RigVeda Mandala 07
Mandala 7 comprises 104 hymns, to Agni, Indra, the Visvadevas, the Maruts, Mitra-Varuna, the Asvins, Ushas, Indra-Varuna, Varuna, Vayu (the wind), two each to Sarasvati (ancient river/goddess of learning) and Vishnu, and to others. Most hymns in this book are attributed to vasiṣṭha maitravaruṇi. This edition uses Rigveda's translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].
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Shanti Mantra
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||
Sloka : 7.1.1
ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं ७
अ॒ग्निं नरो॒ दीधि॑तिभिर॒रण्यो॒र्हस्त॑च्युती जनयन्त प्रश॒स्तम् ।
दू॒रे॒दृशं॑ गृ॒हप॑तिमथ॒र्युम् ॥ ७.००१.०१
ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 7
a̱gniṃ naro̱ dīdhi̍tibhira̱raṇyo̱rhasta̍cyutī janayanta praśa̱stam .
dū̱re̱dṛśa̍ṃ gṛ̱hapa̍timatha̱ryum .. 7.001.01
1. THE men from fire-sticks, with their hands' swift movement, have, in deep thought, engendered glorious Agni,
Far-seen, with pointed flame, Lord of the homestead.
Sloka : 7.1.2
तम॒ग्निमस्ते॒ वस॑वो॒ न्यृ॑ण्वन्सुप्रति॒चक्ष॒मव॑से॒ कुत॑श्चित् ।
द॒क्षाय्यो॒ यो दम॒ आस॒ नित्यः॑ ॥ ७.००१.०२
tama̱gnimaste̱ vasa̍vo̱ nyṛ̍ṇvansuprati̱cakṣa̱mava̍se̱ kuta̍ścit .
da̱kṣāyyo̱ yo dama̱ āsa̱ nitya̍ḥ .. 7.001.02
2 The Vasus set that Agni in the dwelling, fair to behold, for help from every quarter:-
Who, in the home for ever, must be honoured.
Sloka : 7.1.3
प्रेद्धो॑ अग्ने दीदिहि पु॒रो नोऽज॑स्रया सू॒र्म्या॑ यविष्ठ ।
त्वां शश्व॑न्त॒ उप॑ यन्ति॒ वाजाः॑ ॥ ७.००१.०३
preddho̍ agne dīdihi pu̱ro no'ja̍srayā sū̱rmyā̍ yaviṣṭha .
tvāṃ śaśva̍nta̱ upa̍ yanti̱ vājā̍ḥ .. 7.001.03
3 Shine thou before us, Agni, well-enkindled, with flame, Most Youthful God, that never fadeth.
To thee come all our sacrificial viands.
Sloka : 7.1.4
प्र ते अ॒ग्नयो॒ऽग्निभ्यो॒ वरं॒ निः सु॒वीरा॑सः शोशुचन्त द्यु॒मन्तः॑ ।
यत्रा॒ नरः॑ स॒मास॑ते सुजा॒ताः ॥ ७.००१.०४
pra te a̱gnayo̱'gnibhyo̱ vara̱ṃ niḥ su̱vīrā̍saḥ śośucanta dyu̱manta̍ḥ .
yatrā̱ nara̍ḥ sa̱māsa̍te sujā̱tāḥ .. 7.001.04
4 Among all fires these fires have shone most brightly, splendid with light, begirt by noble heroes,
Where men of lofty birth sit down together.
Sloka : 7.1.5
दा नो॑ अग्ने धि॒या र॒यिं सु॒वीरं॑ स्वप॒त्यं स॑हस्य प्रश॒स्तम् ।
न यं यावा॒ तर॑ति यातु॒मावा॑न् ॥ ७.००१.०५
dā no̍ agne dhi̱yā ra̱yiṃ su̱vīra̍ṃ svapa̱tyaṃ sa̍hasya praśa̱stam .
na yaṃ yāvā̱ tara̍ti yātu̱māvā̍n .. 7.001.05
5 Victorious Agni, grant us wealth with wisdom, wealth with brave sons, famous and independent,
Which not a foe who deals in magic conquers.
Sloka : 7.1.6
उप॒ यमेति॑ युव॒तिः सु॒दक्षं॑ दो॒षा वस्तो॑र्ह॒विष्म॑ती घृ॒ताची॑ ।
उप॒ स्वैन॑म॒रम॑तिर्वसू॒युः ॥ ७.००१.०६
upa̱ yameti̍ yuva̱tiḥ su̱dakṣa̍ṃ do̱ṣā vasto̍rha̱viṣma̍tī ghṛ̱tācī̍ .
upa̱ svaina̍ma̱rama̍tirvasū̱yuḥ .. 7.001.06
6 To whom, the Strong, at morn and eve comes, maid-like, the ladle dropping oil, with its oblation.
Wealth-seeking comes to him his own devotion.
Sloka : 7.1.7
विश्वा॑ अ॒ग्नेऽप॑ द॒हारा॑ती॒र्येभि॒स्तपो॑भि॒रद॑हो॒ जरू॑थम् ।
प्र नि॑स्व॒रं चा॑तय॒स्वामी॑वाम् ॥ ७.००१.०७
viśvā̍ a̱gne'pa̍ da̱hārā̍tī̱ryebhi̱stapo̍bhi̱rada̍ho̱ jarū̍tham .
pra ni̍sva̱raṃ cā̍taya̱svāmī̍vām .. 7.001.07
7 Burn up all malice with those flames, O Agni, wherewith of old thou burntest up Jarutha,
And drive away in silence pain and sickness.
Sloka : 7.1.8
आ यस्ते॑ अग्न इध॒ते अनी॑कं॒ वसि॑ष्ठ॒ शुक्र॒ दीदि॑वः॒ पाव॑क ।
उ॒तो न॑ ए॒भिः स्त॒वथै॑रि॒ह स्याः॑ ॥ ७.००१.०८
ā yaste̍ agna idha̱te anī̍ka̱ṃ vasi̍ṣṭha̱ śukra̱ dīdi̍va̱ḥ pāva̍ka .
u̱to na̍ e̱bhiḥ sta̱vathai̍ri̱ha syā̍ḥ .. 7.001.08
8 With him who lighteth up thy splendour, Agni, excellent, pure, refulgent, Purifier,
Be present, and with us through these our praises.
Sloka : 7.1.9
वि ये ते॑ अग्ने भेजि॒रे अनी॑कं॒ मर्ता॒ नरः॒ पित्र्या॑सः पुरु॒त्रा ।
उ॒तो न॑ ए॒भिः सु॒मना॑ इ॒ह स्याः॑ ॥ ७.००१.०९
vi ye te̍ agne bheji̱re anī̍ka̱ṃ martā̱ nara̱ḥ pitryā̍saḥ puru̱trā .
u̱to na̍ e̱bhiḥ su̱manā̍ i̱ha syā̍ḥ .. 7.001.09
9 Agni, the patriarchal men, the mortals who have in many places spread thy lustre,—
Be gracious to us here for their sake also.
Sloka : 7.1.10
इ॒मे नरो॑ वृत्र॒हत्ये॑षु॒ शूरा॒ विश्वा॒ अदे॑वीर॒भि स॑न्तु मा॒याः ।
ये मे॒ धियं॑ प॒नय॑न्त प्रश॒स्ताम् ॥ ७.००१.१०
i̱me naro̍ vṛtra̱hatye̍ṣu̱ śūrā̱ viśvā̱ ade̍vīra̱bhi sa̍ntu mā̱yāḥ .
ye me̱ dhiya̍ṃ pa̱naya̍nta praśa̱stām .. 7.001.10
10 Let these men, heroes in the fight with foemen, prevail against all godless arts of 4magic,—
These who ipprove the noble song I sing thee.
Sloka : 7.1.11
मा शूने॑ अग्ने॒ नि ष॑दाम नृ॒णां माशेष॑सो॒ऽवीर॑ता॒ परि॑ त्वा ।
प्र॒जाव॑तीषु॒ दुर्या॑सु दुर्य ॥ ७.००१.११
mā śūne̍ agne̱ ni ṣa̍dāma nṛ̱ṇāṃ māśeṣa̍so̱'vīra̍tā̱ pari̍ tvā .
pra̱jāva̍tīṣu̱ duryā̍su durya .. 7.001.11
11 Let us not sit in want of men, O Agni, without descendants, heroleu, about thee:-
But, O House-Friend, in houses full of children.
Sloka : 7.1.12
यम॒श्वी नित्य॑मुप॒याति॑ य॒ज्ञं प्र॒जाव॑न्तं स्वप॒त्यं क्षयं॑ नः ।
स्वज॑न्मना॒ शेष॑सा वावृधा॒नम् ॥ ७.००१.१२
yama̱śvī nitya̍mupa̱yāti̍ ya̱jñaṃ pra̱jāva̍ntaṃ svapa̱tyaṃ kṣaya̍ṃ naḥ .
svaja̍nmanā̱ śeṣa̍sā vāvṛdhā̱nam .. 7.001.12
12 By sacrifice which the Steeds' Lord ever visits, there make our dwelling rich in seed and offspring,
Increasing still with lineal successors.
Sloka : 7.1.13
पा॒हि नो॑ अग्ने र॒क्षसो॒ अजु॑ष्टात्पा॒हि धू॒र्तेरर॑रुषो अघा॒योः ।
त्वा यु॒जा पृ॑तना॒यूँर॒भि ष्या॑म् ॥ ७.००१.१३
pā̱hi no̍ agne ra̱kṣaso̱ aju̍ṣṭātpā̱hi dhū̱rterara̍ruṣo aghā̱yoḥ .
tvā yu̱jā pṛ̍tanā̱yūm̐ra̱bhi ṣyā̍m .. 7.001.13
13 Guard us, O Agni, from the hated demon, guard us from malice of the churlish sinner:-
Allied with thee may I subdue assailants.
Sloka : 7.1.14
सेद॒ग्निर॒ग्नीँरत्य॑स्त्व॒न्यान्यत्र॑ वा॒जी तन॑यो वी॒ळुपा॑णिः ।
स॒हस्र॑पाथा अ॒क्षरा॑ स॒मेति॑ ॥ ७.००१.१४
seda̱gnira̱gnīm̐ratya̍stva̱nyānyatra̍ vā̱jī tana̍yo vī̱l̤upā̍ṇiḥ .
sa̱hasra̍pāthā a̱kṣarā̍ sa̱meti̍ .. 7.001.14
14 May this same fire of mine surpass all others, this fire where offspring, vigorous and firm-handed,
Wins, on a thousand paths, what ne’er shall perish.
Sloka : 7.1.15
सेद॒ग्निर्यो व॑नुष्य॒तो नि॒पाति॑ समे॒द्धार॒मंह॑स उरु॒ष्यात् ।
सु॒जा॒तासः॒ परि॑ चरन्ति वी॒राः ॥ ७.००१.१५
seda̱gniryo va̍nuṣya̱to ni̱pāti̍ same̱ddhāra̱maṃha̍sa uru̱ṣyāt .
su̱jā̱tāsa̱ḥ pari̍ caranti vī̱rāḥ .. 7.001.15
15 This is that Agni, saviour from the foeman, who guards the kindler of the flame from sorrow:-
Heroes of noble lineage serve and tend him.
Sloka : 7.1.16
अ॒यं सो अ॒ग्निराहु॑तः पुरु॒त्रा यमीशा॑नः॒ समिदि॒न्धे ह॒विष्मा॑न् ।
परि॒ यमेत्य॑ध्व॒रेषु॒ होता॑ ॥ ७.००१.१६
a̱yaṃ so a̱gnirāhu̍taḥ puru̱trā yamīśā̍na̱ḥ samidi̱ndhe ha̱viṣmā̍n .
pari̱ yametya̍dhva̱reṣu̱ hotā̍ .. 7.001.16
16 This is that Agni, served in many places, whom the rich lord who brings oblation kindles,
And round him goes the priest at sacrifices.
Sloka : 7.1.17
त्वे अ॑ग्न आ॒हव॑नानि॒ भूरी॑शा॒नास॒ आ जु॑हुयाम॒ नित्या॑ ।
उ॒भा कृ॒ण्वन्तो॑ वह॒तू मि॒येधे॑ ॥ ७.००१.१७
tve a̍gna ā̱hava̍nāni̱ bhūrī̍śā̱nāsa̱ ā ju̍huyāma̱ nityā̍ .
u̱bhā kṛ̱ṇvanto̍ vaha̱tū mi̱yedhe̍ .. 7.001.17
17 Agni, may we with riches in possession bring thee continual ofierings in abundance,
Using both means to draw thee to our worship.
Sloka : 7.1.18
इ॒मो अ॑ग्ने वी॒तत॑मानि ह॒व्याज॑स्रो वक्षि दे॒वता॑ति॒मच्छ॑ ।
प्रति॑ न ईं सुर॒भीणि॑ व्यन्तु ॥ ७.००१.१८
i̱mo a̍gne vī̱tata̍māni ha̱vyāja̍sro vakṣi de̱vatā̍ti̱maccha̍ .
prati̍ na īṃ sura̱bhīṇi̍ vyantu .. 7.001.18
18 Agni, bear thou, Eternal, these most welcome oblations to the Deities' assembly:-
Let them enjoy our very fragrant presents.
Sloka : 7.1.19
मा नो॑ अग्ने॒ऽवीर॑ते॒ परा॑ दा दु॒र्वास॒सेऽम॑तये॒ मा नो॑ अ॒स्यै ।
मा नः॑ क्षु॒धे मा र॒क्षस॑ ऋतावो॒ मा नो॒ दमे॒ मा वन॒ आ जु॑हूर्थाः ॥ ७.००१.१९
mā no̍ agne̱'vīra̍te̱ parā̍ dā du̱rvāsa̱se'ma̍taye̱ mā no̍ a̱syai .
mā na̍ḥ kṣu̱dhe mā ra̱kṣasa̍ ṛtāvo̱ mā no̱ dame̱ mā vana̱ ā ju̍hūrthāḥ .. 7.001.19
19 Give us not up, Agni, to want of heroes, to wretched clothes, to need, to destitution.
Yield us not, Holy One, to fiend or hunger; injure us not at home or in the forest.
Sloka : 7.1.20
नू मे॒ ब्रह्मा॑ण्यग्न॒ उच्छ॑शाधि॒ त्वं दे॑व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सुषूदः ।
रा॒तौ स्या॑मो॒भया॑स॒ आ ते॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००१.२०
nū me̱ brahmā̍ṇyagna̱ uccha̍śādhi̱ tvaṃ de̍va ma̱ghava̍dbhyaḥ suṣūdaḥ .
rā̱tau syā̍mo̱bhayā̍sa̱ ā te̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.001.20
20 Give strength and power to these my prayers, O Agni; O God, pour blessings on our chiefs and nobles.
Grant that both we and they may share thy bounty. Ye Gods, protect us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.1.21
त्वम॑ग्ने सु॒हवो॑ र॒ण्वसं॑दृक्सुदी॒ती सू॑नो सहसो दिदीहि ।
मा त्वे सचा॒ तन॑ये॒ नित्य॒ आ ध॒ङ्मा वी॒रो अ॒स्मन्नर्यो॒ वि दा॑सीत् ॥ ७.००१.२१
tvama̍gne su̱havo̍ ra̱ṇvasa̍ṃdṛksudī̱tī sū̍no sahaso didīhi .
mā tve sacā̱ tana̍ye̱ nitya̱ ā dha̱ṅmā vī̱ro a̱smannaryo̱ vi dā̍sīt .. 7.001.21
21 Thou Agni, swift to hear, art fair of aspect:- beam forth, O Son of Strength, in full effulgence.
Let me not want, with thee, a son for ever:- let not a manly hero ever fail us.
Sloka : 7.1.22
मा नो॑ अग्ने दुर्भृ॒तये॒ सचै॒षु दे॒वेद्धे॑ष्व॒ग्निषु॒ प्र वो॑चः ।
मा ते॑ अ॒स्मान्दु॑र्म॒तयो॑ भृ॒माच्चि॑द्दे॒वस्य॑ सूनो सहसो नशन्त ॥ ७.००१.२२
mā no̍ agne durbhṛ̱taye̱ sacai̱ṣu de̱veddhe̍ṣva̱gniṣu̱ pra vo̍caḥ .
mā te̍ a̱smāndu̍rma̱tayo̍ bhṛ̱mācci̍dde̱vasya̍ sūno sahaso naśanta .. 7.001.22
22 Condemn us not to indigence, O Agni, beside these flaming fires which Gods have kindled;
Nor, even after fault, let thy displeasure, thine as a God, O Son of Strength, o’ertake us.
Sloka : 7.1.23
स मर्तो॑ अग्ने स्वनीक रे॒वानम॑र्त्ये॒ य आ॑जु॒होति॑ ह॒व्यम् ।
स दे॒वता॑ वसु॒वनिं॑ दधाति॒ यं सू॒रिर॒र्थी पृ॒च्छमा॑न॒ एति॑ ॥ ७.००१.२३
sa marto̍ agne svanīka re̱vānama̍rtye̱ ya ā̍ju̱hoti̍ ha̱vyam .
sa de̱vatā̍ vasu̱vani̍ṃ dadhāti̱ yaṃ sū̱rira̱rthī pṛ̱cchamā̍na̱ eti̍ .. 7.001.23
23 O Agni, fair of face, the wealthy mortal who to the Immortal offers his oblation.
Hath him who wins him treasure by his Godhead, to whom the prince, in need, goes supplicating.
Sloka : 7.1.24
म॒हो नो॑ अग्ने सुवि॒तस्य॑ वि॒द्वान्र॒यिं सू॒रिभ्य॒ आ व॑हा बृ॒हन्त॑म् ।
येन॑ व॒यं स॑हसाव॒न्मदे॒मावि॑क्षितास॒ आयु॑षा सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ७.००१.२४
ma̱ho no̍ agne suvi̱tasya̍ vi̱dvānra̱yiṃ sū̱ribhya̱ ā va̍hā bṛ̱hanta̍m .
yena̍ va̱yaṃ sa̍hasāva̱nmade̱māvi̍kṣitāsa̱ āyu̍ṣā su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 7.001.24
24 Knowing our chief felicity, O Agni, bring hither ample riches to our nobles,
Wherewith we may enjoy ourselves, O Victor, with undiminished life and hero children.
Sloka : 7.1.25
नू मे॒ ब्रह्मा॑ण्यग्न॒ उच्छ॑शाधि॒ त्वं दे॑व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सुषूदः ।
रा॒तौ स्या॑मो॒भया॑स॒ आ ते॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००१.२५
nū me̱ brahmā̍ṇyagna̱ uccha̍śādhi̱ tvaṃ de̍va ma̱ghava̍dbhyaḥ suṣūdaḥ .
rā̱tau syā̍mo̱bhayā̍sa̱ ā te̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.001.25
25 Give strength and power to these my prayers, O Agni; O God, pour blessings on bur chiefs and nobles.
Grant that both we and they may share thy bounty. Ye Gods, protect us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.2.1
जु॒षस्व॑ नः स॒मिध॑मग्ने अ॒द्य शोचा॑ बृ॒हद्य॑ज॒तं धू॒ममृ॒ण्वन् ।
उप॑ स्पृश दि॒व्यं सानु॒ स्तूपैः॒ सं र॒श्मिभि॑स्ततनः॒ सूर्य॑स्य ॥ ७.००२.०१
ju̱ṣasva̍ naḥ sa̱midha̍magne a̱dya śocā̍ bṛ̱hadya̍ja̱taṃ dhū̱mamṛ̱ṇvan .
upa̍ spṛśa di̱vyaṃ sānu̱ stūpai̱ḥ saṃ ra̱śmibhi̍statana̱ḥ sūrya̍sya .. 7.002.01
1. GLADLY accept, this day, our fuel, Agni:- send up thy sacred smoke and shine sublimely.
Touch the celestial summits with thy columns, and overspread thee with the rays of Sūrya.
Sloka : 7.2.2
नरा॒शंस॑स्य महि॒मान॑मेषा॒मुप॑ स्तोषाम यज॒तस्य॑ य॒ज्ञैः ।
ये सु॒क्रत॑वः॒ शुच॑यो धियं॒धाः स्वद॑न्ति दे॒वा उ॒भया॑नि ह॒व्या ॥ ७.००२.०२
narā̱śaṃsa̍sya mahi̱māna̍meṣā̱mupa̍ stoṣāma yaja̱tasya̍ ya̱jñaiḥ .
ye su̱krata̍va̱ḥ śuca̍yo dhiya̱ṃdhāḥ svada̍nti de̱vā u̱bhayā̍ni ha̱vyā .. 7.002.02
2 With sacrifice to these we men will honour the majesty of holy Narāśaṁsa-
To these the pure, most wise, the thought. inspirers, Gods who enjoy both sorts of our oblations.
Sloka : 7.2.3
ई॒ळेन्यं॑ वो॒ असु॑रं सु॒दक्ष॑म॒न्तर्दू॒तं रोद॑सी सत्य॒वाच॑म् ।
म॒नु॒ष्वद॒ग्निं मनु॑ना॒ समि॑द्धं॒ सम॑ध्व॒राय॒ सद॒मिन्म॑हेम ॥ ७.००२.०३
ī̱l̤enya̍ṃ vo̱ asu̍raṃ su̱dakṣa̍ma̱ntardū̱taṃ roda̍sī satya̱vāca̍m .
ma̱nu̱ṣvada̱gniṃ manu̍nā̱ sami̍ddha̱ṃ sama̍dhva̱rāya̱ sada̱minma̍hema .. 7.002.03
3 We will extol at sacrifice for ever, as men may do, Agni whom Manu kindled,
Your very skilful Asura, meet for worship, envoy between both worlds, the truthful speaker.
Sloka : 7.2.4
स॒प॒र्यवो॒ भर॑माणा अभि॒ज्ञु प्र वृ॑ञ्जते॒ नम॑सा ब॒र्हिर॒ग्नौ ।
आ॒जुह्वा॑ना घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठं॒ पृष॑द्व॒दध्व॑र्यवो ह॒विषा॑ मर्जयध्वम् ॥ ७.००२.०४
sa̱pa̱ryavo̱ bhara̍māṇā abhi̱jñu pra vṛ̍ñjate̱ nama̍sā ba̱rhira̱gnau .
ā̱juhvā̍nā ghṛ̱tapṛ̍ṣṭha̱ṃ pṛṣa̍dva̱dadhva̍ryavo ha̱viṣā̍ marjayadhvam .. 7.002.04
4 Bearing the sacred grass, the men who serve him strew it with reverence, on their knees, by Agni.
Calling him to the spotted grass, oil-sprinkled, adorn him, ye Adhvaryus, with oblation.
Sloka : 7.2.5
स्वा॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ वि दुरो॑ देव॒यन्तोऽशि॑श्रयू रथ॒युर्दे॒वता॑ता ।
पू॒र्वी शिशुं॒ न मा॒तरा॑ रिहा॒णे सम॒ग्रुवो॒ न सम॑नेष्वञ्जन् ॥ ७.००२.०५
svā̱dhyo̱3̱̍ vi duro̍ deva̱yanto'śi̍śrayū ratha̱yurde̱vatā̍tā .
pū̱rvī śiśu̱ṃ na mā̱tarā̍ rihā̱ṇe sama̱gruvo̱ na sama̍neṣvañjan .. 7.002.05
5 With holy thoughts the pious have thrown open Doors fain for chariots in the Gods’ assembly.
Like two full mother cows who lick their youngling, like maidens for the gathering, they adorn them.
Sloka : 7.2.6
उ॒त योष॑णे दि॒व्ये म॒ही न॑ उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ सु॒दुघे॑व धे॒नुः ।
ब॒र्हि॒षदा॑ पुरुहू॒ते म॒घोनी॒ आ य॒ज्ञिये॑ सुवि॒ताय॑ श्रयेताम् ॥ ७.००२.०६
u̱ta yoṣa̍ṇe di̱vye ma̱hī na̍ u̱ṣāsā̱naktā̍ su̱dughe̍va dhe̱nuḥ .
ba̱rhi̱ṣadā̍ puruhū̱te ma̱ghonī̱ ā ya̱jñiye̍ suvi̱tāya̍ śrayetām .. 7.002.06
6 And let the two exalted Heavenly Ladies, Morning and Night, like a cow good at milking,
Come, much-invoked, and on our grass be seated ' wealthy, deserving worship, for our welfare.
Sloka : 7.2.7
विप्रा॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॒ मानु॑षेषु का॒रू मन्ये॑ वां जा॒तवे॑दसा॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
ऊ॒र्ध्वं नो॑ अध्व॒रं कृ॑तं॒ हवे॑षु॒ ता दे॒वेषु॑ वनथो॒ वार्या॑णि ॥ ७.००२.०७
viprā̍ ya̱jñeṣu̱ mānu̍ṣeṣu kā̱rū manye̍ vāṃ jā̱tave̍dasā̱ yaja̍dhyai .
ū̱rdhvaṃ no̍ adhva̱raṃ kṛ̍ta̱ṃ have̍ṣu̱ tā de̱veṣu̍ vanatho̱ vāryā̍ṇi .. 7.002.07
7 You, Bards and Singers at men's sacrifices, both filled with wisdom, I incline to worship.
Send up our offerings when we call upon you, and so among the Gods obtain us treasures.
Sloka : 7.2.8
आ भार॑ती॒ भार॑तीभिः स॒जोषा॒ इळा॑ दे॒वैर्म॑नु॒ष्ये॑भिर॒ग्निः ।
सर॑स्वती सारस्व॒तेभि॑र॒र्वाक्ति॒स्रो दे॒वीर्ब॒र्हिरेदं स॑दन्तु ॥ ७.००२.०८
ā bhāra̍tī̱ bhāra̍tībhiḥ sa̱joṣā̱ il̤ā̍ de̱vairma̍nu̱ṣye̍bhira̱gniḥ .
sara̍svatī sārasva̱tebhi̍ra̱rvākti̱sro de̱vīrba̱rhiredaṃ sa̍dantu .. 7.002.08
8 May Bhāratī with all her Sisters, Iḷā accordant with the Gods, with mortals Agni,
Sarasvatī with all her kindred Rivers, come to this grass, Three Goddesses, and seat them.
Sloka : 7.2.9
तन्न॑स्तु॒रीप॒मध॑ पोषयि॒त्नु देव॑ त्वष्ट॒र्वि र॑रा॒णः स्य॑स्व ।
यतो॑ वी॒रः क॑र्म॒ण्यः॑ सु॒दक्षो॑ यु॒क्तग्रा॑वा॒ जाय॑ते दे॒वका॑मः ॥ ७.००२.०९
tanna̍stu̱rīpa̱madha̍ poṣayi̱tnu deva̍ tvaṣṭa̱rvi ra̍rā̱ṇaḥ sya̍sva .
yato̍ vī̱raḥ ka̍rma̱ṇya̍ḥ su̱dakṣo̍ yu̱ktagrā̍vā̱ jāya̍te de̱vakā̍maḥ .. 7.002.09
9 Well pleased with us do thou, O God, O Tvaṣṭar, give ready issue to our procreant vigour,
Whence springs the hero, powerful, skilled in action, lover of Gods, adjuster of the press-stones.
Sloka : 7.2.10
वन॑स्प॒तेऽव॑ सृ॒जोप॑ दे॒वान॒ग्निर्ह॒विः श॑मि॒ता सू॑दयाति ।
सेदु॒ होता॑ स॒त्यत॑रो यजाति॒ यथा॑ दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मानि॒ वेद॑ ॥ ७.००२.१०
vana̍spa̱te'va̍ sṛ̱jopa̍ de̱vāna̱gnirha̱viḥ śa̍mi̱tā sū̍dayāti .
sedu̱ hotā̍ sa̱tyata̍ro yajāti̱ yathā̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ jani̍māni̱ veda̍ .. 7.002.10
10 Send to the Gods the oblation, Lord of Forests, and let the Immolator, Agni, dress it.
He as the truer Priest shall offer worship, for the God'sgenerations well he knoweth.
Sloka : 7.2.11
आ या॑ह्यग्ने समिधा॒नो अ॒र्वाङिन्द्रे॑ण दे॒वैः स॒रथं॑ तु॒रेभिः॑ ।
ब॒र्हिर्न॑ आस्ता॒मदि॑तिः सुपु॒त्रा स्वाहा॑ दे॒वा अ॒मृता॑ मादयन्ताम् ॥ ७.००२.११
ā yā̍hyagne samidhā̱no a̱rvāṅindre̍ṇa de̱vaiḥ sa̱ratha̍ṃ tu̱rebhi̍ḥ .
ba̱rhirna̍ āstā̱madi̍tiḥ supu̱trā svāhā̍ de̱vā a̱mṛtā̍ mādayantām .. 7.002.11
11 Come thou to us, O Agni, duly kindled, together with the potent Gods and Indra.
On this our grass sit Aditi, happy Mother, and let our Hail! delight the Gods Immortal.
Sloka : 7.3.1
अ॒ग्निं वो॑ दे॒वम॒ग्निभिः॑ स॒जोषा॒ यजि॑ष्ठं दू॒तम॑ध्व॒रे कृ॑णुध्वम् ।
यो मर्त्ये॑षु॒ निध्रु॑विरृ॒तावा॒ तपु॑र्मूर्धा घृ॒तान्नः॑ पाव॒कः ॥ ७.००३.०१
a̱gniṃ vo̍ de̱vama̱gnibhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣā̱ yaji̍ṣṭhaṃ dū̱tama̍dhva̱re kṛ̍ṇudhvam .
yo martye̍ṣu̱ nidhru̍virṛ̱tāvā̱ tapu̍rmūrdhā ghṛ̱tānna̍ḥ pāva̱kaḥ .. 7.003.01
1. ASSOCIATE with fires, make your God Agni envoy at sacrifice, best skilled in worship,
Established firm among mankind, the Holy, flame-crowned and fed with oil, the Purifier.
Sloka : 7.3.2
प्रोथ॒दश्वो॒ न यव॑सेऽवि॒ष्यन्य॒दा म॒हः सं॒वर॑णा॒द्व्यस्था॑त् ।
आद॑स्य॒ वातो॒ अनु॑ वाति शो॒चिरध॑ स्म ते॒ व्रज॑नं कृ॒ष्णम॑स्ति ॥ ७.००३.०२
protha̱daśvo̱ na yava̍se'vi̱ṣyanya̱dā ma̱haḥ sa̱ṃvara̍ṇā̱dvyasthā̍t .
āda̍sya̱ vāto̱ anu̍ vāti śo̱ciradha̍ sma te̱ vraja̍naṃ kṛ̱ṣṇama̍sti .. 7.003.02
2 Like a steed neighing eager for the pasture, when he hath stepped forth from the great enclosure:-
Then the wind following blows upon his splendour, and, straight, the path is black which thou hast travelled.
Sloka : 7.3.3
उद्यस्य॑ ते॒ नव॑जातस्य॒ वृष्णोऽग्ने॒ चर॑न्त्य॒जरा॑ इधा॒नाः ।
अच्छा॒ द्याम॑रु॒षो धू॒म ए॑ति॒ सं दू॒तो अ॑ग्न॒ ईय॑से॒ हि दे॒वान् ॥ ७.००३.०३
udyasya̍ te̱ nava̍jātasya̱ vṛṣṇo'gne̱ cara̍ntya̱jarā̍ idhā̱nāḥ .
acchā̱ dyāma̍ru̱ṣo dhū̱ma e̍ti̱ saṃ dū̱to a̍gna̱ īya̍se̱ hi de̱vān .. 7.003.03
3 From thee a Bull but newly born, O Agni, the kindled everlasting flames rise upward.
Aloft to heaven thy ruddy smoke ascendeth:- Agni, thou speedest to the Gods as envoy.
Sloka : 7.3.4
वि यस्य॑ ते पृथि॒व्यां पाजो॒ अश्रे॑त्तृ॒षु यदन्ना॑ स॒मवृ॑क्त॒ जम्भैः॑ ।
सेने॑व सृ॒ष्टा प्रसि॑तिष्ट एति॒ यवं॒ न द॑स्म जु॒ह्वा॑ विवेक्षि ॥ ७.००३.०४
vi yasya̍ te pṛthi̱vyāṃ pājo̱ aśre̍ttṛ̱ṣu yadannā̍ sa̱mavṛ̍kta̱ jambhai̍ḥ .
sene̍va sṛ̱ṣṭā prasi̍tiṣṭa eti̱ yava̱ṃ na da̍sma ju̱hvā̍ vivekṣi .. 7.003.04
4 Thou whose fresh lustre o’er the earth advanceth when greedily with thy jaws thy food thou eatest.
Like a host hurried onward comes thy lasso:- fierce, with thy tongue thou piercest, as ’twere barley.
Sloka : 7.3.5
तमिद्दो॒षा तमु॒षसि॒ यवि॑ष्ठम॒ग्निमत्यं॒ न म॑र्जयन्त॒ नरः॑ ।
नि॒शिशा॑ना॒ अति॑थिमस्य॒ योनौ॑ दी॒दाय॑ शो॒चिराहु॑तस्य॒ वृष्णः॑ ॥ ७.००३.०५
tamiddo̱ṣā tamu̱ṣasi̱ yavi̍ṣṭhama̱gnimatya̱ṃ na ma̍rjayanta̱ nara̍ḥ .
ni̱śiśā̍nā̱ ati̍thimasya̱ yonau̍ dī̱dāya̍ śo̱cirāhu̍tasya̱ vṛṣṇa̍ḥ .. 7.003.05
5 The men have decked him both at eve and morning, Most Youthful Agni, as they tend a courser.
They kindle him, a guest within his dwelling:- bright shines the splendour of the worshipped Hero.
Sloka : 7.3.6
सु॒सं॒दृक्ते॑ स्वनीक॒ प्रती॑कं॒ वि यद्रु॒क्मो न रोच॑स उपा॒के ।
दि॒वो न ते॑ तन्य॒तुरे॑ति॒ शुष्म॑श्चि॒त्रो न सूरः॒ प्रति॑ चक्षि भा॒नुम् ॥ ७.००३.०६
su̱sa̱ṃdṛkte̍ svanīka̱ pratī̍ka̱ṃ vi yadru̱kmo na roca̍sa upā̱ke .
di̱vo na te̍ tanya̱ture̍ti̱ śuṣma̍ści̱tro na sūra̱ḥ prati̍ cakṣi bhā̱num .. 7.003.06
6 O fair of face, beautiful is thine aspect when, very near at hand, like gold thou gleamest,
Like Heaven's thundering roar thy might approaches, and like the wondrous Sun thy light thou showest.
Sloka : 7.3.7
यथा॑ वः॒ स्वाहा॒ग्नये॒ दाशे॑म॒ परीळा॑भिर्घृ॒तव॑द्भिश्च ह॒व्यैः ।
तेभि॑र्नो अग्ने॒ अमि॑तै॒र्महो॑भिः श॒तं पू॒र्भिराय॑सीभि॒र्नि पा॑हि ॥ ७.००३.०७
yathā̍ va̱ḥ svāhā̱gnaye̱ dāśe̍ma̱ parīl̤ā̍bhirghṛ̱tava̍dbhiśca ha̱vyaiḥ .
tebhi̍rno agne̱ ami̍tai̱rmaho̍bhiḥ śa̱taṃ pū̱rbhirāya̍sībhi̱rni pā̍hi .. 7.003.07
7 That we may worship, with your Hail to Agni! with sacrificial cakes and fat oblations,
Guard us, O Agni, with those boundless glories as with a hundred fortresses of iron.
Sloka : 7.3.8
या वा॑ ते॒ सन्ति॑ दा॒शुषे॒ अधृ॑ष्टा॒ गिरो॑ वा॒ याभि॑र्नृ॒वती॑रुरु॒ष्याः ।
ताभि॑र्नः सूनो सहसो॒ नि पा॑हि॒ स्मत्सू॒रीञ्ज॑रि॒तॄञ्जा॑तवेदः ॥ ७.००३.०८
yā vā̍ te̱ santi̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ adhṛ̍ṣṭā̱ giro̍ vā̱ yābhi̍rnṛ̱vatī̍ruru̱ṣyāḥ .
tābhi̍rnaḥ sūno sahaso̱ ni pā̍hi̱ smatsū̱rīñja̍ri̱tṝñjā̍tavedaḥ .. 7.003.08
8 Thine are resistless songs for him who offers, and hero-giving hymns wherewith thou savest;
With these, O Son of Strength, O Jātavedas, guard us, preserve these princes and the singers.
Sloka : 7.3.9
निर्यत्पू॒तेव॒ स्वधि॑तिः॒ शुचि॒र्गात्स्वया॑ कृ॒पा त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ रोच॑मानः ।
आ यो मा॒त्रोरु॒शेन्यो॒ जनि॑ष्ट देव॒यज्या॑य सु॒क्रतुः॑ पाव॒कः ॥ ७.००३.०९
niryatpū̱teva̱ svadhi̍ti̱ḥ śuci̱rgātsvayā̍ kṛ̱pā ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ roca̍mānaḥ .
ā yo mā̱troru̱śenyo̱ jani̍ṣṭa deva̱yajyā̍ya su̱kratu̍ḥ pāva̱kaḥ .. 7.003.09
9 When forth he cometh, like an axe new-sharpened, pure in his form, resplendent in his body,
Sprung, sought with eager longing, from his Parents, for the Gods’ worship, Sage and Purifier:-
Sloka : 7.3.10
ए॒ता नो॑ अग्ने॒ सौभ॑गा दिदी॒ह्यपि॒ क्रतुं॑ सु॒चेत॑सं वतेम ।
विश्वा॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ गृण॒ते च॑ सन्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००३.१०
e̱tā no̍ agne̱ saubha̍gā didī̱hyapi̱ kratu̍ṃ su̱ceta̍saṃ vatema .
viśvā̍ sto̱tṛbhyo̍ gṛṇa̱te ca̍ santu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.003.10
10 Shine this felicity on us, O Agni:- may we attain to perfect understanding.
All happiness be theirs who sing and praise thee. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.4.1
प्र वः॑ शु॒क्राय॑ भा॒नवे॑ भरध्वं ह॒व्यं म॒तिं चा॒ग्नये॒ सुपू॑तम् ।
यो दैव्या॑नि॒ मानु॑षा ज॒नूंष्य॒न्तर्विश्वा॑नि वि॒द्मना॒ जिगा॑ति ॥ ७.००४.०१
pra va̍ḥ śu̱krāya̍ bhā̱nave̍ bharadhvaṃ ha̱vyaṃ ma̱tiṃ cā̱gnaye̱ supū̍tam .
yo daivyā̍ni̱ mānu̍ṣā ja̱nūṃṣya̱ntarviśvā̍ni vi̱dmanā̱ jigā̍ti .. 7.004.01
1. BRING forth your gifts to his refulgent splendour, your hymn as purest offering to Agni,
To him who goes as messenger with knowledge between all songs of men and Gods in heaven.
Sloka : 7.4.2
स गृत्सो॑ अ॒ग्निस्तरु॑णश्चिदस्तु॒ यतो॒ यवि॑ष्ठो॒ अज॑निष्ट मा॒तुः ।
सं यो वना॑ यु॒वते॒ शुचि॑द॒न्भूरि॑ चि॒दन्ना॒ समिद॑त्ति स॒द्यः ॥ ७.००४.०२
sa gṛtso̍ a̱gnistaru̍ṇaścidastu̱ yato̱ yavi̍ṣṭho̱ aja̍niṣṭa mā̱tuḥ .
saṃ yo vanā̍ yu̱vate̱ śuci̍da̱nbhūri̍ ci̱dannā̱ samida̍tti sa̱dyaḥ .. 7.004.02
2 Wise must this Agni be, though young and tender, since he was born, Most Youthful, of his Mother;
He who with bright teeth seizeth fast the forests, and eats his food, though plenteous, in a moment.
Sloka : 7.4.3
अ॒स्य दे॒वस्य॑ सं॒सद्यनी॑के॒ यं मर्ता॑सः श्ये॒तं ज॑गृ॒भ्रे ।
नि यो गृभं॒ पौरु॑षेयीमु॒वोच॑ दु॒रोक॑म॒ग्निरा॒यवे॑ शुशोच ॥ ७.००४.०३
a̱sya de̱vasya̍ sa̱ṃsadyanī̍ke̱ yaṃ martā̍saḥ śye̱taṃ ja̍gṛ̱bhre .
ni yo gṛbha̱ṃ pauru̍ṣeyīmu̱voca̍ du̱roka̍ma̱gnirā̱yave̍ śuśoca .. 7.004.03
3 Before his presence must we all assemble, this God's whom men have seized in his white splendour.
This Agni who hath brooked that men should seize him hath shone for man with glow insufferable.
Sloka : 7.4.4
अ॒यं क॒विरक॑विषु॒ प्रचे॑ता॒ मर्ते॑ष्व॒ग्निर॒मृतो॒ नि धा॑यि ।
स मा नो॒ अत्र॑ जुहुरः सहस्वः॒ सदा॒ त्वे सु॒मन॑सः स्याम ॥ ७.००४.०४
a̱yaṃ ka̱viraka̍viṣu̱ prace̍tā̱ marte̍ṣva̱gnira̱mṛto̱ ni dhā̍yi .
sa mā no̱ atra̍ juhuraḥ sahasva̱ḥ sadā̱ tve su̱mana̍saḥ syāma .. 7.004.04
4 Far-seeing hath this Agni been established, deathless mid mortals, wise among the foolish.
Here, O victorious God, forbear to harm us:- may weforever share thy gracious favour.
Sloka : 7.4.5
आ यो योनिं॑ दे॒वकृ॑तं स॒साद॒ क्रत्वा॒ ह्य१॒॑ग्निर॒मृता॒ँ अता॑रीत् ।
तमोष॑धीश्च व॒निन॑श्च॒ गर्भं॒ भूमि॑श्च वि॒श्वधा॑यसं बिभर्ति ॥ ७.००४.०५
ā yo yoni̍ṃ de̱vakṛ̍taṃ sa̱sāda̱ kratvā̱ hya1̱̍gnira̱mṛtā̱m̐ atā̍rīt .
tamoṣa̍dhīśca va̱nina̍śca̱ garbha̱ṃ bhūmi̍śca vi̱śvadhā̍yasaṃ bibharti .. 7.004.05
5 He who hath occupied his God-made dwelling, Agni, in wisdom hath surpassed Immortals.
A Babe unborn, the plants and trees support him, and the earth beareth him the All-sustainer.
Sloka : 7.4.6
ईशे॒ ह्य१॒॑ग्निर॒मृत॑स्य॒ भूरे॒रीशे॑ रा॒यः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ दातोः॑ ।
मा त्वा॑ व॒यं स॑हसावन्न॒वीरा॒ माप्स॑वः॒ परि॑ षदाम॒ मादु॑वः ॥ ७.००४.०६
īśe̱ hya1̱̍gnira̱mṛta̍sya̱ bhūre̱rīśe̍ rā̱yaḥ su̱vīrya̍sya̱ dāto̍ḥ .
mā tvā̍ va̱yaṃ sa̍hasāvanna̱vīrā̱ māpsa̍va̱ḥ pari̍ ṣadāma̱ mādu̍vaḥ .. 7.004.06
6 Agni is Lord of Amṛta. in abundance, Lord of the gift of wealth and hero valour,
Victorious God, let us not sit about thee like men devoid of strength, beauty, and worship.
Sloka : 7.4.7
प॒रि॒षद्यं॒ ह्यर॑णस्य॒ रेक्णो॒ नित्य॑स्य रा॒यः पत॑यः स्याम ।
न शेषो॑ अग्ने अ॒न्यजा॑तम॒स्त्यचे॑तानस्य॒ मा प॒थो वि दु॑क्षः ॥ ७.००४.०७
pa̱ri̱ṣadya̱ṃ hyara̍ṇasya̱ rekṇo̱ nitya̍sya rā̱yaḥ pata̍yaḥ syāma .
na śeṣo̍ agne a̱nyajā̍tama̱styace̍tānasya̱ mā pa̱tho vi du̍kṣaḥ .. 7.004.07
7 The foeman's treasure may be won with labour:- may we be masters of our own possessions.
Agni, no son is he who springs from others:- lengthen not out the pathways of the foolish.
Sloka : 7.4.8
न॒हि ग्रभा॒यार॑णः सु॒शेवो॒ऽन्योद॑र्यो॒ मन॑सा॒ मन्त॒वा उ॑ ।
अधा॑ चि॒दोकः॒ पुन॒रित्स ए॒त्या नो॑ वा॒ज्य॑भी॒षाळे॑तु॒ नव्यः॑ ॥ ७.००४.०८
na̱hi grabhā̱yāra̍ṇaḥ su̱śevo̱'nyoda̍ryo̱ mana̍sā̱ manta̱vā u̍ .
adhā̍ ci̱doka̱ḥ puna̱ritsa e̱tyā no̍ vā̱jya̍bhī̱ṣāl̤e̍tu̱ navya̍ḥ .. 7.004.08
8 Unwelcome for adoption is the stranger, one to be thought of as another's offipring,
Though grown familiar by continual presence. May our strong hero come, freshly triumphant.
Sloka : 7.4.9
त्वम॑ग्ने वनुष्य॒तो नि पा॑हि॒ त्वमु॑ नः सहसावन्नव॒द्यात् ।
सं त्वा॑ ध्वस्म॒न्वद॒भ्ये॑तु॒ पाथः॒ सं र॒यिः स्पृ॑ह॒याय्यः॑ सह॒स्री ॥ ७.००४.०९
tvama̍gne vanuṣya̱to ni pā̍hi̱ tvamu̍ naḥ sahasāvannava̱dyāt .
saṃ tvā̍ dhvasma̱nvada̱bhye̍tu̱ pātha̱ḥ saṃ ra̱yiḥ spṛ̍ha̱yāyya̍ḥ saha̱srī .. 7.004.09
9 Guard us from him who would assail us, Agni; preserve us O thou Victor, from dishonour.
Here let the place of darkening come upon thee:- may wealth be ours, desirable, in thousands.
Sloka : 7.4.10
ए॒ता नो॑ अग्ने॒ सौभ॑गा दिदी॒ह्यपि॒ क्रतुं॑ सु॒चेत॑सं वतेम ।
विश्वा॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ गृण॒ते च॑ सन्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००४.१०
e̱tā no̍ agne̱ saubha̍gā didī̱hyapi̱ kratu̍ṃ su̱ceta̍saṃ vatema .
viśvā̍ sto̱tṛbhyo̍ gṛṇa̱te ca̍ santu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.004.10
10 Shine this felicity on us, O Agni:- may we attain to perfect understanding.
All happiness be theirs who sing and praise thee. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.5.1
प्राग्नये॑ त॒वसे॑ भरध्वं॒ गिरं॑ दि॒वो अ॑र॒तये॑ पृथि॒व्याः ।
यो विश्वे॑षाम॒मृता॑नामु॒पस्थे॑ वैश्वान॒रो वा॑वृ॒धे जा॑गृ॒वद्भिः॑ ॥ ७.००५.०१
prāgnaye̍ ta̱vase̍ bharadhva̱ṃ gira̍ṃ di̱vo a̍ra̱taye̍ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .
yo viśve̍ṣāma̱mṛtā̍nāmu̱pasthe̍ vaiśvāna̱ro vā̍vṛ̱dhe jā̍gṛ̱vadbhi̍ḥ .. 7.005.01
1. BRING forth your song of praise to mighty Agni, the speedy messenger of earth and heaven,
Vaiśvānara, who, with those who wake, hath waxen great in the lap of all the Gods Immortal.
Sloka : 7.5.2
पृ॒ष्टो दि॒वि धाय्य॒ग्निः पृ॑थि॒व्यां ने॒ता सिन्धू॑नां वृष॒भः स्तिया॑नाम् ।
स मानु॑षीर॒भि विशो॒ वि भा॑ति वैश्वान॒रो वा॑वृधा॒नो वरे॑ण ॥ ७.००५.०२
pṛ̱ṣṭo di̱vi dhāyya̱gniḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyāṃ ne̱tā sindhū̍nāṃ vṛṣa̱bhaḥ stiyā̍nām .
sa mānu̍ṣīra̱bhi viśo̱ vi bhā̍ti vaiśvāna̱ro vā̍vṛdhā̱no vare̍ṇa .. 7.005.02
2 Sought in the heavens, on earth is Agni stablished, leader of rivers, Bull of standing waters.
Vaiśvānara when he hath grown in glory, shines on the tribes of men with light and treasure.
Sloka : 7.5.3
त्वद्भि॒या विश॑ आय॒न्नसि॑क्नीरसम॒ना जह॑ती॒र्भोज॑नानि ।
वैश्वा॑नर पू॒रवे॒ शोशु॑चानः॒ पुरो॒ यद॑ग्ने द॒रय॒न्नदी॑देः ॥ ७.००५.०३
tvadbhi̱yā viśa̍ āya̱nnasi̍knīrasama̱nā jaha̍tī̱rbhoja̍nāni .
vaiśvā̍nara pū̱rave̱ śośu̍cāna̱ḥ puro̱ yada̍gne da̱raya̱nnadī̍deḥ .. 7.005.03
3 For fear of thee forth fled the dark-hued races, scattered abroad, deserting their possessions,
When, glowing, O Vaiśvānara, for Pūru, thou Agni didst light up and rend their castles.
Sloka : 7.5.4
तव॑ त्रि॒धातु॑ पृथि॒वी उ॒त द्यौर्वैश्वा॑नर व्र॒तम॑ग्ने सचन्त ।
त्वं भा॒सा रोद॑सी॒ आ त॑त॒न्थाज॑स्रेण शो॒चिषा॒ शोशु॑चानः ॥ ७.००५.०४
tava̍ tri̱dhātu̍ pṛthi̱vī u̱ta dyaurvaiśvā̍nara vra̱tama̍gne sacanta .
tvaṃ bhā̱sā roda̍sī̱ ā ta̍ta̱nthāja̍sreṇa śo̱ciṣā̱ śośu̍cānaḥ .. 7.005.04
4 Agni Vaiśvānara, both Earth and Heaven submit them to thy threefold jurisdiction.
Refulgent in thine undecaying lustre thou hast invested both the worlds with splendour.
Sloka : 7.5.5
त्वाम॑ग्ने ह॒रितो॑ वावशा॒ना गिरः॑ सचन्ते॒ धुन॑यो घृ॒ताचीः॑ ।
पतिं॑ कृष्टी॒नां र॒थ्यं॑ रयी॒णां वै॑श्वान॒रमु॒षसां॑ के॒तुमह्ना॑म् ॥ ७.००५.०५
tvāma̍gne ha̱rito̍ vāvaśā̱nā gira̍ḥ sacante̱ dhuna̍yo ghṛ̱tācī̍ḥ .
pati̍ṃ kṛṣṭī̱nāṃ ra̱thya̍ṃ rayī̱ṇāṃ vai̍śvāna̱ramu̱ṣasā̍ṃ ke̱tumahnā̍m .. 7.005.05
5 Agni, the tawny horses, loudly neighing our resonant hymns that drop with oil, attend thee;
Lord of the tribes, our Charioteer of riches, Ensign of days, Vaiśvānara of mornings.
Sloka : 7.5.6
त्वे अ॑सु॒र्यं१॒॑ वस॑वो॒ न्यृ॑ण्व॒न्क्रतुं॒ हि ते॑ मित्रमहो जु॒षन्त॑ ।
त्वं दस्यू॒ँरोक॑सो अग्न आज उ॒रु ज्योति॑र्ज॒नय॒न्नार्या॑य ॥ ७.००५.०६
tve a̍su̱ryaṃ1̱̍ vasa̍vo̱ nyṛ̍ṇva̱nkratu̱ṃ hi te̍ mitramaho ju̱ṣanta̍ .
tvaṃ dasyū̱m̐roka̍so agna āja u̱ru jyoti̍rja̱naya̱nnāryā̍ya .. 7.005.06
6 In thee, O bright as Mitra, Vasus seated the might of Aduras, for they loved thy spirit.
Thou dravest Dasyus from their home, O Agni, and broughtest forth broad light to light the Ārya.
Sloka : 7.5.7
स जाय॑मानः पर॒मे व्यो॑मन्वा॒युर्न पाथः॒ परि॑ पासि स॒द्यः ।
त्वं भुव॑ना ज॒नय॑न्न॒भि क्र॒न्नप॑त्याय जातवेदो दश॒स्यन् ॥ ७.००५.०७
sa jāya̍mānaḥ para̱me vyo̍manvā̱yurna pātha̱ḥ pari̍ pāsi sa̱dyaḥ .
tvaṃ bhuva̍nā ja̱naya̍nna̱bhi kra̱nnapa̍tyāya jātavedo daśa̱syan .. 7.005.07
7 Born in the loftiest heaven thou in a moment reachest, like wind, the place where Gods inhabit.
Thou, favouring thine offspring, roaredst loudly when giving life to creatures, Jātavedas.
Sloka : 7.5.8
ताम॑ग्ने अ॒स्मे इष॒मेर॑यस्व॒ वैश्वा॑नर द्यु॒मतीं॑ जातवेदः ।
यया॒ राधः॒ पिन्व॑सि विश्ववार पृ॒थु श्रवो॑ दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ॥ ७.००५.०८
tāma̍gne a̱sme iṣa̱mera̍yasva̱ vaiśvā̍nara dyu̱matī̍ṃ jātavedaḥ .
yayā̱ rādha̱ḥ pinva̍si viśvavāra pṛ̱thu śravo̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .. 7.005.08
8 Send us that strength, Vaiśvānara, send it, Agni, that strength, O Jātavedas, full of splendour,
Wherewith, all-bounteous God, thou pourest riches, as fame wide-spreading, on the man who offers.
Sloka : 7.5.9
तं नो॑ अग्ने म॒घव॑द्भ्यः पुरु॒क्षुं र॒यिं नि वाजं॒ श्रुत्यं॑ युवस्व ।
वैश्वा॑नर॒ महि॑ नः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ रु॒द्रेभि॑रग्ने॒ वसु॑भिः स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ ७.००५.०९
taṃ no̍ agne ma̱ghava̍dbhyaḥ puru̱kṣuṃ ra̱yiṃ ni vāja̱ṃ śrutya̍ṃ yuvasva .
vaiśvā̍nara̱ mahi̍ na̱ḥ śarma̍ yaccha ru̱drebhi̍ragne̱ vasu̍bhiḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 7.005.09
9 Agni, bestow upon our chiefs and nobles that famous power, that wealth which feedeth many.
Accordant with the Vasus and the Rudras, Agni, Vaiśvānara, give us sure protection.
Sloka : 7.6.1
प्र स॒म्राजो॒ असु॑रस्य॒ प्रश॑स्तिं पुं॒सः कृ॑ष्टी॒नाम॑नु॒माद्य॑स्य ।
इन्द्र॑स्येव॒ प्र त॒वस॑स्कृ॒तानि॒ वन्दे॑ दा॒रुं वन्द॑मानो विवक्मि ॥ ७.००६.०१
pra sa̱mrājo̱ asu̍rasya̱ praśa̍stiṃ pu̱ṃsaḥ kṛ̍ṣṭī̱nāma̍nu̱mādya̍sya .
indra̍syeva̱ pra ta̱vasa̍skṛ̱tāni̱ vande̍ dā̱ruṃ vanda̍māno vivakmi .. 7.006.01
1. PRAISE of the Asura, high imperial Ruler, the Manly One in whom the folk shall triumph-
I laud his deeds who is as strong as Indra, and lauding celebrate the Fort-destroyer.
Sloka : 7.6.2
क॒विं के॒तुं धा॒सिं भा॒नुमद्रे॑र्हि॒न्वन्ति॒ शं रा॒ज्यं रोद॑स्योः ।
पु॒रं॒द॒रस्य॑ गी॒र्भिरा वि॑वासे॒ऽग्नेर्व्र॒तानि॑ पू॒र्व्या म॒हानि॑ ॥ ७.००६.०२
ka̱viṃ ke̱tuṃ dhā̱siṃ bhā̱numadre̍rhi̱nvanti̱ śaṃ rā̱jyaṃ roda̍syoḥ .
pu̱ra̱ṃda̱rasya̍ gī̱rbhirā vi̍vāse̱'gnervra̱tāni̍ pū̱rvyā ma̱hāni̍ .. 7.006.02
2 Sage, Sing, Food, Light,—they bring him from the mountain, the blessed Sovran of the earth and heaven.
I decorate with songs the mighty actions which Agni, Fort-destroyer, did aforetime.
Sloka : 7.6.3
न्य॑क्र॒तून्ग्र॒थिनो॑ मृ॒ध्रवा॑चः प॒णीँर॑श्र॒द्धाँ अ॑वृ॒धाँ अ॑य॒ज्ञान् ।
प्रप्र॒ तान्दस्यू॑ँर॒ग्निर्वि॑वाय॒ पूर्व॑श्चका॒राप॑रा॒ँ अय॑ज्यून् ॥ ७.००६.०३
nya̍kra̱tūngra̱thino̍ mṛ̱dhravā̍caḥ pa̱ṇīm̐ra̍śra̱ddhām̐ a̍vṛ̱dhām̐ a̍ya̱jñān .
prapra̱ tāndasyū̍m̐ra̱gnirvi̍vāya̱ pūrva̍ścakā̱rāpa̍rā̱m̐ aya̍jyūn .. 7.006.03
3 The foolish, faithless, rudely-speaking niggards, without belief or sacrifice or worship,—
Far far sway hath Agni chased those Dasytis, and, in the cast, hath turned the godless westward.
Sloka : 7.6.4
यो अ॑पा॒चीने॒ तम॑सि॒ मद॑न्तीः॒ प्राची॑श्च॒कार॒ नृत॑मः॒ शची॑भिः ।
तमीशा॑नं॒ वस्वो॑ अ॒ग्निं गृ॑णी॒षेऽना॑नतं द॒मय॑न्तं पृत॒न्यून् ॥ ७.००६.०४
yo a̍pā̱cīne̱ tama̍si̱ mada̍ntī̱ḥ prācī̍śca̱kāra̱ nṛta̍ma̱ḥ śacī̍bhiḥ .
tamīśā̍na̱ṃ vasvo̍ a̱gniṃ gṛ̍ṇī̱ṣe'nā̍nataṃ da̱maya̍ntaṃ pṛta̱nyūn .. 7.006.04
4 Him who brought eastward, manliest with his prowess, the Maids rejoicing in the western darkness,
That Agni I extol, the Lord of riches, unyielding tamer of assailing foemen.
Sloka : 7.6.5
यो दे॒ह्यो॒३॒॑ अन॑मयद्वध॒स्नैर्यो अ॒र्यप॑त्नीरु॒षस॑श्च॒कार॑ ।
स नि॒रुध्या॒ नहु॑षो य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निर्विश॑श्चक्रे बलि॒हृतः॒ सहो॑भिः ॥ ७.००६.०५
yo de̱hyo̱3̱̍ ana̍mayadvadha̱snairyo a̱ryapa̍tnīru̱ṣasa̍śca̱kāra̍ .
sa ni̱rudhyā̱ nahu̍ṣo ya̱hvo a̱gnirviśa̍ścakre bali̱hṛta̱ḥ saho̍bhiḥ .. 7.006.05
5 Him who brake down the walls with deadly weapons, and gave the Mornings to anoble Husband,
Young Agni, who with conquering strength subduing the tribes of Nahus made them bring their tribute.
Sloka : 7.6.6
यस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नुप॒ विश्वे॒ जना॑स॒ एवै॑स्त॒स्थुः सु॑म॒तिं भिक्ष॑माणाः ।
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो वर॒मा रोद॑स्यो॒राग्निः स॑साद पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थ॑म् ॥ ७.००६.०६
yasya̱ śarma̱nnupa̱ viśve̱ janā̍sa̱ evai̍sta̱sthuḥ su̍ma̱tiṃ bhikṣa̍māṇāḥ .
vai̱śvā̱na̱ro vara̱mā roda̍syo̱rāgniḥ sa̍sāda pi̱troru̱pastha̍m .. 7.006.06
6 In whose protection all men rest by nature, desiring to enjoy his gracious favour-
Agni Vaiśvānara in his Parents, bosom hath found the choicest seat in earth and heaven.
Sloka : 7.6.7
आ दे॒वो द॑दे बु॒ध्न्या॒३॒॑ वसू॑नि वैश्वान॒र उदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
आ स॑मु॒द्रादव॑रा॒दा पर॑स्मा॒दाग्निर्द॑दे दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्याः ॥ ७.००६.०७
ā de̱vo da̍de bu̱dhnyā̱3̱̍ vasū̍ni vaiśvāna̱ra udi̍tā̱ sūrya̍sya .
ā sa̍mu̱drādava̍rā̱dā para̍smā̱dāgnirda̍de di̱va ā pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ .. 7.006.07
7 Vaiśvānara the God, at the sun's setting, hath taken to himself deep-hidden treasures:-
Agni hath taken them from earth and heaven, from the sea under and the sea above us.
Sloka : 7.7.1
प्र वो॑ दे॒वं चि॑त्सहसा॒नम॒ग्निमश्वं॒ न वा॒जिनं॑ हिषे॒ नमो॑भिः ।
भवा॑ नो दू॒तो अ॑ध्व॒रस्य॑ वि॒द्वान्त्मना॑ दे॒वेषु॑ विविदे मि॒तद्रुः॑ ॥ ७.००७.०१
pra vo̍ de̱vaṃ ci̍tsahasā̱nama̱gnimaśva̱ṃ na vā̱jina̍ṃ hiṣe̱ namo̍bhiḥ .
bhavā̍ no dū̱to a̍dhva̱rasya̍ vi̱dvāntmanā̍ de̱veṣu̍ vivide mi̱tadru̍ḥ .. 7.007.01
1. I SEND forth even your God, victorious Agni, like a strong courser, with mine adoration.
Herald of sacrifice be he who knoweth he hath reached Gods, himself, with measured motion.
Sloka : 7.7.2
आ या॑ह्यग्ने प॒थ्या॒३॒॑ अनु॒ स्वा म॒न्द्रो दे॒वानां॑ स॒ख्यं जु॑षा॒णः ।
आ सानु॒ शुष्मै॑र्न॒दय॑न्पृथि॒व्या जम्भे॑भि॒र्विश्व॑मु॒शध॒ग्वना॑नि ॥ ७.००७.०२
ā yā̍hyagne pa̱thyā̱3̱̍ anu̱ svā ma̱ndro de̱vānā̍ṃ sa̱khyaṃ ju̍ṣā̱ṇaḥ .
ā sānu̱ śuṣmai̍rna̱daya̍npṛthi̱vyā jambhe̍bhi̱rviśva̍mu̱śadha̱gvanā̍ni .. 7.007.02
2 By paths that are thine own come hither, Agni, joyous, delighting in the Gods’ alliance,
Making the heights of earth roar with thy fury, burning with eager teeth the woods and forests.
Sloka : 7.7.3
प्रा॒चीनो॑ य॒ज्ञः सुधि॑तं॒ हि ब॒र्हिः प्री॑णी॒ते अ॒ग्निरी॑ळि॒तो न होता॑ ।
आ मा॒तरा॑ वि॒श्ववा॑रे हुवा॒नो यतो॑ यविष्ठ जज्ञि॒षे सु॒शेवः॑ ॥ ७.००७.०३
prā̱cīno̍ ya̱jñaḥ sudhi̍ta̱ṃ hi ba̱rhiḥ prī̍ṇī̱te a̱gnirī̍l̤i̱to na hotā̍ .
ā mā̱tarā̍ vi̱śvavā̍re huvā̱no yato̍ yaviṣṭha jajñi̱ṣe su̱śeva̍ḥ .. 7.007.03
3 The grass is strewn; the sacrifice advances adored as Priest, Agni is made propitious,
Invoking both All-boon-bestowing Mothers of whom, Most Youthful! thou wast born to help us.
Sloka : 7.7.4
स॒द्यो अ॑ध्व॒रे र॑थि॒रं ज॑नन्त॒ मानु॑षासो॒ विचे॑तसो॒ य ए॑षाम् ।
वि॒शाम॑धायि वि॒श्पति॑र्दुरो॒णे॒३॒॑ऽग्निर्म॒न्द्रो मधु॑वचा ऋ॒तावा॑ ॥ ७.००७.०४
sa̱dyo a̍dhva̱re ra̍thi̱raṃ ja̍nanta̱ mānu̍ṣāso̱ vice̍taso̱ ya e̍ṣām .
vi̱śāma̍dhāyi vi̱śpati̍rduro̱ṇe̱3̱̎gnirma̱ndro madhu̍vacā ṛ̱tāvā̍ .. 7.007.04
4 Forthwith the men, the best of these for wisdom, have made him leader in the solemn worship.
As Lord in homes of men is Agni stablished, the Holy One, the joyous, sweetly speaking.
Sloka : 7.7.5
असा॑दि वृ॒तो वह्नि॑राजग॒न्वान॒ग्निर्ब्र॒ह्मा नृ॒षद॑ने विध॒र्ता ।
द्यौश्च॒ यं पृ॑थि॒वी वा॑वृ॒धाते॒ आ यं होता॒ यज॑ति वि॒श्ववा॑रम् ॥ ७.००७.०५
asā̍di vṛ̱to vahni̍rājaga̱nvāna̱gnirbra̱hmā nṛ̱ṣada̍ne vidha̱rtā .
dyauśca̱ yaṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī vā̍vṛ̱dhāte̱ ā yaṃ hotā̱ yaja̍ti vi̱śvavā̍ram .. 7.007.05
5 He hath come, chosen bearer, and is seated in man's home, Brahman, Agni, the Supporter,
He whom both Heaven anct Earth exalt and strengthenwhom, Giver of all boons, the Hotar worships.
Sloka : 7.7.6
ए॒ते द्यु॒म्नेभि॒र्विश्व॒माति॑रन्त॒ मन्त्रं॒ ये वारं॒ नर्या॒ अत॑क्षन् ।
प्र ये विश॑स्ति॒रन्त॒ श्रोष॑माणा॒ आ ये मे॑ अ॒स्य दीध॑यन्नृ॒तस्य॑ ॥ ७.००७.०६
e̱te dyu̱mnebhi̱rviśva̱māti̍ranta̱ mantra̱ṃ ye vāra̱ṃ naryā̱ ata̍kṣan .
pra ye viśa̍sti̱ranta̱ śroṣa̍māṇā̱ ā ye me̍ a̱sya dīdha̍yannṛ̱tasya̍ .. 7.007.06
6 These have passed all in glory, who, the manly, have wrought with skill the hymn of adoration;
Who, listening, have advanced the people's welfare, and set their thoughts on this my holy statute.
Sloka : 7.7.7
नू त्वाम॑ग्न ईमहे॒ वसि॑ष्ठा ईशा॒नं सू॑नो सहसो॒ वसू॑नाम् ।
इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्य आनड्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००७.०७
nū tvāma̍gna īmahe̱ vasi̍ṣṭhā īśā̱naṃ sū̍no sahaso̱ vasū̍nām .
iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhyo̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhya ānaḍyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.007.07
7 We, the Vasisthas, now implore thee, Agni, O Son of Strength, the Lord of wealth and treasure.
Thou hast brought food to singers and to nobles. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.8.1
इ॒न्धे राजा॒ सम॒र्यो नमो॑भि॒र्यस्य॒ प्रती॑क॒माहु॑तं घृ॒तेन॑ ।
नरो॑ ह॒व्येभि॑रीळते स॒बाध॒ आग्निरग्र॑ उ॒षसा॑मशोचि ॥ ७.००८.०१
i̱ndhe rājā̱ sama̱ryo namo̍bhi̱ryasya̱ pratī̍ka̱māhu̍taṃ ghṛ̱tena̍ .
naro̍ ha̱vyebhi̍rīl̤ate sa̱bādha̱ āgniragra̍ u̱ṣasā̍maśoci .. 7.008.01
1. THE King whose face is decked with oil is kindled with homage offered by his faithful servant.
The men, the priests adore him with oblations. Agni hath shone forth when the dawn is breaking.
Sloka : 7.8.2
अ॒यमु॒ ष्य सुम॑हाँ अवेदि॒ होता॑ म॒न्द्रो मनु॑षो य॒ह्वो अ॒ग्निः ।
वि भा अ॑कः ससृजा॒नः पृ॑थि॒व्यां कृ॒ष्णप॑वि॒रोष॑धीभिर्ववक्षे ॥ ७.००८.०२
a̱yamu̱ ṣya suma̍hām̐ avedi̱ hotā̍ ma̱ndro manu̍ṣo ya̱hvo a̱gniḥ .
vi bhā a̍kaḥ sasṛjā̱naḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyāṃ kṛ̱ṣṇapa̍vi̱roṣa̍dhībhirvavakṣe .. 7.008.02
2 Yea, he hath been acknowledged as most mighty, the joyous Priest of men, the youthful Agni.
He, spreading o’er the earth, made light around him, and grew among the plants with blackened fellies..
Sloka : 7.8.3
कया॑ नो अग्ने॒ वि व॑सः सुवृ॒क्तिं कामु॑ स्व॒धामृ॑णवः श॒स्यमा॑नः ।
क॒दा भ॑वेम॒ पत॑यः सुदत्र रा॒यो व॒न्तारो॑ दु॒ष्टर॑स्य सा॒धोः ॥ ७.००८.०३
kayā̍ no agne̱ vi va̍saḥ suvṛ̱ktiṃ kāmu̍ sva̱dhāmṛ̍ṇavaḥ śa̱syamā̍naḥ .
ka̱dā bha̍vema̱ pata̍yaḥ sudatra rā̱yo va̱ntāro̍ du̱ṣṭara̍sya sā̱dhoḥ .. 7.008.03
3 How dost thou decorate our hymn, O Agni? What power dost thou exert when thou art lauded?
When, Bounteous God, may we be lords of riches, winners of precious wealth which none may conquer?
Sloka : 7.8.4
प्रप्रा॒यम॒ग्निर्भ॑र॒तस्य॑ शृण्वे॒ वि यत्सूर्यो॒ न रोच॑ते बृ॒हद्भाः ।
अ॒भि यः पू॒रुं पृत॑नासु त॒स्थौ द्यु॑ता॒नो दैव्यो॒ अति॑थिः शुशोच ॥ ७.००८.०४
praprā̱yama̱gnirbha̍ra̱tasya̍ śṛṇve̱ vi yatsūryo̱ na roca̍te bṛ̱hadbhāḥ .
a̱bhi yaḥ pū̱ruṃ pṛta̍nāsu ta̱sthau dyu̍tā̱no daivyo̱ ati̍thiḥ śuśoca .. 7.008.04
4 Far famed is this the Bhārata's own Agni he shineth like the Sun with lofty splendour.
He who hath vanquished Pūru in the battle, the heavenly guest hath glowed in full refulgence.
Sloka : 7.8.5
अस॒न्नित्त्वे आ॒हव॑नानि॒ भूरि॒ भुवो॒ विश्वे॑भिः सु॒मना॒ अनी॑कैः ।
स्तु॒तश्चि॑दग्ने शृण्विषे गृणा॒नः स्व॒यं व॑र्धस्व त॒न्वं॑ सुजात ॥ ७.००८.०५
asa̱nnittve ā̱hava̍nāni̱ bhūri̱ bhuvo̱ viśve̍bhiḥ su̱manā̱ anī̍kaiḥ .
stu̱taści̍dagne śṛṇviṣe gṛṇā̱naḥ sva̱yaṃ va̍rdhasva ta̱nva̍ṃ sujāta .. 7.008.05
5 Full many oblations are in thee collected:- with all thine aspects thou hast waxen gracious.
Thou art already famed as praised and lauded, yet still, O nobly born, increase thy body.
Sloka : 7.8.6
इ॒दं वचः॑ शत॒साः संस॑हस्र॒मुद॒ग्नये॑ जनिषीष्ट द्वि॒बर्हाः॑ ।
शं यत्स्तो॒तृभ्य॑ आ॒पये॒ भवा॑ति द्यु॒मद॑मीव॒चात॑नं रक्षो॒हा ॥ ७.००८.०६
i̱daṃ vaca̍ḥ śata̱sāḥ saṃsa̍hasra̱muda̱gnaye̍ janiṣīṣṭa dvi̱barhā̍ḥ .
śaṃ yatsto̱tṛbhya̍ ā̱paye̱ bhavā̍ti dyu̱mada̍mīva̱cāta̍naṃ rakṣo̱hā .. 7.008.06
6 Be this my song, that winneth countless treasure, engendered with redoubled force for Agni,
That, splendid, chasing sickness, slaying demons, it may delight our friend and bless the singers.
Sloka : 7.8.7
नू त्वाम॑ग्न ईमहे॒ वसि॑ष्ठा ईशा॒नं सू॑नो सहसो॒ वसू॑नाम् ।
इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्य आनड्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००८.०७
nū tvāma̍gna īmahe̱ vasi̍ṣṭhā īśā̱naṃ sū̍no sahaso̱ vasū̍nām .
iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhyo̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhya ānaḍyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.008.07
7 We, the Vasisthas, now implore thee, Agni, O Son of Strength, the Lord of wealth and riches.
Thou hast brought food to singers and to nobles. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.9.1
अबो॑धि जा॒र उ॒षसा॑मु॒पस्था॒द्धोता॑ म॒न्द्रः क॒वित॑मः पाव॒कः ।
दधा॑ति के॒तुमु॒भय॑स्य ज॒न्तोर्ह॒व्या दे॒वेषु॒ द्रवि॑णं सु॒कृत्सु॑ ॥ ७.००९.०१
abo̍dhi jā̱ra u̱ṣasā̍mu̱pasthā̱ddhotā̍ ma̱ndraḥ ka̱vita̍maḥ pāva̱kaḥ .
dadhā̍ti ke̱tumu̱bhaya̍sya ja̱ntorha̱vyā de̱veṣu̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ su̱kṛtsu̍ .. 7.009.01
1. ROUSED from their bosom is the Dawns' beloved, the joyous Priest, most sapient, Purifier.
He gives a signal both to Gods and mortals, to Gods oblations, riches to the pious.
Sloka : 7.9.2
स सु॒क्रतु॒र्यो वि दुरः॑ पणी॒नां पु॑ना॒नो अ॒र्कं पु॑रु॒भोज॑सं नः ।
होता॑ म॒न्द्रो वि॒शां दमू॑नास्ति॒रस्तमो॑ ददृशे रा॒म्याणा॑म् ॥ ७.००९.०२
sa su̱kratu̱ryo vi dura̍ḥ paṇī̱nāṃ pu̍nā̱no a̱rkaṃ pu̍ru̱bhoja̍saṃ naḥ .
hotā̍ ma̱ndro vi̱śāṃ damū̍nāsti̱rastamo̍ dadṛśe rā̱myāṇā̍m .. 7.009.02
2 Most wise is he who, forcing doors of Paṇis, brought the bright Sun to us who feedeth many.
The cheerful Priest, men's Friend and home-companion, through still night's darkness he is made apparent.
Sloka : 7.9.3
अमू॑रः क॒विरदि॑तिर्वि॒वस्वा॑न्सुसं॒सन्मि॒त्रो अति॑थिः शि॒वो नः॑ ।
चि॒त्रभा॑नुरु॒षसां॑ भा॒त्यग्रे॒ऽपां गर्भः॑ प्र॒स्व१॒॑ आ वि॑वेश ॥ ७.००९.०३
amū̍raḥ ka̱viradi̍tirvi̱vasvā̍nsusa̱ṃsanmi̱tro ati̍thiḥ śi̱vo na̍ḥ .
ci̱trabhā̍nuru̱ṣasā̍ṃ bhā̱tyagre̱'pāṃ garbha̍ḥ pra̱sva1̱̍ ā vi̍veśa .. 7.009.03
3 Wise, ne.'er deceived, uncircumscribed, refulgent, our gracious guest, a Friend with good attendants,
Shines forth with wondrous light before the Mornings; the young plants hath he entered, Child of Waters.
Sloka : 7.9.4
ई॒ळेन्यो॑ वो॒ मनु॑षो यु॒गेषु॑ समन॒गा अ॑शुचज्जा॒तवे॑दाः ।
सु॒सं॒दृशा॑ भा॒नुना॒ यो वि॒भाति॒ प्रति॒ गावः॑ समिधा॒नं बु॑धन्त ॥ ७.००९.०४
ī̱l̤enyo̍ vo̱ manu̍ṣo yu̱geṣu̍ samana̱gā a̍śucajjā̱tave̍dāḥ .
su̱sa̱ṃdṛśā̍ bhā̱nunā̱ yo vi̱bhāti̱ prati̱ gāva̍ḥ samidhā̱naṃ bu̍dhanta .. 7.009.04
4 Seeking our gatherings, he, your Jātavedas, hath shone adorable through human ages,
Who gleams refulgent with his lovely lustre:- the kine have waked to meet him when enkindled.
Sloka : 7.9.5
अग्ने॑ या॒हि दू॒त्यं१॒॑ मा रि॑षण्यो दे॒वाँ अच्छा॑ ब्रह्म॒कृता॑ ग॒णेन॑ ।
सर॑स्वतीं म॒रुतो॑ अ॒श्विना॒पो यक्षि॑ दे॒वान्र॑त्न॒धेया॑य॒ विश्वा॑न् ॥ ७.००९.०५
agne̍ yā̱hi dū̱tyaṃ1̱̍ mā ri̍ṣaṇyo de̱vām̐ acchā̍ brahma̱kṛtā̍ ga̱ṇena̍ .
sara̍svatīṃ ma̱ruto̍ a̱śvinā̱po yakṣi̍ de̱vānra̍tna̱dheyā̍ya̱ viśvā̍n .. 7.009.05
5 Go on thy message to the Gods, and fail not, O Agni, with their band who pray and worship.
Bring all the Gods that they may give us riches, Sarasvatī, the Maruts, Aśvins, Waters.
Sloka : 7.9.6
त्वाम॑ग्ने समिधा॒नो वसि॑ष्ठो॒ जरू॑थं ह॒न्यक्षि॑ रा॒ये पुरं॑धिम् ।
पु॒रु॒णी॒था जा॑तवेदो जरस्व यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.००९.०६
tvāma̍gne samidhā̱no vasi̍ṣṭho̱ jarū̍thaṃ ha̱nyakṣi̍ rā̱ye pura̍ṃdhim .
pu̱ru̱ṇī̱thā jā̍tavedo jarasva yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.009.06
6 Vasiṣṭha, when enkindling thee, O Agni, hath slain jarutha. Give us wealth in plenty.
Sing praise in choral song, O Jātavedas. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.10.1
उ॒षो न जा॒रः पृ॒थु पाजो॑ अश्रे॒द्दवि॑द्युत॒द्दीद्य॒च्छोशु॑चानः ।
वृषा॒ हरिः॒ शुचि॒रा भा॑ति भा॒सा धियो॑ हिन्वा॒न उ॑श॒तीर॑जीगः ॥ ७.०१०.०१
u̱ṣo na jā̱raḥ pṛ̱thu pājo̍ aśre̱ddavi̍dyuta̱ddīdya̱cchośu̍cānaḥ .
vṛṣā̱ hari̱ḥ śuci̱rā bhā̍ti bhā̱sā dhiyo̍ hinvā̱na u̍śa̱tīra̍jīgaḥ .. 7.010.01
1. HE hath sent forth, bright, radiant, and refulgent, like the Dawn's Lover, his far-spreading lustre.
Pure in his splendour shines the golden Hero:- our longing thoughts hath he aroused and wakened.
Sloka : 7.10.2
स्व१॒॑र्ण वस्तो॑रु॒षसा॑मरोचि य॒ज्ञं त॑न्वा॒ना उ॒शिजो॒ न मन्म॑ ।
अ॒ग्निर्जन्मा॑नि दे॒व आ वि वि॒द्वान्द्र॒वद्दू॒तो दे॑व॒यावा॒ वनि॑ष्ठः ॥ ७.०१०.०२
sva1̱̍rṇa vasto̍ru̱ṣasā̍maroci ya̱jñaṃ ta̍nvā̱nā u̱śijo̱ na manma̍ .
a̱gnirjanmā̍ni de̱va ā vi vi̱dvāndra̱vaddū̱to de̍va̱yāvā̱ vani̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 7.010.02
2 He, like the Sun, hath shone while Morn is breaking, and priests who weave the sacrifice sing praises,
Agni, the God, who knows their generations and visits Gods, most bounteous, rapid envoy.
Sloka : 7.10.3
अच्छा॒ गिरो॑ म॒तयो॑ देव॒यन्ती॑र॒ग्निं य॑न्ति॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ भिक्ष॑माणाः ।
सु॒सं॒दृशं॑ सु॒प्रती॑कं॒ स्वञ्चं॑ हव्य॒वाह॑मर॒तिं मानु॑षाणाम् ॥ ७.०१०.०३
acchā̱ giro̍ ma̱tayo̍ deva̱yantī̍ra̱gniṃ ya̍nti̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ bhikṣa̍māṇāḥ .
su̱sa̱ṃdṛśa̍ṃ su̱pratī̍ka̱ṃ svañca̍ṃ havya̱vāha̍mara̱tiṃ mānu̍ṣāṇām .. 7.010.03
3 Our songs and holy hymns go forth to Agni, seeking the God and asking him for riches,
Him fair to see, of goodly aspect, mighty, men's messenger who carries their oblations.
Sloka : 7.10.4
इन्द्रं॑ नो अग्ने॒ वसु॑भिः स॒जोषा॑ रु॒द्रं रु॒द्रेभि॒रा व॑हा बृ॒हन्त॑म् ।
आ॒दि॒त्येभि॒रदि॑तिं वि॒श्वज॑न्यां॒ बृह॒स्पति॒मृक्व॑भिर्वि॒श्ववा॑रम् ॥ ७.०१०.०४
indra̍ṃ no agne̱ vasu̍bhiḥ sa̱joṣā̍ ru̱draṃ ru̱drebhi̱rā va̍hā bṛ̱hanta̍m .
ā̱di̱tyebhi̱radi̍tiṃ vi̱śvaja̍nyā̱ṃ bṛha̱spati̱mṛkva̍bhirvi̱śvavā̍ram .. 7.010.04
4 joined with the Vasus, Agni, bring thou Indra bring hither mighty Rudra with the Rudras,
Aditi good to all men with Ādityas, Bṛhaspati All-bounteous, with the Singers.
Sloka : 7.10.5
म॒न्द्रं होता॑रमु॒शिजो॒ यवि॑ष्ठम॒ग्निं विश॑ ईळते अध्व॒रेषु॑ ।
स हि क्षपा॑वा॒ँ अभ॑वद्रयी॒णामत॑न्द्रो दू॒तो य॒जथा॑य दे॒वान् ॥ ७.०१०.०५
ma̱ndraṃ hotā̍ramu̱śijo̱ yavi̍ṣṭhama̱gniṃ viśa̍ īl̤ate adhva̱reṣu̍ .
sa hi kṣapā̍vā̱m̐ abha̍vadrayī̱ṇāmata̍ndro dū̱to ya̱jathā̍ya de̱vān .. 7.010.05
5 Men eagerly implore at sacrifices Agni, Most Youthful God, the joyous Herald.
For he is Lord and Ruler over riches, and for Gods’ worship an unwearied envoy.
Sloka : 7.11.1
म॒हाँ अ॑स्यध्व॒रस्य॑ प्रके॒तो न ऋ॒ते त्वद॒मृता॑ मादयन्ते ।
आ विश्वे॑भिः स॒रथं॑ याहि दे॒वैर्न्य॑ग्ने॒ होता॑ प्रथ॒मः स॑दे॒ह ॥ ७.०११.०१
ma̱hām̐ a̍syadhva̱rasya̍ prake̱to na ṛ̱te tvada̱mṛtā̍ mādayante .
ā viśve̍bhiḥ sa̱ratha̍ṃ yāhi de̱vairnya̍gne̱ hotā̍ pratha̱maḥ sa̍de̱ha .. 7.011.01
1. GREAT art thou, Agni, sacrifice's Herald:- not without thee are deathless Gods made joyful.
Come hither with all Deities about thee here take thy seat, the first, as Priest, O Agni.
Sloka : 7.11.2
त्वामी॑ळते अजि॒रं दू॒त्या॑य ह॒विष्म॑न्तः॒ सद॒मिन्मानु॑षासः ।
यस्य॑ दे॒वैरास॑दो ब॒र्हिर॒ग्नेऽहा॑न्यस्मै सु॒दिना॑ भवन्ति ॥ ७.०११.०२
tvāmī̍l̤ate aji̱raṃ dū̱tyā̍ya ha̱viṣma̍nta̱ḥ sada̱minmānu̍ṣāsaḥ .
yasya̍ de̱vairāsa̍do ba̱rhira̱gne'hā̍nyasmai su̱dinā̍ bhavanti .. 7.011.02
2 Men with oblations evermore entreat thee, the swift, to undertake an envoy's duty.
He on whose sacred grass with Gods thou sittest, to him, O Agni, are the days propitious.
Sloka : 7.11.3
त्रिश्चि॑द॒क्तोः प्र चि॑कितु॒र्वसू॑नि॒ त्वे अ॒न्तर्दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ।
म॒नु॒ष्वद॑ग्न इ॒ह य॑क्षि दे॒वान्भवा॑ नो दू॒तो अ॑भिशस्ति॒पावा॑ ॥ ७.०११.०३
triści̍da̱ktoḥ pra ci̍kitu̱rvasū̍ni̱ tve a̱ntardā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .
ma̱nu̱ṣvada̍gna i̱ha ya̍kṣi de̱vānbhavā̍ no dū̱to a̍bhiśasti̱pāvā̍ .. 7.011.03
3 Three times a day in thee are shown the treasures sent for the mortal who presents oblation.
Bring the Gods hither like a man, O Agni:- be thou our envoy, guarding us from curses.
Sloka : 7.11.4
अ॒ग्निरी॑शे बृह॒तो अ॑ध्व॒रस्या॒ग्निर्विश्व॑स्य ह॒विषः॑ कृ॒तस्य॑ ।
क्रतुं॒ ह्य॑स्य॒ वस॑वो जु॒षन्ताथा॑ दे॒वा द॑धिरे हव्य॒वाह॑म् ॥ ७.०११.०४
a̱gnirī̍śe bṛha̱to a̍dhva̱rasyā̱gnirviśva̍sya ha̱viṣa̍ḥ kṛ̱tasya̍ .
kratu̱ṃ hya̍sya̱ vasa̍vo ju̱ṣantāthā̍ de̱vā da̍dhire havya̱vāha̍m .. 7.011.04
4 Lord of the lofty sacrifice is Agni, Agni is Lord of every gift presented.
The Vasus were contented with his wisdom, so the Gods made him their oblationbearer.
Sloka : 7.11.5
आग्ने॑ वह हवि॒रद्या॑य दे॒वानिन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठास इ॒ह मा॑दयन्ताम् ।
इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं दि॒वि दे॒वेषु॑ धेहि यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०११.०५
āgne̍ vaha havi̱radyā̍ya de̱vānindra̍jyeṣṭhāsa i̱ha mā̍dayantām .
i̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ di̱vi de̱veṣu̍ dhehi yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.011.05
5 O Agni, bring the Gods to taste our presents:- with Indra leading, here let them be joyful.
Convey this sacrifice to Gods in heaven. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.12.1
अग॑न्म म॒हा नम॑सा॒ यवि॑ष्ठं॒ यो दी॒दाय॒ समि॑द्धः॒ स्वे दु॑रो॒णे ।
चि॒त्रभा॑नुं॒ रोद॑सी अ॒न्तरु॒र्वी स्वा॑हुतं वि॒श्वतः॑ प्र॒त्यञ्च॑म् ॥ ७.०१२.०१
aga̍nma ma̱hā nama̍sā̱ yavi̍ṣṭha̱ṃ yo dī̱dāya̱ sami̍ddha̱ḥ sve du̍ro̱ṇe .
ci̱trabhā̍nu̱ṃ roda̍sī a̱ntaru̱rvī svā̍hutaṃ vi̱śvata̍ḥ pra̱tyañca̍m .. 7.012.01
1. WE with great reverence have approached The Youngest who hath shone forth well-kindled in his dwelling,
With wondrous light between wide earth and heaven, well-worshipped, looking forth in all directions.
Sloka : 7.12.2
स म॒ह्ना विश्वा॑ दुरि॒तानि॑ सा॒ह्वान॒ग्निः ष्ट॑वे॒ दम॒ आ जा॒तवे॑दाः ।
स नो॑ रक्षिषद्दुरि॒ताद॑व॒द्याद॒स्मान्गृ॑ण॒त उ॒त नो॑ म॒घोनः॑ ॥ ७.०१२.०२
sa ma̱hnā viśvā̍ duri̱tāni̍ sā̱hvāna̱gniḥ ṣṭa̍ve̱ dama̱ ā jā̱tave̍dāḥ .
sa no̍ rakṣiṣadduri̱tāda̍va̱dyāda̱smāngṛ̍ṇa̱ta u̱ta no̍ ma̱ghona̍ḥ .. 7.012.02
2 Through his great might o’ercoming all misfortunes, praised in the house is Agni Jātavedas.
May he protect us from disgrace and trouble, both us who laud him and our noble patrons.
Sloka : 7.12.3
त्वं वरु॑ण उ॒त मि॒त्रो अ॑ग्ने॒ त्वां व॑र्धन्ति म॒तिभि॒र्वसि॑ष्ठाः ।
त्वे वसु॑ सुषण॒नानि॑ सन्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०१२.०३
tvaṃ varu̍ṇa u̱ta mi̱tro a̍gne̱ tvāṃ va̍rdhanti ma̱tibhi̱rvasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .
tve vasu̍ suṣaṇa̱nāni̍ santu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.012.03
3 O Agni, thou art Varuṇa and Mitra:- Vasisthas with their holy hymns exalt thee.
With thee be most abundant gain of treasure. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.13.1
प्राग्नये॑ विश्व॒शुचे॑ धियं॒धे॑ऽसुर॒घ्ने मन्म॑ धी॒तिं भ॑रध्वम् ।
भरे॑ ह॒विर्न ब॒र्हिषि॑ प्रीणा॒नो वै॑श्वान॒राय॒ यत॑ये मती॒नाम् ॥ ७.०१३.०१
prāgnaye̍ viśva̱śuce̍ dhiya̱ṃdhe̎sura̱ghne manma̍ dhī̱tiṃ bha̍radhvam .
bhare̍ ha̱virna ba̱rhiṣi̍ prīṇā̱no vai̍śvāna̱rāya̱ yata̍ye matī̱nām .. 7.013.01
1. BRING song and hymn to Agni, Asura-slayer, enlightener of all and thought-bestower.
Like an oblation on the grass, to please him, I bring this to Vaiśvānara, hymn-inspirer.
Sloka : 7.13.2
त्वम॑ग्ने शो॒चिषा॒ शोशु॑चान॒ आ रोद॑सी अपृणा॒ जाय॑मानः ।
त्वं दे॒वाँ अ॒भिश॑स्तेरमुञ्चो॒ वैश्वा॑नर जातवेदो महि॒त्वा ॥ ७.०१३.०२
tvama̍gne śo̱ciṣā̱ śośu̍cāna̱ ā roda̍sī apṛṇā̱ jāya̍mānaḥ .
tvaṃ de̱vām̐ a̱bhiśa̍steramuñco̱ vaiśvā̍nara jātavedo mahi̱tvā .. 7.013.02
2 Thou with thy flame, O Agni, brightly glowing, hast at thy birth filled full the earth and heaven.
TIOU with thy might, Vaiśvānara Jātavedas, settest the Gods free frodi the curse that bound them.
Sloka : 7.13.3
जा॒तो यद॑ग्ने॒ भुव॑ना॒ व्यख्यः॑ प॒शून्न गो॒पा इर्यः॒ परि॑ज्मा ।
वैश्वा॑नर॒ ब्रह्म॑णे विन्द गा॒तुं यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०१३.०३
jā̱to yada̍gne̱ bhuva̍nā̱ vyakhya̍ḥ pa̱śūnna go̱pā irya̱ḥ pari̍jmā .
vaiśvā̍nara̱ brahma̍ṇe vinda gā̱tuṃ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.013.03
3 Agni, when, born thou lookedst on all creatures, like a brisk herdsman moving round his cattle.
The path to prayer, Vaiśvānara, thou foundest. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.14.1
स॒मिधा॑ जा॒तवे॑दसे दे॒वाय॑ दे॒वहू॑तिभिः ।
ह॒विर्भिः॑ शु॒क्रशो॑चिषे नम॒स्विनो॑ व॒यं दा॑शेमा॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ७.०१४.०१
sa̱midhā̍ jā̱tave̍dase de̱vāya̍ de̱vahū̍tibhiḥ .
ha̱virbhi̍ḥ śu̱kraśo̍ciṣe nama̱svino̍ va̱yaṃ dā̍śemā̱gnaye̍ .. 7.014.01
1. WITH reverence and with offered gifts serve we the God whose flame is bright:-
Let us bring Jātavedas fuel, and adore Agni when we invoke the Gods.
Sloka : 7.14.2
व॒यं ते॑ अग्ने स॒मिधा॑ विधेम व॒यं दा॑शेम सुष्टु॒ती य॑जत्र ।
व॒यं घृ॒तेना॑ध्वरस्य होतर्व॒यं दे॑व ह॒विषा॑ भद्रशोचे ॥ ७.०१४.०२
va̱yaṃ te̍ agne sa̱midhā̍ vidhema va̱yaṃ dā̍śema suṣṭu̱tī ya̍jatra .
va̱yaṃ ghṛ̱tenā̍dhvarasya hotarva̱yaṃ de̍va ha̱viṣā̍ bhadraśoce .. 7.014.02
2 Agni, may we perform thy rites with fuel, and honour thee, O Holy one, with praises:-
Honour thee, Priest of sacrifice! with butter, thee, God of blessed light! with our oblation.
Sloka : 7.14.3
आ नो॑ दे॒वेभि॒रुप॑ दे॒वहू॑ति॒मग्ने॑ या॒हि वष॑ट्कृतिं जुषा॒णः ।
तुभ्यं॑ दे॒वाय॒ दाश॑तः स्याम यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०१४.०३
ā no̍ de̱vebhi̱rupa̍ de̱vahū̍ti̱magne̍ yā̱hi vaṣa̍ṭkṛtiṃ juṣā̱ṇaḥ .
tubhya̍ṃ de̱vāya̱ dāśa̍taḥ syāma yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.014.03
3 Come, Agni, with the Gods to our invoking, come, pleased, to offerings sanctified with Vaṣaṭ.
May we be his who pays thee, God, due honour. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.15.1
उ॒प॒सद्या॑य मी॒ळ्हुष॑ आ॒स्ये॑ जुहुता ह॒विः ।
यो नो॒ नेदि॑ष्ठ॒माप्य॑म् ॥ ७.०१५.०१
u̱pa̱sadyā̍ya mī̱l̤huṣa̍ ā̱sye̍ juhutā ha̱viḥ .
yo no̱ nedi̍ṣṭha̱māpya̍m .. 7.015.01
1. OFFER oblations in his mouth, the bounteous God's whom we must serve.
His who is nearest kin to us:-
Sloka : 7.15.2
यः पञ्च॑ चर्ष॒णीर॒भि नि॑ष॒साद॒ दमे॑दमे ।
क॒विर्गृ॒हप॑ति॒र्युवा॑ ॥ ७.०१५.०२
yaḥ pañca̍ carṣa̱ṇīra̱bhi ni̍ṣa̱sāda̱ dame̍dame .
ka̱virgṛ̱hapa̍ti̱ryuvā̍ .. 7.015.02
2 Who for the Fivefold People's take hath seated him in every home
Wise, Youthful, Master of the house.
Sloka : 7.15.3
स नो॒ वेदो॑ अ॒मात्य॑म॒ग्नी र॑क्षतु वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
उ॒तास्मान्पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥ ७.०१५.०३
sa no̱ vedo̍ a̱mātya̍ma̱gnī ra̍kṣatu vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
u̱tāsmānpā̱tvaṃha̍saḥ .. 7.015.03
3 On all sides may that Agni guard our household folk and property;
May he deliver us from woe.
Sloka : 7.15.4
नवं॒ नु स्तोम॑म॒ग्नये॑ दि॒वः श्ये॒नाय॑ जीजनम् ।
वस्वः॑ कु॒विद्व॒नाति॑ नः ॥ ७.०१५.०४
nava̱ṃ nu stoma̍ma̱gnaye̍ di̱vaḥ śye̱nāya̍ jījanam .
vasva̍ḥ ku̱vidva̱nāti̍ naḥ .. 7.015.04
4 I have begotten this new hymn for Agni, Falcon of the sky:-
Will he not give us of his wealth?
Sloka : 7.15.5
स्पा॒र्हा यस्य॒ श्रियो॑ दृ॒शे र॒यिर्वी॒रव॑तो यथा ।
अग्रे॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॒ शोच॑तः ॥ ७.०१५.०५
spā̱rhā yasya̱ śriyo̍ dṛ̱śe ra̱yirvī̱rava̍to yathā .
agre̍ ya̱jñasya̱ śoca̍taḥ .. 7.015.05
5 Whose lories when he glows in front of sacrite are fair to see,
Like wealth of one with hero sons.
Sloka : 7.15.6
सेमां वे॑तु॒ वष॑ट्कृतिम॒ग्निर्जु॑षत नो॒ गिरः॑ ।
यजि॑ष्ठो हव्य॒वाह॑नः ॥ ७.०१५.०६
semāṃ ve̍tu̱ vaṣa̍ṭkṛtima̱gnirju̍ṣata no̱ gira̍ḥ .
yaji̍ṣṭho havya̱vāha̍naḥ .. 7.015.06
6 May he enjoy this hallowed gift, Agni accept our songs, who bears
Oblations, best of worshippers.
Sloka : 7.15.7
नि त्वा॑ नक्ष्य विश्पते द्यु॒मन्तं॑ देव धीमहि ।
सु॒वीर॑मग्न आहुत ॥ ७.०१५.०७
ni tvā̍ nakṣya viśpate dyu̱manta̍ṃ deva dhīmahi .
su̱vīra̍magna āhuta .. 7.015.07
7 Lord of the house, whom men must seek, we set thee down, O Worshipped Onel
Bright, rich in heroes, Agni! God
Sloka : 7.15.8
क्षप॑ उ॒स्रश्च॑ दीदिहि स्व॒ग्नय॒स्त्वया॑ व॒यम् ।
सु॒वीर॒स्त्वम॑स्म॒युः ॥ ७.०१५.०८
kṣapa̍ u̱sraśca̍ dīdihi sva̱gnaya̱stvayā̍ va̱yam .
su̱vīra̱stvama̍sma̱yuḥ .. 7.015.08
8 Shine forth at night and morn:- through thee with fires are we provided well.
Thou, rich in heroes, art our Friend.
Sloka : 7.15.9
उप॑ त्वा सा॒तये॒ नरो॒ विप्रा॑सो यन्ति धी॒तिभिः॑ ।
उपाक्ष॑रा सह॒स्रिणी॑ ॥ ७.०१५.०९
upa̍ tvā sā̱taye̱ naro̱ viprā̍so yanti dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .
upākṣa̍rā saha̱sriṇī̍ .. 7.015.09
9 The men come near thee for their gain, the singers with their songs of praise:-
Speech, thousandfold, comes near to thee.
Sloka : 7.15.10
अ॒ग्नी रक्षां॑सि सेधति शु॒क्रशो॑चि॒रम॑र्त्यः ।
शुचिः॑ पाव॒क ईड्यः॑ ॥ ७.०१५.१०
a̱gnī rakṣā̍ṃsi sedhati śu̱kraśo̍ci̱rama̍rtyaḥ .
śuci̍ḥ pāva̱ka īḍya̍ḥ .. 7.015.10
10 Bright, Purifier, meet for praise, Immortal with refulgent glow,
Agni drives Rākṣasas away.
Sloka : 7.15.11
स नो॒ राधां॒स्या भ॒रेशा॑नः सहसो यहो ।
भग॑श्च दातु॒ वार्य॑म् ॥ ७.०१५.११
sa no̱ rādhā̱ṃsyā bha̱reśā̍naḥ sahaso yaho .
bhaga̍śca dātu̱ vārya̍m .. 7.015.11
11 As such, bring us abundant wealth, young Child of Strength, for this thou canst
May Bhaga give us what is choice.
Sloka : 7.15.12
त्वम॑ग्ने वी॒रव॒द्यशो॑ दे॒वश्च॑ सवि॒ता भगः॑ ।
दिति॑श्च दाति॒ वार्य॑म् ॥ ७.०१५.१२
tvama̍gne vī̱rava̱dyaśo̍ de̱vaśca̍ savi̱tā bhaga̍ḥ .
diti̍śca dāti̱ vārya̍m .. 7.015.12
12 Thou, Agni, givest hero fame:- Bhaga and Savitar the God,
And Did give us what is good.
Sloka : 7.15.13
अग्ने॒ रक्षा॑ णो॒ अंह॑सः॒ प्रति॑ ष्म देव॒ रीष॑तः ।
तपि॑ष्ठैर॒जरो॑ दह ॥ ७.०१५.१३
agne̱ rakṣā̍ ṇo̱ aṃha̍sa̱ḥ prati̍ ṣma deva̱ rīṣa̍taḥ .
tapi̍ṣṭhaira̱jaro̍ daha .. 7.015.13
13 Agni, preserve us from distress:- consume our enemies, O God,
Eternal, with the hottest flames.
Sloka : 7.15.14
अधा॑ म॒ही न॒ आय॒स्यना॑धृष्टो॒ नृपी॑तये ।
पूर्भ॑वा श॒तभु॑जिः ॥ ७.०१५.१४
adhā̍ ma̱hī na̱ āya̱syanā̍dhṛṣṭo̱ nṛpī̍taye .
pūrbha̍vā śa̱tabhu̍jiḥ .. 7.015.14
14 And, irresistible, be thou a mighty iron fort to us,
With hundred walls for man's defence.
Sloka : 7.15.15
त्वं नः॑ पा॒ह्यंह॑सो॒ दोषा॑वस्तरघाय॒तः ।
दिवा॒ नक्त॑मदाभ्य ॥ ७.०१५.१५
tvaṃ na̍ḥ pā̱hyaṃha̍so̱ doṣā̍vastaraghāya̱taḥ .
divā̱ nakta̍madābhya .. 7.015.15
15 Do thou preserve us, eve and morn, from sorrow, from the wicked men,
Infallible! by day and night.
Sloka : 7.16.1
ए॒ना वो॑ अ॒ग्निं नम॑सो॒र्जो नपा॑त॒मा हु॑वे ।
प्रि॒यं चेति॑ष्ठमर॒तिं स्व॑ध्व॒रं विश्व॑स्य दू॒तम॒मृत॑म् ॥ ७.०१६.०१
e̱nā vo̍ a̱gniṃ nama̍so̱rjo napā̍ta̱mā hu̍ve .
pri̱yaṃ ceti̍ṣṭhamara̱tiṃ sva̍dhva̱raṃ viśva̍sya dū̱tama̱mṛta̍m .. 7.016.01
1. WITH this my reverent hymn I call Agni for you, the Son of Strength,
Dear, wisest envoy, served with noble sacrifice, immortal messenger of all.
Sloka : 7.16.2
स यो॑जते अरु॒षा वि॒श्वभो॑जसा॒ स दु॑द्रव॒त्स्वा॑हुतः ।
सु॒ब्रह्मा॑ य॒ज्ञः सु॒शमी॒ वसू॑नां दे॒वं राधो॒ जना॑नाम् ॥ ७.०१६.०२
sa yo̍jate aru̱ṣā vi̱śvabho̍jasā̱ sa du̍drava̱tsvā̍hutaḥ .
su̱brahmā̍ ya̱jñaḥ su̱śamī̱ vasū̍nāṃ de̱vaṃ rādho̱ janā̍nām .. 7.016.02
2 His two red horses, all-supporting, let him yoke:- let him, well-worshipped, urge them fast.
Then hath the sacrifice good prayers and happy end, and heavenly gift of wealth to men.
Sloka : 7.16.3
उद॑स्य शो॒चिर॑स्थादा॒जुह्वा॑नस्य मी॒ळ्हुषः॑ ।
उद्धू॒मासो॑ अरु॒षासो॑ दिवि॒स्पृशः॒ सम॒ग्निमि॑न्धते॒ नरः॑ ॥ ७.०१६.०३
uda̍sya śo̱cira̍sthādā̱juhvā̍nasya mī̱l̤huṣa̍ḥ .
uddhū̱māso̍ aru̱ṣāso̍ divi̱spṛśa̱ḥ sama̱gnimi̍ndhate̱ nara̍ḥ .. 7.016.03
3 The flame of him the Bountiful, the Much-invoked, hath mounted up,
And his red-coloured smoke-clouds reach and touch the sky:- the men are kindling Agni well.
Sloka : 7.16.4
तं त्वा॑ दू॒तं कृ॑ण्महे य॒शस्त॑मं दे॒वाँ आ वी॒तये॑ वह ।
विश्वा॑ सूनो सहसो मर्त॒भोज॑ना॒ रास्व॒ तद्यत्त्वेम॑हे ॥ ७.०१६.०४
taṃ tvā̍ dū̱taṃ kṛ̍ṇmahe ya̱śasta̍maṃ de̱vām̐ ā vī̱taye̍ vaha .
viśvā̍ sūno sahaso marta̱bhoja̍nā̱ rāsva̱ tadyattvema̍he .. 7.016.04
4 Thee, thee Most Glorious One we make our messenger. Bring the Gods hither to the feast.
Give us, O Son of Strength, all food that fcedeth man:- give that for which we pray to thee.
Sloka : 7.16.5
त्वम॑ग्ने गृ॒हप॑ति॒स्त्वं होता॑ नो अध्व॒रे ।
त्वं पोता॑ विश्ववार॒ प्रचे॑ता॒ यक्षि॒ वेषि॑ च॒ वार्य॑म् ॥ ७.०१६.०५
tvama̍gne gṛ̱hapa̍ti̱stvaṃ hotā̍ no adhva̱re .
tvaṃ potā̍ viśvavāra̱ prace̍tā̱ yakṣi̱ veṣi̍ ca̱ vārya̍m .. 7.016.05
5 Thou, Agni, art the homestead's Lord, our Herald at the sacrifice.
Lord of all boons, thou art the Cleanser and a Sage. Pay worship, and enjoy the good.
Sloka : 7.16.6
कृ॒धि रत्नं॒ यज॑मानाय सुक्रतो॒ त्वं हि र॑त्न॒धा असि॑ ।
आ न॑ ऋ॒ते शि॑शीहि॒ विश्व॑मृ॒त्विजं॑ सु॒शंसो॒ यश्च॒ दक्ष॑ते ॥ ७.०१६.०६
kṛ̱dhi ratna̱ṃ yaja̍mānāya sukrato̱ tvaṃ hi ra̍tna̱dhā asi̍ .
ā na̍ ṛ̱te śi̍śīhi̱ viśva̍mṛ̱tvija̍ṃ su̱śaṃso̱ yaśca̱ dakṣa̍te .. 7.016.06
6 Give riches to the sacrificer, O Most Wise, for thou art he who granteth wealth.
Inspire with zeal each priest at this our solemn rite; all who are skilled in singing praise.
Sloka : 7.16.7
त्वे अ॑ग्ने स्वाहुत प्रि॒यासः॑ सन्तु सू॒रयः॑ ।
य॒न्तारो॒ ये म॒घवा॑नो॒ जना॑नामू॒र्वान्दय॑न्त॒ गोना॑म् ॥ ७.०१६.०७
tve a̍gne svāhuta pri̱yāsa̍ḥ santu sū̱raya̍ḥ .
ya̱ntāro̱ ye ma̱ghavā̍no̱ janā̍nāmū̱rvāndaya̍nta̱ gonā̍m .. 7.016.07
7 O Agni who art worshipped well, dear let our princes he to thee,
Our wealthy patrons who are governors of men, who part, as gifts, their stalls of kine.
Sloka : 7.16.8
येषा॒मिळा॑ घृ॒तह॑स्ता दुरो॒ण आँ अपि॑ प्रा॒ता नि॒षीद॑ति ।
ताँस्त्रा॑यस्व सहस्य द्रु॒हो नि॒दो यच्छा॑ नः॒ शर्म॑ दीर्घ॒श्रुत् ॥ ७.०१६.०८
yeṣā̱mil̤ā̍ ghṛ̱taha̍stā duro̱ṇa ām̐ api̍ prā̱tā ni̱ṣīda̍ti .
tām̐strā̍yasva sahasya dru̱ho ni̱do yacchā̍ na̱ḥ śarma̍ dīrgha̱śrut .. 7.016.08
8 They in whose home, her hand bearing the sacred oil, Iḷā sits down well-satisfied-
Guard them, Victorious God, from slander and from harm. give us a refuge famed afar.
Sloka : 7.16.9
स म॒न्द्रया॑ च जि॒ह्वया॒ वह्नि॑रा॒सा वि॒दुष्ट॑रः ।
अग्ने॑ र॒यिं म॒घव॑द्भ्यो न॒ आ व॑ह ह॒व्यदा॑तिं च सूदय ॥ ७.०१६.०९
sa ma̱ndrayā̍ ca ji̱hvayā̱ vahni̍rā̱sā vi̱duṣṭa̍raḥ .
agne̍ ra̱yiṃ ma̱ghava̍dbhyo na̱ ā va̍ha ha̱vyadā̍tiṃ ca sūdaya .. 7.016.09
9 Do thou, a Priest with pleasant tongue, most wise, and very near to us,
Agni, bring riches hither to our liberal chiefs, and speed the oflering of our gifts.
Sloka : 7.16.10
ये राधां॑सि॒ दद॒त्यश्व्या॑ म॒घा कामे॑न॒ श्रव॑सो म॒हः ।
ताँ अंह॑सः पिपृहि प॒र्तृभि॒ष्ट्वं श॒तं पू॒र्भिर्य॑विष्ठ्य ॥ ७.०१६.१०
ye rādhā̍ṃsi̱ dada̱tyaśvyā̍ ma̱ghā kāme̍na̱ śrava̍so ma̱haḥ .
tām̐ aṃha̍saḥ pipṛhi pa̱rtṛbhi̱ṣṭvaṃ śa̱taṃ pū̱rbhirya̍viṣṭhya .. 7.016.10
10 They who bestow as bounty plenteous wealth of steeds, moved by desire of great renown-
Do thou with saving help preserve them from distress, Most Youthful! with a hundred forts.
Sloka : 7.16.11
दे॒वो वो॑ द्रविणो॒दाः पू॒र्णां वि॑वष्ट्या॒सिच॑म् ।
उद्वा॑ सि॒ञ्चध्व॒मुप॑ वा पृणध्व॒मादिद्वो॑ दे॒व ओ॑हते ॥ ७.०१६.११
de̱vo vo̍ draviṇo̱dāḥ pū̱rṇāṃ vi̍vaṣṭyā̱sica̍m .
udvā̍ si̱ñcadhva̱mupa̍ vā pṛṇadhva̱mādidvo̍ de̱va o̍hate .. 7.016.11
11 The God who gives your wealth demands a full libation poured to him.
Pour ye it forth, then fill the vessel full again:- then doth the God pay heed to you.
Sloka : 7.16.12
तं होता॑रमध्व॒रस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ वह्निं॑ दे॒वा अ॑कृण्वत ।
दधा॑ति॒ रत्नं॑ विध॒ते सु॒वीर्य॑म॒ग्निर्जना॑य दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ७.०१६.१२
taṃ hotā̍ramadhva̱rasya̱ prace̍tasa̱ṃ vahni̍ṃ de̱vā a̍kṛṇvata .
dadhā̍ti̱ ratna̍ṃ vidha̱te su̱vīrya̍ma̱gnirjanā̍ya dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 7.016.12
12 Him have the Gods appointed Priest of sacrifice, oblation-bearer, passing wise.
Agni gives wealth and valour to the worshipper, to folk who offer up their gifts.
Sloka : 7.17.1
अग्ने॒ भव॑ सुष॒मिधा॒ समि॑द्ध उ॒त ब॒र्हिरु॑र्वि॒या वि स्तृ॑णीताम् ॥ ७.०१७.०१
agne̱ bhava̍ suṣa̱midhā̱ sami̍ddha u̱ta ba̱rhiru̍rvi̱yā vi stṛ̍ṇītām .. 7.017.01
1. AGNI, be kindled well with proper fuel, and let the grass be scattered wide about thee.
Sloka : 7.17.2
उ॒त द्वार॑ उश॒तीर्वि श्र॑यन्तामु॒त दे॒वाँ उ॑श॒त आ व॑हे॒ह ॥ ७.०१७.०२
u̱ta dvāra̍ uśa̱tīrvi śra̍yantāmu̱ta de̱vām̐ u̍śa̱ta ā va̍he̱ha .. 7.017.02
2 Let the impatient Portals be thrown open bring thou the Gods impatient to come hither.
Sloka : 7.17.3
अग्ने॑ वी॒हि ह॒विषा॒ यक्षि॑ दे॒वान्स्व॑ध्व॒रा कृ॑णुहि जातवेदः ॥ ७.०१७.०३
agne̍ vī̱hi ha̱viṣā̱ yakṣi̍ de̱vānsva̍dhva̱rā kṛ̍ṇuhi jātavedaḥ .. 7.017.03
3 Taste, Agni:- serve the Gods with our oblation. Offer good sacrifices, Jātavedas!
Sloka : 7.17.4
स्व॒ध्व॒रा क॑रति जा॒तवे॑दा॒ यक्ष॑द्दे॒वाँ अ॒मृता॑न्पि॒प्रय॑च्च ॥ ७.०१७.०४
sva̱dhva̱rā ka̍rati jā̱tave̍dā̱ yakṣa̍dde̱vām̐ a̱mṛtā̍npi̱praya̍cca .. 7.017.04
4 Let Jātavedas pay fair sacrifices, worship andgratify the Gods Immortal.
Sloka : 7.17.5
वंस्व॒ विश्वा॒ वार्या॑णि प्रचेतः स॒त्या भ॑वन्त्वा॒शिषो॑ नो अ॒द्य ॥ ७.०१७.०५
vaṃsva̱ viśvā̱ vāryā̍ṇi pracetaḥ sa̱tyā bha̍vantvā̱śiṣo̍ no a̱dya .. 7.017.05
5 Wise God, win for us things that are all-goodly, and let the prayers, we pray today be fruitful.
Sloka : 7.17.6
त्वामु॒ ते द॑धिरे हव्य॒वाहं॑ दे॒वासो॑ अग्न ऊ॒र्ज आ नपा॑तम् ॥ ७.०१७.०६
tvāmu̱ te da̍dhire havya̱vāha̍ṃ de̱vāso̍ agna ū̱rja ā napā̍tam .. 7.017.06
6 Thee, even thee, the Son of Strength, O Agni, those Gods have made the bearer of oblations.
Sloka : 7.17.7
ते ते॑ दे॒वाय॒ दाश॑तः स्याम म॒हो नो॒ रत्ना॒ वि द॑ध इया॒नः ॥ ७.०१७.०७
te te̍ de̱vāya̱ dāśa̍taḥ syāma ma̱ho no̱ ratnā̱ vi da̍dha iyā̱naḥ .. 7.017.07
7 To thee the God may we perform our worship:- do thou, besought, grant us abundant riches.
Sloka : 7.18.1
त्वे ह॒ यत्पि॒तर॑श्चिन्न इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑ वा॒मा ज॑रि॒तारो॒ अस॑न्वन् ।
त्वे गावः॑ सु॒दुघा॒स्त्वे ह्यश्वा॒स्त्वं वसु॑ देवय॒ते वनि॑ष्ठः ॥ ७.०१८.०१
tve ha̱ yatpi̱tara̍ścinna indra̱ viśvā̍ vā̱mā ja̍ri̱tāro̱ asa̍nvan .
tve gāva̍ḥ su̱dughā̱stve hyaśvā̱stvaṃ vasu̍ devaya̱te vani̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 7.018.01
1. ALL is with thee, O Indra, all the treasures which erst our fathers won who sang thy praises.
With thee are milch-kine good to milk, and horses:- best winner thou of riches for the pious.
Sloka : 7.18.2
राजे॑व॒ हि जनि॑भिः॒ क्षेष्ये॒वाव॒ द्युभि॑र॒भि वि॒दुष्क॒विः सन् ।
पि॒शा गिरो॑ मघव॒न्गोभि॒रश्वै॑स्त्वाय॒तः शि॑शीहि रा॒ये अ॒स्मान् ॥ ७.०१८.०२
rāje̍va̱ hi jani̍bhi̱ḥ kṣeṣye̱vāva̱ dyubhi̍ra̱bhi vi̱duṣka̱viḥ san .
pi̱śā giro̍ maghava̱ngobhi̱raśvai̍stvāya̱taḥ śi̍śīhi rā̱ye a̱smān .. 7.018.02
2 For like a King among his wives thou dwellest:- with glories, as a Sage, surround and help us.
Make us, thy servants, strong for wealth, and honour our songs wirth kine and steeds and decoration.
Sloka : 7.18.3
इ॒मा उ॑ त्वा पस्पृधा॒नासो॒ अत्र॑ म॒न्द्रा गिरो॑ देव॒यन्ती॒रुप॑ स्थुः ।
अ॒र्वाची॑ ते प॒थ्या॑ रा॒य ए॑तु॒ स्याम॑ ते सुम॒तावि॑न्द्र॒ शर्म॑न् ॥ ७.०१८.०३
i̱mā u̍ tvā paspṛdhā̱nāso̱ atra̍ ma̱ndrā giro̍ deva̱yantī̱rupa̍ sthuḥ .
a̱rvācī̍ te pa̱thyā̍ rā̱ya e̍tu̱ syāma̍ te suma̱tāvi̍ndra̱ śarma̍n .. 7.018.03
3 Here these our holy hymns with joy and gladness in pious emulation have approached thee.
Hitherward come thy path that leads to riches:- may we find shelter in thy favour, Indra.
Sloka : 7.18.4
धे॒नुं न त्वा॑ सू॒यव॑से॒ दुदु॑क्ष॒न्नुप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि ससृजे॒ वसि॑ष्ठः ।
त्वामिन्मे॒ गोप॑तिं॒ विश्व॑ आ॒हा न॒ इन्द्रः॑ सुम॒तिं ग॒न्त्वच्छ॑ ॥ ७.०१८.०४
dhe̱nuṃ na tvā̍ sū̱yava̍se̱ dudu̍kṣa̱nnupa̱ brahmā̍ṇi sasṛje̱ vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .
tvāminme̱ gopa̍ti̱ṃ viśva̍ ā̱hā na̱ indra̍ḥ suma̱tiṃ ga̱ntvaccha̍ .. 7.018.04
4 Vasiṣṭha hath poured forth his prayers, desiring to milk thee like a cow in goodly pasture.
All these my people call thee Lord of cattle:- may Indra. come unto the prayer we offer.
Sloka : 7.18.5
अर्णां॑सि चित्पप्रथा॒ना सु॒दास॒ इन्द्रो॑ गा॒धान्य॑कृणोत्सुपा॒रा ।
शर्ध॑न्तं शि॒म्युमु॒चथ॑स्य॒ नव्यः॒ शापं॒ सिन्धू॑नामकृणो॒दश॑स्तीः ॥ ७.०१८.०५
arṇā̍ṃsi citpaprathā̱nā su̱dāsa̱ indro̍ gā̱dhānya̍kṛṇotsupā̱rā .
śardha̍ntaṃ śi̱myumu̱catha̍sya̱ navya̱ḥ śāpa̱ṃ sindhū̍nāmakṛṇo̱daśa̍stīḥ .. 7.018.05
5 What though the floods spread widely, Indra made them shallow and easy for Sudās to traverse.
He, worthy of our praises, caused the Simyu, foe of our hymn, to curse the rivers' fury.
Sloka : 7.18.6
पु॒रो॒ळा इत्तु॒र्वशो॒ यक्षु॑रासीद्रा॒ये मत्स्या॑सो॒ निशि॑ता॒ अपी॑व ।
श्रु॒ष्टिं च॑क्रु॒र्भृग॑वो द्रु॒ह्यव॑श्च॒ सखा॒ सखा॑यमतर॒द्विषू॑चोः ॥ ७.०१८.०६
pu̱ro̱l̤ā ittu̱rvaśo̱ yakṣu̍rāsīdrā̱ye matsyā̍so̱ niśi̍tā̱ apī̍va .
śru̱ṣṭiṃ ca̍kru̱rbhṛga̍vo dru̱hyava̍śca̱ sakhā̱ sakhā̍yamatara̱dviṣū̍coḥ .. 7.018.06
6 Eager for spoil was Turvaśa Purodas, fain to win wealth, like fishes urged by hunger.
The Bhṛgus and the Druhyus quickly listened:- friend rescued friend mid the two distant peoples.
Sloka : 7.18.7
आ प॒क्थासो॑ भला॒नसो॑ भन॒न्तालि॑नासो विषा॒णिनः॑ शि॒वासः॑ ।
आ योऽन॑यत्सध॒मा आर्य॑स्य ग॒व्या तृत्सु॑भ्यो अजगन्यु॒धा नॄन् ॥ ७.०१८.०७
ā pa̱kthāso̍ bhalā̱naso̍ bhana̱ntāli̍nāso viṣā̱ṇina̍ḥ śi̱vāsa̍ḥ .
ā yo'na̍yatsadha̱mā ārya̍sya ga̱vyā tṛtsu̍bhyo ajaganyu̱dhā nṝn .. 7.018.07
7 Together came the Pakthas, the Bhalanas, the Alinas, the Sivas, the Visanins.
Yet to the Trtsus came the Ārya's Comrade, through love of spoil and heroes' war, to lead them.
Sloka : 7.18.8
दु॒रा॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ अदि॑तिं स्रे॒वय॑न्तोऽचे॒तसो॒ वि ज॑गृभ्रे॒ परु॑ष्णीम् ।
म॒ह्नावि॑व्यक्पृथि॒वीं पत्य॑मानः प॒शुष्क॒विर॑शय॒च्चाय॑मानः ॥ ७.०१८.०८
du̱rā̱dhyo̱3̱̍ adi̍tiṃ sre̱vaya̍nto'ce̱taso̱ vi ja̍gṛbhre̱ paru̍ṣṇīm .
ma̱hnāvi̍vyakpṛthi̱vīṃ patya̍mānaḥ pa̱śuṣka̱vira̍śaya̱ccāya̍mānaḥ .. 7.018.08
8 Fools, in their folly fain to waste her waters, they parted inexhaustible Paruṣṇī.
Lord of the Earth, he with his might repressed them:- still lay the herd and the affrighted herdsman.
Sloka : 7.18.9
ई॒युरर्थं॒ न न्य॒र्थं परु॑ष्णीमा॒शुश्च॒नेद॑भिपि॒त्वं ज॑गाम ।
सु॒दास॒ इन्द्रः॑ सु॒तुका॑ँ अ॒मित्रा॒नर॑न्धय॒न्मानु॑षे॒ वध्रि॑वाचः ॥ ७.०१८.०९
ī̱yurartha̱ṃ na nya̱rthaṃ paru̍ṣṇīmā̱śuśca̱neda̍bhipi̱tvaṃ ja̍gāma .
su̱dāsa̱ indra̍ḥ su̱tukā̍m̐ a̱mitrā̱nara̍ndhaya̱nmānu̍ṣe̱ vadhri̍vācaḥ .. 7.018.09
9 As to their goal they sped to their destruetion:- they sought Paruṣṇī; e’en the swift returned not.
Indra abandoned, to Sudās the manly, the swiftly flying foes, unmanly babblers.
Sloka : 7.18.10
ई॒युर्गावो॒ न यव॑सा॒दगो॑पा यथाकृ॒तम॒भि मि॒त्रं चि॒तासः॑ ।
पृश्नि॑गावः॒ पृश्नि॑निप्रेषितासः श्रु॒ष्टिं च॑क्रुर्नि॒युतो॒ रन्त॑यश्च ॥ ७.०१८.१०
ī̱yurgāvo̱ na yava̍sā̱dago̍pā yathākṛ̱tama̱bhi mi̱traṃ ci̱tāsa̍ḥ .
pṛśni̍gāva̱ḥ pṛśni̍nipreṣitāsaḥ śru̱ṣṭiṃ ca̍krurni̱yuto̱ ranta̍yaśca .. 7.018.10
10 They went like kine unherded from the pasture, each clinging to a friend as chance directed.
They who drive spotted steeds, sent down by Pṛśni, gave ear, the Warriors and the harnessed horses.
Sloka : 7.18.11
एकं॑ च॒ यो विं॑श॒तिं च॑ श्रव॒स्या वै॑क॒र्णयो॒र्जना॒न्राजा॒ न्यस्तः॑ ।
द॒स्मो न सद्म॒न्नि शि॑शाति ब॒र्हिः शूरः॒ सर्ग॑मकृणो॒दिन्द्र॑ एषाम् ॥ ७.०१८.११
eka̍ṃ ca̱ yo vi̍ṃśa̱tiṃ ca̍ śrava̱syā vai̍ka̱rṇayo̱rjanā̱nrājā̱ nyasta̍ḥ .
da̱smo na sadma̱nni śi̍śāti ba̱rhiḥ śūra̱ḥ sarga̍makṛṇo̱dindra̍ eṣām .. 7.018.11
11 The King who scattered one-and-twenty people of both Vaikarna tribes through lust of glory-
As the skilled priest clips grass within the chamber, so hath the Hero Indra, wrought their downfall.
Sloka : 7.18.12
अध॑ श्रु॒तं क॒वषं॑ वृ॒द्धम॒प्स्वनु॑ द्रु॒ह्युं नि वृ॑ण॒ग्वज्र॑बाहुः ।
वृ॒णा॒ना अत्र॑ स॒ख्याय॑ स॒ख्यं त्वा॒यन्तो॒ ये अम॑द॒न्ननु॑ त्वा ॥ ७.०१८.१२
adha̍ śru̱taṃ ka̱vaṣa̍ṃ vṛ̱ddhama̱psvanu̍ dru̱hyuṃ ni vṛ̍ṇa̱gvajra̍bāhuḥ .
vṛ̱ṇā̱nā atra̍ sa̱khyāya̍ sa̱khyaṃ tvā̱yanto̱ ye ama̍da̱nnanu̍ tvā .. 7.018.12
12 Thou, thunder-armed, o’erwhelmedst in the waters famed ancient Kavasa and then the Druhyu.
Others here claiming friendship to their friendship, devoted unto thee, in thee were joyful.
Sloka : 7.18.13
वि स॒द्यो विश्वा॑ दृंहि॒तान्ये॑षा॒मिन्द्रः॒ पुरः॒ सह॑सा स॒प्त द॑र्दः ।
व्यान॑वस्य॒ तृत्स॑वे॒ गयं॑ भा॒ग्जेष्म॑ पू॒रुं वि॒दथे॑ मृ॒ध्रवा॑चम् ॥ ७.०१८.१३
vi sa̱dyo viśvā̍ dṛṃhi̱tānye̍ṣā̱mindra̱ḥ pura̱ḥ saha̍sā sa̱pta da̍rdaḥ .
vyāna̍vasya̱ tṛtsa̍ve̱ gaya̍ṃ bhā̱gjeṣma̍ pū̱ruṃ vi̱dathe̍ mṛ̱dhravā̍cam .. 7.018.13
13 Indra at once with conquering might demolished all their strong places and their seven castles.
The goods of Anu's son he gave to Trtsu. May we in sacrifice conquer scorned Pūru.
Sloka : 7.18.14
नि ग॒व्यवोऽन॑वो द्रु॒ह्यव॑श्च ष॒ष्टिः श॒ता सु॑षुपुः॒ षट् स॒हस्रा॑ ।
ष॒ष्टिर्वी॒रासो॒ अधि॒ षड्दु॑वो॒यु विश्वेदिन्द्र॑स्य वी॒र्या॑ कृ॒तानि॑ ॥ ७.०१८.१४
ni ga̱vyavo'na̍vo dru̱hyava̍śca ṣa̱ṣṭiḥ śa̱tā su̍ṣupu̱ḥ ṣaṭ sa̱hasrā̍ .
ṣa̱ṣṭirvī̱rāso̱ adhi̱ ṣaḍdu̍vo̱yu viśvedindra̍sya vī̱ryā̍ kṛ̱tāni̍ .. 7.018.14
14 The Anavas and Druhyus, seeking booty, have slept, the sixty hundred, yea, six thousand,
And six-and-sixty heroes. For the pious were all these mighty exploits done by Indra.
Sloka : 7.18.15
इन्द्रे॑णै॒ते तृत्स॑वो॒ वेवि॑षाणा॒ आपो॒ न सृ॒ष्टा अ॑धवन्त॒ नीचीः॑ ।
दु॒र्मि॒त्रासः॑ प्रकल॒विन्मिमा॑ना ज॒हुर्विश्वा॑नि॒ भोज॑ना सु॒दासे॑ ॥ ७.०१८.१५
indre̍ṇai̱te tṛtsa̍vo̱ vevi̍ṣāṇā̱ āpo̱ na sṛ̱ṣṭā a̍dhavanta̱ nīcī̍ḥ .
du̱rmi̱trāsa̍ḥ prakala̱vinmimā̍nā ja̱hurviśvā̍ni̱ bhoja̍nā su̱dāse̍ .. 7.018.15
15 These Trtsus under Indra's careful guidance came speeding like loosed waters rushing downward.
The foemen, measuring exceeding closely, abandoned to Sudās all their provisions.
Sloka : 7.18.16
अ॒र्धं वी॒रस्य॑ शृत॒पाम॑नि॒न्द्रं परा॒ शर्ध॑न्तं नुनुदे अ॒भि क्षाम् ।
इन्द्रो॑ म॒न्युं म॑न्यु॒म्यो॑ मिमाय भे॒जे प॒थो व॑र्त॒निं पत्य॑मानः ॥ ७.०१८.१६
a̱rdhaṃ vī̱rasya̍ śṛta̱pāma̍ni̱ndraṃ parā̱ śardha̍ntaṃ nunude a̱bhi kṣām .
indro̍ ma̱nyuṃ ma̍nyu̱myo̍ mimāya bhe̱je pa̱tho va̍rta̱niṃ patya̍mānaḥ .. 7.018.16
16 The hero's side who drank the dressed oblation, Indra's denier, far o’er earth he scattered.
Indra brought down the fierce destroyer's fury. He gave them various roads, the path's Controller.
Sloka : 7.18.17
आ॒ध्रेण॑ चि॒त्तद्वेकं॑ चकार सिं॒ह्यं॑ चि॒त्पेत्वे॑ना जघान ।
अव॑ स्र॒क्तीर्वे॒श्या॑वृश्च॒दिन्द्रः॒ प्राय॑च्छ॒द्विश्वा॒ भोज॑ना सु॒दासे॑ ॥ ७.०१८.१७
ā̱dhreṇa̍ ci̱ttadveka̍ṃ cakāra si̱ṃhya̍ṃ ci̱tpetve̍nā jaghāna .
ava̍ sra̱ktīrve̱śyā̍vṛśca̱dindra̱ḥ prāya̍ccha̱dviśvā̱ bhoja̍nā su̱dāse̍ .. 7.018.17
17 E’en with the weak he wrought this matchless exploit:- e’en with a goat he did to death a lion.
He pared the pillar's angles with a needle. Thus to Sudās Indra gave all provisions.
Sloka : 7.18.18
शश्व॑न्तो॒ हि शत्र॑वो रार॒धुष्टे॑ भे॒दस्य॑ चि॒च्छर्ध॑तो विन्द॒ रन्धि॑म् ।
मर्ता॒ँ एनः॑ स्तुव॒तो यः कृ॒णोति॑ ति॒ग्मं तस्मि॒न्नि ज॑हि॒ वज्र॑मिन्द्र ॥ ७.०१८.१८
śaśva̍nto̱ hi śatra̍vo rāra̱dhuṣṭe̍ bhe̱dasya̍ ci̱cchardha̍to vinda̱ randhi̍m .
martā̱m̐ ena̍ḥ stuva̱to yaḥ kṛ̱ṇoti̍ ti̱gmaṃ tasmi̱nni ja̍hi̱ vajra̍mindra .. 7.018.18
18 To thee have all thine enemies submitted:- e’en the fierce Bheda hast thou made thy subject.
Cast down thy sharpened thunderbolt, O Indra, on him who harms the men who sing thy praises.
Sloka : 7.18.19
आव॒दिन्द्रं॑ य॒मुना॒ तृत्स॑वश्च॒ प्रात्र॑ भे॒दं स॒र्वता॑ता मुषायत् ।
अ॒जास॑श्च॒ शिग्र॑वो॒ यक्ष॑वश्च ब॒लिं शी॒र्षाणि॑ जभ्रु॒रश्व्या॑नि ॥ ७.०१८.१९
āva̱dindra̍ṃ ya̱munā̱ tṛtsa̍vaśca̱ prātra̍ bhe̱daṃ sa̱rvatā̍tā muṣāyat .
a̱jāsa̍śca̱ śigra̍vo̱ yakṣa̍vaśca ba̱liṃ śī̱rṣāṇi̍ jabhru̱raśvyā̍ni .. 7.018.19
19 Yamuna and the Trtsus aided Indra. There he stripped Bheda bare of all his treasures.
The Ajas and the Sigrus and the Yaksus brought in to him as tribute heads of horses.
Sloka : 7.18.20
न त॑ इन्द्र सुम॒तयो॒ न रायः॑ सं॒चक्षे॒ पूर्वा॑ उ॒षसो॒ न नूत्नाः॑ ।
देव॑कं चिन्मान्यमा॒नं ज॑घ॒न्थाव॒ त्मना॑ बृह॒तः शम्ब॑रं भेत् ॥ ७.०१८.२०
na ta̍ indra suma̱tayo̱ na rāya̍ḥ sa̱ṃcakṣe̱ pūrvā̍ u̱ṣaso̱ na nūtnā̍ḥ .
deva̍kaṃ cinmānyamā̱naṃ ja̍gha̱nthāva̱ tmanā̍ bṛha̱taḥ śamba̍raṃ bhet .. 7.018.20
20 Not to be scorned, but like Dawns past and recent, O Indra, are thy favours and thy riches.
Devaka, Mānyamana's son, thou slewest, and smotest Śambara from the lofty mountain.
Sloka : 7.18.21
प्र ये गृ॒हादम॑मदुस्त्वा॒या प॑राश॒रः श॒तया॑तु॒र्वसि॑ष्ठः ।
न ते॑ भो॒जस्य॑ स॒ख्यं मृ॑ष॒न्ताधा॑ सू॒रिभ्यः॑ सु॒दिना॒ व्यु॑च्छान् ॥ ७.०१८.२१
pra ye gṛ̱hādama̍madustvā̱yā pa̍rāśa̱raḥ śa̱tayā̍tu̱rvasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .
na te̍ bho̱jasya̍ sa̱khyaṃ mṛ̍ṣa̱ntādhā̍ sū̱ribhya̍ḥ su̱dinā̱ vyu̍cchān .. 7.018.21
21 They who, from home, have gladdened thee, thy servants Parasara, Vasiṣṭha, Satayatu,
Will not forget thy friendship, liberal Giver. So shall the days dawn prosperous for the princes.
Sloka : 7.18.22
द्वे नप्तु॑र्दे॒वव॑तः श॒ते गोर्द्वा रथा॑ व॒धूम॑न्ता सु॒दासः॑ ।
अर्ह॑न्नग्ने पैजव॒नस्य॒ दानं॒ होते॑व॒ सद्म॒ पर्ये॑मि॒ रेभ॑न् ॥ ७.०१८.२२
dve naptu̍rde̱vava̍taḥ śa̱te gordvā rathā̍ va̱dhūma̍ntā su̱dāsa̍ḥ .
arha̍nnagne paijava̱nasya̱ dāna̱ṃ hote̍va̱ sadma̱ parye̍mi̱ rebha̍n .. 7.018.22
22 Priest-like, with praise, I move around the altar, earning Paijavana's reward, O Agni,
Two hundred cows from Devavan's descendant, two chariots from Sudās with mares to draw them.
Sloka : 7.18.23
च॒त्वारो॑ मा पैजव॒नस्य॒ दानाः॒ स्मद्दि॑ष्टयः कृश॒निनो॑ निरे॒के ।
ऋ॒ज्रासो॑ मा पृथिवि॒ष्ठाः सु॒दास॑स्तो॒कं तो॒काय॒ श्रव॑से वहन्ति ॥ ७.०१८.२३
ca̱tvāro̍ mā paijava̱nasya̱ dānā̱ḥ smaddi̍ṣṭayaḥ kṛśa̱nino̍ nire̱ke .
ṛ̱jrāso̍ mā pṛthivi̱ṣṭhāḥ su̱dāsa̍sto̱kaṃ to̱kāya̱ śrava̍se vahanti .. 7.018.23
23 Gift of Paijavana, four horses bear me in foremost place, trained steeds with pearl to deck them.
Sudās's brown steeds, firmly-stepping, carry me and my son for progeny and glory.
Sloka : 7.18.24
यस्य॒ श्रवो॒ रोद॑सी अ॒न्तरु॒र्वी शी॒र्ष्णेशी॑र्ष्णे विब॒भाजा॑ विभ॒क्ता ।
स॒प्तेदिन्द्रं॒ न स्र॒वतो॑ गृणन्ति॒ नि यु॑ध्याम॒धिम॑शिशाद॒भीके॑ ॥ ७.०१८.२४
yasya̱ śravo̱ roda̍sī a̱ntaru̱rvī śī̱rṣṇeśī̍rṣṇe viba̱bhājā̍ vibha̱ktā .
sa̱ptedindra̱ṃ na sra̱vato̍ gṛṇanti̱ ni yu̍dhyāma̱dhima̍śiśāda̱bhīke̍ .. 7.018.24
24 Him whose fame spreads between wide earth and heaven, who, as dispenser, gives each chief his portion,
Seven flowing Rivers glorify like Indra. He slew Yudhyamadhi in close encounter.
Sloka : 7.18.25
इ॒मं न॑रो मरुतः सश्च॒तानु॒ दिवो॑दासं॒ न पि॒तरं॑ सु॒दासः॑ ।
अ॒वि॒ष्टना॑ पैजव॒नस्य॒ केतं॑ दू॒णाशं॑ क्ष॒त्रम॒जरं॑ दुवो॒यु ॥ ७.०१८.२५
i̱maṃ na̍ro marutaḥ saśca̱tānu̱ divo̍dāsa̱ṃ na pi̱tara̍ṃ su̱dāsa̍ḥ .
a̱vi̱ṣṭanā̍ paijava̱nasya̱ keta̍ṃ dū̱ṇāśa̍ṃ kṣa̱trama̱jara̍ṃ duvo̱yu .. 7.018.25
25 Attend on him O ye heroic Maruts as on Sudās's father Divodāsa.
Further Paijavana's desire with favour. Guard faithfully his lasting firm dominion.
Sloka : 7.19.1
यस्ति॒ग्मशृ॑ङ्गो वृष॒भो न भी॒म एकः॑ कृ॒ष्टीश्च्या॒वय॑ति॒ प्र विश्वाः॑ ।
यः शश्व॑तो॒ अदा॑शुषो॒ गय॑स्य प्रय॒न्तासि॒ सुष्वि॑तराय॒ वेदः॑ ॥ ७.०१९.०१
yasti̱gmaśṛ̍ṅgo vṛṣa̱bho na bhī̱ma eka̍ḥ kṛ̱ṣṭīścyā̱vaya̍ti̱ pra viśvā̍ḥ .
yaḥ śaśva̍to̱ adā̍śuṣo̱ gaya̍sya praya̱ntāsi̱ suṣvi̍tarāya̱ veda̍ḥ .. 7.019.01
1. HE like a bull with sharpened horns, terrific, singly excites and agitates all the people:-
Thou givest him who largely pours libations his goods who pours not, for his own possession.
Sloka : 7.19.2
त्वं ह॒ त्यदि॑न्द्र॒ कुत्स॑मावः॒ शुश्रू॑षमाणस्त॒न्वा॑ सम॒र्ये ।
दासं॒ यच्छुष्णं॒ कुय॑वं॒ न्य॑स्मा॒ अर॑न्धय आर्जुने॒याय॒ शिक्ष॑न् ॥ ७.०१९.०२
tvaṃ ha̱ tyadi̍ndra̱ kutsa̍māva̱ḥ śuśrū̍ṣamāṇasta̱nvā̍ sama̱rye .
dāsa̱ṃ yacchuṣṇa̱ṃ kuya̍va̱ṃ nya̍smā̱ ara̍ndhaya ārjune̱yāya̱ śikṣa̍n .. 7.019.02
2 Thou, verily, Indra, gavest help to Kutsa, willingly giving car to him in battle,
When, aiding Ārjuneya, thou subduedst to him both Kuyava and the Dāsa Śuṣṇa.
Sloka : 7.19.3
त्वं धृ॑ष्णो धृष॒ता वी॒तह॑व्यं॒ प्रावो॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ सु॒दास॑म् ।
प्र पौरु॑कुत्सिं त्र॒सद॑स्युमावः॒ क्षेत्र॑साता वृत्र॒हत्ये॑षु पू॒रुम् ॥ ७.०१९.०३
tvaṃ dhṛ̍ṣṇo dhṛṣa̱tā vī̱taha̍vya̱ṃ prāvo̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ su̱dāsa̍m .
pra pauru̍kutsiṃ tra̱sada̍syumāva̱ḥ kṣetra̍sātā vṛtra̱hatye̍ṣu pū̱rum .. 7.019.03
3 O Bold One, thou with all thine aids hast boldly holpen Sudās whose offerings were accepted,
Pūru in winning land and slaying foemen, and Trasadasyu son of Purukutsa.
Sloka : 7.19.4
त्वं नृभि॑र्नृमणो दे॒ववी॑तौ॒ भूरी॑णि वृ॒त्रा ह॑र्यश्व हंसि ।
त्वं नि दस्युं॒ चुमु॑रिं॒ धुनिं॒ चास्वा॑पयो द॒भीत॑ये सु॒हन्तु॑ ॥ ७.०१९.०४
tvaṃ nṛbhi̍rnṛmaṇo de̱vavī̍tau̱ bhūrī̍ṇi vṛ̱trā ha̍ryaśva haṃsi .
tvaṃ ni dasyu̱ṃ cumu̍ri̱ṃ dhuni̱ṃ cāsvā̍payo da̱bhīta̍ye su̱hantu̍ .. 7.019.04
4 At the Gods’ banquet, hero-souled! with Heroes, Lord of Bay Steeds, thou slewest many foemen.
Thou sentest in swift death to sleep the Dasyu, both Cumuri and Dhuni, for Dabhīti.
Sloka : 7.19.5
तव॑ च्यौ॒त्नानि॑ वज्रहस्त॒ तानि॒ नव॒ यत्पुरो॑ नव॒तिं च॑ स॒द्यः ।
नि॒वेश॑ने शतत॒मावि॑वेषी॒रह॑ञ्च वृ॒त्रं नमु॑चिमु॒ताह॑न् ॥ ७.०१९.०५
tava̍ cyau̱tnāni̍ vajrahasta̱ tāni̱ nava̱ yatpuro̍ nava̱tiṃ ca̍ sa̱dyaḥ .
ni̱veśa̍ne śatata̱māvi̍veṣī̱raha̍ñca vṛ̱traṃ namu̍cimu̱tāha̍n .. 7.019.05
5 These were thy mighty powers that, Thunder-wielder, thou swiftly crushedst nine-and-ninety castles:-
Thou capturedst the hundredth in thine onslaught; thou slewest Namuci, thou slewest Vṛtra.
Sloka : 7.19.6
सना॒ ता त॑ इन्द्र॒ भोज॑नानि रा॒तह॑व्याय दा॒शुषे॑ सु॒दासे॑ ।
वृष्णे॑ ते॒ हरी॒ वृष॑णा युनज्मि॒ व्यन्तु॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि पुरुशाक॒ वाज॑म् ॥ ७.०१९.०६
sanā̱ tā ta̍ indra̱ bhoja̍nāni rā̱taha̍vyāya dā̱śuṣe̍ su̱dāse̍ .
vṛṣṇe̍ te̱ harī̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā yunajmi̱ vyantu̱ brahmā̍ṇi puruśāka̱ vāja̍m .. 7.019.06
6 Old are the blessings, Indra, which thou gavest Sudās the worshipper who brought oblations.
For thee, the Strong, I yoke thy strong Bay Horses:- may our prayers reach thee and win strength, Most Mighty!
Sloka : 7.19.7
मा ते॑ अ॒स्यां स॑हसाव॒न्परि॑ष्टाव॒घाय॑ भूम हरिवः परा॒दै ।
त्राय॑स्व नोऽवृ॒केभि॒र्वरू॑थै॒स्तव॑ प्रि॒यासः॑ सू॒रिषु॑ स्याम ॥ ७.०१९.०७
mā te̍ a̱syāṃ sa̍hasāva̱npari̍ṣṭāva̱ghāya̍ bhūma harivaḥ parā̱dai .
trāya̍sva no'vṛ̱kebhi̱rvarū̍thai̱stava̍ pri̱yāsa̍ḥ sū̱riṣu̍ syāma .. 7.019.07
7 Give us not up, Lord of Bay Horses, Victor, in this thine own assembly, to the wicked.
Deliver us with true and faithful succours:- dear may we be to thee among the princes.
Sloka : 7.19.8
प्रि॒यास॒ इत्ते॑ मघवन्न॒भिष्टौ॒ नरो॑ मदेम शर॒णे सखा॑यः ।
नि तु॒र्वशं॒ नि याद्वं॑ शिशीह्यतिथि॒ग्वाय॒ शंस्यं॑ करि॒ष्यन् ॥ ७.०१९.०८
pri̱yāsa̱ itte̍ maghavanna̱bhiṣṭau̱ naro̍ madema śara̱ṇe sakhā̍yaḥ .
ni tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ ni yādva̍ṃ śiśīhyatithi̱gvāya̱ śaṃsya̍ṃ kari̱ṣyan .. 7.019.08
8 May we men, Maghavan, the friends thou lovest, near thee be joyful under thy protection.
Fain to fulfil the wish of Atithigva humble. the pride of Turvaśa and Yadva.
Sloka : 7.19.9
स॒द्यश्चि॒न्नु ते म॑घवन्न॒भिष्टौ॒ नरः॑ शंसन्त्युक्थ॒शास॑ उ॒क्था ।
ये ते॒ हवे॑भि॒र्वि प॒णीँरदा॑शन्न॒स्मान्वृ॑णीष्व॒ युज्या॑य॒ तस्मै॑ ॥ ७.०१९.०९
sa̱dyaści̱nnu te ma̍ghavanna̱bhiṣṭau̱ nara̍ḥ śaṃsantyuktha̱śāsa̍ u̱kthā .
ye te̱ have̍bhi̱rvi pa̱ṇīm̐radā̍śanna̱smānvṛ̍ṇīṣva̱ yujyā̍ya̱ tasmai̍ .. 7.019.09
9 Swiftly, in truth, O Maghavan, about thee men skilled in hymning sing their songs and praises. '
Elect us also into their assembly who by their calls on thee despoiled the niggards.
Sloka : 7.19.10
ए॒ते स्तोमा॑ न॒रां नृ॑तम॒ तुभ्य॑मस्म॒द्र्य॑ञ्चो॒ दद॑तो म॒घानि॑ ।
तेषा॑मिन्द्र वृत्र॒हत्ये॑ शि॒वो भूः॒ सखा॑ च॒ शूरो॑ऽवि॒ता च॑ नृ॒णाम् ॥ ७.०१९.१०
e̱te stomā̍ na̱rāṃ nṛ̍tama̱ tubhya̍masma̱drya̍ñco̱ dada̍to ma̱ghāni̍ .
teṣā̍mindra vṛtra̱hatye̍ śi̱vo bhū̱ḥ sakhā̍ ca̱ śūro̎vi̱tā ca̍ nṛ̱ṇām .. 7.019.10
10 Thine are these lauds, O manliest of heroes, lauds which revert to us and give us riches.
Favour these, Indra, when they fight with faemen, as Friend and Hero and the heroes' Helper.
Sloka : 7.19.11
नू इ॑न्द्र शूर॒ स्तव॑मान ऊ॒ती ब्रह्म॑जूतस्त॒न्वा॑ वावृधस्व ।
उप॑ नो॒ वाजा॑न्मिमी॒ह्युप॒ स्तीन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०१९.११
nū i̍ndra śūra̱ stava̍māna ū̱tī brahma̍jūtasta̱nvā̍ vāvṛdhasva .
upa̍ no̱ vājā̍nmimī̱hyupa̱ stīnyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.019.11
11 Now, lauded for thine aid, Heroic Indra, sped by our prayer, wax mighty in thy body.
Apportion to us strength and habitations. Ye Gods, protect us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.20.1
उ॒ग्रो ज॑ज्ञे वी॒र्या॑य स्व॒धावा॒ञ्चक्रि॒रपो॒ नर्यो॒ यत्क॑रि॒ष्यन् ।
जग्मि॒र्युवा॑ नृ॒षद॑न॒मवो॑भिस्त्रा॒ता न॒ इन्द्र॒ एन॑सो म॒हश्चि॑त् ॥ ७.०२०.०१
u̱gro ja̍jñe vī̱ryā̍ya sva̱dhāvā̱ñcakri̱rapo̱ naryo̱ yatka̍ri̱ṣyan .
jagmi̱ryuvā̍ nṛ̱ṣada̍na̱mavo̍bhistrā̱tā na̱ indra̱ ena̍so ma̱haści̍t .. 7.020.01
1. STRONG, Godly-natured, born for hero exploit, man's Friend, hedoth whatever deed he willeth.
Saving us e’en from great transgression, Indra, the Youthful, visiteth man's home with favour.
Sloka : 7.20.2
हन्ता॑ वृ॒त्रमिन्द्रः॒ शूशु॑वानः॒ प्रावी॒न्नु वी॒रो ज॑रि॒तार॑मू॒ती ।
कर्ता॑ सु॒दासे॒ अह॒ वा उ॑ लो॒कं दाता॒ वसु॒ मुहु॒रा दा॒शुषे॑ भूत् ॥ ७.०२०.०२
hantā̍ vṛ̱tramindra̱ḥ śūśu̍vāna̱ḥ prāvī̱nnu vī̱ro ja̍ri̱tāra̍mū̱tī .
kartā̍ su̱dāse̱ aha̱ vā u̍ lo̱kaṃ dātā̱ vasu̱ muhu̱rā dā̱śuṣe̍ bhūt .. 7.020.02
2 Waxing greatness Indra slayeth Vṛtra:- the Hero with his aid hath helped the singer.
He gave Sudās wide room and space, and often hath granted wealth to him who brought oblations.
Sloka : 7.20.3
यु॒ध्मो अ॑न॒र्वा ख॑ज॒कृत्स॒मद्वा॒ शूरः॑ सत्रा॒षाड्ज॒नुषे॒मषा॑ळ्हः ।
व्या॑स॒ इन्द्रः॒ पृत॑नाः॒ स्वोजा॒ अधा॒ विश्वं॑ शत्रू॒यन्तं॑ जघान ॥ ७.०२०.०३
yu̱dhmo a̍na̱rvā kha̍ja̱kṛtsa̱madvā̱ śūra̍ḥ satrā̱ṣāḍja̱nuṣe̱maṣā̍l̤haḥ .
vyā̍sa̱ indra̱ḥ pṛta̍nā̱ḥ svojā̱ adhā̱ viśva̍ṃ śatrū̱yanta̍ṃ jaghāna .. 7.020.03
3 Soldier unchecked, war-rousing, battling Hero, unconquered from of old, victorious ever,
Indra the very strong hath scattered armies; yea, he hath slain each foe who fought against him.
Sloka : 7.20.4
उ॒भे चि॑दिन्द्र॒ रोद॑सी महि॒त्वा प॑प्राथ॒ तवि॑षीभिस्तुविष्मः ।
नि वज्र॒मिन्द्रो॒ हरि॑वा॒न्मिमि॑क्ष॒न्समन्ध॑सा॒ मदे॑षु॒ वा उ॑वोच ॥ ७.०२०.०४
u̱bhe ci̍dindra̱ roda̍sī mahi̱tvā pa̍prātha̱ tavi̍ṣībhistuviṣmaḥ .
ni vajra̱mindro̱ hari̍vā̱nmimi̍kṣa̱nsamandha̍sā̱ made̍ṣu̱ vā u̍voca .. 7.020.04
4 Thou with thy greatness hast filled full, O Indra, even both the worlds with might, O thou Most Mighty.
Lord of Bays, Indra, brandishing his thunder, is gratified with Soma at the banquet.
Sloka : 7.20.5
वृषा॑ जजान॒ वृष॑णं॒ रणा॑य॒ तमु॑ चि॒न्नारी॒ नर्यं॑ ससूव ।
प्र यः से॑ना॒नीरध॒ नृभ्यो॒ अस्ती॒नः सत्वा॑ ग॒वेष॑णः॒ स धृ॒ष्णुः ॥ ७.०२०.०५
vṛṣā̍ jajāna̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ raṇā̍ya̱ tamu̍ ci̱nnārī̱ narya̍ṃ sasūva .
pra yaḥ se̍nā̱nīradha̱ nṛbhyo̱ astī̱naḥ satvā̍ ga̱veṣa̍ṇa̱ḥ sa dhṛ̱ṣṇuḥ .. 7.020.05
5 A Bull begat the Bull for joy of battle, and a strong Mother brought forth him the manly.
He who is Chief of men, their armies' Leader, is strong Hero, bold, and fain for booty.
Sloka : 7.20.6
नू चि॒त्स भ्रे॑षते॒ जनो॒ न रे॑ष॒न्मनो॒ यो अ॑स्य घो॒रमा॒विवा॑सात् ।
य॒ज्ञैर्य इन्द्रे॒ दध॑ते॒ दुवां॑सि॒ क्षय॒त्स रा॒य ऋ॑त॒पा ऋ॑ते॒जाः ॥ ७.०२०.०६
nū ci̱tsa bhre̍ṣate̱ jano̱ na re̍ṣa̱nmano̱ yo a̍sya gho̱ramā̱vivā̍sāt .
ya̱jñairya indre̱ dadha̍te̱ duvā̍ṃsi̱ kṣaya̱tsa rā̱ya ṛ̍ta̱pā ṛ̍te̱jāḥ .. 7.020.06
6 The people falter not, nor suffer sorrow, who win themselves this God's terrific spirit.
He who with sacrifices worships Indra is lord of wealth, law-born and law's protector.
Sloka : 7.20.7
यदि॑न्द्र॒ पूर्वो॒ अप॑राय॒ शिक्ष॒न्नय॒ज्ज्याया॒न्कनी॑यसो दे॒ष्णम् ।
अ॒मृत॒ इत्पर्या॑सीत दू॒रमा चि॑त्र॒ चित्र्यं॑ भरा र॒यिं नः॑ ॥ ७.०२०.०७
yadi̍ndra̱ pūrvo̱ apa̍rāya̱ śikṣa̱nnaya̱jjyāyā̱nkanī̍yaso de̱ṣṇam .
a̱mṛta̱ itparyā̍sīta dū̱ramā ci̍tra̱ citrya̍ṃ bharā ra̱yiṃ na̍ḥ .. 7.020.07
7 Whene’er the elder fain would help the younger the greater cometh to the lesser's present.
Shall the Immortal sit aloof' inactive? O Wondrous Indra, bring us wondrous riches.
Sloka : 7.20.8
यस्त॑ इन्द्र प्रि॒यो जनो॒ ददा॑श॒दस॑न्निरे॒के अ॑द्रिवः॒ सखा॑ ते ।
व॒यं ते॑ अ॒स्यां सु॑म॒तौ चनि॑ष्ठाः॒ स्याम॒ वरू॑थे॒ अघ्न॑तो॒ नृपी॑तौ ॥ ७.०२०.०८
yasta̍ indra pri̱yo jano̱ dadā̍śa̱dasa̍nnire̱ke a̍driva̱ḥ sakhā̍ te .
va̱yaṃ te̍ a̱syāṃ su̍ma̱tau cani̍ṣṭhā̱ḥ syāma̱ varū̍the̱ aghna̍to̱ nṛpī̍tau .. 7.020.08
8 Thy dear folk, Indra, who present oblations, are, in chief place, thy friends, O Thunder-wielder.
May we be best content in this thy favour, sheltered by One who slays not, but preserves us.
Sloka : 7.20.9
ए॒ष स्तोमो॑ अचिक्रद॒द्वृषा॑ त उ॒त स्ता॒मुर्म॑घवन्नक्रपिष्ट ।
रा॒यस्कामो॑ जरि॒तारं॑ त॒ आग॒न्त्वम॒ङ्ग श॑क्र॒ वस्व॒ आ श॑को नः ॥ ७.०२०.०९
e̱ṣa stomo̍ acikrada̱dvṛṣā̍ ta u̱ta stā̱murma̍ghavannakrapiṣṭa .
rā̱yaskāmo̍ jari̱tāra̍ṃ ta̱ āga̱ntvama̱ṅga śa̍kra̱ vasva̱ ā śa̍ko naḥ .. 7.020.09
9 To thee the mighty hymn hath clamoured loudly, and, Maghavan, the eloquent hath besought thee.
Desire of wealth hath come upon thy singer:- help us then, gakra, to our share of riches.
Sloka : 7.20.10
स न॑ इन्द्र॒ त्वय॑ताया इ॒षे धा॒स्त्मना॑ च॒ ये म॒घवा॑नो जु॒नन्ति॑ ।
वस्वी॒ षु ते॑ जरि॒त्रे अ॑स्तु श॒क्तिर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२०.१०
sa na̍ indra̱ tvaya̍tāyā i̱ṣe dhā̱stmanā̍ ca̱ ye ma̱ghavā̍no ju̱nanti̍ .
vasvī̱ ṣu te̍ jari̱tre a̍stu śa̱ktiryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.020.10
10 Place us by food which thou hast given, O Indra, us and the wealthy patrons who command us.
Let thy great power bring good to him who lauds thee. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.21.1
असा॑वि दे॒वं गोऋ॑जीक॒मन्धो॒ न्य॑स्मि॒न्निन्द्रो॑ ज॒नुषे॑मुवोच ।
बोधा॑मसि त्वा हर्यश्व य॒ज्ञैर्बोधा॑ नः॒ स्तोम॒मन्ध॑सो॒ मदे॑षु ॥ ७.०२१.०१
asā̍vi de̱vaṃ goṛ̍jīka̱mandho̱ nya̍smi̱nnindro̍ ja̱nuṣe̍muvoca .
bodhā̍masi tvā haryaśva ya̱jñairbodhā̍ na̱ḥ stoma̱mandha̍so̱ made̍ṣu .. 7.021.01
1. PRESSED is the juice divine with milk commingled:- thereto hath Indra ever been accustomed.
We wake thee, Lord of Bays, with sacrifices:- mark this our laud in the wild joy of Soma.
Sloka : 7.21.2
प्र य॑न्ति य॒ज्ञं वि॒पय॑न्ति ब॒र्हिः सो॑म॒मादो॑ वि॒दथे॑ दु॒ध्रवा॑चः ।
न्यु॑ भ्रियन्ते य॒शसो॑ गृ॒भादा दू॒रउ॑पब्दो॒ वृष॑णो नृ॒षाचः॑ ॥ ७.०२१.०२
pra ya̍nti ya̱jñaṃ vi̱paya̍nti ba̱rhiḥ so̍ma̱mādo̍ vi̱dathe̍ du̱dhravā̍caḥ .
nyu̍ bhriyante ya̱śaso̍ gṛ̱bhādā dū̱raü̍pabdo̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo nṛ̱ṣāca̍ḥ .. 7.021.02
2 On to the rite they move, the grass they scatter, these Soma-drinkers eloquent in synod.
Hither, for men to grasp, are brought the press-stones, far-thundering, famous, strong, that wait on heroes.
Sloka : 7.21.3
त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ स्रवि॑त॒वा अ॒पस्कः॒ परि॑ष्ठिता॒ अहि॑ना शूर पू॒र्वीः ।
त्वद्वा॑वक्रे र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ न धेना॒ रेज॑न्ते॒ विश्वा॑ कृ॒त्रिमा॑णि भी॒षा ॥ ७.०२१.०३
tvami̍ndra̱ sravi̍ta̱vā a̱paska̱ḥ pari̍ṣṭhitā̱ ahi̍nā śūra pū̱rvīḥ .
tvadvā̍vakre ra̱thyo̱3̱̍ na dhenā̱ reja̍nte̱ viśvā̍ kṛ̱trimā̍ṇi bhī̱ṣā .. 7.021.03
3 Indra, thou settest free the many waters that were encompassed, Hero, by the Dragon.
Down rolled, as if on chariots borne, the rivers:- through fear of thee all things created tremble.
Sloka : 7.21.4
भी॒मो वि॑वे॒षायु॑धेभिरेषा॒मपां॑सि॒ विश्वा॒ नर्या॑णि वि॒द्वान् ।
इन्द्रः॒ पुरो॒ जर्हृ॑षाणो॒ वि दू॑धो॒द्वि वज्र॑हस्तो महि॒ना ज॑घान ॥ ७.०२१.०४
bhī̱mo vi̍ve̱ṣāyu̍dhebhireṣā̱mapā̍ṃsi̱ viśvā̱ naryā̍ṇi vi̱dvān .
indra̱ḥ puro̱ jarhṛ̍ṣāṇo̱ vi dū̍dho̱dvi vajra̍hasto mahi̱nā ja̍ghāna .. 7.021.04
4 Skilled in all manly deeds the God terrific hath with his weapons mastered these opponents.
Indra in rapturous joy shook down their castles he slew them in his might, the Thunder-wielder.
Sloka : 7.21.5
न या॒तव॑ इन्द्र जूजुवुर्नो॒ न वन्द॑ना शविष्ठ वे॒द्याभिः॑ ।
स श॑र्धद॒र्यो विषु॑णस्य ज॒न्तोर्मा शि॒श्नदे॑वा॒ अपि॑ गुरृ॒तं नः॑ ॥ ७.०२१.०५
na yā̱tava̍ indra jūjuvurno̱ na vanda̍nā śaviṣṭha ve̱dyābhi̍ḥ .
sa śa̍rdhada̱ryo viṣu̍ṇasya ja̱ntormā śi̱śnade̍vā̱ api̍ gurṛ̱taṃ na̍ḥ .. 7.021.05
5 No evil spirits have impelled us, Indra, nor fiends, O Mightiest God, with their devices.
Let our true God subdue the hostile rabble:- let not the lewd approach our holy worship.
Sloka : 7.21.6
अ॒भि क्रत्वे॑न्द्र भू॒रध॒ ज्मन्न ते॑ विव्यङ्महि॒मानं॒ रजां॑सि ।
स्वेना॒ हि वृ॒त्रं शव॑सा ज॒घन्थ॒ न शत्रु॒रन्तं॑ विविदद्यु॒धा ते॑ ॥ ७.०२१.०६
a̱bhi kratve̍ndra bhū̱radha̱ jmanna te̍ vivyaṅmahi̱māna̱ṃ rajā̍ṃsi .
svenā̱ hi vṛ̱traṃ śava̍sā ja̱ghantha̱ na śatru̱ranta̍ṃ vividadyu̱dhā te̍ .. 7.021.06
6 Thou in thy strength surpassest Earth and Heaven:- the regions comprehend not all thy greatness.
With thine own power and might thou slewest Vṛtra:- no foe hath found the end of thee in battle.
Sloka : 7.21.7
दे॒वाश्चि॑त्ते असु॒र्या॑य॒ पूर्वेऽनु॑ क्ष॒त्राय॑ ममिरे॒ सहां॑सि ।
इन्द्रो॑ म॒घानि॑ दयते वि॒षह्येन्द्रं॒ वाज॑स्य जोहुवन्त सा॒तौ ॥ ७.०२१.०७
de̱vāści̍tte asu̱ryā̍ya̱ pūrve'nu̍ kṣa̱trāya̍ mamire̱ sahā̍ṃsi .
indro̍ ma̱ghāni̍ dayate vi̱ṣahyendra̱ṃ vāja̍sya johuvanta sā̱tau .. 7.021.07
7 Even the earlier Deities submitted their powers to thy supreme divine dominion.
Indra wins wealth and deals it out to other's:- men in the strife for booty call on Indra.
Sloka : 7.21.8
की॒रिश्चि॒द्धि त्वामव॑से जु॒हावेशा॑नमिन्द्र॒ सौभ॑गस्य॒ भूरेः॑ ।
अवो॑ बभूथ शतमूते अ॒स्मे अ॑भिक्ष॒त्तुस्त्वाव॑तो वरू॒ता ॥ ७.०२१.०८
kī̱riści̱ddhi tvāmava̍se ju̱hāveśā̍namindra̱ saubha̍gasya̱ bhūre̍ḥ .
avo̍ babhūtha śatamūte a̱sme a̍bhikṣa̱ttustvāva̍to varū̱tā .. 7.021.08
8 The humble hath invoked thee for protection, thee, Lord of great felicity, O Indra.
Thou with a hundred aids hast been our Helper:- one who brings gifts like thee hath his defender.
Sloka : 7.21.9
सखा॑यस्त इन्द्र वि॒श्वह॑ स्याम नमोवृ॒धासो॑ महि॒ना त॑रुत्र ।
व॒न्वन्तु॑ स्मा॒ तेऽव॑सा समी॒के॒३॒॑ऽभी॑तिम॒र्यो व॒नुषां॒ शवां॑सि ॥ ७.०२१.०९
sakhā̍yasta indra vi̱śvaha̍ syāma namovṛ̱dhāso̍ mahi̱nā ta̍rutra .
va̱nvantu̍ smā̱ te'va̍sā samī̱ke̱3̱̎bhī̍tima̱ryo va̱nuṣā̱ṃ śavā̍ṃsi .. 7.021.09
9 May we, O Indra, be thy friends for ever, eagerly, Conqueror, yielding greater homage.
May, through thy grace, the strength of us who battle quell in the shock the onset of the foeman.
Sloka : 7.21.10
स न॑ इन्द्र॒ त्वय॑ताया इ॒षे धा॒स्त्मना॑ च॒ ये म॒घवा॑नो जु॒नन्ति॑ ।
वस्वी॒ षु ते॑ जरि॒त्रे अ॑स्तु श॒क्तिर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२१.१०
sa na̍ indra̱ tvaya̍tāyā i̱ṣe dhā̱stmanā̍ ca̱ ye ma̱ghavā̍no ju̱nanti̍ .
vasvī̱ ṣu te̍ jari̱tre a̍stu śa̱ktiryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.021.10
10 Place us by food which thou hast given, O Indra, us and the wealthy patrons who command us.
Let thy great power bring good to him who lauds thee. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.22.1
पिबा॒ सोम॑मिन्द्र॒ मन्द॑तु त्वा॒ यं ते॑ सु॒षाव॑ हर्य॒श्वाद्रिः॑ ।
सो॒तुर्बा॒हुभ्यां॒ सुय॑तो॒ नार्वा॑ ॥ ७.०२२.०१
pibā̱ soma̍mindra̱ manda̍tu tvā̱ yaṃ te̍ su̱ṣāva̍ harya̱śvādri̍ḥ .
so̱turbā̱hubhyā̱ṃ suya̍to̱ nārvā̍ .. 7.022.01
1. DRINK Soma, Lord of Bays, and let it cheer thee:- Indra, the stone, like a well guided courser,
Directed by the presser's arms hath pressed it.
Sloka : 7.22.2
यस्ते॒ मदो॒ युज्य॒श्चारु॒रस्ति॒ येन॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ हर्यश्व॒ हंसि॑ ।
स त्वामि॑न्द्र प्रभूवसो ममत्तु ॥ ७.०२२.०२
yaste̱ mado̱ yujya̱ścāru̱rasti̱ yena̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ haryaśva̱ haṃsi̍ .
sa tvāmi̍ndra prabhūvaso mamattu .. 7.022.02
2 So let the draught of joy, thy dear companion, by which, O Lord of Bays, thou slayest foemen,
Delight thee, Indra, Lord of princely treasures.
Sloka : 7.22.3
बोधा॒ सु मे॑ मघव॒न्वाच॒मेमां यां ते॒ वसि॑ष्ठो॒ अर्च॑ति॒ प्रश॑स्तिम् ।
इ॒मा ब्रह्म॑ सध॒मादे॑ जुषस्व ॥ ७.०२२.०३
bodhā̱ su me̍ maghava̱nvāca̱memāṃ yāṃ te̱ vasi̍ṣṭho̱ arca̍ti̱ praśa̍stim .
i̱mā brahma̍ sadha̱māde̍ juṣasva .. 7.022.03
3 Mark closely, Maghavan, the words I utter, this eulogy recited by Vasiṣṭha:-
Accept the prayers I offer at thy banquet.
Sloka : 7.22.4
श्रु॒धी हवं॑ विपिपा॒नस्याद्रे॒र्बोधा॒ विप्र॒स्यार्च॑तो मनी॒षाम् ।
कृ॒ष्वा दुवां॒स्यन्त॑मा॒ सचे॒मा ॥ ७.०२२.०४
śru̱dhī hava̍ṃ vipipā̱nasyādre̱rbodhā̱ vipra̱syārca̍to manī̱ṣām .
kṛ̱ṣvā duvā̱ṃsyanta̍mā̱ sace̱mā .. 7.022.04
4 Hear thou the call of the juice-drinking press-stone:- hear thou the Brahman's hymn who sings and lauds thee.
Take to thine inmost self these adorations.
Sloka : 7.22.5
न ते॒ गिरो॒ अपि॑ मृष्ये तु॒रस्य॒ न सु॑ष्टु॒तिम॑सु॒र्य॑स्य वि॒द्वान् ।
सदा॑ ते॒ नाम॑ स्वयशो विवक्मि ॥ ७.०२२.०५
na te̱ giro̱ api̍ mṛṣye tu̱rasya̱ na su̍ṣṭu̱tima̍su̱rya̍sya vi̱dvān .
sadā̍ te̱ nāma̍ svayaśo vivakmi .. 7.022.05
5 I know and ne’er forget the hymns and praises of thee, the Conqueror, and thy strength immortal.
Thy name I ever utter. Self-Refulgent
Sloka : 7.22.6
भूरि॒ हि ते॒ सव॑ना॒ मानु॑षेषु॒ भूरि॑ मनी॒षी ह॑वते॒ त्वामित् ।
मारे अ॒स्मन्म॑घव॒ञ्ज्योक्कः॑ ॥ ७.०२२.०६
bhūri̱ hi te̱ sava̍nā̱ mānu̍ṣeṣu̱ bhūri̍ manī̱ṣī ha̍vate̱ tvāmit .
māre a̱smanma̍ghava̱ñjyokka̍ḥ .. 7.022.06
6 Among mankind many are thy libations, and many a time the pious sageinvokes thee.
O Maghavan, be not long distant from us.
Sloka : 7.22.7
तुभ्येदि॒मा सव॑ना शूर॒ विश्वा॒ तुभ्यं॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ वर्ध॑ना कृणोमि ।
त्वं नृभि॒र्हव्यो॑ वि॒श्वधा॑सि ॥ ७.०२२.०७
tubhyedi̱mā sava̍nā śūra̱ viśvā̱ tubhya̱ṃ brahmā̍ṇi̱ vardha̍nā kṛṇomi .
tvaṃ nṛbhi̱rhavyo̍ vi̱śvadhā̍si .. 7.022.07
7 All these libations are for thee, O Hero:- to thee I offer these my prayers. that strengthen.
Ever, in every place, must men invoke thee.
Sloka : 7.22.8
नू चि॒न्नु ते॒ मन्य॑मानस्य द॒स्मोद॑श्नुवन्ति महि॒मान॑मुग्र ।
न वी॒र्य॑मिन्द्र ते॒ न राधः॑ ॥ ७.०२२.०८
nū ci̱nnu te̱ manya̍mānasya da̱smoda̍śnuvanti mahi̱māna̍mugra .
na vī̱rya̍mindra te̱ na rādha̍ḥ .. 7.022.08
8 Never do men attain, O Wonder-Worker, thy greatness, Mighty One, who must be lauded,
Nor, Indra, thine heroic power and bounty.
Sloka : 7.22.9
ये च॒ पूर्व॒ ऋष॑यो॒ ये च॒ नूत्ना॒ इन्द्र॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि ज॒नय॑न्त॒ विप्राः॑ ।
अ॒स्मे ते॑ सन्तु स॒ख्या शि॒वानि॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२२.०९
ye ca̱ pūrva̱ ṛṣa̍yo̱ ye ca̱ nūtnā̱ indra̱ brahmā̍ṇi ja̱naya̍nta̱ viprā̍ḥ .
a̱sme te̍ santu sa̱khyā śi̱vāni̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.022.09
9 Among all Ṛṣis, Indra, old and recent, who have engendered hymns as sacred singers,
Even with us be thine auspicious friendships. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.23.1
उदु॒ ब्रह्मा॑ण्यैरत श्रव॒स्येन्द्रं॑ सम॒र्ये म॑हया वसिष्ठ ।
आ यो विश्वा॑नि॒ शव॑सा त॒तानो॑पश्रो॒ता म॒ ईव॑तो॒ वचां॑सि ॥ ७.०२३.०१
udu̱ brahmā̍ṇyairata śrava̱syendra̍ṃ sama̱rye ma̍hayā vasiṣṭha .
ā yo viśvā̍ni̱ śava̍sā ta̱tāno̍paśro̱tā ma̱ īva̍to̱ vacā̍ṃsi .. 7.023.01
1. PRAYERS have been offered up through love of glory:- Vasiṣṭha, honour Indra in the battle.
He who with might extends through all existence hears words which I, his faithful servant, utter.
Sloka : 7.23.2
अया॑मि॒ घोष॑ इन्द्र दे॒वजा॑मिरिर॒ज्यन्त॒ यच्छु॒रुधो॒ विवा॑चि ।
न॒हि स्वमायु॑श्चिकि॒ते जने॑षु॒ तानीदंहां॒स्यति॑ पर्ष्य॒स्मान् ॥ ७.०२३.०२
ayā̍mi̱ ghoṣa̍ indra de̱vajā̍mirira̱jyanta̱ yacchu̱rudho̱ vivā̍ci .
na̱hi svamāyu̍ściki̱te jane̍ṣu̱ tānīdaṃhā̱ṃsyati̍ parṣya̱smān .. 7.023.02
2 A cry was raised which reached the Gods, O Indra, a cry to them to send us strength in combat.
None among men knows his own life's duration:- bear us in safety over these our troubles.
Sloka : 7.23.3
यु॒जे रथं॑ ग॒वेष॑णं॒ हरि॑भ्या॒मुप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि जुजुषा॒णम॑स्थुः ।
वि बा॑धिष्ट॒ स्य रोद॑सी महि॒त्वेन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्राण्य॑प्र॒ती ज॑घ॒न्वान् ॥ ७.०२३.०३
yu̱je ratha̍ṃ ga̱veṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ hari̍bhyā̱mupa̱ brahmā̍ṇi jujuṣā̱ṇama̍sthuḥ .
vi bā̍dhiṣṭa̱ sya roda̍sī mahi̱tvendro̍ vṛ̱trāṇya̍pra̱tī ja̍gha̱nvān .. 7.023.03
3 The Bays, the booty-seeking car I harness:- my prayers have reached him who accepts them gladly.
Indra, when he had slain resistless foemen, forced with his might the two world-halves asunder.
Sloka : 7.23.4
आप॑श्चित्पिप्युः स्त॒र्यो॒३॒॑ न गावो॒ नक्ष॑न्नृ॒तं ज॑रि॒तार॑स्त इन्द्र ।
या॒हि वा॒युर्न नि॒युतो॑ नो॒ अच्छा॒ त्वं हि धी॒भिर्दय॑से॒ वि वाजा॑न् ॥ ७.०२३.०४
āpa̍ścitpipyuḥ sta̱ryo̱3̱̍ na gāvo̱ nakṣa̍nnṛ̱taṃ ja̍ri̱tāra̍sta indra .
yā̱hi vā̱yurna ni̱yuto̍ no̱ acchā̱ tvaṃ hi dhī̱bhirdaya̍se̱ vi vājā̍n .. 7.023.04
4 Like barren cows, moreover, swelled the waters:- the singen sought thy holy rite, O Indra.
Come unto us as with his team comes Vāyu:- thou, through our solemn hymns bestowest booty.
Sloka : 7.23.5
ते त्वा॒ मदा॑ इन्द्र मादयन्तु शु॒ष्मिणं॑ तुवि॒राध॑सं जरि॒त्रे ।
एको॑ देव॒त्रा दय॑से॒ हि मर्ता॑न॒स्मिञ्छू॑र॒ सव॑ने मादयस्व ॥ ७.०२३.०५
te tvā̱ madā̍ indra mādayantu śu̱ṣmiṇa̍ṃ tuvi̱rādha̍saṃ jari̱tre .
eko̍ deva̱trā daya̍se̱ hi martā̍na̱smiñchū̍ra̱ sava̍ne mādayasva .. 7.023.05
5 So may these gladdening draughts rejoice thee, Indra, the Mighty, very bounteous to the singer.
Alone among the Gods thou pitiest mortals:- O Hero, make thee glad at this libation.
Sloka : 7.23.6
ए॒वेदिन्द्रं॒ वृष॑णं॒ वज्र॑बाहुं॒ वसि॑ष्ठासो अ॒भ्य॑र्चन्त्य॒र्कैः ।
स नः॑ स्तु॒तो वी॒रव॑द्धातु॒ गोम॑द्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२३.०६
e̱vedindra̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ vajra̍bāhu̱ṃ vasi̍ṣṭhāso a̱bhya̍rcantya̱rkaiḥ .
sa na̍ḥ stu̱to vī̱rava̍ddhātu̱ goma̍dyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.023.06
6 Thus the Vasisthas glorify with praises Indra, the Powerful whose arm wields thunder.
Praised, may he guard our wealth in kine and heroes. Ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 7.24.1
योनि॑ष्ट इन्द्र॒ सद॑ने अकारि॒ तमा नृभिः॑ पुरुहूत॒ प्र या॑हि ।
असो॒ यथा॑ नोऽवि॒ता वृ॒धे च॒ ददो॒ वसू॑नि म॒मद॑श्च॒ सोमैः॑ ॥ ७.०२४.०१
yoni̍ṣṭa indra̱ sada̍ne akāri̱ tamā nṛbhi̍ḥ puruhūta̱ pra yā̍hi .
aso̱ yathā̍ no'vi̱tā vṛ̱dhe ca̱ dado̱ vasū̍ni ma̱mada̍śca̱ somai̍ḥ .. 7.024.01
1. A HOME is made for thee to dwell in, Indra:- O Much-invoked, go thitherwith the heroes.
That thou, to prosper us, mayst be our Helper, vouchsafe us wealth, rejoice with draughts of Soma.
Sloka : 7.24.2
गृ॒भी॒तं ते॒ मन॑ इन्द्र द्वि॒बर्हाः॑ सु॒तः सोमः॒ परि॑षिक्ता॒ मधू॑नि ।
विसृ॑ष्टधेना भरते सुवृ॒क्तिरि॒यमिन्द्रं॒ जोहु॑वती मनी॒षा ॥ ७.०२४.०२
gṛ̱bhī̱taṃ te̱ mana̍ indra dvi̱barhā̍ḥ su̱taḥ soma̱ḥ pari̍ṣiktā̱ madhū̍ni .
visṛ̍ṣṭadhenā bharate suvṛ̱ktiri̱yamindra̱ṃ johu̍vatī manī̱ṣā .. 7.024.02
2 Indra, thy wish, twice-strong, is comprehended:- pressed is the Soma, poured are pleasant juices.
This hymn of praise, from loosened tongue, made perfect, draws Indra to itself with loud invoking.
Sloka : 7.24.3
आ नो॑ दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्या ऋ॑जीषिन्नि॒दं ब॒र्हिः सो॑म॒पेया॑य याहि ।
वह॑न्तु त्वा॒ हर॑यो म॒द्र्य॑ञ्चमाङ्गू॒षमच्छा॑ त॒वसं॒ मदा॑य ॥ ७.०२४.०३
ā no̍ di̱va ā pṛ̍thi̱vyā ṛ̍jīṣinni̱daṃ ba̱rhiḥ so̍ma̱peyā̍ya yāhi .
vaha̍ntu tvā̱ hara̍yo ma̱drya̍ñcamāṅgū̱ṣamacchā̍ ta̱vasa̱ṃ madā̍ya .. 7.024.03
3 Come, thou Impetuous; God, from earth or heaven; come to our holy grass to drink the Soma.
Hither to me let thy Bay Horses bring thee to listen to our hymns and make thee joyful.
Sloka : 7.24.4
आ नो॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ स॒जोषा॒ ब्रह्म॑ जुषा॒णो ह॑र्यश्व याहि ।
वरी॑वृज॒त्स्थवि॑रेभिः सुशिप्रा॒स्मे दध॒द्वृष॑णं॒ शुष्म॑मिन्द्र ॥ ७.०२४.०४
ā no̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣā̱ brahma̍ juṣā̱ṇo ha̍ryaśva yāhi .
varī̍vṛja̱tsthavi̍rebhiḥ suśiprā̱sme dadha̱dvṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ śuṣma̍mindra .. 7.024.04
4 Come unto us with all thine aids, accordant, Lord of Bay Steeds, accepting our devotions,
Fair-helmeted, o’ercoming with the mighty, and lending us the strength of bulls, O Indra.
Sloka : 7.24.5
ए॒ष स्तोमो॑ म॒ह उ॒ग्राय॒ वाहे॑ धु॒री॒३॒॑वात्यो॒ न वा॒जय॑न्नधायि ।
इन्द्र॑ त्वा॒यम॒र्क ई॑ट्टे॒ वसू॑नां दि॒वी॑व॒ द्यामधि॑ नः॒ श्रोम॑तं धाः ॥ ७.०२४.०५
e̱ṣa stomo̍ ma̱ha u̱grāya̱ vāhe̍ dhu̱rī̱3̱̍vātyo̱ na vā̱jaya̍nnadhāyi .
indra̍ tvā̱yama̱rka ī̍ṭṭe̱ vasū̍nāṃ di̱vī̍va̱ dyāmadhi̍ na̱ḥ śroma̍taṃ dhāḥ .. 7.024.05
5 As to the chariot pole a vigorous courser, this laud is brought to the great strong Upholder.
This hymn solicits wealth of thee:- in heaven, as ’twere above the sky, set thou our glory.
Sloka : 7.24.6
ए॒वा न॑ इन्द्र॒ वार्य॑स्य पूर्धि॒ प्र ते॑ म॒हीं सु॑म॒तिं वे॑विदाम ।
इषं॑ पिन्व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सु॒वीरां॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२४.०६
e̱vā na̍ indra̱ vārya̍sya pūrdhi̱ pra te̍ ma̱hīṃ su̍ma̱tiṃ ve̍vidāma .
iṣa̍ṃ pinva ma̱ghava̍dbhyaḥ su̱vīrā̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.024.06
6 With precious things. O Indra, thus content us:- may we attain to thine exalted favour.
Send our chiefs plenteous food with hero children. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.25.1
आ ते॑ म॒ह इ॑न्द्रो॒त्यु॑ग्र॒ सम॑न्यवो॒ यत्स॒मर॑न्त॒ सेनाः॑ ।
पता॑ति दि॒द्युन्नर्य॑स्य बा॒ह्वोर्मा ते॒ मनो॑ विष्व॒द्र्य१॒॑ग्वि चा॑रीत् ॥ ७.०२५.०१
ā te̍ ma̱ha i̍ndro̱tyu̍gra̱ sama̍nyavo̱ yatsa̱mara̍nta̱ senā̍ḥ .
patā̍ti di̱dyunnarya̍sya bā̱hvormā te̱ mano̍ viṣva̱drya1̱̍gvi cā̍rīt .. 7.025.01
Sloka : 7.25.2
नि दु॒र्ग इ॑न्द्र श्नथिह्य॒मित्रा॑ँ अ॒भि ये नो॒ मर्ता॑सो अ॒मन्ति॑ ।
आ॒रे तं शंसं॑ कृणुहि निनि॒त्सोरा नो॑ भर स॒म्भर॑णं॒ वसू॑नाम् ॥ ७.०२५.०२
ni du̱rga i̍ndra śnathihya̱mitrā̍m̐ a̱bhi ye no̱ martā̍so a̱manti̍ .
ā̱re taṃ śaṃsa̍ṃ kṛṇuhi nini̱tsorā no̍ bhara sa̱mbhara̍ṇa̱ṃ vasū̍nām .. 7.025.02
2 O Indra, where the ground is hard to traverse, smite down our foes, the mortals who assail us,
Keep far from us the curse of the reviler:- bring us accumulated store of treasures.
Sloka : 7.25.3
श॒तं ते॑ शिप्रिन्नू॒तयः॑ सु॒दासे॑ स॒हस्रं॒ शंसा॑ उ॒त रा॒तिर॑स्तु ।
ज॒हि वध॑र्व॒नुषो॒ मर्त्य॑स्या॒स्मे द्यु॒म्नमधि॒ रत्नं॑ च धेहि ॥ ७.०२५.०३
śa̱taṃ te̍ śiprinnū̱taya̍ḥ su̱dāse̍ sa̱hasra̱ṃ śaṃsā̍ u̱ta rā̱tira̍stu .
ja̱hi vadha̍rva̱nuṣo̱ martya̍syā̱sme dyu̱mnamadhi̱ ratna̍ṃ ca dhehi .. 7.025.03
3 God of the fair helm, give Sudās a hundred succours, a thousand blessings, and thy bounty.
Strike down the weapon of our mortal foeman:- bestow upon us splendid fame and riches.
Sloka : 7.25.4
त्वाव॑तो॒ ही॑न्द्र॒ क्रत्वे॒ अस्मि॒ त्वाव॑तोऽवि॒तुः शू॑र रा॒तौ ।
विश्वेदहा॑नि तविषीव उग्र॒ँ ओकः॑ कृणुष्व हरिवो॒ न म॑र्धीः ॥ ७.०२५.०४
tvāva̍to̱ hī̍ndra̱ kratve̱ asmi̱ tvāva̍to'vi̱tuḥ śū̍ra rā̱tau .
viśvedahā̍ni taviṣīva ugra̱m̐ oka̍ḥ kṛṇuṣva harivo̱ na ma̍rdhīḥ .. 7.025.04
4 I wait the power of one like thee, O Indra, gifts of a Helper such as thou art, Hero.
Strong, Mighty God, dwell with me now and ever:- Lord of Bay Horses, do not thou desert us.
Sloka : 7.25.5
कुत्सा॑ ए॒ते हर्य॑श्वाय शू॒षमिन्द्रे॒ सहो॑ दे॒वजू॑तमिया॒नाः ।
स॒त्रा कृ॑धि सु॒हना॑ शूर वृ॒त्रा व॒यं तरु॑त्राः सनुयाम॒ वाज॑म् ॥ ७.०२५.०५
kutsā̍ e̱te harya̍śvāya śū̱ṣamindre̱ saho̍ de̱vajū̍tamiyā̱nāḥ .
sa̱trā kṛ̍dhi su̱hanā̍ śūra vṛ̱trā va̱yaṃ taru̍trāḥ sanuyāma̱ vāja̍m .. 7.025.05
5 Here are the Kutsas supplicating Indra for might, the Lord of Bays for God-sent conquest.
Make our foes ever easy to be vanquished:- may we, victorious, win the spoil, O Hero.
Sloka : 7.25.6
ए॒वा न॑ इन्द्र॒ वार्य॑स्य पूर्धि॒ प्र ते॑ म॒हीं सु॑म॒तिं वे॑विदाम ।
इषं॑ पिन्व म॒घव॑द्भ्यः सु॒वीरां॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२५.०६
e̱vā na̍ indra̱ vārya̍sya pūrdhi̱ pra te̍ ma̱hīṃ su̍ma̱tiṃ ve̍vidāma .
iṣa̍ṃ pinva ma̱ghava̍dbhyaḥ su̱vīrā̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.025.06
6 With precious things, O Indra, thus content us:- may we attain to thine exalted favour.
Send our chiefs plenteous food with hero children. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.26.1
न सोम॒ इन्द्र॒मसु॑तो ममाद॒ नाब्र॑ह्माणो म॒घवा॑नं सु॒तासः॑ ।
तस्मा॑ उ॒क्थं ज॑नये॒ यज्जुजो॑षन्नृ॒वन्नवी॑यः शृ॒णव॒द्यथा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२६.०१
na soma̱ indra̱masu̍to mamāda̱ nābra̍hmāṇo ma̱ghavā̍naṃ su̱tāsa̍ḥ .
tasmā̍ u̱kthaṃ ja̍naye̱ yajjujo̍ṣannṛ̱vannavī̍yaḥ śṛ̱ṇava̱dyathā̍ naḥ .. 7.026.01
1. SOMA unpressed ne’er gladdened liberal Indra, no juices pressed without a prayer have pleased him.
I generate a laud that shall delight him, new and heroic, so that he may hear us.
Sloka : 7.26.2
उ॒क्थौ॑क्थे॒ सोम॒ इन्द्रं॑ ममाद नी॒थेनी॑थे म॒घवा॑नं सु॒तासः॑ ।
यदीं॑ स॒बाधः॑ पि॒तरं॒ न पु॒त्राः स॑मा॒नद॑क्षा॒ अव॑से॒ हव॑न्ते ॥ ७.०२६.०२
u̱kthau̍kthe̱ soma̱ indra̍ṃ mamāda nī̱thenī̍the ma̱ghavā̍naṃ su̱tāsa̍ḥ .
yadī̍ṃ sa̱bādha̍ḥ pi̱tara̱ṃ na pu̱trāḥ sa̍mā̱nada̍kṣā̱ ava̍se̱ hava̍nte .. 7.026.02
2 At every laud the Soma gladdens Indra:- pressed juices please him as each psalm is chanted,
What time the priests with one united effort call him to aid, as sons invoke their father.
Sloka : 7.26.3
च॒कार॒ ता कृ॒णव॑न्नू॒नम॒न्या यानि॑ ब्रु॒वन्ति॑ वे॒धसः॑ सु॒तेषु॑ ।
जनी॑रिव॒ पति॒रेकः॑ समा॒नो नि मा॑मृजे॒ पुर॒ इन्द्रः॒ सु सर्वाः॑ ॥ ७.०२६.०३
ca̱kāra̱ tā kṛ̱ṇava̍nnū̱nama̱nyā yāni̍ bru̱vanti̍ ve̱dhasa̍ḥ su̱teṣu̍ .
janī̍riva̱ pati̱reka̍ḥ samā̱no ni mā̍mṛje̱ pura̱ indra̱ḥ su sarvā̍ḥ .. 7.026.03
3 These deeds he did; let him achieve new exploits, such as the priests declare at their libations.
Indra hath taken and possessed all castles, like as one common husband doth his spouses.
Sloka : 7.26.4
ए॒वा तमा॑हुरु॒त शृ॑ण्व॒ इन्द्र॒ एको॑ विभ॒क्ता त॒रणि॑र्म॒घाना॑म् ।
मि॒थ॒स्तुर॑ ऊ॒तयो॒ यस्य॑ पू॒र्वीर॒स्मे भ॒द्राणि॑ सश्चत प्रि॒याणि॑ ॥ ७.०२६.०४
e̱vā tamā̍huru̱ta śṛ̍ṇva̱ indra̱ eko̍ vibha̱ktā ta̱raṇi̍rma̱ghānā̍m .
mi̱tha̱stura̍ ū̱tayo̱ yasya̍ pū̱rvīra̱sme bha̱drāṇi̍ saścata pri̱yāṇi̍ .. 7.026.04
4 Even thus have they declared him. Famed is Indra as Conqueror, sole distributer of treasures;
Whose many succours come in close succession. May dear delightful benefits attend us.
Sloka : 7.26.5
ए॒वा वसि॑ष्ठ॒ इन्द्र॑मू॒तये॒ नॄन्कृ॑ष्टी॒नां वृ॑ष॒भं सु॒ते गृ॑णाति ।
स॒ह॒स्रिण॒ उप॑ नो माहि॒ वाजा॑न्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२६.०५
e̱vā vasi̍ṣṭha̱ indra̍mū̱taye̱ nṝnkṛ̍ṣṭī̱nāṃ vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaṃ su̱te gṛ̍ṇāti .
sa̱ha̱sriṇa̱ upa̍ no māhi̱ vājā̍nyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.026.05
5 Thus, to bring help to men, Vasiṣṭha laudeth Indra, the peoples' Hero, at libation.
Bestow upon us strength and wealth in thousands. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.27.1
इन्द्रं॒ नरो॑ ने॒मधि॑ता हवन्ते॒ यत्पार्या॑ यु॒नज॑ते॒ धिय॒स्ताः ।
शूरो॒ नृषा॑ता॒ शव॑सश्चका॒न आ गोम॑ति व्र॒जे भ॑जा॒ त्वं नः॑ ॥ ७.०२७.०१
indra̱ṃ naro̍ ne̱madhi̍tā havante̱ yatpāryā̍ yu̱naja̍te̱ dhiya̱stāḥ .
śūro̱ nṛṣā̍tā̱ śava̍saścakā̱na ā goma̍ti vra̱je bha̍jā̱ tvaṃ na̍ḥ .. 7.027.01
1. MEN call on Indra in the armed encounter that he may make the hymns they sing decisive.
Hero, rejoicing in thy might, in combat give us a portion of the stall of cattle,
Sloka : 7.27.2
य इ॑न्द्र॒ शुष्मो॑ मघवन्ते॒ अस्ति॒ शिक्षा॒ सखि॑भ्यः पुरुहूत॒ नृभ्यः॑ ।
त्वं हि दृ॒ळ्हा म॑घव॒न्विचे॑ता॒ अपा॑ वृधि॒ परि॑वृतं॒ न राधः॑ ॥ ७.०२७.०२
ya i̍ndra̱ śuṣmo̍ maghavante̱ asti̱ śikṣā̱ sakhi̍bhyaḥ puruhūta̱ nṛbhya̍ḥ .
tvaṃ hi dṛ̱l̤hā ma̍ghava̱nvice̍tā̱ apā̍ vṛdhi̱ pari̍vṛta̱ṃ na rādha̍ḥ .. 7.027.02
2 Grant, Indra Maghavan, invoked of many, to these my friends the strength which thou possessest.
Thou, Maghavan, hast rent strong places open:- unclose for us, Wise God, thy hidden bounty.
Sloka : 7.27.3
इन्द्रो॒ राजा॒ जग॑तश्चर्षणी॒नामधि॒ क्षमि॒ विषु॑रूपं॒ यदस्ति॑ ।
ततो॑ ददाति दा॒शुषे॒ वसू॑नि॒ चोद॒द्राध॒ उप॑स्तुतश्चिद॒र्वाक् ॥ ७.०२७.०३
indro̱ rājā̱ jaga̍taścarṣaṇī̱nāmadhi̱ kṣami̱ viṣu̍rūpa̱ṃ yadasti̍ .
tato̍ dadāti dā̱śuṣe̱ vasū̍ni̱ coda̱drādha̱ upa̍stutaścida̱rvāk .. 7.027.03
3 King of the living world, of men, is Indra, of all in varied form that earth containeth.
Thence to the worshipper he giveth riches:- may he enrich us also when we laud him.
Sloka : 7.27.4
नू चि॑न्न॒ इन्द्रो॑ म॒घवा॒ सहू॑ती दा॒नो वाजं॒ नि य॑मते न ऊ॒ती ।
अनू॑ना॒ यस्य॒ दक्षि॑णा पी॒पाय॑ वा॒मं नृभ्यो॑ अ॒भिवी॑ता॒ सखि॑भ्यः ॥ ७.०२७.०४
nū ci̍nna̱ indro̍ ma̱ghavā̱ sahū̍tī dā̱no vāja̱ṃ ni ya̍mate na ū̱tī .
anū̍nā̱ yasya̱ dakṣi̍ṇā pī̱pāya̍ vā̱maṃ nṛbhyo̍ a̱bhivī̍tā̱ sakhi̍bhyaḥ .. 7.027.04
4 Maghavan Indra, when we all invoke him, bountiful ever sendeth strength to aid us:-
Whose perfect guerdon, never failing, bringeth wealth to the men, to friends the thing they covet.
Sloka : 7.27.5
नू इ॑न्द्र रा॒ये वरि॑वस्कृधी न॒ आ ते॒ मनो॑ ववृत्याम म॒घाय॑ ।
गोम॒दश्वा॑व॒द्रथ॑व॒द्व्यन्तो॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२७.०५
nū i̍ndra rā̱ye vari̍vaskṛdhī na̱ ā te̱ mano̍ vavṛtyāma ma̱ghāya̍ .
goma̱daśvā̍va̱dratha̍va̱dvyanto̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.027.05
5 Quick, Indra, give us room and way to riches, and let us bring thy mind to grant us treasures,
That we may win us cars and Steeds and cattle. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.28.1
ब्रह्मा॑ ण इ॒न्द्रोप॑ याहि वि॒द्वान॒र्वाञ्च॑स्ते॒ हर॑यः सन्तु यु॒क्ताः ।
विश्वे॑ चि॒द्धि त्वा॑ वि॒हव॑न्त॒ मर्ता॑ अ॒स्माक॒मिच्छृ॑णुहि विश्वमिन्व ॥ ७.०२८.०१
brahmā̍ ṇa i̱ndropa̍ yāhi vi̱dvāna̱rvāñca̍ste̱ hara̍yaḥ santu yu̱ktāḥ .
viśve̍ ci̱ddhi tvā̍ vi̱hava̍nta̱ martā̍ a̱smāka̱micchṛ̍ṇuhi viśvaminva .. 7.028.01
1. COME to our prayers, O Indra, thou who knowest:- let thy Bay Steeds be yoked and guided hither.
Though mortal men on every side invoke thee, still give thine ear to us, O All-impeller.
Sloka : 7.28.2
हवं॑ त इन्द्र महि॒मा व्या॑न॒ड्ब्रह्म॒ यत्पासि॑ शवसि॒न्नृषी॑णाम् ।
आ यद्वज्रं॑ दधि॒षे हस्त॑ उग्र घो॒रः सन्क्रत्वा॑ जनिष्ठा॒ अषा॑ळ्हः ॥ ७.०२८.०२
hava̍ṃ ta indra mahi̱mā vyā̍na̱ḍbrahma̱ yatpāsi̍ śavasi̱nnṛṣī̍ṇām .
ā yadvajra̍ṃ dadhi̱ṣe hasta̍ ugra gho̱raḥ sankratvā̍ janiṣṭhā̱ aṣā̍l̤haḥ .. 7.028.02
2 Thy greatness reacheth to our invocation, the sages' prayer which, Potent God, thou guardest.
What time thy hand, O Mighty, holds the thunder, awful in strength thou hast become resistless.
Sloka : 7.28.3
तव॒ प्रणी॑तीन्द्र॒ जोहु॑वाना॒न्सं यन्नॄन्न रोद॑सी नि॒नेथ॑ ।
म॒हे क्ष॒त्राय॒ शव॑से॒ हि ज॒ज्ञेऽतू॑तुजिं चि॒त्तूतु॑जिरशिश्नत् ॥ ७.०२८.०३
tava̱ praṇī̍tīndra̱ johu̍vānā̱nsaṃ yannṝnna roda̍sī ni̱netha̍ .
ma̱he kṣa̱trāya̱ śava̍se̱ hi ja̱jñe'tū̍tujiṃ ci̱ttūtu̍jiraśiśnat .. 7.028.03
3 What time thou drewest both world-halves together, like heroes led by thee who call each other-
For thou wast born for strength and high dominion-then e’en the active overthrew the sluggish.
Sloka : 7.28.4
ए॒भिर्न॑ इ॒न्द्राह॑भिर्दशस्य दुर्मि॒त्रासो॒ हि क्षि॒तयः॒ पव॑न्ते ।
प्रति॒ यच्चष्टे॒ अनृ॑तमने॒ना अव॑ द्वि॒ता वरु॑णो मा॒यी नः॑ सात् ॥ ७.०२८.०४
e̱bhirna̍ i̱ndrāha̍bhirdaśasya durmi̱trāso̱ hi kṣi̱taya̱ḥ pava̍nte .
prati̱ yaccaṣṭe̱ anṛ̍tamane̱nā ava̍ dvi̱tā varu̍ṇo mā̱yī na̍ḥ sāt .. 7.028.04
4 Honour us in these present days, O Indra, for hostile men are making expiation.
Our sin that sinless Varuṇa discovered, the Wondrous-Wise hath long ago forgiven.
Sloka : 7.28.5
वो॒चेमेदिन्द्रं॑ म॒घवा॑नमेनं म॒हो रा॒यो राध॑सो॒ यद्दद॑न्नः ।
यो अर्च॑तो॒ ब्रह्म॑कृति॒मवि॑ष्ठो यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२८.०५
vo̱cemedindra̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̍namenaṃ ma̱ho rā̱yo rādha̍so̱ yaddada̍nnaḥ .
yo arca̍to̱ brahma̍kṛti̱mavi̍ṣṭho yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.028.05
5 We will address this liberal Lord, this Indra, that he may grant us gifts of ample riches,
Best favourer of the singer's prayer and praises. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.29.1
अ॒यं सोम॑ इन्द्र॒ तुभ्यं॑ सुन्व॒ आ तु प्र या॑हि हरिव॒स्तदो॑काः ।
पिबा॒ त्व१॒॑स्य सुषु॑तस्य॒ चारो॒र्ददो॑ म॒घानि॑ मघवन्निया॒नः ॥ ७.०२९.०१
a̱yaṃ soma̍ indra̱ tubhya̍ṃ sunva̱ ā tu pra yā̍hi hariva̱stado̍kāḥ .
pibā̱ tva1̱̍sya suṣu̍tasya̱ cāro̱rdado̍ ma̱ghāni̍ maghavanniyā̱naḥ .. 7.029.01
1. THIS Soma hath been pressed for thee, O Indra:- come hither, Lord of Bays, for this thou lovest.
Drink of this fair, this well-effused libation:- Maghavan, give us wealth when we implore thee.
Sloka : 7.29.2
ब्रह्म॑न्वीर॒ ब्रह्म॑कृतिं जुषा॒णो॑ऽर्वाची॒नो हरि॑भिर्याहि॒ तूय॑म् ।
अ॒स्मिन्नू॒ षु सव॑ने मादय॒स्वोप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि शृणव इ॒मा नः॑ ॥ ७.०२९.०२
brahma̍nvīra̱ brahma̍kṛtiṃ juṣā̱ṇo̎rvācī̱no hari̍bhiryāhi̱ tūya̍m .
a̱sminnū̱ ṣu sava̍ne mādaya̱svopa̱ brahmā̍ṇi śṛṇava i̱mā na̍ḥ .. 7.029.02
2 Come to us quickly with thy Bay Steeds, Hero, come to our prayer, accepting our devotion.
Enjoy thyself aright at this libation, and listen thou unto the prayers we offer.
Sloka : 7.29.3
का ते॑ अ॒स्त्यरं॑कृतिः सू॒क्तैः क॒दा नू॒नं ते॑ मघवन्दाशेम ।
विश्वा॑ म॒तीरा त॑तने त्वा॒याधा॑ म इन्द्र शृणवो॒ हवे॒मा ॥ ७.०२९.०३
kā te̍ a̱styara̍ṃkṛtiḥ sū̱ktaiḥ ka̱dā nū̱naṃ te̍ maghavandāśema .
viśvā̍ ma̱tīrā ta̍tane tvā̱yādhā̍ ma indra śṛṇavo̱ have̱mā .. 7.029.03
3 What satisfaction do our hymns afford thee? When, Maghavan? Now let us do thee service.
Hymns, only hymns, with love for thee, I weave thee:- then hear, O Indra, these mine invocations.
Sloka : 7.29.4
उ॒तो घा॒ ते पु॑रु॒ष्या॒३॒॑ इदा॑स॒न्येषां॒ पूर्वे॑षा॒मशृ॑णो॒रृषी॑णाम् ।
अधा॒हं त्वा॑ मघवञ्जोहवीमि॒ त्वं न॑ इन्द्रासि॒ प्रम॑तिः पि॒तेव॑ ॥ ७.०२९.०४
u̱to ghā̱ te pu̍ru̱ṣyā̱3̱̍ idā̍sa̱nyeṣā̱ṃ pūrve̍ṣā̱maśṛ̍ṇo̱rṛṣī̍ṇām .
adhā̱haṃ tvā̍ maghavañjohavīmi̱ tvaṃ na̍ indrāsi̱ prama̍tiḥ pi̱teva̍ .. 7.029.04
4 They, verily, were also human beings whom thou wast wont to hear, those earlier sages.
Hence I, O Indra Maghavan, invoke thee:- thou art our Providence, even as a Father.
Sloka : 7.29.5
वो॒चेमेदिन्द्रं॑ म॒घवा॑नमेनं म॒हो रा॒यो राध॑सो॒ यद्दद॑न्नः ।
यो अर्च॑तो॒ ब्रह्म॑कृति॒मवि॑ष्ठो यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०२९.०५
vo̱cemedindra̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̍namenaṃ ma̱ho rā̱yo rādha̍so̱ yaddada̍nnaḥ .
yo arca̍to̱ brahma̍kṛti̱mavi̍ṣṭho yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.029.05
5 We will address this liberal Lord, this Indra, that he may grant us gifts of ample riches,
Best favourer of the singer's prayer and praises. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.30.1
आ नो॑ देव॒ शव॑सा याहि शुष्मि॒न्भवा॑ वृ॒ध इ॑न्द्र रा॒यो अ॒स्य ।
म॒हे नृ॒म्णाय॑ नृपते सुवज्र॒ महि॑ क्ष॒त्राय॒ पौंस्या॑य शूर ॥ ७.०३०.०१
ā no̍ deva̱ śava̍sā yāhi śuṣmi̱nbhavā̍ vṛ̱dha i̍ndra rā̱yo a̱sya .
ma̱he nṛ̱mṇāya̍ nṛpate suvajra̱ mahi̍ kṣa̱trāya̱ pauṃsyā̍ya śūra .. 7.030.01
1. WITH power and strength, O Mighty God, approach us:- be the augmenter, Indra, of these riches;
Strong Thunderer, Lord of men, for potent valour, for manly exploit and for high dominion.
Sloka : 7.30.2
हव॑न्त उ त्वा॒ हव्यं॒ विवा॑चि त॒नूषु॒ शूराः॒ सूर्य॑स्य सा॒तौ ।
त्वं विश्वे॑षु॒ सेन्यो॒ जने॑षु॒ त्वं वृ॒त्राणि॑ रन्धया सु॒हन्तु॑ ॥ ७.०३०.०२
hava̍nta u tvā̱ havya̱ṃ vivā̍ci ta̱nūṣu̱ śūrā̱ḥ sūrya̍sya sā̱tau .
tvaṃ viśve̍ṣu̱ senyo̱ jane̍ṣu̱ tvaṃ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ randhayā su̱hantu̍ .. 7.030.02
2 Thee, worth invoking, in the din of battle, heroes invoke in fray for life and sunlight.
Among all people thou art foremost fighter:- give up our enemies to easy slaughter.
Sloka : 7.30.3
अहा॒ यदि॑न्द्र सु॒दिना॑ व्यु॒च्छान्दधो॒ यत्के॒तुमु॑प॒मं स॒मत्सु॑ ।
न्य१॒॑ग्निः सी॑द॒दसु॑रो॒ न होता॑ हुवा॒नो अत्र॑ सु॒भगा॑य दे॒वान् ॥ ७.०३०.०३
ahā̱ yadi̍ndra su̱dinā̍ vyu̱cchāndadho̱ yatke̱tumu̍pa̱maṃ sa̱matsu̍ .
nya1̱̍gniḥ sī̍da̱dasu̍ro̱ na hotā̍ huvā̱no atra̍ su̱bhagā̍ya de̱vān .. 7.030.03
3 When fair bright days shall dawn on us, O Indra, and thou shalt bring thy banner near in battle,
Agni the Asura shall sit as Herald, calling Gods hither for our great good fortune.
Sloka : 7.30.4
व॒यं ते त॑ इन्द्र॒ ये च॑ देव॒ स्तव॑न्त शूर॒ दद॑तो म॒घानि॑ ।
यच्छा॑ सू॒रिभ्य॑ उप॒मं वरू॑थं स्वा॒भुवो॑ जर॒णाम॑श्नवन्त ॥ ७.०३०.०४
va̱yaṃ te ta̍ indra̱ ye ca̍ deva̱ stava̍nta śūra̱ dada̍to ma̱ghāni̍ .
yacchā̍ sū̱ribhya̍ upa̱maṃ varū̍thaṃ svā̱bhuvo̍ jara̱ṇāma̍śnavanta .. 7.030.04
4 Thine are we, Indra, thine, both these who praise thee, and those who give rich gifts, O God and Hero.
Grant to our princes excellent protection, may they wax old and still be strong and happy.
Sloka : 7.30.5
वो॒चेमेदिन्द्रं॑ म॒घवा॑नमेनं म॒हो रा॒यो राध॑सो॒ यद्दद॑न्नः ।
यो अर्च॑तो॒ ब्रह्म॑कृति॒मवि॑ष्ठो यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०३०.०५
vo̱cemedindra̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̍namenaṃ ma̱ho rā̱yo rādha̍so̱ yaddada̍nnaḥ .
yo arca̍to̱ brahma̍kṛti̱mavi̍ṣṭho yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.030.05
5 We will address this liberal Lord, this Indra that he may grant us gifts of ample riches:-
Best favourer of the singer's prayer and praises. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.31.1
प्र व॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ माद॑नं॒ हर्य॑श्वाय गायत ।
सखा॑यः सोम॒पाव्ने॑ ॥ ७.०३१.०१
pra va̱ indrā̍ya̱ māda̍na̱ṃ harya̍śvāya gāyata .
sakhā̍yaḥ soma̱pāvne̍ .. 7.031.01
1. SING ye a song, to make him glad, to Indra, Lord of Tawny Steeds,
The Soma-drinker, O my friends.
Sloka : 7.31.2
शंसेदु॒क्थं सु॒दान॑व उ॒त द्यु॒क्षं यथा॒ नरः॑ ।
च॒कृ॒मा स॒त्यरा॑धसे ॥ ७.०३१.०२
śaṃsedu̱kthaṃ su̱dāna̍va u̱ta dyu̱kṣaṃ yathā̱ nara̍ḥ .
ca̱kṛ̱mā sa̱tyarā̍dhase .. 7.031.02
2 To him the Bounteous say the laud, and let us glorify, as men May do, the Giver of true gifts.
Sloka : 7.31.3
त्वं न॑ इन्द्र वाज॒युस्त्वं ग॒व्युः श॑तक्रतो ।
त्वं हि॑रण्य॒युर्व॑सो ॥ ७.०३१.०३
tvaṃ na̍ indra vāja̱yustvaṃ ga̱vyuḥ śa̍takrato .
tvaṃ hi̍raṇya̱yurva̍so .. 7.031.03
3 O Indra, Lord of boundless might, for us thou winnest strength and kine,
Thou winnest gold for us, Good Lord.
Sloka : 7.31.4
व॒यमि॑न्द्र त्वा॒यवो॒ऽभि प्र णो॑नुमो वृषन् ।
वि॒द्धी त्व१॒॑स्य नो॑ वसो ॥ ७.०३१.०४
va̱yami̍ndra tvā̱yavo̱'bhi pra ṇo̍numo vṛṣan .
vi̱ddhī tva1̱̍sya no̍ vaso .. 7.031.04
4 Faithful to thee we loudly sing, heroic Indra, songs to thee:- Mark, O Good Lord, this act of ours.
Sloka : 7.31.5
मा नो॑ नि॒दे च॒ वक्त॑वे॒ऽर्यो र॑न्धी॒ररा॑व्णे ।
त्वे अपि॒ क्रतु॒र्मम॑ ॥ ७.०३१.०५
mā no̍ ni̱de ca̱ vakta̍ve̱'ryo ra̍ndhī̱rarā̍vṇe .
tve api̱ kratu̱rmama̍ .. 7.031.05
5 Give us not up to man's reproach, to foeman's hateful calumny:- In thee alone is all my strength.
Sloka : 7.31.6
त्वं वर्मा॑सि स॒प्रथः॑ पुरोयो॒धश्च॑ वृत्रहन् ।
त्वया॒ प्रति॑ ब्रुवे यु॒जा ॥ ७.०३१.०६
tvaṃ varmā̍si sa̱pratha̍ḥ puroyo̱dhaśca̍ vṛtrahan .
tvayā̱ prati̍ bruve yu̱jā .. 7.031.06
6 Thou art mine ample coat of mail, my Champion, Vṛtra-Slayer, thou:-
With thee for Friend I brave the foe.
Sloka : 7.31.7
म॒हाँ उ॒तासि॒ यस्य॒ तेऽनु॑ स्व॒धाव॑री॒ सहः॑ ।
म॒म्नाते॑ इन्द्र॒ रोद॑सी ॥ ७.०३१.०७
ma̱hām̐ u̱tāsi̱ yasya̱ te'nu̍ sva̱dhāva̍rī̱ saha̍ḥ .
ma̱mnāte̍ indra̱ roda̍sī .. 7.031.07
7 Yea, great art thou whose conquering might two independent Powers confess.
The Heaven, O India, and the Earth.
Sloka : 7.31.8
तं त्वा॑ म॒रुत्व॑ती॒ परि॒ भुव॒द्वाणी॑ स॒याव॑री ।
नक्ष॑माणा स॒ह द्युभिः॑ ॥ ७.०३१.०८
taṃ tvā̍ ma̱rutva̍tī̱ pari̱ bhuva̱dvāṇī̍ sa̱yāva̍rī .
nakṣa̍māṇā sa̱ha dyubhi̍ḥ .. 7.031.08
8 So let the voice surround thee, which attends the Maruts on their way,
Reaching thee with the rays of light.
Sloka : 7.31.9
ऊ॒र्ध्वास॒स्त्वान्विन्द॑वो॒ भुव॑न्द॒स्ममुप॒ द्यवि॑ ।
सं ते॑ नमन्त कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ७.०३१.०९
ū̱rdhvāsa̱stvānvinda̍vo̱ bhuva̍nda̱smamupa̱ dyavi̍ .
saṃ te̍ namanta kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 7.031.09
9 Let the ascending drops attain to thee, the Wondrous God, in heaven:-
Let all the folk bow down to thee.
Sloka : 7.31.10
प्र वो॑ म॒हे म॑हि॒वृधे॑ भरध्वं॒ प्रचे॑तसे॒ प्र सु॑म॒तिं कृ॑णुध्वम् ।
विशः॑ पू॒र्वीः प्र च॑रा चर्षणि॒प्राः ॥ ७.०३१.१०
pra vo̍ ma̱he ma̍hi̱vṛdhe̍ bharadhva̱ṃ prace̍tase̱ pra su̍ma̱tiṃ kṛ̍ṇudhvam .
viśa̍ḥ pū̱rvīḥ pra ca̍rā carṣaṇi̱prāḥ .. 7.031.10
10 Bring to the Wise, the Great, who waxeth mighty, your offerings, and make ready your devotion;
To many clans he goeth, man's controller.
Sloka : 7.31.11
उ॒रु॒व्यच॑से म॒हिने॑ सुवृ॒क्तिमिन्द्रा॑य॒ ब्रह्म॑ जनयन्त॒ विप्राः॑ ।
तस्य॑ व्र॒तानि॒ न मि॑नन्ति॒ धीराः॑ ॥ ७.०३१.११
u̱ru̱vyaca̍se ma̱hine̍ suvṛ̱ktimindrā̍ya̱ brahma̍ janayanta̱ viprā̍ḥ .
tasya̍ vra̱tāni̱ na mi̍nanti̱ dhīrā̍ḥ .. 7.031.11
11 For Indra, the sublime, the far-pervading, have singers generated prayer and praises:-
The sages never violate his statutes.
Sloka : 7.31.12
इन्द्रं॒ वाणी॒रनु॑त्तमन्युमे॒व स॒त्रा राजा॑नं दधिरे॒ सह॑ध्यै ।
हर्य॑श्वाय बर्हया॒ समा॒पीन् ॥ ७.०३१.१२
indra̱ṃ vāṇī̱ranu̍ttamanyume̱va sa̱trā rājā̍naṃ dadhire̱ saha̍dhyai .
harya̍śvāya barhayā̱ samā̱pīn .. 7.031.12
12 The choirs have stablished Indra King for ever, for victory, him whose anger is resistless:-
And, for the Bays' Lord, strengthened those he loveth.
Sloka : 7.32.1
मो षु त्वा॑ वा॒घत॑श्च॒नारे अ॒स्मन्नि री॑रमन् ।
आ॒रात्ता॑च्चित्सध॒मादं॑ न॒ आ ग॑ही॒ह वा॒ सन्नुप॑ श्रुधि ॥ ७.०३२.०१
mo ṣu tvā̍ vā̱ghata̍śca̱nāre a̱smanni rī̍raman .
ā̱rāttā̍ccitsadha̱māda̍ṃ na̱ ā ga̍hī̱ha vā̱ sannupa̍ śrudhi .. 7.032.01
1. LET none, no, not thy worshippers, delay thee far away from us.
Even from far away come thou unto our feast, or listen if already here.
Sloka : 7.32.2
इ॒मे हि ते॑ ब्रह्म॒कृतः॑ सु॒ते सचा॒ मधौ॒ न मक्ष॒ आस॑ते ।
इन्द्रे॒ कामं॑ जरि॒तारो॑ वसू॒यवो॒ रथे॒ न पाद॒मा द॑धुः ॥ ७.०३२.०२
i̱me hi te̍ brahma̱kṛta̍ḥ su̱te sacā̱ madhau̱ na makṣa̱ āsa̍te .
indre̱ kāma̍ṃ jari̱tāro̍ vasū̱yavo̱ rathe̱ na pāda̱mā da̍dhuḥ .. 7.032.02
2 For here, like flies on honey, these who pray to thee sit by the juice that they have poured.
Wealth-craving singers have on Indra set their hope, as men set foot upon a car.
Sloka : 7.32.3
रा॒यस्का॑मो॒ वज्र॑हस्तं सु॒दक्षि॑णं पु॒त्रो न पि॒तरं॑ हुवे ॥ ७.०३२.०३
rā̱yaskā̍mo̱ vajra̍hastaṃ su̱dakṣi̍ṇaṃ pu̱tro na pi̱tara̍ṃ huve .. 7.032.03
3 Longing for wealth I call on him, the Thunderer with the strong right hand,
As a son calleth on his sire.
Sloka : 7.32.4
इ॒म इन्द्रा॑य सुन्विरे॒ सोमा॑सो॒ दध्या॑शिरः ।
ताँ आ मदा॑य वज्रहस्त पी॒तये॒ हरि॑भ्यां या॒ह्योक॒ आ ॥ ७.०३२.०४
i̱ma indrā̍ya sunvire̱ somā̍so̱ dadhyā̍śiraḥ .
tām̐ ā madā̍ya vajrahasta pī̱taye̱ hari̍bhyāṃ yā̱hyoka̱ ā .. 7.032.04
4 These Soma juices, mixed with curd, have been expressed for Indra here.
Come with thy Bay Steeds, Thunder-wielder, to our home, to drink them till they make thee glad.
Sloka : 7.32.5
श्रव॒च्छ्रुत्क॑र्ण ईयते॒ वसू॑नां॒ नू चि॑न्नो मर्धिष॒द्गिरः॑ ।
स॒द्यश्चि॒द्यः स॒हस्रा॑णि श॒ता दद॒न्नकि॒र्दित्स॑न्त॒मा मि॑नत् ॥ ७.०३२.०५
śrava̱cchrutka̍rṇa īyate̱ vasū̍nā̱ṃ nū ci̍nno mardhiṣa̱dgira̍ḥ .
sa̱dyaści̱dyaḥ sa̱hasrā̍ṇi śa̱tā dada̱nnaki̱rditsa̍nta̱mā mi̍nat .. 7.032.05
5 May he whose ear is open hear us. He is asked for wealth:- will he despise our prayer?
Him who bestows at once a hundred thousand gifts none shall restrain when he would give.
Sloka : 7.32.6
स वी॒रो अप्र॑तिष्कुत॒ इन्द्रे॑ण शूशुवे॒ नृभिः॑ ।
यस्ते॑ गभी॒रा सव॑नानि वृत्रहन्सु॒नोत्या च॒ धाव॑ति ॥ ७.०३२.०६
sa vī̱ro apra̍tiṣkuta̱ indre̍ṇa śūśuve̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .
yaste̍ gabhī̱rā sava̍nāni vṛtrahansu̱notyā ca̱ dhāva̍ti .. 7.032.06
6 The hero never checked by men hath gained his strength through Indra, he
Who presses out and pours his deep libations forth, O Vṛtra-slayer, unto thee.
Sloka : 7.32.7
भवा॒ वरू॑थं मघवन्म॒घोनां॒ यत्स॒मजा॑सि॒ शर्ध॑तः ।
वि त्वाह॑तस्य॒ वेद॑नं भजेम॒ह्या दू॒णाशो॑ भरा॒ गय॑म् ॥ ७.०३२.०७
bhavā̱ varū̍thaṃ maghavanma̱ghonā̱ṃ yatsa̱majā̍si̱ śardha̍taḥ .
vi tvāha̍tasya̱ veda̍naṃ bhajema̱hyā dū̱ṇāśo̍ bharā̱ gaya̍m .. 7.032.07
7 When thou dost drive the fighting men together be, thou Mighty One, the mighty's shield.
May we divide the wealth of him whom thou hast slain:- bring us, Unreachable, his goods.
Sloka : 7.32.8
सु॒नोता॑ सोम॒पाव्ने॒ सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य व॒ज्रिणे॑ ।
पच॑ता प॒क्तीरव॑से कृणु॒ध्वमित्पृ॒णन्नित्पृ॑ण॒ते मयः॑ ॥ ७.०३२.०८
su̱notā̍ soma̱pāvne̱ soma̱mindrā̍ya va̱jriṇe̍ .
paca̍tā pa̱ktīrava̍se kṛṇu̱dhvamitpṛ̱ṇannitpṛ̍ṇa̱te maya̍ḥ .. 7.032.08
8 For Indra, Soma-drinker, armed with thunder, press the Soma juice.
Make ready your dressed meats:- cause him to favour us. The Giver blesses him who gives.
Sloka : 7.32.9
मा स्रे॑धत सोमिनो॒ दक्ष॑ता म॒हे कृ॑णु॒ध्वं रा॒य आ॒तुजे॑ ।
त॒रणि॒रिज्ज॑यति॒ क्षेति॒ पुष्य॑ति॒ न दे॒वासः॑ कव॒त्नवे॑ ॥ ७.०३२.०९
mā sre̍dhata somino̱ dakṣa̍tā ma̱he kṛ̍ṇu̱dhvaṃ rā̱ya ā̱tuje̍ .
ta̱raṇi̱rijja̍yati̱ kṣeti̱ puṣya̍ti̱ na de̱vāsa̍ḥ kava̱tnave̍ .. 7.032.09
9 Grudge not, ye Soma pourers; stir you, pay the rites, for wealth, to the great Conqueror.
Only the active conquers dwells in peace, and thrives:- not for the niggard are the Gods.
Sloka : 7.32.10
नकिः॑ सु॒दासो॒ रथं॒ पर्या॑स॒ न री॑रमत् ।
इन्द्रो॒ यस्या॑वि॒ता यस्य॑ म॒रुतो॒ गम॒त्स गोम॑ति व्र॒जे ॥ ७.०३२.१०
naki̍ḥ su̱dāso̱ ratha̱ṃ paryā̍sa̱ na rī̍ramat .
indro̱ yasyā̍vi̱tā yasya̍ ma̱ruto̱ gama̱tsa goma̍ti vra̱je .. 7.032.10
10 No one hath overturned or stayed the car of him who freely gives.
The man whom Indra and the Marut host defend comes to a stable full of kine.
Sloka : 7.32.11
गम॒द्वाजं॑ वा॒जय॑न्निन्द्र॒ मर्त्यो॒ यस्य॒ त्वम॑वि॒ता भुवः॑ ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ बोध्यवि॒ता रथा॑नाम॒स्माकं॑ शूर नृ॒णाम् ॥ ७.०३२.११
gama̱dvāja̍ṃ vā̱jaya̍nnindra̱ martyo̱ yasya̱ tvama̍vi̱tā bhuva̍ḥ .
a̱smāka̍ṃ bodhyavi̱tā rathā̍nāma̱smāka̍ṃ śūra nṛ̱ṇām .. 7.032.11
11 Indra, that man when fighting shall obtain the spoil, whose strong defender thou wilt be.
Be thou the gracious helper, Hero I of our cars, be thou the helper of our men.
Sloka : 7.32.12
उदिन्न्व॑स्य रिच्य॒तेंऽशो॒ धनं॒ न जि॒ग्युषः॑ ।
य इन्द्रो॒ हरि॑वा॒न्न द॑भन्ति॒ तं रिपो॒ दक्षं॑ दधाति सो॒मिनि॑ ॥ ७.०३२.१२
udinnva̍sya ricya̱teṃ'śo̱ dhana̱ṃ na ji̱gyuṣa̍ḥ .
ya indro̱ hari̍vā̱nna da̍bhanti̱ taṃ ripo̱ dakṣa̍ṃ dadhāti so̱mini̍ .. 7.032.12
12 His portion is exceeding great like a victorious soldier's spoil.
Him who is Indra, Lord of Bays, no foes subdue. He gives the Soma-pourer strength.
Sloka : 7.32.13
मन्त्र॒मख॑र्वं॒ सुधि॑तं सु॒पेश॑सं॒ दधा॑त य॒ज्ञिये॒ष्वा ।
पू॒र्वीश्च॒न प्रसि॑तयस्तरन्ति॒ तं य इन्द्रे॒ कर्म॑णा॒ भुव॑त् ॥ ७.०३२.१३
mantra̱makha̍rva̱ṃ sudhi̍taṃ su̱peśa̍sa̱ṃ dadhā̍ta ya̱jñiye̱ṣvā .
pū̱rvīśca̱na prasi̍tayastaranti̱ taṃ ya indre̱ karma̍ṇā̱ bhuva̍t .. 7.032.13
13 Make for the Holy Gods a hymn that is not mean, but well-arranged and fair of form.
Even many snares and bonds subdue not him who dwells with Indra through his sacrifice.
Sloka : 7.32.14
कस्तमि॑न्द्र॒ त्वाव॑सु॒मा मर्त्यो॑ दधर्षति ।
श्र॒द्धा इत्ते॑ मघव॒न्पार्ये॑ दि॒वि वा॒जी वाजं॑ सिषासति ॥ ७.०३२.१४
kastami̍ndra̱ tvāva̍su̱mā martyo̍ dadharṣati .
śra̱ddhā itte̍ maghava̱npārye̍ di̱vi vā̱jī vāja̍ṃ siṣāsati .. 7.032.14
14 Indra, what mortal will attack the man who hath his wealth in thee?
The strong will win the spoil on the decisive day through faith in thee, O Maghavan.
Sloka : 7.32.15
म॒घोनः॑ स्म वृत्र॒हत्ये॑षु चोदय॒ ये दद॑ति प्रि॒या वसु॑ ।
तव॒ प्रणी॑ती हर्यश्व सू॒रिभि॒र्विश्वा॑ तरेम दुरि॒ता ॥ ७.०३२.१५
ma̱ghona̍ḥ sma vṛtra̱hatye̍ṣu codaya̱ ye dada̍ti pri̱yā vasu̍ .
tava̱ praṇī̍tī haryaśva sū̱ribhi̱rviśvā̍ tarema duri̱tā .. 7.032.15
15 In battles with the foe urge on our mighty ones who give the treasures dear to thee,
And may we with our princes, Lord of Tawny Steeds! pass through all peril, led by thee.
Sloka : 7.32.16
तवेदि॑न्द्राव॒मं वसु॒ त्वं पु॑ष्यसि मध्य॒मम् ।
स॒त्रा विश्व॑स्य पर॒मस्य॑ राजसि॒ नकि॑ष्ट्वा॒ गोषु॑ वृण्वते ॥ ७.०३२.१६
tavedi̍ndrāva̱maṃ vasu̱ tvaṃ pu̍ṣyasi madhya̱mam .
sa̱trā viśva̍sya para̱masya̍ rājasi̱ naki̍ṣṭvā̱ goṣu̍ vṛṇvate .. 7.032.16
16 Thine, Indra, is the lowest wealth, thou cherishest the mid-most wealth,
Thou ever rulest all the highest:- in the fray for cattle none resisteth thee.
Sloka : 7.32.17
त्वं विश्व॑स्य धन॒दा अ॑सि श्रु॒तो य ईं॒ भव॑न्त्या॒जयः॑ ।
तवा॒यं विश्वः॑ पुरुहूत॒ पार्थि॑वोऽव॒स्युर्नाम॑ भिक्षते ॥ ७.०३२.१७
tvaṃ viśva̍sya dhana̱dā a̍si śru̱to ya ī̱ṃ bhava̍ntyā̱jaya̍ḥ .
tavā̱yaṃ viśva̍ḥ puruhūta̱ pārthi̍vo'va̱syurnāma̍ bhikṣate .. 7.032.17
17 Thou art renowned as giving wealth to every one in all the battles that are fought.
Craving protection, all these people of the earth, O Much-invoked, implore thy name.
Sloka : 7.32.18
यदि॑न्द्र॒ याव॑त॒स्त्वमे॒ताव॑द॒हमीशी॑य ।
स्तो॒तार॒मिद्दि॑धिषेय रदावसो॒ न पा॑प॒त्वाय॑ रासीय ॥ ७.०३२.१८
yadi̍ndra̱ yāva̍ta̱stvame̱tāva̍da̱hamīśī̍ya .
sto̱tāra̱middi̍dhiṣeya radāvaso̱ na pā̍pa̱tvāya̍ rāsīya .. 7.032.18
18 If I, O Indra, were the Lord of riches ample as thine own,
I should support the singer, God. who givest wealth! and not abandon him to woe.
Sloka : 7.32.19
शिक्षे॑य॒मिन्म॑हय॒ते दि॒वेदि॑वे रा॒य आ कु॑हचि॒द्विदे॑ ।
न॒हि त्वद॒न्यन्म॑घवन्न॒ आप्यं॒ वस्यो॒ अस्ति॑ पि॒ता च॒न ॥ ७.०३२.१९
śikṣe̍ya̱minma̍haya̱te di̱vedi̍ve rā̱ya ā ku̍haci̱dvide̍ .
na̱hi tvada̱nyanma̍ghavanna̱ āpya̱ṃ vasyo̱ asti̍ pi̱tā ca̱na .. 7.032.19
19 Each day would I enrich the man who sang my praise, in whatsoever place he were.
No kinship is there better, Maghavan, than thine:- a father even is no more.
Sloka : 7.32.20
त॒रणि॒रित्सि॑षासति॒ वाजं॒ पुरं॑ध्या यु॒जा ।
आ व॒ इन्द्रं॑ पुरुहू॒तं न॑मे गि॒रा ने॒मिं तष्टे॑व सु॒द्र्व॑म् ॥ ७.०३२.२०
ta̱raṇi̱ritsi̍ṣāsati̱ vāja̱ṃ pura̍ṃdhyā yu̱jā .
ā va̱ indra̍ṃ puruhū̱taṃ na̍me gi̱rā ne̱miṃ taṣṭe̍va su̱drva̍m .. 7.032.20
20 With Plenty for his true ally the active man will gain the spoil.
Your Indra, Much-invoked, I bend with song, as bends a wright his wheel of solid wood.
Sloka : 7.32.21
न दु॑ष्टु॒ती मर्त्यो॑ विन्दते॒ वसु॒ न स्रेध॑न्तं र॒यिर्न॑शत् ।
सु॒शक्ति॒रिन्म॑घव॒न्तुभ्यं॒ माव॑ते दे॒ष्णं यत्पार्ये॑ दि॒वि ॥ ७.०३२.२१
na du̍ṣṭu̱tī martyo̍ vindate̱ vasu̱ na sredha̍ntaṃ ra̱yirna̍śat .
su̱śakti̱rinma̍ghava̱ntubhya̱ṃ māva̍te de̱ṣṇaṃ yatpārye̍ di̱vi .. 7.032.21
21 A moral wins no riches by unworthy praise:- wealth comes not to the niggard churl.
Light is the task to give, O Maghavan, to one like me on the decisive day.
Sloka : 7.32.22
अ॒भि त्वा॑ शूर नोनु॒मोऽदु॑ग्धा इव धे॒नवः॑ ।
ईशा॑नम॒स्य जग॑तः स्व॒र्दृश॒मीशा॑नमिन्द्र त॒स्थुषः॑ ॥ ७.०३२.२२
a̱bhi tvā̍ śūra nonu̱mo'du̍gdhā iva dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
īśā̍nama̱sya jaga̍taḥ sva̱rdṛśa̱mīśā̍namindra ta̱sthuṣa̍ḥ .. 7.032.22
22 Like kine unmilked we call aloud, Hero, to thee, and sing thy praise,
Looker on heavenly light, Lord of this moving world, Lord, Indra, of what moveth not.
Sloka : 7.32.23
न त्वावा॑ँ अ॒न्यो दि॒व्यो न पार्थि॑वो॒ न जा॒तो न ज॑निष्यते ।
अ॒श्वा॒यन्तो॑ मघवन्निन्द्र वा॒जिनो॑ ग॒व्यन्त॑स्त्वा हवामहे ॥ ७.०३२.२३
na tvāvā̍m̐ a̱nyo di̱vyo na pārthi̍vo̱ na jā̱to na ja̍niṣyate .
a̱śvā̱yanto̍ maghavannindra vā̱jino̍ ga̱vyanta̍stvā havāmahe .. 7.032.23
23 None other like to thee, of earth or of the heavens, hath been or ever will be born.
Desiring horses, Indra Maghavan! and kine, as men of might we call on thee.
Sloka : 7.32.24
अ॒भी ष॒तस्तदा भ॒रेन्द्र॒ ज्यायः॒ कनी॑यसः ।
पु॒रू॒वसु॒र्हि म॑घवन्स॒नादसि॒ भरे॑भरे च॒ हव्यः॑ ॥ ७.०३२.२४
a̱bhī ṣa̱tastadā bha̱rendra̱ jyāya̱ḥ kanī̍yasaḥ .
pu̱rū̱vasu̱rhi ma̍ghavansa̱nādasi̱ bhare̍bhare ca̱ havya̍ḥ .. 7.032.24
24 Bring, Indra, the Victorious Ones; bring, elder thou, the younger host.
For, Maghavan, thou art rich in treasures from of old, and must be called in every fight.
Sloka : 7.32.25
परा॑ णुदस्व मघवन्न॒मित्रा॑न्सु॒वेदा॑ नो॒ वसू॑ कृधि ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ बोध्यवि॒ता म॑हाध॒ने भवा॑ वृ॒धः सखी॑नाम् ॥ ७.०३२.२५
parā̍ ṇudasva maghavanna̱mitrā̍nsu̱vedā̍ no̱ vasū̍ kṛdhi .
a̱smāka̍ṃ bodhyavi̱tā ma̍hādha̱ne bhavā̍ vṛ̱dhaḥ sakhī̍nām .. 7.032.25
25 Drive thou away our enemies, O Maghavan:- make riches easy to be won.
Be thou our good Protector in the strife for spoil:- Cherisher of our friends be thou.
Sloka : 7.32.26
इन्द्र॒ क्रतुं॑ न॒ आ भ॑र पि॒ता पु॒त्रेभ्यो॒ यथा॑ ।
शिक्षा॑ णो अ॒स्मिन्पु॑रुहूत॒ याम॑नि जी॒वा ज्योति॑रशीमहि ॥ ७.०३२.२६
indra̱ kratu̍ṃ na̱ ā bha̍ra pi̱tā pu̱trebhyo̱ yathā̍ .
śikṣā̍ ṇo a̱sminpu̍ruhūta̱ yāma̍ni jī̱vā jyoti̍raśīmahi .. 7.032.26
26 O Indra, give us wisdom as a sire gives wisdom to his sons.
Guide us, O Much-invoked, in this our way may we still live and look upon the light.
Sloka : 7.32.27
मा नो॒ अज्ञा॑ता वृ॒जना॑ दुरा॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ माशि॑वासो॒ अव॑ क्रमुः ।
त्वया॑ व॒यं प्र॒वतः॒ शश्व॑तीर॒पोऽति॑ शूर तरामसि ॥ ७.०३२.२७
mā no̱ ajñā̍tā vṛ̱janā̍ durā̱dhyo̱3̱̍ māśi̍vāso̱ ava̍ kramuḥ .
tvayā̍ va̱yaṃ pra̱vata̱ḥ śaśva̍tīra̱po'ti̍ śūra tarāmasi .. 7.032.27
27 Grant that no mighty foes, unknown, malevolent, unhallowed, tread us to the ground.
With thine assistance, Hero, may we ass through all the waters that are rul`ng down.
Sloka : 7.33.1
श्वि॒त्यञ्चो॑ मा दक्षिण॒तस्क॑पर्दा धियंजि॒न्वासो॑ अ॒भि हि प्र॑म॒न्दुः ।
उ॒त्तिष्ठ॑न्वोचे॒ परि॑ ब॒र्हिषो॒ नॄन्न मे॑ दू॒रादवि॑तवे॒ वसि॑ष्ठाः ॥ ७.०३३.०१
śvi̱tyañco̍ mā dakṣiṇa̱taska̍pardā dhiyaṃji̱nvāso̍ a̱bhi hi pra̍ma̱nduḥ .
u̱ttiṣṭha̍nvoce̱ pari̍ ba̱rhiṣo̱ nṝnna me̍ dū̱rādavi̍tave̱ vasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .. 7.033.01
1. THESE who wear hair-knots on the right, the movers of holy thought, white-robed, have won me over.
I warned the men, when from the grass I raised me, Not from afar can my Vasisthas help you.
Sloka : 7.33.2
दू॒रादिन्द्र॑मनय॒न्ना सु॒तेन॑ ति॒रो वै॑श॒न्तमति॒ पान्त॑मु॒ग्रम् ।
पाश॑द्युम्नस्य वाय॒तस्य॒ सोमा॑त्सु॒तादिन्द्रो॑ऽवृणीता॒ वसि॑ष्ठान् ॥ ७.०३३.०२
dū̱rādindra̍manaya̱nnā su̱tena̍ ti̱ro vai̍śa̱ntamati̱ pānta̍mu̱gram .
pāśa̍dyumnasya vāya̱tasya̱ somā̍tsu̱tādindro̎vṛṇītā̱ vasi̍ṣṭhān .. 7.033.02
2 With Soma they brought Indra from a distance, Over Vaisanta, from the strong libation.
Indra preferred Vasisthas to the Soma pressed by the son of Vayata, Pasadyumna.
Sloka : 7.33.3
ए॒वेन्नु कं॒ सिन्धु॑मेभिस्ततारे॒वेन्नु कं॑ भे॒दमे॑भिर्जघान ।
ए॒वेन्नु कं॑ दाशरा॒ज्ञे सु॒दासं॒ प्राव॒दिन्द्रो॒ ब्रह्म॑णा वो वसिष्ठाः ॥ ७.०३३.०३
e̱vennu ka̱ṃ sindhu̍mebhistatāre̱vennu ka̍ṃ bhe̱dame̍bhirjaghāna .
e̱vennu ka̍ṃ dāśarā̱jñe su̱dāsa̱ṃ prāva̱dindro̱ brahma̍ṇā vo vasiṣṭhāḥ .. 7.033.03
3 So, verily, with these he crossed the river, in company with these he slaughtered Bheda.
So in the fight with the Ten Kings, Vasisthas! did Indra help Sudās through your devotions.
Sloka : 7.33.4
जुष्टी॑ नरो॒ ब्रह्म॑णा वः पितॄ॒णामक्ष॑मव्ययं॒ न किला॑ रिषाथ ।
यच्छक्व॑रीषु बृह॒ता रवे॒णेन्द्रे॒ शुष्म॒मद॑धाता वसिष्ठाः ॥ ७.०३३.०४
juṣṭī̍ naro̱ brahma̍ṇā vaḥ pitṝ̱ṇāmakṣa̍mavyaya̱ṃ na kilā̍ riṣātha .
yacchakva̍rīṣu bṛha̱tā rave̱ṇendre̱ śuṣma̱mada̍dhātā vasiṣṭhāḥ .. 7.033.04
4 I gladly, men I with prayer prayed by our fathers have fixed your axle:- ye shall not be injured:-
Since, when ye sang aloud the Sakvari verses, Vasisthas! ye invigorated Indra.
Sloka : 7.33.5
उद्द्यामि॒वेत्तृ॒ष्णजो॑ नाथि॒तासोऽदी॑धयुर्दाशरा॒ज्ञे वृ॒तासः॑ ।
वसि॑ष्ठस्य स्तुव॒त इन्द्रो॑ अश्रोदु॒रुं तृत्सु॑भ्यो अकृणोदु लो॒कम् ॥ ७.०३३.०५
uddyāmi̱vettṛ̱ṣṇajo̍ nāthi̱tāso'dī̍dhayurdāśarā̱jñe vṛ̱tāsa̍ḥ .
vasi̍ṣṭhasya stuva̱ta indro̍ aśrodu̱ruṃ tṛtsu̍bhyo akṛṇodu lo̱kam .. 7.033.05
5 Like thirsty men they looked to heaven, in battle with the Ten Kings, surrounded and imploring.
Then Indra heard Vasiṣṭha as he praised him, and gave the Trtsus ample room and freedom.
Sloka : 7.33.6
द॒ण्डा इ॒वेद्गो॒अज॑नास आस॒न्परि॑च्छिन्ना भर॒ता अ॑र्भ॒कासः॑ ।
अभ॑वच्च पुरए॒ता वसि॑ष्ठ॒ आदित्तृत्सू॑नां॒ विशो॑ अप्रथन्त ॥ ७.०३३.०६
da̱ṇḍā i̱vedgo̱aja̍nāsa āsa̱npari̍cchinnā bhara̱tā a̍rbha̱kāsa̍ḥ .
abha̍vacca purae̱tā vasi̍ṣṭha̱ ādittṛtsū̍nā̱ṃ viśo̍ aprathanta .. 7.033.06
6 Like sticks and staves wherewith they drive the cattle, Stripped bare, the Bharatas were found defenceless:-
Vasiṣṭha then became their chief and leader:- then widely. were the Trtsus' clans extended.
Sloka : 7.33.7
त्रयः॑ कृण्वन्ति॒ भुव॑नेषु॒ रेत॑स्ति॒स्रः प्र॒जा आर्या॒ ज्योति॑रग्राः ।
त्रयो॑ घ॒र्मास॑ उ॒षसं॑ सचन्ते॒ सर्वा॒ँ इत्ताँ अनु॑ विदु॒र्वसि॑ष्ठाः ॥ ७.०३३.०७
traya̍ḥ kṛṇvanti̱ bhuva̍neṣu̱ reta̍sti̱sraḥ pra̱jā āryā̱ jyoti̍ragrāḥ .
trayo̍ gha̱rmāsa̍ u̱ṣasa̍ṃ sacante̱ sarvā̱m̐ ittām̐ anu̍ vidu̱rvasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .. 7.033.07
7 Three fertilize the worlds with genial moisture:- three noble Creatures cast a light before them.
Three that give warmth to all attend the morning. All these have they discovered, these Vasisthas.
Sloka : 7.33.8
सूर्य॑स्येव व॒क्षथो॒ ज्योति॑रेषां समु॒द्रस्ये॑व महि॒मा ग॑भी॒रः ।
वात॑स्येव प्रज॒वो नान्येन॒ स्तोमो॑ वसिष्ठा॒ अन्वे॑तवे वः ॥ ७.०३३.०८
sūrya̍syeva va̱kṣatho̱ jyoti̍reṣāṃ samu̱drasye̍va mahi̱mā ga̍bhī̱raḥ .
vāta̍syeva praja̱vo nānyena̱ stomo̍ vasiṣṭhā̱ anve̍tave vaḥ .. 7.033.08
8 Like the Sun's growing glory is their splendour, and like the sea's is their unflathomed greatness.
Their course is like the wind's. Your laud, Vasisthas, can never be attained by any other.
Sloka : 7.33.9
त इन्नि॒ण्यं हृद॑यस्य प्रके॒तैः स॒हस्र॑वल्शम॒भि सं च॑रन्ति ।
य॒मेन॑ त॒तं प॑रि॒धिं वय॑न्तोऽप्स॒रस॒ उप॑ सेदु॒र्वसि॑ष्ठाः ॥ ७.०३३.०९
ta inni̱ṇyaṃ hṛda̍yasya prake̱taiḥ sa̱hasra̍valśama̱bhi saṃ ca̍ranti .
ya̱mena̍ ta̱taṃ pa̍ri̱dhiṃ vaya̍nto'psa̱rasa̱ upa̍ sedu̱rvasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .. 7.033.09
9 They with perceptions of the heart in secret resort to that which spreads a thousand branches.
The Apsaras brought hither the Vasisthas wearing the vesture spun for them by Yama.
Sloka : 7.33.10
वि॒द्युतो॒ ज्योतिः॒ परि॑ सं॒जिहा॑नं मि॒त्रावरु॑णा॒ यदप॑श्यतां त्वा ।
तत्ते॒ जन्मो॒तैकं॑ वसिष्ठा॒गस्त्यो॒ यत्त्वा॑ वि॒श आ॑ज॒भार॑ ॥ ७.०३३.१०
vi̱dyuto̱ jyoti̱ḥ pari̍ sa̱ṃjihā̍naṃ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā̱ yadapa̍śyatāṃ tvā .
tatte̱ janmo̱taika̍ṃ vasiṣṭhā̱gastyo̱ yattvā̍ vi̱śa ā̍ja̱bhāra̍ .. 7.033.10
10 A form of lustre springing from the lightning wast thou, when Varuṇa and Mitra saw thee.
Tliy one and only birth was then, Vasiṣṭha, when from thy stock Agastya brought thee hither.
Sloka : 7.33.11
उ॒तासि॑ मैत्रावरु॒णो व॑सिष्ठो॒र्वश्या॑ ब्रह्म॒न्मन॒सोऽधि॑ जा॒तः ।
द्र॒प्सं स्क॒न्नं ब्रह्म॑णा॒ दैव्ये॑न॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः पुष्क॑रे त्वाददन्त ॥ ७.०३३.११
u̱tāsi̍ maitrāvaru̱ṇo va̍siṣṭho̱rvaśyā̍ brahma̱nmana̱so'dhi̍ jā̱taḥ .
dra̱psaṃ ska̱nnaṃ brahma̍ṇā̱ daivye̍na̱ viśve̍ de̱vāḥ puṣka̍re tvādadanta .. 7.033.11
11 Born of their love for Urvasi, Vasiṣṭha thou, priest, art son of Varuṇa and Mitra;
And as a fallen drop, in heavenly fervour, all the Gods laid thee on a lotus-blossorn.
Sloka : 7.33.12
स प्र॑के॒त उ॒भय॑स्य प्रवि॒द्वान्स॒हस्र॑दान उ॒त वा॒ सदा॑नः ।
य॒मेन॑ त॒तं प॑रि॒धिं व॑यि॒ष्यन्न॑प्स॒रसः॒ परि॑ जज्ञे॒ वसि॑ष्ठः ॥ ७.०३३.१२
sa pra̍ke̱ta u̱bhaya̍sya pravi̱dvānsa̱hasra̍dāna u̱ta vā̱ sadā̍naḥ .
ya̱mena̍ ta̱taṃ pa̍ri̱dhiṃ va̍yi̱ṣyanna̍psa̱rasa̱ḥ pari̍ jajñe̱ vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 7.033.12
12 He thinker, knower both of earth and heaven, endowed with many a gift, bestowing thousands,
Destined to wear the vesture spun by Yama, sprang from the Apsaras to life, Vasiṣṭha.
Sloka : 7.33.13
स॒त्रे ह॑ जा॒तावि॑षि॒ता नमो॑भिः कु॒म्भे रेतः॑ सिषिचतुः समा॒नम् ।
ततो॑ ह॒ मान॒ उदि॑याय॒ मध्या॒त्ततो॑ जा॒तमृषि॑माहु॒र्वसि॑ष्ठम् ॥ ७.०३३.१३
sa̱tre ha̍ jā̱tāvi̍ṣi̱tā namo̍bhiḥ ku̱mbhe reta̍ḥ siṣicatuḥ samā̱nam .
tato̍ ha̱ māna̱ udi̍yāya̱ madhyā̱ttato̍ jā̱tamṛṣi̍māhu̱rvasi̍ṣṭham .. 7.033.13
13 Born at the sacrifice, urged by adorations, both with a common flow bedewed the pitcher.
Then from the midst thereof there rose up Māna, and thence they say was born the sage Vasiṣṭha.
Sloka : 7.33.14
उ॒क्थ॒भृतं॑ साम॒भृतं॑ बिभर्ति॒ ग्रावा॑णं॒ बिभ्र॒त्प्र व॑दा॒त्यग्रे॑ ।
उपै॑नमाध्वं सुमन॒स्यमा॑ना॒ आ वो॑ गच्छाति प्रतृदो॒ वसि॑ष्ठः ॥ ७.०३३.१४
u̱ktha̱bhṛta̍ṃ sāma̱bhṛta̍ṃ bibharti̱ grāvā̍ṇa̱ṃ bibhra̱tpra va̍dā̱tyagre̍ .
upai̍namādhvaṃ sumana̱syamā̍nā̱ ā vo̍ gacchāti pratṛdo̱ vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 7.033.14
14 He brings the bearer of the laud and Sāman:- first shall he speak bringing the stone for pressing.
With grateful hearts in reverence approach him:- to you, O Pratrdas, Vasiṣṭha cometh.
Sloka : 7.34.1
प्र शु॒क्रैतु॑ दे॒वी म॑नी॒षा अ॒स्मत्सुत॑ष्टो॒ रथो॒ न वा॒जी ॥ ७.०३४.०१
pra śu̱kraitu̍ de̱vī ma̍nī̱ṣā a̱smatsuta̍ṣṭo̱ ratho̱ na vā̱jī .. 7.034.01
1. MAY our divine and brilliant hymn go forth, like a swift chariot wrought and fashioned well.
Sloka : 7.34.2
वि॒दुः पृ॑थि॒व्या दि॒वो ज॒नित्रं॑ शृ॒ण्वन्त्यापो॒ अध॒ क्षर॑न्तीः ॥ ७.०३४.०२
vi̱duḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyā di̱vo ja̱nitra̍ṃ śṛ̱ṇvantyāpo̱ adha̱ kṣara̍ntīḥ .. 7.034.02
2 The waters listen as they flow along:- they know the origin of heaven and earth.
Sloka : 7.34.3
आप॑श्चिदस्मै॒ पिन्व॑न्त पृ॒थ्वीर्वृ॒त्रेषु॒ शूरा॒ मंस॑न्त उ॒ग्राः ॥ ७.०३४.०३
āpa̍ścidasmai̱ pinva̍nta pṛ̱thvīrvṛ̱treṣu̱ śūrā̱ maṃsa̍nta u̱grāḥ .. 7.034.03
3 Yea, the broad waters swell their flood ior him:- of him strong heroes think amid their foes.
Sloka : 7.34.4
आ धू॒र्ष्व॑स्मै॒ दधा॒ताश्वा॒निन्द्रो॒ न व॒ज्री हिर॑ण्यबाहुः ॥ ७.०३४.०४
ā dhū̱rṣva̍smai̱ dadhā̱tāśvā̱nindro̱ na va̱jrī hira̍ṇyabāhuḥ .. 7.034.04
4 Set ye for him the coursers to the pole:- like Indra Thunderer is the Golden-armed.
Sloka : 7.34.5
अ॒भि प्र स्था॒ताहे॑व य॒ज्ञं याते॑व॒ पत्म॒न्त्मना॑ हिनोत ॥ ७.०३४.०५
a̱bhi pra sthā̱tāhe̍va ya̱jñaṃ yāte̍va̱ patma̱ntmanā̍ hinota .. 7.034.05
5 Arouse you, like the days, to sacrifice speed gladly like a traveller on the way.
Sloka : 7.34.6
त्मना॑ स॒मत्सु॑ हि॒नोत॑ य॒ज्ञं दधा॑त के॒तुं जना॑य वी॒रम् ॥ ७.०३४.०६
tmanā̍ sa̱matsu̍ hi̱nota̍ ya̱jñaṃ dadhā̍ta ke̱tuṃ janā̍ya vī̱ram .. 7.034.06
6 Go swift to battles, to the sacrifice:- set up a flag, a hero for the folk.
Sloka : 7.34.7
उद॑स्य॒ शुष्मा॑द्भा॒नुर्नार्त॒ बिभ॑र्ति भा॒रं पृ॑थि॒वी न भूम॑ ॥ ७.०३४.०७
uda̍sya̱ śuṣmā̍dbhā̱nurnārta̱ bibha̍rti bhā̱raṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī na bhūma̍ .. 7.034.07
7 Up from his strength hath risen as ’twere a light:- it bears the load as earth bears living things.
Sloka : 7.34.8
ह्वया॑मि दे॒वाँ अया॑तुरग्ने॒ साध॑न्नृ॒तेन॒ धियं॑ दधामि ॥ ७.०३४.०८
hvayā̍mi de̱vām̐ ayā̍turagne̱ sādha̍nnṛ̱tena̱ dhiya̍ṃ dadhāmi .. 7.034.08
8 Agni, no demon I invoke the Gods:- by law completing it, I form a hymn.
Sloka : 7.34.9
अ॒भि वो॑ दे॒वीं धियं॑ दधिध्वं॒ प्र वो॑ देव॒त्रा वाचं॑ कृणुध्वम् ॥ ७.०३४.०९
a̱bhi vo̍ de̱vīṃ dhiya̍ṃ dadhidhva̱ṃ pra vo̍ deva̱trā vāca̍ṃ kṛṇudhvam .. 7.034.09
9 Closely albout you lay your heavenly song, and send your voice to where the Gods abide.
Sloka : 7.34.10
आ च॑ष्ट आसां॒ पाथो॑ न॒दीनां॒ वरु॑ण उ॒ग्रः स॒हस्र॑चक्षाः ॥ ७.०३४.१०
ā ca̍ṣṭa āsā̱ṃ pātho̍ na̱dīnā̱ṃ varu̍ṇa u̱graḥ sa̱hasra̍cakṣāḥ .. 7.034.10
10 Varuṇa, Mighty, with a thousand eyes, beholds the paths wherein these rivers run.
Sloka : 7.34.11
राजा॑ रा॒ष्ट्रानां॒ पेशो॑ न॒दीना॒मनु॑त्तमस्मै क्ष॒त्रं वि॒श्वायु॑ ॥ ७.०३४.११
rājā̍ rā̱ṣṭrānā̱ṃ peśo̍ na̱dīnā̱manu̍ttamasmai kṣa̱traṃ vi̱śvāyu̍ .. 7.034.11
11 He, King of kings, the glory of the floods, o’er all that liveth hath resistless sway.
Sloka : 7.34.12
अवि॑ष्टो अ॒स्मान्विश्वा॑सु वि॒क्ष्वद्युं॑ कृणोत॒ शंसं॑ निनि॒त्सोः ॥ ७.०३४.१२
avi̍ṣṭo a̱smānviśvā̍su vi̱kṣvadyu̍ṃ kṛṇota̱ śaṃsa̍ṃ nini̱tsoḥ .. 7.034.12
12 May he assist us among all the tribes, and make the envier's praise devoid of light.
Sloka : 7.34.13
व्ये॑तु दि॒द्युद्द्वि॒षामशे॑वा यु॒योत॒ विष्व॒ग्रप॑स्त॒नूना॑म् ॥ ७.०३४.१३
vye̍tu di̱dyuddvi̱ṣāmaśe̍vā yu̱yota̱ viṣva̱grapa̍sta̱nūnā̍m .. 7.034.13
13 May the foes' threatening arrow pass us by:- may he put far from us our bodies' sin.
Sloka : 7.34.14
अवी॑न्नो अ॒ग्निर्ह॒व्यान्नमो॑भिः॒ प्रेष्ठो॑ अस्मा अधायि॒ स्तोमः॑ ॥ ७.०३४.१४
avī̍nno a̱gnirha̱vyānnamo̍bhi̱ḥ preṣṭho̍ asmā adhāyi̱ stoma̍ḥ .. 7.034.14
14 Agni, oblation-cater, through our prayers aid us:- to him our dearest laud is brought.
Sloka : 7.34.15
स॒जूर्दे॒वेभि॑र॒पां नपा॑तं॒ सखा॑यं कृध्वं शि॒वो नो॑ अस्तु ॥ ७.०३४.१५
sa̱jūrde̱vebhi̍ra̱pāṃ napā̍ta̱ṃ sakhā̍yaṃ kṛdhvaṃ śi̱vo no̍ astu .. 7.034.15
15 Accordant with the Gods choose for our Friend the Waters’ Child:- may he be good to us.
Sloka : 7.34.16
अ॒ब्जामु॒क्थैरहिं॑ गृणीषे बु॒ध्ने न॒दीनां॒ रज॑स्सु॒ षीद॑न् ॥ ७.०३४.१६
a̱bjāmu̱kthairahi̍ṃ gṛṇīṣe bu̱dhne na̱dīnā̱ṃ raja̍ssu̱ ṣīda̍n .. 7.034.16
16 With lauds I sing the Dragon born of floods:- he sits beneath the streams in middle air.
Sloka : 7.34.17
मा नोऽहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्यो॑ रि॒षे धा॒न्मा य॒ज्ञो अ॑स्य स्रिधदृता॒योः ॥ ७.०३४.१७
mā no'hi̍rbu̱dhnyo̍ ri̱ṣe dhā̱nmā ya̱jño a̍sya sridhadṛtā̱yoḥ .. 7.034.17
17 Ne’er may the Dragon of the Deep harm us:- ne’er fail this faithful servant's sacrifice.
Sloka : 7.34.18
उ॒त न॑ ए॒षु नृषु॒ श्रवो॑ धुः॒ प्र रा॒ये य॑न्तु॒ शर्ध॑न्तो अ॒र्यः ॥ ७.०३४.१८
u̱ta na̍ e̱ṣu nṛṣu̱ śravo̍ dhu̱ḥ pra rā̱ye ya̍ntu̱ śardha̍nto a̱ryaḥ .. 7.034.18
18 To these our heroes may they grant renown:- may pious men march boldly on to wealth.
Sloka : 7.34.19
तप॑न्ति॒ शत्रुं॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण भूमा॑ म॒हासे॑नासो॒ अमे॑भिरेषाम् ॥ ७.०३४.१९
tapa̍nti̱ śatru̱ṃ sva1̱̍rṇa bhūmā̍ ma̱hāse̍nāso̱ ame̍bhireṣām .. 7.034.19
19 Leading great hosts, with fierce attacks of these, they burn their foes as the Sun burns the earth.
Sloka : 7.34.20
आ यन्नः॒ पत्नी॒र्गम॒न्त्यच्छा॒ त्वष्टा॑ सुपा॒णिर्दधा॑तु वी॒रान् ॥ ७.०३४.२०
ā yanna̱ḥ patnī̱rgama̱ntyacchā̱ tvaṣṭā̍ supā̱ṇirdadhā̍tu vī̱rān .. 7.034.20
20 What time our wives draw near to us, may he, left-handed Tvaṣṭar, give us hero sons.
Sloka : 7.34.21
प्रति॑ नः॒ स्तोमं॒ त्वष्टा॑ जुषेत॒ स्याद॒स्मे अ॒रम॑तिर्वसू॒युः ॥ ७.०३४.२१
prati̍ na̱ḥ stoma̱ṃ tvaṣṭā̍ juṣeta̱ syāda̱sme a̱rama̍tirvasū̱yuḥ .. 7.034.21
21 May Tvaṣṭar find our hymn acceptable, and may Aramati, seeking wealth, be ours.
Sloka : 7.34.22
ता नो॑ रासन्राति॒षाचो॒ वसू॒न्या रोद॑सी वरुणा॒नी शृ॑णोतु ।
वरू॑त्रीभिः सुशर॒णो नो॑ अस्तु॒ त्वष्टा॑ सु॒दत्रो॒ वि द॑धातु॒ रायः॑ ॥ ७.०३४.२२
tā no̍ rāsanrāti̱ṣāco̱ vasū̱nyā roda̍sī varuṇā̱nī śṛ̍ṇotu .
varū̍trībhiḥ suśara̱ṇo no̍ astu̱ tvaṣṭā̍ su̱datro̱ vi da̍dhātu̱ rāya̍ḥ .. 7.034.22
22 May they who lavish gifts bestow those treasures:- may Rodasī and Varuṇānī listen.
May he, with the Varūtrīs, be our refuge, may bountiful Tvaṣṭar give us store of riches.
Sloka : 7.34.23
तन्नो॒ रायः॒ पर्व॑ता॒स्तन्न॒ आप॒स्तद्रा॑ति॒षाच॒ ओष॑धीरु॒त द्यौः ।
वन॒स्पति॑भिः पृथि॒वी स॒जोषा॑ उ॒भे रोद॑सी॒ परि॑ पासतो नः ॥ ७.०३४.२३
tanno̱ rāya̱ḥ parva̍tā̱stanna̱ āpa̱stadrā̍ti̱ṣāca̱ oṣa̍dhīru̱ta dyauḥ .
vana̱spati̍bhiḥ pṛthi̱vī sa̱joṣā̍ u̱bhe roda̍sī̱ pari̍ pāsato naḥ .. 7.034.23
23 So may rich Mountains and the liberal Waters, so may all Herbs that grow on ground, and Heaven,
And Earth accordant with the Forest-Sovrans, and both the World-halves round about protect us.
Sloka : 7.34.24
अनु॒ तदु॒र्वी रोद॑सी जिहाता॒मनु॑ द्यु॒क्षो वरु॑ण॒ इन्द्र॑सखा ।
अनु॒ विश्वे॑ म॒रुतो॒ ये स॒हासो॑ रा॒यः स्या॑म ध॒रुणं॑ धि॒यध्यै॑ ॥ ७.०३४.२४
anu̱ tadu̱rvī roda̍sī jihātā̱manu̍ dyu̱kṣo varu̍ṇa̱ indra̍sakhā .
anu̱ viśve̍ ma̱ruto̱ ye sa̱hāso̍ rā̱yaḥ syā̍ma dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ dhi̱yadhyai̍ .. 7.034.24
24 To this may both the wide Worlds lend approval, and Varuṇa in heaven, whose Friend is Indra.
May all the Maruts give consent, the Victors, that we may hold great wealth in firm possession.
Sloka : 7.34.25
तन्न॒ इन्द्रो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निराप॒ ओष॑धीर्व॒निनो॑ जुषन्त ।
शर्म॑न्स्याम म॒रुता॑मु॒पस्थे॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०३४.२५
tanna̱ indro̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gnirāpa̱ oṣa̍dhīrva̱nino̍ juṣanta .
śarma̍nsyāma ma̱rutā̍mu̱pasthe̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.034.25
25 May Indra, Varuṇa, Mitra, and Agni, Waters, Herbs, Trees accept the praise we offer.
May we find refuge in the Marut's bosom. Protect us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.35.1
शं न॑ इन्द्रा॒ग्नी भ॑वता॒मवो॑भिः॒ शं न॒ इन्द्रा॒वरु॑णा रा॒तह॑व्या ।
शमिन्द्रा॒सोमा॑ सुवि॒ताय॒ शं योः शं न॒ इन्द्रा॑पू॒षणा॒ वाज॑सातौ ॥ ७.०३५.०१
śaṃ na̍ indrā̱gnī bha̍vatā̱mavo̍bhi̱ḥ śaṃ na̱ indrā̱varu̍ṇā rā̱taha̍vyā .
śamindrā̱somā̍ suvi̱tāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ śaṃ na̱ indrā̍pū̱ṣaṇā̱ vāja̍sātau .. 7.035.01
1. BEFRIEND us with their aids Indra and Agni, Indra and Varuṇa who receive oblations!
Indra and Soma give health, strength and comfort, Indra and Pūṣan be our help in battle.
Sloka : 7.35.2
शं नो॒ भगः॒ शमु॑ नः॒ शंसो॑ अस्तु॒ शं नः॒ पुरं॑धिः॒ शमु॑ सन्तु॒ रायः॑ ।
शं नः॑ स॒त्यस्य॑ सु॒यम॑स्य॒ शंसः॒ शं नो॑ अर्य॒मा पु॑रुजा॒तो अ॑स्तु ॥ ७.०३५.०२
śaṃ no̱ bhaga̱ḥ śamu̍ na̱ḥ śaṃso̍ astu̱ śaṃ na̱ḥ pura̍ṃdhi̱ḥ śamu̍ santu̱ rāya̍ḥ .
śaṃ na̍ḥ sa̱tyasya̍ su̱yama̍sya̱ śaṃsa̱ḥ śaṃ no̍ arya̱mā pu̍rujā̱to a̍stu .. 7.035.02
2 Auspicious Friends to us be Bhaga, Sathsa, auspicious be Purandhi aid all Riches;
The blessing of the true and well-conducted, and Aryaman in many forms apparent.
Sloka : 7.35.3
शं नो॑ धा॒ता शमु॑ ध॒र्ता नो॑ अस्तु॒ शं न॑ उरू॒ची भ॑वतु स्व॒धाभिः॑ ।
शं रोद॑सी बृह॒ती शं नो॒ अद्रिः॒ शं नो॑ दे॒वानां॑ सु॒हवा॑नि सन्तु ॥ ७.०३५.०३
śaṃ no̍ dhā̱tā śamu̍ dha̱rtā no̍ astu̱ śaṃ na̍ urū̱cī bha̍vatu sva̱dhābhi̍ḥ .
śaṃ roda̍sī bṛha̱tī śaṃ no̱ adri̱ḥ śaṃ no̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ su̱havā̍ni santu .. 7.035.03
3 Kind unto us he Maker and Sustainer, and the far-reaching Pair with God-like natures.
Auspicious unto us be Earth and Heaven, the Mountain, and the Gods’ fair invocations.
Sloka : 7.35.4
शं नो॑ अ॒ग्निर्ज्योति॑रनीको अस्तु॒ शं नो॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णाव॒श्विना॒ शम् ।
शं नः॑ सु॒कृतां॑ सुकृ॒तानि॑ सन्तु॒ शं न॑ इषि॒रो अ॒भि वा॑तु॒ वातः॑ ॥ ७.०३५.०४
śaṃ no̍ a̱gnirjyoti̍ranīko astu̱ śaṃ no̍ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇāva̱śvinā̱ śam .
śaṃ na̍ḥ su̱kṛtā̍ṃ sukṛ̱tāni̍ santu̱ śaṃ na̍ iṣi̱ro a̱bhi vā̍tu̱ vāta̍ḥ .. 7.035.04
4 Favour us Agni with his face of splendour, and Varuva and Mitra and the Aśvins.
Favour us noble actions of the pious, impetuous vita blow on us with favour.
Sloka : 7.35.5
शं नो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी पू॒र्वहू॑तौ॒ शम॒न्तरि॑क्षं दृ॒शये॑ नो अस्तु ।
शं न॒ ओष॑धीर्व॒निनो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नो॒ रज॑स॒स्पति॑रस्तु जि॒ष्णुः ॥ ७.०३५.०५
śaṃ no̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī pū̱rvahū̍tau̱ śama̱ntari̍kṣaṃ dṛ̱śaye̍ no astu .
śaṃ na̱ oṣa̍dhīrva̱nino̍ bhavantu̱ śaṃ no̱ raja̍sa̱spati̍rastu ji̱ṣṇuḥ .. 7.035.05
5 Early invoked, may Heaven and Earth be friendly, and Air's mid-region good for us to look on.
To us may Herbs and Forest-Trees be gracious, gracious the Lord Victorious of the region.
Sloka : 7.35.6
शं न॒ इन्द्रो॒ वसु॑भिर्दे॒वो अ॑स्तु॒ शमा॑दि॒त्येभि॒र्वरु॑णः सु॒शंसः॑ ।
शं नो॑ रु॒द्रो रु॒द्रेभि॒र्जला॑षः॒ शं न॒स्त्वष्टा॒ ग्नाभि॑रि॒ह शृ॑णोतु ॥ ७.०३५.०६
śaṃ na̱ indro̱ vasu̍bhirde̱vo a̍stu̱ śamā̍di̱tyebhi̱rvaru̍ṇaḥ su̱śaṃsa̍ḥ .
śaṃ no̍ ru̱dro ru̱drebhi̱rjalā̍ṣa̱ḥ śaṃ na̱stvaṣṭā̱ gnābhi̍ri̱ha śṛ̍ṇotu .. 7.035.06
6 Be the God Indra with the Vasus friendly, and, with Ādityas, Varuṇa who blesseth.
Kind, with the Rudras, be the Healer Rudra, and, with the Dames, may Tvaṣṭar kindly listen.
Sloka : 7.35.7
शं नः॒ सोमो॑ भवतु॒ ब्रह्म॒ शं नः॒ शं नो॒ ग्रावा॑णः॒ शमु॑ सन्तु य॒ज्ञाः ।
शं नः॒ स्वरू॑णां मि॒तयो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नः॑ प्र॒स्व१॒ः॑ शम्व॑स्तु॒ वेदिः॑ ॥ ७.०३५.०७
śaṃ na̱ḥ somo̍ bhavatu̱ brahma̱ śaṃ na̱ḥ śaṃ no̱ grāvā̍ṇa̱ḥ śamu̍ santu ya̱jñāḥ .
śaṃ na̱ḥ svarū̍ṇāṃ mi̱tayo̍ bhavantu̱ śaṃ na̍ḥ pra̱sva1̱̍ḥ śamva̍stu̱ vedi̍ḥ .. 7.035.07
7 Blest unto us be Soma, and devotions, blest be the Sacrifice, the Stones for pressing.
Blest be the fixing of the sacred Pillars, blest be the tender Grass and blest the Altar.
Sloka : 7.35.8
शं नः॒ सूर्य॑ उरु॒चक्षा॒ उदे॑तु॒ शं न॒श्चत॑स्रः प्र॒दिशो॑ भवन्तु ।
शं नः॒ पर्व॑ता ध्रु॒वयो॑ भवन्तु॒ शं नः॒ सिन्ध॑वः॒ शमु॑ स॒न्त्वापः॑ ॥ ७.०३५.०८
śaṃ na̱ḥ sūrya̍ uru̱cakṣā̱ ude̍tu̱ śaṃ na̱ścata̍sraḥ pra̱diśo̍ bhavantu .
śaṃ na̱ḥ parva̍tā dhru̱vayo̍ bhavantu̱ śaṃ na̱ḥ sindha̍va̱ḥ śamu̍ sa̱ntvāpa̍ḥ .. 7.035.08
8 May the far-seeing Sun rise up to bless us:- be the four Quarters of the sky auspicious.
Auspicious be the firmly-seated Mountains, auspicious be the Rivers and the Waters.
Sloka : 7.35.9
शं नो॒ अदि॑तिर्भवतु व्र॒तेभिः॒ शं नो॑ भवन्तु म॒रुतः॑ स्व॒र्काः ।
शं नो॒ विष्णुः॒ शमु॑ पू॒षा नो॑ अस्तु॒ शं नो॑ भ॒वित्रं॒ शम्व॑स्तु वा॒युः ॥ ७.०३५.०९
śaṃ no̱ adi̍tirbhavatu vra̱tebhi̱ḥ śaṃ no̍ bhavantu ma̱ruta̍ḥ sva̱rkāḥ .
śaṃ no̱ viṣṇu̱ḥ śamu̍ pū̱ṣā no̍ astu̱ śaṃ no̍ bha̱vitra̱ṃ śamva̍stu vā̱yuḥ .. 7.035.09
9 May Adid through holy works be gracioas, and may the Maruts, loud in song, be friendly.
May Viṣṇu give felicity, and Pūṣan, the Air that cherisheth our life, and Vāyu.
Sloka : 7.35.10
शं नो॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता त्राय॑माणः॒ शं नो॑ भवन्तू॒षसो॑ विभा॒तीः ।
शं नः॑ प॒र्जन्यो॑ भवतु प्र॒जाभ्यः॒ शं नः॒ क्षेत्र॑स्य॒ पति॑रस्तु श॒म्भुः ॥ ७.०३५.१०
śaṃ no̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā trāya̍māṇa̱ḥ śaṃ no̍ bhavantū̱ṣaso̍ vibhā̱tīḥ .
śaṃ na̍ḥ pa̱rjanyo̍ bhavatu pra̱jābhya̱ḥ śaṃ na̱ḥ kṣetra̍sya̱ pati̍rastu śa̱mbhuḥ .. 7.035.10
10 Prosper us Savitar, the God who rescues, and let the radiant Mornings be propitious.
Auspicious to all creatures be Parjanya, auspicious be the field's benign Protector.
Sloka : 7.35.11
शं नो॑ दे॒वा वि॒श्वदे॑वा भवन्तु॒ शं सर॑स्वती स॒ह धी॒भिर॑स्तु ।
शम॑भि॒षाचः॒ शमु॑ राति॒षाचः॒ शं नो॑ दि॒व्याः पार्थि॑वाः॒ शं नो॒ अप्याः॑ ॥ ७.०३५.११
śaṃ no̍ de̱vā vi̱śvade̍vā bhavantu̱ śaṃ sara̍svatī sa̱ha dhī̱bhira̍stu .
śama̍bhi̱ṣāca̱ḥ śamu̍ rāti̱ṣāca̱ḥ śaṃ no̍ di̱vyāḥ pārthi̍vā̱ḥ śaṃ no̱ apyā̍ḥ .. 7.035.11
11 May all the fellowship of Gods befriend us, Sarasvatī, with Holy Thoughts, be gracious.
Friendly be they, the Liberal Ones who seek us, yea, those who dwell in heaven, on earth, in waters.
Sloka : 7.35.12
शं नः॑ स॒त्यस्य॒ पत॑यो भवन्तु॒ शं नो॒ अर्व॑न्तः॒ शमु॑ सन्तु॒ गावः॑ ।
शं न॑ ऋ॒भवः॑ सु॒कृतः॑ सु॒हस्ताः॒ शं नो॑ भवन्तु पि॒तरो॒ हवे॑षु ॥ ७.०३५.१२
śaṃ na̍ḥ sa̱tyasya̱ pata̍yo bhavantu̱ śaṃ no̱ arva̍nta̱ḥ śamu̍ santu̱ gāva̍ḥ .
śaṃ na̍ ṛ̱bhava̍ḥ su̱kṛta̍ḥ su̱hastā̱ḥ śaṃ no̍ bhavantu pi̱taro̱ have̍ṣu .. 7.035.12
12 May the great Lords of Truth protect and aid us:- blest to us be our horses and our cattle.
Kind be the pious skilful-handed Ṛbhus, kind be the Fathers at our invocations.
Sloka : 7.35.13
शं नो॑ अ॒ज एक॑पाद्दे॒वो अ॑स्तु॒ शं नोऽहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्य१॒ः॑ शं स॑मु॒द्रः ।
शं नो॑ अ॒पां नपा॑त्पे॒रुर॑स्तु॒ शं नः॒ पृश्नि॑र्भवतु दे॒वगो॑पा ॥ ७.०३५.१३
śaṃ no̍ a̱ja eka̍pādde̱vo a̍stu̱ śaṃ no'hi̍rbu̱dhnya1̱̍ḥ śaṃ sa̍mu̱draḥ .
śaṃ no̍ a̱pāṃ napā̍tpe̱rura̍stu̱ śaṃ na̱ḥ pṛśni̍rbhavatu de̱vago̍pā .. 7.035.13
13 May Aja-Ekapād, the God, be gracious, gracious the Dragon of the Deep, and Ocean.
Gracious be he the swelling Child of Waters, gracious be Pṛśni who hath Gods to guard her.
Sloka : 7.35.14
आ॒दि॒त्या रु॒द्रा वस॑वो जुषन्ते॒दं ब्रह्म॑ क्रि॒यमा॑णं॒ नवी॑यः ।
शृ॒ण्वन्तु॑ नो दि॒व्याः पार्थि॑वासो॒ गोजा॑ता उ॒त ये य॒ज्ञिया॑सः ॥ ७.०३५.१४
ā̱di̱tyā ru̱drā vasa̍vo juṣante̱daṃ brahma̍ kri̱yamā̍ṇa̱ṃ navī̍yaḥ .
śṛ̱ṇvantu̍ no di̱vyāḥ pārthi̍vāso̱ gojā̍tā u̱ta ye ya̱jñiyā̍saḥ .. 7.035.14
14 So may the Rudras, Vasus, and Ādityas accept the new hymn which we now are making.
May all the Holy Ones of earth and heaven, and the Cow's offipring hear our invocation.
Sloka : 7.35.15
ये दे॒वानां॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑नां॒ मनो॒र्यज॑त्रा अ॒मृता॑ ऋत॒ज्ञाः ।
ते नो॑ रासन्तामुरुगा॒यम॒द्य यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०३५.१५
ye de̱vānā̍ṃ ya̱jñiyā̍ ya̱jñiyā̍nā̱ṃ mano̱ryaja̍trā a̱mṛtā̍ ṛta̱jñāḥ .
te no̍ rāsantāmurugā̱yama̱dya yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.035.15
15 They who of Holy Gods are very holy, Immortal, knowing Law, whom man must worship,—
May these to-day give us broad paths to travel. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.36.1
प्र ब्रह्मै॑तु॒ सद॑नादृ॒तस्य॒ वि र॒श्मिभिः॑ ससृजे॒ सूर्यो॒ गाः ।
वि सानु॑ना पृथि॒वी स॑स्र उ॒र्वी पृ॒थु प्रती॑क॒मध्येधे॑ अ॒ग्निः ॥ ७.०३६.०१
pra brahmai̍tu̱ sada̍nādṛ̱tasya̱ vi ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ sasṛje̱ sūryo̱ gāḥ .
vi sānu̍nā pṛthi̱vī sa̍sra u̱rvī pṛ̱thu pratī̍ka̱madhyedhe̍ a̱gniḥ .. 7.036.01
1. LET the prayer issue from the seat of Order, for Sūrya with his beams hath loosed the cattle.
With lofty ridges earth is far extended, and Agni's flame hath lit the spacious surface.
Sloka : 7.36.2
इ॒मां वां॑ मित्रावरुणा सुवृ॒क्तिमिषं॒ न कृ॑ण्वे असुरा॒ नवी॑यः ।
इ॒नो वा॑म॒न्यः प॑द॒वीरद॑ब्धो॒ जनं॑ च मि॒त्रो य॑तति ब्रुवा॒णः ॥ ७.०३६.०२
i̱māṃ vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā suvṛ̱ktimiṣa̱ṃ na kṛ̍ṇve asurā̱ navī̍yaḥ .
i̱no vā̍ma̱nyaḥ pa̍da̱vīrada̍bdho̱ jana̍ṃ ca mi̱tro ya̍tati bruvā̱ṇaḥ .. 7.036.02
2 O Asuras, O Varuṇa and Mitra, this hymn to you, like food, anew I offer.
One of you is a strong unerring Leader, and Mitra, speaking, stirreth men to labour.
Sloka : 7.36.3
आ वात॑स्य॒ ध्रज॑तो रन्त इ॒त्या अपी॑पयन्त धे॒नवो॒ न सूदाः॑ ।
म॒हो दि॒वः सद॑ने॒ जाय॑मा॒नोऽचि॑क्रदद्वृष॒भः सस्मि॒न्नूध॑न् ॥ ७.०३६.०३
ā vāta̍sya̱ dhraja̍to ranta i̱tyā apī̍payanta dhe̱navo̱ na sūdā̍ḥ .
ma̱ho di̱vaḥ sada̍ne̱ jāya̍mā̱no'ci̍kradadvṛṣa̱bhaḥ sasmi̱nnūdha̍n .. 7.036.03
3 The movements of the gliding wind come hither:- like cows, the springs are filled to overflowing.
Born in the station e’en of lofty heaven the Bull hath loudly bellowed in this region.
Sloka : 7.36.4
गि॒रा य ए॒ता यु॒नज॒द्धरी॑ त॒ इन्द्र॑ प्रि॒या सु॒रथा॑ शूर धा॒यू ।
प्र यो म॒न्युं रिरि॑क्षतो मि॒नात्या सु॒क्रतु॑मर्य॒मणं॑ ववृत्याम् ॥ ७.०३६.०४
gi̱rā ya e̱tā yu̱naja̱ddharī̍ ta̱ indra̍ pri̱yā su̱rathā̍ śūra dhā̱yū .
pra yo ma̱nyuṃ riri̍kṣato mi̱nātyā su̱kratu̍marya̱maṇa̍ṃ vavṛtyām .. 7.036.04
4 May I bring hither with my song, O Indra, wise Aryaman who yokes thy dear Bay Horses,
Voracious, with thy noble car, O Hero, him who defeats the wrath of the malicious.
Sloka : 7.36.5
यज॑न्ते अस्य स॒ख्यं वय॑श्च नम॒स्विनः॒ स्व ऋ॒तस्य॒ धाम॑न् ।
वि पृक्षो॑ बाबधे॒ नृभिः॒ स्तवा॑न इ॒दं नमो॑ रु॒द्राय॒ प्रेष्ठ॑म् ॥ ७.०३६.०५
yaja̍nte asya sa̱khyaṃ vaya̍śca nama̱svina̱ḥ sva ṛ̱tasya̱ dhāma̍n .
vi pṛkṣo̍ bābadhe̱ nṛbhi̱ḥ stavā̍na i̱daṃ namo̍ ru̱drāya̱ preṣṭha̍m .. 7.036.05
5 In their own place of sacrifice adorers worship to gain long life and win his friendship.
He hath poured food on men when they have praised him; be this, the dearest reverence, paid to Rudra.
Sloka : 7.36.6
आ यत्सा॒कं य॒शसो॑ वावशा॒नाः सर॑स्वती स॒प्तथी॒ सिन्धु॑माता ।
याः सु॒ष्वय॑न्त सु॒दुघाः॑ सुधा॒रा अ॒भि स्वेन॒ पय॑सा॒ पीप्या॑नाः ॥ ७.०३६.०६
ā yatsā̱kaṃ ya̱śaso̍ vāvaśā̱nāḥ sara̍svatī sa̱ptathī̱ sindhu̍mātā .
yāḥ su̱ṣvaya̍nta su̱dughā̍ḥ sudhā̱rā a̱bhi svena̱ paya̍sā̱ pīpyā̍nāḥ .. 7.036.06
6 Coming together, glorious, loudly roaring - Sarasvatī, Mother of Floods, the seventh-
With copious milk, with fair streams, strongly flowing, full swelling with the volume of their water;
Sloka : 7.36.7
उ॒त त्ये नो॑ म॒रुतो॑ मन्दसा॒ना धियं॑ तो॒कं च॑ वा॒जिनो॑ऽवन्तु ।
मा नः॒ परि॑ ख्य॒दक्ष॑रा॒ चर॒न्त्यवी॑वृध॒न्युज्यं॒ ते र॒यिं नः॑ ॥ ७.०३६.०७
u̱ta tye no̍ ma̱ruto̍ mandasā̱nā dhiya̍ṃ to̱kaṃ ca̍ vā̱jino̎vantu .
mā na̱ḥ pari̍ khya̱dakṣa̍rā̱ cara̱ntyavī̍vṛdha̱nyujya̱ṃ te ra̱yiṃ na̍ḥ .. 7.036.07
7. And may the mighty Maruts, too, rejoicing, aid our devotion and protect our offspring.
Let not swift-moving Aksara neglect us:- they have increased our own appropriate riches,
Sloka : 7.36.8
प्र वो॑ म॒हीम॒रम॑तिं कृणुध्वं॒ प्र पू॒षणं॑ विद॒थ्यं१॒॑ न वी॒रम् ।
भगं॑ धि॒यो॑ऽवि॒तारं॑ नो अ॒स्याः सा॒तौ वाजं॑ राति॒षाचं॒ पुरं॑धिम् ॥ ७.०३६.०८
pra vo̍ ma̱hīma̱rama̍tiṃ kṛṇudhva̱ṃ pra pū̱ṣaṇa̍ṃ vida̱thyaṃ1̱̍ na vī̱ram .
bhaga̍ṃ dhi̱yo̎vi̱tāra̍ṃ no a̱syāḥ sā̱tau vāja̍ṃ rāti̱ṣāca̱ṃ pura̍ṃdhim .. 7.036.08
8 Bring ye the great Aramati before you, and Pūṣan as the Hero of the synod,
Bhaga who looks upon this hymn with favour, and, as our strength, the bountiful Purandbi.
Sloka : 7.36.9
अच्छा॒यं वो॑ मरुतः॒ श्लोक॑ ए॒त्वच्छा॒ विष्णुं॑ निषिक्त॒पामवो॑भिः ।
उ॒त प्र॒जायै॑ गृण॒ते वयो॑ धुर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०३६.०९
acchā̱yaṃ vo̍ maruta̱ḥ śloka̍ e̱tvacchā̱ viṣṇu̍ṃ niṣikta̱pāmavo̍bhiḥ .
u̱ta pra̱jāyai̍ gṛṇa̱te vayo̍ dhuryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.036.09
9 May this our song of praise reach you, O Maruts, and Viṣṇu guardian of the future infant.
May they vouchsafe the singer strength for offspring. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.37.1
आ वो॒ वाहि॑ष्ठो वहतु स्त॒वध्यै॒ रथो॑ वाजा ऋभुक्षणो॒ अमृ॑क्तः ।
अ॒भि त्रि॑पृ॒ष्ठैः सव॑नेषु॒ सोमै॒र्मदे॑ सुशिप्रा म॒हभिः॑ पृणध्वम् ॥ ७.०३७.०१
ā vo̱ vāhi̍ṣṭho vahatu sta̱vadhyai̱ ratho̍ vājā ṛbhukṣaṇo̱ amṛ̍ktaḥ .
a̱bhi tri̍pṛ̱ṣṭhaiḥ sava̍neṣu̱ somai̱rmade̍ suśiprā ma̱habhi̍ḥ pṛṇadhvam .. 7.037.01
1. LET your best-bearing car that must be lauded, ne’er injured, bring you Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans.
Fill you, fair-helmeted! with mighty Soma, thrice-mixed, at our libations to delight you.
Sloka : 7.37.2
यू॒यं ह॒ रत्नं॑ म॒घव॑त्सु धत्थ स्व॒र्दृश॑ ऋभुक्षणो॒ अमृ॑क्तम् ।
सं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ स्वधावन्तः पिबध्वं॒ वि नो॒ राधां॑सि म॒तिभि॑र्दयध्वम् ॥ ७.०३७.०२
yū̱yaṃ ha̱ ratna̍ṃ ma̱ghava̍tsu dhattha sva̱rdṛśa̍ ṛbhukṣaṇo̱ amṛ̍ktam .
saṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ svadhāvantaḥ pibadhva̱ṃ vi no̱ rādhā̍ṃsi ma̱tibhi̍rdayadhvam .. 7.037.02
2 Ye who behold the light of heaven, Ṛbhukṣans, give our rich patrons unmolested riches.
Drink, heavenly-natured. at our sacrifices, and give us bounties for the hymns we sing you.
Sloka : 7.37.3
उ॒वोचि॑थ॒ हि म॑घवन्दे॒ष्णं म॒हो अर्भ॑स्य॒ वसु॑नो विभा॒गे ।
उ॒भा ते॑ पू॒र्णा वसु॑ना॒ गभ॑स्ती॒ न सू॒नृता॒ नि य॑मते वस॒व्या॑ ॥ ७.०३७.०३
u̱voci̍tha̱ hi ma̍ghavande̱ṣṇaṃ ma̱ho arbha̍sya̱ vasu̍no vibhā̱ge .
u̱bhā te̍ pū̱rṇā vasu̍nā̱ gabha̍stī̱ na sū̱nṛtā̱ ni ya̍mate vasa̱vyā̍ .. 7.037.03
3 For thou, O Bounteous One, art used to giving, at parting treasure whether small or ample.
Filled full are both thine arms with great possessions:- thy goodness keeps thee not from granting riches.
Sloka : 7.37.4
त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ स्वय॑शा ऋभु॒क्षा वाजो॒ न सा॒धुरस्त॑मे॒ष्यृक्वा॑ ।
व॒यं नु ते॑ दा॒श्वांसः॑ स्याम॒ ब्रह्म॑ कृ॒ण्वन्तो॑ हरिवो॒ वसि॑ष्ठाः ॥ ७.०३७.०४
tvami̍ndra̱ svaya̍śā ṛbhu̱kṣā vājo̱ na sā̱dhurasta̍me̱ṣyṛkvā̍ .
va̱yaṃ nu te̍ dā̱śvāṃsa̍ḥ syāma̱ brahma̍ kṛ̱ṇvanto̍ harivo̱ vasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .. 7.037.04
4 Indra, high-famed, as Vāja and Ṛbhukṣans, thou goest working, singing to the dwelling.
Lord of Bay Steeds, this day may we Vasisthas offer our prayers to thee and bring oblations.
Sloka : 7.37.5
सनि॑तासि प्र॒वतो॑ दा॒शुषे॑ चि॒द्याभि॒र्विवे॑षो हर्यश्व धी॒भिः ।
व॒व॒न्मा नु ते॒ युज्या॑भिरू॒ती क॒दा न॑ इन्द्र रा॒य आ द॑शस्येः ॥ ७.०३७.०५
sani̍tāsi pra̱vato̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ ci̱dyābhi̱rvive̍ṣo haryaśva dhī̱bhiḥ .
va̱va̱nmā nu te̱ yujyā̍bhirū̱tī ka̱dā na̍ indra rā̱ya ā da̍śasyeḥ .. 7.037.05
5 Thou winnest swift advancement for thy servant, through hymns, Lord of Bay Steeds, which thou hast favoured.
For thee with friendly succour have we battled, and when, O Indra, wilt thou grant us riches?
Sloka : 7.37.6
वा॒सय॑सीव वे॒धस॒स्त्वं नः॑ क॒दा न॑ इन्द्र॒ वच॑सो बुबोधः ।
अस्तं॑ ता॒त्या धि॒या र॒यिं सु॒वीरं॑ पृ॒क्षो नो॒ अर्वा॒ न्यु॑हीत वा॒जी ॥ ७.०३७.०६
vā̱saya̍sīva ve̱dhasa̱stvaṃ na̍ḥ ka̱dā na̍ indra̱ vaca̍so bubodhaḥ .
asta̍ṃ tā̱tyā dhi̱yā ra̱yiṃ su̱vīra̍ṃ pṛ̱kṣo no̱ arvā̱ nyu̍hīta vā̱jī .. 7.037.06
6 To us thy priests a home, as ’twere, thou givest:- when, Indra wilt thou recognize our praises?
May thy strong Steed, through our ancestral worship, bring food and wealth with heroes to our dwelling.
Sloka : 7.37.7
अ॒भि यं दे॒वी निरृ॑तिश्चि॒दीशे॒ नक्ष॑न्त॒ इन्द्रं॑ श॒रदः॑ सु॒पृक्षः॑ ।
उप॑ त्रिब॒न्धुर्ज॒रद॑ष्टिमे॒त्यस्व॑वेशं॒ यं कृ॒णव॑न्त॒ मर्ताः॑ ॥ ७.०३७.०७
a̱bhi yaṃ de̱vī nirṛ̍tiści̱dīśe̱ nakṣa̍nta̱ indra̍ṃ śa̱rada̍ḥ su̱pṛkṣa̍ḥ .
upa̍ triba̱ndhurja̱rada̍ṣṭime̱tyasva̍veśa̱ṃ yaṃ kṛ̱ṇava̍nta̱ martā̍ḥ .. 7.037.07
7 Though Nirrti the Goddess reigneth round him, Autumns with food in plenty come to Indra.
With three close Friends to length of days he cometh, he whom men let not rest at home in quiet.
Sloka : 7.37.8
आ नो॒ राधां॑सि सवितः स्त॒वध्या॒ आ रायो॑ यन्तु॒ पर्व॑तस्य रा॒तौ ।
सदा॑ नो दि॒व्यः पा॒युः सि॑षक्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०३७.०८
ā no̱ rādhā̍ṃsi savitaḥ sta̱vadhyā̱ ā rāyo̍ yantu̱ parva̍tasya rā̱tau .
sadā̍ no di̱vyaḥ pā̱yuḥ si̍ṣaktu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.037.08
8 Promise us gifts, O Savitar:- may riches come unto us in Parvata's full bounty.
May the Celestial Guardian still attend us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.38.1
उदु॒ ष्य दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता य॑याम हिर॒ण्ययी॑म॒मतिं॒ यामशि॑श्रेत् ।
नू॒नं भगो॒ हव्यो॒ मानु॑षेभि॒र्वि यो रत्ना॑ पुरू॒वसु॒र्दधा॑ति ॥ ७.०३८.०१
udu̱ ṣya de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā ya̍yāma hira̱ṇyayī̍ma̱mati̱ṃ yāmaśi̍śret .
nū̱naṃ bhago̱ havyo̱ mānu̍ṣebhi̱rvi yo ratnā̍ purū̱vasu̱rdadhā̍ti .. 7.038.01
1. ON high hath Savitar, this God, extended the golden lustre which he spreads around him.
Now, now must Bhaga be invoked by mortals, Lord of great riches who distributes treasures.
Sloka : 7.38.2
उदु॑ तिष्ठ सवितः श्रु॒ध्य१॒॑स्य हिर॑ण्यपाणे॒ प्रभृ॑तावृ॒तस्य॑ ।
व्यु१॒॑र्वीं पृ॒थ्वीम॒मतिं॑ सृजा॒न आ नृभ्यो॑ मर्त॒भोज॑नं सुवा॒नः ॥ ७.०३८.०२
udu̍ tiṣṭha savitaḥ śru̱dhya1̱̍sya hira̍ṇyapāṇe̱ prabhṛ̍tāvṛ̱tasya̍ .
vyu1̱̍rvīṃ pṛ̱thvīma̱mati̍ṃ sṛjā̱na ā nṛbhyo̍ marta̱bhoja̍naṃ suvā̱naḥ .. 7.038.02
2 Rise up, O Savitar whose hands are golden, and hear this man while sacrifice is offered,
Spreading afar thy broad and wide effulgence, and bringing mortal men the food that feeds them.
Sloka : 7.38.3
अपि॑ ष्टु॒तः स॑वि॒ता दे॒वो अ॑स्तु॒ यमा चि॒द्विश्वे॒ वस॑वो गृ॒णन्ति॑ ।
स नः॒ स्तोमा॑न्नम॒स्य१॒॑श्चनो॑ धा॒द्विश्वे॑भिः पातु पा॒युभि॒र्नि सू॒रीन् ॥ ७.०३८.०३
api̍ ṣṭu̱taḥ sa̍vi̱tā de̱vo a̍stu̱ yamā ci̱dviśve̱ vasa̍vo gṛ̱ṇanti̍ .
sa na̱ḥ stomā̍nnama̱sya1̱̍ścano̍ dhā̱dviśve̍bhiḥ pātu pā̱yubhi̱rni sū̱rīn .. 7.038.03
3 Let Savitar the God he hymned with praises, to whom the Vasus, even, all sing glory.
Sweet be our lauds to him whose due is worship:- may he with all protection guard our princes.
Sloka : 7.38.4
अ॒भि यं दे॒व्यदि॑तिर्गृ॒णाति॑ स॒वं दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुर्जु॑षा॒णा ।
अ॒भि स॒म्राजो॒ वरु॑णो गृणन्त्य॒भि मि॒त्रासो॑ अर्य॒मा स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ ७.०३८.०४
a̱bhi yaṃ de̱vyadi̍tirgṛ̱ṇāti̍ sa̱vaṃ de̱vasya̍ savi̱turju̍ṣā̱ṇā .
a̱bhi sa̱mrājo̱ varu̍ṇo gṛṇantya̱bhi mi̱trāso̍ arya̱mā sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 7.038.04
4 Even he whom Aditi the Goddess praises, rejoicing in God Savitar's incitement:-
Even he who praise the high imperial Rulers, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman, sing in concert.
Sloka : 7.38.5
अ॒भि ये मि॒थो व॒नुषः॒ सप॑न्ते रा॒तिं दि॒वो रा॑ति॒षाचः॑ पृथि॒व्याः ।
अहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्य॑ उ॒त नः॑ शृणोतु॒ वरू॒त्र्येक॑धेनुभि॒र्नि पा॑तु ॥ ७.०३८.०५
a̱bhi ye mi̱tho va̱nuṣa̱ḥ sapa̍nte rā̱tiṃ di̱vo rā̍ti̱ṣāca̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .
ahi̍rbu̱dhnya̍ u̱ta na̍ḥ śṛṇotu̱ varū̱tryeka̍dhenubhi̱rni pā̍tu .. 7.038.05
5 They who come emulous to our oblation, dispensing bounty, from the earth and heaven.
May they and Ahibudhnya hear our calling:- guard us Varūtrī with the Ekadhenus.
Sloka : 7.38.6
अनु॒ तन्नो॒ जास्पति॑र्मंसीष्ट॒ रत्नं॑ दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुरि॑या॒नः ।
भग॑मु॒ग्रोऽव॑से॒ जोह॑वीति॒ भग॒मनु॑ग्रो॒ अध॑ याति॒ रत्न॑म् ॥ ७.०३८.०६
anu̱ tanno̱ jāspati̍rmaṃsīṣṭa̱ ratna̍ṃ de̱vasya̍ savi̱turi̍yā̱naḥ .
bhaga̍mu̱gro'va̍se̱ joha̍vīti̱ bhaga̱manu̍gro̱ adha̍ yāti̱ ratna̍m .. 7.038.06
6 This may the Lord of Life, entreated, grant us,—the wealth which Savitar the God possesses.
The mighty calls on Bhaga for protection, on Bhaga calls the weak to give him riches.
Sloka : 7.38.7
शं नो॑ भवन्तु वा॒जिनो॒ हवे॑षु दे॒वता॑ता मि॒तद्र॑वः स्व॒र्काः ।
ज॒म्भय॒न्तोऽहिं॒ वृकं॒ रक्षां॑सि॒ सने॑म्य॒स्मद्यु॑यव॒न्नमी॑वाः ॥ ७.०३८.०७
śaṃ no̍ bhavantu vā̱jino̱ have̍ṣu de̱vatā̍tā mi̱tadra̍vaḥ sva̱rkāḥ .
ja̱mbhaya̱nto'hi̱ṃ vṛka̱ṃ rakṣā̍ṃsi̱ sane̍mya̱smadyu̍yava̱nnamī̍vāḥ .. 7.038.07
7 Bless us the Vajins when we call, while slowly they move, strong Singers, to the Gods’ assembly.
Crushing the wolf, the serpent, and the demons, may they completely banish all affliction.
Sloka : 7.38.8
वाजे॑वाजेऽवत वाजिनो नो॒ धने॑षु विप्रा अमृता ऋतज्ञाः ।
अ॒स्य मध्वः॑ पिबत मा॒दय॑ध्वं तृ॒प्ता या॑त प॒थिभि॑र्देव॒यानैः॑ ॥ ७.०३८.०८
vāje̍vāje'vata vājino no̱ dhane̍ṣu viprā amṛtā ṛtajñāḥ .
a̱sya madhva̍ḥ pibata mā̱daya̍dhvaṃ tṛ̱ptā yā̍ta pa̱thibhi̍rdeva̱yānai̍ḥ .. 7.038.08
8 Deep-skilled in Law eternal, deathless, Singers, O Vajins, help us in each fray for booty.
Drink of this meath, he satisfied, be joyful:- then go on paths which Gods are wont to travel.
Sloka : 7.39.1
ऊ॒र्ध्वो अ॒ग्निः सु॑म॒तिं वस्वो॑ अश्रेत्प्रती॒ची जू॒र्णिर्दे॒वता॑तिमेति ।
भे॒जाते॒ अद्री॑ र॒थ्ये॑व॒ पन्था॑मृ॒तं होता॑ न इषि॒तो य॑जाति ॥ ७.०३९.०१
ū̱rdhvo a̱gniḥ su̍ma̱tiṃ vasvo̍ aśretpratī̱cī jū̱rṇirde̱vatā̍timeti .
bhe̱jāte̱ adrī̍ ra̱thye̍va̱ panthā̍mṛ̱taṃ hotā̍ na iṣi̱to ya̍jāti .. 7.039.01
1. AGNI, erect, hath shown enriching favour:- the flame goes forward to the Gods’ assembly.
Like car-borne men the stones their path have chosen:- let the priest, quickened, celebrate our worship.
Sloka : 7.39.2
प्र वा॑वृजे सुप्र॒या ब॒र्हिरे॑षा॒मा वि॒श्पती॑व॒ बीरि॑ट इयाते ।
वि॒शाम॒क्तोरु॒षसः॑ पू॒र्वहू॑तौ वा॒युः पू॒षा स्व॒स्तये॑ नि॒युत्वा॑न् ॥ ७.०३९.०२
pra vā̍vṛje supra̱yā ba̱rhire̍ṣā̱mā vi̱śpatī̍va̱ bīri̍ṭa iyāte .
vi̱śāma̱ktoru̱ṣasa̍ḥ pū̱rvahū̍tau vā̱yuḥ pū̱ṣā sva̱staye̍ ni̱yutvā̍n .. 7.039.02
2 Soft to the tread, their sacred grass is scattered:- these go like Kings amid the band around them,
At the folks early call on Night and Morning,—Vāyu, and Pūṣan with his team, to bless us.
Sloka : 7.39.3
ज्म॒या अत्र॒ वस॑वो रन्त दे॒वा उ॒राव॒न्तरि॑क्षे मर्जयन्त शु॒भ्राः ।
अ॒र्वाक्प॒थ उ॑रुज्रयः कृणुध्वं॒ श्रोता॑ दू॒तस्य॑ ज॒ग्मुषो॑ नो अ॒स्य ॥ ७.०३९.०३
jma̱yā atra̱ vasa̍vo ranta de̱vā u̱rāva̱ntari̍kṣe marjayanta śu̱bhrāḥ .
a̱rvākpa̱tha u̍rujrayaḥ kṛṇudhva̱ṃ śrotā̍ dū̱tasya̍ ja̱gmuṣo̍ no a̱sya .. 7.039.03
3 Here on their path the noble Gods proceeded:- in the wide firmament the Beauteous decked them.
Bend your way hither, ye who travel widely:- hear this our envoy who hath gone to meet you.
Sloka : 7.39.4
ते हि य॒ज्ञेषु॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑स॒ ऊमाः॑ स॒धस्थं॒ विश्वे॑ अ॒भि सन्ति॑ दे॒वाः ।
ताँ अ॑ध्व॒र उ॑श॒तो य॑क्ष्यग्ने श्रु॒ष्टी भगं॒ नास॑त्या॒ पुरं॑धिम् ॥ ७.०३९.०४
te hi ya̱jñeṣu̍ ya̱jñiyā̍sa̱ ūmā̍ḥ sa̱dhastha̱ṃ viśve̍ a̱bhi santi̍ de̱vāḥ .
tām̐ a̍dhva̱ra u̍śa̱to ya̍kṣyagne śru̱ṣṭī bhaga̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā̱ pura̍ṃdhim .. 7.039.04
4 For they are holy aids at sacrifices:- all Gods approach the place of congregation.
Bring these, desirous, to our worship, Agni, swift the Nisatyas, Bhaga, and Purandhi.
Sloka : 7.39.5
आग्ने॒ गिरो॑ दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्या मि॒त्रं व॑ह॒ वरु॑ण॒मिन्द्र॑म॒ग्निम् ।
आर्य॒मण॒मदि॑तिं॒ विष्णु॑मेषां॒ सर॑स्वती म॒रुतो॑ मादयन्ताम् ॥ ७.०३९.०५
āgne̱ giro̍ di̱va ā pṛ̍thi̱vyā mi̱traṃ va̍ha̱ varu̍ṇa̱mindra̍ma̱gnim .
ārya̱maṇa̱madi̍ti̱ṃ viṣṇu̍meṣā̱ṃ sara̍svatī ma̱ruto̍ mādayantām .. 7.039.05
5 Agni, to these men's hymns, from earth, from heaven, bring Mitra, Varuṇa, Indra, and Agni,
And Aryaman, and Aditi, and Viṣṇu. Sarasvatī be joyful, and the Maruts.
Sloka : 7.39.6
र॒रे ह॒व्यं म॒तिभि॑र्य॒ज्ञिया॑नां॒ नक्ष॒त्कामं॒ मर्त्या॑ना॒मसि॑न्वन् ।
धाता॑ र॒यिम॑विद॒स्यं स॑दा॒सां स॑क्षी॒महि॒ युज्ये॑भि॒र्नु दे॒वैः ॥ ७.०३९.०६
ra̱re ha̱vyaṃ ma̱tibhi̍rya̱jñiyā̍nā̱ṃ nakṣa̱tkāma̱ṃ martyā̍nā̱masi̍nvan .
dhātā̍ ra̱yima̍vida̱syaṃ sa̍dā̱sāṃ sa̍kṣī̱mahi̱ yujye̍bhi̱rnu de̱vaiḥ .. 7.039.06
6 Even as the holy wish, the gift is offered:- may he, unsated, come when men desire him.
Give never-failing ever-conquering riches:- with Gods for our allies may we be victors.
Sloka : 7.39.7
नू रोद॑सी अ॒भिष्टु॑ते॒ वसि॑ष्ठैरृ॒तावा॑नो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निः ।
यच्छ॑न्तु च॒न्द्रा उ॑प॒मं नो॑ अ॒र्कं यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०३९.०७
nū roda̍sī a̱bhiṣṭu̍te̱ vasi̍ṣṭhairṛ̱tāvā̍no̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gniḥ .
yaccha̍ntu ca̱ndrā u̍pa̱maṃ no̍ a̱rkaṃ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.039.07
7 Now have both worlds been praised by the Vasisthas; and holy Mitra, Varuṇa, and Agni.
May they, bright Deities, make our song supremest. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.40.1
ओ श्रु॒ष्टिर्वि॑द॒थ्या॒३॒॑ समे॑तु॒ प्रति॒ स्तोमं॑ दधीमहि तु॒राणा॑म् ।
यद॒द्य दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता सु॒वाति॒ स्यामा॑स्य र॒त्निनो॑ विभा॒गे ॥ ७.०४०.०१
o śru̱ṣṭirvi̍da̱thyā̱3̱̍ same̍tu̱ prati̱ stoma̍ṃ dadhīmahi tu̱rāṇā̍m .
yada̱dya de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā su̱vāti̱ syāmā̍sya ra̱tnino̍ vibhā̱ge .. 7.040.01
1. BE gathered all the audience of the synod:- let us begin their praise whose course is rapid.
Whate’er God Savitar this day produces, may we be where the Wealthy One distributes.
Sloka : 7.40.2
मि॒त्रस्तन्नो॒ वरु॑णो॒ रोद॑सी च॒ द्युभ॑क्त॒मिन्द्रो॑ अर्य॒मा द॑दातु ।
दिदे॑ष्टु दे॒व्यदि॑ती॒ रेक्णो॑ वा॒युश्च॒ यन्नि॑यु॒वैते॒ भग॑श्च ॥ ७.०४०.०२
mi̱trastanno̱ varu̍ṇo̱ roda̍sī ca̱ dyubha̍kta̱mindro̍ arya̱mā da̍dātu .
dide̍ṣṭu de̱vyadi̍tī̱ rekṇo̍ vā̱yuśca̱ yanni̍yu̱vaite̱ bhaga̍śca .. 7.040.02
2 This, dealt from heaven ' may both the Worlds vouchsafe us, and Varuṇa, Indra, Aryaman, and Mitra.
May Goddess Aditi assign us riches, Vāyu and Bhaga make them ours for ever.
Sloka : 7.40.3
सेदु॒ग्रो अ॑स्तु मरुतः॒ स शु॒ष्मी यं मर्त्यं॑ पृषदश्वा॒ अवा॑थ ।
उ॒तेम॒ग्निः सर॑स्वती जु॒नन्ति॒ न तस्य॑ रा॒यः प॑र्ये॒तास्ति॑ ॥ ७.०४०.०३
sedu̱gro a̍stu maruta̱ḥ sa śu̱ṣmī yaṃ martya̍ṃ pṛṣadaśvā̱ avā̍tha .
u̱tema̱gniḥ sara̍svatī ju̱nanti̱ na tasya̍ rā̱yaḥ pa̍rye̱tāsti̍ .. 7.040.03
3 Strong be the man and full of power, O Maruts, whom ye, borne on by spotted coursers, favour.
Him, too, Sarasvatī and Agni further, and there is none to rob him of his riches.
Sloka : 7.40.4
अ॒यं हि ने॒ता वरु॑ण ऋ॒तस्य॑ मि॒त्रो राजा॑नो अर्य॒मापो॒ धुः ।
सु॒हवा॑ दे॒व्यदि॑तिरन॒र्वा ते नो॒ अंहो॒ अति॑ पर्ष॒न्नरि॑ष्टान् ॥ ७.०४०.०४
a̱yaṃ hi ne̱tā varu̍ṇa ṛ̱tasya̍ mi̱tro rājā̍no arya̱māpo̱ dhuḥ .
su̱havā̍ de̱vyadi̍tirana̱rvā te no̱ aṃho̱ ati̍ parṣa̱nnari̍ṣṭān .. 7.040.04
4 This Varuṇa is guide of Law, he, Mitra, and Aryaman, the Kings, our work have finished.
Divine and foeless Aditi quickly listens. May these deliver us unharmed from trouble.
Sloka : 7.40.5
अ॒स्य दे॒वस्य॑ मी॒ळ्हुषो॑ व॒या विष्णो॑रे॒षस्य॑ प्रभृ॒थे ह॒विर्भिः॑ ।
वि॒दे हि रु॒द्रो रु॒द्रियं॑ महि॒त्वं या॑सि॒ष्टं व॒र्तिर॑श्विना॒विरा॑वत् ॥ ७.०४०.०५
a̱sya de̱vasya̍ mī̱l̤huṣo̍ va̱yā viṣṇo̍re̱ṣasya̍ prabhṛ̱the ha̱virbhi̍ḥ .
vi̱de hi ru̱dro ru̱driya̍ṃ mahi̱tvaṃ yā̍si̱ṣṭaṃ va̱rtira̍śvinā̱virā̍vat .. 7.040.05
5 With offerings I propitiate the branches of this swift-moving God, the bounteous Viṣṇu.
Hence Rudra gained his Rudra-strength:- O Aśvins, ye sought the house that hath celestial viands.
Sloka : 7.40.6
मात्र॑ पूषन्नाघृण इरस्यो॒ वरू॑त्री॒ यद्रा॑ति॒षाच॑श्च॒ रास॑न् ।
म॒यो॒भुवो॑ नो॒ अर्व॑न्तो॒ नि पा॑न्तु वृ॒ष्टिं परि॑ज्मा॒ वातो॑ ददातु ॥ ७.०४०.०६
mātra̍ pūṣannāghṛṇa irasyo̱ varū̍trī̱ yadrā̍ti̱ṣāca̍śca̱ rāsa̍n .
ma̱yo̱bhuvo̍ no̱ arva̍nto̱ ni pā̍ntu vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ pari̍jmā̱ vāto̍ dadātu .. 7.040.06
6 Be not thou angry here, O glowing Pūṣan, for what Varūtrī and the Bounteous gave us.
May the swift-moving Gods protect and bless us, and Vāta send us rain, wha wanders round us.
Sloka : 7.40.7
नू रोद॑सी अ॒भिष्टु॑ते॒ वसि॑ष्ठैरृ॒तावा॑नो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निः ।
यच्छ॑न्तु च॒न्द्रा उ॑प॒मं नो॑ अ॒र्कं यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४०.०७
nū roda̍sī a̱bhiṣṭu̍te̱ vasi̍ṣṭhairṛ̱tāvā̍no̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gniḥ .
yaccha̍ntu ca̱ndrā u̍pa̱maṃ no̍ a̱rkaṃ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.040.07
7 Now have both worlds been praised by the Vasisthas, and holy Mitra, Varuṇa, and Agni.
May they, bright Deities, make our song supremest. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.41.1
प्रा॒तर॒ग्निं प्रा॒तरिन्द्रं॑ हवामहे प्रा॒तर्मि॒त्रावरु॑णा प्रा॒तर॒श्विना॑ ।
प्रा॒तर्भगं॑ पू॒षणं॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिं॑ प्रा॒तः सोम॑मु॒त रु॒द्रं हु॑वेम ॥ ७.०४१.०१
prā̱tara̱gniṃ prā̱tarindra̍ṃ havāmahe prā̱tarmi̱trāvaru̍ṇā prā̱tara̱śvinā̍ .
prā̱tarbhaga̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍ṃ prā̱taḥ soma̍mu̱ta ru̱draṃ hu̍vema .. 7.041.01
1. AGNI at dawn, and Indra we invoke at dawn, and Varuṇa and Mitra, and the Aśvins twain.
Bhaga at dawn, Pūṣan, and Brahmaṇaspati, Soma at dawn, Rudra we will invoke at dawn.
Sloka : 7.41.2
प्रा॒त॒र्जितं॒ भग॑मु॒ग्रं हु॑वेम व॒यं पु॒त्रमदि॑ते॒र्यो वि॑ध॒र्ता ।
आ॒ध्रश्चि॒द्यं मन्य॑मानस्तु॒रश्चि॒द्राजा॑ चि॒द्यं भगं॑ भ॒क्षीत्याह॑ ॥ ७.०४१.०२
prā̱ta̱rjita̱ṃ bhaga̍mu̱graṃ hu̍vema va̱yaṃ pu̱tramadi̍te̱ryo vi̍dha̱rtā .
ā̱dhraści̱dyaṃ manya̍mānastu̱raści̱drājā̍ ci̱dyaṃ bhaga̍ṃ bha̱kṣītyāha̍ .. 7.041.02
2 We will invoke strong, early-conquering Bhaga, the Son of Aditi, the great supporter:-
Thinking of whom, the poor, yea, even the mighty, even the King himself says, Give me Bhaga.
Sloka : 7.41.3
भग॒ प्रणे॑त॒र्भग॒ सत्य॑राधो॒ भगे॒मां धिय॒मुद॑वा॒ दद॑न्नः ।
भग॒ प्र णो॑ जनय॒ गोभि॒रश्वै॒र्भग॒ प्र नृभि॑र्नृ॒वन्तः॑ स्याम ॥ ७.०४१.०३
bhaga̱ praṇe̍ta̱rbhaga̱ satya̍rādho̱ bhage̱māṃ dhiya̱muda̍vā̱ dada̍nnaḥ .
bhaga̱ pra ṇo̍ janaya̱ gobhi̱raśvai̱rbhaga̱ pra nṛbhi̍rnṛ̱vanta̍ḥ syāma .. 7.041.03
3 Bhaga our guide, Bhaga whose gifts are faithful, favour this song, and give us wealth, O Bhaga.
Bhaga, augment our store of kine and horses, Bhaga, may we be rich in men and heroes.
Sloka : 7.41.4
उ॒तेदानीं॒ भग॑वन्तः स्यामो॒त प्र॑पि॒त्व उ॒त मध्ये॒ अह्ना॑म् ।
उ॒तोदि॑ता मघव॒न्सूर्य॑स्य व॒यं दे॒वानां॑ सुम॒तौ स्या॑म ॥ ७.०४१.०४
u̱tedānī̱ṃ bhaga̍vantaḥ syāmo̱ta pra̍pi̱tva u̱ta madhye̱ ahnā̍m .
u̱todi̍tā maghava̱nsūrya̍sya va̱yaṃ de̱vānā̍ṃ suma̱tau syā̍ma .. 7.041.04
4 So may felicity be ours at present, and when the day approaches, and at noontide;
And may we still, O Bounteous One, at sunset be happy in the Deities' loving-kindness.
Sloka : 7.41.5
भग॑ ए॒व भग॑वाँ अस्तु देवा॒स्तेन॑ व॒यं भग॑वन्तः स्याम ।
तं त्वा॑ भग॒ सर्व॒ इज्जो॑हवीति॒ स नो॑ भग पुरए॒ता भ॑वे॒ह ॥ ७.०४१.०५
bhaga̍ e̱va bhaga̍vām̐ astu devā̱stena̍ va̱yaṃ bhaga̍vantaḥ syāma .
taṃ tvā̍ bhaga̱ sarva̱ ijjo̍havīti̱ sa no̍ bhaga purae̱tā bha̍ve̱ha .. 7.041.05
5 May Bhaga verily be bliss-bestower, and through him, Gods! may happiness attend us.
As such, O Bhaga, all with might invoke thee:- as such be thou our Champion here, O Bhaga.
Sloka : 7.41.6
सम॑ध्व॒रायो॒षसो॑ नमन्त दधि॒क्रावे॑व॒ शुच॑ये प॒दाय॑ ।
अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नं व॑सु॒विदं॒ भगं॑ नो॒ रथ॑मि॒वाश्वा॑ वा॒जिन॒ आ व॑हन्तु ॥ ७.०४१.०६
sama̍dhva̱rāyo̱ṣaso̍ namanta dadhi̱krāve̍va̱ śuca̍ye pa̱dāya̍ .
a̱rvā̱cī̱naṃ va̍su̱vida̱ṃ bhaga̍ṃ no̱ ratha̍mi̱vāśvā̍ vā̱jina̱ ā va̍hantu .. 7.041.06
6 To this our worship may all Dawns incline them, and come to the pure place like Dadhikrāvan.
As strong steeds draw a chariot may they bring us hitherward Bhaga who discovers treasure.
Sloka : 7.41.7
अश्वा॑वती॒र्गोम॑तीर्न उ॒षासो॑ वी॒रव॑तीः॒ सद॑मुच्छन्तु भ॒द्राः ।
घृ॒तं दुहा॑ना वि॒श्वतः॒ प्रपी॑ता यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४१.०७
aśvā̍vatī̱rgoma̍tīrna u̱ṣāso̍ vī̱rava̍tī̱ḥ sada̍mucchantu bha̱drāḥ .
ghṛ̱taṃ duhā̍nā vi̱śvata̱ḥ prapī̍tā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.041.07
7 May blessed Mornings dawn on us for ever, with wealth of kine, of horses, and of heroes,
Streaming with all abundance, pouring fatness. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.42.1
प्र ब्र॒ह्माणो॒ अङ्गि॑रसो नक्षन्त॒ प्र क्र॑न्द॒नुर्न॑भ॒न्य॑स्य वेतु ।
प्र धे॒नव॑ उद॒प्रुतो॑ नवन्त यु॒ज्याता॒मद्री॑ अध्व॒रस्य॒ पेशः॑ ॥ ७.०४२.०१
pra bra̱hmāṇo̱ aṅgi̍raso nakṣanta̱ pra kra̍nda̱nurna̍bha̱nya̍sya vetu .
pra dhe̱nava̍ uda̱pruto̍ navanta yu̱jyātā̱madrī̍ adhva̱rasya̱ peśa̍ḥ .. 7.042.01
1. LET Brahmans and Aṅgirases come forward, and let the roar of cloudy heaven surround us.
Loud low the Milch-kine swimming in the waters:- set be the stones that grace our holy service.
Sloka : 7.42.2
सु॒गस्ते॑ अग्ने॒ सन॑वित्तो॒ अध्वा॑ यु॒क्ष्वा सु॒ते ह॒रितो॑ रो॒हित॑श्च ।
ये वा॒ सद्म॑न्नरु॒षा वी॑र॒वाहो॑ हु॒वे दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मानि स॒त्तः ॥ ७.०४२.०२
su̱gaste̍ agne̱ sana̍vitto̱ adhvā̍ yu̱kṣvā su̱te ha̱rito̍ ro̱hita̍śca .
ye vā̱ sadma̍nnaru̱ṣā vī̍ra̱vāho̍ hu̱ve de̱vānā̱ṃ jani̍māni sa̱ttaḥ .. 7.042.02
2 Fair, Agni, is thy long-known path to travel:- yoke for the juice tfiy bay, thy ruddy horses,
Or red steeds, Hero-bearing, for the chamber. Seated, I call the Deities' generations.
Sloka : 7.42.3
समु॑ वो य॒ज्ञं म॑हय॒न्नमो॑भिः॒ प्र होता॑ म॒न्द्रो रि॑रिच उपा॒के ।
यज॑स्व॒ सु पु॑र्वणीक दे॒वाना य॒ज्ञिया॑म॒रम॑तिं ववृत्याः ॥ ७.०४२.०३
samu̍ vo ya̱jñaṃ ma̍haya̱nnamo̍bhi̱ḥ pra hotā̍ ma̱ndro ri̍rica upā̱ke .
yaja̍sva̱ su pu̍rvaṇīka de̱vānā ya̱jñiyā̍ma̱rama̍tiṃ vavṛtyāḥ .. 7.042.03
3 They glorify your sacrifice with worship, yet the glad Priest near them is left unequalled.
Bring the Gods hither, thou of many aspects:- turn hitherward Aramati the Holy.
Sloka : 7.42.4
य॒दा वी॒रस्य॑ रे॒वतो॑ दुरो॒णे स्यो॑न॒शीरति॑थिरा॒चिके॑तत् ।
सुप्री॑तो अ॒ग्निः सुधि॑तो॒ दम॒ आ स वि॒शे दा॑ति॒ वार्य॒मिय॑त्यै ॥ ७.०४२.०४
ya̱dā vī̱rasya̍ re̱vato̍ duro̱ṇe syo̍na̱śīrati̍thirā̱cike̍tat .
suprī̍to a̱gniḥ sudhi̍to̱ dama̱ ā sa vi̱śe dā̍ti̱ vārya̱miya̍tyai .. 7.042.04
4 What time the Guest hath made himself apparent, at ease reclining in the rich man's dwelling,
Agni, well-pleased, well-placed within the chamber gives to a house like this wealth worth the choosing.
Sloka : 7.42.5
इ॒मं नो॑ अग्ने अध्व॒रं जु॑षस्व म॒रुत्स्विन्द्रे॑ य॒शसं॑ कृधी नः ।
आ नक्ता॑ ब॒र्हिः स॑दतामु॒षासो॒शन्ता॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा यजे॒ह ॥ ७.०४२.०५
i̱maṃ no̍ agne adhva̱raṃ ju̍ṣasva ma̱rutsvindre̍ ya̱śasa̍ṃ kṛdhī naḥ .
ā naktā̍ ba̱rhiḥ sa̍datāmu̱ṣāso̱śantā̍ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā yaje̱ha .. 7.042.05
5 Accept this sacrifice of ours, O Agni; glorify it with Indra and the Maruts.
Here on our grass let Night and Dawn be seated:- bring longing Varuṇa and Mitra hither.
Sloka : 7.42.6
ए॒वाग्निं स॑ह॒स्यं१॒॑ वसि॑ष्ठो रा॒यस्का॑मो वि॒श्वप्स्न्य॑स्य स्तौत् ।
इषं॑ र॒यिं प॑प्रथ॒द्वाज॑म॒स्मे यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४२.०६
e̱vāgniṃ sa̍ha̱syaṃ1̱̍ vasi̍ṣṭho rā̱yaskā̍mo vi̱śvapsnya̍sya staut .
iṣa̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ pa̍pratha̱dvāja̍ma̱sme yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.042.06
6 Thus hath Vasiṣṭha praised victorious Agni, yearning for wealth that giveth all subsistence.
May he bestow on us food, strength, and riches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.43.1
प्र वो॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ देव॒यन्तो॑ अर्च॒न्द्यावा॒ नमो॑भिः पृथि॒वी इ॒षध्यै॑ ।
येषां॒ ब्रह्मा॒ण्यस॑मानि॒ विप्रा॒ विष्व॑ग्वि॒यन्ति॑ व॒निनो॒ न शाखाः॑ ॥ ७.०४३.०१
pra vo̍ ya̱jñeṣu̍ deva̱yanto̍ arca̱ndyāvā̱ namo̍bhiḥ pṛthi̱vī i̱ṣadhyai̍ .
yeṣā̱ṃ brahmā̱ṇyasa̍māni̱ viprā̱ viṣva̍gvi̱yanti̍ va̱nino̱ na śākhā̍ḥ .. 7.043.01
1. SING out the pious at your sacrifices to move with adorations Earth and Heaven-
The Holy Singers, whose unmatched devotions, like a tree's branches, part in all directions.
Sloka : 7.43.2
प्र य॒ज्ञ ए॑तु॒ हेत्वो॒ न सप्ति॒रुद्य॑च्छध्वं॒ सम॑नसो घृ॒ताचीः॑ ।
स्तृ॒णी॒त ब॒र्हिर॑ध्व॒राय॑ सा॒धूर्ध्वा शो॒चींषि॑ देव॒यून्य॑स्थुः ॥ ७.०४३.०२
pra ya̱jña e̍tu̱ hetvo̱ na sapti̱rudya̍cchadhva̱ṃ sama̍naso ghṛ̱tācī̍ḥ .
stṛ̱ṇī̱ta ba̱rhira̍dhva̱rāya̍ sā̱dhūrdhvā śo̱cīṃṣi̍ deva̱yūnya̍sthuḥ .. 7.043.02
2 Let sacrifice proceed like some fleet courser:- with one accord lift ye on high the ladles.
Strew sacred grass meet for the solenm service:- bright flames that love the Gods have mounted upward.
Sloka : 7.43.3
आ पु॒त्रासो॒ न मा॒तरं॒ विभृ॑त्राः॒ सानौ॑ दे॒वासो॑ ब॒र्हिषः॑ सदन्तु ।
आ वि॒श्वाची॑ विद॒थ्या॑मन॒क्त्वग्ने॒ मा नो॑ दे॒वता॑ता॒ मृध॑स्कः ॥ ७.०४३.०३
ā pu̱trāso̱ na mā̱tara̱ṃ vibhṛ̍trā̱ḥ sānau̍ de̱vāso̍ ba̱rhiṣa̍ḥ sadantu .
ā vi̱śvācī̍ vida̱thyā̍mana̱ktvagne̱ mā no̍ de̱vatā̍tā̱ mṛdha̍skaḥ .. 7.043.03
3 Like babes in arms reposing on their mother, let the Gods sit upon the grass's summit.
Let general fire make bright the flame of worship:- scorn us not, Agni, in the Gods’ assembly.
Sloka : 7.43.4
ते सी॑षपन्त॒ जोष॒मा यज॑त्रा ऋ॒तस्य॒ धाराः॑ सु॒दुघा॒ दुहा॑नाः ।
ज्येष्ठं॑ वो अ॒द्य मह॒ आ वसू॑ना॒मा ग॑न्तन॒ सम॑नसो॒ यति॒ ष्ठ ॥ ७.०४३.०४
te sī̍ṣapanta̱ joṣa̱mā yaja̍trā ṛ̱tasya̱ dhārā̍ḥ su̱dughā̱ duhā̍nāḥ .
jyeṣṭha̍ṃ vo a̱dya maha̱ ā vasū̍nā̱mā ga̍ntana̱ sama̍naso̱ yati̱ ṣṭha .. 7.043.04
4 Gladly the Gods have let themselves be honoured, milking the copious streams of holy Order.
The highest might to-day is yours, the Vasits':- come ye, as many as ye are, one-minded.
Sloka : 7.43.5
ए॒वा नो॑ अग्ने वि॒क्ष्वा द॑शस्य॒ त्वया॑ व॒यं स॑हसाव॒न्नास्क्राः॑ ।
रा॒या यु॒जा स॑ध॒मादो॒ अरि॑ष्टा यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४३.०५
e̱vā no̍ agne vi̱kṣvā da̍śasya̱ tvayā̍ va̱yaṃ sa̍hasāva̱nnāskrā̍ḥ .
rā̱yā yu̱jā sa̍dha̱mādo̱ ari̍ṣṭā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.043.05
5 So, Agni, send us wealth among the people:- may we be closely knit to thee, O Victor,
Unharmed, and rich, and taking joy together. Preserve us evermore, ye ods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.44.1
द॒धि॒क्रां वः॑ प्रथ॒मम॒श्विनो॒षस॑म॒ग्निं समि॑द्धं॒ भग॑मू॒तये॑ हुवे ।
इन्द्रं॒ विष्णुं॑ पू॒षणं॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पति॑मादि॒त्यान्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॒पः स्वः॑ ॥ ७.०४४.०१
da̱dhi̱krāṃ va̍ḥ pratha̱mama̱śvino̱ṣasa̍ma̱gniṃ sami̍ddha̱ṃ bhaga̍mū̱taye̍ huve .
indra̱ṃ viṣṇu̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍mādi̱tyāndyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̱paḥ sva̍ḥ .. 7.044.01
1. I CALL on Dadhikrās, the first, to give you aid, the Aśvins, Bhaga, Dawn, and Agni kindled well,
Indra, and Viṣṇu, Pūṣan, Brahmaṇaspati, Ādityas, Heaven and Earth, the Waters, and the Light.
Sloka : 7.44.2
द॒धि॒क्रामु॒ नम॑सा बो॒धय॑न्त उ॒दीरा॑णा य॒ज्ञमु॑पप्र॒यन्तः॑ ।
इळां॑ दे॒वीं ब॒र्हिषि॑ सा॒दय॑न्तो॒ऽश्विना॒ विप्रा॑ सु॒हवा॑ हुवेम ॥ ७.०४४.०२
da̱dhi̱krāmu̱ nama̍sā bo̱dhaya̍nta u̱dīrā̍ṇā ya̱jñamu̍papra̱yanta̍ḥ .
il̤ā̍ṃ de̱vīṃ ba̱rhiṣi̍ sā̱daya̍nto̱'śvinā̱ viprā̍ su̱havā̍ huvema .. 7.044.02
2 When, rising, to the sacrifice we hasten, awaking Dadhikrās with adorations.
Seating on sacred grass the Goddess Iḷā. let us invoke the sage swift-hearing Aśvins.
Sloka : 7.44.3
द॒धि॒क्रावा॑णं बुबुधा॒नो अ॒ग्निमुप॑ ब्रुव उ॒षसं॒ सूर्यं॒ गाम् ।
ब्र॒ध्नं मा॑ँश्च॒तोर्वरु॑णस्य ब॒भ्रुं ते विश्वा॒स्मद्दु॑रि॒ता या॑वयन्तु ॥ ७.०४४.०३
da̱dhi̱krāvā̍ṇaṃ bubudhā̱no a̱gnimupa̍ bruva u̱ṣasa̱ṃ sūrya̱ṃ gām .
bra̱dhnaṃ mā̍m̐śca̱torvaru̍ṇasya ba̱bhruṃ te viśvā̱smaddu̍ri̱tā yā̍vayantu .. 7.044.03
3 While I am thus arousing Dadhikrāvan I speak to Agni, Earth, and Dawn, and Sūrya,
The red, the brown of Varuṇa ever mindful:- may they ward off from us all grief and trouble.
Sloka : 7.44.4
द॒धि॒क्रावा॑ प्रथ॒मो वा॒ज्यर्वाग्रे॒ रथा॑नां भवति प्रजा॒नन् ।
सं॒वि॒दा॒न उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑णादि॒त्येभि॒र्वसु॑भि॒रङ्गि॑रोभिः ॥ ७.०४४.०४
da̱dhi̱krāvā̍ pratha̱mo vā̱jyarvāgre̱ rathā̍nāṃ bhavati prajā̱nan .
sa̱ṃvi̱dā̱na u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇādi̱tyebhi̱rvasu̍bhi̱raṅgi̍robhiḥ .. 7.044.04
4 Foremost is Dadhikrāvan, vigorous courser; in forefront of the cars, his way he knoweth,
Closely allied with Sūrya and with Morning, Ādityas, and Aṅgirases, and Vasus.
Sloka : 7.44.5
आ नो॑ दधि॒क्राः प॒थ्या॑मनक्त्वृ॒तस्य॒ पन्था॒मन्वे॑त॒वा उ॑ ।
शृ॒णोतु॑ नो॒ दैव्यं॒ शर्धो॑ अ॒ग्निः शृ॒ण्वन्तु॒ विश्वे॑ महि॒षा अमू॑राः ॥ ७.०४४.०५
ā no̍ dadhi̱krāḥ pa̱thyā̍manaktvṛ̱tasya̱ panthā̱manve̍ta̱vā u̍ .
śṛ̱ṇotu̍ no̱ daivya̱ṃ śardho̍ a̱gniḥ śṛ̱ṇvantu̱ viśve̍ mahi̱ṣā amū̍rāḥ .. 7.044.05
5 May Dadhikrās prepare the way we travel that we may pass along the path of Order.
May Agni bear us, and the Heavenly Army:- hear us all Mighty Ones whom none deceiveth.
Sloka : 7.45.1
आ दे॒वो या॑तु सवि॒ता सु॒रत्नो॑ऽन्तरिक्ष॒प्रा वह॑मानो॒ अश्वैः॑ ।
हस्ते॒ दधा॑नो॒ नर्या॑ पु॒रूणि॑ निवे॒शय॑ञ्च प्रसु॒वञ्च॒ भूम॑ ॥ ७.०४५.०१
ā de̱vo yā̍tu savi̱tā su̱ratno̎ntarikṣa̱prā vaha̍māno̱ aśvai̍ḥ .
haste̱ dadhā̍no̱ naryā̍ pu̱rūṇi̍ nive̱śaya̍ñca prasu̱vañca̱ bhūma̍ .. 7.045.01
1. MAY the God Savitar, rich in goodly treasures, filling the region, borne by steeds, come hither,
In his hand holding much that makes men happy, lulling to slumber and arousing creatures.
Sloka : 7.45.2
उद॑स्य बा॒हू शि॑थि॒रा बृ॒हन्ता॑ हिर॒ण्यया॑ दि॒वो अन्ता॑ँ अनष्टाम् ।
नू॒नं सो अ॑स्य महि॒मा प॑निष्ट॒ सूर॑श्चिदस्मा॒ अनु॑ दादप॒स्याम् ॥ ७.०४५.०२
uda̍sya bā̱hū śi̍thi̱rā bṛ̱hantā̍ hira̱ṇyayā̍ di̱vo antā̍m̐ anaṣṭām .
nū̱naṃ so a̍sya mahi̱mā pa̍niṣṭa̱ sūra̍ścidasmā̱ anu̍ dādapa̱syām .. 7.045.02
2 Golden, sublime, and easy in their motion, his arms extend unto the bounds of heaven.
Now shall that mightiness of his he lauded:- even Sūrya yields to him in active vigour.
Sloka : 7.45.3
स घा॑ नो दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता स॒हावा सा॑विष॒द्वसु॑पति॒र्वसू॑नि ।
वि॒श्रय॑माणो अ॒मति॑मुरू॒चीं म॑र्त॒भोज॑न॒मध॑ रासते नः ॥ ७.०४५.०३
sa ghā̍ no de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā sa̱hāvā sā̍viṣa̱dvasu̍pati̱rvasū̍ni .
vi̱śraya̍māṇo a̱mati̍murū̱cīṃ ma̍rta̱bhoja̍na̱madha̍ rāsate naḥ .. 7.045.03
3 May this God Savitar, the Strong and Mighty, the Lord of precious wealth, vouchsafe us treasures.
May he, advancing his far-spreading lustre, bestow on us the food that feedeth mortals.
Sloka : 7.45.4
इ॒मा गिरः॑ सवि॒तारं॑ सुजि॒ह्वं पू॒र्णग॑भस्तिमीळते सुपा॒णिम् ।
चि॒त्रं वयो॑ बृ॒हद॒स्मे द॑धातु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४५.०४
i̱mā gira̍ḥ savi̱tāra̍ṃ suji̱hvaṃ pū̱rṇaga̍bhastimīl̤ate supā̱ṇim .
ci̱traṃ vayo̍ bṛ̱hada̱sme da̍dhātu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.045.04
4 These songs praise Savitar whose tongue is pleasant, praise him whose arms are full, whose hands are lovely.
High vital strength, and manifold, may he grant us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.46.1
इ॒मा रु॒द्राय॑ स्थि॒रध॑न्वने॒ गिरः॑ क्षि॒प्रेष॑वे दे॒वाय॑ स्व॒धाव्ने॑ ।
अषा॑ळ्हाय॒ सह॑मानाय वे॒धसे॑ ति॒ग्मायु॑धाय भरता शृ॒णोतु॑ नः ॥ ७.०४६.०१
i̱mā ru̱drāya̍ sthi̱radha̍nvane̱ gira̍ḥ kṣi̱preṣa̍ve de̱vāya̍ sva̱dhāvne̍ .
aṣā̍l̤hāya̱ saha̍mānāya ve̱dhase̍ ti̱gmāyu̍dhāya bharatā śṛ̱ṇotu̍ naḥ .. 7.046.01
1. To Rudra bring these songs, whose bow is firm and strong, the self-dependent God with swiftly-flying shafts,
The Wise, the Conqueror whom none may overcome, armed with sharp-pointed weapons:- may he hear our call.
Sloka : 7.46.2
स हि क्षये॑ण॒ क्षम्य॑स्य॒ जन्म॑नः॒ साम्रा॑ज्येन दि॒व्यस्य॒ चेत॑ति ।
अव॒न्नव॑न्ती॒रुप॑ नो॒ दुर॑श्चरानमी॒वो रु॑द्र॒ जासु॑ नो भव ॥ ७.०४६.०२
sa hi kṣaye̍ṇa̱ kṣamya̍sya̱ janma̍na̱ḥ sāmrā̍jyena di̱vyasya̱ ceta̍ti .
ava̱nnava̍ntī̱rupa̍ no̱ dura̍ścarānamī̱vo ru̍dra̱ jāsu̍ no bhava .. 7.046.02
2 He through his lordship thinks on beings of the earth, on heavenly beings through his high imperial sway.
Come willingly to our doors that gladly welcome thee, and heal all sickness, Rudra., in our families.
Sloka : 7.46.3
या ते॑ दि॒द्युदव॑सृष्टा दि॒वस्परि॑ क्ष्म॒या चर॑ति॒ परि॒ सा वृ॑णक्तु नः ।
स॒हस्रं॑ ते स्वपिवात भेष॒जा मा न॑स्तो॒केषु॒ तन॑येषु रीरिषः ॥ ७.०४६.०३
yā te̍ di̱dyudava̍sṛṣṭā di̱vaspari̍ kṣma̱yā cara̍ti̱ pari̱ sā vṛ̍ṇaktu naḥ .
sa̱hasra̍ṃ te svapivāta bheṣa̱jā mā na̍sto̱keṣu̱ tana̍yeṣu rīriṣaḥ .. 7.046.03
3 May thy bright arrow which, shot down by thee from heaven, flieth upon the earth, pass us uninjured by.
Thou, very gracious God, hast thousand medicines:- inflict no evil on our sons or progeny.
Sloka : 7.46.4
मा नो॑ वधी रुद्र॒ मा परा॑ दा॒ मा ते॑ भूम॒ प्रसि॑तौ हीळि॒तस्य॑ ।
आ नो॑ भज ब॒र्हिषि॑ जीवशं॒से यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४६.०४
mā no̍ vadhī rudra̱ mā parā̍ dā̱ mā te̍ bhūma̱ prasi̍tau hīl̤i̱tasya̍ .
ā no̍ bhaja ba̱rhiṣi̍ jīvaśa̱ṃse yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.046.04
4 Slay us not, nor abandon us, O Rudra let not thy noose, when thou art angry, seize us.
Give us trimmed grass and fame among the living. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.47.1
आपो॒ यं वः॑ प्रथ॒मं दे॑व॒यन्त॑ इन्द्र॒पान॑मू॒र्मिमकृ॑ण्वते॒ळः ।
तं वो॑ व॒यं शुचि॑मरि॒प्रम॒द्य घृ॑त॒प्रुषं॒ मधु॑मन्तं वनेम ॥ ७.०४७.०१
āpo̱ yaṃ va̍ḥ pratha̱maṃ de̍va̱yanta̍ indra̱pāna̍mū̱rmimakṛ̍ṇvate̱l̤aḥ .
taṃ vo̍ va̱yaṃ śuci̍mari̱prama̱dya ghṛ̍ta̱pruṣa̱ṃ madhu̍mantaṃ vanema .. 7.047.01
1. MAY we obtain this day from you, O Waters, that wave of pure refreshment, which the pious
Made erst the special beverage of Indra, bright, stainless, rich in sweets and dropping fatness.
Sloka : 7.47.2
तमू॒र्मिमा॑पो॒ मधु॑मत्तमं वो॒ऽपां नपा॑दवत्वाशु॒हेमा॑ ।
यस्मि॒न्निन्द्रो॒ वसु॑भिर्मा॒दया॑ते॒ तम॑श्याम देव॒यन्तो॑ वो अ॒द्य ॥ ७.०४७.०२
tamū̱rmimā̍po̱ madhu̍mattamaṃ vo̱'pāṃ napā̍davatvāśu̱hemā̍ .
yasmi̱nnindro̱ vasu̍bhirmā̱dayā̍te̱ tama̍śyāma deva̱yanto̍ vo a̱dya .. 7.047.02
2 May the Floods' Offspring, he whose course is rapid, protect that wave most rich in sweets, O Waters,
That shall make Indra and the Vasus joyful. This may we gain from you to-day, we pious.
Sloka : 7.47.3
श॒तप॑वित्राः स्व॒धया॒ मद॑न्तीर्दे॒वीर्दे॒वाना॒मपि॑ यन्ति॒ पाथः॑ ।
ता इन्द्र॑स्य॒ न मि॑नन्ति व्र॒तानि॒ सिन्धु॑भ्यो ह॒व्यं घृ॒तव॑ज्जुहोत ॥ ७.०४७.०३
śa̱tapa̍vitrāḥ sva̱dhayā̱ mada̍ntīrde̱vīrde̱vānā̱mapi̍ yanti̱ pātha̍ḥ .
tā indra̍sya̱ na mi̍nanti vra̱tāni̱ sindhu̍bhyo ha̱vyaṃ ghṛ̱tava̍jjuhota .. 7.047.03
3 All-purifying, joying in their nature, to paths of Gods the Goddesses move onward.
They never violate the laws of Indra. Present the oil-rich offering to the Rivers.
Sloka : 7.47.4
याः सूर्यो॑ र॒श्मिभि॑रात॒तान॒ याभ्य॒ इन्द्रो॒ अर॑दद्गा॒तुमू॒र्मिम् ।
ते सि॑न्धवो॒ वरि॑वो धातना नो यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४७.०४
yāḥ sūryo̍ ra̱śmibhi̍rāta̱tāna̱ yābhya̱ indro̱ ara̍dadgā̱tumū̱rmim .
te si̍ndhavo̱ vari̍vo dhātanā no yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.047.04
4 Whom Sūrya with his bright beams hath attracted, and Indra dug the path for them to travel,
May these Streams give us ample room and freedom. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.48.1
ऋभु॑क्षणो वाजा मा॒दय॑ध्वम॒स्मे न॑रो मघवानः सु॒तस्य॑ ।
आ वो॒ऽर्वाचः॒ क्रत॑वो॒ न या॒तां विभ्वो॒ रथं॒ नर्यं॑ वर्तयन्तु ॥ ७.०४८.०१
ṛbhu̍kṣaṇo vājā mā̱daya̍dhvama̱sme na̍ro maghavānaḥ su̱tasya̍ .
ā vo̱'rvāca̱ḥ krata̍vo̱ na yā̱tāṃ vibhvo̱ ratha̱ṃ narya̍ṃ vartayantu .. 7.048.01
1. YE liberal Heroes, Vājas and Ṛbhukṣans, come and delight you with our flowing Soma.
May your strength, Vibhus, as ye come to meet us, turn hitherward your car that brings men profit.
Sloka : 7.48.2
ऋ॒भुरृ॒भुभि॑र॒भि वः॑ स्याम॒ विभ्वो॑ वि॒भुभिः॒ शव॑सा॒ शवां॑सि ।
वाजो॑ अ॒स्माँ अ॑वतु॒ वाज॑साता॒विन्द्रे॑ण यु॒जा त॑रुषेम वृ॒त्रम् ॥ ७.०४८.०२
ṛ̱bhurṛ̱bhubhi̍ra̱bhi va̍ḥ syāma̱ vibhvo̍ vi̱bhubhi̱ḥ śava̍sā̱ śavā̍ṃsi .
vājo̍ a̱smām̐ a̍vatu̱ vāja̍sātā̱vindre̍ṇa yu̱jā ta̍ruṣema vṛ̱tram .. 7.048.02
2 May we as Ṛbhu with your Ṛbhus conquer strength with our strength, as Vibhus with the Vibhus.
May Vāja aid us in the fight for booty, and helped by Indra may we quell the foeman.
Sloka : 7.48.3
ते चि॒द्धि पू॒र्वीर॒भि सन्ति॑ शा॒सा विश्वा॑ँ अ॒र्य उ॑प॒रता॑ति वन्वन् ।
इन्द्रो॒ विभ्वा॑ँ ऋभु॒क्षा वाजो॑ अ॒र्यः शत्रो॑र्मिथ॒त्या कृ॑णव॒न्वि नृ॒म्णम् ॥ ७.०४८.०३
te ci̱ddhi pū̱rvīra̱bhi santi̍ śā̱sā viśvā̍m̐ a̱rya u̍pa̱ratā̍ti vanvan .
indro̱ vibhvā̍m̐ ṛbhu̱kṣā vājo̍ a̱ryaḥ śatro̍rmitha̱tyā kṛ̍ṇava̱nvi nṛ̱mṇam .. 7.048.03
3 For they rule many tribes with high dominion, and conquer all their foes in close encounter.
May Indra, Vibhvan, Vāja, and Ṛbhukṣan destroy by turns the wicked foeman's valour.
Sloka : 7.48.4
नू दे॑वासो॒ वरि॑वः कर्तना नो भू॒त नो॒ विश्वेऽव॑से स॒जोषाः॑ ।
सम॒स्मे इषं॒ वस॑वो ददीरन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०४८.०४
nū de̍vāso̱ vari̍vaḥ kartanā no bhū̱ta no̱ viśve'va̍se sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .
sama̱sme iṣa̱ṃ vasa̍vo dadīranyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.048.04
4 Now, Deities, give us ample room and freedom:- be all of you, one-minded, our protection.
So let the Vasus grant us strength and vigour. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.49.1
स॒मु॒द्रज्ये॑ष्ठाः सलि॒लस्य॒ मध्या॑त्पुना॒ना य॒न्त्यनि॑विशमानाः ।
इन्द्रो॒ या व॒ज्री वृ॑ष॒भो र॒राद॒ ता आपो॑ दे॒वीरि॒ह माम॑वन्तु ॥ ७.०४९.०१
sa̱mu̱drajye̍ṣṭhāḥ sali̱lasya̱ madhyā̍tpunā̱nā ya̱ntyani̍viśamānāḥ .
indro̱ yā va̱jrī vṛ̍ṣa̱bho ra̱rāda̱ tā āpo̍ de̱vīri̱ha māma̍vantu .. 7.049.01
1. FORTH from the middle of the flood the Waters-their chief the Sea-flow cleansing, never sleeping.
Indra, the Bull, the Thunderer, dug their channels:- here let those Waters, Goddesses, protect me.
Sloka : 7.49.2
या आपो॑ दि॒व्या उ॒त वा॒ स्रव॑न्ति ख॒नित्रि॑मा उ॒त वा॒ याः स्व॑यं॒जाः ।
स॒मु॒द्रार्था॒ याः शुच॑यः पाव॒कास्ता आपो॑ दे॒वीरि॒ह माम॑वन्तु ॥ ७.०४९.०२
yā āpo̍ di̱vyā u̱ta vā̱ srava̍nti kha̱nitri̍mā u̱ta vā̱ yāḥ sva̍ya̱ṃjāḥ .
sa̱mu̱drārthā̱ yāḥ śuca̍yaḥ pāva̱kāstā āpo̍ de̱vīri̱ha māma̍vantu .. 7.049.02
2 Waters which come from heaven, or those that wander dug from the earth, or flowing free by nature,
Bright, purifying, speeding to the Ocean, here let those Waters. Goddesses, protect me.
Sloka : 7.49.3
यासां॒ राजा॒ वरु॑णो॒ याति॒ मध्ये॑ सत्यानृ॒ते अ॑व॒पश्य॒ञ्जना॑नाम् ।
म॒धु॒श्चुतः॒ शुच॑यो॒ याः पा॑व॒कास्ता आपो॑ दे॒वीरि॒ह माम॑वन्तु ॥ ७.०४९.०३
yāsā̱ṃ rājā̱ varu̍ṇo̱ yāti̱ madhye̍ satyānṛ̱te a̍va̱paśya̱ñjanā̍nām .
ma̱dhu̱ścuta̱ḥ śuca̍yo̱ yāḥ pā̍va̱kāstā āpo̍ de̱vīri̱ha māma̍vantu .. 7.049.03
3 Those amid whom goes Varuṇa the Sovran, he who discriminates men's truth and falsehood-
Distilling meath, the bright, the purifying, here let those Waters, Goddesses, protect me.
Sloka : 7.49.4
यासु॒ राजा॒ वरु॑णो॒ यासु॒ सोमो॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वा यासूर्जं॒ मद॑न्ति ।
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रो यास्व॒ग्निः प्रवि॑ष्ट॒स्ता आपो॑ दे॒वीरि॒ह माम॑वन्तु ॥ ७.०४९.०४
yāsu̱ rājā̱ varu̍ṇo̱ yāsu̱ somo̱ viśve̍ de̱vā yāsūrja̱ṃ mada̍nti .
vai̱śvā̱na̱ro yāsva̱gniḥ pravi̍ṣṭa̱stā āpo̍ de̱vīri̱ha māma̍vantu .. 7.049.04
4 They from whom Varuṇa the King, and Soma, and all the Deities drink strength and vigour,
They into whom Vaiśvānara Agni entered, here let those Waters, Goddesses, protect Me.
Sloka : 7.50.1
आ मां मि॑त्रावरुणे॒ह र॑क्षतं कुला॒यय॑द्वि॒श्वय॒न्मा न॒ आ ग॑न् ।
अ॒ज॒का॒वं दु॒र्दृशी॑कं ति॒रो द॑धे॒ मा मां पद्ये॑न॒ रप॑सा विद॒त्त्सरुः॑ ॥ ७.०५०.०१
ā māṃ mi̍trāvaruṇe̱ha ra̍kṣataṃ kulā̱yaya̍dvi̱śvaya̱nmā na̱ ā ga̍n .
a̱ja̱kā̱vaṃ du̱rdṛśī̍kaṃ ti̱ro da̍dhe̱ mā māṃ padye̍na̱ rapa̍sā vida̱ttsaru̍ḥ .. 7.050.01
1. O MITRA-VARUNA, guard and protect me here:- let not that come to me which nests within and swells.
I drive afar the scorpion hateful to the sight:- let not the winding worm touch me and wound my foot.
Sloka : 7.50.2
यद्वि॒जाम॒न्परु॑षि॒ वन्द॑नं॒ भुव॑दष्ठी॒वन्तौ॒ परि॑ कु॒ल्फौ च॒ देह॑त् ।
अ॒ग्निष्टच्छोच॒न्नप॑ बाधतामि॒तो मा मां पद्ये॑न॒ रप॑सा विद॒त्त्सरुः॑ ॥ ७.०५०.०२
yadvi̱jāma̱nparu̍ṣi̱ vanda̍na̱ṃ bhuva̍daṣṭhī̱vantau̱ pari̍ ku̱lphau ca̱ deha̍t .
a̱gniṣṭacchoca̱nnapa̍ bādhatāmi̱to mā māṃ padye̍na̱ rapa̍sā vida̱ttsaru̍ḥ .. 7.050.02
2 Eruption that appears upon the twofold joints, and that which overspreads the ankles and the knees,
May the refulgent Agni banish far away let not the winding worm touch me and wound my foot.
Sloka : 7.50.3
यच्छ॑ल्म॒लौ भव॑ति॒ यन्न॒दीषु॒ यदोष॑धीभ्यः॒ परि॒ जाय॑ते वि॒षम् ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा निरि॒तस्तत्सु॑वन्तु॒ मा मां पद्ये॑न॒ रप॑सा विद॒त्त्सरुः॑ ॥ ७.०५०.०३
yaccha̍lma̱lau bhava̍ti̱ yanna̱dīṣu̱ yadoṣa̍dhībhya̱ḥ pari̱ jāya̍te vi̱ṣam .
viśve̍ de̱vā niri̱tastatsu̍vantu̱ mā māṃ padye̍na̱ rapa̍sā vida̱ttsaru̍ḥ .. 7.050.03
3 The poison that is formed upon the Salmali, that which is found in streams, that which the plants produce,
All this may all the Gods banish and drive away:- let not the winding worm touch me and wound my foot.
Sloka : 7.50.4
याः प्र॒वतो॑ नि॒वत॑ उ॒द्वत॑ उद॒न्वती॑रनुद॒काश्च॒ याः ।
ता अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ पय॑सा॒ पिन्व॑मानाः शि॒वा दे॒वीर॑शिप॒दा भ॑वन्तु॒ सर्वा॑ न॒द्यो॑ अशिमि॒दा भ॑वन्तु ॥ ७.०५०.०४
yāḥ pra̱vato̍ ni̱vata̍ u̱dvata̍ uda̱nvatī̍ranuda̱kāśca̱ yāḥ .
tā a̱smabhya̱ṃ paya̍sā̱ pinva̍mānāḥ śi̱vā de̱vīra̍śipa̱dā bha̍vantu̱ sarvā̍ na̱dyo̍ aśimi̱dā bha̍vantu .. 7.050.04
4 The steep declivities, the valleys, and the heights, the channels full of water, and the waterless-
May those who swell with water, gracious Goddesses, never afflict us with the Sipada disease, may all the rivers keep us free from Simida.
Sloka : 7.51.1
आ॒दि॒त्याना॒मव॑सा॒ नूत॑नेन सक्षी॒महि॒ शर्म॑णा॒ शंत॑मेन ।
अ॒ना॒गा॒स्त्वे अ॑दिति॒त्वे तु॒रास॑ इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं द॑धतु॒ श्रोष॑माणाः ॥ ७.०५१.०१
ā̱di̱tyānā̱mava̍sā̱ nūta̍nena sakṣī̱mahi̱ śarma̍ṇā̱ śaṃta̍mena .
a̱nā̱gā̱stve a̍diti̱tve tu̱rāsa̍ i̱maṃ ya̱jñaṃ da̍dhatu̱ śroṣa̍māṇāḥ .. 7.051.01
1 THROUGH the Ādityas’ most auspicious shelter, through their most recent succour may we conquer.
May they, the Mighty, giving ear, establish this sacrifice, to make us free and sinless.
Sloka : 7.51.2
आ॒दि॒त्यासो॒ अदि॑तिर्मादयन्तां मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णो॒ रजि॑ष्ठाः ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ सन्तु॒ भुव॑नस्य गो॒पाः पिब॑न्तु॒ सोम॒मव॑से नो अ॒द्य ॥ ७.०५१.०२
ā̱di̱tyāso̱ adi̍tirmādayantāṃ mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā varu̍ṇo̱ raji̍ṣṭhāḥ .
a̱smāka̍ṃ santu̱ bhuva̍nasya go̱pāḥ piba̍ntu̱ soma̱mava̍se no a̱dya .. 7.051.02
2 Let Aditi rejoice and the Ādityas, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman, most righteous.
May they, the Guardians of the world, protect us, and, to show favour, drink this day our Soma.
Sloka : 7.51.3
आ॒दि॒त्या विश्वे॑ म॒रुत॑श्च॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वाश्च॒ विश्व॑ ऋ॒भव॑श्च॒ विश्वे॑ ।
इन्द्रो॑ अ॒ग्निर॒श्विना॑ तुष्टुवा॒ना यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०५१.०३
ā̱di̱tyā viśve̍ ma̱ruta̍śca̱ viśve̍ de̱vāśca̱ viśva̍ ṛ̱bhava̍śca̱ viśve̍ .
indro̍ a̱gnira̱śvinā̍ tuṣṭuvā̱nā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.051.03
3 All Universal Deities, the Maruts, all the Ādityas, yea, and all the Ṛbhus,
Indra, and Agni, and the Aśvins, lauded. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.52.1
आ॒दि॒त्यासो॒ अदि॑तयः स्याम॒ पूर्दे॑व॒त्रा व॑सवो मर्त्य॒त्रा ।
सने॑म मित्रावरुणा॒ सन॑न्तो॒ भवे॑म द्यावापृथिवी॒ भव॑न्तः ॥ ७.०५२.०१
ā̱di̱tyāso̱ adi̍tayaḥ syāma̱ pūrde̍va̱trā va̍savo martya̱trā .
sane̍ma mitrāvaruṇā̱ sana̍nto̱ bhave̍ma dyāvāpṛthivī̱ bhava̍ntaḥ .. 7.052.01
1. MAY we be free from every bond, Ādityas! a castle among Gods and men, ye Vasus.
Winning, may we win Varuṇa and Mitra, and, being, may we be, O Earth and Heaven.
Sloka : 7.52.2
मि॒त्रस्तन्नो॒ वरु॑णो मामहन्त॒ शर्म॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय गो॒पाः ।
मा वो॑ भुजेमा॒न्यजा॑त॒मेनो॒ मा तत्क॑र्म वसवो॒ यच्चय॑ध्वे ॥ ७.०५२.०२
mi̱trastanno̱ varu̍ṇo māmahanta̱ śarma̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya go̱pāḥ .
mā vo̍ bhujemā̱nyajā̍ta̱meno̱ mā tatka̍rma vasavo̱ yaccaya̍dhve .. 7.052.02
2 May Varuṇa and Mitra grant this blessing, our Guardians, shelter to our seed and offspring.
Let us not suffer for another's trespass. nor do the thing that ye, O Vasus, punish.
Sloka : 7.52.3
तु॒र॒ण्यवोऽङ्गि॑रसो नक्षन्त॒ रत्नं॑ दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुरि॑या॒नाः ।
पि॒ता च॒ तन्नो॑ म॒हान्यज॑त्रो॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः सम॑नसो जुषन्त ॥ ७.०५२.०३
tu̱ra̱ṇyavo'ṅgi̍raso nakṣanta̱ ratna̍ṃ de̱vasya̍ savi̱turi̍yā̱nāḥ .
pi̱tā ca̱ tanno̍ ma̱hānyaja̍tro̱ viśve̍ de̱vāḥ sama̍naso juṣanta .. 7.052.03
3 The ever-prompt Aṅgirases, imploring riches from Savitar the God, obtained them.
So may our Father who is great and holy, and all the Gods, accordant, grant this favour.
Sloka : 7.53.1
प्र द्यावा॑ य॒ज्ञैः पृ॑थि॒वी नमो॑भिः स॒बाध॑ ईळे बृह॒ती यज॑त्रे ।
ते चि॒द्धि पूर्वे॑ क॒वयो॑ गृ॒णन्तः॑ पु॒रो म॒ही द॑धि॒रे दे॒वपु॑त्रे ॥ ७.०५३.०१
pra dyāvā̍ ya̱jñaiḥ pṛ̍thi̱vī namo̍bhiḥ sa̱bādha̍ īl̤e bṛha̱tī yaja̍tre .
te ci̱ddhi pūrve̍ ka̱vayo̍ gṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ pu̱ro ma̱hī da̍dhi̱re de̱vapu̍tre .. 7.053.01
1. AS priest with solemn rites and adorations I worship Heaven and Earth, the High and Holy.
To them, great Parents of the Gods, have sages of ancient time, singing, assigned precedence.
Sloka : 7.53.2
प्र पू॑र्व॒जे पि॒तरा॒ नव्य॑सीभिर्गी॒र्भिः कृ॑णुध्वं॒ सद॑ने ऋ॒तस्य॑ ।
आ नो॑ द्यावापृथिवी॒ दैव्ये॑न॒ जने॑न यातं॒ महि॑ वां॒ वरू॑थम् ॥ ७.०५३.०२
pra pū̍rva̱je pi̱tarā̱ navya̍sībhirgī̱rbhiḥ kṛ̍ṇudhva̱ṃ sada̍ne ṛ̱tasya̍ .
ā no̍ dyāvāpṛthivī̱ daivye̍na̱ jane̍na yāta̱ṃ mahi̍ vā̱ṃ varū̍tham .. 7.053.02
2 With newest hymns set in the seat of Order, those the Two Parents, born before all others,
Come, Heaven and Earth, with the Celestial People, hither to us, for strong is your protection.
Sloka : 7.53.3
उ॒तो हि वां॑ रत्न॒धेया॑नि॒ सन्ति॑ पु॒रूणि॑ द्यावापृथिवी सु॒दासे॑ ।
अ॒स्मे ध॑त्तं॒ यदस॒दस्कृ॑धोयु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०५३.०३
u̱to hi vā̍ṃ ratna̱dheyā̍ni̱ santi̍ pu̱rūṇi̍ dyāvāpṛthivī su̱dāse̍ .
a̱sme dha̍tta̱ṃ yadasa̱daskṛ̍dhoyu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.053.03
3 Yea, Heaven and Earth, ye hold in your possession full many a treasure for the liberal giver.
Grant us that wealth which comes in free abundance. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.54.1
वास्तो॑ष्पते॒ प्रति॑ जानीह्य॒स्मान्स्वा॑वे॒शो अ॑नमी॒वो भ॑वा नः ।
यत्त्वेम॑हे॒ प्रति॒ तन्नो॑ जुषस्व॒ शं नो॑ भव द्वि॒पदे॒ शं चतु॑ष्पदे ॥ ७.०५४.०१
vāsto̍ṣpate̱ prati̍ jānīhya̱smānsvā̍ve̱śo a̍namī̱vo bha̍vā naḥ .
yattvema̍he̱ prati̱ tanno̍ juṣasva̱ śaṃ no̍ bhava dvi̱pade̱ śaṃ catu̍ṣpade .. 7.054.01
1. ACKNOWLEDGE us, O Guardian of the Homestead:- bring no disease, and give us happy entrance.
Whate’er we ask of thee, be pleased to grant it, and prosper thou quadrupeds and bipeds.
Sloka : 7.54.2
वास्तो॑ष्पते प्र॒तर॑णो न एधि गय॒स्फानो॒ गोभि॒रश्वे॑भिरिन्दो ।
अ॒जरा॑सस्ते स॒ख्ये स्या॑म पि॒तेव॑ पु॒त्रान्प्रति॑ नो जुषस्व ॥ ७.०५४.०२
vāsto̍ṣpate pra̱tara̍ṇo na edhi gaya̱sphāno̱ gobhi̱raśve̍bhirindo .
a̱jarā̍saste sa̱khye syā̍ma pi̱teva̍ pu̱trānprati̍ no juṣasva .. 7.054.02
2 Protector of the Home, be our promoter:- increase our wealth in kine and steeds, O Indu.
May we be ever-youthful in thy friendship:- be pleased in us as in his sons a father.
Sloka : 7.54.3
वास्तो॑ष्पते श॒ग्मया॑ सं॒सदा॑ ते सक्षी॒महि॑ र॒ण्वया॑ गातु॒मत्या॑ ।
पा॒हि क्षेम॑ उ॒त योगे॒ वरं॑ नो यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०५४.०३
vāsto̍ṣpate śa̱gmayā̍ sa̱ṃsadā̍ te sakṣī̱mahi̍ ra̱ṇvayā̍ gātu̱matyā̍ .
pā̱hi kṣema̍ u̱ta yoge̱ vara̍ṃ no yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.054.03
3 Through thy dear fellowship that bringeth welfare, may we be victors, Guardian of the Dwelling!
Protect our happiness in rest and labour. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.55.1
अ॒मी॒व॒हा वा॑स्तोष्पते॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒पाण्या॑वि॒शन् ।
सखा॑ सु॒शेव॑ एधि नः ॥ ७.०५५.०१
a̱mī̱va̱hā vā̍stoṣpate̱ viśvā̍ rū̱pāṇyā̍vi̱śan .
sakhā̍ su̱śeva̍ edhi naḥ .. 7.055.01
1. VASTOSPATI, who killest all disease and wearest every form,
Be an auspicious Friend to us.
Sloka : 7.55.2
यद॑र्जुन सारमेय द॒तः पि॑शङ्ग॒ यच्छ॑से ।
वी॑व भ्राजन्त ऋ॒ष्टय॒ उप॒ स्रक्वे॑षु॒ बप्स॑तो॒ नि षु स्व॑प ॥ ७.०५५.०२
yada̍rjuna sārameya da̱taḥ pi̍śaṅga̱ yaccha̍se .
vī̍va bhrājanta ṛ̱ṣṭaya̱ upa̱ srakve̍ṣu̱ bapsa̍to̱ ni ṣu sva̍pa .. 7.055.02
2 When, O bright Son of Saramā, thou showest, tawny-hued! thy teeth,
They gleam like lances' points within thy mouth when thou wouldst bite; go thou to steep.
Sloka : 7.55.3
स्ते॒नं रा॑य सारमेय॒ तस्क॑रं वा पुनःसर ।
स्तो॒तॄनिन्द्र॑स्य रायसि॒ किम॒स्मान्दु॑च्छुनायसे॒ नि षु स्व॑प ॥ ७.०५५.०३
ste̱naṃ rā̍ya sārameya̱ taska̍raṃ vā punaḥsara .
sto̱tṝnindra̍sya rāyasi̱ kima̱smāndu̍cchunāyase̱ ni ṣu sva̍pa .. 7.055.03
3 Saramā's Son, retrace thy way:- bark at the robber and the thief.
At Indra's singers barkest thou? Why dust thou seek to terrify us? Go to sleep.
Sloka : 7.55.4
त्वं सू॑क॒रस्य॑ दर्दृहि॒ तव॑ दर्दर्तु सूक॒रः ।
स्तो॒तॄनिन्द्र॑स्य रायसि॒ किम॒स्मान्दु॑च्छुनायसे॒ नि षु स्व॑प ॥ ७.०५५.०४
tvaṃ sū̍ka̱rasya̍ dardṛhi̱ tava̍ dardartu sūka̱raḥ .
sto̱tṝnindra̍sya rāyasi̱ kima̱smāndu̍cchunāyase̱ ni ṣu sva̍pa .. 7.055.04
4 Be on thy guard against the boar, and let the boar beware of thee.
At Indra's singers barkest thou? Why dost thou seek to terrify us? Go to sleep.
Sloka : 7.55.5
सस्तु॑ मा॒ता सस्तु॑ पि॒ता सस्तु॒ श्वा सस्तु॑ वि॒श्पतिः॑ ।
स॒सन्तु॒ सर्वे॑ ज्ञा॒तयः॒ सस्त्व॒यम॒भितो॒ जनः॑ ॥ ७.०५५.०५
sastu̍ mā̱tā sastu̍ pi̱tā sastu̱ śvā sastu̍ vi̱śpati̍ḥ .
sa̱santu̱ sarve̍ jñā̱taya̱ḥ sastva̱yama̱bhito̱ jana̍ḥ .. 7.055.05
5 Sleep mother, let the father sleep, sleep dog and master of the house.
Let all the kinsmen sleep, sleep all the people who are round about.
Sloka : 7.55.6
य आस्ते॒ यश्च॒ चर॑ति॒ यश्च॒ पश्य॑ति नो॒ जनः॑ ।
तेषां॒ सं ह॑न्मो अ॒क्षाणि॒ यथे॒दं ह॒र्म्यं तथा॑ ॥ ७.०५५.०६
ya āste̱ yaśca̱ cara̍ti̱ yaśca̱ paśya̍ti no̱ jana̍ḥ .
teṣā̱ṃ saṃ ha̍nmo a̱kṣāṇi̱ yathe̱daṃ ha̱rmyaṃ tathā̍ .. 7.055.06
6 The man who sits, the man who walks, and whosoever looks on us,
Of these we closely shut the eyes, even as we closely shut this house.
Sloka : 7.55.7
स॒हस्र॑शृङ्गो वृष॒भो यः स॑मु॒द्रादु॒दाच॑रत् ।
तेना॑ सह॒स्ये॑ना व॒यं नि जना॑न्स्वापयामसि ॥ ७.०५५.०७
sa̱hasra̍śṛṅgo vṛṣa̱bho yaḥ sa̍mu̱drādu̱dāca̍rat .
tenā̍ saha̱sye̍nā va̱yaṃ ni janā̍nsvāpayāmasi .. 7.055.07
7 The Bull who hath a thousand horns, who rises up from out the sea,—
By him the Strong and Mighty One we lull and make the people sleep.
Sloka : 7.55.8
प्रो॒ष्ठे॒श॒या व॑ह्येश॒या नारी॒र्यास्त॑ल्प॒शीव॑रीः ।
स्त्रियो॒ याः पुण्य॑गन्धा॒स्ताः सर्वाः॑ स्वापयामसि ॥ ७.०५५.०८
pro̱ṣṭhe̱śa̱yā va̍hyeśa̱yā nārī̱ryāsta̍lpa̱śīva̍rīḥ .
striyo̱ yāḥ puṇya̍gandhā̱stāḥ sarvā̍ḥ svāpayāmasi .. 7.055.08
8 The women sleeping in the court, lying without, or stretched on beds,
The matrons with their odorous sweetsthese, one and all, we lull to sleep.
Sloka : 7.56.1
क ईं॒ व्य॑क्ता॒ नरः॒ सनी॑ळा रु॒द्रस्य॒ मर्या॒ अध॒ स्वश्वाः॑ ॥ ७.०५६.०१
ka ī̱ṃ vya̍ktā̱ nara̱ḥ sanī̍l̤ā ru̱drasya̱ maryā̱ adha̱ svaśvā̍ḥ .. 7.056.01
1. Wno are these radiant men in serried rank, Rudra's young heroes borne by noble steeds?
Sloka : 7.56.2
नकि॒र्ह्ये॑षां ज॒नूंषि॒ वेद॒ ते अ॒ङ्ग वि॑द्रे मि॒थो ज॒नित्र॑म् ॥ ७.०५६.०२
naki̱rhye̍ṣāṃ ja̱nūṃṣi̱ veda̱ te a̱ṅga vi̍dre mi̱tho ja̱nitra̍m .. 7.056.02
2 Verily no one knoweth whence they sprang:- they, and they only, know each other's birth.
Sloka : 7.56.3
अ॒भि स्व॒पूभि॑र्मि॒थो व॑पन्त॒ वात॑स्वनसः श्ये॒ना अ॑स्पृध्रन् ॥ ७.०५६.०३
a̱bhi sva̱pūbhi̍rmi̱tho va̍panta̱ vāta̍svanasaḥ śye̱nā a̍spṛdhran .. 7.056.03
3 They strew each other with their blasts, these Hawks:- they strove together, roaring like the wind.
Sloka : 7.56.4
ए॒तानि॒ धीरो॑ नि॒ण्या चि॑केत॒ पृश्नि॒र्यदूधो॑ म॒ही ज॒भार॑ ॥ ७.०५६.०४
e̱tāni̱ dhīro̍ ni̱ṇyā ci̍keta̱ pṛśni̱ryadūdho̍ ma̱hī ja̱bhāra̍ .. 7.056.04
4 A sage was he who knew these mysteries, what in her udder mighty Pṛśni bore.
Sloka : 7.56.5
सा विट् सु॒वीरा॑ म॒रुद्भि॑रस्तु स॒नात्सह॑न्ती॒ पुष्य॑न्ती नृ॒म्णम् ॥ ७.०५६.०५
sā viṭ su̱vīrā̍ ma̱rudbhi̍rastu sa̱nātsaha̍ntī̱ puṣya̍ntī nṛ̱mṇam .. 7.056.05
5 Ever victorious, through the Maruts, be this band of Heroes, nursing manly strength,
Sloka : 7.56.6
यामं॒ येष्ठाः॑ शु॒भा शोभि॑ष्ठाः श्रि॒या सम्मि॑श्ला॒ ओजो॑भिरु॒ग्राः ॥ ७.०५६.०६
yāma̱ṃ yeṣṭhā̍ḥ śu̱bhā śobhi̍ṣṭhāḥ śri̱yā sammi̍ślā̱ ojo̍bhiru̱grāḥ .. 7.056.06
6 Most bright in splendour, flectest on their way, close-knit to glory, strong with varied power.
Sloka : 7.56.7
उ॒ग्रं व॒ ओजः॑ स्थि॒रा शवां॒स्यधा॑ म॒रुद्भि॑र्ग॒णस्तुवि॑ष्मान् ॥ ७.०५६.०७
u̱graṃ va̱ oja̍ḥ sthi̱rā śavā̱ṃsyadhā̍ ma̱rudbhi̍rga̱ṇastuvi̍ṣmān .. 7.056.07
7 Yea, mighty is your power and firm your strength:- so, potent, with the Maruts, be the band.
Sloka : 7.56.8
शु॒भ्रो वः॒ शुष्मः॒ क्रुध्मी॒ मनां॑सि॒ धुनि॒र्मुनि॑रिव॒ शर्ध॑स्य धृ॒ष्णोः ॥ ७.०५६.०८
śu̱bhro va̱ḥ śuṣma̱ḥ krudhmī̱ manā̍ṃsi̱ dhuni̱rmuni̍riva̱ śardha̍sya dhṛ̱ṣṇoḥ .. 7.056.08
8 Bright is your spirit, wrathful are your minds:- your bold troop's minstrel is like one inspired.
Sloka : 7.56.9
सने॑म्य॒स्मद्यु॒योत॑ दि॒द्युं मा वो॑ दुर्म॒तिरि॒ह प्रण॑ङ्नः ॥ ७.०५६.०९
sane̍mya̱smadyu̱yota̍ di̱dyuṃ mā vo̍ durma̱tiri̱ha praṇa̍ṅnaḥ .. 7.056.09
9 Ever avert your blazing shaft from us, and let not your displeasure reach us here
Sloka : 7.56.10
प्रि॒या वो॒ नाम॑ हुवे तु॒राणा॒मा यत्तृ॒पन्म॑रुतो वावशा॒नाः ॥ ७.०५६.१०
pri̱yā vo̱ nāma̍ huve tu̱rāṇā̱mā yattṛ̱panma̍ruto vāvaśā̱nāḥ .. 7.056.10
10 Your dear names, conquering Maruts, we invoke, calling aloud till we are satisfied.
Sloka : 7.56.11
स्वा॒यु॒धास॑ इ॒ष्मिणः॑ सुनि॒ष्का उ॒त स्व॒यं त॒न्व१॒ः॑ शुम्भ॑मानाः ॥ ७.०५६.११
svā̱yu̱dhāsa̍ i̱ṣmiṇa̍ḥ suni̱ṣkā u̱ta sva̱yaṃ ta̱nva1̱̍ḥ śumbha̍mānāḥ .. 7.056.11
11 Well-armed, impetuous in their haste, they deck themselves, their forms, with oblations:- to you, the pure, ornaments made of gold.
Sloka : 7.56.12
शुची॑ वो ह॒व्या म॑रुतः॒ शुची॑नां॒ शुचिं॑ हिनोम्यध्व॒रं शुचि॑भ्यः ।
ऋ॒तेन॑ स॒त्यमृ॑त॒साप॑ आय॒ञ्छुचि॑जन्मानः॒ शुच॑यः पाव॒काः ॥ ७.०५६.१२
śucī̍ vo ha̱vyā ma̍ruta̱ḥ śucī̍nā̱ṃ śuci̍ṃ hinomyadhva̱raṃ śuci̍bhyaḥ .
ṛ̱tena̍ sa̱tyamṛ̍ta̱sāpa̍ āya̱ñchuci̍janmāna̱ḥ śuca̍yaḥ pāva̱kāḥ .. 7.056.12
12 Pure, Maruts, pure yourselves, are your oblations:- to you, the pure, pure sacrifice I offer.
By Law they came to truth, the Law's observers, bright by their birth, and pure, and sanctifying.
Sloka : 7.56.13
अंसे॒ष्वा म॑रुतः खा॒दयो॑ वो॒ वक्ष॑स्सु रु॒क्मा उ॑पशिश्रिया॒णाः ।
वि वि॒द्युतो॒ न वृ॒ष्टिभी॑ रुचा॒ना अनु॑ स्व॒धामायु॑धै॒र्यच्छ॑मानाः ॥ ७.०५६.१३
aṃse̱ṣvā ma̍rutaḥ khā̱dayo̍ vo̱ vakṣa̍ssu ru̱kmā u̍paśiśriyā̱ṇāḥ .
vi vi̱dyuto̱ na vṛ̱ṣṭibhī̍ rucā̱nā anu̍ sva̱dhāmāyu̍dhai̱ryaccha̍mānāḥ .. 7.056.13
13 Your rings, O Maruts, rest upon your shoulders, and chains of gold are twined upon your bosoms.
Gleaming with drops of rain, like lightning-flashes, after your wont ye whirl about your weapons.
Sloka : 7.56.14
प्र बु॒ध्न्या॑ व ईरते॒ महां॑सि॒ प्र नामा॑नि प्रयज्यवस्तिरध्वम् ।
स॒ह॒स्रियं॒ दम्यं॑ भा॒गमे॒तं गृ॑हमे॒धीयं॑ मरुतो जुषध्वम् ॥ ७.०५६.१४
pra bu̱dhnyā̍ va īrate̱ mahā̍ṃsi̱ pra nāmā̍ni prayajyavastiradhvam .
sa̱ha̱sriya̱ṃ damya̍ṃ bhā̱game̱taṃ gṛ̍hame̱dhīya̍ṃ maruto juṣadhvam .. 7.056.14
14 Wide in the depth of air spread forth your glories, far, most adorable, ye bear your titles.
Maruts, accept this thousandfold allotment of household sacrifice and household treasure.
Sloka : 7.56.15
यदि॑ स्तु॒तस्य॑ मरुतो अधी॒थेत्था विप्र॑स्य वा॒जिनो॒ हवी॑मन् ।
म॒क्षू रा॒यः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य दात॒ नू चि॒द्यम॒न्य आ॒दभ॒दरा॑वा ॥ ७.०५६.१५
yadi̍ stu̱tasya̍ maruto adhī̱thetthā vipra̍sya vā̱jino̱ havī̍man .
ma̱kṣū rā̱yaḥ su̱vīrya̍sya dāta̱ nū ci̱dyama̱nya ā̱dabha̱darā̍vā .. 7.056.15
15 If, Maruts, ye regard the praise recited here at this mighty singer invocation,
Vouchsafe us quickly wealth with noble heroes, wealth which no man uho hateth us may injure.
Sloka : 7.56.16
अत्या॑सो॒ न ये म॒रुतः॒ स्वञ्चो॑ यक्ष॒दृशो॒ न शु॒भय॑न्त॒ मर्याः॑ ।
ते ह॑र्म्ये॒ष्ठाः शिश॑वो॒ न शु॒भ्रा व॒त्सासो॒ न प्र॑क्री॒ळिनः॑ पयो॒धाः ॥ ७.०५६.१६
atyā̍so̱ na ye ma̱ruta̱ḥ svañco̍ yakṣa̱dṛśo̱ na śu̱bhaya̍nta̱ maryā̍ḥ .
te ha̍rmye̱ṣṭhāḥ śiśa̍vo̱ na śu̱bhrā va̱tsāso̱ na pra̍krī̱l̤ina̍ḥ payo̱dhāḥ .. 7.056.16
16 The Maruts, fleet as coursers, while they deck them like youths spectators of a festal meeting,
Linger, like beauteous colts, about the dwelling, like frisking calves, these who pour down the water.
Sloka : 7.56.17
द॒श॒स्यन्तो॑ नो म॒रुतो॑ मृळन्तु वरिव॒स्यन्तो॒ रोद॑सी सु॒मेके॑ ।
आ॒रे गो॒हा नृ॒हा व॒धो वो॑ अस्तु सु॒म्नेभि॑र॒स्मे व॑सवो नमध्वम् ॥ ७.०५६.१७
da̱śa̱syanto̍ no ma̱ruto̍ mṛl̤antu variva̱syanto̱ roda̍sī su̱meke̍ .
ā̱re go̱hā nṛ̱hā va̱dho vo̍ astu su̱mnebhi̍ra̱sme va̍savo namadhvam .. 7.056.17
17 So may the Maruts help us and be gracious, bringing free room to lovely Earth and Heaven.
Far be your bolt that slayeth men and cattle. Ye Vasus, turn yourselves to us with blessings.
Sloka : 7.56.18
आ वो॒ होता॑ जोहवीति स॒त्तः स॒त्राचीं॑ रा॒तिं म॑रुतो गृणा॒नः ।
य ईव॑तो वृषणो॒ अस्ति॑ गो॒पाः सो अद्व॑यावी हवते व उ॒क्थैः ॥ ७.०५६.१८
ā vo̱ hotā̍ johavīti sa̱ttaḥ sa̱trācī̍ṃ rā̱tiṃ ma̍ruto gṛṇā̱naḥ .
ya īva̍to vṛṣaṇo̱ asti̍ go̱pāḥ so adva̍yāvī havate va u̱kthaiḥ .. 7.056.18
18 The priest, when seated, loudly calls you, Maruts, praising in song your universal bounty.
He, Bulls! who hath so much in his possession, free from duplicity, with hymns invokes you.
Sloka : 7.56.19
इ॒मे तु॒रं म॒रुतो॑ रामयन्ती॒मे सहः॒ सह॑स॒ आ न॑मन्ति ।
इ॒मे शंसं॑ वनुष्य॒तो नि पा॑न्ति गु॒रु द्वेषो॒ अर॑रुषे दधन्ति ॥ ७.०५६.१९
i̱me tu̱raṃ ma̱ruto̍ rāmayantī̱me saha̱ḥ saha̍sa̱ ā na̍manti .
i̱me śaṃsa̍ṃ vanuṣya̱to ni pā̍nti gu̱ru dveṣo̱ ara̍ruṣe dadhanti .. 7.056.19
19 These Maruts bring the swift man to a stand-still, and strength with mightier strength they break and humble
These guard the singer from the man who hates him and lay their sore displeasure on the wicked.
Sloka : 7.56.20
इ॒मे र॒ध्रं चि॑न्म॒रुतो॑ जुनन्ति॒ भृमिं॑ चि॒द्यथा॒ वस॑वो जु॒षन्त॑ ।
अप॑ बाधध्वं वृषण॒स्तमां॑सि ध॒त्त विश्वं॒ तन॑यं तो॒कम॒स्मे ॥ ७.०५६.२०
i̱me ra̱dhraṃ ci̍nma̱ruto̍ junanti̱ bhṛmi̍ṃ ci̱dyathā̱ vasa̍vo ju̱ṣanta̍ .
apa̍ bādhadhvaṃ vṛṣaṇa̱stamā̍ṃsi dha̱tta viśva̱ṃ tana̍yaṃ to̱kama̱sme .. 7.056.20
20 These Maruts rouse even the poor and needy:- the Vasus love him as an active champion.
Drive to a distance, O ye Bulls, the darkness:- give us full store of children and descendants.
Sloka : 7.56.21
मा वो॑ दा॒त्रान्म॑रुतो॒ निर॑राम॒ मा प॒श्चाद्द॑घ्म रथ्यो विभा॒गे ।
आ नः॑ स्पा॒र्हे भ॑जतना वस॒व्ये॒३॒॑ यदीं॑ सुजा॒तं वृ॑षणो वो॒ अस्ति॑ ॥ ७.०५६.२१
mā vo̍ dā̱trānma̍ruto̱ nira̍rāma̱ mā pa̱ścādda̍ghma rathyo vibhā̱ge .
ā na̍ḥ spā̱rhe bha̍jatanā vasa̱vye̱3̱̍ yadī̍ṃ sujā̱taṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇo vo̱ asti̍ .. 7.056.21
21 Never, O Maruts, may we lose your bounty, nor, car-borne Lords! be hitidmost when ye deal it.
Give us a share in that delightful treasure, the genuine wealth that, Bulls! is your possession.
Sloka : 7.56.22
सं यद्धन॑न्त म॒न्युभि॒र्जना॑सः॒ शूरा॑ य॒ह्वीष्वोष॑धीषु वि॒क्षु ।
अध॑ स्मा नो मरुतो रुद्रियासस्त्रा॒तारो॑ भूत॒ पृत॑नास्व॒र्यः ॥ ७.०५६.२२
saṃ yaddhana̍nta ma̱nyubhi̱rjanā̍sa̱ḥ śūrā̍ ya̱hvīṣvoṣa̍dhīṣu vi̱kṣu .
adha̍ smā no maruto rudriyāsastrā̱tāro̍ bhūta̱ pṛta̍nāsva̱ryaḥ .. 7.056.22
22 What time the men in fury rush together for running streams, for pastures, and for houses.
Then, O ye Maruts, ye who spring from Rudra, be our protectors in the strife with foemen.
Sloka : 7.56.23
भूरि॑ चक्र मरुतः॒ पित्र्या॑ण्यु॒क्थानि॒ या वः॑ श॒स्यन्ते॑ पु॒रा चि॑त् ।
म॒रुद्भि॑रु॒ग्रः पृत॑नासु॒ साळ्हा॑ म॒रुद्भि॒रित्सनि॑ता॒ वाज॒मर्वा॑ ॥ ७.०५६.२३
bhūri̍ cakra maruta̱ḥ pitryā̍ṇyu̱kthāni̱ yā va̍ḥ śa̱syante̍ pu̱rā ci̍t .
ma̱rudbhi̍ru̱graḥ pṛta̍nāsu̱ sāl̤hā̍ ma̱rudbhi̱ritsani̍tā̱ vāja̱marvā̍ .. 7.056.23
23 Full many a deed ye did for our forefathers worthy of lauds which, even of old, they sang you.
lle strong man, with the Maruts, wins in battle, the charger, with the Maruts, gains the booty.
Sloka : 7.56.24
अ॒स्मे वी॒रो म॑रुतः शु॒ष्म्य॑स्तु॒ जना॑नां॒ यो असु॑रो विध॒र्ता ।
अ॒पो येन॑ सुक्षि॒तये॒ तरे॒माध॒ स्वमोको॑ अ॒भि वः॑ स्याम ॥ ७.०५६.२४
a̱sme vī̱ro ma̍rutaḥ śu̱ṣmya̍stu̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ yo asu̍ro vidha̱rtā .
a̱po yena̍ sukṣi̱taye̱ tare̱mādha̱ svamoko̍ a̱bhi va̍ḥ syāma .. 7.056.24
24 Ours, O ye Maruts, be the vigorous Hero, the Lord Divine of men, the strong Sustainer,
With whom to fair lands we may cross the waters, and dwell in our own home with you beside us.
Sloka : 7.56.25
तन्न॒ इन्द्रो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निराप॒ ओष॑धीर्व॒निनो॑ जुषन्त ।
शर्म॑न्स्याम म॒रुता॑मु॒पस्थे॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०५६.२५
tanna̱ indro̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gnirāpa̱ oṣa̍dhīrva̱nino̍ juṣanta .
śarma̍nsyāma ma̱rutā̍mu̱pasthe̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.056.25
25 May Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa and Agni, Waters, and Plants, and Trees accept our praises.
May we find shelter in the Marut's bosom. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.57.1
मध्वो॑ वो॒ नाम॒ मारु॑तं यजत्राः॒ प्र य॒ज्ञेषु॒ शव॑सा मदन्ति ।
ये रे॒जय॑न्ति॒ रोद॑सी चिदु॒र्वी पिन्व॒न्त्युत्सं॒ यदया॑सुरु॒ग्राः ॥ ७.०५७.०१
madhvo̍ vo̱ nāma̱ māru̍taṃ yajatrā̱ḥ pra ya̱jñeṣu̱ śava̍sā madanti .
ye re̱jaya̍nti̱ roda̍sī cidu̱rvī pinva̱ntyutsa̱ṃ yadayā̍suru̱grāḥ .. 7.057.01
1. YEA, through the power of your sweet juice, ye Holy! the Marut host is glad at sacrifices.
They cause even spacious heaven and earth to tremble, they make the spring flow when they come, the Mighty.
Sloka : 7.57.2
नि॒चे॒तारो॒ हि म॒रुतो॑ गृ॒णन्तं॑ प्रणे॒तारो॒ यज॑मानस्य॒ मन्म॑ ।
अ॒स्माक॑म॒द्य वि॒दथे॑षु ब॒र्हिरा वी॒तये॑ सदत पिप्रिया॒णाः ॥ ७.०५७.०२
ni̱ce̱tāro̱ hi ma̱ruto̍ gṛ̱ṇanta̍ṃ praṇe̱tāro̱ yaja̍mānasya̱ manma̍ .
a̱smāka̍ma̱dya vi̱dathe̍ṣu ba̱rhirā vī̱taye̍ sadata pipriyā̱ṇāḥ .. 7.057.02
2 The Maruts watch the man who sings their praises, promoters of the thought of him who worships.
Seat you on sacred grass in our assembly, this day, with friendly minds, to share the banquet.
Sloka : 7.57.3
नैताव॑द॒न्ये म॒रुतो॒ यथे॒मे भ्राज॑न्ते रु॒क्मैरायु॑धैस्त॒नूभिः॑ ।
आ रोद॑सी विश्व॒पिशः॑ पिशा॒नाः स॑मा॒नम॒ञ्ज्य॑ञ्जते शु॒भे कम् ॥ ७.०५७.०३
naitāva̍da̱nye ma̱ruto̱ yathe̱me bhrāja̍nte ru̱kmairāyu̍dhaista̱nūbhi̍ḥ .
ā roda̍sī viśva̱piśa̍ḥ piśā̱nāḥ sa̍mā̱nama̱ñjya̍ñjate śu̱bhe kam .. 7.057.03
3 No others gleam so brightly as these Maruts with their own forms, their golden gauds, their weapons.
With all adornments, decking earth and heaven, they heighten, for bright show, their common splendour.
Sloka : 7.57.4
ऋध॒क्सा वो॑ मरुतो दि॒द्युद॑स्तु॒ यद्व॒ आगः॑ पुरु॒षता॒ करा॑म ।
मा व॒स्तस्या॒मपि॑ भूमा यजत्रा अ॒स्मे वो॑ अस्तु सुम॒तिश्चनि॑ष्ठा ॥ ७.०५७.०४
ṛdha̱ksā vo̍ maruto di̱dyuda̍stu̱ yadva̱ āga̍ḥ puru̱ṣatā̱ karā̍ma .
mā va̱stasyā̱mapi̍ bhūmā yajatrā a̱sme vo̍ astu suma̱tiścani̍ṣṭhā .. 7.057.04
4 Far from us be your blazing dart, O Maruts, when we, through human frailty, sin against you.
Let us not he exposed to that, ye Holy! May your most loving favour still attend us.
Sloka : 7.57.5
कृ॒ते चि॒दत्र॑ म॒रुतो॑ रणन्तानव॒द्यासः॒ शुच॑यः पाव॒काः ।
प्र णो॑ऽवत सुम॒तिभि॑र्यजत्राः॒ प्र वाजे॑भिस्तिरत पु॒ष्यसे॑ नः ॥ ७.०५७.०५
kṛ̱te ci̱datra̍ ma̱ruto̍ raṇantānava̱dyāsa̱ḥ śuca̍yaḥ pāva̱kāḥ .
pra ṇo̎vata suma̱tibhi̍ryajatrā̱ḥ pra vāje̍bhistirata pu̱ṣyase̍ naḥ .. 7.057.05
5 May even what we have done delight the Maruts, the blameless Ones, the bright, the purifying.
Further us, O ye Holy, with your kindness:- advance us mightily that we may prosper.
Sloka : 7.57.6
उ॒त स्तु॒तासो॑ म॒रुतो॑ व्यन्तु॒ विश्वे॑भि॒र्नाम॑भि॒र्नरो॑ ह॒वींषि॑ ।
ददा॑त नो अ॒मृत॑स्य प्र॒जायै॑ जिगृ॒त रा॒यः सू॒नृता॑ म॒घानि॑ ॥ ७.०५७.०६
u̱ta stu̱tāso̍ ma̱ruto̍ vyantu̱ viśve̍bhi̱rnāma̍bhi̱rnaro̍ ha̱vīṃṣi̍ .
dadā̍ta no a̱mṛta̍sya pra̱jāyai̍ jigṛ̱ta rā̱yaḥ sū̱nṛtā̍ ma̱ghāni̍ .. 7.057.06
6 And may the Maruts, praised by all their titles, Heroes, enjoy the taste of our oblations.
Give us of Amṛta for the sake of offspring:- awake the excellent fair stores of riches.
Sloka : 7.57.7
आ स्तु॒तासो॑ मरुतो॒ विश्व॑ ऊ॒ती अच्छा॑ सू॒रीन्स॒र्वता॑ता जिगात ।
ये न॒स्त्मना॑ श॒तिनो॑ व॒र्धय॑न्ति यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०५७.०७
ā stu̱tāso̍ maruto̱ viśva̍ ū̱tī acchā̍ sū̱rīnsa̱rvatā̍tā jigāta .
ye na̱stmanā̍ śa̱tino̍ va̱rdhaya̍nti yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.057.07
7 Hither, ye Maruts, praised, with all your succours, with all felicity come to our princes,
Who, of themselves, a hundredfold increase us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.58.1
प्र सा॑क॒मुक्षे॑ अर्चता ग॒णाय॒ यो दैव्य॑स्य॒ धाम्न॒स्तुवि॑ष्मान् ।
उ॒त क्षो॑दन्ति॒ रोद॑सी महि॒त्वा नक्ष॑न्ते॒ नाकं॒ निरृ॑तेरवं॒शात् ॥ ७.०५८.०१
pra sā̍ka̱mukṣe̍ arcatā ga̱ṇāya̱ yo daivya̍sya̱ dhāmna̱stuvi̍ṣmān .
u̱ta kṣo̍danti̱ roda̍sī mahi̱tvā nakṣa̍nte̱ nāka̱ṃ nirṛ̍terava̱ṃśāt .. 7.058.01
1. SING to the troop that pours down rain in common, the Mighty Company of celestial nature.
They make the world-halves tremble with their greatness:- from depths of earth and sky they reach to heaven.
Sloka : 7.58.2
ज॒नूश्चि॑द्वो मरुतस्त्वे॒ष्ये॑ण॒ भीमा॑स॒स्तुवि॑मन्य॒वोऽया॑सः ।
प्र ये महो॑भि॒रोज॑सो॒त सन्ति॒ विश्वो॑ वो॒ याम॑न्भयते स्व॒र्दृक् ॥ ७.०५८.०२
ja̱nūści̍dvo marutastve̱ṣye̍ṇa̱ bhīmā̍sa̱stuvi̍manya̱vo'yā̍saḥ .
pra ye maho̍bhi̱roja̍so̱ta santi̱ viśvo̍ vo̱ yāma̍nbhayate sva̱rdṛk .. 7.058.02
2 Yea, your birth, Maruts, was with wild commotion, ye who move swiftly, fierce in wrath, terrific.
Ye all-surpassing in your might and vigour, each looker on the light fears at your coming.
Sloka : 7.58.3
बृ॒हद्वयो॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्यो दधात॒ जुजो॑ष॒न्निन्म॒रुतः॑ सुष्टु॒तिं नः॑ ।
ग॒तो नाध्वा॒ वि ति॑राति ज॒न्तुं प्र णः॑ स्पा॒र्हाभि॑रू॒तिभि॑स्तिरेत ॥ ७.०५८.०३
bṛ̱hadvayo̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhyo dadhāta̱ jujo̍ṣa̱nninma̱ruta̍ḥ suṣṭu̱tiṃ na̍ḥ .
ga̱to nādhvā̱ vi ti̍rāti ja̱ntuṃ pra ṇa̍ḥ spā̱rhābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍stireta .. 7.058.03
3 Give ample vital power unto our princes let our fair praises gratify the Maruts.
As the way travelled helpeth people onward, so further us with your delightful succours.
Sloka : 7.58.4
यु॒ष्मोतो॒ विप्रो॑ मरुतः शत॒स्वी यु॒ष्मोतो॒ अर्वा॒ सहु॑रिः सह॒स्री ।
यु॒ष्मोतः॑ स॒म्राळु॒त ह॑न्ति वृ॒त्रं प्र तद्वो॑ अस्तु धूतयो दे॒ष्णम् ॥ ७.०५८.०४
yu̱ṣmoto̱ vipro̍ marutaḥ śata̱svī yu̱ṣmoto̱ arvā̱ sahu̍riḥ saha̱srī .
yu̱ṣmota̍ḥ sa̱mrāl̤u̱ta ha̍nti vṛ̱traṃ pra tadvo̍ astu dhūtayo de̱ṣṇam .. 7.058.04
4 Your favoured singer counts his wealth by hundreds:- the strong steed whom ye favour wins a thousand.
The Sovran whom ye aid destroys the foeman. May this your gift, ye Shakers, be distinguished.
Sloka : 7.58.5
ताँ आ रु॒द्रस्य॑ मी॒ळ्हुषो॑ विवासे कु॒विन्नंस॑न्ते म॒रुतः॒ पुन॑र्नः ।
यत्स॒स्वर्ता॑ जिहीळि॒रे यदा॒विरव॒ तदेन॑ ईमहे तु॒राणा॑म् ॥ ७.०५८.०५
tām̐ ā ru̱drasya̍ mī̱l̤huṣo̍ vivāse ku̱vinnaṃsa̍nte ma̱ruta̱ḥ puna̍rnaḥ .
yatsa̱svartā̍ jihīl̤i̱re yadā̱virava̱ tadena̍ īmahe tu̱rāṇā̍m .. 7.058.05
5 I call, as such, the Sons of bounteous Rudra:- will not the Maruts turn again to us-ward?
What secret sin or open stirs their anger, that we implore the Swift Ones to forgive us.
Sloka : 7.58.6
प्र सा वा॑चि सुष्टु॒तिर्म॒घोना॑मि॒दं सू॒क्तं म॒रुतो॑ जुषन्त ।
आ॒राच्चि॒द्द्वेषो॑ वृषणो युयोत यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०५८.०६
pra sā vā̍ci suṣṭu̱tirma̱ghonā̍mi̱daṃ sū̱ktaṃ ma̱ruto̍ juṣanta .
ā̱rācci̱ddveṣo̍ vṛṣaṇo yuyota yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.058.06
6 This eulogy of the Bounteous hath been spoken:- accept, ye Maruts, this our hymn of praises.
Ye Bulls, keep those who hate us at a distance. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.59.1
यं त्राय॑ध्व इ॒दमि॑दं॒ देवा॑सो॒ यं च॒ नय॑थ ।
तस्मा॑ अग्ने॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्रार्य॑म॒न्मरु॑तः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छत ॥ ७.०५९.०१
yaṃ trāya̍dhva i̱dami̍da̱ṃ devā̍so̱ yaṃ ca̱ naya̍tha .
tasmā̍ agne̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitrārya̍ma̱nmaru̍ta̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchata .. 7.059.01
1. WHOMSO ye rescue here and there, whomso ye guide, O Deities,
To him give shelter, Agni, Mitra, Varuṇa, ye Maruts, and thou Aryaman.
Sloka : 7.59.2
यु॒ष्माकं॑ देवा॒ अव॒साह॑नि प्रि॒य ई॑जा॒नस्त॑रति॒ द्विषः॑ ।
प्र स क्षयं॑ तिरते॒ वि म॒हीरिषो॒ यो वो॒ वरा॑य॒ दाश॑ति ॥ ७.०५९.०२
yu̱ṣmāka̍ṃ devā̱ ava̱sāha̍ni pri̱ya ī̍jā̱nasta̍rati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .
pra sa kṣaya̍ṃ tirate̱ vi ma̱hīriṣo̱ yo vo̱ varā̍ya̱ dāśa̍ti .. 7.059.02
2 Through your kind favour, Gods, on some auspicious day, the worshipper subdues his foes.
That man increases home and strengthening ample food who brings you offerings as ye list.
Sloka : 7.59.3
न॒हि व॑श्चर॒मं च॒न वसि॑ष्ठः परि॒मंस॑ते ।
अ॒स्माक॑म॒द्य म॑रुतः सु॒ते सचा॒ विश्वे॑ पिबत का॒मिनः॑ ॥ ७.०५९.०३
na̱hi va̍ścara̱maṃ ca̱na vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ pari̱maṃsa̍te .
a̱smāka̍ma̱dya ma̍rutaḥ su̱te sacā̱ viśve̍ pibata kā̱mina̍ḥ .. 7.059.03
3 Vasiṣṭha will not overlook the lowliest one among you all.
O Maruts, of our Soma juice effused to-day drink all of you with eager haste.
Sloka : 7.59.4
न॒हि व॑ ऊ॒तिः पृत॑नासु॒ मर्ध॑ति॒ यस्मा॒ अरा॑ध्वं नरः ।
अ॒भि व॒ आव॑र्त्सुम॒तिर्नवी॑यसी॒ तूयं॑ यात पिपीषवः ॥ ७.०५९.०४
na̱hi va̍ ū̱tiḥ pṛta̍nāsu̱ mardha̍ti̱ yasmā̱ arā̍dhvaṃ naraḥ .
a̱bhi va̱ āva̍rtsuma̱tirnavī̍yasī̱ tūya̍ṃ yāta pipīṣavaḥ .. 7.059.04
4 Your succour in the battle injures not the man to whom ye, Heroes, grant your gifts.
May your most recent favour turn to us again. Come quickly, ye who fain would drink.
Sloka : 7.59.5
ओ षु घृ॑ष्विराधसो या॒तनान्धां॑सि पी॒तये॑ ।
इ॒मा वो॑ ह॒व्या म॑रुतो र॒रे हि कं॒ मो ष्व१॒॑न्यत्र॑ गन्तन ॥ ७.०५९.०५
o ṣu ghṛ̍ṣvirādhaso yā̱tanāndhā̍ṃsi pī̱taye̍ .
i̱mā vo̍ ha̱vyā ma̍ruto ra̱re hi ka̱ṃ mo ṣva1̱̍nyatra̍ gantana .. 7.059.05
5 Come hitherward to drink the juice, O ye whose bounties give you joy.
These offerings are for you, these, Maruts, I present. Go not to any place but this.
Sloka : 7.59.6
आ च॑ नो ब॒र्हिः सद॑तावि॒ता च॑ नः स्पा॒र्हाणि॒ दात॑वे॒ वसु॑ ।
अस्रे॑धन्तो मरुतः सो॒म्ये मधौ॒ स्वाहे॒ह मा॑दयाध्वै ॥ ७.०५९.०६
ā ca̍ no ba̱rhiḥ sada̍tāvi̱tā ca̍ naḥ spā̱rhāṇi̱ dāta̍ve̱ vasu̍ .
asre̍dhanto marutaḥ so̱mye madhau̱ svāhe̱ha mā̍dayādhvai .. 7.059.06
6 Sit on our sacred grass, be graciously inclined to give the wealth for which we long,
To take delight, ye Maruts, Friends of all, with Svāhā, in sweet Soma juice.
Sloka : 7.59.7
स॒स्वश्चि॒द्धि त॒न्व१॒ः॑ शुम्भ॑माना॒ आ हं॒सासो॒ नील॑पृष्ठा अपप्तन् ।
विश्वं॒ शर्धो॑ अ॒भितो॑ मा॒ नि षे॑द॒ नरो॒ न र॒ण्वाः सव॑ने॒ मद॑न्तः ॥ ७.०५९.०७
sa̱svaści̱ddhi ta̱nva1̱̍ḥ śumbha̍mānā̱ ā ha̱ṃsāso̱ nīla̍pṛṣṭhā apaptan .
viśva̱ṃ śardho̍ a̱bhito̍ mā̱ ni ṣe̍da̱ naro̱ na ra̱ṇvāḥ sava̍ne̱ mada̍ntaḥ .. 7.059.07
7 Decking the beauty of their forms in secret the Swans with purple backs have flown down hither.
Around me all the Company hath settled, like joyous Heroes glad in our libation.
Sloka : 7.59.8
यो नो॑ मरुतो अ॒भि दु॑र्हृणा॒युस्ति॒रश्चि॒त्तानि॑ वसवो॒ जिघां॑सति ।
द्रु॒हः पाशा॒न्प्रति॒ स मु॑चीष्ट॒ तपि॑ष्ठेन॒ हन्म॑ना हन्तना॒ तम् ॥ ७.०५९.०८
yo no̍ maruto a̱bhi du̍rhṛṇā̱yusti̱raści̱ttāni̍ vasavo̱ jighā̍ṃsati .
dru̱haḥ pāśā̱nprati̱ sa mu̍cīṣṭa̱ tapi̍ṣṭhena̱ hanma̍nā hantanā̱ tam .. 7.059.08
8 Maruts, the man whose wrath is hard to master, he who would slay us ere we think, O Vasus,
May he be tangled in the toils of mischief; smite ye him down with your most flaming weapon.
Sloka : 7.59.9
सांत॑पना इ॒दं ह॒विर्मरु॑त॒स्तज्जु॑जुष्टन ।
यु॒ष्माको॒ती रि॑शादसः ॥ ७.०५९.०९
sāṃta̍panā i̱daṃ ha̱virmaru̍ta̱stajju̍juṣṭana .
yu̱ṣmāko̱tī ri̍śādasaḥ .. 7.059.09
9 O Maruts, ye consuming Gods, enjoy this offering brought for you,
To help us, ye who slay the foe.
Sloka : 7.59.10
गृह॑मेधास॒ आ ग॑त॒ मरु॑तो॒ माप॑ भूतन ।
यु॒ष्माको॒ती सु॑दानवः ॥ ७.०५९.१०
gṛha̍medhāsa̱ ā ga̍ta̱ maru̍to̱ māpa̍ bhūtana .
yu̱ṣmāko̱tī su̍dānavaḥ .. 7.059.10
10 Sharers of household sacrifice, come, Maruts, stay not far away,
That ye may help us, Bounteous Ones.
Sloka : 7.59.11
इ॒हेह॑ वः स्वतवसः॒ कव॑यः॒ सूर्य॑त्वचः ।
य॒ज्ञं म॑रुत॒ आ वृ॑णे ॥ ७.०५९.११
i̱heha̍ vaḥ svatavasa̱ḥ kava̍ya̱ḥ sūrya̍tvacaḥ .
ya̱jñaṃ ma̍ruta̱ ā vṛ̍ṇe .. 7.059.11
11 Here, Self-strong Maruts, yea, even here. ye Sages with your sunbright skins
I dedicate your sacrifice.
Sloka : 7.59.12
त्र्य॑म्बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।
उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान्मृ॒त्योर्मु॑क्षीय॒ मामृता॑त् ॥ ७.०५९.१२
trya̍mbakaṃ yajāmahe su̱gandhi̍ṃ puṣṭi̱vardha̍nam .
u̱rvā̱ru̱kami̍va̱ bandha̍nānmṛ̱tyormu̍kṣīya̱ māmṛtā̍t .. 7.059.12
12 Tryambaka we worship, sweet augmenter of prosperity.
As from its stem the cucumber, so may I be released from death, not reft of immortality.
Sloka : 7.60.1
यद॒द्य सू॑र्य॒ ब्रवोऽना॑गा उ॒द्यन्मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय स॒त्यम् ।
व॒यं दे॑व॒त्रादि॑ते स्याम॒ तव॑ प्रि॒यासो॑ अर्यमन्गृ॒णन्तः॑ ॥ ७.०६०.०१
yada̱dya sū̍rya̱ bravo'nā̍gā u̱dyanmi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya sa̱tyam .
va̱yaṃ de̍va̱trādi̍te syāma̱ tava̍ pri̱yāso̍ aryamangṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ .. 7.060.01
1. WHEN thou, O Sun, this day, arising sinless, shalt speak the truth to Varuṇa and Mitra,
O Aditi, may all the Deities love us, and thou, O Aryaman, while we are singing.
Sloka : 7.60.2
ए॒ष स्य मि॑त्रावरुणा नृ॒चक्षा॑ उ॒भे उदे॑ति॒ सूर्यो॑ अ॒भि ज्मन् ।
विश्व॑स्य स्था॒तुर्जग॑तश्च गो॒पा ऋ॒जु मर्ते॑षु वृजि॒ना च॒ पश्य॑न् ॥ ७.०६०.०२
e̱ṣa sya mi̍trāvaruṇā nṛ̱cakṣā̍ u̱bhe ude̍ti̱ sūryo̍ a̱bhi jman .
viśva̍sya sthā̱turjaga̍taśca go̱pā ṛ̱ju marte̍ṣu vṛji̱nā ca̱ paśya̍n .. 7.060.02
2 Looking on man, O Varuṇa and Mitra, this Sun ascendeth up by both the pathways,
Guardian of all things fixt, of all that moveth, beholding good and evil acts of mortals.
Sloka : 7.60.3
अयु॑क्त स॒प्त ह॒रितः॑ स॒धस्था॒द्या ईं॒ वह॑न्ति॒ सूर्यं॑ घृ॒ताचीः॑ ।
धामा॑नि मित्रावरुणा यु॒वाकुः॒ सं यो यू॒थेव॒ जनि॑मानि॒ चष्टे॑ ॥ ७.०६०.०३
ayu̍kta sa̱pta ha̱rita̍ḥ sa̱dhasthā̱dyā ī̱ṃ vaha̍nti̱ sūrya̍ṃ ghṛ̱tācī̍ḥ .
dhāmā̍ni mitrāvaruṇā yu̱vāku̱ḥ saṃ yo yū̱theva̱ jani̍māni̱ caṣṭe̍ .. 7.060.03
3 He from their home hath yoked the Seven gold Coursers who, dropping oil and fatness, carry Sūrya.
Yours, Varuṇa and Mitra, he surveyeth the worlds and living creatures like a herdsman.
Sloka : 7.60.4
उद्वां॑ पृ॒क्षासो॒ मधु॑मन्तो अस्थु॒रा सूर्यो॑ अरुहच्छु॒क्रमर्णः॑ ।
यस्मा॑ आदि॒त्या अध्व॑नो॒ रद॑न्ति मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णः स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ ७.०६०.०४
udvā̍ṃ pṛ̱kṣāso̱ madhu̍manto asthu̱rā sūryo̍ aruhacchu̱kramarṇa̍ḥ .
yasmā̍ ādi̱tyā adhva̍no̱ rada̍nti mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā varu̍ṇaḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 7.060.04
4 Your coursers rich in store of sweets have mounted:- to the bright ocean Sūrya hath ascended,
For whom the Ādityas make his pathway ready, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa, accordant.
Sloka : 7.60.5
इ॒मे चे॒तारो॒ अनृ॑तस्य॒ भूरे॑र्मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णो॒ हि सन्ति॑ ।
इ॒म ऋ॒तस्य॑ वावृधुर्दुरो॒णे श॒ग्मासः॑ पु॒त्रा अदि॑ते॒रद॑ब्धाः ॥ ७.०६०.०५
i̱me ce̱tāro̱ anṛ̍tasya̱ bhūre̍rmi̱tro a̍rya̱mā varu̍ṇo̱ hi santi̍ .
i̱ma ṛ̱tasya̍ vāvṛdhurduro̱ṇe śa̱gmāsa̍ḥ pu̱trā adi̍te̱rada̍bdhāḥ .. 7.060.05
5 For these, even Aryaman, Varuṇa and Mitra, are the chastisers of all guile and falsehood.
These, Aditi's Sons, infallible and mighty, have waxen in the home of law Eternal.
Sloka : 7.60.6
इ॒मे मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो दू॒ळभा॑सोऽचे॒तसं॑ चिच्चितयन्ति॒ दक्षैः॑ ।
अपि॒ क्रतुं॑ सु॒चेत॑सं॒ वत॑न्तस्ति॒रश्चि॒दंहः॑ सु॒पथा॑ नयन्ति ॥ ७.०६०.०६
i̱me mi̱tro varu̍ṇo dū̱l̤abhā̍so'ce̱tasa̍ṃ ciccitayanti̱ dakṣai̍ḥ .
api̱ kratu̍ṃ su̱ceta̍sa̱ṃ vata̍ntasti̱raści̱daṃha̍ḥ su̱pathā̍ nayanti .. 7.060.06
6 These, Mitra, Varuṇa whom none deceiveth, with great power quicken even the fool to wisdom,
And, wakening, moreover, thoughtful insight, lead it by easy paths o’er grief and trouble.
Sloka : 7.60.7
इ॒मे दि॒वो अनि॑मिषा पृथि॒व्याश्चि॑कि॒त्वांसो॑ अचे॒तसं॑ नयन्ति ।
प्र॒व्रा॒जे चि॑न्न॒द्यो॑ गा॒धम॑स्ति पा॒रं नो॑ अ॒स्य वि॑ष्पि॒तस्य॑ पर्षन् ॥ ७.०६०.०७
i̱me di̱vo ani̍miṣā pṛthi̱vyāści̍ki̱tvāṃso̍ ace̱tasa̍ṃ nayanti .
pra̱vrā̱je ci̍nna̱dyo̍ gā̱dhama̍sti pā̱raṃ no̍ a̱sya vi̍ṣpi̱tasya̍ parṣan .. 7.060.07
7 They ever vigilant, with eyes that close not, caring for heaven and earth, lead on the thoughtless.
Even in the river's bed there is a shallow. across this broad expanse may they conduct us.
Sloka : 7.60.8
यद्गो॒पाव॒ददि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ भ॒द्रं मि॒त्रो यच्छ॑न्ति॒ वरु॑णः सु॒दासे॑ ।
तस्मि॒न्ना तो॒कं तन॑यं॒ दधा॑ना॒ मा क॑र्म देव॒हेळ॑नं तुरासः ॥ ७.०६०.०८
yadgo̱pāva̱dadi̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ bha̱draṃ mi̱tro yaccha̍nti̱ varu̍ṇaḥ su̱dāse̍ .
tasmi̱nnā to̱kaṃ tana̍ya̱ṃ dadhā̍nā̱ mā ka̍rma deva̱hel̤a̍naṃ turāsaḥ .. 7.060.08
8 When Aditi and Varuṇa and Mitra, like guardians, give Sudās their friendly shelter,
Granting him sons and lineal succession, let us not, bold ones! move the Gods to anger.
Sloka : 7.60.9
अव॒ वेदिं॒ होत्रा॑भिर्यजेत॒ रिपः॒ काश्चि॑द्वरुण॒ध्रुतः॒ सः ।
परि॒ द्वेषो॑भिरर्य॒मा वृ॑णक्तू॒रुं सु॒दासे॑ वृषणा उ लो॒कम् ॥ ७.०६०.०९
ava̱ vedi̱ṃ hotrā̍bhiryajeta̱ ripa̱ḥ kāści̍dvaruṇa̱dhruta̱ḥ saḥ .
pari̱ dveṣo̍bhirarya̱mā vṛ̍ṇaktū̱ruṃ su̱dāse̍ vṛṣaṇā u lo̱kam .. 7.060.09
9 May he with ofierings purify the altar from any stains of Varuṇa's reviler.
Aryaman save us us all those who hate us:- give room and freedom to Sudās, ye Mighty.
Sloka : 7.60.10
स॒स्वश्चि॒द्धि समृ॑तिस्त्वे॒ष्ये॑षामपी॒च्ये॑न॒ सह॑सा॒ सह॑न्ते ।
यु॒ष्मद्भि॒या वृ॑षणो॒ रेज॑माना॒ दक्ष॑स्य चिन्महि॒ना मृ॒ळता॑ नः ॥ ७.०६०.१०
sa̱svaści̱ddhi samṛ̍tistve̱ṣye̍ṣāmapī̱cye̍na̱ saha̍sā̱ saha̍nte .
yu̱ṣmadbhi̱yā vṛ̍ṣaṇo̱ reja̍mānā̱ dakṣa̍sya cinmahi̱nā mṛ̱l̤atā̍ naḥ .. 7.060.10
10 Hid from our eyes is their resplendent meeting:- by their mysterious might they hold dominion.
Heroes! we cry trembling in fear before you, even in the greatness of your power have mercy.
Sloka : 7.60.11
यो ब्रह्म॑णे सुम॒तिमा॒यजा॑ते॒ वाज॑स्य सा॒तौ प॑र॒मस्य॑ रा॒यः ।
सीक्ष॑न्त म॒न्युं म॒घवा॑नो अ॒र्य उ॒रु क्षया॑य चक्रिरे सु॒धातु॑ ॥ ७.०६०.११
yo brahma̍ṇe suma̱timā̱yajā̍te̱ vāja̍sya sā̱tau pa̍ra̱masya̍ rā̱yaḥ .
sīkṣa̍nta ma̱nyuṃ ma̱ghavā̍no a̱rya u̱ru kṣayā̍ya cakrire su̱dhātu̍ .. 7.060.11
11 He who wins favour for his prayer by worship, that he may gain him strength and highest riches,
That good man's mind the Mighty Ones will follow:- they have brought comfort to his spacious dwelling.
Sloka : 7.60.12
इ॒यं दे॑व पु॒रोहि॑तिर्यु॒वभ्यां॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ मित्रावरुणावकारि ।
विश्वा॑नि दु॒र्गा पि॑पृतं ति॒रो नो॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६०.१२
i̱yaṃ de̍va pu̱rohi̍tiryu̱vabhyā̍ṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ mitrāvaruṇāvakāri .
viśvā̍ni du̱rgā pi̍pṛtaṃ ti̱ro no̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.060.12
12 This priestly task, Gods! Varuṇa and Mitra! hath been performed for you at sacrifices.
Convey us safely over every peril. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.61.1
उद्वां॒ चक्षु॑र्वरुण सु॒प्रती॑कं दे॒वयो॑रेति॒ सूर्य॑स्तत॒न्वान् ।
अ॒भि यो विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि॒ चष्टे॒ स म॒न्युं मर्त्ये॒ष्वा चि॑केत ॥ ७.०६१.०१
udvā̱ṃ cakṣu̍rvaruṇa su̱pratī̍kaṃ de̱vayo̍reti̱ sūrya̍stata̱nvān .
a̱bhi yo viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ caṣṭe̱ sa ma̱nyuṃ martye̱ṣvā ci̍keta .. 7.061.01
1. O VARUNA and Mitra, Sūrya spreading the beauteous light of you Twain Gods ariseth.
He who beholdetb all existing creatures observetb well the zeal that is in mortals.
Sloka : 7.61.2
प्र वां॒ स मि॑त्रावरुणावृ॒तावा॒ विप्रो॒ मन्मा॑नि दीर्घ॒श्रुदि॑यर्ति ।
यस्य॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि सुक्रतू॒ अवा॑थ॒ आ यत्क्रत्वा॒ न श॒रदः॑ पृ॒णैथे॑ ॥ ७.०६१.०२
pra vā̱ṃ sa mi̍trāvaruṇāvṛ̱tāvā̱ vipro̱ manmā̍ni dīrgha̱śrudi̍yarti .
yasya̱ brahmā̍ṇi sukratū̱ avā̍tha̱ ā yatkratvā̱ na śa̱rada̍ḥ pṛ̱ṇaithe̍ .. 7.061.02
2 The holy sage, renowned afar, directeth his hymns to you, O Varuṇa and Mitra,—
He whose devotions, sapient Gods, ye favour so that ye fill, as ’twere, with power his autumns.
Sloka : 7.61.3
प्रोरोर्मि॑त्रावरुणा पृथि॒व्याः प्र दि॒व ऋ॒ष्वाद्बृ॑ह॒तः सु॑दानू ।
स्पशो॑ दधाथे॒ ओष॑धीषु वि॒क्ष्वृध॑ग्य॒तो अनि॑मिषं॒ रक्ष॑माणा ॥ ७.०६१.०३
prorormi̍trāvaruṇā pṛthi̱vyāḥ pra di̱va ṛ̱ṣvādbṛ̍ha̱taḥ su̍dānū .
spaśo̍ dadhāthe̱ oṣa̍dhīṣu vi̱kṣvṛdha̍gya̱to ani̍miṣa̱ṃ rakṣa̍māṇā .. 7.061.03
3 From the wide earth, O Varuṇa and Mitra from the great lofty heaven, ye, Bounteous Givers, -
Have in the fields and houses set your warder-, who visit every spot and watch unceasing.
Sloka : 7.61.4
शंसा॑ मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धाम॒ शुष्मो॒ रोद॑सी बद्बधे महि॒त्वा ।
अय॒न्मासा॒ अय॑ज्वनाम॒वीराः॒ प्र य॒ज्ञम॑न्मा वृ॒जनं॑ तिराते ॥ ७.०६१.०४
śaṃsā̍ mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ dhāma̱ śuṣmo̱ roda̍sī badbadhe mahi̱tvā .
aya̱nmāsā̱ aya̍jvanāma̱vīrā̱ḥ pra ya̱jñama̍nmā vṛ̱jana̍ṃ tirāte .. 7.061.04
4 I praise the strength of Varuṇa and Mitra that strength, by mightiness, keeps both worlds asunder.
Heroless pass the months of the ungodly he who loves sacrifice makes his home enduring.
Sloka : 7.61.5
अमू॑रा॒ विश्वा॑ वृषणावि॒मा वां॒ न यासु॑ चि॒त्रं ददृ॑शे॒ न य॒क्षम् ।
द्रुहः॑ सचन्ते॒ अनृ॑ता॒ जना॑नां॒ न वां॑ नि॒ण्यान्य॒चिते॑ अभूवन् ॥ ७.०६१.०५
amū̍rā̱ viśvā̍ vṛṣaṇāvi̱mā vā̱ṃ na yāsu̍ ci̱traṃ dadṛ̍śe̱ na ya̱kṣam .
druha̍ḥ sacante̱ anṛ̍tā̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ na vā̍ṃ ni̱ṇyānya̱cite̍ abhūvan .. 7.061.05
5 Steers, all infallible are these your people in whom no wondrous thing is seen, no worship.
Guile follows close the men who are untruthful:- no secrets may be hidden from your knowledge.
Sloka : 7.61.6
समु॑ वां य॒ज्ञं म॑हयं॒ नमो॑भिर्हु॒वे वां॑ मित्रावरुणा स॒बाधः॑ ।
प्र वां॒ मन्मा॑न्यृ॒चसे॒ नवा॑नि कृ॒तानि॒ ब्रह्म॑ जुजुषन्नि॒मानि॑ ॥ ७.०६१.०६
samu̍ vāṃ ya̱jñaṃ ma̍haya̱ṃ namo̍bhirhu̱ve vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā sa̱bādha̍ḥ .
pra vā̱ṃ manmā̍nyṛ̱case̱ navā̍ni kṛ̱tāni̱ brahma̍ jujuṣanni̱māni̍ .. 7.061.06
6 I will exalt your sacrifice with homage:- as priest, I, Mitra-Varuṇa, invoke you.
May these new hymns and prayers that I have fashioned delight you to the profit of the singer.
Sloka : 7.61.7
इ॒यं दे॑व पु॒रोहि॑तिर्यु॒वभ्यां॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ मित्रावरुणावकारि ।
विश्वा॑नि दु॒र्गा पि॑पृतं ति॒रो नो॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६१.०७
i̱yaṃ de̍va pu̱rohi̍tiryu̱vabhyā̍ṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ mitrāvaruṇāvakāri .
viśvā̍ni du̱rgā pi̍pṛtaṃ ti̱ro no̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.061.07
7 This priestly task, Gods! Varuṇa and Mitra! hath been performed for you at sacrifices.
Convey us safely over every peril. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.62.1
उत्सूर्यो॑ बृ॒हद॒र्चींष्य॑श्रेत्पु॒रु विश्वा॒ जनि॑म॒ मानु॑षाणाम् ।
स॒मो दि॒वा द॑दृशे॒ रोच॑मानः॒ क्रत्वा॑ कृ॒तः सुकृ॑तः क॒र्तृभि॑र्भूत् ॥ ७.०६२.०१
utsūryo̍ bṛ̱hada̱rcīṃṣya̍śretpu̱ru viśvā̱ jani̍ma̱ mānu̍ṣāṇām .
sa̱mo di̱vā da̍dṛśe̱ roca̍māna̱ḥ kratvā̍ kṛ̱taḥ sukṛ̍taḥ ka̱rtṛbhi̍rbhūt .. 7.062.01
1. SURYA hath sent aloft his beams of splendour o’er all the tribes of men in countless places.
Together with the heaven he shines apparent, formed by his Makers well with power and wisdom.
Sloka : 7.62.2
स सू॑र्य॒ प्रति॑ पु॒रो न॒ उद्गा॑ ए॒भिः स्तोमे॑भिरेत॒शेभि॒रेवैः॑ ।
प्र नो॑ मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय वो॒चोऽना॑गसो अर्य॒म्णे अ॒ग्नये॑ च ॥ ७.०६२.०२
sa sū̍rya̱ prati̍ pu̱ro na̱ udgā̍ e̱bhiḥ stome̍bhireta̱śebhi̱revai̍ḥ .
pra no̍ mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya vo̱co'nā̍gaso arya̱mṇe a̱gnaye̍ ca .. 7.062.02
2 So hast thou mounted up before us, Sūrya, through these our praises, with fleet dappled horses.
Declare us free from all offence to Mitra, and Varuṇa, and Aryaman, and Agni.
Sloka : 7.62.3
वि नः॑ स॒हस्रं॑ शु॒रुधो॑ रदन्त्वृ॒तावा॑नो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निः ।
यच्छ॑न्तु च॒न्द्रा उ॑प॒मं नो॑ अ॒र्कमा नः॒ कामं॑ पूपुरन्तु॒ स्तवा॑नाः ॥ ७.०६२.०३
vi na̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍ṃ śu̱rudho̍ radantvṛ̱tāvā̍no̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̱gniḥ .
yaccha̍ntu ca̱ndrā u̍pa̱maṃ no̍ a̱rkamā na̱ḥ kāma̍ṃ pūpurantu̱ stavā̍nāḥ .. 7.062.03
3 May holy Agni, Varuṇa, and Mitra send down their riches upon us in thousands.
May they, the Bright Ones, make our praise-song perfect, and, when we laud them, grant us all our wishes.
Sloka : 7.62.4
द्यावा॑भूमी अदिते॒ त्रासी॑थां नो॒ ये वां॑ ज॒ज्ञुः सु॒जनि॑मान ऋष्वे ।
मा हेळे॑ भूम॒ वरु॑णस्य वा॒योर्मा मि॒त्रस्य॑ प्रि॒यत॑मस्य नृ॒णाम् ॥ ७.०६२.०४
dyāvā̍bhūmī adite̱ trāsī̍thāṃ no̱ ye vā̍ṃ ja̱jñuḥ su̱jani̍māna ṛṣve .
mā hel̤e̍ bhūma̱ varu̍ṇasya vā̱yormā mi̱trasya̍ pri̱yata̍masya nṛ̱ṇām .. 7.062.04
4 O undivided Heaven and Earth, preserve us, us, Lofty Ones! your nobIy-born descendants.
Let us not anger Varuṇa, nor Vāyu, nor him, the dearest Friend of mortals, Mitra.
Sloka : 7.62.5
प्र बा॒हवा॑ सिसृतं जी॒वसे॑ न॒ आ नो॒ गव्यू॑तिमुक्षतं घृ॒तेन॑ ।
आ नो॒ जने॑ श्रवयतं युवाना श्रु॒तं मे॑ मित्रावरुणा॒ हवे॒मा ॥ ७.०६२.०५
pra bā̱havā̍ sisṛtaṃ jī̱vase̍ na̱ ā no̱ gavyū̍timukṣataṃ ghṛ̱tena̍ .
ā no̱ jane̍ śravayataṃ yuvānā śru̱taṃ me̍ mitrāvaruṇā̱ have̱mā .. 7.062.05
5 Stretch forth your arms and let our lives be lengthened:- with fatness dew the pastures of our cattle.
Ye Youthful, make us famed among the people:- hear, Mitra-Varuṇa, these mine invocations.
Sloka : 7.62.6
नू मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो अर्य॒मा न॒स्त्मने॑ तो॒काय॒ वरि॑वो दधन्तु ।
सु॒गा नो॒ विश्वा॑ सु॒पथा॑नि सन्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६२.०६
nū mi̱tro varu̍ṇo arya̱mā na̱stmane̍ to̱kāya̱ vari̍vo dadhantu .
su̱gā no̱ viśvā̍ su̱pathā̍ni santu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.062.06
6 Now Mitra, Varuṇa, Aryaman vouchsafe us freedom and room, for us and for our children.
May we find paths all fair and good to travel. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.63.1
उद्वे॑ति सु॒भगो॑ वि॒श्वच॑क्षाः॒ साधा॑रणः॒ सूर्यो॒ मानु॑षाणाम् ।
चक्षु॑र्मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य दे॒वश्चर्मे॑व॒ यः स॒मवि॑व्य॒क्तमां॑सि ॥ ७.०६३.०१
udve̍ti su̱bhago̍ vi̱śvaca̍kṣā̱ḥ sādhā̍raṇa̱ḥ sūryo̱ mānu̍ṣāṇām .
cakṣu̍rmi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya de̱vaścarme̍va̱ yaḥ sa̱mavi̍vya̱ktamā̍ṃsi .. 7.063.01
1. COMMON to all mankind, auspicious Sūrya, he who beholdeth all, is mounting upward;
The God, the eye of Varuṇa and Mitra, who rolled up darkness like a piece of leather.
Sloka : 7.63.2
उद्वे॑ति प्रसवी॒ता जना॑नां म॒हान्के॒तुर॑र्ण॒वः सूर्य॑स्य ।
स॒मा॒नं च॒क्रं प॑र्या॒विवृ॑त्स॒न्यदे॑त॒शो वह॑ति धू॒र्षु यु॒क्तः ॥ ७.०६३.०२
udve̍ti prasavī̱tā janā̍nāṃ ma̱hānke̱tura̍rṇa̱vaḥ sūrya̍sya .
sa̱mā̱naṃ ca̱kraṃ pa̍ryā̱vivṛ̍tsa̱nyade̍ta̱śo vaha̍ti dhū̱rṣu yu̱ktaḥ .. 7.063.02
2 Sūrya's great ensign, restless as the billow, that urgeth men to action, is advancing:-
Onward he still would roll the wheel well-rounded, which Etaśa, harnessed to the car-pole, moveth.
Sloka : 7.63.3
वि॒भ्राज॑मान उ॒षसा॑मु॒पस्था॑द्रे॒भैरुदे॑त्यनुम॒द्यमा॑नः ।
ए॒ष मे॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता च॑च्छन्द॒ यः स॑मा॒नं न प्र॑मि॒नाति॒ धाम॑ ॥ ७.०६३.०३
vi̱bhrāja̍māna u̱ṣasā̍mu̱pasthā̍dre̱bhairude̍tyanuma̱dyamā̍naḥ .
e̱ṣa me̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā ca̍cchanda̱ yaḥ sa̍mā̱naṃ na pra̍mi̱nāti̱ dhāma̍ .. 7.063.03
3 Refulgent from the bosom of the Mornings, he in Whom singers take delight ascendeth.
This Savitar, God, is my chief joy and pleasure, who breaketh not the universal statute.
Sloka : 7.63.4
दि॒वो रु॒क्म उ॑रु॒चक्षा॒ उदे॑ति दू॒रेअ॑र्थस्त॒रणि॒र्भ्राज॑मानः ।
नू॒नं जनाः॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ प्रसू॑ता॒ अय॒न्नर्था॑नि कृ॒णव॒न्नपां॑सि ॥ ७.०६३.०४
di̱vo ru̱kma u̍ru̱cakṣā̱ ude̍ti dū̱rea̍rthasta̱raṇi̱rbhrāja̍mānaḥ .
nū̱naṃ janā̱ḥ sūrye̍ṇa̱ prasū̍tā̱ aya̱nnarthā̍ni kṛ̱ṇava̱nnapā̍ṃsi .. 7.063.04
4 Golden, far-seeing, from the heaven he riseth:- far is his goal, he hasteth on resplendent.
Men, verily, inspirited by Sūrya speed to their aims and do the work assigned them.
Sloka : 7.63.5
यत्रा॑ च॒क्रुर॒मृता॑ गा॒तुम॑स्मै श्ये॒नो न दीय॒न्नन्वे॑ति॒ पाथः॑ ।
प्रति॑ वां॒ सूर॒ उदि॑ते विधेम॒ नमो॑भिर्मित्रावरुणो॒त ह॒व्यैः ॥ ७.०६३.०५
yatrā̍ ca̱krura̱mṛtā̍ gā̱tuma̍smai śye̱no na dīya̱nnanve̍ti̱ pātha̍ḥ .
prati̍ vā̱ṃ sūra̱ udi̍te vidhema̱ namo̍bhirmitrāvaruṇo̱ta ha̱vyaiḥ .. 7.063.05
5 Where the irrunortals have prepared his pathway he flieth through the region like a falcon.
With homage and oblations will we serve you, O Mitra-Varuṇa, when the Sun hath risen.
Sloka : 7.63.6
नू मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो अर्य॒मा न॒स्त्मने॑ तो॒काय॒ वरि॑वो दधन्तु ।
सु॒गा नो॒ विश्वा॑ सु॒पथा॑नि सन्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६३.०६
nū mi̱tro varu̍ṇo arya̱mā na̱stmane̍ to̱kāya̱ vari̍vo dadhantu .
su̱gā no̱ viśvā̍ su̱pathā̍ni santu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.063.06
6 Now Mitra, Varuṇa, Aryaman vouchsafe us freedom and room, for us and for our children.
May we find paths all fair and good to travel. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.64.1
दि॒वि क्षय॑न्ता॒ रज॑सः पृथि॒व्यां प्र वां॑ घृ॒तस्य॑ नि॒र्णिजो॑ ददीरन् ।
ह॒व्यं नो॑ मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा सुजा॑तो॒ राजा॑ सुक्ष॒त्रो वरु॑णो जुषन्त ॥ ७.०६४.०१
di̱vi kṣaya̍ntā̱ raja̍saḥ pṛthi̱vyāṃ pra vā̍ṃ ghṛ̱tasya̍ ni̱rṇijo̍ dadīran .
ha̱vyaṃ no̍ mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā sujā̍to̱ rājā̍ sukṣa̱tro varu̍ṇo juṣanta .. 7.064.01
1. YE Twain who rule, in heaven and earth, the region, clothed be your clouds in robes of oil and fatness.
May the imperial Varuṇa, and Mitra, and high-born Aryaman accept our presents.
Sloka : 7.64.2
आ रा॑जाना मह ऋतस्य गोपा॒ सिन्धु॑पती क्षत्रिया यातम॒र्वाक् ।
इळां॑ नो मित्रावरुणो॒त वृ॒ष्टिमव॑ दि॒व इ॑न्वतं जीरदानू ॥ ७.०६४.०२
ā rā̍jānā maha ṛtasya gopā̱ sindhu̍patī kṣatriyā yātama̱rvāk .
il̤ā̍ṃ no mitrāvaruṇo̱ta vṛ̱ṣṭimava̍ di̱va i̍nvataṃ jīradānū .. 7.064.02
2 Kings, guards of rrtighty everlasting Order, come hitherward, ye Princes, Lords of Rivers.
Send us from heaven, O Varuṇa and Mitra, rain and sweet food, ye who pour down your bounties.
Sloka : 7.64.3
मि॒त्रस्तन्नो॒ वरु॑णो दे॒वो अ॒र्यः प्र साधि॑ष्ठेभिः प॒थिभि॑र्नयन्तु ।
ब्रव॒द्यथा॑ न॒ आद॒रिः सु॒दास॑ इ॒षा म॑देम स॒ह दे॒वगो॑पाः ॥ ७.०६४.०३
mi̱trastanno̱ varu̍ṇo de̱vo a̱ryaḥ pra sādhi̍ṣṭhebhiḥ pa̱thibhi̍rnayantu .
brava̱dyathā̍ na̱ āda̱riḥ su̱dāsa̍ i̱ṣā ma̍dema sa̱ha de̱vago̍pāḥ .. 7.064.03
3 May the dear God, and Varuṇa and Mitra conduct us by the most effective pathways,
That foes may say unto Sudās our chieftain, May, we, too, joy in food with Gods to guard us.
Sloka : 7.64.4
यो वां॒ गर्तं॒ मन॑सा॒ तक्ष॑दे॒तमू॒र्ध्वां धी॒तिं कृ॒णव॑द्धा॒रय॑च्च ।
उ॒क्षेथां॑ मित्रावरुणा घृ॒तेन॒ ता रा॑जाना सुक्षि॒तीस्त॑र्पयेथाम् ॥ ७.०६४.०४
yo vā̱ṃ garta̱ṃ mana̍sā̱ takṣa̍de̱tamū̱rdhvāṃ dhī̱tiṃ kṛ̱ṇava̍ddhā̱raya̍cca .
u̱kṣethā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā ghṛ̱tena̱ tā rā̍jānā sukṣi̱tīsta̍rpayethām .. 7.064.04
4 Him who hath wrought for you this car in spirit, who makes the song rise upward and sustains it,
Bedew with fatness, Varuṇa nd Mitra ye Kings, make glad the pleasant dwelling-places.
Sloka : 7.64.5
ए॒ष स्तोमो॑ वरुण मित्र॒ तुभ्यं॒ सोमः॑ शु॒क्रो न वा॒यवे॑ऽयामि ।
अ॒वि॒ष्टं धियो॑ जिगृ॒तं पुरं॑धीर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६४.०५
e̱ṣa stomo̍ varuṇa mitra̱ tubhya̱ṃ soma̍ḥ śu̱kro na vā̱yave̎yāmi .
a̱vi̱ṣṭaṃ dhiyo̍ jigṛ̱taṃ pura̍ṃdhīryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.064.05
5 To you this laud, O Varuṇa and Mitra is offered like bright Soma juice to Vāyu.
Favour our songs of praise, wake thought and spirit. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.65.1
प्रति॑ वां॒ सूर॒ उदि॑ते सू॒क्तैर्मि॒त्रं हु॑वे॒ वरु॑णं पू॒तद॑क्षम् ।
ययो॑रसु॒र्य१॒॑मक्षि॑तं॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ याम॑न्ना॒चिता॑ जिग॒त्नु ॥ ७.०६५.०१
prati̍ vā̱ṃ sūra̱ udi̍te sū̱ktairmi̱traṃ hu̍ve̱ varu̍ṇaṃ pū̱tada̍kṣam .
yayo̍rasu̱rya1̱̍makṣi̍ta̱ṃ jyeṣṭha̱ṃ viśva̍sya̱ yāma̍nnā̱citā̍ jiga̱tnu .. 7.065.01
1. WITH hymns I call you, when the Sun hath risen, Mitra, and Varuṇa whose thoughts are holy,
Whose Power Divine, supreme and everlasting, comes with good heed at each man's supplication.
Sloka : 7.65.2
ता हि दे॒वाना॒मसु॑रा॒ ताव॒र्या ता नः॑ क्षि॒तीः क॑रतमू॒र्जय॑न्तीः ।
अ॒श्याम॑ मित्रावरुणा व॒यं वां॒ द्यावा॑ च॒ यत्र॑ पी॒पय॒न्नहा॑ च ॥ ७.०६५.०२
tā hi de̱vānā̱masu̍rā̱ tāva̱ryā tā na̍ḥ kṣi̱tīḥ ka̍ratamū̱rjaya̍ntīḥ .
a̱śyāma̍ mitrāvaruṇā va̱yaṃ vā̱ṃ dyāvā̍ ca̱ yatra̍ pī̱paya̱nnahā̍ ca .. 7.065.02
2 For they are Asuras of Gods, the friendly make, both of you, our lands exceeding fruitful.
May we obtain you, Varuṇa and Mitra, wherever Heaven and Earth and days may bless us.
Sloka : 7.65.3
ता भूरि॑पाशा॒वनृ॑तस्य॒ सेतू॑ दुर॒त्येतू॑ रि॒पवे॒ मर्त्या॑य ।
ऋ॒तस्य॑ मित्रावरुणा प॒था वा॑म॒पो न ना॒वा दु॑रि॒ता त॑रेम ॥ ७.०६५.०३
tā bhūri̍pāśā̱vanṛ̍tasya̱ setū̍ dura̱tyetū̍ ri̱pave̱ martyā̍ya .
ṛ̱tasya̍ mitrāvaruṇā pa̱thā vā̍ma̱po na nā̱vā du̍ri̱tā ta̍rema .. 7.065.03
3 Bonds of the sinner, they bear many nooses:- the wicked mortal hardly may escape them.
Varuṇa-Mitra, may your path of Order bear us o’er trouble as a boat o’er waters.
Sloka : 7.65.4
आ नो॑ मित्रावरुणा ह॒व्यजु॑ष्टिं घृ॒तैर्गव्यू॑तिमुक्षत॒मिळा॑भिः ।
प्रति॑ वा॒मत्र॒ वर॒मा जना॑य पृणी॒तमु॒द्नो दि॒व्यस्य॒ चारोः॑ ॥ ७.०६५.०४
ā no̍ mitrāvaruṇā ha̱vyaju̍ṣṭiṃ ghṛ̱tairgavyū̍timukṣata̱mil̤ā̍bhiḥ .
prati̍ vā̱matra̱ vara̱mā janā̍ya pṛṇī̱tamu̱dno di̱vyasya̱ cāro̍ḥ .. 7.065.04
4 Come, taste our offering, Varuṇa and Mitra:- bedew our pasture wil sweet food and fatness.
Pour down in plenty here upon the people the choicest of your fair celestial water.
Sloka : 7.65.5
ए॒ष स्तोमो॑ वरुण मित्र॒ तुभ्यं॒ सोमः॑ शु॒क्रो न वा॒यवे॑ऽयामि ।
अ॒वि॒ष्टं धियो॑ जिगृ॒तं पुरं॑धीर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६५.०५
e̱ṣa stomo̍ varuṇa mitra̱ tubhya̱ṃ soma̍ḥ śu̱kro na vā̱yave̎yāmi .
a̱vi̱ṣṭaṃ dhiyo̍ jigṛ̱taṃ pura̍ṃdhīryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.065.05
5 To you this laud, O Varuṇa and Mitra, is offered, like bright Soma juice to Vāyu.
Favour our songs of praise, wake thought and spirit. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.66.1
प्र मि॒त्रयो॒र्वरु॑णयोः॒ स्तोमो॑ न एतु शू॒ष्यः॑ ।
नम॑स्वान्तुविजा॒तयोः॑ ॥ ७.०६६.०१
pra mi̱trayo̱rvaru̍ṇayo̱ḥ stomo̍ na etu śū̱ṣya̍ḥ .
nama̍svāntuvijā̱tayo̍ḥ .. 7.066.01
1. LET our strong hymn of praise go forth, the laud of Mitra-Varuṇa,
With homage to that high-born Pair;
Sloka : 7.66.2
या धा॒रय॑न्त दे॒वाः सु॒दक्षा॒ दक्ष॑पितरा ।
अ॒सु॒र्या॑य॒ प्रम॑हसा ॥ ७.०६६.०२
yā dhā̱raya̍nta de̱vāḥ su̱dakṣā̱ dakṣa̍pitarā .
a̱su̱ryā̍ya̱ prama̍hasā .. 7.066.02
2 The Two exceeding wise, the Sons of Dakṣa, whom the gods ordained
For lordship, excellently great.
Sloka : 7.66.3
ता नः॑ स्ति॒पा त॑नू॒पा वरु॑ण जरितॄ॒णाम् ।
मित्र॑ सा॒धय॑तं॒ धियः॑ ॥ ७.०६६.०३
tā na̍ḥ sti̱pā ta̍nū̱pā varu̍ṇa jaritṝ̱ṇām .
mitra̍ sā̱dhaya̍ta̱ṃ dhiya̍ḥ .. 7.066.03
3 Such, Guardians of our homes and us, O Mitra-Varuṇa, fulfil
The thoughts of those who sing your praise.
Sloka : 7.66.4
यद॒द्य सूर॒ उदि॒तेऽना॑गा मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
सु॒वाति॑ सवि॒ता भगः॑ ॥ ७.०६६.०४
yada̱dya sūra̱ udi̱te'nā̍gā mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
su̱vāti̍ savi̱tā bhaga̍ḥ .. 7.066.04
4 So when the Sun hath risen to-day, may sinless Mitra, Aryaman,
Bhaga, and Savitar sendus forth.
Sloka : 7.66.5
सु॒प्रा॒वीर॑स्तु॒ स क्षयः॒ प्र नु याम॑न्सुदानवः ।
ये नो॒ अंहो॑ऽति॒पिप्र॑ति ॥ ७.०६६.०५
su̱prā̱vīra̍stu̱ sa kṣaya̱ḥ pra nu yāma̍nsudānavaḥ .
ye no̱ aṃho̎ti̱pipra̍ti .. 7.066.05
5 May this our home be guarded well forward, ye Bounteous, on the way,
Who bear us safely o’er distress.
Sloka : 7.66.6
उ॒त स्व॒राजो॒ अदि॑ति॒रद॑ब्धस्य व्र॒तस्य॒ ये ।
म॒हो राजा॑न ईशते ॥ ७.०६६.०६
u̱ta sva̱rājo̱ adi̍ti̱rada̍bdhasya vra̱tasya̱ ye .
ma̱ho rājā̍na īśate .. 7.066.06
6. And those Self-reigning, Aditi, whose statute is inviolate,
The Kings who rule a vast domain.
Sloka : 7.66.7
प्रति॑ वां॒ सूर॒ उदि॑ते मि॒त्रं गृ॑णीषे॒ वरु॑णम् ।
अ॒र्य॒मणं॑ रि॒शाद॑सम् ॥ ७.०६६.०७
prati̍ vā̱ṃ sūra̱ udi̍te mi̱traṃ gṛ̍ṇīṣe̱ varu̍ṇam .
a̱rya̱maṇa̍ṃ ri̱śāda̍sam .. 7.066.07
7 Soon as the Sun hath risen, to you, to Mitra-Varuṇa, I sing,
And Aryarnan who slays the foe.
Sloka : 7.66.8
रा॒या हि॑रण्य॒या म॒तिरि॒यम॑वृ॒काय॒ शव॑से ।
इ॒यं विप्रा॑ मे॒धसा॑तये ॥ ७.०६६.०८
rā̱yā hi̍raṇya̱yā ma̱tiri̱yama̍vṛ̱kāya̱ śava̍se .
i̱yaṃ viprā̍ me̱dhasā̍taye .. 7.066.08
8 With wealth of gold may this my song bring unmolested power and might,
And, Brahmans, gain the sacrifice.
Sloka : 7.66.9
ते स्या॑म देव वरुण॒ ते मि॑त्र सू॒रिभिः॑ स॒ह ।
इषं॒ स्व॑श्च धीमहि ॥ ७.०६६.०९
te syā̍ma deva varuṇa̱ te mi̍tra sū̱ribhi̍ḥ sa̱ha .
iṣa̱ṃ sva̍śca dhīmahi .. 7.066.09
9 May we be thine, God Varuṇa, and with our princes, Mitra, thine.
Food and Heaven's light will we obtain.
Sloka : 7.66.10
ब॒हवः॒ सूर॑चक्षसोऽग्निजि॒ह्वा ऋ॑ता॒वृधः॑ ।
त्रीणि॒ ये ये॒मुर्वि॒दथा॑नि धी॒तिभि॒र्विश्वा॑नि॒ परि॑भूतिभिः ॥ ७.०६६.१०
ba̱hava̱ḥ sūra̍cakṣaso'gniji̱hvā ṛ̍tā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .
trīṇi̱ ye ye̱murvi̱dathā̍ni dhī̱tibhi̱rviśvā̍ni̱ pari̍bhūtibhiḥ .. 7.066.10
10 Many are they who strengthen Law, Sun-eyed, with Agni for their tongue,
They who direct the three great gatherings with their thoughts, yea, all things with surpassing might.
Sloka : 7.66.11
वि ये द॒धुः श॒रदं॒ मास॒मादह॑र्य॒ज्ञम॒क्तुं चादृच॑म् ।
अ॒ना॒प्यं वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा क्ष॒त्रं राजा॑न आशत ॥ ७.०६६.११
vi ye da̱dhuḥ śa̱rada̱ṃ māsa̱mādaha̍rya̱jñama̱ktuṃ cādṛca̍m .
a̱nā̱pyaṃ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā kṣa̱traṃ rājā̍na āśata .. 7.066.11
11 They who have stablished year and month and then the day, night, sacrifice and holy verse,
Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryarnan, the Kings, have won dominion which none else may gain.
Sloka : 7.66.12
तद्वो॑ अ॒द्य म॑नामहे सू॒क्तैः सूर॒ उदि॑ते ।
यदोह॑ते॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा यू॒यमृ॒तस्य॑ रथ्यः ॥ ७.०६६.१२
tadvo̍ a̱dya ma̍nāmahe sū̱ktaiḥ sūra̱ udi̍te .
yadoha̍te̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā yū̱yamṛ̱tasya̍ rathyaḥ .. 7.066.12
12 So at the rising of the Sun we think of you with hymns to-day,
Even as Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman deserve:- ye are the charioteers of Law.
Sloka : 7.66.13
ऋ॒तावा॑न ऋ॒तजा॑ता ऋता॒वृधो॑ घो॒रासो॑ अनृत॒द्विषः॑ ।
तेषां॑ वः सु॒म्ने सु॑च्छ॒र्दिष्ट॑मे नरः॒ स्याम॒ ये च॑ सू॒रयः॑ ॥ ७.०६६.१३
ṛ̱tāvā̍na ṛ̱tajā̍tā ṛtā̱vṛdho̍ gho̱rāso̍ anṛta̱dviṣa̍ḥ .
teṣā̍ṃ vaḥ su̱mne su̍ccha̱rdiṣṭa̍me nara̱ḥ syāma̱ ye ca̍ sū̱raya̍ḥ .. 7.066.13
13 True to Law, born in Law the strengtheners of Law, terrible, haters of the false,
In their felicity which gives the best defence may we men and our princes dwell.
Sloka : 7.66.14
उदु॒ त्यद्द॑र्श॒तं वपु॑र्दि॒व ए॑ति प्रतिह्व॒रे ।
यदी॑मा॒शुर्वह॑ति दे॒व एत॑शो॒ विश्व॑स्मै॒ चक्ष॑से॒ अर॑म् ॥ ७.०६६.१४
udu̱ tyadda̍rśa̱taṃ vapu̍rdi̱va e̍ti pratihva̱re .
yadī̍mā̱śurvaha̍ti de̱va eta̍śo̱ viśva̍smai̱ cakṣa̍se̱ ara̍m .. 7.066.14
14 Uprises, on the slope of heaven, that marvel that attracts die sight
As swift celestial Etaśa bears it away, prepared for every eye to see.
Sloka : 7.66.15
शी॒र्ष्णःशी॑र्ष्णो॒ जग॑तस्त॒स्थुष॒स्पतिं॑ स॒मया॒ विश्व॒मा रजः॑ ।
स॒प्त स्वसा॑रः सुवि॒ताय॒ सूर्यं॒ वह॑न्ति ह॒रितो॒ रथे॑ ॥ ७.०६६.१५
śī̱rṣṇaḥśī̍rṣṇo̱ jaga̍tasta̱sthuṣa̱spati̍ṃ sa̱mayā̱ viśva̱mā raja̍ḥ .
sa̱pta svasā̍raḥ suvi̱tāya̱ sūrya̱ṃ vaha̍nti ha̱rito̱ rathe̍ .. 7.066.15
15 Lord of each single head, of fixt and moving things, equally through the whole expanse,
The Seven sister Bays bear Sūrya on his car, to bring us wealth and happiness.
Sloka : 7.66.16
तच्चक्षु॑र्दे॒वहि॑तं शु॒क्रमु॒च्चर॑त् ।
पश्ये॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तं जीवे॑म श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ ७.०६६.१६
taccakṣu̍rde̱vahi̍taṃ śu̱kramu̱ccara̍t .
paśye̍ma śa̱rada̍ḥ śa̱taṃ jīve̍ma śa̱rada̍ḥ śa̱tam .. 7.066.16
16 A hundred autumns may we see that bright Eye, God-ordained, arise
A hundred autumns may we live.
Sloka : 7.66.17
काव्ये॑भिरदा॒भ्या या॑तं वरुण द्यु॒मत् ।
मि॒त्रश्च॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ७.०६६.१७
kāvye̍bhiradā̱bhyā yā̍taṃ varuṇa dyu̱mat .
mi̱traśca̱ soma̍pītaye .. 7.066.17
17 Infallible through your wisdom, come hither, resplendent Varuṇa,
And Mitra, to the Soma draught.
Sloka : 7.66.18
दि॒वो धाम॑भिर्वरुण मि॒त्रश्चा या॑तम॒द्रुहा॑ ।
पिब॑तं॒ सोम॑मातु॒जी ॥ ७.०६६.१८
di̱vo dhāma̍bhirvaruṇa mi̱traścā yā̍tama̱druhā̍ .
piba̍ta̱ṃ soma̍mātu̱jī .. 7.066.18
18 Come as the laws of Heaven ordain, Varuṇa, Mitra, void of guile:-
Press near and drink the Soma juice.
Sloka : 7.66.19
आ या॑तं मित्रावरुणा जुषा॒णावाहु॑तिं नरा ।
पा॒तं सोम॑मृतावृधा ॥ ७.०६६.१९
ā yā̍taṃ mitrāvaruṇā juṣā̱ṇāvāhu̍tiṃ narā .
pā̱taṃ soma̍mṛtāvṛdhā .. 7.066.19
19 Come, Mitra, Varuṇa, accept, Heroes, our sacrificial gift:-
Drink Soma, ye who strengthen Law.
Sloka : 7.67.1
प्रति॑ वां॒ रथं॑ नृपती ज॒रध्यै॑ ह॒विष्म॑ता॒ मन॑सा य॒ज्ञिये॑न ।
यो वां॑ दू॒तो न धि॑ष्ण्या॒वजी॑ग॒रच्छा॑ सू॒नुर्न पि॒तरा॑ विवक्मि ॥ ७.०६७.०१
prati̍ vā̱ṃ ratha̍ṃ nṛpatī ja̱radhyai̍ ha̱viṣma̍tā̱ mana̍sā ya̱jñiye̍na .
yo vā̍ṃ dū̱to na dhi̍ṣṇyā̱vajī̍ga̱racchā̍ sū̱nurna pi̱tarā̍ vivakmi .. 7.067.01
1. I WITH a holy heart that brings oblation will sing forth praise to meet your car, ye Princes,
Which, Much-desired! hath wakened as your envoy. I call you hither as a son his parents.
Sloka : 7.67.2
अशो॑च्य॒ग्निः स॑मिधा॒नो अ॒स्मे उपो॑ अदृश्र॒न्तम॑सश्चि॒दन्ताः॑ ।
अचे॑ति के॒तुरु॒षसः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑च्छ्रि॒ये दि॒वो दु॑हि॒तुर्जाय॑मानः ॥ ७.०६७.०२
aśo̍cya̱gniḥ sa̍midhā̱no a̱sme upo̍ adṛśra̱ntama̍saści̱dantā̍ḥ .
ace̍ti ke̱turu̱ṣasa̍ḥ pu̱rastā̍cchri̱ye di̱vo du̍hi̱turjāya̍mānaḥ .. 7.067.02
2 Brightly hath Agni shone by us enkindled:- the limits even of darkness were apparent.
Eastward is seen the Banner of the Morning, the Banner born to give Heaven's Daughter glory.
Sloka : 7.67.3
अ॒भि वां॑ नू॒नम॑श्विना॒ सुहो॑ता॒ स्तोमैः॑ सिषक्ति नासत्या विव॒क्वान् ।
पू॒र्वीभि॑र्यातं प॒थ्या॑भिर॒र्वाक्स्व॒र्विदा॒ वसु॑मता॒ रथे॑न ॥ ७.०६७.०३
a̱bhi vā̍ṃ nū̱nama̍śvinā̱ suho̍tā̱ stomai̍ḥ siṣakti nāsatyā viva̱kvān .
pū̱rvībhi̍ryātaṃ pa̱thyā̍bhira̱rvāksva̱rvidā̱ vasu̍matā̱ rathe̍na .. 7.067.03
3 With hymns the deft priest is about you, Aśvins, the eloquent priest attends you now, Nāsatyas.
Come by the paths that ye are wont to travel, on car that finds the light, laden with treasure.
Sloka : 7.67.4
अ॒वोर्वां॑ नू॒नम॑श्विना यु॒वाकु॑र्हु॒वे यद्वां॑ सु॒ते मा॑ध्वी वसू॒युः ।
आ वां॑ वहन्तु॒ स्थवि॑रासो॒ अश्वाः॒ पिबा॑थो अ॒स्मे सुषु॑ता॒ मधू॑नि ॥ ७.०६७.०४
a̱vorvā̍ṃ nū̱nama̍śvinā yu̱vāku̍rhu̱ve yadvā̍ṃ su̱te mā̍dhvī vasū̱yuḥ .
ā vā̍ṃ vahantu̱ sthavi̍rāso̱ aśvā̱ḥ pibā̍tho a̱sme suṣu̍tā̱ madhū̍ni .. 7.067.04
4 When, suppliant for your help, Lovers of Sweetness! I seeking wealth call you to our libation,
Hitherward let your vigorous horses bear you:- drink ye with us the well-pressed Soma juices.
Sloka : 7.67.5
प्राची॑मु देवाश्विना॒ धियं॒ मेऽमृ॑ध्रां सा॒तये॑ कृतं वसू॒युम् ।
विश्वा॑ अविष्टं॒ वाज॒ आ पुरं॑धी॒स्ता नः॑ शक्तं शचीपती॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ७.०६७.०५
prācī̍mu devāśvinā̱ dhiya̱ṃ me'mṛ̍dhrāṃ sā̱taye̍ kṛtaṃ vasū̱yum .
viśvā̍ aviṣṭa̱ṃ vāja̱ ā pura̍ṃdhī̱stā na̍ḥ śaktaṃ śacīpatī̱ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 7.067.05
5 Bring forward, Aśvins, Gods, to its fulfilment my never-wearied prayer that asks for riches.
Vouchsafe us all high spirit in the combat, and with your powers, O Lords of Power, assist us.
Sloka : 7.67.6
अ॒वि॒ष्टं धी॒ष्व॑श्विना न आ॒सु प्र॒जाव॒द्रेतो॒ अह्र॑यं नो अस्तु ।
आ वां॑ तो॒के तन॑ये॒ तूतु॑जानाः सु॒रत्ना॑सो दे॒ववी॑तिं गमेम ॥ ७.०६७.०६
a̱vi̱ṣṭaṃ dhī̱ṣva̍śvinā na ā̱su pra̱jāva̱dreto̱ ahra̍yaṃ no astu .
ā vā̍ṃ to̱ke tana̍ye̱ tūtu̍jānāḥ su̱ratnā̍so de̱vavī̍tiṃ gamema .. 7.067.06
6 Favour us in these prayers of ours, O Aśvins. May we have genial vigour, ne’er to fail us.
So may we, strong in children and descendants, go, wealthy, to the banquet that awaits you.
Sloka : 7.67.7
ए॒ष स्य वां॑ पूर्व॒गत्वे॑व॒ सख्ये॑ नि॒धिर्हि॒तो मा॑ध्वी रा॒तो अ॒स्मे ।
अहे॑ळता॒ मन॒सा या॑तम॒र्वाग॒श्नन्ता॑ ह॒व्यं मानु॑षीषु वि॒क्षु ॥ ७.०६७.०७
e̱ṣa sya vā̍ṃ pūrva̱gatve̍va̱ sakhye̍ ni̱dhirhi̱to mā̍dhvī rā̱to a̱sme .
ahe̍l̤atā̱ mana̱sā yā̍tama̱rvāga̱śnantā̍ ha̱vyaṃ mānu̍ṣīṣu vi̱kṣu .. 7.067.07
7 Lovers of Sweetness, we have brought this treasure to you as ’twere an envoy sent for friendship.
Come unto us with spirits free from anger, in homes of men enjoying our oblation.
Sloka : 7.67.8
एक॑स्मि॒न्योगे॑ भुरणा समा॒ने परि॑ वां स॒प्त स्र॒वतो॒ रथो॑ गात् ।
न वा॑यन्ति सु॒भ्वो॑ दे॒वयु॑क्ता॒ ये वां॑ धू॒र्षु त॒रण॑यो॒ वह॑न्ति ॥ ७.०६७.०८
eka̍smi̱nyoge̍ bhuraṇā samā̱ne pari̍ vāṃ sa̱pta sra̱vato̱ ratho̍ gāt .
na vā̍yanti su̱bhvo̍ de̱vayu̍ktā̱ ye vā̍ṃ dhū̱rṣu ta̱raṇa̍yo̱ vaha̍nti .. 7.067.08
8 With one, the same, intention, ye swift movers, o’er the Seven Rivers hath your chariot travelled.
Yoked by the Gods, your strong steeds never weary while speeding forward at the pole they bear you.
Sloka : 7.67.9
अ॒स॒श्चता॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्यो॒ हि भू॒तं ये रा॒या म॑घ॒देयं॑ जु॒नन्ति॑ ।
प्र ये बन्धुं॑ सू॒नृता॑भिस्ति॒रन्ते॒ गव्या॑ पृ॒ञ्चन्तो॒ अश्व्या॑ म॒घानि॑ ॥ ७.०६७.०९
a̱sa̱ścatā̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhyo̱ hi bhū̱taṃ ye rā̱yā ma̍gha̱deya̍ṃ ju̱nanti̍ .
pra ye bandhu̍ṃ sū̱nṛtā̍bhisti̱rante̱ gavyā̍ pṛ̱ñcanto̱ aśvyā̍ ma̱ghāni̍ .. 7.067.09
9 Exhaustless be your bounty to our princes who with their wealth incite the gift of riches,
Who further friendship with their noble natures, combining wealth in kine with wealth in herses.
Sloka : 7.67.10
नू मे॒ हव॒मा शृ॑णुतं युवाना यासि॒ष्टं व॒र्तिर॑श्विना॒विरा॑वत् ।
ध॒त्तं रत्ना॑नि॒ जर॑तं च सू॒रीन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६७.१०
nū me̱ hava̱mā śṛ̍ṇutaṃ yuvānā yāsi̱ṣṭaṃ va̱rtira̍śvinā̱virā̍vat .
dha̱ttaṃ ratnā̍ni̱ jara̍taṃ ca sū̱rīnyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.067.10
10 Now hear, O Youthful Twain, mine invocation:- come, Aśvins, to the home where food aboundeth.
Vouchsafe us wealth, do honour to our nobles. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.68.1
आ शु॑भ्रा यातमश्विना॒ स्वश्वा॒ गिरो॑ दस्रा जुजुषा॒णा यु॒वाकोः॑ ।
ह॒व्यानि॑ च॒ प्रति॑भृता वी॒तं नः॑ ॥ ७.०६८.०१
ā śu̍bhrā yātamaśvinā̱ svaśvā̱ giro̍ dasrā jujuṣā̱ṇā yu̱vāko̍ḥ .
ha̱vyāni̍ ca̱ prati̍bhṛtā vī̱taṃ na̍ḥ .. 7.068.01
1. COME, radiant Aśvins, with your noble horses:- accept your servant's hymns, ye Wonder-Workers:-
Enjoy oblations which we bring to greet you.
Sloka : 7.68.2
प्र वा॒मन्धां॑सि॒ मद्या॑न्यस्थु॒ररं॑ गन्तं ह॒विषो॑ वी॒तये॑ मे ।
ति॒रो अ॒र्यो हव॑नानि श्रु॒तं नः॑ ॥ ७.०६८.०२
pra vā̱mandhā̍ṃsi̱ madyā̍nyasthu̱rara̍ṃ gantaṃ ha̱viṣo̍ vī̱taye̍ me .
ti̱ro a̱ryo hava̍nāni śru̱taṃ na̍ḥ .. 7.068.02
2 The gladdening juices stand prepared before you:- come quickly and partake of mine oblation.
Pass by the calling of our foe and bear us.
Sloka : 7.68.3
प्र वां॒ रथो॒ मनो॑जवा इयर्ति ति॒रो रजां॑स्यश्विना श॒तोतिः॑ ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ सूर्यावसू इया॒नः ॥ ७.०६८.०३
pra vā̱ṃ ratho̱ mano̍javā iyarti ti̱ro rajā̍ṃsyaśvinā śa̱toti̍ḥ .
a̱smabhya̍ṃ sūryāvasū iyā̱naḥ .. 7.068.03
3 Your chariot with a hundred aids, O Aśvins, beareth you swift as thought across the regions,
Speeding to us, O ye whose wealth is Sūrya.
Sloka : 7.68.4
अ॒यं ह॒ यद्वां॑ देव॒या उ॒ अद्रि॑रू॒र्ध्वो विव॑क्ति सोम॒सुद्यु॒वभ्या॑म् ।
आ व॒ल्गू विप्रो॑ ववृतीत ह॒व्यैः ॥ ७.०६८.०४
a̱yaṃ ha̱ yadvā̍ṃ deva̱yā u̱ adri̍rū̱rdhvo viva̍kti soma̱sudyu̱vabhyā̍m .
ā va̱lgū vipro̍ vavṛtīta ha̱vyaiḥ .. 7.068.04
4 What time this stone of yours, the Gods’ adorer, upraised, sounds forth for you as Soma-presser,
Let the priest bring you, Fair Ones, through oblations.
Sloka : 7.68.5
चि॒त्रं ह॒ यद्वां॒ भोज॑नं॒ न्वस्ति॒ न्यत्र॑ये॒ महि॑ष्वन्तं युयोतम् ।
यो वा॑मो॒मानं॒ दध॑ते प्रि॒यः सन् ॥ ७.०६८.०५
ci̱traṃ ha̱ yadvā̱ṃ bhoja̍na̱ṃ nvasti̱ nyatra̍ye̱ mahi̍ṣvantaṃ yuyotam .
yo vā̍mo̱māna̱ṃ dadha̍te pri̱yaḥ san .. 7.068.05
5 The nourishment ye have is, truly, wondrous:- ye gave thereof a quickening store to Atri,
Who being dear to you, receives your favour.
Sloka : 7.68.6
उ॒त त्यद्वां॑ जुर॒ते अ॑श्विना भू॒च्च्यवा॑नाय प्र॒तीत्यं॑ हवि॒र्दे ।
अधि॒ यद्वर्प॑ इ॒तऊ॑ति ध॒त्थः ॥ ७.०६८.०६
u̱ta tyadvā̍ṃ jura̱te a̍śvinā bhū̱ccyavā̍nāya pra̱tītya̍ṃ havi̱rde .
adhi̱ yadvarpa̍ i̱taū̍ti dha̱tthaḥ .. 7.068.06
6 That gift, which all may gain, ye gave Cyavāna, when he grew old, who offered you oblations,
When ye bestowed on him enduring beauty.
Sloka : 7.68.7
उ॒त त्यं भु॒ज्युम॑श्विना॒ सखा॑यो॒ मध्ये॑ जहुर्दु॒रेवा॑सः समु॒द्रे ।
निरीं॑ पर्ष॒दरा॑वा॒ यो यु॒वाकुः॑ ॥ ७.०६८.०७
u̱ta tyaṃ bhu̱jyuma̍śvinā̱ sakhā̍yo̱ madhye̍ jahurdu̱revā̍saḥ samu̱dre .
nirī̍ṃ parṣa̱darā̍vā̱ yo yu̱vāku̍ḥ .. 7.068.07
7 What time his wicked friends abandoned Bhujyu, O Aśvins, in the middle of the ocean,
Your horse delivered him, your faithful servant.
Sloka : 7.68.8
वृका॑य चि॒ज्जस॑मानाय शक्तमु॒त श्रु॑तं श॒यवे॑ हू॒यमा॑ना ।
याव॒घ्न्यामपि॑न्वतम॒पो न स्त॒र्यं॑ चिच्छ॒क्त्य॑श्विना॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ७.०६८.०८
vṛkā̍ya ci̱jjasa̍mānāya śaktamu̱ta śru̍taṃ śa̱yave̍ hū̱yamā̍nā .
yāva̱ghnyāmapi̍nvatama̱po na sta̱rya̍ṃ ciccha̱ktya̍śvinā̱ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 7.068.08
8 Ye lent your aid to Vrka when exhausted, and listened when invoked to Śayu's calling.
Ye made the cow pour forth her milk like water, and, Aśvins, strengthened with your strength the barren.
Sloka : 7.68.9
ए॒ष स्य का॒रुर्ज॑रते सू॒क्तैरग्रे॑ बुधा॒न उ॒षसां॑ सु॒मन्मा॑ ।
इ॒षा तं व॑र्धद॒घ्न्या पयो॑भिर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६८.०९
e̱ṣa sya kā̱rurja̍rate sū̱ktairagre̍ budhā̱na u̱ṣasā̍ṃ su̱manmā̍ .
i̱ṣā taṃ va̍rdhada̱ghnyā payo̍bhiryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.068.09
9 With his fair hymns this singer, too, extols you, waking with glad thoughts at the break of morning.
May the cow nourish him with milk to feed llim. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.69.1
आ वां॒ रथो॒ रोद॑सी बद्बधा॒नो हि॑र॒ण्ययो॒ वृष॑भिर्या॒त्वश्वैः॑ ।
घृ॒तव॑र्तनिः प॒विभी॑ रुचा॒न इ॒षां वो॒ळ्हा नृ॒पति॑र्वा॒जिनी॑वान् ॥ ७.०६९.०१
ā vā̱ṃ ratho̱ roda̍sī badbadhā̱no hi̍ra̱ṇyayo̱ vṛṣa̍bhiryā̱tvaśvai̍ḥ .
ghṛ̱tava̍rtaniḥ pa̱vibhī̍ rucā̱na i̱ṣāṃ vo̱l̤hā nṛ̱pati̍rvā̱jinī̍vān .. 7.069.01
1. MAY your gold chariot, drawn by vigorous horses, come to us, blocking up the earth
and heaven,
Bright with its fellies while its way drops fatness, food-laden, rich in coursers, man's protector.
Sloka : 7.69.2
स प॑प्रथा॒नो अ॒भि पञ्च॒ भूमा॑ त्रिवन्धु॒रो मन॒सा या॑तु यु॒क्तः ।
विशो॒ येन॒ गच्छ॑थो देव॒यन्तीः॒ कुत्रा॑ चि॒द्याम॑मश्विना॒ दधा॑ना ॥ ७.०६९.०२
sa pa̍prathā̱no a̱bhi pañca̱ bhūmā̍ trivandhu̱ro mana̱sā yā̍tu yu̱ktaḥ .
viśo̱ yena̱ gaccha̍tho deva̱yantī̱ḥ kutrā̍ ci̱dyāma̍maśvinā̱ dadhā̍nā .. 7.069.02
2 Let it approach, yoked by thewill, three-seated, extending far and wide o’er fivefold beings,
Whereon ye visit God-adoring races, bending your course whither ye will, O Aśvins.
Sloka : 7.69.3
स्वश्वा॑ य॒शसा या॑तम॒र्वाग्दस्रा॑ नि॒धिं मधु॑मन्तं पिबाथः ।
वि वां॒ रथो॑ व॒ध्वा॒३॒॑ याद॑मा॒नोऽन्ता॑न्दि॒वो बा॑धते वर्त॒निभ्या॑म् ॥ ७.०६९.०३
svaśvā̍ ya̱śasā yā̍tama̱rvāgdasrā̍ ni̱dhiṃ madhu̍mantaṃ pibāthaḥ .
vi vā̱ṃ ratho̍ va̱dhvā̱3̱̍ yāda̍mā̱no'ntā̍ndi̱vo bā̍dhate varta̱nibhyā̍m .. 7.069.03
3 Renowned, with noble horses, come ye hither:- drink, Wondrous Pair, the cup that holds sweet juices.
Your car whereon your Spouse is wont to travel marks with its track the farthest ends of heaven.
Sloka : 7.69.4
यु॒वोः श्रियं॒ परि॒ योषा॑वृणीत॒ सूरो॑ दुहि॒ता परि॑तक्म्यायाम् ।
यद्दे॑व॒यन्त॒मव॑थः॒ शची॑भिः॒ परि॑ घ्रं॒समो॒मना॑ वां॒ वयो॑ गात् ॥ ७.०६९.०४
yu̱voḥ śriya̱ṃ pari̱ yoṣā̍vṛṇīta̱ sūro̍ duhi̱tā pari̍takmyāyām .
yadde̍va̱yanta̱mava̍tha̱ḥ śacī̍bhi̱ḥ pari̍ ghra̱ṃsamo̱manā̍ vā̱ṃ vayo̍ gāt .. 7.069.04
4 When night was turning to the grey of morning the Maiden, Sūrya's Daughter, chose your splendour.
When with your power and might ye aid the pious he comes through heat to life by your assistance.
Sloka : 7.69.5
यो ह॒ स्य वां॑ रथिरा॒ वस्त॑ उ॒स्रा रथो॑ युजा॒नः प॑रि॒याति॑ व॒र्तिः ।
तेन॑ नः॒ शं योरु॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ॒ न्य॑श्विना वहतं य॒ज्ञे अ॒स्मिन् ॥ ७.०६९.०५
yo ha̱ sya vā̍ṃ rathirā̱ vasta̍ u̱srā ratho̍ yujā̱naḥ pa̍ri̱yāti̍ va̱rtiḥ .
tena̍ na̱ḥ śaṃ yoru̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭau̱ nya̍śvinā vahataṃ ya̱jñe a̱smin .. 7.069.05
5 O Chariot-borne, this car of yours invested with rays of light comes harnessed to our dwelling.
Herewith, O Aśvins, while the dawn is breaking, to this our sacrifice bring peace and blessing.
Sloka : 7.69.6
नरा॑ गौ॒रेव॑ वि॒द्युतं॑ तृषा॒णास्माक॑म॒द्य सव॒नोप॑ यातम् ।
पु॒रु॒त्रा हि वां॑ म॒तिभि॒र्हव॑न्ते॒ मा वा॑म॒न्ये नि य॑मन्देव॒यन्तः॑ ॥ ७.०६९.०६
narā̍ gau̱reva̍ vi̱dyuta̍ṃ tṛṣā̱ṇāsmāka̍ma̱dya sava̱nopa̍ yātam .
pu̱ru̱trā hi vā̍ṃ ma̱tibhi̱rhava̍nte̱ mā vā̍ma̱nye ni ya̍mandeva̱yanta̍ḥ .. 7.069.06
6 Like the wild cattle thirsty for the lightning, Heroes, come nigh this day to our libations.
Men call on you with hymns in many places, but let not other worshippers detain you.
Sloka : 7.69.7
यु॒वं भु॒ज्युमव॑विद्धं समु॒द्र उदू॑हथु॒रर्ण॑सो॒ अस्रि॑धानैः ।
प॒त॒त्रिभि॑रश्र॒मैर॑व्य॒थिभि॑र्दं॒सना॑भिरश्विना पा॒रय॑न्ता ॥ ७.०६९.०७
yu̱vaṃ bhu̱jyumava̍viddhaṃ samu̱dra udū̍hathu̱rarṇa̍so̱ asri̍dhānaiḥ .
pa̱ta̱tribhi̍raśra̱maira̍vya̱thibhi̍rda̱ṃsanā̍bhiraśvinā pā̱raya̍ntā .. 7.069.07
7 Bhujyu, abandoned in the midst of ocean, ye raised from out the water with your horses,
Uninjured, winged, flagging not, undaunted, with deeds of wonder saving him, O Aśvins.
Sloka : 7.69.8
नू मे॒ हव॒मा शृ॑णुतं युवाना यासि॒ष्टं व॒र्तिर॑श्विना॒विरा॑वत् ।
ध॒त्तं रत्ना॑नि॒ जर॑तं च सू॒रीन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०६९.०८
nū me̱ hava̱mā śṛ̍ṇutaṃ yuvānā yāsi̱ṣṭaṃ va̱rtira̍śvinā̱virā̍vat .
dha̱ttaṃ ratnā̍ni̱ jara̍taṃ ca sū̱rīnyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.069.08
8 Now hear, O Youthful Twain, mine invocation:- come, Aśvins, to the home where food aboundeth.
Vouchsafe us wealth, do honour to our nobles. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.70.1
आ वि॑श्ववाराश्विना गतं नः॒ प्र तत्स्थान॑मवाचि वां पृथि॒व्याम् ।
अश्वो॒ न वा॒जी शु॒नपृ॑ष्ठो अस्था॒दा यत्से॒दथु॑र्ध्रु॒वसे॒ न योनि॑म् ॥ ७.०७०.०१
ā vi̍śvavārāśvinā gataṃ na̱ḥ pra tatsthāna̍mavāci vāṃ pṛthi̱vyām .
aśvo̱ na vā̱jī śu̱napṛ̍ṣṭho asthā̱dā yatse̱dathu̍rdhru̱vase̱ na yoni̍m .. 7.070.01
1. RICH in all blessings, Aśvins come ye hither:- this place on earth is called your own possession,
Like a strong horse with a fair back it standeth, whereon, as in a lap, ye seat you firmly.
Sloka : 7.70.2
सिष॑क्ति॒ सा वां॑ सुम॒तिश्चनि॒ष्ठाता॑पि घ॒र्मो मनु॑षो दुरो॒णे ।
यो वां॑ समु॒द्रान्स॒रितः॒ पिप॒र्त्येत॑ग्वा चि॒न्न सु॒युजा॑ युजा॒नः ॥ ७.०७०.०२
siṣa̍kti̱ sā vā̍ṃ suma̱tiścani̱ṣṭhātā̍pi gha̱rmo manu̍ṣo duro̱ṇe .
yo vā̍ṃ samu̱drānsa̱rita̱ḥ pipa̱rtyeta̍gvā ci̱nna su̱yujā̍ yujā̱naḥ .. 7.070.02
2 This most delightful eulogy awaits you in the man's house drink-offering hath been heated,
Which bringeth you over the seas and rivers, yoking as’twere two well-matched shining horses.
Sloka : 7.70.3
यानि॒ स्थाना॑न्यश्विना द॒धाथे॑ दि॒वो य॒ह्वीष्वोष॑धीषु वि॒क्षु ।
नि पर्व॑तस्य मू॒र्धनि॒ सद॒न्तेषं॒ जना॑य दा॒शुषे॒ वह॑न्ता ॥ ७.०७०.०३
yāni̱ sthānā̍nyaśvinā da̱dhāthe̍ di̱vo ya̱hvīṣvoṣa̍dhīṣu vi̱kṣu .
ni parva̍tasya mū̱rdhani̱ sada̱nteṣa̱ṃ janā̍ya dā̱śuṣe̱ vaha̍ntā .. 7.070.03
3 Whatever dwellings ye possess, O Aśvins, in fields of men or in the streams of heaven,
Resting upon the summit of the mountain, or bringing food to him who gives oblation,
Sloka : 7.70.4
च॒नि॒ष्टं दे॑वा॒ ओष॑धीष्व॒प्सु यद्यो॒ग्या अ॒श्नवै॑थे॒ ऋषी॑णाम् ।
पु॒रूणि॒ रत्ना॒ दध॑तौ॒ न्य१॒॑स्मे अनु॒ पूर्वा॑णि चख्यथुर्यु॒गानि॑ ॥ ७.०७०.०४
ca̱ni̱ṣṭaṃ de̍vā̱ oṣa̍dhīṣva̱psu yadyo̱gyā a̱śnavai̍the̱ ṛṣī̍ṇām .
pu̱rūṇi̱ ratnā̱ dadha̍tau̱ nya1̱̍sme anu̱ pūrvā̍ṇi cakhyathuryu̱gāni̍ .. 7.070.04
4 Delight yourselves, ye Gods, in plants and waters when Ṛṣis give them and ye find they suit You.
Enriching us with treasures in abundance ye have looked back to former generations.
Sloka : 7.70.5
शु॒श्रु॒वांसा॑ चिदश्विना पु॒रूण्य॒भि ब्रह्मा॑णि चक्षाथे॒ ऋषी॑णाम् ।
प्रति॒ प्र या॑तं॒ वर॒मा जना॑या॒स्मे वा॑मस्तु सुम॒तिश्चनि॑ष्ठा ॥ ७.०७०.०५
śu̱śru̱vāṃsā̍ cidaśvinā pu̱rūṇya̱bhi brahmā̍ṇi cakṣāthe̱ ṛṣī̍ṇām .
prati̱ pra yā̍ta̱ṃ vara̱mā janā̍yā̱sme vā̍mastu suma̱tiścani̍ṣṭhā .. 7.070.05
5 Aśvins, though ye have heard them oft aforetime, regard the many prayers which Ṛṣis offer.
Come to the man even as his heart desireth:- may we enjoy your most delightful favour.
Sloka : 7.70.6
यो वां॑ य॒ज्ञो ना॑सत्या ह॒विष्मा॑न्कृ॒तब्र॑ह्मा सम॒र्यो॒३॒॑ भवा॑ति ।
उप॒ प्र या॑तं॒ वर॒मा वसि॑ष्ठमि॒मा ब्रह्मा॑ण्यृच्यन्ते यु॒वभ्या॑म् ॥ ७.०७०.०६
yo vā̍ṃ ya̱jño nā̍satyā ha̱viṣmā̍nkṛ̱tabra̍hmā sama̱ryo̱3̱̍ bhavā̍ti .
upa̱ pra yā̍ta̱ṃ vara̱mā vasi̍ṣṭhami̱mā brahmā̍ṇyṛcyante yu̱vabhyā̍m .. 7.070.06
6 Come to the sacrifice offered you, Nāsatyas, with men, oblations, and prayer duly uttered.
Come to Vasiṣṭha as his heart desireth, for unto you these holy hymns are chanted.
Sloka : 7.70.7
इ॒यं म॑नी॒षा इ॒यम॑श्विना॒ गीरि॒मां सु॑वृ॒क्तिं वृ॑षणा जुषेथाम् ।
इ॒मा ब्रह्मा॑णि युव॒यून्य॑ग्मन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७०.०७
i̱yaṃ ma̍nī̱ṣā i̱yama̍śvinā̱ gīri̱māṃ su̍vṛ̱ktiṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇā juṣethām .
i̱mā brahmā̍ṇi yuva̱yūnya̍gmanyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.070.07
7 This is the thought, this is the song, O Aśvins:- accept this hymn of ours, ye Steers, with favour.
May these our prayers addressed to you come nigh you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.71.1
अप॒ स्वसु॑रु॒षसो॒ नग्जि॑हीते रि॒णक्ति॑ कृ॒ष्णीर॑रु॒षाय॒ पन्था॑म् ।
अश्वा॑मघा॒ गोम॑घा वां हुवेम॒ दिवा॒ नक्तं॒ शरु॑म॒स्मद्यु॑योतम् ॥ ७.०७१.०१
apa̱ svasu̍ru̱ṣaso̱ nagji̍hīte ri̱ṇakti̍ kṛ̱ṣṇīra̍ru̱ṣāya̱ panthā̍m .
aśvā̍maghā̱ goma̍ghā vāṃ huvema̱ divā̱ nakta̱ṃ śaru̍ma̱smadyu̍yotam .. 7.071.01
1. THE Night retireth from the Dawn her Sister; the Dark one yieldeth to the Red her pathway.
Let us invoke you rich in steeds and cattle - by day and night keep far from us the arrow.
Sloka : 7.71.2
उ॒पाया॑तं दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य॒ रथे॑न वा॒मम॑श्विना॒ वह॑न्ता ।
यु॒यु॒तम॒स्मदनि॑रा॒ममी॑वां॒ दिवा॒ नक्तं॑ माध्वी॒ त्रासी॑थां नः ॥ ७.०७१.०२
u̱pāyā̍taṃ dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya̱ rathe̍na vā̱mama̍śvinā̱ vaha̍ntā .
yu̱yu̱tama̱smadani̍rā̱mamī̍vā̱ṃ divā̱ nakta̍ṃ mādhvī̱ trāsī̍thāṃ naḥ .. 7.071.02
2 Bearing rich treasure in your car, O Aśvins, come to the mortal who presents oblation.
Keep at a distance penury and sickness; Lovers of Sweetness, day and night preserve us.
Sloka : 7.71.3
आ वां॒ रथ॑मव॒मस्यां॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ सुम्ना॒यवो॒ वृष॑णो वर्तयन्तु ।
स्यूम॑गभस्तिमृत॒युग्भि॒रश्वै॒राश्वि॑ना॒ वसु॑मन्तं वहेथाम् ॥ ७.०७१.०३
ā vā̱ṃ ratha̍mava̱masyā̱ṃ vyu̍ṣṭau sumnā̱yavo̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo vartayantu .
syūma̍gabhastimṛta̱yugbhi̱raśvai̱rāśvi̍nā̱ vasu̍mantaṃ vahethām .. 7.071.03
3 May your strong horses, seeking bliss, bring hither your chariot at the earliest flush of morning.
With coursers yoked by Law drive hither, Aśvins, your car whose reins are light, laden with treasure.
Sloka : 7.71.4
यो वां॒ रथो॑ नृपती॒ अस्ति॑ वो॒ळ्हा त्रि॑वन्धु॒रो वसु॑माँ उ॒स्रया॑मा ।
आ न॑ ए॒ना ना॑स॒त्योप॑ यातम॒भि यद्वां॑ वि॒श्वप्स्न्यो॒ जिगा॑ति ॥ ७.०७१.०४
yo vā̱ṃ ratho̍ nṛpatī̱ asti̍ vo̱l̤hā tri̍vandhu̱ro vasu̍mām̐ u̱srayā̍mā .
ā na̍ e̱nā nā̍sa̱tyopa̍ yātama̱bhi yadvā̍ṃ vi̱śvapsnyo̱ jigā̍ti .. 7.071.04
4 The chariot, Princes, that conveys you, moving at daylight, triple-seated, fraught with riches,
Even with this come unto us, Nāsatyas, that laden with all food it may approach us.
Sloka : 7.71.5
यु॒वं च्यवा॑नं ज॒रसो॑ऽमुमुक्तं॒ नि पे॒दव॑ ऊहथुरा॒शुमश्व॑म् ।
निरंह॑स॒स्तम॑सः स्पर्त॒मत्रिं॒ नि जा॑हु॒षं शि॑थि॒रे धा॑तम॒न्तः ॥ ७.०७१.०५
yu̱vaṃ cyavā̍naṃ ja̱raso̎mumukta̱ṃ ni pe̱dava̍ ūhathurā̱śumaśva̍m .
niraṃha̍sa̱stama̍saḥ sparta̱matri̱ṃ ni jā̍hu̱ṣaṃ śi̍thi̱re dhā̍tama̱ntaḥ .. 7.071.05
5 Ye freed Cyavāna from old age and weakness:- ye brought the courser fleet of food to Pedu.
Ye rescued Atri from distress and darkness, and loosed for Jāhuṣa the bonds that bound him.
Sloka : 7.71.6
इ॒यं म॑नी॒षा इ॒यम॑श्विना॒ गीरि॒मां सु॑वृ॒क्तिं वृ॑षणा जुषेथाम् ।
इ॒मा ब्रह्मा॑णि युव॒यून्य॑ग्मन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७१.०६
i̱yaṃ ma̍nī̱ṣā i̱yama̍śvinā̱ gīri̱māṃ su̍vṛ̱ktiṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇā juṣethām .
i̱mā brahmā̍ṇi yuva̱yūnya̍gmanyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.071.06
6 This is the thought, this is the song, O Aśvins:- accept this hymn of ours, ye Steers, With favour.
May these our prayers addressed to you come nigh you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.72.1
आ गोम॑ता नासत्या॒ रथे॒नाश्वा॑वता पुरुश्च॒न्द्रेण॑ यातम् ।
अ॒भि वां॒ विश्वा॑ नि॒युतः॑ सचन्ते स्पा॒र्हया॑ श्रि॒या त॒न्वा॑ शुभा॒ना ॥ ७.०७२.०१
ā goma̍tā nāsatyā̱ rathe̱nāśvā̍vatā puruśca̱ndreṇa̍ yātam .
a̱bhi vā̱ṃ viśvā̍ ni̱yuta̍ḥ sacante spā̱rhayā̍ śri̱yā ta̱nvā̍ śubhā̱nā .. 7.072.01
1. COME, O Nāsatyas, on your car resplendent, rich in abundant wealth of kine and horses.
As harnessed steeds, all our laudations follow you whose forms shine with most delightful beauty.
Sloka : 7.72.2
आ नो॑ दे॒वेभि॒रुप॑ यातम॒र्वाक्स॒जोष॑सा नासत्या॒ रथे॑न ।
यु॒वोर्हि नः॑ स॒ख्या पित्र्या॑णि समा॒नो बन्धु॑रु॒त तस्य॑ वित्तम् ॥ ७.०७२.०२
ā no̍ de̱vebhi̱rupa̍ yātama̱rvāksa̱joṣa̍sā nāsatyā̱ rathe̍na .
yu̱vorhi na̍ḥ sa̱khyā pitryā̍ṇi samā̱no bandhu̍ru̱ta tasya̍ vittam .. 7.072.02
2 Come with the Gods associate, come ye hither to us, Nāsatyas, with your car accordant.
'Twixt you and us there is ancestral friendship and common kin:- remember and regard it.
Sloka : 7.72.3
उदु॒ स्तोमा॑सो अ॒श्विनो॑रबुध्रञ्जा॒मि ब्रह्मा॑ण्यु॒षस॑श्च दे॒वीः ।
आ॒विवा॑स॒न्रोद॑सी॒ धिष्ण्ये॒मे अच्छा॒ विप्रो॒ नास॑त्या विवक्ति ॥ ७.०७२.०३
udu̱ stomā̍so a̱śvino̍rabudhrañjā̱mi brahmā̍ṇyu̱ṣasa̍śca de̱vīḥ .
ā̱vivā̍sa̱nroda̍sī̱ dhiṣṇye̱me acchā̱ vipro̱ nāsa̍tyā vivakti .. 7.072.03
3 Awakened are the songs that praise the Aśvins, the kindred prayers and the Celestial Mornings.
Inviting those we long for, Earth and Heaven, the singer calleth these Nāsatyas hither.
Sloka : 7.72.4
वि चेदु॒च्छन्त्य॑श्विना उ॒षासः॒ प्र वां॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि का॒रवो॑ भरन्ते ।
ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं स॑वि॒ता दे॒वो अ॑श्रेद्बृ॒हद॒ग्नयः॑ स॒मिधा॑ जरन्ते ॥ ७.०७२.०४
vi cedu̱cchantya̍śvinā u̱ṣāsa̱ḥ pra vā̱ṃ brahmā̍ṇi kā̱ravo̍ bharante .
ū̱rdhvaṃ bhā̱nuṃ sa̍vi̱tā de̱vo a̍średbṛ̱hada̱gnaya̍ḥ sa̱midhā̍ jarante .. 7.072.04
4 What time the Dawns break forth in light, O Aśvins, to you the poets offer their devotions.
God Savitar hath sent aloft his splendour, and fires sing praises with the kindled fuel.
Sloka : 7.72.5
आ प॒श्चाता॑न्नास॒त्या पु॒रस्ता॒दाश्वि॑ना यातमध॒रादुद॑क्तात् ।
आ वि॒श्वतः॒ पाञ्च॑जन्येन रा॒या यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७२.०५
ā pa̱ścātā̍nnāsa̱tyā pu̱rastā̱dāśvi̍nā yātamadha̱rāduda̍ktāt .
ā vi̱śvata̱ḥ pāñca̍janyena rā̱yā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.072.05
5 Come from the west, come from the cast, Nāsatyas, come, Aśvins, from below and from above us.
Bring wealth from all sides for the Fivefold People. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.73.1
अता॑रिष्म॒ तम॑सस्पा॒रम॒स्य प्रति॒ स्तोमं॑ देव॒यन्तो॒ दधा॑नाः ।
पु॒रु॒दंसा॑ पुरु॒तमा॑ पुरा॒जाम॑र्त्या हवते अ॒श्विना॒ गीः ॥ ७.०७३.०१
atā̍riṣma̱ tama̍saspā̱rama̱sya prati̱ stoma̍ṃ deva̱yanto̱ dadhā̍nāḥ .
pu̱ru̱daṃsā̍ puru̱tamā̍ purā̱jāma̍rtyā havate a̱śvinā̱ gīḥ .. 7.073.01
1. WE have o’erpassed the limit of this darkness while, worshipping the Gods, we sang their praises.
The song invoketh both Immortal Aśvins far-reaching, born of old, great WonderWorkers.
Sloka : 7.73.2
न्यु॑ प्रि॒यो मनु॑षः सादि॒ होता॒ नास॑त्या॒ यो यज॑ते॒ वन्द॑ते च ।
अ॒श्नी॒तं मध्वो॑ अश्विना उपा॒क आ वां॑ वोचे वि॒दथे॑षु॒ प्रय॑स्वान् ॥ ७.०७३.०२
nyu̍ pri̱yo manu̍ṣaḥ sādi̱ hotā̱ nāsa̍tyā̱ yo yaja̍te̱ vanda̍te ca .
a̱śnī̱taṃ madhvo̍ aśvinā upā̱ka ā vā̍ṃ voce vi̱dathe̍ṣu̱ praya̍svān .. 7.073.02
2 And, O Nāsatyas, man's dear Priest is seated, who brings to sacrifice and offers worship,
Be near and taste the pleasant juice, O Aśvins:- with food, I call you to the sacrifices.
Sloka : 7.73.3
अहे॑म य॒ज्ञं प॒थामु॑रा॒णा इ॒मां सु॑वृ॒क्तिं वृ॑षणा जुषेथाम् ।
श्रु॒ष्टी॒वेव॒ प्रेषि॑तो वामबोधि॒ प्रति॒ स्तोमै॒र्जर॑माणो॒ वसि॑ष्ठः ॥ ७.०७३.०३
ahe̍ma ya̱jñaṃ pa̱thāmu̍rā̱ṇā i̱māṃ su̍vṛ̱ktiṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇā juṣethām .
śru̱ṣṭī̱veva̱ preṣi̍to vāmabodhi̱ prati̱ stomai̱rjara̍māṇo̱ vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 7.073.03
3 We choosing you, have let our worship follow its course:- ye Steers, accept this hymn with favour.
Obeying you as your appointed servant, Vasiṣṭha singing hath with lauds aroused you.
Sloka : 7.73.4
उप॒ त्या वह्नी॑ गमतो॒ विशं॑ नो रक्षो॒हणा॒ सम्भृ॑ता वी॒ळुपा॑णी ।
समन्धां॑स्यग्मत मत्स॒राणि॒ मा नो॑ मर्धिष्ट॒मा ग॑तं शि॒वेन॑ ॥ ७.०७३.०४
upa̱ tyā vahnī̍ gamato̱ viśa̍ṃ no rakṣo̱haṇā̱ sambhṛ̍tā vī̱l̤upā̍ṇī .
samandhā̍ṃsyagmata matsa̱rāṇi̱ mā no̍ mardhiṣṭa̱mā ga̍taṃ śi̱vena̍ .. 7.073.04
4 And these Two Priests come nigh unto our people, united, demon-slayers, mighty-handed.
The juices that exhilarate are mingled. Injure us not, but come with happy fortune.
Sloka : 7.73.5
आ प॒श्चाता॑न्नास॒त्या पु॒रस्ता॒दाश्वि॑ना यातमध॒रादुद॑क्तात् ।
आ वि॒श्वतः॒ पाञ्च॑जन्येन रा॒या यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७३.०५
ā pa̱ścātā̍nnāsa̱tyā pu̱rastā̱dāśvi̍nā yātamadha̱rāduda̍ktāt .
ā vi̱śvata̱ḥ pāñca̍janyena rā̱yā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.073.05
5 Come from the west, come from the cast, Nāsatyas, come, Aśvins, from below and from above us.
Bring wealth from all sides for the Fivefold People. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.74.1
इ॒मा उ॑ वां॒ दिवि॑ष्टय उ॒स्रा ह॑वन्ते अश्विना ।
अ॒यं वा॑म॒ह्वेऽव॑से शचीवसू॒ विशं॑विशं॒ हि गच्छ॑थः ॥ ७.०७४.०१
i̱mā u̍ vā̱ṃ divi̍ṣṭaya u̱srā ha̍vante aśvinā .
a̱yaṃ vā̍ma̱hve'va̍se śacīvasū̱ viśa̍ṃviśa̱ṃ hi gaccha̍thaḥ .. 7.074.01
1. THESE morning sacrifices call you, Aśvins, at the break of day.
For help have I invoked you rich in power and might:- for, house by house ye visit all.
Sloka : 7.74.2
यु॒वं चि॒त्रं द॑दथु॒र्भोज॑नं नरा॒ चोदे॑थां सू॒नृता॑वते ।
अ॒र्वाग्रथं॒ सम॑नसा॒ नि य॑च्छतं॒ पिब॑तं सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ॥ ७.०७४.०२
yu̱vaṃ ci̱traṃ da̍dathu̱rbhoja̍naṃ narā̱ code̍thāṃ sū̱nṛtā̍vate .
a̱rvāgratha̱ṃ sama̍nasā̱ ni ya̍cchata̱ṃ piba̍taṃ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .. 7.074.02
2 O Heroes, ye bestow wonderful nourishment. send it to him whose songs are sweet
Accordant, both of you, drive your car down to us, and drink the savoury Soma juice.
Sloka : 7.74.3
आ या॑त॒मुप॑ भूषतं॒ मध्वः॑ पिबतमश्विना ।
दु॒ग्धं पयो॑ वृषणा जेन्यावसू॒ मा नो॑ मर्धिष्ट॒मा ग॑तम् ॥ ७.०७४.०३
ā yā̍ta̱mupa̍ bhūṣata̱ṃ madhva̍ḥ pibatamaśvinā .
du̱gdhaṃ payo̍ vṛṣaṇā jenyāvasū̱ mā no̍ mardhiṣṭa̱mā ga̍tam .. 7.074.03
3 Approach ye and be near to us. drink, O ye Aśvins, of the meath.
Draw forth the milk, ye Mighty, rich in genuine wealth:- injure us not, and come to us.
Sloka : 7.74.4
अश्वा॑सो॒ ये वा॒मुप॑ दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हं यु॒वां दीय॑न्ति॒ बिभ्र॑तः ।
म॒क्षू॒युभि॑र्नरा॒ हये॑भिरश्वि॒ना दे॑वा यातमस्म॒यू ॥ ७.०७४.०४
aśvā̍so̱ ye vā̱mupa̍ dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱haṃ yu̱vāṃ dīya̍nti̱ bibhra̍taḥ .
ma̱kṣū̱yubhi̍rnarā̱ haye̍bhiraśvi̱nā de̍vā yātamasma̱yū .. 7.074.04
4 The horses that convey you in their rapid flight down to the worshipper's abode,
With these your speedy coursers, Heroes, Aśvins, come, ye Gods, come well-inclined to us.
Sloka : 7.74.5
अधा॑ ह॒ यन्तो॑ अ॒श्विना॒ पृक्षः॑ सचन्त सू॒रयः॑ ।
ता यं॑सतो म॒घव॑द्भ्यो ध्रु॒वं यश॑श्छ॒र्दिर॒स्मभ्यं॒ नास॑त्या ॥ ७.०७४.०५
adhā̍ ha̱ yanto̍ a̱śvinā̱ pṛkṣa̍ḥ sacanta sū̱raya̍ḥ .
tā ya̍ṃsato ma̱ghava̍dbhyo dhru̱vaṃ yaśa̍ścha̱rdira̱smabhya̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā .. 7.074.05
5 Yea, verily, our princes seek the Aśvins in pursuit of food.
These shall give lasting glory to our liberal lords, and, both Nāsatyas, shelter us.
Sloka : 7.74.6
प्र ये य॒युर॑वृ॒कासो॒ रथा॑ इव नृपा॒तारो॒ जना॑नाम् ।
उ॒त स्वेन॒ शव॑सा शूशुवु॒र्नर॑ उ॒त क्षि॑यन्ति सुक्षि॒तिम् ॥ ७.०७४.०६
pra ye ya̱yura̍vṛ̱kāso̱ rathā̍ iva nṛpā̱tāro̱ janā̍nām .
u̱ta svena̱ śava̍sā śūśuvu̱rnara̍ u̱ta kṣi̍yanti sukṣi̱tim .. 7.074.06
6 Those who have led the way, like cars, offending none, those who are guardians of the men-
Also through their own might the heroes have grown strong, and dwell in safe and happy homes.
Sloka : 7.75.1
व्यु१॒॑षा आ॑वो दिवि॒जा ऋ॒तेना॑विष्कृण्वा॒ना म॑हि॒मान॒मागा॑त् ।
अप॒ द्रुह॒स्तम॑ आव॒रजु॑ष्ट॒मङ्गि॑रस्तमा प॒थ्या॑ अजीगः ॥ ७.०७५.०१
vyu1̱̍ṣā ā̍vo divi̱jā ṛ̱tenā̍viṣkṛṇvā̱nā ma̍hi̱māna̱māgā̍t .
apa̱ druha̱stama̍ āva̱raju̍ṣṭa̱maṅgi̍rastamā pa̱thyā̍ ajīgaḥ .. 7.075.01
1. BORN in the heavens the Dawn hath flushed, and showing her majesty is come as Law ordaineth.
She hath uncovered fiends and hateful darkness; best of Aṅgirases, hath waked the pathways.
Sloka : 7.75.2
म॒हे नो॑ अ॒द्य सु॑वि॒ताय॑ बो॒ध्युषो॑ म॒हे सौभ॑गाय॒ प्र य॑न्धि ।
चि॒त्रं र॒यिं य॒शसं॑ धेह्य॒स्मे देवि॒ मर्ते॑षु मानुषि श्रव॒स्युम् ॥ ७.०७५.०२
ma̱he no̍ a̱dya su̍vi̱tāya̍ bo̱dhyuṣo̍ ma̱he saubha̍gāya̱ pra ya̍ndhi .
ci̱traṃ ra̱yiṃ ya̱śasa̍ṃ dhehya̱sme devi̱ marte̍ṣu mānuṣi śrava̱syum .. 7.075.02
2 Rouse us this day to high and happy fortune:- to great felicity, O Dawn, promote us.
Vouchsafe us manifold and splendid riches, famed among mortals, man-befriending Goddess!
Sloka : 7.75.3
ए॒ते त्ये भा॒नवो॑ दर्श॒ताया॑श्चि॒त्रा उ॒षसो॑ अ॒मृता॑स॒ आगुः॑ ।
ज॒नय॑न्तो॒ दैव्या॑नि व्र॒तान्या॑पृ॒णन्तो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षा॒ व्य॑स्थुः ॥ ७.०७५.०३
e̱te tye bhā̱navo̍ darśa̱tāyā̍ści̱trā u̱ṣaso̍ a̱mṛtā̍sa̱ āgu̍ḥ .
ja̱naya̍nto̱ daivyā̍ni vra̱tānyā̍pṛ̱ṇanto̍ a̱ntari̍kṣā̱ vya̍sthuḥ .. 7.075.03
3 See, lovely Morning's everlasting splendours, bright with their varied colours, have approached us.
Filling the region of mid-air, producing the rites of holy worship, they have mounted.
Sloka : 7.75.4
ए॒षा स्या यु॑जा॒ना प॑रा॒कात्पञ्च॑ क्षि॒तीः परि॑ स॒द्यो जि॑गाति ।
अ॒भि॒पश्य॑न्ती व॒युना॒ जना॑नां दि॒वो दु॑हि॒ता भुव॑नस्य॒ पत्नी॑ ॥ ७.०७५.०४
e̱ṣā syā yu̍jā̱nā pa̍rā̱kātpañca̍ kṣi̱tīḥ pari̍ sa̱dyo ji̍gāti .
a̱bhi̱paśya̍ntī va̱yunā̱ janā̍nāṃ di̱vo du̍hi̱tā bhuva̍nasya̱ patnī̍ .. 7.075.04
4 She yokes her chariot far away, and swiftly visits the lands where the Five Tribes are settled,
Looking upon the works and ways of mortals, Daughter of Heaven, the world's Imperial Lady.
Sloka : 7.75.5
वा॒जिनी॑वती॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ योषा॑ चि॒त्राम॑घा रा॒य ई॑शे॒ वसू॑नाम् ।
ऋषि॑ष्टुता ज॒रय॑न्ती म॒घोन्यु॒षा उ॑च्छति॒ वह्नि॑भिर्गृणा॒ना ॥ ७.०७५.०५
vā̱jinī̍vatī̱ sūrya̍sya̱ yoṣā̍ ci̱trāma̍ghā rā̱ya ī̍śe̱ vasū̍nām .
ṛṣi̍ṣṭutā ja̱raya̍ntī ma̱ghonyu̱ṣā u̍cchati̱ vahni̍bhirgṛṇā̱nā .. 7.075.05
5 She who is rich in spoil, the Spouse of Sūrya, wondrously opulent, rules all wealth and treasures.
Consumer of our youth, the seers extol her:- lauded by priests rich Dawn shines out refulgent.
Sloka : 7.75.6
प्रति॑ द्युता॒नाम॑रु॒षासो॒ अश्वा॑श्चि॒त्रा अ॑दृश्रन्नु॒षसं॒ वह॑न्तः ।
याति॑ शु॒भ्रा वि॑श्व॒पिशा॒ रथे॑न॒ दधा॑ति॒ रत्नं॑ विध॒ते जना॑य ॥ ७.०७५.०६
prati̍ dyutā̱nāma̍ru̱ṣāso̱ aśvā̍ści̱trā a̍dṛśrannu̱ṣasa̱ṃ vaha̍ntaḥ .
yāti̍ śu̱bhrā vi̍śva̱piśā̱ rathe̍na̱ dadhā̍ti̱ ratna̍ṃ vidha̱te janā̍ya .. 7.075.06
6 Apparent are the steeds of varied colour, the red steeds carrying resplendent Morning.
On her all-lovely car she comes, the Fair One, and brings rich treasure for her faithful servant.
Sloka : 7.75.7
स॒त्या स॒त्येभि॑र्मह॒ती म॒हद्भि॑र्दे॒वी दे॒वेभि॑र्यज॒ता यज॑त्रैः ।
रु॒जद्दृ॒ळ्हानि॒ दद॑दु॒स्रिया॑णां॒ प्रति॒ गाव॑ उ॒षसं॑ वावशन्त ॥ ७.०७५.०७
sa̱tyā sa̱tyebhi̍rmaha̱tī ma̱hadbhi̍rde̱vī de̱vebhi̍ryaja̱tā yaja̍traiḥ .
ru̱jaddṛ̱l̤hāni̱ dada̍du̱sriyā̍ṇā̱ṃ prati̱ gāva̍ u̱ṣasa̍ṃ vāvaśanta .. 7.075.07
7 True with the True and Mighty with the Mighty, with Gods a Goddess, Holy with the Holy,
She brake strong fences down and gave the cattle:- the kine were lowing as they greeted Morning.
Sloka : 7.75.8
नू नो॒ गोम॑द्वी॒रव॑द्धेहि॒ रत्न॒मुषो॒ अश्वा॑वत्पुरु॒भोजो॑ अ॒स्मे ।
मा नो॑ ब॒र्हिः पु॑रु॒षता॑ नि॒दे क॑र्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७५.०८
nū no̱ goma̍dvī̱rava̍ddhehi̱ ratna̱muṣo̱ aśvā̍vatpuru̱bhojo̍ a̱sme .
mā no̍ ba̱rhiḥ pu̍ru̱ṣatā̍ ni̱de ka̍ryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.075.08
8 O Dawn, now give us wealth in kine and heroes, and horses, fraught with manifold enjoyment.
Protect our sacred grass from man's reproaches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.76.1
उदु॒ ज्योति॑र॒मृतं॑ वि॒श्वज॑न्यं वि॒श्वान॑रः सवि॒ता दे॒वो अ॑श्रेत् ।
क्रत्वा॑ दे॒वाना॑मजनिष्ट॒ चक्षु॑रा॒विर॑क॒र्भुव॑नं॒ विश्व॑मु॒षाः ॥ ७.०७६.०१
udu̱ jyoti̍ra̱mṛta̍ṃ vi̱śvaja̍nyaṃ vi̱śvāna̍raḥ savi̱tā de̱vo a̍śret .
kratvā̍ de̱vānā̍majaniṣṭa̱ cakṣu̍rā̱vira̍ka̱rbhuva̍na̱ṃ viśva̍mu̱ṣāḥ .. 7.076.01
1. SAVITAR God of all men hath sent upward his light, designed for all mankind, immortal.
Through the Gods’ power that Eye was first created. Dawn hath made all the universe apparent.
Sloka : 7.76.2
प्र मे॒ पन्था॑ देव॒याना॑ अदृश्र॒न्नम॑र्धन्तो॒ वसु॑भि॒रिष्कृ॑तासः ।
अभू॑दु के॒तुरु॒षसः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑त्प्रती॒च्यागा॒दधि॑ ह॒र्म्येभ्यः॑ ॥ ७.०७६.०२
pra me̱ panthā̍ deva̱yānā̍ adṛśra̱nnama̍rdhanto̱ vasu̍bhi̱riṣkṛ̍tāsaḥ .
abhū̍du ke̱turu̱ṣasa̍ḥ pu̱rastā̍tpratī̱cyāgā̱dadhi̍ ha̱rmyebhya̍ḥ .. 7.076.02
2 I see the paths which Gods are wont to travel, innocuous paths made ready by the Vasus.
Eastward the flag of Dawn hath been uplifted; she hath come hither o’er the tops of houses.
Sloka : 7.76.3
तानीदहा॑नि बहु॒लान्या॑स॒न्या प्रा॒चीन॒मुदि॑ता॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
यतः॒ परि॑ जा॒र इ॑वा॒चर॒न्त्युषो॑ ददृ॒क्षे न पुन॑र्य॒तीव॑ ॥ ७.०७६.०३
tānīdahā̍ni bahu̱lānyā̍sa̱nyā prā̱cīna̱mudi̍tā̱ sūrya̍sya .
yata̱ḥ pari̍ jā̱ra i̍vā̱cara̱ntyuṣo̍ dadṛ̱kṣe na puna̍rya̱tīva̍ .. 7.076.03
3 Great is, in truth, the number of the Mornings which were aforetime at the Sun's uprising.
Since thou, O Dawn, hast been beheld repairing as to thy love, as one no more to leave him.
Sloka : 7.76.4
त इद्दे॒वानां॑ सध॒माद॑ आसन्नृ॒तावा॑नः क॒वयः॑ पू॒र्व्यासः॑ ।
गू॒ळ्हं ज्योतिः॑ पि॒तरो॒ अन्व॑विन्दन्स॒त्यम॑न्त्रा अजनयन्नु॒षास॑म् ॥ ७.०७६.०४
ta idde̱vānā̍ṃ sadha̱māda̍ āsannṛ̱tāvā̍naḥ ka̱vaya̍ḥ pū̱rvyāsa̍ḥ .
gū̱l̤haṃ jyoti̍ḥ pi̱taro̱ anva̍vindansa̱tyama̍ntrā ajanayannu̱ṣāsa̍m .. 7.076.04
4 They were the Gods’ companions at the banquet, the ancient sages true to Law Eternal.
The Fathers found the light that lay in darkness, and with effectual words begat the Morning.
Sloka : 7.76.5
स॒मा॒न ऊ॒र्वे अधि॒ संग॑तासः॒ सं जा॑नते॒ न य॑तन्ते मि॒थस्ते ।
ते दे॒वानां॒ न मि॑नन्ति व्र॒तान्यम॑र्धन्तो॒ वसु॑भि॒र्याद॑मानाः ॥ ७.०७६.०५
sa̱mā̱na ū̱rve adhi̱ saṃga̍tāsa̱ḥ saṃ jā̍nate̱ na ya̍tante mi̱thaste .
te de̱vānā̱ṃ na mi̍nanti vra̱tānyama̍rdhanto̱ vasu̍bhi̱ryāda̍mānāḥ .. 7.076.05
5 Meeting together in the same enclosure, they strive not, ofone mind, one with another.
They never break the Gods’ eternal statutes, and injure none, in rivalry with Vasus.
Sloka : 7.76.6
प्रति॑ त्वा॒ स्तोमै॑रीळते॒ वसि॑ष्ठा उष॒र्बुधः॑ सुभगे तुष्टु॒वांसः॑ ।
गवां॑ ने॒त्री वाज॑पत्नी न उ॒च्छोषः॑ सुजाते प्रथ॒मा ज॑रस्व ॥ ७.०७६.०६
prati̍ tvā̱ stomai̍rīl̤ate̱ vasi̍ṣṭhā uṣa̱rbudha̍ḥ subhage tuṣṭu̱vāṃsa̍ḥ .
gavā̍ṃ ne̱trī vāja̍patnī na u̱cchoṣa̍ḥ sujāte pratha̱mā ja̍rasva .. 7.076.06
6 Extolling thee, Blest Goddess, the Vasisthas, awake at early mom, with lauds implore thee.
Leader of kine and Queen of all that strengthens, shine, come as first to us, O high-born Morning.
Sloka : 7.76.7
ए॒षा ने॒त्री राध॑सः सू॒नृता॑नामु॒षा उ॒च्छन्ती॑ रिभ्यते॒ वसि॑ष्ठैः ।
दी॒र्घ॒श्रुतं॑ र॒यिम॒स्मे दधा॑ना यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७६.०७
e̱ṣā ne̱trī rādha̍saḥ sū̱nṛtā̍nāmu̱ṣā u̱cchantī̍ ribhyate̱ vasi̍ṣṭhaiḥ .
dī̱rgha̱śruta̍ṃ ra̱yima̱sme dadhā̍nā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.076.07
7 She bringeth bounty and sweet charm of voices. The flushing Dawn is sung by the Vasisthas,
Giving us riches famed to distant places. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.77.1
उपो॑ रुरुचे युव॒तिर्न योषा॒ विश्वं॑ जी॒वं प्र॑सु॒वन्ती॑ च॒रायै॑ ।
अभू॑द॒ग्निः स॒मिधे॒ मानु॑षाणा॒मक॒र्ज्योति॒र्बाध॑माना॒ तमां॑सि ॥ ७.०७७.०१
upo̍ ruruce yuva̱tirna yoṣā̱ viśva̍ṃ jī̱vaṃ pra̍su̱vantī̍ ca̱rāyai̍ .
abhū̍da̱gniḥ sa̱midhe̱ mānu̍ṣāṇā̱maka̱rjyoti̱rbādha̍mānā̱ tamā̍ṃsi .. 7.077.01
1. SHE hath shone brightly like a youthful woman, stirring to motion every living creature.
Agni hath come to feed on mortal? fuel. She hath made light and chased away the darkness.
Sloka : 7.77.2
विश्वं॑ प्रती॒ची स॒प्रथा॒ उद॑स्था॒द्रुश॒द्वासो॒ बिभ्र॑ती शु॒क्रम॑श्वैत् ।
हिर॑ण्यवर्णा सु॒दृशी॑कसंदृ॒ग्गवां॑ मा॒ता ने॒त्र्यह्ना॑मरोचि ॥ ७.०७७.०२
viśva̍ṃ pratī̱cī sa̱prathā̱ uda̍sthā̱druśa̱dvāso̱ bibhra̍tī śu̱krama̍śvait .
hira̍ṇyavarṇā su̱dṛśī̍kasaṃdṛ̱ggavā̍ṃ mā̱tā ne̱tryahnā̍maroci .. 7.077.02
2 Turned to this All, far-spreading, she hath risen and shone in brightness with white robes about her.
She hath beamed forth lovely with golden colours, Mother of kine, Guide of the days she bringeth.
Sloka : 7.77.3
दे॒वानां॒ चक्षुः॑ सु॒भगा॒ वह॑न्ती श्वे॒तं नय॑न्ती सु॒दृशी॑क॒मश्व॑म् ।
उ॒षा अ॑दर्शि र॒श्मिभि॒र्व्य॑क्ता चि॒त्राम॑घा॒ विश्व॒मनु॒ प्रभू॑ता ॥ ७.०७७.०३
de̱vānā̱ṃ cakṣu̍ḥ su̱bhagā̱ vaha̍ntī śve̱taṃ naya̍ntī su̱dṛśī̍ka̱maśva̍m .
u̱ṣā a̍darśi ra̱śmibhi̱rvya̍ktā ci̱trāma̍ghā̱ viśva̱manu̱ prabhū̍tā .. 7.077.03
3 Bearing the Gods’ own Eye, auspicious Lady, leading her Courser white and fair to look on,
Distinguished by her bean-is Dawn shines apparent, come forth to all the world with wondrous treasure.
Sloka : 7.77.4
अन्ति॑वामा दू॒रे अ॒मित्र॑मुच्छो॒र्वीं गव्यू॑ति॒मभ॑यं कृधी नः ।
या॒वय॒ द्वेष॒ आ भ॑रा॒ वसू॑नि चो॒दय॒ राधो॑ गृण॒ते म॑घोनि ॥ ७.०७७.०४
anti̍vāmā dū̱re a̱mitra̍muccho̱rvīṃ gavyū̍ti̱mabha̍yaṃ kṛdhī naḥ .
yā̱vaya̱ dveṣa̱ ā bha̍rā̱ vasū̍ni co̱daya̱ rādho̍ gṛṇa̱te ma̍ghoni .. 7.077.04
4 Draw nigh with wealth and dawn away the foeman:- prepare for us wide pasture free from danger.
Drive away those who hate us, bring us riches:- pour bounty, opulent Lady, on the singer.
Sloka : 7.77.5
अ॒स्मे श्रेष्ठे॑भिर्भा॒नुभि॒र्वि भा॒ह्युषो॑ देवि प्रति॒रन्ती॑ न॒ आयुः॑ ।
इषं॑ च नो॒ दध॑ती विश्ववारे॒ गोम॒दश्वा॑व॒द्रथ॑वच्च॒ राधः॑ ॥ ७.०७७.०५
a̱sme śreṣṭhe̍bhirbhā̱nubhi̱rvi bhā̱hyuṣo̍ devi prati̱rantī̍ na̱ āyu̍ḥ .
iṣa̍ṃ ca no̱ dadha̍tī viśvavāre̱ goma̱daśvā̍va̱dratha̍vacca̱ rādha̍ḥ .. 7.077.05
5 Send thy most excellent beams to shine and light us, giving us lengthened days, O Dawn, O Goddess,
Granting us food, thou who hast all things precious, and bounty rich in chariots, kine, and horses.
Sloka : 7.77.6
यां त्वा॑ दिवो दुहितर्व॒र्धय॒न्त्युषः॑ सुजाते म॒तिभि॒र्वसि॑ष्ठाः ।
सास्मासु॑ धा र॒यिमृ॒ष्वं बृ॒हन्तं॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७७.०६
yāṃ tvā̍ divo duhitarva̱rdhaya̱ntyuṣa̍ḥ sujāte ma̱tibhi̱rvasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .
sāsmāsu̍ dhā ra̱yimṛ̱ṣvaṃ bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.077.06
6 O Uṣas, nobly-born, Daughter of Heaven, whom the Vasisthas with their hymns make mighty,
Bestow thou on us vast and glorious riches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.78.1
प्रति॑ के॒तवः॑ प्रथ॒मा अ॑दृश्रन्नू॒र्ध्वा अ॑स्या अ॒ञ्जयो॒ वि श्र॑यन्ते ।
उषो॑ अ॒र्वाचा॑ बृह॒ता रथे॑न॒ ज्योति॑ष्मता वा॒मम॒स्मभ्यं॑ वक्षि ॥ ७.०७८.०१
prati̍ ke̱tava̍ḥ pratha̱mā a̍dṛśrannū̱rdhvā a̍syā a̱ñjayo̱ vi śra̍yante .
uṣo̍ a̱rvācā̍ bṛha̱tā rathe̍na̱ jyoti̍ṣmatā vā̱mama̱smabhya̍ṃ vakṣi .. 7.078.01
1. WE have beheld her earliest lights approaching:- her many glories part, on high, asunder.
On car sublime, refulgent, wending hither, O Uṣas, bring the Wealth that makes us happy.
Sloka : 7.78.2
प्रति॑ षीम॒ग्निर्ज॑रते॒ समि॑द्धः॒ प्रति॒ विप्रा॑सो म॒तिभि॑र्गृ॒णन्तः॑ ।
उ॒षा या॑ति॒ ज्योति॑षा॒ बाध॑माना॒ विश्वा॒ तमां॑सि दुरि॒ताप॑ दे॒वी ॥ ७.०७८.०२
prati̍ ṣīma̱gnirja̍rate̱ sami̍ddha̱ḥ prati̱ viprā̍so ma̱tibhi̍rgṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ .
u̱ṣā yā̍ti̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱ bādha̍mānā̱ viśvā̱ tamā̍ṃsi duri̱tāpa̍ de̱vī .. 7.078.02
2 The fire well-kindIed sings aloud to greet her, and with their hymns the priests are chaming welcome.
Uṣas approaches in her splendour, driving all evil darkness far away, the Goddess.
Sloka : 7.78.3
ए॒ता उ॒ त्याः प्रत्य॑दृश्रन्पु॒रस्ता॒ज्ज्योति॒र्यच्छ॑न्तीरु॒षसो॑ विभा॒तीः ।
अजी॑जन॒न्सूर्यं॑ य॒ज्ञम॒ग्निम॑पा॒चीनं॒ तमो॑ अगा॒दजु॑ष्टम् ॥ ७.०७८.०३
e̱tā u̱ tyāḥ pratya̍dṛśranpu̱rastā̱jjyoti̱ryaccha̍ntīru̱ṣaso̍ vibhā̱tīḥ .
ajī̍jana̱nsūrya̍ṃ ya̱jñama̱gnima̍pā̱cīna̱ṃ tamo̍ agā̱daju̍ṣṭam .. 7.078.03
3 Apparent eastward are those lights of Morning, sending out lustre, as they rise, around them.
She hath brought forth Sun, sacrifice, and Agni, and far away hath fled detested darkness.
Sloka : 7.78.4
अचे॑ति दि॒वो दु॑हि॒ता म॒घोनी॒ विश्वे॑ पश्यन्त्यु॒षसं॑ विभा॒तीम् ।
आस्था॒द्रथं॑ स्व॒धया॑ यु॒ज्यमा॑न॒मा यमश्वा॑सः सु॒युजो॒ वह॑न्ति ॥ ७.०७८.०४
ace̍ti di̱vo du̍hi̱tā ma̱ghonī̱ viśve̍ paśyantyu̱ṣasa̍ṃ vibhā̱tīm .
āsthā̱dratha̍ṃ sva̱dhayā̍ yu̱jyamā̍na̱mā yamaśvā̍saḥ su̱yujo̱ vaha̍nti .. 7.078.04
4 Rich Daughter of the Sky, we all behold her, yea, all men look on Dawn as she is breaking.
fler car that moves self-harnessed hath she mounted, the car drawn onward by her well-yoked horses.
Sloka : 7.78.5
प्रति॑ त्वा॒द्य सु॒मन॑सो बुधन्ता॒स्माका॑सो म॒घवा॑नो व॒यं च॑ ।
ति॒ल्वि॒ला॒यध्व॑मुषसो विभा॒तीर्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७८.०५
prati̍ tvā̱dya su̱mana̍so budhantā̱smākā̍so ma̱ghavā̍no va̱yaṃ ca̍ .
ti̱lvi̱lā̱yadhva̍muṣaso vibhā̱tīryū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.078.05
5 Inspired with loving thoughts this day to greet thee, we and our wealthy nobles have awakened.
Show yourselves fruitful, Dawns, as ye are rising. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.79.1
व्यु१॒॑षा आ॑वः प॒थ्या॒३॒॑ जना॑नां॒ पञ्च॑ क्षि॒तीर्मानु॑षीर्बो॒धय॑न्ती ।
सु॒सं॒दृग्भि॑रु॒क्षभि॑र्भा॒नुम॑श्रे॒द्वि सूर्यो॒ रोद॑सी॒ चक्ष॑सावः ॥ ७.०७९.०१
vyu1̱̍ṣā ā̍vaḥ pa̱thyā̱3̱̍ janā̍nā̱ṃ pañca̍ kṣi̱tīrmānu̍ṣīrbo̱dhaya̍ntī .
su̱sa̱ṃdṛgbhi̍ru̱kṣabhi̍rbhā̱numa̍śre̱dvi sūryo̱ roda̍sī̱ cakṣa̍sāvaḥ .. 7.079.01
1. ROUSING the lands where men's Five Tribes are settled, Dawn hath disclosed the pathways of the people.
She hath sent out her sheen with beauteous oxen. The Sun with light hath opened earth and heaven.
Sloka : 7.79.2
व्य॑ञ्जते दि॒वो अन्ते॑ष्व॒क्तून्विशो॒ न यु॒क्ता उ॒षसो॑ यतन्ते ।
सं ते॒ गाव॒स्तम॒ आ व॑र्तयन्ति॒ ज्योति॑र्यच्छन्ति सवि॒तेव॑ बा॒हू ॥ ७.०७९.०२
vya̍ñjate di̱vo ante̍ṣva̱ktūnviśo̱ na yu̱ktā u̱ṣaso̍ yatante .
saṃ te̱ gāva̱stama̱ ā va̍rtayanti̱ jyoti̍ryacchanti savi̱teva̍ bā̱hū .. 7.079.02
2 They paint their bright rays on the sky's far limits. the Dawns come on like tribes arrayed for battle.
Thy cattle, closely shutting up the darkness, as Savitar spreads his arms, give forth their lustre.
Sloka : 7.79.3
अभू॑दु॒षा इन्द्र॑तमा म॒घोन्यजी॑जनत्सुवि॒ताय॒ श्रवां॑सि ।
वि दि॒वो दे॒वी दु॑हि॒ता द॑धा॒त्यङ्गि॑रस्तमा सु॒कृते॒ वसू॑नि ॥ ७.०७९.०३
abhū̍du̱ṣā indra̍tamā ma̱ghonyajī̍janatsuvi̱tāya̱ śravā̍ṃsi .
vi di̱vo de̱vī du̍hi̱tā da̍dhā̱tyaṅgi̍rastamā su̱kṛte̱ vasū̍ni .. 7.079.03
3 Wealthy, most like to Indra, Dawn hath risen, and brought forth lauds that shall promote our welfare.
Daughter of Heaven, a Goddess, she distributes, best of Aṅgirases, treasures to the pious.
Sloka : 7.79.4
ताव॑दुषो॒ राधो॑ अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ रास्व॒ याव॑त्स्तो॒तृभ्यो॒ अर॑दो गृणा॒ना ।
यां त्वा॑ ज॒ज्ञुर्वृ॑ष॒भस्या॒ रवे॑ण॒ वि दृ॒ळ्हस्य॒ दुरो॒ अद्रे॑रौर्णोः ॥ ७.०७९.०४
tāva̍duṣo̱ rādho̍ a̱smabhya̍ṃ rāsva̱ yāva̍tsto̱tṛbhyo̱ ara̍do gṛṇā̱nā .
yāṃ tvā̍ ja̱jñurvṛ̍ṣa̱bhasyā̱ rave̍ṇa̱ vi dṛ̱l̤hasya̱ duro̱ adre̍raurṇoḥ .. 7.079.04
4 Bestow on us, O Dawn, that ample bounty which thou didst send to those who sang thy praises;
Thou whom with bellowings of a bull they quickened:- thou didst unbar the firm-set mountain's portals.
Sloka : 7.79.5
दे॒वंदे॑वं॒ राध॑से चो॒दय॑न्त्यस्म॒द्र्य॑क्सू॒नृता॑ ई॒रय॑न्ती ।
व्यु॒च्छन्ती॑ नः स॒नये॒ धियो॑ धा यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०७९.०५
de̱vaṃde̍va̱ṃ rādha̍se co̱daya̍ntyasma̱drya̍ksū̱nṛtā̍ ī̱raya̍ntī .
vyu̱cchantī̍ naḥ sa̱naye̱ dhiyo̍ dhā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.079.05
5 Impelling every God to grant his bounty sending to us the charm of pleasant voices,
Vouchsafe us thoughts, for profit, as thou breakest. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.80.1
प्रति॒ स्तोमे॑भिरु॒षसं॒ वसि॑ष्ठा गी॒र्भिर्विप्रा॑सः प्रथ॒मा अ॑बुध्रन् ।
वि॒व॒र्तय॑न्तीं॒ रज॑सी॒ सम॑न्ते आविष्कृण्व॒तीं भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ॥ ७.०८०.०१
prati̱ stome̍bhiru̱ṣasa̱ṃ vasi̍ṣṭhā gī̱rbhirviprā̍saḥ pratha̱mā a̍budhran .
vi̱va̱rtaya̍ntī̱ṃ raja̍sī̱ sama̍nte āviṣkṛṇva̱tīṃ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .. 7.080.01
1 THE priests, Vasisthas, are the first awakened to welcome Uṣas with their songs and praises,
Who makes surrounding regions part asunder,and shows apparent all existing creatures.
Sloka : 7.80.2
ए॒षा स्या नव्य॒मायु॒र्दधा॑ना गू॒ढ्वी तमो॒ ज्योति॑षो॒षा अ॑बोधि ।
अग्र॑ एति युव॒तिरह्र॑याणा॒ प्राचि॑कित॒त्सूर्यं॑ य॒ज्ञम॒ग्निम् ॥ ७.०८०.०२
e̱ṣā syā navya̱māyu̱rdadhā̍nā gū̱ḍhvī tamo̱ jyoti̍ṣo̱ṣā a̍bodhi .
agra̍ eti yuva̱tirahra̍yāṇā̱ prāci̍kita̱tsūrya̍ṃ ya̱jñama̱gnim .. 7.080.02
2 Giving fresh life when she hath hid the darkness, this Dawn hath wakened there with new-born lustre.
Youthful and unrestrained she cometh forward:- she hath turned thoughts to Sun and fire and worship.
Sloka : 7.80.3
अश्वा॑वती॒र्गोम॑तीर्न उ॒षासो॑ वी॒रव॑तीः॒ सद॑मुच्छन्तु भ॒द्राः ।
घृ॒तं दुहा॑ना वि॒श्वतः॒ प्रपी॑ता यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०८०.०३
aśvā̍vatī̱rgoma̍tīrna u̱ṣāso̍ vī̱rava̍tī̱ḥ sada̍mucchantu bha̱drāḥ .
ghṛ̱taṃ duhā̍nā vi̱śvata̱ḥ prapī̍tā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.080.03
3 May blessed Mornings shine on us for ever, with wealth of kine, of horses, and of heroes,
Streaming with all abundance, pouring fatness. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.81.1
प्रत्यु॑ अदर्श्याय॒त्यु१॒॑च्छन्ती॑ दुहि॒ता दि॒वः ।
अपो॒ महि॑ व्ययति॒ चक्ष॑से॒ तमो॒ ज्योति॑ष्कृणोति सू॒नरी॑ ॥ ७.०८१.०१
pratyu̍ adarśyāya̱tyu1̱̍cchantī̍ duhi̱tā di̱vaḥ .
apo̱ mahi̍ vyayati̱ cakṣa̍se̱ tamo̱ jyoti̍ṣkṛṇoti sū̱narī̍ .. 7.081.01
1. ADVANCING, sending forth her rays, the Daughter of the Sky is seen.
Uncovering, that we may see, the mighty gloom, the friendly Lady makes the light.
Sloka : 7.81.2
उदु॒स्रियाः॑ सृजते॒ सूर्यः॒ सचा॑ँ उ॒द्यन्नक्ष॑त्रमर्चि॒वत् ।
तवेदु॑षो॒ व्युषि॒ सूर्य॑स्य च॒ सं भ॒क्तेन॑ गमेमहि ॥ ७.०८१.०२
udu̱sriyā̍ḥ sṛjate̱ sūrya̱ḥ sacā̍m̐ u̱dyannakṣa̍tramarci̱vat .
tavedu̍ṣo̱ vyuṣi̱ sūrya̍sya ca̱ saṃ bha̱ktena̍ gamemahi .. 7.081.02
2 The Sun ascending, the refulgent Star, pours down his beams together with the Dawn.
O Dawn, at thine arising, and the Sun's, may we attain the share allotted us.
Sloka : 7.81.3
प्रति॑ त्वा दुहितर्दिव॒ उषो॑ जी॒रा अ॑भुत्स्महि ।
या वह॑सि पु॒रु स्पा॒र्हं व॑नन्वति॒ रत्नं॒ न दा॒शुषे॒ मयः॑ ॥ ७.०८१.०३
prati̍ tvā duhitardiva̱ uṣo̍ jī̱rā a̍bhutsmahi .
yā vaha̍si pu̱ru spā̱rhaṃ va̍nanvati̱ ratna̱ṃ na dā̱śuṣe̱ maya̍ḥ .. 7.081.03
3 Promptly we woke to welcome thee, O Uṣas, Daughter of the Sky,
Thee, Bounteous One, who bringest all we long to have, and to the offerer health and wealth.
Sloka : 7.81.4
उ॒च्छन्ती॒ या कृ॒णोषि॑ मं॒हना॑ महि प्र॒ख्यै दे॑वि॒ स्व॑र्दृ॒शे ।
तस्या॑स्ते रत्न॒भाज॑ ईमहे व॒यं स्याम॑ मा॒तुर्न सू॒नवः॑ ॥ ७.०८१.०४
u̱cchantī̱ yā kṛ̱ṇoṣi̍ ma̱ṃhanā̍ mahi pra̱khyai de̍vi̱ sva̍rdṛ̱śe .
tasyā̍ste ratna̱bhāja̍ īmahe va̱yaṃ syāma̍ mā̱turna sū̱nava̍ḥ .. 7.081.04
4 Thou, dawning, workest fain to light the great world, yea, heaven, Goddess! that it may be seen.
We yearn to be thine own, Dealer of Wealth:- may we be to this Mother like her sons.
Sloka : 7.81.5
तच्चि॒त्रं राध॒ आ भ॒रोषो॒ यद्दी॑र्घ॒श्रुत्त॑मम् ।
यत्ते॑ दिवो दुहितर्मर्त॒भोज॑नं॒ तद्रा॑स्व भु॒नजा॑महै ॥ ७.०८१.०५
tacci̱traṃ rādha̱ ā bha̱roṣo̱ yaddī̍rgha̱śrutta̍mam .
yatte̍ divo duhitarmarta̱bhoja̍na̱ṃ tadrā̍sva bhu̱najā̍mahai .. 7.081.05
5 Bring us that wondrous bounty, Dawn, that shall be famed most far away.
What, Child of Heaven, thou hast of nourishment for man, bestow thou on us to enjoy.
Sloka : 7.81.6
श्रवः॑ सू॒रिभ्यो॑ अ॒मृतं॑ वसुत्व॒नं वाजा॑ँ अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ गोम॑तः ।
चो॒द॒यि॒त्री म॒घोनः॑ सू॒नृता॑वत्यु॒षा उ॑च्छ॒दप॒ स्रिधः॑ ॥ ७.०८१.०६
śrava̍ḥ sū̱ribhyo̍ a̱mṛta̍ṃ vasutva̱naṃ vājā̍m̐ a̱smabhya̱ṃ goma̍taḥ .
co̱da̱yi̱trī ma̱ghona̍ḥ sū̱nṛtā̍vatyu̱ṣā u̍ccha̱dapa̱ sridha̍ḥ .. 7.081.06
6 Give to our princes opulence and immortal fame, and strength in herds of kine to us.
May she who prompts the wealthy, Lady of sweet strains, may Uṣas dawn our foes away.
Sloka : 7.82.1
इन्द्रा॑वरुणा यु॒वम॑ध्व॒राय॑ नो वि॒शे जना॑य॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतम् ।
दी॒र्घप्र॑यज्यु॒मति॒ यो व॑नु॒ष्यति॑ व॒यं ज॑येम॒ पृत॑नासु दू॒ढ्यः॑ ॥ ७.०८२.०१
indrā̍varuṇā yu̱vama̍dhva̱rāya̍ no vi̱śe janā̍ya̱ mahi̱ śarma̍ yacchatam .
dī̱rghapra̍yajyu̱mati̱ yo va̍nu̱ṣyati̍ va̱yaṃ ja̍yema̱ pṛta̍nāsu dū̱ḍhya̍ḥ .. 7.082.01
1. GRANT us your strong protection, IndraVaruṇa, our people, and our family, for sacrifice.
May we subdue in fight our evil-hearted foes, him who attacks the man steadfast in lengthened rites.
Sloka : 7.82.2
स॒म्राळ॒न्यः स्व॒राळ॒न्य उ॑च्यते वां म॒हान्ता॒विन्द्रा॒वरु॑णा म॒हाव॑सू ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वासः॑ पर॒मे व्यो॑मनि॒ सं वा॒मोजो॑ वृषणा॒ सं बलं॑ दधुः ॥ ७.०८२.०२
sa̱mrāl̤a̱nyaḥ sva̱rāl̤a̱nya u̍cyate vāṃ ma̱hāntā̱vindrā̱varu̍ṇā ma̱hāva̍sū .
viśve̍ de̱vāsa̍ḥ para̱me vyo̍mani̱ saṃ vā̱mojo̍ vṛṣaṇā̱ saṃ bala̍ṃ dadhuḥ .. 7.082.02
2 O Indra-Varuṇa, mighty and very rich One of you is called Monarch and One Autocrat.
All Gods in the most lofty region of the air have, O ye Steers, combined all power and might in you.
Sloka : 7.82.3
अन्व॒पां खान्य॑तृन्त॒मोज॒सा सूर्य॑मैरयतं दि॒वि प्र॒भुम् ।
इन्द्रा॑वरुणा॒ मदे॑ अस्य मा॒यिनोऽपि॑न्वतम॒पितः॒ पिन्व॑तं॒ धियः॑ ॥ ७.०८२.०३
anva̱pāṃ khānya̍tṛnta̱moja̱sā sūrya̍mairayataṃ di̱vi pra̱bhum .
indrā̍varuṇā̱ made̍ asya mā̱yino'pi̍nvatama̱pita̱ḥ pinva̍ta̱ṃ dhiya̍ḥ .. 7.082.03
3 Ye with your strength have pierced the fountains of the floods:- the Sun have ye brought forward as the Lord in heaven.
Cheered by this magic draught ye, Indra-Varuṇa, made the dry places stream, made songs of praise flow forth.
Sloka : 7.82.4
यु॒वामिद्यु॒त्सु पृत॑नासु॒ वह्न॑यो यु॒वां क्षेम॑स्य प्रस॒वे मि॒तज्ञ॑वः ।
ई॒शा॒ना वस्व॑ उ॒भय॑स्य का॒रव॒ इन्द्रा॑वरुणा सु॒हवा॑ हवामहे ॥ ७.०८२.०४
yu̱vāmidyu̱tsu pṛta̍nāsu̱ vahna̍yo yu̱vāṃ kṣema̍sya prasa̱ve mi̱tajña̍vaḥ .
ī̱śā̱nā vasva̍ u̱bhaya̍sya kā̱rava̱ indrā̍varuṇā su̱havā̍ havāmahe .. 7.082.04
4 In battels and in frays we ministering priests, kneeling upon our knees for furtherance of our weal,
Invoke you, only you, the Lords of twofold wealth, you prompt to hear, we bards, O Indra-Varuṇa.
Sloka : 7.82.5
इन्द्रा॑वरुणा॒ यदि॒मानि॑ च॒क्रथु॒र्विश्वा॑ जा॒तानि॒ भुव॑नस्य म॒ज्मना॑ ।
क्षेमे॑ण मि॒त्रो वरु॑णं दुव॒स्यति॑ म॒रुद्भि॑रु॒ग्रः शुभ॑म॒न्य ई॑यते ॥ ७.०८२.०५
indrā̍varuṇā̱ yadi̱māni̍ ca̱krathu̱rviśvā̍ jā̱tāni̱ bhuva̍nasya ma̱jmanā̍ .
kṣeme̍ṇa mi̱tro varu̍ṇaṃ duva̱syati̍ ma̱rudbhi̍ru̱graḥ śubha̍ma̱nya ī̍yate .. 7.082.05
5 O Indra-Varuṇa, as ye created all these creatures of the world by your surpassing might,
In peace and quiet Mitra waits on Varuṇa, the Other, awful, with the Maruis seeks renown.
Sloka : 7.82.6
म॒हे शु॒ल्काय॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ नु त्वि॒ष ओजो॑ मिमाते ध्रु॒वम॑स्य॒ यत्स्वम् ।
अजा॑मिम॒न्यः श्न॒थय॑न्त॒माति॑रद्द॒भ्रेभि॑र॒न्यः प्र वृ॑णोति॒ भूय॑सः ॥ ७.०८२.०६
ma̱he śu̱lkāya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ nu tvi̱ṣa ojo̍ mimāte dhru̱vama̍sya̱ yatsvam .
ajā̍mima̱nyaḥ śna̱thaya̍nta̱māti̍radda̱bhrebhi̍ra̱nyaḥ pra vṛ̍ṇoti̱ bhūya̍saḥ .. 7.082.06
6 That Varuṇa's high worth may shine preeminent, these Twain have measured each his proper power and might.
The One subdueth the destructive enemy; the Other with a few furthereth many a man.
Sloka : 7.82.7
न तमंहो॒ न दु॑रि॒तानि॒ मर्त्य॒मिन्द्रा॑वरुणा॒ न तपः॒ कुत॑श्च॒न ।
यस्य॑ देवा॒ गच्छ॑थो वी॒थो अ॑ध्व॒रं न तं मर्त॑स्य नशते॒ परि॑ह्वृतिः ॥ ७.०८२.०७
na tamaṃho̱ na du̍ri̱tāni̱ martya̱mindrā̍varuṇā̱ na tapa̱ḥ kuta̍śca̱na .
yasya̍ devā̱ gaccha̍tho vī̱tho a̍dhva̱raṃ na taṃ marta̍sya naśate̱ pari̍hvṛtiḥ .. 7.082.07
7 No trouble, no misfortune, Indra-Varuṇa, no woe from any side assails the mortal man
Whose sacrifice, O Gods, ye visit and enjoy:- ne’er doth the crafty guile of mortal injure him.
Sloka : 7.82.8
अ॒र्वाङ्न॑रा॒ दैव्ये॒नाव॒सा ग॑तं शृणु॒तं हवं॒ यदि॑ मे॒ जुजो॑षथः ।
यु॒वोर्हि स॒ख्यमु॒त वा॒ यदाप्यं॑ मार्डी॒कमि॑न्द्रावरुणा॒ नि य॑च्छतम् ॥ ७.०८२.०८
a̱rvāṅna̍rā̱ daivye̱nāva̱sā ga̍taṃ śṛṇu̱taṃ hava̱ṃ yadi̍ me̱ jujo̍ṣathaḥ .
yu̱vorhi sa̱khyamu̱ta vā̱ yadāpya̍ṃ mārḍī̱kami̍ndrāvaruṇā̱ ni ya̍cchatam .. 7.082.08
8 With your divine protection, Heroes, come to us:- mine invncation hear, if ye be pleased therewith.
Bestow ye upon us, O Indra-Varuṇa, your friendship and your kinship and your favouring grace.
Sloka : 7.82.9
अ॒स्माक॑मिन्द्रावरुणा॒ भरे॑भरे पुरोयो॒धा भ॑वतं कृष्ट्योजसा ।
यद्वां॒ हव॑न्त उ॒भये॒ अध॑ स्पृ॒धि नर॑स्तो॒कस्य॒ तन॑यस्य सा॒तिषु॑ ॥ ७.०८२.०९
a̱smāka̍mindrāvaruṇā̱ bhare̍bhare puroyo̱dhā bha̍vataṃ kṛṣṭyojasā .
yadvā̱ṃ hava̍nta u̱bhaye̱ adha̍ spṛ̱dhi nara̍sto̱kasya̱ tana̍yasya sā̱tiṣu̍ .. 7.082.09
9 In battle after battle, Indra-Varuṇa, be ye our Champions, ye who are the peoples' strength,
When both opposing bands invoke you for the fight, and men that they may gain offspring and progeny.
Sloka : 7.82.10
अ॒स्मे इन्द्रो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा द्यु॒म्नं य॑च्छन्तु॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ स॒प्रथः॑ ।
अ॒व॒ध्रं ज्योति॒रदि॑तेरृता॒वृधो॑ दे॒वस्य॒ श्लोकं॑ सवि॒तुर्म॑नामहे ॥ ७.०८२.१०
a̱sme indro̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā dyu̱mnaṃ ya̍cchantu̱ mahi̱ śarma̍ sa̱pratha̍ḥ .
a̱va̱dhraṃ jyoti̱radi̍terṛtā̱vṛdho̍ de̱vasya̱ śloka̍ṃ savi̱turma̍nāmahe .. 7.082.10
10 May Indra, Varuṇa, Mitra, and Aryaman vouchsafe us glory and great shelter spreading far.
We think of the beneficent light of Aditi, and Savitar's song of praise, the God who strengthens Law.
Sloka : 7.83.1
यु॒वां न॑रा॒ पश्य॑मानास॒ आप्यं॑ प्रा॒चा ग॒व्यन्तः॑ पृथु॒पर्श॑वो ययुः ।
दासा॑ च वृ॒त्रा ह॒तमार्या॑णि च सु॒दास॑मिन्द्रावरु॒णाव॑सावतम् ॥ ७.०८३.०१
yu̱vāṃ na̍rā̱ paśya̍mānāsa̱ āpya̍ṃ prā̱cā ga̱vyanta̍ḥ pṛthu̱parśa̍vo yayuḥ .
dāsā̍ ca vṛ̱trā ha̱tamāryā̍ṇi ca su̱dāsa̍mindrāvaru̱ṇāva̍sāvatam .. 7.083.01
1. LOOKING to you and your alliance, O ye Men, armed with broad axes they went forward, fain for spoil.
Ye smote and slew his Dāsa and his Āryan enemies, and helped Sudās with favour, Indra-Varuṇa.
Sloka : 7.83.2
यत्रा॒ नरः॑ स॒मय॑न्ते कृ॒तध्व॑जो॒ यस्मि॑न्ना॒जा भव॑ति॒ किं च॒न प्रि॒यम् ।
यत्रा॒ भय॑न्ते॒ भुव॑ना स्व॒र्दृश॒स्तत्रा॑ न इन्द्रावरु॒णाधि॑ वोचतम् ॥ ७.०८३.०२
yatrā̱ nara̍ḥ sa̱maya̍nte kṛ̱tadhva̍jo̱ yasmi̍nnā̱jā bhava̍ti̱ kiṃ ca̱na pri̱yam .
yatrā̱ bhaya̍nte̱ bhuva̍nā sva̱rdṛśa̱statrā̍ na indrāvaru̱ṇādhi̍ vocatam .. 7.083.02
2 Where heroes come together with their banners raised, in the encounter where is naught for us to love,
Where all things that behold the light are terrified, there did ye comfort us, O Indra-Varuṇa.
Sloka : 7.83.3
सं भूम्या॒ अन्ता॑ ध्वसि॒रा अ॑दृक्ष॒तेन्द्रा॑वरुणा दि॒वि घोष॒ आरु॑हत् ।
अस्थु॒र्जना॑ना॒मुप॒ मामरा॑तयो॒ऽर्वागव॑सा हवनश्रु॒ता ग॑तम् ॥ ७.०८३.०३
saṃ bhūmyā̱ antā̍ dhvasi̱rā a̍dṛkṣa̱tendrā̍varuṇā di̱vi ghoṣa̱ āru̍hat .
asthu̱rjanā̍nā̱mupa̱ māmarā̍tayo̱'rvāgava̍sā havanaśru̱tā ga̍tam .. 7.083.03
3 The boundaries of earth were seen all dark with dust:- O Indra-Varuṇa, the shout went up to heaven.
The enmities of the people compassed me about. Ye heard my calling and ye came to me with help.
Sloka : 7.83.4
इन्द्रा॑वरुणा व॒धना॑भिरप्र॒ति भे॒दं व॒न्वन्ता॒ प्र सु॒दास॑मावतम् ।
ब्रह्मा॑ण्येषां शृणुतं॒ हवी॑मनि स॒त्या तृत्सू॑नामभवत्पु॒रोहि॑तिः ॥ ७.०८३.०४
indrā̍varuṇā va̱dhanā̍bhirapra̱ti bhe̱daṃ va̱nvantā̱ pra su̱dāsa̍māvatam .
brahmā̍ṇyeṣāṃ śṛṇuta̱ṃ havī̍mani sa̱tyā tṛtsū̍nāmabhavatpu̱rohi̍tiḥ .. 7.083.04
4 With your resistless weapons, Indra-Varuṇa, ye conquered Bheda and ye gave Sudās your aid.
Ye heard the prayers of these amid the cries of war:- effectual was the service of the Trtsus' priest.
Sloka : 7.83.5
इन्द्रा॑वरुणाव॒भ्या त॑पन्ति मा॒घान्य॒र्यो व॒नुषा॒मरा॑तयः ।
यु॒वं हि वस्व॑ उ॒भय॑स्य॒ राज॒थोऽध॑ स्मा नोऽवतं॒ पार्ये॑ दि॒वि ॥ ७.०८३.०५
indrā̍varuṇāva̱bhyā ta̍panti mā̱ghānya̱ryo va̱nuṣā̱marā̍tayaḥ .
yu̱vaṃ hi vasva̍ u̱bhaya̍sya̱ rāja̱tho'dha̍ smā no'vata̱ṃ pārye̍ di̱vi .. 7.083.05
5 O Indra-Varuṇa, the wickedness of foes and mine assailants' hatred sorely trouble me.
Ye Twain are Lords of riches both of earth and heaven:- so grant to us your aid on the decisive day.
Sloka : 7.83.6
यु॒वां ह॑वन्त उ॒भया॑स आ॒जिष्विन्द्रं॑ च॒ वस्वो॒ वरु॑णं च सा॒तये॑ ।
यत्र॒ राज॑भिर्द॒शभि॒र्निबा॑धितं॒ प्र सु॒दास॒माव॑तं॒ तृत्सु॑भिः स॒ह ॥ ७.०८३.०६
yu̱vāṃ ha̍vanta u̱bhayā̍sa ā̱jiṣvindra̍ṃ ca̱ vasvo̱ varu̍ṇaṃ ca sā̱taye̍ .
yatra̱ rāja̍bhirda̱śabhi̱rnibā̍dhita̱ṃ pra su̱dāsa̱māva̍ta̱ṃ tṛtsu̍bhiḥ sa̱ha .. 7.083.06
6 The men of both the hosts invoked you in the fight, Indra and Varuṇa, that they might win the wealth,
What time ye helped Sudās, with all the Trtsu folk, when the Ten Kings had pressed him down in their attack.
Sloka : 7.83.7
दश॒ राजा॑नः॒ समि॑ता॒ अय॑ज्यवः सु॒दास॑मिन्द्रावरुणा॒ न यु॑युधुः ।
स॒त्या नृ॒णाम॑द्म॒सदा॒मुप॑स्तुतिर्दे॒वा ए॑षामभवन्दे॒वहू॑तिषु ॥ ७.०८३.०७
daśa̱ rājā̍na̱ḥ sami̍tā̱ aya̍jyavaḥ su̱dāsa̍mindrāvaruṇā̱ na yu̍yudhuḥ .
sa̱tyā nṛ̱ṇāma̍dma̱sadā̱mupa̍stutirde̱vā e̍ṣāmabhavande̱vahū̍tiṣu .. 7.083.07
7 Ten Kings who worshipped not, O Indra-Varuṇa, confederate, in war prevailed not o’er Sudās.
True was the boast of heroes sitting at the feast:- so at their invocations Gods were on their side.
Sloka : 7.83.8
दा॒श॒रा॒ज्ञे परि॑यत्ताय वि॒श्वतः॑ सु॒दास॑ इन्द्रावरुणावशिक्षतम् ।
श्वि॒त्यञ्चो॒ यत्र॒ नम॑सा कप॒र्दिनो॑ धि॒या धीव॑न्तो॒ अस॑पन्त॒ तृत्स॑वः ॥ ७.०८३.०८
dā̱śa̱rā̱jñe pari̍yattāya vi̱śvata̍ḥ su̱dāsa̍ indrāvaruṇāvaśikṣatam .
śvi̱tyañco̱ yatra̱ nama̍sā kapa̱rdino̍ dhi̱yā dhīva̍nto̱ asa̍panta̱ tṛtsa̍vaḥ .. 7.083.08
8 O Indra-Varuṇa, ye gave Sudās your aid when the Ten Kings in battle compassed him about,
There where the white-robed Trtsus with their braided hair, skilled in song worshipped you with homage and with hymn.
Sloka : 7.83.9
वृ॒त्राण्य॒न्यः स॑मि॒थेषु॒ जिघ्न॑ते व्र॒तान्य॒न्यो अ॒भि र॑क्षते॒ सदा॑ ।
हवा॑महे वां वृषणा सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑र॒स्मे इ॑न्द्रावरुणा॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतम् ॥ ७.०८३.०९
vṛ̱trāṇya̱nyaḥ sa̍mi̱theṣu̱ jighna̍te vra̱tānya̱nyo a̱bhi ra̍kṣate̱ sadā̍ .
havā̍mahe vāṃ vṛṣaṇā suvṛ̱ktibhi̍ra̱sme i̍ndrāvaruṇā̱ śarma̍ yacchatam .. 7.083.09
9 One of you Twain destroys the Vṛtras in the fight, the Other evermore maintains his holy Laws.
We call on you, ye Mighty, with our hymns of praise. Vouchsafe us your protection, Indra-Varuṇa.
Sloka : 7.83.10
अ॒स्मे इन्द्रो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा द्यु॒म्नं य॑च्छन्तु॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ स॒प्रथः॑ ।
अ॒व॒ध्रं ज्योति॒रदि॑तेरृता॒वृधो॑ दे॒वस्य॒ श्लोकं॑ सवि॒तुर्म॑नामहे ॥ ७.०८३.१०
a̱sme indro̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā dyu̱mnaṃ ya̍cchantu̱ mahi̱ śarma̍ sa̱pratha̍ḥ .
a̱va̱dhraṃ jyoti̱radi̍terṛtā̱vṛdho̍ de̱vasya̱ śloka̍ṃ savi̱turma̍nāmahe .. 7.083.10
10 May Indra, Varuṇa, Mitra, and Aryaman vouchsafe us glory and great shelter spreading far.
We think of the beneficent light of Aditi, and Savitar's song of praise, the God who strengthens Law.
Sloka : 7.84.1
आ वां॑ राजानावध्व॒रे व॑वृत्यां ह॒व्येभि॑रिन्द्रावरुणा॒ नमो॑भिः ।
प्र वां॑ घृ॒ताची॑ बा॒ह्वोर्दधा॑ना॒ परि॒ त्मना॒ विषु॑रूपा जिगाति ॥ ७.०८४.०१
ā vā̍ṃ rājānāvadhva̱re va̍vṛtyāṃ ha̱vyebhi̍rindrāvaruṇā̱ namo̍bhiḥ .
pra vā̍ṃ ghṛ̱tācī̍ bā̱hvordadhā̍nā̱ pari̱ tmanā̱ viṣu̍rūpā jigāti .. 7.084.01
1. KINGS, Indra-Varuṇa, I would turn you hither to this our sacrifice with gifts and homage.
Held in both arms the ladle, dropping fatness, goes of itself to you whose forms are varied.
Sloka : 7.84.2
यु॒वो रा॒ष्ट्रं बृ॒हदि॑न्वति॒ द्यौर्यौ से॒तृभि॑रर॒ज्जुभिः॑ सिनी॒थः ।
परि॑ नो॒ हेळो॒ वरु॑णस्य वृज्या उ॒रुं न॒ इन्द्रः॑ कृणवदु लो॒कम् ॥ ७.०८४.०२
yu̱vo rā̱ṣṭraṃ bṛ̱hadi̍nvati̱ dyauryau se̱tṛbhi̍rara̱jjubhi̍ḥ sinī̱thaḥ .
pari̍ no̱ hel̤o̱ varu̍ṇasya vṛjyā u̱ruṃ na̱ indra̍ḥ kṛṇavadu lo̱kam .. 7.084.02
2 Dyaus quickens and promotes your high dominion who bind with bonds not wrought of rope or cordage.
Far from us still be Varuṇa's displeasure may Indra give us spacious room to dwell in.
Sloka : 7.84.3
कृ॒तं नो॑ य॒ज्ञं वि॒दथे॑षु॒ चारुं॑ कृ॒तं ब्रह्मा॑णि सू॒रिषु॑ प्रश॒स्ता ।
उपो॑ र॒यिर्दे॒वजू॑तो न एतु॒ प्र णः॑ स्पा॒र्हाभि॑रू॒तिभि॑स्तिरेतम् ॥ ७.०८४.०३
kṛ̱taṃ no̍ ya̱jñaṃ vi̱dathe̍ṣu̱ cāru̍ṃ kṛ̱taṃ brahmā̍ṇi sū̱riṣu̍ praśa̱stā .
upo̍ ra̱yirde̱vajū̍to na etu̱ pra ṇa̍ḥ spā̱rhābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍stiretam .. 7.084.03
3 Make ye our sacrifice fair amid the assemblies:- make ye our prayers approved among our princes.
May God-sent riches come for our possession:- further ye us with your delightful succours.
Sloka : 7.84.4
अ॒स्मे इ॑न्द्रावरुणा वि॒श्ववा॑रं र॒यिं ध॑त्तं॒ वसु॑मन्तं पुरु॒क्षुम् ।
प्र य आ॑दि॒त्यो अनृ॑ता मि॒नात्यमि॑ता॒ शूरो॑ दयते॒ वसू॑नि ॥ ७.०८४.०४
a̱sme i̍ndrāvaruṇā vi̱śvavā̍raṃ ra̱yiṃ dha̍tta̱ṃ vasu̍mantaṃ puru̱kṣum .
pra ya ā̍di̱tyo anṛ̍tā mi̱nātyami̍tā̱ śūro̍ dayate̱ vasū̍ni .. 7.084.04
4 O Indra-Varuṇa, vouchsafe us riches with store of treasure, food, and every blessing;
For the Āditya, banisher of falsehood, the Hero, dealeth wealth in boundless plenty.
Sloka : 7.84.5
इ॒यमिन्द्रं॒ वरु॑णमष्ट मे॒ गीः प्राव॑त्तो॒के तन॑ये॒ तूतु॑जाना ।
सु॒रत्ना॑सो दे॒ववी॑तिं गमेम यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०८४.०५
i̱yamindra̱ṃ varu̍ṇamaṣṭa me̱ gīḥ prāva̍tto̱ke tana̍ye̱ tūtu̍jānā .
su̱ratnā̍so de̱vavī̍tiṃ gamema yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.084.05
5 May this my song reach Varuṇa and Indra, and, strongly urging, win me sons and offspring.
To the Gods’ banquet may we go with riches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.85.1
पु॒नी॒षे वा॑मर॒क्षसं॑ मनी॒षां सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ वरु॑णाय॒ जुह्व॑त् ।
घृ॒तप्र॑तीकामु॒षसं॒ न दे॒वीं ता नो॒ याम॑न्नुरुष्यताम॒भीके॑ ॥ ७.०८५.०१
pu̱nī̱ṣe vā̍mara̱kṣasa̍ṃ manī̱ṣāṃ soma̱mindrā̍ya̱ varu̍ṇāya̱ juhva̍t .
ghṛ̱tapra̍tīkāmu̱ṣasa̱ṃ na de̱vīṃ tā no̱ yāma̍nnuruṣyatāma̱bhīke̍ .. 7.085.01
1. FOR you I deck a harmless hymn, presenting the Soma juice to Varuṇa and Indra-
A hymn that shines like heavenly Dawn with fatness. May they be near us on the march and guard us.
Sloka : 7.85.2
स्पर्ध॑न्ते॒ वा उ॑ देव॒हूये॒ अत्र॒ येषु॑ ध्व॒जेषु॑ दि॒द्यवः॒ पत॑न्ति ।
यु॒वं ताँ इ॑न्द्रावरुणाव॒मित्रा॑न्ह॒तं परा॑चः॒ शर्वा॒ विषू॑चः ॥ ७.०८५.०२
spardha̍nte̱ vā u̍ deva̱hūye̱ atra̱ yeṣu̍ dhva̱jeṣu̍ di̱dyava̱ḥ pata̍nti .
yu̱vaṃ tām̐ i̍ndrāvaruṇāva̱mitrā̍nha̱taṃ parā̍ca̱ḥ śarvā̱ viṣū̍caḥ .. 7.085.02
2 Here where the arrows fall amid the banners both hosts invoke the Gods in emulation.
O Indra-Varuṇa, smite back those-our foemen,yea, smite them withyour shaft to every quarter.
Sloka : 7.85.3
आप॑श्चि॒द्धि स्वय॑शसः॒ सद॑स्सु दे॒वीरिन्द्रं॒ वरु॑णं दे॒वता॒ धुः ।
कृ॒ष्टीर॒न्यो धा॒रय॑ति॒ प्रवि॑क्ता वृ॒त्राण्य॒न्यो अ॑प्र॒तीनि॑ हन्ति ॥ ७.०८५.०३
āpa̍ści̱ddhi svaya̍śasa̱ḥ sada̍ssu de̱vīrindra̱ṃ varu̍ṇaṃ de̱vatā̱ dhuḥ .
kṛ̱ṣṭīra̱nyo dhā̱raya̍ti̱ pravi̍ktā vṛ̱trāṇya̱nyo a̍pra̱tīni̍ hanti .. 7.085.03
3 Self-lucid in their seats, e’en heavenly Waters endowed with Godhead Varuṇa and Indra.
One of these holds the folk distinct and sundered, the Other smites and slays resistless foemen.
Sloka : 7.85.4
स सु॒क्रतु॑रृत॒चिद॑स्तु॒ होता॒ य आ॑दित्य॒ शव॑सा वां॒ नम॑स्वान् ।
आ॒व॒वर्त॒दव॑से वां ह॒विष्मा॒नस॒दित्स सु॑वि॒ताय॒ प्रय॑स्वान् ॥ ७.०८५.०४
sa su̱kratu̍rṛta̱cida̍stu̱ hotā̱ ya ā̍ditya̱ śava̍sā vā̱ṃ nama̍svān .
ā̱va̱varta̱dava̍se vāṃ ha̱viṣmā̱nasa̱ditsa su̍vi̱tāya̱ praya̍svān .. 7.085.04
4 Wise be the priest and skilled in Law Eternal, who with his sacred gifts and oration.
Brings you to aid us with your might, Ādityas:- let him have viands to promote his welfare.
Sloka : 7.85.5
इ॒यमिन्द्रं॒ वरु॑णमष्ट मे॒ गीः प्राव॑त्तो॒के तन॑ये॒ तूतु॑जाना ।
सु॒रत्ना॑सो दे॒ववी॑तिं गमेम यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०८५.०५
i̱yamindra̱ṃ varu̍ṇamaṣṭa me̱ gīḥ prāva̍tto̱ke tana̍ye̱ tūtu̍jānā .
su̱ratnā̍so de̱vavī̍tiṃ gamema yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.085.05
5 May this my song reach Varuṇa and Indra, and, strongly urging, win me sons and offspring.
To the Gods’ banquet may we go with riches. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods with blessings.
Sloka : 7.86.1
धीरा॒ त्व॑स्य महि॒ना ज॒नूंषि॒ वि यस्त॒स्तम्भ॒ रोद॑सी चिदु॒र्वी ।
प्र नाक॑मृ॒ष्वं नु॑नुदे बृ॒हन्तं॑ द्वि॒ता नक्ष॑त्रं प॒प्रथ॑च्च॒ भूम॑ ॥ ७.०८६.०१
dhīrā̱ tva̍sya mahi̱nā ja̱nūṃṣi̱ vi yasta̱stambha̱ roda̍sī cidu̱rvī .
pra nāka̍mṛ̱ṣvaṃ nu̍nude bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ dvi̱tā nakṣa̍traṃ pa̱pratha̍cca̱ bhūma̍ .. 7.086.01
1. WISE, verily, are creatures through his greatness who stayed ever, spacious heaven and earth asunder;
Who urged the high and mighty sky to motion, the Star of old, and spread the earth before him.
Sloka : 7.86.2
उ॒त स्वया॑ त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ सं व॑दे॒ तत्क॒दा न्व१॒॑न्तर्वरु॑णे भुवानि ।
किं मे॑ ह॒व्यमहृ॑णानो जुषेत क॒दा मृ॑ळी॒कं सु॒मना॑ अ॒भि ख्य॑म् ॥ ७.०८६.०२
u̱ta svayā̍ ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ saṃ va̍de̱ tatka̱dā nva1̱̍ntarvaru̍ṇe bhuvāni .
kiṃ me̍ ha̱vyamahṛ̍ṇāno juṣeta ka̱dā mṛ̍l̤ī̱kaṃ su̱manā̍ a̱bhi khya̍m .. 7.086.02
2 With mine own heart I commune on the question how Varuṇa and I may be united.
What gift of mine will he accept unangered? When may I calmly look and find him gracious?
Sloka : 7.86.3
पृ॒च्छे तदेनो॑ वरुण दि॒दृक्षूपो॑ एमि चिकि॒तुषो॑ वि॒पृच्छ॑म् ।
स॒मा॒नमिन्मे॑ क॒वय॑श्चिदाहुर॒यं ह॒ तुभ्यं॒ वरु॑णो हृणीते ॥ ७.०८६.०३
pṛ̱cche tadeno̍ varuṇa di̱dṛkṣūpo̍ emi ciki̱tuṣo̍ vi̱pṛccha̍m .
sa̱mā̱naminme̍ ka̱vaya̍ścidāhura̱yaṃ ha̱ tubhya̱ṃ varu̍ṇo hṛṇīte .. 7.086.03
3 Fain to know this is my sin I question others:- I seek the wise, O Varuṇa, and ask them.
This one same answer even the sages gave me, "Surely this Varuṇa is angry with thee."
Sloka : 7.86.4
किमाग॑ आस वरुण॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ यत्स्तो॒तारं॒ जिघां॑ससि॒ सखा॑यम् ।
प्र तन्मे॑ वोचो दूळभ स्वधा॒वोऽव॑ त्वाने॒ना नम॑सा तु॒र इ॑याम् ॥ ७.०८६.०४
kimāga̍ āsa varuṇa̱ jyeṣṭha̱ṃ yatsto̱tāra̱ṃ jighā̍ṃsasi̱ sakhā̍yam .
pra tanme̍ voco dūl̤abha svadhā̱vo'va̍ tvāne̱nā nama̍sā tu̱ra i̍yām .. 7.086.04
4 What, Varuṇa, hath been my chief transgression, that thou wouldst slay the friend who sings thy praises?
Tell me, Unconquerable Lord, and quickly sinless will I approach thee with mine homage.
Sloka : 7.86.5
अव॑ द्रु॒ग्धानि॒ पित्र्या॑ सृजा॒ नोऽव॒ या व॒यं च॑कृ॒मा त॒नूभिः॑ ।
अव॑ राजन्पशु॒तृपं॒ न ता॒युं सृ॒जा व॒त्सं न दाम्नो॒ वसि॑ष्ठम् ॥ ७.०८६.०५
ava̍ dru̱gdhāni̱ pitryā̍ sṛjā̱ no'va̱ yā va̱yaṃ ca̍kṛ̱mā ta̱nūbhi̍ḥ .
ava̍ rājanpaśu̱tṛpa̱ṃ na tā̱yuṃ sṛ̱jā va̱tsaṃ na dāmno̱ vasi̍ṣṭham .. 7.086.05
5 Free us from sins committed by our fathers, from those wherein we have ourselves offended.
O King, loose, like a thief who feeds the cattle, as from the cord a calf, set free Vasiṣṭha.
Sloka : 7.86.6
न स स्वो दक्षो॑ वरुण॒ ध्रुतिः॒ सा सुरा॑ म॒न्युर्वि॒भीद॑को॒ अचि॑त्तिः ।
अस्ति॒ ज्याया॒न्कनी॑यस उपा॒रे स्वप्न॑श्च॒नेदनृ॑तस्य प्रयो॒ता ॥ ७.०८६.०६
na sa svo dakṣo̍ varuṇa̱ dhruti̱ḥ sā surā̍ ma̱nyurvi̱bhīda̍ko̱ aci̍ttiḥ .
asti̱ jyāyā̱nkanī̍yasa upā̱re svapna̍śca̱nedanṛ̍tasya prayo̱tā .. 7.086.06
6 Not our own will betrayed us, but seduction, thoughtlessness, Varuṇa wine, dice, or anger.
The old is near to lead astray the younger:- even sleep removeth not all evil-doing.
Sloka : 7.86.7
अरं॑ दा॒सो न मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ कराण्य॒हं दे॒वाय॒ भूर्ण॒येऽना॑गाः ।
अचे॑तयद॒चितो॑ दे॒वो अ॒र्यो गृत्सं॑ रा॒ये क॒वित॑रो जुनाति ॥ ७.०८६.०७
ara̍ṃ dā̱so na mī̱l̤huṣe̍ karāṇya̱haṃ de̱vāya̱ bhūrṇa̱ye'nā̍gāḥ .
ace̍tayada̱cito̍ de̱vo a̱ryo gṛtsa̍ṃ rā̱ye ka̱vita̍ro junāti .. 7.086.07
7 Slavelike may I do service to the Bounteous, serve, free from sin, the God inclined to anger.
This gentle Lord gives wisdom to the simple:- the wiser God leads on the wise to riches.
Sloka : 7.86.8
अ॒यं सु तुभ्यं॑ वरुण स्वधावो हृ॒दि स्तोम॒ उप॑श्रितश्चिदस्तु ।
शं नः॒ क्षेमे॒ शमु॒ योगे॑ नो अस्तु यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०८६.०८
a̱yaṃ su tubhya̍ṃ varuṇa svadhāvo hṛ̱di stoma̱ upa̍śritaścidastu .
śaṃ na̱ḥ kṣeme̱ śamu̱ yoge̍ no astu yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.086.08
8 O Lord, O Varuṇa, may this laudation come close to thee and lie within thy spirit.
May it be well with us in rest and labour. Preserve us ever-more, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.87.1
रद॑त्प॒थो वरु॑णः॒ सूर्या॑य॒ प्रार्णां॑सि समु॒द्रिया॑ न॒दीना॑म् ।
सर्गो॒ न सृ॒ष्टो अर्व॑तीरृता॒यञ्च॒कार॑ म॒हीर॒वनी॒रह॑भ्यः ॥ ७.०८७.०१
rada̍tpa̱tho varu̍ṇa̱ḥ sūryā̍ya̱ prārṇā̍ṃsi samu̱driyā̍ na̱dīnā̍m .
sargo̱ na sṛ̱ṣṭo arva̍tīrṛtā̱yañca̱kāra̍ ma̱hīra̱vanī̱raha̍bhyaḥ .. 7.087.01
1. VARUNA cut a pathway out for Sūrya, and led the watery floods of rivers onward.
The Mares, as in a race, speed on in order. He made great channels for the days to follow.
Sloka : 7.87.2
आ॒त्मा ते॒ वातो॒ रज॒ आ न॑वीनोत्प॒शुर्न भूर्णि॒र्यव॑से सस॒वान् ।
अ॒न्तर्म॒ही बृ॑ह॒ती रोद॑सी॒मे विश्वा॑ ते॒ धाम॑ वरुण प्रि॒याणि॑ ॥ ७.०८७.०२
ā̱tmā te̱ vāto̱ raja̱ ā na̍vīnotpa̱śurna bhūrṇi̱ryava̍se sasa̱vān .
a̱ntarma̱hī bṛ̍ha̱tī roda̍sī̱me viśvā̍ te̱ dhāma̍ varuṇa pri̱yāṇi̍ .. 7.087.02
2 The wind, thy breath, hath sounded through the region like a wild beast that seeks his food in pastures.
Within these two, exalted Earth and Heaven, O Varuṇa, are all the forms thou lovest.
Sloka : 7.87.3
परि॒ स्पशो॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ स्मदि॑ष्टा उ॒भे प॑श्यन्ति॒ रोद॑सी सु॒मेके॑ ।
ऋ॒तावा॑नः क॒वयो॑ य॒ज्ञधी॑राः॒ प्रचे॑तसो॒ य इ॒षय॑न्त॒ मन्म॑ ॥ ७.०८७.०३
pari̱ spaśo̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ smadi̍ṣṭā u̱bhe pa̍śyanti̱ roda̍sī su̱meke̍ .
ṛ̱tāvā̍naḥ ka̱vayo̍ ya̱jñadhī̍rā̱ḥ prace̍taso̱ ya i̱ṣaya̍nta̱ manma̍ .. 7.087.03
3 Varuṇa's spies, sent forth upon their errand, survey the two world-halves well formed and fashioned.
Wise are they, holy, skilled in sacrifices, the furtherers of the praise-songs of the prudent.
Sloka : 7.87.4
उ॒वाच॑ मे॒ वरु॑णो॒ मेधि॑राय॒ त्रिः स॒प्त नामाघ्न्या॑ बिभर्ति ।
वि॒द्वान्प॒दस्य॒ गुह्या॒ न वो॑चद्यु॒गाय॒ विप्र॒ उप॑राय॒ शिक्ष॑न् ॥ ७.०८७.०४
u̱vāca̍ me̱ varu̍ṇo̱ medhi̍rāya̱ triḥ sa̱pta nāmāghnyā̍ bibharti .
vi̱dvānpa̱dasya̱ guhyā̱ na vo̍cadyu̱gāya̱ vipra̱ upa̍rāya̱ śikṣa̍n .. 7.087.04
4 To me who understand hath Varuṇa spoken, the names borne by the Cow are three times seven.
The sapient God, knowing the place's secret, shall speak as ’twere to teach the race that cometh.
Sloka : 7.87.5
ति॒स्रो द्यावो॒ निहि॑ता अ॒न्तर॑स्मिन्ति॒स्रो भूमी॒रुप॑राः॒ षड्वि॑धानाः ।
गृत्सो॒ राजा॒ वरु॑णश्चक्र ए॒तं दि॒वि प्रे॒ङ्खं हि॑र॒ण्ययं॑ शु॒भे कम् ॥ ७.०८७.०५
ti̱sro dyāvo̱ nihi̍tā a̱ntara̍sminti̱sro bhūmī̱rupa̍rā̱ḥ ṣaḍvi̍dhānāḥ .
gṛtso̱ rājā̱ varu̍ṇaścakra e̱taṃ di̱vi pre̱ṅkhaṃ hi̍ra̱ṇyaya̍ṃ śu̱bhe kam .. 7.087.05
5 On him three heavens rest and are supported, and the three earths are there in sixfold order.
The wise King Varuṇa hath made in heaven that Golden Swing to cover it with glory.
Sloka : 7.87.6
अव॒ सिन्धुं॒ वरु॑णो॒ द्यौरि॑व स्थाद्द्र॒प्सो न श्वे॒तो मृ॒गस्तुवि॑ष्मान् ।
ग॒म्भी॒रशं॑सो॒ रज॑सो वि॒मानः॑ सुपा॒रक्ष॑त्रः स॒तो अ॒स्य राजा॑ ॥ ७.०८७.०६
ava̱ sindhu̱ṃ varu̍ṇo̱ dyauri̍va sthāddra̱pso na śve̱to mṛ̱gastuvi̍ṣmān .
ga̱mbhī̱raśa̍ṃso̱ raja̍so vi̱māna̍ḥ supā̱rakṣa̍traḥ sa̱to a̱sya rājā̍ .. 7.087.06
6 Like Varuṇa from heaven he sinks in Sindhu, like a white-shining spark, a strong wild creature.
Ruling in depths and meting out the region, great saving power hath he, this world's Controller.
Sloka : 7.87.7
यो मृ॒ळया॑ति च॒क्रुषे॑ चि॒दागो॑ व॒यं स्या॑म॒ वरु॑णे॒ अना॑गाः ।
अनु॑ व्र॒तान्यदि॑तेरृ॒धन्तो॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०८७.०७
yo mṛ̱l̤ayā̍ti ca̱kruṣe̍ ci̱dāgo̍ va̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ varu̍ṇe̱ anā̍gāḥ .
anu̍ vra̱tānyadi̍terṛ̱dhanto̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.087.07
7 Before this Varuṇa may we be sinless him who shows mercy even to the sinner-
While we are keeping Aditi's ordinances. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.88.1
प्र शु॒न्ध्युवं॒ वरु॑णाय॒ प्रेष्ठां॑ म॒तिं व॑सिष्ठ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ भरस्व ।
य ई॑म॒र्वाञ्चं॒ कर॑ते॒ यज॑त्रं स॒हस्रा॑मघं॒ वृष॑णं बृ॒हन्त॑म् ॥ ७.०८८.०१
pra śu̱ndhyuva̱ṃ varu̍ṇāya̱ preṣṭhā̍ṃ ma̱tiṃ va̍siṣṭha mī̱l̤huṣe̍ bharasva .
ya ī̍ma̱rvāñca̱ṃ kara̍te̱ yaja̍traṃ sa̱hasrā̍magha̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ bṛ̱hanta̍m .. 7.088.01
1. PRESENT to Varuṇa thine hymn, Vasiṣṭha, bright, most delightful to the Bounteous Giver,
Who bringeth on to us the Bull, the lofty, the Holy, laden with a thousand treasures.
Sloka : 7.88.2
अधा॒ न्व॑स्य सं॒दृशं॑ जग॒न्वान॒ग्नेरनी॑कं॒ वरु॑णस्य मंसि ।
स्व१॒॑र्यदश्म॑न्नधि॒पा उ॒ अन्धो॒ऽभि मा॒ वपु॑र्दृ॒शये॑ निनीयात् ॥ ७.०८८.०२
adhā̱ nva̍sya sa̱ṃdṛśa̍ṃ jaga̱nvāna̱gneranī̍ka̱ṃ varu̍ṇasya maṃsi .
sva1̱̍ryadaśma̍nnadhi̱pā u̱ andho̱'bhi mā̱ vapu̍rdṛ̱śaye̍ ninīyāt .. 7.088.02
2 And now, as I am come before his presence, I take the face of Varuṇa for Agni's.
So might he bring-Lord also of the darkness-the light in heaven that I may see its beauty!
Sloka : 7.88.3
आ यद्रु॒हाव॒ वरु॑णश्च॒ नावं॒ प्र यत्स॑मु॒द्रमी॒रया॑व॒ मध्य॑म् ।
अधि॒ यद॒पां स्नुभि॒श्चरा॑व॒ प्र प्रे॒ङ्ख ई॑ङ्खयावहै शु॒भे कम् ॥ ७.०८८.०३
ā yadru̱hāva̱ varu̍ṇaśca̱ nāva̱ṃ pra yatsa̍mu̱dramī̱rayā̍va̱ madhya̍m .
adhi̱ yada̱pāṃ snubhi̱ścarā̍va̱ pra pre̱ṅkha ī̍ṅkhayāvahai śu̱bhe kam .. 7.088.03
3 When Varuṇa and I embark together and urge our boat into the midst of ocean,
We, when we ride o’er ridges of the waters, will swing within that swing and there be happy.
Sloka : 7.88.4
वसि॑ष्ठं ह॒ वरु॑णो ना॒व्याधा॒दृषिं॑ चकार॒ स्वपा॒ महो॑भिः ।
स्तो॒तारं॒ विप्रः॑ सुदिन॒त्वे अह्नां॒ यान्नु द्याव॑स्त॒तन॒न्यादु॒षासः॑ ॥ ७.०८८.०४
vasi̍ṣṭhaṃ ha̱ varu̍ṇo nā̱vyādhā̱dṛṣi̍ṃ cakāra̱ svapā̱ maho̍bhiḥ .
sto̱tāra̱ṃ vipra̍ḥ sudina̱tve ahnā̱ṃ yānnu dyāva̍sta̱tana̱nyādu̱ṣāsa̍ḥ .. 7.088.04
4 Varuṇa placed Vasiṣṭha in the vessel, and deftly with his niight made him a Ṛṣi.
When days shone bright the Sage made him a singer, while the heavens broadened and the Dawns were lengthened.
Sloka : 7.88.5
क्व१॒॑ त्यानि॑ नौ स॒ख्या ब॑भूवुः॒ सचा॑वहे॒ यद॑वृ॒कं पु॒रा चि॑त् ।
बृ॒हन्तं॒ मानं॑ वरुण स्वधावः स॒हस्र॑द्वारं जगमा गृ॒हं ते॑ ॥ ७.०८८.०५
kva1̱̍ tyāni̍ nau sa̱khyā ba̍bhūvu̱ḥ sacā̍vahe̱ yada̍vṛ̱kaṃ pu̱rā ci̍t .
bṛ̱hanta̱ṃ māna̍ṃ varuṇa svadhāvaḥ sa̱hasra̍dvāraṃ jagamā gṛ̱haṃ te̍ .. 7.088.05
5 What hath become of those our ancient friendships, when without enmity we walked together?
I, Varuṇa, thou glorious Lord, have entered thy lofty home, thine house with thousand portals.
Sloka : 7.88.6
य आ॒पिर्नित्यो॑ वरुण प्रि॒यः सन्त्वामागां॑सि कृ॒णव॒त्सखा॑ ते ।
मा त॒ एन॑स्वन्तो यक्षिन्भुजेम य॒न्धि ष्मा॒ विप्रः॑ स्तुव॒ते वरू॑थम् ॥ ७.०८८.०६
ya ā̱pirnityo̍ varuṇa pri̱yaḥ santvāmāgā̍ṃsi kṛ̱ṇava̱tsakhā̍ te .
mā ta̱ ena̍svanto yakṣinbhujema ya̱ndhi ṣmā̱ vipra̍ḥ stuva̱te varū̍tham .. 7.088.06
6 If he, thy true ally, hath sinned against thee, still, Varuṇa, he is the friend thou lovedst.
Let us not, Living One, as sinners I know thee:- give shelter, as a Sage, to him who lauds thee.
Sloka : 7.88.7
ध्रु॒वासु॑ त्वा॒सु क्षि॒तिषु॑ क्षि॒यन्तो॒ व्य१॒॑स्मत्पाशं॒ वरु॑णो मुमोचत् ।
अवो॑ वन्वा॒ना अदि॑तेरु॒पस्था॑द्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०८८.०७
dhru̱vāsu̍ tvā̱su kṣi̱tiṣu̍ kṣi̱yanto̱ vya1̱̍smatpāśa̱ṃ varu̍ṇo mumocat .
avo̍ vanvā̱nā adi̍teru̱pasthā̍dyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.088.07
7 While we abide in these fixed habitations, and from the lap of Aditi win favour,
May Varuṇa untie the bond that binds us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.89.1
मो षु व॑रुण मृ॒न्मयं॑ गृ॒हं रा॑जन्न॒हं ग॑मम् ।
मृ॒ळा सु॑क्षत्र मृ॒ळय॑ ॥ ७.०८९.०१
mo ṣu va̍ruṇa mṛ̱nmaya̍ṃ gṛ̱haṃ rā̍janna̱haṃ ga̍mam .
mṛ̱l̤ā su̍kṣatra mṛ̱l̤aya̍ .. 7.089.01
1. LET me not yet, King Varuṇa, enter into the house of clay:-
Have mercy, spare me, Mighty Lord.
Sloka : 7.89.2
यदेमि॑ प्रस्फु॒रन्नि॑व॒ दृति॒र्न ध्मा॒तो अ॑द्रिवः ।
मृ॒ळा सु॑क्षत्र मृ॒ळय॑ ॥ ७.०८९.०२
yademi̍ prasphu̱ranni̍va̱ dṛti̱rna dhmā̱to a̍drivaḥ .
mṛ̱l̤ā su̍kṣatra mṛ̱l̤aya̍ .. 7.089.02
2 When, Thunderer! I move along tremulous like a wind-blown skin,
Have mercy, spare me, Mighty Lord.
Sloka : 7.89.3
क्रत्वः॑ समह दी॒नता॑ प्रती॒पं ज॑गमा शुचे ।
मृ॒ळा सु॑क्षत्र मृ॒ळय॑ ॥ ७.०८९.०३
kratva̍ḥ samaha dī̱natā̍ pratī̱paṃ ja̍gamā śuce .
mṛ̱l̤ā su̍kṣatra mṛ̱l̤aya̍ .. 7.089.03
3 O Bright and Powerful God, through want of strength I erred and went astray
Have mercy, spare me, Mighty Lord.
Sloka : 7.89.4
अ॒पां मध्ये॑ तस्थि॒वांसं॒ तृष्णा॑विदज्जरि॒तार॑म् ।
मृ॒ळा सु॑क्षत्र मृ॒ळय॑ ॥ ७.०८९.०४
a̱pāṃ madhye̍ tasthi̱vāṃsa̱ṃ tṛṣṇā̍vidajjari̱tāra̍m .
mṛ̱l̤ā su̍kṣatra mṛ̱l̤aya̍ .. 7.089.04
4 Thirst found thy worshipper though he stood in the midst of water-fijods:-
Have mercy, spare me, Mighty Lord.
Sloka : 7.89.5
यत्किं चे॒दं व॑रुण॒ दैव्ये॒ जने॑ऽभिद्रो॒हं म॑नु॒ष्या॒३॒॑श्चरा॑मसि ।
अचि॑त्ती॒ यत्तव॒ धर्मा॑ युयोपि॒म मा न॒स्तस्मा॒देन॑सो देव रीरिषः ॥ ७.०८९.०५
yatkiṃ ce̱daṃ va̍ruṇa̱ daivye̱ jane̎bhidro̱haṃ ma̍nu̱ṣyā̱3̱̍ścarā̍masi .
aci̍ttī̱ yattava̱ dharmā̍ yuyopi̱ma mā na̱stasmā̱dena̍so deva rīriṣaḥ .. 7.089.05
5 O Varuṇa, whatever the offence may be which we as men commit against the heavenly host,
When through our want of thought we violate thy laws, punish us not, O God, for that iniquity.
Sloka : 7.90.1
प्र वी॑र॒या शुच॑यो दद्रिरे वामध्व॒र्युभि॒र्मधु॑मन्तः सु॒तासः॑ ।
वह॑ वायो नि॒युतो॑ या॒ह्यच्छा॒ पिबा॑ सु॒तस्यान्ध॑सो॒ मदा॑य ॥ ७.०९०.०१
pra vī̍ra̱yā śuca̍yo dadrire vāmadhva̱ryubhi̱rmadhu̍mantaḥ su̱tāsa̍ḥ .
vaha̍ vāyo ni̱yuto̍ yā̱hyacchā̱ pibā̍ su̱tasyāndha̍so̱ madā̍ya .. 7.090.01
1. To you pure juice, rich in meath, are offered by priest:- through longing for the Pair of Heroes.
Drive, Vāyu, bring thine harnessed horses hither:- drink the pressed Soma till it make thee joyful.
Sloka : 7.90.2
ई॒शा॒नाय॒ प्रहु॑तिं॒ यस्त॒ आन॒ट् छुचिं॒ सोमं॑ शुचिपा॒स्तुभ्यं॑ वायो ।
कृ॒णोषि॒ तं मर्त्ये॑षु प्रश॒स्तं जा॒तोजा॑तो जायते वा॒ज्य॑स्य ॥ ७.०९०.०२
ī̱śā̱nāya̱ prahu̍ti̱ṃ yasta̱ āna̱ṭ chuci̱ṃ soma̍ṃ śucipā̱stubhya̍ṃ vāyo .
kṛ̱ṇoṣi̱ taṃ martye̍ṣu praśa̱staṃ jā̱tojā̍to jāyate vā̱jya̍sya .. 7.090.02
2 Whoso to thee, the Mighty, brings oblation, pure Soma unto thee, pure-drinking Vāyu,
That man thou makest famous among mortals:- to him strong sons are born in quick succession.
Sloka : 7.90.3
रा॒ये नु यं ज॒ज्ञतू॒ रोद॑सी॒मे रा॒ये दे॒वी धि॒षणा॑ धाति दे॒वम् ।
अध॑ वा॒युं नि॒युतः॑ सश्चत॒ स्वा उ॒त श्वे॒तं वसु॑धितिं निरे॒के ॥ ७.०९०.०३
rā̱ye nu yaṃ ja̱jñatū̱ roda̍sī̱me rā̱ye de̱vī dhi̱ṣaṇā̍ dhāti de̱vam .
adha̍ vā̱yuṃ ni̱yuta̍ḥ saścata̱ svā u̱ta śve̱taṃ vasu̍dhitiṃ nire̱ke .. 7.090.03
3 The God whom both these worlds brought forth for riches, whom heavenly Dhiṣaṇā for our wealth appointeth,
His team of harnessed horses waits on Vāyu, and, foremost, on the radiant Treasure-bearer.
Sloka : 7.90.4
उ॒च्छन्नु॒षसः॑ सु॒दिना॑ अरि॒प्रा उ॒रु ज्योति॑र्विविदु॒र्दीध्या॑नाः ।
गव्यं॑ चिदू॒र्वमु॒शिजो॒ वि व॑व्रु॒स्तेषा॒मनु॑ प्र॒दिवः॑ सस्रु॒रापः॑ ॥ ७.०९०.०४
u̱cchannu̱ṣasa̍ḥ su̱dinā̍ ari̱prā u̱ru jyoti̍rvividu̱rdīdhyā̍nāḥ .
gavya̍ṃ cidū̱rvamu̱śijo̱ vi va̍vru̱steṣā̱manu̍ pra̱diva̍ḥ sasru̱rāpa̍ḥ .. 7.090.04
4 The spotless Dawns with fair bright days have broken; they found the spacious light when they were shining.
Eagerly they disclosed the stall of cattle:- floods streamed for them as in the days aforetime.
Sloka : 7.90.5
ते स॒त्येन॒ मन॑सा॒ दीध्या॑नाः॒ स्वेन॑ यु॒क्तासः॒ क्रतु॑ना वहन्ति ।
इन्द्र॑वायू वीर॒वाहं॒ रथं॑ वामीशा॒नयो॑र॒भि पृक्षः॑ सचन्ते ॥ ७.०९०.०५
te sa̱tyena̱ mana̍sā̱ dīdhyā̍nā̱ḥ svena̍ yu̱ktāsa̱ḥ kratu̍nā vahanti .
indra̍vāyū vīra̱vāha̱ṃ ratha̍ṃ vāmīśā̱nayo̍ra̱bhi pṛkṣa̍ḥ sacante .. 7.090.05
5 These with their truthful spirit, shining brightly, move on provided with their natural insight.
Viands attend the car that beareth Heroes, your car, ye Sovran Pair, Indra and Vāyu.
Sloka : 7.90.6
ई॒शा॒नासो॒ ये दध॑ते॒ स्व॑र्णो॒ गोभि॒रश्वे॑भि॒र्वसु॑भि॒र्हिर॑ण्यैः ।
इन्द्र॑वायू सू॒रयो॒ विश्व॒मायु॒रर्व॑द्भिर्वी॒रैः पृत॑नासु सह्युः ॥ ७.०९०.०६
ī̱śā̱nāso̱ ye dadha̍te̱ sva̍rṇo̱ gobhi̱raśve̍bhi̱rvasu̍bhi̱rhira̍ṇyaiḥ .
indra̍vāyū sū̱rayo̱ viśva̱māyu̱rarva̍dbhirvī̱raiḥ pṛta̍nāsu sahyuḥ .. 7.090.06
6 May these who give us heavenly light, these rulers, with gifts of kine and horses, gold and treasures.
These princes, through full life, Indra and Vāyu! o’ercome in battle with their steeds and heroes.
Sloka : 7.90.7
अर्व॑न्तो॒ न श्रव॑सो॒ भिक्ष॑माणा इन्द्रवा॒यू सु॑ष्टु॒तिभि॒र्वसि॑ष्ठाः ।
वा॒ज॒यन्तः॒ स्वव॑से हुवेम यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९०.०७
arva̍nto̱ na śrava̍so̱ bhikṣa̍māṇā indravā̱yū su̍ṣṭu̱tibhi̱rvasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .
vā̱ja̱yanta̱ḥ svava̍se huvema yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.090.07
7 Like coursers seeking fame will we Vasisthas, O Indra-Vāyu, with our fair laudations.
Exerting all our power call you to aid us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.91.1
कु॒विद॒ङ्ग नम॑सा॒ ये वृ॒धासः॑ पु॒रा दे॒वा अ॑नव॒द्यास॒ आस॑न् ।
ते वा॒यवे॒ मन॑वे बाधि॒तायावा॑सयन्नु॒षसं॒ सूर्ये॑ण ॥ ७.०९१.०१
ku̱vida̱ṅga nama̍sā̱ ye vṛ̱dhāsa̍ḥ pu̱rā de̱vā a̍nava̱dyāsa̱ āsa̍n .
te vā̱yave̱ mana̍ve bādhi̱tāyāvā̍sayannu̱ṣasa̱ṃ sūrye̍ṇa .. 7.091.01
1. WERE not in sooth, the Gods aforetime blameless, whose pleasure was increased by adoration?
For Vāyu and for man in his affliction they caused the Morning to arise with Sūrya.
Sloka : 7.91.2
उ॒शन्ता॑ दू॒ता न दभा॑य गो॒पा मा॒सश्च॑ पा॒थः श॒रद॑श्च पू॒र्वीः ।
इन्द्र॑वायू सुष्टु॒तिर्वा॑मिया॒ना मा॑र्डी॒कमी॑ट्टे सुवि॒तं च॒ नव्य॑म् ॥ ७.०९१.०२
u̱śantā̍ dū̱tā na dabhā̍ya go̱pā mā̱saśca̍ pā̱thaḥ śa̱rada̍śca pū̱rvīḥ .
indra̍vāyū suṣṭu̱tirvā̍miyā̱nā mā̍rḍī̱kamī̍ṭṭe suvi̱taṃ ca̱ navya̍m .. 7.091.02
2 Guardians infallible, eager as envoys' preserve us safe through many months and autumns.
Addressed to you, our fair praise, Indra-Vāyu, implores your favour and renewed well-being.
Sloka : 7.91.3
पीवो॑अन्नाँ रयि॒वृधः॑ सुमे॒धाः श्वे॒तः सि॑षक्ति नि॒युता॑मभि॒श्रीः ।
ते वा॒यवे॒ सम॑नसो॒ वि त॑स्थु॒र्विश्वेन्नरः॑ स्वप॒त्यानि॑ चक्रुः ॥ ७.०९१.०३
pīvo̍annām̐ rayi̱vṛdha̍ḥ sume̱dhāḥ śve̱taḥ si̍ṣakti ni̱yutā̍mabhi̱śrīḥ .
te vā̱yave̱ sama̍naso̱ vi ta̍sthu̱rviśvennara̍ḥ svapa̱tyāni̍ cakruḥ .. 7.091.03
3 Wise, bright, arranger of his teams, he. seeketh men with rich food whose treasures are abundant.
They have arranged them of one mind with Vāyu:- the men have wrought all noble operations.
Sloka : 7.91.4
याव॒त्तर॑स्त॒न्वो॒३॒॑ याव॒दोजो॒ याव॒न्नर॒श्चक्ष॑सा॒ दीध्या॑नाः ।
शुचिं॒ सोमं॑ शुचिपा पातम॒स्मे इन्द्र॑वायू॒ सद॑तं ब॒र्हिरेदम् ॥ ७.०९१.०४
yāva̱ttara̍sta̱nvo̱3̱̍ yāva̱dojo̱ yāva̱nnara̱ścakṣa̍sā̱ dīdhyā̍nāḥ .
śuci̱ṃ soma̍ṃ śucipā pātama̱sme indra̍vāyū̱ sada̍taṃ ba̱rhiredam .. 7.091.04
4 So far as native power and strength permit you, so far as men behold whose eyes have vision,
O ye pure-drinkers, drink with us pure Soma:- sit on this sacred grass, Indra and Vāyu.
Sloka : 7.91.5
नि॒यु॒वा॒ना नि॒युतः॑ स्पा॒र्हवी॑रा॒ इन्द्र॑वायू स॒रथं॑ यातम॒र्वाक् ।
इ॒दं हि वां॒ प्रभृ॑तं॒ मध्वो॒ अग्र॒मध॑ प्रीणा॒ना वि मु॑मुक्तम॒स्मे ॥ ७.०९१.०५
ni̱yu̱vā̱nā ni̱yuta̍ḥ spā̱rhavī̍rā̱ indra̍vāyū sa̱ratha̍ṃ yātama̱rvāk .
i̱daṃ hi vā̱ṃ prabhṛ̍ta̱ṃ madhvo̱ agra̱madha̍ prīṇā̱nā vi mu̍muktama̱sme .. 7.091.05
5 Driving down teams that bear the lovely Heroes, hitherward, Indra-Vāyu, come together.
To you this prime of savoury juice is offered:- here loose your horses and be friendly-minded.
Sloka : 7.91.6
या वां॑ श॒तं नि॒युतो॒ याः स॒हस्र॒मिन्द्र॑वायू वि॒श्ववा॑राः॒ सच॑न्ते ।
आभि॑र्यातं सुवि॒दत्रा॑भिर॒र्वाक्पा॒तं न॑रा॒ प्रति॑भृतस्य॒ मध्वः॑ ॥ ७.०९१.०६
yā vā̍ṃ śa̱taṃ ni̱yuto̱ yāḥ sa̱hasra̱mindra̍vāyū vi̱śvavā̍rā̱ḥ saca̍nte .
ābhi̍ryātaṃ suvi̱datrā̍bhira̱rvākpā̱taṃ na̍rā̱ prati̍bhṛtasya̱ madhva̍ḥ .. 7.091.06
6 Your hundred and your thousand teams, O Indra and Vāyu, all-munificent, which attend you,
With these most gracious-minded come ye hither, and drink, O Heroes of the meath we offer.
Sloka : 7.91.7
अर्व॑न्तो॒ न श्रव॑सो॒ भिक्ष॑माणा इन्द्रवा॒यू सु॑ष्टु॒तिभि॒र्वसि॑ष्ठाः ।
वा॒ज॒यन्तः॒ स्वव॑से हुवेम यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९१.०७
arva̍nto̱ na śrava̍so̱ bhikṣa̍māṇā indravā̱yū su̍ṣṭu̱tibhi̱rvasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .
vā̱ja̱yanta̱ḥ svava̍se huvema yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.091.07
7 Like coursers seeking fame will we Vasisthas, O Indra-Vāyu, with our fair laudations,
Exerting all our powe-,, call you to aid us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.92.1
आ वा॑यो भूष शुचिपा॒ उप॑ नः स॒हस्रं॑ ते नि॒युतो॑ विश्ववार ।
उपो॑ ते॒ अन्धो॒ मद्य॑मयामि॒ यस्य॑ देव दधि॒षे पू॑र्व॒पेय॑म् ॥ ७.०९२.०१
ā vā̍yo bhūṣa śucipā̱ upa̍ naḥ sa̱hasra̍ṃ te ni̱yuto̍ viśvavāra .
upo̍ te̱ andho̱ madya̍mayāmi̱ yasya̍ deva dadhi̱ṣe pū̍rva̱peya̍m .. 7.092.01
1. O VĀYU, drinker of the pure, be near us:- a thousand teams are thine, Allbounteous Giver.
To thee the rapture-bringing juice is offered, whose first draught, God, thou takest as thy portion.
Sloka : 7.92.2
प्र सोता॑ जी॒रो अ॑ध्व॒रेष्व॑स्था॒त्सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॒ पिब॑ध्यै ।
प्र यद्वां॒ मध्वो॑ अग्रि॒यं भर॑न्त्यध्व॒र्यवो॑ देव॒यन्तः॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ७.०९२.०२
pra sotā̍ jī̱ro a̍dhva̱reṣva̍sthā̱tsoma̱mindrā̍ya vā̱yave̱ piba̍dhyai .
pra yadvā̱ṃ madhvo̍ agri̱yaṃ bhara̍ntyadhva̱ryavo̍ deva̱yanta̱ḥ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 7.092.02
2 Prompt at the holy rites forth came the presser with Soma-draughts for Indra and for Vāyu,
When ministering priests with strong devotion bring to you Twain the first taste of the Soma.
Sloka : 7.92.3
प्र याभि॒र्यासि॑ दा॒श्वांस॒मच्छा॑ नि॒युद्भि॑र्वायवि॒ष्टये॑ दुरो॒णे ।
नि नो॑ र॒यिं सु॒भोज॑सं युवस्व॒ नि वी॒रं गव्य॒मश्व्यं॑ च॒ राधः॑ ॥ ७.०९२.०३
pra yābhi̱ryāsi̍ dā̱śvāṃsa̱macchā̍ ni̱yudbhi̍rvāyavi̱ṣṭaye̍ duro̱ṇe .
ni no̍ ra̱yiṃ su̱bhoja̍saṃ yuvasva̱ ni vī̱raṃ gavya̱maśvya̍ṃ ca̱ rādha̍ḥ .. 7.092.03
3 The teams wherewith thou seekest him who offers, within his home, O Viyu, to direct him,
Therewith send wealth:- to us with full enjoyment, a hero son and gifts of kine and horses.
Sloka : 7.92.4
ये वा॒यव॑ इन्द्र॒माद॑नास॒ आदे॑वासो नि॒तोश॑नासो अ॒र्यः ।
घ्नन्तो॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ सू॒रिभिः॑ ष्याम सास॒ह्वांसो॑ यु॒धा नृभि॑र॒मित्रा॑न् ॥ ७.०९२.०४
ye vā̱yava̍ indra̱māda̍nāsa̱ āde̍vāso ni̱tośa̍nāso a̱ryaḥ .
ghnanto̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ sū̱ribhi̍ḥ ṣyāma sāsa̱hvāṃso̍ yu̱dhā nṛbhi̍ra̱mitrā̍n .. 7.092.04
4 Near to the Gods and making Indra joyful, devout and ofFering precious gifts to Vāyu,
Allied with princes, smiting down the hostile, may we with heroes conquer foes in battle.
Sloka : 7.92.5
आ नो॑ नि॒युद्भिः॑ श॒तिनी॑भिरध्व॒रं स॑ह॒स्रिणी॑भि॒रुप॑ याहि य॒ज्ञम् ।
वायो॑ अ॒स्मिन्सव॑ने मादयस्व यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९२.०५
ā no̍ ni̱yudbhi̍ḥ śa̱tinī̍bhiradhva̱raṃ sa̍ha̱sriṇī̍bhi̱rupa̍ yāhi ya̱jñam .
vāyo̍ a̱sminsava̍ne mādayasva yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.092.05
5 With thy yoked teams in hundreds and in thousands come to our sacrifice and solemn worship.
Come, Vāyu, make thee glad at this libation. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.93.1
शुचिं॒ नु स्तोमं॒ नव॑जातम॒द्येन्द्रा॑ग्नी वृत्रहणा जु॒षेथा॑म् ।
उ॒भा हि वां॑ सु॒हवा॒ जोह॑वीमि॒ ता वाजं॑ स॒द्य उ॑श॒ते धेष्ठा॑ ॥ ७.०९३.०१
śuci̱ṃ nu stoma̱ṃ nava̍jātama̱dyendrā̍gnī vṛtrahaṇā ju̱ṣethā̍m .
u̱bhā hi vā̍ṃ su̱havā̱ joha̍vīmi̱ tā vāja̍ṃ sa̱dya u̍śa̱te dheṣṭhā̍ .. 7.093.01
1. SLAYERS of enemies, Indra and Agni, accept this day our new-born pure laudation.
Again, again I call you prompt to listen, best to give quickly strength to him who craves it.
Sloka : 7.93.2
ता सा॑न॒सी श॑वसाना॒ हि भू॒तं सा॑कं॒वृधा॒ शव॑सा शूशु॒वांसा॑ ।
क्षय॑न्तौ रा॒यो यव॑सस्य॒ भूरेः॑ पृ॒ङ्क्तं वाज॑स्य॒ स्थवि॑रस्य॒ घृष्वेः॑ ॥ ७.०९३.०२
tā sā̍na̱sī śa̍vasānā̱ hi bhū̱taṃ sā̍ka̱ṃvṛdhā̱ śava̍sā śūśu̱vāṃsā̍ .
kṣaya̍ntau rā̱yo yava̍sasya̱ bhūre̍ḥ pṛ̱ṅktaṃ vāja̍sya̱ sthavi̍rasya̱ ghṛṣve̍ḥ .. 7.093.02
2 For ye were strong to gain, exceeding mighty, growing together, waxing in your vigour.
Lords of the pasture filled with ample riches, bestow upon us strength both fresh and lasting.
Sloka : 7.93.3
उपो॑ ह॒ यद्वि॒दथं॑ वा॒जिनो॒ गुर्धी॒भिर्विप्राः॒ प्रम॑तिमि॒च्छमा॑नाः ।
अर्व॑न्तो॒ न काष्ठां॒ नक्ष॑माणा इन्द्रा॒ग्नी जोहु॑वतो॒ नर॒स्ते ॥ ७.०९३.०३
upo̍ ha̱ yadvi̱datha̍ṃ vā̱jino̱ gurdhī̱bhirviprā̱ḥ prama̍timi̱cchamā̍nāḥ .
arva̍nto̱ na kāṣṭhā̱ṃ nakṣa̍māṇā indrā̱gnī johu̍vato̱ nara̱ste .. 7.093.03
3 Yea when the strong have entered our assembly, and singers seeking with their hymns your favour,
They are like steeds who come into the race-course, those men who call aloud on Indra-Agni.
Sloka : 7.93.4
गी॒र्भिर्विप्रः॒ प्रम॑तिमि॒च्छमा॑न॒ ईट्टे॑ र॒यिं य॒शसं॑ पूर्व॒भाज॑म् ।
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी वृत्रहणा सुवज्रा॒ प्र नो॒ नव्ये॑भिस्तिरतं दे॒ष्णैः ॥ ७.०९३.०४
gī̱rbhirvipra̱ḥ prama̍timi̱cchamā̍na̱ īṭṭe̍ ra̱yiṃ ya̱śasa̍ṃ pūrva̱bhāja̍m .
indrā̍gnī vṛtrahaṇā suvajrā̱ pra no̱ navye̍bhistirataṃ de̱ṣṇaiḥ .. 7.093.04
4 The singer, seeking with his hymns your favour, begs splendid riches of their first possessor.
Further us with new bounties, Indra-Agni, armed with strong thunder, slayers of the foeman.
Sloka : 7.93.5
सं यन्म॒ही मि॑थ॒ती स्पर्ध॑माने तनू॒रुचा॒ शूर॑साता॒ यतै॑ते ।
अदे॑वयुं वि॒दथे॑ देव॒युभिः॑ स॒त्रा ह॑तं सोम॒सुता॒ जने॑न ॥ ७.०९३.०५
saṃ yanma̱hī mi̍tha̱tī spardha̍māne tanū̱rucā̱ śūra̍sātā̱ yatai̍te .
ade̍vayuṃ vi̱dathe̍ deva̱yubhi̍ḥ sa̱trā ha̍taṃ soma̱sutā̱ jane̍na .. 7.093.05
5 When two great hosts, arrayed against each other, meet clothed with brightness, in the fierce encounter
Stand ye beside the godly, smite the godless; and still assist the men who press the Soma.
Sloka : 7.93.6
इ॒मामु॒ षु सोम॑सुति॒मुप॑ न॒ एन्द्रा॑ग्नी सौमन॒साय॑ यातम् ।
नू चि॒द्धि प॑रिम॒म्नाथे॑ अ॒स्माना वां॒ शश्व॑द्भिर्ववृतीय॒ वाजैः॑ ॥ ७.०९३.०६
i̱māmu̱ ṣu soma̍suti̱mupa̍ na̱ endrā̍gnī saumana̱sāya̍ yātam .
nū ci̱ddhi pa̍rima̱mnāthe̍ a̱smānā vā̱ṃ śaśva̍dbhirvavṛtīya̱ vājai̍ḥ .. 7.093.06
6 To this our Soma-pressing, Indra-Agni, come ye prepared to show your loving-kindness,
For not at any time have ye despised us. So may I draw you with all strengthenings hither.
Sloka : 7.93.7
सो अ॑ग्न ए॒ना नम॑सा॒ समि॒द्धोऽच्छा॑ मि॒त्रं वरु॑ण॒मिन्द्रं॑ वोचेः ।
यत्सी॒माग॑श्चकृ॒मा तत्सु मृ॑ळ॒ तद॑र्य॒मादि॑तिः शिश्रथन्तु ॥ ७.०९३.०७
so a̍gna e̱nā nama̍sā̱ sami̱ddho'cchā̍ mi̱traṃ varu̍ṇa̱mindra̍ṃ voceḥ .
yatsī̱māga̍ścakṛ̱mā tatsu mṛ̍l̤a̱ tada̍rya̱mādi̍tiḥ śiśrathantu .. 7.093.07
7 So Agni, kindled mid this adoration, invite thou Mitra, Varuṇa, and Indra.
Forgive whatever sin we have committed may Aryaman and Aditi remove it.
Sloka : 7.93.8
ए॒ता अ॑ग्न आशुषा॒णास॑ इ॒ष्टीर्यु॒वोः सचा॒भ्य॑श्याम॒ वाजा॑न् ।
मेन्द्रो॑ नो॒ विष्णु॑र्म॒रुतः॒ परि॑ ख्यन्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९३.०८
e̱tā a̍gna āśuṣā̱ṇāsa̍ i̱ṣṭīryu̱voḥ sacā̱bhya̍śyāma̱ vājā̍n .
mendro̍ no̱ viṣṇu̍rma̱ruta̱ḥ pari̍ khyanyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.093.08
8 While we accelerate these our sacrifices, may we win strength from both of you, O Agni:-
Ne’er may the Maruts, Indra, Viṣṇu slight us. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.94.1
इ॒यं वा॑म॒स्य मन्म॑न॒ इन्द्रा॑ग्नी पू॒र्व्यस्तु॑तिः ।
अ॒भ्राद्वृ॒ष्टिरि॑वाजनि ॥ ७.०९४.०१
i̱yaṃ vā̍ma̱sya manma̍na̱ indrā̍gnī pū̱rvyastu̍tiḥ .
a̱bhrādvṛ̱ṣṭiri̍vājani .. 7.094.01
1. As rain from out the cloud, for you, Indra and Agni, from my soul
This noblest praise hath been produced.
Sloka : 7.94.2
शृ॒णु॒तं ज॑रि॒तुर्हव॒मिन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ वन॑तं॒ गिरः॑ ।
ई॒शा॒ना पि॑प्यतं॒ धियः॑ ॥ ७.०९४.०२
śṛ̱ṇu̱taṃ ja̍ri̱turhava̱mindrā̍gnī̱ vana̍ta̱ṃ gira̍ḥ .
ī̱śā̱nā pi̍pyata̱ṃ dhiya̍ḥ .. 7.094.02
2 Do ye, O Indra-Agni, hear the singer's call:- accept his songs.
Ye Rulers, grant his heart's desire.
Sloka : 7.94.3
मा पा॑प॒त्वाय॑ नो न॒रेन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ माभिश॑स्तये ।
मा नो॑ रीरधतं नि॒दे ॥ ७.०९४.०३
mā pā̍pa̱tvāya̍ no na̱rendrā̍gnī̱ mābhiśa̍staye .
mā no̍ rīradhataṃ ni̱de .. 7.094.03
3 Give us not up to poverty, ye Heroes, Indra-Agni, nor
To slander and reproach of men.
Sloka : 7.94.4
इन्द्रे॑ अ॒ग्ना नमो॑ बृ॒हत्सु॑वृ॒क्तिमेर॑यामहे ।
धि॒या धेना॑ अव॒स्यवः॑ ॥ ७.०९४.०४
indre̍ a̱gnā namo̍ bṛ̱hatsu̍vṛ̱ktimera̍yāmahe .
dhi̱yā dhenā̍ ava̱syava̍ḥ .. 7.094.04
4 To Indra and to Agni we bring reverence, high and holy hymn,
And, craving help, softwords with prayer.
Sloka : 7.94.5
ता हि शश्व॑न्त॒ ईळ॑त इ॒त्था विप्रा॑स ऊ॒तये॑ ।
स॒बाधो॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ७.०९४.०५
tā hi śaśva̍nta̱ īl̤a̍ta i̱tthā viprā̍sa ū̱taye̍ .
sa̱bādho̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 7.094.05
5 For all these holy singers here implore these Twain to succour them,
And priests that they may win them strength.
Sloka : 7.94.6
ता वां॑ गी॒र्भिर्वि॑प॒न्यवः॒ प्रय॑स्वन्तो हवामहे ।
मे॒धसा॑ता सनि॒ष्यवः॑ ॥ ७.०९४.०६
tā vā̍ṃ gī̱rbhirvi̍pa̱nyava̱ḥ praya̍svanto havāmahe .
me̱dhasā̍tā sani̱ṣyava̍ḥ .. 7.094.06
6 Eager to laudyou, we with songs invoke you, bearing sacred food,
Fain for success in sacrifice.
Sloka : 7.94.7
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ अव॒सा ग॑तम॒स्मभ्यं॑ चर्षणीसहा ।
मा नो॑ दुः॒शंस॑ ईशत ॥ ७.०९४.०७
indrā̍gnī̱ ava̱sā ga̍tama̱smabhya̍ṃ carṣaṇīsahā .
mā no̍ du̱ḥśaṃsa̍ īśata .. 7.094.07
7 Indra and Agni, come to us with favour, ye who conquer men:-
Let not the wicked master us.
Sloka : 7.94.8
मा कस्य॑ नो॒ अर॑रुषो धू॒र्तिः प्रण॒ङ्मर्त्य॑स्य ।
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतम् ॥ ७.०९४.०८
mā kasya̍ no̱ ara̍ruṣo dhū̱rtiḥ praṇa̱ṅmartya̍sya .
indrā̍gnī̱ śarma̍ yacchatam .. 7.094.08
8 At no time let the injurious blow of hostile mortal fall on us:-
O Indra-Agni, shelter us.
Sloka : 7.94.9
गोम॒द्धिर॑ण्यव॒द्वसु॒ यद्वा॒मश्वा॑व॒दीम॑हे ।
इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ तद्व॑नेमहि ॥ ७.०९४.०९
goma̱ddhira̍ṇyava̱dvasu̱ yadvā̱maśvā̍va̱dīma̍he .
indrā̍gnī̱ tadva̍nemahi .. 7.094.09
9 Whatever wealth we crave of you, in gold, in cattle, or in steeds,
That, Indra-Agni, let us gain;
Sloka : 7.94.10
यत्सोम॒ आ सु॒ते नर॑ इन्द्रा॒ग्नी अजो॑हवुः ।
सप्ती॑वन्ता सप॒र्यवः॑ ॥ ७.०९४.१०
yatsoma̱ ā su̱te nara̍ indrā̱gnī ajo̍havuḥ .
saptī̍vantā sapa̱ryava̍ḥ .. 7.094.10
10 When heroes prompt in worship call Indra and Agni, Lords of steeds,
Beside the Soma juice effused.
Sloka : 7.94.11
उ॒क्थेभि॑र्वृत्र॒हन्त॑मा॒ या म॑न्दा॒ना चि॒दा गि॒रा ।
आ॒ङ्गू॒षैरा॒विवा॑सतः ॥ ७.०९४.११
u̱kthebhi̍rvṛtra̱hanta̍mā̱ yā ma̍ndā̱nā ci̱dā gi̱rā .
ā̱ṅgū̱ṣairā̱vivā̍sataḥ .. 7.094.11
11 Call hither with the song and lauds those who best slay the foemen, those
Who take delight in hymns of praise.
Sloka : 7.94.12
ताविद्दुः॒शंसं॒ मर्त्यं॒ दुर्वि॑द्वांसं रक्ष॒स्विन॑म् ।
आ॒भो॒गं हन्म॑ना हतमुद॒धिं हन्म॑ना हतम् ॥ ७.०९४.१२
tāviddu̱ḥśaṃsa̱ṃ martya̱ṃ durvi̍dvāṃsaṃ rakṣa̱svina̍m .
ā̱bho̱gaṃ hanma̍nā hatamuda̱dhiṃ hanma̍nā hatam .. 7.094.12
12 Slay ye the wicked man whose thought is evil of the demon kind.
Slay him who stays the waters, slay the Serpent with your deadly dart.
Sloka : 7.95.1
प्र क्षोद॑सा॒ धाय॑सा सस्र ए॒षा सर॑स्वती ध॒रुण॒माय॑सी॒ पूः ।
प्र॒बाब॑धाना र॒थ्ये॑व याति॒ विश्वा॑ अ॒पो म॑हि॒ना सिन्धु॑र॒न्याः ॥ ७.०९५.०१
pra kṣoda̍sā̱ dhāya̍sā sasra e̱ṣā sara̍svatī dha̱ruṇa̱māya̍sī̱ pūḥ .
pra̱bāba̍dhānā ra̱thye̍va yāti̱ viśvā̍ a̱po ma̍hi̱nā sindhu̍ra̱nyāḥ .. 7.095.01
1. THIS stream Sarasvatī with fostering current comes forth, our sure defence, our fort of iron.
As on a car, the flood flows on, surpassing in majesty and might all other waters.
Sloka : 7.95.2
एका॑चेत॒त्सर॑स्वती न॒दीनां॒ शुचि॑र्य॒ती गि॒रिभ्य॒ आ स॑मु॒द्रात् ।
रा॒यश्चेत॑न्ती॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ भूरे॑र्घृ॒तं पयो॑ दुदुहे॒ नाहु॑षाय ॥ ७.०९५.०२
ekā̍ceta̱tsara̍svatī na̱dīnā̱ṃ śuci̍rya̱tī gi̱ribhya̱ ā sa̍mu̱drāt .
rā̱yaśceta̍ntī̱ bhuva̍nasya̱ bhūre̍rghṛ̱taṃ payo̍ duduhe̱ nāhu̍ṣāya .. 7.095.02
2 Pure in her course from mountains to the ocean, alone of streams Sarasvatī hath listened.
Thinking of wealth and the great world of creatures, she poured for Nahuṣa her milk and fatness.
Sloka : 7.95.3
स वा॑वृधे॒ नर्यो॒ योष॑णासु॒ वृषा॒ शिशु॑र्वृष॒भो य॒ज्ञिया॑सु ।
स वा॒जिनं॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्यो दधाति॒ वि सा॒तये॑ त॒न्वं॑ मामृजीत ॥ ७.०९५.०३
sa vā̍vṛdhe̱ naryo̱ yoṣa̍ṇāsu̱ vṛṣā̱ śiśu̍rvṛṣa̱bho ya̱jñiyā̍su .
sa vā̱jina̍ṃ ma̱ghava̍dbhyo dadhāti̱ vi sā̱taye̍ ta̱nva̍ṃ māmṛjīta .. 7.095.03
3 Friendly to man he grew among the women, a strong young Steer amid the Holy Ladies.
He gives the fleet steed to our wealthy princes, and decks their bodies for success in battle.
Sloka : 7.95.4
उ॒त स्या नः॒ सर॑स्वती जुषा॒णोप॑ श्रवत्सु॒भगा॑ य॒ज्णे अ॒स्मिन् ।
मि॒तज्ञु॑भिर्नम॒स्यै॑रिया॒ना रा॒या यु॒जा चि॒दुत्त॑रा॒ सखि॑भ्यः ॥ ७.०९५.०४
u̱ta syā na̱ḥ sara̍svatī juṣā̱ṇopa̍ śravatsu̱bhagā̍ ya̱jṇe a̱smin .
mi̱tajñu̍bhirnama̱syai̍riyā̱nā rā̱yā yu̱jā ci̱dutta̍rā̱ sakhi̍bhyaḥ .. 7.095.04
4 May this Sarasvatī be pleased and listen at this our sacrifice, auspicious Lady,
When we with reverence, on our knees, implore her close-knit to wealth, most kind to those she loveth.
Sloka : 7.95.5
इ॒मा जुह्वा॑ना यु॒ष्मदा नमो॑भिः॒ प्रति॒ स्तोमं॑ सरस्वति जुषस्व ।
तव॒ शर्म॑न्प्रि॒यत॑मे॒ दधा॑ना॒ उप॑ स्थेयाम शर॒णं न वृ॒क्षम् ॥ ७.०९५.०५
i̱mā juhvā̍nā yu̱ṣmadā namo̍bhi̱ḥ prati̱ stoma̍ṃ sarasvati juṣasva .
tava̱ śarma̍npri̱yata̍me̱ dadhā̍nā̱ upa̍ stheyāma śara̱ṇaṃ na vṛ̱kṣam .. 7.095.05
5 These offerings have ye made with adoration:- say this, Sarasvatī, and accept our praises;
And, placing us under thy dear protection, may we approach thee, as a tree, for shelter.
Sloka : 7.95.6
अ॒यमु॑ ते सरस्वति॒ वसि॑ष्ठो॒ द्वारा॑वृ॒तस्य॑ सुभगे॒ व्या॑वः ।
वर्ध॑ शुभ्रे स्तुव॒ते रा॑सि॒ वाजा॑न्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९५.०६
a̱yamu̍ te sarasvati̱ vasi̍ṣṭho̱ dvārā̍vṛ̱tasya̍ subhage̱ vyā̍vaḥ .
vardha̍ śubhre stuva̱te rā̍si̱ vājā̍nyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.095.06
6 For thee, O Blest Sarasvatī, Vasiṣṭha hath here unbarred the doors d sacred Order.
Wax, Bright One, and give strength to him who lauds thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.96.1
बृ॒हदु॑ गायिषे॒ वचो॑ऽसु॒र्या॑ न॒दीना॑म् ।
सर॑स्वती॒मिन्म॑हया सुवृ॒क्तिभिः॒ स्तोमै॑र्वसिष्ठ॒ रोद॑सी ॥ ७.०९६.०१
bṛ̱hadu̍ gāyiṣe̱ vaco̎su̱ryā̍ na̱dīnā̍m .
sara̍svatī̱minma̍hayā suvṛ̱ktibhi̱ḥ stomai̍rvasiṣṭha̱ roda̍sī .. 7.096.01
1. I SING a lofty song, for she is mightiest, most divine of Streams.
Sarasvatī will I exalt with hymns and lauds, and, O Vasiṣṭha, Heaven and Earth.
Sloka : 7.96.2
उ॒भे यत्ते॑ महि॒ना शु॑भ्रे॒ अन्ध॑सी अधिक्षि॒यन्ति॑ पू॒रवः॑ ।
सा नो॑ बोध्यवि॒त्री म॒रुत्स॑खा॒ चोद॒ राधो॑ म॒घोना॑म् ॥ ७.०९६.०२
u̱bhe yatte̍ mahi̱nā śu̍bhre̱ andha̍sī adhikṣi̱yanti̍ pū̱rava̍ḥ .
sā no̍ bodhyavi̱trī ma̱rutsa̍khā̱ coda̱ rādho̍ ma̱ghonā̍m .. 7.096.02
2 When in the fulness of their strength the Pūrus dwell, Beauteous One, on thy two grassy banks,
Favour us thou who hast the Maruts for thy friends:- stir up the bounty of our chiefs.
Sloka : 7.96.3
भ॒द्रमिद्भ॒द्रा कृ॑णव॒त्सर॑स्व॒त्यक॑वारी चेतति वा॒जिनी॑वती ।
गृ॒णा॒ना ज॑मदग्नि॒वत्स्तु॑वा॒ना च॑ वसिष्ठ॒वत् ॥ ७.०९६.०३
bha̱dramidbha̱drā kṛ̍ṇava̱tsara̍sva̱tyaka̍vārī cetati vā̱jinī̍vatī .
gṛ̱ṇā̱nā ja̍madagni̱vatstu̍vā̱nā ca̍ vasiṣṭha̱vat .. 7.096.03
3 So may Sarasvatī auspicious send good luck; she, rich in spoil, is never niggardly in thought,
When praised in jamadagni's way and lauded as Vasiṣṭha lauds.
Sloka : 7.96.4
ज॒नी॒यन्तो॒ न्वग्र॑वः पुत्री॒यन्तः॑ सु॒दान॑वः ।
सर॑स्वन्तं हवामहे ॥ ७.०९६.०४
ja̱nī̱yanto̱ nvagra̍vaḥ putrī̱yanta̍ḥ su̱dāna̍vaḥ .
sara̍svantaṃ havāmahe .. 7.096.04
4 We call upon Sarasvān, as unmarried men who long for wives,
As liberal men who yearn for sons.
Sloka : 7.96.5
ये ते॑ सरस्व ऊ॒र्मयो॒ मधु॑मन्तो घृत॒श्चुतः॑ ।
तेभि॑र्नोऽवि॒ता भ॑व ॥ ७.०९६.०५
ye te̍ sarasva ū̱rmayo̱ madhu̍manto ghṛta̱ścuta̍ḥ .
tebhi̍rno'vi̱tā bha̍va .. 7.096.05
5 Be thou our kind protector, O Sarasvān, with those waves of thine
Laden with sweets and dropping oil.
Sloka : 7.96.6
पी॒पि॒वांसं॒ सर॑स्वतः॒ स्तनं॒ यो वि॒श्वद॑र्शतः ।
भ॒क्षी॒महि॑ प्र॒जामिष॑म् ॥ ७.०९६.०६
pī̱pi̱vāṃsa̱ṃ sara̍svata̱ḥ stana̱ṃ yo vi̱śvada̍rśataḥ .
bha̱kṣī̱mahi̍ pra̱jāmiṣa̍m .. 7.096.06
6 May we enjoy Sarasvān's breast, all-beautiful, that swells with streams,
May we gain food and progeny.
Sloka : 7.97.1
य॒ज्ञे दि॒वो नृ॒षद॑ने पृथि॒व्या नरो॒ यत्र॑ देव॒यवो॒ मद॑न्ति ।
इन्द्रा॑य॒ यत्र॒ सव॑नानि सु॒न्वे गम॒न्मदा॑य प्रथ॒मं वय॑श्च ॥ ७.०९७.०१
ya̱jñe di̱vo nṛ̱ṣada̍ne pṛthi̱vyā naro̱ yatra̍ deva̱yavo̱ mada̍nti .
indrā̍ya̱ yatra̱ sava̍nāni su̱nve gama̱nmadā̍ya pratha̱maṃ vaya̍śca .. 7.097.01
1. WHERE Heaven and Earth combine in men's assembly, and ttose who love the Gods delight in worship,
Where the libations are effused for Indra, may he come first to drink and make him stronger.
Sloka : 7.97.2
आ दैव्या॑ वृणीम॒हेऽवां॑सि॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्नो मह॒ आ स॑खायः ।
यथा॒ भवे॑म मी॒ळ्हुषे॒ अना॑गा॒ यो नो॑ दा॒ता प॑रा॒वतः॑ पि॒तेव॑ ॥ ७.०९७.०२
ā daivyā̍ vṛṇīma̱he'vā̍ṃsi̱ bṛha̱spati̍rno maha̱ ā sa̍khāyaḥ .
yathā̱ bhave̍ma mī̱l̤huṣe̱ anā̍gā̱ yo no̍ dā̱tā pa̍rā̱vata̍ḥ pi̱teva̍ .. 7.097.02
2 We crave the heavenly grace of Gods to guard us-so may Bṛhaspati, O friends, exalt us-
That he, the Bounteous God, may find us sintess, who giveth from a distance like a father.
Sloka : 7.97.3
तमु॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ नम॑सा ह॒विर्भिः॑ सु॒शेवं॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिं॑ गृणीषे ।
इन्द्रं॒ श्लोको॒ महि॒ दैव्यः॑ सिषक्तु॒ यो ब्रह्म॑णो दे॒वकृ॑तस्य॒ राजा॑ ॥ ७.०९७.०३
tamu̱ jyeṣṭha̱ṃ nama̍sā ha̱virbhi̍ḥ su̱śeva̱ṃ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍ṃ gṛṇīṣe .
indra̱ṃ śloko̱ mahi̱ daivya̍ḥ siṣaktu̱ yo brahma̍ṇo de̱vakṛ̍tasya̱ rājā̍ .. 7.097.03
3 That Brahmaṇaspati, most High and Gracious, I glorify with offerings and with homage.
May the great song of praise divine, reach Indra who is the King of prayer the Gods’ creation.
Sloka : 7.97.4
स आ नो॒ योनिं॑ सदतु॒ प्रेष्ठो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्वि॒श्ववा॑रो॒ यो अस्ति॑ ।
कामो॑ रा॒यः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ तं दा॒त्पर्ष॑न्नो॒ अति॑ स॒श्चतो॒ अरि॑ष्टान् ॥ ७.०९७.०४
sa ā no̱ yoni̍ṃ sadatu̱ preṣṭho̱ bṛha̱spati̍rvi̱śvavā̍ro̱ yo asti̍ .
kāmo̍ rā̱yaḥ su̱vīrya̍sya̱ taṃ dā̱tparṣa̍nno̱ ati̍ sa̱ścato̱ ari̍ṣṭān .. 7.097.04
4 May that Bṛhaspati who brings all blessings, most dearly loved, be seated by our altar.
Heroes and wealth we crave; may he bestow them, and bear us safe beyond the men who vex us.
Sloka : 7.97.5
तमा नो॑ अ॒र्कम॒मृता॑य॒ जुष्ट॑मि॒मे धा॑सुर॒मृता॑सः पुरा॒जाः ।
शुचि॑क्रन्दं यज॒तं प॒स्त्या॑नां॒ बृह॒स्पति॑मन॒र्वाणं॑ हुवेम ॥ ७.०९७.०५
tamā no̍ a̱rkama̱mṛtā̍ya̱ juṣṭa̍mi̱me dhā̍sura̱mṛtā̍saḥ purā̱jāḥ .
śuci̍krandaṃ yaja̱taṃ pa̱styā̍nā̱ṃ bṛha̱spati̍mana̱rvāṇa̍ṃ huvema .. 7.097.05
5 To us these Deathless Ones, erst born, have granted this laud of ours which gives the Immortal pleasure.
Let us invoke Bṛhaspati, the foeless, the clear-voiced God, the Holy One of households
Sloka : 7.97.6
तं श॒ग्मासो॑ अरु॒षासो॒ अश्वा॒ बृह॒स्पतिं॑ सह॒वाहो॑ वहन्ति ।
सह॑श्चि॒द्यस्य॒ नील॑वत्स॒धस्थं॒ नभो॒ न रू॒पम॑रु॒षं वसा॑नाः ॥ ७.०९७.०६
taṃ śa̱gmāso̍ aru̱ṣāso̱ aśvā̱ bṛha̱spati̍ṃ saha̱vāho̍ vahanti .
saha̍ści̱dyasya̱ nīla̍vatsa̱dhastha̱ṃ nabho̱ na rū̱pama̍ru̱ṣaṃ vasā̍nāḥ .. 7.097.06
6 Him, this Bṛhaspati, his red-hued horses, drawing together, full of strength, bring hither.
Robed in red colour like the cloud, they carry the Lord of Might whose friendship gives a dwelling.
Sloka : 7.97.7
स हि शुचिः॑ श॒तप॑त्रः॒ स शु॒न्ध्युर्हिर॑ण्यवाशीरिषि॒रः स्व॒र्षाः ।
बृह॒स्पतिः॒ स स्वा॑वे॒श ऋ॒ष्वः पु॒रू सखि॑भ्य आसु॒तिं करि॑ष्ठः ॥ ७.०९७.०७
sa hi śuci̍ḥ śa̱tapa̍tra̱ḥ sa śu̱ndhyurhira̍ṇyavāśīriṣi̱raḥ sva̱rṣāḥ .
bṛha̱spati̱ḥ sa svā̍ve̱śa ṛ̱ṣvaḥ pu̱rū sakhi̍bhya āsu̱tiṃ kari̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 7.097.07
7 For he is pure, with hundred wings, refulgent, with sword of gold, impetuous, winning sunlight.
Sublime Bṛhaspati, easy of access granteth his friends most bountiful refreshment.
Sloka : 7.97.8
दे॒वी दे॒वस्य॒ रोद॑सी॒ जनि॑त्री॒ बृह॒स्पतिं॑ वावृधतुर्महि॒त्वा ।
द॒क्षाय्या॑य दक्षता सखायः॒ कर॒द्ब्रह्म॑णे सु॒तरा॑ सुगा॒धा ॥ ७.०९७.०८
de̱vī de̱vasya̱ roda̍sī̱ jani̍trī̱ bṛha̱spati̍ṃ vāvṛdhaturmahi̱tvā .
da̱kṣāyyā̍ya dakṣatā sakhāya̱ḥ kara̱dbrahma̍ṇe su̱tarā̍ sugā̱dhā .. 7.097.08
8 Both Heaven and Earth, divine, the Deity's Parents, have made Bṛhaspati increase in grandeur.
Glorify him, O friends, who merits glory:- may he give prayer fair way and easy passage.
Sloka : 7.97.9
इ॒यं वां॑ ब्रह्मणस्पते सुवृ॒क्तिर्ब्रह्मेन्द्रा॑य व॒ज्रिणे॑ अकारि ।
अ॒वि॒ष्टं धियो॑ जिगृ॒तं पुरं॑धीर्जज॒स्तम॒र्यो व॒नुषा॒मरा॑तीः ॥ ७.०९७.०९
i̱yaṃ vā̍ṃ brahmaṇaspate suvṛ̱ktirbrahmendrā̍ya va̱jriṇe̍ akāri .
a̱vi̱ṣṭaṃ dhiyo̍ jigṛ̱taṃ pura̍ṃdhīrjaja̱stama̱ryo va̱nuṣā̱marā̍tīḥ .. 7.097.09
9 This, Brahmaṇaspati, is your laudation prayer hath been made to thunderwielding Indra.
Favour our songs, wake up our thought and spirit:- destroy the godless and our foemen's malice.
Sloka : 7.97.10
बृह॑स्पते यु॒वमिन्द्र॑श्च॒ वस्वो॑ दि॒व्यस्ये॑शाथे उ॒त पार्थि॑वस्य ।
ध॒त्तं र॒यिं स्तु॑व॒ते की॒रये॑ चिद्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९७.१०
bṛha̍spate yu̱vamindra̍śca̱ vasvo̍ di̱vyasye̍śāthe u̱ta pārthi̍vasya .
dha̱ttaṃ ra̱yiṃ stu̍va̱te kī̱raye̍ cidyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.097.10
10 Ye Twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Bṛhaspati, and thou, O Indra.
Mean though he be, give wealth to him who lauds you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.98.1
अध्व॑र्यवोऽरु॒णं दु॒ग्धमं॒शुं जु॒होत॑न वृष॒भाय॑ क्षिती॒नाम् ।
गौ॒राद्वेदी॑याँ अव॒पान॒मिन्द्रो॑ वि॒श्वाहेद्या॑ति सु॒तसो॑ममि॒च्छन् ॥ ७.०९८.०१
adhva̍ryavo'ru̱ṇaṃ du̱gdhama̱ṃśuṃ ju̱hota̍na vṛṣa̱bhāya̍ kṣitī̱nām .
gau̱rādvedī̍yām̐ ava̱pāna̱mindro̍ vi̱śvāhedyā̍ti su̱taso̍mami̱cchan .. 7.098.01
1. PRIESTS, offer to the Lord of all the people the milked-out stalk of Soma, radiant-coloured.
No wild-bull knows his drinking-place like Indra who ever seeks him who hath pressed the Soma,
Sloka : 7.98.2
यद्द॑धि॒षे प्र॒दिवि॒ चार्वन्नं॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे पी॒तिमिद॑स्य वक्षि ।
उ॒त हृ॒दोत मन॑सा जुषा॒ण उ॒शन्नि॑न्द्र॒ प्रस्थि॑तान्पाहि॒ सोमा॑न् ॥ ७.०९८.०२
yadda̍dhi̱ṣe pra̱divi̱ cārvanna̍ṃ di̱vedi̍ve pī̱timida̍sya vakṣi .
u̱ta hṛ̱dota mana̍sā juṣā̱ṇa u̱śanni̍ndra̱ prasthi̍tānpāhi̱ somā̍n .. 7.098.02
2 Thou dost desire to drink, each day that passes, the pleasant food which thou hast had aforetime,
O Indra, gratified in heart and spirit, drink eagerly the Soma set before thee.
Sloka : 7.98.3
ज॒ज्ञा॒नः सोमं॒ सह॑से पपाथ॒ प्र ते॑ मा॒ता म॑हि॒मान॑मुवाच ।
एन्द्र॑ पप्राथो॒र्व१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षं यु॒धा दे॒वेभ्यो॒ वरि॑वश्चकर्थ ॥ ७.०९८.०३
ja̱jñā̱naḥ soma̱ṃ saha̍se papātha̱ pra te̍ mā̱tā ma̍hi̱māna̍muvāca .
endra̍ paprātho̱rva1̱̍ntari̍kṣaṃ yu̱dhā de̱vebhyo̱ vari̍vaścakartha .. 7.098.03
3 Thou, newly-born, for strength didst drink the Soma; the Mother told thee of thy future greatness.
O Indra, thou hast filled mid-air's wide region, and given the Gods by battle room and freedom.
Sloka : 7.98.4
यद्यो॒धया॑ मह॒तो मन्य॑माना॒न्साक्षा॑म॒ तान्बा॒हुभिः॒ शाश॑दानान् ।
यद्वा॒ नृभि॒र्वृत॑ इन्द्राभि॒युध्या॒स्तं त्वया॒जिं सौ॑श्रव॒सं ज॑येम ॥ ७.०९८.०४
yadyo̱dhayā̍ maha̱to manya̍mānā̱nsākṣā̍ma̱ tānbā̱hubhi̱ḥ śāśa̍dānān .
yadvā̱ nṛbhi̱rvṛta̍ indrābhi̱yudhyā̱staṃ tvayā̱jiṃ sau̍śrava̱saṃ ja̍yema .. 7.098.04
4 When thou hast urged the arrocrant to combat, proud in their strength of arm, we will subdue them.
Or, Indra, when thou fightest girt by heroes, we in the glorious fray with thee will conquer.
Sloka : 7.98.5
प्रेन्द्र॑स्य वोचं प्रथ॒मा कृ॒तानि॒ प्र नूत॑ना म॒घवा॒ या च॒कार॑ ।
य॒देददे॑वी॒रस॑हिष्ट मा॒या अथा॑भव॒त्केव॑लः॒ सोमो॑ अस्य ॥ ७.०९८.०५
prendra̍sya vocaṃ pratha̱mā kṛ̱tāni̱ pra nūta̍nā ma̱ghavā̱ yā ca̱kāra̍ .
ya̱dedade̍vī̱rasa̍hiṣṭa mā̱yā athā̍bhava̱tkeva̍la̱ḥ somo̍ asya .. 7.098.05
5 I will declare the earliest deeds of Indra, and recent acts which Maghavan hath accomplished.
When he had conquered godless wiles and magic, Soma became his own entire possession.
Sloka : 7.98.6
तवे॒दं विश्व॑म॒भितः॑ पश॒व्यं१॒॑ यत्पश्य॑सि॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
गवा॑मसि॒ गोप॑ति॒रेक॑ इन्द्र भक्षी॒महि॑ ते॒ प्रय॑तस्य॒ वस्वः॑ ॥ ७.०९८.०६
tave̱daṃ viśva̍ma̱bhita̍ḥ paśa̱vyaṃ1̱̍ yatpaśya̍si̱ cakṣa̍sā̱ sūrya̍sya .
gavā̍masi̱ gopa̍ti̱reka̍ indra bhakṣī̱mahi̍ te̱ praya̍tasya̱ vasva̍ḥ .. 7.098.06
6 Thine is this world of flocks and herds around thee, which with the eye of Sūrya thou beholdest.
Thou, Indra, art alone the Lord of cattle; may we enjoy the treasure which thou givest.
Sloka : 7.98.7
बृह॑स्पते यु॒वमिन्द्र॑श्च॒ वस्वो॑ दि॒व्यस्ये॑शाथे उ॒त पार्थि॑वस्य ।
ध॒त्तं र॒यिं स्तु॑व॒ते की॒रये॑ चिद्यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९८.०७
bṛha̍spate yu̱vamindra̍śca̱ vasvo̍ di̱vyasye̍śāthe u̱ta pārthi̍vasya .
dha̱ttaṃ ra̱yiṃ stu̍va̱te kī̱raye̍ cidyū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.098.07
7 Ye Twain are Lords of wealth in earth and heaven, thou, O Bṛhaspati, and thou, O Indra.
Mean though he be, give wealth to him who lauds you. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.99.1
प॒रो मात्र॑या त॒न्वा॑ वृधान॒ न ते॑ महि॒त्वमन्व॑श्नुवन्ति ।
उ॒भे ते॑ विद्म॒ रज॑सी पृथि॒व्या विष्णो॑ देव॒ त्वं प॑र॒मस्य॑ वित्से ॥ ७.०९९.०१
pa̱ro mātra̍yā ta̱nvā̍ vṛdhāna̱ na te̍ mahi̱tvamanva̍śnuvanti .
u̱bhe te̍ vidma̱ raja̍sī pṛthi̱vyā viṣṇo̍ deva̱ tvaṃ pa̍ra̱masya̍ vitse .. 7.099.01
1. MEN come not nigh thy majesty who growest beyond all bound and measure with thy body.
Both thy two regions of the earth, O Viṣṇu, we know:- thou God, knowest the highest also.
Sloka : 7.99.2
न ते॑ विष्णो॒ जाय॑मानो॒ न जा॒तो देव॑ महि॒म्नः पर॒मन्त॑माप ।
उद॑स्तभ्ना॒ नाक॑मृ॒ष्वं बृ॒हन्तं॑ दा॒धर्थ॒ प्राचीं॑ क॒कुभं॑ पृथि॒व्याः ॥ ७.०९९.०२
na te̍ viṣṇo̱ jāya̍māno̱ na jā̱to deva̍ mahi̱mnaḥ para̱manta̍māpa .
uda̍stabhnā̱ nāka̍mṛ̱ṣvaṃ bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ dā̱dhartha̱ prācī̍ṃ ka̱kubha̍ṃ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .. 7.099.02
2 None who is born or being born, God Viṣṇu, hath reached the utmost limit of thy grandeur.
The vast high vault of heaven hast thou supported, and fixed earth's eastern pinnacle securely.
Sloka : 7.99.3
इरा॑वती धेनु॒मती॒ हि भू॒तं सू॑यव॒सिनी॒ मनु॑षे दश॒स्या ।
व्य॑स्तभ्ना॒ रोद॑सी विष्णवे॒ते दा॒धर्थ॑ पृथि॒वीम॒भितो॑ म॒यूखैः॑ ॥ ७.०९९.०३
irā̍vatī dhenu̱matī̱ hi bhū̱taṃ sū̍yava̱sinī̱ manu̍ṣe daśa̱syā .
vya̍stabhnā̱ roda̍sī viṣṇave̱te dā̱dhartha̍ pṛthi̱vīma̱bhito̍ ma̱yūkhai̍ḥ .. 7.099.03
3 Rich in sweet food be ye, and rich in milch-kine, with fertile pastures, fain to do men service.
Both these worlds, Viṣṇu, hast thou stayed asunder, and firmly fixed the earth with pegs around it.
Sloka : 7.99.4
उ॒रुं य॒ज्ञाय॑ चक्रथुरु लो॒कं ज॒नय॑न्ता॒ सूर्य॑मु॒षास॑म॒ग्निम् ।
दास॑स्य चिद्वृषशि॒प्रस्य॑ मा॒या ज॒घ्नथु॑र्नरा पृत॒नाज्ये॑षु ॥ ७.०९९.०४
u̱ruṃ ya̱jñāya̍ cakrathuru lo̱kaṃ ja̱naya̍ntā̱ sūrya̍mu̱ṣāsa̍ma̱gnim .
dāsa̍sya cidvṛṣaśi̱prasya̍ mā̱yā ja̱ghnathu̍rnarā pṛta̱nājye̍ṣu .. 7.099.04
4 Ye have made spacious room for sacrificing by generating Sūrya, Dawn, and Agni.
O Heroes, ye have conquered in your battles even the bull-jawed Dāsa's wiles and magic.
Sloka : 7.99.5
इन्द्रा॑विष्णू दृंहि॒ताः शम्ब॑रस्य॒ नव॒ पुरो॑ नव॒तिं च॑ श्नथिष्टम् ।
श॒तं व॒र्चिनः॑ स॒हस्रं॑ च सा॒कं ह॒थो अ॑प्र॒त्यसु॑रस्य वी॒रान् ॥ ७.०९९.०५
indrā̍viṣṇū dṛṃhi̱tāḥ śamba̍rasya̱ nava̱ puro̍ nava̱tiṃ ca̍ śnathiṣṭam .
śa̱taṃ va̱rcina̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍ṃ ca sā̱kaṃ ha̱tho a̍pra̱tyasu̍rasya vī̱rān .. 7.099.05
5 Ye have destroyed, thou, Indra, and thou Viṣṇu, Śambara's nine-and-ninety fenced castles.
Ye Twain smote down a hundred times a thousand resistless heroes of the royal Varcin.
Sloka : 7.99.6
इ॒यं म॑नी॒षा बृ॑ह॒ती बृ॒हन्तो॑रुक्र॒मा त॒वसा॑ व॒र्धय॑न्ती ।
र॒रे वां॒ स्तोमं॑ वि॒दथे॑षु विष्णो॒ पिन्व॑त॒मिषो॑ वृ॒जने॑ष्विन्द्र ॥ ७.०९९.०६
i̱yaṃ ma̍nī̱ṣā bṛ̍ha̱tī bṛ̱hanto̍rukra̱mā ta̱vasā̍ va̱rdhaya̍ntī .
ra̱re vā̱ṃ stoma̍ṃ vi̱dathe̍ṣu viṣṇo̱ pinva̍ta̱miṣo̍ vṛ̱jane̍ṣvindra .. 7.099.06
6 This is the lofty hymn of praise, exalting the Lords of Mighty Stride, the strong and lofty.
I laud you in the solemn synods, Viṣṇu:- pour ye food on us in our camps, O Indra.
Sloka : 7.99.7
वष॑ट् ते विष्णवा॒स आ कृ॑णोमि॒ तन्मे॑ जुषस्व शिपिविष्ट ह॒व्यम् ।
वर्ध॑न्तु त्वा सुष्टु॒तयो॒ गिरो॑ मे यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.०९९.०७
vaṣa̍ṭ te viṣṇavā̱sa ā kṛ̍ṇomi̱ tanme̍ juṣasva śipiviṣṭa ha̱vyam .
vardha̍ntu tvā suṣṭu̱tayo̱ giro̍ me yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.099.07
7 O Viṣṇu, unto thee my lips cry Vaṣaṭ! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.
May these my songs of eulogy exalt thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.100.1
नू मर्तो॑ दयते सनि॒ष्यन्यो विष्ण॑व उरुगा॒याय॒ दाश॑त् ।
प्र यः स॒त्राचा॒ मन॑सा॒ यजा॑त ए॒ताव॑न्तं॒ नर्य॑मा॒विवा॑सात् ॥ ७.१००.०१
nū marto̍ dayate sani̱ṣyanyo viṣṇa̍va urugā̱yāya̱ dāśa̍t .
pra yaḥ sa̱trācā̱ mana̍sā̱ yajā̍ta e̱tāva̍nta̱ṃ narya̍mā̱vivā̍sāt .. 7.100.01
1 NE’ER doth the man repent, who, seeking profit, bringeth his gift to the far-striding Viṣṇu.
He who adoreth him with all his spirit winneth himself so great a benefactor.
Sloka : 7.100.2
त्वं वि॑ष्णो सुम॒तिं वि॒श्वज॑न्या॒मप्र॑युतामेवयावो म॒तिं दाः॑ ।
पर्चो॒ यथा॑ नः सुवि॒तस्य॒ भूरे॒रश्वा॑वतः पुरुश्च॒न्द्रस्य॑ रा॒यः ॥ ७.१००.०२
tvaṃ vi̍ṣṇo suma̱tiṃ vi̱śvaja̍nyā̱mapra̍yutāmevayāvo ma̱tiṃ dā̍ḥ .
parco̱ yathā̍ naḥ suvi̱tasya̱ bhūre̱raśvā̍vataḥ puruśca̱ndrasya̍ rā̱yaḥ .. 7.100.02
2 Thou, Viṣṇu, constant in thy courses, gavest good-will to all men, and a hymn that lasteth,
That thou mightst move us to abundant comfort of very splendid wealth with store of horses.
Sloka : 7.100.3
त्रिर्दे॒वः पृ॑थि॒वीमे॒ष ए॒तां वि च॑क्रमे श॒तर्च॑सं महि॒त्वा ।
प्र विष्णु॑रस्तु त॒वस॒स्तवी॑यान्त्वे॒षं ह्य॑स्य॒ स्थवि॑रस्य॒ नाम॑ ॥ ७.१००.०३
trirde̱vaḥ pṛ̍thi̱vīme̱ṣa e̱tāṃ vi ca̍krame śa̱tarca̍saṃ mahi̱tvā .
pra viṣṇu̍rastu ta̱vasa̱stavī̍yāntve̱ṣaṃ hya̍sya̱ sthavi̍rasya̱ nāma̍ .. 7.100.03
3 Three times strode forth this God in all his grandeur over this earth bright with a hundred splendours.
Foremost be Viṣṇu, stronger than the strongest:- for glorious is his name who lives for ever.
Sloka : 7.100.4
वि च॑क्रमे पृथि॒वीमे॒ष ए॒तां क्षेत्रा॑य॒ विष्णु॒र्मनु॑षे दश॒स्यन् ।
ध्रु॒वासो॑ अस्य की॒रयो॒ जना॑स उरुक्षि॒तिं सु॒जनि॑मा चकार ॥ ७.१००.०४
vi ca̍krame pṛthi̱vīme̱ṣa e̱tāṃ kṣetrā̍ya̱ viṣṇu̱rmanu̍ṣe daśa̱syan .
dhru̱vāso̍ asya kī̱rayo̱ janā̍sa urukṣi̱tiṃ su̱jani̍mā cakāra .. 7.100.04
4 Over this earth with mighty step strode Viṣṇu, ready to give it for a home to Manu.
In him the humble people trust for safety:- he, nobly born, hath made them spacious dwellings.
Sloka : 7.100.5
प्र तत्ते॑ अ॒द्य शि॑पिविष्ट॒ नामा॒र्यः शं॑सामि व॒युना॑नि वि॒द्वान् ।
तं त्वा॑ गृणामि त॒वस॒मत॑व्या॒न्क्षय॑न्तम॒स्य रज॑सः परा॒के ॥ ७.१००.०५
pra tatte̍ a̱dya śi̍piviṣṭa̱ nāmā̱ryaḥ śa̍ṃsāmi va̱yunā̍ni vi̱dvān .
taṃ tvā̍ gṛṇāmi ta̱vasa̱mata̍vyā̱nkṣaya̍ntama̱sya raja̍saḥ parā̱ke .. 7.100.05
5 To-day I laud this name, O gipivista, I, skilled in rules, the name of thee the Noble.
Yea, I the poor and weak praise thee the Mighty who dwellest in the realm beyond this region.
Sloka : 7.100.6
किमित्ते॑ विष्णो परि॒चक्ष्यं॑ भू॒त्प्र यद्व॑व॒क्षे शि॑पिवि॒ष्टो अ॑स्मि ।
मा वर्पो॑ अ॒स्मदप॑ गूह ए॒तद्यद॒न्यरू॑पः समि॒थे ब॒भूथ॑ ॥ ७.१००.०६
kimitte̍ viṣṇo pari̱cakṣya̍ṃ bhū̱tpra yadva̍va̱kṣe śi̍pivi̱ṣṭo a̍smi .
mā varpo̍ a̱smadapa̍ gūha e̱tadyada̱nyarū̍paḥ sami̱the ba̱bhūtha̍ .. 7.100.06
6 What was there to be blamed in thee, O Viṣṇu, when thou declaredst, I am Sipivista?
Hide not this form from us, nor keep it secret, since thou didst wear another shape in battle.
Sloka : 7.100.7
वष॑ट् ते विष्णवा॒स आ कृ॑णोमि॒ तन्मे॑ जुषस्व शिपिविष्ट ह॒व्यम् ।
वर्ध॑न्तु त्वा सुष्टु॒तयो॒ गिरो॑ मे यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.१००.०७
vaṣa̍ṭ te viṣṇavā̱sa ā kṛ̍ṇomi̱ tanme̍ juṣasva śipiviṣṭa ha̱vyam .
vardha̍ntu tvā suṣṭu̱tayo̱ giro̍ me yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.100.07
7 O Viṣṇu, unto thee my lips cry Vaṣaṭ! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.
May these my songs of eulogy exalt thee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.101.1
ति॒स्रो वाचः॒ प्र व॑द॒ ज्योति॑रग्रा॒ या ए॒तद्दु॒ह्रे म॑धुदो॒घमूधः॑ ।
स व॒त्सं कृ॒ण्वन्गर्भ॒मोष॑धीनां स॒द्यो जा॒तो वृ॑ष॒भो रो॑रवीति ॥ ७.१०१.०१
ti̱sro vāca̱ḥ pra va̍da̱ jyoti̍ragrā̱ yā e̱taddu̱hre ma̍dhudo̱ghamūdha̍ḥ .
sa va̱tsaṃ kṛ̱ṇvangarbha̱moṣa̍dhīnāṃ sa̱dyo jā̱to vṛ̍ṣa̱bho ro̍ravīti .. 7.101.01
1 SPEAK forth three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produceth nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the Infant.
Sloka : 7.101.2
यो वर्ध॑न॒ ओष॑धीनां॒ यो अ॒पां यो विश्व॑स्य॒ जग॑तो दे॒व ईशे॑ ।
स त्रि॒धातु॑ शर॒णं शर्म॑ यंसत्त्रि॒वर्तु॒ ज्योतिः॑ स्वभि॒ष्ट्य१॒॑स्मे ॥ ७.१०१.०२
yo vardha̍na̱ oṣa̍dhīnā̱ṃ yo a̱pāṃ yo viśva̍sya̱ jaga̍to de̱va īśe̍ .
sa tri̱dhātu̍ śara̱ṇaṃ śarma̍ yaṃsattri̱vartu̱ jyoti̍ḥ svabhi̱ṣṭya1̱̍sme .. 7.101.02
2 Giver of growth to plants, the God who ruleth over the waters and all moving creatures,
Vouchsafe us triple shelter for our refuge, and threefold light to succour and befriend us.
Sloka : 7.101.3
स्त॒रीरु॑ त्व॒द्भव॑ति॒ सूत॑ उ त्वद्यथाव॒शं त॒न्वं॑ चक्र ए॒षः ।
पि॒तुः पयः॒ प्रति॑ गृभ्णाति मा॒ता तेन॑ पि॒ता व॑र्धते॒ तेन॑ पु॒त्रः ॥ ७.१०१.०३
sta̱rīru̍ tva̱dbhava̍ti̱ sūta̍ u tvadyathāva̱śaṃ ta̱nva̍ṃ cakra e̱ṣaḥ .
pi̱tuḥ paya̱ḥ prati̍ gṛbhṇāti mā̱tā tena̍ pi̱tā va̍rdhate̱ tena̍ pu̱traḥ .. 7.101.03
3 Now he is sterile, now begetteth offspring, even as he willeth doth he change his figure.
The Father's genial flow bedews the Mother; therewith the Sire, therewith the son is nourished.
Sloka : 7.101.4
यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॑नि॒ भुव॑नानि त॒स्थुस्ति॒स्रो द्याव॑स्त्रे॒धा स॒स्रुरापः॑ ।
त्रयः॒ कोशा॑स उप॒सेच॑नासो॒ मध्वः॑ श्चोतन्त्य॒भितो॑ विर॒प्शम् ॥ ७.१०१.०४
yasmi̱nviśvā̍ni̱ bhuva̍nāni ta̱sthusti̱sro dyāva̍stre̱dhā sa̱srurāpa̍ḥ .
traya̱ḥ kośā̍sa upa̱seca̍nāso̱ madhva̍ḥ ścotantya̱bhito̍ vira̱pśam .. 7.101.04
4 In him all living creatures have their being, and the three heavens with triply-flowing waters.
Three reservoirs that sprinkle down their treasure shed their sweet streams around him with a murmur.
Sloka : 7.101.5
इ॒दं वचः॑ प॒र्जन्या॑य स्व॒राजे॑ हृ॒दो अ॒स्त्वन्त॑रं॒ तज्जु॑जोषत् ।
म॒यो॒भुवो॑ वृ॒ष्टयः॑ सन्त्व॒स्मे सु॑पिप्प॒ला ओष॑धीर्दे॒वगो॑पाः ॥ ७.१०१.०५
i̱daṃ vaca̍ḥ pa̱rjanyā̍ya sva̱rāje̍ hṛ̱do a̱stvanta̍ra̱ṃ tajju̍joṣat .
ma̱yo̱bhuvo̍ vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ santva̱sme su̍pippa̱lā oṣa̍dhīrde̱vago̍pāḥ .. 7.101.05
5 May this my song to Sovran Lord Parjanya come near unto his heart and give him pleasure.
May we obtain the showers that bring enjoyment, and God-protected plants with goodly fruitage.
Sloka : 7.101.6
स रे॑तो॒धा वृ॑ष॒भः शश्व॑तीनां॒ तस्मि॑न्ना॒त्मा जग॑तस्त॒स्थुष॑श्च ।
तन्म॑ ऋ॒तं पा॑तु श॒तशा॑रदाय यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ७.१०१.०६
sa re̍to̱dhā vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaḥ śaśva̍tīnā̱ṃ tasmi̍nnā̱tmā jaga̍tasta̱sthuṣa̍śca .
tanma̍ ṛ̱taṃ pā̍tu śa̱taśā̍radāya yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 7.101.06
6 He is the Bull of all, and their impregner:- he holds the life of all things fixed and moving.
May this rite save me till my hundredth autumn. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
Sloka : 7.102.1
प॒र्जन्या॑य॒ प्र गा॑यत दि॒वस्पु॒त्राय॑ मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ ।
स नो॒ यव॑समिच्छतु ॥ ७.१०२.०१
pa̱rjanyā̍ya̱ pra gā̍yata di̱vaspu̱trāya̍ mī̱l̤huṣe̍ .
sa no̱ yava̍samicchatu .. 7.102.01
1 SING forth and laud Parjanya, son of Heaven, who sends the gift of rain
May he provide our pasturage.
Sloka : 7.102.2
यो गर्भ॒मोष॑धीनां॒ गवां॑ कृ॒णोत्यर्व॑ताम् ।
प॒र्जन्यः॑ पुरु॒षीणा॑म् ॥ ७.१०२.०२
yo garbha̱moṣa̍dhīnā̱ṃ gavā̍ṃ kṛ̱ṇotyarva̍tām .
pa̱rjanya̍ḥ puru̱ṣīṇā̍m .. 7.102.02
2 Parjanya is the God who forms in kine, in mares, in plants of earth,
And womankind, the germ of life.
Sloka : 7.102.3
तस्मा॒ इदा॒स्ये॑ ह॒विर्जु॒होता॒ मधु॑मत्तमम् ।
इळां॑ नः सं॒यतं॑ करत् ॥ ७.१०२.०३
tasmā̱ idā̱sye̍ ha̱virju̱hotā̱ madhu̍mattamam .
il̤ā̍ṃ naḥ sa̱ṃyata̍ṃ karat .. 7.102.03
3 Offer and pour into his mouth oblation rich in savoury juice:-
May he for ever give us food.
Sloka : 7.103.1
सं॒व॒त्स॒रं श॑शया॒ना ब्रा॑ह्म॒णा व्र॑तचा॒रिणः॑ ।
वाचं॑ प॒र्जन्य॑जिन्वितां॒ प्र म॒ण्डूका॑ अवादिषुः ॥ ७.१०३.०१
sa̱ṃva̱tsa̱raṃ śa̍śayā̱nā brā̍hma̱ṇā vra̍tacā̱riṇa̍ḥ .
vāca̍ṃ pa̱rjanya̍jinvitā̱ṃ pra ma̱ṇḍūkā̍ avādiṣuḥ .. 7.103.01
1. THEY who lay quiet for a year, the Brahmans who fulfil their vows,
The Frogs have lifted up their voice, the voice Parjanya hath inspired.
Sloka : 7.103.2
दि॒व्या आपो॑ अ॒भि यदे॑न॒माय॒न्दृतिं॒ न शुष्कं॑ सर॒सी शया॑नम् ।
गवा॒मह॒ न मा॒युर्व॒त्सिनी॑नां म॒ण्डूका॑नां व॒ग्नुरत्रा॒ समे॑ति ॥ ७.१०३.०२
di̱vyā āpo̍ a̱bhi yade̍na̱māya̱ndṛti̱ṃ na śuṣka̍ṃ sara̱sī śayā̍nam .
gavā̱maha̱ na mā̱yurva̱tsinī̍nāṃ ma̱ṇḍūkā̍nāṃ va̱gnuratrā̱ same̍ti .. 7.103.02
2 What time on these, as on a dry skin lying in the pool's bed, the floods of heaven descended,
The music of the Frogs comes forth in concert like the cows lowing with their calves beside them.
Sloka : 7.103.3
यदी॑मेनाँ उश॒तो अ॒भ्यव॑र्षीत्तृ॒ष्याव॑तः प्रा॒वृष्याग॑तायाम् ।
अ॒ख्ख॒ली॒कृत्या॑ पि॒तरं॒ न पु॒त्रो अ॒न्यो अ॒न्यमुप॒ वद॑न्तमेति ॥ ७.१०३.०३
yadī̍menām̐ uśa̱to a̱bhyava̍rṣīttṛ̱ṣyāva̍taḥ prā̱vṛṣyāga̍tāyām .
a̱khkha̱lī̱kṛtyā̍ pi̱tara̱ṃ na pu̱tro a̱nyo a̱nyamupa̱ vada̍ntameti .. 7.103.03
3 When at the coming of the Rains the water has poured upon them as they yearned and thirsted,
One seeks another as he talks and greets him with cries of pleasure as a son his father.
Sloka : 7.103.4
अ॒न्यो अ॒न्यमनु॑ गृभ्णात्येनोर॒पां प्र॑स॒र्गे यदम॑न्दिषाताम् ।
म॒ण्डूको॒ यद॒भिवृ॑ष्टः॒ कनि॑ष्क॒न्पृश्निः॑ सम्पृ॒ङ्क्ते हरि॑तेन॒ वाच॑म् ॥ ७.१०३.०४
a̱nyo a̱nyamanu̍ gṛbhṇātyenora̱pāṃ pra̍sa̱rge yadama̍ndiṣātām .
ma̱ṇḍūko̱ yada̱bhivṛ̍ṣṭa̱ḥ kani̍ṣka̱npṛśni̍ḥ sampṛ̱ṅkte hari̍tena̱ vāca̍m .. 7.103.04
4 Each of these twain receives the other kindly, while they are revelling in the flow of waters,
When the Frog moistened by the rain springs forward, and Green and Spotty both combine their voices.
Sloka : 7.103.5
यदे॑षाम॒न्यो अ॒न्यस्य॒ वाचं॑ शा॒क्तस्ये॑व॒ वद॑ति॒ शिक्ष॑माणः ।
सर्वं॒ तदे॑षां स॒मृधे॑व॒ पर्व॒ यत्सु॒वाचो॒ वद॑थ॒नाध्य॒प्सु ॥ ७.१०३.०५
yade̍ṣāma̱nyo a̱nyasya̱ vāca̍ṃ śā̱ktasye̍va̱ vada̍ti̱ śikṣa̍māṇaḥ .
sarva̱ṃ tade̍ṣāṃ sa̱mṛdhe̍va̱ parva̱ yatsu̱vāco̱ vada̍tha̱nādhya̱psu .. 7.103.05
5 When one of these repeats the other's language, as he who learns the lesson of the teacher,
Your every limb seems to be growing larger as ye converse with eloquence on the waters.
Sloka : 7.103.6
गोमा॑यु॒रेको॑ अ॒जमा॑यु॒रेकः॒ पृश्नि॒रेको॒ हरि॑त॒ एक॑ एषाम् ।
स॒मा॒नं नाम॒ बिभ्र॑तो॒ विरू॑पाः पुरु॒त्रा वाचं॑ पिपिशु॒र्वद॑न्तः ॥ ७.१०३.०६
gomā̍yu̱reko̍ a̱jamā̍yu̱reka̱ḥ pṛśni̱reko̱ hari̍ta̱ eka̍ eṣām .
sa̱mā̱naṃ nāma̱ bibhra̍to̱ virū̍pāḥ puru̱trā vāca̍ṃ pipiśu̱rvada̍ntaḥ .. 7.103.06
6 Onc is Cow-bellow and Goat-bleat the other, one Frog is Green and one of them is Spotty.
They bear one common name, and yet they vary, and, talking, modulate the voice diversely.
Sloka : 7.103.7
ब्रा॒ह्म॒णासो॑ अतिरा॒त्रे न सोमे॒ सरो॒ न पू॒र्णम॒भितो॒ वद॑न्तः ।
सं॒व॒त्स॒रस्य॒ तदहः॒ परि॑ ष्ठ॒ यन्म॑ण्डूकाः प्रावृ॒षीणं॑ ब॒भूव॑ ॥ ७.१०३.०७
brā̱hma̱ṇāso̍ atirā̱tre na some̱ saro̱ na pū̱rṇama̱bhito̱ vada̍ntaḥ .
sa̱ṃva̱tsa̱rasya̱ tadaha̱ḥ pari̍ ṣṭha̱ yanma̍ṇḍūkāḥ prāvṛ̱ṣīṇa̍ṃ ba̱bhūva̍ .. 7.103.07
7 As Brahmans, sitting round the brimful vessel, talk at the Soma-rite of Atiratra,
So, Frogs, ye gather round the pool to honour this day of all the year, the first of Rain-time.
Sloka : 7.103.8
ब्रा॒ह्म॒णासः॑ सो॒मिनो॒ वाच॑मक्रत॒ ब्रह्म॑ कृ॒ण्वन्तः॑ परिवत्स॒रीण॑म् ।
अ॒ध्व॒र्यवो॑ घ॒र्मिणः॑ सिष्विदा॒ना आ॒विर्भ॑वन्ति॒ गुह्या॒ न के चि॑त् ॥ ७.१०३.०८
brā̱hma̱ṇāsa̍ḥ so̱mino̱ vāca̍makrata̱ brahma̍ kṛ̱ṇvanta̍ḥ parivatsa̱rīṇa̍m .
a̱dhva̱ryavo̍ gha̱rmiṇa̍ḥ siṣvidā̱nā ā̱virbha̍vanti̱ guhyā̱ na ke ci̍t .. 7.103.08
8 These Brahmans with the Soma juice, performing their year-long rite, have lifted up their voices;
And these Adhvaryus, sweating with their kettles, come forth and show themselves, and none are hidden.
Sloka : 7.103.9
दे॒वहि॑तिं जुगुपुर्द्वाद॒शस्य॑ ऋ॒तुं नरो॒ न प्र मि॑नन्त्ये॒ते ।
सं॒व॒त्स॒रे प्रा॒वृष्याग॑तायां त॒प्ता घ॒र्मा अ॑श्नुवते विस॒र्गम् ॥ ७.१०३.०९
de̱vahi̍tiṃ jugupurdvāda̱śasya̍ ṛ̱tuṃ naro̱ na pra mi̍nantye̱te .
sa̱ṃva̱tsa̱re prā̱vṛṣyāga̍tāyāṃ ta̱ptā gha̱rmā a̍śnuvate visa̱rgam .. 7.103.09
9 They keep the twelve month's God-appointed order, and never do the men neglect the season.
Soon as the Rain-time in the year returneth, these who were heated kettles gain their freedom.
Sloka : 7.103.10
गोमा॑युरदाद॒जमा॑युरदा॒त्पृश्नि॑रदा॒द्धरि॑तो नो॒ वसू॑नि ।
गवां॑ म॒ण्डूका॒ दद॑तः श॒तानि॑ सहस्रसा॒वे प्र ति॑रन्त॒ आयुः॑ ॥ ७.१०३.१०
gomā̍yuradāda̱jamā̍yuradā̱tpṛśni̍radā̱ddhari̍to no̱ vasū̍ni .
gavā̍ṃ ma̱ṇḍūkā̱ dada̍taḥ śa̱tāni̍ sahasrasā̱ve pra ti̍ranta̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 7.103.10
10 Cow-bellow and Goat-bleat have granted riches, and Green and Spotty have vouchsafed us treasure.
The Frogs who give us cows in hundreds lengthen our lives in this most fertilizing season.
Sloka : 7.104.1
इन्द्रा॑सोमा॒ तप॑तं॒ रक्ष॑ उ॒ब्जतं॒ न्य॑र्पयतं वृषणा तमो॒वृधः॑ ।
परा॑ शृणीतम॒चितो॒ न्यो॑षतं ह॒तं नु॒देथां॒ नि शि॑शीतम॒त्रिणः॑ ॥ ७.१०४.०१
indrā̍somā̱ tapa̍ta̱ṃ rakṣa̍ u̱bjata̱ṃ nya̍rpayataṃ vṛṣaṇā tamo̱vṛdha̍ḥ .
parā̍ śṛṇītama̱cito̱ nyo̍ṣataṃ ha̱taṃ nu̱dethā̱ṃ ni śi̍śītama̱triṇa̍ḥ .. 7.104.01
1. INDRA and Soma, burn, destroy the demon foe, send downward, O ye Bulls, those who add gloom to gloom.
Annihilate the fools, slay them and burn them up:- chase them away from us, pierce the voracious ones.
Sloka : 7.104.2
इन्द्रा॑सोमा॒ सम॒घशं॑सम॒भ्य१॒॑घं तपु॑र्ययस्तु च॒रुर॑ग्नि॒वाँ इ॑व ।
ब्र॒ह्म॒द्विषे॑ क्र॒व्यादे॑ घो॒रच॑क्षसे॒ द्वेषो॑ धत्तमनवा॒यं कि॑मी॒दिने॑ ॥ ७.१०४.०२
indrā̍somā̱ sama̱ghaśa̍ṃsama̱bhya1̱̍ghaṃ tapu̍ryayastu ca̱rura̍gni̱vām̐ i̍va .
bra̱hma̱dviṣe̍ kra̱vyāde̍ gho̱raca̍kṣase̱ dveṣo̍ dhattamanavā̱yaṃ ki̍mī̱dine̍ .. 7.104.02
2 Indra and Soma, let sin round the wicked boil like as a caldron set amid the flames of fire.
Against the foe of prayer, devourer of raw flesh, the vile fiend fierce of eye, keep ye perpetual hate.
Sloka : 7.104.3
इन्द्रा॑सोमा दु॒ष्कृतो॑ व॒व्रे अ॒न्तर॑नारम्भ॒णे तम॑सि॒ प्र वि॑ध्यतम् ।
यथा॒ नातः॒ पुन॒रेक॑श्च॒नोदय॒त्तद्वा॑मस्तु॒ सह॑से मन्यु॒मच्छवः॑ ॥ ७.१०४.०३
indrā̍somā du̱ṣkṛto̍ va̱vre a̱ntara̍nārambha̱ṇe tama̍si̱ pra vi̍dhyatam .
yathā̱ nāta̱ḥ puna̱reka̍śca̱nodaya̱ttadvā̍mastu̱ saha̍se manyu̱macchava̍ḥ .. 7.104.03
3 Indra and Soma, plunge the wicked in the depth, yea, cast them into darkness that hath no support,
So that not one of them may ever thence return:- so may your wrathful might prevail and conquer them.
Sloka : 7.104.4
इन्द्रा॑सोमा व॒र्तय॑तं दि॒वो व॒धं सं पृ॑थि॒व्या अ॒घशं॑साय॒ तर्ह॑णम् ।
उत्त॑क्षतं स्व॒र्यं१॒॑ पर्व॑तेभ्यो॒ येन॒ रक्षो॑ वावृधा॒नं नि॒जूर्व॑थः ॥ ७.१०४.०४
indrā̍somā va̱rtaya̍taṃ di̱vo va̱dhaṃ saṃ pṛ̍thi̱vyā a̱ghaśa̍ṃsāya̱ tarha̍ṇam .
utta̍kṣataṃ sva̱ryaṃ1̱̍ parva̍tebhyo̱ yena̱ rakṣo̍ vāvṛdhā̱naṃ ni̱jūrva̍thaḥ .. 7.104.04
4 Indra and Soma, hurl your deadly crushing bolt down on the wicked fiend from heaven and from the earth.
Yea, forge out of the mountains your celestial dart wherewith ye burn to death the waxing demon race.
Sloka : 7.104.5
इन्द्रा॑सोमा व॒र्तय॑तं दि॒वस्पर्य॑ग्नित॒प्तेभि॑र्यु॒वमश्म॑हन्मभिः ।
तपु॑र्वधेभिर॒जरे॑भिर॒त्रिणो॒ नि पर्शा॑ने विध्यतं॒ यन्तु॑ निस्व॒रम् ॥ ७.१०४.०५
indrā̍somā va̱rtaya̍taṃ di̱vasparya̍gnita̱ptebhi̍ryu̱vamaśma̍hanmabhiḥ .
tapu̍rvadhebhira̱jare̍bhira̱triṇo̱ ni parśā̍ne vidhyata̱ṃ yantu̍ nisva̱ram .. 7.104.05
5 Indra and Soma, cast ye downward out of heaven your deadly darts of stone burning with fiery flame,
Eternal, scorching darts; plunge the voracious ones within the depth, and let them sink without a sound.
Sloka : 7.104.6
इन्द्रा॑सोमा॒ परि॑ वां भूतु वि॒श्वत॑ इ॒यं म॒तिः क॒क्ष्याश्वे॑व वा॒जिना॑ ।
यां वां॒ होत्रां॑ परिहि॒नोमि॑ मे॒धये॒मा ब्रह्मा॑णि नृ॒पती॑व जिन्वतम् ॥ ७.१०४.०६
indrā̍somā̱ pari̍ vāṃ bhūtu vi̱śvata̍ i̱yaṃ ma̱tiḥ ka̱kṣyāśve̍va vā̱jinā̍ .
yāṃ vā̱ṃ hotrā̍ṃ parihi̱nomi̍ me̱dhaye̱mā brahmā̍ṇi nṛ̱patī̍va jinvatam .. 7.104.06
6 Indra and Soma, let this hymn control you both, even as the girth encompasses two vigorous steeds-
The song of praise which I with wisdom offer you:- do ye, as Lords of men, animate these my prayers.
Sloka : 7.104.7
प्रति॑ स्मरेथां तु॒जय॑द्भि॒रेवै॑र्ह॒तं द्रु॒हो र॒क्षसो॑ भङ्गु॒राव॑तः ।
इन्द्रा॑सोमा दु॒ष्कृते॒ मा सु॒गं भू॒द्यो नः॑ क॒दा चि॑दभि॒दास॑ति द्रु॒हा ॥ ७.१०४.०७
prati̍ smarethāṃ tu̱jaya̍dbhi̱revai̍rha̱taṃ dru̱ho ra̱kṣaso̍ bhaṅgu̱rāva̍taḥ .
indrā̍somā du̱ṣkṛte̱ mā su̱gaṃ bhū̱dyo na̍ḥ ka̱dā ci̍dabhi̱dāsa̍ti dru̱hā .. 7.104.07
7 In your impetuous manner think ye both thereon:- destroy these evil beings, slay the treacherous fiends.
Indra and Soma, let the wicked have no bliss who evermore assails us with malignity.
Sloka : 7.104.8
यो मा॒ पाके॑न॒ मन॑सा॒ चर॑न्तमभि॒चष्टे॒ अनृ॑तेभि॒र्वचो॑भिः ।
आप॑ इव का॒शिना॒ संगृ॑भीता॒ अस॑न्न॒स्त्वास॑त इन्द्र व॒क्ता ॥ ७.१०४.०८
yo mā̱ pāke̍na̱ mana̍sā̱ cara̍ntamabhi̱caṣṭe̱ anṛ̍tebhi̱rvaco̍bhiḥ .
āpa̍ iva kā̱śinā̱ saṃgṛ̍bhītā̱ asa̍nna̱stvāsa̍ta indra va̱ktā .. 7.104.08
8 Whoso accuses me with words of falsehood when I pursue my way with guileless spirit,
May he, the speaker of untruth, be, Indra, like water which the hollowed hand compresses.
Sloka : 7.104.9
ये पा॑कशं॒सं वि॒हर॑न्त॒ एवै॒र्ये वा॑ भ॒द्रं दू॒षय॑न्ति स्व॒धाभिः॑ ।
अह॑ये वा॒ तान्प्र॒ददा॑तु॒ सोम॒ आ वा॑ दधातु॒ निरृ॑तेरु॒पस्थे॑ ॥ ७.१०४.०९
ye pā̍kaśa̱ṃsaṃ vi̱hara̍nta̱ evai̱rye vā̍ bha̱draṃ dū̱ṣaya̍nti sva̱dhābhi̍ḥ .
aha̍ye vā̱ tānpra̱dadā̍tu̱ soma̱ ā vā̍ dadhātu̱ nirṛ̍teru̱pasthe̍ .. 7.104.09
9 Those who destroy, as is their wont, the simple, and with their evil natures barm the righteous,
May Soma give them over to the serpent, or to the lap of Nirrti consign them.
Sloka : 7.104.10
यो नो॒ रसं॒ दिप्स॑ति पि॒त्वो अ॑ग्ने॒ यो अश्वा॑नां॒ यो गवां॒ यस्त॒नूना॑म् ।
रि॒पुः स्ते॒नः स्ते॑य॒कृद्द॒भ्रमे॑तु॒ नि ष ही॑यतां त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ तना॑ च ॥ ७.१०४.१०
yo no̱ rasa̱ṃ dipsa̍ti pi̱tvo a̍gne̱ yo aśvā̍nā̱ṃ yo gavā̱ṃ yasta̱nūnā̍m .
ri̱puḥ ste̱naḥ ste̍ya̱kṛdda̱bhrame̍tu̱ ni ṣa hī̍yatāṃ ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ tanā̍ ca .. 7.104.10
10 The fiend, O Agni, who designs to injure the essence of our food, kine, steeds, or bodies,
May he, the adversary, thief, and robber, sink to destruction, both himself and offipring.
Sloka : 7.104.11
प॒रः सो अ॑स्तु त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ तना॑ च ति॒स्रः पृ॑थि॒वीर॒धो अ॑स्तु॒ विश्वाः॑ ।
प्रति॑ शुष्यतु॒ यशो॑ अस्य देवा॒ यो नो॒ दिवा॒ दिप्स॑ति॒ यश्च॒ नक्त॑म् ॥ ७.१०४.११
pa̱raḥ so a̍stu ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ tanā̍ ca ti̱sraḥ pṛ̍thi̱vīra̱dho a̍stu̱ viśvā̍ḥ .
prati̍ śuṣyatu̱ yaśo̍ asya devā̱ yo no̱ divā̱ dipsa̍ti̱ yaśca̱ nakta̍m .. 7.104.11
11 May he be swept away, himself and children:- may all the three earths press him down beneath them.
May his fair glory, O ye Gods, be blighted, who in the day or night would fain destroy us.
Sloka : 7.104.12
सु॒वि॒ज्ञा॒नं चि॑कि॒तुषे॒ जना॑य॒ सच्चास॑च्च॒ वच॑सी पस्पृधाते ।
तयो॒र्यत्स॒त्यं य॑त॒रदृजी॑य॒स्तदित्सोमो॑ऽवति॒ हन्त्यास॑त् ॥ ७.१०४.१२
su̱vi̱jñā̱naṃ ci̍ki̱tuṣe̱ janā̍ya̱ saccāsa̍cca̱ vaca̍sī paspṛdhāte .
tayo̱ryatsa̱tyaṃ ya̍ta̱radṛjī̍ya̱staditsomo̎vati̱ hantyāsa̍t .. 7.104.12
12 The prudent finds it easy to distinguish the true and false:- their words oppose each other.
Of these two that which is the true and honest, Soma protects, and brings the false to nothing.
Sloka : 7.104.13
न वा उ॒ सोमो॑ वृजि॒नं हि॑नोति॒ न क्ष॒त्रियं॑ मिथु॒या धा॒रय॑न्तम् ।
हन्ति॒ रक्षो॒ हन्त्यास॒द्वद॑न्तमु॒भाविन्द्र॑स्य॒ प्रसि॑तौ शयाते ॥ ७.१०४.१३
na vā u̱ somo̍ vṛji̱naṃ hi̍noti̱ na kṣa̱triya̍ṃ mithu̱yā dhā̱raya̍ntam .
hanti̱ rakṣo̱ hantyāsa̱dvada̍ntamu̱bhāvindra̍sya̱ prasi̍tau śayāte .. 7.104.13
13 Never doth Soma aid and guide the wicked or him who falsely claims the Warrior's title.
He slays the fiend and him who speaks untruly:- both lie entangled in the noose of Indra.
Sloka : 7.104.14
यदि॑ वा॒हमनृ॑तदेव॒ आस॒ मोघं॑ वा दे॒वाँ अ॑प्यू॒हे अ॑ग्ने ।
किम॒स्मभ्यं॑ जातवेदो हृणीषे द्रोघ॒वाच॑स्ते निरृ॒थं स॑चन्ताम् ॥ ७.१०४.१४
yadi̍ vā̱hamanṛ̍tadeva̱ āsa̱ mogha̍ṃ vā de̱vām̐ a̍pyū̱he a̍gne .
kima̱smabhya̍ṃ jātavedo hṛṇīṣe drogha̱vāca̍ste nirṛ̱thaṃ sa̍cantām .. 7.104.14
14 As if I worshipped deities of falsehood, or thought vain thoughts about the Gods, O Agni.
Why art thou angry with us, Jātavedas? Destruction fall on those who lie against thee!
Sloka : 7.104.15
अ॒द्या मु॑रीय॒ यदि॑ यातु॒धानो॒ अस्मि॒ यदि॒ वायु॑स्त॒तप॒ पूरु॑षस्य ।
अधा॒ स वी॒रैर्द॒शभि॒र्वि यू॑या॒ यो मा॒ मोघं॒ यातु॑धा॒नेत्याह॑ ॥ ७.१०४.१५
a̱dyā mu̍rīya̱ yadi̍ yātu̱dhāno̱ asmi̱ yadi̱ vāyu̍sta̱tapa̱ pūru̍ṣasya .
adhā̱ sa vī̱rairda̱śabhi̱rvi yū̍yā̱ yo mā̱ mogha̱ṃ yātu̍dhā̱netyāha̍ .. 7.104.15
15 So may I die this day if I have harassed any man's life or if I be a demon.
Yea, may he lose all his ten sons together who with false tongue hath called me Yātudhāna.
Sloka : 7.104.16
यो माया॑तुं॒ यातु॑धा॒नेत्याह॒ यो वा॑ र॒क्षाः शुचि॑र॒स्मीत्याह॑ ।
इन्द्र॒स्तं ह॑न्तु मह॒ता व॒धेन॒ विश्व॑स्य ज॒न्तोर॑ध॒मस्प॑दीष्ट ॥ ७.१०४.१६
yo māyā̍tu̱ṃ yātu̍dhā̱netyāha̱ yo vā̍ ra̱kṣāḥ śuci̍ra̱smītyāha̍ .
indra̱staṃ ha̍ntu maha̱tā va̱dhena̱ viśva̍sya ja̱ntora̍dha̱maspa̍dīṣṭa .. 7.104.16
16 May Indra slay him with a mighty weapon, and let the vilest of all creatures perish,
The fiend who says that he is pure, who calls me a demon though devoid of demon nature.
Sloka : 7.104.17
प्र या जिगा॑ति ख॒र्गले॑व॒ नक्त॒मप॑ द्रु॒हा त॒न्वं१॒॑ गूह॑माना ।
व॒व्राँ अ॑न॒न्ताँ अव॒ सा प॑दीष्ट॒ ग्रावा॑णो घ्नन्तु र॒क्षस॑ उप॒ब्दैः ॥ ७.१०४.१७
pra yā jigā̍ti kha̱rgale̍va̱ nakta̱mapa̍ dru̱hā ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ gūha̍mānā .
va̱vrām̐ a̍na̱ntām̐ ava̱ sā pa̍dīṣṭa̱ grāvā̍ṇo ghnantu ra̱kṣasa̍ upa̱bdaiḥ .. 7.104.17
17 She too who wanders like an owl at night-time, hiding her body in her guile and malice,
May she fall downward into endless caverns. May press-stones with loud ring destroy the demons.
Sloka : 7.104.18
वि ति॑ष्ठध्वं मरुतो वि॒क्ष्वि१॒॑च्छत॑ गृभा॒यत॑ र॒क्षसः॒ सं पि॑नष्टन ।
वयो॒ ये भू॒त्वी प॒तय॑न्ति न॒क्तभि॒र्ये वा॒ रिपो॑ दधि॒रे दे॒वे अ॑ध्व॒रे ॥ ७.१०४.१८
vi ti̍ṣṭhadhvaṃ maruto vi̱kṣvi1̱̍cchata̍ gṛbhā̱yata̍ ra̱kṣasa̱ḥ saṃ pi̍naṣṭana .
vayo̱ ye bhū̱tvī pa̱taya̍nti na̱ktabhi̱rye vā̱ ripo̍ dadhi̱re de̱ve a̍dhva̱re .. 7.104.18
18 Spread out, ye Maruts, search among the people:- seize ye and grind the Rākṣasas to pieces,
Who fly abroad, transformed to birds, at night-time, or sully and pollute our holy worship.
Sloka : 7.104.19
प्र व॑र्तय दि॒वो अश्मा॑नमिन्द्र॒ सोम॑शितं मघव॒न्सं शि॑शाधि ।
प्राक्ता॒दपा॑क्तादध॒रादुद॑क्ताद॒भि ज॑हि र॒क्षसः॒ पर्व॑तेन ॥ ७.१०४.१९
pra va̍rtaya di̱vo aśmā̍namindra̱ soma̍śitaṃ maghava̱nsaṃ śi̍śādhi .
prāktā̱dapā̍ktādadha̱rāduda̍ktāda̱bhi ja̍hi ra̱kṣasa̱ḥ parva̍tena .. 7.104.19
19 Hurl down from heaven thy bolt of stone, O Indra:- sharpen it, Maghavan, made keen by Soma.
Forward, behind, and from above and under, smite down the demons with thy rocky weapon.
Sloka : 7.104.20
ए॒त उ॒ त्ये प॑तयन्ति॒ श्वया॑तव॒ इन्द्रं॑ दिप्सन्ति दि॒प्सवोऽदा॑भ्यम् ।
शिशी॑ते श॒क्रः पिशु॑नेभ्यो व॒धं नू॒नं सृ॑जद॒शनिं॑ यातु॒मद्भ्यः॑ ॥ ७.१०४.२०
e̱ta u̱ tye pa̍tayanti̱ śvayā̍tava̱ indra̍ṃ dipsanti di̱psavo'dā̍bhyam .
śiśī̍te śa̱kraḥ piśu̍nebhyo va̱dhaṃ nū̱naṃ sṛ̍jada̱śani̍ṃ yātu̱madbhya̍ḥ .. 7.104.20
20 They fly, the demon dogs, and, bent on mischief, fain would they harm indomitable Indra.
Śakra makes sharp his weapon for the wicked:- now, let him cast his bolt at fiendish wizards.
Sloka : 7.104.21
इन्द्रो॑ यातू॒नाम॑भवत्पराश॒रो ह॑वि॒र्मथी॑नाम॒भ्या॒३॒॑विवा॑सताम् ।
अ॒भीदु॑ श॒क्रः प॑र॒शुर्यथा॒ वनं॒ पात्रे॑व भि॒न्दन्स॒त ए॑ति र॒क्षसः॑ ॥ ७.१०४.२१
indro̍ yātū̱nāma̍bhavatparāśa̱ro ha̍vi̱rmathī̍nāma̱bhyā̱3̱̍vivā̍satām .
a̱bhīdu̍ śa̱kraḥ pa̍ra̱śuryathā̱ vana̱ṃ pātre̍va bhi̱ndansa̱ta e̍ti ra̱kṣasa̍ḥ .. 7.104.21
21 Indra hath ever been the fiends’ destroyer who spoil oblations of the Gods’ invokers:-
Yea, Śakra, like an axe that splits the timber, attacks and smashes them like earthen vessels.
Sloka : 7.104.22
उलू॑कयातुं शुशु॒लूक॑यातुं ज॒हि श्वया॑तुमु॒त कोक॑यातुम् ।
सु॒प॒र्णया॑तुमु॒त गृध्र॑यातुं दृ॒षदे॑व॒ प्र मृ॑ण॒ रक्ष॑ इन्द्र ॥ ७.१०४.२२
ulū̍kayātuṃ śuśu̱lūka̍yātuṃ ja̱hi śvayā̍tumu̱ta koka̍yātum .
su̱pa̱rṇayā̍tumu̱ta gṛdhra̍yātuṃ dṛ̱ṣade̍va̱ pra mṛ̍ṇa̱ rakṣa̍ indra .. 7.104.22
22 Destroy the fiend shaped like an owl or owlet, destroy him in the form of dog or cuckoo.
Destroy him shaped as eagle or as vulture as with a stone, O Indra, crush the demon.
Sloka : 7.104.23
मा नो॒ रक्षो॑ अ॒भि न॑ड्यातु॒माव॑ता॒मपो॑च्छतु मिथु॒ना या कि॑मी॒दिना॑ ।
पृ॒थि॒वी नः॒ पार्थि॑वात्पा॒त्वंह॑सो॒ऽन्तरि॑क्षं दि॒व्यात्पा॑त्व॒स्मान् ॥ ७.१०४.२३
mā no̱ rakṣo̍ a̱bhi na̍ḍyātu̱māva̍tā̱mapo̍cchatu mithu̱nā yā ki̍mī̱dinā̍ .
pṛ̱thi̱vī na̱ḥ pārthi̍vātpā̱tvaṃha̍so̱'ntari̍kṣaṃ di̱vyātpā̍tva̱smān .. 7.104.23
23 Let not the fiend of witchcraft-workers reach us:- may Dawn drive off the couples of Kimīdins.
Earth keep us safe from earthly woe and trouble:- from grief that comes from heaven mid-air preserve us.
Sloka : 7.104.24
इन्द्र॑ ज॒हि पुमां॑सं यातु॒धान॑मु॒त स्त्रियं॑ मा॒यया॒ शाश॑दानाम् ।
विग्री॑वासो॒ मूर॑देवा ऋदन्तु॒ मा ते दृ॑श॒न्सूर्य॑मु॒च्चर॑न्तम् ॥ ७.१०४.२४
indra̍ ja̱hi pumā̍ṃsaṃ yātu̱dhāna̍mu̱ta striya̍ṃ mā̱yayā̱ śāśa̍dānām .
vigrī̍vāso̱ mūra̍devā ṛdantu̱ mā te dṛ̍śa̱nsūrya̍mu̱ccara̍ntam .. 7.104.24
24 Slay the male demon, Indra! slay the female, joying and triumphing in arts of magic.
Let the fools' gods with bent necks fall and perish, and see no more the Sun when he arises.
Sloka : 7.104.25
प्रति॑ चक्ष्व॒ वि च॒क्ष्वेन्द्र॑श्च सोम जागृतम् ।
रक्षो॑भ्यो व॒धम॑स्यतम॒शनिं॑ यातु॒मद्भ्यः॑ ॥ ७.१०४.२५
prati̍ cakṣva̱ vi ca̱kṣvendra̍śca soma jāgṛtam .
rakṣo̍bhyo va̱dhama̍syatama̱śani̍ṃ yātu̱madbhya̍ḥ .. 7.104.25
25 Look each one hither, look around Indra and Soma, watch ye well.
Shanti Mantra (END)
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||