RigVeda Mandala 09
Mandala 9 comprises 114 hymns, entirely devoted to Soma Pavamana, the cleansing of the sacred potion of the Vedic religion. This edition uses Rigveda's translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].
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Shanti Mantra
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||
Sloka : 9.1.1
ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं ९
स्वादि॑ष्ठया॒ मदि॑ष्ठया॒ पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ।
इन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे सु॒तः ॥ ९.००१.०१
ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 9
svādi̍ṣṭhayā̱ madi̍ṣṭhayā̱ pava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā .
indrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve su̱taḥ .. 9.001.01
1. In sweetest and most gladdening stream
flow pure, O Soma, on thy way,
Pressed out for Indra, for his drink.
Sloka : 9.1.2
र॒क्षो॒हा वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिर॒भि योनि॒मयो॑हतम् ।
द्रुणा॑ स॒धस्थ॒मास॑दत् ॥ ९.००१.०२
ra̱kṣo̱hā vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇira̱bhi yoni̱mayo̍hatam .
druṇā̍ sa̱dhastha̱māsa̍dat .. 9.001.02
2 Fiend-queller, Friend of all men, he hath with the wood attained unto
His place, his iron-fashioned home.
Sloka : 9.1.3
व॒रि॒वो॒धात॑मो भव॒ मंहि॑ष्ठो वृत्र॒हन्त॑मः ।
पर्षि॒ राधो॑ म॒घोना॑म् ॥ ९.००१.०३
va̱ri̱vo̱dhāta̍mo bhava̱ maṃhi̍ṣṭho vṛtra̱hanta̍maḥ .
parṣi̱ rādho̍ ma̱ghonā̍m .. 9.001.03
3 Be thou best Vṛtra-slayer, best granter of bliss, most liberal:-
Promote our wealthy princes' gifts.
Sloka : 9.1.4
अ॒भ्य॑र्ष म॒हानां॑ दे॒वानां॑ वी॒तिमन्ध॑सा ।
अ॒भि वाज॑मु॒त श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.००१.०४
a̱bhya̍rṣa ma̱hānā̍ṃ de̱vānā̍ṃ vī̱timandha̍sā .
a̱bhi vāja̍mu̱ta śrava̍ḥ .. 9.001.04
4 Flow onward with thy juice unto the banquet of the Mighty Gods:-
Flow hither for our strength and fame.
Sloka : 9.1.5
त्वामच्छा॑ चरामसि॒ तदिदर्थं॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे ।
इन्दो॒ त्वे न॑ आ॒शसः॑ ॥ ९.००१.०५
tvāmacchā̍ carāmasi̱ tadidartha̍ṃ di̱vedi̍ve .
indo̱ tve na̍ ā̱śasa̍ḥ .. 9.001.05
5 O Indu, we draw nigh to thee, with this one object day by day:-
To thee alone our prayers are said
Sloka : 9.1.6
पु॒नाति॑ ते परि॒स्रुतं॒ सोमं॒ सूर्य॑स्य दुहि॒ता ।
वारे॑ण॒ शश्व॑ता॒ तना॑ ॥ ९.००१.०६
pu̱nāti̍ te pari̱sruta̱ṃ soma̱ṃ sūrya̍sya duhi̱tā .
vāre̍ṇa̱ śaśva̍tā̱ tanā̍ .. 9.001.06
6 By means of this eternal fleece may Sūrya's Daughter purify
Thy Soma that is foaming forth.
Sloka : 9.1.7
तमी॒मण्वीः॑ सम॒र्य आ गृ॒भ्णन्ति॒ योष॑णो॒ दश॑ ।
स्वसा॑रः॒ पार्ये॑ दि॒वि ॥ ९.००१.०७
tamī̱maṇvī̍ḥ sama̱rya ā gṛ̱bhṇanti̱ yoṣa̍ṇo̱ daśa̍ .
svasā̍ra̱ḥ pārye̍ di̱vi .. 9.001.07
7 Ten sister maids of slender form seize him within the press and hold
Him firmly on the final day.
Sloka : 9.1.8
तमीं॑ हिन्वन्त्य॒ग्रुवो॒ धम॑न्ति बाकु॒रं दृति॑म् ।
त्रि॒धातु॑ वार॒णं मधु॑ ॥ ९.००१.०८
tamī̍ṃ hinvantya̱gruvo̱ dhama̍nti bāku̱raṃ dṛti̍m .
tri̱dhātu̍ vāra̱ṇaṃ madhu̍ .. 9.001.08
8 The virgins send him forth:- they blow the the skin musician-like and fuse
The triple foe-repelling meath.
Sloka : 9.1.9
अ॒भी॒३॒॑ममघ्न्या॑ उ॒त श्री॒णन्ति॑ धे॒नवः॒ शिशु॑म् ।
सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे ॥ ९.००१.०९
a̱bhī̱3̱̍mamaghnyā̍ u̱ta śrī̱ṇanti̍ dhe̱nava̱ḥ śiśu̍m .
soma̱mindrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve .. 9.001.09
9 Inviolable milch-kine round about him blend for Indra's drink,
The fresh young Soma with their milk.
Sloka : 9.1.10
अ॒स्येदिन्द्रो॒ मदे॒ष्वा विश्वा॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जिघ्नते ।
शूरो॑ म॒घा च॑ मंहते ॥ ९.००१.१०
a̱syedindro̱ made̱ṣvā viśvā̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jighnate .
śūro̍ ma̱ghā ca̍ maṃhate .. 9.001.10
10 In the wild raptures of this draught, Indra slays all the Vṛtras:- he,
The Hero, pours his wealth on us.
Sloka : 9.2.1
पव॑स्व देव॒वीरति॑ प॒वित्रं॑ सोम॒ रंह्या॑ ।
इन्द्र॑मिन्दो॒ वृषा वि॑श ॥ ९.००२.०१
pava̍sva deva̱vīrati̍ pa̱vitra̍ṃ soma̱ raṃhyā̍ .
indra̍mindo̱ vṛṣā vi̍śa .. 9.002.01
1. Soma, flow on, inviting Gods, speed to the purifying cloth:-
Pass into Indra, as a Bull.
Sloka : 9.2.2
आ व॑च्यस्व॒ महि॒ प्सरो॒ वृषे॑न्दो द्यु॒म्नव॑त्तमः ।
आ योनिं॑ धर्ण॒सिः स॑दः ॥ ९.००२.०२
ā va̍cyasva̱ mahi̱ psaro̱ vṛṣe̍ndo dyu̱mnava̍ttamaḥ .
ā yoni̍ṃ dharṇa̱siḥ sa̍daḥ .. 9.002.02
2 As mighty food speed hitherward, Indu, as a most splendid Steer:-
Sit in thy place as one with strength.
Sloka : 9.2.3
अधु॑क्षत प्रि॒यं मधु॒ धारा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ वे॒धसः॑ ।
अ॒पो व॑सिष्ट सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ९.००२.०३
adhu̍kṣata pri̱yaṃ madhu̱ dhārā̍ su̱tasya̍ ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
a̱po va̍siṣṭa su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 9.002.03
3 The well-loved meath was made to flow, the stream of the creative juice
ne Sage drew waters to himself.
Sloka : 9.2.4
म॒हान्तं॑ त्वा म॒हीरन्वापो॑ अर्षन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।
यद्गोभि॑र्वासयि॒ष्यसे॑ ॥ ९.००२.०४
ma̱hānta̍ṃ tvā ma̱hīranvāpo̍ arṣanti̱ sindha̍vaḥ .
yadgobhi̍rvāsayi̱ṣyase̍ .. 9.002.04
4 The mighty waters, yea, the floods accompany thee Mighty One,
When thou wilt clothe thee with the milk.
Sloka : 9.2.5
स॒मु॒द्रो अ॒प्सु मा॑मृजे विष्ट॒म्भो ध॒रुणो॑ दि॒वः ।
सोमः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अस्म॒युः ॥ ९.००२.०५
sa̱mu̱dro a̱psu mā̍mṛje viṣṭa̱mbho dha̱ruṇo̍ di̱vaḥ .
soma̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ asma̱yuḥ .. 9.002.05
5 The lake is brightened in the floods. Soma, our Friend, heaven's prop and stay,
Falls on the purifying cloth.
Sloka : 9.2.6
अचि॑क्रद॒द्वृषा॒ हरि॑र्म॒हान्मि॒त्रो न द॑र्श॒तः ।
सं सूर्ये॑ण रोचते ॥ ९.००२.०६
aci̍krada̱dvṛṣā̱ hari̍rma̱hānmi̱tro na da̍rśa̱taḥ .
saṃ sūrye̍ṇa rocate .. 9.002.06
6 The tawny Bull hath bellowed, fair as mighty Mitra to behold:-
He shines together with the Sun.
Sloka : 9.2.7
गिर॑स्त इन्द॒ ओज॑सा मर्मृ॒ज्यन्ते॑ अप॒स्युवः॑ ।
याभि॒र्मदा॑य॒ शुम्भ॑से ॥ ९.००२.०७
gira̍sta inda̱ oja̍sā marmṛ̱jyante̍ apa̱syuva̍ḥ .
yābhi̱rmadā̍ya̱ śumbha̍se .. 9.002.07
7 Songs, Indu, active in their might are beautified for thee, wherewith
Thou deckest thee for our delight.
Sloka : 9.2.8
तं त्वा॒ मदा॑य॒ घृष्व॑य उ लोककृ॒त्नुमी॑महे ।
तव॒ प्रश॑स्तयो म॒हीः ॥ ९.००२.०८
taṃ tvā̱ madā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍ya u lokakṛ̱tnumī̍mahe .
tava̱ praśa̍stayo ma̱hīḥ .. 9.002.08
8 To thee who givest ample room we pray, to win the joyous draught:-
Great are the praise& due to thee.
Sloka : 9.2.9
अ॒स्मभ्य॑मिन्दविन्द्र॒युर्मध्वः॑ पवस्व॒ धार॑या ।
प॒र्जन्यो॑ वृष्टि॒माँ इ॑व ॥ ९.००२.०९
a̱smabhya̍mindavindra̱yurmadhva̍ḥ pavasva̱ dhāra̍yā .
pa̱rjanyo̍ vṛṣṭi̱mām̐ i̍va .. 9.002.09
9 Indu as, Indra's Friend, on us pour with a stream of sweetness, like
Parjanya sender of the rain.
Sloka : 9.2.10
गो॒षा इ॑न्दो नृ॒षा अ॑स्यश्व॒सा वा॑ज॒सा उ॒त ।
आ॒त्मा य॒ज्ञस्य॑ पू॒र्व्यः ॥ ९.००२.१०
go̱ṣā i̍ndo nṛ̱ṣā a̍syaśva̱sā vā̍ja̱sā u̱ta .
ā̱tmā ya̱jñasya̍ pū̱rvyaḥ .. 9.002.10
10 Winner of kine, Indu, art thou, winner of heroes, steeds, and strength
Primeval Soul of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.3.1
ए॒ष दे॒वो अम॑र्त्यः पर्ण॒वीरि॑व दीयति ।
अ॒भि द्रोणा॑न्या॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.००३.०१
e̱ṣa de̱vo ama̍rtyaḥ parṇa̱vīri̍va dīyati .
a̱bhi droṇā̍nyā̱sada̍m .. 9.003.01
1. HERE present this Immortal God flies, like a bird upon her wings,
To settle in the vats of wood.
Sloka : 9.3.2
ए॒ष दे॒वो वि॒पा कृ॒तोऽति॒ ह्वरां॑सि धावति ।
पव॑मानो॒ अदा॑भ्यः ॥ ९.००३.०२
e̱ṣa de̱vo vi̱pā kṛ̱to'ti̱ hvarā̍ṃsi dhāvati .
pava̍māno̱ adā̍bhyaḥ .. 9.003.02
2 This God, made ready with the hymn, runs swiftly through the winding ways,
Inviolable as he flows.
Sloka : 9.3.3
ए॒ष दे॒वो वि॑प॒न्युभिः॒ पव॑मान ऋता॒युभिः॑ ।
हरि॒र्वाजा॑य मृज्यते ॥ ९.००३.०३
e̱ṣa de̱vo vi̍pa̱nyubhi̱ḥ pava̍māna ṛtā̱yubhi̍ḥ .
hari̱rvājā̍ya mṛjyate .. 9.003.03
3 This God while flowing is adorned, like a bay steed for war, by men
Devout and skilled in holy songs.
Sloka : 9.3.4
ए॒ष विश्वा॑नि॒ वार्या॒ शूरो॒ यन्नि॑व॒ सत्व॑भिः ।
पव॑मानः सिषासति ॥ ९.००३.०४
e̱ṣa viśvā̍ni̱ vāryā̱ śūro̱ yanni̍va̱ satva̍bhiḥ .
pava̍mānaḥ siṣāsati .. 9.003.04
4 He, like a warrior going forth with heroes, as he flows along
Is fain to win all precious boons.
Sloka : 9.3.5
ए॒ष दे॒वो र॑थर्यति॒ पव॑मानो दशस्यति ।
आ॒विष्कृ॑णोति वग्व॒नुम् ॥ ९.००३.०५
e̱ṣa de̱vo ra̍tharyati̱ pava̍māno daśasyati .
ā̱viṣkṛ̍ṇoti vagva̱num .. 9.003.05
5 This God, as he is flowing on, speeds like a car and gives his gifts:-
He lets his voice be heard of all
Sloka : 9.3.6
ए॒ष विप्रै॑र॒भिष्टु॑तो॒ऽपो दे॒वो वि गा॑हते ।
दध॒द्रत्ना॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ९.००३.०६
e̱ṣa viprai̍ra̱bhiṣṭu̍to̱'po de̱vo vi gā̍hate .
dadha̱dratnā̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 9.003.06
6 Praised by the sacred bards, this God dives into waters, and bestows
Rich gifts upon the worshipper.
Sloka : 9.3.7
ए॒ष दिवं॒ वि धा॑वति ति॒रो रजां॑सि॒ धार॑या ।
पव॑मानः॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.००३.०७
e̱ṣa diva̱ṃ vi dhā̍vati ti̱ro rajā̍ṃsi̱ dhāra̍yā .
pava̍māna̱ḥ kani̍kradat .. 9.003.07
7 Away he rushes with his stream, across the regions, into heaven,
And roars as he is flowing on.
Sloka : 9.3.8
ए॒ष दिवं॒ व्यास॑रत्ति॒रो रजां॒स्यस्पृ॑तः ।
पव॑मानः स्वध्व॒रः ॥ ९.००३.०८
e̱ṣa diva̱ṃ vyāsa̍ratti̱ro rajā̱ṃsyaspṛ̍taḥ .
pava̍mānaḥ svadhva̱raḥ .. 9.003.08
8 While flowing, meet for sacrifice, he hath gone up to heaven across
The regions, irresistible.
Sloka : 9.3.9
ए॒ष प्र॒त्नेन॒ जन्म॑ना दे॒वो दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सु॒तः ।
हरिः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अर्षति ॥ ९.००३.०९
e̱ṣa pra̱tnena̱ janma̍nā de̱vo de̱vebhya̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
hari̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ arṣati .. 9.003.09
9 After the 'way of ancient time, this God, pressed out for Deities,
Flows tawny to the straining-cloth.
Sloka : 9.3.10
ए॒ष उ॒ स्य पु॑रुव्र॒तो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो ज॒नय॒न्निषः॑ ।
धार॑या पवते सु॒तः ॥ ९.००३.१०
e̱ṣa u̱ sya pu̍ruvra̱to ja̍jñā̱no ja̱naya̱nniṣa̍ḥ .
dhāra̍yā pavate su̱taḥ .. 9.003.10
10 This Lord of many Holy Laws, even at his birth engendering strength,
Effused, flows onward in a stream.
Sloka : 9.4.1
सना॑ च सोम॒ जेषि॑ च॒ पव॑मान॒ महि॒ श्रवः॑ ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०१
sanā̍ ca soma̱ jeṣi̍ ca̱ pava̍māna̱ mahi̱ śrava̍ḥ .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.01
1. O Soma flowing on thy way, win thou and conquer high renown;
And make us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.2
सना॒ ज्योतिः॒ सना॒ स्व१॒॑र्विश्वा॑ च सोम॒ सौभ॑गा ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०२
sanā̱ jyoti̱ḥ sanā̱ sva1̱̍rviśvā̍ ca soma̱ saubha̍gā .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.02
2 Win thou the light, win heavenly light, and, Soma, all felicities;
And make us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.3
सना॒ दक्ष॑मु॒त क्रतु॒मप॑ सोम॒ मृधो॑ जहि ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०३
sanā̱ dakṣa̍mu̱ta kratu̱mapa̍ soma̱ mṛdho̍ jahi .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.03
3 Win skilful strength and mental power. O Soma, drive away our foes;
And make us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.4
पवी॑तारः पुनी॒तन॒ सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०४
pavī̍tāraḥ punī̱tana̱ soma̱mindrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.04
4 Ye purifiers, purify Soma for Indra, for his drink:-
Make thou us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.5
त्वं सूर्ये॑ न॒ आ भ॑ज॒ तव॒ क्रत्वा॒ तवो॒तिभिः॑ ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०५
tvaṃ sūrye̍ na̱ ā bha̍ja̱ tava̱ kratvā̱ tavo̱tibhi̍ḥ .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.05
5 Give us our portion in the Sun through thine own mental power and aids;
And make us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.6
तव॒ क्रत्वा॒ तवो॒तिभि॒र्ज्योक्प॑श्येम॒ सूर्य॑म् ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०६
tava̱ kratvā̱ tavo̱tibhi̱rjyokpa̍śyema̱ sūrya̍m .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.06
6 Through thine own mental power and aid long may we look upon the Sun;
Make thou us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.7
अ॒भ्य॑र्ष स्वायुध॒ सोम॑ द्वि॒बर्ह॑सं र॒यिम् ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०७
a̱bhya̍rṣa svāyudha̱ soma̍ dvi̱barha̍saṃ ra̱yim .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.07
7 Well-weaponed Soma, pour to usa stream of riches doubly great;
And make us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.8
अ॒भ्य१॒॑र्षान॑पच्युतो र॒यिं स॒मत्सु॑ सास॒हिः ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०८
a̱bhya1̱̍rṣāna̍pacyuto ra̱yiṃ sa̱matsu̍ sāsa̱hiḥ .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.08
8 As one victorious unsubdued in battle pour forth wealth to us;
And make us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.9
त्वां य॒ज्ञैर॑वीवृध॒न्पव॑मान॒ विध॑र्मणि ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.०९
tvāṃ ya̱jñaira̍vīvṛdha̱npava̍māna̱ vidha̍rmaṇi .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.09
9 By worship, Pavamana! men have strengthened thee to prop the Law:-
Make thou us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.4.10
र॒यिं न॑श्चि॒त्रम॒श्विन॒मिन्दो॑ वि॒श्वायु॒मा भ॑र ।
अथा॑ नो॒ वस्य॑सस्कृधि ॥ ९.००४.१०
ra̱yiṃ na̍ści̱trama̱śvina̱mindo̍ vi̱śvāyu̱mā bha̍ra .
athā̍ no̱ vasya̍saskṛdhi .. 9.004.10
10 O Indu, bring us wealth in steeds, manifold. quickening all life;
And mate us better than we are.
Sloka : 9.5.1
समि॑द्धो वि॒श्वत॒स्पतिः॒ पव॑मानो॒ वि रा॑जति ।
प्री॒णन्वृषा॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.००५.०१
sami̍ddho vi̱śvata̱spati̱ḥ pava̍māno̱ vi rā̍jati .
prī̱ṇanvṛṣā̱ kani̍kradat .. 9.005.01
1. ENKINDLED, Pavamana, Lord, sends forth his light on, every side
In friendly show, the bellowing Bull.
Sloka : 9.5.2
तनू॒नपा॒त्पव॑मानः॒ शृङ्गे॒ शिशा॑नो अर्षति ।
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षेण॒ रार॑जत् ॥ ९.००५.०२
tanū̱napā̱tpava̍māna̱ḥ śṛṅge̱ śiśā̍no arṣati .
a̱ntari̍kṣeṇa̱ rāra̍jat .. 9.005.02
2 He, Pavamana, Self-produced, speeds onward sharpening his horns:-
He glitters through the firmament.
Sloka : 9.5.3
ई॒ळेन्यः॒ पव॑मानो र॒यिर्वि रा॑जति द्यु॒मान् ।
मधो॒र्धारा॑भि॒रोज॑सा ॥ ९.००५.०३
ī̱l̤enya̱ḥ pava̍māno ra̱yirvi rā̍jati dyu̱mān .
madho̱rdhārā̍bhi̱roja̍sā .. 9.005.03
3 Brilliant like wealth, adorable, with splendour Pavamana shines,
Mightily with the streams of meath.
Sloka : 9.5.4
ब॒र्हिः प्रा॒चीन॒मोज॑सा॒ पव॑मानः स्तृ॒णन्हरिः॑ ।
दे॒वेषु॑ दे॒व ई॑यते ॥ ९.००५.०४
ba̱rhiḥ prā̱cīna̱moja̍sā̱ pava̍mānaḥ stṛ̱ṇanhari̍ḥ .
de̱veṣu̍ de̱va ī̍yate .. 9.005.04
4 The tawny Pavamana, who strews from of old the grass with might,
Is worshipped, God amid the Gods.
Sloka : 9.5.5
उदातै॑र्जिहते बृ॒हद्द्वारो॑ दे॒वीर्हि॑र॒ण्ययीः॑ ।
पव॑मानेन॒ सुष्टु॑ताः ॥ ९.००५.०५
udātai̍rjihate bṛ̱haddvāro̍ de̱vīrhi̍ra̱ṇyayī̍ḥ .
pava̍mānena̱ suṣṭu̍tāḥ .. 9.005.05
5 The golden, the Celestial Doors are lifted with their frames on high,
By Pavamana glorified.
Sloka : 9.5.6
सु॒शि॒ल्पे बृ॑ह॒ती म॒ही पव॑मानो वृषण्यति ।
नक्तो॒षासा॒ न द॑र्श॒ते ॥ ९.००५.०६
su̱śi̱lpe bṛ̍ha̱tī ma̱hī pava̍māno vṛṣaṇyati .
nakto̱ṣāsā̱ na da̍rśa̱te .. 9.005.06
6 With passion Pavamana longs for the great lofty pair, well-formed
Like beauteous maidens, Night and Dawn
Sloka : 9.5.7
उ॒भा दे॒वा नृ॒चक्ष॑सा॒ होता॑रा॒ दैव्या॑ हुवे ।
पव॑मान॒ इन्द्रो॒ वृषा॑ ॥ ९.००५.०७
u̱bhā de̱vā nṛ̱cakṣa̍sā̱ hotā̍rā̱ daivyā̍ huve .
pava̍māna̱ indro̱ vṛṣā̍ .. 9.005.07
7 Both Gods who look on men I call, Celestial Heralds:- Indra's Self
Is Pavamana, yea, the Bull.
Sloka : 9.5.8
भार॑ती॒ पव॑मानस्य॒ सर॑स्व॒तीळा॑ म॒ही ।
इ॒मं नो॑ य॒ज्ञमा ग॑मन्ति॒स्रो दे॒वीः सु॒पेश॑सः ॥ ९.००५.०८
bhāra̍tī̱ pava̍mānasya̱ sara̍sva̱tīl̤ā̍ ma̱hī .
i̱maṃ no̍ ya̱jñamā ga̍manti̱sro de̱vīḥ su̱peśa̍saḥ .. 9.005.08
8 This, Pavamana's sacrifice, shall the three beauteous Goddesses,
Sarasvatī and Bhāratī and Iḷā, Mighty One, attend.
Sloka : 9.5.9
त्वष्टा॑रमग्र॒जां गो॒पां पु॑रो॒यावा॑न॒मा हु॑वे ।
इन्दु॒रिन्द्रो॒ वृषा॒ हरिः॒ पव॑मानः प्र॒जाप॑तिः ॥ ९.००५.०९
tvaṣṭā̍ramagra̱jāṃ go̱pāṃ pu̍ro̱yāvā̍na̱mā hu̍ve .
indu̱rindro̱ vṛṣā̱ hari̱ḥ pava̍mānaḥ pra̱jāpa̍tiḥ .. 9.005.09
9 1 summon Tvaṣṭar hither, our protector, champion, earliest-born,
Indu is Indra, tawny Steer; Pavamana is Prajāpati.
Sloka : 9.5.10
वन॒स्पतिं॑ पवमान॒ मध्वा॒ सम॑ङ्ग्धि॒ धार॑या ।
स॒हस्र॑वल्शं॒ हरि॑तं॒ भ्राज॑मानं हिर॒ण्यय॑म् ॥ ९.००५.१०
vana̱spati̍ṃ pavamāna̱ madhvā̱ sama̍ṅgdhi̱ dhāra̍yā .
sa̱hasra̍valśa̱ṃ hari̍ta̱ṃ bhrāja̍mānaṃ hira̱ṇyaya̍m .. 9.005.10
10 O Pavamana, with the meath in streams anoint Vanaspati,
The ever-green. the golden-hued, refulgent, with a thousand boughs.
Sloka : 9.5.11
विश्वे॑ देवाः॒ स्वाहा॑कृतिं॒ पव॑मान॒स्या ग॑त ।
वा॒युर्बृह॒स्पतिः॒ सूर्यो॒ऽग्निरिन्द्रः॑ स॒जोष॑सः ॥ ९.००५.११
viśve̍ devā̱ḥ svāhā̍kṛti̱ṃ pava̍māna̱syā ga̍ta .
vā̱yurbṛha̱spati̱ḥ sūryo̱'gnirindra̍ḥ sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .. 9.005.11
11 Come to the consecrating rite of Pavamana, all ye Gods,
Vāyu, Sūrya, Bṛhaspati, Indra, and Agni, in accord.
Sloka : 9.6.1
म॒न्द्रया॑ सोम॒ धार॑या॒ वृषा॑ पवस्व देव॒युः ।
अव्यो॒ वारे॑ष्वस्म॒युः ॥ ९.००६.०१
ma̱ndrayā̍ soma̱ dhāra̍yā̱ vṛṣā̍ pavasva deva̱yuḥ .
avyo̱ vāre̍ṣvasma̱yuḥ .. 9.006.01
1. SOMA, flow on with pleasant stream, a Bull devoted to the Gods,
Our Friend, unto the woollen sieve.
Sloka : 9.6.2
अ॒भि त्यं मद्यं॒ मद॒मिन्द॒विन्द्र॒ इति॑ क्षर ।
अ॒भि वा॒जिनो॒ अर्व॑तः ॥ ९.००६.०२
a̱bhi tyaṃ madya̱ṃ mada̱minda̱vindra̱ iti̍ kṣara .
a̱bhi vā̱jino̱ arva̍taḥ .. 9.006.02
2 Pour hitherward, as Indra's Self, Indu, that gladdening stream of thine,
And send us coursers full of strength.
Sloka : 9.6.3
अ॒भि त्यं पू॒र्व्यं मदं॑ सुवा॒नो अ॑र्ष प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
अ॒भि वाज॑मु॒त श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.००६.०३
a̱bhi tyaṃ pū̱rvyaṃ mada̍ṃ suvā̱no a̍rṣa pa̱vitra̱ ā .
a̱bhi vāja̍mu̱ta śrava̍ḥ .. 9.006.03
3 Flow to the filter hitherward, pouring that ancient gladdening juice,
Streaming forth power and high renown.
Sloka : 9.6.4
अनु॑ द्र॒प्सास॒ इन्द॑व॒ आपो॒ न प्र॒वता॑सरन् ।
पु॒ना॒ना इन्द्र॑माशत ॥ ९.००६.०४
anu̍ dra̱psāsa̱ inda̍va̱ āpo̱ na pra̱vatā̍saran .
pu̱nā̱nā indra̍māśata .. 9.006.04
4 Hither the sparkling drops have flowed, like waters down a steep descent
They have reached Indra purified.
Sloka : 9.6.5
यमत्य॑मिव वा॒जिनं॑ मृ॒जन्ति॒ योष॑णो॒ दश॑ ।
वने॒ क्रीळ॑न्त॒मत्य॑विम् ॥ ९.००६.०५
yamatya̍miva vā̱jina̍ṃ mṛ̱janti̱ yoṣa̍ṇo̱ daśa̍ .
vane̱ krīl̤a̍nta̱matya̍vim .. 9.006.05
5 Whom, having passed the filter, ten dames cleanse, as twere a vigorous steed,
While he disports him in the wood,
Sloka : 9.6.6
तं गोभि॒र्वृष॑णं॒ रसं॒ मदा॑य दे॒ववी॑तये ।
सु॒तं भरा॑य॒ सं सृ॑ज ॥ ९.००६.०६
taṃ gobhi̱rvṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ rasa̱ṃ madā̍ya de̱vavī̍taye .
su̱taṃ bharā̍ya̱ saṃ sṛ̍ja .. 9.006.06
6 The steer-strong juice with milk pour forth, for feast and service of the Gods,
To him who bears away the draught.
Sloka : 9.6.7
दे॒वो दे॒वाय॒ धार॒येन्द्रा॑य पवते सु॒तः ।
पयो॒ यद॑स्य पी॒पय॑त् ॥ ९.००६.०७
de̱vo de̱vāya̱ dhāra̱yendrā̍ya pavate su̱taḥ .
payo̱ yada̍sya pī̱paya̍t .. 9.006.07
7. Effused, the God flows onward with his stream to Indra, to the God,
So that his milk may strengthen him.
Sloka : 9.6.8
आ॒त्मा य॒ज्ञस्य॒ रंह्या॑ सुष्वा॒णः प॑वते सु॒तः ।
प्र॒त्नं नि पा॑ति॒ काव्य॑म् ॥ ९.००६.०८
ā̱tmā ya̱jñasya̱ raṃhyā̍ suṣvā̱ṇaḥ pa̍vate su̱taḥ .
pra̱tnaṃ ni pā̍ti̱ kāvya̍m .. 9.006.08
8 Soul of the sacrifice, the juice effused flows quickly on:- he keeps
His ancient wisdom of a Sage.
Sloka : 9.6.9
ए॒वा पु॑ना॒न इ॑न्द्र॒युर्मदं॑ मदिष्ठ वी॒तये॑ ।
गुहा॑ चिद्दधिषे॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ९.००६.०९
e̱vā pu̍nā̱na i̍ndra̱yurmada̍ṃ madiṣṭha vī̱taye̍ .
guhā̍ ciddadhiṣe̱ gira̍ḥ .. 9.006.09
9 So pouring forth, as Indra's Friend, strong drink, best Gladdener! for the feast,
Thou, even in secret, storest hymns.
Sloka : 9.7.1
असृ॑ग्र॒मिन्द॑वः प॒था धर्म॑न्नृ॒तस्य॑ सु॒श्रियः॑ ।
वि॒दा॒ना अ॑स्य॒ योज॑नम् ॥ ९.००७.०१
asṛ̍gra̱minda̍vaḥ pa̱thā dharma̍nnṛ̱tasya̍ su̱śriya̍ḥ .
vi̱dā̱nā a̍sya̱ yoja̍nam .. 9.007.01
1. FORTH on their way the glorious drops have flowed for maintenance of Law,
Knowing this sacrifice's course.
Sloka : 9.7.2
प्र धारा॒ मध्वो॑ अग्रि॒यो म॒हीर॒पो वि गा॑हते ।
ह॒विर्ह॒विष्षु॒ वन्द्यः॑ ॥ ९.००७.०२
pra dhārā̱ madhvo̍ agri̱yo ma̱hīra̱po vi gā̍hate .
ha̱virha̱viṣṣu̱ vandya̍ḥ .. 9.007.02
2 Down in the mighty waters sinks the stream of meath, most excellent,
Oblation best of all in worth.
Sloka : 9.7.3
प्र यु॒जो वा॒चो अ॑ग्रि॒यो वृषाव॑ चक्रद॒द्वने॑ ।
सद्मा॒भि स॒त्यो अ॑ध्व॒रः ॥ ९.००७.०३
pra yu̱jo vā̱co a̍gri̱yo vṛṣāva̍ cakrada̱dvane̍ .
sadmā̱bhi sa̱tyo a̍dhva̱raḥ .. 9.007.03
3 About the holy place, the Steer true, guileless, noblest, hath sent forth
Continuous voices in the wood.
Sloka : 9.7.4
परि॒ यत्काव्या॑ क॒विर्नृ॒म्णा वसा॑नो॒ अर्ष॑ति ।
स्व॑र्वा॒जी सि॑षासति ॥ ९.००७.०४
pari̱ yatkāvyā̍ ka̱virnṛ̱mṇā vasā̍no̱ arṣa̍ti .
sva̍rvā̱jī si̍ṣāsati .. 9.007.04
4 When, clothed in manly strength, the Sage flows in celestial wisdom round,
The Strong would win the light of heaven.
Sloka : 9.7.5
पव॑मानो अ॒भि स्पृधो॒ विशो॒ राजे॑व सीदति ।
यदी॑मृ॒ण्वन्ति॑ वे॒धसः॑ ॥ ९.००७.०५
pava̍māno a̱bhi spṛdho̱ viśo̱ rāje̍va sīdati .
yadī̍mṛ̱ṇvanti̍ ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 9.007.05
5 When purified, he sits as King above the hosts, among his folk,
What time the sages bring him nigh.
Sloka : 9.7.6
अव्यो॒ वारे॒ परि॑ प्रि॒यो हरि॒र्वने॑षु सीदति ।
रे॒भो व॑नुष्यते म॒ती ॥ ९.००७.०६
avyo̱ vāre̱ pari̍ pri̱yo hari̱rvane̍ṣu sīdati .
re̱bho va̍nuṣyate ma̱tī .. 9.007.06
6 Dear, golden-coloured, in the fleece he sinks and settles in the wood:-
The Singer shows his zeal in hymns.
Sloka : 9.7.7
स वा॒युमिन्द्र॑म॒श्विना॑ सा॒कं मदे॑न गच्छति ।
रणा॒ यो अ॑स्य॒ धर्म॑भिः ॥ ९.००७.०७
sa vā̱yumindra̍ma̱śvinā̍ sā̱kaṃ made̍na gacchati .
raṇā̱ yo a̍sya̱ dharma̍bhiḥ .. 9.007.07
7 He goes to Indra, Vāyu, to the Aśvins, as his custom is,
With gladdening juice which gives them joy.
Sloka : 9.7.8
आ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा॒ भगं॒ मध्वः॑ पवन्त ऊ॒र्मयः॑ ।
वि॒दा॒ना अ॑स्य॒ शक्म॑भिः ॥ ९.००७.०८
ā mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā̱ bhaga̱ṃ madhva̍ḥ pavanta ū̱rmaya̍ḥ .
vi̱dā̱nā a̍sya̱ śakma̍bhiḥ .. 9.007.08
8 Tle streams of pleasant Soma flow to Bhaga, Mitra-Varuṇa,
Well-knowing through his mighty powers.
Heaven and Earth, riches of meath to win us wealth:-
Gain for us treasures and renown.
Sloka : 9.7.9
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ रोदसी र॒यिं मध्वो॒ वाज॑स्य सा॒तये॑ ।
श्रवो॒ वसू॑नि॒ सं जि॑तम् ॥ ९.००७.०९
a̱smabhya̍ṃ rodasī ra̱yiṃ madhvo̱ vāja̍sya sā̱taye̍ .
śravo̱ vasū̍ni̱ saṃ ji̍tam .. 9.007.09
Sloka : 9.8.1
ए॒ते सोमा॑ अ॒भि प्रि॒यमिन्द्र॑स्य॒ काम॑मक्षरन् ।
वर्ध॑न्तो अस्य वी॒र्य॑म् ॥ ९.००८.०१
e̱te somā̍ a̱bhi pri̱yamindra̍sya̱ kāma̍makṣaran .
vardha̍nto asya vī̱rya̍m .. 9.008.01
1. OBEYING Indra's dear desire these Soma juices have flowed forth,
Increasing his heroic might.
Sloka : 9.8.2
पु॒ना॒नास॑श्चमू॒षदो॒ गच्छ॑न्तो वा॒युम॒श्विना॑ ।
ते नो॑ धान्तु सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.००८.०२
pu̱nā̱nāsa̍ścamū̱ṣado̱ gaccha̍nto vā̱yuma̱śvinā̍ .
te no̍ dhāntu su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.008.02
2 Laid in the bowl, pure-flowing on to Vāyu and the Aśvins, may
These give us great heroic strength.
Sloka : 9.8.3
इन्द्र॑स्य सोम॒ राध॑से पुना॒नो हार्दि॑ चोदय ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ योनि॑मा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.००८.०३
indra̍sya soma̱ rādha̍se punā̱no hārdi̍ codaya .
ṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̍mā̱sada̍m .. 9.008.03
3 Soma, as thou art purified, incite to bounty Indra's heart,
To sit in place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.8.4
मृ॒जन्ति॑ त्वा॒ दश॒ क्षिपो॑ हि॒न्वन्ति॑ स॒प्त धी॒तयः॑ ।
अनु॒ विप्रा॑ अमादिषुः ॥ ९.००८.०४
mṛ̱janti̍ tvā̱ daśa̱ kṣipo̍ hi̱nvanti̍ sa̱pta dhī̱taya̍ḥ .
anu̱ viprā̍ amādiṣuḥ .. 9.008.04
4 The ten swift fingers deck thee forth, seven ministers impel thee on:-
The sages have rejoiced in thee.
Sloka : 9.8.5
दे॒वेभ्य॑स्त्वा॒ मदा॑य॒ कं सृ॑जा॒नमति॑ मे॒ष्यः॑ ।
सं गोभि॑र्वासयामसि ॥ ९.००८.०५
de̱vebhya̍stvā̱ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ sṛ̍jā̱namati̍ me̱ṣya̍ḥ .
saṃ gobhi̍rvāsayāmasi .. 9.008.05
5 When through the filter thou art poured, we clothe thee with a robe of milk
To be a gladdening draught for Gods.
Sloka : 9.8.6
पु॒ना॒नः क॒लशे॒ष्वा वस्त्रा॑ण्यरु॒षो हरिः॑ ।
परि॒ गव्या॑न्यव्यत ॥ ९.००८.०६
pu̱nā̱naḥ ka̱laśe̱ṣvā vastrā̍ṇyaru̱ṣo hari̍ḥ .
pari̱ gavyā̍nyavyata .. 9.008.06
6 When purified within the jars, Soma, brightred and golden-hued,
Hath clothed him with a robe of milk.
Sloka : 9.8.7
म॒घोन॒ आ प॑वस्व नो ज॒हि विश्वा॒ अप॒ द्विषः॑ ।
इन्दो॒ सखा॑य॒मा वि॑श ॥ ९.००८.०७
ma̱ghona̱ ā pa̍vasva no ja̱hi viśvā̱ apa̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .
indo̱ sakhā̍ya̱mā vi̍śa .. 9.008.07
7 Flow on to us and make us rich. Drive all our enemies away.
O Indu, flow into thy Friend.
Send down the rain from heaven, a stream of opulence from earth. Give us,
O Soma, victory in war.
Sloka : 9.8.8
वृ॒ष्टिं दि॒वः परि॑ स्रव द्यु॒म्नं पृ॑थि॒व्या अधि॑ ।
सहो॑ नः सोम पृ॒त्सु धाः॑ ॥ ९.००८.०८
vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ di̱vaḥ pari̍ srava dyu̱mnaṃ pṛ̍thi̱vyā adhi̍ .
saho̍ naḥ soma pṛ̱tsu dhā̍ḥ .. 9.008.08
Sloka : 9.8.9
नृ॒चक्ष॑सं त्वा व॒यमिन्द्र॑पीतं स्व॒र्विद॑म् ।
भ॒क्षी॒महि॑ प्र॒जामिष॑म् ॥ ९.००८.०९
nṛ̱cakṣa̍saṃ tvā va̱yamindra̍pītaṃ sva̱rvida̍m .
bha̱kṣī̱mahi̍ pra̱jāmiṣa̍m .. 9.008.09
9 May we obtain thee, Indra's drink, who viewest men and findest light,
Gain thee, and progeny and food.
Sloka : 9.9.1
परि॑ प्रि॒या दि॒वः क॒विर्वयां॑सि न॒प्त्यो॑र्हि॒तः ।
सु॒वा॒नो या॑ति क॒विक्र॑तुः ॥ ९.००९.०१
pari̍ pri̱yā di̱vaḥ ka̱virvayā̍ṃsi na̱ptyo̍rhi̱taḥ .
su̱vā̱no yā̍ti ka̱vikra̍tuḥ .. 9.009.01
1. THE Sage of Heaven whose heart is wise, when laid between both hands and pressed,
Sends us delightful powers of life.
Sloka : 9.9.2
प्रप्र॒ क्षया॑य॒ पन्य॑से॒ जना॑य॒ जुष्टो॑ अ॒द्रुहे॑ ।
वी॒त्य॑र्ष॒ चनि॑ष्ठया ॥ ९.००९.०२
prapra̱ kṣayā̍ya̱ panya̍se̱ janā̍ya̱ juṣṭo̍ a̱druhe̍ .
vī̱tya̍rṣa̱ cani̍ṣṭhayā .. 9.009.02
2 On, onward to a glorious home; dear to the people void of guile,
With excellent enjoyment, flow.
Sloka : 9.9.3
स सू॒नुर्मा॒तरा॒ शुचि॑र्जा॒तो जा॒ते अ॑रोचयत् ।
म॒हान्म॒ही ऋ॑ता॒वृधा॑ ॥ ९.००९.०३
sa sū̱nurmā̱tarā̱ śuci̍rjā̱to jā̱te a̍rocayat .
ma̱hānma̱hī ṛ̍tā̱vṛdhā̍ .. 9.009.03
3 He, the bright Son, when born illumed his Parents who had sprung to life,
Great Son great Strengtheners of Law.
Sloka : 9.9.4
स स॒प्त धी॒तिभि॑र्हि॒तो न॒द्यो॑ अजिन्वद॒द्रुहः॑ ।
या एक॒मक्षि॑ वावृ॒धुः ॥ ९.००९.०४
sa sa̱pta dhī̱tibhi̍rhi̱to na̱dyo̍ ajinvada̱druha̍ḥ .
yā eka̱makṣi̍ vāvṛ̱dhuḥ .. 9.009.04
4 Urged by the seven devotions he hath stirred the guileless rivers which
Have magnified the Single Eye.
Sloka : 9.9.5
ता अ॒भि सन्त॒मस्तृ॑तं म॒हे युवा॑न॒मा द॑धुः ।
इन्दु॑मिन्द्र॒ तव॑ व्र॒ते ॥ ९.००९.०५
tā a̱bhi santa̱mastṛ̍taṃ ma̱he yuvā̍na̱mā da̍dhuḥ .
indu̍mindra̱ tava̍ vra̱te .. 9.009.05
5 These helped to might theYouthful One, high over all, invincible,
Even Indu, Indra! in thy law.
Sloka : 9.9.6
अ॒भि वह्नि॒रम॑र्त्यः स॒प्त प॑श्यति॒ वाव॑हिः ।
क्रिवि॑र्दे॒वीर॑तर्पयत् ॥ ९.००९.०६
a̱bhi vahni̱rama̍rtyaḥ sa̱pta pa̍śyati̱ vāva̍hiḥ .
krivi̍rde̱vīra̍tarpayat .. 9.009.06
6 The immortal Courser, good to draw, looks down upon the Seven:- the fount
Hath satisfied the Goddesses
Sloka : 9.9.7
अवा॒ कल्पे॑षु नः पुम॒स्तमां॑सि सोम॒ योध्या॑ ।
तानि॑ पुनान जङ्घनः ॥ ९.००९.०७
avā̱ kalpe̍ṣu naḥ puma̱stamā̍ṃsi soma̱ yodhyā̍ .
tāni̍ punāna jaṅghanaḥ .. 9.009.07
7 Aid us in holy rites, O Man:- O Pavamana, drive away
Dark shades that must be met in fight.
Sloka : 9.9.8
नू नव्य॑से॒ नवी॑यसे सू॒क्ताय॑ साधया प॒थः ।
प्र॒त्न॒वद्रो॑चया॒ रुचः॑ ॥ ९.००९.०८
nū navya̍se̱ navī̍yase sū̱ktāya̍ sādhayā pa̱thaḥ .
pra̱tna̱vadro̍cayā̱ ruca̍ḥ .. 9.009.08
8 Make the paths ready for a hymn newer and newer evermore:-
Make the lights shine as erst they shone.
Sloka : 9.9.9
पव॑मान॒ महि॒ श्रवो॒ गामश्वं॑ रासि वी॒रव॑त् ।
सना॑ मे॒धां सना॒ स्वः॑ ॥ ९.००९.०९
pava̍māna̱ mahi̱ śravo̱ gāmaśva̍ṃ rāsi vī̱rava̍t .
sanā̍ me̱dhāṃ sanā̱ sva̍ḥ .. 9.009.09
9 Give, Pavamana, high renown, give kine and steeds and hero sons:-
Win for us wisdom, win the light.
Sloka : 9.10.1
प्र स्वा॒नासो॒ रथा॑ इ॒वार्व॑न्तो॒ न श्र॑व॒स्यवः॑ ।
सोमा॑सो रा॒ये अ॑क्रमुः ॥ ९.०१०.०१
pra svā̱nāso̱ rathā̍ i̱vārva̍nto̱ na śra̍va̱syava̍ḥ .
somā̍so rā̱ye a̍kramuḥ .. 9.010.01
1. LIKE cars that thunder on their way, like coursers eager for renown,
Have Soma-drops flowed forth for wealth.
Sloka : 9.10.2
हि॒न्वा॒नासो॒ रथा॑ इव दधन्वि॒रे गभ॑स्त्योः ।
भरा॑सः का॒रिणा॑मिव ॥ ९.०१०.०२
hi̱nvā̱nāso̱ rathā̍ iva dadhanvi̱re gabha̍styoḥ .
bharā̍saḥ kā̱riṇā̍miva .. 9.010.02
2 Forth have they rushed from holding hands, like chariots that are urged to speed,
Like joyful songs of singing-men.
Sloka : 9.10.3
राजा॑नो॒ न प्रश॑स्तिभिः॒ सोमा॑सो॒ गोभि॑रञ्जते ।
य॒ज्ञो न स॒प्त धा॒तृभिः॑ ॥ ९.०१०.०३
rājā̍no̱ na praśa̍stibhi̱ḥ somā̍so̱ gobhi̍rañjate .
ya̱jño na sa̱pta dhā̱tṛbhi̍ḥ .. 9.010.03
3 The Somas deck themselves with milk, as Kings are graced with eulogies,
And, with seven priests, the sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.10.4
परि॑ सुवा॒नास॒ इन्द॑वो॒ मदा॑य ब॒र्हणा॑ गि॒रा ।
सु॒ता अ॑र्षन्ति॒ धार॑या ॥ ९.०१०.०४
pari̍ suvā̱nāsa̱ inda̍vo̱ madā̍ya ba̱rhaṇā̍ gi̱rā .
su̱tā a̍rṣanti̱ dhāra̍yā .. 9.010.04
4 Pressed for the gladdening draught, the drops flow forth abundantly with song,
The Soma juices in a stream.
Sloka : 9.10.5
आ॒पा॒नासो॑ वि॒वस्व॑तो॒ जन॑न्त उ॒षसो॒ भग॑म् ।
सूरा॒ अण्वं॒ वि त॑न्वते ॥ ९.०१०.०५
ā̱pā̱nāso̍ vi̱vasva̍to̱ jana̍nta u̱ṣaso̱ bhaga̍m .
sūrā̱ aṇva̱ṃ vi ta̍nvate .. 9.010.05
5 Winning Vivasvān's glory and producing Morning's light, the Suns
Pass through the openings of the cloth.
Sloka : 9.10.6
अप॒ द्वारा॑ मती॒नां प्र॒त्ना ऋ॑ण्वन्ति का॒रवः॑ ।
वृष्णो॒ हर॑स आ॒यवः॑ ॥ ९.०१०.०६
apa̱ dvārā̍ matī̱nāṃ pra̱tnā ṛ̍ṇvanti kā̱rava̍ḥ .
vṛṣṇo̱ hara̍sa ā̱yava̍ḥ .. 9.010.06
6 The singing-men of ancient time open the doors of sacred songs,
Men, for the mighty to accept.
Sloka : 9.10.7
स॒मी॒ची॒नास॑ आसते॒ होता॑रः स॒प्तजा॑मयः ।
प॒दमेक॑स्य॒ पिप्र॑तः ॥ ९.०१०.०७
sa̱mī̱cī̱nāsa̍ āsate̱ hotā̍raḥ sa̱ptajā̍mayaḥ .
pa̱dameka̍sya̱ pipra̍taḥ .. 9.010.07
7 Combined in close society sit the seven priests, the brother-hood,
Filling the station of the One.
Sloka : 9.10.8
नाभा॒ नाभिं॑ न॒ आ द॑दे॒ चक्षु॑श्चि॒त्सूर्ये॒ सचा॑ ।
क॒वेरप॑त्य॒मा दु॑हे ॥ ९.०१०.०८
nābhā̱ nābhi̍ṃ na̱ ā da̍de̱ cakṣu̍ści̱tsūrye̱ sacā̍ .
ka̱verapa̍tya̱mā du̍he .. 9.010.08
8 He gives us kinship with the Gods, and with the Sun unites our eye:-
The Sage's ofrspring hath appeared.
Sloka : 9.10.9
अ॒भि प्रि॒या दि॒वस्प॒दम॑ध्व॒र्युभि॒र्गुहा॑ हि॒तम् ।
सूरः॑ पश्यति॒ चक्ष॑सा ॥ ९.०१०.०९
a̱bhi pri̱yā di̱vaspa̱dama̍dhva̱ryubhi̱rguhā̍ hi̱tam .
sūra̍ḥ paśyati̱ cakṣa̍sā .. 9.010.09
9 The Sun with his dear eye beholds that quarter of the heavens which priests
Have placed within the sacred cell.
Sloka : 9.11.1
उपा॑स्मै गायता नरः॒ पव॑माना॒येन्द॑वे ।
अ॒भि दे॒वाँ इय॑क्षते ॥ ९.०११.०१
upā̍smai gāyatā nara̱ḥ pava̍mānā̱yenda̍ve .
a̱bhi de̱vām̐ iya̍kṣate .. 9.011.01
1. SING forth to Indu, O ye men, to him who is purified,
Fain to pay worship to the Gods.
Sloka : 9.11.2
अ॒भि ते॒ मधु॑ना॒ पयोऽथ॑र्वाणो अशिश्रयुः ।
दे॒वं दे॒वाय॑ देव॒यु ॥ ९.०११.०२
a̱bhi te̱ madhu̍nā̱ payo'tha̍rvāṇo aśiśrayuḥ .
de̱vaṃ de̱vāya̍ deva̱yu .. 9.011.02
2 Together with thy pleasant juice the Atharvans have commingled milk,
Divine, devoted to the God.
Sloka : 9.11.3
स नः॑ पवस्व॒ शं गवे॒ शं जना॑य॒ शमर्व॑ते ।
शं रा॑ज॒न्नोष॑धीभ्यः ॥ ९.०११.०३
sa na̍ḥ pavasva̱ śaṃ gave̱ śaṃ janā̍ya̱ śamarva̍te .
śaṃ rā̍ja̱nnoṣa̍dhībhyaḥ .. 9.011.03
3 Bring, by thy flowing, weal to kine, weal to the people, weal to steeds.
Weal, O thou King, to growing plants
Sloka : 9.11.4
ब॒भ्रवे॒ नु स्वत॑वसेऽरु॒णाय॑ दिवि॒स्पृशे॑ ।
सोमा॑य गा॒थम॑र्चत ॥ ९.०११.०४
ba̱bhrave̱ nu svata̍vase'ru̱ṇāya̍ divi̱spṛśe̍ .
somā̍ya gā̱thama̍rcata .. 9.011.04
4 Sing a praise-song to Soma brown of hue, of independent might.
The Red, who reaches up to heaven.
Sloka : 9.11.5
हस्त॑च्युतेभि॒रद्रि॑भिः सु॒तं सोमं॑ पुनीतन ।
मधा॒वा धा॑वता॒ मधु॑ ॥ ९.०११.०५
hasta̍cyutebhi̱radri̍bhiḥ su̱taṃ soma̍ṃ punītana .
madhā̱vā dhā̍vatā̱ madhu̍ .. 9.011.05
5 Purify Soma when effused with stones which bands move rapidly,
And pour the sweet milk in the meath.
Sloka : 9.11.6
नम॒सेदुप॑ सीदत द॒ध्नेद॒भि श्री॑णीतन ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रे॑ दधातन ॥ ९.०११.०६
nama̱sedupa̍ sīdata da̱dhneda̱bhi śrī̍ṇītana .
indu̱mindre̍ dadhātana .. 9.011.06
6 With humble homage draw ye nigh; blend the libation with the curds:-
To Indra offer Indu up.
Sloka : 9.11.7
अ॒मि॒त्र॒हा विच॑र्षणिः॒ पव॑स्व सोम॒ शं गवे॑ ।
दे॒वेभ्यो॑ अनुकाम॒कृत् ॥ ९.०११.०७
a̱mi̱tra̱hā vica̍rṣaṇi̱ḥ pava̍sva soma̱ śaṃ gave̍ .
de̱vebhyo̍ anukāma̱kṛt .. 9.011.07
7 Soma, foe-que chief oer men, doing the will of pour forth
Prosperity upon our kine.
Sloka : 9.11.8
इन्द्रा॑य सोम॒ पात॑वे॒ मदा॑य॒ परि॑ षिच्यसे ।
म॒न॒श्चिन्मन॑स॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ ९.०११.०८
indrā̍ya soma̱ pāta̍ve̱ madā̍ya̱ pari̍ ṣicyase .
ma̱na̱ścinmana̍sa̱spati̍ḥ .. 9.011.08
8 Heart-knower, Sovran of the heart, thou art effused, O Soma, that Indra may drink thee and rejoice.
Sloka : 9.11.9
पव॑मान सु॒वीर्यं॑ र॒यिं सो॑म रिरीहि नः ।
इन्द॒विन्द्रे॑ण नो यु॒जा ॥ ९.०११.०९
pava̍māna su̱vīrya̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ so̍ma rirīhi naḥ .
inda̱vindre̍ṇa no yu̱jā .. 9.011.09
9 O Soma Pavamana, give us riches and heroic strength,
Indu! with. Indra for ally.
Sloka : 9.12.1
सोमा॑ असृग्र॒मिन्द॑वः सु॒ता ऋ॒तस्य॒ साद॑ने ।
इन्द्रा॑य॒ मधु॑मत्तमाः ॥ ९.०१२.०१
somā̍ asṛgra̱minda̍vaḥ su̱tā ṛ̱tasya̱ sāda̍ne .
indrā̍ya̱ madhu̍mattamāḥ .. 9.012.01
1. To Indra have the Soma drops, exceeding rich in sweets, been poured,
Shed in the seat of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.12.2
अ॒भि विप्रा॑ अनूषत॒ गावो॑ व॒त्सं न मा॒तरः॑ ।
इन्द्रं॒ सोम॑स्य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०१२.०२
a̱bhi viprā̍ anūṣata̱ gāvo̍ va̱tsaṃ na mā̱tara̍ḥ .
indra̱ṃ soma̍sya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.012.02
2 As mother kine low to their calves, to Indra have the sages called,
Called him to drink the Soma juice.
Sloka : 9.12.3
म॒द॒च्युत्क्षे॑ति॒ साद॑ने॒ सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मा वि॑प॒श्चित् ।
सोमो॑ गौ॒री अधि॑ श्रि॒तः ॥ ९.०१२.०३
ma̱da̱cyutkṣe̍ti̱ sāda̍ne̱ sindho̍rū̱rmā vi̍pa̱ścit .
somo̍ gau̱rī adhi̍ śri̱taḥ .. 9.012.03
3 In the stream's wave wise Soma dwells, distilling rapture, in his seat,
Resting upon a wiId-cow's hide.
Sloka : 9.12.4
दि॒वो नाभा॑ विचक्ष॒णोऽव्यो॒ वारे॑ महीयते ।
सोमो॒ यः सु॒क्रतुः॑ क॒विः ॥ ९.०१२.०४
di̱vo nābhā̍ vicakṣa̱ṇo'vyo̱ vāre̍ mahīyate .
somo̱ yaḥ su̱kratu̍ḥ ka̱viḥ .. 9.012.04
4 Far-sighted Soma, Sage and Seer, is worshipped in the central point
Of heaven, the straining-cloth of wool.
Sloka : 9.12.5
यः सोमः॑ क॒लशे॒ष्वाँ अ॒न्तः प॒वित्र॒ आहि॑तः ।
तमिन्दुः॒ परि॑ षस्वजे ॥ ९.०१२.०५
yaḥ soma̍ḥ ka̱laśe̱ṣvām̐ a̱ntaḥ pa̱vitra̱ āhi̍taḥ .
tamindu̱ḥ pari̍ ṣasvaje .. 9.012.05
5 In close embraces Indu holds Soma when
poured within the jars.
And on the. purifying sieve.
Sloka : 9.12.6
प्र वाच॒मिन्दु॑रिष्यति समु॒द्रस्याधि॑ वि॒ष्टपि॑ ।
जिन्व॒न्कोशं॑ मधु॒श्चुत॑म् ॥ ९.०१२.०६
pra vāca̱mindu̍riṣyati samu̱drasyādhi̍ vi̱ṣṭapi̍ .
jinva̱nkośa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̍m .. 9.012.06
6 Indu sends forth a voice on high to regions of the sea of air,
Shaking the vase that drops with meath.
Sloka : 9.12.7
नित्य॑स्तोत्रो॒ वन॒स्पति॑र्धी॒नाम॒न्तः स॑ब॒र्दुघः॑ ।
हि॒न्वा॒नो मानु॑षा यु॒गा ॥ ९.०१२.०७
nitya̍stotro̱ vana̱spati̍rdhī̱nāma̱ntaḥ sa̍ba̱rdugha̍ḥ .
hi̱nvā̱no mānu̍ṣā yu̱gā .. 9.012.07
7 The Tree whose praises never fail yields heavenly milk among our hymns,
Urging men's generations on.
Sloka : 9.12.8
अ॒भि प्रि॒या दि॒वस्प॒दा सोमो॑ हिन्वा॒नो अ॑र्षति ।
विप्र॑स्य॒ धार॑या क॒विः ॥ ९.०१२.०८
a̱bhi pri̱yā di̱vaspa̱dā somo̍ hinvā̱no a̍rṣati .
vipra̍sya̱ dhāra̍yā ka̱viḥ .. 9.012.08
8 The Wise One, with the Sage's stream, the Soma urged to speed, flows on
To the dear places of the sky.
Sloka : 9.12.9
आ प॑वमान धारय र॒यिं स॒हस्र॑वर्चसम् ।
अ॒स्मे इ॑न्दो स्वा॒भुव॑म् ॥ ९.०१२.०९
ā pa̍vamāna dhāraya ra̱yiṃ sa̱hasra̍varcasam .
a̱sme i̍ndo svā̱bhuva̍m .. 9.012.09
9 O Pavamana, bring us wealth bright with a thousand splendours. Yea.
O Indu, give us ready help.
Sloka : 9.13.1
सोमः॑ पुना॒नो अ॑र्षति स॒हस्र॑धारो॒ अत्य॑विः ।
वा॒योरिन्द्र॑स्य निष्कृ॒तम् ॥ ९.०१३.०१
soma̍ḥ punā̱no a̍rṣati sa̱hasra̍dhāro̱ atya̍viḥ .
vā̱yorindra̍sya niṣkṛ̱tam .. 9.013.01
1. PASSED through, the fleece in thousand streams the Soma, purified, flows on
To Indra's, Viyu's special place.
Sloka : 9.13.2
पव॑मानमवस्यवो॒ विप्र॑म॒भि प्र गा॑यत ।
सु॒ष्वा॒णं दे॒ववी॑तये ॥ ९.०१३.०२
pava̍mānamavasyavo̱ vipra̍ma̱bhi pra gā̍yata .
su̱ṣvā̱ṇaṃ de̱vavī̍taye .. 9.013.02
2 Sing forth, ye men who long for help, to Pavamana, to the Sage,
Effused to entertain the Gods.
Sloka : 9.13.3
पव॑न्ते॒ वाज॑सातये॒ सोमाः॑ स॒हस्र॑पाजसः ।
गृ॒णा॒ना दे॒ववी॑तये ॥ ९.०१३.०३
pava̍nte̱ vāja̍sātaye̱ somā̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍pājasaḥ .
gṛ̱ṇā̱nā de̱vavī̍taye .. 9.013.03
3 The Soma-drops with thousand powers are purified for victory,
Hymned to become the feast of Gods.
Sloka : 9.13.4
उ॒त नो॒ वाज॑सातये॒ पव॑स्व बृह॒तीरिषः॑ ।
द्यु॒मदि॑न्दो सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०१३.०४
u̱ta no̱ vāja̍sātaye̱ pava̍sva bṛha̱tīriṣa̍ḥ .
dyu̱madi̍ndo su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.013.04
4 Yea, as thou flowest bring great store of food that we may win the spoil
Indu, bring splendid manly might.
Sloka : 9.13.5
ते नः॑ सह॒स्रिणं॑ र॒यिं पव॑न्ता॒मा सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
सु॒वा॒ना दे॒वास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ९.०१३.०५
te na̍ḥ saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ pava̍ntā̱mā su̱vīrya̍m .
su̱vā̱nā de̱vāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 9.013.05
5 May they in flowing give us wealth in thousands, and heroic power,
These Godlike Soma-drops effused.
Sloka : 9.13.6
अत्या॑ हिया॒ना न हे॒तृभि॒रसृ॑ग्रं॒ वाज॑सातये ।
वि वार॒मव्य॑मा॒शवः॑ ॥ ९.०१३.०६
atyā̍ hiyā̱nā na he̱tṛbhi̱rasṛ̍gra̱ṃ vāja̍sātaye .
vi vāra̱mavya̍mā̱śava̍ḥ .. 9.013.06
6 Like coursers by their drivers urged, they were poured forth, for victory,
Swift through the woollen straining-cloth.
Sloka : 9.13.7
वा॒श्रा अ॑र्ष॒न्तीन्द॑वो॒ऽभि व॒त्सं न धे॒नवः॑ ।
द॒ध॒न्वि॒रे गभ॑स्त्योः ॥ ९.०१३.०७
vā̱śrā a̍rṣa̱ntīnda̍vo̱'bhi va̱tsaṃ na dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
da̱dha̱nvi̱re gabha̍styoḥ .. 9.013.07
7 Noisily flow the Soma-drops, like milch-kine lowing to their calves:-
They have run forth from both the hands.
Sloka : 9.13.8
जुष्ट॒ इन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रः पव॑मान॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ।
विश्वा॒ अप॒ द्विषो॑ जहि ॥ ९.०१३.०८
juṣṭa̱ indrā̍ya matsa̱raḥ pava̍māna̱ kani̍kradat .
viśvā̱ apa̱ dviṣo̍ jahi .. 9.013.08
8 As Gladdener whom Indra loves, O Pavamana, with a roar
Drive all our enemies away.
Sloka : 9.13.9
अ॒प॒घ्नन्तो॒ अरा॑व्णः॒ पव॑मानाः स्व॒र्दृशः॑ ।
योना॑वृ॒तस्य॑ सीदत ॥ ९.०१३.०९
a̱pa̱ghnanto̱ arā̍vṇa̱ḥ pava̍mānāḥ sva̱rdṛśa̍ḥ .
yonā̍vṛ̱tasya̍ sīdata .. 9.013.09
9 O Pavamamas, driving off the godless, looking on the light,
Sit in the place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.14.1
परि॒ प्रासि॑ष्यदत्क॒विः सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मावधि॑ श्रि॒तः ।
का॒रं बिभ्र॑त्पुरु॒स्पृह॑म् ॥ ९.०१४.०१
pari̱ prāsi̍ṣyadatka̱viḥ sindho̍rū̱rmāvadhi̍ śri̱taḥ .
kā̱raṃ bibhra̍tpuru̱spṛha̍m .. 9.014.01
1. REPOSING on the river's wave the Sage hath widely flowed around,
Bearing the hymn which many love.
Sloka : 9.14.2
गि॒रा यदी॒ सब॑न्धवः॒ पञ्च॒ व्राता॑ अप॒स्यवः॑ ।
प॒रि॒ष्कृ॒ण्वन्ति॑ धर्ण॒सिम् ॥ ९.०१४.०२
gi̱rā yadī̱ saba̍ndhava̱ḥ pañca̱ vrātā̍ apa̱syava̍ḥ .
pa̱ri̱ṣkṛ̱ṇvanti̍ dharṇa̱sim .. 9.014.02
2 When the Five kindred Companies, active in duty, with the song
Establish him, the Powerful,
Sloka : 9.14.3
आद॑स्य शु॒ष्मिणो॒ रसे॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॑मत्सत ।
यदी॒ गोभि॑र्वसा॒यते॑ ॥ ९.०१४.०३
āda̍sya śu̱ṣmiṇo̱ rase̱ viśve̍ de̱vā a̍matsata .
yadī̱ gobhi̍rvasā̱yate̍ .. 9.014.03
3 Then in his juice whose strength is great, have all the Gods rejoiced themselves,
When he hath clothed him in the milk.
Sloka : 9.14.4
नि॒रि॒णा॒नो वि धा॑वति॒ जह॒च्छर्या॑णि॒ तान्वा॑ ।
अत्रा॒ सं जि॑घ्नते यु॒जा ॥ ९.०१४.०४
ni̱ri̱ṇā̱no vi dhā̍vati̱ jaha̱ccharyā̍ṇi̱ tānvā̍ .
atrā̱ saṃ ji̍ghnate yu̱jā .. 9.014.04
4 Freeing himself he flows away, leaving his body's severed limbs,
And meets his own Companion here.
Sloka : 9.14.5
न॒प्तीभि॒र्यो वि॒वस्व॑तः शु॒भ्रो न मा॑मृ॒जे युवा॑ ।
गाः कृ॑ण्वा॒नो न नि॒र्णिज॑म् ॥ ९.०१४.०५
na̱ptībhi̱ryo vi̱vasva̍taḥ śu̱bhro na mā̍mṛ̱je yuvā̍ .
gāḥ kṛ̍ṇvā̱no na ni̱rṇija̍m .. 9.014.05
5 He by the daughters of the priest, like a fair youth, hath been adorned,
Making the milk, as twere, his robe.
Sloka : 9.14.6
अति॑ श्रि॒ती ति॑र॒श्चता॑ ग॒व्या जि॑गा॒त्यण्व्या॑ ।
व॒ग्नुमि॑यर्ति॒ यं वि॒दे ॥ ९.०१४.०६
ati̍ śri̱tī ti̍ra̱ścatā̍ ga̱vyā ji̍gā̱tyaṇvyā̍ .
va̱gnumi̍yarti̱ yaṃ vi̱de .. 9.014.06
6 O'er the fine fingers, through desire of milk, in winding course he goes,
And utters voice which he hath found.
Sloka : 9.14.7
अ॒भि क्षिपः॒ सम॑ग्मत म॒र्जय॑न्तीरि॒षस्पति॑म् ।
पृ॒ष्ठा गृ॑भ्णत वा॒जिनः॑ ॥ ९.०१४.०७
a̱bhi kṣipa̱ḥ sama̍gmata ma̱rjaya̍ntīri̱ṣaspati̍m .
pṛ̱ṣṭhā gṛ̍bhṇata vā̱jina̍ḥ .. 9.014.07
7 The nimble fingers have approached, adorning him the Lord of Strength:-
They grasp the vigorous Courser's back.
Sloka : 9.14.8
परि॑ दि॒व्यानि॒ मर्मृ॑श॒द्विश्वा॑नि सोम॒ पार्थि॑वा ।
वसू॑नि याह्यस्म॒युः ॥ ९.०१४.०८
pari̍ di̱vyāni̱ marmṛ̍śa̱dviśvā̍ni soma̱ pārthi̍vā .
vasū̍ni yāhyasma̱yuḥ .. 9.014.08
8 Comprising all the treasures that are in the heavens and on the earth,
Come, Soma, as our faithful Friend.
Sloka : 9.15.1
ए॒ष धि॒या या॒त्यण्व्या॒ शूरो॒ रथे॑भिरा॒शुभिः॑ ।
गच्छ॒न्निन्द्र॑स्य निष्कृ॒तम् ॥ ९.०१५.०१
e̱ṣa dhi̱yā yā̱tyaṇvyā̱ śūro̱ rathe̍bhirā̱śubhi̍ḥ .
gaccha̱nnindra̍sya niṣkṛ̱tam .. 9.015.01
1. THROUGH the fine fingers, with the song, this Hero comes with rapid ears,
Going to Indra's special place.
Sloka : 9.15.2
ए॒ष पु॒रू धि॑यायते बृह॒ते दे॒वता॑तये ।
यत्रा॒मृता॑स॒ आस॑ते ॥ ९.०१५.०२
e̱ṣa pu̱rū dhi̍yāyate bṛha̱te de̱vatā̍taye .
yatrā̱mṛtā̍sa̱ āsa̍te .. 9.015.02
2 In holy thought he ponders much for the great worship of the Gods.
Where the Immortals have their seat.
Sloka : 9.15.3
ए॒ष हि॒तो वि नी॑यते॒ऽन्तः शु॒भ्राव॑ता प॒था ।
यदी॑ तु॒ञ्जन्ति॒ भूर्ण॑यः ॥ ९.०१५.०३
e̱ṣa hi̱to vi nī̍yate̱'ntaḥ śu̱bhrāva̍tā pa̱thā .
yadī̍ tu̱ñjanti̱ bhūrṇa̍yaḥ .. 9.015.03
3 Like a good horse is he led out, when on the path that shines with light
The mettled steeds exert their strength.
Sloka : 9.15.4
ए॒ष शृङ्गा॑णि॒ दोधु॑व॒च्छिशी॑ते यू॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ वृषा॑ ।
नृ॒म्णा दधा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ॥ ९.०१५.०४
e̱ṣa śṛṅgā̍ṇi̱ dodhu̍va̱cchiśī̍te yū̱thyo̱3̱̍ vṛṣā̍ .
nṛ̱mṇā dadhā̍na̱ oja̍sā .. 9.015.04
4 He brandishes his horns on high, and whets them Bull who leads the herd,
Doing with might heroic deeds.
Sloka : 9.15.5
ए॒ष रु॒क्मिभि॑रीयते वा॒जी शु॒भ्रेभि॑रं॒शुभिः॑ ।
पतिः॒ सिन्धू॑नां॒ भव॑न् ॥ ९.०१५.०५
e̱ṣa ru̱kmibhi̍rīyate vā̱jī śu̱bhrebhi̍ra̱ṃśubhi̍ḥ .
pati̱ḥ sindhū̍nā̱ṃ bhava̍n .. 9.015.05
5 He moves, a vigorous Steed, adorned with beauteous rays of shining gold,
Becoming Sovran of the streams.
Sloka : 9.15.6
ए॒ष वसू॑नि पिब्द॒ना परु॑षा ययि॒वाँ अति॑ ।
अव॒ शादे॑षु गच्छति ॥ ९.०१५.०६
e̱ṣa vasū̍ni pibda̱nā paru̍ṣā yayi̱vām̐ ati̍ .
ava̱ śāde̍ṣu gacchati .. 9.015.06
6 He, over places rough to pass, bringing rich treasures closely packed.
Descends into the reservoirs.
Sloka : 9.15.7
ए॒तं मृ॑जन्ति॒ मर्ज्य॒मुप॒ द्रोणे॑ष्वा॒यवः॑ ।
प्र॒च॒क्रा॒णं म॒हीरिषः॑ ॥ ९.०१५.०७
e̱taṃ mṛ̍janti̱ marjya̱mupa̱ droṇe̍ṣvā̱yava̍ḥ .
pra̱ca̱krā̱ṇaṃ ma̱hīriṣa̍ḥ .. 9.015.07
7 Men beautify him in the vats, him worthy to be beautified,
Him who brings forth abundant food.
Sloka : 9.15.8
ए॒तमु॒ त्यं दश॒ क्षिपो॑ मृ॒जन्ति॑ स॒प्त धी॒तयः॑ ।
स्वा॒यु॒धं म॒दिन्त॑मम् ॥ ९.०१५.०८
e̱tamu̱ tyaṃ daśa̱ kṣipo̍ mṛ̱janti̍ sa̱pta dhī̱taya̍ḥ .
svā̱yu̱dhaṃ ma̱dinta̍mam .. 9.015.08
8 Him, even him, the fingers ten and the seven songs make beautiful,
Well-weaponed, best of gladdeners.
Sloka : 9.16.1
प्र ते॑ सो॒तार॑ ओ॒ण्यो॒३॒॑ रसं॒ मदा॑य॒ घृष्व॑ये ।
सर्गो॒ न त॒क्त्येत॑शः ॥ ९.०१६.०१
pra te̍ so̱tāra̍ o̱ṇyo̱3̱̍ rasa̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍ye .
sargo̱ na ta̱ktyeta̍śaḥ .. 9.016.01
1. THE pressers from the Soma-press send forth thy juice for rapturous joy
The speckled sap runs like a flood.
Sloka : 9.16.2
क्रत्वा॒ दक्ष॑स्य र॒थ्य॑म॒पो वसा॑न॒मन्ध॑सा ।
गो॒षामण्वे॑षु सश्चिम ॥ ९.०१६.०२
kratvā̱ dakṣa̍sya ra̱thya̍ma̱po vasā̍na̱mandha̍sā .
go̱ṣāmaṇve̍ṣu saścima .. 9.016.02
2 With strength we follow through the sieve him who brings might and wins the kine,
Enrobed in water with his juice.
Sloka : 9.16.3
अन॑प्तम॒प्सु दु॒ष्टरं॒ सोमं॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ सृ॑ज ।
पु॒नी॒हीन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे ॥ ९.०१६.०३
ana̍ptama̱psu du̱ṣṭara̱ṃ soma̍ṃ pa̱vitra̱ ā sṛ̍ja .
pu̱nī̱hīndrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve .. 9.016.03
3 Pour on the sieve the Soma, neer subdued in waters, waterless,
And make it pure for Indra's drink.
Sloka : 9.16.4
प्र पु॑ना॒नस्य॒ चेत॑सा॒ सोमः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अर्षति ।
क्रत्वा॑ स॒धस्थ॒मास॑दत् ॥ ९.०१६.०४
pra pu̍nā̱nasya̱ ceta̍sā̱ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ arṣati .
kratvā̍ sa̱dhastha̱māsa̍dat .. 9.016.04
4 Moved by the purifier's thought, the Soma flows into the sieve:-
By wisdom it hath gained its home.
Sloka : 9.16.5
प्र त्वा॒ नमो॑भि॒रिन्द॑व॒ इन्द्र॒ सोमा॑ असृक्षत ।
म॒हे भरा॑य का॒रिणः॑ ॥ ९.०१६.०५
pra tvā̱ namo̍bhi̱rinda̍va̱ indra̱ somā̍ asṛkṣata .
ma̱he bharā̍ya kā̱riṇa̍ḥ .. 9.016.05
5 With humble homage, Indra, have the Soma-drops flowed forth to thee,
Contending for the glorious prize.
Sloka : 9.16.6
पु॒ना॒नो रू॒पे अ॒व्यये॒ विश्वा॒ अर्ष॑न्न॒भि श्रियः॑ ।
शूरो॒ न गोषु॑ तिष्ठति ॥ ९.०१६.०६
pu̱nā̱no rū̱pe a̱vyaye̱ viśvā̱ arṣa̍nna̱bhi śriya̍ḥ .
śūro̱ na goṣu̍ tiṣṭhati .. 9.016.06
6 Purified in his fleecy garb, attaining every beauty, he
Stands, hero-like, amid the kine.
Sloka : 9.16.7
दि॒वो न सानु॑ पि॒प्युषी॒ धारा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ वे॒धसः॑ ।
वृथा॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अर्षति ॥ ९.०१६.०७
di̱vo na sānu̍ pi̱pyuṣī̱ dhārā̍ su̱tasya̍ ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
vṛthā̍ pa̱vitre̍ arṣati .. 9.016.07
7 Swelling, as twere, to heights of heaven, the stream of the creative juice
Falls lightly on the cleansing sieve.
Sloka : 9.16.8
त्वं सो॑म विप॒श्चितं॒ तना॑ पुना॒न आ॒युषु॑ ।
अव्यो॒ वारं॒ वि धा॑वसि ॥ ९.०१६.०८
tvaṃ so̍ma vipa̱ścita̱ṃ tanā̍ punā̱na ā̱yuṣu̍ .
avyo̱ vāra̱ṃ vi dhā̍vasi .. 9.016.08
8 Thus, Soma, purifying himwho knoweth song mid living men,
Thou wanderest through the cloth of wool.
Sloka : 9.17.1
प्र नि॒म्नेने॑व॒ सिन्ध॑वो॒ घ्नन्तो॑ वृ॒त्राणि॒ भूर्ण॑यः ।
सोमा॑ असृग्रमा॒शवः॑ ॥ ९.०१७.०१
pra ni̱mnene̍va̱ sindha̍vo̱ ghnanto̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̱ bhūrṇa̍yaḥ .
somā̍ asṛgramā̱śava̍ḥ .. 9.017.01
1. LIKE rivers down a steep descent, slaying the Vṛtras, full of zeal,
The rapid Soma-streams have flowed.
Sloka : 9.17.2
अ॒भि सु॑वा॒नास॒ इन्द॑वो वृ॒ष्टयः॑ पृथि॒वीमि॑व ।
इन्द्रं॒ सोमा॑सो अक्षरन् ॥ ९.०१७.०२
a̱bhi su̍vā̱nāsa̱ inda̍vo vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ pṛthi̱vīmi̍va .
indra̱ṃ somā̍so akṣaran .. 9.017.02
2 The drops of Soma juice effused fall like the rain upon the earth:-
To Indra flow the Soma-streams.
Sloka : 9.17.3
अत्यू॑र्मिर्मत्स॒रो मदः॒ सोमः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अर्षति ।
वि॒घ्नन्रक्षां॑सि देव॒युः ॥ ९.०१७.०३
atyū̍rmirmatsa̱ro mada̱ḥ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ arṣati .
vi̱ghnanrakṣā̍ṃsi deva̱yuḥ .. 9.017.03
3 With swelling wave the gladdening drink, the Soma, flows intoṭhe sieve,
Loving the Gods and slaying fiends.
Sloka : 9.17.4
आ क॒लशे॑षु धावति प॒वित्रे॒ परि॑ षिच्यते ।
उ॒क्थैर्य॒ज्ञेषु॑ वर्धते ॥ ९.०१७.०४
ā ka̱laśe̍ṣu dhāvati pa̱vitre̱ pari̍ ṣicyate .
u̱kthairya̱jñeṣu̍ vardhate .. 9.017.04
4 It hastens to the pitchers, poured upon the sieve it waxes strong
At sacrifices through the lauds.
Sloka : 9.17.5
अति॒ त्री सो॑म रोच॒ना रोह॒न्न भ्रा॑जसे॒ दिव॑म् ।
इ॒ष्णन्सूर्यं॒ न चो॑दयः ॥ ९.०१७.०५
ati̱ trī so̍ma roca̱nā roha̱nna bhrā̍jase̱ diva̍m .
i̱ṣṇansūrya̱ṃ na co̍dayaḥ .. 9.017.05
5 Soma, thou shinest mounting heaven as twere above light's triple realm,
And moving secm'st to speed the Sun.
Sloka : 9.17.6
अ॒भि विप्रा॑ अनूषत मू॒र्धन्य॒ज्ञस्य॑ का॒रवः॑ ।
दधा॑ना॒श्चक्ष॑सि प्रि॒यम् ॥ ९.०१७.०६
a̱bhi viprā̍ anūṣata mū̱rdhanya̱jñasya̍ kā̱rava̍ḥ .
dadhā̍nā̱ścakṣa̍si pri̱yam .. 9.017.06
6 To him, the head of sacnfice, singers and bards have sung their songs,
Offering what he loves to see.
Sloka : 9.17.7
तमु॑ त्वा वा॒जिनं॒ नरो॑ धी॒भिर्विप्रा॑ अव॒स्यवः॑ ।
मृ॒जन्ति॑ दे॒वता॑तये ॥ ९.०१७.०७
tamu̍ tvā vā̱jina̱ṃ naro̍ dhī̱bhirviprā̍ ava̱syava̍ḥ .
mṛ̱janti̍ de̱vatā̍taye .. 9.017.07
7 The men, the sages with their hymns, eager for help, deck thee strong &teed,
Deck thee for service of the Gods.
Sloka : 9.17.8
मधो॒र्धारा॒मनु॑ क्षर ती॒व्रः स॒धस्थ॒मास॑दः ।
चारु॑रृ॒ताय॑ पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०१७.०८
madho̱rdhārā̱manu̍ kṣara tī̱vraḥ sa̱dhastha̱māsa̍daḥ .
cāru̍rṛ̱tāya̍ pī̱taye̍ .. 9.017.08
8 Flow onward to the stream of meath rest efficacious in thy home,
Fair, to be drunk at sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.18.1
परि॑ सुवा॒नो गि॑रि॒ष्ठाः प॒वित्रे॒ सोमो॑ अक्षाः ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०१
pari̍ suvā̱no gi̍ri̱ṣṭhāḥ pa̱vitre̱ somo̍ akṣāḥ .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.01
1. THOU, Soma, dweller on the hills, effused, hast flowed into the sieve,:-
All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.18.2
त्वं विप्र॒स्त्वं क॒विर्मधु॒ प्र जा॒तमन्ध॑सः ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०२
tvaṃ vipra̱stvaṃ ka̱virmadhu̱ pra jā̱tamandha̍saḥ .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.02
2 Thou art a sacred Bard, a Sage; the meath is offipring of thy sap:-
All-bountcous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.18.3
तव॒ विश्वे॑ स॒जोष॑सो दे॒वासः॑ पी॒तिमा॑शत ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०३
tava̱ viśve̍ sa̱joṣa̍so de̱vāsa̍ḥ pī̱timā̍śata .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.03
3 All Deities of one accord have come that they may drink of thee:-
All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.18.4
आ यो विश्वा॑नि॒ वार्या॒ वसू॑नि॒ हस्त॑योर्द॒धे ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०४
ā yo viśvā̍ni̱ vāryā̱ vasū̍ni̱ hasta̍yorda̱dhe .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.04
4 He who containeth in his hands all treasures much to be desired:-
All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.18.5
य इ॒मे रोद॑सी म॒ही सं मा॒तरे॑व॒ दोह॑ते ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०५
ya i̱me roda̍sī ma̱hī saṃ mā̱tare̍va̱ doha̍te .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.05
5 Who milketh out this mighty Pair, the Earth and Heaven, like mother kine
All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.18.6
परि॒ यो रोद॑सी उ॒भे स॒द्यो वाजे॑भि॒रर्ष॑ति ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०६
pari̱ yo roda̍sī u̱bhe sa̱dyo vāje̍bhi̱rarṣa̍ti .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.06
6 Who in a moment mightily floweth around these two world-halvcs:-
All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.18.7
स शु॒ष्मी क॒लशे॒ष्वा पु॑ना॒नो अ॑चिक्रदत् ।
मदे॑षु सर्व॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०१८.०७
sa śu̱ṣmī ka̱laśe̱ṣvā pu̍nā̱no a̍cikradat .
made̍ṣu sarva̱dhā a̍si .. 9.018.07
7 The Strong One, being purified, hath in the pitchers cried aloud:-
All-bounteous art thou in carouse.
Sloka : 9.19.1
यत्सो॑म चि॒त्रमु॒क्थ्यं॑ दि॒व्यं पार्थि॑वं॒ वसु॑ ।
तन्नः॑ पुना॒न आ भ॑र ॥ ९.०१९.०१
yatso̍ma ci̱tramu̱kthya̍ṃ di̱vyaṃ pārthi̍va̱ṃ vasu̍ .
tanna̍ḥ punā̱na ā bha̍ra .. 9.019.01
1. O SOMA, being purified bring us the wondrous treasure, meet
For lauds, that is in earth and heaven.
Sloka : 9.19.2
यु॒वं हि स्थः स्व॑र्पती॒ इन्द्र॑श्च सोम॒ गोप॑ती ।
ई॒शा॒ना पि॑प्यतं॒ धियः॑ ॥ ९.०१९.०२
yu̱vaṃ hi sthaḥ sva̍rpatī̱ indra̍śca soma̱ gopa̍tī .
ī̱śā̱nā pi̍pyata̱ṃ dhiya̍ḥ .. 9.019.02
2 For ye Twain, Indra, Soma, are Lords of the light, Lords of the kine:-
Great Rulers, prosper ye our songs.
Sloka : 9.19.3
वृषा॑ पुना॒न आ॒युषु॑ स्त॒नय॒न्नधि॑ ब॒र्हिषि॑ ।
हरिः॒ सन्योनि॒मास॑दत् ॥ ९.०१९.०३
vṛṣā̍ punā̱na ā̱yuṣu̍ sta̱naya̱nnadhi̍ ba̱rhiṣi̍ .
hari̱ḥ sanyoni̱māsa̍dat .. 9.019.03
3 The tawny Steer, while cleansed among the living, bellowing on the grass,
Hath sunk and settled in his home.
Sloka : 9.19.4
अवा॑वशन्त धी॒तयो॑ वृष॒भस्याधि॒ रेत॑सि ।
सू॒नोर्व॒त्सस्य॑ मा॒तरः॑ ॥ ९.०१९.०४
avā̍vaśanta dhī̱tayo̍ vṛṣa̱bhasyādhi̱ reta̍si .
sū̱norva̱tsasya̍ mā̱tara̍ḥ .. 9.019.04
4 Over the Steer's productive flow the sacred songs were resonant,
The mothers of the darling Son.
Sloka : 9.19.5
कु॒विद्वृ॑ष॒ण्यन्ती॑भ्यः पुना॒नो गर्भ॑मा॒दध॑त् ।
याः शु॒क्रं दु॑ह॒ते पयः॑ ॥ ९.०१९.०५
ku̱vidvṛ̍ṣa̱ṇyantī̍bhyaḥ punā̱no garbha̍mā̱dadha̍t .
yāḥ śu̱kraṃ du̍ha̱te paya̍ḥ .. 9.019.05
5 Hath he not, purified, impregned the kine whb long to meet their Lord,
The kine who yield the shining milk?
Sloka : 9.19.6
उप॑ शिक्षापत॒स्थुषो॑ भि॒यस॒मा धे॑हि॒ शत्रु॑षु ।
पव॑मान वि॒दा र॒यिम् ॥ ९.०१९.०६
upa̍ śikṣāpata̱sthuṣo̍ bhi̱yasa̱mā dhe̍hi̱ śatru̍ṣu .
pava̍māna vi̱dā ra̱yim .. 9.019.06
6 Bring near us those who stand aloof strike fear into our enemies:-
O Pavamana, find us wealth.
Sloka : 9.19.7
नि शत्रोः॑ सोम॒ वृष्ण्यं॒ नि शुष्मं॒ नि वय॑स्तिर ।
दू॒रे वा॑ स॒तो अन्ति॑ वा ॥ ९.०१९.०७
ni śatro̍ḥ soma̱ vṛṣṇya̱ṃ ni śuṣma̱ṃ ni vaya̍stira .
dū̱re vā̍ sa̱to anti̍ vā .. 9.019.07
7 Soma, bring down the foeman's might, his vigorous strength and vital powe'r,
Whether he be afar or near.
Sloka : 9.20.1
प्र क॒विर्दे॒ववी॑त॒येऽव्यो॒ वारे॑भिरर्षति ।
सा॒ह्वान्विश्वा॑ अ॒भि स्पृधः॑ ॥ ९.०२०.०१
pra ka̱virde̱vavī̍ta̱ye'vyo̱ vāre̍bhirarṣati .
sā̱hvānviśvā̍ a̱bhi spṛdha̍ḥ .. 9.020.01
1. FORTH through the straining-cloth the Sage flows to the banquet of the Gods,
Subduing all our enemies.
Sloka : 9.20.2
स हि ष्मा॑ जरि॒तृभ्य॒ आ वाजं॒ गोम॑न्त॒मिन्व॑ति ।
पव॑मानः सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०२०.०२
sa hi ṣmā̍ jari̱tṛbhya̱ ā vāja̱ṃ goma̍nta̱minva̍ti .
pava̍mānaḥ saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 9.020.02
2 For he, as Pavamana, sends thousandfold treasure in the shape
Of cattle to the singing-men.
Sloka : 9.20.3
परि॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ चेत॑सा मृ॒शसे॒ पव॑से म॒ती ।
स नः॑ सोम॒ श्रवो॑ विदः ॥ ९.०२०.०३
pari̱ viśvā̍ni̱ ceta̍sā mṛ̱śase̱ pava̍se ma̱tī .
sa na̍ḥ soma̱ śravo̍ vidaḥ .. 9.020.03
3 Thou graspest all things with thy mind, and purifiest thee with thoughts
As such, O Soma, find us fame.
Sloka : 9.20.4
अ॒भ्य॑र्ष बृ॒हद्यशो॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्यो ध्रु॒वं र॒यिम् ।
इषं॑ स्तो॒तृभ्य॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ९.०२०.०४
a̱bhya̍rṣa bṛ̱hadyaśo̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhyo dhru̱vaṃ ra̱yim .
iṣa̍ṃ sto̱tṛbhya̱ ā bha̍ra .. 9.020.04
4 Pour lofty glory on us, send sure riches to our liberal lords,
Bring food to those who sing thy praise.
Sloka : 9.20.5
त्वं राजे॑व सुव्र॒तो गिरः॑ सो॒मा वि॑वेशिथ ।
पु॒ना॒नो व॑ह्ने अद्भुत ॥ ९.०२०.०५
tvaṃ rāje̍va suvra̱to gira̍ḥ so̱mā vi̍veśitha .
pu̱nā̱no va̍hne adbhuta .. 9.020.05
5 As thou art cleansed, O Wondrous Steed, O Soma, thou hast entered, like
A pious King, into the songs.
Sloka : 9.20.6
स वह्नि॑र॒प्सु दु॒ष्टरो॑ मृ॒ज्यमा॑नो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः ।
सोम॑श्च॒मूषु॑ सीदति ॥ ९.०२०.०६
sa vahni̍ra̱psu du̱ṣṭaro̍ mṛ̱jyamā̍no̱ gabha̍styoḥ .
soma̍śca̱mūṣu̍ sīdati .. 9.020.06
6 He, Soma, like a courser in the floods invincible, made clean
With hands, is resting in the jars.
Sloka : 9.20.7
क्री॒ळुर्म॒खो न मं॑ह॒युः प॒वित्रं॑ सोम गच्छसि ।
दध॑त्स्तो॒त्रे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०२०.०७
krī̱l̤urma̱kho na ma̍ṃha̱yuḥ pa̱vitra̍ṃ soma gacchasi .
dadha̍tsto̱tre su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.020.07
7 Disporting, like a liberal chief, thou goest, Soma, to the sieve,
Lending the laud a Hero's strength.
Sloka : 9.21.1
ए॒ते धा॑व॒न्तीन्द॑वः॒ सोमा॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ घृष्व॑यः ।
म॒त्स॒रासः॑ स्व॒र्विदः॑ ॥ ९.०२१.०१
e̱te dhā̍va̱ntīnda̍va̱ḥ somā̱ indrā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍yaḥ .
ma̱tsa̱rāsa̍ḥ sva̱rvida̍ḥ .. 9.021.01
1. To Indra flow these running drops, these Somas frolicsome in mood.
Exhilarating, finding light;
Sloka : 9.21.2
प्र॒वृ॒ण्वन्तो॑ अभि॒युजः॒ सुष्व॑ये वरिवो॒विदः॑ ।
स्व॒यं स्तो॒त्रे व॑य॒स्कृतः॑ ॥ ९.०२१.०२
pra̱vṛ̱ṇvanto̍ abhi̱yuja̱ḥ suṣva̍ye varivo̱vida̍ḥ .
sva̱yaṃ sto̱tre va̍ya̱skṛta̍ḥ .. 9.021.02
2 Driving off foes, bestowing room upon the presser, willingly
Bringing their praiser vitalforce.
Sloka : 9.21.3
वृथा॒ क्रीळ॑न्त॒ इन्द॑वः स॒धस्थ॑म॒भ्येक॒मित् ।
सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मा व्य॑क्षरन् ॥ ९.०२१.०३
vṛthā̱ krīl̤a̍nta̱ inda̍vaḥ sa̱dhastha̍ma̱bhyeka̱mit .
sindho̍rū̱rmā vya̍kṣaran .. 9.021.03
3 Lightly disporting them, the drops flow to one common reservoir,
And fall into the river's wave.
Sloka : 9.21.4
ए॒ते विश्वा॑नि॒ वार्या॒ पव॑मानास आशत ।
हि॒ता न सप्त॑यो॒ रथे॑ ॥ ९.०२१.०४
e̱te viśvā̍ni̱ vāryā̱ pava̍mānāsa āśata .
hi̱tā na sapta̍yo̱ rathe̍ .. 9.021.04
4 These Pavamanas have obtained all blessings much to be desired,
Like coursers harnessed to a car.
Sloka : 9.21.5
आस्मि॑न्पि॒शङ्ग॑मिन्दवो॒ दधा॑ता वे॒नमा॒दिशे॑ ।
यो अ॒स्मभ्य॒मरा॑वा ॥ ९.०२१.०५
āsmi̍npi̱śaṅga̍mindavo̱ dadhā̍tā ve̱namā̱diśe̍ .
yo a̱smabhya̱marā̍vā .. 9.021.05
5 With view to us, O Soma-drops, bestow his manifold desire
On him who yet hath given us naught.
Sloka : 9.21.6
ऋ॒भुर्न रथ्यं॒ नवं॒ दधा॑ता॒ केत॑मा॒दिशे॑ ।
शु॒क्राः प॑वध्व॒मर्ण॑सा ॥ ९.०२१.०६
ṛ̱bhurna rathya̱ṃ nava̱ṃ dadhā̍tā̱ keta̍mā̱diśe̍ .
śu̱krāḥ pa̍vadhva̱marṇa̍sā .. 9.021.06
6 Bring us our wish with this design, as a wright brings his new-wrought wheel:-
Flow pure and shining with the stream.
Sloka : 9.21.7
ए॒त उ॒ त्ये अ॑वीवश॒न्काष्ठां॑ वा॒जिनो॑ अक्रत ।
स॒तः प्रासा॑विषुर्म॒तिम् ॥ ९.०२१.०७
e̱ta u̱ tye a̍vīvaśa̱nkāṣṭhā̍ṃ vā̱jino̍ akrata .
sa̱taḥ prāsā̍viṣurma̱tim .. 9.021.07
7 These drops have cried with resonant voice:- like swift steeds they have run the course,
And roused the good man's hymn to life.
Sloka : 9.22.1
ए॒ते सोमा॑स आ॒शवो॒ रथा॑ इव॒ प्र वा॒जिनः॑ ।
सर्गाः॑ सृ॒ष्टा अ॑हेषत ॥ ९.०२२.०१
e̱te somā̍sa ā̱śavo̱ rathā̍ iva̱ pra vā̱jina̍ḥ .
sargā̍ḥ sṛ̱ṣṭā a̍heṣata .. 9.022.01
1. THESE rapid Soma-streams have stirred themselves to motion like strong steeds,
Like cars, like armies hurried forth.
Sloka : 9.22.2
ए॒ते वाता॑ इवो॒रवः॑ प॒र्जन्य॑स्येव वृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।
अ॒ग्नेरि॑व भ्र॒मा वृथा॑ ॥ ९.०२२.०२
e̱te vātā̍ ivo̱rava̍ḥ pa̱rjanya̍syeva vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .
a̱gneri̍va bhra̱mā vṛthā̍ .. 9.022.02
2 Swift as wide winds they lightly move, like rain-storms of Parjanya, like
The flickering flames of burning fire.
Sloka : 9.22.3
ए॒ते पू॒ता वि॑प॒श्चितः॒ सोमा॑सो॒ दध्या॑शिरः ।
वि॒पा व्या॑नशु॒र्धियः॑ ॥ ९.०२२.०३
e̱te pū̱tā vi̍pa̱ścita̱ḥ somā̍so̱ dadhyā̍śiraḥ .
vi̱pā vyā̍naśu̱rdhiya̍ḥ .. 9.022.03
3 These Soma juices, blent with curds, purified, skilled in sacred hymns,
Have gained by song their hearts'desire.
Sloka : 9.22.4
ए॒ते मृ॒ष्टा अम॑र्त्याः ससृ॒वांसो॒ न श॑श्रमुः ।
इय॑क्षन्तः प॒थो रजः॑ ॥ ९.०२२.०४
e̱te mṛ̱ṣṭā ama̍rtyāḥ sasṛ̱vāṃso̱ na śa̍śramuḥ .
iya̍kṣantaḥ pa̱tho raja̍ḥ .. 9.022.04
4 Immortal, cleansed, these drops, since first they flowed, have never wearied, fain
To reach the regions and their paths.
Sloka : 9.22.5
ए॒ते पृ॒ष्ठानि॒ रोद॑सोर्विप्र॒यन्तो॒ व्या॑नशुः ।
उ॒तेदमु॑त्त॒मं रजः॑ ॥ ९.०२२.०५
e̱te pṛ̱ṣṭhāni̱ roda̍sorvipra̱yanto̱ vyā̍naśuḥ .
u̱tedamu̍tta̱maṃ raja̍ḥ .. 9.022.05
5 Advancing they have travelled oer the ridges of the earth and heaven,
And this the highest realm of all.
Sloka : 9.22.6
तन्तुं॑ तन्वा॒नमु॑त्त॒ममनु॑ प्र॒वत॑ आशत ।
उ॒तेदमु॑त्त॒माय्य॑म् ॥ ९.०२२.०६
tantu̍ṃ tanvā̱namu̍tta̱mamanu̍ pra̱vata̍ āśata .
u̱tedamu̍tta̱māyya̍m .. 9.022.06
6 Over the heights have they attained the highest thread that is spun out,
And this which must be deemed most high.
Sloka : 9.22.7
त्वं सो॑म प॒णिभ्य॒ आ वसु॒ गव्या॑नि धारयः ।
त॒तं तन्तु॑मचिक्रदः ॥ ९.०२२.०७
tvaṃ so̍ma pa̱ṇibhya̱ ā vasu̱ gavyā̍ni dhārayaḥ .
ta̱taṃ tantu̍macikradaḥ .. 9.022.07
7 Thou, Soma, boldest wealth in kine which thou hast seized from niggard churls:-
Thou calledst forth the outspun thread.
Sloka : 9.23.1
सोमा॑ असृग्रमा॒शवो॒ मधो॒र्मद॑स्य॒ धार॑या ।
अ॒भि विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ ॥ ९.०२३.०१
somā̍ asṛgramā̱śavo̱ madho̱rmada̍sya̱ dhāra̍yā .
a̱bhi viśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ .. 9.023.01
1. SWIFT Soma drops have been effused in streams of meath, the gladdening drink,
For sacred lore of every kind.
Sloka : 9.23.2
अनु॑ प्र॒त्नास॑ आ॒यवः॑ प॒दं नवी॑यो अक्रमुः ।
रु॒चे ज॑नन्त॒ सूर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०२३.०२
anu̍ pra̱tnāsa̍ ā̱yava̍ḥ pa̱daṃ navī̍yo akramuḥ .
ru̱ce ja̍nanta̱ sūrya̍m .. 9.023.02
2 Hither to newer. resting-place the ancient Living Ones are come.
They made the Sun that he might shine.
Sloka : 9.23.3
आ प॑वमान नो भरा॒र्यो अदा॑शुषो॒ गय॑म् ।
कृ॒धि प्र॒जाव॑ती॒रिषः॑ ॥ ९.०२३.०३
ā pa̍vamāna no bharā̱ryo adā̍śuṣo̱ gaya̍m .
kṛ̱dhi pra̱jāva̍tī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 9.023.03
3 O Pavamana, bring to us the unsacrificing foeman's wealth,
And give us food with progeny.
Sloka : 9.23.4
अ॒भि सोमा॑स आ॒यवः॒ पव॑न्ते॒ मद्यं॒ मद॑म् ।
अ॒भि कोशं॑ मधु॒श्चुत॑म् ॥ ९.०२३.०४
a̱bhi somā̍sa ā̱yava̱ḥ pava̍nte̱ madya̱ṃ mada̍m .
a̱bhi kośa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̍m .. 9.023.04
4 The living Somas being cleansed diffuse exhilarating drink,
Turned to the vat which drips with meath.
Sloka : 9.23.5
सोमो॑ अर्षति धर्ण॒सिर्दधा॑न इन्द्रि॒यं रस॑म् ।
सु॒वीरो॑ अभिशस्ति॒पाः ॥ ९.०२३.०५
somo̍ arṣati dharṇa̱sirdadhā̍na indri̱yaṃ rasa̍m .
su̱vīro̍ abhiśasti̱pāḥ .. 9.023.05
5 Soma gows on intelligent, possessing sap and mighty strength,
Brave Hero who repels the curse.
Sloka : 9.23.6
इन्द्रा॑य सोम पवसे दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सध॒माद्यः॑ ।
इन्दो॒ वाजं॑ सिषाससि ॥ ९.०२३.०६
indrā̍ya soma pavase de̱vebhya̍ḥ sadha̱mādya̍ḥ .
indo̱ vāja̍ṃ siṣāsasi .. 9.023.06
6 For Indra, Soma! thou art cleansed, a feast-companion for the Gods:-
1ndu, thou fain wilt win us strength
Sloka : 9.23.7
अ॒स्य पी॒त्वा मदा॑ना॒मिन्द्रो॑ वृ॒त्राण्य॑प्र॒ति ।
ज॒घान॑ ज॒घन॑च्च॒ नु ॥ ९.०२३.०७
a̱sya pī̱tvā madā̍nā̱mindro̍ vṛ̱trāṇya̍pra̱ti .
ja̱ghāna̍ ja̱ghana̍cca̱ nu .. 9.023.07
7 When he had drunken draughts of this, Indra smote down resistless foes:-
Yea, smote them, and shall smite them still.
Sloka : 9.24.1
प्र सोमा॑सो अधन्विषुः॒ पव॑मानास॒ इन्द॑वः ।
श्री॒णा॒ना अ॒प्सु मृ॑ञ्जत ॥ ९.०२४.०१
pra somā̍so adhanviṣu̱ḥ pava̍mānāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .
śrī̱ṇā̱nā a̱psu mṛ̍ñjata .. 9.024.01
1. HITHERWARD have the Soma streamed,
the drops while they are purified:-
When bIent, in waters they are rinsed.
Sloka : 9.24.2
अ॒भि गावो॑ अधन्विषु॒रापो॒ न प्र॒वता॑ य॒तीः ।
पु॒ना॒ना इन्द्र॑माशत ॥ ९.०२४.०२
a̱bhi gāvo̍ adhanviṣu̱rāpo̱ na pra̱vatā̍ ya̱tīḥ .
pu̱nā̱nā indra̍māśata .. 9.024.02
2 The milk hath run to meet them like floods rushing down a precipice:-
They come to Indra, being cleansed.
Sloka : 9.24.3
प्र प॑वमान धन्वसि॒ सोमेन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे ।
नृभि॑र्य॒तो वि नी॑यसे ॥ ९.०२४.०३
pra pa̍vamāna dhanvasi̱ somendrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve .
nṛbhi̍rya̱to vi nī̍yase .. 9.024.03
3 O Soma Pavamana, thou art flowing to be Indra's drink:-
The men have seized and lead thee forth.
Sloka : 9.24.4
त्वं सो॑म नृ॒माद॑नः॒ पव॑स्व चर्षणी॒सहे॑ ।
सस्नि॒र्यो अ॑नु॒माद्यः॑ ॥ ९.०२४.०४
tvaṃ so̍ma nṛ̱māda̍na̱ḥ pava̍sva carṣaṇī̱sahe̍ .
sasni̱ryo a̍nu̱mādya̍ḥ .. 9.024.04
4 Victorious, to be hailed with joy, O Soma, flow, delighting men,
To him who ruleth oer mankind.
Sloka : 9.24.5
इन्दो॒ यदद्रि॑भिः सु॒तः प॒वित्रं॑ परि॒धाव॑सि ।
अर॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ धाम्ने॑ ॥ ९.०२४.०५
indo̱ yadadri̍bhiḥ su̱taḥ pa̱vitra̍ṃ pari̱dhāva̍si .
ara̱mindra̍sya̱ dhāmne̍ .. 9.024.05
5 Thou, Indu, when, effused by stones, thou runnest to the filter, art,
Ready for Indra's high decree.
Sloka : 9.24.6
पव॑स्व वृत्रहन्तमो॒क्थेभि॑रनु॒माद्यः॑ ।
शुचिः॑ पाव॒को अद्भु॑तः ॥ ९.०२४.०६
pava̍sva vṛtrahantamo̱kthebhi̍ranu̱mādya̍ḥ .
śuci̍ḥ pāva̱ko adbhu̍taḥ .. 9.024.06
6 Flow on, best Vṛtra-slayer; flow meet to be hailed with joyful lauds.
Pure, purifying, wonderful.
Sloka : 9.24.7
शुचिः॑ पाव॒क उ॑च्यते॒ सोमः॑ सु॒तस्य॒ मध्वः॑ ।
दे॒वा॒वीर॑घशंस॒हा ॥ ९.०२४.०७
śuci̍ḥ pāva̱ka u̍cyate̱ soma̍ḥ su̱tasya̱ madhva̍ḥ .
de̱vā̱vīra̍ghaśaṃsa̱hā .. 9.024.07
7 Pure, purifying is he called the Soma of the meath eflused,
Slayer of sinners, dear to Gods.
Sloka : 9.25.1
पव॑स्व दक्ष॒साध॑नो दे॒वेभ्यः॑ पी॒तये॑ हरे ।
म॒रुद्भ्यो॑ वा॒यवे॒ मदः॑ ॥ ९.०२५.०१
pava̍sva dakṣa̱sādha̍no de̱vebhya̍ḥ pī̱taye̍ hare .
ma̱rudbhyo̍ vā̱yave̱ mada̍ḥ .. 9.025.01
1. GREEN-HUED! as one who giveth strength flow on for Gods to drink, a draught
For Vāyu and the Marut host.
Sloka : 9.25.2
पव॑मान धि॒या हि॒तो॒३॒॑ऽभि योनिं॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ।
धर्म॑णा वा॒युमा वि॑श ॥ ९.०२५.०२
pava̍māna dhi̱yā hi̱to̱3̱̎bhi yoni̱ṃ kani̍kradat .
dharma̍ṇā vā̱yumā vi̍śa .. 9.025.02
2 O Pavamana, sent by song, roaring about thy dwelling-place,
Pass into Vāyu as Law bids.
Sloka : 9.25.3
सं दे॒वैः शो॑भते॒ वृषा॑ क॒विर्योना॒वधि॑ प्रि॒यः ।
वृ॒त्र॒हा दे॑व॒वीत॑मः ॥ ९.०२५.०३
saṃ de̱vaiḥ śo̍bhate̱ vṛṣā̍ ka̱viryonā̱vadhi̍ pri̱yaḥ .
vṛ̱tra̱hā de̍va̱vīta̍maḥ .. 9.025.03
3 The Steer shines with the Deities, dear Sage in his appointed home,
Foe-Slayer, most beloved by Gods.
Sloka : 9.25.4
विश्वा॑ रू॒पाण्या॑वि॒शन्पु॑ना॒नो या॑ति हर्य॒तः ।
यत्रा॒मृता॑स॒ आस॑ते ॥ ९.०२५.०४
viśvā̍ rū̱pāṇyā̍vi̱śanpu̍nā̱no yā̍ti harya̱taḥ .
yatrā̱mṛtā̍sa̱ āsa̍te .. 9.025.04
4 Taking each beauteous form, he goes, desirable, while purified,
Thither where- the Immortals sit.
Sloka : 9.25.5
अ॒रु॒षो ज॒नय॒न्गिरः॒ सोमः॑ पवत आयु॒षक् ।
इन्द्रं॒ गच्छ॑न्क॒विक्र॑तुः ॥ ९.०२५.०५
a̱ru̱ṣo ja̱naya̱ngira̱ḥ soma̍ḥ pavata āyu̱ṣak .
indra̱ṃ gaccha̍nka̱vikra̍tuḥ .. 9.025.05
5 To Indra Soma flows, the Red, engendering song, exceeding wise,
The visitor of living men.
Sloka : 9.25.6
आ प॑वस्व मदिन्तम प॒वित्रं॒ धार॑या कवे ।
अ॒र्कस्य॒ योनि॑मा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.०२५.०६
ā pa̍vasva madintama pa̱vitra̱ṃ dhāra̍yā kave .
a̱rkasya̱ yoni̍mā̱sada̍m .. 9.025.06
6 Flow, best exhilarator, Sage, flow to the filter in a stream
To seat thee in the place of song.
Sloka : 9.26.1
तम॑मृक्षन्त वा॒जिन॑मु॒पस्थे॒ अदि॑ते॒रधि॑ ।
विप्रा॑सो॒ अण्व्या॑ धि॒या ॥ ९.०२६.०१
tama̍mṛkṣanta vā̱jina̍mu̱pasthe̱ adi̍te̱radhi̍ .
viprā̍so̱ aṇvyā̍ dhi̱yā .. 9.026.01
1. THE sages with the fingers' art have dressed and decked that vigorous Steed
Upon the lap of Aditi,
Sloka : 9.26.2
तं गावो॑ अ॒भ्य॑नूषत स॒हस्र॑धार॒मक्षि॑तम् ।
इन्दुं॑ ध॒र्तार॒मा दि॒वः ॥ ९.०२६.०२
taṃ gāvo̍ a̱bhya̍nūṣata sa̱hasra̍dhāra̱makṣi̍tam .
indu̍ṃ dha̱rtāra̱mā di̱vaḥ .. 9.026.02
2 The kine have called aloud to him exhaustless with a thousand streams,
To Indu who supporteth heaven.
Sloka : 9.26.3
तं वे॒धां मे॒धया॑ह्य॒न्पव॑मान॒मधि॒ द्यवि॑ ।
ध॒र्ण॒सिं भूरि॑धायसम् ॥ ९.०२६.०३
taṃ ve̱dhāṃ me̱dhayā̍hya̱npava̍māna̱madhi̱ dyavi̍ .
dha̱rṇa̱siṃ bhūri̍dhāyasam .. 9.026.03
3 Him, nourisher of many, Sage, creative Pavamana, they
Have sent, by wisdom, to the sky.
Sloka : 9.26.4
तम॑ह्यन्भु॒रिजो॑र्धि॒या सं॒वसा॑नं वि॒वस्व॑तः ।
पतिं॑ वा॒चो अदा॑भ्यम् ॥ ९.०२६.०४
tama̍hyanbhu̱rijo̍rdhi̱yā sa̱ṃvasā̍naṃ vi̱vasva̍taḥ .
pati̍ṃ vā̱co adā̍bhyam .. 9.026.04
4 Him, dweller with Vivasvān, they with use of both arms have sent forth,
The Lord of Speech infallible.
Sloka : 9.26.5
तं साना॒वधि॑ जा॒मयो॒ हरिं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
ह॒र्य॒तं भूरि॑चक्षसम् ॥ ९.०२६.०५
taṃ sānā̱vadhi̍ jā̱mayo̱ hari̍ṃ hinva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .
ha̱rya̱taṃ bhūri̍cakṣasam .. 9.026.05
5 Him, green, beloved, many eyed, the Sisters with prosing stones
Send down to ridges of the sieve.
Sloka : 9.26.6
तं त्वा॑ हिन्वन्ति वे॒धसः॒ पव॑मान गिरा॒वृध॑म् ।
इन्द॒विन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रम् ॥ ९.०२६.०६
taṃ tvā̍ hinvanti ve̱dhasa̱ḥ pava̍māna girā̱vṛdha̍m .
inda̱vindrā̍ya matsa̱ram .. 9.026.06
6 O Pavamana, Indu, priests hurry thee on to Indra, thee
Who aidest song and cheerest him.
Sloka : 9.27.1
ए॒ष क॒विर॒भिष्टु॑तः प॒वित्रे॒ अधि॑ तोशते ।
पु॒ना॒नो घ्नन्नप॒ स्रिधः॑ ॥ ९.०२७.०१
e̱ṣa ka̱vira̱bhiṣṭu̍taḥ pa̱vitre̱ adhi̍ tośate .
pu̱nā̱no ghnannapa̱ sridha̍ḥ .. 9.027.01
1. THIS Sage, exalted by our lauds, flows to the purifying cloth,
Scattering foes as he is cleansed.
Sloka : 9.27.2
ए॒ष इन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॑ स्व॒र्जित्परि॑ षिच्यते ।
प॒वित्रे॑ दक्ष॒साध॑नः ॥ ९.०२७.०२
e̱ṣa indrā̍ya vā̱yave̍ sva̱rjitpari̍ ṣicyate .
pa̱vitre̍ dakṣa̱sādha̍naḥ .. 9.027.02
2 As giving power and winning light, for Indra and for Vāyu he
Is poured upon the filtering-cloth.
Sloka : 9.27.3
ए॒ष नृभि॒र्वि नी॑यते दि॒वो मू॒र्धा वृषा॑ सु॒तः ।
सोमो॒ वने॑षु विश्व॒वित् ॥ ९.०२७.०३
e̱ṣa nṛbhi̱rvi nī̍yate di̱vo mū̱rdhā vṛṣā̍ su̱taḥ .
somo̱ vane̍ṣu viśva̱vit .. 9.027.03
3 The men conduct him, Soma, Steer, Omniscient, and the Head of Heaven,
Effused into the vats of wood.
Sloka : 9.27.4
ए॒ष ग॒व्युर॑चिक्रद॒त्पव॑मानो हिरण्य॒युः ।
इन्दुः॑ सत्रा॒जिदस्तृ॑तः ॥ ९.०२७.०४
e̱ṣa ga̱vyura̍cikrada̱tpava̍māno hiraṇya̱yuḥ .
indu̍ḥ satrā̱jidastṛ̍taḥ .. 9.027.04
4 Longing for kine, longing for gold hath Indu Pavamana lowed,
Still Conqueror, never overcome.
Sloka : 9.27.5
ए॒ष सूर्ये॑ण हासते॒ पव॑मानो॒ अधि॒ द्यवि॑ ।
प॒वित्रे॑ मत्स॒रो मदः॑ ॥ ९.०२७.०५
e̱ṣa sūrye̍ṇa hāsate̱ pava̍māno̱ adhi̱ dyavi̍ .
pa̱vitre̍ matsa̱ro mada̍ḥ .. 9.027.05
5 This Pavamana, gladdening draught, drops on the filtering cloth, and then
Mounts up with Sūrya to the sky.
Sloka : 9.27.6
ए॒ष शु॒ष्म्य॑सिष्यदद॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ वृषा॒ हरिः॑ ।
पु॒ना॒न इन्दु॒रिन्द्र॒मा ॥ ९.०२७.०६
e̱ṣa śu̱ṣmya̍siṣyadada̱ntari̍kṣe̱ vṛṣā̱ hari̍ḥ .
pu̱nā̱na indu̱rindra̱mā .. 9.027.06
6 To Indra in the firmament this mighty tawny Steer hath flowed,
This Indu, being purified.
Sloka : 9.28.1
ए॒ष वा॒जी हि॒तो नृभि॑र्विश्व॒विन्मन॑स॒स्पतिः॑ ।
अव्यो॒ वारं॒ वि धा॑वति ॥ ९.०२८.०१
e̱ṣa vā̱jī hi̱to nṛbhi̍rviśva̱vinmana̍sa̱spati̍ḥ .
avyo̱ vāra̱ṃ vi dhā̍vati .. 9.028.01
1. URGED by the men, this vigorous Steed, Lord of the mind, Omniscient,
Runs to the woollen straining-cloth.
Sloka : 9.28.2
ए॒ष प॒वित्रे॑ अक्षर॒त्सोमो॑ दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सु॒तः ।
विश्वा॒ धामा॑न्यावि॒शन् ॥ ९.०२८.०२
e̱ṣa pa̱vitre̍ akṣara̱tsomo̍ de̱vebhya̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
viśvā̱ dhāmā̍nyāvi̱śan .. 9.028.02
2 Within the filter hath he flowed, this Soma for the Gods effused,
Entering all their essences.
Sloka : 9.28.3
ए॒ष दे॒वः शु॑भाय॒तेऽधि॒ योना॒वम॑र्त्यः ।
वृ॒त्र॒हा दे॑व॒वीत॑मः ॥ ९.०२८.०३
e̱ṣa de̱vaḥ śu̍bhāya̱te'dhi̱ yonā̱vama̍rtyaḥ .
vṛ̱tra̱hā de̍va̱vīta̍maḥ .. 9.028.03
3 He shines in beauty there, this God Immortal in his dwelling-place,
Foe-slayer, dearest to the Gods.
Sloka : 9.28.4
ए॒ष वृषा॒ कनि॑क्रदद्द॒शभि॑र्जा॒मिभि॑र्य॒तः ।
अ॒भि द्रोणा॑नि धावति ॥ ९.०२८.०४
e̱ṣa vṛṣā̱ kani̍kradadda̱śabhi̍rjā̱mibhi̍rya̱taḥ .
a̱bhi droṇā̍ni dhāvati .. 9.028.04
4 Directed by the Sisters ten, bellowing on his way this Steer
Runs onward to the wooden vats.
Sloka : 9.28.5
ए॒ष सूर्य॑मरोचय॒त्पव॑मानो॒ विच॑र्षणिः ।
विश्वा॒ धामा॑नि विश्व॒वित् ॥ ९.०२८.०५
e̱ṣa sūrya̍marocaya̱tpava̍māno̱ vica̍rṣaṇiḥ .
viśvā̱ dhāmā̍ni viśva̱vit .. 9.028.05
5 This Pavamana, swiftand strong, Omniscient, gave spleudour to
The Sun and all his forms of light.
Sloka : 9.28.6
ए॒ष शु॒ष्म्यदा॑भ्यः॒ सोमः॑ पुना॒नो अ॑र्षति ।
दे॒वा॒वीर॑घशंस॒हा ॥ ९.०२८.०६
e̱ṣa śu̱ṣmyadā̍bhya̱ḥ soma̍ḥ punā̱no a̍rṣati .
de̱vā̱vīra̍ghaśaṃsa̱hā .. 9.028.06
6 This Soma being purified, flows mighty and infallible,
Slayer of sinners, dear toGods.
Sloka : 9.29.1
प्रास्य॒ धारा॑ अक्षर॒न्वृष्णः॑ सु॒तस्यौज॑सा ।
दे॒वाँ अनु॑ प्र॒भूष॑तः ॥ ९.०२९.०१
prāsya̱ dhārā̍ akṣara̱nvṛṣṇa̍ḥ su̱tasyauja̍sā .
de̱vām̐ anu̍ pra̱bhūṣa̍taḥ .. 9.029.01
1. FORWARD with mighty force have flowed the currents of this Steer effused,
Of him who sets him by the Gods.
Sloka : 9.29.2
सप्तिं॑ मृजन्ति वे॒धसो॑ गृ॒णन्तः॑ का॒रवो॑ गि॒रा ।
ज्योति॑र्जज्ञा॒नमु॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ९.०२९.०२
sapti̍ṃ mṛjanti ve̱dhaso̍ gṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ kā̱ravo̍ gi̱rā .
jyoti̍rjajñā̱namu̱kthya̍m .. 9.029.02
2 The singers praise him with their song, and learned priests adorn the Steed,
Brought forth as light that merits laud.
Sloka : 9.29.3
सु॒षहा॑ सोम॒ तानि॑ ते पुना॒नाय॑ प्रभूवसो ।
वर्धा॑ समु॒द्रमु॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ९.०२९.०३
su̱ṣahā̍ soma̱ tāni̍ te punā̱nāya̍ prabhūvaso .
vardhā̍ samu̱dramu̱kthya̍m .. 9.029.03
3 These things thou winnest lightly while purified, Soma, Lord of wealth:-
Fill full the sea that claims our praise.
Sloka : 9.29.4
विश्वा॒ वसू॑नि सं॒जय॒न्पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ।
इ॒नु द्वेषां॑सि स॒ध्र्य॑क् ॥ ९.०२९.०४
viśvā̱ vasū̍ni sa̱ṃjaya̱npava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā .
i̱nu dveṣā̍ṃsi sa̱dhrya̍k .. 9.029.04
4 Winning all precious things at once, flow on, O Soma, with thy stream
Drive to one place our enemies.
Sloka : 9.29.5
रक्षा॒ सु नो॒ अर॑रुषः स्व॒नात्स॑मस्य॒ कस्य॑ चित् ।
नि॒दो यत्र॑ मुमु॒च्महे॑ ॥ ९.०२९.०५
rakṣā̱ su no̱ ara̍ruṣaḥ sva̱nātsa̍masya̱ kasya̍ cit .
ni̱do yatra̍ mumu̱cmahe̍ .. 9.029.05
5 Preserve us from the godless, from ill-omened voice of one and all,
That so we may be freed from blame.
Sloka : 9.29.6
एन्दो॒ पार्थि॑वं र॒यिं दि॒व्यं प॑वस्व॒ धार॑या ।
द्यु॒मन्तं॒ शुष्म॒मा भ॑र ॥ ९.०२९.०६
endo̱ pārthi̍vaṃ ra̱yiṃ di̱vyaṃ pa̍vasva̱ dhāra̍yā .
dyu̱manta̱ṃ śuṣma̱mā bha̍ra .. 9.029.06
6 O Indu, as thou flowest on bring us the wealth of earth and heaven,
And splendid vigour, in thy stream.
Sloka : 9.30.1
प्र धारा॑ अस्य शु॒ष्मिणो॒ वृथा॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अक्षरन् ।
पु॒ना॒नो वाच॑मिष्यति ॥ ९.०३०.०१
pra dhārā̍ asya śu̱ṣmiṇo̱ vṛthā̍ pa̱vitre̍ akṣaran .
pu̱nā̱no vāca̍miṣyati .. 9.030.01
1. STREAMS of this Potent One have flowed easily to the straining-cloth:-
While he is cleansed he lifts his voice.
Sloka : 9.30.2
इन्दु॑र्हिया॒नः सो॒तृभि॑र्मृ॒ज्यमा॑नः॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ।
इय॑र्ति व॒ग्नुमि॑न्द्रि॒यम् ॥ ९.०३०.०२
indu̍rhiyā̱naḥ so̱tṛbhi̍rmṛ̱jyamā̍na̱ḥ kani̍kradat .
iya̍rti va̱gnumi̍ndri̱yam .. 9.030.02
2 Indu, by pressers urged to speed, bellowing out while beautified.
Sends forth a very mighty sound.
Sloka : 9.30.3
आ नः॒ शुष्मं॑ नृ॒षाह्यं॑ वी॒रव॑न्तं पुरु॒स्पृह॑म् ।
पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ॥ ९.०३०.०३
ā na̱ḥ śuṣma̍ṃ nṛ̱ṣāhya̍ṃ vī̱rava̍ntaṃ puru̱spṛha̍m .
pava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā .. 9.030.03
3 Pour on us, Soma, with thy stream manconquering might which many crave,
Accompanied with hero sons.
Sloka : 9.30.4
प्र सोमो॒ अति॒ धार॑या॒ पव॑मानो असिष्यदत् ।
अ॒भि द्रोणा॑न्या॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.०३०.०४
pra somo̱ ati̱ dhāra̍yā̱ pava̍māno asiṣyadat .
a̱bhi droṇā̍nyā̱sada̍m .. 9.030.04
4 Hither hath Pavamana flowed, Soma flowed hither in a stream,
To settle in the vats of wood.
Sloka : 9.30.5
अ॒प्सु त्वा॒ मधु॑मत्तमं॒ हरिं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
इन्द॒विन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०३०.०५
a̱psu tvā̱ madhu̍mattama̱ṃ hari̍ṃ hinva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .
inda̱vindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.030.05
5 To waters with the stones they drive thee tawny-hued, most rich in sweets,
O Indu, to be Indra's drink.
Sloka : 9.30.6
सु॒नोता॒ मधु॑मत्तमं॒ सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य व॒ज्रिणे॑ ।
चारुं॒ शर्धा॑य मत्स॒रम् ॥ ९.०३०.०६
su̱notā̱ madhu̍mattama̱ṃ soma̱mindrā̍ya va̱jriṇe̍ .
cāru̱ṃ śardhā̍ya matsa̱ram .. 9.030.06
6 For Indra, for the Thunderer press the Soma very rich in sweets,
Lovely, inspiriting, for strength.
Sloka : 9.31.1
प्र सोमा॑सः स्वा॒ध्य१॒ः॑ पव॑मानासो अक्रमुः ।
र॒यिं कृ॑ण्वन्ति॒ चेत॑नम् ॥ ९.०३१.०१
pra somā̍saḥ svā̱dhya1̱̍ḥ pava̍mānāso akramuḥ .
ra̱yiṃ kṛ̍ṇvanti̱ ceta̍nam .. 9.031.01
1. THE, Soma-drops, benevolent, come forth as they are purified,
Bestowing wealth which all may see.
Sloka : 9.31.2
दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्या अधि॒ भवे॑न्दो द्युम्न॒वर्ध॑नः ।
भवा॒ वाजा॑नां॒ पतिः॑ ॥ ९.०३१.०२
di̱vaspṛ̍thi̱vyā adhi̱ bhave̍ndo dyumna̱vardha̍naḥ .
bhavā̱ vājā̍nā̱ṃ pati̍ḥ .. 9.031.02
2 O Indu, high oer heaven and earth be thou, increaser of our might:-
The Master of all strength be thou.
Sloka : 9.31.3
तुभ्यं॒ वाता॑ अभि॒प्रिय॒स्तुभ्य॑मर्षन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।
सोम॒ वर्ध॑न्ति ते॒ महः॑ ॥ ९.०३१.०३
tubhya̱ṃ vātā̍ abhi̱priya̱stubhya̍marṣanti̱ sindha̍vaḥ .
soma̱ vardha̍nti te̱ maha̍ḥ .. 9.031.03
3 The winds are gracious in their love to thee, the rivers flow to thee
Soma, they multiply thy power.
Sloka : 9.31.4
आ प्या॑यस्व॒ समे॑तु ते वि॒श्वतः॑ सोम॒ वृष्ण्य॑म् ।
भवा॒ वाज॑स्य संग॒थे ॥ ९.०३१.०४
ā pyā̍yasva̱ same̍tu te vi̱śvata̍ḥ soma̱ vṛṣṇya̍m .
bhavā̱ vāja̍sya saṃga̱the .. 9.031.04
4 Soma, wax great. From every side may vigorous powers unite in thee:-
Be in the gathering-Place of strength.
Sloka : 9.31.5
तुभ्यं॒ गावो॑ घृ॒तं पयो॒ बभ्रो॑ दुदु॒ह्रे अक्षि॑तम् ।
वर्षि॑ष्ठे॒ अधि॒ सान॑वि ॥ ९.०३१.०५
tubhya̱ṃ gāvo̍ ghṛ̱taṃ payo̱ babhro̍ dudu̱hre akṣi̍tam .
varṣi̍ṣṭhe̱ adhi̱ sāna̍vi .. 9.031.05
5 For thee, brown-hued! the kine have poured imperishable oil and milk.
Aloft on the sublimest height.
Sloka : 9.31.6
स्वा॒यु॒धस्य॑ ते स॒तो भुव॑नस्य पते व॒यम् ।
इन्दो॑ सखि॒त्वमु॑श्मसि ॥ ९.०३१.०६
svā̱yu̱dhasya̍ te sa̱to bhuva̍nasya pate va̱yam .
indo̍ sakhi̱tvamu̍śmasi .. 9.031.06
6 Friendship, O Indu, we desire with thee who bearest noble arms,
With thee, O Lord of all that is.
Sloka : 9.32.1
प्र सोमा॑सो मद॒च्युतः॒ श्रव॑से नो म॒घोनः॑ ।
सु॒ता वि॒दथे॑ अक्रमुः ॥ ९.०३२.०१
pra somā̍so mada̱cyuta̱ḥ śrava̍se no ma̱ghona̍ḥ .
su̱tā vi̱dathe̍ akramuḥ .. 9.032.01
1. THE rapture-shedding Soma-drops, effused in our assembly, have
Flowed forth to glorify our prince.
Sloka : 9.32.2
आदीं॑ त्रि॒तस्य॒ योष॑णो॒ हरिं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०३२.०२
ādī̍ṃ tri̱tasya̱ yoṣa̍ṇo̱ hari̍ṃ hinva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .
indu̱mindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.032.02
2 Then Trita's Maidens onward urge the Tawny-coloured with the stones,
Indu for Indra, for his drink.
Sloka : 9.32.3
आदीं॑ हं॒सो यथा॑ ग॒णं विश्व॑स्यावीवशन्म॒तिम् ।
अत्यो॒ न गोभि॑रज्यते ॥ ९.०३२.०३
ādī̍ṃ ha̱ṃso yathā̍ ga̱ṇaṃ viśva̍syāvīvaśanma̱tim .
atyo̱ na gobhi̍rajyate .. 9.032.03
3 Now like a swan he maketh all the company sing each his hymn:-
He, like a steed, is bathed in milk.
Sloka : 9.32.4
उ॒भे सो॑माव॒चाक॑शन्मृ॒गो न त॒क्तो अ॑र्षसि ।
सीद॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ योनि॒मा ॥ ९.०३२.०४
u̱bhe so̍māva̱cāka̍śanmṛ̱go na ta̱kto a̍rṣasi .
sīda̍nnṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̱mā .. 9.032.04
4 O Soma, viewing heaven and earth, thou runncst like a darting deer
Set in the place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.32.5
अ॒भि गावो॑ अनूषत॒ योषा॑ जा॒रमि॑व प्रि॒यम् ।
अग॑न्ना॒जिं यथा॑ हि॒तम् ॥ ९.०३२.०५
a̱bhi gāvo̍ anūṣata̱ yoṣā̍ jā̱rami̍va pri̱yam .
aga̍nnā̱jiṃ yathā̍ hi̱tam .. 9.032.05
5 The cows have sung with joy to him, even as a woman to her love
He came as to a settled race.
Sloka : 9.32.6
अ॒स्मे धे॑हि द्यु॒मद्यशो॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्यश्च॒ मह्यं॑ च ।
स॒निं मे॒धामु॒त श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.०३२.०६
a̱sme dhe̍hi dyu̱madyaśo̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhyaśca̱ mahya̍ṃ ca .
sa̱niṃ me̱dhāmu̱ta śrava̍ḥ .. 9.032.06
6 Bestow illustrious fame on us, both on our liberal lords and me,
Glory, intelligence, and wealth.
Sloka : 9.33.1
प्र सोमा॑सो विप॒श्चितो॒ऽपां न य॑न्त्यू॒र्मयः॑ ।
वना॑नि महि॒षा इ॑व ॥ ९.०३३.०१
pra somā̍so vipa̱ścito̱'pāṃ na ya̍ntyū̱rmaya̍ḥ .
vanā̍ni mahi̱ṣā i̍va .. 9.033.01
1. LIKE waves of waters, skilled in song the juices of the Soma speed
Onward, as buffaloes to woods.
Sloka : 9.33.2
अ॒भि द्रोणा॑नि ब॒भ्रवः॑ शु॒क्रा ऋ॒तस्य॒ धार॑या ।
वाजं॒ गोम॑न्तमक्षरन् ॥ ९.०३३.०२
a̱bhi droṇā̍ni ba̱bhrava̍ḥ śu̱krā ṛ̱tasya̱ dhāra̍yā .
vāja̱ṃ goma̍ntamakṣaran .. 9.033.02
2 With stream of sacrifice the brown bright drops have flowed with strength in store
Of kine into the wooden vats.
Sloka : 9.33.3
सु॒ता इन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॒ वरु॑णाय म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ।
सोमा॑ अर्षन्ति॒ विष्ण॑वे ॥ ९.०३३.०३
su̱tā indrā̍ya vā̱yave̱ varu̍ṇāya ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .
somā̍ arṣanti̱ viṣṇa̍ve .. 9.033.03
3 To Indra, Vāyu, Varuṇa, to Viṣṇu, and the Maruts, flow
The drops of Soma juice effused.
Sloka : 9.33.4
ति॒स्रो वाच॒ उदी॑रते॒ गावो॑ मिमन्ति धे॒नवः॑ ।
हरि॑रेति॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.०३३.०४
ti̱sro vāca̱ udī̍rate̱ gāvo̍ mimanti dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
hari̍reti̱ kani̍kradat .. 9.033.04
4 Three several words are uttered:- kine are ]owing, cows who give their milk:-
The Tawny-hued goes bellowing on.
Sloka : 9.33.5
अ॒भि ब्रह्मी॑रनूषत य॒ह्वीरृ॒तस्य॑ मा॒तरः॑ ।
म॒र्मृ॒ज्यन्ते॑ दि॒वः शिशु॑म् ॥ ९.०३३.०५
a̱bhi brahmī̍ranūṣata ya̱hvīrṛ̱tasya̍ mā̱tara̍ḥ .
ma̱rmṛ̱jyante̍ di̱vaḥ śiśu̍m .. 9.033.05
5 The young and sacred mothers of the holy rite have uttered praise:-
They decorate the Child of Heaven.
Sloka : 9.33.6
रा॒यः स॑मु॒द्राँश्च॒तुरो॒ऽस्मभ्यं॑ सोम वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
आ प॑वस्व सह॒स्रिणः॑ ॥ ९.०३३.०६
rā̱yaḥ sa̍mu̱drām̐śca̱turo̱'smabhya̍ṃ soma vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
ā pa̍vasva saha̱sriṇa̍ḥ .. 9.033.06
6 From every side, O Soma, for our profit, pour thou forth four seas
Filled full of riches thousandfold.
Sloka : 9.34.1
प्र सु॑वा॒नो धार॑या॒ तनेन्दु॑र्हिन्वा॒नो अ॑र्षति ।
रु॒जद्दृ॒ळ्हा व्योज॑सा ॥ ९.०३४.०१
pra su̍vā̱no dhāra̍yā̱ tanendu̍rhinvā̱no a̍rṣati .
ru̱jaddṛ̱l̤hā vyoja̍sā .. 9.034.01
1. THE drop of Soma juice effused flows onward with this stream impelled.
Rending strong places with its might.
Sloka : 9.34.2
सु॒त इन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॒ वरु॑णाय म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ।
सोमो॑ अर्षति॒ विष्ण॑वे ॥ ९.०३४.०२
su̱ta indrā̍ya vā̱yave̱ varu̍ṇāya ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .
somo̍ arṣati̱ viṣṇa̍ve .. 9.034.02
2 Poured forth to Indra, Varuṇa, to Vāyu and the Marut hosts,
To Viṣṇu, flows the Soma juice.
Sloka : 9.34.3
वृषा॑णं॒ वृष॑भिर्य॒तं सु॒न्वन्ति॒ सोम॒मद्रि॑भिः ।
दु॒हन्ति॒ शक्म॑ना॒ पयः॑ ॥ ९.०३४.०३
vṛṣā̍ṇa̱ṃ vṛṣa̍bhirya̱taṃ su̱nvanti̱ soma̱madri̍bhiḥ .
du̱hanti̱ śakma̍nā̱ paya̍ḥ .. 9.034.03
3 With stones they press the Soma forth, the Strong conducted by the strong:-
They milk the liquor out with skill.
Sloka : 9.34.4
भुव॑त्त्रि॒तस्य॒ मर्ज्यो॒ भुव॒दिन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रः ।
सं रू॒पैर॑ज्यते॒ हरिः॑ ॥ ९.०३४.०४
bhuva̍ttri̱tasya̱ marjyo̱ bhuva̱dindrā̍ya matsa̱raḥ .
saṃ rū̱paira̍jyate̱ hari̍ḥ .. 9.034.04
4 Tis he whom Trita must refine, tis he who shall make Indra glad:-
The Tawny One is decked with tints.
Sloka : 9.34.5
अ॒भीमृ॒तस्य॑ वि॒ष्टपं॑ दुह॒ते पृश्नि॑मातरः ।
चारु॑ प्रि॒यत॑मं ह॒विः ॥ ९.०३४.०५
a̱bhīmṛ̱tasya̍ vi̱ṣṭapa̍ṃ duha̱te pṛśni̍mātaraḥ .
cāru̍ pri̱yata̍maṃ ha̱viḥ .. 9.034.05
5 Him do the Sons of Pṛśni milk, the dwelling-place of sacrifice,
Oblation lovely and most dear.
Sloka : 9.34.6
समे॑न॒मह्रु॑ता इ॒मा गिरो॑ अर्षन्ति स॒स्रुतः॑ ।
धे॒नूर्वा॒श्रो अ॑वीवशत् ॥ ९.०३४.०६
same̍na̱mahru̍tā i̱mā giro̍ arṣanti sa̱sruta̍ḥ .
dhe̱nūrvā̱śro a̍vīvaśat .. 9.034.06
6 To him in one unitcd stream th-,se songs flow on straight forward. he,
Loud voiced, hath made the milch-kine low.
Sloka : 9.35.1
आ नः॑ पवस्व॒ धार॑या॒ पव॑मान र॒यिं पृ॒थुम् ।
यया॒ ज्योति॑र्वि॒दासि॑ नः ॥ ९.०३५.०१
ā na̍ḥ pavasva̱ dhāra̍yā̱ pava̍māna ra̱yiṃ pṛ̱thum .
yayā̱ jyoti̍rvi̱dāsi̍ naḥ .. 9.035.01
1. Pour forth on us abundant wealth, O Pavamana, with thy stream.
Wherewith thou mayest find us light
Sloka : 9.35.2
इन्दो॑ समुद्रमीङ्खय॒ पव॑स्व विश्वमेजय ।
रा॒यो ध॒र्ता न॒ ओज॑सा ॥ ९.०३५.०२
indo̍ samudramīṅkhaya̱ pava̍sva viśvamejaya .
rā̱yo dha̱rtā na̱ oja̍sā .. 9.035.02
2 O Indu, swayer of the sea, shaker of all things, flow thou on,
Bearer of wealth to us with might.
Sloka : 9.35.3
त्वया॑ वी॒रेण॑ वीरवो॒ऽभि ष्या॑म पृतन्य॒तः ।
क्षरा॑ णो अ॒भि वार्य॑म् ॥ ९.०३५.०३
tvayā̍ vī̱reṇa̍ vīravo̱'bhi ṣyā̍ma pṛtanya̱taḥ .
kṣarā̍ ṇo a̱bhi vārya̍m .. 9.035.03
3 With thee for Hero, Valiant One! may we subdue our enemies:-
Let what is precious flow to us.
Sloka : 9.35.4
प्र वाज॒मिन्दु॑रिष्यति॒ सिषा॑सन्वाज॒सा ऋषिः॑ ।
व्र॒ता वि॑दा॒न आयु॑धा ॥ ९.०३५.०४
pra vāja̱mindu̍riṣyati̱ siṣā̍sanvāja̱sā ṛṣi̍ḥ .
vra̱tā vi̍dā̱na āyu̍dhā .. 9.035.04
4 Indu arouses strength the Sage who strives for victory, winning power,
Discovering holy works and means.
Sloka : 9.35.5
तं गी॒र्भिर्वा॑चमीङ्ख॒यं पु॑ना॒नं वा॑सयामसि ।
सोमं॒ जन॑स्य॒ गोप॑तिम् ॥ ९.०३५.०५
taṃ gī̱rbhirvā̍camīṅkha̱yaṃ pu̍nā̱naṃ vā̍sayāmasi .
soma̱ṃ jana̍sya̱ gopa̍tim .. 9.035.05
5 Mover of speech, we robe him with our songs as he is purified
Soma, the Guardian of the folk;
Sloka : 9.35.6
विश्वो॒ यस्य॑ व्र॒ते जनो॑ दा॒धार॒ धर्म॑ण॒स्पतेः॑ ।
पु॒ना॒नस्य॑ प्र॒भूव॑सोः ॥ ९.०३५.०६
viśvo̱ yasya̍ vra̱te jano̍ dā̱dhāra̱ dharma̍ṇa̱spate̍ḥ .
pu̱nā̱nasya̍ pra̱bhūva̍soḥ .. 9.035.06
6 On whose way, Lord of Holy Law, most richi as he is purified.
The people all have set their hearts.
Sloka : 9.36.1
अस॑र्जि॒ रथ्यो॑ यथा प॒वित्रे॑ च॒म्वोः॑ सु॒तः ।
कार्ष्म॑न्वा॒जी न्य॑क्रमीत् ॥ ९.०३६.०१
asa̍rji̱ rathyo̍ yathā pa̱vitre̍ ca̱mvo̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
kārṣma̍nvā̱jī nya̍kramīt .. 9.036.01
1. FORTH from the mortar is the juice sent, like a car-horse, to the sieve:-
The Steed steps forward to the goal.
Sloka : 9.36.2
स वह्निः॑ सोम॒ जागृ॑विः॒ पव॑स्व देव॒वीरति॑ ।
अ॒भि कोशं॑ मधु॒श्चुत॑म् ॥ ९.०३६.०२
sa vahni̍ḥ soma̱ jāgṛ̍vi̱ḥ pava̍sva deva̱vīrati̍ .
a̱bhi kośa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̍m .. 9.036.02
2 Thus, Soma, watchful, bearing well, cheering the Gods, flow past the sieve,
Turned to the vat that drops with meath.
Sloka : 9.36.3
स नो॒ ज्योतीं॑षि पूर्व्य॒ पव॑मान॒ वि रो॑चय ।
क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य नो हिनु ॥ ९.०३६.०३
sa no̱ jyotī̍ṃṣi pūrvya̱ pava̍māna̱ vi ro̍caya .
kratve̱ dakṣā̍ya no hinu .. 9.036.03
3 Excellent Pavamana, make the lights shine brightly out for us.
Speed us to mental power and skill.
Sloka : 9.36.4
शु॒म्भमा॑न ऋता॒युभि॑र्मृ॒ज्यमा॑नो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः ।
पव॑ते॒ वारे॑ अ॒व्यये॑ ॥ ९.०३६.०४
śu̱mbhamā̍na ṛtā̱yubhi̍rmṛ̱jyamā̍no̱ gabha̍styoḥ .
pava̍te̱ vāre̍ a̱vyaye̍ .. 9.036.04
4 He, beautified by pious men, and coming from their hands adorned,
Flows through the fleecy straining-cloth.
Sloka : 9.36.5
स विश्वा॑ दा॒शुषे॒ वसु॒ सोमो॑ दि॒व्यानि॒ पार्थि॑वा ।
पव॑ता॒मान्तरि॑क्ष्या ॥ ९.०३६.०५
sa viśvā̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ vasu̱ somo̍ di̱vyāni̱ pārthi̍vā .
pava̍tā̱māntari̍kṣyā .. 9.036.05
5 May Soma pour all treasures of the heavens, the earth, the firmament
Upon the liberal worshipper.
Sloka : 9.36.6
आ दि॒वस्पृ॒ष्ठम॑श्व॒युर्ग॑व्य॒युः सो॑म रोहसि ।
वी॒र॒युः श॑वसस्पते ॥ ९.०३६.०६
ā di̱vaspṛ̱ṣṭhama̍śva̱yurga̍vya̱yuḥ so̍ma rohasi .
vī̱ra̱yuḥ śa̍vasaspate .. 9.036.06
6 Thou mountest to the height of heaven, O Soma, seeking steeds and kine,
And seeking heroes, Lord of Strength!
Sloka : 9.37.1
स सु॒तः पी॒तये॒ वृषा॒ सोमः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अर्षति ।
वि॒घ्नन्रक्षां॑सि देव॒युः ॥ ९.०३७.०१
sa su̱taḥ pī̱taye̱ vṛṣā̱ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ arṣati .
vi̱ghnanrakṣā̍ṃsi deva̱yuḥ .. 9.037.01
1. SOMA, the Steer, effused for draught, flows to the purifying sieve,
Slaying the fiends, loving the Gods.
Sloka : 9.37.2
स प॒वित्रे॑ विचक्ष॒णो हरि॑रर्षति धर्ण॒सिः ।
अ॒भि योनिं॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.०३७.०२
sa pa̱vitre̍ vicakṣa̱ṇo hari̍rarṣati dharṇa̱siḥ .
a̱bhi yoni̱ṃ kani̍kradat .. 9.037.02
2 Far-sighted, tawny-coloured, he flows to the sieve, intelligent,
Bellowing, to his place of rest.
Sloka : 9.37.3
स वा॒जी रो॑च॒ना दि॒वः पव॑मानो॒ वि धा॑वति ।
र॒क्षो॒हा वार॑म॒व्यय॑म् ॥ ९.०३७.०३
sa vā̱jī ro̍ca̱nā di̱vaḥ pava̍māno̱ vi dhā̍vati .
ra̱kṣo̱hā vāra̍ma̱vyaya̍m .. 9.037.03
3 This vigorous Pavamana runs forth to the luminous realm of heaven,
Fiend-slayer, through the fleecy sieve.
Sloka : 9.37.4
स त्रि॒तस्याधि॒ सान॑वि॒ पव॑मानो अरोचयत् ।
जा॒मिभिः॒ सूर्यं॑ स॒ह ॥ ९.०३७.०४
sa tri̱tasyādhi̱ sāna̍vi̱ pava̍māno arocayat .
jā̱mibhi̱ḥ sūrya̍ṃ sa̱ha .. 9.037.04
4 This Payamana up above Trita's high ridge hath made the Sun,
Together with the Sisters, shine.
Sloka : 9.37.5
स वृ॑त्र॒हा वृषा॑ सु॒तो व॑रिवो॒विददा॑भ्यः ।
सोमो॒ वाज॑मिवासरत् ॥ ९.०३७.०५
sa vṛ̍tra̱hā vṛṣā̍ su̱to va̍rivo̱vidadā̍bhyaḥ .
somo̱ vāja̍mivāsarat .. 9.037.05
5 This Vṛtra-slaying Steer, effused, Soma room-giver, neer deceived,
Hath gone, as twere, to win the spoil.
Sloka : 9.37.6
स दे॒वः क॒विने॑षि॒तो॒३॒॑ऽभि द्रोणा॑नि धावति ।
इन्दु॒रिन्द्रा॑य मं॒हना॑ ॥ ९.०३७.०६
sa de̱vaḥ ka̱vine̍ṣi̱to̱3̱̎bhi droṇā̍ni dhāvati .
indu̱rindrā̍ya ma̱ṃhanā̍ .. 9.037.06
6 Urged onward by the sage, the God speeds forward to the casks of wood,
Indu to Indra willingly.
Sloka : 9.38.1
ए॒ष उ॒ स्य वृषा॒ रथोऽव्यो॒ वारे॑भिरर्षति ।
गच्छ॒न्वाजं॑ सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०३८.०१
e̱ṣa u̱ sya vṛṣā̱ ratho'vyo̱ vāre̍bhirarṣati .
gaccha̱nvāja̍ṃ saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 9.038.01
1. THIS Steer, this Chariot, rushes through the woollen filter, as he goes
To war that wins a thousand spoils.
Sloka : 9.38.2
ए॒तं त्रि॒तस्य॒ योष॑णो॒ हरिं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०३८.०२
e̱taṃ tri̱tasya̱ yoṣa̍ṇo̱ hari̍ṃ hinva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .
indu̱mindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.038.02
2 The Dames of Trita with the stones onward impel this Tawny One
Indu to Indra for his drink.
Sloka : 9.38.3
ए॒तं त्यं ह॒रितो॒ दश॑ मर्मृ॒ज्यन्ते॑ अप॒स्युवः॑ ।
याभि॒र्मदा॑य॒ शुम्भ॑ते ॥ ९.०३८.०३
e̱taṃ tyaṃ ha̱rito̱ daśa̍ marmṛ̱jyante̍ apa̱syuva̍ḥ .
yābhi̱rmadā̍ya̱ śumbha̍te .. 9.038.03
3 Ten active fingers carefully adorn him here; they make him bright
And beauteous for the gladdening draught.
Sloka : 9.38.4
ए॒ष स्य मानु॑षी॒ष्वा श्ये॒नो न वि॒क्षु सी॑दति ।
गच्छ॑ञ्जा॒रो न यो॒षित॑म् ॥ ९.०३८.०४
e̱ṣa sya mānu̍ṣī̱ṣvā śye̱no na vi̱kṣu sī̍dati .
gaccha̍ñjā̱ro na yo̱ṣita̍m .. 9.038.04
4 He like a falcon settles down amid the families of men.
Speeding like lover to his love.
Sloka : 9.38.5
ए॒ष स्य मद्यो॒ रसोऽव॑ चष्टे दि॒वः शिशुः॑ ।
य इन्दु॒र्वार॒मावि॑शत् ॥ ९.०३८.०५
e̱ṣa sya madyo̱ raso'va̍ caṣṭe di̱vaḥ śiśu̍ḥ .
ya indu̱rvāra̱māvi̍śat .. 9.038.05
5 This young exhilarating juice looks downward from its place in heaven,
This Soma-drop that pierced the sieve.
Sloka : 9.38.6
ए॒ष स्य पी॒तये॑ सु॒तो हरि॑रर्षति धर्ण॒सिः ।
क्रन्द॒न्योनि॑म॒भि प्रि॒यम् ॥ ९.०३८.०६
e̱ṣa sya pī̱taye̍ su̱to hari̍rarṣati dharṇa̱siḥ .
kranda̱nyoni̍ma̱bhi pri̱yam .. 9.038.06
6 Poured for the draught, this tawny juice
flows forth, intelligent, crying out,
Unto the well-beloved place.
Sloka : 9.39.1
आ॒शुर॑र्ष बृहन्मते॒ परि॑ प्रि॒येण॒ धाम्ना॑ ।
यत्र॑ दे॒वा इति॒ ब्रव॑न् ॥ ९.०३९.०१
ā̱śura̍rṣa bṛhanmate̱ pari̍ pri̱yeṇa̱ dhāmnā̍ .
yatra̍ de̱vā iti̱ brava̍n .. 9.039.01
1. FLOW On, O thou of lofty thought, flow swift in thy beloved form,
Saying, I go where dwell the Gods.
Sloka : 9.39.2
प॒रि॒ष्कृ॒ण्वन्ननि॑ष्कृतं॒ जना॑य या॒तय॒न्निषः॑ ।
वृ॒ष्टिं दि॒वः परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.०३९.०२
pa̱ri̱ṣkṛ̱ṇvannani̍ṣkṛta̱ṃ janā̍ya yā̱taya̱nniṣa̍ḥ .
vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ di̱vaḥ pari̍ srava .. 9.039.02
2 Preparing what is unprepared, and bringing store of food to man,
Make thou the rain descend from heaven.
Sloka : 9.39.3
सु॒त ए॑ति प॒वित्र॒ आ त्विषिं॒ दधा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ।
वि॒चक्षा॑णो विरो॒चय॑न् ॥ ९.०३९.०३
su̱ta e̍ti pa̱vitra̱ ā tviṣi̱ṃ dadhā̍na̱ oja̍sā .
vi̱cakṣā̍ṇo viro̱caya̍n .. 9.039.03
3 With might, bestowing power, thejuice enters the purifying sieve,
Far-seeing, sending forth its light.
Sloka : 9.39.4
अ॒यं स यो दि॒वस्परि॑ रघु॒यामा॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मा व्यक्ष॑रत् ॥ ९.०३९.०४
a̱yaṃ sa yo di̱vaspari̍ raghu̱yāmā̍ pa̱vitra̱ ā .
sindho̍rū̱rmā vyakṣa̍rat .. 9.039.04
4 This is it which in rapid course hath with the river's wave flowed down
From heaven upon the straining cloth.
Sloka : 9.39.5
आ॒विवा॑सन्परा॒वतो॒ अथो॑ अर्वा॒वतः॑ सु॒तः ।
इन्द्रा॑य सिच्यते॒ मधु॑ ॥ ९.०३९.०५
ā̱vivā̍sanparā̱vato̱ atho̍ arvā̱vata̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
indrā̍ya sicyate̱ madhu̍ .. 9.039.05
5 Inviting him frorh far away, and even from near at hand, the juice
For Indra is poured forth as meath.
Sloka : 9.39.6
स॒मी॒ची॒ना अ॑नूषत॒ हरिं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
योना॑वृ॒तस्य॑ सीदत ॥ ९.०३९.०६
sa̱mī̱cī̱nā a̍nūṣata̱ hari̍ṃ hinva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .
yonā̍vṛ̱tasya̍ sīdata .. 9.039.06
6 In union they have sung the hymn:- with stones they urge the Tawny One.
Sit in the place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.40.1
पु॒ना॒नो अ॑क्रमीद॒भि विश्वा॒ मृधो॒ विच॑र्षणिः ।
शु॒म्भन्ति॒ विप्रं॑ धी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०४०.०१
pu̱nā̱no a̍kramīda̱bhi viśvā̱ mṛdho̱ vica̍rṣaṇiḥ .
śu̱mbhanti̱ vipra̍ṃ dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 9.040.01
1. THE Very Active hath assailed, while purified, all enemies:-
They deck the Sage with holy songs.
Sloka : 9.40.2
आ योनि॑मरु॒णो रु॑ह॒द्गम॒दिन्द्रं॒ वृषा॑ सु॒तः ।
ध्रु॒वे सद॑सि सीदति ॥ ९.०४०.०२
ā yoni̍maru̱ṇo ru̍ha̱dgama̱dindra̱ṃ vṛṣā̍ su̱taḥ .
dhru̱ve sada̍si sīdati .. 9.040.02
2 The Red hath mounted to his place; to India, goes the mighty juice:-
He settles in his firm abode.
Sloka : 9.40.3
नू नो॑ र॒यिं म॒हामि॑न्दो॒ऽस्मभ्यं॑ सोम वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
आ प॑वस्व सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०४०.०३
nū no̍ ra̱yiṃ ma̱hāmi̍ndo̱'smabhya̍ṃ soma vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
ā pa̍vasva saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 9.040.03
3 O Indu, Soma, send us now great opulence from every side, Pour on us treasures thousandfold.
Sloka : 9.40.4
विश्वा॑ सोम पवमान द्यु॒म्नानी॑न्द॒वा भ॑र ।
वि॒दाः स॑ह॒स्रिणी॒रिषः॑ ॥ ९.०४०.०४
viśvā̍ soma pavamāna dyu̱mnānī̍nda̱vā bha̍ra .
vi̱dāḥ sa̍ha̱sriṇī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 9.040.04
4 O Soma Pavamana, bring, Indu, all splcndours hitherward:-
Find for us food in boundless store.
Sloka : 9.40.5
स नः॑ पुना॒न आ भ॑र र॒यिं स्तो॒त्रे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
ज॒रि॒तुर्व॑र्धया॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ९.०४०.०५
sa na̍ḥ punā̱na ā bha̍ra ra̱yiṃ sto̱tre su̱vīrya̍m .
ja̱ri̱turva̍rdhayā̱ gira̍ḥ .. 9.040.05
5 As thou art cleansed, bring hero strength and riches to thy worshipper,
And prosper thou the singer's hymns.
Sloka : 9.40.6
पु॒ना॒न इ॑न्द॒वा भ॑र॒ सोम॑ द्वि॒बर्ह॑सं र॒यिम् ।
वृष॑न्निन्दो न उ॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ९.०४०.०६
pu̱nā̱na i̍nda̱vā bha̍ra̱ soma̍ dvi̱barha̍saṃ ra̱yim .
vṛṣa̍nnindo na u̱kthya̍m .. 9.040.06
6 O Indu, Soma, being cleansed, bring hither riches doublypiled,
Wealth, mighty Indu, meet for lauds.
Sloka : 9.41.1
प्र ये गावो॒ न भूर्ण॑यस्त्वे॒षा अ॒यासो॒ अक्र॑मुः ।
घ्नन्तः॑ कृ॒ष्णामप॒ त्वच॑म् ॥ ९.०४१.०१
pra ye gāvo̱ na bhūrṇa̍yastve̱ṣā a̱yāso̱ akra̍muḥ .
ghnanta̍ḥ kṛ̱ṣṇāmapa̱ tvaca̍m .. 9.041.01
1. ACTIVE and bright have they come forth, impetuous in speed like bulls,
Driving the black skin far away.
Sloka : 9.41.2
सु॒वि॒तस्य॑ मनाम॒हेऽति॒ सेतुं॑ दुरा॒व्य॑म् ।
सा॒ह्वांसो॒ दस्यु॑मव्र॒तम् ॥ ९.०४१.०२
su̱vi̱tasya̍ manāma̱he'ti̱ setu̍ṃ durā̱vya̍m .
sā̱hvāṃso̱ dasyu̍mavra̱tam .. 9.041.02
2 Quelling the riteless Dasyu, may we think upon the bridge of bliss,
Leaving the bridge of woe behind.
Sloka : 9.41.3
शृ॒ण्वे वृ॒ष्टेरि॑व स्व॒नः पव॑मानस्य शु॒ष्मिणः॑ ।
चर॑न्ति वि॒द्युतो॑ दि॒वि ॥ ९.०४१.०३
śṛ̱ṇve vṛ̱ṣṭeri̍va sva̱naḥ pava̍mānasya śu̱ṣmiṇa̍ḥ .
cara̍nti vi̱dyuto̍ di̱vi .. 9.041.03
3 The mighty Pavamana's roar is heard as twere the rush of rain
Lightnings are flashing to the sky.
Sloka : 9.41.4
आ प॑वस्व म॒हीमिषं॒ गोम॑दिन्दो॒ हिर॑ण्यवत् ।
अश्वा॑व॒द्वाज॑वत्सु॒तः ॥ ९.०४१.०४
ā pa̍vasva ma̱hīmiṣa̱ṃ goma̍dindo̱ hira̍ṇyavat .
aśvā̍va̱dvāja̍vatsu̱taḥ .. 9.041.04
4 Pour out on us abundant food, when thou art pressed, O Indu wealth
In kine and gold and steeds and spoil.
Sloka : 9.41.5
स प॑वस्व विचर्षण॒ आ म॒ही रोद॑सी पृण ।
उ॒षाः सूर्यो॒ न र॒श्मिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०४१.०५
sa pa̍vasva vicarṣaṇa̱ ā ma̱hī roda̍sī pṛṇa .
u̱ṣāḥ sūryo̱ na ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .. 9.041.05
5 Flow on thy way, Most Active, thou. fill full the mighty heavens and earth,
As Dawn, as Sūrya with his beams.
Sloka : 9.41.6
परि॑ णः शर्म॒यन्त्या॒ धार॑या सोम वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
सरा॑ र॒सेव॑ वि॒ष्टप॑म् ॥ ९.०४१.०६
pari̍ ṇaḥ śarma̱yantyā̱ dhāra̍yā soma vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
sarā̍ ra̱seva̍ vi̱ṣṭapa̍m .. 9.041.06
6 On every side, O Soma, flow round us with thy protecting stream,
As Rasā flows around the world.
Sloka : 9.42.1
ज॒नय॑न्रोच॒ना दि॒वो ज॒नय॑न्न॒प्सु सूर्य॑म् ।
वसा॑नो॒ गा अ॒पो हरिः॑ ॥ ९.०४२.०१
ja̱naya̍nroca̱nā di̱vo ja̱naya̍nna̱psu sūrya̍m .
vasā̍no̱ gā a̱po hari̍ḥ .. 9.042.01
1. ENGENDERING the Sun in floods, engendering heaven's lights, green-hued,
Robed in the waters and the milk,
Sloka : 9.42.2
ए॒ष प्र॒त्नेन॒ मन्म॑ना दे॒वो दे॒वेभ्य॒स्परि॑ ।
धार॑या पवते सु॒तः ॥ ९.०४२.०२
e̱ṣa pra̱tnena̱ manma̍nā de̱vo de̱vebhya̱spari̍ .
dhāra̍yā pavate su̱taḥ .. 9.042.02
2 According to primeval plan this Soma, with his stream, effused
Flows purely on, a God for Gods.
Sloka : 9.42.3
वा॒वृ॒धा॒नाय॒ तूर्व॑ये॒ पव॑न्ते॒ वाज॑सातये ।
सोमाः॑ स॒हस्र॑पाजसः ॥ ९.०४२.०३
vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱nāya̱ tūrva̍ye̱ pava̍nte̱ vāja̍sātaye .
somā̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍pājasaḥ .. 9.042.03
3 For him victorious, waxen great, the juices with a thousand powers
Are purified for winning spoil.
Sloka : 9.42.4
दु॒हा॒नः प्र॒त्नमित्पयः॑ प॒वित्रे॒ परि॑ षिच्यते ।
क्रन्द॑न्दे॒वाँ अ॑जीजनत् ॥ ९.०४२.०४
du̱hā̱naḥ pra̱tnamitpaya̍ḥ pa̱vitre̱ pari̍ ṣicyate .
kranda̍nde̱vām̐ a̍jījanat .. 9.042.04
4 Shedding the ancient fluid he is poured into the cleansing sieve:-
He, thundering, hath produced the Gods.
Sloka : 9.42.5
अ॒भि विश्वा॑नि॒ वार्या॒भि दे॒वाँ ऋ॑ता॒वृधः॑ ।
सोमः॑ पुना॒नो अ॑र्षति ॥ ९.०४२.०५
a̱bhi viśvā̍ni̱ vāryā̱bhi de̱vām̐ ṛ̍tā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .
soma̍ḥ punā̱no a̍rṣati .. 9.042.05
5 Soma, while purifying, sends hither all things to be desired,
He sends the Gods who strengthen Law.
Sloka : 9.42.6
गोम॑न्नः सोम वी॒रव॒दश्वा॑व॒द्वाज॑वत्सु॒तः ।
पव॑स्व बृह॒तीरिषः॑ ॥ ९.०४२.०६
goma̍nnaḥ soma vī̱rava̱daśvā̍va̱dvāja̍vatsu̱taḥ .
pava̍sva bṛha̱tīriṣa̍ḥ .. 9.042.06
6 Soma, effused, pour on us wealth in kine, in heroes, steeds, and spoil,
Send us abundant store of food.
Sloka : 9.43.1
यो अत्य॑ इव मृ॒ज्यते॒ गोभि॒र्मदा॑य हर्य॒तः ।
तं गी॒र्भिर्वा॑सयामसि ॥ ९.०४३.०१
yo atya̍ iva mṛ̱jyate̱ gobhi̱rmadā̍ya harya̱taḥ .
taṃ gī̱rbhirvā̍sayāmasi .. 9.043.01
1. WE will enrobe with sacred song the Lovely One who, as a Steed,
Is decked with milk for rapturous joy.
Sloka : 9.43.2
तं नो॒ विश्वा॑ अव॒स्युवो॒ गिरः॑ शुम्भन्ति पू॒र्वथा॑ ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०४३.०२
taṃ no̱ viśvā̍ ava̱syuvo̱ gira̍ḥ śumbhanti pū̱rvathā̍ .
indu̱mindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.043.02
2 All songs of ours desiring grace adorn him in the ancient way,
Indu for Indra, for his drink.
Sloka : 9.43.3
पु॒ना॒नो या॑ति हर्य॒तः सोमो॑ गी॒र्भिः परि॑ष्कृतः ।
विप्र॑स्य॒ मेध्या॑तिथेः ॥ ९.०४३.०३
pu̱nā̱no yā̍ti harya̱taḥ somo̍ gī̱rbhiḥ pari̍ṣkṛtaḥ .
vipra̍sya̱ medhyā̍titheḥ .. 9.043.03
3 Soma flows on when purified, beloved and adorned with songs,
Songs of the sage Medhyātithi.
Sloka : 9.43.4
पव॑मान वि॒दा र॒यिम॒स्मभ्यं॑ सोम सु॒श्रिय॑म् ।
इन्दो॑ स॒हस्र॑वर्चसम् ॥ ९.०४३.०४
pava̍māna vi̱dā ra̱yima̱smabhya̍ṃ soma su̱śriya̍m .
indo̍ sa̱hasra̍varcasam .. 9.043.04
4 O Soma Pavamana, find exceeding glorious wealth for us,
Wealth, Indu, fraught with boundless might.
Sloka : 9.43.5
इन्दु॒रत्यो॒ न वा॑ज॒सृत्कनि॑क्रन्ति प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
यदक्षा॒रति॑ देव॒युः ॥ ९.०४३.०५
indu̱ratyo̱ na vā̍ja̱sṛtkani̍kranti pa̱vitra̱ ā .
yadakṣā̱rati̍ deva̱yuḥ .. 9.043.05
5 Like courser racing to the prize Indu, the lover of the Gods,
Roars, as he passes, in the sieve.
Sloka : 9.43.6
पव॑स्व॒ वाज॑सातये॒ विप्र॑स्य गृण॒तो वृ॒धे ।
सोम॒ रास्व॑ सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०४३.०६
pava̍sva̱ vāja̍sātaye̱ vipra̍sya gṛṇa̱to vṛ̱dhe .
soma̱ rāsva̍ su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.043.06
6 Flow on thy way to win us strength, to speed the sage who praises thee:-
Soma, bestow heroic power.
Sloka : 9.44.1
प्र ण॑ इन्दो म॒हे तन॑ ऊ॒र्मिं न बिभ्र॑दर्षसि ।
अ॒भि दे॒वाँ अ॒यास्यः॑ ॥ ९.०४४.०१
pra ṇa̍ indo ma̱he tana̍ ū̱rmiṃ na bibhra̍darṣasi .
a̱bhi de̱vām̐ a̱yāsya̍ḥ .. 9.044.01
1. INDU, to us for this great rite, bearing as twere thy wave to Gods,
Unwearied, thou art flowing forQh.
Sloka : 9.44.2
म॒ती जु॒ष्टो धि॒या हि॒तः सोमो॑ हिन्वे परा॒वति॑ ।
विप्र॑स्य॒ धार॑या क॒विः ॥ ९.०४४.०२
ma̱tī ju̱ṣṭo dhi̱yā hi̱taḥ somo̍ hinve parā̱vati̍ .
vipra̍sya̱ dhāra̍yā ka̱viḥ .. 9.044.02
2 Pleased with the hymn, impelled by prayer, Soma is hurried far away,
The Wise One in the Singer's stream.,
Sloka : 9.44.3
अ॒यं दे॒वेषु॒ जागृ॑विः सु॒त ए॑ति प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
सोमो॑ याति॒ विच॑र्षणिः ॥ ९.०४४.०३
a̱yaṃ de̱veṣu̱ jāgṛ̍viḥ su̱ta e̍ti pa̱vitra̱ ā .
somo̍ yāti̱ vica̍rṣaṇiḥ .. 9.044.03
3 Watchful among the. gods, this juice advances to the cleansing sieve
Soma, most active, travels on.
Sloka : 9.44.4
स नः॑ पवस्व वाज॒युश्च॑क्रा॒णश्चारु॑मध्व॒रम् ।
ब॒र्हिष्मा॒ँ आ वि॑वासति ॥ ९.०४४.०४
sa na̍ḥ pavasva vāja̱yuśca̍krā̱ṇaścāru̍madhva̱ram .
ba̱rhiṣmā̱m̐ ā vi̍vāsati .. 9.044.04
4 Flow onward, seeking strength for us, embellishing the sacrifice:-
The priest with trimmed grass calleth thee.
Sloka : 9.44.5
स नो॒ भगा॑य वा॒यवे॒ विप्र॑वीरः स॒दावृ॑धः ।
सोमो॑ दे॒वेष्वा य॑मत् ॥ ९.०४४.०५
sa no̱ bhagā̍ya vā̱yave̱ vipra̍vīraḥ sa̱dāvṛ̍dhaḥ .
somo̍ de̱veṣvā ya̍mat .. 9.044.05
5 May Soma, ever bringing power to Bhaga and to Vāyu, Sage
And Hero, lead us to the Gods.
Sloka : 9.44.6
स नो॑ अ॒द्य वसु॑त्तये क्रतु॒विद्गा॑तु॒वित्त॑मः ।
वाजं॑ जेषि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.०४४.०६
sa no̍ a̱dya vasu̍ttaye kratu̱vidgā̍tu̱vitta̍maḥ .
vāja̍ṃ jeṣi̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hat .. 9.044.06
6 So, to increase our wealth to-day, Inspirer, best of Furtherers,
Win for us strength and high renown.
Sloka : 9.45.1
स प॑वस्व॒ मदा॑य॒ कं नृ॒चक्षा॑ दे॒ववी॑तये ।
इन्द॒विन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०४५.०१
sa pa̍vasva̱ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ nṛ̱cakṣā̍ de̱vavī̍taye .
inda̱vindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.045.01
1. FLOW, thou who viewest men, to give delight, to entertain the Gods,
Indu, to Indra for his drink.
Sloka : 9.45.2
स नो॑ अर्षा॒भि दू॒त्यं१॒॑ त्वमिन्द्रा॑य तोशसे ।
दे॒वान्सखि॑भ्य॒ आ वर॑म् ॥ ९.०४५.०२
sa no̍ arṣā̱bhi dū̱tyaṃ1̱̍ tvamindrā̍ya tośase .
de̱vānsakhi̍bhya̱ ā vara̍m .. 9.045.02
2 Stream to thine embassy for us:- thou hastenest, for Indra, to
The Gods, O better than our friends.
Sloka : 9.45.3
उ॒त त्वाम॑रु॒णं व॒यं गोभि॑रञ्ज्मो॒ मदा॑य॒ कम् ।
वि नो॑ रा॒ये दुरो॑ वृधि ॥ ९.०४५.०३
u̱ta tvāma̍ru̱ṇaṃ va̱yaṃ gobhi̍rañjmo̱ madā̍ya̱ kam .
vi no̍ rā̱ye duro̍ vṛdhi .. 9.045.03
3 We balm thee, red of hue, with milk to fit thee for the rapturous joy:-
Unbar for us the doors of wealth.
Sloka : 9.45.4
अत्यू॑ प॒वित्र॑मक्रमीद्वा॒जी धुरं॒ न याम॑नि ।
इन्दु॑र्दे॒वेषु॑ पत्यते ॥ ९.०४५.०४
atyū̍ pa̱vitra̍makramīdvā̱jī dhura̱ṃ na yāma̍ni .
indu̍rde̱veṣu̍ patyate .. 9.045.04
4 He through the sieve hath passed, as comes a courser to the pole, to run
Indu belongs unto the Gods.
Sloka : 9.45.5
समी॒ सखा॑यो अस्वर॒न्वने॒ क्रीळ॑न्त॒मत्य॑विम् ।
इन्दुं॑ ना॒वा अ॑नूषत ॥ ९.०४५.०५
samī̱ sakhā̍yo asvara̱nvane̱ krīl̤a̍nta̱matya̍vim .
indu̍ṃ nā̱vā a̍nūṣata .. 9.045.05
5 All friends have lauded him as he sports in the wood, beyond the fleece:-
Singers have chanted Indu's praise.
Sloka : 9.45.6
तया॑ पवस्व॒ धार॑या॒ यया॑ पी॒तो वि॒चक्ष॑से ।
इन्दो॑ स्तो॒त्रे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०४५.०६
tayā̍ pavasva̱ dhāra̍yā̱ yayā̍ pī̱to vi̱cakṣa̍se .
indo̍ sto̱tre su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.045.06
6 Flow, Indu, with that stream wherein steeped thou announcest to the man
Who worships thee heroic strength.
Sloka : 9.46.1
असृ॑ग्रन्दे॒ववी॑त॒येऽत्या॑सः॒ कृत्व्या॑ इव ।
क्षर॑न्तः पर्वता॒वृधः॑ ॥ ९.०४६.०१
asṛ̍grande̱vavī̍ta̱ye'tyā̍sa̱ḥ kṛtvyā̍ iva .
kṣara̍ntaḥ parvatā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .. 9.046.01
1. LIKE able coursers they have been sent forth to be the feast of Gods,
joying in mountains, flowing on.
Sloka : 9.46.2
परि॑ष्कृतास॒ इन्द॑वो॒ योषे॑व॒ पित्र्या॑वती ।
वा॒युं सोमा॑ असृक्षत ॥ ९.०४६.०२
pari̍ṣkṛtāsa̱ inda̍vo̱ yoṣe̍va̱ pitryā̍vatī .
vā̱yuṃ somā̍ asṛkṣata .. 9.046.02
2 To Vāyu flow the Soma-streams, the drops of juice made beautiful
Like a bride dowered by her sire.
Sloka : 9.46.3
ए॒ते सोमा॑स॒ इन्द॑वः॒ प्रय॑स्वन्तश्च॒मू सु॒ताः ।
इन्द्रं॑ वर्धन्ति॒ कर्म॑भिः ॥ ९.०४६.०३
e̱te somā̍sa̱ inda̍va̱ḥ praya̍svantaśca̱mū su̱tāḥ .
indra̍ṃ vardhanti̱ karma̍bhiḥ .. 9.046.03
3 Pressed in the mortar, these, the drops of
juice, the Somas rich in food,
Give strength to Indra with their work.
Sloka : 9.46.4
आ धा॑वता सुहस्त्यः शु॒क्रा गृ॑भ्णीत म॒न्थिना॑ ।
गोभिः॑ श्रीणीत मत्स॒रम् ॥ ९.०४६.०४
ā dhā̍vatā suhastyaḥ śu̱krā gṛ̍bhṇīta ma̱nthinā̍ .
gobhi̍ḥ śrīṇīta matsa̱ram .. 9.046.04
4 Deft-handed men, run hither, seize the brilliant juices blent with meal,
And cook with milk the gladdening draught.
Sloka : 9.46.5
स प॑वस्व धनंजय प्रय॒न्ता राध॑सो म॒हः ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ सोम गातु॒वित् ॥ ९.०४६.०५
sa pa̍vasva dhanaṃjaya praya̱ntā rādha̍so ma̱haḥ .
a̱smabhya̍ṃ soma gātu̱vit .. 9.046.05
5 Thus, Soma, Conqueror of wealth! flow, finding furtherance for us,
Giver oF ample opulence.
Sloka : 9.46.6
ए॒तं मृ॑जन्ति॒ मर्ज्यं॒ पव॑मानं॒ दश॒ क्षिपः॑ ।
इन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रं मद॑म् ॥ ९.०४६.०६
e̱taṃ mṛ̍janti̱ marjya̱ṃ pava̍māna̱ṃ daśa̱ kṣipa̍ḥ .
indrā̍ya matsa̱raṃ mada̍m .. 9.046.06
6 This Pavamana, meet to be adorned, the fingers ten adorn,
The draught that shall make Indra glad.
Sloka : 9.47.1
अ॒या सोमः॑ सुकृ॒त्यया॑ म॒हश्चि॑द॒भ्य॑वर्धत ।
म॒न्दा॒न उद्वृ॑षायते ॥ ९.०४७.०१
a̱yā soma̍ḥ sukṛ̱tyayā̍ ma̱haści̍da̱bhya̍vardhata .
ma̱ndā̱na udvṛ̍ṣāyate .. 9.047.01
1. GREAT as he was, Soma hath gained strength by this high solemnity:-
joyous he riseth like a bull.
Sloka : 9.47.2
कृ॒तानीद॑स्य॒ कर्त्वा॒ चेत॑न्ते दस्यु॒तर्ह॑णा ।
ऋ॒णा च॑ धृ॒ष्णुश्च॑यते ॥ ९.०४७.०२
kṛ̱tānīda̍sya̱ kartvā̱ ceta̍nte dasyu̱tarha̍ṇā .
ṛ̱ṇā ca̍ dhṛ̱ṣṇuśca̍yate .. 9.047.02
2 His task is done:- his crushings of the Dasyus are made manifest:-
He sternly reckoneth their debts.
Sloka : 9.47.3
आत्सोम॑ इन्द्रि॒यो रसो॒ वज्रः॑ सहस्र॒सा भु॑वत् ।
उ॒क्थं यद॑स्य॒ जाय॑ते ॥ ९.०४७.०३
ātsoma̍ indri̱yo raso̱ vajra̍ḥ sahasra̱sā bhu̍vat .
u̱kthaṃ yada̍sya̱ jāya̍te .. 9.047.03
3 Soon as his song of praise is born, the Soma, Indra's juice, becomes
A thousand-winning thunderbolt.
Sloka : 9.47.4
स्व॒यं क॒विर्वि॑ध॒र्तरि॒ विप्रा॑य॒ रत्न॑मिच्छति ।
यदी॑ मर्मृ॒ज्यते॒ धियः॑ ॥ ९.०४७.०४
sva̱yaṃ ka̱virvi̍dha̱rtari̱ viprā̍ya̱ ratna̍micchati .
yadī̍ marmṛ̱jyate̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 9.047.04
4 Seer and Sustainer, he himself desireth riches for the sage
When he embellisheth his songs.
Sloka : 9.47.5
सि॒षा॒सतू॑ रयी॒णां वाजे॒ष्वर्व॑तामिव ।
भरे॑षु जि॒ग्युषा॑मसि ॥ ९.०४७.०५
si̱ṣā̱satū̍ rayī̱ṇāṃ vāje̱ṣvarva̍tāmiva .
bhare̍ṣu ji̱gyuṣā̍masi .. 9.047.05
5 Fain would they both win riches as in races of the steeds. In war
Thou art upon the conquerors' side.
Sloka : 9.48.1
तं त्वा॑ नृ॒म्णानि॒ बिभ्र॑तं स॒धस्थे॑षु म॒हो दि॒वः ।
चारुं॑ सुकृ॒त्यये॑महे ॥ ९.०४८.०१
taṃ tvā̍ nṛ̱mṇāni̱ bibhra̍taṃ sa̱dhasthe̍ṣu ma̱ho di̱vaḥ .
cāru̍ṃ sukṛ̱tyaye̍mahe .. 9.048.01
1. WITH sacrifice we seek to thee kind Cherisher of manly might
In mansions of the lofty heavens;
Sloka : 9.48.2
संवृ॑क्तधृष्णुमु॒क्थ्यं॑ म॒हाम॑हिव्रतं॒ मद॑म् ।
श॒तं पुरो॑ रुरु॒क्षणि॑म् ॥ ९.०४८.०२
saṃvṛ̍ktadhṛṣṇumu̱kthya̍ṃ ma̱hāma̍hivrata̱ṃ mada̍m .
śa̱taṃ puro̍ ruru̱kṣaṇi̍m .. 9.048.02
2 Gladdening crusher of the bold, ruling with very mighty sway,
Destroyer of a hundred forts.
Sloka : 9.48.3
अत॑स्त्वा र॒यिम॒भि राजा॑नं सुक्रतो दि॒वः ।
सु॒प॒र्णो अ॑व्य॒थिर्भ॑रत् ॥ ९.०४८.०३
ata̍stvā ra̱yima̱bhi rājā̍naṃ sukrato di̱vaḥ .
su̱pa̱rṇo a̍vya̱thirbha̍rat .. 9.048.03
3 Hence, Sapient One! the Falcon, strong of wing, unwearied, brought thee down,
Lord over riches, from the sky.
Sloka : 9.48.4
विश्व॑स्मा॒ इत्स्व॑र्दृ॒शे साधा॑रणं रज॒स्तुर॑म् ।
गो॒पामृ॒तस्य॒ विर्भ॑रत् ॥ ९.०४८.०४
viśva̍smā̱ itsva̍rdṛ̱śe sādhā̍raṇaṃ raja̱stura̍m .
go̱pāmṛ̱tasya̱ virbha̍rat .. 9.048.04
4 That each may see the light, the Bird brought us the guard of Law, the Friend
Of all, the speeder through the air.
Sloka : 9.48.5
अधा॑ हिन्वा॒न इ॑न्द्रि॒यं ज्यायो॑ महि॒त्वमा॑नशे ।
अ॒भि॒ष्टि॒कृद्विच॑र्षणिः ॥ ९.०४८.०५
adhā̍ hinvā̱na i̍ndri̱yaṃ jyāyo̍ mahi̱tvamā̍naśe .
a̱bhi̱ṣṭi̱kṛdvica̍rṣaṇiḥ .. 9.048.05
5 And now, sent forth, it hath attained to mighty power and majesty,
Most active, ready to assist.
Sloka : 9.49.1
पव॑स्व वृ॒ष्टिमा सु नो॒ऽपामू॒र्मिं दि॒वस्परि॑ ।
अ॒य॒क्ष्मा बृ॑ह॒तीरिषः॑ ॥ ९.०४९.०१
pava̍sva vṛ̱ṣṭimā su no̱'pāmū̱rmiṃ di̱vaspari̍ .
a̱ya̱kṣmā bṛ̍ha̱tīriṣa̍ḥ .. 9.049.01
1. Poust down the rain upon us, pour a wave of waters from the sky,
And plenteous store of wholesome fbod.
Sloka : 9.49.2
तया॑ पवस्व॒ धार॑या॒ यया॒ गाव॑ इ॒हागम॑न् ।
जन्या॑स॒ उप॑ नो गृ॒हम् ॥ ९.०४९.०२
tayā̍ pavasva̱ dhāra̍yā̱ yayā̱ gāva̍ i̱hāgama̍n .
janyā̍sa̱ upa̍ no gṛ̱ham .. 9.049.02
2 Flow onward with that stream of thine, whereby the cows have come to us,
The kine of strangers to our home.
Sloka : 9.49.3
घृ॒तं प॑वस्व॒ धार॑या य॒ज्ञेषु॑ देव॒वीत॑मः ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ वृ॒ष्टिमा प॑व ॥ ९.०४९.०३
ghṛ̱taṃ pa̍vasva̱ dhāra̍yā ya̱jñeṣu̍ deva̱vīta̍maḥ .
a̱smabhya̍ṃ vṛ̱ṣṭimā pa̍va .. 9.049.03
3 Chief Friend of Gods in sacred rites, pour on us fatness with thy stream,
Ppur down on us a flood of rain.
Sloka : 9.49.4
स न॑ ऊ॒र्जे व्य१॒॑व्ययं॑ प॒वित्रं॑ धाव॒ धार॑या ।
दे॒वासः॑ शृ॒णव॒न्हि क॑म् ॥ ९.०४९.०४
sa na̍ ū̱rje vya1̱̍vyaya̍ṃ pa̱vitra̍ṃ dhāva̱ dhāra̍yā .
de̱vāsa̍ḥ śṛ̱ṇava̱nhi ka̍m .. 9.049.04
4 To give us vigour, with thy stream run through the fleecy straining-cloth
For verily the Gods will bear.
Sloka : 9.49.5
पव॑मानो असिष्यद॒द्रक्षां॑स्यप॒जङ्घ॑नत् ।
प्र॒त्न॒वद्रो॒चय॒न्रुचः॑ ॥ ९.०४९.०५
pava̍māno asiṣyada̱drakṣā̍ṃsyapa̱jaṅgha̍nat .
pra̱tna̱vadro̱caya̱nruca̍ḥ .. 9.049.05
5 Onward hath Pavamana flowed and beaten off the Rākṣasas,
Flashing out splendour as of old.
Sloka : 9.50.1
उत्ते॒ शुष्मा॑स ईरते॒ सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मेरि॑व स्व॒नः ।
वा॒णस्य॑ चोदया प॒विम् ॥ ९.०५०.०१
utte̱ śuṣmā̍sa īrate̱ sindho̍rū̱rmeri̍va sva̱naḥ .
vā̱ṇasya̍ codayā pa̱vim .. 9.050.01
1. LOUD as a river's roaring wave thy powers have lifted up themselves:-
Urge on thine arrow's sharpened point.
Sloka : 9.50.2
प्र॒स॒वे त॒ उदी॑रते ति॒स्रो वाचो॑ मख॒स्युवः॑ ।
यदव्य॒ एषि॒ सान॑वि ॥ ९.०५०.०२
pra̱sa̱ve ta̱ udī̍rate ti̱sro vāco̍ makha̱syuva̍ḥ .
yadavya̱ eṣi̱ sāna̍vi .. 9.050.02
2 At thine effusion upward rise three voices full of joy, when thou
Flowest upon the fleecy ridge.
Sloka : 9.50.3
अव्यो॒ वारे॒ परि॑ प्रि॒यं हरिं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
पव॑मानं मधु॒श्चुत॑म् ॥ ९.०५०.०३
avyo̱ vāre̱ pari̍ pri̱yaṃ hari̍ṃ hinva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .
pava̍mānaṃ madhu̱ścuta̍m .. 9.050.03
3 On to the fleece they urge with stone the tawny well-beloved One,
Even Pavamana, dropping meath.
Sloka : 9.50.4
आ प॑वस्व मदिन्तम प॒वित्रं॒ धार॑या कवे ।
अ॒र्कस्य॒ योनि॑मा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.०५०.०४
ā pa̍vasva madintama pa̱vitra̱ṃ dhāra̍yā kave .
a̱rkasya̱ yoni̍mā̱sada̍m .. 9.050.04
4 Flow with thy current to the sieve, O Sage most powerful to cheer,
To seat thee in the place of song.
Sloka : 9.50.5
स प॑वस्व मदिन्तम॒ गोभि॑रञ्जा॒नो अ॒क्तुभिः॑ ।
इन्द॒विन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०५०.०५
sa pa̍vasva madintama̱ gobhi̍rañjā̱no a̱ktubhi̍ḥ .
inda̱vindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.050.05
5 Flow, Most Exhilarating! flow anointed with the milk for balm,
Indu, for Indra, for his drink.
Sloka : 9.51.1
अध्व॑र्यो॒ अद्रि॑भिः सु॒तं सोमं॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ सृ॑ज ।
पु॒नी॒हीन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे ॥ ९.०५१.०१
adhva̍ryo̱ adri̍bhiḥ su̱taṃ soma̍ṃ pa̱vitra̱ ā sṛ̍ja .
pu̱nī̱hīndrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve .. 9.051.01
1. ADHVARYU, on the filter pour the Soma juice expressed with stones,
And make it pure for Indra's drink.
Sloka : 9.51.2
दि॒वः पी॒यूष॑मुत्त॒मं सोम॒मिन्द्रा॑य व॒ज्रिणे॑ ।
सु॒नोता॒ मधु॑मत्तमम् ॥ ९.०५१.०२
di̱vaḥ pī̱yūṣa̍mutta̱maṃ soma̱mindrā̍ya va̱jriṇe̍ .
su̱notā̱ madhu̍mattamam .. 9.051.02
2 Pour out for Indra, Thunder-armed, the milk of heaven,, the Soma's juice,
Most excellent, most rich in sweets.
Sloka : 9.51.3
तव॒ त्य इ॑न्दो॒ अन्ध॑सो दे॒वा मधो॒र्व्य॑श्नते ।
पव॑मानस्य म॒रुतः॑ ॥ ९.०५१.०३
tava̱ tya i̍ndo̱ andha̍so de̱vā madho̱rvya̍śnate .
pava̍mānasya ma̱ruta̍ḥ .. 9.051.03
3 These Gods and all the Marut host, Indu enjoy this juice of thine,
This Pavamana's flowing meath.
Sloka : 9.51.4
त्वं हि सो॑म व॒र्धय॑न्सु॒तो मदा॑य॒ भूर्ण॑ये ।
वृष॑न्स्तो॒तार॑मू॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०५१.०४
tvaṃ hi so̍ma va̱rdhaya̍nsu̱to madā̍ya̱ bhūrṇa̍ye .
vṛṣa̍nsto̱tāra̍mū̱taye̍ .. 9.051.04
4 For, Soma, thou hast been effused, strengthening for the wild carouse,
O Steer, the singer, for our help.
Sloka : 9.51.5
अ॒भ्य॑र्ष विचक्षण प॒वित्रं॒ धार॑या सु॒तः ।
अ॒भि वाज॑मु॒त श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.०५१.०५
a̱bhya̍rṣa vicakṣaṇa pa̱vitra̱ṃ dhāra̍yā su̱taḥ .
a̱bhi vāja̍mu̱ta śrava̍ḥ .. 9.051.05
5 Flow with thy stream, Far-sighted One, effused, into the cleansing sieve:-
Flow on to give us strength and fame.
Sloka : 9.52.1
परि॑ द्यु॒क्षः स॒नद्र॑यि॒र्भर॒द्वाजं॑ नो॒ अन्ध॑सा ।
सु॒वा॒नो अ॑र्ष प॒वित्र॒ आ ॥ ९.०५२.०१
pari̍ dyu̱kṣaḥ sa̱nadra̍yi̱rbhara̱dvāja̍ṃ no̱ andha̍sā .
su̱vā̱no a̍rṣa pa̱vitra̱ ā .. 9.052.01
1. WEALTH-WINNER, dwelling in the sky, bringing us vigour with the juice,
Flow to the filter when effused.
Sloka : 9.52.2
तव॑ प्र॒त्नेभि॒रध्व॑भि॒रव्यो॒ वारे॒ परि॑ प्रि॒यः ।
स॒हस्र॑धारो या॒त्तना॑ ॥ ९.०५२.०२
tava̍ pra̱tnebhi̱radhva̍bhi̱ravyo̱ vāre̱ pari̍ pri̱yaḥ .
sa̱hasra̍dhāro yā̱ttanā̍ .. 9.052.02
2 So, in thine ancient ways, may he, beloved, with a thousand streams
Run oer the fleecy straining-cloth.
Sloka : 9.52.3
च॒रुर्न यस्तमी॑ङ्ख॒येन्दो॒ न दान॑मीङ्खय ।
व॒धैर्व॑धस्नवीङ्खय ॥ ९.०५२.०३
ca̱rurna yastamī̍ṅkha̱yendo̱ na dāna̍mīṅkhaya .
va̱dhairva̍dhasnavīṅkhaya .. 9.052.03
3 Him who is like a caldron shake:- O Indu, shake thy gift to us
Shake it, armed Warrior! with thine arms.
Sloka : 9.52.4
नि शुष्म॑मिन्दवेषां॒ पुरु॑हूत॒ जना॑नाम् ।
यो अ॒स्माँ आ॒दिदे॑शति ॥ ९.०५२.०४
ni śuṣma̍mindaveṣā̱ṃ puru̍hūta̱ janā̍nām .
yo a̱smām̐ ā̱dide̍śati .. 9.052.04
4 Indu, invoked with many a prayer, bring down the vigour of these men,
Of him who threatens us with war.
Sloka : 9.52.5
श॒तं न॑ इन्द ऊ॒तिभिः॑ स॒हस्रं॑ वा॒ शुची॑नाम् ।
पव॑स्व मंह॒यद्र॑यिः ॥ ९.०५२.०५
śa̱taṃ na̍ inda ū̱tibhi̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍ṃ vā̱ śucī̍nām .
pava̍sva maṃha̱yadra̍yiḥ .. 9.052.05
5 Indu, Wealth-giver, with thine help pour out for us a hundred, yea,
A thousand of thy pure bright streams.
Sloka : 9.53.1
उत्ते॒ शुष्मा॑सो अस्थू॒ रक्षो॑ भि॒न्दन्तो॑ अद्रिवः ।
नु॒दस्व॒ याः प॑रि॒स्पृधः॑ ॥ ९.०५३.०१
utte̱ śuṣmā̍so asthū̱ rakṣo̍ bhi̱ndanto̍ adrivaḥ .
nu̱dasva̱ yāḥ pa̍ri̱spṛdha̍ḥ .. 9.053.01
1. O THOU with stones for arms, thy powers, crushing the fiends, have raised themselves:-
Chase thou the foes who compass us.
Sloka : 9.53.2
अ॒या नि॑ज॒घ्निरोज॑सा रथसं॒गे धने॑ हि॒ते ।
स्तवा॒ अबि॑भ्युषा हृ॒दा ॥ ९.०५३.०२
a̱yā ni̍ja̱ghniroja̍sā rathasa̱ṃge dhane̍ hi̱te .
stavā̱ abi̍bhyuṣā hṛ̱dā .. 9.053.02
2 Thou conquerest thus with might when car meets car, and when the prize is staked:-
With fearless heart will I sing praise.
Sloka : 9.53.3
अस्य॑ व्र॒तानि॒ नाधृषे॒ पव॑मानस्य दू॒ढ्या॑ ।
रु॒ज यस्त्वा॑ पृत॒न्यति॑ ॥ ९.०५३.०३
asya̍ vra̱tāni̱ nādhṛṣe̱ pava̍mānasya dū̱ḍhyā̍ .
ru̱ja yastvā̍ pṛta̱nyati̍ .. 9.053.03
3 No one with evil thought assails this Pavamana's holy laws:-
Crush him who fain would fight with thee.
Sloka : 9.53.4
तं हि॑न्वन्ति मद॒च्युतं॒ हरिं॑ न॒दीषु॑ वा॒जिन॑म् ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रम् ॥ ९.०५३.०४
taṃ hi̍nvanti mada̱cyuta̱ṃ hari̍ṃ na̱dīṣu̍ vā̱jina̍m .
indu̱mindrā̍ya matsa̱ram .. 9.053.04
4 For Indra to the streams they drive the tawny rapture-dropping Steed,
Indu the bringer of delight.
Sloka : 9.54.1
अ॒स्य प्र॒त्नामनु॒ द्युतं॑ शु॒क्रं दु॑दुह्रे॒ अह्र॑यः ।
पयः॑ सहस्र॒सामृषि॑म् ॥ ९.०५४.०१
a̱sya pra̱tnāmanu̱ dyuta̍ṃ śu̱kraṃ du̍duhre̱ ahra̍yaḥ .
paya̍ḥ sahasra̱sāmṛṣi̍m .. 9.054.01
1. AFTER his ancient splendour, they, the bold, have drawn the bright milk from
The Sage who wins a thousand gifts.
Sloka : 9.54.2
अ॒यं सूर्य॑ इवोप॒दृग॒यं सरां॑सि धावति ।
स॒प्त प्र॒वत॒ आ दिव॑म् ॥ ९.०५४.०२
a̱yaṃ sūrya̍ ivopa̱dṛga̱yaṃ sarā̍ṃsi dhāvati .
sa̱pta pra̱vata̱ ā diva̍m .. 9.054.02
2 In aspect he is like the Sun; he runneth forward to the lakes,
Seven currents flowing through the sky.
Sloka : 9.54.3
अ॒यं विश्वा॑नि तिष्ठति पुना॒नो भुव॑नो॒परि॑ ।
सोमो॑ दे॒वो न सूर्यः॑ ॥ ९.०५४.०३
a̱yaṃ viśvā̍ni tiṣṭhati punā̱no bhuva̍no̱pari̍ .
somo̍ de̱vo na sūrya̍ḥ .. 9.054.03
3 He, shining in his splendour, stands high over all things that exist-
Soma, a God as Sūrya is.
Sloka : 9.54.4
परि॑ णो दे॒ववी॑तये॒ वाजा॑ँ अर्षसि॒ गोम॑तः ।
पु॒ना॒न इ॑न्दविन्द्र॒युः ॥ ९.०५४.०४
pari̍ ṇo de̱vavī̍taye̱ vājā̍m̐ arṣasi̱ goma̍taḥ .
pu̱nā̱na i̍ndavindra̱yuḥ .. 9.054.04
4 Thou, Indu, in thy brilliancy, pourest on us, as Indra's Friend,
Wealth from the kine to feast the Gods.
Sloka : 9.55.1
यवं॑यवं नो॒ अन्ध॑सा पु॒ष्टम्पु॑ष्टं॒ परि॑ स्रव ।
सोम॒ विश्वा॑ च॒ सौभ॑गा ॥ ९.०५५.०१
yava̍ṃyavaṃ no̱ andha̍sā pu̱ṣṭampu̍ṣṭa̱ṃ pari̍ srava .
soma̱ viśvā̍ ca̱ saubha̍gā .. 9.055.01
1. POUR on us with thy juice all kinds of corn, each sort of nourishment,
And, Soma, all felicities.
Sloka : 9.55.2
इन्दो॒ यथा॒ तव॒ स्तवो॒ यथा॑ ते जा॒तमन्ध॑सः ।
नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ प्रि॒ये स॑दः ॥ ९.०५५.०२
indo̱ yathā̱ tava̱ stavo̱ yathā̍ te jā̱tamandha̍saḥ .
ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ pri̱ye sa̍daḥ .. 9.055.02
2 As thine, O Indu, is the praise, and thine what springeth from the juice,
Seat thee on the dear sacred grass.
Sloka : 9.55.3
उ॒त नो॑ गो॒विद॑श्व॒वित्पव॑स्व सो॒मान्ध॑सा ।
म॒क्षूत॑मेभि॒रह॑भिः ॥ ९.०५५.०३
u̱ta no̍ go̱vida̍śva̱vitpava̍sva so̱māndha̍sā .
ma̱kṣūta̍mebhi̱raha̍bhiḥ .. 9.055.03
3 And, finding for us kine and steeds, O Soma, with thy juice flow on
Through days that fly most rapidly.
Sloka : 9.55.4
यो जि॒नाति॒ न जीय॑ते॒ हन्ति॒ शत्रु॑म॒भीत्य॑ ।
स प॑वस्व सहस्रजित् ॥ ९.०५५.०४
yo ji̱nāti̱ na jīya̍te̱ hanti̱ śatru̍ma̱bhītya̍ .
sa pa̍vasva sahasrajit .. 9.055.04
4 As one who conquers, neer subdued, attacks and stays the enemy,
Thus, Vanquisher of thousands! flow.
Sloka : 9.56.1
परि॒ सोम॑ ऋ॒तं बृ॒हदा॒शुः प॒वित्रे॑ अर्षति ।
वि॒घ्नन्रक्षां॑सि देव॒युः ॥ ९.०५६.०१
pari̱ soma̍ ṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hadā̱śuḥ pa̱vitre̍ arṣati .
vi̱ghnanrakṣā̍ṃsi deva̱yuḥ .. 9.056.01
1. SWIFT to the purifying sieve flows Soma as exalted Law,
Slaying the fiends, loving the Gods.
Sloka : 9.56.2
यत्सोमो॒ वाज॒मर्ष॑ति श॒तं धारा॑ अप॒स्युवः॑ ।
इन्द्र॑स्य स॒ख्यमा॑वि॒शन् ॥ ९.०५६.०२
yatsomo̱ vāja̱marṣa̍ti śa̱taṃ dhārā̍ apa̱syuva̍ḥ .
indra̍sya sa̱khyamā̍vi̱śan .. 9.056.02
2 When Soma pours the strengthening food a hundred ever-active streams
To Indra's friendship win theirway.
Sloka : 9.56.3
अ॒भि त्वा॒ योष॑णो॒ दश॑ जा॒रं न क॒न्या॑नूषत ।
मृ॒ज्यसे॑ सोम सा॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०५६.०३
a̱bhi tvā̱ yoṣa̍ṇo̱ daśa̍ jā̱raṃ na ka̱nyā̍nūṣata .
mṛ̱jyase̍ soma sā̱taye̍ .. 9.056.03
3 Ten Dames have sung to welcome thee, even as a maiden greets her love:-
O Soma, thou art decked to win.
Sloka : 9.56.4
त्वमिन्द्रा॑य॒ विष्ण॑वे स्वा॒दुरि॑न्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ।
नॄन्स्तो॒तॄन्पा॒ह्यंह॑सः ॥ ९.०५६.०४
tvamindrā̍ya̱ viṣṇa̍ve svā̱duri̍ndo̱ pari̍ srava .
nṝnsto̱tṝnpā̱hyaṃha̍saḥ .. 9.056.04
4 Flow hitherward, O Indu, sweet to Indra and to Viṣṇu:- guard
The men, the singers, from distress.
Sloka : 9.57.1
प्र ते॒ धारा॑ अस॒श्चतो॑ दि॒वो न य॑न्ति वृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।
अच्छा॒ वाजं॑ सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०५७.०१
pra te̱ dhārā̍ asa̱ścato̍ di̱vo na ya̍nti vṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .
acchā̱ vāja̍ṃ saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 9.057.01
1. THY streams that never fail or waste flow forth like showers of rain from heaven,
To bring a thousand stores of strength.
Sloka : 9.57.2
अ॒भि प्रि॒याणि॒ काव्या॒ विश्वा॒ चक्षा॑णो अर्षति ।
हरि॑स्तुञ्जा॒न आयु॑धा ॥ ९.०५७.०२
a̱bhi pri̱yāṇi̱ kāvyā̱ viśvā̱ cakṣā̍ṇo arṣati .
hari̍stuñjā̱na āyu̍dhā .. 9.057.02
2 He flows beholding on his way all wellbeloved sacred lore,
Green-tinted, brandishing his, arms.
Sloka : 9.57.3
स म॑र्मृजा॒न आ॒युभि॒रिभो॒ राजे॑व सुव्र॒तः ।
श्ये॒नो न वंसु॑ षीदति ॥ ९.०५७.०३
sa ma̍rmṛjā̱na ā̱yubhi̱ribho̱ rāje̍va suvra̱taḥ .
śye̱no na vaṃsu̍ ṣīdati .. 9.057.03
3 He, when the people deck him like a docile king of elephants.
Sits as a falcon in the, wood.
Sloka : 9.57.4
स नो॒ विश्वा॑ दि॒वो वसू॒तो पृ॑थि॒व्या अधि॑ ।
पु॒ना॒न इ॑न्द॒वा भ॑र ॥ ९.०५७.०४
sa no̱ viśvā̍ di̱vo vasū̱to pṛ̍thi̱vyā adhi̍ .
pu̱nā̱na i̍nda̱vā bha̍ra .. 9.057.04
4 So bring thou hitherward to us, Indu, while thou art purified,
All treasures both of heaven and earth.
Sloka : 9.58.1
तर॒त्स म॒न्दी धा॑वति॒ धारा॑ सु॒तस्यान्ध॑सः ।
तर॒त्स म॒न्दी धा॑वति ॥ ९.०५८.०१
tara̱tsa ma̱ndī dhā̍vati̱ dhārā̍ su̱tasyāndha̍saḥ .
tara̱tsa ma̱ndī dhā̍vati .. 9.058.01
1. SWIFT runs this giver of delight, even the stream of flowing juice:-
Swift runs this giver of delight.
Sloka : 9.58.2
उ॒स्रा वे॑द॒ वसू॑नां॒ मर्त॑स्य दे॒व्यव॑सः ।
तर॒त्स म॒न्दी धा॑वति ॥ ९.०५८.०२
u̱srā ve̍da̱ vasū̍nā̱ṃ marta̍sya de̱vyava̍saḥ .
tara̱tsa ma̱ndī dhā̍vati .. 9.058.02
2 The Morning knows all precious things, the Goddess knows her grace to man:-
Swift runs this giver of delight.
Sloka : 9.58.3
ध्व॒स्रयोः॑ पुरु॒षन्त्यो॒रा स॒हस्रा॑णि दद्महे ।
तर॒त्स म॒न्दी धा॑वति ॥ ९.०५८.०३
dhva̱srayo̍ḥ puru̱ṣantyo̱rā sa̱hasrā̍ṇi dadmahe .
tara̱tsa ma̱ndī dhā̍vati .. 9.058.03
3 We have accepted thousands from Dhvasra's and Puruṣanti's hands:-
Swift runs this giver of delight.
Sloka : 9.58.4
आ ययो॑स्त्रिं॒शतं॒ तना॑ स॒हस्रा॑णि च॒ दद्म॑हे ।
तर॒त्स म॒न्दी धा॑वति ॥ ९.०५८.०४
ā yayo̍stri̱ṃśata̱ṃ tanā̍ sa̱hasrā̍ṇi ca̱ dadma̍he .
tara̱tsa ma̱ndī dhā̍vati .. 9.058.04
4 From whom we have accepted thus thousands and three times ten beside:-
Swift runs this giver of delight.
Sloka : 9.59.1
पव॑स्व गो॒जिद॑श्व॒जिद्वि॑श्व॒जित्सो॑म रण्य॒जित् ।
प्र॒जाव॒द्रत्न॒मा भ॑र ॥ ९.०५९.०१
pava̍sva go̱jida̍śva̱jidvi̍śva̱jitso̍ma raṇya̱jit .
pra̱jāva̱dratna̱mā bha̍ra .. 9.059.01
1. FLOW onward, Soma, winning kine, and steeds, and all that gives delight:-
Bring hither wealth with progeny.
Sloka : 9.59.2
पव॑स्वा॒द्भ्यो अदा॑भ्यः॒ पव॒स्वौष॑धीभ्यः ।
पव॑स्व धि॒षणा॑भ्यः ॥ ९.०५९.०२
pava̍svā̱dbhyo adā̍bhya̱ḥ pava̱svauṣa̍dhībhyaḥ .
pava̍sva dhi̱ṣaṇā̍bhyaḥ .. 9.059.02
2 Flow onward from the waters, flow, inviolable, from the plants:-
Flow onward from the pressing-boards.
Sloka : 9.59.3
त्वं सो॑म॒ पव॑मानो॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता त॑र ।
क॒विः सी॑द॒ नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥ ९.०५९.०३
tvaṃ so̍ma̱ pava̍māno̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tā ta̍ra .
ka̱viḥ sī̍da̱ ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ .. 9.059.03
3 Soma, as Pavamana, pass over all trouble and distress:-
Sit on the sacred grass, a Sage.
Sloka : 9.59.4
पव॑मान॒ स्व॑र्विदो॒ जाय॑मानोऽभवो म॒हान् ।
इन्दो॒ विश्वा॑ँ अ॒भीद॑सि ॥ ९.०५९.०४
pava̍māna̱ sva̍rvido̱ jāya̍māno'bhavo ma̱hān .
indo̱ viśvā̍m̐ a̱bhīda̍si .. 9.059.04
4 Thou, Pavamana, foundest light; thou at thy birth becamest great:-
O Indu, thou art over all.
Sloka : 9.60.1
प्र गा॑य॒त्रेण॑ गायत॒ पव॑मानं॒ विच॑र्षणिम् ।
इन्दुं॑ स॒हस्र॑चक्षसम् ॥ ९.०६०.०१
pra gā̍ya̱treṇa̍ gāyata̱ pava̍māna̱ṃ vica̍rṣaṇim .
indu̍ṃ sa̱hasra̍cakṣasam .. 9.060.01
1. SING forth and laud with sacred song most active Pavamana, laud
Indu who sees with thousand eyes.
Sloka : 9.60.2
तं त्वा॑ स॒हस्र॑चक्षस॒मथो॑ स॒हस्र॑भर्णसम् ।
अति॒ वार॑मपाविषुः ॥ ९.०६०.०२
taṃ tvā̍ sa̱hasra̍cakṣasa̱matho̍ sa̱hasra̍bharṇasam .
ati̱ vāra̍mapāviṣuḥ .. 9.060.02
2 Thee who hast thousand eyes to see, bearer of thousand burthens, they
Have filtered through the fleecy cloth.
Sloka : 9.60.3
अति॒ वारा॒न्पव॑मानो असिष्यदत्क॒लशा॑ँ अ॒भि धा॑वति ।
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ हार्द्या॑वि॒शन् ॥ ९.०६०.०३
ati̱ vārā̱npava̍māno asiṣyadatka̱laśā̍m̐ a̱bhi dhā̍vati .
indra̍sya̱ hārdyā̍vi̱śan .. 9.060.03
3 He, Pavamana, hath streamed through the fleece then:- he runs into the jars,
Finding his way to Indra's heart.
Sloka : 9.60.4
इन्द्र॑स्य सोम॒ राध॑से॒ शं प॑वस्व विचर्षणे ।
प्र॒जाव॒द्रेत॒ आ भ॑र ॥ ९.०६०.०४
indra̍sya soma̱ rādha̍se̱ śaṃ pa̍vasva vicarṣaṇe .
pra̱jāva̱dreta̱ ā bha̍ra .. 9.060.04
4 That Indra may be bounteous, flow, most active Soma, for our weal:-
Bring genial seed with progeny.
Sloka : 9.61.1
अ॒या वी॒ती परि॑ स्रव॒ यस्त॑ इन्दो॒ मदे॒ष्वा ।
अ॒वाह॑न्नव॒तीर्नव॑ ॥ ९.०६१.०१
a̱yā vī̱tī pari̍ srava̱ yasta̍ indo̱ made̱ṣvā .
a̱vāha̍nnava̱tīrnava̍ .. 9.061.01
1. FLOW onward, Indu, with this food for him who in thy wild delight
Battered the nine-and-ninety down,
Sloka : 9.61.2
पुरः॑ स॒द्य इ॒त्थाधि॑ये॒ दिवो॑दासाय॒ शम्ब॑रम् ।
अध॒ त्यं तु॒र्वशं॒ यदु॑म् ॥ ९.०६१.०२
pura̍ḥ sa̱dya i̱tthādhi̍ye̱ divo̍dāsāya̱ śamba̍ram .
adha̱ tyaṃ tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ yadu̍m .. 9.061.02
2 Smote swiftly forts, and gambara, then Yadu and that Turvaga,
For pious Divodāsa's sake.
Sloka : 9.61.3
परि॑ णो॒ अश्व॑मश्व॒विद्गोम॑दिन्दो॒ हिर॑ण्यवत् ।
क्षरा॑ सह॒स्रिणी॒रिषः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.०३
pari̍ ṇo̱ aśva̍maśva̱vidgoma̍dindo̱ hira̍ṇyavat .
kṣarā̍ saha̱sriṇī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 9.061.03
3 Finder of horses, pour on us horses and
wealth in kine and gold,
And, Indu, food in boundless store.
Sloka : 9.61.4
पव॑मानस्य ते व॒यं प॒वित्र॑मभ्युन्द॒तः ।
स॒खि॒त्वमा वृ॑णीमहे ॥ ९.०६१.०४
pava̍mānasya te va̱yaṃ pa̱vitra̍mabhyunda̱taḥ .
sa̱khi̱tvamā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 9.061.04
4 We seek to win thy friendly love, even Pavamana's flowing oer
The limit of the cleansing sieve.
Sloka : 9.61.5
ये ते॑ प॒वित्र॑मू॒र्मयो॑ऽभि॒क्षर॑न्ति॒ धार॑या ।
तेभि॑र्नः सोम मृळय ॥ ९.०६१.०५
ye te̍ pa̱vitra̍mū̱rmayo̎bhi̱kṣara̍nti̱ dhāra̍yā .
tebhi̍rnaḥ soma mṛl̤aya .. 9.061.05
5 With those same waves which in their stream oyerflow the purifying sieve,
Soma; be gracious unto us.
Sloka : 9.61.6
स नः॑ पुना॒न आ भ॑र र॒यिं वी॒रव॑ती॒मिष॑म् ।
ईशा॑नः सोम वि॒श्वतः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.०६
sa na̍ḥ punā̱na ā bha̍ra ra̱yiṃ vī̱rava̍tī̱miṣa̍m .
īśā̍naḥ soma vi̱śvata̍ḥ .. 9.061.06
6 O Soma, being purified, bring us from all sides,for thou canst,
Riches and food with hero sons.
Sloka : 9.61.7
ए॒तमु॒ त्यं दश॒ क्षिपो॑ मृ॒जन्ति॒ सिन्धु॑मातरम् ।
समा॑दि॒त्येभि॑रख्यत ॥ ९.०६१.०७
e̱tamu̱ tyaṃ daśa̱ kṣipo̍ mṛ̱janti̱ sindhu̍mātaram .
samā̍di̱tyebhi̍rakhyata .. 9.061.07
7 Him here, the Child whom streams have borne, the ten swift fingers beautify
With the Ādityas is he seen.
Sloka : 9.61.8
समिन्द्रे॑णो॒त वा॒युना॑ सु॒त ए॑ति प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
सं सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.०८
samindre̍ṇo̱ta vā̱yunā̍ su̱ta e̍ti pa̱vitra̱ ā .
saṃ sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .. 9.061.08
8 With Indra and with Vāyu he, effused, flows onward with,the beams
Of Sūrya to the cleansing sieve.
Sloka : 9.61.9
स नो॒ भगा॑य वा॒यवे॑ पू॒ष्णे प॑वस्व॒ मधु॑मान् ।
चारु॑र्मि॒त्रे वरु॑णे च ॥ ९.०६१.०९
sa no̱ bhagā̍ya vā̱yave̍ pū̱ṣṇe pa̍vasva̱ madhu̍mān .
cāru̍rmi̱tre varu̍ṇe ca .. 9.061.09
9 Flow rich in sweets and lovely for our Bhaga, Vāyu, Pūṣan flow
For Mitra and for Varuṇa.
Sloka : 9.61.10
उ॒च्चा ते॑ जा॒तमन्ध॑सो दि॒वि षद्भूम्या द॑दे ।
उ॒ग्रं शर्म॒ महि॒ श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.१०
u̱ccā te̍ jā̱tamandha̍so di̱vi ṣadbhūmyā da̍de .
u̱graṃ śarma̱ mahi̱ śrava̍ḥ .. 9.061.10
10 High is thy juice's birth:- though set in heaven, on earth it hath obtained
Strong sheltering power and great renown.
Sloka : 9.61.11
ए॒ना विश्वा॑न्य॒र्य आ द्यु॒म्नानि॒ मानु॑षाणाम् ।
सिषा॑सन्तो वनामहे ॥ ९.०६१.११
e̱nā viśvā̍nya̱rya ā dyu̱mnāni̱ mānu̍ṣāṇām .
siṣā̍santo vanāmahe .. 9.061.11
11 Striving to win, with him we gain all wealth from the ungodly man,
Yea, all the glories of mankind.
Sloka : 9.61.12
स न॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ यज्य॑वे॒ वरु॑णाय म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ।
व॒रि॒वो॒वित्परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.०६१.१२
sa na̱ indrā̍ya̱ yajya̍ve̱ varu̍ṇāya ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .
va̱ri̱vo̱vitpari̍ srava .. 9.061.12
12 Finder of room and freedom, flow for Indra whom we must adore,
For Varuṇa and the Marut host.
Sloka : 9.61.13
उपो॒ षु जा॒तम॒प्तुरं॒ गोभि॑र्भ॒ङ्गं परि॑ष्कृतम् ।
इन्दुं॑ दे॒वा अ॑यासिषुः ॥ ९.०६१.१३
upo̱ ṣu jā̱tama̱ptura̱ṃ gobhi̍rbha̱ṅgaṃ pari̍ṣkṛtam .
indu̍ṃ de̱vā a̍yāsiṣuḥ .. 9.061.13
13 The Gods have come to Indu well-descended, beautified with milk,
The active crusher of the foe.
Sloka : 9.61.14
तमिद्व॑र्धन्तु नो॒ गिरो॑ व॒त्सं सं॒शिश्व॑रीरिव ।
य इन्द्र॑स्य हृदं॒सनिः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.१४
tamidva̍rdhantu no̱ giro̍ va̱tsaṃ sa̱ṃśiśva̍rīriva .
ya indra̍sya hṛda̱ṃsani̍ḥ .. 9.061.14
14 Even as mother cows their calf, so let our praise-songs strengthen him,
Yea, him who winneth Indra's heart.
Sloka : 9.61.15
अर्षा॑ णः सोम॒ शं गवे॑ धु॒क्षस्व॑ पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॑म् ।
वर्धा॑ समु॒द्रमु॒क्थ्य॑म् ॥ ९.०६१.१५
arṣā̍ ṇaḥ soma̱ śaṃ gave̍ dhu̱kṣasva̍ pi̱pyuṣī̱miṣa̍m .
vardhā̍ samu̱dramu̱kthya̍m .. 9.061.15
15 Soma, pour blessings on our kine, pour forth the food that streams with milk
Increase the sea that merits laud.
Sloka : 9.61.16
पव॑मानो अजीजनद्दि॒वश्चि॒त्रं न त॑न्य॒तुम् ।
ज्योति॑र्वैश्वान॒रं बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.०६१.१६
pava̍māno ajījanaddi̱vaści̱traṃ na ta̍nya̱tum .
jyoti̍rvaiśvāna̱raṃ bṛ̱hat .. 9.061.16
16 From heaven hath Pavamana made, as twere, the marvellous thunder, and
The lofty light of all mankind.
Sloka : 9.61.17
पव॑मानस्य ते॒ रसो॒ मदो॑ राजन्नदुच्छु॒नः ।
वि वार॒मव्य॑मर्षति ॥ ९.०६१.१७
pava̍mānasya te̱ raso̱ mado̍ rājannaducchu̱naḥ .
vi vāra̱mavya̍marṣati .. 9.061.17
17 The gladdening and auspicious juice of thee, of Pavamana, King!
Flows oer the woollen straining-cloth.
Sloka : 9.61.18
पव॑मान॒ रस॒स्तव॒ दक्षो॒ वि रा॑जति द्यु॒मान् ।
ज्योति॒र्विश्वं॒ स्व॑र्दृ॒शे ॥ ९.०६१.१८
pava̍māna̱ rasa̱stava̱ dakṣo̱ vi rā̍jati dyu̱mān .
jyoti̱rviśva̱ṃ sva̍rdṛ̱śe .. 9.061.18
18 Thy juice, O Pavamana, sends its rays abroad like splendid skill,
Like lustre, all heaven's light, to see.
Sloka : 9.61.19
यस्ते॒ मदो॒ वरे॑ण्य॒स्तेना॑ पव॒स्वान्ध॑सा ।
दे॒वा॒वीर॑घशंस॒हा ॥ ९.०६१.१९
yaste̱ mado̱ vare̍ṇya̱stenā̍ pava̱svāndha̍sā .
de̱vā̱vīra̍ghaśaṃsa̱hā .. 9.061.19
19 Flow onward with that juice of thine most excellent, that brings delight,
Slaying the wicked, dear to Gods.
Sloka : 9.61.20
जघ्नि॑र्वृ॒त्रम॑मि॒त्रियं॒ सस्नि॒र्वाजं॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे ।
गो॒षा उ॑ अश्व॒सा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०६१.२०
jaghni̍rvṛ̱trama̍mi̱triya̱ṃ sasni̱rvāja̍ṃ di̱vedi̍ve .
go̱ṣā u̍ aśva̱sā a̍si .. 9.061.20
20 Killing the foeman and his hate, and winning booty every day,
Gainer art thou of steeds and kine.
Sloka : 9.61.21
सम्मि॑श्लो अरु॒षो भ॑व सूप॒स्थाभि॒र्न धे॒नुभिः॑ ।
सीद॑ञ्छ्ये॒नो न योनि॒मा ॥ ९.०६१.२१
sammi̍ślo aru̱ṣo bha̍va sūpa̱sthābhi̱rna dhe̱nubhi̍ḥ .
sīda̍ñchye̱no na yoni̱mā .. 9.061.21
21 Red-hued, be blended with the milk that seems to yield its lovely breast,
Falcon-like resting in thine home.
Sloka : 9.61.22
स प॑वस्व॒ य आवि॒थेन्द्रं॑ वृ॒त्राय॒ हन्त॑वे ।
व॒व्रि॒वांसं॑ म॒हीर॒पः ॥ ९.०६१.२२
sa pa̍vasva̱ ya āvi̱thendra̍ṃ vṛ̱trāya̱ hanta̍ve .
va̱vri̱vāṃsa̍ṃ ma̱hīra̱paḥ .. 9.061.22
22 Flow onward thou who strengthenedst Indra to slaughter Vṛtra who
Compassed and stayed the mighty floods.
Sloka : 9.61.23
सु॒वीरा॑सो व॒यं धना॒ जये॑म सोम मीढ्वः ।
पु॒ना॒नो व॑र्ध नो॒ गिरः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.२३
su̱vīrā̍so va̱yaṃ dhanā̱ jaye̍ma soma mīḍhvaḥ .
pu̱nā̱no va̍rdha no̱ gira̍ḥ .. 9.061.23
23 Soma who rainest gifts, may we win riches with our hero sons:-
Strengthen, as thou art cleansed, our hymns.
Sloka : 9.61.24
त्वोता॑स॒स्तवाव॑सा॒ स्याम॑ व॒न्वन्त॑ आ॒मुरः॑ ।
सोम॑ व्र॒तेषु॑ जागृहि ॥ ९.०६१.२४
tvotā̍sa̱stavāva̍sā̱ syāma̍ va̱nvanta̍ ā̱mura̍ḥ .
soma̍ vra̱teṣu̍ jāgṛhi .. 9.061.24
24 Aided by thee, and through thy grace, may we be slayers when we war:-
Watch, Soma, at our solemn rites.
Sloka : 9.61.25
अ॒प॒घ्नन्प॑वते॒ मृधोऽप॒ सोमो॒ अरा॑व्णः ।
गच्छ॒न्निन्द्र॑स्य निष्कृ॒तम् ॥ ९.०६१.२५
a̱pa̱ghnanpa̍vate̱ mṛdho'pa̱ somo̱ arā̍vṇaḥ .
gaccha̱nnindra̍sya niṣkṛ̱tam .. 9.061.25
25 Chasing our foemen, driving off the godless, Soma flowcth on,
Going to Indra's special place.
Sloka : 9.61.26
म॒हो नो॑ रा॒य आ भ॑र॒ पव॑मान ज॒ही मृधः॑ ।
रास्वे॑न्दो वी॒रव॒द्यशः॑ ॥ ९.०६१.२६
ma̱ho no̍ rā̱ya ā bha̍ra̱ pava̍māna ja̱hī mṛdha̍ḥ .
rāsve̍ndo vī̱rava̱dyaśa̍ḥ .. 9.061.26
26 O Pavamana, hither bring great riches, and destroy our foes:-
O Indu, grant heroic fame.
Sloka : 9.61.27
न त्वा॑ श॒तं च॒न ह्रुतो॒ राधो॒ दित्स॑न्त॒मा मि॑नन् ।
यत्पु॑ना॒नो म॑ख॒स्यसे॑ ॥ ९.०६१.२७
na tvā̍ śa̱taṃ ca̱na hruto̱ rādho̱ ditsa̍nta̱mā mi̍nan .
yatpu̍nā̱no ma̍kha̱syase̍ .. 9.061.27
27 A hundred obstacles have neer checked
thee when fain to give thy boons,
When, being cleansed, thou combatest.
Sloka : 9.61.28
पव॑स्वेन्दो॒ वृषा॑ सु॒तः कृ॒धी नो॑ य॒शसो॒ जने॑ ।
विश्वा॒ अप॒ द्विषो॑ जहि ॥ ९.०६१.२८
pava̍svendo̱ vṛṣā̍ su̱taḥ kṛ̱dhī no̍ ya̱śaso̱ jane̍ .
viśvā̱ apa̱ dviṣo̍ jahi .. 9.061.28
28 Indu, flow on, a mighty juice; glorify us among the folk:-
Drive all our enemies away.
Sloka : 9.61.29
अस्य॑ ते स॒ख्ये व॒यं तवे॑न्दो द्यु॒म्न उ॑त्त॒मे ।
सा॒स॒ह्याम॑ पृतन्य॒तः ॥ ९.०६१.२९
asya̍ te sa̱khye va̱yaṃ tave̍ndo dyu̱mna u̍tta̱me .
sā̱sa̱hyāma̍ pṛtanya̱taḥ .. 9.061.29
29 Indu, in this thy friendship most lofty and glorious may we
Subdue all those who war with us.
Sloka : 9.61.30
या ते॑ भी॒मान्यायु॑धा ति॒ग्मानि॒ सन्ति॒ धूर्व॑णे ।
रक्षा॑ समस्य नो नि॒दः ॥ ९.०६१.३०
yā te̍ bhī̱mānyāyu̍dhā ti̱gmāni̱ santi̱ dhūrva̍ṇe .
rakṣā̍ samasya no ni̱daḥ .. 9.061.30
30 Those awful weapons that thou hast, sharpened at point to strike men down-
Guard us therewith from every foe.
Sloka : 9.62.1
ए॒ते अ॑सृग्र॒मिन्द॑वस्ति॒रः प॒वित्र॑मा॒शवः॑ ।
विश्वा॑न्य॒भि सौभ॑गा ॥ ९.०६२.०१
e̱te a̍sṛgra̱minda̍vasti̱raḥ pa̱vitra̍mā̱śava̍ḥ .
viśvā̍nya̱bhi saubha̍gā .. 9.062.01
1. THESE rapid Soma-drops have been poured through the purifying sieve
To bring us all felicities.
Sloka : 9.62.2
वि॒घ्नन्तो॑ दुरि॒ता पु॒रु सु॒गा तो॒काय॑ वा॒जिनः॑ ।
तना॑ कृ॒ण्वन्तो॒ अर्व॑ते ॥ ९.०६२.०२
vi̱ghnanto̍ duri̱tā pu̱ru su̱gā to̱kāya̍ vā̱jina̍ḥ .
tanā̍ kṛ̱ṇvanto̱ arva̍te .. 9.062.02
2 Dispelling manifold mishap, giving the courser's progeny,
Yea, and the warrior steed, success.
Sloka : 9.62.3
कृ॒ण्वन्तो॒ वरि॑वो॒ गवे॒ऽभ्य॑र्षन्ति सुष्टु॒तिम् ।
इळा॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ सं॒यत॑म् ॥ ९.०६२.०३
kṛ̱ṇvanto̱ vari̍vo̱ gave̱'bhya̍rṣanti suṣṭu̱tim .
il̤ā̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ sa̱ṃyata̍m .. 9.062.03
3 Bringing prosperity to kine, they make perpetual Iḷā flow
To us for noble eulogy.
Sloka : 9.62.4
असा॑व्यं॒शुर्मदा॑या॒प्सु दक्षो॑ गिरि॒ष्ठाः ।
श्ये॒नो न योनि॒मास॑दत् ॥ ९.०६२.०४
asā̍vya̱ṃśurmadā̍yā̱psu dakṣo̍ giri̱ṣṭhāḥ .
śye̱no na yoni̱māsa̍dat .. 9.062.04
4 Strong, mountain-born, the stalk hath been
pressed in the streams for rapturous joy:-
Hawk-like he settles in his home.
Sloka : 9.62.5
शु॒भ्रमन्धो॑ दे॒ववा॑तम॒प्सु धू॒तो नृभिः॑ सु॒तः ।
स्वद॑न्ति॒ गावः॒ पयो॑भिः ॥ ९.०६२.०५
śu̱bhramandho̍ de̱vavā̍tama̱psu dhū̱to nṛbhi̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
svada̍nti̱ gāva̱ḥ payo̍bhiḥ .. 9.062.05
5 Fair is the God-loved juice; the plant is washed in waters, pressed by men
The milch-kine sweeten it with milk.
Sloka : 9.62.6
आदी॒मश्वं॒ न हेता॒रोऽशू॑शुभन्न॒मृता॑य ।
मध्वो॒ रसं॑ सध॒मादे॑ ॥ ९.०६२.०६
ādī̱maśva̱ṃ na hetā̱ro'śū̍śubhanna̱mṛtā̍ya .
madhvo̱ rasa̍ṃ sadha̱māde̍ .. 9.062.06
6 As drivers deck a courser, so have they adorned the meath's juice for
Ambrosia, for the festival.
Sloka : 9.62.7
यास्ते॒ धारा॑ मधु॒श्चुतोऽसृ॑ग्रमिन्द ऊ॒तये॑ ।
ताभिः॑ प॒वित्र॒मास॑दः ॥ ९.०६२.०७
yāste̱ dhārā̍ madhu̱ścuto'sṛ̍graminda ū̱taye̍ .
tābhi̍ḥ pa̱vitra̱māsa̍daḥ .. 9.062.07
7 Thou, Indu, with thy streams that drop sweet juices, which were poured for
Hast settled in the cleansing sieve.
Sloka : 9.62.8
सो अ॒र्षेन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ति॒रो रोमा॑ण्य॒व्यया॑ ।
सीद॒न्योना॒ वने॒ष्वा ॥ ९.०६२.०८
so a̱rṣendrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ ti̱ro romā̍ṇya̱vyayā̍ .
sīda̱nyonā̱ vane̱ṣvā .. 9.062.08
8 So flow thou onward through the fleece, for Indra flow, to be his drink,
Finding thine home in vats of wood.
Sloka : 9.62.9
त्वमि॑न्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव॒ स्वादि॑ष्ठो॒ अङ्गि॑रोभ्यः ।
व॒रि॒वो॒विद्घृ॒तं पयः॑ ॥ ९.०६२.०९
tvami̍ndo̱ pari̍ srava̱ svādi̍ṣṭho̱ aṅgi̍robhyaḥ .
va̱ri̱vo̱vidghṛ̱taṃ paya̍ḥ .. 9.062.09
9 As giving room and freedom, as most sweet, pour butter forth and milk,
O Indu, for the Aṅgirases.
Sloka : 9.62.10
अ॒यं विच॑र्षणिर्हि॒तः पव॑मानः॒ स चे॑तति ।
हि॒न्वा॒न आप्यं॑ बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.०६२.१०
a̱yaṃ vica̍rṣaṇirhi̱taḥ pava̍māna̱ḥ sa ce̍tati .
hi̱nvā̱na āpya̍ṃ bṛ̱hat .. 9.062.10
10 Most active and benevolent, this Pavamana, sent to us
For lofty friendship, meditates.
Sloka : 9.62.11
ए॒ष वृषा॒ वृष॑व्रतः॒ पव॑मानो अशस्ति॒हा ।
कर॒द्वसू॑नि दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ ९.०६२.११
e̱ṣa vṛṣā̱ vṛṣa̍vrata̱ḥ pava̍māno aśasti̱hā .
kara̱dvasū̍ni dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 9.062.11
11 Queller of curses, mighty, with strong sway, this Pavamana shall
Bring treasures to the worshipper.
Sloka : 9.62.12
आ प॑वस्व सह॒स्रिणं॑ र॒यिं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विन॑म् ।
पु॒रु॒श्च॒न्द्रं पु॑रु॒स्पृह॑म् ॥ ९.०६२.१२
ā pa̍vasva saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̍m .
pu̱ru̱śca̱ndraṃ pu̍ru̱spṛha̍m .. 9.062.12
12 Pour thou upon us thousandfold possessions, both of kine and steeds,
Exceeding glorious, much-desired.
Sloka : 9.62.13
ए॒ष स्य परि॑ षिच्यते मर्मृ॒ज्यमा॑न आ॒युभिः॑ ।
उ॒रु॒गा॒यः क॒विक्र॑तुः ॥ ९.०६२.१३
e̱ṣa sya pari̍ ṣicyate marmṛ̱jyamā̍na ā̱yubhi̍ḥ .
u̱ru̱gā̱yaḥ ka̱vikra̍tuḥ .. 9.062.13
13 Wandering far, with wise designs, the juice here present is effused,
Made beautiful by living men.
Sloka : 9.62.14
स॒हस्रो॑तिः श॒ताम॑घो वि॒मानो॒ रज॑सः क॒विः ।
इन्द्रा॑य पवते॒ मदः॑ ॥ ९.०६२.१४
sa̱hasro̍tiḥ śa̱tāma̍gho vi̱māno̱ raja̍saḥ ka̱viḥ .
indrā̍ya pavate̱ mada̍ḥ .. 9.062.14
14 For Indra flows the gladdening drink, the measurer of the region, Sage,
With countless wealth and endless help.
Sloka : 9.62.15
गि॒रा जा॒त इ॒ह स्तु॒त इन्दु॒रिन्द्रा॑य धीयते ।
विर्योना॑ वस॒तावि॑व ॥ ९.०६२.१५
gi̱rā jā̱ta i̱ha stu̱ta indu̱rindrā̍ya dhīyate .
viryonā̍ vasa̱tāvi̍va .. 9.062.15
15 Born on the inountain, lauded here, Indu for Indra is set down,
As in her sheltering nest a bird.
Sloka : 9.62.16
पव॑मानः सु॒तो नृभिः॒ सोमो॒ वाज॑मिवासरत् ।
च॒मूषु॒ शक्म॑ना॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.०६२.१६
pava̍mānaḥ su̱to nṛbhi̱ḥ somo̱ vāja̍mivāsarat .
ca̱mūṣu̱ śakma̍nā̱sada̍m .. 9.062.16
16 Pressed by the men, as twere to war hath Soma Pavamana sped,
To test with might within the vats.
Sloka : 9.62.17
तं त्रि॑पृ॒ष्ठे त्रि॑वन्धु॒रे रथे॑ युञ्जन्ति॒ यात॑वे ।
ऋषी॑णां स॒प्त धी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०६२.१७
taṃ tri̍pṛ̱ṣṭhe tri̍vandhu̱re rathe̍ yuñjanti̱ yāta̍ve .
ṛṣī̍ṇāṃ sa̱pta dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 9.062.17
17 That he may move, they yoke him to the three-backed triple-seated car
By the Seven Ṛṣis holy songs.
Sloka : 9.62.18
तं सो॑तारो धन॒स्पृत॑मा॒शुं वाजा॑य॒ यात॑वे ।
हरिं॑ हिनोत वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ ९.०६२.१८
taṃ so̍tāro dhana̱spṛta̍mā̱śuṃ vājā̍ya̱ yāta̍ve .
hari̍ṃ hinota vā̱jina̍m .. 9.062.18
18 Drive ye that Tawny Courser, O ye pressers, on his way to war,
Swift Steed who carries off the spoil.
Sloka : 9.62.19
आ॒वि॒शन्क॒लशं॑ सु॒तो विश्वा॒ अर्ष॑न्न॒भि श्रियः॑ ।
शूरो॒ न गोषु॑ तिष्ठति ॥ ९.०६२.१९
ā̱vi̱śanka̱laśa̍ṃ su̱to viśvā̱ arṣa̍nna̱bhi śriya̍ḥ .
śūro̱ na goṣu̍ tiṣṭhati .. 9.062.19
19 Pouring all glories hither, he, effused and entering the jar,
Stands like a hero mid the kine.
Sloka : 9.62.20
आ त॑ इन्दो॒ मदा॑य॒ कं पयो॑ दुहन्त्या॒यवः॑ ।
दे॒वा दे॒वेभ्यो॒ मधु॑ ॥ ९.०६२.२०
ā ta̍ indo̱ madā̍ya̱ kaṃ payo̍ duhantyā̱yava̍ḥ .
de̱vā de̱vebhyo̱ madhu̍ .. 9.062.20
20 Indu, the living men milk out the juice to make the rapturous draught:-
Gods for the Gods milk out the meath.
Sloka : 9.62.21
आ नः॒ सोमं॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ सृ॒जता॒ मधु॑मत्तमम् ।
दे॒वेभ्यो॑ देव॒श्रुत्त॑मम् ॥ ९.०६२.२१
ā na̱ḥ soma̍ṃ pa̱vitra̱ ā sṛ̱jatā̱ madhu̍mattamam .
de̱vebhyo̍ deva̱śrutta̍mam .. 9.062.21
21 Pour for the Gods into the sieve our Soma very rich in sweets,
Him whom the Gods most gladly hear.
Sloka : 9.62.22
ए॒ते सोमा॑ असृक्षत गृणा॒नाः श्रव॑से म॒हे ।
म॒दिन्त॑मस्य॒ धार॑या ॥ ९.०६२.२२
e̱te somā̍ asṛkṣata gṛṇā̱nāḥ śrava̍se ma̱he .
ma̱dinta̍masya̱ dhāra̍yā .. 9.062.22
22 Into his stream who gladdens best these Soma juices have been poured,
Lauded with songs for lofty fame.
Sloka : 9.62.23
अ॒भि गव्या॑नि वी॒तये॑ नृ॒म्णा पु॑ना॒नो अ॑र्षसि ।
स॒नद्वा॑जः॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.०६२.२३
a̱bhi gavyā̍ni vī̱taye̍ nṛ̱mṇā pu̍nā̱no a̍rṣasi .
sa̱nadvā̍ja̱ḥ pari̍ srava .. 9.062.23
23 Thou flowest to enjoy the milk, and bringest valour, being cleansed:-
Winning the spoil flow hitherward.
Sloka : 9.62.24
उ॒त नो॒ गोम॑ती॒रिषो॒ विश्वा॑ अर्ष परि॒ष्टुभः॑ ।
गृ॒णा॒नो ज॒मद॑ग्निना ॥ ९.०६२.२४
u̱ta no̱ goma̍tī̱riṣo̱ viśvā̍ arṣa pari̱ṣṭubha̍ḥ .
gṛ̱ṇā̱no ja̱mada̍gninā .. 9.062.24
24 And, hymned by Jamadagnis, let all nourishment that kine supply,
And general praises, flow to us.
Sloka : 9.62.25
पव॑स्व वा॒चो अ॑ग्रि॒यः सोम॑ चि॒त्राभि॑रू॒तिभिः॑ ।
अ॒भि विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ ॥ ९.०६२.२५
pava̍sva vā̱co a̍gri̱yaḥ soma̍ ci̱trābhi̍rū̱tibhi̍ḥ .
a̱bhi viśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ .. 9.062.25
25 Soma, as leader of the song flow onward with thy wondrous aids,
For holy lore of every kind.
Sloka : 9.62.26
त्वं स॑मु॒द्रिया॑ अ॒पो॑ऽग्रि॒यो वाच॑ ई॒रय॑न् ।
पव॑स्व विश्वमेजय ॥ ९.०६२.२६
tvaṃ sa̍mu̱driyā̍ a̱po̎gri̱yo vāca̍ ī̱raya̍n .
pava̍sva viśvamejaya .. 9.062.26
26 Do thou as leader of the song, stirring the waters of the sea,
Flow onward, thou who movest all.
Sloka : 9.62.27
तुभ्ये॒मा भुव॑ना कवे महि॒म्ने सो॑म तस्थिरे ।
तुभ्य॑मर्षन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वः ॥ ९.०६२.२७
tubhye̱mā bhuva̍nā kave mahi̱mne so̍ma tasthire .
tubhya̍marṣanti̱ sindha̍vaḥ .. 9.062.27
27 O Soma, O thou Sage, these worlds stand ready to attest thy might:-
For thy behoof the rivers flow.
Sloka : 9.62.28
प्र ते॑ दि॒वो न वृ॒ष्टयो॒ धारा॑ यन्त्यस॒श्चतः॑ ।
अ॒भि शु॒क्रामु॑प॒स्तिर॑म् ॥ ९.०६२.२८
pra te̍ di̱vo na vṛ̱ṣṭayo̱ dhārā̍ yantyasa̱ścata̍ḥ .
a̱bhi śu̱krāmu̍pa̱stira̍m .. 9.062.28
28 Like showers of rain that fall from heaven thy streams perpetually flow
To the bright fleece spread under them.
Sloka : 9.62.29
इन्द्रा॒येन्दुं॑ पुनीतनो॒ग्रं दक्षा॑य॒ साध॑नम् ।
ई॒शा॒नं वी॒तिरा॑धसम् ॥ ९.०६२.२९
indrā̱yendu̍ṃ punītano̱graṃ dakṣā̍ya̱ sādha̍nam .
ī̱śā̱naṃ vī̱tirā̍dhasam .. 9.062.29
29 For potent Indra purify Indu effectual and strong,
Enjoyment-giver, Mighty Lord.
Sloka : 9.62.30
पव॑मान ऋ॒तः क॒विः सोमः॑ प॒वित्र॒मास॑दत् ।
दध॑त्स्तो॒त्रे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०६२.३०
pava̍māna ṛ̱taḥ ka̱viḥ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitra̱māsa̍dat .
dadha̍tsto̱tre su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.062.30
30 Soma, true, Pavamana, Sage, is seated in the cleansing sieve,
Giving his praiser hero strength.
Sloka : 9.63.1
आ प॑वस्व सह॒स्रिणं॑ र॒यिं सो॑म सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
अ॒स्मे श्रवां॑सि धारय ॥ ९.०६३.०१
ā pa̍vasva saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ so̍ma su̱vīrya̍m .
a̱sme śravā̍ṃsi dhāraya .. 9.063.01
1. POUR hitherward, O Soma, wealth in thousands and heroic strength,
And keep renown secure for us.
Sloka : 9.63.2
इष॒मूर्जं॑ च पिन्वस॒ इन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रिन्त॑मः ।
च॒मूष्वा नि षी॑दसि ॥ ९.०६३.०२
iṣa̱mūrja̍ṃ ca pinvasa̱ indrā̍ya matsa̱rinta̍maḥ .
ca̱mūṣvā ni ṣī̍dasi .. 9.063.02
2 Thou makest food and vigour swell for Indra, best of gladdeners!
Within the cups thou seatest thee.
Sloka : 9.63.3
सु॒त इन्द्रा॑य॒ विष्ण॑वे॒ सोमः॑ क॒लशे॑ अक्षरत् ।
मधु॑माँ अस्तु वा॒यवे॑ ॥ ९.०६३.०३
su̱ta indrā̍ya̱ viṣṇa̍ve̱ soma̍ḥ ka̱laśe̍ akṣarat .
madhu̍mām̐ astu vā̱yave̍ .. 9.063.03
3 For Indra and for Viṣṇu poured, Soma hath flowed into the jar:-
May Vāyu find it rich in sweets.
Sloka : 9.63.4
ए॒ते अ॑सृग्रमा॒शवोऽति॒ ह्वरां॑सि ब॒भ्रवः॑ ।
सोमा॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ धार॑या ॥ ९.०६३.०४
e̱te a̍sṛgramā̱śavo'ti̱ hvarā̍ṃsi ba̱bhrava̍ḥ .
somā̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ dhāra̍yā .. 9.063.04
4 These Somas swift and brown of hue, in stream of solemn sacrifice
Have flowed through twisted obstacles,
Sloka : 9.63.5
इन्द्रं॒ वर्ध॑न्तो अ॒प्तुरः॑ कृ॒ण्वन्तो॒ विश्व॒मार्य॑म् ।
अ॒प॒घ्नन्तो॒ अरा॑व्णः ॥ ९.०६३.०५
indra̱ṃ vardha̍nto a̱ptura̍ḥ kṛ̱ṇvanto̱ viśva̱mārya̍m .
a̱pa̱ghnanto̱ arā̍vṇaḥ .. 9.063.05
5 Performing every noble work, active, augmenting Indra's strength,
Driving away the godless ones.
Sloka : 9.63.6
सु॒ता अनु॒ स्वमा रजो॒ऽभ्य॑र्षन्ति ब॒भ्रवः॑ ।
इन्द्रं॒ गच्छ॑न्त॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ९.०६३.०६
su̱tā anu̱ svamā rajo̱'bhya̍rṣanti ba̱bhrava̍ḥ .
indra̱ṃ gaccha̍nta̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 9.063.06
6 Brown Soma-drops, effused that seek Indra, to their appropriate place
Flow through the region hitherward.
Sloka : 9.63.7
अ॒या प॑वस्व॒ धार॑या॒ यया॒ सूर्य॒मरो॑चयः ।
हि॒न्वा॒नो मानु॑षीर॒पः ॥ ९.०६३.०७
a̱yā pa̍vasva̱ dhāra̍yā̱ yayā̱ sūrya̱maro̍cayaḥ .
hi̱nvā̱no mānu̍ṣīra̱paḥ .. 9.063.07
7 Flow onward with that stream of thine wherewith thou gavest Sūrya light,
Urging on waters good to men.
Sloka : 9.63.8
अयु॑क्त॒ सूर॒ एत॑शं॒ पव॑मानो म॒नावधि॑ ।
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षेण॒ यात॑वे ॥ ९.०६३.०८
ayu̍kta̱ sūra̱ eta̍śa̱ṃ pava̍māno ma̱nāvadhi̍ .
a̱ntari̍kṣeṇa̱ yāta̍ve .. 9.063.08
8 He, Pavamana, high oer man yoked the Sun's courser Etaśa
To travel through the realm of air.
Sloka : 9.63.9
उ॒त त्या ह॒रितो॒ दश॒ सूरो॑ अयुक्त॒ यात॑वे ।
इन्दु॒रिन्द्र॒ इति॑ ब्रु॒वन् ॥ ९.०६३.०९
u̱ta tyā ha̱rito̱ daśa̱ sūro̍ ayukta̱ yāta̍ve .
indu̱rindra̱ iti̍ bru̱van .. 9.063.09
9 And those ten Coursers, tawny-hued, he harnessed that the Sun might come
Indu, he said, is Indra's self.
Sloka : 9.63.10
परी॒तो वा॒यवे॑ सु॒तं गिर॒ इन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रम् ।
अव्यो॒ वारे॑षु सिञ्चत ॥ ९.०६३.१०
parī̱to vā̱yave̍ su̱taṃ gira̱ indrā̍ya matsa̱ram .
avyo̱ vāre̍ṣu siñcata .. 9.063.10
10 Hence, singers, pour the gladdeningjuice to Vāyu and to Indra, pour
The drops upon the fleecy cloth.
Sloka : 9.63.11
पव॑मान वि॒दा र॒यिम॒स्मभ्यं॑ सोम दु॒ष्टर॑म् ।
यो दू॒णाशो॑ वनुष्य॒ता ॥ ९.०६३.११
pava̍māna vi̱dā ra̱yima̱smabhya̍ṃ soma du̱ṣṭara̍m .
yo dū̱ṇāśo̍ vanuṣya̱tā .. 9.063.11
11 O Soma Pavamana, find wealth for us not to be assailed,
Wealth which the foeman may not win.
Sloka : 9.63.12
अ॒भ्य॑र्ष सह॒स्रिणं॑ र॒यिं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विन॑म् ।
अ॒भि वाज॑मु॒त श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.०६३.१२
a̱bhya̍rṣa saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̍m .
a̱bhi vāja̍mu̱ta śrava̍ḥ .. 9.063.12
12 Send riches hither with thy stream in thousands, both of steeds and kine,
Send spoil of war and high renown.
Sloka : 9.63.13
सोमो॑ दे॒वो न सूर्योऽद्रि॑भिः पवते सु॒तः ।
दधा॑नः क॒लशे॒ रस॑म् ॥ ९.०६३.१३
somo̍ de̱vo na sūryo'dri̍bhiḥ pavate su̱taḥ .
dadhā̍naḥ ka̱laśe̱ rasa̍m .. 9.063.13
13 Soma the God, expressed with stones, like Sūrya, floweth on his way,
Pouring the juice within the jar.
Sloka : 9.63.14
ए॒ते धामा॒न्यार्या॑ शु॒क्रा ऋ॒तस्य॒ धार॑या ।
वाजं॒ गोम॑न्तमक्षरन् ॥ ९.०६३.१४
e̱te dhāmā̱nyāryā̍ śu̱krā ṛ̱tasya̱ dhāra̍yā .
vāja̱ṃ goma̍ntamakṣaran .. 9.063.14
14 These brilliant drops have poured for us, in stream of solemn sacrifice,
Worshipful laws and strength in kine.
Sloka : 9.63.15
सु॒ता इन्द्रा॑य व॒ज्रिणे॒ सोमा॑सो॒ दध्या॑शिरः ।
प॒वित्र॒मत्य॑क्षरन् ॥ ९.०६३.१५
su̱tā indrā̍ya va̱jriṇe̱ somā̍so̱ dadhyā̍śiraḥ .
pa̱vitra̱matya̍kṣaran .. 9.063.15
15 Over the cleansing sieve have flowed the Somas, blent with curdled milk,
Effused for Indra Thunder-armed.
Sloka : 9.63.16
प्र सो॑म॒ मधु॑मत्तमो रा॒ये अ॑र्ष प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
मदो॒ यो दे॑व॒वीत॑मः ॥ ९.०६३.१६
pra so̍ma̱ madhu̍mattamo rā̱ye a̍rṣa pa̱vitra̱ ā .
mado̱ yo de̍va̱vīta̍maḥ .. 9.063.16
16 Soma, do thou most rich in sweets, a gladdening drink most dear to Gods,
Flow to the sieve to bring us wealth.
Sloka : 9.63.17
तमी॑ मृजन्त्या॒यवो॒ हरिं॑ न॒दीषु॑ वा॒जिन॑म् ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रम् ॥ ९.०६३.१७
tamī̍ mṛjantyā̱yavo̱ hari̍ṃ na̱dīṣu̍ vā̱jina̍m .
indu̱mindrā̍ya matsa̱ram .. 9.063.17
17 For Indra, living men adorn the Tawny Courser in the streams, Indu, the giver of delight.
Sloka : 9.63.18
आ प॑वस्व॒ हिर॑ण्यव॒दश्वा॑वत्सोम वी॒रव॑त् ।
वाजं॒ गोम॑न्त॒मा भ॑र ॥ ९.०६३.१८
ā pa̍vasva̱ hira̍ṇyava̱daśvā̍vatsoma vī̱rava̍t .
vāja̱ṃ goma̍nta̱mā bha̍ra .. 9.063.18
18 Pour for us, Soma, wealth in gold, in horses and heroic sons,
Bring hither strength in herds of kine.
Sloka : 9.63.19
परि॒ वाजे॒ न वा॑ज॒युमव्यो॒ वारे॑षु सिञ्चत ।
इन्द्रा॑य॒ मधु॑मत्तमम् ॥ ९.०६३.१९
pari̱ vāje̱ na vā̍ja̱yumavyo̱ vāre̍ṣu siñcata .
indrā̍ya̱ madhu̍mattamam .. 9.063.19
19 For Indra pour ye on the fleece him very sweet to taste, who longs.
For battle as it were in war.
Sloka : 9.63.20
क॒विं मृ॑जन्ति॒ मर्ज्यं॑ धी॒भिर्विप्रा॑ अव॒स्यवः॑ ।
वृषा॒ कनि॑क्रदर्षति ॥ ९.०६३.२०
ka̱viṃ mṛ̍janti̱ marjya̍ṃ dhī̱bhirviprā̍ ava̱syava̍ḥ .
vṛṣā̱ kani̍kradarṣati .. 9.063.20
20 The singers, seeking help, adorn the Sage who must be decked with songs:-
Loud bellowing the Steer comes on,
Sloka : 9.63.21
वृष॑णं धी॒भिर॒प्तुरं॒ सोम॑मृ॒तस्य॒ धार॑या ।
म॒ती विप्राः॒ सम॑स्वरन् ॥ ९.०६३.२१
vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ dhī̱bhira̱ptura̱ṃ soma̍mṛ̱tasya̱ dhāra̍yā .
ma̱tī viprā̱ḥ sama̍svaran .. 9.063.21
21 The singers with their thoughts and hymns have, in the stream of sacrifice,
Caused Soma, active Steer, to roar.
Sloka : 9.63.22
पव॑स्व देवायु॒षगिन्द्रं॑ गच्छतु ते॒ मदः॑ ।
वा॒युमा रो॑ह॒ धर्म॑णा ॥ ९.०६३.२२
pava̍sva devāyu̱ṣagindra̍ṃ gacchatu te̱ mada̍ḥ .
vā̱yumā ro̍ha̱ dharma̍ṇā .. 9.063.22
22 God, working with mankind, flow on; to Indra go thy gladdening juice:-
To Vāyu mount as Law commands
Sloka : 9.63.23
पव॑मान॒ नि तो॑शसे र॒यिं सो॑म श्र॒वाय्य॑म् ।
प्रि॒यः स॑मु॒द्रमा वि॑श ॥ ९.०६३.२३
pava̍māna̱ ni to̍śase ra̱yiṃ so̍ma śra̱vāyya̍m .
pri̱yaḥ sa̍mu̱dramā vi̍śa .. 9.063.23
23 O Soma, Pavamana, thou pourest out wealth that brings renown:-
Enter the lake, as one we love.
Sloka : 9.63.24
अ॒प॒घ्नन्प॑वसे॒ मृधः॑ क्रतु॒वित्सो॑म मत्स॒रः ।
नु॒दस्वादे॑वयुं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ९.०६३.२४
a̱pa̱ghnanpa̍vase̱ mṛdha̍ḥ kratu̱vitso̍ma matsa̱raḥ .
nu̱dasvāde̍vayu̱ṃ jana̍m .. 9.063.24
24 Soma thou flowest chasing foes and bringing wisdom and delight:-
Drive off the folk who love not Gods.
Sloka : 9.63.25
पव॑माना असृक्षत॒ सोमाः॑ शु॒क्रास॒ इन्द॑वः ।
अ॒भि विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ ॥ ९.०६३.२५
pava̍mānā asṛkṣata̱ somā̍ḥ śu̱krāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .
a̱bhi viśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ .. 9.063.25
25 The Pavamanas have been poured, the brilliant drops of Soma juice,
For holy lore of every kind.
Sloka : 9.63.26
पव॑मानास आ॒शवः॑ शु॒भ्रा अ॑सृग्र॒मिन्द॑वः ।
घ्नन्तो॒ विश्वा॒ अप॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ ९.०६३.२६
pava̍mānāsa ā̱śava̍ḥ śu̱bhrā a̍sṛgra̱minda̍vaḥ .
ghnanto̱ viśvā̱ apa̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 9.063.26
26 The Pavamanas have been shed, the beautiful swift Soma-drops,
Driving all enemies afar.
Sloka : 9.63.27
पव॑माना दि॒वस्पर्य॒न्तरि॑क्षादसृक्षत ।
पृ॒थि॒व्या अधि॒ सान॑वि ॥ ९.०६३.२७
pava̍mānā di̱vasparya̱ntari̍kṣādasṛkṣata .
pṛ̱thi̱vyā adhi̱ sāna̍vi .. 9.063.27
27 From, heaven, from out the firmament, hath Pavamana been effused
Upon the summit of the earth.
Sloka : 9.63.28
पु॒ना॒नः सो॑म॒ धार॒येन्दो॒ विश्वा॒ अप॒ स्रिधः॑ ।
ज॒हि रक्षां॑सि सुक्रतो ॥ ९.०६३.२८
pu̱nā̱naḥ so̍ma̱ dhāra̱yendo̱ viśvā̱ apa̱ sridha̍ḥ .
ja̱hi rakṣā̍ṃsi sukrato .. 9.063.28
28 O Soma, Indu, very wise, drive, being purified, with thy stream
All foes, all Rākṣasas away.
Sloka : 9.63.29
अ॒प॒घ्नन्सो॑म र॒क्षसो॒ऽभ्य॑र्ष॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ।
द्यु॒मन्तं॒ शुष्म॑मुत्त॒मम् ॥ ९.०६३.२९
a̱pa̱ghnanso̍ma ra̱kṣaso̱'bhya̍rṣa̱ kani̍kradat .
dyu̱manta̱ṃ śuṣma̍mutta̱mam .. 9.063.29
29 Driving the Rākṣasas afar, O Soma, bellowing, pour for us
Most excellent and splendid strength.
Sloka : 9.63.30
अ॒स्मे वसू॑नि धारय॒ सोम॑ दि॒व्यानि॒ पार्थि॑वा ।
इन्दो॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ वार्या॑ ॥ ९.०६३.३०
a̱sme vasū̍ni dhāraya̱ soma̍ di̱vyāni̱ pārthi̍vā .
indo̱ viśvā̍ni̱ vāryā̍ .. 9.063.30
30 Soma, do thou secure for us the treasures of the earih and heaven,
Indu, all boons to be desired.
Sloka : 9.64.1
वृषा॑ सोम द्यु॒माँ अ॑सि॒ वृषा॑ देव॒ वृष॑व्रतः ।
वृषा॒ धर्मा॑णि दधिषे ॥ ९.०६४.०१
vṛṣā̍ soma dyu̱mām̐ a̍si̱ vṛṣā̍ deva̱ vṛṣa̍vrataḥ .
vṛṣā̱ dharmā̍ṇi dadhiṣe .. 9.064.01
1. Soma, thou art a splendid Steer, a Steer, O God, with steerlike sway:-
Thou as a Steer ordainest laws.
Sloka : 9.64.2
वृष्ण॑स्ते॒ वृष्ण्यं॒ शवो॒ वृषा॒ वनं॒ वृषा॒ मदः॑ ।
स॒त्यं वृ॑ष॒न्वृषेद॑सि ॥ ९.०६४.०२
vṛṣṇa̍ste̱ vṛṣṇya̱ṃ śavo̱ vṛṣā̱ vana̱ṃ vṛṣā̱ mada̍ḥ .
sa̱tyaṃ vṛ̍ṣa̱nvṛṣeda̍si .. 9.064.02
2 Steer-strong thy might is as a steer's, steerstrong thywood, steer-like thy drink
A Steer indeed, O Steer, art thou.
Sloka : 9.64.3
अश्वो॒ न च॑क्रदो॒ वृषा॒ सं गा इ॑न्दो॒ समर्व॑तः ।
वि नो॑ रा॒ये दुरो॑ वृधि ॥ ९.०६४.०३
aśvo̱ na ca̍krado̱ vṛṣā̱ saṃ gā i̍ndo̱ samarva̍taḥ .
vi no̍ rā̱ye duro̍ vṛdhi .. 9.064.03
3 Thou, Indu, as a vigorous horse, hast neighed together steeds and kine:-
Unbar for us the doors to wealth.
Sloka : 9.64.4
असृ॑क्षत॒ प्र वा॒जिनो॑ ग॒व्या सोमा॑सो अश्व॒या ।
शु॒क्रासो॑ वीर॒याशवः॑ ॥ ९.०६४.०४
asṛ̍kṣata̱ pra vā̱jino̍ ga̱vyā somā̍so aśva̱yā .
śu̱krāso̍ vīra̱yāśava̍ḥ .. 9.064.04
4 Out of desire of cows and steeds and horses. potent Soma-drops,
Brilliant and swift, have been effused.
Sloka : 9.64.5
शु॒म्भमा॑ना ऋता॒युभि॑र्मृ॒ज्यमा॑ना॒ गभ॑स्त्योः ।
पव॑न्ते॒ वारे॑ अ॒व्यये॑ ॥ ९.०६४.०५
śu̱mbhamā̍nā ṛtā̱yubhi̍rmṛ̱jyamā̍nā̱ gabha̍styoḥ .
pava̍nte̱ vāre̍ a̱vyaye̍ .. 9.064.05
5 They purified in both the hands, made beautiful by holy men,
Flow onward to the fleecy cloth.
Sloka : 9.64.6
ते विश्वा॑ दा॒शुषे॒ वसु॒ सोमा॑ दि॒व्यानि॒ पार्थि॑वा ।
पव॑न्ता॒मान्तरि॑क्ष्या ॥ ९.०६४.०६
te viśvā̍ dā̱śuṣe̱ vasu̱ somā̍ di̱vyāni̱ pārthi̍vā .
pava̍ntā̱māntari̍kṣyā .. 9.064.06
6 These Soma juices shall pour forth all treasures for the worshipper
From heaven and earth and firmament.
Sloka : 9.64.7
पव॑मानस्य विश्ववि॒त्प्र ते॒ सर्गा॑ असृक्षत ।
सूर्य॑स्येव॒ न र॒श्मयः॑ ॥ ९.०६४.०७
pava̍mānasya viśvavi̱tpra te̱ sargā̍ asṛkṣata .
sūrya̍syeva̱ na ra̱śmaya̍ḥ .. 9.064.07
7 The streams of Pavamana, thine, Finder of all, have been effused,
Even as Sūrya's rays of light.
Sloka : 9.64.8
के॒तुं कृ॒ण्वन्दि॒वस्परि॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒पाभ्य॑र्षसि ।
स॒मु॒द्रः सो॑म पिन्वसे ॥ ९.०६४.०८
ke̱tuṃ kṛ̱ṇvandi̱vaspari̱ viśvā̍ rū̱pābhya̍rṣasi .
sa̱mu̱draḥ so̍ma pinvase .. 9.064.08
8 Making the light that shines from heaven thou flowest on to every form
Soma, thou swellest like a sea.
Sloka : 9.64.9
हि॒न्वा॒नो वाच॑मिष्यसि॒ पव॑मान॒ विध॑र्मणि ।
अक्रा॑न्दे॒वो न सूर्यः॑ ॥ ९.०६४.०९
hi̱nvā̱no vāca̍miṣyasi̱ pava̍māna̱ vidha̍rmaṇi .
akrā̍nde̱vo na sūrya̍ḥ .. 9.064.09
9 Urged on thou sendest out thy voice, O Pavamana; thou hast moved,
Like the God Sūrya, to the sieve.
Sloka : 9.64.10
इन्दुः॑ पविष्ट॒ चेत॑नः प्रि॒यः क॑वी॒नां म॒ती ।
सृ॒जदश्वं॑ र॒थीरि॑व ॥ ९.०६४.१०
indu̍ḥ paviṣṭa̱ ceta̍naḥ pri̱yaḥ ka̍vī̱nāṃ ma̱tī .
sṛ̱jadaśva̍ṃ ra̱thīri̍va .. 9.064.10
10 Indu, Enlightener, Friend, hath been purified by the sages' hymns:-
So starts the charioteer his steed-
Sloka : 9.64.11
ऊ॒र्मिर्यस्ते॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ दे॑वा॒वीः प॒र्यक्ष॑रत् ।
सीद॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ योनि॒मा ॥ ९.०६४.११
ū̱rmiryaste̍ pa̱vitra̱ ā de̍vā̱vīḥ pa̱ryakṣa̍rat .
sīda̍nnṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̱mā .. 9.064.11
11 Thy God-delighting wave which hath flowed to purifying seive,
Alighting in the home of Law.
Sloka : 9.64.12
स नो॑ अर्ष प॒वित्र॒ आ मदो॒ यो दे॑व॒वीत॑मः ।
इन्द॒विन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०६४.१२
sa no̍ arṣa pa̱vitra̱ ā mado̱ yo de̍va̱vīta̍maḥ .
inda̱vindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.064.12
12 Flow to our sieve, a gladdening draught that hath most intercourse with Gods,
Indu, to Indra for his drink.
Sloka : 9.64.13
इ॒षे प॑वस्व॒ धार॑या मृ॒ज्यमा॑नो मनी॒षिभिः॑ ।
इन्दो॑ रु॒चाभि गा इ॑हि ॥ ९.०६४.१३
i̱ṣe pa̍vasva̱ dhāra̍yā mṛ̱jyamā̍no manī̱ṣibhi̍ḥ .
indo̍ ru̱cābhi gā i̍hi .. 9.064.13
13 Flow onward with a stream for food, made beautiful by sapient men:-
Indu with sheen approach the milk.
Sloka : 9.64.14
पु॒ना॒नो वरि॑वस्कृ॒ध्यूर्जं॒ जना॑य गिर्वणः ।
हरे॑ सृजा॒न आ॒शिर॑म् ॥ ९.०६४.१४
pu̱nā̱no vari̍vaskṛ̱dhyūrja̱ṃ janā̍ya girvaṇaḥ .
hare̍ sṛjā̱na ā̱śira̍m .. 9.064.14
14 While thou art cleansed, Song-Lover, bring comfort and vigour to the folk,
Poured, Tawny One! on milk and curds.
Sloka : 9.64.15
पु॒ना॒नो दे॒ववी॑तय॒ इन्द्र॑स्य याहि निष्कृ॒तम् ।
द्यु॒ता॒नो वा॒जिभि॑र्य॒तः ॥ ९.०६४.१५
pu̱nā̱no de̱vavī̍taya̱ indra̍sya yāhi niṣkṛ̱tam .
dyu̱tā̱no vā̱jibhi̍rya̱taḥ .. 9.064.15
15 Purified for the feast of Gods, go thou to Indra's special place,
Resplendent, guided by the strong.
Sloka : 9.64.16
प्र हि॑न्वा॒नास॒ इन्द॒वोऽच्छा॑ समु॒द्रमा॒शवः॑ ।
धि॒या जू॒ता अ॑सृक्षत ॥ ९.०६४.१६
pra hi̍nvā̱nāsa̱ inda̱vo'cchā̍ samu̱dramā̱śava̍ḥ .
dhi̱yā jū̱tā a̍sṛkṣata .. 9.064.16
16 Accelerated by the hymn, the rapid drops of Soma juice
Have flowed, urged onward, to the lake.
Sloka : 9.64.17
म॒र्मृ॒जा॒नास॑ आ॒यवो॒ वृथा॑ समु॒द्रमिन्द॑वः ।
अग्म॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ योनि॒मा ॥ ९.०६४.१७
ma̱rmṛ̱jā̱nāsa̍ ā̱yavo̱ vṛthā̍ samu̱draminda̍vaḥ .
agma̍nnṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̱mā .. 9.064.17
17 Easily have the living drops, made beautiful, approached the lake,
Yea, to the place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.64.18
परि॑ णो याह्यस्म॒युर्विश्वा॒ वसू॒न्योज॑सा ।
पा॒हि नः॒ शर्म॑ वी॒रव॑त् ॥ ९.०६४.१८
pari̍ ṇo yāhyasma̱yurviśvā̱ vasū̱nyoja̍sā .
pā̱hi na̱ḥ śarma̍ vī̱rava̍t .. 9.064.18
18 Compass about, our faithful Friend, all our possessions with thy might:-
Guard, hero like, our sheltering home.
Sloka : 9.64.19
मिमा॑ति॒ वह्नि॒रेत॑शः प॒दं यु॑जा॒न ऋक्व॑भिः ।
प्र यत्स॑मु॒द्र आहि॑तः ॥ ९.०६४.१९
mimā̍ti̱ vahni̱reta̍śaḥ pa̱daṃ yu̍jā̱na ṛkva̍bhiḥ .
pra yatsa̍mu̱dra āhi̍taḥ .. 9.064.19
19 Loud neighs the Courser Etaśa, with singers, harnessed for the place,
Guided for travel to the lake.
Sloka : 9.64.20
आ यद्योनिं॑ हिर॒ण्यय॑मा॒शुरृ॒तस्य॒ सीद॑ति ।
जहा॒त्यप्र॑चेतसः ॥ ९.०६४.२०
ā yadyoni̍ṃ hira̱ṇyaya̍mā̱śurṛ̱tasya̱ sīda̍ti .
jahā̱tyapra̍cetasaḥ .. 9.064.20
20 What time the Swift One resteth in the golden place of sacrifice,
He leaves the foolish far away.
Sloka : 9.64.21
अ॒भि वे॒ना अ॑नूष॒तेय॑क्षन्ति॒ प्रचे॑तसः ।
मज्ज॒न्त्यवि॑चेतसः ॥ ९.०६४.२१
a̱bhi ve̱nā a̍nūṣa̱teya̍kṣanti̱ prace̍tasaḥ .
majja̱ntyavi̍cetasaḥ .. 9.064.21
21 The friends have sung in unison, the prudent wish to sacrifice:-
Down sink the unintelligent.
Sloka : 9.64.22
इन्द्रा॑येन्दो म॒रुत्व॑ते॒ पव॑स्व॒ मधु॑मत्तमः ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ योनि॑मा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.०६४.२२
indrā̍yendo ma̱rutva̍te̱ pava̍sva̱ madhu̍mattamaḥ .
ṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̍mā̱sada̍m .. 9.064.22
22 For Indra girt by Maruts, flow, thou Indu, very rich in sweets,
To sit in place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.64.23
तं त्वा॒ विप्रा॑ वचो॒विदः॒ परि॑ ष्कृण्वन्ति वे॒धसः॑ ।
सं त्वा॑ मृजन्त्या॒यवः॑ ॥ ९.०६४.२३
taṃ tvā̱ viprā̍ vaco̱vida̱ḥ pari̍ ṣkṛṇvanti ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
saṃ tvā̍ mṛjantyā̱yava̍ḥ .. 9.064.23
23 Controlling priests and sages skilled in holy song adorn thee well:-
The living make thee beautiful.
Sloka : 9.64.24
रसं॑ ते मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा पिब॑न्ति॒ वरु॑णः कवे ।
पव॑मानस्य म॒रुतः॑ ॥ ९.०६४.२४
rasa̍ṃ te mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā piba̍nti̱ varu̍ṇaḥ kave .
pava̍mānasya ma̱ruta̍ḥ .. 9.064.24
24 Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa drink Pavamana's juice, yea, thine:-
O Sage, the Maruts drink thereof.
Sloka : 9.64.25
त्वं सो॑म विप॒श्चितं॑ पुना॒नो वाच॑मिष्यसि ।
इन्दो॑ स॒हस्र॑भर्णसम् ॥ ९.०६४.२५
tvaṃ so̍ma vipa̱ścita̍ṃ punā̱no vāca̍miṣyasi .
indo̍ sa̱hasra̍bharṇasam .. 9.064.25
25 O Soma, Indu, thou while thou art purified urgest onward speech.
Thousandfold, with the lore of hymns.
Sloka : 9.64.26
उ॒तो स॒हस्र॑भर्णसं॒ वाचं॑ सोम मख॒स्युव॑म् ।
पु॒ना॒न इ॑न्द॒वा भ॑र ॥ ९.०६४.२६
u̱to sa̱hasra̍bharṇasa̱ṃ vāca̍ṃ soma makha̱syuva̍m .
pu̱nā̱na i̍nda̱vā bha̍ra .. 9.064.26
26 Yea, Soma, Indu, while thou art purified do thou bring to us
Speech thousandfold that longs for war.
Sloka : 9.64.27
पु॒ना॒न इ॑न्दवेषां॒ पुरु॑हूत॒ जना॑नाम् ।
प्रि॒यः स॑मु॒द्रमा वि॑श ॥ ९.०६४.२७
pu̱nā̱na i̍ndaveṣā̱ṃ puru̍hūta̱ janā̍nām .
pri̱yaḥ sa̍mu̱dramā vi̍śa .. 9.064.27
27 O Indu, Much-invoked, while thou art purifying, as the Friend.
Of these men enter thou the lake.
Sloka : 9.64.28
दवि॑द्युतत्या रु॒चा प॑रि॒ष्टोभ॑न्त्या कृ॒पा ।
सोमाः॑ शु॒क्रा गवा॑शिरः ॥ ९.०६४.२८
davi̍dyutatyā ru̱cā pa̍ri̱ṣṭobha̍ntyā kṛ̱pā .
somā̍ḥ śu̱krā gavā̍śiraḥ .. 9.064.28
28 Bright are these Somas blent with milk, with light that flashes brilliantly. And form that utters loud acclaim.
Sloka : 9.64.29
हि॒न्वा॒नो हे॒तृभि॑र्य॒त आ वाजं॑ वा॒ज्य॑क्रमीत् ।
सीद॑न्तो व॒नुषो॑ यथा ॥ ९.०६४.२९
hi̱nvā̱no he̱tṛbhi̍rya̱ta ā vāja̍ṃ vā̱jya̍kramīt .
sīda̍nto va̱nuṣo̍ yathā .. 9.064.29
29 Led by his drivers, and sent forth, the Strong Steed hath come nigh for spoil,
Like warriors when they stand arrayed.
Sloka : 9.64.30
ऋ॒धक्सो॑म स्व॒स्तये॑ संजग्मा॒नो दि॒वः क॒विः ।
पव॑स्व॒ सूर्यो॑ दृ॒शे ॥ ९.०६४.३०
ṛ̱dhakso̍ma sva̱staye̍ saṃjagmā̱no di̱vaḥ ka̱viḥ .
pava̍sva̱ sūryo̍ dṛ̱śe .. 9.064.30
30 Specially, Soma, coming as a Sage from heaven to prosper us,
Flow like the Sun for us to see.
Sloka : 9.65.1
हि॒न्वन्ति॒ सूर॒मुस्र॑यः॒ स्वसा॑रो जा॒मय॒स्पति॑म् ।
म॒हामिन्दुं॑ मही॒युवः॑ ॥ ९.०६५.०१
hi̱nvanti̱ sūra̱musra̍ya̱ḥ svasā̍ro jā̱maya̱spati̍m .
ma̱hāmindu̍ṃ mahī̱yuva̍ḥ .. 9.065.01
1. THE, glittering maids send Sūra forth, the glorious sisters, close-allied,
Send Indu forth, their mighty Lord.
Sloka : 9.65.2
पव॑मान रु॒चारु॑चा दे॒वो दे॒वेभ्य॒स्परि॑ ।
विश्वा॒ वसू॒न्या वि॑श ॥ ९.०६५.०२
pava̍māna ru̱cāru̍cā de̱vo de̱vebhya̱spari̍ .
viśvā̱ vasū̱nyā vi̍śa .. 9.065.02
2 Pervade, O Pavamana, all our treasures with repeated light,
God, coming hither from the Gods.
Sloka : 9.65.3
आ प॑वमान सुष्टु॒तिं वृ॒ष्टिं दे॒वेभ्यो॒ दुवः॑ ।
इ॒षे प॑वस्व सं॒यत॑म् ॥ ९.०६५.०३
ā pa̍vamāna suṣṭu̱tiṃ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ de̱vebhyo̱ duva̍ḥ .
i̱ṣe pa̍vasva sa̱ṃyata̍m .. 9.065.03
3 Pour on us, Pavamana, rain, as service and rain praise for Gods:-
Pour all to be our nourishment.
Sloka : 9.65.4
वृषा॒ ह्यसि॑ भा॒नुना॑ द्यु॒मन्तं॑ त्वा हवामहे ।
पव॑मान स्वा॒ध्यः॑ ॥ ९.०६५.०४
vṛṣā̱ hyasi̍ bhā̱nunā̍ dyu̱manta̍ṃ tvā havāmahe .
pava̍māna svā̱dhya̍ḥ .. 9.065.04
4 Thou art a Steer by lustre:- we, O Pavamana, faithfully
Call upon thee the Splendid One.
Sloka : 9.65.5
आ प॑वस्व सु॒वीर्यं॒ मन्द॑मानः स्वायुध ।
इ॒हो ष्वि॑न्द॒वा ग॑हि ॥ ९.०६५.०५
ā pa̍vasva su̱vīrya̱ṃ manda̍mānaḥ svāyudha .
i̱ho ṣvi̍nda̱vā ga̍hi .. 9.065.05
5 Do thou, rejoicing, nobly-armed! pour upon us heroic strength:-
O Indu, come thou bitherward.
Sloka : 9.65.6
यद॒द्भिः प॑रिषि॒च्यसे॑ मृ॒ज्यमा॑नो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः ।
द्रुणा॑ स॒धस्थ॑मश्नुषे ॥ ९.०६५.०६
yada̱dbhiḥ pa̍riṣi̱cyase̍ mṛ̱jyamā̍no̱ gabha̍styoḥ .
druṇā̍ sa̱dhastha̍maśnuṣe .. 9.065.06
6 When thou art cleansed with both the hands and dipped in waters, with the wood.
Thou comest to the gathering-place.
Sloka : 9.65.7
प्र सोमा॑य व्यश्व॒वत्पव॑मानाय गायत ।
म॒हे स॒हस्र॑चक्षसे ॥ ९.०६५.०७
pra somā̍ya vyaśva̱vatpava̍mānāya gāyata .
ma̱he sa̱hasra̍cakṣase .. 9.065.07
7 Sing forth your songs, as Vyaśva sang, to Soma Pavamana, to,
The Mighty One with thousand eyes;
Sloka : 9.65.8
यस्य॒ वर्णं॑ मधु॒श्चुतं॒ हरिं॑ हि॒न्वन्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
इन्दु॒मिन्द्रा॑य पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०६५.०८
yasya̱ varṇa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̱ṃ hari̍ṃ hi̱nvantyadri̍bhiḥ .
indu̱mindrā̍ya pī̱taye̍ .. 9.065.08
8 Whose coloured sap they drive with stones, the yellow meath-distilling juice,
Indu for Indra, for his drink.
Sloka : 9.65.9
तस्य॑ ते वा॒जिनो॑ व॒यं विश्वा॒ धना॑नि जि॒ग्युषः॑ ।
स॒खि॒त्वमा वृ॑णीमहे ॥ ९.०६५.०९
tasya̍ te vā̱jino̍ va̱yaṃ viśvā̱ dhanā̍ni ji̱gyuṣa̍ḥ .
sa̱khi̱tvamā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 9.065.09
9 We seek to gain the friendly love of thee that Strong and Mighty One,
Of thee the winner of all wealth.
Sloka : 9.65.10
वृषा॑ पवस्व॒ धार॑या म॒रुत्व॑ते च मत्स॒रः ।
विश्वा॒ दधा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ॥ ९.०६५.१०
vṛṣā̍ pavasva̱ dhāra̍yā ma̱rutva̍te ca matsa̱raḥ .
viśvā̱ dadhā̍na̱ oja̍sā .. 9.065.10
10 Flow onward with thy stream, a Steer, inspiriting the Maruts Lord,
Winning all riches by thy might.
Sloka : 9.65.11
तं त्वा॑ ध॒र्तार॑मो॒ण्यो॒३॒ः॑ पव॑मान स्व॒र्दृश॑म् ।
हि॒न्वे वाजे॑षु वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ ९.०६५.११
taṃ tvā̍ dha̱rtāra̍mo̱ṇyo̱3̱̍ḥ pava̍māna sva̱rdṛśa̍m .
hi̱nve vāje̍ṣu vā̱jina̍m .. 9.065.11
11 I send thee forth to battle from the press, O Pavamana, Strong,
Sustainer, looker on the light.
Sloka : 9.65.12
अ॒या चि॒त्तो वि॒पानया॒ हरिः॑ पवस्व॒ धार॑या ।
युजं॒ वाजे॑षु चोदय ॥ ९.०६५.१२
a̱yā ci̱tto vi̱pānayā̱ hari̍ḥ pavasva̱ dhāra̍yā .
yuja̱ṃ vāje̍ṣu codaya .. 9.065.12
12 Acknowledged by this song of mine, flow, tawny-coloured, with thy stream
Incite to battle thine ally.
Sloka : 9.65.13
आ न॑ इन्दो म॒हीमिषं॒ पव॑स्व वि॒श्वद॑र्शतः ।
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ सोम गातु॒वित् ॥ ९.०६५.१३
ā na̍ indo ma̱hīmiṣa̱ṃ pava̍sva vi̱śvada̍rśataḥ .
a̱smabhya̍ṃ soma gātu̱vit .. 9.065.13
13 O Indu, visible to all pour out for us abundant food:-
Soma, be thou our prosperer.
Sloka : 9.65.14
आ क॒लशा॑ अनूष॒तेन्दो॒ धारा॑भि॒रोज॑सा ।
एन्द्र॑स्य पी॒तये॑ विश ॥ ९.०६५.१४
ā ka̱laśā̍ anūṣa̱tendo̱ dhārā̍bhi̱roja̍sā .
endra̍sya pī̱taye̍ viśa .. 9.065.14
14 The pitchers, Indu, with thy streams have sung aloud in vigorous might
Enter them, and let Indra drink.
Sloka : 9.65.15
यस्य॑ ते॒ मद्यं॒ रसं॑ ती॒व्रं दु॒हन्त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
स प॑वस्वाभिमाति॒हा ॥ ९.०६५.१५
yasya̍ te̱ madya̱ṃ rasa̍ṃ tī̱vraṃ du̱hantyadri̍bhiḥ .
sa pa̍vasvābhimāti̱hā .. 9.065.15
15 O thou whose potent gladdening juice they milk out with the stones, flow on,
Destroyer of our enemies.
Sloka : 9.65.16
राजा॑ मे॒धाभि॑रीयते॒ पव॑मानो म॒नावधि॑ ।
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षेण॒ यात॑वे ॥ ९.०६५.१६
rājā̍ me̱dhābhi̍rīyate̱ pava̍māno ma̱nāvadhi̍ .
a̱ntari̍kṣeṇa̱ yāta̍ve .. 9.065.16
16 King Pavamana is implored with holy songs, on man's behalf,
To travel through the firmament.
Sloka : 9.65.17
आ न॑ इन्दो शत॒ग्विनं॒ गवां॒ पोषं॒ स्वश्व्य॑म् ।
वहा॒ भग॑त्तिमू॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०६५.१७
ā na̍ indo śata̱gvina̱ṃ gavā̱ṃ poṣa̱ṃ svaśvya̍m .
vahā̱ bhaga̍ttimū̱taye̍ .. 9.065.17
17 Bring us, O Indu, hundredfold increase of kine, and noble steeds,
The gift of fortune for our help.
Sloka : 9.65.18
आ नः॑ सोम॒ सहो॒ जुवो॑ रू॒पं न वर्च॑से भर ।
सु॒ष्वा॒णो दे॒ववी॑तये ॥ ९.०६५.१८
ā na̍ḥ soma̱ saho̱ juvo̍ rū̱paṃ na varca̍se bhara .
su̱ṣvā̱ṇo de̱vavī̍taye .. 9.065.18
18 Pressed for the banquet of the Gods, O Soma, bring us might, and speed,
Like beauty for a brilliant show.
Sloka : 9.65.19
अर्षा॑ सोम द्यु॒मत्त॑मो॒ऽभि द्रोणा॑नि॒ रोरु॑वत् ।
सीद॑ञ्छ्ये॒नो न योनि॒मा ॥ ९.०६५.१९
arṣā̍ soma dyu̱matta̍mo̱'bhi droṇā̍ni̱ roru̍vat .
sīda̍ñchye̱no na yoni̱mā .. 9.065.19
19 Soma, flow on exceeding bright with loud roar to the wooden vats,
Falcon-like resting in thine home.
Sloka : 9.65.20
अ॒प्सा इन्द्रा॑य वा॒यवे॒ वरु॑णाय म॒रुद्भ्यः॑ ।
सोमो॑ अर्षति॒ विष्ण॑वे ॥ ९.०६५.२०
a̱psā indrā̍ya vā̱yave̱ varu̍ṇāya ma̱rudbhya̍ḥ .
somo̍ arṣati̱ viṣṇa̍ve .. 9.065.20
20 Soma, the Water-winner flows to Indra, Vāyu, Varuṇa,
To Viṣṇu and the Marut host.
Sloka : 9.65.21
इषं॑ तो॒काय॑ नो॒ दध॑द॒स्मभ्यं॑ सोम वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
आ प॑वस्व सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०६५.२१
iṣa̍ṃ to̱kāya̍ no̱ dadha̍da̱smabhya̍ṃ soma vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
ā pa̍vasva saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 9.065.21
21 Soma , bestowing food upon our progeny, from every sides,
Pour on us riches thousandfold
Sloka : 9.65.22
ये सोमा॑सः परा॒वति॒ ये अ॑र्वा॒वति॑ सुन्वि॒रे ।
ये वा॒दः श॑र्य॒णाव॑ति ॥ ९.०६५.२२
ye somā̍saḥ parā̱vati̱ ye a̍rvā̱vati̍ sunvi̱re .
ye vā̱daḥ śa̍rya̱ṇāva̍ti .. 9.065.22
22 The Soma juices which have been expressed afar or near at hand,
Or there on Śaryaṇāvān's bank,
Sloka : 9.65.23
य आ॑र्जी॒केषु॒ कृत्व॑सु॒ ये मध्ये॑ प॒स्त्या॑नाम् ।
ये वा॒ जने॑षु प॒ञ्चसु॑ ॥ ९.०६५.२३
ya ā̍rjī̱keṣu̱ kṛtva̍su̱ ye madhye̍ pa̱styā̍nām .
ye vā̱ jane̍ṣu pa̱ñcasu̍ .. 9.065.23
23 Those pressed among Arjikas, pressed among the active, in men's homes,
Or pressed among the Races Five-
Sloka : 9.65.24
ते नो॑ वृ॒ष्टिं दि॒वस्परि॒ पव॑न्ता॒मा सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
सु॒वा॒ना दे॒वास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ९.०६५.२४
te no̍ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ di̱vaspari̱ pava̍ntā̱mā su̱vīrya̍m .
su̱vā̱nā de̱vāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 9.065.24
24 May these celestial drops, expressed, pour forth upon us, as they flow,
Rain from the heavens apd hero strength.
Sloka : 9.65.25
पव॑ते हर्य॒तो हरि॑र्गृणा॒नो ज॒मद॑ग्निना ।
हि॒न्वा॒नो गोरधि॑ त्व॒चि ॥ ९.०६५.२५
pava̍te harya̱to hari̍rgṛṇā̱no ja̱mada̍gninā .
hi̱nvā̱no goradhi̍ tva̱ci .. 9.065.25
25 Urged forward oer the ox-hide flows the Lovely One of tawny hue,
Lauded by Jamadagni's song.
Sloka : 9.65.26
प्र शु॒क्रासो॑ वयो॒जुवो॑ हिन्वा॒नासो॒ न सप्त॑यः ।
श्री॒णा॒ना अ॒प्सु मृ॑ञ्जत ॥ ९.०६५.२६
pra śu̱krāso̍ vayo̱juvo̍ hinvā̱nāso̱ na sapta̍yaḥ .
śrī̱ṇā̱nā a̱psu mṛ̍ñjata .. 9.065.26
26 Like horses urged to speed, the drops, bright, stirring vital power, when blent
With milk, are beautified in streams.
Sloka : 9.65.27
तं त्वा॑ सु॒तेष्वा॒भुवो॑ हिन्वि॒रे दे॒वता॑तये ।
स प॑वस्वा॒नया॑ रु॒चा ॥ ९.०६५.२७
taṃ tvā̍ su̱teṣvā̱bhuvo̍ hinvi̱re de̱vatā̍taye .
sa pa̍vasvā̱nayā̍ ru̱cā .. 9.065.27
27 So they who toil with juices send thee forward for the Gods repast:-
So with this splendour flow thou on.
Sloka : 9.65.28
आ ते॒ दक्षं॑ मयो॒भुवं॒ वह्नि॑म॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ।
पान्त॒मा पु॑रु॒स्पृह॑म् ॥ ९.०६५.२८
ā te̱ dakṣa̍ṃ mayo̱bhuva̱ṃ vahni̍ma̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .
pānta̱mā pu̍ru̱spṛha̍m .. 9.065.28
28 We choose to-day that chariot-steed of thine, the Strong, that brings us bliss,
The Guardian, the desire of all,
Sloka : 9.65.29
आ म॒न्द्रमा वरे॑ण्य॒मा विप्र॒मा म॑नी॒षिण॑म् ।
पान्त॒मा पु॑रु॒स्पृह॑म् ॥ ९.०६५.२९
ā ma̱ndramā vare̍ṇya̱mā vipra̱mā ma̍nī̱ṣiṇa̍m .
pānta̱mā pu̍ru̱spṛha̍m .. 9.065.29
29 The Excellent, the Gladdener, the Sage with heart that understands,
The Guardian, the desire of all;
Sloka : 9.65.30
आ र॒यिमा सु॑चे॒तुन॒मा सु॑क्रतो त॒नूष्वा ।
पान्त॒मा पु॑रु॒स्पृह॑म् ॥ ९.०६५.३०
ā ra̱yimā su̍ce̱tuna̱mā su̍krato ta̱nūṣvā .
pānta̱mā pu̍ru̱spṛha̍m .. 9.065.30
30 Who for ourselves, O thou Most Wise, is wealth and fair intelligence,
The Guardian, the desire of all.
Sloka : 9.66.1
पव॑स्व विश्वचर्षणे॒ऽभि विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ ।
सखा॒ सखि॑भ्य॒ ईड्यः॑ ॥ ९.०६६.०१
pava̍sva viśvacarṣaṇe̱'bhi viśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ .
sakhā̱ sakhi̍bhya̱ īḍya̍ḥ .. 9.066.01
1. FOR holy lore of every sort, flow onward thou whom all men love.
A Friend to be besought by friends.
Sloka : 9.66.2
ताभ्यां॒ विश्व॑स्य राजसि॒ ये प॑वमान॒ धाम॑नी ।
प्र॒ती॒ची सो॑म त॒स्थतुः॑ ॥ ९.०६६.०२
tābhyā̱ṃ viśva̍sya rājasi̱ ye pa̍vamāna̱ dhāma̍nī .
pra̱tī̱cī so̍ma ta̱sthatu̍ḥ .. 9.066.02
2 O'er all thou rulest with these Two which, Soma Pavamana, stand,
Turned, as thy stations, hitherward.
Sloka : 9.66.3
परि॒ धामा॑नि॒ यानि॑ ते॒ त्वं सो॑मासि वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
पव॑मान ऋ॒तुभिः॑ कवे ॥ ९.०६६.०३
pari̱ dhāmā̍ni̱ yāni̍ te̱ tvaṃ so̍māsi vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
pava̍māna ṛ̱tubhi̍ḥ kave .. 9.066.03
3 Wise Soma Pavamana, thou encompassest on every side
Thy stations as the seasons come.
Sloka : 9.66.4
पव॑स्व ज॒नय॒न्निषो॒ऽभि विश्वा॑नि॒ वार्या॑ ।
सखा॒ सखि॑भ्य ऊ॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०६६.०४
pava̍sva ja̱naya̱nniṣo̱'bhi viśvā̍ni̱ vāryā̍ .
sakhā̱ sakhi̍bhya ū̱taye̍ .. 9.066.04
4 Flow onward, generating food, for precious boons of every kind,
A Friend for friends, to be our help.
Sloka : 9.66.5
तव॑ शु॒क्रासो॑ अ॒र्चयो॑ दि॒वस्पृ॒ष्ठे वि त॑न्वते ।
प॒वित्रं॑ सोम॒ धाम॑भिः ॥ ९.०६६.०५
tava̍ śu̱krāso̍ a̱rcayo̍ di̱vaspṛ̱ṣṭhe vi ta̍nvate .
pa̱vitra̍ṃ soma̱ dhāma̍bhiḥ .. 9.066.05
5 Upon the lofty ridge of heaven thy bright rays with their essences,
Soma, spread purifying power.
Sloka : 9.66.6
तवे॒मे स॒प्त सिन्ध॑वः प्र॒शिषं॑ सोम सिस्रते ।
तुभ्यं॑ धावन्ति धे॒नवः॑ ॥ ९.०६६.०६
tave̱me sa̱pta sindha̍vaḥ pra̱śiṣa̍ṃ soma sisrate .
tubhya̍ṃ dhāvanti dhe̱nava̍ḥ .. 9.066.06
6 O Soma, these Seven Rivers flow, as being thine, to give command:-
The Streams of milk run forth to thee.
Sloka : 9.66.7
प्र सो॑म याहि॒ धार॑या सु॒त इन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रः ।
दधा॑नो॒ अक्षि॑ति॒ श्रवः॑ ॥ ९.०६६.०७
pra so̍ma yāhi̱ dhāra̍yā su̱ta indrā̍ya matsa̱raḥ .
dadhā̍no̱ akṣi̍ti̱ śrava̍ḥ .. 9.066.07
7 Flow onward, Soma in a stream, effused to gladden Indra's heart,
Bringing imperishable fame.
Sloka : 9.66.8
समु॑ त्वा धी॒भिर॑स्वरन्हिन्व॒तीः स॒प्त जा॒मयः॑ ।
विप्र॑मा॒जा वि॒वस्व॑तः ॥ ९.०६६.०८
samu̍ tvā dhī̱bhira̍svaranhinva̱tīḥ sa̱pta jā̱maya̍ḥ .
vipra̍mā̱jā vi̱vasva̍taḥ .. 9.066.08
8 Driving thee in Vivasvān's course, the Seven Sisters with their hymns
Made melody round thee the Sage.
Sloka : 9.66.9
मृ॒जन्ति॑ त्वा॒ सम॒ग्रुवोऽव्ये॑ जी॒रावधि॒ ष्वणि॑ ।
रे॒भो यद॒ज्यसे॒ वने॑ ॥ ९.०६६.०९
mṛ̱janti̍ tvā̱ sama̱gruvo'vye̍ jī̱rāvadhi̱ ṣvaṇi̍ .
re̱bho yada̱jyase̱ vane̍ .. 9.066.09
9 The virgins deck thee oer fresh streams to drive thee to the sieve when thou,
A singer, bathest in the wood.
Sloka : 9.66.10
पव॑मानस्य ते कवे॒ वाजि॒न्सर्गा॑ असृक्षत ।
अर्व॑न्तो॒ न श्र॑व॒स्यवः॑ ॥ ९.०६६.१०
pava̍mānasya te kave̱ vāji̱nsargā̍ asṛkṣata .
arva̍nto̱ na śra̍va̱syava̍ḥ .. 9.066.10
10 The streams of Pavamana, thine, Sage, Mighty One, have pouredthem forth.
Like coursers eager for renown.
Sloka : 9.66.11
अच्छा॒ कोशं॑ मधु॒श्चुत॒मसृ॑ग्रं॒ वारे॑ अ॒व्यये॑ ।
अवा॑वशन्त धी॒तयः॑ ॥ ९.०६६.११
acchā̱ kośa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̱masṛ̍gra̱ṃ vāre̍ a̱vyaye̍ .
avā̍vaśanta dhī̱taya̍ḥ .. 9.066.11
11 They have been poured upon the fleece towards the meath-distilling vat:-
The holy songs have sounded forth.
Sloka : 9.66.12
अच्छा॑ समु॒द्रमिन्द॒वोऽस्तं॒ गावो॒ न धे॒नवः॑ ।
अग्म॑न्नृ॒तस्य॒ योनि॒मा ॥ ९.०६६.१२
acchā̍ samu̱draminda̱vo'sta̱ṃ gāvo̱ na dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
agma̍nnṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̱mā .. 9.066.12
12 Like milch-kine coming home, the drops of Soma juice have reached the lake,
Have reached the place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.66.13
प्र ण॑ इन्दो म॒हे रण॒ आपो॑ अर्षन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।
यद्गोभि॑र्वासयि॒ष्यसे॑ ॥ ९.०६६.१३
pra ṇa̍ indo ma̱he raṇa̱ āpo̍ arṣanti̱ sindha̍vaḥ .
yadgobhi̍rvāsayi̱ṣyase̍ .. 9.066.13
13 O Indu, to our great delight the running waters flow to us,
When thou wilt robe thyself in milk.
Sloka : 9.66.14
अस्य॑ ते स॒ख्ये व॒यमिय॑क्षन्त॒स्त्वोत॑यः ।
इन्दो॑ सखि॒त्वमु॑श्मसि ॥ ९.०६६.१४
asya̍ te sa̱khye va̱yamiya̍kṣanta̱stvota̍yaḥ .
indo̍ sakhi̱tvamu̍śmasi .. 9.066.14
14 In this thy friendship, and with thee to help us, fain to sacrifice,
Indu, we crave thy friendly love.
Sloka : 9.66.15
आ प॑वस्व॒ गवि॑ष्टये म॒हे सो॑म नृ॒चक्ष॑से ।
एन्द्र॑स्य ज॒ठरे॑ विश ॥ ९.०६६.१५
ā pa̍vasva̱ gavi̍ṣṭaye ma̱he so̍ma nṛ̱cakṣa̍se .
endra̍sya ja̱ṭhare̍ viśa .. 9.066.15
15 Flow on, O Soma, for the great Viewer of men, for gain of Idne
Enter thou into Indra's throat.
Sloka : 9.66.16
म॒हाँ अ॑सि सोम॒ ज्येष्ठ॑ उ॒ग्राणा॑मिन्द॒ ओजि॑ष्ठः ।
युध्वा॒ सञ्छश्व॑ज्जिगेथ ॥ ९.०६६.१६
ma̱hām̐ a̍si soma̱ jyeṣṭha̍ u̱grāṇā̍minda̱ oji̍ṣṭhaḥ .
yudhvā̱ sañchaśva̍jjigetha .. 9.066.16
16 Best art thou, Soma, of the great, Strongest of strong ones, Indu:- thou
As Warrior ever hast prevailed.
Sloka : 9.66.17
य उ॒ग्रेभ्य॑श्चि॒दोजी॑या॒ञ्छूरे॑भ्यश्चि॒च्छूर॑तरः ।
भू॒रि॒दाभ्य॑श्चि॒न्मंही॑यान् ॥ ९.०६६.१७
ya u̱grebhya̍ści̱dojī̍yā̱ñchūre̍bhyaści̱cchūra̍taraḥ .
bhū̱ri̱dābhya̍ści̱nmaṃhī̍yān .. 9.066.17
17 Mightier even than the strong, more valiant even than the brave,
More libpral than the bountiful,
Sloka : 9.66.18
त्वं सो॑म॒ सूर॒ एष॑स्तो॒कस्य॑ सा॒ता त॒नूना॑म् ।
वृ॒णी॒महे॑ स॒ख्याय॑ वृणी॒महे॒ युज्या॑य ॥ ९.०६६.१८
tvaṃ so̍ma̱ sūra̱ eṣa̍sto̱kasya̍ sā̱tā ta̱nūnā̍m .
vṛ̱ṇī̱mahe̍ sa̱khyāya̍ vṛṇī̱mahe̱ yujyā̍ya .. 9.066.18
18 Soma, as Sūra, bring us food, win offspring of our bodies:- we
Elect thee for our friendship, we elect thee for companionship.
Sloka : 9.66.19
अग्न॒ आयूं॑षि पवस॒ आ सु॒वोर्ज॒मिषं॑ च नः ।
आ॒रे बा॑धस्व दु॒च्छुना॑म् ॥ ९.०६६.१९
agna̱ āyū̍ṃṣi pavasa̱ ā su̱vorja̱miṣa̍ṃ ca naḥ .
ā̱re bā̍dhasva du̱cchunā̍m .. 9.066.19
19 Agni, thou pourest life; send down upon us food and vigorous strength;
Drive thou misfortune far away,
Sloka : 9.66.20
अ॒ग्निरृषिः॒ पव॑मानः॒ पाञ्च॑जन्यः पु॒रोहि॑तः ।
तमी॑महे महाग॒यम् ॥ ९.०६६.२०
a̱gnirṛṣi̱ḥ pava̍māna̱ḥ pāñca̍janyaḥ pu̱rohi̍taḥ .
tamī̍mahe mahāga̱yam .. 9.066.20
20 Agni is Pavamana, Sage, Chief Priest of all the Races Five:-
To him whose wealth is great we pray.
Sloka : 9.66.21
अग्ने॒ पव॑स्व॒ स्वपा॑ अ॒स्मे वर्चः॑ सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
दध॑द्र॒यिं मयि॒ पोष॑म् ॥ ९.०६६.२१
agne̱ pava̍sva̱ svapā̍ a̱sme varca̍ḥ su̱vīrya̍m .
dadha̍dra̱yiṃ mayi̱ poṣa̍m .. 9.066.21
21 Skilled in thy task, O Agni, pour splendour with hero strength on us,
Granting me wealth that nourishes.
Sloka : 9.66.22
पव॑मानो॒ अति॒ स्रिधो॒ऽभ्य॑र्षति सुष्टु॒तिम् ।
सूरो॒ न वि॒श्वद॑र्शतः ॥ ९.०६६.२२
pava̍māno̱ ati̱ sridho̱'bhya̍rṣati suṣṭu̱tim .
sūro̱ na vi̱śvada̍rśataḥ .. 9.066.22
22 Beyond his enemies away to sweet praise Pavamana flows,
Like Sūrya visible to all.
Sloka : 9.66.23
स म॑र्मृजा॒न आ॒युभिः॒ प्रय॑स्वा॒न्प्रय॑से हि॒तः ।
इन्दु॒रत्यो॑ विचक्ष॒णः ॥ ९.०६६.२३
sa ma̍rmṛjā̱na ā̱yubhi̱ḥ praya̍svā̱npraya̍se hi̱taḥ .
indu̱ratyo̍ vicakṣa̱ṇaḥ .. 9.066.23
23 Adorned by living men, set forth for entertainment, rich in food,
Far-sighted Indu is a Steed.
Sloka : 9.66.24
पव॑मान ऋ॒तं बृ॒हच्छु॒क्रं ज्योति॑रजीजनत् ।
कृ॒ष्णा तमां॑सि॒ जङ्घ॑नत् ॥ ९.०६६.२४
pava̍māna ṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hacchu̱kraṃ jyoti̍rajījanat .
kṛ̱ṣṇā tamā̍ṃsi̱ jaṅgha̍nat .. 9.066.24
24 He, Pavamana, hath produced the lofty Law, the brilliant light,
Destroying darkness black of hue.
Sloka : 9.66.25
पव॑मानस्य॒ जङ्घ्न॑तो॒ हरे॑श्च॒न्द्रा अ॑सृक्षत ।
जी॒रा अ॑जि॒रशो॑चिषः ॥ ९.०६६.२५
pava̍mānasya̱ jaṅghna̍to̱ hare̍śca̱ndrā a̍sṛkṣata .
jī̱rā a̍ji̱raśo̍ciṣaḥ .. 9.066.25
25 From tawny Pavamana, the Destroyer, radiant streams have sprung,
Quick streams from him whose gleams are swift.
Sloka : 9.66.26
पव॑मानो र॒थीत॑मः शु॒भ्रेभिः॑ शु॒भ्रश॑स्तमः ।
हरि॑श्चन्द्रो म॒रुद्ग॑णः ॥ ९.०६६.२६
pava̍māno ra̱thīta̍maḥ śu̱bhrebhi̍ḥ śu̱bhraśa̍stamaḥ .
hari̍ścandro ma̱rudga̍ṇaḥ .. 9.066.26
26 Best rider of the chariot, praised with fairest praise mid beauteous ones,
Gold-gleaming with the Marut host,
Sloka : 9.66.27
पव॑मानो॒ व्य॑श्नवद्र॒श्मिभि॑र्वाज॒सात॑मः ।
दध॑त्स्तो॒त्रे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०६६.२७
pava̍māno̱ vya̍śnavadra̱śmibhi̍rvāja̱sāta̍maḥ .
dadha̍tsto̱tre su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.066.27
27 May Pavamana, best to win the booty, penetrate with rays,
Giving the singer hero strength.
Sloka : 9.66.28
प्र सु॑वा॒न इन्दु॑रक्षाः प॒वित्र॒मत्य॒व्यय॑म् ।
पु॒ना॒न इन्दु॒रिन्द्र॒मा ॥ ९.०६६.२८
pra su̍vā̱na indu̍rakṣāḥ pa̱vitra̱matya̱vyaya̍m .
pu̱nā̱na indu̱rindra̱mā .. 9.066.28
28 Over the fleecy sieve hath flowed the drop effused:- to Indra comes
Indu while he is purified
Sloka : 9.66.29
ए॒ष सोमो॒ अधि॑ त्व॒चि गवां॑ क्रीळ॒त्यद्रि॑भिः ।
इन्द्रं॒ मदा॑य॒ जोहु॑वत् ॥ ९.०६६.२९
e̱ṣa somo̱ adhi̍ tva̱ci gavā̍ṃ krīl̤a̱tyadri̍bhiḥ .
indra̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ johu̍vat .. 9.066.29
29 This Soma, through the pressing-stones, is sporting on the oxhide, and
Summoning Indra to the draught.
Sloka : 9.66.30
यस्य॑ ते द्यु॒म्नव॒त्पयः॒ पव॑मा॒नाभृ॑तं दि॒वः ।
तेन॑ नो मृळ जी॒वसे॑ ॥ ९.०६६.३०
yasya̍ te dyu̱mnava̱tpaya̱ḥ pava̍mā̱nābhṛ̍taṃ di̱vaḥ .
tena̍ no mṛl̤a jī̱vase̍ .. 9.066.30
30 O Pavamana, bless us, so that we may live, with that bright milk
Of thine which hath been brought from heaven.
Sloka : 9.67.1
त्वं सो॑मासि धार॒युर्म॒न्द्र ओजि॑ष्ठो अध्व॒रे ।
पव॑स्व मंह॒यद्र॑यिः ॥ ९.०६७.०१
tvaṃ so̍māsi dhāra̱yurma̱ndra oji̍ṣṭho adhva̱re .
pava̍sva maṃha̱yadra̍yiḥ .. 9.067.01
1. THOU, Soma, hast a running stream, joyous, most strong at sacrifice:-
Flow bounteously bestowing wealth.
Sloka : 9.67.2
त्वं सु॒तो नृ॒माद॑नो दध॒न्वान्म॑त्स॒रिन्त॑मः ।
इन्द्रा॑य सू॒रिरन्ध॑सा ॥ ९.०६७.०२
tvaṃ su̱to nṛ̱māda̍no dadha̱nvānma̍tsa̱rinta̍maḥ .
indrā̍ya sū̱rirandha̍sā .. 9.067.02
2 Effused as cheerer of the men, flowing best gladdener, thou art
A Prince to Indra with thy juice.
Sloka : 9.67.3
त्वं सु॑ष्वा॒णो अद्रि॑भिर॒भ्य॑र्ष॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ।
द्यु॒मन्तं॒ शुष्म॑मुत्त॒मम् ॥ ९.०६७.०३
tvaṃ su̍ṣvā̱ṇo adri̍bhira̱bhya̍rṣa̱ kani̍kradat .
dyu̱manta̱ṃ śuṣma̍mutta̱mam .. 9.067.03
3 Poured forth by pressing-stones, do thou with loud roar send us in a stream
Most excellent illustrious might.
Sloka : 9.67.4
इन्दु॑र्हिन्वा॒नो अ॑र्षति ति॒रो वारा॑ण्य॒व्यया॑ ।
हरि॒र्वाज॑मचिक्रदत् ॥ ९.०६७.०४
indu̍rhinvā̱no a̍rṣati ti̱ro vārā̍ṇya̱vyayā̍ .
hari̱rvāja̍macikradat .. 9.067.04
4 Indu, urged forward, floweth through the fleecy cloth:- the Tawny One
With his loud roar hath brought as strength.
Sloka : 9.67.5
इन्दो॒ व्यव्य॑मर्षसि॒ वि श्रवां॑सि॒ वि सौभ॑गा ।
वि वाजा॑न्सोम॒ गोम॑तः ॥ ९.०६७.०५
indo̱ vyavya̍marṣasi̱ vi śravā̍ṃsi̱ vi saubha̍gā .
vi vājā̍nsoma̱ goma̍taḥ .. 9.067.05
5 Indu, thou flowest through the fleece, bringing felicities and fame,
And, Soma, spoil and wealth in kine.
Sloka : 9.67.6
आ न॑ इन्दो शत॒ग्विनं॑ र॒यिं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विन॑म् ।
भरा॑ सोम सह॒स्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०६७.०६
ā na̍ indo śata̱gvina̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̍m .
bharā̍ soma saha̱sriṇa̍m .. 9.067.06
6 Hither, O Indu, bring us wealth in steeds and cattle hundredfold:-
Bring wealth, O Soma, thousandfold.
Sloka : 9.67.7
पव॑मानास॒ इन्द॑वस्ति॒रः प॒वित्र॑मा॒शवः॑ ।
इन्द्रं॒ यामे॑भिराशत ॥ ९.०६७.०७
pava̍mānāsa̱ inda̍vasti̱raḥ pa̱vitra̍mā̱śava̍ḥ .
indra̱ṃ yāme̍bhirāśata .. 9.067.07
7 In purifying, through the sieve the rapid drops of'Soma juice
Come nigh to Indra in their course.
Sloka : 9.67.8
क॒कु॒हः सो॒म्यो रस॒ इन्दु॒रिन्द्रा॑य पू॒र्व्यः ।
आ॒युः प॑वत आ॒यवे॑ ॥ ९.०६७.०८
ka̱ku̱haḥ so̱myo rasa̱ indu̱rindrā̍ya pū̱rvyaḥ .
ā̱yuḥ pa̍vata ā̱yave̍ .. 9.067.08
8 For Indra floweth excellent Indu, the noblest Soma juice
The Living for the Living One.
Sloka : 9.67.9
हि॒न्वन्ति॒ सूर॒मुस्र॑यः॒ पव॑मानं मधु॒श्चुत॑म् ।
अ॒भि गि॒रा सम॑स्वरन् ॥ ९.०६७.०९
hi̱nvanti̱ sūra̱musra̍ya̱ḥ pava̍mānaṃ madhu̱ścuta̍m .
a̱bhi gi̱rā sama̍svaran .. 9.067.09
9 The glittering maids send Sūra forth they with their song have sung aloud
To Pavamana dropping meath.
Sloka : 9.67.10
अ॒वि॒ता नो॑ अ॒जाश्वः॑ पू॒षा याम॑नियामनि ।
आ भ॑क्षत्क॒न्या॑सु नः ॥ ९.०६७.१०
a̱vi̱tā no̍ a̱jāśva̍ḥ pū̱ṣā yāma̍niyāmani .
ā bha̍kṣatka̱nyā̍su naḥ .. 9.067.10
10 May Pūṣan, drawn by goats, be our protector, and on all his paths
Bestow on us our share of maids.
Sloka : 9.67.11
अ॒यं सोमः॑ कप॒र्दिने॑ घृ॒तं न प॑वते॒ मधु॑ ।
आ भ॑क्षत्क॒न्या॑सु नः ॥ ९.०६७.११
a̱yaṃ soma̍ḥ kapa̱rdine̍ ghṛ̱taṃ na pa̍vate̱ madhu̍ .
ā bha̍kṣatka̱nyā̍su naḥ .. 9.067.11
11 This Soma flows like gladdening oil for him who wears the braided locks:-
He shall give us our share of maids.
Sloka : 9.67.12
अ॒यं त॑ आघृणे सु॒तो घृ॒तं न प॑वते॒ शुचि॑ ।
आ भ॑क्षत्क॒न्या॑सु नः ॥ ९.०६७.१२
a̱yaṃ ta̍ āghṛṇe su̱to ghṛ̱taṃ na pa̍vate̱ śuci̍ .
ā bha̍kṣatka̱nyā̍su naḥ .. 9.067.12
12 This Soma juice, O glowing God, flows like pure oil, effused for thee:-
He shall give us our share of maids.
Sloka : 9.67.13
वा॒चो ज॒न्तुः क॑वी॒नां पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ।
दे॒वेषु॑ रत्न॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०६७.१३
vā̱co ja̱ntuḥ ka̍vī̱nāṃ pava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā .
de̱veṣu̍ ratna̱dhā a̍si .. 9.067.13
13 Flow onward, Soma, in thy stream, begetter of the sages' speech:-
Wealth-giver among Gods art thou.
Sloka : 9.67.14
आ क॒लशे॑षु धावति श्ये॒नो वर्म॒ वि गा॑हते ।
अ॒भि द्रोणा॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.०६७.१४
ā ka̱laśe̍ṣu dhāvati śye̱no varma̱ vi gā̍hate .
a̱bhi droṇā̱ kani̍kradat .. 9.067.14
14 The Falcon dips within the jars:- he wrapḥim in his robe and goes
Loud roaring to the vats of wood.
Sloka : 9.67.15
परि॒ प्र सो॑म ते॒ रसोऽस॑र्जि क॒लशे॑ सु॒तः ।
श्ये॒नो न त॒क्तो अ॑र्षति ॥ ९.०६७.१५
pari̱ pra so̍ma te̱ raso'sa̍rji ka̱laśe̍ su̱taḥ .
śye̱no na ta̱kto a̍rṣati .. 9.067.15
15 Soma, thy juice hath been effused and poured into the pitcher:- like
A rapid hawk it rushes on.
Sloka : 9.67.16
पव॑स्व सोम म॒न्दय॒न्निन्द्रा॑य॒ मधु॑मत्तमः ॥ ९.०६७.१६
pava̍sva soma ma̱ndaya̱nnindrā̍ya̱ madhu̍mattamaḥ .. 9.067.16
16 For Indra flow most rich in sweets, O Soma, bringing him delight.
Sloka : 9.67.17
असृ॑ग्रन्दे॒ववी॑तये वाज॒यन्तो॒ रथा॑ इव ॥ ९.०६७.१७
asṛ̍grande̱vavī̍taye vāja̱yanto̱ rathā̍ iva .. 9.067.17
17 They were sent forth to feast the Gods, like chariots that display their strength.
Sloka : 9.67.18
ते सु॒तासो॑ म॒दिन्त॑माः शु॒क्रा वा॒युम॑सृक्षत ॥ ९.०६७.१८
te su̱tāso̍ ma̱dinta̍māḥ śu̱krā vā̱yuma̍sṛkṣata .. 9.067.18
18 Brilliant, best givers of delight, these juices have sent Vāyu forth.
Sloka : 9.67.19
ग्राव्णा॑ तु॒न्नो अ॒भिष्टु॑तः प॒वित्रं॑ सोम गच्छसि ।
दध॑त्स्तो॒त्रे सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०६७.१९
grāvṇā̍ tu̱nno a̱bhiṣṭu̍taḥ pa̱vitra̍ṃ soma gacchasi .
dadha̍tsto̱tre su̱vīrya̍m .. 9.067.19
19 Bruised by the press-stones and extolled, Soma, thou goest to the sieve,
Giving the worshipper hero strength.
Sloka : 9.67.20
ए॒ष तु॒न्नो अ॒भिष्टु॑तः प॒वित्र॒मति॑ गाहते ।
र॒क्षो॒हा वार॑म॒व्यय॑म् ॥ ९.०६७.२०
e̱ṣa tu̱nno a̱bhiṣṭu̍taḥ pa̱vitra̱mati̍ gāhate .
ra̱kṣo̱hā vāra̍ma̱vyaya̍m .. 9.067.20
20 This juice bruised by the pressing-stones and lauded passes through the sieve,
Slayer of demons, through the fleece.
Sloka : 9.67.21
यदन्ति॒ यच्च॑ दूर॒के भ॒यं वि॒न्दति॒ मामि॒ह ।
पव॑मान॒ वि तज्ज॑हि ॥ ९.०६७.२१
yadanti̱ yacca̍ dūra̱ke bha̱yaṃ vi̱ndati̱ māmi̱ha .
pava̍māna̱ vi tajja̍hi .. 9.067.21
21 O Pavamana, drive away the danger, whether near at hand
Or far remote, that finds me here.
Sloka : 9.67.22
पव॑मानः॒ सो अ॒द्य नः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ण॒ विच॑र्षणिः ।
यः पो॒ता स पु॑नातु नः ॥ ९.०६७.२२
pava̍māna̱ḥ so a̱dya na̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ṇa̱ vica̍rṣaṇiḥ .
yaḥ po̱tā sa pu̍nātu naḥ .. 9.067.22
22 This day may Pavamana cleanse us with his purifying power,
Most active purifying Priest.
Sloka : 9.67.23
यत्ते॑ प॒वित्र॑म॒र्चिष्यग्ने॒ वित॑तम॒न्तरा ।
ब्रह्म॒ तेन॑ पुनीहि नः ॥ ९.०६७.२३
yatte̍ pa̱vitra̍ma̱rciṣyagne̱ vita̍tama̱ntarā .
brahma̱ tena̍ punīhi naḥ .. 9.067.23
23 O Agni, with the cleansing light diffused through all thy fiery glow,
Purify thou this prayer of ours.
Sloka : 9.67.24
यत्ते॑ प॒वित्र॑मर्चि॒वदग्ने॒ तेन॑ पुनीहि नः ।
ब्र॒ह्म॒स॒वैः पु॑नीहि नः ॥ ९.०६७.२४
yatte̍ pa̱vitra̍marci̱vadagne̱ tena̍ punīhi naḥ .
bra̱hma̱sa̱vaiḥ pu̍nīhi naḥ .. 9.067.24
24 Cleanse us with thine own cleansing power, O Agni, that is bright with flame,
And by libations poured to thee.
Sloka : 9.67.25
उ॒भाभ्यां॑ देव सवितः प॒वित्रे॑ण स॒वेन॑ च ।
मां पु॑नीहि वि॒श्वतः॑ ॥ ९.०६७.२५
u̱bhābhyā̍ṃ deva savitaḥ pa̱vitre̍ṇa sa̱vena̍ ca .
māṃ pu̍nīhi vi̱śvata̍ḥ .. 9.067.25
25 Savitar, God, by both of these, libation, purifying power,
Purify me on every side.
Sloka : 9.67.26
त्रि॒भिष्ट्वं दे॑व सवित॒र्वर्षि॑ष्ठैः सोम॒ धाम॑भिः ।
अग्ने॒ दक्षैः॑ पुनीहि नः ॥ ९.०६७.२६
tri̱bhiṣṭvaṃ de̍va savita̱rvarṣi̍ṣṭhaiḥ soma̱ dhāma̍bhiḥ .
agne̱ dakṣai̍ḥ punīhi naḥ .. 9.067.26
26 Cleanse us, God Savitar, with Three, O Soma, with sublimest forms,
Agni, with forms of power and might.
Sloka : 9.67.27
पु॒नन्तु॒ मां दे॑वज॒नाः पु॒नन्तु॒ वस॑वो धि॒या ।
विश्वे॑ देवाः पुनी॒त मा॒ जात॑वेदः पुनी॒हि मा॑ ॥ ९.०६७.२७
pu̱nantu̱ māṃ de̍vaja̱nāḥ pu̱nantu̱ vasa̍vo dhi̱yā .
viśve̍ devāḥ punī̱ta mā̱ jāta̍vedaḥ punī̱hi mā̍ .. 9.067.27
27 May the Gods company make me clean, and Vasus make rue pure by song.
Purify me, ye General Gods; O Jātavedas, make me pure.
Sloka : 9.67.28
प्र प्या॑यस्व॒ प्र स्य॑न्दस्व॒ सोम॒ विश्वे॑भिरं॒शुभिः॑ ।
दे॒वेभ्य॑ उत्त॒मं ह॒विः ॥ ९.०६७.२८
pra pyā̍yasva̱ pra sya̍ndasva̱ soma̱ viśve̍bhira̱ṃśubhi̍ḥ .
de̱vebhya̍ utta̱maṃ ha̱viḥ .. 9.067.28
28 Fill thyself full of juice, flow forth, O Soma, thou with all thy stalks,
The best oblation to the Gods.
Sloka : 9.67.29
उप॑ प्रि॒यं पनि॑प्नतं॒ युवा॑नमाहुती॒वृध॑म् ।
अग॑न्म॒ बिभ्र॑तो॒ नमः॑ ॥ ९.०६७.२९
upa̍ pri̱yaṃ pani̍pnata̱ṃ yuvā̍namāhutī̱vṛdha̍m .
aga̍nma̱ bibhra̍to̱ nama̍ḥ .. 9.067.29
29 We with our homage have approached the Friend who seeks our wondering praise,
Young, strengthener of the solemn rite.
Sloka : 9.67.30
अ॒लाय्य॑स्य पर॒शुर्न॑नाश॒ तमा प॑वस्व देव सोम ।
आ॒खुं चि॑दे॒व दे॑व सोम ॥ ९.०६७.३०
a̱lāyya̍sya para̱śurna̍nāśa̱ tamā pa̍vasva deva soma .
ā̱khuṃ ci̍de̱va de̍va soma .. 9.067.30
30 Lost is Alayya's axe. O Soma, God do thou send it back hither in thy flow
Even, Soma, God, if twere a mole.
Sloka : 9.67.31
यः पा॑वमा॒नीर॒ध्येत्यृषि॑भिः॒ सम्भृ॑तं॒ रस॑म् ।
सर्वं॒ स पू॒तम॑श्नाति स्वदि॒तं मा॑त॒रिश्व॑ना ॥ ९.०६७.३१
yaḥ pā̍vamā̱nīra̱dhyetyṛṣi̍bhi̱ḥ sambhṛ̍ta̱ṃ rasa̍m .
sarva̱ṃ sa pū̱tama̍śnāti svadi̱taṃ mā̍ta̱riśva̍nā .. 9.067.31
31 The man who reads the essence stored by saints, the Pavamani hymns,
Tastes food completely purified, made sweet by Mātariśvan's touch.
Sloka : 9.67.32
पा॒व॒मा॒नीर्यो अ॒ध्येत्यृषि॑भिः॒ सम्भृ॑तं॒ रस॑म् ।
तस्मै॒ सर॑स्वती दुहे क्षी॒रं स॒र्पिर्मधू॑द॒कम् ॥ ९.०६७.३२
pā̱va̱mā̱nīryo a̱dhyetyṛṣi̍bhi̱ḥ sambhṛ̍ta̱ṃ rasa̍m .
tasmai̱ sara̍svatī duhe kṣī̱raṃ sa̱rpirmadhū̍da̱kam .. 9.067.32
32 Whoever reads the essence stored by saints, the Pavamani hymns,
Sarasvatī draws forth for him water and butter, milk and meath.
Sloka : 9.68.1
प्र दे॒वमच्छा॒ मधु॑मन्त॒ इन्द॒वोऽसि॑ष्यदन्त॒ गाव॒ आ न धे॒नवः॑ ।
ब॒र्हि॒षदो॑ वच॒नाव॑न्त॒ ऊध॑भिः परि॒स्रुत॑मु॒स्रिया॑ नि॒र्णिजं॑ धिरे ॥ ९.०६८.०१
pra de̱vamacchā̱ madhu̍manta̱ inda̱vo'si̍ṣyadanta̱ gāva̱ ā na dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
ba̱rhi̱ṣado̍ vaca̱nāva̍nta̱ ūdha̍bhiḥ pari̱sruta̍mu̱sriyā̍ ni̱rṇija̍ṃ dhire .. 9.068.01
1. THE drops of Soma juice like cows who yield their milk have flowed forth, rich in meath, unto the Shining One,
And, seated on the grass, raising their voice, assumed the milk, the covering robe wherewith the udders stream.
Sloka : 9.68.2
स रोरु॑वद॒भि पूर्वा॑ अचिक्रददुपा॒रुहः॑ श्र॒थय॑न्स्वादते॒ हरिः॑ ।
ति॒रः प॒वित्रं॑ परि॒यन्नु॒रु ज्रयो॒ नि शर्या॑णि दधते दे॒व आ वर॑म् ॥ ९.०६८.०२
sa roru̍vada̱bhi pūrvā̍ acikradadupā̱ruha̍ḥ śra̱thaya̍nsvādate̱ hari̍ḥ .
ti̱raḥ pa̱vitra̍ṃ pari̱yannu̱ru jrayo̱ ni śaryā̍ṇi dadhate de̱va ā vara̍m .. 9.068.02
2 He bellows with a roar arourd the highest twigs:- the Tawny One is sweetened as he breaks them up.
Then passing through the sieve into the ample room, the God throws off the dregs according to his wish.
Sloka : 9.68.3
वि यो म॒मे य॒म्या॑ संय॒ती मदः॑ साकं॒वृधा॒ पय॑सा पिन्व॒दक्षि॑ता ।
म॒ही अ॑पा॒रे रज॑सी वि॒वेवि॑ददभि॒व्रज॒न्नक्षि॑तं॒ पाज॒ आ द॑दे ॥ ९.०६८.०३
vi yo ma̱me ya̱myā̍ saṃya̱tī mada̍ḥ sāka̱ṃvṛdhā̱ paya̍sā pinva̱dakṣi̍tā .
ma̱hī a̍pā̱re raja̍sī vi̱vevi̍dadabhi̱vraja̱nnakṣi̍ta̱ṃ pāja̱ ā da̍de .. 9.068.03
3 The gladdening drink that measured out the meeting Twins fills full with milk the Eternal Ever-waxing Pair.
Bringing to light the Two great Regions limitless, moving above them he gained sheen that never fades.
Sloka : 9.68.4
स मा॒तरा॑ वि॒चर॑न्वा॒जय॑न्न॒पः प्र मेधि॑रः स्व॒धया॑ पिन्वते प॒दम् ।
अं॒शुर्यवे॑न पिपिशे य॒तो नृभिः॒ सं जा॒मिभि॒र्नस॑ते॒ रक्ष॑ते॒ शिरः॑ ॥ ९.०६८.०४
sa mā̱tarā̍ vi̱cara̍nvā̱jaya̍nna̱paḥ pra medhi̍raḥ sva̱dhayā̍ pinvate pa̱dam .
a̱ṃśuryave̍na pipiśe ya̱to nṛbhi̱ḥ saṃ jā̱mibhi̱rnasa̍te̱ rakṣa̍te̱ śira̍ḥ .. 9.068.04
4 Wandering through, the Parents, strengthening the floods, the Sage makes his place swell with his own native might.
The stalk is mixed with grain:- he comes led by the men together with the sisters, and preserves the Head.
Sloka : 9.68.5
सं दक्षे॑ण॒ मन॑सा जायते क॒विरृ॒तस्य॒ गर्भो॒ निहि॑तो य॒मा प॒रः ।
यूना॑ ह॒ सन्ता॑ प्रथ॒मं वि ज॑ज्ञतु॒र्गुहा॑ हि॒तं जनि॑म॒ नेम॒मुद्य॑तम् ॥ ९.०६८.०५
saṃ dakṣe̍ṇa̱ mana̍sā jāyate ka̱virṛ̱tasya̱ garbho̱ nihi̍to ya̱mā pa̱raḥ .
yūnā̍ ha̱ santā̍ pratha̱maṃ vi ja̍jñatu̱rguhā̍ hi̱taṃ jani̍ma̱ nema̱mudya̍tam .. 9.068.05
5 With energetic intellect the Sage is born, deposited as germ of Law, far from the Twins.
They being young at first showed visibly distinct the Creature that is half-concealed and half-exposed.
Sloka : 9.68.6
म॒न्द्रस्य॑ रू॒पं वि॑विदुर्मनी॒षिणः॑ श्ये॒नो यदन्धो॒ अभ॑रत्परा॒वतः॑ ।
तं म॑र्जयन्त सु॒वृधं॑ न॒दीष्वाँ उ॒शन्त॑मं॒शुं प॑रि॒यन्त॑मृ॒ग्मिय॑म् ॥ ९.०६८.०६
ma̱ndrasya̍ rū̱paṃ vi̍vidurmanī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ śye̱no yadandho̱ abha̍ratparā̱vata̍ḥ .
taṃ ma̍rjayanta su̱vṛdha̍ṃ na̱dīṣvām̐ u̱śanta̍ma̱ṃśuṃ pa̍ri̱yanta̍mṛ̱gmiya̍m .. 9.068.06
6 The sages knew the form of him the Gladdener, what time the Falcon brought the plant from far away.
Him who assures success they beautified in streams, the stalk who yearned therefor, mighty and meet for praise.
Sloka : 9.68.7
त्वां मृ॑जन्ति॒ दश॒ योष॑णः सु॒तं सोम॒ ऋषि॑भिर्म॒तिभि॑र्धी॒तिभि॑र्हि॒तम् ।
अव्यो॒ वारे॑भिरु॒त दे॒वहू॑तिभि॒र्नृभि॑र्य॒तो वाज॒मा द॑र्षि सा॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०६८.०७
tvāṃ mṛ̍janti̱ daśa̱ yoṣa̍ṇaḥ su̱taṃ soma̱ ṛṣi̍bhirma̱tibhi̍rdhī̱tibhi̍rhi̱tam .
avyo̱ vāre̍bhiru̱ta de̱vahū̍tibhi̱rnṛbhi̍rya̱to vāja̱mā da̍rṣi sā̱taye̍ .. 9.068.07
7 Together with the Ṛṣis, with their prayers and hymns ten women deck thee, Soma, friendly when effused.
Led by the men, with invocations of the Gods, through the fleece, thou hast given us strength to win the spoil.
Sloka : 9.68.8
प॒रि॒प्र॒यन्तं॑ व॒य्यं॑ सुषं॒सदं॒ सोमं॑ मनी॒षा अ॒भ्य॑नूषत॒ स्तुभः॑ ।
यो धार॑या॒ मधु॑माँ ऊ॒र्मिणा॑ दि॒व इय॑र्ति॒ वाचं॑ रयि॒षाळम॑र्त्यः ॥ ९.०६८.०८
pa̱ri̱pra̱yanta̍ṃ va̱yya̍ṃ suṣa̱ṃsada̱ṃ soma̍ṃ manī̱ṣā a̱bhya̍nūṣata̱ stubha̍ḥ .
yo dhāra̍yā̱ madhu̍mām̐ ū̱rmiṇā̍ di̱va iya̍rti̱ vāca̍ṃ rayi̱ṣāl̤ama̍rtyaḥ .. 9.068.08
8 Songs resonant with praise have celebrated him. Soma, Friend, springing forth with his fair company.
Even him who rich in meath, with undulating stream, Winnner of Wealth, Immortal, sends his voice from heaven,
Sloka : 9.68.9
अ॒यं दि॒व इ॑यर्ति॒ विश्व॒मा रजः॒ सोमः॑ पुना॒नः क॒लशे॑षु सीदति ।
अ॒द्भिर्गोभि॑र्मृज्यते॒ अद्रि॑भिः सु॒तः पु॑ना॒न इन्दु॒र्वरि॑वो विदत्प्रि॒यम् ॥ ९.०६८.०९
a̱yaṃ di̱va i̍yarti̱ viśva̱mā raja̱ḥ soma̍ḥ punā̱naḥ ka̱laśe̍ṣu sīdati .
a̱dbhirgobhi̍rmṛjyate̱ adri̍bhiḥ su̱taḥ pu̍nā̱na indu̱rvari̍vo vidatpri̱yam .. 9.068.09
9 He sends it into all the region forth from heaven. Soma, while he is filtcred, settles in the jars.
With milk and waters is he decked when pressed with stones:- Indu, when purified, shall find sweet rest and room.
Sloka : 9.68.10
ए॒वा नः॑ सोम परिषि॒च्यमा॑नो॒ वयो॒ दध॑च्चि॒त्रत॑मं पवस्व ।
अ॒द्वे॒षे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी हु॑वेम॒ देवा॑ ध॒त्त र॒यिम॒स्मे सु॒वीर॑म् ॥ ९.०६८.१०
e̱vā na̍ḥ soma pariṣi̱cyamā̍no̱ vayo̱ dadha̍cci̱trata̍maṃ pavasva .
a̱dve̱ṣe dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī hu̍vema̱ devā̍ dha̱tta ra̱yima̱sme su̱vīra̍m .. 9.068.10
10 Even thus poured forth How on thy way, O Soma, vouchsafing us most manifold lively vigour.
We will invoke benevolent Earth and Heaven. Give us, ye Gods, riches with noble heroes.
Sloka : 9.69.1
इषु॒र्न धन्व॒न्प्रति॑ धीयते म॒तिर्व॒त्सो न मा॒तुरुप॑ स॒र्ज्यूध॑नि ।
उ॒रुधा॑रेव दुहे॒ अग्र॑ आय॒त्यस्य॑ व्र॒तेष्वपि॒ सोम॑ इष्यते ॥ ९.०६९.०१
iṣu̱rna dhanva̱nprati̍ dhīyate ma̱tirva̱tso na mā̱turupa̍ sa̱rjyūdha̍ni .
u̱rudhā̍reva duhe̱ agra̍ āya̱tyasya̍ vra̱teṣvapi̱ soma̍ iṣyate .. 9.069.01
1. LAID like an arrow on the bow the hymn hath been loosed like a young calf to the udder of its dam.
As one who cometh first with full stream she is milked the Soma is impelled to this man's holy rites.
Sloka : 9.69.2
उपो॑ म॒तिः पृ॒च्यते॑ सि॒च्यते॒ मधु॑ म॒न्द्राज॑नी चोदते अ॒न्तरा॒सनि॑ ।
पव॑मानः संत॒निः प्र॑घ्न॒तामि॑व॒ मधु॑मान्द्र॒प्सः परि॒ वार॑मर्षति ॥ ९.०६९.०२
upo̍ ma̱tiḥ pṛ̱cyate̍ si̱cyate̱ madhu̍ ma̱ndrāja̍nī codate a̱ntarā̱sani̍ .
pava̍mānaḥ saṃta̱niḥ pra̍ghna̱tāmi̍va̱ madhu̍māndra̱psaḥ pari̱ vāra̍marṣati .. 9.069.02
2 The thought is deeply fixed; the savoury juice is shed; the tongue with joyous sound is stirring in the mouth;
And Pavamana, like the shout of combatants, the drop rising in sweet juice, is flowing through the fleece.
Sloka : 9.69.3
अव्ये॑ वधू॒युः प॑वते॒ परि॑ त्व॒चि श्र॑थ्नी॒ते न॒प्तीरदि॑तेरृ॒तं य॒ते ।
हरि॑रक्रान्यज॒तः सं॑य॒तो मदो॑ नृ॒म्णा शिशा॑नो महि॒षो न शो॑भते ॥ ९.०६९.०३
avye̍ vadhū̱yuḥ pa̍vate̱ pari̍ tva̱ci śra̍thnī̱te na̱ptīradi̍terṛ̱taṃ ya̱te .
hari̍rakrānyaja̱taḥ sa̍ṃya̱to mado̍ nṛ̱mṇā śiśā̍no mahi̱ṣo na śo̍bhate .. 9.069.03
3 He flows about the sheep-skin, longing for a bride:- he looses Aditi's Daughters for the worshipper.
The sacred drink hath come, gold-tinted, well-restrained:- like a strong Bull he shines, whetting his manly might.
Sloka : 9.69.4
उ॒क्षा मि॑माति॒ प्रति॑ यन्ति धे॒नवो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ दे॒वीरुप॑ यन्ति निष्कृ॒तम् ।
अत्य॑क्रमी॒दर्जु॑नं॒ वार॑म॒व्यय॒मत्कं॒ न नि॒क्तं परि॒ सोमो॑ अव्यत ॥ ९.०६९.०४
u̱kṣā mi̍māti̱ prati̍ yanti dhe̱navo̍ de̱vasya̍ de̱vīrupa̍ yanti niṣkṛ̱tam .
atya̍kramī̱darju̍na̱ṃ vāra̍ma̱vyaya̱matka̱ṃ na ni̱ktaṃ pari̱ somo̍ avyata .. 9.069.04
4 The Bull is bellowing; the Cows are coming nigh:- the Goddesses approach the God's own resting-place.
Onward hath Soma passed through the sheep's fair bright fleece, and hath, as twere, endued a garment newly washed.
Sloka : 9.69.5
अमृ॑क्तेन॒ रुश॑ता॒ वास॑सा॒ हरि॒रम॑र्त्यो निर्णिजा॒नः परि॑ व्यत ।
दि॒वस्पृ॒ष्ठं ब॒र्हणा॑ नि॒र्णिजे॑ कृतोप॒स्तर॑णं च॒म्वो॑र्नभ॒स्मय॑म् ॥ ९.०६९.०५
amṛ̍ktena̱ ruśa̍tā̱ vāsa̍sā̱ hari̱rama̍rtyo nirṇijā̱naḥ pari̍ vyata .
di̱vaspṛ̱ṣṭhaṃ ba̱rhaṇā̍ ni̱rṇije̍ kṛtopa̱stara̍ṇaṃ ca̱mvo̍rnabha̱smaya̍m .. 9.069.05
5 The golden-hued, Immortal, newly bathed, puts on a brightly shining vesture that is never harmed.
He made the ridge of heaven to be his radiant robe, by sprinkling of the bowls from moisture of the sky.
Sloka : 9.69.6
सूर्य॑स्येव र॒श्मयो॑ द्रावयि॒त्नवो॑ मत्स॒रासः॑ प्र॒सुपः॑ सा॒कमी॑रते ।
तन्तुं॑ त॒तं परि॒ सर्गा॑स आ॒शवो॒ नेन्द्रा॑दृ॒ते प॑वते॒ धाम॒ किं च॒न ॥ ९.०६९.०६
sūrya̍syeva ra̱śmayo̍ drāvayi̱tnavo̍ matsa̱rāsa̍ḥ pra̱supa̍ḥ sā̱kamī̍rate .
tantu̍ṃ ta̱taṃ pari̱ sargā̍sa ā̱śavo̱ nendrā̍dṛ̱te pa̍vate̱ dhāma̱ kiṃ ca̱na .. 9.069.06
6 Even as the beams of Sūrya, urging men to speed, that cheer and send to sleep, together rush they forth,
These swift outpourings in long course of holy rites:- no form save only Indra shows itself so pure.
Sloka : 9.69.7
सिन्धो॑रिव प्रव॒णे नि॒म्न आ॒शवो॒ वृष॑च्युता॒ मदा॑सो गा॒तुमा॑शत ।
शं नो॑ निवे॒शे द्वि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे॒ऽस्मे वाजाः॑ सोम तिष्ठन्तु कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ९.०६९.०७
sindho̍riva prava̱ṇe ni̱mna ā̱śavo̱ vṛṣa̍cyutā̱ madā̍so gā̱tumā̍śata .
śaṃ no̍ nive̱śe dvi̱pade̱ catu̍ṣpade̱'sme vājā̍ḥ soma tiṣṭhantu kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 9.069.07
7 As down the steep slope of a river to the vale, drawn from the Steer the swift strong draughts have found a way.
Well be it with the men and cattle in our home. May powers, O Soma, may the people stay with us.
Sloka : 9.69.8
आ नः॑ पवस्व॒ वसु॑म॒द्धिर॑ण्यव॒दश्वा॑व॒द्गोम॒द्यव॑मत्सु॒वीर्य॑म् ।
यू॒यं हि सो॑म पि॒तरो॒ मम॒ स्थन॑ दि॒वो मू॒र्धानः॒ प्रस्थि॑ता वय॒स्कृतः॑ ॥ ९.०६९.०८
ā na̍ḥ pavasva̱ vasu̍ma̱ddhira̍ṇyava̱daśvā̍va̱dgoma̱dyava̍matsu̱vīrya̍m .
yū̱yaṃ hi so̍ma pi̱taro̱ mama̱ sthana̍ di̱vo mū̱rdhāna̱ḥ prasthi̍tā vaya̱skṛta̍ḥ .. 9.069.08
8 Pour out upon us wealth in goods, in gold, in steeds, in cattle and in corn, and great heroic strength.
Ye, Soma, are my Fathers, lifted up on high as heads of heaven and makers of the strength of life.
Sloka : 9.69.9
ए॒ते सोमाः॒ पव॑मानास॒ इन्द्रं॒ रथा॑ इव॒ प्र य॑युः सा॒तिमच्छ॑ ।
सु॒ताः प॒वित्र॒मति॑ य॒न्त्यव्यं॑ हि॒त्वी व॒व्रिं ह॒रितो॑ वृ॒ष्टिमच्छ॑ ॥ ९.०६९.०९
e̱te somā̱ḥ pava̍mānāsa̱ indra̱ṃ rathā̍ iva̱ pra ya̍yuḥ sā̱timaccha̍ .
su̱tāḥ pa̱vitra̱mati̍ ya̱ntyavya̍ṃ hi̱tvī va̱vriṃ ha̱rito̍ vṛ̱ṣṭimaccha̍ .. 9.069.09
9 These Pavamanas here, these drops of Soma, to Indra have sped forth like cars to booty.
Effused, they pass the cleansing fleece, while, gold-hued, they cast their covering off to pour the rain down.
Sloka : 9.69.10
इन्द॒विन्द्रा॑य बृह॒ते प॑वस्व सुमृळी॒को अ॑नव॒द्यो रि॒शादाः॑ ।
भरा॑ च॒न्द्राणि॑ गृण॒ते वसू॑नि दे॒वैर्द्या॑वापृथिवी॒ प्राव॑तं नः ॥ ९.०६९.१०
inda̱vindrā̍ya bṛha̱te pa̍vasva sumṛl̤ī̱ko a̍nava̱dyo ri̱śādā̍ḥ .
bharā̍ ca̱ndrāṇi̍ gṛṇa̱te vasū̍ni de̱vairdyā̍vāpṛthivī̱ prāva̍taṃ naḥ .. 9.069.10
10 O Indu, flow thou on for lofty Indra, flow blameless, very gracious, foe-destroyer.
Bring splendid treasures to the man who lauds thee. O Heaven and Earth, with all the Gods protect. us.
Sloka : 9.70.1
त्रिर॑स्मै स॒प्त धे॒नवो॑ दुदुह्रे स॒त्यामा॒शिरं॑ पू॒र्व्ये व्यो॑मनि ।
च॒त्वार्य॒न्या भुव॑नानि नि॒र्णिजे॒ चारू॑णि चक्रे॒ यदृ॒तैरव॑र्धत ॥ ९.०७०.०१
trira̍smai sa̱pta dhe̱navo̍ duduhre sa̱tyāmā̱śira̍ṃ pū̱rvye vyo̍mani .
ca̱tvārya̱nyā bhuva̍nāni ni̱rṇije̱ cārū̍ṇi cakre̱ yadṛ̱tairava̍rdhata .. 9.070.01
1. THE three times seven Milch-kine in the eastern heaven have for this Soma poured the genuine milky draught.
Four other beauteous Creatures hath he made for his adornment, when he waxed in strength through holy rites.
Sloka : 9.70.2
स भिक्ष॑माणो अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ चारु॑ण उ॒भे द्यावा॒ काव्ये॑ना॒ वि श॑श्रथे ।
तेजि॑ष्ठा अ॒पो मं॒हना॒ परि॑ व्यत॒ यदी॑ दे॒वस्य॒ श्रव॑सा॒ सदो॑ वि॒दुः ॥ ९.०७०.०२
sa bhikṣa̍māṇo a̱mṛta̍sya̱ cāru̍ṇa u̱bhe dyāvā̱ kāvye̍nā̱ vi śa̍śrathe .
teji̍ṣṭhā a̱po ma̱ṃhanā̱ pari̍ vyata̱ yadī̍ de̱vasya̱ śrava̍sā̱ sado̍ vi̱duḥ .. 9.070.02
2 Longing for lovely Amṛta, by his wisdom he divided, each apart from other, earth and heaven.
He gladly wrapped himself in the most lucid floods, when through their glory they found the God's resting-place.
Sloka : 9.70.3
ते अ॑स्य सन्तु के॒तवोऽमृ॑त्य॒वोऽदा॑भ्यासो ज॒नुषी॑ उ॒भे अनु॑ ।
येभि॑र्नृ॒म्णा च॑ दे॒व्या॑ च पुन॒त आदिद्राजा॑नं म॒नना॑ अगृभ्णत ॥ ९.०७०.०३
te a̍sya santu ke̱tavo'mṛ̍tya̱vo'dā̍bhyāso ja̱nuṣī̍ u̱bhe anu̍ .
yebhi̍rnṛ̱mṇā ca̍ de̱vyā̍ ca puna̱ta ādidrājā̍naṃ ma̱nanā̍ agṛbhṇata .. 9.070.03
3 May those his brilliant rays he ever free from death, inviolate, for both classes of created things,
Rays wherewith powers of men and Gods are purified. Yea, even for this have sageswelcomed him as King.
Sloka : 9.70.4
स मृ॒ज्यमा॑नो द॒शभिः॑ सु॒कर्म॑भिः॒ प्र म॑ध्य॒मासु॑ मा॒तृषु॑ प्र॒मे सचा॑ ।
व्र॒तानि॑ पा॒नो अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ चारु॑ण उ॒भे नृ॒चक्षा॒ अनु॑ पश्यते॒ विशौ॑ ॥ ९.०७०.०४
sa mṛ̱jyamā̍no da̱śabhi̍ḥ su̱karma̍bhi̱ḥ pra ma̍dhya̱māsu̍ mā̱tṛṣu̍ pra̱me sacā̍ .
vra̱tāni̍ pā̱no a̱mṛta̍sya̱ cāru̍ṇa u̱bhe nṛ̱cakṣā̱ anu̍ paśyate̱ viśau̍ .. 9.070.04
4 He, while he is adorned by the ten skilful ones, that he too in the Midmost Mothers may create,
While he is watching oer the lovely Amṛta's ways, looks on both races as Beholder of mankind.
Sloka : 9.70.5
स म॑र्मृजा॒न इ॑न्द्रि॒याय॒ धाय॑स॒ ओभे अ॒न्ता रोद॑सी हर्षते हि॒तः ।
वृषा॒ शुष्मे॑ण बाधते॒ वि दु॑र्म॒तीरा॒देदि॑शानः शर्य॒हेव॑ शु॒रुधः॑ ॥ ९.०७०.०५
sa ma̍rmṛjā̱na i̍ndri̱yāya̱ dhāya̍sa̱ obhe a̱ntā roda̍sī harṣate hi̱taḥ .
vṛṣā̱ śuṣme̍ṇa bādhate̱ vi du̍rma̱tīrā̱dedi̍śānaḥ śarya̱heva̍ śu̱rudha̍ḥ .. 9.070.05
5 He, while he is adorned to stream forth mighty strength, rejoices in his place between the earth and heaven.
The Steer dispels the evil-hearted with his might, aiming at offerings as an archer at the game.
Sloka : 9.70.6
स मा॒तरा॒ न ददृ॑शान उ॒स्रियो॒ नान॑ददेति म॒रुता॑मिव स्व॒नः ।
जा॒नन्नृ॒तं प्र॑थ॒मं यत्स्व॑र्णरं॒ प्रश॑स्तये॒ कम॑वृणीत सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ९.०७०.०६
sa mā̱tarā̱ na dadṛ̍śāna u̱sriyo̱ nāna̍dadeti ma̱rutā̍miva sva̱naḥ .
jā̱nannṛ̱taṃ pra̍tha̱maṃ yatsva̍rṇara̱ṃ praśa̍staye̱ kama̍vṛṇīta su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 9.070.06
6 Beholding, as it were, Two Mother Cows, the Steer goes roaring on his way even as the Maruts roar.
Knowing Eternal Law, the earliest light of heaven, he, passing wise, was chosen out to tell it forth.
Sloka : 9.70.7
रु॒वति॑ भी॒मो वृ॑ष॒भस्त॑वि॒ष्यया॒ शृङ्गे॒ शिशा॑नो॒ हरि॑णी विचक्ष॒णः ।
आ योनिं॒ सोमः॒ सुकृ॑तं॒ नि षी॑दति ग॒व्ययी॒ त्वग्भ॑वति नि॒र्णिग॒व्ययी॑ ॥ ९.०७०.०७
ru̱vati̍ bhī̱mo vṛ̍ṣa̱bhasta̍vi̱ṣyayā̱ śṛṅge̱ śiśā̍no̱ hari̍ṇī vicakṣa̱ṇaḥ .
ā yoni̱ṃ soma̱ḥ sukṛ̍ta̱ṃ ni ṣī̍dati ga̱vyayī̱ tvagbha̍vati ni̱rṇiga̱vyayī̍ .. 9.070.07
7 The fearful Bull is bellowing with violent might, far-sighted, sharpening his yellowcoloured horns.
Soma assumes his seat in the well-fashioned place:- the cowhide and the sheepskin are his ornament.
Sloka : 9.70.8
शुचिः॑ पुना॒नस्त॒न्व॑मरे॒पस॒मव्ये॒ हरि॒र्न्य॑धाविष्ट॒ सान॑वि ।
जुष्टो॑ मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय वा॒यवे॑ त्रि॒धातु॒ मधु॑ क्रियते सु॒कर्म॑भिः ॥ ९.०७०.०८
śuci̍ḥ punā̱nasta̱nva̍mare̱pasa̱mavye̱ hari̱rnya̍dhāviṣṭa̱ sāna̍vi .
juṣṭo̍ mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya vā̱yave̍ tri̱dhātu̱ madhu̍ kriyate su̱karma̍bhiḥ .. 9.070.08
8 Bright, making pure his body free from spot and stain, on the sheep's back the Golden-coloured hath flowed down.
Acceptable to Mitra, Vāyu, Varuṇa, he is prepared as threefold meal by skilful men.
Sloka : 9.70.9
पव॑स्व सोम दे॒ववी॑तये॒ वृषेन्द्र॑स्य॒ हार्दि॑ सोम॒धान॒मा वि॑श ।
पु॒रा नो॑ बा॒धाद्दु॑रि॒ताति॑ पारय क्षेत्र॒विद्धि दिश॒ आहा॑ विपृच्छ॒ते ॥ ९.०७०.०९
pava̍sva soma de̱vavī̍taye̱ vṛṣendra̍sya̱ hārdi̍ soma̱dhāna̱mā vi̍śa .
pu̱rā no̍ bā̱dhāddu̍ri̱tāti̍ pāraya kṣetra̱viddhi diśa̱ āhā̍ vipṛccha̱te .. 9.070.09
9 Flow on for the God's banquet, Soma, as a Steer, and enter Indra's heart, the Soma's reservoir.
Bear us beyond misfortune ere we be oppres. sed. the man who knows the land directs the man who asks.
Sloka : 9.70.10
हि॒तो न सप्ति॑र॒भि वाज॑म॒र्षेन्द्र॑स्येन्दो ज॒ठर॒मा प॑वस्व ।
ना॒वा न सिन्धु॒मति॑ पर्षि वि॒द्वाञ्छूरो॒ न युध्य॒न्नव॑ नो नि॒दः स्पः॑ ॥ ९.०७०.१०
hi̱to na sapti̍ra̱bhi vāja̍ma̱rṣendra̍syendo ja̱ṭhara̱mā pa̍vasva .
nā̱vā na sindhu̱mati̍ parṣi vi̱dvāñchūro̱ na yudhya̱nnava̍ no ni̱daḥ spa̍ḥ .. 9.070.10
10 Urged like a car-steed flow to strength, O Soma:- Indu, flow onward to the throat of Indra.
Skilled, bear us past, as in a boat oer water:- as battling Hero save us from the foeman.
Sloka : 9.71.1
आ दक्षि॑णा सृज्यते शु॒ष्म्या॒३॒॑सदं॒ वेति॑ द्रु॒हो र॒क्षसः॑ पाति॒ जागृ॑विः ।
हरि॑रोप॒शं कृ॑णुते॒ नभ॒स्पय॑ उप॒स्तिरे॑ च॒म्वो॒३॒॑र्ब्रह्म॑ नि॒र्णिजे॑ ॥ ९.०७१.०१
ā dakṣi̍ṇā sṛjyate śu̱ṣmyā̱3̱̍sada̱ṃ veti̍ dru̱ho ra̱kṣasa̍ḥ pāti̱ jāgṛ̍viḥ .
hari̍ropa̱śaṃ kṛ̍ṇute̱ nabha̱spaya̍ upa̱stire̍ ca̱mvo̱3̱̍rbrahma̍ ni̱rṇije̍ .. 9.071.01
1. THE guerdon is bestowed:- the Mighty takes his Seat, and, ever-Watchful, guards from fiend and evil sprite.
Gold-hued, he makes the cloud his diadem, the milk his carpet in both worlds, and prayer his robe of state.
Sloka : 9.71.2
प्र कृ॑ष्टि॒हेव॑ शू॒ष ए॑ति॒ रोरु॑वदसु॒र्यं१॒॑ वर्णं॒ नि रि॑णीते अस्य॒ तम् ।
जहा॑ति व॒व्रिं पि॒तुरे॑ति निष्कृ॒तमु॑प॒प्रुतं॑ कृणुते नि॒र्णिजं॒ तना॑ ॥ ९.०७१.०२
pra kṛ̍ṣṭi̱heva̍ śū̱ṣa e̍ti̱ roru̍vadasu̱ryaṃ1̱̍ varṇa̱ṃ ni ri̍ṇīte asya̱ tam .
jahā̍ti va̱vriṃ pi̱ture̍ti niṣkṛ̱tamu̍pa̱pruta̍ṃ kṛṇute ni̱rṇija̱ṃ tanā̍ .. 9.071.02
2 Strong, bellowing, he goes, like one who slays the folk; he lets this hue of Asuras flow off from him,
Throws off his covering, seeks his father's meeting-place, and thus makes for himself the bright robe he assumes.
Sloka : 9.71.3
अद्रि॑भिः सु॒तः प॑वते॒ गभ॑स्त्योर्वृषा॒यते॒ नभ॑सा॒ वेप॑ते म॒ती ।
स मो॑दते॒ नस॑ते॒ साध॑ते गि॒रा ने॑नि॒क्ते अ॒प्सु यज॑ते॒ परी॑मणि ॥ ९.०७१.०३
adri̍bhiḥ su̱taḥ pa̍vate̱ gabha̍styorvṛṣā̱yate̱ nabha̍sā̱ vepa̍te ma̱tī .
sa mo̍date̱ nasa̍te̱ sādha̍te gi̱rā ne̍ni̱kte a̱psu yaja̍te̱ parī̍maṇi .. 9.071.03
3 Onward he flows, from both the hands, pressed out with stones:- excited by the prayer, the water makes him wild.
He frolics and draws near, completes his work with song, and bathes in streams to satisfy the worshipper.
Sloka : 9.71.4
परि॑ द्यु॒क्षं सह॑सः पर्वता॒वृधं॒ मध्वः॑ सिञ्चन्ति ह॒र्म्यस्य॑ स॒क्षणि॑म् ।
आ यस्मि॒न्गावः॑ सुहु॒ताद॒ ऊध॑नि मू॒र्धञ्छ्री॒णन्त्य॑ग्रि॒यं वरी॑मभिः ॥ ९.०७१.०४
pari̍ dyu̱kṣaṃ saha̍saḥ parvatā̱vṛdha̱ṃ madhva̍ḥ siñcanti ha̱rmyasya̍ sa̱kṣaṇi̍m .
ā yasmi̱ngāva̍ḥ suhu̱tāda̱ ūdha̍ni mū̱rdhañchrī̱ṇantya̍gri̱yaṃ varī̍mabhiḥ .. 9.071.04
4 They pour out meath around the Master of the house, Celestial Strengthener of the mountain that gives might;
In whom, through his great powers, oblation-eating cows in their uplifted udder mix their choicest milk.
Sloka : 9.71.5
समी॒ रथं॒ न भु॒रिजो॑रहेषत॒ दश॒ स्वसा॑रो॒ अदि॑तेरु॒पस्थ॒ आ ।
जिगा॒दुप॑ ज्रयति॒ गोर॑पी॒च्यं॑ प॒दं यद॑स्य म॒तुथा॒ अजी॑जनन् ॥ ९.०७१.०५
samī̱ ratha̱ṃ na bhu̱rijo̍raheṣata̱ daśa̱ svasā̍ro̱ adi̍teru̱pastha̱ ā .
jigā̱dupa̍ jrayati̱ gora̍pī̱cya̍ṃ pa̱daṃ yada̍sya ma̱tuthā̱ ajī̍janan .. 9.071.05
5 They, the ten sisters, on the lap of Aditi, have sent him forward like a car from both the arms.
He wanders and comes near the Cow's mysterious place, even the place which his inventions have produced.
Sloka : 9.71.6
श्ये॒नो न योनिं॒ सद॑नं धि॒या कृ॒तं हि॑र॒ण्यय॑मा॒सदं॑ दे॒व एष॑ति ।
ए रि॑णन्ति ब॒र्हिषि॑ प्रि॒यं गि॒राश्वो॒ न दे॒वाँ अप्ये॑ति य॒ज्ञियः॑ ॥ ९.०७१.०६
śye̱no na yoni̱ṃ sada̍naṃ dhi̱yā kṛ̱taṃ hi̍ra̱ṇyaya̍mā̱sada̍ṃ de̱va eṣa̍ti .
e ri̍ṇanti ba̱rhiṣi̍ pri̱yaṃ gi̱rāśvo̱ na de̱vām̐ apye̍ti ya̱jñiya̍ḥ .. 9.071.06
6 Like as a falcon to his home, so speeds the God to his own golden wisely-tashioned place to rest.
With song they urge the darling to the sacred grass:- the Holy One goes like a courser to the Gods.
Sloka : 9.71.7
परा॒ व्य॑क्तो अरु॒षो दि॒वः क॒विर्वृषा॑ त्रिपृ॒ष्ठो अ॑नविष्ट॒ गा अ॒भि ।
स॒हस्र॑णीति॒र्यतिः॑ परा॒यती॑ रे॒भो न पू॒र्वीरु॒षसो॒ वि रा॑जति ॥ ९.०७१.०७
parā̱ vya̍kto aru̱ṣo di̱vaḥ ka̱virvṛṣā̍ tripṛ̱ṣṭho a̍naviṣṭa̱ gā a̱bhi .
sa̱hasra̍ṇīti̱ryati̍ḥ parā̱yatī̍ re̱bho na pū̱rvīru̱ṣaso̱ vi rā̍jati .. 9.071.07
7 From far away, from heaven, the redhued noted Sage, Steer of the triple height, hath sung unto the kine.
With thousand guidings he, leading this way and that, shines, as a singer, splendidly through many a morn.
Sloka : 9.71.8
त्वे॒षं रू॒पं कृ॑णुते॒ वर्णो॑ अस्य॒ स यत्राश॑य॒त्समृ॑ता॒ सेध॑ति स्रि॒धः ।
अ॒प्सा या॑ति स्व॒धया॒ दैव्यं॒ जनं॒ सं सु॑ष्टु॒ती नस॑ते॒ सं गोअ॑ग्रया ॥ ९.०७१.०८
tve̱ṣaṃ rū̱paṃ kṛ̍ṇute̱ varṇo̍ asya̱ sa yatrāśa̍ya̱tsamṛ̍tā̱ sedha̍ti sri̱dhaḥ .
a̱psā yā̍ti sva̱dhayā̱ daivya̱ṃ jana̱ṃ saṃ su̍ṣṭu̱tī nasa̍te̱ saṃ goa̍grayā .. 9.071.08
8 His covering assumes a radiant hue; whereer he comes into the fight he drives the foe afar.
The Winner of the Floods, with food he seeks the host of heaven, he comes to praises glorified with milk.
Sloka : 9.71.9
उ॒क्षेव॑ यू॒था प॑रि॒यन्न॑रावी॒दधि॒ त्विषी॑रधित॒ सूर्य॑स्य ।
दि॒व्यः सु॑प॒र्णोऽव॑ चक्षत॒ क्षां सोमः॒ परि॒ क्रतु॑ना पश्यते॒ जाः ॥ ९.०७१.०९
u̱kṣeva̍ yū̱thā pa̍ri̱yanna̍rāvī̱dadhi̱ tviṣī̍radhita̱ sūrya̍sya .
di̱vyaḥ su̍pa̱rṇo'va̍ cakṣata̱ kṣāṃ soma̱ḥ pari̱ kratu̍nā paśyate̱ jāḥ .. 9.071.09
9 Like a bull roaming round the herds he bellows:- he hath assumed the brilliancy of Sūrya.
Down to the earth hath looked the heavenly Falcon:- Soma with wisdom views all living creatures.
Sloka : 9.72.1
हरिं॑ मृजन्त्यरु॒षो न यु॑ज्यते॒ सं धे॒नुभिः॑ क॒लशे॒ सोमो॑ अज्यते ।
उद्वाच॑मी॒रय॑ति हि॒न्वते॑ म॒ती पु॑रुष्टु॒तस्य॒ कति॑ चित्परि॒प्रियः॑ ॥ ९.०७२.०१
hari̍ṃ mṛjantyaru̱ṣo na yu̍jyate̱ saṃ dhe̱nubhi̍ḥ ka̱laśe̱ somo̍ ajyate .
udvāca̍mī̱raya̍ti hi̱nvate̍ ma̱tī pu̍ruṣṭu̱tasya̱ kati̍ citpari̱priya̍ḥ .. 9.072.01
1. THEY cleanse the Gold-hued:- like a red Steed is he yoked, and Soma in the jar is mingled with the milk.
He sendeth out his voice, and many loving friends of him the highly lauded hasten with their songs.
Sloka : 9.72.2
सा॒कं व॑दन्ति ब॒हवो॑ मनी॒षिण॒ इन्द्र॑स्य॒ सोमं॑ ज॒ठरे॒ यदा॑दु॒हुः ।
यदी॑ मृ॒जन्ति॒ सुग॑भस्तयो॒ नरः॒ सनी॑ळाभिर्द॒शभिः॒ काम्यं॒ मधु॑ ॥ ९.०७२.०२
sā̱kaṃ va̍danti ba̱havo̍ manī̱ṣiṇa̱ indra̍sya̱ soma̍ṃ ja̱ṭhare̱ yadā̍du̱huḥ .
yadī̍ mṛ̱janti̱ suga̍bhastayo̱ nara̱ḥ sanī̍l̤ābhirda̱śabhi̱ḥ kāmya̱ṃ madhu̍ .. 9.072.02
2 The many sages utter words in unison, while into Indra's throat they pour the Soma juice,
When, with the ten that dwell together closely joined, the men whose hands are skilful cleanse the lovely meath.
Sloka : 9.72.3
अर॑ममाणो॒ अत्ये॑ति॒ गा अ॒भि सूर्य॑स्य प्रि॒यं दु॑हि॒तुस्ति॒रो रव॑म् ।
अन्व॑स्मै॒ जोष॑मभरद्विनंगृ॒सः सं द्व॒यीभिः॒ स्वसृ॑भिः क्षेति जा॒मिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०७२.०३
ara̍mamāṇo̱ atye̍ti̱ gā a̱bhi sūrya̍sya pri̱yaṃ du̍hi̱tusti̱ro rava̍m .
anva̍smai̱ joṣa̍mabharadvinaṃgṛ̱saḥ saṃ dva̱yībhi̱ḥ svasṛ̍bhiḥ kṣeti jā̱mibhi̍ḥ .. 9.072.03
3 He goes upon his way, unresting, to the cows, over the roaring sound which Sarya's Daughter loves.
The Falcon brought it to him for his own delight:- now with the twofold kindred sisters is his home.
Sloka : 9.72.4
नृधू॑तो॒ अद्रि॑षुतो ब॒र्हिषि॑ प्रि॒यः पति॒र्गवां॑ प्र॒दिव॒ इन्दु॑रृ॒त्वियः॑ ।
पुरं॑धिवा॒न्मनु॑षो यज्ञ॒साध॑नः॒ शुचि॑र्धि॒या प॑वते॒ सोम॑ इन्द्र ते ॥ ९.०७२.०४
nṛdhū̍to̱ adri̍ṣuto ba̱rhiṣi̍ pri̱yaḥ pati̱rgavā̍ṃ pra̱diva̱ indu̍rṛ̱tviya̍ḥ .
pura̍ṃdhivā̱nmanu̍ṣo yajña̱sādha̍na̱ḥ śuci̍rdhi̱yā pa̍vate̱ soma̍ indra te .. 9.072.04
4 Washed by the men, stone-pressed, dear on the holy grass, faithful to seasons, Lord of cattle from of old,
Most liberal, completing sacrifice for men, O Indra, pure bright Soma, Indu, flows for thee.
Sloka : 9.72.5
नृबा॒हुभ्यां॑ चोदि॒तो धार॑या सु॒तो॑ऽनुष्व॒धं प॑वते॒ सोम॑ इन्द्र ते ।
आप्राः॒ क्रतू॒न्सम॑जैरध्व॒रे म॒तीर्वेर्न द्रु॒षच्च॒म्वो॒३॒॑रास॑द॒द्धरिः॑ ॥ ९.०७२.०५
nṛbā̱hubhyā̍ṃ codi̱to dhāra̍yā su̱to̎nuṣva̱dhaṃ pa̍vate̱ soma̍ indra te .
āprā̱ḥ kratū̱nsama̍jairadhva̱re ma̱tīrverna dru̱ṣacca̱mvo̱3̱̍rāsa̍da̱ddhari̍ḥ .. 9.072.05
5 O Indra, urged by arms of men and poured in streams, Soma flows on for thee afterḥis Godlike kind.
Plans thou fulfillest, gatherest thoughts for sacrifice:- in the bowls sits the Gold-hued like a roosting bird.
Sloka : 9.72.6
अं॒शुं दु॑हन्ति स्त॒नय॑न्त॒मक्षि॑तं क॒विं क॒वयो॒ऽपसो॑ मनी॒षिणः॑ ।
समी॒ गावो॑ म॒तयो॑ यन्ति सं॒यत॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ योना॒ सद॑ने पुन॒र्भुवः॑ ॥ ९.०७२.०६
a̱ṃśuṃ du̍hanti sta̱naya̍nta̱makṣi̍taṃ ka̱viṃ ka̱vayo̱'paso̍ manī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .
samī̱ gāvo̍ ma̱tayo̍ yanti sa̱ṃyata̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ yonā̱ sada̍ne puna̱rbhuva̍ḥ .. 9.072.06
6 Sages well-skilled in work, intelligent, drain out the stalk that roars, the Sage, the Everlasting One.
The milk, the hymns unite them with him in the place of sacrifice, his seat who is produced anew.
Sloka : 9.72.7
नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्या ध॒रुणो॑ म॒हो दि॒वो॒३॒॑ऽपामू॒र्मौ सिन्धु॑ष्व॒न्तरु॑क्षि॒तः ।
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ वज्रो॑ वृष॒भो वि॒भूव॑सुः॒ सोमो॑ हृ॒दे प॑वते॒ चारु॑ मत्स॒रः ॥ ९.०७२.०७
nābhā̍ pṛthi̱vyā dha̱ruṇo̍ ma̱ho di̱vo̱3̱̎pāmū̱rmau sindhu̍ṣva̱ntaru̍kṣi̱taḥ .
indra̍sya̱ vajro̍ vṛṣa̱bho vi̱bhūva̍su̱ḥ somo̍ hṛ̱de pa̍vate̱ cāru̍ matsa̱raḥ .. 9.072.07
7 Earth's central point, sustainer of the mighty heavens, distilled into the streams, into the waters' wave,
As Indra's thunderbolt, Steer with farspreading wealth, Soma is flowing on to make the heart rejoice.
Sloka : 9.72.8
स तू प॑वस्व॒ परि॒ पार्थि॑वं॒ रजः॑ स्तो॒त्रे शिक्ष॑न्नाधून्व॒ते च॑ सुक्रतो ।
मा नो॒ निर्भा॒ग्वसु॑नः सादन॒स्पृशो॑ र॒यिं पि॒शङ्गं॑ बहु॒लं व॑सीमहि ॥ ९.०७२.०८
sa tū pa̍vasva̱ pari̱ pārthi̍va̱ṃ raja̍ḥ sto̱tre śikṣa̍nnādhūnva̱te ca̍ sukrato .
mā no̱ nirbhā̱gvasu̍naḥ sādana̱spṛśo̍ ra̱yiṃ pi̱śaṅga̍ṃ bahu̱laṃ va̍sīmahi .. 9.072.08
8 Over the earthly region flow thou on thy way, helping the praiser and the pourer, thou Most Wise.
Let us not lack rich treasure reaching to our home, and may we clothe ourselves in manifold bright wealth.
Sloka : 9.72.9
आ तू न॑ इन्दो श॒तदा॒त्वश्व्यं॑ स॒हस्र॑दातु पशु॒मद्धिर॑ण्यवत् ।
उप॑ मास्व बृह॒ती रे॒वती॒रिषोऽधि॑ स्तो॒त्रस्य॑ पवमान नो गहि ॥ ९.०७२.०९
ā tū na̍ indo śa̱tadā̱tvaśvya̍ṃ sa̱hasra̍dātu paśu̱maddhira̍ṇyavat .
upa̍ māsva bṛha̱tī re̱vatī̱riṣo'dhi̍ sto̱trasya̍ pavamāna no gahi .. 9.072.09
9 Hither, O Indu, unto us a hundred gifts of steeds, a thousand gifts of cattle and of gold,
Measure thou forth, yea, splendid ample strengthening food do thou, O Pavamana, heed this laud of ours.
Sloka : 9.73.1
स्रक्वे॑ द्र॒प्सस्य॒ धम॑तः॒ सम॑स्वरन्नृ॒तस्य॒ योना॒ सम॑रन्त॒ नाभ॑यः ।
त्रीन्स मू॒र्ध्नो असु॑रश्चक्र आ॒रभे॑ स॒त्यस्य॒ नावः॑ सु॒कृत॑मपीपरन् ॥ ९.०७३.०१
srakve̍ dra̱psasya̱ dhama̍ta̱ḥ sama̍svarannṛ̱tasya̱ yonā̱ sama̍ranta̱ nābha̍yaḥ .
trīnsa mū̱rdhno asu̍raścakra ā̱rabhe̍ sa̱tyasya̱ nāva̍ḥ su̱kṛta̍mapīparan .. 9.073.01
1. THEY from the spouting drop have sounded at the rim:- naves speed together to the place of sacrifice.
That Asura hath formed, to seize, three lofty heights. The ships of truth have borne the pious man across.
Sloka : 9.73.2
स॒म्यक्स॒म्यञ्चो॑ महि॒षा अ॑हेषत॒ सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मावधि॑ वे॒ना अ॑वीविपन् ।
मधो॒र्धारा॑भिर्ज॒नय॑न्तो अ॒र्कमित्प्रि॒यामिन्द्र॑स्य त॒न्व॑मवीवृधन् ॥ ९.०७३.०२
sa̱myaksa̱myañco̍ mahi̱ṣā a̍heṣata̱ sindho̍rū̱rmāvadhi̍ ve̱nā a̍vīvipan .
madho̱rdhārā̍bhirja̱naya̍nto a̱rkamitpri̱yāmindra̍sya ta̱nva̍mavīvṛdhan .. 9.073.02
2 The strong Steers, gathering, have duly stirred themselves,and over the stream's wave the friends sent forth the song.
Engendering the hymn, with flowing streams of meath, Indra's dear body have they caused to wax in strength.
Sloka : 9.73.3
प॒वित्र॑वन्तः॒ परि॒ वाच॑मासते पि॒तैषां॑ प्र॒त्नो अ॒भि र॑क्षति व्र॒तम् ।
म॒हः स॑मु॒द्रं वरु॑णस्ति॒रो द॑धे॒ धीरा॒ इच्छे॑कुर्ध॒रुणे॑ष्वा॒रभ॑म् ॥ ९.०७३.०३
pa̱vitra̍vanta̱ḥ pari̱ vāca̍māsate pi̱taiṣā̍ṃ pra̱tno a̱bhi ra̍kṣati vra̱tam .
ma̱haḥ sa̍mu̱draṃ varu̍ṇasti̱ro da̍dhe̱ dhīrā̱ icche̍kurdha̱ruṇe̍ṣvā̱rabha̍m .. 9.073.03
3 With sanctifying gear they sit around the song:- their ancient Father guards their holy work from harm.
Varuṇa hath oerspread the mighty sea of air. Sages had power to hold him in sustaining floods.
Sloka : 9.73.4
स॒हस्र॑धा॒रेऽव॒ ते सम॑स्वरन्दि॒वो नाके॒ मधु॑जिह्वा अस॒श्चतः॑ ।
अस्य॒ स्पशो॒ न नि मि॑षन्ति॒ भूर्ण॑यः प॒देप॑दे पा॒शिनः॑ सन्ति॒ सेत॑वः ॥ ९.०७३.०४
sa̱hasra̍dhā̱re'va̱ te sama̍svarandi̱vo nāke̱ madhu̍jihvā asa̱ścata̍ḥ .
asya̱ spaśo̱ na ni mi̍ṣanti̱ bhūrṇa̍yaḥ pa̱depa̍de pā̱śina̍ḥ santi̱ seta̍vaḥ .. 9.073.04
4 Sweet-tongued, exhaustless, they have sent their voices down togetlier, in heaven's vault that pours a thousand streams.
His wildly-restless warders never close an eye:- in every place are found the bonds that bind man last.
Sloka : 9.73.5
पि॒तुर्मा॒तुरध्या ये स॒मस्व॑रन्नृ॒चा शोच॑न्तः सं॒दह॑न्तो अव्र॒तान् ।
इन्द्र॑द्विष्टा॒मप॑ धमन्ति मा॒यया॒ त्वच॒मसि॑क्नीं॒ भूम॑नो दि॒वस्परि॑ ॥ ९.०७३.०५
pi̱turmā̱turadhyā ye sa̱masva̍rannṛ̱cā śoca̍ntaḥ sa̱ṃdaha̍nto avra̱tān .
indra̍dviṣṭā̱mapa̍ dhamanti mā̱yayā̱ tvaca̱masi̍knī̱ṃ bhūma̍no di̱vaspari̍ .. 9.073.05
5 O'er Sire and Mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men,
Blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which Indra hates.
Sloka : 9.73.6
प्र॒त्नान्माना॒दध्या ये स॒मस्व॑र॒ञ्छ्लोक॑यन्त्रासो रभ॒सस्य॒ मन्त॑वः ।
अपा॑न॒क्षासो॑ बधि॒रा अ॑हासत ऋ॒तस्य॒ पन्थां॒ न त॑रन्ति दु॒ष्कृतः॑ ॥ ९.०७३.०६
pra̱tnānmānā̱dadhyā ye sa̱masva̍ra̱ñchloka̍yantrāso rabha̱sasya̱ manta̍vaḥ .
apā̍na̱kṣāso̍ badhi̱rā a̍hāsata ṛ̱tasya̱ panthā̱ṃ na ta̍ranti du̱ṣkṛta̍ḥ .. 9.073.06
6 Those which, as guides of song and counsellors of speed, were manifested from their ancient dwelling place,
From these the eyeless and the deaf have turned aside:- the wicked travel not the pathway of the Law.
Sloka : 9.73.7
स॒हस्र॑धारे॒ वित॑ते प॒वित्र॒ आ वाचं॑ पुनन्ति क॒वयो॑ मनी॒षिणः॑ ।
रु॒द्रास॑ एषामिषि॒रासो॑ अ॒द्रुहः॒ स्पशः॒ स्वञ्चः॑ सु॒दृशो॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑सः ॥ ९.०७३.०७
sa̱hasra̍dhāre̱ vita̍te pa̱vitra̱ ā vāca̍ṃ punanti ka̱vayo̍ manī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .
ru̱drāsa̍ eṣāmiṣi̱rāso̍ a̱druha̱ḥ spaśa̱ḥ svañca̍ḥ su̱dṛśo̍ nṛ̱cakṣa̍saḥ .. 9.073.07
7 What time the filter with a thousand streams is stretched, the thoughtful sages purify their song therein.
Bright-coloured are their spies, vigorous, void of guile, excellent, fair to see, beholders of mankind.
Sloka : 9.73.8
ऋ॒तस्य॑ गो॒पा न दभा॑य सु॒क्रतु॒स्त्री ष प॒वित्रा॑ हृ॒द्य१॒॑न्तरा द॑धे ।
वि॒द्वान्स विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒भि प॑श्य॒त्यवाजु॑ष्टान्विध्यति क॒र्ते अ॑व्र॒तान् ॥ ९.०७३.०८
ṛ̱tasya̍ go̱pā na dabhā̍ya su̱kratu̱strī ṣa pa̱vitrā̍ hṛ̱dya1̱̍ntarā da̍dhe .
vi̱dvānsa viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱bhi pa̍śya̱tyavāju̍ṣṭānvidhyati ka̱rte a̍vra̱tān .. 9.073.08
8 Guardian of Law, most wise, he may not be deceived:- three Purifiers hath he set within his heart.
With wisdom he beholds all creatures that exist:- he drives into the pit the hated riteliess ones.
Sloka : 9.73.9
ऋ॒तस्य॒ तन्तु॒र्वित॑तः प॒वित्र॒ आ जि॒ह्वाया॒ अग्रे॒ वरु॑णस्य मा॒यया॑ ।
धीरा॑श्चि॒त्तत्स॒मिन॑क्षन्त आश॒तात्रा॑ क॒र्तमव॑ पदा॒त्यप्र॑भुः ॥ ९.०७३.०९
ṛ̱tasya̱ tantu̱rvita̍taḥ pa̱vitra̱ ā ji̱hvāyā̱ agre̱ varu̍ṇasya mā̱yayā̍ .
dhīrā̍ści̱ttatsa̱mina̍kṣanta āśa̱tātrā̍ ka̱rtamava̍ padā̱tyapra̍bhuḥ .. 9.073.09
9 The thread of sacrifice spun in the cleansing sieve, on Varuṇa's tongue-tip, by supernatural might,
This, by their striving, have the prudent ones attained:- he who hath not this power shall sink into the pit.
Sloka : 9.74.1
शिशु॒र्न जा॒तोऽव॑ चक्रद॒द्वने॒ स्व१॒॑र्यद्वा॒ज्य॑रु॒षः सिषा॑सति ।
दि॒वो रेत॑सा सचते पयो॒वृधा॒ तमी॑महे सुम॒ती शर्म॑ स॒प्रथः॑ ॥ ९.०७४.०१
śiśu̱rna jā̱to'va̍ cakrada̱dvane̱ sva1̱̍ryadvā̱jya̍ru̱ṣaḥ siṣā̍sati .
di̱vo reta̍sā sacate payo̱vṛdhā̱ tamī̍mahe suma̱tī śarma̍ sa̱pratha̍ḥ .. 9.074.01
1. BORN like a youngling he hath clamoured in the wood, when he, the Red, the Strong, would win the light of heaven.
He comes with heavenly seed that makes the water swell:- him for wide-spreading shelter we implore with prayer.
Sloka : 9.74.2
दि॒वो यः स्क॒म्भो ध॒रुणः॒ स्वा॑तत॒ आपू॑र्णो अं॒शुः प॒र्येति॑ वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
सेमे म॒ही रोद॑सी यक्षदा॒वृता॑ समीची॒ने दा॑धार॒ समिषः॑ क॒विः ॥ ९.०७४.०२
di̱vo yaḥ ska̱mbho dha̱ruṇa̱ḥ svā̍tata̱ āpū̍rṇo a̱ṃśuḥ pa̱ryeti̍ vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
seme ma̱hī roda̍sī yakṣadā̱vṛtā̍ samīcī̱ne dā̍dhāra̱ samiṣa̍ḥ ka̱viḥ .. 9.074.02
2 A far-extended pillar that supports the sky the Soma-stalk, filled full, moves itself every way.
He shall bring both these great worlds while the rite proceeds:- the Sage holds these who move! together and all food.
Sloka : 9.74.3
महि॒ प्सरः॒ सुकृ॑तं सो॒म्यं मधू॒र्वी गव्यू॑ति॒रदि॑तेरृ॒तं य॒ते ।
ईशे॒ यो वृ॒ष्टेरि॒त उ॒स्रियो॒ वृषा॒पां ने॒ता य इ॒तऊ॑तिरृ॒ग्मियः॑ ॥ ९.०७४.०३
mahi̱ psara̱ḥ sukṛ̍taṃ so̱myaṃ madhū̱rvī gavyū̍ti̱radi̍terṛ̱taṃ ya̱te .
īśe̱ yo vṛ̱ṣṭeri̱ta u̱sriyo̱ vṛṣā̱pāṃ ne̱tā ya i̱taū̍tirṛ̱gmiya̍ḥ .. 9.074.03
3 Wide space hath he who follows Aditi's right path, and mighty, well-made food, meath blent with Soma juice;
He who from hence commands the rain, Steer of the kine, Leader of floods, who helps us hence, who claims our laud.
Sloka : 9.74.4
आ॒त्म॒न्वन्नभो॑ दुह्यते घृ॒तं पय॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ नाभि॑र॒मृतं॒ वि जा॑यते ।
स॒मी॒ची॒नाः सु॒दान॑वः प्रीणन्ति॒ तं नरो॑ हि॒तमव॑ मेहन्ति॒ पेर॑वः ॥ ९.०७४.०४
ā̱tma̱nvannabho̍ duhyate ghṛ̱taṃ paya̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ nābhi̍ra̱mṛta̱ṃ vi jā̍yate .
sa̱mī̱cī̱nāḥ su̱dāna̍vaḥ prīṇanti̱ taṃ naro̍ hi̱tamava̍ mehanti̱ pera̍vaḥ .. 9.074.04
4 Butter and milk are drawn from animated cloud; thence Amṛta is produced, centre of sacrifice.
Hini the Most Bounteous Ones, ever united, love; him as ouir Friend the Men who make all swell rain down.
Sloka : 9.74.5
अरा॑वीदं॒शुः सच॑मान ऊ॒र्मिणा॑ देवा॒व्यं१॒॑ मनु॑षे पिन्वति॒ त्वच॑म् ।
दधा॑ति॒ गर्भ॒मदि॑तेरु॒पस्थ॒ आ येन॑ तो॒कं च॒ तन॑यं च॒ धाम॑हे ॥ ९.०७४.०५
arā̍vīda̱ṃśuḥ saca̍māna ū̱rmiṇā̍ devā̱vyaṃ1̱̍ manu̍ṣe pinvati̱ tvaca̍m .
dadhā̍ti̱ garbha̱madi̍teru̱pastha̱ ā yena̍ to̱kaṃ ca̱ tana̍yaṃ ca̱ dhāma̍he .. 9.074.05
5 The Soma-stalk hath roared, following with the wave:- he swells with sap for man the skin which Gods enjoy.
Upon the lap of Aditi he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny.
Sloka : 9.74.6
स॒हस्र॑धा॒रेऽव॒ ता अ॑स॒श्चत॑स्तृ॒तीये॑ सन्तु॒ रज॑सि प्र॒जाव॑तीः ।
चत॑स्रो॒ नाभो॒ निहि॑ता अ॒वो दि॒वो ह॒विर्भ॑रन्त्य॒मृतं॑ घृत॒श्चुतः॑ ॥ ९.०७४.०६
sa̱hasra̍dhā̱re'va̱ tā a̍sa̱ścata̍stṛ̱tīye̍ santu̱ raja̍si pra̱jāva̍tīḥ .
cata̍sro̱ nābho̱ nihi̍tā a̱vo di̱vo ha̱virbha̍rantya̱mṛta̍ṃ ghṛta̱ścuta̍ḥ .. 9.074.06
6 In the third region which distils a thousand streams, may the Exhaustless Ones descend with procreant power.
The kindred Four have been sent downward from the heavens:- dropping with oil they bring Amṛta and sacred gifts.
Sloka : 9.74.7
श्वे॒तं रू॒पं कृ॑णुते॒ यत्सिषा॑सति॒ सोमो॑ मी॒ढ्वाँ असु॑रो वेद॒ भूम॑नः ।
धि॒या शमी॑ सचते॒ सेम॒भि प्र॒वद्दि॒वस्कव॑न्ध॒मव॑ दर्षदु॒द्रिण॑म् ॥ ९.०७४.०७
śve̱taṃ rū̱paṃ kṛ̍ṇute̱ yatsiṣā̍sati̱ somo̍ mī̱ḍhvām̐ asu̍ro veda̱ bhūma̍naḥ .
dhi̱yā śamī̍ sacate̱ sema̱bhi pra̱vaddi̱vaskava̍ndha̱mava̍ darṣadu̱driṇa̍m .. 9.074.07
7 Soma assumes white colour when he strives to gain:- the bounteous Asura knows full many a precious boon.
Down the steep slope, through song, he comes to sacrifice, and he will burst the water-holding cask of heaven,
Sloka : 9.74.8
अध॑ श्वे॒तं क॒लशं॒ गोभि॑र॒क्तं कार्ष्म॒न्ना वा॒ज्य॑क्रमीत्सस॒वान् ।
आ हि॑न्विरे॒ मन॑सा देव॒यन्तः॑ क॒क्षीव॑ते श॒तहि॑माय॒ गोना॑म् ॥ ९.०७४.०८
adha̍ śve̱taṃ ka̱laśa̱ṃ gobhi̍ra̱ktaṃ kārṣma̱nnā vā̱jya̍kramītsasa̱vān .
ā hi̍nvire̱ mana̍sā deva̱yanta̍ḥ ka̱kṣīva̍te śa̱tahi̍māya̱ gonā̍m .. 9.074.08
8 Yea, to the shining milk-anointed beaker, as to his goal, hath stepped the conquering Courser.
Pious-souled men have sent their giffi of cattle unto Kakṣīvān of the hundred winters.
Sloka : 9.74.9
अ॒द्भिः सो॑म पपृचा॒नस्य॑ ते॒ रसोऽव्यो॒ वारं॒ वि प॑वमान धावति ।
स मृ॒ज्यमा॑नः क॒विभि॑र्मदिन्तम॒ स्वद॒स्वेन्द्रा॑य पवमान पी॒तये॑ ॥ ९.०७४.०९
a̱dbhiḥ so̍ma papṛcā̱nasya̍ te̱ raso'vyo̱ vāra̱ṃ vi pa̍vamāna dhāvati .
sa mṛ̱jyamā̍naḥ ka̱vibhi̍rmadintama̱ svada̱svendrā̍ya pavamāna pī̱taye̍ .. 9.074.09
9 Soma, thy juice when thou art blended with the streams, flows, Pavamana, through the long wool of the sheep.
So, cleansed by sages. O best giver of delight, grow sweet for Indra, Pavamana! for his drink.
Sloka : 9.75.1
अ॒भि प्रि॒याणि॑ पवते॒ चनो॑हितो॒ नामा॑नि य॒ह्वो अधि॒ येषु॒ वर्ध॑ते ।
आ सूर्य॑स्य बृह॒तो बृ॒हन्नधि॒ रथं॒ विष्व॑ञ्चमरुहद्विचक्ष॒णः ॥ ९.०७५.०१
a̱bhi pri̱yāṇi̍ pavate̱ cano̍hito̱ nāmā̍ni ya̱hvo adhi̱ yeṣu̱ vardha̍te .
ā sūrya̍sya bṛha̱to bṛ̱hannadhi̱ ratha̱ṃ viṣva̍ñcamaruhadvicakṣa̱ṇaḥ .. 9.075.01
1. GRACIOUSLY-MINDED he is flowing on his way to win dear names oer which the Youthful One grows great.
The Mighty and Far-seeing One hath mounted now the mighty Sūrya's car which moves to every side.
Sloka : 9.75.2
ऋ॒तस्य॑ जि॒ह्वा प॑वते॒ मधु॑ प्रि॒यं व॒क्ता पति॑र्धि॒यो अ॒स्या अदा॑भ्यः ।
दधा॑ति पु॒त्रः पि॒त्रोर॑पी॒च्यं१॒॑ नाम॑ तृ॒तीय॒मधि॑ रोच॒ने दि॒वः ॥ ९.०७५.०२
ṛ̱tasya̍ ji̱hvā pa̍vate̱ madhu̍ pri̱yaṃ va̱ktā pati̍rdhi̱yo a̱syā adā̍bhyaḥ .
dadhā̍ti pu̱traḥ pi̱trora̍pī̱cyaṃ1̱̍ nāma̍ tṛ̱tīya̱madhi̍ roca̱ne di̱vaḥ .. 9.075.02
2 The Speaker, unassailable Master of this hymn, the Tongue of sacrifice pours forth the pleasant meath.
Within the lustrous region of the heavens the Son makes the third secret name of Mother and of Sire.
Sloka : 9.75.3
अव॑ द्युता॒नः क॒लशा॑ँ अचिक्रद॒न्नृभि॑र्येमा॒नः कोश॒ आ हि॑र॒ण्यये॑ ।
अ॒भीमृ॒तस्य॑ दो॒हना॑ अनूष॒ताधि॑ त्रिपृ॒ष्ठ उ॒षसो॒ वि रा॑जति ॥ ९.०७५.०३
ava̍ dyutā̱naḥ ka̱laśā̍m̐ acikrada̱nnṛbhi̍ryemā̱naḥ kośa̱ ā hi̍ra̱ṇyaye̍ .
a̱bhīmṛ̱tasya̍ do̱hanā̍ anūṣa̱tādhi̍ tripṛ̱ṣṭha u̱ṣaso̱ vi rā̍jati .. 9.075.03
3 Sending forth flashes he hath bellowed to the jars, led by the men into the golden reservoir.
The milky streams of sacrifice have sung to him:- he of the triple height shines brightly through the morns.
Sloka : 9.75.4
अद्रि॑भिः सु॒तो म॒तिभि॒श्चनो॑हितः प्ररो॒चय॒न्रोद॑सी मा॒तरा॒ शुचिः॑ ।
रोमा॒ण्यव्या॑ स॒मया॒ वि धा॑वति॒ मधो॒र्धारा॒ पिन्व॑माना दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥ ९.०७५.०४
adri̍bhiḥ su̱to ma̱tibhi̱ścano̍hitaḥ praro̱caya̱nroda̍sī mā̱tarā̱ śuci̍ḥ .
romā̱ṇyavyā̍ sa̱mayā̱ vi dhā̍vati̱ madho̱rdhārā̱ pinva̍mānā di̱vedi̍ve .. 9.075.04
4 Pressed by the stones, with hymns, and graciously inclined, illuminating both the Parents, Heaven and Earth,
He flows in ordered season onward through the flee, a current of sweet juice still swelling day by day.
Sloka : 9.75.5
परि॑ सोम॒ प्र ध॑न्वा स्व॒स्तये॒ नृभिः॑ पुना॒नो अ॒भि वा॑सया॒शिर॑म् ।
ये ते॒ मदा॑ आह॒नसो॒ विहा॑यस॒स्तेभि॒रिन्द्रं॑ चोदय॒ दात॑वे म॒घम् ॥ ९.०७५.०५
pari̍ soma̱ pra dha̍nvā sva̱staye̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ punā̱no a̱bhi vā̍sayā̱śira̍m .
ye te̱ madā̍ āha̱naso̱ vihā̍yasa̱stebhi̱rindra̍ṃ codaya̱ dāta̍ve ma̱gham .. 9.075.05
5 Flow onward, Soma, flow to bring prosperity:- cleansed by the men, invest thee with the milky draught.
What gladdening drinks thou hast, foaming, exceeding strong, even with these incite Indra to give us wealth.
Sloka : 9.76.1
ध॒र्ता दि॒वः प॑वते॒ कृत्व्यो॒ रसो॒ दक्षो॑ दे॒वाना॑मनु॒माद्यो॒ नृभिः॑ ।
हरिः॑ सृजा॒नो अत्यो॒ न सत्व॑भि॒र्वृथा॒ पाजां॑सि कृणुते न॒दीष्वा ॥ ९.०७६.०१
dha̱rtā di̱vaḥ pa̍vate̱ kṛtvyo̱ raso̱ dakṣo̍ de̱vānā̍manu̱mādyo̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .
hari̍ḥ sṛjā̱no atyo̱ na satva̍bhi̱rvṛthā̱ pājā̍ṃsi kṛṇute na̱dīṣvā .. 9.076.01
1. ON flows the potent juice, sustainer of the heavens, the strength of Gods, whom men must hail with shouts of joy.
The Gold-hued, started like a courser by brave men, impetuously winneth splendour in the streams.
Sloka : 9.76.2
शूरो॒ न ध॑त्त॒ आयु॑धा॒ गभ॑स्त्योः॒ स्व१॒ः॑ सिषा॑सन्रथि॒रो गवि॑ष्टिषु ।
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ शुष्म॑मी॒रय॑न्नप॒स्युभि॒रिन्दु॑र्हिन्वा॒नो अ॑ज्यते मनी॒षिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०७६.०२
śūro̱ na dha̍tta̱ āyu̍dhā̱ gabha̍styo̱ḥ sva1̱̍ḥ siṣā̍sanrathi̱ro gavi̍ṣṭiṣu .
indra̍sya̱ śuṣma̍mī̱raya̍nnapa̱syubhi̱rindu̍rhinvā̱no a̍jyate manī̱ṣibhi̍ḥ .. 9.076.02
2 He takes his weapons, like a hero, in his hands, fain to win light, car-borne, in forays for the kine.
Indu, while stimulating India's might, is urged forward and balmed by sages skilful in their task.
Sloka : 9.76.3
इन्द्र॑स्य सोम॒ पव॑मान ऊ॒र्मिणा॑ तवि॒ष्यमा॑णो ज॒ठरे॒ष्वा वि॑श ।
प्र णः॑ पिन्व वि॒द्युद॒भ्रेव॒ रोद॑सी धि॒या न वाजा॒ँ उप॑ मासि॒ शश्व॑तः ॥ ९.०७६.०३
indra̍sya soma̱ pava̍māna ū̱rmiṇā̍ tavi̱ṣyamā̍ṇo ja̱ṭhare̱ṣvā vi̍śa .
pra ṇa̍ḥ pinva vi̱dyuda̱bhreva̱ roda̍sī dhi̱yā na vājā̱m̐ upa̍ māsi̱ śaśva̍taḥ .. 9.076.03
3 Soma, as thou art purified with flowing wave, exhibiting thy strength enter thou Indra's throat.
Make both worlds stream for us, as lightning doth the clouds:- mete out exhaustless powers for us, as twere through song.
Sloka : 9.76.4
विश्व॑स्य॒ राजा॑ पवते स्व॒र्दृश॑ ऋ॒तस्य॑ धी॒तिमृ॑षि॒षाळ॑वीवशत् ।
यः सूर्य॒स्यासि॑रेण मृ॒ज्यते॑ पि॒ता म॑ती॒नामस॑मष्टकाव्यः ॥ ९.०७६.०४
viśva̍sya̱ rājā̍ pavate sva̱rdṛśa̍ ṛ̱tasya̍ dhī̱timṛ̍ṣi̱ṣāl̤a̍vīvaśat .
yaḥ sūrya̱syāsi̍reṇa mṛ̱jyate̍ pi̱tā ma̍tī̱nāmasa̍maṣṭakāvyaḥ .. 9.076.04
4 Onward he flows, the King of all that sees the light:- the Ṛṣis Lord hath raised the song of sacrifice;
Even he who is adorned with Sūrya's arrowy beam, Father of hymns, whose wisdom is beyond our reach.
Sloka : 9.76.5
वृषे॑व यू॒था परि॒ कोश॑मर्षस्य॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ वृष॒भः कनि॑क्रदत् ।
स इन्द्रा॑य पवसे मत्स॒रिन्त॑मो॒ यथा॒ जेषा॑म समि॒थे त्वोत॑यः ॥ ९.०७६.०५
vṛṣe̍va yū̱thā pari̱ kośa̍marṣasya̱pāmu̱pasthe̍ vṛṣa̱bhaḥ kani̍kradat .
sa indrā̍ya pavase matsa̱rinta̍mo̱ yathā̱ jeṣā̍ma sami̱the tvota̍yaḥ .. 9.076.05
5 Like as a bull to herds, thou flowest to the pail, bellowing as a steer upon the water's lap.
So, best of Cheerers, thou for Indra flowest on that we, with thy protection, may oercome in fight.
Sloka : 9.77.1
ए॒ष प्र कोशे॒ मधु॑माँ अचिक्रद॒दिन्द्र॑स्य॒ वज्रो॒ वपु॑षो॒ वपु॑ष्टरः ।
अ॒भीमृ॒तस्य॑ सु॒दुघा॑ घृत॒श्चुतो॑ वा॒श्रा अ॑र्षन्ति॒ पय॑सेव धे॒नवः॑ ॥ ९.०७७.०१
e̱ṣa pra kośe̱ madhu̍mām̐ acikrada̱dindra̍sya̱ vajro̱ vapu̍ṣo̱ vapu̍ṣṭaraḥ .
a̱bhīmṛ̱tasya̍ su̱dughā̍ ghṛta̱ścuto̍ vā̱śrā a̍rṣanti̱ paya̍seva dhe̱nava̍ḥ .. 9.077.01
1. MORE beauteous than the beautiful, as Indra's bolt, this Soma, rich in sweets, hath clamoured in the vat.
Dropping with oil, abundant, streams of sacrifice flow unto him like milch-kine, lowing, with their milk.
Sloka : 9.77.2
स पू॒र्व्यः प॑वते॒ यं दि॒वस्परि॑ श्ये॒नो म॑था॒यदि॑षि॒तस्ति॒रो रजः॑ ।
स मध्व॒ आ यु॑वते॒ वेवि॑जान॒ इत्कृ॒शानो॒रस्तु॒र्मन॒साह॑ बि॒भ्युषा॑ ॥ ९.०७७.०२
sa pū̱rvyaḥ pa̍vate̱ yaṃ di̱vaspari̍ śye̱no ma̍thā̱yadi̍ṣi̱tasti̱ro raja̍ḥ .
sa madhva̱ ā yu̍vate̱ vevi̍jāna̱ itkṛ̱śāno̱rastu̱rmana̱sāha̍ bi̱bhyuṣā̍ .. 9.077.02
2 On flows that Ancient One whom, hitherward, from heaven, sped through the region of the air, the Falcon snatched.
He, quivering with alarm and terrified in heart before bow-armed Kṛśānu, holdeth fast the sweet.
Sloka : 9.77.3
ते नः॒ पूर्वा॑स॒ उप॑रास॒ इन्द॑वो म॒हे वाजा॑य धन्वन्तु॒ गोम॑ते ।
ई॒क्षे॒ण्या॑सो अ॒ह्यो॒३॒॑ न चार॑वो॒ ब्रह्म॑ब्रह्म॒ ये जु॑जु॒षुर्ह॒विर्ह॑विः ॥ ९.०७७.०३
te na̱ḥ pūrvā̍sa̱ upa̍rāsa̱ inda̍vo ma̱he vājā̍ya dhanvantu̱ goma̍te .
ī̱kṣe̱ṇyā̍so a̱hyo̱3̱̍ na cāra̍vo̱ brahma̍brahma̱ ye ju̍ju̱ṣurha̱virha̍viḥ .. 9.077.03
3 May those first freshest drops of Soma juice effused flow on, their way to bring us mighty strength in kine.
Beauteous as serpents, worthy to be looked upon, they whom each sacred gift and all our prayers have pleased.
Sloka : 9.77.4
अ॒यं नो॑ वि॒द्वान्व॑नवद्वनुष्य॒त इन्दुः॑ स॒त्राचा॒ मन॑सा पुरुष्टु॒तः ।
इ॒नस्य॒ यः सद॑ने॒ गर्भ॑माद॒धे गवा॑मुरु॒ब्जम॒भ्यर्ष॑ति व्र॒जम् ॥ ९.०७७.०४
a̱yaṃ no̍ vi̱dvānva̍navadvanuṣya̱ta indu̍ḥ sa̱trācā̱ mana̍sā puruṣṭu̱taḥ .
i̱nasya̱ yaḥ sada̍ne̱ garbha̍māda̱dhe gavā̍muru̱bjama̱bhyarṣa̍ti vra̱jam .. 9.077.04
4 May that much-lauded Indu, with a heart inclined to us, well-knowing, fight against our enemies.
He who hath brought the germ beside the Strong One's seat moves onward to the widely-opcned stall of kine.
Sloka : 9.77.5
चक्रि॑र्दि॒वः प॑वते॒ कृत्व्यो॒ रसो॑ म॒हाँ अद॑ब्धो॒ वरु॑णो हु॒रुग्य॒ते ।
असा॑वि मि॒त्रो वृ॒जने॑षु य॒ज्ञियोऽत्यो॒ न यू॒थे वृ॑ष॒युः कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.०७७.०५
cakri̍rdi̱vaḥ pa̍vate̱ kṛtvyo̱ raso̍ ma̱hām̐ ada̍bdho̱ varu̍ṇo hu̱rugya̱te .
asā̍vi mi̱tro vṛ̱jane̍ṣu ya̱jñiyo'tyo̱ na yū̱the vṛ̍ṣa̱yuḥ kani̍kradat .. 9.077.05
5 The active potent juice of heaven is flowing on, great Varuṇa whom the forward man can neer deceive.
Mitra, the Holy, hath been pressed for troubled times, neighing like an impatient horse amid the herd,
Sloka : 9.78.1
प्र राजा॒ वाचं॑ ज॒नय॑न्नसिष्यदद॒पो वसा॑नो अ॒भि गा इ॑यक्षति ।
गृ॒भ्णाति॑ रि॒प्रमवि॑रस्य॒ तान्वा॑ शु॒द्धो दे॒वाना॒मुप॑ याति निष्कृ॒तम् ॥ ९.०७८.०१
pra rājā̱ vāca̍ṃ ja̱naya̍nnasiṣyadada̱po vasā̍no a̱bhi gā i̍yakṣati .
gṛ̱bhṇāti̍ ri̱pramavi̍rasya̱ tānvā̍ śu̱ddho de̱vānā̱mupa̍ yāti niṣkṛ̱tam .. 9.078.01
1. RAISING his voice the King hath flowed upon his way:- invested with the waters he would win the kine.
The fleece retains his solid parts as though impure, and bright and cleansed he seeks the special place of Gods.
Sloka : 9.78.2
इन्द्रा॑य सोम॒ परि॑ षिच्यसे॒ नृभि॑र्नृ॒चक्षा॑ ऊ॒र्मिः क॒विर॑ज्यसे॒ वने॑ ।
पू॒र्वीर्हि ते॑ स्रु॒तयः॒ सन्ति॒ यात॑वे स॒हस्र॒मश्वा॒ हर॑यश्चमू॒षदः॑ ॥ ९.०७८.०२
indrā̍ya soma̱ pari̍ ṣicyase̱ nṛbhi̍rnṛ̱cakṣā̍ ū̱rmiḥ ka̱vira̍jyase̱ vane̍ .
pū̱rvīrhi te̍ sru̱taya̱ḥ santi̱ yāta̍ve sa̱hasra̱maśvā̱ hara̍yaścamū̱ṣada̍ḥ .. 9.078.02
2 Thou, Soma, art effused for Indra by the men, balmed in the wood as wave, Sage, Viewer of mankind.
Full many are the paths whereon thou mayest go:- a thousand bay steeds hast thou resting in the bowls.
Sloka : 9.78.3
स॒मु॒द्रिया॑ अप्स॒रसो॑ मनी॒षिण॒मासी॑ना अ॒न्तर॒भि सोम॑मक्षरन् ।
ता ईं॑ हिन्वन्ति ह॒र्म्यस्य॑ स॒क्षणिं॒ याच॑न्ते सु॒म्नं पव॑मान॒मक्षि॑तम् ॥ ९.०७८.०३
sa̱mu̱driyā̍ apsa̱raso̍ manī̱ṣiṇa̱māsī̍nā a̱ntara̱bhi soma̍makṣaran .
tā ī̍ṃ hinvanti ha̱rmyasya̍ sa̱kṣaṇi̱ṃ yāca̍nte su̱mnaṃ pava̍māna̱makṣi̍tam .. 9.078.03
3 Apsarases who dwell in waters of the sea, sitting within, have flowed to Soma wise of heart.
They urge the Master of the house upon his way, and to the Eternal Pavamana pray for bliss.
Sloka : 9.78.4
गो॒जिन्नः॒ सोमो॑ रथ॒जिद्धि॑रण्य॒जित्स्व॒र्जिद॒ब्जित्प॑वते सहस्र॒जित् ।
यं दे॒वास॑श्चक्रि॒रे पी॒तये॒ मदं॒ स्वादि॑ष्ठं द्र॒प्सम॑रु॒णं म॑यो॒भुव॑म् ॥ ९.०७८.०४
go̱jinna̱ḥ somo̍ ratha̱jiddhi̍raṇya̱jitsva̱rjida̱bjitpa̍vate sahasra̱jit .
yaṃ de̱vāsa̍ścakri̱re pī̱taye̱ mada̱ṃ svādi̍ṣṭhaṃ dra̱psama̍ru̱ṇaṃ ma̍yo̱bhuva̍m .. 9.078.04
4 Soma flows on for u's as winner of the kine, winner of thousands, cars, water, and light, and gold;
He whom the Gods have made a gladdening draught to drink, the drop most sweet to taste, weal-bringing, red of hue.
Sloka : 9.78.5
ए॒तानि॑ सोम॒ पव॑मानो अस्म॒युः स॒त्यानि॑ कृ॒ण्वन्द्रवि॑णान्यर्षसि ।
ज॒हि शत्रु॑मन्ति॒के दू॑र॒के च॒ य उ॒र्वीं गव्यू॑ति॒मभ॑यं च नस्कृधि ॥ ९.०७८.०५
e̱tāni̍ soma̱ pava̍māno asma̱yuḥ sa̱tyāni̍ kṛ̱ṇvandravi̍ṇānyarṣasi .
ja̱hi śatru̍manti̱ke dū̍ra̱ke ca̱ ya u̱rvīṃ gavyū̍ti̱mabha̍yaṃ ca naskṛdhi .. 9.078.05
5 Soma, as Pavamana thou, our faithful Friend, making for us these real treasures, flowest on.
Slay thou the enemy both near and,far away:- grant us security and ample pasturage.
Sloka : 9.79.1
अ॒चो॒दसो॑ नो धन्व॒न्त्विन्द॑वः॒ प्र सु॑वा॒नासो॑ बृ॒हद्दि॑वेषु॒ हर॑यः ।
वि च॒ नश॑न्न इ॒षो अरा॑तयो॒ऽर्यो न॑शन्त॒ सनि॑षन्त नो॒ धियः॑ ॥ ९.०७९.०१
a̱co̱daso̍ no dhanva̱ntvinda̍va̱ḥ pra su̍vā̱nāso̍ bṛ̱haddi̍veṣu̱ hara̍yaḥ .
vi ca̱ naśa̍nna i̱ṣo arā̍tayo̱'ryo na̍śanta̱ sani̍ṣanta no̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 9.079.01
1. SPONTANEOUS let our drops of Soma juice flow on, pressed, golden-hued, among the Gods of lofty heaven.
Perish among us they who give no gifts of food! perish the godless! May our prayers obtain success.
Sloka : 9.79.2
प्र णो॑ धन्व॒न्त्विन्द॑वो मद॒च्युतो॒ धना॑ वा॒ येभि॒रर्व॑तो जुनी॒मसि॑ ।
ति॒रो मर्त॑स्य॒ कस्य॑ चि॒त्परि॑ह्वृतिं व॒यं धना॑नि वि॒श्वधा॑ भरेमहि ॥ ९.०७९.०२
pra ṇo̍ dhanva̱ntvinda̍vo mada̱cyuto̱ dhanā̍ vā̱ yebhi̱rarva̍to junī̱masi̍ .
ti̱ro marta̍sya̱ kasya̍ ci̱tpari̍hvṛtiṃ va̱yaṃ dhanā̍ni vi̱śvadhā̍ bharemahi .. 9.079.02
2 Forward to us the drops, distilling meath, shall flow, like riches for whose sake we urge the horses on.
Beyond the crafty hindering of all mortal men may we continually bear precious wealth away.
Sloka : 9.79.3
उ॒त स्वस्या॒ अरा॑त्या अ॒रिर्हि ष उ॒तान्यस्या॒ अरा॑त्या॒ वृको॒ हि षः ।
धन्व॒न्न तृष्णा॒ सम॑रीत॒ ताँ अ॒भि सोम॑ ज॒हि प॑वमान दुरा॒ध्यः॑ ॥ ९.०७९.०३
u̱ta svasyā̱ arā̍tyā a̱rirhi ṣa u̱tānyasyā̱ arā̍tyā̱ vṛko̱ hi ṣaḥ .
dhanva̱nna tṛṣṇā̱ sama̍rīta̱ tām̐ a̱bhi soma̍ ja̱hi pa̍vamāna durā̱dhya̍ḥ .. 9.079.03
3 Yea, yerily, foe of hate shown to himself is he, yea, verity, destroyer too of other hate.
As thirst subdueth in the desert, conquer thou, O Soma Pavarnana, men of evil thoughts.
Sloka : 9.79.4
दि॒वि ते॒ नाभा॑ पर॒मो य आ॑द॒दे पृ॑थि॒व्यास्ते॑ रुरुहुः॒ सान॑वि॒ क्षिपः॑ ।
अद्र॑यस्त्वा बप्सति॒ गोरधि॑ त्व॒च्य१॒॑प्सु त्वा॒ हस्तै॑र्दुदुहुर्मनी॒षिणः॑ ॥ ९.०७९.०४
di̱vi te̱ nābhā̍ para̱mo ya ā̍da̱de pṛ̍thi̱vyāste̍ ruruhu̱ḥ sāna̍vi̱ kṣipa̍ḥ .
adra̍yastvā bapsati̱ goradhi̍ tva̱cya1̱̍psu tvā̱ hastai̍rduduhurmanī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .. 9.079.04
4 Near kin to thee is he, raised loftiest in the heavens:- upon the earth's high ridge thy scions have grown forth.
The press-stones chew and crunch thee on the ox's hide:- sages have milked thee with their hands into the streams.
Sloka : 9.79.5
ए॒वा त॑ इन्दो सु॒भ्वं॑ सु॒पेश॑सं॒ रसं॑ तुञ्जन्ति प्रथ॒मा अ॑भि॒श्रियः॑ ।
निदं॑निदं पवमान॒ नि ता॑रिष आ॒विस्ते॒ शुष्मो॑ भवतु प्रि॒यो मदः॑ ॥ ९.०७९.०५
e̱vā ta̍ indo su̱bhva̍ṃ su̱peśa̍sa̱ṃ rasa̍ṃ tuñjanti pratha̱mā a̍bhi̱śriya̍ḥ .
nida̍ṃnidaṃ pavamāna̱ ni tā̍riṣa ā̱viste̱ śuṣmo̍ bhavatu pri̱yo mada̍ḥ .. 9.079.05
5 So do they hurry on thy strong and beauteous juice, O Indu, as the first ingredient of the draught.
Bring low, thou Pavamana, every single foe, and be thy might shown forth as sweet and gladdening drink.
Sloka : 9.80.1
सोम॑स्य॒ धारा॑ पवते नृ॒चक्ष॑स ऋ॒तेन॑ दे॒वान्ह॑वते दि॒वस्परि॑ ।
बृह॒स्पते॑ र॒वथे॑ना॒ वि दि॑द्युते समु॒द्रासो॒ न सव॑नानि विव्यचुः ॥ ९.०८०.०१
soma̍sya̱ dhārā̍ pavate nṛ̱cakṣa̍sa ṛ̱tena̍ de̱vānha̍vate di̱vaspari̍ .
bṛha̱spate̍ ra̱vathe̍nā̱ vi di̍dyute samu̱drāso̱ na sava̍nāni vivyacuḥ .. 9.080.01
1. ON flows the stream of Soma who beholds mankind:- by everlasting Law he calls the Gods from heaven.
He lightens with the roaring of Br aspati:- h the lakes have not contained the pourings of juice.
Sloka : 9.80.2
यं त्वा॑ वाजिन्न॒घ्न्या अ॒भ्यनू॑ष॒तायो॑हतं॒ योनि॒मा रो॑हसि द्यु॒मान् ।
म॒घोना॒मायुः॑ प्रति॒रन्महि॒ श्रव॒ इन्द्रा॑य सोम पवसे॒ वृषा॒ मदः॑ ॥ ९.०८०.०२
yaṃ tvā̍ vājinna̱ghnyā a̱bhyanū̍ṣa̱tāyo̍hata̱ṃ yoni̱mā ro̍hasi dyu̱mān .
ma̱ghonā̱māyu̍ḥ prati̱ranmahi̱ śrava̱ indrā̍ya soma pavase̱ vṛṣā̱ mada̍ḥ .. 9.080.02
2 Thou, powerful Soma, thou to whom the cows have -lowed, ascendest bright with sheen, thine iron-fashioned home.
Thou, lengthening our princes' life and high renown, flowest for Indra as his might to gladdening drink.
Sloka : 9.80.3
एन्द्र॑स्य कु॒क्षा प॑वते म॒दिन्त॑म॒ ऊर्जं॒ वसा॑नः॒ श्रव॑से सुम॒ङ्गलः॑ ।
प्र॒त्यङ्स विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒भि प॑प्रथे॒ क्रीळ॒न्हरि॒रत्यः॑ स्यन्दते॒ वृषा॑ ॥ ९.०८०.०३
endra̍sya ku̱kṣā pa̍vate ma̱dinta̍ma̱ ūrja̱ṃ vasā̍na̱ḥ śrava̍se suma̱ṅgala̍ḥ .
pra̱tyaṅsa viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱bhi pa̍prathe̱ krīl̤a̱nhari̱ratya̍ḥ syandate̱ vṛṣā̍ .. 9.080.03
3 Best giver of delight, he flows to Indra's throat, robing himself in might, Auspicious One, for fame.
He spreads himself abroad to meet all things that be:- the vigorous Tawny Steed flows sporting on his way.
Sloka : 9.80.4
तं त्वा॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॒ मधु॑मत्तमं॒ नरः॑ स॒हस्र॑धारं दुहते॒ दश॒ क्षिपः॑ ।
नृभिः॑ सोम॒ प्रच्यु॑तो॒ ग्राव॑भिः सु॒तो विश्वा॑न्दे॒वाँ आ प॑वस्वा सहस्रजित् ॥ ९.०८०.०४
taṃ tvā̍ de̱vebhyo̱ madhu̍mattama̱ṃ nara̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍dhāraṃ duhate̱ daśa̱ kṣipa̍ḥ .
nṛbhi̍ḥ soma̱ pracyu̍to̱ grāva̍bhiḥ su̱to viśvā̍nde̱vām̐ ā pa̍vasvā sahasrajit .. 9.080.04
4 The men, the ten swift fingers, milk thee out for Gods, even thee most rich in meath, with thousand flowing streams.
Soma who winnest thousands, driven by the men, expressed with stones, bring, as thou flowest, all the Gods.
Sloka : 9.80.5
तं त्वा॑ ह॒स्तिनो॒ मधु॑मन्त॒मद्रि॑भिर्दु॒हन्त्य॒प्सु वृ॑ष॒भं दश॒ क्षिपः॑ ।
इन्द्रं॑ सोम मा॒दय॒न्दैव्यं॒ जनं॒ सिन्धो॑रिवो॒र्मिः पव॑मानो अर्षसि ॥ ९.०८०.०५
taṃ tvā̍ ha̱stino̱ madhu̍manta̱madri̍bhirdu̱hantya̱psu vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaṃ daśa̱ kṣipa̍ḥ .
indra̍ṃ soma mā̱daya̱ndaivya̱ṃ jana̱ṃ sindho̍rivo̱rmiḥ pava̍māno arṣasi .. 9.080.05
5 Deft-handed men with stones, the ten swift fingers, drain thee into waters, thee, the Steer enriched with sweets.
Thou, Soma, gladdening Indra, and the Heavenly Host, flowest as Pavamana like a river's wave.
Sloka : 9.81.1
प्र सोम॑स्य॒ पव॑मानस्यो॒र्मय॒ इन्द्र॑स्य यन्ति ज॒ठरं॑ सु॒पेश॑सः ।
द॒ध्ना यदी॒मुन्नी॑ता य॒शसा॒ गवां॑ दा॒नाय॒ शूर॑मु॒दम॑न्दिषुः सु॒ताः ॥ ९.०८१.०१
pra soma̍sya̱ pava̍mānasyo̱rmaya̱ indra̍sya yanti ja̱ṭhara̍ṃ su̱peśa̍saḥ .
da̱dhnā yadī̱munnī̍tā ya̱śasā̱ gavā̍ṃ dā̱nāya̱ śūra̍mu̱dama̍ndiṣuḥ su̱tāḥ .. 9.081.01
1. ONWARD to Indra's throat move, beauteously adorned, the waves of Soma as he purifies himself,
When they, brought forward with the lovely curd of kine, effused, have cheered the Hero to bestow his gifts.
Sloka : 9.81.2
अच्छा॒ हि सोमः॑ क॒लशा॒ँ असि॑ष्यद॒दत्यो॒ न वोळ्हा॑ र॒घुव॑र्तनि॒र्वृषा॑ ।
अथा॑ दे॒वाना॑मु॒भय॑स्य॒ जन्म॑नो वि॒द्वाँ अ॑श्नोत्य॒मुत॑ इ॒तश्च॒ यत् ॥ ९.०८१.०२
acchā̱ hi soma̍ḥ ka̱laśā̱m̐ asi̍ṣyada̱datyo̱ na vol̤hā̍ ra̱ghuva̍rtani̱rvṛṣā̍ .
athā̍ de̱vānā̍mu̱bhaya̍sya̱ janma̍no vi̱dvām̐ a̍śnotya̱muta̍ i̱taśca̱ yat .. 9.081.02
2 Hither hath Soma flowed unto the beakers, like a chariot-horse, a stallion swift upon his way.
Thus, knowing both the generations, he obtains the rights and dues of Gods from yonder and from hence.
Sloka : 9.81.3
आ नः॑ सोम॒ पव॑मानः किरा॒ वस्विन्दो॒ भव॑ म॒घवा॒ राध॑सो म॒हः ।
शिक्षा॑ वयोधो॒ वस॑वे॒ सु चे॒तुना॒ मा नो॒ गय॑मा॒रे अ॒स्मत्परा॑ सिचः ॥ ९.०८१.०३
ā na̍ḥ soma̱ pava̍mānaḥ kirā̱ vasvindo̱ bhava̍ ma̱ghavā̱ rādha̍so ma̱haḥ .
śikṣā̍ vayodho̱ vasa̍ve̱ su ce̱tunā̱ mā no̱ gaya̍mā̱re a̱smatparā̍ sicaḥ .. 9.081.03
3 While thou art cleansed, O Soma, scatter wealth on us; Indu, bestow great bounty as a liberal Prince.
Giver of life, with wisdom help to opulence; strew not our home possessions far away from us.
Sloka : 9.81.4
आ नः॑ पू॒षा पव॑मानः सुरा॒तयो॑ मि॒त्रो ग॑च्छन्तु॒ वरु॑णः स॒जोष॑सः ।
बृह॒स्पति॑र्म॒रुतो॑ वा॒युर॒श्विना॒ त्वष्टा॑ सवि॒ता सु॒यमा॒ सर॑स्वती ॥ ९.०८१.०४
ā na̍ḥ pū̱ṣā pava̍mānaḥ surā̱tayo̍ mi̱tro ga̍cchantu̱ varu̍ṇaḥ sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .
bṛha̱spati̍rma̱ruto̍ vā̱yura̱śvinā̱ tvaṣṭā̍ savi̱tā su̱yamā̱ sara̍svatī .. 9.081.04
4 Hither let Pūṣan Pavamana come to us, Varuṇa, Mitra, bountiful, of one accord,
The Maruts, Aśvins, Vāyu, and Bṛhaspati, Savitar, Tvaṣṭar, tractable Sarasvatī.
Sloka : 9.81.5
उ॒भे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वि॑श्वमि॒न्वे अ॑र्य॒मा दे॒वो अदि॑तिर्विधा॒ता ।
भगो॒ नृशंस॑ उ॒र्व१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षं॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः पव॑मानं जुषन्त ॥ ९.०८१.०५
u̱bhe dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī vi̍śvami̱nve a̍rya̱mā de̱vo adi̍tirvidhā̱tā .
bhago̱ nṛśaṃsa̍ u̱rva1̱̍ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ viśve̍ de̱vāḥ pava̍mānaṃ juṣanta .. 9.081.05
5 Both Heaven and Earth, the all-invigorating Pair, Vidhatar, Aditi, and Aryaman the God,
Bhaga who blesses men, the spacious Firmament,let all the Gods in Pavamana take delight.
Sloka : 9.82.1
असा॑वि॒ सोमो॑ अरु॒षो वृषा॒ हरी॒ राजे॑व द॒स्मो अ॒भि गा अ॑चिक्रदत् ।
पु॒ना॒नो वारं॒ पर्ये॑त्य॒व्ययं॑ श्ये॒नो न योनिं॑ घृ॒तव॑न्तमा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.०८२.०१
asā̍vi̱ somo̍ aru̱ṣo vṛṣā̱ harī̱ rāje̍va da̱smo a̱bhi gā a̍cikradat .
pu̱nā̱no vāra̱ṃ parye̍tya̱vyaya̍ṃ śye̱no na yoni̍ṃ ghṛ̱tava̍ntamā̱sada̍m .. 9.082.01
1. EVEN as a King hath Soma, red and tawny Bull, been pressed:- the Wondrous One hath bellowed to the kine.
While purified he passes through the filtering fleece to seat him hawk-like on the place that drops with oil.
Sloka : 9.82.2
क॒विर्वे॑ध॒स्या पर्ये॑षि॒ माहि॑न॒मत्यो॒ न मृ॒ष्टो अ॒भि वाज॑मर्षसि ।
अ॒प॒सेध॑न्दुरि॒ता सो॑म मृळय घृ॒तं वसा॑नः॒ परि॑ यासि नि॒र्णिज॑म् ॥ ९.०८२.०२
ka̱virve̍dha̱syā parye̍ṣi̱ māhi̍na̱matyo̱ na mṛ̱ṣṭo a̱bhi vāja̍marṣasi .
a̱pa̱sedha̍nduri̱tā so̍ma mṛl̤aya ghṛ̱taṃ vasā̍na̱ḥ pari̍ yāsi ni̱rṇija̍m .. 9.082.02
2. To glory goest thou, Sage with disposing skill, like a groomed steed thou rusbest forward to the prize.
O Soma, be thou gracious, driving off distress:- thou goest, clothed in butter, to a robe of state.
Sloka : 9.82.3
प॒र्जन्यः॑ पि॒ता म॑हि॒षस्य॑ प॒र्णिनो॒ नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्या गि॒रिषु॒ क्षयं॑ दधे ।
स्वसा॑र॒ आपो॑ अ॒भि गा उ॒तास॑र॒न्सं ग्राव॑भिर्नसते वी॒ते अ॑ध्व॒रे ॥ ९.०८२.०३
pa̱rjanya̍ḥ pi̱tā ma̍hi̱ṣasya̍ pa̱rṇino̱ nābhā̍ pṛthi̱vyā gi̱riṣu̱ kṣaya̍ṃ dadhe .
svasā̍ra̱ āpo̍ a̱bhi gā u̱tāsa̍ra̱nsaṃ grāva̍bhirnasate vī̱te a̍dhva̱re .. 9.082.03
3 Parjanya is the Father of the Mighty Bird:- on mountains, in earth's centre hath he made his home.
The waters too have flowed, the Sisters, to the kine:- he meets the pressing-stones at the beloved rite.
Sloka : 9.82.4
जा॒येव॒ पत्या॒वधि॒ शेव॑ मंहसे॒ पज्रा॑या गर्भ शृणु॒हि ब्रवी॑मि ते ।
अ॒न्तर्वाणी॑षु॒ प्र च॑रा॒ सु जी॒वसे॑ऽनि॒न्द्यो वृ॒जने॑ सोम जागृहि ॥ ९.०८२.०४
jā̱yeva̱ patyā̱vadhi̱ śeva̍ maṃhase̱ pajrā̍yā garbha śṛṇu̱hi bravī̍mi te .
a̱ntarvāṇī̍ṣu̱ pra ca̍rā̱ su jī̱vase̎ni̱ndyo vṛ̱jane̍ soma jāgṛhi .. 9.082.04
4 Thou givest pleasure as a wife delights her lord. Listen, O Child of Pajri, for to thee I speak.
Amid the holy songs go on that we may live:- in time of trouble, Soma, watch thou free from blame.
Sloka : 9.82.5
यथा॒ पूर्वे॑भ्यः शत॒सा अमृ॑ध्रः सहस्र॒साः प॒र्यया॒ वाज॑मिन्दो ।
ए॒वा प॑वस्व सुवि॒ताय॒ नव्य॑से॒ तव॑ व्र॒तमन्वापः॑ सचन्ते ॥ ९.०८२.०५
yathā̱ pūrve̍bhyaḥ śata̱sā amṛ̍dhraḥ sahasra̱sāḥ pa̱ryayā̱ vāja̍mindo .
e̱vā pa̍vasva suvi̱tāya̱ navya̍se̱ tava̍ vra̱tamanvāpa̍ḥ sacante .. 9.082.05
5 As to the men of old thou camest, Indu unharmed, to strengthen, winning hundreds, thousands,
So now for new felicity flow onward:- the waters follow as thy law ordaineth.
Sloka : 9.83.1
प॒वित्रं॑ ते॒ वित॑तं ब्रह्मणस्पते प्र॒भुर्गात्रा॑णि॒ पर्ये॑षि वि॒श्वतः॑ ।
अत॑प्ततनू॒र्न तदा॒मो अ॑श्नुते शृ॒तास॒ इद्वह॑न्त॒स्तत्समा॑शत ॥ ९.०८३.०१
pa̱vitra̍ṃ te̱ vita̍taṃ brahmaṇaspate pra̱bhurgātrā̍ṇi̱ parye̍ṣi vi̱śvata̍ḥ .
ata̍ptatanū̱rna tadā̱mo a̍śnute śṛ̱tāsa̱ idvaha̍nta̱statsamā̍śata .. 9.083.01
1. SPREAD is thy cleansing filter, Brahmaṇaspati:- as Prince, thou enterest its limbs from every side.
The raw, whose mass hath not been heated gains not this:- they only which are dressed, which bear, attain to it.
Sloka : 9.83.2
तपो॑ष्प॒वित्रं॒ वित॑तं दि॒वस्प॒दे शोच॑न्तो अस्य॒ तन्त॑वो॒ व्य॑स्थिरन् ।
अव॑न्त्यस्य पवी॒तार॑मा॒शवो॑ दि॒वस्पृ॒ष्ठमधि॑ तिष्ठन्ति॒ चेत॑सा ॥ ९.०८३.०२
tapo̍ṣpa̱vitra̱ṃ vita̍taṃ di̱vaspa̱de śoca̍nto asya̱ tanta̍vo̱ vya̍sthiran .
ava̍ntyasya pavī̱tāra̍mā̱śavo̍ di̱vaspṛ̱ṣṭhamadhi̍ tiṣṭhanti̱ ceta̍sā .. 9.083.02
2 High in the seat of heaven is spread the Scorcher's sieve:- its threads are standing separate, glittering with light.
The Swift Ones favour him who purifieth this:- with consciousness they stand upon the height of heaven.
Sloka : 9.83.3
अरू॑रुचदु॒षसः॒ पृश्नि॑रग्रि॒य उ॒क्षा बि॑भर्ति॒ भुव॑नानि वाज॒युः ।
मा॒या॒विनो॑ ममिरे अस्य मा॒यया॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑सः पि॒तरो॒ गर्भ॒मा द॑धुः ॥ ९.०८३.०३
arū̍rucadu̱ṣasa̱ḥ pṛśni̍ragri̱ya u̱kṣā bi̍bharti̱ bhuva̍nāni vāja̱yuḥ .
mā̱yā̱vino̍ mamire asya mā̱yayā̍ nṛ̱cakṣa̍saḥ pi̱taro̱ garbha̱mā da̍dhuḥ .. 9.083.03
3 The foremost spotted Steer hath made the Mornings shine, and yearning after strength sustains all things that be.
By his high wisdom have the mighty Sages wrought:- the Fathers who behold mankind laid down the germ,
Sloka : 9.83.4
ग॒न्ध॒र्व इ॒त्था प॒दम॑स्य रक्षति॒ पाति॑ दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मा॒न्यद्भु॑तः ।
गृ॒भ्णाति॑ रि॒पुं नि॒धया॑ नि॒धाप॑तिः सु॒कृत्त॑मा॒ मधु॑नो भ॒क्षमा॑शत ॥ ९.०८३.०४
ga̱ndha̱rva i̱tthā pa̱dama̍sya rakṣati̱ pāti̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ jani̍mā̱nyadbhu̍taḥ .
gṛ̱bhṇāti̍ ri̱puṃ ni̱dhayā̍ ni̱dhāpa̍tiḥ su̱kṛtta̍mā̱ madhu̍no bha̱kṣamā̍śata .. 9.083.04
4 Gandharva verily protects his dwellingplace; Wondrous, he guards the generations of the Gods.
Lord of the snare, he takes the foeman with the snare:- those who are most devout have gained a share of meath.
Sloka : 9.83.5
ह॒विर्ह॑विष्मो॒ महि॒ सद्म॒ दैव्यं॒ नभो॒ वसा॑नः॒ परि॑ यास्यध्व॒रम् ।
राजा॑ प॒वित्र॑रथो॒ वाज॒मारु॑हः स॒हस्र॑भृष्टिर्जयसि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.०८३.०५
ha̱virha̍viṣmo̱ mahi̱ sadma̱ daivya̱ṃ nabho̱ vasā̍na̱ḥ pari̍ yāsyadhva̱ram .
rājā̍ pa̱vitra̍ratho̱ vāja̱māru̍haḥ sa̱hasra̍bhṛṣṭirjayasi̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hat .. 9.083.05
5 Rich in oblations! robed in cloud, thou corapassest oblation, sacrifice, the mighty seat of Gods.
King, on thy chariot-sieve thou goest up to war, and with a thousand weapons winnest lofty fame.
Sloka : 9.84.1
पव॑स्व देव॒माद॑नो॒ विच॑र्षणिर॒प्सा इन्द्रा॑य॒ वरु॑णाय वा॒यवे॑ ।
कृ॒धी नो॑ अ॒द्य वरि॑वः स्वस्ति॒मदु॑रुक्षि॒तौ गृ॑णीहि॒ दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ९.०८४.०१
pava̍sva deva̱māda̍no̱ vica̍rṣaṇira̱psā indrā̍ya̱ varu̍ṇāya vā̱yave̍ .
kṛ̱dhī no̍ a̱dya vari̍vaḥ svasti̱madu̍rukṣi̱tau gṛ̍ṇīhi̱ daivya̱ṃ jana̍m .. 9.084.01
1. FLOW, cheering Gods, most active, winner of the flood, for Indra, and for Vāyu, and for Varuṇa.
Bestow on us to-day wide room with happiness, and in tbine ample dwelling laud the Host of Heaven.
Sloka : 9.84.2
आ यस्त॒स्थौ भुव॑ना॒न्यम॑र्त्यो॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ सोमः॒ परि॒ तान्य॑र्षति ।
कृ॒ण्वन्सं॒चृतं॑ वि॒चृत॑म॒भिष्ट॑य॒ इन्दुः॑ सिषक्त्यु॒षसं॒ न सूर्यः॑ ॥ ९.०८४.०२
ā yasta̱sthau bhuva̍nā̱nyama̍rtyo̱ viśvā̍ni̱ soma̱ḥ pari̱ tānya̍rṣati .
kṛ̱ṇvansa̱ṃcṛta̍ṃ vi̱cṛta̍ma̱bhiṣṭa̍ya̱ indu̍ḥ siṣaktyu̱ṣasa̱ṃ na sūrya̍ḥ .. 9.084.02
2 He who hath come anear to creatures that have life, Immortal Soma flows onward to all of them.
Effecting, for our aid, both union and release, Indu, like Sūrya, follows closely after Dawn.
Sloka : 9.84.3
आ यो गोभिः॑ सृ॒ज्यत॒ ओष॑धी॒ष्वा दे॒वानां॑ सु॒म्न इ॒षय॒न्नुपा॑वसुः ।
आ वि॒द्युता॑ पवते॒ धार॑या सु॒त इन्द्रं॒ सोमो॑ मा॒दय॒न्दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ॥ ९.०८४.०३
ā yo gobhi̍ḥ sṛ̱jyata̱ oṣa̍dhī̱ṣvā de̱vānā̍ṃ su̱mna i̱ṣaya̱nnupā̍vasuḥ .
ā vi̱dyutā̍ pavate̱ dhāra̍yā su̱ta indra̱ṃ somo̍ mā̱daya̱ndaivya̱ṃ jana̍m .. 9.084.03
3 He who is poured with milk, he who within the plants hastes bringing treasure for the happiness of Gods,
He, poured forth in a stream flows with the lightning's flash, Soma who gladdens Indra and the Host of Heaven.
Sloka : 9.84.4
ए॒ष स्य सोमः॑ पवते सहस्र॒जिद्धि॑न्वा॒नो वाच॑मिषि॒रामु॑ष॒र्बुध॑म् ।
इन्दुः॑ समु॒द्रमुदि॑यर्ति वा॒युभि॒रेन्द्र॑स्य॒ हार्दि॑ क॒लशे॑षु सीदति ॥ ९.०८४.०४
e̱ṣa sya soma̍ḥ pavate sahasra̱jiddhi̍nvā̱no vāca̍miṣi̱rāmu̍ṣa̱rbudha̍m .
indu̍ḥ samu̱dramudi̍yarti vā̱yubhi̱rendra̍sya̱ hārdi̍ ka̱laśe̍ṣu sīdati .. 9.084.04
4 Winner of thousands, he, this Soma, flows along, raising a vigorous voice that wakens with the dawn.
Indu with winds drives on the ocean of the air, he sinks within the jars, he rests in Indra's heart.
Sloka : 9.84.5
अ॒भि त्यं गावः॒ पय॑सा पयो॒वृधं॒ सोमं॑ श्रीणन्ति म॒तिभिः॑ स्व॒र्विद॑म् ।
ध॒नं॒ज॒यः प॑वते॒ कृत्व्यो॒ रसो॒ विप्रः॑ क॒विः काव्ये॑ना॒ स्व॑र्चनाः ॥ ९.०८४.०५
a̱bhi tyaṃ gāva̱ḥ paya̍sā payo̱vṛdha̱ṃ soma̍ṃ śrīṇanti ma̱tibhi̍ḥ sva̱rvida̍m .
dha̱na̱ṃja̱yaḥ pa̍vate̱ kṛtvyo̱ raso̱ vipra̍ḥ ka̱viḥ kāvye̍nā̱ sva̍rcanāḥ .. 9.084.05
5 The kine with milk dress him who makes the milk increase, Soma, amid the songs, who finds the light of heaven.
Winner of wealth, the effectual juice is flowing on, Singer and Sage by wisdom, dear as heaven itself.
Sloka : 9.85.1
इन्द्रा॑य सोम॒ सुषु॑तः॒ परि॑ स्र॒वापामी॑वा भवतु॒ रक्ष॑सा स॒ह ।
मा ते॒ रस॑स्य मत्सत द्वया॒विनो॒ द्रवि॑णस्वन्त इ॒ह स॒न्त्विन्द॑वः ॥ ९.०८५.०१
indrā̍ya soma̱ suṣu̍ta̱ḥ pari̍ sra̱vāpāmī̍vā bhavatu̱ rakṣa̍sā sa̱ha .
mā te̱ rasa̍sya matsata dvayā̱vino̱ dravi̍ṇasvanta i̱ha sa̱ntvinda̍vaḥ .. 9.085.01
1. FLOW on to Indra, Soma, carefully effused:- let sickness stay afar together with the fiends.
Let not the double-tongued delight them with thy juice. here be thy flowing drops laden with opulence.
Sloka : 9.85.2
अ॒स्मान्स॑म॒र्ये प॑वमान चोदय॒ दक्षो॑ दे॒वाना॒मसि॒ हि प्रि॒यो मदः॑ ।
ज॒हि शत्रू॑ँर॒भ्या भ॑न्दनाय॒तः पिबे॑न्द्र॒ सोम॒मव॑ नो॒ मृधो॑ जहि ॥ ९.०८५.०२
a̱smānsa̍ma̱rye pa̍vamāna codaya̱ dakṣo̍ de̱vānā̱masi̱ hi pri̱yo mada̍ḥ .
ja̱hi śatrū̍m̐ra̱bhyā bha̍ndanāya̱taḥ pibe̍ndra̱ soma̱mava̍ no̱ mṛdho̍ jahi .. 9.085.02
2 O Pavamana, urge us forward in the fight thou art the vigour of the Gods, the well-loved drink.
Smite thou our enemies who raise the shout of joy:- Indra, drink Soma juice, and drive away our foes.
Sloka : 9.85.3
अद॑ब्ध इन्दो पवसे म॒दिन्त॑म आ॒त्मेन्द्र॑स्य भवसि धा॒सिरु॑त्त॒मः ।
अ॒भि स्व॑रन्ति ब॒हवो॑ मनी॒षिणो॒ राजा॑नम॒स्य भुव॑नस्य निंसते ॥ ९.०८५.०३
ada̍bdha indo pavase ma̱dinta̍ma ā̱tmendra̍sya bhavasi dhā̱siru̍tta̱maḥ .
a̱bhi sva̍ranti ba̱havo̍ manī̱ṣiṇo̱ rājā̍nama̱sya bhuva̍nasya niṃsate .. 9.085.03
3 Unharmed, best Cheerer, thou, O Indu, flowest on:- thou, even thou thyself, art Indra's noblest food.
Full many a wise man lifts to thee the song of praise, and hails thee with a kiss as Sovran of this world.
Sloka : 9.85.4
स॒हस्र॑णीथः श॒तधा॑रो॒ अद्भु॑त॒ इन्द्रा॒येन्दुः॑ पवते॒ काम्यं॒ मधु॑ ।
जय॒न्क्षेत्र॑म॒भ्य॑र्षा॒ जय॑न्न॒प उ॒रुं नो॑ गा॒तुं कृ॑णु सोम मीढ्वः ॥ ९.०८५.०४
sa̱hasra̍ṇīthaḥ śa̱tadhā̍ro̱ adbhu̍ta̱ indrā̱yendu̍ḥ pavate̱ kāmya̱ṃ madhu̍ .
jaya̱nkṣetra̍ma̱bhya̍rṣā̱ jaya̍nna̱pa u̱ruṃ no̍ gā̱tuṃ kṛ̍ṇu soma mīḍhvaḥ .. 9.085.04
4 Wondrous, with hundred streams, hymned in a thousand songs, Indu pours out for Indra his delightrul meath.
Winning us land and waters, flow thou hitherward:- Rainer of bounties, Soma, make broad way for us.
Sloka : 9.85.5
कनि॑क्रदत्क॒लशे॒ गोभि॑रज्यसे॒ व्य१॒॑व्ययं॑ स॒मया॒ वार॑मर्षसि ।
म॒र्मृ॒ज्यमा॑नो॒ अत्यो॒ न सा॑न॒सिरिन्द्र॑स्य सोम ज॒ठरे॒ सम॑क्षरः ॥ ९.०८५.०५
kani̍kradatka̱laśe̱ gobhi̍rajyase̱ vya1̱̍vyaya̍ṃ sa̱mayā̱ vāra̍marṣasi .
ma̱rmṛ̱jyamā̍no̱ atyo̱ na sā̍na̱sirindra̍sya soma ja̱ṭhare̱ sama̍kṣaraḥ .. 9.085.05
5 Roaring within the beaker thou art balmed with milk:- thou passest through the fleecy filter all at once.
Carefully cleansed and decked like a prizewinning steed, O Soma, thou hast flowed down within Indra's throat.
Sloka : 9.85.6
स्वा॒दुः प॑वस्व दि॒व्याय॒ जन्म॑ने स्वा॒दुरिन्द्रा॑य सु॒हवी॑तुनाम्ने ।
स्वा॒दुर्मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय वा॒यवे॒ बृह॒स्पत॑ये॒ मधु॑मा॒ँ अदा॑भ्यः ॥ ९.०८५.०६
svā̱duḥ pa̍vasva di̱vyāya̱ janma̍ne svā̱durindrā̍ya su̱havī̍tunāmne .
svā̱durmi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya vā̱yave̱ bṛha̱spata̍ye̱ madhu̍mā̱m̐ adā̍bhyaḥ .. 9.085.06
6 Flow onward sweet of flavour for the Heavenly Race, for Indra sweet, whose name is easily invoked:-
Flow sweet for Mitra, Varuṇa, and Vāyu, rich in meath, inviolable for Bṛhaspati.
Sloka : 9.85.7
अत्यं॑ मृजन्ति क॒लशे॒ दश॒ क्षिपः॒ प्र विप्रा॑णां म॒तयो॒ वाच॑ ईरते ।
पव॑माना अ॒भ्य॑र्षन्ति सुष्टु॒तिमेन्द्रं॑ विशन्ति मदि॒रास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ९.०८५.०७
atya̍ṃ mṛjanti ka̱laśe̱ daśa̱ kṣipa̱ḥ pra viprā̍ṇāṃ ma̱tayo̱ vāca̍ īrate .
pava̍mānā a̱bhya̍rṣanti suṣṭu̱timendra̍ṃ viśanti madi̱rāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 9.085.07
7 Ten rapid fingers deck the Courser in the jar:- with hymns the holy singers send their voices forth.
The filtering juices hasten to their eulogy, the drops that gladden find their way to Indra's heart.
Sloka : 9.85.8
पव॑मानो अ॒भ्य॑र्षा सु॒वीर्य॑मु॒र्वीं गव्यू॑तिं॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ स॒प्रथः॑ ।
माकि॑र्नो अ॒स्य परि॑षूतिरीश॒तेन्दो॒ जये॑म॒ त्वया॒ धनं॑धनम् ॥ ९.०८५.०८
pava̍māno a̱bhya̍rṣā su̱vīrya̍mu̱rvīṃ gavyū̍ti̱ṃ mahi̱ śarma̍ sa̱pratha̍ḥ .
māki̍rno a̱sya pari̍ṣūtirīśa̱tendo̱ jaye̍ma̱ tvayā̱ dhana̍ṃdhanam .. 9.085.08
8 While thou art purified pour on us hero strength, great, far-extended shelter, spacious pasturage.
Let no oppression master this our holy work:- may we, O Indu, gain all opulence through thee.
Sloka : 9.85.9
अधि॒ द्याम॑स्थाद्वृष॒भो वि॑चक्ष॒णोऽरू॑रुच॒द्वि दि॒वो रो॑च॒ना क॒विः ।
राजा॑ प॒वित्र॒मत्ये॑ति॒ रोरु॑वद्दि॒वः पी॒यूषं॑ दुहते नृ॒चक्ष॑सः ॥ ९.०८५.०९
adhi̱ dyāma̍sthādvṛṣa̱bho vi̍cakṣa̱ṇo'rū̍ruca̱dvi di̱vo ro̍ca̱nā ka̱viḥ .
rājā̍ pa̱vitra̱matye̍ti̱ roru̍vaddi̱vaḥ pī̱yūṣa̍ṃ duhate nṛ̱cakṣa̍saḥ .. 9.085.09
9 The Steer who sees afar hath risen above the sky:- the Sage hath caused the lights of heaven to give their shine.
The. King is passing through the filter with a roar:- they drain the milk of heaven from him who looks on men.
Sloka : 9.85.10
दि॒वो नाके॒ मधु॑जिह्वा अस॒श्चतो॑ वे॒ना दु॑हन्त्यु॒क्षणं॑ गिरि॒ष्ठाम् ।
अ॒प्सु द्र॒प्सं वा॑वृधा॒नं स॑मु॒द्र आ सिन्धो॑रू॒र्मा मधु॑मन्तं प॒वित्र॒ आ ॥ ९.०८५.१०
di̱vo nāke̱ madhu̍jihvā asa̱ścato̍ ve̱nā du̍hantyu̱kṣaṇa̍ṃ giri̱ṣṭhām .
a̱psu dra̱psaṃ vā̍vṛdhā̱naṃ sa̍mu̱dra ā sindho̍rū̱rmā madhu̍mantaṃ pa̱vitra̱ ā .. 9.085.10
10 High in the vault of heaven, unceasing, honey-tongued, the Loving Ones drain out the mountain-haunting Steer,
The drop that hath grown great in waters, in the lake meath-rich, in the stream's wave and in the cleansing sieve.
Sloka : 9.85.11
नाके॑ सुप॒र्णमु॑पपप्ति॒वांसं॒ गिरो॑ वे॒नाना॑मकृपन्त पू॒र्वीः ।
शिशुं॑ रिहन्ति म॒तयः॒ पनि॑प्नतं हिर॒ण्ययं॑ शकु॒नं क्षाम॑णि॒ स्थाम् ॥ ९.०८५.११
nāke̍ supa̱rṇamu̍papapti̱vāṃsa̱ṃ giro̍ ve̱nānā̍makṛpanta pū̱rvīḥ .
śiśu̍ṃ rihanti ma̱taya̱ḥ pani̍pnataṃ hira̱ṇyaya̍ṃ śaku̱naṃ kṣāma̍ṇi̱ sthām .. 9.085.11
11 The Loving Ones besought with many voices the Eagle who had flown away to heaven.
Hymns kiss the Youngling worthy of laudation, resting on earth, the Bird of golden colour.
Sloka : 9.85.12
ऊ॒र्ध्वो ग॑न्ध॒र्वो अधि॒ नाके॑ अस्था॒द्विश्वा॑ रू॒पा प्र॑ति॒चक्षा॑णो अस्य ।
भा॒नुः शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॒ व्य॑द्यौ॒त्प्रारू॑रुच॒द्रोद॑सी मा॒तरा॒ शुचिः॑ ॥ ९.०८५.१२
ū̱rdhvo ga̍ndha̱rvo adhi̱ nāke̍ asthā̱dviśvā̍ rū̱pā pra̍ti̱cakṣā̍ṇo asya .
bhā̱nuḥ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̱ vya̍dyau̱tprārū̍ruca̱droda̍sī mā̱tarā̱ śuci̍ḥ .. 9.085.12
12 High to heaven's vault hath the Gandharva risen, beholding all his varied forms and figures.
His ray hath shone abroad with gleaming splendour:- pure, he hath lighted both the worlds, the Parents.
Sloka : 9.86.1
प्र त॑ आ॒शवः॑ पवमान धी॒जवो॒ मदा॑ अर्षन्ति रघु॒जा इ॑व॒ त्मना॑ ।
दि॒व्याः सु॑प॒र्णा मधु॑मन्त॒ इन्द॑वो म॒दिन्त॑मासः॒ परि॒ कोश॑मासते ॥ ९.०८६.०१
pra ta̍ ā̱śava̍ḥ pavamāna dhī̱javo̱ madā̍ arṣanti raghu̱jā i̍va̱ tmanā̍ .
di̱vyāḥ su̍pa̱rṇā madhu̍manta̱ inda̍vo ma̱dinta̍māsa̱ḥ pari̱ kośa̍māsate .. 9.086.01
1. THY gladdening draughts, O Pavamana, urged by song flow swiftly of themselves like sons of fleet-foot mares.
The drops of Soma juice, those eagles of the heavens, most cheering, rich in meath, rest in the reservoir.
Sloka : 9.86.2
प्र ते॒ मदा॑सो मदि॒रास॑ आ॒शवोऽसृ॑क्षत॒ रथ्या॑सो॒ यथा॒ पृथ॑क् ।
धे॒नुर्न व॒त्सं पय॑सा॒भि व॒ज्रिण॒मिन्द्र॒मिन्द॑वो॒ मधु॑मन्त ऊ॒र्मयः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.०२
pra te̱ madā̍so madi̱rāsa̍ ā̱śavo'sṛ̍kṣata̱ rathyā̍so̱ yathā̱ pṛtha̍k .
dhe̱nurna va̱tsaṃ paya̍sā̱bhi va̱jriṇa̱mindra̱minda̍vo̱ madhu̍manta ū̱rmaya̍ḥ .. 9.086.02
2 As rapid chariot-steeds, so turned in several ways have thine exhilarating juices darted forth,
Soma-drops rich in meath, waves, to the Thunder-armed, to Indra, like milch-kine who seek their calf with milk.
Sloka : 9.86.3
अत्यो॒ न हि॑या॒नो अ॒भि वाज॑मर्ष स्व॒र्वित्कोशं॑ दि॒वो अद्रि॑मातरम् ।
वृषा॑ प॒वित्रे॒ अधि॒ सानो॑ अ॒व्यये॒ सोमः॑ पुना॒न इ॑न्द्रि॒याय॒ धाय॑से ॥ ९.०८६.०३
atyo̱ na hi̍yā̱no a̱bhi vāja̍marṣa sva̱rvitkośa̍ṃ di̱vo adri̍mātaram .
vṛṣā̍ pa̱vitre̱ adhi̱ sāno̍ a̱vyaye̱ soma̍ḥ punā̱na i̍ndri̱yāya̱ dhāya̍se .. 9.086.03
3 Like a steed urged to battle, finder of the light; speed onward to the cloud-born reservoir of heaven,
A Steer that oer the woolly surface seeks the sieve, Soma while purified for Indra's nourishment.
Sloka : 9.86.4
प्र त॒ आश्वि॑नीः पवमान धी॒जुवो॑ दि॒व्या अ॑सृग्र॒न्पय॑सा॒ धरी॑मणि ।
प्रान्तरृष॑यः॒ स्थावि॑रीरसृक्षत॒ ये त्वा॑ मृ॒जन्त्यृ॑षिषाण वे॒धसः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.०४
pra ta̱ āśvi̍nīḥ pavamāna dhī̱juvo̍ di̱vyā a̍sṛgra̱npaya̍sā̱ dharī̍maṇi .
prāntarṛṣa̍ya̱ḥ sthāvi̍rīrasṛkṣata̱ ye tvā̍ mṛ̱jantyṛ̍ṣiṣāṇa ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 9.086.04
4 Fleet as swift steeds, thy drops, divine, thought-swift, have been, O Pavamana, poured with milk into the vat.
The Ṛṣis have poured in continuous Soma drops, ordainers who adorn thee, Friend whom Ṛṣis love.
Sloka : 9.86.5
विश्वा॒ धामा॑नि विश्वचक्ष॒ ऋभ्व॑सः प्र॒भोस्ते॑ स॒तः परि॑ यन्ति के॒तवः॑ ।
व्या॒न॒शिः प॑वसे सोम॒ धर्म॑भिः॒ पति॒र्विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य राजसि ॥ ९.०८६.०५
viśvā̱ dhāmā̍ni viśvacakṣa̱ ṛbhva̍saḥ pra̱bhoste̍ sa̱taḥ pari̍ yanti ke̱tava̍ḥ .
vyā̱na̱śiḥ pa̍vase soma̱ dharma̍bhi̱ḥ pati̱rviśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya rājasi .. 9.086.05
5 O thou who seest all things, Sovran as thou art and passing strong, thy rays encompass all abodes.
Pervading with thy natural powers thou flowest on, and as the whole world's Lord, O Soma, thou art King.
Sloka : 9.86.6
उ॒भ॒यतः॒ पव॑मानस्य र॒श्मयो॑ ध्रु॒वस्य॑ स॒तः परि॑ यन्ति के॒तवः॑ ।
यदी॑ प॒वित्रे॒ अधि॑ मृ॒ज्यते॒ हरिः॒ सत्ता॒ नि योना॑ क॒लशे॑षु सीदति ॥ ९.०८६.०६
u̱bha̱yata̱ḥ pava̍mānasya ra̱śmayo̍ dhru̱vasya̍ sa̱taḥ pari̍ yanti ke̱tava̍ḥ .
yadī̍ pa̱vitre̱ adhi̍ mṛ̱jyate̱ hari̱ḥ sattā̱ ni yonā̍ ka̱laśe̍ṣu sīdati .. 9.086.06
6 The beams of Pavamana, sent from earth and heaven, his ensigns who is ever steadfast, travel round.
When on the sieve the Golden-hued is cleansed, he rests within the vats as one who seats him in his place.
Sloka : 9.86.7
य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुः प॑वते स्वध्व॒रः सोमो॑ दे॒वाना॒मुप॑ याति निष्कृ॒तम् ।
स॒हस्र॑धारः॒ परि॒ कोश॑मर्षति॒ वृषा॑ प॒वित्र॒मत्ये॑ति॒ रोरु॑वत् ॥ ९.०८६.०७
ya̱jñasya̍ ke̱tuḥ pa̍vate svadhva̱raḥ somo̍ de̱vānā̱mupa̍ yāti niṣkṛ̱tam .
sa̱hasra̍dhāra̱ḥ pari̱ kośa̍marṣati̱ vṛṣā̍ pa̱vitra̱matye̍ti̱ roru̍vat .. 9.086.07
7 Served with fair rites he flows, ensign of sacrifice:- Soma advances to the special place of Gods.
He speeds with thousand currents to the reservoir, and passes through the filter bellowing as a bull.
Sloka : 9.86.8
राजा॑ समु॒द्रं न॒द्यो॒३॒॑ वि गा॑हते॒ऽपामू॒र्मिं स॑चते॒ सिन्धु॑षु श्रि॒तः ।
अध्य॑स्था॒त्सानु॒ पव॑मानो अ॒व्ययं॒ नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्या ध॒रुणो॑ म॒हो दि॒वः ॥ ९.०८६.०८
rājā̍ samu̱draṃ na̱dyo̱3̱̍ vi gā̍hate̱'pāmū̱rmiṃ sa̍cate̱ sindhu̍ṣu śri̱taḥ .
adhya̍sthā̱tsānu̱ pava̍māno a̱vyaya̱ṃ nābhā̍ pṛthi̱vyā dha̱ruṇo̍ ma̱ho di̱vaḥ .. 9.086.08
8 The Sovran dips him in the seain and the streams, and set in rivers with the waters' wave moves on.
High heaven's Sustainer at the central point of earth, raised on the fleecy surface Pavamana stands.
Sloka : 9.86.9
दि॒वो न सानु॑ स्त॒नय॑न्नचिक्रद॒द्द्यौश्च॒ यस्य॑ पृथि॒वी च॒ धर्म॑भिः ।
इन्द्र॑स्य स॒ख्यं प॑वते वि॒वेवि॑द॒त्सोमः॑ पुना॒नः क॒लशे॑षु सीदति ॥ ९.०८६.०९
di̱vo na sānu̍ sta̱naya̍nnacikrada̱ddyauśca̱ yasya̍ pṛthi̱vī ca̱ dharma̍bhiḥ .
indra̍sya sa̱khyaṃ pa̍vate vi̱vevi̍da̱tsoma̍ḥ punā̱naḥ ka̱laśe̍ṣu sīdati .. 9.086.09
9 He on whose high decree the heavens and earth depend nath roared and thundered like the summit of the sky.
Soma flows on obtaining Indra's friendly love, and, as they purify him, settles in the jars.
Sloka : 9.86.10
ज्योति॑र्य॒ज्ञस्य॑ पवते॒ मधु॑ प्रि॒यं पि॒ता दे॒वानां॑ जनि॒ता वि॒भूव॑सुः ।
दधा॑ति॒ रत्नं॑ स्व॒धयो॑रपी॒च्यं॑ म॒दिन्त॑मो मत्स॒र इ॑न्द्रि॒यो रसः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.१०
jyoti̍rya̱jñasya̍ pavate̱ madhu̍ pri̱yaṃ pi̱tā de̱vānā̍ṃ jani̱tā vi̱bhūva̍suḥ .
dadhā̍ti̱ ratna̍ṃ sva̱dhayo̍rapī̱cya̍ṃ ma̱dinta̍mo matsa̱ra i̍ndri̱yo rasa̍ḥ .. 9.086.10
10 He, light of sacrifice distils delicious meath, most wealthy, Father and begetter of the Gods.
He, gladdening, best of Cheerers, juice!hat Indra loves, enriches with mysterious treasure earth and heaven.
Sloka : 9.86.11
अ॒भि॒क्रन्द॑न्क॒लशं॑ वा॒ज्य॑र्षति॒ पति॑र्दि॒वः श॒तधा॑रो विचक्ष॒णः ।
हरि॑र्मि॒त्रस्य॒ सद॑नेषु सीदति मर्मृजा॒नोऽवि॑भिः॒ सिन्धु॑भि॒र्वृषा॑ ॥ ९.०८६.११
a̱bhi̱kranda̍nka̱laśa̍ṃ vā̱jya̍rṣati̱ pati̍rdi̱vaḥ śa̱tadhā̍ro vicakṣa̱ṇaḥ .
hari̍rmi̱trasya̱ sada̍neṣu sīdati marmṛjā̱no'vi̍bhi̱ḥ sindhu̍bhi̱rvṛṣā̍ .. 9.086.11
11 The vigorous and far-seeing one, the Lord of heaven, flows, shouting to the beaker, with his thousand streams.
Coloured like gold he rests in seats where Mitra dwells, the Steer made beautiful by rivers and by sheep.
Sloka : 9.86.12
अग्रे॒ सिन्धू॑नां॒ पव॑मानो अर्ष॒त्यग्रे॑ वा॒चो अ॑ग्रि॒यो गोषु॑ गच्छति ।
अग्रे॒ वाज॑स्य भजते महाध॒नं स्वा॑यु॒धः सो॒तृभिः॑ पूयते॒ वृषा॑ ॥ ९.०८६.१२
agre̱ sindhū̍nā̱ṃ pava̍māno arṣa̱tyagre̍ vā̱co a̍gri̱yo goṣu̍ gacchati .
agre̱ vāja̍sya bhajate mahādha̱naṃ svā̍yu̱dhaḥ so̱tṛbhi̍ḥ pūyate̱ vṛṣā̍ .. 9.086.12
12 In forefront of the rivers Pavamana speeds, in forefront of the hymn, foremost among the kine.
He shares the mighty booty in the van of war:- the well-armed Steer is purified by worshippers.
Sloka : 9.86.13
अ॒यं म॒तवा॑ञ्छकु॒नो यथा॑ हि॒तोऽव्ये॑ ससार॒ पव॑मान ऊ॒र्मिणा॑ ।
तव॒ क्रत्वा॒ रोद॑सी अन्त॒रा क॑वे॒ शुचि॑र्धि॒या प॑वते॒ सोम॑ इन्द्र ते ॥ ९.०८६.१३
a̱yaṃ ma̱tavā̍ñchaku̱no yathā̍ hi̱to'vye̍ sasāra̱ pava̍māna ū̱rmiṇā̍ .
tava̱ kratvā̱ roda̍sī anta̱rā ka̍ve̱ śuci̍rdhi̱yā pa̍vate̱ soma̍ indra te .. 9.086.13
13 This heedful Pavamana, like a bird sent forth, hath with his wave flowed onward to the fleecy sieve.
O Indra, through thy wisdom, b thy thought, O Sage, Soma flows bright and pure between the earth and heaven.
Sloka : 9.86.14
द्रा॒पिं वसा॑नो यज॒तो दि॑वि॒स्पृश॑मन्तरिक्ष॒प्रा भुव॑ने॒ष्वर्पि॑तः ।
स्व॑र्जज्ञा॒नो नभ॑सा॒भ्य॑क्रमीत्प्र॒त्नम॑स्य पि॒तर॒मा वि॑वासति ॥ ९.०८६.१४
drā̱piṃ vasā̍no yaja̱to di̍vi̱spṛśa̍mantarikṣa̱prā bhuva̍ne̱ṣvarpi̍taḥ .
sva̍rjajñā̱no nabha̍sā̱bhya̍kramītpra̱tnama̍sya pi̱tara̱mā vi̍vāsati .. 9.086.14
14 He, clad in mail that reaches heaven, the Holy One, filling the firmament stationed amid the worlds,
Knowing. the realm of light, hath come to us in rain:- he summons to himself his own primeval Sire.
Sloka : 9.86.15
सो अ॑स्य वि॒शे महि॒ शर्म॑ यच्छति॒ यो अ॑स्य॒ धाम॑ प्रथ॒मं व्या॑न॒शे ।
प॒दं यद॑स्य पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न्यतो॒ विश्वा॑ अ॒भि सं या॑ति सं॒यतः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.१५
so a̍sya vi̱śe mahi̱ śarma̍ yacchati̱ yo a̍sya̱ dhāma̍ pratha̱maṃ vyā̍na̱śe .
pa̱daṃ yada̍sya para̱me vyo̍ma̱nyato̱ viśvā̍ a̱bhi saṃ yā̍ti sa̱ṃyata̍ḥ .. 9.086.15
15 He who was first of all to penetrate his form bestowed upon his race wide shelter and defence.
From that high station which he hath in loftiest heaven he comes victorious to all encounters here.
Sloka : 9.86.16
प्रो अ॑यासी॒दिन्दु॒रिन्द्र॑स्य निष्कृ॒तं सखा॒ सख्यु॒र्न प्र मि॑नाति सं॒गिर॑म् ।
मर्य॑ इव युव॒तिभिः॒ सम॑र्षति॒ सोमः॑ क॒लशे॑ श॒तया॑म्ना प॒था ॥ ९.०८६.१६
pro a̍yāsī̱dindu̱rindra̍sya niṣkṛ̱taṃ sakhā̱ sakhyu̱rna pra mi̍nāti sa̱ṃgira̍m .
marya̍ iva yuva̱tibhi̱ḥ sama̍rṣati̱ soma̍ḥ ka̱laśe̍ śa̱tayā̍mnā pa̱thā .. 9.086.16
16 Indu hath started for Indra's special place and slights not as a Friend the promise of his Friend.
Soma speeds onward like a youth to youtlitial maids, and gains the beaker by a course of bundred paths.
Sloka : 9.86.17
प्र वो॒ धियो॑ मन्द्र॒युवो॑ विप॒न्युवः॑ पन॒स्युवः॑ सं॒वस॑नेष्वक्रमुः ।
सोमं॑ मनी॒षा अ॒भ्य॑नूषत॒ स्तुभो॒ऽभि धे॒नवः॒ पय॑सेमशिश्रयुः ॥ ९.०८६.१७
pra vo̱ dhiyo̍ mandra̱yuvo̍ vipa̱nyuva̍ḥ pana̱syuva̍ḥ sa̱ṃvasa̍neṣvakramuḥ .
soma̍ṃ manī̱ṣā a̱bhya̍nūṣata̱ stubho̱'bhi dhe̱nava̱ḥ paya̍semaśiśrayuḥ .. 9.086.17
17 Your songs, exhilarating, tuneful, uttering praise, are come into the placns where the people meet.
Worshippers have exalted Soma with their hymns, and milch kine have come near to meet him with their milk.
Sloka : 9.86.18
आ नः॑ सोम सं॒यतं॑ पि॒प्युषी॒मिष॒मिन्दो॒ पव॑स्व॒ पव॑मानो अ॒स्रिध॑म् ।
या नो॒ दोह॑ते॒ त्रिरह॒न्नस॑श्चुषी क्षु॒मद्वाज॑व॒न्मधु॑मत्सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ ९.०८६.१८
ā na̍ḥ soma sa̱ṃyata̍ṃ pi̱pyuṣī̱miṣa̱mindo̱ pava̍sva̱ pava̍māno a̱sridha̍m .
yā no̱ doha̍te̱ triraha̱nnasa̍ścuṣī kṣu̱madvāja̍va̱nmadhu̍matsu̱vīrya̍m .. 9.086.18
18 O Soma, Indu, while they cleanse thee, pour on us accumulateds Plentiful, nutritious food,
Which, ceaseless, thrice a day shall yield us hero power enriched with store of nourishment, and strength, and Meath.
Sloka : 9.86.19
वृषा॑ मती॒नां प॑वते विचक्ष॒णः सोमो॒ अह्नः॑ प्रतरी॒तोषसो॑ दि॒वः ।
क्रा॒णा सिन्धू॑नां क॒लशा॑ँ अवीवश॒दिन्द्र॑स्य॒ हार्द्या॑वि॒शन्म॑नी॒षिभिः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.१९
vṛṣā̍ matī̱nāṃ pa̍vate vicakṣa̱ṇaḥ somo̱ ahna̍ḥ pratarī̱toṣaso̍ di̱vaḥ .
krā̱ṇā sindhū̍nāṃ ka̱laśā̍m̐ avīvaśa̱dindra̍sya̱ hārdyā̍vi̱śanma̍nī̱ṣibhi̍ḥ .. 9.086.19
19 Far-seeing Soma flows, the Steer, the Lord of hymns, the Furtherer of day, of morning, and of heaven.
Mixt with the streams he caused the beakers to resound, and with the singers' aid they entered Indra's heart.
Sloka : 9.86.20
म॒नी॒षिभिः॑ पवते पू॒र्व्यः क॒विर्नृभि॑र्य॒तः परि॒ कोशा॑ँ अचिक्रदत् ।
त्रि॒तस्य॒ नाम॑ ज॒नय॒न्मधु॑ क्षर॒दिन्द्र॑स्य वा॒योः स॒ख्याय॒ कर्त॑वे ॥ ९.०८६.२०
ma̱nī̱ṣibhi̍ḥ pavate pū̱rvyaḥ ka̱virnṛbhi̍rya̱taḥ pari̱ kośā̍m̐ acikradat .
tri̱tasya̱ nāma̍ ja̱naya̱nmadhu̍ kṣara̱dindra̍sya vā̱yoḥ sa̱khyāya̱ karta̍ve .. 9.086.20
20 On, with the prudent singers, flows the ancient Sage and guided by the men hath roared about the vats.
Producing Trita's name, may he pour forth the meath, that Vāyu and that Indra may become his Friends.
Sloka : 9.86.21
अ॒यं पु॑ना॒न उ॒षसो॒ वि रो॑चयद॒यं सिन्धु॑भ्यो अभवदु लोक॒कृत् ।
अ॒यं त्रिः स॒प्त दु॑दुहा॒न आ॒शिरं॒ सोमो॑ हृ॒दे प॑वते॒ चारु॑ मत्स॒रः ॥ ९.०८६.२१
a̱yaṃ pu̍nā̱na u̱ṣaso̱ vi ro̍cayada̱yaṃ sindhu̍bhyo abhavadu loka̱kṛt .
a̱yaṃ triḥ sa̱pta du̍duhā̱na ā̱śira̱ṃ somo̍ hṛ̱de pa̍vate̱ cāru̍ matsa̱raḥ .. 9.086.21
21 He, being purified, hath made the Mornings shine:- this, even this is he who gave the rivers room.
He made the Three Times Seven pour out the milky flow:- Soma, the Cheerer, yields whateer the heart finds sweet.
Sloka : 9.86.22
पव॑स्व सोम दि॒व्येषु॒ धाम॑सु सृजा॒न इ॑न्दो क॒लशे॑ प॒वित्र॒ आ ।
सीद॒न्निन्द्र॑स्य ज॒ठरे॒ कनि॑क्रद॒न्नृभि॑र्य॒तः सूर्य॒मारो॑हयो दि॒वि ॥ ९.०८६.२२
pava̍sva soma di̱vyeṣu̱ dhāma̍su sṛjā̱na i̍ndo ka̱laśe̍ pa̱vitra̱ ā .
sīda̱nnindra̍sya ja̱ṭhare̱ kani̍krada̱nnṛbhi̍rya̱taḥ sūrya̱māro̍hayo di̱vi .. 9.086.22
22 Flow, onward, Soma, in thine own celestial forms, flow, Indu, poured within the beaker and the sieve.
Sinking into the throat of Indra with a roar, led by the men thou madest Sūrya mount to heaven.
Sloka : 9.86.23
अद्रि॑भिः सु॒तः प॑वसे प॒वित्र॒ आँ इन्द॒विन्द्र॑स्य ज॒ठरे॑ष्वावि॒शन् ।
त्वं नृ॒चक्षा॑ अभवो विचक्षण॒ सोम॑ गो॒त्रमङ्गि॑रोभ्योऽवृणो॒रप॑ ॥ ९.०८६.२३
adri̍bhiḥ su̱taḥ pa̍vase pa̱vitra̱ ām̐ inda̱vindra̍sya ja̱ṭhare̍ṣvāvi̱śan .
tvaṃ nṛ̱cakṣā̍ abhavo vicakṣaṇa̱ soma̍ go̱tramaṅgi̍robhyo'vṛṇo̱rapa̍ .. 9.086.23
23 Pressed out with stones thou flowest onward to the sieve, O Indu, entering the depths of Indra's throat.
Far-sighted Soma, now thou lookest on mankind:- thou didst unbar the cowstall for the Aṅgirases.
Sloka : 9.86.24
त्वां सो॑म॒ पव॑मानं स्वा॒ध्योऽनु॒ विप्रा॑सो अमदन्नव॒स्यवः॑ ।
त्वां सु॑प॒र्ण आभ॑रद्दि॒वस्परीन्दो॒ विश्वा॑भिर्म॒तिभिः॒ परि॑ष्कृतम् ॥ ९.०८६.२४
tvāṃ so̍ma̱ pava̍mānaṃ svā̱dhyo'nu̱ viprā̍so amadannava̱syava̍ḥ .
tvāṃ su̍pa̱rṇa ābha̍raddi̱vasparīndo̱ viśvā̍bhirma̱tibhi̱ḥ pari̍ṣkṛtam .. 9.086.24
24 In thee, O Soma, while thou purifitedst thee, high-thoughted sages, seeking favour, have rejoiced.
Down from the heavens the Falcon brought thee hitherward, even thee, O Indu, thee whom all our hymns adorn.
Sloka : 9.86.25
अव्ये॑ पुना॒नं परि॒ वार॑ ऊ॒र्मिणा॒ हरिं॑ नवन्ते अ॒भि स॒प्त धे॒नवः॑ ।
अ॒पामु॒पस्थे॒ अध्या॒यवः॑ क॒विमृ॒तस्य॒ योना॑ महि॒षा अ॑हेषत ॥ ९.०८६.२५
avye̍ punā̱naṃ pari̱ vāra̍ ū̱rmiṇā̱ hari̍ṃ navante a̱bhi sa̱pta dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
a̱pāmu̱pasthe̱ adhyā̱yava̍ḥ ka̱vimṛ̱tasya̱ yonā̍ mahi̱ṣā a̍heṣata .. 9.086.25
25 Seven Milch-kine glorify the Tawny-coloured One while with his wave in wool he purifies himself.
The living men, the mighty, have impelled the Sage into the waters' lap, the place of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.86.26
इन्दुः॑ पुना॒नो अति॑ गाहते॒ मृधो॒ विश्वा॑नि कृ॒ण्वन्सु॒पथा॑नि॒ यज्य॑वे ।
गाः कृ॑ण्वा॒नो नि॒र्णिजं॑ हर्य॒तः क॒विरत्यो॒ न क्रीळ॒न्परि॒ वार॑मर्षति ॥ ९.०८६.२६
indu̍ḥ punā̱no ati̍ gāhate̱ mṛdho̱ viśvā̍ni kṛ̱ṇvansu̱pathā̍ni̱ yajya̍ve .
gāḥ kṛ̍ṇvā̱no ni̱rṇija̍ṃ harya̱taḥ ka̱viratyo̱ na krīl̤a̱npari̱ vāra̍marṣati .. 9.086.26
26 Indu, attaining purity, plunges through the foe, making Ilis ways all easy for the pious man.
Making the kine his mantle, he, the lovely Sage, runs like a sporting courser onward through the fleece.
Sloka : 9.86.27
अ॒स॒श्चतः॑ श॒तधा॑रा अभि॒श्रियो॒ हरिं॑ नव॒न्तेऽव॒ ता उ॑द॒न्युवः॑ ।
क्षिपो॑ मृजन्ति॒ परि॒ गोभि॒रावृ॑तं तृ॒तीये॑ पृ॒ष्ठे अधि॑ रोच॒ने दि॒वः ॥ ९.०८६.२७
a̱sa̱ścata̍ḥ śa̱tadhā̍rā abhi̱śriyo̱ hari̍ṃ nava̱nte'va̱ tā u̍da̱nyuva̍ḥ .
kṣipo̍ mṛjanti̱ pari̱ gobhi̱rāvṛ̍taṃ tṛ̱tīye̍ pṛ̱ṣṭhe adhi̍ roca̱ne di̱vaḥ .. 9.086.27
27 The ceaseless watery fountains with their hundred streams sing, as they hasten near, to him the Golden-hued
Him, clad in robes of milk, swift fingers beautify on the third height and in the luminous realm of heaven.
Sloka : 9.86.28
तवे॒माः प्र॒जा दि॒व्यस्य॒ रेत॑स॒स्त्वं विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य राजसि ।
अथे॒दं विश्वं॑ पवमान ते॒ वशे॒ त्वमि॑न्दो प्रथ॒मो धा॑म॒धा अ॑सि ॥ ९.०८६.२८
tave̱māḥ pra̱jā di̱vyasya̱ reta̍sa̱stvaṃ viśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya rājasi .
athe̱daṃ viśva̍ṃ pavamāna te̱ vaśe̱ tvami̍ndo pratha̱mo dhā̍ma̱dhā a̍si .. 9.086.28
28 These are thy generations of celestial seed thou art the Sovran Lord of all the world of life.
This universe, O Pavamana, owns thy sway; thou, Indu, art the first establisher of Law.
Sloka : 9.86.29
त्वं स॑मु॒द्रो अ॑सि विश्व॒वित्क॑वे॒ तवे॒माः पञ्च॑ प्र॒दिशो॒ विध॑र्मणि ।
त्वं द्यां च॑ पृथि॒वीं चाति॑ जभ्रिषे॒ तव॒ ज्योतीं॑षि पवमान॒ सूर्यः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.२९
tvaṃ sa̍mu̱dro a̍si viśva̱vitka̍ve̱ tave̱māḥ pañca̍ pra̱diśo̱ vidha̍rmaṇi .
tvaṃ dyāṃ ca̍ pṛthi̱vīṃ cāti̍ jabhriṣe̱ tava̱ jyotī̍ṃṣi pavamāna̱ sūrya̍ḥ .. 9.086.29
29 Thou art the sea, O Sage who bringest alf to light:- under thy Law are these five regions of the world.
Tlou reachest out beyond the earth, beyond the heavens:- thine are the lights, O Pavamana, thine the Sun.
Sloka : 9.86.30
त्वं प॒वित्रे॒ रज॑सो॒ विध॑र्मणि दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सोम पवमान पूयसे ।
त्वामु॒शिजः॑ प्रथ॒मा अ॑गृभ्णत॒ तुभ्ये॒मा विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि येमिरे ॥ ९.०८६.३०
tvaṃ pa̱vitre̱ raja̍so̱ vidha̍rmaṇi de̱vebhya̍ḥ soma pavamāna pūyase .
tvāmu̱śija̍ḥ pratha̱mā a̍gṛbhṇata̱ tubhye̱mā viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni yemire .. 9.086.30
30 Thou in the filter, Soma Pavamana, art purified to support the region for the Gods.
The chief, the longing ones have sought to hold thee fast, and all these living creatures have been turned to thee.
Sloka : 9.86.31
प्र रे॒भ ए॒त्यति॒ वार॑म॒व्ययं॒ वृषा॒ वने॒ष्वव॑ चक्रद॒द्धरिः॑ ।
सं धी॒तयो॑ वावशा॒ना अ॑नूषत॒ शिशुं॑ रिहन्ति म॒तयः॒ पनि॑प्नतम् ॥ ९.०८६.३१
pra re̱bha e̱tyati̱ vāra̍ma̱vyaya̱ṃ vṛṣā̱ vane̱ṣvava̍ cakrada̱ddhari̍ḥ .
saṃ dhī̱tayo̍ vāvaśā̱nā a̍nūṣata̱ śiśu̍ṃ rihanti ma̱taya̱ḥ pani̍pnatam .. 9.086.31
31 Onward the Singer travels oer the fleecy sieve. the Tawny Steer hath bellowed in the wooden vats.
Hymns have been sung aloud in resonant harmony, and holy songs kiss him, the Child who claims our praise.
Sloka : 9.86.32
स सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभिः॒ परि॑ व्यत॒ तन्तुं॑ तन्वा॒नस्त्रि॒वृतं॒ यथा॑ वि॒दे ।
नय॑न्नृ॒तस्य॑ प्र॒शिषो॒ नवी॑यसीः॒ पति॒र्जनी॑ना॒मुप॑ याति निष्कृ॒तम् ॥ ९.०८६.३२
sa sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̱ḥ pari̍ vyata̱ tantu̍ṃ tanvā̱nastri̱vṛta̱ṃ yathā̍ vi̱de .
naya̍nnṛ̱tasya̍ pra̱śiṣo̱ navī̍yasī̱ḥ pati̱rjanī̍nā̱mupa̍ yāti niṣkṛ̱tam .. 9.086.32
32 He hath assumed the rays of Sūrya for his robe, spinning, as he knows bow, the triply-twisted thread.
He, guiding to the newest rules of Holy Law, comes as the Women's Consort to the special place.
Sloka : 9.86.33
राजा॒ सिन्धू॑नां पवते॒ पति॑र्दि॒व ऋ॒तस्य॑ याति प॒थिभिः॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ।
स॒हस्र॑धारः॒ परि॑ षिच्यते॒ हरिः॑ पुना॒नो वाचं॑ ज॒नय॒न्नुपा॑वसुः ॥ ९.०८६.३३
rājā̱ sindhū̍nāṃ pavate̱ pati̍rdi̱va ṛ̱tasya̍ yāti pa̱thibhi̱ḥ kani̍kradat .
sa̱hasra̍dhāra̱ḥ pari̍ ṣicyate̱ hari̍ḥ punā̱no vāca̍ṃ ja̱naya̱nnupā̍vasuḥ .. 9.086.33
33 On flows the King of rivers and the Lord of heaven:- he follows with a shout the paths of Holy Law.
The Golden-hued is poured forth, with his hundred streams, Wealth-bringer, lifting up his voice while purified.
Sloka : 9.86.34
पव॑मान॒ मह्यर्णो॒ वि धा॑वसि॒ सूरो॒ न चि॒त्रो अव्य॑यानि॒ पव्य॑या ।
गभ॑स्तिपूतो॒ नृभि॒रद्रि॑भिः सु॒तो म॒हे वाजा॑य॒ धन्या॑य धन्वसि ॥ ९.०८६.३४
pava̍māna̱ mahyarṇo̱ vi dhā̍vasi̱ sūro̱ na ci̱tro avya̍yāni̱ pavya̍yā .
gabha̍stipūto̱ nṛbhi̱radri̍bhiḥ su̱to ma̱he vājā̍ya̱ dhanyā̍ya dhanvasi .. 9.086.34
34 Fain to be cleansed, thou, Pavamana, pourest out, like wondrous Sūrya, through the fleece, an ample sea.
Purified with the hands, pressed by the men with stones, thou speedest on to mighty booty-bringing war.
Sloka : 9.86.35
इष॒मूर्जं॑ पवमाना॒भ्य॑र्षसि श्ये॒नो न वंसु॑ क॒लशे॑षु सीदसि ।
इन्द्रा॑य॒ मद्वा॒ मद्यो॒ मदः॑ सु॒तो दि॒वो वि॑ष्ट॒म्भ उ॑प॒मो वि॑चक्ष॒णः ॥ ९.०८६.३५
iṣa̱mūrja̍ṃ pavamānā̱bhya̍rṣasi śye̱no na vaṃsu̍ ka̱laśe̍ṣu sīdasi .
indrā̍ya̱ madvā̱ madyo̱ mada̍ḥ su̱to di̱vo vi̍ṣṭa̱mbha u̍pa̱mo vi̍cakṣa̱ṇaḥ .. 9.086.35
35 Thou, Pavamana, sendest food and power in streams. thou sittest in the beakers as a hawk on trees,
For Indra poured as cheering juice to make him glad, as nearest and farseeing bearer-up of heaven.
Sloka : 9.86.36
स॒प्त स्वसा॑रो अ॒भि मा॒तरः॒ शिशुं॒ नवं॑ जज्ञा॒नं जेन्यं॑ विप॒श्चित॑म् ।
अ॒पां ग॑न्ध॒र्वं दि॒व्यं नृ॒चक्ष॑सं॒ सोमं॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य रा॒जसे॑ ॥ ९.०८६.३६
sa̱pta svasā̍ro a̱bhi mā̱tara̱ḥ śiśu̱ṃ nava̍ṃ jajñā̱naṃ jenya̍ṃ vipa̱ścita̍m .
a̱pāṃ ga̍ndha̱rvaṃ di̱vyaṃ nṛ̱cakṣa̍sa̱ṃ soma̱ṃ viśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya rā̱jase̍ .. 9.086.36
36 The Sisters Seven, the Mothers, stand around the Babe, the noble, new-born Infant, skilled in holy song,
Gandharva of the floods, divine, beholding men, Soma, that he may reign as King of all the world.
Sloka : 9.86.37
ई॒शा॒न इ॒मा भुव॑नानि॒ वीय॑से युजा॒न इ॑न्दो ह॒रितः॑ सुप॒र्ण्यः॑ ।
तास्ते॑ क्षरन्तु॒ मधु॑मद्घृ॒तं पय॒स्तव॑ व्र॒ते सो॑म तिष्ठन्तु कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.३७
ī̱śā̱na i̱mā bhuva̍nāni̱ vīya̍se yujā̱na i̍ndo ha̱rita̍ḥ supa̱rṇya̍ḥ .
tāste̍ kṣarantu̱ madhu̍madghṛ̱taṃ paya̱stava̍ vra̱te so̍ma tiṣṭhantu kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 9.086.37
37 As Sovran Lord thereof thou Passest through these worlds, O Indu, harnessing thy tawny well-winged Mares.
May they pour forth for thee milk and oil rich in sweets:- O Soma, let the folk abide in thy decree.
Sloka : 9.86.38
त्वं नृ॒चक्षा॑ असि सोम वि॒श्वतः॒ पव॑मान वृषभ॒ ता वि धा॑वसि ।
स नः॑ पवस्व॒ वसु॑म॒द्धिर॑ण्यवद्व॒यं स्या॑म॒ भुव॑नेषु जी॒वसे॑ ॥ ९.०८६.३८
tvaṃ nṛ̱cakṣā̍ asi soma vi̱śvata̱ḥ pava̍māna vṛṣabha̱ tā vi dhā̍vasi .
sa na̍ḥ pavasva̱ vasu̍ma̱ddhira̍ṇyavadva̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ bhuva̍neṣu jī̱vase̍ .. 9.086.38
38 O Soma, thou beholdest men from every side:- O Pavamana, Steer, thou wanderest through these.
Pour out upon us wealth in treasure and in gold:- may we have strength to live among the things that be.
Sloka : 9.86.39
गो॒वित्प॑वस्व वसु॒विद्धि॑रण्य॒विद्रे॑तो॒धा इ॑न्दो॒ भुव॑ने॒ष्वर्पि॑तः ।
त्वं सु॒वीरो॑ असि सोम विश्व॒वित्तं त्वा॒ विप्रा॒ उप॑ गि॒रेम आ॑सते ॥ ९.०८६.३९
go̱vitpa̍vasva vasu̱viddhi̍raṇya̱vidre̍to̱dhā i̍ndo̱ bhuva̍ne̱ṣvarpi̍taḥ .
tvaṃ su̱vīro̍ asi soma viśva̱vittaṃ tvā̱ viprā̱ upa̍ gi̱rema ā̍sate .. 9.086.39
39 Winner of gold and goods and cattle flow thou on, set as impregner, Indu, mid the worlds of life.
Rich in brave men art thou, Soma, who winnest all:- these holy singers wait upon thee with the song.
Sloka : 9.86.40
उन्मध्व॑ ऊ॒र्मिर्व॒नना॑ अतिष्ठिपद॒पो वसा॑नो महि॒षो वि गा॑हते ।
राजा॑ प॒वित्र॑रथो॒ वाज॒मारु॑हत्स॒हस्र॑भृष्टिर्जयति॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.०८६.४०
unmadhva̍ ū̱rmirva̱nanā̍ atiṣṭhipada̱po vasā̍no mahi̱ṣo vi gā̍hate .
rājā̍ pa̱vitra̍ratho̱ vāja̱māru̍hatsa̱hasra̍bhṛṣṭirjayati̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hat .. 9.086.40
40 The wave of flowing meath hath wakened up desires:- the Steer enrobed in milk plunges into the streams.
Borne on his chariot-sieve the King hath risen to war, and with a thousand rays hath won him high renown.
Sloka : 9.86.41
स भ॒न्दना॒ उदि॑यर्ति प्र॒जाव॑तीर्वि॒श्वायु॒र्विश्वाः॑ सु॒भरा॒ अह॑र्दिवि ।
ब्रह्म॑ प्र॒जाव॑द्र॒यिमश्व॑पस्त्यं पी॒त इ॑न्द॒विन्द्र॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ याचतात् ॥ ९.०८६.४१
sa bha̱ndanā̱ udi̍yarti pra̱jāva̍tīrvi̱śvāyu̱rviśvā̍ḥ su̱bharā̱ aha̍rdivi .
brahma̍ pra̱jāva̍dra̱yimaśva̍pastyaṃ pī̱ta i̍nda̱vindra̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ yācatāt .. 9.086.41
41 Dear to all life, he sends triumphant praises forth, abundant, bringing offspring, each succeeding day.
From Indra crave for us, Indu, when thou art quaffed, the blessing that gives children, wealth that harbours steeds.
Sloka : 9.86.42
सो अग्रे॒ अह्नां॒ हरि॑र्हर्य॒तो मदः॒ प्र चेत॑सा चेतयते॒ अनु॒ द्युभिः॑ ।
द्वा जना॑ या॒तय॑न्न॒न्तरी॑यते॒ नरा॑ च॒ शंसं॒ दैव्यं॑ च ध॒र्तरि॑ ॥ ९.०८६.४२
so agre̱ ahnā̱ṃ hari̍rharya̱to mada̱ḥ pra ceta̍sā cetayate̱ anu̱ dyubhi̍ḥ .
dvā janā̍ yā̱taya̍nna̱ntarī̍yate̱ narā̍ ca̱ śaṃsa̱ṃ daivya̍ṃ ca dha̱rtari̍ .. 9.086.42
42 When days begin, the strong juice, lovely, golden-hued, is recognized by wisdom more and more each day,
He, stirring both the Races, goes between the two, the bearer of the word of men and word of Gods.
Sloka : 9.86.43
अ॒ञ्जते॒ व्य॑ञ्जते॒ सम॑ञ्जते॒ क्रतुं॑ रिहन्ति॒ मधु॑ना॒भ्य॑ञ्जते ।
सिन्धो॑रुच्छ्वा॒से प॒तय॑न्तमु॒क्षणं॑ हिरण्यपा॒वाः प॒शुमा॑सु गृभ्णते ॥ ९.०८६.४३
a̱ñjate̱ vya̍ñjate̱ sama̍ñjate̱ kratu̍ṃ rihanti̱ madhu̍nā̱bhya̍ñjate .
sindho̍rucchvā̱se pa̱taya̍ntamu̱kṣaṇa̍ṃ hiraṇyapā̱vāḥ pa̱śumā̍su gṛbhṇate .. 9.086.43
43 They balm him, balm him over balm him thoroughly, caress the mighty strength and balm it with the meath.
They seize the flying Steer at the stream's breathing-place:- cleansing with gold they grasp the Animal herein.
Sloka : 9.86.44
वि॒प॒श्चिते॒ पव॑मानाय गायत म॒ही न धारात्यन्धो॑ अर्षति ।
अहि॒र्न जू॒र्णामति॑ सर्पति॒ त्वच॒मत्यो॒ न क्रीळ॑न्नसर॒द्वृषा॒ हरिः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.४४
vi̱pa̱ścite̱ pava̍mānāya gāyata ma̱hī na dhārātyandho̍ arṣati .
ahi̱rna jū̱rṇāmati̍ sarpati̱ tvaca̱matyo̱ na krīl̤a̍nnasara̱dvṛṣā̱ hari̍ḥ .. 9.086.44
44 Sing forth to Pavamana skilled in holy song:- the juice is flowing onward like a mighty stream.
He.glideth like a serpent from his ancient skin, and like a playful horse the Tawny Steer hath run.
Sloka : 9.86.45
अ॒ग्रे॒गो राजाप्य॑स्तविष्यते वि॒मानो॒ अह्नां॒ भुव॑ने॒ष्वर्पि॑तः ।
हरि॑र्घृ॒तस्नुः॑ सु॒दृशी॑को अर्ण॒वो ज्यो॒तीर॑थः पवते रा॒य ओ॒क्यः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.४५
a̱gre̱go rājāpya̍staviṣyate vi̱māno̱ ahnā̱ṃ bhuva̍ne̱ṣvarpi̍taḥ .
hari̍rghṛ̱tasnu̍ḥ su̱dṛśī̍ko arṇa̱vo jyo̱tīra̍thaḥ pavate rā̱ya o̱kya̍ḥ .. 9.086.45
45 Dweller in floods, King, foremost, he displays his might, set among living things as measurer of days.
Distilling oil he flows, fair, billowy, golden-hued, borne on a car of light, sharing one hom-e with wealth.
Sloka : 9.86.46
अस॑र्जि स्क॒म्भो दि॒व उद्य॑तो॒ मदः॒ परि॑ त्रि॒धातु॒र्भुव॑नान्यर्षति ।
अं॒शुं रि॑हन्ति म॒तयः॒ पनि॑प्नतं गि॒रा यदि॑ नि॒र्णिज॑मृ॒ग्मिणो॑ य॒युः ॥ ९.०८६.४६
asa̍rji ska̱mbho di̱va udya̍to̱ mada̱ḥ pari̍ tri̱dhātu̱rbhuva̍nānyarṣati .
a̱ṃśuṃ ri̍hanti ma̱taya̱ḥ pani̍pnataṃ gi̱rā yadi̍ ni̱rṇija̍mṛ̱gmiṇo̍ ya̱yuḥ .. 9.086.46
46 Loosed is the heavens! support, the uplifted cheering juice:- the triply-mingled draught flows round into the worlds.
The holy hymns caress the stalk that claims our praise, when singers have approached his beauteous robe with song.
Sloka : 9.86.47
प्र ते॒ धारा॒ अत्यण्वा॑नि मे॒ष्यः॑ पुना॒नस्य॑ सं॒यतो॑ यन्ति॒ रंह॑यः ।
यद्गोभि॑रिन्दो च॒म्वोः॑ सम॒ज्यस॒ आ सु॑वा॒नः सो॑म क॒लशे॑षु सीदसि ॥ ९.०८६.४७
pra te̱ dhārā̱ atyaṇvā̍ni me̱ṣya̍ḥ punā̱nasya̍ sa̱ṃyato̍ yanti̱ raṃha̍yaḥ .
yadgobhi̍rindo ca̱mvo̍ḥ sama̱jyasa̱ ā su̍vā̱naḥ so̍ma ka̱laśe̍ṣu sīdasi .. 9.086.47
47 Thy strearns that flow forth rapidly collected run over the fine fleece of the sheep as thou art cleansed.
When, Indu, thou art. balmed with milk within the bowl, thou sinkest in the jars, O Soma, when expressed.
Sloka : 9.86.48
पव॑स्व सोम क्रतु॒विन्न॑ उ॒क्थ्योऽव्यो॒ वारे॒ परि॑ धाव॒ मधु॑ प्रि॒यम् ।
ज॒हि विश्वा॑न्र॒क्षस॑ इन्दो अ॒त्रिणो॑ बृ॒हद्व॑देम वि॒दथे॑ सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ ९.०८६.४८
pava̍sva soma kratu̱vinna̍ u̱kthyo'vyo̱ vāre̱ pari̍ dhāva̱ madhu̍ pri̱yam .
ja̱hi viśvā̍nra̱kṣasa̍ indo a̱triṇo̍ bṛ̱hadva̍dema vi̱dathe̍ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 9.086.48
48 Winner of power, flow, Soma, worthy of our laud:- run onward to the fleece as well-beloved meath.
Destroy, O Indu, all voracious Rākṣasas. With brave sons in the assembly let our speech be bold.
Sloka : 9.87.1
प्र तु द्र॑व॒ परि॒ कोशं॒ नि षी॑द॒ नृभिः॑ पुना॒नो अ॒भि वाज॑मर्ष ।
अश्वं॒ न त्वा॑ वा॒जिनं॑ म॒र्जय॒न्तोऽच्छा॑ ब॒र्ही र॑श॒नाभि॑र्नयन्ति ॥ ९.०८७.०१
pra tu dra̍va̱ pari̱ kośa̱ṃ ni ṣī̍da̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ punā̱no a̱bhi vāja̍marṣa .
aśva̱ṃ na tvā̍ vā̱jina̍ṃ ma̱rjaya̱nto'cchā̍ ba̱rhī ra̍śa̱nābhi̍rnayanti .. 9.087.01
1. RUN onward to the reservoir and seat thee:- cleansed by the men speed forward to the battle.
Making thee beauteous like an able courser, forth to the sacred grass with reins they lead thee.
Sloka : 9.87.2
स्वा॒यु॒धः प॑वते दे॒व इन्दु॑रशस्ति॒हा वृ॒जनं॒ रक्ष॑माणः ।
पि॒ता दे॒वानां॑ जनि॒ता सु॒दक्षो॑ विष्ट॒म्भो दि॒वो ध॒रुणः॑ पृथि॒व्याः ॥ ९.०८७.०२
svā̱yu̱dhaḥ pa̍vate de̱va indu̍raśasti̱hā vṛ̱jana̱ṃ rakṣa̍māṇaḥ .
pi̱tā de̱vānā̍ṃ jani̱tā su̱dakṣo̍ viṣṭa̱mbho di̱vo dha̱ruṇa̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .. 9.087.02
2 Indu, the well-armed God, is flowing onward, who quells the curse and guards from treacherous onslaught,
Father, begetter of the Gods, most skilful, the buttress of the heavens and earth's supporter.
Sloka : 9.87.3
ऋषि॒र्विप्रः॑ पुरए॒ता जना॑नामृ॒भुर्धीर॑ उ॒शना॒ काव्ये॑न ।
स चि॑द्विवेद॒ निहि॑तं॒ यदा॑सामपी॒च्यं१॒॑ गुह्यं॒ नाम॒ गोना॑म् ॥ ९.०८७.०३
ṛṣi̱rvipra̍ḥ purae̱tā janā̍nāmṛ̱bhurdhīra̍ u̱śanā̱ kāvye̍na .
sa ci̍dviveda̱ nihi̍ta̱ṃ yadā̍sāmapī̱cyaṃ1̱̍ guhya̱ṃ nāma̱ gonā̍m .. 9.087.03
3. Ṛṣi and Sage, the Champion of the people, cleft and sagacious, Uśanā in wisdom,
He hath discovered even their hidden nature, the Cows' concealed and most mysterious title.
Sloka : 9.87.4
ए॒ष स्य ते॒ मधु॑माँ इन्द्र॒ सोमो॒ वृषा॒ वृष्णे॒ परि॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अक्षाः ।
स॒ह॒स्र॒साः श॑त॒सा भू॑रि॒दावा॑ शश्वत्त॒मं ब॒र्हिरा वा॒ज्य॑स्थात् ॥ ९.०८७.०४
e̱ṣa sya te̱ madhu̍mām̐ indra̱ somo̱ vṛṣā̱ vṛṣṇe̱ pari̍ pa̱vitre̍ akṣāḥ .
sa̱ha̱sra̱sāḥ śa̍ta̱sā bhū̍ri̱dāvā̍ śaśvatta̱maṃ ba̱rhirā vā̱jya̍sthāt .. 9.087.04
4 This thine own Soma rich in meath, O Indra, Steer for the Steer, hath flowed into the filter.
The strong Free-giver, winning hundreds, thousands, hath reached the holy grass that never fails him.
Sloka : 9.87.5
ए॒ते सोमा॑ अ॒भि ग॒व्या स॒हस्रा॑ म॒हे वाजा॑या॒मृता॑य॒ श्रवां॑सि ।
प॒वित्रे॑भिः॒ पव॑माना असृग्रञ्छ्रव॒स्यवो॒ न पृ॑त॒नाजो॒ अत्याः॑ ॥ ९.०८७.०५
e̱te somā̍ a̱bhi ga̱vyā sa̱hasrā̍ ma̱he vājā̍yā̱mṛtā̍ya̱ śravā̍ṃsi .
pa̱vitre̍bhi̱ḥ pava̍mānā asṛgrañchrava̱syavo̱ na pṛ̍ta̱nājo̱ atyā̍ḥ .. 9.087.05
5 These Somas are for wealth of countless cattle, renown therefor, and mighty strength immortal.
These have been sent forth, urified by strainers, like steeds who rusg to battle fain for glory.
Sloka : 9.87.6
परि॒ हि ष्मा॑ पुरुहू॒तो जना॑नां॒ विश्वास॑र॒द्भोज॑ना पू॒यमा॑नः ।
अथा भ॑र श्येनभृत॒ प्रयां॑सि र॒यिं तुञ्जा॑नो अ॒भि वाज॑मर्ष ॥ ९.०८७.०६
pari̱ hi ṣmā̍ puruhū̱to janā̍nā̱ṃ viśvāsa̍ra̱dbhoja̍nā pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
athā bha̍ra śyenabhṛta̱ prayā̍ṃsi ra̱yiṃ tuñjā̍no a̱bhi vāja̍marṣa .. 9.087.06
6 He, while he cleanses him, invoked of many, hath flowed to give the people all enjoyment.
Thou whom the Falcon brought, bring, dainty viands, bestir thyself and send us wealth and booty.
Sloka : 9.87.7
ए॒ष सु॑वा॒नः परि॒ सोमः॑ प॒वित्रे॒ सर्गो॒ न सृ॒ष्टो अ॑दधाव॒दर्वा॑ ।
ति॒ग्मे शिशा॑नो महि॒षो न शृङ्गे॒ गा ग॒व्यन्न॒भि शूरो॒ न सत्वा॑ ॥ ९.०८७.०७
e̱ṣa su̍vā̱naḥ pari̱ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitre̱ sargo̱ na sṛ̱ṣṭo a̍dadhāva̱darvā̍ .
ti̱gme śiśā̍no mahi̱ṣo na śṛṅge̱ gā ga̱vyanna̱bhi śūro̱ na satvā̍ .. 9.087.07
7 This Soma, pressed into the cleansing filter, hath run as twere a host let loose, the Courser;
Like a strong bull who whets his horns kpen-pointed, like a brave warrior in the fray for cattle.
Sloka : 9.87.8
ए॒षा य॑यौ पर॒माद॒न्तरद्रेः॒ कूचि॑त्स॒तीरू॒र्वे गा वि॑वेद ।
दि॒वो न वि॒द्युत्स्त॒नय॑न्त्य॒भ्रैः सोम॑स्य ते पवत इन्द्र॒ धारा॑ ॥ ९.०८७.०८
e̱ṣā ya̍yau para̱māda̱ntaradre̱ḥ kūci̍tsa̱tīrū̱rve gā vi̍veda .
di̱vo na vi̱dyutsta̱naya̍ntya̱bhraiḥ soma̍sya te pavata indra̱ dhārā̍ .. 9.087.08
8 He issued forth from out the loftiest mountain, and found kine hidden somewhere in a stable.
Soma's stream clears itself for thee, O Indra, like lightning thundering through the clouds of heaven,
Sloka : 9.87.9
उ॒त स्म॑ रा॒शिं परि॑ यासि॒ गोना॒मिन्द्रे॑ण सोम स॒रथं॑ पुना॒नः ।
पू॒र्वीरिषो॑ बृह॒तीर्जी॑रदानो॒ शिक्षा॑ शचीव॒स्तव॒ ता उ॑प॒ष्टुत् ॥ ९.०८७.०९
u̱ta sma̍ rā̱śiṃ pari̍ yāsi̱ gonā̱mindre̍ṇa soma sa̱ratha̍ṃ punā̱naḥ .
pū̱rvīriṣo̍ bṛha̱tīrjī̍radāno̱ śikṣā̍ śacīva̱stava̱ tā u̍pa̱ṣṭut .. 9.087.09
9 Cleansing thyselr, and borne along with Indra, Soma, thou goest round the herd of cattle.
May thy praise help us, Mighty One, prompt Giver, to the full ample food which thou bestowest.
Sloka : 9.88.1
अ॒यं सोम॑ इन्द्र॒ तुभ्यं॑ सुन्वे॒ तुभ्यं॑ पवते॒ त्वम॑स्य पाहि ।
त्वं ह॒ यं च॑कृ॒षे त्वं व॑वृ॒ष इन्दुं॒ मदा॑य॒ युज्या॑य॒ सोम॑म् ॥ ९.०८८.०१
a̱yaṃ soma̍ indra̱ tubhya̍ṃ sunve̱ tubhya̍ṃ pavate̱ tvama̍sya pāhi .
tvaṃ ha̱ yaṃ ca̍kṛ̱ṣe tvaṃ va̍vṛ̱ṣa indu̱ṃ madā̍ya̱ yujyā̍ya̱ soma̍m .. 9.088.01
1. FOR thee this Soma is effused, O Indra:- drink of this juice; for thee the stream is flowing-
Soma, which thou thyself hast made and chosen, even Indu, for thy special drink to cheer thee.
Sloka : 9.88.2
स ईं॒ रथो॒ न भु॑रि॒षाळ॑योजि म॒हः पु॒रूणि॑ सा॒तये॒ वसू॑नि ।
आदीं॒ विश्वा॑ नहु॒ष्या॑णि जा॒ता स्व॑र्षाता॒ वन॑ ऊ॒र्ध्वा न॑वन्त ॥ ९.०८८.०२
sa ī̱ṃ ratho̱ na bhu̍ri̱ṣāl̤a̍yoji ma̱haḥ pu̱rūṇi̍ sā̱taye̱ vasū̍ni .
ādī̱ṃ viśvā̍ nahu̱ṣyā̍ṇi jā̱tā sva̍rṣātā̱ vana̍ ū̱rdhvā na̍vanta .. 9.088.02
2 Like a capacious car hath it been harnessed, the Mighty; to acquire abundant treasures.
Then in the sacrifice they celebrated all triumphs won by Nahus -n the battle.
Sloka : 9.88.3
वा॒युर्न यो नि॒युत्वा॑ँ इ॒ष्टया॑मा॒ नास॑त्येव॒ हव॒ आ शम्भ॑विष्ठः ।
वि॒श्ववा॑रो द्रविणो॒दा इ॑व॒ त्मन्पू॒षेव॑ धी॒जव॑नोऽसि सोम ॥ ९.०८८.०३
vā̱yurna yo ni̱yutvā̍m̐ i̱ṣṭayā̍mā̱ nāsa̍tyeva̱ hava̱ ā śambha̍viṣṭhaḥ .
vi̱śvavā̍ro draviṇo̱dā i̍va̱ tmanpū̱ṣeva̍ dhī̱java̍no'si soma .. 9.088.03
3 Like Vāyu with his team, moving at pleasure, most gracious when invoked like both Nāsatyas,
Thou art thyself like the Wealth-Giver, Soma! who grants all boons, like song-inspiring Pūṣan.
Sloka : 9.88.4
इन्द्रो॒ न यो म॒हा कर्मा॑णि॒ चक्रि॑र्ह॒न्ता वृ॒त्राणा॑मसि सोम पू॒र्भित् ।
पै॒द्वो न हि त्वमहि॑नाम्नां ह॒न्ता विश्व॑स्यासि सोम॒ दस्योः॑ ॥ ९.०८८.०४
indro̱ na yo ma̱hā karmā̍ṇi̱ cakri̍rha̱ntā vṛ̱trāṇā̍masi soma pū̱rbhit .
pai̱dvo na hi tvamahi̍nāmnāṃ ha̱ntā viśva̍syāsi soma̱ dasyo̍ḥ .. 9.088.04
4 Like Indra who hath done great deeds, thou, Soma, art slayer of the Vṛtras, Fort-destroyer.
Like Pedu's horse who killed the brood of serpents, thus thou, O Soma, slayest every Dasyu.
Sloka : 9.88.5
अ॒ग्निर्न यो वन॒ आ सृ॒ज्यमा॑नो॒ वृथा॒ पाजां॑सि कृणुते न॒दीषु॑ ।
जनो॒ न युध्वा॑ मह॒त उ॑प॒ब्दिरिय॑र्ति॒ सोमः॒ पव॑मान ऊ॒र्मिम् ॥ ९.०८८.०५
a̱gnirna yo vana̱ ā sṛ̱jyamā̍no̱ vṛthā̱ pājā̍ṃsi kṛṇute na̱dīṣu̍ .
jano̱ na yudhvā̍ maha̱ta u̍pa̱bdiriya̍rti̱ soma̱ḥ pava̍māna ū̱rmim .. 9.088.05
5 Like Agni loosed amid the forest, fiercely he winneth splendour in the running waters.
Like one who fights, the roaring of the mighty, thus Soma Pavamana sends his current.
Sloka : 9.88.6
ए॒ते सोमा॒ अति॒ वारा॒ण्यव्या॑ दि॒व्या न कोशा॑सो अ॒भ्रव॑र्षाः ।
वृथा॑ समु॒द्रं सिन्ध॑वो॒ न नीचीः॑ सु॒तासो॑ अ॒भि क॒लशा॑ँ असृग्रन् ॥ ९.०८८.०६
e̱te somā̱ ati̱ vārā̱ṇyavyā̍ di̱vyā na kośā̍so a̱bhrava̍rṣāḥ .
vṛthā̍ samu̱draṃ sindha̍vo̱ na nīcī̍ḥ su̱tāso̍ a̱bhi ka̱laśā̍m̐ asṛgran .. 9.088.06
6 These Somas passing through the fleecy filter, like rain descending from the clouds of heaven,
Have been effused and poured into the beakers, swiftly like rivers running lowly seaward.
Sloka : 9.88.7
शु॒ष्मी शर्धो॒ न मारु॑तं पव॒स्वान॑भिशस्ता दि॒व्या यथा॒ विट् ।
आपो॒ न म॒क्षू सु॑म॒तिर्भ॑वा नः स॒हस्रा॑प्साः पृतना॒षाण्न य॒ज्ञः ॥ ९.०८८.०७
śu̱ṣmī śardho̱ na māru̍taṃ pava̱svāna̍bhiśastā di̱vyā yathā̱ viṭ .
āpo̱ na ma̱kṣū su̍ma̱tirbha̍vā naḥ sa̱hasrā̍psāḥ pṛtanā̱ṣāṇna ya̱jñaḥ .. 9.088.07
7 Flow onward like the potent band of Maruts, like that Celestial Host whom none revileth.
Quickly be gracious unto us like waters, like sacrifice victorious, thousand-fashioned.
Sloka : 9.88.8
राज्ञो॒ नु ते॒ वरु॑णस्य व्र॒तानि॑ बृ॒हद्ग॑भी॒रं तव॑ सोम॒ धाम॑ ।
शुचि॒ष्ट्वम॑सि प्रि॒यो न मि॒त्रो द॒क्षाय्यो॑ अर्य॒मेवा॑सि सोम ॥ ९.०८८.०८
rājño̱ nu te̱ varu̍ṇasya vra̱tāni̍ bṛ̱hadga̍bhī̱raṃ tava̍ soma̱ dhāma̍ .
śuci̱ṣṭvama̍si pri̱yo na mi̱tro da̱kṣāyyo̍ arya̱mevā̍si soma .. 9.088.08
8 Thine are King Varuṇa's eternal statutes, lofty and deep, O Soma, is thy glory.
All-pure art thou like Mitra the beloved, adorable, like Aryaman, O Soma.
Sloka : 9.89.1
प्रो स्य वह्निः॑ प॒थ्या॑भिरस्यान्दि॒वो न वृ॒ष्टिः पव॑मानो अक्षाः ।
स॒हस्र॑धारो असद॒न्न्य१॒॑स्मे मा॒तुरु॒पस्थे॒ वन॒ आ च॒ सोमः॑ ॥ ९.०८९.०१
pro sya vahni̍ḥ pa̱thyā̍bhirasyāndi̱vo na vṛ̱ṣṭiḥ pava̍māno akṣāḥ .
sa̱hasra̍dhāro asada̱nnya1̱̍sme mā̱turu̱pasthe̱ vana̱ ā ca̱ soma̍ḥ .. 9.089.01
1. THIS Chariot-horse hath moved along the pathways, and Pavamana flowed like rain from heaven.
With us hath Soma with a thousand currents sunk in the wood, upon his Mother's bosom.
Sloka : 9.89.2
राजा॒ सिन्धू॑नामवसिष्ट॒ वास॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ नाव॒मारु॑ह॒द्रजि॑ष्ठाम् ।
अ॒प्सु द्र॒प्सो वा॑वृधे श्ये॒नजू॑तो दु॒ह ईं॑ पि॒ता दु॒ह ईं॑ पि॒तुर्जाम् ॥ ९.०८९.०२
rājā̱ sindhū̍nāmavasiṣṭa̱ vāsa̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ nāva̱māru̍ha̱draji̍ṣṭhām .
a̱psu dra̱pso vā̍vṛdhe śye̱najū̍to du̱ha ī̍ṃ pi̱tā du̱ha ī̍ṃ pi̱turjām .. 9.089.02
2. King, he hath clothed him in the robe of rivers, mounted the straightest-going ship of Order.
Sped by the Hawk the drop hath waxed in waters:- the father drains it, drains the Father's offspring.
Sloka : 9.89.3
सिं॒हं न॑सन्त॒ मध्वो॑ अ॒यासं॒ हरि॑मरु॒षं दि॒वो अ॒स्य पति॑म् ।
शूरो॑ यु॒त्सु प्र॑थ॒मः पृ॑च्छते॒ गा अस्य॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ परि॑ पात्यु॒क्षा ॥ ९.०८९.०३
si̱ṃhaṃ na̍santa̱ madhvo̍ a̱yāsa̱ṃ hari̍maru̱ṣaṃ di̱vo a̱sya pati̍m .
śūro̍ yu̱tsu pra̍tha̱maḥ pṛ̍cchate̱ gā asya̱ cakṣa̍sā̱ pari̍ pātyu̱kṣā .. 9.089.03
3 They come to him, red, tawny, Lord of Heaven, the watchful Guardian of the meath, the Lion.
First, Hero in the fight, he seeks the cattle, and with his eye the Steer is our protector.
Sloka : 9.89.4
मधु॑पृष्ठं घो॒रम॒यास॒मश्वं॒ रथे॑ युञ्जन्त्युरुच॒क्र ऋ॒ष्वम् ।
स्वसा॑र ईं जा॒मयो॑ मर्जयन्ति॒ सना॑भयो वा॒जिन॑मूर्जयन्ति ॥ ९.०८९.०४
madhu̍pṛṣṭhaṃ gho̱rama̱yāsa̱maśva̱ṃ rathe̍ yuñjantyuruca̱kra ṛ̱ṣvam .
svasā̍ra īṃ jā̱mayo̍ marjayanti̱ sanā̍bhayo vā̱jina̍mūrjayanti .. 9.089.04
4 They harness to the broad-wheeled car the mighty Courser whose back bears meath, unwearied, awful.
The twins, the sisters brighten him, and strengthen-these children of one damethe vigorous Racer.
Sloka : 9.89.5
चत॑स्र ईं घृत॒दुहः॑ सचन्ते समा॒ने अ॒न्तर्ध॒रुणे॒ निष॑त्ताः ।
ता ई॑मर्षन्ति॒ नम॑सा पुना॒नास्ता ईं॑ वि॒श्वतः॒ परि॑ षन्ति पू॒र्वीः ॥ ९.०८९.०५
cata̍sra īṃ ghṛta̱duha̍ḥ sacante samā̱ne a̱ntardha̱ruṇe̱ niṣa̍ttāḥ .
tā ī̍marṣanti̱ nama̍sā punā̱nāstā ī̍ṃ vi̱śvata̱ḥ pari̍ ṣanti pū̱rvīḥ .. 9.089.05
5 Four pouring out the holy oil attend him, sitting together in the same container.
To him they flow, when purified, with homage, and still, from every side, are first about him.
Sloka : 9.89.6
वि॒ष्ट॒म्भो दि॒वो ध॒रुणः॑ पृथि॒व्या विश्वा॑ उ॒त क्षि॒तयो॒ हस्ते॑ अस्य ।
अस॑त्त॒ उत्सो॑ गृण॒ते नि॒युत्वा॒न्मध्वो॑ अं॒शुः प॑वत इन्द्रि॒याय॑ ॥ ९.०८९.०६
vi̱ṣṭa̱mbho di̱vo dha̱ruṇa̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyā viśvā̍ u̱ta kṣi̱tayo̱ haste̍ asya .
asa̍tta̱ utso̍ gṛṇa̱te ni̱yutvā̱nmadhvo̍ a̱ṃśuḥ pa̍vata indri̱yāya̍ .. 9.089.06
6 He is the buttress of the heavens, supporter of earth, and in his hand are all the people.
Be the team's Lord a well to thee the singer:- cleansed is the sweet plant's stalk for deed of glory.
Sloka : 9.89.7
व॒न्वन्नवा॑तो अ॒भि दे॒ववी॑ति॒मिन्द्रा॑य सोम वृत्र॒हा प॑वस्व ।
श॒ग्धि म॒हः पु॑रुश्च॒न्द्रस्य॑ रा॒यः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ पत॑यः स्याम ॥ ९.०८९.०७
va̱nvannavā̍to a̱bhi de̱vavī̍ti̱mindrā̍ya soma vṛtra̱hā pa̍vasva .
śa̱gdhi ma̱haḥ pu̍ruśca̱ndrasya̍ rā̱yaḥ su̱vīrya̍sya̱ pata̍yaḥ syāma .. 9.089.07
7 Fighting, uninjured come where Gods are feasted; Soma, as Vitra-slayer flow for Indra.
Vouchsafe us ample riches very splendid may we be masters of heroic vigour.
Sloka : 9.90.1
प्र हि॑न्वा॒नो ज॑नि॒ता रोद॑स्यो॒ रथो॒ न वाजं॑ सनि॒ष्यन्न॑यासीत् ।
इन्द्रं॒ गच्छ॒न्नायु॑धा सं॒शिशा॑नो॒ विश्वा॒ वसु॒ हस्त॑योरा॒दधा॑नः ॥ ९.०९०.०१
pra hi̍nvā̱no ja̍ni̱tā roda̍syo̱ ratho̱ na vāja̍ṃ sani̱ṣyanna̍yāsīt .
indra̱ṃ gaccha̱nnāyu̍dhā sa̱ṃśiśā̍no̱ viśvā̱ vasu̱ hasta̍yorā̱dadhā̍naḥ .. 9.090.01
1. URGED On, the Father of the Earth and Heaven hath gone forth like a car to gather booty,
Going to Indra, sharpening his weapons, and in his hand containing every treasure.
Sloka : 9.90.2
अ॒भि त्रि॑पृ॒ष्ठं वृष॑णं वयो॒धामा॑ङ्गू॒षाणा॑मवावशन्त॒ वाणीः॑ ।
वना॒ वसा॑नो॒ वरु॑णो॒ न सिन्धू॒न्वि र॑त्न॒धा द॑यते॒ वार्या॑णि ॥ ९.०९०.०२
a̱bhi tri̍pṛ̱ṣṭhaṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ vayo̱dhāmā̍ṅgū̱ṣāṇā̍mavāvaśanta̱ vāṇī̍ḥ .
vanā̱ vasā̍no̱ varu̍ṇo̱ na sindhū̱nvi ra̍tna̱dhā da̍yate̱ vāryā̍ṇi .. 9.090.02
2 To him the tones of sacred song have sounded, Steer of the triple height, the Life-bestower.
Dwelling in wood as Varuṇa in rivers, lavishing treasure he distributes blessings
Sloka : 9.90.3
शूर॑ग्रामः॒ सर्व॑वीरः॒ सहा॑वा॒ञ्जेता॑ पवस्व॒ सनि॑ता॒ धना॑नि ।
ति॒ग्मायु॑धः क्षि॒प्रध॑न्वा स॒मत्स्वषा॑ळ्हः सा॒ह्वान्पृत॑नासु॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ ९.०९०.०३
śūra̍grāma̱ḥ sarva̍vīra̱ḥ sahā̍vā̱ñjetā̍ pavasva̱ sani̍tā̱ dhanā̍ni .
ti̱gmāyu̍dhaḥ kṣi̱pradha̍nvā sa̱matsvaṣā̍l̤haḥ sā̱hvānpṛta̍nāsu̱ śatrū̍n .. 9.090.03
3 Great Conqueror, warnor-girt, Lord of all heroes, flow on thy way as he who winneth riches;
With sharpened. arms, with swift bow, never vanquished in battle, vanquishing in fight the foemen.
Sloka : 9.90.4
उ॒रुग॑व्यूति॒रभ॑यानि कृ॒ण्वन्स॑मीची॒ने आ प॑वस्वा॒ पुरं॑धी ।
अ॒पः सिषा॑सन्नु॒षसः॒ स्व१॒॑र्गाः सं चि॑क्रदो म॒हो अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ वाजा॑न् ॥ ९.०९०.०४
u̱ruga̍vyūti̱rabha̍yāni kṛ̱ṇvansa̍mīcī̱ne ā pa̍vasvā̱ pura̍ṃdhī .
a̱paḥ siṣā̍sannu̱ṣasa̱ḥ sva1̱̍rgāḥ saṃ ci̍krado ma̱ho a̱smabhya̱ṃ vājā̍n .. 9.090.04
4 Giving security, Lord of wide dominion, send us both earth and heaven with all their fulness.
Striving to win the Dawns, the light, the waters, and cattle, call to us abundant vigour.
Sloka : 9.90.5
मत्सि॑ सोम॒ वरु॑णं॒ मत्सि॑ मि॒त्रं मत्सीन्द्र॑मिन्दो पवमान॒ विष्णु॑म् ।
मत्सि॒ शर्धो॒ मारु॑तं॒ मत्सि॑ दे॒वान्मत्सि॑ म॒हामिन्द्र॑मिन्दो॒ मदा॑य ॥ ९.०९०.०५
matsi̍ soma̱ varu̍ṇa̱ṃ matsi̍ mi̱traṃ matsīndra̍mindo pavamāna̱ viṣṇu̍m .
matsi̱ śardho̱ māru̍ta̱ṃ matsi̍ de̱vānmatsi̍ ma̱hāmindra̍mindo̱ madā̍ya .. 9.090.05
5 O Soma, gladden Varuṇa and Mitra; cheer, Indu Pavamana! Indra, Viṣṇu.
Cheer thou the Gods, the Company of Maruts:- Indu, cheer mighty Indra to rejoicing.
Sloka : 9.90.6
ए॒वा राजे॑व॒ क्रतु॑मा॒ँ अमे॑न॒ विश्वा॒ घनि॑घ्नद्दुरि॒ता प॑वस्व ।
इन्दो॑ सू॒क्ताय॒ वच॑से॒ वयो॑ धा यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ९.०९०.०६
e̱vā rāje̍va̱ kratu̍mā̱m̐ ame̍na̱ viśvā̱ ghani̍ghnadduri̱tā pa̍vasva .
indo̍ sū̱ktāya̱ vaca̍se̱ vayo̍ dhā yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 9.090.06
6 Thus like a wise and potent King flow onward, destroying with thy vigour all misfortunes.
For our well-spoken hymn give life, O Indu. Do ye preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 9.91.1
अस॑र्जि॒ वक्वा॒ रथ्ये॒ यथा॒जौ धि॒या म॒नोता॑ प्रथ॒मो म॑नी॒षी ।
दश॒ स्वसा॑रो॒ अधि॒ सानो॒ अव्येऽज॑न्ति॒ वह्निं॒ सद॑ना॒न्यच्छ॑ ॥ ९.०९१.०१
asa̍rji̱ vakvā̱ rathye̱ yathā̱jau dhi̱yā ma̱notā̍ pratha̱mo ma̍nī̱ṣī .
daśa̱ svasā̍ro̱ adhi̱ sāno̱ avye'ja̍nti̱ vahni̱ṃ sada̍nā̱nyaccha̍ .. 9.091.01
1. As for a chariot-race, the skilful Speaker, Chief, Sage, Inventor, hath, with song, been started.
The sisters ten upon the fleecy summit drive on the Car-horse to the resting places.
Sloka : 9.91.2
वी॒ती जन॑स्य दि॒व्यस्य॑ क॒व्यैरधि॑ सुवा॒नो न॑हु॒ष्ये॑भि॒रिन्दुः॑ ।
प्र यो नृभि॑र॒मृतो॒ मर्त्ये॑भिर्मर्मृजा॒नोऽवि॑भि॒र्गोभि॑र॒द्भिः ॥ ९.०९१.०२
vī̱tī jana̍sya di̱vyasya̍ ka̱vyairadhi̍ suvā̱no na̍hu̱ṣye̍bhi̱rindu̍ḥ .
pra yo nṛbhi̍ra̱mṛto̱ martye̍bhirmarmṛjā̱no'vi̍bhi̱rgobhi̍ra̱dbhiḥ .. 9.091.02
2 The drop of Soma, pressed by wise Nahusyas, becomes the banquet of the Heavenly People-
Indu, by hands of mortal men made beauteous, immortal, with the sheep and cows and waters.
Sloka : 9.91.3
वृषा॒ वृष्णे॒ रोरु॑वदं॒शुर॑स्मै॒ पव॑मानो॒ रुश॑दीर्ते॒ पयो॒ गोः ।
स॒हस्र॒मृक्वा॑ प॒थिभि॑र्वचो॒विद॑ध्व॒स्मभिः॒ सूरो॒ अण्वं॒ वि या॑ति ॥ ९.०९१.०३
vṛṣā̱ vṛṣṇe̱ roru̍vada̱ṃśura̍smai̱ pava̍māno̱ ruśa̍dīrte̱ payo̱ goḥ .
sa̱hasra̱mṛkvā̍ pa̱thibhi̍rvaco̱vida̍dhva̱smabhi̱ḥ sūro̱ aṇva̱ṃ vi yā̍ti .. 9.091.03
3 Steer roaring unto Steer, this Pavamana, this juice runs to the white milk of the milch-cow.
Through thousand fine hairs goes the tuneful Singer, like Sūra by his fair and open pathways.
Sloka : 9.91.4
रु॒जा दृ॒ळ्हा चि॑द्र॒क्षसः॒ सदां॑सि पुना॒न इ॑न्द ऊर्णुहि॒ वि वाजा॑न् ।
वृ॒श्चोपरि॑ष्टात्तुज॒ता व॒धेन॒ ये अन्ति॑ दू॒रादु॑पना॒यमे॑षाम् ॥ ९.०९१.०४
ru̱jā dṛ̱l̤hā ci̍dra̱kṣasa̱ḥ sadā̍ṃsi punā̱na i̍nda ūrṇuhi̱ vi vājā̍n .
vṛ̱ścopari̍ṣṭāttuja̱tā va̱dhena̱ ye anti̍ dū̱rādu̍panā̱yame̍ṣām .. 9.091.04
4 Break down the, strong seats even of the demons:- cleansing thee, Indu, robd thyself in vigour.
Rend with thy swift bolt, coming from above them, those who are near and those who yet are distant.
Sloka : 9.91.5
स प्र॑त्न॒वन्नव्य॑से विश्ववार सू॒क्ताय॑ प॒थः कृ॑णुहि॒ प्राचः॑ ।
ये दुः॒षहा॑सो व॒नुषा॑ बृ॒हन्त॒स्ताँस्ते॑ अश्याम पुरुकृत्पुरुक्षो ॥ ९.०९१.०५
sa pra̍tna̱vannavya̍se viśvavāra sū̱ktāya̍ pa̱thaḥ kṛ̍ṇuhi̱ prāca̍ḥ .
ye du̱ḥṣahā̍so va̱nuṣā̍ bṛ̱hanta̱stām̐ste̍ aśyāma purukṛtpurukṣo .. 9.091.05
5 Prepare the forward paths in ancient manner for the new bymn, thou Giver of all bounties.
Those which are high and hard for foes to conquer may we gain from thee, Active! Food-bestower!
Sloka : 9.91.6
ए॒वा पु॑ना॒नो अ॒पः स्व१॒॑र्गा अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ तो॒का तन॑यानि॒ भूरि॑ ।
शं नः॒ क्षेत्र॑मु॒रु ज्योतीं॑षि सोम॒ ज्योङ्नः॒ सूर्यं॑ दृ॒शये॑ रिरीहि ॥ ९.०९१.०६
e̱vā pu̍nā̱no a̱paḥ sva1̱̍rgā a̱smabhya̍ṃ to̱kā tana̍yāni̱ bhūri̍ .
śaṃ na̱ḥ kṣetra̍mu̱ru jyotī̍ṃṣi soma̱ jyoṅna̱ḥ sūrya̍ṃ dṛ̱śaye̍ rirīhi .. 9.091.06
6 So purifying thee vouchsafe us waters, heaven's light, and cows, offipring and many children.
Give us health, ample land, and lights, O Soma, and grant us long to look upon the sunshine.
Sloka : 9.92.1
परि॑ सुवा॒नो हरि॑रं॒शुः प॒वित्रे॒ रथो॒ न स॑र्जि स॒नये॑ हिया॒नः ।
आप॒च्छ्लोक॑मिन्द्रि॒यं पू॒यमा॑नः॒ प्रति॑ दे॒वाँ अ॑जुषत॒ प्रयो॑भिः ॥ ९.०९२.०१
pari̍ suvā̱no hari̍ra̱ṃśuḥ pa̱vitre̱ ratho̱ na sa̍rji sa̱naye̍ hiyā̱naḥ .
āpa̱cchloka̍mindri̱yaṃ pū̱yamā̍na̱ḥ prati̍ de̱vām̐ a̍juṣata̱ prayo̍bhiḥ .. 9.092.01
1. THE gold-hued juice, poured out upon the filter, is started like a car sent forth to conquer.
He hath gained song and vigour while they cleansed him, and hath rejoiced the Gods with entertainments.
Sloka : 9.92.2
अच्छा॑ नृ॒चक्षा॑ असरत्प॒वित्रे॒ नाम॒ दधा॑नः क॒विर॑स्य॒ योनौ॑ ।
सीद॒न्होते॑व॒ सद॑ने च॒मूषूपे॑मग्म॒न्नृष॑यः स॒प्त विप्राः॑ ॥ ९.०९२.०२
acchā̍ nṛ̱cakṣā̍ asaratpa̱vitre̱ nāma̱ dadhā̍naḥ ka̱vira̍sya̱ yonau̍ .
sīda̱nhote̍va̱ sada̍ne ca̱mūṣūpe̍magma̱nnṛṣa̍yaḥ sa̱pta viprā̍ḥ .. 9.092.02
2 He who beholdeth man hath reached the filter:- bearing his name, the Sage hath sought his dwelling.
The Ṛṣis came to him, seven holy singers, when in the bowls he settled as Invoker.
Sloka : 9.92.3
प्र सु॑मे॒धा गा॑तु॒विद्वि॒श्वदे॑वः॒ सोमः॑ पुना॒नः सद॑ एति॒ नित्य॑म् ।
भुव॒द्विश्वे॑षु॒ काव्ये॑षु॒ रन्तानु॒ जना॑न्यतते॒ पञ्च॒ धीरः॑ ॥ ९.०९२.०३
pra su̍me̱dhā gā̍tu̱vidvi̱śvade̍va̱ḥ soma̍ḥ punā̱naḥ sada̍ eti̱ nitya̍m .
bhuva̱dviśve̍ṣu̱ kāvye̍ṣu̱ rantānu̱ janā̍nyatate̱ pañca̱ dhīra̍ḥ .. 9.092.03
3 Shared by all Gods, mobt wise, propitious, Soma goes, while they cleanse him, to his constant station.
Let him rejoice in all his lofty wisdom to the Five Tribes the Sage attains with labour.
Sloka : 9.92.4
तव॒ त्ये सो॑म पवमान नि॒ण्ये विश्वे॑ दे॒वास्त्रय॑ एकाद॒शासः॑ ।
दश॑ स्व॒धाभि॒रधि॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ मृ॒जन्ति॑ त्वा न॒द्यः॑ स॒प्त य॒ह्वीः ॥ ९.०९२.०४
tava̱ tye so̍ma pavamāna ni̱ṇye viśve̍ de̱vāstraya̍ ekāda̱śāsa̍ḥ .
daśa̍ sva̱dhābhi̱radhi̱ sāno̱ avye̍ mṛ̱janti̍ tvā na̱dya̍ḥ sa̱pta ya̱hvīḥ .. 9.092.04
4 In thy mysterious place, O Pavamana Soma, are all the Gods, the Thrice-Eleven.
Ten on the fleecy height, themselves, self-prompted, and seven fresh rivers, brighten and adorn thee.
Sloka : 9.92.5
तन्नु स॒त्यं पव॑मानस्यास्तु॒ यत्र॒ विश्वे॑ का॒रवः॑ सं॒नस॑न्त ।
ज्योति॒र्यदह्ने॒ अकृ॑णोदु लो॒कं प्राव॒न्मनुं॒ दस्य॑वे कर॒भीक॑म् ॥ ९.०९२.०५
tannu sa̱tyaṃ pava̍mānasyāstu̱ yatra̱ viśve̍ kā̱rava̍ḥ sa̱ṃnasa̍nta .
jyoti̱ryadahne̱ akṛ̍ṇodu lo̱kaṃ prāva̱nmanu̱ṃ dasya̍ve kara̱bhīka̍m .. 9.092.05
5 Now let this be the truth of Pavamana, there where all singers gather them together,
That he hath given us room and made the daylight, hath holpen Manu and repelled the Dasyu.
Sloka : 9.92.6
परि॒ सद्मे॑व पशु॒मान्ति॒ होता॒ राजा॒ न स॒त्यः समि॑तीरिया॒नः ।
सोमः॑ पुना॒नः क॒लशा॑ँ अयासी॒त्सीद॑न्मृ॒गो न म॑हि॒षो वने॑षु ॥ ९.०९२.०६
pari̱ sadme̍va paśu̱mānti̱ hotā̱ rājā̱ na sa̱tyaḥ sami̍tīriyā̱naḥ .
soma̍ḥ punā̱naḥ ka̱laśā̍m̐ ayāsī̱tsīda̍nmṛ̱go na ma̍hi̱ṣo vane̍ṣu .. 9.092.06
6 As the priest seeks the station rich in cattle, like a true King who goes to great assemblies,
Soma hath sought the beakers while they cleansed him, and like a wild bull, in the wood hath settled.
Sloka : 9.93.1
सा॒क॒मुक्षो॑ मर्जयन्त॒ स्वसा॑रो॒ दश॒ धीर॑स्य धी॒तयो॒ धनु॑त्रीः ।
हरिः॒ पर्य॑द्रव॒ज्जाः सूर्य॑स्य॒ द्रोणं॑ ननक्षे॒ अत्यो॒ न वा॒जी ॥ ९.०९३.०१
sā̱ka̱mukṣo̍ marjayanta̱ svasā̍ro̱ daśa̱ dhīra̍sya dhī̱tayo̱ dhanu̍trīḥ .
hari̱ḥ parya̍drava̱jjāḥ sūrya̍sya̱ droṇa̍ṃ nanakṣe̱ atyo̱ na vā̱jī .. 9.093.01
1. TEN sisters, pouring out the rain together, swift-moving thinkers of the sage, adorn him.
Hither hath run the gold-hued Child of Sūrya and reached the vat like a fleet vigorous courser.
Sloka : 9.93.2
सं मा॒तृभि॒र्न शिशु॑र्वावशा॒नो वृषा॑ दधन्वे पुरु॒वारो॑ अ॒द्भिः ।
मर्यो॒ न योषा॑म॒भि नि॑ष्कृ॒तं यन्सं ग॑च्छते क॒लश॑ उ॒स्रिया॑भिः ॥ ९.०९३.०२
saṃ mā̱tṛbhi̱rna śiśu̍rvāvaśā̱no vṛṣā̍ dadhanve puru̱vāro̍ a̱dbhiḥ .
maryo̱ na yoṣā̍ma̱bhi ni̍ṣkṛ̱taṃ yansaṃ ga̍cchate ka̱laśa̍ u̱sriyā̍bhiḥ .. 9.093.02
2 Even as a youngling crying to his mothers, the bounteous Steer hath flowed along to waters.
As youth to damsel, so with milk he hastens on to the. chose meeting-place, the beaker.
Sloka : 9.93.3
उ॒त प्र पि॑प्य॒ ऊध॒रघ्न्या॑या॒ इन्दु॒र्धारा॑भिः सचते सुमे॒धाः ।
मू॒र्धानं॒ गावः॒ पय॑सा च॒मूष्व॒भि श्री॑णन्ति॒ वसु॑भि॒र्न नि॒क्तैः ॥ ९.०९३.०३
u̱ta pra pi̍pya̱ ūdha̱raghnyā̍yā̱ indu̱rdhārā̍bhiḥ sacate sume̱dhāḥ .
mū̱rdhāna̱ṃ gāva̱ḥ paya̍sā ca̱mūṣva̱bhi śrī̍ṇanti̱ vasu̍bhi̱rna ni̱ktaiḥ .. 9.093.03
3 Yea, swollen is the udder of the milch-cow:- thither in streams goes very sapient Indu.
The kine make ready, as with new-washed treasures, the Head and Chief with milk within the vessels.
Sloka : 9.93.4
स नो॑ दे॒वेभिः॑ पवमान र॒देन्दो॑ र॒यिम॒श्विनं॑ वावशा॒नः ।
र॒थि॒रा॒यता॑मुश॒ती पुरं॑धिरस्म॒द्र्य१॒॑गा दा॒वने॒ वसू॑नाम् ॥ ९.०९३.०४
sa no̍ de̱vebhi̍ḥ pavamāna ra̱dendo̍ ra̱yima̱śvina̍ṃ vāvaśā̱naḥ .
ra̱thi̱rā̱yatā̍muśa̱tī pura̍ṃdhirasma̱drya1̱̍gā dā̱vane̱ vasū̍nām .. 9.093.04
4 With all the Gods, O Indu Pavamana, while thou art roaring send us wealth in horses.
Hither upon her car come willing Plenty, inclined to us, to give us of her treasures.
Sloka : 9.93.5
नू नो॑ र॒यिमुप॑ मास्व नृ॒वन्तं॑ पुना॒नो वा॒ताप्यं॑ वि॒श्वश्च॑न्द्रम् ।
प्र व॑न्दि॒तुरि॑न्दो ता॒र्यायुः॑ प्रा॒तर्म॒क्षू धि॒याव॑सुर्जगम्यात् ॥ ९.०९३.०५
nū no̍ ra̱yimupa̍ māsva nṛ̱vanta̍ṃ punā̱no vā̱tāpya̍ṃ vi̱śvaśca̍ndram .
pra va̍ndi̱turi̍ndo tā̱ryāyu̍ḥ prā̱tarma̱kṣū dhi̱yāva̍surjagamyāt .. 9.093.05
5 Now unto us mete riches, while they cleansethee, all-glorious, swelling wealth, with store of heroes.
Long be his life who worships, thee, O Indu. May he, enriched with prayer, come soon and early.
Sloka : 9.94.1
अधि॒ यद॑स्मिन्वा॒जिनी॑व॒ शुभः॒ स्पर्ध॑न्ते॒ धियः॒ सूर्ये॒ न विशः॑ ।
अ॒पो वृ॑णा॒नः प॑वते कवी॒यन्व्र॒जं न प॑शु॒वर्ध॑नाय॒ मन्म॑ ॥ ९.०९४.०१
adhi̱ yada̍sminvā̱jinī̍va̱ śubha̱ḥ spardha̍nte̱ dhiya̱ḥ sūrye̱ na viśa̍ḥ .
a̱po vṛ̍ṇā̱naḥ pa̍vate kavī̱yanvra̱jaṃ na pa̍śu̱vardha̍nāya̱ manma̍ .. 9.094.01
1. WHEN beauties strive for him as for a charger, then strive the songs like soldiers for the sunlight.
Acting the Sage, he flows enrobed in waters and song as twere a stall that kine may prosper.
Sloka : 9.94.2
द्वि॒ता व्यू॒र्ण्वन्न॒मृत॑स्य॒ धाम॑ स्व॒र्विदे॒ भुव॑नानि प्रथन्त ।
धियः॑ पिन्वा॒नाः स्वस॑रे॒ न गाव॑ ऋता॒यन्ती॑र॒भि वा॑वश्र॒ इन्दु॑म् ॥ ९.०९४.०२
dvi̱tā vyū̱rṇvanna̱mṛta̍sya̱ dhāma̍ sva̱rvide̱ bhuva̍nāni prathanta .
dhiya̍ḥ pinvā̱nāḥ svasa̍re̱ na gāva̍ ṛtā̱yantī̍ra̱bhi vā̍vaśra̱ indu̍m .. 9.094.02
2 The worlds expand to hirn who from aforetime found light to spread the law of life eternal.
The swelling songs, like kine within the stable, in deep devotion call aloud on Indu.
Sloka : 9.94.3
परि॒ यत्क॒विः काव्या॒ भर॑ते॒ शूरो॒ न रथो॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
दे॒वेषु॒ यशो॒ मर्ता॑य॒ भूष॒न्दक्षा॑य रा॒यः पु॑रु॒भूषु॒ नव्यः॑ ॥ ९.०९४.०३
pari̱ yatka̱viḥ kāvyā̱ bhara̍te̱ śūro̱ na ratho̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .
de̱veṣu̱ yaśo̱ martā̍ya̱ bhūṣa̱ndakṣā̍ya rā̱yaḥ pu̍ru̱bhūṣu̱ navya̍ḥ .. 9.094.03
3 When the sage bears his holy wisdom round him, like a car visiting all worlds, the Hero,
Becoming fame, mid Gods, unto the mortal, wealth to the skilled, worth praise mid the Ever-present,
Sloka : 9.94.4
श्रि॒ये जा॒तः श्रि॒य आ निरि॑याय॒ श्रियं॒ वयो॑ जरि॒तृभ्यो॑ दधाति ।
श्रियं॒ वसा॑ना अमृत॒त्वमा॑य॒न्भव॑न्ति स॒त्या स॑मि॒था मि॒तद्रौ॑ ॥ ९.०९४.०४
śri̱ye jā̱taḥ śri̱ya ā niri̍yāya̱ śriya̱ṃ vayo̍ jari̱tṛbhyo̍ dadhāti .
śriya̱ṃ vasā̍nā amṛta̱tvamā̍ya̱nbhava̍nti sa̱tyā sa̍mi̱thā mi̱tadrau̍ .. 9.094.04
4 For glory born be hath come forth to glory:- he giveth life and glory to the singers.
They, clothed in glory, have become immortal. He, measured in his course, makes frays successful.
Sloka : 9.94.5
इष॒मूर्ज॑म॒भ्य१॒॑र्षाश्वं॒ गामु॒रु ज्योतिः॑ कृणुहि॒ मत्सि॑ दे॒वान् ।
विश्वा॑नि॒ हि सु॒षहा॒ तानि॒ तुभ्यं॒ पव॑मान॒ बाध॑से सोम॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ ९.०९४.०५
iṣa̱mūrja̍ma̱bhya1̱̍rṣāśva̱ṃ gāmu̱ru jyoti̍ḥ kṛṇuhi̱ matsi̍ de̱vān .
viśvā̍ni̱ hi su̱ṣahā̱ tāni̱ tubhya̱ṃ pava̍māna̱ bādha̍se soma̱ śatrū̍n .. 9.094.05
5 Stream to us food and vigour, kine and horses:- give us broad lights and fill thGods with rapture.
All ther are easy things for thee to master thou, Pavamana Soma, quellest foemen.
Sloka : 9.95.1
कनि॑क्रन्ति॒ हरि॒रा सृ॒ज्यमा॑नः॒ सीद॒न्वन॑स्य ज॒ठरे॑ पुना॒नः ।
नृभि॑र्य॒तः कृ॑णुते नि॒र्णिजं॒ गा अतो॑ म॒तीर्ज॑नयत स्व॒धाभिः॑ ॥ ९.०९५.०१
kani̍kranti̱ hari̱rā sṛ̱jyamā̍na̱ḥ sīda̱nvana̍sya ja̱ṭhare̍ punā̱naḥ .
nṛbhi̍rya̱taḥ kṛ̍ṇute ni̱rṇija̱ṃ gā ato̍ ma̱tīrja̍nayata sva̱dhābhi̍ḥ .. 9.095.01
1. Loud neighs the Tawny Steed when started, settling deep in the wooden vessel while they cleanse him.
Led by the men he takes the milk for raiment:- then shall he, through his powers, engender praise-songs.
Sloka : 9.95.2
हरिः॑ सृजा॒नः प॒थ्या॑मृ॒तस्येय॑र्ति॒ वाच॑मरि॒तेव॒ नाव॑म् ।
दे॒वो दे॒वानां॒ गुह्या॑नि॒ नामा॒विष्कृ॑णोति ब॒र्हिषि॑ प्र॒वाचे॑ ॥ ९.०९५.०२
hari̍ḥ sṛjā̱naḥ pa̱thyā̍mṛ̱tasyeya̍rti̱ vāca̍mari̱teva̱ nāva̍m .
de̱vo de̱vānā̱ṃ guhyā̍ni̱ nāmā̱viṣkṛ̍ṇoti ba̱rhiṣi̍ pra̱vāce̍ .. 9.095.02
2 As one who rows drives on his boat, he, Gold-hued, sends forth his voice, loosed on the path of Order.
As God, the secret names of Gods he utters, to be declared on sacred grass more widely.
Sloka : 9.95.3
अ॒पामि॒वेदू॒र्मय॒स्तर्तु॑राणाः॒ प्र म॑नी॒षा ई॑रते॒ सोम॒मच्छ॑ ।
न॒म॒स्यन्ती॒रुप॑ च॒ यन्ति॒ सं चा च॑ विशन्त्युश॒तीरु॒शन्त॑म् ॥ ९.०९५.०३
a̱pāmi̱vedū̱rmaya̱startu̍rāṇā̱ḥ pra ma̍nī̱ṣā ī̍rate̱ soma̱maccha̍ .
na̱ma̱syantī̱rupa̍ ca̱ yanti̱ saṃ cā ca̍ viśantyuśa̱tīru̱śanta̍m .. 9.095.03
3 Hastening onward like the waves of waters, our holy hymns are pressing nigh to Soma.
To him they come with lowly adoration, and, longing, enter him who longs to meet them.
Sloka : 9.95.4
तं म॑र्मृजा॒नं म॑हि॒षं न साना॑वं॒शुं दु॑हन्त्यु॒क्षणं॑ गिरि॒ष्ठाम् ।
तं वा॑वशा॒नं म॒तयः॑ सचन्ते त्रि॒तो बि॑भर्ति॒ वरु॑णं समु॒द्रे ॥ ९.०९५.०४
taṃ ma̍rmṛjā̱naṃ ma̍hi̱ṣaṃ na sānā̍va̱ṃśuṃ du̍hantyu̱kṣaṇa̍ṃ giri̱ṣṭhām .
taṃ vā̍vaśā̱naṃ ma̱taya̍ḥ sacante tri̱to bi̍bharti̱ varu̍ṇaṃ samu̱dre .. 9.095.04
4 They drain the stalk, the Steer who dwells on mountains, even as a Bull who decks him on the upland.
Hymns follow and attend him as he bellows:- Trita bears Varuṇa aloft in ocean.
Sloka : 9.95.5
इष्य॒न्वाच॑मुपव॒क्तेव॒ होतुः॑ पुना॒न इ॑न्दो॒ वि ष्या॑ मनी॒षाम् ।
इन्द्र॑श्च॒ यत्क्षय॑थः॒ सौभ॑गाय सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ पत॑यः स्याम ॥ ९.०९५.०५
iṣya̱nvāca̍mupava̱kteva̱ hotu̍ḥ punā̱na i̍ndo̱ vi ṣyā̍ manī̱ṣām .
indra̍śca̱ yatkṣaya̍tha̱ḥ saubha̍gāya su̱vīrya̍sya̱ pata̍yaḥ syāma .. 9.095.05
5 Sending thy voice out as Director, loosen the Invoker's thought, O Indu, as they cleanse thee.
While thou and Indra rule for our advantage, may we be masters of heroic vigour.
Sloka : 9.96.1
प्र से॑ना॒नीः शूरो॒ अग्रे॒ रथा॑नां ग॒व्यन्ने॑ति॒ हर्ष॑ते अस्य॒ सेना॑ ।
भ॒द्रान्कृ॒ण्वन्नि॑न्द्रह॒वान्सखि॑भ्य॒ आ सोमो॒ वस्त्रा॑ रभ॒सानि॑ दत्ते ॥ ९.०९६.०१
pra se̍nā̱nīḥ śūro̱ agre̱ rathā̍nāṃ ga̱vyanne̍ti̱ harṣa̍te asya̱ senā̍ .
bha̱drānkṛ̱ṇvanni̍ndraha̱vānsakhi̍bhya̱ ā somo̱ vastrā̍ rabha̱sāni̍ datte .. 9.096.01
1. IN forefront of the cars forth goes the Hero, the Leader, winning spoil:- his host rejoices.
Soma endues his robes of lasting colours, and blesses, for his friends, their calls on Indra.
Sloka : 9.96.2
सम॑स्य॒ हरिं॒ हर॑यो मृजन्त्यश्वह॒यैरनि॑शितं॒ नमो॑भिः ।
आ ति॑ष्ठति॒ रथ॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ सखा॑ वि॒द्वाँ ए॑ना सुम॒तिं या॒त्यच्छ॑ ॥ ९.०९६.०२
sama̍sya̱ hari̱ṃ hara̍yo mṛjantyaśvaha̱yairani̍śita̱ṃ namo̍bhiḥ .
ā ti̍ṣṭhati̱ ratha̱mindra̍sya̱ sakhā̍ vi̱dvām̐ e̍nā suma̱tiṃ yā̱tyaccha̍ .. 9.096.02
2 Men decked with gold adorn his golden tendril, incessantly with steed-impelling homage.
The Friend of Indra mounts his car well-knowing, he comes thereon to meet the prayer we offer.
Sloka : 9.96.3
स नो॑ देव दे॒वता॑ते पवस्व म॒हे सो॑म॒ प्सर॑स इन्द्र॒पानः॑ ।
कृ॒ण्वन्न॒पो व॒र्षय॒न्द्यामु॒तेमामु॒रोरा नो॑ वरिवस्या पुना॒नः ॥ ९.०९६.०३
sa no̍ deva de̱vatā̍te pavasva ma̱he so̍ma̱ psara̍sa indra̱pāna̍ḥ .
kṛ̱ṇvanna̱po va̱rṣaya̱ndyāmu̱temāmu̱rorā no̍ varivasyā punā̱naḥ .. 9.096.03
3 O God, for service of the Gods flow onward, for food sublime, as Indra's drink, O Soma.
Making the floods, bedewing earth and heaven, come from the vast, comfort us while we cleanse thee
Sloka : 9.96.4
अजी॑त॒येऽह॑तये पवस्व स्व॒स्तये॑ स॒र्वता॑तये बृह॒ते ।
तदु॑शन्ति॒ विश्व॑ इ॒मे सखा॑य॒स्तद॒हं व॑श्मि पवमान सोम ॥ ९.०९६.०४
ajī̍ta̱ye'ha̍taye pavasva sva̱staye̍ sa̱rvatā̍taye bṛha̱te .
tadu̍śanti̱ viśva̍ i̱me sakhā̍ya̱stada̱haṃ va̍śmi pavamāna soma .. 9.096.04
4 Flow for prosperity and constant Vigour, flow on for happiness and high perfection.
This is the wish of these friends assembled:- this is my wish, O Soma Pavamana.
Sloka : 9.96.5
सोमः॑ पवते जनि॒ता म॑ती॒नां ज॑नि॒ता दि॒वो ज॑नि॒ता पृ॑थि॒व्याः ।
ज॒नि॒ताग्नेर्ज॑नि॒ता सूर्य॑स्य जनि॒तेन्द्र॑स्य जनि॒तोत विष्णोः॑ ॥ ९.०९६.०५
soma̍ḥ pavate jani̱tā ma̍tī̱nāṃ ja̍ni̱tā di̱vo ja̍ni̱tā pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ .
ja̱ni̱tāgnerja̍ni̱tā sūrya̍sya jani̱tendra̍sya jani̱tota viṣṇo̍ḥ .. 9.096.05
5 Father of holy hymns, Soma flows onward the Father of the earth, Father of heaven:-
Father of Agni, Sūrya's generator, the Father who begat Indra and Viṣṇu.
Sloka : 9.96.6
ब्र॒ह्मा दे॒वानां॑ पद॒वीः क॑वी॒नामृषि॒र्विप्रा॑णां महि॒षो मृ॒गाणा॑म् ।
श्ये॒नो गृध्रा॑णां॒ स्वधि॑ति॒र्वना॑नां॒ सोमः॑ प॒वित्र॒मत्ये॑ति॒ रेभ॑न् ॥ ९.०९६.०६
bra̱hmā de̱vānā̍ṃ pada̱vīḥ ka̍vī̱nāmṛṣi̱rviprā̍ṇāṃ mahi̱ṣo mṛ̱gāṇā̍m .
śye̱no gṛdhrā̍ṇā̱ṃ svadhi̍ti̱rvanā̍nā̱ṃ soma̍ḥ pa̱vitra̱matye̍ti̱ rebha̍n .. 9.096.06
6 Brahman of Gods, the Leader of the poets, Ṛṣi of sages, Bull of savage creatures,
Falcon amid the vultures, Axe of forests, over the cleansing sieve goes Soma singing.
Sloka : 9.96.7
प्रावी॑विपद्वा॒च ऊ॒र्मिं न सिन्धु॒र्गिरः॒ सोमः॒ पव॑मानो मनी॒षाः ।
अ॒न्तः पश्य॑न्वृ॒जने॒माव॑रा॒ण्या ति॑ष्ठति वृष॒भो गोषु॑ जा॒नन् ॥ ९.०९६.०७
prāvī̍vipadvā̱ca ū̱rmiṃ na sindhu̱rgira̱ḥ soma̱ḥ pava̍māno manī̱ṣāḥ .
a̱ntaḥ paśya̍nvṛ̱jane̱māva̍rā̱ṇyā ti̍ṣṭhati vṛṣa̱bho goṣu̍ jā̱nan .. 9.096.07
7 He, Soma Pavamana, like a river, hath stirred the wave of voice, our songs and praises.
Beholding these inferior powers in cattle, he rests among them as a Steer well-knowing.
Sloka : 9.96.8
स म॑त्स॒रः पृ॒त्सु व॒न्वन्नवा॑तः स॒हस्र॑रेता अ॒भि वाज॑मर्ष ।
इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ पव॑मानो मनी॒ष्यं१॒॑शोरू॒र्मिमी॑रय॒ गा इ॑ष॒ण्यन् ॥ ९.०९६.०८
sa ma̍tsa̱raḥ pṛ̱tsu va̱nvannavā̍taḥ sa̱hasra̍retā a̱bhi vāja̍marṣa .
indrā̍yendo̱ pava̍māno manī̱ṣyaṃ1̱̍śorū̱rmimī̍raya̱ gā i̍ṣa̱ṇyan .. 9.096.08
8 As Gladdener, Warrior never harmed in battle, with thousand genial streams, pour strength and vigour.
As thoughtful Pavamana, urge O Indu, speeding the kine, the plant's wave on to Indra.
Sloka : 9.96.9
परि॑ प्रि॒यः क॒लशे॑ दे॒ववा॑त॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ सोमो॒ रण्यो॒ मदा॑य ।
स॒हस्र॑धारः श॒तवा॑ज॒ इन्दु॑र्वा॒जी न सप्तिः॒ सम॑ना जिगाति ॥ ९.०९६.०९
pari̍ pri̱yaḥ ka̱laśe̍ de̱vavā̍ta̱ indrā̍ya̱ somo̱ raṇyo̱ madā̍ya .
sa̱hasra̍dhāraḥ śa̱tavā̍ja̱ indu̍rvā̱jī na sapti̱ḥ sama̍nā jigāti .. 9.096.09
9 Dear, grateful to the Gods, on to the beaker moves Soma, sweet to Indra, to delight him.
With hundred powers, with thousand currents, Indu, like a strong car-horse, goes to the assembly.
Sloka : 9.96.10
स पू॒र्व्यो व॑सु॒विज्जाय॑मानो मृजा॒नो अ॒प्सु दु॑दुहा॒नो अद्रौ॑ ।
अ॒भि॒श॒स्ति॒पा भुव॑नस्य॒ राजा॑ वि॒दद्गा॒तुं ब्रह्म॑णे पू॒यमा॑नः ॥ ९.०९६.१०
sa pū̱rvyo va̍su̱vijjāya̍māno mṛjā̱no a̱psu du̍duhā̱no adrau̍ .
a̱bhi̱śa̱sti̱pā bhuva̍nasya̱ rājā̍ vi̱dadgā̱tuṃ brahma̍ṇe pū̱yamā̍naḥ .. 9.096.10
10 Born in old time as finder-out of treasures, drained with the stone, decking himself in waters,
Warding off curses, King of all existence, he shall find way for prayer the while they cleanse him.
Sloka : 9.96.11
त्वया॒ हि नः॑ पि॒तरः॑ सोम॒ पूर्वे॒ कर्मा॑णि च॒क्रुः प॑वमान॒ धीराः॑ ।
व॒न्वन्नवा॑तः परि॒धीँरपो॑र्णु वी॒रेभि॒रश्वै॑र्म॒घवा॑ भवा नः ॥ ९.०९६.११
tvayā̱ hi na̍ḥ pi̱tara̍ḥ soma̱ pūrve̱ karmā̍ṇi ca̱kruḥ pa̍vamāna̱ dhīrā̍ḥ .
va̱nvannavā̍taḥ pari̱dhīm̐rapo̍rṇu vī̱rebhi̱raśvai̍rma̱ghavā̍ bhavā naḥ .. 9.096.11
11 For our sage fathers, Soma Pavamana, of old performed, by thee, their sacred duties.
Fighting unvanquished, open the enclosures:- enrich us with large gifts of steeds and heroes.
Sloka : 9.96.12
यथाप॑वथा॒ मन॑वे वयो॒धा अ॑मित्र॒हा व॑रिवो॒विद्ध॒विष्मा॑न् ।
ए॒वा प॑वस्व॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ दधा॑न॒ इन्द्रे॒ सं ति॑ष्ठ ज॒नयायु॑धानि ॥ ९.०९६.१२
yathāpa̍vathā̱ mana̍ve vayo̱dhā a̍mitra̱hā va̍rivo̱viddha̱viṣmā̍n .
e̱vā pa̍vasva̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ dadhā̍na̱ indre̱ saṃ ti̍ṣṭha ja̱nayāyu̍dhāni .. 9.096.12
12 As thou didst flow for Manu Life-bestowing, Foe-queller, Comforter, rich in oblations,
Even thus flow onward now conferring riches:- combine with Indra, and bring forth thy weapons.
Sloka : 9.96.13
पव॑स्व सोम॒ मधु॑माँ ऋ॒तावा॒पो वसा॑नो॒ अधि॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ ।
अव॒ द्रोणा॑नि घृ॒तवा॑न्ति सीद म॒दिन्त॑मो मत्स॒र इ॑न्द्र॒पानः॑ ॥ ९.०९६.१३
pava̍sva soma̱ madhu̍mām̐ ṛ̱tāvā̱po vasā̍no̱ adhi̱ sāno̱ avye̍ .
ava̱ droṇā̍ni ghṛ̱tavā̍nti sīda ma̱dinta̍mo matsa̱ra i̍ndra̱pāna̍ḥ .. 9.096.13
13 Flow onward, Soma, rich in sweets and holy,. enrobed in waters on the fleecy summit.
Settle in vessels that are full of fatness, as cheering and most gladdening drink for Indra.
Sloka : 9.96.14
वृ॒ष्टिं दि॒वः श॒तधा॑रः पवस्व सहस्र॒सा वा॑ज॒युर्दे॒ववी॑तौ ।
सं सिन्धु॑भिः क॒लशे॑ वावशा॒नः समु॒स्रिया॑भिः प्रति॒रन्न॒ आयुः॑ ॥ ९.०९६.१४
vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ di̱vaḥ śa̱tadhā̍raḥ pavasva sahasra̱sā vā̍ja̱yurde̱vavī̍tau .
saṃ sindhu̍bhiḥ ka̱laśe̍ vāvaśā̱naḥ samu̱sriyā̍bhiḥ prati̱ranna̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 9.096.14
14 Pour, hundred-streamed, winner of thousands, mighty at the Gods banquet, Pour the rain of heaven,
While thou with rivers roarest in the beaker, and blent with milk prolongest our existence.
Sloka : 9.96.15
ए॒ष स्य सोमो॑ म॒तिभिः॑ पुना॒नोऽत्यो॒ न वा॒जी तर॒तीदरा॑तीः ।
पयो॒ न दु॒ग्धमदि॑तेरिषि॒रमु॒र्वि॑व गा॒तुः सु॒यमो॒ न वोळ्हा॑ ॥ ९.०९६.१५
e̱ṣa sya somo̍ ma̱tibhi̍ḥ punā̱no'tyo̱ na vā̱jī tara̱tīdarā̍tīḥ .
payo̱ na du̱gdhamadi̍teriṣi̱ramu̱rvi̍va gā̱tuḥ su̱yamo̱ na vol̤hā̍ .. 9.096.15
15 Purified with our holy hymns, this Soma oertakes malignities like some strong charger,
Like fresh milk poured by Aditi, like passage in ample room, or like a docile car-horse.
Sloka : 9.96.16
स्वा॒यु॒धः सो॒तृभिः॑ पू॒यमा॑नो॒ऽभ्य॑र्ष॒ गुह्यं॒ चारु॒ नाम॑ ।
अ॒भि वाजं॒ सप्ति॑रिव श्रव॒स्याभि वा॒युम॒भि गा दे॑व सोम ॥ ९.०९६.१६
svā̱yu̱dhaḥ so̱tṛbhi̍ḥ pū̱yamā̍no̱'bhya̍rṣa̱ guhya̱ṃ cāru̱ nāma̍ .
a̱bhi vāja̱ṃ sapti̍riva śrava̱syābhi vā̱yuma̱bhi gā de̍va soma .. 9.096.16
16 Cleansed by the pressers, armed with noble weapons, stream to us the fair secret name thou bearest.
Pour booty, like a horse, for love of glory God, Soma, send us kine, and send us Vāyu.
Sloka : 9.96.17
शिशुं॑ जज्ञा॒नं ह॑र्य॒तं मृ॑जन्ति शु॒म्भन्ति॒ वह्निं॑ म॒रुतो॑ ग॒णेन॑ ।
क॒विर्गी॒र्भिः काव्ये॑ना क॒विः सन्सोमः॑ प॒वित्र॒मत्ये॑ति॒ रेभ॑न् ॥ ९.०९६.१७
śiśu̍ṃ jajñā̱naṃ ha̍rya̱taṃ mṛ̍janti śu̱mbhanti̱ vahni̍ṃ ma̱ruto̍ ga̱ṇena̍ .
ka̱virgī̱rbhiḥ kāvye̍nā ka̱viḥ sansoma̍ḥ pa̱vitra̱matye̍ti̱ rebha̍n .. 9.096.17
17 They deck him at his birth, the lovely Infant, the Maruts with their troop adorn the Car-horse.
By songs a Poet and a Sage by wisdom, Soma joes singing through the cleansing filter.
Sloka : 9.96.18
ऋषि॑मना॒ य ऋ॑षि॒कृत्स्व॒र्षाः स॒हस्र॑णीथः पद॒वीः क॑वी॒नाम् ।
तृ॒तीयं॒ धाम॑ महि॒षः सिषा॑स॒न्सोमो॑ वि॒राज॒मनु॑ राजति॒ ष्टुप् ॥ ९.०९६.१८
ṛṣi̍manā̱ ya ṛ̍ṣi̱kṛtsva̱rṣāḥ sa̱hasra̍ṇīthaḥ pada̱vīḥ ka̍vī̱nām .
tṛ̱tīya̱ṃ dhāma̍ mahi̱ṣaḥ siṣā̍sa̱nsomo̍ vi̱rāja̱manu̍ rājati̱ ṣṭup .. 9.096.18
18 Light-winner, Ṛṣi-mindcd, Ṛṣi-maker, hymned in a thousand hymns, Leader of sages,
A Steer who strives to gain his third form, Soma is, like Virāj, resplendent as a Singer.
Sloka : 9.96.19
च॒मू॒षच्छ्ये॒नः श॑कु॒नो वि॒भृत्वा॑ गोवि॒न्दुर्द्र॒प्स आयु॑धानि॒ बिभ्र॑त् ।
अ॒पामू॒र्मिं सच॑मानः समु॒द्रं तु॒रीयं॒ धाम॑ महि॒षो वि॑वक्ति ॥ ९.०९६.१९
ca̱mū̱ṣacchye̱naḥ śa̍ku̱no vi̱bhṛtvā̍ govi̱ndurdra̱psa āyu̍dhāni̱ bibhra̍t .
a̱pāmū̱rmiṃ saca̍mānaḥ samu̱draṃ tu̱rīya̱ṃ dhāma̍ mahi̱ṣo vi̍vakti .. 9.096.19
19 Hawk seated in the bowls, Bird wide-extended, the Banner seeking kine and wielding weapons,
Following close the sea, the wave of waters, the great Bull tells his fourth form and declares it.
Sloka : 9.96.20
मर्यो॒ न शु॒भ्रस्त॒न्वं॑ मृजा॒नोऽत्यो॒ न सृत्वा॑ स॒नये॒ धना॑नाम् ।
वृषे॑व यू॒था परि॒ कोश॒मर्ष॒न्कनि॑क्रदच्च॒म्वो॒३॒॑रा वि॑वेश ॥ ९.०९६.२०
maryo̱ na śu̱bhrasta̱nva̍ṃ mṛjā̱no'tyo̱ na sṛtvā̍ sa̱naye̱ dhanā̍nām .
vṛṣe̍va yū̱thā pari̱ kośa̱marṣa̱nkani̍kradacca̱mvo̱3̱̍rā vi̍veśa .. 9.096.20
20 Like a fair youth who decorates his body, a courser rushing to the gain of riches,
A steer to herds, so, flowing to the pitcher, he with a roar hath passed into the beakers.
Sloka : 9.96.21
पव॑स्वेन्दो॒ पव॑मानो॒ महो॑भिः॒ कनि॑क्रद॒त्परि॒ वारा॑ण्यर्ष ।
क्रीळ॑ञ्च॒म्वो॒३॒॑रा वि॑श पू॒यमा॑न॒ इन्द्रं॑ ते॒ रसो॑ मदि॒रो म॑मत्तु ॥ ९.०९६.२१
pava̍svendo̱ pava̍māno̱ maho̍bhi̱ḥ kani̍krada̱tpari̱ vārā̍ṇyarṣa .
krīl̤a̍ñca̱mvo̱3̱̍rā vi̍śa pū̱yamā̍na̱ indra̍ṃ te̱ raso̍ madi̱ro ma̍mattu .. 9.096.21
21 Flow on with might as Pavamana, Indu flow loudly roaring through the fleecy filter.
Enter the beakers sporting, as they cleanse thee, and let thy gladdening juice make Indra joyful.
Sloka : 9.96.22
प्रास्य॒ धारा॑ बृह॒तीर॑सृग्रन्न॒क्तो गोभिः॑ क॒लशा॒ँ आ वि॑वेश ।
साम॑ कृ॒ण्वन्सा॑म॒न्यो॑ विप॒श्चित्क्रन्द॑न्नेत्य॒भि सख्यु॒र्न जा॒मिम् ॥ ९.०९६.२२
prāsya̱ dhārā̍ bṛha̱tīra̍sṛgranna̱kto gobhi̍ḥ ka̱laśā̱m̐ ā vi̍veśa .
sāma̍ kṛ̱ṇvansā̍ma̱nyo̍ vipa̱ścitkranda̍nnetya̱bhi sakhyu̱rna jā̱mim .. 9.096.22
22 His streams have been effused in all their fulness, and he hath entered, balmed with milk, the goblets.
Singing his psalm, well-skilled in song, a Chanter, be comes as twere to his friend's sister roaring.
Sloka : 9.96.23
अ॒प॒घ्नन्ने॑षि पवमान॒ शत्रू॑न्प्रि॒यां न जा॒रो अ॒भिगी॑त॒ इन्दुः॑ ।
सीद॒न्वने॑षु शकु॒नो न पत्वा॒ सोमः॑ पुना॒नः क॒लशे॑षु॒ सत्ता॑ ॥ ९.०९६.२३
a̱pa̱ghnanne̍ṣi pavamāna̱ śatrū̍npri̱yāṃ na jā̱ro a̱bhigī̍ta̱ indu̍ḥ .
sīda̱nvane̍ṣu śaku̱no na patvā̱ soma̍ḥ punā̱naḥ ka̱laśe̍ṣu̱ sattā̍ .. 9.096.23
23 Chasing our foes thou comest, Pavamana Indu, besting, as lover to his darling.
As a bird flies and settles in the forest, thus Soma settles, purified, in goblets.
Sloka : 9.96.24
आ ते॒ रुचः॒ पव॑मानस्य सोम॒ योषे॑व यन्ति सु॒दुघाः॑ सुधा॒राः ।
हरि॒रानी॑तः पुरु॒वारो॑ अ॒प्स्वचि॑क्रदत्क॒लशे॑ देवयू॒नाम् ॥ ९.०९६.२४
ā te̱ ruca̱ḥ pava̍mānasya soma̱ yoṣe̍va yanti su̱dughā̍ḥ sudhā̱rāḥ .
hari̱rānī̍taḥ puru̱vāro̍ a̱psvaci̍kradatka̱laśe̍ devayū̱nām .. 9.096.24
24 With full stream and abundant milk, O Soma, thy beams come, like a woman, as they cleanse thee.
He, gold-hued, rich in boons, brought to the waters, hath roared within the goblet of the pious.
Sloka : 9.97.1
अ॒स्य प्रे॒षा हे॒मना॑ पू॒यमा॑नो दे॒वो दे॒वेभिः॒ सम॑पृक्त॒ रस॑म् ।
सु॒तः प॒वित्रं॒ पर्ये॑ति॒ रेभ॑न्मि॒तेव॒ सद्म॑ पशु॒मान्ति॒ होता॑ ॥ ९.०९७.०१
a̱sya pre̱ṣā he̱manā̍ pū̱yamā̍no de̱vo de̱vebhi̱ḥ sama̍pṛkta̱ rasa̍m .
su̱taḥ pa̱vitra̱ṃ parye̍ti̱ rebha̍nmi̱teva̱ sadma̍ paśu̱mānti̱ hotā̍ .. 9.097.01
1. MADE pure by this man's urgent zeal and impulse the God hath to the Gods his juice imparted.
He goes, effused and singing, to the filter, like priest to measured seats supplied with cattle.
Sloka : 9.97.2
भ॒द्रा वस्त्रा॑ सम॒न्या॒३॒॑ वसा॑नो म॒हान्क॒विर्नि॒वच॑नानि॒ शंस॑न् ।
आ व॑च्यस्व च॒म्वोः॑ पू॒यमा॑नो विचक्ष॒णो जागृ॑विर्दे॒ववी॑तौ ॥ ९.०९७.०२
bha̱drā vastrā̍ sama̱nyā̱3̱̍ vasā̍no ma̱hānka̱virni̱vaca̍nāni̱ śaṃsa̍n .
ā va̍cyasva ca̱mvo̍ḥ pū̱yamā̍no vicakṣa̱ṇo jāgṛ̍virde̱vavī̍tau .. 9.097.02
2 Robed in fair raiment meet to wear in battle, a mighty Sage pronouncing invocations.
Roll onward to the beakers as they cleanse thee, far-seeing at the feast of Gods, and watchful.
Sloka : 9.97.3
समु॑ प्रि॒यो मृ॑ज्यते॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ य॒शस्त॑रो य॒शसां॒ क्षैतो॑ अ॒स्मे ।
अ॒भि स्व॑र॒ धन्वा॑ पू॒यमा॑नो यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ९.०९७.०३
samu̍ pri̱yo mṛ̍jyate̱ sāno̱ avye̍ ya̱śasta̍ro ya̱śasā̱ṃ kṣaito̍ a̱sme .
a̱bhi sva̍ra̱ dhanvā̍ pū̱yamā̍no yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 9.097.03
3 Dear, he is brightened on the fleecy summit, a Prince among us, nobler than the noble.
Roar out as thou art purified, run forward. Do ye preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 9.97.4
प्र गा॑यता॒भ्य॑र्चाम दे॒वान्सोमं॑ हिनोत मह॒ते धना॑य ।
स्वा॒दुः प॑वाते॒ अति॒ वार॒मव्य॒मा सी॑दाति क॒लशं॑ देव॒युर्नः॑ ॥ ९.०९७.०४
pra gā̍yatā̱bhya̍rcāma de̱vānsoma̍ṃ hinota maha̱te dhanā̍ya .
svā̱duḥ pa̍vāte̱ ati̱ vāra̱mavya̱mā sī̍dāti ka̱laśa̍ṃ deva̱yurna̍ḥ .. 9.097.04
4 Let us sing praises to the Gods:- sing loudly, send ye the Soma forth for mighty riches.
Let him flow, sweetly-flavoured, through the filter, and let our pious one rest in the pitcher.
Sloka : 9.97.5
इन्दु॑र्दे॒वाना॒मुप॑ स॒ख्यमा॒यन्स॒हस्र॑धारः पवते॒ मदा॑य ।
नृभिः॒ स्तवा॑नो॒ अनु॒ धाम॒ पूर्व॒मग॒न्निन्द्रं॑ मह॒ते सौभ॑गाय ॥ ९.०९७.०५
indu̍rde̱vānā̱mupa̍ sa̱khyamā̱yansa̱hasra̍dhāraḥ pavate̱ madā̍ya .
nṛbhi̱ḥ stavā̍no̱ anu̱ dhāma̱ pūrva̱maga̱nnindra̍ṃ maha̱te saubha̍gāya .. 9.097.05
5 Winning the friendship of the Deities, Indu flows in a thousand streams to make them joyful.
Praised by the men after the ancient statute, he hath come nigh, for our great bliss, to Indra.
Sloka : 9.97.6
स्तो॒त्रे रा॒ये हरि॑रर्षा पुना॒न इन्द्रं॒ मदो॑ गच्छतु ते॒ भरा॑य ।
दे॒वैर्या॑हि स॒रथं॒ राधो॒ अच्छा॑ यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ ९.०९७.०६
sto̱tre rā̱ye hari̍rarṣā punā̱na indra̱ṃ mado̍ gacchatu te̱ bharā̍ya .
de̱vairyā̍hi sa̱ratha̱ṃ rādho̱ acchā̍ yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 9.097.06
6 Flow, Gold-hued, cleansing thee, to enrich the singer:- let thy juice go to Indra to support him.
Come nigh, together with the Gods, for bounty. Do ye preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 9.97.7
प्र काव्य॑मु॒शने॑व ब्रुवा॒णो दे॒वो दे॒वानां॒ जनि॑मा विवक्ति ।
महि॑व्रतः॒ शुचि॑बन्धुः पाव॒कः प॒दा व॑रा॒हो अ॒भ्ये॑ति॒ रेभ॑न् ॥ ९.०९७.०७
pra kāvya̍mu̱śane̍va bruvā̱ṇo de̱vo de̱vānā̱ṃ jani̍mā vivakti .
mahi̍vrata̱ḥ śuci̍bandhuḥ pāva̱kaḥ pa̱dā va̍rā̱ho a̱bhye̍ti̱ rebha̍n .. 9.097.07
7 The God declares the Deities' generations, like Uśanā, proclaiming lofty wisdom.
With brilliant kin, far-ruling, sanctifying, the Boar advances, singing, to the places.
Sloka : 9.97.8
प्र हं॒सास॑स्तृ॒पलं॑ म॒न्युमच्छा॒मादस्तं॒ वृष॑गणा अयासुः ।
आ॒ङ्गू॒ष्यं१॒॑ पव॑मानं॒ सखा॑यो दु॒र्मर्षं॑ सा॒कं प्र व॑दन्ति वा॒णम् ॥ ९.०९७.०८
pra ha̱ṃsāsa̍stṛ̱pala̍ṃ ma̱nyumacchā̱mādasta̱ṃ vṛṣa̍gaṇā ayāsuḥ .
ā̱ṅgū̱ṣyaṃ1̱̍ pava̍māna̱ṃ sakhā̍yo du̱rmarṣa̍ṃ sā̱kaṃ pra va̍danti vā̱ṇam .. 9.097.08
8 The Swans, the Vrsaganas from anear us have brought their restless spirit to our dwelling.
Friends come to Pavamana meet for praises, and sound in concert their resistless music.
Sloka : 9.97.9
स रं॑हत उरुगा॒यस्य॑ जू॒तिं वृथा॒ क्रीळ॑न्तं मिमते॒ न गावः॑ ।
प॒री॒ण॒सं कृ॑णुते ति॒ग्मशृ॑ङ्गो॒ दिवा॒ हरि॒र्ददृ॑शे॒ नक्त॑मृ॒ज्रः ॥ ९.०९७.०९
sa ra̍ṃhata urugā̱yasya̍ jū̱tiṃ vṛthā̱ krīl̤a̍ntaṃ mimate̱ na gāva̍ḥ .
pa̱rī̱ṇa̱saṃ kṛ̍ṇute ti̱gmaśṛ̍ṅgo̱ divā̱ hari̱rdadṛ̍śe̱ nakta̍mṛ̱jraḥ .. 9.097.09
9 He follows the Wide-strider's rapid movement:- cows low, as twere, to him who sports at pleasure.
He with the sharpened horns brings forth abundance:- the Silvery shines by night, by day the Golden.
Sloka : 9.97.10
इन्दु॑र्वा॒जी प॑वते॒ गोन्यो॑घा॒ इन्द्रे॒ सोमः॒ सह॒ इन्व॒न्मदा॑य ।
हन्ति॒ रक्षो॒ बाध॑ते॒ पर्यरा॑ती॒र्वरि॑वः कृ॒ण्वन्वृ॒जन॑स्य॒ राजा॑ ॥ ९.०९७.१०
indu̍rvā̱jī pa̍vate̱ gonyo̍ghā̱ indre̱ soma̱ḥ saha̱ inva̱nmadā̍ya .
hanti̱ rakṣo̱ bādha̍te̱ paryarā̍tī̱rvari̍vaḥ kṛ̱ṇvanvṛ̱jana̍sya̱ rājā̍ .. 9.097.10
10 Strong Indu, bathed in milk, flows on for Indra, Soma exciting strength, to make him joyful.
He quells malignities and slays the demons, the King of mighty power who brings us comfort.
Sloka : 9.97.11
अध॒ धार॑या॒ मध्वा॑ पृचा॒नस्ति॒रो रोम॑ पवते॒ अद्रि॑दुग्धः ।
इन्दु॒रिन्द्र॑स्य स॒ख्यं जु॑षा॒णो दे॒वो दे॒वस्य॑ मत्स॒रो मदा॑य ॥ ९.०९७.११
adha̱ dhāra̍yā̱ madhvā̍ pṛcā̱nasti̱ro roma̍ pavate̱ adri̍dugdhaḥ .
indu̱rindra̍sya sa̱khyaṃ ju̍ṣā̱ṇo de̱vo de̱vasya̍ matsa̱ro madā̍ya .. 9.097.11
11 Then in a stream he flows, milked out with press-stones, mingled with sweetness, through the fleecy filter-
Indu rejoicing in the love of Indra, the God who gladdens, for the God's enjoyment.
Sloka : 9.97.12
अ॒भि प्रि॒याणि॑ पवते पुना॒नो दे॒वो दे॒वान्स्वेन॒ रसे॑न पृ॒ञ्चन् ।
इन्दु॒र्धर्मा॑ण्यृतु॒था वसा॑नो॒ दश॒ क्षिपो॑ अव्यत॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ ॥ ९.०९७.१२
a̱bhi pri̱yāṇi̍ pavate punā̱no de̱vo de̱vānsvena̱ rase̍na pṛ̱ñcan .
indu̱rdharmā̍ṇyṛtu̱thā vasā̍no̱ daśa̱ kṣipo̍ avyata̱ sāno̱ avye̍ .. 9.097.12
12 As he is purified he pours out treasures, a God bedewing Gods with his own juices.
Indu hath, wearing qualities by seasons, on the raised fleece engaged, the ten swift fingers.
Sloka : 9.97.13
वृषा॒ शोणो॑ अभि॒कनि॑क्रद॒द्गा न॒दय॑न्नेति पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्याम् ।
इन्द्र॑स्येव व॒ग्नुरा शृ॑ण्व आ॒जौ प्र॑चे॒तय॑न्नर्षति॒ वाच॒मेमाम् ॥ ९.०९७.१३
vṛṣā̱ śoṇo̍ abhi̱kani̍krada̱dgā na̱daya̍nneti pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyām .
indra̍syeva va̱gnurā śṛ̍ṇva ā̱jau pra̍ce̱taya̍nnarṣati̱ vāca̱memām .. 9.097.13
13 The Red Bull bellowing to the kine advances, causing the heavens and earth to roar and tbunder.
Well is he beard like Indra's shout in battle:- letting this voice be known he hastens hither.
Sloka : 9.97.14
र॒साय्यः॒ पय॑सा॒ पिन्व॑मान ई॒रय॑न्नेषि॒ मधु॑मन्तमं॒शुम् ।
पव॑मानः संत॒निमे॑षि कृ॒ण्वन्निन्द्रा॑य सोम परिषि॒च्यमा॑नः ॥ ९.०९७.१४
ra̱sāyya̱ḥ paya̍sā̱ pinva̍māna ī̱raya̍nneṣi̱ madhu̍mantama̱ṃśum .
pava̍mānaḥ saṃta̱nime̍ṣi kṛ̱ṇvannindrā̍ya soma pariṣi̱cyamā̍naḥ .. 9.097.14
14 Swelling with milk, abounding in sweet flavours, urging the meath-rich plant thou goest onward.
Raising a shout thou flowest as they cleanse thee, when thou, O Soma, art effused for Indra.
Sloka : 9.97.15
ए॒वा प॑वस्व मदि॒रो मदा॑योदग्रा॒भस्य॑ न॒मय॑न्वध॒स्नैः ।
परि॒ वर्णं॒ भर॑माणो॒ रुश॑न्तं ग॒व्युर्नो॑ अर्ष॒ परि॑ सोम सि॒क्तः ॥ ९.०९७.१५
e̱vā pa̍vasva madi̱ro madā̍yodagrā̱bhasya̍ na̱maya̍nvadha̱snaiḥ .
pari̱ varṇa̱ṃ bhara̍māṇo̱ ruśa̍ntaṃ ga̱vyurno̍ arṣa̱ pari̍ soma si̱ktaḥ .. 9.097.15
15 So flow thou on inspiriting, for rapture, aiming deatb-shafts at him who stays the waters,
Flow to us wearing thy resplendent colour, effused and eager for the kine, O Soma.
Sloka : 9.97.16
जु॒ष्ट्वी न॑ इन्दो सु॒पथा॑ सु॒गान्यु॒रौ प॑वस्व॒ वरि॑वांसि कृ॒ण्वन् ।
घ॒नेव॒ विष्व॑ग्दुरि॒तानि॑ वि॒घ्नन्नधि॒ ष्णुना॑ धन्व॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ ॥ ९.०९७.१६
ju̱ṣṭvī na̍ indo su̱pathā̍ su̱gānyu̱rau pa̍vasva̱ vari̍vāṃsi kṛ̱ṇvan .
gha̱neva̱ viṣva̍gduri̱tāni̍ vi̱ghnannadhi̱ ṣṇunā̍ dhanva̱ sāno̱ avye̍ .. 9.097.16
16 Pleased with us, Indu, send us as thou flowest good easy paths in ample space and comforts.
Dispelling, as twere with a club, misfortunes, run oer the height, run oer the fleecy summit.
Sloka : 9.97.17
वृ॒ष्टिं नो॑ अर्ष दि॒व्यां जि॑ग॒त्नुमिळा॑वतीं शं॒गयीं॑ जी॒रदा॑नुम् ।
स्तुके॑व वी॒ता ध॑न्वा विचि॒न्वन्बन्धू॑ँरि॒माँ अव॑राँ इन्दो वा॒यून् ॥ ९.०९७.१७
vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ no̍ arṣa di̱vyāṃ ji̍ga̱tnumil̤ā̍vatīṃ śa̱ṃgayī̍ṃ jī̱radā̍num .
stuke̍va vī̱tā dha̍nvā vici̱nvanbandhū̍m̐ri̱mām̐ ava̍rām̐ indo vā̱yūn .. 9.097.17
17 Pour on us rain celestial, quickly streaming, refreshing, fraught with health and ready bounty.
Flow, Indu, send these Winds thy lower kinsmen, setting them free like locks of hair unbraided.
Sloka : 9.97.18
ग्र॒न्थिं न वि ष्य॑ ग्रथि॒तं पु॑ना॒न ऋ॒जुं च॑ गा॒तुं वृ॑जि॒नं च॑ सोम ।
अत्यो॒ न क्र॑दो॒ हरि॒रा सृ॑जा॒नो मर्यो॑ देव धन्व प॒स्त्या॑वान् ॥ ९.०९७.१८
gra̱nthiṃ na vi ṣya̍ grathi̱taṃ pu̍nā̱na ṛ̱juṃ ca̍ gā̱tuṃ vṛ̍ji̱naṃ ca̍ soma .
atyo̱ na kra̍do̱ hari̱rā sṛ̍jā̱no maryo̍ deva dhanva pa̱styā̍vān .. 9.097.18
18 Part, like a knotted tangle, while they cleanse thee, O Soma, righteous and unrighteous conduct.
Neigh like a tawny courser who is loosened, come like a youth, O God, a house-possessor.
Sloka : 9.97.19
जुष्टो॒ मदा॑य दे॒वता॑त इन्दो॒ परि॒ ष्णुना॑ धन्व॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ ।
स॒हस्र॑धारः सुर॒भिरद॑ब्धः॒ परि॑ स्रव॒ वाज॑सातौ नृ॒षह्ये॑ ॥ ९.०९७.१९
juṣṭo̱ madā̍ya de̱vatā̍ta indo̱ pari̱ ṣṇunā̍ dhanva̱ sāno̱ avye̍ .
sa̱hasra̍dhāraḥ sura̱bhirada̍bdha̱ḥ pari̍ srava̱ vāja̍sātau nṛ̱ṣahye̍ .. 9.097.19
19 For the God's service, for delight, O Indu, run oer the height, run o'ver the fleecy summit.
With thousand streams, inviolate, sweet-scented, flow on for gain of strength that conquers heroes.
Sloka : 9.97.20
अ॒र॒श्मानो॒ ये॑ऽर॒था अयु॑क्ता॒ अत्या॑सो॒ न स॑सृजा॒नास॑ आ॒जौ ।
ए॒ते शु॒क्रासो॑ धन्वन्ति॒ सोमा॒ देवा॑स॒स्ताँ उप॑ याता॒ पिब॑ध्यै ॥ ९.०९७.२०
a̱ra̱śmāno̱ ye̎ra̱thā ayu̍ktā̱ atyā̍so̱ na sa̍sṛjā̱nāsa̍ ā̱jau .
e̱te śu̱krāso̍ dhanvanti̱ somā̱ devā̍sa̱stām̐ upa̍ yātā̱ piba̍dhyai .. 9.097.20
20 Without a car, without a rein to guide them, unyoked, like coursers started in the contest,
These brilliant drops of Soma juice run forward. Do ye, O Deities, come nigh to drink them.
Sloka : 9.97.21
ए॒वा न॑ इन्दो अ॒भि दे॒ववी॑तिं॒ परि॑ स्रव॒ नभो॒ अर्ण॑श्च॒मूषु॑ ।
सोमो॑ अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ काम्यं॑ बृ॒हन्तं॑ र॒यिं द॑दातु वी॒रव॑न्तमु॒ग्रम् ॥ ९.०९७.२१
e̱vā na̍ indo a̱bhi de̱vavī̍ti̱ṃ pari̍ srava̱ nabho̱ arṇa̍śca̱mūṣu̍ .
somo̍ a̱smabhya̱ṃ kāmya̍ṃ bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ da̍dātu vī̱rava̍ntamu̱gram .. 9.097.21
21 So for our banquet of the Gods, O Indu, pour down the rain of heaven into the vessels.
May Soma grant us riches sought with longing, mighty, exceeding strong, with store of heroes.
Sloka : 9.97.22
तक्ष॒द्यदी॒ मन॑सो॒ वेन॑तो॒ वाग्ज्येष्ठ॑स्य वा॒ धर्म॑णि॒ क्षोरनी॑के ।
आदी॑माय॒न्वर॒मा वा॑वशा॒ना जुष्टं॒ पतिं॑ क॒लशे॒ गाव॒ इन्दु॑म् ॥ ९.०९७.२२
takṣa̱dyadī̱ mana̍so̱ vena̍to̱ vāgjyeṣṭha̍sya vā̱ dharma̍ṇi̱ kṣoranī̍ke .
ādī̍māya̱nvara̱mā vā̍vaśā̱nā juṣṭa̱ṃ pati̍ṃ ka̱laśe̱ gāva̱ indu̍m .. 9.097.22
22 What time the loving spirit's word had formed him Chief of all food, by statute of the Highest,
Then loudly lowing came the cows to Indu, the chosen, well-loved Master in the beaker.
Sloka : 9.97.23
प्र दा॑नु॒दो दि॒व्यो दा॑नुपि॒न्व ऋ॒तमृ॒ताय॑ पवते सुमे॒धाः ।
ध॒र्मा भु॑वद्वृज॒न्य॑स्य॒ राजा॒ प्र र॒श्मिभि॑र्द॒शभि॑र्भारि॒ भूम॑ ॥ ९.०९७.२३
pra dā̍nu̱do di̱vyo dā̍nupi̱nva ṛ̱tamṛ̱tāya̍ pavate sume̱dhāḥ .
dha̱rmā bhu̍vadvṛja̱nya̍sya̱ rājā̱ pra ra̱śmibhi̍rda̱śabhi̍rbhāri̱ bhūma̍ .. 9.097.23
23 The Sage, Celestial, liberal, raining bounties, pours as he flows the Genuine for the Truthful.
The King shall be effectual strength's upholder:- he by the ten bright reins is mostly guided.
Sloka : 9.97.24
प॒वित्रे॑भिः॒ पव॑मानो नृ॒चक्षा॒ राजा॑ दे॒वाना॑मु॒त मर्त्या॑नाम् ।
द्वि॒ता भु॑वद्रयि॒पती॑ रयी॒णामृ॒तं भ॑र॒त्सुभृ॑तं॒ चार्विन्दुः॑ ॥ ९.०९७.२४
pa̱vitre̍bhi̱ḥ pava̍māno nṛ̱cakṣā̱ rājā̍ de̱vānā̍mu̱ta martyā̍nām .
dvi̱tā bhu̍vadrayi̱patī̍ rayī̱ṇāmṛ̱taṃ bha̍ra̱tsubhṛ̍ta̱ṃ cārvindu̍ḥ .. 9.097.24
24 He who beholds mankind, made pure with filters, the King supreme of Deities and mortals,
From days of old is Treasure-Lord of riches:- he, Indu, cherishes fair well-kept Order.
Sloka : 9.97.25
अर्वा॑ँ इव॒ श्रव॑से सा॒तिमच्छेन्द्र॑स्य वा॒योर॒भि वी॒तिम॑र्ष ।
स नः॑ स॒हस्रा॑ बृह॒तीरिषो॑ दा॒ भवा॑ सोम द्रविणो॒वित्पु॑ना॒नः ॥ ९.०९७.२५
arvā̍m̐ iva̱ śrava̍se sā̱timacchendra̍sya vā̱yora̱bhi vī̱tima̍rṣa .
sa na̍ḥ sa̱hasrā̍ bṛha̱tīriṣo̍ dā̱ bhavā̍ soma draviṇo̱vitpu̍nā̱naḥ .. 9.097.25
25 Haste, like a steed, to vittory for glory, to Indra's and to Vāyu's entertainment.
Give us food ample, thousandfold:- be, Soma, the finder-out of riches when they cleanse thee.
Sloka : 9.97.26
दे॒वा॒व्यो॑ नः परिषि॒च्यमा॑नाः॒ क्षयं॑ सु॒वीरं॑ धन्वन्तु॒ सोमाः॑ ।
आ॒य॒ज्यवः॑ सुम॒तिं वि॒श्ववा॑रा॒ होता॑रो॒ न दि॑वि॒यजो॑ म॒न्द्रत॑माः ॥ ९.०९७.२६
de̱vā̱vyo̍ naḥ pariṣi̱cyamā̍nā̱ḥ kṣaya̍ṃ su̱vīra̍ṃ dhanvantu̱ somā̍ḥ .
ā̱ya̱jyava̍ḥ suma̱tiṃ vi̱śvavā̍rā̱ hotā̍ro̱ na di̍vi̱yajo̍ ma̱ndrata̍māḥ .. 9.097.26
26 Effused by us let God-delighting Somas bring as they flow a home with noble heroes.
Rich in all boons like priests acquiring favour, the worshippers of heaven, the best of Cheerers.
Sloka : 9.97.27
ए॒वा दे॑व दे॒वता॑ते पवस्व म॒हे सो॑म॒ प्सर॑से देव॒पानः॑ ।
म॒हश्चि॒द्धि ष्मसि॑ हि॒ताः स॑म॒र्ये कृ॒धि सु॑ष्ठा॒ने रोद॑सी पुना॒नः ॥ ९.०९७.२७
e̱vā de̍va de̱vatā̍te pavasva ma̱he so̍ma̱ psara̍se deva̱pāna̍ḥ .
ma̱haści̱ddhi ṣmasi̍ hi̱tāḥ sa̍ma̱rye kṛ̱dhi su̍ṣṭhā̱ne roda̍sī punā̱naḥ .. 9.097.27
27 So, God, for service of the Gods flow onward, flow, drink of Gods, for ample food, O Soma.
For we go forth to war against the mighty make heaven and earth well stablished by thy cleansing.
Sloka : 9.97.28
अश्वो॒ नो क्र॑दो॒ वृष॑भिर्युजा॒नः सिं॒हो न भी॒मो मन॑सो॒ जवी॑यान् ।
अ॒र्वा॒चीनैः॑ प॒थिभि॒र्ये रजि॑ष्ठा॒ आ प॑वस्व सौमन॒सं न॑ इन्दो ॥ ९.०९७.२८
aśvo̱ no kra̍do̱ vṛṣa̍bhiryujā̱naḥ si̱ṃho na bhī̱mo mana̍so̱ javī̍yān .
a̱rvā̱cīnai̍ḥ pa̱thibhi̱rye raji̍ṣṭhā̱ ā pa̍vasva saumana̱saṃ na̍ indo .. 9.097.28
28 Thou, yoked by strong men, neighest like a courser, swifter than thought is, like an awful lion.
By paths directed hitherward, the straightest, send thou us happiness, Indu, while they cleanse thee.
Sloka : 9.97.29
श॒तं धारा॑ दे॒वजा॑ता असृग्रन्स॒हस्र॑मेनाः क॒वयो॑ मृजन्ति ।
इन्दो॑ स॒नित्रं॑ दि॒व आ प॑वस्व पुरए॒तासि॑ मह॒तो धन॑स्य ॥ ९.०९७.२९
śa̱taṃ dhārā̍ de̱vajā̍tā asṛgransa̱hasra̍menāḥ ka̱vayo̍ mṛjanti .
indo̍ sa̱nitra̍ṃ di̱va ā pa̍vasva purae̱tāsi̍ maha̱to dhana̍sya .. 9.097.29
29 Sprung from the Gods, a hundred streams, a thousand, have been effused:- sages prepare and purge them.
Bring us from heaven the means of winnning, Indu; thou art-forerunnner of abundant riches.
Sloka : 9.97.30
दि॒वो न सर्गा॑ अससृग्र॒मह्नां॒ राजा॒ न मि॒त्रं प्र मि॑नाति॒ धीरः॑ ।
पि॒तुर्न पु॒त्रः क्रतु॑भिर्यता॒न आ प॑वस्व वि॒शे अ॒स्या अजी॑तिम् ॥ ९.०९७.३०
di̱vo na sargā̍ asasṛgra̱mahnā̱ṃ rājā̱ na mi̱traṃ pra mi̍nāti̱ dhīra̍ḥ .
pi̱turna pu̱traḥ kratu̍bhiryatā̱na ā pa̍vasva vi̱śe a̱syā ajī̍tim .. 9.097.30
30 The streams of days, were poured as twere from heaven:- the wise King doth not treat his friend unkindly.
Like a son following his father's wishes, grant to this family success and safety.
Sloka : 9.97.31
प्र ते॒ धारा॒ मधु॑मतीरसृग्र॒न्वारा॒न्यत्पू॒तो अ॒त्येष्यव्या॑न् ।
पव॑मान॒ पव॑से॒ धाम॒ गोनां॑ जज्ञा॒नः सूर्य॑मपिन्वो अ॒र्कैः ॥ ९.०९७.३१
pra te̱ dhārā̱ madhu̍matīrasṛgra̱nvārā̱nyatpū̱to a̱tyeṣyavyā̍n .
pava̍māna̱ pava̍se̱ dhāma̱ gonā̍ṃ jajñā̱naḥ sūrya̍mapinvo a̱rkaiḥ .. 9.097.31
31 Now are thy streams poured forth with all their sweetness, when, purified. thou goest through the filter.
The race of kine is thy gift, Pavarridna:- when born thou madest Sūrya rich with brightness.
Sloka : 9.97.32
कनि॑क्रद॒दनु॒ पन्था॑मृ॒तस्य॑ शु॒क्रो वि भा॑स्य॒मृत॑स्य॒ धाम॑ ।
स इन्द्रा॑य पवसे मत्स॒रवा॑न्हिन्वा॒नो वाचं॑ म॒तिभिः॑ कवी॒नाम् ॥ ९.०९७.३२
kani̍krada̱danu̱ panthā̍mṛ̱tasya̍ śu̱kro vi bhā̍sya̱mṛta̍sya̱ dhāma̍ .
sa indrā̍ya pavase matsa̱ravā̍nhinvā̱no vāca̍ṃ ma̱tibhi̍ḥ kavī̱nām .. 9.097.32
32 Bright, bellowing aiong the path of Order, thou shinest as the form of life eternal.
Thou flowest on as gladdening drink for Indra, sending thy voice out with the hymns of sages.
Sloka : 9.97.33
दि॒व्यः सु॑प॒र्णोऽव॑ चक्षि सोम॒ पिन्व॒न्धाराः॒ कर्म॑णा दे॒ववी॑तौ ।
एन्दो॑ विश क॒लशं॑ सोम॒धानं॒ क्रन्द॑न्निहि॒ सूर्य॒स्योप॑ र॒श्मिम् ॥ ९.०९७.३३
di̱vyaḥ su̍pa̱rṇo'va̍ cakṣi soma̱ pinva̱ndhārā̱ḥ karma̍ṇā de̱vavī̍tau .
endo̍ viśa ka̱laśa̍ṃ soma̱dhāna̱ṃ kranda̍nnihi̱ sūrya̱syopa̍ ra̱śmim .. 9.097.33
33 Pouring out streams at the Gods feast with service, thou, Soma, lookest down, a heavenly Eagle.
Enter the Soma-holding beaker, Indu, and with a roar approach the ray of Sarya.
Sloka : 9.97.34
ति॒स्रो वाच॑ ईरयति॒ प्र वह्नि॑रृ॒तस्य॑ धी॒तिं ब्रह्म॑णो मनी॒षाम् ।
गावो॑ यन्ति॒ गोप॑तिं पृ॒च्छमा॑नाः॒ सोमं॑ यन्ति म॒तयो॑ वावशा॒नाः ॥ ९.०९७.३४
ti̱sro vāca̍ īrayati̱ pra vahni̍rṛ̱tasya̍ dhī̱tiṃ brahma̍ṇo manī̱ṣām .
gāvo̍ yanti̱ gopa̍tiṃ pṛ̱cchamā̍nā̱ḥ soma̍ṃ yanti ma̱tayo̍ vāvaśā̱nāḥ .. 9.097.34
34 Three are the voices that the Courser utters:- he speaks the thought of prayer, the law of Order.
To the Cow's Master come the Cows inquiring:- the hymns with eager longing come to Soma.
Sloka : 9.97.35
सोमं॒ गावो॑ धे॒नवो॑ वावशा॒नाः सोमं॒ विप्रा॑ म॒तिभिः॑ पृ॒च्छमा॑नाः ।
सोमः॑ सु॒तः पू॑यते अ॒ज्यमा॑नः॒ सोमे॑ अ॒र्कास्त्रि॒ष्टुभः॒ सं न॑वन्ते ॥ ९.०९७.३५
soma̱ṃ gāvo̍ dhe̱navo̍ vāvaśā̱nāḥ soma̱ṃ viprā̍ ma̱tibhi̍ḥ pṛ̱cchamā̍nāḥ .
soma̍ḥ su̱taḥ pū̍yate a̱jyamā̍na̱ḥ some̍ a̱rkāstri̱ṣṭubha̱ḥ saṃ na̍vante .. 9.097.35
35 To Soma come the Cows, the Milch-kine longing, to Soma sages with their hvmns inquiring.
Soma, effused, is purified and blended our hymns and Tṛṣṭup songs unite in Soma.
Sloka : 9.97.36
ए॒वा नः॑ सोम परिषि॒च्यमा॑न॒ आ प॑वस्व पू॒यमा॑नः स्व॒स्ति ।
इन्द्र॒मा वि॑श बृह॒ता रवे॑ण व॒र्धया॒ वाचं॑ ज॒नया॒ पुरं॑धिम् ॥ ९.०९७.३६
e̱vā na̍ḥ soma pariṣi̱cyamā̍na̱ ā pa̍vasva pū̱yamā̍naḥ sva̱sti .
indra̱mā vi̍śa bṛha̱tā rave̍ṇa va̱rdhayā̱ vāca̍ṃ ja̱nayā̱ pura̍ṃdhim .. 9.097.36
36 Thus, Soma, as we pour thee into vessels, while thou art purified flow for our welfare.
Pass into Indra with a mighty roaring make the voice swell, and generate abundance.
Sloka : 9.97.37
आ जागृ॑वि॒र्विप्र॑ ऋ॒ता म॑ती॒नां सोमः॑ पुना॒नो अ॑सदच्च॒मूषु॑ ।
सप॑न्ति॒ यं मि॑थु॒नासो॒ निका॑मा अध्व॒र्यवो॑ रथि॒रासः॑ सु॒हस्ताः॑ ॥ ९.०९७.३७
ā jāgṛ̍vi̱rvipra̍ ṛ̱tā ma̍tī̱nāṃ soma̍ḥ punā̱no a̍sadacca̱mūṣu̍ .
sapa̍nti̱ yaṃ mi̍thu̱nāso̱ nikā̍mā adhva̱ryavo̍ rathi̱rāsa̍ḥ su̱hastā̍ḥ .. 9.097.37
37 Singer of true songs, ever-watchful, Soma hath settled in the ladles when they cleanse him.
Him the Adhvaryus, paired and eager, follow, leaders of sacrifice and skilful-handed.
Sloka : 9.97.38
स पु॑ना॒न उप॒ सूरे॒ न धातोभे अ॑प्रा॒ रोद॑सी॒ वि ष आ॑वः ।
प्रि॒या चि॒द्यस्य॑ प्रिय॒सास॑ ऊ॒ती स तू धनं॑ का॒रिणे॒ न प्र यं॑सत् ॥ ९.०९७.३८
sa pu̍nā̱na upa̱ sūre̱ na dhātobhe a̍prā̱ roda̍sī̱ vi ṣa ā̍vaḥ .
pri̱yā ci̱dyasya̍ priya̱sāsa̍ ū̱tī sa tū dhana̍ṃ kā̱riṇe̱ na pra ya̍ṃsat .. 9.097.38
38 Cleansed near the Sun as twere he as Creator hath filled full heaven and earth, and hath disclosed them.
He by whose dear help men gain all their wishes shall yield the precious meed as to a victor.
Sloka : 9.97.39
स व॑र्धि॒ता वर्ध॑नः पू॒यमा॑नः॒ सोमो॑ मी॒ढ्वाँ अ॒भि नो॒ ज्योति॑षावीत् ।
येना॑ नः॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरः॑ पद॒ज्ञाः स्व॒र्विदो॑ अ॒भि गा अद्रि॑मु॒ष्णन् ॥ ९.०९७.३९
sa va̍rdhi̱tā vardha̍naḥ pū̱yamā̍na̱ḥ somo̍ mī̱ḍhvām̐ a̱bhi no̱ jyoti̍ṣāvīt .
yenā̍ na̱ḥ pūrve̍ pi̱tara̍ḥ pada̱jñāḥ sva̱rvido̍ a̱bhi gā adri̍mu̱ṣṇan .. 9.097.39
39 He, being cleansed, the Strengthener and Increaser, Soma the Bounteous, helped us with his lustre,
Wherewith our sires of old who knew the footsteps found light and stole the cattle from the mountain.
Sloka : 9.97.40
अक्रा॑न्समु॒द्रः प्र॑थ॒मे विध॑र्मञ्ज॒नय॑न्प्र॒जा भुव॑नस्य॒ राजा॑ ।
वृषा॑ प॒वित्रे॒ अधि॒ सानो॒ अव्ये॑ बृ॒हत्सोमो॑ वावृधे सुवा॒न इन्दुः॑ ॥ ९.०९७.४०
akrā̍nsamu̱draḥ pra̍tha̱me vidha̍rmañja̱naya̍npra̱jā bhuva̍nasya̱ rājā̍ .
vṛṣā̍ pa̱vitre̱ adhi̱ sāno̱ avye̍ bṛ̱hatsomo̍ vāvṛdhe suvā̱na indu̍ḥ .. 9.097.40
40 In the first vault of heaven loud roared the Ocean, King of all being, generating creatures.
Steer, in the filter, on the fleecy summit, Soma, the Drop effused, hath waxen mighty.
Sloka : 9.97.41
म॒हत्तत्सोमो॑ महि॒षश्च॑कारा॒पां यद्गर्भोऽवृ॑णीत दे॒वान् ।
अद॑धा॒दिन्द्रे॒ पव॑मान॒ ओजोऽज॑नय॒त्सूर्ये॒ ज्योति॒रिन्दुः॑ ॥ ९.०९७.४१
ma̱hattatsomo̍ mahi̱ṣaśca̍kārā̱pāṃ yadgarbho'vṛ̍ṇīta de̱vān .
ada̍dhā̱dindre̱ pava̍māna̱ ojo'ja̍naya̱tsūrye̱ jyoti̱rindu̍ḥ .. 9.097.41
41 Soma the Steer, in that as Child of Waters he chose the Gods, performed that great achievement.
He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra; he, Indu, generated light in Sūrya.
Sloka : 9.97.42
मत्सि॑ वा॒युमि॒ष्टये॒ राध॑से च॒ मत्सि॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा पू॒यमा॑नः ।
मत्सि॒ शर्धो॒ मारु॑तं॒ मत्सि॑ दे॒वान्मत्सि॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी दे॑व सोम ॥ ९.०९७.४२
matsi̍ vā̱yumi̱ṣṭaye̱ rādha̍se ca̱ matsi̍ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
matsi̱ śardho̱ māru̍ta̱ṃ matsi̍ de̱vānmatsi̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī de̍va soma .. 9.097.42
42 Make Vāyu glad,, for furtherance and bounty:- cheer Varuṇa and Mitra, as they cleanse thee.
Gladden the Gods, gladden the host of Maruts:- make Heaven and Earth rejoice, O God, O Soma.
Sloka : 9.97.43
ऋ॒जुः प॑वस्व वृजि॒नस्य॑ ह॒न्तापामी॑वां॒ बाध॑मानो॒ मृध॑श्च ।
अ॒भि॒श्री॒णन्पयः॒ पय॑सा॒भि गोना॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ त्वं तव॑ व॒यं सखा॑यः ॥ ९.०९७.४३
ṛ̱juḥ pa̍vasva vṛji̱nasya̍ ha̱ntāpāmī̍vā̱ṃ bādha̍māno̱ mṛdha̍śca .
a̱bhi̱śrī̱ṇanpaya̱ḥ paya̍sā̱bhi gonā̱mindra̍sya̱ tvaṃ tava̍ va̱yaṃ sakhā̍yaḥ .. 9.097.43
43 Flow onward righteous slayer of the wicked, driving away our enemies and sickness,
Blending thy milk with milk which cows afford us. We are thy friends, thou art the Friend of Indra.
Sloka : 9.97.44
मध्वः॒ सूदं॑ पवस्व॒ वस्व॒ उत्सं॑ वी॒रं च॑ न॒ आ प॑वस्वा॒ भगं॑ च ।
स्वद॒स्वेन्द्रा॑य॒ पव॑मान इन्दो र॒यिं च॑ न॒ आ प॑वस्वा समु॒द्रात् ॥ ९.०९७.४४
madhva̱ḥ sūda̍ṃ pavasva̱ vasva̱ utsa̍ṃ vī̱raṃ ca̍ na̱ ā pa̍vasvā̱ bhaga̍ṃ ca .
svada̱svendrā̍ya̱ pava̍māna indo ra̱yiṃ ca̍ na̱ ā pa̍vasvā samu̱drāt .. 9.097.44
44 Pour us a fount of meath, a spring of treasure; send us a hero son and happy fortune.
Be sweet to India when they cleanse thee, Indu, and pour down riches on us from the ocean.
Sloka : 9.97.45
सोमः॑ सु॒तो धार॒यात्यो॒ न हित्वा॒ सिन्धु॒र्न नि॒म्नम॒भि वा॒ज्य॑क्षाः ।
आ योनिं॒ वन्य॑मसदत्पुना॒नः समिन्दु॒र्गोभि॑रसर॒त्सम॒द्भिः ॥ ९.०९७.४५
soma̍ḥ su̱to dhāra̱yātyo̱ na hitvā̱ sindhu̱rna ni̱mnama̱bhi vā̱jya̍kṣāḥ .
ā yoni̱ṃ vanya̍masadatpunā̱naḥ samindu̱rgobhi̍rasara̱tsama̱dbhiḥ .. 9.097.45
45 Strong Soma, pressed, like an impetuous courser, hath flowed in stream as a flood speeding downward.
Cleansed, he hath settled in his wooden dwelling:- Indu hath flowed with milk and with the waters.
Sloka : 9.97.46
ए॒ष स्य ते॑ पवत इन्द्र॒ सोम॑श्च॒मूषु॒ धीर॑ उश॒ते तव॑स्वान् ।
स्व॑र्चक्षा रथि॒रः स॒त्यशु॑ष्मः॒ कामो॒ न यो दे॑वय॒तामस॑र्जि ॥ ९.०९७.४६
e̱ṣa sya te̍ pavata indra̱ soma̍śca̱mūṣu̱ dhīra̍ uśa̱te tava̍svān .
sva̍rcakṣā rathi̱raḥ sa̱tyaśu̍ṣma̱ḥ kāmo̱ na yo de̍vaya̱tāmasa̍rji .. 9.097.46
46 Strong, wise, for thee who longest for his coming this Soma here flows to the bowls, O Indra.
He, chariot-borne, sun-bright, and truly potent, was poured forth like the longing of the pious.
Sloka : 9.97.47
ए॒ष प्र॒त्नेन॒ वय॑सा पुना॒नस्ति॒रो वर्पां॑सि दुहि॒तुर्दधा॑नः ।
वसा॑नः॒ शर्म॑ त्रि॒वरू॑थम॒प्सु होते॑व याति॒ सम॑नेषु॒ रेभ॑न् ॥ ९.०९७.४७
e̱ṣa pra̱tnena̱ vaya̍sā punā̱nasti̱ro varpā̍ṃsi duhi̱turdadhā̍naḥ .
vasā̍na̱ḥ śarma̍ tri̱varū̍thama̱psu hote̍va yāti̱ sama̍neṣu̱ rebha̍n .. 9.097.47
47 He, purified with ancient vital vigour, pervading all his Daughter's forms and figures,
Finding his threefold refuge in the waters, goes singing, as a priest, to the assemblies.
Sloka : 9.97.48
नू न॒स्त्वं र॑थि॒रो दे॑व सोम॒ परि॑ स्रव च॒म्वोः॑ पू॒यमा॑नः ।
अ॒प्सु स्वादि॑ष्ठो॒ मधु॑माँ ऋ॒तावा॑ दे॒वो न यः स॑वि॒ता स॒त्यम॑न्मा ॥ ९.०९७.४८
nū na̱stvaṃ ra̍thi̱ro de̍va soma̱ pari̍ srava ca̱mvo̍ḥ pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
a̱psu svādi̍ṣṭho̱ madhu̍mām̐ ṛ̱tāvā̍ de̱vo na yaḥ sa̍vi̱tā sa̱tyama̍nmā .. 9.097.48
48 Now, chariot-borne, flow unto us, God Soma, as thou art purified flow to the saucers,
Sweetest in waters, rich in meath, and holy, as Savitar the God is, truthfulminded.
Sloka : 9.97.49
अ॒भि वा॒युं वी॒त्य॑र्षा गृणा॒नो॒३॒॑ऽभि मि॒त्रावरु॑णा पू॒यमा॑नः ।
अ॒भी नरं॑ धी॒जव॑नं रथे॒ष्ठाम॒भीन्द्रं॒ वृष॑णं॒ वज्र॑बाहुम् ॥ ९.०९७.४९
a̱bhi vā̱yuṃ vī̱tya̍rṣā gṛṇā̱no̱3̱̎bhi mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
a̱bhī nara̍ṃ dhī̱java̍naṃ rathe̱ṣṭhāma̱bhīndra̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ vajra̍bāhum .. 9.097.49
49 To feast him, flow mid song and hymn, to Vāyu, flow purified to Varuṇa and Mitra.
Flow to the song-inspiring car-borne Hero, to mighty Indra, him who wields the thunder.
Sloka : 9.97.50
अ॒भि वस्त्रा॑ सुवस॒नान्य॑र्षा॒भि धे॒नूः सु॒दुघाः॑ पू॒यमा॑नः ।
अ॒भि च॒न्द्रा भर्त॑वे नो॒ हिर॑ण्या॒भ्यश्वा॑न्र॒थिनो॑ देव सोम ॥ ९.०९७.५०
a̱bhi vastrā̍ suvasa̱nānya̍rṣā̱bhi dhe̱nūḥ su̱dughā̍ḥ pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
a̱bhi ca̱ndrā bharta̍ve no̱ hira̍ṇyā̱bhyaśvā̍nra̱thino̍ deva soma .. 9.097.50
50 Pour on us garments that shall clothe us meetly, send, purified, miIch-kine, abundant yielders.
God Soma, send us chariot-drawing horses that they may bring us treasures bright and golden.
Sloka : 9.97.51
अ॒भी नो॑ अर्ष दि॒व्या वसू॑न्य॒भि विश्वा॒ पार्थि॑वा पू॒यमा॑नः ।
अ॒भि येन॒ द्रवि॑णम॒श्नवा॑मा॒भ्या॑र्षे॒यं ज॑मदग्नि॒वन्नः॑ ॥ ९.०९७.५१
a̱bhī no̍ arṣa di̱vyā vasū̍nya̱bhi viśvā̱ pārthi̍vā pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
a̱bhi yena̱ dravi̍ṇama̱śnavā̍mā̱bhyā̍rṣe̱yaṃ ja̍madagni̱vanna̍ḥ .. 9.097.51
51 Send to us in a stream celestial riches, send us, when thou art cleansed, what earth containeth,
So that thereby we may acquire possessions and Rsihood in Jamadagni's manner.
Sloka : 9.97.52
अ॒या प॒वा प॑वस्वै॒ना वसू॑नि माँश्च॒त्व इ॑न्दो॒ सर॑सि॒ प्र ध॑न्व ।
ब्र॒ध्नश्चि॒दत्र॒ वातो॒ न जू॒तः पु॑रु॒मेध॑श्चि॒त्तक॑वे॒ नरं॑ दात् ॥ ९.०९७.५२
a̱yā pa̱vā pa̍vasvai̱nā vasū̍ni mām̐śca̱tva i̍ndo̱ sara̍si̱ pra dha̍nva .
bra̱dhnaści̱datra̱ vāto̱ na jū̱taḥ pu̍ru̱medha̍ści̱ttaka̍ve̱ nara̍ṃ dāt .. 9.097.52
52 Pour forth this wealth with this purification:- flow onward to the yellow lake, O Indu.
Here, too, the Ruddy, wind-swift, full of wisdom, Shall give a son to him who cometh quickly.
Sloka : 9.97.53
उ॒त न॑ ए॒ना प॑व॒या प॑व॒स्वाधि॑ श्रु॒ते श्र॒वाय्य॑स्य ती॒र्थे ।
ष॒ष्टिं स॒हस्रा॑ नैगु॒तो वसू॑नि वृ॒क्षं न प॒क्वं धू॑नव॒द्रणा॑य ॥ ९.०९७.५३
u̱ta na̍ e̱nā pa̍va̱yā pa̍va̱svādhi̍ śru̱te śra̱vāyya̍sya tī̱rthe .
ṣa̱ṣṭiṃ sa̱hasrā̍ naigu̱to vasū̍ni vṛ̱kṣaṃ na pa̱kvaṃ dhū̍nava̱draṇā̍ya .. 9.097.53
53 Flow on for us with this purification to the famed ford of thee whose due is glory.
May the Foe-queller shake us down, for triumph, like a tree's ripe fruit, sixty thousand treasures.
Sloka : 9.97.54
मही॒मे अ॑स्य॒ वृष॒नाम॑ शू॒षे माँश्च॑त्वे वा॒ पृश॑ने वा॒ वध॑त्रे ।
अस्वा॑पयन्नि॒गुतः॑ स्ने॒हय॒च्चापा॒मित्रा॒ँ अपा॒चितो॑ अचे॒तः ॥ ९.०९७.५४
mahī̱me a̍sya̱ vṛṣa̱nāma̍ śū̱ṣe mām̐śca̍tve vā̱ pṛśa̍ne vā̱ vadha̍tre .
asvā̍payanni̱guta̍ḥ sne̱haya̱ccāpā̱mitrā̱m̐ apā̱cito̍ ace̱taḥ .. 9.097.54
54 Eagerly do we pray for those two exploits, at the blue lake and Prsana, wrought in battle.
He sent our enemies to sleep and slew thern, and turned away the foolish and unfriendly.
Sloka : 9.97.55
सं त्री प॒वित्रा॒ वित॑तान्ये॒ष्यन्वेकं॑ धावसि पू॒यमा॑नः ।
असि॒ भगो॒ असि॑ दा॒त्रस्य॑ दा॒तासि॑ म॒घवा॑ म॒घव॑द्भ्य इन्दो ॥ ९.०९७.५५
saṃ trī pa̱vitrā̱ vita̍tānye̱ṣyanveka̍ṃ dhāvasi pū̱yamā̍naḥ .
asi̱ bhago̱ asi̍ dā̱trasya̍ dā̱tāsi̍ ma̱ghavā̍ ma̱ghava̍dbhya indo .. 9.097.55
55 Thou comest unto three extended filters, and hasteriest through each one as they cleanse thee.
Thou art the giver of the gift, a Bhaga, a Maghavan for liberal lords, O Indu.
Sloka : 9.97.56
ए॒ष वि॑श्व॒वित्प॑वते मनी॒षी सोमो॒ विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ राजा॑ ।
द्र॒प्साँ ई॒रय॑न्वि॒दथे॒ष्विन्दु॒र्वि वार॒मव्यं॑ स॒मयाति॑ याति ॥ ९.०९७.५६
e̱ṣa vi̍śva̱vitpa̍vate manī̱ṣī somo̱ viśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya̱ rājā̍ .
dra̱psām̐ ī̱raya̍nvi̱dathe̱ṣvindu̱rvi vāra̱mavya̍ṃ sa̱mayāti̍ yāti .. 9.097.56
56 This Soma here, the Wise, the All-obtainer, flows on his way as King of all existence.
Driving the drops at our assemblies, Indu completely traverses the fleecy filter.
Sloka : 9.97.57
इन्दुं॑ रिहन्ति महि॒षा अद॑ब्धाः प॒दे रे॑भन्ति क॒वयो॒ न गृध्राः॑ ।
हि॒न्वन्ति॒ धीरा॑ द॒शभिः॒ क्षिपा॑भिः॒ सम॑ञ्जते रू॒पम॒पां रसे॑न ॥ ९.०९७.५७
indu̍ṃ rihanti mahi̱ṣā ada̍bdhāḥ pa̱de re̍bhanti ka̱vayo̱ na gṛdhrā̍ḥ .
hi̱nvanti̱ dhīrā̍ da̱śabhi̱ḥ kṣipā̍bhi̱ḥ sama̍ñjate rū̱pama̱pāṃ rase̍na .. 9.097.57
57 The Great Inviolate are kissing Indu, and singing in his place like eager sages.
The wise men send him forth with ten swift fingers, and balm his form with essence of the waters.
Sloka : 9.97.58
त्वया॑ व॒यं पव॑मानेन सोम॒ भरे॑ कृ॒तं वि चि॑नुयाम॒ शश्व॑त् ।
तन्नो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो मामहन्ता॒मदि॑तिः॒ सिन्धुः॑ पृथि॒वी उ॒त द्यौः ॥ ९.०९७.५८
tvayā̍ va̱yaṃ pava̍mānena soma̱ bhare̍ kṛ̱taṃ vi ci̍nuyāma̱ śaśva̍t .
tanno̍ mi̱tro varu̍ṇo māmahantā̱madi̍ti̱ḥ sindhu̍ḥ pṛthi̱vī u̱ta dyauḥ .. 9.097.58
58 Soma, may we, with thee as Pavamana, pile up together all our spoil in battle.
This boon vouchsafe us Varuṇa and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
Sloka : 9.98.1
अ॒भि नो॑ वाज॒सात॑मं र॒यिम॑र्ष पुरु॒स्पृह॑म् ।
इन्दो॑ स॒हस्र॑भर्णसं तुविद्यु॒म्नं वि॑भ्वा॒सह॑म् ॥ ९.०९८.०१
a̱bhi no̍ vāja̱sāta̍maṃ ra̱yima̍rṣa puru̱spṛha̍m .
indo̍ sa̱hasra̍bharṇasaṃ tuvidyu̱mnaṃ vi̍bhvā̱saha̍m .. 9.098.01
1. STREAM on us riches that are sought by many, best at winning strength
Riches, O Indu, thousandfold, glorious, conquering the great.
Sloka : 9.98.2
परि॒ ष्य सु॑वा॒नो अ॒व्ययं॒ रथे॒ न वर्मा॑व्यत ।
इन्दु॑र॒भि द्रुणा॑ हि॒तो हि॑या॒नो धारा॑भिरक्षाः ॥ ९.०९८.०२
pari̱ ṣya su̍vā̱no a̱vyaya̱ṃ rathe̱ na varmā̍vyata .
indu̍ra̱bhi druṇā̍ hi̱to hi̍yā̱no dhārā̍bhirakṣāḥ .. 9.098.02
2 Effused, he hath, as on a car, invested him in fleecy mail:-
Onward hath Indu flowed in streams, impelled, surrounded by the wood.
Sloka : 9.98.3
परि॒ ष्य सु॑वा॒नो अ॑क्षा॒ इन्दु॒रव्ये॒ मद॑च्युतः ।
धारा॒ य ऊ॒र्ध्वो अ॑ध्व॒रे भ्रा॒जा नैति॑ गव्य॒युः ॥ ९.०९८.०३
pari̱ ṣya su̍vā̱no a̍kṣā̱ indu̱ravye̱ mada̍cyutaḥ .
dhārā̱ ya ū̱rdhvo a̍dhva̱re bhrā̱jā naiti̍ gavya̱yuḥ .. 9.098.03
3 Effused, this Indu hath flowed on, distilling rapture, to the fleece:-
He goes erect, as seeking kine in stream, with light, to sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.98.4
स हि त्वं दे॑व॒ शश्व॑ते॒ वसु॒ मर्ता॑य दा॒शुषे॑ ।
इन्दो॑ सह॒स्रिणं॑ र॒यिं श॒तात्मा॑नं विवाससि ॥ ९.०९८.०४
sa hi tvaṃ de̍va̱ śaśva̍te̱ vasu̱ martā̍ya dā̱śuṣe̍ .
indo̍ saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ ra̱yiṃ śa̱tātmā̍naṃ vivāsasi .. 9.098.04
4 For thou thyself, O Indu, God, to every mortal worshipper
Attractest riches thousandfold, made manifest in hundred forms.
Sloka : 9.98.5
व॒यं ते॑ अ॒स्य वृ॑त्रह॒न्वसो॒ वस्वः॑ पुरु॒स्पृहः॑ ।
नि नेदि॑ष्ठतमा इ॒षः स्याम॑ सु॒म्नस्या॑ध्रिगो ॥ ९.०९८.०५
va̱yaṃ te̍ a̱sya vṛ̍traha̱nvaso̱ vasva̍ḥ puru̱spṛha̍ḥ .
ni nedi̍ṣṭhatamā i̱ṣaḥ syāma̍ su̱mnasyā̍dhrigo .. 9.098.05
5 Good Vṛtra-slayer, may we be still nearest to this wealth of thine
Which many crave, nearest to food and happiness, Resistless One!
Sloka : 9.98.6
द्विर्यं पञ्च॒ स्वय॑शसं॒ स्वसा॑रो॒ अद्रि॑संहतम् ।
प्रि॒यमिन्द्र॑स्य॒ काम्यं॑ प्रस्ना॒पय॑न्त्यू॒र्मिण॑म् ॥ ९.०९८.०६
dviryaṃ pañca̱ svaya̍śasa̱ṃ svasā̍ro̱ adri̍saṃhatam .
pri̱yamindra̍sya̱ kāmya̍ṃ prasnā̱paya̍ntyū̱rmiṇa̍m .. 9.098.06
6 Whom, bright with native splendour, crushed between the pair of pressingstones-
The wavy Friend whom Indra loves-the twice-five sisters dip and bathe,
Sloka : 9.98.7
परि॒ त्यं ह॑र्य॒तं हरिं॑ ब॒भ्रुं पु॑नन्ति॒ वारे॑ण ।
यो दे॒वान्विश्वा॒ँ इत्परि॒ मदे॑न स॒ह गच्छ॑ति ॥ ९.०९८.०७
pari̱ tyaṃ ha̍rya̱taṃ hari̍ṃ ba̱bhruṃ pu̍nanti̱ vāre̍ṇa .
yo de̱vānviśvā̱m̐ itpari̱ made̍na sa̱ha gaccha̍ti .. 9.098.07
7 Him with the fleece they purify, brown, golden-hued, beloved of all,
Who with exhilarating juice goes forth to all the Deities.
Sloka : 9.98.8
अ॒स्य वो॒ ह्यव॑सा॒ पान्तो॑ दक्ष॒साध॑नम् ।
यः सू॒रिषु॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हद्द॒धे स्व१॒॑र्ण ह॑र्य॒तः ॥ ९.०९८.०८
a̱sya vo̱ hyava̍sā̱ pānto̍ dakṣa̱sādha̍nam .
yaḥ sū̱riṣu̱ śravo̍ bṛ̱hadda̱dhe sva1̱̍rṇa ha̍rya̱taḥ .. 9.098.08
8 Through longing for this sap of yours ye drink what brings ability,
Even him who, dear as heaven's own light, gives to our princes high renown.
Sloka : 9.98.9
स वां॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ मानवी॒ इन्दु॑र्जनिष्ट रोदसी ।
दे॒वो दे॑वी गिरि॒ष्ठा अस्रे॑ध॒न्तं तु॑वि॒ष्वणि॑ ॥ ९.०९८.०९
sa vā̍ṃ ya̱jñeṣu̍ mānavī̱ indu̍rjaniṣṭa rodasī .
de̱vo de̍vī giri̱ṣṭhā asre̍dha̱ntaṃ tu̍vi̱ṣvaṇi̍ .. 9.098.09
9 Indu at holy rites produced you, Heaven and Earth, the Friends of men,
Hill-haunting God the Goddesses. They bruised him where the roar was loud.
Sloka : 9.98.10
इन्द्रा॑य सोम॒ पात॑वे वृत्र॒घ्ने परि॑ षिच्यसे ।
नरे॑ च॒ दक्षि॑णावते दे॒वाय॑ सदना॒सदे॑ ॥ ९.०९८.१०
indrā̍ya soma̱ pāta̍ve vṛtra̱ghne pari̍ ṣicyase .
nare̍ ca̱ dakṣi̍ṇāvate de̱vāya̍ sadanā̱sade̍ .. 9.098.10
10 For Vṛtra-slaying Indra, thou, Soma, art poured that he may drink,
Poured for the guerdon-giving man, poured for the God who sitteth there.
Sloka : 9.98.11
ते प्र॒त्नासो॒ व्यु॑ष्टिषु॒ सोमाः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अक्षरन् ।
अ॒प॒प्रोथ॑न्तः सनु॒तर्हु॑र॒श्चितः॑ प्रा॒तस्ताँ अप्र॑चेतसः ॥ ९.०९८.११
te pra̱tnāso̱ vyu̍ṣṭiṣu̱ somā̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ akṣaran .
a̱pa̱protha̍ntaḥ sanu̱tarhu̍ra̱ścita̍ḥ prā̱tastām̐ apra̍cetasaḥ .. 9.098.11
11 These ancient Somas, at the break of day, have flowed into the sieve,
Snorting away at early morn these foolish evil-hearted ones.
Sloka : 9.98.12
तं स॑खायः पुरो॒रुचं॑ यू॒यं व॒यं च॑ सू॒रयः॑ ।
अ॒श्याम॒ वाज॑गन्ध्यं स॒नेम॒ वाज॑पस्त्यम् ॥ ९.०९८.१२
taṃ sa̍khāyaḥ puro̱ruca̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ va̱yaṃ ca̍ sū̱raya̍ḥ .
a̱śyāma̱ vāja̍gandhyaṃ sa̱nema̱ vāja̍pastyam .. 9.098.12
12 Friends, may the princes, ye and we, obtain this Most Resplendent One.
Gain him who hath the smell of strength, win him whose home is very strength.
Sloka : 9.99.1
आ ह॑र्य॒ताय॑ धृ॒ष्णवे॒ धनु॑स्तन्वन्ति॒ पौंस्य॑म् ।
शु॒क्रां व॑य॒न्त्यसु॑राय नि॒र्णिजं॑ वि॒पामग्रे॑ मही॒युवः॑ ॥ ९.०९९.०१
ā ha̍rya̱tāya̍ dhṛ̱ṣṇave̱ dhanu̍stanvanti̱ pauṃsya̍m .
śu̱krāṃ va̍ya̱ntyasu̍rāya ni̱rṇija̍ṃ vi̱pāmagre̍ mahī̱yuva̍ḥ .. 9.099.01
1. THEY for the Bold and Lovely One ply manly vigour like a bow:-
joyous, in front of songs they weave bright raiment for the Lord Divine.
Sloka : 9.99.2
अध॑ क्ष॒पा परि॑ष्कृतो॒ वाजा॑ँ अ॒भि प्र गा॑हते ।
यदी॑ वि॒वस्व॑तो॒ धियो॒ हरिं॑ हि॒न्वन्ति॒ यात॑वे ॥ ९.०९९.०२
adha̍ kṣa̱pā pari̍ṣkṛto̱ vājā̍m̐ a̱bhi pra gā̍hate .
yadī̍ vi̱vasva̍to̱ dhiyo̱ hari̍ṃ hi̱nvanti̱ yāta̍ve .. 9.099.02
2 And he, made beautiful by night, dips forward into strengthening food',
What time the sacrificer's thoughts speed on his way the Golden-hued.
Sloka : 9.99.3
तम॑स्य मर्जयामसि॒ मदो॒ य इ॑न्द्र॒पात॑मः ।
यं गाव॑ आ॒सभि॑र्द॒धुः पु॒रा नू॒नं च॑ सू॒रयः॑ ॥ ९.०९९.०३
tama̍sya marjayāmasi̱ mado̱ ya i̍ndra̱pāta̍maḥ .
yaṃ gāva̍ ā̱sabhi̍rda̱dhuḥ pu̱rā nū̱naṃ ca̍ sū̱raya̍ḥ .. 9.099.03
3 We cleanse this gladdening drink of his the juice which Indra chiefly drinks-
That which kine took into their mouths, of old, and princes take it now.
Sloka : 9.99.4
तं गाथ॑या पुरा॒ण्या पु॑ना॒नम॒भ्य॑नूषत ।
उ॒तो कृ॑पन्त धी॒तयो॑ दे॒वानां॒ नाम॒ बिभ्र॑तीः ॥ ९.०९९.०४
taṃ gātha̍yā purā̱ṇyā pu̍nā̱nama̱bhya̍nūṣata .
u̱to kṛ̍panta dhī̱tayo̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ nāma̱ bibhra̍tīḥ .. 9.099.04
4 To him, while purifying, they have raised the ancient psalm of praise:-
And sacred songs which bear the names of Gods have supplicated him.
Sloka : 9.99.5
तमु॒क्षमा॑णम॒व्यये॒ वारे॑ पुनन्ति धर्ण॒सिम् ।
दू॒तं न पू॒र्वचि॑त्तय॒ आ शा॑सते मनी॒षिणः॑ ॥ ९.०९९.०५
tamu̱kṣamā̍ṇama̱vyaye̱ vāre̍ punanti dharṇa̱sim .
dū̱taṃ na pū̱rvaci̍ttaya̱ ā śā̍sate manī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .. 9.099.05
5 They purify him as he drops, courageous, in the fleecy sieve.
Him they instruct as messenger to bear the sage's morning prayer.
Sloka : 9.99.6
स पु॑ना॒नो म॒दिन्त॑मः॒ सोम॑श्च॒मूषु॑ सीदति ।
प॒शौ न रेत॑ आ॒दध॒त्पति॑र्वचस्यते धि॒यः ॥ ९.०९९.०६
sa pu̍nā̱no ma̱dinta̍ma̱ḥ soma̍śca̱mūṣu̍ sīdati .
pa̱śau na reta̍ ā̱dadha̱tpati̍rvacasyate dhi̱yaḥ .. 9.099.06
6 Soma, best Cheerer, takes his seat, the while they cleanse him in the bowls.
He as it were impregns the cow, and babbles on, the Lord of Song.
Sloka : 9.99.7
स मृ॑ज्यते सु॒कर्म॑भिर्दे॒वो दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सु॒तः ।
वि॒दे यदा॑सु संद॒दिर्म॒हीर॒पो वि गा॑हते ॥ ९.०९९.०७
sa mṛ̍jyate su̱karma̍bhirde̱vo de̱vebhya̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
vi̱de yadā̍su saṃda̱dirma̱hīra̱po vi gā̍hate .. 9.099.07
7 He is effused and beautified, a God for Gods, by skilful men.
He penetrates the mighty floods collecting all he knows therein.
Sloka : 9.99.8
सु॒त इ॑न्दो प॒वित्र॒ आ नृभि॑र्य॒तो वि नी॑यसे ।
इन्द्रा॑य मत्स॒रिन्त॑मश्च॒मूष्वा नि षी॑दसि ॥ ९.०९९.०८
su̱ta i̍ndo pa̱vitra̱ ā nṛbhi̍rya̱to vi nī̍yase .
indrā̍ya matsa̱rinta̍maśca̱mūṣvā ni ṣī̍dasi .. 9.099.08
8 Pressed, Indu, guided by the men, thou art led to the cleaning sieve.
Thou, yielding Indra highest joy, takest thy seat within the bowls.
Sloka : 9.100.1
अ॒भी न॑वन्ते अ॒द्रुहः॑ प्रि॒यमिन्द्र॑स्य॒ काम्य॑म् ।
व॒त्सं न पूर्व॒ आयु॑नि जा॒तं रि॑हन्ति मा॒तरः॑ ॥ ९.१००.०१
a̱bhī na̍vante a̱druha̍ḥ pri̱yamindra̍sya̱ kāmya̍m .
va̱tsaṃ na pūrva̱ āyu̍ni jā̱taṃ ri̍hanti mā̱tara̍ḥ .. 9.100.01
1. THE Guileless Ones are singing praise to Indra's well beloved Friend,
As, in the morning of its life, the mothers lick the new-born calf.
Sloka : 9.100.2
पु॒ना॒न इ॑न्द॒वा भ॑र॒ सोम॑ द्वि॒बर्ह॑सं र॒यिम् ।
त्वं वसू॑नि पुष्यसि॒ विश्वा॑नि दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हे ॥ ९.१००.०२
pu̱nā̱na i̍nda̱vā bha̍ra̱ soma̍ dvi̱barha̍saṃ ra̱yim .
tvaṃ vasū̍ni puṣyasi̱ viśvā̍ni dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱he .. 9.100.02
2 O Indu, while they cleanse thee bring, O Soma, doubly-waxing wealth
Thou in the worshipper's abode causest all treasures to increase.
Sloka : 9.100.3
त्वं धियं॑ मनो॒युजं॑ सृ॒जा वृ॒ष्टिं न त॑न्य॒तुः ।
त्वं वसू॑नि॒ पार्थि॑वा दि॒व्या च॑ सोम पुष्यसि ॥ ९.१००.०३
tvaṃ dhiya̍ṃ mano̱yuja̍ṃ sṛ̱jā vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ na ta̍nya̱tuḥ .
tvaṃ vasū̍ni̱ pārthi̍vā di̱vyā ca̍ soma puṣyasi .. 9.100.03
3 Set free the. song which mind hath yoked, even as thunder frees the rain:-
All treasures of the earth and heaven, O Soma, thou dost multiply.
Sloka : 9.100.4
परि॑ ते जि॒ग्युषो॑ यथा॒ धारा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ धावति ।
रंह॑माणा॒ व्य१॒॑व्ययं॒ वारं॑ वा॒जीव॑ सान॒सिः ॥ ९.१००.०४
pari̍ te ji̱gyuṣo̍ yathā̱ dhārā̍ su̱tasya̍ dhāvati .
raṃha̍māṇā̱ vya1̱̍vyaya̱ṃ vāra̍ṃ vā̱jīva̍ sāna̱siḥ .. 9.100.04
4 Thy stream when thou art pressed runs on like some victorious warrior's steed
Hastening onward through the fleece like a fierce horse who wins the prize.
Sloka : 9.100.5
क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य नः कवे॒ पव॑स्व सोम॒ धार॑या ।
इन्द्रा॑य॒ पात॑वे सु॒तो मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय च ॥ ९.१००.०५
kratve̱ dakṣā̍ya naḥ kave̱ pava̍sva soma̱ dhāra̍yā .
indrā̍ya̱ pāta̍ve su̱to mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya ca .. 9.100.05
5 Flow on, Sage Soma, with thy stream to give us mental power and strength,
Effused for Indra, for his drink, for Mitra and for Varuṇa.
Sloka : 9.100.6
पव॑स्व वाज॒सात॑मः प॒वित्रे॒ धार॑या सु॒तः ।
इन्द्रा॑य सोम॒ विष्ण॑वे दे॒वेभ्यो॒ मधु॑मत्तमः ॥ ९.१००.०६
pava̍sva vāja̱sāta̍maḥ pa̱vitre̱ dhāra̍yā su̱taḥ .
indrā̍ya soma̱ viṣṇa̍ve de̱vebhyo̱ madhu̍mattamaḥ .. 9.100.06
6 Flow to the filter with thy stream, effused, best winner, thou, of spoil,
O Soma, as most rich in sweets for Indra, Viṣṇu, and the Gods.
Sloka : 9.100.7
त्वां रि॑हन्ति मा॒तरो॒ हरिं॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अ॒द्रुहः॑ ।
व॒त्सं जा॒तं न धे॒नवः॒ पव॑मान॒ विध॑र्मणि ॥ ९.१००.०७
tvāṃ ri̍hanti mā̱taro̱ hari̍ṃ pa̱vitre̍ a̱druha̍ḥ .
va̱tsaṃ jā̱taṃ na dhe̱nava̱ḥ pava̍māna̱ vidha̍rmaṇi .. 9.100.07
7 The mothers, void of guiles, caress thee Golden-coloured, in the sieve,
As cows, O Pavamana, lick the new-born calf, as Law commands.
Sloka : 9.100.8
पव॑मान॒ महि॒ श्रव॑श्चि॒त्रेभि॑र्यासि र॒श्मिभिः॑ ।
शर्ध॒न्तमां॑सि जिघ्नसे॒ विश्वा॑नि दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हे ॥ ९.१००.०८
pava̍māna̱ mahi̱ śrava̍ści̱trebhi̍ryāsi ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .
śardha̱ntamā̍ṃsi jighnase̱ viśvā̍ni dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱he .. 9.100.08
8 Thou, Pavamana, movest on with wondrous rays to great renown.
Striving within the votary's house thou drivest all the glooms away.
Sloka : 9.100.9
त्वं द्यां च॑ महिव्रत पृथि॒वीं चाति॑ जभ्रिषे ।
प्रति॑ द्रा॒पिम॑मुञ्चथाः॒ पव॑मान महित्व॒ना ॥ ९.१००.०९
tvaṃ dyāṃ ca̍ mahivrata pṛthi̱vīṃ cāti̍ jabhriṣe .
prati̍ drā̱pima̍muñcathā̱ḥ pava̍māna mahitva̱nā .. 9.100.09
9 Lord of great sway, thou liftest thee above the heavens, above the earth.
Thou, Pavamana hast assumed thy coat of mail in majesty.
Sloka : 9.101.1
पु॒रोजि॑ती वो॒ अन्ध॑सः सु॒ताय॑ मादयि॒त्नवे॑ ।
अप॒ श्वानं॑ श्नथिष्टन॒ सखा॑यो दीर्घजि॒ह्व्य॑म् ॥ ९.१०१.०१
pu̱roji̍tī vo̱ andha̍saḥ su̱tāya̍ mādayi̱tnave̍ .
apa̱ śvāna̍ṃ śnathiṣṭana̱ sakhā̍yo dīrghaji̱hvya̍m .. 9.101.01
1. FOR first possession of your juice, for the exhilarating drink,
Drive ye away the dog, my friends, drive ye the long-tongued dog away.
Sloka : 9.101.2
यो धार॑या पाव॒कया॑ परिप्र॒स्यन्द॑ते सु॒तः ।
इन्दु॒रश्वो॒ न कृत्व्यः॑ ॥ ९.१०१.०२
yo dhāra̍yā pāva̱kayā̍ paripra̱syanda̍te su̱taḥ .
indu̱raśvo̱ na kṛtvya̍ḥ .. 9.101.02
2 He who with purifying stream, effused, comes flowing hitherward,
Indu, is like an able steed.
Sloka : 9.101.3
तं दु॒रोष॑म॒भी नरः॒ सोमं॑ वि॒श्वाच्या॑ धि॒या ।
य॒ज्ञं हि॑न्व॒न्त्यद्रि॑भिः ॥ ९.१०१.०३
taṃ du̱roṣa̍ma̱bhī nara̱ḥ soma̍ṃ vi̱śvācyā̍ dhi̱yā .
ya̱jñaṃ hi̍nva̱ntyadri̍bhiḥ .. 9.101.03
3 The men with all-pervading song send unassailable Soma forth,
By pressing-stones, to sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.101.4
सु॒तासो॒ मधु॑मत्तमाः॒ सोमा॒ इन्द्रा॑य म॒न्दिनः॑ ।
प॒वित्र॑वन्तो अक्षरन्दे॒वान्ग॑च्छन्तु वो॒ मदाः॑ ॥ ९.१०१.०४
su̱tāso̱ madhu̍mattamā̱ḥ somā̱ indrā̍ya ma̱ndina̍ḥ .
pa̱vitra̍vanto akṣarande̱vānga̍cchantu vo̱ madā̍ḥ .. 9.101.04
4 The Somas, very rich in sweets, for which the sieve is destined, flow,
Effused, the source of Indra's joy:- may your strong juices reach the Gods.
Sloka : 9.101.5
इन्दु॒रिन्द्रा॑य पवत॒ इति॑ दे॒वासो॑ अब्रुवन् ।
वा॒चस्पति॑र्मखस्यते॒ विश्व॒स्येशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ॥ ९.१०१.०५
indu̱rindrā̍ya pavata̱ iti̍ de̱vāso̍ abruvan .
vā̱caspati̍rmakhasyate̱ viśva̱syeśā̍na̱ oja̍sā .. 9.101.05
5 Indu flows on for Indra's sake:- thus have the Deities declared.
The Lord of Speech exerts himself, Ruler of all, because of might.
Sloka : 9.101.6
स॒हस्र॑धारः पवते समु॒द्रो वा॑चमीङ्ख॒यः ।
सोमः॒ पती॑ रयी॒णां सखेन्द्र॑स्य दि॒वेदि॑वे ॥ ९.१०१.०६
sa̱hasra̍dhāraḥ pavate samu̱dro vā̍camīṅkha̱yaḥ .
soma̱ḥ patī̍ rayī̱ṇāṃ sakhendra̍sya di̱vedi̍ve .. 9.101.06
6 Inciter of the voice of song, with thousand streams the ocean flows,
Even Soma, Lord of opulence, the Friend of Indra, day by day.
Sloka : 9.101.7
अ॒यं पू॒षा र॒यिर्भगः॒ सोमः॑ पुना॒नो अ॑र्षति ।
पति॒र्विश्व॑स्य॒ भूम॑नो॒ व्य॑ख्य॒द्रोद॑सी उ॒भे ॥ ९.१०१.०७
a̱yaṃ pū̱ṣā ra̱yirbhaga̱ḥ soma̍ḥ punā̱no a̍rṣati .
pati̱rviśva̍sya̱ bhūma̍no̱ vya̍khya̱droda̍sī u̱bhe .. 9.101.07
7 As Pūṣan, Fortune, Bhaga, comes this Soma while they make him pure.
He, Lord of the multitude, hath looked upon the earth and heaven.
Sloka : 9.101.8
समु॑ प्रि॒या अ॑नूषत॒ गावो॒ मदा॑य॒ घृष्व॑यः ।
सोमा॑सः कृण्वते प॒थः पव॑मानास॒ इन्द॑वः ॥ ९.१०१.०८
samu̍ pri̱yā a̍nūṣata̱ gāvo̱ madā̍ya̱ ghṛṣva̍yaḥ .
somā̍saḥ kṛṇvate pa̱thaḥ pava̍mānāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ .. 9.101.08
8 The dear cows lowed in joyful mood together to the gladdening drink.
The drops as they were purified, the Soma juices, made then paths.
Sloka : 9.101.9
य ओजि॑ष्ठ॒स्तमा भ॑र॒ पव॑मान श्र॒वाय्य॑म् ।
यः पञ्च॑ चर्ष॒णीर॒भि र॒यिं येन॒ वना॑महै ॥ ९.१०१.०९
ya oji̍ṣṭha̱stamā bha̍ra̱ pava̍māna śra̱vāyya̍m .
yaḥ pañca̍ carṣa̱ṇīra̱bhi ra̱yiṃ yena̱ vanā̍mahai .. 9.101.09
9 O Pavamana, bring the juice, the mightiest, worthy to be famed,
Which the Five Tribes have over them, whereby we may win opulence.
Sloka : 9.101.10
सोमाः॑ पवन्त॒ इन्द॑वो॒ऽस्मभ्यं॑ गातु॒वित्त॑माः ।
मि॒त्राः सु॑वा॒ना अ॑रे॒पसः॑ स्वा॒ध्यः॑ स्व॒र्विदः॑ ॥ ९.१०१.१०
somā̍ḥ pavanta̱ inda̍vo̱'smabhya̍ṃ gātu̱vitta̍māḥ .
mi̱trāḥ su̍vā̱nā a̍re̱pasa̍ḥ svā̱dhya̍ḥ sva̱rvida̍ḥ .. 9.101.10
10 For us the Soma juices flow, the drops best furtherers of our weal,
Effused as friends without a spot, benevolent, finders of the light.
Sloka : 9.101.11
सु॒ष्वा॒णासो॒ व्यद्रि॑भि॒श्चिता॑ना॒ गोरधि॑ त्व॒चि ।
इष॑म॒स्मभ्य॑म॒भितः॒ सम॑स्वरन्वसु॒विदः॑ ॥ ९.१०१.११
su̱ṣvā̱ṇāso̱ vyadri̍bhi̱ścitā̍nā̱ goradhi̍ tva̱ci .
iṣa̍ma̱smabhya̍ma̱bhita̱ḥ sama̍svaranvasu̱vida̍ḥ .. 9.101.11
11 Effused by means of pressing-stones, upon the ox-hide visible,
They, treasure-finders, have announced food unto us from every side.
Sloka : 9.101.12
ए॒ते पू॒ता वि॑प॒श्चितः॒ सोमा॑सो॒ दध्या॑शिरः ।
सूर्या॑सो॒ न द॑र्श॒तासो॑ जिग॒त्नवो॑ ध्रु॒वा घृ॒ते ॥ ९.१०१.१२
e̱te pū̱tā vi̍pa̱ścita̱ḥ somā̍so̱ dadhyā̍śiraḥ .
sūryā̍so̱ na da̍rśa̱tāso̍ jiga̱tnavo̍ dhru̱vā ghṛ̱te .. 9.101.12
12 Tlese Soma juices, skilled in song, purified, blent with milk and curd,
When moving and when firmly laid in oil, resemble lovely Suns.
Sloka : 9.101.13
प्र सु॑न्वा॒नस्यान्ध॑सो॒ मर्तो॒ न वृ॑त॒ तद्वचः॑ ।
अप॒ श्वान॑मरा॒धसं॑ ह॒ता म॒खं न भृग॑वः ॥ ९.१०१.१३
pra su̍nvā̱nasyāndha̍so̱ marto̱ na vṛ̍ta̱ tadvaca̍ḥ .
apa̱ śvāna̍marā̱dhasa̍ṃ ha̱tā ma̱khaṃ na bhṛga̍vaḥ .. 9.101.13
13 Let not the power of men restrain the voice of the outpouring juice:-
As Bhṛgu's sons chased Makha, so drive ye the greedy hound away.
Sloka : 9.101.14
आ जा॒मिरत्के॑ अव्यत भु॒जे न पु॒त्र ओ॒ण्योः॑ ।
सर॑ज्जा॒रो न योष॑णां व॒रो न योनि॑मा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.१०१.१४
ā jā̱miratke̍ avyata bhu̱je na pu̱tra o̱ṇyo̍ḥ .
sara̍jjā̱ro na yoṣa̍ṇāṃ va̱ro na yoni̍mā̱sada̍m .. 9.101.14
14 The Friend hath wrapped him in his robe, as in his parents arms, a son.
He went, as lover to a dame, to take his station suitor-like.
Sloka : 9.101.15
स वी॒रो द॑क्ष॒साध॑नो॒ वि यस्त॒स्तम्भ॒ रोद॑सी ।
हरिः॑ प॒वित्रे॑ अव्यत वे॒धा न योनि॑मा॒सद॑म् ॥ ९.१०१.१५
sa vī̱ro da̍kṣa̱sādha̍no̱ vi yasta̱stambha̱ roda̍sī .
hari̍ḥ pa̱vitre̍ avyata ve̱dhā na yoni̍mā̱sada̍m .. 9.101.15
15 That Hero who produces strength, he who hath propped both worlds apart,
Gold-hued, hath wrapped him in the sieve, to settle, priest-like, in his place.
Sloka : 9.101.16
अव्यो॒ वारे॑भिः पवते॒ सोमो॒ गव्ये॒ अधि॑ त्व॒चि ।
कनि॑क्रद॒द्वृषा॒ हरि॒रिन्द्र॑स्या॒भ्ये॑ति निष्कृ॒तम् ॥ ९.१०१.१६
avyo̱ vāre̍bhiḥ pavate̱ somo̱ gavye̱ adhi̍ tva̱ci .
kani̍krada̱dvṛṣā̱ hari̱rindra̍syā̱bhye̍ti niṣkṛ̱tam .. 9.101.16
16 Soma upon the ox's skin through the sheep's wool flows purified.
Bellowing out, the Tawny Steer goes on to Indra's special place.
Sloka : 9.102.1
क्रा॒णा शिशु॑र्म॒हीनां॑ हि॒न्वन्नृ॒तस्य॒ दीधि॑तिम् ।
विश्वा॒ परि॑ प्रि॒या भु॑व॒दध॑ द्वि॒ता ॥ ९.१०२.०१
krā̱ṇā śiśu̍rma̱hīnā̍ṃ hi̱nvannṛ̱tasya̱ dīdhi̍tim .
viśvā̱ pari̍ pri̱yā bhu̍va̱dadha̍ dvi̱tā .. 9.102.01
1. THE Child, when blended with the streams, speeding the plan of sacrifice,
Surpasses all things that are dear, yea, from of old.
Sloka : 9.102.2
उप॑ त्रि॒तस्य॑ पा॒ष्यो॒३॒॑रभ॑क्त॒ यद्गुहा॑ प॒दम् ।
य॒ज्ञस्य॑ स॒प्त धाम॑भि॒रध॑ प्रि॒यम् ॥ ९.१०२.०२
upa̍ tri̱tasya̍ pā̱ṣyo̱3̱̍rabha̍kta̱ yadguhā̍ pa̱dam .
ya̱jñasya̍ sa̱pta dhāma̍bhi̱radha̍ pri̱yam .. 9.102.02
2 The place, near the two pressing-stones of Trita, hath he occupied,
Secret and dear through seven lights of sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.102.3
त्रीणि॑ त्रि॒तस्य॒ धार॑या पृ॒ष्ठेष्वेर॑या र॒यिम् ।
मिमी॑ते अस्य॒ योज॑ना॒ वि सु॒क्रतुः॑ ॥ ९.१०२.०३
trīṇi̍ tri̱tasya̱ dhāra̍yā pṛ̱ṣṭheṣvera̍yā ra̱yim .
mimī̍te asya̱ yoja̍nā̱ vi su̱kratu̍ḥ .. 9.102.03
3 Urge to three courses, on the heights of Trita, riches in a stream.
He who is passing wise measures his courses out.
Sloka : 9.102.4
ज॒ज्ञा॒नं स॒प्त मा॒तरो॑ वे॒धाम॑शासत श्रि॒ये ।
अ॒यं ध्रु॒वो र॑यी॒णां चिके॑त॒ यत् ॥ ९.१०२.०४
ja̱jñā̱naṃ sa̱pta mā̱taro̍ ve̱dhāma̍śāsata śri̱ye .
a̱yaṃ dhru̱vo ra̍yī̱ṇāṃ cike̍ta̱ yat .. 9.102.04
4 Even at his birth the Mothers Seven taught him, for glory, like a sage,
So that he, firm and sure, hath set his mind on wealth.
Sloka : 9.102.5
अ॒स्य व्र॒ते स॒जोष॑सो॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॑ अ॒द्रुहः॑ ।
स्पा॒र्हा भ॑वन्ति॒ रन्त॑यो जु॒षन्त॒ यत् ॥ ९.१०२.०५
a̱sya vra̱te sa̱joṣa̍so̱ viśve̍ de̱vāso̍ a̱druha̍ḥ .
spā̱rhā bha̍vanti̱ ranta̍yo ju̱ṣanta̱ yat .. 9.102.05
5 Under his sway, of one accord, are all the guileless Deities:-
Warriors to be envied, they, when they are pleased.
Sloka : 9.102.6
यमी॒ गर्भ॑मृता॒वृधो॑ दृ॒शे चारु॒मजी॑जनन् ।
क॒विं मंहि॑ष्ठमध्व॒रे पु॑रु॒स्पृह॑म् ॥ ९.१०२.०६
yamī̱ garbha̍mṛtā̱vṛdho̍ dṛ̱śe cāru̱majī̍janan .
ka̱viṃ maṃhi̍ṣṭhamadhva̱re pu̍ru̱spṛha̍m .. 9.102.06
6 The Babe whom they who strengthen Law have generated fair to see,
Much longed for at the sacrifice, most liberal Sage,
Sloka : 9.102.7
स॒मी॒ची॒ने अ॒भि त्मना॑ य॒ह्वी ऋ॒तस्य॑ मा॒तरा॑ ।
त॒न्वा॒ना य॒ज्ञमा॑नु॒षग्यद॑ञ्ज॒ते ॥ ९.१०२.०७
sa̱mī̱cī̱ne a̱bhi tmanā̍ ya̱hvī ṛ̱tasya̍ mā̱tarā̍ .
ta̱nvā̱nā ya̱jñamā̍nu̱ṣagyada̍ñja̱te .. 9.102.07
7 To him, united, of themselves, come the young Parents of the rite,
When they adorn him, duly weaving sacrifice.
Sloka : 9.102.8
क्रत्वा॑ शु॒क्रेभि॑र॒क्षभि॑रृ॒णोरप॑ व्र॒जं दि॒वः ।
हि॒न्वन्नृ॒तस्य॒ दीधि॑तिं॒ प्राध्व॒रे ॥ ९.१०२.०८
kratvā̍ śu̱krebhi̍ra̱kṣabhi̍rṛ̱ṇorapa̍ vra̱jaṃ di̱vaḥ .
hi̱nvannṛ̱tasya̱ dīdhi̍ti̱ṃ prādhva̱re .. 9.102.08
8 With wisdom and with radiant eyes unbar to us the stall of heaven,
Speeding at solemn rite the plan of Holy Law.
Sloka : 9.103.1
प्र पु॑ना॒नाय॑ वे॒धसे॒ सोमा॑य॒ वच॒ उद्य॑तम् ।
भृ॒तिं न भ॑रा म॒तिभि॒र्जुजो॑षते ॥ ९.१०३.०१
pra pu̍nā̱nāya̍ ve̱dhase̱ somā̍ya̱ vaca̱ udya̍tam .
bhṛ̱tiṃ na bha̍rā ma̱tibhi̱rjujo̍ṣate .. 9.103.01
1. To Soma who is purified as ordering Priest the song is raised:-
Bring meed, as twere, to one who makes thee glad with hymns.
Sloka : 9.103.2
परि॒ वारा॑ण्य॒व्यया॒ गोभि॑रञ्जा॒नो अ॑र्षति ।
त्री ष॒धस्था॑ पुना॒नः कृ॑णुते॒ हरिः॑ ॥ ९.१०३.०२
pari̱ vārā̍ṇya̱vyayā̱ gobhi̍rañjā̱no a̍rṣati .
trī ṣa̱dhasthā̍ punā̱naḥ kṛ̍ṇute̱ hari̍ḥ .. 9.103.02
2 Blended with milk and curds he flows on through the long wool of the sheep.
The Gold-hued, purified, makes him three seats for rest.
Sloka : 9.103.3
परि॒ कोशं॑ मधु॒श्चुत॑म॒व्यये॒ वारे॑ अर्षति ।
अ॒भि वाणी॒रृषी॑णां स॒प्त नू॑षत ॥ ९.१०३.०३
pari̱ kośa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̍ma̱vyaye̱ vāre̍ arṣati .
a̱bhi vāṇī̱rṛṣī̍ṇāṃ sa̱pta nū̍ṣata .. 9.103.03
3 On through the long wool of the sheep to the meath-dropping vat he flows:-
The Ṛṣis sevenfold quire hath sung aloud to him.
Sloka : 9.103.4
परि॑ णे॒ता म॑ती॒नां वि॒श्वदे॑वो॒ अदा॑भ्यः ।
सोमः॑ पुना॒नश्च॒म्वो॑र्विश॒द्धरिः॑ ॥ ९.१०३.०४
pari̍ ṇe̱tā ma̍tī̱nāṃ vi̱śvade̍vo̱ adā̍bhyaḥ .
soma̍ḥ punā̱naśca̱mvo̍rviśa̱ddhari̍ḥ .. 9.103.04
4 Shared by all Gods, Infallible, the Leader of our holy hymns,
Golden-hued Soma, being cleansed, hath reached the bowls.
Sloka : 9.103.5
परि॒ दैवी॒रनु॑ स्व॒धा इन्द्रे॑ण याहि स॒रथ॑म् ।
पु॒ना॒नो वा॒घद्वा॒घद्भि॒रम॑र्त्यः ॥ ९.१०३.०५
pari̱ daivī̱ranu̍ sva̱dhā indre̍ṇa yāhi sa̱ratha̍m .
pu̱nā̱no vā̱ghadvā̱ghadbhi̱rama̍rtyaḥ .. 9.103.05
5 After thy Godlike qualities, associate with Indra, go,
As a Priest purified by priests, Immortal One.
Sloka : 9.103.6
परि॒ सप्ति॒र्न वा॑ज॒युर्दे॒वो दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सु॒तः ।
व्या॒न॒शिः पव॑मानो॒ वि धा॑वति ॥ ९.१०३.०६
pari̱ sapti̱rna vā̍ja̱yurde̱vo de̱vebhya̍ḥ su̱taḥ .
vyā̱na̱śiḥ pava̍māno̱ vi dhā̍vati .. 9.103.06
6 Like a car-horse who shows his strength, a God effused for Deities.
The penetrating Pavamana flows along.
Sloka : 9.104.1
सखा॑य॒ आ नि षी॑दत पुना॒नाय॒ प्र गा॑यत ।
शिशुं॒ न य॒ज्ञैः परि॑ भूषत श्रि॒ये ॥ ९.१०४.०१
sakhā̍ya̱ ā ni ṣī̍data punā̱nāya̱ pra gā̍yata .
śiśu̱ṃ na ya̱jñaiḥ pari̍ bhūṣata śri̱ye .. 9.104.01
1. SIT down, O friends, and sing aloud to him who purifies himself:-
Deck him for glory, like a child, with holy rites.
Sloka : 9.104.2
समी॑ व॒त्सं न मा॒तृभिः॑ सृ॒जता॑ गय॒साध॑नम् ।
दे॒वा॒व्यं१॒॑ मद॑म॒भि द्विश॑वसम् ॥ ९.१०४.०२
samī̍ va̱tsaṃ na mā̱tṛbhi̍ḥ sṛ̱jatā̍ gaya̱sādha̍nam .
de̱vā̱vyaṃ1̱̍ mada̍ma̱bhi dviśa̍vasam .. 9.104.02
2 Unite him bringing household wealth, even as a calf, with mother kine,
Him who hath double strength, the God, delighting juice.
Sloka : 9.104.3
पु॒नाता॑ दक्ष॒साध॑नं॒ यथा॒ शर्धा॑य वी॒तये॑ ।
यथा॑ मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय॒ शंत॑मः ॥ ९.१०४.०३
pu̱nātā̍ dakṣa̱sādha̍na̱ṃ yathā̱ śardhā̍ya vī̱taye̍ .
yathā̍ mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya̱ śaṃta̍maḥ .. 9.104.03
3 Purify him who gives us power, that he, most Blessed One, may be
A banquet for the Troop, Mitra, and Varuṇa.
Sloka : 9.104.4
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ त्वा वसु॒विद॑म॒भि वाणी॑रनूषत ।
गोभि॑ष्टे॒ वर्ण॑म॒भि वा॑सयामसि ॥ ९.१०४.०४
a̱smabhya̍ṃ tvā vasu̱vida̍ma̱bhi vāṇī̍ranūṣata .
gobhi̍ṣṭe̱ varṇa̍ma̱bhi vā̍sayāmasi .. 9.104.04
4 Voices have sung aloud to thee as finderout of wealth for us:-
We clothe the hue thou wearest with a robe of milk.
Sloka : 9.104.5
स नो॑ मदानां पत॒ इन्दो॑ दे॒वप्स॑रा असि ।
सखे॑व॒ सख्ये॑ गातु॒वित्त॑मो भव ॥ ९.१०४.०५
sa no̍ madānāṃ pata̱ indo̍ de̱vapsa̍rā asi .
sakhe̍va̱ sakhye̍ gātu̱vitta̍mo bhava .. 9.104.05
5 Thou, Indu, art the food of Gods, O Sovran of all gladdening drinks:-
As Friend for friend, be thou best finder of success.
Sloka : 9.104.6
सने॑मि कृ॒ध्य१॒॑स्मदा र॒क्षसं॒ कं चि॑द॒त्रिण॑म् ।
अपादे॑वं द्व॒युमंहो॑ युयोधि नः ॥ ९.१०४.०६
sane̍mi kṛ̱dhya1̱̍smadā ra̱kṣasa̱ṃ kaṃ ci̍da̱triṇa̍m .
apāde̍vaṃ dva̱yumaṃho̍ yuyodhi naḥ .. 9.104.06
6 Drive utterly away from us each demon, each voracious fiend,
The godless and the false:- keep sorrow far away.
Sloka : 9.105.1
तं वः॑ सखायो॒ मदा॑य पुना॒नम॒भि गा॑यत ।
शिशुं॒ न य॒ज्ञैः स्व॑दयन्त गू॒र्तिभिः॑ ॥ ९.१०५.०१
taṃ va̍ḥ sakhāyo̱ madā̍ya punā̱nama̱bhi gā̍yata .
śiśu̱ṃ na ya̱jñaiḥ sva̍dayanta gū̱rtibhi̍ḥ .. 9.105.01
1. SING; ye aloud, O friends, to him who makes him pure for gladdening drink:-
They shall make sweet the Child with sacrifice and laud.
Sloka : 9.105.2
सं व॒त्स इ॑व मा॒तृभि॒रिन्दु॑र्हिन्वा॒नो अ॑ज्यते ।
दे॒वा॒वीर्मदो॑ म॒तिभिः॒ परि॑ष्कृतः ॥ ९.१०५.०२
saṃ va̱tsa i̍va mā̱tṛbhi̱rindu̍rhinvā̱no a̍jyate .
de̱vā̱vīrmado̍ ma̱tibhi̱ḥ pari̍ṣkṛtaḥ .. 9.105.02
2 Like as a calf with mother cows, so Indu is urged forth and sent,
Glorified by our hymns, the God-delighting juice.
Sloka : 9.105.3
अ॒यं दक्षा॑य॒ साध॑नो॒ऽयं शर्धा॑य वी॒तये॑ ।
अ॒यं दे॒वेभ्यो॒ मधु॑मत्तमः सु॒तः ॥ ९.१०५.०३
a̱yaṃ dakṣā̍ya̱ sādha̍no̱'yaṃ śardhā̍ya vī̱taye̍ .
a̱yaṃ de̱vebhyo̱ madhu̍mattamaḥ su̱taḥ .. 9.105.03
3 Effectual means of power is he, he is a banquet for the Troop,
He who hath been effused, most rich in meath, for Gods.
Sloka : 9.105.4
गोम॑न्न इन्दो॒ अश्व॑वत्सु॒तः सु॑दक्ष धन्व ।
शुचिं॑ ते॒ वर्ण॒मधि॒ गोषु॑ दीधरम् ॥ ९.१०५.०४
goma̍nna indo̱ aśva̍vatsu̱taḥ su̍dakṣa dhanva .
śuci̍ṃ te̱ varṇa̱madhi̱ goṣu̍ dīdharam .. 9.105.04
4 Flow to us, Indu, passing, strong, effused, with wealth of kine and steeds:-
I will spread forth above the milk thy radiant hue.
Sloka : 9.105.5
स नो॑ हरीणां पत॒ इन्दो॑ दे॒वप्स॑रस्तमः ।
सखे॑व॒ सख्ये॒ नर्यो॑ रु॒चे भ॑व ॥ ९.१०५.०५
sa no̍ harīṇāṃ pata̱ indo̍ de̱vapsa̍rastamaḥ .
sakhe̍va̱ sakhye̱ naryo̍ ru̱ce bha̍va .. 9.105.05
5 Lord of the tawny, Indu thou who art the God's most special food,
As Friend to friend, for splendour be thou good to men.
Sloka : 9.105.6
सने॑मि॒ त्वम॒स्मदाँ अदे॑वं॒ कं चि॑द॒त्रिण॑म् ।
सा॒ह्वाँ इ॑न्दो॒ परि॒ बाधो॒ अप॑ द्व॒युम् ॥ ९.१०५.०६
sane̍mi̱ tvama̱smadām̐ ade̍va̱ṃ kaṃ ci̍da̱triṇa̍m .
sā̱hvām̐ i̍ndo̱ pari̱ bādho̱ apa̍ dva̱yum .. 9.105.06
6 Drive utterly, far away from us each godless, each voracious foe.
O Indu, overcome and drive the false afar.
Sloka : 9.106.1
इन्द्र॒मच्छ॑ सु॒ता इ॒मे वृष॑णं यन्तु॒ हर॑यः ।
श्रु॒ष्टी जा॒तास॒ इन्द॑वः स्व॒र्विदः॑ ॥ ९.१०६.०१
indra̱maccha̍ su̱tā i̱me vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ yantu̱ hara̍yaḥ .
śru̱ṣṭī jā̱tāsa̱ inda̍vaḥ sva̱rvida̍ḥ .. 9.106.01
1. To Indra, to the Mighty Steer, may these gold-coloured juices go,
Drops rapidly produced, that find the light of heaven.
Sloka : 9.106.2
अ॒यं भरा॑य सान॒सिरिन्द्रा॑य पवते सु॒तः ।
सोमो॒ जैत्र॑स्य चेतति॒ यथा॑ वि॒दे ॥ ९.१०६.०२
a̱yaṃ bharā̍ya sāna̱sirindrā̍ya pavate su̱taḥ .
somo̱ jaitra̍sya cetati̱ yathā̍ vi̱de .. 9.106.02
2 Effused, this juice victorious flows for Indra, for his maintenance.
Soma bethinks him of the Conqueror, as he knows.
Sloka : 9.106.3
अ॒स्येदिन्द्रो॒ मदे॒ष्वा ग्रा॒भं गृ॑भ्णीत सान॒सिम् ।
वज्रं॑ च॒ वृष॑णं भर॒त्सम॑प्सु॒जित् ॥ ९.१०६.०३
a̱syedindro̱ made̱ṣvā grā̱bhaṃ gṛ̍bhṇīta sāna̱sim .
vajra̍ṃ ca̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ bhara̱tsama̍psu̱jit .. 9.106.03
3 May Indra in his raptures gain from him the grasp that gathers spoil,
And, winning waters, wield the steerstrong thunderbolt.
Sloka : 9.106.4
प्र ध॑न्वा सोम॒ जागृ॑वि॒रिन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ।
द्यु॒मन्तं॒ शुष्म॒मा भ॑रा स्व॒र्विद॑म् ॥ ९.१०६.०४
pra dha̍nvā soma̱ jāgṛ̍vi̱rindrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .
dyu̱manta̱ṃ śuṣma̱mā bha̍rā sva̱rvida̍m .. 9.106.04
4 Flow vigilant for Indra, thou Soma, yea, Indu, run thou on:-
Bring hither splendid strength that finds the light of heaven.
Sloka : 9.106.5
इन्द्रा॑य॒ वृष॑णं॒ मदं॒ पव॑स्व वि॒श्वद॑र्शतः ।
स॒हस्र॑यामा पथि॒कृद्वि॑चक्ष॒णः ॥ ९.१०६.०५
indrā̍ya̱ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ mada̱ṃ pava̍sva vi̱śvada̍rśataḥ .
sa̱hasra̍yāmā pathi̱kṛdvi̍cakṣa̱ṇaḥ .. 9.106.05
5 Do thou, all-beautiful, purify for Indra's sake the mighty juice,
Path-maker thou, far seeing, with a thousand ways.
Sloka : 9.106.6
अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ गातु॒वित्त॑मो दे॒वेभ्यो॒ मधु॑मत्तमः ।
स॒हस्रं॑ याहि प॒थिभिः॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.१०६.०६
a̱smabhya̍ṃ gātu̱vitta̍mo de̱vebhyo̱ madhu̍mattamaḥ .
sa̱hasra̍ṃ yāhi pa̱thibhi̱ḥ kani̍kradat .. 9.106.06
6 Best finder of prosperity for us, most rich in sweets for Gods,
Proceed thou loudly roaring on a thousand paths.
Sloka : 9.106.7
पव॑स्व दे॒ववी॑तय॒ इन्दो॒ धारा॑भि॒रोज॑सा ।
आ क॒लशं॒ मधु॑मान्सोम नः सदः ॥ ९.१०६.०७
pava̍sva de̱vavī̍taya̱ indo̱ dhārā̍bhi̱roja̍sā .
ā ka̱laśa̱ṃ madhu̍mānsoma naḥ sadaḥ .. 9.106.07
7 O Indu, with thy streams, in might, flow for the banquet of the Gods:-
Rich in meath, Soma, in our beaker take thy place.
Sloka : 9.106.8
तव॑ द्र॒प्सा उ॑द॒प्रुत॒ इन्द्रं॒ मदा॑य वावृधुः ।
त्वां दे॒वासो॑ अ॒मृता॑य॒ कं प॑पुः ॥ ९.१०६.०८
tava̍ dra̱psā u̍da̱pruta̱ indra̱ṃ madā̍ya vāvṛdhuḥ .
tvāṃ de̱vāso̍ a̱mṛtā̍ya̱ kaṃ pa̍puḥ .. 9.106.08
8 Thy drops that swim in water have exalted Indra to delight:-
The Gods have drunk thee up for immortality.
Sloka : 9.106.9
आ नः॑ सुतास इन्दवः पुना॒ना धा॑वता र॒यिम् ।
वृ॒ष्टिद्या॑वो रीत्यापः स्व॒र्विदः॑ ॥ ९.१०६.०९
ā na̍ḥ sutāsa indavaḥ punā̱nā dhā̍vatā ra̱yim .
vṛ̱ṣṭidyā̍vo rītyāpaḥ sva̱rvida̍ḥ .. 9.106.09
9 Stream opulence to us, ye drops of Soma, pressed and purified,
Pouring down rain from heaven in hoods, and finding light.
Sloka : 9.106.10
सोमः॑ पुना॒न ऊ॒र्मिणाव्यो॒ वारं॒ वि धा॑वति ।
अग्रे॑ वा॒चः पव॑मानः॒ कनि॑क्रदत् ॥ ९.१०६.१०
soma̍ḥ punā̱na ū̱rmiṇāvyo̱ vāra̱ṃ vi dhā̍vati .
agre̍ vā̱caḥ pava̍māna̱ḥ kani̍kradat .. 9.106.10
10 Soma, while filtered, with his wave flows through the long wool of the sheep,
Shouting while purified before the voice of song.
Sloka : 9.106.11
धी॒भिर्हि॑न्वन्ति वा॒जिनं॒ वने॒ क्रीळ॑न्त॒मत्य॑विम् ।
अ॒भि त्रि॑पृ॒ष्ठं म॒तयः॒ सम॑स्वरन् ॥ ९.१०६.११
dhī̱bhirhi̍nvanti vā̱jina̱ṃ vane̱ krīl̤a̍nta̱matya̍vim .
a̱bhi tri̍pṛ̱ṣṭhaṃ ma̱taya̱ḥ sama̍svaran .. 9.106.11
11 With songs they send the Mighty forth, sporting in wood, above the fleece:-
Our psalms have glorified him of the triple height.
Sloka : 9.106.12
अस॑र्जि क॒लशा॑ँ अ॒भि मी॒ळ्हे सप्ति॒र्न वा॑ज॒युः ।
पु॒ना॒नो वाचं॑ ज॒नय॑न्नसिष्यदत् ॥ ९.१०६.१२
asa̍rji ka̱laśā̍m̐ a̱bhi mī̱l̤he sapti̱rna vā̍ja̱yuḥ .
pu̱nā̱no vāca̍ṃ ja̱naya̍nnasiṣyadat .. 9.106.12
12 Into the jars hath he been loosed, like an impetuous steed for war,
And lifting up his voice, while filtered, glided on.
Sloka : 9.106.13
पव॑ते हर्य॒तो हरि॒रति॒ ह्वरां॑सि॒ रंह्या॑ ।
अ॒भ्यर्ष॑न्स्तो॒तृभ्यो॑ वी॒रव॒द्यशः॑ ॥ ९.१०६.१३
pava̍te harya̱to hari̱rati̱ hvarā̍ṃsi̱ raṃhyā̍ .
a̱bhyarṣa̍nsto̱tṛbhyo̍ vī̱rava̱dyaśa̍ḥ .. 9.106.13
13 Gold-hued and lovely in his course, througb tangles of the wool he flows,
And pours heroic fame upon the worshippers.
Sloka : 9.106.14
अ॒या प॑वस्व देव॒युर्मधो॒र्धारा॑ असृक्षत ।
रेभ॑न्प॒वित्रं॒ पर्ये॑षि वि॒श्वतः॑ ॥ ९.१०६.१४
a̱yā pa̍vasva deva̱yurmadho̱rdhārā̍ asṛkṣata .
rebha̍npa̱vitra̱ṃ parye̍ṣi vi̱śvata̍ḥ .. 9.106.14
14 Flow thus, a faithful votary:- the streams of meath have been effused.
Thou comest to the filter, singing, from each side.
Sloka : 9.107.1
परी॒तो षि॑ञ्चता सु॒तं सोमो॒ य उ॑त्त॒मं ह॒विः ।
द॒ध॒न्वाँ यो नर्यो॑ अ॒प्स्व१॒॑न्तरा सु॒षाव॒ सोम॒मद्रि॑भिः ॥ ९.१०७.०१
parī̱to ṣi̍ñcatā su̱taṃ somo̱ ya u̍tta̱maṃ ha̱viḥ .
da̱dha̱nvām̐ yo naryo̍ a̱psva1̱̍ntarā su̱ṣāva̱ soma̱madri̍bhiḥ .. 9.107.01
Sloka : 9.107.2
नू॒नं पु॑ना॒नोऽवि॑भिः॒ परि॑ स्र॒वाद॑ब्धः सुर॒भिन्त॑रः ।
सु॒ते चि॑त्त्वा॒प्सु म॑दामो॒ अन्ध॑सा श्री॒णन्तो॒ गोभि॒रुत्त॑रम् ॥ ९.१०७.०२
nū̱naṃ pu̍nā̱no'vi̍bhi̱ḥ pari̍ sra̱vāda̍bdhaḥ sura̱bhinta̍raḥ .
su̱te ci̍ttvā̱psu ma̍dāmo̱ andha̍sā śrī̱ṇanto̱ gobhi̱rutta̍ram .. 9.107.02
2 Now, being purified, flow hither through the fleece inviolate and most odorous.
We ladden thee in waters when thou art effused, blending thee still with juice and milk.
Sloka : 9.107.3
परि॑ सुवा॒नश्चक्ष॑से देव॒माद॑नः॒ क्रतु॒रिन्दु॑र्विचक्ष॒णः ॥ ९.१०७.०३
pari̍ suvā̱naścakṣa̍se deva̱māda̍na̱ḥ kratu̱rindu̍rvicakṣa̱ṇaḥ .. 9.107.03
3 Pressed out for all to see, delighting Gods, Indu, Far-sighted One, is mental power.
Sloka : 9.107.4
पु॒ना॒नः सो॑म॒ धार॑या॒पो वसा॑नो अर्षसि ।
आ र॑त्न॒धा योनि॑मृ॒तस्य॑ सीद॒स्युत्सो॑ देव हिर॒ण्ययः॑ ॥ ९.१०७.०४
pu̱nā̱naḥ so̍ma̱ dhāra̍yā̱po vasā̍no arṣasi .
ā ra̍tna̱dhā yoni̍mṛ̱tasya̍ sīda̱syutso̍ deva hira̱ṇyaya̍ḥ .. 9.107.04
4 Cleansing thee, Soma, in thy stream, thou flowest in a watery robe:-
Giver of wealth, thou sittest in the place of Law, O God, a fountain made of gold.
Sloka : 9.107.5
दु॒हा॒न ऊध॑र्दि॒व्यं मधु॑ प्रि॒यं प्र॒त्नं स॒धस्थ॒मास॑दत् ।
आ॒पृच्छ्यं॑ ध॒रुणं॑ वा॒ज्य॑र्षति॒ नृभि॑र्धू॒तो वि॑चक्ष॒णः ॥ ९.१०७.०५
du̱hā̱na ūdha̍rdi̱vyaṃ madhu̍ pri̱yaṃ pra̱tnaṃ sa̱dhastha̱māsa̍dat .
ā̱pṛcchya̍ṃ dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ vā̱jya̍rṣati̱ nṛbhi̍rdhū̱to vi̍cakṣa̱ṇaḥ .. 9.107.05
5 Milking the heavenly udder for dear meath, he hath sat in the ancient gatheringplace.
Washed by the men, the Strong Farseeing One streams forth nutriti us food that all desire.
Sloka : 9.107.6
पु॒ना॒नः सो॑म॒ जागृ॑वि॒रव्यो॒ वारे॒ परि॑ प्रि॒यः ।
त्वं विप्रो॑ अभ॒वोऽङ्गि॑रस्तमो॒ मध्वा॑ य॒ज्ञं मि॑मिक्ष नः ॥ ९.१०७.०६
pu̱nā̱naḥ so̍ma̱ jāgṛ̍vi̱ravyo̱ vāre̱ pari̍ pri̱yaḥ .
tvaṃ vipro̍ abha̱vo'ṅgi̍rastamo̱ madhvā̍ ya̱jñaṃ mi̍mikṣa naḥ .. 9.107.06
6 O Soma, while they cleanse thee, dear and watchful in the sheep's long wool,
Thou hast become a Singer most like Aṅgiras:- thou madest Sūrya mount to heaven.
Sloka : 9.107.7
सोमो॑ मी॒ढ्वान्प॑वते गातु॒वित्त॑म॒ ऋषि॒र्विप्रो॑ विचक्ष॒णः ।
त्वं क॒विर॑भवो देव॒वीत॑म॒ आ सूर्यं॑ रोहयो दि॒वि ॥ ९.१०७.०७
somo̍ mī̱ḍhvānpa̍vate gātu̱vitta̍ma̱ ṛṣi̱rvipro̍ vicakṣa̱ṇaḥ .
tvaṃ ka̱vira̍bhavo deva̱vīta̍ma̱ ā sūrya̍ṃ rohayo di̱vi .. 9.107.07
7 Bountiful, best of furtherers, Soma floweth on, Ṛṣi and Singer, keen of sight.
Thou hast become a Sage most welcome to the Gods:- thou madest Sūrya mount to heaven.
Sloka : 9.107.8
सोम॑ उ षुवा॒णः सो॒तृभि॒रधि॒ ष्णुभि॒रवी॑नाम् ।
अश्व॑येव ह॒रिता॑ याति॒ धार॑या म॒न्द्रया॑ याति॒ धार॑या ॥ ९.१०७.०८
soma̍ u ṣuvā̱ṇaḥ so̱tṛbhi̱radhi̱ ṣṇubhi̱ravī̍nām .
aśva̍yeva ha̱ritā̍ yāti̱ dhāra̍yā ma̱ndrayā̍ yāti̱ dhāra̍yā .. 9.107.08
8 Pressed out by pressers, Soma goes over the fleecy backs of sheep,
Goes, even as with a mare, in tawnycoloured stream, goes in exhilarating stream.
Sloka : 9.107.9
अ॒नू॒पे गोमा॒न्गोभि॑रक्षाः॒ सोमो॑ दु॒ग्धाभि॑रक्षाः ।
स॒मु॒द्रं न सं॒वर॑णान्यग्मन्म॒न्दी मदा॑य तोशते ॥ ९.१०७.०९
a̱nū̱pe gomā̱ngobhi̍rakṣā̱ḥ somo̍ du̱gdhābhi̍rakṣāḥ .
sa̱mu̱draṃ na sa̱ṃvara̍ṇānyagmanma̱ndī madā̍ya tośate .. 9.107.09
9 Down to the water-Soma, rich in kine hath flowed with cows, with cows that have been milked.
They have approached the mixing-vessel as a sea:- the cheerer streams for the carouse.
Sloka : 9.107.10
आ सो॑म सुवा॒नो अद्रि॑भिस्ति॒रो वारा॑ण्य॒व्यया॑ ।
जनो॒ न पु॒रि च॒म्वो॑र्विश॒द्धरिः॒ सदो॒ वने॑षु दधिषे ॥ ९.१०७.१०
ā so̍ma suvā̱no adri̍bhisti̱ro vārā̍ṇya̱vyayā̍ .
jano̱ na pu̱ri ca̱mvo̍rviśa̱ddhari̱ḥ sado̱ vane̍ṣu dadhiṣe .. 9.107.10
10 Effused by stones, O Soma, and urged through the long wool of the sheep,
Thou, entering the saucers as a man the fort, gold-hued hast settled in the wood.
Sloka : 9.107.11
स मा॑मृजे ति॒रो अण्वा॑नि मे॒ष्यो॑ मी॒ळ्हे सप्ति॒र्न वा॑ज॒युः ।
अ॒नु॒माद्यः॒ पव॑मानो मनी॒षिभिः॒ सोमो॒ विप्रे॑भि॒रृक्व॑भिः ॥ ९.१०७.११
sa mā̍mṛje ti̱ro aṇvā̍ni me̱ṣyo̍ mī̱l̤he sapti̱rna vā̍ja̱yuḥ .
a̱nu̱mādya̱ḥ pava̍māno manī̱ṣibhi̱ḥ somo̱ vipre̍bhi̱rṛkva̍bhiḥ .. 9.107.11
11 He beautifies himself through the sheep's long fine wool, like an impetuous steed in war,
Even Soma Pavamana who shall be the joy of sages and of holy bards.
Sloka : 9.107.12
प्र सो॑म दे॒ववी॑तये॒ सिन्धु॒र्न पि॑प्ये॒ अर्ण॑सा ।
अं॒शोः पय॑सा मदि॒रो न जागृ॑वि॒रच्छा॒ कोशं॑ मधु॒श्चुत॑म् ॥ ९.१०७.१२
pra so̍ma de̱vavī̍taye̱ sindhu̱rna pi̍pye̱ arṇa̍sā .
a̱ṃśoḥ paya̍sā madi̱ro na jāgṛ̍vi̱racchā̱ kośa̍ṃ madhu̱ścuta̍m .. 9.107.12
12 O Soma,for the feast of Gods, river-like he hath swelled with surge,
With the stalk's juice, exhilarating, resting not, into the vat that drops with meath.
Sloka : 9.107.13
आ ह॑र्य॒तो अर्जु॑ने॒ अत्के॑ अव्यत प्रि॒यः सू॒नुर्न मर्ज्यः॑ ।
तमीं॑ हिन्वन्त्य॒पसो॒ यथा॒ रथं॑ न॒दीष्वा गभ॑स्त्योः ॥ ९.१०७.१३
ā ha̍rya̱to arju̍ne̱ atke̍ avyata pri̱yaḥ sū̱nurna marjya̍ḥ .
tamī̍ṃ hinvantya̱paso̱ yathā̱ ratha̍ṃ na̱dīṣvā gabha̍styoḥ .. 9.107.13
13 Like a dear son who must be decked, the Lovely One hath clad him in a shining robe.
Men skilful at their work drive him forth, like a car, into the rivers from their bands.
Sloka : 9.107.14
अ॒भि सोमा॑स आ॒यवः॒ पव॑न्ते॒ मद्यं॒ मद॑म् ।
स॒मु॒द्रस्याधि॑ वि॒ष्टपि॑ मनी॒षिणो॑ मत्स॒रासः॑ स्व॒र्विदः॑ ॥ ९.१०७.१४
a̱bhi somā̍sa ā̱yava̱ḥ pava̍nte̱ madya̱ṃ mada̍m .
sa̱mu̱drasyādhi̍ vi̱ṣṭapi̍ manī̱ṣiṇo̍ matsa̱rāsa̍ḥ sva̱rvida̍ḥ .. 9.107.14
14 The living drops of Soma juice pour, as they flow, the gladdening drink,
Intelligent drops above the basin of the sea, exhilarating, finding light.
Sloka : 9.107.15
तर॑त्समु॒द्रं पव॑मान ऊ॒र्मिणा॒ राजा॑ दे॒व ऋ॒तं बृ॒हत् ।
अर्ष॑न्मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धर्म॑णा॒ प्र हि॑न्वा॒न ऋ॒तं बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.१०७.१५
tara̍tsamu̱draṃ pava̍māna ū̱rmiṇā̱ rājā̍ de̱va ṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hat .
arṣa̍nmi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ dharma̍ṇā̱ pra hi̍nvā̱na ṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hat .. 9.107.15
15 May Pavamana, King and God, speed with his wave over the sea the lofty rite:-
May he by Mitra's and by Varuṇa's decree flow furthering the lofty rite.
Sloka : 9.107.16
नृभि॑र्येमा॒नो ह॑र्य॒तो वि॑चक्ष॒णो राजा॑ दे॒वः स॑मु॒द्रियः॑ ॥ ९.१०७.१६
nṛbhi̍ryemā̱no ha̍rya̱to vi̍cakṣa̱ṇo rājā̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍mu̱driya̍ḥ .. 9.107.16
16 Far-seeing, lovely, guided by the men, the God whose home is in the sea-
Sloka : 9.107.17
इन्द्रा॑य पवते॒ मदः॒ सोमो॑ म॒रुत्व॑ते सु॒तः ।
स॒हस्र॑धारो॒ अत्यव्य॑मर्षति॒ तमी॑ मृजन्त्या॒यवः॑ ॥ ९.१०७.१७
indrā̍ya pavate̱ mada̱ḥ somo̍ ma̱rutva̍te su̱taḥ .
sa̱hasra̍dhāro̱ atyavya̍marṣati̱ tamī̍ mṛjantyā̱yava̍ḥ .. 9.107.17
17 Soma, the gladdening juice, flows pressed for Indra with his Marut host:-
He hastens oer the fleece with all his thousand streams:- men make him bright and beautiful.
Sloka : 9.107.18
पु॒ना॒नश्च॒मू ज॒नय॑न्म॒तिं क॒विः सोमो॑ दे॒वेषु॑ रण्यति ।
अ॒पो वसा॑नः॒ परि॒ गोभि॒रुत्त॑रः॒ सीद॒न्वने॑ष्वव्यत ॥ ९.१०७.१८
pu̱nā̱naśca̱mū ja̱naya̍nma̱tiṃ ka̱viḥ somo̍ de̱veṣu̍ raṇyati .
a̱po vasā̍na̱ḥ pari̱ gobhi̱rutta̍ra̱ḥ sīda̱nvane̍ṣvavyata .. 9.107.18
18 Purified in the bowl and gendering the hymn, wise Soma joys among the Gods.
Robed in the flood, the Mighty One hath clad himself with milk and settled in the vats.
Sloka : 9.107.19
तवा॒हं सो॑म रारण स॒ख्य इ॑न्दो दि॒वेदि॑वे ।
पु॒रूणि॑ बभ्रो॒ नि च॑रन्ति॒ मामव॑ परि॒धीँरति॒ ताँ इ॑हि ॥ ९.१०७.१९
tavā̱haṃ so̍ma rāraṇa sa̱khya i̍ndo di̱vedi̍ve .
pu̱rūṇi̍ babhro̱ ni ca̍ranti̱ māmava̍ pari̱dhīm̐rati̱ tām̐ i̍hi .. 9.107.19
19 O Soma, Indu, every day thy friendship hath been my delight.
Many fiends follow me; help me, thou Tawny-hued; pass on beyond these barriers.
Sloka : 9.107.20
उ॒ताहं नक्त॑मु॒त सो॑म ते॒ दिवा॑ स॒ख्याय॑ बभ्र॒ ऊध॑नि ।
घृ॒णा तप॑न्त॒मति॒ सूर्यं॑ प॒रः श॑कु॒ना इ॑व पप्तिम ॥ ९.१०७.२०
u̱tāhaṃ nakta̍mu̱ta so̍ma te̱ divā̍ sa̱khyāya̍ babhra̱ ūdha̍ni .
ghṛ̱ṇā tapa̍nta̱mati̱ sūrya̍ṃ pa̱raḥ śa̍ku̱nā i̍va paptima .. 9.107.20
20 Close to thy bosom am I, Soma, day and night. O Tawny-hued, for friendship sake.
Sūrya himself refulgent with his glow have we oertaken in his course like birds.
Sloka : 9.107.21
मृ॒ज्यमा॑नः सुहस्त्य समु॒द्रे वाच॑मिन्वसि ।
र॒यिं पि॒शङ्गं॑ बहु॒लं पु॑रु॒स्पृहं॒ पव॑माना॒भ्य॑र्षसि ॥ ९.१०७.२१
mṛ̱jyamā̍naḥ suhastya samu̱dre vāca̍minvasi .
ra̱yiṃ pi̱śaṅga̍ṃ bahu̱laṃ pu̍ru̱spṛha̱ṃ pava̍mānā̱bhya̍rṣasi .. 9.107.21
21 Deft-handcd! thou when purified liftest thy voice amid the sea.
Thou, Pavamana, makest riches flow to us, yellow, abundant, much-desifed.
Sloka : 9.107.22
मृ॒जा॒नो वारे॒ पव॑मानो अ॒व्यये॒ वृषाव॑ चक्रदो॒ वने॑ ।
दे॒वानां॑ सोम पवमान निष्कृ॒तं गोभि॑रञ्जा॒नो अ॑र्षसि ॥ ९.१०७.२२
mṛ̱jā̱no vāre̱ pava̍māno a̱vyaye̱ vṛṣāva̍ cakrado̱ vane̍ .
de̱vānā̍ṃ soma pavamāna niṣkṛ̱taṃ gobhi̍rañjā̱no a̍rṣasi .. 9.107.22
22 Making thee pure and bright in the sheep's long wool, thou hast bellowed, steerlike, in the wood.
Thou flowest, Soma Pavamana, balmed with milk unto the special place of Gods.
Sloka : 9.107.23
पव॑स्व॒ वाज॑सातये॒ऽभि विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ ।
त्वं स॑मु॒द्रं प्र॑थ॒मो वि धा॑रयो दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सोम मत्स॒रः ॥ ९.१०७.२३
pava̍sva̱ vāja̍sātaye̱'bhi viśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ .
tvaṃ sa̍mu̱draṃ pra̍tha̱mo vi dhā̍rayo de̱vebhya̍ḥ soma matsa̱raḥ .. 9.107.23
23 Flow on to win us strength, flow on to lofty lore of every kind.
Thou, Soma, as Exhilarator wast the first to spread the sea abroad for Gods.
Sloka : 9.107.24
स तू प॑वस्व॒ परि॒ पार्थि॑वं॒ रजो॑ दि॒व्या च॑ सोम॒ धर्म॑भिः ।
त्वां विप्रा॑सो म॒तिभि॑र्विचक्षण शु॒भ्रं हि॑न्वन्ति धी॒तिभिः॑ ॥ ९.१०७.२४
sa tū pa̍vasva̱ pari̱ pārthi̍va̱ṃ rajo̍ di̱vyā ca̍ soma̱ dharma̍bhiḥ .
tvāṃ viprā̍so ma̱tibhi̍rvicakṣaṇa śu̱bhraṃ hi̍nvanti dhī̱tibhi̍ḥ .. 9.107.24
24 Flow to the realm of earth, flow to the realm of heaven, O Soma, in thy righteous ways.
Fair art thou whom the sages, O Far-seeing One, urge onward with their songs and hymns.
Sloka : 9.107.25
पव॑माना असृक्षत प॒वित्र॒मति॒ धार॑या ।
म॒रुत्व॑न्तो मत्स॒रा इ॑न्द्रि॒या हया॑ मे॒धाम॒भि प्रयां॑सि च ॥ ९.१०७.२५
pava̍mānā asṛkṣata pa̱vitra̱mati̱ dhāra̍yā .
ma̱rutva̍nto matsa̱rā i̍ndri̱yā hayā̍ me̱dhāma̱bhi prayā̍ṃsi ca .. 9.107.25
25 Over the cleansing sieve have flowed the Pavamanas in a stream,
Girt by the Maruts, gladdening, Steeds with Indra's stiength, for wisdom and for dainty food.
Sloka : 9.107.26
अ॒पो वसा॑नः॒ परि॒ कोश॑मर्ष॒तीन्दु॑र्हिया॒नः सो॒तृभिः॑ ।
ज॒नय॒ञ्ज्योति॑र्म॒न्दना॑ अवीवश॒द्गाः कृ॑ण्वा॒नो न नि॒र्णिज॑म् ॥ ९.१०७.२६
a̱po vasā̍na̱ḥ pari̱ kośa̍marṣa̱tīndu̍rhiyā̱naḥ so̱tṛbhi̍ḥ .
ja̱naya̱ñjyoti̍rma̱ndanā̍ avīvaśa̱dgāḥ kṛ̍ṇvā̱no na ni̱rṇija̍m .. 9.107.26
26 Urged onward by the pressers, clad in watery robes, Indu is speeding to the vat.
He gendering light, hath made the glad Cows low, while he takes them as his garb of state.
Sloka : 9.108.1
पव॑स्व॒ मधु॑मत्तम॒ इन्द्रा॑य सोम क्रतु॒वित्त॑मो॒ मदः॑ ।
महि॑ द्यु॒क्षत॑मो॒ मदः॑ ॥ ९.१०८.०१
pava̍sva̱ madhu̍mattama̱ indrā̍ya soma kratu̱vitta̍mo̱ mada̍ḥ .
mahi̍ dyu̱kṣata̍mo̱ mada̍ḥ .. 9.108.01
1. FOR Indra, flow thou Soma on, as gladdening juice most sweet, intelligent,
Great, cheering, dwelling most in heaven.
Sloka : 9.108.2
यस्य॑ ते पी॒त्वा वृ॑ष॒भो वृ॑षा॒यते॒ऽस्य पी॒ता स्व॒र्विदः॑ ।
स सु॒प्रके॑तो अ॒भ्य॑क्रमी॒दिषोऽच्छा॒ वाजं॒ नैत॑शः ॥ ९.१०८.०२
yasya̍ te pī̱tvā vṛ̍ṣa̱bho vṛ̍ṣā̱yate̱'sya pī̱tā sva̱rvida̍ḥ .
sa su̱prake̍to a̱bhya̍kramī̱diṣo'cchā̱ vāja̱ṃ naita̍śaḥ .. 9.108.02
2 Thou, of whom having drunk the Steer acts like a steer. drinking of this that finds the light,
He, Excellently Wise, is come to strengthening food, to spoil and wealth like Etaśa.
Sloka : 9.108.3
त्वं ह्य१॒॑ङ्ग दैव्या॒ पव॑मान॒ जनि॑मानि द्यु॒मत्त॑मः ।
अ॒मृ॒त॒त्वाय॑ घो॒षयः॑ ॥ ९.१०८.०३
tvaṃ hya1̱̍ṅga daivyā̱ pava̍māna̱ jani̍māni dyu̱matta̍maḥ .
a̱mṛ̱ta̱tvāya̍ gho̱ṣaya̍ḥ .. 9.108.03
3 For, verily, Pavamana, thou hast, splendidest, called all the generations of
The Gods to immortality.
Sloka : 9.108.4
येना॒ नव॑ग्वो द॒ध्यङ्ङ॑पोर्णु॒ते येन॒ विप्रा॑स आपि॒रे ।
दे॒वानां॑ सु॒म्ने अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ चारु॑णो॒ येन॒ श्रवां॑स्यान॒शुः ॥ ९.१०८.०४
yenā̱ nava̍gvo da̱dhyaṅṅa̍porṇu̱te yena̱ viprā̍sa āpi̱re .
de̱vānā̍ṃ su̱mne a̱mṛta̍sya̱ cāru̍ṇo̱ yena̱ śravā̍ṃsyāna̱śuḥ .. 9.108.04
4 By whom Dadhyac Navagva opens fastened doors, by whom the sages gained their wish,
By whom they won the fame of lovely Amṛta in the felicity of Gods.
Sloka : 9.108.5
ए॒ष स्य धार॑या सु॒तोऽव्यो॒ वारे॑भिः पवते म॒दिन्त॑मः ।
क्रीळ॑न्नू॒र्मिर॒पामि॑व ॥ ९.१०८.०५
e̱ṣa sya dhāra̍yā su̱to'vyo̱ vāre̍bhiḥ pavate ma̱dinta̍maḥ .
krīl̤a̍nnū̱rmira̱pāmi̍va .. 9.108.05
5 Effused, he floweth in a stream, best rapture-giver, in the long wool of the sheep,
Sporting, as twere the waters' wave.
Sloka : 9.108.6
य उ॒स्रिया॒ अप्या॑ अ॒न्तरश्म॑नो॒ निर्गा अकृ॑न्त॒दोज॑सा ।
अ॒भि व्र॒जं त॑त्निषे॒ गव्य॒मश्व्यं॑ व॒र्मीव॑ धृष्ण॒वा रु॑ज ॥ ९.१०८.०६
ya u̱sriyā̱ apyā̍ a̱ntaraśma̍no̱ nirgā akṛ̍nta̱doja̍sā .
a̱bhi vra̱jaṃ ta̍tniṣe̱ gavya̱maśvya̍ṃ va̱rmīva̍ dhṛṣṇa̱vā ru̍ja .. 9.108.06
6 He who from out the rocky cavern took with might the redmrefulgent watery Cows,
Thou masterest the stable full of kine and steeds:- burst it, brave Lord, like one in mail.
Sloka : 9.108.7
आ सो॑ता॒ परि॑ षिञ्च॒ताश्वं॒ न स्तोम॑म॒प्तुरं॑ रज॒स्तुर॑म् ।
व॒न॒क्र॒क्षमु॑द॒प्रुत॑म् ॥ ९.१०८.०७
ā so̍tā̱ pari̍ ṣiñca̱tāśva̱ṃ na stoma̍ma̱ptura̍ṃ raja̱stura̍m .
va̱na̱kra̱kṣamu̍da̱pruta̍m .. 9.108.07
7 Press ye and pour him, like a steed, laudworthy, speeding through the region and the flood,
Who swims in water, roan in wood;
Sloka : 9.108.8
स॒हस्र॑धारं वृष॒भं प॑यो॒वृधं॑ प्रि॒यं दे॒वाय॒ जन्म॑ने ।
ऋ॒तेन॒ य ऋ॒तजा॑तो विवावृ॒धे राजा॑ दे॒व ऋ॒तं बृ॒हत् ॥ ९.१०८.०८
sa̱hasra̍dhāraṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ pa̍yo̱vṛdha̍ṃ pri̱yaṃ de̱vāya̱ janma̍ne .
ṛ̱tena̱ ya ṛ̱tajā̍to vivāvṛ̱dhe rājā̍ de̱va ṛ̱taṃ bṛ̱hat .. 9.108.08
8 Increaser of the water, Steer with thousand streams, dear to the race of Deities;
Who born in Law hath waxen mighty by the Law, King, God, and lofty Ordinance.
Sloka : 9.108.9
अ॒भि द्यु॒म्नं बृ॒हद्यश॒ इष॑स्पते दिदी॒हि दे॑व देव॒युः ।
वि कोशं॑ मध्य॒मं यु॑व ॥ ९.१०८.०९
a̱bhi dyu̱mnaṃ bṛ̱hadyaśa̱ iṣa̍spate didī̱hi de̍va deva̱yuḥ .
vi kośa̍ṃ madhya̱maṃ yu̍va .. 9.108.09
9 Make splendid glory shine on us, thou Lord of strengthening food, God, as the Friend of Gods:-
Unclose the fount of middle air.
Sloka : 9.108.10
आ व॑च्यस्व सुदक्ष च॒म्वोः॑ सु॒तो वि॒शां वह्नि॒र्न वि॒श्पतिः॑ ।
वृ॒ष्टिं दि॒वः प॑वस्व री॒तिम॒पां जिन्वा॒ गवि॑ष्टये॒ धियः॑ ॥ ९.१०८.१०
ā va̍cyasva sudakṣa ca̱mvo̍ḥ su̱to vi̱śāṃ vahni̱rna vi̱śpati̍ḥ .
vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ di̱vaḥ pa̍vasva rī̱tima̱pāṃ jinvā̱ gavi̍ṣṭaye̱ dhiya̍ḥ .. 9.108.10
10 Roll onward to the bowls, O Mighty One, effused, as Prince supporter of the tribes.
Pour on us rain from heaven, send us the waters' flow:- incite our thoughts to win the spoil.
Sloka : 9.108.11
ए॒तमु॒ त्यं म॑द॒च्युतं॑ स॒हस्र॑धारं वृष॒भं दिवो॑ दुहुः ।
विश्वा॒ वसू॑नि॒ बिभ्र॑तम् ॥ ९.१०८.११
e̱tamu̱ tyaṃ ma̍da̱cyuta̍ṃ sa̱hasra̍dhāraṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ divo̍ duhuḥ .
viśvā̱ vasū̍ni̱ bibhra̍tam .. 9.108.11
11 They have drained him the Steer of heaven, him with a thousand streams, distilling rapturous joy,
Him who brings all things excellent.
Sloka : 9.108.12
वृषा॒ वि ज॑ज्ञे ज॒नय॒न्नम॑र्त्यः प्र॒तप॒ञ्ज्योति॑षा॒ तमः॑ ।
स सुष्टु॑तः क॒विभि॑र्नि॒र्णिजं॑ दधे त्रि॒धात्व॑स्य॒ दंस॑सा ॥ ९.१०८.१२
vṛṣā̱ vi ja̍jñe ja̱naya̱nnama̍rtyaḥ pra̱tapa̱ñjyoti̍ṣā̱ tama̍ḥ .
sa suṣṭu̍taḥ ka̱vibhi̍rni̱rṇija̍ṃ dadhe tri̱dhātva̍sya̱ daṃsa̍sā .. 9.108.12
12 The Mighty One was born Immortal, giving life, lightening darkness with his shine.
Wcll-praised by. sages he hath. by his wondrous power assumed the Threefold as his robe.
Sloka : 9.108.13
स सु॑न्वे॒ यो वसू॑नां॒ यो रा॒यामा॑ने॒ता य इळा॑नाम् ।
सोमो॒ यः सु॑क्षिती॒नाम् ॥ ९.१०८.१३
sa su̍nve̱ yo vasū̍nā̱ṃ yo rā̱yāmā̍ne̱tā ya il̤ā̍nām .
somo̱ yaḥ su̍kṣitī̱nām .. 9.108.13
13 Effused is he who brings good things, who brings us bounteous gifts and sweet refreshing food,
Soma who brings us quiet homes:-
Sloka : 9.108.14
यस्य॑ न॒ इन्द्रः॒ पिबा॒द्यस्य॑ म॒रुतो॒ यस्य॑ वार्य॒मणा॒ भगः॑ ।
आ येन॑ मि॒त्रावरु॑णा॒ करा॑मह॒ एन्द्र॒मव॑से म॒हे ॥ ९.१०८.१४
yasya̍ na̱ indra̱ḥ pibā̱dyasya̍ ma̱ruto̱ yasya̍ vārya̱maṇā̱ bhaga̍ḥ .
ā yena̍ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇā̱ karā̍maha̱ endra̱mava̍se ma̱he .. 9.108.14
14 He whom our Indra and the Marut host shall drink, Bhaga shall drink with Aryarnan,
By whom we bring to us Mitra and Varuṇa and Indra for our great defence.
Sloka : 9.108.15
इन्द्रा॑य सोम॒ पात॑वे॒ नृभि॑र्य॒तः स्वा॑यु॒धो म॒दिन्त॑मः ।
पव॑स्व॒ मधु॑मत्तमः ॥ ९.१०८.१५
indrā̍ya soma̱ pāta̍ve̱ nṛbhi̍rya̱taḥ svā̍yu̱dho ma̱dinta̍maḥ .
pava̍sva̱ madhu̍mattamaḥ .. 9.108.15
15 Soma, for Indra's drink do thou, led by the men, well-wcaponcd and most gladdening,
Flow on with greatest store of sweets.
Sloka : 9.108.16
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ हार्दि॑ सोम॒धान॒मा वि॑श समु॒द्रमि॑व॒ सिन्ध॑वः ।
जुष्टो॑ मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय वा॒यवे॑ दि॒वो वि॑ष्ट॒म्भ उ॑त्त॒मः ॥ ९.१०८.१६
indra̍sya̱ hārdi̍ soma̱dhāna̱mā vi̍śa samu̱drami̍va̱ sindha̍vaḥ .
juṣṭo̍ mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya vā̱yave̍ di̱vo vi̍ṣṭa̱mbha u̍tta̱maḥ .. 9.108.16
16 Enter the Soma-holder, even Indra's heart, as rivers pass into the sea,
Acceptable to Mitra, Vāyu, Varuṇa, the noblest Pillar of the heavens.
Sloka : 9.109.1
परि॒ प्र ध॒न्वेन्द्रा॑य सोम स्वा॒दुर्मि॒त्राय॑ पू॒ष्णे भगा॑य ॥ ९.१०९.०१
pari̱ pra dha̱nvendrā̍ya soma svā̱durmi̱trāya̍ pū̱ṣṇe bhagā̍ya .. 9.109.01
1. PLEASANT to Indra's Mitra's, Pūṣan's Bhaga's taste, sped onward, Soma, with thy flowing stream.
Sloka : 9.109.2
इन्द्र॑स्ते सोम सु॒तस्य॑ पेयाः॒ क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य॒ विश्वे॑ च दे॒वाः ॥ ९.१०९.०२
indra̍ste soma su̱tasya̍ peyā̱ḥ kratve̱ dakṣā̍ya̱ viśve̍ ca de̱vāḥ .. 9.109.02
2 Let Indra drink, O Soma, of thy juice for wisdom, and all Deities for strength.
Sloka : 9.109.3
ए॒वामृता॑य म॒हे क्षया॑य॒ स शु॒क्रो अ॑र्ष दि॒व्यः पी॒यूषः॑ ॥ ९.१०९.०३
e̱vāmṛtā̍ya ma̱he kṣayā̍ya̱ sa śu̱kro a̍rṣa di̱vyaḥ pī̱yūṣa̍ḥ .. 9.109.03
3 So flow thou on as bright celestial juice, flow to the vast, immortal dwelling-place.
Sloka : 9.109.4
पव॑स्व सोम म॒हान्स॑मु॒द्रः पि॒ता दे॒वानां॒ विश्वा॒भि धाम॑ ॥ ९.१०९.०४
pava̍sva soma ma̱hānsa̍mu̱draḥ pi̱tā de̱vānā̱ṃ viśvā̱bhi dhāma̍ .. 9.109.04
4 Flow onward, Soma, as a mighty sea, as Father of the Gods to every form.
Sloka : 9.109.5
शु॒क्रः प॑वस्व दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सोम दि॒वे पृ॑थि॒व्यै शं च॑ प्र॒जायै॑ ॥ ९.१०९.०५
śu̱kraḥ pa̍vasva de̱vebhya̍ḥ soma di̱ve pṛ̍thi̱vyai śaṃ ca̍ pra̱jāyai̍ .. 9.109.05
5 Flow on, O Soma, radiant for the Gods and Heaven and Earth and bless our progeny.
Sloka : 9.109.6
दि॒वो ध॒र्तासि॑ शु॒क्रः पी॒यूषः॑ स॒त्ये विध॑र्मन्वा॒जी प॑वस्व ॥ ९.१०९.०६
di̱vo dha̱rtāsi̍ śu̱kraḥ pī̱yūṣa̍ḥ sa̱tye vidha̍rmanvā̱jī pa̍vasva .. 9.109.06
6 Thou, bright Juice, art Sustainer of the sky:- flow, mighty, in accordance with true Law.
Sloka : 9.109.7
पव॑स्व सोम द्यु॒म्नी सु॑धा॒रो म॒हामवी॑ना॒मनु॑ पू॒र्व्यः ॥ ९.१०९.०७
pava̍sva soma dyu̱mnī su̍dhā̱ro ma̱hāmavī̍nā̱manu̍ pū̱rvyaḥ .. 9.109.07
7 Soma, flow splendid with thy copious stream through the great fleece as in the olden time.
Sloka : 9.109.8
नृभि॑र्येमा॒नो ज॑ज्ञा॒नः पू॒तः क्षर॒द्विश्वा॑नि म॒न्द्रः स्व॒र्वित् ॥ ९.१०९.०८
nṛbhi̍ryemā̱no ja̍jñā̱naḥ pū̱taḥ kṣara̱dviśvā̍ni ma̱ndraḥ sva̱rvit .. 9.109.08
8 Bom, led by men, joyous, and purified, let the Light-finder make all blessings flow:-
Sloka : 9.109.9
इन्दुः॑ पुना॒नः प्र॒जामु॑रा॒णः कर॒द्विश्वा॑नि॒ द्रवि॑णानि नः ॥ ९.१०९.०९
indu̍ḥ punā̱naḥ pra̱jāmu̍rā̱ṇaḥ kara̱dviśvā̍ni̱ dravi̍ṇāni naḥ .. 9.109.09
9 Indu, while cleansed, keeping the people safe, shall give us all possessions for our own.
Sloka : 9.109.10
पव॑स्व सोम॒ क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॒याश्वो॒ न नि॒क्तो वा॒जी धना॑य ॥ ९.१०९.१०
pava̍sva soma̱ kratve̱ dakṣā̱yāśvo̱ na ni̱kto vā̱jī dhanā̍ya .. 9.109.10
10 Flow on for wisdom, Soma, and for power, as a strong courser bathed, to win the prize.
Sloka : 9.109.11
तं ते॑ सो॒तारो॒ रसं॒ मदा॑य पु॒नन्ति॒ सोमं॑ म॒हे द्यु॒म्नाय॑ ॥ ९.१०९.११
taṃ te̍ so̱tāro̱ rasa̱ṃ madā̍ya pu̱nanti̱ soma̍ṃ ma̱he dyu̱mnāya̍ .. 9.109.11
11 The pressers purify this juice of thine, the Soma, for delight, and lofty fame
Sloka : 9.109.12
शिशुं॑ जज्ञा॒नं हरिं॑ मृजन्ति प॒वित्रे॒ सोमं॑ दे॒वेभ्य॒ इन्दु॑म् ॥ ९.१०९.१२
śiśu̍ṃ jajñā̱naṃ hari̍ṃ mṛjanti pa̱vitre̱ soma̍ṃ de̱vebhya̱ indu̍m .. 9.109.12
12 They deck the Gold-hued Infant, newlyborn, even Soma, Indu, in the sieve for Gods.
Sloka : 9.109.13
इन्दुः॑ पविष्ट॒ चारु॒र्मदा॑या॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ क॒विर्भगा॑य ॥ ९.१०९.१३
indu̍ḥ paviṣṭa̱ cāru̱rmadā̍yā̱pāmu̱pasthe̍ ka̱virbhagā̍ya .. 9.109.13
13 Fair Indu hath flowed on for rapturous joy, Sage for good fortune in the waters' lap.
Sloka : 9.109.14
बिभ॑र्ति॒ चार्विन्द्र॑स्य॒ नाम॒ येन॒ विश्वा॑नि वृ॒त्रा ज॒घान॑ ॥ ९.१०९.१४
bibha̍rti̱ cārvindra̍sya̱ nāma̱ yena̱ viśvā̍ni vṛ̱trā ja̱ghāna̍ .. 9.109.14
14 He bears the beauteous name of Indra, that wherewith he overcame all demon foes.
Sloka : 9.109.15
पिब॑न्त्यस्य॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॒ गोभिः॑ श्री॒तस्य॒ नृभिः॑ सु॒तस्य॑ ॥ ९.१०९.१५
piba̍ntyasya̱ viśve̍ de̱vāso̱ gobhi̍ḥ śrī̱tasya̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ su̱tasya̍ .. 9.109.15
15 All Deities are wont to drink of him, pressed by the men and blent with milk and curds.
Sloka : 9.109.16
प्र सु॑वा॒नो अ॑क्षाः स॒हस्र॑धारस्ति॒रः प॒वित्रं॒ वि वार॒मव्य॑म् ॥ ९.१०९.१६
pra su̍vā̱no a̍kṣāḥ sa̱hasra̍dhārasti̱raḥ pa̱vitra̱ṃ vi vāra̱mavya̍m .. 9.109.16
16 He hath flowed forth with thousand streams effused, flowed ihsough the filter and the sheep's long wool.
Sloka : 9.109.17
स वा॒ज्य॑क्षाः स॒हस्र॑रेता अ॒द्भिर्मृ॑जा॒नो गोभिः॑ श्रीणा॒नः ॥ ९.१०९.१७
sa vā̱jya̍kṣāḥ sa̱hasra̍retā a̱dbhirmṛ̍jā̱no gobhi̍ḥ śrīṇā̱naḥ .. 9.109.17
17 With endless genial flow the Strong hath run, purified by the waters, blent with milk.
Sloka : 9.109.18
प्र सो॑म या॒हीन्द्र॑स्य कु॒क्षा नृभि॑र्येमा॒नो अद्रि॑भिः सु॒तः ॥ ९.१०९.१८
pra so̍ma yā̱hīndra̍sya ku̱kṣā nṛbhi̍ryemā̱no adri̍bhiḥ su̱taḥ .. 9.109.18
18 Pressed out with stones, directed by the men, go fortli, O Soma, into Indra's throat.
Sloka : 9.109.19
अस॑र्जि वा॒जी ति॒रः प॒वित्र॒मिन्द्रा॑य॒ सोमः॑ स॒हस्र॑धारः ॥ ९.१०९.१९
asa̍rji vā̱jī ti̱raḥ pa̱vitra̱mindrā̍ya̱ soma̍ḥ sa̱hasra̍dhāraḥ .. 9.109.19
19 The mighty Soma with a thousand streams is poured to Indra through the cleansing sieve.
Sloka : 9.109.20
अ॒ञ्जन्त्ये॑नं॒ मध्वो॒ रसे॒नेन्द्रा॑य॒ वृष्ण॒ इन्दुं॒ मदा॑य ॥ ९.१०९.२०
a̱ñjantye̍na̱ṃ madhvo̱ rase̱nendrā̍ya̱ vṛṣṇa̱ indu̱ṃ madā̍ya .. 9.109.20
20 Indu they balm with pleasant milky juice for Indra, for the Steer, for his delight.
Sloka : 9.109.21
दे॒वेभ्य॑स्त्वा॒ वृथा॒ पाज॑से॒ऽपो वसा॑नं॒ हरिं॑ मृजन्ति ॥ ९.१०९.२१
de̱vebhya̍stvā̱ vṛthā̱ pāja̍se̱'po vasā̍na̱ṃ hari̍ṃ mṛjanti .. 9.109.21
21 Lightly, for sheen, they cleanse thee for the Gods, gold-coloured, wearing water as thy robe.
Sloka : 9.109.22
इन्दु॒रिन्द्रा॑य तोशते॒ नि तो॑शते श्री॒णन्नु॒ग्रो रि॒णन्न॒पः ॥ ९.१०९.२२
indu̱rindrā̍ya tośate̱ ni to̍śate śrī̱ṇannu̱gro ri̱ṇanna̱paḥ .. 9.109.22
22 Indu to Indra streams, yea, downward streams, Strong, flowing to the floods, and mingling -there.
Sloka : 9.110.1
पर्यू॒ षु प्र ध॑न्व॒ वाज॑सातये॒ परि॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ स॒क्षणिः॑ ।
द्वि॒षस्त॒रध्या॑ ऋण॒या न॑ ईयसे ॥ ९.११०.०१
paryū̱ ṣu pra dha̍nva̱ vāja̍sātaye̱ pari̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ sa̱kṣaṇi̍ḥ .
dvi̱ṣasta̱radhyā̍ ṛṇa̱yā na̍ īyase .. 9.110.01
1. O'ERPOWERING Vṛtras, forward run to win great strength:-
Thou speedest to subdue like one exacting debts.
Sloka : 9.110.2
अनु॒ हि त्वा॑ सु॒तं सो॑म॒ मदा॑मसि म॒हे स॑मर्य॒राज्ये॑ ।
वाजा॑ँ अ॒भि प॑वमान॒ प्र गा॑हसे ॥ ९.११०.०२
anu̱ hi tvā̍ su̱taṃ so̍ma̱ madā̍masi ma̱he sa̍marya̱rājye̍ .
vājā̍m̐ a̱bhi pa̍vamāna̱ pra gā̍hase .. 9.110.02
2 In thee, effused, O Soma, we rejoice ourselves for great supremacy in fight.
Thou, Pavamana, enterest into mighty deeds,
Sloka : 9.110.3
अजी॑जनो॒ हि प॑वमान॒ सूर्यं॑ वि॒धारे॒ शक्म॑ना॒ पयः॑ ।
गोजी॑रया॒ रंह॑माणः॒ पुरं॑ध्या ॥ ९.११०.०३
ajī̍jano̱ hi pa̍vamāna̱ sūrya̍ṃ vi̱dhāre̱ śakma̍nā̱ paya̍ḥ .
gojī̍rayā̱ raṃha̍māṇa̱ḥ pura̍ṃdhyā .. 9.110.03
3 O Pavamana, thou didst generate the Sun, and spread the moisture out with power,
Hasting to us with plenty vivified with milk.
Sloka : 9.110.4
अजी॑जनो अमृत॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वाँ ऋ॒तस्य॒ धर्म॑न्न॒मृत॑स्य॒ चारु॑णः ।
सदा॑सरो॒ वाज॒मच्छा॒ सनि॑ष्यदत् ॥ ९.११०.०४
ajī̍jano amṛta̱ martye̱ṣvām̐ ṛ̱tasya̱ dharma̍nna̱mṛta̍sya̱ cāru̍ṇaḥ .
sadā̍saro̱ vāja̱macchā̱ sani̍ṣyadat .. 9.110.04
4 Thou didst produce him, Deathless God mid mortal men for maintenance of Law and lovely Amṛta:-
Thou evermore hast moved making strength flow to us.
Sloka : 9.110.5
अ॒भ्य॑भि॒ हि श्रव॑सा त॒तर्दि॒थोत्सं॒ न कं चि॑ज्जन॒पान॒मक्षि॑तम् ।
शर्या॑भि॒र्न भर॑माणो॒ गभ॑स्त्योः ॥ ९.११०.०५
a̱bhya̍bhi̱ hi śrava̍sā ta̱tardi̱thotsa̱ṃ na kaṃ ci̍jjana̱pāna̱makṣi̍tam .
śaryā̍bhi̱rna bhara̍māṇo̱ gabha̍styoḥ .. 9.110.05
5 All round about hast thou with glory pierced for us as twere a never-failing well for men to drink,
Borne on thy way in fragments from the presser's arms.
Sloka : 9.110.6
आदीं॒ के चि॒त्पश्य॑मानास॒ आप्यं॑ वसु॒रुचो॑ दि॒व्या अ॒भ्य॑नूषत ।
वारं॒ न दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता व्यू॑र्णुते ॥ ९.११०.०६
ādī̱ṃ ke ci̱tpaśya̍mānāsa̱ āpya̍ṃ vasu̱ruco̍ di̱vyā a̱bhya̍nūṣata .
vāra̱ṃ na de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā vyū̍rṇute .. 9.110.06
6 Then, beautifully radiant, certain Heavenly Ones, have sung to him their kinship as they looked thereon,
And Savitar the God opens as twere a stall.
Sloka : 9.110.7
त्वे सो॑म प्रथ॒मा वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषो म॒हे वाजा॑य॒ श्रव॑से॒ धियं॑ दधुः ।
स त्वं नो॑ वीर वी॒र्या॑य चोदय ॥ ९.११०.०७
tve so̍ma pratha̱mā vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣo ma̱he vājā̍ya̱ śrava̍se̱ dhiya̍ṃ dadhuḥ .
sa tvaṃ no̍ vīra vī̱ryā̍ya codaya .. 9.110.07
7 Soma, the men of old whose grass was trimmed addressed the hymn to thee for mighty strength and for renown:-
So, Hero, urge us onward to heroic power.
Sloka : 9.110.8
दि॒वः पी॒यूषं॑ पू॒र्व्यं यदु॒क्थ्यं॑ म॒हो गा॒हाद्दि॒व आ निर॑धुक्षत ।
इन्द्र॑म॒भि जाय॑मानं॒ सम॑स्वरन् ॥ ९.११०.०८
di̱vaḥ pī̱yūṣa̍ṃ pū̱rvyaṃ yadu̱kthya̍ṃ ma̱ho gā̱hāddi̱va ā nira̍dhukṣata .
indra̍ma̱bhi jāya̍māna̱ṃ sama̍svaran .. 9.110.08
8 They have drained forth from out the great depth of the sky the old primeval milk of heaven that claims the laud:-
They lifted up their voice to Indra athis birth.
Sloka : 9.110.9
अध॒ यदि॒मे प॑वमान॒ रोद॑सी इ॒मा च॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒भि म॒ज्मना॑ ।
यू॒थे न नि॒ष्ठा वृ॑ष॒भो वि ति॑ष्ठसे ॥ ९.११०.०९
adha̱ yadi̱me pa̍vamāna̱ roda̍sī i̱mā ca̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱bhi ma̱jmanā̍ .
yū̱the na ni̱ṣṭhā vṛ̍ṣa̱bho vi ti̍ṣṭhase .. 9.110.09
9 As long as thou, O Pavamana, art above this earth and heaven and all existence in thy might,
Thou standest like a Bull the chief amid the herd.
Sloka : 9.110.10
सोमः॑ पुना॒नो अ॒व्यये॒ वारे॒ शिशु॒र्न क्रीळ॒न्पव॑मानो अक्षाः ।
स॒हस्र॑धारः श॒तवा॑ज॒ इन्दुः॑ ॥ ९.११०.१०
soma̍ḥ punā̱no a̱vyaye̱ vāre̱ śiśu̱rna krīl̤a̱npava̍māno akṣāḥ .
sa̱hasra̍dhāraḥ śa̱tavā̍ja̱ indu̍ḥ .. 9.110.10
10 In the sheep's wool hath Soma Pavamana flowed, while they cleanse him, like a playful infant,
Indu with hundred powers and hundred currents.
Sloka : 9.110.11
ए॒ष पु॑ना॒नो मधु॑माँ ऋ॒तावेन्द्रा॒येन्दुः॑ पवते स्वा॒दुरू॒र्मिः ।
वा॒ज॒सनि॑र्वरिवो॒विद्व॑यो॒धाः ॥ ९.११०.११
e̱ṣa pu̍nā̱no madhu̍mām̐ ṛ̱tāvendrā̱yendu̍ḥ pavate svā̱durū̱rmiḥ .
vā̱ja̱sani̍rvarivo̱vidva̍yo̱dhāḥ .. 9.110.11
11 Holy and sweet, while purified, this Indu flows on, a wave of pleasant taste, to Indra,
Strength-winner, Treasure-finder, Life. bestower.
Sloka : 9.110.12
स प॑वस्व॒ सह॑मानः पृत॒न्यून्सेध॒न्रक्षां॒स्यप॑ दु॒र्गहा॑णि ।
स्वा॒यु॒धः सा॑स॒ह्वान्सो॑म॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ ९.११०.१२
sa pa̍vasva̱ saha̍mānaḥ pṛta̱nyūnsedha̱nrakṣā̱ṃsyapa̍ du̱rgahā̍ṇi .
svā̱yu̱dhaḥ sā̍sa̱hvānso̍ma̱ śatrū̍n .. 9.110.12
12 So flow thou on, subduing our assailants, chasing the demons hard to beencountered,
Well-armed and conquering our foes, O Soma.
Sloka : 9.111.1
अ॒या रु॒चा हरि॑ण्या पुना॒नो विश्वा॒ द्वेषां॑सि तरति स्व॒युग्व॑भिः॒ सूरो॒ न स्व॒युग्व॑भिः ।
धारा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ रोचते पुना॒नो अ॑रु॒षो हरिः॑ ।
विश्वा॒ यद्रू॒पा प॑रि॒यात्यृक्व॑भिः स॒प्तास्ये॑भि॒रृक्व॑भिः ॥ ९.१११.०१
a̱yā ru̱cā hari̍ṇyā punā̱no viśvā̱ dveṣā̍ṃsi tarati sva̱yugva̍bhi̱ḥ sūro̱ na sva̱yugva̍bhiḥ .
dhārā̍ su̱tasya̍ rocate punā̱no a̍ru̱ṣo hari̍ḥ .
viśvā̱ yadrū̱pā pa̍ri̱yātyṛkva̍bhiḥ sa̱ptāsye̍bhi̱rṛkva̍bhiḥ .. 9.111.01
1. WITH this his golden splendour purifying him, he with his own allies subdues all enemies, as Sara with his own allies.
Cleansing himself with stream of juice he shines forth yellow-hued and red, when with the praisers he encompasses all forms, with praisers having seven mouths.
Sloka : 9.111.2
त्वं त्यत्प॑णी॒नां वि॑दो॒ वसु॒ सं मा॒तृभि॑र्मर्जयसि॒ स्व आ दम॑ ऋ॒तस्य॑ धी॒तिभि॒र्दमे॑ ।
प॒रा॒वतो॒ न साम॒ तद्यत्रा॒ रण॑न्ति धी॒तयः॑ ।
त्रि॒धातु॑भि॒ररु॑षीभि॒र्वयो॑ दधे॒ रोच॑मानो॒ वयो॑ दधे ॥ ९.१११.०२
tvaṃ tyatpa̍ṇī̱nāṃ vi̍do̱ vasu̱ saṃ mā̱tṛbhi̍rmarjayasi̱ sva ā dama̍ ṛ̱tasya̍ dhī̱tibhi̱rdame̍ .
pa̱rā̱vato̱ na sāma̱ tadyatrā̱ raṇa̍nti dhī̱taya̍ḥ .
tri̱dhātu̍bhi̱raru̍ṣībhi̱rvayo̍ dadhe̱ roca̍māno̱ vayo̍ dadhe .. 9.111.02
2 That treasure of the Paṇis thou discoveredst; thou with thy mothers deckest thee in thine abode, with songs of worship in thine home.
As twere from far, the hymn is heard, where holy songs resound in joy. He with the ruddy-hued, threefold hath won life-power, he, glittering, hath won life-power.
Sloka : 9.111.3
पूर्वा॒मनु॑ प्र॒दिशं॑ याति॒ चेकि॑त॒त्सं र॒श्मिभि॑र्यतते दर्श॒तो रथो॒ दैव्यो॑ दर्श॒तो रथः॑ ।
अग्म॑न्नु॒क्थानि॒ पौंस्येन्द्रं॒ जैत्रा॑य हर्षयन् ।
वज्र॑श्च॒ यद्भव॑थो॒ अन॑पच्युता स॒मत्स्वन॑पच्युता ॥ ९.१११.०३
pūrvā̱manu̍ pra̱diśa̍ṃ yāti̱ ceki̍ta̱tsaṃ ra̱śmibhi̍ryatate darśa̱to ratho̱ daivyo̍ darśa̱to ratha̍ḥ .
agma̍nnu̱kthāni̱ pauṃsyendra̱ṃ jaitrā̍ya harṣayan .
vajra̍śca̱ yadbhava̍tho̱ ana̍pacyutā sa̱matsvana̍pacyutā .. 9.111.03
3 He moves intelligent, directed to the East. The very beauteous car rivals the beams of light, the beautiful celestial car.
Hymns, lauding manly valour, came, inciting Indra to success, that ye may be unconquered, both thy bolt and thou, both be unconquered in the war.
Sloka : 9.112.1
ना॒ना॒नं वा उ॑ नो॒ धियो॒ वि व्र॒तानि॒ जना॑नाम् ।
तक्षा॑ रि॒ष्टं रु॒तं भि॒षग्ब्र॒ह्मा सु॒न्वन्त॑मिच्छ॒तीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११२.०१
nā̱nā̱naṃ vā u̍ no̱ dhiyo̱ vi vra̱tāni̱ janā̍nām .
takṣā̍ ri̱ṣṭaṃ ru̱taṃ bhi̱ṣagbra̱hmā su̱nvanta̍miccha̱tīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.112.01
1. WE all have various thoughts and plans, and diverse are the ways of men.
The Brahman seeks the worshipper, wright seeks the cracked, and leech the maimed. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.112.2
जर॑तीभि॒रोष॑धीभिः प॒र्णेभिः॑ शकु॒नाना॑म् ।
का॒र्मा॒रो अश्म॑भि॒र्द्युभि॒र्हिर॑ण्यवन्तमिच्छ॒तीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११२.०२
jara̍tībhi̱roṣa̍dhībhiḥ pa̱rṇebhi̍ḥ śaku̱nānā̍m .
kā̱rmā̱ro aśma̍bhi̱rdyubhi̱rhira̍ṇyavantamiccha̱tīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.112.02
2 The smith with ripe and seasoned plants, with feathers of the birds of air,
With stones, and with enkindled flames, seeks him who hath a store of gold. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.112.3
का॒रुर॒हं त॒तो भि॒षगु॑पलप्र॒क्षिणी॑ न॒ना ।
नाना॑धियो वसू॒यवोऽनु॒ गा इ॑व तस्थि॒मेन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११२.०३
kā̱rura̱haṃ ta̱to bhi̱ṣagu̍palapra̱kṣiṇī̍ na̱nā .
nānā̍dhiyo vasū̱yavo'nu̱ gā i̍va tasthi̱mendrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.112.03
3 A bard am I, my dad's a leech, mammy lays corn upon the stones.
Striving for wealth, with varied plans, we follow our desires like kine. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.112.4
अश्वो॒ वोळ्हा॑ सु॒खं रथं॑ हस॒नामु॑पम॒न्त्रिणः॑ ।
शेपो॒ रोम॑ण्वन्तौ भे॒दौ वारिन्म॒ण्डूक॑ इच्छ॒तीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११२.०४
aśvo̱ vol̤hā̍ su̱khaṃ ratha̍ṃ hasa̱nāmu̍pama̱ntriṇa̍ḥ .
śepo̱ roma̍ṇvantau bhe̱dau vārinma̱ṇḍūka̍ iccha̱tīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.112.04
4 The horse would draw an easy car, gay hosts attract the laugh and jest.
The male desires his mate's approach, the frog is eager for the flood, Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.1
श॒र्य॒णाव॑ति॒ सोम॒मिन्द्रः॑ पिबतु वृत्र॒हा ।
बलं॒ दधा॑न आ॒त्मनि॑ करि॒ष्यन्वी॒र्यं॑ म॒हदिन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०१
śa̱rya̱ṇāva̍ti̱ soma̱mindra̍ḥ pibatu vṛtra̱hā .
bala̱ṃ dadhā̍na ā̱tmani̍ kari̱ṣyanvī̱rya̍ṃ ma̱hadindrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.01
1. LET Vṛtra-slaying Indra drink Soma by Śaryaṇāvān's side,
Storing up vigour in his heart, prepared to do heroic deeds. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.2
आ प॑वस्व दिशां पत आर्जी॒कात्सो॑म मीढ्वः ।
ऋ॒त॒वा॒केन॑ स॒त्येन॑ श्र॒द्धया॒ तप॑सा सु॒त इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०२
ā pa̍vasva diśāṃ pata ārjī̱kātso̍ma mīḍhvaḥ .
ṛ̱ta̱vā̱kena̍ sa̱tyena̍ śra̱ddhayā̱ tapa̍sā su̱ta indrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.02
2 Lord of the Quarters, flow thou on, boon Soma, from Arjika land,
Effused with ardour and with faith, and the true hymn of sacrifice. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.3
प॒र्जन्य॑वृद्धं महि॒षं तं सूर्य॑स्य दुहि॒ताभ॑रत् ।
तं ग॑न्ध॒र्वाः प्रत्य॑गृभ्ण॒न्तं सोमे॒ रस॒माद॑धु॒रिन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०३
pa̱rjanya̍vṛddhaṃ mahi̱ṣaṃ taṃ sūrya̍sya duhi̱tābha̍rat .
taṃ ga̍ndha̱rvāḥ pratya̍gṛbhṇa̱ntaṃ some̱ rasa̱māda̍dhu̱rindrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.03
3 Hither hath Sūrya's Daughter brought the wild Steer whom Parjanya nursed.
Gandharvas have seized bold of him, and in the Soma laid the juice. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.4
ऋ॒तं वद॑न्नृतद्युम्न स॒त्यं वद॑न्सत्यकर्मन् ।
श्र॒द्धां वद॑न्सोम राजन्धा॒त्रा सो॑म॒ परि॑ष्कृत॒ इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०४
ṛ̱taṃ vada̍nnṛtadyumna sa̱tyaṃ vada̍nsatyakarman .
śra̱ddhāṃ vada̍nsoma rājandhā̱trā so̍ma̱ pari̍ṣkṛta̱ indrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.04
4 Splendid by Law! declaring Law, truthspeaking, truthful in thy works,
Enouncing faith, King Soma! thou, O Soma, whom thy maker decks. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.5
स॒त्यमु॑ग्रस्य बृह॒तः सं स्र॑वन्ति संस्र॒वाः ।
सं य॑न्ति र॒सिनो॒ रसाः॑ पुना॒नो ब्रह्म॑णा हर॒ इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०५
sa̱tyamu̍grasya bṛha̱taḥ saṃ sra̍vanti saṃsra̱vāḥ .
saṃ ya̍nti ra̱sino̱ rasā̍ḥ punā̱no brahma̍ṇā hara̱ indrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.05
5 Together flow the meeting streams of him the Great and truly Strong.
The juices of the juicy meet. Made pure by prayer, O Golden-hued, flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.6
यत्र॑ ब्र॒ह्मा प॑वमान छन्द॒स्यां॒३॒॑ वाचं॒ वद॑न् ।
ग्राव्णा॒ सोमे॑ मही॒यते॒ सोमे॑नान॒न्दं ज॒नय॒न्निन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०६
yatra̍ bra̱hmā pa̍vamāna chanda̱syā̱ṃ3̱̍ vāca̱ṃ vada̍n .
grāvṇā̱ some̍ mahī̱yate̱ some̍nāna̱ndaṃ ja̱naya̱nnindrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.06
6 O Pavamana, where the priest, as he recites the rhythmic prayer,
Lords it oer Soma with the stone, with Soma bringing forth delight, flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.7
यत्र॒ ज्योति॒रज॑स्रं॒ यस्मि॑ँल्लो॒के स्व॑र्हि॒तम् ।
तस्मि॒न्मां धे॑हि पवमाना॒मृते॑ लो॒के अक्षि॑त॒ इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०७
yatra̱ jyoti̱raja̍sra̱ṃ yasmi̍m̐llo̱ke sva̍rhi̱tam .
tasmi̱nmāṃ dhe̍hi pavamānā̱mṛte̍ lo̱ke akṣi̍ta̱ indrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.07
7 O Pavarnana, place me in that deathless, undecaying world
Wherein the light of heaven is set, and everlasting lustre shines. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.8
यत्र॒ राजा॑ वैवस्व॒तो यत्रा॑व॒रोध॑नं दि॒वः ।
यत्रा॒मूर्य॒ह्वती॒राप॒स्तत्र॒ माम॒मृतं॑ कृ॒धीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०८
yatra̱ rājā̍ vaivasva̱to yatrā̍va̱rodha̍naṃ di̱vaḥ .
yatrā̱mūrya̱hvatī̱rāpa̱statra̱ māma̱mṛta̍ṃ kṛ̱dhīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.08
8 Make me immortal in that realm where dwells the King, Vivasvān's Son,
Where is the secret shrine of heaven, where are those waters young and fresh. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.9
यत्रा॑नुका॒मं चर॑णं त्रिना॒के त्रि॑दि॒वे दि॒वः ।
लो॒का यत्र॒ ज्योति॑ष्मन्त॒स्तत्र॒ माम॒मृतं॑ कृ॒धीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.०९
yatrā̍nukā̱maṃ cara̍ṇaṃ trinā̱ke tri̍di̱ve di̱vaḥ .
lo̱kā yatra̱ jyoti̍ṣmanta̱statra̱ māma̱mṛta̍ṃ kṛ̱dhīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.09
9 Make me immortal in that realm where they move even as they list,
In the third sphere of inmost heaven where lucid worlds are full of light. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.113.10
यत्र॒ कामा॑ निका॒माश्च॒ यत्र॑ ब्र॒ध्नस्य॑ वि॒ष्टप॑म् ।
स्व॒धा च॒ यत्र॒ तृप्ति॑श्च॒ तत्र॒ माम॒मृतं॑ कृ॒धीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.१०
yatra̱ kāmā̍ nikā̱māśca̱ yatra̍ bra̱dhnasya̍ vi̱ṣṭapa̍m .
sva̱dhā ca̱ yatra̱ tṛpti̍śca̱ tatra̱ māma̱mṛta̍ṃ kṛ̱dhīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.10
10 Make me immortal in that realm of eager wish and strong desire,
The region of the radiant Moon, where food and full delight are found. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake:-
Sloka : 9.113.11
यत्रा॑न॒न्दाश्च॒ मोदा॑श्च॒ मुदः॑ प्र॒मुद॒ आस॑ते ।
काम॑स्य॒ यत्रा॒प्ताः कामा॒स्तत्र॒ माम॒मृतं॑ कृ॒धीन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११३.११
yatrā̍na̱ndāśca̱ modā̍śca̱ muda̍ḥ pra̱muda̱ āsa̍te .
kāma̍sya̱ yatrā̱ptāḥ kāmā̱statra̱ māma̱mṛta̍ṃ kṛ̱dhīndrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.113.11
11 Make me immortal in that realm where happiness and transports, where
Joys and felicities combine, and longing wishes are fulfilled. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.114.1
य इन्दोः॒ पव॑मान॒स्यानु॒ धामा॒न्यक्र॑मीत् ।
तमा॑हुः सुप्र॒जा इति॒ यस्ते॑ सो॒मावि॑ध॒न्मन॒ इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११४.०१
ya indo̱ḥ pava̍māna̱syānu̱ dhāmā̱nyakra̍mīt .
tamā̍huḥ supra̱jā iti̱ yaste̍ so̱māvi̍dha̱nmana̱ indrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.114.01
1. THE man who waIketh as the Laws of Indu Pavamana bid,
Men call him rich in children, him, O Soma, who hath met thy thought. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.114.2
ऋषे॑ मन्त्र॒कृतां॒ स्तोमैः॒ कश्य॑पोद्व॒र्धय॒न्गिरः॑ ।
सोमं॑ नमस्य॒ राजा॑नं॒ यो ज॒ज्ञे वी॒रुधां॒ पति॒रिन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११४.०२
ṛṣe̍ mantra̱kṛtā̱ṃ stomai̱ḥ kaśya̍podva̱rdhaya̱ngira̍ḥ .
soma̍ṃ namasya̱ rājā̍na̱ṃ yo ja̱jñe vī̱rudhā̱ṃ pati̱rindrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.114.02
2 Kasyapa, Ṛṣi, lifting up thy voice with hymn-composers' lauds,
Pav reverence to King Soma born the Sovran Ruler of the plants. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.114.3
स॒प्त दिशो॒ नाना॑सूर्याः स॒प्त होता॑र ऋ॒त्विजः॑ ।
दे॒वा आ॑दि॒त्या ये स॒प्त तेभिः॑ सोमा॒भि र॑क्ष न॒ इन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११४.०३
sa̱pta diśo̱ nānā̍sūryāḥ sa̱pta hotā̍ra ṛ̱tvija̍ḥ .
de̱vā ā̍di̱tyā ye sa̱pta tebhi̍ḥ somā̱bhi ra̍kṣa na̱ indrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.114.03
3 Seven regions have their several Suns; the ministering priests are seven;
Seven are the Āditya Deities,with these, O Soma, guard thou us. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.
Sloka : 9.114.4
यत्ते॑ राजञ्छृ॒तं ह॒विस्तेन॑ सोमा॒भि र॑क्ष नः ।
अ॒रा॒ती॒वा मा न॑स्तारी॒न्मो च॑ नः॒ किं च॒नाम॑म॒दिन्द्रा॑येन्दो॒ परि॑ स्रव ॥ ९.११४.०४
yatte̍ rājañchṛ̱taṃ ha̱vistena̍ somā̱bhi ra̍kṣa naḥ .
a̱rā̱tī̱vā mā na̍stārī̱nmo ca̍ na̱ḥ kiṃ ca̱nāma̍ma̱dindrā̍yendo̱ pari̍ srava .. 9.114.04
4 Guard us with this oblation which, King Soma, hath been dressed for thee.
Shanti Mantra (END)
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||