱ vasū̍ni̱ praya̍tā hi̱tāni̍ ca̱ndrāṇi̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā su̍vāti .. 5.042.03
3 In spirit him, the Sagest of the Sages; with sacrificial oil and meath bedew him
So then let him, God Savitar, provide us excellent, ready, and resplendent treasures.
Sloka : 5.42.4
समि॑न्द्र णो॒ मन॑सा नेषि॒ गोभिः॒ सं सू॒रिभि॑र्हरिवः॒ सं स्व॒स्ति ।
सं ब्रह्म॑णा दे॒वहि॑तं॒ यदस्ति॒ सं दे॒वानां॑ सुम॒त्या य॒ज्ञिया॑नाम् ॥ ५.०४२.०४
sami̍ndra ṇo̱ mana̍sā neṣi̱ gobhi̱ḥ saṃ sū̱ribhi̍rhariva̱ḥ saṃ sva̱sti .
saṃ brahma̍ṇā de̱vahi̍ta̱ṃ yadasti̱ saṃ de̱vānā̍ṃ suma̱tyā ya̱jñiyā̍nām .. 5.042.04
4 With willing mind, Indra, vouchsafe us cattle, prosperity, Lord of Bays! and pious patrons;
And, with the sacred prayer by Gods appointed, give us the holy Deities' lovingkindness.
Sloka : 5.42.5
दे॒वो भगः॑ सवि॒ता रा॒यो अंश॒ इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्रस्य॑ सं॒जितो॒ धना॑नाम् ।
ऋ॒भु॒क्षा वाज॑ उ॒त वा॒ पुरं॑धि॒रव॑न्तु नो अ॒मृता॑सस्तु॒रासः॑ ॥ ५.०४२.०५
de̱vo bhaga̍ḥ savi̱tā rā̱yo aṃśa̱ indro̍ vṛ̱trasya̍ sa̱ṃjito̱ dhanā̍nām .
ṛ̱bhu̱kṣā vāja̍ u̱ta vā̱ pura̍ṃdhi̱rava̍ntu no a̱mṛtā̍sastu̱rāsa̍ḥ .. 5.042.05
5 God Bhaga, Savitar who deals forth riches, Indra, and they who conquer Vṛtra's treasures,
And Vāja and Ṛbhukṣan and Purandhi, the Mighty and Immortal Ones, protect us!
Sloka : 5.42.6
म॒रुत्व॑तो॒ अप्र॑तीतस्य जि॒ष्णोरजू॑र्यतः॒ प्र ब्र॑वामा कृ॒तानि॑ ।
न ते॒ पूर्वे॑ मघव॒न्नाप॑रासो॒ न वी॒र्यं१॒॑ नूत॑नः॒ कश्च॒नाप॑ ॥ ५.०४२.०६
ma̱rutva̍to̱ apra̍tītasya ji̱ṣṇorajū̍ryata̱ḥ pra bra̍vāmā kṛ̱tāni̍ .
na te̱ pūrve̍ maghava̱nnāpa̍rāso̱ na vī̱ryaṃ1̱̍ nūta̍na̱ḥ kaśca̱nāpa̍ .. 5.042.06
6 Let us declare his deeds, the undecaying unrivalled Victor whom the Maruts follow.
None of old times, O Maghavan, nor later, none of these days hath reached thy hero prowess.
Sloka : 5.42.7
उप॑ स्तुहि प्रथ॒मं र॑त्न॒धेयं॒ बृह॒स्पतिं॑ सनि॒तारं॒ धना॑नाम् ।
यः शंस॑ते स्तुव॒ते शम्भ॑विष्ठः पुरू॒वसु॑रा॒गम॒ज्जोहु॑वानम् ॥ ५.०४२.०७
upa̍ stuhi pratha̱maṃ ra̍tna̱dheya̱ṃ bṛha̱spati̍ṃ sani̱tāra̱ṃ dhanā̍nām .
yaḥ śaṃsa̍te stuva̱te śambha̍viṣṭhaḥ purū̱vasu̍rā̱gama̱jjohu̍vānam .. 5.042.07
7 Praise him the Chief who gives the boon of riches, Bṛhaspati distributor of treasures,
Who, blessing most the man who sings and praises, comes with abundant wealth to his invoker.
Sloka : 5.42.8
तवो॒तिभिः॒ सच॑माना॒ अरि॑ष्टा॒ बृह॑स्पते म॒घवा॑नः सु॒वीराः॑ ।
ये अ॑श्व॒दा उ॒त वा॒ सन्ति॑ गो॒दा ये व॑स्त्र॒दाः सु॒भगा॒स्तेषु॒ रायः॑ ॥ ५.०४२.०८
tavo̱tibhi̱ḥ saca̍mānā̱ ari̍ṣṭā̱ bṛha̍spate ma̱ghavā̍naḥ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .
ye a̍śva̱dā u̱ta vā̱ santi̍ go̱dā ye va̍stra̱dāḥ su̱bhagā̱steṣu̱ rāya̍ḥ .. 5.042.08
8 Tended, Bṛhaspati, with thy protections, the princes are unharmed and girt by heroes.
Wealth that brings bliss is found among the givers of horses and of cattle and of raiment.
Sloka : 5.42.9
वि॒स॒र्माणं॑ कृणुहि वि॒त्तमे॑षां॒ ये भु॒ञ्जते॒ अपृ॑णन्तो न उ॒क्थैः ।
अप॑व्रतान्प्रस॒वे वा॑वृधा॒नान्ब्र॑ह्म॒द्विषः॒ सूर्या॑द्यावयस्व ॥ ५.०४२.०९
vi̱sa̱rmāṇa̍ṃ kṛṇuhi vi̱ttame̍ṣā̱ṃ ye bhu̱ñjate̱ apṛ̍ṇanto na u̱kthaiḥ .
apa̍vratānprasa̱ve vā̍vṛdhā̱nānbra̍hma̱dviṣa̱ḥ sūryā̍dyāvayasva .. 5.042.09
9 Make their wealth flee who, through our hymns enjoying their riches, yield us not an ample guerdon.
Far from the sun keep those who hate devotion, the godless, prospering in their vocation.
Sloka : 5.42.10
य ओह॑ते र॒क्षसो॑ दे॒ववी॑तावच॒क्रेभि॒स्तं म॑रुतो॒ नि या॑त ।
यो वः॒ शमीं॑ शशमा॒नस्य॒ निन्दा॑त्तु॒च्छ्यान्कामा॑न्करते सिष्विदा॒नः ॥ ५.०४२.१०
ya oha̍te ra̱kṣaso̍ de̱vavī̍tāvaca̱krebhi̱staṃ ma̍ruto̱ ni yā̍ta .
yo va̱ḥ śamī̍ṃ śaśamā̱nasya̱ nindā̍ttu̱cchyānkāmā̍nkarate siṣvidā̱naḥ .. 5.042.10
10 With wheelless chariots drive down him, O Maruts, who at the feasts of Gods regards the demons.
May he, though bathed in sweat, form empty wishes, who blames his sacred rite who toils to serve you.
Sloka : 5.42.11
तमु॑ ष्टुहि॒ यः स्वि॒षुः सु॒धन्वा॒ यो विश्व॑स्य॒ क्षय॑ति भेष॒जस्य॑ ।
यक्ष्वा॑ म॒हे सौ॑मन॒साय॑ रु॒द्रं नमो॑भिर्दे॒वमसु॑रं दुवस्य ॥ ५.०४२.११
tamu̍ ṣṭuhi̱ yaḥ svi̱ṣuḥ su̱dhanvā̱ yo viśva̍sya̱ kṣaya̍ti bheṣa̱jasya̍ .
yakṣvā̍ ma̱he sau̍mana̱sāya̍ ru̱draṃ namo̍bhirde̱vamasu̍raṃ duvasya .. 5.042.11
11 Praise him whose bow is strong and sure his arrow, him who is Lord of every balm that bealeth.
Worship thou Rudra for his great good favour:- adore the Asura, God, with salutations.
Sloka : 5.42.12
दमू॑नसो अ॒पसो॒ ये सु॒हस्ता॒ वृष्णः॒ पत्नी॑र्न॒द्यो॑ विभ्वत॒ष्टाः ।
सर॑स्वती बृहद्दि॒वोत रा॒का द॑श॒स्यन्ती॑र्वरिवस्यन्तु शु॒भ्राः ॥ ५.०४२.१२
damū̍naso a̱paso̱ ye su̱hastā̱ vṛṣṇa̱ḥ patnī̍rna̱dyo̍ vibhvata̱ṣṭāḥ .
sara̍svatī bṛhaddi̱vota rā̱kā da̍śa̱syantī̍rvarivasyantu śu̱bhrāḥ .. 5.042.12
12 May the House-friends, the cunning-handed Artists, may the Steer's Wives, the streams carved out by Vibhvan,
And may the fair Ones honour and befriend us, Sarasvatī, Brhaddiva, and Rākā.
Sloka : 5.42.13
प्र सू म॒हे सु॑शर॒णाय॑ मे॒धां गिरं॑ भरे॒ नव्य॑सीं॒ जाय॑मानाम् ।
य आ॑ह॒ना दु॑हि॒तुर्व॒क्षणा॑सु रू॒पा मि॑ना॒नो अकृ॑णोदि॒दं नः॑ ॥ ५.०४२.१३
pra sū ma̱he su̍śara̱ṇāya̍ me̱dhāṃ gira̍ṃ bhare̱ navya̍sī̱ṃ jāya̍mānām .
ya ā̍ha̱nā du̍hi̱turva̱kṣaṇā̍su rū̱pā mi̍nā̱no akṛ̍ṇodi̱daṃ na̍ḥ .. 5.042.13
13 My newest song, thought that now springs within me, I offer to the Great, the Sure Protector,
Who made for us this All, in fond love laying each varied form within his Daughter's bosom.
Sloka : 5.42.14
प्र सु॑ष्टु॒तिः स्त॒नय॑न्तं रु॒वन्त॑मि॒ळस्पतिं॑ जरितर्नू॒नम॑श्याः ।
यो अ॑ब्दि॒माँ उ॑दनि॒माँ इय॑र्ति॒ प्र वि॒द्युता॒ रोद॑सी उ॒क्षमा॑णः ॥ ५.०४२.१४
pra su̍ṣṭu̱tiḥ sta̱naya̍ntaṃ ru̱vanta̍mi̱l̤aspati̍ṃ jaritarnū̱nama̍śyāḥ .
yo a̍bdi̱mām̐ u̍dani̱mām̐ iya̍rti̱ pra vi̱dyutā̱ roda̍sī u̱kṣamā̍ṇaḥ .. 5.042.14
14 Now, even now, may thy fair praise, O Singer, attain Idaspati who roars and thunders,
Who, rich in clouds and waters with his lightning speeds forth bedewing both the earth and heaven.
Sloka : 5.42.15
ए॒ष स्तोमो॒ मारु॑तं॒ शर्धो॒ अच्छा॑ रु॒द्रस्य॑ सू॒नूँर्यु॑व॒न्यूँरुद॑श्याः ।
कामो॑ रा॒ये ह॑वते मा स्व॒स्त्युप॑ स्तुहि॒ पृष॑दश्वाँ अ॒यासः॑ ॥ ५.०४२.१५
e̱ṣa stomo̱ māru̍ta̱ṃ śardho̱ acchā̍ ru̱drasya̍ sū̱nūm̐ryu̍va̱nyūm̐ruda̍śyāḥ .
kāmo̍ rā̱ye ha̍vate mā sva̱styupa̍ stuhi̱ pṛṣa̍daśvām̐ a̱yāsa̍ḥ .. 5.042.15
15 May this my laud attain the troop of Maruts, those who are youths in act, the Sons of Rudra.
The wish calls me to riches and well-being:- praise the unwearied Ones whose steeds are dappled.
Sloka : 5.42.16
प्रैष स्तोमः॑ पृथि॒वीम॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ वन॒स्पती॒ँरोष॑धी रा॒ये अ॑श्याः ।
दे॒वोदे॑वः सु॒हवो॑ भूतु॒ मह्यं॒ मा नो॑ मा॒ता पृ॑थि॒वी दु॑र्म॒तौ धा॑त् ॥ ५.०४२.१६
praiṣa stoma̍ḥ pṛthi̱vīma̱ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ vana̱spatī̱m̐roṣa̍dhī rā̱ye a̍śyāḥ .
de̱vode̍vaḥ su̱havo̍ bhūtu̱ mahya̱ṃ mā no̍ mā̱tā pṛ̍thi̱vī du̍rma̱tau dhā̍t .. 5.042.16
16 May this my laud reach earth and air's mid-region, and forest trees and plants to win me riches.
May every Deity be swift to listen, and Mother Earth with no ill thought regard me.
Sloka : 5.42.17
उ॒रौ दे॑वा अनिबा॒धे स्या॑म ॥ ५.०४२.१७
u̱rau de̍vā anibā̱dhe syā̍ma .. 5.042.17
17 Gods, may we dwell in free untroubled bliss.
Sloka : 5.42.18
सम॒श्विनो॒रव॑सा॒ नूत॑नेन मयो॒भुवा॑ सु॒प्रणी॑ती गमेम ।
आ नो॑ र॒यिं व॑हत॒मोत वी॒राना विश्वा॑न्यमृता॒ सौभ॑गानि ॥ ५.०४२.१८
sama̱śvino̱rava̍sā̱ nūta̍nena mayo̱bhuvā̍ su̱praṇī̍tī gamema .
ā no̍ ra̱yiṃ va̍hata̱mota vī̱rānā viśvā̍nyamṛtā̱ saubha̍gāni .. 5.042.18
18 May we obtain the Aśvins' newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
Sloka : 5.43.1
आ धे॒नवः॒ पय॑सा॒ तूर्ण्य॑र्था॒ अम॑र्धन्ती॒रुप॑ नो यन्तु॒ मध्वा॑ ।
म॒हो रा॒ये बृ॑ह॒तीः स॒प्त विप्रो॑ मयो॒भुवो॑ जरि॒ता जो॑हवीति ॥ ५.०४३.०१
ā dhe̱nava̱ḥ paya̍sā̱ tūrṇya̍rthā̱ ama̍rdhantī̱rupa̍ no yantu̱ madhvā̍ .
ma̱ho rā̱ye bṛ̍ha̱tīḥ sa̱pta vipro̍ mayo̱bhuvo̍ jari̱tā jo̍havīti .. 5.043.01
1. MAY the Milch-cows who hasten to their object come harmless unto us with liquid sweetness.
The Singer, lauding, calls, for ample riches, the Seven Mighty Ones who bring enjoyment.
Sloka : 5.43.2
आ सु॑ष्टु॒ती नम॑सा वर्त॒यध्यै॒ द्यावा॒ वाजा॑य पृथि॒वी अमृ॑ध्रे ।
पि॒ता मा॒ता मधु॑वचाः सु॒हस्ता॒ भरे॑भरे नो य॒शसा॑वविष्टाम् ॥ ५.०४३.०२
ā su̍ṣṭu̱tī nama̍sā varta̱yadhyai̱ dyāvā̱ vājā̍ya pṛthi̱vī amṛ̍dhre .
pi̱tā mā̱tā madhu̍vacāḥ su̱hastā̱ bhare̍bhare no ya̱śasā̍vaviṣṭām .. 5.043.02
2 With reverence and fair praise will I bring hither, for sake of strength, exhaustless Earth and Heaven.
Father and Mother, sweetof speech, fairhanded, may they, far-famed, in every fight protect us.
Sloka : 5.43.3
अध्व॑र्यवश्चकृ॒वांसो॒ मधू॑नि॒ प्र वा॒यवे॑ भरत॒ चारु॑ शु॒क्रम् ।
होते॑व नः प्रथ॒मः पा॑ह्य॒स्य देव॒ मध्वो॑ ररि॒मा ते॒ मदा॑य ॥ ५.०४३.०३
adhva̍ryavaścakṛ̱vāṃso̱ madhū̍ni̱ pra vā̱yave̍ bharata̱ cāru̍ śu̱kram .
hote̍va naḥ pratha̱maḥ pā̍hya̱sya deva̱ madhvo̍ rari̱mā te̱ madā̍ya .. 5.043.03
3 Adhvaryus, make the sweet libations ready, and bring the beautiful bright juice to Vāyu.
God, as our Priest, be thou the first to drink it:- we give thee of the mead to make thee joyful.
Sloka : 5.43.4
दश॒ क्षिपो॑ युञ्जते बा॒हू अद्रिं॒ सोम॑स्य॒ या श॑मि॒तारा॑ सु॒हस्ता॑ ।
मध्वो॒ रसं॑ सु॒गभ॑स्तिर्गिरि॒ष्ठां चनि॑श्चदद्दुदुहे शु॒क्रमं॒शुः ॥ ५.०४३.०४
daśa̱ kṣipo̍ yuñjate bā̱hū adri̱ṃ soma̍sya̱ yā śa̍mi̱tārā̍ su̱hastā̍ .
madhvo̱ rasa̍ṃ su̱gabha̍stirgiri̱ṣṭhāṃ cani̍ścadadduduhe śu̱krama̱ṃśuḥ .. 5.043.04
4 Two arms-the Soma's dexterous immo. lators-and the ten fingers set and fix the press-stone.
The stalk hath poured, fair with its spreading branches, the mead's bright glittering juice that dwells on mountains.
Sloka : 5.43.5
असा॑वि ते जुजुषा॒णाय॒ सोमः॒ क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य बृह॒ते मदा॑य ।
हरी॒ रथे॑ सु॒धुरा॒ योगे॑ अ॒र्वागिन्द्र॑ प्रि॒या कृ॑णुहि हू॒यमा॑नः ॥ ५.०४३.०५
asā̍vi te jujuṣā̱ṇāya̱ soma̱ḥ kratve̱ dakṣā̍ya bṛha̱te madā̍ya .
harī̱ rathe̍ su̱dhurā̱ yoge̍ a̱rvāgindra̍ pri̱yā kṛ̍ṇuhi hū̱yamā̍naḥ .. 5.043.05
5 The Soma hath been pressed for thee, its lover, to give thee power and might and high enjoyment.
Invoked, turn hither in thy car, O Indra, at need, thy two well-trained and dear Bay Horses.
Sloka : 5.43.6
आ नो॑ म॒हीम॒रम॑तिं स॒जोषा॒ ग्नां दे॒वीं नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्याम् ।
मधो॒र्मदा॑य बृह॒तीमृ॑त॒ज्ञामाग्ने॑ वह प॒थिभि॑र्देव॒यानैः॑ ॥ ५.०४३.०६
ā no̍ ma̱hīma̱rama̍tiṃ sa̱joṣā̱ gnāṃ de̱vīṃ nama̍sā rā̱taha̍vyām .
madho̱rmadā̍ya bṛha̱tīmṛ̍ta̱jñāmāgne̍ vaha pa̱thibhi̍rdeva̱yānai̍ḥ .. 5.043.06
6 Bring by God-traversed paths, accordant, Agni, the great Aramati, Celestial Lady,
Exalted, worshipped with our gifts and homage, who knoweth holy Law, to drink sweet Soma.
Sloka : 5.43.7
अ॒ञ्जन्ति॒ यं प्र॒थय॑न्तो॒ न विप्रा॑ व॒पाव॑न्तं॒ नाग्निना॒ तप॑न्तः ।
पि॒तुर्न पु॒त्र उ॒पसि॒ प्रेष्ठ॒ आ घ॒र्मो अ॒ग्निमृ॒तय॑न्नसादि ॥ ५.०४३.०७
a̱ñjanti̱ yaṃ pra̱thaya̍nto̱ na viprā̍ va̱pāva̍nta̱ṃ nāgninā̱ tapa̍ntaḥ .
pi̱turna pu̱tra u̱pasi̱ preṣṭha̱ ā gha̱rmo a̱gnimṛ̱taya̍nnasādi .. 5.043.07
7 As on his father's lap the son, the darling, so on the fire is set the sacred caldron,
Which holy singers deck, as if extending and heating that which holds the fatty membrane.
Sloka : 5.43.8
अच्छा॑ म॒ही बृ॑ह॒ती शंत॑मा॒ गीर्दू॒तो न ग॑न्त्व॒श्विना॑ हु॒वध्यै॑ ।
म॒यो॒भुवा॑ स॒रथा या॑तम॒र्वाग्ग॒न्तं नि॒धिं धुर॑मा॒णिर्न नाभि॑म् ॥ ५.०४३.०८
acchā̍ ma̱hī bṛ̍ha̱tī śaṃta̍mā̱ gīrdū̱to na ga̍ntva̱śvinā̍ hu̱vadhyai̍ .
ma̱yo̱bhuvā̍ sa̱rathā yā̍tama̱rvāgga̱ntaṃ ni̱dhiṃ dhura̍mā̱ṇirna nābhi̍m .. 5.043.08
8 Hither, as herald to invite the Aśvins, come the great lofty song, most sweet and pleasant!
Come in one car, joy-givers! to the banquet, like the bolt binding pole and nave, come hither.
Sloka : 5.43.9
प्र तव्य॑सो॒ नम॑उक्तिं तु॒रस्या॒हं पू॒ष्ण उ॒त वा॒योर॑दिक्षि ।
या राध॑सा चोदि॒तारा॑ मती॒नां या वाज॑स्य द्रविणो॒दा उ॒त त्मन् ॥ ५.०४३.०९
pra tavya̍so̱ nama̍uktiṃ tu̱rasyā̱haṃ pū̱ṣṇa u̱ta vā̱yora̍dikṣi .
yā rādha̍sā codi̱tārā̍ matī̱nāṃ yā vāja̍sya draviṇo̱dā u̱ta tman .. 5.043.09
9 I have declared this speech of adoration to mightiest Pūṣan and victorious Vāyu,
Who by their bounty are the hymns' inspirers, and of themselves give power as a possession.
Sloka : 5.43.10
आ नाम॑भिर्म॒रुतो॑ वक्षि॒ विश्वा॒ना रू॒पेभि॑र्जातवेदो हुवा॒नः ।
य॒ज्ञं गिरो॑ जरि॒तुः सु॑ष्टु॒तिं च॒ विश्वे॑ गन्त मरुतो॒ विश्व॑ ऊ॒ती ॥ ५.०४३.१०
ā nāma̍bhirma̱ruto̍ vakṣi̱ viśvā̱nā rū̱pebhi̍rjātavedo huvā̱naḥ .
ya̱jñaṃ giro̍ jari̱tuḥ su̍ṣṭu̱tiṃ ca̱ viśve̍ ganta maruto̱ viśva̍ ū̱tī .. 5.043.10
10 Invoked by us bring hither, jatavedas the Maruts all under their names and figures.
Come to the sacrifice with aid all Maruts, all to the songs and praises of the singer!
Sloka : 5.43.11
आ नो॑ दि॒वो बृ॑ह॒तः पर्व॑ता॒दा सर॑स्वती यज॒ता ग॑न्तु य॒ज्ञम् ।
हवं॑ दे॒वी जु॑जुषा॒णा घृ॒ताची॑ श॒ग्मां नो॒ वाच॑मुश॒ती शृ॑णोतु ॥ ५.०४३.११
ā no̍ di̱vo bṛ̍ha̱taḥ parva̍tā̱dā sara̍svatī yaja̱tā ga̍ntu ya̱jñam .
hava̍ṃ de̱vī ju̍juṣā̱ṇā ghṛ̱tācī̍ śa̱gmāṃ no̱ vāca̍muśa̱tī śṛ̍ṇotu .. 5.043.11
11 From high heaven may Sarasvatī the Holy visit our sacrifice, and from the mountain.
Eager, propitious, may the balmy Goddess hear our effectual speech, our invocation.
Sloka : 5.43.12
आ वे॒धसं॒ नील॑पृष्ठं बृ॒हन्तं॒ बृह॒स्पतिं॒ सद॑ने सादयध्वम् ।
सा॒दद्यो॑निं॒ दम॒ आ दी॑दि॒वांसं॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्णमरु॒षं स॑पेम ॥ ५.०४३.१२
ā ve̱dhasa̱ṃ nīla̍pṛṣṭhaṃ bṛ̱hanta̱ṃ bṛha̱spati̱ṃ sada̍ne sādayadhvam .
sā̱dadyo̍ni̱ṃ dama̱ ā dī̍di̱vāṃsa̱ṃ hira̍ṇyavarṇamaru̱ṣaṃ sa̍pema .. 5.043.12
12 Set in his seat the God whose back is dusky, Bṛhaspati the lofty, the Disposer.
Him let us worship, set within the dwelling, the red, the golden-hued, the allresplendent.
Sloka : 5.43.13
आ ध॑र्ण॒सिर्बृ॒हद्दि॑वो॒ ररा॑णो॒ विश्वे॑भिर्ग॒न्त्वोम॑भिर्हुवा॒नः ।
ग्ना वसा॑न॒ ओष॑धी॒रमृ॑ध्रस्त्रि॒धातु॑शृङ्गो वृष॒भो व॑यो॒धाः ॥ ५.०४३.१३
ā dha̍rṇa̱sirbṛ̱haddi̍vo̱ rarā̍ṇo̱ viśve̍bhirga̱ntvoma̍bhirhuvā̱naḥ .
gnā vasā̍na̱ oṣa̍dhī̱ramṛ̍dhrastri̱dhātu̍śṛṅgo vṛṣa̱bho va̍yo̱dhāḥ .. 5.043.13
13 May the Sustainer, high in heaven, come hither, the Bounteous One, invoked, with all his favours,
Dweller with Dames divine, with plants, unwearied, the Steer with triple horn, the life-bestower.
Sloka : 5.43.14
मा॒तुष्प॒दे प॑र॒मे शु॒क्र आ॒योर्वि॑प॒न्यवो॑ रास्पि॒रासो॑ अग्मन् ।
सु॒शेव्यं॒ नम॑सा रा॒तह॑व्याः॒ शिशुं॑ मृजन्त्या॒यवो॒ न वा॒से ॥ ५.०४३.१४
mā̱tuṣpa̱de pa̍ra̱me śu̱kra ā̱yorvi̍pa̱nyavo̍ rāspi̱rāso̍ agman .
su̱śevya̱ṃ nama̍sā rā̱taha̍vyā̱ḥ śiśu̍ṃ mṛjantyā̱yavo̱ na vā̱se .. 5.043.14
14 The tuneful eloquent priests of him who liveth have sought the Mother's bright and loftiest station.
As living men, with offered gifts and homage they deck the most auspicious Child to clothe him.
Sloka : 5.43.15
बृ॒हद्वयो॑ बृह॒ते तुभ्य॑मग्ने धिया॒जुरो॑ मिथु॒नासः॑ सचन्त ।
दे॒वोदे॑वः सु॒हवो॑ भूतु॒ मह्यं॒ मा नो॑ मा॒ता पृ॑थि॒वी दु॑र्म॒तौ धा॑त् ॥ ५.०४३.१५
bṛ̱hadvayo̍ bṛha̱te tubhya̍magne dhiyā̱juro̍ mithu̱nāsa̍ḥ sacanta .
de̱vode̍vaḥ su̱havo̍ bhūtu̱ mahya̱ṃ mā no̍ mā̱tā pṛ̍thi̱vī du̍rma̱tau dhā̍t .. 5.043.15
15 Agni, great vital power is thine, the mighty:- pairs waxing old in their devotion seek thee.
May every Deity be swift to listen, and Mother Earth with no ill thought regard me.
Sloka : 5.43.16
उ॒रौ दे॑वा अनिबा॒धे स्या॑म ॥ ५.०४३.१६
u̱rau de̍vā anibā̱dhe syā̍ma .. 5.043.16
16 Gods, may we dwell in free untroubled bliss.
Sloka : 5.43.17
सम॒श्विनो॒रव॑सा॒ नूत॑नेन मयो॒भुवा॑ सु॒प्रणी॑ती गमेम ।
आ नो॑ र॒यिं व॑हत॒मोत वी॒राना विश्वा॑न्यमृता॒ सौभ॑गानि ॥ ५.०४३.१७
sama̱śvino̱rava̍sā̱ nūta̍nena mayo̱bhuvā̍ su̱praṇī̍tī gamema .
ā no̍ ra̱yiṃ va̍hata̱mota vī̱rānā viśvā̍nyamṛtā̱ saubha̍gāni .. 5.043.17
17 May we obtain the Aśvins' newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
Sloka : 5.44.1
तं प्र॒त्नथा॑ पू॒र्वथा॑ वि॒श्वथे॒मथा॑ ज्ये॒ष्ठता॑तिं बर्हि॒षदं॑ स्व॒र्विद॑म् ।
प्र॒ती॒ची॒नं वृ॒जनं॑ दोहसे गि॒राशुं जय॑न्त॒मनु॒ यासु॒ वर्ध॑से ॥ ५.०४४.०१
taṃ pra̱tnathā̍ pū̱rvathā̍ vi̱śvathe̱mathā̍ jye̱ṣṭhatā̍tiṃ barhi̱ṣada̍ṃ sva̱rvida̍m .
pra̱tī̱cī̱naṃ vṛ̱jana̍ṃ dohase gi̱rāśuṃ jaya̍nta̱manu̱ yāsu̱ vardha̍se .. 5.044.01
1. As in the first old times, as all were wont, as now, he draweth forth the power turned hitherward with song,
The Princedom throned on holy grass, who findeth light, swift, conquering in the' plants wherein he waxeth strong.
Sloka : 5.44.2
श्रि॒ये सु॒दृशी॒रुप॑रस्य॒ याः स्व॑र्वि॒रोच॑मानः क॒कुभा॑मचो॒दते॑ ।
सु॒गो॒पा अ॑सि॒ न दभा॑य सुक्रतो प॒रो मा॒याभि॑रृ॒त आ॑स॒ नाम॑ ते ॥ ५.०४४.०२
śri̱ye su̱dṛśī̱rupa̍rasya̱ yāḥ sva̍rvi̱roca̍mānaḥ ka̱kubhā̍maco̱date̍ .
su̱go̱pā a̍si̱ na dabhā̍ya sukrato pa̱ro mā̱yābhi̍rṛ̱ta ā̍sa̱ nāma̍ te .. 5.044.02
2 Shining to him who leaves heaven's regions undisturbed, which to his sheen who is beneath show fair in light,
Good guardian art thou, not to be deceived, Most Wise! Far from deceits thy name dwelleth in holy Law.
Sloka : 5.44.3
अत्यं॑ ह॒विः स॑चते॒ सच्च॒ धातु॒ चारि॑ष्टगातुः॒ स होता॑ सहो॒भरिः॑ ।
प्र॒सर्स्रा॑णो॒ अनु॑ ब॒र्हिर्वृषा॒ शिशु॒र्मध्ये॒ युवा॒जरो॑ वि॒स्रुहा॑ हि॒तः ॥ ५.०४४.०३
atya̍ṃ ha̱viḥ sa̍cate̱ sacca̱ dhātu̱ cāri̍ṣṭagātu̱ḥ sa hotā̍ saho̱bhari̍ḥ .
pra̱sarsrā̍ṇo̱ anu̍ ba̱rhirvṛṣā̱ śiśu̱rmadhye̱ yuvā̱jaro̍ vi̱sruhā̍ hi̱taḥ .. 5.044.03
3 Truth waits upon oblation present and to come:- naught checks him in his way, this vic tory- bringing Priest:-
The Mighty Child who glides along the sacred grass, the undecaying Youth set in the midst of plants.
Sloka : 5.44.4
प्र व॑ ए॒ते सु॒युजो॒ याम॑न्नि॒ष्टये॒ नीची॑र॒मुष्मै॑ य॒म्य॑ ऋता॒वृधः॑ ।
सु॒यन्तु॑भिः सर्वशा॒सैर॒भीशु॑भिः॒ क्रिवि॒र्नामा॑नि प्रव॒णे मु॑षायति ॥ ५.०४४.०४
pra va̍ e̱te su̱yujo̱ yāma̍nni̱ṣṭaye̱ nīcī̍ra̱muṣmai̍ ya̱mya̍ ṛtā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .
su̱yantu̍bhiḥ sarvaśā̱saira̱bhīśu̍bhi̱ḥ krivi̱rnāmā̍ni prava̱ṇe mu̍ṣāyati .. 5.044.04
4 These come, well-yoked, to you for furtherance in the rite:- down come the twinborn strengtheners of Law for him,
With reins easily guided and commanding all. In the deep fall the hide stealeth away their names.
Sloka : 5.44.5
सं॒जर्भु॑राण॒स्तरु॑भिः सुते॒गृभं॑ वया॒किनं॑ चि॒त्तग॑र्भासु सु॒स्वरुः॑ ।
धा॒र॒वा॒केष्वृ॑जुगाथ शोभसे॒ वर्ध॑स्व॒ पत्नी॑र॒भि जी॒वो अ॑ध्व॒रे ॥ ५.०४४.०५
sa̱ṃjarbhu̍rāṇa̱staru̍bhiḥ sute̱gṛbha̍ṃ vayā̱kina̍ṃ ci̱ttaga̍rbhāsu su̱svaru̍ḥ .
dhā̱ra̱vā̱keṣvṛ̍jugātha śobhase̱ vardha̍sva̱ patnī̍ra̱bhi jī̱vo a̍dhva̱re .. 5.044.05
5 Thou, moving beauteously in visibly pregnant ones, snatching with trees the branching plant that grasps the juice,
Shinest, true Singer! mid the upholders of the voice. Increase thy Consorts thou, lively at sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.44.6
या॒दृगे॒व ददृ॑शे ता॒दृगु॑च्यते॒ सं छा॒यया॑ दधिरे सि॒ध्रया॒प्स्वा ।
म॒हीम॒स्मभ्य॑मुरु॒षामु॒रु ज्रयो॑ बृ॒हत्सु॒वीर॒मन॑पच्युतं॒ सहः॑ ॥ ५.०४४.०६
yā̱dṛge̱va dadṛ̍śe tā̱dṛgu̍cyate̱ saṃ chā̱yayā̍ dadhire si̱dhrayā̱psvā .
ma̱hīma̱smabhya̍muru̱ṣāmu̱ru jrayo̍ bṛ̱hatsu̱vīra̱mana̍pacyuta̱ṃ saha̍ḥ .. 5.044.06
6 Like as he is beheld such is he said to be.
They with effectual splendour in the floods have made
Earth yield us room enough and amply wide extent, great might invincible, with store of hero sons.
Sloka : 5.44.7
वेत्यग्रु॒र्जनि॑वा॒न्वा अति॒ स्पृधः॑ समर्य॒ता मन॑सा॒ सूर्यः॑ क॒विः ।
घ्रं॒सं रक्ष॑न्तं॒ परि॑ वि॒श्वतो॒ गय॑म॒स्माकं॒ शर्म॑ वनव॒त्स्वाव॑सुः ॥ ५.०४४.०७
vetyagru̱rjani̍vā̱nvā ati̱ spṛdha̍ḥ samarya̱tā mana̍sā̱ sūrya̍ḥ ka̱viḥ .
ghra̱ṃsaṃ rakṣa̍nta̱ṃ pari̍ vi̱śvato̱ gaya̍ma̱smāka̱ṃ śarma̍ vanava̱tsvāva̍suḥ .. 5.044.07
7 Sūrya the Sage, as if unwedded, with a Spouse, in battle-loving spirit moveth oer the foes.
May he, self-excellent, grant us a sheltering home, a house that wards the fierce heat off on every side.
Sloka : 5.44.8
ज्यायां॑सम॒स्य य॒तुन॑स्य के॒तुन॑ ऋषिस्व॒रं च॑रति॒ यासु॒ नाम॑ ते ।
या॒दृश्मि॒न्धायि॒ तम॑प॒स्यया॑ विद॒द्य उ॑ स्व॒यं वह॑ते॒ सो अरं॑ करत् ॥ ५.०४४.०८
jyāyā̍ṃsama̱sya ya̱tuna̍sya ke̱tuna̍ ṛṣisva̱raṃ ca̍rati̱ yāsu̱ nāma̍ te .
yā̱dṛśmi̱ndhāyi̱ tama̍pa̱syayā̍ vida̱dya u̍ sva̱yaṃ vaha̍te̱ so ara̍ṃ karat .. 5.044.08
8 Thy name, sung forth by Ṛṣis in these hymns of ours, goes to the loftier One with this swift mover's light.
By skill he wins the boon whereon his heart is set:- he who bestirs himself shall bring the thing to pass.
Sloka : 5.44.9
स॒मु॒द्रमा॑सा॒मव॑ तस्थे अग्रि॒मा न रि॑ष्यति॒ सव॑नं॒ यस्मि॒न्नाय॑ता ।
अत्रा॒ न हार्दि॑ क्रव॒णस्य॑ रेजते॒ यत्रा॑ म॒तिर्वि॒द्यते॑ पूत॒बन्ध॑नी ॥ ५.०४४.०९
sa̱mu̱dramā̍sā̱mava̍ tasthe agri̱mā na ri̍ṣyati̱ sava̍na̱ṃ yasmi̱nnāya̍tā .
atrā̱ na hārdi̍ krava̱ṇasya̍ rejate̱ yatrā̍ ma̱tirvi̱dyate̍ pūta̱bandha̍nī .. 5.044.09
9 The chief and best of these abideth in the sea, nor doth libation fail wherein it is prolonged.
The heart of him who praiseth trembleth not in fear there where the hymn is found connected with the pure.
Sloka : 5.44.10
स हि क्ष॒त्रस्य॑ मन॒सस्य॒ चित्ति॑भिरेवाव॒दस्य॑ यज॒तस्य॒ सध्रेः॑ ।
अ॒व॒त्सा॒रस्य॑ स्पृणवाम॒ रण्व॑भिः॒ शवि॑ष्ठं॒ वाजं॑ वि॒दुषा॑ चि॒दर्ध्य॑म् ॥ ५.०४४.१०
sa hi kṣa̱trasya̍ mana̱sasya̱ citti̍bhirevāva̱dasya̍ yaja̱tasya̱ sadhre̍ḥ .
a̱va̱tsā̱rasya̍ spṛṇavāma̱ raṇva̍bhi̱ḥ śavi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ vāja̍ṃ vi̱duṣā̍ ci̱dardhya̍m .. 5.044.10
10 For it is he:- with though to of Ksatra, Manasa, of Yajata, and Sadhri, and Evavada,
With Avatsara's sweet songs will we strive to win the mightiest strength which even he who knows should gain.
Sloka : 5.44.11
श्ये॒न आ॑सा॒मदि॑तिः क॒क्ष्यो॒३॒॑ मदो॑ वि॒श्ववा॑रस्य यज॒तस्य॑ मा॒यिनः॑ ।
सम॒न्यम॑न्यमर्थय॒न्त्येत॑वे वि॒दुर्वि॒षाणं॑ परि॒पान॒मन्ति॒ ते ॥ ५.०४४.११
śye̱na ā̍sā̱madi̍tiḥ ka̱kṣyo̱3̱̍ mado̍ vi̱śvavā̍rasya yaja̱tasya̍ mā̱yina̍ḥ .
sama̱nyama̍nyamarthaya̱ntyeta̍ve vi̱durvi̱ṣāṇa̍ṃ pari̱pāna̱manti̱ te .. 5.044.11
11 The Hawk is their full source, girth-stretching rapturous drink of Visvavara, of Mayin, and Yajata.
They ever seek a fresh draught so that they may come, know when thy time to halt and drink thy fill is near.
Sloka : 5.44.12
स॒दा॒पृ॒णो य॑ज॒तो वि द्विषो॑ वधीद्बाहुवृ॒क्तः श्रु॑त॒वित्तर्यो॑ वः॒ सचा॑ ।
उ॒भा स वरा॒ प्रत्ये॑ति॒ भाति॑ च॒ यदीं॑ ग॒णं भज॑ते सुप्र॒याव॑भिः ॥ ५.०४४.१२
sa̱dā̱pṛ̱ṇo ya̍ja̱to vi dviṣo̍ vadhīdbāhuvṛ̱ktaḥ śru̍ta̱vittaryo̍ va̱ḥ sacā̍ .
u̱bhā sa varā̱ pratye̍ti̱ bhāti̍ ca̱ yadī̍ṃ ga̱ṇaṃ bhaja̍te supra̱yāva̍bhiḥ .. 5.044.12
12 Sadaprna the holy, Tarya, Srutavit, and Bahuvrkta, joined with you, have slain the foes.
He gains his wish in both the worlds and brightly shines-when he adores the host with well-advancing steeds.
Sloka : 5.44.13
सु॒त॒म्भ॒रो यज॑मानस्य॒ सत्प॑ति॒र्विश्वा॑सा॒मूधः॒ स धि॒यामु॒दञ्च॑नः ।
भर॑द्धे॒नू रस॑वच्छिश्रिये॒ पयो॑ऽनुब्रुवा॒णो अध्ये॑ति॒ न स्व॒पन् ॥ ५.०४४.१३
su̱ta̱mbha̱ro yaja̍mānasya̱ satpa̍ti̱rviśvā̍sā̱mūdha̱ḥ sa dhi̱yāmu̱dañca̍naḥ .
bhara̍ddhe̱nū rasa̍vacchiśriye̱ payo̎nubruvā̱ṇo adhye̍ti̱ na sva̱pan .. 5.044.13
13 The worshipper's defender is Sutambhara, producer and uplifter of all holy thoughts.
The milch-cow brought, sweet-flavoured milk was dealt around. Who speaks the bidding text knows this, not he who sleeps.
Sloka : 5.44.14
यो जा॒गार॒ तमृचः॑ कामयन्ते॒ यो जा॒गार॒ तमु॒ सामा॑नि यन्ति ।
यो जा॒गार॒ तम॒यं सोम॑ आह॒ तवा॒हम॑स्मि स॒ख्ये न्यो॑काः ॥ ५.०४४.१४
yo jā̱gāra̱ tamṛca̍ḥ kāmayante̱ yo jā̱gāra̱ tamu̱ sāmā̍ni yanti .
yo jā̱gāra̱ tama̱yaṃ soma̍ āha̱ tavā̱hama̍smi sa̱khye nyo̍kāḥ .. 5.044.14
14 The sacred hymns love him who wakes and watches:- to him who watches come the Sāma verses.
This Soma saith unto the man who watches, I rest and have my dwelling in thy friendship.
Sloka : 5.44.15
अ॒ग्निर्जा॑गार॒ तमृचः॑ कामयन्ते॒ऽग्निर्जा॑गार॒ तमु॒ सामा॑नि यन्ति ।
अ॒ग्निर्जा॑गार॒ तम॒यं सोम॑ आह॒ तवा॒हम॑स्मि स॒ख्ये न्यो॑काः ॥ ५.०४४.१५
a̱gnirjā̍gāra̱ tamṛca̍ḥ kāmayante̱'gnirjā̍gāra̱ tamu̱ sāmā̍ni yanti .
a̱gnirjā̍gāra̱ tama̱yaṃ soma̍ āha̱ tavā̱hama̍smi sa̱khye nyo̍kāḥ .. 5.044.15
15 Agni is watchful, and the gcas love him; Agni is watchful, Sāma verses seek him.
Agni is watchful, to him saith this Soma, I rest and have my dwelling in thy friendship.
Sloka : 5.45.1
वि॒दा दि॒वो वि॒ष्यन्नद्रि॑मु॒क्थैरा॑य॒त्या उ॒षसो॑ अ॒र्चिनो॑ गुः ।
अपा॑वृत व्र॒जिनी॒रुत्स्व॑र्गा॒द्वि दुरो॒ मानु॑षीर्दे॒व आ॑वः ॥ ५.०४५.०१
vi̱dā di̱vo vi̱ṣyannadri̍mu̱kthairā̍ya̱tyā u̱ṣaso̍ a̱rcino̍ guḥ .
apā̍vṛta vra̱jinī̱rutsva̍rgā̱dvi duro̱ mānu̍ṣīrde̱va ā̍vaḥ .. 5.045.01
1. BARDS of approaching Dawn who know the heavens are come with hymns to throw the mountain open.
The Sun hath risen and oped the stable portals:- the doors of men, too, hath the God thrown open.
Sloka : 5.45.2
वि सूर्यो॑ अ॒मतिं॒ न श्रियं॑ सा॒दोर्वाद्गवां॑ मा॒ता जा॑न॒ती गा॑त् ।
धन्व॑र्णसो न॒द्य१॒ः॑ खादो॑अर्णाः॒ स्थूणे॑व॒ सुमि॑ता दृंहत॒ द्यौः ॥ ५.०४५.०२
vi sūryo̍ a̱mati̱ṃ na śriya̍ṃ sā̱dorvādgavā̍ṃ mā̱tā jā̍na̱tī gā̍t .
dhanva̍rṇaso na̱dya1̱̍ḥ khādo̍arṇā̱ḥ sthūṇe̍va̱ sumi̍tā dṛṃhata̱ dyauḥ .. 5.045.02
2 Sūrya hath spread his light as splendour:- hither came the Cows' Mother, conscious, from the stable,
To streams that flow with biting waves to deserts; and heaven is stablished like a firm-set pillar.
Sloka : 5.45.3
अ॒स्मा उ॒क्थाय॒ पर्व॑तस्य॒ गर्भो॑ म॒हीनां॑ ज॒नुषे॑ पू॒र्व्याय॑ ।
वि पर्व॑तो॒ जिही॑त॒ साध॑त॒ द्यौरा॒विवा॑सन्तो दसयन्त॒ भूम॑ ॥ ५.०४५.०३
a̱smā u̱kthāya̱ parva̍tasya̱ garbho̍ ma̱hīnā̍ṃ ja̱nuṣe̍ pū̱rvyāya̍ .
vi parva̍to̱ jihī̍ta̱ sādha̍ta̱ dyaurā̱vivā̍santo dasayanta̱ bhūma̍ .. 5.045.03
3 This laud hath won the burden of the mountain. To aid the ancient birth of mighty waters
The mountain parted, Heaven performed his office. The worshippers were worn with constant serving.
Sloka : 5.45.4
सू॒क्तेभि॑र्वो॒ वचो॑भिर्दे॒वजु॑ष्टै॒रिन्द्रा॒ न्व१॒॑ग्नी अव॑से हु॒वध्यै॑ ।
उ॒क्थेभि॒र्हि ष्मा॑ क॒वयः॑ सुय॒ज्ञा आ॒विवा॑सन्तो म॒रुतो॒ यज॑न्ति ॥ ५.०४५.०४
sū̱ktebhi̍rvo̱ vaco̍bhirde̱vaju̍ṣṭai̱rindrā̱ nva1̱̍gnī ava̍se hu̱vadhyai̍ .
u̱kthebhi̱rhi ṣmā̍ ka̱vaya̍ḥ suya̱jñā ā̱vivā̍santo ma̱ruto̱ yaja̍nti .. 5.045.04
4 With hymns and God-loved words will I invoke you, Indra and Agni, to obtain your favour,
For verily sages, skilled in sacrificing, worship the Maruts and with lauds invite them.
Sloka : 5.45.5
एतो॒ न्व१॒॑द्य सु॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ भवा॑म॒ प्र दु॒च्छुना॑ मिनवामा॒ वरी॑यः ।
आ॒रे द्वेषां॑सि सनु॒तर्द॑धा॒माया॑म॒ प्राञ्चो॒ यज॑मान॒मच्छ॑ ॥ ५.०४५.०५
eto̱ nva1̱̍dya su̱dhyo̱3̱̍ bhavā̍ma̱ pra du̱cchunā̍ minavāmā̱ varī̍yaḥ .
ā̱re dveṣā̍ṃsi sanu̱tarda̍dhā̱māyā̍ma̱ prāñco̱ yaja̍māna̱maccha̍ .. 5.045.05
5 This day approach us:- may our thoughts be holy, far from us let us cast away misfortune.
Let us keep those who hate us at a distance, and haste to meet the man who sacrifices.
Sloka : 5.45.6
एता॒ धियं॑ कृ॒णवा॑मा सखा॒योऽप॒ या मा॒ताँ ऋ॑णु॒त व्र॒जं गोः ।
यया॒ मनु॑र्विशिशि॒प्रं जि॒गाय॒ यया॑ व॒णिग्व॒ङ्कुरापा॒ पुरी॑षम् ॥ ५.०४५.०६
etā̱ dhiya̍ṃ kṛ̱ṇavā̍mā sakhā̱yo'pa̱ yā mā̱tām̐ ṛ̍ṇu̱ta vra̱jaṃ goḥ .
yayā̱ manu̍rviśiśi̱praṃ ji̱gāya̱ yayā̍ va̱ṇigva̱ṅkurāpā̱ purī̍ṣam .. 5.045.06
6 Come, let us carry out, O friends, the purpose wherewith the Mother threw the Cow's stall open,
That wherewith Manu conquered Visisipra, wherewith the wandering merchant gained heaven's water.
Sloka : 5.45.7
अनू॑नो॒दत्र॒ हस्त॑यतो॒ अद्रि॒रार्च॒न्येन॒ दश॑ मा॒सो नव॑ग्वाः ।
ऋ॒तं य॒ती स॒रमा॒ गा अ॑विन्द॒द्विश्वा॑नि स॒त्याङ्गि॑राश्चकार ॥ ५.०४५.०७
anū̍no̱datra̱ hasta̍yato̱ adri̱rārca̱nyena̱ daśa̍ mā̱so nava̍gvāḥ .
ṛ̱taṃ ya̱tī sa̱ramā̱ gā a̍vinda̱dviśvā̍ni sa̱tyāṅgi̍rāścakāra .. 5.045.07
7 Here, urged by hands, loudly hath rung the press-stone wherewith Navagvas through ten months sang praises.
Saramā went aright and found the cattle. Aṅgiras gave effect to all their labours.
Sloka : 5.45.8
विश्वे॑ अ॒स्या व्युषि॒ माहि॑नायाः॒ सं यद्गोभि॒रङ्गि॑रसो॒ नव॑न्त ।
उत्स॑ आसां पर॒मे स॒धस्थ॑ ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒था स॒रमा॑ विद॒द्गाः ॥ ५.०४५.०८
viśve̍ a̱syā vyuṣi̱ māhi̍nāyā̱ḥ saṃ yadgobhi̱raṅgi̍raso̱ nava̍nta .
utsa̍ āsāṃ para̱me sa̱dhastha̍ ṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱thā sa̱ramā̍ vida̱dgāḥ .. 5.045.08
8 When at the dawning of this mighty Goddess, Aṅgirases all sang forth with the cattle,
Their spring is in the loftiest place of meeting,Saramā found the kine by Order's pathway.
Sloka : 5.45.9
आ सूर्यो॑ यातु स॒प्ताश्वः॒ क्षेत्रं॒ यद॑स्योर्वि॒या दी॑र्घया॒थे ।
र॒घुः श्ये॒नः प॑तय॒दन्धो॒ अच्छा॒ युवा॑ क॒विर्दी॑दय॒द्गोषु॒ गच्छ॑न् ॥ ५.०४५.०९
ā sūryo̍ yātu sa̱ptāśva̱ḥ kṣetra̱ṃ yada̍syorvi̱yā dī̍rghayā̱the .
ra̱ghuḥ śye̱naḥ pa̍taya̱dandho̱ acchā̱ yuvā̍ ka̱virdī̍daya̱dgoṣu̱ gaccha̍n .. 5.045.09
9 Borne by his Coursers Seven may Sūrya visit the field that spreadeth wide for his long journey.
Down on the Soma swooped the rapid Falcon. Bright was the young Sage moving mid his cattle.
Sloka : 5.45.10
आ सूर्यो॑ अरुहच्छु॒क्रमर्णोऽयु॑क्त॒ यद्ध॒रितो॑ वी॒तपृ॑ष्ठाः ।
उ॒द्ना न नाव॑मनयन्त॒ धीरा॑ आशृण्व॒तीरापो॑ अ॒र्वाग॑तिष्ठन् ॥ ५.०४५.१०
ā sūryo̍ aruhacchu̱kramarṇo'yu̍kta̱ yaddha̱rito̍ vī̱tapṛ̍ṣṭhāḥ .
u̱dnā na nāva̍manayanta̱ dhīrā̍ āśṛṇva̱tīrāpo̍ a̱rvāga̍tiṣṭhan .. 5.045.10
10 Sūrya hath mounted to the shining ocean when he hath yoked his fair-backed Tawny Horses.
The wise have drawn him like a ship through water:- the floods obedient have descended hither.
Sloka : 5.45.11
धियं॑ वो अ॒प्सु द॑धिषे स्व॒र्षां ययात॑र॒न्दश॑ मा॒सो नव॑ग्वाः ।
अ॒या धि॒या स्या॑म दे॒वगो॑पा अ॒या धि॒या तु॑तुर्या॒मात्यंहः॑ ॥ ५.०४५.११
dhiya̍ṃ vo a̱psu da̍dhiṣe sva̱rṣāṃ yayāta̍ra̱ndaśa̍ mā̱so nava̍gvāḥ .
a̱yā dhi̱yā syā̍ma de̱vago̍pā a̱yā dhi̱yā tu̍turyā̱mātyaṃha̍ḥ .. 5.045.11
11 I lay upon the Floods your hymn, lightwinning, wherewith Navagvas their ten months completed.
Through this our hymn may we have Gods to guard us:- through this our hymn pass safe beyond affliction.
Sloka : 5.46.1
हयो॒ न वि॒द्वाँ अ॑युजि स्व॒यं धु॒रि तां व॑हामि प्र॒तर॑णीमव॒स्युव॑म् ।
नास्या॑ वश्मि वि॒मुचं॒ नावृतं॒ पुन॑र्वि॒द्वान्प॒थः पु॑रए॒त ऋ॒जु ने॑षति ॥ ५.०४६.०१
hayo̱ na vi̱dvām̐ a̍yuji sva̱yaṃ dhu̱ri tāṃ va̍hāmi pra̱tara̍ṇīmava̱syuva̍m .
nāsyā̍ vaśmi vi̱muca̱ṃ nāvṛta̱ṃ puna̍rvi̱dvānpa̱thaḥ pu̍rae̱ta ṛ̱ju ne̍ṣati .. 5.046.01
1. WELL knowing I have bound me, horselike, to the pole:- I carry that which bears as on and gives us help.
I seek for no release, no turning back therefrom. May he who knows the way, the Leader, guide me straight.
Sloka : 5.46.2
अग्न॒ इन्द्र॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्र॒ देवाः॒ शर्धः॒ प्र य॑न्त॒ मारु॑तो॒त वि॑ष्णो ।
उ॒भा नास॑त्या रु॒द्रो अध॒ ग्नाः पू॒षा भगः॒ सर॑स्वती जुषन्त ॥ ५.०४६.०२
agna̱ indra̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitra̱ devā̱ḥ śardha̱ḥ pra ya̍nta̱ māru̍to̱ta vi̍ṣṇo .
u̱bhā nāsa̍tyā ru̱dro adha̱ gnāḥ pū̱ṣā bhaga̱ḥ sara̍svatī juṣanta .. 5.046.02
2 O Agni, Indra, Varuṇa, and Mitra, give, O ye Gods, and Marut host, and Viṣṇu.
May both Nāsatyas, Rudra, heavenly Matrons, Pūṣan, Sarasvatī, Bhaga, accept us.
Sloka : 5.46.3
इ॒न्द्रा॒ग्नी मि॒त्रावरु॒णादि॑तिं॒ स्वः॑ पृथि॒वीं द्यां म॒रुतः॒ पर्व॑ताँ अ॒पः ।
हु॒वे विष्णुं॑ पू॒षणं॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिं॒ भगं॒ नु शंसं॑ सवि॒तार॑मू॒तये॑ ॥ ५.०४६.०३
i̱ndrā̱gnī mi̱trāvaru̱ṇādi̍ti̱ṃ sva̍ḥ pṛthi̱vīṃ dyāṃ ma̱ruta̱ḥ parva̍tām̐ a̱paḥ .
hu̱ve viṣṇu̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̱ṃ bhaga̱ṃ nu śaṃsa̍ṃ savi̱tāra̍mū̱taye̍ .. 5.046.03
3 Indra and Agni, Mitra, Varuṇa, Aditi, the Waters, Mountains, Maruts, Sky, and Earth and Heaven,
Viṣṇu I call, Pūṣan, and Brahmaṇaspati, and Bhaga, Samsa, Savitar that they may help.
Sloka : 5.46.4
उ॒त नो॒ विष्णु॑रु॒त वातो॑ अ॒स्रिधो॑ द्रविणो॒दा उ॒त सोमो॒ मय॑स्करत् ।
उ॒त ऋ॒भव॑ उ॒त रा॒ये नो॑ अ॒श्विनो॒त त्वष्टो॒त विभ्वानु॑ मंसते ॥ ५.०४६.०४
u̱ta no̱ viṣṇu̍ru̱ta vāto̍ a̱sridho̍ draviṇo̱dā u̱ta somo̱ maya̍skarat .
u̱ta ṛ̱bhava̍ u̱ta rā̱ye no̍ a̱śvino̱ta tvaṣṭo̱ta vibhvānu̍ maṃsate .. 5.046.04
4 May Viṣṇu also and Vāta who injures none, and Soma granter of possessions give us joy;
And may the Ṛbhus and the Aśvins, Tvaṣṭar and Vibhvan remember us so that we may have wealth.
Sloka : 5.46.5
उ॒त त्यन्नो॒ मारु॑तं॒ शर्ध॒ आ ग॑मद्दिविक्ष॒यं य॑ज॒तं ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ।
बृह॒स्पतिः॒ शर्म॑ पू॒षोत नो॑ यमद्वरू॒थ्यं१॒॑ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ॥ ५.०४६.०५
u̱ta tyanno̱ māru̍ta̱ṃ śardha̱ ā ga̍maddivikṣa̱yaṃ ya̍ja̱taṃ ba̱rhirā̱sade̍ .
bṛha̱spati̱ḥ śarma̍ pū̱ṣota no̍ yamadvarū̱thyaṃ1̱̍ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .. 5.046.05
5 So may the band of Maruts dwelling in the sky, the holy, come to us to sit on sacred grass;
Bṛhaspati and Pūṣan grant us sure defence, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman guard and shelter us.
Sloka : 5.46.6
उ॒त त्ये नः॒ पर्व॑तासः सुश॒स्तयः॑ सुदी॒तयो॑ न॒द्य१॒॑स्त्राम॑णे भुवन् ।
भगो॑ विभ॒क्ता शव॒साव॒सा ग॑मदुरु॒व्यचा॒ अदि॑तिः श्रोतु मे॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०४६.०६
u̱ta tye na̱ḥ parva̍tāsaḥ suśa̱staya̍ḥ sudī̱tayo̍ na̱dya1̱̍strāma̍ṇe bhuvan .
bhago̍ vibha̱ktā śava̱sāva̱sā ga̍maduru̱vyacā̱ adi̍tiḥ śrotu me̱ hava̍m .. 5.046.06
6 And may the Mountains famed in noble eulogies, and the fair-gleaming Rivers keep us safe from harm.
May Bhaga the Dispenser come with power and grace, and far-pervading Aditi listen to my call.
Sloka : 5.46.7
दे॒वानां॒ पत्नी॑रुश॒तीर॑वन्तु नः॒ प्राव॑न्तु नस्तु॒जये॒ वाज॑सातये ।
याः पार्थि॑वासो॒ या अ॒पामपि॑ व्र॒ते ता नो॑ देवीः सुहवाः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छत ॥ ५.०४६.०७
de̱vānā̱ṃ patnī̍ruśa̱tīra̍vantu na̱ḥ prāva̍ntu nastu̱jaye̱ vāja̍sātaye .
yāḥ pārthi̍vāso̱ yā a̱pāmapi̍ vra̱te tā no̍ devīḥ suhavā̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchata .. 5.046.07
7 May the Gods Spouses aid us of their own freewill, aid us to offspring and the winning of the spoil.
Grant us protection, O ye gracious Goddesses, ye who are on the earth or in the waters' realm.
Sloka : 5.46.8
उ॒त ग्ना व्य॑न्तु दे॒वप॑त्नीरिन्द्रा॒ण्य१॒॑ग्नाय्य॒श्विनी॒ राट् ।
आ रोद॑सी वरुणा॒नी शृ॑णोतु॒ व्यन्तु॑ दे॒वीर्य ऋ॒तुर्जनी॑नाम् ॥ ५.०४६.०८
u̱ta gnā vya̍ntu de̱vapa̍tnīrindrā̱ṇya1̱̍gnāyya̱śvinī̱ rāṭ .
ā roda̍sī varuṇā̱nī śṛ̍ṇotu̱ vyantu̍ de̱vīrya ṛ̱turjanī̍nām .. 5.046.08
8 May the Dames, wives of Gods, enjoy our presents, Rat, Aśvini, Agnāyī, and Indrāṇī.
May Rodasī and Varuṇānī hear us, and Goddesses come at the Matrons' season.
Sloka : 5.47.1
प्र॒यु॒ञ्ज॒ती दि॒व ए॑ति ब्रुवा॒णा म॒ही मा॒ता दु॑हि॒तुर्बो॒धय॑न्ती ।
आ॒विवा॑सन्ती युव॒तिर्म॑नी॒षा पि॒तृभ्य॒ आ सद॑ने॒ जोहु॑वाना ॥ ५.०४७.०१
pra̱yu̱ñja̱tī di̱va e̍ti bruvā̱ṇā ma̱hī mā̱tā du̍hi̱turbo̱dhaya̍ntī .
ā̱vivā̍santī yuva̱tirma̍nī̱ṣā pi̱tṛbhya̱ ā sada̍ne̱ johu̍vānā .. 5.047.01
1. URGING to toil and making proclamation, seeking Heaven's Daughter comes the Mighty Mother:-
She comes, the youthful Hymn, unto the Fathers, inviting to her home and loudly calling.
Sloka : 5.47.2
अ॒जि॒रास॒स्तद॑प॒ ईय॑माना आतस्थि॒वांसो॑ अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ नाभि॑म् ।
अ॒न॒न्तास॑ उ॒रवो॑ वि॒श्वतः॑ सीं॒ परि॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी य॑न्ति॒ पन्थाः॑ ॥ ५.०४७.०२
a̱ji̱rāsa̱stada̍pa̱ īya̍mānā ātasthi̱vāṃso̍ a̱mṛta̍sya̱ nābhi̍m .
a̱na̱ntāsa̍ u̱ravo̍ vi̱śvata̍ḥ sī̱ṃ pari̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ya̍nti̱ panthā̍ḥ .. 5.047.02
2 Swift in their motion, hasting to their duty, reaching the central point of life immortal,
On every side about the earth and heaven go forth the spacious paths without a limit.
Sloka : 5.47.3
उ॒क्षा स॑मु॒द्रो अ॑रु॒षः सु॑प॒र्णः पूर्व॑स्य॒ योनिं॑ पि॒तुरा वि॑वेश ।
मध्ये॑ दि॒वो निहि॑तः॒ पृश्नि॒रश्मा॒ वि च॑क्रमे॒ रज॑सस्पा॒त्यन्तौ॑ ॥ ५.०४७.०३
u̱kṣā sa̍mu̱dro a̍ru̱ṣaḥ su̍pa̱rṇaḥ pūrva̍sya̱ yoni̍ṃ pi̱turā vi̍veśa .
madhye̍ di̱vo nihi̍ta̱ḥ pṛśni̱raśmā̱ vi ca̍krame̱ raja̍saspā̱tyantau̍ .. 5.047.03
3 Steer, Sea, Red Bird with strong wings, he hath entered the dwelling-place of the Primeval Father.
A gay-hued Stone set in the midst of heaven, he hath gone forth and guards mid-air's two limits.
Sloka : 5.47.4
च॒त्वार॑ ईं बिभ्रति क्षेम॒यन्तो॒ दश॒ गर्भं॑ च॒रसे॑ धापयन्ते ।
त्रि॒धात॑वः पर॒मा अ॑स्य॒ गावो॑ दि॒वश्च॑रन्ति॒ परि॑ स॒द्यो अन्ता॑न् ॥ ५.०४७.०४
ca̱tvāra̍ īṃ bibhrati kṣema̱yanto̱ daśa̱ garbha̍ṃ ca̱rase̍ dhāpayante .
tri̱dhāta̍vaḥ para̱mā a̍sya̱ gāvo̍ di̱vaśca̍ranti̱ pari̍ sa̱dyo antā̍n .. 5.047.04
4 Four bear him up and give him rest and quiet, and ten invigorate the Babe for travel.
His kine most excellent, of threefold nature, pass swiftly round the boundaries of heaven.
Sloka : 5.47.5
इ॒दं वपु॑र्नि॒वच॑नं जनास॒श्चर॑न्ति॒ यन्न॒द्य॑स्त॒स्थुरापः॑ ।
द्वे यदीं॑ बिभृ॒तो मा॒तुर॒न्ये इ॒हेह॑ जा॒ते य॒म्या॒३॒॑ सब॑न्धू ॥ ५.०४७.०५
i̱daṃ vapu̍rni̱vaca̍naṃ janāsa̱ścara̍nti̱ yanna̱dya̍sta̱sthurāpa̍ḥ .
dve yadī̍ṃ bibhṛ̱to mā̱tura̱nye i̱heha̍ jā̱te ya̱myā̱3̱̍ saba̍ndhū .. 5.047.05
5 Wondrous, O people, is the mystic knowledge that while the waters stand the streams are flowing:-
That, separate from his Mother, Two support him, closely-united, twins, here made apparent.
Sloka : 5.47.6
वि त॑न्वते॒ धियो॑ अस्मा॒ अपां॑सि॒ वस्त्रा॑ पु॒त्राय॑ मा॒तरो॑ वयन्ति ।
उ॒प॒प्र॒क्षे वृष॑णो॒ मोद॑माना दि॒वस्प॒था व॒ध्वो॑ य॒न्त्यच्छ॑ ॥ ५.०४७.०६
vi ta̍nvate̱ dhiyo̍ asmā̱ apā̍ṃsi̱ vastrā̍ pu̱trāya̍ mā̱taro̍ vayanti .
u̱pa̱pra̱kṣe vṛṣa̍ṇo̱ moda̍mānā di̱vaspa̱thā va̱dhvo̍ ya̱ntyaccha̍ .. 5.047.06
6 For him they lenghten prayers and acts of worship:- the Mothers weave garments for him their offspring.
Rejoicing, for the Steer's impregning contact, his Spouses move on paths or heaven to meet him.
Sloka : 5.47.7
तद॑स्तु मित्रावरुणा॒ तद॑ग्ने॒ शं योर॒स्मभ्य॑मि॒दम॑स्तु श॒स्तम् ।
अ॒शी॒महि॑ गा॒धमु॒त प्र॑ति॒ष्ठां नमो॑ दि॒वे बृ॑ह॒ते साद॑नाय ॥ ५.०४७.०७
tada̍stu mitrāvaruṇā̱ tada̍gne̱ śaṃ yora̱smabhya̍mi̱dama̍stu śa̱stam .
a̱śī̱mahi̍ gā̱dhamu̱ta pra̍ti̱ṣṭhāṃ namo̍ di̱ve bṛ̍ha̱te sāda̍nāya .. 5.047.07
7 Be this our praise, O Varuṇa and Mitra may this be health and force to us, O Agni.
May we obtain firm ground and room for resting:- Glory to Heaven, the lofty habitation!
Sloka : 5.48.1
कदु॑ प्रि॒याय॒ धाम्ने॑ मनामहे॒ स्वक्ष॑त्राय॒ स्वय॑शसे म॒हे व॒यम् ।
आ॒मे॒न्यस्य॒ रज॑सो॒ यद॒भ्र आँ अ॒पो वृ॑णा॒ना वि॑त॒नोति॑ मा॒यिनी॑ ॥ ५.०४८.०१
kadu̍ pri̱yāya̱ dhāmne̍ manāmahe̱ svakṣa̍trāya̱ svaya̍śase ma̱he va̱yam .
ā̱me̱nyasya̱ raja̍so̱ yada̱bhra ām̐ a̱po vṛ̍ṇā̱nā vi̍ta̱noti̍ mā̱yinī̍ .. 5.048.01
1. WHAT may we meditate for the beloved Power, mighty in native strength and glorious in itself,
Which as a magic energy seeking waters spreads even to theimmeasurable middle region's cloud?
Sloka : 5.48.2
ता अ॑त्नत व॒युनं॑ वी॒रव॑क्षणं समा॒न्या वृ॒तया॒ विश्व॒मा रजः॑ ।
अपो॒ अपा॑ची॒रप॑रा॒ अपे॑जते॒ प्र पूर्वा॑भिस्तिरते देव॒युर्जनः॑ ॥ ५.०४८.०२
tā a̍tnata va̱yuna̍ṃ vī̱rava̍kṣaṇaṃ samā̱nyā vṛ̱tayā̱ viśva̱mā raja̍ḥ .
apo̱ apā̍cī̱rapa̍rā̱ ape̍jate̱ pra pūrvā̍bhistirate deva̱yurjana̍ḥ .. 5.048.02
2 O'er all the region with their uniform advance these have spread out the lore that giveth heroes strength.
Back, with their course reversed, the others pass away:- the pious lengthens life with those that are before.
Sloka : 5.48.3
आ ग्राव॑भिरह॒न्ये॑भिर॒क्तुभि॒र्वरि॑ष्ठं॒ वज्र॒मा जि॑घर्ति मा॒यिनि॑ ।
श॒तं वा॒ यस्य॑ प्र॒चर॒न्स्वे दमे॑ संव॒र्तय॑न्तो॒ वि च॑ वर्तय॒न्नहा॑ ॥ ५.०४८.०३
ā grāva̍bhiraha̱nye̍bhira̱ktubhi̱rvari̍ṣṭha̱ṃ vajra̱mā ji̍gharti mā̱yini̍ .
śa̱taṃ vā̱ yasya̍ pra̱cara̱nsve dame̍ saṃva̱rtaya̍nto̱ vi ca̍ vartaya̱nnahā̍ .. 5.048.03
3 With pressing-stones and with the bright beams of the day he hurls his broadest bolt against the Guileful One.
Even he whose hundred wander in his own abode, driving the days afar and bringing them again.
Sloka : 5.48.4
ताम॑स्य री॒तिं प॑र॒शोरि॑व॒ प्रत्यनी॑कमख्यं भु॒जे अ॑स्य॒ वर्प॑सः ।
सचा॒ यदि॑ पितु॒मन्त॑मिव॒ क्षयं॒ रत्नं॒ दधा॑ति॒ भर॑हूतये वि॒शे ॥ ५.०४८.०४
tāma̍sya rī̱tiṃ pa̍ra̱śori̍va̱ pratyanī̍kamakhyaṃ bhu̱je a̍sya̱ varpa̍saḥ .
sacā̱ yadi̍ pitu̱manta̍miva̱ kṣaya̱ṃ ratna̱ṃ dadhā̍ti̱ bhara̍hūtaye vi̱śe .. 5.048.04
4 I, to enjoy the beauty of his form, behold that rapid rush of his as twere an axe's edge,
What time he gives the man who calls on him in fight wealth like a dwelling-house filled full with store of food.
Sloka : 5.48.5
स जि॒ह्वया॒ चतु॑रनीक ऋञ्जते॒ चारु॒ वसा॑नो॒ वरु॑णो॒ यत॑न्न॒रिम् ।
न तस्य॑ विद्म पुरुष॒त्वता॑ व॒यं यतो॒ भगः॑ सवि॒ता दाति॒ वार्य॑म् ॥ ५.०४८.०५
sa ji̱hvayā̱ catu̍ranīka ṛñjate̱ cāru̱ vasā̍no̱ varu̍ṇo̱ yata̍nna̱rim .
na tasya̍ vidma puruṣa̱tvatā̍ va̱yaṃ yato̱ bhaga̍ḥ savi̱tā dāti̱ vārya̍m .. 5.048.05
5 Four-faced and nobly clad, Varuṇa, urging on the pious to his task, stirs himself with the tongue.
Naught by our human nature do we know of him, him from whom Bhaga Savitar bestows the boon.
Sloka : 5.49.1
दे॒वं वो॑ अ॒द्य स॑वि॒तार॒मेषे॒ भगं॑ च॒ रत्नं॑ वि॒भज॑न्तमा॒योः ।
आ वां॑ नरा पुरुभुजा ववृत्यां दि॒वेदि॑वे चिदश्विना सखी॒यन् ॥ ५.०४९.०१
de̱vaṃ vo̍ a̱dya sa̍vi̱tāra̱meṣe̱ bhaga̍ṃ ca̱ ratna̍ṃ vi̱bhaja̍ntamā̱yoḥ .
ā vā̍ṃ narā purubhujā vavṛtyāṃ di̱vedi̍ve cidaśvinā sakhī̱yan .. 5.049.01
1. THIS day I bring God Savitar to meet you, and Bhaga who allots the wealth of mortals.
You, Aśvins, Heroes rich in treasures, daily seeking your friendship fain would I turn hither.
Sloka : 5.49.2
प्रति॑ प्र॒याण॒मसु॑रस्य वि॒द्वान्सू॒क्तैर्दे॒वं स॑वि॒तारं॑ दुवस्य ।
उप॑ ब्रुवीत॒ नम॑सा विजा॒नञ्ज्येष्ठं॑ च॒ रत्नं॑ वि॒भज॑न्तमा॒योः ॥ ५.०४९.०२
prati̍ pra̱yāṇa̱masu̍rasya vi̱dvānsū̱ktairde̱vaṃ sa̍vi̱tāra̍ṃ duvasya .
upa̍ bruvīta̱ nama̍sā vijā̱nañjyeṣṭha̍ṃ ca̱ ratna̍ṃ vi̱bhaja̍ntamā̱yoḥ .. 5.049.02
2 Knowing full well the Asura's time of coming, worship God Savitar with hymns and praises.
Let him who rightly knoweth speak with homage to him who dealeth out man's noblest treasure.
Sloka : 5.49.3
अ॒द॒त्र॒या द॑यते॒ वार्या॑णि पू॒षा भगो॒ अदि॑ति॒र्वस्त॑ उ॒स्रः ।
इन्द्रो॒ विष्णु॒र्वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निरहा॑नि भ॒द्रा ज॑नयन्त द॒स्माः ॥ ५.०४९.०३
a̱da̱tra̱yā da̍yate̱ vāryā̍ṇi pū̱ṣā bhago̱ adi̍ti̱rvasta̍ u̱sraḥ .
indro̱ viṣṇu̱rvaru̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gnirahā̍ni bha̱drā ja̍nayanta da̱smāḥ .. 5.049.03
3 Not for reward doth Pūṣan send his blessings, Bhaga, or Aditi:- his garb is splendour.
May Indra, Visniu, Varuṇa, Mitra, Agni produce auspicious days, the Wonder-Workers.
Sloka : 5.49.4
तन्नो॑ अन॒र्वा स॑वि॒ता वरू॑थं॒ तत्सिन्ध॑व इ॒षय॑न्तो॒ अनु॑ ग्मन् ।
उप॒ यद्वोचे॑ अध्व॒रस्य॒ होता॑ रा॒यः स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो॒ वाज॑रत्नाः ॥ ५.०४९.०४
tanno̍ ana̱rvā sa̍vi̱tā varū̍tha̱ṃ tatsindha̍va i̱ṣaya̍nto̱ anu̍ gman .
upa̱ yadvoce̍ adhva̱rasya̱ hotā̍ rā̱yaḥ syā̍ma̱ pata̍yo̱ vāja̍ratnāḥ .. 5.049.04
4 Sending the shelter which we ask, the foeless Savitar and the Rivers shall approach us.
When I, the sacrifice's priest, invite them, may we he lords of wealth and rich possessions.
Sloka : 5.49.5
प्र ये वसु॑भ्य॒ ईव॒दा नमो॒ दुर्ये मि॒त्रे वरु॑णे सू॒क्तवा॑चः ।
अवै॒त्वभ्वं॑ कृणु॒ता वरी॑यो दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्योरव॑सा मदेम ॥ ५.०४९.०५
pra ye vasu̍bhya̱ īva̱dā namo̱ durye mi̱tre varu̍ṇe sū̱ktavā̍caḥ .
avai̱tvabhva̍ṃ kṛṇu̱tā varī̍yo di̱vaspṛ̍thi̱vyorava̍sā madema .. 5.049.05
5 They who devote such worship to the Vasus, singing their hymns to Varuṇa and Mitra,
Vouchsafe them ample room, far off be danger. Through grace of Heaven and Earth may we be happy.
Sloka : 5.50.1
विश्वो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ ने॒तुर्मर्तो॑ वुरीत स॒ख्यम् ।
विश्वो॑ रा॒य इ॑षुध्यति द्यु॒म्नं वृ॑णीत पु॒ष्यसे॑ ॥ ५.०५०.०१
viśvo̍ de̱vasya̍ ne̱turmarto̍ vurīta sa̱khyam .
viśvo̍ rā̱ya i̍ṣudhyati dyu̱mnaṃ vṛ̍ṇīta pu̱ṣyase̍ .. 5.050.01
1. LET every mortal man elect the friendship of the guiding God.
Each one solicits him for wealth and seeks renown to prosper him.
Sloka : 5.50.2
ते ते॑ देव नेत॒र्ये चे॒माँ अ॑नु॒शसे॑ ।
ते रा॒या ते ह्या॒३॒॑पृचे॒ सचे॑महि सच॒थ्यैः॑ ॥ ५.०५०.०२
te te̍ deva neta̱rye ce̱mām̐ a̍nu̱śase̍ .
te rā̱yā te hyā̱3̱̍pṛce̱ sace̍mahi saca̱thyai̍ḥ .. 5.050.02
2 These, leading God, are thine, and these here ready to speak after us.
As such may we attain to wealth and wait with services on thee.
Sloka : 5.50.3
अतो॑ न॒ आ नॄनति॑थी॒नतः॒ पत्नी॑र्दशस्यत ।
आ॒रे विश्वं॑ पथे॒ष्ठां द्वि॒षो यु॑योतु॒ यूयु॑विः ॥ ५.०५०.०३
ato̍ na̱ ā nṝnati̍thī̱nata̱ḥ patnī̍rdaśasyata .
ā̱re viśva̍ṃ pathe̱ṣṭhāṃ dvi̱ṣo yu̍yotu̱ yūyu̍viḥ .. 5.050.03
3 So further honour as our guests the Hero Gods and then the Dames.
May he remove and keep afar our foes and all who block our path.
Sloka : 5.50.4
यत्र॒ वह्नि॑र॒भिहि॑तो दु॒द्रव॒द्द्रोण्यः॑ प॒शुः ।
नृ॒मणा॑ वी॒रप॒स्त्योऽर्णा॒ धीरे॑व॒ सनि॑ता ॥ ५.०५०.०४
yatra̱ vahni̍ra̱bhihi̍to du̱drava̱ddroṇya̍ḥ pa̱śuḥ .
nṛ̱maṇā̍ vī̱rapa̱styo'rṇā̱ dhīre̍va̱ sani̍tā .. 5.050.04
4 Where fire is set, and swiftly runs the victim dwelling in the trough,
He wins, with heroes in his home, friendly to man, like constant streams.
Sloka : 5.50.5
ए॒ष ते॑ देव नेता॒ रथ॒स्पतिः॒ शं र॒यिः ।
शं रा॒ये शं स्व॒स्तय॑ इषः॒स्तुतो॑ मनामहे देव॒स्तुतो॑ मनामहे ॥ ५.०५०.०५
e̱ṣa te̍ deva netā̱ ratha̱spati̱ḥ śaṃ ra̱yiḥ .
śaṃ rā̱ye śaṃ sva̱staya̍ iṣa̱ḥstuto̍ manāmahe deva̱stuto̍ manāmahe .. 5.050.05
5 May these thy riches, Leader God! that rule the car, be blest to us,
Yea, blest to us for wealth and weal. This will we ponder praising strength, this ponder as we praise the God.
Sloka : 5.51.1
अग्ने॑ सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॒ विश्वै॒रूमे॑भि॒रा ग॑हि ।
दे॒वेभि॑र्ह॒व्यदा॑तये ॥ ५.०५१.०१
agne̍ su̱tasya̍ pī̱taye̱ viśvai̱rūme̍bhi̱rā ga̍hi .
de̱vebhi̍rha̱vyadā̍taye .. 5.051.01
1. WITH all assistants, Agni, come hither to drink the Soma-juice;
With Gods unto our sacred gifts.
Sloka : 5.51.2
ऋत॑धीतय॒ आ ग॑त॒ सत्य॑धर्माणो अध्व॒रम् ।
अ॒ग्नेः पि॑बत जि॒ह्वया॑ ॥ ५.०५१.०२
ṛta̍dhītaya̱ ā ga̍ta̱ satya̍dharmāṇo adhva̱ram .
a̱gneḥ pi̍bata ji̱hvayā̍ .. 5.051.02
2 Come to the sacrifice, O ye whose ways are right, whose laws are true,
And drink the draught with Agni's tongue.
Sloka : 5.51.3
विप्रे॑भिर्विप्र सन्त्य प्रात॒र्याव॑भि॒रा ग॑हि ।
दे॒वेभिः॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ५.०५१.०३
vipre̍bhirvipra santya prāta̱ryāva̍bhi̱rā ga̍hi .
de̱vebhi̱ḥ soma̍pītaye .. 5.051.03
3 O Singer, with the singers, O Gracious, with those who move at dawn,
Come to the Soma-draught with Gods.
Sloka : 5.51.4
अ॒यं सोम॑श्च॒मू सु॒तोऽम॑त्रे॒ परि॑ षिच्यते ।
प्रि॒य इन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॑ ॥ ५.०५१.०४
a̱yaṃ soma̍śca̱mū su̱to'ma̍tre̱ pari̍ ṣicyate .
pri̱ya indrā̍ya vā̱yave̍ .. 5.051.04
4 To Indra and to Vāyu dear, this Soma, by the mortar pressed,
Is now poured forth to fill the jar.
Sloka : 5.51.5
वाय॒वा या॑हि वी॒तये॑ जुषा॒णो ह॒व्यदा॑तये ।
पिबा॑ सु॒तस्यान्ध॑सो अ॒भि प्रयः॑ ॥ ५.०५१.०५
vāya̱vā yā̍hi vī̱taye̍ juṣā̱ṇo ha̱vyadā̍taye .
pibā̍ su̱tasyāndha̍so a̱bhi praya̍ḥ .. 5.051.05
5 Vāyu, come hither to the feast, wellpleased unto our sacred gifts:-
Drink of the Soma juice effused come to the food.
Sloka : 5.51.6
इन्द्र॑श्च वायवेषां सु॒तानां॑ पी॒तिम॑र्हथः ।
ताञ्जु॑षेथामरे॒पसा॑व॒भि प्रयः॑ ॥ ५.०५१.०६
indra̍śca vāyaveṣāṃ su̱tānā̍ṃ pī̱tima̍rhathaḥ .
tāñju̍ṣethāmare̱pasā̍va̱bhi praya̍ḥ .. 5.051.06
6 Ye, Indra, Vāyu, well deserve to drink the juices pressed by us.
Gladly accept them, spotless Pair come to the food.
Sloka : 5.51.7
सु॒ता इन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॒ सोमा॑सो॒ दध्या॑शिरः ।
नि॒म्नं न य॑न्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वो॒ऽभि प्रयः॑ ॥ ५.०५१.०७
su̱tā indrā̍ya vā̱yave̱ somā̍so̱ dadhyā̍śiraḥ .
ni̱mnaṃ na ya̍nti̱ sindha̍vo̱'bhi praya̍ḥ .. 5.051.07
7 For Indra and for Vāyu pressed are Soma juices blent with curd,
As rivers to the lowland flow:- come to the food.
Sloka : 5.51.8
स॒जूर्विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वेभि॑र॒श्विभ्या॑मु॒षसा॑ स॒जूः ।
आ या॑ह्यग्ने अत्रि॒वत्सु॒ते र॑ण ॥ ५.०५१.०८
sa̱jūrviśve̍bhirde̱vebhi̍ra̱śvibhyā̍mu̱ṣasā̍ sa̱jūḥ .
ā yā̍hyagne atri̱vatsu̱te ra̍ṇa .. 5.051.08
8 Associate with all the Gods, come, with the Aśvins and with Dawn,
Agni, as erst with Atri, so enjoy the juice.
Sloka : 5.51.9
स॒जूर्मि॒त्रावरु॑णाभ्यां स॒जूः सोमे॑न॒ विष्णु॑ना ।
आ या॑ह्यग्ने अत्रि॒वत्सु॒ते र॑ण ॥ ५.०५१.०९
sa̱jūrmi̱trāvaru̍ṇābhyāṃ sa̱jūḥ some̍na̱ viṣṇu̍nā .
ā yā̍hyagne atri̱vatsu̱te ra̍ṇa .. 5.051.09
9 Associate with Varuṇa, with Mitra, Soma, Viṣṇu, come,
Agni, as erstwith Atri, so enjoy the juice.
Sloka : 5.51.10
स॒जूरा॑दि॒त्यैर्वसु॑भिः स॒जूरिन्द्रे॑ण वा॒युना॑ ।
आ या॑ह्यग्ने अत्रि॒वत्सु॒ते र॑ण ॥ ५.०५१.१०
sa̱jūrā̍di̱tyairvasu̍bhiḥ sa̱jūrindre̍ṇa vā̱yunā̍ .
ā yā̍hyagne atri̱vatsu̱te ra̍ṇa .. 5.051.10
10 Associate with Vasus, with Ādityas, Indra, Viyu, come, Agni as erst with Atri, so enjoy the juice.
Sloka : 5.51.11
स्व॒स्ति नो॑ मिमीताम॒श्विना॒ भगः॑ स्व॒स्ति दे॒व्यदि॑तिरन॒र्वणः॑ ।
स्व॒स्ति पू॒षा असु॑रो दधातु नः स्व॒स्ति द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी सु॑चे॒तुना॑ ॥ ५.०५१.११
sva̱sti no̍ mimītāma̱śvinā̱ bhaga̍ḥ sva̱sti de̱vyadi̍tirana̱rvaṇa̍ḥ .
sva̱sti pū̱ṣā asu̍ro dadhātu naḥ sva̱sti dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī su̍ce̱tunā̍ .. 5.051.11
11 May Bhaga and the Aśvins grant us health and wealth, and Goddess Adid and he whom none resist.
The Asura Pūṣan grant us all prosperity, and Heaven and Earth most wise vouchsafe us happiness.
Sloka : 5.51.12
स्व॒स्तये॑ वा॒युमुप॑ ब्रवामहै॒ सोमं॑ स्व॒स्ति भुव॑नस्य॒ यस्पतिः॑ ।
बृह॒स्पतिं॒ सर्व॑गणं स्व॒स्तये॑ स्व॒स्तय॑ आदि॒त्यासो॑ भवन्तु नः ॥ ५.०५१.१२
sva̱staye̍ vā̱yumupa̍ bravāmahai̱ soma̍ṃ sva̱sti bhuva̍nasya̱ yaspati̍ḥ .
bṛha̱spati̱ṃ sarva̍gaṇaṃ sva̱staye̍ sva̱staya̍ ādi̱tyāso̍ bhavantu naḥ .. 5.051.12
12 Let us solicit Vāyu for prosperity, and Soma who is Lord of all the world for weal;
For weal Bṛhaspati with all his company. May the Ādityas bring us health and happiness.
Sloka : 5.51.13
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा नो॑ अ॒द्या स्व॒स्तये॑ वैश्वान॒रो वसु॑र॒ग्निः स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
दे॒वा अ॑वन्त्वृ॒भवः॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ स्व॒स्ति नो॑ रु॒द्रः पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥ ५.०५१.१३
viśve̍ de̱vā no̍ a̱dyā sva̱staye̍ vaiśvāna̱ro vasu̍ra̱gniḥ sva̱staye̍ .
de̱vā a̍vantvṛ̱bhava̍ḥ sva̱staye̍ sva̱sti no̍ ru̱draḥ pā̱tvaṃha̍saḥ .. 5.051.13
13 May all the Gods, may Agni the beneficent, God of all men, this day be with us for our weal.
Help us the Ṛbhus, the Divine Ones, for our good. May Rudra bless and keep us from calamity.
Sloka : 5.51.14
स्व॒स्ति मि॑त्रावरुणा स्व॒स्ति प॑थ्ये रेवति ।
स्व॒स्ति न॒ इन्द्र॑श्चा॒ग्निश्च॑ स्व॒स्ति नो॑ अदिते कृधि ॥ ५.०५१.१४
sva̱sti mi̍trāvaruṇā sva̱sti pa̍thye revati .
sva̱sti na̱ indra̍ścā̱gniśca̍ sva̱sti no̍ adite kṛdhi .. 5.051.14
14 Prosper us, Mitra, Varuṇa. O wealthy Pathya, prosper us.
Indra and Agni, prosper us; prosper us thou, O Aditi.
Sloka : 5.51.15
स्व॒स्ति पन्था॒मनु॑ चरेम सूर्याचन्द्र॒मसा॑विव ।
पुन॒र्दद॒ताघ्न॑ता जान॒ता सं ग॑मेमहि ॥ ५.०५१.१५
sva̱sti panthā̱manu̍ carema sūryācandra̱masā̍viva .
puna̱rdada̱tāghna̍tā jāna̱tā saṃ ga̍memahi .. 5.051.15
15 Like Sun and Moon may we pursue in full prosperity our path,
And meet with one who gives again, -who knows us well and slays us not.
Sloka : 5.52.1
प्र श्या॑वाश्व धृष्णु॒यार्चा॑ म॒रुद्भि॒रृक्व॑भिः ।
ये अ॑द्रो॒घम॑नुष्व॒धं श्रवो॒ मद॑न्ति य॒ज्ञियाः॑ ॥ ५.०५२.०१
pra śyā̍vāśva dhṛṣṇu̱yārcā̍ ma̱rudbhi̱rṛkva̍bhiḥ .
ye a̍dro̱ghama̍nuṣva̱dhaṃ śravo̱ mada̍nti ya̱jñiyā̍ḥ .. 5.052.01
1. SING boldly forth, Śyāvāśva, with the Maruts who are loud in song,
Who, holy, as their wont is, joy in glory that is free from guile.
Sloka : 5.52.2
ते हि स्थि॒रस्य॒ शव॑सः॒ सखा॑यः॒ सन्ति॑ धृष्णु॒या ।
ते याम॒न्ना धृ॑ष॒द्विन॒स्त्मना॑ पान्ति॒ शश्व॑तः ॥ ५.०५२.०२
te hi sthi̱rasya̱ śava̍sa̱ḥ sakhā̍ya̱ḥ santi̍ dhṛṣṇu̱yā .
te yāma̱nnā dhṛ̍ṣa̱dvina̱stmanā̍ pānti̱ śaśva̍taḥ .. 5.052.02
2 For in their boldness they are friends of firm and sure heroic strength.
They in their course, bold-spirited, guard all men of their own accord.
Sloka : 5.52.3
ते स्य॒न्द्रासो॒ नोक्षणोऽति॑ ष्कन्दन्ति॒ शर्व॑रीः ।
म॒रुता॒मधा॒ महो॑ दि॒वि क्ष॒मा च॑ मन्महे ॥ ५.०५२.०३
te sya̱ndrāso̱ nokṣaṇo'ti̍ ṣkandanti̱ śarva̍rīḥ .
ma̱rutā̱madhā̱ maho̍ di̱vi kṣa̱mā ca̍ manmahe .. 5.052.03
3 Like steers in rapid motion they advance and overtake the nights;
And thus the Maruts power in heaven and on the earth we celebrate.
Sloka : 5.52.4
म॒रुत्सु॑ वो दधीमहि॒ स्तोमं॑ य॒ज्ञं च॑ धृष्णु॒या ।
विश्वे॒ ये मानु॑षा यु॒गा पान्ति॒ मर्त्यं॑ रि॒षः ॥ ५.०५२.०४
ma̱rutsu̍ vo dadhīmahi̱ stoma̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ ca̍ dhṛṣṇu̱yā .
viśve̱ ye mānu̍ṣā yu̱gā pānti̱ martya̍ṃ ri̱ṣaḥ .. 5.052.04
4 With boldness to your Maruts let us offer laud and sacrifice:-
Who all, through ages of mankind, guard mortal man from injury.
Sloka : 5.52.5
अर्ह॑न्तो॒ ये सु॒दान॑वो॒ नरो॒ असा॑मिशवसः ।
प्र य॒ज्ञं य॒ज्ञिये॑भ्यो दि॒वो अ॑र्चा म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ॥ ५.०५२.०५
arha̍nto̱ ye su̱dāna̍vo̱ naro̱ asā̍miśavasaḥ .
pra ya̱jñaṃ ya̱jñiye̍bhyo di̱vo a̍rcā ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .. 5.052.05
5 Praiseworthy, givers of good gifts, Heroes with full and perfect strength -
To Maruts, Holy Ones of heaven, will I extol the sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.52.6
आ रु॒क्मैरा यु॒धा नर॑ ऋ॒ष्वा ऋ॒ष्टीर॑सृक्षत ।
अन्वे॑ना॒ँ अह॑ वि॒द्युतो॑ म॒रुतो॒ जज्झ॑तीरिव भा॒नुर॑र्त॒ त्मना॑ दि॒वः ॥ ५.०५२.०६
ā ru̱kmairā yu̱dhā nara̍ ṛ̱ṣvā ṛ̱ṣṭīra̍sṛkṣata .
anve̍nā̱m̐ aha̍ vi̱dyuto̍ ma̱ruto̱ jajjha̍tīriva bhā̱nura̍rta̱ tmanā̍ di̱vaḥ .. 5.052.06
6 The lofty Heroes cast their spears and weapons bright with gleaming gold.
After these Maruts followed close, like laughing lightning from the sky, a splendour of its own accord.
Sloka : 5.52.7
ये वा॑वृ॒धन्त॒ पार्थि॑वा॒ य उ॒राव॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒ आ ।
वृ॒जने॑ वा न॒दीनां॑ स॒धस्थे॑ वा म॒हो दि॒वः ॥ ५.०५२.०७
ye vā̍vṛ̱dhanta̱ pārthi̍vā̱ ya u̱rāva̱ntari̍kṣa̱ ā .
vṛ̱jane̍ vā na̱dīnā̍ṃ sa̱dhasthe̍ vā ma̱ho di̱vaḥ .. 5.052.07
7 They who waxed mighty, of the earth, they who are in the wide mid-air,
Or in the rivers compass, or in the abode of ample heaven.
Sloka : 5.52.8
शर्धो॒ मारु॑त॒मुच्छं॑स स॒त्यश॑वस॒मृभ्व॑सम् ।
उ॒त स्म॒ ते शु॒भे नरः॒ प्र स्य॒न्द्रा यु॑जत॒ त्मना॑ ॥ ५.०५२.०८
śardho̱ māru̍ta̱muccha̍ṃsa sa̱tyaśa̍vasa̱mṛbhva̍sam .
u̱ta sma̱ te śu̱bhe nara̱ḥ pra sya̱ndrā yu̍jata̱ tmanā̍ .. 5.052.08
8 Praise thou the Maruts company, the valorous and truly strong,
The Heroes, hasting, by themselves have yoked their deer for victory.
Sloka : 5.52.9
उ॒त स्म॒ ते परु॑ष्ण्या॒मूर्णा॑ वसत शु॒न्ध्यवः॑ ।
उ॒त प॒व्या रथा॑ना॒मद्रिं॑ भिन्द॒न्त्योज॑सा ॥ ५.०५२.०९
u̱ta sma̱ te paru̍ṣṇyā̱mūrṇā̍ vasata śu̱ndhyava̍ḥ .
u̱ta pa̱vyā rathā̍nā̱madri̍ṃ bhinda̱ntyoja̍sā .. 5.052.09
9 Fair-gleaming, on Paruṣṇī they have clothed themselves in robes of wool,
And with their chariot tires they cleave the rock asunder in their might.
Sloka : 5.52.10
आप॑थयो॒ विप॑थ॒योऽन्त॑स्पथा॒ अनु॑पथाः ।
ए॒तेभि॒र्मह्यं॒ नाम॑भिर्य॒ज्ञं वि॑ष्टा॒र ओ॑हते ॥ ५.०५२.१०
āpa̍thayo̱ vipa̍tha̱yo'nta̍spathā̱ anu̍pathāḥ .
e̱tebhi̱rmahya̱ṃ nāma̍bhirya̱jñaṃ vi̍ṣṭā̱ra o̍hate .. 5.052.10
10 Whether as wanderers from the way or speeders on or to the path,
Under these names the spreading band tend well the sacrifice for me.
Sloka : 5.52.11
अधा॒ नरो॒ न्यो॑ह॒तेऽधा॑ नि॒युत॑ ओहते ।
अधा॒ पारा॑वता॒ इति॑ चि॒त्रा रू॒पाणि॒ दर्श्या॑ ॥ ५.०५२.११
adhā̱ naro̱ nyo̍ha̱te'dhā̍ ni̱yuta̍ ohate .
adhā̱ pārā̍vatā̱ iti̍ ci̱trā rū̱pāṇi̱ darśyā̍ .. 5.052.11
11 To this the Heroes well attend, well do their teams attend to this.
Visible are their varied forms. Behold, they are Paravatas.
Sloka : 5.52.12
छ॒न्दः॒स्तुभः॑ कुभ॒न्यव॒ उत्स॒मा की॒रिणो॑ नृतुः ।
ते मे॒ के चि॒न्न ता॒यव॒ ऊमा॑ आसन्दृ॒शि त्वि॒षे ॥ ५.०५२.१२
cha̱nda̱ḥstubha̍ḥ kubha̱nyava̱ utsa̱mā kī̱riṇo̍ nṛtuḥ .
te me̱ ke ci̱nna tā̱yava̱ ūmā̍ āsandṛ̱śi tvi̱ṣe .. 5.052.12
12 Hymn-singing, seeking water, they, praising, have danced about the spring.
What are they unto me? No thieves, but helpers, splendid to behold.
Sloka : 5.52.13
य ऋ॒ष्वा ऋ॒ष्टिवि॑द्युतः क॒वयः॒ सन्ति॑ वे॒धसः॑ ।
तमृ॑षे॒ मारु॑तं ग॒णं न॑म॒स्या र॒मया॑ गि॒रा ॥ ५.०५२.१३
ya ṛ̱ṣvā ṛ̱ṣṭivi̍dyutaḥ ka̱vaya̱ḥ santi̍ ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
tamṛ̍ṣe̱ māru̍taṃ ga̱ṇaṃ na̍ma̱syā ra̱mayā̍ gi̱rā .. 5.052.13
13 Sublime, with lightnings for their spears, Sages and Orderers are they.
Ṛṣi, adore that Marut host, and make them happy with thy song.
Sloka : 5.52.14
अच्छ॑ ऋषे॒ मारु॑तं ग॒णं दा॒ना मि॒त्रं न यो॒षणा॑ ।
दि॒वो वा॑ धृष्णव॒ ओज॑सा स्तु॒ता धी॒भिरि॑षण्यत ॥ ५.०५२.१४
accha̍ ṛṣe̱ māru̍taṃ ga̱ṇaṃ dā̱nā mi̱traṃ na yo̱ṣaṇā̍ .
di̱vo vā̍ dhṛṣṇava̱ oja̍sā stu̱tā dhī̱bhiri̍ṣaṇyata .. 5.052.14
14 Ṛṣi, invite the Marut band with offerings, as a maid her friend.
From heaven, too, Bold Ones, in your might haste hither glorified with songs.
Sloka : 5.52.15
नू म॑न्वा॒न ए॑षां दे॒वाँ अच्छा॒ न व॒क्षणा॑ ।
दा॒ना स॑चेत सू॒रिभि॒र्याम॑श्रुतेभिर॒ञ्जिभिः॑ ॥ ५.०५२.१५
nū ma̍nvā̱na e̍ṣāṃ de̱vām̐ acchā̱ na va̱kṣaṇā̍ .
dā̱nā sa̍ceta sū̱ribhi̱ryāma̍śrutebhira̱ñjibhi̍ḥ .. 5.052.15
15 Thinking of these now let him come, as with the escort of the Gods,
And with the splendid Princes, famed for rapid courses, to the gifts.
Sloka : 5.52.16
प्र ये मे॑ बन्ध्वे॒षे गां वोच॑न्त सू॒रयः॒ पृश्निं॑ वोचन्त मा॒तर॑म् ।
अधा॑ पि॒तर॑मि॒ष्मिणं॑ रु॒द्रं वो॑चन्त॒ शिक्व॑सः ॥ ५.०५२.१६
pra ye me̍ bandhve̱ṣe gāṃ voca̍nta sū̱raya̱ḥ pṛśni̍ṃ vocanta mā̱tara̍m .
adhā̍ pi̱tara̍mi̱ṣmiṇa̍ṃ ru̱draṃ vo̍canta̱ śikva̍saḥ .. 5.052.16
16 Princes, who, when I asked their kin, named Pṛśni as their Mother-cow,
And the impetuous Rudra they, the Mighty Ones, declared their Sire.
Sloka : 5.52.17
स॒प्त मे॑ स॒प्त शा॒किन॒ एक॑मेका श॒ता द॑दुः ।
य॒मुना॑या॒मधि॑ श्रु॒तमुद्राधो॒ गव्यं॑ मृजे॒ नि राधो॒ अश्व्यं॑ मृजे ॥ ५.०५२.१७
sa̱pta me̍ sa̱pta śā̱kina̱ eka̍mekā śa̱tā da̍duḥ .
ya̱munā̍yā̱madhi̍ śru̱tamudrādho̱ gavya̍ṃ mṛje̱ ni rādho̱ aśvya̍ṃ mṛje .. 5.052.17
17 The mighty ones, the seven times seven, have singly given me hundred gifts.
I have obtained on Yamuna famed wealth in kine and wealth in steeds.
Sloka : 5.53.1
को वे॑द॒ जान॑मेषां॒ को वा॑ पु॒रा सु॒म्नेष्वा॑स म॒रुता॑म् ।
यद्यु॑यु॒ज्रे कि॑ला॒स्यः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.०१
ko ve̍da̱ jāna̍meṣā̱ṃ ko vā̍ pu̱rā su̱mneṣvā̍sa ma̱rutā̍m .
yadyu̍yu̱jre ki̍lā̱sya̍ḥ .. 5.053.01
1. Who knows the birth of these, or who lived in the Maruts favour in the days of old
What time their spotted deer were yoked?
Sloka : 5.53.2
ऐतान्रथे॑षु त॒स्थुषः॒ कः शु॑श्राव क॒था य॑युः ।
कस्मै॑ सस्रुः सु॒दासे॒ अन्वा॒पय॒ इळा॑भिर्वृ॒ष्टयः॑ स॒ह ॥ ५.०५३.०२
aitānrathe̍ṣu ta̱sthuṣa̱ḥ kaḥ śu̍śrāva ka̱thā ya̍yuḥ .
kasmai̍ sasruḥ su̱dāse̱ anvā̱paya̱ il̤ā̍bhirvṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ sa̱ha .. 5.053.02
2 Who, when they stood upon their cars, hath heard them tell the way they went?
Who was the bounteous man to whom their kindred rains flowed down with food of sacrifice?
Sloka : 5.53.3
ते म॑ आहु॒र्य आ॑य॒युरुप॒ द्युभि॒र्विभि॒र्मदे॑ ।
नरो॒ मर्या॑ अरे॒पस॑ इ॒मान्पश्य॒न्निति॑ ष्टुहि ॥ ५.०५३.०३
te ma̍ āhu̱rya ā̍ya̱yurupa̱ dyubhi̱rvibhi̱rmade̍ .
naro̱ maryā̍ are̱pasa̍ i̱mānpaśya̱nniti̍ ṣṭuhi .. 5.053.03
3 To me they told it, and they came with winged steeds radiant to the draught,
Youths, Heroes free from spot or stain:- Behold us here and praise thou us;
Sloka : 5.53.4
ये अ॒ञ्जिषु॒ ये वाशी॑षु॒ स्वभा॑नवः स्र॒क्षु रु॒क्मेषु॑ खा॒दिषु॑ ।
श्रा॒या रथे॑षु॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ ५.०५३.०४
ye a̱ñjiṣu̱ ye vāśī̍ṣu̱ svabhā̍navaḥ sra̱kṣu ru̱kmeṣu̍ khā̱diṣu̍ .
śrā̱yā rathe̍ṣu̱ dhanva̍su .. 5.053.04
4 Who shine self-luminous with ornaments and swords, with breastplates, armlets, and with wreaths,
Arrayed on chariots and with bows.
Sloka : 5.53.5
यु॒ष्माकं॑ स्मा॒ रथा॒ँ अनु॑ मु॒दे द॑धे मरुतो जीरदानवः ।
वृ॒ष्टी द्यावो॑ य॒तीरि॑व ॥ ५.०५३.०५
yu̱ṣmāka̍ṃ smā̱ rathā̱m̐ anu̍ mu̱de da̍dhe maruto jīradānavaḥ .
vṛ̱ṣṭī dyāvo̍ ya̱tīri̍va .. 5.053.05
5 O swift to pour your bounties down, ye Maruts, with delight I look upon your cars,
Like splendours coming through the rain.
Sloka : 5.53.6
आ यं नरः॑ सु॒दान॑वो ददा॒शुषे॑ दि॒वः कोश॒मचु॑च्यवुः ।
वि प॒र्जन्यं॑ सृजन्ति॒ रोद॑सी॒ अनु॒ धन्व॑ना यन्ति वृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.०६
ā yaṃ nara̍ḥ su̱dāna̍vo dadā̱śuṣe̍ di̱vaḥ kośa̱macu̍cyavuḥ .
vi pa̱rjanya̍ṃ sṛjanti̱ roda̍sī̱ anu̱ dhanva̍nā yanti vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 5.053.06
6 Munificent Heroes, they have cast heaven's treasury down for the worshipper's behoof:-
They set the storm-cloud free to stream through both the worlds, and rainfloods flow oer desert spots.
Sloka : 5.53.7
त॒तृ॒दा॒नाः सिन्ध॑वः॒ क्षोद॑सा॒ रजः॒ प्र स॑स्रुर्धे॒नवो॑ यथा ।
स्य॒न्ना अश्वा॑ इ॒वाध्व॑नो वि॒मोच॑ने॒ वि यद्वर्त॑न्त ए॒न्यः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.०७
ta̱tṛ̱dā̱nāḥ sindha̍va̱ḥ kṣoda̍sā̱ raja̱ḥ pra sa̍srurdhe̱navo̍ yathā .
sya̱nnā aśvā̍ i̱vādhva̍no vi̱moca̍ne̱ vi yadvarta̍nta e̱nya̍ḥ .. 5.053.07
7 The bursting streams m billowy flood have spread abroad, like milch-kine, oer the firmament.
Like swift steeds hasting to their journey's resting-place, to every side run glittering brooks.
Sloka : 5.53.8
आ या॑त मरुतो दि॒व आन्तरि॑क्षाद॒मादु॒त ।
माव॑ स्थात परा॒वतः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.०८
ā yā̍ta maruto di̱va āntari̍kṣāda̱mādu̱ta .
māva̍ sthāta parā̱vata̍ḥ .. 5.053.08
8 Hither, O Maruts, come from heaven, from mid-air, or from near at hand
Tarry not far away from us.
Sloka : 5.53.9
मा वो॑ र॒सानि॑तभा॒ कुभा॒ क्रुमु॒र्मा वः॒ सिन्धु॒र्नि री॑रमत् ।
मा वः॒ परि॑ ष्ठात्स॒रयुः॑ पुरी॒षिण्य॒स्मे इत्सु॒म्नम॑स्तु वः ॥ ५.०५३.०९
mā vo̍ ra̱sāni̍tabhā̱ kubhā̱ krumu̱rmā va̱ḥ sindhu̱rni rī̍ramat .
mā va̱ḥ pari̍ ṣṭhātsa̱rayu̍ḥ purī̱ṣiṇya̱sme itsu̱mnama̍stu vaḥ .. 5.053.09
9 So let not Rasā, Krumu, or Anitabha, Kubha, or Sindhu hold you back.
Let not the watery Sarayti obstruct your way. With us be all the bliss ye give.
Sloka : 5.53.10
तं वः॒ शर्धं॒ रथा॑नां त्वे॒षं ग॒णं मारु॑तं॒ नव्य॑सीनाम् ।
अनु॒ प्र य॑न्ति वृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.१०
taṃ va̱ḥ śardha̱ṃ rathā̍nāṃ tve̱ṣaṃ ga̱ṇaṃ māru̍ta̱ṃ navya̍sīnām .
anu̱ pra ya̍nti vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 5.053.10
10 That brilliant gathering of your cars, the company of Maruts, of the Youthful Ones,
The rain-showers, speeding on, attend.
Sloka : 5.53.11
शर्धं॑शर्धं व एषां॒ व्रातं॑व्रातं ग॒णंग॑णं सुश॒स्तिभिः॑ ।
अनु॑ क्रामेम धी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.११
śardha̍ṃśardhaṃ va eṣā̱ṃ vrāta̍ṃvrātaṃ ga̱ṇaṃga̍ṇaṃ suśa̱stibhi̍ḥ .
anu̍ krāmema dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 5.053.11
11 With eulogies and hymns may we follow your army, troop by troop, and band by band,
And company by company.
Sloka : 5.53.12
कस्मा॑ अ॒द्य सुजा॑ताय रा॒तह॑व्याय॒ प्र य॑युः ।
ए॒ना यामे॑न म॒रुतः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.१२
kasmā̍ a̱dya sujā̍tāya rā̱taha̍vyāya̱ pra ya̍yuḥ .
e̱nā yāme̍na ma̱ruta̍ḥ .. 5.053.12
12 To what oblation-giver, sprung of noble ancestry, have sped
The Maruts on this course to-day?
Sloka : 5.53.13
येन॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय धा॒न्यं१॒॑ बीजं॒ वह॑ध्वे॒ अक्षि॑तम् ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ तद्ध॑त्तन॒ यद्व॒ ईम॑हे॒ राधो॑ वि॒श्वायु॒ सौभ॑गम् ॥ ५.०५३.१३
yena̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya dhā̱nyaṃ1̱̍ bīja̱ṃ vaha̍dhve̱ akṣi̍tam .
a̱smabhya̱ṃ taddha̍ttana̱ yadva̱ īma̍he̱ rādho̍ vi̱śvāyu̱ saubha̍gam .. 5.053.13
13 Vouchsafe to us the bounty, that which we implore, through which, for child and progeny,
Ye give the seed of corn that wasteth not away, and bliss that reacheth to all life.
Sloka : 5.53.14
अती॑याम नि॒दस्ति॒रः स्व॒स्तिभि॑र्हि॒त्वाव॒द्यमरा॑तीः ।
वृ॒ष्ट्वी शं योराप॑ उ॒स्रि भे॑ष॒जं स्याम॑ मरुतः स॒ह ॥ ५.०५३.१४
atī̍yāma ni̱dasti̱raḥ sva̱stibhi̍rhi̱tvāva̱dyamarā̍tīḥ .
vṛ̱ṣṭvī śaṃ yorāpa̍ u̱sri bhe̍ṣa̱jaṃ syāma̍ marutaḥ sa̱ha .. 5.053.14
14 May we in safety pass by those who slander us, leaving behind disgrace and hate.
Maruts, may we be there when ye, at dawn, in rest and toil, rain waters down and balm.
Sloka : 5.53.15
सु॒दे॒वः स॑महासति सु॒वीरो॑ नरो मरुतः॒ स मर्त्यः॑ ।
यं त्राय॑ध्वे॒ स्याम॒ ते ॥ ५.०५३.१५
su̱de̱vaḥ sa̍mahāsati su̱vīro̍ naro maruta̱ḥ sa martya̍ḥ .
yaṃ trāya̍dhve̱ syāma̱ te .. 5.053.15
15 Favoured by Gods shall he the man, O Heroes, Marutr! and possessed of noble sons,
Whom ye protect. Such may we be.
Sloka : 5.53.16
स्तु॒हि भो॒जान्स्तु॑व॒तो अ॑स्य॒ याम॑नि॒ रण॒न्गावो॒ न यव॑से ।
य॒तः पूर्वा॑ँ इव॒ सखी॒ँरनु॑ ह्वय गि॒रा गृ॑णीहि का॒मिनः॑ ॥ ५.०५३.१६
stu̱hi bho̱jānstu̍va̱to a̍sya̱ yāma̍ni̱ raṇa̱ngāvo̱ na yava̍se .
ya̱taḥ pūrvā̍m̐ iva̱ sakhī̱m̐ranu̍ hvaya gi̱rā gṛ̍ṇīhi kā̱mina̍ḥ .. 5.053.16
16 Praise the Free-givers. At this liberal patron's rite they joy like cattle in the mead.
So call thou unto them who come as ancient Friends:- hymn those who love thee with a song.
Sloka : 5.54.1
प्र शर्धा॑य॒ मारु॑ताय॒ स्वभा॑नव इ॒मां वाच॑मनजा पर्वत॒च्युते॑ ।
घ॒र्म॒स्तुभे॑ दि॒व आ पृ॑ष्ठ॒यज्व॑ने द्यु॒म्नश्र॑वसे॒ महि॑ नृ॒म्णम॑र्चत ॥ ५.०५४.०१
pra śardhā̍ya̱ māru̍tāya̱ svabhā̍nava i̱māṃ vāca̍manajā parvata̱cyute̍ .
gha̱rma̱stubhe̍ di̱va ā pṛ̍ṣṭha̱yajva̍ne dyu̱mnaśra̍vase̱ mahi̍ nṛ̱mṇama̍rcata .. 5.054.01
1. THIS hymn will I make for the Marut host who bright in native splendour cast the mountains down.
Sing the great strength of those illustrious in renown, who stay the heat, who sacrifice on heights of heaven.
Sloka : 5.54.2
प्र वो॑ मरुतस्तवि॒षा उ॑द॒न्यवो॑ वयो॒वृधो॑ अश्व॒युजः॒ परि॑ज्रयः ।
सं वि॒द्युता॒ दध॑ति॒ वाश॑ति त्रि॒तः स्वर॒न्त्यापो॒ऽवना॒ परि॑ज्रयः ॥ ५.०५४.०२
pra vo̍ marutastavi̱ṣā u̍da̱nyavo̍ vayo̱vṛdho̍ aśva̱yuja̱ḥ pari̍jrayaḥ .
saṃ vi̱dyutā̱ dadha̍ti̱ vāśa̍ti tri̱taḥ svara̱ntyāpo̱'vanā̱ pari̍jrayaḥ .. 5.054.02
2 O Maruts, rich in water, strengtheners of life are your strong bands with harnessed steeds, that wander far.
Trita roars out at him who aims the lightning-flash. The waters sweeping round are thundering on their way.
Sloka : 5.54.3
वि॒द्युन्म॑हसो॒ नरो॒ अश्म॑दिद्यवो॒ वात॑त्विषो म॒रुतः॑ पर्वत॒च्युतः॑ ।
अ॒ब्द॒या चि॒न्मुहु॒रा ह्रा॑दुनी॒वृतः॑ स्त॒नय॑दमा रभ॒सा उदो॑जसः ॥ ५.०५४.०३
vi̱dyunma̍haso̱ naro̱ aśma̍didyavo̱ vāta̍tviṣo ma̱ruta̍ḥ parvata̱cyuta̍ḥ .
a̱bda̱yā ci̱nmuhu̱rā hrā̍dunī̱vṛta̍ḥ sta̱naya̍damā rabha̱sā udo̍jasaḥ .. 5.054.03
3 They gleam with lightning, Heroes, Casters of the Stone, wind-rapid Maruts, overthrowers of the bills,
Oft through desire to rain coming with storm of hail, roaring in onset, violent and exceeding strong.
Sloka : 5.54.4
व्य१॒॑क्तून्रु॑द्रा॒ व्यहा॑नि शिक्वसो॒ व्य१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षं॒ वि रजां॑सि धूतयः ।
वि यदज्रा॒ँ अज॑थ॒ नाव॑ ईं यथा॒ वि दु॒र्गाणि॑ मरुतो॒ नाह॑ रिष्यथ ॥ ५.०५४.०४
vya1̱̍ktūnru̍drā̱ vyahā̍ni śikvaso̱ vya1̱̍ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ vi rajā̍ṃsi dhūtayaḥ .
vi yadajrā̱m̐ aja̍tha̱ nāva̍ īṃ yathā̱ vi du̱rgāṇi̍ maruto̱ nāha̍ riṣyatha .. 5.054.04
4 When, mighty Rudras, through the nights and through the days, when through the sky and realms of air, shakers of all,
When over the broad fields ye drive along like ships, een to strongholds ye come, Maruts, but are not harmed.
Sloka : 5.54.5
तद्वी॒र्यं॑ वो मरुतो महित्व॒नं दी॒र्घं त॑तान॒ सूर्यो॒ न योज॑नम् ।
एता॒ न यामे॒ अगृ॑भीतशोचि॒षोऽन॑श्वदां॒ यन्न्यया॑तना गि॒रिम् ॥ ५.०५४.०५
tadvī̱rya̍ṃ vo maruto mahitva̱naṃ dī̱rghaṃ ta̍tāna̱ sūryo̱ na yoja̍nam .
etā̱ na yāme̱ agṛ̍bhītaśoci̱ṣo'na̍śvadā̱ṃ yannyayā̍tanā gi̱rim .. 5.054.05
5 Maruts, this hero strength and majesty of yours hath, like the Sun, extended oer a lengthened way,
When in your course like deer with splendour unsubdued ye bowed the hill that gives imperishable rain.
Sloka : 5.54.6
अभ्रा॑जि॒ शर्धो॑ मरुतो॒ यद॑र्ण॒सं मोष॑था वृ॒क्षं क॑प॒नेव॑ वेधसः ।
अध॑ स्मा नो अ॒रम॑तिं सजोषस॒श्चक्षु॑रिव॒ यन्त॒मनु॑ नेषथा सु॒गम् ॥ ५.०५४.०६
abhrā̍ji̱ śardho̍ maruto̱ yada̍rṇa̱saṃ moṣa̍thā vṛ̱kṣaṃ ka̍pa̱neva̍ vedhasaḥ .
adha̍ smā no a̱rama̍tiṃ sajoṣasa̱ścakṣu̍riva̱ yanta̱manu̍ neṣathā su̱gam .. 5.054.06
6 Bright shone your host, ye Sages, Maruts, when ye smote the waving tree as when the worm consumeth it.
Accordant, as the eye guides him who walks, have ye led our devotion onward by an easy path.
Sloka : 5.54.7
न स जी॑यते मरुतो॒ न ह॑न्यते॒ न स्रे॑धति॒ न व्य॑थते॒ न रि॑ष्यति ।
नास्य॒ राय॒ उप॑ दस्यन्ति॒ नोतय॒ ऋषिं॑ वा॒ यं राजा॑नं वा॒ सुषू॑दथ ॥ ५.०५४.०७
na sa jī̍yate maruto̱ na ha̍nyate̱ na sre̍dhati̱ na vya̍thate̱ na ri̍ṣyati .
nāsya̱ rāya̱ upa̍ dasyanti̱ notaya̱ ṛṣi̍ṃ vā̱ yaṃ rājā̍naṃ vā̱ suṣū̍datha .. 5.054.07
7 Never is he, O Maruts, slain or overcome, never doth he decay neer is distressed or harmed;
His treasures, his resources, never waste away, whom. whether he be prince or Ṛṣi, ye direct.
Sloka : 5.54.8
नि॒युत्व॑न्तो ग्राम॒जितो॒ यथा॒ नरो॑ऽर्य॒मणो॒ न म॒रुतः॑ कब॒न्धिनः॑ ।
पिन्व॒न्त्युत्सं॒ यदि॒नासो॒ अस्व॑र॒न्व्यु॑न्दन्ति पृथि॒वीं मध्वो॒ अन्ध॑सा ॥ ५.०५४.०८
ni̱yutva̍nto grāma̱jito̱ yathā̱ naro̎rya̱maṇo̱ na ma̱ruta̍ḥ kaba̱ndhina̍ḥ .
pinva̱ntyutsa̱ṃ yadi̱nāso̱ asva̍ra̱nvyu̍ndanti pṛthi̱vīṃ madhvo̱ andha̍sā .. 5.054.08
8 With harnessed team like heroes overcoming troops, the friendly Maruts, laden with their water-casks,
Let the spring flow, and when impetuous' they roar they inundate the earth with floods of pleasant meath.
Sloka : 5.54.9
प्र॒वत्व॑ती॒यं पृ॑थि॒वी म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ प्र॒वत्व॑ती॒ द्यौर्भ॑वति प्र॒यद्भ्यः॑ ।
प्र॒वत्व॑तीः प॒थ्या॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्ष्याः प्र॒वत्व॑न्तः॒ पर्व॑ता जी॒रदा॑नवः ॥ ५.०५४.०९
pra̱vatva̍tī̱yaṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ pra̱vatva̍tī̱ dyaurbha̍vati pra̱yadbhya̍ḥ .
pra̱vatva̍tīḥ pa̱thyā̍ a̱ntari̍kṣyāḥ pra̱vatva̍nta̱ḥ parva̍tā jī̱radā̍navaḥ .. 5.054.09
9 Free for the Maruts is the earth with sloping ways, free for the rushing Ones is heaven with steep descents.
The paths of air's mid-region are precipitous, precipitous the mountains with their running streams.
Sloka : 5.54.10
यन्म॑रुतः सभरसः स्वर्णरः॒ सूर्य॒ उदि॑ते॒ मद॑था दिवो नरः ।
न वोऽश्वाः॑ श्रथय॒न्ताह॒ सिस्र॑तः स॒द्यो अ॒स्याध्व॑नः पा॒रम॑श्नुथ ॥ ५.०५४.१०
yanma̍rutaḥ sabharasaḥ svarṇara̱ḥ sūrya̱ udi̍te̱ mada̍thā divo naraḥ .
na vo'śvā̍ḥ śrathaya̱ntāha̱ sisra̍taḥ sa̱dyo a̱syādhva̍naḥ pā̱rama̍śnutha .. 5.054.10
10 When, as the Sun hath risen up, ye take delight, O bounteous radiant Maruts, Heroes of the sky,
Your coursers weary not when speeding onṭheir way, and rapidly ye reach the end of this your path.
Sloka : 5.54.11
अंसे॑षु व ऋ॒ष्टयः॑ प॒त्सु खा॒दयो॒ वक्ष॑स्सु रु॒क्मा म॑रुतो॒ रथे॒ शुभः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निभ्रा॑जसो वि॒द्युतो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः॒ शिप्राः॑ शी॒र्षसु॒ वित॑ता हिर॒ण्ययीः॑ ॥ ५.०५४.११
aṃse̍ṣu va ṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ pa̱tsu khā̱dayo̱ vakṣa̍ssu ru̱kmā ma̍ruto̱ rathe̱ śubha̍ḥ .
a̱gnibhrā̍jaso vi̱dyuto̱ gabha̍styo̱ḥ śiprā̍ḥ śī̱rṣasu̱ vita̍tā hira̱ṇyayī̍ḥ .. 5.054.11
11 Lances are on your shoulders, anklets on your feet, gold chains are on your breasts, gems, Maruts, on your car.
Lightnings aglow with flame are flashing in your hands, and visors wroughtof gold are laid upon your heads.
Sloka : 5.54.12
तं नाक॑म॒र्यो अगृ॑भीतशोचिषं॒ रुश॒त्पिप्प॑लं मरुतो॒ वि धू॑नुथ ।
सम॑च्यन्त वृ॒जनाति॑त्विषन्त॒ यत्स्वर॑न्ति॒ घोषं॒ वित॑तमृता॒यवः॑ ॥ ५.०५४.१२
taṃ nāka̍ma̱ryo agṛ̍bhītaśociṣa̱ṃ ruśa̱tpippa̍laṃ maruto̱ vi dhū̍nutha .
sama̍cyanta vṛ̱janāti̍tviṣanta̱ yatsvara̍nti̱ ghoṣa̱ṃ vita̍tamṛtā̱yava̍ḥ .. 5.054.12
12 Maruts, in eager stir ye shake the vault of heaven, splendid beyond conception, for its shining fruit.
They gathered when they let their deeds of might flash forth. The Pious Ones send forth a far-resounding shout.
Sloka : 5.54.13
यु॒ष्माद॑त्तस्य मरुतो विचेतसो रा॒यः स्या॑म र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ वय॑स्वतः ।
न यो युच्छ॑ति ति॒ष्यो॒३॒॑ यथा॑ दि॒वो॒३॒॑ऽस्मे रा॑रन्त मरुतः सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ५.०५४.१३
yu̱ṣmāda̍ttasya maruto vicetaso rā̱yaḥ syā̍ma ra̱thyo̱3̱̍ vaya̍svataḥ .
na yo yuccha̍ti ti̱ṣyo̱3̱̍ yathā̍ di̱vo̱3̱̎sme rā̍ranta marutaḥ saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 5.054.13
13 Sage Maruts, may we be the drivers of the car of riches ful I of life that have been given by you.
O Maruts, let that wealth in thousands dwell with us which never vanishes like Tisya from the sky.
Sloka : 5.54.14
यू॒यं र॒यिं म॑रुतः स्पा॒र्हवी॑रं यू॒यमृषि॑मवथ॒ साम॑विप्रम् ।
यू॒यमर्व॑न्तं भर॒ताय॒ वाजं॑ यू॒यं ध॑त्थ॒ राजा॑नं श्रुष्टि॒मन्त॑म् ॥ ५.०५४.१४
yū̱yaṃ ra̱yiṃ ma̍rutaḥ spā̱rhavī̍raṃ yū̱yamṛṣi̍mavatha̱ sāma̍vipram .
yū̱yamarva̍ntaṃ bhara̱tāya̱ vāja̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ dha̍ttha̱ rājā̍naṃ śruṣṭi̱manta̍m .. 5.054.14
14 Maruts, ye further wealth with longedfor heroes, further the Ṛṣi skilled in chanted verses.
Ye give the Bhārata as his strength, a charger, and ye bestow a king who quickly listens.
Sloka : 5.54.15
तद्वो॑ यामि॒ द्रवि॑णं सद्यऊतयो॒ येना॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण त॒तना॑म॒ नॄँर॒भि ।
इ॒दं सु मे॑ मरुतो हर्यता॒ वचो॒ यस्य॒ तरे॑म॒ तर॑सा श॒तं हिमाः॑ ॥ ५.०५४.१५
tadvo̍ yāmi̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ sadyaūtayo̱ yenā̱ sva1̱̍rṇa ta̱tanā̍ma̱ nṝm̐ra̱bhi .
i̱daṃ su me̍ maruto haryatā̱ vaco̱ yasya̱ tare̍ma̱ tara̍sā śa̱taṃ himā̍ḥ .. 5.054.15
15 Of you, most swift to succour! I solicit wealth wherewith we may spread forth mid men like as the Sun.
Accept, O Maruts, graciously this hymn of mine that we may live a hundred winters through its power.
Sloka : 5.55.1
प्रय॑ज्यवो म॒रुतो॒ भ्राज॑दृष्टयो बृ॒हद्वयो॑ दधिरे रु॒क्मव॑क्षसः ।
ईय॑न्ते॒ अश्वैः॑ सु॒यमे॑भिरा॒शुभिः॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०१
praya̍jyavo ma̱ruto̱ bhrāja̍dṛṣṭayo bṛ̱hadvayo̍ dadhire ru̱kmava̍kṣasaḥ .
īya̍nte̱ aśvai̍ḥ su̱yame̍bhirā̱śubhi̱ḥ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.01
1. WITH gleaming lances, with their breasts adorned with gold, the Maruts, rushing onward, hold high power of life.
They hasten with swift steeds easy to be controlled. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.2
स्व॒यं द॑धिध्वे॒ तवि॑षीं॒ यथा॑ वि॒द बृ॒हन्म॑हान्त उर्वि॒या वि रा॑जथ ।
उ॒तान्तरि॑क्षं ममिरे॒ व्योज॑सा॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०२
sva̱yaṃ da̍dhidhve̱ tavi̍ṣī̱ṃ yathā̍ vi̱da bṛ̱hanma̍hānta urvi̱yā vi rā̍jatha .
u̱tāntari̍kṣaṃ mamire̱ vyoja̍sā̱ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.02
2 Ye, as ye wist, have gained of your own selves your power:- high, O ye Mighty Ones, and wide ye shine abroad.
They with their strength have even measured out the sky.
Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.3
सा॒कं जा॒ताः सु॒भ्वः॑ सा॒कमु॑क्षि॒ताः श्रि॒ये चि॒दा प्र॑त॒रं वा॑वृधु॒र्नरः॑ ।
वि॒रो॒किणः॒ सूर्य॑स्येव र॒श्मयः॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०३
sā̱kaṃ jā̱tāḥ su̱bhva̍ḥ sā̱kamu̍kṣi̱tāḥ śri̱ye ci̱dā pra̍ta̱raṃ vā̍vṛdhu̱rnara̍ḥ .
vi̱ro̱kiṇa̱ḥ sūrya̍syeva ra̱śmaya̱ḥ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.03
3 Strong, born together, they together have waxed great:- the Heroes more and more have grown to majesty
Resplendent as the Sun's beams in their light are they. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.4
आ॒भू॒षेण्यं॑ वो मरुतो महित्व॒नं दि॑दृ॒क्षेण्यं॒ सूर्य॑स्येव॒ चक्ष॑णम् ।
उ॒तो अ॒स्माँ अ॑मृत॒त्वे द॑धातन॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०४
ā̱bhū̱ṣeṇya̍ṃ vo maruto mahitva̱naṃ di̍dṛ̱kṣeṇya̱ṃ sūrya̍syeva̱ cakṣa̍ṇam .
u̱to a̱smām̐ a̍mṛta̱tve da̍dhātana̱ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.04
4 Maruts, your mightiness deserves to be adored, sight to be longed for like the shining of the Sun.
So lead us with your aid to immortality.
Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.5
उदी॑रयथा मरुतः समुद्र॒तो यू॒यं वृ॒ष्टिं व॑र्षयथा पुरीषिणः ।
न वो॑ दस्रा॒ उप॑ दस्यन्ति धे॒नवः॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०५
udī̍rayathā marutaḥ samudra̱to yū̱yaṃ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ va̍rṣayathā purīṣiṇaḥ .
na vo̍ dasrā̱ upa̍ dasyanti dhe̱nava̱ḥ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.05
5 O Maruts, from the Ocean ye uplift the rain, and fraught with vaporous moisture pour the torrents down.
Never, ye Wonder-Workers, are your Milch-kine dry. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.6
यदश्वा॑न्धू॒र्षु पृष॑ती॒रयु॑ग्ध्वं हिर॒ण्यया॒न्प्रत्यत्का॒ँ अमु॑ग्ध्वम् ।
विश्वा॒ इत्स्पृधो॑ मरुतो॒ व्य॑स्यथ॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०६
yadaśvā̍ndhū̱rṣu pṛṣa̍tī̱rayu̍gdhvaṃ hira̱ṇyayā̱npratyatkā̱m̐ amu̍gdhvam .
viśvā̱ itspṛdho̍ maruto̱ vya̍syatha̱ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.06
6 When to your car-poles ye have yoked your spotted deer to be your steeds, and put your golden mantles on,
O Maruts, ye disperse all enemies abroad. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.7
न पर्व॑ता॒ न न॒द्यो॑ वरन्त वो॒ यत्राचि॑ध्वं मरुतो॒ गच्छ॒थेदु॒ तत् ।
उ॒त द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी या॑थना॒ परि॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०७
na parva̍tā̱ na na̱dyo̍ varanta vo̱ yatrāci̍dhvaṃ maruto̱ gaccha̱thedu̱ tat .
u̱ta dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī yā̍thanā̱ pari̱ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.07
7 Neither the mountains nor the rivers keep you back:- whither ye have resolved thither ye, Maruts, go.
Ye compass round about even the heaven and earth. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Whateer is ancient, Maruts, what of recent time, whateer is spoken, Vasus, what is chanted forth,
They who take cognizance of all of this are ye. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.8
यत्पू॒र्व्यं म॑रुतो॒ यच्च॒ नूत॑नं॒ यदु॒द्यते॑ वसवो॒ यच्च॑ श॒स्यते॑ ।
विश्व॑स्य॒ तस्य॑ भवथा॒ नवे॑दसः॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०८
yatpū̱rvyaṃ ma̍ruto̱ yacca̱ nūta̍na̱ṃ yadu̱dyate̍ vasavo̱ yacca̍ śa̱syate̍ .
viśva̍sya̱ tasya̍ bhavathā̱ nave̍dasa̱ḥ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.08
Sloka : 5.55.9
मृ॒ळत॑ नो मरुतो॒ मा व॑धिष्टना॒स्मभ्यं॒ शर्म॑ बहु॒लं वि य॑न्तन ।
अधि॑ स्तो॒त्रस्य॑ स॒ख्यस्य॑ गातन॒ शुभं॑ या॒तामनु॒ रथा॑ अवृत्सत ॥ ५.०५५.०९
mṛ̱l̤ata̍ no maruto̱ mā va̍dhiṣṭanā̱smabhya̱ṃ śarma̍ bahu̱laṃ vi ya̍ntana .
adhi̍ sto̱trasya̍ sa̱khyasya̍ gātana̱ śubha̍ṃ yā̱tāmanu̱ rathā̍ avṛtsata .. 5.055.09
9 Be gracious unto us, ye Maruts, slay us not extend ye unto us shelter of many a sort.
Pay due regard unto our friendship and our praise. Their cars moved onward as they went to victory.
Sloka : 5.55.10
यू॒यम॒स्मान्न॑यत॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒ निरं॑ह॒तिभ्यो॑ मरुतो गृणा॒नाः ।
जु॒षध्वं॑ नो ह॒व्यदा॑तिं यजत्रा व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥ ५.०५५.१०
yū̱yama̱smānna̍yata̱ vasyo̱ acchā̱ nira̍ṃha̱tibhyo̍ maruto gṛṇā̱nāḥ .
ju̱ṣadhva̍ṃ no ha̱vyadā̍tiṃ yajatrā va̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ pata̍yo rayī̱ṇām .. 5.055.10
10 O Maruts, lead us on to higher fortune deliver us, when lauded, from afflictions.
Accept, ye Holy Ones, the gifts we bring you. May we be masters of abundant riches.
Sloka : 5.56.1
अग्ने॒ शर्ध॑न्त॒मा ग॒णं पि॒ष्टं रु॒क्मेभि॑र॒ञ्जिभिः॑ ।
विशो॑ अ॒द्य म॒रुता॒मव॑ ह्वये दि॒वश्चि॑द्रोच॒नादधि॑ ॥ ५.०५६.०१
agne̱ śardha̍nta̱mā ga̱ṇaṃ pi̱ṣṭaṃ ru̱kmebhi̍ra̱ñjibhi̍ḥ .
viśo̍ a̱dya ma̱rutā̱mava̍ hvaye di̱vaści̍droca̱nādadhi̍ .. 5.056.01
1. AGNI, that valorous company adorned with ornaments of gold,
The people of the Maruts, I call down to-day even from the luminous realm of heaven.
Sloka : 5.56.2
यथा॑ चि॒न्मन्य॑से हृ॒दा तदिन्मे॑ जग्मुरा॒शसः॑ ।
ये ते॒ नेदि॑ष्ठं॒ हव॑नान्या॒गम॒न्तान्व॑र्ध भी॒मसं॑दृशः ॥ ५.०५६.०२
yathā̍ ci̱nmanya̍se hṛ̱dā tadinme̍ jagmurā̱śasa̍ḥ .
ye te̱ nedi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ hava̍nānyā̱gama̱ntānva̍rdha bhī̱masa̍ṃdṛśaḥ .. 5.056.02
2 Even as thou thinkest in thy heart, thither my wishes also tend.
Those who have come most near to thine invoking calls, strengthen them fearful to behold.
Sloka : 5.56.3
मी॒ळ्हुष्म॑तीव पृथि॒वी परा॑हता॒ मद॑न्त्येत्य॒स्मदा ।
ऋक्षो॒ न वो॑ मरुतः॒ शिमी॑वा॒ँ अमो॑ दु॒ध्रो गौरि॑व भीम॒युः ॥ ५.०५६.०३
mī̱l̤huṣma̍tīva pṛthi̱vī parā̍hatā̱ mada̍ntyetya̱smadā .
ṛkṣo̱ na vo̍ maruta̱ḥ śimī̍vā̱m̐ amo̍ du̱dhro gauri̍va bhīma̱yuḥ .. 5.056.03
3 Earth, like a bounteous lady, liberal of her gifts, struck down and shaken, yet exultant, comes to us.
Impetuous as a bear, O Maruts, is youi rush terrible as a dreadful bull..
Sloka : 5.56.4
नि ये रि॒णन्त्योज॑सा॒ वृथा॒ गावो॒ न दु॒र्धुरः॑ ।
अश्मा॑नं चित्स्व॒र्यं१॒॑ पर्व॑तं गि॒रिं प्र च्या॑वयन्ति॒ याम॑भिः ॥ ५.०५६.०४
ni ye ri̱ṇantyoja̍sā̱ vṛthā̱ gāvo̱ na du̱rdhura̍ḥ .
aśmā̍naṃ citsva̱ryaṃ1̱̍ parva̍taṃ gi̱riṃ pra cyā̍vayanti̱ yāma̍bhiḥ .. 5.056.04
4 They who with mighty strength oerthrow like oxen difficult to yoke,
Cause een the heavenly stone to shake ' yea, shake the rocky mountain as they race along.
Sloka : 5.56.5
उत्ति॑ष्ठ नू॒नमे॑षां॒ स्तोमैः॒ समु॑क्षितानाम् ।
म॒रुतां॑ पुरु॒तम॒मपू॑र्व्यं॒ गवां॒ सर्ग॑मिव ह्वये ॥ ५.०५६.०५
utti̍ṣṭha nū̱name̍ṣā̱ṃ stomai̱ḥ samu̍kṣitānām .
ma̱rutā̍ṃ puru̱tama̱mapū̍rvya̱ṃ gavā̱ṃ sarga̍miva hvaye .. 5.056.05
5 Rise up! even now with lauds I call the very numerous company,
Unequalled, of these Maruts, like a herd of kine, grown up together in their strength.
Sloka : 5.56.6
यु॒ङ्ग्ध्वं ह्यरु॑षी॒ रथे॑ यु॒ङ्ग्ध्वं रथे॑षु रो॒हितः॑ ।
यु॒ङ्ग्ध्वं हरी॑ अजि॒रा धु॒रि वोळ्ह॑वे॒ वहि॑ष्ठा धु॒रि वोळ्ह॑वे ॥ ५.०५६.०६
yu̱ṅgdhvaṃ hyaru̍ṣī̱ rathe̍ yu̱ṅgdhvaṃ rathe̍ṣu ro̱hita̍ḥ .
yu̱ṅgdhvaṃ harī̍ aji̱rā dhu̱ri vol̤ha̍ve̱ vahi̍ṣṭhā dhu̱ri vol̤ha̍ve .. 5.056.06
6 Bind to your car the bright red mares, yoke the red coursers to your car.
Bind to the pole, to draw, the fleet-foot tawny steeds, the best at drawing, to the pole.
Sloka : 5.56.7
उ॒त स्य वा॒ज्य॑रु॒षस्तु॑वि॒ष्वणि॑रि॒ह स्म॑ धायि दर्श॒तः ।
मा वो॒ यामे॑षु मरुतश्चि॒रं क॑र॒त्प्र तं रथे॑षु चोदत ॥ ५.०५६.०७
u̱ta sya vā̱jya̍ru̱ṣastu̍vi̱ṣvaṇi̍ri̱ha sma̍ dhāyi darśa̱taḥ .
mā vo̱ yāme̍ṣu marutaści̱raṃ ka̍ra̱tpra taṃ rathe̍ṣu codata .. 5.056.07
7 Yea, and this loudly-neighing bright red vigorous horse who hath been sutioned, fair to see,
Let him not cause delay, O Maruts,, in your course, urge ye him onward in your cars.
Sloka : 5.56.8
रथं॒ नु मारु॑तं व॒यं श्र॑व॒स्युमा हु॑वामहे ।
आ यस्मि॑न्त॒स्थौ सु॒रणा॑नि॒ बिभ्र॑ती॒ सचा॑ म॒रुत्सु॑ रोद॒सी ॥ ५.०५६.०८
ratha̱ṃ nu māru̍taṃ va̱yaṃ śra̍va̱syumā hu̍vāmahe .
ā yasmi̍nta̱sthau su̱raṇā̍ni̱ bibhra̍tī̱ sacā̍ ma̱rutsu̍ roda̱sī .. 5.056.08
8 The Maruts chariot, ever fain to gather glory, we invoke,
Which Rodasī hath mounted, bringing pleasant gifts, with Maruts in her company.
Sloka : 5.56.9
तं वः॒ शर्धं॑ रथे॒शुभं॑ त्वे॒षं प॑न॒स्युमा हु॑वे ।
यस्मि॒न्सुजा॑ता सु॒भगा॑ मही॒यते॒ सचा॑ म॒रुत्सु॑ मीळ्हु॒षी ॥ ५.०५६.०९
taṃ va̱ḥ śardha̍ṃ rathe̱śubha̍ṃ tve̱ṣaṃ pa̍na̱syumā hu̍ve .
yasmi̱nsujā̍tā su̱bhagā̍ mahī̱yate̱ sacā̍ ma̱rutsu̍ mīl̤hu̱ṣī .. 5.056.09
9 I call that brilliant band of yours, adorable, rapid on the car
Whereon the bounteous Dame, auspicious, nobly born, shows glorious with the Marut host.
Sloka : 5.57.1
आ रु॑द्रास॒ इन्द्र॑वन्तः स॒जोष॑सो॒ हिर॑ण्यरथाः सुवि॒ताय॑ गन्तन ।
इ॒यं वो॑ अ॒स्मत्प्रति॑ हर्यते म॒तिस्तृ॒ष्णजे॒ न दि॒व उत्सा॑ उद॒न्यवे॑ ॥ ५.०५७.०१
ā ru̍drāsa̱ indra̍vantaḥ sa̱joṣa̍so̱ hira̍ṇyarathāḥ suvi̱tāya̍ gantana .
i̱yaṃ vo̍ a̱smatprati̍ haryate ma̱tistṛ̱ṣṇaje̱ na di̱va utsā̍ uda̱nyave̍ .. 5.057.01
1. OF one accord, with Indra, O ye Rudras, come borne on your golden car for our prosperity.
An offering from us, this hymn is brought to you, as, unto one who th irsts for water, heavenly springs.
Sloka : 5.57.2
वाशी॑मन्त ऋष्टि॒मन्तो॑ मनी॒षिणः॑ सु॒धन्वा॑न॒ इषु॑मन्तो निष॒ङ्गिणः॑ ।
स्वश्वाः॑ स्थ सु॒रथाः॑ पृश्निमातरः स्वायु॒धा म॑रुतो याथना॒ शुभ॑म् ॥ ५.०५७.०२
vāśī̍manta ṛṣṭi̱manto̍ manī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ su̱dhanvā̍na̱ iṣu̍manto niṣa̱ṅgiṇa̍ḥ .
svaśvā̍ḥ stha su̱rathā̍ḥ pṛśnimātaraḥ svāyu̱dhā ma̍ruto yāthanā̱ śubha̍m .. 5.057.02
2 Armed with your daggers, full of wisdom, armed with spears, armed with your quivers, armed with arrows, with good bows,
Good horses and good cars have ye, O Pṛśni's Sons:- ye, Maruts, with good weapons go to victory.
Sloka : 5.57.3
धू॒नु॒थ द्यां पर्व॑तान्दा॒शुषे॒ वसु॒ नि वो॒ वना॑ जिहते॒ याम॑नो भि॒या ।
को॒पय॑थ पृथि॒वीं पृ॑श्निमातरः शु॒भे यदु॑ग्राः॒ पृष॑ती॒रयु॑ग्ध्वम् ॥ ५.०५७.०३
dhū̱nu̱tha dyāṃ parva̍tāndā̱śuṣe̱ vasu̱ ni vo̱ vanā̍ jihate̱ yāma̍no bhi̱yā .
ko̱paya̍tha pṛthi̱vīṃ pṛ̍śnimātaraḥ śu̱bhe yadu̍grā̱ḥ pṛṣa̍tī̱rayu̍gdhvam .. 5.057.03
3 From hills and heaven ye shake wealth for the worshipper:- in terror at your coming low the woods bow down.
Ye make the earth to tremble, Sons of Pṛśni, when for victory ye have yoked, fierce Ones! your spotted deer.
Sloka : 5.57.4
वात॑त्विषो म॒रुतो॑ व॒र्षनि॑र्णिजो य॒मा इ॑व॒ सुस॑दृशः सु॒पेश॑सः ।
पि॒शङ्गा॑श्वा अरु॒णाश्वा॑ अरे॒पसः॒ प्रत्व॑क्षसो महि॒ना द्यौरि॑वो॒रवः॑ ॥ ५.०५७.०४
vāta̍tviṣo ma̱ruto̍ va̱rṣani̍rṇijo ya̱mā i̍va̱ susa̍dṛśaḥ su̱peśa̍saḥ .
pi̱śaṅgā̍śvā aru̱ṇāśvā̍ are̱pasa̱ḥ pratva̍kṣaso mahi̱nā dyauri̍vo̱rava̍ḥ .. 5.057.04
4 Bright with the blasts of wind, wrapped in their robes of rain, like twins of noble aspect and of lovely form,
The Maruts, spotless, with steeds tawnyhued and red, strong in their mightiness and spreading wide like heaven.
Sloka : 5.57.5
पु॒रु॒द्र॒प्सा अ॑ञ्जि॒मन्तः॑ सु॒दान॑वस्त्वे॒षसं॑दृशो अनव॒भ्ररा॑धसः ।
सु॒जा॒तासो॑ ज॒नुषा॑ रु॒क्मव॑क्षसो दि॒वो अ॒र्का अ॒मृतं॒ नाम॑ भेजिरे ॥ ५.०५७.०५
pu̱ru̱dra̱psā a̍ñji̱manta̍ḥ su̱dāna̍vastve̱ṣasa̍ṃdṛśo anava̱bhrarā̍dhasaḥ .
su̱jā̱tāso̍ ja̱nuṣā̍ ru̱kmava̍kṣaso di̱vo a̱rkā a̱mṛta̱ṃ nāma̍ bhejire .. 5.057.05
5 Rich in adornment, rich in drops, munificent, bright in their aspect, yielding bounties that endure,
Noble by birth, adorned with gold upon their breasts, the Singers of the sky have won immortal fame.
Sloka : 5.57.6
ऋ॒ष्टयो॑ वो मरुतो॒ अंस॑यो॒रधि॒ सह॒ ओजो॑ बा॒ह्वोर्वो॒ बलं॑ हि॒तम् ।
नृ॒म्णा शी॒र्षस्वायु॑धा॒ रथे॑षु वो॒ विश्वा॑ वः॒ श्रीरधि॑ त॒नूषु॑ पिपिशे ॥ ५.०५७.०६
ṛ̱ṣṭayo̍ vo maruto̱ aṃsa̍yo̱radhi̱ saha̱ ojo̍ bā̱hvorvo̱ bala̍ṃ hi̱tam .
nṛ̱mṇā śī̱rṣasvāyu̍dhā̱ rathe̍ṣu vo̱ viśvā̍ va̱ḥ śrīradhi̍ ta̱nūṣu̍ pipiśe .. 5.057.06
6 Borne on both shoulders, O ye Maruts, are your spears:- within your arms is laid your energy and 3trength.
Bold thoughts are in your heads, your weapons in your cars, all glorious majesty is moulded on your forms.
Sloka : 5.57.7
गोम॒दश्वा॑व॒द्रथ॑वत्सु॒वीरं॑ च॒न्द्रव॒द्राधो॑ मरुतो ददा नः ।
प्रश॑स्तिं नः कृणुत रुद्रियासो भक्षी॒य वोऽव॑सो॒ दैव्य॑स्य ॥ ५.०५७.०७
goma̱daśvā̍va̱dratha̍vatsu̱vīra̍ṃ ca̱ndrava̱drādho̍ maruto dadā naḥ .
praśa̍stiṃ naḥ kṛṇuta rudriyāso bhakṣī̱ya vo'va̍so̱ daivya̍sya .. 5.057.07
7 Vouchsafe to us, O Maruts, splendid bounty in cattle and in steeds, in cars and heroes.
Children of Rudra, give us high distinction:- may I enjoy your Godlike help and favour.
Sloka : 5.57.8
ह॒ये नरो॒ मरु॑तो मृ॒ळता॑ न॒स्तुवी॑मघासो॒ अमृ॑ता॒ ऋत॑ज्ञाः ।
सत्य॑श्रुतः॒ कव॑यो॒ युवा॑नो॒ बृह॑द्गिरयो बृ॒हदु॒क्षमा॑णाः ॥ ५.०५७.०८
ha̱ye naro̱ maru̍to mṛ̱l̤atā̍ na̱stuvī̍maghāso̱ amṛ̍tā̱ ṛta̍jñāḥ .
satya̍śruta̱ḥ kava̍yo̱ yuvā̍no̱ bṛha̍dgirayo bṛ̱hadu̱kṣamā̍ṇāḥ .. 5.057.08
8 Ho! Maruts, Heroes, skilled in Law, immortal, be gracious unto us, ye rich in treasures,
Ye hearers of the truth, ye sage and youthful, grown mighty, dwelling on the lofty mountains.
Sloka : 5.58.1
तमु॑ नू॒नं तवि॑षीमन्तमेषां स्तु॒षे ग॒णं मारु॑तं॒ नव्य॑सीनाम् ।
य आ॒श्व॑श्वा॒ अम॑व॒द्वह॑न्त उ॒तेशि॑रे अ॒मृत॑स्य स्व॒राजः॑ ॥ ५.०५८.०१
tamu̍ nū̱naṃ tavi̍ṣīmantameṣāṃ stu̱ṣe ga̱ṇaṃ māru̍ta̱ṃ navya̍sīnām .
ya ā̱śva̍śvā̱ ama̍va̱dvaha̍nta u̱teśi̍re a̱mṛta̍sya sva̱rāja̍ḥ .. 5.058.01
1. Now do I glorify their mighty cohort, the company of these the youthful Maruts,
Who ride impetuous on with rapid horses, and radiant in themselves, are Lords of Amṛta.
Sloka : 5.58.2
त्वे॒षं ग॒णं त॒वसं॒ खादि॑हस्तं॒ धुनि॑व्रतं मा॒यिनं॒ दाति॑वारम् ।
म॒यो॒भुवो॒ ये अमि॑ता महि॒त्वा वन्द॑स्व विप्र तुवि॒राध॑सो॒ नॄन् ॥ ५.०५८.०२
tve̱ṣaṃ ga̱ṇaṃ ta̱vasa̱ṃ khādi̍hasta̱ṃ dhuni̍vrataṃ mā̱yina̱ṃ dāti̍vāram .
ma̱yo̱bhuvo̱ ye ami̍tā mahi̱tvā vanda̍sva vipra tuvi̱rādha̍so̱ nṝn .. 5.058.02
2 The mighty glittering band, arm-bound with bracelets, givers of bliss, unmeasured in their greatness,
With magical powers, bountiful, ever-roaring,these, liberal Heroes, venerate thou singer.
Sloka : 5.58.3
आ वो॑ यन्तूदवा॒हासो॑ अ॒द्य वृ॒ष्टिं ये विश्वे॑ म॒रुतो॑ जु॒नन्ति॑ ।
अ॒यं यो अ॒ग्निर्म॑रुतः॒ समि॑द्ध ए॒तं जु॑षध्वं कवयो युवानः ॥ ५.०५८.०३
ā vo̍ yantūdavā̱hāso̍ a̱dya vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ ye viśve̍ ma̱ruto̍ ju̱nanti̍ .
a̱yaṃ yo a̱gnirma̍ruta̱ḥ sami̍ddha e̱taṃ ju̍ṣadhvaṃ kavayo yuvānaḥ .. 5.058.03
3 This day may all your water-bringers, Maruts, they who impel the falling rain, approach us.
This fire, O Maruts, hath been duly kindled; let it find favour with you, youthful Sages.
Sloka : 5.58.4
यू॒यं राजा॑न॒मिर्यं॒ जना॑य विभ्वत॒ष्टं ज॑नयथा यजत्राः ।
यु॒ष्मदे॑ति मुष्टि॒हा बा॒हुजू॑तो यु॒ष्मत्सद॑श्वो मरुतः सु॒वीरः॑ ॥ ५.०५८.०४
yū̱yaṃ rājā̍na̱mirya̱ṃ janā̍ya vibhvata̱ṣṭaṃ ja̍nayathā yajatrāḥ .
yu̱ṣmade̍ti muṣṭi̱hā bā̱hujū̍to yu̱ṣmatsada̍śvo marutaḥ su̱vīra̍ḥ .. 5.058.04
4 Ye raise up for the folk an active ruler whom, Holy Ones! a Master's hand hath fashioned.
Ye send the fighter hand to hand, armmighty, and the brave hero, Maruts with good horses.
Sloka : 5.58.5
अ॒रा इ॒वेदच॑रमा॒ अहे॑व॒ प्रप्र॑ जायन्ते॒ अक॑वा॒ महो॑भिः ।
पृश्नेः॑ पु॒त्रा उ॑प॒मासो॒ रभि॑ष्ठाः॒ स्वया॑ म॒त्या म॒रुतः॒ सं मि॑मिक्षुः ॥ ५.०५८.०५
a̱rā i̱vedaca̍ramā̱ ahe̍va̱ prapra̍ jāyante̱ aka̍vā̱ maho̍bhiḥ .
pṛśne̍ḥ pu̱trā u̍pa̱māso̱ rabhi̍ṣṭhā̱ḥ svayā̍ ma̱tyā ma̱ruta̱ḥ saṃ mi̍mikṣuḥ .. 5.058.05
5 They spring forth more and more, strong in their glories, like days, like spokes where none are last in order.
Highest and mightiest are the Sons of Pṛśni. Firm to their own intention cling the Maruts.
Sloka : 5.58.6
यत्प्राया॑सिष्ट॒ पृष॑तीभि॒रश्वै॑र्वीळुप॒विभि॑र्मरुतो॒ रथे॑भिः ।
क्षोद॑न्त॒ आपो॑ रिण॒ते वना॒न्यवो॒स्रियो॑ वृष॒भः क्र॑न्दतु॒ द्यौः ॥ ५.०५८.०६
yatprāyā̍siṣṭa̱ pṛṣa̍tībhi̱raśvai̍rvīl̤upa̱vibhi̍rmaruto̱ rathe̍bhiḥ .
kṣoda̍nta̱ āpo̍ riṇa̱te vanā̱nyavo̱sriyo̍ vṛṣa̱bhaḥ kra̍ndatu̱ dyauḥ .. 5.058.06
6 When ye have hastened on with spotted coursers, O Maruts, on your cars with strong-wrought fellies,
The waters are disturbed, the woods are shattered. Let Dyaus the Red Steer send his thunder downward.
Sloka : 5.58.7
प्रथि॑ष्ट॒ याम॑न्पृथि॒वी चि॑देषां॒ भर्ते॑व॒ गर्भं॒ स्वमिच्छवो॑ धुः ।
वाता॒न्ह्यश्वा॑न्धु॒र्या॑युयु॒ज्रे व॒र्षं स्वेदं॑ चक्रिरे रु॒द्रिया॑सः ॥ ५.०५८.०७
prathi̍ṣṭa̱ yāma̍npṛthi̱vī ci̍deṣā̱ṃ bharte̍va̱ garbha̱ṃ svamicchavo̍ dhuḥ .
vātā̱nhyaśvā̍ndhu̱ryā̍yuyu̱jre va̱rṣaṃ sveda̍ṃ cakrire ru̱driyā̍saḥ .. 5.058.07
7 Even Earth hath spread herself wide at their coming, and they as husbands have with power impregned her.
They to the pole have yoked the winds for coursers:- their sweat have they made rain, these Sons of Rudra.
Sloka : 5.58.8
ह॒ये नरो॒ मरु॑तो मृ॒ळता॑ न॒स्तुवी॑मघासो॒ अमृ॑ता॒ ऋत॑ज्ञाः ।
सत्य॑श्रुतः॒ कव॑यो॒ युवा॑नो॒ बृह॑द्गिरयो बृ॒हदु॒क्षमा॑णाः ॥ ५.०५८.०८
ha̱ye naro̱ maru̍to mṛ̱l̤atā̍ na̱stuvī̍maghāso̱ amṛ̍tā̱ ṛta̍jñāḥ .
satya̍śruta̱ḥ kava̍yo̱ yuvā̍no̱ bṛha̍dgirayo bṛ̱hadu̱kṣamā̍ṇāḥ .. 5.058.08
8 Ho! Maruts, Heroes, skilled in Law, immortal, be gracious unto us, ye rich in treasures,
Ye hearers of the truth, ye sage and youthful, grown mighty, dwelling on the lofty mountains.
Sloka : 5.59.1
प्र वः॒ स्पळ॑क्रन्सुवि॒ताय॑ दा॒वनेऽर्चा॑ दि॒वे प्र पृ॑थि॒व्या ऋ॒तं भ॑रे ।
उ॒क्षन्ते॒ अश्वा॒न्तरु॑षन्त॒ आ रजोऽनु॒ स्वं भा॒नुं श्र॑थयन्ते अर्ण॒वैः ॥ ५.०५९.०१
pra va̱ḥ spal̤a̍kransuvi̱tāya̍ dā̱vane'rcā̍ di̱ve pra pṛ̍thi̱vyā ṛ̱taṃ bha̍re .
u̱kṣante̱ aśvā̱ntaru̍ṣanta̱ ā rajo'nu̱ svaṃ bhā̱nuṃ śra̍thayante arṇa̱vaiḥ .. 5.059.01
1. YOUR spy hath called to you to give prosperity. I sing to Heaven and Earth and offer sacrifice.
They bathe their steeds and hasten through the firmament:- they spread abroad their radiance through the sea of cloud.
Sloka : 5.59.2
अमा॑देषां भि॒यसा॒ भूमि॑रेजति॒ नौर्न पू॒र्णा क्ष॑रति॒ व्यथि॑र्य॒ती ।
दू॒रे॒दृशो॒ ये चि॒तय॑न्त॒ एम॑भिर॒न्तर्म॒हे वि॒दथे॑ येतिरे॒ नरः॑ ॥ ५.०५९.०२
amā̍deṣāṃ bhi̱yasā̱ bhūmi̍rejati̱ naurna pū̱rṇā kṣa̍rati̱ vyathi̍rya̱tī .
dū̱re̱dṛśo̱ ye ci̱taya̍nta̱ ema̍bhira̱ntarma̱he vi̱dathe̍ yetire̱ nara̍ḥ .. 5.059.02
2 Earth shakes and reels in terror at their onward rush, like a full ship which, quivering, lets the water in.
Marked on their ways are they, visible from afar:- the Heroes press between in mighty armament.
Sloka : 5.59.3
गवा॑मिव श्रि॒यसे॒ शृङ्ग॑मुत्त॒मं सूर्यो॒ न चक्षू॒ रज॑सो वि॒सर्ज॑ने ।
अत्या॑ इव सु॒भ्व१॒॑श्चार॑वः स्थन॒ मर्या॑ इव श्रि॒यसे॑ चेतथा नरः ॥ ५.०५९.०३
gavā̍miva śri̱yase̱ śṛṅga̍mutta̱maṃ sūryo̱ na cakṣū̱ raja̍so vi̱sarja̍ne .
atyā̍ iva su̱bhva1̱̍ścāra̍vaḥ sthana̱ maryā̍ iva śri̱yase̍ cetathā naraḥ .. 5.059.03
3 As the exalted horn of bulls for splendid might, as the Sun's eye set in the firmament's expanse,
Like vigorous horses ye are beauteous to behold, and for your glory show like bridegrooms, O ye Men.
Sloka : 5.59.4
को वो॑ म॒हान्ति॑ मह॒तामुद॑श्नव॒त्कस्काव्या॑ मरुतः॒ को ह॒ पौंस्या॑ ।
यू॒यं ह॒ भूमिं॑ कि॒रणं॒ न रे॑जथ॒ प्र यद्भर॑ध्वे सुवि॒ताय॑ दा॒वने॑ ॥ ५.०५९.०४
ko vo̍ ma̱hānti̍ maha̱tāmuda̍śnava̱tkaskāvyā̍ maruta̱ḥ ko ha̱ pauṃsyā̍ .
yū̱yaṃ ha̱ bhūmi̍ṃ ki̱raṇa̱ṃ na re̍jatha̱ pra yadbhara̍dhve suvi̱tāya̍ dā̱vane̍ .. 5.059.04
4 Who, O ye Maruts, may attain the mighty lore of you the mighty, who may reach your manly deeds?
Ye, verily, make earth tremble like a ray of light what time ye bring your boons to give prosperity,
Sloka : 5.59.5
अश्वा॑ इ॒वेद॑रु॒षासः॒ सब॑न्धवः॒ शूरा॑ इव प्र॒युधः॒ प्रोत यु॑युधुः ।
मर्या॑ इव सु॒वृधो॑ वावृधु॒र्नरः॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ चक्षुः॒ प्र मि॑नन्ति वृ॒ष्टिभिः॑ ॥ ५.०५९.०५
aśvā̍ i̱veda̍ru̱ṣāsa̱ḥ saba̍ndhava̱ḥ śūrā̍ iva pra̱yudha̱ḥ prota yu̍yudhuḥ .
maryā̍ iva su̱vṛdho̍ vāvṛdhu̱rnara̱ḥ sūrya̍sya̱ cakṣu̱ḥ pra mi̍nanti vṛ̱ṣṭibhi̍ḥ .. 5.059.05
5 Like steeds of ruddy colour, scions of one race, as foremost champions they have battled in the van.
The Heroes have waxed strong like we.1grown manly youths; with floods of rain they make the Sun's eye fade away,
Sloka : 5.59.6
ते अ॑ज्ये॒ष्ठा अक॑निष्ठास उ॒द्भिदोऽम॑ध्यमासो॒ मह॑सा॒ वि वा॑वृधुः ।
सु॒जा॒तासो॑ ज॒नुषा॒ पृश्नि॑मातरो दि॒वो मर्या॒ आ नो॒ अच्छा॑ जिगातन ॥ ५.०५९.०६
te a̍jye̱ṣṭhā aka̍niṣṭhāsa u̱dbhido'ma̍dhyamāso̱ maha̍sā̱ vi vā̍vṛdhuḥ .
su̱jā̱tāso̍ ja̱nuṣā̱ pṛśni̍mātaro di̱vo maryā̱ ā no̱ acchā̍ jigātana .. 5.059.06
6 Having no eldest and no youngest in their band, no middlomost, preeminent they have waxed in might,
These Sons of Pṛśni, sprung of noble ancestry:- come hitberward to us, ye bridegrooms of the sky.
Sloka : 5.59.7
वयो॒ न ये श्रेणीः॑ प॒प्तुरोज॒सान्ता॑न्दि॒वो बृ॑ह॒तः सानु॑न॒स्परि॑ ।
अश्वा॑स एषामु॒भये॒ यथा॑ वि॒दुः प्र पर्व॑तस्य नभ॒नूँर॑चुच्यवुः ॥ ५.०५९.०७
vayo̱ na ye śreṇī̍ḥ pa̱pturoja̱sāntā̍ndi̱vo bṛ̍ha̱taḥ sānu̍na̱spari̍ .
aśvā̍sa eṣāmu̱bhaye̱ yathā̍ vi̱duḥ pra parva̍tasya nabha̱nūm̐ra̍cucyavuḥ .. 5.059.07
7 Like birds of air they flew with might in lengthened lines from heaven's high ridges to the borders of the sky.
The steeds who carry them, as Gods and mortals know, have caused the waters of the mounuains to desGend.
Sloka : 5.59.8
मिमा॑तु॒ द्यौरदि॑तिर्वी॒तये॑ नः॒ सं दानु॑चित्रा उ॒षसो॑ यतन्ताम् ।
आचु॑च्यवुर्दि॒व्यं कोश॑मे॒त ऋषे॑ रु॒द्रस्य॑ म॒रुतो॑ गृणा॒नाः ॥ ५.०५९.०८
mimā̍tu̱ dyauradi̍tirvī̱taye̍ na̱ḥ saṃ dānu̍citrā u̱ṣaso̍ yatantām .
ācu̍cyavurdi̱vyaṃ kośa̍me̱ta ṛṣe̍ ru̱drasya̍ ma̱ruto̍ gṛṇā̱nāḥ .. 5.059.08
8 May Dyaus, the Infinite, roar for our banquet:- may Dawns toil for us, glittering with moisture.
Lauded by thee, these Maruts, Sons o Rudra, O Ṛṣi, have sent down the heavenly treasure.
Sloka : 5.60.1
ईळे॑ अ॒ग्निं स्वव॑सं॒ नमो॑भिरि॒ह प्र॑स॒त्तो वि च॑यत्कृ॒तं नः॑ ।
रथै॑रिव॒ प्र भ॑रे वाज॒यद्भिः॑ प्रदक्षि॒णिन्म॒रुतां॒ स्तोम॑मृध्याम् ॥ ५.०६०.०१
īl̤e̍ a̱gniṃ svava̍sa̱ṃ namo̍bhiri̱ha pra̍sa̱tto vi ca̍yatkṛ̱taṃ na̍ḥ .
rathai̍riva̱ pra bha̍re vāja̱yadbhi̍ḥ pradakṣi̱ṇinma̱rutā̱ṃ stoma̍mṛdhyām .. 5.060.01
1. I LAUD with reverence the gracious Agni:- here may he sit and part our meed among us.
As with spoil-seeking cars I bring oblation:- turned rightward I will swell the Marut's, praise-song.
Sloka : 5.60.2
आ ये त॒स्थुः पृष॑तीषु श्रु॒तासु॑ सु॒खेषु॑ रु॒द्रा म॒रुतो॒ रथे॑षु ।
वना॑ चिदुग्रा जिहते॒ नि वो॑ भि॒या पृ॑थि॒वी चि॑द्रेजते॒ पर्व॑तश्चित् ॥ ५.०६०.०२
ā ye ta̱sthuḥ pṛṣa̍tīṣu śru̱tāsu̍ su̱kheṣu̍ ru̱drā ma̱ruto̱ rathe̍ṣu .
vanā̍ cidugrā jihate̱ ni vo̍ bhi̱yā pṛ̍thi̱vī ci̍drejate̱ parva̍taścit .. 5.060.02
2 The Maruts, yea, the Rudras, who have mounted their famous spotted deer and cars swift-moving,
Before you, fierce Ones! woods bow down in terror:- Earth, even the mountain, trembles at your coming.
Sloka : 5.60.3
पर्व॑तश्चि॒न्महि॑ वृ॒द्धो बि॑भाय दि॒वश्चि॒त्सानु॑ रेजत स्व॒ने वः॑ ।
यत्क्रीळ॑थ मरुत ऋष्टि॒मन्त॒ आप॑ इव स॒ध्र्य॑ञ्चो धवध्वे ॥ ५.०६०.०३
parva̍taści̱nmahi̍ vṛ̱ddho bi̍bhāya di̱vaści̱tsānu̍ rejata sva̱ne va̍ḥ .
yatkrīl̤a̍tha maruta ṛṣṭi̱manta̱ āpa̍ iva sa̱dhrya̍ñco dhavadhve .. 5.060.03
3 Though vast and tall, the mountain is affrighted, the height of heaven is shaken at your roaring
When, armed with lances, ye are sporting, Maruts, and rush along together like the waters.
Sloka : 5.60.4
व॒रा इ॒वेद्रै॑व॒तासो॒ हिर॑ण्यैर॒भि स्व॒धाभि॑स्त॒न्वः॑ पिपिश्रे ।
श्रि॒ये श्रेयां॑सस्त॒वसो॒ रथे॑षु स॒त्रा महां॑सि चक्रिरे त॒नूषु॑ ॥ ५.०६०.०४
va̱rā i̱vedrai̍va̱tāso̱ hira̍ṇyaira̱bhi sva̱dhābhi̍sta̱nva̍ḥ pipiśre .
śri̱ye śreyā̍ṃsasta̱vaso̱ rathe̍ṣu sa̱trā mahā̍ṃsi cakrire ta̱nūṣu̍ .. 5.060.04
4 They, like young suitors, sons of wealthy houses, have with their golden natures decked their bodies.
Strong on their cars, the lordly Ones, for glory, have set their splendours on their forms for ever.
Sloka : 5.60.5
अ॒ज्ये॒ष्ठासो॒ अक॑निष्ठास ए॒ते सं भ्रात॑रो वावृधुः॒ सौभ॑गाय ।
युवा॑ पि॒ता स्वपा॑ रु॒द्र ए॑षां सु॒दुघा॒ पृश्निः॑ सु॒दिना॑ म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ॥ ५.०६०.०५
a̱jye̱ṣṭhāso̱ aka̍niṣṭhāsa e̱te saṃ bhrāta̍ro vāvṛdhu̱ḥ saubha̍gāya .
yuvā̍ pi̱tā svapā̍ ru̱dra e̍ṣāṃ su̱dughā̱ pṛśni̍ḥ su̱dinā̍ ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .. 5.060.05
5 None being eldest, none among them youngest, as brothers they have grown to happy fortune.
May their Sire Rudra, young and deft, and Pṛśni pouring much milk, bring fair days to the Maruts.
Sloka : 5.60.6
यदु॑त्त॒मे म॑रुतो मध्य॒मे वा॒ यद्वा॑व॒मे सु॑भगासो दि॒वि ष्ठ ।
अतो॑ नो रुद्रा उ॒त वा॒ न्व१॒॑स्याग्ने॑ वि॒त्ताद्ध॒विषो॒ यद्यजा॑म ॥ ५.०६०.०६
yadu̍tta̱me ma̍ruto madhya̱me vā̱ yadvā̍va̱me su̍bhagāso di̱vi ṣṭha .
ato̍ no rudrā u̱ta vā̱ nva1̱̍syāgne̍ vi̱ttāddha̱viṣo̱ yadyajā̍ma .. 5.060.06
6 Whether, O blessed Maruts, ye be dwelling in highest, midmost, or in lowest heaven,
Thence, O ye Rudras, and thou also, Agni, notice the sacrificial food we offer.
Sloka : 5.60.7
अ॒ग्निश्च॒ यन्म॑रुतो विश्ववेदसो दि॒वो वह॑ध्व॒ उत्त॑रा॒दधि॒ ष्णुभिः॑ ।
ते म॑न्दसा॒ना धुन॑यो रिशादसो वा॒मं ध॑त्त॒ यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ॥ ५.०६०.०७
a̱gniśca̱ yanma̍ruto viśvavedaso di̱vo vaha̍dhva̱ utta̍rā̱dadhi̱ ṣṇubhi̍ḥ .
te ma̍ndasā̱nā dhuna̍yo riśādaso vā̱maṃ dha̍tta̱ yaja̍mānāya sunva̱te .. 5.060.07
7 O Maruts, Lords of all, when Agni and when ye drive downward from sublimest heaven along the heights,
Shakers of all, rejoicing, slayers of the foe, give riches to the Soma-pressing worshipper.
Sloka : 5.60.8
अग्ने॑ म॒रुद्भिः॑ शु॒भय॑द्भि॒रृक्व॑भिः॒ सोमं॑ पिब मन्दसा॒नो ग॑ण॒श्रिभिः॑ ।
पा॒व॒केभि॑र्विश्वमि॒न्वेभि॑रा॒युभि॒र्वैश्वा॑नर प्र॒दिवा॑ के॒तुना॑ स॒जूः ॥ ५.०६०.०८
agne̍ ma̱rudbhi̍ḥ śu̱bhaya̍dbhi̱rṛkva̍bhi̱ḥ soma̍ṃ piba mandasā̱no ga̍ṇa̱śribhi̍ḥ .
pā̱va̱kebhi̍rviśvami̱nvebhi̍rā̱yubhi̱rvaiśvā̍nara pra̱divā̍ ke̱tunā̍ sa̱jūḥ .. 5.060.08
8 O Agni, with the Maruts as they gleam and sing, gathered in troop, rejoicing drink the Soma juice;
With these the living ones who cleanse and further all, joined with thy banner, O Vaiśvānara, from of old.
Sloka : 5.61.1
के ष्ठा॑ नरः॒ श्रेष्ठ॑तमा॒ य एक॑एक आय॒य ।
प॒र॒मस्याः॑ परा॒वतः॑ ॥ ५.०६१.०१
ke ṣṭhā̍ nara̱ḥ śreṣṭha̍tamā̱ ya eka̍eka āya̱ya .
pa̱ra̱masyā̍ḥ parā̱vata̍ḥ .. 5.061.01
1. O HEROES lordliest of all, who are ye that have singly come
Forth from a region most remote?
Sloka : 5.61.2
क्व१॒॑ वोऽश्वाः॒ क्वा॒३॒॑भीश॑वः क॒थं शे॑क क॒था य॑य ।
पृ॒ष्ठे सदो॑ न॒सोर्यमः॑ ॥ ५.०६१.०२
kva1̱̍ vo'śvā̱ḥ kvā̱3̱̍bhīśa̍vaḥ ka̱thaṃ śe̍ka ka̱thā ya̍ya .
pṛ̱ṣṭhe sado̍ na̱soryama̍ḥ .. 5.061.02
2. Where are your horses, where the reins? How came ye? how had ye the power?
Rein was on nose and seat on back.
Sloka : 5.61.3
ज॒घने॒ चोद॑ एषां॒ वि स॒क्थानि॒ नरो॑ यमुः ।
पु॒त्र॒कृ॒थे न जन॑यः ॥ ५.०६१.०३
ja̱ghane̱ coda̍ eṣā̱ṃ vi sa̱kthāni̱ naro̍ yamuḥ .
pu̱tra̱kṛ̱the na jana̍yaḥ .. 5.061.03
3 The whip is laid upon the flank. The heroes stretch their thighs apart,
Like women when the babe is born.
Sloka : 5.61.4
परा॑ वीरास एतन॒ मर्या॑सो॒ भद्र॑जानयः ।
अ॒ग्नि॒तपो॒ यथास॑थ ॥ ५.०६१.०४
parā̍ vīrāsa etana̱ maryā̍so̱ bhadra̍jānayaḥ .
a̱gni̱tapo̱ yathāsa̍tha .. 5.061.04
4 Go ye, O Heroes, far away, ye bridegrooms with a lovely Spouse
That ye may warm you at the fire.
Sloka : 5.61.5
सन॒त्साश्व्यं॑ प॒शुमु॒त गव्यं॑ श॒ताव॑यम् ।
श्या॒वाश्व॑स्तुताय॒ या दोर्वी॒रायो॑प॒बर्बृ॑हत् ॥ ५.०६१.०५
sana̱tsāśvya̍ṃ pa̱śumu̱ta gavya̍ṃ śa̱tāva̍yam .
śyā̱vāśva̍stutāya̱ yā dorvī̱rāyo̍pa̱barbṛ̍hat .. 5.061.05
5 May she gain cattle for her meed, hundreds of sheep and steeds and kine,
Who threw embracing arms around the hero whom gyavaiva praised.
Sloka : 5.61.6
उ॒त त्वा॒ स्त्री शशी॑यसी पुं॒सो भ॑वति॒ वस्य॑सी ।
अदे॑वत्रादरा॒धसः॑ ॥ ५.०६१.०६
u̱ta tvā̱ strī śaśī̍yasī pu̱ṃso bha̍vati̱ vasya̍sī .
ade̍vatrādarā̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 5.061.06
6 Yea, many a woman is more firm and better than the man who turns
Away from Gods, andoffers not.
Sloka : 5.61.7
वि या जा॒नाति॒ जसु॑रिं॒ वि तृष्य॑न्तं॒ वि का॒मिन॑म् ।
दे॒व॒त्रा कृ॑णु॒ते मनः॑ ॥ ५.०६१.०७
vi yā jā̱nāti̱ jasu̍ri̱ṃ vi tṛṣya̍nta̱ṃ vi kā̱mina̍m .
de̱va̱trā kṛ̍ṇu̱te mana̍ḥ .. 5.061.07
7 She who discerns the weak and worn, the man who thirsts and is in want
She sets her mind upon the Gods.
Sloka : 5.61.8
उ॒त घा॒ नेमो॒ अस्तु॑तः॒ पुमा॒ँ इति॑ ब्रुवे प॒णिः ।
स वैर॑देय॒ इत्स॒मः ॥ ५.०६१.०८
u̱ta ghā̱ nemo̱ astu̍ta̱ḥ pumā̱m̐ iti̍ bruve pa̱ṇiḥ .
sa vaira̍deya̱ itsa̱maḥ .. 5.061.08
8 And yet full many a one, unpraised, mean niggard, is entitled man:-
Only in weregild is he such.
Sloka : 5.61.9
उ॒त मे॑ऽरपद्युव॒तिर्म॑म॒न्दुषी॒ प्रति॑ श्या॒वाय॑ वर्त॒निम् ।
वि रोहि॑ता पुरुमी॒ळ्हाय॑ येमतु॒र्विप्रा॑य दी॒र्घय॑शसे ॥ ५.०६१.०९
u̱ta me̎rapadyuva̱tirma̍ma̱nduṣī̱ prati̍ śyā̱vāya̍ varta̱nim .
vi rohi̍tā purumī̱l̤hāya̍ yematu̱rviprā̍ya dī̱rghaya̍śase .. 5.061.09
9 And she, the young, the joyous-spirited, divulged the path to Śyāva, yea, to me.
Two red steeds carried me to Purumīlha's side, that sage of far-extended fame,
Sloka : 5.61.10
यो मे॑ धेनू॒नां श॒तं वैद॑दश्वि॒र्यथा॒ दद॑त् ।
त॒र॒न्त इ॑व मं॒हना॑ ॥ ५.०६१.१०
yo me̍ dhenū̱nāṃ śa̱taṃ vaida̍daśvi̱ryathā̱ dada̍t .
ta̱ra̱nta i̍va ma̱ṃhanā̍ .. 5.061.10
10 Him who, like Vaidadasvi, like Taranta, hath bestowed on me
A hundred cows in liberal gift.
Sloka : 5.61.11
य ईं॒ वह॑न्त आ॒शुभिः॒ पिब॑न्तो मदि॒रं मधु॑ ।
अत्र॒ श्रवां॑सि दधिरे ॥ ५.०६१.११
ya ī̱ṃ vaha̍nta ā̱śubhi̱ḥ piba̍nto madi̱raṃ madhu̍ .
atra̱ śravā̍ṃsi dadhire .. 5.061.11
11 They who are borne by rapid steeds, drinking the meath that gives delight,
They have attained high glories here.
Sloka : 5.61.12
येषां॑ श्रि॒याधि॒ रोद॑सी वि॒भ्राज॑न्ते॒ रथे॒ष्वा ।
दि॒वि रु॒क्म इ॑वो॒परि॑ ॥ ५.०६१.१२
yeṣā̍ṃ śri̱yādhi̱ roda̍sī vi̱bhrāja̍nte̱ rathe̱ṣvā .
di̱vi ru̱kma i̍vo̱pari̍ .. 5.061.12
12 They by whose splendour both the worlds are over-spread they shine on cars
As the gold gleams above in heaven.
Sloka : 5.61.13
युवा॒ स मारु॑तो ग॒णस्त्वे॒षर॑थो॒ अने॑द्यः ।
शु॒भं॒यावाप्र॑तिष्कुतः ॥ ५.०६१.१३
yuvā̱ sa māru̍to ga̱ṇastve̱ṣara̍tho̱ ane̍dyaḥ .
śu̱bha̱ṃyāvāpra̍tiṣkutaḥ .. 5.061.13
13 That Marut band is ever young, borne on bright cars, unblamable,
Moving to victory, checked by none.
Sloka : 5.61.14
को वे॑द नू॒नमे॑षां॒ यत्रा॒ मद॑न्ति॒ धूत॑यः ।
ऋ॒तजा॑ता अरे॒पसः॑ ॥ ५.०६१.१४
ko ve̍da nū̱name̍ṣā̱ṃ yatrā̱ mada̍nti̱ dhūta̍yaḥ .
ṛ̱tajā̍tā are̱pasa̍ḥ .. 5.061.14
14 Who knoweth, verily, of these where the All-shakers take delight,
Born, spotless, after sacred Law?
Sloka : 5.61.15
यू॒यं मर्तं॑ विपन्यवः प्रणे॒तार॑ इ॒त्था धि॒या ।
श्रोता॑रो॒ याम॑हूतिषु ॥ ५.०६१.१५
yū̱yaṃ marta̍ṃ vipanyavaḥ praṇe̱tāra̍ i̱tthā dhi̱yā .
śrotā̍ro̱ yāma̍hūtiṣu .. 5.061.15
15 Guides are ye, lovers of the song to mortal man through holy hymn,
And hearers when he cries for help.
Sloka : 5.61.16
ते नो॒ वसू॑नि॒ काम्या॑ पुरुश्च॒न्द्रा रि॑शादसः ।
आ य॑ज्ञियासो ववृत्तन ॥ ५.०६१.१६
te no̱ vasū̍ni̱ kāmyā̍ puruśca̱ndrā ri̍śādasaḥ .
ā ya̍jñiyāso vavṛttana .. 5.061.16
16 Do ye, destroyers of the foe, worshipful and exceeding bright,
Send down the treasures that we crave.
Sloka : 5.61.17
ए॒तं मे॒ स्तोम॑मूर्म्ये दा॒र्भ्याय॒ परा॑ वह ।
गिरो॑ देवि र॒थीरि॑व ॥ ५.०६१.१७
e̱taṃ me̱ stoma̍mūrmye dā̱rbhyāya̱ parā̍ vaha .
giro̍ devi ra̱thīri̍va .. 5.061.17
17 OUrmya, bear thou far away to Darbhya this my hymn of praise,
Songs, Goddess, as if chariot-borne.
Sloka : 5.61.18
उ॒त मे॑ वोचता॒दिति॑ सु॒तसो॑मे॒ रथ॑वीतौ ।
न कामो॒ अप॑ वेति मे ॥ ५.०६१.१८
u̱ta me̍ vocatā̱diti̍ su̱taso̍me̱ ratha̍vītau .
na kāmo̱ apa̍ veti me .. 5.061.18
18 From me to Rathaviti say, when he hath pressed the Soma juice,
The wish I had departeth not.
Sloka : 5.61.19
ए॒ष क्षे॑ति॒ रथ॑वीतिर्म॒घवा॒ गोम॑ती॒रनु॑ ।
पर्व॑ते॒ष्वप॑श्रितः ॥ ५.०६१.१९
e̱ṣa kṣe̍ti̱ ratha̍vītirma̱ghavā̱ goma̍tī̱ranu̍ .
parva̍te̱ṣvapa̍śritaḥ .. 5.061.19
19 This wealthy Rathaviti dwells among the people rich in kine,
Among the mountains, far withdrawn.
Sloka : 5.62.1
ऋ॒तेन॑ ऋ॒तमपि॑हितं ध्रु॒वं वां॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ यत्र॑ विमु॒चन्त्यश्वा॑न् ।
दश॑ श॒ता स॒ह त॑स्थु॒स्तदेकं॑ दे॒वानां॒ श्रेष्ठं॒ वपु॑षामपश्यम् ॥ ५.०६२.०१
ṛ̱tena̍ ṛ̱tamapi̍hitaṃ dhru̱vaṃ vā̱ṃ sūrya̍sya̱ yatra̍ vimu̱cantyaśvā̍n .
daśa̍ śa̱tā sa̱ha ta̍sthu̱stadeka̍ṃ de̱vānā̱ṃ śreṣṭha̱ṃ vapu̍ṣāmapaśyam .. 5.062.01
1. BY your high Law firm order is established there where they loose for travel Sūrya's horses.
Ten hundred stood together:- there I looked on this the most marvellous Deities' one chief glory.
Sloka : 5.62.2
तत्सु वां॑ मित्रावरुणा महि॒त्वमी॒र्मा त॒स्थुषी॒रह॑भिर्दुदुह्रे ।
विश्वाः॑ पिन्वथः॒ स्वस॑रस्य॒ धेना॒ अनु॑ वा॒मेकः॑ प॒विरा व॑वर्त ॥ ५.०६२.०२
tatsu vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā mahi̱tvamī̱rmā ta̱sthuṣī̱raha̍bhirduduhre .
viśvā̍ḥ pinvatha̱ḥ svasa̍rasya̱ dhenā̱ anu̍ vā̱meka̍ḥ pa̱virā va̍varta .. 5.062.02
2 This, Mitra-Varuṇa, is your special greatness:- floods that stood there they with the days attracted.
Ye cause to flow all voices of the cowpen:- your single chariotfelly hath rolled hither.
Sloka : 5.62.3
अधा॑रयतं पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्यां मित्र॑राजाना वरुणा॒ महो॑भिः ।
व॒र्धय॑त॒मोष॑धीः॒ पिन्व॑तं॒ गा अव॑ वृ॒ष्टिं सृ॑जतं जीरदानू ॥ ५.०६२.०३
adhā̍rayataṃ pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyāṃ mitra̍rājānā varuṇā̱ maho̍bhiḥ .
va̱rdhaya̍ta̱moṣa̍dhī̱ḥ pinva̍ta̱ṃ gā ava̍ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ sṛ̍jataṃ jīradānū .. 5.062.03
3 O Mitra-Varuṇa, ye by your greatness, both Kings, have firmly stablished earth and heaven,
Ye caused the cows to stream, the plants to flourish, and, scattering swift drops, sent down the rain-flood.
Sloka : 5.62.4
आ वा॒मश्वा॑सः सु॒युजो॑ वहन्तु य॒तर॑श्मय॒ उप॑ यन्त्व॒र्वाक् ।
घृ॒तस्य॑ नि॒र्णिगनु॑ वर्तते वा॒मुप॒ सिन्ध॑वः प्र॒दिवि॑ क्षरन्ति ॥ ५.०६२.०४
ā vā̱maśvā̍saḥ su̱yujo̍ vahantu ya̱tara̍śmaya̱ upa̍ yantva̱rvāk .
ghṛ̱tasya̍ ni̱rṇiganu̍ vartate vā̱mupa̱ sindha̍vaḥ pra̱divi̍ kṣaranti .. 5.062.04
4 Let your well-harnessed horses bear you hither:- hitherward let them come with reins drawn tightly.
A covering cloud of sacred oil attends you, and your streams flow to us from days aforetime.
Sloka : 5.62.5
अनु॑ श्रु॒ताम॒मतिं॒ वर्ध॑दु॒र्वीं ब॒र्हिरि॑व॒ यजु॑षा॒ रक्ष॑माणा ।
नम॑स्वन्ता धृतद॒क्षाधि॒ गर्ते॒ मित्रासा॑थे वरु॒णेळा॑स्व॒न्तः ॥ ५.०६२.०५
anu̍ śru̱tāma̱mati̱ṃ vardha̍du̱rvīṃ ba̱rhiri̍va̱ yaju̍ṣā̱ rakṣa̍māṇā .
nama̍svantā dhṛtada̱kṣādhi̱ garte̱ mitrāsā̍the varu̱ṇel̤ā̍sva̱ntaḥ .. 5.062.05
5 To make the lustre wider and more famous, guarding the sacred grass with veneration,
Ye, Mitra-Varuṇa, firm, strong, awe-inspiring, are seated on a throne amid oblations.
Sloka : 5.62.6
अक्र॑विहस्ता सु॒कृते॑ पर॒स्पा यं त्रासा॑थे वरु॒णेळा॑स्व॒न्तः ।
राजा॑ना क्ष॒त्रमहृ॑णीयमाना स॒हस्र॑स्थूणं बिभृथः स॒ह द्वौ ॥ ५.०६२.०६
akra̍vihastā su̱kṛte̍ para̱spā yaṃ trāsā̍the varu̱ṇel̤ā̍sva̱ntaḥ .
rājā̍nā kṣa̱tramahṛ̍ṇīyamānā sa̱hasra̍sthūṇaṃ bibhṛthaḥ sa̱ha dvau .. 5.062.06
6 With hands that shed no blood, guarding the pious, whom, Varuni3, ye save amid oblations.
Ye Twain, together, Kings of willing spirit, uphold dominion based on thousand pillars.
Sloka : 5.62.7
हिर॑ण्यनिर्णि॒गयो॑ अस्य॒ स्थूणा॒ वि भ्रा॑जते दि॒व्य१॒॑श्वाज॑नीव ।
भ॒द्रे क्षेत्रे॒ निमि॑ता॒ तिल्वि॑ले वा स॒नेम॒ मध्वो॒ अधि॑गर्त्यस्य ॥ ५.०६२.०७
hira̍ṇyanirṇi̱gayo̍ asya̱ sthūṇā̱ vi bhrā̍jate di̱vya1̱̍śvāja̍nīva .
bha̱dre kṣetre̱ nimi̍tā̱ tilvi̍le vā sa̱nema̱ madhvo̱ adhi̍gartyasya .. 5.062.07
7 Adorned with gold, its columns are of iron. in heaven it glitters like a whip for horses;
Or stablished on a field deep-spoiled and fruitful. So may we share the meath that loads your car-seat.
Sloka : 5.62.8
हिर॑ण्यरूपमु॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टा॒वयः॑स्थूण॒मुदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
आ रो॑हथो वरुण मित्र॒ गर्त॒मत॑श्चक्षाथे॒ अदि॑तिं॒ दितिं॑ च ॥ ५.०६२.०८
hira̍ṇyarūpamu̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭā̱vaya̍ḥsthūṇa̱mudi̍tā̱ sūrya̍sya .
ā ro̍hatho varuṇa mitra̱ garta̱mata̍ścakṣāthe̱ adi̍ti̱ṃ diti̍ṃ ca .. 5.062.08
8 Ye mount your car gold-hued at break of morning, and iron-pillared when the Sun is setting,
And from that place, O Varuṇa and Mitra, behold infinity and limit~tion.
Sloka : 5.62.9
यद्बंहि॑ष्ठं॒ नाति॒विधे॑ सुदानू॒ अच्छि॑द्रं॒ शर्म॑ भुवनस्य गोपा ।
तेन॑ नो मित्रावरुणावविष्टं॒ सिषा॑सन्तो जिगी॒वांसः॑ स्याम ॥ ५.०६२.०९
yadbaṃhi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ nāti̱vidhe̍ sudānū̱ acchi̍dra̱ṃ śarma̍ bhuvanasya gopā .
tena̍ no mitrāvaruṇāvaviṣṭa̱ṃ siṣā̍santo jigī̱vāṃsa̍ḥ syāma .. 5.062.09
9 Bountiful guardians of the world! the shelter that is impenetrable, strongest, flawless,
Aid us with that, O Varuṇa and Mitra, and when we long to win may we be victors.
Sloka : 5.63.1
ऋत॑स्य गोपा॒वधि॑ तिष्ठथो॒ रथं॒ सत्य॑धर्माणा पर॒मे व्यो॑मनि ।
यमत्र॑ मित्रावरु॒णाव॑थो यु॒वं तस्मै॑ वृ॒ष्टिर्मधु॑मत्पिन्वते दि॒वः ॥ ५.०६३.०१
ṛta̍sya gopā̱vadhi̍ tiṣṭhatho̱ ratha̱ṃ satya̍dharmāṇā para̱me vyo̍mani .
yamatra̍ mitrāvaru̱ṇāva̍tho yu̱vaṃ tasmai̍ vṛ̱ṣṭirmadhu̍matpinvate di̱vaḥ .. 5.063.01
1. GUARDIANS of Order, ye whose Laws are ever true, in the sublimest heaven your chariot ye ascend.
O Mitra-Varuṇa whomsoeer ye:- favour, here, to him the rain with sweetness streameth down from heaven.
Sloka : 5.63.2
स॒म्राजा॑व॒स्य भुव॑नस्य राजथो॒ मित्रा॑वरुणा वि॒दथे॑ स्व॒र्दृशा॑ ।
वृ॒ष्टिं वां॒ राधो॑ अमृत॒त्वमी॑महे॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वि च॑रन्ति त॒न्यवः॑ ॥ ५.०६३.०२
sa̱mrājā̍va̱sya bhuva̍nasya rājatho̱ mitrā̍varuṇā vi̱dathe̍ sva̱rdṛśā̍ .
vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ vā̱ṃ rādho̍ amṛta̱tvamī̍mahe̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī vi ca̍ranti ta̱nyava̍ḥ .. 5.063.02
2 This world's imperial Kings, O Mitra-Varuṇa, ye rule in holy synod, looking on the light.
We pray for rain, your boon, and immortality. Through heaven and over earth the thunderers take their way.
Sloka : 5.63.3
स॒म्राजा॑ उ॒ग्रा वृ॑ष॒भा दि॒वस्पती॑ पृथि॒व्या मि॒त्रावरु॑णा॒ विच॑र्षणी ।
चि॒त्रेभि॑र॒भ्रैरुप॑ तिष्ठथो॒ रवं॒ द्यां व॑र्षयथो॒ असु॑रस्य मा॒यया॑ ॥ ५.०६३.०३
sa̱mrājā̍ u̱grā vṛ̍ṣa̱bhā di̱vaspatī̍ pṛthi̱vyā mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā̱ vica̍rṣaṇī .
ci̱trebhi̍ra̱bhrairupa̍ tiṣṭhatho̱ rava̱ṃ dyāṃ va̍rṣayatho̱ asu̍rasya mā̱yayā̍ .. 5.063.03
3 Imperial Kings, strong, Heroes, Lords of earth and heaven, Mitra and Varuṇa, ye ever active Ones,
Ye wait on thunder with the many-tinted clouds, and by the Asura's magic power cause Heaven to rain.
Sloka : 5.63.4
मा॒या वां॑ मित्रावरुणा दि॒वि श्रि॒ता सूर्यो॒ ज्योति॑श्चरति चि॒त्रमायु॑धम् ।
तम॒भ्रेण॑ वृ॒ष्ट्या गू॑हथो दि॒वि पर्ज॑न्य द्र॒प्सा मधु॑मन्त ईरते ॥ ५.०६३.०४
mā̱yā vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā di̱vi śri̱tā sūryo̱ jyoti̍ścarati ci̱tramāyu̍dham .
tama̱bhreṇa̍ vṛ̱ṣṭyā gū̍hatho di̱vi parja̍nya dra̱psā madhu̍manta īrate .. 5.063.04
4 Your magic, Mitra-Varuṇa, resteth in the heaven. The Sun, the wondrous weapon, cometh forth as light.
Ye hide him in the sky with cloud and flood of rain, and water-drops, Parjanya! full of sweetness flow.
Sloka : 5.63.5
रथं॑ युञ्जते म॒रुतः॑ शु॒भे सु॒खं शूरो॒ न मि॑त्रावरुणा॒ गवि॑ष्टिषु ।
रजां॑सि चि॒त्रा वि च॑रन्ति त॒न्यवो॑ दि॒वः स॑म्राजा॒ पय॑सा न उक्षतम् ॥ ५.०६३.०५
ratha̍ṃ yuñjate ma̱ruta̍ḥ śu̱bhe su̱khaṃ śūro̱ na mi̍trāvaruṇā̱ gavi̍ṣṭiṣu .
rajā̍ṃsi ci̱trā vi ca̍ranti ta̱nyavo̍ di̱vaḥ sa̍mrājā̱ paya̍sā na ukṣatam .. 5.063.05
5 The Maruts yoke their easy car for victory, O Mitra-Varuṇa, as a hero in the wars.
The thunderers roam through regions varied in their hues. Imperial Kings, bedew us with the milk of heaven.
Sloka : 5.63.6
वाचं॒ सु मि॑त्रावरुणा॒विरा॑वतीं प॒र्जन्य॑श्चि॒त्रां व॑दति॒ त्विषी॑मतीम् ।
अ॒भ्रा व॑सत म॒रुतः॒ सु मा॒यया॒ द्यां व॑र्षयतमरु॒णाम॑रे॒पस॑म् ॥ ५.०६३.०६
vāca̱ṃ su mi̍trāvaruṇā̱virā̍vatīṃ pa̱rjanya̍ści̱trāṃ va̍dati̱ tviṣī̍matīm .
a̱bhrā va̍sata ma̱ruta̱ḥ su mā̱yayā̱ dyāṃ va̍rṣayatamaru̱ṇāma̍re̱pasa̍m .. 5.063.06
6 Refreshing is your voice, O Mitra-Varuṇa:- Parjanya sendeth out a wondrous mighty voice.
With magic power the Maruts clothe them with the clouds. Ye Two cause Heaven to rain, the red, the spotless One.
Sloka : 5.63.7
धर्म॑णा मित्रावरुणा विपश्चिता व्र॒ता र॑क्षेथे॒ असु॑रस्य मा॒यया॑ ।
ऋ॒तेन॒ विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं॒ वि रा॑जथः॒ सूर्य॒मा ध॑त्थो दि॒वि चित्र्यं॒ रथ॑म् ॥ ५.०६३.०७
dharma̍ṇā mitrāvaruṇā vipaścitā vra̱tā ra̍kṣethe̱ asu̍rasya mā̱yayā̍ .
ṛ̱tena̱ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍na̱ṃ vi rā̍jatha̱ḥ sūrya̱mā dha̍ttho di̱vi citrya̱ṃ ratha̍m .. 5.063.07
7 Wise, with your Law and through the Asura's magic power ye guard the ordinances, Mitra-Varuṇa.
Ye by eternal Order govern all the world. Ye set the Sun in heaven as a refulgent car.
Sloka : 5.64.1
वरु॑णं वो रि॒शाद॑समृ॒चा मि॒त्रं ह॑वामहे ।
परि॑ व्र॒जेव॑ बा॒ह्वोर्ज॑ग॒न्वांसा॒ स्व॑र्णरम् ॥ ५.०६४.०१
varu̍ṇaṃ vo ri̱śāda̍samṛ̱cā mi̱traṃ ha̍vāmahe .
pari̍ vra̱jeva̍ bā̱hvorja̍ga̱nvāṃsā̱ sva̍rṇaram .. 5.064.01
1. You, foeman-slaying Varuṇa and Mitra, we invoke with song,
Who, as with penfold of your arms, encompass round the realm of light.
Sloka : 5.64.2
ता बा॒हवा॑ सुचे॒तुना॒ प्र य॑न्तमस्मा॒ अर्च॑ते ।
शेवं॒ हि जा॒र्यं॑ वां॒ विश्वा॑सु॒ क्षासु॒ जोगु॑वे ॥ ५.०६४.०२
tā bā̱havā̍ suce̱tunā̱ pra ya̍ntamasmā̱ arca̍te .
śeva̱ṃ hi jā̱rya̍ṃ vā̱ṃ viśvā̍su̱ kṣāsu̱ jogu̍ve .. 5.064.02
2 Stretch out your arms with favouring love unto this man who singeth hymns,
For in all places is sung forth your evergracious friendliness.
Sloka : 5.64.3
यन्नू॒नम॒श्यां गतिं॑ मि॒त्रस्य॑ यायां प॒था ।
अस्य॑ प्रि॒यस्य॒ शर्म॒ण्यहिं॑सानस्य सश्चिरे ॥ ५.०६४.०३
yannū̱nama̱śyāṃ gati̍ṃ mi̱trasya̍ yāyāṃ pa̱thā .
asya̍ pri̱yasya̱ śarma̱ṇyahi̍ṃsānasya saścire .. 5.064.03
3 That I may gain a refuge now, may my steps be on Mitra's path.
Men go protected in the charge of this dear Friend who harms us not.
Sloka : 5.64.4
यु॒वाभ्यां॑ मित्रावरुणोप॒मं धे॑यामृ॒चा ।
यद्ध॒ क्षये॑ म॒घोनां॑ स्तोतॄ॒णां च॑ स्पू॒र्धसे॑ ॥ ५.०६४.०४
yu̱vābhyā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇopa̱maṃ dhe̍yāmṛ̱cā .
yaddha̱ kṣaye̍ ma̱ghonā̍ṃ stotṝ̱ṇāṃ ca̍ spū̱rdhase̍ .. 5.064.04
4 Mitra and Varuṇa, from you may I, by song, win noblest meed.
That shall stir envy in the homes of wealthy chiefs and those who praise.
Sloka : 5.64.5
आ नो॑ मित्र सुदी॒तिभि॒र्वरु॑णश्च स॒धस्थ॒ आ ।
स्वे क्षये॑ म॒घोनां॒ सखी॑नां च वृ॒धसे॑ ॥ ५.०६४.०५
ā no̍ mitra sudī̱tibhi̱rvaru̍ṇaśca sa̱dhastha̱ ā .
sve kṣaye̍ ma̱ghonā̱ṃ sakhī̍nāṃ ca vṛ̱dhase̍ .. 5.064.05
5 With your fair splendours, Varuṇa and Mitra, to our gathering come,
That in their homes the wealthy chiefs and they who are your friends may thrive.
Sloka : 5.64.6
यु॒वं नो॒ येषु॑ वरुण क्ष॒त्रं बृ॒हच्च॑ बिभृ॒थः ।
उ॒रु णो॒ वाज॑सातये कृ॒तं रा॒ये स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ ५.०६४.०६
yu̱vaṃ no̱ yeṣu̍ varuṇa kṣa̱traṃ bṛ̱hacca̍ bibhṛ̱thaḥ .
u̱ru ṇo̱ vāja̍sātaye kṛ̱taṃ rā̱ye sva̱staye̍ .. 5.064.06
6 With those, moreover, among whom ye hold your high supremacy,
Vouchsafe us room that we may win strength for prosperity and wealth.
Sloka : 5.64.7
उ॒च्छन्त्यां॑ मे यज॒ता दे॒वक्ष॑त्रे॒ रुश॑द्गवि ।
सु॒तं सोमं॒ न ह॒स्तिभि॒रा प॒ड्भिर्धा॑वतं नरा॒ बिभ्र॑तावर्च॒नान॑सम् ॥ ५.०६४.०७
u̱cchantyā̍ṃ me yaja̱tā de̱vakṣa̍tre̱ ruśa̍dgavi .
su̱taṃ soma̱ṃ na ha̱stibhi̱rā pa̱ḍbhirdhā̍vataṃ narā̱ bibhra̍tāvarca̱nāna̍sam .. 5.064.07
7 When morning flushes, Holy Ones! in the Gods realm where white Cows shine,
Supporting Arcananas, speed, ye Heroes, with your active feet hither to my pressed Soma juice.
Sloka : 5.65.1
यश्चि॒केत॒ स सु॒क्रतु॑र्देव॒त्रा स ब्र॑वीतु नः ।
वरु॑णो॒ यस्य॑ दर्श॒तो मि॒त्रो वा॒ वन॑ते॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ५.०६५.०१
yaści̱keta̱ sa su̱kratu̍rdeva̱trā sa bra̍vītu naḥ .
varu̍ṇo̱ yasya̍ darśa̱to mi̱tro vā̱ vana̍te̱ gira̍ḥ .. 5.065.01
1. FULL wise is he who hath discerned:- let him speak to us of the Gods,
The man whose praise-songs Varuṇa the beautiful, or Mitra, loves.
Sloka : 5.65.2
ता हि श्रेष्ठ॑वर्चसा॒ राजा॑ना दीर्घ॒श्रुत्त॑मा ।
ता सत्प॑ती ऋता॒वृध॑ ऋ॒तावा॑ना॒ जने॑जने ॥ ५.०६५.०२
tā hi śreṣṭha̍varcasā̱ rājā̍nā dīrgha̱śrutta̍mā .
tā satpa̍tī ṛtā̱vṛdha̍ ṛ̱tāvā̍nā̱ jane̍jane .. 5.065.02
2 For they are Kings of noblest might, of glorious fame most widely spread;
Lords of the brave, who strengthen Law, the Holy Ones with every race.
Sloka : 5.65.3
ता वा॑मिया॒नोऽव॑से॒ पूर्वा॒ उप॑ ब्रुवे॒ सचा॑ ।
स्वश्वा॑सः॒ सु चे॒तुना॒ वाजा॑ँ अ॒भि प्र दा॒वने॑ ॥ ५.०६५.०३
tā vā̍miyā̱no'va̍se̱ pūrvā̱ upa̍ bruve̱ sacā̍ .
svaśvā̍sa̱ḥ su ce̱tunā̱ vājā̍m̐ a̱bhi pra dā̱vane̍ .. 5.065.03
3 Approaching you with prayer for aid, together I address you first
We who have good steeds call on you, Most Sage, to give us strength besides.
Sloka : 5.65.4
मि॒त्रो अं॒होश्चि॒दादु॒रु क्षया॑य गा॒तुं व॑नते ।
मि॒त्रस्य॒ हि प्र॒तूर्व॑तः सुम॒तिरस्ति॑ विध॒तः ॥ ५.०६५.०४
mi̱tro a̱ṃhości̱dādu̱ru kṣayā̍ya gā̱tuṃ va̍nate .
mi̱trasya̱ hi pra̱tūrva̍taḥ suma̱tirasti̍ vidha̱taḥ .. 5.065.04
4 Een out of misery Mitra gives a way to dwelling at our case,
For he who worships hath the grace of Mitra, fighter in the van. '
Sloka : 5.65.5
व॒यं मि॒त्रस्याव॑सि॒ स्याम॑ स॒प्रथ॑स्तमे ।
अ॒ने॒हस॒स्त्वोत॑यः स॒त्रा वरु॑णशेषसः ॥ ५.०६५.०५
va̱yaṃ mi̱trasyāva̍si̱ syāma̍ sa̱pratha̍stame .
a̱ne̱hasa̱stvota̍yaḥ sa̱trā varu̍ṇaśeṣasaḥ .. 5.065.05
5 In Mitra's shelter that extends to utmost distance may we dwell,
Unmenaced, guarded by the care, ever as sons of Varuṇa.
Sloka : 5.65.6
यु॒वं मि॑त्रे॒मं जनं॒ यत॑थः॒ सं च॑ नयथः ।
मा म॒घोनः॒ परि॑ ख्यतं॒ मो अ॒स्माक॒मृषी॑णां गोपी॒थे न॑ उरुष्यतम् ॥ ५.०६५.०६
yu̱vaṃ mi̍tre̱maṃ jana̱ṃ yata̍tha̱ḥ saṃ ca̍ nayathaḥ .
mā ma̱ghona̱ḥ pari̍ khyata̱ṃ mo a̱smāka̱mṛṣī̍ṇāṃ gopī̱the na̍ uruṣyatam .. 5.065.06
6 Ye, Mitra, urge this people on, and to one end direct their ways.
Neglect not ye the wealthy chiefs, neglect not us the Ṛṣis:- be our guardians when ye quaff the milk.
Sloka : 5.66.1
आ चि॑कितान सु॒क्रतू॑ दे॒वौ म॑र्त रि॒शाद॑सा ।
वरु॑णाय ऋ॒तपे॑शसे दधी॒त प्रय॑से म॒हे ॥ ५.०६६.०१
ā ci̍kitāna su̱kratū̍ de̱vau ma̍rta ri̱śāda̍sā .
varu̍ṇāya ṛ̱tape̍śase dadhī̱ta praya̍se ma̱he .. 5.066.01
1. O SAPIENT man, call the Two Gods, the very wise, who slay the foe.
For Varuṇa, whose form is Law, place offerings for his great delight.
Sloka : 5.66.2
ता हि क्ष॒त्रमवि॑ह्रुतं स॒म्यग॑सु॒र्य१॒॑माशा॑ते ।
अध॑ व्र॒तेव॒ मानु॑षं॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण धा॑यि दर्श॒तम् ॥ ५.०६६.०२
tā hi kṣa̱tramavi̍hrutaṃ sa̱myaga̍su̱rya1̱̍māśā̍te .
adha̍ vra̱teva̱ mānu̍ṣa̱ṃ sva1̱̍rṇa dhā̍yi darśa̱tam .. 5.066.02
2 For they have won unbroken sway in full perfection, power divine.
And, like high laws, the world of man hath been made beautiful as light.
Sloka : 5.66.3
ता वा॒मेषे॒ रथा॑नामु॒र्वीं गव्यू॑तिमेषाम् ।
रा॒तह॑व्यस्य सुष्टु॒तिं द॒धृक्स्तोमै॑र्मनामहे ॥ ५.०६६.०३
tā vā̱meṣe̱ rathā̍nāmu̱rvīṃ gavyū̍timeṣām .
rā̱taha̍vyasya suṣṭu̱tiṃ da̱dhṛkstomai̍rmanāmahe .. 5.066.03
3 Therefore we praise you that your cars may travel far in front of ours-
You who accept the eulogy of Ratahavya with his hymns.
Sloka : 5.66.4
अधा॒ हि काव्या॑ यु॒वं दक्ष॑स्य पू॒र्भिर॑द्भुता ।
नि के॒तुना॒ जना॑नां चि॒केथे॑ पूतदक्षसा ॥ ५.०६६.०४
adhā̱ hi kāvyā̍ yu̱vaṃ dakṣa̍sya pū̱rbhira̍dbhutā .
ni ke̱tunā̱ janā̍nāṃ ci̱kethe̍ pūtadakṣasā .. 5.066.04
4 And ye show wMom, Wondrous Gods with fulness of intellIgence.
By men's discernment are Ve marked, O ye whose might is purified.
Sloka : 5.66.5
तदृ॒तं पृ॑थिवि बृ॒हच्छ्र॑वए॒ष ऋषी॑णाम् ।
ज्र॒य॒सा॒नावरं॑ पृ॒थ्वति॑ क्षरन्ति॒ याम॑भिः ॥ ५.०६६.०५
tadṛ̱taṃ pṛ̍thivi bṛ̱hacchra̍vae̱ṣa ṛṣī̍ṇām .
jra̱ya̱sā̱nāvara̍ṃ pṛ̱thvati̍ kṣaranti̱ yāma̍bhiḥ .. 5.066.05
5 This is the Law sublime, O Earth:- to aid the Ṛṣis toil for fame
The Two, wide-spreading, are prepared. They come with ample overflow.
Sloka : 5.66.6
आ यद्वा॑मीयचक्षसा॒ मित्र॑ व॒यं च॑ सू॒रयः॑ ।
व्यचि॑ष्ठे बहु॒पाय्ये॒ यते॑महि स्व॒राज्ये॑ ॥ ५.०६६.०६
ā yadvā̍mīyacakṣasā̱ mitra̍ va̱yaṃ ca̍ sū̱raya̍ḥ .
vyaci̍ṣṭhe bahu̱pāyye̱ yate̍mahi sva̱rājye̍ .. 5.066.06
6 Mitra, ye Gods with wandering eyes, would that the worshippers and we
Might strive to reach the realm ye rule, most spacious and protected well,
Sloka : 5.67.1
बळि॒त्था दे॑व निष्कृ॒तमादि॑त्या यज॒तं बृ॒हत् ।
वरु॑ण॒ मित्रार्य॑म॒न्वर्षि॑ष्ठं क्ष॒त्रमा॑शाथे ॥ ५.०६७.०१
bal̤i̱tthā de̍va niṣkṛ̱tamādi̍tyā yaja̱taṃ bṛ̱hat .
varu̍ṇa̱ mitrārya̍ma̱nvarṣi̍ṣṭhaṃ kṣa̱tramā̍śāthe .. 5.067.01
1. YE Gods, Ādityas, Varuṇa, Aryaman, Mitra, verily
Have here obtained supremest sway, high, holy, set apart for you.
Sloka : 5.67.2
आ यद्योनिं॑ हिर॒ण्ययं॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्र॒ सद॑थः ।
ध॒र्तारा॑ चर्षणी॒नां य॒न्तं सु॒म्नं रि॑शादसा ॥ ५.०६७.०२
ā yadyoni̍ṃ hira̱ṇyaya̱ṃ varu̍ṇa̱ mitra̱ sada̍thaḥ .
dha̱rtārā̍ carṣaṇī̱nāṃ ya̱ntaṃ su̱mnaṃ ri̍śādasā .. 5.067.02
2 When, Varuṇa and Mitra, ye sit in your golden dwelling-place,
Ye Twain, supporters of mankind, foeslayers, give felicity.
Sloka : 5.67.3
विश्वे॒ हि वि॒श्ववे॑दसो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
व्र॒ता प॒देव॑ सश्चिरे॒ पान्ति॒ मर्त्यं॑ रि॒षः ॥ ५.०६७.०३
viśve̱ hi vi̱śvave̍daso̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
vra̱tā pa̱deva̍ saścire̱ pānti̱ martya̍ṃ ri̱ṣaḥ .. 5.067.03
3 All these, possessors of all wealth, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
Follow their ways, as if with feet, and guard from injury mortal man.
Sloka : 5.67.4
ते हि स॒त्या ऋ॑त॒स्पृश॑ ऋ॒तावा॑नो॒ जने॑जने ।
सु॒नी॒थासः॑ सु॒दान॑वों॒ऽहोश्चि॑दुरु॒चक्र॑यः ॥ ५.०६७.०४
te hi sa̱tyā ṛ̍ta̱spṛśa̍ ṛ̱tāvā̍no̱ jane̍jane .
su̱nī̱thāsa̍ḥ su̱dāna̍vo̱ṃ'hości̍duru̱cakra̍yaḥ .. 5.067.04
4 For they are true, they cleave to Law, held holy among every race,
Good leaders, bounteous in their gifts, deliverers even from distress.
Sloka : 5.67.5
को नु वां॑ मि॒त्रास्तु॑तो॒ वरु॑णो वा त॒नूना॑म् ।
तत्सु वा॒मेष॑ते म॒तिरत्रि॑भ्य॒ एष॑ते म॒तिः ॥ ५.०६७.०५
ko nu vā̍ṃ mi̱trāstu̍to̱ varu̍ṇo vā ta̱nūnā̍m .
tatsu vā̱meṣa̍te ma̱tiratri̍bhya̱ eṣa̍te ma̱tiḥ .. 5.067.05
5 Which of your persons, Varuṇa or Mitra, merits not our praise?
Therefore our thought is turned to you, the Atris' thought is turned to you.
Sloka : 5.68.1
प्र वो॑ मि॒त्राय॑ गायत॒ वरु॑णाय वि॒पा गि॒रा ।
महि॑क्षत्रावृ॒तं बृ॒हत् ॥ ५.०६८.०१
pra vo̍ mi̱trāya̍ gāyata̱ varu̍ṇāya vi̱pā gi̱rā .
mahi̍kṣatrāvṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hat .. 5.068.01
1. SING forth unto your Varuṇa and Mitra with a song inspired.
They, Mighty Lords, are lofty Law
Sloka : 5.68.2
स॒म्राजा॒ या घृ॒तयो॑नी मि॒त्रश्चो॒भा वरु॑णश्च ।
दे॒वा दे॒वेषु॑ प्रश॒स्ता ॥ ५.०६८.०२
sa̱mrājā̱ yā ghṛ̱tayo̍nī mi̱traśco̱bhā varu̍ṇaśca .
de̱vā de̱veṣu̍ praśa̱stā .. 5.068.02
2 Full springs of fatness, Sovran Kings, Mitra. and Varuṇa, the Twain,
Gods glorified among the Gods.
Sloka : 5.68.3
ता नः॑ शक्तं॒ पार्थि॑वस्य म॒हो रा॒यो दि॒व्यस्य॑ ।
महि॑ वां क्ष॒त्रं दे॒वेषु॑ ॥ ५.०६८.०३
tā na̍ḥ śakta̱ṃ pārthi̍vasya ma̱ho rā̱yo di̱vyasya̍ .
mahi̍ vāṃ kṣa̱traṃ de̱veṣu̍ .. 5.068.03
3 So help ye us to riches, great terrestrial and celestial wealth:-
Vast is your sway among the Gods.
Sloka : 5.68.4
ऋ॒तमृ॒तेन॒ सप॑न्तेषि॒रं दक्ष॑माशाते ।
अ॒द्रुहा॑ दे॒वौ व॑र्धेते ॥ ५.०६८.०४
ṛ̱tamṛ̱tena̱ sapa̍nteṣi̱raṃ dakṣa̍māśāte .
a̱druhā̍ de̱vau va̍rdhete .. 5.068.04
4 Carefully tending Law with Law they have attained their vigorous might.
The two Gods wax devoid of guile.
Sloka : 5.68.5
वृ॒ष्टिद्या॑वा री॒त्या॑पे॒षस्पती॒ दानु॑मत्याः ।
बृ॒हन्तं॒ गर्त॑माशाते ॥ ५.०६८.०५
vṛ̱ṣṭidyā̍vā rī̱tyā̍pe̱ṣaspatī̱ dānu̍matyāḥ .
bṛ̱hanta̱ṃ garta̍māśāte .. 5.068.05
5 With rainy skies and streaming floods, Lords of the strength that bringeth gifts,
A lofty seat have they attained.
Sloka : 5.69.1
त्री रो॑च॒ना व॑रुण॒ त्रीँरु॒त द्यून्त्रीणि॑ मित्र धारयथो॒ रजां॑सि ।
वा॒वृ॒धा॒नाव॒मतिं॑ क्ष॒त्रिय॒स्यानु॑ व्र॒तं रक्ष॑माणावजु॒र्यम् ॥ ५.०६९.०१
trī ro̍ca̱nā va̍ruṇa̱ trīm̐ru̱ta dyūntrīṇi̍ mitra dhārayatho̱ rajā̍ṃsi .
vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱nāva̱mati̍ṃ kṣa̱triya̱syānu̍ vra̱taṃ rakṣa̍māṇāvaju̱ryam .. 5.069.01
1. THREE spheres of light, O Varuṇa, three heavens, three firmaments ye comprehend, O Mitra:-
Waxed strong, ye keep the splendour of dominion, guarding the Ordinance that lasts for ever.
Sloka : 5.69.2
इरा॑वतीर्वरुण धे॒नवो॑ वां॒ मधु॑मद्वां॒ सिन्ध॑वो मित्र दुह्रे ।
त्रय॑स्तस्थुर्वृष॒भास॑स्तिसृ॒णां धि॒षणा॑नां रेतो॒धा वि द्यु॒मन्तः॑ ॥ ५.०६९.०२
irā̍vatīrvaruṇa dhe̱navo̍ vā̱ṃ madhu̍madvā̱ṃ sindha̍vo mitra duhre .
traya̍stasthurvṛṣa̱bhāsa̍stisṛ̱ṇāṃ dhi̱ṣaṇā̍nāṃ reto̱dhā vi dyu̱manta̍ḥ .. 5.069.02
2 Ye, Varuṇa, have kine who yield refreshment; Mitra, your floods pour water full of sweetness.
There stand the Three Steers, splendid in their brightness, who fill the three world-bowls with genial moisture.
Sloka : 5.69.3
प्रा॒तर्दे॒वीमदि॑तिं जोहवीमि म॒ध्यंदि॑न॒ उदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
रा॒ये मि॑त्रावरुणा स॒र्वता॒तेळे॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय॒ शं योः ॥ ५.०६९.०३
prā̱tarde̱vīmadi̍tiṃ johavīmi ma̱dhyaṃdi̍na̱ udi̍tā̱ sūrya̍sya .
rā̱ye mi̍trāvaruṇā sa̱rvatā̱tel̤e̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ .. 5.069.03
3 I call at dawn on Aditi the Goddess, I call at noon and when the Sun is setting.
I pray, O Mitra-Varuṇa, for safety, for wealth and progeny, in rest and trouble.
Sloka : 5.69.4
या ध॒र्तारा॒ रज॑सो रोच॒नस्यो॒तादि॒त्या दि॒व्या पार्थि॑वस्य ।
न वां॑ दे॒वा अ॒मृता॒ आ मि॑नन्ति व्र॒तानि॑ मित्रावरुणा ध्रु॒वाणि॑ ॥ ५.०६९.०४
yā dha̱rtārā̱ raja̍so roca̱nasyo̱tādi̱tyā di̱vyā pārthi̍vasya .
na vā̍ṃ de̱vā a̱mṛtā̱ ā mi̍nanti vra̱tāni̍ mitrāvaruṇā dhru̱vāṇi̍ .. 5.069.04
4 Ye who uphold the region, sphere of brightness, ye who support earth's realm Divine Ādityas,
The Immortal Gods, O Varuṇa and Mitra, never impair your everlasting statutes.
Sloka : 5.70.1
पु॒रू॒रुणा॑ चि॒द्ध्यस्त्यवो॑ नू॒नं वां॑ वरुण ।
मित्र॒ वंसि॑ वां सुम॒तिम् ॥ ५.०७०.०१
pu̱rū̱ruṇā̍ ci̱ddhyastyavo̍ nū̱naṃ vā̍ṃ varuṇa .
mitra̱ vaṃsi̍ vāṃ suma̱tim .. 5.070.01
1. EVEN far and wide, O Varuṇa and Mitra, doth your grace extend.
May I obtain your kind good-will.
Sloka : 5.70.2
ता वां॑ स॒म्यग॑द्रुह्वा॒णेष॑मश्याम॒ धाय॑से ।
व॒यं ते रु॑द्रा स्याम ॥ ५.०७०.०२
tā vā̍ṃ sa̱myaga̍druhvā̱ṇeṣa̍maśyāma̱ dhāya̍se .
va̱yaṃ te ru̍drā syāma .. 5.070.02
2 From you, benignant Gods, may we gain fully food for sustenance.
Such, O ye Rudras, my we be.
Sloka : 5.70.3
पा॒तं नो॑ रुद्रा पा॒युभि॑रु॒त त्रा॑येथां सुत्रा॒त्रा ।
तु॒र्याम॒ दस्यू॑न्त॒नूभिः॑ ॥ ५.०७०.०३
pā̱taṃ no̍ rudrā pā̱yubhi̍ru̱ta trā̍yethāṃ sutrā̱trā .
tu̱ryāma̱ dasyū̍nta̱nūbhi̍ḥ .. 5.070.03
3 Guard us, O Rudras. with your guar4 save us, ye skilled to save, my we
Subdue the Dasyus, we ourselves,
Sloka : 5.70.4
मा कस्या॑द्भुतक्रतू य॒क्षं भु॑जेमा त॒नूभिः॑ ।
मा शेष॑सा॒ मा तन॑सा ॥ ५.०७०.०४
mā kasyā̍dbhutakratū ya̱kṣaṃ bhu̍jemā ta̱nūbhi̍ḥ .
mā śeṣa̍sā̱ mā tana̍sā .. 5.070.04
4 Or neer may we, O Wondrous Strong, enjoy another's solemn feast,
Ourselves, our sons, or progeny.
Sloka : 5.71.1
आ नो॑ गन्तं रिशादसा॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्र॑ ब॒र्हणा॑ ।
उपे॒मं चारु॑मध्व॒रम् ॥ ५.०७१.०१
ā no̍ gantaṃ riśādasā̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitra̍ ba̱rhaṇā̍ .
upe̱maṃ cāru̍madhva̱ram .. 5.071.01
1. O Varuṇa and Mitra, ye who slay the foemen, come with might
To this our goodly sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.71.2
विश्व॑स्य॒ हि प्र॑चेतसा॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्र॒ राज॑थः ।
ई॒शा॒ना पि॑प्यतं॒ धियः॑ ॥ ५.०७१.०२
viśva̍sya̱ hi pra̍cetasā̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitra̱ rāja̍thaḥ .
ī̱śā̱nā pi̍pyata̱ṃ dhiya̍ḥ .. 5.071.02
2 For, Varuṇa and Mitra, ye Sages are Rulers over all. Fill full our songs, for this ye can.
Sloka : 5.71.3
उप॑ नः सु॒तमा ग॑तं॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्र॑ दा॒शुषः॑ ।
अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ५.०७१.०३
upa̍ naḥ su̱tamā ga̍ta̱ṃ varu̍ṇa̱ mitra̍ dā̱śuṣa̍ḥ .
a̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 5.071.03
3 Come to the juice that we have pressed. Varuṇa, Mitra, come to drink
This Soma of the worshipper.
Sloka : 5.72.1
आ मि॒त्रे वरु॑णे व॒यं गी॒र्भिर्जु॑हुमो अत्रि॒वत् ।
नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ सदतं॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ५.०७२.०१
ā mi̱tre varu̍ṇe va̱yaṃ gī̱rbhirju̍humo atri̱vat .
ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ sadata̱ṃ soma̍pītaye .. 5.072.01
1 To Varuṇa and Mitra we offer with songs, as Atri did. Sit on the sacred grass to drink the Soma juice.
Sloka : 5.72.2
व्र॒तेन॑ स्थो ध्रु॒वक्षे॑मा॒ धर्म॑णा यात॒यज्ज॑ना ।
नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ सदतं॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ५.०७२.०२
vra̱tena̍ stho dhru̱vakṣe̍mā̱ dharma̍ṇā yāta̱yajja̍nā .
ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ sadata̱ṃ soma̍pītaye .. 5.072.02
2 By Ordinance and Law ye dwell in peace secure, bestirring men.
Sit on the sacred grass to drink the Soma juice.
Sloka : 5.72.3
मि॒त्रश्च॑ नो॒ वरु॑णश्च जु॒षेतां॑ य॒ज्ञमि॒ष्टये॑ ।
नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ सदतां॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ५.०७२.०३
mi̱traśca̍ no̱ varu̍ṇaśca ju̱ṣetā̍ṃ ya̱jñami̱ṣṭaye̍ .
ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ sadatā̱ṃ soma̍pītaye .. 5.072.03
3 May Varuṇa and Mitra, for our help, accept the sacrifice.
Sit on the sacred grass to drink the Soma juice.
Sloka : 5.73.1
यद॒द्य स्थः प॑रा॒वति॒ यद॑र्वा॒वत्य॑श्विना ।
यद्वा॑ पु॒रू पु॑रुभुजा॒ यद॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒ आ ग॑तम् ॥ ५.०७३.०१
yada̱dya sthaḥ pa̍rā̱vati̱ yada̍rvā̱vatya̍śvinā .
yadvā̍ pu̱rū pu̍rubhujā̱ yada̱ntari̍kṣa̱ ā ga̍tam .. 5.073.01
1. WHETHER, O Aśvins, ye this day be far remote or near at hand,
In many spots or in mid-air, come hither, Lords of ample wealth.
Sloka : 5.73.2
इ॒ह त्या पु॑रु॒भूत॑मा पु॒रू दंसां॑सि॒ बिभ्र॑ता ।
व॒र॒स्या या॒म्यध्रि॑गू हु॒वे तु॒विष्ट॑मा भु॒जे ॥ ५.०७३.०२
i̱ha tyā pu̍ru̱bhūta̍mā pu̱rū daṃsā̍ṃsi̱ bibhra̍tā .
va̱ra̱syā yā̱myadhri̍gū hu̱ve tu̱viṣṭa̍mā bhu̱je .. 5.073.02
2 These here, who show oer widest space, bringing full many a wondrous act,
Resistless, lovingly I seek, I call the Mightiest to enjoy.
Sloka : 5.73.3
ई॒र्मान्यद्वपु॑षे॒ वपु॑श्च॒क्रं रथ॑स्य येमथुः ।
पर्य॒न्या नाहु॑षा यु॒गा म॒ह्ना रजां॑सि दीयथः ॥ ५.०७३.०३
ī̱rmānyadvapu̍ṣe̱ vapu̍śca̱kraṃ ratha̍sya yemathuḥ .
parya̱nyā nāhu̍ṣā yu̱gā ma̱hnā rajā̍ṃsi dīyathaḥ .. 5.073.03
3 Another beauteous wheel have ye fixed there to decorate your car.
With others through the realms ye roam in might unto the neighbouring tribes.
Sloka : 5.73.4
तदू॒ षु वा॑मे॒ना कृ॒तं विश्वा॒ यद्वा॒मनु॒ ष्टवे॑ ।
नाना॑ जा॒ताव॑रे॒पसा॒ सम॒स्मे बन्धु॒मेय॑थुः ॥ ५.०७३.०४
tadū̱ ṣu vā̍me̱nā kṛ̱taṃ viśvā̱ yadvā̱manu̱ ṣṭave̍ .
nānā̍ jā̱tāva̍re̱pasā̱ sama̱sme bandhu̱meya̍thuḥ .. 5.073.04
4 That deed of yours that is extolled, Visvas! hath all been done with this.
Born otherwise, and spotless, ye have entered kinship's bonds with us.
Sloka : 5.73.5
आ यद्वां॑ सू॒र्या रथं॒ तिष्ठ॑द्रघु॒ष्यदं॒ सदा॑ ।
परि॑ वामरु॒षा वयो॑ घृ॒णा व॑रन्त आ॒तपः॑ ॥ ५.०७३.०५
ā yadvā̍ṃ sū̱ryā ratha̱ṃ tiṣṭha̍draghu̱ṣyada̱ṃ sadā̍ .
pari̍ vāmaru̱ṣā vayo̍ ghṛ̱ṇā va̍ranta ā̱tapa̍ḥ .. 5.073.05
5 When Sūrya mounted on your car that rolls for ever rapidly,
Birds of red hue were round about and burning splendours compassed you.
Sloka : 5.73.6
यु॒वोरत्रि॑श्चिकेतति॒ नरा॑ सु॒म्नेन॒ चेत॑सा ।
घ॒र्मं यद्वा॑मरे॒पसं॒ नास॑त्या॒स्ना भु॑र॒ण्यति॑ ॥ ५.०७३.०६
yu̱voratri̍ściketati̱ narā̍ su̱mnena̱ ceta̍sā .
gha̱rmaṃ yadvā̍mare̱pasa̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā̱snā bhu̍ra̱ṇyati̍ .. 5.073.06
6 Atri bethinks himself of you, O Heroes, with a friendly mind,
What time, Nāsatyas, with his mouth he stirs the spotless flame for you.
Sloka : 5.73.7
उ॒ग्रो वां॑ ककु॒हो य॒यिः शृ॒ण्वे यामे॑षु संत॒निः ।
यद्वां॒ दंसो॑भिरश्वि॒नात्रि॑र्नराव॒वर्त॑ति ॥ ५.०७३.०७
u̱gro vā̍ṃ kaku̱ho ya̱yiḥ śṛ̱ṇve yāme̍ṣu saṃta̱niḥ .
yadvā̱ṃ daṃso̍bhiraśvi̱nātri̍rnarāva̱varta̍ti .. 5.073.07
7 Strong is your swiftly moving steed, famed his exertion in the course
When by your great deeds, Aśvins, Chiefs, Atri is brought to us again.
Sloka : 5.73.8
मध्व॑ ऊ॒ षु म॑धूयुवा॒ रुद्रा॒ सिष॑क्ति पि॒प्युषी॑ ।
यत्स॑मु॒द्राति॒ पर्ष॑थः प॒क्वाः पृक्षो॑ भरन्त वाम् ॥ ५.०७३.०८
madhva̍ ū̱ ṣu ma̍dhūyuvā̱ rudrā̱ siṣa̍kti pi̱pyuṣī̍ .
yatsa̍mu̱drāti̱ parṣa̍thaḥ pa̱kvāḥ pṛkṣo̍ bharanta vām .. 5.073.08
8 Lovers of sweetness, Rudras, she who streams with sweetness waits on you.
When ye have travelled through the seas men bring you gifts of well-dressed food.
Sloka : 5.73.9
स॒त्यमिद्वा उ॑ अश्विना यु॒वामा॑हुर्मयो॒भुवा॑ ।
ता याम॑न्याम॒हूत॑मा॒ याम॒न्ना मृ॑ळ॒यत्त॑मा ॥ ५.०७३.०९
sa̱tyamidvā u̍ aśvinā yu̱vāmā̍hurmayo̱bhuvā̍ .
tā yāma̍nyāma̱hūta̍mā̱ yāma̱nnā mṛ̍l̤a̱yatta̍mā .. 5.073.09
9 Aśvins, with truth they call you Twain bestowers of felicity;
At sacrifice most prompt to hear, most gracious ye at sacrifice.
Sloka : 5.73.10
इ॒मा ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ वर्ध॑ना॒श्विभ्यां॑ सन्तु॒ शंत॑मा ।
या तक्षा॑म॒ रथा॑ँ इ॒वावो॑चाम बृ॒हन्नमः॑ ॥ ५.०७३.१०
i̱mā brahmā̍ṇi̱ vardha̍nā̱śvibhyā̍ṃ santu̱ śaṃta̍mā .
yā takṣā̍ma̱ rathā̍m̐ i̱vāvo̍cāma bṛ̱hannama̍ḥ .. 5.073.10
10 Most pleasing to the Aśvins be these prayers which magnify their might,
Which we have fashioned, even as cars high reverence have we spoken forth.
Sloka : 5.74.1
कूष्ठो॑ देवावश्विना॒द्या दि॒वो म॑नावसू ।
तच्छ्र॑वथो वृषण्वसू॒ अत्रि॑र्वा॒मा वि॑वासति ॥ ५.०७४.०१
kūṣṭho̍ devāvaśvinā̱dyā di̱vo ma̍nāvasū .
tacchra̍vatho vṛṣaṇvasū̱ atri̍rvā̱mā vi̍vāsati .. 5.074.01
1. WHERE in the heavens are ye to-day, Gods, Aśvins, rich in constancy?
Hear this, ye excellent as Steers:- Atri inviteth you to come.
Sloka : 5.74.2
कुह॒ त्या कुह॒ नु श्रु॒ता दि॒वि दे॒वा नास॑त्या ।
कस्मि॒न्ना य॑तथो॒ जने॒ को वां॑ न॒दीनां॒ सचा॑ ॥ ५.०७४.०२
kuha̱ tyā kuha̱ nu śru̱tā di̱vi de̱vā nāsa̍tyā .
kasmi̱nnā ya̍tatho̱ jane̱ ko vā̍ṃ na̱dīnā̱ṃ sacā̍ .. 5.074.02
2 Where are they now? Where are the Twain, the famed Nāsatyas, Gods in heaven?
Who is the man ye strive to reach? Who of your suppliants is with you?
Sloka : 5.74.3
कं या॑थः॒ कं ह॑ गच्छथः॒ कमच्छा॑ युञ्जाथे॒ रथ॑म् ।
कस्य॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि रण्यथो व॒यं वा॑मुश्मसी॒ष्टये॑ ॥ ५.०७४.०३
kaṃ yā̍tha̱ḥ kaṃ ha̍ gacchatha̱ḥ kamacchā̍ yuñjāthe̱ ratha̍m .
kasya̱ brahmā̍ṇi raṇyatho va̱yaṃ vā̍muśmasī̱ṣṭaye̍ .. 5.074.03
3 Whom do ye visit, whom approach? to whom direct your harnessed car?
With whose devotions are ye pleased? We long for you to further us.
Sloka : 5.74.4
पौ॒रं चि॒द्ध्यु॑द॒प्रुतं॒ पौर॑ पौ॒राय॒ जिन्व॑थः ।
यदीं॑ गृभी॒तता॑तये सिं॒हमि॑व द्रु॒हस्प॒दे ॥ ५.०७४.०४
pau̱raṃ ci̱ddhyu̍da̱pruta̱ṃ paura̍ pau̱rāya̱ jinva̍thaḥ .
yadī̍ṃ gṛbhī̱tatā̍taye si̱ṃhami̍va dru̱haspa̱de .. 5.074.04
4 Ye, Strengtheners, for Paura stir the filler swimming in the flood,
Advancing to be captured like a lion to the ambuscade.
Sloka : 5.74.5
प्र च्यवा॑नाज्जुजु॒रुषो॑ व॒व्रिमत्कं॒ न मु॑ञ्चथः ।
युवा॒ यदी॑ कृ॒थः पुन॒रा काम॑मृण्वे व॒ध्वः॑ ॥ ५.०७४.०५
pra cyavā̍nājjuju̱ruṣo̍ va̱vrimatka̱ṃ na mu̍ñcathaḥ .
yuvā̱ yadī̍ kṛ̱thaḥ puna̱rā kāma̍mṛṇve va̱dhva̍ḥ .. 5.074.05
5 Ye from cyavana worn with age removed his skin as twere a robe.
So, when ye made him young again, he stirred the longing of a dame.
Sloka : 5.74.6
अस्ति॒ हि वा॑मि॒ह स्तो॒ता स्मसि॑ वां सं॒दृशि॑ श्रि॒ये ।
नू श्रु॒तं म॒ आ ग॑त॒मवो॑भिर्वाजिनीवसू ॥ ५.०७४.०६
asti̱ hi vā̍mi̱ha sto̱tā smasi̍ vāṃ sa̱ṃdṛśi̍ śri̱ye .
nū śru̱taṃ ma̱ ā ga̍ta̱mavo̍bhirvājinīvasū .. 5.074.06
6 Here is the man who lauds you both:- to see your glory are we here.
Now bear me, come with saving help, ye who are rich in store of wealth.
Sloka : 5.74.7
को वा॑म॒द्य पु॑रू॒णामा व॑व्ने॒ मर्त्या॑नाम् ।
को विप्रो॑ विप्रवाहसा॒ को य॒ज्ञैर्वा॑जिनीवसू ॥ ५.०७४.०७
ko vā̍ma̱dya pu̍rū̱ṇāmā va̍vne̱ martyā̍nām .
ko vipro̍ vipravāhasā̱ ko ya̱jñairvā̍jinīvasū .. 5.074.07
7 Who among many mortal men this day hath won you to himself?
What bard, accepters of the bard? Who, rich in wealth! with sacrifice?
Sloka : 5.74.8
आ वां॒ रथो॒ रथा॑नां॒ येष्ठो॑ यात्वश्विना ।
पु॒रू चि॑दस्म॒युस्ति॒र आ॑ङ्गू॒षो मर्त्ये॒ष्वा ॥ ५.०७४.०८
ā vā̱ṃ ratho̱ rathā̍nā̱ṃ yeṣṭho̍ yātvaśvinā .
pu̱rū ci̍dasma̱yusti̱ra ā̍ṅgū̱ṣo martye̱ṣvā .. 5.074.08
8 O Aśvins, may your car approach, most excellent of cars for speed.
Through many regions may our praise pass onward among mortal men.
Sloka : 5.74.9
शमू॒ षु वां॑ मधूयुवा॒स्माक॑मस्तु चर्कृ॒तिः ।
अ॒र्वा॒ची॒ना वि॑चेतसा॒ विभिः॑ श्ये॒नेव॑ दीयतम् ॥ ५.०७४.०९
śamū̱ ṣu vā̍ṃ madhūyuvā̱smāka̍mastu carkṛ̱tiḥ .
a̱rvā̱cī̱nā vi̍cetasā̱ vibhi̍ḥ śye̱neva̍ dīyatam .. 5.074.09
9 May our laudation of you Twain, lovers of meath! be sweet to you.
Fly hitherward, ye wise of heart, like falcons with your winged steeds.
Sloka : 5.74.10
अश्वि॑ना॒ यद्ध॒ कर्हि॑ चिच्छुश्रू॒यात॑मि॒मं हव॑म् ।
वस्वी॑रू॒ षु वां॒ भुजः॑ पृ॒ञ्चन्ति॒ सु वां॒ पृचः॑ ॥ ५.०७४.१०
aśvi̍nā̱ yaddha̱ karhi̍ cicchuśrū̱yāta̍mi̱maṃ hava̍m .
vasvī̍rū̱ ṣu vā̱ṃ bhuja̍ḥ pṛ̱ñcanti̱ su vā̱ṃ pṛca̍ḥ .. 5.074.10
10 O Aśvins, when at any time ye listen to this call of mine,
For you is dainty food prepared:- they mix refreshing food for you.
Sloka : 5.75.1
प्रति॑ प्रि॒यत॑मं॒ रथं॒ वृष॑णं वसु॒वाह॑नम् ।
स्तो॒ता वा॑मश्विना॒वृषिः॒ स्तोमे॑न॒ प्रति॑ भूषति॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०१
prati̍ pri̱yata̍ma̱ṃ ratha̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ vasu̱vāha̍nam .
sto̱tā vā̍maśvinā̱vṛṣi̱ḥ stome̍na̱ prati̍ bhūṣati̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.01
1. To meet your treasure-bringing car, the mighty car most dear to us,
Aśvins, the Ṛṣi is prepared, your raiser, with his song of praise. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.2
अ॒त्याया॑तमश्विना ति॒रो विश्वा॑ अ॒हं सना॑ ।
दस्रा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्तनी॒ सुषु॑म्ना॒ सिन्धु॑वाहसा॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०२
a̱tyāyā̍tamaśvinā ti̱ro viśvā̍ a̱haṃ sanā̍ .
dasrā̱ hira̍ṇyavartanī̱ suṣu̍mnā̱ sindhu̍vāhasā̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.02
2 Pass, O ye Aśvins, pass away beyond all tribes of selfish men,
Wonderful, with your golden paths, most gracious, bringers of the flood. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.3
आ नो॒ रत्ना॑नि॒ बिभ्र॑ता॒वश्वि॑ना॒ गच्छ॑तं यु॒वम् ।
रुद्रा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्तनी जुषा॒णा वा॑जिनीवसू॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०३
ā no̱ ratnā̍ni̱ bibhra̍tā̱vaśvi̍nā̱ gaccha̍taṃ yu̱vam .
rudrā̱ hira̍ṇyavartanī juṣā̱ṇā vā̍jinīvasū̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.03
3 Come to us, O ye Aśvin Pair, bringing your precious treasures, come
Ye Rudras, on your paths of gold, rejoicing, rich in store of wealth. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.4
सु॒ष्टुभो॑ वां वृषण्वसू॒ रथे॒ वाणी॒च्याहि॑ता ।
उ॒त वां॑ ककु॒हो मृ॒गः पृक्षः॑ कृणोति वापु॒षो माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०४
su̱ṣṭubho̍ vāṃ vṛṣaṇvasū̱ rathe̱ vāṇī̱cyāhi̍tā .
u̱ta vā̍ṃ kaku̱ho mṛ̱gaḥ pṛkṣa̍ḥ kṛṇoti vāpu̱ṣo mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.04
4 O strong and Good, the voice of him who lauds you well cleaves to your car.
And that great beast, your chariot-steed, fair, wonderful, makes dainty food. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.5
बो॒धिन्म॑नसा र॒थ्ये॑षि॒रा ह॑वन॒श्रुता॑ ।
विभि॒श्च्यवा॑नमश्विना॒ नि या॑थो॒ अद्व॑याविनं॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०५
bo̱dhinma̍nasā ra̱thye̍ṣi̱rā ha̍vana̱śrutā̍ .
vibhi̱ścyavā̍namaśvinā̱ ni yā̍tho̱ adva̍yāvina̱ṃ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.05
5 Watchful in spirit, born on cars, impetuous, listing to his cry,
Aśvins, with winged steeds ye speed down to cyavana void of guile. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.6
आ वां॑ नरा मनो॒युजोऽश्वा॑सः प्रुषि॒तप्स॑वः ।
वयो॑ वहन्तु पी॒तये॑ स॒ह सु॒म्नेभि॑रश्विना॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०६
ā vā̍ṃ narā mano̱yujo'śvā̍saḥ pruṣi̱tapsa̍vaḥ .
vayo̍ vahantu pī̱taye̍ sa̱ha su̱mnebhi̍raśvinā̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.06
6 Hither, O Heroes, let your steeds, of dappled hue, yoked at the thought,
Your flying steeds, O Aśvins, bring you hitherward, with bliss, to drink. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.7
अश्वि॑ना॒वेह ग॑च्छतं॒ नास॑त्या॒ मा वि वे॑नतम् ।
ति॒रश्चि॑दर्य॒या परि॑ व॒र्तिर्या॑तमदाभ्या॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०७
aśvi̍nā̱veha ga̍cchata̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā̱ mā vi ve̍natam .
ti̱raści̍darya̱yā pari̍ va̱rtiryā̍tamadābhyā̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.07
7 O Aśvins, hither come to us; Nāsatyas, be not disinclined.
Through longing for the pious turn out of the way to reach our home. Lovers of sweetness, bear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.8
अ॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे अ॑दाभ्या जरि॒तारं॑ शुभस्पती ।
अ॒व॒स्युम॑श्विना यु॒वं गृ॒णन्त॒मुप॑ भूषथो॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०८
a̱sminya̱jñe a̍dābhyā jari̱tāra̍ṃ śubhaspatī .
a̱va̱syuma̍śvinā yu̱vaṃ gṛ̱ṇanta̱mupa̍ bhūṣatho̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.08
8 Ye Lords of Splendour, free from guile, come, stand at this our sacrifice.
Beside the singer, Aśvins, who longs for your grace and lauds you both. Lovers of sweetness, hear my call.
Sloka : 5.75.9
अभू॑दु॒षा रुश॑त्पशु॒राग्निर॑धाय्यृ॒त्वियः॑ ।
अयो॑जि वां वृषण्वसू॒ रथो॑ दस्रा॒वम॑र्त्यो॒ माध्वी॒ मम॑ श्रुतं॒ हव॑म् ॥ ५.०७५.०९
abhū̍du̱ṣā ruśa̍tpaśu̱rāgnira̍dhāyyṛ̱tviya̍ḥ .
ayo̍ji vāṃ vṛṣaṇvasū̱ ratho̍ dasrā̱vama̍rtyo̱ mādhvī̱ mama̍ śruta̱ṃ hava̍m .. 5.075.09
9 Dawn with her white herd hath appeared, and in due time hath fire been placed.
Harnessed is your immortal car, O WonderWorkers, strong and kind. Lovers of sweetness, bear my call.
Sloka : 5.76.1
आ भा॑त्य॒ग्निरु॒षसा॒मनी॑क॒मुद्विप्रा॑णां देव॒या वाचो॑ अस्थुः ।
अ॒र्वाञ्चा॑ नू॒नं र॑थ्ये॒ह या॑तं पीपि॒वांस॑मश्विना घ॒र्ममच्छ॑ ॥ ५.०७६.०१
ā bhā̍tya̱gniru̱ṣasā̱manī̍ka̱mudviprā̍ṇāṃ deva̱yā vāco̍ asthuḥ .
a̱rvāñcā̍ nū̱naṃ ra̍thye̱ha yā̍taṃ pīpi̱vāṃsa̍maśvinā gha̱rmamaccha̍ .. 5.076.01
1. AGNI, the bright face of the Dawns, is shining; the singers' pious voices have ascended.
Borne on your chariot, Aśvins, turn you hither and come unto our full and rich libation.
Sloka : 5.76.2
न सं॑स्कृ॒तं प्र मि॑मीतो॒ गमि॒ष्ठान्ति॑ नू॒नम॒श्विनोप॑स्तुते॒ह ।
दिवा॑भिपि॒त्वेऽव॒साग॑मिष्ठा॒ प्रत्यव॑र्तिं दा॒शुषे॒ शम्भ॑विष्ठा ॥ ५.०७६.०२
na sa̍ṃskṛ̱taṃ pra mi̍mīto̱ gami̱ṣṭhānti̍ nū̱nama̱śvinopa̍stute̱ha .
divā̍bhipi̱tve'va̱sāga̍miṣṭhā̱ pratyava̍rtiṃ dā̱śuṣe̱ śambha̍viṣṭhā .. 5.076.02
2 Most frequent guests, they scorn not what is ready:- even now the lauded Aśvins are beside us.
With promptest aid they come at morn and evening, the worshipper's most blessed guards from trouble.
Sloka : 5.76.3
उ॒ता या॑तं संग॒वे प्रा॒तरह्नो॑ म॒ध्यंदि॑न॒ उदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
दिवा॒ नक्त॒मव॑सा॒ शंत॑मेन॒ नेदानीं॑ पी॒तिर॒श्विना त॑तान ॥ ५.०७६.०३
u̱tā yā̍taṃ saṃga̱ve prā̱tarahno̍ ma̱dhyaṃdi̍na̱ udi̍tā̱ sūrya̍sya .
divā̱ nakta̱mava̍sā̱ śaṃta̍mena̱ nedānī̍ṃ pī̱tira̱śvinā ta̍tāna .. 5.076.03
3 Yea, come at milking-time, at early morning, at noon of day and when the Sun is setting,
By day, by night, with favour most auspicious. Not only now the draught hath drawn the Aśvins.
Sloka : 5.76.4
इ॒दं हि वां॑ प्र॒दिवि॒ स्थान॒मोक॑ इ॒मे गृ॒हा अ॑श्विने॒दं दु॑रो॒णम् ।
आ नो॑ दि॒वो बृ॑ह॒तः पर्व॑ता॒दाद्भ्यो या॑त॒मिष॒मूर्जं॒ वह॑न्ता ॥ ५.०७६.०४
i̱daṃ hi vā̍ṃ pra̱divi̱ sthāna̱moka̍ i̱me gṛ̱hā a̍śvine̱daṃ du̍ro̱ṇam .
ā no̍ di̱vo bṛ̍ha̱taḥ parva̍tā̱dādbhyo yā̍ta̱miṣa̱mūrja̱ṃ vaha̍ntā .. 5.076.04
4 For this place, Aśvins, was of old your dwelling, these were your houses, this your habitation.
Come to us from high heaven and from the mountain. Come from the waters bringing food and vigour.
Sloka : 5.76.5
सम॒श्विनो॒रव॑सा॒ नूत॑नेन मयो॒भुवा॑ सु॒प्रणी॑ती गमेम ।
आ नो॑ र॒यिं व॑हत॒मोत वी॒राना विश्वा॑न्यमृता॒ सौभ॑गानि ॥ ५.०७६.०५
sama̱śvino̱rava̍sā̱ nūta̍nena mayo̱bhuvā̍ su̱praṇī̍tī gamema .
ā no̍ ra̱yiṃ va̍hata̱mota vī̱rānā viśvā̍nyamṛtā̱ saubha̍gāni .. 5.076.05
5 May we obtain the Aśvins' newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
Sloka : 5.77.1
प्रा॒त॒र्यावा॑णा प्रथ॒मा य॑जध्वं पु॒रा गृध्रा॒दर॑रुषः पिबातः ।
प्रा॒तर्हि य॒ज्ञम॒श्विना॑ द॒धाते॒ प्र शं॑सन्ति क॒वयः॑ पूर्व॒भाजः॑ ॥ ५.०७७.०१
prā̱ta̱ryāvā̍ṇā pratha̱mā ya̍jadhvaṃ pu̱rā gṛdhrā̱dara̍ruṣaḥ pibātaḥ .
prā̱tarhi ya̱jñama̱śvinā̍ da̱dhāte̱ pra śa̍ṃsanti ka̱vaya̍ḥ pūrva̱bhāja̍ḥ .. 5.077.01
1. FIRST worship those who come at early morning:- let the Twain drink before the giftless niggard.
The Aśvins claim the sacrifice at daybreak:- the sages yielding the first share extol them.
Sloka : 5.77.2
प्रा॒तर्य॑जध्वम॒श्विना॑ हिनोत॒ न सा॒यम॑स्ति देव॒या अजु॑ष्टम् ।
उ॒तान्यो अ॒स्मद्य॑जते॒ वि चावः॒ पूर्वः॑पूर्वो॒ यज॑मानो॒ वनी॑यान् ॥ ५.०७७.०२
prā̱tarya̍jadhvama̱śvinā̍ hinota̱ na sā̱yama̍sti deva̱yā aju̍ṣṭam .
u̱tānyo a̱smadya̍jate̱ vi cāva̱ḥ pūrva̍ḥpūrvo̱ yaja̍māno̱ vanī̍yān .. 5.077.02
2 Worship at dawn and instigate the Aśvins:- nor is the worshipper at eve rejected.
Besides ourselves another craves and worships:- each first in worship is most highly favoured.
Sloka : 5.77.3
हिर॑ण्यत्व॒ङ्मधु॑वर्णो घृ॒तस्नुः॒ पृक्षो॒ वह॒न्ना रथो॑ वर्तते वाम् ।
मनो॑जवा अश्विना॒ वात॑रंहा॒ येना॑तिया॒थो दु॑रि॒तानि॒ विश्वा॑ ॥ ५.०७७.०३
hira̍ṇyatva̱ṅmadhu̍varṇo ghṛ̱tasnu̱ḥ pṛkṣo̱ vaha̱nnā ratho̍ vartate vām .
mano̍javā aśvinā̱ vāta̍raṃhā̱ yenā̍tiyā̱tho du̍ri̱tāni̱ viśvā̍ .. 5.077.03
3 Covered with gold, meath-tinted, dropping fatness, your chariot with its freight of food comes hither,
Swift as thought, Aśvins, rapid as the tempest, wherewith ye travel over all obstructions.
Sloka : 5.77.4
यो भूयि॑ष्ठं॒ नास॑त्याभ्यां वि॒वेष॒ चनि॑ष्ठं पि॒त्वो रर॑ते विभा॒गे ।
स तो॒कम॑स्य पीपर॒च्छमी॑भि॒रनू॑र्ध्वभासः॒ सद॒मित्तु॑तुर्यात् ॥ ५.०७७.०४
yo bhūyi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ nāsa̍tyābhyāṃ vi̱veṣa̱ cani̍ṣṭhaṃ pi̱tvo rara̍te vibhā̱ge .
sa to̱kama̍sya pīpara̱cchamī̍bhi̱ranū̍rdhvabhāsa̱ḥ sada̱mittu̍turyāt .. 5.077.04
4 He who hath served most often the Nāsatyas, and gives the sweetest food at distribution,
Furthers with his own holy works his offspring, and ever passes those whose flames ascend not.
Sloka : 5.77.5
सम॒श्विनो॒रव॑सा॒ नूत॑नेन मयो॒भुवा॑ सु॒प्रणी॑ती गमेम ।
आ नो॑ र॒यिं व॑हत॒मोत वी॒राना विश्वा॑न्यमृता॒ सौभ॑गानि ॥ ५.०७७.०५
sama̱śvino̱rava̍sā̱ nūta̍nena mayo̱bhuvā̍ su̱praṇī̍tī gamema .
ā no̍ ra̱yiṃ va̍hata̱mota vī̱rānā viśvā̍nyamṛtā̱ saubha̍gāni .. 5.077.05
5 May we obtain the Aśvins' newest favour, and gain their health-bestowing happy guidance.
Bring riches hither unto us, and heroes, and all felicity and joy, Immortals!
Sloka : 5.78.1
अश्वि॑ना॒वेह ग॑च्छतं॒ नास॑त्या॒ मा वि वे॑नतम् ।
हं॒सावि॑व पतत॒मा सु॒ताँ उप॑ ॥ ५.०७८.०१
aśvi̍nā̱veha ga̍cchata̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā̱ mā vi ve̍natam .
ha̱ṃsāvi̍va patata̱mā su̱tām̐ upa̍ .. 5.078.01
1. YE Aśvins, hither come to us:- Nāsatyas, be not disinclined.
Fly hither like two swans unto the juice we shed.
Sloka : 5.78.2
अश्वि॑ना हरि॒णावि॑व गौ॒रावि॒वानु॒ यव॑सम् ।
हं॒सावि॑व पतत॒मा सु॒ताँ उप॑ ॥ ५.०७८.०२
aśvi̍nā hari̱ṇāvi̍va gau̱rāvi̱vānu̱ yava̍sam .
ha̱ṃsāvi̍va patata̱mā su̱tām̐ upa̍ .. 5.078.02
2 O Aśvins, like a pair of deer, like two wild cattle to the mead:-
Fly hither like two swans unto the juice we shed.
Sloka : 5.78.3
अश्वि॑ना वाजिनीवसू जु॒षेथां॑ य॒ज्ञमि॒ष्टये॑ ।
हं॒सावि॑व पतत॒मा सु॒ताँ उप॑ ॥ ५.०७८.०३
aśvi̍nā vājinīvasū ju̱ṣethā̍ṃ ya̱jñami̱ṣṭaye̍ .
ha̱ṃsāvi̍va patata̱mā su̱tām̐ upa̍ .. 5.078.03
3 O Aśvins rich in gifts, accept our sacrifice to prosper it:-
Fly hither like two swans unto the juice we shed.
Sloka : 5.78.4
अत्रि॒र्यद्वा॑मव॒रोह॑न्नृ॒बीस॒मजो॑हवी॒न्नाध॑मानेव॒ योषा॑ ।
श्ये॒नस्य॑ चि॒ज्जव॑सा॒ नूत॑ने॒नाग॑च्छतमश्विना॒ शंत॑मेन ॥ ५.०७८.०४
atri̱ryadvā̍mava̱roha̍nnṛ̱bīsa̱majo̍havī̱nnādha̍māneva̱ yoṣā̍ .
śye̱nasya̍ ci̱jjava̍sā̱ nūta̍ne̱nāga̍cchatamaśvinā̱ śaṃta̍mena .. 5.078.04
4 As Atri when descending to the cavern called on you loudly like a wailing woman.
Ye came to him, O Aśvins, with the freshest and most auspicious fleetness of a falcon.
Sloka : 5.78.5
वि जि॑हीष्व वनस्पते॒ योनिः॒ सूष्य॑न्त्या इव ।
श्रु॒तं मे॑ अश्विना॒ हवं॑ स॒प्तव॑ध्रिं च मुञ्चतम् ॥ ५.०७८.०५
vi ji̍hīṣva vanaspate̱ yoni̱ḥ sūṣya̍ntyā iva .
śru̱taṃ me̍ aśvinā̱ hava̍ṃ sa̱ptava̍dhriṃ ca muñcatam .. 5.078.05
5 Tree, part asunder like the side of her who bringeth forth a child.
Ye Aśvins, listen to my call:- loose Saptavadhri from his bonds.
Sloka : 5.78.6
भी॒ताय॒ नाध॑मानाय॒ ऋष॑ये स॒प्तव॑ध्रये ।
मा॒याभि॑रश्विना यु॒वं वृ॒क्षं सं च॒ वि चा॑चथः ॥ ५.०७८.०६
bhī̱tāya̱ nādha̍mānāya̱ ṛṣa̍ye sa̱ptava̍dhraye .
mā̱yābhi̍raśvinā yu̱vaṃ vṛ̱kṣaṃ saṃ ca̱ vi cā̍cathaḥ .. 5.078.06
6 For Saptavadhri, for the seer affrighted when he wept and wailed,
Ye, Aśvins, with your magic powers rent up the tree and shattered it.
Sloka : 5.78.7
यथा॒ वातः॑ पुष्क॒रिणीं॑ समि॒ङ्गय॑ति स॒र्वतः॑ ।
ए॒वा ते॒ गर्भ॑ एजतु नि॒रैतु॒ दश॑मास्यः ॥ ५.०७८.०७
yathā̱ vāta̍ḥ puṣka̱riṇī̍ṃ sami̱ṅgaya̍ti sa̱rvata̍ḥ .
e̱vā te̱ garbha̍ ejatu ni̱raitu̱ daśa̍māsyaḥ .. 5.078.07
7 Like as the wind on every side ruffles a pool of lotuses,
So stir in thee the babe unborn, so may the ten-month babe descend.
Sloka : 5.78.8
यथा॒ वातो॒ यथा॒ वनं॒ यथा॑ समु॒द्र एज॑ति ।
ए॒वा त्वं द॑शमास्य स॒हावे॑हि ज॒रायु॑णा ॥ ५.०७८.०८
yathā̱ vāto̱ yathā̱ vana̱ṃ yathā̍ samu̱dra eja̍ti .
e̱vā tvaṃ da̍śamāsya sa̱hāve̍hi ja̱rāyu̍ṇā .. 5.078.08
8 Like as the wind, like as the wood, like as the sea is set astir,
So also, ten-month babe, descend together with the after-birth.
Sloka : 5.78.9
दश॒ मासा॑ञ्छशया॒नः कु॑मा॒रो अधि॑ मा॒तरि॑ ।
नि॒रैतु॑ जी॒वो अक्ष॑तो जी॒वो जीव॑न्त्या॒ अधि॑ ॥ ५.०७८.०९
daśa̱ māsā̍ñchaśayā̱naḥ ku̍mā̱ro adhi̍ mā̱tari̍ .
ni̱raitu̍ jī̱vo akṣa̍to jī̱vo jīva̍ntyā̱ adhi̍ .. 5.078.09
9 The child who hath for ten months' time been lying in his mother's side,
May he come forth alive, unharmed, yea, living from the living dame.
Sloka : 5.79.1
म॒हे नो॑ अ॒द्य बो॑ध॒योषो॑ रा॒ये दि॒वित्म॑ती ।
यथा॑ चिन्नो॒ अबो॑धयः स॒त्यश्र॑वसि वा॒य्ये सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०१
ma̱he no̍ a̱dya bo̍dha̱yoṣo̍ rā̱ye di̱vitma̍tī .
yathā̍ cinno̱ abo̍dhayaḥ sa̱tyaśra̍vasi vā̱yye sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.01
1. O HEAVENLY Dawn, awaken us to ample opulence to-day
Even as thou hast wakened us with Satyasravas, Vayya's son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.2
या सु॑नी॒थे शौ॑चद्र॒थे व्यौच्छो॑ दुहितर्दिवः ।
सा व्यु॑च्छ॒ सही॑यसि स॒त्यश्र॑वसि वा॒य्ये सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०२
yā su̍nī̱the śau̍cadra̱the vyauccho̍ duhitardivaḥ .
sā vyu̍ccha̱ sahī̍yasi sa̱tyaśra̍vasi vā̱yye sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.02
2 Daughter of Heaven, thou dawnedst on Sunitha Sucadratha's son,
So dawn thou on one mightier still, on Satyasravas, Vayya's son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.3
सा नो॑ अ॒द्याभ॒रद्व॑सु॒र्व्यु॑च्छा दुहितर्दिवः ।
यो व्यौच्छः॒ सही॑यसि स॒त्यश्र॑वसि वा॒य्ये सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०३
sā no̍ a̱dyābha̱radva̍su̱rvyu̍cchā duhitardivaḥ .
yo vyauccha̱ḥ sahī̍yasi sa̱tyaśra̍vasi vā̱yye sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.03
3 So, bringing treasure, dawn to-day on us thou Daughter of the Sky,
As thou, O mightier yet. didst shine for Satyatravas, Vayya's son, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.4
अ॒भि ये त्वा॑ विभावरि॒ स्तोमै॑र्गृ॒णन्ति॒ वह्न॑यः ।
म॒घैर्म॑घोनि सु॒श्रियो॒ दाम॑न्वन्तः सुरा॒तयः॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०४
a̱bhi ye tvā̍ vibhāvari̱ stomai̍rgṛ̱ṇanti̱ vahna̍yaḥ .
ma̱ghairma̍ghoni su̱śriyo̱ dāma̍nvantaḥ surā̱taya̱ḥ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.04
4 Here round about thee are the priests who laud thee, Bright One, with their hymns,
And men with gifts, O Bounteous Dame, splendid with wealth and offering much, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.5
यच्चि॒द्धि ते॑ ग॒णा इ॒मे छ॒दय॑न्ति म॒घत्त॑ये ।
परि॑ चि॒द्वष्ट॑यो दधु॒र्दद॑तो॒ राधो॒ अह्र॑यं॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०५
yacci̱ddhi te̍ ga̱ṇā i̱me cha̱daya̍nti ma̱ghatta̍ye .
pari̍ ci̱dvaṣṭa̍yo dadhu̱rdada̍to̱ rādho̱ ahra̍ya̱ṃ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.05
5 Whatever these thy bands perform to please thee or to win them wealth,
Een fain they gird us round and give rich gifts which neer are reft away, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.6
ऐषु॑ धा वी॒रव॒द्यश॒ उषो॑ मघोनि सू॒रिषु॑ ।
ये नो॒ राधां॒स्यह्र॑या म॒घवा॑नो॒ अरा॑सत॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०६
aiṣu̍ dhā vī̱rava̱dyaśa̱ uṣo̍ maghoni sū̱riṣu̍ .
ye no̱ rādhā̱ṃsyahra̍yā ma̱ghavā̍no̱ arā̍sata̱ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.06
6 Give to these wealthy patrons fame, O affluent Dawn, with hero sons,
To these our princes who have brought rich gifts neer to be reft away, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.7
तेभ्यो॑ द्यु॒म्नं बृ॒हद्यश॒ उषो॑ मघो॒न्या व॑ह ।
ये नो॒ राधां॒स्यश्व्या॑ ग॒व्या भज॑न्त सू॒रयः॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०७
tebhyo̍ dyu̱mnaṃ bṛ̱hadyaśa̱ uṣo̍ magho̱nyā va̍ha .
ye no̱ rādhā̱ṃsyaśvyā̍ ga̱vyā bhaja̍nta sū̱raya̱ḥ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.07
7 Bring lofty and resplendent fame, O thou munificent Dawn, to these
Our wealthy patrons who bestow rich gifts on us of steeds and kine, high-born! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.8
उ॒त नो॒ गोम॑ती॒रिष॒ आ व॑हा दुहितर्दिवः ।
सा॒कं सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभिः॑ शु॒क्रैः शोच॑द्भिर॒र्चिभिः॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०८
u̱ta no̱ goma̍tī̱riṣa̱ ā va̍hā duhitardivaḥ .
sā̱kaṃ sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ śu̱kraiḥ śoca̍dbhira̱rcibhi̱ḥ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.08
8 Bring us, O Daughter of the Sky, subsistence in our herds of kine,
Together with the sunbeams, with the shine of pure refulgent flames, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.9
व्यु॑च्छा दुहितर्दिवो॒ मा चि॒रं त॑नुथा॒ अपः॑ ।
नेत्त्वा॑ स्ते॒नं यथा॑ रि॒पुं तपा॑ति॒ सूरो॑ अ॒र्चिषा॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.०९
vyu̍cchā duhitardivo̱ mā ci̱raṃ ta̍nuthā̱ apa̍ḥ .
nettvā̍ ste̱naṃ yathā̍ ri̱puṃ tapā̍ti̱ sūro̍ a̱rciṣā̱ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.09
9 O Daughter of the Sky, shine forth; delay not to perform thy task.
Let not the Sun with fervent heat consume thee like a robber foe, high-born! delightful with the steeds!
Sloka : 5.79.10
ए॒ताव॒द्वेदु॑ष॒स्त्वं भूयो॑ वा॒ दातु॑मर्हसि ।
या स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ विभावर्यु॒च्छन्ती॒ न प्र॒मीय॑से॒ सुजा॑ते॒ अश्व॑सूनृते ॥ ५.०७९.१०
e̱tāva̱dvedu̍ṣa̱stvaṃ bhūyo̍ vā̱ dātu̍marhasi .
yā sto̱tṛbhyo̍ vibhāvaryu̱cchantī̱ na pra̱mīya̍se̱ sujā̍te̱ aśva̍sūnṛte .. 5.079.10
10 So much, and more exceedingly, O Dawn, it suits thee to bestow,
Thou Radiant One who ceasest not to shine for those who sing thy praise, highborn! delightful with thy steeds!
Sloka : 5.80.1
द्यु॒तद्या॑मानं बृह॒तीमृ॒तेन॑ ऋ॒ताव॑रीमरु॒णप्सुं॑ विभा॒तीम् ।
दे॒वीमु॒षसं॒ स्व॑रा॒वह॑न्तीं॒ प्रति॒ विप्रा॑सो म॒तिभि॑र्जरन्ते ॥ ५.०८०.०१
dyu̱tadyā̍mānaṃ bṛha̱tīmṛ̱tena̍ ṛ̱tāva̍rīmaru̱ṇapsu̍ṃ vibhā̱tīm .
de̱vīmu̱ṣasa̱ṃ sva̍rā̱vaha̍ntī̱ṃ prati̱ viprā̍so ma̱tibhi̍rjarante .. 5.080.01
1. THE singers welcome with their hymns and praises the Goddess Dawn who bringeth in the sunlight,
Sublime, by Law true to eternal Order, bright on her path, red-tinted, far-refulgent.
Sloka : 5.80.2
ए॒षा जनं॑ दर्श॒ता बो॒धय॑न्ती सु॒गान्प॒थः कृ॑ण्व॒ती या॒त्यग्रे॑ ।
बृ॒ह॒द्र॒था बृ॑ह॒ती वि॑श्वमि॒न्वोषा ज्योति॑र्यच्छ॒त्यग्रे॒ अह्ना॑म् ॥ ५.०८०.०२
e̱ṣā jana̍ṃ darśa̱tā bo̱dhaya̍ntī su̱gānpa̱thaḥ kṛ̍ṇva̱tī yā̱tyagre̍ .
bṛ̱ha̱dra̱thā bṛ̍ha̱tī vi̍śvami̱nvoṣā jyoti̍ryaccha̱tyagre̱ ahnā̍m .. 5.080.02
2 She comes in front, fair, rousing up the people, making the pathways easy to be travelled.
High, on her lofty chariot, all-impelling, Dawn gives her splendour at the days' beginning.
Sloka : 5.80.3
ए॒षा गोभि॑ररु॒णेभि॑र्युजा॒नास्रे॑धन्ती र॒यिमप्रा॑यु चक्रे ।
प॒थो रद॑न्ती सुवि॒ताय॑ दे॒वी पु॑रुष्टु॒ता वि॒श्ववा॑रा॒ वि भा॑ति ॥ ५.०८०.०३
e̱ṣā gobhi̍raru̱ṇebhi̍ryujā̱nāsre̍dhantī ra̱yimaprā̍yu cakre .
pa̱tho rada̍ntī suvi̱tāya̍ de̱vī pu̍ruṣṭu̱tā vi̱śvavā̍rā̱ vi bhā̍ti .. 5.080.03
3 She, harnessing her car with purple oxen. injuring none, hath brought perpetual riches.
Opening paths to happiness, the Goddess shines, praised by all, giver of every blessing.
Sloka : 5.80.4
ए॒षा व्ये॑नी भवति द्वि॒बर्हा॑ आविष्कृण्वा॒ना त॒न्वं॑ पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ पन्था॒मन्वे॑ति सा॒धु प्र॑जान॒तीव॒ न दिशो॑ मिनाति ॥ ५.०८०.०४
e̱ṣā vye̍nī bhavati dvi̱barhā̍ āviṣkṛṇvā̱nā ta̱nva̍ṃ pu̱rastā̍t .
ṛ̱tasya̱ panthā̱manve̍ti sā̱dhu pra̍jāna̱tīva̱ na diśo̍ mināti .. 5.080.04
4 With changing tints she gleams in double splendour while from the eastward she displays her body.
She travels perfectly the path of Order, nor fails to reach, as one who knows, the quarters.
Sloka : 5.80.5
ए॒षा शु॒भ्रा न त॒न्वो॑ विदा॒नोर्ध्वेव॑ स्ना॒ती दृ॒शये॑ नो अस्थात् ।
अप॒ द्वेषो॒ बाध॑माना॒ तमां॑स्यु॒षा दि॒वो दु॑हि॒ता ज्योति॒षागा॑त् ॥ ५.०८०.०५
e̱ṣā śu̱bhrā na ta̱nvo̍ vidā̱nordhveva̍ snā̱tī dṛ̱śaye̍ no asthāt .
apa̱ dveṣo̱ bādha̍mānā̱ tamā̍ṃsyu̱ṣā di̱vo du̍hi̱tā jyoti̱ṣāgā̍t .. 5.080.05
5 As conscious that her limbs are bright with bathing, she stands, as twere, erect that we may see her.
Driving away malignity and darkness, Dawn, Child of Heaven, hath come to us with lustre.
Sloka : 5.80.6
ए॒षा प्र॑ती॒ची दु॑हि॒ता दि॒वो नॄन्योषे॑व भ॒द्रा नि रि॑णीते॒ अप्सः॑ ।
व्यू॒र्ण्व॒ती दा॒शुषे॒ वार्या॑णि॒ पुन॒र्ज्योति॑र्युव॒तिः पू॒र्वथा॑कः ॥ ५.०८०.०६
e̱ṣā pra̍tī̱cī du̍hi̱tā di̱vo nṝnyoṣe̍va bha̱drā ni ri̍ṇīte̱ apsa̍ḥ .
vyū̱rṇva̱tī dā̱śuṣe̱ vāryā̍ṇi̱ puna̱rjyoti̍ryuva̱tiḥ pū̱rvathā̍kaḥ .. 5.080.06
6 The Daughter of the Sky, like some chaste woman, bends, opposite to men, her forehead downward.
The Maid, disclosing boons to him who worships, hath brought again the daylight as aforetime.
Sloka : 5.81.1
यु॒ञ्जते॒ मन॑ उ॒त यु॑ञ्जते॒ धियो॒ विप्रा॒ विप्र॑स्य बृह॒तो वि॑प॒श्चितः॑ ।
वि होत्रा॑ दधे वयुना॒विदेक॒ इन्म॒ही दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुः परि॑ष्टुतिः ॥ ५.०८१.०१
yu̱ñjate̱ mana̍ u̱ta yu̍ñjate̱ dhiyo̱ viprā̱ vipra̍sya bṛha̱to vi̍pa̱ścita̍ḥ .
vi hotrā̍ dadhe vayunā̱videka̱ inma̱hī de̱vasya̍ savi̱tuḥ pari̍ṣṭutiḥ .. 5.081.01
1. THE priests of him the lofty Priest well-skilled in hymns harness their spirit, yea, harness their holy thoughts.
He only knowing works assigns their priestly tasks. Yea, lofty is the praise of Savitar the God.
Sloka : 5.81.2
विश्वा॑ रू॒पाणि॒ प्रति॑ मुञ्चते क॒विः प्रासा॑वीद्भ॒द्रं द्वि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे ।
वि नाक॑मख्यत्सवि॒ता वरे॒ण्योऽनु॑ प्र॒याण॑मु॒षसो॒ वि रा॑जति ॥ ५.०८१.०२
viśvā̍ rū̱pāṇi̱ prati̍ muñcate ka̱viḥ prāsā̍vīdbha̱draṃ dvi̱pade̱ catu̍ṣpade .
vi nāka̍makhyatsavi̱tā vare̱ṇyo'nu̍ pra̱yāṇa̍mu̱ṣaso̱ vi rā̍jati .. 5.081.02
2 The Sapient One arrays himself in every form:- for quadruped and biped he hath brought forth good.
Excellent Savitar hath looked on heaven's high vault, and shineth after the outgoing of the Dawn.
Sloka : 5.81.3
यस्य॑ प्र॒याण॒मन्व॒न्य इद्य॒युर्दे॒वा दे॒वस्य॑ महि॒मान॒मोज॑सा ।
यः पार्थि॑वानि विम॒मे स एत॑शो॒ रजां॑सि दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता म॑हित्व॒ना ॥ ५.०८१.०३
yasya̍ pra̱yāṇa̱manva̱nya idya̱yurde̱vā de̱vasya̍ mahi̱māna̱moja̍sā .
yaḥ pārthi̍vāni vima̱me sa eta̍śo̱ rajā̍ṃsi de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā ma̍hitva̱nā .. 5.081.03
3 Even he, the God whose going-forth and majesty the other Deities have followed with their might,
He who hath measured the terrestrial regions out by his great power, he is the Courser Savitar.
Sloka : 5.81.4
उ॒त या॑सि सवित॒स्त्रीणि॑ रोच॒नोत सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभिः॒ समु॑च्यसि ।
उ॒त रात्री॑मुभ॒यतः॒ परी॑यस उ॒त मि॒त्रो भ॑वसि देव॒ धर्म॑भिः ॥ ५.०८१.०४
u̱ta yā̍si savita̱strīṇi̍ roca̱nota sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̱ḥ samu̍cyasi .
u̱ta rātrī̍mubha̱yata̱ḥ parī̍yasa u̱ta mi̱tro bha̍vasi deva̱ dharma̍bhiḥ .. 5.081.04
4 To the three spheres of light thou goest, Savitar, and with the rays of Sidrya thou combinest thee.
Around, on both sides thou encompassest the night:- yea, thou, O God, art Mitra through thy righteous laws.
Sloka : 5.81.5
उ॒तेशि॑षे प्रस॒वस्य॒ त्वमेक॒ इदु॒त पू॒षा भ॑वसि देव॒ याम॑भिः ।
उ॒तेदं विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं॒ वि रा॑जसि श्या॒वाश्व॑स्ते सवितः॒ स्तोम॑मानशे ॥ ५.०८१.०५
u̱teśi̍ṣe prasa̱vasya̱ tvameka̱ idu̱ta pū̱ṣā bha̍vasi deva̱ yāma̍bhiḥ .
u̱tedaṃ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍na̱ṃ vi rā̍jasi śyā̱vāśva̍ste savita̱ḥ stoma̍mānaśe .. 5.081.05
5 Over all generation thou art Lord alone:- Pūṣan art thou, O God, in all thy goings-forth.
Yea, thou hast domination over all this world. Śyāvāśva hath brought praise to thee, O Savitar,
Sloka : 5.82.1
तत्स॑वि॒तुर्वृ॑णीमहे व॒यं दे॒वस्य॒ भोज॑नम् ।
श्रेष्ठं॑ सर्व॒धात॑मं॒ तुरं॒ भग॑स्य धीमहि ॥ ५.०८२.०१
tatsa̍vi̱turvṛ̍ṇīmahe va̱yaṃ de̱vasya̱ bhoja̍nam .
śreṣṭha̍ṃ sarva̱dhāta̍ma̱ṃ tura̱ṃ bhaga̍sya dhīmahi .. 5.082.01
1. WE crave of Savitar the God this treasure much to be enjoyed.
The best, all-yielding, conquering gift of Bhaga we would gladly win.
Sloka : 5.82.2
अस्य॒ हि स्वय॑शस्तरं सवि॒तुः कच्च॒न प्रि॒यम् ।
न मि॒नन्ति॑ स्व॒राज्य॑म् ॥ ५.०८२.०२
asya̱ hi svaya̍śastaraṃ savi̱tuḥ kacca̱na pri̱yam .
na mi̱nanti̍ sva̱rājya̍m .. 5.082.02
2 Savitar's own supremacy, most glorious and beloved of all,
No one diminisheth in aught.
Sloka : 5.82.3
स हि रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ सु॒वाति॑ सवि॒ता भगः॑ ।
तं भा॒गं चि॒त्रमी॑महे ॥ ५.०८२.०३
sa hi ratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ su̱vāti̍ savi̱tā bhaga̍ḥ .
taṃ bhā̱gaṃ ci̱tramī̍mahe .. 5.082.03
3 For Savitar who is Bhaga shall send riches to his worshipper.
That wondrous portion we implore.
Sloka : 5.82.4
अ॒द्या नो॑ देव सवितः प्र॒जाव॑त्सावीः॒ सौभ॑गम् ।
परा॑ दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॑ सुव ॥ ५.०८२.०४
a̱dyā no̍ deva savitaḥ pra̱jāva̍tsāvī̱ḥ saubha̍gam .
parā̍ du̱ṣṣvapnya̍ṃ suva .. 5.082.04
4 Send us this day, God Savitar, prosperity with progeny.
Drive thou the evil dream away.
Sloka : 5.82.5
विश्वा॑नि देव सवितर्दुरि॒तानि॒ परा॑ सुव ।
यद्भ॒द्रं तन्न॒ आ सु॑व ॥ ५.०८२.०५
viśvā̍ni deva savitarduri̱tāni̱ parā̍ suva .
yadbha̱draṃ tanna̱ ā su̍va .. 5.082.05
5 Savitar, God, send far away all sorrows and calamities,
And send us only what is good.
Sloka : 5.82.6
अना॑गसो॒ अदि॑तये दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुः स॒वे ।
विश्वा॑ वा॒मानि॑ धीमहि ॥ ५.०८२.०६
anā̍gaso̱ adi̍taye de̱vasya̍ savi̱tuḥ sa̱ve .
viśvā̍ vā̱māni̍ dhīmahi .. 5.082.06
6 Sinless in sight of Aditi through the God Savitar's influence,
May we obtain all lovely things.
Sloka : 5.82.7
आ वि॒श्वदे॑वं॒ सत्प॑तिं सू॒क्तैर॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ।
स॒त्यस॑वं सवि॒तार॑म् ॥ ५.०८२.०७
ā vi̱śvade̍va̱ṃ satpa̍tiṃ sū̱ktaira̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .
sa̱tyasa̍vaṃ savi̱tāra̍m .. 5.082.07
7 We with our hymns this day elect the general God, Lord of the good,
Savitar whose decrees are true.
Sloka : 5.82.8
य इ॒मे उ॒भे अह॑नी पु॒र एत्यप्र॑युच्छन् ।
स्वा॒धीर्दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता ॥ ५.०८२.०८
ya i̱me u̱bhe aha̍nī pu̱ra etyapra̍yucchan .
svā̱dhīrde̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā .. 5.082.08
8 He who for ever vigilant precedes these Twain, the Day and Night,
Is Savitar the thoughtful God.
Sloka : 5.82.9
य इ॒मा विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्या॑श्रा॒वय॑ति॒ श्लोके॑न ।
प्र च॑ सु॒वाति॑ सवि॒ता ॥ ५.०८२.०९
ya i̱mā viśvā̍ jā̱tānyā̍śrā̱vaya̍ti̱ śloke̍na .
pra ca̍ su̱vāti̍ savi̱tā .. 5.082.09
9 He who gives glory unto all these living creatures with the song,
And brings them forth, is Savitar.
Sloka : 5.83.1
अच्छा॑ वद त॒वसं॑ गी॒र्भिरा॒भिः स्तु॒हि प॒र्जन्यं॒ नम॒सा वि॑वास ।
कनि॑क्रदद्वृष॒भो जी॒रदा॑नू॒ रेतो॑ दधा॒त्योष॑धीषु॒ गर्भ॑म् ॥ ५.०८३.०१
acchā̍ vada ta̱vasa̍ṃ gī̱rbhirā̱bhiḥ stu̱hi pa̱rjanya̱ṃ nama̱sā vi̍vāsa .
kani̍kradadvṛṣa̱bho jī̱radā̍nū̱ reto̍ dadhā̱tyoṣa̍dhīṣu̱ garbha̍m .. 5.083.01
1. SING with these songs thy welcome to the Mighty, with adoration praise and call Parjanya.
The Bull, loud roaring, swift to send his bounty, lays in the plants the seed. for germination.
Sloka : 5.83.2
वि वृ॒क्षान्ह॑न्त्यु॒त ह॑न्ति र॒क्षसो॒ विश्वं॑ बिभाय॒ भुव॑नं म॒हाव॑धात् ।
उ॒ताना॑गा ईषते॒ वृष्ण्या॑वतो॒ यत्प॒र्जन्यः॑ स्त॒नय॒न्हन्ति॑ दु॒ष्कृतः॑ ॥ ५.०८३.०२
vi vṛ̱kṣānha̍ntyu̱ta ha̍nti ra̱kṣaso̱ viśva̍ṃ bibhāya̱ bhuva̍naṃ ma̱hāva̍dhāt .
u̱tānā̍gā īṣate̱ vṛṣṇyā̍vato̱ yatpa̱rjanya̍ḥ sta̱naya̱nhanti̍ du̱ṣkṛta̍ḥ .. 5.083.02
2 He smites the trees apart, he slays the demons:- all life fears him who wields the mighty weapon.
From him exceeding strong fices een the guiltless, when thundering Parjanya smites the wicked.
Sloka : 5.83.3
र॒थीव॒ कश॒याश्वा॑ँ अभिक्षि॒पन्ना॒विर्दू॒तान्कृ॑णुते व॒र्ष्या॒ँ३॒॑ अह॑ ।
दू॒रात्सिं॒हस्य॑ स्त॒नथा॒ उदी॑रते॒ यत्प॒र्जन्यः॑ कृणु॒ते व॒र्ष्यं१॒॑ नभः॑ ॥ ५.०८३.०३
ra̱thīva̱ kaśa̱yāśvā̍m̐ abhikṣi̱pannā̱virdū̱tānkṛ̍ṇute va̱rṣyā̱m̐3̱̍ aha̍ .
dū̱rātsi̱ṃhasya̍ sta̱nathā̱ udī̍rate̱ yatpa̱rjanya̍ḥ kṛṇu̱te va̱rṣyaṃ1̱̍ nabha̍ḥ .. 5.083.03
3 Like a car-driver whipping on his horses, he makes the messengers of rain spring forward.
Far off resounds the roaring of the lion, what time Parjanya fills the sky with rain-cloud.
Sloka : 5.83.4
प्र वाता॒ वान्ति॑ प॒तय॑न्ति वि॒द्युत॒ उदोष॑धी॒र्जिह॑ते॒ पिन्व॑ते॒ स्वः॑ ।
इरा॒ विश्व॑स्मै॒ भुव॑नाय जायते॒ यत्प॒र्जन्यः॑ पृथि॒वीं रेत॒साव॑ति ॥ ५.०८३.०४
pra vātā̱ vānti̍ pa̱taya̍nti vi̱dyuta̱ udoṣa̍dhī̱rjiha̍te̱ pinva̍te̱ sva̍ḥ .
irā̱ viśva̍smai̱ bhuva̍nāya jāyate̱ yatpa̱rjanya̍ḥ pṛthi̱vīṃ reta̱sāva̍ti .. 5.083.04
4 Forth burst the winds, down come the lightning-flashes:- the plants shoot up, the realm of light is streaming.
Food springs abundant for all living creatures, what time Parjanya quickens earth with moisture.
Sloka : 5.83.5
यस्य॑ व्र॒ते पृ॑थि॒वी नन्न॑मीति॒ यस्य॑ व्र॒ते श॒फव॒ज्जर्भु॑रीति ।
यस्य॑ व्र॒त ओष॑धीर्वि॒श्वरू॑पाः॒ स नः॑ पर्जन्य॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ ॥ ५.०८३.०५
yasya̍ vra̱te pṛ̍thi̱vī nanna̍mīti̱ yasya̍ vra̱te śa̱phava̱jjarbhu̍rīti .
yasya̍ vra̱ta oṣa̍dhīrvi̱śvarū̍pā̱ḥ sa na̍ḥ parjanya̱ mahi̱ śarma̍ yaccha .. 5.083.05
5 Thou at whose bidding earth bows low before thee, at whose command hoofed cattle fly in terror,
At whose behest the plants assume all colours, even thou Parjanya, yield us great protection.
Sloka : 5.83.6
दि॒वो नो॑ वृ॒ष्टिं म॑रुतो ररीध्वं॒ प्र पि॑न्वत॒ वृष्णो॒ अश्व॑स्य॒ धाराः॑ ।
अ॒र्वाङे॒तेन॑ स्तनयि॒त्नुनेह्य॒पो नि॑षि॒ञ्चन्नसु॑रः पि॒ता नः॑ ॥ ५.०८३.०६
di̱vo no̍ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ ma̍ruto rarīdhva̱ṃ pra pi̍nvata̱ vṛṣṇo̱ aśva̍sya̱ dhārā̍ḥ .
a̱rvāṅe̱tena̍ stanayi̱tnunehya̱po ni̍ṣi̱ñcannasu̍raḥ pi̱tā na̍ḥ .. 5.083.06
6 Send down for us the rain of heaven, ye Maruts, and let the Stallion's flood descend in torrents.
Come hither with this thunder while thou pourest the waters down, our heavenly Lord and Father.
Sloka : 5.83.7
अ॒भि क्र॑न्द स्त॒नय॒ गर्भ॒मा धा॑ उद॒न्वता॒ परि॑ दीया॒ रथे॑न ।
दृतिं॒ सु क॑र्ष॒ विषि॑तं॒ न्य॑ञ्चं स॒मा भ॑वन्तू॒द्वतो॑ निपा॒दाः ॥ ५.०८३.०७
a̱bhi kra̍nda sta̱naya̱ garbha̱mā dhā̍ uda̱nvatā̱ pari̍ dīyā̱ rathe̍na .
dṛti̱ṃ su ka̍rṣa̱ viṣi̍ta̱ṃ nya̍ñcaṃ sa̱mā bha̍vantū̱dvato̍ nipā̱dāḥ .. 5.083.07
7 Thunder and roar:- the germ of life deposit. Fly round us on thy chariot waterladen.
Thine opened water-skin draw with thee downward, and let the hollows and the heights be level.
Sloka : 5.83.8
म॒हान्तं॒ कोश॒मुद॑चा॒ नि षि॑ञ्च॒ स्यन्द॑न्तां कु॒ल्या विषि॑ताः पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।
घृ॒तेन॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी व्यु॑न्धि सुप्रपा॒णं भ॑वत्व॒घ्न्याभ्यः॑ ॥ ५.०८३.०८
ma̱hānta̱ṃ kośa̱muda̍cā̱ ni ṣi̍ñca̱ syanda̍ntāṃ ku̱lyā viṣi̍tāḥ pu̱rastā̍t .
ghṛ̱tena̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī vyu̍ndhi suprapā̱ṇaṃ bha̍vatva̱ghnyābhya̍ḥ .. 5.083.08
8 Lift up the mighty vessel, pour down water, and let the liberated streams rush forward.
Saturate both the earth and heaven with fatness, and for the cows let there be drink abundant.
Sloka : 5.83.9
यत्प॑र्जन्य॒ कनि॑क्रदत्स्त॒नय॒न्हंसि॑ दु॒ष्कृतः॑ ।
प्रती॒दं विश्वं॑ मोदते॒ यत्किं च॑ पृथि॒व्यामधि॑ ॥ ५.०८३.०९
yatpa̍rjanya̱ kani̍kradatsta̱naya̱nhaṃsi̍ du̱ṣkṛta̍ḥ .
pratī̱daṃ viśva̍ṃ modate̱ yatkiṃ ca̍ pṛthi̱vyāmadhi̍ .. 5.083.09
9 When thou, with thunder and with roar, Parjanya, smitest sinners down,
This universe exults thereat, yea, all that is upon the earth.
Sloka : 5.83.10
अव॑र्षीर्व॒र्षमुदु॒ षू गृ॑भा॒याक॒र्धन्वा॒न्यत्ये॑त॒वा उ॑ ।
अजी॑जन॒ ओष॑धी॒र्भोज॑नाय॒ कमु॒त प्र॒जाभ्यो॑ऽविदो मनी॒षाम् ॥ ५.०८३.१०
ava̍rṣīrva̱rṣamudu̱ ṣū gṛ̍bhā̱yāka̱rdhanvā̱nyatye̍ta̱vā u̍ .
ajī̍jana̱ oṣa̍dhī̱rbhoja̍nāya̱ kamu̱ta pra̱jābhyo̎vido manī̱ṣām .. 5.083.10
10 Thou hast poured down the rain-flood now withhold it. Thou hast made desert places fit for travel.
Thou hast made herbs to grow for our enjoyment:- yea, thou hast won thee praise from living creatures.
Sloka : 5.84.1
बळि॒त्था पर्व॑तानां खि॒द्रं बि॑भर्षि पृथिवि ।
प्र या भूमिं॑ प्रवत्वति म॒ह्ना जि॒नोषि॑ महिनि ॥ ५.०८४.०१
bal̤i̱tthā parva̍tānāṃ khi̱draṃ bi̍bharṣi pṛthivi .
pra yā bhūmi̍ṃ pravatvati ma̱hnā ji̱noṣi̍ mahini .. 5.084.01
1. THOU, of a truth,O Prthivi, bearest the tool that rends the hills:-
Thou rich in torrents, who with might quickenest earth, O Mighty One.
Sloka : 5.84.2
स्तोमा॑सस्त्वा विचारिणि॒ प्रति॑ ष्टोभन्त्य॒क्तुभिः॑ ।
प्र या वाजं॒ न हेष॑न्तं पे॒रुमस्य॑स्यर्जुनि ॥ ५.०८४.०२
stomā̍sastvā vicāriṇi̱ prati̍ ṣṭobhantya̱ktubhi̍ḥ .
pra yā vāja̱ṃ na heṣa̍ntaṃ pe̱rumasya̍syarjuni .. 5.084.02
2 To thee, O wanderer at will, ring out the lauds with beams of day,
Who drivest, like a neighing steed, the swelling cloud, O bright of hue.
Sloka : 5.84.3
दृ॒ळ्हा चि॒द्या वन॒स्पती॑न्क्ष्म॒या दर्ध॒र्ष्योज॑सा ।
यत्ते॑ अ॒भ्रस्य॑ वि॒द्युतो॑ दि॒वो वर्ष॑न्ति वृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ५.०८४.०३
dṛ̱l̤hā ci̱dyā vana̱spatī̍nkṣma̱yā dardha̱rṣyoja̍sā .
yatte̍ a̱bhrasya̍ vi̱dyuto̍ di̱vo varṣa̍nti vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 5.084.03
3 Who graspest with thy might on earth. een the strong sovrans of the wood,
When from the lightning of thy cloud the rain-floods of the heaven descend.
Sloka : 5.85.1
प्र स॒म्राजे॑ बृ॒हद॑र्चा गभी॒रं ब्रह्म॑ प्रि॒यं वरु॑णाय श्रु॒ताय॑ ।
वि यो ज॒घान॑ शमि॒तेव॒ चर्मो॑प॒स्तिरे॑ पृथि॒वीं सूर्या॑य ॥ ५.०८५.०१
pra sa̱mrāje̍ bṛ̱hada̍rcā gabhī̱raṃ brahma̍ pri̱yaṃ varu̍ṇāya śru̱tāya̍ .
vi yo ja̱ghāna̍ śami̱teva̱ carmo̍pa̱stire̍ pṛthi̱vīṃ sūryā̍ya .. 5.085.01
1. SING forth a hymn sublime and solemn, grateful to glorious. Varuṇa, imperial Ruler,
Who hath struck out, like one who slays the victim, earth as a skin to spread in front of Sūrya.
Sloka : 5.85.2
वने॑षु॒ व्य१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षं ततान॒ वाज॒मर्व॑त्सु॒ पय॑ उ॒स्रिया॑सु ।
हृ॒त्सु क्रतुं॒ वरु॑णो अ॒प्स्व१॒॑ग्निं दि॒वि सूर्य॑मदधा॒त्सोम॒मद्रौ॑ ॥ ५.०८५.०२
vane̍ṣu̱ vya1̱̍ntari̍kṣaṃ tatāna̱ vāja̱marva̍tsu̱ paya̍ u̱sriyā̍su .
hṛ̱tsu kratu̱ṃ varu̍ṇo a̱psva1̱̍gniṃ di̱vi sūrya̍madadhā̱tsoma̱madrau̍ .. 5.085.02
2 In the tree-tops the air he hath extended, put milk in kine and vigorous speed in horses,
Set intellect in hearts, fire in the waters, Siurya in heaven and Soma on the mountain.
Sloka : 5.85.3
नी॒चीन॑बारं॒ वरु॑णः॒ कव॑न्धं॒ प्र स॑सर्ज॒ रोद॑सी अ॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ।
तेन॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ राजा॒ यवं॒ न वृ॒ष्टिर्व्यु॑नत्ति॒ भूम॑ ॥ ५.०८५.०३
nī̱cīna̍bāra̱ṃ varu̍ṇa̱ḥ kava̍ndha̱ṃ pra sa̍sarja̱ roda̍sī a̱ntari̍kṣam .
tena̱ viśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya̱ rājā̱ yava̱ṃ na vṛ̱ṣṭirvyu̍natti̱ bhūma̍ .. 5.085.03
3 Varuṇa lets the big cask, opening downward, flow through the heaven and earth and air's mid-region.
Therewith the universe's Sovran waters earth as the shower of rain bedews the barley.
Sloka : 5.85.4
उ॒नत्ति॒ भूमिं॑ पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्यां य॒दा दु॒ग्धं वरु॑णो॒ वष्ट्यादित् ।
सम॒भ्रेण॑ वसत॒ पर्व॑तासस्तविषी॒यन्तः॑ श्रथयन्त वी॒राः ॥ ५.०८५.०४
u̱natti̱ bhūmi̍ṃ pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyāṃ ya̱dā du̱gdhaṃ varu̍ṇo̱ vaṣṭyādit .
sama̱bhreṇa̍ vasata̱ parva̍tāsastaviṣī̱yanta̍ḥ śrathayanta vī̱rāḥ .. 5.085.04
4 When Varuṇa is fain for milk he moistens the sky, the land, and earth to her foundation.
Then straight the mountains clothe them in the rain-cloud:- the Heroes, putting forth their vigour, loose them.
Sloka : 5.85.5
इ॒मामू॒ ष्वा॑सु॒रस्य॑ श्रु॒तस्य॑ म॒हीं मा॒यां वरु॑णस्य॒ प्र वो॑चम् ।
माने॑नेव तस्थि॒वाँ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ वि यो म॒मे पृ॑थि॒वीं सूर्ये॑ण ॥ ५.०८५.०५
i̱māmū̱ ṣvā̍su̱rasya̍ śru̱tasya̍ ma̱hīṃ mā̱yāṃ varu̍ṇasya̱ pra vo̍cam .
māne̍neva tasthi̱vām̐ a̱ntari̍kṣe̱ vi yo ma̱me pṛ̍thi̱vīṃ sūrye̍ṇa .. 5.085.05
5 I will declare this mighty deed of magic, of glorious Varuṇa the Lord Immortal,
Who standing in the firmament hath meted the earth out with the Sun as with a measure.
Sloka : 5.85.6
इ॒मामू॒ नु क॒वित॑मस्य मा॒यां म॒हीं दे॒वस्य॒ नकि॒रा द॑धर्ष ।
एकं॒ यदु॒द्ना न पृ॒णन्त्येनी॑रासि॒ञ्चन्ती॑र॒वन॑यः समु॒द्रम् ॥ ५.०८५.०६
i̱māmū̱ nu ka̱vita̍masya mā̱yāṃ ma̱hīṃ de̱vasya̱ naki̱rā da̍dharṣa .
eka̱ṃ yadu̱dnā na pṛ̱ṇantyenī̍rāsi̱ñcantī̍ra̱vana̍yaḥ samu̱dram .. 5.085.06
6 None, verily, hath ever let or hindered this the most wise God's mighty deed of magic,
Whereby with all their flood, the lucid rivers fill not one sea wherein they pour their waters.
Sloka : 5.85.7
अ॒र्य॒म्यं॑ वरुण मि॒त्र्यं॑ वा॒ सखा॑यं वा॒ सद॒मिद्भ्रात॑रं वा ।
वे॒शं वा॒ नित्यं॑ वरु॒णार॑णं वा॒ यत्सी॒माग॑श्चकृ॒मा शि॒श्रथ॒स्तत् ॥ ५.०८५.०७
a̱rya̱mya̍ṃ varuṇa mi̱trya̍ṃ vā̱ sakhā̍yaṃ vā̱ sada̱midbhrāta̍raṃ vā .
ve̱śaṃ vā̱ nitya̍ṃ varu̱ṇāra̍ṇaṃ vā̱ yatsī̱māga̍ścakṛ̱mā śi̱śratha̱stat .. 5.085.07
7 If we have sinned against the man who loves us, have ever wronged a brother, friend, or comrade,
The neighbour ever with us, or a stranger, O Varuṇa, remove from us the trespass.
Sloka : 5.85.8
कि॒त॒वासो॒ यद्रि॑रि॒पुर्न दी॒वि यद्वा॑ घा स॒त्यमु॒त यन्न वि॒द्म ।
सर्वा॒ ता वि ष्य॑ शिथि॒रेव॑ दे॒वाधा॑ ते स्याम वरुण प्रि॒यासः॑ ॥ ५.०८५.०८
ki̱ta̱vāso̱ yadri̍ri̱purna dī̱vi yadvā̍ ghā sa̱tyamu̱ta yanna vi̱dma .
sarvā̱ tā vi ṣya̍ śithi̱reva̍ de̱vādhā̍ te syāma varuṇa pri̱yāsa̍ḥ .. 5.085.08
8 If we, as gamesters cheat at play, have cheated, done wrong unwittingly or sinned of purpose,
Cast all these sins away like loosened fetters, and, Varuṇa let us be thine own beloved.
Sloka : 5.86.1
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ यमव॑थ उ॒भा वाजे॑षु॒ मर्त्य॑म् ।
दृ॒ळ्हा चि॒त्स प्र भे॑दति द्यु॒म्ना वाणी॑रिव त्रि॒तः ॥ ५.०८६.०१
indrā̍gnī̱ yamava̍tha u̱bhā vāje̍ṣu̱ martya̍m .
dṛ̱l̤hā ci̱tsa pra bhe̍dati dyu̱mnā vāṇī̍riva tri̱taḥ .. 5.086.01
1. THE mortal man whom ye, the Twain, Indra and Agni, help in fight,
Breaks through een strongly-guarded wealth as Tṛta burst his way through reeds.
Sloka : 5.86.2
या पृत॑नासु दु॒ष्टरा॒ या वाजे॑षु श्र॒वाय्या॑ ।
या पञ्च॑ चर्ष॒णीर॒भी॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी ता ह॑वामहे ॥ ५.०८६.०२
yā pṛta̍nāsu du̱ṣṭarā̱ yā vāje̍ṣu śra̱vāyyā̍ .
yā pañca̍ carṣa̱ṇīra̱bhī̍ndrā̱gnī tā ha̍vāmahe .. 5.086.02
2 The Twain invincible in war, worthy to be renowned in frays,
Lords of the Fivefold. People, these, Indra and Agni, we invoke.
Sloka : 5.86.3
तयो॒रिदम॑व॒च्छव॑स्ति॒ग्मा दि॒द्युन्म॒घोनोः॑ ।
प्रति॒ द्रुणा॒ गभ॑स्त्यो॒र्गवां॑ वृत्र॒घ्न एष॑ते ॥ ५.०८६.०३
tayo̱ridama̍va̱cchava̍sti̱gmā di̱dyunma̱ghono̍ḥ .
prati̱ druṇā̱ gabha̍styo̱rgavā̍ṃ vṛtra̱ghna eṣa̍te .. 5.086.03
3 Impetuous is their strength, and keen the lightning of the mighty Pair,
Which from their arms speeds with the car to Vṛtra's slayer for the kine.
Sloka : 5.86.4
ता वा॒मेषे॒ रथा॑नामिन्द्रा॒ग्नी ह॑वामहे ।
पती॑ तु॒रस्य॒ राध॑सो वि॒द्वांसा॒ गिर्व॑णस्तमा ॥ ५.०८६.०४
tā vā̱meṣe̱ rathā̍nāmindrā̱gnī ha̍vāmahe .
patī̍ tu̱rasya̱ rādha̍so vi̱dvāṃsā̱ girva̍ṇastamā .. 5.086.04
4 Indra and Agni, we invoke you both, as such, to send your cars:-
Lords of quick-coming bounty, ye who know, chief lovers of the song.
Sloka : 5.86.5
ता वृ॒धन्ता॒वनु॒ द्यून्मर्ता॑य दे॒वाव॒दभा॑ ।
अर्ह॑न्ता चित्पु॒रो द॒धेंऽशे॑व दे॒वावर्व॑ते ॥ ५.०८६.०५
tā vṛ̱dhantā̱vanu̱ dyūnmartā̍ya de̱vāva̱dabhā̍ .
arha̍ntā citpu̱ro da̱dheṃ'śe̍va de̱vāvarva̍te .. 5.086.05
5 These who give increase day by day, Gods without guile for mortal man,
Worthy themselves, I honour most, Two Gods as partners, for my horse.
Sloka : 5.86.6
ए॒वेन्द्रा॒ग्निभ्या॒महा॑वि ह॒व्यं शू॒ष्यं॑ घृ॒तं न पू॒तमद्रि॑भिः ।
ता सू॒रिषु॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हद्र॒यिं गृ॒णत्सु॑ दिधृत॒मिषं॑ गृ॒णत्सु॑ दिधृतम् ॥ ५.०८६.०६
e̱vendrā̱gnibhyā̱mahā̍vi ha̱vyaṃ śū̱ṣya̍ṃ ghṛ̱taṃ na pū̱tamadri̍bhiḥ .
tā sū̱riṣu̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hadra̱yiṃ gṛ̱ṇatsu̍ didhṛta̱miṣa̍ṃ gṛ̱ṇatsu̍ didhṛtam .. 5.086.06
6 The strength-bestowing offering thus to Indra-Agni hath been paid, as butter, purified by stones.
Deal to our princes high renown, deal wealth to those who sing your praise, deal food to those who sing your praise.
Sloka : 5.87.1
प्र वो॑ म॒हे म॒तयो॑ यन्तु॒ विष्ण॑वे म॒रुत्व॑ते गिरि॒जा ए॑व॒याम॑रुत् ।
प्र शर्धा॑य॒ प्रय॑ज्यवे सुखा॒दये॑ त॒वसे॑ भ॒न्ददि॑ष्टये॒ धुनि॑व्रताय॒ शव॑से ॥ ५.०८७.०१
pra vo̍ ma̱he ma̱tayo̍ yantu̱ viṣṇa̍ve ma̱rutva̍te giri̱jā e̍va̱yāma̍rut .
pra śardhā̍ya̱ praya̍jyave sukhā̱daye̍ ta̱vase̍ bha̱ndadi̍ṣṭaye̱ dhuni̍vratāya̱ śava̍se .. 5.087.01
1. To Viṣṇu, to the Mighty whom the Maruts follow let your hymns born in song go forth, Evayamarut;
To the impetuous, strong band, adorned with bracelets, that rushes on in joy and ever roars for vigour.
Sloka : 5.87.2
प्र ये जा॒ता म॑हि॒ना ये च॒ नु स्व॒यं प्र वि॒द्मना॑ ब्रु॒वत॑ एव॒याम॑रुत् ।
क्रत्वा॒ तद्वो॑ मरुतो॒ नाधृषे॒ शवो॑ दा॒ना म॒ह्ना तदे॑षा॒मधृ॑ष्टासो॒ नाद्र॑यः ॥ ५.०८७.०२
pra ye jā̱tā ma̍hi̱nā ye ca̱ nu sva̱yaṃ pra vi̱dmanā̍ bru̱vata̍ eva̱yāma̍rut .
kratvā̱ tadvo̍ maruto̱ nādhṛṣe̱ śavo̍ dā̱nā ma̱hnā tade̍ṣā̱madhṛ̍ṣṭāso̱ nādra̍yaḥ .. 5.087.02
2 They who with might were manifest, and who willingly by their own knowledge told it forth, Evayamarut.
Maruts, this strength of yours no wisdom comprehendeth:- through their gifts' greatness they are moveless as the mountains.
Sloka : 5.87.3
प्र ये दि॒वो बृ॑ह॒तः शृ॑ण्वि॒रे गि॒रा सु॒शुक्वा॑नः सु॒भ्व॑ एव॒याम॑रुत् ।
न येषा॒मिरी॑ स॒धस्थ॒ ईष्ट॒ आँ अ॒ग्नयो॒ न स्ववि॑द्युतः॒ प्र स्य॒न्द्रासो॒ धुनी॑नाम् ॥ ५.०८७.०३
pra ye di̱vo bṛ̍ha̱taḥ śṛ̍ṇvi̱re gi̱rā su̱śukvā̍naḥ su̱bhva̍ eva̱yāma̍rut .
na yeṣā̱mirī̍ sa̱dhastha̱ īṣṭa̱ ām̐ a̱gnayo̱ na svavi̍dyuta̱ḥ pra sya̱ndrāso̱ dhunī̍nām .. 5.087.03
3 Who by the psalm they sing are heard, from lofty heaven, the strong, the brightly shining Ones, Evayamarut;
In whose abode there is no mightier one to move them, whose lightnings are as fires, who urge the roaring rivers.
Sloka : 5.87.4
स च॑क्रमे मह॒तो निरु॑रुक्र॒मः स॑मा॒नस्मा॒त्सद॑स एव॒याम॑रुत् ।
य॒दायु॑क्त॒ त्मना॒ स्वादधि॒ ष्णुभि॒र्विष्प॑र्धसो॒ विम॑हसो॒ जिगा॑ति॒ शेवृ॑धो॒ नृभिः॑ ॥ ५.०८७.०४
sa ca̍krame maha̱to niru̍rukra̱maḥ sa̍mā̱nasmā̱tsada̍sa eva̱yāma̍rut .
ya̱dāyu̍kta̱ tmanā̱ svādadhi̱ ṣṇubhi̱rviṣpa̍rdhaso̱ vima̍haso̱ jigā̍ti̱ śevṛ̍dho̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .. 5.087.04
4 He of the Mighty Stride forth strode, Evayamarut, out of the spacious dwelling-place, their home in common.
When he, himself, hath yoked his emulous strong horses on heights, he cometh forth, joy-giving, with the Heroes.
Sloka : 5.87.5
स्व॒नो न वोऽम॑वान्रेजय॒द्वृषा॑ त्वे॒षो य॒यिस्त॑वि॒ष ए॑व॒याम॑रुत् ।
येना॒ सह॑न्त ऋ॒ञ्जत॒ स्वरो॑चिषः॒ स्थार॑श्मानो हिर॒ण्ययाः॑ स्वायु॒धास॑ इ॒ष्मिणः॑ ॥ ५.०८७.०५
sva̱no na vo'ma̍vānrejaya̱dvṛṣā̍ tve̱ṣo ya̱yista̍vi̱ṣa e̍va̱yāma̍rut .
yenā̱ saha̍nta ṛ̱ñjata̱ svaro̍ciṣa̱ḥ sthāra̍śmāno hira̱ṇyayā̍ḥ svāyu̱dhāsa̍ i̱ṣmiṇa̍ḥ .. 5.087.05
5 Like your tremendous roar, the rainer with light flashing, strong, speeding, hath made all tremble, Evayamarut,
Wherewith victorious ye, self-luminous, press onward, with strong reins, decked with gold, impetuous and well-weaponed.
Sloka : 5.87.6
अ॒पा॒रो वो॑ महि॒मा वृ॑द्धशवसस्त्वे॒षं शवो॑ऽवत्वेव॒याम॑रुत् ।
स्थाता॑रो॒ हि प्रसि॑तौ सं॒दृशि॒ स्थन॒ ते न॑ उरुष्यता नि॒दः शु॑शु॒क्वांसो॒ नाग्नयः॑ ॥ ५.०८७.०६
a̱pā̱ro vo̍ mahi̱mā vṛ̍ddhaśavasastve̱ṣaṃ śavo̎vatveva̱yāma̍rut .
sthātā̍ro̱ hi prasi̍tau sa̱ṃdṛśi̱ sthana̱ te na̍ uruṣyatā ni̱daḥ śu̍śu̱kvāṃso̱ nāgnaya̍ḥ .. 5.087.06
6 Unbounded is your greatness, ye of mighty power:- may your bright vigour be our aid, Evayamarut;
For ye are visible helpers in the time of trouble:- like fires, aglow with light, save us from shame and insult.
Sloka : 5.87.7
ते रु॒द्रासः॒ सुम॑खा अ॒ग्नयो॑ यथा तुविद्यु॒म्ना अ॑वन्त्वेव॒याम॑रुत् ।
दी॒र्घं पृ॒थु प॑प्रथे॒ सद्म॒ पार्थि॑वं॒ येषा॒मज्मे॒ष्वा म॒हः शर्धां॒स्यद्भु॑तैनसाम् ॥ ५.०८७.०७
te ru̱drāsa̱ḥ suma̍khā a̱gnayo̍ yathā tuvidyu̱mnā a̍vantveva̱yāma̍rut .
dī̱rghaṃ pṛ̱thu pa̍prathe̱ sadma̱ pārthi̍va̱ṃ yeṣā̱majme̱ṣvā ma̱haḥ śardhā̱ṃsyadbhu̍tainasām .. 5.087.07
7 So may the Rudras, mighty warriors, Evayamarut, with splendid brilliancy, like fires, be our protectors;
They whose terrestrial dwelling-place is wide-extended, whom none suspect of sin, whose bands have lofty courage.
Sloka : 5.87.8
अ॒द्वे॒षो नो॑ मरुतो गा॒तुमेत॑न॒ श्रोता॒ हवं॑ जरि॒तुरे॑व॒याम॑रुत् ।
विष्णो॑र्म॒हः स॑मन्यवो युयोतन॒ स्मद्र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ न दं॒सनाप॒ द्वेषां॑सि सनु॒तः ॥ ५.०८७.०८
a̱dve̱ṣo no̍ maruto gā̱tumeta̍na̱ śrotā̱ hava̍ṃ jari̱ture̍va̱yāma̍rut .
viṣṇo̍rma̱haḥ sa̍manyavo yuyotana̱ smadra̱thyo̱3̱̍ na da̱ṃsanāpa̱ dveṣā̍ṃsi sanu̱taḥ .. 5.087.08
8 Come in a friendly spirit, come to us, O Maruts, and hear his call who praises you, Evayamarut.
Like car-borne men, one-minded with the mighty Viṣṇu, keep enmity far from us with your deeds of wonder.
Sloka : 5.87.9
गन्ता॑ नो य॒ज्ञं य॑ज्ञियाः सु॒शमि॒ श्रोता॒ हव॑मर॒क्ष ए॑व॒याम॑रुत् ।
ज्येष्ठा॑सो॒ न पर्व॑तासो॒ व्यो॑मनि यू॒यं तस्य॑ प्रचेतसः॒ स्यात॑ दु॒र्धर्त॑वो नि॒दः ॥ ५.०८७.०९
gantā̍ no ya̱jñaṃ ya̍jñiyāḥ su̱śami̱ śrotā̱ hava̍mara̱kṣa e̍va̱yāma̍rut .
jyeṣṭhā̍so̱ na parva̍tāso̱ vyo̍mani yū̱yaṃ tasya̍ pracetasa̱ḥ syāta̍ du̱rdharta̍vo ni̱daḥ .. 5.087.09
9 Come to our sacrifice, ye Hnly Ones, to bless it, and, free from demons, hear our call, Evayamarut.
Shanti Mantra (END)
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||