RigVeda Mandala 08

Mandala 8 comprises 103 hymns to various gods. Hymns 8.49 to 8.59 are the apocryphal vālakhilya. Hymns 1–48 and 60–66 are attributed to the kāṇva clan, the rest to other (Angirasa) poets. This edition uses Rigveda's translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].

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Shanti Mantra

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||

Sloka : 8.1.1

ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं ८

मा चि॑द॒न्यद्वि शं॑सत॒ सखा॑यो॒ मा रि॑षण्यत ।

इन्द्र॒मित्स्तो॑ता॒ वृष॑णं॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते मुहु॑रु॒क्था च॑ शंसत ॥ ८.००१.०१

ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 8

mā ci̍da̱nyadvi śa̍ṃsata̱ sakhā̍yo̱ mā ri̍ṣaṇyata .

indra̱mitsto̍tā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ sacā̍ su̱te muhu̍ru̱kthā ca̍ śaṃsata .. 8.001.01

1. GLORIFY naught besides, O friends; so shall no sorrow trouble you.
Praise only mighty Indra when the juice is shed, and say your lauds repeatedly:-

Sloka : 8.1.2

अ॒व॒क्र॒क्षिणं॑ वृष॒भं य॑था॒जुरं॒ गां न च॑र्षणी॒सह॑म् ।

वि॒द्वेष॑णं सं॒वन॑नोभयंक॒रं मंहि॑ष्ठमुभया॒विन॑म् ॥ ८.००१.०२

a̱va̱kra̱kṣiṇa̍ṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ ya̍thā̱jura̱ṃ gāṃ na ca̍rṣaṇī̱saha̍m .

vi̱dveṣa̍ṇaṃ sa̱ṃvana̍nobhayaṃka̱raṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭhamubhayā̱vina̍m .. 8.001.02

2 Even him, eternal, like a bull who rushes down, men's Conqueror, bounteous like a cow;
Him who is cause of both, of enmity and peace, to both sides most munificent.

Sloka : 8.1.3

यच्चि॒द्धि त्वा॒ जना॑ इ॒मे नाना॒ हव॑न्त ऊ॒तये॑ ।

अ॒स्माकं॒ ब्रह्मे॒दमि॑न्द्र भूतु॒ तेऽहा॒ विश्वा॑ च॒ वर्ध॑नम् ॥ ८.००१.०३

yacci̱ddhi tvā̱ janā̍ i̱me nānā̱ hava̍nta ū̱taye̍ .

a̱smāka̱ṃ brahme̱dami̍ndra bhūtu̱ te'hā̱ viśvā̍ ca̱ vardha̍nam .. 8.001.03

3 Although these men in sundry ways invoke thee to obtain thine aid,
Be this our prayer, addressed, O Indra, unto thee, thine exaltation every day.

Sloka : 8.1.4

वि त॑र्तूर्यन्ते मघवन्विप॒श्चितो॒ऽर्यो विपो॒ जना॑नाम् ।

उप॑ क्रमस्व पुरु॒रूप॒मा भ॑र॒ वाजं॒ नेदि॑ष्ठमू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.००१.०४

vi ta̍rtūryante maghavanvipa̱ścito̱'ryo vipo̱ janā̍nām .

upa̍ kramasva puru̱rūpa̱mā bha̍ra̱ vāja̱ṃ nedi̍ṣṭhamū̱taye̍ .. 8.001.04

4 Those skilled in song, O Maghavan among these men o’ercome with might the foeman's songs.
Come hither, bring us strength in many a varied form most near that it may succour us.

Sloka : 8.1.5

म॒हे च॒न त्वाम॑द्रिवः॒ परा॑ शु॒ल्काय॑ देयाम् ।

न स॒हस्रा॑य॒ नायुता॑य वज्रिवो॒ न श॒ताय॑ शतामघ ॥ ८.००१.०५

ma̱he ca̱na tvāma̍driva̱ḥ parā̍ śu̱lkāya̍ deyām .

na sa̱hasrā̍ya̱ nāyutā̍ya vajrivo̱ na śa̱tāya̍ śatāmagha .. 8.001.05

5 O Caster of the Stone, I would not sell thee for a mighty price,
Not for a thousand, Thunderer! nor ten thousand, nor a hundred, Lord of countless wealth!

Sloka : 8.1.6

वस्या॑ँ इन्द्रासि मे पि॒तुरु॒त भ्रातु॒रभु॑ञ्जतः ।

मा॒ता च॑ मे छदयथः स॒मा व॑सो वसुत्व॒नाय॒ राध॑से ॥ ८.००१.०६

vasyā̍m̐ indrāsi me pi̱turu̱ta bhrātu̱rabhu̍ñjataḥ .

mā̱tā ca̍ me chadayathaḥ sa̱mā va̍so vasutva̱nāya̱ rādha̍se .. 8.001.06

6 O Indra, thou art more to me than sire or niggard brother is.
Thou and my mother, O Good Lord, appear alike, to give me wealth abundantly.

Sloka : 8.1.7

क्वे॑यथ॒ क्वेद॑सि पुरु॒त्रा चि॒द्धि ते॒ मनः॑ ।

अल॑र्षि युध्म खजकृत्पुरंदर॒ प्र गा॑य॒त्रा अ॑गासिषुः ॥ ८.००१.०७

kve̍yatha̱ kveda̍si puru̱trā ci̱ddhi te̱ mana̍ḥ .

ala̍rṣi yudhma khajakṛtpuraṃdara̱ pra gā̍ya̱trā a̍gāsiṣuḥ .. 8.001.07

7 Where art thou? Whither art thou gone? For many a place attracts thy mind.
Haste, Warrior, Fort-destroyer, Lord of battle's din, haste, holy songs have sounded forth.

Sloka : 8.1.8

प्रास्मै॑ गाय॒त्रम॑र्चत वा॒वातु॒र्यः पु॑रंद॒रः ।

याभिः॑ का॒ण्वस्योप॑ ब॒र्हिरा॒सदं॒ यास॑द्व॒ज्री भि॒नत्पुरः॑ ॥ ८.००१.०८

prāsmai̍ gāya̱trama̍rcata vā̱vātu̱ryaḥ pu̍raṃda̱raḥ .

yābhi̍ḥ kā̱ṇvasyopa̍ ba̱rhirā̱sada̱ṃ yāsa̍dva̱jrī bhi̱natpura̍ḥ .. 8.001.08

8 Sing out the psalm to him who breaks down castles for his faithful friend,
Verses to bring the Thunderer to destroy the forts and sit on Kaṇva's sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.1.9

ये ते॒ सन्ति॑ दश॒ग्विनः॑ श॒तिनो॒ ये स॑ह॒स्रिणः॑ ।

अश्वा॑सो॒ ये ते॒ वृष॑णो रघु॒द्रुव॒स्तेभि॑र्न॒स्तूय॒मा ग॑हि ॥ ८.००१.०९

ye te̱ santi̍ daśa̱gvina̍ḥ śa̱tino̱ ye sa̍ha̱sriṇa̍ḥ .

aśvā̍so̱ ye te̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo raghu̱druva̱stebhi̍rna̱stūya̱mā ga̍hi .. 8.001.09

9 The Horses which are thine in tens, in hundreds, yea, in thousands thine,
Even those vigorous Steeds, fleet-footed in the course, with those come quickly near to us.

Sloka : 8.1.10

आ त्व१॒॑द्य स॑ब॒र्दुघां॑ हु॒वे गा॑य॒त्रवे॑पसम् ।

इन्द्रं॑ धे॒नुं सु॒दुघा॒मन्या॒मिष॑मु॒रुधा॑रामरं॒कृत॑म् ॥ ८.००१.१०

ā tva1̱̍dya sa̍ba̱rdughā̍ṃ hu̱ve gā̍ya̱trave̍pasam .

indra̍ṃ dhe̱nuṃ su̱dughā̱manyā̱miṣa̍mu̱rudhā̍rāmara̱ṃkṛta̍m .. 8.001.10

10 This day I call Sabardughā who animates the holy song,
Indra the richly-yielding Milch-cow who provides unfailing food in ample stream.

Sloka : 8.1.11

यत्तु॒दत्सूर॒ एत॑शं व॒ङ्कू वात॑स्य प॒र्णिना॑ ।

वह॒त्कुत्स॑मार्जुने॒यं श॒तक्र॑तुः॒ त्सर॑द्गन्ध॒र्वमस्तृ॑तम् ॥ ८.००१.११

yattu̱datsūra̱ eta̍śaṃ va̱ṅkū vāta̍sya pa̱rṇinā̍ .

vaha̱tkutsa̍mārjune̱yaṃ śa̱takra̍tu̱ḥ tsara̍dgandha̱rvamastṛ̍tam .. 8.001.11

11 When Sūra wounded Etaśa, with Vāta's rolling winged car.
Indra bore Kutsa Ārjuneya off, and mocked Gandharva. the unconquered One.

Sloka : 8.1.12

य ऋ॒ते चि॑दभि॒श्रिषः॑ पु॒रा ज॒त्रुभ्य॑ आ॒तृदः॑ ।

संधा॑ता सं॒धिं म॒घवा॑ पुरू॒वसु॒रिष्क॑र्ता॒ विह्रु॑तं॒ पुनः॑ ॥ ८.००१.१२

ya ṛ̱te ci̍dabhi̱śriṣa̍ḥ pu̱rā ja̱trubhya̍ ā̱tṛda̍ḥ .

saṃdhā̍tā sa̱ṃdhiṃ ma̱ghavā̍ purū̱vasu̱riṣka̍rtā̱ vihru̍ta̱ṃ puna̍ḥ .. 8.001.12

12 He without ligature, before making incision in the neck,
Closed up the wound again, most wealthy Maghavan, who maketh whole the injured part.

Sloka : 8.1.13

मा भू॑म॒ निष्ट्या॑ इ॒वेन्द्र॒ त्वदर॑णा इव ।

वना॑नि॒ न प्र॑जहि॒तान्य॑द्रिवो दु॒रोषा॑सो अमन्महि ॥ ८.००१.१३

mā bhū̍ma̱ niṣṭyā̍ i̱vendra̱ tvadara̍ṇā iva .

vanā̍ni̱ na pra̍jahi̱tānya̍drivo du̱roṣā̍so amanmahi .. 8.001.13

13 May we be never cast aside, and strangers, as it were, to thee.
We, Thunder-wielding Indra, count ourselves as trees rejected and unfit to burn.

Sloka : 8.1.14

अम॑न्म॒हीद॑ना॒शवो॑ऽनु॒ग्रास॑श्च वृत्रहन् ।

स॒कृत्सु ते॑ मह॒ता शू॑र॒ राध॑सा॒ अनु॒ स्तोमं॑ मुदीमहि ॥ ८.००१.१४

ama̍nma̱hīda̍nā̱śavo̎nu̱grāsa̍śca vṛtrahan .

sa̱kṛtsu te̍ maha̱tā śū̍ra̱ rādha̍sā̱ anu̱ stoma̍ṃ mudīmahi .. 8.001.14

14 O Vṛtra-slayer, we were thought slow and unready for the fray.
Yet once in thy great bounty may we have delight, O Hero, after praising thee.

Sloka : 8.1.15

यदि॒ स्तोमं॒ मम॒ श्रव॑द॒स्माक॒मिन्द्र॒मिन्द॑वः ।

ति॒रः प॒वित्रं॑ ससृ॒वांस॑ आ॒शवो॒ मन्द॑न्तु तुग्र्या॒वृधः॑ ॥ ८.००१.१५

yadi̱ stoma̱ṃ mama̱ śrava̍da̱smāka̱mindra̱minda̍vaḥ .

ti̱raḥ pa̱vitra̍ṃ sasṛ̱vāṃsa̍ ā̱śavo̱ manda̍ntu tugryā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .. 8.001.15

15 If he will listen to my laud, then may out Soma-drops that flow
Rapidly through the strainer gladden Indra, drops due to the Tugryas’ Strengthener.

Sloka : 8.1.16

आ त्व१॒॑द्य स॒धस्तु॑तिं वा॒वातुः॒ सख्यु॒रा ग॑हि ।

उप॑स्तुतिर्म॒घोनां॒ प्र त्वा॑व॒त्वधा॑ ते वश्मि सुष्टु॒तिम् ॥ ८.००१.१६

ā tva1̱̍dya sa̱dhastu̍tiṃ vā̱vātu̱ḥ sakhyu̱rā ga̍hi .

upa̍stutirma̱ghonā̱ṃ pra tvā̍va̱tvadhā̍ te vaśmi suṣṭu̱tim .. 8.001.16

16 Come now unto the common laud of thee and of thy faithful friend.
So may our wealthy nobles’ praise give joy to thee. Fain would I sing thine eulogy.

Sloka : 8.1.17

सोता॒ हि सोम॒मद्रि॑भि॒रेमे॑नम॒प्सु धा॑वत ।

ग॒व्या वस्त्रे॑व वा॒सय॑न्त॒ इन्नरो॒ निर्धु॑क्षन्व॒क्षणा॑भ्यः ॥ ८.००१.१७

sotā̱ hi soma̱madri̍bhi̱reme̍nama̱psu dhā̍vata .

ga̱vyā vastre̍va vā̱saya̍nta̱ innaro̱ nirdhu̍kṣanva̱kṣaṇā̍bhyaḥ .. 8.001.17

17 Press out the Soma with the stones, and in the waters wash it clean.
The men investing it with raiment made of milk shall milk it forth from out the stems.

Sloka : 8.1.18

अध॒ ज्मो अध॑ वा दि॒वो बृ॑ह॒तो रो॑च॒नादधि॑ ।

अ॒या व॑र्धस्व त॒न्वा॑ गि॒रा ममा जा॒ता सु॑क्रतो पृण ॥ ८.००१.१८

adha̱ jmo adha̍ vā di̱vo bṛ̍ha̱to ro̍ca̱nādadhi̍ .

a̱yā va̍rdhasva ta̱nvā̍ gi̱rā mamā jā̱tā su̍krato pṛṇa .. 8.001.18

18 Whether thou come from earth or from the lustre of the lofty heaven,
Wax stronger in thy body through my song of praise:- fill full all creatures, O most Wise.

Sloka : 8.1.19

इन्द्रा॑य॒ सु म॒दिन्त॑मं॒ सोमं॑ सोता॒ वरे॑ण्यम् ।

श॒क्र ए॑णं पीपय॒द्विश्व॑या धि॒या हि॑न्वा॒नं न वा॑ज॒युम् ॥ ८.००१.१९

indrā̍ya̱ su ma̱dinta̍ma̱ṃ soma̍ṃ sotā̱ vare̍ṇyam .

śa̱kra e̍ṇaṃ pīpaya̱dviśva̍yā dhi̱yā hi̍nvā̱naṃ na vā̍ja̱yum .. 8.001.19

19 For India press the Soma out, most gladdening and most excellent.
May Śakra make it swell sent forth with every prayer and asking, as it were, for strength.

Sloka : 8.1.20

मा त्वा॒ सोम॑स्य॒ गल्द॑या॒ सदा॒ याच॑न्न॒हं गि॒रा ।

भूर्णिं॑ मृ॒गं न सव॑नेषु चुक्रुधं॒ क ईशा॑नं॒ न या॑चिषत् ॥ ८.००१.२०

mā tvā̱ soma̍sya̱ galda̍yā̱ sadā̱ yāca̍nna̱haṃ gi̱rā .

bhūrṇi̍ṃ mṛ̱gaṃ na sava̍neṣu cukrudha̱ṃ ka īśā̍na̱ṃ na yā̍ciṣat .. 8.001.20

20 Let me not, still beseeching thee with earnest song at Soma rites,
Anger thee like some wild beast. Who would not beseech him who hath power to grant his prayer?

Sloka : 8.1.21

मदे॑नेषि॒तं मद॑मु॒ग्रमु॒ग्रेण॒ शव॑सा ।

विश्वे॑षां तरु॒तारं॑ मद॒च्युतं॒ मदे॒ हि ष्मा॒ ददा॑ति नः ॥ ८.००१.२१

made̍neṣi̱taṃ mada̍mu̱gramu̱greṇa̱ śava̍sā .

viśve̍ṣāṃ taru̱tāra̍ṃ mada̱cyuta̱ṃ made̱ hi ṣmā̱ dadā̍ti naḥ .. 8.001.21

21 The draught made swift with rapturous joy, effectual with its mighty strength,
All-conquering, distilling transport, let him drink:- for he in ecstasy gives us gifts.

Sloka : 8.1.22

शेवा॑रे॒ वार्या॑ पु॒रु दे॒वो मर्ता॑य दा॒शुषे॑ ।

स सु॑न्व॒ते च॑ स्तुव॒ते च॑ रासते वि॒श्वगू॑र्तो अरिष्टु॒तः ॥ ८.००१.२२

śevā̍re̱ vāryā̍ pu̱ru de̱vo martā̍ya dā̱śuṣe̍ .

sa su̍nva̱te ca̍ stuva̱te ca̍ rāsate vi̱śvagū̍rto ariṣṭu̱taḥ .. 8.001.22

22 Where bliss is not, may he, All-praised, God whom the pious glorify,
Bestow great wealth upon the mortal worshipper who sheds the juice and praises him.

Sloka : 8.1.23

एन्द्र॑ याहि॒ मत्स्व॑ चि॒त्रेण॑ देव॒ राध॑सा ।

सरो॒ न प्रा॑स्यु॒दरं॒ सपी॑तिभि॒रा सोमे॑भिरु॒रु स्फि॒रम् ॥ ८.००१.२३

endra̍ yāhi̱ matsva̍ ci̱treṇa̍ deva̱ rādha̍sā .

saro̱ na prā̍syu̱dara̱ṃ sapī̍tibhi̱rā some̍bhiru̱ru sphi̱ram .. 8.001.23

23 Come, Indra, and rejoice thyself, O God, in manifold affluence.
Thou fillest like a lake thy vast capacious bulk with Soma and with draughts besides.

Sloka : 8.1.24

आ त्वा॑ स॒हस्र॒मा श॒तं यु॒क्ता रथे॑ हिर॒ण्यये॑ ।

ब्र॒ह्म॒युजो॒ हर॑य इन्द्र के॒शिनो॒ वह॑न्तु॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.००१.२४

ā tvā̍ sa̱hasra̱mā śa̱taṃ yu̱ktā rathe̍ hira̱ṇyaye̍ .

bra̱hma̱yujo̱ hara̍ya indra ke̱śino̱ vaha̍ntu̱ soma̍pītaye .. 8.001.24

24 A thousand and a hundred Steeds are harnessed to thy golden car.
So may the long-maned Bays, yoked by devotion, bring Indra to drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.1.25

आ त्वा॒ रथे॑ हिर॒ण्यये॒ हरी॑ म॒यूर॑शेप्या ।

शि॒ति॒पृ॒ष्ठा व॑हतां॒ मध्वो॒ अन्ध॑सो वि॒वक्ष॑णस्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.००१.२५

ā tvā̱ rathe̍ hira̱ṇyaye̱ harī̍ ma̱yūra̍śepyā .

śi̱ti̱pṛ̱ṣṭhā va̍hatā̱ṃ madhvo̱ andha̍so vi̱vakṣa̍ṇasya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.001.25

25 Yoked to thy chariot wrought of gold, may thy two Bays with peacock tails,
Convey thee hither, Steeds with their white backs, to quaff sweet juice that makes us eloquent.

Sloka : 8.1.26

पिबा॒ त्व१॒॑स्य गि॑र्वणः सु॒तस्य॑ पूर्व॒पा इ॑व ।

परि॑ष्कृतस्य र॒सिन॑ इ॒यमा॑सु॒तिश्चारु॒र्मदा॑य पत्यते ॥ ८.००१.२६

pibā̱ tva1̱̍sya gi̍rvaṇaḥ su̱tasya̍ pūrva̱pā i̍va .

pari̍ṣkṛtasya ra̱sina̍ i̱yamā̍su̱tiścāru̱rmadā̍ya patyate .. 8.001.26

26 So drink, thou Lover of the Song, as the first drinker, of this juice.
This the outpouring of the savoury sap prepared is good and meet to gladden thee.

Sloka : 8.1.27

य एको॒ अस्ति॑ दं॒सना॑ म॒हाँ उ॒ग्रो अ॒भि व्र॒तैः ।

गम॒त्स शि॒प्री न स यो॑ष॒दा ग॑म॒द्धवं॒ न परि॑ वर्जति ॥ ८.००१.२७

ya eko̱ asti̍ da̱ṃsanā̍ ma̱hām̐ u̱gro a̱bhi vra̱taiḥ .

gama̱tsa śi̱prī na sa yo̍ṣa̱dā ga̍ma̱ddhava̱ṃ na pari̍ varjati .. 8.001.27

27 He who alone by wondrous deed is Mighty, Strong by holy works,
May he come, fair of cheek; may he not stay afar, but come and turn not from our call.

Sloka : 8.1.28

त्वं पुरं॑ चरि॒ष्ण्वं॑ व॒धैः शुष्ण॑स्य॒ सं पि॑णक् ।

त्वं भा अनु॑ चरो॒ अध॑ द्वि॒ता यदि॑न्द्र॒ हव्यो॒ भुवः॑ ॥ ८.००१.२८

tvaṃ pura̍ṃ cari̱ṣṇva̍ṃ va̱dhaiḥ śuṣṇa̍sya̱ saṃ pi̍ṇak .

tvaṃ bhā anu̍ caro̱ adha̍ dvi̱tā yadi̍ndra̱ havyo̱ bhuva̍ḥ .. 8.001.28

28 Śuṣṇa's quick moving castle thou hast crushed to pieces with thy bolts.
Thou, Indra, from of old, hast followed after light, since we have had thee to invoke.

Sloka : 8.1.29

मम॑ त्वा॒ सूर॒ उदि॑ते॒ मम॑ म॒ध्यंदि॑ने दि॒वः ।

मम॑ प्रपि॒त्वे अ॑पिशर्व॒रे व॑स॒वा स्तोमा॑सो अवृत्सत ॥ ८.००१.२९

mama̍ tvā̱ sūra̱ udi̍te̱ mama̍ ma̱dhyaṃdi̍ne di̱vaḥ .

mama̍ prapi̱tve a̍piśarva̱re va̍sa̱vā stomā̍so avṛtsata .. 8.001.29

29 My praises when the Sun hath risen, my praises at the time of noon,
My praises at the coming of the gloom of night, O Vasu, have gone forth to thee.

Sloka : 8.1.30

स्तु॒हि स्तु॒हीदे॒ते घा॑ ते॒ मंहि॑ष्ठासो म॒घोना॑म् ।

नि॒न्दि॒ताश्वः॑ प्रप॒थी प॑रम॒ज्या म॒घस्य॑ मेध्यातिथे ॥ ८.००१.३०

stu̱hi stu̱hīde̱te ghā̍ te̱ maṃhi̍ṣṭhāso ma̱ghonā̍m .

ni̱ndi̱tāśva̍ḥ prapa̱thī pa̍rama̱jyā ma̱ghasya̍ medhyātithe .. 8.001.30

30 Praise yea, praise him. Of princes these are the most liberal of their gifts,
These, Paramajyā, Ninditāśva, Prapathī, most bounteous, O Medhyātithi.

Sloka : 8.1.31

आ यदश्वा॒न्वन॑न्वतः श्र॒द्धया॒हं रथे॑ रु॒हम् ।

उ॒त वा॒मस्य॒ वसु॑नश्चिकेतति॒ यो अस्ति॒ याद्वः॑ प॒शुः ॥ ८.००१.३१

ā yadaśvā̱nvana̍nvataḥ śra̱ddhayā̱haṃ rathe̍ ru̱ham .

u̱ta vā̱masya̱ vasu̍naściketati̱ yo asti̱ yādva̍ḥ pa̱śuḥ .. 8.001.31

31 When to the car, by faith, I yoked the horses longing for the way-
For skilled is Yadu's son in dealing precious wealth, he who is rich in herds of kine.

Sloka : 8.1.32

य ऋ॒ज्रा मह्यं॑ माम॒हे स॒ह त्व॒चा हि॑र॒ण्यया॑ ।

ए॒ष विश्वा॑न्य॒भ्य॑स्तु॒ सौभ॑गास॒ङ्गस्य॑ स्व॒नद्र॑थः ॥ ८.००१.३२

ya ṛ̱jrā mahya̍ṃ māma̱he sa̱ha tva̱cā hi̍ra̱ṇyayā̍ .

e̱ṣa viśvā̍nya̱bhya̍stu̱ saubha̍gāsa̱ṅgasya̍ sva̱nadra̍thaḥ .. 8.001.32

32 May he who gave me two brown steeds together with their cloths of gold,
May he, Āsaṅga's son Svanadratha, obtain all joy and high felicities.

Sloka : 8.1.33

अध॒ प्लायो॑गि॒रति॑ दासद॒न्याना॑स॒ङ्गो अ॑ग्ने द॒शभिः॑ स॒हस्रैः॑ ।

अधो॒क्षणो॒ दश॒ मह्यं॒ रुश॑न्तो न॒ळा इ॑व॒ सर॑सो॒ निर॑तिष्ठन् ॥ ८.००१.३३

adha̱ plāyo̍gi̱rati̍ dāsada̱nyānā̍sa̱ṅgo a̍gne da̱śabhi̍ḥ sa̱hasrai̍ḥ .

adho̱kṣaṇo̱ daśa̱ mahya̱ṃ ruśa̍nto na̱l̤ā i̍va̱ sara̍so̱ nira̍tiṣṭhan .. 8.001.33

33 Playoga's son Āsaṅga, by ten thousand, O Agni, hath surpassed the rest in giving.
For me ten bright-hued oxen have come forward like lotus-stalks from out a lake upstanding.

Sloka : 8.1.34

अन्व॑स्य स्थू॒रं द॑दृशे पु॒रस्ता॑दन॒स्थ ऊ॒रुर॑व॒रम्ब॑माणः ।

शश्व॑ती॒ नार्य॑भि॒चक्ष्या॑ह॒ सुभ॑द्रमर्य॒ भोज॑नं बिभर्षि ॥ ८.००१.३४

anva̍sya sthū̱raṃ da̍dṛśe pu̱rastā̍dana̱stha ū̱rura̍va̱ramba̍māṇaḥ .

śaśva̍tī̱ nārya̍bhi̱cakṣyā̍ha̱ subha̍dramarya̱ bhoja̍naṃ bibharṣi .. 8.001.34

34 What time her husband's perfect restoration to his lost strength and manhood was apparent,
His consort Śaśvatī with joy addressed him, Now art thou well, my lord, and shalt be happy.

Sloka : 8.2.1

इ॒दं व॑सो सु॒तमन्धः॒ पिबा॒ सुपू॑र्णमु॒दर॑म् ।

अना॑भयिन्ररि॒मा ते॑ ॥ ८.००२.०१

i̱daṃ va̍so su̱tamandha̱ḥ pibā̱ supū̍rṇamu̱dara̍m .

anā̍bhayinrari̱mā te̍ .. 8.002.01

1. HERE is the Soma juice expressed; O Vasu, drink till thou art full:-
Undaunted God, we give it thee.

Sloka : 8.2.2

नृभि॑र्धू॒तः सु॒तो अश्नै॒रव्यो॒ वारैः॒ परि॑पूतः ।

अश्वो॒ न नि॒क्तो न॒दीषु॑ ॥ ८.००२.०२

nṛbhi̍rdhū̱taḥ su̱to aśnai̱ravyo̱ vārai̱ḥ pari̍pūtaḥ .

aśvo̱ na ni̱kto na̱dīṣu̍ .. 8.002.02

2 Washed by the men, pressed out with stones, strained through the filter made of wool,
’Tis like a courser bathed in stream.

Sloka : 8.2.3

तं ते॒ यवं॒ यथा॒ गोभिः॑ स्वा॒दुम॑कर्म श्री॒णन्तः॑ ।

इन्द्र॑ त्वा॒स्मिन्स॑ध॒मादे॑ ॥ ८.००२.०३

taṃ te̱ yava̱ṃ yathā̱ gobhi̍ḥ svā̱duma̍karma śrī̱ṇanta̍ḥ .

indra̍ tvā̱sminsa̍dha̱māde̍ .. 8.002.03

3 This juice have we made sweet for thee like barley, blending it with milk.
Indra, I call thee to our feast.

Sloka : 8.2.4

इन्द्र॒ इत्सो॑म॒पा एक॒ इन्द्रः॑ सुत॒पा वि॒श्वायुः॑ ।

अ॒न्तर्दे॒वान्मर्त्या॑ँश्च ॥ ८.००२.०४

indra̱ itso̍ma̱pā eka̱ indra̍ḥ suta̱pā vi̱śvāyu̍ḥ .

a̱ntarde̱vānmartyā̍m̐śca .. 8.002.04

4 Beloved of all, Indra alone drinks up the flowing Soma juice
Among the Gods and mortal men.

Sloka : 8.2.5

न यं शु॒क्रो न दुरा॑शी॒र्न तृ॒प्रा उ॑रु॒व्यच॑सम् ।

अ॒प॒स्पृ॒ण्व॒ते सु॒हार्द॑म् ॥ ८.००२.०५

na yaṃ śu̱kro na durā̍śī̱rna tṛ̱prā u̍ru̱vyaca̍sam .

a̱pa̱spṛ̱ṇva̱te su̱hārda̍m .. 8.002.05

5 The Friend, whom not the brilliant-hued, the badly-mixt or bitter draught,
Repels, the far-extending God;

Sloka : 8.2.6

गोभि॒र्यदी॑म॒न्ये अ॒स्मन्मृ॒गं न व्रा मृ॒गय॑न्ते ।

अ॒भि॒त्सर॑न्ति धे॒नुभिः॑ ॥ ८.००२.०६

gobhi̱ryadī̍ma̱nye a̱smanmṛ̱gaṃ na vrā mṛ̱gaya̍nte .

a̱bhi̱tsara̍nti dhe̱nubhi̍ḥ .. 8.002.06

6 While other men than we with milk chase him as hunters chase a deer,
And with their kine inveigle him.

Sloka : 8.2.7

त्रय॒ इन्द्र॑स्य॒ सोमाः॑ सु॒तासः॑ सन्तु दे॒वस्य॑ ।

स्वे क्षये॑ सुत॒पाव्नः॑ ॥ ८.००२.०७

traya̱ indra̍sya̱ somā̍ḥ su̱tāsa̍ḥ santu de̱vasya̍ .

sve kṣaye̍ suta̱pāvna̍ḥ .. 8.002.07

7 For him, for Indra, for the God, be pressed three draughts of Soma juice
In the juice-drinker's own abode.

Sloka : 8.2.8

त्रयः॒ कोशा॑सः श्चोतन्ति ति॒स्रश्च॒म्व१॒ः॑ सुपू॑र्णाः ।

स॒मा॒ने अधि॒ भार्म॑न् ॥ ८.००२.०८

traya̱ḥ kośā̍saḥ ścotanti ti̱sraśca̱mva1̱̍ḥ supū̍rṇāḥ .

sa̱mā̱ne adhi̱ bhārma̍n .. 8.002.08

8 Three reservoirs exude their drops, filled are three beakers to the brim,
All for one offering to the God.

Sloka : 8.2.9

शुचि॑रसि पुरुनिः॒ष्ठाः क्षी॒रैर्म॑ध्य॒त आशी॑र्तः ।

द॒ध्ना मन्दि॑ष्ठः॒ शूर॑स्य ॥ ८.००२.०९

śuci̍rasi puruni̱ḥṣṭhāḥ kṣī̱rairma̍dhya̱ta āśī̍rtaḥ .

da̱dhnā mandi̍ṣṭha̱ḥ śūra̍sya .. 8.002.09

9 Pure art thou, set in many a place, and blended in the midst with milk
And curd, to cheer the Hero best.

Sloka : 8.2.10

इ॒मे त॑ इन्द्र॒ सोमा॑स्ती॒व्रा अ॒स्मे सु॒तासः॑ ।

शु॒क्रा आ॒शिरं॑ याचन्ते ॥ ८.००२.१०

i̱me ta̍ indra̱ somā̍stī̱vrā a̱sme su̱tāsa̍ḥ .

śu̱krā ā̱śira̍ṃ yācante .. 8.002.10

10 Here, Indra, are thy Soma-draughts pressed out by us, the strong, the pure:-
They crave admixture of the milk.

Sloka : 8.2.11

ताँ आ॒शिरं॑ पुरो॒ळाश॒मिन्द्रे॒मं सोमं॑ श्रीणीहि ।

रे॒वन्तं॒ हि त्वा॑ श‍ृ॒णोमि॑ ॥ ८.००२.११

tām̐ ā̱śira̍ṃ puro̱l̤āśa̱mindre̱maṃ soma̍ṃ śrīṇīhi .

re̱vanta̱ṃ hi tvā̍ śṛ̱ṇomi̍ .. 8.002.11

11 O Indra, pour in milk, prepare the cake, and mix the Soma-draught.
I hear them say that thou art rich.

Sloka : 8.2.12

हृ॒त्सु पी॒तासो॑ युध्यन्ते दु॒र्मदा॑सो॒ न सुरा॑याम् ।

ऊध॒र्न न॒ग्ना ज॑रन्ते ॥ ८.००२.१२

hṛ̱tsu pī̱tāso̍ yudhyante du̱rmadā̍so̱ na surā̍yām .

ūdha̱rna na̱gnā ja̍rante .. 8.002.12

12 Quaffed juices fight within the breast. The drunken praise not by their wine,
The naked praise not when it rains.

Sloka : 8.2.13

रे॒वाँ इद्रे॒वतः॑ स्तो॒ता स्यात्त्वाव॑तो म॒घोनः॑ ।

प्रेदु॑ हरिवः श्रु॒तस्य॑ ॥ ८.००२.१३

re̱vām̐ idre̱vata̍ḥ sto̱tā syāttvāva̍to ma̱ghona̍ḥ .

predu̍ harivaḥ śru̱tasya̍ .. 8.002.13

13 Rich be the praiser of one rich, munificent and famed like thee:-
High rank be his, O Lord of Bays.

Sloka : 8.2.14

उ॒क्थं च॒न श॒स्यमा॑न॒मगो॑र॒रिरा चि॑केत ।

न गा॑य॒त्रं गी॒यमा॑नम् ॥ ८.००२.१४

u̱kthaṃ ca̱na śa̱syamā̍na̱mago̍ra̱rirā ci̍keta .

na gā̍ya̱traṃ gī̱yamā̍nam .. 8.002.14

14 Foe of the man who adds no milk, he heeds not any chanted hymn
Or holy psalm that may he sung.

Sloka : 8.2.15

मा न॑ इन्द्र पीय॒त्नवे॒ मा शर्ध॑ते॒ परा॑ दाः ।

शिक्षा॑ शचीवः॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ८.००२.१५

mā na̍ indra pīya̱tnave̱ mā śardha̍te̱ parā̍ dāḥ .

śikṣā̍ śacīva̱ḥ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 8.002.15

15 Give us not, Indra, as a prey unto the scornful or the proud:-
Help, Mighty One, with power and might.

Sloka : 8.2.16

व॒यमु॑ त्वा त॒दिद॑र्था॒ इन्द्र॑ त्वा॒यन्तः॒ सखा॑यः ।

कण्वा॑ उ॒क्थेभि॑र्जरन्ते ॥ ८.००२.१६

va̱yamu̍ tvā ta̱dida̍rthā̱ indra̍ tvā̱yanta̱ḥ sakhā̍yaḥ .

kaṇvā̍ u̱kthebhi̍rjarante .. 8.002.16

16 This, even this, O Indra, we implore. as thy devoted friends,
The Kaṇvas praise thee with their hymns.

Sloka : 8.2.17

न घे॑म॒न्यदा प॑पन॒ वज्रि॑न्न॒पसो॒ नवि॑ष्टौ ।

तवेदु॒ स्तोमं॑ चिकेत ॥ ८.००२.१७

na ghe̍ma̱nyadā pa̍pana̱ vajri̍nna̱paso̱ navi̍ṣṭau .

tavedu̱ stoma̍ṃ ciketa .. 8.002.17

17 Naught else, O Thunderer, have I praised in the skilled singer's eulogy:-
On thy land only have I thought.

Sloka : 8.2.18

इ॒च्छन्ति॑ दे॒वाः सु॒न्वन्तं॒ न स्वप्ना॑य स्पृहयन्ति ।

यन्ति॑ प्र॒माद॒मत॑न्द्राः ॥ ८.००२.१८

i̱cchanti̍ de̱vāḥ su̱nvanta̱ṃ na svapnā̍ya spṛhayanti .

yanti̍ pra̱māda̱mata̍ndrāḥ .. 8.002.18

18 The Gods seek him who presses out the Soma; they desire not sleep
They punish sloth unweariedly.

Sloka : 8.2.19

ओ षु प्र या॑हि॒ वाजे॑भि॒र्मा हृ॑णीथा अ॒भ्य१॒॑स्मान् ।

म॒हाँ इ॑व॒ युव॑जानिः ॥ ८.००२.१९

o ṣu pra yā̍hi̱ vāje̍bhi̱rmā hṛ̍ṇīthā a̱bhya1̱̍smān .

ma̱hām̐ i̍va̱ yuva̍jāniḥ .. 8.002.19

19 Come hither swift with gifts of wealth - be not thou angry with us-like
A great man with a youthful bride.

Sloka : 8.2.20

मो ष्व१॒॑द्य दु॒र्हणा॑वान्सा॒यं क॑रदा॒रे अ॒स्मत् ।

अ॒श्री॒र इ॑व॒ जामा॑ता ॥ ८.००२.२०

mo ṣva1̱̍dya du̱rhaṇā̍vānsā̱yaṃ ka̍radā̱re a̱smat .

a̱śrī̱ra i̍va̱ jāmā̍tā .. 8.002.20

20 Let him not, wrathful with us, spend the evening far from us to-day,
Like some unpleasant son-in-law.

Sloka : 8.2.21

वि॒द्मा ह्य॑स्य वी॒रस्य॑ भूरि॒दाव॑रीं सुम॒तिम् ।

त्रि॒षु जा॒तस्य॒ मनां॑सि ॥ ८.००२.२१

vi̱dmā hya̍sya vī̱rasya̍ bhūri̱dāva̍rīṃ suma̱tim .

tri̱ṣu jā̱tasya̱ manā̍ṃsi .. 8.002.21

21 For well we know this Hero's love, most liberal of the boons he gives,
His plans whom the three worlds display.

Sloka : 8.2.22

आ तू षि॑ञ्च॒ कण्व॑मन्तं॒ न घा॑ विद्म शवसा॒नात् ।

य॒शस्त॑रं श॒तमू॑तेः ॥ ८.००२.२२

ā tū ṣi̍ñca̱ kaṇva̍manta̱ṃ na ghā̍ vidma śavasā̱nāt .

ya̱śasta̍raṃ śa̱tamū̍teḥ .. 8.002.22

22 Pour forth the gift which Kaṇvas bring, for none more glorious do we know
Than the Strong Lord with countless aids.

Sloka : 8.2.23

ज्येष्ठे॑न सोत॒रिन्द्रा॑य॒ सोमं॑ वी॒राय॑ श॒क्राय॑ ।

भरा॒ पिब॒न्नर्या॑य ॥ ८.००२.२३

jyeṣṭhe̍na sota̱rindrā̍ya̱ soma̍ṃ vī̱rāya̍ śa̱krāya̍ .

bharā̱ piba̱nnaryā̍ya .. 8.002.23

23 O presser, offer Soma first to Indra, Hero, Śakra, him
The Friend of man, that he may drink;

Sloka : 8.2.24

यो वेदि॑ष्ठो अव्य॒थिष्वश्वा॑वन्तं जरि॒तृभ्यः॑ ।

वाजं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॒ गोम॑न्तम् ॥ ८.००२.२४

yo vedi̍ṣṭho avya̱thiṣvaśvā̍vantaṃ jari̱tṛbhya̍ḥ .

vāja̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhyo̱ goma̍ntam .. 8.002.24

24 Who, in untroubled ways, is best provider, for his worshippers.
Of strength in horses and in kine.

Sloka : 8.2.25

पन्य॑म्पन्य॒मित्सो॑तार॒ आ धा॑वत॒ मद्या॑य ।

सोमं॑ वी॒राय॒ शूरा॑य ॥ ८.००२.२५

panya̍mpanya̱mitso̍tāra̱ ā dhā̍vata̱ madyā̍ya .

soma̍ṃ vī̱rāya̱ śūrā̍ya .. 8.002.25

25 Pressers, for him blend Soma juice, each draught most excellent, for him
The Brave, the Hero, for his joy.

Sloka : 8.2.26

पाता॑ वृत्र॒हा सु॒तमा घा॑ गम॒न्नारे अ॒स्मत् ।

नि य॑मते श॒तमू॑तिः ॥ ८.००२.२६

pātā̍ vṛtra̱hā su̱tamā ghā̍ gama̱nnāre a̱smat .

ni ya̍mate śa̱tamū̍tiḥ .. 8.002.26

26 The Vṛtra-slayer drinks the juice. May he who gives a hundred aids
Approach, nor stay afar from us.

Sloka : 8.2.27

एह हरी॑ ब्रह्म॒युजा॑ श॒ग्मा व॑क्षतः॒ सखा॑यम् ।

गी॒र्भिः श्रु॒तं गिर्व॑णसम् ॥ ८.००२.२७

eha harī̍ brahma̱yujā̍ śa̱gmā va̍kṣata̱ḥ sakhā̍yam .

gī̱rbhiḥ śru̱taṃ girva̍ṇasam .. 8.002.27

27 May the strong Bay Steeds, yoked by prayer, bring hither unto us our Friend,
Lover of Song, renowned by songs.

Sloka : 8.2.28

स्वा॒दवः॒ सोमा॒ आ या॑हि श्री॒ताः सोमा॒ आ या॑हि ।

शिप्रि॒न्नृषी॑वः॒ शची॑वो॒ नायमच्छा॑ सध॒माद॑म् ॥ ८.००२.२८

svā̱dava̱ḥ somā̱ ā yā̍hi śrī̱tāḥ somā̱ ā yā̍hi .

śipri̱nnṛṣī̍va̱ḥ śacī̍vo̱ nāyamacchā̍ sadha̱māda̍m .. 8.002.28

28 Sweet are the Soma juices, come! Blent are the Soma juices, come!
Ṛṣi-like, mighty, fair of cheek, come hither quickly to the feast.

Sloka : 8.2.29

स्तुत॑श्च॒ यास्त्वा॒ वर्ध॑न्ति म॒हे राध॑से नृ॒म्णाय॑ ।

इन्द्र॑ का॒रिणं॑ वृ॒धन्तः॑ ॥ ८.००२.२९

stuta̍śca̱ yāstvā̱ vardha̍nti ma̱he rādha̍se nṛ̱mṇāya̍ .

indra̍ kā̱riṇa̍ṃ vṛ̱dhanta̍ḥ .. 8.002.29

29 And lauds which strengthen thee for great bounty and valour, and exalt
Indra who doeth glorious deeds,

Sloka : 8.2.30

गिर॑श्च॒ यास्ते॑ गिर्वाह उ॒क्था च॒ तुभ्यं॒ तानि॑ ।

स॒त्रा द॑धि॒रे शवां॑सि ॥ ८.००२.३०

gira̍śca̱ yāste̍ girvāha u̱kthā ca̱ tubhya̱ṃ tāni̍ .

sa̱trā da̍dhi̱re śavā̍ṃsi .. 8.002.30

30 And songs to thee who lovest song, and all those hymns addressed to thee-
These evermore confirm thy might.

Sloka : 8.2.31

ए॒वेदे॒ष तु॑विकू॒र्मिर्वाजा॒ँ एको॒ वज्र॑हस्तः ।

स॒नादमृ॑क्तो दयते ॥ ८.००२.३१

e̱vede̱ṣa tu̍vikū̱rmirvājā̱m̐ eko̱ vajra̍hastaḥ .

sa̱nādamṛ̍kto dayate .. 8.002.31

31 Thus he, sole doer of great deeds whose hand holds thunder, gives us strength,
He who hath never been subdued.

Sloka : 8.2.32

हन्ता॑ वृ॒त्रं दक्षि॑णे॒नेन्द्रः॑ पु॒रू पु॑रुहू॒तः ।

म॒हान्म॒हीभिः॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ८.००२.३२

hantā̍ vṛ̱traṃ dakṣi̍ṇe̱nendra̍ḥ pu̱rū pu̍ruhū̱taḥ .

ma̱hānma̱hībhi̱ḥ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 8.002.32

32 Vṛtra he slays with his right hand, even Indra, great with mighty power,
And much-invoked in many a place.

Sloka : 8.2.33

यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॑श्चर्ष॒णय॑ उ॒त च्यौ॒त्ना ज्रयां॑सि च ।

अनु॒ घेन्म॒न्दी म॒घोनः॑ ॥ ८.००२.३३

yasmi̱nviśvā̍ścarṣa̱ṇaya̍ u̱ta cyau̱tnā jrayā̍ṃsi ca .

anu̱ ghenma̱ndī ma̱ghona̍ḥ .. 8.002.33

33 He upon whom all men depend, all regions, all achievements, he
Takes pleasure in our wealthy chiefs.

Sloka : 8.2.34

ए॒ष ए॒तानि॑ चका॒रेन्द्रो॒ विश्वा॒ योऽति॑ श‍ृ॒ण्वे ।

वा॒ज॒दावा॑ म॒घोना॑म् ॥ ८.००२.३४

e̱ṣa e̱tāni̍ cakā̱rendro̱ viśvā̱ yo'ti̍ śṛ̱ṇve .

vā̱ja̱dāvā̍ ma̱ghonā̍m .. 8.002.34

34 All this hath he accomplished, yea, Indra, most gloriously renowned,
Who gives our wealthy princes strength.

Sloka : 8.2.35

प्रभ॑र्ता॒ रथं॑ ग॒व्यन्त॑मपा॒काच्चि॒द्यमव॑ति ।

इ॒नो वसु॒ स हि वोळ्हा॑ ॥ ८.००२.३५

prabha̍rtā̱ ratha̍ṃ ga̱vyanta̍mapā̱kācci̱dyamava̍ti .

i̱no vasu̱ sa hi vol̤hā̍ .. 8.002.35

35 Who drives his chariot seeking spoil, from afar, to him he loves:-
For swift is he to bring men wealth.

Sloka : 8.2.36

सनि॑ता॒ विप्रो॒ अर्व॑द्भि॒र्हन्ता॑ वृ॒त्रं नृभिः॒ शूरः॑ ।

स॒त्यो॑ऽवि॒ता वि॒धन्त॑म् ॥ ८.००२.३६

sani̍tā̱ vipro̱ arva̍dbhi̱rhantā̍ vṛ̱traṃ nṛbhi̱ḥ śūra̍ḥ .

sa̱tyo̎vi̱tā vi̱dhanta̍m .. 8.002.36

36 The Sage who, winning spoil with steeds, slays Vṛtra, Hero with the men,
His servant's faithful succourer.

Sloka : 8.2.37

यज॑ध्वैनं प्रियमेधा॒ इन्द्रं॑ स॒त्राचा॒ मन॑सा ।

यो भूत्सोमैः॑ स॒त्यम॑द्वा ॥ ८.००२.३७

yaja̍dhvainaṃ priyamedhā̱ indra̍ṃ sa̱trācā̱ mana̍sā .

yo bhūtsomai̍ḥ sa̱tyama̍dvā .. 8.002.37

37 O Priyamedhas, worship with collected mind this Indra whom
The Soma hath full well inspired.

Sloka : 8.2.38

गा॒थश्र॑वसं॒ सत्प॑तिं॒ श्रव॑स्कामं पुरु॒त्मान॑म् ।

कण्वा॑सो गा॒त वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ ८.००२.३८

gā̱thaśra̍vasa̱ṃ satpa̍ti̱ṃ śrava̍skāmaṃ puru̱tmāna̍m .

kaṇvā̍so gā̱ta vā̱jina̍m .. 8.002.38

38 Ye Kaṇvas, sing the Mighty One, Lord of the Brave, who loves renown,
All-present, glorified by song.

Sloka : 8.2.39

य ऋ॒ते चि॒द्गास्प॒देभ्यो॒ दात्सखा॒ नृभ्यः॒ शची॑वान् ।

ये अ॑स्मि॒न्काम॒मश्रि॑यन् ॥ ८.००२.३९

ya ṛ̱te ci̱dgāspa̱debhyo̱ dātsakhā̱ nṛbhya̱ḥ śacī̍vān .

ye a̍smi̱nkāma̱maśri̍yan .. 8.002.39

39 Strong Friend, who, with no trace of feet, restores the cattle to the men,
Who rest their wish and hope on him.

Sloka : 8.2.40

इ॒त्था धीव॑न्तमद्रिवः का॒ण्वं मेध्या॑तिथिम् ।

मे॒षो भू॒तो॒३॒॑ऽभि यन्नयः॑ ॥ ८.००२.४०

i̱tthā dhīva̍ntamadrivaḥ kā̱ṇvaṃ medhyā̍tithim .

me̱ṣo bhū̱to̱3̱̎bhi yannaya̍ḥ .. 8.002.40

40 Shaped as a Ram, Stone-hurler I once thou camest hither to the son
Of Kaṇva, wise Medhyātithi.

Sloka : 8.2.41

शिक्षा॑ विभिन्दो अस्मै च॒त्वार्य॒युता॒ दद॑त् ।

अ॒ष्टा प॒रः स॒हस्रा॑ ॥ ८.००२.४१

śikṣā̍ vibhindo asmai ca̱tvārya̱yutā̱ dada̍t .

a̱ṣṭā pa̱raḥ sa̱hasrā̍ .. 8.002.41

41 Vibhindu, thou hast helped this man, giving him thousands four times ten,
And afterward eight thousand more.

Sloka : 8.2.42

उ॒त सु त्ये प॑यो॒वृधा॑ मा॒की रण॑स्य न॒प्त्या॑ ।

ज॒नि॒त्व॒नाय॑ मामहे ॥ ८.००२.४२

u̱ta su tye pa̍yo̱vṛdhā̍ mā̱kī raṇa̍sya na̱ptyā̍ .

ja̱ni̱tva̱nāya̍ māmahe .. 8.002.42

42 And these twain pouring streams of milk, creative, daughters of delight,
For wedlock sake I glorify.

Sloka : 8.3.1

पिबा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ र॒सिनो॒ मत्स्वा॑ न इन्द्र॒ गोम॑तः ।

आ॒पिर्नो॑ बोधि सध॒माद्यो॑ वृ॒धे॒३॒॑ऽस्माँ अ॑वन्तु ते॒ धियः॑ ॥ ८.००३.०१

pibā̍ su̱tasya̍ ra̱sino̱ matsvā̍ na indra̱ goma̍taḥ .

ā̱pirno̍ bodhi sadha̱mādyo̍ vṛ̱dhe̱3̱̎smām̐ a̍vantu te̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 8.003.01

1. DRINK, Indra, of the savoury juice, and cheer thee with our milky draught.
Be, for our weal, our Friend and sharer of the feast, and let thy wisdom guard us well.

Sloka : 8.3.2

भू॒याम॑ ते सुम॒तौ वा॒जिनो॑ व॒यं मा नः॑ स्तर॒भिमा॑तये ।

अ॒स्माञ्चि॒त्राभि॑रवताद॒भिष्टि॑भि॒रा नः॑ सु॒म्नेषु॑ यामय ॥ ८.००३.०२

bhū̱yāma̍ te suma̱tau vā̱jino̍ va̱yaṃ mā na̍ḥ stara̱bhimā̍taye .

a̱smāñci̱trābhi̍ravatāda̱bhiṣṭi̍bhi̱rā na̍ḥ su̱mneṣu̍ yāmaya .. 8.003.02

2 In thy kind grace and favour may we still be strong:- expose us not to foe's attack.
With manifold assistance guard and succour us, and bring us to felicity.

Sloka : 8.3.3

इ॒मा उ॑ त्वा पुरूवसो॒ गिरो॑ वर्धन्तु॒ या मम॑ ।

पा॒व॒कव॑र्णाः॒ शुच॑यो विप॒श्चितो॒ऽभि स्तोमै॑रनूषत ॥ ८.००३.०३

i̱mā u̍ tvā purūvaso̱ giro̍ vardhantu̱ yā mama̍ .

pā̱va̱kava̍rṇā̱ḥ śuca̍yo vipa̱ścito̱'bhi stomai̍ranūṣata .. 8.003.03

3 May these my songs of praise exalt thee, Lord, who hast abundant wealth.
Men skilled in holy hymns, pure, with the hues of fire, have sung them with their lauds to thee.

Sloka : 8.3.4

अ॒यं स॒हस्र॒मृषि॑भिः॒ सह॑स्कृतः समु॒द्र इ॑व पप्रथे ।

स॒त्यः सो अ॑स्य महि॒मा गृ॑णे॒ शवो॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ विप्र॒राज्ये॑ ॥ ८.००३.०४

a̱yaṃ sa̱hasra̱mṛṣi̍bhi̱ḥ saha̍skṛtaḥ samu̱dra i̍va paprathe .

sa̱tyaḥ so a̍sya mahi̱mā gṛ̍ṇe̱ śavo̍ ya̱jñeṣu̍ vipra̱rājye̍ .. 8.003.04

4 He, with his might enhanced by Ṛṣis thousandfold, hath like an ocean spread himself.
His majesty is praised as true at solemn rites, his power where holy singers rule.

Sloka : 8.3.5

इन्द्र॒मिद्दे॒वता॑तय॒ इन्द्रं॑ प्रय॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ।

इन्द्रं॑ समी॒के व॒निनो॑ हवामह॒ इन्द्रं॒ धन॑स्य सा॒तये॑ ॥ ८.००३.०५

indra̱midde̱vatā̍taya̱ indra̍ṃ praya̱tya̍dhva̱re .

indra̍ṃ samī̱ke va̱nino̍ havāmaha̱ indra̱ṃ dhana̍sya sā̱taye̍ .. 8.003.05

5 Indra for worship of the Gods, Indra while sacrifice proceeds,
Indra, as worshippers in battle-shock, we call, Indra that we may win the spoil.

Sloka : 8.3.6

इन्द्रो॑ म॒ह्ना रोद॑सी पप्रथ॒च्छव॒ इन्द्रः॒ सूर्य॑मरोचयत् ।

इन्द्रे॑ ह॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि येमिर॒ इन्द्रे॑ सुवा॒नास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ८.००३.०६

indro̍ ma̱hnā roda̍sī papratha̱cchava̱ indra̱ḥ sūrya̍marocayat .

indre̍ ha̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni yemira̱ indre̍ suvā̱nāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 8.003.06

6 With might hath Indra spread out heaven and earth, with power hath Indra lighted up the Sun.
In Indra are all creatures closely held; in him meet the distilling Soma-drops.

Sloka : 8.3.7

अ॒भि त्वा॑ पू॒र्वपी॑तय॒ इन्द्र॒ स्तोमे॑भिरा॒यवः॑ ।

स॒मी॒ची॒नास॑ ऋ॒भवः॒ सम॑स्वरन्रु॒द्रा गृ॑णन्त॒ पूर्व्य॑म् ॥ ८.००३.०७

a̱bhi tvā̍ pū̱rvapī̍taya̱ indra̱ stome̍bhirā̱yava̍ḥ .

sa̱mī̱cī̱nāsa̍ ṛ̱bhava̱ḥ sama̍svaranru̱drā gṛ̍ṇanta̱ pūrvya̍m .. 8.003.07

7 Men with their lauds are urging thee, Indra, to drink the Soma first.
The Ṛbhus in accord have lifted up their voice, and Rudras sung thee as the first.

Sloka : 8.3.8

अ॒स्येदिन्द्रो॑ वावृधे॒ वृष्ण्यं॒ शवो॒ मदे॑ सु॒तस्य॒ विष्ण॑वि ।

अ॒द्या तम॑स्य महि॒मान॑मा॒यवोऽनु॑ ष्टुवन्ति पू॒र्वथा॑ ॥ ८.००३.०८

a̱syedindro̍ vāvṛdhe̱ vṛṣṇya̱ṃ śavo̱ made̍ su̱tasya̱ viṣṇa̍vi .

a̱dyā tama̍sya mahi̱māna̍mā̱yavo'nu̍ ṣṭuvanti pū̱rvathā̍ .. 8.003.08

8 Indra increased his manly strength at sacrifice, in the wild rapture of this juice.
And living men to-day, even as of old, sing forth their praises to his majesty.

Sloka : 8.3.9

तत्त्वा॑ यामि सु॒वीर्यं॒ तद्ब्रह्म॑ पू॒र्वचि॑त्तये ।

येना॒ यति॑भ्यो॒ भृग॑वे॒ धने॑ हि॒ते येन॒ प्रस्क॑ण्व॒मावि॑थ ॥ ८.००३.०९

tattvā̍ yāmi su̱vīrya̱ṃ tadbrahma̍ pū̱rvaci̍ttaye .

yenā̱ yati̍bhyo̱ bhṛga̍ve̱ dhane̍ hi̱te yena̱ praska̍ṇva̱māvi̍tha .. 8.003.09

9 I crave of thee that hero strength, that thou mayst first regard this prayer,
Wherewith thou holpest Bhṛgu and the Yatis and Praskaṇva when the prize was staked.

Sloka : 8.3.10

येना॑ समु॒द्रमसृ॑जो म॒हीर॒पस्तदि॑न्द्र॒ वृष्णि॑ ते॒ शवः॑ ।

स॒द्यः सो अ॑स्य महि॒मा न सं॒नशे॒ यं क्षो॒णीर॑नुचक्र॒दे ॥ ८.००३.१०

yenā̍ samu̱dramasṛ̍jo ma̱hīra̱pastadi̍ndra̱ vṛṣṇi̍ te̱ śava̍ḥ .

sa̱dyaḥ so a̍sya mahi̱mā na sa̱ṃnaśe̱ yaṃ kṣo̱ṇīra̍nucakra̱de .. 8.003.10

10 Wherewith thou sentest mighty waters to the sea, that, Indra, is thy manly strength.
For ever unattainable is this power of him to whom the worlds have cried aloud.

Sloka : 8.3.11

श॒ग्धी न॑ इन्द्र॒ यत्त्वा॑ र॒यिं यामि॑ सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।

श॒ग्धि वाजा॑य प्रथ॒मं सिषा॑सते श॒ग्धि स्तोमा॑य पूर्व्य ॥ ८.००३.११

śa̱gdhī na̍ indra̱ yattvā̍ ra̱yiṃ yāmi̍ su̱vīrya̍m .

śa̱gdhi vājā̍ya pratha̱maṃ siṣā̍sate śa̱gdhi stomā̍ya pūrvya .. 8.003.11

11 Help us, O Indra, when we pray to thee for wealth and hero might.
First help thou on to strength the man who strives to win, and aid our laud, O Ancient One.

Sloka : 8.3.12

श॒ग्धी नो॑ अ॒स्य यद्ध॑ पौ॒रमावि॑थ॒ धिय॑ इन्द्र॒ सिषा॑सतः ।

श॒ग्धि यथा॒ रुश॑मं॒ श्याव॑कं॒ कृप॒मिन्द्र॒ प्रावः॒ स्व॑र्णरम् ॥ ८.००३.१२

śa̱gdhī no̍ a̱sya yaddha̍ pau̱ramāvi̍tha̱ dhiya̍ indra̱ siṣā̍sataḥ .

śa̱gdhi yathā̱ ruśa̍ma̱ṃ śyāva̍ka̱ṃ kṛpa̱mindra̱ prāva̱ḥ sva̍rṇaram .. 8.003.12

12 Help for us, Indra, as thou holpest Paura once, this man's devotions bent on gain.
Help, as thou gavest Ruśama and Śyāvaka and Svarṇara and Kṛpa aid.

Sloka : 8.3.13

कन्नव्यो॑ अत॒सीनां॑ तु॒रो गृ॑णीत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

न॒ही न्व॑स्य महि॒मान॑मिन्द्रि॒यं स्व॑र्गृ॒णन्त॑ आन॒शुः ॥ ८.००३.१३

kannavyo̍ ata̱sīnā̍ṃ tu̱ro gṛ̍ṇīta̱ martya̍ḥ .

na̱hī nva̍sya mahi̱māna̍mindri̱yaṃ sva̍rgṛ̱ṇanta̍ āna̱śuḥ .. 8.003.13

13 What newest of imploring prayers shall, then, the zealous mortal sing?
For have not they who laud his might, and Indra-power won for themselves the light of heaven?

Sloka : 8.3.14

कदु॑ स्तु॒वन्त॑ ऋतयन्त दे॒वत॒ ऋषिः॒ को विप्र॑ ओहते ।

क॒दा हवं॑ मघवन्निन्द्र सुन्व॒तः कदु॑ स्तुव॒त आ ग॑मः ॥ ८.००३.१४

kadu̍ stu̱vanta̍ ṛtayanta de̱vata̱ ṛṣi̱ḥ ko vipra̍ ohate .

ka̱dā hava̍ṃ maghavannindra sunva̱taḥ kadu̍ stuva̱ta ā ga̍maḥ .. 8.003.14

14 When shall they keep the Law and praise thee mid the Gods? Who counts as Ṛṣi and as sage?
When ever wilt thou, Indra Maghavan, come nigh to presser's or to praiser's call?

Sloka : 8.3.15

उदु॒ त्ये मधु॑मत्तमा॒ गिरः॒ स्तोमा॑स ईरते ।

स॒त्रा॒जितो॑ धन॒सा अक्षि॑तोतयो वाज॒यन्तो॒ रथा॑ इव ॥ ८.००३.१५

udu̱ tye madhu̍mattamā̱ gira̱ḥ stomā̍sa īrate .

sa̱trā̱jito̍ dhana̱sā akṣi̍totayo vāja̱yanto̱ rathā̍ iva .. 8.003.15

15 These songs of ours exceeding sweet, these hymns of praise ascend to thee,
Like ever-conquering chariots that display their strength, gain wealth, and give unfailing aid.

Sloka : 8.3.16

कण्वा॑ इव॒ भृग॑वः॒ सूर्या॑ इव॒ विश्व॒मिद्धी॒तमा॑नशुः ।

इन्द्रं॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्म॒हय॑न्त आ॒यवः॑ प्रि॒यमे॑धासो अस्वरन् ॥ ८.००३.१६

kaṇvā̍ iva̱ bhṛga̍va̱ḥ sūryā̍ iva̱ viśva̱middhī̱tamā̍naśuḥ .

indra̱ṃ stome̍bhirma̱haya̍nta ā̱yava̍ḥ pri̱yame̍dhāso asvaran .. 8.003.16

16 The Bhṛgus are like Suns, like Kaṇvas, and have gained all that their thoughts were bent upon.
The living men of Priyamedha's race have sung exalting Indra with their lauds.

Sloka : 8.3.17

यु॒क्ष्वा हि वृ॑त्रहन्तम॒ हरी॑ इन्द्र परा॒वतः॑ ।

अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नो म॑घव॒न्सोम॑पीतय उ॒ग्र ऋ॒ष्वेभि॒रा ग॑हि ॥ ८.००३.१७

yu̱kṣvā hi vṛ̍trahantama̱ harī̍ indra parā̱vata̍ḥ .

a̱rvā̱cī̱no ma̍ghava̱nsoma̍pītaya u̱gra ṛ̱ṣvebhi̱rā ga̍hi .. 8.003.17

17 Best slayer of the Vṛtras, yoke thy Bay Steeds, Indra, from afar.
Come with the High Ones hither, Maghavan, to us, Mighty, to drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.3.18

इ॒मे हि ते॑ का॒रवो॑ वाव॒शुर्धि॒या विप्रा॑सो मे॒धसा॑तये ।

स त्वं नो॑ मघवन्निन्द्र गिर्वणो वे॒नो न श‍ृ॑णुधी॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.००३.१८

i̱me hi te̍ kā̱ravo̍ vāva̱śurdhi̱yā viprā̍so me̱dhasā̍taye .

sa tvaṃ no̍ maghavannindra girvaṇo ve̱no na śṛ̍ṇudhī̱ hava̍m .. 8.003.18

18 For these, the bards and singers, have cried out to thee with prayer, to gain the sacrifice.
As such, O Maghavan, Indra, who lovest song, even as a lover bear my call.

Sloka : 8.3.19

निरि॑न्द्र बृह॒तीभ्यो॑ वृ॒त्रं धनु॑भ्यो अस्फुरः ।

निरर्बु॑दस्य॒ मृग॑यस्य मा॒यिनो॒ निः पर्व॑तस्य॒ गा आ॑जः ॥ ८.००३.१९

niri̍ndra bṛha̱tībhyo̍ vṛ̱traṃ dhanu̍bhyo asphuraḥ .

nirarbu̍dasya̱ mṛga̍yasya mā̱yino̱ niḥ parva̍tasya̱ gā ā̍jaḥ .. 8.003.19

19 Thou from the lofty plains above, O Indra, hurledst Vṛtra down.
Thou dravest forth the kine of guileful Mṛgaya and Arbuda from the mountain's hold.

Sloka : 8.3.20

निर॒ग्नयो॑ रुरुचु॒र्निरु॒ सूर्यो॒ निः सोम॑ इन्द्रि॒यो रसः॑ ।

निर॒न्तरि॑क्षादधमो म॒हामहिं॑ कृ॒षे तदि॑न्द्र॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ८.००३.२०

nira̱gnayo̍ rurucu̱rniru̱ sūryo̱ niḥ soma̍ indri̱yo rasa̍ḥ .

nira̱ntari̍kṣādadhamo ma̱hāmahi̍ṃ kṛ̱ṣe tadi̍ndra̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 8.003.20

20 Bright were the flaming fires, the Sun gave forth his shine, and Soma, Indra's juice, shone clear.
Indra, thou blewest the great Dragon from the air:- men must regard that valorous deed.

Sloka : 8.3.21

यं मे॒ दुरिन्द्रो॑ म॒रुतः॒ पाक॑स्थामा॒ कौर॑याणः ।

विश्वे॑षां॒ त्मना॒ शोभि॑ष्ठ॒मुपे॑व दि॒वि धाव॑मानम् ॥ ८.००३.२१

yaṃ me̱ durindro̍ ma̱ruta̱ḥ pāka̍sthāmā̱ kaura̍yāṇaḥ .

viśve̍ṣā̱ṃ tmanā̱ śobhi̍ṣṭha̱mupe̍va di̱vi dhāva̍mānam .. 8.003.21

21 The fairest courser of them all, who runneth on as ’twere to heaven.
Which Indra and the Maruts gave, and Pākasthāman Kaurayāṇ.

Sloka : 8.3.22

रोहि॑तं मे॒ पाक॑स्थामा सु॒धुरं॑ कक्ष्य॒प्राम् ।

अदा॑द्रा॒यो वि॒बोध॑नम् ॥ ८.००३.२२

rohi̍taṃ me̱ pāka̍sthāmā su̱dhura̍ṃ kakṣya̱prām .

adā̍drā̱yo vi̱bodha̍nam .. 8.003.22

22 To me hath Pākasthāman given, a ruddy horse, good at the pole,
Filling is girth and rousing wealth;

Sloka : 8.3.23

यस्मा॑ अ॒न्ये दश॒ प्रति॒ धुरं॒ वह॑न्ति॒ वह्न॑यः ।

अस्तं॒ वयो॒ न तुग्र्य॑म् ॥ ८.००३.२३

yasmā̍ a̱nye daśa̱ prati̱ dhura̱ṃ vaha̍nti̱ vahna̍yaḥ .

asta̱ṃ vayo̱ na tugrya̍m .. 8.003.23

23 Compared with whom no other ten strong coursers, harnessed to the pole,
Bear Tugrya to his dwelling place.

Sloka : 8.3.24

आ॒त्मा पि॒तुस्त॒नूर्वास॑ ओजो॒दा अ॒भ्यञ्ज॑नम् ।

तु॒रीय॒मिद्रोहि॑तस्य॒ पाक॑स्थामानं भो॒जं दा॒तार॑मब्रवम् ॥ ८.००३.२४

ā̱tmā pi̱tusta̱nūrvāsa̍ ojo̱dā a̱bhyañja̍nam .

tu̱rīya̱midrohi̍tasya̱ pāka̍sthāmānaṃ bho̱jaṃ dā̱tāra̍mabravam .. 8.003.24

24 Raiment is body, food is life, and healing ointment giveth strength.
As the free-handed giver of the ruddy steed, I have named Pākasthāman fourth.

Sloka : 8.4.1

यदि॑न्द्र॒ प्रागपा॒गुद॒ङ्न्य॑ग्वा हू॒यसे॒ नृभिः॑ ।

सिमा॑ पु॒रू नृषू॑तो अ॒स्यान॒वेऽसि॑ प्रशर्ध तु॒र्वशे॑ ॥ ८.००४.०१

yadi̍ndra̱ prāgapā̱guda̱ṅnya̍gvā hū̱yase̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .

simā̍ pu̱rū nṛṣū̍to a̱syāna̱ve'si̍ praśardha tu̱rvaśe̍ .. 8.004.01

1. THOUGH, Indra, thou art called by men eastward and westward, north and south,
Thou chiefly art with Ānava and Turvaśa, brave Champion I urged by men to Come.

Sloka : 8.4.2

यद्वा॒ रुमे॒ रुश॑मे॒ श्याव॑के॒ कृप॒ इन्द्र॑ मा॒दय॑से॒ सचा॑ ।

कण्वा॑सस्त्वा॒ ब्रह्म॑भिः॒ स्तोम॑वाहस॒ इन्द्रा य॑च्छ॒न्त्या ग॑हि ॥ ८.००४.०२

yadvā̱ rume̱ ruśa̍me̱ śyāva̍ke̱ kṛpa̱ indra̍ mā̱daya̍se̱ sacā̍ .

kaṇvā̍sastvā̱ brahma̍bhi̱ḥ stoma̍vāhasa̱ indrā ya̍ccha̱ntyā ga̍hi .. 8.004.02

2 Or, Indra, when with Ruma, Ruśama, Śyāvaka, and Kṛpa thou rejoicest thee,
Still do the Kaṇvas, bringing praises, with their prayers, O Indra, draw thee hither:- come.

Sloka : 8.4.3

यथा॑ गौ॒रो अ॒पा कृ॒तं तृष्य॒न्नेत्यवेरि॑णम् ।

आ॒पि॒त्वे नः॑ प्रपि॒त्वे तूय॒मा ग॑हि॒ कण्वे॑षु॒ सु सचा॒ पिब॑ ॥ ८.००४.०३

yathā̍ gau̱ro a̱pā kṛ̱taṃ tṛṣya̱nnetyaveri̍ṇam .

ā̱pi̱tve na̍ḥ prapi̱tve tūya̱mā ga̍hi̱ kaṇve̍ṣu̱ su sacā̱ piba̍ .. 8.004.03

3 Even as the wild-bull, when he thirsts, goes to the desert's watery pool,
Come hither quickly both at morning and at eve, and with the Kaṇvas drink thy fill.

Sloka : 8.4.4

मन्द॑न्तु त्वा मघवन्नि॒न्द्रेन्द॑वो राधो॒देया॑य सुन्व॒ते ।

आ॒मुष्या॒ सोम॑मपिबश्च॒मू सु॒तं ज्येष्ठं॒ तद्द॑धिषे॒ सहः॑ ॥ ८.००४.०४

manda̍ntu tvā maghavanni̱ndrenda̍vo rādho̱deyā̍ya sunva̱te .

ā̱muṣyā̱ soma̍mapibaśca̱mū su̱taṃ jyeṣṭha̱ṃ tadda̍dhiṣe̱ saha̍ḥ .. 8.004.04

4 May the drops gladden thee, rich Indra, and obtain bounty for him who pours the juice.
Soma pressed in the mortar didst thou take and drink, and hence hast won surpassing might.

Sloka : 8.4.5

प्र च॑क्रे॒ सह॑सा॒ सहो॑ ब॒भञ्ज॑ म॒न्युमोज॑सा ।

विश्वे॑ त इन्द्र पृतना॒यवो॑ यहो॒ नि वृ॒क्षा इ॑व येमिरे ॥ ८.००४.०५

pra ca̍kre̱ saha̍sā̱ saho̍ ba̱bhañja̍ ma̱nyumoja̍sā .

viśve̍ ta indra pṛtanā̱yavo̍ yaho̱ ni vṛ̱kṣā i̍va yemire .. 8.004.05

5 With mightier strength he conquered strength, with energy he crushed their wrath.
O Indra, Strong in youth, all those who sought the fray bent and bowed down to thee like trees.

Sloka : 8.4.6

स॒हस्रे॑णेव सचते यवी॒युधा॒ यस्त॒ आन॒ळुप॑स्तुतिम् ।

पु॒त्रं प्रा॑व॒र्गं कृ॑णुते सु॒वीर्ये॑ दा॒श्नोति॒ नम॑‍उक्तिभिः ॥ ८.००४.०६

sa̱hasre̍ṇeva sacate yavī̱yudhā̱ yasta̱ āna̱l̤upa̍stutim .

pu̱traṃ prā̍va̱rgaṃ kṛ̍ṇute su̱vīrye̍ dā̱śnoti̱ nama̍uktibhiḥ .. 8.004.06

6 He who wins promise of thine aid goes girt as with a thousand mighty men of war.
He makes his son preeminent in hero might:- he serves with reverential prayer.

Sloka : 8.4.7

मा भे॑म॒ मा श्र॑मिष्मो॒ग्रस्य॑ स॒ख्ये तव॑ ।

म॒हत्ते॒ वृष्णो॑ अभि॒चक्ष्यं॑ कृ॒तं पश्ये॑म तु॒र्वशं॒ यदु॑म् ॥ ८.००४.०७

mā bhe̍ma̱ mā śra̍miṣmo̱grasya̍ sa̱khye tava̍ .

ma̱hatte̱ vṛṣṇo̍ abhi̱cakṣya̍ṃ kṛ̱taṃ paśye̍ma tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ yadu̍m .. 8.004.07

7 With thee, the Mighty, for our Friend, we will not fear or feel fatigue.
May we see Turvaśa and Yadu:- thy great deed, O Hero, must be glorified.

Sloka : 8.4.8

स॒व्यामनु॑ स्फि॒ग्यं॑ वावसे॒ वृषा॒ न दा॒नो अ॑स्य रोषति ।

मध्वा॒ सम्पृ॑क्ताः सार॒घेण॑ धे॒नव॒स्तूय॒मेहि॒ द्रवा॒ पिब॑ ॥ ८.००४.०८

sa̱vyāmanu̍ sphi̱gya̍ṃ vāvase̱ vṛṣā̱ na dā̱no a̍sya roṣati .

madhvā̱ sampṛ̍ktāḥ sāra̱gheṇa̍ dhe̱nava̱stūya̱mehi̱ dravā̱ piba̍ .. 8.004.08

8 On his left hip the Hero hath reclined himself:- the proffered feast offends him not.
The milk is blended with the honey of the bee:- quickly come hither, baste, and drink.

Sloka : 8.4.9

अ॒श्वी र॒थी सु॑रू॒प इद्गोमा॒ँ इदि॑न्द्र ते॒ सखा॑ ।

श्वा॒त्र॒भाजा॒ वय॑सा सचते॒ सदा॑ च॒न्द्रो या॑ति स॒भामुप॑ ॥ ८.००४.०९

a̱śvī ra̱thī su̍rū̱pa idgomā̱m̐ idi̍ndra te̱ sakhā̍ .

śvā̱tra̱bhājā̱ vaya̍sā sacate̱ sadā̍ ca̱ndro yā̍ti sa̱bhāmupa̍ .. 8.004.09

9 Indra, thy friend is fair of form and rich in horses, cars, and kine.
He evermore hath food accompanied by wealth, and radiant joins the company.

Sloka : 8.4.10

ऋश्यो॒ न तृष्य॑न्नव॒पान॒मा ग॑हि॒ पिबा॒ सोमं॒ वशा॒ँ अनु॑ ।

नि॒मेघ॑मानो मघवन्दि॒वेदि॑व॒ ओजि॑ष्ठं दधिषे॒ सहः॑ ॥ ८.००४.१०

ṛśyo̱ na tṛṣya̍nnava̱pāna̱mā ga̍hi̱ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ vaśā̱m̐ anu̍ .

ni̱megha̍māno maghavandi̱vedi̍va̱ oji̍ṣṭhaṃ dadhiṣe̱ saha̍ḥ .. 8.004.10

10 Come like a thirsty antelope to the drinking-place:- drink Soma to thy heart's desire.
Raining it down, O Maghavan, day after day, thou gainest thy surpassing might.

Sloka : 8.4.11

अध्व॑र्यो द्रा॒वया॒ त्वं सोम॒मिन्द्रः॑ पिपासति ।

उप॑ नू॒नं यु॑युजे॒ वृष॑णा॒ हरी॒ आ च॑ जगाम वृत्र॒हा ॥ ८.००४.११

adhva̍ryo drā̱vayā̱ tvaṃ soma̱mindra̍ḥ pipāsati .

upa̍ nū̱naṃ yu̍yuje̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ harī̱ ā ca̍ jagāma vṛtra̱hā .. 8.004.11

11 Priest, let the Soma juice flow forth, for Indra longs to drink thereof.
He even now hath yoked his vigorous Bay Steeds:- the Vṛtra-slayer hath come near.

Sloka : 8.4.12

स्व॒यं चि॒त्स म॑न्यते॒ दाशु॑रि॒र्जनो॒ यत्रा॒ सोम॑स्य तृ॒म्पसि॑ ।

इ॒दं ते॒ अन्नं॒ युज्यं॒ समु॑क्षितं॒ तस्येहि॒ प्र द्र॑वा॒ पिब॑ ॥ ८.००४.१२

sva̱yaṃ ci̱tsa ma̍nyate̱ dāśu̍ri̱rjano̱ yatrā̱ soma̍sya tṛ̱mpasi̍ .

i̱daṃ te̱ anna̱ṃ yujya̱ṃ samu̍kṣita̱ṃ tasyehi̱ pra dra̍vā̱ piba̍ .. 8.004.12

12 The man with whom thou fillcst thee with Soma deems himself a pious worshipper.
This thine appropriate food is here poured out for thee:- come, hasten forward. drink of it,

Sloka : 8.4.13

र॒थे॒ष्ठाया॑ध्वर्यवः॒ सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य सोतन ।

अधि॑ ब्र॒ध्नस्याद्र॑यो॒ वि च॑क्षते सु॒न्वन्तो॑ दा॒श्व॑ध्वरम् ॥ ८.००४.१३

ra̱the̱ṣṭhāyā̍dhvaryava̱ḥ soma̱mindrā̍ya sotana .

adhi̍ bra̱dhnasyādra̍yo̱ vi ca̍kṣate su̱nvanto̍ dā̱śva̍dhvaram .. 8.004.13

13 Press out the Soma juice, ye priests, for Indra borne upon his car.
The pressing-stones speak loud of Indra, while they shed the juice which, offered, honours him.

Sloka : 8.4.14

उप॑ ब्र॒ध्नं वा॒वाता॒ वृष॑णा॒ हरी॒ इन्द्र॑म॒पसु॑ वक्षतः ।

अ॒र्वाञ्चं॑ त्वा॒ सप्त॑योऽध्वर॒श्रियो॒ वह॑न्तु॒ सव॒नेदुप॑ ॥ ८.००४.१४

upa̍ bra̱dhnaṃ vā̱vātā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ harī̱ indra̍ma̱pasu̍ vakṣataḥ .

a̱rvāñca̍ṃ tvā̱ sapta̍yo'dhvara̱śriyo̱ vaha̍ntu̱ sava̱nedupa̍ .. 8.004.14

14 To the brown juice may his dear vigorous Bay Steeds bring Indra, to our holy task.
Hither let thy Car-steeds who seek the sacrifice bring thee to our drink-offerings.

Sloka : 8.4.15

प्र पू॒षणं॑ वृणीमहे॒ युज्या॑य पुरू॒वसु॑म् ।

स श॑क्र शिक्ष पुरुहूत नो धि॒या तुजे॑ रा॒ये वि॑मोचन ॥ ८.००४.१५

pra pū̱ṣaṇa̍ṃ vṛṇīmahe̱ yujyā̍ya purū̱vasu̍m .

sa śa̍kra śikṣa puruhūta no dhi̱yā tuje̍ rā̱ye vi̍mocana .. 8.004.15

15 Pūṣan, the Lord of ample wealth, for firm alliance we elect.
May he with wisdom, Śakra! Looser! Much-invoked! aid us to riches and to seed.

Sloka : 8.4.16

सं नः॑ शिशीहि भु॒रिजो॑रिव क्षु॒रं रास्व॑ रा॒यो वि॑मोचन ।

त्वे तन्नः॑ सु॒वेद॑मु॒स्रियं॒ वसु॒ यं त्वं हि॒नोषि॒ मर्त्य॑म् ॥ ८.००४.१६

saṃ na̍ḥ śiśīhi bhu̱rijo̍riva kṣu̱raṃ rāsva̍ rā̱yo vi̍mocana .

tve tanna̍ḥ su̱veda̍mu̱sriya̱ṃ vasu̱ yaṃ tvaṃ hi̱noṣi̱ martya̍m .. 8.004.16

16 Sharpen us like a razor in the barber's hands:- send riches thou who settest free.
Easy to find with thee are treasures of the Dawn for mortal man whom thou dost speed.

Sloka : 8.4.17

वेमि॑ त्वा पूषन्नृ॒ञ्जसे॒ वेमि॒ स्तोत॑व आघृणे ।

न तस्य॑ वे॒म्यर॑णं॒ हि तद्व॑सो स्तु॒षे प॒ज्राय॒ साम्ने॑ ॥ ८.००४.१७

vemi̍ tvā pūṣannṛ̱ñjase̱ vemi̱ stota̍va āghṛṇe .

na tasya̍ ve̱myara̍ṇa̱ṃ hi tadva̍so stu̱ṣe pa̱jrāya̱ sāmne̍ .. 8.004.17

17 Pūṣan, I long to win thy love, I long to praise thee, Radiant God.
Excellent Lord, ’tis strange tome, no wish have I to sing the psalm that Pajra sings.

Sloka : 8.4.18

परा॒ गावो॒ यव॑सं॒ कच्चि॑दाघृणे॒ नित्यं॒ रेक्णो॑ अमर्त्य ।

अ॒स्माकं॑ पूषन्नवि॒ता शि॒वो भ॑व॒ मंहि॑ष्ठो॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ८.००४.१८

parā̱ gāvo̱ yava̍sa̱ṃ kacci̍dāghṛṇe̱ nitya̱ṃ rekṇo̍ amartya .

a̱smāka̍ṃ pūṣannavi̱tā śi̱vo bha̍va̱ maṃhi̍ṣṭho̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 8.004.18

18 My kine, O Radiant God, seek pasture where they will, my during wealth, Immortal One.
Be our protector, Pūṣan! be, most liberal Lord, propitious to our gathering strength.

Sloka : 8.4.19

स्थू॒रं राधः॑ श॒ताश्वं॑ कुरु॒ङ्गस्य॒ दिवि॑ष्टिषु ।

राज्ञ॑स्त्वे॒षस्य॑ सु॒भग॑स्य रा॒तिषु॑ तु॒र्वशे॑ष्वमन्महि ॥ ८.००४.१९

sthū̱raṃ rādha̍ḥ śa̱tāśva̍ṃ kuru̱ṅgasya̱ divi̍ṣṭiṣu .

rājña̍stve̱ṣasya̍ su̱bhaga̍sya rā̱tiṣu̍ tu̱rvaśe̍ṣvamanmahi .. 8.004.19

19 Rich was the gift Kurunga gave, a hundred steeds at morning rites.
Among the gifts of Turvaśas we thought of him, the opulent, the splendid King.

Sloka : 8.4.20

धी॒भिः सा॒तानि॑ का॒ण्वस्य॑ वा॒जिनः॑ प्रि॒यमे॑धैर॒भिद्यु॑भिः ।

ष॒ष्टिं स॒हस्रानु॒ निर्म॑जामजे॒ निर्यू॒थानि॒ गवा॒मृषिः॑ ॥ ८.००४.२०

dhī̱bhiḥ sā̱tāni̍ kā̱ṇvasya̍ vā̱jina̍ḥ pri̱yame̍dhaira̱bhidyu̍bhiḥ .

ṣa̱ṣṭiṃ sa̱hasrānu̱ nirma̍jāmaje̱ niryū̱thāni̱ gavā̱mṛṣi̍ḥ .. 8.004.20

20 What by his morning songs Kaṇva, the powerful, hath, with the Priyamedhas, gained-

Sloka : 8.4.21

वृ॒क्षाश्चि॑न्मे अभिपि॒त्वे अ॑रारणुः ।

गां भ॑जन्त मे॒हनाश्वं॑ भजन्त मे॒हना॑ ॥ ८.००४.२१

vṛ̱kṣāści̍nme abhipi̱tve a̍rāraṇuḥ .

gāṃ bha̍janta me̱hanāśva̍ṃ bhajanta me̱hanā̍ .. 8.004.21

21 The very trees were joyful at my coming:- kine they obtained in plenty, steeds in plenty.

Sloka : 8.5.1

दू॒रादि॒हेव॒ यत्स॒त्य॑रु॒णप्सु॒रशि॑श्वितत् ।

वि भा॒नुं वि॒श्वधा॑तनत् ॥ ८.००५.०१

dū̱rādi̱heva̱ yatsa̱tya̍ru̱ṇapsu̱raśi̍śvitat .

vi bhā̱nuṃ vi̱śvadhā̍tanat .. 8.005.01

1. WHEN, even as she were present here, red Dawn hath shone from far away,
She spreadeth light on every side.

Sloka : 8.5.2

नृ॒वद्द॑स्रा मनो॒युजा॒ रथे॑न पृथु॒पाज॑सा ।

सचे॑थे अश्विनो॒षस॑म् ॥ ८.००५.०२

nṛ̱vadda̍srā mano̱yujā̱ rathe̍na pṛthu̱pāja̍sā .

sace̍the aśvino̱ṣasa̍m .. 8.005.02

2 Like Heroes on your will-yoked car farshining, Wonder-Workers! ye
Attend, O Aśvins, on the Dawn.

Sloka : 8.5.3

यु॒वाभ्यां॑ वाजिनीवसू॒ प्रति॒ स्तोमा॑ अदृक्षत ।

वाचं॑ दू॒तो यथो॑हिषे ॥ ८.००५.०३

yu̱vābhyā̍ṃ vājinīvasū̱ prati̱ stomā̍ adṛkṣata .

vāca̍ṃ dū̱to yatho̍hiṣe .. 8.005.03

3 By you, O Lords of ample wealth our songs of praise have been observed:-
As envoy have I brought the prayer.

Sloka : 8.5.4

पु॒रु॒प्रि॒या ण॑ ऊ॒तये॑ पुरुम॒न्द्रा पु॑रू॒वसू॑ ।

स्तु॒षे कण्वा॑सो अ॒श्विना॑ ॥ ८.००५.०४

pu̱ru̱pri̱yā ṇa̍ ū̱taye̍ puruma̱ndrā pu̍rū̱vasū̍ .

stu̱ṣe kaṇvā̍so a̱śvinā̍ .. 8.005.04

4 Kaṇvas must praise the Aśvins dear to many, making many glad,
Most rich, that they may succour us.

Sloka : 8.5.5

मंहि॑ष्ठा वाज॒सात॑मे॒षय॑न्ता शु॒भस्पती॑ ।

गन्ता॑रा दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हम् ॥ ८.००५.०५

maṃhi̍ṣṭhā vāja̱sāta̍me̱ṣaya̍ntā śu̱bhaspatī̍ .

gantā̍rā dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱ham .. 8.005.05

5 Most liberal, best at winning strength, inciters, Lords of splendour who
Visit the worshipper's abode.

Sloka : 8.5.6

ता सु॑दे॒वाय॑ दा॒शुषे॑ सुमे॒धामवि॑तारिणीम् ।

घृ॒तैर्गव्यू॑तिमुक्षतम् ॥ ८.००५.०६

tā su̍de̱vāya̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ sume̱dhāmavi̍tāriṇīm .

ghṛ̱tairgavyū̍timukṣatam .. 8.005.06

6 So for devout Sudeva dew with fatness his unfailing mead,
And make it rich for sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.5.7

आ नः॒ स्तोम॒मुप॑ द्र॒वत्तूयं॑ श्ये॒नेभि॑रा॒शुभिः॑ ।

या॒तमश्वे॑भिरश्विना ॥ ८.००५.०७

ā na̱ḥ stoma̱mupa̍ dra̱vattūya̍ṃ śye̱nebhi̍rā̱śubhi̍ḥ .

yā̱tamaśve̍bhiraśvinā .. 8.005.07

7 Hitherward running speedily with horses, as with rapid hawks,
Come, Aśvins, to our song of praise

Sloka : 8.5.8

येभि॑स्ति॒स्रः प॑रा॒वतो॑ दि॒वो विश्वा॑नि रोच॒ना ।

त्रीँर॒क्तून्प॑रि॒दीय॑थः ॥ ८.००५.०८

yebhi̍sti̱sraḥ pa̍rā̱vato̍ di̱vo viśvā̍ni roca̱nā .

trīm̐ra̱ktūnpa̍ri̱dīya̍thaḥ .. 8.005.08

8 Wherewith the three wide distances, and all the lights that are in heaven.
Ye traverse, and three times of night.

Sloka : 8.5.9

उ॒त नो॒ गोम॑ती॒रिष॑ उ॒त सा॒तीर॑हर्विदा ।

वि प॒थः सा॒तये॑ सितम् ॥ ८.००५.०९

u̱ta no̱ goma̍tī̱riṣa̍ u̱ta sā̱tīra̍harvidā .

vi pa̱thaḥ sā̱taye̍ sitam .. 8.005.09

9 O Finders of the Day, that we may win us food of kine and wealth,
Open the paths for us to tread.

Sloka : 8.5.10

आ नो॒ गोम॑न्तमश्विना सु॒वीरं॑ सु॒रथं॑ र॒यिम् ।

वो॒ळ्हमश्वा॑वती॒रिषः॑ ॥ ८.००५.१०

ā no̱ goma̍ntamaśvinā su̱vīra̍ṃ su̱ratha̍ṃ ra̱yim .

vo̱l̤hamaśvā̍vatī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 8.005.10

10 O Aśvins, bring us wealth in kine, in noble heroes, and in cars:-
Bring us the strength that horses give.

Sloka : 8.5.11

वा॒वृ॒धा॒ना शु॑भस्पती दस्रा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्तनी ।

पिब॑तं सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ॥ ८.००५.११

vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱nā śu̍bhaspatī dasrā̱ hira̍ṇyavartanī .

piba̍taṃ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .. 8.005.11

11 Ye Lords of splendour, glorified, ye Wonder-Workers borne on paths
Of gold, drink sweets with Somajuice.

Sloka : 8.5.12

अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ वाजिनीवसू म॒घव॑द्भ्यश्च स॒प्रथः॑ ।

छ॒र्दिर्य॑न्त॒मदा॑भ्यम् ॥ ८.००५.१२

a̱smabhya̍ṃ vājinīvasū ma̱ghava̍dbhyaśca sa̱pratha̍ḥ .

cha̱rdirya̍nta̱madā̍bhyam .. 8.005.12

12 To us, ye Lords of ample wealth, and to our wealth chiefs extend
Wide shelter, ne’er to be assailed.

Sloka : 8.5.13

नि षु ब्रह्म॒ जना॑नां॒ यावि॑ष्टं॒ तूय॒मा ग॑तम् ।

मो ष्व१॒॑न्याँ उपा॑रतम् ॥ ८.००५.१३

ni ṣu brahma̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ yāvi̍ṣṭa̱ṃ tūya̱mā ga̍tam .

mo ṣva1̱̍nyām̐ upā̍ratam .. 8.005.13

13 Come quickly downward to the prayer of people whom ye favour most:-
Approach not unto other folk.

Sloka : 8.5.14

अ॒स्य पि॑बतमश्विना यु॒वं मद॑स्य॒ चारु॑णः ।

मध्वो॑ रा॒तस्य॑ धिष्ण्या ॥ ८.००५.१४

a̱sya pi̍batamaśvinā yu̱vaṃ mada̍sya̱ cāru̍ṇaḥ .

madhvo̍ rā̱tasya̍ dhiṣṇyā .. 8.005.14

14 Ye Aśvins whom our minds perceive, drink of this lovely gladdening draught,
The mcath which we present to you.

Sloka : 8.5.15

अ॒स्मे आ व॑हतं र॒यिं श॒तव॑न्तं सह॒स्रिण॑म् ।

पु॒रु॒क्षुं वि॒श्वधा॑यसम् ॥ ८.००५.१५

a̱sme ā va̍hataṃ ra̱yiṃ śa̱tava̍ntaṃ saha̱sriṇa̍m .

pu̱ru̱kṣuṃ vi̱śvadhā̍yasam .. 8.005.15

15 Bring riches hither unto us in hundreds and in thousands, source
Of plenteous food, sustaining all.

Sloka : 8.5.16

पु॒रु॒त्रा चि॒द्धि वां॑ नरा वि॒ह्वय॑न्ते मनी॒षिणः॑ ।

वा॒घद्भि॑रश्वि॒ना ग॑तम् ॥ ८.००५.१६

pu̱ru̱trā ci̱ddhi vā̍ṃ narā vi̱hvaya̍nte manī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .

vā̱ghadbhi̍raśvi̱nā ga̍tam .. 8.005.16

16 Verily sages call on you, ye Heroes, in full many a place.
Moved by the priests, O Aśvins, conic.

Sloka : 8.5.17

जना॑सो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो ह॒विष्म॑न्तो अरं॒कृतः॑ ।

यु॒वां ह॑वन्ते अश्विना ॥ ८.००५.१७

janā̍so vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣo ha̱viṣma̍nto ara̱ṃkṛta̍ḥ .

yu̱vāṃ ha̍vante aśvinā .. 8.005.17

17 Men who have trimmed the sacred grass, bringing oblations and prepared,
O Aśvins, are invoking you.

Sloka : 8.5.18

अ॒स्माक॑म॒द्य वा॑म॒यं स्तोमो॒ वाहि॑ष्ठो॒ अन्त॑मः ।

यु॒वाभ्यां॑ भूत्वश्विना ॥ ८.००५.१८

a̱smāka̍ma̱dya vā̍ma̱yaṃ stomo̱ vāhi̍ṣṭho̱ anta̍maḥ .

yu̱vābhyā̍ṃ bhūtvaśvinā .. 8.005.18

18 May this our hymn of praise to-day, most powerful to bring you, be,
O Aśvins, nearest to your hearts.

Sloka : 8.5.19

यो ह॑ वां॒ मधु॑नो॒ दृति॒राहि॑तो रथ॒चर्ष॑णे ।

ततः॑ पिबतमश्विना ॥ ८.००५.१९

yo ha̍ vā̱ṃ madhu̍no̱ dṛti̱rāhi̍to ratha̱carṣa̍ṇe .

tata̍ḥ pibatamaśvinā .. 8.005.19

19 The skin filled full of savoury meath, laid in the pathway of your car-
O Aśvins, drink ye both therefrom.

Sloka : 8.5.20

तेन॑ नो वाजिनीवसू॒ पश्वे॑ तो॒काय॒ शं गवे॑ ।

वह॑तं॒ पीव॑री॒रिषः॑ ॥ ८.००५.२०

tena̍ no vājinīvasū̱ paśve̍ to̱kāya̱ śaṃ gave̍ .

vaha̍ta̱ṃ pīva̍rī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 8.005.20

20 For this, ye Lords of ample wealth, bring blessing for our herd, our kine,
Our progeny, and plenteous food.

Sloka : 8.5.21

उ॒त नो॑ दि॒व्या इष॑ उ॒त सिन्धू॑ँरहर्विदा ।

अप॒ द्वारे॑व वर्षथः ॥ ८.००५.२१

u̱ta no̍ di̱vyā iṣa̍ u̱ta sindhū̍m̐raharvidā .

apa̱ dvāre̍va varṣathaḥ .. 8.005.21

21 Ye too unclose to us like doors the strengthening waters of the sky,
And rivers, ye who find the day.

Sloka : 8.5.22

क॒दा वां॑ तौ॒ग्र्यो वि॑धत्समु॒द्रे ज॑हि॒तो न॑रा ।

यद्वां॒ रथो॒ विभि॒ष्पता॑त् ॥ ८.००५.२२

ka̱dā vā̍ṃ tau̱gryo vi̍dhatsamu̱dre ja̍hi̱to na̍rā .

yadvā̱ṃ ratho̱ vibhi̱ṣpatā̍t .. 8.005.22

22 When did the son of Tugra serve you, Men? Abandoned in the sea,
That with winged steeds your car might fly.

Sloka : 8.5.23

यु॒वं कण्वा॑य नासत्या॒ ऋपि॑रिप्ताय ह॒र्म्ये ।

शश्व॑दू॒तीर्द॑शस्यथः ॥ ८.००५.२३

yu̱vaṃ kaṇvā̍ya nāsatyā̱ ṛpi̍riptāya ha̱rmye .

śaśva̍dū̱tīrda̍śasyathaḥ .. 8.005.23

23 Ye, O Nāsatyas, ministered to Kaṇva with repeated aid,
When cast into the heated pit.

Sloka : 8.5.24

ताभि॒रा या॑तमू॒तिभि॒र्नव्य॑सीभिः सुश॒स्तिभिः॑ ।

यद्वां॑ वृषण्वसू हु॒वे ॥ ८.००५.२४

tābhi̱rā yā̍tamū̱tibhi̱rnavya̍sībhiḥ suśa̱stibhi̍ḥ .

yadvā̍ṃ vṛṣaṇvasū hu̱ve .. 8.005.24

24 Come near with those most recent aids of yours which merit eulogy,
When I invoke you, Wealthy Gods.

Sloka : 8.5.25

यथा॑ चि॒त्कण्व॒माव॑तं प्रि॒यमे॑धमुपस्तु॒तम् ।

अत्रिं॑ शि॒ञ्जार॑मश्विना ॥ ८.००५.२५

yathā̍ ci̱tkaṇva̱māva̍taṃ pri̱yame̍dhamupastu̱tam .

atri̍ṃ śi̱ñjāra̍maśvinā .. 8.005.25

25 As ye protected Kaṇva erst, Priyamedha and Upastuta,
Atri, Sinjara, Aśvins Twain

Sloka : 8.5.26

यथो॒त कृत्व्ये॒ धनें॒ऽशुं गोष्व॒गस्त्य॑म् ।

यथा॒ वाजे॑षु॒ सोभ॑रिम् ॥ ८.००५.२६

yatho̱ta kṛtvye̱ dhane̱ṃ'śuṃ goṣva̱gastya̍m .

yathā̱ vāje̍ṣu̱ sobha̍rim .. 8.005.26

26 And Amsu in decisive fight, Agastya in the fray for kine.
And, in his battles, Sobhari.

Sloka : 8.5.27

ए॒ताव॑द्वां वृषण्वसू॒ अतो॑ वा॒ भूयो॑ अश्विना ।

गृ॒णन्तः॑ सु॒म्नमी॑महे ॥ ८.००५.२७

e̱tāva̍dvāṃ vṛṣaṇvasū̱ ato̍ vā̱ bhūyo̍ aśvinā .

gṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ su̱mnamī̍mahe .. 8.005.27

27 For so much bliss, or even more, O Aśvins, Wealthy Gods, than this,
We pray white singing hymns to you.

Sloka : 8.5.28

रथं॒ हिर॑ण्यवन्धुरं॒ हिर॑ण्याभीशुमश्विना ।

आ हि स्थाथो॑ दिवि॒स्पृश॑म् ॥ ८.००५.२८

ratha̱ṃ hira̍ṇyavandhura̱ṃ hira̍ṇyābhīśumaśvinā .

ā hi sthātho̍ divi̱spṛśa̍m .. 8.005.28

28 Ascend your car with golden seat, O Aśvins, and with reins of gold,
That reaches even to the sky.

Sloka : 8.5.29

हि॒र॒ण्ययी॑ वां॒ रभि॑री॒षा अक्षो॑ हिर॒ण्ययः॑ ।

उ॒भा च॒क्रा हि॑र॒ण्यया॑ ॥ ८.००५.२९

hi̱ra̱ṇyayī̍ vā̱ṃ rabhi̍rī̱ṣā akṣo̍ hira̱ṇyaya̍ḥ .

u̱bhā ca̱krā hi̍ra̱ṇyayā̍ .. 8.005.29

29 Golden is its supporting shaft, the axle also is of gold,
And both the wheels are made of gold.

Sloka : 8.5.30

तेन॑ नो वाजिनीवसू परा॒वत॑श्चि॒दा ग॑तम् ।

उपे॒मां सु॑ष्टु॒तिं मम॑ ॥ ८.००५.३०

tena̍ no vājinīvasū parā̱vata̍ści̱dā ga̍tam .

upe̱māṃ su̍ṣṭu̱tiṃ mama̍ .. 8.005.30

30 Thereon, ye Lords of ample wealth, come to us even from afar,
Come ye to this mine eulogy.

Sloka : 8.5.31

आ व॑हेथे परा॒कात्पू॒र्वीर॒श्नन्ता॑वश्विना ।

इषो॒ दासी॑रमर्त्या ॥ ८.००५.३१

ā va̍hethe parā̱kātpū̱rvīra̱śnantā̍vaśvinā .

iṣo̱ dāsī̍ramartyā .. 8.005.31

31 From far away ye come to us, Aśvins, enjoying plenteous food
Of Dāsas, O Immortal Ones.

Sloka : 8.5.32

आ नो॑ द्यु॒म्नैरा श्रवो॑भि॒रा रा॒या या॑तमश्विना ।

पुरु॑श्चन्द्रा॒ नास॑त्या ॥ ८.००५.३२

ā no̍ dyu̱mnairā śravo̍bhi̱rā rā̱yā yā̍tamaśvinā .

puru̍ścandrā̱ nāsa̍tyā .. 8.005.32

32 With splendour, riches, and renown, O Aśvins, hither come to us,
Nāsatyas, shining brilliantly.

Sloka : 8.5.33

एह वां॑ प्रुषि॒तप्स॑वो॒ वयो॑ वहन्तु प॒र्णिनः॑ ।

अच्छा॑ स्वध्व॒रं जन॑म् ॥ ८.००५.३३

eha vā̍ṃ pruṣi̱tapsa̍vo̱ vayo̍ vahantu pa̱rṇina̍ḥ .

acchā̍ svadhva̱raṃ jana̍m .. 8.005.33

33 May dappled horses, steeds who fly with pinions, bring you hitherward
To people skilled in sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.5.34

रथं॑ वा॒मनु॑गायसं॒ य इ॒षा वर्त॑ते स॒ह ।

न च॒क्रम॒भि बा॑धते ॥ ८.००५.३४

ratha̍ṃ vā̱manu̍gāyasa̱ṃ ya i̱ṣā varta̍te sa̱ha .

na ca̱krama̱bhi bā̍dhate .. 8.005.34

34 The whcel delayeth not that car of yours accompanied by song,
That cometh with a store of food.

Sloka : 8.5.35

हि॒र॒ण्यये॑न॒ रथे॑न द्र॒वत्पा॑णिभि॒रश्वैः॑ ।

धीज॑वना॒ नास॑त्या ॥ ८.००५.३५

hi̱ra̱ṇyaye̍na̱ rathe̍na dra̱vatpā̍ṇibhi̱raśvai̍ḥ .

dhīja̍vanā̱ nāsa̍tyā .. 8.005.35

35 Borne on that chariot wrought of gold, with coursers very fleet of foot,
Come, O Nāsatyas, swift as thought.

Sloka : 8.5.36

यु॒वं मृ॒गं जा॑गृ॒वांसं॒ स्वद॑थो वा वृषण्वसू ।

ता नः॑ पृङ्क्तमि॒षा र॒यिम् ॥ ८.००५.३६

yu̱vaṃ mṛ̱gaṃ jā̍gṛ̱vāṃsa̱ṃ svada̍tho vā vṛṣaṇvasū .

tā na̍ḥ pṛṅktami̱ṣā ra̱yim .. 8.005.36

36 O Wealthy Gods, ye taste and find the brisk and watchful wild beast good.
Associate wealth with food for us.

Sloka : 8.5.37

ता मे॑ अश्विना सनी॒नां वि॒द्यातं॒ नवा॑नाम् ।

यथा॑ चिच्चै॒द्यः क॒शुः श॒तमुष्ट्रा॑नां॒ दद॑त्स॒हस्रा॒ दश॒ गोना॑म् ॥ ८.००५.३७

tā me̍ aśvinā sanī̱nāṃ vi̱dyāta̱ṃ navā̍nām .

yathā̍ ciccai̱dyaḥ ka̱śuḥ śa̱tamuṣṭrā̍nā̱ṃ dada̍tsa̱hasrā̱ daśa̱ gonā̍m .. 8.005.37

37 As such, O Aśvins, find for me my share of new-presented gifts,
As Kasu, Cedi's son, gave me a hundred head of buffaloes, and ten thousand kine.

Sloka : 8.5.38

यो मे॒ हिर॑ण्यसंदृशो॒ दश॒ राज्ञो॒ अमं॑हत ।

अ॒ध॒स्प॒दा इच्चै॒द्यस्य॑ कृ॒ष्टय॑श्चर्म॒म्ना अ॒भितो॒ जनाः॑ ॥ ८.००५.३८

yo me̱ hira̍ṇyasaṃdṛśo̱ daśa̱ rājño̱ ama̍ṃhata .

a̱dha̱spa̱dā iccai̱dyasya̍ kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ścarma̱mnā a̱bhito̱ janā̍ḥ .. 8.005.38

38 He who hath given me for mine own ten Kings like gold to look upon.
At Caidya's feet are all the people round about, all those who think upon the shield.

Sloka : 8.5.39

माकि॑रे॒ना प॒था गा॒द्येने॒मे यन्ति॑ चे॒दयः॑ ।

अ॒न्यो नेत्सू॒रिरोह॑ते भूरि॒दाव॑त्तरो॒ जनः॑ ॥ ८.००५.३९

māki̍re̱nā pa̱thā gā̱dyene̱me yanti̍ ce̱daya̍ḥ .

a̱nyo netsū̱riroha̍te bhūri̱dāva̍ttaro̱ jana̍ḥ .. 8.005.39

39 No man, not any, goes upon the path on which the Cedis walk.
No other prince, no folk is held more liberal of gifts than they.

Sloka : 8.6.1

म॒हाँ इन्द्रो॒ य ओज॑सा प॒र्जन्यो॑ वृष्टि॒माँ इ॑व ।

स्तोमै॑र्व॒त्सस्य॑ वावृधे ॥ ८.००६.०१

ma̱hām̐ indro̱ ya oja̍sā pa̱rjanyo̍ vṛṣṭi̱mām̐ i̍va .

stomai̍rva̱tsasya̍ vāvṛdhe .. 8.006.01

1. INDRA, great in his power and might, and like Parjanya rich in rain,
Is magnified by Vatsa's lauds.

Sloka : 8.6.2

प्र॒जामृ॒तस्य॒ पिप्र॑तः॒ प्र यद्भर॑न्त॒ वह्न॑यः ।

विप्रा॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ वाह॑सा ॥ ८.००६.०२

pra̱jāmṛ̱tasya̱ pipra̍ta̱ḥ pra yadbhara̍nta̱ vahna̍yaḥ .

viprā̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ vāha̍sā .. 8.006.02

2 When the priests, strengthening the Son of Holy Law, present their gifts,
Singers with Order's hymn of praiser.

Sloka : 8.6.3

कण्वा॒ इन्द्रं॒ यदक्र॑त॒ स्तोमै॑र्य॒ज्ञस्य॒ साध॑नम् ।

जा॒मि ब्रु॑वत॒ आयु॑धम् ॥ ८.००६.०३

kaṇvā̱ indra̱ṃ yadakra̍ta̱ stomai̍rya̱jñasya̱ sādha̍nam .

jā̱mi bru̍vata̱ āyu̍dham .. 8.006.03

3 Since Kaṇvas with their lauds have made Indra complete the sacrifice.
Words are their own appropriate arms.

Sloka : 8.6.4

सम॑स्य म॒न्यवे॒ विशो॒ विश्वा॑ नमन्त कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।

स॒मु॒द्राये॑व॒ सिन्ध॑वः ॥ ८.००६.०४

sama̍sya ma̱nyave̱ viśo̱ viśvā̍ namanta kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .

sa̱mu̱drāye̍va̱ sindha̍vaḥ .. 8.006.04

4 Before his hot displeasure all the peoples, all the men, bow down,
As rivers bow them to the sea.

Sloka : 8.6.5

ओज॒स्तद॑स्य तित्विष उ॒भे यत्स॒मव॑र्तयत् ।

इन्द्र॒श्चर्मे॑व॒ रोद॑सी ॥ ८.००६.०५

oja̱stada̍sya titviṣa u̱bhe yatsa̱mava̍rtayat .

indra̱ścarme̍va̱ roda̍sī .. 8.006.05

5 This power of his shone brightly forth when Indra brought together, like
A skin, the worlds of heaven and earth.

Sloka : 8.6.6

वि चि॑द्वृ॒त्रस्य॒ दोध॑तो॒ वज्रे॑ण श॒तप॑र्वणा ।

शिरो॑ बिभेद वृ॒ष्णिना॑ ॥ ८.००६.०६

vi ci̍dvṛ̱trasya̱ dodha̍to̱ vajre̍ṇa śa̱tapa̍rvaṇā .

śiro̍ bibheda vṛ̱ṣṇinā̍ .. 8.006.06

6 The fiercely-moving Vṛtra's head he severed with his thunderbolt,
His mighty hundred-knotted bolt.

Sloka : 8.6.7

इ॒मा अ॒भि प्र णो॑नुमो वि॒पामग्रे॑षु धी॒तयः॑ ।

अ॒ग्नेः शो॒चिर्न दि॒द्युतः॑ ॥ ८.००६.०७

i̱mā a̱bhi pra ṇo̍numo vi̱pāmagre̍ṣu dhī̱taya̍ḥ .

a̱gneḥ śo̱cirna di̱dyuta̍ḥ .. 8.006.07

7 Here are-we sing them loudly forth-our thoughts among-the best of songs.
Even lightnings like the blaze of fire.

Sloka : 8.6.8

गुहा॑ स॒तीरुप॒ त्मना॒ प्र यच्छोच॑न्त धी॒तयः॑ ।

कण्वा॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ धार॑या ॥ ८.००६.०८

guhā̍ sa̱tīrupa̱ tmanā̱ pra yacchoca̍nta dhī̱taya̍ḥ .

kaṇvā̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ dhāra̍yā .. 8.006.08

8 When bidden thoughts, spontaneously advancing, glow, and with the stream
Of sacrifice the Kaṇvas shine.

Sloka : 8.6.9

प्र तमि॑न्द्र नशीमहि र॒यिं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विन॑म् ।

प्र ब्रह्म॑ पू॒र्वचि॑त्तये ॥ ८.००६.०९

pra tami̍ndra naśīmahi ra̱yiṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̍m .

pra brahma̍ pū̱rvaci̍ttaye .. 8.006.09

9 Indra, may we obtain that wealth in horses and in herds of cows,
And prayer that may be noticed first.

Sloka : 8.6.10

अ॒हमिद्धि पि॒तुष्परि॑ मे॒धामृ॒तस्य॑ ज॒ग्रभ॑ ।

अ॒हं सूर्य॑ इवाजनि ॥ ८.००६.१०

a̱hamiddhi pi̱tuṣpari̍ me̱dhāmṛ̱tasya̍ ja̱grabha̍ .

a̱haṃ sūrya̍ ivājani .. 8.006.10

10 I from my Father have received deep knowledge of the Holy Law
I was born like unto the Sun.

Sloka : 8.6.11

अ॒हं प्र॒त्नेन॒ मन्म॑ना॒ गिरः॑ शुम्भामि कण्व॒वत् ।

येनेन्द्रः॒ शुष्म॒मिद्द॒धे ॥ ८.००६.११

a̱haṃ pra̱tnena̱ manma̍nā̱ gira̍ḥ śumbhāmi kaṇva̱vat .

yenendra̱ḥ śuṣma̱midda̱dhe .. 8.006.11

11 After the lore of ancient time I make, like Kaṇva, beauteous songs,
And Indra's selfgains strength thereby.

Sloka : 8.6.12

ये त्वामि॑न्द्र॒ न तु॑ष्टु॒वुरृष॑यो॒ ये च॑ तुष्टु॒वुः ।

ममेद्व॑र्धस्व॒ सुष्टु॑तः ॥ ८.००६.१२

ye tvāmi̍ndra̱ na tu̍ṣṭu̱vurṛṣa̍yo̱ ye ca̍ tuṣṭu̱vuḥ .

mamedva̍rdhasva̱ suṣṭu̍taḥ .. 8.006.12

12 Whatever Ṛṣis have not praised thee, Indra, or have lauded thee,
By me exalted wax thou strong.

Sloka : 8.6.13

यद॑स्य म॒न्युरध्व॑नी॒द्वि वृ॒त्रं प॑र्व॒शो रु॒जन् ।

अ॒पः स॑मु॒द्रमैर॑यत् ॥ ८.००६.१३

yada̍sya ma̱nyuradhva̍nī̱dvi vṛ̱traṃ pa̍rva̱śo ru̱jan .

a̱paḥ sa̍mu̱dramaira̍yat .. 8.006.13

13 When his wrath thundered, when he rent Vṛtra to pieces, limb by limb,
He sent the waters to the sea.

Sloka : 8.6.14

नि शुष्ण॑ इन्द्र धर्ण॒सिं वज्रं॑ जघन्थ॒ दस्य॑वि ।

वृषा॒ ह्यु॑ग्र श‍ृण्वि॒षे ॥ ८.००६.१४

ni śuṣṇa̍ indra dharṇa̱siṃ vajra̍ṃ jaghantha̱ dasya̍vi .

vṛṣā̱ hyu̍gra śṛṇvi̱ṣe .. 8.006.14

14 Against the Dasyu gusna thou, Indra, didst hurl thy during bolt:-
Thou, Dread one, hast a hero's fame.

Sloka : 8.6.15

न द्याव॒ इन्द्र॒मोज॑सा॒ नान्तरि॑क्षाणि व॒ज्रिण॑म् ।

न वि॑व्यचन्त॒ भूम॑यः ॥ ८.००६.१५

na dyāva̱ indra̱moja̍sā̱ nāntari̍kṣāṇi va̱jriṇa̍m .

na vi̍vyacanta̱ bhūma̍yaḥ .. 8.006.15

15 Neither the heavens nor firmaments nor regions of the earth contain
Indra, the Thunderer with his might.

Sloka : 8.6.16

यस्त॑ इन्द्र म॒हीर॒पः स्त॑भू॒यमा॑न॒ आश॑यत् ।

नि तं पद्या॑सु शिश्नथः ॥ ८.००६.१६

yasta̍ indra ma̱hīra̱paḥ sta̍bhū̱yamā̍na̱ āśa̍yat .

ni taṃ padyā̍su śiśnathaḥ .. 8.006.16

16 O Indra him who lay at length staying thy copious waters thou,
In his own footsteps, smotest down

Sloka : 8.6.17

य इ॒मे रोद॑सी म॒ही स॑मी॒ची स॒मज॑ग्रभीत् ।

तमो॑भिरिन्द्र॒ तं गु॑हः ॥ ८.००६.१७

ya i̱me roda̍sī ma̱hī sa̍mī̱cī sa̱maja̍grabhīt .

tamo̍bhirindra̱ taṃ gu̍haḥ .. 8.006.17

17 Thou hiddest deep in darkness itim, O Indra, who had set his grasp
On spacious heaven and earth conjoined.

Sloka : 8.6.18

य इ॑न्द्र॒ यत॑यस्त्वा॒ भृग॑वो॒ ये च॑ तुष्टु॒वुः ।

ममेदु॑ग्र श्रुधी॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.००६.१८

ya i̍ndra̱ yata̍yastvā̱ bhṛga̍vo̱ ye ca̍ tuṣṭu̱vuḥ .

mamedu̍gra śrudhī̱ hava̍m .. 8.006.18

18 Indra, whatever Yatis and Bhṛgus have offered praise to thee,
Listen, thou Mighty, to my call.

Sloka : 8.6.19

इ॒मास्त॑ इन्द्र॒ पृश्न॑यो घृ॒तं दु॑हत आ॒शिर॑म् ।

ए॒नामृ॒तस्य॑ पि॒प्युषीः॑ ॥ ८.००६.१९

i̱māsta̍ indra̱ pṛśna̍yo ghṛ̱taṃ du̍hata ā̱śira̍m .

e̱nāmṛ̱tasya̍ pi̱pyuṣī̍ḥ .. 8.006.19

19 Indra, these spotted cows yield thee their butter and the milky draught;
Aiders, thereby, of sacrifice;

Sloka : 8.6.20

या इ॑न्द्र प्र॒स्व॑स्त्वा॒सा गर्भ॒मच॑क्रिरन् ।

परि॒ धर्मे॑व॒ सूर्य॑म् ॥ ८.००६.२०

yā i̍ndra pra̱sva̍stvā̱sā garbha̱maca̍kriran .

pari̱ dharme̍va̱ sūrya̍m .. 8.006.20

20 Which, teeming, have received thee as a life-germ, Indra, with their mouth,
Like Sūrya who sustaineth all.

Sloka : 8.6.21

त्वामिच्छ॑वसस्पते॒ कण्वा॑ उ॒क्थेन॑ वावृधुः ।

त्वां सु॒तास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ८.००६.२१

tvāmiccha̍vasaspate̱ kaṇvā̍ u̱kthena̍ vāvṛdhuḥ .

tvāṃ su̱tāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 8.006.21

21 O Lord of Might, with hymns of praise the Kaṇvas have increased thy power,
The drops poured forth have strengthened thee.

Sloka : 8.6.22

तवेदि॑न्द्र॒ प्रणी॑तिषू॒त प्रश॑स्तिरद्रिवः ।

य॒ज्ञो वि॑तन्त॒साय्यः॑ ॥ ८.००६.२२

tavedi̍ndra̱ praṇī̍tiṣū̱ta praśa̍stiradrivaḥ .

ya̱jño vi̍tanta̱sāyya̍ḥ .. 8.006.22

22 Under thy guidance, Indra, mid thy praises, Lord of Thunder, shall
The sacrifice be soon performed.

Sloka : 8.6.23

आ न॑ इन्द्र म॒हीमिषं॒ पुरं॒ न द॑र्षि॒ गोम॑तीम् ।

उ॒त प्र॒जां सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ८.००६.२३

ā na̍ indra ma̱hīmiṣa̱ṃ pura̱ṃ na da̍rṣi̱ goma̍tīm .

u̱ta pra̱jāṃ su̱vīrya̍m .. 8.006.23

23 Indra, disclose much food for us, like a stronghold with store of kine:-
Give progeny and heroic strength.

Sloka : 8.6.24

उ॒त त्यदा॒श्वश्व्यं॒ यदि॑न्द्र॒ नाहु॑षी॒ष्वा ।

अग्रे॑ वि॒क्षु प्र॒दीद॑यत् ॥ ८.००६.२४

u̱ta tyadā̱śvaśvya̱ṃ yadi̍ndra̱ nāhu̍ṣī̱ṣvā .

agre̍ vi̱kṣu pra̱dīda̍yat .. 8.006.24

24 And, Indra, grant us all that wealth of fleet steeds which shone bright of old
Among the tribes of Nahusas.

Sloka : 8.6.25

अ॒भि व्र॒जं न त॑त्निषे॒ सूर॑ उपा॒कच॑क्षसम् ।

यदि॑न्द्र मृ॒ळया॑सि नः ॥ ८.००६.२५

a̱bhi vra̱jaṃ na ta̍tniṣe̱ sūra̍ upā̱kaca̍kṣasam .

yadi̍ndra mṛ̱l̤ayā̍si naḥ .. 8.006.25

25 Hither thou seemest to attract heaven's fold which shines before our eyes,
When, Indra, thou art kind to us.

Sloka : 8.6.26

यद॒ङ्ग त॑विषी॒यस॒ इन्द्र॑ प्र॒राज॑सि क्षि॒तीः ।

म॒हाँ अ॑पा॒र ओज॑सा ॥ ८.००६.२६

yada̱ṅga ta̍viṣī̱yasa̱ indra̍ pra̱rāja̍si kṣi̱tīḥ .

ma̱hām̐ a̍pā̱ra oja̍sā .. 8.006.26

26 Yea, when thou puttest forth thy power, Indra, thou governest the folk.
Mighty, unlimited in strength.

Sloka : 8.6.27

तं त्वा॑ ह॒विष्म॑ती॒र्विश॒ उप॑ ब्रुवत ऊ॒तये॑ ।

उ॒रु॒ज्रय॑स॒मिन्दु॑भिः ॥ ८.००६.२७

taṃ tvā̍ ha̱viṣma̍tī̱rviśa̱ upa̍ bruvata ū̱taye̍ .

u̱ru̱jraya̍sa̱mindu̍bhiḥ .. 8.006.27

27 The tribes who bring oblations call to thee, to thee to give them help,
With drops to thee who spreadest far.

Sloka : 8.6.28

उ॒प॒ह्व॒रे गि॑री॒णां सं॑ग॒थे च॑ न॒दीना॑म् ।

धि॒या विप्रो॑ अजायत ॥ ८.००६.२८

u̱pa̱hva̱re gi̍rī̱ṇāṃ sa̍ṃga̱the ca̍ na̱dīnā̍m .

dhi̱yā vipro̍ ajāyata .. 8.006.28

28 There where the mountains downward slope, there by the meeting of the streams
The Sage was manifest with song.

Sloka : 8.6.29

अतः॑ समु॒द्रमु॒द्वत॑श्चिकि॒त्वाँ अव॑ पश्यति ।

यतो॑ विपा॒न एज॑ति ॥ ८.००६.२९

ata̍ḥ samu̱dramu̱dvata̍ściki̱tvām̐ ava̍ paśyati .

yato̍ vipā̱na eja̍ti .. 8.006.29

29 Thence, marking, from his lofty place downward he looks upon the sea,
And thence with rapid stir he moves.

Sloka : 8.6.30

आदित्प्र॒त्नस्य॒ रेत॑सो॒ ज्योति॑ष्पश्यन्ति वास॒रम् ।

प॒रो यदि॒ध्यते॑ दि॒वा ॥ ८.००६.३०

āditpra̱tnasya̱ reta̍so̱ jyoti̍ṣpaśyanti vāsa̱ram .

pa̱ro yadi̱dhyate̍ di̱vā .. 8.006.30

30 Then, verify, they see the light refulgent of primeval seed,
Kindled on yonder side of heaven.

Sloka : 8.6.31

कण्वा॑स इन्द्र ते म॒तिं विश्वे॑ वर्धन्ति॒ पौंस्य॑म् ।

उ॒तो श॑विष्ठ॒ वृष्ण्य॑म् ॥ ८.००६.३१

kaṇvā̍sa indra te ma̱tiṃ viśve̍ vardhanti̱ pauṃsya̍m .

u̱to śa̍viṣṭha̱ vṛṣṇya̍m .. 8.006.31

31 Indra, the Kaṇvas all exalt thy wisdom and thy manly power,
And, Mightiest! thine heroic strength.

Sloka : 8.6.32

इ॒मां म॑ इन्द्र सुष्टु॒तिं जु॒षस्व॒ प्र सु माम॑व ।

उ॒त प्र व॑र्धया म॒तिम् ॥ ८.००६.३२

i̱māṃ ma̍ indra suṣṭu̱tiṃ ju̱ṣasva̱ pra su māma̍va .

u̱ta pra va̍rdhayā ma̱tim .. 8.006.32

32 Accept this eulogy of mine, Indra, and guard me carefully:-
Strengthen my thought and prosper it.

Sloka : 8.6.33

उ॒त ब्र॑ह्म॒ण्या व॒यं तुभ्यं॑ प्रवृद्ध वज्रिवः ।

विप्रा॑ अतक्ष्म जी॒वसे॑ ॥ ८.००६.३३

u̱ta bra̍hma̱ṇyā va̱yaṃ tubhya̍ṃ pravṛddha vajrivaḥ .

viprā̍ atakṣma jī̱vase̍ .. 8.006.33

33 For thee, O Mighty, Thunder-armed, we singers through devotionhave
Fashioned the hymn that we may live.

Sloka : 8.6.34

अ॒भि कण्वा॑ अनूष॒तापो॒ न प्र॒वता॑ य॒तीः ।

इन्द्रं॒ वन॑न्वती म॒तिः ॥ ८.००६.३४

a̱bhi kaṇvā̍ anūṣa̱tāpo̱ na pra̱vatā̍ ya̱tīḥ .

indra̱ṃ vana̍nvatī ma̱tiḥ .. 8.006.34

34 To Indra have the Kaṇvas sung, like waters speeding down a slope:-
The song is fain to go to him.

Sloka : 8.6.35

इन्द्र॑मु॒क्थानि॑ वावृधुः समु॒द्रमि॑व॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।

अनु॑त्तमन्युम॒जर॑म् ॥ ८.००६.३५

indra̍mu̱kthāni̍ vāvṛdhuḥ samu̱drami̍va̱ sindha̍vaḥ .

anu̍ttamanyuma̱jara̍m .. 8.006.35

35 As rivers swell the ocean, so our hymns of praise make Indra strong,
Eternal, of resistIess wrath.

Sloka : 8.6.36

आ नो॑ याहि परा॒वतो॒ हरि॑भ्यां हर्य॒ताभ्या॑म् ।

इ॒ममि॑न्द्र सु॒तं पि॑ब ॥ ८.००६.३६

ā no̍ yāhi parā̱vato̱ hari̍bhyāṃ harya̱tābhyā̍m .

i̱mami̍ndra su̱taṃ pi̍ba .. 8.006.36

36 Come with thy lovely Bay Steeds, come to us from regions far away
O Indra, drink this Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.6.37

त्वामिद्वृ॑त्रहन्तम॒ जना॑सो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।

हव॑न्ते॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ८.००६.३७

tvāmidvṛ̍trahantama̱ janā̍so vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .

hava̍nte̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 8.006.37

37 Best slayer of Vṛtras, men whose sacred grass is ready trimmed
Invoke thee for the gain of spoil.

Sloka : 8.6.38

अनु॑ त्वा॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे च॒क्रं न व॒र्त्येत॑शम् ।

अनु॑ सुवा॒नास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ८.००६.३८

anu̍ tvā̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe ca̱kraṃ na va̱rtyeta̍śam .

anu̍ suvā̱nāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 8.006.38

38 The heavens and earth come after thee as the wheel follows Etaśa:-
To thee flow Soma-drops effused.

Sloka : 8.6.39

मन्द॑स्वा॒ सु स्व॑र्णर उ॒तेन्द्र॑ शर्य॒णाव॑ति ।

मत्स्वा॒ विव॑स्वतो म॒ती ॥ ८.००६.३९

manda̍svā̱ su sva̍rṇara u̱tendra̍ śarya̱ṇāva̍ti .

matsvā̱ viva̍svato ma̱tī .. 8.006.39

39 Rejoice, O Indra, in the light, rejoice in Saryandyan, be Glad in the sacrificer's hymn.

Sloka : 8.6.40

वा॒वृ॒धा॒न उप॒ द्यवि॒ वृषा॑ व॒ज्र्य॑रोरवीत् ।

वृ॒त्र॒हा सो॑म॒पात॑मः ॥ ८.००६.४०

vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱na upa̱ dyavi̱ vṛṣā̍ va̱jrya̍roravīt .

vṛ̱tra̱hā so̍ma̱pāta̍maḥ .. 8.006.40

40 Grown strong in heaven, the Thunder-armed hath bellowed, Vṛtra-slayer, Bull,
Chief drinker of the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.6.41

ऋषि॒र्हि पू॑र्व॒जा अस्येक॒ ईशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ।

इन्द्र॑ चोष्कू॒यसे॒ वसु॑ ॥ ८.००६.४१

ṛṣi̱rhi pū̍rva̱jā asyeka̱ īśā̍na̱ oja̍sā .

indra̍ coṣkū̱yase̱ vasu̍ .. 8.006.41

41 Thou art a Ṛṣi born of old, sole Ruler over all by might:-
Thou, Indra, guardest well our wealth.

Sloka : 8.6.42

अ॒स्माकं॑ त्वा सु॒ताँ उप॑ वी॒तपृ॑ष्ठा अ॒भि प्रयः॑ ।

श॒तं व॑हन्तु॒ हर॑यः ॥ ८.००६.४२

a̱smāka̍ṃ tvā su̱tām̐ upa̍ vī̱tapṛ̍ṣṭhā a̱bhi praya̍ḥ .

śa̱taṃ va̍hantu̱ hara̍yaḥ .. 8.006.42

42 May thy Bay Steeds with beauteous backs, a hundred, bring thee to the feast,
Bring thee to these our Soma-draughts.

Sloka : 8.6.43

इ॒मां सु पू॒र्व्यां धियं॒ मधो॑र्घृ॒तस्य॑ पि॒प्युषी॑म् ।

कण्वा॑ उ॒क्थेन॑ वावृधुः ॥ ८.००६.४३

i̱māṃ su pū̱rvyāṃ dhiya̱ṃ madho̍rghṛ̱tasya̍ pi̱pyuṣī̍m .

kaṇvā̍ u̱kthena̍ vāvṛdhuḥ .. 8.006.43

43 The Kaṇvas with their hymns of praise have magnified this ancient thought
That swells with streams of meath and oil.

Sloka : 8.6.44

इन्द्र॒मिद्विम॑हीनां॒ मेधे॑ वृणीत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

इन्द्रं॑ सनि॒ष्युरू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.००६.४४

indra̱midvima̍hīnā̱ṃ medhe̍ vṛṇīta̱ martya̍ḥ .

indra̍ṃ sani̱ṣyurū̱taye̍ .. 8.006.44

44 Mid mightiest Gods let mortal man choose Indra at the sacrifice,
Indra, whoe’er would win, for help.

Sloka : 8.6.45

अ॒र्वाञ्चं॑ त्वा पुरुष्टुत प्रि॒यमे॑धस्तुता॒ हरी॑ ।

सो॒म॒पेया॑य वक्षतः ॥ ८.००६.४५

a̱rvāñca̍ṃ tvā puruṣṭuta pri̱yame̍dhastutā̱ harī̍ .

so̱ma̱peyā̍ya vakṣataḥ .. 8.006.45

45 Thy steeds, by Priyamedhas praised, shall bring thee, God whom all invoke,
Hither to drink the Somajuice.

Sloka : 8.6.46

श॒तम॒हं ति॒रिन्दि॑रे स॒हस्रं॒ पर्शा॒वा द॑दे ।

राधां॑सि॒ याद्वा॑नाम् ॥ ८.००६.४६

śa̱tama̱haṃ ti̱rindi̍re sa̱hasra̱ṃ parśā̱vā da̍de .

rādhā̍ṃsi̱ yādvā̍nām .. 8.006.46

46 A hundred thousand have I gained from Parsu, from Tirindira,
And presents of the Yadavas.

Sloka : 8.6.47

त्रीणि॑ श॒तान्यर्व॑तां स॒हस्रा॒ दश॒ गोना॑म् ।

द॒दुष्प॒ज्राय॒ साम्ने॑ ॥ ८.००६.४७

trīṇi̍ śa̱tānyarva̍tāṃ sa̱hasrā̱ daśa̱ gonā̍m .

da̱duṣpa̱jrāya̱ sāmne̍ .. 8.006.47

47 Ten thousand head of kine, and steeds three times a hundred they bestowed
On Pajra for the Sāma-song.

Sloka : 8.6.48

उदा॑नट् ककु॒हो दिव॒मुष्ट्रा॑ञ्चतु॒र्युजो॒ दद॑त् ।

श्रव॑सा॒ याद्वं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ८.००६.४८

udā̍naṭ kaku̱ho diva̱muṣṭrā̍ñcatu̱ryujo̱ dada̍t .

śrava̍sā̱ yādva̱ṃ jana̍m .. 8.006.48

48 Kakuha hath reached up to heaven, bestowing buffaloes yoked in fours,
And matched in fame the Yadavas.

Sloka : 8.7.1

प्र यद्व॑स्त्रि॒ष्टुभ॒मिषं॒ मरु॑तो॒ विप्रो॒ अक्ष॑रत् ।

वि पर्व॑तेषु राजथ ॥ ८.००७.०१

pra yadva̍stri̱ṣṭubha̱miṣa̱ṃ maru̍to̱ vipro̱ akṣa̍rat .

vi parva̍teṣu rājatha .. 8.007.01

1. O MARUTS, when the sage hath poured the Tṛṣṭup forth as food for you,
Ye shine amid the mountain-clouds.

Sloka : 8.7.2

यद॒ङ्ग त॑विषीयवो॒ यामं॑ शुभ्रा॒ अचि॑ध्वम् ।

नि पर्व॑ता अहासत ॥ ८.००७.०२

yada̱ṅga ta̍viṣīyavo̱ yāma̍ṃ śubhrā̱ aci̍dhvam .

ni parva̍tā ahāsata .. 8.007.02

2 When, Bright Ones, fain to show your might ye have determined on your course,
The mountain-clouds have bent them down.

Sloka : 8.7.3

उदी॑रयन्त वा॒युभि॑र्वा॒श्रासः॒ पृश्नि॑मातरः ।

धु॒क्षन्त॑ पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॑म् ॥ ८.००७.०३

udī̍rayanta vā̱yubhi̍rvā̱śrāsa̱ḥ pṛśni̍mātaraḥ .

dhu̱kṣanta̍ pi̱pyuṣī̱miṣa̍m .. 8.007.03

3 Loud roaring with the winds the Sons of Pṛśni have upraised themselves:-
They have poured out the streaming food.

Sloka : 8.7.4

वप॑न्ति म॒रुतो॒ मिहं॒ प्र वे॑पयन्ति॒ पर्व॑तान् ।

यद्यामं॒ यान्ति॑ वा॒युभिः॑ ॥ ८.००७.०४

vapa̍nti ma̱ruto̱ miha̱ṃ pra ve̍payanti̱ parva̍tān .

yadyāma̱ṃ yānti̍ vā̱yubhi̍ḥ .. 8.007.04

4 The Maruts spread the mist abroad and make mountains rock and reel,
When with the winds they go their way

Sloka : 8.7.5

नि यद्यामा॑य वो गि॒रिर्नि सिन्ध॑वो॒ विध॑र्मणे ।

म॒हे शुष्मा॑य येमि॒रे ॥ ८.००७.०५

ni yadyāmā̍ya vo gi̱rirni sindha̍vo̱ vidha̍rmaṇe .

ma̱he śuṣmā̍ya yemi̱re .. 8.007.05

5 What time the rivers and the hills before your coming bowed them down,
So to sustain your mighty force.

Sloka : 8.7.6

यु॒ष्माँ उ॒ नक्त॑मू॒तये॑ यु॒ष्मान्दिवा॑ हवामहे ।

यु॒ष्मान्प्र॑य॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ॥ ८.००७.०६

yu̱ṣmām̐ u̱ nakta̍mū̱taye̍ yu̱ṣmāndivā̍ havāmahe .

yu̱ṣmānpra̍ya̱tya̍dhva̱re .. 8.007.06

6 We call on you for aid by night, on you for succour in the day,
On you while sacrifice proceeds.

Sloka : 8.7.7

उदु॒ त्ये अ॑रु॒णप्स॑वश्चि॒त्रा यामे॑भिरीरते ।

वा॒श्रा अधि॒ ष्णुना॑ दि॒वः ॥ ८.००७.०७

udu̱ tye a̍ru̱ṇapsa̍vaści̱trā yāme̍bhirīrate .

vā̱śrā adhi̱ ṣṇunā̍ di̱vaḥ .. 8.007.07

7 These, verily, wondrous, red of hue, speed on their courses with a roar
Over the ridges of the sky.

Sloka : 8.7.8

सृ॒जन्ति॑ र॒श्मिमोज॑सा॒ पन्थां॒ सूर्या॑य॒ यात॑वे ।

ते भा॒नुभि॒र्वि त॑स्थिरे ॥ ८.००७.०८

sṛ̱janti̍ ra̱śmimoja̍sā̱ panthā̱ṃ sūryā̍ya̱ yāta̍ve .

te bhā̱nubhi̱rvi ta̍sthire .. 8.007.08

8 With might they drop the loosened rein so that the Sun may run his course,
And spread themselves with beams of light.

Sloka : 8.7.9

इ॒मां मे॑ मरुतो॒ गिर॑मि॒मं स्तोम॑मृभुक्षणः ।

इ॒मं मे॑ वनता॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.००७.०९

i̱māṃ me̍ maruto̱ gira̍mi̱maṃ stoma̍mṛbhukṣaṇaḥ .

i̱maṃ me̍ vanatā̱ hava̍m .. 8.007.09

9 Accept, ye Maruts, this my song, accept ye this mine hymn of praise,
Accept, Ṛbhukṣans, this my call.

Sloka : 8.7.10

त्रीणि॒ सरां॑सि॒ पृश्न॑यो दुदु॒ह्रे व॒ज्रिणे॒ मधु॑ ।

उत्सं॒ कव॑न्धमु॒द्रिण॑म् ॥ ८.००७.१०

trīṇi̱ sarā̍ṃsi̱ pṛśna̍yo dudu̱hre va̱jriṇe̱ madhu̍ .

utsa̱ṃ kava̍ndhamu̱driṇa̍m .. 8.007.10

10 The dappled Cows have poured three lakes, meath for the Thunder-wielding God,
From the great cask, the watery cloud.

Sloka : 8.7.11

मरु॑तो॒ यद्ध॑ वो दि॒वः सु॑म्ना॒यन्तो॒ हवा॑महे ।

आ तू न॒ उप॑ गन्तन ॥ ८.००७.११

maru̍to̱ yaddha̍ vo di̱vaḥ su̍mnā̱yanto̱ havā̍mahe .

ā tū na̱ upa̍ gantana .. 8.007.11

11 O Maruts, quickly come to us when, longing for felicity,
We call you hither from the sky.

Sloka : 8.7.12

यू॒यं हि ष्ठा सु॑दानवो॒ रुद्रा॑ ऋभुक्षणो॒ दमे॑ ।

उ॒त प्रचे॑तसो॒ मदे॑ ॥ ८.००७.१२

yū̱yaṃ hi ṣṭhā su̍dānavo̱ rudrā̍ ṛbhukṣaṇo̱ dame̍ .

u̱ta prace̍taso̱ made̍ .. 8.007.12

12 For, Rudras and Ṛbhukṣans, ye, Most Bountiful, are in the house,
Wise when the gladdening draught is drunk.

Sloka : 8.7.13

आ नो॑ र॒यिं म॑द॒च्युतं॑ पुरु॒क्षुं वि॒श्वधा॑यसम् ।

इय॑र्ता मरुतो दि॒वः ॥ ८.००७.१३

ā no̍ ra̱yiṃ ma̍da̱cyuta̍ṃ puru̱kṣuṃ vi̱śvadhā̍yasam .

iya̍rtā maruto di̱vaḥ .. 8.007.13

13 O Maruts, send us down from heaven riches distilling rapturous joy,
With plenteous food, sustaining all.

Sloka : 8.7.14

अधी॑व॒ यद्गि॑री॒णां यामं॑ शुभ्रा॒ अचि॑ध्वम् ।

सु॒वा॒नैर्म॑न्दध्व॒ इन्दु॑भिः ॥ ८.००७.१४

adhī̍va̱ yadgi̍rī̱ṇāṃ yāma̍ṃ śubhrā̱ aci̍dhvam .

su̱vā̱nairma̍ndadhva̱ indu̍bhiḥ .. 8.007.14

14 When, Bright Ones, hither from the hills ye have resolved to take your way,
Ye revel in the drops effused.

Sloka : 8.7.15

ए॒ताव॑तश्चिदेषां सु॒म्नं भि॑क्षेत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

अदा॑भ्यस्य॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ ८.००७.१५

e̱tāva̍taścideṣāṃ su̱mnaṃ bhi̍kṣeta̱ martya̍ḥ .

adā̍bhyasya̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 8.007.15

15 Man should solicit with his lauds happiness which belongs to them,
So great a band invincible.

Sloka : 8.7.16

ये द्र॒प्सा इ॑व॒ रोद॑सी॒ धम॒न्त्यनु॑ वृ॒ष्टिभिः॑ ।

उत्सं॑ दु॒हन्तो॒ अक्षि॑तम् ॥ ८.००७.१६

ye dra̱psā i̍va̱ roda̍sī̱ dhama̱ntyanu̍ vṛ̱ṣṭibhi̍ḥ .

utsa̍ṃ du̱hanto̱ akṣi̍tam .. 8.007.16

16 They who like fiery sparks with showers of rain blow through the heaven and earth,
Milking the spring that never fails.

Sloka : 8.7.17

उदु॑ स्वा॒नेभि॑रीरत॒ उद्रथै॒रुदु॑ वा॒युभिः॑ ।

उत्स्तोमैः॒ पृश्नि॑मातरः ॥ ८.००७.१७

udu̍ svā̱nebhi̍rīrata̱ udrathai̱rudu̍ vā̱yubhi̍ḥ .

utstomai̱ḥ pṛśni̍mātaraḥ .. 8.007.17

17 With chariots and tumultuous roar, with tempests and with hymns of praise
The Sons of Pṛśni hurry forth.

Sloka : 8.7.18

येना॒व तु॒र्वशं॒ यदुं॒ येन॒ कण्वं॑ धन॒स्पृत॑म् ।

रा॒ये सु तस्य॑ धीमहि ॥ ८.००७.१८

yenā̱va tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ yadu̱ṃ yena̱ kaṇva̍ṃ dhana̱spṛta̍m .

rā̱ye su tasya̍ dhīmahi .. 8.007.18

18 For wealth, we think of that whereby ye aided Yadu, Turvaśa,
And KanVa who obtained the spoil.

Sloka : 8.7.19

इ॒मा उ॑ वः सुदानवो घृ॒तं न पि॒प्युषी॒रिषः॑ ।

वर्धा॑न्का॒ण्वस्य॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ ८.००७.१९

i̱mā u̍ vaḥ sudānavo ghṛ̱taṃ na pi̱pyuṣī̱riṣa̍ḥ .

vardhā̍nkā̱ṇvasya̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 8.007.19

19 May these our viands Bounteous Ones I that flow in streams like holy oil,
With Kaṇva's hymns, increase your might.

Sloka : 8.7.20

क्व॑ नू॒नं सु॑दानवो॒ मद॑था वृक्तबर्हिषः ।

ब्र॒ह्मा को वः॑ सपर्यति ॥ ८.००७.२०

kva̍ nū̱naṃ su̍dānavo̱ mada̍thā vṛktabarhiṣaḥ .

bra̱hmā ko va̍ḥ saparyati .. 8.007.20

20 Where, Bounteous Lords for whom the grass is trimmed, are ye rejoicing now?
What Brahman is adoring you?

Sloka : 8.7.21

न॒हि ष्म॒ यद्ध॑ वः पु॒रा स्तोमे॑भिर्वृक्तबर्हिषः ।

शर्धा॑ँ ऋ॒तस्य॒ जिन्व॑थ ॥ ८.००७.२१

na̱hi ṣma̱ yaddha̍ vaḥ pu̱rā stome̍bhirvṛktabarhiṣaḥ .

śardhā̍m̐ ṛ̱tasya̱ jinva̍tha .. 8.007.21

21 Is it not there where ye of old, supplied with sacred grass, for lauds
Inspired the strong in sacrifice?

Sloka : 8.7.22

समु॒ त्ये म॑ह॒तीर॒पः सं क्षो॒णी समु॒ सूर्य॑म् ।

सं वज्रं॑ पर्व॒शो द॑धुः ॥ ८.००७.२२

samu̱ tye ma̍ha̱tīra̱paḥ saṃ kṣo̱ṇī samu̱ sūrya̍m .

saṃ vajra̍ṃ parva̱śo da̍dhuḥ .. 8.007.22

22 They brought together both the worlds, the mighty waters, and the Sun,
And, joint by joint, the thunderbolt.

Sloka : 8.7.23

वि वृ॒त्रं प॑र्व॒शो य॑यु॒र्वि पर्व॑ताँ अरा॒जिनः॑ ।

च॒क्रा॒णा वृष्णि॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ८.००७.२३

vi vṛ̱traṃ pa̍rva̱śo ya̍yu̱rvi parva̍tām̐ arā̱jina̍ḥ .

ca̱krā̱ṇā vṛṣṇi̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 8.007.23

23 They sundered Vṛtra limb from limb and split the gloomy mountain-clouds,
Performing a heroic deed.

Sloka : 8.7.24

अनु॑ त्रि॒तस्य॒ युध्य॑तः॒ शुष्म॑मावन्नु॒त क्रतु॑म् ।

अन्विन्द्रं॑ वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥ ८.००७.२४

anu̍ tri̱tasya̱ yudhya̍ta̱ḥ śuṣma̍māvannu̱ta kratu̍m .

anvindra̍ṃ vṛtra̱tūrye̍ .. 8.007.24

24 They reinforced the power and strength of Trita as he fought, and helped
Indra in battle with the foe.

Sloka : 8.7.25

वि॒द्युद्ध॑स्ता अ॒भिद्य॑वः॒ शिप्राः॑ शी॒र्षन्हि॑र॒ण्ययीः॑ ।

शु॒भ्रा व्य॑ञ्जत श्रि॒ये ॥ ८.००७.२५

vi̱dyuddha̍stā a̱bhidya̍va̱ḥ śiprā̍ḥ śī̱rṣanhi̍ra̱ṇyayī̍ḥ .

śu̱bhrā vya̍ñjata śri̱ye .. 8.007.25

25 They deck themselves for glory, bright, celestial, lightning in their hands,
And helms of gold upon their heads.

Sloka : 8.7.26

उ॒शना॒ यत्प॑रा॒वत॑ उ॒क्ष्णो रन्ध्र॒मया॑तन ।

द्यौर्न च॑क्रदद्भि॒या ॥ ८.००७.२६

u̱śanā̱ yatpa̍rā̱vata̍ u̱kṣṇo randhra̱mayā̍tana .

dyaurna ca̍kradadbhi̱yā .. 8.007.26

26 When eagerly ye from far away came to the cavern of the Bull,
He bellowed in his fear like Heaven.

Sloka : 8.7.27

आ नो॑ म॒खस्य॑ दा॒वनेऽश्वै॒र्हिर॑ण्यपाणिभिः ।

देवा॑स॒ उप॑ गन्तन ॥ ८.००७.२७

ā no̍ ma̱khasya̍ dā̱vane'śvai̱rhira̍ṇyapāṇibhiḥ .

devā̍sa̱ upa̍ gantana .. 8.007.27

27 Borne by your golden-footed steeds, O Gods, come hither to receive
The sacrifice we offer you.

Sloka : 8.7.28

यदे॑षां॒ पृष॑ती॒ रथे॒ प्रष्टि॒र्वह॑ति॒ रोहि॑तः ।

यान्ति॑ शु॒भ्रा रि॒णन्न॒पः ॥ ८.००७.२८

yade̍ṣā̱ṃ pṛṣa̍tī̱ rathe̱ praṣṭi̱rvaha̍ti̱ rohi̍taḥ .

yānti̍ śu̱bhrā ri̱ṇanna̱paḥ .. 8.007.28

28 When the red leader draws along their spotted deer yoked to the car.
The Bright Ones come, and shed the rain.

Sloka : 8.7.29

सु॒षोमे॑ शर्य॒णाव॑त्यार्जी॒के प॒स्त्या॑वति ।

य॒युर्निच॑क्रया॒ नरः॑ ॥ ८.००७.२९

su̱ṣome̍ śarya̱ṇāva̍tyārjī̱ke pa̱styā̍vati .

ya̱yurnica̍krayā̱ nara̍ḥ .. 8.007.29

29 Susoma, Saryakiavan, and Arjika full of homes, have they.
These Heroes, sought with downward car.

Sloka : 8.7.30

क॒दा ग॑च्छाथ मरुत इ॒त्था विप्रं॒ हव॑मानम् ।

मा॒र्डी॒केभि॒र्नाध॑मानम् ॥ ८.००७.३०

ka̱dā ga̍cchātha maruta i̱tthā vipra̱ṃ hava̍mānam .

mā̱rḍī̱kebhi̱rnādha̍mānam .. 8.007.30

30 When, Maruts, ye come to him, the singer who invokes you thus,
With favours to your suppliant?

Sloka : 8.7.31

कद्ध॑ नू॒नं क॑धप्रियो॒ यदिन्द्र॒मज॑हातन ।

को वः॑ सखि॒त्व ओ॑हते ॥ ८.००७.३१

kaddha̍ nū̱naṃ ka̍dhapriyo̱ yadindra̱maja̍hātana .

ko va̍ḥ sakhi̱tva o̍hate .. 8.007.31

31 What now? where have ye still a friend since ye left Indra all alone?
Who counteth on your friendship now?

Sloka : 8.7.32

स॒हो षु णो॒ वज्र॑हस्तैः॒ कण्वा॑सो अ॒ग्निं म॒रुद्भिः॑ ।

स्तु॒षे हिर॑ण्यवाशीभिः ॥ ८.००७.३२

sa̱ho ṣu ṇo̱ vajra̍hastai̱ḥ kaṇvā̍so a̱gniṃ ma̱rudbhi̍ḥ .

stu̱ṣe hira̍ṇyavāśībhiḥ .. 8.007.32

32 The Kaṇvas sing forth Agni's praise together with our Maruts’ who
Wield thunder and wear swords of gold.

Sloka : 8.7.33

ओ षु वृष्णः॒ प्रय॑ज्यू॒ना नव्य॑से सुवि॒ताय॑ ।

व॒वृ॒त्यां चि॒त्रवा॑जान् ॥ ८.००७.३३

o ṣu vṛṣṇa̱ḥ praya̍jyū̱nā navya̍se suvi̱tāya̍ .

va̱vṛ̱tyāṃ ci̱travā̍jān .. 8.007.33

33 Hither for new felicity may I attract the Impetuous Ones,
The Heroes with their wondrous strength

Sloka : 8.7.34

गि॒रय॑श्चि॒न्नि जि॑हते॒ पर्शा॑नासो॒ मन्य॑मानाः ।

पर्व॑ताश्चि॒न्नि ये॑मिरे ॥ ८.००७.३४

gi̱raya̍ści̱nni ji̍hate̱ parśā̍nāso̱ manya̍mānāḥ .

parva̍tāści̱nni ye̍mire .. 8.007.34

34 Before them sink the very hills deerning themseives abysses:- yea,
Even the mountains bend them down.

Sloka : 8.7.35

आक्ष्ण॒यावा॑नो वहन्त्य॒न्तरि॑क्षेण॒ पत॑तः ।

धाता॑रः स्तुव॒ते वयः॑ ॥ ८.००७.३५

ākṣṇa̱yāvā̍no vahantya̱ntari̍kṣeṇa̱ pata̍taḥ .

dhātā̍raḥ stuva̱te vaya̍ḥ .. 8.007.35

35 Steeds flying on their tortuous path through mid-air carry them, and give
The man who lauds them strength and life.

Sloka : 8.7.36

अ॒ग्निर्हि जानि॑ पू॒र्व्यश्छन्दो॒ न सूरो॑ अ॒र्चिषा॑ ।

ते भा॒नुभि॒र्वि त॑स्थिरे ॥ ८.००७.३६

a̱gnirhi jāni̍ pū̱rvyaśchando̱ na sūro̍ a̱rciṣā̍ .

te bhā̱nubhi̱rvi ta̍sthire .. 8.007.36

36 Agni was born the first of all, like Sūrya lovely with his light:-
With lustre these have spread abroad.

Sloka : 8.8.1

आ नो॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभि॒रश्वि॑ना॒ गच्छ॑तं यु॒वम् ।

दस्रा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्तनी॒ पिब॑तं सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ॥ ८.००८.०१

ā no̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̱raśvi̍nā̱ gaccha̍taṃ yu̱vam .

dasrā̱ hira̍ṇyavartanī̱ piba̍taṃ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .. 8.008.01

1. WITH all the succours that are yours, O Aśvins, hither come to us:-
Wonderful, borne on paths of gold, drink ye the meath with Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.8.2

आ नू॒नं या॑तमश्विना॒ रथे॑न॒ सूर्य॑त्वचा ।

भुजी॒ हिर॑ण्यपेशसा॒ कवी॒ गम्भी॑रचेतसा ॥ ८.००८.०२

ā nū̱naṃ yā̍tamaśvinā̱ rathe̍na̱ sūrya̍tvacā .

bhujī̱ hira̍ṇyapeśasā̱ kavī̱ gambhī̍racetasā .. 8.008.02

2 Come now, ye Aśvins, on your car decked with a sun-bright canopy,
Bountiful, with your golden forms, Sages with depth of intellect.

Sloka : 8.8.3

आ या॑तं॒ नहु॑ष॒स्पर्यान्तरि॑क्षात्सुवृ॒क्तिभिः॑ ।

पिबा॑थो अश्विना॒ मधु॒ कण्वा॑नां॒ सव॑ने सु॒तम् ॥ ८.००८.०३

ā yā̍ta̱ṃ nahu̍ṣa̱sparyāntari̍kṣātsuvṛ̱ktibhi̍ḥ .

pibā̍tho aśvinā̱ madhu̱ kaṇvā̍nā̱ṃ sava̍ne su̱tam .. 8.008.03

3 Come hither from the Nahusas, come, drawn by pure hymns, from mid-air.
O Aśvins, drink the savoury juice shed in the Kaṇvas' sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.8.4

आ नो॑ यातं दि॒वस्पर्यान्तरि॑क्षादधप्रिया ।

पु॒त्रः कण्व॑स्य वामि॒ह सु॒षाव॑ सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ॥ ८.००८.०४

ā no̍ yātaṃ di̱vasparyāntari̍kṣādadhapriyā .

pu̱traḥ kaṇva̍sya vāmi̱ha su̱ṣāva̍ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .. 8.008.04

4 Come to us hither from the heavens, come from mid-air, well-loved by us:-
Here Kaṇva's son hath pressed for you the pleasant meath of Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.8.5

आ नो॑ यात॒मुप॑श्रु॒त्यश्वि॑ना॒ सोम॑पीतये ।

स्वाहा॒ स्तोम॑स्य वर्धना॒ प्र क॑वी धी॒तिभि॑र्नरा ॥ ८.००८.०५

ā no̍ yāta̱mupa̍śru̱tyaśvi̍nā̱ soma̍pītaye .

svāhā̱ stoma̍sya vardhanā̱ pra ka̍vī dhī̱tibhi̍rnarā .. 8.008.05

5 Come, Aśvins, to give car to us, to drink the Soma, Aśvins, come.
Hail, Strengtheners of the praise-song speed onward, ye Heroes, with your thoughts.

Sloka : 8.8.6

यच्चि॒द्धि वां॑ पु॒र ऋष॑यो जुहू॒रेऽव॑से नरा ।

आ या॑तमश्वि॒ना ग॑त॒मुपे॒मां सु॑ष्टु॒तिं मम॑ ॥ ८.००८.०६

yacci̱ddhi vā̍ṃ pu̱ra ṛṣa̍yo juhū̱re'va̍se narā .

ā yā̍tamaśvi̱nā ga̍ta̱mupe̱māṃ su̍ṣṭu̱tiṃ mama̍ .. 8.008.06

6 As, Heroes, in the olden time the Ṛṣis called you to their aid,
So now, O Aśvins, come to us, come near to this mine eulogy.

Sloka : 8.8.7

दि॒वश्चि॑द्रोच॒नादध्या नो॑ गन्तं स्वर्विदा ।

धी॒भिर्व॑त्सप्रचेतसा॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्हवनश्रुता ॥ ८.००८.०७

di̱vaści̍droca̱nādadhyā no̍ gantaṃ svarvidā .

dhī̱bhirva̍tsapracetasā̱ stome̍bhirhavanaśrutā .. 8.008.07

7 Even from the luminous sphere of heaven come to us, ye who find the light,
Carers for Vatsa, through our prayers and lauds, O yewho hearour call.

Sloka : 8.8.8

किम॒न्ये पर्या॑सते॒ऽस्मत्स्तोमे॑भिर॒श्विना॑ ।

पु॒त्रः कण्व॑स्य वा॒मृषि॑र्गी॒र्भिर्व॒त्सो अ॑वीवृधत् ॥ ८.००८.०८

kima̱nye paryā̍sate̱'smatstome̍bhira̱śvinā̍ .

pu̱traḥ kaṇva̍sya vā̱mṛṣi̍rgī̱rbhirva̱tso a̍vīvṛdhat .. 8.008.08

8 Do others more than we adore the Aśvins with their hymns of praise?
The Ṛṣi Vatsa, Kaṇva's son, hath magnified you with his songs.

Sloka : 8.8.9

आ वां॒ विप्र॑ इ॒हाव॒सेऽह्व॒त्स्तोमे॑भिरश्विना ।

अरि॑प्रा॒ वृत्र॑हन्तमा॒ ता नो॑ भूतं मयो॒भुवा॑ ॥ ८.००८.०९

ā vā̱ṃ vipra̍ i̱hāva̱se'hva̱tstome̍bhiraśvinā .

ari̍prā̱ vṛtra̍hantamā̱ tā no̍ bhūtaṃ mayo̱bhuvā̍ .. 8.008.09

9 The holy singer with his hymns hath called you, Aśvins, hither-ward;
Best Vṛtra-slayers, free from stain, as such bring us felicity.

Sloka : 8.8.10

आ यद्वां॒ योष॑णा॒ रथ॒मति॑ष्ठद्वाजिनीवसू ।

विश्वा॑न्यश्विना यु॒वं प्र धी॒तान्य॑गच्छतम् ॥ ८.००८.१०

ā yadvā̱ṃ yoṣa̍ṇā̱ ratha̱mati̍ṣṭhadvājinīvasū .

viśvā̍nyaśvinā yu̱vaṃ pra dhī̱tānya̍gacchatam .. 8.008.10

10 What time, ye Lords of ample wealth, the Lady mounted on your car,
Then, O ye Aśvins, ye attained all wishes that your hearts desired.

Sloka : 8.8.11

अतः॑ स॒हस्र॑निर्णिजा॒ रथे॒ना या॑तमश्विना ।

व॒त्सो वां॒ मधु॑म॒द्वचोऽशं॑सीत्का॒व्यः क॒विः ॥ ८.००८.११

ata̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍nirṇijā̱ rathe̱nā yā̍tamaśvinā .

va̱tso vā̱ṃ madhu̍ma̱dvaco'śa̍ṃsītkā̱vyaḥ ka̱viḥ .. 8.008.11

11 Come thence, O Aśvins, on your car that hath a thousand ornaments:-
Vatsa the sage, the sage's son, hath sung a song of sweets to you.

Sloka : 8.8.12

पु॒रु॒म॒न्द्रा पु॑रू॒वसू॑ मनो॒तरा॑ रयी॒णाम् ।

स्तोमं॑ मे अ॒श्विना॑वि॒मम॒भि वह्नी॑ अनूषाताम् ॥ ८.००८.१२

pu̱ru̱ma̱ndrā pu̍rū̱vasū̍ mano̱tarā̍ rayī̱ṇām .

stoma̍ṃ me a̱śvinā̍vi̱mama̱bhi vahnī̍ anūṣātām .. 8.008.12

12 Cheerers of many, rich in goods, discoverers of opulence,
The Aśvins, Riders through the sky, have welcomed this my song of praise.

Sloka : 8.8.13

आ नो॒ विश्वा॑न्यश्विना ध॒त्तं राधां॒स्यह्र॑या ।

कृ॒तं न॑ ऋ॒त्विया॑वतो॒ मा नो॑ रीरधतं नि॒दे ॥ ८.००८.१३

ā no̱ viśvā̍nyaśvinā dha̱ttaṃ rādhā̱ṃsyahra̍yā .

kṛ̱taṃ na̍ ṛ̱tviyā̍vato̱ mā no̍ rīradhataṃ ni̱de .. 8.008.13

13 O Aśvins, grant us all rich gifts wherewith no man mav interfere.
Make us observe the stated times:- give us not over to reproach.

Sloka : 8.8.14

यन्ना॑सत्या परा॒वति॒ यद्वा॒ स्थो अध्यम्ब॑रे ।

अतः॑ स॒हस्र॑निर्णिजा॒ रथे॒ना या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.००८.१४

yannā̍satyā parā̱vati̱ yadvā̱ stho adhyamba̍re .

ata̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍nirṇijā̱ rathe̱nā yā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.008.14

14 Whether, Nāsatyas, ye be nigh, or whether ye be far away,
Come thence, O Aśvins, on your car that hath a thousand ornaments.

Sloka : 8.8.15

यो वां॑ नासत्या॒वृषि॑र्गी॒र्भिर्व॒त्सो अवी॑वृधत् ।

तस्मै॑ स॒हस्र॑निर्णिज॒मिषं॑ धत्तं घृत॒श्चुत॑म् ॥ ८.००८.१५

yo vā̍ṃ nāsatyā̱vṛṣi̍rgī̱rbhirva̱tso avī̍vṛdhat .

tasmai̍ sa̱hasra̍nirṇija̱miṣa̍ṃ dhattaṃ ghṛta̱ścuta̍m .. 8.008.15

15 Vatsa the Ṛṣi with his songs, Nāsatyas, hath exalted you:-
Grant him rich food distilling oil, graced with a thousand ornaments.

Sloka : 8.8.16

प्रास्मा॒ ऊर्जं॑ घृत॒श्चुत॒मश्वि॑ना॒ यच्छ॑तं यु॒वम् ।

यो वां॑ सु॒म्नाय॑ तु॒ष्टव॑द्वसू॒याद्दा॑नुनस्पती ॥ ८.००८.१६

prāsmā̱ ūrja̍ṃ ghṛta̱ścuta̱maśvi̍nā̱ yaccha̍taṃ yu̱vam .

yo vā̍ṃ su̱mnāya̍ tu̱ṣṭava̍dvasū̱yāddā̍nunaspatī .. 8.008.16

16 Bestow on him, O Aśvins, food that strengthens, and that drops with oil,
On him who praises you for bliss, and, Lords of bounty, prays for wealth.

Sloka : 8.8.17

आ नो॑ गन्तं रिशादसे॒मं स्तोमं॑ पुरुभुजा ।

कृ॒तं नः॑ सु॒श्रियो॑ नरे॒मा दा॑तम॒भिष्ट॑ये ॥ ८.००८.१७

ā no̍ gantaṃ riśādase̱maṃ stoma̍ṃ purubhujā .

kṛ̱taṃ na̍ḥ su̱śriyo̍ nare̱mā dā̍tama̱bhiṣṭa̍ye .. 8.008.17

17 Come to us, ye who slay the foe, Lords of rich treasure, to this hymn.
O Heroes, give us high renown and these good things of earth for help.

Sloka : 8.8.18

आ वां॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ प्रि॒यमे॑धा अहूषत ।

राज॑न्तावध्व॒राणा॒मश्वि॑ना॒ याम॑हूतिषु ॥ ८.००८.१८

ā vā̱ṃ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ pri̱yame̍dhā ahūṣata .

rāja̍ntāvadhva̱rāṇā̱maśvi̍nā̱ yāma̍hūtiṣu .. 8.008.18

18 The Priyamedhas have invoked you with all succours that are yours,
You, Aśvins, Lords of solemn rites, with calls entreating you to come.

Sloka : 8.8.19

आ नो॑ गन्तं मयो॒भुवाश्वि॑ना श॒म्भुवा॑ यु॒वम् ।

यो वां॑ विपन्यू धी॒तिभि॑र्गी॒र्भिर्व॒त्सो अवी॑वृधत् ॥ ८.००८.१९

ā no̍ gantaṃ mayo̱bhuvāśvi̍nā śa̱mbhuvā̍ yu̱vam .

yo vā̍ṃ vipanyū dhī̱tibhi̍rgī̱rbhirva̱tso avī̍vṛdhat .. 8.008.19

19 Come to us, Aśvins, ye Who bring felicity, auspicious Ones,
To Vatsa who with prayer and hymn, lovers of song, hath honoured you.

Sloka : 8.8.20

याभिः॒ कण्वं॒ मेधा॑तिथिं॒ याभि॒र्वशं॒ दश॑व्रजम् ।

याभि॒र्गोश॑र्य॒माव॑तं॒ ताभि॑र्नोऽवतं नरा ॥ ८.००८.२०

yābhi̱ḥ kaṇva̱ṃ medhā̍tithi̱ṃ yābhi̱rvaśa̱ṃ daśa̍vrajam .

yābhi̱rgośa̍rya̱māva̍ta̱ṃ tābhi̍rno'vataṃ narā .. 8.008.20

20 Aid us, O Heroes, for those hymns for which ye helped GoSarya erst,
Gave Vaśa, Dasavraja aid, and Kaṇva and Medhatithi:-

Sloka : 8.8.21

याभि॑र्नरा त्र॒सद॑स्यु॒माव॑तं॒ कृत्व्ये॒ धने॑ ।

ताभिः॒ ष्व१॒॑स्माँ अ॑श्विना॒ प्राव॑तं॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ८.००८.२१

yābhi̍rnarā tra̱sada̍syu̱māva̍ta̱ṃ kṛtvye̱ dhane̍ .

tābhi̱ḥ ṣva1̱̍smām̐ a̍śvinā̱ prāva̍ta̱ṃ vāja̍sātaye .. 8.008.21

21 And favoured Trasadasyu, ye Heroes, in spoil-deciding fray:-
For these, O Aśvins, graciously assist us in acquiring strength.

Sloka : 8.8.22

प्र वां॒ स्तोमाः॑ सुवृ॒क्तयो॒ गिरो॑ वर्धन्त्वश्विना ।

पुरु॑त्रा॒ वृत्र॑हन्तमा॒ ता नो॑ भूतं पुरु॒स्पृहा॑ ॥ ८.००८.२२

pra vā̱ṃ stomā̍ḥ suvṛ̱ktayo̱ giro̍ vardhantvaśvinā .

puru̍trā̱ vṛtra̍hantamā̱ tā no̍ bhūtaṃ puru̱spṛhā̍ .. 8.008.22

22 O Aśvins, may pure hymns of ours, and songs and praises, honour you:-
Best slayers everywhere of foes, as such we fondly yearn for you.

Sloka : 8.8.23

त्रीणि॑ प॒दान्य॒श्विनो॑रा॒विः सान्ति॒ गुहा॑ प॒रः ।

क॒वी ऋ॒तस्य॒ पत्म॑भिर॒र्वाग्जी॒वेभ्य॒स्परि॑ ॥ ८.००८.२३

trīṇi̍ pa̱dānya̱śvino̍rā̱viḥ sānti̱ guhā̍ pa̱raḥ .

ka̱vī ṛ̱tasya̱ patma̍bhira̱rvāgjī̱vebhya̱spari̍ .. 8.008.23

23 Three places of the Aśvins, erst concealed, are made apparent now.
Both Sages, with the flight of Law come hither unto those who live.

Sloka : 8.9.1

आ नू॒नम॑श्विना यु॒वं व॒त्सस्य॑ गन्त॒मव॑से ।

प्रास्मै॑ यच्छतमवृ॒कं पृ॒थु च्छ॒र्दिर्यु॑यु॒तं या अरा॑तयः ॥ ८.००९.०१

ā nū̱nama̍śvinā yu̱vaṃ va̱tsasya̍ ganta̱mava̍se .

prāsmai̍ yacchatamavṛ̱kaṃ pṛ̱thu ccha̱rdiryu̍yu̱taṃ yā arā̍tayaḥ .. 8.009.01

1. To help and favour Vatsa now, O Aśvins, come ye hitherward.
Bestow on him a dwelling spacious and secure, and keep malignities away.

Sloka : 8.9.2

यद॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ यद्दि॒वि यत्पञ्च॒ मानु॑षा॒ँ अनु॑ ।

नृ॒म्णं तद्ध॑त्तमश्विना ॥ ८.००९.०२

yada̱ntari̍kṣe̱ yaddi̱vi yatpañca̱ mānu̍ṣā̱m̐ anu̍ .

nṛ̱mṇaṃ taddha̍ttamaśvinā .. 8.009.02

2 All manliness that is in heaven, with the Five Tribes, or in mid-air,
Bestow, ye Aśvins, upon us.

Sloka : 8.9.3

ये वां॒ दंसां॑स्यश्विना॒ विप्रा॑सः परिमामृ॒शुः ।

ए॒वेत्का॒ण्वस्य॑ बोधतम् ॥ ८.००९.०३

ye vā̱ṃ daṃsā̍ṃsyaśvinā̱ viprā̍saḥ parimāmṛ̱śuḥ .

e̱vetkā̱ṇvasya̍ bodhatam .. 8.009.03

3 Remember Kaṇva first of all among the singers, Aśvins, who
Have thought upon your wondrous deeds.

Sloka : 8.9.4

अ॒यं वां॑ घ॒र्मो अ॑श्विना॒ स्तोमे॑न॒ परि॑ षिच्यते ।

अ॒यं सोमो॒ मधु॑मान्वाजिनीवसू॒ येन॑ वृ॒त्रं चिके॑तथः ॥ ८.००९.०४

a̱yaṃ vā̍ṃ gha̱rmo a̍śvinā̱ stome̍na̱ pari̍ ṣicyate .

a̱yaṃ somo̱ madhu̍mānvājinīvasū̱ yena̍ vṛ̱traṃ cike̍tathaḥ .. 8.009.04

4 Aśvins, for you with song of praise this hot oblation is effused,
This your sweet Soma juice, ye Lords of ample wealth, through which ye think upon the foe.

Sloka : 8.9.5

यद॒प्सु यद्वन॒स्पतौ॒ यदोष॑धीषु पुरुदंससा कृ॒तम् ।

तेन॑ माविष्टमश्विना ॥ ८.००९.०५

yada̱psu yadvana̱spatau̱ yadoṣa̍dhīṣu purudaṃsasā kṛ̱tam .

tena̍ māviṣṭamaśvinā .. 8.009.05

5 Whatever ye have done in floods, in the tree, Wonder-Workers, and in growing plants,
Therewith, O Aśvins, succour me.

Sloka : 8.9.6

यन्ना॑सत्या भुर॒ण्यथो॒ यद्वा॑ देव भिष॒ज्यथः॑ ।

अ॒यं वां॑ व॒त्सो म॒तिभि॒र्न वि॑न्धते ह॒विष्म॑न्तं॒ हि गच्छ॑थः ॥ ८.००९.०६

yannā̍satyā bhura̱ṇyatho̱ yadvā̍ deva bhiṣa̱jyatha̍ḥ .

a̱yaṃ vā̍ṃ va̱tso ma̱tibhi̱rna vi̍ndhate ha̱viṣma̍nta̱ṃ hi gaccha̍thaḥ .. 8.009.06

6 What force, Nāsatyas, ye exert, whatever, Gods, ye tend and heal,
This your own Vatsa gains not by his hymns alone:- ye visit him who offers gifts.

Sloka : 8.9.7

आ नू॒नम॒श्विनो॒रृषिः॒ स्तोमं॑ चिकेत वा॒मया॑ ।

आ सोमं॒ मधु॑मत्तमं घ॒र्मं सि॑ञ्चा॒दथ॑र्वणि ॥ ८.००९.०७

ā nū̱nama̱śvino̱rṛṣi̱ḥ stoma̍ṃ ciketa vā̱mayā̍ .

ā soma̱ṃ madhu̍mattamaṃ gha̱rmaṃ si̍ñcā̱datha̍rvaṇi .. 8.009.07

7 Now hath the Ṛṣi splendidly thought out the Aśvins' hymn of praise.
Let the Atharvan pour the warm oblation forth, and Soma very rich in sweets.

Sloka : 8.9.8

आ नू॒नं र॒घुव॑र्तनिं॒ रथं॑ तिष्ठाथो अश्विना ।

आ वां॒ स्तोमा॑ इ॒मे मम॒ नभो॒ न चु॑च्यवीरत ॥ ८.००९.०८

ā nū̱naṃ ra̱ghuva̍rtani̱ṃ ratha̍ṃ tiṣṭhātho aśvinā .

ā vā̱ṃ stomā̍ i̱me mama̱ nabho̱ na cu̍cyavīrata .. 8.009.08

8 Ye Aśvins, now ascend your car that lightly rolls upon its way.
May these my praises make you speed hitherward like a cloud of heaven.

Sloka : 8.9.9

यद॒द्य वां॑ नासत्यो॒क्थैरा॑चुच्युवी॒महि॑ ।

यद्वा॒ वाणी॑भिरश्विने॒वेत्का॒ण्वस्य॑ बोधतम् ॥ ८.००९.०९

yada̱dya vā̍ṃ nāsatyo̱kthairā̍cucyuvī̱mahi̍ .

yadvā̱ vāṇī̍bhiraśvine̱vetkā̱ṇvasya̍ bodhatam .. 8.009.09

9 When, O Nāsatyas, we this day make you speed hither with our hymns,
Or, Aśvins, with our songs of praise, remember Kanya specially.

Sloka : 8.9.10

यद्वां॑ क॒क्षीवा॑ँ उ॒त यद्व्य॑श्व॒ ऋषि॒र्यद्वां॑ दी॒र्घत॑मा जु॒हाव॑ ।

पृथी॒ यद्वां॑ वै॒न्यः साद॑नेष्वे॒वेदतो॑ अश्विना चेतयेथाम् ॥ ८.००९.१०

yadvā̍ṃ ka̱kṣīvā̍m̐ u̱ta yadvya̍śva̱ ṛṣi̱ryadvā̍ṃ dī̱rghata̍mā ju̱hāva̍ .

pṛthī̱ yadvā̍ṃ vai̱nyaḥ sāda̍neṣve̱vedato̍ aśvinā cetayethām .. 8.009.10

10 As erst Kakṣīvān and the Ṛṣi Vyaśva, as erst Dīrghatamas invoked your presence,
Or, in the sacrificial chambers, Vainya Pṛthi, so be ye mindful of us here, O Aśvins.

Sloka : 8.9.11

या॒तं छ॑र्दि॒ष्पा उ॒त नः॑ पर॒स्पा भू॒तं ज॑ग॒त्पा उ॒त न॑स्तनू॒पा ।

व॒र्तिस्तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय यातम् ॥ ८.००९.११

yā̱taṃ cha̍rdi̱ṣpā u̱ta na̍ḥ para̱spā bhū̱taṃ ja̍ga̱tpā u̱ta na̍stanū̱pā .

va̱rtisto̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya yātam .. 8.009.11

11 Come as home-guardians, saving us from foemen, guarding our living creatures and our bodies,
Come to the house to give us seed and offspring,

Sloka : 8.9.12

यदिन्द्रे॑ण स॒रथं॑ या॒थो अ॑श्विना॒ यद्वा॑ वा॒युना॒ भव॑थः॒ समो॑कसा ।

यदा॑दि॒त्येभि॑रृ॒भुभिः॑ स॒जोष॑सा॒ यद्वा॒ विष्णो॑र्वि॒क्रम॑णेषु॒ तिष्ठ॑थः ॥ ८.००९.१२

yadindre̍ṇa sa̱ratha̍ṃ yā̱tho a̍śvinā̱ yadvā̍ vā̱yunā̱ bhava̍tha̱ḥ samo̍kasā .

yadā̍di̱tyebhi̍rṛ̱bhubhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣa̍sā̱ yadvā̱ viṣṇo̍rvi̱krama̍ṇeṣu̱ tiṣṭha̍thaḥ .. 8.009.12

12 Whether with Indra ye be faring, Aśvins, or resting in one dwelling-place with Vāyu,
In concord with the Ṛbhus or Ādityas, or standing still in Viṣṇu's striding-places.

Sloka : 8.9.13

यद॒द्याश्विना॑व॒हं हु॒वेय॒ वाज॑सातये ।

यत्पृ॒त्सु तु॒र्वणे॒ सह॒स्तच्छ्रेष्ठ॑म॒श्विनो॒रवः॑ ॥ ८.००९.१३

yada̱dyāśvinā̍va̱haṃ hu̱veya̱ vāja̍sātaye .

yatpṛ̱tsu tu̱rvaṇe̱ saha̱stacchreṣṭha̍ma̱śvino̱rava̍ḥ .. 8.009.13

13 When I, O Aśvins, call on you to-day that I may gather strength,
Or as all-conquering might in war, be that the Aśvins' noblest grace.

Sloka : 8.9.14

आ नू॒नं या॑तमश्विने॒मा ह॒व्यानि॑ वां हि॒ता ।

इ॒मे सोमा॑सो॒ अधि॑ तु॒र्वशे॒ यदा॑वि॒मे कण्वे॑षु वा॒मथ॑ ॥ ८.००९.१४

ā nū̱naṃ yā̍tamaśvine̱mā ha̱vyāni̍ vāṃ hi̱tā .

i̱me somā̍so̱ adhi̍ tu̱rvaśe̱ yadā̍vi̱me kaṇve̍ṣu vā̱matha̍ .. 8.009.14

14 Now come, ye Aśvins, hitherward:- here are oblations set for you;
These Soma-draughts to aid Yadu and
Turvaśa, these offered you mid Kaniva's Sons.

Sloka : 8.9.15

यन्ना॑सत्या परा॒के अ॑र्वा॒के अस्ति॑ भेष॒जम् ।

तेन॑ नू॒नं वि॑म॒दाय॑ प्रचेतसा छ॒र्दिर्व॒त्साय॑ यच्छतम् ॥ ८.००९.१५

yannā̍satyā parā̱ke a̍rvā̱ke asti̍ bheṣa̱jam .

tena̍ nū̱naṃ vi̍ma̱dāya̍ pracetasā cha̱rdirva̱tsāya̍ yacchatam .. 8.009.15

15 Whatever healing balm is yours, Nisatyas, near or far away,
Therewith, great Sages, grant a home to Vatsa and to Vimada.

Sloka : 8.9.16

अभु॑त्स्यु॒ प्र दे॒व्या सा॒कं वा॒चाहम॒श्विनोः॑ ।

व्या॑वर्दे॒व्या म॒तिं वि रा॒तिं मर्त्ये॑भ्यः ॥ ८.००९.१६

abhu̍tsyu̱ pra de̱vyā sā̱kaṃ vā̱cāhama̱śvino̍ḥ .

vyā̍varde̱vyā ma̱tiṃ vi rā̱tiṃ martye̍bhyaḥ .. 8.009.16

16 Together with the Goddess, with the Aśvins' Speech have I awoke.
Thou, Goddess, hast disclosed the hymn, and holy gift from mortal men.

Sloka : 8.9.17

प्र बो॑धयोषो अ॒श्विना॒ प्र दे॑वि सूनृते महि ।

प्र य॑ज्ञहोतरानु॒षक्प्र मदा॑य॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ॥ ८.००९.१७

pra bo̍dhayoṣo a̱śvinā̱ pra de̍vi sūnṛte mahi .

pra ya̍jñahotarānu̱ṣakpra madā̍ya̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hat .. 8.009.17

17 Awake the Aśvins, Goddess Dawn! Up Mighty Lady of sweet strains!
Rise, straightway, priest of sacrifice! High glory to the gladdening draught!

Sloka : 8.9.18

यदु॑षो॒ यासि॑ भा॒नुना॒ सं सूर्ये॑ण रोचसे ।

आ हा॒यम॒श्विनो॒ रथो॑ व॒र्तिर्या॑ति नृ॒पाय्य॑म् ॥ ८.००९.१८

yadu̍ṣo̱ yāsi̍ bhā̱nunā̱ saṃ sūrye̍ṇa rocase .

ā hā̱yama̱śvino̱ ratho̍ va̱rtiryā̍ti nṛ̱pāyya̍m .. 8.009.18

18 Thou, Dawn, approaching with thy light shinest together with the Sun,
And to this man-protecting home the chariot ofthe Aśvins comes.

Sloka : 8.9.19

यदापी॑तासो अं॒शवो॒ गावो॒ न दु॒ह्र ऊध॑भिः ।

यद्वा॒ वाणी॒रनू॑षत॒ प्र दे॑व॒यन्तो॑ अ॒श्विना॑ ॥ ८.००९.१९

yadāpī̍tāso a̱ṃśavo̱ gāvo̱ na du̱hra ūdha̍bhiḥ .

yadvā̱ vāṇī̱ranū̍ṣata̱ pra de̍va̱yanto̍ a̱śvinā̍ .. 8.009.19

19 When yellow stalks give forth the juice, as cows from udders pour their milk,
And voices sound the song of praise, the Aśvins' worshippers show first.

Sloka : 8.9.20

प्र द्यु॒म्नाय॒ प्र शव॑से॒ प्र नृ॒षाह्या॑य॒ शर्म॑णे ।

प्र दक्षा॑य प्रचेतसा ॥ ८.००९.२०

pra dyu̱mnāya̱ pra śava̍se̱ pra nṛ̱ṣāhyā̍ya̱ śarma̍ṇe .

pra dakṣā̍ya pracetasā .. 8.009.20

20 Forward for glory and for strength, protection that shall conquer men,
And power and skill, most sapient Ones!

Sloka : 8.9.21

यन्नू॒नं धी॒भिर॑श्विना पि॒तुर्योना॑ नि॒षीद॑थः ।

यद्वा॑ सु॒म्नेभि॑रुक्थ्या ॥ ८.००९.२१

yannū̱naṃ dhī̱bhira̍śvinā pi̱turyonā̍ ni̱ṣīda̍thaḥ .

yadvā̍ su̱mnebhi̍rukthyā .. 8.009.21

21 When Aśvins, worthy of our lauds, ye seat you in the father's house.
With wisdom or the bliss ye bring.

Sloka : 8.10.1

यत्स्थो दी॒र्घप्र॑सद्मनि॒ यद्वा॒दो रो॑च॒ने दि॒वः ।

यद्वा॑ समु॒द्रे अध्याकृ॑ते गृ॒हेऽत॒ आ या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०१०.०१

yatstho dī̱rghapra̍sadmani̱ yadvā̱do ro̍ca̱ne di̱vaḥ .

yadvā̍ samu̱dre adhyākṛ̍te gṛ̱he'ta̱ ā yā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.010.01

1. WHETHER ye travel far away or dwell in yonder light of heaven,
Or in a mansion that is built above the sea, come thence, ye Aśvins, hitherward.

Sloka : 8.10.2

यद्वा॑ य॒ज्ञं मन॑वे सम्मिमि॒क्षथु॑रे॒वेत्का॒ण्वस्य॑ बोधतम् ।

बृह॒स्पतिं॒ विश्वा॑न्दे॒वाँ अ॒हं हु॑व॒ इन्द्रा॒विष्णू॑ अ॒श्विना॑वाशु॒हेष॑सा ॥ ८.०१०.०२

yadvā̍ ya̱jñaṃ mana̍ve sammimi̱kṣathu̍re̱vetkā̱ṇvasya̍ bodhatam .

bṛha̱spati̱ṃ viśvā̍nde̱vām̐ a̱haṃ hu̍va̱ indrā̱viṣṇū̍ a̱śvinā̍vāśu̱heṣa̍sā .. 8.010.02

2 Or if for Manu.ye prepared the sacrifice, remember also Kaṇva's son.
I call Bṛhaspati, Indra, Viṣṇu, all the gods, the Aśvins borne by rapid steeds.

Sloka : 8.10.3

त्या न्व१॒॑श्विना॑ हुवे सु॒दंस॑सा गृ॒भे कृ॒ता ।

ययो॒रस्ति॒ प्र णः॑ स॒ख्यं दे॒वेष्वध्याप्य॑म् ॥ ८.०१०.०३

tyā nva1̱̍śvinā̍ huve su̱daṃsa̍sā gṛ̱bhe kṛ̱tā .

yayo̱rasti̱ pra ṇa̍ḥ sa̱khyaṃ de̱veṣvadhyāpya̍m .. 8.010.03

3 Those Aśvins I invoke who work marvels, brought hither to receive,
With whom our friendship is most famed, and kinship passing that of Gods.

Sloka : 8.10.4

ययो॒रधि॒ प्र य॒ज्ञा अ॑सू॒रे सन्ति॑ सू॒रयः॑ ।

ता य॒ज्ञस्या॑ध्व॒रस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसा स्व॒धाभि॒र्या पिब॑तः सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ॥ ८.०१०.०४

yayo̱radhi̱ pra ya̱jñā a̍sū̱re santi̍ sū̱raya̍ḥ .

tā ya̱jñasyā̍dhva̱rasya̱ prace̍tasā sva̱dhābhi̱ryā piba̍taḥ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .. 8.010.04

4 On whom the solemn rites depend, whose worshippers rise without the Sun:-
These who foreknow the holy work of sacrifice, and by their Godhead drink the sweets of Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.10.5

यद॒द्याश्वि॑ना॒वपा॒ग्यत्प्राक्स्थो वा॑जिनीवसू ।

यद्द्रु॒ह्यव्यन॑वि तु॒र्वशे॒ यदौ॑ हु॒वे वा॒मथ॒ मा ग॑तम् ॥ ८.०१०.०५

yada̱dyāśvi̍nā̱vapā̱gyatprākstho vā̍jinīvasū .

yaddru̱hyavyana̍vi tu̱rvaśe̱ yadau̍ hu̱ve vā̱matha̱ mā ga̍tam .. 8.010.05

5 Whether ye, Lords of ample wealth, now linger in the cast or west,
With Druhyu, or with Anu, Yadu, Turvaga, I call you hither; come to me.

Sloka : 8.10.6

यद॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ पत॑थः पुरुभुजा॒ यद्वे॒मे रोद॑सी॒ अनु॑ ।

यद्वा॑ स्व॒धाभि॑रधि॒तिष्ठ॑थो॒ रथ॒मत॒ आ या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०१०.०६

yada̱ntari̍kṣe̱ pata̍thaḥ purubhujā̱ yadve̱me roda̍sī̱ anu̍ .

yadvā̍ sva̱dhābhi̍radhi̱tiṣṭha̍tho̱ ratha̱mata̱ ā yā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.010.06

6 Lords of great riches, whether through the firmament ye fly or speed through heaven and earth,
Or with your Godlike natures stand upon your cars, come thence, O Aśvins, hitherward.

Sloka : 8.11.1

त्वम॑ग्ने व्रत॒पा अ॑सि दे॒व आ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा ।

त्वं य॒ज्ञेष्वीड्यः॑ ॥ ८.०११.०१

tvama̍gne vrata̱pā a̍si de̱va ā martye̱ṣvā .

tvaṃ ya̱jñeṣvīḍya̍ḥ .. 8.011.01

1. THOU Agni, God mid mortal men, art guard of sacred rites, thou art
To be adored at sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.11.2

त्वम॑सि प्र॒शस्यो॑ वि॒दथे॑षु सहन्त्य ।

अग्ने॑ र॒थीर॑ध्व॒राणा॑म् ॥ ८.०११.०२

tvama̍si pra̱śasyo̍ vi̱dathe̍ṣu sahantya .

agne̍ ra̱thīra̍dhva̱rāṇā̍m .. 8.011.02

2 O Mighty Agni, thou must be glorified at our festivals,
Bearing our offerings to the Gods.

Sloka : 8.11.3

स त्वम॒स्मदप॒ द्विषो॑ युयो॒धि जा॑तवेदः ।

अदे॑वीरग्ने॒ अरा॑तीः ॥ ८.०११.०३

sa tvama̱smadapa̱ dviṣo̍ yuyo̱dhi jā̍tavedaḥ .

ade̍vīragne̱ arā̍tīḥ .. 8.011.03

3 O Jātavedas Agni, fight and drive our foes afar from us,
Themand their godless enmities.

Sloka : 8.11.4

अन्ति॑ चि॒त्सन्त॒मह॑ य॒ज्ञं मर्त॑स्य रि॒पोः ।

नोप॑ वेषि जातवेदः ॥ ८.०११.०४

anti̍ ci̱tsanta̱maha̍ ya̱jñaṃ marta̍sya ri̱poḥ .

nopa̍ veṣi jātavedaḥ .. 8.011.04

4 Thou, Jātavedas, seekest not the worship of a hostile man,
However nigh itbe to thee.

Sloka : 8.11.5

मर्ता॒ अम॑र्त्यस्य ते॒ भूरि॒ नाम॑ मनामहे ।

विप्रा॑सो जा॒तवे॑दसः ॥ ८.०११.०५

martā̱ ama̍rtyasya te̱ bhūri̱ nāma̍ manāmahe .

viprā̍so jā̱tave̍dasaḥ .. 8.011.05

5 We sages, mortals as we are, adore the mighty name oof thee,
Immortal Jātavedas' name.

Sloka : 8.11.6

विप्रं॒ विप्रा॒सोऽव॑से दे॒वं मर्ता॑स ऊ॒तये॑ ।

अ॒ग्निं गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०११.०६

vipra̱ṃ viprā̱so'va̍se de̱vaṃ martā̍sa ū̱taye̍ .

a̱gniṃ gī̱rbhirha̍vāmahe .. 8.011.06

6 Sages, we call the Sage to help, mortals, we call the God to aid:-
We call on Agni with our songs.

Sloka : 8.11.7

आ ते॑ व॒त्सो मनो॑ यमत्पर॒माच्चि॑त्स॒धस्था॑त् ।

अग्ने॒ त्वांका॑मया गि॒रा ॥ ८.०११.०७

ā te̍ va̱tso mano̍ yamatpara̱mācci̍tsa̱dhasthā̍t .

agne̱ tvāṃkā̍mayā gi̱rā .. 8.011.07

7 May Vatsa draw- thy mind away even from thy loftiest dwelling-place,
Agni, with song that yearns for thee.

Sloka : 8.11.8

पु॒रु॒त्रा हि स॒दृङ्ङसि॒ विशो॒ विश्वा॒ अनु॑ प्र॒भुः ।

स॒मत्सु॑ त्वा हवामहे ॥ ८.०११.०८

pu̱ru̱trā hi sa̱dṛṅṅasi̱ viśo̱ viśvā̱ anu̍ pra̱bhuḥ .

sa̱matsu̍ tvā havāmahe .. 8.011.08

8 Thou art the same in many a place:- mid all the people thou art Lord.
In fray and fightt we call on thee.

Sloka : 8.11.9

स॒मत्स्व॒ग्निमव॑से वाज॒यन्तो॑ हवामहे ।

वाजे॑षु चि॒त्ररा॑धसम् ॥ ८.०११.०९

sa̱matsva̱gnimava̍se vāja̱yanto̍ havāmahe .

vāje̍ṣu ci̱trarā̍dhasam .. 8.011.09

9 When we are seeking strength we call Agni to help us in the strife,
The giver of rich gifts in war.

Sloka : 8.11.10

प्र॒त्नो हि क॒मीड्यो॑ अध्व॒रेषु॑ स॒नाच्च॒ होता॒ नव्य॑श्च॒ सत्सि॑ ।

स्वां चा॑ग्ने त॒न्वं॑ पि॒प्रय॑स्वा॒स्मभ्यं॑ च॒ सौभ॑ग॒मा य॑जस्व ॥ ८.०११.१०

pra̱tno hi ka̱mīḍyo̍ adhva̱reṣu̍ sa̱nācca̱ hotā̱ navya̍śca̱ satsi̍ .

svāṃ cā̍gne ta̱nva̍ṃ pi̱praya̍svā̱smabhya̍ṃ ca̱ saubha̍ga̱mā ya̍jasva .. 8.011.10

10 Ancient, adorablie at sacrifices, Priest from of old, meet for our praise, thou sittest.
Fill full and satisfy thy body, Agni, and win us happiness by offering worship.

Sloka : 8.12.1

य इ॑न्द्र सोम॒पात॑मो॒ मदः॑ शविष्ठ॒ चेत॑ति ।

येना॒ हंसि॒ न्य१॒॑त्रिणं॒ तमी॑महे ॥ ८.०१२.०१

ya i̍ndra soma̱pāta̍mo̱ mada̍ḥ śaviṣṭha̱ ceta̍ti .

yenā̱ haṃsi̱ nya1̱̍triṇa̱ṃ tamī̍mahe .. 8.012.01

1. JOY, Mightiest Indra, known and marked, sprung most from Soma-draughts, wherewith
Thou smitest down the greedy fiend, for that we long.

Sloka : 8.12.2

येना॒ दश॑ग्व॒मध्रि॑गुं वे॒पय॑न्तं॒ स्व॑र्णरम् ।

येना॑ समु॒द्रमावि॑था॒ तमी॑महे ॥ ८.०१२.०२

yenā̱ daśa̍gva̱madhri̍guṃ ve̱paya̍nta̱ṃ sva̍rṇaram .

yenā̍ samu̱dramāvi̍thā̱ tamī̍mahe .. 8.012.02

2 Wherewith thou bolpest Adhrigu, the great Daśagva, and the God
Who stirs the sunlight, and the sea, for that we long.

Sloka : 8.12.3

येन॒ सिन्धुं॑ म॒हीर॒पो रथा॑ँ इव प्रचो॒दयः॑ ।

पन्था॑मृ॒तस्य॒ यात॑वे॒ तमी॑महे ॥ ८.०१२.०३

yena̱ sindhu̍ṃ ma̱hīra̱po rathā̍m̐ iva praco̱daya̍ḥ .

panthā̍mṛ̱tasya̱ yāta̍ve̱ tamī̍mahe .. 8.012.03

3 Wherewith thou dravest forth like cars Sindhu and all the mighty floods
To go the way ordained by Law, for that we long.

Sloka : 8.12.4

इ॒मं स्तोम॑म॒भिष्ट॑ये घृ॒तं न पू॒तम॑द्रिवः ।

येना॒ नु स॒द्य ओज॑सा व॒वक्षि॑थ ॥ ८.०१२.०४

i̱maṃ stoma̍ma̱bhiṣṭa̍ye ghṛ̱taṃ na pū̱tama̍drivaḥ .

yenā̱ nu sa̱dya oja̍sā va̱vakṣi̍tha .. 8.012.04

4 Accept this laud for aid, made pure like oil, thou Caster of the Stone,
Whereby even in a moment thou hast waxen great.

Sloka : 8.12.5

इ॒मं जु॑षस्व गिर्वणः समु॒द्र इ॑व पिन्वते ।

इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभि॑र्व॒वक्षि॑थ ॥ ८.०१२.०५

i̱maṃ ju̍ṣasva girvaṇaḥ samu̱dra i̍va pinvate .

indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍rva̱vakṣi̍tha .. 8.012.05

5 Be pleased, Song-lover, with this song it flows abundant like the sea.
Indra, with all thy succours thou hast waxen great.

Sloka : 8.12.6

यो नो॑ दे॒वः प॑रा॒वतः॑ सखित्व॒नाय॑ माम॒हे ।

दि॒वो न वृ॒ष्टिं प्र॒थय॑न्व॒वक्षि॑थ ॥ ८.०१२.०६

yo no̍ de̱vaḥ pa̍rā̱vata̍ḥ sakhitva̱nāya̍ māma̱he .

di̱vo na vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ pra̱thaya̍nva̱vakṣi̍tha .. 8.012.06

6 The God who from afar hath sent gifts to maintain our friendship's bond,
Thou. spreading them like rain from heaven, hast waxen great.

Sloka : 8.12.7

व॒व॒क्षुर॑स्य के॒तवो॑ उ॒त वज्रो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः ।

यत्सूर्यो॒ न रोद॑सी॒ अव॑र्धयत् ॥ ८.०१२.०७

va̱va̱kṣura̍sya ke̱tavo̍ u̱ta vajro̱ gabha̍styoḥ .

yatsūryo̱ na roda̍sī̱ ava̍rdhayat .. 8.012.07

7 The beams that mark him have grown strong, the thunder rests between his arms,
When, like the Sun, he hath increased both Heaven and Earth.

Sloka : 8.12.8

यदि॑ प्रवृद्ध सत्पते स॒हस्रं॑ महि॒षाँ अघः॑ ।

आदित्त॑ इन्द्रि॒यं महि॒ प्र वा॑वृधे ॥ ८.०१२.०८

yadi̍ pravṛddha satpate sa̱hasra̍ṃ mahi̱ṣām̐ agha̍ḥ .

āditta̍ indri̱yaṃ mahi̱ pra vā̍vṛdhe .. 8.012.08

8 When, Mighty Lord of Heroes, thou didst cat a thousand buffaloes,
Then grew and waxed exceeding great thine Indra-power.

Sloka : 8.12.9

इन्द्रः॒ सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभि॒र्न्य॑र्शसा॒नमो॑षति ।

अ॒ग्निर्वने॑व सास॒हिः प्र वा॑वृधे ॥ ८.०१२.०९

indra̱ḥ sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̱rnya̍rśasā̱namo̍ṣati .

a̱gnirvane̍va sāsa̱hiḥ pra vā̍vṛdhe .. 8.012.09

9 Indra consumeth with the rays of Sūrya the malicious man:-
Like Agni conquering the woods, he hath grown strong.

Sloka : 8.12.10

इ॒यं त॑ ऋ॒त्विया॑वती धी॒तिरे॑ति॒ नवी॑यसी ।

स॒प॒र्यन्ती॑ पुरुप्रि॒या मिमी॑त॒ इत् ॥ ८.०१२.१०

i̱yaṃ ta̍ ṛ̱tviyā̍vatī dhī̱tire̍ti̱ navī̍yasī .

sa̱pa̱ryantī̍ purupri̱yā mimī̍ta̱ it .. 8.012.10

10 This newest thought of ours that suits the time approaches unto thee:-
Serving, beloved in many a place it metes and marks.

Sloka : 8.12.11

गर्भो॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ देव॒युः क्रतुं॑ पुनीत आनु॒षक् ।

स्तोमै॒रिन्द्र॑स्य वावृधे॒ मिमी॑त॒ इत् ॥ ८.०१२.११

garbho̍ ya̱jñasya̍ deva̱yuḥ kratu̍ṃ punīta ānu̱ṣak .

stomai̱rindra̍sya vāvṛdhe̱ mimī̍ta̱ it .. 8.012.11

11 The pious germ of sacrifice directly purifies the soul.
By Indra's lauds it waxes great, it metes and marks.

Sloka : 8.12.12

स॒निर्मि॒त्रस्य॑ पप्रथ॒ इन्द्रः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ।

प्राची॒ वाशी॑व सुन्व॒ते मिमी॑त॒ इत् ॥ ८.०१२.१२

sa̱nirmi̱trasya̍ papratha̱ indra̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .

prācī̱ vāśī̍va sunva̱te mimī̍ta̱ it .. 8.012.12

12 Indra who wins the friend hath spread himself to drink the Soma-draught:-
Like worshipper's dilating praise; it metes and marks.

Sloka : 8.12.13

यं विप्रा॑ उ॒क्थवा॑हसोऽभिप्रम॒न्दुरा॒यवः॑ ।

घृ॒तं न पि॑प्य आ॒सन्यृ॒तस्य॒ यत् ॥ ८.०१२.१३

yaṃ viprā̍ u̱kthavā̍haso'bhiprama̱ndurā̱yava̍ḥ .

ghṛ̱taṃ na pi̍pya ā̱sanyṛ̱tasya̱ yat .. 8.012.13

13 He whom the sages, living men, have gladdened, offering up their hymns,
Hath swelled like oil of sacrifice in Agni's mouth.

Sloka : 8.12.14

उ॒त स्व॒राजे॒ अदि॑तिः॒ स्तोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य जीजनत् ।

पु॒रु॒प्र॒श॒स्तमू॒तय॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ यत् ॥ ८.०१२.१४

u̱ta sva̱rāje̱ adi̍ti̱ḥ stoma̱mindrā̍ya jījanat .

pu̱ru̱pra̱śa̱stamū̱taya̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ yat .. 8.012.14

14 Aditi also hath brought forth a hymn for Indra, Sovran Lord:-
The work of sacrifice for help is glorified.

Sloka : 8.12.15

अ॒भि वह्न॑य ऊ॒तयेऽनू॑षत॒ प्रश॑स्तये ।

न दे॑व॒ विव्र॑ता॒ हरी॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ यत् ॥ ८.०१२.१५

a̱bhi vahna̍ya ū̱taye'nū̍ṣata̱ praśa̍staye .

na de̍va̱ vivra̍tā̱ harī̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ yat .. 8.012.15

15 The ministering priests have sung their songs for aid and eulogy:-
God, thy Bays turn not from the rite which Law ordains.

Sloka : 8.12.16

यत्सोम॑मिन्द्र॒ विष्ण॑वि॒ यद्वा॑ घ त्रि॒त आ॒प्त्ये ।

यद्वा॑ म॒रुत्सु॒ मन्द॑से॒ समिन्दु॑भिः ॥ ८.०१२.१६

yatsoma̍mindra̱ viṣṇa̍vi̱ yadvā̍ gha tri̱ta ā̱ptye .

yadvā̍ ma̱rutsu̱ manda̍se̱ samindu̍bhiḥ .. 8.012.16

16 If, Indra, thou drink Soma by Viṣṇu's or Tṛta Āptya's side,
Or with the Maruts take delight in flowing drops;

Sloka : 8.12.17

यद्वा॑ शक्र परा॒वति॑ समु॒द्रे अधि॒ मन्द॑से ।

अ॒स्माक॒मित्सु॒ते र॑णा॒ समिन्दु॑भिः ॥ ८.०१२.१७

yadvā̍ śakra parā̱vati̍ samu̱dre adhi̱ manda̍se .

a̱smāka̱mitsu̱te ra̍ṇā̱ samindu̍bhiḥ .. 8.012.17

17 Or, Śakra, if thou gladden thee afar or in the sea of air,
Rejoice thee in this juice of ours, in flowing drops.

Sloka : 8.12.18

यद्वासि॑ सुन्व॒तो वृ॒धो यज॑मानस्य सत्पते ।

उ॒क्थे वा॒ यस्य॒ रण्य॑सि॒ समिन्दु॑भिः ॥ ८.०१२.१८

yadvāsi̍ sunva̱to vṛ̱dho yaja̍mānasya satpate .

u̱kthe vā̱ yasya̱ raṇya̍si̱ samindu̍bhiḥ .. 8.012.18

18 Or, Lord of Heroes if thou aid the worshipper who shed; the, juice,
Or him whose laud delights thee, and his flowing drops.

Sloka : 8.12.19

दे॒वंदे॑वं॒ वोऽव॑स॒ इन्द्र॑मिन्द्रं गृणी॒षणि॑ ।

अधा॑ य॒ज्ञाय॑ तु॒र्वणे॒ व्या॑नशुः ॥ ८.०१२.१९

de̱vaṃde̍va̱ṃ vo'va̍sa̱ indra̍mindraṃ gṛṇī̱ṣaṇi̍ .

adhā̍ ya̱jñāya̍ tu̱rvaṇe̱ vyā̍naśuḥ .. 8.012.19

19 To magnify the God, the God, Indra, yea, Indra for your help,
And promptly end the sacrifice-this have they gained.

Sloka : 8.12.20

य॒ज्ञेभि॑र्य॒ज्ञवा॑हसं॒ सोमे॑भिः सोम॒पात॑मम् ।

होत्रा॑भि॒रिन्द्रं॑ वावृधु॒र्व्या॑नशुः ॥ ८.०१२.२०

ya̱jñebhi̍rya̱jñavā̍hasa̱ṃ some̍bhiḥ soma̱pāta̍mam .

hotrā̍bhi̱rindra̍ṃ vāvṛdhu̱rvyā̍naśuḥ .. 8.012.20

20 With worship, him whom men adore, with Soma, him who drinks it most,
Indra with lauds have they increasedthis have they gained.

Sloka : 8.12.21

म॒हीर॑स्य॒ प्रणी॑तयः पू॒र्वीरु॒त प्रश॑स्तयः ।

विश्वा॒ वसू॑नि दा॒शुषे॒ व्या॑नशुः ॥ ८.०१२.२१

ma̱hīra̍sya̱ praṇī̍tayaḥ pū̱rvīru̱ta praśa̍stayaḥ .

viśvā̱ vasū̍ni dā̱śuṣe̱ vyā̍naśuḥ .. 8.012.21

21 His leadings are with power and might and his instructions manifold:-
He gives the worshipper all wealth:- this have they gained.

Sloka : 8.12.22

इन्द्रं॑ वृ॒त्राय॒ हन्त॑वे दे॒वासो॑ दधिरे पु॒रः ।

इन्द्रं॒ वाणी॑रनूषता॒ समोज॑से ॥ ८.०१२.२२

indra̍ṃ vṛ̱trāya̱ hanta̍ve de̱vāso̍ dadhire pu̱raḥ .

indra̱ṃ vāṇī̍ranūṣatā̱ samoja̍se .. 8.012.22

22 For slaying Vṛtra have the Gods set Indra in the foremost place.
Indra the choral bands have sung, for vigorous strength.

Sloka : 8.12.23

म॒हान्तं॑ महि॒ना व॒यं स्तोमे॑भिर्हवन॒श्रुत॑म् ।

अ॒र्कैर॒भि प्र णो॑नुमः॒ समोज॑से ॥ ८.०१२.२३

ma̱hānta̍ṃ mahi̱nā va̱yaṃ stome̍bhirhavana̱śruta̍m .

a̱rkaira̱bhi pra ṇo̍numa̱ḥ samoja̍se .. 8.012.23

23 We to the Mighty with our might, with lauds to him who hears our call,
With holy hymns have sung aloud, for vigorous strength.

Sloka : 8.12.24

न यं वि॑वि॒क्तो रोद॑सी॒ नान्तरि॑क्षाणि व॒ज्रिण॑म् ।

अमा॒दिद॑स्य तित्विषे॒ समोज॑सः ॥ ८.०१२.२४

na yaṃ vi̍vi̱kto roda̍sī̱ nāntari̍kṣāṇi va̱jriṇa̍m .

amā̱dida̍sya titviṣe̱ samoja̍saḥ .. 8.012.24

24 Not earth, nor heaven, nor firmaments contain the Thunder-wielding God:-
They shake before his violent rush and vigorous strength.

Sloka : 8.12.25

यदि॑न्द्र पृत॒नाज्ये॑ दे॒वास्त्वा॑ दधि॒रे पु॒रः ।

आदित्ते॑ हर्य॒ता हरी॑ ववक्षतुः ॥ ८.०१२.२५

yadi̍ndra pṛta̱nājye̍ de̱vāstvā̍ dadhi̱re pu̱raḥ .

āditte̍ harya̱tā harī̍ vavakṣatuḥ .. 8.012.25

25 What time the Gods, O Indra, get thee foremost in the furious fight,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.

Sloka : 8.12.26

य॒दा वृ॒त्रं न॑दी॒वृतं॒ शव॑सा वज्रि॒न्नव॑धीः ।

आदित्ते॑ हर्य॒ता हरी॑ ववक्षतुः ॥ ८.०१२.२६

ya̱dā vṛ̱traṃ na̍dī̱vṛta̱ṃ śava̍sā vajri̱nnava̍dhīḥ .

āditte̍ harya̱tā harī̍ vavakṣatuḥ .. 8.012.26

26 When Vṛtra, stayer of the floods, thou si"est, Thundeicr with might,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.

Sloka : 8.12.27

य॒दा ते॒ विष्णु॒रोज॑सा॒ त्रीणि॑ प॒दा वि॑चक्र॒मे ।

आदित्ते॑ हर्य॒ता हरी॑ ववक्षतुः ॥ ८.०१२.२७

ya̱dā te̱ viṣṇu̱roja̍sā̱ trīṇi̍ pa̱dā vi̍cakra̱me .

āditte̍ harya̱tā harī̍ vavakṣatuḥ .. 8.012.27

27 When Viṣṇu, through thine energy, strode wide those three great steps of his,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.

Sloka : 8.12.28

य॒दा ते॑ हर्य॒ता हरी॑ वावृ॒धाते॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे ।

आदित्ते॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि येमिरे ॥ ८.०१२.२८

ya̱dā te̍ harya̱tā harī̍ vāvṛ̱dhāte̍ di̱vedi̍ve .

āditte̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni yemire .. 8.012.28

28 When thy two beautiful Bay Steeds grew great and greater day by day,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.

Sloka : 8.12.29

य॒दा ते॒ मारु॑ती॒र्विश॒स्तुभ्य॑मिन्द्र नियेमि॒रे ।

आदित्ते॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि येमिरे ॥ ८.०१२.२९

ya̱dā te̱ māru̍tī̱rviśa̱stubhya̍mindra niyemi̱re .

āditte̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni yemire .. 8.012.29

29 When, Indra, all the Marut folk humbly submitted them to thee,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.

Sloka : 8.12.30

य॒दा सूर्य॑म॒मुं दि॒वि शु॒क्रं ज्योति॒रधा॑रयः ।

आदित्ते॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि येमिरे ॥ ८.०१२.३०

ya̱dā sūrya̍ma̱muṃ di̱vi śu̱kraṃ jyoti̱radhā̍rayaḥ .

āditte̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni yemire .. 8.012.30

30 When yonder Sun, that brilliant light, thou settest in the heaven above,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.

Sloka : 8.12.31

इ॒मां त॑ इन्द्र सुष्टु॒तिं विप्र॑ इयर्ति धी॒तिभिः॑ ।

जा॒मिं प॒देव॒ पिप्र॑तीं॒ प्राध्व॒रे ॥ ८.०१२.३१

i̱māṃ ta̍ indra suṣṭu̱tiṃ vipra̍ iyarti dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .

jā̱miṃ pa̱deva̱ pipra̍tī̱ṃ prādhva̱re .. 8.012.31

31 To thee, O Indra, with this thought the sage lifts up this eulogy,
Akin and leading as on foot to sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.12.32

यद॑स्य॒ धाम॑नि प्रि॒ये स॑मीची॒नासो॒ अस्व॑रन् ।

नाभा॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑ दो॒हना॒ प्राध्व॒रे ॥ ८.०१२.३२

yada̍sya̱ dhāma̍ni pri̱ye sa̍mīcī̱nāso̱ asva̍ran .

nābhā̍ ya̱jñasya̍ do̱hanā̱ prādhva̱re .. 8.012.32

32 When in thine own dear dwelling all gathered have lifted up the voice
Milk-streams at worship's central spot, for sacrifice,

Sloka : 8.12.33

सु॒वीर्यं॒ स्वश्व्यं॑ सु॒गव्य॑मिन्द्र दद्धि नः ।

होते॑व पू॒र्वचि॑त्तये॒ प्राध्व॒रे ॥ ८.०१२.३३

su̱vīrya̱ṃ svaśvya̍ṃ su̱gavya̍mindra daddhi naḥ .

hote̍va pū̱rvaci̍ttaye̱ prādhva̱re .. 8.012.33

33 As Priest, O Indra, give us wealth in brave men and good steeds ana kine
That we may first remember thee for sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.13.1

इन्द्रः॑ सु॒तेषु॒ सोमे॑षु॒ क्रतुं॑ पुनीत उ॒क्थ्य॑म् ।

वि॒दे वृ॒धस्य॒ दक्ष॑सो म॒हान्हि षः ॥ ८.०१३.०१

indra̍ḥ su̱teṣu̱ some̍ṣu̱ kratu̍ṃ punīta u̱kthya̍m .

vi̱de vṛ̱dhasya̱ dakṣa̍so ma̱hānhi ṣaḥ .. 8.013.01

1. INDRA, when Soma juices flow, makes his mind pure and meet for lauds.
He gains the power that brings success, for great is he.

Sloka : 8.13.2

स प्र॑थ॒मे व्यो॑मनि दे॒वानां॒ सद॑ने वृ॒धः ।

सु॒पा॒रः सु॒श्रव॑स्तमः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जित् ॥ ८.०१३.०२

sa pra̍tha̱me vyo̍mani de̱vānā̱ṃ sada̍ne vṛ̱dhaḥ .

su̱pā̱raḥ su̱śrava̍stama̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jit .. 8.013.02

2 In heaven's first region, in the seat of Gods, is he who brings success,
Most glorious, prompt to save, who wins the water-floods.

Sloka : 8.13.3

तम॑ह्वे॒ वाज॑सातय॒ इन्द्रं॒ भरा॑य शु॒ष्मिण॑म् ।

भवा॑ नः सु॒म्ने अन्त॑मः॒ सखा॑ वृ॒धे ॥ ८.०१३.०३

tama̍hve̱ vāja̍sātaya̱ indra̱ṃ bharā̍ya śu̱ṣmiṇa̍m .

bhavā̍ naḥ su̱mne anta̍ma̱ḥ sakhā̍ vṛ̱dhe .. 8.013.03

3 Him, to win strength, have I invoked, even Indra mighty for the fray.
Be thou most near to us for bliss, a Friend to aid.

Sloka : 8.13.4

इ॒यं त॑ इन्द्र गिर्वणो रा॒तिः क्ष॑रति सुन्व॒तः ।

म॒न्दा॒नो अ॒स्य ब॒र्हिषो॒ वि रा॑जसि ॥ ८.०१३.०४

i̱yaṃ ta̍ indra girvaṇo rā̱tiḥ kṣa̍rati sunva̱taḥ .

ma̱ndā̱no a̱sya ba̱rhiṣo̱ vi rā̍jasi .. 8.013.04

4 Indra, Song -lover, here for thee the worshipper's libation flows.
Rejoicing in this sacred grass thou shinest forth.

Sloka : 8.13.5

नू॒नं तदि॑न्द्र दद्धि नो॒ यत्त्वा॑ सु॒न्वन्त॒ ईम॑हे ।

र॒यिं न॑श्चि॒त्रमा भ॑रा स्व॒र्विद॑म् ॥ ८.०१३.०५

nū̱naṃ tadi̍ndra daddhi no̱ yattvā̍ su̱nvanta̱ īma̍he .

ra̱yiṃ na̍ści̱tramā bha̍rā sva̱rvida̍m .. 8.013.05

5 Even now, O Indra, give us that which, pressing juice, we crave of thee.
Bring us wealth manifold which finds the light of heaven.

Sloka : 8.13.6

स्तो॒ता यत्ते॒ विच॑र्षणिरतिप्रश॒र्धय॒द्गिरः॑ ।

व॒या इ॒वानु॑ रोहते जु॒षन्त॒ यत् ॥ ८.०१३.०६

sto̱tā yatte̱ vica̍rṣaṇiratipraśa̱rdhaya̱dgira̍ḥ .

va̱yā i̱vānu̍ rohate ju̱ṣanta̱ yat .. 8.013.06

6 What time the zealous worshipper hath boldly sung his songs to thee,
Like branches of a tree up-grows what they desire.

Sloka : 8.13.7

प्र॒त्न॒वज्ज॑नया॒ गिरः॑ श‍ृणु॒धी ज॑रि॒तुर्हव॑म् ।

मदे॑मदे ववक्षिथा सु॒कृत्व॑ने ॥ ८.०१३.०७

pra̱tna̱vajja̍nayā̱ gira̍ḥ śṛṇu̱dhī ja̍ri̱turhava̍m .

made̍made vavakṣithā su̱kṛtva̍ne .. 8.013.07

7 Generate songs even as of old, give car unto the singer's call.
Thou for the pious hast grown great at each carouse.

Sloka : 8.13.8

क्रीळ॑न्त्यस्य सू॒नृता॒ आपो॒ न प्र॒वता॑ य॒तीः ।

अ॒या धि॒या य उ॒च्यते॒ पति॑र्दि॒वः ॥ ८.०१३.०८

krīl̤a̍ntyasya sū̱nṛtā̱ āpo̱ na pra̱vatā̍ ya̱tīḥ .

a̱yā dhi̱yā ya u̱cyate̱ pati̍rdi̱vaḥ .. 8.013.08

8 Sweet strains that glorify him play like waters speeding down a slope,
Yea, him who in this song is called the Lord of Heaven;

Sloka : 8.13.9

उ॒तो पति॒र्य उ॒च्यते॑ कृष्टी॒नामेक॒ इद्व॒शी ।

न॒मो॒वृ॒धैर॑व॒स्युभिः॑ सु॒ते र॑ण ॥ ८.०१३.०९

u̱to pati̱rya u̱cyate̍ kṛṣṭī̱nāmeka̱ idva̱śī .

na̱mo̱vṛ̱dhaira̍va̱syubhi̍ḥ su̱te ra̍ṇa .. 8.013.09

9 Yea, who alone is called the Lord, the single Ruler of the folk,
By worshippers seeking aid:- may he joy in the draught.

Sloka : 8.13.10

स्तु॒हि श्रु॒तं वि॑प॒श्चितं॒ हरी॒ यस्य॑ प्रस॒क्षिणा॑ ।

गन्ता॑रा दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हं न॑म॒स्विनः॑ ॥ ८.०१३.१०

stu̱hi śru̱taṃ vi̍pa̱ścita̱ṃ harī̱ yasya̍ prasa̱kṣiṇā̍ .

gantā̍rā dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱haṃ na̍ma̱svina̍ḥ .. 8.013.10

10 Praise him, the Glorious, skilled in song, Lord of the two victorious Bays:-
They seek the worshipper's abode who bows in prayer.

Sloka : 8.13.11

तू॒तु॒जा॒नो म॑हेम॒तेऽश्वे॑भिः प्रुषि॒तप्सु॑भिः ।

आ या॑हि य॒ज्ञमा॒शुभिः॒ शमिद्धि ते॑ ॥ ८.०१३.११

tū̱tu̱jā̱no ma̍hema̱te'śve̍bhiḥ pruṣi̱tapsu̍bhiḥ .

ā yā̍hi ya̱jñamā̱śubhi̱ḥ śamiddhi te̍ .. 8.013.11

11 Put forth thy strength:- with dappled Steeds come, thou of mighty intellect,
With swift Steeds to the sacrifice, for ’tis thy joy.

Sloka : 8.13.12

इन्द्र॑ शविष्ठ सत्पते र॒यिं गृ॒णत्सु॑ धारय ।

श्रवः॑ सू॒रिभ्यो॑ अ॒मृतं॑ वसुत्व॒नम् ॥ ८.०१३.१२

indra̍ śaviṣṭha satpate ra̱yiṃ gṛ̱ṇatsu̍ dhāraya .

śrava̍ḥ sū̱ribhyo̍ a̱mṛta̍ṃ vasutva̱nam .. 8.013.12

12 Grant wealth to those who praise thee, Lord of Heroes, Mightiest Indra:- give
Our princes everlasting fame and opulence.

Sloka : 8.13.13

हवे॑ त्वा॒ सूर॒ उदि॑ते॒ हवे॑ म॒ध्यंदि॑ने दि॒वः ।

जु॒षा॒ण इ॑न्द्र॒ सप्ति॑भिर्न॒ आ ग॑हि ॥ ८.०१३.१३

have̍ tvā̱ sūra̱ udi̍te̱ have̍ ma̱dhyaṃdi̍ne di̱vaḥ .

ju̱ṣā̱ṇa i̍ndra̱ sapti̍bhirna̱ ā ga̍hi .. 8.013.13

13 I call thee when the Sun is risen, I call thee at the noon of day:-
With thy car-horses, Indra, come wellpleased to us.

Sloka : 8.13.14

आ तू ग॑हि॒ प्र तु द्र॑व॒ मत्स्वा॑ सु॒तस्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

तन्तुं॑ तनुष्व पू॒र्व्यं यथा॑ वि॒दे ॥ ८.०१३.१४

ā tū ga̍hi̱ pra tu dra̍va̱ matsvā̍ su̱tasya̱ goma̍taḥ .

tantu̍ṃ tanuṣva pū̱rvyaṃ yathā̍ vi̱de .. 8.013.14

14 Speed forward hither, come to us, rejoice thee in the milky draught:-
Spin out the thread of ancient time, as well is known.

Sloka : 8.13.15

यच्छ॒क्रासि॑ परा॒वति॒ यद॑र्वा॒वति॑ वृत्रहन् ।

यद्वा॑ समु॒द्रे अन्ध॑सोऽवि॒तेद॑सि ॥ ८.०१३.१५

yaccha̱krāsi̍ parā̱vati̱ yada̍rvā̱vati̍ vṛtrahan .

yadvā̍ samu̱dre andha̍so'vi̱teda̍si .. 8.013.15

15 If, Śakra, Vṛtra-slayer, thou be far away or near to us.
Or in the sea, thou art the guard of Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.13.16

इन्द्रं॑ वर्धन्तु नो॒ गिर॒ इन्द्रं॑ सु॒तास॒ इन्द॑वः ।

इन्द्रे॑ ह॒विष्म॑ती॒र्विशो॑ अराणिषुः ॥ ८.०१३.१६

indra̍ṃ vardhantu no̱ gira̱ indra̍ṃ su̱tāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .

indre̍ ha̱viṣma̍tī̱rviśo̍ arāṇiṣuḥ .. 8.013.16

16 Let songs we sing and Soma-drops expressed by us make Indra strong:-
The tribes who bring oblations find delight in him.

Sloka : 8.13.17

तमिद्विप्रा॑ अव॒स्यवः॑ प्र॒वत्व॑तीभिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

इन्द्रं॑ क्षो॒णीर॑वर्धयन्व॒या इ॑व ॥ ८.०१३.१७

tamidviprā̍ ava̱syava̍ḥ pra̱vatva̍tībhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

indra̍ṃ kṣo̱ṇīra̍vardhayanva̱yā i̍va .. 8.013.17

17 Him sages longing for his aid, with offerings brought in eager haste,
Him. even as branches, all mankind have made to grow.

Sloka : 8.13.18

त्रिक॑द्रुकेषु॒ चेत॑नं दे॒वासो॑ य॒ज्ञम॑त्नत ।

तमिद्व॑र्धन्तु नो॒ गिरः॑ स॒दावृ॑धम् ॥ ८.०१३.१८

trika̍drukeṣu̱ ceta̍naṃ de̱vāso̍ ya̱jñama̍tnata .

tamidva̍rdhantu no̱ gira̍ḥ sa̱dāvṛ̍dham .. 8.013.18

18 At the Trkadrukas the Gods span sacrifice that stirred the mind:-
May our songs strengthen him who still hath strengthened us.

Sloka : 8.13.19

स्तो॒ता यत्ते॒ अनु॑व्रत उ॒क्थान्यृ॑तु॒था द॒धे ।

शुचिः॑ पाव॒क उ॑च्यते॒ सो अद्भु॑तः ॥ ८.०१३.१९

sto̱tā yatte̱ anu̍vrata u̱kthānyṛ̍tu̱thā da̱dhe .

śuci̍ḥ pāva̱ka u̍cyate̱ so adbhu̍taḥ .. 8.013.19

19 When, true to duty, at due times the worshipper offers lauds to thee,
They call him Purifier, Pure, and Wonderful.

Sloka : 8.13.20

तदिद्रु॒द्रस्य॑ चेतति य॒ह्वं प्र॒त्नेषु॒ धाम॑सु ।

मनो॒ यत्रा॒ वि तद्द॒धुर्विचे॑तसः ॥ ८.०१३.२०

tadidru̱drasya̍ cetati ya̱hvaṃ pra̱tneṣu̱ dhāma̍su .

mano̱ yatrā̱ vi tadda̱dhurvice̍tasaḥ .. 8.013.20

20 That mind of Rudra, fresh and strong, moves conscious in the ancient ways,
With reference whereto the wise have ordered this.

Sloka : 8.13.21

यदि॑ मे स॒ख्यमा॒वर॑ इ॒मस्य॑ पा॒ह्यन्ध॑सः ।

येन॒ विश्वा॒ अति॒ द्विषो॒ अता॑रिम ॥ ८.०१३.२१

yadi̍ me sa̱khyamā̱vara̍ i̱masya̍ pā̱hyandha̍saḥ .

yena̱ viśvā̱ ati̱ dviṣo̱ atā̍rima .. 8.013.21

21 If thou elect to be my Friend drink of this sacrificial juice,
By help whereof we may subdue all enemies.

Sloka : 8.13.22

क॒दा त॑ इन्द्र गिर्वणः स्तो॒ता भ॑वाति॒ शंत॑मः ।

क॒दा नो॒ गव्ये॒ अश्व्ये॒ वसौ॑ दधः ॥ ८.०१३.२२

ka̱dā ta̍ indra girvaṇaḥ sto̱tā bha̍vāti̱ śaṃta̍maḥ .

ka̱dā no̱ gavye̱ aśvye̱ vasau̍ dadhaḥ .. 8.013.22

22 O Indra, Lover of the song, when shall thy praiser be most blest?
When wilt thou grant us wealth in herds of kine and steeds?

Sloka : 8.13.23

उ॒त ते॒ सुष्टु॑ता॒ हरी॒ वृष॑णा वहतो॒ रथ॑म् ।

अ॒जु॒र्यस्य॑ म॒दिन्त॑मं॒ यमीम॑हे ॥ ८.०१३.२३

u̱ta te̱ suṣṭu̍tā̱ harī̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā vahato̱ ratha̍m .

a̱ju̱ryasya̍ ma̱dinta̍ma̱ṃ yamīma̍he .. 8.013.23

23 And thy two highIy-lauded Bays, strong stallions, draw thy car who art
Untouched by age, most gladdening car for which we pray.

Sloka : 8.13.24

तमी॑महे पुरुष्टु॒तं य॒ह्वं प्र॒त्नाभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।

नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ प्रि॒ये स॑द॒दध॑ द्वि॒ता ॥ ८.०१३.२४

tamī̍mahe puruṣṭu̱taṃ ya̱hvaṃ pra̱tnābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ pri̱ye sa̍da̱dadha̍ dvi̱tā .. 8.013.24

24 With ancient offerings we implore the Young and Strong whom many praise.
He from of old hath sat upon dear sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.13.25

वर्ध॑स्वा॒ सु पु॑रुष्टुत॒ ऋषि॑ष्टुताभिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

धु॒क्षस्व॑ पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॒मवा॑ च नः ॥ ८.०१३.२५

vardha̍svā̱ su pu̍ruṣṭuta̱ ṛṣi̍ṣṭutābhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

dhu̱kṣasva̍ pi̱pyuṣī̱miṣa̱mavā̍ ca naḥ .. 8.013.25

25 Wax miglity, thou whom many laud for aids which Ṛṣis have extolled.
Pour down for us abundant food and guard us well.

Sloka : 8.13.26

इन्द्र॒ त्वम॑वि॒तेद॑सी॒त्था स्तु॑व॒तो अ॑द्रिवः ।

ऋ॒तादि॑यर्मि ते॒ धियं॑ मनो॒युज॑म् ॥ ८.०१३.२६

indra̱ tvama̍vi̱teda̍sī̱tthā stu̍va̱to a̍drivaḥ .

ṛ̱tādi̍yarmi te̱ dhiya̍ṃ mano̱yuja̍m .. 8.013.26

26 O Indra, Caster of the Stone, thou helpest him who praises thee:-
From sacrifice I send to thee a mindyoked hymn.

Sloka : 8.13.27

इ॒ह त्या स॑ध॒माद्या॑ युजा॒नः सोम॑पीतये ।

हरी॑ इन्द्र प्र॒तद्व॑सू अ॒भि स्व॑र ॥ ८.०१३.२७

i̱ha tyā sa̍dha̱mādyā̍ yujā̱naḥ soma̍pītaye .

harī̍ indra pra̱tadva̍sū a̱bhi sva̍ra .. 8.013.27

27 Here, yoking for the Soma-draught these Horses, sharers of thy feast,
Thy Bay Steeds, Indra, fraught with weal tb, consent to come.

Sloka : 8.13.28

अ॒भि स्व॑रन्तु॒ ये तव॑ रु॒द्रासः॑ सक्षत॒ श्रिय॑म् ।

उ॒तो म॒रुत्व॑ती॒र्विशो॑ अ॒भि प्रयः॑ ॥ ८.०१३.२८

a̱bhi sva̍rantu̱ ye tava̍ ru̱drāsa̍ḥ sakṣata̱ śriya̍m .

u̱to ma̱rutva̍tī̱rviśo̍ a̱bhi praya̍ḥ .. 8.013.28

28 Attendants on thy glory, let the Rudras roar assent to thee,
And all the Marut companies come tothe feast.

Sloka : 8.13.29

इ॒मा अ॑स्य॒ प्रतू॑र्तयः प॒दं जु॑षन्त॒ यद्दि॒वि ।

नाभा॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॒ सं द॑धु॒र्यथा॑ वि॒दे ॥ ८.०१३.२९

i̱mā a̍sya̱ pratū̍rtayaḥ pa̱daṃ ju̍ṣanta̱ yaddi̱vi .

nābhā̍ ya̱jñasya̱ saṃ da̍dhu̱ryathā̍ vi̱de .. 8.013.29

29 These his victorious followers bold in the heavens the place they love,
Leagued in the heart of sacrifice, as well we know.

Sloka : 8.13.30

अ॒यं दी॒र्घाय॒ चक्ष॑से॒ प्राचि॑ प्रय॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ।

मिमी॑ते य॒ज्ञमा॑नु॒षग्वि॒चक्ष्य॑ ॥ ८.०१३.३०

a̱yaṃ dī̱rghāya̱ cakṣa̍se̱ prāci̍ praya̱tya̍dhva̱re .

mimī̍te ya̱jñamā̍nu̱ṣagvi̱cakṣya̍ .. 8.013.30

30 That we may long behold the light, what time the ordered rite proceeds,
He duly measures, as he views, the sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.13.31

वृषा॒यमि॑न्द्र ते॒ रथ॑ उ॒तो ते॒ वृष॑णा॒ हरी॑ ।

वृषा॒ त्वं श॑तक्रतो॒ वृषा॒ हवः॑ ॥ ८.०१३.३१

vṛṣā̱yami̍ndra te̱ ratha̍ u̱to te̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ harī̍ .

vṛṣā̱ tvaṃ śa̍takrato̱ vṛṣā̱ hava̍ḥ .. 8.013.31

31 O Indra, strong is this thy car, and strong are these Bay Steeds of thine:-
O Śatakratu, thou art strong, strong is our call.

Sloka : 8.13.32

वृषा॒ ग्रावा॒ वृषा॒ मदो॒ वृषा॒ सोमो॑ अ॒यं सु॒तः ।

वृषा॑ य॒ज्ञो यमिन्व॑सि॒ वृषा॒ हवः॑ ॥ ८.०१३.३२

vṛṣā̱ grāvā̱ vṛṣā̱ mado̱ vṛṣā̱ somo̍ a̱yaṃ su̱taḥ .

vṛṣā̍ ya̱jño yaminva̍si̱ vṛṣā̱ hava̍ḥ .. 8.013.32

32 Strong is the press-stone, strong thy joy, strong is the flowing Soma juice:-
Strong is the rite thou furtherest, strong is our call.

Sloka : 8.13.33

वृषा॑ त्वा॒ वृष॑णं हुवे॒ वज्रि॑ञ्चि॒त्राभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।

वा॒वन्थ॒ हि प्रति॑ष्टुतिं॒ वृषा॒ हवः॑ ॥ ८.०१३.३३

vṛṣā̍ tvā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ huve̱ vajri̍ñci̱trābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

vā̱vantha̱ hi prati̍ṣṭuti̱ṃ vṛṣā̱ hava̍ḥ .. 8.013.33

33 As strong I call on thee the Strong, O Thunderer with thy thousand aids:-
For thou hast won the hymn of praise. Strong is our call.

Sloka : 8.14.1

यदि॑न्द्रा॒हं यथा॒ त्वमीशी॑य॒ वस्व॒ एक॒ इत् ।

स्तो॒ता मे॒ गोष॑खा स्यात् ॥ ८.०१४.०१

yadi̍ndrā̱haṃ yathā̱ tvamīśī̍ya̱ vasva̱ eka̱ it .

sto̱tā me̱ goṣa̍khā syāt .. 8.014.01

1. IF I, O Indra, were, like thee, the single Sovran of all wealth,
My worshipper should be rich in kine.

Sloka : 8.14.2

शिक्षे॑यमस्मै॒ दित्से॑यं॒ शची॑पते मनी॒षिणे॑ ।

यद॒हं गोप॑तिः॒ स्याम् ॥ ८.०१४.०२

śikṣe̍yamasmai̱ ditse̍ya̱ṃ śacī̍pate manī̱ṣiṇe̍ .

yada̱haṃ gopa̍ti̱ḥ syām .. 8.014.02

2 I should be fain, O Lord of Power, to strengthen and enrich the sage,
Were I the Lord of herds of kine.

Sloka : 8.14.3

धे॒नुष्ट॑ इन्द्र सू॒नृता॒ यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ।

गामश्वं॑ पि॒प्युषी॑ दुहे ॥ ८.०१४.०३

dhe̱nuṣṭa̍ indra sū̱nṛtā̱ yaja̍mānāya sunva̱te .

gāmaśva̍ṃ pi̱pyuṣī̍ duhe .. 8.014.03

3 To worshippers who press the juice thy goodness, Indra, is a cow
Yielding in plenty kine and steeds.

Sloka : 8.14.4

न ते॑ व॒र्तास्ति॒ राध॑स॒ इन्द्र॑ दे॒वो न मर्त्यः॑ ।

यद्दित्स॑सि स्तु॒तो म॒घम् ॥ ८.०१४.०४

na te̍ va̱rtāsti̱ rādha̍sa̱ indra̍ de̱vo na martya̍ḥ .

yadditsa̍si stu̱to ma̱gham .. 8.014.04

4 None is there, Indra, God or man, to hinder thy munificence,
The wealth which, lauded, thou wilt give.

Sloka : 8.14.5

य॒ज्ञ इन्द्र॑मवर्धय॒द्यद्भूमिं॒ व्यव॑र्तयत् ।

च॒क्रा॒ण ओ॑प॒शं दि॒वि ॥ ८.०१४.०५

ya̱jña indra̍mavardhaya̱dyadbhūmi̱ṃ vyava̍rtayat .

ca̱krā̱ṇa o̍pa̱śaṃ di̱vi .. 8.014.05

5 The sacrifice made Indra strong when he unrolled the earth, and made
Himself a diadem in heaven.

Sloka : 8.14.6

वा॒वृ॒धा॒नस्य॑ ते व॒यं विश्वा॒ धना॑नि जि॒ग्युषः॑ ।

ऊ॒तिमि॒न्द्रा वृ॑णीमहे ॥ ८.०१४.०६

vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱nasya̍ te va̱yaṃ viśvā̱ dhanā̍ni ji̱gyuṣa̍ḥ .

ū̱timi̱ndrā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 8.014.06

6 Thine aid we claim, O Indra, thine who after thou hast waxen great
Hast won all treasures for thine own.

Sloka : 8.14.7

व्य१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षमतिर॒न्मदे॒ सोम॑स्य रोच॒ना ।

इन्द्रो॒ यदभि॑नद्व॒लम् ॥ ८.०१४.०७

vya1̱̍ntari̍kṣamatira̱nmade̱ soma̍sya roca̱nā .

indro̱ yadabhi̍nadva̱lam .. 8.014.07

7 In Soma's ecstasy Indra spread the firmament and realms of light,
When he cleft Vala limb from limb.

Sloka : 8.14.8

उद्गा आ॑ज॒दङ्गि॑रोभ्य आ॒विष्कृ॒ण्वन्गुहा॑ स॒तीः ।

अ॒र्वाञ्चं॑ नुनुदे व॒लम् ॥ ८.०१४.०८

udgā ā̍ja̱daṅgi̍robhya ā̱viṣkṛ̱ṇvanguhā̍ sa̱tīḥ .

a̱rvāñca̍ṃ nunude va̱lam .. 8.014.08

8 Showing the hidden he drave forth the cows for the Aṅgirases,
And Vala he cast headlong down.

Sloka : 8.14.9

इन्द्रे॑ण रोच॒ना दि॒वो दृ॒ळ्हानि॑ दृंहि॒तानि॑ च ।

स्थि॒राणि॒ न प॑रा॒णुदे॑ ॥ ८.०१४.०९

indre̍ṇa roca̱nā di̱vo dṛ̱l̤hāni̍ dṛṃhi̱tāni̍ ca .

sthi̱rāṇi̱ na pa̍rā̱ṇude̍ .. 8.014.09

9 By Indra were the lumirious realms of heaven established and secured,
Firm and immovable from their place.

Sloka : 8.14.10

अ॒पामू॒र्मिर्मद॑न्निव॒ स्तोम॑ इन्द्राजिरायते ।

वि ते॒ मदा॑ अराजिषुः ॥ ८.०१४.१०

a̱pāmū̱rmirmada̍nniva̱ stoma̍ indrājirāyate .

vi te̱ madā̍ arājiṣuḥ .. 8.014.10

10 Indra, thy laud moves quickly like a joyous wave of water-floods:-
Bright shine the drops that gladden thee.

Sloka : 8.14.11

त्वं हि स्तो॑म॒वर्ध॑न॒ इन्द्रास्यु॑क्थ॒वर्ध॑नः ।

स्तो॒तॄ॒णामु॒त भ॑द्र॒कृत् ॥ ८.०१४.११

tvaṃ hi sto̍ma̱vardha̍na̱ indrāsyu̍ktha̱vardha̍naḥ .

sto̱tṝ̱ṇāmu̱ta bha̍dra̱kṛt .. 8.014.11

11 For thou, O Indra, art the God whom hymns and praises magnify:-
Thou blessest those who worship thee.

Sloka : 8.14.12

इन्द्र॒मित्के॒शिना॒ हरी॑ सोम॒पेया॑य वक्षतः ।

उप॑ य॒ज्ञं सु॒राध॑सम् ॥ ८.०१४.१२

indra̱mitke̱śinā̱ harī̍ soma̱peyā̍ya vakṣataḥ .

upa̍ ya̱jñaṃ su̱rādha̍sam .. 8.014.12

12 Let the two long-maned Bay Steeds bring Indra to drink the Soma juice,
The Bountiful to our sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.14.13

अ॒पां फेने॑न॒ नमु॑चेः॒ शिर॑ इ॒न्द्रोद॑वर्तयः ।

विश्वा॒ यदज॑यः॒ स्पृधः॑ ॥ ८.०१४.१३

a̱pāṃ phene̍na̱ namu̍ce̱ḥ śira̍ i̱ndroda̍vartayaḥ .

viśvā̱ yadaja̍ya̱ḥ spṛdha̍ḥ .. 8.014.13

13 With waters' foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuci,
Subduing all contending hosts.

Sloka : 8.14.14

मा॒याभि॑रु॒त्सिसृ॑प्सत॒ इन्द्र॒ द्यामा॒रुरु॑क्षतः ।

अव॒ दस्यू॑ँरधूनुथाः ॥ ८.०१४.१४

mā̱yābhi̍ru̱tsisṛ̍psata̱ indra̱ dyāmā̱ruru̍kṣataḥ .

ava̱ dasyū̍m̐radhūnuthāḥ .. 8.014.14

14 The Dasyus, when they fain would climb
by magic arts and mount to heaven,
Thou, Indra, castest down to earth.

Sloka : 8.14.15

अ॒सु॒न्वामि॑न्द्र सं॒सदं॒ विषू॑चीं॒ व्य॑नाशयः ।

सो॒म॒पा उत्त॑रो॒ भव॑न् ॥ ८.०१४.१५

a̱su̱nvāmi̍ndra sa̱ṃsada̱ṃ viṣū̍cī̱ṃ vya̍nāśayaḥ .

so̱ma̱pā utta̍ro̱ bhava̍n .. 8.014.15

15 As Soma-drinker conquering all, thou scatteredst to every side
Their settlement who poured no gifts.

Sloka : 8.15.1

तम्व॒भि प्र गा॑यत पुरुहू॒तं पु॑रुष्टु॒तम् ।

इन्द्रं॑ गी॒र्भिस्त॑वि॒षमा वि॑वासत ॥ ८.०१५.०१

tamva̱bhi pra gā̍yata puruhū̱taṃ pu̍ruṣṭu̱tam .

indra̍ṃ gī̱rbhista̍vi̱ṣamā vi̍vāsata .. 8.015.01

1. SING forth to him whom many men invoke, to him whom many laud.
Invite the powerful Indra with your songs of praise.

Sloka : 8.15.2

यस्य॑ द्वि॒बर्ह॑सो बृ॒हत्सहो॑ दा॒धार॒ रोद॑सी ।

गि॒रीँरज्रा॑ँ अ॒पः स्व॑र्वृषत्व॒ना ॥ ८.०१५.०२

yasya̍ dvi̱barha̍so bṛ̱hatsaho̍ dā̱dhāra̱ roda̍sī .

gi̱rīm̐rajrā̍m̐ a̱paḥ sva̍rvṛṣatva̱nā .. 8.015.02

2 Whose lofty might-for doubly strong is he-supports the heavens and earth,
And hills and plains and floods and light with manly power.

Sloka : 8.15.3

स रा॑जसि पुरुष्टुत॒ँ एको॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नसे ।

इन्द्र॒ जैत्रा॑ श्रव॒स्या॑ च॒ यन्त॑वे ॥ ८.०१५.०३

sa rā̍jasi puruṣṭuta̱m̐ eko̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnase .

indra̱ jaitrā̍ śrava̱syā̍ ca̱ yanta̍ve .. 8.015.03

3 Such, Praised by many! thou art King alone thou smitest Vṛtras dead,
To gain, O Indra, spoils of war and high renown.

Sloka : 8.15.4

तं ते॒ मदं॑ गृणीमसि॒ वृष॑णं पृ॒त्सु सा॑स॒हिम् ।

उ॒ लो॒क॒कृ॒त्नुम॑द्रिवो हरि॒श्रिय॑म् ॥ ८.०१५.०४

taṃ te̱ mada̍ṃ gṛṇīmasi̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ pṛ̱tsu sā̍sa̱him .

u̱ lo̱ka̱kṛ̱tnuma̍drivo hari̱śriya̍m .. 8.015.04

4 We sing this strong and wild delight of thine which conquers in the fray,
Which, Caster of the Stone! gives room and shines like gold.

Sloka : 8.15.5

येन॒ ज्योतीं॑ष्या॒यवे॒ मन॑वे च वि॒वेदि॑थ ।

म॒न्दा॒नो अ॒स्य ब॒र्हिषो॒ वि रा॑जसि ॥ ८.०१५.०५

yena̱ jyotī̍ṃṣyā̱yave̱ mana̍ve ca vi̱vedi̍tha .

ma̱ndā̱no a̱sya ba̱rhiṣo̱ vi rā̍jasi .. 8.015.05

5 Wherewith thou also foundest lights for Āyu and for Manu's sake:-
Now joying in this sacred grass thou beamest forth.

Sloka : 8.15.6

तद॒द्या चि॑त्त उ॒क्थिनोऽनु॑ ष्टुवन्ति पू॒र्वथा॑ ।

वृष॑पत्नीर॒पो ज॑या दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥ ८.०१५.०६

tada̱dyā ci̍tta u̱kthino'nu̍ ṣṭuvanti pū̱rvathā̍ .

vṛṣa̍patnīra̱po ja̍yā di̱vedi̍ve .. 8.015.06

6 This day too singers of the hymn praise, as of old, this might of thine:-
Win thou the waters day by day, thralls of the strong.

Sloka : 8.15.7

तव॒ त्यदि॑न्द्रि॒यं बृ॒हत्तव॒ शुष्म॑मु॒त क्रतु॑म् ।

वज्रं॑ शिशाति धि॒षणा॒ वरे॑ण्यम् ॥ ८.०१५.०७

tava̱ tyadi̍ndri̱yaṃ bṛ̱hattava̱ śuṣma̍mu̱ta kratu̍m .

vajra̍ṃ śiśāti dhi̱ṣaṇā̱ vare̍ṇyam .. 8.015.07

7 That lofty Indra-power of thine, thy strength and thine intelligence,
Thy thunderbolt for which we long, the wish makes keen.

Sloka : 8.15.8

तव॒ द्यौरि॑न्द्र॒ पौंस्यं॑ पृथि॒वी व॑र्धति॒ श्रवः॑ ।

त्वामापः॒ पर्व॑तासश्च हिन्विरे ॥ ८.०१५.०८

tava̱ dyauri̍ndra̱ pauṃsya̍ṃ pṛthi̱vī va̍rdhati̱ śrava̍ḥ .

tvāmāpa̱ḥ parva̍tāsaśca hinvire .. 8.015.08

8 O Indra, Heaven and Earth augment thy manly power and thy renown;
The waters and thy mountains stir and urge thee on.

Sloka : 8.15.9

त्वां विष्णु॑र्बृ॒हन्क्षयो॑ मि॒त्रो गृ॑णाति॒ वरु॑णः ।

त्वां शर्धो॑ मद॒त्यनु॒ मारु॑तम् ॥ ८.०१५.०९

tvāṃ viṣṇu̍rbṛ̱hankṣayo̍ mi̱tro gṛ̍ṇāti̱ varu̍ṇaḥ .

tvāṃ śardho̍ mada̱tyanu̱ māru̍tam .. 8.015.09

9 Viṣṇu the lofty ruling Power, Varuṇa, Mitra sing thy praise:-
In thee the Marut3' company have great delight.

Sloka : 8.15.10

त्वं वृषा॒ जना॑नां॒ मंहि॑ष्ठ इन्द्र जज्ञिषे ।

स॒त्रा विश्वा॑ स्वप॒त्यानि॑ दधिषे ॥ ८.०१५.१०

tvaṃ vṛṣā̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭha indra jajñiṣe .

sa̱trā viśvā̍ svapa̱tyāni̍ dadhiṣe .. 8.015.10

10 O Indra, thou wast born the Lord of men, most liberal of thy gifts:-
Excellent deeds for evermore are all thine own.

Sloka : 8.15.11

स॒त्रा त्वं पु॑रुष्टुत॒ँ एको॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ तोशसे ।

नान्य इन्द्रा॒त्कर॑णं॒ भूय॑ इन्वति ॥ ८.०१५.११

sa̱trā tvaṃ pu̍ruṣṭuta̱m̐ eko̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ tośase .

nānya indrā̱tkara̍ṇa̱ṃ bhūya̍ invati .. 8.015.11

11 Ever, alone, O highly-praised, thou sendest Vṛtras to their rest:-
None else than Indra executes the mighty deed.

Sloka : 8.15.12

यदि॑न्द्र मन्म॒शस्त्वा॒ नाना॒ हव॑न्त ऊ॒तये॑ ।

अ॒स्माके॑भि॒र्नृभि॒रत्रा॒ स्व॑र्जय ॥ ८.०१५.१२

yadi̍ndra manma̱śastvā̱ nānā̱ hava̍nta ū̱taye̍ .

a̱smāke̍bhi̱rnṛbhi̱ratrā̱ sva̍rjaya .. 8.015.12

12 Though here and there, in varied hymns, Indra, men call on thee for aid,
Still with our heroes fight and win the light of heaven.

Sloka : 8.15.13

अरं॒ क्षया॑य नो म॒हे विश्वा॑ रू॒पाण्या॑वि॒शन् ।

इन्द्रं॒ जैत्रा॑य हर्षया॒ शची॒पति॑म् ॥ ८.०१५.१३

ara̱ṃ kṣayā̍ya no ma̱he viśvā̍ rū̱pāṇyā̍vi̱śan .

indra̱ṃ jaitrā̍ya harṣayā̱ śacī̱pati̍m .. 8.015.13

13 Already have all forms of him entered our spacious dwelling-place:-
For victory stir thou Indra, up, the Lord of Might.

Sloka : 8.16.1

प्र स॒म्राजं॑ चर्षणी॒नामिन्द्रं॑ स्तोता॒ नव्यं॑ गी॒र्भिः ।

नरं॑ नृ॒षाहं॒ मंहि॑ष्ठम् ॥ ८.०१६.०१

pra sa̱mrāja̍ṃ carṣaṇī̱nāmindra̍ṃ stotā̱ navya̍ṃ gī̱rbhiḥ .

nara̍ṃ nṛ̱ṣāha̱ṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭham .. 8.016.01

1. PRAISE Indra whom our songs must laud, sole Sovran of mankind, the Chief
Most liberal who controlleth men.

Sloka : 8.16.2

यस्मि॑न्नु॒क्थानि॒ रण्य॑न्ति॒ विश्वा॑नि च श्रव॒स्या॑ ।

अ॒पामवो॒ न स॑मु॒द्रे ॥ ८.०१६.०२

yasmi̍nnu̱kthāni̱ raṇya̍nti̱ viśvā̍ni ca śrava̱syā̍ .

a̱pāmavo̱ na sa̍mu̱dre .. 8.016.02

2 In whom the hymns of praise delight, and all the glory-giving songs.
Like the floods' longing for the sea.

Sloka : 8.16.3

तं सु॑ष्टु॒त्या वि॑वासे ज्येष्ठ॒राजं॒ भरे॑ कृ॒त्नुम् ।

म॒हो वा॒जिनं॑ स॒निभ्यः॑ ॥ ८.०१६.०३

taṃ su̍ṣṭu̱tyā vi̍vāse jyeṣṭha̱rāja̱ṃ bhare̍ kṛ̱tnum .

ma̱ho vā̱jina̍ṃ sa̱nibhya̍ḥ .. 8.016.03

3 Him I invite with eulogy, best King, effective in the fight,
Strong for the gain of mighty spoil.

Sloka : 8.16.4

यस्यानू॑ना गभी॒रा मदा॑ उ॒रव॒स्तरु॑त्राः ।

ह॒र्षु॒मन्तः॒ शूर॑सातौ ॥ ८.०१६.०४

yasyānū̍nā gabhī̱rā madā̍ u̱rava̱staru̍trāḥ .

ha̱rṣu̱manta̱ḥ śūra̍sātau .. 8.016.04

4 Whose perfect ecstasies are wide, profound, victorious, and give
joy in the field where heroes win.

Sloka : 8.16.5

तमिद्धने॑षु हि॒तेष्व॑धिवा॒काय॑ हवन्ते ।

येषा॒मिन्द्र॒स्ते ज॑यन्ति ॥ ८.०१६.०५

tamiddhane̍ṣu hi̱teṣva̍dhivā̱kāya̍ havante .

yeṣā̱mindra̱ste ja̍yanti .. 8.016.05

5 Him, when the spoils of war are staked, men call to be their advocate:-
They who have Indra win the day.

Sloka : 8.16.6

तमिच्च्यौ॒त्नैरार्य॑न्ति॒ तं कृ॒तेभि॑श्चर्ष॒णयः॑ ।

ए॒ष इन्द्रो॑ वरिव॒स्कृत् ॥ ८.०१६.०६

tamiccyau̱tnairārya̍nti̱ taṃ kṛ̱tebhi̍ścarṣa̱ṇaya̍ḥ .

e̱ṣa indro̍ variva̱skṛt .. 8.016.06

6 Men honour him with stirring songs and magnify with solemn rites:-
Indra is he who giveth case.

Sloka : 8.16.7

इन्द्रो॑ ब्र॒ह्मेन्द्र॒ ऋषि॒रिन्द्रः॑ पु॒रू पु॑रुहू॒तः ।

म॒हान्म॒हीभिः॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ८.०१६.०७

indro̍ bra̱hmendra̱ ṛṣi̱rindra̍ḥ pu̱rū pu̍ruhū̱taḥ .

ma̱hānma̱hībhi̱ḥ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 8.016.07

7 Indra is priest and Ṛṣi, he is much invoked by many men,
And mighty by his mighty powers.

Sloka : 8.16.8

स स्तोम्यः॒ स हव्यः॑ स॒त्यः सत्वा॑ तुविकू॒र्मिः ।

एक॑श्चि॒त्सन्न॒भिभू॑तिः ॥ ८.०१६.०८

sa stomya̱ḥ sa havya̍ḥ sa̱tyaḥ satvā̍ tuvikū̱rmiḥ .

eka̍ści̱tsanna̱bhibhū̍tiḥ .. 8.016.08

8 Meet to be lauded and invoked, true Hero with his deeds of might,
Victorious even when alone.

Sloka : 8.16.9

तम॒र्केभि॒स्तं साम॑भि॒स्तं गा॑य॒त्रैश्च॑र्ष॒णयः॑ ।

इन्द्रं॑ वर्धन्ति क्षि॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०१६.०९

tama̱rkebhi̱staṃ sāma̍bhi̱staṃ gā̍ya̱traiśca̍rṣa̱ṇaya̍ḥ .

indra̍ṃ vardhanti kṣi̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.016.09

9 The men, the people magnify that Indra with their Slina. songs,
With hymns and sacred eulogies

Sloka : 8.16.10

प्र॒णे॒तारं॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒ कर्ता॑रं॒ ज्योतिः॑ स॒मत्सु॑ ।

सा॒स॒ह्वांसं॑ यु॒धामित्रा॑न् ॥ ८.०१६.१०

pra̱ṇe̱tāra̱ṃ vasyo̱ acchā̱ kartā̍ra̱ṃ jyoti̍ḥ sa̱matsu̍ .

sā̱sa̱hvāṃsa̍ṃ yu̱dhāmitrā̍n .. 8.016.10

10 Him who advances them to wealth, sends light to lead them in the war,
And quells their foemen in the fray.

Sloka : 8.16.11

स नः॒ पप्रिः॑ पारयाति स्व॒स्ति ना॒वा पु॑रुहू॒तः ।

इन्द्रो॒ विश्वा॒ अति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ ८.०१६.११

sa na̱ḥ papri̍ḥ pārayāti sva̱sti nā̱vā pu̍ruhū̱taḥ .

indro̱ viśvā̱ ati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 8.016.11

11 May he, the saviour much-invoked, may Indra bear us in a ship
Safely beyond all enemies.

Sloka : 8.16.12

स त्वं न॑ इन्द्र॒ वाजे॑भिर्दश॒स्या च॑ गातु॒या च॑ ।

अच्छा॑ च नः सु॒म्नं ने॑षि ॥ ८.०१६.१२

sa tvaṃ na̍ indra̱ vāje̍bhirdaśa̱syā ca̍ gātu̱yā ca̍ .

acchā̍ ca naḥ su̱mnaṃ ne̍ṣi .. 8.016.12

12 As such, O Indra, honour us with gifts of booty, further us,
And lead us to felicity.

Sloka : 8.17.1

आ या॑हि सुषु॒मा हि त॒ इन्द्र॒ सोमं॒ पिबा॑ इ॒मम् ।

एदं ब॒र्हिः स॑दो॒ मम॑ ॥ ८.०१७.०१

ā yā̍hi suṣu̱mā hi ta̱ indra̱ soma̱ṃ pibā̍ i̱mam .

edaṃ ba̱rhiḥ sa̍do̱ mama̍ .. 8.017.01

1. COME, we have pressed the juice for thee; O Indra, drink this Soma here
Sit thou on this my sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.17.2

आ त्वा॑ ब्रह्म॒युजा॒ हरी॒ वह॑तामिन्द्र के॒शिना॑ ।

उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि नः श‍ृणु ॥ ८.०१७.०२

ā tvā̍ brahma̱yujā̱ harī̱ vaha̍tāmindra ke̱śinā̍ .

upa̱ brahmā̍ṇi naḥ śṛṇu .. 8.017.02

2 O Indra, let thy long-maned Bays, yoked by prayer, bring thee hitherward
Give car and listen to our prayers.

Sloka : 8.17.3

ब्र॒ह्माण॑स्त्वा व॒यं यु॒जा सो॑म॒पामि॑न्द्र सो॒मिनः॑ ।

सु॒ताव॑न्तो हवामहे ॥ ८.०१७.०३

bra̱hmāṇa̍stvā va̱yaṃ yu̱jā so̍ma̱pāmi̍ndra so̱mina̍ḥ .

su̱tāva̍nto havāmahe .. 8.017.03

3 We Soma-bearing Brahmans call thee Soma-drinker with thy friend,
We, Indra, bringing Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.17.4

आ नो॑ याहि सु॒ताव॑तो॒ऽस्माकं॑ सुष्टु॒तीरुप॑ ।

पिबा॒ सु शि॑प्रि॒न्नन्ध॑सः ॥ ८.०१७.०४

ā no̍ yāhi su̱tāva̍to̱'smāka̍ṃ suṣṭu̱tīrupa̍ .

pibā̱ su śi̍pri̱nnandha̍saḥ .. 8.017.04

4 Come unto us who bring the juice, come unto this our eulogy,
Fair-visored! drink thou of the juice.

Sloka : 8.17.5

आ ते॑ सिञ्चामि कु॒क्ष्योरनु॒ गात्रा॒ वि धा॑वतु ।

गृ॒भा॒य जि॒ह्वया॒ मधु॑ ॥ ८.०१७.०५

ā te̍ siñcāmi ku̱kṣyoranu̱ gātrā̱ vi dhā̍vatu .

gṛ̱bhā̱ya ji̱hvayā̱ madhu̍ .. 8.017.05

5 I pour it down within thee, so through all thy members let it spread:-
Take with. thy tongue the pleasant drink.

Sloka : 8.17.6

स्वा॒दुष्टे॑ अस्तु सं॒सुदे॒ मधु॑मान्त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ तव॑ ।

सोमः॒ शम॑स्तु ते हृ॒दे ॥ ८.०१७.०६

svā̱duṣṭe̍ astu sa̱ṃsude̱ madhu̍mānta̱nve̱3̱̍ tava̍ .

soma̱ḥ śama̍stu te hṛ̱de .. 8.017.06

6 Sweet to thy body let it be, delicious be the savoury juice:-
Sweet be the Soma to thine heart.

Sloka : 8.17.7

अ॒यमु॑ त्वा विचर्षणे॒ जनी॑रिवा॒भि संवृ॑तः ।

प्र सोम॑ इन्द्र सर्पतु ॥ ८.०१७.०७

a̱yamu̍ tvā vicarṣaṇe̱ janī̍rivā̱bhi saṃvṛ̍taḥ .

pra soma̍ indra sarpatu .. 8.017.07

7 Like women, let this Soma-draught, invested with its robe, approach,
O active Indra, close to thee.

Sloka : 8.17.8

तु॒वि॒ग्रीवो॑ व॒पोद॑रः सुबा॒हुरन्ध॑सो॒ मदे॑ ।

इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नते ॥ ८.०१७.०८

tu̱vi̱grīvo̍ va̱poda̍raḥ subā̱hurandha̍so̱ made̍ .

indro̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnate .. 8.017.08

8 Indra, transported with the juice, vast in his bulk, strong in his neck
And stout arms, smites the Vṛtras down.

Sloka : 8.17.9

इन्द्र॒ प्रेहि॑ पु॒रस्त्वं विश्व॒स्येशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ।

वृ॒त्राणि॑ वृत्रहञ्जहि ॥ ८.०१७.०९

indra̱ prehi̍ pu̱rastvaṃ viśva̱syeśā̍na̱ oja̍sā .

vṛ̱trāṇi̍ vṛtrahañjahi .. 8.017.09

9 O Indra, go thou forward, thou who rulest over all by might:-
Thou Vṛtra-slayer slay the fiends,

Sloka : 8.17.10

दी॒र्घस्ते॑ अस्त्वङ्कु॒शो येना॒ वसु॑ प्र॒यच्छ॑सि ।

यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ॥ ८.०१७.१०

dī̱rghaste̍ astvaṅku̱śo yenā̱ vasu̍ pra̱yaccha̍si .

yaja̍mānāya sunva̱te .. 8.017.10

10 Long be thy grasping-hook wherewith thou givest ample wealth to him
Who sheds the juice and worships thee.

Sloka : 8.17.11

अ॒यं त॑ इन्द्र॒ सोमो॒ निपू॑तो॒ अधि॑ ब॒र्हिषि॑ ।

एही॑म॒स्य द्रवा॒ पिब॑ ॥ ८.०१७.११

a̱yaṃ ta̍ indra̱ somo̱ nipū̍to̱ adhi̍ ba̱rhiṣi̍ .

ehī̍ma̱sya dravā̱ piba̍ .. 8.017.11

11 Here, Indra, is thy Soma-draught, made pure upon the sacred grass:-
Run hither, come and drink thereof.

Sloka : 8.17.12

शाचि॑गो॒ शाचि॑पूजना॒यं रणा॑य ते सु॒तः ।

आख॑ण्डल॒ प्र हू॑यसे ॥ ८.०१७.१२

śāci̍go̱ śāci̍pūjanā̱yaṃ raṇā̍ya te su̱taḥ .

ākha̍ṇḍala̱ pra hū̍yase .. 8.017.12

12 Famed for thy radiance, worshipped well this juice is shed for thy delight
Thou art invoked, Akhandala!

Sloka : 8.17.13

यस्ते॑ श‍ृङ्गवृषो नपा॒त्प्रण॑पात्कुण्ड॒पाय्यः॑ ।

न्य॑स्मिन्दध्र॒ आ मनः॑ ॥ ८.०१७.१३

yaste̍ śṛṅgavṛṣo napā̱tpraṇa̍pātkuṇḍa̱pāyya̍ḥ .

nya̍smindadhra̱ ā mana̍ḥ .. 8.017.13

13 To Kundapayya, grandson's son, grandson of Srngavrs! to thee,
To him have I addressed my thought.

Sloka : 8.17.14

वास्तो॑ष्पते ध्रु॒वा स्थूणांस॑त्रं सो॒म्याना॑म् ।

द्र॒प्सो भे॒त्ता पु॒रां शश्व॑तीना॒मिन्द्रो॒ मुनी॑नां॒ सखा॑ ॥ ८.०१७.१४

vāsto̍ṣpate dhru̱vā sthūṇāṃsa̍traṃ so̱myānā̍m .

dra̱pso bhe̱ttā pu̱rāṃ śaśva̍tīnā̱mindro̱ munī̍nā̱ṃ sakhā̍ .. 8.017.14

14 Strong pillar thou, Lord of the home armour of Soma-offerers:-
The drop of Soma breaketh all the strongholds down, and Indra is the Ṛṣis’ Friend.

Sloka : 8.17.15

पृदा॑कुसानुर्यज॒तो ग॒वेष॑ण॒ एकः॒ सन्न॒भि भूय॑सः ।

भूर्णि॒मश्वं॑ नयत्तु॒जा पु॒रो गृ॒भेन्द्रं॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०१७.१५

pṛdā̍kusānuryaja̱to ga̱veṣa̍ṇa̱ eka̱ḥ sanna̱bhi bhūya̍saḥ .

bhūrṇi̱maśva̍ṃ nayattu̱jā pu̱ro gṛ̱bhendra̱ṃ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.017.15

15 Holy Prdikusanu, winner of the spoil, one eminent o’er many men,
Lead on the wild horse Indra with his vigorous grasp forward to drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.18.1

इ॒दं ह॑ नू॒नमे॑षां सु॒म्नं भि॑क्षेत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

आ॒दि॒त्याना॒मपू॑र्व्यं॒ सवी॑मनि ॥ ८.०१८.०१

i̱daṃ ha̍ nū̱name̍ṣāṃ su̱mnaṃ bhi̍kṣeta̱ martya̍ḥ .

ā̱di̱tyānā̱mapū̍rvya̱ṃ savī̍mani .. 8.018.01

1. Now let the mortal offer prayer to win the unexampled grace
Of these Ādityas and their aid to cherish life.

Sloka : 8.18.2

अ॒न॒र्वाणो॒ ह्ये॑षां॒ पन्था॑ आदि॒त्याना॑म् ।

अद॑ब्धाः॒ सन्ति॑ पा॒यवः॑ सुगे॒वृधः॑ ॥ ८.०१८.०२

a̱na̱rvāṇo̱ hye̍ṣā̱ṃ panthā̍ ādi̱tyānā̍m .

ada̍bdhā̱ḥ santi̍ pā̱yava̍ḥ suge̱vṛdha̍ḥ .. 8.018.02

2 For not an enemy molests the paths which these Ādityas tread:-
Infallible guards, they strengthen us in happiness.

Sloka : 8.18.3

तत्सु नः॑ सवि॒ता भगो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।

शर्म॑ यच्छन्तु स॒प्रथो॒ यदीम॑हे ॥ ८.०१८.०३

tatsu na̍ḥ savi̱tā bhago̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .

śarma̍ yacchantu sa̱pratho̱ yadīma̍he .. 8.018.03

3 Now soon may Bhaga, Savitar, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman
Give us the shelter widely spread which we implore.

Sloka : 8.18.4

दे॒वेभि॑र्देव्यदि॒तेऽरि॑ष्टभर्म॒न्ना ग॑हि ।

स्मत्सू॒रिभिः॑ पुरुप्रिये सु॒शर्म॑भिः ॥ ८.०१८.०४

de̱vebhi̍rdevyadi̱te'ri̍ṣṭabharma̱nnā ga̍hi .

smatsū̱ribhi̍ḥ purupriye su̱śarma̍bhiḥ .. 8.018.04

4 With Gods come thou whose fostering care none checks, O Goddesss Aditi:-
Come, dear to many, with the Lords who guard us well.

Sloka : 8.18.5

ते हि पु॒त्रासो॒ अदि॑तेर्वि॒दुर्द्वेषां॑सि॒ योत॑वे ।

अं॒होश्चि॑दुरु॒चक्र॑योऽने॒हसः॑ ॥ ८.०१८.०५

te hi pu̱trāso̱ adi̍tervi̱durdveṣā̍ṃsi̱ yota̍ve .

a̱ṃhości̍duru̱cakra̍yo'ne̱hasa̍ḥ .. 8.018.05

5 For well these Sons of Aditi know to keep enmities aloof,
Unrivalled, giving ample room, they save from woe.

Sloka : 8.18.6

अदि॑तिर्नो॒ दिवा॑ प॒शुमदि॑ति॒र्नक्त॒मद्व॑याः ।

अदि॑तिः पा॒त्वंह॑सः स॒दावृ॑धा ॥ ८.०१८.०६

adi̍tirno̱ divā̍ pa̱śumadi̍ti̱rnakta̱madva̍yāḥ .

adi̍tiḥ pā̱tvaṃha̍saḥ sa̱dāvṛ̍dhā .. 8.018.06

6 Aditi guard our herd by day, Aditi, free from guile, by night,
Aditi, ever strengthening, save us from grief!

Sloka : 8.18.7

उ॒त स्या नो॒ दिवा॑ म॒तिरदि॑तिरू॒त्या ग॑मत् ।

सा शंता॑ति॒ मय॑स्कर॒दप॒ स्रिधः॑ ॥ ८.०१८.०७

u̱ta syā no̱ divā̍ ma̱tiradi̍tirū̱tyā ga̍mat .

sā śaṃtā̍ti̱ maya̍skara̱dapa̱ sridha̍ḥ .. 8.018.07

7 And in the day our hymn is this:- May Aditi come nigh to help,
With loving-kindness bring us weal and chase our foes.

Sloka : 8.18.8

उ॒त त्या दैव्या॑ भि॒षजा॒ शं नः॑ करतो अ॒श्विना॑ ।

यु॒यु॒याता॑मि॒तो रपो॒ अप॒ स्रिधः॑ ॥ ८.०१८.०८

u̱ta tyā daivyā̍ bhi̱ṣajā̱ śaṃ na̍ḥ karato a̱śvinā̍ .

yu̱yu̱yātā̍mi̱to rapo̱ apa̱ sridha̍ḥ .. 8.018.08

8 And may the Aśvins, the divine Pair of Physicians, send us health:-
May they remove iniquity and chase our foes.

Sloka : 8.18.9

शम॒ग्निर॒ग्निभिः॑ कर॒च्छं न॑स्तपतु॒ सूर्यः॑ ।

शं वातो॑ वात्वर॒पा अप॒ स्रिधः॑ ॥ ८.०१८.०९

śama̱gnira̱gnibhi̍ḥ kara̱cchaṃ na̍stapatu̱ sūrya̍ḥ .

śaṃ vāto̍ vātvara̱pā apa̱ sridha̍ḥ .. 8.018.09

9 May Agni bless us with his fires, and Sūrya warm us pleasantly:-
May the pure Wind breathe sweet on us, and chase our foes.

Sloka : 8.18.10

अपामी॑वा॒मप॒ स्रिध॒मप॑ सेधत दुर्म॒तिम् ।

आदि॑त्यासो यु॒योत॑ना नो॒ अंह॑सः ॥ ८.०१८.१०

apāmī̍vā̱mapa̱ sridha̱mapa̍ sedhata durma̱tim .

ādi̍tyāso yu̱yota̍nā no̱ aṃha̍saḥ .. 8.018.10

10 Drive ye disease and strife away, drive ye away malignity:-
Ādityas, keep us ever far from sore distress.

Sloka : 8.18.11

यु॒योता॒ शरु॑म॒स्मदाँ आदि॑त्यास उ॒ताम॑तिम् ।

ऋध॒ग्द्वेषः॑ कृणुत विश्ववेदसः ॥ ८.०१८.११

yu̱yotā̱ śaru̍ma̱smadām̐ ādi̍tyāsa u̱tāma̍tim .

ṛdha̱gdveṣa̍ḥ kṛṇuta viśvavedasaḥ .. 8.018.11

11 Remove from us the arrow, keep famine, Ādityas! far away:-
Keep enmities afar from us, Lords of all wealth!

Sloka : 8.18.12

तत्सु नः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ॒तादि॑त्या॒ यन्मुमो॑चति ।

एन॑स्वन्तं चि॒देन॑सः सुदानवः ॥ ८.०१८.१२

tatsu na̱ḥ śarma̍ yaccha̱tādi̍tyā̱ yanmumo̍cati .

ena̍svantaṃ ci̱dena̍saḥ sudānavaḥ .. 8.018.12

12 Now, O Ādityas, grant to us the shelter that lets man go free,
Yea, even the sinner from his sin, ye Bounteous Gods 1

Sloka : 8.18.13

यो नः॒ कश्चि॒द्रिरि॑क्षति रक्ष॒स्त्वेन॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

स्वैः ष एवै॑ रिरिषीष्ट॒ युर्जनः॑ ॥ ८.०१८.१३

yo na̱ḥ kaści̱driri̍kṣati rakṣa̱stvena̱ martya̍ḥ .

svaiḥ ṣa evai̍ ririṣīṣṭa̱ yurjana̍ḥ .. 8.018.13

13 Whatever mortal with the powe r of demons fain would injure us,
May he, impetuous, suffer harm by his own deeds.

Sloka : 8.18.14

समित्तम॒घम॑श्नवद्दुः॒शंसं॒ मर्त्यं॑ रि॒पुम् ।

यो अ॑स्म॒त्रा दु॒र्हणा॑वा॒ँ उप॑ द्व॒युः ॥ ८.०१८.१४

samittama̱ghama̍śnavaddu̱ḥśaṃsa̱ṃ martya̍ṃ ri̱pum .

yo a̍sma̱trā du̱rhaṇā̍vā̱m̐ upa̍ dva̱yuḥ .. 8.018.14

14 May sin o’ertake our human foe, the man who speaketh evil thing,
Him who would cause our misery, whose heart is false.

Sloka : 8.18.15

पा॒क॒त्रा स्थ॑न देवा हृ॒त्सु जा॑नीथ॒ मर्त्य॑म् ।

उप॑ द्व॒युं चाद्व॑युं च वसवः ॥ ८.०१८.१५

pā̱ka̱trā stha̍na devā hṛ̱tsu jā̍nītha̱ martya̍m .

upa̍ dva̱yuṃ cādva̍yuṃ ca vasavaḥ .. 8.018.15

15 Gods, ye are with the simple ones, ye know each mortal in your hearts;
Ye, Vasus, well discriminate the false and true.

Sloka : 8.18.16

आ शर्म॒ पर्व॑ताना॒मोतापां वृ॑णीमहे ।

द्यावा॑क्षामा॒रे अ॒स्मद्रप॑स्कृतम् ॥ ८.०१८.१६

ā śarma̱ parva̍tānā̱motāpāṃ vṛ̍ṇīmahe .

dyāvā̍kṣāmā̱re a̱smadrapa̍skṛtam .. 8.018.16

16 Fain would we have the sheltering aid of mountains and of water-floods:-
Keep far from us iniquity, O Heaven and Earth.

Sloka : 8.18.17

ते नो॑ भ॒द्रेण॒ शर्म॑णा यु॒ष्माकं॑ ना॒वा व॑सवः ।

अति॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता पि॑पर्तन ॥ ८.०१८.१७

te no̍ bha̱dreṇa̱ śarma̍ṇā yu̱ṣmāka̍ṃ nā̱vā va̍savaḥ .

ati̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tā pi̍partana .. 8.018.17

17 So with auspicious sheltering aid do ye, O Vasus, carry us
Beyond all trouble and distress, borne in your ship.

Sloka : 8.18.18

तु॒चे तना॑य॒ तत्सु नो॒ द्राघी॑य॒ आयु॑र्जी॒वसे॑ ।

आदि॑त्यासः सुमहसः कृ॒णोत॑न ॥ ८.०१८.१८

tu̱ce tanā̍ya̱ tatsu no̱ drāghī̍ya̱ āyu̍rjī̱vase̍ .

ādi̍tyāsaḥ sumahasaḥ kṛ̱ṇota̍na .. 8.018.18

18 Ādityas, ye Most Mighty Ones, grant to our children and their seed
Extended term of life that they may live long days.

Sloka : 8.18.19

य॒ज्ञो ही॒ळो वो॒ अन्त॑र॒ आदि॑त्या॒ अस्ति॑ मृ॒ळत॑ ।

यु॒ष्मे इद्वो॒ अपि॑ ष्मसि सजा॒त्ये॑ ॥ ८.०१८.१९

ya̱jño hī̱l̤o vo̱ anta̍ra̱ ādi̍tyā̱ asti̍ mṛ̱l̤ata̍ .

yu̱ṣme idvo̱ api̍ ṣmasi sajā̱tye̍ .. 8.018.19

19 Sacrifice, O Ādityas, is your inward monitor:- be kind,
For in the bond of kindred we are bound to you.

Sloka : 8.18.20

बृ॒हद्वरू॑थं म॒रुतां॑ दे॒वं त्रा॒तार॑म॒श्विना॑ ।

मि॒त्रमी॑महे॒ वरु॑णं स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ ८.०१८.२०

bṛ̱hadvarū̍thaṃ ma̱rutā̍ṃ de̱vaṃ trā̱tāra̍ma̱śvinā̍ .

mi̱tramī̍mahe̱ varu̍ṇaṃ sva̱staye̍ .. 8.018.20

20 The Maruts’ high protecting aid, the Aśvins, and the God who saves,
Mitra and Varuṇa for weal we supplicate.

Sloka : 8.18.21

अ॒ने॒हो मि॑त्रार्यमन्नृ॒वद्व॑रुण॒ शंस्य॑म् ।

त्रि॒वरू॑थं मरुतो यन्त नश्छ॒र्दिः ॥ ८.०१८.२१

a̱ne̱ho mi̍trāryamannṛ̱vadva̍ruṇa̱ śaṃsya̍m .

tri̱varū̍thaṃ maruto yanta naścha̱rdiḥ .. 8.018.21

21 Grant us a home with triple guard, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa!
Unthreatened, Maruts! meet for praise, and filled with men.

Sloka : 8.18.22

ये चि॒द्धि मृ॒त्युब॑न्धव॒ आदि॑त्या॒ मन॑वः॒ स्मसि॑ ।

प्र सू न॒ आयु॑र्जी॒वसे॑ तिरेतन ॥ ८.०१८.२२

ye ci̱ddhi mṛ̱tyuba̍ndhava̱ ādi̍tyā̱ mana̍va̱ḥ smasi̍ .

pra sū na̱ āyu̍rjī̱vase̍ tiretana .. 8.018.22

22 And as we human beings, O Ādityas, are akin to death,
Graciously lengthen ye our lives that we may live.

Sloka : 8.19.1

तं गू॑र्धया॒ स्व॑र्णरं दे॒वासो॑ दे॒वम॑र॒तिं द॑धन्विरे ।

दे॒व॒त्रा ह॒व्यमोहि॑रे ॥ ८.०१९.०१

taṃ gū̍rdhayā̱ sva̍rṇaraṃ de̱vāso̍ de̱vama̍ra̱tiṃ da̍dhanvire .

de̱va̱trā ha̱vyamohi̍re .. 8.019.01

1. SING praise to hiin, the Lord of Light. The Gods have made the God to be their messenger,
And sent oblation to Gods.

Sloka : 8.19.2

विभू॑तरातिं विप्र चि॒त्रशो॑चिषम॒ग्निमी॑ळिष्व य॒न्तुर॑म् ।

अ॒स्य मेध॑स्य सो॒म्यस्य॑ सोभरे॒ प्रेम॑ध्व॒राय॒ पूर्व्य॑म् ॥ ८.०१९.०२

vibhū̍tarātiṃ vipra ci̱traśo̍ciṣama̱gnimī̍l̤iṣva ya̱ntura̍m .

a̱sya medha̍sya so̱myasya̍ sobhare̱ prema̍dhva̱rāya̱ pūrvya̍m .. 8.019.02

2 Agni, the Bounteous Giver, bright with varied flames, laud thou, O singer Sobhari-
Him who controls this sacred food with Soma blent, who hath first claim to sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.19.3

यजि॑ष्ठं त्वा ववृमहे दे॒वं दे॑व॒त्रा होता॑र॒मम॑र्त्यम् ।

अ॒स्य य॒ज्ञस्य॑ सु॒क्रतु॑म् ॥ ८.०१९.०३

yaji̍ṣṭhaṃ tvā vavṛmahe de̱vaṃ de̍va̱trā hotā̍ra̱mama̍rtyam .

a̱sya ya̱jñasya̍ su̱kratu̍m .. 8.019.03

3 Thee have we chosen skilftillest in sacrifice, Immortal Priest among the Gods,
Wise finisher of this holy rite:-

Sloka : 8.19.4

ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑तं सु॒भगं॑ सु॒दीदि॑तिम॒ग्निं श्रेष्ठ॑शोचिषम् ।

स नो॑ मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ सो अ॒पामा सु॒म्नं य॑क्षते दि॒वि ॥ ८.०१९.०४

ū̱rjo napā̍taṃ su̱bhaga̍ṃ su̱dīdi̍tima̱gniṃ śreṣṭha̍śociṣam .

sa no̍ mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ so a̱pāmā su̱mnaṃ ya̍kṣate di̱vi .. 8.019.04

4 The Son of Strength, the blessed, brightly shining One, Agni whose light is excellent.
May be by sacrifice win us in heaven the grace of Mitra, Varuṇa, and the Floods.

Sloka : 8.19.5

यः स॒मिधा॒ य आहु॑ती॒ यो वेदे॑न द॒दाश॒ मर्तो॑ अ॒ग्नये॑ ।

यो नम॑सा स्वध्व॒रः ॥ ८.०१९.०५

yaḥ sa̱midhā̱ ya āhu̍tī̱ yo vede̍na da̱dāśa̱ marto̍ a̱gnaye̍ .

yo nama̍sā svadhva̱raḥ .. 8.019.05

5 The mortal who hath ministered to Agni with oblation, fuel, ritual lore,
And reverence, skilled in sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.19.6

तस्येदर्व॑न्तो रंहयन्त आ॒शव॒स्तस्य॑ द्यु॒म्नित॑मं॒ यशः॑ ।

न तमंहो॑ दे॒वकृ॑तं॒ कुत॑श्च॒न न मर्त्य॑कृतं नशत् ॥ ८.०१९.०६

tasyedarva̍nto raṃhayanta ā̱śava̱stasya̍ dyu̱mnita̍ma̱ṃ yaśa̍ḥ .

na tamaṃho̍ de̱vakṛ̍ta̱ṃ kuta̍śca̱na na martya̍kṛtaṃ naśat .. 8.019.06

6 Verily swift to run are his fleet-footed steeds, and most resplendent fame is his.
No trouble caused by Gods or wrought by mortal man from any side o’ertaketh him.

Sloka : 8.19.7

स्व॒ग्नयो॑ वो अ॒ग्निभिः॒ स्याम॑ सूनो सहस ऊर्जां पते ।

सु॒वीर॒स्त्वम॑स्म॒युः ॥ ८.०१९.०७

sva̱gnayo̍ vo a̱gnibhi̱ḥ syāma̍ sūno sahasa ūrjāṃ pate .

su̱vīra̱stvama̍sma̱yuḥ .. 8.019.07

7 May we by thine own fires be well supplied with fire, O Son of Strength, O Lord of Might:-
Thou as our Friend hast worthy men.

Sloka : 8.19.8

प्र॒शंस॑मानो॒ अति॑थि॒र्न मि॒त्रियो॒ऽग्नी रथो॒ न वेद्यः॑ ।

त्वे क्षेमा॑सो॒ अपि॑ सन्ति सा॒धव॒स्त्वं राजा॑ रयी॒णाम् ॥ ८.०१९.०८

pra̱śaṃsa̍māno̱ ati̍thi̱rna mi̱triyo̱'gnī ratho̱ na vedya̍ḥ .

tve kṣemā̍so̱ api̍ santi sā̱dhava̱stvaṃ rājā̍ rayī̱ṇām .. 8.019.08

8 Agni, who praises like a guest of friendly mind, is as a car that brings us gear.
Also in thee is found perfect security thou art the Sovran Lord of wealth.

Sloka : 8.19.9

सो अ॒द्धा दा॒श्व॑ध्व॒रोऽग्ने॒ मर्तः॑ सुभग॒ स प्र॒शंस्यः॑ ।

स धी॒भिर॑स्तु॒ सनि॑ता ॥ ८.०१९.०९

so a̱ddhā dā̱śva̍dhva̱ro'gne̱ marta̍ḥ subhaga̱ sa pra̱śaṃsya̍ḥ .

sa dhī̱bhira̍stu̱ sani̍tā .. 8.019.09

9 That man, moreover, merits praise who brings, auspicious Agni, sacrificial gifts
May he win riches by his thoughts.

Sloka : 8.19.10

यस्य॒ त्वमू॒र्ध्वो अ॑ध्व॒राय॒ तिष्ठ॑सि क्ष॒यद्वी॑रः॒ स सा॑धते ।

सो अर्व॑द्भिः॒ सनि॑ता॒ स वि॑प॒न्युभिः॒ स शूरैः॒ सनि॑ता कृ॒तम् ॥ ८.०१९.१०

yasya̱ tvamū̱rdhvo a̍dhva̱rāya̱ tiṣṭha̍si kṣa̱yadvī̍ra̱ḥ sa sā̍dhate .

so arva̍dbhi̱ḥ sani̍tā̱ sa vi̍pa̱nyubhi̱ḥ sa śūrai̱ḥ sani̍tā kṛ̱tam .. 8.019.10

10 He for whose sacrifice thou standest up erect is prosperous and rules o’er men.
He wins with coursers and with singers killed in song:- with heroes he obtains the prize.

Sloka : 8.19.11

यस्या॒ग्निर्वपु॑र्गृ॒हे स्तोमं॒ चनो॒ दधी॑त वि॒श्ववा॑र्यः ।

ह॒व्या वा॒ वेवि॑ष॒द्विषः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.११

yasyā̱gnirvapu̍rgṛ̱he stoma̱ṃ cano̱ dadhī̍ta vi̱śvavā̍ryaḥ .

ha̱vyā vā̱ vevi̍ṣa̱dviṣa̍ḥ .. 8.019.11

11 He in whose dwelling Agni is chief ornament, and, all-desired, loves his laud well,
And zealously tends his offerings-

Sloka : 8.19.12

विप्र॑स्य वा स्तुव॒तः स॑हसो यहो म॒क्षूत॑मस्य रा॒तिषु॑ ।

अ॒वोदे॑वमु॒परि॑मर्त्यं कृधि॒ वसो॑ विवि॒दुषो॒ वचः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.१२

vipra̍sya vā stuva̱taḥ sa̍haso yaho ma̱kṣūta̍masya rā̱tiṣu̍ .

a̱vode̍vamu̱pari̍martyaṃ kṛdhi̱ vaso̍ vivi̱duṣo̱ vaca̍ḥ .. 8.019.12

12 His, or the lauding sage's word, his, Son of Strength! who Is most prompt with sacred gifts,
Set thou beneath the Gods, Vasu, above mankind, the speech of the intelligent.

Sloka : 8.19.13

यो अ॒ग्निं ह॒व्यदा॑तिभि॒र्नमो॑भिर्वा सु॒दक्ष॑मा॒विवा॑सति ।

गि॒रा वा॑जि॒रशो॑चिषम् ॥ ८.०१९.१३

yo a̱gniṃ ha̱vyadā̍tibhi̱rnamo̍bhirvā su̱dakṣa̍mā̱vivā̍sati .

gi̱rā vā̍ji̱raśo̍ciṣam .. 8.019.13

13 He who with sacrificial gifts or homage bringeth very skilful Agni nigh,
Or him who flashes fast with song,

Sloka : 8.19.14

स॒मिधा॒ यो निशि॑ती॒ दाश॒ददि॑तिं॒ धाम॑भिरस्य॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

विश्वेत्स धी॒भिः सु॒भगो॒ जना॒ँ अति॑ द्यु॒म्नैरु॒द्न इ॑व तारिषत् ॥ ८.०१९.१४

sa̱midhā̱ yo niśi̍tī̱ dāśa̱dadi̍ti̱ṃ dhāma̍bhirasya̱ martya̍ḥ .

viśvetsa dhī̱bhiḥ su̱bhago̱ janā̱m̐ ati̍ dyu̱mnairu̱dna i̍va tāriṣat .. 8.019.14

14 The mortal who with blazing fuel, as his laws command, adores the Perfect God,
Blest with his thoughts in splendour shall exceed all men, as though he overpassed the floods.

Sloka : 8.19.15

तद॑ग्ने द्यु॒म्नमा भ॑र॒ यत्सा॒सह॒त्सद॑ने॒ कं चि॑द॒त्रिण॑म् ।

म॒न्युं जन॑स्य दू॒ढ्यः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.१५

tada̍gne dyu̱mnamā bha̍ra̱ yatsā̱saha̱tsada̍ne̱ kaṃ ci̍da̱triṇa̍m .

ma̱nyuṃ jana̍sya dū̱ḍhya̍ḥ .. 8.019.15

15 Give us the splendour, Agni, which may overcome each greedy fiend in our abode,
The wrath of evil-hearted folk.

Sloka : 8.19.16

येन॒ चष्टे॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा येन॒ नास॑त्या॒ भगः॑ ।

व॒यं तत्ते॒ शव॑सा गातु॒वित्त॑मा॒ इन्द्र॑त्वोता विधेमहि ॥ ८.०१९.१६

yena̱ caṣṭe̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā yena̱ nāsa̍tyā̱ bhaga̍ḥ .

va̱yaṃ tatte̱ śava̍sā gātu̱vitta̍mā̱ indra̍tvotā vidhemahi .. 8.019.16

16 That, wherewith Mitra, Varuṇa, and Aryaman, the Aśvins, Bhaga give us light,
That may we, by thy power finding best furtherance, worship, O Indra, helped by thee.

Sloka : 8.19.17

ते घेद॑ग्ने स्वा॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ ये त्वा॑ विप्र निदधि॒रे नृ॒चक्ष॑सम् ।

विप्रा॑सो देव सु॒क्रतु॑म् ॥ ८.०१९.१७

te gheda̍gne svā̱dhyo̱3̱̍ ye tvā̍ vipra nidadhi̱re nṛ̱cakṣa̍sam .

viprā̍so deva su̱kratu̍m .. 8.019.17

17 O Agni, most devout are they, the sages who have set thee Sage exceeding wise,
O God, for men to look upon:-

Sloka : 8.19.18

त इद्वेदिं॑ सुभग॒ त आहु॑तिं॒ ते सोतुं॑ चक्रिरे दि॒वि ।

त इद्वाजे॑भिर्जिग्युर्म॒हद्धनं॒ ये त्वे कामं॑ न्येरि॒रे ॥ ८.०१९.१८

ta idvedi̍ṃ subhaga̱ ta āhu̍ti̱ṃ te sotu̍ṃ cakrire di̱vi .

ta idvāje̍bhirjigyurma̱haddhana̱ṃ ye tve kāma̍ṃ nyeri̱re .. 8.019.18

18 Who have arranged thine altar Blessed God, at morn brought thine oblation, pressed the juice.
They by their deeds of strength have won diem, mighty wealth, who have set all their hope in thee.

Sloka : 8.19.19

भ॒द्रो नो॑ अ॒ग्निराहु॑तो भ॒द्रा रा॒तिः सु॑भग भ॒द्रो अ॑ध्व॒रः ।

भ॒द्रा उ॒त प्रश॑स्तयः ॥ ८.०१९.१९

bha̱dro no̍ a̱gnirāhu̍to bha̱drā rā̱tiḥ su̍bhaga bha̱dro a̍dhva̱raḥ .

bha̱drā u̱ta praśa̍stayaḥ .. 8.019.19

19 -May Agni worshipped bring us bliss, may the gift, Blessed One, and sacrifice bring bliss;
Yea, may our praises bring us bliss.

Sloka : 8.19.20

भ॒द्रं मनः॑ कृणुष्व वृत्र॒तूर्ये॒ येना॑ स॒मत्सु॑ सा॒सहः॑ ।

अव॑ स्थि॒रा त॑नुहि॒ भूरि॒ शर्ध॑तां व॒नेमा॑ ते अ॒भिष्टि॑भिः ॥ ८.०१९.२०

bha̱draṃ mana̍ḥ kṛṇuṣva vṛtra̱tūrye̱ yenā̍ sa̱matsu̍ sā̱saha̍ḥ .

ava̍ sthi̱rā ta̍nuhi̱ bhūri̱ śardha̍tāṃ va̱nemā̍ te a̱bhiṣṭi̍bhiḥ .. 8.019.20

20 Show forth the mind that brings success in war with fiends, wherewith thou conquerest in fight.
Bring down the many firm hopes of our enemies, and let us vanquish with thine aid.

Sloka : 8.19.21

ईळे॑ गि॒रा मनु॑र्हितं॒ यं दे॒वा दू॒तम॑र॒तिं न्ये॑रि॒रे ।

यजि॑ष्ठं हव्य॒वाह॑नम् ॥ ८.०१९.२१

īl̤e̍ gi̱rā manu̍rhita̱ṃ yaṃ de̱vā dū̱tama̍ra̱tiṃ nye̍ri̱re .

yaji̍ṣṭhaṃ havya̱vāha̍nam .. 8.019.21

21 I praise with song the Friend of man, whom Gods sent down to be herald and messenger,
Best worshipper, bearer of our gifts.

Sloka : 8.19.22

ति॒ग्मज॑म्भाय॒ तरु॑णाय॒ राज॑ते॒ प्रयो॑ गायस्य॒ग्नये॑ ।

यः पिं॒शते॑ सू॒नृता॑भिः सु॒वीर्य॑म॒ग्निर्घृ॒तेभि॒राहु॑तः ॥ ८.०१९.२२

ti̱gmaja̍mbhāya̱ taru̍ṇāya̱ rāja̍te̱ prayo̍ gāyasya̱gnaye̍ .

yaḥ pi̱ṃśate̍ sū̱nṛtā̍bhiḥ su̱vīrya̍ma̱gnirghṛ̱tebhi̱rāhu̍taḥ .. 8.019.22

22 Thou unto sharp-toothed Agni, Young and Radiant God, proclaimest with thy song the feast-
Agni, who for our sweet strains moulds heroic strength when sacred oil is offered him,

Sloka : 8.19.23

यदी॑ घृ॒तेभि॒राहु॑तो॒ वाशी॑म॒ग्निर्भर॑त॒ उच्चाव॑ च ।

असु॑र इव नि॒र्णिज॑म् ॥ ८.०१९.२३

yadī̍ ghṛ̱tebhi̱rāhu̍to̱ vāśī̍ma̱gnirbhara̍ta̱ uccāva̍ ca .

asu̍ra iva ni̱rṇija̍m .. 8.019.23

23 While, served with sacrificial oil, now upward and now downward Agni moves his sword,
As doth the Asura his robe.

Sloka : 8.19.24

यो ह॒व्यान्यैर॑यता॒ मनु॑र्हितो दे॒व आ॒सा सु॑ग॒न्धिना॑ ।

विवा॑सते॒ वार्या॑णि स्वध्व॒रो होता॑ दे॒वो अम॑र्त्यः ॥ ८.०१९.२४

yo ha̱vyānyaira̍yatā̱ manu̍rhito de̱va ā̱sā su̍ga̱ndhinā̍ .

vivā̍sate̱ vāryā̍ṇi svadhva̱ro hotā̍ de̱vo ama̍rtyaḥ .. 8.019.24

24 The God, the Friend of man, who bears our gifts to heaven, the God with his sweet-smelling mouth,
Distributes, skilled in sacrifice, his precious things, Invoking Priest, Immortal God.

Sloka : 8.19.25

यद॑ग्ने॒ मर्त्य॒स्त्वं स्याम॒हं मि॑त्रमहो॒ अम॑र्त्यः ।

सह॑सः सूनवाहुत ॥ ८.०१९.२५

yada̍gne̱ martya̱stvaṃ syāma̱haṃ mi̍tramaho̱ ama̍rtyaḥ .

saha̍saḥ sūnavāhuta .. 8.019.25

25 Son of Strength, Agni, if thou wert the mortal, bright as Mitra, I worshipped with our gifts!
And I were the Immortal God

Sloka : 8.19.26

न त्वा॑ रासीया॒भिश॑स्तये वसो॒ न पा॑प॒त्वाय॑ सन्त्य ।

न मे॑ स्तो॒ताम॑ती॒वा न दुर्हि॑तः॒ स्याद॑ग्ने॒ न पा॒पया॑ ॥ ८.०१९.२६

na tvā̍ rāsīyā̱bhiśa̍staye vaso̱ na pā̍pa̱tvāya̍ santya .

na me̍ sto̱tāma̍tī̱vā na durhi̍ta̱ḥ syāda̍gne̱ na pā̱payā̍ .. 8.019.26

26 I would not give thee up, Vasu, to calumny, or misery, O Bounteous One.
My worshipper should feel no hunger or distress, nor, Agni, should he live in sin.

Sloka : 8.19.27

पि॒तुर्न पु॒त्रः सुभृ॑तो दुरो॒ण आ दे॒वाँ ए॑तु॒ प्र णो॑ ह॒विः ॥ ८.०१९.२७

pi̱turna pu̱traḥ subhṛ̍to duro̱ṇa ā de̱vām̐ e̍tu̱ pra ṇo̍ ha̱viḥ .. 8.019.27

27 Like a son cherished in his father's houi§e, let our oblation rise unto the Gods.

Sloka : 8.19.28

तवा॒हम॑ग्न ऊ॒तिभि॒र्नेदि॑ष्ठाभिः सचेय॒ जोष॒मा व॑सो ।

सदा॑ दे॒वस्य॒ मर्त्यः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.२८

tavā̱hama̍gna ū̱tibhi̱rnedi̍ṣṭhābhiḥ saceya̱ joṣa̱mā va̍so .

sadā̍ de̱vasya̱ martya̍ḥ .. 8.019.28

28 With thine immediate aid may I, excellent Agni, ever gain my wish
A mortal with a God to help.

Sloka : 8.19.29

तव॒ क्रत्वा॑ सनेयं॒ तव॑ रा॒तिभि॒रग्ने॒ तव॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिः ।

त्वामिदा॑हुः॒ प्रम॑तिं वसो॒ ममाग्ने॒ हर्ष॑स्व॒ दात॑वे ॥ ८.०१९.२९

tava̱ kratvā̍ saneya̱ṃ tava̍ rā̱tibhi̱ragne̱ tava̱ praśa̍stibhiḥ .

tvāmidā̍hu̱ḥ prama̍tiṃ vaso̱ mamāgne̱ harṣa̍sva̱ dāta̍ve .. 8.019.29

29 O Agni, by thy wisdom, by thy bounties, by thy leading may I gather wealth.
Excellent Agni, thou art called my Providence:- delight thou to be liberal.

Sloka : 8.19.30

प्र सो अ॑ग्ने॒ तवो॒तिभिः॑ सु॒वीरा॑भिस्तिरते॒ वाज॑भर्मभिः ।

यस्य॒ त्वं स॒ख्यमा॒वरः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.३०

pra so a̍gne̱ tavo̱tibhi̍ḥ su̱vīrā̍bhistirate̱ vāja̍bharmabhiḥ .

yasya̱ tvaṃ sa̱khyamā̱vara̍ḥ .. 8.019.30

30 Agni, he conquers by thine aid that brings him store of noble heroes and great strength,
Whose bond of friendship is thy choice.

Sloka : 8.19.31

तव॑ द्र॒प्सो नील॑वान्वा॒श ऋ॒त्विय॒ इन्धा॑नः सिष्ण॒वा द॑दे ।

त्वं म॑ही॒नामु॒षसा॑मसि प्रि॒यः क्ष॒पो वस्तु॑षु राजसि ॥ ८.०१९.३१

tava̍ dra̱pso nīla̍vānvā̱śa ṛ̱tviya̱ indhā̍naḥ siṣṇa̱vā da̍de .

tvaṃ ma̍hī̱nāmu̱ṣasā̍masi pri̱yaḥ kṣa̱po vastu̍ṣu rājasi .. 8.019.31

31 Thy spark is black and crackling, kindled in due time, O Bounteous, it is taken up.
Thou art the dear Friend of the mighty Mornings:- thou shinest in glimmerings of the night.

Sloka : 8.19.32

तमाग॑न्म॒ सोभ॑रयः स॒हस्र॑मुष्कं स्वभि॒ष्टिमव॑से ।

स॒म्राजं॒ त्रास॑दस्यवम् ॥ ८.०१९.३२

tamāga̍nma̱ sobha̍rayaḥ sa̱hasra̍muṣkaṃ svabhi̱ṣṭimava̍se .

sa̱mrāja̱ṃ trāsa̍dasyavam .. 8.019.32

32 We Sobharis have come to him, for succour, who is good to help with thousand powers,
The Sovran, Trasadasyu's Friend.

Sloka : 8.19.33

यस्य॑ ते अग्ने अ॒न्ये अ॒ग्नय॑ उप॒क्षितो॑ व॒या इ॑व ।

विपो॒ न द्यु॒म्ना नि यु॑वे॒ जना॑नां॒ तव॑ क्ष॒त्राणि॑ व॒र्धय॑न् ॥ ८.०१९.३३

yasya̍ te agne a̱nye a̱gnaya̍ upa̱kṣito̍ va̱yā i̍va .

vipo̱ na dyu̱mnā ni yu̍ve̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ tava̍ kṣa̱trāṇi̍ va̱rdhaya̍n .. 8.019.33

33 O Agni, thou on whom all other fires depend, as branches on the parent stem,
I make the treasures of the folk, like songs, mine own, while I exalt thy sovran might.

Sloka : 8.19.34

यमा॑दित्यासो अद्रुहः पा॒रं नय॑थ॒ मर्त्य॑म् ।

म॒घोनां॒ विश्वे॑षां सुदानवः ॥ ८.०१९.३४

yamā̍dityāso adruhaḥ pā̱raṃ naya̍tha̱ martya̍m .

ma̱ghonā̱ṃ viśve̍ṣāṃ sudānavaḥ .. 8.019.34

34 The mortal whom, Ādityas, ye, Guilelew, lead to the farther bank
Of all the princes, Bounteous Ones

Sloka : 8.19.35

यू॒यं रा॑जानः॒ कं चि॑च्चर्षणीसहः॒ क्षय॑न्तं॒ मानु॑षा॒ँ अनु॑ ।

व॒यं ते वो॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्रार्य॑म॒न्स्यामेदृ॒तस्य॑ र॒थ्यः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.३५

yū̱yaṃ rā̍jāna̱ḥ kaṃ ci̍ccarṣaṇīsaha̱ḥ kṣaya̍nta̱ṃ mānu̍ṣā̱m̐ anu̍ .

va̱yaṃ te vo̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitrārya̍ma̱nsyāmedṛ̱tasya̍ ra̱thya̍ḥ .. 8.019.35

35 Whoe’er he be, Man-ruling Kings! the Regent of the race of men-
May we, O Mitra, Varuṇa, and Aryaman, like him be furtherers of your law.

Sloka : 8.19.36

अदा॑न्मे पौरुकु॒त्स्यः प॑ञ्चा॒शतं॑ त्र॒सद॑स्युर्व॒धूना॑म् ।

मंहि॑ष्ठो अ॒र्यः सत्प॑तिः ॥ ८.०१९.३६

adā̍nme pauruku̱tsyaḥ pa̍ñcā̱śata̍ṃ tra̱sada̍syurva̱dhūnā̍m .

maṃhi̍ṣṭho a̱ryaḥ satpa̍tiḥ .. 8.019.36

36 A gift of fifty female slaves hath Trasadasyu given me, Purukutsa's son,
Most liberal, kind, lord of the brave.

Sloka : 8.19.37

उ॒त मे॑ प्र॒यियो॑र्व॒यियोः॑ सु॒वास्त्वा॒ अधि॒ तुग्व॑नि ।

ति॒सॄ॒णां स॑प्तती॒नां श्या॒वः प्र॑णे॒ता भु॑व॒द्वसु॒र्दिया॑नां॒ पतिः॑ ॥ ८.०१९.३७

u̱ta me̍ pra̱yiyo̍rva̱yiyo̍ḥ su̱vāstvā̱ adhi̱ tugva̍ni .

ti̱sṝ̱ṇāṃ sa̍ptatī̱nāṃ śyā̱vaḥ pra̍ṇe̱tā bhu̍va̱dvasu̱rdiyā̍nā̱ṃ pati̍ḥ .. 8.019.37

37 And Śyāva too for me led forth a strong steed at Suvastu's ford:-
A herd of three times seventy kine, good lord of gifts, he gave to me.

Sloka : 8.20.1

आ ग॑न्ता॒ मा रि॑षण्यत॒ प्रस्था॑वानो॒ माप॑ स्थाता समन्यवः ।

स्थि॒रा चि॑न्नमयिष्णवः ॥ ८.०२०.०१

ā ga̍ntā̱ mā ri̍ṣaṇyata̱ prasthā̍vāno̱ māpa̍ sthātā samanyavaḥ .

sthi̱rā ci̍nnamayiṣṇavaḥ .. 8.020.01

1. LET none, Swift Travellers! check you:- come hither, like-spirited, stay not far away,
Ye benders even of what is firm.

Sloka : 8.20.2

वी॒ळु॒प॒विभि॑र्मरुत ऋभुक्षण॒ आ रु॑द्रासः सुदी॒तिभिः॑ ।

इ॒षा नो॑ अ॒द्या ग॑ता पुरुस्पृहो य॒ज्ञमा सो॑भरी॒यवः॑ ॥ ८.०२०.०२

vī̱l̤u̱pa̱vibhi̍rmaruta ṛbhukṣaṇa̱ ā ru̍drāsaḥ sudī̱tibhi̍ḥ .

i̱ṣā no̍ a̱dyā ga̍tā puruspṛho ya̱jñamā so̍bharī̱yava̍ḥ .. 8.020.02

2 Maruts, Ṛbhukṣans, Rudras come ye with your cars strong-fellied and exceeding bright.
Come, ye for whom we long, with food, to sacrifice, come ye with love to Sobbari.

Sloka : 8.20.3

वि॒द्मा हि रु॒द्रिया॑णां॒ शुष्म॑मु॒ग्रं म॒रुतां॒ शिमी॑वताम् ।

विष्णो॑रे॒षस्य॑ मी॒ळ्हुषा॑म् ॥ ८.०२०.०३

vi̱dmā hi ru̱driyā̍ṇā̱ṃ śuṣma̍mu̱graṃ ma̱rutā̱ṃ śimī̍vatām .

viṣṇo̍re̱ṣasya̍ mī̱l̤huṣā̍m .. 8.020.03

3 For well we know the vigorous might of Rudra's Sons, the Martits, who are passing strong,
Swift Viṣṇu's band, who send the rain.,

Sloka : 8.20.4

वि द्वी॒पानि॒ पाप॑त॒न्तिष्ठ॑द्दु॒च्छुनो॒भे यु॑जन्त॒ रोद॑सी ।

प्र धन्वा॑न्यैरत शुभ्रखादयो॒ यदेज॑थ स्वभानवः ॥ ८.०२०.०४

vi dvī̱pāni̱ pāpa̍ta̱ntiṣṭha̍ddu̱cchuno̱bhe yu̍janta̱ roda̍sī .

pra dhanvā̍nyairata śubhrakhādayo̱ yadeja̍tha svabhānavaḥ .. 8.020.04

4 Islands are bursting forth and misery is stayed:- the heaven and earth are joined in one.
Decked with bright rings, ye spread the broad expanses out, when ye, Self. luminous, stirred yourselves.

Sloka : 8.20.5

अच्यु॑ता चिद्वो॒ अज्म॒न्ना नान॑दति॒ पर्व॑तासो॒ वन॒स्पतिः॑ ।

भूमि॒र्यामे॑षु रेजते ॥ ८.०२०.०५

acyu̍tā cidvo̱ ajma̱nnā nāna̍dati̱ parva̍tāso̱ vana̱spati̍ḥ .

bhūmi̱ryāme̍ṣu rejate .. 8.020.05

5 Even things immovable shake and reel, the mountains and the forest trees at your approach,
And the earth trembles as ye come.

Sloka : 8.20.6

अमा॑य वो मरुतो॒ यात॑वे॒ द्यौर्जिही॑त॒ उत्त॑रा बृ॒हत् ।

यत्रा॒ नरो॒ देदि॑शते त॒नूष्वा त्वक्षां॑सि बा॒ह्वो॑जसः ॥ ८.०२०.०६

amā̍ya vo maruto̱ yāta̍ve̱ dyaurjihī̍ta̱ utta̍rā bṛ̱hat .

yatrā̱ naro̱ dedi̍śate ta̱nūṣvā tvakṣā̍ṃsi bā̱hvo̍jasaḥ .. 8.020.06

6 To lend free course, O Maruts, to your furious rush, heaven high and higher still gives way,
Where they, the Heroes mighty with their arms, display their gleaming omaments on their forms.

Sloka : 8.20.7

स्व॒धामनु॒ श्रियं॒ नरो॒ महि॑ त्वे॒षा अम॑वन्तो॒ वृष॑प्सवः ।

वह॑न्ते॒ अह्रु॑तप्सवः ॥ ८.०२०.०७

sva̱dhāmanu̱ śriya̱ṃ naro̱ mahi̍ tve̱ṣā ama̍vanto̱ vṛṣa̍psavaḥ .

vaha̍nte̱ ahru̍tapsavaḥ .. 8.020.07

7 After their Godlike nature they, the bull. like Heroes, dazzling and impetuous, wear
Great splendour as they show erect.

Sloka : 8.20.8

गोभि॑र्वा॒णो अ॑ज्यते॒ सोभ॑रीणां॒ रथे॒ कोशे॑ हिर॒ण्यये॑ ।

गोब॑न्धवः सुजा॒तास॑ इ॒षे भु॒जे म॒हान्तो॑ नः॒ स्पर॑से॒ नु ॥ ८.०२०.०८

gobhi̍rvā̱ṇo a̍jyate̱ sobha̍rīṇā̱ṃ rathe̱ kośe̍ hira̱ṇyaye̍ .

goba̍ndhavaḥ sujā̱tāsa̍ i̱ṣe bhu̱je ma̱hānto̍ na̱ḥ spara̍se̱ nu .. 8.020.08

8 The pivot of the Sobharis' chariot within the golden box is balmed with milk.
May they the Well-born, Mighty, kindred of the Cow, aid us to food and to delight.

Sloka : 8.20.9

प्रति॑ वो वृषदञ्जयो॒ वृष्णे॒ शर्धा॑य॒ मारु॑ताय भरध्वम् ।

ह॒व्या वृष॑प्रयाव्णे ॥ ८.०२०.०९

prati̍ vo vṛṣadañjayo̱ vṛṣṇe̱ śardhā̍ya̱ māru̍tāya bharadhvam .

ha̱vyā vṛṣa̍prayāvṇe .. 8.020.09

9 Bring, ye who sprinkle balmy drops. oblations to your vigorous Marut company,
To those whose leader is the Bull.

Sloka : 8.20.10

वृ॒ष॒ण॒श्वेन॑ मरुतो॒ वृष॑प्सुना॒ रथे॑न॒ वृष॑नाभिना ।

आ श्ये॒नासो॒ न प॒क्षिणो॒ वृथा॑ नरो ह॒व्या नो॑ वी॒तये॑ गत ॥ ८.०२०.१०

vṛ̱ṣa̱ṇa̱śvena̍ maruto̱ vṛṣa̍psunā̱ rathe̍na̱ vṛṣa̍nābhinā .

ā śye̱nāso̱ na pa̱kṣiṇo̱ vṛthā̍ naro ha̱vyā no̍ vī̱taye̍ gata .. 8.020.10

10 Come hither, O ye Mares, on your stronghorsed car, solid in look, with solid naves.
Lightly like winged falcons, O ye Heroes, come, come to enjoy our ofrerings.

Sloka : 8.20.11

स॒मा॒नम॒ञ्ज्ये॑षां॒ वि भ्रा॑जन्ते रु॒क्मासो॒ अधि॑ बा॒हुषु॑ ।

दवि॑द्युतत्यृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ८.०२०.११

sa̱mā̱nama̱ñjye̍ṣā̱ṃ vi bhrā̍jante ru̱kmāso̱ adhi̍ bā̱huṣu̍ .

davi̍dyutatyṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 8.020.11

11 Their decoration is the same:- their omaments of gold are bright upon their arms;
Their lances glitter splendidly.

Sloka : 8.20.12

त उ॒ग्रासो॒ वृष॑ण उ॒ग्रबा॑हवो॒ नकि॑ष्ट॒नूषु॑ येतिरे ।

स्थि॒रा धन्वा॒न्यायु॑धा॒ रथे॑षु॒ वोऽनी॑के॒ष्वधि॒ श्रियः॑ ॥ ८.०२०.१२

ta u̱grāso̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa u̱grabā̍havo̱ naki̍ṣṭa̱nūṣu̍ yetire .

sthi̱rā dhanvā̱nyāyu̍dhā̱ rathe̍ṣu̱ vo'nī̍ke̱ṣvadhi̱ śriya̍ḥ .. 8.020.12

12 They toil not to defend their bodies from attack, strong Heroes with their mighty arms.
Strong are your bows and strong the weapons in your cars, and glory sits on every face.

Sloka : 8.20.13

येषा॒मर्णो॒ न स॒प्रथो॒ नाम॑ त्वे॒षं शश्व॑ता॒मेक॒मिद्भु॒जे ।

वयो॒ न पित्र्यं॒ सहः॑ ॥ ८.०२०.१३

yeṣā̱marṇo̱ na sa̱pratho̱ nāma̍ tve̱ṣaṃ śaśva̍tā̱meka̱midbhu̱je .

vayo̱ na pitrya̱ṃ saha̍ḥ .. 8.020.13

13 Whose name extendeth like a sea, alone, resplendent, so that all have joy in it,
And life-power like ancestral might.

Sloka : 8.20.14

तान्व॑न्दस्व म॒रुत॒स्ताँ उप॑ स्तुहि॒ तेषां॒ हि धुनी॑नाम् ।

अ॒राणां॒ न च॑र॒मस्तदे॑षां दा॒ना म॒ह्ना तदे॑षाम् ॥ ८.०२०.१४

tānva̍ndasva ma̱ruta̱stām̐ upa̍ stuhi̱ teṣā̱ṃ hi dhunī̍nām .

a̱rāṇā̱ṃ na ca̍ra̱mastade̍ṣāṃ dā̱nā ma̱hnā tade̍ṣām .. 8.020.14

14 Pay honour to these Maruts and sing praise to them, for of the wheel-spokes of the car
Of these loud roarers none is last:- this is their power, this moves them to give mighty gifts.

Sloka : 8.20.15

सु॒भगः॒ स व॑ ऊ॒तिष्वास॒ पूर्वा॑सु मरुतो॒ व्यु॑ष्टिषु ।

यो वा॑ नू॒नमु॒तास॑ति ॥ ८.०२०.१५

su̱bhaga̱ḥ sa va̍ ū̱tiṣvāsa̱ pūrvā̍su maruto̱ vyu̍ṣṭiṣu .

yo vā̍ nū̱namu̱tāsa̍ti .. 8.020.15

15 Blest by your favouring help was he, O Maruts, at the earlier flushings of the morn,
And even now shall he be blest.

Sloka : 8.20.16

यस्य॑ वा यू॒यं प्रति॑ वा॒जिनो॑ नर॒ आ ह॒व्या वी॒तये॑ ग॒थ ।

अ॒भि ष द्यु॒म्नैरु॒त वाज॑सातिभिः सु॒म्ना वो॑ धूतयो नशत् ॥ ८.०२०.१६

yasya̍ vā yū̱yaṃ prati̍ vā̱jino̍ nara̱ ā ha̱vyā vī̱taye̍ ga̱tha .

a̱bhi ṣa dyu̱mnairu̱ta vāja̍sātibhiḥ su̱mnā vo̍ dhūtayo naśat .. 8.020.16

16 The strong man to whose sacrifice, O Heroes, ye approach that ye may taste thereof,
With glories and with war that winneth spoil shall gain great bliss, ye Shakers of the world.

Sloka : 8.20.17

यथा॑ रु॒द्रस्य॑ सू॒नवो॑ दि॒वो वश॒न्त्यसु॑रस्य वे॒धसः॑ ।

युवा॑न॒स्तथेद॑सत् ॥ ८.०२०.१७

yathā̍ ru̱drasya̍ sū̱navo̍ di̱vo vaśa̱ntyasu̍rasya ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .

yuvā̍na̱statheda̍sat .. 8.020.17

17 Even as Rudra's Sons, the brood of the Creator Dyaus, the Asura, desire,
O Youthful Ones, so shall it be:-

Sloka : 8.20.18

ये चार्ह॑न्ति म॒रुतः॑ सु॒दान॑वः॒ स्मन्मी॒ळ्हुष॒श्चर॑न्ति॒ ये ।

अत॑श्चि॒दा न॒ उप॒ वस्य॑सा हृ॒दा युवा॑न॒ आ व॑वृध्वम् ॥ ८.०२०.१८

ye cārha̍nti ma̱ruta̍ḥ su̱dāna̍va̱ḥ smanmī̱l̤huṣa̱ścara̍nti̱ ye .

ata̍ści̱dā na̱ upa̱ vasya̍sā hṛ̱dā yuvā̍na̱ ā va̍vṛdhvam .. 8.020.18

18 And these the bounteous, worthy of the Maruts who move onward pouring down the rain-
Even for their sake, O Youthful Ones, with kindest heart take us to you to be your own.

Sloka : 8.20.19

यून॑ ऊ॒ षु नवि॑ष्ठया॒ वृष्णः॑ पाव॒काँ अ॒भि सो॑भरे गि॒रा ।

गाय॒ गा इ॑व॒ चर्कृ॑षत् ॥ ८.०२०.१९

yūna̍ ū̱ ṣu navi̍ṣṭhayā̱ vṛṣṇa̍ḥ pāva̱kām̐ a̱bhi so̍bhare gi̱rā .

gāya̱ gā i̍va̱ carkṛ̍ṣat .. 8.020.19

19 O Sobhari, with newest song sing out unto the youthful purifying Bulls,
Even as a plougher to his steers.

Sloka : 8.20.20

सा॒हा ये सन्ति॑ मुष्टि॒हेव॒ हव्यो॒ विश्वा॑सु पृ॒त्सु होतृ॑षु ।

वृष्ण॑श्च॒न्द्रान्न सु॒श्रव॑स्तमान्गि॒रा वन्द॑स्व म॒रुतो॒ अह॑ ॥ ८.०२०.२०

sā̱hā ye santi̍ muṣṭi̱heva̱ havyo̱ viśvā̍su pṛ̱tsu hotṛ̍ṣu .

vṛṣṇa̍śca̱ndrānna su̱śrava̍stamāngi̱rā vanda̍sva ma̱ruto̱ aha̍ .. 8.020.20

20 Who, like a celebrated boxer, overcome the challengers in every fight:-
They who, like shining bulls, are most illustrious-honour those Maruts with thy song.

Sloka : 8.20.21

गाव॑श्चिद्घा समन्यवः सजा॒त्ये॑न मरुतः॒ सब॑न्धवः ।

रि॒ह॒ते क॒कुभो॑ मि॒थः ॥ ८.०२०.२१

gāva̍ścidghā samanyavaḥ sajā̱tye̍na maruta̱ḥ saba̍ndhavaḥ .

ri̱ha̱te ka̱kubho̍ mi̱thaḥ .. 8.020.21

21 Allied by common ancestry, ye Maruts, even the Cows, alike in energy,
Lick, all by turns, each other's head.

Sloka : 8.20.22

मर्त॑श्चिद्वो नृतवो रुक्मवक्षस॒ उप॑ भ्रातृ॒त्वमाय॑ति ।

अधि॑ नो गात मरुतः॒ सदा॒ हि व॑ आपि॒त्वमस्ति॒ निध्रु॑वि ॥ ८.०२०.२२

marta̍ścidvo nṛtavo rukmavakṣasa̱ upa̍ bhrātṛ̱tvamāya̍ti .

adhi̍ no gāta maruta̱ḥ sadā̱ hi va̍ āpi̱tvamasti̱ nidhru̍vi .. 8.020.22

22 Even mortal man, ye Dancers breast adorned with gold, attains to brotherhood with you.
Mark ye and notice us, O Maruts; evermore your friendship is secured to us.

Sloka : 8.20.23

मरु॑तो॒ मारु॑तस्य न॒ आ भे॑ष॒जस्य॑ वहता सुदानवः ।

यू॒यं स॑खायः सप्तयः ॥ ८.०२०.२३

maru̍to̱ māru̍tasya na̱ ā bhe̍ṣa̱jasya̍ vahatā sudānavaḥ .

yū̱yaṃ sa̍khāyaḥ saptayaḥ .. 8.020.23

23 O Maruts, rich in noble gifts, bring us a portion of the Maruts’ medicine,
Ye Coursers who are Friends to us.

Sloka : 8.20.24

याभिः॒ सिन्धु॒मव॑थ॒ याभि॒स्तूर्व॑थ॒ याभि॑र्दश॒स्यथा॒ क्रिवि॑म् ।

मयो॑ नो भूतो॒तिभि॑र्मयोभुवः शि॒वाभि॑रसचद्विषः ॥ ८.०२०.२४

yābhi̱ḥ sindhu̱mava̍tha̱ yābhi̱stūrva̍tha̱ yābhi̍rdaśa̱syathā̱ krivi̍m .

mayo̍ no bhūto̱tibhi̍rmayobhuvaḥ śi̱vābhi̍rasacadviṣaḥ .. 8.020.24

24 Haters of those who serve you not, bliss-bringers, bring us bliss with those auspicious aids
Wherewith ye are victorious and guard Sindhu well, and succour Krvi in his need.

Sloka : 8.20.25

यत्सिन्धौ॒ यदसि॑क्न्यां॒ यत्स॑मु॒द्रेषु॑ मरुतः सुबर्हिषः ।

यत्पर्व॑तेषु भेष॒जम् ॥ ८.०२०.२५

yatsindhau̱ yadasi̍knyā̱ṃ yatsa̍mu̱dreṣu̍ marutaḥ subarhiṣaḥ .

yatparva̍teṣu bheṣa̱jam .. 8.020.25

25 Maruts, who rest on fair trimmed grass, what balm soever Sindhu or Asikni hath,
Or mountains or the seas contain.

Sloka : 8.20.26

विश्वं॒ पश्य॑न्तो बिभृथा त॒नूष्वा तेना॑ नो॒ अधि॑ वोचत ।

क्ष॒मा रपो॑ मरुत॒ आतु॑रस्य न॒ इष्क॑र्ता॒ विह्रु॑तं॒ पुनः॑ ॥ ८.०२०.२६

viśva̱ṃ paśya̍nto bibhṛthā ta̱nūṣvā tenā̍ no̱ adhi̍ vocata .

kṣa̱mā rapo̍ maruta̱ ātu̍rasya na̱ iṣka̍rtā̱ vihru̍ta̱ṃ puna̍ḥ .. 8.020.26

26 Ye carry on your bodies, ye who see it all:- so bless us graciously therewith.
Cast, Maruts, to the ground our sick man's malady:- replace the dislocated limb.

Sloka : 8.21.1

व॒यमु॒ त्वाम॑पूर्व्य स्थू॒रं न कच्चि॒द्भर॑न्तोऽव॒स्यवः॑ ।

वाजे॑ चि॒त्रं ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०२१.०१

va̱yamu̱ tvāma̍pūrvya sthū̱raṃ na kacci̱dbhara̍nto'va̱syava̍ḥ .

vāje̍ ci̱traṃ ha̍vāmahe .. 8.021.01

1. WE call on thee, O Matchless One! We seeking help, possessing nothing firm ourselves,
Call on thee wonderful in fight

Sloka : 8.21.2

उप॑ त्वा॒ कर्म॑न्नू॒तये॒ स नो॒ युवो॒ग्रश्च॑क्राम॒ यो धृ॒षत् ।

त्वामिद्ध्य॑वि॒तारं॑ ववृ॒महे॒ सखा॑य इन्द्र सान॒सिम् ॥ ८.०२१.०२

upa̍ tvā̱ karma̍nnū̱taye̱ sa no̱ yuvo̱graśca̍krāma̱ yo dhṛ̱ṣat .

tvāmiddhya̍vi̱tāra̍ṃ vavṛ̱mahe̱ sakhā̍ya indra sāna̱sim .. 8.021.02

2 On thee for aid in sacrifice. This youth of ours, the bold, the mighty, hath gonse forth.
We therefore, we thy friends, Indra, havie chosen thee, free-giver, as our Guardian God.

Sloka : 8.21.3

आ या॑ही॒म इन्द॒वोऽश्व॑पते॒ गोप॑त॒ उर्व॑रापते ।

सोमं॑ सोमपते पिब ॥ ८.०२१.०३

ā yā̍hī̱ma inda̱vo'śva̍pate̱ gopa̍ta̱ urva̍rāpate .

soma̍ṃ somapate piba .. 8.021.03

3 Come hither, for the drops are here, O Lord of corn-lands. Lord of horses, Lord of kine:-
Drink thou the Soma, Soma's Lord!

Sloka : 8.21.4

व॒यं हि त्वा॒ बन्धु॑मन्तमब॒न्धवो॒ विप्रा॑स इन्द्र येमि॒म ।

या ते॒ धामा॑नि वृषभ॒ तेभि॒रा ग॑हि॒ विश्वे॑भिः॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०२१.०४

va̱yaṃ hi tvā̱ bandhu̍mantamaba̱ndhavo̱ viprā̍sa indra yemi̱ma .

yā te̱ dhāmā̍ni vṛṣabha̱ tebhi̱rā ga̍hi̱ viśve̍bhi̱ḥ soma̍pītaye .. 8.021.04

4 For we the kinless singers have drawn hither thee, O Indra, who hast numerous kin.
With all the forms thou hast, comic thou of bull-like strength, come near to drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.21.5

सीद॑न्तस्ते॒ वयो॑ यथा॒ गोश्री॑ते॒ मधौ॑ मदि॒रे वि॒वक्ष॑णे ।

अ॒भि त्वामि॑न्द्र नोनुमः ॥ ८.०२१.०५

sīda̍ntaste̱ vayo̍ yathā̱ gośrī̍te̱ madhau̍ madi̱re vi̱vakṣa̍ṇe .

a̱bhi tvāmi̍ndra nonumaḥ .. 8.021.05

5 Sitting like birds beside thy meath., mingled with milk, that gladdeneth and exalteth thee,
Indra, to thee we sing aloud.

Sloka : 8.21.6

अच्छा॑ च त्वै॒ना नम॑सा॒ वदा॑मसि॒ किं मुहु॑श्चि॒द्वि दी॑धयः ।

सन्ति॒ कामा॑सो हरिवो द॒दिष्ट्वं स्मो व॒यं सन्ति॑ नो॒ धियः॑ ॥ ८.०२१.०६

acchā̍ ca tvai̱nā nama̍sā̱ vadā̍masi̱ kiṃ muhu̍ści̱dvi dī̍dhayaḥ .

santi̱ kāmā̍so harivo da̱diṣṭvaṃ smo va̱yaṃ santi̍ no̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 8.021.06

6 We speak to thee with this our reverential prayer. Why art thou pondering yet awhile?
Here are our wishes; thou art liberal, Lord of Bays:- we and our hymns are present here.

Sloka : 8.21.7

नूत्ना॒ इदि॑न्द्र ते व॒यमू॒ती अ॑भूम न॒हि नू ते॑ अद्रिवः ।

वि॒द्मा पु॒रा परी॑णसः ॥ ८.०२१.०७

nūtnā̱ idi̍ndra te va̱yamū̱tī a̍bhūma na̱hi nū te̍ adrivaḥ .

vi̱dmā pu̱rā parī̍ṇasaḥ .. 8.021.07

7 For not in recent times alone, O Indra, Thunder-armed, have we obtained thine aid.
Of old we knew thy plenteous wealth.

Sloka : 8.21.8

वि॒द्मा स॑खि॒त्वमु॒त शू॑र भो॒ज्य१॒॑मा ते॒ ता व॑ज्रिन्नीमहे ।

उ॒तो स॑मस्मि॒न्ना शि॑शीहि नो वसो॒ वाजे॑ सुशिप्र॒ गोम॑ति ॥ ८.०२१.०८

vi̱dmā sa̍khi̱tvamu̱ta śū̍ra bho̱jya1̱̍mā te̱ tā va̍jrinnīmahe .

u̱to sa̍masmi̱nnā śi̍śīhi no vaso̱ vāje̍ suśipra̱ goma̍ti .. 8.021.08

8 Hero, we knew thy friendship and thy rich rewards:- these, Thunderer, now we crave of thee.
O Vasu, for all wealth that cometh of the kine, sharpen our powers, fair-visored God.

Sloka : 8.21.9

यो न॑ इ॒दमि॑दं पु॒रा प्र वस्य॑ आनि॒नाय॒ तमु॑ वः स्तुषे ।

सखा॑य॒ इन्द्र॑मू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०२१.०९

yo na̍ i̱dami̍daṃ pu̱rā pra vasya̍ āni̱nāya̱ tamu̍ vaḥ stuṣe .

sakhā̍ya̱ indra̍mū̱taye̍ .. 8.021.09

9 Him who of old hath brought to us this and that blessing, him I magnify for you,
Even Indra, O my friends, for help

Sloka : 8.21.10

हर्य॑श्वं॒ सत्प॑तिं चर्षणी॒सहं॒ स हि ष्मा॒ यो अम॑न्दत ।

आ तु नः॒ स व॑यति॒ गव्य॒मश्व्यं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ म॒घवा॑ श॒तम् ॥ ८.०२१.१०

harya̍śva̱ṃ satpa̍tiṃ carṣaṇī̱saha̱ṃ sa hi ṣmā̱ yo ama̍ndata .

ā tu na̱ḥ sa va̍yati̱ gavya̱maśvya̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhyo̍ ma̱ghavā̍ śa̱tam .. 8.021.10

10 Borne by Bay Steeds, the Lord of heroes, ruling men, for it is he who takes; delight.
May Maghavan bestow on us his worshippers hundreds of cattle and of steeds.

Sloka : 8.21.11

त्वया॑ ह स्विद्यु॒जा व॒यं प्रति॑ श्व॒सन्तं॑ वृषभ ब्रुवीमहि ।

सं॒स्थे जन॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः ॥ ८.०२१.११

tvayā̍ ha svidyu̱jā va̱yaṃ prati̍ śva̱santa̍ṃ vṛṣabha bruvīmahi .

sa̱ṃsthe jana̍sya̱ goma̍taḥ .. 8.021.11

11 Hero, may we, with thee for Friend, withstand the man who pants against us in his wrath,
In fight with people rich in kine.

Sloka : 8.21.12

जये॑म का॒रे पु॑रुहूत का॒रिणो॒ऽभि ति॑ष्ठेम दू॒ढ्यः॑ ।

नृभि॑र्वृ॒त्रं ह॒न्याम॑ शूशु॒याम॒ चावे॑रिन्द्र॒ प्र णो॒ धियः॑ ॥ ८.०२१.१२

jaye̍ma kā̱re pu̍ruhūta kā̱riṇo̱'bhi ti̍ṣṭhema dū̱ḍhya̍ḥ .

nṛbhi̍rvṛ̱traṃ ha̱nyāma̍ śūśu̱yāma̱ cāve̍rindra̱ pra ṇo̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 8.021.12

12 May we be victors in the singer's battlesong, and meet the wicked, Much invoked!
With heroes smite the foeman and show forth our strength. O Indra, further thou our thoughts.

Sloka : 8.21.13

अ॒भ्रा॒तृ॒व्यो अ॒ना त्वमना॑पिरिन्द्र ज॒नुषा॑ स॒नाद॑सि ।

यु॒धेदा॑पि॒त्वमि॑च्छसे ॥ ८.०२१.१३

a̱bhrā̱tṛ̱vyo a̱nā tvamanā̍pirindra ja̱nuṣā̍ sa̱nāda̍si .

yu̱dhedā̍pi̱tvami̍cchase .. 8.021.13

13 O Indra, from all ancient time rivalless ever and companionless art thou:-
Thou seekest comradeship in war.

Sloka : 8.21.14

नकी॑ रे॒वन्तं॑ स॒ख्याय॑ विन्दसे॒ पीय॑न्ति ते सुरा॒श्वः॑ ।

य॒दा कृ॒णोषि॑ नद॒नुं समू॑ह॒स्यादित्पि॒तेव॑ हूयसे ॥ ८.०२१.१४

nakī̍ re̱vanta̍ṃ sa̱khyāya̍ vindase̱ pīya̍nti te surā̱śva̍ḥ .

ya̱dā kṛ̱ṇoṣi̍ nada̱nuṃ samū̍ha̱syāditpi̱teva̍ hūyase .. 8.021.14

14 Thou findest not the wealthy man to be thy friend:- those scorn thee who are flown with wine.
What time thou thunderest and gatherest, then thou, even as a Father, art invoked.

Sloka : 8.21.15

मा ते॑ अमा॒जुरो॑ यथा मू॒रास॑ इन्द्र स॒ख्ये त्वाव॑तः ।

नि ष॑दाम॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते ॥ ८.०२१.१५

mā te̍ amā̱juro̍ yathā mū̱rāsa̍ indra sa̱khye tvāva̍taḥ .

ni ṣa̍dāma̱ sacā̍ su̱te .. 8.021.15

15 O Indra, let us not, like fools who waste their lives at home, with friendship such as thine
Sit idly by the poured-out juice.

Sloka : 8.21.16

मा ते॑ गोदत्र॒ निर॑राम॒ राध॑स॒ इन्द्र॒ मा ते॑ गृहामहि ।

दृ॒ळ्हा चि॑द॒र्यः प्र मृ॑शा॒भ्या भ॑र॒ न ते॑ दा॒मान॑ आ॒दभे॑ ॥ ८.०२१.१६

mā te̍ godatra̱ nira̍rāma̱ rādha̍sa̱ indra̱ mā te̍ gṛhāmahi .

dṛ̱l̤hā ci̍da̱ryaḥ pra mṛ̍śā̱bhyā bha̍ra̱ na te̍ dā̱māna̍ ā̱dabhe̍ .. 8.021.16

16 Giver of kine, may we not miss thy gracious gifts:- let us not rob thee of thine own.
Strip even the strong places of the foe, and bring:- thy gifts can never be made vain.

Sloka : 8.21.17

इन्द्रो॑ वा॒ घेदिय॑न्म॒घं सर॑स्वती वा सु॒भगा॑ द॒दिर्वसु॑ ।

त्वं वा॑ चित्र दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०२१.१७

indro̍ vā̱ ghediya̍nma̱ghaṃ sara̍svatī vā su̱bhagā̍ da̱dirvasu̍ .

tvaṃ vā̍ citra dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.021.17

17 Indra or blest Sarasvatī alone bestows such wealth, treasure so great, or thou,
O Citra, on the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.21.18

चित्र॒ इद्राजा॑ राज॒का इद॑न्य॒के य॒के सर॑स्वती॒मनु॑ ।

प॒र्जन्य॑ इव त॒तन॒द्धि वृ॒ष्ट्या स॒हस्र॑म॒युता॒ दद॑त् ॥ ८.०२१.१८

citra̱ idrājā̍ rāja̱kā ida̍nya̱ke ya̱ke sara̍svatī̱manu̍ .

pa̱rjanya̍ iva ta̱tana̱ddhi vṛ̱ṣṭyā sa̱hasra̍ma̱yutā̱ dada̍t .. 8.021.18

18 Citra is King, and only kinglings are the rest who dwell beside Sarasvatī.
He, like Parjanya with his rain, hath spread himself with thousand, yea, with myriad gifts.

Sloka : 8.22.1

ओ त्यम॑ह्व॒ आ रथ॑म॒द्या दंसि॑ष्ठमू॒तये॑ ।

यम॑श्विना सुहवा रुद्रवर्तनी॒ आ सू॒र्यायै॑ त॒स्थथुः॑ ॥ ८.०२२.०१

o tyama̍hva̱ ā ratha̍ma̱dyā daṃsi̍ṣṭhamū̱taye̍ .

yama̍śvinā suhavā rudravartanī̱ ā sū̱ryāyai̍ ta̱sthathu̍ḥ .. 8.022.01

1. HITHERWARD have I called to-day, for succour, that most wondrous car
Which ye ascended, Aśvins, ye whose paths are red, swift to give Car, for Sūrya's sake.

Sloka : 8.22.2

पू॒र्वा॒युषं॑ सु॒हवं॑ पुरु॒स्पृहं॑ भु॒ज्युं वाजे॑षु॒ पूर्व्य॑म् ।

स॒च॒नाव॑न्तं सुम॒तिभिः॑ सोभरे॒ विद्वे॑षसमने॒हस॑म् ॥ ८.०२२.०२

pū̱rvā̱yuṣa̍ṃ su̱hava̍ṃ puru̱spṛha̍ṃ bhu̱jyuṃ vāje̍ṣu̱ pūrvya̍m .

sa̱ca̱nāva̍ntaṃ suma̱tibhi̍ḥ sobhare̱ vidve̍ṣasamane̱hasa̍m .. 8.022.02

2 Car ever young, much longed-for, easily invoked, soon guided, first in deeds of might,
Which waits and serves, O Sobhari, with benevolence, without a rival or a foe.

Sloka : 8.22.3

इ॒ह त्या पु॑रु॒भूत॑मा दे॒वा नमो॑भिर॒श्विना॑ ।

अ॒र्वा॒ची॒ना स्वव॑से करामहे॒ गन्ता॑रा दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हम् ॥ ८.०२२.०३

i̱ha tyā pu̍ru̱bhūta̍mā de̱vā namo̍bhira̱śvinā̍ .

a̱rvā̱cī̱nā svava̍se karāmahe̱ gantā̍rā dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱ham .. 8.022.03

3 These Aśvins with our homage, these Two Omnipresent Deities
Hitherward will we bring for kind help, these who seek the dwelling of the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.22.4

यु॒वो रथ॑स्य॒ परि॑ च॒क्रमी॑यत ई॒र्मान्यद्वा॑मिषण्यति ।

अ॒स्माँ अच्छा॑ सुम॒तिर्वां॑ शुभस्पती॒ आ धे॒नुरि॑व धावतु ॥ ८.०२२.०४

yu̱vo ratha̍sya̱ pari̍ ca̱kramī̍yata ī̱rmānyadvā̍miṣaṇyati .

a̱smām̐ acchā̍ suma̱tirvā̍ṃ śubhaspatī̱ ā dhe̱nuri̍va dhāvatu .. 8.022.04

4 One of your chariot wheels is moving swiftly round, one speeds for you its onward course.
Like a milch-cow, O Lords of splendour, and with haste let your benevolence come to us.

Sloka : 8.22.5

रथो॒ यो वां॑ त्रिवन्धु॒रो हिर॑ण्याभीशुरश्विना ।

परि॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी भूष॑ति श्रु॒तस्तेन॑ नास॒त्या ग॑तम् ॥ ८.०२२.०५

ratho̱ yo vā̍ṃ trivandhu̱ro hira̍ṇyābhīśuraśvinā .

pari̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī bhūṣa̍ti śru̱tastena̍ nāsa̱tyā ga̍tam .. 8.022.05

5 That chariot of yours which hath a triple seat and reins of gold,
The famous car that traverseth the heaven and earth, thereon Nāsatyas, Aśvins, come.

Sloka : 8.22.6

द॒श॒स्यन्ता॒ मन॑वे पू॒र्व्यं दि॒वि यवं॒ वृके॑ण कर्षथः ।

ता वा॑म॒द्य सु॑म॒तिभिः॑ शुभस्पती॒ अश्वि॑ना॒ प्र स्तु॑वीमहि ॥ ८.०२२.०६

da̱śa̱syantā̱ mana̍ve pū̱rvyaṃ di̱vi yava̱ṃ vṛke̍ṇa karṣathaḥ .

tā vā̍ma̱dya su̍ma̱tibhi̍ḥ śubhaspatī̱ aśvi̍nā̱ pra stu̍vīmahi .. 8.022.06

6 Ye with your plough, when favouring Manu with your help, ploughed the first harvest in the sky.
As such will we exalt you, Lords of splendour, now, O Aśvins, with our prayer and praise.

Sloka : 8.22.7

उप॑ नो वाजिनीवसू या॒तमृ॒तस्य॑ प॒थिभिः॑ ।

येभि॑स्तृ॒क्षिं वृ॑षणा त्रासदस्य॒वं म॒हे क्ष॒त्राय॒ जिन्व॑थः ॥ ८.०२२.०७

upa̍ no vājinīvasū yā̱tamṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱thibhi̍ḥ .

yebhi̍stṛ̱kṣiṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇā trāsadasya̱vaṃ ma̱he kṣa̱trāya̱ jinva̍thaḥ .. 8.022.07

7 Come to us, Lords of ample wealth, by paths of everlasting Law,
Whereby to high dominion ye with mighty strength raised Trksi, Trasadasyu's son.

Sloka : 8.22.8

अ॒यं वा॒मद्रि॑भिः सु॒तः सोमो॑ नरा वृषण्वसू ।

आ या॑तं॒ सोम॑पीतये॒ पिब॑तं दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हे ॥ ८.०२२.०८

a̱yaṃ vā̱madri̍bhiḥ su̱taḥ somo̍ narā vṛṣaṇvasū .

ā yā̍ta̱ṃ soma̍pītaye̱ piba̍taṃ dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱he .. 8.022.08

8 This Soma pressed with stones is yours, ye Heroes, Lords of plenteous wealth.
Approach to drink the Soma, come, drink in the worshipper's abode.

Sloka : 8.22.9

आ हि रु॒हत॑मश्विना॒ रथे॒ कोशे॑ हिर॒ण्यये॑ वृषण्वसू ।

यु॒ञ्जाथां॒ पीव॑री॒रिषः॑ ॥ ८.०२२.०९

ā hi ru̱hata̍maśvinā̱ rathe̱ kośe̍ hira̱ṇyaye̍ vṛṣaṇvasū .

yu̱ñjāthā̱ṃ pīva̍rī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 8.022.09

9 O Aśvins, mount the chariot, mount the golden seat, ye who are Lords of plenteous wealth,
And bring to us abundant food.

Sloka : 8.22.10

याभिः॑ प॒क्थमव॑थो॒ याभि॒रध्रि॑गुं॒ याभि॑र्ब॒भ्रुं विजो॑षसम् ।

ताभि॑र्नो म॒क्षू तूय॑मश्वि॒ना ग॑तं भिष॒ज्यतं॒ यदातु॑रम् ॥ ८.०२२.१०

yābhi̍ḥ pa̱kthamava̍tho̱ yābhi̱radhri̍gu̱ṃ yābhi̍rba̱bhruṃ vijo̍ṣasam .

tābhi̍rno ma̱kṣū tūya̍maśvi̱nā ga̍taṃ bhiṣa̱jyata̱ṃ yadātu̍ram .. 8.022.10

10 The aids wherewith ye helped Paktha and Adhrigt;, and Babhru severed from his friends,—
With those, O Aśvins, come hither with speed and soon, and heal whatever is diseased.

Sloka : 8.22.11

यदध्रि॑गावो॒ अध्रि॑गू इ॒दा चि॒दह्नो॑ अ॒श्विना॒ हवा॑महे ।

व॒यं गी॒र्भिर्वि॑प॒न्यवः॑ ॥ ८.०२२.११

yadadhri̍gāvo̱ adhri̍gū i̱dā ci̱dahno̍ a̱śvinā̱ havā̍mahe .

va̱yaṃ gī̱rbhirvi̍pa̱nyava̍ḥ .. 8.022.11

11 When we continually invoke the Aśvins, the resistless, at this time of day,
We lovers of the song, with songs.

Sloka : 8.22.12

ताभि॒रा या॑तं वृष॒णोप॑ मे॒ हवं॑ वि॒श्वप्सुं॑ वि॒श्ववा॑र्यम् ।

इ॒षा मंहि॑ष्ठा पुरु॒भूत॑मा नरा॒ याभिः॒ क्रिविं॑ वावृ॒धुस्ताभि॒रा ग॑तम् ॥ ८.०२२.१२

tābhi̱rā yā̍taṃ vṛṣa̱ṇopa̍ me̱ hava̍ṃ vi̱śvapsu̍ṃ vi̱śvavā̍ryam .

i̱ṣā maṃhi̍ṣṭhā puru̱bhūta̍mā narā̱ yābhi̱ḥ krivi̍ṃ vāvṛ̱dhustābhi̱rā ga̍tam .. 8.022.12

12 Through these, ye Mighty Ones, come hither to my call which brings all blessings, wears all forms,—
Tlirough which, All-present Heroes, lavishest of food ye strengthened Krvi, come through these.

Sloka : 8.22.13

तावि॒दा चि॒दहा॑नां॒ ताव॒श्विना॒ वन्द॑मान॒ उप॑ ब्रुवे ।

ता उ॒ नमो॑भिरीमहे ॥ ८.०२२.१३

tāvi̱dā ci̱dahā̍nā̱ṃ tāva̱śvinā̱ vanda̍māna̱ upa̍ bruve .

tā u̱ namo̍bhirīmahe .. 8.022.13

13 I speak to both of these as such, these Aśvins whom I reverence at this time of day:-
With homage we entreat them both.

Sloka : 8.22.14

ताविद्दो॒षा ता उ॒षसि॑ शु॒भस्पती॒ ता याम॑न्रु॒द्रव॑र्तनी ।

मा नो॒ मर्ता॑य रि॒पवे॑ वाजिनीवसू प॒रो रु॑द्रा॒वति॑ ख्यतम् ॥ ८.०२२.१४

tāviddo̱ṣā tā u̱ṣasi̍ śu̱bhaspatī̱ tā yāma̍nru̱drava̍rtanī .

mā no̱ martā̍ya ri̱pave̍ vājinīvasū pa̱ro ru̍drā̱vati̍ khyatam .. 8.022.14

14 Ye who are Lords of splendour, ye whose paths are red, at eve, at mom, at sacrifice,
Give us not utterly as prey to mortal foe, ye Rudras, Lords of ample wealth.

Sloka : 8.22.15

आ सुग्म्या॑य॒ सुग्म्यं॑ प्रा॒ता रथे॑ना॒श्विना॑ वा स॒क्षणी॑ ।

हु॒वे पि॒तेव॒ सोभ॑री ॥ ८.०२२.१५

ā sugmyā̍ya̱ sugmya̍ṃ prā̱tā rathe̍nā̱śvinā̍ vā sa̱kṣaṇī̍ .

hu̱ve pi̱teva̱ sobha̍rī .. 8.022.15

15 For bliss I call. the blissful car, at morn the inseparable Aśvins with their car
I call, like Sobhari our sire.

Sloka : 8.22.16

मनो॑जवसा वृषणा मदच्युता मक्षुंग॒माभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।

आ॒रात्ता॑च्चिद्भूतम॒स्मे अव॑से पू॒र्वीभिः॑ पुरुभोजसा ॥ ८.०२२.१६

mano̍javasā vṛṣaṇā madacyautā makṣuṃga̱mābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

ā̱rāttā̍ccidbhūtama̱sme ava̍se pū̱rvībhi̍ḥ purubhojasā .. 8.022.16

16 Rapid as thought, and strong, and speeding to thejoy, bringing.your swiftly-coming help,
Be to us a protection even from far away Lords of great wealth, with many aids.'

Sloka : 8.22.17

आ नो॒ अश्वा॑वदश्विना व॒र्तिर्या॑सिष्टं मधुपातमा नरा ।

गोम॑द्दस्रा॒ हिर॑ण्यवत् ॥ ८.०२२.१७

ā no̱ aśvā̍vadaśvinā va̱rtiryā̍siṣṭaṃ madhupātamā narā .

goma̍ddasrā̱ hira̍ṇyavat .. 8.022.17

17 Come, Wonder-Workers, to our home, our home, O Aśvins, rich in cattle, steeds, and gold,
Chief drinkers of the Soma's juice

Sloka : 8.22.18

सु॒प्रा॒व॒र्गं सु॒वीर्यं॑ सु॒ष्ठु वार्य॒मना॑धृष्टं रक्ष॒स्विना॑ ।

अ॒स्मिन्ना वा॑मा॒याने॑ वाजिनीवसू॒ विश्वा॑ वा॒मानि॑ धीमहि ॥ ८.०२२.१८

su̱prā̱va̱rgaṃ su̱vīrya̍ṃ su̱ṣṭhu vārya̱manā̍dhṛṣṭaṃ rakṣa̱svinā̍ .

a̱sminnā vā̍mā̱yāne̍ vājinīvasū̱ viśvā̍ vā̱māni̍ dhīmahi .. 8.022.18

18 Choice-worthy strength, heroic, firm and excellent, uninjured by the Rakṣas foe,
At this your coming nigh, ye Lords of ample wealth and all good things, may we obtain.

Sloka : 8.23.1

ईळि॑ष्वा॒ हि प्र॑ती॒व्यं१॒॑ यज॑स्व जा॒तवे॑दसम् ।

च॒रि॒ष्णुधू॑म॒मगृ॑भीतशोचिषम् ॥ ८.०२३.०१

īl̤i̍ṣvā̱ hi pra̍tī̱vyaṃ1̱̍ yaja̍sva jā̱tave̍dasam .

ca̱ri̱ṣṇudhū̍ma̱magṛ̍bhītaśociṣam .. 8.023.01

1. WORSHIP thou Jātavedas, pray to him who willingly accepts,
Whose smoke wanders at will, and none may grasp his flame.

Sloka : 8.23.2

दा॒मानं॑ विश्वचर्षणे॒ऽग्निं वि॑श्वमनो गि॒रा ।

उ॒त स्तु॑षे॒ विष्प॑र्धसो॒ रथा॑नाम् ॥ ८.०२३.०२

dā̱māna̍ṃ viśvacarṣaṇe̱'gniṃ vi̍śvamano gi̱rā .

u̱ta stu̍ṣe̱ viṣpa̍rdhaso̱ rathā̍nām .. 8.023.02

2 Thou, all men's friend, Visvamanas, exaltest Agni with thy song,
The Giver, and his flames with which no cars contend.

Sloka : 8.23.3

येषा॑माबा॒ध ऋ॒ग्मिय॑ इ॒षः पृ॒क्षश्च॑ नि॒ग्रभे॑ ।

उ॒प॒विदा॒ वह्नि॑र्विन्दते॒ वसु॑ ॥ ८.०२३.०३

yeṣā̍mābā̱dha ṛ̱gmiya̍ i̱ṣaḥ pṛ̱kṣaśca̍ ni̱grabhe̍ .

u̱pa̱vidā̱ vahni̍rvindate̱ vasu̍ .. 8.023.03

3 Whose resolute assault, to win vigour and food, deserves our praise,—
Through whose discovering power the priest obtaineth wealth.

Sloka : 8.23.4

उद॑स्य शो॒चिर॑स्थाद्दीदि॒युषो॒ व्य१॒॑जर॑म् ।

तपु॑र्जम्भस्य सु॒द्युतो॑ गण॒श्रियः॑ ॥ ८.०२३.०४

uda̍sya śo̱cira̍sthāddīdi̱yuṣo̱ vya1̱̍jara̍m .

tapu̍rjambhasya su̱dyuto̍ gaṇa̱śriya̍ḥ .. 8.023.04

4 Up springs the imperishable flame, the flame of the Refulgent One
Most bright, with glowing jaws and glory in his train.

Sloka : 8.23.5

उदु॑ तिष्ठ स्वध्वर॒ स्तवा॑नो दे॒व्या कृ॒पा ।

अ॒भि॒ख्या भा॒सा बृ॑ह॒ता शु॑शु॒क्वनिः॑ ॥ ८.०२३.०५

udu̍ tiṣṭha svadhvara̱ stavā̍no de̱vyā kṛ̱pā .

a̱bhi̱khyā bhā̱sā bṛ̍ha̱tā śu̍śu̱kvani̍ḥ .. 8.023.05

5 Skilled in fair sacrifice, extolled, arise in Godlike loveliness,
Shining with lofty splendour, with effulgent light.

Sloka : 8.23.6

अग्ने॑ या॒हि सु॑श॒स्तिभि॑र्ह॒व्या जुह्वा॑न आनु॒षक् ।

यथा॑ दू॒तो ब॒भूथ॑ हव्य॒वाह॑नः ॥ ८.०२३.०६

agne̍ yā̱hi su̍śa̱stibhi̍rha̱vyā juhvā̍na ānu̱ṣak .

yathā̍ dū̱to ba̱bhūtha̍ havya̱vāha̍naḥ .. 8.023.06

6 Called straight to our oblations, come, O Agni, through our eulogies,
As thou hast been our envoy bearing up our gifts.

Sloka : 8.23.7

अ॒ग्निं वः॑ पू॒र्व्यं हु॑वे॒ होता॑रं चर्षणी॒नाम् ।

तम॒या वा॒चा गृ॑णे॒ तमु॑ वः स्तुषे ॥ ८.०२३.०७

a̱gniṃ va̍ḥ pū̱rvyaṃ hu̍ve̱ hotā̍raṃ carṣaṇī̱nām .

tama̱yā vā̱cā gṛ̍ṇe̱ tamu̍ vaḥ stuṣe .. 8.023.07

7 I call your Agni, from of old Invoking Priest of living men:-
Him with this song I laud and magnify for you.

Sloka : 8.23.8

य॒ज्ञेभि॒रद्भु॑तक्रतुं॒ यं कृ॒पा सू॒दय॑न्त॒ इत् ।

मि॒त्रं न जने॒ सुधि॑तमृ॒ताव॑नि ॥ ८.०२३.०८

ya̱jñebhi̱radbhu̍takratu̱ṃ yaṃ kṛ̱pā sū̱daya̍nta̱ it .

mi̱traṃ na jane̱ sudhi̍tamṛ̱tāva̍ni .. 8.023.08

8 Whom, wondrous wise, they animate with solemn rites and his fair form,
Kind as a friend to men who keep the holy Law.

Sloka : 8.23.9

ऋ॒तावा॑नमृतायवो य॒ज्ञस्य॒ साध॑नं गि॒रा ।

उपो॑ एनं जुजुषु॒र्नम॑सस्प॒दे ॥ ८.०२३.०९

ṛ̱tāvā̍namṛtāyavo ya̱jñasya̱ sādha̍naṃ gi̱rā .

upo̍ enaṃ jujuṣu̱rnama̍saspa̱de .. 8.023.09

9 Him, true to Law, who perfecteth the sacrifice,. Law-loving ones!
Ye with your song have gratified in the place of prayer.

Sloka : 8.23.10

अच्छा॑ नो॒ अङ्गि॑रस्तमं य॒ज्ञासो॑ यन्तु सं॒यतः॑ ।

होता॒ यो अस्ति॑ वि॒क्ष्वा य॒शस्त॑मः ॥ ८.०२३.१०

acchā̍ no̱ aṅgi̍rastamaṃ ya̱jñāso̍ yantu sa̱ṃyata̍ḥ .

hotā̱ yo asti̍ vi̱kṣvā ya̱śasta̍maḥ .. 8.023.10

10 May all our sacrifices go to him the truest Aṅgiras,
Who is among mankind the most illustrious Priest.

Sloka : 8.23.11

अग्ने॒ तव॒ त्ये अ॑ज॒रेन्धा॑नासो बृ॒हद्भाः ।

अश्वा॑ इव॒ वृष॑णस्तविषी॒यवः॑ ॥ ८.०२३.११

agne̱ tava̱ tye a̍ja̱rendhā̍nāso bṛ̱hadbhāḥ .

aśvā̍ iva̱ vṛṣa̍ṇastaviṣī̱yava̍ḥ .. 8.023.11

11 Imperishable Agni, thine are all these high enkindled lights,
Like horses and like stallions showing forth their strength.

Sloka : 8.23.12

स त्वं न॑ ऊर्जां पते र॒यिं रा॑स्व सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।

प्राव॑ नस्तो॒के तन॑ये स॒मत्स्वा ॥ ८.०२३.१२

sa tvaṃ na̍ ūrjāṃ pate ra̱yiṃ rā̍sva su̱vīrya̍m .

prāva̍ nasto̱ke tana̍ye sa̱matsvā .. 8.023.12

12 So give us, Lord of Power and Might, riches combined with hero strength,
And guard us with our sons and grand. sons in our frays.

Sloka : 8.23.13

यद्वा उ॑ वि॒श्पतिः॑ शि॒तः सुप्री॑तो॒ मनु॑षो वि॒शि ।

विश्वेद॒ग्निः प्रति॒ रक्षां॑सि सेधति ॥ ८.०२३.१३

yadvā u̍ vi̱śpati̍ḥ śi̱taḥ suprī̍to̱ manu̍ṣo vi̱śi .

viśveda̱gniḥ prati̱ rakṣā̍ṃsi sedhati .. 8.023.13

13 Soon as the eager Lord of men is friendly unto Manti's race,
Agni averteth from us all the demon host.

Sloka : 8.23.14

श्रु॒ष्ट्य॑ग्ने॒ नव॑स्य मे॒ स्तोम॑स्य वीर विश्पते ।

नि मा॒यिन॒स्तपु॑षा र॒क्षसो॑ दह ॥ ८.०२३.१४

śru̱ṣṭya̍gne̱ nava̍sya me̱ stoma̍sya vīra viśpate .

ni mā̱yina̱stapu̍ṣā ra̱kṣaso̍ daha .. 8.023.14

14 O Hero Agni, Lord of men, on hearing this new laud of mine,
Burn down the Rākṣasas, enchanters, with thy flame.

Sloka : 8.23.15

न तस्य॑ मा॒यया॑ च॒न रि॒पुरी॑शीत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

यो अ॒ग्नये॑ द॒दाश॑ ह॒व्यदा॑तिभिः ॥ ८.०२३.१५

na tasya̍ mā̱yayā̍ ca̱na ri̱purī̍śīta̱ martya̍ḥ .

yo a̱gnaye̍ da̱dāśa̍ ha̱vyadā̍tibhiḥ .. 8.023.15

15 No mortal foe can e’er prevail by arts of magic over him
Who serveth Agni well with sacrificial gifts.

Sloka : 8.23.16

व्य॑श्वस्त्वा वसु॒विद॑मुक्ष॒ण्युर॑प्रीणा॒दृषिः॑ ।

म॒हो रा॒ये तमु॑ त्वा॒ समि॑धीमहि ॥ ८.०२३.१६

vya̍śvastvā vasu̱vida̍mukṣa̱ṇyura̍prīṇā̱dṛṣi̍ḥ .

ma̱ho rā̱ye tamu̍ tvā̱ sami̍dhīmahi .. 8.023.16

16 Vyaśva the sage, who sought the Bull, hath won thee, finder of good things:-
As such may we enkindle thee for ample wealth.

Sloka : 8.23.17

उ॒शना॑ का॒व्यस्त्वा॒ नि होता॑रमसादयत् ।

आ॒य॒जिं त्वा॒ मन॑वे जा॒तवे॑दसम् ॥ ८.०२३.१७

u̱śanā̍ kā̱vyastvā̱ ni hotā̍ramasādayat .

ā̱ya̱jiṃ tvā̱ mana̍ve jā̱tave̍dasam .. 8.023.17

17 Uśanā Kāvya stablished thee, O Agni, as Invoking Priest:-
Thee, Jātavedas, Sacrificing Priest for man.

Sloka : 8.23.18

विश्वे॒ हि त्वा॑ स॒जोष॑सो दे॒वासो॑ दू॒तमक्र॑त ।

श्रु॒ष्टी दे॑व प्रथ॒मो य॒ज्ञियो॑ भुवः ॥ ८.०२३.१८

viśve̱ hi tvā̍ sa̱joṣa̍so de̱vāso̍ dū̱tamakra̍ta .

śru̱ṣṭī de̍va pratha̱mo ya̱jñiyo̍ bhuvaḥ .. 8.023.18

18 All Deities of one accord appointed thee their messenger:-
Thou, God, through hearing, hadst first claim to sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.23.19

इ॒मं घा॑ वी॒रो अ॒मृतं॑ दू॒तं कृ॑ण्वीत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

पा॒व॒कं कृ॒ष्णव॑र्तनिं॒ विहा॑यसम् ॥ ८.०२३.१९

i̱maṃ ghā̍ vī̱ro a̱mṛta̍ṃ dū̱taṃ kṛ̍ṇvīta̱ martya̍ḥ .

pā̱va̱kaṃ kṛ̱ṣṇava̍rtani̱ṃ vihā̍yasam .. 8.023.19

19 Him may the mortal hero make his own immortal messenger.
Far-spreading, Purifier, him whose path is black.

Sloka : 8.23.20

तं हु॑वेम य॒तस्रु॑चः सु॒भासं॑ शु॒क्रशो॑चिषम् ।

वि॒शाम॒ग्निम॒जरं॑ प्र॒त्नमीड्य॑म् ॥ ८.०२३.२०

taṃ hu̍vema ya̱tasru̍caḥ su̱bhāsa̍ṃ śu̱kraśo̍ciṣam .

vi̱śāma̱gnima̱jara̍ṃ pra̱tnamīḍya̍m .. 8.023.20

20 With lifted ladles let us call him splendid with his brilliant flame,
Men's ancient Agni, wasting not, adorable.

Sloka : 8.23.21

यो अ॑स्मै ह॒व्यदा॑तिभि॒राहु॑तिं॒ मर्तोऽवि॑धत् ।

भूरि॒ पोषं॒ स ध॑त्ते वी॒रव॒द्यशः॑ ॥ ८.०२३.२१

yo a̍smai ha̱vyadā̍tibhi̱rāhu̍ti̱ṃ marto'vi̍dhat .

bhūri̱ poṣa̱ṃ sa dha̍tte vī̱rava̱dyaśa̍ḥ .. 8.023.21

21 The man who pays the worship due to him with sacrificial gifts
Obtains both plenteous nourishment and hero fame.

Sloka : 8.23.22

प्र॒थ॒मं जा॒तवे॑दसम॒ग्निं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यम् ।

प्रति॒ स्रुगे॑ति॒ नम॑सा ह॒विष्म॑ती ॥ ८.०२३.२२

pra̱tha̱maṃ jā̱tave̍dasama̱gniṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ pū̱rvyam .

prati̱ sruge̍ti̱ nama̍sā ha̱viṣma̍tī .. 8.023.22

22 To Jātavedas Agni, chief in sacrifices, first of all
With homage goes the ladle rich with sacred gifts.

Sloka : 8.23.23

आभि॑र्विधेमा॒ग्नये॒ ज्येष्ठा॑भिर्व्यश्व॒वत् ।

मंहि॑ष्ठाभिर्म॒तिभिः॑ शु॒क्रशो॑चिषे ॥ ८.०२३.२३

ābhi̍rvidhemā̱gnaye̱ jyeṣṭhā̍bhirvyaśva̱vat .

maṃhi̍ṣṭhābhirma̱tibhi̍ḥ śu̱kraśo̍ciṣe .. 8.023.23

23 Even as Vyatya did, may we with these most high and liberal hymns
Pay worship unto Agni of the splendid flame.

Sloka : 8.23.24

नू॒नम॑र्च॒ विहा॑यसे॒ स्तोमे॑भिः स्थूरयूप॒वत् ।

ऋषे॑ वैयश्व॒ दम्या॑या॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ८.०२३.२४

nū̱nama̍rca̱ vihā̍yase̱ stome̍bhiḥ sthūrayūpa̱vat .

ṛṣe̍ vaiyaśva̱ damyā̍yā̱gnaye̍ .. 8.023.24

24 Now sing, as Sthurayupa sang, with lands to him who spreadeth far,
To Agni of the home, O Ṛṣi, Vyaśva's son.

Sloka : 8.23.25

अति॑थिं॒ मानु॑षाणां सू॒नुं वन॒स्पती॑नाम् ।

विप्रा॑ अ॒ग्निमव॑से प्र॒त्नमी॑ळते ॥ ८.०२३.२५

ati̍thi̱ṃ mānu̍ṣāṇāṃ sū̱nuṃ vana̱spatī̍nām .

viprā̍ a̱gnimava̍se pra̱tnamī̍l̤ate .. 8.023.25

25 As welcome guest of human kind, as offspring of the forest kings,
The sages worship ancient Agni for his aid.

Sloka : 8.23.26

म॒हो विश्वा॑ँ अ॒भि ष॒तो॒३॒॑ऽभि ह॒व्यानि॒ मानु॑षा ।

अग्ने॒ नि ष॑त्सि॒ नम॒साधि॑ ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥ ८.०२३.२६

ma̱ho viśvā̍m̐ a̱bhi ṣa̱to̱3̱̎bhi ha̱vyāni̱ mānu̍ṣā .

agne̱ ni ṣa̍tsi̱ nama̱sādhi̍ ba̱rhiṣi̍ .. 8.023.26

26 For men's oblations brought to him who is the mighty Lord of all,
Sit, Agni, mid our homage, on the sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.23.27

वंस्वा॑ नो॒ वार्या॑ पु॒रु वंस्व॑ रा॒यः पु॑रु॒स्पृहः॑ ।

सु॒वीर्य॑स्य प्र॒जाव॑तो॒ यश॑स्वतः ॥ ८.०२३.२७

vaṃsvā̍ no̱ vāryā̍ pu̱ru vaṃsva̍ rā̱yaḥ pu̍ru̱spṛha̍ḥ .

su̱vīrya̍sya pra̱jāva̍to̱ yaśa̍svataḥ .. 8.023.27

27 Grant us abundant. treasures, grant the opulence which many crave,
With store of heroes, progeny, and high renown.

Sloka : 8.23.28

त्वं व॑रो सु॒षाम्णेऽग्ने॒ जना॑य चोदय ।

सदा॑ वसो रा॒तिं य॑विष्ठ॒ शश्व॑ते ॥ ८.०२३.२८

tvaṃ va̍ro su̱ṣāmṇe'gne̱ janā̍ya codaya .

sadā̍ vaso rā̱tiṃ ya̍viṣṭha̱ śaśva̍te .. 8.023.28

28 Agni, Most Youthful of the Gods, send evermore the gift of wealth
Unto Varosusaman and to all his folk.

Sloka : 8.23.29

त्वं हि सु॑प्र॒तूरसि॒ त्वं नो॒ गोम॑ती॒रिषः॑ ।

म॒हो रा॒यः सा॒तिम॑ग्ने॒ अपा॑ वृधि ॥ ८.०२३.२९

tvaṃ hi su̍pra̱tūrasi̱ tvaṃ no̱ goma̍tī̱riṣa̍ḥ .

ma̱ho rā̱yaḥ sā̱tima̍gne̱ apā̍ vṛdhi .. 8.023.29

29 A mighty Conqueror art thou, O Agni, so disclose to us
Food in our herds of kine and gain of ample wealth.

Sloka : 8.23.30

अग्ने॒ त्वं य॒शा अ॒स्या मि॒त्रावरु॑णा वह ।

ऋ॒तावा॑ना स॒म्राजा॑ पू॒तद॑क्षसा ॥ ८.०२३.३०

agne̱ tvaṃ ya̱śā a̱syā mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā vaha .

ṛ̱tāvā̍nā sa̱mrājā̍ pū̱tada̍kṣasā .. 8.023.30

30 Thou, Agni, art a glorious God:- bring hither Mitra, Varuṇa,
Imperial Sovrans, holy-minded, true to Law.

Sloka : 8.24.1

सखा॑य॒ आ शि॑षामहि॒ ब्रह्मेन्द्रा॑य व॒ज्रिणे॑ ।

स्तु॒ष ऊ॒ षु वो॒ नृत॑माय धृ॒ष्णवे॑ ॥ ८.०२४.०१

sakhā̍ya̱ ā śi̍ṣāmahi̱ brahmendrā̍ya va̱jriṇe̍ .

stu̱ṣa ū̱ ṣu vo̱ nṛta̍māya dhṛ̱ṣṇave̍ .. 8.024.01

1. COMPANIONS, let us learn a prayer to Indra. whom the thunder arms,
To glorify your bold and most heroic Friend.

Sloka : 8.24.2

शव॑सा॒ ह्यसि॑ श्रु॒तो वृ॑त्र॒हत्ये॑न वृत्र॒हा ।

म॒घैर्म॒घोनो॒ अति॑ शूर दाशसि ॥ ८.०२४.०२

śava̍sā̱ hyasi̍ śru̱to vṛ̍tra̱hatye̍na vṛtra̱hā .

ma̱ghairma̱ghono̱ ati̍ śūra dāśasi .. 8.024.02

2 For thou by slaying Vṛtra art the Vṛtra-slayer, famed for might.
Thou, Hero, in rich gifts surpassest wealthy chiefs.

Sloka : 8.24.3

स नः॒ स्तवा॑न॒ आ भ॑र र॒यिं चि॒त्रश्र॑वस्तमम् ।

नि॒रे॒के चि॒द्यो ह॑रिवो॒ वसु॑र्द॒दिः ॥ ८.०२४.०३

sa na̱ḥ stavā̍na̱ ā bha̍ra ra̱yiṃ ci̱traśra̍vastamam .

ni̱re̱ke ci̱dyo ha̍rivo̱ vasu̍rda̱diḥ .. 8.024.03

3 As such, when glorified, bring us riches of very wondrous fame,
Set in the highest rank, Wealth-giver, Lord of Bays!

Sloka : 8.24.4

आ नि॑रे॒कमु॒त प्रि॒यमिन्द्र॒ दर्षि॒ जना॑नाम् ।

धृ॒ष॒ता धृ॑ष्णो॒ स्तव॑मान॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ८.०२४.०४

ā ni̍re̱kamu̱ta pri̱yamindra̱ darṣi̱ janā̍nām .

dhṛ̱ṣa̱tā dhṛ̍ṣṇo̱ stava̍māna̱ ā bha̍ra .. 8.024.04

4 Yea, Indra, thou disclosest that preeminent dear wealth of men:-
Boldly, O Bold One, glorified, bring it to us.

Sloka : 8.24.5

न ते॑ स॒व्यं न दक्षि॑णं॒ हस्तं॑ वरन्त आ॒मुरः॑ ।

न प॑रि॒बाधो॑ हरिवो॒ गवि॑ष्टिषु ॥ ८.०२४.०५

na te̍ sa̱vyaṃ na dakṣi̍ṇa̱ṃ hasta̍ṃ varanta ā̱mura̍ḥ .

na pa̍ri̱bādho̍ harivo̱ gavi̍ṣṭiṣu .. 8.024.05

5 The workers of destruction stay neither thy right hand nor thy left:-
Nor hosts that press about thee, Lord of Bays, in fight.

Sloka : 8.24.6

आ त्वा॒ गोभि॑रिव व्र॒जं गी॒र्भिरृ॑णोम्यद्रिवः ।

आ स्मा॒ कामं॑ जरि॒तुरा मनः॑ पृण ॥ ८.०२४.०६

ā tvā̱ gobhi̍riva vra̱jaṃ gī̱rbhirṛ̍ṇomyadrivaḥ .

ā smā̱ kāma̍ṃ jari̱turā mana̍ḥ pṛṇa .. 8.024.06

6 O Thunder-armed, I come with songs to thee as to a stall with kine:-
Fulfil the wish and thought of him who sings thy praise.

Sloka : 8.24.7

विश्वा॑नि वि॒श्वम॑नसो धि॒या नो॑ वृत्रहन्तम ।

उग्र॑ प्रणेत॒रधि॒ षू व॑सो गहि ॥ ८.०२४.०७

viśvā̍ni vi̱śvama̍naso dhi̱yā no̍ vṛtrahantama .

ugra̍ praṇeta̱radhi̱ ṣū va̍so gahi .. 8.024.07

7 Chief Vṛtra-slayer, through the hymn of Visvamanas think of all,
All that concerneth us, Excellent, Mighty Guide.

Sloka : 8.24.8

व॒यं ते॑ अ॒स्य वृ॑त्रहन्वि॒द्याम॑ शूर॒ नव्य॑सः ।

वसोः॑ स्पा॒र्हस्य॑ पुरुहूत॒ राध॑सः ॥ ८.०२४.०८

va̱yaṃ te̍ a̱sya vṛ̍trahanvi̱dyāma̍ śūra̱ navya̍saḥ .

vaso̍ḥ spā̱rhasya̍ puruhūta̱ rādha̍saḥ .. 8.024.08

8 May we, O Vṛtra-slayer, O Hero, find this thy newest boon, Longed-for, and excellent, thou who art much invoked!

Sloka : 8.24.9

इन्द्र॒ यथा॒ ह्यस्ति॒ तेऽप॑रीतं नृतो॒ शवः॑ ।

अमृ॑क्ता रा॒तिः पु॑रुहूत दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०२४.०९

indra̱ yathā̱ hyasti̱ te'pa̍rītaṃ nṛto̱ śava̍ḥ .

amṛ̍ktā rā̱tiḥ pu̍ruhūta dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.024.09

9 O Indra, Dancer, Much-invoked! as thy great power is unsurpassed,
So be thy bounty to the worshipper unchecked.

Sloka : 8.24.10

आ वृ॑षस्व महामह म॒हे नृ॑तम॒ राध॑से ।

दृ॒ळ्हश्चि॑द्दृह्य मघवन्म॒घत्त॑ये ॥ ८.०२४.१०

ā vṛ̍ṣasva mahāmaha ma̱he nṛ̍tama̱ rādha̍se .

dṛ̱l̤haści̍ddṛhya maghavanma̱ghatta̍ye .. 8.024.10

10 Most Mighty, most heroic One, for mighty bounty fill thee full.
Though strong, strengthen thyself to win wealth, Maghavan!

Sloka : 8.24.11

नू अ॒न्यत्रा॑ चिदद्रिव॒स्त्वन्नो॑ जग्मुरा॒शसः॑ ।

मघ॑वञ्छ॒ग्धि तव॒ तन्न॑ ऊ॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०२४.११

nū a̱nyatrā̍ cidadriva̱stvanno̍ jagmurā̱śasa̍ḥ .

magha̍vañcha̱gdhi tava̱ tanna̍ ū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 8.024.11

11 O Thunderer, never have our prayers gone forth to any God but thee:-
So help us, Maghavan, with thine assistance now.

Sloka : 8.24.12

न॒ह्य१॒॑ङ्ग नृ॑तो॒ त्वद॒न्यं वि॒न्दामि॒ राध॑से ।

रा॒ये द्यु॒म्नाय॒ शव॑से च गिर्वणः ॥ ८.०२४.१२

na̱hya1̱̍ṅga nṛ̍to̱ tvada̱nyaṃ vi̱ndāmi̱ rādha̍se .

rā̱ye dyu̱mnāya̱ śava̍se ca girvaṇaḥ .. 8.024.12

12 For, Dancer, verily I find none else for bounty, saving thee,
For splendid wealth and power, thou Lover of the Song.

Sloka : 8.24.13

एन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य सिञ्चत॒ पिबा॑ति सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ।

प्र राध॑सा चोदयाते महित्व॒ना ॥ ८.०२४.१३

endu̱mindrā̍ya siñcata̱ pibā̍ti so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .

pra rādha̍sā codayāte mahitva̱nā .. 8.024.13

13 For Indra pour ye out the drops meath blent with Soma let him drink
With bounty and with majesty will he further us.

Sloka : 8.24.14

उपो॒ हरी॑णां॒ पतिं॒ दक्षं॑ पृ॒ञ्चन्त॑मब्रवम् ।

नू॒नं श्रु॑धि स्तुव॒तो अ॒श्व्यस्य॑ ॥ ८.०२४.१४

upo̱ harī̍ṇā̱ṃ pati̱ṃ dakṣa̍ṃ pṛ̱ñcanta̍mabravam .

nū̱naṃ śru̍dhi stuva̱to a̱śvyasya̍ .. 8.024.14

14 I spake to the Bay Coursers' Lord, to him who gives ability:-
Now hear the son of Asva as he praises thee.

Sloka : 8.24.15

न॒ह्य१॒॑ङ्ग पु॒रा च॒न ज॒ज्ञे वी॒रत॑र॒स्त्वत् ।

नकी॑ रा॒या नैवथा॒ न भ॒न्दना॑ ॥ ८.०२४.१५

na̱hya1̱̍ṅga pu̱rā ca̱na ja̱jñe vī̱rata̍ra̱stvat .

nakī̍ rā̱yā naivathā̱ na bha̱ndanā̍ .. 8.024.15

15 Never was any Hero born before thee mightier than thou:-
None certairdy like thee in goodness and in wealth.

Sloka : 8.24.16

एदु॒ मध्वो॑ म॒दिन्त॑रं सि॒ञ्च वा॑ध्वर्यो॒ अन्ध॑सः ।

ए॒वा हि वी॒रः स्तव॑ते स॒दावृ॑धः ॥ ८.०२४.१६

edu̱ madhvo̍ ma̱dinta̍raṃ si̱ñca vā̍dhvaryo̱ andha̍saḥ .

e̱vā hi vī̱raḥ stava̍te sa̱dāvṛ̍dhaḥ .. 8.024.16

16 O ministering priest, pour out of the sweet juice what gladdens most:-
So is the Hero praised who ever prospers us.

Sloka : 8.24.17

इन्द्र॑ स्थातर्हरीणां॒ नकि॑ष्टे पू॒र्व्यस्तु॑तिम् ।

उदा॑नंश॒ शव॑सा॒ न भ॒न्दना॑ ॥ ८.०२४.१७

indra̍ sthātarharīṇā̱ṃ naki̍ṣṭe pū̱rvyastu̍tim .

udā̍naṃśa̱ śava̍sā̱ na bha̱ndanā̍ .. 8.024.17

17 Indra, whom Tawny Coursers bear, praise such as thine, preeminent,
None by his power or by his goodness hath attained.

Sloka : 8.24.18

तं वो॒ वाजा॑नां॒ पति॒महू॑महि श्रव॒स्यवः॑ ।

अप्रा॑युभिर्य॒ज्ञेभि॑र्वावृ॒धेन्य॑म् ॥ ८.०२४.१८

taṃ vo̱ vājā̍nā̱ṃ pati̱mahū̍mahi śrava̱syava̍ḥ .

aprā̍yubhirya̱jñebhi̍rvāvṛ̱dhenya̍m .. 8.024.18

18 We, seeking glory, have invoked this Master of all power and might
Who must be glorified by constant sacri fice.

Sloka : 8.24.19

एतो॒ न्विन्द्रं॒ स्तवा॑म॒ सखा॑यः॒ स्तोम्यं॒ नर॑म् ।

कृ॒ष्टीर्यो विश्वा॑ अ॒भ्यस्त्येक॒ इत् ॥ ८.०२४.१९

eto̱ nvindra̱ṃ stavā̍ma̱ sakhā̍ya̱ḥ stomya̱ṃ nara̍m .

kṛ̱ṣṭīryo viśvā̍ a̱bhyastyeka̱ it .. 8.024.19

19 Come, sing we praise to Indra, friends, the Hero who deserves the laud,
Him who with none to aid o’ercomes all tribes of men.

Sloka : 8.24.20

अगो॑रुधाय ग॒विषे॑ द्यु॒क्षाय॒ दस्म्यं॒ वचः॑ ।

घृ॒तात्स्वादी॑यो॒ मधु॑नश्च वोचत ॥ ८.०२४.२०

ago̍rudhāya ga̱viṣe̍ dyu̱kṣāya̱ dasmya̱ṃ vaca̍ḥ .

ghṛ̱tātsvādī̍yo̱ madhu̍naśca vocata .. 8.024.20

20 To him who wins the kine, who keeps no cattle back, Celestial God,
Speak wondrous speech more sweet than butter and than meath.

Sloka : 8.24.21

यस्यामि॑तानि वी॒र्या॒३॒॑ न राधः॒ पर्ये॑तवे ।

ज्योति॒र्न विश्व॑म॒भ्यस्ति॒ दक्षि॑णा ॥ ८.०२४.२१

yasyāmi̍tāni vī̱ryā̱3̱̍ na rādha̱ḥ parye̍tave .

jyoti̱rna viśva̍ma̱bhyasti̱ dakṣi̍ṇā .. 8.024.21

21 Whose hero powers are measureless, whose bounty ne’er may be surpassed,
Whose liberality, like light, is over all.

Sloka : 8.24.22

स्तु॒हीन्द्रं॑ व्यश्व॒वदनू॑र्मिं वा॒जिनं॒ यम॑म् ।

अ॒र्यो गयं॒ मंह॑मानं॒ वि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०२४.२२

stu̱hīndra̍ṃ vyaśva̱vadanū̍rmiṃ vā̱jina̱ṃ yama̍m .

a̱ryo gaya̱ṃ maṃha̍māna̱ṃ vi dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.024.22

22 As Vyaśva did, praise Indra, praise the Strong unfluctuating Guide,
Who gives the foe's possessions to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.24.23

ए॒वा नू॒नमुप॑ स्तुहि॒ वैय॑श्व दश॒मं नव॑म् ।

सुवि॑द्वांसं च॒र्कृत्यं॑ च॒रणी॑नाम् ॥ ८.०२४.२३

e̱vā nū̱namupa̍ stuhi̱ vaiya̍śva daśa̱maṃ nava̍m .

suvi̍dvāṃsaṃ ca̱rkṛtya̍ṃ ca̱raṇī̍nām .. 8.024.23

23 Now, son of Vyaśva, praise thou him who to the tenth time still is new,
The very Wise, whom living men must glorify

Sloka : 8.24.24

वेत्था॒ हि निरृ॑तीनां॒ वज्र॑हस्त परि॒वृज॑म् ।

अह॑रहः शु॒न्ध्युः प॑रि॒पदा॑मिव ॥ ८.०२४.२४

vetthā̱ hi nirṛ̍tīnā̱ṃ vajra̍hasta pari̱vṛja̍m .

aha̍rahaḥ śu̱ndhyuḥ pa̍ri̱padā̍miva .. 8.024.24

24 Thou knowest, Indra, Thunder-armed, how to avoid destructive powers,
As one secure from pitfalls each returning day.

Sloka : 8.24.25

तदि॒न्द्राव॒ आ भ॑र॒ येना॑ दंसिष्ठ॒ कृत्व॑ने ।

द्वि॒ता कुत्सा॑य शिश्नथो॒ नि चो॑दय ॥ ८.०२४.२५

tadi̱ndrāva̱ ā bha̍ra̱ yenā̍ daṃsiṣṭha̱ kṛtva̍ne .

dvi̱tā kutsā̍ya śiśnatho̱ ni co̍daya .. 8.024.25

25 O Indra, bring that aid wherewith of old, Most Wondrous! thou didst slay
His foes for active Kutsa:- send it down to us.

Sloka : 8.24.26

तमु॑ त्वा नू॒नमी॑महे॒ नव्यं॑ दंसिष्ठ॒ सन्य॑से ।

स त्वं नो॒ विश्वा॑ अ॒भिमा॑तीः स॒क्षणिः॑ ॥ ८.०२४.२६

tamu̍ tvā nū̱namī̍mahe̱ navya̍ṃ daṃsiṣṭha̱ sanya̍se .

sa tvaṃ no̱ viśvā̍ a̱bhimā̍tīḥ sa̱kṣaṇi̍ḥ .. 8.024.26

26 So now we seek thee fresh in might, Most Wonderful in act! for gain:-
For thou art he who conquers all our foes for us.

Sloka : 8.24.27

य ऋक्षा॒दंह॑सो मु॒चद्यो वार्या॑त्स॒प्त सिन्धु॑षु ।

वध॑र्दा॒सस्य॑ तुविनृम्ण नीनमः ॥ ८.०२४.२७

ya ṛkṣā̱daṃha̍so mu̱cadyo vāryā̍tsa̱pta sindhu̍ṣu .

vadha̍rdā̱sasya̍ tuvinṛmṇa nīnamaḥ .. 8.024.27

27 Who will set free from ruinous woe, or Ārya on the Seven Streams:-
O valiant Hero, bend the Dāsa's weapon down.

Sloka : 8.24.28

यथा॑ वरो सु॒षाम्णे॑ स॒निभ्य॒ आव॑हो र॒यिम् ।

व्य॑श्वेभ्यः सुभगे वाजिनीवति ॥ ८.०२४.२८

yathā̍ varo su̱ṣāmṇe̍ sa̱nibhya̱ āva̍ho ra̱yim .

vya̍śvebhyaḥ subhage vājinīvati .. 8.024.28

28 As to Varosusaman thou broughtest great riches, for their gain,
To Vyaśva's sons, Blest Lady, rich in ample wealth!

Sloka : 8.24.29

आ ना॒र्यस्य॒ दक्षि॑णा॒ व्य॑श्वाँ एतु सो॒मिनः॑ ।

स्थू॒रं च॒ राधः॑ श॒तव॑त्स॒हस्र॑वत् ॥ ८.०२४.२९

ā nā̱ryasya̱ dakṣi̍ṇā̱ vya̍śvām̐ etu so̱mina̍ḥ .

sthū̱raṃ ca̱ rādha̍ḥ śa̱tava̍tsa̱hasra̍vat .. 8.024.29

29 Let Narya's sacrificial meed reach Vyaśva's Soma-bearing sons:-
In hundreds and in thousands be the great reward.

Sloka : 8.24.30

यत्त्वा॑ पृ॒च्छादी॑जा॒नः कु॑ह॒या कु॑हयाकृते ।

ए॒षो अप॑श्रितो व॒लो गो॑म॒तीमव॑ तिष्ठति ॥ ८.०२४.३०

yattvā̍ pṛ̱cchādī̍jā̱naḥ ku̍ha̱yā ku̍hayākṛte .

e̱ṣo apa̍śrito va̱lo go̍ma̱tīmava̍ tiṣṭhati .. 8.024.30

30 If one should ask thee, Where is he who sacrificed? Whither lookest thou?
Like Vala he hath passed away and dwelleth now on Gomati.

Sloka : 8.25.1

ता वां॒ विश्व॑स्य गो॒पा दे॒वा दे॒वेषु॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑ ।

ऋ॒तावा॑ना यजसे पू॒तद॑क्षसा ॥ ८.०२५.०१

tā vā̱ṃ viśva̍sya go̱pā de̱vā de̱veṣu̍ ya̱jñiyā̍ .

ṛ̱tāvā̍nā yajase pū̱tada̍kṣasā .. 8.025.01

1. I WORSHIP you who guard this All, Gods, holiest among the Gods,
You, faithful to the Law, whose power is sanctified.

Sloka : 8.25.2

मि॒त्रा तना॒ न र॒थ्या॒३॒॑ वरु॑णो॒ यश्च॑ सु॒क्रतुः॑ ।

स॒नात्सु॑जा॒ता तन॑या धृ॒तव्र॑ता ॥ ८.०२५.०२

mi̱trā tanā̱ na ra̱thyā̱3̱̍ varu̍ṇo̱ yaśca̍ su̱kratu̍ḥ .

sa̱nātsu̍jā̱tā tana̍yā dhṛ̱tavra̍tā .. 8.025.02

2 So, too, like charioteers are they, Mitra and sapient Varuṇa,
Sons high-born from of old, whose holy laws stand fast.

Sloka : 8.25.3

ता मा॒ता वि॒श्ववे॑दसासु॒र्या॑य॒ प्रम॑हसा ।

म॒ही ज॑जा॒नादि॑तिरृ॒ताव॑री ॥ ८.०२५.०३

tā mā̱tā vi̱śvave̍dasāsu̱ryā̍ya̱ prama̍hasā .

ma̱hī ja̍jā̱nādi̍tirṛ̱tāva̍rī .. 8.025.03

3 These Twain, possessors of all wealth, most glorious, for supremest sway
Aditi, Mighty Mother, true to Law, brought forth.

Sloka : 8.25.4

म॒हान्ता॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा स॒म्राजा॑ दे॒वावसु॑रा ।

ऋ॒तावा॑नावृ॒तमा घो॑षतो बृ॒हत् ॥ ८.०२५.०४

ma̱hāntā̍ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā sa̱mrājā̍ de̱vāvasu̍rā .

ṛ̱tāvā̍nāvṛ̱tamā gho̍ṣato bṛ̱hat .. 8.025.04

4 Great Varuṇa and Mitra, Gods, Asuras and imperial Lords,
True to Eternal Law proclaim the high decree.

Sloka : 8.25.5

नपा॑ता॒ शव॑सो म॒हः सू॒नू दक्ष॑स्य सु॒क्रतू॑ ।

सृ॒प्रदा॑नू इ॒षो वास्त्वधि॑ क्षितः ॥ ८.०२५.०५

napā̍tā̱ śava̍so ma̱haḥ sū̱nū dakṣa̍sya su̱kratū̍ .

sṛ̱pradā̍nū i̱ṣo vāstvadhi̍ kṣitaḥ .. 8.025.05

5 The offspring of a lofty Power, Dakṣa's Two Sons exceeding strong,
Who, Lords of flowing rain, dwell in the place of food.

Sloka : 8.25.6

सं या दानू॑नि ये॒मथु॑र्दि॒व्याः पार्थि॑वी॒रिषः॑ ।

नभ॑स्वती॒रा वां॑ चरन्तु वृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ८.०२५.०६

saṃ yā dānū̍ni ye̱mathu̍rdi̱vyāḥ pārthi̍vī̱riṣa̍ḥ .

nabha̍svatī̱rā vā̍ṃ carantu vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 8.025.06

6 Ye who have gathered up your gifts, celestial and terrestrial food,
Let your rain come to us fraught with the mist of heaven.

Sloka : 8.25.7

अधि॒ या बृ॑ह॒तो दि॒वो॒३॒॑ऽभि यू॒थेव॒ पश्य॑तः ।

ऋ॒तावा॑ना स॒म्राजा॒ नम॑से हि॒ता ॥ ८.०२५.०७

adhi̱ yā bṛ̍ha̱to di̱vo̱3̱̎bhi yū̱theva̱ paśya̍taḥ .

ṛ̱tāvā̍nā sa̱mrājā̱ nama̍se hi̱tā .. 8.025.07

7 The Twain, who from the lofty sky seem to look down on herds below,
Holy, imperial Lords, are set to be revered.

Sloka : 8.25.8

ऋ॒तावा॑ना॒ नि षे॑दतुः॒ साम्रा॑ज्याय सु॒क्रतू॑ ।

धृ॒तव्र॑ता क्ष॒त्रिया॑ क्ष॒त्रमा॑शतुः ॥ ८.०२५.०८

ṛ̱tāvā̍nā̱ ni ṣe̍datu̱ḥ sāmrā̍jyāya su̱kratū̍ .

dhṛ̱tavra̍tā kṣa̱triyā̍ kṣa̱tramā̍śatuḥ .. 8.025.08

8 They, true to Law, exceeding strong, have sat them down for savran rule:-
Princes whose laws stand fast, they have obtained their sway.

Sloka : 8.25.9

अ॒क्ष्णश्चि॑द्गातु॒वित्त॑रानुल्ब॒णेन॒ चक्ष॑सा ।

नि चि॑न्मि॒षन्ता॑ निचि॒रा नि चि॑क्यतुः ॥ ८.०२५.०९

a̱kṣṇaści̍dgātu̱vitta̍rānulba̱ṇena̱ cakṣa̍sā .

ni ci̍nmi̱ṣantā̍ nici̱rā ni ci̍kyatuḥ .. 8.025.09

9 Pathfinders even better than the eye, with unobstructed sight,
Even when they close their lids, observant, they perceive.

Sloka : 8.25.10

उ॒त नो॑ दे॒व्यदि॑तिरुरु॒ष्यतां॒ नास॑त्या ।

उ॒रु॒ष्यन्तु॑ म॒रुतो॑ वृ॒द्धश॑वसः ॥ ८.०२५.१०

u̱ta no̍ de̱vyadi̍tiruru̱ṣyatā̱ṃ nāsa̍tyā .

u̱ru̱ṣyantu̍ ma̱ruto̍ vṛ̱ddhaśa̍vasaḥ .. 8.025.10

10 So may the Goddess Aditi, may the Nāsatyas guard us well,
The Martits guard us well,.endowed with mighty strength.

Sloka : 8.25.11

ते नो॑ ना॒वमु॑रुष्यत॒ दिवा॒ नक्तं॑ सुदानवः ।

अरि॑ष्यन्तो॒ नि पा॒युभिः॑ सचेमहि ॥ ८.०२५.११

te no̍ nā̱vamu̍ruṣyata̱ divā̱ nakta̍ṃ sudānavaḥ .

ari̍ṣyanto̱ ni pā̱yubhi̍ḥ sacemahi .. 8.025.11

11 Do ye, O Bounteous Gods, protect our dwelling lace by day and night:-
With you for our defenders may we go unharmed.

Sloka : 8.25.12

अघ्न॑ते॒ विष्ण॑वे व॒यमरि॑ष्यन्तः सु॒दान॑वे ।

श्रु॒धि स्व॑यावन्सिन्धो पू॒र्वचि॑त्तये ॥ ८.०२५.१२

aghna̍te̱ viṣṇa̍ve va̱yamari̍ṣyantaḥ su̱dāna̍ve .

śru̱dhi sva̍yāvansindho pū̱rvaci̍ttaye .. 8.025.12

12 May we, unharmed, serve bountiful Viṣṇu, the God who slayeth none:-
Self-moving Sindhu hear and be the first to mark.

Sloka : 8.25.13

तद्वार्यं॑ वृणीमहे॒ वरि॑ष्ठं गोप॒यत्य॑म् ।

मि॒त्रो यत्पान्ति॒ वरु॑णो॒ यद॑र्य॒मा ॥ ८.०२५.१३

tadvārya̍ṃ vṛṇīmahe̱ vari̍ṣṭhaṃ gopa̱yatya̍m .

mi̱tro yatpānti̱ varu̍ṇo̱ yada̍rya̱mā .. 8.025.13

13 This sure protection we elect, desirable and reaching far,
Which Mitra, Varuṇa, and Aryaman afford.

Sloka : 8.25.14

उ॒त नः॒ सिन्धु॑र॒पां तन्म॒रुत॒स्तद॒श्विना॑ ।

इन्द्रो॒ विष्णु॑र्मी॒ढ्वांसः॑ स॒जोष॑सः ॥ ८.०२५.१४

u̱ta na̱ḥ sindhu̍ra̱pāṃ tanma̱ruta̱stada̱śvinā̍ .

indro̱ viṣṇu̍rmī̱ḍhvāṃsa̍ḥ sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .. 8.025.14

14 And may the Sindhu of the floods, the Maruts, and the ASvin Pair,
Boon Indra, and boon Viṣṇu have one mind with us.

Sloka : 8.25.15

ते हि ष्मा॑ व॒नुषो॒ नरो॒ऽभिमा॑तिं॒ कय॑स्य चित् ।

ति॒ग्मं न क्षोदः॑ प्रति॒घ्नन्ति॒ भूर्ण॑यः ॥ ८.०२५.१५

te hi ṣmā̍ va̱nuṣo̱ naro̱'bhimā̍ti̱ṃ kaya̍sya cit .

ti̱gmaṃ na kṣoda̍ḥ prati̱ghnanti̱ bhūrṇa̍yaḥ .. 8.025.15

15 Because these warring Heroes stay the enmity of every foe,
As the fierce water-flood repels the furious ones.

Sloka : 8.25.16

अ॒यमेक॑ इ॒त्था पु॒रूरु च॑ष्टे॒ वि वि॒श्पतिः॑ ।

तस्य॑ व्र॒तान्यनु॑ वश्चरामसि ॥ ८.०२५.१६

a̱yameka̍ i̱tthā pu̱rūru ca̍ṣṭe̱ vi vi̱śpati̍ḥ .

tasya̍ vra̱tānyanu̍ vaścarāmasi .. 8.025.16

16 Here this one God, the Lord of men, looks forth exceeding far and wide:-
And we, for your advantage, keep his holy laws.

Sloka : 8.25.17

अनु॒ पूर्वा॑ण्यो॒क्या॑ साम्रा॒ज्यस्य॑ सश्चिम ।

मि॒त्रस्य॑ व्र॒ता वरु॑णस्य दीर्घ॒श्रुत् ॥ ८.०२५.१७

anu̱ pūrvā̍ṇyo̱kyā̍ sāmrā̱jyasya̍ saścima .

mi̱trasya̍ vra̱tā varu̍ṇasya dīrgha̱śrut .. 8.025.17

17 We keep the old accustomed laws, the statutes of supremacy,
The Iong-known laws of Mitra and of Varuṇa.

Sloka : 8.25.18

परि॒ यो र॒श्मिना॑ दि॒वोऽन्ता॑न्म॒मे पृ॑थि॒व्याः ।

उ॒भे आ प॑प्रौ॒ रोद॑सी महि॒त्वा ॥ ८.०२५.१८

pari̱ yo ra̱śminā̍ di̱vo'ntā̍nma̱me pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ .

u̱bhe ā pa̍prau̱ roda̍sī mahi̱tvā .. 8.025.18

18 He who hath measured with his ray the boundaries of heaven and earth,
And with his majesty hath filled the two worlds full,

Sloka : 8.25.19

उदु॒ ष्य श॑र॒णे दि॒वो ज्योति॑रयंस्त॒ सूर्यः॑ ।

अ॒ग्निर्न शु॒क्रः स॑मिधा॒न आहु॑तः ॥ ८.०२५.१९

udu̱ ṣya śa̍ra̱ṇe di̱vo jyoti̍rayaṃsta̱ sūrya̍ḥ .

a̱gnirna śu̱kraḥ sa̍midhā̱na āhu̍taḥ .. 8.025.19

19 Sūrya hath spread his light aloft up to the region of the sky,
Like Agni all aflame when gifts are offered him.

Sloka : 8.25.20

वचो॑ दी॒र्घप्र॑सद्म॒नीशे॒ वाज॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

ईशे॒ हि पि॒त्वो॑ऽवि॒षस्य॑ दा॒वने॑ ॥ ८.०२५.२०

vaco̍ dī̱rghapra̍sadma̱nīśe̱ vāja̍sya̱ goma̍taḥ .

īśe̱ hi pi̱tvo̎vi̱ṣasya̍ dā̱vane̍ .. 8.025.20

20 With him who sits afar the word is lord of food that comes from kine,
Controller of the gift of unempoisoned food.

Sloka : 8.25.21

तत्सूर्यं॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे दो॒षा वस्तो॒रुप॑ ब्रुवे ।

भो॒जेष्व॒स्माँ अ॒भ्युच्च॑रा॒ सदा॑ ॥ ८.०२५.२१

tatsūrya̱ṃ roda̍sī u̱bhe do̱ṣā vasto̱rupa̍ bruve .

bho̱jeṣva̱smām̐ a̱bhyucca̍rā̱ sadā̍ .. 8.025.21

21 So unto Sūrya, Heaven, and Earth at morning and at eve I speak.
Bringing enjoyments ever rise thou up for us.

Sloka : 8.25.22

ऋ॒ज्रमु॑क्ष॒ण्याय॑ने रज॒तं हर॑याणे ।

रथं॑ यु॒क्तम॑सनाम सु॒षाम॑णि ॥ ८.०२५.२२

ṛ̱jramu̍kṣa̱ṇyāya̍ne raja̱taṃ hara̍yāṇe .

ratha̍ṃ yu̱ktama̍sanāma su̱ṣāma̍ṇi .. 8.025.22

22 From Uksanyayana a bay, from Harayana a white steed,
And from Susaman we obtained a hamessed car.

Sloka : 8.25.23

ता मे॒ अश्व्या॑नां॒ हरी॑णां नि॒तोश॑ना ।

उ॒तो नु कृत्व्या॑नां नृ॒वाह॑सा ॥ ८.०२५.२३

tā me̱ aśvyā̍nā̱ṃ harī̍ṇāṃ ni̱tośa̍nā .

u̱to nu kṛtvyā̍nāṃ nṛ̱vāha̍sā .. 8.025.23

23 These two shall bring me further gain of troops of tawny-coloured steeds,
The carriers shall they be of active men of war.

Sloka : 8.25.24

स्मद॑भीशू॒ कशा॑वन्ता॒ विप्रा॒ नवि॑ष्ठया म॒ती ।

म॒हो वा॒जिना॒वर्व॑न्ता॒ सचा॑सनम् ॥ ८.०२५.२४

smada̍bhīśū̱ kaśā̍vantā̱ viprā̱ navi̍ṣṭhayā ma̱tī .

ma̱ho vā̱jinā̱varva̍ntā̱ sacā̍sanam .. 8.025.24

24 And the two sages have I gained who hold the reins and bear the whip,
And the two great strong coursers, with my newest song.

Sloka : 8.26.1

यु॒वोरु॒ षू रथं॑ हुवे स॒धस्तु॑त्याय सू॒रिषु॑ ।

अतू॑र्तदक्षा वृषणा वृषण्वसू ॥ ८.०२६.०१

yu̱voru̱ ṣū ratha̍ṃ huve sa̱dhastu̍tyāya sū̱riṣu̍ .

atū̍rtadakṣā vṛṣaṇā vṛṣaṇvasū .. 8.026.01

1. I CALL your chariot to receive united praise mid princely men,
Strong Gods who pour down wealth, of never vanquished might!

Sloka : 8.26.2

यु॒वं व॑रो सु॒षाम्णे॑ म॒हे तने॑ नासत्या ।

अवो॑भिर्याथो वृषणा वृषण्वसू ॥ ८.०२६.०२

yu̱vaṃ va̍ro su̱ṣāmṇe̍ ma̱he tane̍ nāsatyā .

avo̍bhiryātho vṛṣaṇā vṛṣaṇvasū .. 8.026.02

2 Ye to Varosusaman come, Nāsatyas, for this glorious rite.
With your protecting aid. Strong Gods, who pour down wealth.

Sloka : 8.26.3

ता वा॑म॒द्य ह॑वामहे ह॒व्येभि॑र्वाजिनीवसू ।

पू॒र्वीरि॒ष इ॒षय॑न्ता॒वति॑ क्ष॒पः ॥ ८.०२६.०३

tā vā̍ma̱dya ha̍vāmahe ha̱vyebhi̍rvājinīvasū .

pū̱rvīri̱ṣa i̱ṣaya̍ntā̱vati̍ kṣa̱paḥ .. 8.026.03

3 So with oblations we invoke you, rich in ample wealth, to-day,
When night hath passed, O ye who send us plenteous food.
O Aśvins, Heroes, let your car, famed, best to travel, come to us,
And, for his glory, mark your zealous servant's lauds.

Sloka : 8.26.4

आ वां॒ वाहि॑ष्ठो अश्विना॒ रथो॑ यातु श्रु॒तो न॑रा ।

उप॒ स्तोमा॑न्तु॒रस्य॑ दर्शथः श्रि॒ये ॥ ८.०२६.०४

ā vā̱ṃ vāhi̍ṣṭho aśvinā̱ ratho̍ yātu śru̱to na̍rā .

upa̱ stomā̍ntu̱rasya̍ darśathaḥ śri̱ye .. 8.026.04

Sloka : 8.26.5

जु॒हु॒रा॒णा चि॑दश्वि॒ना म॑न्येथां वृषण्वसू ।

यु॒वं हि रु॑द्रा॒ पर्ष॑थो॒ अति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ ८.०२६.०५

ju̱hu̱rā̱ṇā ci̍daśvi̱nā ma̍nyethāṃ vṛṣaṇvasū .

yu̱vaṃ hi ru̍drā̱ parṣa̍tho̱ ati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 8.026.05

5 Aśvins, who send us precious gifts, even when offended, think of him:-
For ye, O Rudras, lead us safe beyond our foes.

Sloka : 8.26.6

द॒स्रा हि विश्व॑मानु॒षङ्म॒क्षूभिः॑ परि॒दीय॑थः ।

धि॒यं॒जि॒न्वा मधु॑वर्णा शु॒भस्पती॑ ॥ ८.०२६.०६

da̱srā hi viśva̍mānu̱ṣaṅma̱kṣūbhi̍ḥ pari̱dīya̍thaḥ .

dhi̱ya̱ṃji̱nvā madhu̍varṇā śu̱bhaspatī̍ .. 8.026.06

6 For, Wonder-Workers, with fleet steeds ye fly completely round this All,
Stirring our thoughts, ye Lords of splendour, honey-hued.

Sloka : 8.26.7

उप॑ नो यातमश्विना रा॒या वि॑श्व॒पुषा॑ स॒ह ।

म॒घवा॑ना सु॒वीरा॒वन॑पच्युता ॥ ८.०२६.०७

upa̍ no yātamaśvinā rā̱yā vi̍śva̱puṣā̍ sa̱ha .

ma̱ghavā̍nā su̱vīrā̱vana̍pacyutā .. 8.026.07

7 With all-sustaining opulence, Aśvins, come hitherward to us,
Ye rich and noble Heroes, ne’er to be o’erthrown.

Sloka : 8.26.8

आ मे॑ अ॒स्य प्र॑ती॒व्य१॒॑मिन्द्र॑नासत्या गतम् ।

दे॒वा दे॒वेभि॑र॒द्य स॒चन॑स्तमा ॥ ८.०२६.०८

ā me̍ a̱sya pra̍tī̱vya1̱̍mindra̍nāsatyā gatam .

de̱vā de̱vebhi̍ra̱dya sa̱cana̍stamā .. 8.026.08

8 To welcome this mine offering, O ye Indra-like Nāsatyas, come
As Gods of best accord this day with other Gods.

Sloka : 8.26.9

व॒यं हि वां॒ हवा॑मह उक्ष॒ण्यन्तो॑ व्यश्व॒वत् ।

सु॒म॒तिभि॒रुप॑ विप्रावि॒हा ग॑तम् ॥ ८.०२६.०९

va̱yaṃ hi vā̱ṃ havā̍maha ukṣa̱ṇyanto̍ vyaśva̱vat .

su̱ma̱tibhi̱rupa̍ viprāvi̱hā ga̍tam .. 8.026.09

9 For we, like Vyaśva, lifting up our voice like oxen, call on you:-
With all your loving kindness, Sages, come to us.

Sloka : 8.26.10

अ॒श्विना॒ स्वृ॑षे स्तुहि कु॒वित्ते॒ श्रव॑तो॒ हव॑म् ।

नेदी॑यसः कूळयातः प॒णीँरु॒त ॥ ८.०२६.१०

a̱śvinā̱ svṛ̍ṣe stuhi ku̱vitte̱ śrava̍to̱ hava̍m .

nedī̍yasaḥ kūl̤ayātaḥ pa̱ṇīm̐ru̱ta .. 8.026.10

10 O Ṛṣi, laud the Aśvins well. Will they not listen to thy call?
Will they not burn the Paṇis who are nearer them?

Sloka : 8.26.11

वै॒य॒श्वस्य॑ श्रुतं नरो॒तो मे॑ अ॒स्य वे॑दथः ।

स॒जोष॑सा॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ॥ ८.०२६.११

vai̱ya̱śvasya̍ śrutaṃ naro̱to me̍ a̱sya ve̍dathaḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .. 8.026.11

11 O Heroes, listen to the son of Vyaśva, and regard me here,
Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman, of one accord.

Sloka : 8.26.12

यु॒वाद॑त्तस्य धिष्ण्या यु॒वानी॑तस्य सू॒रिभिः॑ ।

अह॑रहर्वृषण॒ मह्यं॑ शिक्षतम् ॥ ८.०२६.१२

yu̱vāda̍ttasya dhiṣṇyā yu̱vānī̍tasya sū̱ribhi̍ḥ .

aha̍raharvṛṣaṇa̱ mahya̍ṃ śikṣatam .. 8.026.12

12 Gods whom we yearn for, of your gifts, of what ye bring to us, bestow
By princes' hands on me, ye Mighty, day by day.

Sloka : 8.26.13

यो वां॑ य॒ज्ञेभि॒रावृ॒तोऽधि॑वस्त्रा व॒धूरि॑व ।

स॒प॒र्यन्ता॑ शु॒भे च॑क्राते अ॒श्विना॑ ॥ ८.०२६.१३

yo vā̍ṃ ya̱jñebhi̱rāvṛ̱to'dhi̍vastrā va̱dhūri̍va .

sa̱pa̱ryantā̍ śu̱bhe ca̍krāte a̱śvinā̍ .. 8.026.13

13 Him whom your sacrifices clothe, even as a woman with her robe,
The Aśvins help to glory honouring him well.

Sloka : 8.26.14

यो वा॑मुरु॒व्यच॑स्तमं॒ चिके॑तति नृ॒पाय्य॑म् ।

व॒र्तिर॑श्विना॒ परि॑ यातमस्म॒यू ॥ ८.०२६.१४

yo vā̍muru̱vyaca̍stama̱ṃ cike̍tati nṛ̱pāyya̍m .

va̱rtira̍śvinā̱ pari̍ yātamasma̱yū .. 8.026.14

14 Whoso regards your care of men as succour widest in its reach,
About his dwelling go, ye Aśvins, loving us.

Sloka : 8.26.15

अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ सु वृ॑षण्वसू या॒तं व॒र्तिर्नृ॒पाय्य॑म् ।

वि॒षु॒द्रुहे॑व य॒ज्ञमू॑हथुर्गि॒रा ॥ ८.०२६.१५

a̱smabhya̱ṃ su vṛ̍ṣaṇvasū yā̱taṃ va̱rtirnṛ̱pāyya̍m .

vi̱ṣu̱druhe̍va ya̱jñamū̍hathurgi̱rā .. 8.026.15

15 Come to us ye who pour down wealth, come to the home which men must guard:-
Like shafts, ye are made meet for sacrifice by song.

Sloka : 8.26.16

वाहि॑ष्ठो वां॒ हवा॑नां॒ स्तोमो॑ दू॒तो हु॑वन्नरा ।

यु॒वाभ्यां॑ भूत्वश्विना ॥ ८.०२६.१६

vāhi̍ṣṭho vā̱ṃ havā̍nā̱ṃ stomo̍ dū̱to hu̍vannarā .

yu̱vābhyā̍ṃ bhūtvaśvinā .. 8.026.16

16 Most fetching of all calls, the laud, as envoy, Heroes, called to you
Be it your own, O Aśvin Pair.

Sloka : 8.26.17

यद॒दो दि॒वो अ॑र्ण॒व इ॒षो वा॒ मद॑थो गृ॒हे ।

श्रु॒तमिन्मे॑ अमर्त्या ॥ ८.०२६.१७

yada̱do di̱vo a̍rṇa̱va i̱ṣo vā̱ mada̍tho gṛ̱he .

śru̱taminme̍ amartyā .. 8.026.17

17 Be ye in yonder sea of heaven, or joying in the home of food,
Listen to me, Immortal Ones.

Sloka : 8.26.18

उ॒त स्या श्वे॑त॒याव॑री॒ वाहि॑ष्ठा वां न॒दीना॑म् ।

सिन्धु॒र्हिर॑ण्यवर्तनिः ॥ ८.०२६.१८

u̱ta syā śve̍ta̱yāva̍rī̱ vāhi̍ṣṭhā vāṃ na̱dīnā̍m .

sindhu̱rhira̍ṇyavartaniḥ .. 8.026.18

18 This river with his lucid flow attracts you, more than all the streams,—
Even Sindhu with his path of gold.

Sloka : 8.26.19

स्मदे॒तया॑ सुकी॒र्त्याश्वि॑ना श्वे॒तया॑ धि॒या ।

वहे॑थे शुभ्रयावाना ॥ ८.०२६.१९

smade̱tayā̍ sukī̱rtyāśvi̍nā śve̱tayā̍ dhi̱yā .

vahe̍the śubhrayāvānā .. 8.026.19

19 O Aśvins, with that glorious fame come hither, through our brilliant song,
Come ye whose ways are marked with light.

Sloka : 8.26.20

यु॒क्ष्वा हि त्वं र॑था॒सहा॑ यु॒वस्व॒ पोष्या॑ वसो ।

आन्नो॑ वायो॒ मधु॑ पिबा॒स्माकं॒ सव॒ना ग॑हि ॥ ८.०२६.२०

yu̱kṣvā hi tvaṃ ra̍thā̱sahā̍ yu̱vasva̱ poṣyā̍ vaso .

ānno̍ vāyo̱ madhu̍ pibā̱smāka̱ṃ sava̱nā ga̍hi .. 8.026.20

20 Harness the steeds who draw the car, O Vasu, bring the well-fed pair.
O Vāyu, drink thou of our meath:- come unto our drink-offerings.

Sloka : 8.26.21

तव॑ वायवृतस्पते॒ त्वष्टु॑र्जामातरद्भुत ।

अवां॒स्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ ८.०२६.२१

tava̍ vāyavṛtaspate̱ tvaṣṭu̍rjāmātaradbhuta .

avā̱ṃsyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 8.026.21

21 Wonderful Vāyu, Lord of Right, thou who art Tvaṣṭar's son-in-law,
Thy saving succour we elect.

Sloka : 8.26.22

त्वष्टु॒र्जामा॑तरं व॒यमीशा॑नं रा॒य ई॑महे ।

सु॒ताव॑न्तो वा॒युं द्यु॒म्ना जना॑सः ॥ ८.०२६.२२

tvaṣṭu̱rjāmā̍taraṃ va̱yamīśā̍naṃ rā̱ya ī̍mahe .

su̱tāva̍nto vā̱yuṃ dyu̱mnā janā̍saḥ .. 8.026.22

22 To Tvaṣṭar's son-in-law we pray for wealth whereof he hath control:-
For glory we seek vayu, men with juice effused.

Sloka : 8.26.23

वायो॑ या॒हि शि॒वा दि॒वो वह॑स्वा॒ सु स्वश्व्य॑म् ।

वह॑स्व म॒हः पृ॑थु॒पक्ष॑सा॒ रथे॑ ॥ ८.०२६.२३

vāyo̍ yā̱hi śi̱vā di̱vo vaha̍svā̱ su svaśvya̍m .

vaha̍sva ma̱haḥ pṛ̍thu̱pakṣa̍sā̱ rathe̍ .. 8.026.23

23 From heaven, auspicious Vāyu, come drive hither with thy noble steeds:-
Come on thy mighty car with wide-extending seat.

Sloka : 8.26.24

त्वां हि सु॒प्सर॑स्तमं नृ॒षद॑नेषु हू॒महे॑ ।

ग्रावा॑णं॒ नाश्व॑पृष्ठं मं॒हना॑ ॥ ८.०२६.२४

tvāṃ hi su̱psara̍stamaṃ nṛ̱ṣada̍neṣu hū̱mahe̍ .

grāvā̍ṇa̱ṃ nāśva̍pṛṣṭhaṃ ma̱ṃhanā̍ .. 8.026.24

24 We call thee to the homes of men, thee wealthiest in noble food,
And liberal as a press-stone with a horse's back.

Sloka : 8.26.25

स त्वं नो॑ देव॒ मन॑सा॒ वायो॑ मन्दा॒नो अ॑ग्रि॒यः ।

कृ॒धि वाजा॑ँ अ॒पो धियः॑ ॥ ८.०२६.२५

sa tvaṃ no̍ deva̱ mana̍sā̱ vāyo̍ mandā̱no a̍gri̱yaḥ .

kṛ̱dhi vājā̍m̐ a̱po dhiya̍ḥ .. 8.026.25

25 So, glad and joyful in thine heart, do thou, God, Vāyu, first of all
Vouchsafe us water, strength, and thought.

Sloka : 8.27.1

अ॒ग्निरु॒क्थे पु॒रोहि॑तो॒ ग्रावा॑णो ब॒र्हिर॑ध्व॒रे ।

ऋ॒चा या॑मि म॒रुतो॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिं॑ दे॒वाँ अवो॒ वरे॑ण्यम् ॥ ८.०२७.०१

a̱gniru̱kthe pu̱rohi̍to̱ grāvā̍ṇo ba̱rhira̍dhva̱re .

ṛ̱cā yā̍mi ma̱ruto̱ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍ṃ de̱vām̐ avo̱ vare̍ṇyam .. 8.027.01

1. CHEIF Priest is Agni at the laud, as stones and grass at sacrifice:-
With song I seek the Maruts, Brahmaṇaspati, Gods for help much to be desired.

Sloka : 8.27.2

आ प॒शुं गा॑सि पृथि॒वीं वन॒स्पती॑नु॒षासा॒ नक्त॒मोष॑धीः ।

विश्वे॑ च नो वसवो विश्ववेदसो धी॒नां भू॑त प्रावि॒तारः॑ ॥ ८.०२७.०२

ā pa̱śuṃ gā̍si pṛthi̱vīṃ vana̱spatī̍nu̱ṣāsā̱ nakta̱moṣa̍dhīḥ .

viśve̍ ca no vasavo viśvavedaso dhī̱nāṃ bhū̍ta prāvi̱tāra̍ḥ .. 8.027.02

2 I sing to cattle and to Earth, to trees, to Dawns, to Night, to plants.
O all ye Vasus, ye possessors of all wealth, be ye the furtherers of our thoughts.

Sloka : 8.27.3

प्र सू न॑ एत्वध्व॒रो॒३॒॑ऽग्ना दे॒वेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यः ।

आ॒दि॒त्येषु॒ प्र वरु॑णे धृ॒तव्र॑ते म॒रुत्सु॑ वि॒श्वभा॑नुषु ॥ ८.०२७.०३

pra sū na̍ etvadhva̱ro̱3̱̎gnā de̱veṣu̍ pū̱rvyaḥ .

ā̱di̱tyeṣu̱ pra varu̍ṇe dhṛ̱tavra̍te ma̱rutsu̍ vi̱śvabhā̍nuṣu .. 8.027.03

3 Forth go, with Agni, to the Gods our sacrifice of ancient use,
To the Ādityas, Varuṇa whose Law stands fast, and the all-lightening Marut troop.

Sloka : 8.27.4

विश्वे॒ हि ष्मा॒ मन॑वे वि॒श्ववे॑दसो॒ भुव॑न्वृ॒धे रि॒शाद॑सः ।

अरि॑ष्टेभिः पा॒युभि॑र्विश्ववेदसो॒ यन्ता॑ नोऽवृ॒कं छ॒र्दिः ॥ ८.०२७.०४

viśve̱ hi ṣmā̱ mana̍ve vi̱śvave̍daso̱ bhuva̍nvṛ̱dhe ri̱śāda̍saḥ .

ari̍ṣṭebhiḥ pā̱yubhi̍rviśvavedaso̱ yantā̍ no'vṛ̱kaṃ cha̱rdiḥ .. 8.027.04

4 Lords of all wealth, may they be strengtheners of man, destroyers of his enemies.
Lords of all wealth, do ye, with guards which none may harm, preserve our dwelling free from foes.

Sloka : 8.27.5

आ नो॑ अ॒द्य सम॑नसो॒ गन्ता॒ विश्वे॑ स॒जोष॑सः ।

ऋ॒चा गि॒रा मरु॑तो॒ देव्यदि॑ते॒ सद॑ने॒ पस्त्ये॑ महि ॥ ८.०२७.०५

ā no̍ a̱dya sama̍naso̱ gantā̱ viśve̍ sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .

ṛ̱cā gi̱rā maru̍to̱ devyadi̍te̱ sada̍ne̱ pastye̍ mahi .. 8.027.05

5 Come to us with one mind to-day, come to us all with one accord,
Maruts with holy song, and, Goddess Aditi, Mighty One, to our house and home.

Sloka : 8.27.6

अ॒भि प्रि॒या म॑रुतो॒ या वो॒ अश्व्या॑ ह॒व्या मि॑त्र प्रया॒थन॑ ।

आ ब॒र्हिरिन्द्रो॒ वरु॑णस्तु॒रा नर॑ आदि॒त्यासः॑ सदन्तु नः ॥ ८.०२७.०६

a̱bhi pri̱yā ma̍ruto̱ yā vo̱ aśvyā̍ ha̱vyā mi̍tra prayā̱thana̍ .

ā ba̱rhirindro̱ varu̍ṇastu̱rā nara̍ ādi̱tyāsa̍ḥ sadantu naḥ .. 8.027.06

6 Send us delightful things, ye Maruts, on your steeds:- come ye, O Mitra, to our gifts.
Let Indra, Varuṇa, and the Ādityas sit, swift Heroes, on our sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.27.7

व॒यं वो॑ वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो हि॒तप्र॑यस आनु॒षक् ।

सु॒तसो॑मासो वरुण हवामहे मनु॒ष्वदि॒द्धाग्न॑यः ॥ ८.०२७.०७

va̱yaṃ vo̍ vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣo hi̱tapra̍yasa ānu̱ṣak .

su̱taso̍māso varuṇa havāmahe manu̱ṣvadi̱ddhāgna̍yaḥ .. 8.027.07

7 We who have trimmed the grass for you, and set the banquet in array,
And pressed the Soma, call you, Varuina, like men, with sacrificial fires aflame.

Sloka : 8.27.8

आ प्र या॑त॒ मरु॑तो॒ विष्णो॒ अश्वि॑ना॒ पूष॒न्माकी॑नया धि॒या ।

इन्द्र॒ आ या॑तु प्रथ॒मः स॑नि॒ष्युभि॒र्वृषा॒ यो वृ॑त्र॒हा गृ॒णे ॥ ८.०२७.०८

ā pra yā̍ta̱ maru̍to̱ viṣṇo̱ aśvi̍nā̱ pūṣa̱nmākī̍nayā dhi̱yā .

indra̱ ā yā̍tu pratha̱maḥ sa̍ni̱ṣyubhi̱rvṛṣā̱ yo vṛ̍tra̱hā gṛ̱ṇe .. 8.027.08

8 O Maruts, Visinu, Aśvins, Pūṣan, haste away with minds turned hitherward to Me.
Let the Strong Indra, famed as Vṛtra's slayer, come first with the winners of the spoil.

Sloka : 8.27.9

वि नो॑ देवासो अद्रु॒होऽच्छि॑द्रं॒ शर्म॑ यच्छत ।

न यद्दू॒राद्व॑सवो॒ नू चि॒दन्ति॑तो॒ वरू॑थमाद॒धर्ष॑ति ॥ ८.०२७.०९

vi no̍ devāso adru̱ho'cchi̍dra̱ṃ śarma̍ yacchata .

na yaddū̱rādva̍savo̱ nū ci̱danti̍to̱ varū̍thamāda̱dharṣa̍ti .. 8.027.09

9 Ye Guileless Gods, bestow on us a refuge strong on every side,
A sure protection, Vasus, unassailable from near at hand or from afar.

Sloka : 8.27.10

अस्ति॒ हि वः॑ सजा॒त्यं॑ रिशादसो॒ देवा॑सो॒ अस्त्याप्य॑म् ।

प्र णः॒ पूर्व॑स्मै सुवि॒ताय॑ वोचत म॒क्षू सु॒म्नाय॒ नव्य॑से ॥ ८.०२७.१०

asti̱ hi va̍ḥ sajā̱tya̍ṃ riśādaso̱ devā̍so̱ astyāpya̍m .

pra ṇa̱ḥ pūrva̍smai suvi̱tāya̍ vocata ma̱kṣū su̱mnāya̱ navya̍se .. 8.027.10

10 Kinship have I with you, and close alliance O ye Gods, destroyers of our foes.
Call us to our prosperity of former days, and soon to new klicity.

Sloka : 8.27.11

इ॒दा हि व॒ उप॑स्तुतिमि॒दा वा॒मस्य॑ भ॒क्तये॑ ।

उप॑ वो विश्ववेदसो नम॒स्युराँ असृ॒क्ष्यन्या॑मिव ॥ ८.०२७.११

i̱dā hi va̱ upa̍stutimi̱dā vā̱masya̍ bha̱ktaye̍ .

upa̍ vo viśvavedaso nama̱syurām̐ asṛ̱kṣyanyā̍miva .. 8.027.11

11 For now have I sent forth to you, that I may win a fair reward,
Lords of all wealth, with homage, this my song of praise. like a milch-cow that faileth not.

Sloka : 8.27.12

उदु॒ ष्य वः॑ सवि॒ता सु॑प्रणीत॒योऽस्था॑दू॒र्ध्वो वरे॑ण्यः ।

नि द्वि॒पाद॒श्चतु॑ष्पादो अ॒र्थिनोऽवि॑श्रन्पतयि॒ष्णवः॑ ॥ ८.०२७.१२

udu̱ ṣya va̍ḥ savi̱tā su̍praṇīta̱yo'sthā̍dū̱rdhvo vare̍ṇyaḥ .

ni dvi̱pāda̱ścatu̍ṣpādo a̱rthino'vi̍śranpatayi̱ṣṇava̍ḥ .. 8.027.12

12 Excellent Savitar hath mounted up on high for you, ye sure and careful Guides.
Bipeds and quadrupeds, with several hopes and aims, and birds have settled to their tasks.

Sloka : 8.27.13

दे॒वंदे॑वं॒ वोऽव॑से दे॒वंदे॑वम॒भिष्ट॑ये ।

दे॒वंदे॑वं हुवेम॒ वाज॑सातये गृ॒णन्तो॑ दे॒व्या धि॒या ॥ ८.०२७.१३

de̱vaṃde̍va̱ṃ vo'va̍se de̱vaṃde̍vama̱bhiṣṭa̍ye .

de̱vaṃde̍vaṃ huvema̱ vāja̍sātaye gṛ̱ṇanto̍ de̱vyā dhi̱yā .. 8.027.13

13 Singing their praise with God-like thought let us invoke each God for grace,
Each God to bring you help, each God to strengthen you.

Sloka : 8.27.14

दे॒वासो॒ हि ष्मा॒ मन॑वे॒ सम॑न्यवो॒ विश्वे॑ सा॒कं सरा॑तयः ।

ते नो॑ अ॒द्य ते अ॑प॒रं तु॒चे तु नो॒ भव॑न्तु वरिवो॒विदः॑ ॥ ८.०२७.१४

de̱vāso̱ hi ṣmā̱ mana̍ve̱ sama̍nyavo̱ viśve̍ sā̱kaṃ sarā̍tayaḥ .

te no̍ a̱dya te a̍pa̱raṃ tu̱ce tu no̱ bhava̍ntu varivo̱vida̍ḥ .. 8.027.14

14 For of one spirit are the Gods with mortal man, co-sharers all of gracious gifts.
May they increase our strength hereafter and to-day, providing case and ample room.

Sloka : 8.27.15

प्र वः॑ शंसाम्यद्रुहः सं॒स्थ उप॑स्तुतीनाम् ।

न तं धू॒र्तिर्व॑रुण मित्र॒ मर्त्यं॒ यो वो॒ धाम॒भ्योऽवि॑धत् ॥ ८.०२७.१५

pra va̍ḥ śaṃsāmyadruhaḥ sa̱ṃstha upa̍stutīnām .

na taṃ dhū̱rtirva̍ruṇa mitra̱ martya̱ṃ yo vo̱ dhāma̱bhyo'vi̍dhat .. 8.027.15

15 I laud you, O ye Guileless Gods, here where we meet to render praise.
None, Varuṇa and Mitra, harins the mortal, man who honours and obeys your laws.

Sloka : 8.27.16

प्र स क्षयं॑ तिरते॒ वि म॒हीरिषो॒ यो वो॒ वरा॑य॒ दाश॑ति ।

प्र प्र॒जाभि॑र्जायते॒ धर्म॑ण॒स्पर्यरि॑ष्टः॒ सर्व॑ एधते ॥ ८.०२७.१६

pra sa kṣaya̍ṃ tirate̱ vi ma̱hīriṣo̱ yo vo̱ varā̍ya̱ dāśa̍ti .

pra pra̱jābhi̍rjāyate̱ dharma̍ṇa̱sparyari̍ṣṭa̱ḥ sarva̍ edhate .. 8.027.16

16 He makes his house endure, he gathers plenteous food who pays obedience to your will.
Born in his sons anew he spreads as Law commands, and prospers every way unharmed.

Sloka : 8.27.17

ऋ॒ते स वि॑न्दते यु॒धः सु॒गेभि॑र्या॒त्यध्व॑नः ।

अ॒र्य॒मा मि॒त्रो वरु॑णः॒ सरा॑तयो॒ यं त्राय॑न्ते स॒जोष॑सः ॥ ८.०२७.१७

ṛ̱te sa vi̍ndate yu̱dhaḥ su̱gebhi̍ryā̱tyadhva̍naḥ .

a̱rya̱mā mi̱tro varu̍ṇa̱ḥ sarā̍tayo̱ yaṃ trāya̍nte sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .. 8.027.17

17 E’en without war he gathers wealth, and goes hisway on pleasant paths,
Whom Mitra, Varuṇa and Aryaman protect, sharing the gift,of one accord.

Sloka : 8.27.18

अज्रे॑ चिदस्मै कृणुथा॒ न्यञ्च॑नं दु॒र्गे चि॒दा सु॑सर॒णम् ।

ए॒षा चि॑दस्माद॒शनिः॑ प॒रो नु सास्रे॑धन्ती॒ वि न॑श्यतु ॥ ८.०२७.१८

ajre̍ cidasmai kṛṇuthā̱ nyañca̍naṃ du̱rge ci̱dā su̍sara̱ṇam .

e̱ṣā ci̍dasmāda̱śani̍ḥ pa̱ro nu sāsre̍dhantī̱ vi na̍śyatu .. 8.027.18

18 E’en on the plain for him ye make a sloping path, an easy way where road is none:-
And far away from him the ineffectual shaft must vanish, shot at him in vain.

Sloka : 8.27.19

यद॒द्य सूर्य॑ उद्य॒ति प्रिय॑क्षत्रा ऋ॒तं द॒ध ।

यन्नि॒म्रुचि॑ प्र॒बुधि॑ विश्ववेदसो॒ यद्वा॑ म॒ध्यंदि॑ने दि॒वः ॥ ८.०२७.१९

yada̱dya sūrya̍ udya̱ti priya̍kṣatrā ṛ̱taṃ da̱dha .

yanni̱mruci̍ pra̱budhi̍ viśvavedaso̱ yadvā̍ ma̱dhyaṃdi̍ne di̱vaḥ .. 8.027.19

19 If ye appoint the rite to-day, kind Rulers, when the Sun ascends,
Lords of all wealth, at sunset or at wakingtime, or be it at the noon of day,

Sloka : 8.27.20

यद्वा॑भिपि॒त्वे अ॑सुरा ऋ॒तं य॒ते छ॒र्दिर्ये॒म वि दा॒शुषे॑ ।

व॒यं तद्वो॑ वसवो विश्ववेदस॒ उप॑ स्थेयाम॒ मध्य॒ आ ॥ ८.०२७.२०

yadvā̍bhipi̱tve a̍surā ṛ̱taṃ ya̱te cha̱rdirye̱ma vi dā̱śuṣe̍ .

va̱yaṃ tadvo̍ vasavo viśvavedasa̱ upa̍ stheyāma̱ madhya̱ ā .. 8.027.20

20 Or, Asuras, when ye have sheltered the worshipper who goes to sacrifice, at eve
may we, O Vasus, ye possessors of all wealth, come then into the midst of You.

Sloka : 8.27.21

यद॒द्य सूर॒ उदि॑ते॒ यन्म॒ध्यंदि॑न आ॒तुचि॑ ।

वा॒मं ध॒त्थ मन॑वे विश्ववेदसो॒ जुह्वा॑नाय॒ प्रचे॑तसे ॥ ८.०२७.२१

yada̱dya sūra̱ udi̍te̱ yanma̱dhyaṃdi̍na ā̱tuci̍ .

vā̱maṃ dha̱ttha mana̍ve viśvavedaso̱ juhvā̍nāya̱ prace̍tase .. 8.027.21

21 If ye to-day at sunrise, or at noon, or in the gloom of eve,
Lords of all riches, give fair treasure to the man, the wise man who hath sacrificed,

Sloka : 8.27.22

व॒यं तद्वः॑ सम्राज॒ आ वृ॑णीमहे पु॒त्रो न ब॑हु॒पाय्य॑म् ।

अ॒श्याम॒ तदा॑दित्या॒ जुह्व॑तो ह॒विर्येन॒ वस्यो॒ऽनशा॑महै ॥ ८.०२७.२२

va̱yaṃ tadva̍ḥ samrāja̱ ā vṛ̍ṇīmahe pu̱tro na ba̍hu̱pāyya̍m .

a̱śyāma̱ tadā̍dityā̱ juhva̍to ha̱viryena̱ vasyo̱'naśā̍mahai .. 8.027.22

22 Then we, imperial Rulers, claim of you this boon, your wide protection, as a son.
May we, Ādityas, offering holy gifts, obtain that which shall bring us greater bliss.

Sloka : 8.28.1

ये त्रिं॒शति॒ त्रय॑स्प॒रो दे॒वासो॑ ब॒र्हिरास॑दन् ।

वि॒दन्नह॑ द्वि॒तास॑नन् ॥ ८.०२८.०१

ye tri̱ṃśati̱ traya̍spa̱ro de̱vāso̍ ba̱rhirāsa̍dan .

vi̱dannaha̍ dvi̱tāsa̍nan .. 8.028.01

1. THE Thirty Gods and Three besides, whose seat hath been the sacred grass,
From time of old have found and gained.

Sloka : 8.28.2

वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा स्मद्रा॑तिषाचो अ॒ग्नयः॑ ।

पत्नी॑वन्तो॒ वष॑ट्कृताः ॥ ८.०२८.०२

varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā smadrā̍tiṣāco a̱gnaya̍ḥ .

patnī̍vanto̱ vaṣa̍ṭkṛtāḥ .. 8.028.02

2 Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman, Agnis, with Consorts, sending boons,
To whom our Vaṣaṭ! is addressed:-

Sloka : 8.28.3

ते नो॑ गो॒पा अ॑पा॒च्यास्त उद॒क्त इ॒त्था न्य॑क् ।

पु॒रस्ता॒त्सर्व॑या वि॒शा ॥ ८.०२८.०३

te no̍ go̱pā a̍pā̱cyāsta uda̱kta i̱tthā nya̍k .

pu̱rastā̱tsarva̍yā vi̱śā .. 8.028.03

3 These are our guardians in the west, and northward here, and in the south,
And on the cast, with all the tribe.

Sloka : 8.28.4

यथा॒ वश॑न्ति दे॒वास्तथेद॑स॒त्तदे॑षां॒ नकि॒रा मि॑नत् ।

अरा॑वा च॒न मर्त्यः॑ ॥ ८.०२८.०४

yathā̱ vaśa̍nti de̱vāstatheda̍sa̱ttade̍ṣā̱ṃ naki̱rā mi̍nat .

arā̍vā ca̱na martya̍ḥ .. 8.028.04

4 Even as the Gods desire so verily shall it be. None minisheth this power of theirs,
No demon, and no mortal

Sloka : 8.28.5

स॒प्ता॒नां स॒प्त ऋ॒ष्टयः॑ स॒प्त द्यु॒म्नान्ये॑षाम् ।

स॒प्तो अधि॒ श्रियो॑ धिरे ॥ ८.०२८.०५

sa̱ptā̱nāṃ sa̱pta ṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ sa̱pta dyu̱mnānye̍ṣām .

sa̱pto adhi̱ śriyo̍ dhire .. 8.028.05

5 The Seven carry seven spears; seven are the splendours they possess,
And seven the glories they assume.

Sloka : 8.29.1

ब॒भ्रुरेको॒ विषु॑णः सू॒नरो॒ युवा॒ञ्ज्य॑ङ्क्ते हिर॒ण्यय॑म् ॥ ८.०२९.०१

ba̱bhrureko̱ viṣu̍ṇaḥ sū̱naro̱ yuvā̱ñjya̍ṅkte hira̱ṇyaya̍m .. 8.029.01

1. ONE is a youth brown, active, manifold he decks the golden one with ornament.

Sloka : 8.29.2

योनि॒मेक॒ आ स॑साद॒ द्योत॑नो॒ऽन्तर्दे॒वेषु॒ मेधि॑रः ॥ ८.०२९.०२

yoni̱meka̱ ā sa̍sāda̱ dyota̍no̱'ntarde̱veṣu̱ medhi̍raḥ .. 8.029.02

2 Another, luminous, occupies the place of sacritice, Sage, among the Gods.

Sloka : 8.29.3

वाशी॒मेको॑ बिभर्ति॒ हस्त॑ आय॒सीम॒न्तर्दे॒वेषु॒ निध्रु॑विः ॥ ८.०२९.०३

vāśī̱meko̍ bibharti̱ hasta̍ āya̱sīma̱ntarde̱veṣu̱ nidhru̍viḥ .. 8.029.03

3 One brandishes in his hand an iron knife, firm, in his seat amid the Deities.

Sloka : 8.29.4

वज्र॒मेको॑ बिभर्ति॒ हस्त॒ आहि॑तं॒ तेन॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नते ॥ ८.०२९.०४

vajra̱meko̍ bibharti̱ hasta̱ āhi̍ta̱ṃ tena̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnate .. 8.029.04

4 Another holds the thunderbolt, wherewith he slays the Vṛtras, resting in his hand.

Sloka : 8.29.5

ति॒ग्ममेको॑ बिभर्ति॒ हस्त॒ आयु॑धं॒ शुचि॑रु॒ग्रो जला॑षभेषजः ॥ ८.०२९.०५

ti̱gmameko̍ bibharti̱ hasta̱ āyu̍dha̱ṃ śuci̍ru̱gro jalā̍ṣabheṣajaḥ .. 8.029.05

5 Another bears a pointed weapon:- bright is he, and strong, with healing medicines.

Sloka : 8.29.6

प॒थ एकः॑ पीपाय॒ तस्क॑रो यथाँ ए॒ष वे॑द निधी॒नाम् ॥ ८.०२९.०६

pa̱tha eka̍ḥ pīpāya̱ taska̍ro yathām̐ e̱ṣa ve̍da nidhī̱nām .. 8.029.06

6 Another, thief-like, watches well the ways, and knows the places where the treasures lie.

Sloka : 8.29.7

त्रीण्येक॑ उरुगा॒यो वि च॑क्रमे॒ यत्र॑ दे॒वासो॒ मद॑न्ति ॥ ८.०२९.०७

trīṇyeka̍ urugā̱yo vi ca̍krame̱ yatra̍ de̱vāso̱ mada̍nti .. 8.029.07

7 Another with his mighty stride hath made his three steps thither where the Gods rejoice.

Sloka : 8.29.8

विभि॒र्द्वा च॑रत॒ एक॑या स॒ह प्र प्र॑वा॒सेव॑ वसतः ॥ ८.०२९.०८

vibhi̱rdvā ca̍rata̱ eka̍yā sa̱ha pra pra̍vā̱seva̍ vasataḥ .. 8.029.08

8 Two with one Dame ride on with winged steeds, and journey forth like travellers on their way.

Sloka : 8.29.9

सदो॒ द्वा च॑क्राते उप॒मा दि॒वि स॒म्राजा॑ स॒र्पिरा॑सुती ॥ ८.०२९.०९

sado̱ dvā ca̍krāte upa̱mā di̱vi sa̱mrājā̍ sa̱rpirā̍sutī .. 8.029.09

9 Two, highest, in the heavens have set their seat, worshipped with holy oil, imperial Kings.

Sloka : 8.29.10

अर्च॑न्त॒ एके॒ महि॒ साम॑ मन्वत॒ तेन॒ सूर्य॑मरोचयन् ॥ ८.०२९.१०

arca̍nta̱ eke̱ mahi̱ sāma̍ manvata̱ tena̱ sūrya̍marocayan .. 8.029.10

10 Some, singing lauds, conceived the Sāma-hymn, great hymn whereby they caused the Sun to shine.

Sloka : 8.30.1

न॒हि वो॒ अस्त्य॑र्भ॒को देवा॑सो॒ न कु॑मार॒कः ।

विश्वे॑ स॒तोम॑हान्त॒ इत् ॥ ८.०३०.०१

na̱hi vo̱ astya̍rbha̱ko devā̍so̱ na ku̍māra̱kaḥ .

viśve̍ sa̱toma̍hānta̱ it .. 8.030.01

1. NOT one of you, ye Gods, is small, none of you is a feeble child:-
All of you, verily, are great.

Sloka : 8.30.2

इति॑ स्तु॒तासो॑ असथा रिशादसो॒ ये स्थ त्रय॑श्च त्रिं॒शच्च॑ ।

मनो॑र्देवा यज्ञियासः ॥ ८.०३०.०२

iti̍ stu̱tāso̍ asathā riśādaso̱ ye stha traya̍śca tri̱ṃśacca̍ .

mano̍rdevā yajñiyāsaḥ .. 8.030.02

2 Thus be ye lauded, ye destroyers of the foe, ye Three-and-Thirty Deities,
The Gods of man, the Holy Ones.

Sloka : 8.30.3

ते न॑स्त्राध्वं॒ ते॑ऽवत॒ त उ॑ नो॒ अधि॑ वोचत ।

मा नः॑ प॒थः पित्र्या॑न्मान॒वादधि॑ दू॒रं नै॑ष्ट परा॒वतः॑ ॥ ८.०३०.०३

te na̍strādhva̱ṃ te̎vata̱ ta u̍ no̱ adhi̍ vocata .

mā na̍ḥ pa̱thaḥ pitryā̍nmāna̱vādadhi̍ dū̱raṃ nai̍ṣṭa parā̱vata̍ḥ .. 8.030.03

3 As such defend and succour us, with benedictions speak to us:-
Lead us not from our fathers' and from Manu's path into the distance far away.

Sloka : 8.30.4

ये दे॑वास इ॒ह स्थन॒ विश्वे॑ वैश्वान॒रा उ॒त ।

अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ शर्म॑ स॒प्रथो॒ गवेऽश्वा॑य यच्छत ॥ ८.०३०.०४

ye de̍vāsa i̱ha sthana̱ viśve̍ vaiśvāna̱rā u̱ta .

a̱smabhya̱ṃ śarma̍ sa̱pratho̱ gave'śvā̍ya yacchata .. 8.030.04

4 Ye Deities who stay with us, and all ye Gods of all mankind,
Give us your wide protection, give shelter for cattle and for steed.

Sloka : 8.31.1

यो यजा॑ति॒ यजा॑त॒ इत्सु॒नव॑च्च॒ पचा॑ति च ।

ब्र॒ह्मेदिन्द्र॑स्य चाकनत् ॥ ८.०३१.०१

yo yajā̍ti̱ yajā̍ta̱ itsu̱nava̍cca̱ pacā̍ti ca .

bra̱hmedindra̍sya cākanat .. 8.031.01

1. THAT Brahman pleases Indra well, who worships, sacrifices, pours Libation, and prepares the meal.

Sloka : 8.31.2

पु॒रो॒ळाशं॒ यो अ॑स्मै॒ सोमं॒ रर॑त आ॒शिर॑म् ।

पादित्तं श॒क्रो अंह॑सः ॥ ८.०३१.०२

pu̱ro̱l̤āśa̱ṃ yo a̍smai̱ soma̱ṃ rara̍ta ā̱śira̍m .

pādittaṃ śa̱kro aṃha̍saḥ .. 8.031.02

2 Śakra protects from woe the man who gives him sacrificial cake.
And offers Soma blent with milk.

Sloka : 8.31.3

तस्य॑ द्यु॒माँ अ॑स॒द्रथो॑ दे॒वजू॑तः॒ स शू॑शुवत् ।

विश्वा॑ व॒न्वन्न॑मि॒त्रिया॑ ॥ ८.०३१.०३

tasya̍ dyu̱mām̐ a̍sa̱dratho̍ de̱vajū̍ta̱ḥ sa śū̍śuvat .

viśvā̍ va̱nvanna̍mi̱triyā̍ .. 8.031.03

3 His chariot shall be glorious, sped by Gods, and mighty shall he be,
Subduing all hostilities.

Sloka : 8.31.4

अस्य॑ प्र॒जाव॑ती गृ॒हेऽस॑श्चन्ती दि॒वेदि॑वे ।

इळा॑ धेनु॒मती॑ दुहे ॥ ८.०३१.०४

asya̍ pra̱jāva̍tī gṛ̱he'sa̍ścantī di̱vedi̍ve .

il̤ā̍ dhenu̱matī̍ duhe .. 8.031.04

4 Each day that passes, in his house flows his libation, rich in milk,
Exhaustless, bringing progeny.

Sloka : 8.31.5

या दम्प॑ती॒ सम॑नसा सुनु॒त आ च॒ धाव॑तः ।

देवा॑सो॒ नित्य॑या॒शिरा॑ ॥ ८.०३१.०५

yā dampa̍tī̱ sama̍nasā sunu̱ta ā ca̱ dhāva̍taḥ .

devā̍so̱ nitya̍yā̱śirā̍ .. 8.031.05

5 O Gods, with constant draught of milk, husband and wife with one accord
Press out and wash the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.31.6

प्रति॑ प्राश॒व्या॑ँ इतः स॒म्यञ्चा॑ ब॒र्हिरा॑शाते ।

न ता वाजे॑षु वायतः ॥ ८.०३१.०६

prati̍ prāśa̱vyā̍m̐ itaḥ sa̱myañcā̍ ba̱rhirā̍śāte .

na tā vāje̍ṣu vāyataḥ .. 8.031.06

6 They gain sufficient food:- they come united to the sacred grass,
And never do they fail in strength.

Sloka : 8.31.7

न दे॒वाना॒मपि॑ ह्नुतः सुम॒तिं न जु॑गुक्षतः ।

श्रवो॑ बृ॒हद्वि॑वासतः ॥ ८.०३१.०७

na de̱vānā̱mapi̍ hnutaḥ suma̱tiṃ na ju̍gukṣataḥ .

śravo̍ bṛ̱hadvi̍vāsataḥ .. 8.031.07

7 Never do they deny or seek to hide the favour of the Gods:-
They win high glory for themselves.

Sloka : 8.31.8

पु॒त्रिणा॒ ता कु॑मा॒रिणा॒ विश्व॒मायु॒र्व्य॑श्नुतः ।

उ॒भा हिर॑ण्यपेशसा ॥ ८.०३१.०८

pu̱triṇā̱ tā ku̍mā̱riṇā̱ viśva̱māyu̱rvya̍śnutaḥ .

u̱bhā hira̍ṇyapeśasā .. 8.031.08

8 With sons and daughters by their side they reach their full extent of life,
Both decked with ornaments of gold.

Sloka : 8.31.9

वी॒तिहो॑त्रा कृ॒तद्व॑सू दश॒स्यन्ता॒मृता॑य॒ कम् ।

समूधो॑ रोम॒शं ह॑तो दे॒वेषु॑ कृणुतो॒ दुवः॑ ॥ ८.०३१.०९

vī̱tiho̍trā kṛ̱tadva̍sū daśa̱syantā̱mṛtā̍ya̱ kam .

samūdho̍ roma̱śaṃ ha̍to de̱veṣu̍ kṛṇuto̱ duva̍ḥ .. 8.031.09

9 Serving the Immortal One with gifts of sacrificial meal and wealth,
They satisfy the claims of love and pay due honour to the Gods.

Sloka : 8.31.10

आ शर्म॒ पर्व॑तानां वृणी॒महे॑ न॒दीना॑म् ।

आ विष्णोः॑ सचा॒भुवः॑ ॥ ८.०३१.१०

ā śarma̱ parva̍tānāṃ vṛṇī̱mahe̍ na̱dīnā̍m .

ā viṣṇo̍ḥ sacā̱bhuva̍ḥ .. 8.031.10

10 We claim protection from the Hills, we claim protection of the Floods,
Of him who stands by Viṣṇu's side.

Sloka : 8.31.11

ऐतु॑ पू॒षा र॒यिर्भगः॑ स्व॒स्ति स॑र्व॒धात॑मः ।

उ॒रुरध्वा॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ ८.०३१.११

aitu̍ pū̱ṣā ra̱yirbhaga̍ḥ sva̱sti sa̍rva̱dhāta̍maḥ .

u̱ruradhvā̍ sva̱staye̍ .. 8.031.11

11 May Pūṣan come, and Bhaga, Lord of wealth, All-bounteous, for our weal
Broad be the path that leads to bliss:-

Sloka : 8.31.12

अ॒रम॑तिरन॒र्वणो॒ विश्वो॑ दे॒वस्य॒ मन॑सा ।

आ॒दि॒त्याना॑मने॒ह इत् ॥ ८.०३१.१२

a̱rama̍tirana̱rvaṇo̱ viśvo̍ de̱vasya̱ mana̍sā .

ā̱di̱tyānā̍mane̱ha it .. 8.031.12

12 Aramati, and, free from foes, Visva with spirit of a God,
And the Ādityas’ peerless might.

Sloka : 8.31.13

यथा॑ नो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वरु॑णः॒ सन्ति॑ गो॒पाः ।

सु॒गा ऋ॒तस्य॒ पन्थाः॑ ॥ ८.०३१.१३

yathā̍ no mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā varu̍ṇa̱ḥ santi̍ go̱pāḥ .

su̱gā ṛ̱tasya̱ panthā̍ḥ .. 8.031.13

13 Seeing that Mitra, Aryaman, and Varuṇa are guarding us,
The paths of Law are fair to tread.

Sloka : 8.31.14

अ॒ग्निं वः॑ पू॒र्व्यं गि॒रा दे॒वमी॑ळे॒ वसू॑नाम् ।

स॒प॒र्यन्तः॑ पुरुप्रि॒यं मि॒त्रं न क्षे॑त्र॒साध॑सम् ॥ ८.०३१.१४

a̱gniṃ va̍ḥ pū̱rvyaṃ gi̱rā de̱vamī̍l̤e̱ vasū̍nām .

sa̱pa̱ryanta̍ḥ purupri̱yaṃ mi̱traṃ na kṣe̍tra̱sādha̍sam .. 8.031.14

14 I glorify with song, for wealth, Agni the God, the first of you.
We honour as a well-loved Friend the God who prospereth our fields.

Sloka : 8.31.15

म॒क्षू दे॒वव॑तो॒ रथः॒ शूरो॑ वा पृ॒त्सु कासु॑ चित् ।

दे॒वानां॒ य इन्मनो॒ यज॑मान॒ इय॑क्षत्य॒भीदय॑ज्वनो भुवत् ॥ ८.०३१.१५

ma̱kṣū de̱vava̍to̱ ratha̱ḥ śūro̍ vā pṛ̱tsu kāsu̍ cit .

de̱vānā̱ṃ ya inmano̱ yaja̍māna̱ iya̍kṣatya̱bhīdaya̍jvano bhuvat .. 8.031.15

15 As in all frays the hero, so swift moves his car whom Gods attend.
The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not.

Sloka : 8.31.16

न य॑जमान रिष्यसि॒ न सु॑न्वान॒ न दे॑वयो ।

दे॒वानां॒ य इन्मनो॒ यज॑मान॒ इय॑क्षत्य॒भीदय॑ज्वनो भुवत् ॥ ८.०३१.१६

na ya̍jamāna riṣyasi̱ na su̍nvāna̱ na de̍vayo .

de̱vānā̱ṃ ya inmano̱ yaja̍māna̱ iya̍kṣatya̱bhīdaya̍jvano bhuvat .. 8.031.16

16 Ne’er are ye injured, worshipper, presser of juice, or pious man.
The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not.

Sloka : 8.31.17

नकि॒ष्टं कर्म॑णा नश॒न्न प्र यो॑ष॒न्न यो॑षति ।

दे॒वानां॒ य इन्मनो॒ यज॑मान॒ इय॑क्षत्य॒भीदय॑ज्वनो भुवत् ॥ ८.०३१.१७

naki̱ṣṭaṃ karma̍ṇā naśa̱nna pra yo̍ṣa̱nna yo̍ṣati .

de̱vānā̱ṃ ya inmano̱ yaja̍māna̱ iya̍kṣatya̱bhīdaya̍jvano bhuvat .. 8.031.17

17 None in his action equals him, none holds him far or keeps him off.
The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not.

Sloka : 8.31.18

अस॒दत्र॑ सु॒वीर्य॑मु॒त त्यदा॒श्वश्व्य॑म् ।

दे॒वानां॒ य इन्मनो॒ यज॑मान॒ इय॑क्षत्य॒भीदय॑ज्वनो भुवत् ॥ ८.०३१.१८

asa̱datra̍ su̱vīrya̍mu̱ta tyadā̱śvaśvya̍m .

de̱vānā̱ṃ ya inmano̱ yaja̍māna̱ iya̍kṣatya̱bhīdaya̍jvano bhuvat .. 8.031.18

18 Such strength of heroes shall be his, such mastery of fleet-foot steeds.
The man who, sacrificing, strives to win the heart of Deities will conquer those who worship not.

Sloka : 8.32.1

प्र कृ॒तान्यृ॑जी॒षिणः॒ कण्वा॒ इन्द्र॑स्य॒ गाथ॑या ।

मदे॒ सोम॑स्य वोचत ॥ ८.०३२.०१

pra kṛ̱tānyṛ̍jī̱ṣiṇa̱ḥ kaṇvā̱ indra̍sya̱ gātha̍yā .

made̱ soma̍sya vocata .. 8.032.01

1. KANVAS, tell forth with song the deeds of Indra, the Impetuous,
Wrought in the Soma's wild delight.

Sloka : 8.32.2

यः सृबि॑न्द॒मन॑र्शनिं॒ पिप्रुं॑ दा॒सम॑ही॒शुव॑म् ।

वधी॑दु॒ग्रो रि॒णन्न॒पः ॥ ८.०३२.०२

yaḥ sṛbi̍nda̱mana̍rśani̱ṃ pipru̍ṃ dā̱sama̍hī̱śuva̍m .

vadhī̍du̱gro ri̱ṇanna̱paḥ .. 8.032.02

2 Strong God, he slew Anarsani, Srbinda, Pipru, and the fiend,
Ahīśuva, and loosed the floods.

Sloka : 8.32.3

न्यर्बु॑दस्य वि॒ष्टपं॑ व॒र्ष्माणं॑ बृह॒तस्ति॑र ।

कृ॒षे तदि॑न्द्र॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ८.०३२.०३

nyarbu̍dasya vi̱ṣṭapa̍ṃ va̱rṣmāṇa̍ṃ bṛha̱tasti̍ra .

kṛ̱ṣe tadi̍ndra̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 8.032.03

3. Thou broughtest down the dwelling-place, the height of lofty Arbuda.
That exploit, Indra, must be famed.

Sloka : 8.32.4

प्रति॑ श्रु॒ताय॑ वो धृ॒षत्तूर्णा॑शं॒ न गि॒रेरधि॑ ।

हु॒वे सु॑शि॒प्रमू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०३२.०४

prati̍ śru̱tāya̍ vo dhṛ̱ṣattūrṇā̍śa̱ṃ na gi̱reradhi̍ .

hu̱ve su̍śi̱pramū̱taye̍ .. 8.032.04

4 Bold, to your famous Soma I call the fair-visored God for aid,
Down like a torrent from the hill.

Sloka : 8.32.5

स गोरश्व॑स्य॒ वि व्र॒जं म॑न्दा॒नः सो॒म्येभ्यः॑ ।

पुरं॒ न शू॑र दर्षसि ॥ ८.०३२.०५

sa goraśva̍sya̱ vi vra̱jaṃ ma̍ndā̱naḥ so̱myebhya̍ḥ .

pura̱ṃ na śū̍ra darṣasi .. 8.032.05

5 Rejoicing in the Soma-draughts, Hero, burst open, like a fort,
The stall of horses and of kine.

Sloka : 8.32.6

यदि॑ मे रा॒रणः॑ सु॒त उ॒क्थे वा॒ दध॑से॒ चनः॑ ।

आ॒रादुप॑ स्व॒धा ग॑हि ॥ ८.०३२.०६

yadi̍ me rā̱raṇa̍ḥ su̱ta u̱kthe vā̱ dadha̍se̱ cana̍ḥ .

ā̱rādupa̍ sva̱dhā ga̍hi .. 8.032.06

6 If my libation gladdens, if thou takest pleasure in my laud,
Come with thy Godhead from afar.

Sloka : 8.32.7

व॒यं घा॑ ते॒ अपि॑ ष्मसि स्तो॒तार॑ इन्द्र गिर्वणः ।

त्वं नो॑ जिन्व सोमपाः ॥ ८.०३२.०७

va̱yaṃ ghā̍ te̱ api̍ ṣmasi sto̱tāra̍ indra girvaṇaḥ .

tvaṃ no̍ jinva somapāḥ .. 8.032.07

7 O Indra, Lover of the Song, the singers of thy praise are we:-
O Soma-drinker, quicken us.

Sloka : 8.32.8

उ॒त नः॑ पि॒तुमा भ॑र संररा॒णो अवि॑क्षितम् ।

मघ॑व॒न्भूरि॑ ते॒ वसु॑ ॥ ८.०३२.०८

u̱ta na̍ḥ pi̱tumā bha̍ra saṃrarā̱ṇo avi̍kṣitam .

magha̍va̱nbhūri̍ te̱ vasu̍ .. 8.032.08

8 And, taking thy delight with us bring us still undiminished food:-
Great is thy wealth, O Maghavan.

Sloka : 8.32.9

उ॒त नो॒ गोम॑तस्कृधि॒ हिर॑ण्यवतो अ॒श्विनः॑ ।

इळा॑भिः॒ सं र॑भेमहि ॥ ८.०३२.०९

u̱ta no̱ goma̍taskṛdhi̱ hira̍ṇyavato a̱śvina̍ḥ .

il̤ā̍bhi̱ḥ saṃ ra̍bhemahi .. 8.032.09

9 Make thou us rich in herds of kine, in steeds, in gold:- let us exert
Our strength in sacrificial gifts.

Sloka : 8.32.10

बृ॒बदु॑क्थं हवामहे सृ॒प्रक॑रस्नमू॒तये॑ ।

साधु॑ कृ॒ण्वन्त॒मव॑से ॥ ८.०३२.१०

bṛ̱badu̍kthaṃ havāmahe sṛ̱praka̍rasnamū̱taye̍ .

sādhu̍ kṛ̱ṇvanta̱mava̍se .. 8.032.10

10 Let us call him to aid whose hands stretch far, to whom high laud is due.
Who worketh well to succour us.

Sloka : 8.32.11

यः सं॒स्थे चि॑च्छ॒तक्र॑तु॒रादीं॑ कृ॒णोति॑ वृत्र॒हा ।

ज॒रि॒तृभ्यः॑ पुरू॒वसुः॑ ॥ ८.०३२.११

yaḥ sa̱ṃsthe ci̍ccha̱takra̍tu̱rādī̍ṃ kṛ̱ṇoti̍ vṛtra̱hā .

ja̱ri̱tṛbhya̍ḥ purū̱vasu̍ḥ .. 8.032.11

11 He, Śatakratu, even in fight acts as a Vṛtra-slayer s,till:-
He gives his worshippers much wealth.

Sloka : 8.32.12

स नः॑ श॒क्रश्चि॒दा श॑क॒द्दान॑वाँ अन्तराभ॒रः ।

इन्द्रो॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०३२.१२

sa na̍ḥ śa̱kraści̱dā śa̍ka̱ddāna̍vām̐ antarābha̱raḥ .

indro̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 8.032.12

12 May he, this A;akra, strengthen us, Boon God who satisfies our needs,
Indra, with all lhis saving helps.

Sloka : 8.32.13

यो रा॒यो॒३॒॑ऽवनि॑र्म॒हान्सु॑पा॒रः सु॑न्व॒तः सखा॑ ।

तमिन्द्र॑म॒भि गा॑यत ॥ ८.०३२.१३

yo rā̱yo̱3̱̎vani̍rma̱hānsu̍pā̱raḥ su̍nva̱taḥ sakhā̍ .

tamindra̍ma̱bhi gā̍yata .. 8.032.13

13 To him, the mighty stream of wealth, the Soma-presser's rescuing Friend,
To Indra sing your song of praise;

Sloka : 8.32.14

आ॒य॒न्तारं॒ महि॑ स्थि॒रं पृत॑नासु श्रवो॒जित॑म् ।

भूरे॒रीशा॑न॒मोज॑सा ॥ ८.०३२.१४

ā̱ya̱ntāra̱ṃ mahi̍ sthi̱raṃ pṛta̍nāsu śravo̱jita̍m .

bhūre̱rīśā̍na̱moja̍sā .. 8.032.14

14 Who bringeth what is great and firm, who winneth glory in his wars,
Lord of vast wealth through power and might.

Sloka : 8.32.15

नकि॑रस्य॒ शची॑नां निय॒न्ता सू॒नृता॑नाम् ।

नकि॑र्व॒क्ता न दा॒दिति॑ ॥ ८.०३२.१५

naki̍rasya̱ śacī̍nāṃ niya̱ntā sū̱nṛtā̍nām .

naki̍rva̱ktā na dā̱diti̍ .. 8.032.15

15 There liveth none to cheek or stay his energies and gracious deeds:-
None who can say, He giveth not.

Sloka : 8.32.16

न नू॒नं ब्र॒ह्मणा॑मृ॒णं प्रा॑शू॒नाम॑स्ति सुन्व॒ताम् ।

न सोमो॑ अप्र॒ता प॑पे ॥ ८.०३२.१६

na nū̱naṃ bra̱hmaṇā̍mṛ̱ṇaṃ prā̍śū̱nāma̍sti sunva̱tām .

na somo̍ apra̱tā pa̍pe .. 8.032.16

16 No debt is due by Brahmans now, by active men who press the juice:-
Well hath each Soma-draught been paid.

Sloka : 8.32.17

पन्य॒ इदुप॑ गायत॒ पन्य॑ उ॒क्थानि॑ शंसत ।

ब्रह्मा॑ कृणोत॒ पन्य॒ इत् ॥ ८.०३२.१७

panya̱ idupa̍ gāyata̱ panya̍ u̱kthāni̍ śaṃsata .

brahmā̍ kṛṇota̱ panya̱ it .. 8.032.17

17 Sing ye to him who must be praised, say lauds to him who must be praised,
Bring prayer to him who must be praised.

Sloka : 8.32.18

पन्य॒ आ द॑र्दिरच्छ॒ता स॒हस्रा॑ वा॒ज्यवृ॑तः ।

इन्द्रो॒ यो यज्व॑नो वृ॒धः ॥ ८.०३२.१८

panya̱ ā da̍rdiraccha̱tā sa̱hasrā̍ vā̱jyavṛ̍taḥ .

indro̱ yo yajva̍no vṛ̱dhaḥ .. 8.032.18

18 May be, unchecked, strong, meet for praise, bring hundreds, thousands forth to light,
Indra who aids the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.32.19

वि षू च॑र स्व॒धा अनु॑ कृष्टी॒नामन्वा॒हुवः॑ ।

इन्द्र॒ पिब॑ सु॒ताना॑म् ॥ ८.०३२.१९

vi ṣū ca̍ra sva̱dhā anu̍ kṛṣṭī̱nāmanvā̱huva̍ḥ .

indra̱ piba̍ su̱tānā̍m .. 8.032.19

19 Go with thy God-like nature forth, go where the folk are calling thee:-
Drink, Indra, of the drops we pour.

Sloka : 8.32.20

पिब॒ स्वधै॑नवानामु॒त यस्तुग्र्ये॒ सचा॑ ।

उ॒तायमि॑न्द्र॒ यस्तव॑ ॥ ८.०३२.२०

piba̱ svadhai̍navānāmu̱ta yastugrye̱ sacā̍ .

u̱tāyami̍ndra̱ yastava̍ .. 8.032.20

20 Drink milky draughts which are thine own, this too which was with Tugrya once,
This is it, Indra, that is thine.

Sloka : 8.32.21

अती॑हि मन्युषा॒विणं॑ सुषु॒वांस॑मु॒पार॑णे ।

इ॒मं रा॒तं सु॒तं पि॑ब ॥ ८.०३२.२१

atī̍hi manyuṣā̱viṇa̍ṃ suṣu̱vāṃsa̍mu̱pāra̍ṇe .

i̱maṃ rā̱taṃ su̱taṃ pi̍ba .. 8.032.21

21 Pass him who psours libations out in angry mood or after sin:-
Here drink the juice we offer thee.

Sloka : 8.32.22

इ॒हि ति॒स्रः प॑रा॒वत॑ इ॒हि पञ्च॒ जना॒ँ अति॑ ।

धेना॑ इन्द्राव॒चाक॑शत् ॥ ८.०३२.२२

i̱hi ti̱sraḥ pa̍rā̱vata̍ i̱hi pañca̱ janā̱m̐ ati̍ .

dhenā̍ indrāva̱cāka̍śat .. 8.032.22

22 Over the three great distances, past the Five Peoples go thy way,
O Indra, noticing our voice.

Sloka : 8.32.23

सूर्यो॑ र॒श्मिं यथा॑ सृ॒जा त्वा॑ यच्छन्तु मे॒ गिरः॑ ।

नि॒म्नमापो॒ न स॒ध्र्य॑क् ॥ ८.०३२.२३

sūryo̍ ra̱śmiṃ yathā̍ sṛ̱jā tvā̍ yacchantu me̱ gira̍ḥ .

ni̱mnamāpo̱ na sa̱dhrya̍k .. 8.032.23

23 Send forth thy ray like Sūrya:- let my songs attract thee hitherward,
Like waters gathering to the vale.

Sloka : 8.32.24

अध्व॑र्य॒वा तु हि षि॒ञ्च सोमं॑ वी॒राय॑ शि॒प्रिणे॑ ।

भरा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०३२.२४

adhva̍rya̱vā tu hi ṣi̱ñca soma̍ṃ vī̱rāya̍ śi̱priṇe̍ .

bharā̍ su̱tasya̍ pī̱taye̍ .. 8.032.24

24 Now to the Hero fair of cheek, Adhvaryu, pour the Soma forth:-
Bring of the juice that he may drink

Sloka : 8.32.25

य उ॒द्नः फ॑लि॒गं भि॒नन्न्य१॒॑क्सिन्धू॑ँर॒वासृ॑जत् ।

यो गोषु॑ प॒क्वं धा॒रय॑त् ॥ ८.०३२.२५

ya u̱dnaḥ pha̍li̱gaṃ bhi̱nannya1̱̍ksindhū̍m̐ra̱vāsṛ̍jat .

yo goṣu̍ pa̱kvaṃ dhā̱raya̍t .. 8.032.25

25 Who cleft the water-cloud in twain, loosed rivers for their downward flow,
And set the ripe milk in the kine.

Sloka : 8.32.26

अह॑न्वृ॒त्रमृची॑षम और्णवा॒भम॑ही॒शुव॑म् ।

हि॒मेना॑विध्य॒दर्बु॑दम् ॥ ८.०३२.२६

aha̍nvṛ̱tramṛcī̍ṣama aurṇavā̱bhama̍hī̱śuva̍m .

hi̱menā̍vidhya̱darbu̍dam .. 8.032.26

26 He, meet for praise, slew Vṛtra, slew Ahīśuva, Urnavabha's son,
And pierced th:-rough Arbuda with frost.

Sloka : 8.32.27

प्र व॑ उ॒ग्राय॑ नि॒ष्टुरेऽषा॑ळ्हाय प्रस॒क्षिणे॑ ।

दे॒वत्तं॒ ब्रह्म॑ गायत ॥ ८.०३२.२७

pra va̍ u̱grāya̍ ni̱ṣṭure'ṣā̍l̤hāya prasa̱kṣiṇe̍ .

de̱vatta̱ṃ brahma̍ gāyata .. 8.032.27

27 To him your matchless Mighty One, unconquerable Conqueror,
Sing forth the prayer which Gods have given:-

Sloka : 8.32.28

यो विश्वा॑न्य॒भि व्र॒ता सोम॑स्य॒ मदे॒ अन्ध॑सः ।

इन्द्रो॑ दे॒वेषु॒ चेत॑ति ॥ ८.०३२.२८

yo viśvā̍nya̱bhi vra̱tā soma̍sya̱ made̱ andha̍saḥ .

indro̍ de̱veṣu̱ ceta̍ti .. 8.032.28

28 Indra, who in the wild delight of Soma juice considers here
All holy Laws among the Gods.

Sloka : 8.32.29

इ॒ह त्या स॑ध॒माद्या॒ हरी॒ हिर॑ण्यकेश्या ।

वो॒ळ्हाम॒भि प्रयो॑ हि॒तम् ॥ ८.०३२.२९

i̱ha tyā sa̍dha̱mādyā̱ harī̱ hira̍ṇyakeśyā .

vo̱l̤hāma̱bhi prayo̍ hi̱tam .. 8.032.29

29 Hither let these thy Bays who share thy banquet, Steeds with golden manes,
Convey thee to the feast prepared.

Sloka : 8.32.30

अ॒र्वाञ्चं॑ त्वा पुरुष्टुत प्रि॒यमे॑धस्तुता॒ हरी॑ ।

सो॒म॒पेया॑य वक्षतः ॥ ८.०३२.३०

a̱rvāñca̍ṃ tvā puruṣṭuta pri̱yame̍dhastutā̱ harī̍ .

so̱ma̱peyā̍ya vakṣataḥ .. 8.032.30

30 Hither, O thou whom many laud, the Bays whom Priyamedha praised,
Shall bring thee to the Soma-draught.

Sloka : 8.33.1

व॒यं घ॑ त्वा सु॒ताव॑न्त॒ आपो॒ न वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।

प॒वित्र॑स्य प्र॒स्रव॑णेषु वृत्रह॒न्परि॑ स्तो॒तार॑ आसते ॥ ८.०३३.०१

va̱yaṃ gha̍ tvā su̱tāva̍nta̱ āpo̱ na vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .

pa̱vitra̍sya pra̱srava̍ṇeṣu vṛtraha̱npari̍ sto̱tāra̍ āsate .. 8.033.01

1. WE compass thee like waters, we whose grass is trimmed and Soma pressed.
Here where the filter pours its stream, thy worshippers round thee, O Vṛtra-slayer, sit.

Sloka : 8.33.2

स्वर॑न्ति त्वा सु॒ते नरो॒ वसो॑ निरे॒क उ॒क्थिनः॑ ।

क॒दा सु॒तं तृ॑षा॒ण ओक॒ आ ग॑म॒ इन्द्र॑ स्व॒ब्दीव॒ वंस॑गः ॥ ८.०३३.०२

svara̍nti tvā su̱te naro̱ vaso̍ nire̱ka u̱kthina̍ḥ .

ka̱dā su̱taṃ tṛ̍ṣā̱ṇa oka̱ ā ga̍ma̱ indra̍ sva̱bdīva̱ vaṃsa̍gaḥ .. 8.033.02

2 Men, Vasu! by the Soma, with lauds call thee to the foremost place:-
When comest thou athirst unto the juice as home, O Indra, like a bellowing bull?

Sloka : 8.33.3

कण्वे॑भिर्धृष्ण॒वा धृ॒षद्वाजं॑ दर्षि सह॒स्रिण॑म् ।

पि॒शङ्ग॑रूपं मघवन्विचर्षणे म॒क्षू गोम॑न्तमीमहे ॥ ८.०३३.०३

kaṇve̍bhirdhṛṣṇa̱vā dhṛ̱ṣadvāja̍ṃ darṣi saha̱sriṇa̍m .

pi̱śaṅga̍rūpaṃ maghavanvicarṣaṇe ma̱kṣū goma̍ntamīmahe .. 8.033.03

3 Boldly, Bold Hero, bring us spoil in thousands for the Kaṇvas' sake.
O active Maghavan, with eager prayer we crave the yellow-hued with store ol kine.

Sloka : 8.33.4

पा॒हि गायान्ध॑सो॒ मद॒ इन्द्रा॑य मेध्यातिथे ।

यः सम्मि॑श्लो॒ हर्यो॒र्यः सु॒ते सचा॑ व॒ज्री रथो॑ हिर॒ण्ययः॑ ॥ ८.०३३.०४

pā̱hi gāyāndha̍so̱ mada̱ indrā̍ya medhyātithe .

yaḥ sammi̍ślo̱ haryo̱ryaḥ su̱te sacā̍ va̱jrī ratho̍ hira̱ṇyaya̍ḥ .. 8.033.04

4 Medhyātithi, to Indra sing, drink of the juice to make thee glad.
Close-knit to his Bay Steeds, bolt-armed, beside the juice is he:- his chariot is of gold.

Sloka : 8.33.5

यः सु॑ष॒व्यः सु॒दक्षि॑ण इ॒नो यः सु॒क्रतु॑र्गृ॒णे ।

य आ॑क॒रः स॒हस्रा॒ यः श॒ताम॑घ॒ इन्द्रो॒ यः पू॒र्भिदा॑रि॒तः ॥ ८.०३३.०५

yaḥ su̍ṣa̱vyaḥ su̱dakṣi̍ṇa i̱no yaḥ su̱kratu̍rgṛ̱ṇe .

ya ā̍ka̱raḥ sa̱hasrā̱ yaḥ śa̱tāma̍gha̱ indro̱ yaḥ pū̱rbhidā̍ri̱taḥ .. 8.033.05

5 He Who is praised as strong of hand both right and left, most wise and hold:-
Indra who, rich in hundreds, gathers thousands up, honoured as breaker-down of forts.

Sloka : 8.33.6

यो धृ॑षि॒तो योऽवृ॑तो॒ यो अस्ति॒ श्मश्रु॑षु श्रि॒तः ।

विभू॑तद्युम्न॒श्च्यव॑नः पुरुष्टु॒तः क्रत्वा॒ गौरि॑व शाकि॒नः ॥ ८.०३३.०६

yo dhṛ̍ṣi̱to yo'vṛ̍to̱ yo asti̱ śmaśru̍ṣu śri̱taḥ .

vibhū̍tadyumna̱ścyava̍naḥ puruṣṭu̱taḥ kratvā̱ gauri̍va śāki̱naḥ .. 8.033.06

6 The bold of heart whom none provokes, who stands in bearded confidence;
Much-lauded, very glorious, overthrowing foes, strong Helper, like a bull with might.

Sloka : 8.33.7

क ईं॑ वेद सु॒ते सचा॒ पिब॑न्तं॒ कद्वयो॑ दधे ।

अ॒यं यः पुरो॑ विभि॒नत्त्योज॑सा मन्दा॒नः शि॒प्र्यन्ध॑सः ॥ ८.०३३.०७

ka ī̍ṃ veda su̱te sacā̱ piba̍nta̱ṃ kadvayo̍ dadhe .

a̱yaṃ yaḥ puro̍ vibhi̱nattyoja̍sā mandā̱naḥ śi̱pryandha̍saḥ .. 8.033.07

7 Who knows what vital ower he wins, drinking beside the flowing juice?
This is the fair-checked God who, joying in the draught, breaks down the castles in his strength.

Sloka : 8.33.8

दा॒ना मृ॒गो न वा॑र॒णः पु॑रु॒त्रा च॒रथं॑ दधे ।

नकि॑ष्ट्वा॒ नि य॑म॒दा सु॒ते ग॑मो म॒हाँश्च॑र॒स्योज॑सा ॥ ८.०३३.०८

dā̱nā mṛ̱go na vā̍ra̱ṇaḥ pu̍ru̱trā ca̱ratha̍ṃ dadhe .

naki̍ṣṭvā̱ ni ya̍ma̱dā su̱te ga̍mo ma̱hām̐śca̍ra̱syoja̍sā .. 8.033.08

8 As a wild elephant rushes on this way and that way, mad with heat,'
None may compel thee, yet come hither to the draught:- thou movest mighty in thy power.

Sloka : 8.33.9

य उ॒ग्रः सन्ननि॑ष्टृतः स्थि॒रो रणा॑य॒ संस्कृ॑तः ।

यदि॑ स्तो॒तुर्म॒घवा॑ श‍ृ॒णव॒द्धवं॒ नेन्द्रो॑ योष॒त्या ग॑मत् ॥ ८.०३३.०९

ya u̱graḥ sannani̍ṣṭṛtaḥ sthi̱ro raṇā̍ya̱ saṃskṛ̍taḥ .

yadi̍ sto̱turma̱ghavā̍ śṛ̱ṇava̱ddhava̱ṃ nendro̍ yoṣa̱tyā ga̍mat .. 8.033.09

9 When he, the Mighty, ne’er o’erthrown, steadfast, made ready for the fight,
When Indra Maghavan lists to his praiser's call, he will not stand aloof, but come.

Sloka : 8.33.10

स॒त्यमि॒त्था वृषेद॑सि॒ वृष॑जूति॒र्नोऽवृ॑तः ।

वृषा॒ ह्यु॑ग्र श‍ृण्वि॒षे प॑रा॒वति॒ वृषो॑ अर्वा॒वति॑ श्रु॒तः ॥ ८.०३३.१०

sa̱tyami̱tthā vṛṣeda̍si̱ vṛṣa̍jūti̱rno'vṛ̍taḥ .

vṛṣā̱ hyu̍gra śṛṇvi̱ṣe pa̍rā̱vati̱ vṛṣo̍ arvā̱vati̍ śru̱taḥ .. 8.033.10

10 Yea, verily, thou art a Bull, with a bull's rush. whom none may stay:-
Thou Mighty One, art celebrated as a Bull, famed as a Bull both near and far.

Sloka : 8.33.11

वृष॑णस्ते अ॒भीश॑वो॒ वृषा॒ कशा॑ हिर॒ण्ययी॑ ।

वृषा॒ रथो॑ मघव॒न्वृष॑णा॒ हरी॒ वृषा॒ त्वं श॑तक्रतो ॥ ८.०३३.११

vṛṣa̍ṇaste a̱bhīśa̍vo̱ vṛṣā̱ kaśā̍ hira̱ṇyayī̍ .

vṛṣā̱ ratho̍ maghava̱nvṛṣa̍ṇā̱ harī̱ vṛṣā̱ tvaṃ śa̍takrato .. 8.033.11

11 Thy reins are very bulls in strength, bulls' strength is in thy golden whip.
Thy car, O Maghavan, thy Bays are strong as bulls:- thou, Śatakratu, art a Bull.

Sloka : 8.33.12

वृषा॒ सोता॑ सुनोतु ते॒ वृष॑न्नृजीपि॒न्ना भ॑र ।

वृषा॑ दधन्वे॒ वृष॑णं न॒दीष्वा तुभ्यं॑ स्थातर्हरीणाम् ॥ ८.०३३.१२

vṛṣā̱ sotā̍ sunotu te̱ vṛṣa̍nnṛjīpi̱nnā bha̍ra .

vṛṣā̍ dadhanve̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ na̱dīṣvā tubhya̍ṃ sthātarharīṇām .. 8.033.12

12 Let the strong presser press for thee. Bring hither, thou straight-rushing Bull.
The mighty makes the mighty run in flowing streams for thee whom thy Bay Horses bear.

Sloka : 8.33.13

एन्द्र॑ याहि पी॒तये॒ मधु॑ शविष्ठ सो॒म्यम् ।

नायमच्छा॑ म॒घवा॑ श‍ृ॒णव॒द्गिरो॒ ब्रह्मो॒क्था च॑ सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ८.०३३.१३

endra̍ yāhi pī̱taye̱ madhu̍ śaviṣṭha so̱myam .

nāyamacchā̍ ma̱ghavā̍ śṛ̱ṇava̱dgiro̱ brahmo̱kthā ca̍ su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 8.033.13

13 Come, thou most potent Indra, come to drink the savoury Soma juice.
Maghavan, very wise, will quickly come to hear the songs, the prayer, the hymns of praise.

Sloka : 8.33.14

वह॑न्तु त्वा रथे॒ष्ठामा हर॑यो रथ॒युजः॑ ।

ति॒रश्चि॑द॒र्यं सव॑नानि वृत्रहन्न॒न्येषां॒ या श॑तक्रतो ॥ ८.०३३.१४

vaha̍ntu tvā rathe̱ṣṭhāmā hara̍yo ratha̱yuja̍ḥ .

ti̱raści̍da̱ryaṃ sava̍nāni vṛtrahanna̱nyeṣā̱ṃ yā śa̍takrato .. 8.033.14

14 When thou hast mounted on thy car let thy yoked Bay Steeds carry thee,
Past other men's libations, Lord of Hundred Powers, thee, Vṛtra-slayer, thee our Friend.

Sloka : 8.33.15

अ॒स्माक॑म॒द्यान्त॑मं॒ स्तोमं॑ धिष्व महामह ।

अ॒स्माकं॑ ते॒ सव॑ना सन्तु॒ शंत॑मा॒ मदा॑य द्युक्ष सोमपाः ॥ ८.०३३.१५

a̱smāka̍ma̱dyānta̍ma̱ṃ stoma̍ṃ dhiṣva mahāmaha .

a̱smāka̍ṃ te̱ sava̍nā santu̱ śaṃta̍mā̱ madā̍ya dyukṣa somapāḥ .. 8.033.15

15 O thou Most Lofty One, accept our laud as nearest to thine heart.
May our libations be most sweet to make thee glad, O Soma-drinker, Heavenly Lord.

Sloka : 8.33.16

न॒हि षस्तव॒ नो मम॑ शा॒स्त्रे अ॒न्यस्य॒ रण्य॑ति ।

यो अ॒स्मान्वी॒र आन॑यत् ॥ ८.०३३.१६

na̱hi ṣastava̱ no mama̍ śā̱stre a̱nyasya̱ raṇya̍ti .

yo a̱smānvī̱ra āna̍yat .. 8.033.16

16 Neither in thy decree nor mine, but in another's he delights,—
The man who brought us unto this.

Sloka : 8.33.17

इन्द्र॑श्चिद्घा॒ तद॑ब्रवीत्स्त्रि॒या अ॑शा॒स्यं मनः॑ ।

उ॒तो अह॒ क्रतुं॑ र॒घुम् ॥ ८.०३३.१७

indra̍ścidghā̱ tada̍bravītstri̱yā a̍śā̱syaṃ mana̍ḥ .

u̱to aha̱ kratu̍ṃ ra̱ghum .. 8.033.17

17 Indra himself hath said, The mind of woman brooks not discipline,
Her intellect hath little weight.

Sloka : 8.33.18

सप्ती॑ चिद्घा मद॒च्युता॑ मिथु॒ना व॑हतो॒ रथ॑म् ।

ए॒वेद्धूर्वृष्ण॒ उत्त॑रा ॥ ८.०३३.१८

saptī̍ cidghā mada̱cyutā̍ mithu̱nā va̍hato̱ ratha̍m .

e̱veddhūrvṛṣṇa̱ utta̍rā .. 8.033.18

18 His pair of horses, rushing on in their wild transport, draw his car:-
High-lifted is the stallion's yoke.

Sloka : 8.33.19

अ॒धः प॑श्यस्व॒ मोपरि॑ संत॒रां पा॑द॒कौ ह॑र ।

मा ते॑ कशप्ल॒कौ दृ॑श॒न्स्त्री हि ब्र॒ह्मा ब॒भूवि॑थ ॥ ८.०३३.१९

a̱dhaḥ pa̍śyasva̱ mopari̍ saṃta̱rāṃ pā̍da̱kau ha̍ra .

mā te̍ kaśapla̱kau dṛ̍śa̱nstrī hi bra̱hmā ba̱bhūvi̍tha .. 8.033.19

19 Cast down thine eyes and look not up. More closely set thy feet. Let none
See what thy garment veils, for thou, a Brahman, hast become a dame.

Sloka : 8.34.1

एन्द्र॑ याहि॒ हरि॑भि॒रुप॒ कण्व॑स्य सुष्टु॒तिम् ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०१

endra̍ yāhi̱ hari̍bhi̱rupa̱ kaṇva̍sya suṣṭu̱tim .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.01

1. Come hither, Indra, with thy Bays, come thou to Kaṇva's eulogy.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.

Sloka : 8.34.2

आ त्वा॒ ग्रावा॒ वद॑न्नि॒ह सो॒मी घोषे॑ण यच्छतु ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०२

ā tvā̱ grāvā̱ vada̍nni̱ha so̱mī ghoṣe̍ṇa yacchatu .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.02

2 May the stone draw thee as it speaks, the Soma-stone with ringing voice.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.

Sloka : 8.34.3

अत्रा॒ वि ने॒मिरे॑षा॒मुरां॒ न धू॑नुते॒ वृकः॑ ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०३

atrā̱ vi ne̱mire̍ṣā̱murā̱ṃ na dhū̍nute̱ vṛka̍ḥ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.03

3 The stones' rim shakes the Soma here like a wolf worrying a sheep.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.

Sloka : 8.34.4

आ त्वा॒ कण्वा॑ इ॒हाव॑से॒ हव॑न्ते॒ वाज॑सातये ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०४

ā tvā̱ kaṇvā̍ i̱hāva̍se̱ hava̍nte̱ vāja̍sātaye .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.04

4 The Kaṇvas call thee hitherward for succour and to win the spoil.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.

Sloka : 8.34.5

दधा॑मि ते सु॒तानां॒ वृष्णे॒ न पू॑र्व॒पाय्य॑म् ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०५

dadhā̍mi te su̱tānā̱ṃ vṛṣṇe̱ na pū̍rva̱pāyya̍m .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.05

5 I set for thee, as for the Strong, the first draught of the juices shed.

Sloka : 8.34.6

स्मत्पु॑रंधिर्न॒ आ ग॑हि वि॒श्वतो॑धीर्न ऊ॒तये॑ ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०६

smatpu̍raṃdhirna̱ ā ga̍hi vi̱śvato̍dhīrna ū̱taye̍ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.06

6 Come with abundant blessings, come with perfect care to succour us.

Sloka : 8.34.7

आ नो॑ याहि महेमते॒ सह॑स्रोते॒ शता॑मघ ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०७

ā no̍ yāhi mahemate̱ saha̍srote̱ śatā̍magha .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.07

7 Come, Lord of lofty thought, who hast infinite wealth and countless aids.

Sloka : 8.34.8

आ त्वा॒ होता॒ मनु॑र्हितो देव॒त्रा व॑क्ष॒दीड्यः॑ ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०८

ā tvā̱ hotā̱ manu̍rhito deva̱trā va̍kṣa̱dīḍya̍ḥ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.08

8 Adorable mid Gods, the Priest good to mankind shall bring thee near.

Sloka : 8.34.9

आ त्वा॑ मद॒च्युता॒ हरी॑ श्ये॒नं प॒क्षेव॑ वक्षतः ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.०९

ā tvā̍ mada̱cyutā̱ harī̍ śye̱naṃ pa̱kṣeva̍ vakṣataḥ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.09

9 As wings the falcon, so thy Bays rushing in joy shall carry thee.

Sloka : 8.34.10

आ या॑ह्य॒र्य आ परि॒ स्वाहा॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.१०

ā yā̍hya̱rya ā pari̱ svāhā̱ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.10

10 Come from the enemy to us, to svaha and the Soma-draught.

Sloka : 8.34.11

आ नो॑ या॒ह्युप॑श्रुत्यु॒क्थेषु॑ रणया इ॒ह ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.११

ā no̍ yā̱hyupa̍śrutyu̱ktheṣu̍ raṇayā i̱ha .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.11

11 Come hither with thine car inclined to hear, take pleasure in our lauds.

Sloka : 8.34.12

सरू॑पै॒रा सु नो॑ गहि॒ सम्भृ॑तैः॒ सम्भृ॑ताश्वः ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.१२

sarū̍pai̱rā su no̍ gahi̱ sambhṛ̍tai̱ḥ sambhṛ̍tāśvaḥ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.12

12 Lord of well-nourished Horses, come with well-fed Steeds alike in hue.

Sloka : 8.34.13

आ या॑हि॒ पर्व॑तेभ्यः समु॒द्रस्याधि॑ वि॒ष्टपः॑ ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.१३

ā yā̍hi̱ parva̍tebhyaḥ samu̱drasyādhi̍ vi̱ṣṭapa̍ḥ .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.13

13 Come hither from the mountains, come from regions of the sea of air.

Sloka : 8.34.14

आ नो॒ गव्या॒न्यश्व्या॑ स॒हस्रा॑ शूर दर्दृहि ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.१४

ā no̱ gavyā̱nyaśvyā̍ sa̱hasrā̍ śūra dardṛhi .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.14

14 Disclose to us O Hero, wealth in thousands both of kine and steeds.

Sloka : 8.34.15

आ नः॑ सहस्र॒शो भ॑रा॒युता॑नि श॒तानि॑ च ।

दि॒वो अ॒मुष्य॒ शास॑तो॒ दिवं॑ य॒य दि॑वावसो ॥ ८.०३४.१५

ā na̍ḥ sahasra̱śo bha̍rā̱yutā̍ni śa̱tāni̍ ca .

di̱vo a̱muṣya̱ śāsa̍to̱ diva̍ṃ ya̱ya di̍vāvaso .. 8.034.15

15 Bring riches hitherward to us in hundreds, thousands, myriads.
Ye by command of yonder Dyaus, God bright by day! have gone to heaven.

Sloka : 8.34.16

आ यदिन्द्र॑श्च॒ दद्व॑हे स॒हस्रं॒ वसु॑रोचिषः ।

ओजि॑ष्ठ॒मश्व्यं॑ प॒शुम् ॥ ८.०३४.१६

ā yadindra̍śca̱ dadva̍he sa̱hasra̱ṃ vasu̍rociṣaḥ .

oji̍ṣṭha̱maśvya̍ṃ pa̱śum .. 8.034.16

16 The thousand steeds, the mightiest troop, which we and Indra have received
From Vasurocis as a gift,

Sloka : 8.34.17

य ऋ॒ज्रा वात॑रंहसोऽरु॒षासो॑ रघु॒ष्यदः॑ ।

भ्राज॑न्ते॒ सूर्या॑ इव ॥ ८.०३४.१७

ya ṛ̱jrā vāta̍raṃhaso'ru̱ṣāso̍ raghu̱ṣyada̍ḥ .

bhrāja̍nte̱ sūryā̍ iva .. 8.034.17

17 The brown that match the wind in speed, and bright bay coursers fleet of foot,
Like Suns, resplendent are they all.

Sloka : 8.34.18

पारा॑वतस्य रा॒तिषु॑ द्र॒वच्च॑क्रेष्वा॒शुषु॑ ।

तिष्ठं॒ वन॑स्य॒ मध्य॒ आ ॥ ८.०३४.१८

pārā̍vatasya rā̱tiṣu̍ dra̱vacca̍kreṣvā̱śuṣu̍ .

tiṣṭha̱ṃ vana̍sya̱ madhya̱ ā .. 8.034.18

18 Mid the Pargvata's rich gifts, swift steeds whose wheels run rapidly,
I seemed to stand amid a wood.

Sloka : 8.35.1

अ॒ग्निनेन्द्रे॑ण॒ वरु॑णेन॒ विष्णु॑नादि॒त्यै रु॒द्रैर्वसु॑भिः सचा॒भुवा॑ ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ सोमं॑ पिबतमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०१

a̱gninendre̍ṇa̱ varu̍ṇena̱ viṣṇu̍nādi̱tyai ru̱drairvasu̍bhiḥ sacā̱bhuvā̍ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ soma̍ṃ pibatamaśvinā .. 8.035.01

1. WITH Agni and with Indra, Viṣṇu. Varuṇa, with the Ādityas, Rudras, Vasus, closely leagued;
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.35.2

विश्वा॑भिर्धी॒भिर्भुव॑नेन वाजिना दि॒वा पृ॑थि॒व्याद्रि॑भिः सचा॒भुवा॑ ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ सोमं॑ पिबतमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०२

viśvā̍bhirdhī̱bhirbhuva̍nena vājinā di̱vā pṛ̍thi̱vyādri̍bhiḥ sacā̱bhuvā̍ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ soma̍ṃ pibatamaśvinā .. 8.035.02

2 With all the Holy Thoughts, all being Mighty Ones! in close alliance wil the Mountains, Heaven, and Earth;
Accordant. of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.35.3

विश्वै॑र्दे॒वैस्त्रि॒भिरे॑काद॒शैरि॒हाद्भिर्म॒रुद्भि॒र्भृगु॑भिः सचा॒भुवा॑ ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ सोमं॑ पिबतमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०३

viśvai̍rde̱vaistri̱bhire̍kāda̱śairi̱hādbhirma̱rudbhi̱rbhṛgu̍bhiḥ sacā̱bhuvā̍ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ soma̍ṃ pibatamaśvinā .. 8.035.03

3 With all the Deities, three times eleven, here, in close alliance with the Maruts, Bhṛgus, Floods;
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.35.4

जु॒षेथां॑ य॒ज्ञं बोध॑तं॒ हव॑स्य मे॒ विश्वे॒ह दे॑वौ॒ सव॒नाव॑ गच्छतम् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चेषं॑ नो वोळ्हमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०४

ju̱ṣethā̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ bodha̍ta̱ṃ hava̍sya me̱ viśve̱ha de̍vau̱ sava̱nāva̍ gacchatam .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ ceṣa̍ṃ no vol̤hamaśvinā .. 8.035.04

4 Accept the sacrifice, attend to this my call:- come nigh, O ye Twain Gods, to all libations here.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, bring us strengthening food.

Sloka : 8.35.5

स्तोमं॑ जुषेथां युव॒शेव॑ क॒न्यनां॒ विश्वे॒ह दे॑वौ॒ सव॒नाव॑ गच्छतम् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चेषं॑ नो वोळ्हमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०५

stoma̍ṃ juṣethāṃ yuva̱śeva̍ ka̱nyanā̱ṃ viśve̱ha de̍vau̱ sava̱nāva̍ gacchatam .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ ceṣa̍ṃ no vol̤hamaśvinā .. 8.035.05

5 Accept our praise-song as a youth accepts a maid. Come nigh, O ye Twain Gods, to all libations here.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, bring us strengthening food.

Sloka : 8.35.6

गिरो॑ जुषेथामध्व॒रं जु॑षेथां॒ विश्वे॒ह दे॑वौ॒ सव॒नाव॑ गच्छतम् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चेषं॑ नो वोळ्हमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०६

giro̍ juṣethāmadhva̱raṃ ju̍ṣethā̱ṃ viśve̱ha de̍vau̱ sava̱nāva̍ gacchatam .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ ceṣa̍ṃ no vol̤hamaśvinā .. 8.035.06

6 Accept the songs we sing, accept the solemn rite. Come nigh, O ye Twain Gods, to all libations here.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, bring us strengthening food.

Sloka : 8.35.7

हा॒रि॒द्र॒वेव॑ पतथो॒ वनेदुप॒ सोमं॑ सु॒तं म॑हि॒षेवाव॑ गच्छथः ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ त्रिर्व॒र्तिर्या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०७

hā̱ri̱dra̱veva̍ patatho̱ vanedupa̱ soma̍ṃ su̱taṃ ma̍hi̱ṣevāva̍ gacchathaḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ trirva̱rtiryā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.035.07

7 Ye fly as starlings fly unto the forest trees; like buffaloes ye seek the Soma we have shed.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, come thrice, O Aśvins, to our home.

Sloka : 8.35.8

हं॒सावि॑व पतथो अध्व॒गावि॑व॒ सोमं॑ सु॒तं म॑हि॒षेवाव॑ गच्छथः ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ त्रिर्व॒र्तिर्या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०८

ha̱ṃsāvi̍va patatho adhva̱gāvi̍va̱ soma̍ṃ su̱taṃ ma̍hi̱ṣevāva̍ gacchathaḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ trirva̱rtiryā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.035.08

8 Ye fly like swans, like those who travel on their way; like buffaloes ye seek the Soma we have shed.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, come thrice, O Aśvins, to our home.

Sloka : 8.35.9

श्ये॒नावि॑व पतथो ह॒व्यदा॑तये॒ सोमं॑ सु॒तं म॑हि॒षेवाव॑ गच्छथः ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ त्रिर्व॒र्तिर्या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.०९

śye̱nāvi̍va patatho ha̱vyadā̍taye̱ soma̍ṃ su̱taṃ ma̍hi̱ṣevāva̍ gacchathaḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ trirva̱rtiryā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.035.09

9 Ye fly to our oblation like a pair of hawks; like buffaloes ye seek the Soma we have shed.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, come thrice, O Aśvins, to our home.

Sloka : 8.35.10

पिब॑तं च तृप्णु॒तं चा च॑ गच्छतं प्र॒जां च॑ ध॒त्तं द्रवि॑णं च धत्तम् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चोर्जं॑ नो धत्तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१०

piba̍taṃ ca tṛpṇu̱taṃ cā ca̍ gacchataṃ pra̱jāṃ ca̍ dha̱ttaṃ dravi̍ṇaṃ ca dhattam .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ corja̍ṃ no dhattamaśvinā .. 8.035.10

10 Come hitherward and drink and satisfy yourselves, bestow upon us progeny and affluence.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, grant us vigorous strength.

Sloka : 8.35.11

जय॑तं च॒ प्र स्तु॑तं च॒ प्र चा॑वतं प्र॒जां च॑ ध॒त्तं द्रवि॑णं च धत्तम् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चोर्जं॑ नो धत्तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.११

jaya̍taṃ ca̱ pra stu̍taṃ ca̱ pra cā̍vataṃ pra̱jāṃ ca̍ dha̱ttaṃ dravi̍ṇaṃ ca dhattam .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ corja̍ṃ no dhattamaśvinā .. 8.035.11

11 Conquer your foes, protect us, praise your worshippers; bestow upon us progeny and affluence.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, grant us vigorous strength.

Sloka : 8.35.12

ह॒तं च॒ शत्रू॒न्यत॑तं च मि॒त्रिणः॑ प्र॒जां च॑ ध॒त्तं द्रवि॑णं च धत्तम् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चोर्जं॑ नो धत्तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१२

ha̱taṃ ca̱ śatrū̱nyata̍taṃ ca mi̱triṇa̍ḥ pra̱jāṃ ca̍ dha̱ttaṃ dravi̍ṇaṃ ca dhattam .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ corja̍ṃ no dhattamaśvinā .. 8.035.12

12 Slay enemies, animate men whom ye befriend; bestow upon us progeny and affluence.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, O Aśvins, grant us vigorous strength.

Sloka : 8.35.13

मि॒त्रावरु॑णवन्ता उ॒त धर्म॑वन्ता म॒रुत्व॑न्ता जरि॒तुर्ग॑च्छथो॒ हव॑म् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण चादि॒त्यैर्या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१३

mi̱trāvaru̍ṇavantā u̱ta dharma̍vantā ma̱rutva̍ntā jari̱turga̍cchatho̱ hava̍m .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa cādi̱tyairyā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.035.13

13 With Mitra, Varuṇa, Dharma, and the Maruts in your company approach unto your praiser's call.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, and with the Ādityas, Aśvins! come.

Sloka : 8.35.14

अङ्गि॑रस्वन्ता उ॒त विष्णु॑वन्ता म॒रुत्व॑न्ता जरि॒तुर्ग॑च्छथो॒ हव॑म् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण चादि॒त्यैर्या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१४

aṅgi̍rasvantā u̱ta viṣṇu̍vantā ma̱rutva̍ntā jari̱turga̍cchatho̱ hava̍m .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa cādi̱tyairyā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.035.14

14 With Viṣṇu and the Aṅgirases attending you, and with the Maruts come unto your praiser's call.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, and with the Ādityas, Aśvins! come.

Sloka : 8.35.15

ऋ॒भु॒मन्ता॑ वृषणा॒ वाज॑वन्ता म॒रुत्व॑न्ता जरि॒तुर्ग॑च्छथो॒ हव॑म् ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण चादि॒त्यैर्या॑तमश्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१५

ṛ̱bhu̱mantā̍ vṛṣaṇā̱ vāja̍vantā ma̱rutva̍ntā jari̱turga̍cchatho̱ hava̍m .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa cādi̱tyairyā̍tamaśvinā .. 8.035.15

15 With Ṛbhus and With Vājas. O ye Mighty Ones, leagued with the Maruts come ye to your praiser's call.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, and with the Ādityas, Aśvins! come.

Sloka : 8.35.16

ब्रह्म॑ जिन्वतमु॒त जि॑न्वतं॒ धियो॑ ह॒तं रक्षां॑सि॒ सेध॑त॒ममी॑वाः ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ सोमं॑ सुन्व॒तो अ॑श्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१६

brahma̍ jinvatamu̱ta ji̍nvata̱ṃ dhiyo̍ ha̱taṃ rakṣā̍ṃsi̱ sedha̍ta̱mamī̍vāḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ soma̍ṃ sunva̱to a̍śvinā .. 8.035.16

16 Give spirit to our prayer and animate our thoughts; slay ye the Rākṣasas and drive away disease.
Accordant, of One mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, -the presser's Soma, Aśvins drink.

Sloka : 8.35.17

क्ष॒त्रं जि॑न्वतमु॒त जि॑न्वतं॒ नॄन्ह॒तं रक्षां॑सि॒ सेध॑त॒ममी॑वाः ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ सोमं॑ सुन्व॒तो अ॑श्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१७

kṣa̱traṃ ji̍nvatamu̱ta ji̍nvata̱ṃ nṝnha̱taṃ rakṣā̍ṃsi̱ sedha̍ta̱mamī̍vāḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ soma̍ṃ sunva̱to a̍śvinā .. 8.035.17

17 Strengthen the Ruling Power, strengthen the men of war; slay ye the Rākṣasas and drive away disease.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, the presser's Soma, Aśvins drink.

Sloka : 8.35.18

धे॒नूर्जि॑न्वतमु॒त जि॑न्वतं॒ विशो॑ ह॒तं रक्षां॑सि॒ सेध॑त॒ममी॑वाः ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण च॒ सोमं॑ सुन्व॒तो अ॑श्विना ॥ ८.०३५.१८

dhe̱nūrji̍nvatamu̱ta ji̍nvata̱ṃ viśo̍ ha̱taṃ rakṣā̍ṃsi̱ sedha̍ta̱mamī̍vāḥ .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa ca̱ soma̍ṃ sunva̱to a̍śvinā .. 8.035.18

18 Give strength unto the milch-kine, give the people strength, slay ye the Rākṣasas and drive away disease.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, the presser's Soma, Aśvins drink.

Sloka : 8.35.19

अत्रे॑रिव श‍ृणुतं पू॒र्व्यस्तु॑तिं श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य सुन्व॒तो म॑दच्युता ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चाश्वि॑ना ति॒रोअ॑ह्न्यम् ॥ ८.०३५.१९

atre̍riva śṛṇutaṃ pū̱rvyastu̍tiṃ śyā̱vāśva̍sya sunva̱to ma̍dacyutā .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ cāśvi̍nā ti̱roa̍hnyam .. 8.035.19

19 As ye heard Atri's earliest eulogy, so hear Śyāvāśva, Soma-presser, ye who reel in joy.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Aśvins, three days old.

Sloka : 8.35.20

सर्गा॑ँ इव सृजतं सुष्टु॒तीरुप॑ श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य सुन्व॒तो म॑दच्युता ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चाश्वि॑ना ति॒रोअ॑ह्न्यम् ॥ ८.०३५.२०

sargā̍m̐ iva sṛjataṃ suṣṭu̱tīrupa̍ śyā̱vāśva̍sya sunva̱to ma̍dacyutā .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ cāśvi̍nā ti̱roa̍hnyam .. 8.035.20

20 Further like running streams Śyāvāśva's eulogies who presses out the Soma, ye who reel in joy.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Aśvins, three days old.

Sloka : 8.35.21

र॒श्मीँरि॑व यच्छतमध्व॒राँ उप॑ श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य सुन्व॒तो म॑दच्युता ।

स॒जोष॑सा उ॒षसा॒ सूर्ये॑ण॒ चाश्वि॑ना ति॒रोअ॑ह्न्यम् ॥ ८.०३५.२१

ra̱śmīm̐ri̍va yacchatamadhva̱rām̐ upa̍ śyā̱vāśva̍sya sunva̱to ma̍dacyutā .

sa̱joṣa̍sā u̱ṣasā̱ sūrye̍ṇa̱ cāśvi̍nā ti̱roa̍hnyam .. 8.035.21

21 Seize, as ye grasp the reins, Śyāvāśva's solemn rites who presses out the Soma, ye who reel in joy.
Accordant, of one mind with Sūrya and with Dawn, drink juice, O Aśvins, three days old.

Sloka : 8.35.22

अ॒र्वाग्रथं॒ नि य॑च्छतं॒ पिब॑तं सो॒म्यं मधु॑ ।

आ या॑तमश्वि॒ना ग॑तमव॒स्युर्वा॑म॒हं हु॑वे ध॒त्तं रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०३५.२२

a̱rvāgratha̱ṃ ni ya̍cchata̱ṃ piba̍taṃ so̱myaṃ madhu̍ .

ā yā̍tamaśvi̱nā ga̍tamava̱syurvā̍ma̱haṃ hu̍ve dha̱ttaṃ ratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.035.22

22 Drive down your chariot hitherward drink ye the Soma's savoury juice.
Approach, ye Aśvins, come to us:- I call you, eager for your aid. Grant treasures to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.35.23

न॒मो॒वा॒के प्रस्थि॑ते अध्व॒रे न॑रा वि॒वक्ष॑णस्य पी॒तये॑ ।

आ या॑तमश्वि॒ना ग॑तमव॒स्युर्वा॑म॒हं हु॑वे ध॒त्तं रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०३५.२३

na̱mo̱vā̱ke prasthi̍te adhva̱re na̍rā vi̱vakṣa̍ṇasya pī̱taye̍ .

ā yā̍tamaśvi̱nā ga̍tamava̱syurvā̍ma̱haṃ hu̍ve dha̱ttaṃ ratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.035.23

23 When sacrifice which tells our reverence hath begun. Heroes! to drink the gushing juice,
Approach, ye Aśvins, come to us:- I call you, eager for your aid. Grant treasures to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.35.24

स्वाहा॑कृतस्य तृम्पतं सु॒तस्य॑ देवा॒वन्ध॑सः ।

आ या॑तमश्वि॒ना ग॑तमव॒स्युर्वा॑म॒हं हु॑वे ध॒त्तं रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०३५.२४

svāhā̍kṛtasya tṛmpataṃ su̱tasya̍ devā̱vandha̍saḥ .

ā yā̍tamaśvi̱nā ga̍tamava̱syurvā̍ma̱haṃ hu̍ve dha̱ttaṃ ratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.035.24

24 Sate you with consecrated drink, with juice effused, ye Deities.
Approach, ye Aśvins, come to us:- I call you, eager for your aid. Grant treasures to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.36.1

अ॒वि॒तासि॑ सुन्व॒तो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः॒ पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कं श॑तक्रतो ।

यं ते॑ भा॒गमधा॑रय॒न्विश्वाः॑ सेहा॒नः पृत॑ना उ॒रु ज्रयः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जिन्म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र सत्पते ॥ ८.०३६.०१

a̱vi̱tāsi̍ sunva̱to vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣa̱ḥ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ śa̍takrato .

yaṃ te̍ bhā̱gamadhā̍raya̱nviśvā̍ḥ sehā̱naḥ pṛta̍nā u̱ru jraya̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jinma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra satpate .. 8.036.01

1. THOU helpest him whose grass is trimmed, who sheds the juice, O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
The share which they have fixed for thee, thou, Indra, Victor o’er all hosts and space, begirt with Maruts, Lord of Heroes, winner of the floods.

Sloka : 8.36.2

प्राव॑ स्तो॒तारं॑ मघव॒न्नव॒ त्वां पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कं श॑तक्रतो ।

यं ते॑ भा॒गमधा॑रय॒न्विश्वाः॑ सेहा॒नः पृत॑ना उ॒रु ज्रयः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जिन्म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र सत्पते ॥ ८.०३६.०२

prāva̍ sto̱tāra̍ṃ maghava̱nnava̱ tvāṃ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ śa̍takrato .

yaṃ te̍ bhā̱gamadhā̍raya̱nviśvā̍ḥ sehā̱naḥ pṛta̍nā u̱ru jraya̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jinma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra satpate .. 8.036.02

2 Maghavan, help thy worshipper:- let him help thee. O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.
The share which they have fixed for thee, etc.

Sloka : 8.36.3

ऊ॒र्जा दे॒वाँ अव॒स्योज॑सा॒ त्वां पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कं श॑तक्रतो ।

यं ते॑ भा॒गमधा॑रय॒न्विश्वाः॑ सेहा॒नः पृत॑ना उ॒रु ज्रयः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जिन्म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र सत्पते ॥ ८.०३६.०३

ū̱rjā de̱vām̐ ava̱syoja̍sā̱ tvāṃ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ śa̍takrato .

yaṃ te̍ bhā̱gamadhā̍raya̱nviśvā̍ḥ sehā̱naḥ pṛta̍nā u̱ru jraya̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jinma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra satpate .. 8.036.03

3 Thou aidest Gods with food, and that with might aids thee,
O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.

Sloka : 8.36.4

ज॒नि॒ता दि॒वो ज॑नि॒ता पृ॑थि॒व्याः पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कं श॑तक्रतो ।

यं ते॑ भा॒गमधा॑रय॒न्विश्वाः॑ सेहा॒नः पृत॑ना उ॒रु ज्रयः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जिन्म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र सत्पते ॥ ८.०३६.०४

ja̱ni̱tā di̱vo ja̍ni̱tā pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ śa̍takrato .

yaṃ te̍ bhā̱gamadhā̍raya̱nviśvā̍ḥ sehā̱naḥ pṛta̍nā u̱ru jraya̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jinma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra satpate .. 8.036.04

4 Creator of the heaven, creator of the earth, O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.

Sloka : 8.36.5

ज॒नि॒ताश्वा॑नां जनि॒ता गवा॑मसि॒ पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कं श॑तक्रतो ।

यं ते॑ भा॒गमधा॑रय॒न्विश्वाः॑ सेहा॒नः पृत॑ना उ॒रु ज्रयः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जिन्म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र सत्पते ॥ ८.०३६.०५

ja̱ni̱tāśvā̍nāṃ jani̱tā gavā̍masi̱ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ śa̍takrato .

yaṃ te̍ bhā̱gamadhā̍raya̱nviśvā̍ḥ sehā̱naḥ pṛta̍nā u̱ru jraya̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jinma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra satpate .. 8.036.05

5 Father of cattle, father of all steeds art thou. O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.

Sloka : 8.36.6

अत्री॑णां॒ स्तोम॑मद्रिवो म॒हस्कृ॑धि॒ पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कं श॑तक्रतो ।

यं ते॑ भा॒गमधा॑रय॒न्विश्वाः॑ सेहा॒नः पृत॑ना उ॒रु ज्रयः॒ सम॑प्सु॒जिन्म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र सत्पते ॥ ८.०३६.०६

atrī̍ṇā̱ṃ stoma̍madrivo ma̱haskṛ̍dhi̱ pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ śa̍takrato .

yaṃ te̍ bhā̱gamadhā̍raya̱nviśvā̍ḥ sehā̱naḥ pṛta̍nā u̱ru jraya̱ḥ sama̍psu̱jinma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra satpate .. 8.036.06

6 Stone-hurler, glorify the Atris' hymn of praise. O Śatakratu, drink Soma to make thee glad.

Sloka : 8.36.7

श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य सुन्व॒तस्तथा॑ श‍ृणु॒ यथाश‍ृ॑णो॒रत्रेः॒ कर्मा॑णि कृण्व॒तः ।

प्र त्र॒सद॑स्युमाविथ॒ त्वमेक॒ इन्नृ॒षाह्य॒ इन्द्र॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि व॒र्धय॑न् ॥ ८.०३६.०७

śyā̱vāśva̍sya sunva̱tastathā̍ śṛṇu̱ yathāśṛ̍ṇo̱ratre̱ḥ karmā̍ṇi kṛṇva̱taḥ .

pra tra̱sada̍syumāvitha̱ tvameka̱ innṛ̱ṣāhya̱ indra̱ brahmā̍ṇi va̱rdhaya̍n .. 8.036.07

7 Hear thou Śyāvāśva while he pours to thee, as erst thou heardest Atri when he wrought his holy rites.
Indra, thou only gavest Trasadasyu aid in the fierce fight with heroes, strengthening his prayers.

Sloka : 8.37.1

प्रेदं ब्रह्म॑ वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ष्वाविथ॒ प्र सु॑न्व॒तः श॑चीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य वृत्रहन्ननेद्य॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑स्य वज्रिवः ॥ ८.०३७.०१

predaṃ brahma̍ vṛtra̱tūrye̍ṣvāvitha̱ pra su̍nva̱taḥ śa̍cīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya vṛtrahannanedya̱ pibā̱ soma̍sya vajrivaḥ .. 8.037.01

1. THIS prayer, and those who shed the juice, in wars with Vṛtra thou holpest, Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy succours.
O Vṛtra-slayer, from libation poured at noon, drink of the Soma juice, thou blameless Thunderer.

Sloka : 8.37.2

से॒हा॒न उ॑ग्र॒ पृत॑ना अ॒भि द्रुहः॑ शचीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य वृत्रहन्ननेद्य॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑स्य वज्रिवः ॥ ८.०३७.०२

se̱hā̱na u̍gra̱ pṛta̍nā a̱bhi druha̍ḥ śacīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya vṛtrahannanedya̱ pibā̱ soma̍sya vajrivaḥ .. 8.037.02

2 Thou mighty Conqueror of hostile armaments, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.

Sloka : 8.37.3

ए॒क॒राळ॒स्य भुव॑नस्य राजसि शचीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य वृत्रहन्ननेद्य॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑स्य वज्रिवः ॥ ८.०३७.०३

e̱ka̱rāl̤a̱sya bhuva̍nasya rājasi śacīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya vṛtrahannanedya̱ pibā̱ soma̍sya vajrivaḥ .. 8.037.03

3 Sole Ruler, thou art Sovran of this world of life, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.

Sloka : 8.37.4

स॒स्थावा॑ना यवयसि॒ त्वमेक॒ इच्छ॑चीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य वृत्रहन्ननेद्य॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑स्य वज्रिवः ॥ ८.०३७.०४

sa̱sthāvā̍nā yavayasi̱ tvameka̱ iccha̍cīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya vṛtrahannanedya̱ pibā̱ soma̍sya vajrivaḥ .. 8.037.04

4 Thou only sunderest these two consistent worlds, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.

Sloka : 8.37.5

क्षेम॑स्य च प्र॒युज॑श्च॒ त्वमी॑शिषे शचीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य वृत्रहन्ननेद्य॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑स्य वज्रिवः ॥ ८.०३७.०५

kṣema̍sya ca pra̱yuja̍śca̱ tvamī̍śiṣe śacīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya vṛtrahannanedya̱ pibā̱ soma̍sya vajrivaḥ .. 8.037.05

5 Thou art the Lord supreme o’er rest and energy, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving help.

Sloka : 8.37.6

क्ष॒त्राय॑ त्व॒मव॑सि॒ न त्व॑माविथ शचीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य वृत्रहन्ननेद्य॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑स्य वज्रिवः ॥ ८.०३७.०६

kṣa̱trāya̍ tva̱mava̍si̱ na tva̍māvitha śacīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya vṛtrahannanedya̱ pibā̱ soma̍sya vajrivaḥ .. 8.037.06

6 Thou helpest one to power, and one thou hast not helped, O Indra, Lord of Strength, with all thy saving aid.

Sloka : 8.37.7

श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य॒ रेभ॑त॒स्तथा॑ श‍ृणु॒ यथाश‍ृ॑णो॒रत्रेः॒ कर्मा॑णि कृण्व॒तः ।

प्र त्र॒सद॑स्युमाविथ॒ त्वमेक॒ इन्नृ॒षाह्य॒ इन्द्र॑ क्ष॒त्राणि॑ व॒र्धय॑न् ॥ ८.०३७.०७

śyā̱vāśva̍sya̱ rebha̍ta̱stathā̍ śṛṇu̱ yathāśṛ̍ṇo̱ratre̱ḥ karmā̍ṇi kṛṇva̱taḥ .

pra tra̱sada̍syumāvitha̱ tvameka̱ innṛ̱ṣāhya̱ indra̍ kṣa̱trāṇi̍ va̱rdhaya̍n .. 8.037.07

7 Hear thou Śyāvāśva while he sings to thee, as erst thou heardest Atri when he wrought his holy rites.
Indra, thou only gavest Trasadasyu aid in the fierce fight with heroes, strengthening his powers.

Sloka : 8.38.1

य॒ज्ञस्य॒ हि स्थ ऋ॒त्विजा॒ सस्नी॒ वाजे॑षु॒ कर्म॑सु ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ तस्य॑ बोधतम् ॥ ८.०३८.०१

ya̱jñasya̱ hi stha ṛ̱tvijā̱ sasnī̱ vāje̍ṣu̱ karma̍su .

indrā̍gnī̱ tasya̍ bodhatam .. 8.038.01

1. YE Twain are Priests of sacrifice, winners in war and holy works:-
Indra and Agni, mark this well.

Sloka : 8.38.2

तो॒शासा॑ रथ॒यावा॑ना वृत्र॒हणाप॑राजिता ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ तस्य॑ बोधतम् ॥ ८.०३८.०२

to̱śāsā̍ ratha̱yāvā̍nā vṛtra̱haṇāpa̍rājitā .

indrā̍gnī̱ tasya̍ bodhatam .. 8.038.02

2 Ye bounteous riders on the car, ye Vṛtra-slayers unsubdued:-
Indra and Agni, mark this well.

Sloka : 8.38.3

इ॒दं वां॑ मदि॒रं मध्वधु॑क्ष॒न्नद्रि॑भि॒र्नरः॑ ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ तस्य॑ बोधतम् ॥ ८.०३८.०३

i̱daṃ vā̍ṃ madi̱raṃ madhvadhu̍kṣa̱nnadri̍bhi̱rnara̍ḥ .

indrā̍gnī̱ tasya̍ bodhatam .. 8.038.03

3 The men with pressing-stones have pressed this meath of yours which gives delight:-
Indra, and Agni, mark this well.

Sloka : 8.38.4

जु॒षेथां॑ य॒ज्ञमि॒ष्टये॑ सु॒तं सोमं॑ सधस्तुती ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं नरा ॥ ८.०३८.०४

ju̱ṣethā̍ṃ ya̱jñami̱ṣṭaye̍ su̱taṃ soma̍ṃ sadhastutī .

indrā̍gnī̱ ā ga̍taṃ narā .. 8.038.04

4 Accept our sacrifice for weal, sharers of praise! the Soma shed:-
Indra and Agni, Heroes, come.

Sloka : 8.38.5

इ॒मा जु॑षेथां॒ सव॑ना॒ येभि॑र्ह॒व्यान्यू॒हथुः॑ ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं नरा ॥ ८.०३८.०५

i̱mā ju̍ṣethā̱ṃ sava̍nā̱ yebhi̍rha̱vyānyū̱hathu̍ḥ .

indrā̍gnī̱ ā ga̍taṃ narā .. 8.038.05

5 Be pleased with these libations which attract you to our sacred gifts
Indra and Agni, Heroes, come.

Sloka : 8.38.6

इ॒मां गा॑य॒त्रव॑र्तनिं जु॒षेथां॑ सुष्टु॒तिं मम॑ ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ आ ग॑तं नरा ॥ ८.०३८.०६

i̱māṃ gā̍ya̱trava̍rtaniṃ ju̱ṣethā̍ṃ suṣṭu̱tiṃ mama̍ .

indrā̍gnī̱ ā ga̍taṃ narā .. 8.038.06

6 Accept this eulogy of mine whose model is the Gāyatrī:-
Indra and Agni, Heroes, Come.

Sloka : 8.38.7

प्रा॒त॒र्याव॑भि॒रा ग॑तं दे॒वेभि॑र्जेन्यावसू ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०३८.०७

prā̱ta̱ryāva̍bhi̱rā ga̍taṃ de̱vebhi̍rjenyāvasū .

indrā̍gnī̱ soma̍pītaye .. 8.038.07

7 Come with the early-faring Gods, ye who are Lords of genuine wealth:-
Indra-Agni, to the Soma-draught

Sloka : 8.38.8

श्या॒वाश्व॑स्य सुन्व॒तोऽत्री॑णां श‍ृणुतं॒ हव॑म् ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०३८.०८

śyā̱vāśva̍sya sunva̱to'trī̍ṇāṃ śṛṇuta̱ṃ hava̍m .

indrā̍gnī̱ soma̍pītaye .. 8.038.08

8 Hear ye the call of Atris, hear Śyāvāśva as he sheds the juice:-
Indra-Agni to the Soma-draught

Sloka : 8.38.9

ए॒वा वा॑मह्व ऊ॒तये॒ यथाहु॑वन्त॒ मेधि॑राः ।

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०३८.०९

e̱vā vā̍mahva ū̱taye̱ yathāhu̍vanta̱ medhi̍rāḥ .

indrā̍gnī̱ soma̍pītaye .. 8.038.09

9 Thus have I called you to our aid as sages called on you of old:-
Indra-Agni to the Soma draught!

Sloka : 8.38.10

आहं सर॑स्वतीवतोरिन्द्रा॒ग्न्योरवो॑ वृणे ।

याभ्यां॑ गाय॒त्रमृ॒च्यते॑ ॥ ८.०३८.१०

āhaṃ sara̍svatīvatorindrā̱gnyoravo̍ vṛṇe .

yābhyā̍ṃ gāya̱tramṛ̱cyate̍ .. 8.038.10

10 Indra's and Agni's grace I claim, Sarasvatī's associates
To whom this psalm of praise is sung.

Sloka : 8.39.1

अ॒ग्निम॑स्तोष्यृ॒ग्मिय॑म॒ग्निमी॒ळा य॒जध्यै॑ ।

अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वाँ अ॑नक्तु न उ॒भे हि वि॒दथे॑ क॒विर॒न्तश्चर॑ति दू॒त्यं१॒॑ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०१

a̱gnima̍stoṣyṛ̱gmiya̍ma̱gnimī̱l̤ā ya̱jadhyai̍ .

a̱gnirde̱vām̐ a̍naktu na u̱bhe hi vi̱dathe̍ ka̱vira̱ntaścara̍ti dū̱tyaṃ1̱̍ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.01

1. THE glorious Agni have I praised, and worshipped with. the sacred food.
May Agni deck the Gods for us. Between both gathering-places he goes on his embassy, the Sage. May all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.2

न्य॑ग्ने॒ नव्य॑सा॒ वच॑स्त॒नूषु॒ शंस॑मेषाम् ।

न्यरा॑ती॒ ररा॑व्णां॒ विश्वा॑ अ॒र्यो अरा॑तीरि॒तो यु॑च्छन्त्वा॒मुरो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०२

nya̍gne̱ navya̍sā̱ vaca̍sta̱nūṣu̱ śaṃsa̍meṣām .

nyarā̍tī̱ rarā̍vṇā̱ṃ viśvā̍ a̱ryo arā̍tīri̱to yu̍cchantvā̱muro̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.02

2 Agni, burn down the word within their bodies through our newest speech,
All hatreds of the godless, all the wicked man's malignities. Away let the destroyers go. May all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.3

अग्ने॒ मन्मा॑नि॒ तुभ्यं॒ कं घृ॒तं न जु॑ह्व आ॒सनि॑ ।

स दे॒वेषु॒ प्र चि॑किद्धि॒ त्वं ह्यसि॑ पू॒र्व्यः शि॒वो दू॒तो वि॒वस्व॑तो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०३

agne̱ manmā̍ni̱ tubhya̱ṃ kaṃ ghṛ̱taṃ na ju̍hva ā̱sani̍ .

sa de̱veṣu̱ pra ci̍kiddhi̱ tvaṃ hyasi̍ pū̱rvyaḥ śi̱vo dū̱to vi̱vasva̍to̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.03

3 Agni, I offer hymns to thee, like holy oil within thy mouth.
Acknowledge them. among the Gods, for thou art the most excellent, the worshipper's blissful messenger. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.4

तत्त॑द॒ग्निर्वयो॑ दधे॒ यथा॑यथा कृप॒ण्यति॑ ।

ऊ॒र्जाहु॑ति॒र्वसू॑नां॒ शं च॒ योश्च॒ मयो॑ दधे॒ विश्व॑स्यै दे॒वहू॑त्यै॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०४

tatta̍da̱gnirvayo̍ dadhe̱ yathā̍yathā kṛpa̱ṇyati̍ .

ū̱rjāhu̍ti̱rvasū̍nā̱ṃ śaṃ ca̱ yośca̱ mayo̍ dadhe̱ viśva̍syai de̱vahū̍tyai̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.04

4 Agni bestows all vital power even as each man supplicates.
He brings the Vasus strengthening gifts, and grants delight, in rest and stir, for every calling on the Gods. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.5

स चि॑केत॒ सही॑यसा॒ग्निश्चि॒त्रेण॒ कर्म॑णा ।

स होता॒ शश्व॑तीनां॒ दक्षि॑णाभिर॒भीवृ॑त इ॒नोति॑ च प्रती॒व्यं१॒॑ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०५

sa ci̍keta̱ sahī̍yasā̱gniści̱treṇa̱ karma̍ṇā .

sa hotā̱ śaśva̍tīnā̱ṃ dakṣi̍ṇābhira̱bhīvṛ̍ta i̱noti̍ ca pratī̱vyaṃ1̱̍ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.05

5 Agni hath made himself renowned by wonderful victorious act.
He is the Priest of all the tribes, chosen with sacrificial meeds. He urges Deities to receive. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.6

अ॒ग्निर्जा॒ता दे॒वाना॑म॒ग्निर्वे॑द॒ मर्ता॑नामपी॒च्य॑म् ।

अ॒ग्निः स द्र॑विणो॒दा अ॒ग्निर्द्वारा॒ व्यू॑र्णुते॒ स्वा॑हुतो॒ नवी॑यसा॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०६

a̱gnirjā̱tā de̱vānā̍ma̱gnirve̍da̱ martā̍nāmapī̱cya̍m .

a̱gniḥ sa dra̍viṇo̱dā a̱gnirdvārā̱ vyū̍rṇute̱ svā̍huto̱ navī̍yasā̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.06

6 Agni knows all that springs from Gods, he knows the mystery of men.
Giver of wealth is Agni, he uncloses both the doors to us when worshipped with our newest gift. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.7

अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वेषु॒ संव॑सुः॒ स वि॒क्षु य॒ज्ञिया॒स्वा ।

स मु॒दा काव्या॑ पु॒रु विश्वं॒ भूमे॑व पुष्यति दे॒वो दे॒वेषु॑ य॒ज्ञियो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०७

a̱gnirde̱veṣu̱ saṃva̍su̱ḥ sa vi̱kṣu ya̱jñiyā̱svā .

sa mu̱dā kāvyā̍ pu̱ru viśva̱ṃ bhūme̍va puṣyati de̱vo de̱veṣu̍ ya̱jñiyo̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.07

7 Agni inhabiteth with Gods and men who offer sacrifice.
He cherisheth with great delight much wisdom, as all things that be, God among Gods adorable. May all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.8

यो अ॒ग्निः स॒प्तमा॑नुषः श्रि॒तो विश्वे॑षु॒ सिन्धु॑षु ।

तमाग॑न्म त्रिप॒स्त्यं म॑न्धा॒तुर्द॑स्यु॒हन्त॑मम॒ग्निं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यं नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०८

yo a̱gniḥ sa̱ptamā̍nuṣaḥ śri̱to viśve̍ṣu̱ sindhu̍ṣu .

tamāga̍nma tripa̱styaṃ ma̍ndhā̱turda̍syu̱hanta̍mama̱gniṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ pū̱rvyaṃ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.08

8 Agni who liveth in all streams, Lord of the Sevenfold Race of men,
Him dweller in three homes we seek, best slayer of the Dasyus for Mandhātar, first in sacrifice. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.9

अ॒ग्निस्त्रीणि॑ त्रि॒धातू॒न्या क्षे॑ति वि॒दथा॑ क॒विः ।

स त्रीँरे॑काद॒शाँ इ॒ह यक्ष॑च्च पि॒प्रय॑च्च नो॒ विप्रो॑ दू॒तः परि॑ष्कृतो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.०९

a̱gnistrīṇi̍ tri̱dhātū̱nyā kṣe̍ti vi̱dathā̍ ka̱viḥ .

sa trīm̐re̍kāda̱śām̐ i̱ha yakṣa̍cca pi̱praya̍cca no̱ vipro̍ dū̱taḥ pari̍ṣkṛto̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.09

9 Agni the Wise inhabiteth three gathering-places, triply formed.
Decked as our envoy let the Sage bring hither and conciliate the Thrice Eleven Deities. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.39.10

त्वं नो॑ अग्न आ॒युषु॒ त्वं दे॒वेषु॑ पूर्व्य॒ वस्व॒ एक॑ इरज्यसि ।

त्वामापः॑ परि॒स्रुतः॒ परि॑ यन्ति॒ स्वसे॑तवो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०३९.१०

tvaṃ no̍ agna ā̱yuṣu̱ tvaṃ de̱veṣu̍ pūrvya̱ vasva̱ eka̍ irajyasi .

tvāmāpa̍ḥ pari̱sruta̱ḥ pari̍ yanti̱ svase̍tavo̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.039.10

10 Our Agni, thou art first among the Gods, and first mid living men.
Thou only rulest over wealth. Round about thee, as natural dams, circumfluous the waters run. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.40.1

इन्द्रा॑ग्नी यु॒वं सु नः॒ सह॑न्ता॒ दास॑थो र॒यिम् ।

येन॑ दृ॒ळ्हा स॒मत्स्वा वी॒ळु चि॑त्साहिषी॒मह्य॒ग्निर्वने॑व॒ वात॒ इन्नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०१

indrā̍gnī yu̱vaṃ su na̱ḥ saha̍ntā̱ dāsa̍tho ra̱yim .

yena̍ dṛ̱l̤hā sa̱matsvā vī̱l̤u ci̍tsāhiṣī̱mahya̱gnirvane̍va̱ vāta̱ innabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.01

1. INDRA and Agni, surely ye as Conquerors will give us wealth,
Whereby in fight we may o’ercome that which is strong and firmly fixed, as Agni burns the woods with wind. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.40.2

न॒हि वां॑ व॒व्रया॑म॒हेऽथेन्द्र॒मिद्य॑जामहे॒ शवि॑ष्ठं नृ॒णां नर॑म् ।

स नः॑ क॒दा चि॒दर्व॑ता॒ गम॒दा वाज॑सातये॒ गम॒दा मे॒धसा॑तये॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०२

na̱hi vā̍ṃ va̱vrayā̍ma̱he'thendra̱midya̍jāmahe̱ śavi̍ṣṭhaṃ nṛ̱ṇāṃ nara̍m .

sa na̍ḥ ka̱dā ci̱darva̍tā̱ gama̱dā vāja̍sātaye̱ gama̱dā me̱dhasā̍taye̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.02

2 We set no snares to tangle you; Indra we worship and adore, Hero of heroes mightiest.
Once may he come unto us with his Steed, come unto us to win us strength, and to complete the sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.40.3

ता हि मध्यं॒ भरा॑णामिन्द्रा॒ग्नी अ॑धिक्षि॒तः ।

ता उ॑ कवित्व॒ना क॒वी पृ॒च्छ्यमा॑ना सखीय॒ते सं धी॒तम॑श्नुतं नरा॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०३

tā hi madhya̱ṃ bharā̍ṇāmindrā̱gnī a̍dhikṣi̱taḥ .

tā u̍ kavitva̱nā ka̱vī pṛ̱cchyamā̍nā sakhīya̱te saṃ dhī̱tama̍śnutaṃ narā̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.03

3 For, famous Indra-Agni, ye are dwellers in the midst of frays.
Sages in wisdom, ye are knit to him who seeketh you as friends. Heroes, bestow on him his wish.

Sloka : 8.40.4

अ॒भ्य॑र्च नभाक॒वदि॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी य॒जसा॑ गि॒रा ।

ययो॒र्विश्व॑मि॒दं जग॑दि॒यं द्यौः पृ॑थि॒वी म॒ह्यु१॒॑पस्थे॑ बिभृ॒तो वसु॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०४

a̱bhya̍rca nabhāka̱vadi̍ndrā̱gnī ya̱jasā̍ gi̱rā .

yayo̱rviśva̍mi̱daṃ jaga̍di̱yaṃ dyauḥ pṛ̍thi̱vī ma̱hyu1̱̍pasthe̍ bibhṛ̱to vasu̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.04

4 Nabhāka-like, with sacred song Indra's and Agni's praise I sing,
Theirs to whom all this world belongs, this heaven and this mighty earth which bear rich treasure in their lap.

Sloka : 8.40.5

प्र ब्रह्मा॑णि नभाक॒वदि॑न्द्रा॒ग्निभ्या॑मिरज्यत ।

या स॒प्तबु॑ध्नमर्ण॒वं जि॒ह्मबा॑रमपोर्णु॒त इन्द्र॒ ईशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०५

pra brahmā̍ṇi nabhāka̱vadi̍ndrā̱gnibhyā̍mirajyata .

yā sa̱ptabu̍dhnamarṇa̱vaṃ ji̱hmabā̍ramaporṇu̱ta indra̱ īśā̍na̱ oja̍sā̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.05

5 To Indra and to Agni send your prayers, as was Nabhāka's wont,—
Who oped with sideway opening the sea with its foundations seven—Indra all powerful in his might.

Sloka : 8.40.6

अपि॑ वृश्च पुराण॒वद्व्र॒तते॑रिव गुष्पि॒तमोजो॑ दा॒सस्य॑ दम्भय ।

व॒यं तद॑स्य॒ सम्भृ॑तं॒ वस्विन्द्रे॑ण॒ वि भ॑जेमहि॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०६

api̍ vṛśca purāṇa̱vadvra̱tate̍riva guṣpi̱tamojo̍ dā̱sasya̍ dambhaya .

va̱yaṃ tada̍sya̱ sambhṛ̍ta̱ṃ vasvindre̍ṇa̱ vi bha̍jemahi̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.06

6 Tear thou asunder, as of old, like tangles of a creeping plant,
Demolish thou the Dāsa's might. May we with Indra's help divide the treasure he hath gathered up.

Sloka : 8.40.7

यदि॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी जना॑ इ॒मे वि॒ह्वय॑न्ते॒ तना॑ गि॒रा ।

अ॒स्माके॑भि॒र्नृभि॑र्व॒यं सा॑स॒ह्याम॑ पृतन्य॒तो व॑नु॒याम॑ वनुष्य॒तो नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०७

yadi̍ndrā̱gnī janā̍ i̱me vi̱hvaya̍nte̱ tanā̍ gi̱rā .

a̱smāke̍bhi̱rnṛbhi̍rva̱yaṃ sā̍sa̱hyāma̍ pṛtanya̱to va̍nu̱yāma̍ vanuṣya̱to nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.07

7 What time with this same song these men call Indra-Agni sundry ways,
May we with our own heroes quell those who provoke us to the fight, and conquer those who strive with us.

Sloka : 8.40.8

या नु श्वे॒ताव॒वो दि॒व उ॒च्चरा॑त॒ उप॒ द्युभिः॑ ।

इ॒न्द्रा॒ग्न्योरनु॑ व्र॒तमुहा॑ना यन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वो॒ यान्सीं॑ ब॒न्धादमु॑ञ्चतां॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०८

yā nu śve̱tāva̱vo di̱va u̱ccarā̍ta̱ upa̱ dyubhi̍ḥ .

i̱ndrā̱gnyoranu̍ vra̱tamuhā̍nā yanti̱ sindha̍vo̱ yānsī̍ṃ ba̱ndhādamu̍ñcatā̱ṃ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.08

8 The Two refulgent with their beams rise and come downward from the sky.
By Indra's and by Agni's hest, flowing away, the rivers, run which they released from their restraint.

Sloka : 8.40.9

पू॒र्वीष्ट॑ इ॒न्द्रोप॑मातयः पू॒र्वीरु॒त प्रश॑स्तयः॒ सूनो॑ हि॒न्वस्य॑ हरिवः ।

वस्वो॑ वी॒रस्या॒पृचो॒ या नु साध॑न्त नो॒ धियो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.०९

pū̱rvīṣṭa̍ i̱ndropa̍mātayaḥ pū̱rvīru̱ta praśa̍staya̱ḥ sūno̍ hi̱nvasya̍ harivaḥ .

vasvo̍ vī̱rasyā̱pṛco̱ yā nu sādha̍nta no̱ dhiyo̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.09

9 O Indra, many are thine aids, many thy ways of guiding us,
Lord of the Bay Steeds, Hinva's Son. To a Good Hero come our prayers, which soon shall have accomplishment.

Sloka : 8.40.10

तं शि॑शीता सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑स्त्वे॒षं सत्वा॑नमृ॒ग्मिय॑म् ।

उ॒तो नु चि॒द्य ओज॑सा॒ शुष्ण॑स्या॒ण्डानि॒ भेद॑ति॒ जेष॒त्स्व॑र्वतीर॒पो नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.१०

taṃ śi̍śītā suvṛ̱ktibhi̍stve̱ṣaṃ satvā̍namṛ̱gmiya̍m .

u̱to nu ci̱dya oja̍sā̱ śuṣṇa̍syā̱ṇḍāni̱ bheda̍ti̱ jeṣa̱tsva̍rvatīra̱po nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.10

10 Inspire him with your holy hymns, the Hero bright and glorious,
Him who with might demolisheth even the brood of Śuṣṇa, and winneth for us the heavenly streams.

Sloka : 8.40.11

तं शि॑शीता स्वध्व॒रं स॒त्यं सत्वा॑नमृ॒त्विय॑म् ।

उ॒तो नु चि॒द्य ओह॑त आ॒ण्डा शुष्ण॑स्य॒ भेद॒त्यजैः॒ स्व॑र्वतीर॒पो नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४०.११

taṃ śi̍śītā svadhva̱raṃ sa̱tyaṃ satvā̍namṛ̱tviya̍m .

u̱to nu ci̱dya oha̍ta ā̱ṇḍā śuṣṇa̍sya̱ bheda̱tyajai̱ḥ sva̍rvatīra̱po nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.040.11

11 Inspire him worshipped with fair rites, the glorious Hero truly brave.
He brake in pieces Śuṣṇa's brood who still expected not the stroke, and won for us the heavenly streams. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.40.12

ए॒वेन्द्रा॒ग्निभ्यां॑ पितृ॒वन्नवी॑यो मन्धातृ॒वद॑ङ्गिर॒स्वद॑वाचि ।

त्रि॒धातु॑ना॒ शर्म॑णा पातम॒स्मान्व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥ ८.०४०.१२

e̱vendrā̱gnibhyā̍ṃ pitṛ̱vannavī̍yo mandhātṛ̱vada̍ṅgira̱svada̍vāci .

tri̱dhātu̍nā̱ śarma̍ṇā pātama̱smānva̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ pata̍yo rayī̱ṇām .. 8.040.12

12 Thus have we sung anew to Indra-Agni, as sang our sires, Aṅgirases, and Mandhātar.
Guard us with triple shelter and preserve us:- may we be masters of a store of riches.

Sloka : 8.41.1

अ॒स्मा ऊ॒ षु प्रभू॑तये॒ वरु॑णाय म॒रुद्भ्योऽर्चा॑ वि॒दुष्ट॑रेभ्यः ।

यो धी॒ता मानु॑षाणां प॒श्वो गा इ॑व॒ रक्ष॑ति॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०१

a̱smā ū̱ ṣu prabhū̍taye̱ varu̍ṇāya ma̱rudbhyo'rcā̍ vi̱duṣṭa̍rebhyaḥ .

yo dhī̱tā mānu̍ṣāṇāṃ pa̱śvo gā i̍va̱ rakṣa̍ti̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.01

1. To make this Varuṇa come forth sing thou a song unto the band of Maruts wiser than thyself,—
This Varuṇa who guardeth well the thoughts of men like herds of kine.
Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.41.2

तमू॒ षु स॑म॒ना गि॒रा पि॑तॄ॒णां च॒ मन्म॑भिः ।

ना॒भा॒कस्य॒ प्रश॑स्तिभि॒र्यः सिन्धू॑ना॒मुपो॑द॒ये स॒प्तस्व॑सा॒ स म॑ध्य॒मो नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०२

tamū̱ ṣu sa̍ma̱nā gi̱rā pi̍tṝ̱ṇāṃ ca̱ manma̍bhiḥ .

nā̱bhā̱kasya̱ praśa̍stibhi̱ryaḥ sindhū̍nā̱mupo̍da̱ye sa̱ptasva̍sā̱ sa ma̍dhya̱mo nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.02

2 Him altogether praise I with the song and hymns our fathers sang, and with Nabhāka's eulogies,—
Him dwelling at the rivers’ source, surrounded by his Sisters Seven.

Sloka : 8.41.3

स क्षपः॒ परि॑ षस्वजे॒ न्यु१॒॑स्रो मा॒यया॑ दधे॒ स विश्वं॒ परि॑ दर्श॒तः ।

तस्य॒ वेनी॒रनु॑ व्र॒तमु॒षस्ति॒स्रो अ॑वर्धय॒न्नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०३

sa kṣapa̱ḥ pari̍ ṣasvaje̱ nyu1̱̍sro mā̱yayā̍ dadhe̱ sa viśva̱ṃ pari̍ darśa̱taḥ .

tasya̱ venī̱ranu̍ vra̱tamu̱ṣasti̱sro a̍vardhaya̱nnabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.03

3 The nights he hath encompassed, and stablished the morns with magic art visible over all is he.
His dear Ones, following his Law, have prospered the Three Dawns for him.

Sloka : 8.41.4

यः क॒कुभो॑ निधार॒यः पृ॑थि॒व्यामधि॑ दर्श॒तः ।

स माता॑ पू॒र्व्यं प॒दं तद्वरु॑णस्य॒ सप्त्यं॒ स हि गो॒पा इ॒वेर्यो॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०४

yaḥ ka̱kubho̍ nidhāra̱yaḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyāmadhi̍ darśa̱taḥ .

sa mātā̍ pū̱rvyaṃ pa̱daṃ tadvaru̍ṇasya̱ saptya̱ṃ sa hi go̱pā i̱veryo̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.04

4 He, visible o’er all the earth, stablished the quarters of the sky:-
He measured out the eastern place, that is the fold of Varuṇa:- like a strong herdsman is the God.

Sloka : 8.41.5

यो ध॒र्ता भुव॑नानां॒ य उ॒स्राणा॑मपी॒च्या॒३॒॑ वेद॒ नामा॑नि॒ गुह्या॑ ।

स क॒विः काव्या॑ पु॒रु रू॒पं द्यौरि॑व पुष्यति॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०५

yo dha̱rtā bhuva̍nānā̱ṃ ya u̱srāṇā̍mapī̱cyā̱3̱̍ veda̱ nāmā̍ni̱ guhyā̍ .

sa ka̱viḥ kāvyā̍ pu̱ru rū̱paṃ dyauri̍va puṣyati̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.05

5 He who supports the worlds of life, he who well knows the hidden names mysterious of the morning beams,
He cherishes much wisdom, Sage, as heaven brings forth each varied form.

Sloka : 8.41.6

यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ च॒क्रे नाभि॑रिव श्रि॒ता ।

त्रि॒तं जू॒ती स॑पर्यत व्र॒जे गावो॒ न सं॒युजे॑ यु॒जे अश्वा॑ँ अयुक्षत॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०६

yasmi̱nviśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ ca̱kre nābhi̍riva śri̱tā .

tri̱taṃ jū̱tī sa̍paryata vra̱je gāvo̱ na sa̱ṃyuje̍ yu̱je aśvā̍m̐ ayukṣata̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.06

6 In whom all wisdom centres, as the nave is set within the wheel.
Haste ye to honour Trita, as kine haste to gather in the fold, even as they muster steeds to yoke.

Sloka : 8.41.7

य आ॒स्वत्क॑ आ॒शये॒ विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्ये॑षाम् ।

परि॒ धामा॑नि॒ मर्मृ॑श॒द्वरु॑णस्य पु॒रो गये॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अनु॑ व्र॒तं नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०७

ya ā̱svatka̍ ā̱śaye̱ viśvā̍ jā̱tānye̍ṣām .

pari̱ dhāmā̍ni̱ marmṛ̍śa̱dvaru̍ṇasya pu̱ro gaye̱ viśve̍ de̱vā anu̍ vra̱taṃ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.07

7 He wraps these regions as a robe; he contemplates the tribes of Gods and all the works of mortal men.
Before the home of Varuṇa all the Gods follow his decree.

Sloka : 8.41.8

स स॑मु॒द्रो अ॑पी॒च्य॑स्तु॒रो द्यामि॑व रोहति॒ नि यदा॑सु॒ यजु॑र्द॒धे ।

स मा॒या अ॒र्चिना॑ प॒दास्तृ॑णा॒न्नाक॒मारु॑ह॒न्नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०८

sa sa̍mu̱dro a̍pī̱cya̍stu̱ro dyāmi̍va rohati̱ ni yadā̍su̱ yaju̍rda̱dhe .

sa mā̱yā a̱rcinā̍ pa̱dāstṛ̍ṇā̱nnāka̱māru̍ha̱nnabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.08

8 He is an Ocean far-removed, yet through the heaven to him ascends the worship which these realms possess.
With his bright foot he overthrew their magic, and went up to heaven.

Sloka : 8.41.9

यस्य॑ श्वे॒ता वि॑चक्ष॒णा ति॒स्रो भूमी॑रधिक्षि॒तः ।

त्रिरुत्त॑राणि प॒प्रतु॒र्वरु॑णस्य ध्रु॒वं सदः॒ स स॑प्ता॒नामि॑रज्यति॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.०९

yasya̍ śve̱tā vi̍cakṣa̱ṇā ti̱sro bhūmī̍radhikṣi̱taḥ .

trirutta̍rāṇi pa̱pratu̱rvaru̍ṇasya dhru̱vaṃ sada̱ḥ sa sa̍ptā̱nāmi̍rajyati̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.09

9 Ruler, whose bright far-seeing rays, pervading all three earths, have filled the three superior realms of heaven.
Firm is the seat of Varuṇa:- over the Seven he rules as King.

Sloka : 8.41.10

यः श्वे॒ताँ अधि॑निर्णिजश्च॒क्रे कृ॒ष्णाँ अनु॑ व्र॒ता ।

स धाम॑ पू॒र्व्यं म॑मे॒ यः स्क॒म्भेन॒ वि रोद॑सी अ॒जो न द्यामधा॑रय॒न्नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४१.१०

yaḥ śve̱tām̐ adhi̍nirṇijaśca̱kre kṛ̱ṣṇām̐ anu̍ vra̱tā .

sa dhāma̍ pū̱rvyaṃ ma̍me̱ yaḥ ska̱mbhena̱ vi roda̍sī a̱jo na dyāmadhā̍raya̱nnabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.041.10

10 Who, after his decree, o’erspread the Dark Ones with a robe of light;
Who measured out the ancient seat, who pillared both the worlds apart as the Unborn supported heaven. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.42.1

अस्त॑भ्ना॒द्द्यामसु॑रो वि॒श्ववे॑दा॒ अमि॑मीत वरि॒माणं॑ पृथि॒व्याः ।

आसी॑द॒द्विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि स॒म्राड्विश्वेत्तानि॒ वरु॑णस्य व्र॒तानि॑ ॥ ८.०४२.०१

asta̍bhnā̱ddyāmasu̍ro vi̱śvave̍dā̱ ami̍mīta vari̱māṇa̍ṃ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .

āsī̍da̱dviśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni sa̱mrāḍviśvettāni̱ varu̍ṇasya vra̱tāni̍ .. 8.042.01

1. LORD of all wealth, the Asura propped the heavens, and measured out the broad earth's wide expanses.
He, King supreme, approached all living creatures. All these are Varuṇa's holy operations.

Sloka : 8.42.2

ए॒वा व॑न्दस्व॒ वरु॑णं बृ॒हन्तं॑ नम॒स्या धीर॑म॒मृत॑स्य गो॒पाम् ।

स नः॒ शर्म॑ त्रि॒वरू॑थं॒ वि यं॑सत्पा॒तं नो॑ द्यावापृथिवी उ॒पस्थे॑ ॥ ८.०४२.०२

e̱vā va̍ndasva̱ varu̍ṇaṃ bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ nama̱syā dhīra̍ma̱mṛta̍sya go̱pām .

sa na̱ḥ śarma̍ tri̱varū̍tha̱ṃ vi ya̍ṃsatpā̱taṃ no̍ dyāvāpṛthivī u̱pasthe̍ .. 8.042.02

2 So humbly worship Varuṇa the Mighty revere the wise Guard of World Immortal.
May he vouchsafe us triply-barred protection. O Earth and Heaven, within your lap preserve us.

Sloka : 8.42.3

इ॒मां धियं॒ शिक्ष॑माणस्य देव॒ क्रतुं॒ दक्षं॑ वरुण॒ सं शि॑शाधि ।

ययाति॒ विश्वा॑ दुरि॒ता तरे॑म सु॒तर्मा॑ण॒मधि॒ नावं॑ रुहेम ॥ ८.०४२.०३

i̱māṃ dhiya̱ṃ śikṣa̍māṇasya deva̱ kratu̱ṃ dakṣa̍ṃ varuṇa̱ saṃ śi̍śādhi .

yayāti̱ viśvā̍ duri̱tā tare̍ma su̱tarmā̍ṇa̱madhi̱ nāva̍ṃ ruhema .. 8.042.03

3 Sharpen this song of him who strives his utmost, sharpen, God Varuṇa, his strength and insight;
May we ascend the ship that bears us safely, whereby we may pass over all misfortune.

Sloka : 8.42.4

आ वां॒ ग्रावा॑णो अश्विना धी॒भिर्विप्रा॑ अचुच्यवुः ।

नास॑त्या॒ सोम॑पीतये॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४२.०४

ā vā̱ṃ grāvā̍ṇo aśvinā dhī̱bhirviprā̍ acucyavuḥ .

nāsa̍tyā̱ soma̍pītaye̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.042.04

4 Aśvins, with songs the singer stones have made you hasten hitherward,
Nāsatyas, to the Soma-draught. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.42.5

यथा॑ वा॒मत्रि॑रश्विना गी॒र्भिर्विप्रो॒ अजो॑हवीत् ।

नास॑त्या॒ सोम॑पीतये॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४२.०५

yathā̍ vā̱matri̍raśvinā gī̱rbhirvipro̱ ajo̍havīt .

nāsa̍tyā̱ soma̍pītaye̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.042.05

5 As the sage Atri with his hymns, O Aśvins, called you eagerly,
Nāsatyas, to the Soma-draught. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.42.6

ए॒वा वा॑मह्व ऊ॒तये॒ यथाहु॑वन्त॒ मेधि॑राः ।

नास॑त्या॒ सोम॑पीतये॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒के स॑मे ॥ ८.०४२.०६

e̱vā vā̍mahva ū̱taye̱ yathāhu̍vanta̱ medhi̍rāḥ .

nāsa̍tyā̱ soma̍pītaye̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱ke sa̍me .. 8.042.06

6 So have I called you to our aid, even as the wise have called of old,
Nāsatyas, to the Soma-draught. Let all the others die away.

Sloka : 8.43.1

इ॒मे विप्र॑स्य वे॒धसो॒ऽग्नेरस्तृ॑तयज्वनः ।

गिरः॒ स्तोमा॑स ईरते ॥ ८.०४३.०१

i̱me vipra̍sya ve̱dhaso̱'gnerastṛ̍tayajvanaḥ .

gira̱ḥ stomā̍sa īrate .. 8.043.01

1. THESE songs of mine go forth as lauds of Agni, the disposing Sage,
Whose worshipper is ne’er o’erthrown.

Sloka : 8.43.2

अस्मै॑ ते प्रति॒हर्य॑ते॒ जात॑वेदो॒ विच॑र्षणे ।

अग्ने॒ जना॑मि सुष्टु॒तिम् ॥ ८.०४३.०२

asmai̍ te prati̱harya̍te̱ jāta̍vedo̱ vica̍rṣaṇe .

agne̱ janā̍mi suṣṭu̱tim .. 8.043.02

2 Wise Agni Jātavedas, I beget a song of praise for thee.
Who willingly receivest it.

Sloka : 8.43.3

आ॒रो॒का इ॑व॒ घेदह॑ ति॒ग्मा अ॑ग्ने॒ तव॒ त्विषः॑ ।

द॒द्भिर्वना॑नि बप्सति ॥ ८.०४३.०३

ā̱ro̱kā i̍va̱ ghedaha̍ ti̱gmā a̍gne̱ tava̱ tviṣa̍ḥ .

da̱dbhirvanā̍ni bapsati .. 8.043.03

3 Thy sharpened flames, O Agni, like the gleams of light that glitter through,
Devour the forests with their teeth.

Sloka : 8.43.4

हर॑यो धू॒मके॑तवो॒ वात॑जूता॒ उप॒ द्यवि॑ ।

यत॑न्ते॒ वृथ॑ग॒ग्नयः॑ ॥ ८.०४३.०४

hara̍yo dhū̱make̍tavo̱ vāta̍jūtā̱ upa̱ dyavi̍ .

yata̍nte̱ vṛtha̍ga̱gnaya̍ḥ .. 8.043.04

4 Gold-coloured, bannered with the smoke, urged by the wind, aloft to heaven
Rise, lightly borne, the flames of fire.

Sloka : 8.43.5

ए॒ते त्ये वृथ॑ग॒ग्नय॑ इ॒द्धासः॒ सम॑दृक्षत ।

उ॒षसा॑मिव के॒तवः॑ ॥ ८.०४३.०५

e̱te tye vṛtha̍ga̱gnaya̍ i̱ddhāsa̱ḥ sama̍dṛkṣata .

u̱ṣasā̍miva ke̱tava̍ḥ .. 8.043.05

5 These lightly kindled fiery flames are all around made visible,
Even as the gleanings of the Dawns.

Sloka : 8.43.6

कृ॒ष्णा रजां॑सि पत्सु॒तः प्र॒याणे॑ जा॒तवे॑दसः ।

अ॒ग्निर्यद्रोध॑ति॒ क्षमि॑ ॥ ८.०४३.०६

kṛ̱ṣṇā rajā̍ṃsi patsu̱taḥ pra̱yāṇe̍ jā̱tave̍dasaḥ .

a̱gniryadrodha̍ti̱ kṣami̍ .. 8.043.06

6 As Jātavedas speeds along, the dust is black beneath his feet,
When Agni spreads upon the earth.

Sloka : 8.43.7

धा॒सिं कृ॑ण्वा॒न ओष॑धी॒र्बप्स॑द॒ग्निर्न वा॑यति ।

पुन॒र्यन्तरु॑णी॒रपि॑ ॥ ८.०४३.०७

dhā̱siṃ kṛ̍ṇvā̱na oṣa̍dhī̱rbapsa̍da̱gnirna vā̍yati .

puna̱ryantaru̍ṇī̱rapi̍ .. 8.043.07

7 Making the plants his nourishment, Agni devours and wearies not,
Seeking the tender shrubs again.

Sloka : 8.43.8

जि॒ह्वाभि॒रह॒ नन्न॑मद॒र्चिषा॑ जञ्जणा॒भव॑न् ।

अ॒ग्निर्वने॑षु रोचते ॥ ८.०४३.०८

ji̱hvābhi̱raha̱ nanna̍mada̱rciṣā̍ jañjaṇā̱bhava̍n .

a̱gnirvane̍ṣu rocate .. 8.043.08

8 Bending him down with all his tongues, he flickers with his fiery glow
Splendid is Agni in the woods.

Sloka : 8.43.9

अ॒प्स्व॑ग्ने॒ सधि॒ष्टव॒ सौष॑धी॒रनु॑ रुध्यसे ।

गर्भे॒ सञ्जा॑यसे॒ पुनः॑ ॥ ८.०४३.०९

a̱psva̍gne̱ sadhi̱ṣṭava̱ sauṣa̍dhī̱ranu̍ rudhyase .

garbhe̱ sañjā̍yase̱ puna̍ḥ .. 8.043.09

9 Agni, thine home is in the floods:- into the plants thou forcest way,
And as their Child art born anew.

Sloka : 8.43.10

उद॑ग्ने॒ तव॒ तद्घृ॒ताद॒र्ची रो॑चत॒ आहु॑तम् ।

निंसा॑नं जु॒ह्वो॒३॒॑ मुखे॑ ॥ ८.०४३.१०

uda̍gne̱ tava̱ tadghṛ̱tāda̱rcī ro̍cata̱ āhu̍tam .

niṃsā̍naṃ ju̱hvo̱3̱̍ mukhe̍ .. 8.043.10

10 Worshipped with offerings shines thy flame, O Agni, from the sacred oil,
With kisses on the ladle's mouth.

Sloka : 8.43.11

उ॒क्षान्ना॑य व॒शान्ना॑य॒ सोम॑पृष्ठाय वे॒धसे॑ ।

स्तोमै॑र्विधेमा॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ८.०४३.११

u̱kṣānnā̍ya va̱śānnā̍ya̱ soma̍pṛṣṭhāya ve̱dhase̍ .

stomai̍rvidhemā̱gnaye̍ .. 8.043.11

11 Let us serve Agni with our hymns, Disposer, fed on ox and cow,
Who bears the Soma on his back.

Sloka : 8.43.12

उ॒त त्वा॒ नम॑सा व॒यं होत॒र्वरे॑ण्यक्रतो ।

अग्ने॑ स॒मिद्भि॑रीमहे ॥ ८.०४३.१२

u̱ta tvā̱ nama̍sā va̱yaṃ hota̱rvare̍ṇyakrato .

agne̍ sa̱midbhi̍rīmahe .. 8.043.12

12 Yea, thee, O Agni, do we seek with homage and with fuel, Priest
Whose wisdom is most excellent.

Sloka : 8.43.13

उ॒त त्वा॑ भृगु॒वच्छु॑चे मनु॒ष्वद॑ग्न आहुत ।

अ॒ङ्गि॒र॒स्वद्ध॑वामहे ॥ ८.०४३.१३

u̱ta tvā̍ bhṛgu̱vacchu̍ce manu̱ṣvada̍gna āhuta .

a̱ṅgi̱ra̱svaddha̍vāmahe .. 8.043.13

13 O worshipped with oblations, pure Agni, we call on thee as erst,
Did Bhṛgu, Manus, Aṅgiras.

Sloka : 8.43.14

त्वं ह्य॑ग्ने अ॒ग्निना॒ विप्रो॒ विप्रे॑ण॒ सन्स॒ता ।

सखा॒ सख्या॑ समि॒ध्यसे॑ ॥ ८.०४३.१४

tvaṃ hya̍gne a̱gninā̱ vipro̱ vipre̍ṇa̱ sansa̱tā .

sakhā̱ sakhyā̍ sami̱dhyase̍ .. 8.043.14

14 For thou, O Agni, by the fire, Sage by the Sage, Good by the Good,
Friend by the Friend, art lighted up.

Sloka : 8.43.15

स त्वं विप्रा॑य दा॒शुषे॑ र॒यिं दे॑हि सह॒स्रिण॑म् ।

अग्ने॑ वी॒रव॑ती॒मिष॑म् ॥ ८.०४३.१५

sa tvaṃ viprā̍ya dā̱śuṣe̍ ra̱yiṃ de̍hi saha̱sriṇa̍m .

agne̍ vī̱rava̍tī̱miṣa̍m .. 8.043.15

15 So wealth in thousands, food with store of heroes give thou to the sage,
O Agni, to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.43.16

अग्ने॒ भ्रातः॒ सह॑स्कृत॒ रोहि॑दश्व॒ शुचि॑व्रत ।

इ॒मं स्तोमं॑ जुषस्व मे ॥ ८.०४३.१६

agne̱ bhrāta̱ḥ saha̍skṛta̱ rohi̍daśva̱ śuci̍vrata .

i̱maṃ stoma̍ṃ juṣasva me .. 8.043.16

16 O Agni, Brother, made by strength, Lord of red steeds and brilliant sway,
Take pleasure in this laud of mine.

Sloka : 8.43.17

उ॒त त्वा॑ग्ने॒ मम॒ स्तुतो॑ वा॒श्राय॑ प्रति॒हर्य॑ते ।

गो॒ष्ठं गाव॑ इवाशत ॥ ८.०४३.१७

u̱ta tvā̍gne̱ mama̱ stuto̍ vā̱śrāya̍ prati̱harya̍te .

go̱ṣṭhaṃ gāva̍ ivāśata .. 8.043.17

17 My praises, Agni, go to thee, as the cows seek the stall to meet,
The lowing calf that longs for milk.

Sloka : 8.43.18

तुभ्यं॒ ता अ॑ङ्गिरस्तम॒ विश्वाः॑ सुक्षि॒तयः॒ पृथ॑क् ।

अग्ने॒ कामा॑य येमिरे ॥ ८.०४३.१८

tubhya̱ṃ tā a̍ṅgirastama̱ viśvā̍ḥ sukṣi̱taya̱ḥ pṛtha̍k .

agne̱ kāmā̍ya yemire .. 8.043.18

18 Agni, best Aṅgiras, to thee all people who have pleasant homes,
Apart, have turned as to their wish.

Sloka : 8.43.19

अ॒ग्निं धी॒भिर्म॑नी॒षिणो॒ मेधि॑रासो विप॒श्चितः॑ ।

अ॒द्म॒सद्या॑य हिन्विरे ॥ ८.०४३.१९

a̱gniṃ dhī̱bhirma̍nī̱ṣiṇo̱ medhi̍rāso vipa̱ścita̍ḥ .

a̱dma̱sadyā̍ya hinvire .. 8.043.19

19 The sages skilled in holy song and thinkers with their thoughts have urged
Agni to share the sacred feast.

Sloka : 8.43.20

तं त्वामज्मे॑षु वा॒जिनं॑ तन्वा॒ना अ॑ग्ने अध्व॒रम् ।

वह्निं॒ होता॑रमीळते ॥ ८.०४३.२०

taṃ tvāmajme̍ṣu vā̱jina̍ṃ tanvā̱nā a̍gne adhva̱ram .

vahni̱ṃ hotā̍ramīl̤ate .. 8.043.20

20 So, Agni, unto thee the Priest, Invoker, strong in forays, pray
Those who spin out the sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.43.21

पु॒रु॒त्रा हि स॒दृङ्ङसि॒ विशो॒ विश्वा॒ अनु॑ प्र॒भुः ।

स॒मत्सु॑ त्वा हवामहे ॥ ८.०४३.२१

pu̱ru̱trā hi sa̱dṛṅṅasi̱ viśo̱ viśvā̱ anu̍ pra̱bhuḥ .

sa̱matsu̍ tvā havāmahe .. 8.043.21

21 In many a place, the same in look art thou, a Prince o’er all the tribes
In battles we invoke thine aid.

Sloka : 8.43.22

तमी॑ळिष्व॒ य आहु॑तो॒ऽग्निर्वि॒भ्राज॑ते घृ॒तैः ।

इ॒मं नः॑ श‍ृणव॒द्धव॑म् ॥ ८.०४३.२२

tamī̍l̤iṣva̱ ya āhu̍to̱'gnirvi̱bhrāja̍te ghṛ̱taiḥ .

i̱maṃ na̍ḥ śṛṇava̱ddhava̍m .. 8.043.22

22 Pray thou to Agni, pray to him who blazes served with sacred oil:-
Let him give ear to this our call.

Sloka : 8.43.23

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं ह॑वामहे श‍ृ॒ण्वन्तं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसम् ।

अग्ने॒ घ्नन्त॒मप॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ ८.०४३.२३

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ ha̍vāmahe śṛ̱ṇvanta̍ṃ jā̱tave̍dasam .

agne̱ ghnanta̱mapa̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 8.043.23

23 We call on thee as such, as one who hears, as Jātavedas, one,
Agni! who beats away our foes.

Sloka : 8.43.24

वि॒शां राजा॑न॒मद्भु॑त॒मध्य॑क्षं॒ धर्म॑णामि॒मम् ।

अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे॒ स उ॑ श्रवत् ॥ ८.०४३.२४

vi̱śāṃ rājā̍na̱madbhu̍ta̱madhya̍kṣa̱ṃ dharma̍ṇāmi̱mam .

a̱gnimī̍l̤e̱ sa u̍ śravat .. 8.043.24

24 I pray to Agni, King of men, the Wonderful, the President
Of holy Laws:- may he give ear.

Sloka : 8.43.25

अ॒ग्निं वि॒श्वायु॑वेपसं॒ मर्यं॒ न वा॒जिनं॑ हि॒तम् ।

सप्तिं॒ न वा॑जयामसि ॥ ८.०४३.२५

a̱gniṃ vi̱śvāyu̍vepasa̱ṃ marya̱ṃ na vā̱jina̍ṃ hi̱tam .

sapti̱ṃ na vā̍jayāmasi .. 8.043.25

25 Him like a bridegroom, him who stirs all people, like a noble horse,
Like a fleet steed, we instigate.

Sloka : 8.43.26

घ्नन्मृ॒ध्राण्यप॒ द्विषो॒ दह॒न्रक्षां॑सि वि॒श्वहा॑ ।

अग्ने॑ ति॒ग्मेन॑ दीदिहि ॥ ८.०४३.२६

ghnanmṛ̱dhrāṇyapa̱ dviṣo̱ daha̱nrakṣā̍ṃsi vi̱śvahā̍ .

agne̍ ti̱gmena̍ dīdihi .. 8.043.26

26 Slaying things deadly, burning up foes, Rākṣasas, on every side,
Shine, Agni, with thy sharpened flame.

Sloka : 8.43.27

यं त्वा॒ जना॑स इन्ध॒ते म॑नु॒ष्वद॑ङ्गिरस्तम ।

अग्ने॒ स बो॑धि मे॒ वचः॑ ॥ ८.०४३.२७

yaṃ tvā̱ janā̍sa indha̱te ma̍nu̱ṣvada̍ṅgirastama .

agne̱ sa bo̍dhi me̱ vaca̍ḥ .. 8.043.27

27 Thou whom the people kindle even as Manus did, best Aṅgiras!
O Agni, mark thou this my speech.

Sloka : 8.43.28

यद॑ग्ने दिवि॒जा अस्य॑प्सु॒जा वा॑ सहस्कृत ।

तं त्वा॑ गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०४३.२८

yada̍gne divi̱jā asya̍psu̱jā vā̍ sahaskṛta .

taṃ tvā̍ gī̱rbhirha̍vāmahe .. 8.043.28

28 O Agni, made by strength! be thou born in the heavens or born in floods,
As such we call on thee with songs.

Sloka : 8.43.29

तुभ्यं॒ घेत्ते जना॑ इ॒मे विश्वाः॑ सुक्षि॒तयः॒ पृथ॑क् ।

धा॒सिं हि॑न्व॒न्त्यत्त॑वे ॥ ८.०४३.२९

tubhya̱ṃ ghette janā̍ i̱me viśvā̍ḥ sukṣi̱taya̱ḥ pṛtha̍k .

dhā̱siṃ hi̍nva̱ntyatta̍ve .. 8.043.29

29 Yea, all the people, all the folk who have good dwellings, each apart,
Send food for thee to eat thereof.

Sloka : 8.43.30

ते घेद॑ग्ने स्वा॒ध्योऽहा॒ विश्वा॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑सः ।

तर॑न्तः स्याम दु॒र्गहा॑ ॥ ८.०४३.३०

te gheda̍gne svā̱dhyo'hā̱ viśvā̍ nṛ̱cakṣa̍saḥ .

tara̍ntaḥ syāma du̱rgahā̍ .. 8.043.30

30 O Agni, so may we, devout, gazed at by men, throughout our days,
Pass lightly over all distress.

Sloka : 8.43.31

अ॒ग्निं म॒न्द्रं पु॑रुप्रि॒यं शी॒रं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषम् ।

हृ॒द्भिर्म॒न्द्रेभि॑रीमहे ॥ ८.०४३.३१

a̱gniṃ ma̱ndraṃ pu̍rupri̱yaṃ śī̱raṃ pā̍va̱kaśo̍ciṣam .

hṛ̱dbhirma̱ndrebhi̍rīmahe .. 8.043.31

31 We venerate with cheerful hearts the cheerful Agni, dear to all,
Burning, with purifying flame.

Sloka : 8.43.32

स त्वम॑ग्ने वि॒भाव॑सुः सृ॒जन्सूर्यो॒ न र॒श्मिभिः॑ ।

शर्ध॒न्तमां॑सि जिघ्नसे ॥ ८.०४३.३२

sa tvama̍gne vi̱bhāva̍suḥ sṛ̱jansūryo̱ na ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .

śardha̱ntamā̍ṃsi jighnase .. 8.043.32

32 So thou, O Agni rich in light, beaming like Sūrya with thy rays
Boldly demolishest the gloom,

Sloka : 8.43.33

तत्ते॑ सहस्व ईमहे दा॒त्रं यन्नोप॒दस्य॑ति ।

त्वद॑ग्ने॒ वार्यं॒ वसु॑ ॥ ८.०४३.३३

tatte̍ sahasva īmahe dā̱traṃ yannopa̱dasya̍ti .

tvada̍gne̱ vārya̱ṃ vasu̍ .. 8.043.33

33 We pray to thee for this thy gift, Victor the gift that faileth not,
O Agni, choicest wealth from thee.

Sloka : 8.44.1

स॒मिधा॒ग्निं दु॑वस्यत घृ॒तैर्बो॑धय॒ताति॑थिम् ।

आस्मि॑न्ह॒व्या जु॑होतन ॥ ८.०४४.०१

sa̱midhā̱gniṃ du̍vasyata ghṛ̱tairbo̍dhaya̱tāti̍thim .

āsmi̍nha̱vyā ju̍hotana .. 8.044.01

1. PAY service unto Agni with your fuel, rouse your Guest with oil:-
In him present your offerings.

Sloka : 8.44.2

अग्ने॒ स्तोमं॑ जुषस्व मे॒ वर्ध॑स्वा॒नेन॒ मन्म॑ना ।

प्रति॑ सू॒क्तानि॑ हर्य नः ॥ ८.०४४.०२

agne̱ stoma̍ṃ juṣasva me̱ vardha̍svā̱nena̱ manma̍nā .

prati̍ sū̱ktāni̍ harya naḥ .. 8.044.02

2 Agni, do thou accept my laud, be magnified by this my song:-
Welcome my sweetly-spoken words.

Sloka : 8.44.3

अ॒ग्निं दू॒तं पु॒रो द॑धे हव्य॒वाह॒मुप॑ ब्रुवे ।

दे॒वाँ आ सा॑दयादि॒ह ॥ ८.०४४.०३

a̱gniṃ dū̱taṃ pu̱ro da̍dhe havya̱vāha̱mupa̍ bruve .

de̱vām̐ ā sā̍dayādi̱ha .. 8.044.03

3 Agni, envoy, I place in front; the oblation-bearer I address:-
Here let him seat the Deities.

Sloka : 8.44.4

उत्ते॑ बृ॒हन्तो॑ अ॒र्चयः॑ समिधा॒नस्य॑ दीदिवः ।

अग्ने॑ शु॒क्रास॑ ईरते ॥ ८.०४४.०४

utte̍ bṛ̱hanto̍ a̱rcaya̍ḥ samidhā̱nasya̍ dīdivaḥ .

agne̍ śu̱krāsa̍ īrate .. 8.044.04

4 Agni, the lofty flames of thee enkindled have gone up on high,
Thy bright flames, thou Refulgent One.

Sloka : 8.44.5

उप॑ त्वा जु॒ह्वो॒३॒॑ मम॑ घृ॒ताची॑र्यन्तु हर्यत ।

अग्ने॑ ह॒व्या जु॑षस्व नः ॥ ८.०४४.०५

upa̍ tvā ju̱hvo̱3̱̍ mama̍ ghṛ̱tācī̍ryantu haryata .

agne̍ ha̱vyā ju̍ṣasva naḥ .. 8.044.05

5 Beloved! let my ladles full of sacred oil come near to thee:-
Agni, accept our offerings.

Sloka : 8.44.6

म॒न्द्रं होता॑रमृ॒त्विजं॑ चि॒त्रभा॑नुं वि॒भाव॑सुम् ।

अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे॒ स उ॑ श्रवत् ॥ ८.०४४.०६

ma̱ndraṃ hotā̍ramṛ̱tvija̍ṃ ci̱trabhā̍nuṃ vi̱bhāva̍sum .

a̱gnimī̍l̤e̱ sa u̍ śravat .. 8.044.06

6 I worship Agni—may he hear!—the cheerful, the Invoker, Priest,
Of varied splendour, rich in light.

Sloka : 8.44.7

प्र॒त्नं होता॑र॒मीड्यं॒ जुष्ट॑म॒ग्निं क॒विक्र॑तुम् ।

अ॒ध्व॒राणा॑मभि॒श्रिय॑म् ॥ ८.०४४.०७

pra̱tnaṃ hotā̍ra̱mīḍya̱ṃ juṣṭa̍ma̱gniṃ ka̱vikra̍tum .

a̱dhva̱rāṇā̍mabhi̱śriya̍m .. 8.044.07

7 Ancient Invoker, meet for praise, beloved Agni, wise and strong,
The visitant of solemn rites.

Sloka : 8.44.8

जु॒षा॒णो अ॑ङ्गिरस्तमे॒मा ह॒व्यान्या॑नु॒षक् ।

अग्ने॑ य॒ज्ञं न॑य ऋतु॒था ॥ ८.०४४.०८

ju̱ṣā̱ṇo a̍ṅgirastame̱mā ha̱vyānyā̍nu̱ṣak .

agne̍ ya̱jñaṃ na̍ya ṛtu̱thā .. 8.044.08

8 Agni, best Aṅgiras, accept straightway these offerings, and guide
The seasonable sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.44.9

स॒मि॒धा॒न उ॑ सन्त्य॒ शुक्र॑शोच इ॒हा व॑ह ।

चि॒कि॒त्वान्दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ८.०४४.०९

sa̱mi̱dhā̱na u̍ santya̱ śukra̍śoca i̱hā va̍ha .

ci̱ki̱tvāndaivya̱ṃ jana̍m .. 8.044.09

9 Excellent God, with brilliant flames, enkindled bring thou hitherward,
Knowing the way, the Heavenly Host.

Sloka : 8.44.10

विप्रं॒ होता॑रम॒द्रुहं॑ धू॒मके॑तुं वि॒भाव॑सुम् ।

य॒ज्ञानां॑ के॒तुमी॑महे ॥ ८.०४४.१०

vipra̱ṃ hotā̍rama̱druha̍ṃ dhū̱make̍tuṃ vi̱bhāva̍sum .

ya̱jñānā̍ṃ ke̱tumī̍mahe .. 8.044.10

10 Him, Sage and Herald, void of guile, ensign of sacrifices, him
Smoke-bannered, rich in light, we seek.

Sloka : 8.44.11

अग्ने॒ नि पा॑हि न॒स्त्वं प्रति॑ ष्म देव॒ रीष॑तः ।

भि॒न्धि द्वेषः॑ सहस्कृत ॥ ८.०४४.११

agne̱ ni pā̍hi na̱stvaṃ prati̍ ṣma deva̱ rīṣa̍taḥ .

bhi̱ndhi dveṣa̍ḥ sahaskṛta .. 8.044.11

11 O Agni, be our Guardian thou, God, against those who injure us:-
Destroy our foes, thou Son of Strength.

Sloka : 8.44.12

अ॒ग्निः प्र॒त्नेन॒ मन्म॑ना॒ शुम्भा॑नस्त॒न्वं१॒॑ स्वाम् ।

क॒विर्विप्रे॑ण वावृधे ॥ ८.०४४.१२

a̱gniḥ pra̱tnena̱ manma̍nā̱ śumbhā̍nasta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ svām .

ka̱virvipre̍ṇa vāvṛdhe .. 8.044.12

12 Making his body beautiful, Agni the Sage hath waxen by
The singer and his ancient hymn.

Sloka : 8.44.13

ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑त॒मा हु॑वे॒ऽग्निं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषम् ।

अ॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे स्व॑ध्व॒रे ॥ ८.०४४.१३

ū̱rjo napā̍ta̱mā hu̍ve̱'gniṃ pā̍va̱kaśo̍ciṣam .

a̱sminya̱jñe sva̍dhva̱re .. 8.044.13

13 I invocate the Child of Strength, Agni with purifying flame,
At this well-ordered sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.44.14

स नो॑ मित्रमह॒स्त्वमग्ने॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॑ ।

दे॒वैरा स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥ ८.०४४.१४

sa no̍ mitramaha̱stvamagne̍ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̍ .

de̱vairā sa̍tsi ba̱rhiṣi̍ .. 8.044.14

14 So Agni, rich in many friends, with fiery splendour, seat thyself
With Gods upon our sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.44.15

यो अ॒ग्निं त॒न्वो॒३॒॑ दमे॑ दे॒वं मर्तः॑ सप॒र्यति॑ ।

तस्मा॒ इद्दी॑दय॒द्वसु॑ ॥ ८.०४४.१५

yo a̱gniṃ ta̱nvo̱3̱̍ dame̍ de̱vaṃ marta̍ḥ sapa̱ryati̍ .

tasmā̱ iddī̍daya̱dvasu̍ .. 8.044.15

15 The mortal man who serves the God Agni within his own abode,
For him he causes wealth to shine.

Sloka : 8.44.16

अ॒ग्निर्मू॒र्धा दि॒वः क॒कुत्पतिः॑ पृथि॒व्या अ॒यम् ।

अ॒पां रेतां॑सि जिन्वति ॥ ८.०४४.१६

a̱gnirmū̱rdhā di̱vaḥ ka̱kutpati̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyā a̱yam .

a̱pāṃ retā̍ṃsi jinvati .. 8.044.16

16 Agni is head and height of heaven, the Master of the earth is he:-
He quickeneth the waters’ seed.

Sloka : 8.44.17

उद॑ग्ने॒ शुच॑य॒स्तव॑ शु॒क्रा भ्राज॑न्त ईरते ।

तव॒ ज्योतीं॑ष्य॒र्चयः॑ ॥ ८.०४४.१७

uda̍gne̱ śuca̍ya̱stava̍ śu̱krā bhrāja̍nta īrate .

tava̱ jyotī̍ṃṣya̱rcaya̍ḥ .. 8.044.17

17 Upward, O Agni, rise thy flames, pure and resplendent, blazing high,
Thy lustres, fair effulgences.

Sloka : 8.44.18

ईशि॑षे॒ वार्य॑स्य॒ हि दा॒त्रस्या॑ग्ने॒ स्व॑र्पतिः ।

स्तो॒ता स्यां॒ तव॒ शर्म॑णि ॥ ८.०४४.१८

īśi̍ṣe̱ vārya̍sya̱ hi dā̱trasyā̍gne̱ sva̍rpatiḥ .

sto̱tā syā̱ṃ tava̱ śarma̍ṇi .. 8.044.18

18 For, Agni, thou as Lord of Light rulest o’er choicest gifts:- may I,
Thy singer, find defence in thee.

Sloka : 8.44.19

त्वाम॑ग्ने मनी॒षिण॒स्त्वां हि॑न्वन्ति॒ चित्ति॑भिः ।

त्वां व॑र्धन्तु नो॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ८.०४४.१९

tvāma̍gne manī̱ṣiṇa̱stvāṃ hi̍nvanti̱ citti̍bhiḥ .

tvāṃ va̍rdhantu no̱ gira̍ḥ .. 8.044.19

19 O Agni, they who understand stir thee to action with their thoughts:-
So let our songs enhance thy might.

Sloka : 8.44.20

अद॑ब्धस्य स्व॒धाव॑तो दू॒तस्य॒ रेभ॑तः॒ सदा॑ ।

अ॒ग्नेः स॒ख्यं वृ॑णीमहे ॥ ८.०४४.२०

ada̍bdhasya sva̱dhāva̍to dū̱tasya̱ rebha̍ta̱ḥ sadā̍ .

a̱gneḥ sa̱khyaṃ vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 8.044.20

20 We ever claim the friendship of Agni, the singing messenger,
Of God-like nature, void of guile.

Sloka : 8.44.21

अ॒ग्निः शुचि॑व्रततमः॒ शुचि॒र्विप्रः॒ शुचिः॑ क॒विः ।

शुची॑ रोचत॒ आहु॑तः ॥ ८.०४४.२१

a̱gniḥ śuci̍vratatama̱ḥ śuci̱rvipra̱ḥ śuci̍ḥ ka̱viḥ .

śucī̍ rocata̱ āhu̍taḥ .. 8.044.21

21 Agni who bears most holy sway, the holy Singer, holy Sage,
Shines holy when we worship him.

Sloka : 8.44.22

उ॒त त्वा॑ धी॒तयो॒ मम॒ गिरो॑ वर्धन्तु वि॒श्वहा॑ ।

अग्ने॑ स॒ख्यस्य॑ बोधि नः ॥ ८.०४४.२२

u̱ta tvā̍ dhī̱tayo̱ mama̱ giro̍ vardhantu vi̱śvahā̍ .

agne̍ sa̱khyasya̍ bodhi naḥ .. 8.044.22

22 Yea, let my meditations, let my songs exalt thee evermore.
Think, Agni, of our friendly bond,

Sloka : 8.44.23

यद॑ग्ने॒ स्याम॒हं त्वं त्वं वा॑ घा॒ स्या अ॒हम् ।

स्युष्टे॑ स॒त्या इ॒हाशिषः॑ ॥ ८.०४४.२३

yada̍gne̱ syāma̱haṃ tvaṃ tvaṃ vā̍ ghā̱ syā a̱ham .

syuṣṭe̍ sa̱tyā i̱hāśiṣa̍ḥ .. 8.044.23

23 If I were thou and thou wert I, O Agni, every prayer of thine
Should have its due fulfilment here.

Sloka : 8.44.24

वसु॒र्वसु॑पति॒र्हि क॒मस्य॑ग्ने वि॒भाव॑सुः ।

स्याम॑ ते सुम॒तावपि॑ ॥ ८.०४४.२४

vasu̱rvasu̍pati̱rhi ka̱masya̍gne vi̱bhāva̍suḥ .

syāma̍ te suma̱tāvapi̍ .. 8.044.24

24 For Excellent and Lord of wealth. art thou O Agni, rich in light:-
May we enjoy thy favouring grace.

Sloka : 8.44.25

अग्ने॑ धृ॒तव्र॑ताय ते समु॒द्राये॑व॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।

गिरो॑ वा॒श्रास॑ ईरते ॥ ८.०४४.२५

agne̍ dhṛ̱tavra̍tāya te samu̱drāye̍va̱ sindha̍vaḥ .

giro̍ vā̱śrāsa̍ īrate .. 8.044.25

25 Agni, to thee whose laws stand fast our resonant songs of praise speed forth,
As rivers hasten to the sea.

Sloka : 8.44.26

युवा॑नं वि॒श्पतिं॑ क॒विं वि॒श्वादं॑ पुरु॒वेप॑सम् ।

अ॒ग्निं शु॑म्भामि॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ ८.०४४.२६

yuvā̍naṃ vi̱śpati̍ṃ ka̱viṃ vi̱śvāda̍ṃ puru̱vepa̍sam .

a̱gniṃ śu̍mbhāmi̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 8.044.26

26 Agni, the Youthful Lord of men, who stirreth much and eateth all,
The Sage, I glorify with hymns.

Sloka : 8.44.27

य॒ज्ञानां॑ र॒थ्ये॑ व॒यं ति॒ग्मज॑म्भाय वी॒ळवे॑ ।

स्तोमै॑रिषेमा॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ८.०४४.२७

ya̱jñānā̍ṃ ra̱thye̍ va̱yaṃ ti̱gmaja̍mbhāya vī̱l̤ave̍ .

stomai̍riṣemā̱gnaye̍ .. 8.044.27

27 To Agni let us haste with lauds, the Guide of sacrificial rites,
Armed with sharp teeth, the Mighty One.

Sloka : 8.44.28

अ॒यम॑ग्ने॒ त्वे अपि॑ जरि॒ता भू॑तु सन्त्य ।

तस्मै॑ पावक मृळय ॥ ८.०४४.२८

a̱yama̍gne̱ tve api̍ jari̱tā bhū̍tu santya .

tasmai̍ pāvaka mṛl̤aya .. 8.044.28

28 And let this man, good Agni, be with thee the singer of thy praise:-
Be gracious, Holy One, to him.

Sloka : 8.44.29

धीरो॒ ह्यस्य॑द्म॒सद्विप्रो॒ न जागृ॑विः॒ सदा॑ ।

अग्ने॑ दी॒दय॑सि॒ द्यवि॑ ॥ ८.०४४.२९

dhīro̱ hyasya̍dma̱sadvipro̱ na jāgṛ̍vi̱ḥ sadā̍ .

agne̍ dī̱daya̍si̱ dyavi̍ .. 8.044.29

29 For thou art sharer of our feast, wise, ever watchful as a Sage:-
Agni, thou shinest in the sky.

Sloka : 8.44.30

पु॒राग्ने॑ दुरि॒तेभ्यः॑ पु॒रा मृ॒ध्रेभ्यः॑ कवे ।

प्र ण॒ आयु॑र्वसो तिर ॥ ८.०४४.३०

pu̱rāgne̍ duri̱tebhya̍ḥ pu̱rā mṛ̱dhrebhya̍ḥ kave .

pra ṇa̱ āyu̍rvaso tira .. 8.044.30

30 O Agni, Sage, before our foes, before misfortunes fall on us,
Excellent Lord, prolong our lives.

Sloka : 8.45.1

आ घा॒ ये अ॒ग्निमि॑न्ध॒ते स्तृ॒णन्ति॑ ब॒र्हिरा॑नु॒षक् ।

येषा॒मिन्द्रो॒ युवा॒ सखा॑ ॥ ८.०४५.०१

ā ghā̱ ye a̱gnimi̍ndha̱te stṛ̱ṇanti̍ ba̱rhirā̍nu̱ṣak .

yeṣā̱mindro̱ yuvā̱ sakhā̍ .. 8.045.01

1. HITHERWARD! they who light flame and straightway trim the sacred grass.
Whose Friend is Indra ever young.

Sloka : 8.45.2

बृ॒हन्निदि॒ध्म ए॑षां॒ भूरि॑ श॒स्तं पृ॒थुः स्वरुः॑ ।

येषा॒मिन्द्रो॒ युवा॒ सखा॑ ॥ ८.०४५.०२

bṛ̱hannidi̱dhma e̍ṣā̱ṃ bhūri̍ śa̱staṃ pṛ̱thuḥ svaru̍ḥ .

yeṣā̱mindro̱ yuvā̱ sakhā̍ .. 8.045.02

2 High is their fuel, great their laud, wide is their splinter from the stake,
Whose Friend is Indra ever young.

Sloka : 8.45.3

अयु॑द्ध॒ इद्यु॒धा वृतं॒ शूर॒ आज॑ति॒ सत्व॑भिः ।

येषा॒मिन्द्रो॒ युवा॒ सखा॑ ॥ ८.०४५.०३

ayu̍ddha̱ idyu̱dhā vṛta̱ṃ śūra̱ āja̍ti̱ satva̍bhiḥ .

yeṣā̱mindro̱ yuvā̱ sakhā̍ .. 8.045.03

3 Unequalled in fight the hero leads his army with the warrior chiefs.
Whose Friend is Indra ever young.

Sloka : 8.45.4

आ बु॒न्दं वृ॑त्र॒हा द॑दे जा॒तः पृ॑च्छ॒द्वि मा॒तर॑म् ।

क उ॒ग्राः के ह॑ श‍ृण्विरे ॥ ८.०४५.०४

ā bu̱ndaṃ vṛ̍tra̱hā da̍de jā̱taḥ pṛ̍ccha̱dvi mā̱tara̍m .

ka u̱grāḥ ke ha̍ śṛṇvire .. 8.045.04

4 The new-born Vṛtra-slayer asked his Mother, as he seized his shaft,
Who are the fierce? Who are renowned?

Sloka : 8.45.5

प्रति॑ त्वा शव॒सी व॑दद्गि॒रावप्सो॒ न यो॑धिषत् ।

यस्ते॑ शत्रु॒त्वमा॑च॒के ॥ ८.०४५.०५

prati̍ tvā śava̱sī va̍dadgi̱rāvapso̱ na yo̍dhiṣat .

yaste̍ śatru̱tvamā̍ca̱ke .. 8.045.05

5 Śavasī answered, He who seeks thine enmity will battle like
A stately elephant on a hill.

Sloka : 8.45.6

उ॒त त्वं म॑घवञ्छृणु॒ यस्ते॒ वष्टि॑ व॒वक्षि॒ तत् ।

यद्वी॒ळया॑सि वी॒ळु तत् ॥ ८.०४५.०६

u̱ta tvaṃ ma̍ghavañchṛṇu̱ yaste̱ vaṣṭi̍ va̱vakṣi̱ tat .

yadvī̱l̤ayā̍si vī̱l̤u tat .. 8.045.06

6 And hear, O Maghavan; to him who craves of thee thou grantest all
Whate’er thou makest firm is firm.

Sloka : 8.45.7

यदा॒जिं यात्या॑जि॒कृदिन्द्रः॑ स्वश्व॒युरुप॑ ।

र॒थीत॑मो र॒थीना॑म् ॥ ८.०४५.०७

yadā̱jiṃ yātyā̍ji̱kṛdindra̍ḥ svaśva̱yurupa̍ .

ra̱thīta̍mo ra̱thīnā̍m .. 8.045.07

7 What time the Warrior Indra goes to battle, borne by noble steeds,
Best of all charioteers is he.

Sloka : 8.45.8

वि षु विश्वा॑ अभि॒युजो॒ वज्रि॒न्विष्व॒ग्यथा॑ वृह ।

भवा॑ नः सु॒श्रव॑स्तमः ॥ ८.०४५.०८

vi ṣu viśvā̍ abhi̱yujo̱ vajri̱nviṣva̱gyathā̍ vṛha .

bhavā̍ naḥ su̱śrava̍stamaḥ .. 8.045.08

8 Repel, O Thunder-armed, in all directions all attacks on us:-
And be our own most glorious God.

Sloka : 8.45.9

अ॒स्माकं॒ सु रथं॑ पु॒र इन्द्रः॑ कृणोतु सा॒तये॑ ।

न यं धूर्व॑न्ति धू॒र्तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४५.०९

a̱smāka̱ṃ su ratha̍ṃ pu̱ra indra̍ḥ kṛṇotu sā̱taye̍ .

na yaṃ dhūrva̍nti dhū̱rtaya̍ḥ .. 8.045.09

9 May Indra set our car in front, in foremost Place to win the spoil,
He whom the wicked injure not.

Sloka : 8.45.10

वृ॒ज्याम॑ ते॒ परि॒ द्विषोऽरं॑ ते शक्र दा॒वने॑ ।

ग॒मेमेदि॑न्द्र॒ गोम॑तः ॥ ८.०४५.१०

vṛ̱jyāma̍ te̱ pari̱ dviṣo'ra̍ṃ te śakra dā̱vane̍ .

ga̱memedi̍ndra̱ goma̍taḥ .. 8.045.10

10 Thine enmity may we escape, and, Śakra, for thy bounty, rich
In kine, may we come near to thee

Sloka : 8.45.11

शनै॑श्चि॒द्यन्तो॑ अद्रि॒वोऽश्वा॑वन्तः शत॒ग्विनः॑ ।

वि॒वक्ष॑णा अने॒हसः॑ ॥ ८.०४५.११

śanai̍ści̱dyanto̍ adri̱vo'śvā̍vantaḥ śata̱gvina̍ḥ .

vi̱vakṣa̍ṇā ane̱hasa̍ḥ .. 8.045.11

11 Softly approaching, Thunder-armed wealthy by hundreds, rich in steeds,
Unrivalled, ready with our gifts.

Sloka : 8.45.12

ऊ॒र्ध्वा हि ते॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे स॒हस्रा॑ सू॒नृता॑ श॒ता ।

ज॒रि॒तृभ्यो॑ वि॒मंह॑ते ॥ ८.०४५.१२

ū̱rdhvā hi te̍ di̱vedi̍ve sa̱hasrā̍ sū̱nṛtā̍ śa̱tā .

ja̱ri̱tṛbhyo̍ vi̱maṃha̍te .. 8.045.12

12 For thine exalted excellence gives to thy worshippers each day
Hundreds and thousands of thy boons.

Sloka : 8.45.13

वि॒द्मा हि त्वा॑ धनंज॒यमिन्द्र॑ दृ॒ळ्हा चि॑दारु॒जम् ।

आ॒दा॒रिणं॒ यथा॒ गय॑म् ॥ ८.०४५.१३

vi̱dmā hi tvā̍ dhanaṃja̱yamindra̍ dṛ̱l̤hā ci̍dāru̱jam .

ā̱dā̱riṇa̱ṃ yathā̱ gaya̍m .. 8.045.13

13 Indra, we know thee breaker-down even of strong forts, winner of spoil,
As one who conquers wealth for us.

Sloka : 8.45.14

क॒कु॒हं चि॑त्त्वा कवे॒ मन्द॑न्तु धृष्ण॒विन्द॑वः ।

आ त्वा॑ प॒णिं यदीम॑हे ॥ ८.०४५.१४

ka̱ku̱haṃ ci̍ttvā kave̱ manda̍ntu dhṛṣṇa̱vinda̍vaḥ .

ā tvā̍ pa̱ṇiṃ yadīma̍he .. 8.045.14

14 Though thou art highest, Sage and Bold! let the drops cheer thee when we come
To thee as to a trafficker.

Sloka : 8.45.15

यस्ते॑ रे॒वाँ अदा॑शुरिः प्रम॒मर्ष॑ म॒घत्त॑ये ।

तस्य॑ नो॒ वेद॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ८.०४५.१५

yaste̍ re̱vām̐ adā̍śuriḥ prama̱marṣa̍ ma̱ghatta̍ye .

tasya̍ no̱ veda̱ ā bha̍ra .. 8.045.15

15 Bring unto us the treasure of the opulent man who, loth to give,
Hath slighted thee for gain of wealth.

Sloka : 8.45.16

इ॒म उ॑ त्वा॒ वि च॑क्षते॒ सखा॑य इन्द्र सो॒मिनः॑ ।

पु॒ष्टाव॑न्तो॒ यथा॑ प॒शुम् ॥ ८.०४५.१६

i̱ma u̍ tvā̱ vi ca̍kṣate̱ sakhā̍ya indra so̱mina̍ḥ .

pu̱ṣṭāva̍nto̱ yathā̍ pa̱śum .. 8.045.16

16 Indra, these friends of ours, supplied with Soma, wait and look to thee,
As men with fodder to the herd.

Sloka : 8.45.17

उ॒त त्वाब॑धिरं व॒यं श्रुत्क॑र्णं॒ सन्त॑मू॒तये॑ ।

दू॒रादि॒ह ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०४५.१७

u̱ta tvāba̍dhiraṃ va̱yaṃ śrutka̍rṇa̱ṃ santa̍mū̱taye̍ .

dū̱rādi̱ha ha̍vāmahe .. 8.045.17

17 And thee who art not deaf, whose cars are quick to listen, for our aid,
We call to us from far away.

Sloka : 8.45.18

यच्छु॑श्रू॒या इ॒मं हवं॑ दु॒र्मर्षं॑ चक्रिया उ॒त ।

भवे॑रा॒पिर्नो॒ अन्त॑मः ॥ ८.०४५.१८

yacchu̍śrū̱yā i̱maṃ hava̍ṃ du̱rmarṣa̍ṃ cakriyā u̱ta .

bhave̍rā̱pirno̱ anta̍maḥ .. 8.045.18

18 When thou hast listened, make our call one which thou never wilt forget,
And be our very nearest Friend.

Sloka : 8.45.19

यच्चि॒द्धि ते॒ अपि॒ व्यथि॑र्जग॒न्वांसो॒ अम॑न्महि ।

गो॒दा इदि॑न्द्र बोधि नः ॥ ८.०४५.१९

yacci̱ddhi te̱ api̱ vyathi̍rjaga̱nvāṃso̱ ama̍nmahi .

go̱dā idi̍ndra bodhi naḥ .. 8.045.19

19 When even now, when we have been in trouble, we have thought of thee,
O Indra, give us gifts of kine.

Sloka : 8.45.20

आ त्वा॑ र॒म्भं न जिव्र॑यो रर॒भ्मा श॑वसस्पते ।

उ॒श्मसि॑ त्वा स॒धस्थ॒ आ ॥ ८.०४५.२०

ā tvā̍ ra̱mbhaṃ na jivra̍yo rara̱bhmā śa̍vasaspate .

u̱śmasi̍ tvā sa̱dhastha̱ ā .. 8.045.20

20 O Lord of Strength, we rest on thee, as old men rest upon a staff:-
We long to have. thee dwell with us.

Sloka : 8.45.21

स्तो॒त्रमिन्द्रा॑य गायत पुरुनृ॒म्णाय॒ सत्व॑ने ।

नकि॒र्यं वृ॑ण्व॒ते यु॒धि ॥ ८.०४५.२१

sto̱tramindrā̍ya gāyata purunṛ̱mṇāya̱ satva̍ne .

naki̱ryaṃ vṛ̍ṇva̱te yu̱dhi .. 8.045.21

21 To Indra sing a song of praise, Hero of mighty valour, him
Whom no one challenges to war.

Sloka : 8.45.22

अ॒भि त्वा॑ वृषभा सु॒ते सु॒तं सृ॑जामि पी॒तये॑ ।

तृ॒म्पा व्य॑श्नुही॒ मद॑म् ॥ ८.०४५.२२

a̱bhi tvā̍ vṛṣabhā su̱te su̱taṃ sṛ̍jāmi pī̱taye̍ .

tṛ̱mpā vya̍śnuhī̱ mada̍m .. 8.045.22

22 Hero, the Soma being shed, I pour the juice for thee to drink:-
Sate thee and finish thy carouse.

Sloka : 8.45.23

मा त्वा॑ मू॒रा अ॑वि॒ष्यवो॒ मोप॒हस्वा॑न॒ आ द॑भन् ।

माकीं॑ ब्रह्म॒द्विषो॑ वनः ॥ ८.०४५.२३

mā tvā̍ mū̱rā a̍vi̱ṣyavo̱ mopa̱hasvā̍na̱ ā da̍bhan .

mākī̍ṃ brahma̱dviṣo̍ vanaḥ .. 8.045.23

23 Let not the fools, or those who mock beguile thee when they seek thine aid
Love not the enemies of prayer.

Sloka : 8.45.24

इ॒ह त्वा॒ गोप॑रीणसा म॒हे म॑न्दन्तु॒ राध॑से ।

सरो॑ गौ॒रो यथा॑ पिब ॥ ८.०४५.२४

i̱ha tvā̱ gopa̍rīṇasā ma̱he ma̍ndantu̱ rādha̍se .

saro̍ gau̱ro yathā̍ piba .. 8.045.24

24 Here let them with rich milky draught cheer thee to great munificence:-
Drink as the wild-bull drinks the lake.

Sloka : 8.45.25

या वृ॑त्र॒हा प॑रा॒वति॒ सना॒ नवा॑ च चुच्यु॒वे ।

ता सं॒सत्सु॒ प्र वो॑चत ॥ ८.०४५.२५

yā vṛ̍tra̱hā pa̍rā̱vati̱ sanā̱ navā̍ ca cucyu̱ve .

tā sa̱ṃsatsu̱ pra vo̍cata .. 8.045.25

25 Proclaim in our assemblies what deeds, new and ancient, far away,
The Vṛtra-slayer hath achieved.

Sloka : 8.45.26

अपि॑बत्क॒द्रुवः॑ सु॒तमिन्द्रः॑ स॒हस्र॑बाह्वे ।

अत्रा॑देदिष्ट॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ८.०४५.२६

api̍batka̱druva̍ḥ su̱tamindra̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍bāhve .

atrā̍dediṣṭa̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 8.045.26

26 In battle of a thousand arms Indra drank Kadrū's Soma juice:-
There he displayed his manly might.

Sloka : 8.45.27

स॒त्यं तत्तु॒र्वशे॒ यदौ॒ विदा॑नो अह्नवा॒य्यम् ।

व्या॑नट् तु॒र्वणे॒ शमि॑ ॥ ८.०४५.२७

sa̱tyaṃ tattu̱rvaśe̱ yadau̱ vidā̍no ahnavā̱yyam .

vyā̍naṭ tu̱rvaṇe̱ śami̍ .. 8.045.27

27 True undeniable strength he found in Yadu and in Turvaśa,
And conquered through the sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.45.28

त॒रणिं॑ वो॒ जना॑नां त्र॒दं वाज॑स्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

स॒मा॒नमु॒ प्र शं॑सिषम् ॥ ८.०४५.२८

ta̱raṇi̍ṃ vo̱ janā̍nāṃ tra̱daṃ vāja̍sya̱ goma̍taḥ .

sa̱mā̱namu̱ pra śa̍ṃsiṣam .. 8.045.28

28 Him have I magnified, our Lord in, common, Guardian of your folk,
Discloser of great wealth in kine;

Sloka : 8.45.29

ऋ॒भु॒क्षणं॒ न वर्त॑व उ॒क्थेषु॑ तुग्र्या॒वृध॑म् ।

इन्द्रं॒ सोमे॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते ॥ ८.०४५.२९

ṛ̱bhu̱kṣaṇa̱ṃ na varta̍va u̱ktheṣu̍ tugryā̱vṛdha̍m .

indra̱ṃ some̱ sacā̍ su̱te .. 8.045.29

29 Ṛbhukṣan, not to be restrained, who strengthened Tugra's son in lauds,
Indra beside the flowing juice;

Sloka : 8.45.30

यः कृ॒न्तदिद्वि यो॒न्यं त्रि॒शोका॑य गि॒रिं पृ॒थुम् ।

गोभ्यो॑ गा॒तुं निरे॑तवे ॥ ८.०४५.३०

yaḥ kṛ̱ntadidvi yo̱nyaṃ tri̱śokā̍ya gi̱riṃ pṛ̱thum .

gobhyo̍ gā̱tuṃ nire̍tave .. 8.045.30

30 Who for Triśoka clave the hill that formed a wide receptacle,
So that the cows might issue forth.

Sloka : 8.45.31

यद्द॑धि॒षे म॑न॒स्यसि॑ मन्दा॒नः प्रेदिय॑क्षसि ।

मा तत्क॑रिन्द्र मृ॒ळय॑ ॥ ८.०४५.३१

yadda̍dhi̱ṣe ma̍na̱syasi̍ mandā̱naḥ prediya̍kṣasi .

mā tatka̍rindra mṛ̱l̤aya̍ .. 8.045.31

31 Whate’er thy plan or purpose be, whate’er, in transport, thou wouldst do,
Do it not, Indra, but be kind.

Sloka : 8.45.32

द॒भ्रं चि॒द्धि त्वाव॑तः कृ॒तं श‍ृ॒ण्वे अधि॒ क्षमि॑ ।

जिगा॑त्विन्द्र ते॒ मनः॑ ॥ ८.०४५.३२

da̱bhraṃ ci̱ddhi tvāva̍taḥ kṛ̱taṃ śṛ̱ṇve adhi̱ kṣami̍ .

jigā̍tvindra te̱ mana̍ḥ .. 8.045.32

32 But little hath been heard of done upon the earth by one like thee i
Let thine heart, Indra, turn to us.

Sloka : 8.45.33

तवेदु॒ ताः सु॑की॒र्तयोऽस॑न्नु॒त प्रश॑स्तयः ।

यदि॑न्द्र मृ॒ळया॑सि नः ॥ ८.०४५.३३

tavedu̱ tāḥ su̍kī̱rtayo'sa̍nnu̱ta praśa̍stayaḥ .

yadi̍ndra mṛ̱l̤ayā̍si naḥ .. 8.045.33

33 Thine then shall be this high renown, thine shall these lofty praises be,
When, Indra, thou art kind to us.

Sloka : 8.45.34

मा न॒ एक॑स्मि॒न्नाग॑सि॒ मा द्वयो॑रु॒त त्रि॒षु ।

वधी॒र्मा शू॑र॒ भूरि॑षु ॥ ८.०४५.३४

mā na̱ eka̍smi̱nnāga̍si̱ mā dvayo̍ru̱ta tri̱ṣu .

vadhī̱rmā śū̍ra̱ bhūri̍ṣu .. 8.045.34

34 Not for one trespass, not for two, O Hero, slay us, nor for three,
Nor yet for many trespasses.

Sloka : 8.45.35

बि॒भया॒ हि त्वाव॑त उ॒ग्राद॑भिप्रभ॒ङ्गिणः॑ ।

द॒स्माद॒हमृ॑ती॒षहः॑ ॥ ८.०४५.३५

bi̱bhayā̱ hi tvāva̍ta u̱grāda̍bhiprabha̱ṅgiṇa̍ḥ .

da̱smāda̱hamṛ̍tī̱ṣaha̍ḥ .. 8.045.35

35 I fear one powerful like thee, the crusher-down of enemies,
Mighty, repelling all attacks.

Sloka : 8.45.36

मा सख्युः॒ शून॒मा वि॑दे॒ मा पु॒त्रस्य॑ प्रभूवसो ।

आ॒वृत्व॑द्भूतु ते॒ मनः॑ ॥ ८.०४५.३६

mā sakhyu̱ḥ śūna̱mā vi̍de̱ mā pu̱trasya̍ prabhūvaso .

ā̱vṛtva̍dbhūtu te̱ mana̍ḥ .. 8.045.36

36 O wealthy God, ne’er may I live to see my friend or son in need:-
Hitherward let thy heart be turned.

Sloka : 8.45.37

को नु म॑र्या॒ अमि॑थितः॒ सखा॒ सखा॑यमब्रवीत् ।

ज॒हा को अ॒स्मदी॑षते ॥ ८.०४५.३७

ko nu ma̍ryā̱ ami̍thita̱ḥ sakhā̱ sakhā̍yamabravīt .

ja̱hā ko a̱smadī̍ṣate .. 8.045.37

37 What friend, O people, unprovoked, hath ever said unto a friend,
He turns and leaves us in distress?

Sloka : 8.45.38

ए॒वारे॑ वृषभा सु॒तेऽसि॑न्व॒न्भूर्या॑वयः ।

श्व॒घ्नीव॑ नि॒वता॒ चर॑न् ॥ ८.०४५.३८

e̱vāre̍ vṛṣabhā su̱te'si̍nva̱nbhūryā̍vayaḥ .

śva̱ghnīva̍ ni̱vatā̱ cara̍n .. 8.045.38

38 Hero, insatiate enjoy this Soma juice so near to thee,
Even as a hunter rushing down.

Sloka : 8.45.39

आ त॑ ए॒ता व॑चो॒युजा॒ हरी॑ गृभ्णे सु॒मद्र॑था ।

यदीं॑ ब्र॒ह्मभ्य॒ इद्ददः॑ ॥ ८.०४५.३९

ā ta̍ e̱tā va̍co̱yujā̱ harī̍ gṛbhṇe su̱madra̍thā .

yadī̍ṃ bra̱hmabhya̱ iddada̍ḥ .. 8.045.39

39 Hither I draw those Bays of thine yoked
by our hymn, with splendid car,
That thou mayst give unto the priests.

Sloka : 8.45.40

भि॒न्धि विश्वा॒ अप॒ द्विषः॒ परि॒ बाधो॑ ज॒ही मृधः॑ ।

वसु॑ स्पा॒र्हं तदा भ॑र ॥ ८.०४५.४०

bhi̱ndhi viśvā̱ apa̱ dviṣa̱ḥ pari̱ bādho̍ ja̱hī mṛdha̍ḥ .

vasu̍ spā̱rhaṃ tadā bha̍ra .. 8.045.40

40 Drive all our enemies away, smite down the foes who press around,
And bring the wealth for which we long:-

Sloka : 8.45.41

यद्वी॒ळावि॑न्द्र॒ यत्स्थि॒रे यत्पर्शा॑ने॒ परा॑भृतम् ।

वसु॑ स्पा॒र्हं तदा भ॑र ॥ ८.०४५.४१

yadvī̱l̤āvi̍ndra̱ yatsthi̱re yatparśā̍ne̱ parā̍bhṛtam .

vasu̍ spā̱rhaṃ tadā bha̍ra .. 8.045.41

41 O Indra, that which is concealed in strong firm place precipitous:-
Bring us the wealth for which we long

Sloka : 8.45.42

यस्य॑ ते वि॒श्वमा॑नुषो॒ भूरे॑र्द॒त्तस्य॒ वेद॑ति ।

वसु॑ स्पा॒र्हं तदा भ॑र ॥ ८.०४५.४२

yasya̍ te vi̱śvamā̍nuṣo̱ bhūre̍rda̱ttasya̱ veda̍ti .

vasu̍ spā̱rhaṃ tadā bha̍ra .. 8.045.42

42 Great riches which the world of men shall recognize as sent by thee:-
Bring us the wealth for which we long.

Sloka : 8.46.1

त्वाव॑तः पुरूवसो व॒यमि॑न्द्र प्रणेतः ।

स्मसि॑ स्थातर्हरीणाम् ॥ ८.०४६.०१

tvāva̍taḥ purūvaso va̱yami̍ndra praṇetaḥ .

smasi̍ sthātarharīṇām .. 8.046.01

1. WE, Indra, Lord of ample wealth, our Guide, depend on one like thee,
Thou driver of the Tawny Steeds.

Sloka : 8.46.2

त्वां हि स॒त्यम॑द्रिवो वि॒द्म दा॒तार॑मि॒षाम् ।

वि॒द्म दा॒तारं॑ रयी॒णाम् ॥ ८.०४६.०२

tvāṃ hi sa̱tyama̍drivo vi̱dma dā̱tāra̍mi̱ṣām .

vi̱dma dā̱tāra̍ṃ rayī̱ṇām .. 8.046.02

2 For, Hurler of the Bolt, we know thee true, the giver of our food,
We know the giver of our wealth.

Sloka : 8.46.3

आ यस्य॑ ते महि॒मानं॒ शत॑मूते॒ शत॑क्रतो ।

गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णन्ति॑ का॒रवः॑ ॥ ८.०४६.०३

ā yasya̍ te mahi̱māna̱ṃ śata̍mūte̱ śata̍krato .

gī̱rbhirgṛ̱ṇanti̍ kā̱rava̍ḥ .. 8.046.03

3 O thou whose majesty the bards celebrate with their songs, thou Lord,
Of hundred powers and hundred aids.

Sloka : 8.46.4

सु॒नी॒थो घा॒ स मर्त्यो॒ यं म॒रुतो॒ यम॑र्य॒मा ।

मि॒त्रः पान्त्य॒द्रुहः॑ ॥ ८.०४६.०४

su̱nī̱tho ghā̱ sa martyo̱ yaṃ ma̱ruto̱ yama̍rya̱mā .

mi̱traḥ pāntya̱druha̍ḥ .. 8.046.04

4 Fair guidance hath the mortal man whom Aryaman, the Marut host,
And Mitra, void of guile, protect.

Sloka : 8.46.5

दधा॑नो॒ गोम॒दश्व॑वत्सु॒वीर्य॑मादि॒त्यजू॑त एधते ।

सदा॑ रा॒या पु॑रु॒स्पृहा॑ ॥ ८.०४६.०५

dadhā̍no̱ goma̱daśva̍vatsu̱vīrya̍mādi̱tyajū̍ta edhate .

sadā̍ rā̱yā pu̍ru̱spṛhā̍ .. 8.046.05

5 Kine, steeds, and hero strength he gains, and prospers, by the Ādityas sped,
Ever in wealth which all desire.

Sloka : 8.46.6

तमिन्द्रं॒ दान॑मीमहे शवसा॒नमभी॑र्वम् ।

ईशा॑नं रा॒य ई॑महे ॥ ८.०४६.०६

tamindra̱ṃ dāna̍mīmahe śavasā̱namabhī̍rvam .

īśā̍naṃ rā̱ya ī̍mahe .. 8.046.06

6 We pray to Indra for his gift, to him the Fearless and the Strong,
We pray to him the Lord of wealth.

Sloka : 8.46.7

तस्मि॒न्हि सन्त्यू॒तयो॒ विश्वा॒ अभी॑रवः॒ सचा॑ ।

तमा व॑हन्तु॒ सप्त॑यः पुरू॒वसुं॒ मदा॑य॒ हर॑यः सु॒तम् ॥ ८.०४६.०७

tasmi̱nhi santyū̱tayo̱ viśvā̱ abhī̍rava̱ḥ sacā̍ .

tamā va̍hantu̱ sapta̍yaḥ purū̱vasu̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ hara̍yaḥ su̱tam .. 8.046.07

7 For verily combined in him are all the fearless powers of aid.
Him, rich in wealth, let swift Steeds bring to us, his Bays, to Soma juice for his carouse:-

Sloka : 8.46.8

यस्ते॒ मदो॒ वरे॑ण्यो॒ य इ॑न्द्र वृत्र॒हन्त॑मः ।

य आ॑द॒दिः स्व१॒॑र्नृभि॒र्यः पृत॑नासु दु॒ष्टरः॑ ॥ ८.०४६.०८

yaste̱ mado̱ vare̍ṇyo̱ ya i̍ndra vṛtra̱hanta̍maḥ .

ya ā̍da̱diḥ sva1̱̍rnṛbhi̱ryaḥ pṛta̍nāsu du̱ṣṭara̍ḥ .. 8.046.08

8 Yea, that most excellent carouse, Indra, which slays most enemies,
With Heroes wins the light of heaven, and is invincible in war:-

Sloka : 8.46.9

यो दु॒ष्टरो॑ विश्ववार श्र॒वाय्यो॒ वाजे॒ष्वस्ति॑ तरु॒ता ।

स नः॑ शविष्ठ॒ सव॒ना व॑सो गहि ग॒मेम॒ गोम॑ति व्र॒जे ॥ ८.०४६.०९

yo du̱ṣṭaro̍ viśvavāra śra̱vāyyo̱ vāje̱ṣvasti̍ taru̱tā .

sa na̍ḥ śaviṣṭha̱ sava̱nā va̍so gahi ga̱mema̱ goma̍ti vra̱je .. 8.046.09

9 Which merits fame, all-bountiful! and, unsubdued, hath victory in deeds of might.
So come to our libations, Strongest! Excellent! May we obtain a stall of kine.

Sloka : 8.46.10

ग॒व्यो षु णो॒ यथा॑ पु॒राश्व॒योत र॑थ॒या ।

व॒रि॒व॒स्य म॑हामह ॥ ८.०४६.१०

ga̱vyo ṣu ṇo̱ yathā̍ pu̱rāśva̱yota ra̍tha̱yā .

va̱ri̱va̱sya ma̍hāmaha .. 8.046.10

10 Responding to our wish for cows, for steeds, and chariots, as of old,
Be gracious, Greatest of the Great

Sloka : 8.46.11

न॒हि ते॑ शूर॒ राध॒सोऽन्तं॑ वि॒न्दामि॑ स॒त्रा ।

द॒श॒स्या नो॑ मघव॒न्नू चि॑दद्रिवो॒ धियो॒ वाजे॑भिराविथ ॥ ८.०४६.११

na̱hi te̍ śūra̱ rādha̱so'nta̍ṃ vi̱ndāmi̍ sa̱trā .

da̱śa̱syā no̍ maghava̱nnū ci̍dadrivo̱ dhiyo̱ vāje̍bhirāvitha .. 8.046.11

11 For, Hero, nowhere can I find the bounds of thy munificence.
Still do thou favour us, O Bolt-armed Maghavan:- with strength hast thou rewarded hymns.

Sloka : 8.46.12

य ऋ॒ष्वः श्रा॑व॒यत्स॑खा॒ विश्वेत्स वे॑द॒ जनि॑मा पुरुष्टु॒तः ।

तं विश्वे॒ मानु॑षा यु॒गेन्द्रं॑ हवन्ते तवि॒षं य॒तस्रु॑चः ॥ ८.०४६.१२

ya ṛ̱ṣvaḥ śrā̍va̱yatsa̍khā̱ viśvetsa ve̍da̱ jani̍mā puruṣṭu̱taḥ .

taṃ viśve̱ mānu̍ṣā yu̱gendra̍ṃ havante tavi̱ṣaṃ ya̱tasru̍caḥ .. 8.046.12

12 High, glorifier of his friend, he knows all generations, he whom many praise.
All races of mankind with ladies lifted up invoke that Mighty Indra's aid.

Sloka : 8.46.13

स नो॒ वाजे॑ष्ववि॒ता पु॑रू॒वसुः॑ पुरःस्था॒ता म॒घवा॑ वृत्र॒हा भु॑वत् ॥ ८.०४६.१३

sa no̱ vāje̍ṣvavi̱tā pu̍rū̱vasu̍ḥ puraḥsthā̱tā ma̱ghavā̍ vṛtra̱hā bhu̍vat .. 8.046.13

13 Be he our Champion and Protector in great deeds, rich in all wealth, the Vṛtra-slayer, Maghavan.

Sloka : 8.46.14

अ॒भि वो॑ वी॒रमन्ध॑सो॒ मदे॑षु गाय गि॒रा म॒हा विचे॑तसम् ।

इन्द्रं॒ नाम॒ श्रुत्यं॑ शा॒किनं॒ वचो॒ यथा॑ ॥ ८.०४६.१४

a̱bhi vo̍ vī̱ramandha̍so̱ made̍ṣu gāya gi̱rā ma̱hā vice̍tasam .

indra̱ṃ nāma̱ śrutya̍ṃ śā̱kina̱ṃ vaco̱ yathā̍ .. 8.046.14

14 In the wild raptures of the juice sing to your Hero with high laud, to him the Wise,
To Indra, glorious in his name, the Mighty One, even as the hymn alloweth it.

Sloka : 8.46.15

द॒दी रेक्ण॑स्त॒न्वे॑ द॒दिर्वसु॑ द॒दिर्वाजे॑षु पुरुहूत वा॒जिन॑म् ।

नू॒नमथ॑ ॥ ८.०४६.१५

da̱dī rekṇa̍sta̱nve̍ da̱dirvasu̍ da̱dirvāje̍ṣu puruhūta vā̱jina̍m .

nū̱namatha̍ .. 8.046.15

15 Thou givest wealth to me myself, thou givest treasure, Excellent! and the strong steed,
O Much-invoked, in deeds of might, yea, even now.

Sloka : 8.46.16

विश्वे॑षामिर॒ज्यन्तं॒ वसू॑नां सास॒ह्वांसं॑ चिद॒स्य वर्प॑सः ।

कृ॒प॒य॒तो नू॒नमत्यथ॑ ॥ ८.०४६.१६

viśve̍ṣāmira̱jyanta̱ṃ vasū̍nāṃ sāsa̱hvāṃsa̍ṃ cida̱sya varpa̍saḥ .

kṛ̱pa̱ya̱to nū̱namatyatha̍ .. 8.046.16

16 Him, Sovran Ruler of all precious things, who even hath power o’er this fair form of his,
As now it taketh shape, and afterward,

Sloka : 8.46.17

म॒हः सु वो॒ अर॑मिषे॒ स्तवा॑महे मी॒ळ्हुषे॑ अरंग॒माय॒ जग्म॑ये ।

य॒ज्ञेभि॑र्गी॒र्भिर्वि॒श्वम॑नुषां म॒रुता॑मियक्षसि॒ गाये॑ त्वा॒ नम॑सा गि॒रा ॥ ८.०४६.१७

ma̱haḥ su vo̱ ara̍miṣe̱ stavā̍mahe mī̱l̤huṣe̍ araṃga̱māya̱ jagma̍ye .

ya̱jñebhi̍rgī̱rbhirvi̱śvama̍nuṣāṃ ma̱rutā̍miyakṣasi̱ gāye̍ tvā̱ nama̍sā gi̱rā .. 8.046.17

17 We praise, so that the Mighty One may speed to you, Pourer of bounties, Traveller, prepared to go.
Thou favourest the Maruts known to all, by song and sacrifice.
With song and praise I sing to thee.

Sloka : 8.46.18

ये पा॒तय॑न्ते॒ अज्म॑भिर्गिरी॒णां स्नुभि॑रेषाम् ।

य॒ज्ञं म॑हि॒ष्वणी॑नां सु॒म्नं तु॑वि॒ष्वणी॑नां॒ प्राध्व॒रे ॥ ८.०४६.१८

ye pā̱taya̍nte̱ ajma̍bhirgirī̱ṇāṃ snubhi̍reṣām .

ya̱jñaṃ ma̍hi̱ṣvaṇī̍nāṃ su̱mnaṃ tu̍vi̱ṣvaṇī̍nā̱ṃ prādhva̱re .. 8.046.18

18 We in the sacrifice perform their will whose voice is lifted high,
The worship of those Thundering Ones who o’er the ridges of these mountains fly in troops.

Sloka : 8.46.19

प्र॒भ॒ङ्गं दु॑र्मती॒नामिन्द्र॑ शवि॒ष्ठा भ॑र ।

र॒यिम॒स्मभ्यं॒ युज्यं॑ चोदयन्मते॒ ज्येष्ठं॑ चोदयन्मते ॥ ८.०४६.१९

pra̱bha̱ṅgaṃ du̍rmatī̱nāmindra̍ śavi̱ṣṭhā bha̍ra .

ra̱yima̱smabhya̱ṃ yujya̍ṃ codayanmate̱ jyeṣṭha̍ṃ codayanmate .. 8.046.19

19 O Indra, Mightiest, bring us that which crushes men of evil minds,
Wealth suited to our needs, O Stirrer of the thought, best wealth, O thou who stirrest thought.

Sloka : 8.46.20

सनि॑तः॒ सुस॑नित॒रुग्र॒ चित्र॒ चेति॑ष्ठ॒ सूनृ॑त ।

प्रा॒सहा॑ सम्रा॒ट् सहु॑रिं॒ सह॑न्तं भु॒ज्युं वाजे॑षु॒ पूर्व्य॑म् ॥ ८.०४६.२०

sani̍ta̱ḥ susa̍nita̱rugra̱ citra̱ ceti̍ṣṭha̱ sūnṛ̍ta .

prā̱sahā̍ samrā̱ṭ sahu̍ri̱ṃ saha̍ntaṃ bhu̱jyuṃ vāje̍ṣu̱ pūrvya̍m .. 8.046.20

20 O Winner, noble winner, strong, wondrous, most splendid, excellent,
Sole Lord of victory, bring all-overpowering wealth, joy-giving, chief in deeds of might.

Sloka : 8.46.21

आ स ए॑तु॒ य ईव॒दाँ अदे॑वः पू॒र्तमा॑द॒दे ।

यथा॑ चि॒द्वशो॑ अ॒श्व्यः पृ॑थु॒श्रव॑सि कानी॒ते॒३॒॑ऽस्या व्युष्या॑द॒दे ॥ ८.०४६.२१

ā sa e̍tu̱ ya īva̱dām̐ ade̍vaḥ pū̱rtamā̍da̱de .

yathā̍ ci̱dvaśo̍ a̱śvyaḥ pṛ̍thu̱śrava̍si kānī̱te̱3̱̎syā vyuṣyā̍da̱de .. 8.046.21

21 Now let the godless man approach who hath received reward so great
As Vaśa, Aśvya, when this light of morning dawned, received from Pṛthuśravas, from Kanīta's son.

Sloka : 8.46.22

ष॒ष्टिं स॒हस्राश्व्य॑स्या॒युता॑सन॒मुष्ट्रा॑नां विंश॒तिं श॒ता ।

दश॒ श्यावी॑नां श॒ता दश॒ त्र्य॑रुषीणां॒ दश॒ गवां॑ स॒हस्रा॑ ॥ ८.०४६.२२

ṣa̱ṣṭiṃ sa̱hasrāśvya̍syā̱yutā̍sana̱muṣṭrā̍nāṃ viṃśa̱tiṃ śa̱tā .

daśa̱ śyāvī̍nāṃ śa̱tā daśa̱ trya̍ruṣīṇā̱ṃ daśa̱ gavā̍ṃ sa̱hasrā̍ .. 8.046.22

22 Steeds sixty thousand and ten thousand kine, and twenty hundred camels I obtained;
Ten hundred brown in hue, and other ten red in three spots:- in all, ten thousand kine.

Sloka : 8.46.23

दश॑ श्या॒वा ऋ॒धद्र॑यो वी॒तवा॑रास आ॒शवः॑ ।

म॒थ्रा ने॒मिं नि वा॑वृतुः ॥ ८.०४६.२३

daśa̍ śyā̱vā ṛ̱dhadra̍yo vī̱tavā̍rāsa ā̱śava̍ḥ .

ma̱thrā ne̱miṃ ni vā̍vṛtuḥ .. 8.046.23

23 Ten browns that make my wealth increase, fleet steeds whose tails are long and fair,
Turn with swift whirl my chariot wheel;

Sloka : 8.46.24

दाना॑सः पृथु॒श्रव॑सः कानी॒तस्य॑ सु॒राध॑सः ।

रथं॑ हिर॒ण्ययं॒ दद॒न्मंहि॑ष्ठः सू॒रिर॑भू॒द्वर्षि॑ष्ठमकृत॒ श्रवः॑ ॥ ८.०४६.२४

dānā̍saḥ pṛthu̱śrava̍saḥ kānī̱tasya̍ su̱rādha̍saḥ .

ratha̍ṃ hira̱ṇyaya̱ṃ dada̱nmaṃhi̍ṣṭhaḥ sū̱rira̍bhū̱dvarṣi̍ṣṭhamakṛta̱ śrava̍ḥ .. 8.046.24

24 The gifts which Pṛthuśravas gave, Kanīta's son munificent.
He gave a chariot wrought of gold:- the prince was passing bountiful, and won himself most lofty fame.

Sloka : 8.46.25

आ नो॑ वायो म॒हे तने॑ या॒हि म॒खाय॒ पाज॑से ।

व॒यं हि ते॑ चकृ॒मा भूरि॑ दा॒वने॑ स॒द्यश्चि॒न्महि॑ दा॒वने॑ ॥ ८.०४६.२५

ā no̍ vāyo ma̱he tane̍ yā̱hi ma̱khāya̱ pāja̍se .

va̱yaṃ hi te̍ cakṛ̱mā bhūri̍ dā̱vane̍ sa̱dyaści̱nmahi̍ dā̱vane̍ .. 8.046.25

25 Come thou to this great rite of ours, Vāyu! to give us vigorous light.
We have served thee that thou mightest give much to us, yea, mightest quickly give great wealth.

Sloka : 8.46.26

यो अश्वे॑भि॒र्वह॑ते॒ वस्त॑ उ॒स्रास्त्रिः स॒प्त स॑प्तती॒नाम् ।

ए॒भिः सोमे॑भिः सोम॒सुद्भिः॑ सोमपा दा॒नाय॑ शुक्रपूतपाः ॥ ८.०४६.२६

yo aśve̍bhi̱rvaha̍te̱ vasta̍ u̱srāstriḥ sa̱pta sa̍ptatī̱nām .

e̱bhiḥ some̍bhiḥ soma̱sudbhi̍ḥ somapā dā̱nāya̍ śukrapūtapāḥ .. 8.046.26

26 Who with thrice seven times seventy horses comes to us, invested with the rays of morn,
Through these our Soma-draughts and those who press, to give, drinker of pure bright Soma Juice.

Sloka : 8.46.27

यो म॑ इ॒मं चि॑दु॒ त्मनाम॑न्दच्चि॒त्रं दा॒वने॑ ।

अ॒र॒ट्वे अक्षे॒ नहु॑षे सु॒कृत्व॑नि सु॒कृत्त॑राय सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ८.०४६.२७

yo ma̍ i̱maṃ ci̍du̱ tmanāma̍ndacci̱traṃ dā̱vane̍ .

a̱ra̱ṭve akṣe̱ nahu̍ṣe su̱kṛtva̍ni su̱kṛtta̍rāya su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 8.046.27

27 Who hath inclined this glorious one, bounteous himself, to give me gifts.
Borne on firm chariot with the prosperous Nahuṣa, wise, to a man yet more devout.

Sloka : 8.46.28

उ॒च॒थ्ये॒३॒॑ वपु॑षि॒ यः स्व॒राळु॒त वा॑यो घृत॒स्नाः ।

अश्वे॑षितं॒ रजे॑षितं॒ शुने॑षितं॒ प्राज्म॒ तदि॒दं नु तत् ॥ ८.०४६.२८

u̱ca̱thye̱3̱̍ vapu̍ṣi̱ yaḥ sva̱rāl̤u̱ta vā̍yo ghṛta̱snāḥ .

aśve̍ṣita̱ṃ raje̍ṣita̱ṃ śune̍ṣita̱ṃ prājma̱ tadi̱daṃ nu tat .. 8.046.28

28 Sole Lord in beauty meet for praise, O Vāyu, dropping fatness down,
Hurried along by steeds, by camels, and by hounds, spreads forth thy train:- even this it is.

Sloka : 8.46.29

अध॑ प्रि॒यमि॑षि॒राय॑ ष॒ष्टिं स॒हस्रा॑सनम् ।

अश्वा॑ना॒मिन्न वृष्णा॑म् ॥ ८.०४६.२९

adha̍ pri̱yami̍ṣi̱rāya̍ ṣa̱ṣṭiṃ sa̱hasrā̍sanam .

aśvā̍nā̱minna vṛṣṇā̍m .. 8.046.29

29 So, as a prize dear to the strong, the sixty thousand have I gained,
Bulls that resemble vigorous steeds.

Sloka : 8.46.30

गावो॒ न यू॒थमुप॑ यन्ति॒ वध्र॑य॒ उप॒ मा य॑न्ति॒ वध्र॑यः ॥ ८.०४६.३०

gāvo̱ na yū̱thamupa̍ yanti̱ vadhra̍ya̱ upa̱ mā ya̍nti̱ vadhra̍yaḥ .. 8.046.30

30 To me come oxen like a herd, yea, unto me the oxen come.

Sloka : 8.46.31

अध॒ यच्चार॑थे ग॒णे श॒तमुष्ट्रा॒ँ अचि॑क्रदत् ।

अध॒ श्वित्ने॑षु विंश॒तिं श॒ता ॥ ८.०४६.३१

adha̱ yaccāra̍the ga̱ṇe śa̱tamuṣṭrā̱m̐ aci̍kradat .

adha̱ śvitne̍ṣu viṃśa̱tiṃ śa̱tā .. 8.046.31

31 And in the grazing herd he made a hundred camels bleat for me,
And twenty hundred mid the white.

Sloka : 8.46.32

श॒तं दा॒से ब॑ल्बू॒थे विप्र॒स्तरु॑क्ष॒ आ द॑दे ।

ते ते॑ वायवि॒मे जना॒ मद॒न्तीन्द्र॑गोपा॒ मद॑न्ति दे॒वगो॑पाः ॥ ८.०४६.३२

śa̱taṃ dā̱se ba̍lbū̱the vipra̱staru̍kṣa̱ ā da̍de .

te te̍ vāyavi̱me janā̱ mada̱ntīndra̍gopā̱ mada̍nti de̱vago̍pāḥ .. 8.046.32

32 A hundred has the sage received, Dāsa Balbūtha's and Tarukṣa's gifts.
These are thy people, Vāyu, who rejoice with Indra for their guard, rejoice with Gods for guards.

Sloka : 8.46.33

अध॒ स्या योष॑णा म॒ही प्र॑ती॒ची वश॑म॒श्व्यम् ।

अधि॑रुक्मा॒ वि नी॑यते ॥ ८.०४६.३३

adha̱ syā yoṣa̍ṇā ma̱hī pra̍tī̱cī vaśa̍ma̱śvyam .

adhi̍rukmā̱ vi nī̍yate .. 8.046.33

33 And now to Vaśa Aśvya here this stately woman is led forth,
Adorned with ornaments of gold.

Sloka : 8.47.1

महि॑ वो मह॒तामवो॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्र॑ दा॒शुषे॑ ।

यमा॑दित्या अ॒भि द्रु॒हो रक्ष॑था॒ नेम॒घं न॑शदने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०१

mahi̍ vo maha̱tāmavo̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitra̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ .

yamā̍dityā a̱bhi dru̱ho rakṣa̍thā̱ nema̱ghaṃ na̍śadane̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.01

1. GREAT help ye give the worshipper, Varuṇa, Mitra, Mighty Ones! No sorrow ever reaches him whom ye, Ādityas, keep from harm. Yours are incomparable aids, and good the succour they afford.

Sloka : 8.47.2

वि॒दा दे॑वा अ॒घाना॒मादि॑त्यासो अ॒पाकृ॑तिम् ।

प॒क्षा वयो॒ यथो॒परि॒ व्य१॒॑स्मे शर्म॑ यच्छताने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०२

vi̱dā de̍vā a̱ghānā̱mādi̍tyāso a̱pākṛ̍tim .

pa̱kṣā vayo̱ yatho̱pari̱ vya1̱̍sme śarma̍ yacchatāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.02

2 O Gods, Ādityas, well ye know the way to keep all woes afar.
As the birds spread their sheltering wings, spread your protection over us.

Sloka : 8.47.3

व्य१॒॑स्मे अधि॒ शर्म॒ तत्प॒क्षा वयो॒ न य॑न्तन ।

विश्वा॑नि विश्ववेदसो वरू॒थ्या॑ मनामहेऽने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०३

vya1̱̍sme adhi̱ śarma̱ tatpa̱kṣā vayo̱ na ya̍ntana .

viśvā̍ni viśvavedaso varū̱thyā̍ manāmahe'ne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.03

3 As the birds spread their sheltering wings let your protection cover us.
We mean all shelter and defence, ye who have all things for your own.

Sloka : 8.47.4

यस्मा॒ अरा॑सत॒ क्षयं॑ जी॒वातुं॑ च॒ प्रचे॑तसः ।

मनो॒र्विश्व॑स्य॒ घेदि॒म आ॑दि॒त्या रा॒य ई॑शतेऽने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०४

yasmā̱ arā̍sata̱ kṣaya̍ṃ jī̱vātu̍ṃ ca̱ prace̍tasaḥ .

mano̱rviśva̍sya̱ ghedi̱ma ā̍di̱tyā rā̱ya ī̍śate'ne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.04

4 To whomsoever they, Most Wise, have given a home and means of life,
O'er the whole riches of this man they, the Ādityas, have control.

Sloka : 8.47.5

परि॑ णो वृणजन्न॒घा दु॒र्गाणि॑ र॒थ्यो॑ यथा ।

स्यामेदिन्द्र॑स्य॒ शर्म॑ण्यादि॒त्याना॑मु॒ताव॑स्यने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०५

pari̍ ṇo vṛṇajanna̱ghā du̱rgāṇi̍ ra̱thyo̍ yathā .

syāmedindra̍sya̱ śarma̍ṇyādi̱tyānā̍mu̱tāva̍syane̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.05

5 As drivers of the car avoid ill roads, let sorrows pass us by.
May we be under Indra's guard, in the Ādityas’ favouring grace.

Sloka : 8.47.6

प॒रि॒ह्वृ॒तेद॒ना जनो॑ यु॒ष्माद॑त्तस्य वायति ।

देवा॒ अद॑भ्रमाश वो॒ यमा॑दित्या॒ अहे॑तनाने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०६

pa̱ri̱hvṛ̱teda̱nā jano̍ yu̱ṣmāda̍ttasya vāyati .

devā̱ ada̍bhramāśa vo̱ yamā̍dityā̱ ahe̍tanāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.06

6 For verily men sink and faint through loss of wealth which ye have given.
Much hath he gained from you, O Gods, whom ye, Ādityas, have approached.

Sloka : 8.47.7

न तं ति॒ग्मं च॒न त्यजो॒ न द्रा॑सद॒भि तं गु॒रु ।

यस्मा॑ उ॒ शर्म॑ स॒प्रथ॒ आदि॑त्यासो॒ अरा॑ध्वमने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०७

na taṃ ti̱gmaṃ ca̱na tyajo̱ na drā̍sada̱bhi taṃ gu̱ru .

yasmā̍ u̱ śarma̍ sa̱pratha̱ ādi̍tyāso̱ arā̍dhvamane̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.07

7 On him shall no fierce anger fall, no sore distress shall visit him,
To whom, Ādityas, ye have lent your shelter that extendeth far.

Sloka : 8.47.8

यु॒ष्मे दे॑वा॒ अपि॑ ष्मसि॒ युध्य॑न्त इव॒ वर्म॑सु ।

यू॒यं म॒हो न॒ एन॑सो यू॒यमर्भा॑दुरुष्यताने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०८

yu̱ṣme de̍vā̱ api̍ ṣmasi̱ yudhya̍nta iva̱ varma̍su .

yū̱yaṃ ma̱ho na̱ ena̍so yū̱yamarbhā̍duruṣyatāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.08

8 Resting in you, O Gods, we are like men who fight in coats of mail.
Ye guard us from each great offence, ye guard us from each lighter fault.

Sloka : 8.47.9

अदि॑तिर्न उरुष्य॒त्वदि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतु ।

मा॒ता मि॒त्रस्य॑ रे॒वतो॑ऽर्य॒म्णो वरु॑णस्य चाने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.०९

adi̍tirna uruṣya̱tvadi̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchatu .

mā̱tā mi̱trasya̍ re̱vato̎rya̱mṇo varu̍ṇasya cāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.09

9 May Aditi defend us, may Aditi guard and shelter us,
Mother of wealthy Mitra and of Aryaman and Varuṇa.

Sloka : 8.47.10

यद्दे॑वाः॒ शर्म॑ शर॒णं यद्भ॒द्रं यद॑नातु॒रम् ।

त्रि॒धातु॒ यद्व॑रू॒थ्यं१॒॑ तद॒स्मासु॒ वि य॑न्तनाने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१०

yadde̍vā̱ḥ śarma̍ śara̱ṇaṃ yadbha̱draṃ yada̍nātu̱ram .

tri̱dhātu̱ yadva̍rū̱thyaṃ1̱̍ tada̱smāsu̱ vi ya̍ntanāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.10

10 The shelter, Gods, that is secure, auspicious, free from malady,
A sure protection, triply strong, even that do ye extend to us.

Sloka : 8.47.11

आदि॑त्या॒ अव॒ हि ख्यताधि॒ कूला॑दिव॒ स्पशः॑ ।

सु॒ती॒र्थमर्व॑तो य॒थानु॑ नो नेषथा सु॒गम॑ने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.११

ādi̍tyā̱ ava̱ hi khyatādhi̱ kūlā̍diva̱ spaśa̍ḥ .

su̱tī̱rthamarva̍to ya̱thānu̍ no neṣathā su̱gama̍ne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.11

11 Look down on us, Ādityas, as a guide exploring from the bank.
Lead us to pleasant ways as men lead horses to an easy ford.

Sloka : 8.47.12

नेह भ॒द्रं र॑क्ष॒स्विने॒ नाव॒यै नोप॒या उ॒त ।

गवे॑ च भ॒द्रं धे॒नवे॑ वी॒राय॑ च श्रवस्य॒ते॑ऽने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१२

neha bha̱draṃ ra̍kṣa̱svine̱ nāva̱yai nopa̱yā u̱ta .

gave̍ ca bha̱draṃ dhe̱nave̍ vī̱rāya̍ ca śravasya̱te̎ne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.12

12 Ill be it for the demons' friend to find us or come near to us.
But for the milch-cow be it well, and for the man who strives for fame.

Sloka : 8.47.13

यदा॒विर्यद॑पी॒च्यं१॒॑ देवा॑सो॒ अस्ति॑ दुष्कृ॒तम् ।

त्रि॒ते तद्विश्व॑मा॒प्त्य आ॒रे अ॒स्मद्द॑धातनाने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१३

yadā̱viryada̍pī̱cyaṃ1̱̍ devā̍so̱ asti̍ duṣkṛ̱tam .

tri̱te tadviśva̍mā̱ptya ā̱re a̱smadda̍dhātanāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.13

13 Each evil deed made manifest, and that which is concealed, O Gods,
The whole thereof remove from us to Trita Āptya far away.

Sloka : 8.47.14

यच्च॒ गोषु॑ दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॒ यच्चा॒स्मे दु॑हितर्दिवः ।

त्रि॒ताय॒ तद्वि॑भावर्या॒प्त्याय॒ परा॑ वहाने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१४

yacca̱ goṣu̍ du̱ṣṣvapnya̱ṃ yaccā̱sme du̍hitardivaḥ .

tri̱tāya̱ tadvi̍bhāvaryā̱ptyāya̱ parā̍ vahāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.14

14 Daughter of Heaven, the dream that bodes evil to us or to our kine,
Remove, O Lady of the Light, to Trita Āptya far away.

Sloka : 8.47.15

नि॒ष्कं वा॑ घा कृ॒णव॑ते॒ स्रजं॑ वा दुहितर्दिवः ।

त्रि॒ते दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॒ सर्व॑मा॒प्त्ये परि॑ दद्मस्यने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१५

ni̱ṣkaṃ vā̍ ghā kṛ̱ṇava̍te̱ sraja̍ṃ vā duhitardivaḥ .

tri̱te du̱ṣṣvapnya̱ṃ sarva̍mā̱ptye pari̍ dadmasyane̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.15

15 Even if, O Child of Heaven, it make a garland or a chain of gold,
The whole bad dream, whate’er it be, to Trita Āptya we consign.

Sloka : 8.47.16

तद॑न्नाय॒ तद॑पसे॒ तं भा॒गमु॑पसे॒दुषे॑ ।

त्रि॒ताय॑ च द्वि॒ताय॒ चोषो॑ दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॑ वहाने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१६

tada̍nnāya̱ tada̍pase̱ taṃ bhā̱gamu̍pase̱duṣe̍ .

tri̱tāya̍ ca dvi̱tāya̱ coṣo̍ du̱ṣṣvapnya̍ṃ vahāne̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.16

16 To him whose food and work is this, who comes to take his share therein,
To Trita, and to Dvita, Dawn! bear thou the evil dream away.

Sloka : 8.47.17

यथा॑ क॒लां यथा॑ श॒फं यथ॑ ऋ॒णं सं॒नया॑मसि ।

ए॒वा दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॒ सर्व॑मा॒प्त्ये सं न॑यामस्यने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१७

yathā̍ ka̱lāṃ yathā̍ śa̱phaṃ yatha̍ ṛ̱ṇaṃ sa̱ṃnayā̍masi .

e̱vā du̱ṣṣvapnya̱ṃ sarva̍mā̱ptye saṃ na̍yāmasyane̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.17

17 As we collect the utmost debt, even the eighth and sixteenth part,
So unto Āptya we transfer together all the evil dream.

Sloka : 8.47.18

अजै॑ष्मा॒द्यास॑नाम॒ चाभू॒माना॑गसो व॒यम् ।

उषो॒ यस्मा॑द्दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्या॒दभै॒ष्माप॒ तदु॑च्छत्वने॒हसो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ सुऊ॒तयो॑ व ऊ॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४७.१८

ajai̍ṣmā̱dyāsa̍nāma̱ cābhū̱mānā̍gaso va̱yam .

uṣo̱ yasmā̍ddu̱ṣṣvapnyā̱dabhai̱ṣmāpa̱ tadu̍cchatvane̱haso̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ suū̱tayo̍ va ū̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.047.18

18 Now have we conquered and obtained, and from our trespasses are free.
Shine thou away the evil dream, O Dawn, whereof we are afraid. Yours are incomparable aids, and good the succour they afford.

Sloka : 8.48.1

स्वा॒दोर॑भक्षि॒ वय॑सः सुमे॒धाः स्वा॒ध्यो॑ वरिवो॒वित्त॑रस्य ।

विश्वे॒ यं दे॒वा उ॒त मर्त्या॑सो॒ मधु॑ ब्रु॒वन्तो॑ अ॒भि सं॒चर॑न्ति ॥ ८.०४८.०१

svā̱dora̍bhakṣi̱ vaya̍saḥ sume̱dhāḥ svā̱dhyo̍ varivo̱vitta̍rasya .

viśve̱ yaṃ de̱vā u̱ta martyā̍so̱ madhu̍ bru̱vanto̍ a̱bhi sa̱ṃcara̍nti .. 8.048.01

1. WISELY have I enjoyed the savoury viand, religious-thoughted, best to find out treasure,
The food to which all Deities and mortals, calling it meath, gather themselves together.

Sloka : 8.48.2

अ॒न्तश्च॒ प्रागा॒ अदि॑तिर्भवास्यवया॒ता हर॑सो॒ दैव्य॑स्य ।

इन्द॒विन्द्र॑स्य स॒ख्यं जु॑षा॒णः श्रौष्टी॑व॒ धुर॒मनु॑ रा॒य ऋ॑ध्याः ॥ ८.०४८.०२

a̱ntaśca̱ prāgā̱ adi̍tirbhavāsyavayā̱tā hara̍so̱ daivya̍sya .

inda̱vindra̍sya sa̱khyaṃ ju̍ṣā̱ṇaḥ śrauṣṭī̍va̱ dhura̱manu̍ rā̱ya ṛ̍dhyāḥ .. 8.048.02

2 Tlou shalt be Aditi as thou hast entered within, appeaser of celestial anger.
Indu, enjoying Indra's friendship, bring us—as a swift steed the car—forward to riches.

Sloka : 8.48.3

अपा॑म॒ सोम॑म॒मृता॑ अभू॒माग॑न्म॒ ज्योति॒रवि॑दाम दे॒वान् ।

किं नू॒नम॒स्मान्कृ॑णव॒दरा॑तिः॒ किमु॑ धू॒र्तिर॑मृत॒ मर्त्य॑स्य ॥ ८.०४८.०३

apā̍ma̱ soma̍ma̱mṛtā̍ abhū̱māga̍nma̱ jyoti̱ravi̍dāma de̱vān .

kiṃ nū̱nama̱smānkṛ̍ṇava̱darā̍ti̱ḥ kimu̍ dhū̱rtira̍mṛta̱ martya̍sya .. 8.048.03

3 We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered.
Now what may foeman's malice do to harm us? What, O Immortal, mortal man's deception?

Sloka : 8.48.4

शं नो॑ भव हृ॒द आ पी॒त इ॑न्दो पि॒तेव॑ सोम सू॒नवे॑ सु॒शेवः॑ ।

सखे॑व॒ सख्य॑ उरुशंस॒ धीरः॒ प्र ण॒ आयु॑र्जी॒वसे॑ सोम तारीः ॥ ८.०४८.०४

śaṃ no̍ bhava hṛ̱da ā pī̱ta i̍ndo pi̱teva̍ soma sū̱nave̍ su̱śeva̍ḥ .

sakhe̍va̱ sakhya̍ uruśaṃsa̱ dhīra̱ḥ pra ṇa̱ āyu̍rjī̱vase̍ soma tārīḥ .. 8.048.04

4 Absorbed into the heart, be sweet, O Indu, as a kind father to his son, O Soma,
As a wise Friend to friend:- do thou, wide-ruler, O Soma, lengthen out our days for living.

Sloka : 8.48.5

इ॒मे मा॑ पी॒ता य॒शस॑ उरु॒ष्यवो॒ रथं॒ न गावः॒ सम॑नाह॒ पर्व॑सु ।

ते मा॑ रक्षन्तु वि॒स्रस॑श्च॒रित्रा॑दु॒त मा॒ स्रामा॑द्यवय॒न्त्विन्द॑वः ॥ ८.०४८.०५

i̱me mā̍ pī̱tā ya̱śasa̍ uru̱ṣyavo̱ ratha̱ṃ na gāva̱ḥ sama̍nāha̱ parva̍su .

te mā̍ rakṣantu vi̱srasa̍śca̱ritrā̍du̱ta mā̱ srāmā̍dyavaya̱ntvinda̍vaḥ .. 8.048.05

5 These glorious drops that give me freedom have I drunk. Closely they knit my joints as straps secure a car.
Let them protect my foot from slipping on the way:- yea, let the drops I drink preserve me from disease.

Sloka : 8.48.6

अ॒ग्निं न मा॑ मथि॒तं सं दि॑दीपः॒ प्र च॑क्षय कृणु॒हि वस्य॑सो नः ।

अथा॒ हि ते॒ मद॒ आ सो॑म॒ मन्ये॑ रे॒वाँ इ॑व॒ प्र च॑रा पु॒ष्टिमच्छ॑ ॥ ८.०४८.०६

a̱gniṃ na mā̍ mathi̱taṃ saṃ di̍dīpa̱ḥ pra ca̍kṣaya kṛṇu̱hi vasya̍so naḥ .

athā̱ hi te̱ mada̱ ā so̍ma̱ manye̍ re̱vām̐ i̍va̱ pra ca̍rā pu̱ṣṭimaccha̍ .. 8.048.06

6 Make me shine bright like fire produced by friction:- give us a clearer sight and make us better.
For in carouse I think of thee, O Soma, Shall I, as a rich man, attain to comfort?

Sloka : 8.48.7

इ॒षि॒रेण॑ ते॒ मन॑सा सु॒तस्य॑ भक्षी॒महि॒ पित्र्य॑स्येव रा॒यः ।

सोम॑ राज॒न्प्र ण॒ आयूं॑षि तारी॒रहा॑नीव॒ सूर्यो॑ वास॒राणि॑ ॥ ८.०४८.०७

i̱ṣi̱reṇa̍ te̱ mana̍sā su̱tasya̍ bhakṣī̱mahi̱ pitrya̍syeva rā̱yaḥ .

soma̍ rāja̱npra ṇa̱ āyū̍ṃṣi tārī̱rahā̍nīva̱ sūryo̍ vāsa̱rāṇi̍ .. 8.048.07

7 May we enjoy with an enlivened spirit the juice thou givest, like ancestral riches.
O Soma, King, prolong thou our existence as Sūrya makes the shining days grow longer.

Sloka : 8.48.8

सोम॑ राजन्मृ॒ळया॑ नः स्व॒स्ति तव॑ स्मसि व्र॒त्या॒३॒॑स्तस्य॑ विद्धि ।

अल॑र्ति॒ दक्ष॑ उ॒त म॒न्युरि॑न्दो॒ मा नो॑ अ॒र्यो अ॑नुका॒मं परा॑ दाः ॥ ८.०४८.०८

soma̍ rājanmṛ̱l̤ayā̍ naḥ sva̱sti tava̍ smasi vra̱tyā̱3̱̍stasya̍ viddhi .

ala̍rti̱ dakṣa̍ u̱ta ma̱nyuri̍ndo̱ mā no̍ a̱ryo a̍nukā̱maṃ parā̍ dāḥ .. 8.048.08

8 King Soma, favour us and make us prosper:- we are thy devotees; of this be mindful.
Spirit and power are fresh in us, O Indu give us not up unto our foeman's pleasure.

Sloka : 8.48.9

त्वं हि न॑स्त॒न्वः॑ सोम गो॒पा गात्रे॑गात्रे निष॒सत्था॑ नृ॒चक्षाः॑ ।

यत्ते॑ व॒यं प्र॑मि॒नाम॑ व्र॒तानि॒ स नो॑ मृळ सुष॒खा दे॑व॒ वस्यः॑ ॥ ८.०४८.०९

tvaṃ hi na̍sta̱nva̍ḥ soma go̱pā gātre̍gātre niṣa̱satthā̍ nṛ̱cakṣā̍ḥ .

yatte̍ va̱yaṃ pra̍mi̱nāma̍ vra̱tāni̱ sa no̍ mṛl̤a suṣa̱khā de̍va̱ vasya̍ḥ .. 8.048.09

9 For thou hast settled in each joint, O Soma, aim of men's eyes and guardian of our bodies.
When we offend against thine holy statutes, as a kind Friend, God, best of all, be gracious.

Sloka : 8.48.10

ऋ॒दू॒दरे॑ण॒ सख्या॑ सचेय॒ यो मा॒ न रिष्ये॑द्धर्यश्व पी॒तः ।

अ॒यं यः सोमो॒ न्यधा॑य्य॒स्मे तस्मा॒ इन्द्रं॑ प्र॒तिर॑मे॒म्यायुः॑ ॥ ८.०४८.१०

ṛ̱dū̱dare̍ṇa̱ sakhyā̍ saceya̱ yo mā̱ na riṣye̍ddharyaśva pī̱taḥ .

a̱yaṃ yaḥ somo̱ nyadhā̍yya̱sme tasmā̱ indra̍ṃ pra̱tira̍me̱myāyu̍ḥ .. 8.048.10

10 May I be with the Friend whose heart is tender, who, Lord of Bays! when quaffed will never harm me-
This Soma now deposited within me. For this, I pray for longer life to Indra.

Sloka : 8.48.11

अप॒ त्या अ॑स्थु॒रनि॑रा॒ अमी॑वा॒ निर॑त्रस॒न्तमि॑षीची॒रभै॑षुः ।

आ सोमो॑ अ॒स्माँ अ॑रुह॒द्विहा॑या॒ अग॑न्म॒ यत्र॑ प्रति॒रन्त॒ आयुः॑ ॥ ८.०४८.११

apa̱ tyā a̍sthu̱rani̍rā̱ amī̍vā̱ nira̍trasa̱ntami̍ṣīcī̱rabhai̍ṣuḥ .

ā somo̍ a̱smām̐ a̍ruha̱dvihā̍yā̱ aga̍nma̱ yatra̍ prati̱ranta̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 8.048.11

11 Our maladies have lost their strength and vanished:- they feared, and passed away into the darkness.
Soma hath risen in us, exceeding mighty, and we are come where men prolong existence.
12, Fathers, that Indu which our hearts have drunken, Immortal in himself, hath entered mortals.
So let us serve this Soma with oblation, and rest securely in his grace and favour.

Sloka : 8.48.12

यो न॒ इन्दुः॑ पितरो हृ॒त्सु पी॒तोऽम॑र्त्यो॒ मर्त्या॑ँ आवि॒वेश॑ ।

तस्मै॒ सोमा॑य ह॒विषा॑ विधेम मृळी॒के अ॑स्य सुम॒तौ स्या॑म ॥ ८.०४८.१२

yo na̱ indu̍ḥ pitaro hṛ̱tsu pī̱to'ma̍rtyo̱ martyā̍m̐ āvi̱veśa̍ .

tasmai̱ somā̍ya ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema mṛl̤ī̱ke a̍sya suma̱tau syā̍ma .. 8.048.12

Sloka : 8.48.13

त्वं सो॑म पि॒तृभिः॑ संविदा॒नोऽनु॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी आ त॑तन्थ ।

तस्मै॑ त इन्दो ह॒विषा॑ विधेम व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥ ८.०४८.१३

tvaṃ so̍ma pi̱tṛbhi̍ḥ saṃvidā̱no'nu̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ā ta̍tantha .

tasmai̍ ta indo ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema va̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ pata̍yo rayī̱ṇām .. 8.048.13

13 Associate with the Fathers thou, O Soma, hast spread thyself abroad through earth and heaven.
So with oblation let us serve thee, Indu, and so let us become the lords of riches,

Sloka : 8.48.14

त्राता॑रो देवा॒ अधि॑ वोचता नो॒ मा नो॑ नि॒द्रा ई॑शत॒ मोत जल्पिः॑ ।

व॒यं सोम॑स्य वि॒श्वह॑ प्रि॒यासः॑ सु॒वीरा॑सो वि॒दथ॒मा व॑देम ॥ ८.०४८.१४

trātā̍ro devā̱ adhi̍ vocatā no̱ mā no̍ ni̱drā ī̍śata̱ mota jalpi̍ḥ .

va̱yaṃ soma̍sya vi̱śvaha̍ pri̱yāsa̍ḥ su̱vīrā̍so vi̱datha̱mā va̍dema .. 8.048.14

14 Give us your blessing, O ye Gods’ preservers. Never may sleep or idle talk control us.
But evermore may we, as friends of Soma, speak to the synod with brave sons around us.

Sloka : 8.48.15

त्वं नः॑ सोम वि॒श्वतो॑ वयो॒धास्त्वं स्व॒र्विदा वि॑शा नृ॒चक्षाः॑ ।

त्वं न॑ इन्द ऊ॒तिभिः॑ स॒जोषाः॑ पा॒हि प॒श्चाता॑दु॒त वा॑ पु॒रस्ता॑त् ॥ ८.०४८.१५

tvaṃ na̍ḥ soma vi̱śvato̍ vayo̱dhāstvaṃ sva̱rvidā vi̍śā nṛ̱cakṣā̍ḥ .

tvaṃ na̍ inda ū̱tibhi̍ḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ pā̱hi pa̱ścātā̍du̱ta vā̍ pu̱rastā̍t .. 8.048.15

15 On all sides,. Soma, thou art our life-giver:- aim of all eyes, light-finder, come within us.
Indu, of one accord with thy protections both from behind and from before preserve us.

Sloka : 8.49.1

अ॒भि प्र वः॑ सु॒राध॑स॒मिन्द्र॑मर्च॒ यथा॑ वि॒दे ।

यो ज॑रि॒तृभ्यो॑ म॒घवा॑ पुरू॒वसुः॑ स॒हस्रे॑णेव॒ शिक्ष॑ति ॥ ८.०४९.०१

a̱bhi pra va̍ḥ su̱rādha̍sa̱mindra̍marca̱ yathā̍ vi̱de .

yo ja̍ri̱tṛbhyo̍ ma̱ghavā̍ purū̱vasu̍ḥ sa̱hasre̍ṇeva̱ śikṣa̍ti .. 8.049.01

1. AGNI, come hither with thy fires; we choose thee as Invoking Priest.
Let the extended ladle full of oil balm thee, best Priest, to sit on sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.49.2

श॒तानी॑केव॒ प्र जि॑गाति धृष्णु॒या हन्ति॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ दा॒शुषे॑ ।

गि॒रेरि॑व॒ प्र रसा॑ अस्य पिन्विरे॒ दत्रा॑णि पुरु॒भोज॑सः ॥ ८.०४९.०२

śa̱tānī̍keva̱ pra ji̍gāti dhṛṣṇu̱yā hanti̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ .

gi̱reri̍va̱ pra rasā̍ asya pinvire̱ datrā̍ṇi puru̱bhoja̍saḥ .. 8.049.02

2 For unto thee, O Aṅgiras, O Son of Strength, move ladles in the sacrifice.
To Agni, Child of Force, whose locks drop oil, we seek, foremost in sacrificial rites.

Sloka : 8.49.3

आ त्वा॑ सु॒तास॒ इन्द॑वो॒ मदा॒ य इ॑न्द्र गिर्वणः ।

आपो॒ न व॑ज्रि॒न्नन्वो॒क्यं१॒॑ सरः॑ पृ॒णन्ति॑ शूर॒ राध॑से ॥ ८.०४९.०३

ā tvā̍ su̱tāsa̱ inda̍vo̱ madā̱ ya i̍ndra girvaṇaḥ .

āpo̱ na va̍jri̱nnanvo̱kyaṃ1̱̍ sara̍ḥ pṛ̱ṇanti̍ śūra̱ rādha̍se .. 8.049.03

3 Agni, thou art Disposer, Sage, Herald, bright God! and worshipful,
Best offerer, cheerful, to be praised in holy rites, pure Lord! by singers with their hymns.

Sloka : 8.49.4

अ॒ने॒हसं॑ प्र॒तर॑णं वि॒वक्ष॑णं॒ मध्वः॒ स्वादि॑ष्ठमीं पिब ।

आ यथा॑ मन्दसा॒नः कि॒रासि॑ नः॒ प्र क्षु॒द्रेव॒ त्मना॑ धृ॒षत् ॥ ८.०४९.०४

a̱ne̱hasa̍ṃ pra̱tara̍ṇaṃ vi̱vakṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ madhva̱ḥ svādi̍ṣṭhamīṃ piba .

ā yathā̍ mandasā̱naḥ ki̱rāsi̍ na̱ḥ pra kṣu̱dreva̱ tmanā̍ dhṛ̱ṣat .. 8.049.04

4 Most Youthful and Eternal, bring the longing Gods to me, the guileless, for the feast.
Come, Vasu, to the banquet that is well-prepared:- rejoice thee, gracious, with our songs.

Sloka : 8.49.5

आ नः॒ स्तोम॒मुप॑ द्र॒वद्धि॑या॒नो अश्वो॒ न सोतृ॑भिः ।

यं ते॑ स्वधावन्स्व॒दय॑न्ति धे॒नव॒ इन्द्र॒ कण्वे॑षु रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४९.०५

ā na̱ḥ stoma̱mupa̍ dra̱vaddhi̍yā̱no aśvo̱ na sotṛ̍bhiḥ .

yaṃ te̍ svadhāvansva̱daya̍nti dhe̱nava̱ indra̱ kaṇve̍ṣu rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.049.05

5 Famed art thou, Agni, far and wide, Preserver, righteous, and a Sage.
The holy singers, O refulgent kindled God! arrangers, call on thee to come.

Sloka : 8.49.6

उ॒ग्रं न वी॒रं नम॒सोप॑ सेदिम॒ विभू॑ति॒मक्षि॑तावसुम् ।

उ॒द्रीव॑ वज्रिन्नव॒तो न सि॑ञ्च॒ते क्षर॑न्तीन्द्र धी॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०४९.०६

u̱graṃ na vī̱raṃ nama̱sopa̍ sedima̱ vibhū̍ti̱makṣi̍tāvasum .

u̱drīva̍ vajrinnava̱to na si̍ñca̱te kṣara̍ntīndra dhī̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.049.06

6 Shine, Most Resplendent! blaze, send bliss unto the folk, and to thy worshipper
Great art thou.
So may my princes, with good fires, subduing foes, rest in the keeping of the Gods.

Sloka : 8.49.7

यद्ध॑ नू॒नं यद्वा॑ य॒ज्ञे यद्वा॑ पृथि॒व्यामधि॑ ।

अतो॑ नो य॒ज्ञमा॒शुभि॑र्महेमत उ॒ग्र उ॒ग्रेभि॒रा ग॑हि ॥ ८.०४९.०७

yaddha̍ nū̱naṃ yadvā̍ ya̱jñe yadvā̍ pṛthi̱vyāmadhi̍ .

ato̍ no ya̱jñamā̱śubhi̍rmahemata u̱gra u̱grebhi̱rā ga̍hi .. 8.049.07

7 O Agni, as thou burnest down to earth even high-grown underwood,
So, bright as Mitra is, burn him who injures us, him who plots ill against thy friend.

Sloka : 8.49.8

अ॒जि॒रासो॒ हर॑यो॒ ये त॑ आ॒शवो॒ वाता॑ इव प्रस॒क्षिणः॑ ।

येभि॒रप॑त्यं॒ मनु॑षः प॒रीय॑से॒ येभि॒र्विश्वं॒ स्व॑र्दृ॒शे ॥ ८.०४९.०८

a̱ji̱rāso̱ hara̍yo̱ ye ta̍ ā̱śavo̱ vātā̍ iva prasa̱kṣiṇa̍ḥ .

yebhi̱rapa̍tya̱ṃ manu̍ṣaḥ pa̱rīya̍se̱ yebhi̱rviśva̱ṃ sva̍rdṛ̱śe .. 8.049.08

8 Give us not as a prey to mortal enemy, nor to the wicked friend of fiends.
With conquering guards, auspicious, unassailable, protect us, O Most Youthful God.

Sloka : 8.49.9

ए॒ताव॑तस्त ईमह॒ इन्द्र॑ सु॒म्नस्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

यथा॒ प्रावो॑ मघव॒न्मेध्या॑तिथिं॒ यथा॒ नीपा॑तिथिं॒ धने॑ ॥ ८.०४९.०९

e̱tāva̍tasta īmaha̱ indra̍ su̱mnasya̱ goma̍taḥ .

yathā̱ prāvo̍ maghava̱nmedhyā̍tithi̱ṃ yathā̱ nīpā̍tithi̱ṃ dhane̍ .. 8.049.09

9 Protect us, Agni, through the first, protect us through the second hymn,
Protect us through three hymns, O Lord of Power and Might, through four hymns, Vasu, guard thou us.

Sloka : 8.49.10

यथा॒ कण्वे॑ मघवन्त्र॒सद॑स्यवि॒ यथा॑ प॒क्थे दश॑व्रजे ।

यथा॒ गोश॑र्ये॒ अस॑नोरृ॒जिश्व॒नीन्द्र॒ गोम॒द्धिर॑ण्यवत् ॥ ८.०४९.१०

yathā̱ kaṇve̍ maghavantra̱sada̍syavi̱ yathā̍ pa̱kthe daśa̍vraje .

yathā̱ gośa̍rye̱ asa̍norṛ̱jiśva̱nīndra̱ goma̱ddhira̍ṇyavat .. 8.049.10

10 Preserve us from each fiend who brings the Gods no gift, preserve thou us in deeds of strength:-
For we possess in thee the nearest Friend of all, for service of the Gods and weal.

Sloka : 8.50.1

प्र सु श्रु॒तं सु॒राध॑स॒मर्चा॑ श॒क्रम॒भिष्ट॑ये ।

यः सु॑न्व॒ते स्तु॑व॒ते काम्यं॒ वसु॑ स॒हस्रे॑णेव॒ मंह॑ते ॥ ८.०५०.०१

pra su śru̱taṃ su̱rādha̍sa̱marcā̍ śa̱krama̱bhiṣṭa̍ye .

yaḥ su̍nva̱te stu̍va̱te kāmya̱ṃ vasu̍ sa̱hasre̍ṇeva̱ maṃha̍te .. 8.050.01

1. BOTH boons,—may Indra, hitherward turned, listen to this prayer of ours,
And mightiest Maghavan with thought inclined to us come near to drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.50.2

श॒तानी॑का हे॒तयो॑ अस्य दु॒ष्टरा॒ इन्द्र॑स्य स॒मिषो॑ म॒हीः ।

गि॒रिर्न भु॒ज्मा म॒घव॑त्सु पिन्वते॒ यदीं॑ सु॒ता अम॑न्दिषुः ॥ ८.०५०.०२

śa̱tānī̍kā he̱tayo̍ asya du̱ṣṭarā̱ indra̍sya sa̱miṣo̍ ma̱hīḥ .

gi̱rirna bhu̱jmā ma̱ghava̍tsu pinvate̱ yadī̍ṃ su̱tā ama̍ndiṣuḥ .. 8.050.02

2 For him, strong, independent Ruler, Heaven and Earth have fashioned forth for power and might.
Thou seatest thee as first among thy peers in place, for thy soul longs for Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.50.3

यदीं॑ सु॒तास॒ इन्द॑वो॒ऽभि प्रि॒यमम॑न्दिषुः ।

आपो॒ न धा॑यि॒ सव॑नं म॒ आ व॑सो॒ दुघा॑ इ॒वोप॑ दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०५०.०३

yadī̍ṃ su̱tāsa̱ inda̍vo̱'bhi pri̱yamama̍ndiṣuḥ .

āpo̱ na dhā̍yi̱ sava̍naṃ ma̱ ā va̍so̱ dughā̍ i̱vopa̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.050.03

3 Fill thyself full, O Lord of wealth, O Indra, with the juice we shed.
We know thee, Lord of Bay Steeds victor in the fight, vanquishing e’en the invincible.

Sloka : 8.50.4

अ॒ने॒हसं॑ वो॒ हव॑मानमू॒तये॒ मध्वः॑ क्षरन्ति धी॒तयः॑ ।

आ त्वा॑ वसो॒ हव॑मानास॒ इन्द॑व॒ उप॑ स्तो॒त्रेषु॑ दधिरे ॥ ८.०५०.०४

a̱ne̱hasa̍ṃ vo̱ hava̍mānamū̱taye̱ madhva̍ḥ kṣaranti dhī̱taya̍ḥ .

ā tvā̍ vaso̱ hava̍mānāsa̱ inda̍va̱ upa̍ sto̱treṣu̍ dadhire .. 8.050.04

4 Changeless in truth, O Maghavan Indra, let it be as thou in wisdom willest it.
May we, O fair of check, win booty with thine aid, O Thunderer, swiftly seeking it.

Sloka : 8.50.5

आ नः॒ सोमे॑ स्वध्व॒र इ॑या॒नो अत्यो॒ न तो॑शते ।

यं ते॑ स्वदाव॒न्स्वद॑न्ति गू॒र्तयः॑ पौ॒रे छ॑न्दयसे॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.०५०.०५

ā na̱ḥ some̍ svadhva̱ra i̍yā̱no atyo̱ na to̍śate .

yaṃ te̍ svadāva̱nsvada̍nti gū̱rtaya̍ḥ pau̱re cha̍ndayase̱ hava̍m .. 8.050.05

5 Indra, with all thy saving helps give us assistance, Lord of power.
For after thee we follow even as glorious bliss, thee, Hero, finder-out of wealth.

Sloka : 8.50.6

प्र वी॒रमु॒ग्रं विवि॑चिं धन॒स्पृतं॒ विभू॑तिं॒ राध॑सो म॒हः ।

उ॒द्रीव॑ वज्रिन्नव॒तो व॑सुत्व॒ना सदा॑ पीपेथ दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०५०.०६

pra vī̱ramu̱graṃ vivi̍ciṃ dhana̱spṛta̱ṃ vibhū̍ti̱ṃ rādha̍so ma̱haḥ .

u̱drīva̍ vajrinnava̱to va̍sutva̱nā sadā̍ pīpetha dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.050.06

6 Increaser of our steeds and multiplying kine, a golden well, O God, art thou,
For no one may impair the gifts laid up in thee. Bring me whatever thing I ask.

Sloka : 8.50.7

यद्ध॑ नू॒नं प॑रा॒वति॒ यद्वा॑ पृथि॒व्यां दि॒वि ।

यु॒जा॒न इ॑न्द्र॒ हरि॑भिर्महेमत ऋ॒ष्व ऋ॒ष्वेभि॒रा ग॑हि ॥ ८.०५०.०७

yaddha̍ nū̱naṃ pa̍rā̱vati̱ yadvā̍ pṛthi̱vyāṃ di̱vi .

yu̱jā̱na i̍ndra̱ hari̍bhirmahemata ṛ̱ṣva ṛ̱ṣvebhi̱rā ga̍hi .. 8.050.07

7 For thou,—come to the worshipper!—wilt find great wealth to make us rich.
Fill thyself full, O Maghavan, for gain of kine, full, Indra, for the gain of steeds.

Sloka : 8.50.8

र॒थि॒रासो॒ हर॑यो॒ ये ते॑ अ॒स्रिध॒ ओजो॒ वात॑स्य॒ पिप्र॑ति ।

येभि॒र्नि दस्युं॒ मनु॑षो नि॒घोष॑यो॒ येभिः॒ स्वः॑ प॒रीय॑से ॥ ८.०५०.०८

ra̱thi̱rāso̱ hara̍yo̱ ye te̍ a̱sridha̱ ojo̱ vāta̍sya̱ pipra̍ti .

yebhi̱rni dasyu̱ṃ manu̍ṣo ni̱ghoṣa̍yo̱ yebhi̱ḥ sva̍ḥ pa̱rīya̍se .. 8.050.08

8 Thou as thy gift bestowest many hundred herds, yea, many thousands dost thou give.
With singers' hymns have we brought the Fort-render near, singing to Indra for his grace.

Sloka : 8.50.9

ए॒ताव॑तस्ते वसो वि॒द्याम॑ शूर॒ नव्य॑सः ।

यथा॒ प्राव॒ एत॑शं॒ कृत्व्ये॒ धने॒ यथा॒ वशं॒ दश॑व्रजे ॥ ८.०५०.०९

e̱tāva̍taste vaso vi̱dyāma̍ śūra̱ navya̍saḥ .

yathā̱ prāva̱ eta̍śa̱ṃ kṛtvye̱ dhane̱ yathā̱ vaśa̱ṃ daśa̍vraje .. 8.050.09

9 Whether the simple or the sage, Indra, have offered praise to thee,
He Śatakratu! by his love hath gladdened thee, ambitious! ever pressing on!

Sloka : 8.50.10

यथा॒ कण्वे॑ मघव॒न्मेधे॑ अध्व॒रे दी॒र्घनी॑थे॒ दमू॑नसि ।

यथा॒ गोश॑र्ये॒ असि॑षासो अद्रिवो॒ मयि॑ गो॒त्रं ह॑रि॒श्रिय॑म् ॥ ८.०५०.१०

yathā̱ kaṇve̍ maghava̱nmedhe̍ adhva̱re dī̱rghanī̍the̱ damū̍nasi .

yathā̱ gośa̍rye̱ asi̍ṣāso adrivo̱ mayi̍ go̱traṃ ha̍ri̱śriya̍m .. 8.050.10

10 If he the Strong of arm, the breaker-down of forts, the great Destroyer, hear my call,
We, seeking riches cry to Indra, Lord of wealth, to Śatakratu with our lauds.

Sloka : 8.51.1

यथा॒ मनौ॒ सांव॑रणौ॒ सोम॑मि॒न्द्रापि॑बः सु॒तम् ।

नीपा॑तिथौ मघव॒न्मेध्या॑तिथौ॒ पुष्टि॑गौ॒ श्रुष्टि॑गौ॒ सचा॑ ॥ ८.०५१.०१

yathā̱ manau̱ sāṃva̍raṇau̱ soma̍mi̱ndrāpi̍baḥ su̱tam .

nīpā̍tithau maghava̱nmedhyā̍tithau̱ puṣṭi̍gau̱ śruṣṭi̍gau̱ sacā̍ .. 8.051.01

1. OFFER ye up as praise to him that wherein Indra takes delight.
The Soma-bringers magnify Indra's great energy with hymns. Good are the gifts that Indra gives.

Sloka : 8.51.2

पा॒र्ष॒द्वा॒णः प्रस्क॑ण्वं॒ सम॑सादय॒च्छया॑नं॒ जिव्रि॒मुद्धि॑तम् ।

स॒हस्रा॑ण्यसिषास॒द्गवा॒मृषि॒स्त्वोतो॒ दस्य॑वे॒ वृकः॑ ॥ ८.०५१.०२

pā̱rṣa̱dvā̱ṇaḥ praska̍ṇva̱ṃ sama̍sādaya̱cchayā̍na̱ṃ jivri̱muddhi̍tam .

sa̱hasrā̍ṇyasiṣāsa̱dgavā̱mṛṣi̱stvoto̱ dasya̍ve̱ vṛka̍ḥ .. 8.051.02

2 Sole among chiefs, companionless, impetuous, and peerless, he
Hath waxen great o’er many folk, yea., over all things born, in might.

Sloka : 8.51.3

य उ॒क्थेभि॒र्न वि॒न्धते॑ चि॒किद्य ऋ॑षि॒चोद॑नः ।

इन्द्रं॒ तमच्छा॑ वद॒ नव्य॑स्या म॒त्यरि॑ष्यन्तं॒ न भोज॑से ॥ ८.०५१.०३

ya u̱kthebhi̱rna vi̱ndhate̍ ci̱kidya ṛ̍ṣi̱coda̍naḥ .

indra̱ṃ tamacchā̍ vada̱ navya̍syā ma̱tyari̍ṣyanta̱ṃ na bhoja̍se .. 8.051.03

3 Lord of swift bounty, he will win e’en with a steed of worthless sort.
This, Indra, must be told of thee who wilt perform heroic deeds.

Sloka : 8.51.4

यस्मा॑ अ॒र्कं स॒प्तशी॑र्षाणमानृ॒चुस्त्रि॒धातु॑मुत्त॒मे प॒दे ।

स त्वि१॒॑मा विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि चिक्रद॒दादिज्ज॑निष्ट॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ८.०५१.०४

yasmā̍ a̱rkaṃ sa̱ptaśī̍rṣāṇamānṛ̱custri̱dhātu̍mutta̱me pa̱de .

sa tvi1̱̍mā viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni cikrada̱dādijja̍niṣṭa̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 8.051.04

4 Come to us hither:- let us pay devotions that enhance thy might,
For which, Most Potent! thou wouldst fain bless the man here who strives for fame.

Sloka : 8.51.5

यो नो॑ दा॒ता वसू॑ना॒मिन्द्रं॒ तं हू॑महे व॒यम् ।

वि॒द्मा ह्य॑स्य सुम॒तिं नवी॑यसीं ग॒मेम॒ गोम॑ति व्र॒जे ॥ ८.०५१.०५

yo no̍ dā̱tā vasū̍nā̱mindra̱ṃ taṃ hū̍mahe va̱yam .

vi̱dmā hya̍sya suma̱tiṃ navī̍yasīṃ ga̱mema̱ goma̍ti vra̱je .. 8.051.05

5 For thou, O Indra, makest yet more bold the spirit of the bold
Who with strong Soma serveth thee, still ready with his reverent prayers.

Sloka : 8.51.6

यस्मै॒ त्वं व॑सो दा॒नाय॒ शिक्ष॑सि॒ स रा॒यस्पोष॑मश्नुते ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं म॑घवन्निन्द्र गिर्वणः सु॒ताव॑न्तो हवामहे ॥ ८.०५१.०६

yasmai̱ tvaṃ va̍so dā̱nāya̱ śikṣa̍si̱ sa rā̱yaspoṣa̍maśnute .

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ ma̍ghavannindra girvaṇaḥ su̱tāva̍nto havāmahe .. 8.051.06

6 Worthy of song, he looketh down as a man looketh into wells.
Pleased with the Soma-bringer's skill he maketh him his mate and friend.

Sloka : 8.51.7

क॒दा च॒न स्त॒रीर॑सि॒ नेन्द्र॑ सश्चसि दा॒शुषे॑ ।

उपो॒पेन्नु म॑घव॒न्भूय॒ इन्नु ते॒ दानं॑ दे॒वस्य॑ पृच्यते ॥ ८.०५१.०७

ka̱dā ca̱na sta̱rīra̍si̱ nendra̍ saścasi dā̱śuṣe̍ .

upo̱pennu ma̍ghava̱nbhūya̱ innu te̱ dāna̍ṃ de̱vasya̍ pṛcyate .. 8.051.07

7 In strength and wisdom all the Gods, Indra, have yielded unto thee.
Be thou the Guard of all, O thou whom many praise.

Sloka : 8.51.8

प्र यो न॑न॒क्षे अ॒भ्योज॑सा॒ क्रिविं॑ व॒धैः शुष्णं॑ निघो॒षय॑न् ।

य॒देदस्त॑म्भीत्प्र॒थय॑न्न॒मूं दिव॒मादिज्ज॑निष्ट॒ पार्थि॑वः ॥ ८.०५१.०८

pra yo na̍na̱kṣe a̱bhyoja̍sā̱ krivi̍ṃ va̱dhaiḥ śuṣṇa̍ṃ nigho̱ṣaya̍n .

ya̱dedasta̍mbhītpra̱thaya̍nna̱mūṃ diva̱mādijja̍niṣṭa̱ pārthi̍vaḥ .. 8.051.08

8 Praised, Indra, is this might of thine, best for the service of the Gods,
That thou with power dost slay Vṛtra, O Lord of Strength.

Sloka : 8.51.9

यस्या॒यं विश्व॒ आर्यो॒ दासः॑ शेवधि॒पा अ॒रिः ।

ति॒रश्चि॑द॒र्ये रुश॑मे॒ परी॑रवि॒ तुभ्येत्सो अ॑ज्यते र॒यिः ॥ ८.०५१.०९

yasyā̱yaṃ viśva̱ āryo̱ dāsa̍ḥ śevadhi̱pā a̱riḥ .

ti̱raści̍da̱rye ruśa̍me̱ parī̍ravi̱ tubhyetso a̍jyate ra̱yiḥ .. 8.051.09

9 He makes the races of mankind like synods of the Beauteous One.
Indra knows this his manifest deed, and is renowned.

Sloka : 8.51.10

तु॒र॒ण्यवो॒ मधु॑मन्तं घृत॒श्चुतं॒ विप्रा॑सो अ॒र्कमा॑नृचुः ।

अ॒स्मे र॒यिः प॑प्रथे॒ वृष्ण्यं॒ शवो॒ऽस्मे सु॑वा॒नास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ८.०५१.१०

tu̱ra̱ṇyavo̱ madhu̍mantaṃ ghṛta̱ścuta̱ṃ viprā̍so a̱rkamā̍nṛcuḥ .

a̱sme ra̱yiḥ pa̍prathe̱ vṛṣṇya̱ṃ śavo̱'sme su̍vā̱nāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 8.051.10

10 Thy might, O Indra, at its birth, thee also, and thy mental power,
In thy care, Maghavan rich in kine! they have increased exceedingly.

Sloka : 8.52.1

यथा॒ मनौ॒ विव॑स्वति॒ सोमं॑ श॒क्रापि॑बः सु॒तम् ।

यथा॑ त्रि॒ते छन्द॑ इन्द्र॒ जुजो॑षस्या॒यौ मा॑दयसे॒ सचा॑ ॥ ८.०५२.०१

yathā̱ manau̱ viva̍svati̱ soma̍ṃ śa̱krāpi̍baḥ su̱tam .

yathā̍ tri̱te chanda̍ indra̱ jujo̍ṣasyā̱yau mā̍dayase̱ sacā̍ .. 8.052.01

1. WITH powers of Mighty Ones hath he, Ancient, Beloved, been equipped,
Through whom the Father Manu made prayers efficacious with the Gods.

Sloka : 8.52.2

पृष॑ध्रे॒ मेध्ये॑ मात॒रिश्व॒नीन्द्र॑ सुवा॒ने अम॑न्दथाः ।

यथा॒ सोमं॒ दश॑शिप्रे॒ दशो॑ण्ये॒ स्यूम॑रश्मा॒वृजू॑नसि ॥ ८.०५२.०२

pṛṣa̍dhre̱ medhye̍ māta̱riśva̱nīndra̍ suvā̱ne ama̍ndathāḥ .

yathā̱ soma̱ṃ daśa̍śipre̱ daśo̍ṇye̱ syūma̍raśmā̱vṛjū̍nasi .. 8.052.02

2 Him, Maker of the sky, let stones wet with the Soma ne’er forsake,
Nor hymns and prayer that must be said.

Sloka : 8.52.3

य उ॒क्था केव॑ला द॒धे यः सोमं॑ धृषि॒तापि॑बत् ।

यस्मै॒ विष्णु॒स्त्रीणि॑ प॒दा वि॑चक्र॒म उप॑ मि॒त्रस्य॒ धर्म॑भिः ॥ ८.०५२.०३

ya u̱kthā keva̍lā da̱dhe yaḥ soma̍ṃ dhṛṣi̱tāpi̍bat .

yasmai̱ viṣṇu̱strīṇi̍ pa̱dā vi̍cakra̱ma upa̍ mi̱trasya̱ dharma̍bhiḥ .. 8.052.03

3 Indra who knew full well disclosed the kine to the Aṅgirases.
This his great deed must be extolled.

Sloka : 8.52.4

यस्य॒ त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ स्तोमे॑षु चा॒कनो॒ वाजे॑ वाजिञ्छतक्रतो ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं सु॒दुघा॑मिव गो॒दुहो॑ जुहू॒मसि॑ श्रव॒स्यवः॑ ॥ ८.०५२.०४

yasya̱ tvami̍ndra̱ stome̍ṣu cā̱kano̱ vāje̍ vājiñchatakrato .

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ su̱dughā̍miva go̱duho̍ juhū̱masi̍ śrava̱syava̍ḥ .. 8.052.04

4 Indra, promoter of the song, the sage's Strengthener as of old,
Shall come to bless and succour us at presentation of this laud.

Sloka : 8.52.5

यो नो॑ दा॒ता स नः॑ पि॒ता म॒हाँ उ॒ग्र ई॑शान॒कृत् ।

अया॑मन्नु॒ग्रो म॒घवा॑ पुरू॒वसु॒र्गोरश्व॑स्य॒ प्र दा॑तु नः ॥ ८.०५२.०५

yo no̍ dā̱tā sa na̍ḥ pi̱tā ma̱hām̐ u̱gra ī̍śāna̱kṛt .

ayā̍mannu̱gro ma̱ghavā̍ purū̱vasu̱rgoraśva̍sya̱ pra dā̍tu naḥ .. 8.052.05

5 Now after their desire's intent the pious singers with the cry
Of Hail! have sung loud hymns to thee, Indra, to gain a stall of kine.

Sloka : 8.52.6

यस्मै॒ त्वं व॑सो दा॒नाय॒ मंह॑से॒ स रा॒यस्पोष॑मिन्वति ।

व॒सू॒यवो॒ वसु॑पतिं श॒तक्र॑तुं॒ स्तोमै॒रिन्द्रं॑ हवामहे ॥ ८.०५२.०६

yasmai̱ tvaṃ va̍so dā̱nāya̱ maṃha̍se̱ sa rā̱yaspoṣa̍minvati .

va̱sū̱yavo̱ vasu̍patiṃ śa̱takra̍tu̱ṃ stomai̱rindra̍ṃ havāmahe .. 8.052.06

6 With Indra rest all deeds of might, deeds done and yet to be performed,
Whom singers know devoid of guile.

Sloka : 8.52.7

क॒दा च॒न प्र यु॑च्छस्यु॒भे नि पा॑सि॒ जन्म॑नी ।

तुरी॑यादित्य॒ हव॑नं त इन्द्रि॒यमा त॑स्थाव॒मृतं॑ दि॒वि ॥ ८.०५२.०७

ka̱dā ca̱na pra yu̍cchasyu̱bhe ni pā̍si̱ janma̍nī .

turī̍yāditya̱ hava̍naṃ ta indri̱yamā ta̍sthāva̱mṛta̍ṃ di̱vi .. 8.052.07

7 When the Five Tribes with all their men to Indra have sent out their voice,
And when the priest hath strewn much grass, this is the Friend's own dwelling-place.

Sloka : 8.52.8

यस्मै॒ त्वं म॑घवन्निन्द्र गिर्वणः॒ शिक्षो॒ शिक्ष॑सि दा॒शुषे॑ ।

अ॒स्माकं॒ गिर॑ उ॒त सु॑ष्टु॒तिं व॑सो कण्व॒वच्छृ॑णुधी॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.०५२.०८

yasmai̱ tvaṃ ma̍ghavannindra girvaṇa̱ḥ śikṣo̱ śikṣa̍si dā̱śuṣe̍ .

a̱smāka̱ṃ gira̍ u̱ta su̍ṣṭu̱tiṃ va̍so kaṇva̱vacchṛ̍ṇudhī̱ hava̍m .. 8.052.08

8 This praise is verily thine own:- thou hast performed these manly deeds,
And sped the wheel upon its way.

Sloka : 8.52.9

अस्ता॑वि॒ मन्म॑ पू॒र्व्यं ब्रह्मेन्द्रा॑य वोचत ।

पू॒र्वीरृ॒तस्य॑ बृह॒तीर॑नूषत स्तो॒तुर्मे॒धा अ॑सृक्षत ॥ ८.०५२.०९

astā̍vi̱ manma̍ pū̱rvyaṃ brahmendrā̍ya vocata .

pū̱rvīrṛ̱tasya̍ bṛha̱tīra̍nūṣata sto̱turme̱dhā a̍sṛkṣata .. 8.052.09

9 At the o’erflowing of this Steer, boldly he strode for life, and took
Soma as cattle take their corn.

Sloka : 8.52.10

समिन्द्रो॒ रायो॑ बृह॒तीर॑धूनुत॒ सं क्षो॒णी समु॒ सूर्य॑म् ।

सं शु॒क्रासः॒ शुच॑यः॒ सं गवा॑शिरः॒ सोमा॒ इन्द्र॑ममन्दिषुः ॥ ८.०५२.१०

samindro̱ rāyo̍ bṛha̱tīra̍dhūnuta̱ saṃ kṣo̱ṇī samu̱ sūrya̍m .

saṃ śu̱krāsa̱ḥ śuca̍ya̱ḥ saṃ gavā̍śira̱ḥ somā̱ indra̍mamandiṣuḥ .. 8.052.10

10 Receiving this and craving help, we, who with you are Dakṣa's sons,
Would fain exalt the Maruts’ Lord.

Sloka : 8.53.1

उ॒प॒मं त्वा॑ म॒घोनां॒ ज्येष्ठं॑ च वृष॒भाणा॑म् ।

पू॒र्भित्त॑मं मघवन्निन्द्र गो॒विद॒मीशा॑नं रा॒य ई॑महे ॥ ८.०५३.०१

u̱pa̱maṃ tvā̍ ma̱ghonā̱ṃ jyeṣṭha̍ṃ ca vṛṣa̱bhāṇā̍m .

pū̱rbhitta̍maṃ maghavannindra go̱vida̱mīśā̍naṃ rā̱ya ī̍mahe .. 8.053.01

1. MAY our hymns give thee great delight. Display thy bounty, Thunderer.
Drive off the enemies of prayer.

Sloka : 8.53.2

य आ॒युं कुत्स॑मतिथि॒ग्वमर्द॑यो वावृधा॒नो दि॒वेदि॑वे ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं हर्य॑श्वं श॒तक्र॑तुं वाज॒यन्तो॑ हवामहे ॥ ८.०५३.०२

ya ā̱yuṃ kutsa̍matithi̱gvamarda̍yo vāvṛdhā̱no di̱vedi̍ve .

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ harya̍śvaṃ śa̱takra̍tuṃ vāja̱yanto̍ havāmahe .. 8.053.02

2 Crush with thy foot the niggard churls who bring no gifts. Mighty art thou
There is not one to equal thee.

Sloka : 8.53.3

आ नो॒ विश्वे॑षां॒ रसं॒ मध्वः॑ सिञ्च॒न्त्वद्र॑यः ।

ये प॑रा॒वति॑ सुन्वि॒रे जने॒ष्वा ये अ॑र्वा॒वतीन्द॑वः ॥ ८.०५३.०३

ā no̱ viśve̍ṣā̱ṃ rasa̱ṃ madhva̍ḥ siñca̱ntvadra̍yaḥ .

ye pa̍rā̱vati̍ sunvi̱re jane̱ṣvā ye a̍rvā̱vatīnda̍vaḥ .. 8.053.03

3 Thou art the Lord of Soma pressed, Soma impressed is also thine.
Thou art the Sovran of the folk.

Sloka : 8.53.4

विश्वा॒ द्वेषां॑सि ज॒हि चाव॒ चा कृ॑धि॒ विश्वे॑ सन्व॒न्त्वा वसु॑ ।

शीष्टे॑षु चित्ते मदि॒रासो॑ अं॒शवो॒ यत्रा॒ सोम॑स्य तृ॒म्पसि॑ ॥ ८.०५३.०४

viśvā̱ dveṣā̍ṃsi ja̱hi cāva̱ cā kṛ̍dhi̱ viśve̍ sanva̱ntvā vasu̍ .

śīṣṭe̍ṣu citte madi̱rāso̍ a̱ṃśavo̱ yatrā̱ soma̍sya tṛ̱mpasi̍ .. 8.053.04

4 Come, go thou forth, dwelling in heaven and listening to the prayers of men:-
Thou fillest both the heavens and earth.

Sloka : 8.53.5

इन्द्र॒ नेदी॑य॒ एदि॑हि मि॒तमे॑धाभिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

आ शं॑तम॒ शंत॑माभिर॒भिष्टि॑भि॒रा स्वा॑पे स्वा॒पिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०५३.०५

indra̱ nedī̍ya̱ edi̍hi mi̱tame̍dhābhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

ā śa̍ṃtama̱ śaṃta̍mābhira̱bhiṣṭi̍bhi̱rā svā̍pe svā̱pibhi̍ḥ .. 8.053.05

5 Even that hill with rocky heights, with hundreds, thousands, held within.
Thou for thy worshippers brakest through.

Sloka : 8.53.6

आ॒जि॒तुरं॒ सत्प॑तिं वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिं कृ॒धि प्र॒जास्वाभ॑गम् ।

प्र सू ति॑रा॒ शची॑भि॒र्ये त॑ उ॒क्थिनः॒ क्रतुं॑ पुन॒त आ॑नु॒षक् ॥ ८.०५३.०६

ā̱ji̱tura̱ṃ satpa̍tiṃ vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇiṃ kṛ̱dhi pra̱jāsvābha̍gam .

pra sū ti̍rā̱ śacī̍bhi̱rye ta̍ u̱kthina̱ḥ kratu̍ṃ puna̱ta ā̍nu̱ṣak .. 8.053.06

6 We call on thee both night and day to taste the flowing Soma juice:-
Do thou fulfil our heart's desire.

Sloka : 8.53.7

यस्ते॒ साधि॒ष्ठोऽव॑से॒ ते स्या॑म॒ भरे॑षु ते ।

व॒यं होत्रा॑भिरु॒त दे॒वहू॑तिभिः सस॒वांसो॑ मनामहे ॥ ८.०५३.०७

yaste̱ sādhi̱ṣṭho'va̍se̱ te syā̍ma̱ bhare̍ṣu te .

va̱yaṃ hotrā̍bhiru̱ta de̱vahū̍tibhiḥ sasa̱vāṃso̍ manāmahe .. 8.053.07

7 Where is that ever-youthful Steer, strong. necked and never yet bent down?
What Brahman ministers to him?

Sloka : 8.53.8

अ॒हं हि ते॑ हरिवो॒ ब्रह्म॑ वाज॒युरा॒जिं यामि॒ सदो॒तिभिः॑ ।

त्वामिदे॒व तममे॒ सम॑श्व॒युर्ग॒व्युरग्रे॑ मथी॒नाम् ॥ ८.०५३.०८

a̱haṃ hi te̍ harivo̱ brahma̍ vāja̱yurā̱jiṃ yāmi̱ sado̱tibhi̍ḥ .

tvāmide̱va tamame̱ sama̍śva̱yurga̱vyuragre̍ mathī̱nām .. 8.053.08

8 To whose libation doth the Steer, betake him with delight therein?
Who takes delight in Indra now?

Sloka : 8.54.1

ए॒तत्त॑ इन्द्र वी॒र्यं॑ गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णन्ति॑ का॒रवः॑ ।

ते स्तोभ॑न्त॒ ऊर्ज॑मावन्घृत॒श्चुतं॑ पौ॒रासो॑ नक्षन्धी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०५४.०१

e̱tatta̍ indra vī̱rya̍ṃ gī̱rbhirgṛ̱ṇanti̍ kā̱rava̍ḥ .

te stobha̍nta̱ ūrja̍māvanghṛta̱ścuta̍ṃ pau̱rāso̍ nakṣandhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 8.054.01

1. THOUGH, Indra, thou art called by men from east and west, from north and south,
Come hither quickly with fleet steeds

Sloka : 8.54.2

नक्ष॑न्त॒ इन्द्र॒मव॑से सुकृ॒त्यया॒ येषां॑ सु॒तेषु॒ मन्द॑से ।

यथा॑ संव॒र्ते अम॑दो॒ यथा॑ कृ॒श ए॒वास्मे इ॑न्द्र मत्स्व ॥ ८.०५४.०२

nakṣa̍nta̱ indra̱mava̍se sukṛ̱tyayā̱ yeṣā̍ṃ su̱teṣu̱ manda̍se .

yathā̍ saṃva̱rte ama̍do̱ yathā̍ kṛ̱śa e̱vāsme i̍ndra matsva .. 8.054.02

2 If in the effluence of heaven, rich in its light, thou takest joy,
Or in the sea in Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.54.3

आ नो॒ विश्वे॑ स॒जोष॑सो॒ देवा॑सो॒ गन्त॒नोप॑ नः ।

वस॑वो रु॒द्रा अव॑से न॒ आ ग॑मञ्छृ॒ण्वन्तु॑ म॒रुतो॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.०५४.०३

ā no̱ viśve̍ sa̱joṣa̍so̱ devā̍so̱ ganta̱nopa̍ naḥ .

vasa̍vo ru̱drā ava̍se na̱ ā ga̍mañchṛ̱ṇvantu̍ ma̱ruto̱ hava̍m .. 8.054.03

3 With songs I call thee, Great and Wide, even as a cow to profit us,
Indra, to drink the Soma-draught.

Sloka : 8.54.4

पू॒षा विष्णु॒र्हव॑नं मे॒ सर॑स्व॒त्यव॑न्तु स॒प्त सिन्ध॑वः ।

आपो॒ वातः॒ पर्व॑तासो॒ वन॒स्पतिः॑ श‍ृ॒णोतु॑ पृथि॒वी हव॑म् ॥ ८.०५४.०४

pū̱ṣā viṣṇu̱rhava̍naṃ me̱ sara̍sva̱tyava̍ntu sa̱pta sindha̍vaḥ .

āpo̱ vāta̱ḥ parva̍tāso̱ vana̱spati̍ḥ śṛ̱ṇotu̍ pṛthi̱vī hava̍m .. 8.054.04

4 Hither, O Indra, let thy Bays bear up and, bring upon thy car
Thy glory, God! and majesty.

Sloka : 8.54.5

यदि॑न्द्र॒ राधो॒ अस्ति॑ ते॒ माघो॑नं मघवत्तम ।

तेन॑ नो बोधि सध॒माद्यो॑ वृ॒धे भगो॑ दा॒नाय॑ वृत्रहन् ॥ ८.०५४.०५

yadi̍ndra̱ rādho̱ asti̍ te̱ māgho̍naṃ maghavattama .

tena̍ no bodhi sadha̱mādyo̍ vṛ̱dhe bhago̍ dā̱nāya̍ vṛtrahan .. 8.054.05

5 Thou, Indra, wouldst be sung and praised as great, strong, lordly in thy deeds
Come hither, drink our Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.54.6

आजि॑पते नृपते॒ त्वमिद्धि नो॒ वाज॒ आ व॑क्षि सुक्रतो ।

वी॒ती होत्रा॑भिरु॒त दे॒ववी॑तिभिः सस॒वांसो॒ वि श‍ृ॑ण्विरे ॥ ८.०५४.०६

āji̍pate nṛpate̱ tvamiddhi no̱ vāja̱ ā va̍kṣi sukrato .

vī̱tī hotrā̍bhiru̱ta de̱vavī̍tibhiḥ sasa̱vāṃso̱ vi śṛ̍ṇvire .. 8.054.06

6 We who have shed the Soma and prepared the feast are calling thee.
To sit on this our sacred grass.

Sloka : 8.54.7

सन्ति॒ ह्य१॒॑र्य आ॒शिष॒ इन्द्र॒ आयु॒र्जना॑नाम् ।

अ॒स्मान्न॑क्षस्व मघव॒न्नुपाव॑से धु॒क्षस्व॑ पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॑म् ॥ ८.०५४.०७

santi̱ hya1̱̍rya ā̱śiṣa̱ indra̱ āyu̱rjanā̍nām .

a̱smānna̍kṣasva maghava̱nnupāva̍se dhu̱kṣasva̍ pi̱pyuṣī̱miṣa̍m .. 8.054.07

7 As, Indra, thou art evermore the common Lord of all alike,
As such we invocate thee now.

Sloka : 8.54.8

व॒यं त॑ इन्द्र॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्विधेम॒ त्वम॒स्माकं॑ शतक्रतो ।

महि॑ स्थू॒रं श॑श॒यं राधो॒ अह्र॑यं॒ प्रस्क॑ण्वाय॒ नि तो॑शय ॥ ८.०५४.०८

va̱yaṃ ta̍ indra̱ stome̍bhirvidhema̱ tvama̱smāka̍ṃ śatakrato .

mahi̍ sthū̱raṃ śa̍śa̱yaṃ rādho̱ ahra̍ya̱ṃ praska̍ṇvāya̱ ni to̍śaya .. 8.054.08

8 The men with stones have milked for thee this nectar of the Soma juice:-
Indra, be pleased with it, and drink.

Sloka : 8.55.1

भूरीदिन्द्र॑स्य वी॒र्यं१॒॑ व्यख्य॑म॒भ्याय॑ति ।

राध॑स्ते दस्यवे वृक ॥ ८.०५५.०१

bhūrīdindra̍sya vī̱ryaṃ1̱̍ vyakhya̍ma̱bhyāya̍ti .

rādha̍ste dasyave vṛka .. 8.055.01

1. LOUD singing at the sacred rite where Soma flows we priests invoke
With haste, that he may help, as the bard's Cherisher, Indra who findeth wealth for you.

Sloka : 8.55.2

श॒तं श्वे॒तास॑ उ॒क्षणो॑ दि॒वि तारो॒ न रो॑चन्ते ।

म॒ह्ना दिवं॒ न त॑स्तभुः ॥ ८.०५५.०२

śa̱taṃ śve̱tāsa̍ u̱kṣaṇo̍ di̱vi tāro̱ na ro̍cante .

ma̱hnā diva̱ṃ na ta̍stabhuḥ .. 8.055.02

2. Whom with fair helm, in rapture of the juice, the firm resistless slayers hinder not:-
Giver of glorious wealth to him who sing a his praise, honouring him who toils and pours:-

Sloka : 8.55.3

श॒तं वे॒णूञ्छ॒तं शुनः॑ श॒तं चर्मा॑णि म्ला॒तानि॑ ।

श॒तं मे॑ बल्बजस्तु॒का अरु॑षीणां॒ चतुः॑शतम् ॥ ८.०५५.०३

śa̱taṃ ve̱ṇūñcha̱taṃ śuna̍ḥ śa̱taṃ carmā̍ṇi mlā̱tāni̍ .

śa̱taṃ me̍ balbajastu̱kā aru̍ṣīṇā̱ṃ catu̍ḥśatam .. 8.055.03

3 Śakra, who like a curry-comb for horses or a golden goad,
Indra, the Vṛtra-slayer, urges eagerly the opening of the stall of kine:-

Sloka : 8.55.4

सु॒दे॒वाः स्थ॑ काण्वायना॒ वयो॑वयो विच॒रन्तः॑ ।

अश्वा॑सो॒ न च॑ङ्क्रमत ॥ ८.०५५.०४

su̱de̱vāḥ stha̍ kāṇvāyanā̱ vayo̍vayo vica̱ranta̍ḥ .

aśvā̍so̱ na ca̍ṅkramata .. 8.055.04

4 Who for the worshipper scatters forth ample wealth, even though buried, piled in heaps:-
May Indra, Lord of Bay Steeds, fair-helmed Thunderer, act at his pleasure, as he lists.

Sloka : 8.55.5

आदित्सा॒प्तस्य॑ चर्किर॒न्नानू॑नस्य॒ महि॒ श्रवः॑ ।

श्यावी॑रतिध्व॒सन्प॒थश्चक्षु॑षा च॒न सं॒नशे॑ ॥ ८.०५५.०५

āditsā̱ptasya̍ carkira̱nnānū̍nasya̱ mahi̱ śrava̍ḥ .

śyāvī̍ratidhva̱sanpa̱thaścakṣu̍ṣā ca̱na sa̱ṃnaśe̍ .. 8.055.05

5 Hero whom many praise, what thou hast longed for, oven of old, from men.
All that we offer unto thee, O Indra, now, sacrifice, laud, effectual speech.

Sloka : 8.56.1

प्रति॑ ते दस्यवे वृक॒ राधो॑ अद॒र्श्यह्र॑यम् ।

द्यौर्न प्र॑थि॒ना शवः॑ ॥ ८.०५६.०१

prati̍ te dasyave vṛka̱ rādho̍ ada̱rśyahra̍yam .

dyaurna pra̍thi̱nā śava̍ḥ .. 8.056.01

1. Now pray we to these Ksatriyas, to the Ādityas for their aid,
These who are gracious to assist.

Sloka : 8.56.2

दश॒ मह्यं॑ पौतक्र॒तः स॒हस्रा॒ दस्य॑वे॒ वृकः॑ ।

नित्या॑द्रा॒यो अ॑मंहत ॥ ८.०५६.०२

daśa̱ mahya̍ṃ pautakra̱taḥ sa̱hasrā̱ dasya̍ve̱ vṛka̍ḥ .

nityā̍drā̱yo a̍maṃhata .. 8.056.02

2 May Mitra bear us o’er distress, and Varuṇa and Aryaman,
Yea, the Ādityas, as they know.

Sloka : 8.56.3

श॒तं मे॑ गर्द॒भानां॑ श॒तमूर्णा॑वतीनाम् ।

श॒तं दा॒साँ अति॒ स्रजः॑ ॥ ८.०५६.०३

śa̱taṃ me̍ garda̱bhānā̍ṃ śa̱tamūrṇā̍vatīnām .

śa̱taṃ dā̱sām̐ ati̱ sraja̍ḥ .. 8.056.03

3 For wonderful and meet for praise is these Ādityas’ saving help
To him who offers and prepares.

Sloka : 8.56.4

तत्रो॒ अपि॒ प्राणी॑यत पू॒तक्र॑तायै॒ व्य॑क्ता ।

अश्वा॑ना॒मिन्न यू॒थ्या॑म् ॥ ८.०५६.०४

tatro̱ api̱ prāṇī̍yata pū̱takra̍tāyai̱ vya̍ktā .

aśvā̍nā̱minna yū̱thyā̍m .. 8.056.04

4 The mighty aid of you, the Great, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
We claim to be our sure defence.

Sloka : 8.56.5

अचे॑त्य॒ग्निश्चि॑कि॒तुर्ह॑व्य॒वाट् स सु॒मद्र॑थः ।

अ॒ग्निः शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॑ बृ॒हत्सूरो॑ अरोचत दि॒वि सूर्यो॑ अरोचत ॥ ८.०५६.०५

ace̍tya̱gniści̍ki̱turha̍vya̱vāṭ sa su̱madra̍thaḥ .

a̱gniḥ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̍ bṛ̱hatsūro̍ arocata di̱vi sūryo̍ arocata .. 8.056.05

5 Guard us, Ādityas, still alive, before the deadly weapon strike:-
Are yc not they who hear our call?

Sloka : 8.57.1

यु॒वं दे॑वा॒ क्रतु॑ना पू॒र्व्येण॑ यु॒क्ता रथे॑न तवि॒षं य॑जत्रा ।

आग॑च्छतं नासत्या॒ शची॑भिरि॒दं तृ॒तीयं॒ सव॑नं पिबाथः ॥ ८.०५७.०१

yu̱vaṃ de̍vā̱ kratu̍nā pū̱rvyeṇa̍ yu̱ktā rathe̍na tavi̱ṣaṃ ya̍jatrā .

āga̍cchataṃ nāsatyā̱ śacī̍bhiri̱daṃ tṛ̱tīya̱ṃ sava̍naṃ pibāthaḥ .. 8.057.01

1. EVEN as a car to give us aid, we draw thee hither for our bliss,
Strong in thy deeds, checking assault, Lord, Mightiest Indra, of the brave!

Sloka : 8.57.2

यु॒वां दे॒वास्त्रय॑ एकाद॒शासः॑ स॒त्याः स॒त्यस्य॑ ददृशे पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।

अ॒स्माकं॑ य॒ज्ञं सव॑नं जुषा॒णा पा॒तं सोम॑मश्विना॒ दीद्य॑ग्नी ॥ ८.०५७.०२

yu̱vāṃ de̱vāstraya̍ ekāda̱śāsa̍ḥ sa̱tyāḥ sa̱tyasya̍ dadṛśe pu̱rastā̍t .

a̱smāka̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ sava̍naṃ juṣā̱ṇā pā̱taṃ soma̍maśvinā̱ dīdya̍gnī .. 8.057.02

2 Great in thy power and wisdom, Strong, with thought that comprehendeth all
Thou hast filled full with majesty.

Sloka : 8.57.3

प॒नाय्यं॒ तद॑श्विना कृ॒तं वां॑ वृष॒भो दि॒वो रज॑सः पृथि॒व्याः ।

स॒हस्रं॒ शंसा॑ उ॒त ये गवि॑ष्टौ॒ सर्वा॒ँ इत्ताँ उप॑ याता॒ पिब॑ध्यै ॥ ८.०५७.०३

pa̱nāyya̱ṃ tada̍śvinā kṛ̱taṃ vā̍ṃ vṛṣa̱bho di̱vo raja̍saḥ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .

sa̱hasra̱ṃ śaṃsā̍ u̱ta ye gavi̍ṣṭau̱ sarvā̱m̐ ittām̐ upa̍ yātā̱ piba̍dhyai .. 8.057.03

3 Thou very Mighty One, whose hands by virtue of thy greatness grasp,
The golden bolt that breaks its way.

Sloka : 8.57.4

अ॒यं वां॑ भा॒गो निहि॑तो यजत्रे॒मा गिरो॑ नास॒त्योप॑ यातम् ।

पिब॑तं॒ सोमं॒ मधु॑मन्तम॒स्मे प्र दा॒श्वांस॑मवतं॒ शची॑भिः ॥ ८.०५७.०४

a̱yaṃ vā̍ṃ bhā̱go nihi̍to yajatre̱mā giro̍ nāsa̱tyopa̍ yātam .

piba̍ta̱ṃ soma̱ṃ madhu̍mantama̱sme pra dā̱śvāṃsa̍mavata̱ṃ śacī̍bhiḥ .. 8.057.04

4 Your Lord of might that ne’er hath bent, that ruleth over all mankind,
I call, that he, as he is wont, may aid the chariots and the men.

Sloka : 8.58.1

यमृ॒त्विजो॑ बहु॒धा क॒ल्पय॑न्तः॒ सचे॑तसो य॒ज्ञमि॒मं वह॑न्ति ।

यो अ॑नूचा॒नो ब्रा॑ह्म॒णो यु॒क्त आ॑सी॒त्का स्वि॒त्तत्र॒ यज॑मानस्य सं॒वित् ॥ ८.०५८.०१

yamṛ̱tvijo̍ bahu̱dhā ka̱lpaya̍nta̱ḥ sace̍taso ya̱jñami̱maṃ vaha̍nti .

yo a̍nūcā̱no brā̍hma̱ṇo yu̱kta ā̍sī̱tkā svi̱ttatra̱ yaja̍mānasya sa̱ṃvit .. 8.058.01

1. I SEND you forth the song of praise for Indu, hero-gladdener.
With hymn and plenty he invites you to complete the sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.58.2

एक॑ ए॒वाग्निर्ब॑हु॒धा समि॑द्ध॒ एकः॒ सूर्यो॒ विश्व॒मनु॒ प्रभू॑तः ।

एकै॒वोषाः सर्व॑मि॒दं वि भा॒त्येकं॒ वा इ॒दं वि ब॑भूव॒ सर्व॑म् ॥ ८.०५८.०२

eka̍ e̱vāgnirba̍hu̱dhā sami̍ddha̱ eka̱ḥ sūryo̱ viśva̱manu̱ prabhū̍taḥ .

ekai̱voṣāḥ sarva̍mi̱daṃ vi bhā̱tyeka̱ṃ vā i̱daṃ vi ba̍bhūva̱ sarva̍m .. 8.058.02

2 Thou wishest for thy kine a bull, for those who long for his approach,
For those who turn away from him, lord of thy cows whom none may kill.

Sloka : 8.58.3

ज्योति॑ष्मन्तं केतु॒मन्तं॑ त्रिच॒क्रं सु॒खं रथं॑ सु॒षदं॒ भूरि॑वारम् ।

चि॒त्राम॑घा॒ यस्य॒ योगे॑ऽधिजज्ञे॒ तं वां॑ हु॒वे अति॑ रिक्तं॒ पिब॑ध्यै ॥ ८.०५८.०३

jyoti̍ṣmantaṃ ketu̱manta̍ṃ trica̱kraṃ su̱khaṃ ratha̍ṃ su̱ṣada̱ṃ bhūri̍vāram .

ci̱trāma̍ghā̱ yasya̱ yoge̎dhijajñe̱ taṃ vā̍ṃ hu̱ve ati̍ rikta̱ṃ piba̍dhyai .. 8.058.03

3 The dappled kine who stream with milk prepare his draught of Soma juice:-
Clans in the birth-place of the Gods, in the three luminous realms of heaven.

Sloka : 8.59.1

इ॒मानि॑ वां भाग॒धेया॑नि सिस्रत॒ इन्द्रा॑वरुणा॒ प्र म॒हे सु॒तेषु॑ वाम् ।

य॒ज्ञेय॑ज्ञे ह॒ सव॑ना भुर॒ण्यथो॒ यत्सु॑न्व॒ते यज॑मानाय॒ शिक्ष॑थः ॥ ८.०५९.०१

i̱māni̍ vāṃ bhāga̱dheyā̍ni sisrata̱ indrā̍varuṇā̱ pra ma̱he su̱teṣu̍ vām .

ya̱jñeya̍jñe ha̱ sava̍nā bhura̱ṇyatho̱ yatsu̍nva̱te yaja̍mānāya̱ śikṣa̍thaḥ .. 8.059.01

1. HE who, as Sovran Lord of men, moves with his chariots unrestrained,
The Vṛtra-slayer vanquisher, of fighting hosts, preeminent, is praised with song.

Sloka : 8.59.2

नि॒ष्षिध्व॑री॒रोष॑धी॒राप॑ आस्ता॒मिन्द्रा॑वरुणा महि॒मान॒माश॑त ।

या सिस्र॑तू॒ रज॑सः पा॒रे अध्व॑नो॒ ययोः॒ शत्रु॒र्नकि॒रादे॑व॒ ओह॑ते ॥ ८.०५९.०२

ni̱ṣṣidhva̍rī̱roṣa̍dhī̱rāpa̍ āstā̱mindrā̍varuṇā mahi̱māna̱māśa̍ta .

yā sisra̍tū̱ raja̍saḥ pā̱re adhva̍no̱ yayo̱ḥ śatru̱rnaki̱rāde̍va̱ oha̍te .. 8.059.02

2 Honour that Indra, Puruhanman! for his aid, in whose sustaining hand of old,
The splendid bolt of thunder was deposited, as the great Sun was set in heaven.

Sloka : 8.59.3

स॒त्यं तदि॑न्द्रावरुणा कृ॒शस्य॑ वां॒ मध्व॑ ऊ॒र्मिं दु॑हते स॒प्त वाणीः॑ ।

ताभि॑र्दा॒श्वांस॑मवतं शुभस्पती॒ यो वा॒मद॑ब्धो अ॒भि पाति॒ चित्ति॑भिः ॥ ८.०५९.०३

sa̱tyaṃ tadi̍ndrāvaruṇā kṛ̱śasya̍ vā̱ṃ madhva̍ ū̱rmiṃ du̍hate sa̱pta vāṇī̍ḥ .

tābhi̍rdā̱śvāṃsa̍mavataṃ śubhaspatī̱ yo vā̱mada̍bdho a̱bhi pāti̱ citti̍bhiḥ .. 8.059.03

3 No one by deed attains to him who works and strengthens evermore:-
No, not by sacrifice, to Indra. praised o all, resistless, daring, bold in might.

Sloka : 8.59.4

घृ॒त॒प्रुषः॒ सौम्या॑ जी॒रदा॑नवः स॒प्त स्वसा॑रः॒ सद॑न ऋ॒तस्य॑ ।

या ह॑ वामिन्द्रावरुणा घृत॒श्चुत॒स्ताभि॑र्धत्तं॒ यज॑मानाय शिक्षतम् ॥ ८.०५९.०४

ghṛ̱ta̱pruṣa̱ḥ saumyā̍ jī̱radā̍navaḥ sa̱pta svasā̍ra̱ḥ sada̍na ṛ̱tasya̍ .

yā ha̍ vāmindrāvaruṇā ghṛta̱ścuta̱stābhi̍rdhatta̱ṃ yaja̍mānāya śikṣatam .. 8.059.04

4 The potent Conqueror, invincible in war, him at whose birth the Mighty Ones,
The Kine who spread afar, sent their loud voices out, heavens, earths seat their loud voices out,

Sloka : 8.59.5

अवो॑चाम मह॒ते सौभ॑गाय स॒त्यं त्वे॒षाभ्यां॑ महि॒मान॑मिन्द्रि॒यम् ।

अ॒स्मान्स्वि॑न्द्रावरुणा घृत॒श्चुत॒स्त्रिभिः॑ सा॒प्तेभि॑रवतं शुभस्पती ॥ ८.०५९.०५

avo̍cāma maha̱te saubha̍gāya sa̱tyaṃ tve̱ṣābhyā̍ṃ mahi̱māna̍mindri̱yam .

a̱smānsvi̍ndrāvaruṇā ghṛta̱ścuta̱stribhi̍ḥ sā̱ptebhi̍ravataṃ śubhaspatī .. 8.059.05

5 O Indra, if a hundred heavens and if a hundred earths were thine—
No, not a thousand Suns could match thee at thy birth, not both the worlds, O Thunderer.

Sloka : 8.59.6

इन्द्रा॑वरुणा॒ यदृ॒षिभ्यो॑ मनी॒षां वा॒चो म॒तिं श्रु॒तम॑दत्त॒मग्रे॑ ।

यानि॒ स्थाना॑न्यसृजन्त॒ धीरा॑ य॒ज्ञं त॑न्वा॒नास्तप॑सा॒भ्य॑पश्यम् ॥ ८.०५९.०६

indrā̍varuṇā̱ yadṛ̱ṣibhyo̍ manī̱ṣāṃ vā̱co ma̱tiṃ śru̱tama̍datta̱magre̍ .

yāni̱ sthānā̍nyasṛjanta̱ dhīrā̍ ya̱jñaṃ ta̍nvā̱nāstapa̍sā̱bhya̍paśyam .. 8.059.06

6 Thou, Hero, hast performed thy hero deeds with might, yea, all with strength, O Strongest One.
Maghavan, help us to a stable full of kine, O Thunderer, with wondrous aids.

Sloka : 8.59.7

इन्द्रा॑वरुणा सौमन॒समदृ॑प्तं रा॒यस्पोषं॒ यज॑मानेषु धत्तम् ।

प्र॒जां पु॒ष्टिं भू॑तिम॒स्मासु॑ धत्तं दीर्घायु॒त्वाय॒ प्र ति॑रतं न॒ आयुः॑ ॥ ८.०५९.०७

indrā̍varuṇā saumana̱samadṛ̍ptaṃ rā̱yaspoṣa̱ṃ yaja̍māneṣu dhattam .

pra̱jāṃ pu̱ṣṭiṃ bhū̍tima̱smāsu̍ dhattaṃ dīrghāyu̱tvāya̱ pra ti̍rataṃ na̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 8.059.07

7 Let not a godless mortal gain this food, O thou whose life is long!
But one who yokes the bright-hued steeds, the Etasas, even Indra yoker of the Bays.

Sloka : 8.60.1

अग्न॒ आ या॑ह्य॒ग्निभि॒र्होता॑रं त्वा वृणीमहे ।

आ त्वाम॑नक्तु॒ प्रय॑ता ह॒विष्म॑ती॒ यजि॑ष्ठं ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ॥ ८.०६०.०१

agna̱ ā yā̍hya̱gnibhi̱rhotā̍raṃ tvā vṛṇīmahe .

ā tvāma̍naktu̱ praya̍tā ha̱viṣma̍tī̱ yaji̍ṣṭhaṃ ba̱rhirā̱sade̍ .. 8.060.01

1. O AGNI, with thy mighty wealth guard us from all malignity,
Yea, from all hate of mortal man.

Sloka : 8.60.2

अच्छा॒ हि त्वा॑ सहसः सूनो अङ्गिरः॒ स्रुच॒श्चर॑न्त्यध्व॒रे ।

ऊ॒र्जो नपा॑तं घृ॒तके॑शमीमहे॒ऽग्निं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यम् ॥ ८.०६०.०२

acchā̱ hi tvā̍ sahasaḥ sūno aṅgira̱ḥ sruca̱ścara̍ntyadhva̱re .

ū̱rjo napā̍taṃ ghṛ̱take̍śamīmahe̱'gniṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ pū̱rvyam .. 8.060.02

2 For over thee, O Friend from birth, the wrath of man hath no control:-
Nay, Guardian of the earth art thou.

Sloka : 8.60.3

अग्ने॑ क॒विर्वे॒धा अ॑सि॒ होता॑ पावक॒ यक्ष्यः॑ ।

म॒न्द्रो यजि॑ष्ठो अध्व॒रेष्वीड्यो॒ विप्रे॑भिः शुक्र॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ ८.०६०.०३

agne̍ ka̱virve̱dhā a̍si̱ hotā̍ pāvaka̱ yakṣya̍ḥ .

ma̱ndro yaji̍ṣṭho adhva̱reṣvīḍyo̱ vipre̍bhiḥ śukra̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 8.060.03

3 As such, with all the Gods, O Son of Strength, auspicious in thy flame.
Give us wealth bringing all things good.

Sloka : 8.60.4

अद्रो॑घ॒मा व॑होश॒तो य॑विष्ठ्य दे॒वाँ अ॑जस्र वी॒तये॑ ।

अ॒भि प्रयां॑सि॒ सुधि॒ता व॑सो गहि॒ मन्द॑स्व धी॒तिभि॑र्हि॒तः ॥ ८.०६०.०४

adro̍gha̱mā va̍hośa̱to ya̍viṣṭhya de̱vām̐ a̍jasra vī̱taye̍ .

a̱bhi prayā̍ṃsi̱ sudhi̱tā va̍so gahi̱ manda̍sva dhī̱tibhi̍rhi̱taḥ .. 8.060.04

4 Malignities stay not from wealth the mortal man whom, Agni, thou
Protectest while he offers gifts.

Sloka : 8.60.5

त्वमित्स॒प्रथा॑ अ॒स्यग्ने॑ त्रातरृ॒तस्क॒विः ।

त्वां विप्रा॑सः समिधान दीदिव॒ आ वि॑वासन्ति वे॒धसः॑ ॥ ८.०६०.०५

tvamitsa̱prathā̍ a̱syagne̍ trātarṛ̱taska̱viḥ .

tvāṃ viprā̍saḥ samidhāna dīdiva̱ ā vi̍vāsanti ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 8.060.05

5 Sage Agni, be whom thou dost urge, in worship of the Gods, to wealth,
With thine assistance winneth kine.

Sloka : 8.60.6

शोचा॑ शोचिष्ठ दीदि॒हि वि॒शे मयो॒ रास्व॑ स्तो॒त्रे म॒हाँ अ॑सि ।

दे॒वानां॒ शर्म॒न्मम॑ सन्तु सू॒रयः॑ शत्रू॒षाहः॑ स्व॒ग्नयः॑ ॥ ८.०६०.०६

śocā̍ śociṣṭha dīdi̱hi vi̱śe mayo̱ rāsva̍ sto̱tre ma̱hām̐ a̍si .

de̱vānā̱ṃ śarma̱nmama̍ santu sū̱raya̍ḥ śatrū̱ṣāha̍ḥ sva̱gnaya̍ḥ .. 8.060.06

6 Riches with many heroes thou hast for the man who offers gifts:-
Lead thou us on to higher bliss.

Sloka : 8.60.7

यथा॑ चिद्वृ॒द्धम॑त॒समग्ने॑ सं॒जूर्व॑सि॒ क्षमि॑ ।

ए॒वा द॑ह मित्रमहो॒ यो अ॑स्म॒ध्रुग्दु॒र्मन्मा॒ कश्च॒ वेन॑ति ॥ ८.०६०.०७

yathā̍ cidvṛ̱ddhama̍ta̱samagne̍ sa̱ṃjūrva̍si̱ kṣami̍ .

e̱vā da̍ha mitramaho̱ yo a̍sma̱dhrugdu̱rmanmā̱ kaśca̱ vena̍ti .. 8.060.07

7 Save us, O Jātavedas, nor abandon us to him who sins,
Unto the evil-hearted man.

Sloka : 8.60.8

मा नो॒ मर्ता॑य रि॒पवे॑ रक्ष॒स्विने॒ माघशं॑साय रीरधः ।

अस्रे॑धद्भिस्त॒रणि॑भिर्यविष्ठ्य शि॒वेभिः॑ पाहि पा॒युभिः॑ ॥ ८.०६०.०८

mā no̱ martā̍ya ri̱pave̍ rakṣa̱svine̱ māghaśa̍ṃsāya rīradhaḥ .

asre̍dhadbhista̱raṇi̍bhiryaviṣṭhya śi̱vebhi̍ḥ pāhi pā̱yubhi̍ḥ .. 8.060.08

8 O Agni, let no godless man avert thy bounty as a God:-
Over all treasures thou art Lord.

Sloka : 8.60.9

पा॒हि नो॑ अग्न॒ एक॑या पा॒ह्यु१॒॑त द्वि॒तीय॑या ।

पा॒हि गी॒र्भिस्ति॒सृभि॑रूर्जां पते पा॒हि च॑त॒सृभि॑र्वसो ॥ ८.०६०.०९

pā̱hi no̍ agna̱ eka̍yā pā̱hyu1̱̍ta dvi̱tīya̍yā .

pā̱hi gī̱rbhisti̱sṛbhi̍rūrjāṃ pate pā̱hi ca̍ta̱sṛbhi̍rvaso .. 8.060.09

9 So, Son of Strength, thou aidest us to what is great and excellent.
Those, Vasu! Friend! who sing thy praise.

Sloka : 8.60.10

पा॒हि विश्व॑स्माद्र॒क्षसो॒ अरा॑व्णः॒ प्र स्म॒ वाजे॑षु नोऽव ।

त्वामिद्धि नेदि॑ष्ठं दे॒वता॑तय आ॒पिं नक्षा॑महे वृ॒धे ॥ ८.०६०.१०

pā̱hi viśva̍smādra̱kṣaso̱ arā̍vṇa̱ḥ pra sma̱ vāje̍ṣu no'va .

tvāmiddhi nedi̍ṣṭhaṃ de̱vatā̍taya ā̱piṃ nakṣā̍mahe vṛ̱dhe .. 8.060.10

10 Let our songs come anear to him beauteous and bright with piercing flame
Our offerings, with our homage, to the
Lord of wealth, to him whom many praise, for help:-

Sloka : 8.60.11

आ नो॑ अग्ने वयो॒वृधं॑ र॒यिं पा॑वक॒ शंस्य॑म् ।

रास्वा॑ च न उपमाते पुरु॒स्पृहं॒ सुनी॑ती॒ स्वय॑शस्तरम् ॥ ८.०६०.११

ā no̍ agne vayo̱vṛdha̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ pā̍vaka̱ śaṃsya̍m .

rāsvā̍ ca na upamāte puru̱spṛha̱ṃ sunī̍tī̱ svaya̍śastaram .. 8.060.11

11 To Agni Jātavedas, to the Son of Strength, that he may give us precious gifts,
Immortal, from of old Priest among mortal men, the most delightful in the house.

Sloka : 8.60.12

येन॒ वंसा॑म॒ पृत॑नासु॒ शर्ध॑त॒स्तर॑न्तो अ॒र्य आ॒दिशः॑ ।

स त्वं नो॑ वर्ध॒ प्रय॑सा शचीवसो॒ जिन्वा॒ धियो॑ वसु॒विदः॑ ॥ ८.०६०.१२

yena̱ vaṃsā̍ma̱ pṛta̍nāsu̱ śardha̍ta̱stara̍nto a̱rya ā̱diśa̍ḥ .

sa tvaṃ no̍ vardha̱ praya̍sā śacīvaso̱ jinvā̱ dhiyo̍ vasu̱vida̍ḥ .. 8.060.12

12 Agni, made yours by sacrifice, Agni, while holy rites advance;
Agni, the first in songs, first with the warrior steed; Agni to win the land for us.

Sloka : 8.60.13

शिशा॑नो वृष॒भो य॑था॒ग्निः श‍ृङ्गे॒ दवि॑ध्वत् ।

ति॒ग्मा अ॑स्य॒ हन॑वो॒ न प्र॑ति॒धृषे॑ सु॒जम्भः॒ सह॑सो य॒हुः ॥ ८.०६०.१३

śiśā̍no vṛṣa̱bho ya̍thā̱gniḥ śṛṅge̱ davi̍dhvat .

ti̱gmā a̍sya̱ hana̍vo̱ na pra̍ti̱dhṛṣe̍ su̱jambha̱ḥ saha̍so ya̱huḥ .. 8.060.13

13 May Agni who is Lord of wealth vouchsafe us food for friendship sake.
Agni we ever seek for seed and progeny, the Vasu who protects our lives.

Sloka : 8.60.14

न॒हि ते॑ अग्ने वृषभ प्रति॒धृषे॒ जम्भा॑सो॒ यद्वि॒तिष्ठ॑से ।

स त्वं नो॑ होतः॒ सुहु॑तं ह॒विष्कृ॑धि॒ वंस्वा॑ नो॒ वार्या॑ पु॒रु ॥ ८.०६०.१४

na̱hi te̍ agne vṛṣabha prati̱dhṛṣe̱ jambhā̍so̱ yadvi̱tiṣṭha̍se .

sa tvaṃ no̍ hota̱ḥ suhu̍taṃ ha̱viṣkṛ̍dhi̱ vaṃsvā̍ no̱ vāryā̍ pu̱ru .. 8.060.14

14 Solicit with your chants, for help, Agni the God with piercing flame,
For riches famous Agni, Purumīlha and ye men! Agni to light our dwelling well.

Sloka : 8.60.15

शेषे॒ वने॑षु मा॒त्रोः सं त्वा॒ मर्ता॑स इन्धते ।

अत॑न्द्रो ह॒व्या व॑हसि हवि॒ष्कृत॒ आदिद्दे॒वेषु॑ राजसि ॥ ८.०६०.१५

śeṣe̱ vane̍ṣu mā̱troḥ saṃ tvā̱ martā̍sa indhate .

ata̍ndro ha̱vyā va̍hasi havi̱ṣkṛta̱ ādidde̱veṣu̍ rājasi .. 8.060.15

15 Agni we laud that he may keep our foes afar, Agni to give us health and strength.
Let him as Guardian be invoked in all the tribes, the lighter-up of glowing brands.

Sloka : 8.60.16

स॒प्त होता॑र॒स्तमिदी॑ळते॒ त्वाग्ने॑ सु॒त्यज॒मह्र॑यम् ।

भि॒नत्स्यद्रिं॒ तप॑सा॒ वि शो॒चिषा॒ प्राग्ने॑ तिष्ठ॒ जना॒ँ अति॑ ॥ ८.०६०.१६

sa̱pta hotā̍ra̱stamidī̍l̤ate̱ tvāgne̍ su̱tyaja̱mahra̍yam .

bhi̱natsyadri̱ṃ tapa̍sā̱ vi śo̱ciṣā̱ prāgne̍ tiṣṭha̱ janā̱m̐ ati̍ .. 8.060.16

Sloka : 8.60.17

अ॒ग्निम॑ग्निं वो॒ अध्रि॑गुं हु॒वेम॑ वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ।

अ॒ग्निं हि॒तप्र॑यसः शश्व॒तीष्वा होता॑रं चर्षणी॒नाम् ॥ ८.०६०.१७

a̱gnima̍gniṃ vo̱ adhri̍guṃ hu̱vema̍ vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .

a̱gniṃ hi̱tapra̍yasaḥ śaśva̱tīṣvā hotā̍raṃ carṣaṇī̱nām .. 8.060.17

Sloka : 8.60.18

केते॑न॒ शर्म॑न्सचते सुषा॒मण्यग्ने॒ तुभ्यं॑ चिकि॒त्वना॑ ।

इ॒ष॒ण्यया॑ नः पुरु॒रूप॒मा भ॑र॒ वाजं॒ नेदि॑ष्ठमू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०६०.१८

kete̍na̱ śarma̍nsacate suṣā̱maṇyagne̱ tubhya̍ṃ ciki̱tvanā̍ .

i̱ṣa̱ṇyayā̍ naḥ puru̱rūpa̱mā bha̍ra̱ vāja̱ṃ nedi̍ṣṭhamū̱taye̍ .. 8.060.18

Sloka : 8.60.19

अग्ने॒ जरि॑तर्वि॒श्पति॑स्तेपा॒नो दे॑व र॒क्षसः॑ ।

अप्रो॑षिवान्गृ॒हप॑तिर्म॒हाँ अ॑सि दि॒वस्पा॒युर्दु॑रोण॒युः ॥ ८.०६०.१९

agne̱ jari̍tarvi̱śpati̍stepā̱no de̍va ra̱kṣasa̍ḥ .

apro̍ṣivāngṛ̱hapa̍tirma̱hām̐ a̍si di̱vaspā̱yurdu̍roṇa̱yuḥ .. 8.060.19

Sloka : 8.60.20

मा नो॒ रक्ष॒ आ वे॑शीदाघृणीवसो॒ मा या॒तुर्या॑तु॒माव॑ताम् ।

प॒रो॒ग॒व्यू॒त्यनि॑रा॒मप॒ क्षुध॒मग्ने॒ सेध॑ रक्ष॒स्विनः॑ ॥ ८.०६०.२०

mā no̱ rakṣa̱ ā ve̍śīdāghṛṇīvaso̱ mā yā̱turyā̍tu̱māva̍tām .

pa̱ro̱ga̱vyū̱tyani̍rā̱mapa̱ kṣudha̱magne̱ sedha̍ rakṣa̱svina̍ḥ .. 8.060.20

Sloka : 8.61.1

उ॒भयं॑ श‍ृ॒णव॑च्च न॒ इन्द्रो॑ अ॒र्वागि॒दं वचः॑ ।

स॒त्राच्या॑ म॒घवा॒ सोम॑पीतये धि॒या शवि॑ष्ठ॒ आ ग॑मत् ॥ ८.०६१.०१

u̱bhaya̍ṃ śṛ̱ṇava̍cca na̱ indro̍ a̱rvāgi̱daṃ vaca̍ḥ .

sa̱trācyā̍ ma̱ghavā̱ soma̍pītaye dhi̱yā śavi̍ṣṭha̱ ā ga̍mat .. 8.061.01

1. PREPARE oblation:- let him come; and let the minister serve again
Who knows the ordering thereof,

Sloka : 8.61.2

तं हि स्व॒राजं॑ वृष॒भं तमोज॑से धि॒षणे॑ निष्टत॒क्षतुः॑ ।

उ॒तोप॒मानां॑ प्रथ॒मो नि षी॑दसि॒ सोम॑कामं॒ हि ते॒ मनः॑ ॥ ८.०६१.०२

taṃ hi sva̱rāja̍ṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ tamoja̍se dhi̱ṣaṇe̍ niṣṭata̱kṣatu̍ḥ .

u̱topa̱mānā̍ṃ pratha̱mo ni ṣī̍dasi̱ soma̍kāma̱ṃ hi te̱ mana̍ḥ .. 8.061.02

2 Rejoicing in his friendship, let the priest be seated over man,
Beside the shoot of active power.

Sloka : 8.61.3

आ वृ॑षस्व पुरूवसो सु॒तस्ये॒न्द्रान्ध॑सः ।

वि॒द्मा हि त्वा॑ हरिवः पृ॒त्सु सा॑स॒हिमधृ॑ष्टं चिद्दधृ॒ष्वणि॑म् ॥ ८.०६१.०३

ā vṛ̍ṣasva purūvaso su̱tasye̱ndrāndha̍saḥ .

vi̱dmā hi tvā̍ harivaḥ pṛ̱tsu sā̍sa̱himadhṛ̍ṣṭaṃ ciddadhṛ̱ṣvaṇi̍m .. 8.061.03

3 Him, glowing bright beyond all thought, they seek among the race of man;
With him for tongue they seize the food.

Sloka : 8.61.4

अप्रा॑मिसत्य मघव॒न्तथेद॑स॒दिन्द्र॒ क्रत्वा॒ यथा॒ वशः॑ ।

स॒नेम॒ वाजं॒ तव॑ शिप्रि॒न्नव॑सा म॒क्षू चि॒द्यन्तो॑ अद्रिवः ॥ ८.०६१.०४

aprā̍misatya maghava̱ntatheda̍sa̱dindra̱ kratvā̱ yathā̱ vaśa̍ḥ .

sa̱nema̱ vāja̱ṃ tava̍ śipri̱nnava̍sā ma̱kṣū ci̱dyanto̍ adrivaḥ .. 8.061.04

4 He hath inflamed the twofold plain:- life-giving, he hath climbed the wood,
And with his tongue hath struck the rock.

Sloka : 8.61.5

श॒ग्ध्यू॒३॒॑ षु श॑चीपत॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

भगं॒ न हि त्वा॑ य॒शसं॑ वसु॒विद॒मनु॑ शूर॒ चरा॑मसि ॥ ८.०६१.०५

śa̱gdhyū̱3̱̍ ṣu śa̍cīpata̱ indra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

bhaga̱ṃ na hi tvā̍ ya̱śasa̍ṃ vasu̱vida̱manu̍ śūra̱ carā̍masi .. 8.061.05

5 Wandering here the radiant Calf finds none to fetter him, and seeks
The Mother to declare his praise.

Sloka : 8.61.6

पौ॒रो अश्व॑स्य पुरु॒कृद्गवा॑म॒स्युत्सो॑ देव हिर॒ण्ययः॑ ।

नकि॒र्हि दानं॑ परि॒मर्धि॑ष॒त्त्वे यद्य॒द्यामि॒ तदा भ॑र ॥ ८.०६१.०६

pau̱ro aśva̍sya puru̱kṛdgavā̍ma̱syutso̍ deva hira̱ṇyaya̍ḥ .

naki̱rhi dāna̍ṃ pari̱mardhi̍ṣa̱ttve yadya̱dyāmi̱ tadā bha̍ra .. 8.061.06

6 And now that great and mighty team, the team of horses that are his,
And traces of his car, are seen.

Sloka : 8.61.7

त्वं ह्येहि॒ चेर॑वे वि॒दा भगं॒ वसु॑त्तये ।

उद्वा॑वृषस्व मघव॒न्गवि॑ष्टय॒ उदि॒न्द्राश्व॑मिष्टये ॥ ८.०६१.०७

tvaṃ hyehi̱ cera̍ve vi̱dā bhaga̱ṃ vasu̍ttaye .

udvā̍vṛṣasva maghava̱ngavi̍ṣṭaya̱ udi̱ndrāśva̍miṣṭaye .. 8.061.07

7 The seven milk a single cow; the two set other five to work,
On the stream's loud-resounding bank.

Sloka : 8.61.8

त्वं पु॒रू स॒हस्रा॑णि श॒तानि॑ च यू॒था दा॒नाय॑ मंहसे ।

आ पु॑रंद॒रं च॑कृम॒ विप्र॑वचस॒ इन्द्रं॒ गाय॒न्तोऽव॑से ॥ ८.०६१.०८

tvaṃ pu̱rū sa̱hasrā̍ṇi śa̱tāni̍ ca yū̱thā dā̱nāya̍ maṃhase .

ā pu̍raṃda̱raṃ ca̍kṛma̱ vipra̍vacasa̱ indra̱ṃ gāya̱nto'va̍se .. 8.061.08

8 Entreated by Vivasvān's ten, Indra cast down the water-jar
With threefold hammer from the sky.

Sloka : 8.61.9

अ॒वि॒प्रो वा॒ यदवि॑ध॒द्विप्रो॑ वेन्द्र ते॒ वचः॑ ।

स प्र म॑मन्दत्त्वा॒या श॑तक्रतो॒ प्राचा॑मन्यो॒ अहं॑सन ॥ ८.०६१.०९

a̱vi̱pro vā̱ yadavi̍dha̱dvipro̍ vendra te̱ vaca̍ḥ .

sa pra ma̍mandattvā̱yā śa̍takrato̱ prācā̍manyo̱ aha̍ṃsana .. 8.061.09

9 Three times the newly-kindled flame proceeds around the sacrifice:-
The priests anoint it with the meath.

Sloka : 8.61.10

उ॒ग्रबा॑हुर्म्रक्ष॒कृत्वा॑ पुरंद॒रो यदि॑ मे श‍ृ॒णव॒द्धव॑म् ।

व॒सू॒यवो॒ वसु॑पतिं श॒तक्र॑तुं॒ स्तोमै॒रिन्द्रं॑ हवामहे ॥ ८.०६१.१०

u̱grabā̍hurmrakṣa̱kṛtvā̍ puraṃda̱ro yadi̍ me śṛ̱ṇava̱ddhava̍m .

va̱sū̱yavo̱ vasu̍patiṃ śa̱takra̍tu̱ṃ stomai̱rindra̍ṃ havāmahe .. 8.061.10

10 With reverence they drain the fount that circles with its wheel above,
Exhaustless, with the mouth below.

Sloka : 8.61.11

न पा॒पासो॑ मनामहे॒ नारा॑यासो॒ न जळ्ह॑वः ।

यदिन्न्विन्द्रं॒ वृष॑णं॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते सखा॑यं कृ॒णवा॑महै ॥ ८.०६१.११

na pā̱pāso̍ manāmahe̱ nārā̍yāso̱ na jal̤ha̍vaḥ .

yadinnvindra̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ sacā̍ su̱te sakhā̍yaṃ kṛ̱ṇavā̍mahai .. 8.061.11

11 The pressing-stones are set at work:- the meath is poured into the tank,
At the out-shedding of the fount.

Sloka : 8.61.12

उ॒ग्रं यु॑युज्म॒ पृत॑नासु सास॒हिमृ॒णका॑ति॒मदा॑भ्यम् ।

वेदा॑ भृ॒मं चि॒त्सनि॑ता र॒थीत॑मो वा॒जिनं॒ यमिदू॒ नश॑त् ॥ ८.०६१.१२

u̱graṃ yu̍yujma̱ pṛta̍nāsu sāsa̱himṛ̱ṇakā̍ti̱madā̍bhyam .

vedā̍ bhṛ̱maṃ ci̱tsani̍tā ra̱thīta̍mo vā̱jina̱ṃ yamidū̱ naśa̍t .. 8.061.12

12 Ye cows, protect the fount:- the two Mighty Ones bless the sacrifice.
The handles twain are wrought of gold.

Sloka : 8.61.13

यत॑ इन्द्र॒ भया॑महे॒ ततो॑ नो॒ अभ॑यं कृधि ।

मघ॑वञ्छ॒ग्धि तव॒ तन्न॑ ऊ॒तिभि॒र्वि द्विषो॒ वि मृधो॑ जहि ॥ ८.०६१.१३

yata̍ indra̱ bhayā̍mahe̱ tato̍ no̱ abha̍yaṃ kṛdhi .

magha̍vañcha̱gdhi tava̱ tanna̍ ū̱tibhi̱rvi dviṣo̱ vi mṛdho̍ jahi .. 8.061.13

13 Pour on the juice the ornament which reaches both the heaven and earth
Supply the liquid to the Bull.

Sloka : 8.61.14

त्वं हि रा॑धस्पते॒ राध॑सो म॒हः क्षय॒स्यासि॑ विध॒तः ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं म॑घवन्निन्द्र गिर्वणः सु॒ताव॑न्तो हवामहे ॥ ८.०६१.१४

tvaṃ hi rā̍dhaspate̱ rādha̍so ma̱haḥ kṣaya̱syāsi̍ vidha̱taḥ .

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ ma̍ghavannindra girvaṇaḥ su̱tāva̍nto havāmahe .. 8.061.14

14 These know their own abiding-place:- like calves beside the mother cows
They meet together with their kin.

Sloka : 8.61.15

इन्द्रः॒ स्पळु॒त वृ॑त्र॒हा प॑र॒स्पा नो॒ वरे॑ण्यः ।

स नो॑ रक्षिषच्चर॒मं स म॑ध्य॒मं स प॒श्चात्पा॑तु नः पु॒रः ॥ ८.०६१.१५

indra̱ḥ spal̤u̱ta vṛ̍tra̱hā pa̍ra̱spā no̱ vare̍ṇyaḥ .

sa no̍ rakṣiṣaccara̱maṃ sa ma̍dhya̱maṃ sa pa̱ścātpā̍tu naḥ pu̱raḥ .. 8.061.15

15 Devouring in their greedy jaws, they make sustaining food in heaven,
To Indra, Agni light and prayer.

Sloka : 8.61.16

त्वं नः॑ प॒श्चाद॑ध॒रादु॑त्त॒रात्पु॒र इन्द्र॒ नि पा॑हि वि॒श्वतः॑ ।

आ॒रे अ॒स्मत्कृ॑णुहि॒ दैव्यं॑ भ॒यमा॒रे हे॒तीरदे॑वीः ॥ ८.०६१.१६

tvaṃ na̍ḥ pa̱ścāda̍dha̱rādu̍tta̱rātpu̱ra indra̱ ni pā̍hi vi̱śvata̍ḥ .

ā̱re a̱smatkṛ̍ṇuhi̱ daivya̍ṃ bha̱yamā̱re he̱tīrade̍vīḥ .. 8.061.16

16 The Pious One milked out rich food, sustenance dealt in portions seven,
Together with the Sun's seven rays.

Sloka : 8.61.17

अ॒द्याद्या॒ श्वःश्व॒ इन्द्र॒ त्रास्व॑ प॒रे च॑ नः ।

विश्वा॑ च नो जरि॒तॄन्स॑त्पते॒ अहा॒ दिवा॒ नक्तं॑ च रक्षिषः ॥ ८.०६१.१७

a̱dyādyā̱ śvaḥśva̱ indra̱ trāsva̍ pa̱re ca̍ naḥ .

viśvā̍ ca no jari̱tṝnsa̍tpate̱ ahā̱ divā̱ nakta̍ṃ ca rakṣiṣaḥ .. 8.061.17

17 I took some Soma when the Sun rose up, O Mitra, Varuṇa.
That is the sick man's medicine.

Sloka : 8.61.18

प्र॒भ॒ङ्गी शूरो॑ म॒घवा॑ तु॒वीम॑घः॒ सम्मि॑श्लो वि॒र्या॑य॒ कम् ।

उ॒भा ते॑ बा॒हू वृष॑णा शतक्रतो॒ नि या वज्रं॑ मिमि॒क्षतुः॑ ॥ ८.०६१.१८

pra̱bha̱ṅgī śūro̍ ma̱ghavā̍ tu̱vīma̍gha̱ḥ sammi̍ślo vi̱ryā̍ya̱ kam .

u̱bhā te̍ bā̱hū vṛṣa̍ṇā śatakrato̱ ni yā vajra̍ṃ mimi̱kṣatu̍ḥ .. 8.061.18

18 From where oblations must be laid, which is the Well-beloved's home,
He with his tongue hath compassed heaven.

Sloka : 8.62.1

प्रो अ॑स्मा॒ उप॑स्तुतिं॒ भर॑ता॒ यज्जुजो॑षति ।

उ॒क्थैरिन्द्र॑स्य॒ माहि॑नं॒ वयो॑ वर्धन्ति सो॒मिनो॑ भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०१

pro a̍smā̱ upa̍stuti̱ṃ bhara̍tā̱ yajjujo̍ṣati .

u̱kthairindra̍sya̱ māhi̍na̱ṃ vayo̍ vardhanti so̱mino̍ bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.01

1. ROUSE ye for him who keeps the Law, yoke your steeds, Aśvins, to your car
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.2

अ॒यु॒जो अस॑मो॒ नृभि॒रेकः॑ कृ॒ष्टीर॒यास्यः॑ ।

पू॒र्वीरति॒ प्र वा॑वृधे॒ विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्योज॑सा भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०२

a̱yu̱jo asa̍mo̱ nṛbhi̱reka̍ḥ kṛ̱ṣṭīra̱yāsya̍ḥ .

pū̱rvīrati̱ pra vā̍vṛdhe̱ viśvā̍ jā̱tānyoja̍sā bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.02

2 Come, Aśvins, with your car more swift than is the twinkling of an eye
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.3

अहि॑तेन चि॒दर्व॑ता जी॒रदा॑नुः सिषासति ।

प्र॒वाच्य॑मिन्द्र॒ तत्तव॑ वी॒र्या॑णि करिष्य॒तो भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०३

ahi̍tena ci̱darva̍tā jī̱radā̍nuḥ siṣāsati .

pra̱vācya̍mindra̱ tattava̍ vī̱ryā̍ṇi kariṣya̱to bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.03

3 Aśvins, ye overlaid with cold the fiery pit for Atri's sake:-
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.4

आ या॑हि कृ॒णवा॑म त॒ इन्द्र॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ वर्ध॑ना ।

येभिः॑ शविष्ठ चा॒कनो॑ भ॒द्रमि॒ह श्र॑वस्य॒ते भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०४

ā yā̍hi kṛ̱ṇavā̍ma ta̱ indra̱ brahmā̍ṇi̱ vardha̍nā .

yebhi̍ḥ śaviṣṭha cā̱kano̍ bha̱drami̱ha śra̍vasya̱te bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.04

4 Where are ye? whither are ye gone? whither, like falcons, have ye flown?
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.5

धृ॒ष॒तश्चि॑द्धृ॒षन्मनः॑ कृ॒णोषी॑न्द्र॒ यत्त्वम् ।

ती॒व्रैः सोमैः॑ सपर्य॒तो नमो॑भिः प्रति॒भूष॑तो भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०५

dhṛ̱ṣa̱taści̍ddhṛ̱ṣanmana̍ḥ kṛ̱ṇoṣī̍ndra̱ yattvam .

tī̱vraiḥ somai̍ḥ saparya̱to namo̍bhiḥ prati̱bhūṣa̍to bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.05

5 If ye at any time this day are listening to this my call,
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.6

अव॑ चष्ट॒ ऋची॑षमोऽव॒ताँ इ॑व॒ मानु॑षः ।

जु॒ष्ट्वी दक्ष॑स्य सो॒मिनः॒ सखा॑यं कृणुते॒ युजं॑ भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०६

ava̍ caṣṭa̱ ṛcī̍ṣamo'va̱tām̐ i̍va̱ mānu̍ṣaḥ .

ju̱ṣṭvī dakṣa̍sya so̱mina̱ḥ sakhā̍yaṃ kṛṇute̱ yuja̍ṃ bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.06

6 The Aśvins, first to hear our prayer, for closest kinship I approach:-
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.7

विश्वे॑ त इन्द्र वी॒र्यं॑ दे॒वा अनु॒ क्रतुं॑ ददुः ।

भुवो॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ गोप॑तिः पुरुष्टुत भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०७

viśve̍ ta indra vī̱rya̍ṃ de̱vā anu̱ kratu̍ṃ daduḥ .

bhuvo̱ viśva̍sya̱ gopa̍tiḥ puruṣṭuta bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.07

7 For Atri ye, O Aśvins, made a dwelling-place to shield him well,
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.8

गृ॒णे तदि॑न्द्र ते॒ शव॑ उप॒मं दे॒वता॑तये ।

यद्धंसि॑ वृ॒त्रमोज॑सा शचीपते भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०८

gṛ̱ṇe tadi̍ndra te̱ śava̍ upa̱maṃ de̱vatā̍taye .

yaddhaṃsi̍ vṛ̱tramoja̍sā śacīpate bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.08

8 Ye warded off the fervent heat for Atri when he sweetly spake:-
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.9

सम॑नेव वपुष्य॒तः कृ॒णव॒न्मानु॑षा यु॒गा ।

वि॒दे तदिन्द्र॒श्चेत॑न॒मध॑ श्रु॒तो भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.०९

sama̍neva vapuṣya̱taḥ kṛ̱ṇava̱nmānu̍ṣā yu̱gā .

vi̱de tadindra̱śceta̍na̱madha̍ śru̱to bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.09

9 Erst Saptavadhri by his prayer obtained the trenchant edge of fire:-
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.10

उज्जा॒तमि॑न्द्र ते॒ शव॒ उत्त्वामुत्तव॒ क्रतु॑म् ।

भूरि॑गो॒ भूरि॑ वावृधु॒र्मघ॑व॒न्तव॒ शर्म॑णि भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.१०

ujjā̱tami̍ndra te̱ śava̱ uttvāmuttava̱ kratu̍m .

bhūri̍go̱ bhūri̍ vāvṛdhu̱rmagha̍va̱ntava̱ śarma̍ṇi bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.10

10 Come hither, O ye Lords of wealth, and listen to this call of mine:-
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.11

अ॒हं च॒ त्वं च॑ वृत्रह॒न्सं यु॑ज्याव स॒निभ्य॒ आ ।

अ॒रा॒ती॒वा चि॑दद्रि॒वोऽनु॑ नौ शूर मंसते भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.११

a̱haṃ ca̱ tvaṃ ca̍ vṛtraha̱nsaṃ yu̍jyāva sa̱nibhya̱ ā .

a̱rā̱tī̱vā ci̍dadri̱vo'nu̍ nau śūra maṃsate bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.11

11 What is this praise told forth of you as Elders in the ancient way?
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.62.12

स॒त्यमिद्वा उ॒ तं व॒यमिन्द्रं॑ स्तवाम॒ नानृ॑तम् ।

म॒हाँ असु॑न्वतो व॒धो भूरि॒ ज्योतीं॑षि सुन्व॒तो भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६२.१२

sa̱tyamidvā u̱ taṃ va̱yamindra̍ṃ stavāma̱ nānṛ̍tam .

ma̱hām̐ asu̍nvato va̱dho bhūri̱ jyotī̍ṃṣi sunva̱to bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.062.12

12 One common brotherhood is yours, Aśvins your kindred is the same:-
Let your protecting help be near.

Sloka : 8.63.1

स पू॒र्व्यो म॒हानां॑ वे॒नः क्रतु॑भिरानजे ।

यस्य॒ द्वारा॒ मनु॑ष्पि॒ता दे॒वेषु॒ धिय॑ आन॒जे ॥ ८.०६३.०१

sa pū̱rvyo ma̱hānā̍ṃ ve̱naḥ kratu̍bhirānaje .

yasya̱ dvārā̱ manu̍ṣpi̱tā de̱veṣu̱ dhiya̍ āna̱je .. 8.063.01

1. EXERTING all our strength with thoughts of power we glorify in speech
Agni your dear familiar Friend, the darling Guest in every home.

Sloka : 8.63.2

दि॒वो मानं॒ नोत्स॑द॒न्सोम॑पृष्ठासो॒ अद्र॑यः ।

उ॒क्था ब्रह्म॑ च॒ शंस्या॑ ॥ ८.०६३.०२

di̱vo māna̱ṃ notsa̍da̱nsoma̍pṛṣṭhāso̱ adra̍yaḥ .

u̱kthā brahma̍ ca̱ śaṃsyā̍ .. 8.063.02

2 Whom, served with sacrificial oil like Mitra, men presenting gifts
Eulogize with their songs of praise

Sloka : 8.63.3

स वि॒द्वाँ अङ्गि॑रोभ्य॒ इन्द्रो॒ गा अ॑वृणो॒दप॑ ।

स्तु॒षे तद॑स्य॒ पौंस्य॑म् ॥ ८.०६३.०३

sa vi̱dvām̐ aṅgi̍robhya̱ indro̱ gā a̍vṛṇo̱dapa̍ .

stu̱ṣe tada̍sya̱ pauṃsya̍m .. 8.063.03

3 Much-lauded Jātavedas, him who bears oblations up to heaven
Prepared in service of the Gods.

Sloka : 8.63.4

स प्र॒त्नथा॑ कविवृ॒ध इन्द्रो॑ वा॒कस्य॑ व॒क्षणिः॑ ।

शि॒वो अ॒र्कस्य॒ होम॑न्यस्म॒त्रा ग॒न्त्वव॑से ॥ ८.०६३.०४

sa pra̱tnathā̍ kavivṛ̱dha indro̍ vā̱kasya̍ va̱kṣaṇi̍ḥ .

śi̱vo a̱rkasya̱ homa̍nyasma̱trā ga̱ntvava̍se .. 8.063.04

4 To noblest Agni, Friend of man, best Vṛtra-slayer, are we come,
Him in whose presence Rksa's son, mighty Srutarvan, waxes great;

Sloka : 8.63.5

आदू॒ नु ते॒ अनु॒ क्रतुं॒ स्वाहा॒ वर॑स्य॒ यज्य॑वः ।

श्वा॒त्रम॒र्का अ॑नूष॒तेन्द्र॑ गो॒त्रस्य॑ दा॒वने॑ ॥ ८.०६३.०५

ādū̱ nu te̱ anu̱ kratu̱ṃ svāhā̱ vara̍sya̱ yajya̍vaḥ .

śvā̱trama̱rkā a̍nūṣa̱tendra̍ go̱trasya̍ dā̱vane̍ .. 8.063.05

5 To deathless Jātavedas, meet for praise, adored, with sacred oil,
Visible through the gloom of night

Sloka : 8.63.6

इन्द्रे॒ विश्वा॑नि वी॒र्या॑ कृ॒तानि॒ कर्त्वा॑नि च ।

यम॒र्का अ॑ध्व॒रं वि॒दुः ॥ ८.०६३.०६

indre̱ viśvā̍ni vī̱ryā̍ kṛ̱tāni̱ kartvā̍ni ca .

yama̱rkā a̍dhva̱raṃ vi̱duḥ .. 8.063.06

6 Even Agni whom these priestly men worship with sacrificial gifts,
With lifted ladles offering them.

Sloka : 8.63.7

यत्पाञ्च॑जन्यया वि॒शेन्द्रे॒ घोषा॒ असृ॑क्षत ।

अस्तृ॑णाद्ब॒र्हणा॑ वि॒पो॒३॒॑ऽर्यो मान॑स्य॒ स क्षयः॑ ॥ ८.०६३.०७

yatpāñca̍janyayā vi̱śendre̱ ghoṣā̱ asṛ̍kṣata .

astṛ̍ṇādba̱rhaṇā̍ vi̱po̱3̱̎ryo māna̍sya̱ sa kṣaya̍ḥ .. 8.063.07

7 O Agni, this our newest hymn hath been addressed from us to thee,
O cheerful Guest, well-born, most wise, worker of wonders, ne’er deceived.

Sloka : 8.63.8

इ॒यमु॑ ते॒ अनु॑ष्टुतिश्चकृ॒षे तानि॒ पौंस्या॑ ।

प्राव॑श्च॒क्रस्य॑ वर्त॒निम् ॥ ८.०६३.०८

i̱yamu̍ te̱ anu̍ṣṭutiścakṛ̱ṣe tāni̱ pauṃsyā̍ .

prāva̍śca̱krasya̍ varta̱nim .. 8.063.08

8 Agni, may it be dear to thee, most grateful, and exceeding sweet:-
Grow mightier, eulogized therewith.

Sloka : 8.63.9

अ॒स्य वृष्णो॒ व्योद॑न उ॒रु क्र॑मिष्ट जी॒वसे॑ ।

यवं॒ न प॒श्व आ द॑दे ॥ ८.०६३.०९

a̱sya vṛṣṇo̱ vyoda̍na u̱ru kra̍miṣṭa jī̱vase̍ .

yava̱ṃ na pa̱śva ā da̍de .. 8.063.09

9 Splendid with splendours may it be, and in the battle with the foe
Add loftier glory to thy fame.

Sloka : 8.63.10

तद्दधा॑ना अव॒स्यवो॑ यु॒ष्माभि॒र्दक्ष॑पितरः ।

स्याम॑ म॒रुत्व॑तो वृ॒धे ॥ ८.०६३.१०

taddadhā̍nā ava̱syavo̍ yu̱ṣmābhi̱rdakṣa̍pitaraḥ .

syāma̍ ma̱rutva̍to vṛ̱dhe .. 8.063.10

10 Steed, cow, a lord of heroes, bright like Indra, who shall fill the car.
Whose high renown ye celebrate, and people praise each glorious deed.

Sloka : 8.63.11

बळृ॒त्विया॑य॒ धाम्न॒ ऋक्व॑भिः शूर नोनुमः ।

जेषा॑मेन्द्र॒ त्वया॑ यु॒जा ॥ ८.०६३.११

bal̤ṛ̱tviyā̍ya̱ dhāmna̱ ṛkva̍bhiḥ śūra nonumaḥ .

jeṣā̍mendra̱ tvayā̍ yu̱jā .. 8.063.11

11 Thou whom Gopavana made glad with song, O Agni Aṅgiras,
Hear this my call, thou Holy One.

Sloka : 8.63.12

अ॒स्मे रु॒द्रा मे॒हना॒ पर्व॑तासो वृत्र॒हत्ये॒ भर॑हूतौ स॒जोषाः॑ ।

यः शंस॑ते स्तुव॒ते धायि॑ प॒ज्र इन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठा अ॒स्माँ अ॑वन्तु दे॒वाः ॥ ८.०६३.१२

a̱sme ru̱drā me̱hanā̱ parva̍tāso vṛtra̱hatye̱ bhara̍hūtau sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .

yaḥ śaṃsa̍te stuva̱te dhāyi̍ pa̱jra indra̍jyeṣṭhā a̱smām̐ a̍vantu de̱vāḥ .. 8.063.12

12 Thou whom the priestly folk implore to aid the gathering of the spoil,
Such be thou in the fight with foes.

Sloka : 8.64.1

उत्त्वा॑ मन्दन्तु॒ स्तोमाः॑ कृणु॒ष्व राधो॑ अद्रिवः ।

अव॑ ब्रह्म॒द्विषो॑ जहि ॥ ८.०६४.०१

uttvā̍ mandantu̱ stomā̍ḥ kṛṇu̱ṣva rādho̍ adrivaḥ .

ava̍ brahma̱dviṣo̍ jahi .. 8.064.01

1. YOKE, Agni, as a charioteer, thy steeds who best invite the Gods:- As ancient Herald seat thyself.

Sloka : 8.64.2

प॒दा प॒णीँर॑रा॒धसो॒ नि बा॑धस्व म॒हाँ अ॑सि ।

न॒हि त्वा॒ कश्च॒न प्रति॑ ॥ ८.०६४.०२

pa̱dā pa̱ṇīm̐ra̍rā̱dhaso̱ ni bā̍dhasva ma̱hām̐ a̍si .

na̱hi tvā̱ kaśca̱na prati̍ .. 8.064.02

2 And, God, as skilfullest of all, call for us hitherward the Gods:-
Give all our wishes sure effect.

Sloka : 8.64.3

त्वमी॑शिषे सु॒ताना॒मिन्द्र॒ त्वमसु॑तानाम् ।

त्वं राजा॒ जना॑नाम् ॥ ८.०६४.०३

tvamī̍śiṣe su̱tānā̱mindra̱ tvamasu̍tānām .

tvaṃ rājā̱ janā̍nām .. 8.064.03

3 For thou, Most Youthful, Son of Strength, thou to whom sacrifice is paid,
Art holy, faithful to the Law.

Sloka : 8.64.4

एहि॒ प्रेहि॒ क्षयो॑ दि॒व्या॒३॒॑घोष॑ञ्चर्षणी॒नाम् ।

ओभे पृ॑णासि॒ रोद॑सी ॥ ८.०६४.०४

ehi̱ prehi̱ kṣayo̍ di̱vyā̱3̱̍ghoṣa̍ñcarṣaṇī̱nām .

obhe pṛ̍ṇāsi̱ roda̍sī .. 8.064.04

4 This Agni, Lord of wealth and spoil hundredfold, thousandfold, is head
And chief of riches and a Sage.

Sloka : 8.64.5

त्यं चि॒त्पर्व॑तं गि॒रिं श॒तव॑न्तं सह॒स्रिण॑म् ।

वि स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ रुरोजिथ ॥ ८.०६४.०५

tyaṃ ci̱tparva̍taṃ gi̱riṃ śa̱tava̍ntaṃ saha̱sriṇa̍m .

vi sto̱tṛbhyo̍ rurojitha .. 8.064.05

5 As craftsmen bend the felly, so bend at our general call:- come nigh,
Aṅgiras, to the sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.64.6

व॒यमु॑ त्वा॒ दिवा॑ सु॒ते व॒यं नक्तं॑ हवामहे ।

अ॒स्माकं॒ काम॒मा पृ॑ण ॥ ८.०६४.०६

va̱yamu̍ tvā̱ divā̍ su̱te va̱yaṃ nakta̍ṃ havāmahe .

a̱smāka̱ṃ kāma̱mā pṛ̍ṇa .. 8.064.06

6 Now, O Virūpa, rouse for him, Strong God who shines at early morn,
Fair praise with voice that ceases not.

Sloka : 8.64.7

क्व१॒॑ स्य वृ॑ष॒भो युवा॑ तुवि॒ग्रीवो॒ अना॑नतः ।

ब्र॒ह्मा कस्तं स॑पर्यति ॥ ८.०६४.०७

kva1̱̍ sya vṛ̍ṣa̱bho yuvā̍ tuvi̱grīvo̱ anā̍nataḥ .

bra̱hmā kastaṃ sa̍paryati .. 8.064.07

7 With missile of this Agni, his who looks afar, will we lay low
The thief in combat for the kine.

Sloka : 8.64.8

कस्य॑ स्वि॒त्सव॑नं॒ वृषा॑ जुजु॒ष्वाँ अव॑ गच्छति ।

इन्द्रं॒ क उ॑ स्वि॒दा च॑के ॥ ८.०६४.०८

kasya̍ svi̱tsava̍na̱ṃ vṛṣā̍ juju̱ṣvām̐ ava̍ gacchati .

indra̱ṃ ka u̍ svi̱dā ca̍ke .. 8.064.08

8 Let not the Companies of Gods fail us, like Dawns that float away,
Like cows who leave the niggardly.

Sloka : 8.64.9

कं ते॑ दा॒ना अ॑सक्षत॒ वृत्र॑ह॒न्कं सु॒वीर्या॑ ।

उ॒क्थे क उ॑ स्वि॒दन्त॑मः ॥ ८.०६४.०९

kaṃ te̍ dā̱nā a̍sakṣata̱ vṛtra̍ha̱nkaṃ su̱vīryā̍ .

u̱kthe ka u̍ svi̱danta̍maḥ .. 8.064.09

9 Let not the sinful tyranny of any fiercely hating foe
Smite us, as billows smite a ship.

Sloka : 8.64.10

अ॒यं ते॒ मानु॑षे॒ जने॒ सोमः॑ पू॒रुषु॑ सूयते ।

तस्येहि॒ प्र द्र॑वा॒ पिब॑ ॥ ८.०६४.१०

a̱yaṃ te̱ mānu̍ṣe̱ jane̱ soma̍ḥ pū̱ruṣu̍ sūyate .

tasyehi̱ pra dra̍vā̱ piba̍ .. 8.064.10

10 O Agni, God, the people sing reverent praise to thee for strength:-
With terrors trouble thou the foe.

Sloka : 8.64.11

अ॒यं ते॑ शर्य॒णाव॑ति सु॒षोमा॑या॒मधि॑ प्रि॒यः ।

आ॒र्जी॒कीये॑ म॒दिन्त॑मः ॥ ८.०६४.११

a̱yaṃ te̍ śarya̱ṇāva̍ti su̱ṣomā̍yā̱madhi̍ pri̱yaḥ .

ā̱rjī̱kīye̍ ma̱dinta̍maḥ .. 8.064.11

11 Wilt thou not, Agni, lend us aid in winning cattle, winning wealth?
Maker of room, make room for us.

Sloka : 8.64.12

तम॒द्य राध॑से म॒हे चारुं॒ मदा॑य॒ घृष्व॑ये ।

एही॑मिन्द्र॒ द्रवा॒ पिब॑ ॥ ८.०६४.१२

tama̱dya rādha̍se ma̱he cāru̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍ye .

ehī̍mindra̱ dravā̱ piba̍ .. 8.064.12

12 In this great battle cast us not aside as one who bears a load:-
Snatch up the wealth and win it all.

Sloka : 8.65.1

यदि॑न्द्र॒ प्रागपा॒गुद॒ङ्न्य॑ग्वा हू॒यसे॒ नृभिः॑ ।

आ या॑हि॒ तूय॑मा॒शुभिः॑ ॥ ८.०६५.०१

yadi̍ndra̱ prāgapā̱guda̱ṅnya̍gvā hū̱yase̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .

ā yā̍hi̱ tūya̍mā̱śubhi̍ḥ .. 8.065.01

1. NOT to forsake me, I invoke this Indra girt by Maruts,
Lord Of magic power who rules with might.

Sloka : 8.65.2

यद्वा॑ प्र॒स्रव॑णे दि॒वो मा॒दया॑से॒ स्व॑र्णरे ।

यद्वा॑ समु॒द्रे अन्ध॑सः ॥ ८.०६५.०२

yadvā̍ pra̱srava̍ṇe di̱vo mā̱dayā̍se̱ sva̍rṇare .

yadvā̍ samu̱dre andha̍saḥ .. 8.065.02

2 This Indra with his Marut Friends clave into pieces Vṛtra's bead
With hundred-knotted thunderbolt.

Sloka : 8.65.3

आ त्वा॑ गी॒र्भिर्म॒हामु॒रुं हु॒वे गामि॑व॒ भोज॑से ।

इन्द्र॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०६५.०३

ā tvā̍ gī̱rbhirma̱hāmu̱ruṃ hu̱ve gāmi̍va̱ bhoja̍se .

indra̱ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.065.03

3 Indra, with Marut Friends grown strong, hath rent asunder Vṛtra, and
Released the waters of the sea.

Sloka : 8.65.4

आ त॑ इन्द्र महि॒मानं॒ हर॑यो देव ते॒ महः॑ ।

रथे॑ वहन्तु॒ बिभ्र॑तः ॥ ८.०६५.०४

ā ta̍ indra mahi̱māna̱ṃ hara̍yo deva te̱ maha̍ḥ .

rathe̍ vahantu̱ bibhra̍taḥ .. 8.065.04

4 This is that Indra who, begirt by Maruts, won the light of heaven
That he might drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.65.5

इन्द्र॑ गृणी॒ष उ॑ स्तु॒षे म॒हाँ उ॒ग्र ई॑शान॒कृत् ।

एहि॑ नः सु॒तं पिब॑ ॥ ८.०६५.०५

indra̍ gṛṇī̱ṣa u̍ stu̱ṣe ma̱hām̐ u̱gra ī̍śāna̱kṛt .

ehi̍ naḥ su̱taṃ piba̍ .. 8.065.05

5 Mighty, impetuous, begirt by Maruts, him who loudly roars,
Indra we invocate with songs.

Sloka : 8.65.6

सु॒ताव॑न्तस्त्वा व॒यं प्रय॑स्वन्तो हवामहे ।

इ॒दं नो॑ ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ॥ ८.०६५.०६

su̱tāva̍ntastvā va̱yaṃ praya̍svanto havāmahe .

i̱daṃ no̍ ba̱rhirā̱sade̍ .. 8.065.06

6 Indra begirt by Maruts we invoke after the ancient plan,
That he may drink the Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.65.7

यच्चि॒द्धि शश्व॑ता॒मसीन्द्र॒ साधा॑रण॒स्त्वम् ।

तं त्वा॑ व॒यं ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०६५.०७

yacci̱ddhi śaśva̍tā̱masīndra̱ sādhā̍raṇa̱stvam .

taṃ tvā̍ va̱yaṃ ha̍vāmahe .. 8.065.07

7 O liberal Indra, Marut-girt, much-lauded Śatakratu, drink
The Soma at this sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.65.8

इ॒दं ते॑ सो॒म्यं मध्वधु॑क्ष॒न्नद्रि॑भि॒र्नरः॑ ।

जु॒षा॒ण इ॑न्द्र॒ तत्पि॑ब ॥ ८.०६५.०८

i̱daṃ te̍ so̱myaṃ madhvadhu̍kṣa̱nnadri̍bhi̱rnara̍ḥ .

ju̱ṣā̱ṇa i̍ndra̱ tatpi̍ba .. 8.065.08

8 To thee, O Indra, Marut-girt, these Soma juices, Thunderer!
Are offered from the heart with lauds.

Sloka : 8.65.9

विश्वा॑ँ अ॒र्यो वि॑प॒श्चितोऽति॑ ख्य॒स्तूय॒मा ग॑हि ।

अ॒स्मे धे॑हि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ॥ ८.०६५.०९

viśvā̍m̐ a̱ryo vi̍pa̱ścito'ti̍ khya̱stūya̱mā ga̍hi .

a̱sme dhe̍hi̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hat .. 8.065.09

9 Drink, Indra, with thy Marut Friends, pressed Soma at the morning rites,
Whetting thy thunderbolt with strength.

Sloka : 8.65.10

दा॒ता मे॒ पृष॑तीनां॒ राजा॑ हिरण्य॒वीना॑म् ।

मा दे॑वा म॒घवा॑ रिषत् ॥ ८.०६५.१०

dā̱tā me̱ pṛṣa̍tīnā̱ṃ rājā̍ hiraṇya̱vīnā̍m .

mā de̍vā ma̱ghavā̍ riṣat .. 8.065.10

10 Arising in thy might, thy jaws thou shookest, Indra, having quaffed
The Soma which the mortar pressed.

Sloka : 8.65.11

स॒हस्रे॒ पृष॑तीना॒मधि॑ श्च॒न्द्रं बृ॒हत्पृ॒थु ।

शु॒क्रं हिर॑ण्य॒मा द॑दे ॥ ८.०६५.११

sa̱hasre̱ pṛṣa̍tīnā̱madhi̍ śca̱ndraṃ bṛ̱hatpṛ̱thu .

śu̱kraṃ hira̍ṇya̱mā da̍de .. 8.065.11

11 Indra, both worlds complained to thee when uttering thy fearful roar,
What time thou smotest Dasyus dead.

Sloka : 8.65.12

नपा॑तो दु॒र्गह॑स्य मे स॒हस्रे॑ण सु॒राध॑सः ।

श्रवो॑ दे॒वेष्व॑क्रत ॥ ८.०६५.१२

napā̍to du̱rgaha̍sya me sa̱hasre̍ṇa su̱rādha̍saḥ .

śravo̍ de̱veṣva̍krata .. 8.065.12

12 From Indra have I measured out a song eight-footed with nine parts,
Delicate, faithful. to the Law.

Sloka : 8.66.1

तरो॑भिर्वो वि॒दद्व॑सु॒मिन्द्रं॑ स॒बाध॑ ऊ॒तये॑ ।

बृ॒हद्गाय॑न्तः सु॒तसो॑मे अध्व॒रे हु॒वे भरं॒ न का॒रिण॑म् ॥ ८.०६६.०१

taro̍bhirvo vi̱dadva̍su̱mindra̍ṃ sa̱bādha̍ ū̱taye̍ .

bṛ̱hadgāya̍ntaḥ su̱taso̍me adhva̱re hu̱ve bhara̱ṃ na kā̱riṇa̍m .. 8.066.01

1. SCARCELY was Śatakratu, born when of his Mother he inquired,
Who are the mighty? Who are famed?

Sloka : 8.66.2

न यं दु॒ध्रा वर॑न्ते॒ न स्थि॒रा मुरो॒ मदे॑ सुशि॒प्रमन्ध॑सः ।

य आ॒दृत्या॑ शशमा॒नाय॑ सुन्व॒ते दाता॑ जरि॒त्र उ॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ८.०६६.०२

na yaṃ du̱dhrā vara̍nte̱ na sthi̱rā muro̱ made̍ suśi̱pramandha̍saḥ .

ya ā̱dṛtyā̍ śaśamā̱nāya̍ sunva̱te dātā̍ jari̱tra u̱kthya̍m .. 8.066.02

2. Then Śavasī declared to him Aurṇavābha, Ahīśuva:-
Son, these be they thou must o’erthrow

Sloka : 8.66.3

यः श॒क्रो मृ॒क्षो अश्व्यो॒ यो वा॒ कीजो॑ हिर॒ण्ययः॑ ।

स ऊ॒र्वस्य॑ रेजय॒त्यपा॑वृति॒मिन्द्रो॒ गव्य॑स्य वृत्र॒हा ॥ ८.०६६.०३

yaḥ śa̱kro mṛ̱kṣo aśvyo̱ yo vā̱ kījo̍ hira̱ṇyaya̍ḥ .

sa ū̱rvasya̍ rejaya̱tyapā̍vṛti̱mindro̱ gavya̍sya vṛtra̱hā .. 8.066.03

3 The Vṛtra-slayer smote them all as spokes are hammered into naves:-
The Dasyu-killer waxed in might.

Sloka : 8.66.4

निखा॑तं चि॒द्यः पु॑रुसम्भृ॒तं वसूदिद्वप॑ति दा॒शुषे॑ ।

व॒ज्री सु॑शि॒प्रो हर्य॑श्व॒ इत्क॑र॒दिन्द्रः॒ क्रत्वा॒ यथा॒ वश॑त् ॥ ८.०६६.०४

nikhā̍taṃ ci̱dyaḥ pu̍rusambhṛ̱taṃ vasūdidvapa̍ti dā̱śuṣe̍ .

va̱jrī su̍śi̱pro harya̍śva̱ itka̍ra̱dindra̱ḥ kratvā̱ yathā̱ vaśa̍t .. 8.066.04

4 Then Indra at a single draught drank the contents of thirty pails,
Pails that were filled with Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.66.5

यद्वा॒वन्थ॑ पुरुष्टुत पु॒रा चि॑च्छूर नृ॒णाम् ।

व॒यं तत्त॑ इन्द्र॒ सं भ॑रामसि य॒ज्ञमु॒क्थं तु॒रं वचः॑ ॥ ८.०६६.०५

yadvā̱vantha̍ puruṣṭuta pu̱rā ci̍cchūra nṛ̱ṇām .

va̱yaṃ tatta̍ indra̱ saṃ bha̍rāmasi ya̱jñamu̱kthaṃ tu̱raṃ vaca̍ḥ .. 8.066.05

5 Indra in groundless realms of space pierced the Gandharva through, that he
Might make Brahmans' strength increase.

Sloka : 8.66.6

सचा॒ सोमे॑षु पुरुहूत वज्रिवो॒ मदा॑य द्युक्ष सोमपाः ।

त्वमिद्धि ब्र॑ह्म॒कृते॒ काम्यं॒ वसु॒ देष्ठः॑ सुन्व॒ते भुवः॑ ॥ ८.०६६.०६

sacā̱ some̍ṣu puruhūta vajrivo̱ madā̍ya dyukṣa somapāḥ .

tvamiddhi bra̍hma̱kṛte̱ kāmya̱ṃ vasu̱ deṣṭha̍ḥ sunva̱te bhuva̍ḥ .. 8.066.06

6 Down from the mountains Indra shot hither his well-directed shaft:-
He gained the ready brew of rice.

Sloka : 8.66.7

व॒यमे॑नमि॒दा ह्योऽपी॑पेमे॒ह व॒ज्रिण॑म् ।

तस्मा॑ उ अ॒द्य स॑म॒ना सु॒तं भ॒रा नू॒नं भू॑षत श्रु॒ते ॥ ८.०६६.०७

va̱yame̍nami̱dā hyo'pī̍peme̱ha va̱jriṇa̍m .

tasmā̍ u a̱dya sa̍ma̱nā su̱taṃ bha̱rā nū̱naṃ bhū̍ṣata śru̱te .. 8.066.07

7 One only is that shaft of thine, with thousand feathers, hundred barbs,
Which, Indra, thou hast made thy friend.

Sloka : 8.66.8

वृक॑श्चिदस्य वार॒ण उ॑रा॒मथि॒रा व॒युने॑षु भूषति ।

सेमं नः॒ स्तोमं॑ जुजुषा॒ण आ ग॒हीन्द्र॒ प्र चि॒त्रया॑ धि॒या ॥ ८.०६६.०८

vṛka̍ścidasya vāra̱ṇa u̍rā̱mathi̱rā va̱yune̍ṣu bhūṣati .

semaṃ na̱ḥ stoma̍ṃ jujuṣā̱ṇa ā ga̱hīndra̱ pra ci̱trayā̍ dhi̱yā .. 8.066.08

8 Strong as the Ṛbhus at thy birth, therewith to those who praise thee, men,
And women, bring thou food to eat.

Sloka : 8.66.9

कदू॒ न्व१॒॑स्याकृ॑त॒मिन्द्र॑स्यास्ति॒ पौंस्य॑म् ।

केनो॒ नु कं॒ श्रोम॑तेन॒ न शु॑श्रुवे ज॒नुषः॒ परि॑ वृत्र॒हा ॥ ८.०६६.०९

kadū̱ nva1̱̍syākṛ̍ta̱mindra̍syāsti̱ pauṃsya̍m .

keno̱ nu ka̱ṃ śroma̍tena̱ na śu̍śruve ja̱nuṣa̱ḥ pari̍ vṛtra̱hā .. 8.066.09

9 By thee these exploits were achieved, the mightiest deeds, abundantly:-
Firm in thy heart thou settest them.

Sloka : 8.66.10

कदू॑ म॒हीरधृ॑ष्टा अस्य॒ तवि॑षीः॒ कदु॑ वृत्र॒घ्नो अस्तृ॑तम् ।

इन्द्रो॒ विश्वा॑न्बेक॒नाटा॑ँ अह॒र्दृश॑ उ॒त क्रत्वा॑ प॒णीँर॒भि ॥ ८.०६६.१०

kadū̍ ma̱hīradhṛ̍ṣṭā asya̱ tavi̍ṣī̱ḥ kadu̍ vṛtra̱ghno astṛ̍tam .

indro̱ viśvā̍nbeka̱nāṭā̍m̐ aha̱rdṛśa̍ u̱ta kratvā̍ pa̱ṇīm̐ra̱bhi .. 8.066.10

10 All these things Viṣṇu brought, the Lord of ample stride whom thou hadst sent-
A hundred buffaloes, a brew of rice and milk:- and Indra, slew the ravening boar

Sloka : 8.66.11

व॒यं घा॑ ते॒ अपू॒र्व्येन्द्र॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि वृत्रहन् ।

पु॒रू॒तमा॑सः पुरुहूत वज्रिवो भृ॒तिं न प्र भ॑रामसि ॥ ८.०६६.११

va̱yaṃ ghā̍ te̱ apū̱rvyendra̱ brahmā̍ṇi vṛtrahan .

pu̱rū̱tamā̍saḥ puruhūta vajrivo bhṛ̱tiṃ na pra bha̍rāmasi .. 8.066.11

11 Most deadly is thy bow, successful, fashioned well:- good is thine arrow, decked with gold.
Warlike and well equipped thine arms are, which increase sweetness for him who drinks the sweet.

Sloka : 8.66.12

पू॒र्वीश्चि॒द्धि त्वे तु॑विकूर्मिन्ना॒शसो॒ हव॑न्त इन्द्रो॒तयः॑ ।

ति॒रश्चि॑द॒र्यः सव॒ना व॑सो गहि॒ शवि॑ष्ठ श्रु॒धि मे॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.०६६.१२

pū̱rvīści̱ddhi tve tu̍vikūrminnā̱śaso̱ hava̍nta indro̱taya̍ḥ .

ti̱raści̍da̱ryaḥ sava̱nā va̍so gahi̱ śavi̍ṣṭha śru̱dhi me̱ hava̍m .. 8.066.12

Sloka : 8.66.13

व॒यं घा॑ ते॒ त्वे इद्विन्द्र॒ विप्रा॒ अपि॑ ष्मसि ।

न॒हि त्वद॒न्यः पु॑रुहूत॒ कश्च॒न मघ॑व॒न्नस्ति॑ मर्डि॒ता ॥ ८.०६६.१३

va̱yaṃ ghā̍ te̱ tve idvindra̱ viprā̱ api̍ ṣmasi .

na̱hi tvada̱nyaḥ pu̍ruhūta̱ kaśca̱na magha̍va̱nnasti̍ marḍi̱tā .. 8.066.13

Sloka : 8.66.14

त्वं नो॑ अ॒स्या अम॑तेरु॒त क्षु॒धो॒३॒॑ऽभिश॑स्ते॒रव॑ स्पृधि ।

त्वं न॑ ऊ॒ती तव॑ चि॒त्रया॑ धि॒या शिक्षा॑ शचिष्ठ गातु॒वित् ॥ ८.०६६.१४

tvaṃ no̍ a̱syā ama̍teru̱ta kṣu̱dho̱3̱̎bhiśa̍ste̱rava̍ spṛdhi .

tvaṃ na̍ ū̱tī tava̍ ci̱trayā̍ dhi̱yā śikṣā̍ śaciṣṭha gātu̱vit .. 8.066.14

Sloka : 8.66.15

सोम॒ इद्वः॑ सु॒तो अ॑स्तु॒ कल॑यो॒ मा बि॑भीतन ।

अपेदे॒ष ध्व॒स्माय॑ति स्व॒यं घै॒षो अपा॑यति ॥ ८.०६६.१५

soma̱ idva̍ḥ su̱to a̍stu̱ kala̍yo̱ mā bi̍bhītana .

apede̱ṣa dhva̱smāya̍ti sva̱yaṃ ghai̱ṣo apā̍yati .. 8.066.15

Sloka : 8.67.1

त्यान्नु क्ष॒त्रिया॒ँ अव॑ आदि॒त्यान्या॑चिषामहे ।

सु॒मृ॒ळी॒काँ अ॒भिष्ट॑ये ॥ ८.०६७.०१

tyānnu kṣa̱triyā̱m̐ ava̍ ādi̱tyānyā̍ciṣāmahe .

su̱mṛ̱l̤ī̱kām̐ a̱bhiṣṭa̍ye .. 8.067.01

1. BRING us a thousand, Indra, as our guerdon for the Soma juice:-
Hundreds of kine, O Hero, bring.

Sloka : 8.67.2

मि॒त्रो नो॒ अत्यं॑ह॒तिं वरु॑णः पर्षदर्य॒मा ।

आ॒दि॒त्यासो॒ यथा॑ वि॒दुः ॥ ८.०६७.०२

mi̱tro no̱ atya̍ṃha̱tiṃ varu̍ṇaḥ parṣadarya̱mā .

ā̱di̱tyāso̱ yathā̍ vi̱duḥ .. 8.067.02

2 Bring cattle, bring us ornament, bring us embellishment and steeds,
Give us, besides, two rings of gold.

Sloka : 8.67.3

तेषां॒ हि चि॒त्रमु॒क्थ्यं१॒॑ वरू॑थ॒मस्ति॑ दा॒शुषे॑ ।

आ॒दि॒त्याना॑मरं॒कृते॑ ॥ ८.०६७.०३

teṣā̱ṃ hi ci̱tramu̱kthyaṃ1̱̍ varū̍tha̱masti̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ .

ā̱di̱tyānā̍mara̱ṃkṛte̍ .. 8.067.03

3 And, Bold One, bring in ample store rich jewels to adorn the ear,
For thou, Good Lord, art far renowned.

Sloka : 8.67.4

महि॑ वो मह॒तामवो॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्रार्य॑मन् ।

अवां॒स्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ ८.०६७.०४

mahi̍ vo maha̱tāmavo̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitrārya̍man .

avā̱ṃsyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 8.067.04

4 None other is there for the priest, Hero! but thou, to give him gifts,
To win much spoil and prosper him.

Sloka : 8.67.5

जी॒वान्नो॑ अ॒भि धे॑त॒नादि॑त्यासः पु॒रा हथा॑त् ।

कद्ध॑ स्थ हवनश्रुतः ॥ ८.०६७.०५

jī̱vānno̍ a̱bhi dhe̍ta̱nādi̍tyāsaḥ pu̱rā hathā̍t .

kaddha̍ stha havanaśrutaḥ .. 8.067.05

5 Indra can never be brought low, Śakra can never be subdued:-
He heareth and beholdeth all.

Sloka : 8.67.6

यद्वः॑ श्रा॒न्ताय॑ सुन्व॒ते वरू॑थ॒मस्ति॒ यच्छ॒र्दिः ।

तेना॑ नो॒ अधि॑ वोचत ॥ ८.०६७.०६

yadva̍ḥ śrā̱ntāya̍ sunva̱te varū̍tha̱masti̱ yaccha̱rdiḥ .

tenā̍ no̱ adhi̍ vocata .. 8.067.06

6 He spieth out the wrath of man, he who can never be deceived:-
Ere blame can come he marketh it.

Sloka : 8.67.7

अस्ति॑ देवा अं॒होरु॒र्वस्ति॒ रत्न॒मना॑गसः ।

आदि॑त्या॒ अद्भु॑तैनसः ॥ ८.०६७.०७

asti̍ devā a̱ṃhoru̱rvasti̱ ratna̱manā̍gasaḥ .

ādi̍tyā̱ adbhu̍tainasaḥ .. 8.067.07

7 He hath his stomach full of might, the Vṛtra-slayer, Conqueror,
The Soma-drinker, ordering all.

Sloka : 8.67.8

मा नः॒ सेतुः॑ सिषेद॒यं म॒हे वृ॑णक्तु न॒स्परि॑ ।

इन्द्र॒ इद्धि श्रु॒तो व॒शी ॥ ८.०६७.०८

mā na̱ḥ setu̍ḥ siṣeda̱yaṃ ma̱he vṛ̍ṇaktu na̱spari̍ .

indra̱ iddhi śru̱to va̱śī .. 8.067.08

8 In thee all treasures are combined, Soma all blessed things in thee,
Uninjured, easy to bestow.

Sloka : 8.67.9

मा नो॑ मृ॒चा रि॑पू॒णां वृ॑जि॒नाना॑मविष्यवः ।

देवा॑ अ॒भि प्र मृ॑क्षत ॥ ८.०६७.०९

mā no̍ mṛ̱cā ri̍pū̱ṇāṃ vṛ̍ji̱nānā̍maviṣyavaḥ .

devā̍ a̱bhi pra mṛ̍kṣata .. 8.067.09

9 To thee speeds forth my hope that craves the gift of corn, and kine and gold,
Yea, craving horses, speeds to thee.

Sloka : 8.67.10

उ॒त त्वाम॑दिते मह्य॒हं दे॒व्युप॑ ब्रुवे ।

सु॒मृ॒ळी॒काम॒भिष्ट॑ये ॥ ८.०६७.१०

u̱ta tvāma̍dite mahya̱haṃ de̱vyupa̍ bruve .

su̱mṛ̱l̤ī̱kāma̱bhiṣṭa̍ye .. 8.067.10

10 Indra, through hope in thee alone even this sickle do I grasp.
Fill my hand, Maghavan, with all that it can hold of barley cut or gathered up.

Sloka : 8.67.11

पर्षि॑ दी॒ने ग॑भी॒र आँ उग्र॑पुत्रे॒ जिघां॑सतः ।

माकि॑स्तो॒कस्य॑ नो रिषत् ॥ ८.०६७.११

parṣi̍ dī̱ne ga̍bhī̱ra ām̐ ugra̍putre̱ jighā̍ṃsataḥ .

māki̍sto̱kasya̍ no riṣat .. 8.067.11

Sloka : 8.67.12

अ॒ने॒हो न॑ उरुव्रज॒ उरू॑चि॒ वि प्रस॑र्तवे ।

कृ॒धि तो॒काय॑ जी॒वसे॑ ॥ ८.०६७.१२

a̱ne̱ho na̍ uruvraja̱ urū̍ci̱ vi prasa̍rtave .

kṛ̱dhi to̱kāya̍ jī̱vase̍ .. 8.067.12

Sloka : 8.67.13

ये मू॒र्धानः॑ क्षिती॒नामद॑ब्धासः॒ स्वय॑शसः ।

व्र॒ता रक्ष॑न्ते अ॒द्रुहः॑ ॥ ८.०६७.१३

ye mū̱rdhāna̍ḥ kṣitī̱nāmada̍bdhāsa̱ḥ svaya̍śasaḥ .

vra̱tā rakṣa̍nte a̱druha̍ḥ .. 8.067.13

Sloka : 8.67.14

ते न॑ आ॒स्नो वृका॑णा॒मादि॑त्यासो मु॒मोच॑त ।

स्ते॒नं ब॒द्धमि॑वादिते ॥ ८.०६७.१४

te na̍ ā̱sno vṛkā̍ṇā̱mādi̍tyāso mu̱moca̍ta .

ste̱naṃ ba̱ddhami̍vādite .. 8.067.14

Sloka : 8.67.15

अपो॒ षु ण॑ इ॒यं शरु॒रादि॑त्या॒ अप॑ दुर्म॒तिः ।

अ॒स्मदे॒त्वज॑घ्नुषी ॥ ८.०६७.१५

apo̱ ṣu ṇa̍ i̱yaṃ śaru̱rādi̍tyā̱ apa̍ durma̱tiḥ .

a̱smade̱tvaja̍ghnuṣī .. 8.067.15

Sloka : 8.67.16

शश्व॒द्धि वः॑ सुदानव॒ आदि॑त्या ऊ॒तिभि॑र्व॒यम् ।

पु॒रा नू॒नं बु॑भु॒ज्महे॑ ॥ ८.०६७.१६

śaśva̱ddhi va̍ḥ sudānava̱ ādi̍tyā ū̱tibhi̍rva̱yam .

pu̱rā nū̱naṃ bu̍bhu̱jmahe̍ .. 8.067.16

Sloka : 8.67.17

शश्व॑न्तं॒ हि प्र॑चेतसः प्रति॒यन्तं॑ चि॒देन॑सः ।

देवाः॑ कृणु॒थ जी॒वसे॑ ॥ ८.०६७.१७

śaśva̍nta̱ṃ hi pra̍cetasaḥ prati̱yanta̍ṃ ci̱dena̍saḥ .

devā̍ḥ kṛṇu̱tha jī̱vase̍ .. 8.067.17

Sloka : 8.67.18

तत्सु नो॒ नव्यं॒ सन्य॑स॒ आदि॑त्या॒ यन्मुमो॑चति ।

ब॒न्धाद्ब॒द्धमि॑वादिते ॥ ८.०६७.१८

tatsu no̱ navya̱ṃ sanya̍sa̱ ādi̍tyā̱ yanmumo̍cati .

ba̱ndhādba̱ddhami̍vādite .. 8.067.18

Sloka : 8.67.19

नास्माक॑मस्ति॒ तत्तर॒ आदि॑त्यासो अति॒ष्कदे॑ ।

यू॒यम॒स्मभ्यं॑ मृळत ॥ ८.०६७.१९

nāsmāka̍masti̱ tattara̱ ādi̍tyāso ati̱ṣkade̍ .

yū̱yama̱smabhya̍ṃ mṛl̤ata .. 8.067.19

Sloka : 8.67.20

मा नो॑ हे॒तिर्वि॒वस्व॑त॒ आदि॑त्याः कृ॒त्रिमा॒ शरुः॑ ।

पु॒रा नु ज॒रसो॑ वधीत् ॥ ८.०६७.२०

mā no̍ he̱tirvi̱vasva̍ta̱ ādi̍tyāḥ kṛ̱trimā̱ śaru̍ḥ .

pu̱rā nu ja̱raso̍ vadhīt .. 8.067.20

Sloka : 8.67.21

वि षु द्वेषो॒ व्यं॑ह॒तिमादि॑त्यासो॒ वि संहि॑तम् ।

विष्व॒ग्वि वृ॑हता॒ रपः॑ ॥ ८.०६७.२१

vi ṣu dveṣo̱ vya̍ṃha̱timādi̍tyāso̱ vi saṃhi̍tam .

viṣva̱gvi vṛ̍hatā̱ rapa̍ḥ .. 8.067.21

Sloka : 8.68.1

आ त्वा॒ रथं॒ यथो॒तये॑ सु॒म्नाय॑ वर्तयामसि ।

तु॒वि॒कू॒र्मिमृ॑ती॒षह॒मिन्द्र॒ शवि॑ष्ठ॒ सत्प॑ते ॥ ८.०६८.०१

ā tvā̱ ratha̱ṃ yatho̱taye̍ su̱mnāya̍ vartayāmasi .

tu̱vi̱kū̱rmimṛ̍tī̱ṣaha̱mindra̱ śavi̍ṣṭha̱ satpa̍te .. 8.068.01

1. THIS here is Soma, ne’er restrained, active, all-conquering bursting forth,
Ṛṣi and Sage by sapience,

Sloka : 8.68.2

तुवि॑शुष्म॒ तुवि॑क्रतो॒ शची॑वो॒ विश्व॑या मते ।

आ प॑प्राथ महित्व॒ना ॥ ८.०६८.०२

tuvi̍śuṣma̱ tuvi̍krato̱ śacī̍vo̱ viśva̍yā mate .

ā pa̍prātha mahitva̱nā .. 8.068.02

2 All that is bare he covers o’er, all that is sick he medicines;
The blind man sees, the cripple walks.

Sloka : 8.68.3

यस्य॑ ते महि॒ना म॒हः परि॑ ज्मा॒यन्त॑मी॒यतुः॑ ।

हस्ता॒ वज्रं॑ हिर॒ण्यय॑म् ॥ ८.०६८.०३

yasya̍ te mahi̱nā ma̱haḥ pari̍ jmā̱yanta̍mī̱yatu̍ḥ .

hastā̱ vajra̍ṃ hira̱ṇyaya̍m .. 8.068.03

3 Thou, Soma, givest wide defence against the hate of alien men,
Hatreds that waste and weaken us.

Sloka : 8.68.4

वि॒श्वान॑रस्य व॒स्पति॒मना॑नतस्य॒ शव॑सः ।

एवै॑श्च चर्षणी॒नामू॒ती हु॑वे॒ रथा॑नाम् ॥ ८.०६८.०४

vi̱śvāna̍rasya va̱spati̱manā̍natasya̱ śava̍saḥ .

evai̍śca carṣaṇī̱nāmū̱tī hu̍ve̱ rathā̍nām .. 8.068.04

4 Thou by thine insight and thy skill, Impetuous One, from heaven and earth
Drivest the sinner's enmity.

Sloka : 8.68.5

अ॒भिष्ट॑ये स॒दावृ॑धं॒ स्व॑र्मीळ्हेषु॒ यं नरः॑ ।

नाना॒ हव॑न्त ऊ॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०६८.०५

a̱bhiṣṭa̍ye sa̱dāvṛ̍dha̱ṃ sva̍rmīl̤heṣu̱ yaṃ nara̍ḥ .

nānā̱ hava̍nta ū̱taye̍ .. 8.068.05

5 When to their task they come with zeal, may they obtain the Giver's grace,
And satisfy his wish who thirsts.

Sloka : 8.68.6

प॒रोमा॑त्र॒मृची॑षम॒मिन्द्र॑मु॒ग्रं सु॒राध॑सम् ।

ईशा॑नं चि॒द्वसू॑नाम् ॥ ८.०६८.०६

pa̱romā̍tra̱mṛcī̍ṣama̱mindra̍mu̱graṃ su̱rādha̍sam .

īśā̍naṃ ci̱dvasū̍nām .. 8.068.06

6 So may he find what erst was lost, so may be speed the pious man,
And lengthen his remaining life.

Sloka : 8.68.7

तंत॒मिद्राध॑से म॒ह इन्द्रं॑ चोदामि पी॒तये॑ ।

यः पू॒र्व्यामनु॑ष्टुति॒मीशे॑ कृष्टी॒नां नृ॒तुः ॥ ८.०६८.०७

taṃta̱midrādha̍se ma̱ha indra̍ṃ codāmi pī̱taye̍ .

yaḥ pū̱rvyāmanu̍ṣṭuti̱mīśe̍ kṛṣṭī̱nāṃ nṛ̱tuḥ .. 8.068.07

7 Gracious, displaying tender love, unconquered, gentle in thy thoughts,
Be sweet, O Soma, to our heart.

Sloka : 8.68.8

न यस्य॑ ते शवसान स॒ख्यमा॒नंश॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

नकिः॒ शवां॑सि ते नशत् ॥ ८.०६८.०८

na yasya̍ te śavasāna sa̱khyamā̱naṃśa̱ martya̍ḥ .

naki̱ḥ śavā̍ṃsi te naśat .. 8.068.08

8 O Soma, terrify us not; strike us not with alarm, O King:-
Wound not our heart with dazzling flame.

Sloka : 8.68.9

त्वोता॑स॒स्त्वा यु॒जाप्सु सूर्ये॑ म॒हद्धन॑म् ।

जये॑म पृ॒त्सु व॑ज्रिवः ॥ ८.०६८.०९

tvotā̍sa̱stvā yu̱jāpsu sūrye̍ ma̱haddhana̍m .

jaye̍ma pṛ̱tsu va̍jrivaḥ .. 8.068.09

9 When in my dwelling-place I see the wicked enemies of Gods,
King, chase their hatred far away, thou Bounteous One, dispel our foes.

Sloka : 8.68.10

तं त्वा॑ य॒ज्ञेभि॑रीमहे॒ तं गी॒र्भिर्गि॑र्वणस्तम ।

इन्द्र॒ यथा॑ चि॒दावि॑थ॒ वाजे॑षु पुरु॒माय्य॑म् ॥ ८.०६८.१०

taṃ tvā̍ ya̱jñebhi̍rīmahe̱ taṃ gī̱rbhirgi̍rvaṇastama .

indra̱ yathā̍ ci̱dāvi̍tha̱ vāje̍ṣu puru̱māyya̍m .. 8.068.10

Sloka : 8.68.11

यस्य॑ ते स्वा॒दु स॒ख्यं स्वा॒द्वी प्रणी॑तिरद्रिवः ।

य॒ज्ञो वि॑तन्त॒साय्यः॑ ॥ ८.०६८.११

yasya̍ te svā̱du sa̱khyaṃ svā̱dvī praṇī̍tiradrivaḥ .

ya̱jño vi̍tanta̱sāyya̍ḥ .. 8.068.11

Sloka : 8.68.12

उ॒रु ण॑स्त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ तन॑ उ॒रु क्षया॑य नस्कृधि ।

उ॒रु णो॑ यन्धि जी॒वसे॑ ॥ ८.०६८.१२

u̱ru ṇa̍sta̱nve̱3̱̍ tana̍ u̱ru kṣayā̍ya naskṛdhi .

u̱ru ṇo̍ yandhi jī̱vase̍ .. 8.068.12

Sloka : 8.68.13

उ॒रुं नृभ्य॑ उ॒रुं गव॑ उ॒रुं रथा॑य॒ पन्था॑म् ।

दे॒ववी॑तिं मनामहे ॥ ८.०६८.१३

u̱ruṃ nṛbhya̍ u̱ruṃ gava̍ u̱ruṃ rathā̍ya̱ panthā̍m .

de̱vavī̍tiṃ manāmahe .. 8.068.13

Sloka : 8.68.14

उप॑ मा॒ षड्द्वाद्वा॒ नरः॒ सोम॑स्य॒ हर्ष्या॑ ।

तिष्ठ॑न्ति स्वादुरा॒तयः॑ ॥ ८.०६८.१४

upa̍ mā̱ ṣaḍdvādvā̱ nara̱ḥ soma̍sya̱ harṣyā̍ .

tiṣṭha̍nti svādurā̱taya̍ḥ .. 8.068.14

Sloka : 8.68.15

ऋ॒ज्रावि॑न्द्रो॒त आ द॑दे॒ हरी॒ ऋक्ष॑स्य सू॒नवि॑ ।

आ॒श्व॒मे॒धस्य॒ रोहि॑ता ॥ ८.०६८.१५

ṛ̱jrāvi̍ndro̱ta ā da̍de̱ harī̱ ṛkṣa̍sya sū̱navi̍ .

ā̱śva̱me̱dhasya̱ rohi̍tā .. 8.068.15

Sloka : 8.68.16

सु॒रथा॑ँ आतिथि॒ग्वे स्व॑भी॒शूँरा॒र्क्षे ।

आ॒श्व॒मे॒धे सु॒पेश॑सः ॥ ८.०६८.१६

su̱rathā̍m̐ ātithi̱gve sva̍bhī̱śūm̐rā̱rkṣe .

ā̱śva̱me̱dhe su̱peśa̍saḥ .. 8.068.16

Sloka : 8.68.17

षळश्वा॑ँ आतिथि॒ग्व इ॑न्द्रो॒ते व॒धूम॑तः ।

सचा॑ पू॒तक्र॑तौ सनम् ॥ ८.०६८.१७

ṣal̤aśvā̍m̐ ātithi̱gva i̍ndro̱te va̱dhūma̍taḥ .

sacā̍ pū̱takra̍tau sanam .. 8.068.17

Sloka : 8.68.18

ऐषु॑ चेत॒द्वृष॑ण्वत्य॒न्तरृ॒ज्रेष्वरु॑षी ।

स्व॒भी॒शुः कशा॑वती ॥ ८.०६८.१८

aiṣu̍ ceta̱dvṛṣa̍ṇvatya̱ntarṛ̱jreṣvaru̍ṣī .

sva̱bhī̱śuḥ kaśā̍vatī .. 8.068.18

Sloka : 8.68.19

न यु॒ष्मे वा॑जबन्धवो निनि॒त्सुश्च॒न मर्त्यः॑ ।

अ॒व॒द्यमधि॑ दीधरत् ॥ ८.०६८.१९

na yu̱ṣme vā̍jabandhavo nini̱tsuśca̱na martya̍ḥ .

a̱va̱dyamadhi̍ dīdharat .. 8.068.19

Sloka : 8.69.1

प्रप्र॑ वस्त्रि॒ष्टुभ॒मिषं॑ म॒न्दद्वी॑रा॒येन्द॑वे ।

धि॒या वो॑ मे॒धसा॑तये॒ पुरं॒ध्या वि॑वासति ॥ ८.०६९.०१

prapra̍ vastri̱ṣṭubha̱miṣa̍ṃ ma̱ndadvī̍rā̱yenda̍ve .

dhi̱yā vo̍ me̱dhasā̍taye̱ pura̱ṃdhyā vi̍vāsati .. 8.069.01

1. O Sarakratu! truely I have made none else my Comforter.
Indra; be gracious unto us.

Sloka : 8.69.2

न॒दं व॒ ओद॑तीनां न॒दं योयु॑वतीनाम् ।

पतिं॑ वो॒ अघ्न्या॑नां धेनू॒नामि॑षुध्यसि ॥ ८.०६९.०२

na̱daṃ va̱ oda̍tīnāṃ na̱daṃ yoyu̍vatīnām .

pati̍ṃ vo̱ aghnyā̍nāṃ dhenū̱nāmi̍ṣudhyasi .. 8.069.02

2 Thou who hast ever aided us kindly of old to win the spoil,
As such, O Indra, favour us.

Sloka : 8.69.3

ता अ॑स्य॒ सूद॑दोहसः॒ सोमं॑ श्रीणन्ति॒ पृश्न॑यः ।

जन्म॑न्दे॒वानां॒ विश॑स्त्रि॒ष्वा रो॑च॒ने दि॒वः ॥ ८.०६९.०३

tā a̍sya̱ sūda̍dohasa̱ḥ soma̍ṃ śrīṇanti̱ pṛśna̍yaḥ .

janma̍nde̱vānā̱ṃ viśa̍stri̱ṣvā ro̍ca̱ne di̱vaḥ .. 8.069.03

3 What now? As prompter of the poor thou helpest him who sheds the juice.
Wilt thou not, Indra, strengthen us?

Sloka : 8.69.4

अ॒भि प्र गोप॑तिं गि॒रेन्द्र॑मर्च॒ यथा॑ वि॒दे ।

सू॒नुं स॒त्यस्य॒ सत्प॑तिम् ॥ ८.०६९.०४

a̱bhi pra gopa̍tiṃ gi̱rendra̍marca̱ yathā̍ vi̱de .

sū̱nuṃ sa̱tyasya̱ satpa̍tim .. 8.069.04

4 O Indra, help our chariot on, yea, Thunderer, though it lag behind:-
Give this my car the foremost place.

Sloka : 8.69.5

आ हर॑यः ससृज्रि॒रेऽरु॑षी॒रधि॑ ब॒र्हिषि॑ ।

यत्रा॒भि सं॒नवा॑महे ॥ ८.०६९.०५

ā hara̍yaḥ sasṛjri̱re'ru̍ṣī̱radhi̍ ba̱rhiṣi̍ .

yatrā̱bhi sa̱ṃnavā̍mahe .. 8.069.05

5 Ho there! why sittest thou at case? Make thou my chariot to be first
And bring the fame of victory near.

Sloka : 8.69.6

इन्द्रा॑य॒ गाव॑ आ॒शिरं॑ दुदु॒ह्रे व॒ज्रिणे॒ मधु॑ ।

यत्सी॑मुपह्व॒रे वि॒दत् ॥ ८.०६९.०६

indrā̍ya̱ gāva̍ ā̱śira̍ṃ dudu̱hre va̱jriṇe̱ madhu̍ .

yatsī̍mupahva̱re vi̱dat .. 8.069.06

6 Assist our car that seeks the prize. What can be easier for thee?
So make thou us victorious.

Sloka : 8.69.7

उद्यद्ब्र॒ध्नस्य॑ वि॒ष्टपं॑ गृ॒हमिन्द्र॑श्च॒ गन्व॑हि ।

मध्वः॑ पी॒त्वा स॑चेवहि॒ त्रिः स॒प्त सख्युः॑ प॒दे ॥ ८.०६९.०७

udyadbra̱dhnasya̍ vi̱ṣṭapa̍ṃ gṛ̱hamindra̍śca̱ ganva̍hi .

madhva̍ḥ pī̱tvā sa̍cevahi̱ triḥ sa̱pta sakhyu̍ḥ pa̱de .. 8.069.07

7 Indra, be firm:- a fort art thou. To thine appointed place proceeds
The auspicious hymn in season due.

Sloka : 8.69.8

अर्च॑त॒ प्रार्च॑त॒ प्रिय॑मेधासो॒ अर्च॑त ।

अर्च॑न्तु पुत्र॒का उ॒त पुरं॒ न धृ॒ष्ण्व॑र्चत ॥ ८.०६९.०८

arca̍ta̱ prārca̍ta̱ priya̍medhāso̱ arca̍ta .

arca̍ntu putra̱kā u̱ta pura̱ṃ na dhṛ̱ṣṇva̍rcata .. 8.069.08

8 Let not our portion be disgrace. Broad is the course, the prize is set,
The barriers are opened wide.

Sloka : 8.69.9

अव॑ स्वराति॒ गर्ग॑रो गो॒धा परि॑ सनिष्वणत् ।

पिङ्गा॒ परि॑ चनिष्कद॒दिन्द्रा॑य॒ ब्रह्मोद्य॑तम् ॥ ८.०६९.०९

ava̍ svarāti̱ garga̍ro go̱dhā pari̍ saniṣvaṇat .

piṅgā̱ pari̍ caniṣkada̱dindrā̍ya̱ brahmodya̍tam .. 8.069.09

9 This thing we wish. that thou mayst take thy fourth, thy sacrificial name.
So art thou held to be our Lord.

Sloka : 8.69.10

आ यत्पत॑न्त्ये॒न्यः॑ सु॒दुघा॒ अन॑पस्फुरः ।

अ॒प॒स्फुरं॑ गृभायत॒ सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे ॥ ८.०६९.१०

ā yatpata̍ntye̱nya̍ḥ su̱dughā̱ ana̍pasphuraḥ .

a̱pa̱sphura̍ṃ gṛbhāyata̱ soma̱mindrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve .. 8.069.10

10 Ekadyu hath exalted you, Immortals:- both Goddesses and Gods hath he delighted.
Bestow upon him bounty meet for praises. May he, enriched with prayer, come soon and early.

Sloka : 8.69.11

अपा॒दिन्द्रो॒ अपा॑द॒ग्निर्विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॑मत्सत ।

वरु॑ण॒ इदि॒ह क्ष॑य॒त्तमापो॑ अ॒भ्य॑नूषत व॒त्सं सं॒शिश्व॑रीरिव ॥ ८.०६९.११

apā̱dindro̱ apā̍da̱gnirviśve̍ de̱vā a̍matsata .

varu̍ṇa̱ idi̱ha kṣa̍ya̱ttamāpo̍ a̱bhya̍nūṣata va̱tsaṃ sa̱ṃśiśva̍rīriva .. 8.069.11

Sloka : 8.69.12

सु॒दे॒वो अ॑सि वरुण॒ यस्य॑ ते स॒प्त सिन्ध॑वः ।

अ॒नु॒क्षर॑न्ति का॒कुदं॑ सू॒र्म्यं॑ सुषि॒रामि॑व ॥ ८.०६९.१२

su̱de̱vo a̍si varuṇa̱ yasya̍ te sa̱pta sindha̍vaḥ .

a̱nu̱kṣara̍nti kā̱kuda̍ṃ sū̱rmya̍ṃ suṣi̱rāmi̍va .. 8.069.12

Sloka : 8.69.13

यो व्यती॒ँरफा॑णय॒त्सुयु॑क्ता॒ँ उप॑ दा॒शुषे॑ ।

त॒क्वो ने॒ता तदिद्वपु॑रुप॒मा यो अमु॑च्यत ॥ ८.०६९.१३

yo vyatī̱m̐raphā̍ṇaya̱tsuyu̍ktā̱m̐ upa̍ dā̱śuṣe̍ .

ta̱kvo ne̱tā tadidvapu̍rupa̱mā yo amu̍cyata .. 8.069.13

Sloka : 8.69.14

अतीदु॑ श॒क्र ओ॑हत॒ इन्द्रो॒ विश्वा॒ अति॒ द्विषः॑ ।

भि॒नत्क॒नीन॑ ओद॒नं प॒च्यमा॑नं प॒रो गि॒रा ॥ ८.०६९.१४

atīdu̍ śa̱kra o̍hata̱ indro̱ viśvā̱ ati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .

bhi̱natka̱nīna̍ oda̱naṃ pa̱cyamā̍naṃ pa̱ro gi̱rā .. 8.069.14

Sloka : 8.69.15

अ॒र्भ॒को न कु॑मार॒कोऽधि॑ तिष्ठ॒न्नवं॒ रथ॑म् ।

स प॑क्षन्महि॒षं मृ॒गं पि॒त्रे मा॒त्रे वि॑भु॒क्रतु॑म् ॥ ८.०६९.१५

a̱rbha̱ko na ku̍māra̱ko'dhi̍ tiṣṭha̱nnava̱ṃ ratha̍m .

sa pa̍kṣanmahi̱ṣaṃ mṛ̱gaṃ pi̱tre mā̱tre vi̍bhu̱kratu̍m .. 8.069.15

Sloka : 8.69.16

आ तू सु॑शिप्र दम्पते॒ रथं॑ तिष्ठा हिर॒ण्यय॑म् ।

अध॑ द्यु॒क्षं स॑चेवहि स॒हस्र॑पादमरु॒षं स्व॑स्ति॒गाम॑ने॒हस॑म् ॥ ८.०६९.१६

ā tū su̍śipra dampate̱ ratha̍ṃ tiṣṭhā hira̱ṇyaya̍m .

adha̍ dyu̱kṣaṃ sa̍cevahi sa̱hasra̍pādamaru̱ṣaṃ sva̍sti̱gāma̍ne̱hasa̍m .. 8.069.16

Sloka : 8.69.17

तं घे॑मि॒त्था न॑म॒स्विन॒ उप॑ स्व॒राज॑मासते ।

अर्थं॑ चिदस्य॒ सुधि॑तं॒ यदेत॑व आव॒र्तय॑न्ति दा॒वने॑ ॥ ८.०६९.१७

taṃ ghe̍mi̱tthā na̍ma̱svina̱ upa̍ sva̱rāja̍māsate .

artha̍ṃ cidasya̱ sudhi̍ta̱ṃ yadeta̍va āva̱rtaya̍nti dā̱vane̍ .. 8.069.17

Sloka : 8.69.18

अनु॑ प्र॒त्नस्यौक॑सः प्रि॒यमे॑धास एषाम् ।

पूर्वा॒मनु॒ प्रय॑तिं वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो हि॒तप्र॑यस आशत ॥ ८.०६९.१८

anu̍ pra̱tnasyauka̍saḥ pri̱yame̍dhāsa eṣām .

pūrvā̱manu̱ praya̍tiṃ vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣo hi̱tapra̍yasa āśata .. 8.069.18

Sloka : 8.70.1

यो राजा॑ चर्षणी॒नां याता॒ रथे॑भि॒रध्रि॑गुः ।

विश्वा॑सां तरु॒ता पृत॑नानां॒ ज्येष्ठो॒ यो वृ॑त्र॒हा गृ॒णे ॥ ८.०७०.०१

yo rājā̍ carṣaṇī̱nāṃ yātā̱ rathe̍bhi̱radhri̍guḥ .

viśvā̍sāṃ taru̱tā pṛta̍nānā̱ṃ jyeṣṭho̱ yo vṛ̍tra̱hā gṛ̱ṇe .. 8.070.01

1. INDRA, God of the mighty arm, gather for us with thy right hand
Manifold and nutritious spoil.

Sloka : 8.70.2

इन्द्रं॒ तं शु॑म्भ पुरुहन्म॒न्नव॑से॒ यस्य॑ द्वि॒ता वि॑ध॒र्तरि॑ ।

हस्ता॑य॒ वज्रः॒ प्रति॑ धायि दर्श॒तो म॒हो दि॒वे न सूर्यः॑ ॥ ८.०७०.०२

indra̱ṃ taṃ śu̍mbha puruhanma̱nnava̍se̱ yasya̍ dvi̱tā vi̍dha̱rtari̍ .

hastā̍ya̱ vajra̱ḥ prati̍ dhāyi darśa̱to ma̱ho di̱ve na sūrya̍ḥ .. 8.070.02

2 We know thee mighty in thy deeds, of mighty bounty, mighty wealth,
Mighty in measure, prompt to aid.

Sloka : 8.70.3

नकि॒ष्टं कर्म॑णा नश॒द्यश्च॒कार॑ स॒दावृ॑धम् ।

इन्द्रं॒ न य॒ज्ञैर्वि॒श्वगू॑र्त॒मृभ्व॑स॒मधृ॑ष्टं धृ॒ष्ण्वो॑जसम् ॥ ८.०७०.०३

naki̱ṣṭaṃ karma̍ṇā naśa̱dyaśca̱kāra̍ sa̱dāvṛ̍dham .

indra̱ṃ na ya̱jñairvi̱śvagū̍rta̱mṛbhva̍sa̱madhṛ̍ṣṭaṃ dhṛ̱ṣṇvo̍jasam .. 8.070.03

3 Hero, when thou art fain to give, neither may Gods nor mortal men
Restrain thee like a fearful Bull.

Sloka : 8.70.4

अषा॑ळ्हमु॒ग्रं पृत॑नासु सास॒हिं यस्मि॑न्म॒हीरु॑रु॒ज्रयः॑ ।

सं धे॒नवो॒ जाय॑माने अनोनवु॒र्द्यावः॒ क्षामो॑ अनोनवुः ॥ ८.०७०.०४

aṣā̍l̤hamu̱graṃ pṛta̍nāsu sāsa̱hiṃ yasmi̍nma̱hīru̍ru̱jraya̍ḥ .

saṃ dhe̱navo̱ jāya̍māne anonavu̱rdyāva̱ḥ kṣāmo̍ anonavuḥ .. 8.070.04

4 Come, let us glorify Indra, Lord supreme of wealth, Self-ruling King:-
In bounty may he harm us not.

Sloka : 8.70.5

यद्द्याव॑ इन्द्र ते श॒तं श॒तं भूमी॑रु॒त स्युः ।

न त्वा॑ वज्रिन्स॒हस्रं॒ सूर्या॒ अनु॒ न जा॒तम॑ष्ट॒ रोद॑सी ॥ ८.०७०.०५

yaddyāva̍ indra te śa̱taṃ śa̱taṃ bhūmī̍ru̱ta syuḥ .

na tvā̍ vajrinsa̱hasra̱ṃ sūryā̱ anu̱ na jā̱tama̍ṣṭa̱ roda̍sī .. 8.070.05

5 Let prelude sound and following chant so let him hear the Sāman sung,
And with his bounty answer us.

Sloka : 8.70.6

आ प॑प्राथ महि॒ना वृष्ण्या॑ वृष॒न्विश्वा॑ शविष्ठ॒ शव॑सा ।

अ॒स्माँ अ॑व मघव॒न्गोम॑ति व्र॒जे वज्रि॑ञ्चि॒त्राभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०७०.०६

ā pa̍prātha mahi̱nā vṛṣṇyā̍ vṛṣa̱nviśvā̍ śaviṣṭha̱ śava̍sā .

a̱smām̐ a̍va maghava̱ngoma̍ti vra̱je vajri̍ñci̱trābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 8.070.06

6 O Indra, with thy right hand bring, and with thy left remember us.
Let us not lose our share of wealth.

Sloka : 8.70.7

न सी॒मदे॑व आप॒दिषं॑ दीर्घायो॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

एत॑ग्वा चि॒द्य एत॑शा यु॒योज॑ते॒ हरी॒ इन्द्रो॑ यु॒योज॑ते ॥ ८.०७०.०७

na sī̱made̍va āpa̱diṣa̍ṃ dīrghāyo̱ martya̍ḥ .

eta̍gvā ci̱dya eta̍śā yu̱yoja̍te̱ harī̱ indro̍ yu̱yoja̍te .. 8.070.07

7 Come nigh, O Bold One, boldly bring hither the riches of the churl
Who giveth least of all the folk.

Sloka : 8.70.8

तं वो॑ म॒हो म॒हाय्य॒मिन्द्रं॑ दा॒नाय॑ स॒क्षणि॑म् ।

यो गा॒धेषु॒ य आर॑णेषु॒ हव्यो॒ वाजे॒ष्वस्ति॒ हव्यः॑ ॥ ८.०७०.०८

taṃ vo̍ ma̱ho ma̱hāyya̱mindra̍ṃ dā̱nāya̍ sa̱kṣaṇi̍m .

yo gā̱dheṣu̱ ya āra̍ṇeṣu̱ havyo̱ vāje̱ṣvasti̱ havya̍ḥ .. 8.070.08

8 Indra, the booty which thou hast with holy singers to receive,
Even that booty win with us.

Sloka : 8.70.9

उदू॒ षु णो॑ वसो म॒हे मृ॒शस्व॑ शूर॒ राध॑से ।

उदू॒ षु म॒ह्यै म॑घवन्म॒घत्त॑य॒ उदि॑न्द्र॒ श्रव॑से म॒हे ॥ ८.०७०.०९

udū̱ ṣu ṇo̍ vaso ma̱he mṛ̱śasva̍ śūra̱ rādha̍se .

udū̱ ṣu ma̱hyai ma̍ghavanma̱ghatta̍ya̱ udi̍ndra̱ śrava̍se ma̱he .. 8.070.09

9 Indra, thy swiftly-coming spoil, the booty which rejoices all,
Sounds quick in concert with our hopes.

Sloka : 8.70.10

त्वं न॑ इन्द्र ऋत॒युस्त्वा॒निदो॒ नि तृ॑म्पसि ।

मध्ये॑ वसिष्व तुविनृम्णो॒र्वोर्नि दा॒सं शि॑श्नथो॒ हथैः॑ ॥ ८.०७०.१०

tvaṃ na̍ indra ṛta̱yustvā̱nido̱ ni tṛ̍mpasi .

madhye̍ vasiṣva tuvinṛmṇo̱rvorni dā̱saṃ śi̍śnatho̱ hathai̍ḥ .. 8.070.10

Sloka : 8.70.11

अ॒न्यव्र॑त॒ममा॑नुष॒मय॑ज्वान॒मदे॑वयुम् ।

अव॒ स्वः सखा॑ दुधुवीत॒ पर्व॑तः सु॒घ्नाय॒ दस्युं॒ पर्व॑तः ॥ ८.०७०.११

a̱nyavra̍ta̱mamā̍nuṣa̱maya̍jvāna̱made̍vayum .

ava̱ svaḥ sakhā̍ dudhuvīta̱ parva̍taḥ su̱ghnāya̱ dasyu̱ṃ parva̍taḥ .. 8.070.11

Sloka : 8.70.12

त्वं न॑ इन्द्रासां॒ हस्ते॑ शविष्ठ दा॒वने॑ ।

धा॒नानां॒ न सं गृ॑भायास्म॒युर्द्विः सं गृ॑भायास्म॒युः ॥ ८.०७०.१२

tvaṃ na̍ indrāsā̱ṃ haste̍ śaviṣṭha dā̱vane̍ .

dhā̱nānā̱ṃ na saṃ gṛ̍bhāyāsma̱yurdviḥ saṃ gṛ̍bhāyāsma̱yuḥ .. 8.070.12

Sloka : 8.70.13

सखा॑यः॒ क्रतु॑मिच्छत क॒था रा॑धाम श॒रस्य॑ ।

उप॑स्तुतिं भो॒जः सू॒रिर्यो अह्र॑यः ॥ ८.०७०.१३

sakhā̍ya̱ḥ kratu̍micchata ka̱thā rā̍dhāma śa̱rasya̍ .

upa̍stutiṃ bho̱jaḥ sū̱riryo ahra̍yaḥ .. 8.070.13

Sloka : 8.70.14

भूरि॑भिः समह॒ ऋषि॑भिर्ब॒र्हिष्म॑द्भिः स्तविष्यसे ।

यदि॒त्थमेक॑मेक॒मिच्छर॑ व॒त्सान्प॑रा॒ददः॑ ॥ ८.०७०.१४

bhūri̍bhiḥ samaha̱ ṛṣi̍bhirba̱rhiṣma̍dbhiḥ staviṣyase .

yadi̱tthameka̍meka̱micchara̍ va̱tsānpa̍rā̱dada̍ḥ .. 8.070.14

Sloka : 8.70.15

क॒र्ण॒गृह्या॑ म॒घवा॑ शौरदे॒व्यो व॒त्सं न॑स्त्रि॒भ्य आन॑यत् ।

अ॒जां सू॒रिर्न धात॑वे ॥ ८.०७०.१५

ka̱rṇa̱gṛhyā̍ ma̱ghavā̍ śaurade̱vyo va̱tsaṃ na̍stri̱bhya āna̍yat .

a̱jāṃ sū̱rirna dhāta̍ve .. 8.070.15

Sloka : 8.71.1

त्वं नो॑ अग्ने॒ महो॑भिः पा॒हि विश्व॑स्या॒ अरा॑तेः ।

उ॒त द्वि॒षो मर्त्य॑स्य ॥ ८.०७१.०१

tvaṃ no̍ agne̱ maho̍bhiḥ pā̱hi viśva̍syā̱ arā̍teḥ .

u̱ta dvi̱ṣo martya̍sya .. 8.071.01

1. HASTE forward to us from afar, or, Vṛtra-slayer, from anear,
To meet the offering to the meath.

Sloka : 8.71.2

न॒हि म॒न्युः पौरु॑षेय॒ ईशे॒ हि वः॑ प्रियजात ।

त्वमिद॑सि॒ क्षपा॑वान् ॥ ८.०७१.०२

na̱hi ma̱nyuḥ pauru̍ṣeya̱ īśe̱ hi va̍ḥ priyajāta .

tvamida̍si̱ kṣapā̍vān .. 8.071.02

2 Strong are the Soma-draughts; come nigh:- the juices fill thee with delight:-
Drink boldly even as thou art wont'.

Sloka : 8.71.3

स नो॒ विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वेभि॒रूर्जो॑ नपा॒द्भद्र॑शोचे ।

र॒यिं दे॑हि वि॒श्ववा॑रम् ॥ ८.०७१.०३

sa no̱ viśve̍bhirde̱vebhi̱rūrjo̍ napā̱dbhadra̍śoce .

ra̱yiṃ de̍hi vi̱śvavā̍ram .. 8.071.03

3 Joy, Indra, in the strengthening food et it content thy wish and thought,
And be delightful to thine heart.

Sloka : 8.71.4

न तम॑ग्ने॒ अरा॑तयो॒ मर्तं॑ युवन्त रा॒यः ।

यं त्राय॑से दा॒श्वांस॑म् ॥ ८.०७१.०४

na tama̍gne̱ arā̍tayo̱ marta̍ṃ yuvanta rā̱yaḥ .

yaṃ trāya̍se dā̱śvāṃsa̍m .. 8.071.04

4 Come to us thou who hast no foe:- we call thee down to hymns of praise,
In heaven's sublimest realm of light.

Sloka : 8.71.5

यं त्वं वि॑प्र मे॒धसा॑ता॒वग्ने॑ हि॒नोषि॒ धना॑य ।

स तवो॒ती गोषु॒ गन्ता॑ ॥ ८.०७१.०५

yaṃ tvaṃ vi̍pra me̱dhasā̍tā̱vagne̍ hi̱noṣi̱ dhanā̍ya .

sa tavo̱tī goṣu̱ gantā̍ .. 8.071.05

5 This Soma here expressed with stones and dressed with milk for thy carouse,
Indra, is offered up to thee.

Sloka : 8.71.6

त्वं र॒यिं पु॑रु॒वीर॒मग्ने॑ दा॒शुषे॒ मर्ता॑य ।

प्र णो॑ नय॒ वस्यो॒ अच्छ॑ ॥ ८.०७१.०६

tvaṃ ra̱yiṃ pu̍ru̱vīra̱magne̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ martā̍ya .

pra ṇo̍ naya̱ vasyo̱ accha̍ .. 8.071.06

6 Graciously, Indra, hear my call. Come and obtain the draught, and sate
Thyself with juices blent with milk.

Sloka : 8.71.7

उ॒रु॒ष्या णो॒ मा परा॑ दा अघाय॒ते जा॑तवेदः ।

दु॒रा॒ध्ये॒३॒॑ मर्ता॑य ॥ ८.०७१.०७

u̱ru̱ṣyā ṇo̱ mā parā̍ dā aghāya̱te jā̍tavedaḥ .

du̱rā̱dhye̱3̱̍ martā̍ya .. 8.071.07

7 The Soma, Indra, which is shed in chalices and vats for thee,
Drink thou, for thou art Lord thereof.

Sloka : 8.71.8

अग्ने॒ माकि॑ष्टे दे॒वस्य॑ रा॒तिमदे॑वो युयोत ।

त्वमी॑शिषे॒ वसू॑नाम् ॥ ८.०७१.०८

agne̱ māki̍ṣṭe de̱vasya̍ rā̱timade̍vo yuyota .

tvamī̍śiṣe̱ vasū̍nām .. 8.071.08

8 The Soma seen within the vats, as in the flood the Moon is seen,
Drink thou, for thou art Lord thereof.

Sloka : 8.71.9

स नो॒ वस्व॒ उप॑ मा॒स्यूर्जो॑ नपा॒न्माहि॑नस्य ।

सखे॑ वसो जरि॒तृभ्यः॑ ॥ ८.०७१.०९

sa no̱ vasva̱ upa̍ mā̱syūrjo̍ napā̱nmāhi̍nasya .

sakhe̍ vaso jari̱tṛbhya̍ḥ .. 8.071.09

9 That which the Hawk brought in his claw, inviolate, through the air to thee,
Drink thou, for thou art Lord thereof.

Sloka : 8.71.10

अच्छा॑ नः शी॒रशो॑चिषं॒ गिरो॑ यन्तु दर्श॒तम् ।

अच्छा॑ य॒ज्ञासो॒ नम॑सा पुरू॒वसुं॑ पुरुप्रश॒स्तमू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०७१.१०

acchā̍ naḥ śī̱raśo̍ciṣa̱ṃ giro̍ yantu darśa̱tam .

acchā̍ ya̱jñāso̱ nama̍sā purū̱vasu̍ṃ purupraśa̱stamū̱taye̍ .. 8.071.10

Sloka : 8.71.11

अ॒ग्निं सू॒नुं सह॑सो जा॒तवे॑दसं दा॒नाय॒ वार्या॑णाम् ।

द्वि॒ता यो भूद॒मृतो॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वा होता॑ म॒न्द्रत॑मो वि॒शि ॥ ८.०७१.११

a̱gniṃ sū̱nuṃ saha̍so jā̱tave̍dasaṃ dā̱nāya̱ vāryā̍ṇām .

dvi̱tā yo bhūda̱mṛto̱ martye̱ṣvā hotā̍ ma̱ndrata̍mo vi̱śi .. 8.071.11

Sloka : 8.71.12

अ॒ग्निं वो॑ देवय॒ज्यया॒ग्निं प्र॑य॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ।

अ॒ग्निं धी॒षु प्र॑थ॒मम॒ग्निमर्व॑त्य॒ग्निं क्षैत्रा॑य॒ साध॑से ॥ ८.०७१.१२

a̱gniṃ vo̍ devaya̱jyayā̱gniṃ pra̍ya̱tya̍dhva̱re .

a̱gniṃ dhī̱ṣu pra̍tha̱mama̱gnimarva̍tya̱gniṃ kṣaitrā̍ya̱ sādha̍se .. 8.071.12

Sloka : 8.71.13

अ॒ग्निरि॒षां स॒ख्ये द॑दातु न॒ ईशे॒ यो वार्या॑णाम् ।

अ॒ग्निं तो॒के तन॑ये॒ शश्व॑दीमहे॒ वसुं॒ सन्तं॑ तनू॒पाम् ॥ ८.०७१.१३

a̱gniri̱ṣāṃ sa̱khye da̍dātu na̱ īśe̱ yo vāryā̍ṇām .

a̱gniṃ to̱ke tana̍ye̱ śaśva̍dīmahe̱ vasu̱ṃ santa̍ṃ tanū̱pām .. 8.071.13

Sloka : 8.71.14

अ॒ग्निमी॑ळि॒ष्वाव॑से॒ गाथा॑भिः शी॒रशो॑चिषम् ।

अ॒ग्निं रा॒ये पु॑रुमीळ्ह श्रु॒तं नरो॒ऽग्निं सु॑दी॒तये॑ छ॒र्दिः ॥ ८.०७१.१४

a̱gnimī̍l̤i̱ṣvāva̍se̱ gāthā̍bhiḥ śī̱raśo̍ciṣam .

a̱gniṃ rā̱ye pu̍rumīl̤ha śru̱taṃ naro̱'gniṃ su̍dī̱taye̍ cha̱rdiḥ .. 8.071.14

Sloka : 8.71.15

अ॒ग्निं द्वेषो॒ योत॒वै नो॑ गृणीमस्य॒ग्निं शं योश्च॒ दात॑वे ।

विश्वा॑सु वि॒क्ष्व॑वि॒तेव॒ हव्यो॒ भुव॒द्वस्तु॑रृषू॒णाम् ॥ ८.०७१.१५

a̱gniṃ dveṣo̱ yota̱vai no̍ gṛṇīmasya̱gniṃ śaṃ yośca̱ dāta̍ve .

viśvā̍su vi̱kṣva̍vi̱teva̱ havyo̱ bhuva̱dvastu̍rṛṣū̱ṇām .. 8.071.15

Sloka : 8.72.1

ह॒विष्कृ॑णुध्व॒मा ग॑मदध्व॒र्युर्व॑नते॒ पुनः॑ ।

वि॒द्वाँ अ॑स्य प्र॒शास॑नम् ॥ ८.०७२.०१

ha̱viṣkṛ̍ṇudhva̱mā ga̍madadhva̱ryurva̍nate̱ puna̍ḥ .

vi̱dvām̐ a̍sya pra̱śāsa̍nam .. 8.072.01

1. WE choose unto ourselves that high protection of the Mighty Gods
That it may help and succour us.

Sloka : 8.72.2

नि ति॒ग्मम॒भ्यं१॒॑शुं सीद॒द्धोता॑ म॒नावधि॑ ।

जु॒षा॒णो अ॑स्य स॒ख्यम् ॥ ८.०७२.०२

ni ti̱gmama̱bhyaṃ1̱̍śuṃ sīda̱ddhotā̍ ma̱nāvadhi̍ .

ju̱ṣā̱ṇo a̍sya sa̱khyam .. 8.072.02

2 May they be ever our allies, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
Far-seeing Gods who prosper us.

Sloka : 8.72.3

अ॒न्तरि॑च्छन्ति॒ तं जने॑ रु॒द्रं प॒रो म॑नी॒षया॑ ।

गृ॒भ्णन्ति॑ जि॒ह्वया॑ स॒सम् ॥ ८.०७२.०३

a̱ntari̍cchanti̱ taṃ jane̍ ru̱draṃ pa̱ro ma̍nī̱ṣayā̍ .

gṛ̱bhṇanti̍ ji̱hvayā̍ sa̱sam .. 8.072.03

3 Ye furtherers of holy Law, transport us safe o’er many woes,
As over water-floods in ships.

Sloka : 8.72.4

जा॒म्य॑तीतपे॒ धनु॑र्वयो॒धा अ॑रुह॒द्वन॑म् ।

दृ॒षदं॑ जि॒ह्वयाव॑धीत् ॥ ८.०७२.०४

jā̱mya̍tītape̱ dhanu̍rvayo̱dhā a̍ruha̱dvana̍m .

dṛ̱ṣada̍ṃ ji̱hvayāva̍dhīt .. 8.072.04

4 Dear wealth be Aryaman to us, Varuṇa dear wealth meet for praise:-
Dear wealth we choose unto ourselves.

Sloka : 8.72.5

चर॑न्व॒त्सो रुश॑न्नि॒ह नि॑दा॒तारं॒ न वि॑न्दते ।

वेति॒ स्तोत॑व अ॒म्ब्य॑म् ॥ ८.०७२.०५

cara̍nva̱tso ruśa̍nni̱ha ni̍dā̱tāra̱ṃ na vi̍ndate .

veti̱ stota̍va a̱mbya̍m .. 8.072.05

5 For Sovrans of dear wealth are ye, Ādityas, not of sinner's wealth,
Ye sapient Gods who slay the foe.

Sloka : 8.72.6

उ॒तो न्व॑स्य॒ यन्म॒हदश्वा॑व॒द्योज॑नं बृ॒हद् ।

दा॒मा रथ॑स्य॒ ददृ॑शे ॥ ८.०७२.०६

u̱to nva̍sya̱ yanma̱hadaśvā̍va̱dyoja̍naṃ bṛ̱had .

dā̱mā ratha̍sya̱ dadṛ̍śe .. 8.072.06

6 We in our homes, ye Bounteous Ones, and while we journey on the road,
Invoke you, Gods, to prosper us.

Sloka : 8.72.7

दु॒हन्ति॑ स॒प्तैका॒मुप॒ द्वा पञ्च॑ सृजतः ।

ती॒र्थे सिन्धो॒रधि॑ स्व॒रे ॥ ८.०७२.०७

du̱hanti̍ sa̱ptaikā̱mupa̱ dvā pañca̍ sṛjataḥ .

tī̱rthe sindho̱radhi̍ sva̱re .. 8.072.07

7 Regard us, Indra, Viṣṇu, here, ye Aśvins and the Marut host,
Us who are kith and kin to you.

Sloka : 8.72.8

आ द॒शभि॑र्वि॒वस्व॑त॒ इन्द्रः॒ कोश॑मचुच्यवीत् ।

खेद॑या त्रि॒वृता॑ दि॒वः ॥ ८.०७२.०८

ā da̱śabhi̍rvi̱vasva̍ta̱ indra̱ḥ kośa̍macucyavīt .

kheda̍yā tri̱vṛtā̍ di̱vaḥ .. 8.072.08

8 Ye Bounteous Ones, from time of old we here set forth our brotherhood,
Our kinship in. the Mother's womb.

Sloka : 8.72.9

परि॑ त्रि॒धातु॑रध्व॒रं जू॒र्णिरे॑ति॒ नवी॑यसी ।

मध्वा॒ होता॑रो अञ्जते ॥ ८.०७२.०९

pari̍ tri̱dhātu̍radhva̱raṃ jū̱rṇire̍ti̱ navī̍yasī .

madhvā̱ hotā̍ro añjate .. 8.072.09

9 Then come with Indra for your chief, as early day, ye Bounteous Gods
Yea, I address you now for this.

Sloka : 8.72.10

सि॒ञ्चन्ति॒ नम॑साव॒तमु॒च्चाच॑क्रं॒ परि॑ज्मानम् ।

नी॒चीन॑बार॒मक्षि॑तम् ॥ ८.०७२.१०

si̱ñcanti̱ nama̍sāva̱tamu̱ccāca̍kra̱ṃ pari̍jmānam .

nī̱cīna̍bāra̱makṣi̍tam .. 8.072.10

Sloka : 8.72.11

अ॒भ्यार॒मिदद्र॑यो॒ निषि॑क्तं॒ पुष्क॑रे॒ मधु॑ ।

अ॒व॒तस्य॑ वि॒सर्ज॑ने ॥ ८.०७२.११

a̱bhyāra̱midadra̍yo̱ niṣi̍kta̱ṃ puṣka̍re̱ madhu̍ .

a̱va̱tasya̍ vi̱sarja̍ne .. 8.072.11

Sloka : 8.72.12

गाव॒ उपा॑वताव॒तं म॒ही य॒ज्ञस्य॑ र॒प्सुदा॑ ।

उ॒भा कर्णा॑ हिर॒ण्यया॑ ॥ ८.०७२.१२

gāva̱ upā̍vatāva̱taṃ ma̱hī ya̱jñasya̍ ra̱psudā̍ .

u̱bhā karṇā̍ hira̱ṇyayā̍ .. 8.072.12

Sloka : 8.72.13

आ सु॒ते सि॑ञ्चत॒ श्रियं॒ रोद॑स्योरभि॒श्रिय॑म् ।

र॒सा द॑धीत वृष॒भम् ॥ ८.०७२.१३

ā su̱te si̍ñcata̱ śriya̱ṃ roda̍syorabhi̱śriya̍m .

ra̱sā da̍dhīta vṛṣa̱bham .. 8.072.13

Sloka : 8.72.14

ते जा॑नत॒ स्वमो॒क्यं१॒॑ सं व॒त्सासो॒ न मा॒तृभिः॑ ।

मि॒थो न॑सन्त जा॒मिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०७२.१४

te jā̍nata̱ svamo̱kyaṃ1̱̍ saṃ va̱tsāso̱ na mā̱tṛbhi̍ḥ .

mi̱tho na̍santa jā̱mibhi̍ḥ .. 8.072.14

Sloka : 8.72.15

उप॒ स्रक्वे॑षु॒ बप्स॑तः कृण्व॒ते ध॒रुणं॑ दि॒वि ।

इन्द्रे॑ अ॒ग्ना नमः॒ स्वः॑ ॥ ८.०७२.१५

upa̱ srakve̍ṣu̱ bapsa̍taḥ kṛṇva̱te dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ di̱vi .

indre̍ a̱gnā nama̱ḥ sva̍ḥ .. 8.072.15

Sloka : 8.72.16

अधु॑क्षत्पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॒मूर्जं॑ स॒प्तप॑दीम॒रिः ।

सूर्य॑स्य स॒प्त र॒श्मिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०७२.१६

adhu̍kṣatpi̱pyuṣī̱miṣa̱mūrja̍ṃ sa̱ptapa̍dīma̱riḥ .

sūrya̍sya sa̱pta ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .. 8.072.16

Sloka : 8.72.17

सोम॑स्य मित्रावरु॒णोदि॑ता॒ सूर॒ आ द॑दे ।

तदातु॑रस्य भेष॒जम् ॥ ८.०७२.१७

soma̍sya mitrāvaru̱ṇodi̍tā̱ sūra̱ ā da̍de .

tadātu̍rasya bheṣa̱jam .. 8.072.17

Sloka : 8.72.18

उ॒तो न्व॑स्य॒ यत्प॒दं ह॑र्य॒तस्य॑ निधा॒न्य॑म् ।

परि॒ द्यां जि॒ह्वया॑तनत् ॥ ८.०७२.१८

u̱to nva̍sya̱ yatpa̱daṃ ha̍rya̱tasya̍ nidhā̱nya̍m .

pari̱ dyāṃ ji̱hvayā̍tanat .. 8.072.18

Sloka : 8.73.1

उदी॑राथामृताय॒ते यु॒ञ्जाथा॑मश्विना॒ रथ॑म् ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०१

udī̍rāthāmṛtāya̱te yu̱ñjāthā̍maśvinā̱ ratha̍m .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.01

1. AGNI, your dearest Guest, I laud, him who is loving as a friend,
Who brings us riches like a car.

Sloka : 8.73.2

नि॒मिष॑श्चि॒ज्जवी॑यसा॒ रथे॒ना या॑तमश्विना ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०२

ni̱miṣa̍ści̱jjavī̍yasā̱ rathe̱nā yā̍tamaśvinā .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.02

2 Whom as a far-foreseeing Sage the Gods have, from the olden time,
Established among mortal men.

Sloka : 8.73.3

उप॑ स्तृणीत॒मत्र॑ये हि॒मेन॑ घ॒र्मम॑श्विना ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०३

upa̍ stṛṇīta̱matra̍ye hi̱mena̍ gha̱rmama̍śvinā .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.03

3 Do thou, Most Youthful God, protect the men who offer, hear their songs,
And of thyself preserve their seed.

Sloka : 8.73.4

कुह॑ स्थः॒ कुह॑ जग्मथुः॒ कुह॑ श्ये॒नेव॑ पेतथुः ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०४

kuha̍ stha̱ḥ kuha̍ jagmathu̱ḥ kuha̍ śye̱neva̍ petathuḥ .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.04

4 What is the praise wherewith, O God, Aṅgiras, Agni, Son of Strength,
We, after thine own wish and thought,

Sloka : 8.73.5

यद॒द्य कर्हि॒ कर्हि॑ चिच्छुश्रू॒यात॑मि॒मं हव॑म् ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०५

yada̱dya karhi̱ karhi̍ cicchuśrū̱yāta̍mi̱maṃ hava̍m .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.05

5 May serve thee, O thou Child of Power, and with what sacrifice's plan?
What prayer shall I now speak to thee?

Sloka : 8.73.6

अ॒श्विना॑ याम॒हूत॑मा॒ नेदि॑ष्ठं या॒म्याप्य॑म् ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०६

a̱śvinā̍ yāma̱hūta̍mā̱ nedi̍ṣṭhaṃ yā̱myāpya̍m .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.06

6 Our God, make all of us to dwell in happy habitations, and
Reward our songs with spoil and wealth.

Sloka : 8.73.7

अव॑न्त॒मत्र॑ये गृ॒हं कृ॑णु॒तं यु॒वम॑श्विना ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०७

ava̍nta̱matra̍ye gṛ̱haṃ kṛ̍ṇu̱taṃ yu̱vama̍śvinā .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.07

7 Lord of the house, what plenty fills the songs which thou inspirest now,
Thou whose hymn helps to win the kine?

Sloka : 8.73.8

वरे॑थे अ॒ग्निमा॒तपो॒ वद॑ते व॒ल्ग्वत्र॑ये ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०८

vare̍the a̱gnimā̱tapo̱ vada̍te va̱lgvatra̍ye .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.08

8 Hirn Wise and Strong they glorify, the foremost Champion in the fray,
And mighty in his dwelling-place.

Sloka : 8.73.9

प्र स॒प्तव॑ध्रिरा॒शसा॒ धारा॑म॒ग्नेर॑शायत ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.०९

pra sa̱ptava̍dhrirā̱śasā̱ dhārā̍ma̱gnera̍śāyata .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.09

9 Agni, he dwells in rest and peace who smites and no one smites again:-
With hero sons he prospers well

Sloka : 8.73.10

इ॒हा ग॑तं वृषण्वसू श‍ृणु॒तं म॑ इ॒मं हव॑म् ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१०

i̱hā ga̍taṃ vṛṣaṇvasū śṛṇu̱taṃ ma̍ i̱maṃ hava̍m .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.10

Sloka : 8.73.11

किमि॒दं वां॑ पुराण॒वज्जर॑तोरिव शस्यते ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.११

kimi̱daṃ vā̍ṃ purāṇa̱vajjara̍toriva śasyate .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.11

Sloka : 8.73.12

स॒मा॒नं वां॑ सजा॒त्यं॑ समा॒नो बन्धु॑रश्विना ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१२

sa̱mā̱naṃ vā̍ṃ sajā̱tya̍ṃ samā̱no bandhu̍raśvinā .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.12

Sloka : 8.73.13

यो वां॒ रजां॑स्यश्विना॒ रथो॑ वि॒याति॒ रोद॑सी ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१३

yo vā̱ṃ rajā̍ṃsyaśvinā̱ ratho̍ vi̱yāti̱ roda̍sī .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.13

Sloka : 8.73.14

आ नो॒ गव्ये॑भि॒रश्व्यैः॑ स॒हस्रै॒रुप॑ गच्छतम् ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१४

ā no̱ gavye̍bhi̱raśvyai̍ḥ sa̱hasrai̱rupa̍ gacchatam .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.14

Sloka : 8.73.15

मा नो॒ गव्ये॑भि॒रश्व्यैः॑ स॒हस्रे॑भि॒रति॑ ख्यतम् ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१५

mā no̱ gavye̍bhi̱raśvyai̍ḥ sa̱hasre̍bhi̱rati̍ khyatam .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.15

Sloka : 8.73.16

अ॒रु॒णप्सु॑रु॒षा अ॑भू॒दक॒र्ज्योति॑रृ॒ताव॑री ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१६

a̱ru̱ṇapsu̍ru̱ṣā a̍bhū̱daka̱rjyoti̍rṛ̱tāva̍rī .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.16

Sloka : 8.73.17

अ॒श्विना॒ सु वि॒चाक॑शद्वृ॒क्षं प॑रशु॒माँ इ॑व ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१७

a̱śvinā̱ su vi̱cāka̍śadvṛ̱kṣaṃ pa̍raśu̱mām̐ i̍va .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.17

Sloka : 8.73.18

पुरं॒ न धृ॑ष्ण॒वा रु॑ज कृ॒ष्णया॑ बाधि॒तो वि॒शा ।

अन्ति॒ षद्भू॑तु वा॒मवः॑ ॥ ८.०७३.१८

pura̱ṃ na dhṛ̍ṣṇa̱vā ru̍ja kṛ̱ṣṇayā̍ bādhi̱to vi̱śā .

anti̱ ṣadbhū̍tu vā̱mava̍ḥ .. 8.073.18

Sloka : 8.74.1

वि॒शोवि॑शो वो॒ अति॑थिं वाज॒यन्तः॑ पुरुप्रि॒यम् ।

अ॒ग्निं वो॒ दुर्यं॒ वचः॑ स्तु॒षे शू॒षस्य॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ ८.०७४.०१

vi̱śovi̍śo vo̱ ati̍thiṃ vāja̱yanta̍ḥ purupri̱yam .

a̱gniṃ vo̱ durya̱ṃ vaca̍ḥ stu̱ṣe śū̱ṣasya̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 8.074.01

1. To this mine invocation, O ye Aśvins, ye Nāsatyas, come,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.2

यं जना॑सो ह॒विष्म॑न्तो मि॒त्रं न स॒र्पिरा॑सुतिम् ।

प्र॒शंस॑न्ति॒ प्रश॑स्तिभिः ॥ ८.०७४.०२

yaṃ janā̍so ha̱viṣma̍nto mi̱traṃ na sa̱rpirā̍sutim .

pra̱śaṃsa̍nti̱ praśa̍stibhiḥ .. 8.074.02

2 This laud of mine, ye Aśvins Twain, and this mine invitation hear,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.3

पन्यां॑सं जा॒तवे॑दसं॒ यो दे॒वता॒त्युद्य॑ता ।

ह॒व्यान्यैर॑यद्दि॒वि ॥ ८.०७४.०३

panyā̍ṃsaṃ jā̱tave̍dasa̱ṃ yo de̱vatā̱tyudya̍tā .

ha̱vyānyaira̍yaddi̱vi .. 8.074.03

3 Here Kṛṣṇa is invoking you, O Aśvins, Lords of ample wealth.
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.4

आग॑न्म वृत्र॒हन्त॑मं॒ ज्येष्ठ॑म॒ग्निमान॑वम् ।

यस्य॑ श्रु॒तर्वा॑ बृ॒हन्ना॒र्क्षो अनी॑क॒ एध॑ते ॥ ८.०७४.०४

āga̍nma vṛtra̱hanta̍ma̱ṃ jyeṣṭha̍ma̱gnimāna̍vam .

yasya̍ śru̱tarvā̍ bṛ̱hannā̱rkṣo anī̍ka̱ edha̍te .. 8.074.04

4 List, Heroes, to the singer's call, the call of Kṛṣṇa lauding you,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.5

अ॒मृतं॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं ति॒रस्तमां॑सि दर्श॒तम् ।

घृ॒ताह॑वन॒मीड्य॑म् ॥ ८.०७४.०५

a̱mṛta̍ṃ jā̱tave̍dasaṃ ti̱rastamā̍ṃsi darśa̱tam .

ghṛ̱tāha̍vana̱mīḍya̍m .. 8.074.05

5 Chiefs, to the sage who sings your praise grant an inviolable home,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.6

स॒बाधो॒ यं जना॑ इ॒मे॒३॒॑ऽग्निं ह॒व्येभि॒रीळ॑ते ।

जुह्वा॑नासो य॒तस्रु॑चः ॥ ८.०७४.०६

sa̱bādho̱ yaṃ janā̍ i̱me̱3̱̎gniṃ ha̱vyebhi̱rīl̤a̍te .

juhvā̍nāso ya̱tasru̍caḥ .. 8.074.06

6 Come to the worshipper's abode, Aśvins, who here is lauding you,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.7

इ॒यं ते॒ नव्य॑सी म॒तिरग्ने॒ अधा॑य्य॒स्मदा ।

मन्द्र॒ सुजा॑त॒ सुक्र॒तोऽमू॑र॒ दस्माति॑थे ॥ ८.०७४.०७

i̱yaṃ te̱ navya̍sī ma̱tiragne̱ adhā̍yya̱smadā .

mandra̱ sujā̍ta̱ sukra̱to'mū̍ra̱ dasmāti̍the .. 8.074.07

7 Yoke to the firmly jointed car the ass which draws you, Lords of wealth.
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.8

सा ते॑ अग्ने॒ शंत॑मा॒ चनि॑ष्ठा भवतु प्रि॒या ।

तया॑ वर्धस्व॒ सुष्टु॑तः ॥ ८.०७४.०८

sā te̍ agne̱ śaṃta̍mā̱ cani̍ṣṭhā bhavatu pri̱yā .

tayā̍ vardhasva̱ suṣṭu̍taḥ .. 8.074.08

8 Come hither, Aśvins, on your car of triple form with triple seat,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.9

सा द्यु॒म्नैर्द्यु॒म्निनी॑ बृ॒हदुपो॑प॒ श्रव॑सि॒ श्रवः॑ ।

दधी॑त वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥ ८.०७४.०९

sā dyu̱mnairdyu̱mninī̍ bṛ̱hadupo̍pa̱ śrava̍si̱ śrava̍ḥ .

dadhī̍ta vṛtra̱tūrye̍ .. 8.074.09

9 O Aśvins, O Nāsatyas, now accept with favouring grace my songs,
To drink the savoury Soma juice.

Sloka : 8.74.10

अश्व॒मिद्गां र॑थ॒प्रां त्वे॒षमिन्द्रं॒ न सत्प॑तिम् ।

यस्य॒ श्रवां॑सि॒ तूर्व॑थ॒ पन्य॑म्पन्यं च कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ८.०७४.१०

aśva̱midgāṃ ra̍tha̱prāṃ tve̱ṣamindra̱ṃ na satpa̍tim .

yasya̱ śravā̍ṃsi̱ tūrva̍tha̱ panya̍mpanyaṃ ca kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 8.074.10

Sloka : 8.74.11

यं त्वा॑ गो॒पव॑नो गि॒रा चनि॑ष्ठदग्ने अङ्गिरः ।

स पा॑वक श्रुधी॒ हव॑म् ॥ ८.०७४.११

yaṃ tvā̍ go̱pava̍no gi̱rā cani̍ṣṭhadagne aṅgiraḥ .

sa pā̍vaka śrudhī̱ hava̍m .. 8.074.11

Sloka : 8.74.12

यं त्वा॒ जना॑स॒ ईळ॑ते स॒बाधो॒ वाज॑सातये ।

स बो॑धि वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥ ८.०७४.१२

yaṃ tvā̱ janā̍sa̱ īl̤a̍te sa̱bādho̱ vāja̍sātaye .

sa bo̍dhi vṛtra̱tūrye̍ .. 8.074.12

Sloka : 8.74.13

अ॒हं हु॑वा॒न आ॒र्क्षे श्रु॒तर्व॑णि मद॒च्युति॑ ।

शर्धां॑सीव स्तुका॒विनां॑ मृ॒क्षा शी॒र्षा च॑तु॒र्णाम् ॥ ८.०७४.१३

a̱haṃ hu̍vā̱na ā̱rkṣe śru̱tarva̍ṇi mada̱cyuti̍ .

śardhā̍ṃsīva stukā̱vinā̍ṃ mṛ̱kṣā śī̱rṣā ca̍tu̱rṇām .. 8.074.13

Sloka : 8.74.14

मां च॒त्वार॑ आ॒शवः॒ शवि॑ष्ठस्य द्रवि॒त्नवः॑ ।

सु॒रथा॑सो अ॒भि प्रयो॒ वक्ष॒न्वयो॒ न तुग्र्य॑म् ॥ ८.०७४.१४

māṃ ca̱tvāra̍ ā̱śava̱ḥ śavi̍ṣṭhasya dravi̱tnava̍ḥ .

su̱rathā̍so a̱bhi prayo̱ vakṣa̱nvayo̱ na tugrya̍m .. 8.074.14

Sloka : 8.74.15

स॒त्यमित्त्वा॑ महेनदि॒ परु॒ष्ण्यव॑ देदिशम् ।

नेमा॑पो अश्व॒दात॑रः॒ शवि॑ष्ठादस्ति॒ मर्त्यः॑ ॥ ८.०७४.१५

sa̱tyamittvā̍ mahenadi̱ paru̱ṣṇyava̍ dediśam .

nemā̍po aśva̱dāta̍ra̱ḥ śavi̍ṣṭhādasti̱ martya̍ḥ .. 8.074.15

Sloka : 8.75.1

यु॒क्ष्वा हि दे॑व॒हूत॑मा॒ँ अश्वा॑ँ अग्ने र॒थीरि॑व ।

नि होता॑ पू॒र्व्यः स॑दः ॥ ८.०७५.०१

yu̱kṣvā hi de̍va̱hūta̍mā̱m̐ aśvā̍m̐ agne ra̱thīri̍va .

ni hotā̍ pū̱rvyaḥ sa̍daḥ .. 8.075.01

1. YE Twain are wondrous strong, well-skilled in arts that heal, both bringers of delight, ye both won Dakṣa's praise.
Viśvaka calls on you as such to save his life. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.

Sloka : 8.75.2

उ॒त नो॑ देव दे॒वाँ अच्छा॑ वोचो वि॒दुष्ट॑रः ।

श्रद्विश्वा॒ वार्या॑ कृधि ॥ ८.०७५.०२

u̱ta no̍ deva de̱vām̐ acchā̍ voco vi̱duṣṭa̍raḥ .

śradviśvā̱ vāryā̍ kṛdhi .. 8.075.02

2 How shall he praise you now who is distraught in mind? Ye Twain give wisdom for the gainof what is good.
Viśvaka calls on you as such to save his life. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.

Sloka : 8.75.3

त्वं ह॒ यद्य॑विष्ठ्य॒ सह॑सः सूनवाहुत ।

ऋ॒तावा॑ य॒ज्ञियो॒ भुवः॑ ॥ ८.०७५.०३

tvaṃ ha̱ yadya̍viṣṭhya̱ saha̍saḥ sūnavāhuta .

ṛ̱tāvā̍ ya̱jñiyo̱ bhuva̍ḥ .. 8.075.03

3 Already have ye Twain, possessors of great wealth, prospered Viṣṇāpū thus for gain of what is good.
Viśvaka calls on you as such to save his life. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.

Sloka : 8.75.4

अ॒यम॒ग्निः स॑ह॒स्रिणो॒ वाज॑स्य श॒तिन॒स्पतिः॑ ।

मू॒र्धा क॒वी र॑यी॒णाम् ॥ ८.०७५.०४

a̱yama̱gniḥ sa̍ha̱sriṇo̱ vāja̍sya śa̱tina̱spati̍ḥ .

mū̱rdhā ka̱vī ra̍yī̱ṇām .. 8.075.04

4 And that Impetuous Hero, winner of the spoil, though he is far away, we call to succour us,
Whose gracious favour, like a father's, is most sweet. Break ye not off our friendship, come and set me free.

Sloka : 8.75.5

तं ने॒मिमृ॒भवो॑ य॒था न॑मस्व॒ सहू॑तिभिः ।

नेदी॑यो य॒ज्ञम॑ङ्गिरः ॥ ८.०७५.०५

taṃ ne̱mimṛ̱bhavo̍ ya̱thā na̍masva̱ sahū̍tibhiḥ .

nedī̍yo ya̱jñama̍ṅgiraḥ .. 8.075.05

5 About the holy Law toils Savitar the God the horn of holy Law hath he spread far and wide.
The holy Law hath quelled even mighty men of war. Break ye not off our ftiendship, come and act me free.

Sloka : 8.75.6

तस्मै॑ नू॒नम॒भिद्य॑वे वा॒चा वि॑रूप॒ नित्य॑या ।

वृष्णे॑ चोदस्व सुष्टु॒तिम् ॥ ८.०७५.०६

tasmai̍ nū̱nama̱bhidya̍ve vā̱cā vi̍rūpa̱ nitya̍yā .

vṛṣṇe̍ codasva suṣṭu̱tim .. 8.075.06

Sloka : 8.75.7

कमु॑ ष्विदस्य॒ सेन॑या॒ग्नेरपा॑कचक्षसः ।

प॒णिं गोषु॑ स्तरामहे ॥ ८.०७५.०७

kamu̍ ṣvidasya̱ sena̍yā̱gnerapā̍kacakṣasaḥ .

pa̱ṇiṃ goṣu̍ starāmahe .. 8.075.07

Sloka : 8.75.8

मा नो॑ दे॒वानां॒ विशः॑ प्रस्ना॒तीरि॑वो॒स्राः ।

कृ॒शं न हा॑सु॒रघ्न्याः॑ ॥ ८.०७५.०८

mā no̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ viśa̍ḥ prasnā̱tīri̍vo̱srāḥ .

kṛ̱śaṃ na hā̍su̱raghnyā̍ḥ .. 8.075.08

Sloka : 8.75.9

मा नः॑ समस्य दू॒ढ्य१॒ः॑ परि॑द्वेषसो अंह॒तिः ।

ऊ॒र्मिर्न नाव॒मा व॑धीत् ॥ ८.०७५.०९

mā na̍ḥ samasya dū̱ḍhya1̱̍ḥ pari̍dveṣaso aṃha̱tiḥ .

ū̱rmirna nāva̱mā va̍dhīt .. 8.075.09

Sloka : 8.75.10

नम॑स्ते अग्न॒ ओज॑से गृ॒णन्ति॑ देव कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।

अमै॑र॒मित्र॑मर्दय ॥ ८.०७५.१०

nama̍ste agna̱ oja̍se gṛ̱ṇanti̍ deva kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .

amai̍ra̱mitra̍mardaya .. 8.075.10

Sloka : 8.75.11

कु॒वित्सु नो॒ गवि॑ष्ट॒येऽग्ने॑ सं॒वेषि॑षो र॒यिम् ।

उरु॑कृदु॒रु ण॑स्कृधि ॥ ८.०७५.११

ku̱vitsu no̱ gavi̍ṣṭa̱ye'gne̍ sa̱ṃveṣi̍ṣo ra̱yim .

uru̍kṛdu̱ru ṇa̍skṛdhi .. 8.075.11

Sloka : 8.75.12

मा नो॑ अ॒स्मिन्म॑हाध॒ने परा॑ वर्ग्भार॒भृद्य॑था ।

सं॒वर्गं॒ सं र॒यिं ज॑य ॥ ८.०७५.१२

mā no̍ a̱sminma̍hādha̱ne parā̍ vargbhāra̱bhṛdya̍thā .

sa̱ṃvarga̱ṃ saṃ ra̱yiṃ ja̍ya .. 8.075.12

Sloka : 8.75.13

अ॒न्यम॒स्मद्भि॒या इ॒यमग्ने॒ सिष॑क्तु दु॒च्छुना॑ ।

वर्धा॑ नो॒ अम॑व॒च्छवः॑ ॥ ८.०७५.१३

a̱nyama̱smadbhi̱yā i̱yamagne̱ siṣa̍ktu du̱cchunā̍ .

vardhā̍ no̱ ama̍va̱cchava̍ḥ .. 8.075.13

Sloka : 8.75.14

यस्याजु॑षन्नम॒स्विनः॒ शमी॒मदु॑र्मखस्य वा ।

तं घेद॒ग्निर्वृ॒धाव॑ति ॥ ८.०७५.१४

yasyāju̍ṣannama̱svina̱ḥ śamī̱madu̍rmakhasya vā .

taṃ gheda̱gnirvṛ̱dhāva̍ti .. 8.075.14

Sloka : 8.75.15

पर॑स्या॒ अधि॑ सं॒वतोऽव॑राँ अ॒भ्या त॑र ।

यत्रा॒हमस्मि॒ ताँ अ॑व ॥ ८.०७५.१५

para̍syā̱ adhi̍ sa̱ṃvato'va̍rām̐ a̱bhyā ta̍ra .

yatrā̱hamasmi̱ tām̐ a̍va .. 8.075.15

Sloka : 8.75.16

वि॒द्मा हि ते॑ पु॒रा व॒यमग्ने॑ पि॒तुर्यथाव॑सः ।

अधा॑ ते सु॒म्नमी॑महे ॥ ८.०७५.१६

vi̱dmā hi te̍ pu̱rā va̱yamagne̍ pi̱turyathāva̍saḥ .

adhā̍ te su̱mnamī̍mahe .. 8.075.16

Sloka : 8.76.1

इ॒मं नु मा॒यिनं॑ हुव॒ इन्द्र॒मीशा॑न॒मोज॑सा ।

म॒रुत्व॑न्तं॒ न वृ॒ञ्जसे॑ ॥ ८.०७६.०१

i̱maṃ nu mā̱yina̍ṃ huva̱ indra̱mīśā̍na̱moja̍sā .

ma̱rutva̍nta̱ṃ na vṛ̱ñjase̍ .. 8.076.01

1. SPLENDID, O Aśvins, is your praise. Come fountain-like, to pour the stream.
Of the sweet juice effused-dear is it, Chiefs, in heaven-drink like two wild bulls at a pool.

Sloka : 8.76.2

अ॒यमिन्द्रो॑ म॒रुत्स॑खा॒ वि वृ॒त्रस्या॑भिन॒च्छिरः॑ ।

वज्रे॑ण श॒तप॑र्वणा ॥ ८.०७६.०२

a̱yamindro̍ ma̱rutsa̍khā̱ vi vṛ̱trasyā̍bhina̱cchira̍ḥ .

vajre̍ṇa śa̱tapa̍rvaṇā .. 8.076.02

2 Drink the libation rich in sweets, O Aśvins Twain:- sit. Heroes, on the sacred grass.
Do ye with joyful heart in the abode of man preserve his life by means of wealth.

Sloka : 8.76.3

वा॒वृ॒धा॒नो म॒रुत्स॒खेन्द्रो॒ वि वृ॒त्रमै॑रयत् ।

सृ॒जन्स॑मु॒द्रिया॑ अ॒पः ॥ ८.०७६.०३

vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱no ma̱rutsa̱khendro̱ vi vṛ̱tramai̍rayat .

sṛ̱jansa̍mu̱driyā̍ a̱paḥ .. 8.076.03

3 The Priyamedhas bid you come with all the succours that are yours.
Come to his house whose holy grass is trimmed, to dear sacrifice at the morning rites.

Sloka : 8.76.4

अ॒यं ह॒ येन॒ वा इ॒दं स्व॑र्म॒रुत्व॑ता जि॒तम् ।

इन्द्रे॑ण॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०७६.०४

a̱yaṃ ha̱ yena̱ vā i̱daṃ sva̍rma̱rutva̍tā ji̱tam .

indre̍ṇa̱ soma̍pītaye .. 8.076.04

4 Drink ye the Soma rich in meath, ye Aśvins Twain:- sit gladly on the sacred grass.
So, waxen mighty, to our eulogy from heaven come ye as wild-bulls to the pool.

Sloka : 8.76.5

म॒रुत्व॑न्तमृजी॒षिण॒मोज॑स्वन्तं विर॒प्शिन॑म् ।

इन्द्रं॑ गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०७६.०५

ma̱rutva̍ntamṛjī̱ṣiṇa̱moja̍svantaṃ vira̱pśina̍m .

indra̍ṃ gī̱rbhirha̍vāmahe .. 8.076.05

5 Come to us, O ye Aśvins, now with steeds of many a varied hue,
Ye Lords of splendour, wondrous, borne on paths of gold, drink Soma, ye who strengthen Law.

Sloka : 8.76.6

इन्द्रं॑ प्र॒त्नेन॒ मन्म॑ना म॒रुत्व॑न्तं हवामहे ।

अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०७६.०६

indra̍ṃ pra̱tnena̱ manma̍nā ma̱rutva̍ntaṃ havāmahe .

a̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.076.06

6 For we the priestly singers, fain tohymn your praise, invoke you for the gain of strength.
So, wondrous, fair, and famed for great deeds come to us, through our hymn, Aśvins, when ye hear.

Sloka : 8.76.7

म॒रुत्वा॑ँ इन्द्र मीढ्वः॒ पिबा॒ सोमं॑ शतक्रतो ।

अ॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे पु॑रुष्टुत ॥ ८.०७६.०७

ma̱rutvā̍m̐ indra mīḍhva̱ḥ pibā̱ soma̍ṃ śatakrato .

a̱sminya̱jñe pu̍ruṣṭuta .. 8.076.07

Sloka : 8.76.8

तुभ्येदि॑न्द्र म॒रुत्व॑ते सु॒ताः सोमा॑सो अद्रिवः ।

हृ॒दा हू॑यन्त उ॒क्थिनः॑ ॥ ८.०७६.०८

tubhyedi̍ndra ma̱rutva̍te su̱tāḥ somā̍so adrivaḥ .

hṛ̱dā hū̍yanta u̱kthina̍ḥ .. 8.076.08

Sloka : 8.76.9

पिबेदि॑न्द्र म॒रुत्स॑खा सु॒तं सोमं॒ दिवि॑ष्टिषु ।

वज्रं॒ शिशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ॥ ८.०७६.०९

pibedi̍ndra ma̱rutsa̍khā su̱taṃ soma̱ṃ divi̍ṣṭiṣu .

vajra̱ṃ śiśā̍na̱ oja̍sā .. 8.076.09

Sloka : 8.76.10

उ॒त्तिष्ठ॒न्नोज॑सा स॒ह पी॒त्वी शिप्रे॑ अवेपयः ।

सोम॑मिन्द्र च॒मू सु॒तम् ॥ ८.०७६.१०

u̱ttiṣṭha̱nnoja̍sā sa̱ha pī̱tvī śipre̍ avepayaḥ .

soma̍mindra ca̱mū su̱tam .. 8.076.10

Sloka : 8.76.11

अनु॑ त्वा॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे क्रक्ष॑माणमकृपेताम् ।

इन्द्र॒ यद्द॑स्यु॒हाभ॑वः ॥ ८.०७६.११

anu̍ tvā̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe krakṣa̍māṇamakṛpetām .

indra̱ yadda̍syu̱hābha̍vaḥ .. 8.076.11

Sloka : 8.76.12

वाच॑म॒ष्टाप॑दीम॒हं नव॑स्रक्तिमृत॒स्पृश॑म् ।

इन्द्रा॒त्परि॑ त॒न्वं॑ ममे ॥ ८.०७६.१२

vāca̍ma̱ṣṭāpa̍dīma̱haṃ nava̍sraktimṛta̱spṛśa̍m .

indrā̱tpari̍ ta̱nva̍ṃ mame .. 8.076.12

Sloka : 8.77.1

ज॒ज्ञा॒नो नु श॒तक्र॑तु॒र्वि पृ॑च्छ॒दिति॑ मा॒तर॑म् ।

क उ॒ग्राः के ह॑ श‍ृण्विरे ॥ ८.०७७.०१

ja̱jñā̱no nu śa̱takra̍tu̱rvi pṛ̍ccha̱diti̍ mā̱tara̍m .

ka u̱grāḥ ke ha̍ śṛṇvire .. 8.077.01

1. As cows low to their calves in stalls, so with our songs we glorify
This Indra, even your Wondrous God who checks attack, who joys in the delicious juice.

Sloka : 8.77.2

आदीं॑ शव॒स्य॑ब्रवीदौर्णवा॒भम॑ही॒शुव॑म् ।

ते पु॑त्र सन्तु नि॒ष्टुरः॑ ॥ ८.०७७.०२

ādī̍ṃ śava̱sya̍bravīdaurṇavā̱bhama̍hī̱śuva̍m .

te pu̍tra santu ni̱ṣṭura̍ḥ .. 8.077.02

2 Celestial, bounteous Giver, girt about with might, rich, mountain-like, in precious things,
Him swift we seek. for foodful booty rich in kine, brought hundredfold and thousandfold.

Sloka : 8.77.3

समित्तान्वृ॑त्र॒हाखि॑द॒त्खे अ॒राँ इ॑व॒ खेद॑या ।

प्रवृ॑द्धो दस्यु॒हाभ॑वत् ॥ ८.०७७.०३

samittānvṛ̍tra̱hākhi̍da̱tkhe a̱rām̐ i̍va̱ kheda̍yā .

pravṛ̍ddho dasyu̱hābha̍vat .. 8.077.03

3 Indra, the strong and lofty hills are powerless to bar thy way.
None stay that act of thine when thou wouldst fain give wealth to one like me who sings thy praise.

Sloka : 8.77.4

एक॑या प्रति॒धापि॑बत्सा॒कं सरां॑सि त्रिं॒शत॑म् ।

इन्द्रः॒ सोम॑स्य काणु॒का ॥ ८.०७७.०४

eka̍yā prati̱dhāpi̍batsā̱kaṃ sarā̍ṃsi tri̱ṃśata̍m .

indra̱ḥ soma̍sya kāṇu̱kā .. 8.077.04

4 A Warrior thou by strength, wisdom, and wondrous deed, in might excellest all that is.
Hither may this our hymn attract thee to our help, the hymn which Gotamas have made.

Sloka : 8.77.5

अ॒भि ग॑न्ध॒र्वम॑तृणदबु॒ध्नेषु॒ रज॒स्स्वा ।

इन्द्रो॑ ब्र॒ह्मभ्य॒ इद्वृ॒धे ॥ ८.०७७.०५

a̱bhi ga̍ndha̱rvama̍tṛṇadabu̱dhneṣu̱ raja̱ssvā .

indro̍ bra̱hmabhya̱ idvṛ̱dhe .. 8.077.05

5 For in thy might thou stretchest out beyond the boundaries of heaven.
The earthly region, Indra, comprehends thee not. After thy Godhead hast thou waxed.

Sloka : 8.77.6

निरा॑विध्यद्गि॒रिभ्य॒ आ धा॒रय॑त्प॒क्वमो॑द॒नम् ।

इन्द्रो॑ बु॒न्दं स्वा॑ततम् ॥ ८.०७७.०६

nirā̍vidhyadgi̱ribhya̱ ā dhā̱raya̍tpa̱kvamo̍da̱nam .

indro̍ bu̱ndaṃ svā̍tatam .. 8.077.06

6 When, Maghavan, thou honourest the worshipper, no one is there to stay thy wealth.
Most liberal Giver thou, do thou inspire our song of praise, that we may win the spoil.

Sloka : 8.77.7

श॒तब्र॑ध्न॒ इषु॒स्तव॑ स॒हस्र॑पर्ण॒ एक॒ इत् ।

यमि॑न्द्र चकृ॒षे युज॑म् ॥ ८.०७७.०७

śa̱tabra̍dhna̱ iṣu̱stava̍ sa̱hasra̍parṇa̱ eka̱ it .

yami̍ndra cakṛ̱ṣe yuja̍m .. 8.077.07

Sloka : 8.77.8

तेन॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र॒ नृभ्यो॒ नारि॑भ्यो॒ अत्त॑वे ।

स॒द्यो जा॒त ऋ॑भुष्ठिर ॥ ८.०७७.०८

tena̍ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra̱ nṛbhyo̱ nāri̍bhyo̱ atta̍ve .

sa̱dyo jā̱ta ṛ̍bhuṣṭhira .. 8.077.08

Sloka : 8.77.9

ए॒ता च्यौ॒त्नानि॑ ते कृ॒ता वर्षि॑ष्ठानि॒ परी॑णसा ।

हृ॒दा वी॒ड्व॑धारयः ॥ ८.०७७.०९

e̱tā cyau̱tnāni̍ te kṛ̱tā varṣi̍ṣṭhāni̱ parī̍ṇasā .

hṛ̱dā vī̱ḍva̍dhārayaḥ .. 8.077.09

Sloka : 8.77.10

विश्वेत्ता विष्णु॒राभ॑रदुरुक्र॒मस्त्वेषि॑तः ।

श॒तं म॑हि॒षान्क्षी॑रपा॒कमो॑द॒नं व॑रा॒हमिन्द्र॑ एमु॒षम् ॥ ८.०७७.१०

viśvettā viṣṇu̱rābha̍radurukra̱mastveṣi̍taḥ .

śa̱taṃ ma̍hi̱ṣānkṣī̍rapā̱kamo̍da̱naṃ va̍rā̱hamindra̍ emu̱ṣam .. 8.077.10

Sloka : 8.77.11

तु॒वि॒क्षं ते॒ सुकृ॑तं सू॒मयं॒ धनुः॑ सा॒धुर्बु॒न्दो हि॑र॒ण्ययः॑ ।

उ॒भा ते॑ बा॒हू रण्या॒ सुसं॑स्कृत ऋदू॒पे चि॑दृदू॒वृधा॑ ॥ ८.०७७.११

tu̱vi̱kṣaṃ te̱ sukṛ̍taṃ sū̱maya̱ṃ dhanu̍ḥ sā̱dhurbu̱ndo hi̍ra̱ṇyaya̍ḥ .

u̱bhā te̍ bā̱hū raṇyā̱ susa̍ṃskṛta ṛdū̱pe ci̍dṛdū̱vṛdhā̍ .. 8.077.11

Sloka : 8.78.1

पु॒रो॒ळाशं॑ नो॒ अन्ध॑स॒ इन्द्र॑ स॒हस्र॒मा भ॑र ।

श॒ता च॑ शूर॒ गोना॑म् ॥ ८.०७८.०१

pu̱ro̱l̤āśa̍ṃ no̱ andha̍sa̱ indra̍ sa̱hasra̱mā bha̍ra .

śa̱tā ca̍ śūra̱ gonā̍m .. 8.078.01

1. To Indra sing the lofty hymn, Maruts that slays the Vṛtras best.
Whereby the Holy Ones created for the God the light divine that ever wakes.

Sloka : 8.78.2

आ नो॑ भर॒ व्यञ्ज॑नं॒ गामश्व॑म॒भ्यञ्ज॑नम् ।

सचा॑ म॒ना हि॑र॒ण्यया॑ ॥ ८.०७८.०२

ā no̍ bhara̱ vyañja̍na̱ṃ gāmaśva̍ma̱bhyañja̍nam .

sacā̍ ma̱nā hi̍ra̱ṇyayā̍ .. 8.078.02

2 Indra who quells the curse blew curses far away, and then in splendour came to us.
Indra, refulgent with thy Marut host! the Gods strove eagerly to win thy love.

Sloka : 8.78.3

उ॒त नः॑ कर्ण॒शोभ॑ना पु॒रूणि॑ धृष्ण॒वा भ॑र ।

त्वं हि श‍ृ॑ण्वि॒षे व॑सो ॥ ८.०७८.०३

u̱ta na̍ḥ karṇa̱śobha̍nā pu̱rūṇi̍ dhṛṣṇa̱vā bha̍ra .

tvaṃ hi śṛ̍ṇvi̱ṣe va̍so .. 8.078.03

3 Sing to your lofty Indra, sing, Maruts, a holy hymn of praise.
Let Śatakratu, Vṛtra-slayer, kill the foe with hundred-knotted thunderbolt.

Sloka : 8.78.4

नकीं॑ वृधी॒क इ॑न्द्र ते॒ न सु॒षा न सु॒दा उ॒त ।

नान्यस्त्वच्छू॑र वा॒घतः॑ ॥ ८.०७८.०४

nakī̍ṃ vṛdhī̱ka i̍ndra te̱ na su̱ṣā na su̱dā u̱ta .

nānyastvacchū̍ra vā̱ghata̍ḥ .. 8.078.04

4 Aim and fetch boldly forth, O thou whose heart is bold:- great glory will be thine thereby.
In rapid torrent let the mother waters spread. Slay Vṛtra, win the light of heaven.

Sloka : 8.78.5

नकी॒मिन्द्रो॒ निक॑र्तवे॒ न श॒क्रः परि॑शक्तवे ।

विश्वं॑ श‍ृणोति॒ पश्य॑ति ॥ ८.०७८.०५

nakī̱mindro̱ nika̍rtave̱ na śa̱kraḥ pari̍śaktave .

viśva̍ṃ śṛṇoti̱ paśya̍ti .. 8.078.05

5 When thou, unequalled Maghavan, wast born to smite the Vṛtras dead,
Thou spreadest out the spacious earth and didst support and prop the heavens.

Sloka : 8.78.6

स म॒न्युं मर्त्या॑ना॒मद॑ब्धो॒ नि चि॑कीषते ।

पु॒रा नि॒दश्चि॑कीषते ॥ ८.०७८.०६

sa ma̱nyuṃ martyā̍nā̱mada̍bdho̱ ni ci̍kīṣate .

pu̱rā ni̱daści̍kīṣate .. 8.078.06

6 Theri was the sacrifice produced for thee, the laud, and song of joy,
Thou in thy might surpassest all, all that now is and yet shall be.

Sloka : 8.78.7

क्रत्व॒ इत्पू॒र्णमु॒दरं॑ तु॒रस्या॑स्ति विध॒तः ।

वृ॒त्र॒घ्नः सो॑म॒पाव्नः॑ ॥ ८.०७८.०७

kratva̱ itpū̱rṇamu̱dara̍ṃ tu̱rasyā̍sti vidha̱taḥ .

vṛ̱tra̱ghnaḥ so̍ma̱pāvna̍ḥ .. 8.078.07

7 Raw kine thou filledst with ripe milk. Thou madest Sūrya rise to heaven.,
Heat him as milk is heated with pure Sāma hymns, great joy to him who loves the song.

Sloka : 8.78.8

त्वे वसू॑नि॒ संग॑ता॒ विश्वा॑ च सोम॒ सौभ॑गा ।

सु॒दात्वप॑रिह्वृता ॥ ८.०७८.०८

tve vasū̍ni̱ saṃga̍tā̱ viśvā̍ ca soma̱ saubha̍gā .

su̱dātvapa̍rihvṛtā .. 8.078.08

Sloka : 8.78.9

त्वामिद्य॑व॒युर्मम॒ कामो॑ ग॒व्युर्हि॑रण्य॒युः ।

त्वाम॑श्व॒युरेष॑ते ॥ ८.०७८.०९

tvāmidya̍va̱yurmama̱ kāmo̍ ga̱vyurhi̍raṇya̱yuḥ .

tvāma̍śva̱yureṣa̍te .. 8.078.09

Sloka : 8.78.10

तवेदि॑न्द्रा॒हमा॒शसा॒ हस्ते॒ दात्रं॑ च॒ना द॑दे ।

दि॒नस्य॑ वा मघव॒न्सम्भृ॑तस्य वा पू॒र्धि यव॑स्य का॒शिना॑ ॥ ८.०७८.१०

tavedi̍ndrā̱hamā̱śasā̱ haste̱ dātra̍ṃ ca̱nā da̍de .

di̱nasya̍ vā maghava̱nsambhṛ̍tasya vā pū̱rdhi yava̍sya kā̱śinā̍ .. 8.078.10

Sloka : 8.79.1

अ॒यं कृ॒त्नुरगृ॑भीतो विश्व॒जिदु॒द्भिदित्सोमः॑ ।

ऋषि॒र्विप्रः॒ काव्ये॑न ॥ ८.०७९.०१

a̱yaṃ kṛ̱tnuragṛ̍bhīto viśva̱jidu̱dbhiditsoma̍ḥ .

ṛṣi̱rvipra̱ḥ kāvye̍na .. 8.079.01

1. MAY Indra, who in every fight must be invoked, be near to us.
May the most mighty Vṛtra-slayer, meet for praise, come to libations and to hymns.

Sloka : 8.79.2

अ॒भ्यू॑र्णोति॒ यन्न॒ग्नं भि॒षक्ति॒ विश्वं॒ यत्तु॒रम् ।

प्रेम॒न्धः ख्य॒न्निः श्रो॒णो भू॑त् ॥ ८.०७९.०२

a̱bhyū̍rṇoti̱ yanna̱gnaṃ bhi̱ṣakti̱ viśva̱ṃ yattu̱ram .

prema̱ndhaḥ khya̱nniḥ śro̱ṇo bhū̍t .. 8.079.02

2 Thou art the best of all in sending bounteous gifts, true art thou, lordly in thine act.
We claim alliance with the very Glorious One, yea, with the Mighty Son of Strength.

Sloka : 8.79.3

त्वं सो॑म तनू॒कृद्भ्यो॒ द्वेषो॑भ्यो॒ऽन्यकृ॑तेभ्यः ।

उ॒रु य॒न्तासि॒ वरू॑थम् ॥ ८.०७९.०३

tvaṃ so̍ma tanū̱kṛdbhyo̱ dveṣo̍bhyo̱'nyakṛ̍tebhyaḥ .

u̱ru ya̱ntāsi̱ varū̍tham .. 8.079.03

3 Prayers unsurpassed are offered up to thee the Lover of the Song.
Indra, Lord of Bay Steeds, accept these fitting hymns, hymns which we have thought out for thee.

Sloka : 8.79.4

त्वं चि॒त्ती तव॒ दक्षै॑र्दि॒व आ पृ॑थि॒व्या ऋ॑जीषिन् ।

यावी॑र॒घस्य॑ चि॒द्द्वेषः॑ ॥ ८.०७९.०४

tvaṃ ci̱ttī tava̱ dakṣai̍rdi̱va ā pṛ̍thi̱vyā ṛ̍jīṣin .

yāvī̍ra̱ghasya̍ ci̱ddveṣa̍ḥ .. 8.079.04

4 For thou, O Maghavan, art truthful, ne’er subdued and bringest many a Vṛtra low.
As such, O Mightiest Lord, Wielder of Thunder, send wealth hither to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.79.5

अ॒र्थिनो॒ यन्ति॒ चेदर्थं॒ गच्छा॒निद्द॒दुषो॑ रा॒तिम् ।

व॒वृ॒ज्युस्तृष्य॑तः॒ काम॑म् ॥ ८.०७९.०५

a̱rthino̱ yanti̱ cedartha̱ṃ gacchā̱nidda̱duṣo̍ rā̱tim .

va̱vṛ̱jyustṛṣya̍ta̱ḥ kāma̍m .. 8.079.05

5 O Indra, thou art far-renowned, impetuous, O Lord of Strength.
Alone thou slayest with the guardian of mankind resistless never-conquered foes.

Sloka : 8.79.6

वि॒दद्यत्पू॒र्व्यं न॒ष्टमुदी॑मृता॒युमी॑रयत् ।

प्रेमायु॑स्तारी॒दती॑र्णम् ॥ ८.०७९.०६

vi̱dadyatpū̱rvyaṃ na̱ṣṭamudī̍mṛtā̱yumī̍rayat .

premāyu̍stārī̱datī̍rṇam .. 8.079.06

6 As such we seek thee now, O Asura, thee most wise, craving thy bounty as our share.
Thy sheltering defence is like a mighty cloak. So may thy glories reach to us.

Sloka : 8.79.7

सु॒शेवो॑ नो मृळ॒याकु॒रदृ॑प्तक्रतुरवा॒तः ।

भवा॑ नः सोम॒ शं हृ॒दे ॥ ८.०७९.०७

su̱śevo̍ no mṛl̤a̱yāku̱radṛ̍ptakraturavā̱taḥ .

bhavā̍ naḥ soma̱ śaṃ hṛ̱de .. 8.079.07

Sloka : 8.79.8

मा नः॑ सोम॒ सं वी॑विजो॒ मा वि बी॑भिषथा राजन् ।

मा नो॒ हार्दि॑ त्वि॒षा व॑धीः ॥ ८.०७९.०८

mā na̍ḥ soma̱ saṃ vī̍vijo̱ mā vi bī̍bhiṣathā rājan .

mā no̱ hārdi̍ tvi̱ṣā va̍dhīḥ .. 8.079.08

Sloka : 8.79.9

अव॒ यत्स्वे स॒धस्थे॑ दे॒वानां॑ दुर्म॒तीरीक्षे॑ ।

राज॒न्नप॒ द्विषः॑ सेध॒ मीढ्वो॒ अप॒ स्रिधः॑ सेध ॥ ८.०७९.०९

ava̱ yatsve sa̱dhasthe̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ durma̱tīrīkṣe̍ .

rāja̱nnapa̱ dviṣa̍ḥ sedha̱ mīḍhvo̱ apa̱ sridha̍ḥ sedha .. 8.079.09

Sloka : 8.80.1

न॒ह्य१॒॑न्यं ब॒ळाक॑रं मर्डि॒तारं॑ शतक्रतो ।

त्वं न॑ इन्द्र मृळय ॥ ८.०८०.०१

na̱hya1̱̍nyaṃ ba̱l̤āka̍raṃ marḍi̱tāra̍ṃ śatakrato .

tvaṃ na̍ indra mṛl̤aya .. 8.080.01

1. DOWN to the stream a maiden came, and found the Soma by the way.
Bearing it to her home she said, For Indra will I press thee out, for Śakra will I press thee out.

Sloka : 8.80.2

यो नः॒ शश्व॑त्पु॒रावि॒थामृ॑ध्रो॒ वाज॑सातये ।

स त्वं न॑ इन्द्र मृळय ॥ ८.०८०.०२

yo na̱ḥ śaśva̍tpu̱rāvi̱thāmṛ̍dhro̱ vāja̍sātaye .

sa tvaṃ na̍ indra mṛl̤aya .. 8.080.02

2 Thou roaming yonder, little man, beholding every house in turn,
Drink thou this Soma pressed with teeth, accompanied with grain and curds, with cake of meal and song of praise.

Sloka : 8.80.3

किम॒ङ्ग र॑ध्र॒चोद॑नः सुन्वा॒नस्या॑वि॒तेद॑सि ।

कु॒वित्स्वि॑न्द्र णः॒ शकः॑ ॥ ८.०८०.०३

kima̱ṅga ra̍dhra̱coda̍naḥ sunvā̱nasyā̍vi̱teda̍si .

ku̱vitsvi̍ndra ṇa̱ḥ śaka̍ḥ .. 8.080.03

3 Fain would we learn to know thee well, nor yet can we attain to thee.
Still slowly and in gradual drops, O Indu, unto Indra flow.

Sloka : 8.80.4

इन्द्र॒ प्र णो॒ रथ॑मव प॒श्चाच्चि॒त्सन्त॑मद्रिवः ।

पु॒रस्ता॑देनं मे कृधि ॥ ८.०८०.०४

indra̱ pra ṇo̱ ratha̍mava pa̱ścācci̱tsanta̍madrivaḥ .

pu̱rastā̍denaṃ me kṛdhi .. 8.080.04

4 Will he not help and work for us? Will he not make us wealthier?
Shall we not, hostile to our lord, unite ourselves to Indra now?

Sloka : 8.80.5

हन्तो॒ नु किमा॑ससे प्रथ॒मं नो॒ रथं॑ कृधि ।

उ॒प॒मं वा॑ज॒यु श्रवः॑ ॥ ८.०८०.०५

hanto̱ nu kimā̍sase pratha̱maṃ no̱ ratha̍ṃ kṛdhi .

u̱pa̱maṃ vā̍ja̱yu śrava̍ḥ .. 8.080.05

5 O Indra, cause to sprout again three places, these which I declare,—
My father's head, his cultured field, and this the part below my waist.

Sloka : 8.80.6

अवा॑ नो वाज॒युं रथं॑ सु॒करं॑ ते॒ किमित्परि॑ ।

अ॒स्मान्सु जि॒ग्युष॑स्कृधि ॥ ८.०८०.०६

avā̍ no vāja̱yuṃ ratha̍ṃ su̱kara̍ṃ te̱ kimitpari̍ .

a̱smānsu ji̱gyuṣa̍skṛdhi .. 8.080.06

6 Make all of these grow crops of hair, you cultivated field of ours,
My body, and my father's head.

Sloka : 8.80.7

इन्द्र॒ दृह्य॑स्व॒ पूर॑सि भ॒द्रा त॑ एति निष्कृ॒तम् ।

इ॒यं धीरृ॒त्विया॑वती ॥ ८.०८०.०७

indra̱ dṛhya̍sva̱ pūra̍si bha̱drā ta̍ eti niṣkṛ̱tam .

i̱yaṃ dhīrṛ̱tviyā̍vatī .. 8.080.07

7 Cleansing Apala, Indra! thrice, thou gavest sunlike skin to her,
Drawn, Śatakratu! through the hole of car, of wagon, and of yoke.

Sloka : 8.80.8

मा सी॑मव॒द्य आ भा॑गु॒र्वी काष्ठा॑ हि॒तं धन॑म् ।

अ॒पावृ॑क्ता अर॒त्नयः॑ ॥ ८.०८०.०८

mā sī̍mava̱dya ā bhā̍gu̱rvī kāṣṭhā̍ hi̱taṃ dhana̍m .

a̱pāvṛ̍ktā ara̱tnaya̍ḥ .. 8.080.08

Sloka : 8.80.9

तु॒रीयं॒ नाम॑ य॒ज्ञियं॑ य॒दा कर॒स्तदु॑श्मसि ।

आदित्पति॑र्न ओहसे ॥ ८.०८०.०९

tu̱rīya̱ṃ nāma̍ ya̱jñiya̍ṃ ya̱dā kara̱stadu̍śmasi .

āditpati̍rna ohase .. 8.080.09

Sloka : 8.80.10

अवी॑वृधद्वो अमृता॒ अम॑न्दीदेक॒द्यूर्दे॑वा उ॒त याश्च॑ देवीः ।

तस्मा॑ उ॒ राधः॑ कृणुत प्रश॒स्तं प्रा॒तर्म॒क्षू धि॒याव॑सुर्जगम्यात् ॥ ८.०८०.१०

avī̍vṛdhadvo amṛtā̱ ama̍ndīdeka̱dyūrde̍vā u̱ta yāśca̍ devīḥ .

tasmā̍ u̱ rādha̍ḥ kṛṇuta praśa̱staṃ prā̱tarma̱kṣū dhi̱yāva̍surjagamyāt .. 8.080.10

Sloka : 8.81.1

आ तू न॑ इन्द्र क्षु॒मन्तं॑ चि॒त्रं ग्रा॒भं सं गृ॑भाय ।

म॒हा॒ह॒स्ती दक्षि॑णेन ॥ ८.०८१.०१

ā tū na̍ indra kṣu̱manta̍ṃ ci̱traṃ grā̱bhaṃ saṃ gṛ̍bhāya .

ma̱hā̱ha̱stī dakṣi̍ṇena .. 8.081.01

1. INVITE ye Indra with a song to drink your draught of Soma juice,
All-conquering Śatakratu, most munificent of all who live.

Sloka : 8.81.2

वि॒द्मा हि त्वा॑ तुविकू॒र्मिं तु॒विदे॑ष्णं तु॒वीम॑घम् ।

तु॒वि॒मा॒त्रमवो॑भिः ॥ ८.०८१.०२

vi̱dmā hi tvā̍ tuvikū̱rmiṃ tu̱vide̍ṣṇaṃ tu̱vīma̍gham .

tu̱vi̱mā̱tramavo̍bhiḥ .. 8.081.02

2 Lauded by many, much-invoked, leader of song, renowned of old:-
His name is Indra, tell it forth.

Sloka : 8.81.3

न॒हि त्वा॑ शूर दे॒वा न मर्ता॑सो॒ दित्स॑न्तम् ।

भी॒मं न गां वा॒रय॑न्ते ॥ ८.०८१.०३

na̱hi tvā̍ śūra de̱vā na martā̍so̱ ditsa̍ntam .

bhī̱maṃ na gāṃ vā̱raya̍nte .. 8.081.03

3 Indra the Dancer be to us the giver of abundant strength:-
May he, the mighty, bring it near.

Sloka : 8.81.4

एतो॒ न्विन्द्रं॒ स्तवा॒मेशा॑नं॒ वस्वः॑ स्व॒राज॑म् ।

न राध॑सा मर्धिषन्नः ॥ ८.०८१.०४

eto̱ nvindra̱ṃ stavā̱meśā̍na̱ṃ vasva̍ḥ sva̱rāja̍m .

na rādha̍sā mardhiṣannaḥ .. 8.081.04

4 Indra whose jaws are strong hath drunk of worshipping Sudaksa's draught,
The Soma juice with barley mixt.

Sloka : 8.81.5

प्र स्तो॑ष॒दुप॑ गासिष॒च्छ्रव॒त्साम॑ गी॒यमा॑नम् ।

अ॒भि राध॑सा जुगुरत् ॥ ८.०८१.०५

pra sto̍ṣa̱dupa̍ gāsiṣa̱cchrava̱tsāma̍ gī̱yamā̍nam .

a̱bhi rādha̍sā jugurat .. 8.081.05

5 Call Indra loudly with your songs of praise to drink the Soma juice.
For this is what augments his stiength.

Sloka : 8.81.6

आ नो॑ भर॒ दक्षि॑णेना॒भि स॒व्येन॒ प्र मृ॑श ।

इन्द्र॒ मा नो॒ वसो॒र्निर्भा॑क् ॥ ८.०८१.०६

ā no̍ bhara̱ dakṣi̍ṇenā̱bhi sa̱vyena̱ pra mṛ̍śa .

indra̱ mā no̱ vaso̱rnirbhā̍k .. 8.081.06

6 When he hath drqnk its gladdening drops, the God with vigour of a God
Hath far surpassed all things that are.

Sloka : 8.81.7

उप॑ क्रम॒स्वा भ॑र धृष॒ता धृ॑ष्णो॒ जना॑नाम् ।

अदा॑शूष्टरस्य॒ वेदः॑ ॥ ८.०८१.०७

upa̍ krama̱svā bha̍ra dhṛṣa̱tā dhṛ̍ṣṇo̱ janā̍nām .

adā̍śūṣṭarasya̱ veda̍ḥ .. 8.081.07

7 Thou speedest down to succour us this ever-conquering God of yours,
Him who is drawn to all our songs

Sloka : 8.81.8

इन्द्र॒ य उ॒ नु ते॒ अस्ति॒ वाजो॒ विप्रे॑भिः॒ सनि॑त्वः ।

अ॒स्माभिः॒ सु तं स॑नुहि ॥ ८.०८१.०८

indra̱ ya u̱ nu te̱ asti̱ vājo̱ vipre̍bhi̱ḥ sani̍tvaḥ .

a̱smābhi̱ḥ su taṃ sa̍nuhi .. 8.081.08

8 The Warrior not to he restrained, the Soma-drinker ne’er o’erthrown,
The Chieftain of resistless might.

Sloka : 8.81.9

स॒द्यो॒जुव॑स्ते॒ वाजा॑ अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ वि॒श्वश्च॑न्द्राः ।

वशै॑श्च म॒क्षू ज॑रन्ते ॥ ८.०८१.०९

sa̱dyo̱juva̍ste̱ vājā̍ a̱smabhya̍ṃ vi̱śvaśca̍ndrāḥ .

vaśai̍śca ma̱kṣū ja̍rante .. 8.081.09

9 O Indra, send us riches, thou Omniscient, worthy of our praise:-
Help us in the decisive fray.

Sloka : 8.82.1

आ प्र द्र॑व परा॒वतो॑ऽर्वा॒वत॑श्च वृत्रहन् ।

मध्वः॒ प्रति॒ प्रभ॑र्मणि ॥ ८.०८२.०१

ā pra dra̍va parā̱vato̎rvā̱vata̍śca vṛtrahan .

madhva̱ḥ prati̱ prabha̍rmaṇi .. 8.082.01

1. SURYA, thou mountest up to meet the Hero famous for his wealth,
Who hurls the bolt and works for man

Sloka : 8.82.2

ती॒व्राः सोमा॑स॒ आ ग॑हि सु॒तासो॑ मादयि॒ष्णवः॑ ।

पिबा॑ द॒धृग्यथो॑चि॒षे ॥ ८.०८२.०२

tī̱vrāḥ somā̍sa̱ ā ga̍hi su̱tāso̍ mādayi̱ṣṇava̍ḥ .

pibā̍ da̱dhṛgyatho̍ci̱ṣe .. 8.082.02

2 Him who with might of both his arms brake nine-and-ninety castles down,
Slew Vṛtra and smote Ahi dead.

Sloka : 8.82.3

इ॒षा म॑न्द॒स्वादु॒ तेऽरं॒ वरा॑य म॒न्यवे॑ ।

भुव॑त्त इन्द्र॒ शं हृ॒दे ॥ ८.०८२.०३

i̱ṣā ma̍nda̱svādu̱ te'ra̱ṃ varā̍ya ma̱nyave̍ .

bhuva̍tta indra̱ śaṃ hṛ̱de .. 8.082.03

3 This Indra is our gracious Friend. He sends us in a full broad stream
Riches in horses, kine, and corn.

Sloka : 8.82.4

आ त्व॑शत्र॒वा ग॑हि॒ न्यु१॒॑क्थानि॑ च हूयसे ।

उ॒प॒मे रो॑च॒ने दि॒वः ॥ ८.०८२.०४

ā tva̍śatra̱vā ga̍hi̱ nyu1̱̍kthāni̍ ca hūyase .

u̱pa̱me ro̍ca̱ne di̱vaḥ .. 8.082.04

4 Whatever, Vṛtra-slayer! thou, Sūrya, hast risen upon to-day,
Tbat, Indra, all is in thy power.

Sloka : 8.82.5

तुभ्या॒यमद्रि॑भिः सु॒तो गोभिः॑ श्री॒तो मदा॑य॒ कम् ।

प्र सोम॑ इन्द्र हूयते ॥ ८.०८२.०५

tubhyā̱yamadri̍bhiḥ su̱to gobhi̍ḥ śrī̱to madā̍ya̱ kam .

pra soma̍ indra hūyate .. 8.082.05

5 When, Mighty One, Lord of the brave, thou thinkest thus, I shall not die,
That thought of thine is true indeed.

Sloka : 8.82.6

इन्द्र॑ श्रु॒धि सु मे॒ हव॑म॒स्मे सु॒तस्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

वि पी॒तिं तृ॒प्तिम॑श्नुहि ॥ ८.०८२.०६

indra̍ śru̱dhi su me̱ hava̍ma̱sme su̱tasya̱ goma̍taḥ .

vi pī̱tiṃ tṛ̱ptima̍śnuhi .. 8.082.06

6 Thou, Indra, goest unto all Soma libations shed for thee,
Both far away and near at hand.

Sloka : 8.82.7

य इ॑न्द्र चम॒सेष्वा सोम॑श्च॒मूषु॑ ते सु॒तः ।

पिबेद॑स्य॒ त्वमी॑शिषे ॥ ८.०८२.०७

ya i̍ndra cama̱seṣvā soma̍śca̱mūṣu̍ te su̱taḥ .

pibeda̍sya̱ tvamī̍śiṣe .. 8.082.07

7 We make this Indra very strong to strike the mighty Vṛtra dead:-
A vigorous Hero shall he be.

Sloka : 8.82.8

यो अ॒प्सु च॒न्द्रमा॑ इव॒ सोम॑श्च॒मूषु॒ ददृ॑शे ।

पिबेद॑स्य॒ त्वमी॑शिषे ॥ ८.०८२.०८

yo a̱psu ca̱ndramā̍ iva̱ soma̍śca̱mūṣu̱ dadṛ̍śe .

pibeda̍sya̱ tvamī̍śiṣe .. 8.082.08

8 Indra was made for giving, set, most mighty, o’er the joyous draught.
Bright, meet for Soma, famed in song.

Sloka : 8.82.9

यं ते॑ श्ये॒नः प॒दाभ॑रत्ति॒रो रजां॒स्यस्पृ॑तम् ।

पिबेद॑स्य॒ त्वमी॑शिषे ॥ ८.०८२.०९

yaṃ te̍ śye̱naḥ pa̱dābha̍ratti̱ro rajā̱ṃsyaspṛ̍tam .

pibeda̍sya̱ tvamī̍śiṣe .. 8.082.09

9 By song as ’twere, the powerful bolt which none may parry was prepared
Lofty, invincible he grew.

Sloka : 8.83.1

दे॒वाना॒मिदवो॑ म॒हत्तदा वृ॑णीमहे व॒यम् ।

वृष्णा॑म॒स्मभ्य॑मू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८३.०१

de̱vānā̱midavo̍ ma̱hattadā vṛ̍ṇīmahe va̱yam .

vṛṣṇā̍ma̱smabhya̍mū̱taye̍ .. 8.083.01

1. THE Cow, the famous Mother of the wealthy Maruts, pours her milk:-
Both horses of the cars are yoked,—

Sloka : 8.83.2

ते नः॑ सन्तु॒ युजः॒ सदा॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।

वृ॒धास॑श्च॒ प्रचे॑तसः ॥ ८.०८३.०२

te na̍ḥ santu̱ yuja̱ḥ sadā̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .

vṛ̱dhāsa̍śca̱ prace̍tasaḥ .. 8.083.02

2 She in whose bosom all the Gods, and Sun and Moon for men to see,
Maintain their everlasting Laws.

Sloka : 8.83.3

अति॑ नो विष्पि॒ता पु॒रु नौ॒भिर॒पो न प॑र्षथ ।

यू॒यमृ॒तस्य॑ रथ्यः ॥ ८.०८३.०३

ati̍ no viṣpi̱tā pu̱ru nau̱bhira̱po na pa̍rṣatha .

yū̱yamṛ̱tasya̍ rathyaḥ .. 8.083.03

3 This all the pious sing to us, and sacred poets evermore:-
The Maruts to the Soma-draught

Sloka : 8.83.4

वा॒मं नो॑ अस्त्वर्यमन्वा॒मं व॑रुण॒ शंस्य॑म् ।

वा॒मं ह्या॑वृणी॒महे॑ ॥ ८.०८३.०४

vā̱maṃ no̍ astvaryamanvā̱maṃ va̍ruṇa̱ śaṃsya̍m .

vā̱maṃ hyā̍vṛṇī̱mahe̍ .. 8.083.04

4 Here is the Soma ready pressed of this the Maruts drink, of this
Self-luminous the Aśvins drink.

Sloka : 8.83.5

वा॒मस्य॒ हि प्र॑चेतस॒ ईशा॑नाशो रिशादसः ।

नेमा॑दित्या अ॒घस्य॒ यत् ॥ ८.०८३.०५

vā̱masya̱ hi pra̍cetasa̱ īśā̍nāśo riśādasaḥ .

nemā̍dityā a̱ghasya̱ yat .. 8.083.05

5 Of this, moreover, purified, set in three places, procreant,
Drink Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman.

Sloka : 8.83.6

व॒यमिद्वः॑ सुदानवः क्षि॒यन्तो॒ यान्तो॒ अध्व॒न्ना ।

देवा॑ वृ॒धाय॑ हूमहे ॥ ८.०८३.०६

va̱yamidva̍ḥ sudānavaḥ kṣi̱yanto̱ yānto̱ adhva̱nnā .

devā̍ vṛ̱dhāya̍ hūmahe .. 8.083.06

6 And Indra, like the Herald Priest, desirous of the milky juice,
At early morn will quaff thereof.

Sloka : 8.83.7

अधि॑ न इन्द्रैषां॒ विष्णो॑ सजा॒त्या॑नाम् ।

इ॒ता मरु॑तो॒ अश्वि॑ना ॥ ८.०८३.०७

adhi̍ na indraiṣā̱ṃ viṣṇo̍ sajā̱tyā̍nām .

i̱tā maru̍to̱ aśvi̍nā .. 8.083.07

7 When have the Princes gleamed and shone through waters as through troops of foes'?
When hasten they whose might ispure?

Sloka : 8.83.8

प्र भ्रा॑तृ॒त्वं सु॑दान॒वोऽध॑ द्वि॒ता स॑मा॒न्या ।

मा॒तुर्गर्भे॑ भरामहे ॥ ८.०८३.०८

pra bhrā̍tṛ̱tvaṃ su̍dāna̱vo'dha̍ dvi̱tā sa̍mā̱nyā .

mā̱turgarbhe̍ bharāmahe .. 8.083.08

8 What favour do I claim this day of you
great Deities, you who are
Wondrously splendid in yourselves?

Sloka : 8.83.9

यू॒यं हि ष्ठा सु॑दानव॒ इन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठा अ॒भिद्य॑वः ।

अधा॑ चिद्व उ॒त ब्रु॑वे ॥ ८.०८३.०९

yū̱yaṃ hi ṣṭhā su̍dānava̱ indra̍jyeṣṭhā a̱bhidya̍vaḥ .

adhā̍ cidva u̱ta bru̍ve .. 8.083.09

9 1 call, to drink the Soma, those Maruts who spread all realms of earth
And luminous regions of the sky.

Sloka : 8.84.1

प्रेष्ठं॑ वो॒ अति॑थिं स्तु॒षे मि॒त्रमि॑व प्रि॒यम् ।

अ॒ग्निं रथं॒ न वेद्य॑म् ॥ ८.०८४.०१

preṣṭha̍ṃ vo̱ ati̍thiṃ stu̱ṣe mi̱trami̍va pri̱yam .

a̱gniṃ ratha̱ṃ na vedya̍m .. 8.084.01

1. SONG-LOVER! like a charioteer come songs to thee when Soma flows.
O Indra, they have called to thee as mother-kine unto their calves.

Sloka : 8.84.2

क॒विमि॑व॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ यं दे॒वासो॒ अध॑ द्वि॒ता ।

नि मर्त्ये॑ष्वाद॒धुः ॥ ८.०८४.०२

ka̱vimi̍va̱ prace̍tasa̱ṃ yaṃ de̱vāso̱ adha̍ dvi̱tā .

ni martye̍ṣvāda̱dhuḥ .. 8.084.02

2 Bright juices bitherward have sped thee, Indra, Lover of the Song.
Drink, Indra, of this flowing sap:- in every house ’tis set for thee.

Sloka : 8.84.3

त्वं य॑विष्ठ दा॒शुषो॒ नॄँः पा॑हि श‍ृणु॒धी गिरः॑ ।

रक्षा॑ तो॒कमु॒त त्मना॑ ॥ ८.०८४.०३

tvaṃ ya̍viṣṭha dā̱śuṣo̱ nṝm̐ḥ pā̍hi śṛṇu̱dhī gira̍ḥ .

rakṣā̍ to̱kamu̱ta tmanā̍ .. 8.084.03

3 Drink Soma to inspirit thee, juice, Indra, which the Falcon brought:-
For thou art King and Sovran Lord of all the families of men.

Sloka : 8.84.4

कया॑ ते अग्ने अङ्गिर॒ ऊर्जो॑ नपा॒दुप॑स्तुतिम् ।

वरा॑य देव म॒न्यवे॑ ॥ ८.०८४.०४

kayā̍ te agne aṅgira̱ ūrjo̍ napā̱dupa̍stutim .

varā̍ya deva ma̱nyave̍ .. 8.084.04

4 O Indra, hear Tirasci's call, the call of him who serveth thee.
Satisfy him with wealth of kine and valiant offspring:- Great art thou.

Sloka : 8.84.5

दाशे॑म॒ कस्य॒ मन॑सा य॒ज्ञस्य॑ सहसो यहो ।

कदु॑ वोच इ॒दं नमः॑ ॥ ८.०८४.०५

dāśe̍ma̱ kasya̱ mana̍sā ya̱jñasya̍ sahaso yaho .

kadu̍ voca i̱daṃ nama̍ḥ .. 8.084.05

5 For he, O Indra, hath produced for thee the newest gladdening song,
A hymn that springs from careful thought, ancient, and full of sacred truth.

Sloka : 8.84.6

अधा॒ त्वं हि न॒स्करो॒ विश्वा॑ अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ सुक्षि॒तीः ।

वाज॑द्रविणसो॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ८.०८४.०६

adhā̱ tvaṃ hi na̱skaro̱ viśvā̍ a̱smabhya̍ṃ sukṣi̱tīḥ .

vāja̍draviṇaso̱ gira̍ḥ .. 8.084.06

6 That Indra will we laud whom songs and hymns of praise have magnified.
Striving to win, we celebrate his many deeds of hero might.

Sloka : 8.84.7

कस्य॑ नू॒नं परी॑णसो॒ धियो॑ जिन्वसि दम्पते ।

गोषा॑ता॒ यस्य॑ ते॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ८.०८४.०७

kasya̍ nū̱naṃ parī̍ṇaso̱ dhiyo̍ jinvasi dampate .

goṣā̍tā̱ yasya̍ te̱ gira̍ḥ .. 8.084.07

7 Come now and let us glorify pure Indra with pure Sāma hymns.
Let the pure milky draught delight him strengthened by pure songs of praise.

Sloka : 8.84.8

तं म॑र्जयन्त सु॒क्रतुं॑ पुरो॒यावा॑नमा॒जिषु॑ ।

स्वेषु॒ क्षये॑षु वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ ८.०८४.०८

taṃ ma̍rjayanta su̱kratu̍ṃ puro̱yāvā̍namā̱jiṣu̍ .

sveṣu̱ kṣaye̍ṣu vā̱jina̍m .. 8.084.08

8 O Indra, come thou pure to us, with pure assistance, pure thyself.
Pure, send thou riches down to us, and, meet for Soma, pure, be glad.

Sloka : 8.84.9

क्षेति॒ क्षेमे॑भिः सा॒धुभि॒र्नकि॒र्यं घ्नन्ति॒ हन्ति॒ यः ।

अग्ने॑ सु॒वीर॑ एधते ॥ ८.०८४.०९

kṣeti̱ kṣeme̍bhiḥ sā̱dhubhi̱rnaki̱ryaṃ ghnanti̱ hanti̱ yaḥ .

agne̍ su̱vīra̍ edhate .. 8.084.09

9 O Indra, pure, vouchsafe us wealth, and, pure, enrich the worshipper.
Pure, thou dost strike the Vṛtras dead, and strivest, pure, to win the spoil.

Sloka : 8.85.1

आ मे॒ हवं॑ नास॒त्याश्वि॑ना॒ गच्छ॑तं यु॒वम् ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०१

ā me̱ hava̍ṃ nāsa̱tyāśvi̍nā̱ gaccha̍taṃ yu̱vam .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.01

1. FOR him the Mornings made their courses longer, and Nights with pleasant voices spake to Indra.
For him the Floods stood still, the Seven Mothers, Streams easy for the heroes to pass over.

Sloka : 8.85.2

इ॒मं मे॒ स्तोम॑मश्विने॒मं मे॑ श‍ृणुतं॒ हव॑म् ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०२

i̱maṃ me̱ stoma̍maśvine̱maṃ me̍ śṛṇuta̱ṃ hava̍m .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.02

2 The Darter penetrated, though in trouble, thrice-seven close-pressed ridges of the mountains.
Neither might God nor mortal man accomplish what the Strong Hero wrought in full-grown vigour.

Sloka : 8.85.3

अ॒यं वां॒ कृष्णो॑ अश्विना॒ हव॑ते वाजिनीवसू ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०३

a̱yaṃ vā̱ṃ kṛṣṇo̍ aśvinā̱ hava̍te vājinīvasū .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.03

3 The mightiest force is Indra's bolt of iron when firmly grasped in both the arms of Indra.
His head and mouth have powers that pass all others, and all his people hasten near to listen.

Sloka : 8.85.4

श‍ृ॒णु॒तं ज॑रि॒तुर्हवं॒ कृष्ण॑स्य स्तुव॒तो न॑रा ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०४

śṛ̱ṇu̱taṃ ja̍ri̱turhava̱ṃ kṛṣṇa̍sya stuva̱to na̍rā .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.04

4 1 count thee as the Holiest of the Holy, the caster-down of what hath ne’er been shaken.
I count thee as the Banner of the heroes, I count thee as the Chief of all men living.

Sloka : 8.85.5

छ॒र्दिर्य॑न्त॒मदा॑भ्यं॒ विप्रा॑य स्तुव॒ते न॑रा ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०५

cha̱rdirya̍nta̱madā̍bhya̱ṃ viprā̍ya stuva̱te na̍rā .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.05

5 What time, O Indra, in thine arms thou tookest thy wildly rushing bolt to Slay the Dragon,
The mountains roared, the cattle loudly bellowed, the Brahmans with their hymns drew nigh to Indra.

Sloka : 8.85.6

गच्छ॑तं दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हमि॒त्था स्तु॑व॒तो अ॑श्विना ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०६

gaccha̍taṃ dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱hami̱tthā stu̍va̱to a̍śvinā .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.06

6 Let us praise him who made these worlds and creatures, all things that after him sprang into being.
May we win Mitra with our songs, and Indra, and. wait upon our Lord with adoration.

Sloka : 8.85.7

यु॒ञ्जाथां॒ रास॑भं॒ रथे॑ वी॒ड्व॑ङ्गे वृषण्वसू ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०७

yu̱ñjāthā̱ṃ rāsa̍bha̱ṃ rathe̍ vī̱ḍva̍ṅge vṛṣaṇvasū .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.07

7 Flying in terror from the snort of Vṛtra, all Deities who were thy friends forsook thee.
So, Indra, be thy friendship with the Maruts:- in all these battles thou shalt be the victor.

Sloka : 8.85.8

त्रि॒व॒न्धु॒रेण॑ त्रि॒वृता॒ रथे॒ना या॑तमश्विना ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०८

tri̱va̱ndhu̱reṇa̍ tri̱vṛtā̱ rathe̱nā yā̍tamaśvinā .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.08

8 Thrice-sixty Maruts, waxing strong, were with thee, like piles of beaming light, worthy of worship.
We come to thee:- grant us a happy portion. Let us adore thy might with this oblation.

Sloka : 8.85.9

नू मे॒ गिरो॑ नास॒त्याश्वि॑ना॒ प्राव॑तं यु॒वम् ।

मध्वः॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०८५.०९

nū me̱ giro̍ nāsa̱tyāśvi̍nā̱ prāva̍taṃ yu̱vam .

madhva̱ḥ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.085.09

9 A sharpened weapon is the host of Maruts. Who, Indra, dares withstand thy bolt of thunder?
Weaponless are the Asuras, the godless:- scatter them with thy wheel, Impetuous Hero.

Sloka : 8.86.1

उ॒भा हि द॒स्रा भि॒षजा॑ मयो॒भुवो॒भा दक्ष॑स्य॒ वच॑सो बभू॒वथुः॑ ।

ता वां॒ विश्व॑को हवते तनूकृ॒थे मा नो॒ वि यौ॑ष्टं स॒ख्या मु॒मोच॑तम् ॥ ८.०८६.०१

u̱bhā hi da̱srā bhi̱ṣajā̍ mayo̱bhuvo̱bhā dakṣa̍sya̱ vaca̍so babhū̱vathu̍ḥ .

tā vā̱ṃ viśva̍ko havate tanūkṛ̱the mā no̱ vi yau̍ṣṭaṃ sa̱khyā mu̱moca̍tam .. 8.086.01

1. O INDRA, Lord of Light, what joys thou broughtest from the Asuras,
Prosper therewith, O Maghavan, him who lauds that deed, and those whose grass is trimmed for thee.

Sloka : 8.86.2

क॒था नू॒नं वां॒ विम॑ना॒ उप॑ स्तवद्यु॒वं धियं॑ ददथु॒र्वस्य॑‍इष्टये ।

ता वां॒ विश्व॑को हवते तनूकृ॒थे मा नो॒ वि यौ॑ष्टं स॒ख्या मु॒मोच॑तम् ॥ ८.०८६.०२

ka̱thā nū̱naṃ vā̱ṃ vima̍nā̱ upa̍ stavadyu̱vaṃ dhiya̍ṃ dadathu̱rvasya̍iṣṭaye .

tā vā̱ṃ viśva̍ko havate tanūkṛ̱the mā no̱ vi yau̍ṣṭaṃ sa̱khyā mu̱moca̍tam .. 8.086.02

2 The unwasting share of steeds and kine which, Indra, thou hast fast secured,
Grant to the worshipper who presses Soma and gives guerdon, not unto the churl.

Sloka : 8.86.3

यु॒वं हि ष्मा॑ पुरुभुजे॒ममे॑ध॒तुं वि॑ष्णा॒प्वे॑ द॒दथु॒र्वस्य॑‍इष्टये ।

ता वां॒ विश्व॑को हवते तनूकृ॒थे मा नो॒ वि यौ॑ष्टं स॒ख्या मु॒मोच॑तम् ॥ ८.०८६.०३

yu̱vaṃ hi ṣmā̍ purubhuje̱mame̍dha̱tuṃ vi̍ṣṇā̱pve̍ da̱dathu̱rvasya̍iṣṭaye .

tā vā̱ṃ viśva̍ko havate tanūkṛ̱the mā no̱ vi yau̍ṣṭaṃ sa̱khyā mu̱moca̍tam .. 8.086.03

3 The riteless, godless man who sleeps, O Indra, his unbroken steep,—
May he by following his own devices die. Hide from him wealth that nourishes.

Sloka : 8.86.4

उ॒त त्यं वी॒रं ध॑न॒सामृ॑जी॒षिणं॑ दू॒रे चि॒त्सन्त॒मव॑से हवामहे ।

यस्य॒ स्वादि॑ष्ठा सुम॒तिः पि॒तुर्य॑था॒ मा नो॒ वि यौ॑ष्टं स॒ख्या मु॒मोच॑तम् ॥ ८.०८६.०४

u̱ta tyaṃ vī̱raṃ dha̍na̱sāmṛ̍jī̱ṣiṇa̍ṃ dū̱re ci̱tsanta̱mava̍se havāmahe .

yasya̱ svādi̍ṣṭhā suma̱tiḥ pi̱turya̍thā̱ mā no̱ vi yau̍ṣṭaṃ sa̱khyā mu̱moca̍tam .. 8.086.04

4 Whether, O Śakra, thou be far, or, Vṛtra-slayer, near at hand,
Thence by heaven-reaching songs he who hath pressed the juice invites thee with thy long-maned Steeds.

Sloka : 8.86.5

ऋ॒तेन॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता श॑मायत ऋ॒तस्य॒ श‍ृङ्ग॑मुर्वि॒या वि प॑प्रथे ।

ऋ॒तं सा॑साह॒ महि॑ चित्पृतन्य॒तो मा नो॒ वि यौ॑ष्टं स॒ख्या मु॒मोच॑तम् ॥ ८.०८६.०५

ṛ̱tena̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā śa̍māyata ṛ̱tasya̱ śṛṅga̍murvi̱yā vi pa̍prathe .

ṛ̱taṃ sā̍sāha̱ mahi̍ citpṛtanya̱to mā no̱ vi yau̍ṣṭaṃ sa̱khyā mu̱moca̍tam .. 8.086.05

5 Whether thou art in heaven's bright sphere, or in the basin of the sea;
Whether, chief Vṛtra-slayer, in some place on earth, or in the firmament, approach.

Sloka : 8.87.1

द्यु॒म्नी वां॒ स्तोमो॑ अश्विना॒ क्रिवि॒र्न सेक॒ आ ग॑तम् ।

मध्वः॑ सु॒तस्य॒ स दि॒वि प्रि॒यो न॑रा पा॒तं गौ॒रावि॒वेरि॑णे ॥ ८.०८७.०१

dyu̱mnī vā̱ṃ stomo̍ aśvinā̱ krivi̱rna seka̱ ā ga̍tam .

madhva̍ḥ su̱tasya̱ sa di̱vi pri̱yo na̍rā pā̱taṃ gau̱rāvi̱veri̍ṇe .. 8.087.01

1. To Indra sing a Sāma hymn, a lofty song to Lofty Sage,
To him who guards the Law, inspired, and fain for praise.

Sloka : 8.87.2

पिब॑तं घ॒र्मं मधु॑मन्तमश्वि॒ना ब॒र्हिः सी॑दतं नरा ।

ता म॑न्दसा॒ना मनु॑षो दुरो॒ण आ नि पा॑तं॒ वेद॑सा॒ वयः॑ ॥ ८.०८७.०२

piba̍taṃ gha̱rmaṃ madhu̍mantamaśvi̱nā ba̱rhiḥ sī̍dataṃ narā .

tā ma̍ndasā̱nā manu̍ṣo duro̱ṇa ā ni pā̍ta̱ṃ veda̍sā̱ vaya̍ḥ .. 8.087.02

2 Thou, Indra, art the Conqueror:- thou gavest splendour to the Sun.
Maker of all things, thou art Mighty and All-God.

Sloka : 8.87.3

आ वां॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभिः॑ प्रि॒यमे॑धा अहूषत ।

ता व॒र्तिर्या॑त॒मुप॑ वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो॒ जुष्टं॑ य॒ज्ञं दिवि॑ष्टिषु ॥ ८.०८७.०३

ā vā̱ṃ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ pri̱yame̍dhā ahūṣata .

tā va̱rtiryā̍ta̱mupa̍ vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣo̱ juṣṭa̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ divi̍ṣṭiṣu .. 8.087.03

3 Radiant with light thou wentest to the sky, the luminous realm of heaven.
ne Deities, Indra strove to win thee for their Friend.

Sloka : 8.87.4

पिब॑तं॒ सोमं॒ मधु॑मन्तमश्वि॒ना ब॒र्हिः सी॑दतं सु॒मत् ।

ता वा॑वृधा॒ना उप॑ सुष्टु॒तिं दि॒वो ग॒न्तं गौ॒रावि॒वेरि॑णम् ॥ ८.०८७.०४

piba̍ta̱ṃ soma̱ṃ madhu̍mantamaśvi̱nā ba̱rhiḥ sī̍dataṃ su̱mat .

tā vā̍vṛdhā̱nā upa̍ suṣṭu̱tiṃ di̱vo ga̱ntaṃ gau̱rāvi̱veri̍ṇam .. 8.087.04

4 Come unto us, O Indra, dear, still conquering, unconcealable,
Vast as a mountain spread on all sides, Lord of Heaven.

Sloka : 8.87.5

आ नू॒नं या॑तमश्वि॒नाश्वे॑भिः प्रुषि॒तप्सु॑भिः ।

दस्रा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्तनी शुभस्पती पा॒तं सोम॑मृतावृधा ॥ ८.०८७.०५

ā nū̱naṃ yā̍tamaśvi̱nāśve̍bhiḥ pruṣi̱tapsu̍bhiḥ .

dasrā̱ hira̍ṇyavartanī śubhaspatī pā̱taṃ soma̍mṛtāvṛdhā .. 8.087.05

5 O truthful Soma-drinker, thou art mightier than both the worlds.
Thou strengthenest him who pours libation, Lord of Heaven.

Sloka : 8.87.6

व॒यं हि वां॒ हवा॑महे विप॒न्यवो॒ विप्रा॑सो॒ वाज॑सातये ।

ता व॒ल्गू द॒स्रा पु॑रु॒दंस॑सा धि॒याश्वि॑ना श्रु॒ष्ट्या ग॑तम् ॥ ८.०८७.०६

va̱yaṃ hi vā̱ṃ havā̍mahe vipa̱nyavo̱ viprā̍so̱ vāja̍sātaye .

tā va̱lgū da̱srā pu̍ru̱daṃsa̍sā dhi̱yāśvi̍nā śru̱ṣṭyā ga̍tam .. 8.087.06

6 For thou art he, O Indra, wiio stormeth all castles of the foe,
Slayer of Dasyus, man's Supporter, Lord of Heaven.

Sloka : 8.88.1

तं वो॑ द॒स्ममृ॑ती॒षहं॒ वसो॑र्मन्दा॒नमन्ध॑सः ।

अ॒भि व॒त्सं न स्वस॑रेषु धे॒नव॒ इन्द्रं॑ गी॒र्भिर्न॑वामहे ॥ ८.०८८.०१

taṃ vo̍ da̱smamṛ̍tī̱ṣaha̱ṃ vaso̍rmandā̱namandha̍saḥ .

a̱bhi va̱tsaṃ na svasa̍reṣu dhe̱nava̱ indra̍ṃ gī̱rbhirna̍vāmahe .. 8.088.01

1. O THUNDERER, zealous worshippers gave thee drink this time yesterday.
So, Indra, listen here to those who bring the laud:- come near unto our dwellingplace.

Sloka : 8.88.2

द्यु॒क्षं सु॒दानुं॒ तवि॑षीभि॒रावृ॑तं गि॒रिं न पु॑रु॒भोज॑सम् ।

क्षु॒मन्तं॒ वाजं॑ श॒तिनं॑ सह॒स्रिणं॑ म॒क्षू गोम॑न्तमीमहे ॥ ८.०८८.०२

dyu̱kṣaṃ su̱dānu̱ṃ tavi̍ṣībhi̱rāvṛ̍taṃ gi̱riṃ na pu̍ru̱bhoja̍sam .

kṣu̱manta̱ṃ vāja̍ṃ śa̱tina̍ṃ saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ ma̱kṣū goma̍ntamīmahe .. 8.088.02

2 Lord of Bay Steeds, fair-helmed, rejoice thee:- this we crave. Here the disposers wait on thee.
Thy loftiest glories claim our lauds beside the juice, O Indra, Lover of the Song.

Sloka : 8.88.3

न त्वा॑ बृ॒हन्तो॒ अद्र॑यो॒ वर॑न्त इन्द्र वी॒ळवः॑ ।

यद्दित्स॑सि स्तुव॒ते माव॑ते॒ वसु॒ नकि॒ष्टदा मि॑नाति ते ॥ ८.०८८.०३

na tvā̍ bṛ̱hanto̱ adra̍yo̱ vara̍nta indra vī̱l̤ava̍ḥ .

yadditsa̍si stuva̱te māva̍te̱ vasu̱ naki̱ṣṭadā mi̍nāti te .. 8.088.03

3 Turning, as ’twere, to meet the Sun, enjoy from Indra all good things.
When he who will be born is born with power we look to treasures as our heritage.

Sloka : 8.88.4

योद्धा॑सि॒ क्रत्वा॒ शव॑सो॒त दं॒सना॒ विश्वा॑ जा॒ताभि म॒ज्मना॑ ।

आ त्वा॒यम॒र्क ऊ॒तये॑ ववर्तति॒ यं गोत॑मा॒ अजी॑जनन् ॥ ८.०८८.०४

yoddhā̍si̱ kratvā̱ śava̍so̱ta da̱ṃsanā̱ viśvā̍ jā̱tābhi ma̱jmanā̍ .

ā tvā̱yama̱rka ū̱taye̍ vavartati̱ yaṃ gota̍mā̱ ajī̍janan .. 8.088.04

4 Praise him who sends us wealth, whose bounties injure none:- good are the gifts which Indra. grants.
He is not worth with one who satisfies his wish:- he turns his mind to giving boons.

Sloka : 8.88.5

प्र हि रि॑रि॒क्ष ओज॑सा दि॒वो अन्ते॑भ्य॒स्परि॑ ।

न त्वा॑ विव्याच॒ रज॑ इन्द्र॒ पार्थि॑व॒मनु॑ स्व॒धां व॑वक्षिथ ॥ ८.०८८.०५

pra hi ri̍ri̱kṣa oja̍sā di̱vo ante̍bhya̱spari̍ .

na tvā̍ vivyāca̱ raja̍ indra̱ pārthi̍va̱manu̍ sva̱dhāṃ va̍vakṣitha .. 8.088.05

5 Thou in thy battles, Indra, art subduer of all hostile bands.
Father art thou, aIl-conquering, cancelling the curse, thou victor of the vanquisher.

Sloka : 8.88.6

नकिः॒ परि॑ष्टिर्मघवन्म॒घस्य॑ ते॒ यद्दा॒शुषे॑ दश॒स्यसि॑ ।

अ॒स्माकं॑ बोध्यु॒चथ॑स्य चोदि॒ता मंहि॑ष्ठो॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ८.०८८.०६

naki̱ḥ pari̍ṣṭirmaghavanma̱ghasya̍ te̱ yaddā̱śuṣe̍ daśa̱syasi̍ .

a̱smāka̍ṃ bodhyu̱catha̍sya codi̱tā maṃhi̍ṣṭho̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 8.088.06

6 The Earth and Heaven clung close to thy victorious might as to their calf two mother-cows.
When thou attackest Vṛtra all the hostile bands shrink and faint, Indra, at thy wrath.

Sloka : 8.89.1

बृ॒हदिन्द्रा॑य गायत॒ मरु॑तो वृत्र॒हन्त॑मम् ।

येन॒ ज्योति॒रज॑नयन्नृता॒वृधो॑ दे॒वं दे॒वाय॒ जागृ॑वि ॥ ८.०८९.०१

bṛ̱hadindrā̍ya gāyata̱ maru̍to vṛtra̱hanta̍mam .

yena̱ jyoti̱raja̍nayannṛtā̱vṛdho̍ de̱vaṃ de̱vāya̱ jāgṛ̍vi .. 8.089.01

1. I MOVE before thee here present in person, and all the Deities follow behind me.
When, Indra, thou securest me my portion, with me thou shalt perform heroic actions.

Sloka : 8.89.2

अपा॑धमद॒भिश॑स्तीरशस्ति॒हाथेन्द्रो॑ द्यु॒म्न्याभ॑वत् ।

दे॒वास्त॑ इन्द्र स॒ख्याय॑ येमिरे॒ बृह॑द्भानो॒ मरु॑द्गण ॥ ८.०८९.०२

apā̍dhamada̱bhiśa̍stīraśasti̱hāthendro̍ dyu̱mnyābha̍vat .

de̱vāsta̍ indra sa̱khyāya̍ yemire̱ bṛha̍dbhāno̱ maru̍dgaṇa .. 8.089.02

2 The food of meath in foremost place I give thee, thy Soma shall be pressed, thy share appointed.
Thou on my right shalt be my friend and comrade:- then shall we two smite dead full many a foeman.

Sloka : 8.89.3

प्र व॒ इन्द्रा॑य बृह॒ते मरु॑तो॒ ब्रह्मा॑र्चत ।

वृ॒त्रं ह॑नति वृत्र॒हा श॒तक्र॑तु॒र्वज्रे॑ण श॒तप॑र्वणा ॥ ८.०८९.०३

pra va̱ indrā̍ya bṛha̱te maru̍to̱ brahmā̍rcata .

vṛ̱traṃ ha̍nati vṛtra̱hā śa̱takra̍tu̱rvajre̍ṇa śa̱tapa̍rvaṇā .. 8.089.03

3 Striving for strength bring forth a laud to Indra, a truthful hymn if he in truth existeth.
One and another say, There is no Indra. Who hath beheld him? Whom then shall we honour?

Sloka : 8.89.4

अ॒भि प्र भ॑र धृष॒ता धृ॑षन्मनः॒ श्रव॑श्चित्ते असद्बृ॒हत् ।

अर्ष॒न्त्वापो॒ जव॑सा॒ वि मा॒तरो॒ हनो॑ वृ॒त्रं जया॒ स्वः॑ ॥ ८.०८९.०४

a̱bhi pra bha̍ra dhṛṣa̱tā dhṛ̍ṣanmana̱ḥ śrava̍ścitte asadbṛ̱hat .

arṣa̱ntvāpo̱ java̍sā̱ vi mā̱taro̱ hano̍ vṛ̱traṃ jayā̱ sva̍ḥ .. 8.089.04

4 Here am I, look upon me here, O singer. All that existeth I surpass in greatness.
The Holy Law's commandments make me mighty. Rending with strength I rend the worlds asunder.

Sloka : 8.89.5

यज्जाय॑था अपूर्व्य॒ मघ॑वन्वृत्र॒हत्या॑य ।

तत्पृ॑थि॒वीम॑प्रथय॒स्तद॑स्तभ्ना उ॒त द्याम् ॥ ८.०८९.०५

yajjāya̍thā apūrvya̱ magha̍vanvṛtra̱hatyā̍ya .

tatpṛ̍thi̱vīma̍prathaya̱stada̍stabhnā u̱ta dyām .. 8.089.05

5 When the Law's lovers mounted and ap. proached me as I sate lone upon the dear sky's summit.
Then spake my spirit to the heart within me, My friends have cried unto me with their children.

Sloka : 8.89.6

तत्ते॑ य॒ज्ञो अ॑जायत॒ तद॒र्क उ॒त हस्कृ॑तिः ।

तद्विश्व॑मभि॒भूर॑सि॒ यज्जा॒तं यच्च॒ जन्त्व॑म् ॥ ८.०८९.०६

tatte̍ ya̱jño a̍jāyata̱ tada̱rka u̱ta haskṛ̍tiḥ .

tadviśva̍mabhi̱bhūra̍si̱ yajjā̱taṃ yacca̱ jantva̍m .. 8.089.06

6 All these thy deeds must be declared at Soma-feasts, wrought, Indra, Bounteous Lord, for him who sheds the juice,
When thou didst open wealth heaped up by many, brought from far away to Sarablia, the Ṛṣi's kin.

Sloka : 8.89.7

आ॒मासु॑ प॒क्वमैर॑य॒ आ सूर्यं॑ रोहयो दि॒वि ।

घ॒र्मं न साम॑न्तपता सुवृ॒क्तिभि॒र्जुष्टं॒ गिर्व॑णसे बृ॒हत् ॥ ८.०८९.०७

ā̱māsu̍ pa̱kvamaira̍ya̱ ā sūrya̍ṃ rohayo di̱vi .

gha̱rmaṃ na sāma̍ntapatā suvṛ̱ktibhi̱rjuṣṭa̱ṃ girva̍ṇase bṛ̱hat .. 8.089.07

7 Now run ye forth your several ways:- he is not here who kept you back.
For hath not Indra sunk his bolt deep down in Vṛtra's vital part?

Sloka : 8.90.1

आ नो॒ विश्वा॑सु॒ हव्य॒ इन्द्रः॑ स॒मत्सु॑ भूषतु ।

उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ सव॑नानि वृत्र॒हा प॑रम॒ज्या ऋची॑षमः ॥ ८.०९०.०१

ā no̱ viśvā̍su̱ havya̱ indra̍ḥ sa̱matsu̍ bhūṣatu .

upa̱ brahmā̍ṇi̱ sava̍nāni vṛtra̱hā pa̍rama̱jyā ṛcī̍ṣamaḥ .. 8.090.01

1. YEA, specially that mortal man hath toiled for service of the Gods,
Who quickly hath brought near Mitra and Varuṇa. to share his sacrificial gifts.

Sloka : 8.90.2

त्वं दा॒ता प्र॑थ॒मो राध॑साम॒स्यसि॑ स॒त्य ई॑शान॒कृत् ।

तु॒वि॒द्यु॒म्नस्य॒ युज्या वृ॑णीमहे पु॒त्रस्य॒ शव॑सो म॒हः ॥ ८.०९०.०२

tvaṃ dā̱tā pra̍tha̱mo rādha̍sāma̱syasi̍ sa̱tya ī̍śāna̱kṛt .

tu̱vi̱dyu̱mnasya̱ yujyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe pu̱trasya̱ śava̍so ma̱haḥ .. 8.090.02

2 Supreme in sovran power, far-sighted, Chiefs and Kings, most swift to hear from far away,
Both, wondrously, set them in motion as with arms, in company with Sūrya's beams.

Sloka : 8.90.3

ब्रह्मा॑ त इन्द्र गिर्वणः क्रि॒यन्ते॒ अन॑तिद्भुता ।

इ॒मा जु॑षस्व हर्यश्व॒ योज॒नेन्द्र॒ या ते॒ अम॑न्महि ॥ ८.०९०.०३

brahmā̍ ta indra girvaṇaḥ kri̱yante̱ ana̍tidbhutā .

i̱mā ju̍ṣasva haryaśva̱ yoja̱nendra̱ yā te̱ ama̍nmahi .. 8.090.03

3 The rapid messenger who runs before you, Mitra-Varuṇa, with iron head, swift to the draught,

Sloka : 8.90.4

त्वं हि स॒त्यो म॑घव॒न्नना॑नतो वृ॒त्रा भूरि॑ न्यृ॒ञ्जसे॑ ।

स त्वं श॑विष्ठ वज्रहस्त दा॒शुषे॒ऽर्वाञ्चं॑ र॒यिमा कृ॑धि ॥ ८.०९०.०४

tvaṃ hi sa̱tyo ma̍ghava̱nnanā̍nato vṛ̱trā bhūri̍ nyṛ̱ñjase̍ .

sa tvaṃ śa̍viṣṭha vajrahasta dā̱śuṣe̱'rvāñca̍ṃ ra̱yimā kṛ̍dhi .. 8.090.04

4 He whom no man may question, none may summon back, who stands not still for colloquy,—
From hostile clash with him keep ye us safe this day:- keep us in safety with your arms.

Sloka : 8.90.5

त्वमि॑न्द्र य॒शा अ॑स्यृजी॒षी श॑वसस्पते ।

त्वं वृ॒त्राणि॑ हंस्यप्र॒तीन्येक॒ इदनु॑त्ता चर्षणी॒धृता॑ ॥ ८.०९०.०५

tvami̍ndra ya̱śā a̍syṛjī̱ṣī śa̍vasaspate .

tvaṃ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ haṃsyapra̱tīnyeka̱ idanu̍ttā carṣaṇī̱dhṛtā̍ .. 8.090.05

5 To Aryaman and Mitra sing a reverent song, O pious one,
A pleasant hymn that shall protect to Varuṇa:- sing forth a laud unto the Kings.

Sloka : 8.90.6

तमु॑ त्वा नू॒नम॑सुर॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ राधो॑ भा॒गमि॑वेमहे ।

म॒हीव॒ कृत्तिः॑ शर॒णा त॑ इन्द्र॒ प्र ते॑ सु॒म्ना नो॑ अश्नवन् ॥ ८.०९०.०६

tamu̍ tvā nū̱nama̍sura̱ prace̍tasa̱ṃ rādho̍ bhā̱gami̍vemahe .

ma̱hīva̱ kṛtti̍ḥ śara̱ṇā ta̍ indra̱ pra te̍ su̱mnā no̍ aśnavan .. 8.090.06

6 The true, Red Treasure they have sent, one only Son born of the Three.
They, the Immortal Ones, never deceived, survey the families of mortal men.

Sloka : 8.91.1

क॒न्या॒३॒॑ वार॑वाय॒ती सोम॒मपि॑ स्रु॒तावि॑दत् ।

अस्तं॒ भर॑न्त्यब्रवी॒दिन्द्रा॑य सुनवै त्वा श॒क्राय॑ सुनवै त्वा ॥ ८.०९१.०१

ka̱nyā̱3̱̍ vāra̍vāya̱tī soma̱mapi̍ sru̱tāvi̍dat .

asta̱ṃ bhara̍ntyabravī̱dindrā̍ya sunavai tvā śa̱krāya̍ sunavai tvā .. 8.091.01

1. LORD of the house, Sage, ever young, high power of life, O Agni, God,
Thou givest to thy worshipper.

Sloka : 8.91.2

अ॒सौ य एषि॑ वीर॒को गृ॒हंगृ॑हं वि॒चाक॑शद् ।

इ॒मं जम्भ॑सुतं पिब धा॒नाव॑न्तं कर॒म्भिण॑मपू॒पव॑न्तमु॒क्थिन॑म् ॥ ८.०९१.०२

a̱sau ya eṣi̍ vīra̱ko gṛ̱haṃgṛ̍haṃ vi̱cāka̍śad .

i̱maṃ jambha̍sutaṃ piba dhā̱nāva̍ntaṃ kara̱mbhiṇa̍mapū̱pava̍ntamu̱kthina̍m .. 8.091.02

2 So with our song that prays and serves, attentive, Lord of spreading light,
Agni, bring hitherward the Gods.

Sloka : 8.91.3

आ च॒न त्वा॑ चिकित्सा॒मोऽधि॑ च॒न त्वा॒ नेम॑सि ।

शनै॑रिव शन॒कैरि॒वेन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ८.०९१.०३

ā ca̱na tvā̍ cikitsā̱mo'dhi̍ ca̱na tvā̱ nema̍si .

śanai̍riva śana̱kairi̱vendrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 8.091.03

3 For, Ever-Youthful One, with thee, best Furtherer, as our ally,
We overcome, to win the spoil.

Sloka : 8.91.4

कु॒विच्छक॑त्कु॒वित्कर॑त्कु॒विन्नो॒ वस्य॑स॒स्कर॑त् ।

कु॒वित्प॑ति॒द्विषो॑ य॒तीरिन्द्रे॑ण सं॒गमा॑महै ॥ ८.०९१.०४

ku̱vicchaka̍tku̱vitkara̍tku̱vinno̱ vasya̍sa̱skara̍t .

ku̱vitpa̍ti̱dviṣo̍ ya̱tīrindre̍ṇa sa̱ṃgamā̍mahai .. 8.091.04

4 As Aurva Bhṛgu used, as Apnavāna used, I call the pure
Agni who clothes him with the sea.

Sloka : 8.91.5

इ॒मानि॒ त्रीणि॑ वि॒ष्टपा॒ तानी॑न्द्र॒ वि रो॑हय ।

शिर॑स्त॒तस्यो॒र्वरा॒मादि॒दं म॒ उपो॒दरे॑ ॥ ८.०९१.०५

i̱māni̱ trīṇi̍ vi̱ṣṭapā̱ tānī̍ndra̱ vi ro̍haya .

śira̍sta̱tasyo̱rvarā̱mādi̱daṃ ma̱ upo̱dare̍ .. 8.091.05

5 1 call the Sage who sounds like wind, the Might that like Parjanya roars,
Agni who clothes him with the sea.

Sloka : 8.91.6

अ॒सौ च॒ या न॑ उ॒र्वरादि॒मां त॒न्वं१॒॑ मम॑ ।

अथो॑ त॒तस्य॒ यच्छिरः॒ सर्वा॒ ता रो॑म॒शा कृ॑धि ॥ ८.०९१.०६

a̱sau ca̱ yā na̍ u̱rvarādi̱māṃ ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ mama̍ .

atho̍ ta̱tasya̱ yacchira̱ḥ sarvā̱ tā ro̍ma̱śā kṛ̍dhi .. 8.091.06

6 As Savitar's productive Power, as him who sends down bliss, I call
Agni who clothes him with the sea.

Sloka : 8.91.7

खे रथ॑स्य॒ खेऽन॑सः॒ खे यु॒गस्य॑ शतक्रतो ।

अ॒पा॒लामि॑न्द्र॒ त्रिष्पू॒त्व्यकृ॑णोः॒ सूर्य॑त्वचम् ॥ ८.०९१.०७

khe ratha̍sya̱ khe'na̍sa̱ḥ khe yu̱gasya̍ śatakrato .

a̱pā̱lāmi̍ndra̱ triṣpū̱tvyakṛ̍ṇo̱ḥ sūrya̍tvacam .. 8.091.07

7 Hither, for powerful kirship, I call Agni, him Who prospers you,
Most frequent at our solemn rites

Sloka : 8.92.1

पान्त॒मा वो॒ अन्ध॑स॒ इन्द्र॑म॒भि प्र गा॑यत ।

वि॒श्वा॒साहं॑ श॒तक्र॑तुं॒ मंहि॑ष्ठं चर्षणी॒नाम् ॥ ८.०९२.०१

pānta̱mā vo̱ andha̍sa̱ indra̍ma̱bhi pra gā̍yata .

vi̱śvā̱sāha̍ṃ śa̱takra̍tu̱ṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭhaṃ carṣaṇī̱nām .. 8.092.01

1. THAT noblest Furtherer hath appeared, to whom men bring their holy works.
Our songs of praise have risen aloft to Agni who was barn to give the Ārya strength.

Sloka : 8.92.2

पु॒रु॒हू॒तं पु॑रुष्टु॒तं गा॑था॒न्यं१॒॑ सन॑श्रुतम् ।

इन्द्र॒ इति॑ ब्रवीतन ॥ ८.०९२.०२

pu̱ru̱hū̱taṃ pu̍ruṣṭu̱taṃ gā̍thā̱nyaṃ1̱̍ sana̍śrutam .

indra̱ iti̍ bravītana .. 8.092.02

2 Agni of Divodāsa turned, as ’twere in majesty, to the Gods.
Onward he sped along the mother earth, and took his station in the height of heaven.

Sloka : 8.92.3

इन्द्र॒ इन्नो॑ म॒हानां॑ दा॒ता वाजा॑नां नृ॒तुः ।

म॒हाँ अ॑भि॒ज्ञ्वा य॑मत् ॥ ८.०९२.०३

indra̱ inno̍ ma̱hānā̍ṃ dā̱tā vājā̍nāṃ nṛ̱tuḥ .

ma̱hām̐ a̍bhi̱jñvā ya̍mat .. 8.092.03

3 Him before whom the people shrink when he performs his glorious deeds,
Him who wins thousands at the worship of the Gods, himself, that Agni, serve with son s.

Sloka : 8.92.4

अपा॑दु शि॒प्र्यन्ध॑सः सु॒दक्ष॑स्य प्रहो॒षिणः॑ ।

इन्दो॒रिन्द्रो॒ यवा॑शिरः ॥ ८.०९२.०४

apā̍du śi̱pryandha̍saḥ su̱dakṣa̍sya praho̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .

indo̱rindro̱ yavā̍śiraḥ .. 8.092.04

4 The mortal man whom thou wouldst lead to opulence, O Vasu, he who brings thee gifts.
He, Agni, wins himself a hero singing lauds, yea, one who feeds a thousand men.

Sloka : 8.92.5

तम्व॒भि प्रार्च॒तेन्द्रं॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ।

तदिद्ध्य॑स्य॒ वर्ध॑नम् ॥ ८.०९२.०५

tamva̱bhi prārca̱tendra̱ṃ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .

tadiddhya̍sya̱ vardha̍nam .. 8.092.05

5 He with the steed wins spoil even in the fenced fort, and gains imperishable fame.
In thee, O Lord of wealth, continually we lay all precious offerings to the Gods.

Sloka : 8.92.6

अ॒स्य पी॒त्वा मदा॑नां दे॒वो दे॒वस्यौज॑सा ।

विश्वा॒भि भुव॑ना भुवत् ॥ ८.०९२.०६

a̱sya pī̱tvā madā̍nāṃ de̱vo de̱vasyauja̍sā .

viśvā̱bhi bhuva̍nā bhuvat .. 8.092.06

6 To him who dealeth out all wealth, who is the cheerful Priest of men,
To him, like the first vessels filled with savoury juice, to Agni go the songs of praise.

Sloka : 8.92.7

त्यमु॑ वः सत्रा॒साहं॒ विश्वा॑सु गी॒र्ष्वाय॑तम् ।

आ च्या॑वयस्यू॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०९२.०७

tyamu̍ vaḥ satrā̱sāha̱ṃ viśvā̍su gī̱rṣvāya̍tam .

ā cyā̍vayasyū̱taye̍ .. 8.092.07

7 Votaries, richly-gifted, deck him with their songs, even as the steed who draws the car.
On both, Strong Lord of men! on child and grandson pour the bounties which our nobles give.

Sloka : 8.92.8

यु॒ध्मं सन्त॑मन॒र्वाणं॑ सोम॒पामन॑पच्युतम् ।

नर॑मवा॒र्यक्र॑तुम् ॥ ८.०९२.०८

yu̱dhmaṃ santa̍mana̱rvāṇa̍ṃ soma̱pāmana̍pacyutam .

nara̍mavā̱ryakra̍tum .. 8.092.08

8 Sing forth to him, the Holy, most munificent, sublime with his refulgent glow,
To Agni, ye Upastutas.

Sloka : 8.92.9

शिक्षा॑ ण इन्द्र रा॒य आ पु॒रु वि॒द्वाँ ऋ॑चीषम ।

अवा॑ नः॒ पार्ये॒ धने॑ ॥ ८.०९२.०९

śikṣā̍ ṇa indra rā̱ya ā pu̱ru vi̱dvām̐ ṛ̍cīṣama .

avā̍ na̱ḥ pārye̱ dhane̍ .. 8.092.09

9 Worshipped with gifts, enkindled, splendid, Maghavan shall win himself heroic fame.
And will not his most newly shown benevolence come to us with abundant strength?

Sloka : 8.92.10

अत॑श्चिदिन्द्र ण॒ उपा या॑हि श॒तवा॑जया ।

इ॒षा स॒हस्र॑वाजया ॥ ८.०९२.१०

ata̍ścidindra ṇa̱ upā yā̍hi śa̱tavā̍jayā .

i̱ṣā sa̱hasra̍vājayā .. 8.092.10

10 Priest, presser of the juice! praise now the dearest Guest of all our friends,
Agni, the driver of the cars.

Sloka : 8.92.11

अया॑म॒ धीव॑तो॒ धियोऽर्व॑द्भिः शक्र गोदरे ।

जये॑म पृ॒त्सु व॑ज्रिवः ॥ ८.०९२.११

ayā̍ma̱ dhīva̍to̱ dhiyo'rva̍dbhiḥ śakra godare .

jaye̍ma pṛ̱tsu va̍jrivaḥ .. 8.092.11

11 Who, finder-out of treasures open and concealed, bringeth them hither, Holy One;
Whose waves, as in a cataract, are hard to pass, when he, through song, would win him strength.

Sloka : 8.92.12

व॒यमु॑ त्वा शतक्रतो॒ गावो॒ न यव॑से॒ष्वा ।

उ॒क्थेषु॑ रणयामसि ॥ ८.०९२.१२

va̱yamu̍ tvā śatakrato̱ gāvo̱ na yava̍se̱ṣvā .

u̱ktheṣu̍ raṇayāmasi .. 8.092.12

12 Let not the noble Guest, Agni, be wroth with us:- by many a man his praise is sung,
Good Herald, skilled in sacrifice.

Sloka : 8.92.13

विश्वा॒ हि म॑र्त्यत्व॒नानु॑का॒मा श॑तक्रतो ।

अग॑न्म वज्रिन्ना॒शसः॑ ॥ ८.०९२.१३

viśvā̱ hi ma̍rtyatva̱nānu̍kā̱mā śa̍takrato .

aga̍nma vajrinnā̱śasa̍ḥ .. 8.092.13

13 O Vasu, Agni, let not them be harmed who come in any way with lauds to thee.
Even the lowly, skilled in rites, with offered gifts, seeketh thee for the envoy's task.

Sloka : 8.92.14

त्वे सु पु॑त्र शव॒सोऽवृ॑त्र॒न्काम॑कातयः ।

न त्वामि॒न्द्राति॑ रिच्यते ॥ ८.०९२.१४

tve su pu̍tra śava̱so'vṛ̍tra̱nkāma̍kātayaḥ .

na tvāmi̱ndrāti̍ ricyate .. 8.092.14

14 Friend of the Maruts, Agni, come with Rudras to the Soma-draught,
To Sobhar's fair song of praise, and be thou joyful in the light.

Sloka : 8.92.15

स नो॑ वृष॒न्सनि॑ष्ठया॒ सं घो॒रया॑ द्रवि॒त्न्वा ।

धि॒यावि॑ड्ढि॒ पुरं॑ध्या ॥ ८.०९२.१५

sa no̍ vṛṣa̱nsani̍ṣṭhayā̱ saṃ gho̱rayā̍ dravi̱tnvā .

dhi̱yāvi̍ḍḍhi̱ pura̍ṃdhyā .. 8.092.15

Sloka : 8.92.16

यस्ते॑ नू॒नं श॑तक्रत॒विन्द्र॑ द्यु॒म्नित॑मो॒ मदः॑ ।

तेन॑ नू॒नं मदे॑ मदेः ॥ ८.०९२.१६

yaste̍ nū̱naṃ śa̍takrata̱vindra̍ dyu̱mnita̍mo̱ mada̍ḥ .

tena̍ nū̱naṃ made̍ madeḥ .. 8.092.16

Sloka : 8.92.17

यस्ते॑ चि॒त्रश्र॑वस्तमो॒ य इ॑न्द्र वृत्र॒हन्त॑मः ।

य ओ॑जो॒दात॑मो॒ मदः॑ ॥ ८.०९२.१७

yaste̍ ci̱traśra̍vastamo̱ ya i̍ndra vṛtra̱hanta̍maḥ .

ya o̍jo̱dāta̍mo̱ mada̍ḥ .. 8.092.17

Sloka : 8.92.18

वि॒द्मा हि यस्ते॑ अद्रिव॒स्त्वाद॑त्तः सत्य सोमपाः ।

विश्वा॑सु दस्म कृ॒ष्टिषु॑ ॥ ८.०९२.१८

vi̱dmā hi yaste̍ adriva̱stvāda̍ttaḥ satya somapāḥ .

viśvā̍su dasma kṛ̱ṣṭiṣu̍ .. 8.092.18

Sloka : 8.92.19

इन्द्रा॑य॒ मद्व॑ने सु॒तं परि॑ ष्टोभन्तु नो॒ गिरः॑ ।

अ॒र्कम॑र्चन्तु का॒रवः॑ ॥ ८.०९२.१९

indrā̍ya̱ madva̍ne su̱taṃ pari̍ ṣṭobhantu no̱ gira̍ḥ .

a̱rkama̍rcantu kā̱rava̍ḥ .. 8.092.19

Sloka : 8.92.20

यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॒ अधि॒ श्रियो॒ रण॑न्ति स॒प्त सं॒सदः॑ ।

इन्द्रं॑ सु॒ते ह॑वामहे ॥ ८.०९२.२०

yasmi̱nviśvā̱ adhi̱ śriyo̱ raṇa̍nti sa̱pta sa̱ṃsada̍ḥ .

indra̍ṃ su̱te ha̍vāmahe .. 8.092.20

Sloka : 8.92.21

त्रिक॑द्रुकेषु॒ चेत॑नं दे॒वासो॑ य॒ज्ञम॑त्नत ।

तमिद्व॑र्धन्तु नो॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ८.०९२.२१

trika̍drukeṣu̱ ceta̍naṃ de̱vāso̍ ya̱jñama̍tnata .

tamidva̍rdhantu no̱ gira̍ḥ .. 8.092.21

Sloka : 8.92.22

आ त्वा॑ विश॒न्त्विन्द॑वः समु॒द्रमि॑व॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।

न त्वामि॒न्द्राति॑ रिच्यते ॥ ८.०९२.२२

ā tvā̍ viśa̱ntvinda̍vaḥ samu̱drami̍va̱ sindha̍vaḥ .

na tvāmi̱ndrāti̍ ricyate .. 8.092.22

Sloka : 8.92.23

वि॒व्यक्थ॑ महि॒ना वृ॑षन्भ॒क्षं सोम॑स्य जागृवे ।

य इ॑न्द्र ज॒ठरे॑षु ते ॥ ८.०९२.२३

vi̱vyaktha̍ mahi̱nā vṛ̍ṣanbha̱kṣaṃ soma̍sya jāgṛve .

ya i̍ndra ja̱ṭhare̍ṣu te .. 8.092.23

Sloka : 8.92.24

अरं॑ त इन्द्र कु॒क्षये॒ सोमो॑ भवतु वृत्रहन् ।

अरं॒ धाम॑भ्य॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ८.०९२.२४

ara̍ṃ ta indra ku̱kṣaye̱ somo̍ bhavatu vṛtrahan .

ara̱ṃ dhāma̍bhaya̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 8.092.24

Sloka : 8.92.25

अर॒मश्वा॑य गायति श्रु॒तक॑क्षो॒ अरं॒ गवे॑ ।

अर॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ धाम्ने॑ ॥ ८.०९२.२५

ara̱maśvā̍ya gāyati śru̱taka̍kṣo̱ ara̱ṃ gave̍ .

ara̱mindra̍sya̱ dhāmne̍ .. 8.092.25

Sloka : 8.92.26

अरं॒ हि ष्म॑ सु॒तेषु॑ णः॒ सोमे॑ष्विन्द्र॒ भूष॑सि ।

अरं॑ ते शक्र दा॒वने॑ ॥ ८.०९२.२६

ara̱ṃ hi ṣma̍ su̱teṣu̍ ṇa̱ḥ some̍ṣvindra̱ bhūṣa̍si .

ara̍ṃ te śakra dā̱vane̍ .. 8.092.26

Sloka : 8.92.27

प॒रा॒कात्ता॑च्चिदद्रिव॒स्त्वां न॑क्षन्त नो॒ गिरः॑ ।

अरं॑ गमाम ते व॒यम् ॥ ८.०९२.२७

pa̱rā̱kāttā̍ccidadriva̱stvāṃ na̍kṣanta no̱ gira̍ḥ .

ara̍ṃ gamāma te va̱yam .. 8.092.27

Sloka : 8.92.28

ए॒वा ह्यसि॑ वीर॒युरे॒वा शूर॑ उ॒त स्थि॒रः ।

ए॒वा ते॒ राध्यं॒ मनः॑ ॥ ८.०९२.२८

e̱vā hyasi̍ vīra̱yure̱vā śūra̍ u̱ta sthi̱raḥ .

e̱vā te̱ rādhya̱ṃ mana̍ḥ .. 8.092.28

Sloka : 8.92.29

ए॒वा रा॒तिस्तु॑वीमघ॒ विश्वे॑भिर्धायि धा॒तृभिः॑ ।

अधा॑ चिदिन्द्र मे॒ सचा॑ ॥ ८.०९२.२९

e̱vā rā̱tistu̍vīmagha̱ viśve̍bhirdhāyi dhā̱tṛbhi̍ḥ .

adhā̍ cidindra me̱ sacā̍ .. 8.092.29

Sloka : 8.92.30

मो षु ब्र॒ह्मेव॑ तन्द्र॒युर्भुवो॑ वाजानां पते ।

मत्स्वा॑ सु॒तस्य॒ गोम॑तः ॥ ८.०९२.३०

mo ṣu bra̱hmeva̍ tandra̱yurbhuvo̍ vājānāṃ pate .

matsvā̍ su̱tasya̱ goma̍taḥ .. 8.092.30

Sloka : 8.92.31

मा न॑ इन्द्रा॒भ्या॒३॒॑दिशः॒ सूरो॑ अ॒क्तुष्वा य॑मन् ।

त्वा यु॒जा व॑नेम॒ तत् ॥ ८.०९२.३१

mā na̍ indrā̱bhyā̱3̱̍diśa̱ḥ sūro̍ a̱ktuṣvā ya̍man .

tvā yu̱jā va̍nema̱ tat .. 8.092.31

Sloka : 8.92.32

त्वयेदि॑न्द्र यु॒जा व॒यं प्रति॑ ब्रुवीमहि॒ स्पृधः॑ ।

त्वम॒स्माकं॒ तव॑ स्मसि ॥ ८.०९२.३२

tvayedi̍ndra yu̱jā va̱yaṃ prati̍ bruvīmahi̱ spṛdha̍ḥ .

tvama̱smāka̱ṃ tava̍ smasi .. 8.092.32

Sloka : 8.92.33

त्वामिद्धि त्वा॒यवो॑ऽनु॒नोनु॑वत॒श्चरा॑न् ।

सखा॑य इन्द्र का॒रवः॑ ॥ ८.०९२.३३

tvāmiddhi tvā̱yavo̎nu̱nonu̍vata̱ścarā̍n .

sakhā̍ya indra kā̱rava̍ḥ .. 8.092.33

Sloka : 8.93.1

उद्घेद॒भि श्रु॒ताम॑घं वृष॒भं नर्या॑पसम् ।

अस्ता॑रमेषि सूर्य ॥ ८.०९३.०१

udgheda̱bhi śru̱tāma̍ghaṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ naryā̍pasam .

astā̍rameṣi sūrya .. 8.093.01

1. TO you will I sing Indra's praise who gives good gifts as well we know;
The praise of Maghavan who, rich in treasure, aids his singers with wealth thousandfold.

Sloka : 8.93.2

नव॒ यो न॑व॒तिं पुरो॑ बि॒भेद॑ बा॒ह्वो॑जसा ।

अहिं॑ च वृत्र॒हाव॑धीत् ॥ ८.०९३.०२

nava̱ yo na̍va̱tiṃ puro̍ bi̱bheda̍ bā̱hvo̍jasā .

ahi̍ṃ ca vṛtra̱hāva̍dhīt .. 8.093.02

2 As with a hundred hosts, he rushes boldly on, and for the offerer slays his foes.
As from a mountain flow the water-brooks, thus flow his gifts who feedeth many a one.

Sloka : 8.93.3

स न॒ इन्द्रः॑ शि॒वः सखाश्वा॑व॒द्गोम॒द्यव॑मत् ।

उ॒रुधा॑रेव दोहते ॥ ८.०९३.०३

sa na̱ indra̍ḥ śi̱vaḥ sakhāśvā̍va̱dgoma̱dyava̍mat .

u̱rudhā̍reva dohate .. 8.093.03

3 The drops effused, the gladdening draughts, O Indra, Lover of the Son
As waters seek the lake where they are wont to rest, fill thee, for bounty, Thunderer.

Sloka : 8.93.4

यद॒द्य कच्च॑ वृत्रहन्नु॒दगा॑ अ॒भि सू॑र्य ।

सर्वं॒ तदि॑न्द्र ते॒ वशे॑ ॥ ८.०९३.०४

yada̱dya kacca̍ vṛtrahannu̱dagā̍ a̱bhi sū̍rya .

sarva̱ṃ tadi̍ndra te̱ vaśe̍ .. 8.093.04

4 The matchless draught that strengthens and gives eloquence, the sweetest of the meath drink thou,
That in thy joy thou maysi scatter thy gifts o’er us, plenteously, even as the dust.

Sloka : 8.93.5

यद्वा॑ प्रवृद्ध सत्पते॒ न म॑रा॒ इति॒ मन्य॑से ।

उ॒तो तत्स॒त्यमित्तव॑ ॥ ८.०९३.०५

yadvā̍ pravṛddha satpate̱ na ma̍rā̱ iti̱ manya̍se .

u̱to tatsa̱tyamittava̍ .. 8.093.05

5 Come quickly to our laud, urged on by Soma-pressers like a horse-
Laud, Godlike Indra, which milch-kine make sweet for thee:- with Kaṇva's sons are gifts for thee.

Sloka : 8.93.6

ये सोमा॑सः परा॒वति॒ ये अ॑र्वा॒वति॑ सुन्वि॒रे ।

सर्वा॒ँस्ताँ इ॑न्द्र गच्छसि ॥ ८.०९३.०६

ye somā̍saḥ parā̱vati̱ ye a̍rvā̱vati̍ sunvi̱re .

sarvā̱m̐stām̐ i̍ndra gacchasi .. 8.093.06

6 With homage have we sought thee as a Hero, strong, preeminent, with unfailing wealth.
O Thunderer, as a plenteous spring pours forth its stream, so, Indra, flow our songs to thee.

Sloka : 8.93.7

तमिन्द्रं॑ वाजयामसि म॒हे वृ॒त्राय॒ हन्त॑वे ।

स वृषा॑ वृष॒भो भु॑वत् ॥ ८.०९३.०७

tamindra̍ṃ vājayāmasi ma̱he vṛ̱trāya̱ hanta̍ve .

sa vṛṣā̍ vṛṣa̱bho bhu̍vat .. 8.093.07

7 If now thou art at sacrifice, or if thou art upon the earth,
Come thence, high-thoughted! to our sacrifice with the Swift, come, Mighty with the Mighty Ones.

Sloka : 8.93.8

इन्द्रः॒ स दाम॑ने कृ॒त ओजि॑ष्ठः॒ स मदे॑ हि॒तः ।

द्यु॒म्नी श्लो॒की स सो॒म्यः ॥ ८.०९३.०८

indra̱ḥ sa dāma̍ne kṛ̱ta oji̍ṣṭha̱ḥ sa made̍ hi̱taḥ .

dyu̱mnī ślo̱kī sa so̱myaḥ .. 8.093.08

8 The active, fleet-foot, tawny Coursers that are thine are swift to victory, like the Wind,
Wherewith thou goest round to visit Manus' seed, wherewith all heaven is visible.

Sloka : 8.93.9

गि॒रा वज्रो॒ न सम्भृ॑तः॒ सब॑लो॒ अन॑पच्युतः ।

व॒व॒क्ष ऋ॒ष्वो अस्तृ॑तः ॥ ८.०९३.०९

gi̱rā vajro̱ na sambhṛ̍ta̱ḥ saba̍lo̱ ana̍pacyutaḥ .

va̱va̱kṣa ṛ̱ṣvo astṛ̍taḥ .. 8.093.09

9 Indra, from thee so great we crave prosperity in wealth of kine,
As, Maghavan, thou favouredst Medhyātithi, and, in the fight, Nipatithi.

Sloka : 8.93.10

दु॒र्गे चि॑न्नः सु॒गं कृ॑धि गृणा॒न इ॑न्द्र गिर्वणः ।

त्वं च॑ मघव॒न्वशः॑ ॥ ८.०९३.१०

du̱rge ci̍nnaḥ su̱gaṃ kṛ̍dhi gṛṇā̱na i̍ndra girvaṇaḥ .

tvaṃ ca̍ maghava̱nvaśa̍ḥ .. 8.093.10

10 As, Maghavan, to Kaṇva, Trasadasyu, and to Paktha and Dasavraja;
As, Indra, to Gosarya and Ṛjiśvan, thou vouchsafedst wealth in kine and gold.

Sloka : 8.93.11

यस्य॑ ते॒ नू चि॑दा॒दिशं॒ न मि॒नन्ति॑ स्व॒राज्य॑म् ।

न दे॒वो नाध्रि॑गु॒र्जनः॑ ॥ ८.०९३.११

yasya̍ te̱ nū ci̍dā̱diśa̱ṃ na mi̱nanti̍ sva̱rājya̍m .

na de̱vo nādhri̍gu̱rjana̍ḥ .. 8.093.11

Sloka : 8.93.12

अधा॑ ते॒ अप्र॑तिष्कुतं दे॒वी शुष्मं॑ सपर्यतः ।

उ॒भे सु॑शिप्र॒ रोद॑सी ॥ ८.०९३.१२

adhā̍ te̱ apra̍tiṣkutaṃ de̱vī śuṣma̍ṃ saparyataḥ .

u̱bhe su̍śipra̱ roda̍sī .. 8.093.12

Sloka : 8.93.13

त्वमे॒तद॑धारयः कृ॒ष्णासु॒ रोहि॑णीषु च ।

परु॑ष्णीषु॒ रुश॒त्पयः॑ ॥ ८.०९३.१३

tvame̱tada̍dhārayaḥ kṛ̱ṣṇāsu̱ rohi̍ṇīṣu ca .

paru̍ṣṇīṣu̱ ruśa̱tpaya̍ḥ .. 8.093.13

Sloka : 8.93.14

वि यदहे॒रध॑ त्वि॒षो विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॒ अक्र॑मुः ।

वि॒दन्मृ॒गस्य॒ ताँ अमः॑ ॥ ८.०९३.१४

vi yadahe̱radha̍ tvi̱ṣo viśve̍ de̱vāso̱ akra̍muḥ .

vi̱danmṛ̱gasya̱ tām̐ ama̍ḥ .. 8.093.14

Sloka : 8.93.15

आदु॑ मे निव॒रो भु॑वद्वृत्र॒हादि॑ष्ट॒ पौंस्य॑म् ।

अजा॑तशत्रु॒रस्तृ॑तः ॥ ८.०९३.१५

ādu̍ me niva̱ro bhu̍vadvṛtra̱hādi̍ṣṭa̱ pauṃsya̍m .

ajā̍taśatru̱rastṛ̍taḥ .. 8.093.15

Sloka : 8.93.16

श्रु॒तं वो॑ वृत्र॒हन्त॑मं॒ प्र शर्धं॑ चर्षणी॒नाम् ।

आ शु॑षे॒ राध॑से म॒हे ॥ ८.०९३.१६

śru̱taṃ vo̍ vṛtra̱hanta̍ma̱ṃ pra śardha̍ṃ carṣaṇī̱nām .

ā śu̍ṣe̱ rādha̍se ma̱he .. 8.093.16

Sloka : 8.93.17

अ॒या धि॒या च॑ गव्य॒या पुरु॑णाम॒न्पुरु॑ष्टुत ।

यत्सोमे॑सोम॒ आभ॑वः ॥ ८.०९३.१७

a̱yā dhi̱yā ca̍ gavya̱yā puru̍ṇāma̱npuru̍ṣṭuta .

yatsome̍soma̱ ābha̍vaḥ .. 8.093.17

Sloka : 8.93.18

बो॒धिन्म॑ना॒ इद॑स्तु नो वृत्र॒हा भूर्या॑सुतिः ।

श‍ृ॒णोतु॑ श॒क्र आ॒शिष॑म् ॥ ८.०९३.१८

bo̱dhinma̍nā̱ ida̍stu no vṛtra̱hā bhūryā̍sutiḥ .

śṛ̱ṇotu̍ śa̱kra ā̱śiṣa̍m .. 8.093.18

Sloka : 8.93.19

कया॒ त्वं न॑ ऊ॒त्याभि प्र म॑न्दसे वृषन् ।

कया॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ८.०९३.१९

kayā̱ tvaṃ na̍ ū̱tyābhi pra ma̍ndase vṛṣan .

kayā̍ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 8.093.19

Sloka : 8.93.20

कस्य॒ वृषा॑ सु॒ते सचा॑ नि॒युत्वा॑न्वृष॒भो र॑णत् ।

वृ॒त्र॒हा सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०९३.२०

kasya̱ vṛṣā̍ su̱te sacā̍ ni̱yutvā̍nvṛṣa̱bho ra̍ṇat .

vṛ̱tra̱hā soma̍pītaye .. 8.093.20

Sloka : 8.93.21

अ॒भी षु ण॒स्त्वं र॒यिं म॑न्दसा॒नः स॑ह॒स्रिण॑म् ।

प्र॒य॒न्ता बो॑धि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ८.०९३.२१

a̱bhī ṣu ṇa̱stvaṃ ra̱yiṃ ma̍ndasā̱naḥ sa̍ha̱sriṇa̍m .

pra̱ya̱ntā bo̍dhi dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 8.093.21

Sloka : 8.93.22

पत्नी॑वन्तः सु॒ता इ॒म उ॒शन्तो॑ यन्ति वी॒तये॑ ।

अ॒पां जग्मि॑र्निचुम्पु॒णः ॥ ८.०९३.२२

patnī̍vantaḥ su̱tā i̱ma u̱śanto̍ yanti vī̱taye̍ .

a̱pāṃ jagmi̍rnicumpu̱ṇaḥ .. 8.093.22

Sloka : 8.93.23

इ॒ष्टा होत्रा॑ असृक्ष॒तेन्द्रं॑ वृ॒धासो॑ अध्व॒रे ।

अच्छा॑वभृ॒थमोज॑सा ॥ ८.०९३.२३

i̱ṣṭā hotrā̍ asṛkṣa̱tendra̍ṃ vṛ̱dhāso̍ adhva̱re .

acchā̍vabhṛ̱thamoja̍sā .. 8.093.23

Sloka : 8.93.24

इ॒ह त्या स॑ध॒माद्या॒ हरी॒ हिर॑ण्यकेश्या ।

वो॒ळ्हाम॒भि प्रयो॑ हि॒तम् ॥ ८.०९३.२४

i̱ha tyā sa̍dha̱mādyā̱ harī̱ hira̍ṇyakeśyā .

vo̱l̤hāma̱bhi prayo̍ hi̱tam .. 8.093.24

Sloka : 8.93.25

तुभ्यं॒ सोमाः॑ सु॒ता इ॒मे स्ती॒र्णं ब॒र्हिर्वि॑भावसो ।

स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ इन्द्र॒मा व॑ह ॥ ८.०९३.२५

tubhya̱ṃ somā̍ḥ su̱tā i̱me stī̱rṇaṃ ba̱rhirvi̍bhāvaso .

sto̱tṛbhya̱ indra̱mā va̍ha .. 8.093.25

Sloka : 8.93.26

आ ते॒ दक्षं॒ वि रो॑च॒ना दध॒द्रत्ना॒ वि दा॒शुषे॑ ।

स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ इन्द्र॑मर्चत ॥ ८.०९३.२६

ā te̱ dakṣa̱ṃ vi ro̍ca̱nā dadha̱dratnā̱ vi dā̱śuṣe̍ .

sto̱tṛbhya̱ indra̍marcata .. 8.093.26

Sloka : 8.93.27

आ ते॑ दधामीन्द्रि॒यमु॒क्था विश्वा॑ शतक्रतो ।

स्तो॒तृभ्य॑ इन्द्र मृळय ॥ ८.०९३.२७

ā te̍ dadhāmīndri̱yamu̱kthā viśvā̍ śatakrato .

sto̱tṛbhya̍ indra mṛl̤aya .. 8.093.27

Sloka : 8.93.28

भ॒द्रम्भ॑द्रं न॒ आ भ॒रेष॒मूर्जं॑ शतक्रतो ।

यदि॑न्द्र मृ॒ळया॑सि नः ॥ ८.०९३.२८

bha̱drambha̍draṃ na̱ ā bha̱reṣa̱mūrja̍ṃ śatakrato .

yadi̍ndra mṛ̱l̤ayā̍si naḥ .. 8.093.28

Sloka : 8.93.29

स नो॒ विश्वा॒न्या भ॑र सुवि॒तानि॑ शतक्रतो ।

यदि॑न्द्र मृ॒ळया॑सि नः ॥ ८.०९३.२९

sa no̱ viśvā̱nyā bha̍ra suvi̱tāni̍ śatakrato .

yadi̍ndra mṛ̱l̤ayā̍si naḥ .. 8.093.29

Sloka : 8.93.30

त्वामिद्वृ॑त्रहन्तम सु॒ताव॑न्तो हवामहे ।

यदि॑न्द्र मृ॒ळया॑सि नः ॥ ८.०९३.३०

tvāmidvṛ̍trahantama su̱tāva̍nto havāmahe .

yadi̍ndra mṛ̱l̤ayā̍si naḥ .. 8.093.30

Sloka : 8.93.31

उप॑ नो॒ हरि॑भिः सु॒तं या॒हि म॑दानां पते ।

उप॑ नो॒ हरि॑भिः सु॒तम् ॥ ८.०९३.३१

upa̍ no̱ hari̍bhiḥ su̱taṃ yā̱hi ma̍dānāṃ pate .

upa̍ no̱ hari̍bhiḥ su̱tam .. 8.093.31

Sloka : 8.93.32

द्वि॒ता यो वृ॑त्र॒हन्त॑मो वि॒द इन्द्रः॑ श॒तक्र॑तुः ।

उप॑ नो॒ हरि॑भिः सु॒तम् ॥ ८.०९३.३२

dvi̱tā yo vṛ̍tra̱hanta̍mo vi̱da indra̍ḥ śa̱takra̍tuḥ .

upa̍ no̱ hari̍bhiḥ su̱tam .. 8.093.32

Sloka : 8.93.33

त्वं हि वृ॑त्रहन्नेषां पा॒ता सोमा॑ना॒मसि॑ ।

उप॑ नो॒ हरि॑भिः सु॒तम् ॥ ८.०९३.३३

tvaṃ hi vṛ̍trahanneṣāṃ pā̱tā somā̍nā̱masi̍ .

upa̍ no̱ hari̍bhiḥ su̱tam .. 8.093.33

Sloka : 8.93.34

इन्द्र॑ इ॒षे द॑दातु न ऋभु॒क्षण॑मृ॒भुं र॒यिम् ।

वा॒जी द॑दातु वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ ८.०९३.३४

indra̍ i̱ṣe da̍dātu na ṛbhu̱kṣaṇa̍mṛ̱bhuṃ ra̱yim .

vā̱jī da̍dātu vā̱jina̍m .. 8.093.34

Sloka : 8.94.1

गौर्ध॑यति म॒रुतां॑ श्रव॒स्युर्मा॒ता म॒घोना॑म् ।

यु॒क्ता वह्नी॒ रथा॑नाम् ॥ ८.०९४.०१

gaurdha̍yati ma̱rutā̍ṃ śrava̱syurmā̱tā ma̱ghonā̍m .

yu̱ktā vahnī̱ rathā̍nām .. 8.094.01

1. SAKRA I praise, to win his aid, far-famed, exceeding bountiful,
Who gives, as ’twere in thousands, precious wealth to him who sheds the juice and worships him.

Sloka : 8.94.2

यस्या॑ दे॒वा उ॒पस्थे॑ व्र॒ता विश्वे॑ धा॒रय॑न्ते ।

सूर्या॒मासा॑ दृ॒शे कम् ॥ ८.०९४.०२

yasyā̍ de̱vā u̱pasthe̍ vra̱tā viśve̍ dhā̱raya̍nte .

sūryā̱māsā̍ dṛ̱śe kam .. 8.094.02

2 Arrows with hundred points, unconquerable, are this Indra's n-dghty arms in war.
He streams on liberal worshippers like a hill with springs, when juices poured have gladdened him.

Sloka : 8.94.3

तत्सु नो॒ विश्वे॑ अ॒र्य आ सदा॑ गृणन्ति का॒रवः॑ ।

म॒रुतः॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०९४.०३

tatsu no̱ viśve̍ a̱rya ā sadā̍ gṛṇanti kā̱rava̍ḥ .

ma̱ruta̱ḥ soma̍pītaye .. 8.094.03

3 What time the flowing Soma-drops have gladdened with their taste the Friend,
Like water, gracious Lord! were my libations made, like milch-kine to the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.94.4

अस्ति॒ सोमो॑ अ॒यं सु॒तः पिब॑न्त्यस्य म॒रुतः॑ ।

उ॒त स्व॒राजो॑ अ॒श्विना॑ ॥ ८.०९४.०४

asti̱ somo̍ a̱yaṃ su̱taḥ piba̍ntyasya ma̱ruta̍ḥ .

u̱ta sva̱rājo̍ a̱śvinā̍ .. 8.094.04

4 To him the peerless, who is calling you to give you aid, forth flow the drops of pleasant meath.
The Soloa-drops which call on thee, O gracious Lord, have brought thee to our hymn of praise.

Sloka : 8.94.5

पिब॑न्ति मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा तना॑ पू॒तस्य॒ वरु॑णः ।

त्रि॒ष॒ध॒स्थस्य॒ जाव॑तः ॥ ८.०९४.०५

piba̍nti mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā tanā̍ pū̱tasya̱ varu̍ṇaḥ .

tri̱ṣa̱dha̱sthasya̱ jāva̍taḥ .. 8.094.05

5 He rushes hurrying like a steed to Soma that adorns our rite,
Which hymns make sweet to thee, lover of pleasant food. The call to Paura thou dost love.

Sloka : 8.94.6

उ॒तो न्व॑स्य॒ जोष॒माँ इन्द्रः॑ सु॒तस्य॒ गोम॑तः ।

प्रा॒तर्होते॑व मत्सति ॥ ८.०९४.०६

u̱to nva̍sya̱ joṣa̱mām̐ indra̍ḥ su̱tasya̱ goma̍taḥ .

prā̱tarhote̍va matsati .. 8.094.06

6 Praise the strong, grasping Hero, winner of the spoil, ruling supreme oer mighty wealth.
Like a full spring, O Thunderer, from thy store hast thou poured on the worshipper evermore.

Sloka : 8.94.7

कद॑त्विषन्त सू॒रय॑स्ति॒र आप॑ इव॒ स्रिधः॑ ।

अर्ष॑न्ति पू॒तद॑क्षसः ॥ ८.०९४.०७

kada̍tviṣanta sū̱raya̍sti̱ra āpa̍ iva̱ sridha̍ḥ .

arṣa̍nti pū̱tada̍kṣasaḥ .. 8.094.07

7 Now whether thou be far away, or in the heavens, or on the earth,
O Indra, mighty- thoughted, harnessing thy Bays, come Lofty with the Lofty Ones.

Sloka : 8.94.8

कद्वो॑ अ॒द्य म॒हानां॑ दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ वृणे ।

त्मना॑ च द॒स्मव॑र्चसाम् ॥ ८.०९४.०८

kadvo̍ a̱dya ma̱hānā̍ṃ de̱vānā̱mavo̍ vṛṇe .

tmanā̍ ca da̱smava̍rcasām .. 8.094.08

8 The Bays who draw thy chariot, Steeds who injure none, surpass the wind's impetuous strength-
With whom thou silencest the enemy of man, with whon; thou goest round the sky.

Sloka : 8.94.9

आ ये विश्वा॒ पार्थि॑वानि प॒प्रथ॑न्रोच॒ना दि॒वः ।

म॒रुतः॒ सोम॑पीतये ॥ ८.०९४.०९

ā ye viśvā̱ pārthi̍vāni pa̱pratha̍nroca̱nā di̱vaḥ .

ma̱ruta̱ḥ soma̍pītaye .. 8.094.09

9 O gracious Hero, may we learn anew to know thee as thou art:-
As in decisive fight thou holpest Etaśa, or Vaśa 'gainst Dasavraja,

Sloka : 8.94.10

त्यान्नु पू॒तद॑क्षसो दि॒वो वो॑ मरुतो हुवे ।

अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०९४.१०

tyānnu pū̱tada̍kṣaso di̱vo vo̍ maruto huve .

a̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.094.10

10 As, Maghavan, to Kaṇva at the sacred feast, to Dirghanitha thine home-friend,
As to Gosarya thou, Stone-darter, gavest wealth, give me a gold-bright stall of kine.

Sloka : 8.94.11

त्यान्नु ये वि रोद॑सी तस्त॒भुर्म॒रुतो॑ हुवे ।

अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०९४.११

tyānnu ye vi roda̍sī tasta̱bhurma̱ruto̍ huve .

a̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.094.11

Sloka : 8.94.12

त्यं नु मारु॑तं ग॒णं गि॑रि॒ष्ठां वृष॑णं हुवे ।

अ॒स्य सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.०९४.१२

tyaṃ nu māru̍taṃ ga̱ṇaṃ gi̍ri̱ṣṭhāṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ huve .

a̱sya soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 8.094.12

Sloka : 8.95.1

आ त्वा॒ गिरो॑ र॒थीरि॒वास्थुः॑ सु॒तेषु॑ गिर्वणः ।

अ॒भि त्वा॒ सम॑नूष॒तेन्द्र॑ व॒त्सं न मा॒तरः॑ ॥ ८.०९५.०१

ā tvā̱ giro̍ ra̱thīri̱vāsthu̍ḥ su̱teṣu̍ girvaṇaḥ .

a̱bhi tvā̱ sama̍nūṣa̱tendra̍ va̱tsaṃ na mā̱tara̍ḥ .. 8.095.01

1. As with Manu Samvarani, Indra, thou drankest Soma juice,
And, Maghavan, with Nipatithi, Medbyatithi, with Pustigu and Srustigu,—

Sloka : 8.95.2

आ त्वा॑ शु॒क्रा अ॑चुच्यवुः सु॒तास॑ इन्द्र गिर्वणः ।

पिबा॒ त्व१॒॑स्यान्ध॑स॒ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑सु ते हि॒तम् ॥ ८.०९५.०२

ā tvā̍ śu̱krā a̍cucyavuḥ su̱tāsa̍ indra girvaṇaḥ .

pibā̱ tva1̱̍syāndha̍sa̱ indra̱ viśvā̍su te hi̱tam .. 8.095.02

2 T'he son of Prsadvana was Praskaniva's host, who lay decrepit and forlorn.
Aided by thee the Ṛṣi Dasyave-vrka strove to obtain thousands of kine.

Sloka : 8.95.3

पिबा॒ सोमं॒ मदा॑य॒ कमिन्द्र॑ श्ये॒नाभृ॑तं सु॒तम् ।

त्वं हि शश्व॑तीनां॒ पती॒ राजा॑ वि॒शामसि॑ ॥ ८.०९५.०३

pibā̱ soma̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ kamindra̍ śye̱nābhṛ̍taṃ su̱tam .

tvaṃ hi śaśva̍tīnā̱ṃ patī̱ rājā̍ vi̱śāmasi̍ .. 8.095.03

3 Call hither with thy newest song Indra who lacks not hymns of praise,
Him who observes and knows, inspirer of the sage, him who seems eager to enjoy.

Sloka : 8.95.4

श्रु॒धी हवं॑ तिर॒श्च्या इन्द्र॒ यस्त्वा॑ सप॒र्यति॑ ।

सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ गोम॑तो रा॒यस्पू॑र्धि म॒हाँ अ॑सि ॥ ८.०९५.०४

śru̱dhī hava̍ṃ tira̱ścyā indra̱ yastvā̍ sapa̱ryati̍ .

su̱vīrya̍sya̱ goma̍to rā̱yaspū̍rdhi ma̱hām̐ a̍si .. 8.095.04

4 He unto whom they sang the seven-headed hymn, three-parted, in the loftiest place,
He sent his thunder down on all these living things, and so displayed heroic might.

Sloka : 8.95.5

इन्द्र॒ यस्ते॒ नवी॑यसीं॒ गिरं॑ म॒न्द्रामजी॑जनत् ।

चि॒कि॒त्विन्म॑नसं॒ धियं॑ प्र॒त्नामृ॒तस्य॑ पि॒प्युषी॑म् ॥ ८.०९५.०५

indra̱ yaste̱ navī̍yasī̱ṃ gira̍ṃ ma̱ndrāmajī̍janat .

ci̱ki̱tvinma̍nasa̱ṃ dhiya̍ṃ pra̱tnāmṛ̱tasya̍ pi̱pyuṣī̍m .. 8.095.05

5 We invocate that Indra who bestoweth precious things on us.
Now do we know his newest favour; may we gain a stable that is full of kine.

Sloka : 8.95.6

तमु॑ ष्टवाम॒ यं गिर॒ इन्द्र॑मु॒क्थानि॑ वावृ॒धुः ।

पु॒रूण्य॑स्य॒ पौंस्या॒ सिषा॑सन्तो वनामहे ॥ ८.०९५.०६

tamu̍ ṣṭavāma̱ yaṃ gira̱ indra̍mu̱kthāni̍ vāvṛ̱dhuḥ .

pu̱rūṇya̍sya̱ pauṃsyā̱ siṣā̍santo vanāmahe .. 8.095.06

6 He whom thou aidest, gracious Lord, to give again, obtains great wealth to nourish him.
We with our Soma ready, Lover of the Song! call, Indra Maghavan, on thee.

Sloka : 8.95.7

एतो॒ न्विन्द्रं॒ स्तवा॑म शु॒द्धं शु॒द्धेन॒ साम्ना॑ ।

शु॒द्धैरु॒क्थैर्वा॑वृ॒ध्वांसं॑ शु॒द्ध आ॒शीर्वा॑न्ममत्तु ॥ ८.०९५.०७

eto̱ nvindra̱ṃ stavā̍ma śu̱ddhaṃ śu̱ddhena̱ sāmnā̍ .

śu̱ddhairu̱kthairvā̍vṛ̱dhvāṃsa̍ṃ śu̱ddha ā̱śīrvā̍nmamattu .. 8.095.07

7 Ne’er art thou fruitless, Indra ne’er dost thou desert the worshipper
But now, O Maghavan, thy bounty as a God is poured forth ever more and more.

Sloka : 8.95.8

इन्द्र॑ शु॒द्धो न॒ आ ग॑हि शु॒द्धः शु॒द्धाभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।

शु॒द्धो र॒यिं नि धा॑रय शु॒द्धो म॑मद्धि सो॒म्यः ॥ ८.०९५.०८

indra̍ śu̱ddho na̱ ā ga̍hi śu̱ddhaḥ śu̱ddhābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

śu̱ddho ra̱yiṃ ni dhā̍raya śu̱ddho ma̍maddhi so̱myaḥ .. 8.095.08

8 He who hath. overtaken Krvi with his might, and silenced Śuṣṇa with deathbolts,—
When he supported yonder heaven and spread it out, then first the son of earth was born.

Sloka : 8.95.9

इन्द्र॑ शु॒द्धो हि नो॑ र॒यिं शु॒द्धो रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ।

शु॒द्धो वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नसे शु॒द्धो वाजं॑ सिषाससि ॥ ८.०९५.०९

indra̍ śu̱ddho hi no̍ ra̱yiṃ śu̱ddho ratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .

śu̱ddho vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnase śu̱ddho vāja̍ṃ siṣāsasi .. 8.095.09

9 Good Lord of wealth is he to whom all Āryas, Dāsas here belong.
Directly unto thee, the pious Ruśama Paviru, is that wealth brought nigh.

Sloka : 8.96.1

अ॒स्मा उ॒षास॒ आति॑रन्त॒ याम॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ नक्त॒मूर्म्याः॑ सु॒वाचः॑ ।

अ॒स्मा आपो॑ मा॒तरः॑ स॒प्त त॑स्थु॒र्नृभ्य॒स्तरा॑य॒ सिन्ध॑वः सुपा॒राः ॥ ८.०९६.०१

a̱smā u̱ṣāsa̱ āti̍ranta̱ yāma̱mindrā̍ya̱ nakta̱mūrmyā̍ḥ su̱vāca̍ḥ .

a̱smā āpo̍ mā̱tara̍ḥ sa̱pta ta̍sthu̱rnṛbhya̱starā̍ya̱ sindha̍vaḥ supā̱rāḥ .. 8.096.01

1. As, Śakra, thou with Manu called Vivasvān drankest Soma juice,
As, Indra, thou didst love the hymn by Trita's side, so dost thou joy with Āyu now.

Sloka : 8.96.2

अति॑विद्धा विथु॒रेणा॑ चि॒दस्त्रा॒ त्रिः स॒प्त सानु॒ संहि॑ता गिरी॒णाम् ।

न तद्दे॒वो न मर्त्य॑स्तुतुर्या॒द्यानि॒ प्रवृ॑द्धो वृष॒भश्च॒कार॑ ॥ ८.०९६.०२

ati̍viddhā vithu̱reṇā̍ ci̱dastrā̱ triḥ sa̱pta sānu̱ saṃhi̍tā girī̱ṇām .

na tadde̱vo na martya̍stuturyā̱dyāni̱ pravṛ̍ddho vṛṣa̱bhaśca̱kāra̍ .. 8.096.02

2 As thou with Mātariśvan, Medhya, Prsadhra, hast cheered thee Indra, with pressed juice,
Drunk Soma with Rjunas, Syūmaraśmi, by Dasonya's Dasasipra's side.

Sloka : 8.96.3

इन्द्र॑स्य॒ वज्र॑ आय॒सो निमि॑श्ल॒ इन्द्र॑स्य बा॒ह्वोर्भूयि॑ष्ठ॒मोजः॑ ।

शी॒र्षन्निन्द्र॑स्य॒ क्रत॑वो निरे॒क आ॒सन्नेष॑न्त॒ श्रुत्या॑ उपा॒के ॥ ८.०९६.०३

indra̍sya̱ vajra̍ āya̱so nimi̍śla̱ indra̍sya bā̱hvorbhūyi̍ṣṭha̱moja̍ḥ .

śī̱rṣannindra̍sya̱ krata̍vo nire̱ka ā̱sanneṣa̍nta̱ śrutyā̍ upā̱ke .. 8.096.03

3 ’Tis he who made the lauds his own and boldly drank the Soma juice,
He to whom Viṣṇu came striding his three wide steps, as Mitra's statutes ordered it.

Sloka : 8.96.4

मन्ये॑ त्वा य॒ज्ञियं॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑नां॒ मन्ये॑ त्वा॒ च्यव॑न॒मच्यु॑तानाम् ।

मन्ये॑ त्वा॒ सत्व॑नामिन्द्र के॒तुं मन्ये॑ त्वा वृष॒भं च॑र्षणी॒नाम् ॥ ८.०९६.०४

manye̍ tvā ya̱jñiya̍ṃ ya̱jñiyā̍nā̱ṃ manye̍ tvā̱ cyava̍na̱macyu̍tānām .

manye̍ tvā̱ satva̍nāmindra ke̱tuṃ manye̍ tvā vṛṣa̱bhaṃ ca̍rṣaṇī̱nām .. 8.096.04

4 In whose laud thou didst joy, Indra, at the great deed, O Śatakratu, Mighty One!
Seeking renown we call thee as the milkers call the cow who yields abundant milk.

Sloka : 8.96.5

आ यद्वज्रं॑ बा॒ह्वोरि॑न्द्र॒ धत्से॑ मद॒च्युत॒मह॑ये॒ हन्त॒वा उ॑ ।

प्र पर्व॑ता॒ अन॑वन्त॒ प्र गावः॒ प्र ब्र॒ह्माणो॑ अभि॒नक्ष॑न्त॒ इन्द्र॑म् ॥ ८.०९६.०५

ā yadvajra̍ṃ bā̱hvori̍ndra̱ dhatse̍ mada̱cyuta̱maha̍ye̱ hanta̱vā u̍ .

pra parva̍tā̱ ana̍vanta̱ pra gāva̱ḥ pra bra̱hmāṇo̍ abhi̱nakṣa̍nta̱ indra̍m .. 8.096.05

5 He is our Sire who gives to us, Great, Mighty, ruling as he wills.
Unsought, may he the Strong, Rich, Lord of ample wealth, give us of horses and of kine.

Sloka : 8.96.6

तमु॑ ष्टवाम॒ य इ॒मा ज॒जान॒ विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्यव॑राण्यस्मात् ।

इन्द्रे॑ण मि॒त्रं दि॑धिषेम गी॒र्भिरुपो॒ नमो॑भिर्वृष॒भं वि॑शेम ॥ ८.०९६.०६

tamu̍ ṣṭavāma̱ ya i̱mā ja̱jāna̱ viśvā̍ jā̱tānyava̍rāṇyasmāt .

indre̍ṇa mi̱traṃ di̍dhiṣema gī̱rbhirupo̱ namo̍bhirvṛṣa̱bhaṃ vi̍śema .. 8.096.06

6 He to whom thou, Good Lord, givest that he may give increases wealth that nourishes.
Eager for wealth we call on Indra, Lord of wealth, on Śatakratu with our lauds.

Sloka : 8.96.7

वृ॒त्रस्य॑ त्वा श्व॒सथा॒दीष॑माणा॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॑जहु॒र्ये सखा॑यः ।

म॒रुद्भि॑रिन्द्र स॒ख्यं ते॑ अ॒स्त्वथे॒मा विश्वाः॒ पृत॑ना जयासि ॥ ८.०९६.०७

vṛ̱trasya̍ tvā śva̱sathā̱dīṣa̍māṇā̱ viśve̍ de̱vā a̍jahu̱rye sakhā̍yaḥ .

ma̱rudbhi̍rindra sa̱khyaṃ te̍ a̱stvathe̱mā viśvā̱ḥ pṛta̍nā jayāsi .. 8.096.07

7 Never art thou neglectful:- thou guardest both races with thy care.
The call on Indra, fourth Āditya! is thine own. Amṛta is stablished in the heavens.

Sloka : 8.96.8

त्रिः ष॒ष्टिस्त्वा॑ म॒रुतो॑ वावृधा॒ना उ॒स्रा इ॑व रा॒शयो॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑सः ।

उप॒ त्वेमः॑ कृ॒धि नो॑ भाग॒धेयं॒ शुष्मं॑ त ए॒ना ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ ८.०९६.०८

triḥ ṣa̱ṣṭistvā̍ ma̱ruto̍ vāvṛdhā̱nā u̱srā i̍va rā̱śayo̍ ya̱jñiyā̍saḥ .

upa̱ tvema̍ḥ kṛ̱dhi no̍ bhāga̱dheya̱ṃ śuṣma̍ṃ ta e̱nā ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 8.096.08

8 The offercr whom thou, Indra, Lover of the Song, liberal Maghavan, favourest,—
As at the call of Kaṇva so, O gracious Lord, hear, thou our songs and eulogy.

Sloka : 8.96.9

ति॒ग्ममायु॑धं म॒रुता॒मनी॑कं॒ कस्त॑ इन्द्र॒ प्रति॒ वज्रं॑ दधर्ष ।

अ॒ना॒यु॒धासो॒ असु॑रा अदे॒वाश्च॒क्रेण॒ ताँ अप॑ वप ऋजीषिन् ॥ ८.०९६.०९

ti̱gmamāyu̍dhaṃ ma̱rutā̱manī̍ka̱ṃ kasta̍ indra̱ prati̱ vajra̍ṃ dadharṣa .

a̱nā̱yu̱dhāso̱ asu̍rā ade̱vāśca̱kreṇa̱ tām̐ apa̍ vapa ṛjīṣin .. 8.096.09

9 Sung is the song of ancient time:- to Indra have ye said the prayer.
They have sung many a Brhati of sacrifice, poured forth the worshipper's many thoughts.

Sloka : 8.96.10

म॒ह उ॒ग्राय॑ त॒वसे॑ सुवृ॒क्तिं प्रेर॑य शि॒वत॑माय प॒श्वः ।

गिर्वा॑हसे॒ गिर॒ इन्द्रा॑य पू॒र्वीर्धे॒हि त॒न्वे॑ कु॒विद॒ङ्ग वेद॑त् ॥ ८.०९६.१०

ma̱ha u̱grāya̍ ta̱vase̍ suvṛ̱ktiṃ prera̍ya śi̱vata̍māya pa̱śvaḥ .

girvā̍hase̱ gira̱ indrā̍ya pū̱rvīrdhe̱hi ta̱nve̍ ku̱vida̱ṅga veda̍t .. 8.096.10

10 Indra hath tossed together mighty stores of wealth, and both the worlds, yea, and the Sun.
Pure, brightly-shining, mingled with the milk, the draughts of Soma have made Indra glad.

Sloka : 8.96.11

उ॒क्थवा॑हसे वि॒भ्वे॑ मनी॒षां द्रुणा॒ न पा॒रमी॑रया न॒दीना॑म् ।

नि स्पृ॑श धि॒या त॒न्वि॑ श्रु॒तस्य॒ जुष्ट॑तरस्य कु॒विद॒ङ्ग वेद॑त् ॥ ८.०९६.११

u̱kthavā̍hase vi̱bhve̍ manī̱ṣāṃ druṇā̱ na pā̱ramī̍rayā na̱dīnā̍m .

ni spṛ̍śa dhi̱yā ta̱nvi̍ śru̱tasya̱ juṣṭa̍tarasya ku̱vida̱ṅga veda̍t .. 8.096.11

Sloka : 8.96.12

तद्वि॑विड्ढि॒ यत्त॒ इन्द्रो॒ जुजो॑षत्स्तु॒हि सु॑ष्टु॒तिं नम॒सा वि॑वास ।

उप॑ भूष जरित॒र्मा रु॑वण्यः श्रा॒वया॒ वाचं॑ कु॒विद॒ङ्ग वेद॑त् ॥ ८.०९६.१२

tadvi̍viḍḍhi̱ yatta̱ indro̱ jujo̍ṣatstu̱hi su̍ṣṭu̱tiṃ nama̱sā vi̍vāsa .

upa̍ bhūṣa jarita̱rmā ru̍vaṇyaḥ śrā̱vayā̱ vāca̍ṃ ku̱vida̱ṅga veda̍t .. 8.096.12

Sloka : 8.96.13

अव॑ द्र॒प्सो अं॑शु॒मती॑मतिष्ठदिया॒नः कृ॒ष्णो द॒शभिः॑ स॒हस्रैः॑ ।

आव॒त्तमिन्द्रः॒ शच्या॒ धम॑न्त॒मप॒ स्नेहि॑तीर्नृ॒मणा॑ अधत्त ॥ ८.०९६.१३

ava̍ dra̱pso a̍ṃśu̱matī̍matiṣṭhadiyā̱naḥ kṛ̱ṣṇo da̱śabhi̍ḥ sa̱hasrai̍ḥ .

āva̱ttamindra̱ḥ śacyā̱ dhama̍nta̱mapa̱ snehi̍tīrnṛ̱maṇā̍ adhatta .. 8.096.13

Sloka : 8.96.14

द्र॒प्सम॑पश्यं॒ विषु॑णे॒ चर॑न्तमुपह्व॒रे न॒द्यो॑ अंशु॒मत्याः॑ ।

नभो॒ न कृ॒ष्णम॑वतस्थि॒वांस॒मिष्या॑मि वो वृषणो॒ युध्य॑ता॒जौ ॥ ८.०९६.१४

dra̱psama̍paśya̱ṃ viṣu̍ṇe̱ cara̍ntamupahva̱re na̱dyo̍ aṃśu̱matyā̍ḥ .

nabho̱ na kṛ̱ṣṇama̍vatasthi̱vāṃsa̱miṣyā̍mi vo vṛṣaṇo̱ yudhya̍tā̱jau .. 8.096.14

Sloka : 8.96.15

अध॑ द्र॒प्सो अं॑शु॒मत्या॑ उ॒पस्थेऽधा॑रयत्त॒न्वं॑ तित्विषा॒णः ।

विशो॒ अदे॑वीर॒भ्या॒३॒॑चर॑न्ती॒र्बृह॒स्पति॑ना यु॒जेन्द्रः॑ ससाहे ॥ ८.०९६.१५

adha̍ dra̱pso a̍ṃśu̱matyā̍ u̱pasthe'dhā̍rayatta̱nva̍ṃ titviṣā̱ṇaḥ .

viśo̱ ade̍vīra̱bhyā̱3̱̍cara̍ntī̱rbṛha̱spati̍nā yu̱jendra̍ḥ sasāhe .. 8.096.15

Sloka : 8.96.16

त्वं ह॒ त्यत्स॒प्तभ्यो॒ जाय॑मानोऽश॒त्रुभ्यो॑ अभवः॒ शत्रु॑रिन्द्र ।

गू॒ळ्हे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अन्व॑विन्दो विभु॒मद्भ्यो॒ भुव॑नेभ्यो॒ रणं॑ धाः ॥ ८.०९६.१६

tvaṃ ha̱ tyatsa̱ptabhyo̱ jāya̍māno'śa̱trubhyo̍ abhava̱ḥ śatru̍rindra .

gū̱l̤he dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī anva̍vindo vibhu̱madbhyo̱ bhuva̍nebhyo̱ raṇa̍ṃ dhāḥ .. 8.096.16

Sloka : 8.96.17

त्वं ह॒ त्यद॑प्रतिमा॒नमोजो॒ वज्रे॑ण वज्रिन्धृषि॒तो ज॑घन्थ ।

त्वं शुष्ण॒स्यावा॑तिरो॒ वध॑त्रै॒स्त्वं गा इ॑न्द्र॒ शच्येद॑विन्दः ॥ ८.०९६.१७

tvaṃ ha̱ tyada̍pratimā̱namojo̱ vajre̍ṇa vajrindhṛṣi̱to ja̍ghantha .

tvaṃ śuṣṇa̱syāvā̍tiro̱ vadha̍trai̱stvaṃ gā i̍ndra̱ śacyeda̍vindaḥ .. 8.096.17

Sloka : 8.96.18

त्वं ह॒ त्यद्वृ॑षभ चर्षणी॒नां घ॒नो वृ॒त्राणां॑ तवि॒षो ब॑भूथ ।

त्वं सिन्धू॑ँरसृजस्तस्तभा॒नान्त्वम॒पो अ॑जयो दा॒सप॑त्नीः ॥ ८.०९६.१८

tvaṃ ha̱ tyadvṛ̍ṣabha carṣaṇī̱nāṃ gha̱no vṛ̱trāṇā̍ṃ tavi̱ṣo ba̍bhūtha .

tvaṃ sindhū̍m̐rasṛjastastabhā̱nāntvama̱po a̍jayo dā̱sapa̍tnīḥ .. 8.096.18

Sloka : 8.96.19

स सु॒क्रतू॒ रणि॑ता॒ यः सु॒तेष्वनु॑त्तमन्यु॒र्यो अहे॑व रे॒वान् ।

य एक॒ इन्नर्यपां॑सि॒ कर्ता॒ स वृ॑त्र॒हा प्रतीद॒न्यमा॑हुः ॥ ८.०९६.१९

sa su̱kratū̱ raṇi̍tā̱ yaḥ su̱teṣvanu̍ttamanyu̱ryo ahe̍va re̱vān .

ya eka̱ innaryapā̍ṃsi̱ kartā̱ sa vṛ̍tra̱hā pratīda̱nyamā̍huḥ .. 8.096.19

Sloka : 8.96.20

स वृ॑त्र॒हेन्द्र॑श्चर्षणी॒धृत्तं सु॑ष्टु॒त्या हव्यं॑ हुवेम ।

स प्रा॑वि॒ता म॒घवा॑ नोऽधिव॒क्ता स वाज॑स्य श्रव॒स्य॑स्य दा॒ता ॥ ८.०९६.२०

sa vṛ̍tra̱hendra̍ścarṣaṇī̱dhṛttaṃ su̍ṣṭu̱tyā havya̍ṃ huvema .

sa prā̍vi̱tā ma̱ghavā̍ no'dhiva̱ktā sa vāja̍sya śrava̱sya̍sya dā̱tā .. 8.096.20

Sloka : 8.96.21

स वृ॑त्र॒हेन्द्र॑ ऋभु॒क्षाः स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो हव्यो॑ बभूव ।

कृ॒ण्वन्नपां॑सि॒ नर्या॑ पु॒रूणि॒ सोमो॒ न पी॒तो हव्यः॒ सखि॑भ्यः ॥ ८.०९६.२१

sa vṛ̍tra̱hendra̍ ṛbhu̱kṣāḥ sa̱dyo ja̍jñā̱no havyo̍ babhūva .

kṛ̱ṇvannapā̍ṃsi̱ naryā̍ pu̱rūṇi̱ somo̱ na pī̱to havya̱ḥ sakhi̍bhyaḥ .. 8.096.21

Sloka : 8.97.1

या इ॑न्द्र॒ भुज॒ आभ॑रः॒ स्व॑र्वा॒ँ असु॑रेभ्यः ।

स्तो॒तार॒मिन्म॑घवन्नस्य वर्धय॒ ये च॒ त्वे वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ॥ ८.०९७.०१

yā i̍ndra̱ bhuja̱ ābha̍ra̱ḥ sva̍rvā̱m̐ asu̍rebhyaḥ .

sto̱tāra̱minma̍ghavannasya vardhaya̱ ye ca̱ tve vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .. 8.097.01

1. As highest of the Maghavans, preeminent among the Bulls,
Best breaker-down of forts, kine-winner, Lord of wealth, we seek thee, Indra Maghavan.

Sloka : 8.97.2

यमि॑न्द्र दधि॒षे त्वमश्वं॒ गां भा॒गमव्य॑यम् ।

यज॑माने सुन्व॒ति दक्षि॑णावति॒ तस्मि॒न्तं धे॑हि॒ मा प॒णौ ॥ ८.०९७.०२

yami̍ndra dadhi̱ṣe tvamaśva̱ṃ gāṃ bhā̱gamavya̍yam .

yaja̍māne sunva̱ti dakṣi̍ṇāvati̱ tasmi̱ntaṃ dhe̍hi̱ mā pa̱ṇau .. 8.097.02

2 Thou who subduedst Āyu, Kutsa, Atithigva, waxing daily in thy might,
As such, rousing thy power, we invocate thee now, thee Śatakratu, Lord of Bays.

Sloka : 8.97.3

य इ॑न्द्र॒ सस्त्य॑व्र॒तो॑ऽनु॒ष्वाप॒मदे॑वयुः ।

स्वैः ष एवै॑र्मुमुर॒त्पोष्यं॑ र॒यिं स॑नु॒तर्धे॑हि॒ तं ततः॑ ॥ ८.०९७.०३

ya i̍ndra̱ sastya̍vra̱to̎nu̱ṣvāpa̱made̍vayuḥ .

svaiḥ ṣa evai̍rmumura̱tpoṣya̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ sa̍nu̱tardhe̍hi̱ taṃ tata̍ḥ .. 8.097.03

3 The pressing-stones shall pour for us the essence of the meath of all,
Drops that have been pressed out afar among the folk, and those that have been pressed near us.

Sloka : 8.97.4

यच्छ॒क्रासि॑ परा॒वति॒ यद॑र्वा॒वति॑ वृत्रहन् ।

अत॑स्त्वा गी॒र्भिर्द्यु॒गदि॑न्द्र के॒शिभिः॑ सु॒तावा॒ँ आ वि॑वासति ॥ ८.०९७.०४

yaccha̱krāsi̍ parā̱vati̱ yada̍rvā̱vati̍ vṛtrahan .

ata̍stvā gī̱rbhirdyu̱gadi̍ndra ke̱śibhi̍ḥ su̱tāvā̱m̐ ā vi̍vāsati .. 8.097.04

4 Repel all enmities and keep thern far away:- let all win treasure for their own.
Even among Sistas are the stalks that make thee glad, where thou with Soma satest thee.

Sloka : 8.97.5

यद्वासि॑ रोच॒ने दि॒वः स॑मु॒द्रस्याधि॑ वि॒ष्टपि॑ ।

यत्पार्थि॑वे॒ सद॑ने वृत्रहन्तम॒ यद॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒ आ ग॑हि ॥ ८.०९७.०५

yadvāsi̍ roca̱ne di̱vaḥ sa̍mu̱drasyādhi̍ vi̱ṣṭapi̍ .

yatpārthi̍ve̱ sada̍ne vṛtrahantama̱ yada̱ntari̍kṣa̱ ā ga̍hi .. 8.097.05

5 Come, Indra, very near to us with aids of firmly-based resolve;
Come, most auspicious, with thy most auspicious help, good Kinsman, with good kinsmen, come!

Sloka : 8.97.6

स नः॒ सोमे॑षु सोमपाः सु॒तेषु॑ शवसस्पते ।

मा॒दय॑स्व॒ राध॑सा सू॒नृता॑व॒तेन्द्र॑ रा॒या परी॑णसा ॥ ८.०९७.०६

sa na̱ḥ some̍ṣu somapāḥ su̱teṣu̍ śavasaspate .

mā̱daya̍sva̱ rādha̍sā sū̱nṛtā̍va̱tendra̍ rā̱yā parī̍ṇasā .. 8.097.06

6 Bless thou with progeny the chief of men, the lord of heroes, victor in the fray.
Aid with thy powers the men who sing thee lauds and keep their spirits ever pure and bright.

Sloka : 8.97.7

मा न॑ इन्द्र॒ परा॑ वृण॒ग्भवा॑ नः सध॒माद्यः॑ ।

त्वं न॑ ऊ॒ती त्वमिन्न॒ आप्यं॒ मा न॑ इन्द्र॒ परा॑ वृणक् ॥ ८.०९७.०७

mā na̍ indra̱ parā̍ vṛṇa̱gbhavā̍ naḥ sadha̱mādya̍ḥ .

tvaṃ na̍ ū̱tī tvaminna̱ āpya̱ṃ mā na̍ indra̱ parā̍ vṛṇak .. 8.097.07

7 May we be such in battle as are surest to obtain thy grace:-
With holy offerings and invocations of the Gods, we mean, that we may win the spoil.

Sloka : 8.97.8

अ॒स्मे इ॑न्द्र॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते नि ष॑दा पी॒तये॒ मधु॑ ।

कृ॒धी ज॑रि॒त्रे म॑घव॒न्नवो॑ म॒हद॒स्मे इ॑न्द्र॒ सचा॑ सु॒ते ॥ ८.०९७.०८

a̱sme i̍ndra̱ sacā̍ su̱te ni ṣa̍dā pī̱taye̱ madhu̍ .

kṛ̱dhī ja̍ri̱tre ma̍ghava̱nnavo̍ ma̱hada̱sme i̍ndra̱ sacā̍ su̱te .. 8.097.08

8 Thine, Lord of Bays, am I. Prayer longeth for the spoil. Still with thy help I seek the fight.
So, at the raiders' head, I, craving steeds and kine, unite myself with thee alone.

Sloka : 8.97.9

न त्वा॑ दे॒वास॑ आशत॒ न मर्त्या॑सो अद्रिवः ।

विश्वा॑ जा॒तानि॒ शव॑साभि॒भूर॑सि॒ न त्वा॑ दे॒वास॑ आशत ॥ ८.०९७.०९

na tvā̍ de̱vāsa̍ āśata̱ na martyā̍so adrivaḥ .

viśvā̍ jā̱tāni̱ śava̍sābhi̱bhūra̍si̱ na tvā̍ de̱vāsa̍ āśata .. 8.097.09

Sloka : 8.97.10

विश्वाः॒ पृत॑ना अभि॒भूत॑रं॒ नरं॑ स॒जूस्त॑तक्षु॒रिन्द्रं॑ जज॒नुश्च॑ रा॒जसे॑ ।

क्रत्वा॒ वरि॑ष्ठं॒ वर॑ आ॒मुरि॑मु॒तोग्रमोजि॑ष्ठं त॒वसं॑ तर॒स्विन॑म् ॥ ८.०९७.१०

viśvā̱ḥ pṛta̍nā abhi̱bhūta̍ra̱ṃ nara̍ṃ sa̱jūsta̍takṣu̱rindra̍ṃ jaja̱nuśca̍ rā̱jase̍ .

kratvā̱ vari̍ṣṭha̱ṃ vara̍ ā̱muri̍mu̱togramoji̍ṣṭhaṃ ta̱vasa̍ṃ tara̱svina̍m .. 8.097.10

Sloka : 8.97.11

समीं॑ रे॒भासो॑ अस्वर॒न्निन्द्रं॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ।

स्व॑र्पतिं॒ यदीं॑ वृ॒धे धृ॒तव्र॑तो॒ ह्योज॑सा॒ समू॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ८.०९७.११

samī̍ṃ re̱bhāso̍ asvara̱nnindra̱ṃ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .

sva̍rpati̱ṃ yadī̍ṃ vṛ̱dhe dhṛ̱tavra̍to̱ hyoja̍sā̱ samū̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 8.097.11

Sloka : 8.97.12

ने॒मिं न॑मन्ति॒ चक्ष॑सा मे॒षं विप्रा॑ अभि॒स्वरा॑ ।

सु॒दी॒तयो॑ वो अ॒द्रुहोऽपि॒ कर्णे॑ तर॒स्विनः॒ समृक्व॑भिः ॥ ८.०९७.१२

ne̱miṃ na̍manti̱ cakṣa̍sā me̱ṣaṃ viprā̍ abhi̱svarā̍ .

su̱dī̱tayo̍ vo a̱druho'pi̱ karṇe̍ tara̱svina̱ḥ samṛkva̍bhiḥ .. 8.097.12

Sloka : 8.97.13

तमिन्द्रं॑ जोहवीमि म॒घवा॑नमु॒ग्रं स॒त्रा दधा॑न॒मप्र॑तिष्कुतं॒ शवां॑सि ।

मंहि॑ष्ठो गी॒र्भिरा च॑ य॒ज्ञियो॑ व॒वर्त॑द्रा॒ये नो॒ विश्वा॑ सु॒पथा॑ कृणोतु व॒ज्री ॥ ८.०९७.१३

tamindra̍ṃ johavīmi ma̱ghavā̍namu̱graṃ sa̱trā dadhā̍na̱mapra̍tiṣkuta̱ṃ śavā̍ṃsi .

maṃhi̍ṣṭho gī̱rbhirā ca̍ ya̱jñiyo̍ va̱varta̍drā̱ye no̱ viśvā̍ su̱pathā̍ kṛṇotu va̱jrī .. 8.097.13

Sloka : 8.97.14

त्वं पुर॑ इन्द्र चि॒किदे॑ना॒ व्योज॑सा शविष्ठ शक्र नाश॒यध्यै॑ ।

त्वद्विश्वा॑नि॒ भुव॑नानि वज्रि॒न्द्यावा॑ रेजेते पृथि॒वी च॑ भी॒षा ॥ ८.०९७.१४

tvaṃ pura̍ indra ci̱kide̍nā̱ vyoja̍sā śaviṣṭha śakra nāśa̱yadhyai̍ .

tvadviśvā̍ni̱ bhuva̍nāni vajri̱ndyāvā̍ rejete pṛthi̱vī ca̍ bhī̱ṣā .. 8.097.14

Sloka : 8.97.15

तन्म॑ ऋ॒तमि॑न्द्र शूर चित्र पात्व॒पो न व॑ज्रिन्दुरि॒ताति॑ पर्षि॒ भूरि॑ ।

क॒दा न॑ इन्द्र रा॒य आ द॑शस्येर्वि॒श्वप्स्न्य॑स्य स्पृह॒याय्य॑स्य राजन् ॥ ८.०९७.१५

tanma̍ ṛ̱tami̍ndra śūra citra pātva̱po na va̍jrinduri̱tāti̍ parṣi̱ bhūri̍ .

ka̱dā na̍ indra rā̱ya ā da̍śasyervi̱śvapsnya̍sya spṛha̱yāyya̍sya rājan .. 8.097.15

Sloka : 8.98.1

इन्द्रा॑य॒ साम॑ गायत॒ विप्रा॑य बृह॒ते बृ॒हत् ।

ध॒र्म॒कृते॑ विप॒श्चिते॑ पन॒स्यवे॑ ॥ ८.०९८.०१

indrā̍ya̱ sāma̍ gāyata̱ viprā̍ya bṛha̱te bṛ̱hat .

dha̱rma̱kṛte̍ vipa̱ścite̍ pana̱syave̍ .. 8.098.01

1. INDRA, the poets with. their hymns extol this hero might of thine:-
They strengthened, loud in song, thy power that droppeth oil. With hymns the Pauras came to thee.

Sloka : 8.98.2

त्वमि॑न्द्राभि॒भूर॑सि॒ त्वं सूर्य॑मरोचयः ।

वि॒श्वक॑र्मा वि॒श्वदे॑वो म॒हाँ अ॑सि ॥ ८.०९८.०२

tvami̍ndrābhi̱bhūra̍si̱ tvaṃ sūrya̍marocayaḥ .

vi̱śvaka̍rmā vi̱śvade̍vo ma̱hām̐ a̍si .. 8.098.02

2 Through piety they came to Indra for his aid, they whose libations give theejoy.
As thou with, Krsa and Samvarta hast rejoiced, so, Indra, be thou glad with us.

Sloka : 8.98.3

वि॒भ्राज॒ञ्ज्योति॑षा॒ स्व१॒॑रग॑च्छो रोच॒नं दि॒वः ।

दे॒वास्त॑ इन्द्र स॒ख्याय॑ येमिरे ॥ ८.०९८.०३

vi̱bhrāja̱ñjyoti̍ṣā̱ sva1̱̍raga̍ccho roca̱naṃ di̱vaḥ .

de̱vāsta̍ indra sa̱khyāya̍ yemire .. 8.098.03

3 Agreeing in your spirit, all ye Deities, come nigh to us.
Vasus and Rudras shall come near to give us aid, and Maruts listen to our call.

Sloka : 8.98.4

एन्द्र॑ नो गधि प्रि॒यः स॑त्रा॒जिदगो॑ह्यः ।

गि॒रिर्न वि॒श्वत॑स्पृ॒थुः पति॑र्दि॒वः ॥ ८.०९८.०४

endra̍ no gadhi pri̱yaḥ sa̍trā̱jidago̍hyaḥ .

gi̱rirna vi̱śvata̍spṛ̱thuḥ pati̍rdi̱vaḥ .. 8.098.04

4 May Pūṣan, Viṣṇu, and Sarasvatī befriend, and the Seven Streams, this call of mine:-
May Waters, Wind, the Mountains, and the Forest-Lord, and Earth give ear unto my cry.

Sloka : 8.98.5

अ॒भि हि स॑त्य सोमपा उ॒भे ब॒भूथ॒ रोद॑सी ।

इन्द्रासि॑ सुन्व॒तो वृ॒धः पति॑र्दि॒वः ॥ ८.०९८.०५

a̱bhi hi sa̍tya somapā u̱bhe ba̱bhūtha̱ roda̍sī .

indrāsi̍ sunva̱to vṛ̱dhaḥ pati̍rdi̱vaḥ .. 8.098.05

5 Indra, with thine own bounteous gift, most liberal of the Mighty Ones,
Be our boon benefactor, Vṛtra-slayer, be our feast-companion for our weal.

Sloka : 8.98.6

त्वं हि शश्व॑तीना॒मिन्द्र॑ द॒र्ता पु॒रामसि॑ ।

ह॒न्ता दस्यो॒र्मनो॑र्वृ॒धः पति॑र्दि॒वः ॥ ८.०९८.०६

tvaṃ hi śaśva̍tīnā̱mindra̍ da̱rtā pu̱rāmasi̍ .

ha̱ntā dasyo̱rmano̍rvṛ̱dhaḥ pati̍rdi̱vaḥ .. 8.098.06

6 Leader of heroes, Lord of battle, lead thou us to combat, thou Most Sapient One.
High fame is theirs who win by invocations, feasts and entertainment of the Gods.

Sloka : 8.98.7

अधा॒ ही॑न्द्र गिर्वण॒ उप॑ त्वा॒ कामा॑न्म॒हः स॑सृ॒ज्महे॑ ।

उ॒देव॒ यन्त॑ उ॒दभिः॑ ॥ ८.०९८.०७

adhā̱ hī̍ndra girvaṇa̱ upa̍ tvā̱ kāmā̍nma̱haḥ sa̍sṛ̱jmahe̍ .

u̱deva̱ yanta̍ u̱dabhi̍ḥ .. 8.098.07

7 Our hopes rest on the Faithful One:- in Indra is the people's life.
O Maghavan, come nigh that thou mayst give us aid:- make plenteous food stream forth for us.

Sloka : 8.98.8

वार्ण त्वा॑ य॒व्याभि॒र्वर्ध॑न्ति शूर॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि ।

वा॒वृ॒ध्वांसं॑ चिदद्रिवो दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥ ८.०९८.०८

vārṇa tvā̍ ya̱vyābhi̱rvardha̍nti śūra̱ brahmā̍ṇi .

vā̱vṛ̱dhvāṃsa̍ṃ cidadrivo di̱vedi̍ve .. 8.098.08

8 Thee would we worship, Indra, with our songs of praise:- O Śatakratu, be thou ours.
Pour down upon Praskaṇva bounty vast and firm, exuberant, that shall never fail.

Sloka : 8.98.9

यु॒ञ्जन्ति॒ हरी॑ इषि॒रस्य॒ गाथ॑यो॒रौ रथ॑ उ॒रुयु॑गे ।

इ॒न्द्र॒वाहा॑ वचो॒युजा॑ ॥ ८.०९८.०९

yu̱ñjanti̱ harī̍ iṣi̱rasya̱ gātha̍yo̱rau ratha̍ u̱ruyu̍ge .

i̱ndra̱vāhā̍ vaco̱yujā̍ .. 8.098.09

Sloka : 8.98.10

त्वं न॑ इ॒न्द्रा भ॑र॒ँ ओजो॑ नृ॒म्णं श॑तक्रतो विचर्षणे ।

आ वी॒रं पृ॑तना॒षह॑म् ॥ ८.०९८.१०

tvaṃ na̍ i̱ndrā bha̍ra̱m̐ ojo̍ nṛ̱mṇaṃ śa̍takrato vicarṣaṇe .

ā vī̱raṃ pṛ̍tanā̱ṣaha̍m .. 8.098.10

Sloka : 8.98.11

त्वं हि नः॑ पि॒ता व॑सो॒ त्वं मा॒ता श॑तक्रतो ब॒भूवि॑थ ।

अधा॑ ते सु॒म्नमी॑महे ॥ ८.०९८.११

tvaṃ hi na̍ḥ pi̱tā va̍so̱ tvaṃ mā̱tā śa̍takrato ba̱bhūvi̍tha .

adhā̍ te su̱mnamī̍mahe .. 8.098.11

Sloka : 8.98.12

त्वां शु॑ष्मिन्पुरुहूत वाज॒यन्त॒मुप॑ ब्रुवे शतक्रतो ।

स नो॑ रास्व सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ८.०९८.१२

tvāṃ śu̍ṣminpuruhūta vāja̱yanta̱mupa̍ bruve śatakrato .

sa no̍ rāsva su̱vīrya̍m .. 8.098.12

Sloka : 8.99.1

त्वामि॒दा ह्यो नरोऽपी॑प्यन्वज्रि॒न्भूर्ण॑यः ।

स इ॑न्द्र॒ स्तोम॑वाहसामि॒ह श्रु॒ध्युप॒ स्वस॑र॒मा ग॑हि ॥ ८.०९९.०१

tvāmi̱dā hyo naro'pī̍pyanvajri̱nbhūrṇa̍yaḥ .

sa i̍ndra̱ stoma̍vāhasāmi̱ha śru̱dhyupa̱ svasa̍ra̱mā ga̍hi .. 8.099.01

1. GREAT, verily, is Indra's might. I have beheld, and hither comes
Thy bounty, Dasyave-vrka!

Sloka : 8.99.2

मत्स्वा॑ सुशिप्र हरिव॒स्तदी॑महे॒ त्वे आ भू॑षन्ति वे॒धसः॑ ।

तव॒ श्रवां॑स्युप॒मान्यु॒क्थ्या॑ सु॒तेष्वि॑न्द्र गिर्वणः ॥ ८.०९९.०२

matsvā̍ suśipra hariva̱stadī̍mahe̱ tve ā bhū̍ṣanti ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .

tava̱ śravā̍ṃsyupa̱mānyu̱kthyā̍ su̱teṣvi̍ndra girvaṇaḥ .. 8.099.02

2 A hundred oxen white of hue are shining like the stars in heaven,
So tall, they seem to prop the sky.

Sloka : 8.99.3

श्राय॑न्त इव॒ सूर्यं॒ विश्वेदिन्द्र॑स्य भक्षत ।

वसू॑नि जा॒ते जन॑मान॒ ओज॑सा॒ प्रति॑ भा॒गं न दी॑धिम ॥ ८.०९९.०३

śrāya̍nta iva̱ sūrya̱ṃ viśvedindra̍sya bhakṣata .

vasū̍ni jā̱te jana̍māna̱ oja̍sā̱ prati̍ bhā̱gaṃ na dī̍dhima .. 8.099.03

3 Bamboos a hundred, a hundred dogs, a hundred skins of beasts well-tanned,
A hundred tufts of Balbaja, four hundred red-hued mares are mine.

Sloka : 8.99.4

अन॑र्शरातिं वसु॒दामुप॑ स्तुहि भ॒द्रा इन्द्र॑स्य रा॒तयः॑ ।

सो अ॑स्य॒ कामं॑ विध॒तो न रो॑षति॒ मनो॑ दा॒नाय॑ चो॒दय॑न् ॥ ८.०९९.०४

ana̍rśarātiṃ vasu̱dāmupa̍ stuhi bha̱drā indra̍sya rā̱taya̍ḥ .

so a̍sya̱ kāma̍ṃ vidha̱to na ro̍ṣati̱ mano̍ dā̱nāya̍ co̱daya̍n .. 8.099.04

4 Blest by the Gods, Kinvayanas! be ye who spread through life on life:-
Like horses have ye stridden forth.

Sloka : 8.99.5

त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ प्रतू॑र्तिष्व॒भि विश्वा॑ असि॒ स्पृधः॑ ।

अ॒श॒स्ति॒हा ज॑नि॒ता वि॑श्व॒तूर॑सि॒ त्वं तू॑र्य तरुष्य॒तः ॥ ८.०९९.०५

tvami̍ndra̱ pratū̍rtiṣva̱bhi viśvā̍ asi̱ spṛdha̍ḥ .

a̱śa̱sti̱hā ja̍ni̱tā vi̍śva̱tūra̍si̱ tvaṃ tū̍rya taruṣya̱taḥ .. 8.099.05

5 Then men extolled the team of seven not yet full-grown, its fame is great.
The dark mares rushed along the paths, so that no eye could follow them.

Sloka : 8.99.6

अनु॑ ते॒ शुष्मं॑ तु॒रय॑न्तमीयतुः क्षो॒णी शिशुं॒ न मा॒तरा॑ ।

विश्वा॑स्ते॒ स्पृधः॑ श्नथयन्त म॒न्यवे॑ वृ॒त्रं यदि॑न्द्र॒ तूर्व॑सि ॥ ८.०९९.०६

anu̍ te̱ śuṣma̍ṃ tu̱raya̍ntamīyatuḥ kṣo̱ṇī śiśu̱ṃ na mā̱tarā̍ .

viśvā̍ste̱ spṛdha̍ḥ śnathayanta ma̱nyave̍ vṛ̱traṃ yadi̍ndra̱ tūrva̍si .. 8.099.06

Sloka : 8.99.7

इ॒त ऊ॒ती वो॑ अ॒जरं॑ प्रहे॒तार॒मप्र॑हितम् ।

आ॒शुं जेता॑रं॒ हेता॑रं र॒थीत॑म॒मतू॑र्तं तुग्र्या॒वृध॑म् ॥ ८.०९९.०७

i̱ta ū̱tī vo̍ a̱jara̍ṃ prahe̱tāra̱mapra̍hitam .

ā̱śuṃ jetā̍ra̱ṃ hetā̍raṃ ra̱thīta̍ma̱matū̍rtaṃ tugryā̱vṛdha̍m .. 8.099.07

Sloka : 8.99.8

इ॒ष्क॒र्तार॒मनि॑ष्कृतं॒ सह॑स्कृतं श॒तमू॑तिं श॒तक्र॑तुम् ।

स॒मा॒नमिन्द्र॒मव॑से हवामहे॒ वस॑वानं वसू॒जुव॑म् ॥ ८.०९९.०८

i̱ṣka̱rtāra̱mani̍ṣkṛta̱ṃ saha̍skṛtaṃ śa̱tamū̍tiṃ śa̱takra̍tum .

sa̱mā̱namindra̱mava̍se havāmahe̱ vasa̍vānaṃ vasū̱juva̍m .. 8.099.08

Sloka : 8.100.1

अ॒यं त॑ एमि त॒न्वा॑ पु॒रस्ता॒द्विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॒भि मा॑ यन्ति प॒श्चात् ।

य॒दा मह्यं॒ दीध॑रो भा॒गमि॒न्द्रादिन्मया॑ कृणवो वी॒र्या॑णि ॥ ८.१००.०१

a̱yaṃ ta̍ emi ta̱nvā̍ pu̱rastā̱dviśve̍ de̱vā a̱bhi mā̍ yanti pa̱ścāt .

ya̱dā mahya̱ṃ dīdha̍ro bhā̱gami̱ndrādinmayā̍ kṛṇavo vī̱ryā̍ṇi .. 8.100.01

1. THY bounty, Dasyave-vrka, exhaustless hath displayed itself:-
Its fulness is as broad as heaven.

Sloka : 8.100.2

दधा॑मि ते॒ मधु॑नो भ॒क्षमग्रे॑ हि॒तस्ते॑ भा॒गः सु॒तो अ॑स्तु॒ सोमः॑ ।

अस॑श्च॒ त्वं द॑क्षिण॒तः सखा॒ मेऽधा॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जङ्घनाव॒ भूरि॑ ॥ ८.१००.०२

dadhā̍mi te̱ madhu̍no bha̱kṣamagre̍ hi̱taste̍ bhā̱gaḥ su̱to a̍stu̱ soma̍ḥ .

asa̍śca̱ tvaṃ da̍kṣiṇa̱taḥ sakhā̱ me'dhā̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jaṅghanāva̱ bhūri̍ .. 8.100.02

2 Ten thousand Dasyave-vrka, the son of Putakrata, hath
From his own wealth bestowed on me.

Sloka : 8.100.3

प्र सु स्तोमं॑ भरत वाज॒यन्त॒ इन्द्रा॑य स॒त्यं यदि॑ स॒त्यमस्ति॑ ।

नेन्द्रो॑ अ॒स्तीति॒ नेम॑ उ त्व आह॒ क ईं॑ ददर्श॒ कम॒भि ष्ट॑वाम ॥ ८.१००.०३

pra su stoma̍ṃ bharata vāja̱yanta̱ indrā̍ya sa̱tyaṃ yadi̍ sa̱tyamasti̍ .

nendro̍ a̱stīti̱ nema̍ u tva āha̱ ka ī̍ṃ dadarśa̱ kama̱bhi ṣṭa̍vāma .. 8.100.03

3 A hundred asses hath he given, a hundred head of fleecy sheep,
A hundred slaves, and wreaths besides.

Sloka : 8.100.4

अ॒यम॑स्मि जरितः॒ पश्य॑ मे॒ह विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्य॒भ्य॑स्मि म॒ह्ना ।

ऋ॒तस्य॑ मा प्र॒दिशो॑ वर्धयन्त्यादर्दि॒रो भुव॑ना दर्दरीमि ॥ ८.१००.०४

a̱yama̍smi jarita̱ḥ paśya̍ me̱ha viśvā̍ jā̱tānya̱bhya̍smi ma̱hnā .

ṛ̱tasya̍ mā pra̱diśo̍ vardhayantyādardi̱ro bhuva̍nā dardarīmi .. 8.100.04

4 There also was a mare led forth, picked out for Putakrata's sake,
Not of the horses of the herd.

Sloka : 8.100.5

आ यन्मा॑ वे॒ना अरु॑हन्नृ॒तस्य॒ँ एक॒मासी॑नं हर्य॒तस्य॑ पृ॒ष्ठे ।

मन॑श्चिन्मे हृ॒द आ प्रत्य॑वोच॒दचि॑क्रद॒ञ्छिशु॑मन्तः॒ सखा॑यः ॥ ८.१००.०५

ā yanmā̍ ve̱nā aru̍hannṛ̱tasya̱m̐ eka̱māsī̍naṃ harya̱tasya̍ pṛ̱ṣṭhe .

mana̍ścinme hṛ̱da ā pratya̍voca̱daci̍krada̱ñchiśu̍manta̱ḥ sakhā̍yaḥ .. 8.100.05

5 Observant Agni hath appeared, oblation-bearer with his car.
Agni with his resplendent flame hath shone on high as shines the Sun, hath shone like Sūrya in theheavens.

Sloka : 8.100.6

विश्वेत्ता ते॒ सव॑नेषु प्र॒वाच्या॒ या च॒कर्थ॑ मघवन्निन्द्र सुन्व॒ते ।

पारा॑वतं॒ यत्पु॑रुसम्भृ॒तं वस्व॒पावृ॑णोः शर॒भाय॒ ऋषि॑बन्धवे ॥ ८.१००.०६

viśvettā te̱ sava̍neṣu pra̱vācyā̱ yā ca̱kartha̍ maghavannindra sunva̱te .

pārā̍vata̱ṃ yatpu̍rusambhṛ̱taṃ vasva̱pāvṛ̍ṇoḥ śara̱bhāya̱ ṛṣi̍bandhave .. 8.100.06

Sloka : 8.100.7

प्र नू॒नं धा॑वता॒ पृथ॒ङ्नेह यो वो॒ अवा॑वरीत् ।

नि षीं॑ वृ॒त्रस्य॒ मर्म॑णि॒ वज्र॒मिन्द्रो॑ अपीपतत् ॥ ८.१००.०७

pra nū̱naṃ dhā̍vatā̱ pṛtha̱ṅneha yo vo̱ avā̍varīt .

ni ṣī̍ṃ vṛ̱trasya̱ marma̍ṇi̱ vajra̱mindro̍ apīpatat .. 8.100.07

Sloka : 8.100.8

मनो॑जवा॒ अय॑मान आय॒सीम॑तर॒त्पुर॑म् ।

दिवं॑ सुप॒र्णो ग॒त्वाय॒ सोमं॑ व॒ज्रिण॒ आभ॑रत् ॥ ८.१००.०८

mano̍javā̱ aya̍māna āya̱sīma̍tara̱tpura̍m .

diva̍ṃ supa̱rṇo ga̱tvāya̱ soma̍ṃ va̱jriṇa̱ ābha̍rat .. 8.100.08

Sloka : 8.100.9

स॒मु॒द्रे अ॒न्तः श॑यत उ॒द्ना वज्रो॑ अ॒भीवृ॑तः ।

भर॑न्त्यस्मै सं॒यतः॑ पु॒रःप्र॑स्रवणा ब॒लिम् ॥ ८.१००.०९

sa̱mu̱dre a̱ntaḥ śa̍yata u̱dnā vajro̍ a̱bhīvṛ̍taḥ .

bhara̍ntyasmai sa̱ṃyata̍ḥ pu̱raḥpra̍sravaṇā ba̱lim .. 8.100.09

Sloka : 8.100.10

यद्वाग्वद॑न्त्यविचेत॒नानि॒ राष्ट्री॑ दे॒वानां॑ निष॒साद॑ म॒न्द्रा ।

चत॑स्र॒ ऊर्जं॑ दुदुहे॒ पयां॑सि॒ क्व॑ स्विदस्याः पर॒मं ज॑गाम ॥ ८.१००.१०

yadvāgvada̍ntyaviceta̱nāni̱ rāṣṭrī̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ niṣa̱sāda̍ ma̱ndrā .

cata̍sra̱ ūrja̍ṃ duduhe̱ payā̍ṃsi̱ kva̍ svidasyāḥ para̱maṃ ja̍gāma .. 8.100.10

Sloka : 8.100.11

दे॒वीं वाच॑मजनयन्त दे॒वास्तां वि॒श्वरू॑पाः प॒शवो॑ वदन्ति ।

सा नो॑ म॒न्द्रेष॒मूर्जं॒ दुहा॑ना धे॒नुर्वाग॒स्मानुप॒ सुष्टु॒तैतु॑ ॥ ८.१००.११

de̱vīṃ vāca̍majanayanta de̱vāstāṃ vi̱śvarū̍pāḥ pa̱śavo̍ vadanti .

sā no̍ ma̱ndreṣa̱mūrja̱ṃ duhā̍nā dhe̱nurvāga̱smānupa̱ suṣṭu̱taitu̍ .. 8.100.11

Sloka : 8.100.12

सखे॑ विष्णो वित॒रं वि क्र॑मस्व॒ द्यौर्दे॒हि लो॒कं वज्रा॑य वि॒ष्कभे॑ ।

हना॑व वृ॒त्रं रि॒णचा॑व॒ सिन्धू॒निन्द्र॑स्य यन्तु प्रस॒वे विसृ॑ष्टाः ॥ ८.१००.१२

sakhe̍ viṣṇo vita̱raṃ vi kra̍masva̱ dyaurde̱hi lo̱kaṃ vajrā̍ya vi̱ṣkabhe̍ .

hanā̍va vṛ̱traṃ ri̱ṇacā̍va̱ sindhū̱nindra̍sya yantu prasa̱ve visṛ̍ṣṭāḥ .. 8.100.12

Sloka : 8.101.1

ऋध॑गि॒त्था स मर्त्यः॑ शश॒मे दे॒वता॑तये ।

यो नू॒नं मि॒त्रावरु॑णाव॒भिष्ट॑य आच॒क्रे ह॒व्यदा॑तये ॥ ८.१०१.०१

ṛdha̍gi̱tthā sa martya̍ḥ śaśa̱me de̱vatā̍taye .

yo nū̱naṃ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇāva̱bhiṣṭa̍ya āca̱kre ha̱vyadā̍taye .. 8.101.01

1. ENDOWED, O Gods, with your primeval wisdom, come quickly with your chariot, O ye Holy.
Come with your mighty powers, O ye Nāsatyas; come hither, drink ye this the third libation.

Sloka : 8.101.2

वर्षि॑ष्ठक्षत्रा उरु॒चक्ष॑सा॒ नरा॒ राजा॑ना दीर्घ॒श्रुत्त॑मा ।

ता बा॒हुता॒ न दं॒सना॑ रथर्यतः सा॒कं सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभिः॑ ॥ ८.१०१.०२

varṣi̍ṣṭhakṣatrā uru̱cakṣa̍sā̱ narā̱ rājā̍nā dīrgha̱śrutta̍mā .

tā bā̱hutā̱ na da̱ṃsanā̍ ratharyataḥ sā̱kaṃ sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .. 8.101.02

2 The truthful Deities, the Three-and-Thirty, saw you approach before the Ever-Truthful.
Accepting this our worship and libation, O Aśvins bright with fire, drink ye the Soma.

Sloka : 8.101.3

प्र यो वां॑ मित्रावरुणाजि॒रो दू॒तो अद्र॑वत् ।

अयः॑शीर्षा॒ मदे॑रघुः ॥ ८.१०१.०३

pra yo vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇāji̱ro dū̱to adra̍vat .

aya̍ḥśīrṣā̱ made̍raghuḥ .. 8.101.03

3 Aśvins, that work of yours deserves our wonder,—the Bull of heaven and earth and air's mid region;
Yea, and your thousand promises in battle, -to all of these come near and drink beside us.

Sloka : 8.101.4

न यः स॒म्पृच्छे॒ न पुन॒र्हवी॑तवे॒ न सं॑वा॒दाय॒ रम॑ते ।

तस्मा॑न्नो अ॒द्य समृ॑तेरुरुष्यतं बा॒हुभ्यां॑ न उरुष्यतम् ॥ ८.१०१.०४

na yaḥ sa̱mpṛcche̱ na puna̱rhavī̍tave̱ na sa̍ṃvā̱dāya̱ rama̍te .

tasmā̍nno a̱dya samṛ̍teruruṣyataṃ bā̱hubhyā̍ṃ na uruṣyatam .. 8.101.04

4 Here is your portion laid for you, ye Holy:- come to these songs of ours, O ye Nāsatyas.
Drink among us the Soma full of sweetness, and with your powers assist the man who worships.

Sloka : 8.101.5

प्र मि॒त्राय॒ प्रार्य॒म्णे स॑च॒थ्य॑मृतावसो ।

व॒रू॒थ्यं१॒॑ वरु॑णे॒ छन्द्यं॒ वचः॑ स्तो॒त्रं राज॑सु गायत ॥ ८.१०१.०५

pra mi̱trāya̱ prārya̱mṇe sa̍ca̱thya̍mṛtāvaso .

va̱rū̱thyaṃ1̱̍ varu̍ṇe̱ chandya̱ṃ vaca̍ḥ sto̱traṃ rāja̍su gāyata .. 8.101.05

Sloka : 8.101.6

ते हि॑न्विरे अरु॒णं जेन्यं॒ वस्वेकं॑ पु॒त्रं ति॑सॄ॒णाम् ।

ते धामा॑न्य॒मृता॒ मर्त्या॑ना॒मद॑ब्धा अ॒भि च॑क्षते ॥ ८.१०१.०६

te hi̍nvire aru̱ṇaṃ jenya̱ṃ vasveka̍ṃ pu̱traṃ ti̍sṝ̱ṇām .

te dhāmā̍nya̱mṛtā̱ martyā̍nā̱mada̍bdhā a̱bhi ca̍kṣate .. 8.101.06

Sloka : 8.101.7

आ मे॒ वचां॒स्युद्य॑ता द्यु॒मत्त॑मानि॒ कर्त्वा॑ ।

उ॒भा या॑तं नासत्या स॒जोष॑सा॒ प्रति॑ ह॒व्यानि॑ वी॒तये॑ ॥ ८.१०१.०७

ā me̱ vacā̱ṃsyudya̍tā dyu̱matta̍māni̱ kartvā̍ .

u̱bhā yā̍taṃ nāsatyā sa̱joṣa̍sā̱ prati̍ ha̱vyāni̍ vī̱taye̍ .. 8.101.07

Sloka : 8.101.8

रा॒तिं यद्वा॑मर॒क्षसं॒ हवा॑महे यु॒वाभ्यां॑ वाजिनीवसू ।

प्राचीं॒ होत्रां॑ प्रति॒रन्ता॑वितं नरा गृणा॒ना ज॒मद॑ग्निना ॥ ८.१०१.०८

rā̱tiṃ yadvā̍mara̱kṣasa̱ṃ havā̍mahe yu̱vābhyā̍ṃ vājinīvasū .

prācī̱ṃ hotrā̍ṃ prati̱rantā̍vitaṃ narā gṛṇā̱nā ja̱mada̍gninā .. 8.101.08

Sloka : 8.101.9

आ नो॑ य॒ज्ञं दि॑वि॒स्पृशं॒ वायो॑ या॒हि सु॒मन्म॑भिः ।

अ॒न्तः प॒वित्र॑ उ॒परि॑ श्रीणा॒नो॒३॒॑ऽयं शु॒क्रो अ॑यामि ते ॥ ८.१०१.०९

ā no̍ ya̱jñaṃ di̍vi̱spṛśa̱ṃ vāyo̍ yā̱hi su̱manma̍bhiḥ .

a̱ntaḥ pa̱vitra̍ u̱pari̍ śrīṇā̱no̱3̱̎yaṃ śu̱kro a̍yāmi te .. 8.101.09

Sloka : 8.101.10

वेत्य॑ध्व॒र्युः प॒थिभी॒ रजि॑ष्ठैः॒ प्रति॑ ह॒व्यानि॑ वी॒तये॑ ।

अधा॑ नियुत्व उ॒भय॑स्य नः पिब॒ शुचिं॒ सोमं॒ गवा॑शिरम् ॥ ८.१०१.१०

vetya̍dhva̱ryuḥ pa̱thibhī̱ raji̍ṣṭhai̱ḥ prati̍ ha̱vyāni̍ vī̱taye̍ .

adhā̍ niyutva u̱bhaya̍sya naḥ piba̱ śuci̱ṃ soma̱ṃ gavā̍śiram .. 8.101.10

Sloka : 8.101.11

बण्म॒हाँ अ॑सि सूर्य॒ बळा॑दित्य म॒हाँ अ॑सि ।

म॒हस्ते॑ स॒तो म॑हि॒मा प॑नस्यते॒ऽद्धा दे॑व म॒हाँ अ॑सि ॥ ८.१०१.११

baṇma̱hām̐ a̍si sūrya̱ bal̤ā̍ditya ma̱hām̐ a̍si .

ma̱haste̍ sa̱to ma̍hi̱mā pa̍nasyate̱'ddhā de̍va ma̱hām̐ a̍si .. 8.101.11

Sloka : 8.101.12

बट् सू॑र्य॒ श्रव॑सा म॒हाँ अ॑सि स॒त्रा दे॑व म॒हाँ अ॑सि ।

म॒ह्ना दे॒वाना॑मसु॒र्यः॑ पु॒रोहि॑तो वि॒भु ज्योति॒रदा॑भ्यम् ॥ ८.१०१.१२

baṭ sū̍rya̱ śrava̍sā ma̱hām̐ a̍si sa̱trā de̍va ma̱hām̐ a̍si .

ma̱hnā de̱vānā̍masu̱rya̍ḥ pu̱rohi̍to vi̱bhu jyoti̱radā̍bhyam .. 8.101.12

Sloka : 8.101.13

इ॒यं या नीच्य॒र्किणी॑ रू॒पा रोहि॑ण्या कृ॒ता ।

चि॒त्रेव॒ प्रत्य॑दर्श्याय॒त्य१॒॑न्तर्द॒शसु॑ बा॒हुषु॑ ॥ ८.१०१.१३

i̱yaṃ yā nīcya̱rkiṇī̍ rū̱pā rohi̍ṇyā kṛ̱tā .

ci̱treva̱ pratya̍darśyāya̱tya1̱̍ntarda̱śasu̍ bā̱huṣu̍ .. 8.101.13

Sloka : 8.101.14

प्र॒जा ह॑ ति॒स्रो अ॒त्याय॑मीयु॒र्न्य१॒॑न्या अ॒र्कम॒भितो॑ विविश्रे ।

बृ॒हद्ध॑ तस्थौ॒ भुव॑नेष्व॒न्तः पव॑मानो ह॒रित॒ आ वि॑वेश ॥ ८.१०१.१४

pra̱jā ha̍ ti̱sro a̱tyāya̍mīyu̱rnya1̱̍nyā a̱rkama̱bhito̍ viviśre .

bṛ̱haddha̍ tasthau̱ bhuva̍neṣva̱ntaḥ pava̍māno ha̱rita̱ ā vi̍veśa .. 8.101.14

Sloka : 8.101.15

मा॒ता रु॒द्राणां॑ दुहि॒ता वसू॑नां॒ स्वसा॑दि॒त्याना॑म॒मृत॑स्य॒ नाभिः॑ ।

प्र नु वो॑चं चिकि॒तुषे॒ जना॑य॒ मा गामना॑गा॒मदि॑तिं वधिष्ट ॥ ८.१०१.१५

mā̱tā ru̱drāṇā̍ṃ duhi̱tā vasū̍nā̱ṃ svasā̍di̱tyānā̍ma̱mṛta̍sya̱ nābhi̍ḥ .

pra nu vo̍caṃ ciki̱tuṣe̱ janā̍ya̱ mā gāmanā̍gā̱madi̍tiṃ vadhiṣṭa .. 8.101.15

Sloka : 8.101.16

व॒चो॒विदं॒ वाच॑मुदी॒रय॑न्तीं॒ विश्वा॑भिर्धी॒भिरु॑प॒तिष्ठ॑मानाम् ।

दे॒वीं दे॒वेभ्यः॒ पर्ये॒युषीं॒ गामा मा॑वृक्त॒ मर्त्यो॑ द॒भ्रचे॑ताः ॥ ८.१०१.१६

va̱co̱vida̱ṃ vāca̍mudī̱raya̍ntī̱ṃ viśvā̍bhirdhī̱bhiru̍pa̱tiṣṭha̍mānām .

de̱vīṃ de̱vebhya̱ḥ parye̱yuṣī̱ṃ gāmā mā̍vṛkta̱ martyo̍ da̱bhrace̍tāḥ .. 8.101.16

Sloka : 8.102.1

त्वम॑ग्ने बृ॒हद्वयो॒ दधा॑सि देव दा॒शुषे॑ ।

क॒विर्गृ॒हप॑ति॒र्युवा॑ ॥ ८.१०२.०१

tvama̍gne bṛ̱hadvayo̱ dadhā̍si deva dā̱śuṣe̍ .

ka̱virgṛ̱hapa̍ti̱ryuvā̍ .. 8.102.01

1. HE whom the priests in sundry ways arranging the sacrifice, of one accord, bring hither,
Who was appointed as a learned Brahman, -what is the sacrificer's knowledge of him?

Sloka : 8.102.2

स न॒ ईळा॑नया स॒ह दे॒वाँ अ॑ग्ने दुव॒स्युवा॑ ।

चि॒किद्वि॑भान॒वा व॑ह ॥ ८.१०२.०२

sa na̱ īl̤ā̍nayā sa̱ha de̱vām̐ a̍gne duva̱syuvā̍ .

ci̱kidvi̍bhāna̱vā va̍ha .. 8.102.02

2 Kindled in many a spot, still One is Agni; Silrya is One though high o’er all he shineth.
Illumining this All, still One is usas. That which is One hath into All developed.

Sloka : 8.102.3

त्वया॑ ह स्विद्यु॒जा व॒यं चोदि॑ष्ठेन यविष्ठ्य ।

अ॒भि ष्मो॒ वाज॑सातये ॥ ८.१०२.०३

tvayā̍ ha svidyu̱jā va̱yaṃ codi̍ṣṭhena yaviṣṭhya .

a̱bhi ṣmo̱ vāja̍sātaye .. 8.102.03

3 The chariot bright and radiant, treasure-laden, three-wheeled, with easy seat, and lightly rolling,
Which She of Wondrous Wealth was born to harness,—this car of yours I call. Drink what remaineth.

Sloka : 8.102.4

औ॒र्व॒भृ॒गु॒वच्छुचि॑मप्नवान॒वदा हु॑वे ।

अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससम् ॥ ८.१०२.०४

au̱rva̱bhṛ̱gu̱vacchuci̍mapnavāna̱vadā hu̍ve .

a̱gniṃ sa̍mu̱dravā̍sasam .. 8.102.04

Sloka : 8.102.5

हु॒वे वात॑स्वनं क॒विं प॒र्जन्य॑क्रन्द्यं॒ सहः॑ ।

अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससम् ॥ ८.१०२.०५

hu̱ve vāta̍svanaṃ ka̱viṃ pa̱rjanya̍krandya̱ṃ saha̍ḥ .

a̱gniṃ sa̍mu̱dravā̍sasam .. 8.102.05

Sloka : 8.102.6

आ स॒वं स॑वि॒तुर्य॑था॒ भग॑स्येव भु॒जिं हु॑वे ।

अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससम् ॥ ८.१०२.०६

ā sa̱vaṃ sa̍vi̱turya̍thā̱ bhaga̍syeva bhu̱jiṃ hu̍ve .

a̱gniṃ sa̍mu̱dravā̍sasam .. 8.102.06

Sloka : 8.102.7

अ॒ग्निं वो॑ वृ॒धन्त॑मध्व॒राणां॑ पुरू॒तम॑म् ।

अच्छा॒ नप्त्रे॒ सह॑स्वते ॥ ८.१०२.०७

a̱gniṃ vo̍ vṛ̱dhanta̍madhva̱rāṇā̍ṃ purū̱tama̍m .

acchā̱ naptre̱ saha̍svate .. 8.102.07

Sloka : 8.102.8

अ॒यं यथा॑ न आ॒भुव॒त्त्वष्टा॑ रू॒पेव॒ तक्ष्या॑ ।

अ॒स्य क्रत्वा॒ यश॑स्वतः ॥ ८.१०२.०८

a̱yaṃ yathā̍ na ā̱bhuva̱ttvaṣṭā̍ rū̱peva̱ takṣyā̍ .

a̱sya kratvā̱ yaśa̍svataḥ .. 8.102.08

Sloka : 8.102.9

अ॒यं विश्वा॑ अ॒भि श्रियो॒ऽग्निर्दे॒वेषु॑ पत्यते ।

आ वाजै॒रुप॑ नो गमत् ॥ ८.१०२.०९

a̱yaṃ viśvā̍ a̱bhi śriyo̱'gnirde̱veṣu̍ patyate .

ā vājai̱rupa̍ no gamat .. 8.102.09

Sloka : 8.102.10

विश्वे॑षामि॒ह स्तु॑हि॒ होतॄ॑णां य॒शस्त॑मम् ।

अ॒ग्निं य॒ज्ञेषु॑ पू॒र्व्यम् ॥ ८.१०२.१०

viśve̍ṣāmi̱ha stu̍hi̱ hotṝ̍ṇāṃ ya̱śasta̍mam .

a̱gniṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ pū̱rvyam .. 8.102.10

Sloka : 8.102.11

शी॒रं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं॒ ज्येष्ठो॒ यो दमे॒ष्वा ।

दी॒दाय॑ दीर्घ॒श्रुत्त॑मः ॥ ८.१०२.११

śī̱raṃ pā̍va̱kaśo̍ciṣa̱ṃ jyeṣṭho̱ yo dame̱ṣvā .

dī̱dāya̍ dīrgha̱śrutta̍maḥ .. 8.102.11

Sloka : 8.102.12

तमर्व॑न्तं॒ न सा॑न॒सिं गृ॑णी॒हि वि॑प्र शु॒ष्मिण॑म् ।

मि॒त्रं न या॑त॒यज्ज॑नम् ॥ ८.१०२.१२

tamarva̍nta̱ṃ na sā̍na̱siṃ gṛ̍ṇī̱hi vi̍pra śu̱ṣmiṇa̍m .

mi̱traṃ na yā̍ta̱yajja̍nam .. 8.102.12

Sloka : 8.102.13

उप॑ त्वा जा॒मयो॒ गिरो॒ देदि॑शतीर्हवि॒ष्कृतः॑ ।

वा॒योरनी॑के अस्थिरन् ॥ ८.१०२.१३

upa̍ tvā jā̱mayo̱ giro̱ dedi̍śatīrhavi̱ṣkṛta̍ḥ .

vā̱yoranī̍ke asthiran .. 8.102.13

Sloka : 8.102.14

यस्य॑ त्रि॒धात्ववृ॑तं ब॒र्हिस्त॒स्थावसं॑दिनम् ।

आप॑श्चि॒न्नि द॑धा प॒दम् ॥ ८.१०२.१४

yasya̍ tri̱dhātvavṛ̍taṃ ba̱rhista̱sthāvasa̍ṃdinam .

āpa̍ści̱nni da̍dhā pa̱dam .. 8.102.14

Sloka : 8.102.15

प॒दं दे॒वस्य॑ मी॒ळ्हुषोऽना॑धृष्टाभिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।

भ॒द्रा सूर्य॑ इवोप॒दृक् ॥ ८.१०२.१५

pa̱daṃ de̱vasya̍ mī̱l̤huṣo'nā̍dhṛṣṭābhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .

bha̱drā sūrya̍ ivopa̱dṛk .. 8.102.15

Sloka : 8.102.16

अग्ने॑ घृ॒तस्य॑ धी॒तिभि॑स्तेपा॒नो दे॑व शो॒चिषा॑ ।

आ दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ यक्षि॑ च ॥ ८.१०२.१६

agne̍ ghṛ̱tasya̍ dhī̱tibhi̍stepā̱no de̍va śo̱ciṣā̍ .

ā de̱vānva̍kṣi̱ yakṣi̍ ca .. 8.102.16

Sloka : 8.102.17

तं त्वा॑जनन्त मा॒तरः॑ क॒विं दे॒वासो॑ अङ्गिरः ।

ह॒व्य॒वाह॒मम॑र्त्यम् ॥ ८.१०२.१७

taṃ tvā̍jananta mā̱tara̍ḥ ka̱viṃ de̱vāso̍ aṅgiraḥ .

ha̱vya̱vāha̱mama̍rtyam .. 8.102.17

Sloka : 8.102.18

प्रचे॑तसं त्वा क॒वेऽग्ने॑ दू॒तं वरे॑ण्यम् ।

ह॒व्य॒वाहं॒ नि षे॑दिरे ॥ ८.१०२.१८

prace̍tasaṃ tvā ka̱ve'gne̍ dū̱taṃ vare̍ṇyam .

ha̱vya̱vāha̱ṃ ni ṣe̍dire .. 8.102.18

Sloka : 8.102.19

न॒हि मे॒ अस्त्यघ्न्या॒ न स्वधि॑ति॒र्वन॑न्वति ।

अथै॑ता॒दृग्भ॑रामि ते ॥ ८.१०२.१९

na̱hi me̱ astyaghnyā̱ na svadhi̍ti̱rvana̍nvati .

athai̍tā̱dṛgbha̍rāmi te .. 8.102.19

Sloka : 8.102.20

यद॑ग्ने॒ कानि॒ कानि॑ चि॒दा ते॒ दारू॑णि द॒ध्मसि॑ ।

ता जु॑षस्व यविष्ठ्य ॥ ८.१०२.२०

yada̍gne̱ kāni̱ kāni̍ ci̱dā te̱ dārū̍ṇi da̱dhmasi̍ .

tā ju̍ṣasva yaviṣṭhya .. 8.102.20

Sloka : 8.102.21

यदत्त्यु॑प॒जिह्वि॑का॒ यद्व॒म्रो अ॑ति॒सर्प॑ति ।

सर्वं॒ तद॑स्तु ते घृ॒तम् ॥ ८.१०२.२१

yadattyu̍pa̱jihvi̍kā̱ yadva̱mro a̍ti̱sarpa̍ti .

sarva̱ṃ tada̍stu te ghṛ̱tam .. 8.102.21

Sloka : 8.102.22

अ॒ग्निमिन्धा॑नो॒ मन॑सा॒ धियं॑ सचेत॒ मर्त्यः॑ ।

अ॒ग्निमी॑धे वि॒वस्व॑भिः ॥ ८.१०२.२२

a̱gnimindhā̍no̱ mana̍sā̱ dhiya̍ṃ saceta̱ martya̍ḥ .

a̱gnimī̍dhe vi̱vasva̍bhiḥ .. 8.102.22

Sloka : 8.103.1

अद॑र्शि गातु॒वित्त॑मो॒ यस्मि॑न्व्र॒तान्या॑द॒धुः ।

उपो॒ षु जा॒तमार्य॑स्य॒ वर्ध॑नम॒ग्निं न॑क्षन्त नो॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ८.१०३.०१

ada̍rśi gātu̱vitta̍mo̱ yasmi̍nvra̱tānyā̍da̱dhuḥ .

upo̱ ṣu jā̱tamārya̍sya̱ vardha̍nama̱gniṃ na̍kṣanta no̱ gira̍ḥ .. 8.103.01

1. IN offerings poured to you, O Indra-Varuṇa, these shares of yours stream forth to glorify your state.
Ye haste to the libations at each sacrifice when ye assist the worshipper who sheds the juice.

Sloka : 8.103.2

प्र दैवो॑दासो अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वाँ अच्छा॒ न म॒ज्मना॑ ।

अनु॑ मा॒तरं॑ पृथि॒वीं वि वा॑वृते त॒स्थौ नाक॑स्य॒ सान॑वि ॥ ८.१०३.०२

pra daivo̍dāso a̱gnirde̱vām̐ acchā̱ na ma̱jmanā̍ .

anu̍ mā̱tara̍ṃ pṛthi̱vīṃ vi vā̍vṛte ta̱sthau nāka̍sya̱ sāna̍vi .. 8.103.02

2 The waters and the plants, O Indra-Varuṇa, had efficacious vigour, and attained to might:-
Ye who have gone beyond the path of middle air,—no godless man is worthy to be called your foe.

Sloka : 8.103.3

यस्मा॒द्रेज॑न्त कृ॒ष्टय॑श्च॒र्कृत्या॑नि कृण्व॒तः ।

स॒ह॒स्र॒सां मे॒धसा॑ताविव॒ त्मना॒ग्निं धी॒भिः स॑पर्यत ॥ ८.१०३.०३

yasmā̱dreja̍nta kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍śca̱rkṛtyā̍ni kṛṇva̱taḥ .

sa̱ha̱sra̱sāṃ me̱dhasā̍tāviva̱ tmanā̱gniṃ dhī̱bhiḥ sa̍paryata .. 8.103.03

3 True is your Krsa's word, Indra and Varuṇa:- The seven holy voices pour a wave of meath.
For their sake, Lords of splendour! aid the pious man who, unbewildered, keeps you ever in his thoughts.

Sloka : 8.103.4

प्र यं रा॒ये निनी॑षसि॒ मर्तो॒ यस्ते॑ वसो॒ दाश॑त् ।

स वी॒रं ध॑त्ते अग्न उक्थशं॒सिनं॒ त्मना॑ सहस्रपो॒षिण॑म् ॥ ८.१०३.०४

pra yaṃ rā̱ye ninī̍ṣasi̱ marto̱ yaste̍ vaso̱ dāśa̍t .

sa vī̱raṃ dha̍tte agna ukthaśa̱ṃsina̱ṃ tmanā̍ sahasrapo̱ṣiṇa̍m .. 8.103.04

4 Dropping oil, sweet with Soma, pouring forth their stream, are the Seven Sisters in the seat of sacrifice.
These, dropping oil, are yours, O Indra-Varuṇa:- with these enrich with gifts and help the worshipper.

Sloka : 8.103.5

स दृ॒ळ्हे चि॑द॒भि तृ॑णत्ति॒ वाज॒मर्व॑ता॒ स ध॑त्ते॒ अक्षि॑ति॒ श्रवः॑ ।

त्वे दे॑व॒त्रा सदा॑ पुरूवसो॒ विश्वा॑ वा॒मानि॑ धीमहि ॥ ८.१०३.०५

sa dṛ̱l̤he ci̍da̱bhi tṛ̍ṇatti̱ vāja̱marva̍tā̱ sa dha̍tte̱ akṣi̍ti̱ śrava̍ḥ .

tve de̍va̱trā sadā̍ purūvaso̱ viśvā̍ vā̱māni̍ dhīmahi .. 8.103.05

5 To our great happiness have we ascribed to these Two Bright Ones truthfulness, great strength, and majesty.
O Lords of splendour, aid us through the Three-times-Seven, as we pour holy oil, O Indra-Varuṇa.

Sloka : 8.103.6

यो विश्वा॒ दय॑ते॒ वसु॒ होता॑ म॒न्द्रो जना॑नाम् ।

मधो॒र्न पात्रा॑ प्रथ॒मान्य॑स्मै॒ प्र स्तोमा॑ यन्त्य॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ८.१०३.०६

yo viśvā̱ daya̍te̱ vasu̱ hotā̍ ma̱ndro janā̍nām .

madho̱rna pātrā̍ pratha̱mānya̍smai̱ pra stomā̍ yantya̱gnaye̍ .. 8.103.06

6 What ye in time of old Indra and Varuṇa, gave Ṛṣis revelation, thought, and power of song,
And places which the wise made, weaving sacrifice,—these through my spirit's fervid glow have I beheld.,

Sloka : 8.103.7

अश्वं॒ न गी॒र्भी र॒थ्यं॑ सु॒दान॑वो मर्मृ॒ज्यन्ते॑ देव॒यवः॑ ।

उ॒भे तो॒के तन॑ये दस्म विश्पते॒ पर्षि॒ राधो॑ म॒घोना॑म् ॥ ८.१०३.०७

aśva̱ṃ na gī̱rbhī ra̱thya̍ṃ su̱dāna̍vo marmṛ̱jyante̍ deva̱yava̍ḥ .

u̱bhe to̱ke tana̍ye dasma viśpate̱ parṣi̱ rādho̍ ma̱ghonā̍m .. 8.103.07

7 O Indra-Varuṇa, grant to the worshippers cheerfulness void of pride, and wealth to nourish them.

Sloka : 8.103.8

प्र मंहि॑ष्ठाय गायत ऋ॒ताव्ने॑ बृह॒ते शु॒क्रशो॑चिषे ।

उप॑स्तुतासो अ॒ग्नये॑ ॥ ८.१०३.०८

pra maṃhi̍ṣṭhāya gāyata ṛ̱tāvne̍ bṛha̱te śu̱kraśo̍ciṣe .

upa̍stutāso a̱gnaye̍ .. 8.103.08

Sloka : 8.103.9

आ वं॑सते म॒घवा॑ वी॒रव॒द्यशः॒ समि॑द्धो द्यु॒म्न्याहु॑तः ।

कु॒विन्नो॑ अस्य सुम॒तिर्नवी॑य॒स्यच्छा॒ वाजे॑भिरा॒गम॑त् ॥ ८.१०३.०९

ā va̍ṃsate ma̱ghavā̍ vī̱rava̱dyaśa̱ḥ sami̍ddho dyu̱mnyāhu̍taḥ .

ku̱vinno̍ asya suma̱tirnavī̍ya̱syacchā̱ vāje̍bhirā̱gama̍t .. 8.103.09

Sloka : 8.103.10

प्रेष्ठ॑मु प्रि॒याणां॑ स्तु॒ह्या॑सा॒वाति॑थिम् ।

अ॒ग्निं रथा॑नां॒ यम॑म् ॥ ८.१०३.१०

preṣṭha̍mu pri̱yāṇā̍ṃ stu̱hyā̍sā̱vāti̍thim .

a̱gniṃ rathā̍nā̱ṃ yama̍m .. 8.103.10

Sloka : 8.103.11

उदि॑ता॒ यो निदि॑ता॒ वेदि॑ता॒ वस्वा य॒ज्ञियो॑ व॒वर्त॑ति ।

दु॒ष्टरा॒ यस्य॑ प्रव॒णे नोर्मयो॑ धि॒या वाजं॒ सिषा॑सतः ॥ ८.१०३.११

udi̍tā̱ yo nidi̍tā̱ vedi̍tā̱ vasvā ya̱jñiyo̍ va̱varta̍ti .

du̱ṣṭarā̱ yasya̍ prava̱ṇe normayo̍ dhi̱yā vāja̱ṃ siṣā̍sataḥ .. 8.103.11

Sloka : 8.103.12

मा नो॑ हृणीता॒मति॑थि॒र्वसु॑र॒ग्निः पु॑रुप्रश॒स्त ए॒षः ।

यः सु॒होता॑ स्वध्व॒रः ॥ ८.१०३.१२

mā no̍ hṛṇītā̱mati̍thi̱rvasu̍ra̱gniḥ pu̍rupraśa̱sta e̱ṣaḥ .

yaḥ su̱hotā̍ svadhva̱raḥ .. 8.103.12

Sloka : 8.103.13

मो ते रि॑ष॒न्ये अच्छो॑क्तिभिर्व॒सोऽग्ने॒ केभि॑श्चि॒देवैः॑ ।

की॒रिश्चि॒द्धि त्वामीट्टे॑ दू॒त्या॑य रा॒तह॑व्यः स्वध्व॒रः ॥ ८.१०३.१३

mo te ri̍ṣa̱nye accho̍ktibhirva̱so'gne̱ kebhi̍ści̱devai̍ḥ .

kī̱riści̱ddhi tvāmīṭṭe̍ dū̱tyā̍ya rā̱taha̍vyaḥ svadhva̱raḥ .. 8.103.13

Sloka : 8.103.14

आग्ने॑ याहि म॒रुत्स॑खा रु॒द्रेभिः॒ सोम॑पीतये ।

सोभ॑र्या॒ उप॑ सुष्टु॒तिं मा॒दय॑स्व॒ स्व॑र्णरे ॥ ८.१०३.१४

āgne̍ yāhi ma̱rutsa̍khā ru̱drebhi̱ḥ soma̍pītaye .

sobha̍ryā̱ upa̍ suṣṭu̱tiṃ mā̱daya̍sva̱ sva̍rṇare .. 8.103.14

Shanti Mantra (END)

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||

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