RigVeda Mandala 10
Mandala 10 comprises additional 191 hymns, addressed to Agni, Indra and various other deities. It contains the Nadistuti sukta which is in praise of rivers and is important for the reconstruction of the geography of the Vedic civilization and the Purusha sukta which has been important in studies of Vedic sociology. It also contains the Nasadiya sukta (10.129) which deals with multiple speculations about the creation of universe, and whether anyone can know the right answer. The marriage hymns (10.85) and the death hymns (10.10–18) still are of great importance in the performance of the corresponding Grhya rituals. This edition uses Rigveda's translation by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896].
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Shanti Mantra
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||
Sloka : 10.1.1
ऋग्वेदः मण्डलं १०
अग्रे॑ बृ॒हन्नु॒षसा॑मू॒र्ध्वो अ॑स्थान्निर्जग॒न्वान्तम॑सो॒ ज्योति॒षागा॑त् ।
अ॒ग्निर्भा॒नुना॒ रुश॑ता॒ स्वङ्ग॒ आ जा॒तो विश्वा॒ सद्मा॑न्यप्राः ॥ १०.००१.०१
ṛgvedaḥ maṇḍalaṃ 10
agre̍ bṛ̱hannu̱ṣasā̍mū̱rdhvo a̍sthānnirjaga̱nvāntama̍so̱ jyoti̱ṣāgā̍t .
a̱gnirbhā̱nunā̱ ruśa̍tā̱ svaṅga̱ ā jā̱to viśvā̱ sadmā̍nyaprāḥ .. 10.001.01
1. HIGH hath the Mighty risen before the dawning, and come to us with light from out the darkness.
Fair-shapen Agni with white-shining splendour hath filled at birth all human habitations.
Sloka : 10.1.2
स जा॒तो गर्भो॑ असि॒ रोद॑स्यो॒रग्ने॒ चारु॒र्विभृ॑त॒ ओष॑धीषु ।
चि॒त्रः शिशुः॒ परि॒ तमां॑स्य॒क्तून्प्र मा॒तृभ्यो॒ अधि॒ कनि॑क्रदद्गाः ॥ १०.००१.०२
sa jā̱to garbho̍ asi̱ roda̍syo̱ragne̱ cāru̱rvibhṛ̍ta̱ oṣa̍dhīṣu .
ci̱traḥ śiśu̱ḥ pari̱ tamā̍ṃsya̱ktūnpra mā̱tṛbhyo̱ adhi̱ kani̍kradadgāḥ .. 10.001.02
2 Thou, being born, art Child of Earth and Heaven, parted among the plants in beauty, Agni!
The glooms of night thou, Brilliant Babe, subduest, and art come forth, loud roaring, from thy Mothers.
Sloka : 10.1.3
विष्णु॑रि॒त्था प॑र॒मम॑स्य वि॒द्वाञ्जा॒तो बृ॒हन्न॒भि पा॑ति तृ॒तीय॑म् ।
आ॒सा यद॑स्य॒ पयो॒ अक्र॑त॒ स्वं सचे॑तसो अ॒भ्य॑र्च॒न्त्यत्र॑ ॥ १०.००१.०३
viṣṇu̍ri̱tthā pa̍ra̱mama̍sya vi̱dvāñjā̱to bṛ̱hanna̱bhi pā̍ti tṛ̱tīya̍m .
ā̱sā yada̍sya̱ payo̱ akra̍ta̱ svaṃ sace̍taso a̱bhya̍rca̱ntyatra̍ .. 10.001.03
3 Here, being manifested, lofty Viṣṇu, full wise, protects his own supremest station.
When they have offered in his mouth their sweet milk, to him with one accord they sing forth praises.
Sloka : 10.1.4
अत॑ उ त्वा पितु॒भृतो॒ जनि॑त्रीरन्ना॒वृधं॒ प्रति॑ चर॒न्त्यन्नैः॑ ।
ता ईं॒ प्रत्ये॑षि॒ पुन॑र॒न्यरू॑पा॒ असि॒ त्वं वि॒क्षु मानु॑षीषु॒ होता॑ ॥ १०.००१.०४
ata̍ u tvā pitu̱bhṛto̱ jani̍trīrannā̱vṛdha̱ṃ prati̍ cara̱ntyannai̍ḥ .
tā ī̱ṃ pratye̍ṣi̱ puna̍ra̱nyarū̍pā̱ asi̱ tvaṃ vi̱kṣu mānu̍ṣīṣu̱ hotā̍ .. 10.001.04
4 Thence bearing food the Mothers come to meet thee, with food for thee who givest food its increase.
These in their altered form again thou meetest. Thou art Invoking Priest in homes of mortals.
Sloka : 10.1.5
होता॑रं चि॒त्रर॑थमध्व॒रस्य॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॑यज्ञस्य के॒तुं रुश॑न्तम् ।
प्रत्य॑र्धिं दे॒वस्य॑देवस्य म॒ह्ना श्रि॒या त्व१॒॑ग्निमति॑थिं॒ जना॑नाम् ॥ १०.००१.०५
hotā̍raṃ ci̱trara̍thamadhva̱rasya̍ ya̱jñasya̍yajñasya ke̱tuṃ ruśa̍ntam .
pratya̍rdhiṃ de̱vasya̍devasya ma̱hnā śri̱yā tva1̱̍gnimati̍thi̱ṃ janā̍nām .. 10.001.05
5 Priest of the holy rite, with car that glitters, refulgent Banner of each act of worship,
Sharinging every God through might and glory, even Agni Guest of men I summon hither.
Sloka : 10.1.6
स तु वस्त्रा॒ण्यध॒ पेश॑नानि॒ वसा॑नो अ॒ग्निर्नाभा॑ पृथि॒व्याः ।
अ॒रु॒षो जा॒तः प॒द इळा॑याः पु॒रोहि॑तो राजन्यक्षी॒ह दे॒वान् ॥ १०.००१.०६
sa tu vastrā̱ṇyadha̱ peśa̍nāni̱ vasā̍no a̱gnirnābhā̍ pṛthi̱vyāḥ .
a̱ru̱ṣo jā̱taḥ pa̱da il̤ā̍yāḥ pu̱rohi̍to rājanyakṣī̱ha de̱vān .. 10.001.06
6 So Agni stands on earth's most central station, invested in well-decorated garments.
Born, red of hue, where men pour out libations, O King, as great High Priest bring the Gods hither.
Sloka : 10.1.7
आ हि द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॑ग्न उ॒भे सदा॑ पु॒त्रो न मा॒तरा॑ त॒तन्थ॑ ।
प्र या॒ह्यच्छो॑श॒तो य॑वि॒ष्ठाथा व॑ह सहस्ये॒ह दे॒वान् ॥ १०.००१.०७
ā hi dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̍gna u̱bhe sadā̍ pu̱tro na mā̱tarā̍ ta̱tantha̍ .
pra yā̱hyaccho̍śa̱to ya̍vi̱ṣṭhāthā va̍ha sahasye̱ha de̱vān .. 10.001.07
7 Over the earth and over heaven, O Agni, thou, Son, hast ever spread above thy Parents.
Come, Youthfullest! to those who long to meet thee, and hither bring the Gods, O Mighty Victor.
Sloka : 10.2.1
पि॒प्री॒हि दे॒वाँ उ॑श॒तो य॑विष्ठ वि॒द्वाँ ऋ॒तूँरृ॑तुपते यजे॒ह ।
ये दैव्या॑ ऋ॒त्विज॒स्तेभि॑रग्ने॒ त्वं होतॄ॑णाम॒स्याय॑जिष्ठः ॥ १०.००२.०१
pi̱prī̱hi de̱vām̐ u̍śa̱to ya̍viṣṭha vi̱dvām̐ ṛ̱tūm̐rṛ̍tupate yaje̱ha .
ye daivyā̍ ṛ̱tvija̱stebhi̍ragne̱ tvaṃ hotṝ̍ṇāma̱syāya̍jiṣṭhaḥ .. 10.002.01
1. GLADDEN the yearning Gods, O thou Most Youthful:- bring them, O Lord of Seasons, knowing seasons,
With all the Priests Celestial, O Agni. Best worshipper art thou of all Invokers.
Sloka : 10.2.2
वेषि॑ हो॒त्रमु॒त पो॒त्रं जना॑नां मन्धा॒तासि॑ द्रविणो॒दा ऋ॒तावा॑ ।
स्वाहा॑ व॒यं कृ॒णवा॑मा ह॒वींषि॑ दे॒वो दे॒वान्य॑जत्व॒ग्निरर्ह॑न् ॥ १०.००२.०२
veṣi̍ ho̱tramu̱ta po̱traṃ janā̍nāṃ mandhā̱tāsi̍ draviṇo̱dā ṛ̱tāvā̍ .
svāhā̍ va̱yaṃ kṛ̱ṇavā̍mā ha̱vīṃṣi̍ de̱vo de̱vānya̍jatva̱gnirarha̍n .. 10.002.02
2 Thine is the Herald's, thine the Cleanser's office, thinker art thou, wealth-giver, true to Order.
Let us with Svāhā offer up oblations, and Agni, worthy God, pay the Gods worship.
Sloka : 10.2.3
आ दे॒वाना॒मपि॒ पन्था॑मगन्म॒ यच्छ॒क्नवा॑म॒ तदनु॒ प्रवो॑ळ्हुम् ।
अ॒ग्निर्वि॒द्वान्स य॑जा॒त्सेदु॒ होता॒ सो अ॑ध्व॒रान्स ऋ॒तून्क॑ल्पयाति ॥ १०.००२.०३
ā de̱vānā̱mapi̱ panthā̍maganma̱ yaccha̱knavā̍ma̱ tadanu̱ pravo̍l̤hum .
a̱gnirvi̱dvānsa ya̍jā̱tsedu̱ hotā̱ so a̍dhva̱rānsa ṛ̱tūnka̍lpayāti .. 10.002.03
3 To the Gods pathway have we travelled, ready to execute what work we may accomplish.
Let Agni, for he knows, complete the worship. He is the Priest:- let him fix rites and seasons.
Sloka : 10.2.4
यद्वो॑ व॒यं प्र॑मि॒नाम॑ व्र॒तानि॑ वि॒दुषां॑ देवा॒ अवि॑दुष्टरासः ।
अ॒ग्निष्टद्विश्व॒मा पृ॑णाति वि॒द्वान्येभि॑र्दे॒वाँ ऋ॒तुभिः॑ क॒ल्पया॑ति ॥ १०.००२.०४
yadvo̍ va̱yaṃ pra̍mi̱nāma̍ vra̱tāni̍ vi̱duṣā̍ṃ devā̱ avi̍duṣṭarāsaḥ .
a̱gniṣṭadviśva̱mā pṛ̍ṇāti vi̱dvānyebhi̍rde̱vām̐ ṛ̱tubhi̍ḥ ka̱lpayā̍ti .. 10.002.04
4 When we most ignorant neglect the statutes of you, O Deities with whom is knowledge,
Wise Agni shall correct our faults and failings, skilled to assign each God his fitting season.
Sloka : 10.2.5
यत्पा॑क॒त्रा मन॑सा दी॒नद॑क्षा॒ न य॒ज्ञस्य॑ मन्व॒ते मर्त्या॑सः ।
अ॒ग्निष्टद्धोता॑ क्रतु॒विद्वि॑जा॒नन्यजि॑ष्ठो दे॒वाँ ऋ॑तु॒शो य॑जाति ॥ १०.००२.०५
yatpā̍ka̱trā mana̍sā dī̱nada̍kṣā̱ na ya̱jñasya̍ manva̱te martyā̍saḥ .
a̱gniṣṭaddhotā̍ kratu̱vidvi̍jā̱nanyaji̍ṣṭho de̱vām̐ ṛ̍tu̱śo ya̍jāti .. 10.002.05
5 When, weak in mind, of feeble understanding, mortals bethink them not of sacrificing,
Then shall the prudent and discerning Agni worship the Gods, best worshipper, in season.
Sloka : 10.2.6
विश्वे॑षां॒ ह्य॑ध्व॒राणा॒मनी॑कं चि॒त्रं के॒तुं जनि॑ता त्वा ज॒जान॑ ।
स आ य॑जस्व नृ॒वती॒रनु॒ क्षाः स्पा॒र्हा इषः॑ क्षु॒मती॑र्वि॒श्वज॑न्याः ॥ १०.००२.०६
viśve̍ṣā̱ṃ hya̍dhva̱rāṇā̱manī̍kaṃ ci̱traṃ ke̱tuṃ jani̍tā tvā ja̱jāna̍ .
sa ā ya̍jasva nṛ̱vatī̱ranu̱ kṣāḥ spā̱rhā iṣa̍ḥ kṣu̱matī̍rvi̱śvaja̍nyāḥ .. 10.002.06
6 Because the Father hath produced thee, Leader of all our solemn rites, their brilliant Banner:-
So win by worship pleasant homes abounding in heroes, and rich food to nourish all men.
Sloka : 10.2.7
यं त्वा॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी यं त्वाप॒स्त्वष्टा॒ यं त्वा॑ सु॒जनि॑मा ज॒जान॑ ।
पन्था॒मनु॑ प्रवि॒द्वान्पि॑तृ॒याणं॑ द्यु॒मद॑ग्ने समिधा॒नो वि भा॑हि ॥ १०.००२.०७
yaṃ tvā̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī yaṃ tvāpa̱stvaṣṭā̱ yaṃ tvā̍ su̱jani̍mā ja̱jāna̍ .
panthā̱manu̍ pravi̱dvānpi̍tṛ̱yāṇa̍ṃ dyu̱mada̍gne samidhā̱no vi bhā̍hi .. 10.002.07
7 Thou whom the Heaven and Earth, thou whom the Waters, and Tvaṣṭar, maker of fair things, created,
Well knowing, all along the Fathers' pathway, shine with resplendent light, enkindled, Agni.
Sloka : 10.3.1
इ॒नो रा॑जन्नर॒तिः समि॑द्धो॒ रौद्रो॒ दक्षा॑य सुषु॒माँ अ॑दर्शि ।
चि॒किद्वि भा॑ति भा॒सा बृ॑ह॒तासि॑क्नीमेति॒ रुश॑तीम॒पाज॑न् ॥ १०.००३.०१
i̱no rā̍jannara̱tiḥ sami̍ddho̱ raudro̱ dakṣā̍ya suṣu̱mām̐ a̍darśi .
ci̱kidvi bhā̍ti bhā̱sā bṛ̍ha̱tāsi̍knīmeti̱ ruśa̍tīma̱pāja̍n .. 10.003.01
1. O KING, the potent and terrific envoy, kindled for strength, is manifest in beauty.
He shines, all-knowing, with his lotty splendour:- chasing black Night he comes with white-rayed Morning.
Sloka : 10.3.2
कृ॒ष्णां यदेनी॑म॒भि वर्प॑सा॒ भूज्ज॒नय॒न्योषां॑ बृह॒तः पि॒तुर्जाम् ।
ऊ॒र्ध्वं भा॒नुं सूर्य॑स्य स्तभा॒यन्दि॒वो वसु॑भिरर॒तिर्वि भा॑ति ॥ १०.००३.०२
kṛ̱ṣṇāṃ yadenī̍ma̱bhi varpa̍sā̱ bhūjja̱naya̱nyoṣā̍ṃ bṛha̱taḥ pi̱turjām .
ū̱rdhvaṃ bhā̱nuṃ sūrya̍sya stabhā̱yandi̱vo vasu̍bhirara̱tirvi bhā̍ti .. 10.003.02
2 Having oercome the glimmering Black with beauty, and bringing forth the dame the Great Sire's Daughter,
Holding aloft the radiant light of Sūrya, as messenger of heaven he shines with treasures.
Sloka : 10.3.3
भ॒द्रो भ॒द्रया॒ सच॑मान॒ आगा॒त्स्वसा॑रं जा॒रो अ॒भ्ये॑ति प॒श्चात् ।
सु॒प्र॒के॒तैर्द्युभि॑र॒ग्निर्वि॒तिष्ठ॒न्रुश॑द्भि॒र्वर्णै॑र॒भि रा॒मम॑स्थात् ॥ १०.००३.०३
bha̱dro bha̱drayā̱ saca̍māna̱ āgā̱tsvasā̍raṃ jā̱ro a̱bhye̍ti pa̱ścāt .
su̱pra̱ke̱tairdyubhi̍ra̱gnirvi̱tiṣṭha̱nruśa̍dbhi̱rvarṇai̍ra̱bhi rā̱mama̍sthāt .. 10.003.03
3 Attendant on the Blessed Dame the Blessed hath come:- the Lover followeth his Sister.
Agni, far-spreading with conspicuous lustre, hath compassed Night with whitelyshining garments.
Sloka : 10.3.4
अ॒स्य यामा॑सो बृह॒तो न व॒ग्नूनिन्धा॑ना अ॒ग्नेः सख्युः॑ शि॒वस्य॑ ।
ईड्य॑स्य॒ वृष्णो॑ बृह॒तः स्वासो॒ भामा॑सो॒ याम॑न्न॒क्तव॑श्चिकित्रे ॥ १०.००३.०४
a̱sya yāmā̍so bṛha̱to na va̱gnūnindhā̍nā a̱gneḥ sakhyu̍ḥ śi̱vasya̍ .
īḍya̍sya̱ vṛṣṇo̍ bṛha̱taḥ svāso̱ bhāmā̍so̱ yāma̍nna̱ktava̍ścikitre .. 10.003.04
4 His goings-forth kindle as twere high voices the goings of the auspicious Friend of Agni.
The rays, the bright beams of the strong-jawed, mighty, adorable Steer are visible as he cometh.
Sloka : 10.3.5
स्व॒ना न यस्य॒ भामा॑सः॒ पव॑न्ते॒ रोच॑मानस्य बृह॒तः सु॒दिवः॑ ।
ज्येष्ठे॑भि॒र्यस्तेजि॑ष्ठैः क्रीळु॒मद्भि॒र्वर्षि॑ष्ठेभिर्भा॒नुभि॒र्नक्ष॑ति॒ द्याम् ॥ १०.००३.०५
sva̱nā na yasya̱ bhāmā̍sa̱ḥ pava̍nte̱ roca̍mānasya bṛha̱taḥ su̱diva̍ḥ .
jyeṣṭhe̍bhi̱ryasteji̍ṣṭhaiḥ krīl̤u̱madbhi̱rvarṣi̍ṣṭhebhirbhā̱nubhi̱rnakṣa̍ti̱ dyām .. 10.003.05
5 Whose radiant splendours flow, like sounds, about us, his who is lofty, brilliant, and effulgent,
Who reaches heaven with best and brightest lustres, sportive and piercing even to the summit.
Sloka : 10.3.6
अ॒स्य शुष्मा॑सो ददृशा॒नप॑वे॒र्जेह॑मानस्य स्वनयन्नि॒युद्भिः॑ ।
प्र॒त्नेभि॒र्यो रुश॑द्भिर्दे॒वत॑मो॒ वि रेभ॑द्भिरर॒तिर्भाति॒ विभ्वा॑ ॥ १०.००३.०६
a̱sya śuṣmā̍so dadṛśā̱napa̍ve̱rjeha̍mānasya svanayanni̱yudbhi̍ḥ .
pra̱tnebhi̱ryo ruśa̍dbhirde̱vata̍mo̱ vi rebha̍dbhirara̱tirbhāti̱ vibhvā̍ .. 10.003.06
6 His powers, whose chariot fellies gleam and glitter have loudly roared while, as with teams, he hasted.
He, the most Godlike, far-extending envoy, shines with flames ancient, resonant, whitely-shining.
Sloka : 10.3.7
स आ व॑क्षि॒ महि॑ न॒ आ च॑ सत्सि दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्योर॑र॒तिर्यु॑व॒त्योः ।
अ॒ग्निः सु॒तुकः॑ सु॒तुके॑भि॒रश्वै॒ रभ॑स्वद्भी॒ रभ॑स्वा॒ँ एह ग॑म्याः ॥ १०.००३.०७
sa ā va̍kṣi̱ mahi̍ na̱ ā ca̍ satsi di̱vaspṛ̍thi̱vyora̍ra̱tiryu̍va̱tyoḥ .
a̱gniḥ su̱tuka̍ḥ su̱tuke̍bhi̱raśvai̱ rabha̍svadbhī̱ rabha̍svā̱m̐ eha ga̍myāḥ .. 10.003.07
7 So bring us ample wealth:- seat thee as envoy of the two youthful Matrons, Earth and Heaven.
Let Agni rapid with his rapid, horses, impetuous with impetuous Steeds, come hither.
Sloka : 10.4.1
प्र ते॑ यक्षि॒ प्र त॑ इयर्मि॒ मन्म॒ भुवो॒ यथा॒ वन्द्यो॑ नो॒ हवे॑षु ।
धन्व॑न्निव प्र॒पा अ॑सि॒ त्वम॑ग्न इय॒क्षवे॑ पू॒रवे॑ प्रत्न राजन् ॥ १०.००४.०१
pra te̍ yakṣi̱ pra ta̍ iyarmi̱ manma̱ bhuvo̱ yathā̱ vandyo̍ no̱ have̍ṣu .
dhanva̍nniva pra̱pā a̍si̱ tvama̍gna iya̱kṣave̍ pū̱rave̍ pratna rājan .. 10.004.01
1. To thee will send praise and bring oblation, as thou hast merited lauds when we invoked thee.
A fountain in the desert art thou, Agni, O Ancient King, to man who fain would worship,
Sloka : 10.4.2
यं त्वा॒ जना॑सो अ॒भि सं॒चर॑न्ति॒ गाव॑ उ॒ष्णमि॑व व्र॒जं य॑विष्ठ ।
दू॒तो दे॒वाना॑मसि॒ मर्त्या॑नाम॒न्तर्म॒हाँश्च॑रसि रोच॒नेन॑ ॥ १०.००४.०२
yaṃ tvā̱ janā̍so a̱bhi sa̱ṃcara̍nti̱ gāva̍ u̱ṣṇami̍va vra̱jaṃ ya̍viṣṭha .
dū̱to de̱vānā̍masi̱ martyā̍nāma̱ntarma̱hām̐śca̍rasi roca̱nena̍ .. 10.004.02
2 Thou unto whom resort the gathered people, as the kine seek the warm stall, O Most Youthful.
Thou art the messenger of Gods and mortals, and goest glorious with thy light between them.
Sloka : 10.4.3
शिशुं॒ न त्वा॒ जेन्यं॑ व॒र्धय॑न्ती मा॒ता बि॑भर्ति सचन॒स्यमा॑ना ।
धनो॒रधि॑ प्र॒वता॑ यासि॒ हर्य॒ञ्जिगी॑षसे प॒शुरि॒वाव॑सृष्टः ॥ १०.००४.०३
śiśu̱ṃ na tvā̱ jenya̍ṃ va̱rdhaya̍ntī mā̱tā bi̍bharti sacana̱syamā̍nā .
dhano̱radhi̍ pra̱vatā̍ yāsi̱ harya̱ñjigī̍ṣase pa̱śuri̱vāva̍sṛṣṭaḥ .. 10.004.03
3 Making thee grow as twere some noble infant, thy Mother nurtures thee with sweet affection.
Over the desert slopes thou passest longing, and seekest, like some beast set free, thy fodder.
Sloka : 10.4.4
मू॒रा अ॑मूर॒ न व॒यं चि॑कित्वो महि॒त्वम॑ग्ने॒ त्वम॒ङ्ग वि॑त्से ।
शये॑ व॒व्रिश्चर॑ति जि॒ह्वया॒दन्रे॑रि॒ह्यते॑ युव॒तिं वि॒श्पतिः॒ सन् ॥ १०.००४.०४
mū̱rā a̍mūra̱ na va̱yaṃ ci̍kitvo mahi̱tvama̍gne̱ tvama̱ṅga vi̍tse .
śaye̍ va̱vriścara̍ti ji̱hvayā̱danre̍ri̱hyate̍ yuva̱tiṃ vi̱śpati̱ḥ san .. 10.004.04
4 Foolish are we, O Wise and free from error:- verily, Agni, thou dost know thy grandeur.
There lies the form:- he moves and licks, and swallows, and, as House-Lord, kisses the Youthful Maiden.
Sloka : 10.4.5
कूचि॑ज्जायते॒ सन॑यासु॒ नव्यो॒ वने॑ तस्थौ पलि॒तो धू॒मके॑तुः ।
अ॒स्ना॒तापो॑ वृष॒भो न प्र वे॑ति॒ सचे॑तसो॒ यं प्र॒णय॑न्त॒ मर्ताः॑ ॥ १०.००४.०५
kūci̍jjāyate̱ sana̍yāsu̱ navyo̱ vane̍ tasthau pali̱to dhū̱make̍tuḥ .
a̱snā̱tāpo̍ vṛṣa̱bho na pra ve̍ti̱ sace̍taso̱ yaṃ pra̱ṇaya̍nta̱ martā̍ḥ .. 10.004.05
5 He rises ever fresh in ancient fuel:- smoke-bannered, gray, he makes the wood his dwelling.
No swimmer, Steer, he presses through the waters, and to his place accordant mortals bear him.
Sloka : 10.4.6
त॒नू॒त्यजे॑व॒ तस्क॑रा वन॒र्गू र॑श॒नाभि॑र्द॒शभि॑र॒भ्य॑धीताम् ।
इ॒यं ते॑ अग्ने॒ नव्य॑सी मनी॒षा यु॒क्ष्वा रथं॒ न शु॒चय॑द्भि॒रङ्गैः॑ ॥ १०.००४.०६
ta̱nū̱tyaje̍va̱ taska̍rā vana̱rgū ra̍śa̱nābhi̍rda̱śabhi̍ra̱bhya̍dhītām .
i̱yaṃ te̍ agne̱ navya̍sī manī̱ṣā yu̱kṣvā ratha̱ṃ na śu̱caya̍dbhi̱raṅgai̍ḥ .. 10.004.06
6 Like thieves who risk their lives and haunt the forest, the twain with their ten girdles have secured him.
This is a new hymn meant for thee, O Agni:- yoke as it were thy car with parts that glitter.
Sloka : 10.4.7
ब्रह्म॑ च ते जातवेदो॒ नम॑श्चे॒यं च॒ गीः सद॒मिद्वर्ध॑नी भूत् ।
रक्षा॑ णो अग्ने॒ तन॑यानि तो॒का रक्षो॒त न॑स्त॒न्वो॒३॒॑ अप्र॑युच्छन् ॥ १०.००४.०७
brahma̍ ca te jātavedo̱ nama̍śce̱yaṃ ca̱ gīḥ sada̱midvardha̍nī bhūt .
rakṣā̍ ṇo agne̱ tana̍yāni to̱kā rakṣo̱ta na̍sta̱nvo̱3̱̍ apra̍yucchan .. 10.004.07
7 Homage and prayer are thine, O Jātavedas, and this my song shall evermore exalt thee.
Agni, protect our children and descendants, and guard with ever-watcliful care our bodies.
Sloka : 10.5.1
एकः॑ समु॒द्रो ध॒रुणो॑ रयी॒णाम॒स्मद्धृ॒दो भूरि॑जन्मा॒ वि च॑ष्टे ।
सिष॒क्त्यूध॑र्नि॒ण्योरु॒पस्थ॒ उत्स॑स्य॒ मध्ये॒ निहि॑तं प॒दं वेः ॥ १०.००५.०१
eka̍ḥ samu̱dro dha̱ruṇo̍ rayī̱ṇāma̱smaddhṛ̱do bhūri̍janmā̱ vi ca̍ṣṭe .
siṣa̱ktyūdha̍rni̱ṇyoru̱pastha̱ utsa̍sya̱ madhye̱ nihi̍taṃ pa̱daṃ veḥ .. 10.005.01
1. HE only is the Sea, holder of treasures:- born many a time he views the hearts within us.
He hides him in the secret couple's bosom. The Bird dwells in the middle of the fountain.
Sloka : 10.5.2
स॒मा॒नं नी॒ळं वृष॑णो॒ वसा॑नाः॒ सं ज॑ग्मिरे महि॒षा अर्व॑तीभिः ।
ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒दं क॒वयो॒ नि पा॑न्ति॒ गुहा॒ नामा॑नि दधिरे॒ परा॑णि ॥ १०.००५.०२
sa̱mā̱naṃ nī̱l̤aṃ vṛṣa̍ṇo̱ vasā̍nā̱ḥ saṃ ja̍gmire mahi̱ṣā arva̍tībhiḥ .
ṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱daṃ ka̱vayo̱ ni pā̍nti̱ guhā̱ nāmā̍ni dadhire̱ parā̍ṇi .. 10.005.02
2 Inhabiting one dwelling-place in common, strong Stallions and the Mares have come together.
The sages guard the seat of Holy Order, and keep the highest names concealed within them.
Sloka : 10.5.3
ऋ॒ता॒यिनी॑ मा॒यिनी॒ सं द॑धाते मि॒त्वा शिशुं॑ जज्ञतुर्व॒र्धय॑न्ती ।
विश्व॑स्य॒ नाभिं॒ चर॑तो ध्रु॒वस्य॑ क॒वेश्चि॒त्तन्तुं॒ मन॑सा वि॒यन्तः॑ ॥ १०.००५.०३
ṛ̱tā̱yinī̍ mā̱yinī̱ saṃ da̍dhāte mi̱tvā śiśu̍ṃ jajñaturva̱rdhaya̍ntī .
viśva̍sya̱ nābhi̱ṃ cara̍to dhru̱vasya̍ ka̱veści̱ttantu̱ṃ mana̍sā vi̱yanta̍ḥ .. 10.005.03
3 The Holy Pair, of wondrous power, have coupled:- they formed the Infant, they who bred produced him.
The central point of all that moves and moves not, the while they wove the Sage's thread with insight
Sloka : 10.5.4
ऋ॒तस्य॒ हि व॑र्त॒नयः॒ सुजा॑त॒मिषो॒ वाजा॑य प्र॒दिवः॒ सच॑न्ते ।
अ॒धी॒वा॒सं रोद॑सी वावसा॒ने घृ॒तैरन्नै॑र्वावृधाते॒ मधू॑नाम् ॥ १०.००५.०४
ṛ̱tasya̱ hi va̍rta̱naya̱ḥ sujā̍ta̱miṣo̱ vājā̍ya pra̱diva̱ḥ saca̍nte .
a̱dhī̱vā̱saṃ roda̍sī vāvasā̱ne ghṛ̱tairannai̍rvāvṛdhāte̱ madhū̍nām .. 10.005.04
4 For tracks of Order and refreshing viands attend from ancient times the goodly Infant.
Wearing him as a mantle, Earth and Heaven grow strong by food of pleasant drink and fatness.
Sloka : 10.5.5
स॒प्त स्वसॄ॒ररु॑षीर्वावशा॒नो वि॒द्वान्मध्व॒ उज्ज॑भारा दृ॒शे कम् ।
अ॒न्तर्ये॑मे अ॒न्तरि॑क्षे पुरा॒जा इ॒च्छन्व॒व्रिम॑विदत्पूष॒णस्य॑ ॥ १०.००५.०५
sa̱pta svasṝ̱raru̍ṣīrvāvaśā̱no vi̱dvānmadhva̱ ujja̍bhārā dṛ̱śe kam .
a̱ntarye̍me a̱ntari̍kṣe purā̱jā i̱cchanva̱vrima̍vidatpūṣa̱ṇasya̍ .. 10.005.05
5 He, calling loudly to the Seven red Sisters, hath, skilled in sweet drink, brought them to be looked on.
He, born of old, in middle air hath halted, and sought and found the covering robe of Pūṣan.
Sloka : 10.5.6
स॒प्त म॒र्यादाः॑ क॒वय॑स्ततक्षु॒स्तासा॒मेका॒मिद॒भ्यं॑हु॒रो गा॑त् ।
आ॒योर्ह॑ स्क॒म्भ उ॑प॒मस्य॑ नी॒ळे प॒थां वि॑स॒र्गे ध॒रुणे॑षु तस्थौ ॥ १०.००५.०६
sa̱pta ma̱ryādā̍ḥ ka̱vaya̍statakṣu̱stāsā̱mekā̱mida̱bhya̍ṃhu̱ro gā̍t .
ā̱yorha̍ ska̱mbha u̍pa̱masya̍ nī̱l̤e pa̱thāṃ vi̍sa̱rge dha̱ruṇe̍ṣu tasthau .. 10.005.06
6 Seven are the pathways which the wise have fashioned; to one of these may come the troubled mortal.
He standeth in the dwelling of the Highest, a Pillar, on sure ground where paths are parted.
Sloka : 10.5.7
अस॑च्च॒ सच्च॑ पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न्दक्ष॑स्य॒ जन्म॒न्नदि॑तेरु॒पस्थे॑ ।
अ॒ग्निर्ह॑ नः प्रथम॒जा ऋ॒तस्य॒ पूर्व॒ आयु॑नि वृष॒भश्च॑ धे॒नुः ॥ १०.००५.०७
asa̍cca̱ sacca̍ para̱me vyo̍ma̱ndakṣa̍sya̱ janma̱nnadi̍teru̱pasthe̍ .
a̱gnirha̍ naḥ prathama̱jā ṛ̱tasya̱ pūrva̱ āyu̍ni vṛṣa̱bhaśca̍ dhe̱nuḥ .. 10.005.07
7 Not Being, Being in the highest heaven, in Aditi's bosom and in Dakṣa's birthplace,
Is Agni, our first-born of Holy Order, the Milch-cow and the Bull in life's beginning.
Sloka : 10.6.1
अ॒यं स यस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नवो॑भिर॒ग्नेरेध॑ते जरि॒ताभिष्टौ॑ ।
ज्येष्ठे॑भि॒र्यो भा॒नुभि॑रृषू॒णां प॒र्येति॒ परि॑वीतो वि॒भावा॑ ॥ १०.००६.०१
a̱yaṃ sa yasya̱ śarma̱nnavo̍bhira̱gneredha̍te jari̱tābhiṣṭau̍ .
jyeṣṭhe̍bhi̱ryo bhā̱nubhi̍rṛṣū̱ṇāṃ pa̱ryeti̱ pari̍vīto vi̱bhāvā̍ .. 10.006.01
1. THIS is that Agni, he by whose protection, favour, and help. the singer is successful;
Who with the noblest flames of glowing fuel comes forth encompassed with far-spreading lustre.
Sloka : 10.6.2
यो भा॒नुभि॑र्वि॒भावा॑ वि॒भात्य॒ग्निर्दे॒वेभि॑रृ॒तावाज॑स्रः ।
आ यो वि॒वाय॑ स॒ख्या सखि॒भ्योऽप॑रिह्वृतो॒ अत्यो॒ न सप्तिः॑ ॥ १०.००६.०२
yo bhā̱nubhi̍rvi̱bhāvā̍ vi̱bhātya̱gnirde̱vebhi̍rṛ̱tāvāja̍sraḥ .
ā yo vi̱vāya̍ sa̱khyā sakhi̱bhyo'pa̍rihvṛto̱ atyo̱ na sapti̍ḥ .. 10.006.02
2 Agni, the Holy One, the everlasting, who shines far beaming with celestial splendours;
He who hath come unto his friends with friendship, like a fleet steed who never trips or stumbles.
Sloka : 10.6.3
ईशे॒ यो विश्व॑स्या दे॒ववी॑ते॒रीशे॑ वि॒श्वायु॑रु॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ ।
आ यस्मि॑न्म॒ना ह॒वींष्य॒ग्नावरि॑ष्टरथः स्क॒भ्नाति॑ शू॒षैः ॥ १०.००६.०३
īśe̱ yo viśva̍syā de̱vavī̍te̱rīśe̍ vi̱śvāyu̍ru̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭau .
ā yasmi̍nma̱nā ha̱vīṃṣya̱gnāvari̍ṣṭarathaḥ ska̱bhnāti̍ śū̱ṣaiḥ .. 10.006.03
3 He who is Lord of all divine oblation, shared by all living men at break of morning,
Agni to whom our offerings are devoted, in whom rests he whose car, through might, is scatheless.
Sloka : 10.6.4
शू॒षेभि॑र्वृ॒धो जु॑षा॒णो अ॒र्कैर्दे॒वाँ अच्छा॑ रघु॒पत्वा॑ जिगाति ।
म॒न्द्रो होता॒ स जु॒ह्वा॒३॒॑ यजि॑ष्ठः॒ सम्मि॑श्लो अ॒ग्निरा जि॑घर्ति दे॒वान् ॥ १०.००६.०४
śū̱ṣebhi̍rvṛ̱dho ju̍ṣā̱ṇo a̱rkairde̱vām̐ acchā̍ raghu̱patvā̍ jigāti .
ma̱ndro hotā̱ sa ju̱hvā̱3̱̍ yaji̍ṣṭha̱ḥ sammi̍ślo a̱gnirā ji̍gharti de̱vān .. 10.006.04
4 Increasing by his strength. while lauds content him, with easy flight unto the Gods he travels.
Agni the cheerful Priest, best Sacrificer, balms with his tongue the Gods with whom he mingles.
Sloka : 10.6.5
तमु॒स्रामिन्द्रं॒ न रेज॑मानम॒ग्निं गी॒र्भिर्नमो॑भि॒रा कृ॑णुध्वम् ।
आ यं विप्रा॑सो म॒तिभि॑र्गृ॒णन्ति॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं जु॒ह्वं॑ स॒हाना॑म् ॥ १०.००६.०५
tamu̱srāmindra̱ṃ na reja̍mānama̱gniṃ gī̱rbhirnamo̍bhi̱rā kṛ̍ṇudhvam .
ā yaṃ viprā̍so ma̱tibhi̍rgṛ̱ṇanti̍ jā̱tave̍dasaṃ ju̱hva̍ṃ sa̱hānā̍m .. 10.006.05
5 With songs and adorations bring ye hither Agni who stirs himself at dawn like Indra,
Whom sages laud with hymns as Jātavedas of those who wield the sacrificial ladle.
Sloka : 10.6.6
सं यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॒ वसू॑नि ज॒ग्मुर्वाजे॒ नाश्वाः॒ सप्ती॑वन्त॒ एवैः॑ ।
अ॒स्मे ऊ॒तीरिन्द्र॑वाततमा अर्वाची॒ना अ॑ग्न॒ आ कृ॑णुष्व ॥ १०.००६.०६
saṃ yasmi̱nviśvā̱ vasū̍ni ja̱gmurvāje̱ nāśvā̱ḥ saptī̍vanta̱ evai̍ḥ .
a̱sme ū̱tīrindra̍vātatamā arvācī̱nā a̍gna̱ ā kṛ̍ṇuṣva .. 10.006.06
6 In whom all goodly treasures meet together, even as steeds and riders for the booty.
Inclining hither bring us help, O Agni, even assistance most desired by Indra.
Sloka : 10.6.7
अधा॒ ह्य॑ग्ने म॒ह्ना नि॒षद्या॑ स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो हव्यो॑ ब॒भूथ॑ ।
तं ते॑ दे॒वासो॒ अनु॒ केत॑माय॒न्नधा॑वर्धन्त प्रथ॒मास॒ ऊमाः॑ ॥ १०.००६.०७
adhā̱ hya̍gne ma̱hnā ni̱ṣadyā̍ sa̱dyo ja̍jñā̱no havyo̍ ba̱bhūtha̍ .
taṃ te̍ de̱vāso̱ anu̱ keta̍māya̱nnadhā̍vardhanta pratha̱māsa̱ ūmā̍ḥ .. 10.006.07
7 Yea, at thy birth, when thou hadst sat in glory, thou, Agni, wast the aim of invocations.
The Gods came near, obedient to thy sunimons, and thus attained their rank as chief Protectors.
Sloka : 10.7.1
स्व॒स्ति नो॑ दि॒वो अ॑ग्ने पृथि॒व्या वि॒श्वायु॑र्धेहि य॒जथा॑य देव ।
सचे॑महि॒ तव॑ दस्म प्रके॒तैरु॑रु॒ष्या ण॑ उ॒रुभि॑र्देव॒ शंसैः॑ ॥ १०.००७.०१
sva̱sti no̍ di̱vo a̍gne pṛthi̱vyā vi̱śvāyu̍rdhehi ya̱jathā̍ya deva .
sace̍mahi̱ tava̍ dasma prake̱tairu̍ru̱ṣyā ṇa̍ u̱rubhi̍rdeva̱ śaṃsai̍ḥ .. 10.007.01
1. O AGNI, shared by all men living bring us good luck for sacrifice from earth and heaven.
With us be thine intelligence, WonderWorker! Protect us, God, with thy far-reaching blessings.
Sloka : 10.7.2
इ॒मा अ॑ग्ने म॒तय॒स्तुभ्यं॑ जा॒ता गोभि॒रश्वै॑र॒भि गृ॑णन्ति॒ राधः॑ ।
य॒दा ते॒ मर्तो॒ अनु॒ भोग॒मान॒ड्वसो॒ दधा॑नो म॒तिभिः॑ सुजात ॥ १०.००७.०२
i̱mā a̍gne ma̱taya̱stubhya̍ṃ jā̱tā gobhi̱raśvai̍ra̱bhi gṛ̍ṇanti̱ rādha̍ḥ .
ya̱dā te̱ marto̱ anu̱ bhoga̱māna̱ḍvaso̱ dadhā̍no ma̱tibhi̍ḥ sujāta .. 10.007.02
2 These hymns brought forth for thee, O Agni, laud thee for bounteous gifts, with cattle and with horses.
Good Lord, when man from thee hath gained enjoyment, by hymns, O noblyborn, hath he obtained it.
Sloka : 10.7.3
अ॒ग्निं म॑न्ये पि॒तर॑म॒ग्निमा॒पिम॒ग्निं भ्रात॑रं॒ सद॒मित्सखा॑यम् ।
अ॒ग्नेरनी॑कं बृह॒तः स॑पर्यं दि॒वि शु॒क्रं य॑ज॒तं सूर्य॑स्य ॥ १०.००७.०३
a̱gniṃ ma̍nye pi̱tara̍ma̱gnimā̱pima̱gniṃ bhrāta̍ra̱ṃ sada̱mitsakhā̍yam .
a̱gneranī̍kaṃ bṛha̱taḥ sa̍paryaṃ di̱vi śu̱kraṃ ya̍ja̱taṃ sūrya̍sya .. 10.007.03
3 Agni I deem my Kinsman and my Father, count him my Brother and my Friend for ever.
I honour as the face of lofty Agni in heaven the bright and holy light of Sūrya.
Sloka : 10.7.4
सि॒ध्रा अ॑ग्ने॒ धियो॑ अ॒स्मे सनु॑त्री॒र्यं त्राय॑से॒ दम॒ आ नित्य॑होता ।
ऋ॒तावा॒ स रो॒हिद॑श्वः पुरु॒क्षुर्द्युभि॑रस्मा॒ अह॑भिर्वा॒मम॑स्तु ॥ १०.००७.०४
si̱dhrā a̍gne̱ dhiyo̍ a̱sme sanu̍trī̱ryaṃ trāya̍se̱ dama̱ ā nitya̍hotā .
ṛ̱tāvā̱ sa ro̱hida̍śvaḥ puru̱kṣurdyubhi̍rasmā̱ aha̍bhirvā̱mama̍stu .. 10.007.04
4 Effectual, Agni, are our prayers for profit. He whom, at home thou, Priest for ever, guardest
Is rich in food, drawn by red steeds, and holy:- by day and night to him shall all be pleasant.
Sloka : 10.7.5
द्युभि॑र्हि॒तं मि॒त्रमि॑व प्र॒योगं॑ प्र॒त्नमृ॒त्विज॑मध्व॒रस्य॑ जा॒रम् ।
बा॒हुभ्या॑म॒ग्निमा॒यवो॑ऽजनन्त वि॒क्षु होता॑रं॒ न्य॑सादयन्त ॥ १०.००७.०५
dyubhi̍rhi̱taṃ mi̱trami̍va pra̱yoga̍ṃ pra̱tnamṛ̱tvija̍madhva̱rasya̍ jā̱ram .
bā̱hubhyā̍ma̱gnimā̱yavo̎jananta vi̱kṣu hotā̍ra̱ṃ nya̍sādayanta .. 10.007.05
5 Men with their arms have generated Agni, helpful as some kind friend, adorned with splendours,
And stablished as Invoker mid the people the ancient Priest the sacrifice's lover.
Sloka : 10.7.6
स्व॒यं य॑जस्व दि॒वि दे॑व दे॒वान्किं ते॒ पाकः॑ कृणव॒दप्र॑चेताः ।
यथाय॑ज ऋ॒तुभि॑र्देव दे॒वाने॒वा य॑जस्व त॒न्वं॑ सुजात ॥ १०.००७.०६
sva̱yaṃ ya̍jasva di̱vi de̍va de̱vānkiṃ te̱ pāka̍ḥ kṛṇava̱dapra̍cetāḥ .
yathāya̍ja ṛ̱tubhi̍rdeva de̱vāne̱vā ya̍jasva ta̱nva̍ṃ sujāta .. 10.007.06
6 Worship, thyself, O God, the Gods in heaven:- what, void of knowledge, shall the fool avail thee?
As thou, O God, hast worshipped Gods by seasons, so, nobly-born! to thine own self pay worship.
Sloka : 10.7.7
भवा॑ नो अग्नेऽवि॒तोत गो॒पा भवा॑ वय॒स्कृदु॒त नो॑ वयो॒धाः ।
रास्वा॑ च नः सुमहो ह॒व्यदा॑तिं॒ त्रास्वो॒त न॑स्त॒न्वो॒३॒॑ अप्र॑युच्छन् ॥ १०.००७.०७
bhavā̍ no agne'vi̱tota go̱pā bhavā̍ vaya̱skṛdu̱ta no̍ vayo̱dhāḥ .
rāsvā̍ ca naḥ sumaho ha̱vyadā̍ti̱ṃ trāsvo̱ta na̍sta̱nvo̱3̱̍ apra̍yucchan .. 10.007.07
7 Agni, be thou our Guardian and Protector bestow upon us life and vital vigour.
Accept, O Mighty One, the gifts we offer, and with unceasing care protect our bodies.
Sloka : 10.8.1
प्र के॒तुना॑ बृह॒ता या॑त्य॒ग्निरा रोद॑सी वृष॒भो रो॑रवीति ।
दि॒वश्चि॒दन्ता॑ँ उप॒माँ उदा॑नळ॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ महि॒षो व॑वर्ध ॥ १०.००८.०१
pra ke̱tunā̍ bṛha̱tā yā̍tya̱gnirā roda̍sī vṛṣa̱bho ro̍ravīti .
di̱vaści̱dantā̍m̐ upa̱mām̐ udā̍nal̤a̱pāmu̱pasthe̍ mahi̱ṣo va̍vardha .. 10.008.01
1. AGNI advances with his lofty banner:- the Bull is bellowing to the earth and heavens.
He hath attained the sky's supremest limits. the Steer hath waxen in the lap of waters.
Sloka : 10.8.2
मु॒मोद॒ गर्भो॑ वृष॒भः क॒कुद्मा॑नस्रे॒मा व॒त्सः शिमी॑वाँ अरावीत् ।
स दे॒वता॒त्युद्य॑तानि कृ॒ण्वन्स्वेषु॒ क्षये॑षु प्रथ॒मो जि॑गाति ॥ १०.००८.०२
mu̱moda̱ garbho̍ vṛṣa̱bhaḥ ka̱kudmā̍nasre̱mā va̱tsaḥ śimī̍vām̐ arāvīt .
sa de̱vatā̱tyudya̍tāni kṛ̱ṇvansveṣu̱ kṣaye̍ṣu pratha̱mo ji̍gāti .. 10.008.02
2 The Bull, the youngling with the hump, hath frolicked, the strong and never-ceasing Calf hath bellowed.
Bringing our offerings to the God's assembly, he moves as Chief in his own dwelling-places.
Sloka : 10.8.3
आ यो मू॒र्धानं॑ पि॒त्रोरर॑ब्ध॒ न्य॑ध्व॒रे द॑धिरे॒ सूरो॒ अर्णः॑ ।
अस्य॒ पत्म॒न्नरु॑षी॒रश्व॑बुध्ना ऋ॒तस्य॒ योनौ॑ त॒न्वो॑ जुषन्त ॥ १०.००८.०३
ā yo mū̱rdhāna̍ṃ pi̱trorara̍bdha̱ nya̍dhva̱re da̍dhire̱ sūro̱ arṇa̍ḥ .
asya̱ patma̱nnaru̍ṣī̱raśva̍budhnā ṛ̱tasya̱ yonau̍ ta̱nvo̍ juṣanta .. 10.008.03
3 Him who hath grasped his Parents' head, they stablished at sacrifice a wave of heavenly lustre.
In his swift flight the red Dawns borne by horses refresh their bodies in the home of Order.
Sloka : 10.8.4
उ॒षौ॑षो॒ हि व॑सो॒ अग्र॒मेषि॒ त्वं य॒मयो॑रभवो वि॒भावा॑ ।
ऋ॒ताय॑ स॒प्त द॑धिषे प॒दानि॑ ज॒नय॑न्मि॒त्रं त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ स्वायै॑ ॥ १०.००८.०४
u̱ṣau̍ṣo̱ hi va̍so̱ agra̱meṣi̱ tvaṃ ya̱mayo̍rabhavo vi̱bhāvā̍ .
ṛ̱tāya̍ sa̱pta da̍dhiṣe pa̱dāni̍ ja̱naya̍nmi̱traṃ ta̱nve̱3̱̍ svāyai̍ .. 10.008.04
4 For, Vasu thou precedest every Morning, and still hast been the Twins' illuminator.
For sacrifice, seven places thou retainest while for thine own self thou engenderest Mitra.
Sloka : 10.8.5
भुव॒श्चक्षु॑र्म॒ह ऋ॒तस्य॑ गो॒पा भुवो॒ वरु॑णो॒ यदृ॒ताय॒ वेषि॑ ।
भुवो॑ अ॒पां नपा॑ज्जातवेदो॒ भुवो॑ दू॒तो यस्य॑ ह॒व्यं जुजो॑षः ॥ १०.००८.०५
bhuva̱ścakṣu̍rma̱ha ṛ̱tasya̍ go̱pā bhuvo̱ varu̍ṇo̱ yadṛ̱tāya̱ veṣi̍ .
bhuvo̍ a̱pāṃ napā̍jjātavedo̱ bhuvo̍ dū̱to yasya̍ ha̱vyaṃ jujo̍ṣaḥ .. 10.008.05
5 Thou art the Eye and Guard of mighty Order, and Varuṇa when to sacrifice thou comest.
Thou art the Waters Child O Jātavedas, envoy of him whose offering thou acceptest.
Sloka : 10.8.6
भुवो॑ य॒ज्ञस्य॒ रज॑सश्च ने॒ता यत्रा॑ नि॒युद्भिः॒ सच॑से शि॒वाभिः॑ ।
दि॒वि मू॒र्धानं॑ दधिषे स्व॒र्षां जि॒ह्वाम॑ग्ने चकृषे हव्य॒वाह॑म् ॥ १०.००८.०६
bhuvo̍ ya̱jñasya̱ raja̍saśca ne̱tā yatrā̍ ni̱yudbhi̱ḥ saca̍se śi̱vābhi̍ḥ .
di̱vi mū̱rdhāna̍ṃ dadhiṣe sva̱rṣāṃ ji̱hvāma̍gne cakṛṣe havya̱vāha̍m .. 10.008.06
6 Thou art the Leader of the rite and region, to which with thine auspicious teams thou teadest,
Thy light-bestowing head to heaven thou liftest, making thy tongue the oblationbearer, Agni.
Sloka : 10.8.7
अ॒स्य त्रि॒तः क्रतु॑ना व॒व्रे अ॒न्तरि॒च्छन्धी॒तिं पि॒तुरेवैः॒ पर॑स्य ।
स॒च॒स्यमा॑नः पि॒त्रोरु॒पस्थे॑ जा॒मि ब्रु॑वा॒ण आयु॑धानि वेति ॥ १०.००८.०७
a̱sya tri̱taḥ kratu̍nā va̱vre a̱ntari̱cchandhī̱tiṃ pi̱turevai̱ḥ para̍sya .
sa̱ca̱syamā̍naḥ pi̱troru̱pasthe̍ jā̱mi bru̍vā̱ṇa āyu̍dhāni veti .. 10.008.07
7 Through his wise insight Trita in the cavern, seeking as ever the Chief Sire's intention,
Carefully tended in his Parents' bosom, calling the weapons kin, goes forth to combat.
Sloka : 10.8.8
स पित्र्या॒ण्यायु॑धानि वि॒द्वानिन्द्रे॑षित आ॒प्त्यो अ॒भ्य॑युध्यत् ।
त्रि॒शी॒र्षाणं॑ स॒प्तर॑श्मिं जघ॒न्वान्त्वा॒ष्ट्रस्य॑ चि॒न्निः स॑सृजे त्रि॒तो गाः ॥ १०.००८.०८
sa pitryā̱ṇyāyu̍dhāni vi̱dvānindre̍ṣita ā̱ptyo a̱bhya̍yudhyat .
tri̱śī̱rṣāṇa̍ṃ sa̱ptara̍śmiṃ jagha̱nvāntvā̱ṣṭrasya̍ ci̱nniḥ sa̍sṛje tri̱to gāḥ .. 10.008.08
8 Well-skilled to use the weapons of his Father, Āptya, urged on by Indra, fought the battle.
Then Trita slew the foe seven-rayed, three-headed, and freed the cattle of the Son of Tvaṣṭar.
Sloka : 10.8.9
भूरीदिन्द्र॑ उ॒दिन॑क्षन्त॒मोजोऽवा॑भिन॒त्सत्प॑ति॒र्मन्य॑मानम् ।
त्वा॒ष्ट्रस्य॑ चिद्वि॒श्वरू॑पस्य॒ गोना॑माचक्रा॒णस्त्रीणि॑ शी॒र्षा परा॑ वर्क् ॥ १०.००८.०९
bhūrīdindra̍ u̱dina̍kṣanta̱mojo'vā̍bhina̱tsatpa̍ti̱rmanya̍mānam .
tvā̱ṣṭrasya̍ cidvi̱śvarū̍pasya̱ gonā̍mācakrā̱ṇastrīṇi̍ śī̱rṣā parā̍ vark .. 10.008.09
9 Lord of the brave, Indra cleft him in pieces who sought to gain much strength and deemed him mighty.
He smote his three heads from his body, seizing the cattle of the oniniform Son of Tvaṣṭar.
Sloka : 10.9.1
आपो॒ हि ष्ठा म॑यो॒भुव॒स्ता न॑ ऊ॒र्जे द॑धातन ।
म॒हे रणा॑य॒ चक्ष॑से ॥ १०.००९.०१
āpo̱ hi ṣṭhā ma̍yo̱bhuva̱stā na̍ ū̱rje da̍dhātana .
ma̱he raṇā̍ya̱ cakṣa̍se .. 10.009.01
1. YE, Waters, are beneficent:- so help ye us to energy
That we may look on great delight.
Sloka : 10.9.2
यो वः॑ शि॒वत॑मो॒ रस॒स्तस्य॑ भाजयते॒ह नः॑ ।
उ॒श॒तीरि॑व मा॒तरः॑ ॥ १०.००९.०२
yo va̍ḥ śi̱vata̍mo̱ rasa̱stasya̍ bhājayate̱ha na̍ḥ .
u̱śa̱tīri̍va mā̱tara̍ḥ .. 10.009.02
2 Give us a portion of the sap, the most auspicious that ye have,
Like mothers in their longing love.
Sloka : 10.9.3
तस्मा॒ अरं॑ गमाम वो॒ यस्य॒ क्षया॑य॒ जिन्व॑थ ।
आपो॑ ज॒नय॑था च नः ॥ १०.००९.०३
tasmā̱ ara̍ṃ gamāma vo̱ yasya̱ kṣayā̍ya̱ jinva̍tha .
āpo̍ ja̱naya̍thā ca naḥ .. 10.009.03
3 To you we gladly come for him to whose abode ye send us on;
And, Waters, give us procreant strength.
Sloka : 10.9.4
शं नो॑ दे॒वीर॒भिष्ट॑य॒ आपो॑ भवन्तु पी॒तये॑ ।
शं योर॒भि स्र॑वन्तु नः ॥ १०.००९.०४
śaṃ no̍ de̱vīra̱bhiṣṭa̍ya̱ āpo̍ bhavantu pī̱taye̍ .
śaṃ yora̱bhi sra̍vantu naḥ .. 10.009.04
4 The Waters. be to us for drink, Goddesses for our aid and bliss:-
Let them stream to us health and strength.
Sloka : 10.9.5
ईशा॑ना॒ वार्या॑णां॒ क्षय॑न्तीश्चर्षणी॒नाम् ।
अ॒पो या॑चामि भेष॒जम् ॥ १०.००९.०५
īśā̍nā̱ vāryā̍ṇā̱ṃ kṣaya̍ntīścarṣaṇī̱nām .
a̱po yā̍cāmi bheṣa̱jam .. 10.009.05
5 1 beg the Floods to give us balm, these Queens who rule oer precious things,
And have supreme control of men.
Sloka : 10.9.6
अ॒प्सु मे॒ सोमो॑ अब्रवीद॒न्तर्विश्वा॑नि भेष॒जा ।
अ॒ग्निं च॑ वि॒श्वश॑म्भुवम् ॥ १०.००९.०६
a̱psu me̱ somo̍ abravīda̱ntarviśvā̍ni bheṣa̱jā .
a̱gniṃ ca̍ vi̱śvaśa̍mbhuvam .. 10.009.06
6 Within the Waters-Soma thus hath told me-dwell all balms that heal,
And Agni, he who blesseth all.
Sloka : 10.9.7
आपः॑ पृणी॒त भे॑ष॒जं वरू॑थं त॒न्वे॒३॒॑ मम॑ ।
ज्योक्च॒ सूर्यं॑ दृ॒शे ॥ १०.००९.०७
āpa̍ḥ pṛṇī̱ta bhe̍ṣa̱jaṃ varū̍thaṃ ta̱nve̱3̱̍ mama̍ .
jyokca̱ sūrya̍ṃ dṛ̱śe .. 10.009.07
7 O Waters, teem with medicine to keep my body safe from harm,
So that I long may see the Sun.
Sloka : 10.9.8
इ॒दमा॑पः॒ प्र व॑हत॒ यत्किं च॑ दुरि॒तं मयि॑ ।
यद्वा॒हम॑भिदु॒द्रोह॒ यद्वा॑ शे॒प उ॒तानृ॑तम् ॥ १०.००९.०८
i̱damā̍pa̱ḥ pra va̍hata̱ yatkiṃ ca̍ duri̱taṃ mayi̍ .
yadvā̱hama̍bhidu̱droha̱ yadvā̍ śe̱pa u̱tānṛ̍tam .. 10.009.08
8 Whatever sin is found in me, whatever evil I have wrought,
If I have lied or falsely sworn, Waters, remove it far from me.
Sloka : 10.9.9
आपो॑ अ॒द्यान्व॑चारिषं॒ रसे॑न॒ सम॑गस्महि ।
पय॑स्वानग्न॒ आ ग॑हि॒ तं मा॒ सं सृ॑ज॒ वर्च॑सा ॥ १०.००९.०९
āpo̍ a̱dyānva̍cāriṣa̱ṃ rase̍na̱ sama̍gasmahi .
paya̍svānagna̱ ā ga̍hi̱ taṃ mā̱ saṃ sṛ̍ja̱ varca̍sā .. 10.009.09
9 The Waters I this day have sought, and to their moisture have we come:-
O Agni, rich in milk, come thou, and with thy splendour cover me.
Sloka : 10.10.1
ओ चि॒त्सखा॑यं स॒ख्या व॑वृत्यां ति॒रः पु॒रू चि॑दर्ण॒वं ज॑ग॒न्वान् ।
पि॒तुर्नपा॑त॒मा द॑धीत वे॒धा अधि॒ क्षमि॑ प्रत॒रं दीध्या॑नः ॥ १०.०१०.०१
o ci̱tsakhā̍yaṃ sa̱khyā va̍vṛtyāṃ ti̱raḥ pu̱rū ci̍darṇa̱vaṃ ja̍ga̱nvān .
pi̱turnapā̍ta̱mā da̍dhīta ve̱dhā adhi̱ kṣami̍ prata̱raṃ dīdhyā̍naḥ .. 10.010.01
1. FAIN would I win my friend to kindly friendship. So may the Sage, come through the air's wide ocean,
Remembering the earth and days to follow, obtain a son, the issue of his father.
Sloka : 10.10.2
न ते॒ सखा॑ स॒ख्यं व॑ष्ट्ये॒तत्सल॑क्ष्मा॒ यद्विषु॑रूपा॒ भवा॑ति ।
म॒हस्पु॒त्रासो॒ असु॑रस्य वी॒रा दि॒वो ध॒र्तार॑ उर्वि॒या परि॑ ख्यन् ॥ १०.०१०.०२
na te̱ sakhā̍ sa̱khyaṃ va̍ṣṭye̱tatsala̍kṣmā̱ yadviṣu̍rūpā̱ bhavā̍ti .
ma̱haspu̱trāso̱ asu̍rasya vī̱rā di̱vo dha̱rtāra̍ urvi̱yā pari̍ khyan .. 10.010.02
2 Thy friend loves not the friendship which considers her who is near in kindred as stranger.
Sons of the mighty Asura, the Heroes, supporters of the heavens, see far around them.
Sloka : 10.10.3
उ॒शन्ति॑ घा॒ ते अ॒मृता॑स ए॒तदेक॑स्य चित्त्य॒जसं॒ मर्त्य॑स्य ।
नि ते॒ मनो॒ मन॑सि धाय्य॒स्मे जन्युः॒ पति॑स्त॒न्व१॒॑मा वि॑विश्याः ॥ १०.०१०.०३
u̱śanti̍ ghā̱ te a̱mṛtā̍sa e̱tadeka̍sya cittya̱jasa̱ṃ martya̍sya .
ni te̱ mano̱ mana̍si dhāyya̱sme janyu̱ḥ pati̍sta̱nva1̱̍mā vi̍viśyāḥ .. 10.010.03
3 Yea, this the Immortals seek of thee with longing, progeny of the sole existing mortal.
Then let thy soul and mine be knit together, and as a loving husband take thy consort.
Sloka : 10.10.4
न यत्पु॒रा च॑कृ॒मा कद्ध॑ नू॒नमृ॒ता वद॑न्तो॒ अनृ॑तं रपेम ।
ग॒न्ध॒र्वो अ॒प्स्वप्या॑ च॒ योषा॒ सा नो॒ नाभिः॑ पर॒मं जा॒मि तन्नौ॑ ॥ १०.०१०.०४
na yatpu̱rā ca̍kṛ̱mā kaddha̍ nū̱namṛ̱tā vada̍nto̱ anṛ̍taṃ rapema .
ga̱ndha̱rvo a̱psvapyā̍ ca̱ yoṣā̱ sā no̱ nābhi̍ḥ para̱maṃ jā̱mi tannau̍ .. 10.010.04
4 Shall we do now what we neer did aforetime? we who spake righteously now talk impurely?
Gandharva in the floods, the Dame of Waters-such is our bond, such our most lofty kinship.
Sloka : 10.10.5
गर्भे॒ नु नौ॑ जनि॒ता दम्प॑ती कर्दे॒वस्त्वष्टा॑ सवि॒ता वि॒श्वरू॑पः ।
नकि॑रस्य॒ प्र मि॑नन्ति व्र॒तानि॒ वेद॑ नाव॒स्य पृ॑थि॒वी उ॒त द्यौः ॥ १०.०१०.०५
garbhe̱ nu nau̍ jani̱tā dampa̍tī karde̱vastvaṣṭā̍ savi̱tā vi̱śvarū̍paḥ .
naki̍rasya̱ pra mi̍nanti vra̱tāni̱ veda̍ nāva̱sya pṛ̍thi̱vī u̱ta dyauḥ .. 10.010.05
5 Even in the womb God Tvaṣṭar, Vivifier, shaping all forms, Creator, made us consorts.
None violates his holy ordinances:- that we are his the heavens and earth acknowledge.
Sloka : 10.10.6
को अ॒स्य वे॑द प्रथ॒मस्याह्नः॒ क ईं॑ ददर्श॒ क इ॒ह प्र वो॑चत् ।
बृ॒हन्मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धाम॒ कदु॑ ब्रव आहनो॒ वीच्या॒ नॄन् ॥ १०.०१०.०६
ko a̱sya ve̍da pratha̱masyāhna̱ḥ ka ī̍ṃ dadarśa̱ ka i̱ha pra vo̍cat .
bṛ̱hanmi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ dhāma̱ kadu̍ brava āhano̱ vīcyā̱ nṝn .. 10.010.06
6 Who knows that earliest day whereof thou speakest? Who hatb beheld it? Who can here declare it?
Great is the Law of Varuṇa and Mitra. What, wanton! wilt thou say to men to tempt them?
Sloka : 10.10.7
य॒मस्य॑ मा य॒म्यं१॒॑ काम॒ आग॑न्समा॒ने योनौ॑ सह॒शेय्या॑य ।
जा॒येव॒ पत्ये॑ त॒न्वं॑ रिरिच्यां॒ वि चि॑द्वृहेव॒ रथ्ये॑व च॒क्रा ॥ १०.०१०.०७
ya̱masya̍ mā ya̱myaṃ1̱̍ kāma̱ āga̍nsamā̱ne yonau̍ saha̱śeyyā̍ya .
jā̱yeva̱ patye̍ ta̱nva̍ṃ riricyā̱ṃ vi ci̍dvṛheva̱ rathye̍va ca̱krā .. 10.010.07
7 I, Yami, am possessed by love of Yama, that I may rest on the same couch beside him.
I as a wife would yield me to my husband. Like car-wheels let us speed to meet each other.
Sloka : 10.10.8
न ति॑ष्ठन्ति॒ न नि मि॑षन्त्ये॒ते दे॒वानां॒ स्पश॑ इ॒ह ये चर॑न्ति ।
अ॒न्येन॒ मदा॑हनो याहि॒ तूयं॒ तेन॒ वि वृ॑ह॒ रथ्ये॑व च॒क्रा ॥ १०.०१०.०८
na ti̍ṣṭhanti̱ na ni mi̍ṣantye̱te de̱vānā̱ṃ spaśa̍ i̱ha ye cara̍nti .
a̱nyena̱ madā̍hano yāhi̱ tūya̱ṃ tena̱ vi vṛ̍ha̱ rathye̍va ca̱krā .. 10.010.08
8 They stand not still, they never close their eyelids, those sentinels of Gods who wander round us.
Not me-go quickly, wanton, with another, and hasten like a chariot wheel to meet him.
Sloka : 10.10.9
रात्री॑भिरस्मा॒ अह॑भिर्दशस्ये॒त्सूर्य॑स्य॒ चक्षु॒र्मुहु॒रुन्मि॑मीयात् ।
दि॒वा पृ॑थि॒व्या मि॑थु॒ना सब॑न्धू य॒मीर्य॒मस्य॑ बिभृया॒दजा॑मि ॥ १०.०१०.०९
rātrī̍bhirasmā̱ aha̍bhirdaśasye̱tsūrya̍sya̱ cakṣu̱rmuhu̱runmi̍mīyāt .
di̱vā pṛ̍thi̱vyā mi̍thu̱nā saba̍ndhū ya̱mīrya̱masya̍ bibhṛyā̱dajā̍mi .. 10.010.09
9 May Sūrya's eye with days and nights endow him, and ever may his light spread out before him.
In heaven and earth the kindred Pair commingle. On Yam! be the unbrotherly act of Yama.
Sloka : 10.10.10
आ घा॒ ता ग॑च्छा॒नुत्त॑रा यु॒गानि॒ यत्र॑ जा॒मयः॑ कृ॒णव॒न्नजा॑मि ।
उप॑ बर्बृहि वृष॒भाय॑ बा॒हुम॒न्यमि॑च्छस्व सुभगे॒ पतिं॒ मत् ॥ १०.०१०.१०
ā ghā̱ tā ga̍cchā̱nutta̍rā yu̱gāni̱ yatra̍ jā̱maya̍ḥ kṛ̱ṇava̱nnajā̍mi .
upa̍ barbṛhi vṛṣa̱bhāya̍ bā̱huma̱nyami̍cchasva subhage̱ pati̱ṃ mat .. 10.010.10
10 Sure there will come succeeding times when brothers and sisters will do acts unmeet for kinsfolk.
Not me, O fair one,seek another husband, and make thine arm a pillow for thy consort.
Sloka : 10.10.11
किं भ्राता॑स॒द्यद॑ना॒थं भवा॑ति॒ किमु॒ स्वसा॒ यन्निरृ॑तिर्नि॒गच्छा॑त् ।
काम॑मूता ब॒ह्वे॒३॒॑तद्र॑पामि त॒न्वा॑ मे त॒न्वं१॒॑ सं पि॑पृग्धि ॥ १०.०१०.११
kiṃ bhrātā̍sa̱dyada̍nā̱thaṃ bhavā̍ti̱ kimu̱ svasā̱ yannirṛ̍tirni̱gacchā̍t .
kāma̍mūtā ba̱hve̱3̱̍tadra̍pāmi ta̱nvā̍ me ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ saṃ pi̍pṛgdhi .. 10.010.11
11 Is he a brother when no lord is left her? Is she a sister when Destruction cometh?
Forced by my love these many words I utter. Come near, and hold me in thy close embraces.
Sloka : 10.10.12
न वा उ॑ ते त॒न्वा॑ त॒न्वं१॒॑ सं प॑पृच्यां पा॒पमा॑हु॒र्यः स्वसा॑रं नि॒गच्छा॑त् ।
अ॒न्येन॒ मत्प्र॒मुदः॑ कल्पयस्व॒ न ते॒ भ्राता॑ सुभगे वष्ट्ये॒तत् ॥ १०.०१०.१२
na vā u̍ te ta̱nvā̍ ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ saṃ pa̍pṛcyāṃ pā̱pamā̍hu̱ryaḥ svasā̍raṃ ni̱gacchā̍t .
a̱nyena̱ matpra̱muda̍ḥ kalpayasva̱ na te̱ bhrātā̍ subhage vaṣṭye̱tat .. 10.010.12
12 I will not fold mine arms about thy body:- they call it sin when one comes near his sister.
Not me,prepare thy pleasures with another:- thy brother seeks not this from thee, O fair one.
Sloka : 10.10.13
ब॒तो ब॑तासि यम॒ नैव ते॒ मनो॒ हृद॑यं चाविदाम ।
अ॒न्या किल॒ त्वां क॒क्ष्ये॑व यु॒क्तं परि॑ ष्वजाते॒ लिबु॑जेव वृ॒क्षम् ॥ १०.०१०.१३
ba̱to ba̍tāsi yama̱ naiva te̱ mano̱ hṛda̍yaṃ cāvidāma .
a̱nyā kila̱ tvāṃ ka̱kṣye̍va yu̱ktaṃ pari̍ ṣvajāte̱ libu̍jeva vṛ̱kṣam .. 10.010.13
13 Alas! thou art indeed a weakling, Yama we find in thee no trace of heart or spirit.
As round the tree the woodbine clings, another will cling albout thee girt as with a girdle.
Sloka : 10.10.14
अ॒न्यमू॒ षु त्वं य॑म्य॒न्य उ॒ त्वां परि॑ ष्वजाते॒ लिबु॑जेव वृ॒क्षम् ।
तस्य॑ वा॒ त्वं मन॑ इ॒च्छा स वा॒ तवाधा॑ कृणुष्व सं॒विदं॒ सुभ॑द्राम् ॥ १०.०१०.१४
a̱nyamū̱ ṣu tvaṃ ya̍mya̱nya u̱ tvāṃ pari̍ ṣvajāte̱ libu̍jeva vṛ̱kṣam .
tasya̍ vā̱ tvaṃ mana̍ i̱cchā sa vā̱ tavādhā̍ kṛṇuṣva sa̱ṃvida̱ṃ subha̍drām .. 10.010.14
14 Embrace another, Yami; let another, even as the woodbine rings the tree, enfold thee.
Win thou his heart and let him win thy fancy, and he shall form with thee a blest alliance.
Sloka : 10.11.1
वृषा॒ वृष्णे॑ दुदुहे॒ दोह॑सा दि॒वः पयां॑सि य॒ह्वो अदि॑ते॒रदा॑भ्यः ।
विश्वं॒ स वे॑द॒ वरु॑णो॒ यथा॑ धि॒या स य॒ज्ञियो॑ यजतु य॒ज्ञिया॑ँ ऋ॒तून् ॥ १०.०११.०१
vṛṣā̱ vṛṣṇe̍ duduhe̱ doha̍sā di̱vaḥ payā̍ṃsi ya̱hvo adi̍te̱radā̍bhyaḥ .
viśva̱ṃ sa ve̍da̱ varu̍ṇo̱ yathā̍ dhi̱yā sa ya̱jñiyo̍ yajatu ya̱jñiyā̍m̐ ṛ̱tūn .. 10.011.01
1. THE Bull hath yielded for the Bull the milk of heaven:- the Son of Aditi can never be deceived.
According to his wisdom Varuṇa knoweth all:- may he, the Holy, hallow times for sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.11.2
रप॑द्गन्ध॒र्वीरप्या॑ च॒ योष॑णा न॒दस्य॑ ना॒दे परि॑ पातु मे॒ मनः॑ ।
इ॒ष्टस्य॒ मध्ये॒ अदि॑ति॒र्नि धा॑तु नो॒ भ्राता॑ नो ज्ये॒ष्ठः प्र॑थ॒मो वि वो॑चति ॥ १०.०११.०२
rapa̍dgandha̱rvīrapyā̍ ca̱ yoṣa̍ṇā na̱dasya̍ nā̱de pari̍ pātu me̱ mana̍ḥ .
i̱ṣṭasya̱ madhye̱ adi̍ti̱rni dhā̍tu no̱ bhrātā̍ no jye̱ṣṭhaḥ pra̍tha̱mo vi vo̍cati .. 10.011.02
2 Gandharvi spake:- may she, the Lady of the flood, amid the river's roaring leave my heart untouched.
May Aditi accomplish all that we desire, and may our eldest Brother tell us this as Chief.
Sloka : 10.11.3
सो चि॒न्नु भ॒द्रा क्षु॒मती॒ यश॑स्वत्यु॒षा उ॑वास॒ मन॑वे॒ स्व॑र्वती ।
यदी॑मु॒शन्त॑मुश॒तामनु॒ क्रतु॑म॒ग्निं होता॑रं वि॒दथा॑य॒ जीज॑नन् ॥ १०.०११.०३
so ci̱nnu bha̱drā kṣu̱matī̱ yaśa̍svatyu̱ṣā u̍vāsa̱ mana̍ve̱ sva̍rvatī .
yadī̍mu̱śanta̍muśa̱tāmanu̱ kratu̍ma̱gniṃ hotā̍raṃ vi̱dathā̍ya̱ jīja̍nan .. 10.011.03
3 Yea, even this blessed Morning, rich in store of food, splendid, with heavenly lustre, hath shone out for man,
Since they, as was the wish of yearning Gods, brought forth that yearning Agni for the assembly as the Priest.
Sloka : 10.11.4
अध॒ त्यं द्र॒प्सं वि॒भ्वं॑ विचक्ष॒णं विराभ॑रदिषि॒तः श्ये॒नो अ॑ध्व॒रे ।
यदी॒ विशो॑ वृ॒णते॑ द॒स्ममार्या॑ अ॒ग्निं होता॑र॒मध॒ धीर॑जायत ॥ १०.०११.०४
adha̱ tyaṃ dra̱psaṃ vi̱bhva̍ṃ vicakṣa̱ṇaṃ virābha̍radiṣi̱taḥ śye̱no a̍dhva̱re .
yadī̱ viśo̍ vṛ̱ṇate̍ da̱smamāryā̍ a̱gniṃ hotā̍ra̱madha̱ dhīra̍jāyata .. 10.011.04
4 And the fleet Falcon brought for sacrifice from afar this flowing Drop most excellent and keen of sight,
Then when the Āryan tribes chose as Invoking Priest Agni the Wonder-Worker, and the hymn rose up.
Sloka : 10.11.5
सदा॑सि र॒ण्वो यव॑सेव॒ पुष्य॑ते॒ होत्रा॑भिरग्ने॒ मनु॑षः स्वध्व॒रः ।
विप्र॑स्य वा॒ यच्छ॑शमा॒न उ॒क्थ्यं१॒॑ वाजं॑ सस॒वाँ उ॑प॒यासि॒ भूरि॑भिः ॥ १०.०११.०५
sadā̍si ra̱ṇvo yava̍seva̱ puṣya̍te̱ hotrā̍bhiragne̱ manu̍ṣaḥ svadhva̱raḥ .
vipra̍sya vā̱ yaccha̍śamā̱na u̱kthyaṃ1̱̍ vāja̍ṃ sasa̱vām̐ u̍pa̱yāsi̱ bhūri̍bhiḥ .. 10.011.05
5 Still art thou kind to him who feeds thee as with grass, and, skilled in sacrifice, offers thee holy gifts.
When thou, having received the sage's strengthening food with lauds, after long toil, cornest with many more.
Sloka : 10.11.6
उदी॑रय पि॒तरा॑ जा॒र आ भग॒मिय॑क्षति हर्य॒तो हृ॒त्त इ॑ष्यति ।
विव॑क्ति॒ वह्निः॑ स्वप॒स्यते॑ म॒खस्त॑वि॒ष्यते॒ असु॑रो॒ वेप॑ते म॒ती ॥ १०.०११.०६
udī̍raya pi̱tarā̍ jā̱ra ā bhaga̱miya̍kṣati harya̱to hṛ̱tta i̍ṣyati .
viva̍kti̱ vahni̍ḥ svapa̱syate̍ ma̱khasta̍vi̱ṣyate̱ asu̍ro̱ vepa̍te ma̱tī .. 10.011.06
6 Urge thou thy Parents, as a lover ' to delight:- the Lovely One desires and craves it from his heart.
The priest calls out, the sacrificer shows his skill, the Asura tries his strength, and with the hymn is stirred.
Sloka : 10.11.7
यस्ते॑ अग्ने सुम॒तिं मर्तो॒ अक्ष॒त्सह॑सः सूनो॒ अति॒ स प्र शृ॑ण्वे ।
इषं॒ दधा॑नो॒ वह॑मानो॒ अश्वै॒रा स द्यु॒माँ अम॑वान्भूषति॒ द्यून् ॥ १०.०११.०७
yaste̍ agne suma̱tiṃ marto̱ akṣa̱tsaha̍saḥ sūno̱ ati̱ sa pra śṛ̍ṇve .
iṣa̱ṃ dadhā̍no̱ vaha̍māno̱ aśvai̱rā sa dyu̱mām̐ ama̍vānbhūṣati̱ dyūn .. 10.011.07
7 Far-famed is he, the mortal man, O Agni, thou Son of Strength, who hath obtained thy favour.
He, gathering power, borne onward by his horses, makes his days lovely in his might and splendour.
Sloka : 10.11.8
यद॑ग्न ए॒षा समि॑ति॒र्भवा॑ति दे॒वी दे॒वेषु॑ यज॒ता य॑जत्र ।
रत्ना॑ च॒ यद्वि॒भजा॑सि स्वधावो भा॒गं नो॒ अत्र॒ वसु॑मन्तं वीतात् ॥ १०.०११.०८
yada̍gna e̱ṣā sami̍ti̱rbhavā̍ti de̱vī de̱veṣu̍ yaja̱tā ya̍jatra .
ratnā̍ ca̱ yadvi̱bhajā̍si svadhāvo bhā̱gaṃ no̱ atra̱ vasu̍mantaṃ vītāt .. 10.011.08
8 When, Holy Agni, the divine assembly, the sacred synod mid the Gods, is gathered,
And when thou, Godlike One, dealest forth treasures, vouchsafe us, too, our portion of the riches.
Sloka : 10.11.9
श्रु॒धी नो॑ अग्ने॒ सद॑ने स॒धस्थे॑ यु॒क्ष्वा रथ॑म॒मृत॑स्य द्रवि॒त्नुम् ।
आ नो॑ वह॒ रोद॑सी दे॒वपु॑त्रे॒ माकि॑र्दे॒वाना॒मप॑ भूरि॒ह स्याः॑ ॥ १०.०११.०९
śru̱dhī no̍ agne̱ sada̍ne sa̱dhasthe̍ yu̱kṣvā ratha̍ma̱mṛta̍sya dravi̱tnum .
ā no̍ vaha̱ roda̍sī de̱vapu̍tre̱ māki̍rde̱vānā̱mapa̍ bhūri̱ha syā̍ḥ .. 10.011.09
9 Hear us, O Agni, in your common dwelling:- harness thy rapid car of Amṛta.
Bring Heaven and Earth, the Deities' Parents, hither:- stay with us here, nor from the Gods be distant.
Sloka : 10.12.1
द्यावा॑ ह॒ क्षामा॑ प्रथ॒मे ऋ॒तेना॑भिश्रा॒वे भ॑वतः सत्य॒वाचा॑ ।
दे॒वो यन्मर्ता॑न्य॒जथा॑य कृ॒ण्वन्सीद॒द्धोता॑ प्र॒त्यङ्स्वमसुं॒ यन् ॥ १०.०१२.०१
dyāvā̍ ha̱ kṣāmā̍ pratha̱me ṛ̱tenā̍bhiśrā̱ve bha̍vataḥ satya̱vācā̍ .
de̱vo yanmartā̍nya̱jathā̍ya kṛ̱ṇvansīda̱ddhotā̍ pra̱tyaṅsvamasu̱ṃ yan .. 10.012.01
1. HEAVEN and Earth, first by everlasting Order, speakers of truth, are near enough to hear us,
When the God, urging men to worship. sitteth as Priest, assuming all his vital vigour.
Sloka : 10.12.2
दे॒वो दे॒वान्प॑रि॒भूरृ॒तेन॒ वहा॑ नो ह॒व्यं प्र॑थ॒मश्चि॑कि॒त्वान् ।
धू॒मके॑तुः स॒मिधा॒ भाऋ॑जीको म॒न्द्रो होता॒ नित्यो॑ वा॒चा यजी॑यान् ॥ १०.०१२.०२
de̱vo de̱vānpa̍ri̱bhūrṛ̱tena̱ vahā̍ no ha̱vyaṃ pra̍tha̱maści̍ki̱tvān .
dhū̱make̍tuḥ sa̱midhā̱ bhāṛ̍jīko ma̱ndro hotā̱ nityo̍ vā̱cā yajī̍yān .. 10.012.02
2 As God comprising Gods by Law Eternal, bear, as the Chief who knoweth, our oblation,
Smoke-bannered with the fuel, radiant, joyous, better to praise and worship, Priest for ever.
Sloka : 10.12.3
स्वावृ॑ग्दे॒वस्या॒मृतं॒ यदी॒ गोरतो॑ जा॒तासो॑ धारयन्त उ॒र्वी ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अनु॒ तत्ते॒ यजु॑र्गुर्दु॒हे यदेनी॑ दि॒व्यं घृ॒तं वाः ॥ १०.०१२.०३
svāvṛ̍gde̱vasyā̱mṛta̱ṃ yadī̱ gorato̍ jā̱tāso̍ dhārayanta u̱rvī .
viśve̍ de̱vā anu̱ tatte̱ yaju̍rgurdu̱he yadenī̍ di̱vyaṃ ghṛ̱taṃ vāḥ .. 10.012.03
3 When the cow's nectar wins the God completely, men here below are heaven's sustainers.
All the Gods came to this thy heavenly Yajus which from the motley Pair milked oil and water.
Sloka : 10.12.4
अर्चा॑मि वां॒ वर्धा॒यापो॑ घृतस्नू॒ द्यावा॑भूमी शृणु॒तं रो॑दसी मे ।
अहा॒ यद्द्यावोऽसु॑नीति॒मय॒न्मध्वा॑ नो॒ अत्र॑ पि॒तरा॑ शिशीताम् ॥ १०.०१२.०४
arcā̍mi vā̱ṃ vardhā̱yāpo̍ ghṛtasnū̱ dyāvā̍bhūmī śṛṇu̱taṃ ro̍dasī me .
ahā̱ yaddyāvo'su̍nīti̱maya̱nmadhvā̍ no̱ atra̍ pi̱tarā̍ śiśītām .. 10.012.04
4 1 praise your work that ye may make me prosper:- hear, Heaven and Earth, Twain Worlds that drop with fatness.
While days and nights go to the world of spirits, here let the Parents with sweet meath refresh us
Sloka : 10.12.5
किं स्वि॑न्नो॒ राजा॑ जगृहे॒ कद॒स्याति॑ व्र॒तं च॑कृमा॒ को वि वे॑द ।
मि॒त्रश्चि॒द्धि ष्मा॑ जुहुरा॒णो दे॒वाञ्छ्लोको॒ न या॒तामपि॒ वाजो॒ अस्ति॑ ॥ १०.०१२.०५
kiṃ svi̍nno̱ rājā̍ jagṛhe̱ kada̱syāti̍ vra̱taṃ ca̍kṛmā̱ ko vi ve̍da .
mi̱traści̱ddhi ṣmā̍ juhurā̱ṇo de̱vāñchloko̱ na yā̱tāmapi̱ vājo̱ asti̍ .. 10.012.05
5 Hath the King siezed us? How have we offended against his holy ordinance? Who knoweth?
For even Mitra mid the Gods is angry there are both song and strength for those who come not.
Sloka : 10.12.6
दु॒र्मन्त्वत्रा॒मृत॑स्य॒ नाम॒ सल॑क्ष्मा॒ यद्विषु॑रूपा॒ भवा॑ति ।
य॒मस्य॒ यो म॒नव॑ते सु॒मन्त्वग्ने॒ तमृ॑ष्व पा॒ह्यप्र॑युच्छन् ॥ १०.०१२.०६
du̱rmantvatrā̱mṛta̍sya̱ nāma̱ sala̍kṣmā̱ yadviṣu̍rūpā̱ bhavā̍ti .
ya̱masya̱ yo ma̱nava̍te su̱mantvagne̱ tamṛ̍ṣva pā̱hyapra̍yucchan .. 10.012.06
6 Tis hard to understand the Immortal's nature, where she who is akin becomes astranger.
Guard ceaselessly, great Agni, him who ponders Yama's name, easy to be comprehended.
Sloka : 10.12.7
यस्मि॑न्दे॒वा वि॒दथे॑ मा॒दय॑न्ते वि॒वस्व॑तः॒ सद॑ने धा॒रय॑न्ते ।
सूर्ये॒ ज्योति॒रद॑धुर्मा॒स्य१॒॑क्तून्परि॑ द्योत॒निं च॑रतो॒ अज॑स्रा ॥ १०.०१२.०७
yasmi̍nde̱vā vi̱dathe̍ mā̱daya̍nte vi̱vasva̍ta̱ḥ sada̍ne dhā̱raya̍nte .
sūrye̱ jyoti̱rada̍dhurmā̱sya1̱̍ktūnpari̍ dyota̱niṃ ca̍rato̱ aja̍srā .. 10.012.07
7 They in the synod where the Gods rejoice them, where they are seated in Vivasvān's dwelling,
Have given the Moon his beams, the Sun his splendour-the Two unweariedly maintain their brightness.
Sloka : 10.12.8
यस्मि॑न्दे॒वा मन्म॑नि सं॒चर॑न्त्यपी॒च्ये॒३॒॑ न व॒यम॑स्य विद्म ।
मि॒त्रो नो॒ अत्रादि॑ति॒रना॑गान्सवि॒ता दे॒वो वरु॑णाय वोचत् ॥ १०.०१२.०८
yasmi̍nde̱vā manma̍ni sa̱ṃcara̍ntyapī̱cye̱3̱̍ na va̱yama̍sya vidma .
mi̱tro no̱ atrādi̍ti̱ranā̍gānsavi̱tā de̱vo varu̍ṇāya vocat .. 10.012.08
8 The counsel which the Gods meet to consider, their secret plan,of that we have no knowledge.
There let God Savitar, Aditi, and Mitra proclaim to Varuṇa that we are sinless.
Sloka : 10.12.9
श्रु॒धी नो॑ अग्ने॒ सद॑ने स॒धस्थे॑ यु॒क्ष्वा रथ॑म॒मृत॑स्य द्रवि॒त्नुम् ।
आ नो॑ वह॒ रोद॑सी दे॒वपु॑त्रे॒ माकि॑र्दे॒वाना॒मप॑ भूरि॒ह स्याः॑ ॥ १०.०१२.०९
śru̱dhī no̍ agne̱ sada̍ne sa̱dhasthe̍ yu̱kṣvā ratha̍ma̱mṛta̍sya dravi̱tnum .
ā no̍ vaha̱ roda̍sī de̱vapu̍tre̱ māki̍rde̱vānā̱mapa̍ bhūri̱ha syā̍ḥ .. 10.012.09
9 Hear us, O Agni, in your comninn dwell ing:- harness thy rapid car, the car of Amṛta.
Bring Heaven and Earth, the Deities' Parents, hither:- stay with us here, nor from the Gods be distant.
Sloka : 10.13.1
यु॒जे वां॒ ब्रह्म॑ पू॒र्व्यं नमो॑भि॒र्वि श्लोक॑ एतु प॒थ्ये॑व सू॒रेः ।
शृ॒ण्वन्तु॒ विश्वे॑ अ॒मृत॑स्य पु॒त्रा आ ये धामा॑नि दि॒व्यानि॑ त॒स्थुः ॥ १०.०१३.०१
yu̱je vā̱ṃ brahma̍ pū̱rvyaṃ namo̍bhi̱rvi śloka̍ etu pa̱thye̍va sū̱reḥ .
śṛ̱ṇvantu̱ viśve̍ a̱mṛta̍sya pu̱trā ā ye dhāmā̍ni di̱vyāni̍ ta̱sthuḥ .. 10.013.01
1. I YOKE with prayer your ancient inspiration:- may the laud rise as on the prince's pathway.
All Sons of Immortality shall hear it, all the possessors of celestial natures.
Sloka : 10.13.2
य॒मे इ॑व॒ यत॑माने॒ यदैतं॒ प्र वां॑ भर॒न्मानु॑षा देव॒यन्तः॑ ।
आ सी॑दतं॒ स्वमु॑ लो॒कं विदा॑ने स्वास॒स्थे भ॑वत॒मिन्द॑वे नः ॥ १०.०१३.०२
ya̱me i̍va̱ yata̍māne̱ yadaita̱ṃ pra vā̍ṃ bhara̱nmānu̍ṣā deva̱yanta̍ḥ .
ā sī̍data̱ṃ svamu̍ lo̱kaṃ vidā̍ne svāsa̱sthe bha̍vata̱minda̍ve naḥ .. 10.013.02
2 When speeding ye came nigh us like twin sisters, religious-hearted votaries brought you forward.
Take your place, ye who know your proper station:- be near, be very near unto our Soma.
Sloka : 10.13.3
पञ्च॑ प॒दानि॑ रु॒पो अन्व॑रोहं॒ चतु॑ष्पदी॒मन्वे॑मि व्र॒तेन॑ ।
अ॒क्षरे॑ण॒ प्रति॑ मिम ए॒तामृ॒तस्य॒ नाभा॒वधि॒ सं पु॑नामि ॥ १०.०१३.०३
pañca̍ pa̱dāni̍ ru̱po anva̍roha̱ṃ catu̍ṣpadī̱manve̍mi vra̱tena̍ .
a̱kṣare̍ṇa̱ prati̍ mima e̱tāmṛ̱tasya̱ nābhā̱vadhi̱ saṃ pu̍nāmi .. 10.013.03
3 Five paces have I risen from Earth. I follow her who hath four feet with devout observance.
This by the Sacred Syllable have I measured:- I purify in the central place of Order,
Sloka : 10.13.4
दे॒वेभ्यः॒ कम॑वृणीत मृ॒त्युं प्र॒जायै॒ कम॒मृतं॒ नावृ॑णीत ।
बृह॒स्पतिं॑ य॒ज्ञम॑कृण्वत॒ ऋषिं॑ प्रि॒यां य॒मस्त॒न्वं१॒॑ प्रारि॑रेचीत् ॥ १०.०१३.०४
de̱vebhya̱ḥ kama̍vṛṇīta mṛ̱tyuṃ pra̱jāyai̱ kama̱mṛta̱ṃ nāvṛ̍ṇīta .
bṛha̱spati̍ṃ ya̱jñama̍kṛṇvata̱ ṛṣi̍ṃ pri̱yāṃ ya̱masta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ prāri̍recīt .. 10.013.04
4 He, for God's sake, chose death to be his portion. He chose not, for men's good, a life eternal
They sacrificed Bṛhaspati the Ṛṣi. Yama delivered up his own dear body.
Sloka : 10.13.5
स॒प्त क्ष॑रन्ति॒ शिश॑वे म॒रुत्व॑ते पि॒त्रे पु॒त्रासो॒ अप्य॑वीवतन्नृ॒तम् ।
उ॒भे इद॑स्यो॒भय॑स्य राजत उ॒भे य॑तेते उ॒भय॑स्य पुष्यतः ॥ १०.०१३.०५
sa̱pta kṣa̍ranti̱ śiśa̍ve ma̱rutva̍te pi̱tre pu̱trāso̱ apya̍vīvatannṛ̱tam .
u̱bhe ida̍syo̱bhaya̍sya rājata u̱bhe ya̍tete u̱bhaya̍sya puṣyataḥ .. 10.013.05
5 The Seven flow to the Youth on whom the Maruts wait:- the Sons unto the Father brought the sacrifice.
Both these are his, as his they are the Lords of both:- both toil; belonging unto both they prosper well.
Sloka : 10.14.1
प॒रे॒यि॒वांसं॑ प्र॒वतो॑ म॒हीरनु॑ ब॒हुभ्यः॒ पन्था॑मनुपस्पशा॒नम् ।
वै॒व॒स्व॒तं सं॒गम॑नं॒ जना॑नां य॒मं राजा॑नं ह॒विषा॑ दुवस्य ॥ १०.०१४.०१
pa̱re̱yi̱vāṃsa̍ṃ pra̱vato̍ ma̱hīranu̍ ba̱hubhya̱ḥ panthā̍manupaspaśā̱nam .
vai̱va̱sva̱taṃ sa̱ṃgama̍na̱ṃ janā̍nāṃ ya̱maṃ rājā̍naṃ ha̱viṣā̍ duvasya .. 10.014.01
1. HONOUR the King with thine oblations, Yama, Vivasvān's Son, who gathers men together,
Who travelled to the lofty heights above us, who searcbes out and shows the path to many.
Sloka : 10.14.2
य॒मो नो॑ गा॒तुं प्र॑थ॒मो वि॑वेद॒ नैषा गव्यू॑ति॒रप॑भर्त॒वा उ॑ ।
यत्रा॑ नः॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरः॑ परे॒युरे॒ना ज॑ज्ञा॒नाः प॒थ्या॒३॒॑ अनु॒ स्वाः ॥ १०.०१४.०२
ya̱mo no̍ gā̱tuṃ pra̍tha̱mo vi̍veda̱ naiṣā gavyū̍ti̱rapa̍bharta̱vā u̍ .
yatrā̍ na̱ḥ pūrve̍ pi̱tara̍ḥ pare̱yure̱nā ja̍jñā̱nāḥ pa̱thyā̱3̱̍ anu̱ svāḥ .. 10.014.02
2 Yama first found for us a place to dwell in:- this pasture never can be taken from
Men born on earth tread their own paths that lead them whither our ancient Fathers have departed.
Sloka : 10.14.3
मात॑ली क॒व्यैर्य॒मो अङ्गि॑रोभि॒र्बृह॒स्पति॒रृक्व॑भिर्वावृधा॒नः ।
याँश्च॑ दे॒वा वा॑वृ॒धुर्ये च॑ दे॒वान्स्वाहा॒न्ये स्व॒धया॒न्ये म॑दन्ति ॥ १०.०१४.०३
māta̍lī ka̱vyairya̱mo aṅgi̍robhi̱rbṛha̱spati̱rṛkva̍bhirvāvṛdhā̱naḥ .
yām̐śca̍ de̱vā vā̍vṛ̱dhurye ca̍ de̱vānsvāhā̱nye sva̱dhayā̱nye ma̍danti .. 10.014.03
3 Mitali prospers there with Kavyas, Yama with Aṅgiras' sons, Bṛhaspati with Rkvans:-
Exalters of the Gods, by Gods exalted, some joy in praise and some in our oblation.
Sloka : 10.14.4
इ॒मं य॑म प्रस्त॒रमा हि सीदाङ्गि॑रोभिः पि॒तृभिः॑ संविदा॒नः ।
आ त्वा॒ मन्त्राः॑ कविश॒स्ता व॑हन्त्वे॒ना रा॑जन्ह॒विषा॑ मादयस्व ॥ १०.०१४.०४
i̱maṃ ya̍ma prasta̱ramā hi sīdāṅgi̍robhiḥ pi̱tṛbhi̍ḥ saṃvidā̱naḥ .
ā tvā̱ mantrā̍ḥ kaviśa̱stā va̍hantve̱nā rā̍janha̱viṣā̍ mādayasva .. 10.014.04
4 Come, seat thee on this bed of grass, O Yama, in company with Aṅgirases and Fathers.
Let texts recited by the sages bring thee O King, let this oblation make thee joyful.
Sloka : 10.14.5
अङ्गि॑रोभि॒रा ग॑हि य॒ज्ञिये॑भि॒र्यम॑ वैरू॒पैरि॒ह मा॑दयस्व ।
विव॑स्वन्तं हुवे॒ यः पि॒ता ते॒ऽस्मिन्य॒ज्ञे ब॒र्हिष्या नि॒षद्य॑ ॥ १०.०१४.०५
aṅgi̍robhi̱rā ga̍hi ya̱jñiye̍bhi̱ryama̍ vairū̱pairi̱ha mā̍dayasva .
viva̍svantaṃ huve̱ yaḥ pi̱tā te̱'sminya̱jñe ba̱rhiṣyā ni̱ṣadya̍ .. 10.014.05
5 Come, Yama, with the Aṅgirases the Holy, rejoice thee here with children of Virūpa.
To sit on sacred grass at this our worship, I call Vivasvān, too, thy Father hither.
Sloka : 10.14.6
अङ्गि॑रसो नः पि॒तरो॒ नव॑ग्वा॒ अथ॑र्वाणो॒ भृग॑वः सो॒म्यासः॑ ।
तेषां॑ व॒यं सु॑म॒तौ य॒ज्ञिया॑ना॒मपि॑ भ॒द्रे सौ॑मन॒से स्या॑म ॥ १०.०१४.०६
aṅgi̍raso naḥ pi̱taro̱ nava̍gvā̱ atha̍rvāṇo̱ bhṛga̍vaḥ so̱myāsa̍ḥ .
teṣā̍ṃ va̱yaṃ su̍ma̱tau ya̱jñiyā̍nā̱mapi̍ bha̱dre sau̍mana̱se syā̍ma .. 10.014.06
6 Our Fathers are Aṅgirases, Navagvas, Atharvans, Bhṛgus who deserve the Soma.
May these, the Holy, look on us with favour, may we enjoy their gracious loving-kindness.
Sloka : 10.14.7
प्रेहि॒ प्रेहि॑ प॒थिभिः॑ पू॒र्व्येभि॒र्यत्रा॑ नः॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरः॑ परे॒युः ।
उ॒भा राजा॑ना स्व॒धया॒ मद॑न्ता य॒मं प॑श्यासि॒ वरु॑णं च दे॒वम् ॥ १०.०१४.०७
prehi̱ prehi̍ pa̱thibhi̍ḥ pū̱rvyebhi̱ryatrā̍ na̱ḥ pūrve̍ pi̱tara̍ḥ pare̱yuḥ .
u̱bhā rājā̍nā sva̱dhayā̱ mada̍ntā ya̱maṃ pa̍śyāsi̱ varu̍ṇaṃ ca de̱vam .. 10.014.07
7 Go forth, go forth upon the ancient pathways whereon our sires of old have gone before us.
'Mere shalt thou look on both the Kings enjoying their sacred food, God Varuṇa and Yama.
Sloka : 10.14.8
सं ग॑च्छस्व पि॒तृभिः॒ सं य॒मेने॑ष्टापू॒र्तेन॑ पर॒मे व्यो॑मन् ।
हि॒त्वाया॑व॒द्यं पुन॒रस्त॒मेहि॒ सं ग॑च्छस्व त॒न्वा॑ सु॒वर्चाः॑ ॥ १०.०१४.०८
saṃ ga̍cchasva pi̱tṛbhi̱ḥ saṃ ya̱mene̍ṣṭāpū̱rtena̍ para̱me vyo̍man .
hi̱tvāyā̍va̱dyaṃ puna̱rasta̱mehi̱ saṃ ga̍cchasva ta̱nvā̍ su̱varcā̍ḥ .. 10.014.08
8 Meet Yama, meet the Fathers, meet the merit of free or ordered acts, in highest heaven.
Leave sin and evil, seek anew thy dwelling, and bright with glory wear another body.
Sloka : 10.14.9
अपे॑त॒ वी॑त॒ वि च॑ सर्प॒तातो॒ऽस्मा ए॒तं पि॒तरो॑ लो॒कम॑क्रन् ।
अहो॑भिर॒द्भिर॒क्तुभि॒र्व्य॑क्तं य॒मो द॑दात्यव॒सान॑मस्मै ॥ १०.०१४.०९
ape̍ta̱ vī̍ta̱ vi ca̍ sarpa̱tāto̱'smā e̱taṃ pi̱taro̍ lo̱kama̍kran .
aho̍bhira̱dbhira̱ktubhi̱rvya̍ktaṃ ya̱mo da̍dātyava̱sāna̍masmai .. 10.014.09
9 Go hence, depart ye, fly in all directions:- this place for him the Fathers have provided.
Yama bestows on him a place to rest in adorned with days and beams of light and waters.
Sloka : 10.14.10
अति॑ द्रव सारमे॒यौ श्वानौ॑ चतुर॒क्षौ श॒बलौ॑ सा॒धुना॑ प॒था ।
अथा॑ पि॒तॄन्सु॑वि॒दत्रा॒ँ उपे॑हि य॒मेन॒ ये स॑ध॒मादं॒ मद॑न्ति ॥ १०.०१४.१०
ati̍ drava sārame̱yau śvānau̍ catura̱kṣau śa̱balau̍ sā̱dhunā̍ pa̱thā .
athā̍ pi̱tṝnsu̍vi̱datrā̱m̐ upe̍hi ya̱mena̱ ye sa̍dha̱māda̱ṃ mada̍nti .. 10.014.10
10 Run and outspeed the two dogs, Saramā's offspring, brindled, four-eyed, upon thy happy pathway.
Draw nigh then to the gracious-minded Fathers where they rejoice in company with Yama.
Sloka : 10.14.11
यौ ते॒ श्वानौ॑ यम रक्षि॒तारौ॑ चतुर॒क्षौ प॑थि॒रक्षी॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑सौ ।
ताभ्या॑मेनं॒ परि॑ देहि राजन्स्व॒स्ति चा॑स्मा अनमी॒वं च॑ धेहि ॥ १०.०१४.११
yau te̱ śvānau̍ yama rakṣi̱tārau̍ catura̱kṣau pa̍thi̱rakṣī̍ nṛ̱cakṣa̍sau .
tābhyā̍mena̱ṃ pari̍ dehi rājansva̱sti cā̍smā anamī̱vaṃ ca̍ dhehi .. 10.014.11
11 And those two dogs of thine, Yama, the watchers, four-eyed, who look on men and guard the pathway,
Entrust this man, O King, to their protection, and with prosperity and health endow him.
Sloka : 10.14.12
उ॒रू॒ण॒साव॑सु॒तृपा॑ उदुम्ब॒लौ य॒मस्य॑ दू॒तौ च॑रतो॒ जना॒ँ अनु॑ ।
ताव॒स्मभ्यं॑ दृ॒शये॒ सूर्या॑य॒ पुन॑र्दाता॒मसु॑म॒द्येह भ॒द्रम् ॥ १०.०१४.१२
u̱rū̱ṇa̱sāva̍su̱tṛpā̍ udumba̱lau ya̱masya̍ dū̱tau ca̍rato̱ janā̱m̐ anu̍ .
tāva̱smabhya̍ṃ dṛ̱śaye̱ sūryā̍ya̱ puna̍rdātā̱masu̍ma̱dyeha bha̱dram .. 10.014.12
12 Dark-hued, insatiate, with distended nostrils, Yama's two envoys roam among the People;
May they restore to us a fair existence here and to-day, that we may see the sunlight.
Sloka : 10.14.13
य॒माय॒ सोमं॑ सुनुत य॒माय॑ जुहुता ह॒विः ।
य॒मं ह॑ य॒ज्ञो ग॑च्छत्य॒ग्निदू॑तो॒ अरं॑कृतः ॥ १०.०१४.१३
ya̱māya̱ soma̍ṃ sunuta ya̱māya̍ juhutā ha̱viḥ .
ya̱maṃ ha̍ ya̱jño ga̍cchatya̱gnidū̍to̱ ara̍ṃkṛtaḥ .. 10.014.13
13 To Yama pour the Soma, bring to Yama consecrated gifts:-
To Yama sacrifice prepared and heralded by Agni goes.
Sloka : 10.14.14
य॒माय॑ घृ॒तव॑द्ध॒विर्जु॒होत॒ प्र च॑ तिष्ठत ।
स नो॑ दे॒वेष्वा य॑मद्दी॒र्घमायुः॒ प्र जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०१४.१४
ya̱māya̍ ghṛ̱tava̍ddha̱virju̱hota̱ pra ca̍ tiṣṭhata .
sa no̍ de̱veṣvā ya̍maddī̱rghamāyu̱ḥ pra jī̱vase̍ .. 10.014.14
14 Offer to Yama holy gifts enriched with butter, and draw near:-
So may he grant that we may live long days of life among the Gods.
Sloka : 10.14.15
य॒माय॒ मधु॑मत्तमं॒ राज्ञे॑ ह॒व्यं जु॑होतन ।
इ॒दं नम॒ ऋषि॑भ्यः पूर्व॒जेभ्यः॒ पूर्वे॑भ्यः पथि॒कृद्भ्यः॑ ॥ १०.०१४.१५
ya̱māya̱ madhu̍mattama̱ṃ rājñe̍ ha̱vyaṃ ju̍hotana .
i̱daṃ nama̱ ṛṣi̍bhyaḥ pūrva̱jebhya̱ḥ pūrve̍bhyaḥ pathi̱kṛdbhya̍ḥ .. 10.014.15
15 Offer to Yama, to the King, oblation very rich in meath:-
Bow down before the Ṛṣis of the ancient times, who made this path in days of old.
Sloka : 10.14.16
त्रिक॑द्रुकेभिः पतति॒ षळु॒र्वीरेक॒मिद्बृ॒हत् ।
त्रि॒ष्टुब्गा॑य॒त्री छन्दां॑सि॒ सर्वा॒ ता य॒म आहि॑ता ॥ १०.०१४.१६
trika̍drukebhiḥ patati̱ ṣal̤u̱rvīreka̱midbṛ̱hat .
tri̱ṣṭubgā̍ya̱trī chandā̍ṃsi̱ sarvā̱ tā ya̱ma āhi̍tā .. 10.014.16
16 Into the six Expanses flies the Great One in Trkadrukas.
The Gāyatrī, the Tṛṣṭup, all metres in Yama are contained.
Sloka : 10.15.1
उदी॑रता॒मव॑र॒ उत्परा॑स॒ उन्म॑ध्य॒माः पि॒तरः॑ सो॒म्यासः॑ ।
असुं॒ य ई॒युर॑वृ॒का ऋ॑त॒ज्ञास्ते नो॑ऽवन्तु पि॒तरो॒ हवे॑षु ॥ १०.०१५.०१
udī̍ratā̱mava̍ra̱ utparā̍sa̱ unma̍dhya̱māḥ pi̱tara̍ḥ so̱myāsa̍ḥ .
asu̱ṃ ya ī̱yura̍vṛ̱kā ṛ̍ta̱jñāste no̎vantu pi̱taro̱ have̍ṣu .. 10.015.01
1. MAY they ascend, the lowest, highest, midmost, the Fathers who deserve a share of Soma-
May they who have attained the life of spirits, gentle and righteous, aid us when we call them.
Sloka : 10.15.2
इ॒दं पि॒तृभ्यो॒ नमो॑ अस्त्व॒द्य ये पूर्वा॑सो॒ य उप॑रास ई॒युः ।
ये पार्थि॑वे॒ रज॒स्या निष॑त्ता॒ ये वा॑ नू॒नं सु॑वृ॒जना॑सु वि॒क्षु ॥ १०.०१५.०२
i̱daṃ pi̱tṛbhyo̱ namo̍ astva̱dya ye pūrvā̍so̱ ya upa̍rāsa ī̱yuḥ .
ye pārthi̍ve̱ raja̱syā niṣa̍ttā̱ ye vā̍ nū̱naṃ su̍vṛ̱janā̍su vi̱kṣu .. 10.015.02
2 Now let us pay this homage to the Fathers, to those who passed of old and those who followed,
Those who have rested in the earthly region, and those who dwell among the Mighty Races.
Sloka : 10.15.3
आहं पि॒तॄन्सु॑वि॒दत्रा॑ँ अवित्सि॒ नपा॑तं च वि॒क्रम॑णं च॒ विष्णोः॑ ।
ब॒र्हि॒षदो॒ ये स्व॒धया॑ सु॒तस्य॒ भज॑न्त पि॒त्वस्त इ॒हाग॑मिष्ठाः ॥ १०.०१५.०३
āhaṃ pi̱tṝnsu̍vi̱datrā̍m̐ avitsi̱ napā̍taṃ ca vi̱krama̍ṇaṃ ca̱ viṣṇo̍ḥ .
ba̱rhi̱ṣado̱ ye sva̱dhayā̍ su̱tasya̱ bhaja̍nta pi̱tvasta i̱hāga̍miṣṭhāḥ .. 10.015.03
3 1 have attained the gracious-minded Fathers, I have gained son and progeny from Viṣṇu.
They who enjoy pressed juices with oblation seated on sacred grass, come oftenest hither.
Sloka : 10.15.4
बर्हि॑षदः पितर ऊ॒त्य१॒॑र्वागि॒मा वो॑ ह॒व्या च॑कृमा जु॒षध्व॑म् ।
त आ ग॒ताव॑सा॒ शंत॑मे॒नाथा॑ नः॒ शं योर॑र॒पो द॑धात ॥ १०.०१५.०४
barhi̍ṣadaḥ pitara ū̱tya1̱̍rvāgi̱mā vo̍ ha̱vyā ca̍kṛmā ju̱ṣadhva̍m .
ta ā ga̱tāva̍sā̱ śaṃta̍me̱nāthā̍ na̱ḥ śaṃ yora̍ra̱po da̍dhāta .. 10.015.04
4 Fathers who sit on sacred grass, come, help us:- these offerings have we made for you; accept them.
So come to us with most auspicious favour, and give us health and strength without a trouble.
Sloka : 10.15.5
उप॑हूताः पि॒तरः॑ सो॒म्यासो॑ बर्हि॒ष्ये॑षु नि॒धिषु॑ प्रि॒येषु॑ ।
त आ ग॑मन्तु॒ त इ॒ह श्रु॑व॒न्त्वधि॑ ब्रुवन्तु॒ ते॑ऽवन्त्व॒स्मान् ॥ १०.०१५.०५
upa̍hūtāḥ pi̱tara̍ḥ so̱myāso̍ barhi̱ṣye̍ṣu ni̱dhiṣu̍ pri̱yeṣu̍ .
ta ā ga̍mantu̱ ta i̱ha śru̍va̱ntvadhi̍ bruvantu̱ te̎vantva̱smān .. 10.015.05
5 May they, the Fathers, worthy of the Soma, invited to their favourite oblations.
Laid on the sacred grass, come nigh and listen:- may they be gracious unto us and bless us.
Sloka : 10.15.6
आच्या॒ जानु॑ दक्षिण॒तो नि॒षद्ये॒मं य॒ज्ञम॒भि गृ॑णीत॒ विश्वे॑ ।
मा हिं॑सिष्ट पितरः॒ केन॑ चिन्नो॒ यद्व॒ आगः॑ पुरु॒षता॒ करा॑म ॥ १०.०१५.०६
ācyā̱ jānu̍ dakṣiṇa̱to ni̱ṣadye̱maṃ ya̱jñama̱bhi gṛ̍ṇīta̱ viśve̍ .
mā hi̍ṃsiṣṭa pitara̱ḥ kena̍ cinno̱ yadva̱ āga̍ḥ puru̱ṣatā̱ karā̍ma .. 10.015.06
6 Bowing your bended knees and seated southward, accept this sacrifice of ours with favour.
Punish us not for any sin, O Fathers, which we through human frailty have committed.
Sloka : 10.15.7
आसी॑नासो अरु॒णीना॑मु॒पस्थे॑ र॒यिं ध॑त्त दा॒शुषे॒ मर्त्या॑य ।
पु॒त्रेभ्यः॑ पितर॒स्तस्य॒ वस्वः॒ प्र य॑च्छत॒ त इ॒होर्जं॑ दधात ॥ १०.०१५.०७
āsī̍nāso aru̱ṇīnā̍mu̱pasthe̍ ra̱yiṃ dha̍tta dā̱śuṣe̱ martyā̍ya .
pu̱trebhya̍ḥ pitara̱stasya̱ vasva̱ḥ pra ya̍cchata̱ ta i̱horja̍ṃ dadhāta .. 10.015.07
7 Lapped in the bosom of the purple Mornings, give riches to the man who brings oblations.
Grant to your sons a portion of that treasure, and, present, give them energy, ye Fathers.
Sloka : 10.15.8
ये नः॒ पूर्वे॑ पि॒तरः॑ सो॒म्यासो॑ऽनूहि॒रे सो॑मपी॒थं वसि॑ष्ठाः ।
तेभि॑र्य॒मः सं॑ररा॒णो ह॒वींष्यु॒शन्नु॒शद्भिः॑ प्रतिका॒मम॑त्तु ॥ १०.०१५.०८
ye na̱ḥ pūrve̍ pi̱tara̍ḥ so̱myāso̎nūhi̱re so̍mapī̱thaṃ vasi̍ṣṭhāḥ .
tebhi̍rya̱maḥ sa̍ṃrarā̱ṇo ha̱vīṃṣyu̱śannu̱śadbhi̍ḥ pratikā̱mama̍ttu .. 10.015.08
8 Our ancient Fathers who deserve the Soma, who came, most noble, to our Soma banquet,
With these let Yama, yearning with the yearning, rejoicing eat our offerings at his pleasure.
Sloka : 10.15.9
ये ता॑तृ॒षुर्दे॑व॒त्रा जेह॑माना होत्रा॒विदः॒ स्तोम॑तष्टासो अ॒र्कैः ।
आग्ने॑ याहि सुवि॒दत्रे॑भिर॒र्वाङ्स॒त्यैः क॒व्यैः पि॒तृभि॑र्घर्म॒सद्भिः॑ ॥ १०.०१५.०९
ye tā̍tṛ̱ṣurde̍va̱trā jeha̍mānā hotrā̱vida̱ḥ stoma̍taṣṭāso a̱rkaiḥ .
āgne̍ yāhi suvi̱datre̍bhira̱rvāṅsa̱tyaiḥ ka̱vyaiḥ pi̱tṛbhi̍rgharma̱sadbhi̍ḥ .. 10.015.09
9 Come to us, Agni, with the gracioug Fathers who dwell in glowing light, the very Kavyas,
Who thirsted mid the Gods, who hasten hither, oblation winners, theme of singers' praises.
Sloka : 10.15.10
ये स॒त्यासो॑ हवि॒रदो॑ हवि॒ष्पा इन्द्रे॑ण दे॒वैः स॒रथं॒ दधा॑नाः ।
आग्ने॑ याहि स॒हस्रं॑ देवव॒न्दैः परैः॒ पूर्वैः॑ पि॒तृभि॑र्घर्म॒सद्भिः॑ ॥ १०.०१५.१०
ye sa̱tyāso̍ havi̱rado̍ havi̱ṣpā indre̍ṇa de̱vaiḥ sa̱ratha̱ṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .
āgne̍ yāhi sa̱hasra̍ṃ devava̱ndaiḥ parai̱ḥ pūrvai̍ḥ pi̱tṛbhi̍rgharma̱sadbhi̍ḥ .. 10.015.10
10 Come, Agni, come with countless ancient Fathers, dwellers in light, primeval, God-adorers,
Eaters and drinkers of oblations, truthful, who travel with the Deities and Indra.
Sloka : 10.15.11
अग्नि॑ष्वात्ताः पितर॒ एह ग॑च्छत॒ सदः॑सदः सदत सुप्रणीतयः ।
अ॒त्ता ह॒वींषि॒ प्रय॑तानि ब॒र्हिष्यथा॑ र॒यिं सर्व॑वीरं दधातन ॥ १०.०१५.११
agni̍ṣvāttāḥ pitara̱ eha ga̍cchata̱ sada̍ḥsadaḥ sadata supraṇītayaḥ .
a̱ttā ha̱vīṃṣi̱ praya̍tāni ba̱rhiṣyathā̍ ra̱yiṃ sarva̍vīraṃ dadhātana .. 10.015.11
11 Fathers whom Agni's flames have tasted, come ye nigh:- ye kindly leaders, take ye each your proper place.
Eat sacrificial food presented on the grass:- grant riches with a multitude of hero sons.
Sloka : 10.15.12
त्वम॑ग्न ईळि॒तो जा॑तवे॒दोऽवा॑ड्ढ॒व्यानि॑ सुर॒भीणि॑ कृ॒त्वी ।
प्रादाः॑ पि॒तृभ्यः॑ स्व॒धया॒ ते अ॑क्षन्न॒द्धि त्वं दे॑व॒ प्रय॑ता ह॒वींषि॑ ॥ १०.०१५.१२
tvama̍gna īl̤i̱to jā̍tave̱do'vā̍ḍḍha̱vyāni̍ sura̱bhīṇi̍ kṛ̱tvī .
prādā̍ḥ pi̱tṛbhya̍ḥ sva̱dhayā̱ te a̍kṣanna̱ddhi tvaṃ de̍va̱ praya̍tā ha̱vīṃṣi̍ .. 10.015.12
12 Thou, Agni Jātavedas, when entreated, didst bear the offerings which thou madest fragrant,
And give them to the Fathers who did cat them with Svadha. Eat, thou God, the gifts we bring thee.
Sloka : 10.15.13
ये चे॒ह पि॒तरो॒ ये च॒ नेह याँश्च॑ वि॒द्म याँ उ॑ च॒ न प्र॑वि॒द्म ।
त्वं वे॑त्थ॒ यति॒ ते जा॑तवेदः स्व॒धाभि॑र्य॒ज्ञं सुकृ॑तं जुषस्व ॥ १०.०१५.१३
ye ce̱ha pi̱taro̱ ye ca̱ neha yām̐śca̍ vi̱dma yām̐ u̍ ca̱ na pra̍vi̱dma .
tvaṃ ve̍ttha̱ yati̱ te jā̍tavedaḥ sva̱dhābhi̍rya̱jñaṃ sukṛ̍taṃ juṣasva .. 10.015.13
13 Thou, Jātavedas, knowest well the number of Fathers who are here and who are absent,
Of Fathers whom we know and whom we know not:- accept the sacrifice wellprepared with portions.
Sloka : 10.15.14
ये अ॑ग्निद॒ग्धा ये अन॑ग्निदग्धा॒ मध्ये॑ दि॒वः स्व॒धया॑ मा॒दय॑न्ते ।
तेभिः॑ स्व॒राळसु॑नीतिमे॒तां य॑थाव॒शं त॒न्वं॑ कल्पयस्व ॥ १०.०१५.१४
ye a̍gnida̱gdhā ye ana̍gnidagdhā̱ madhye̍ di̱vaḥ sva̱dhayā̍ mā̱daya̍nte .
tebhi̍ḥ sva̱rāl̤asu̍nītime̱tāṃ ya̍thāva̱śaṃ ta̱nva̍ṃ kalpayasva .. 10.015.14
14 They who, consumed by fire or not cremated, joy in their offering in the midst of heaven,
Grant them, O Sovran Lord, the world of spirits and their own body, as thy pleasure wills it.
Sloka : 10.16.1
मैन॑मग्ने॒ वि द॑हो॒ माभि शो॑चो॒ मास्य॒ त्वचं॑ चिक्षिपो॒ मा शरी॑रम् ।
य॒दा शृ॒तं कृ॒णवो॑ जातवे॒दोऽथे॑मेनं॒ प्र हि॑णुतात्पि॒तृभ्यः॑ ॥ १०.०१६.०१
maina̍magne̱ vi da̍ho̱ mābhi śo̍co̱ māsya̱ tvaca̍ṃ cikṣipo̱ mā śarī̍ram .
ya̱dā śṛ̱taṃ kṛ̱ṇavo̍ jātave̱do'the̍mena̱ṃ pra hi̍ṇutātpi̱tṛbhya̍ḥ .. 10.016.01
1. Burn him not up, nor quite consume him, Agni:- let not his body or his skin be scattered.
O Jātavedas, when thou hast matured him, then send him on his way unto the Fathers.
Sloka : 10.16.2
शृ॒तं य॒दा कर॑सि जातवे॒दोऽथे॑मेनं॒ परि॑ दत्तात्पि॒तृभ्यः॑ ।
य॒दा गच्छा॒त्यसु॑नीतिमे॒तामथा॑ दे॒वानां॑ वश॒नीर्भ॑वाति ॥ १०.०१६.०२
śṛ̱taṃ ya̱dā kara̍si jātave̱do'the̍mena̱ṃ pari̍ dattātpi̱tṛbhya̍ḥ .
ya̱dā gacchā̱tyasu̍nītime̱tāmathā̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ vaśa̱nīrbha̍vāti .. 10.016.02
2 When thou hast made him ready, Jātavedas, then do thou give him over to the Fathers.
When he attains unto the life that waits him, he shall become the Deities' controller.
Sloka : 10.16.3
सूर्यं॒ चक्षु॑र्गच्छतु॒ वात॑मा॒त्मा द्यां च॑ गच्छ पृथि॒वीं च॒ धर्म॑णा ।
अ॒पो वा॑ गच्छ॒ यदि॒ तत्र॑ ते हि॒तमोष॑धीषु॒ प्रति॑ तिष्ठा॒ शरी॑रैः ॥ १०.०१६.०३
sūrya̱ṃ cakṣu̍rgacchatu̱ vāta̍mā̱tmā dyāṃ ca̍ gaccha pṛthi̱vīṃ ca̱ dharma̍ṇā .
a̱po vā̍ gaccha̱ yadi̱ tatra̍ te hi̱tamoṣa̍dhīṣu̱ prati̍ tiṣṭhā̱ śarī̍raiḥ .. 10.016.03
3 The Sun receive thine eye, tne Wind thy spirit; go, as thy merit is, to earth or heaven.
Go, if it be thy lot, unto the waters; go, make thine home in plants with all thy members.
Sloka : 10.16.4
अ॒जो भा॒गस्तप॑सा॒ तं त॑पस्व॒ तं ते॑ शो॒चिस्त॑पतु॒ तं ते॑ अ॒र्चिः ।
यास्ते॑ शि॒वास्त॒न्वो॑ जातवेद॒स्ताभि॑र्वहैनं सु॒कृता॑मु लो॒कम् ॥ १०.०१६.०४
a̱jo bhā̱gastapa̍sā̱ taṃ ta̍pasva̱ taṃ te̍ śo̱cista̍patu̱ taṃ te̍ a̱rciḥ .
yāste̍ śi̱vāsta̱nvo̍ jātaveda̱stābhi̍rvahainaṃ su̱kṛtā̍mu lo̱kam .. 10.016.04
4 Thy portion is the goat:- with heat consume him:- let thy fierce flame, thy glowing splendour, burn him
With thine auspicious forms, o Jātavedas, bear this man to the region of the pious.
Sloka : 10.16.5
अव॑ सृज॒ पुन॑रग्ने पि॒तृभ्यो॒ यस्त॒ आहु॑त॒श्चर॑ति स्व॒धाभिः॑ ।
आयु॒र्वसा॑न॒ उप॑ वेतु॒ शेषः॒ सं ग॑च्छतां त॒न्वा॑ जातवेदः ॥ १०.०१६.०५
ava̍ sṛja̱ puna̍ragne pi̱tṛbhyo̱ yasta̱ āhu̍ta̱ścara̍ti sva̱dhābhi̍ḥ .
āyu̱rvasā̍na̱ upa̍ vetu̱ śeṣa̱ḥ saṃ ga̍cchatāṃ ta̱nvā̍ jātavedaḥ .. 10.016.05
5 Again, O Agni, to the Fathers send him who, offered in thee, goes with our oblations.
Wearing new life let him increase his offspring:- let him rejoin a body, Jātavedas.
Sloka : 10.16.6
यत्ते॑ कृ॒ष्णः श॑कु॒न आ॑तु॒तोद॑ पिपी॒लः स॒र्प उ॒त वा॒ श्वाप॑दः ।
अ॒ग्निष्टद्वि॒श्वाद॑ग॒दं कृ॑णोतु॒ सोम॑श्च॒ यो ब्रा॑ह्म॒णाँ आ॑वि॒वेश॑ ॥ १०.०१६.०६
yatte̍ kṛ̱ṣṇaḥ śa̍ku̱na ā̍tu̱toda̍ pipī̱laḥ sa̱rpa u̱ta vā̱ śvāpa̍daḥ .
a̱gniṣṭadvi̱śvāda̍ga̱daṃ kṛ̍ṇotu̱ soma̍śca̱ yo brā̍hma̱ṇām̐ ā̍vi̱veśa̍ .. 10.016.06
6 What wound soeer the dark bird hath inflicted, the emmet, or the serpent, or the jackal,
May Agni who devoureth all things heal it and Soma who hath passed into the Brahmans.
Sloka : 10.16.7
अ॒ग्नेर्वर्म॒ परि॒ गोभि॑र्व्ययस्व॒ सं प्रोर्णु॑ष्व॒ पीव॑सा॒ मेद॑सा च ।
नेत्त्वा॑ धृ॒ष्णुर्हर॑सा॒ जर्हृ॑षाणो द॒धृग्वि॑ध॒क्ष्यन्प॑र्य॒ङ्खया॑ते ॥ १०.०१६.०७
a̱gnervarma̱ pari̱ gobhi̍rvyayasva̱ saṃ prorṇu̍ṣva̱ pīva̍sā̱ meda̍sā ca .
nettvā̍ dhṛ̱ṣṇurhara̍sā̱ jarhṛ̍ṣāṇo da̱dhṛgvi̍dha̱kṣyanpa̍rya̱ṅkhayā̍te .. 10.016.07
7 Shield thee with flesh against the flames of Agni, encompass thee about with fat and marrow,
So will the Bold One, eager to attack thee with fierce glow fail to girdle and consume thee.
Sloka : 10.16.8
इ॒मम॑ग्ने चम॒सं मा वि जि॑ह्वरः प्रि॒यो दे॒वाना॑मु॒त सो॒म्याना॑म् ।
ए॒ष यश्च॑म॒सो दे॑व॒पान॒स्तस्मि॑न्दे॒वा अ॒मृता॑ मादयन्ते ॥ १०.०१६.०८
i̱mama̍gne cama̱saṃ mā vi ji̍hvaraḥ pri̱yo de̱vānā̍mu̱ta so̱myānā̍m .
e̱ṣa yaśca̍ma̱so de̍va̱pāna̱stasmi̍nde̱vā a̱mṛtā̍ mādayante .. 10.016.08
8 Forbear, O Agni, to upset this ladle:- the Gods and they who merit Soma love it.
This ladle, this which serves the Gods to drink from, in this the Immortal Deities rejoice them.
Sloka : 10.16.9
क्र॒व्याद॑म॒ग्निं प्र हि॑णोमि दू॒रं य॒मरा॑ज्ञो गच्छतु रिप्रवा॒हः ।
इ॒हैवायमित॑रो जा॒तवे॑दा दे॒वेभ्यो॑ ह॒व्यं व॑हतु प्रजा॒नन् ॥ १०.०१६.०९
kra̱vyāda̍ma̱gniṃ pra hi̍ṇomi dū̱raṃ ya̱marā̍jño gacchatu ripravā̱haḥ .
i̱haivāyamita̍ro jā̱tave̍dā de̱vebhyo̍ ha̱vyaṃ va̍hatu prajā̱nan .. 10.016.09
9 1 send afar flesh eating Agni, bearing off stains may he depart to Yama's subjects.
But let this other Jātavedas carry oblation to the Gods, for he is skilful.
Sloka : 10.16.10
यो अ॒ग्निः क्र॒व्यात्प्र॑वि॒वेश॑ वो गृ॒हमि॒मं पश्य॒न्नित॑रं जा॒तवे॑दसम् ।
तं ह॑रामि पितृय॒ज्ञाय॑ दे॒वं स घ॒र्ममि॑न्वात्पर॒मे स॒धस्थे॑ ॥ १०.०१६.१०
yo a̱gniḥ kra̱vyātpra̍vi̱veśa̍ vo gṛ̱hami̱maṃ paśya̱nnita̍raṃ jā̱tave̍dasam .
taṃ ha̍rāmi pitṛya̱jñāya̍ de̱vaṃ sa gha̱rmami̍nvātpara̱me sa̱dhasthe̍ .. 10.016.10
10 I choose as God for Father-worship Agni, flesh-eater, who hath past within your dwelling,
While looking on this other Jātavedas. Let him light flames in the supreme assembly.
Sloka : 10.16.11
यो अ॒ग्निः क्र॑व्य॒वाह॑नः पि॒तॄन्यक्ष॑दृता॒वृधः॑ ।
प्रेदु॑ ह॒व्यानि॑ वोचति दे॒वेभ्य॑श्च पि॒तृभ्य॒ आ ॥ १०.०१६.११
yo a̱gniḥ kra̍vya̱vāha̍naḥ pi̱tṝnyakṣa̍dṛtā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .
predu̍ ha̱vyāni̍ vocati de̱vebhya̍śca pi̱tṛbhya̱ ā .. 10.016.11
11 With offerings meet let Agni bring the Fathers who support the Law.
Let him announce oblations paid to Fathers and to Deities.
Sloka : 10.16.12
उ॒शन्त॑स्त्वा॒ नि धी॑मह्यु॒शन्तः॒ समि॑धीमहि ।
उ॒शन्नु॑श॒त आ व॑ह पि॒तॄन्ह॒विषे॒ अत्त॑वे ॥ १०.०१६.१२
u̱śanta̍stvā̱ ni dhī̍mahyu̱śanta̱ḥ sami̍dhīmahi .
u̱śannu̍śa̱ta ā va̍ha pi̱tṝnha̱viṣe̱ atta̍ve .. 10.016.12
12 Right gladly would we set thee down, right gladly make thee burn and glow.
Gladly bring yearning Fathers nigh to cat the food of sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.16.13
यं त्वम॑ग्ने स॒मद॑ह॒स्तमु॒ निर्वा॑पया॒ पुनः॑ ।
कि॒याम्ब्वत्र॑ रोहतु पाकदू॒र्वा व्य॑ल्कशा ॥ १०.०१६.१३
yaṃ tvama̍gne sa̱mada̍ha̱stamu̱ nirvā̍payā̱ puna̍ḥ .
ki̱yāmbvatra̍ rohatu pākadū̱rvā vya̍lkaśā .. 10.016.13
13 Cool, Agni, and again refresh the spot which thou hast scorched and burnt.
Here let the water-lily grow, and tender grass and leafy herb.
Sloka : 10.16.14
शीति॑के॒ शीति॑कावति॒ ह्लादि॑के॒ ह्लादि॑कावति ।
म॒ण्डू॒क्या॒३॒॑ सु सं ग॑म इ॒मं स्व१॒॑ग्निं ह॑र्षय ॥ १०.०१६.१४
śīti̍ke̱ śīti̍kāvati̱ hlādi̍ke̱ hlādi̍kāvati .
ma̱ṇḍū̱kyā̱3̱̍ su saṃ ga̍ma i̱maṃ sva1̱̍gniṃ ha̍rṣaya .. 10.016.14
14 O full of coolness, thou cool Plant, full of fresh moisture, freshening Herb,
Come hither with the female frog:- fill with delight this Agni here.
Sloka : 10.17.1
त्वष्टा॑ दुहि॒त्रे व॑ह॒तुं कृ॑णो॒तीती॒दं विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं॒ समे॑ति ।
य॒मस्य॑ मा॒ता प॑र्यु॒ह्यमा॑ना म॒हो जा॒या विव॑स्वतो ननाश ॥ १०.०१७.०१
tvaṣṭā̍ duhi̱tre va̍ha̱tuṃ kṛ̍ṇo̱tītī̱daṃ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍na̱ṃ same̍ti .
ya̱masya̍ mā̱tā pa̍ryu̱hyamā̍nā ma̱ho jā̱yā viva̍svato nanāśa .. 10.017.01
1. TVASTAR prepares the bridal of his Daughter:- all the world hears the tidings and assembles.
But Yama's Mother, Spouse of great Vivasvān, vanished as she was carried to her dwelling.
Sloka : 10.17.2
अपा॑गूहन्न॒मृतां॒ मर्त्ये॑भ्यः कृ॒त्वी सव॑र्णामददु॒र्विव॑स्वते ।
उ॒ताश्विना॑वभर॒द्यत्तदासी॒दज॑हादु॒ द्वा मि॑थु॒ना स॑र॒ण्यूः ॥ १०.०१७.०२
apā̍gūhanna̱mṛtā̱ṃ martye̍bhyaḥ kṛ̱tvī sava̍rṇāmadadu̱rviva̍svate .
u̱tāśvinā̍vabhara̱dyattadāsī̱daja̍hādu̱ dvā mi̍thu̱nā sa̍ra̱ṇyūḥ .. 10.017.02
2 From mortal men they hid the Immortal Lady, made one like her and gave her to Vivasvān.
Saranyu brought to him the Aśvin brothers, and then deserted both twinned pairs of children.
Sloka : 10.17.3
पू॒षा त्वे॒तश्च्या॑वयतु॒ प्र वि॒द्वानन॑ष्टपशु॒र्भुव॑नस्य गो॒पाः ।
स त्वै॒तेभ्यः॒ परि॑ ददत्पि॒तृभ्यो॒ऽग्निर्दे॒वेभ्यः॑ सुविद॒त्रिये॑भ्यः ॥ १०.०१७.०३
pū̱ṣā tve̱taścyā̍vayatu̱ pra vi̱dvānana̍ṣṭapaśu̱rbhuva̍nasya go̱pāḥ .
sa tvai̱tebhya̱ḥ pari̍ dadatpi̱tṛbhyo̱'gnirde̱vebhya̍ḥ suvida̱triye̍bhyaḥ .. 10.017.03
3 Guard of the world, whose cattle neer are injured, may Pūṣan bear thee hence, for he hath knowledge.
May he consign thee to these Fathers' keeping, and to the gracious Gods let Agni give thee.
Sloka : 10.17.4
आयु॑र्वि॒श्वायुः॒ परि॑ पासति त्वा पू॒षा त्वा॑ पातु॒ प्रप॑थे पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।
यत्रास॑ते सु॒कृतो॒ यत्र॒ ते य॒युस्तत्र॑ त्वा दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता द॑धातु ॥ १०.०१७.०४
āyu̍rvi̱śvāyu̱ḥ pari̍ pāsati tvā pū̱ṣā tvā̍ pātu̱ prapa̍the pu̱rastā̍t .
yatrāsa̍te su̱kṛto̱ yatra̱ te ya̱yustatra̍ tvā de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā da̍dhātu .. 10.017.04
4 May Āyu, giver of all life, protect thee, and bear thee forward on the distant pathway.
Thither let Savitar the God transport thee, where dwell the pious who have passed-before thee.
Sloka : 10.17.5
पू॒षेमा आशा॒ अनु॑ वेद॒ सर्वाः॒ सो अ॒स्माँ अभ॑यतमेन नेषत् ।
स्व॒स्ति॒दा आघृ॑णिः॒ सर्व॑वी॒रोऽप्र॑युच्छन्पु॒र ए॑तु प्रजा॒नन् ॥ १०.०१७.०५
pū̱ṣemā āśā̱ anu̍ veda̱ sarvā̱ḥ so a̱smām̐ abha̍yatamena neṣat .
sva̱sti̱dā āghṛ̍ṇi̱ḥ sarva̍vī̱ro'pra̍yucchanpu̱ra e̍tu prajā̱nan .. 10.017.05
5 Pūṣan knows all these realms:- may he conduct us by ways that are most free from fear and danger.
Giver of blessings, glowing, all-heroic, may he, thewise and watchful, go before us.
Sloka : 10.17.6
प्रप॑थे प॒थाम॑जनिष्ट पू॒षा प्रप॑थे दि॒वः प्रप॑थे पृथि॒व्याः ।
उ॒भे अ॒भि प्रि॒यत॑मे स॒धस्थे॒ आ च॒ परा॑ च चरति प्रजा॒नन् ॥ १०.०१७.०६
prapa̍the pa̱thāma̍janiṣṭa pū̱ṣā prapa̍the di̱vaḥ prapa̍the pṛthi̱vyāḥ .
u̱bhe a̱bhi pri̱yata̍me sa̱dhasthe̱ ā ca̱ parā̍ ca carati prajā̱nan .. 10.017.06
6 Pūṣan was born to move on distant pathways, on the road far from earth and far from heaven.
To both most wonted places of assembly he travels and returns with perfect knowledge.
Sloka : 10.17.7
सर॑स्वतीं देव॒यन्तो॑ हवन्ते॒ सर॑स्वतीमध्व॒रे ता॒यमा॑ने ।
सर॑स्वतीं सु॒कृतो॑ अह्वयन्त॒ सर॑स्वती दा॒शुषे॒ वार्यं॑ दात् ॥ १०.०१७.०७
sara̍svatīṃ deva̱yanto̍ havante̱ sara̍svatīmadhva̱re tā̱yamā̍ne .
sara̍svatīṃ su̱kṛto̍ ahvayanta̱ sara̍svatī dā̱śuṣe̱ vārya̍ṃ dāt .. 10.017.07
7 The pious call Sarasvatī, they worship Sarasvatī while sacrifice proceedeth.
The pious called Sarasvatī aforetime. Sarasvatī send bliss to him who giveth.
Sloka : 10.17.8
सर॑स्वति॒ या स॒रथं॑ य॒याथ॑ स्व॒धाभि॑र्देवि पि॒तृभि॒र्मद॑न्ती ।
आ॒सद्या॒स्मिन्ब॒र्हिषि॑ मादयस्वानमी॒वा इष॒ आ धे॑ह्य॒स्मे ॥ १०.०१७.०८
sara̍svati̱ yā sa̱ratha̍ṃ ya̱yātha̍ sva̱dhābhi̍rdevi pi̱tṛbhi̱rmada̍ntī .
ā̱sadyā̱sminba̱rhiṣi̍ mādayasvānamī̱vā iṣa̱ ā dhe̍hya̱sme .. 10.017.08
8 Sarasvatī, who camest with the Fathers, with them rejoicing thee in our oblations,
Seated upon this sacred grass be joyful, and give us strengthening food that brings no sickness.
Sloka : 10.17.9
सर॑स्वतीं॒ यां पि॒तरो॒ हव॑न्ते दक्षि॒णा य॒ज्ञम॑भि॒नक्ष॑माणाः ।
स॒ह॒स्रा॒र्घमि॒ळो अत्र॑ भा॒गं रा॒यस्पोषं॒ यज॑मानेषु धेहि ॥ १०.०१७.०९
sara̍svatī̱ṃ yāṃ pi̱taro̱ hava̍nte dakṣi̱ṇā ya̱jñama̍bhi̱nakṣa̍māṇāḥ .
sa̱ha̱srā̱rghami̱l̤o atra̍ bhā̱gaṃ rā̱yaspoṣa̱ṃ yaja̍māneṣu dhehi .. 10.017.09
9 Thou, called on as Sarasvatī by Fathers who come right forward to our solemn service,
Give food and wealth to present sacrificers, a portion, worth a thousand, of refreshment.
Sloka : 10.17.10
आपो॑ अ॒स्मान्मा॒तरः॑ शुन्धयन्तु घृ॒तेन॑ नो घृत॒प्वः॑ पुनन्तु ।
विश्वं॒ हि रि॒प्रं प्र॒वह॑न्ति दे॒वीरुदिदा॑भ्यः॒ शुचि॒रा पू॒त ए॑मि ॥ १०.०१७.१०
āpo̍ a̱smānmā̱tara̍ḥ śundhayantu ghṛ̱tena̍ no ghṛta̱pva̍ḥ punantu .
viśva̱ṃ hi ri̱praṃ pra̱vaha̍nti de̱vīrudidā̍bhya̱ḥ śuci̱rā pū̱ta e̍mi .. 10.017.10
10 The Mother Floods shall make us bright and shining, cleansers of holy oil, with oil shall cleanse us:-
For, Goddesses, they bear off all defilement:- I, rise up from them purified and brightened.
Sloka : 10.17.11
द्र॒प्सश्च॑स्कन्द प्रथ॒माँ अनु॒ द्यूनि॒मं च॒ योनि॒मनु॒ यश्च॒ पूर्वः॑ ।
स॒मा॒नं योनि॒मनु॑ सं॒चर॑न्तं द्र॒प्सं जु॑हो॒म्यनु॑ स॒प्त होत्राः॑ ॥ १०.०१७.११
dra̱psaśca̍skanda pratha̱mām̐ anu̱ dyūni̱maṃ ca̱ yoni̱manu̱ yaśca̱ pūrva̍ḥ .
sa̱mā̱naṃ yoni̱manu̍ sa̱ṃcara̍ntaṃ dra̱psaṃ ju̍ho̱myanu̍ sa̱pta hotrā̍ḥ .. 10.017.11
11 Through days of earliest date the Drop descended on this place and on that which was before it.
I offer up, throughout the seven oblations, the Drop which still to one same place is moving.
Sloka : 10.17.12
यस्ते॑ द्र॒प्सः स्कन्द॑ति॒ यस्ते॑ अं॒शुर्बा॒हुच्यु॑तो धि॒षणा॑या उ॒पस्था॑त् ।
अ॒ध्व॒र्योर्वा॒ परि॑ वा॒ यः प॒वित्रा॒त्तं ते॑ जुहोमि॒ मन॑सा॒ वष॑ट्कृतम् ॥ १०.०१७.१२
yaste̍ dra̱psaḥ skanda̍ti̱ yaste̍ a̱ṃśurbā̱hucyu̍to dhi̱ṣaṇā̍yā u̱pasthā̍t .
a̱dhva̱ryorvā̱ pari̍ vā̱ yaḥ pa̱vitrā̱ttaṃ te̍ juhomi̱ mana̍sā̱ vaṣa̍ṭkṛtam .. 10.017.12
12 The Drop that falls, thy stalk which arms have shaken, which from the bosom of the press hath fallen,
Or from the Adhvaryu's purifying filter, I offer thee with heart and cry of Vaṣaṭ!
Sloka : 10.17.13
यस्ते॑ द्र॒प्सः स्क॒न्नो यस्ते॑ अं॒शुर॒वश्च॒ यः प॒रः स्रु॒चा ।
अ॒यं दे॒वो बृह॒स्पतिः॒ सं तं सि॑ञ्चतु॒ राध॑से ॥ १०.०१७.१३
yaste̍ dra̱psaḥ ska̱nno yaste̍ a̱ṃśura̱vaśca̱ yaḥ pa̱raḥ sru̱cā .
a̱yaṃ de̱vo bṛha̱spati̱ḥ saṃ taṃ si̍ñcatu̱ rādha̍se .. 10.017.13
13 That fallen Drop of thine, the stalk which from the ladle fell away,
This present God Bṛhaspati shall pour it forth to make us rich.
Sloka : 10.17.14
पय॑स्वती॒रोष॑धयः॒ पय॑स्वन्माम॒कं वचः॑ ।
अ॒पां पय॑स्व॒दित्पय॒स्तेन॑ मा स॒ह शु॑न्धत ॥ १०.०१७.१४
paya̍svatī̱roṣa̍dhaya̱ḥ paya̍svanmāma̱kaṃ vaca̍ḥ .
a̱pāṃ paya̍sva̱ditpaya̱stena̍ mā sa̱ha śu̍ndhata .. 10.017.14
14 The plants of earth are rich in milk, and rich in milk is this my speech;
And rich in milk the essence of the Waters:- make me pure therewith.
Sloka : 10.18.1
परं॑ मृत्यो॒ अनु॒ परे॑हि॒ पन्थां॒ यस्ते॒ स्व इत॑रो देव॒याना॑त् ।
चक्षु॑ष्मते शृण्व॒ते ते॑ ब्रवीमि॒ मा नः॑ प्र॒जां री॑रिषो॒ मोत वी॒रान् ॥ १०.०१८.०१
para̍ṃ mṛtyo̱ anu̱ pare̍hi̱ panthā̱ṃ yaste̱ sva ita̍ro deva̱yānā̍t .
cakṣu̍ṣmate śṛṇva̱te te̍ bravīmi̱ mā na̍ḥ pra̱jāṃ rī̍riṣo̱ mota vī̱rān .. 10.018.01
1. Go hence, O Death, pursue thy special pathway apart from that which Gods are wont to travel.
To thee I say it who hast eyes and hearest:- Touch not our offspring, injure not our heroes.
Sloka : 10.18.2
मृ॒त्योः प॒दं यो॒पय॑न्तो॒ यदैत॒ द्राघी॑य॒ आयुः॑ प्रत॒रं दधा॑नाः ।
आ॒प्याय॑मानाः प्र॒जया॒ धने॑न शु॒द्धाः पू॒ता भ॑वत यज्ञियासः ॥ १०.०१८.०२
mṛ̱tyoḥ pa̱daṃ yo̱paya̍nto̱ yadaita̱ drāghī̍ya̱ āyu̍ḥ prata̱raṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .
ā̱pyāya̍mānāḥ pra̱jayā̱ dhane̍na śu̱ddhāḥ pū̱tā bha̍vata yajñiyāsaḥ .. 10.018.02
2 As ye have come effacing Mrtyu's footstep, to further times prolonging your existence,
May ye be rich in children and possessions. cleansed, purified, and meet for sacrificing.
Sloka : 10.18.3
इ॒मे जी॒वा वि मृ॒तैराव॑वृत्र॒न्नभू॑द्भ॒द्रा दे॒वहू॑तिर्नो अ॒द्य ।
प्राञ्चो॑ अगाम नृ॒तये॒ हसा॑य॒ द्राघी॑य॒ आयुः॑ प्रत॒रं दधा॑नाः ॥ १०.०१८.०३
i̱me jī̱vā vi mṛ̱tairāva̍vṛtra̱nnabhū̍dbha̱drā de̱vahū̍tirno a̱dya .
prāñco̍ agāma nṛ̱taye̱ hasā̍ya̱ drāghī̍ya̱ āyu̍ḥ prata̱raṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .. 10.018.03
3 Divided from the dead are these, the living:- now be our calling on the Gods successful.
We have gone forth for dancing and for laughter, tofurther times prolonging our existence.
Sloka : 10.18.4
इ॒मं जी॒वेभ्यः॑ परि॒धिं द॑धामि॒ मैषां॒ नु गा॒दप॑रो॒ अर्थ॑मे॒तम् ।
श॒तं जी॑वन्तु श॒रदः॑ पुरू॒चीर॒न्तर्मृ॒त्युं द॑धतां॒ पर्व॑तेन ॥ १०.०१८.०४
i̱maṃ jī̱vebhya̍ḥ pari̱dhiṃ da̍dhāmi̱ maiṣā̱ṃ nu gā̱dapa̍ro̱ artha̍me̱tam .
śa̱taṃ jī̍vantu śa̱rada̍ḥ purū̱cīra̱ntarmṛ̱tyuṃ da̍dhatā̱ṃ parva̍tena .. 10.018.04
4 Here I erect this rampart for the living; let none of these, none other, reach this limit.
May they survive a hundred lengthened autumns, and may they bury Death beneath this mountain.
Sloka : 10.18.5
यथाहा॑न्यनुपू॒र्वं भव॑न्ति॒ यथ॑ ऋ॒तव॑ ऋ॒तुभि॒र्यन्ति॑ सा॒धु ।
यथा॒ न पूर्व॒मप॑रो॒ जहा॑त्ये॒वा धा॑त॒रायूं॑षि कल्पयैषाम् ॥ १०.०१८.०५
yathāhā̍nyanupū̱rvaṃ bhava̍nti̱ yatha̍ ṛ̱tava̍ ṛ̱tubhi̱ryanti̍ sā̱dhu .
yathā̱ na pūrva̱mapa̍ro̱ jahā̍tye̱vā dhā̍ta̱rāyū̍ṃṣi kalpayaiṣām .. 10.018.05
5 As the days follow days in close succession, as with the seasons duly come the seasons,
As each successor fails not his foregoer, so form the lives of these, O great Ordainer.
Sloka : 10.18.6
आ रो॑ह॒तायु॑र्ज॒रसं॑ वृणा॒ना अ॑नुपू॒र्वं यत॑माना॒ यति॒ ष्ठ ।
इ॒ह त्वष्टा॑ सु॒जनि॑मा स॒जोषा॑ दी॒र्घमायुः॑ करति जी॒वसे॑ वः ॥ १०.०१८.०६
ā ro̍ha̱tāyu̍rja̱rasa̍ṃ vṛṇā̱nā a̍nupū̱rvaṃ yata̍mānā̱ yati̱ ṣṭha .
i̱ha tvaṣṭā̍ su̱jani̍mā sa̱joṣā̍ dī̱rghamāyu̍ḥ karati jī̱vase̍ vaḥ .. 10.018.06
6 Live your full lives ap! find old age delightful, all of you striving one behind the other.
May Tvaṣṭar, maker of fair things, be gracious and lengthen out the days of your existence.
Sloka : 10.18.7
इ॒मा नारी॑रविध॒वाः सु॒पत्नी॒राञ्ज॑नेन स॒र्पिषा॒ सं वि॑शन्तु ।
अ॒न॒श्रवो॑ऽनमी॒वाः सु॒रत्ना॒ आ रो॑हन्तु॒ जन॑यो॒ योनि॒मग्रे॑ ॥ १०.०१८.०७
i̱mā nārī̍ravidha̱vāḥ su̱patnī̱rāñja̍nena sa̱rpiṣā̱ saṃ vi̍śantu .
a̱na̱śravo̎namī̱vāḥ su̱ratnā̱ ā ro̍hantu̱ jana̍yo̱ yoni̱magre̍ .. 10.018.07
7 Let these unwidowed dames with noble husbands adorn themselves with fragrant balm and unguent.
Decked with fair jewels, tearless, free from sorrow, first let the dames go up to where he lieth.
Sloka : 10.18.8
उदी॑र्ष्व नार्य॒भि जी॑वलो॒कं ग॒तासु॑मे॒तमुप॑ शेष॒ एहि॑ ।
ह॒स्त॒ग्रा॒भस्य॑ दिधि॒षोस्तवे॒दं पत्यु॑र्जनि॒त्वम॒भि सं ब॑भूथ ॥ १०.०१८.०८
udī̍rṣva nārya̱bhi jī̍valo̱kaṃ ga̱tāsu̍me̱tamupa̍ śeṣa̱ ehi̍ .
ha̱sta̱grā̱bhasya̍ didhi̱ṣostave̱daṃ patyu̍rjani̱tvama̱bhi saṃ ba̍bhūtha .. 10.018.08
8 Rise, come unto the world of life, O woman:- come, he is lifeless by whose side thou liest.
Wifehood with this thy husband was thy portion, who took thy hand and wooed thee as a lover.
Sloka : 10.18.9
धनु॒र्हस्ता॑दा॒ददा॑नो मृ॒तस्या॒स्मे क्ष॒त्राय॒ वर्च॑से॒ बला॑य ।
अत्रै॒व त्वमि॒ह व॒यं सु॒वीरा॒ विश्वाः॒ स्पृधो॑ अ॒भिमा॑तीर्जयेम ॥ १०.०१८.०९
dhanu̱rhastā̍dā̱dadā̍no mṛ̱tasyā̱sme kṣa̱trāya̱ varca̍se̱ balā̍ya .
atrai̱va tvami̱ha va̱yaṃ su̱vīrā̱ viśvā̱ḥ spṛdho̍ a̱bhimā̍tīrjayema .. 10.018.09
9 From his dead hand I take the bow be carried, that it may be our power and might and glory.
There art thou, there; and here with noble heroes may we oercome all hosts that fight against us.
Sloka : 10.18.10
उप॑ सर्प मा॒तरं॒ भूमि॑मे॒तामु॑रु॒व्यच॑सं पृथि॒वीं सु॒शेवा॑म् ।
ऊर्ण॑म्रदा युव॒तिर्दक्षि॑णावत ए॒षा त्वा॑ पातु॒ निरृ॑तेरु॒पस्था॑त् ॥ १०.०१८.१०
upa̍ sarpa mā̱tara̱ṃ bhūmi̍me̱tāmu̍ru̱vyaca̍saṃ pṛthi̱vīṃ su̱śevā̍m .
ūrṇa̍mradā yuva̱tirdakṣi̍ṇāvata e̱ṣā tvā̍ pātu̱ nirṛ̍teru̱pasthā̍t .. 10.018.10
10 Betake thee to the Iap of Earth the Mother, of Earth far-spreading, very kind and gracious.
Young Dame, wool-soft unto the guerdongiver, may she preserve thee from Destruction's bosom.
Sloka : 10.18.11
उच्छ्व॑ञ्चस्व पृथिवि॒ मा नि बा॑धथाः सूपाय॒नास्मै॑ भव सूपवञ्च॒ना ।
मा॒ता पु॒त्रं यथा॑ सि॒चाभ्ये॑नं भूम ऊर्णुहि ॥ १०.०१८.११
ucchva̍ñcasva pṛthivi̱ mā ni bā̍dhathāḥ sūpāya̱nāsmai̍ bhava sūpavañca̱nā .
mā̱tā pu̱traṃ yathā̍ si̱cābhye̍naṃ bhūma ūrṇuhi .. 10.018.11
11 Heave thyself, Earth, nor press thee downward heavily:- afford him easy access, gently tending him.
Cover him, as a mother wraps her skirt about her child, O Earth.
Sloka : 10.18.12
उ॒च्छ्वञ्च॑माना पृथि॒वी सु ति॑ष्ठतु स॒हस्रं॒ मित॒ उप॒ हि श्रय॑न्ताम् ।
ते गृ॒हासो॑ घृत॒श्चुतो॑ भवन्तु वि॒श्वाहा॑स्मै शर॒णाः स॒न्त्वत्र॑ ॥ १०.०१८.१२
u̱cchvañca̍mānā pṛthi̱vī su ti̍ṣṭhatu sa̱hasra̱ṃ mita̱ upa̱ hi śraya̍ntām .
te gṛ̱hāso̍ ghṛta̱ścuto̍ bhavantu vi̱śvāhā̍smai śara̱ṇāḥ sa̱ntvatra̍ .. 10.018.12
12 Now let the heaving earth be free from motion:- yea,let a thousand clods remain above him.
Be they to him a home distilling fatness, here let them ever be his place of refuge.
Sloka : 10.18.13
उत्ते॑ स्तभ्नामि पृथि॒वीं त्वत्परी॒मं लो॒गं नि॒दध॒न्मो अ॒हं रि॑षम् ।
ए॒तां स्थूणां॑ पि॒तरो॑ धारयन्तु॒ तेऽत्रा॑ य॒मः साद॑ना ते मिनोतु ॥ १०.०१८.१३
utte̍ stabhnāmi pṛthi̱vīṃ tvatparī̱maṃ lo̱gaṃ ni̱dadha̱nmo a̱haṃ ri̍ṣam .
e̱tāṃ sthūṇā̍ṃ pi̱taro̍ dhārayantu̱ te'trā̍ ya̱maḥ sāda̍nā te minotu .. 10.018.13
13 I stay the earth from thee, while over thee I place this piece of earth. May I be free from injury.
Here let the Fathers keep this pillar firm for thee, and there let Yama make thee an abiding-place.
Sloka : 10.18.14
प्र॒ती॒चीने॒ मामह॒नीष्वाः॑ प॒र्णमि॒वा द॑धुः ।
प्र॒तीचीं॑ जग्रभा॒ वाच॒मश्वं॑ रश॒नया॑ यथा ॥ १०.०१८.१४
pra̱tī̱cīne̱ māmaha̱nīṣvā̍ḥ pa̱rṇami̱vā da̍dhuḥ .
pra̱tīcī̍ṃ jagrabhā̱ vāca̱maśva̍ṃ raśa̱nayā̍ yathā .. 10.018.14
14 Even as an arrow's feathers, they have set me on a fitting day.
The fit word have I caught and held as twere a courser with the rein.
Sloka : 10.19.1
नि व॑र्तध्वं॒ मानु॑ गाता॒स्मान्सि॑षक्त रेवतीः ।
अग्नी॑षोमा पुनर्वसू अ॒स्मे धा॑रयतं र॒यिम् ॥ १०.०१९.०१
ni va̍rtadhva̱ṃ mānu̍ gātā̱smānsi̍ṣakta revatīḥ .
agnī̍ṣomā punarvasū a̱sme dhā̍rayataṃ ra̱yim .. 10.019.01
1. TURN, go not farther on your way:- visit us, O ye Wealthy Ones.
Agni and Soma, ye who bring riches again, secure us wealth.
Sloka : 10.19.2
पुन॑रेना॒ नि व॑र्तय॒ पुन॑रेना॒ न्या कु॑रु ।
इन्द्र॑ एणा॒ नि य॑च्छत्व॒ग्निरे॑ना उ॒पाज॑तु ॥ १०.०१९.०२
puna̍renā̱ ni va̍rtaya̱ puna̍renā̱ nyā ku̍ru .
indra̍ eṇā̱ ni ya̍cchatva̱gnire̍nā u̱pāja̍tu .. 10.019.02
2 Make these return to us again, bring them beside us once again.
May. Indra give them back to us, and Agni drive them hither-ward.
Sloka : 10.19.3
पुन॑रे॒ता नि व॑र्तन्ताम॒स्मिन्पु॑ष्यन्तु॒ गोप॑तौ ।
इ॒हैवाग्ने॒ नि धा॑रये॒ह ति॑ष्ठतु॒ या र॒यिः ॥ १०.०१९.०३
puna̍re̱tā ni va̍rtantāma̱sminpu̍ṣyantu̱ gopa̍tau .
i̱haivāgne̱ ni dhā̍raye̱ha ti̍ṣṭhatu̱ yā ra̱yiḥ .. 10.019.03
3 Let them return to us again:- under this herdsman let them feed.
Do thou, O Agni, keep them here, and let the wealth we have remain.
Sloka : 10.19.4
यन्नि॒यानं॒ न्यय॑नं सं॒ज्ञानं॒ यत्प॒राय॑णम् ।
आ॒वर्त॑नं नि॒वर्त॑नं॒ यो गो॒पा अपि॒ तं हु॑वे ॥ १०.०१९.०४
yanni̱yāna̱ṃ nyaya̍naṃ sa̱ṃjñāna̱ṃ yatpa̱rāya̍ṇam .
ā̱varta̍naṃ ni̱varta̍na̱ṃ yo go̱pā api̱ taṃ hu̍ve .. 10.019.04
4 1 call upon their herdsman, him who knoweth well their coming nigh,
Their parting and their home-return, and watcheth their approach and rest.
Sloka : 10.19.5
य उ॒दान॒ड्व्यय॑नं॒ य उ॒दान॑ट् प॒राय॑णम् ।
आ॒वर्त॑नं नि॒वर्त॑न॒मपि॑ गो॒पा नि व॑र्तताम् ॥ १०.०१९.०५
ya u̱dāna̱ḍvyaya̍na̱ṃ ya u̱dāna̍ṭ pa̱rāya̍ṇam .
ā̱varta̍naṃ ni̱varta̍na̱mapi̍ go̱pā ni va̍rtatām .. 10.019.05
5 Yea, let the herdsman, too, return, who marketh well their driving-forth;
Marketh their wandering away, their turning back and coming home.
Sloka : 10.19.6
आ नि॑वर्त॒ नि व॑र्तय॒ पुन॑र्न इन्द्र॒ गा दे॑हि ।
जी॒वाभि॑र्भुनजामहै ॥ १०.०१९.०६
ā ni̍varta̱ ni va̍rtaya̱ puna̍rna indra̱ gā de̍hi .
jī̱vābhi̍rbhunajāmahai .. 10.019.06
6 Home-leader, lead them home to us; Indra, restore to us our kine:-
We will rejoice in them alive.
Sloka : 10.19.7
परि॑ वो वि॒श्वतो॑ दध ऊ॒र्जा घृ॒तेन॒ पय॑सा ।
ये दे॒वाः के च॑ य॒ज्ञिया॒स्ते र॒य्या सं सृ॑जन्तु नः ॥ १०.०१९.०७
pari̍ vo vi̱śvato̍ dadha ū̱rjā ghṛ̱tena̱ paya̍sā .
ye de̱vāḥ ke ca̍ ya̱jñiyā̱ste ra̱yyā saṃ sṛ̍jantu naḥ .. 10.019.07
7 1 offer you on every side butter and milk and strengthening food.
May all the Holy Deities pour down on us a flood of wealth.
Sloka : 10.19.8
आ नि॑वर्तन वर्तय॒ नि नि॑वर्तन वर्तय ।
भूम्या॒श्चत॑स्रः प्र॒दिश॒स्ताभ्य॑ एना॒ नि व॑र्तय ॥ १०.०१९.०८
ā ni̍vartana vartaya̱ ni ni̍vartana vartaya .
bhūmyā̱ścata̍sraḥ pra̱diśa̱stābhya̍ enā̱ ni va̍rtaya .. 10.019.08
8 O thou Home-leader, lead them home, restore them thou who bringest home.
Four are the quarters of the earth; from these bring back to us our kine,
Sloka : 10.20.1
भ॒द्रं नो॒ अपि॑ वातय॒ मनः॑ ॥ १०.०२०.०१
bha̱draṃ no̱ api̍ vātaya̱ mana̍ḥ .. 10.020.01
1. SEND unto us a good and happy mind.
Sloka : 10.20.2
अ॒ग्निमी॑ळे भु॒जां यवि॑ष्ठं शा॒सा मि॒त्रं दु॒र्धरी॑तुम् ।
यस्य॒ धर्म॒न्स्व१॒॑रेनीः॑ सप॒र्यन्ति॑ मा॒तुरूधः॑ ॥ १०.०२०.०२
a̱gnimī̍l̤e bhu̱jāṃ yavi̍ṣṭhaṃ śā̱sā mi̱traṃ du̱rdharī̍tum .
yasya̱ dharma̱nsva1̱̍renī̍ḥ sapa̱ryanti̍ mā̱turūdha̍ḥ .. 10.020.02
2 1 worship Agni, Youthfullest of Gods, resistless, Friend of laws;
Under whose guard and heavenly light the Spotted seek the Mother's breast:-
Sloka : 10.20.3
यमा॒सा कृ॒पनी॑ळं भा॒साके॑तुं व॒र्धय॑न्ति ।
भ्राज॑ते॒ श्रेणि॑दन् ॥ १०.०२०.०३
yamā̱sā kṛ̱panī̍l̤aṃ bhā̱sāke̍tuṃ va̱rdhaya̍nti .
bhrāja̍te̱ śreṇi̍dan .. 10.020.03
3 Whom with their mouth they magnify, bannered with flame and homed in light.
He glitters with his row of teeth.
Sloka : 10.20.4
अ॒र्यो वि॒शां गा॒तुरे॑ति॒ प्र यदान॑ड्दि॒वो अन्ता॑न् ।
क॒विर॒भ्रं दीद्या॑नः ॥ १०.०२०.०४
a̱ryo vi̱śāṃ gā̱ture̍ti̱ pra yadāna̍ḍdi̱vo antā̍n .
ka̱vira̱bhraṃ dīdyā̍naḥ .. 10.020.04
4 Kind, Furtherer of men, he comes, when he hath reached the ends of heaven,
Sage, giving splendour to the clouds.
Sloka : 10.20.5
जु॒षद्ध॒व्या मानु॑षस्यो॒र्ध्वस्त॑स्था॒वृभ्वा॑ य॒ज्ञे ।
मि॒न्वन्सद्म॑ पु॒र ए॑ति ॥ १०.०२०.०५
ju̱ṣaddha̱vyā mānu̍ṣasyo̱rdhvasta̍sthā̱vṛbhvā̍ ya̱jñe .
mi̱nvansadma̍ pu̱ra e̍ti .. 10.020.05
5 To taste man's offerings, he, the Strong, hath risen erect at sacrifice:-
Fixing his dwelling he proceeds.
Sloka : 10.20.6
स हि क्षेमो॑ ह॒विर्य॒ज्ञः श्रु॒ष्टीद॑स्य गा॒तुरे॑ति ।
अ॒ग्निं दे॒वा वाशी॑मन्तम् ॥ १०.०२०.०६
sa hi kṣemo̍ ha̱virya̱jñaḥ śru̱ṣṭīda̍sya gā̱ture̍ti .
a̱gniṃ de̱vā vāśī̍mantam .. 10.020.06
6 Here are oblation, worship, rest:- rapidly comes his furtherance.
To sword-armed Agni come the Gods.
Sloka : 10.20.7
य॒ज्ञा॒साहं॒ दुव॑ इषे॒ऽग्निं पूर्व॑स्य॒ शेव॑स्य ।
अद्रेः॑ सू॒नुमा॒युमा॑हुः ॥ १०.०२०.०७
ya̱jñā̱sāha̱ṃ duva̍ iṣe̱'gniṃ pūrva̍sya̱ śeva̍sya .
adre̍ḥ sū̱numā̱yumā̍huḥ .. 10.020.07
7 With service for chief bliss I seek the Lord of Sacrifice, Agni, whom
They call the Living, Son of Cloud.
Sloka : 10.20.8
नरो॒ ये के चा॒स्मदा विश्वेत्ते वा॒म आ स्युः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं ह॒विषा॒ वर्ध॑न्तः ॥ १०.०२०.०८
naro̱ ye ke cā̱smadā viśvette vā̱ma ā syu̍ḥ .
a̱gniṃ ha̱viṣā̱ vardha̍ntaḥ .. 10.020.08
8 Blest evermore be all the men who come from us, who magnify
Agni with sacrificial gifts.
Sloka : 10.20.9
कृ॒ष्णः श्वे॒तो॑ऽरु॒षो यामो॑ अस्य ब्र॒ध्न ऋ॒ज्र उ॒त शोणो॒ यश॑स्वान् ।
हिर॑ण्यरूपं॒ जनि॑ता जजान ॥ १०.०२०.०९
kṛ̱ṣṇaḥ śve̱to̎ru̱ṣo yāmo̍ asya bra̱dhna ṛ̱jra u̱ta śoṇo̱ yaśa̍svān .
hira̍ṇyarūpa̱ṃ jani̍tā jajāna .. 10.020.09
9 The path he treads is black and white and red, and striped, and brown, crimson, and glorious.
His sire begat him bright with hues of gold.
Sloka : 10.20.10
ए॒वा ते॑ अग्ने विम॒दो म॑नी॒षामूर्जो॑ नपाद॒मृते॑भिः स॒जोषाः॑ ।
गिर॒ आ व॑क्षत्सुम॒तीरि॑या॒न इष॒मूर्जं॑ सुक्षि॒तिं विश्व॒माभाः॑ ॥ १०.०२०.१०
e̱vā te̍ agne vima̱do ma̍nī̱ṣāmūrjo̍ napāda̱mṛte̍bhiḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .
gira̱ ā va̍kṣatsuma̱tīri̍yā̱na iṣa̱mūrja̍ṃ sukṣi̱tiṃ viśva̱mābhā̍ḥ .. 10.020.10
10 Thus with his thoughts, O Son of Strength, O Agni, hath Vimada, accordant with the Immortals,
Offered thee hymns, soliciting thy favour. Thou hast brought all food, strength, a prosperous dwelling.
Sloka : 10.21.1
आग्निं न स्ववृ॑क्तिभि॒र्होता॑रं त्वा वृणीमहे ।
य॒ज्ञाय॑ स्ती॒र्णब॑र्हिषे॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ शी॒रं पा॑व॒कशो॑चिषं॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०१
āgniṃ na svavṛ̍ktibhi̱rhotā̍raṃ tvā vṛṇīmahe .
ya̱jñāya̍ stī̱rṇaba̍rhiṣe̱ vi vo̱ made̍ śī̱raṃ pā̍va̱kaśo̍ciṣa̱ṃ viva̍kṣase .. 10.021.01
1. WITH offerings of our own we choose thee, Agni, as Invoking Priest,
For sacrifice with trimmed grass,at your glad carouse-piercing and brightly shining. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.2
त्वामु॒ ते स्वा॒भुवः॑ शु॒म्भन्त्यश्व॑राधसः ।
वेति॒ त्वामु॑प॒सेच॑नी॒ वि वो॒ मद॒ ऋजी॑तिरग्न॒ आहु॑ति॒र्विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०२
tvāmu̱ te svā̱bhuva̍ḥ śu̱mbhantyaśva̍rādhasaḥ .
veti̱ tvāmu̍pa̱seca̍nī̱ vi vo̱ mada̱ ṛjī̍tiragna̱ āhu̍ti̱rviva̍kṣase .. 10.021.02
2 The wealthy ones adorn thee, they who bring us horses as their gift:-
The sprinkling ladle, Agni,at your glad carouse -and glowing offering taste thee. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.3
त्वे ध॒र्माण॑ आसते जु॒हूभिः॑ सिञ्च॒तीरि॑व ।
कृ॒ष्णा रू॒पाण्यर्जु॑ना॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ विश्वा॒ अधि॒ श्रियो॑ धिषे॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०३
tve dha̱rmāṇa̍ āsate ju̱hūbhi̍ḥ siñca̱tīri̍va .
kṛ̱ṣṇā rū̱pāṇyarju̍nā̱ vi vo̱ made̱ viśvā̱ adhi̱ śriyo̍ dhiṣe̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.021.03
3 The holy statutes rest by thee, as twere with ladles that oerflow.
Black and white-gleaming colours,at your glad carouse-all glories thou assurnest. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.4
यम॑ग्ने॒ मन्य॑से र॒यिं सह॑सावन्नमर्त्य ।
तमा नो॒ वाज॑सातये॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ चि॒त्रमा भ॑रा॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०४
yama̍gne̱ manya̍se ra̱yiṃ saha̍sāvannamartya .
tamā no̱ vāja̍sātaye̱ vi vo̱ made̍ ya̱jñeṣu̍ ci̱tramā bha̍rā̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.021.04
4 O Agni, what thou deemest wealth, Victorious and Immortal One!
Bring thou to give us vigour,at your glad carouse -splendid at sacrifices. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.5
अ॒ग्निर्जा॒तो अथ॑र्वणा वि॒दद्विश्वा॑नि॒ काव्या॑ ।
भुव॑द्दू॒तो वि॒वस्व॑तो॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ प्रि॒यो य॒मस्य॒ काम्यो॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०५
a̱gnirjā̱to atha̍rvaṇā vi̱dadviśvā̍ni̱ kāvyā̍ .
bhuva̍ddū̱to vi̱vasva̍to̱ vi vo̱ made̍ pri̱yo ya̱masya̱ kāmyo̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.021.05
5 Skilled in all lore is Agni, he whom erst Atharvan brought to life.
He was Vivasvān's envoy, at your glad carouse-the weIl-loved friend of Yama, Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.6
त्वां य॒ज्ञेष्वी॑ळ॒तेऽग्ने॑ प्रय॒त्य॑ध्व॒रे ।
त्वं वसू॑नि॒ काम्या॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ विश्वा॑ दधासि दा॒शुषे॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०६
tvāṃ ya̱jñeṣvī̍l̤a̱te'gne̍ praya̱tya̍dhva̱re .
tvaṃ vasū̍ni̱ kāmyā̱ vi vo̱ made̱ viśvā̍ dadhāsi dā̱śuṣe̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.021.06
6 At sacrifices they adore thee, Agni, when the rite proceeds.
All fair and lovely treasures-at your glad carouse-thou givest him who offers. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.7
त्वां य॒ज्ञेष्वृ॒त्विजं॒ चारु॑मग्ने॒ नि षे॑दिरे ।
घृ॒तप्र॑तीकं॒ मनु॑षो॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ शु॒क्रं चेति॑ष्ठम॒क्षभि॒र्विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०७
tvāṃ ya̱jñeṣvṛ̱tvija̱ṃ cāru̍magne̱ ni ṣe̍dire .
ghṛ̱tapra̍tīka̱ṃ manu̍ṣo̱ vi vo̱ made̍ śu̱kraṃ ceti̍ṣṭhama̱kṣabhi̱rviva̍kṣase .. 10.021.07
7 Men, Agni, have established thee as welcome Priest at holy rites,
Thee whose face shines with butter,at your glad carouse-bright, with eyes most observant. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.21.8
अग्ने॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषो॒रु प्र॑थयसे बृ॒हत् ।
अ॒भि॒क्रन्द॑न्वृषायसे॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ गर्भं॑ दधासि जा॒मिषु॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२१.०८
agne̍ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣo̱ru pra̍thayase bṛ̱hat .
a̱bhi̱kranda̍nvṛṣāyase̱ vi vo̱ made̱ garbha̍ṃ dadhāsi jā̱miṣu̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.021.08
8 Wide and aloft thou spreadest thee, O Agni, with thy brilliant flame.
A Bull art thou when bellowing,at your glad carouse-thou dost impregn the Sisters. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.22.1
कुह॑ श्रु॒त इन्द्रः॒ कस्मि॑न्न॒द्य जने॑ मि॒त्रो न श्रू॑यते ।
ऋषी॑णां वा॒ यः क्षये॒ गुहा॑ वा॒ चर्कृ॑षे गि॒रा ॥ १०.०२२.०१
kuha̍ śru̱ta indra̱ḥ kasmi̍nna̱dya jane̍ mi̱tro na śrū̍yate .
ṛṣī̍ṇāṃ vā̱ yaḥ kṣaye̱ guhā̍ vā̱ carkṛ̍ṣe gi̱rā .. 10.022.01
1. WHERE is famed Indra heard of? With what folk is he renowned to-day as Mitra is,
Who in the home of Ṛṣis and in secret is extolled with song?
Sloka : 10.22.2
इ॒ह श्रु॒त इन्द्रो॑ अ॒स्मे अ॒द्य स्तवे॑ व॒ज्र्यृची॑षमः ।
मि॒त्रो न यो जने॒ष्वा यश॑श्च॒क्रे असा॒म्या ॥ १०.०२२.०२
i̱ha śru̱ta indro̍ a̱sme a̱dya stave̍ va̱jryṛcī̍ṣamaḥ .
mi̱tro na yo jane̱ṣvā yaśa̍śca̱kre asā̱myā .. 10.022.02
2 Even here is Indra famed, and among us this day the glorious Thunderer is praised,
He who like Mitra mid the folk hath won complete and full renown.
Sloka : 10.22.3
म॒हो यस्पतिः॒ शव॑सो॒ असा॒म्या म॒हो नृ॒म्णस्य॑ तूतु॒जिः ।
भ॒र्ता वज्र॑स्य धृ॒ष्णोः पि॒ता पु॒त्रमि॑व प्रि॒यम् ॥ १०.०२२.०३
ma̱ho yaspati̱ḥ śava̍so̱ asā̱myā ma̱ho nṛ̱mṇasya̍ tūtu̱jiḥ .
bha̱rtā vajra̍sya dhṛ̱ṣṇoḥ pi̱tā pu̱trami̍va pri̱yam .. 10.022.03
3 He who is Sovran Lord of great and perfect strength, exerter of heroic might,
Who bears the fearless thunder as a father bears his darling son.
Sloka : 10.22.4
यु॒जा॒नो अश्वा॒ वात॑स्य॒ धुनी॑ दे॒वो दे॒वस्य॑ वज्रिवः ।
स्यन्ता॑ प॒था वि॒रुक्म॑ता सृजा॒नः स्तो॒ष्यध्व॑नः ॥ १०.०२२.०४
yu̱jā̱no aśvā̱ vāta̍sya̱ dhunī̍ de̱vo de̱vasya̍ vajrivaḥ .
syantā̍ pa̱thā vi̱rukma̍tā sṛjā̱naḥ sto̱ṣyadhva̍naḥ .. 10.022.04
4 Harnessing to thy car, as God, two blustering Steeds Of the Wind-God, O Thunderer,
That speed along the shining path, thou making ways art glorified.
Sloka : 10.22.5
त्वं त्या चि॒द्वात॒स्याश्वागा॑ ऋ॒ज्रा त्मना॒ वह॑ध्यै ।
ययो॑र्दे॒वो न मर्त्यो॑ य॒न्ता नकि॑र्वि॒दाय्यः॑ ॥ १०.०२२.०५
tvaṃ tyā ci̱dvāta̱syāśvāgā̍ ṛ̱jrā tmanā̱ vaha̍dhyai .
yayo̍rde̱vo na martyo̍ ya̱ntā naki̍rvi̱dāyya̍ḥ .. 10.022.05
5 Even to these dark Steeds of Wind thou of thyself hast come to ride,
Of which no driver may be found, none, be he God or mortal man.
Sloka : 10.22.6
अध॒ ग्मन्तो॒शना॑ पृच्छते वां॒ कद॑र्था न॒ आ गृ॒हम् ।
आ ज॑ग्मथुः परा॒काद्दि॒वश्च॒ ग्मश्च॒ मर्त्य॑म् ॥ १०.०२२.०६
adha̱ gmanto̱śanā̍ pṛcchate vā̱ṃ kada̍rthā na̱ ā gṛ̱ham .
ā ja̍gmathuḥ parā̱kāddi̱vaśca̱ gmaśca̱ martya̍m .. 10.022.06
6 When ye approach, men ask you, thee and Uśanā:- Why come ye to our dwelling-place?
Why are ye come to mortal man from distant realms of eapth and heaven?
Sloka : 10.22.7
आ न॑ इन्द्र पृक्षसे॒ऽस्माकं॒ ब्रह्मोद्य॑तम् ।
तत्त्वा॑ याचाम॒हेऽवः॒ शुष्णं॒ यद्धन्नमा॑नुषम् ॥ १०.०२२.०७
ā na̍ indra pṛkṣase̱'smāka̱ṃ brahmodya̍tam .
tattvā̍ yācāma̱he'va̱ḥ śuṣṇa̱ṃ yaddhannamā̍nuṣam .. 10.022.07
7 O Indra, thou shalt speak us fair:- our holy prayer is offered up.
We pray to thee for help as thou didst strike the monster Śuṣṇa dead.
Sloka : 10.22.8
अ॒क॒र्मा दस्यु॑र॒भि नो॑ अम॒न्तुर॒न्यव्र॑तो॒ अमा॑नुषः ।
त्वं तस्या॑मित्रह॒न्वध॑र्दा॒सस्य॑ दम्भय ॥ १०.०२२.०८
a̱ka̱rmā dasyu̍ra̱bhi no̍ ama̱ntura̱nyavra̍to̱ amā̍nuṣaḥ .
tvaṃ tasyā̍mitraha̱nvadha̍rdā̱sasya̍ dambhaya .. 10.022.08
8 Around us is the Dasyu, riteless, void of sense, inhuman, keeping alien laws.
Baffle, thou Slayer of the foe, the weapon which this Dāsa wields.
Sloka : 10.22.9
त्वं न॑ इन्द्र शूर॒ शूरै॑रु॒त त्वोता॑सो ब॒र्हणा॑ ।
पु॒रु॒त्रा ते॒ वि पू॒र्तयो॒ नव॑न्त क्षो॒णयो॑ यथा ॥ १०.०२२.०९
tvaṃ na̍ indra śūra̱ śūrai̍ru̱ta tvotā̍so ba̱rhaṇā̍ .
pu̱ru̱trā te̱ vi pū̱rtayo̱ nava̍nta kṣo̱ṇayo̍ yathā .. 10.022.09
9 Hero with Heroes, thou art ours:- yea, strong are they whom thou dost help.
In many a place are thy full gifts, and men, like vassals, sing thy praise.
Sloka : 10.22.10
त्वं तान्वृ॑त्र॒हत्ये॑ चोदयो॒ नॄन्का॑र्पा॒णे शू॑र वज्रिवः ।
गुहा॒ यदी॑ कवी॒नां वि॒शां नक्ष॑त्रशवसाम् ॥ १०.०२२.१०
tvaṃ tānvṛ̍tra̱hatye̍ codayo̱ nṝnkā̍rpā̱ṇe śū̍ra vajrivaḥ .
guhā̱ yadī̍ kavī̱nāṃ vi̱śāṃ nakṣa̍traśavasām .. 10.022.10
10 Urge thou these heroes on to slay the enemy, brave Thunderer! in the fight with swords.
Even when hid among the tribes of Sages numerous as stars.
Sloka : 10.22.11
म॒क्षू ता त॑ इन्द्र दा॒नाप्न॑स आक्षा॒णे शू॑र वज्रिवः ।
यद्ध॒ शुष्ण॑स्य द॒म्भयो॑ जा॒तं विश्वं॑ स॒याव॑भिः ॥ १०.०२२.११
ma̱kṣū tā ta̍ indra dā̱nāpna̍sa ākṣā̱ṇe śū̍ra vajrivaḥ .
yaddha̱ śuṣṇa̍sya da̱mbhayo̍ jā̱taṃ viśva̍ṃ sa̱yāva̍bhiḥ .. 10.022.11
11 Swift come those gifts of thine whose hand is prompt to rend and burn, O Hero Thunder-armed:-
As thou with thy Companions didst destroy the whole of SuSnia's brood.
Sloka : 10.22.12
माकु॒ध्र्य॑गिन्द्र शूर॒ वस्वी॑र॒स्मे भू॑वन्न॒भिष्ट॑यः ।
व॒यंव॑यं त आसां सु॒म्ने स्या॑म वज्रिवः ॥ १०.०२२.१२
māku̱dhrya̍gindra śūra̱ vasvī̍ra̱sme bhū̍vanna̱bhiṣṭa̍yaḥ .
va̱yaṃva̍yaṃ ta āsāṃ su̱mne syā̍ma vajrivaḥ .. 10.022.12
12 Let not thine excellent assistance come to us, O Hero Indra, profitless.
May we, may we enjoy the bliss of these thy favours, Thunderer!
Sloka : 10.22.13
अ॒स्मे ता त॑ इन्द्र सन्तु स॒त्याहिं॑सन्तीरुप॒स्पृशः॑ ।
वि॒द्याम॒ यासां॒ भुजो॑ धेनू॒नां न व॑ज्रिवः ॥ १०.०२२.१३
a̱sme tā ta̍ indra santu sa̱tyāhi̍ṃsantīrupa̱spṛśa̍ḥ .
vi̱dyāma̱ yāsā̱ṃ bhujo̍ dhenū̱nāṃ na va̍jrivaḥ .. 10.022.13
13 May those soft impulses of thine, O Indra, be fruitful and innocent to us.
May we know these whose treasures are like those of milch-kine, Thunderer!
Sloka : 10.22.14
अ॒ह॒स्ता यद॒पदी॒ वर्ध॑त॒ क्षाः शची॑भिर्वे॒द्याना॑म् ।
शुष्णं॒ परि॑ प्रदक्षि॒णिद्वि॒श्वाय॑वे॒ नि शि॑श्नथः ॥ १०.०२२.१४
a̱ha̱stā yada̱padī̱ vardha̍ta̱ kṣāḥ śacī̍bhirve̱dyānā̍m .
śuṣṇa̱ṃ pari̍ pradakṣi̱ṇidvi̱śvāya̍ve̱ ni śi̍śnathaḥ .. 10.022.14
14 That Earth, through power of knowing things that may be known, handless and footless yet might thrive,
Thou slewest, turning to the right, gu;na for every living man.
Sloka : 10.22.15
पिबा॑पि॒बेदि॑न्द्र शूर॒ सोमं॒ मा रि॑षण्यो वसवान॒ वसुः॒ सन् ।
उ॒त त्रा॑यस्व गृण॒तो म॒घोनो॑ म॒हश्च॑ रा॒यो रे॒वत॑स्कृधी नः ॥ १०.०२२.१५
pibā̍pi̱bedi̍ndra śūra̱ soma̱ṃ mā ri̍ṣaṇyo vasavāna̱ vasu̱ḥ san .
u̱ta trā̍yasva gṛṇa̱to ma̱ghono̍ ma̱haśca̍ rā̱yo re̱vata̍skṛdhī naḥ .. 10.022.15
15 Drink, drink the Soma, Hero Indra; be not withheld as thou art good, O Treasure-giver.
Preserve the singers and our liberal princes, and make us wealthy with abundant riches.
Sloka : 10.23.1
यजा॑मह॒ इन्द्रं॒ वज्र॑दक्षिणं॒ हरी॑णां र॒थ्यं१॒॑ विव्र॑तानाम् ।
प्र श्मश्रु॒ दोधु॑वदू॒र्ध्वथा॑ भू॒द्वि सेना॑भि॒र्दय॑मानो॒ वि राध॑सा ॥ १०.०२३.०१
yajā̍maha̱ indra̱ṃ vajra̍dakṣiṇa̱ṃ harī̍ṇāṃ ra̱thyaṃ1̱̍ vivra̍tānām .
pra śmaśru̱ dodhu̍vadū̱rdhvathā̍ bhū̱dvi senā̍bhi̱rdaya̍māno̱ vi rādha̍sā .. 10.023.01
1. INDRA, whose right hand wields the bolt, we worship, driver of Bay Steeds seeking sundered courses.
Shaking his beard with might he hath arisen, casting his weapons forth and dealing bounties.
Sloka : 10.23.2
हरी॒ न्व॑स्य॒ या वने॑ वि॒दे वस्विन्द्रो॑ म॒घैर्म॒घवा॑ वृत्र॒हा भु॑वत् ।
ऋ॒भुर्वाज॑ ऋभु॒क्षाः प॑त्यते॒ शवोऽव॑ क्ष्णौमि॒ दास॑स्य॒ नाम॑ चित् ॥ १०.०२३.०२
harī̱ nva̍sya̱ yā vane̍ vi̱de vasvindro̍ ma̱ghairma̱ghavā̍ vṛtra̱hā bhu̍vat .
ṛ̱bhurvāja̍ ṛbhu̱kṣāḥ pa̍tyate̱ śavo'va̍ kṣṇaumi̱ dāsa̍sya̱ nāma̍ cit .. 10.023.02
2 The treasure which his Bay Steeds found at sacrifice,this wealth made opulent Indra slayer of the foe.
Ṛbhu, Ṛbhukṣan, Vāja-he is Lord of Might. The Dāsa's very name I utterly destroy.
Sloka : 10.23.3
य॒दा वज्रं॒ हिर॑ण्य॒मिदथा॒ रथं॒ हरी॒ यम॑स्य॒ वह॑तो॒ वि सू॒रिभिः॑ ।
आ ति॑ष्ठति म॒घवा॒ सन॑श्रुत॒ इन्द्रो॒ वाज॑स्य दी॒र्घश्र॑वस॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ १०.०२३.०३
ya̱dā vajra̱ṃ hira̍ṇya̱midathā̱ ratha̱ṃ harī̱ yama̍sya̱ vaha̍to̱ vi sū̱ribhi̍ḥ .
ā ti̍ṣṭhati ma̱ghavā̱ sana̍śruta̱ indro̱ vāja̍sya dī̱rghaśra̍vasa̱spati̍ḥ .. 10.023.03
3 When, with the Princes, Maghavari, famed of old, comes nigh the thunderbolt of gold, and the Controller's car
Which his two Tawny Coursers draw, then Indra is the Sovran Lord of power whose glory spreads afar.
Sloka : 10.23.4
सो चि॒न्नु वृ॒ष्टिर्यू॒थ्या॒३॒॑ स्वा सचा॒ँ इन्द्रः॒ श्मश्रू॑णि॒ हरि॑ता॒भि प्रु॑ष्णुते ।
अव॑ वेति सु॒क्षयं॑ सु॒ते मधूदिद्धू॑नोति॒ वातो॒ यथा॒ वन॑म् ॥ १०.०२३.०४
so ci̱nnu vṛ̱ṣṭiryū̱thyā̱3̱̍ svā sacā̱m̐ indra̱ḥ śmaśrū̍ṇi̱ hari̍tā̱bhi pru̍ṣṇute .
ava̍ veti su̱kṣaya̍ṃ su̱te madhūdiddhū̍noti̱ vāto̱ yathā̱ vana̍m .. 10.023.04
4 With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds:- Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard.
When the sweet juice is shed he seeks the pleasant place, and stirs the worshipper as wind disturbs the wood.
Sloka : 10.23.5
यो वा॒चा विवा॑चो मृ॒ध्रवा॑चः पु॒रू स॒हस्राशि॑वा ज॒घान॑ ।
तत्त॒दिद॑स्य॒ पौंस्यं॑ गृणीमसि पि॒तेव॒ यस्तवि॑षीं वावृ॒धे शवः॑ ॥ १०.०२३.०५
yo vā̱cā vivā̍co mṛ̱dhravā̍caḥ pu̱rū sa̱hasrāśi̍vā ja̱ghāna̍ .
tatta̱dida̍sya̱ pauṃsya̍ṃ gṛṇīmasi pi̱teva̱ yastavi̍ṣīṃ vāvṛ̱dhe śava̍ḥ .. 10.023.05
5 We laud and praise his several deeds of valour who, fatherlike, with power hath made us stronger;
Who with his voice slew many thousand wicked ones who spake in varied manners with contemptuous cries.
Sloka : 10.23.6
स्तोमं॑ त इन्द्र विम॒दा अ॑जीजन॒न्नपू॑र्व्यं पुरु॒तमं॑ सु॒दान॑वे ।
वि॒द्मा ह्य॑स्य॒ भोज॑नमि॒नस्य॒ यदा प॒शुं न गो॒पाः क॑रामहे ॥ १०.०२३.०६
stoma̍ṃ ta indra vima̱dā a̍jījana̱nnapū̍rvyaṃ puru̱tama̍ṃ su̱dāna̍ve .
vi̱dmā hya̍sya̱ bhoja̍nami̱nasya̱ yadā pa̱śuṃ na go̱pāḥ ka̍rāmahe .. 10.023.06
6 Indra, the Vimadas have formed for thee a laud, copious, unparalleled, for thee Most Bountiful.
We know the good we gain from him the Mighty One when we attract him as a herdsman calls the kine.
Sloka : 10.23.7
माकि॑र्न ए॒ना स॒ख्या वि यौ॑षु॒स्तव॑ चेन्द्र विम॒दस्य॑ च॒ ऋषेः॑ ।
वि॒द्मा हि ते॒ प्रम॑तिं देव जामि॒वद॒स्मे ते॑ सन्तु स॒ख्या शि॒वानि॑ ॥ १०.०२३.०७
māki̍rna e̱nā sa̱khyā vi yau̍ṣu̱stava̍ cendra vima̱dasya̍ ca̱ ṛṣe̍ḥ .
vi̱dmā hi te̱ prama̍tiṃ deva jāmi̱vada̱sme te̍ santu sa̱khyā śi̱vāni̍ .. 10.023.07
7 Neer may this bond of friendship be dissevered, the Ṛṣi Vimada's and thine, O Indra.
We know thou carest for us as a brother with us, O God, be thine auspicious friendship.
Sloka : 10.24.1
इन्द्र॒ सोम॑मि॒मं पि॑ब॒ मधु॑मन्तं च॒मू सु॒तम् ।
अ॒स्मे र॒यिं नि धा॑रय॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ सह॒स्रिणं॑ पुरूवसो॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२४.०१
indra̱ soma̍mi̱maṃ pi̍ba̱ madhu̍mantaṃ ca̱mū su̱tam .
a̱sme ra̱yiṃ ni dhā̍raya̱ vi vo̱ made̍ saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ purūvaso̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.024.01
1. O INDRA, drink this Soma, pressed out in the mortar, full of sweets.
Send down to us great riches,at your glad carouse-in thousands, O Most healthy. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.24.2
त्वां य॒ज्ञेभि॑रु॒क्थैरुप॑ ह॒व्येभि॑रीमहे ।
शची॑पते शचीनां॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ श्रेष्ठं॑ नो धेहि॒ वार्यं॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२४.०२
tvāṃ ya̱jñebhi̍ru̱kthairupa̍ ha̱vyebhi̍rīmahe .
śacī̍pate śacīnā̱ṃ vi vo̱ made̱ śreṣṭha̍ṃ no dhehi̱ vārya̱ṃ viva̍kṣase .. 10.024.02
2 To thee with sacrifices, with oblations, and with lauds we come.
Lord of all strength and power, grant-at your glad carouse-the best choiceworthy treasure. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.24.3
यस्पति॒र्वार्या॑णा॒मसि॑ र॒ध्रस्य॑ चोदि॒ता ।
इन्द्र॑ स्तोतॄ॒णाम॑वि॒ता वि वो॒ मदे॑ द्वि॒षो नः॑ पा॒ह्यंह॑सो॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२४.०३
yaspati̱rvāryā̍ṇā̱masi̍ ra̱dhrasya̍ codi̱tā .
indra̍ stotṝ̱ṇāma̍vi̱tā vi vo̱ made̍ dvi̱ṣo na̍ḥ pā̱hyaṃha̍so̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.024.03
3 Thou who art Lord of precious boons, inciter even of the churl.
Guardian of singers, Indra,at your glad carouse-save us from woe and hatred. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.24.4
यु॒वं श॑क्रा माया॒विना॑ समी॒ची निर॑मन्थतम् ।
वि॒म॒देन॒ यदी॑ळि॒ता नास॑त्या नि॒रम॑न्थतम् ॥ १०.०२४.०४
yu̱vaṃ śa̍krā māyā̱vinā̍ samī̱cī nira̍manthatam .
vi̱ma̱dena̱ yadī̍l̤i̱tā nāsa̍tyā ni̱rama̍nthatam .. 10.024.04
4 Strong, Lords of Magic power, ye Twain churned the united worlds apart,
When ye, implored by Vimada, Nāsatyas, forced apart the pair.
Sloka : 10.24.5
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अ॑कृपन्त समी॒च्योर्नि॒ष्पत॑न्त्योः ।
नास॑त्यावब्रुवन्दे॒वाः पुन॒रा व॑हता॒दिति॑ ॥ १०.०२४.०५
viśve̍ de̱vā a̍kṛpanta samī̱cyorni̱ṣpata̍ntyoḥ .
nāsa̍tyāvabruvande̱vāḥ puna̱rā va̍hatā̱diti̍ .. 10.024.05
5 When the united pair were rent asunder all the Gods complained.
The Gods to the Nāsatyas cried, Bring these together once again.
Sloka : 10.24.6
मधु॑मन्मे प॒राय॑णं॒ मधु॑म॒त्पुन॒राय॑नम् ।
ता नो॑ देवा दे॒वत॑या यु॒वं मधु॑मतस्कृतम् ॥ १०.०२४.०६
madhu̍manme pa̱rāya̍ṇa̱ṃ madhu̍ma̱tpuna̱rāya̍nam .
tā no̍ devā de̱vata̍yā yu̱vaṃ madhu̍mataskṛtam .. 10.024.06
6 Sweet be my going forth, and rich in sweets be my approach to home.
So, through your Deity, both Gods, enrich us with all pleasantness.
Sloka : 10.25.1
भ॒द्रं नो॒ अपि॑ वातय॒ मनो॒ दक्ष॑मु॒त क्रतु॑म् ।
अधा॑ ते स॒ख्ये अन्ध॑सो॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ रण॒न्गावो॒ न यव॑से॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०१
bha̱draṃ no̱ api̍ vātaya̱ mano̱ dakṣa̍mu̱ta kratu̍m .
adhā̍ te sa̱khye andha̍so̱ vi vo̱ made̱ raṇa̱ngāvo̱ na yava̍se̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.01
1. SEND us a good and happy mind, send energy and mental power.
Then-at your glad carouse-let men joy in thy love, Sweet juice! as kine in pasture. Thou. art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.2
हृ॒दि॒स्पृश॑स्त आसते॒ विश्वे॑षु सोम॒ धाम॑सु ।
अधा॒ कामा॑ इ॒मे मम॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ वि ति॑ष्ठन्ते वसू॒यवो॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०२
hṛ̱di̱spṛśa̍sta āsate̱ viśve̍ṣu soma̱ dhāma̍su .
adhā̱ kāmā̍ i̱me mama̱ vi vo̱ made̱ vi ti̍ṣṭhante vasū̱yavo̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.02
2 rn all thy forms, O Soma, rest thy powers that influence the heart.
So also these my longings-at your glad carouse-spread themselves seeking riches. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.3
उ॒त व्र॒तानि॑ सोम ते॒ प्राहं मि॑नामि पा॒क्या॑ ।
अधा॑ पि॒तेव॑ सू॒नवे॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ मृ॒ळा नो॑ अ॒भि चि॑द्व॒धाद्विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०३
u̱ta vra̱tāni̍ soma te̱ prāhaṃ mi̍nāmi pā̱kyā̍ .
adhā̍ pi̱teva̍ sū̱nave̱ vi vo̱ made̍ mṛ̱l̤ā no̍ a̱bhi ci̍dva̱dhādviva̍kṣase .. 10.025.03
3 Even if, O Soma, I neglect thy laws through my simplicity,
Be gracious-at your glad carouse-as sire to son. Preserve us even from slaughter. T'hou. art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.4
समु॒ प्र य॑न्ति धी॒तयः॒ सर्गा॑सोऽव॒ताँ इ॑व ।
क्रतुं॑ नः सोम जी॒वसे॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ धा॒रया॑ चम॒साँ इ॑व॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०४
samu̱ pra ya̍nti dhī̱taya̱ḥ sargā̍so'va̱tām̐ i̍va .
kratu̍ṃ naḥ soma jī̱vase̱ vi vo̱ made̍ dhā̱rayā̍ cama̱sām̐ i̍va̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.04
4 Our songs in concert go to thee as streams of water to the wells.
Soma, that we may live, grant-at your glad carouse-full powers of mind, like beakers. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.5
तव॒ त्ये सो॑म॒ शक्ति॑भि॒र्निका॑मासो॒ व्यृ॑ण्विरे ।
गृत्स॑स्य॒ धीरा॑स्त॒वसो॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ व्र॒जं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विनं॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०५
tava̱ tye so̍ma̱ śakti̍bhi̱rnikā̍māso̱ vyṛ̍ṇvire .
gṛtsa̍sya̱ dhīrā̍sta̱vaso̱ vi vo̱ made̍ vra̱jaṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̱ṃ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.05
5 O Soma, through thy might who art skilful and strong, these longing men,
These sages, have thrown open-at your glad carouse-the stall of kine and horses. Thou art waxing great
Sloka : 10.25.6
प॒शुं नः॑ सोम रक्षसि पुरु॒त्रा विष्ठि॑तं॒ जग॑त् ।
स॒माकृ॑णोषि जी॒वसे॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ विश्वा॑ स॒म्पश्य॒न्भुव॑ना॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०६
pa̱śuṃ na̍ḥ soma rakṣasi puru̱trā viṣṭhi̍ta̱ṃ jaga̍t .
sa̱mākṛ̍ṇoṣi jī̱vase̱ vi vo̱ made̱ viśvā̍ sa̱mpaśya̱nbhuva̍nā̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.06
6 Our herds thou guardest, Soma, and the moving world spread far and wide.
Thou fittest them for living,at your glad carouse-looking upon all beings. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.7
त्वं नः॑ सोम वि॒श्वतो॑ गो॒पा अदा॑भ्यो भव ।
सेध॑ राज॒न्नप॒ स्रिधो॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ मा नो॑ दुः॒शंस॑ ईशता॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०७
tvaṃ na̍ḥ soma vi̱śvato̍ go̱pā adā̍bhyo bhava .
sedha̍ rāja̱nnapa̱ sridho̱ vi vo̱ made̱ mā no̍ du̱ḥśaṃsa̍ īśatā̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.07
7 On all sides, Soma, be to us a Guardian neer to be deceived.
King, drive away our foemen-at your glad carouse:-let not the wicked rule us. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.8
त्वं नः॑ सोम सु॒क्रतु॑र्वयो॒धेया॑य जागृहि ।
क्षे॒त्र॒वित्त॑रो॒ मनु॑षो॒ वि वो॒ मदे॑ द्रु॒हो नः॑ पा॒ह्यंह॑सो॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०८
tvaṃ na̍ḥ soma su̱kratu̍rvayo̱dheyā̍ya jāgṛhi .
kṣe̱tra̱vitta̍ro̱ manu̍ṣo̱ vi vo̱ made̍ dru̱ho na̍ḥ pā̱hyaṃha̍so̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.08
8 Be watchful, Soma, passing wise, to give us store of vital strength.
More skilled than man to guide us,at your glad carouse-save us from harm and sorrow. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.9
त्वं नो॑ वृत्रहन्त॒मेन्द्र॑स्येन्दो शि॒वः सखा॑ ।
यत्सीं॒ हव॑न्ते समि॒थे वि वो॒ मदे॒ युध्य॑मानास्तो॒कसा॑तौ॒ विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.०९
tvaṃ no̍ vṛtrahanta̱mendra̍syendo śi̱vaḥ sakhā̍ .
yatsī̱ṃ hava̍nte sami̱the vi vo̱ made̱ yudhya̍mānāsto̱kasā̍tau̱ viva̍kṣase .. 10.025.09
9 Chief slayer of our foemen, thou, Indu, art Indra's gracious Friend,
When warriors invoke him-at your glad carouse -in fight, to win them offspring. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.10
अ॒यं घ॒ स तु॒रो मद॒ इन्द्र॑स्य वर्धत प्रि॒यः ।
अ॒यं क॒क्षीव॑तो म॒हो वि वो॒ मदे॑ म॒तिं विप्र॑स्य वर्धय॒द्विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.१०
a̱yaṃ gha̱ sa tu̱ro mada̱ indra̍sya vardhata pri̱yaḥ .
a̱yaṃ ka̱kṣīva̍to ma̱ho vi vo̱ made̍ ma̱tiṃ vipra̍sya vardhaya̱dviva̍kṣase .. 10.025.10
10 Victorious is this gladdening drink:- to Indra dear it grows in strength.
This-at your glad carouse -enhanced the mighty hymn of the great sage Kakṣīvān. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.25.11
अ॒यं विप्रा॑य दा॒शुषे॒ वाजा॑ँ इयर्ति॒ गोम॑तः ।
अ॒यं स॒प्तभ्य॒ आ वरं॒ वि वो॒ मदे॒ प्रान्धं श्रो॒णं च॑ तारिष॒द्विव॑क्षसे ॥ १०.०२५.११
a̱yaṃ viprā̍ya dā̱śuṣe̱ vājā̍m̐ iyarti̱ goma̍taḥ .
a̱yaṃ sa̱ptabhya̱ ā vara̱ṃ vi vo̱ made̱ prāndhaṃ śro̱ṇaṃ ca̍ tāriṣa̱dviva̍kṣase .. 10.025.11
11 This to the sage who offers gifts brings power that comes from wealth in kine.
This, better than the seven, hath-at your glad carouse-furthered the blind, the cripple. Thou art waxing great.
Sloka : 10.26.1
प्र ह्यच्छा॑ मनी॒षा स्पा॒र्हा यन्ति॑ नि॒युतः॑ ।
प्र द॒स्रा नि॒युद्र॑थः पू॒षा अ॑विष्टु॒ माहि॑नः ॥ १०.०२६.०१
pra hyacchā̍ manī̱ṣā spā̱rhā yanti̍ ni̱yuta̍ḥ .
pra da̱srā ni̱yudra̍thaḥ pū̱ṣā a̍viṣṭu̱ māhi̍naḥ .. 10.026.01
1. FORWARD upon their way proceed the ready teams, the lovely songs.
Further them glorious Pūṣan with yoked chariot, and the Mighty Twain!
Sloka : 10.26.2
यस्य॒ त्यन्म॑हि॒त्वं वा॒ताप्य॑म॒यं जनः॑ ।
विप्र॒ आ वं॑सद्धी॒तिभि॒श्चिके॑त सुष्टुती॒नाम् ॥ १०.०२६.०२
yasya̱ tyanma̍hi̱tvaṃ vā̱tāpya̍ma̱yaṃ jana̍ḥ .
vipra̱ ā va̍ṃsaddhī̱tibhi̱ścike̍ta suṣṭutī̱nām .. 10.026.02
2 With sacred hymns let this man here, this singer, win the God to whom
Belong this majesty and might. He hath observed our eulogies.
Sloka : 10.26.3
स वे॑द सुष्टुती॒नामिन्दु॒र्न पू॒षा वृषा॑ ।
अ॒भि प्सुरः॑ प्रुषायति व्र॒जं न॒ आ प्रु॑षायति ॥ १०.०२६.०३
sa ve̍da suṣṭutī̱nāmindu̱rna pū̱ṣā vṛṣā̍ .
a̱bhi psura̍ḥ pruṣāyati vra̱jaṃ na̱ ā pru̍ṣāyati .. 10.026.03
3 Pūṣan the Strong hath knowledge of sweet praises even as Indu hath.
He dews our corn with moisture, he bedews the pasture of our kine.
Sloka : 10.26.4
मं॒सी॒महि॑ त्वा व॒यम॒स्माकं॑ देव पूषन् ।
म॒ती॒नां च॒ साध॑नं॒ विप्रा॑णां चाध॒वम् ॥ १०.०२६.०४
ma̱ṃsī̱mahi̍ tvā va̱yama̱smāka̍ṃ deva pūṣan .
ma̱tī̱nāṃ ca̱ sādha̍na̱ṃ viprā̍ṇāṃ cādha̱vam .. 10.026.04
4 We will bethink ourselves of thee, O Pūṣan, O thou God, as One.
Who brings fulfilment of our hymns, and stirs the singer and the sage.
Sloka : 10.26.5
प्रत्य॑र्धिर्य॒ज्ञाना॑मश्वह॒यो रथा॑नाम् ।
ऋषिः॒ स यो मनु॑र्हितो॒ विप्र॑स्य यावयत्स॒खः ॥ १०.०२६.०५
pratya̍rdhirya̱jñānā̍maśvaha̱yo rathā̍nām .
ṛṣi̱ḥ sa yo manu̍rhito̱ vipra̍sya yāvayatsa̱khaḥ .. 10.026.05
5 joint-sharer of each sacrifice, the driver of the chariot steeds;
The Ṛṣi who is good to man, the singer's Friend and faithful Guard.
Sloka : 10.26.6
आ॒धीष॑माणायाः॒ पतिः॑ शु॒चाया॑श्च शु॒चस्य॑ च ।
वा॒सो॒वा॒योऽवी॑ना॒मा वासां॑सि॒ मर्मृ॑जत् ॥ १०.०२६.०६
ā̱dhīṣa̍māṇāyā̱ḥ pati̍ḥ śu̱cāyā̍śca śu̱casya̍ ca .
vā̱so̱vā̱yo'vī̍nā̱mā vāsā̍ṃsi̱ marmṛ̍jat .. 10.026.06
6 One who is Lord of Suca, Lord of Suca caring for herself:-
Weaving the raiment of the sheep and making raiment beautiful.
Sloka : 10.26.7
इ॒नो वाजा॑नां॒ पति॑रि॒नः पु॑ष्टी॒नां सखा॑ ।
प्र श्मश्रु॑ हर्य॒तो दू॑धो॒द्वि वृथा॒ यो अदा॑भ्यः ॥ १०.०२६.०७
i̱no vājā̍nā̱ṃ pati̍ri̱naḥ pu̍ṣṭī̱nāṃ sakhā̍ .
pra śmaśru̍ harya̱to dū̍dho̱dvi vṛthā̱ yo adā̍bhyaḥ .. 10.026.07
7 The mighty Lord of spoil and wealth, Strong Friend of all prosperity;
He with light movement shakes his beard, lovely and neer to be deceived.
Sloka : 10.26.8
आ ते॒ रथ॑स्य पूषन्न॒जा धुरं॑ ववृत्युः ।
विश्व॑स्या॒र्थिनः॒ सखा॑ सनो॒जा अन॑पच्युतः ॥ १०.०२६.०८
ā te̱ ratha̍sya pūṣanna̱jā dhura̍ṃ vavṛtyuḥ .
viśva̍syā̱rthina̱ḥ sakhā̍ sano̱jā ana̍pacyutaḥ .. 10.026.08
8 O Pūṣan, may those goats of thine turn hitherward thy chariot-pole.
Friend of all suppliants; art thou, born in old time, and arm and sure.
Sloka : 10.26.9
अ॒स्माक॑मू॒र्जा रथं॑ पू॒षा अ॑विष्टु॒ माहि॑नः ।
भुव॒द्वाजा॑नां वृ॒ध इ॒मं नः॑ शृणव॒द्धव॑म् ॥ १०.०२६.०९
a̱smāka̍mū̱rjā ratha̍ṃ pū̱ṣā a̍viṣṭu̱ māhi̍naḥ .
bhuva̱dvājā̍nāṃ vṛ̱dha i̱maṃ na̍ḥ śṛṇava̱ddhava̍m .. 10.026.09
9 May the majestic Pūṣan speed our chariot with his power and might.
May he increase our store of wealth and listen to this call of ours.
Sloka : 10.27.1
अस॒त्सु मे॑ जरितः॒ साभि॑वे॒गो यत्सु॑न्व॒ते यज॑मानाय॒ शिक्ष॑म् ।
अना॑शीर्दाम॒हम॑स्मि प्रह॒न्ता स॑त्य॒ध्वृतं॑ वृजिना॒यन्त॑मा॒भुम् ॥ १०.०२७.०१
asa̱tsu me̍ jarita̱ḥ sābhi̍ve̱go yatsu̍nva̱te yaja̍mānāya̱ śikṣa̍m .
anā̍śīrdāma̱hama̍smi praha̱ntā sa̍tya̱dhvṛta̍ṃ vṛjinā̱yanta̍mā̱bhum .. 10.027.01
1. THIS, singer, is my firm determination, to aid the worshipper who pours the Soma.
I slay the man who brings no milkoblation, unrighteous, powerful, the truth's perverter.
Sloka : 10.27.2
यदीद॒हं यु॒धये॑ सं॒नया॒न्यदे॑वयून्त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ शूशु॑जानान् ।
अ॒मा ते॒ तुम्रं॑ वृष॒भं प॑चानि ती॒व्रं सु॒तं प॑ञ्चद॒शं नि षि॑ञ्चम् ॥ १०.०२७.०२
yadīda̱haṃ yu̱dhaye̍ sa̱ṃnayā̱nyade̍vayūnta̱nvā̱3̱̍ śūśu̍jānān .
a̱mā te̱ tumra̍ṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ pa̍cāni tī̱vraṃ su̱taṃ pa̍ñcada̱śaṃ ni ṣi̍ñcam .. 10.027.02
2 Then Will I, when I lead my friends to battle against the radiant persons of the godless,
Prepare for thee at home a vigorous bullock, and pour for thee the fifteen-fold strong juices.
Sloka : 10.27.3
नाहं तं वे॑द॒ य इति॒ ब्रवी॒त्यदे॑वयून्स॒मर॑णे जघ॒न्वान् ।
य॒दावाख्य॑त्स॒मर॑ण॒मृघा॑व॒दादिद्ध॑ मे वृष॒भा प्र ब्रु॑वन्ति ॥ १०.०२७.०३
nāhaṃ taṃ ve̍da̱ ya iti̱ bravī̱tyade̍vayūnsa̱mara̍ṇe jagha̱nvān .
ya̱dāvākhya̍tsa̱mara̍ṇa̱mṛghā̍va̱dādiddha̍ me vṛṣa̱bhā pra bru̍vanti .. 10.027.03
3 I know not him who sayeth and declareth that he hath slain the godless in the battle.
Soon as they see the furious combat raging, men speak forth praises of my vigorous horses.
Sloka : 10.27.4
यदज्ञा॑तेषु वृ॒जने॒ष्वासं॒ विश्वे॑ स॒तो म॒घवा॑नो म आसन् ।
जि॒नामि॒ वेत्क्षेम॒ आ सन्त॑मा॒भुं प्र तं क्षि॑णां॒ पर्व॑ते पाद॒गृह्य॑ ॥ १०.०२७.०४
yadajñā̍teṣu vṛ̱jane̱ṣvāsa̱ṃ viśve̍ sa̱to ma̱ghavā̍no ma āsan .
ji̱nāmi̱ vetkṣema̱ ā santa̍mā̱bhuṃ pra taṃ kṣi̍ṇā̱ṃ parva̍te pāda̱gṛhya̍ .. 10.027.04
4 While yet my deeds of might were unrecorded, all passed for Maghavans though I existed.
The potent one who dwelt in peace I conquered, grasped by the foot and slew him on the mountain.
Sloka : 10.27.5
न वा उ॒ मां वृ॒जने॑ वारयन्ते॒ न पर्व॑तासो॒ यद॒हं म॑न॒स्ये ।
मम॑ स्व॒नात्कृ॑धु॒कर्णो॑ भयात ए॒वेदनु॒ द्यून्कि॒रणः॒ समे॑जात् ॥ १०.०२७.०५
na vā u̱ māṃ vṛ̱jane̍ vārayante̱ na parva̍tāso̱ yada̱haṃ ma̍na̱sye .
mama̍ sva̱nātkṛ̍dhu̱karṇo̍ bhayāta e̱vedanu̱ dyūnki̱raṇa̱ḥ same̍jāt .. 10.027.05
5 None hinder me in mine heroic exploits, no, not the mountains when I will and purpose.
Even the deaf will tremble at my roaring, and every day will dust be agitated.
Sloka : 10.27.6
दर्श॒न्न्वत्र॑ शृत॒पाँ अ॑नि॒न्द्रान्बा॑हु॒क्षदः॒ शर॑वे॒ पत्य॑मानान् ।
घृषुं॑ वा॒ ये नि॑नि॒दुः सखा॑य॒मध्यू॒ न्वे॑षु प॒वयो॑ ववृत्युः ॥ १०.०२७.०६
darśa̱nnvatra̍ śṛta̱pām̐ a̍ni̱ndrānbā̍hu̱kṣada̱ḥ śara̍ve̱ patya̍mānān .
ghṛṣu̍ṃ vā̱ ye ni̍ni̱duḥ sakhā̍ya̱madhyū̱ nve̍ṣu pa̱vayo̍ vavṛtyuḥ .. 10.027.06
6 To see the Indraless oblation-drinkers, mean offerers, oertaken by destruction!
Then shall the fellies of my car pass over those who have blamed my joyous Friend and scorned him.
Sloka : 10.27.7
अभू॒र्वौक्षी॒र्व्यु१॒॑ आयु॑रान॒ड्दर्ष॒न्नु पूर्वो॒ अप॑रो॒ नु द॑र्षत् ।
द्वे प॒वस्ते॒ परि॒ तं न भू॑तो॒ यो अ॒स्य पा॒रे रज॑सो वि॒वेष॑ ॥ १०.०२७.०७
abhū̱rvaukṣī̱rvyu1̱̍ āyu̍rāna̱ḍdarṣa̱nnu pūrvo̱ apa̍ro̱ nu da̍rṣat .
dve pa̱vaste̱ pari̱ taṃ na bhū̍to̱ yo a̱sya pā̱re raja̍so vi̱veṣa̍ .. 10.027.07
7 Thou wast, thou grewest to full vital vigour:- an earlier saw, a later one shall see thee.
Two canopies, as twere, are round about him who reacheth to the limit of this region.
Sloka : 10.27.8
गावो॒ यवं॒ प्रयु॑ता अ॒र्यो अ॑क्ष॒न्ता अ॑पश्यं स॒हगो॑पा॒श्चर॑न्तीः ।
हवा॒ इद॒र्यो अ॒भितः॒ समा॑य॒न्किय॑दासु॒ स्वप॑तिश्छन्दयाते ॥ १०.०२७.०८
gāvo̱ yava̱ṃ prayu̍tā a̱ryo a̍kṣa̱ntā a̍paśyaṃ sa̱hago̍pā̱ścara̍ntīḥ .
havā̱ ida̱ryo a̱bhita̱ḥ samā̍ya̱nkiya̍dāsu̱ svapa̍tiśchandayāte .. 10.027.08
8 The freed kine eat the barley of the pious. I saw them as they wandered with the herdsman.
The calling of the pious rang around them. What portion will these kine afford their owner?
Sloka : 10.27.9
सं यद्वयं॑ यव॒सादो॒ जना॑नाम॒हं य॒वाद॑ उ॒र्वज्रे॑ अ॒न्तः ।
अत्रा॑ यु॒क्तो॑ऽवसा॒तार॑मिच्छा॒दथो॒ अयु॑क्तं युनजद्वव॒न्वान् ॥ १०.०२७.०९
saṃ yadvaya̍ṃ yava̱sādo̱ janā̍nāma̱haṃ ya̱vāda̍ u̱rvajre̍ a̱ntaḥ .
atrā̍ yu̱kto̎vasā̱tāra̍micchā̱datho̱ ayu̍ktaṃ yunajadvava̱nvān .. 10.027.09
9 When we who cat the grass of men are gathered I am with barley-eaters in the corn-land.
There shall the captor yoke the yokeless bullock, and he who hath been yoked seek one to loose him.
Sloka : 10.27.10
अत्रेदु॑ मे मंससे स॒त्यमु॒क्तं द्वि॒पाच्च॒ यच्चतु॑ष्पात्संसृ॒जानि॑ ।
स्त्री॒भिर्यो अत्र॒ वृष॑णं पृत॒न्यादयु॑द्धो अस्य॒ वि भ॑जानि॒ वेदः॑ ॥ १०.०२७.१०
atredu̍ me maṃsase sa̱tyamu̱ktaṃ dvi̱pācca̱ yaccatu̍ṣpātsaṃsṛ̱jāni̍ .
strī̱bhiryo atra̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ pṛta̱nyādayu̍ddho asya̱ vi bha̍jāni̱ veda̍ḥ .. 10.027.10
10 There wilt thou hold as true my spoken purpose, to bring together quadrupeds. and bipeds.
I will divide, without a fight, his riches who warreth here, against the Bull, with women.
Sloka : 10.27.11
यस्या॑न॒क्षा दु॑हि॒ता जात्वास॒ कस्तां वि॒द्वाँ अ॒भि म॑न्याते अ॒न्धाम् ।
क॒त॒रो मे॒निं प्रति॒ तं मु॑चाते॒ य ईं॒ वहा॑ते॒ य ईं॑ वा वरे॒यात् ॥ १०.०२७.११
yasyā̍na̱kṣā du̍hi̱tā jātvāsa̱ kastāṃ vi̱dvām̐ a̱bhi ma̍nyāte a̱ndhām .
ka̱ta̱ro me̱niṃ prati̱ taṃ mu̍cāte̱ ya ī̱ṃ vahā̍te̱ ya ī̍ṃ vā vare̱yāt .. 10.027.11
11 When a man's daughter hath been ever eyeless, who, knowing, will be wroth with her for blindness?
Which of the two will loose on him his anger-the man who leads her home or he who woos her?
Sloka : 10.27.12
किय॑ती॒ योषा॑ मर्य॒तो व॑धू॒योः परि॑प्रीता॒ पन्य॑सा॒ वार्ये॑ण ।
भ॒द्रा व॒धूर्भ॑वति॒ यत्सु॒पेशाः॑ स्व॒यं सा मि॒त्रं व॑नुते॒ जने॑ चित् ॥ १०.०२७.१२
kiya̍tī̱ yoṣā̍ marya̱to va̍dhū̱yoḥ pari̍prītā̱ panya̍sā̱ vārye̍ṇa .
bha̱drā va̱dhūrbha̍vati̱ yatsu̱peśā̍ḥ sva̱yaṃ sā mi̱traṃ va̍nute̱ jane̍ cit .. 10.027.12
12 How many a maid is pleasing to the suitor who fain would marry for her splendid riches?
If the girl be both good and fair of feature, she finds, herself, a friend among the people.
Sloka : 10.27.13
प॒त्तो ज॑गार प्र॒त्यञ्च॑मत्ति शी॒र्ष्णा शिरः॒ प्रति॑ दधौ॒ वरू॑थम् ।
आसी॑न ऊ॒र्ध्वामु॒पसि॑ क्षिणाति॒ न्य॑ङ्ङुत्ता॒नामन्वे॑ति॒ भूमि॑म् ॥ १०.०२७.१३
pa̱tto ja̍gāra pra̱tyañca̍matti śī̱rṣṇā śira̱ḥ prati̍ dadhau̱ varū̍tham .
āsī̍na ū̱rdhvāmu̱pasi̍ kṣiṇāti̱ nya̍ṅṅuttā̱nāmanve̍ti̱ bhūmi̍m .. 10.027.13
13 His feet have grasped:- he eats the man who meets him. Around his head he sets the head for shelter.
Sitting anear and right above he smites us, and follows earth that lies spread out beneath him.
Sloka : 10.27.14
बृ॒हन्न॑च्छा॒यो अ॑पला॒शो अर्वा॑ त॒स्थौ मा॒ता विषि॑तो अत्ति॒ गर्भः॑ ।
अ॒न्यस्या॑ व॒त्सं रि॑ह॒ती मि॑माय॒ कया॑ भु॒वा नि द॑धे धे॒नुरूधः॑ ॥ १०.०२७.१४
bṛ̱hanna̍cchā̱yo a̍palā̱śo arvā̍ ta̱sthau mā̱tā viṣi̍to atti̱ garbha̍ḥ .
a̱nyasyā̍ va̱tsaṃ ri̍ha̱tī mi̍māya̱ kayā̍ bhu̱vā ni da̍dhe dhe̱nurūdha̍ḥ .. 10.027.14
14 High, leafless, shadowless, and swift is Heaven:- the Mother stands, the Youngling, loosed, is feeding.
Loud hath she lowed, licking Another's offspring. In what world hath the Cow laid down her udder?
Sloka : 10.27.15
स॒प्त वी॒रासो॑ अध॒रादुदा॑यन्न॒ष्टोत्त॒रात्ता॒त्सम॑जग्मिर॒न्ते ।
नव॑ प॒श्चाता॑त्स्थिवि॒मन्त॑ आय॒न्दश॒ प्राक्सानु॒ वि ति॑र॒न्त्यश्नः॑ ॥ १०.०२७.१५
sa̱pta vī̱rāso̍ adha̱rādudā̍yanna̱ṣṭotta̱rāttā̱tsama̍jagmira̱nte .
nava̍ pa̱ścātā̍tsthivi̱manta̍ āya̱ndaśa̱ prāksānu̱ vi ti̍ra̱ntyaśna̍ḥ .. 10.027.15
15 Seven heroes from the nether part ascended, and from the upper part came eight together.
Nine from behind came armed with winnowing-baskets:- ten from the front pressed oer the rock's high ridges.
Sloka : 10.27.16
द॒शा॒नामेकं॑ कपि॒लं स॑मा॒नं तं हि॑न्वन्ति॒ क्रत॑वे॒ पार्या॑य ।
गर्भं॑ मा॒ता सुधि॑तं व॒क्षणा॒स्ववे॑नन्तं तु॒षय॑न्ती बिभर्ति ॥ १०.०२७.१६
da̱śā̱nāmeka̍ṃ kapi̱laṃ sa̍mā̱naṃ taṃ hi̍nvanti̱ krata̍ve̱ pāryā̍ya .
garbha̍ṃ mā̱tā sudhi̍taṃ va̱kṣaṇā̱svave̍nantaṃ tu̱ṣaya̍ntī bibharti .. 10.027.16
16 One of the ten, the tawny, shared in common, they send to execute their final purpose.
The Mother carries on her breast the Infant of noble form and soothes it while it knows not.
Sloka : 10.27.17
पीवा॑नं मे॒षम॑पचन्त वी॒रा न्यु॑प्ता अ॒क्षा अनु॑ दी॒व आ॑सन् ।
द्वा धनुं॑ बृह॒तीम॒प्स्व१॒॑न्तः प॒वित्र॑वन्ता चरतः पु॒नन्ता॑ ॥ १०.०२७.१७
pīvā̍naṃ me̱ṣama̍pacanta vī̱rā nyu̍ptā a̱kṣā anu̍ dī̱va ā̍san .
dvā dhanu̍ṃ bṛha̱tīma̱psva1̱̍ntaḥ pa̱vitra̍vantā carataḥ pu̱nantā̍ .. 10.027.17
17 The Heroes dressed with fire the fatted wether:- the dice were thrown by way of sport and gaming.
Two reach the plain amid the heavenly waters, hallowing and with means of purifying.
Sloka : 10.27.18
वि क्रो॑श॒नासो॒ विष्व॑ञ्च आय॒न्पचा॑ति॒ नेमो॑ न॒हि पक्ष॑द॒र्धः ।
अ॒यं मे॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता तदा॑ह॒ द्र्व॑न्न॒ इद्व॑नवत्स॒र्पिर॑न्नः ॥ १०.०२७.१८
vi kro̍śa̱nāso̱ viṣva̍ñca āya̱npacā̍ti̱ nemo̍ na̱hi pakṣa̍da̱rdhaḥ .
a̱yaṃ me̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā tadā̍ha̱ drva̍nna̱ idva̍navatsa̱rpira̍nnaḥ .. 10.027.18
18 Crying aloud they ran in all directions:- One half of them will cook, and not the other.
To me hath Savitar, this God, declared it:- He will perform, whose food is wood and butter.
Sloka : 10.27.19
अप॑श्यं॒ ग्रामं॒ वह॑मानमा॒राद॑च॒क्रया॑ स्व॒धया॒ वर्त॑मानम् ।
सिष॑क्त्य॒र्यः प्र यु॒गा जना॑नां स॒द्यः शि॒श्ना प्र॑मिना॒नो नवी॑यान् ॥ १०.०२७.१९
apa̍śya̱ṃ grāma̱ṃ vaha̍mānamā̱rāda̍ca̱krayā̍ sva̱dhayā̱ varta̍mānam .
siṣa̍ktya̱ryaḥ pra yu̱gā janā̍nāṃ sa̱dyaḥ śi̱śnā pra̍minā̱no navī̍yān .. 10.027.19
19 I saw a troop advancing from the distance moved, not by wheels but their own God-like nature.
The Friendly One seeks human generations, destroying, still new bands of evil beings.
Sloka : 10.27.20
ए॒तौ मे॒ गावौ॑ प्रम॒रस्य॑ यु॒क्तौ मो षु प्र से॑धी॒र्मुहु॒रिन्म॑मन्धि ।
आप॑श्चिदस्य॒ वि न॑श॒न्त्यर्थं॒ सूर॑श्च म॒र्क उप॑रो बभू॒वान् ॥ १०.०२७.२०
e̱tau me̱ gāvau̍ prama̱rasya̍ yu̱ktau mo ṣu pra se̍dhī̱rmuhu̱rinma̍mandhi .
āpa̍ścidasya̱ vi na̍śa̱ntyartha̱ṃ sūra̍śca ma̱rka upa̍ro babhū̱vān .. 10.027.20
20 These my two Bulls, even Pramara's, are harnessed:- drive them not far; here let them often linger.
The waters even shall aid him to his object, and the all-cleansing Sun who is above us.
Sloka : 10.27.21
अ॒यं यो वज्रः॑ पुरु॒धा विवृ॑त्तो॒ऽवः सूर्य॑स्य बृह॒तः पुरी॑षात् ।
श्रव॒ इदे॒ना प॒रो अ॒न्यद॑स्ति॒ तद॑व्य॒थी ज॑रि॒माण॑स्तरन्ति ॥ १०.०२७.२१
a̱yaṃ yo vajra̍ḥ puru̱dhā vivṛ̍tto̱'vaḥ sūrya̍sya bṛha̱taḥ purī̍ṣāt .
śrava̱ ide̱nā pa̱ro a̱nyada̍sti̱ tada̍vya̱thī ja̍ri̱māṇa̍staranti .. 10.027.21
21 This is the thunderbolt which often whirleth down from the lofty misty realm of Sūrya.
Beyond this realm there is another glory so through old age they pass and feel no sorrow.
Sloka : 10.27.22
वृ॒क्षेवृ॑क्षे॒ निय॑ता मीमय॒द्गौस्ततो॒ वयः॒ प्र प॑तान्पूरु॒षादः॑ ।
अथे॒दं विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं भयात॒ इन्द्रा॑य सु॒न्वदृष॑ये च॒ शिक्ष॑त् ॥ १०.०२७.२२
vṛ̱kṣevṛ̍kṣe̱ niya̍tā mīmaya̱dgaustato̱ vaya̱ḥ pra pa̍tānpūru̱ṣāda̍ḥ .
athe̱daṃ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍naṃ bhayāta̱ indrā̍ya su̱nvadṛṣa̍ye ca̱ śikṣa̍t .. 10.027.22
22 Bound fast to,every tree the cow is lowing, and thence the man-consuming birds are flying,
Then all this world, though pressing juice for Indra and strengthening the Ṛṣi, is affrighted.
Sloka : 10.27.23
दे॒वानां॒ माने॑ प्रथ॒मा अ॑तिष्ठन्कृ॒न्तत्रा॑देषा॒मुप॑रा॒ उदा॑यन् ।
त्रय॑स्तपन्ति पृथि॒वीम॑नू॒पा द्वा बृबू॑कं वहतः॒ पुरी॑षम् ॥ १०.०२७.२३
de̱vānā̱ṃ māne̍ pratha̱mā a̍tiṣṭhankṛ̱ntatrā̍deṣā̱mupa̍rā̱ udā̍yan .
traya̍stapanti pṛthi̱vīma̍nū̱pā dvā bṛbū̍kaṃ vahata̱ḥ purī̍ṣam .. 10.027.23
23 In the Gods mansion stood the first-created, and from their separation came the later.
Three warm the Earth while holding stores of water, and Two of these convey the murmuring moisture.
Sloka : 10.27.24
सा ते॑ जी॒वातु॑रु॒त तस्य॑ विद्धि॒ मा स्मै॑ता॒दृगप॑ गूहः सम॒र्ये ।
आ॒विः स्वः॑ कृणु॒ते गूह॑ते बु॒सं स पा॒दुर॑स्य नि॒र्णिजो॒ न मु॑च्यते ॥ १०.०२७.२४
sā te̍ jī̱vātu̍ru̱ta tasya̍ viddhi̱ mā smai̍tā̱dṛgapa̍ gūhaḥ sama̱rye .
ā̱viḥ sva̍ḥ kṛṇu̱te gūha̍te bu̱saṃ sa pā̱dura̍sya ni̱rṇijo̱ na mu̍cyate .. 10.027.24
24 This is thy life:- and do thou mark and know it. As such, hide not thyself in time of battle.
He manifests the light and hides the vapour:- his foot is never free from robes that veil it.
Sloka : 10.28.1
विश्वो॒ ह्य१॒॑न्यो अ॒रिरा॑ज॒गाम॒ ममेदह॒ श्वशु॑रो॒ ना ज॑गाम ।
ज॒क्षी॒याद्धा॒ना उ॒त सोमं॑ पपीया॒त्स्वा॑शितः॒ पुन॒रस्तं॑ जगायात् ॥ १०.०२८.०१
viśvo̱ hya1̱̍nyo a̱rirā̍ja̱gāma̱ mamedaha̱ śvaśu̍ro̱ nā ja̍gāma .
ja̱kṣī̱yāddhā̱nā u̱ta soma̍ṃ papīyā̱tsvā̍śita̱ḥ puna̱rasta̍ṃ jagāyāt .. 10.028.01
1. Now all my other friends are here assembled:- my Sire-in-law alone hath not come hither.
So might he eat the grain and drink the Soma, and, satisfied, return unto; his dwelling.
Sloka : 10.28.2
स रोरु॑वद्वृष॒भस्ति॒ग्मशृ॑ङ्गो॒ वर्ष्म॑न्तस्थौ॒ वरि॑म॒न्ना पृ॑थि॒व्याः ।
विश्वे॑ष्वेनं वृ॒जने॑षु पामि॒ यो मे॑ कु॒क्षी सु॒तसो॑मः पृ॒णाति॑ ॥ १०.०२८.०२
sa roru̍vadvṛṣa̱bhasti̱gmaśṛ̍ṅgo̱ varṣma̍ntasthau̱ vari̍ma̱nnā pṛ̍thi̱vyāḥ .
viśve̍ṣvenaṃ vṛ̱jane̍ṣu pāmi̱ yo me̍ ku̱kṣī su̱taso̍maḥ pṛ̱ṇāti̍ .. 10.028.02
2 Loud belloweth the Bull whose horns are sharpened:- upon the height above earth's breadth he standeth.
That man I guard and save in all his troubles who fills my flanks when he hath shed the Soma.
Sloka : 10.28.3
अद्रि॑णा ते म॒न्दिन॑ इन्द्र॒ तूया॑न्सु॒न्वन्ति॒ सोमा॒न्पिब॑सि॒ त्वमे॑षाम् ।
पच॑न्ति ते वृष॒भाँ अत्सि॒ तेषां॑ पृ॒क्षेण॒ यन्म॑घवन्हू॒यमा॑नः ॥ १०.०२८.०३
adri̍ṇā te ma̱ndina̍ indra̱ tūyā̍nsu̱nvanti̱ somā̱npiba̍si̱ tvame̍ṣām .
paca̍nti te vṛṣa̱bhām̐ atsi̱ teṣā̍ṃ pṛ̱kṣeṇa̱ yanma̍ghavanhū̱yamā̍naḥ .. 10.028.03
3 Men with the stone press out for thee, O Indra, strong, gladdening Soma, and thereof thou drinkest.
Bulls they dress for thee, and of these thou eatest when, Maghavan, with food thou art invited.
Sloka : 10.28.4
इ॒दं सु मे॑ जरित॒रा चि॑किद्धि प्रती॒पं शापं॑ न॒द्यो॑ वहन्ति ।
लो॒पा॒शः सिं॒हं प्र॒त्यञ्च॑मत्साः क्रो॒ष्टा व॑रा॒हं निर॑तक्त॒ कक्षा॑त् ॥ १०.०२८.०४
i̱daṃ su me̍ jarita̱rā ci̍kiddhi pratī̱paṃ śāpa̍ṃ na̱dyo̍ vahanti .
lo̱pā̱śaḥ si̱ṃhaṃ pra̱tyañca̍matsāḥ kro̱ṣṭā va̍rā̱haṃ nira̍takta̱ kakṣā̍t .. 10.028.04
4 Resolve for me, O singer, this my riddle:- The rivers send their swelling water backward:-
The fox steals up to the approaching lion:- the jackal drives the wild-boar from the brushwood.
Sloka : 10.28.5
क॒था त॑ ए॒तद॒हमा चि॑केतं॒ गृत्स॑स्य॒ पाक॑स्त॒वसो॑ मनी॒षाम् ।
त्वं नो॑ वि॒द्वाँ ऋ॑तु॒था वि वो॑चो॒ यमर्धं॑ ते मघवन्क्षे॒म्या धूः ॥ १०.०२८.०५
ka̱thā ta̍ e̱tada̱hamā ci̍keta̱ṃ gṛtsa̍sya̱ pāka̍sta̱vaso̍ manī̱ṣām .
tvaṃ no̍ vi̱dvām̐ ṛ̍tu̱thā vi vo̍co̱ yamardha̍ṃ te maghavankṣe̱myā dhūḥ .. 10.028.05
5 How shall I solve this riddle, I, the simple, declare the thought of thee the Wise and Mighty?
Tell us, well knowing, as befits the season:- Whitherward is thy prosperous car advancing?
Sloka : 10.28.6
ए॒वा हि मां त॒वसं॑ व॒र्धय॑न्ति दि॒वश्चि॑न्मे बृह॒त उत्त॑रा॒ धूः ।
पु॒रू स॒हस्रा॒ नि शि॑शामि सा॒कम॑श॒त्रुं हि मा॒ जनि॑ता ज॒जान॑ ॥ १०.०२८.०६
e̱vā hi māṃ ta̱vasa̍ṃ va̱rdhaya̍nti di̱vaści̍nme bṛha̱ta utta̍rā̱ dhūḥ .
pu̱rū sa̱hasrā̱ ni śi̍śāmi sā̱kama̍śa̱truṃ hi mā̱ jani̍tā ja̱jāna̍ .. 10.028.06
6 Thus do they magnify me, me the mighty higher than even high heaven is my car-pole.
I all at once demolish many thousands:- my Sire begot me with no foe to match me.
Sloka : 10.28.7
ए॒वा हि मां त॒वसं॑ ज॒ज्ञुरु॒ग्रं कर्म॑न्कर्म॒न्वृष॑णमिन्द्र दे॒वाः ।
वधीं॑ वृ॒त्रं वज्रे॑ण मन्दसा॒नोऽप॑ व्र॒जं म॑हि॒ना दा॒शुषे॑ वम् ॥ १०.०२८.०७
e̱vā hi māṃ ta̱vasa̍ṃ ja̱jñuru̱graṃ karma̍nkarma̱nvṛṣa̍ṇamindra de̱vāḥ .
vadhī̍ṃ vṛ̱traṃ vajre̍ṇa mandasā̱no'pa̍ vra̱jaṃ ma̍hi̱nā dā̱śuṣe̍ vam .. 10.028.07
7 Yea, and the Gods have known me also, Indra, as mighty, fierce and strong in every exploit.
Exulting with the bolt I slaughtered Vṛtra, and for the offerer oped with might the cow-stall.
Sloka : 10.28.8
दे॒वास॑ आयन्पर॒शूँर॑बिभ्र॒न्वना॑ वृ॒श्चन्तो॑ अ॒भि वि॒ड्भिरा॑यन् ।
नि सु॒द्र्वं१॒॑ दध॑तो व॒क्षणा॑सु॒ यत्रा॒ कृपी॑ट॒मनु॒ तद्द॑हन्ति ॥ १०.०२८.०८
de̱vāsa̍ āyanpara̱śūm̐ra̍bibhra̱nvanā̍ vṛ̱ścanto̍ a̱bhi vi̱ḍbhirā̍yan .
ni su̱drvaṃ1̱̍ dadha̍to va̱kṣaṇā̍su̱ yatrā̱ kṛpī̍ṭa̱manu̱ tadda̍hanti .. 10.028.08
8 The Deities approached, they carried axes; splitting the wood they came with their attendants.
They laid good timber in the fire-receivers, and burnt the grass up where they found it growing.
Sloka : 10.28.9
श॒शः क्षु॒रं प्र॒त्यञ्चं॑ जगा॒राद्रिं॑ लो॒गेन॒ व्य॑भेदमा॒रात् ।
बृ॒हन्तं॑ चिदृह॒ते र॑न्धयानि॒ वय॑द्व॒त्सो वृ॑ष॒भं शूशु॑वानः ॥ १०.०२८.०९
śa̱śaḥ kṣu̱raṃ pra̱tyañca̍ṃ jagā̱rādri̍ṃ lo̱gena̱ vya̍bhedamā̱rāt .
bṛ̱hanta̍ṃ cidṛha̱te ra̍ndhayāni̱ vaya̍dva̱tso vṛ̍ṣa̱bhaṃ śūśu̍vānaḥ .. 10.028.09
9 The hare hath swallowed up the opposing razor:- I sundered with a clod the distant mountain.
The great will I make subject to the little:- the calf shall wax in strength and cat the bullock.
Sloka : 10.28.10
सु॒प॒र्ण इ॒त्था न॒खमा सि॑षा॒याव॑रुद्धः परि॒पदं॒ न सिं॒हः ।
नि॒रु॒द्धश्चि॑न्महि॒षस्त॒र्ष्यावा॑न्गो॒धा तस्मा॑ अ॒यथं॑ कर्षदे॒तत् ॥ १०.०२८.१०
su̱pa̱rṇa i̱tthā na̱khamā si̍ṣā̱yāva̍ruddhaḥ pari̱pada̱ṃ na si̱ṃhaḥ .
ni̱ru̱ddhaści̍nmahi̱ṣasta̱rṣyāvā̍ngo̱dhā tasmā̍ a̱yatha̍ṃ karṣade̱tat .. 10.028.10
10 There hath the strong-winged eagle left his talon, as a snared lion leaves the trap that caught him.
Even the wild steer in his thirst is captured:- the leather strap still holds his foot entangled.
Sloka : 10.28.11
तेभ्यो॑ गो॒धा अ॒यथं॑ कर्षदे॒तद्ये ब्र॒ह्मणः॑ प्रति॒पीय॒न्त्यन्नैः॑ ।
सि॒म उ॒क्ष्णो॑ऽवसृ॒ष्टाँ अ॑दन्ति स्व॒यं बला॑नि त॒न्वः॑ शृणा॒नाः ॥ १०.०२८.११
tebhyo̍ go̱dhā a̱yatha̍ṃ karṣade̱tadye bra̱hmaṇa̍ḥ prati̱pīya̱ntyannai̍ḥ .
si̱ma u̱kṣṇo̎vasṛ̱ṣṭām̐ a̍danti sva̱yaṃ balā̍ni ta̱nva̍ḥ śṛṇā̱nāḥ .. 10.028.11
11 So may the leather strap their foot entangle who fatten on the viands of the Brahman.
They all devour the bulls set free to wander, while they themselves destroy their bodies' vigour.
Sloka : 10.28.12
ए॒ते शमी॑भिः सु॒शमी॑ अभूव॒न्ये हि॑न्वि॒रे त॒न्व१॒ः॑ सोम॑ उ॒क्थैः ।
नृ॒वद्वद॒न्नुप॑ नो माहि॒ वाजा॑न्दि॒वि श्रवो॑ दधिषे॒ नाम॑ वी॒रः ॥ १०.०२८.१२
e̱te śamī̍bhiḥ su̱śamī̍ abhūva̱nye hi̍nvi̱re ta̱nva1̱̍ḥ soma̍ u̱kthaiḥ .
nṛ̱vadvada̱nnupa̍ no māhi̱ vājā̍ndi̱vi śravo̍ dadhiṣe̱ nāma̍ vī̱raḥ .. 10.028.12
12 They were well occupied with holy duties who sped in person with their lauds to Soma.
Speaking like man, mete to us wealth and booty:- in heaven thou hast the name and fame of Hero.
Sloka : 10.29.1
वने॒ न वा॒ यो न्य॑धायि चा॒कञ्छुचि॑र्वां॒ स्तोमो॑ भुरणावजीगः ।
यस्येदिन्द्रः॑ पुरु॒दिने॑षु॒ होता॑ नृ॒णां नर्यो॒ नृत॑मः क्ष॒पावा॑न् ॥ १०.०२९.०१
vane̱ na vā̱ yo nya̍dhāyi cā̱kañchuci̍rvā̱ṃ stomo̍ bhuraṇāvajīgaḥ .
yasyedindra̍ḥ puru̱dine̍ṣu̱ hotā̍ nṛ̱ṇāṃ naryo̱ nṛta̍maḥ kṣa̱pāvā̍n .. 10.029.01
1. As sits the young bird on the tree rejoicing, ye, swift Pair, have been roused by clear laudation,
Whose Herald-Priest through many days is Indra, earth's Guardian, Friend of men, the best of Heroes.
Sloka : 10.29.2
प्र ते॑ अ॒स्या उ॒षसः॒ प्राप॑रस्या नृ॒तौ स्या॑म॒ नृत॑मस्य नृ॒णाम् ।
अनु॑ त्रि॒शोकः॑ श॒तमाव॑ह॒न्नॄन्कुत्से॑न॒ रथो॒ यो अस॑त्सस॒वान् ॥ १०.०२९.०२
pra te̍ a̱syā u̱ṣasa̱ḥ prāpa̍rasyā nṛ̱tau syā̍ma̱ nṛta̍masya nṛ̱ṇām .
anu̍ tri̱śoka̍ḥ śa̱tamāva̍ha̱nnṝnkutse̍na̱ ratho̱ yo asa̍tsasa̱vān .. 10.029.02
2 May we, when this Dawn and the next dance hither, be thy best servants, most heroic Hero!
Let the victorious car with triple splendour bring hitherward the hundred chiefs with Kutsa.
Sloka : 10.29.3
कस्ते॒ मद॑ इन्द्र॒ रन्त्यो॑ भू॒द्दुरो॒ गिरो॑ अ॒भ्यु१॒॑ग्रो वि धा॑व ।
कद्वाहो॑ अ॒र्वागुप॑ मा मनी॒षा आ त्वा॑ शक्यामुप॒मं राधो॒ अन्नैः॑ ॥ १०.०२९.०३
kaste̱ mada̍ indra̱ rantyo̍ bhū̱dduro̱ giro̍ a̱bhyu1̱̍gro vi dhā̍va .
kadvāho̍ a̱rvāgupa̍ mā manī̱ṣā ā tvā̍ śakyāmupa̱maṃ rādho̱ annai̍ḥ .. 10.029.03
3 What was the gladdening draught that pleased thee, Indra? Speed through our doors to songs, for thou art mighty.
Why comest thou to me, what gift attracts thee? Fain would I bring thee food most meet to offer.
Sloka : 10.29.4
कदु॑ द्यु॒म्नमि॑न्द्र॒ त्वाव॑तो॒ नॄन्कया॑ धि॒या क॑रसे॒ कन्न॒ आग॑न् ।
मि॒त्रो न स॒त्य उ॑रुगाय भृ॒त्या अन्ने॑ समस्य॒ यदस॑न्मनी॒षाः ॥ १०.०२९.०४
kadu̍ dyu̱mnami̍ndra̱ tvāva̍to̱ nṝnkayā̍ dhi̱yā ka̍rase̱ kanna̱ āga̍n .
mi̱tro na sa̱tya u̍rugāya bhṛ̱tyā anne̍ samasya̱ yadasa̍nmanī̱ṣāḥ .. 10.029.04
4 Indra, what fame hath one like thee mid heroes? With what plan wilt thou act? Why hast thou sought us?
As a true Friend, Wide-Strider! to sustain us, since food absorbs the thought of each among us.
Sloka : 10.29.5
प्रेर॑य॒ सूरो॒ अर्थं॒ न पा॒रं ये अ॑स्य॒ कामं॑ जनि॒धा इ॑व॒ ग्मन् ।
गिर॑श्च॒ ये ते॑ तुविजात पू॒र्वीर्नर॑ इन्द्र प्रति॒शिक्ष॒न्त्यन्नैः॑ ॥ १०.०२९.०५
prera̍ya̱ sūro̱ artha̱ṃ na pā̱raṃ ye a̍sya̱ kāma̍ṃ jani̱dhā i̍va̱ gman .
gira̍śca̱ ye te̍ tuvijāta pū̱rvīrnara̍ indra prati̱śikṣa̱ntyannai̍ḥ .. 10.029.05
5 Speed happily those, as Sūrya ends his journey, who meet his wish as bridegrooms meet their spouses;
Men who present, O Indra strong by nature, with food the many songs that tell thy praises.
Sloka : 10.29.6
मात्रे॒ नु ते॒ सुमि॑ते इन्द्र पू॒र्वी द्यौर्म॒ज्मना॑ पृथि॒वी काव्ये॑न ।
वरा॑य ते घृ॒तव॑न्तः सु॒तासः॒ स्वाद्म॑न्भवन्तु पी॒तये॒ मधू॑नि ॥ १०.०२९.०६
mātre̱ nu te̱ sumi̍te indra pū̱rvī dyaurma̱jmanā̍ pṛthi̱vī kāvye̍na .
varā̍ya te ghṛ̱tava̍ntaḥ su̱tāsa̱ḥ svādma̍nbhavantu pī̱taye̱ madhū̍ni .. 10.029.06
6 Thine are two measures, Indra, wide-wellmeted, heaven for thy majesty, earth for thy wisdom.
Here for thy choice are Somas mixed with butter:- may the sweet meath be pleasant for thy drinking.
Sloka : 10.29.7
आ मध्वो॑ अस्मा असिच॒न्नम॑त्र॒मिन्द्रा॑य पू॒र्णं स हि स॒त्यरा॑धाः ।
स वा॑वृधे॒ वरि॑म॒न्ना पृ॑थि॒व्या अ॒भि क्रत्वा॒ नर्यः॒ पौंस्यै॑श्च ॥ १०.०२९.०७
ā madhvo̍ asmā asica̱nnama̍tra̱mindrā̍ya pū̱rṇaṃ sa hi sa̱tyarā̍dhāḥ .
sa vā̍vṛdhe̱ vari̍ma̱nnā pṛ̍thi̱vyā a̱bhi kratvā̱ narya̱ḥ pauṃsyai̍śca .. 10.029.07
7 They have poured out a bowl to him, to Indra, full of sweet juice, for faithful is his bounty.
O'er earth's expanse hath he grown great by wisdom, the Friend of man, and by heroic exploits.
Sloka : 10.29.8
व्या॑न॒ळिन्द्रः॒ पृत॑नाः॒ स्वोजा॒ आस्मै॑ यतन्ते स॒ख्याय॑ पू॒र्वीः ।
आ स्मा॒ रथं॒ न पृत॑नासु तिष्ठ॒ यं भ॒द्रया॑ सुम॒त्या चो॒दया॑से ॥ १०.०२९.०८
vyā̍na̱l̤indra̱ḥ pṛta̍nā̱ḥ svojā̱ āsmai̍ yatante sa̱khyāya̍ pū̱rvīḥ .
ā smā̱ ratha̱ṃ na pṛta̍nāsu tiṣṭha̱ yaṃ bha̱drayā̍ suma̱tyā co̱dayā̍se .. 10.029.08
8 Indra hath conquered in his wars, the Mighty:- men strive in multitudes to win his friendship.
Ascend thy chariot as it were in battle, which thou shalt drive to us with gracious favour.
Sloka : 10.30.1
प्र दे॑व॒त्रा ब्रह्म॑णे गा॒तुरे॑त्व॒पो अच्छा॒ मन॑सो॒ न प्रयु॑क्ति ।
म॒हीं मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य धा॒सिं पृ॑थु॒ज्रय॑से रीरधा सुवृ॒क्तिम् ॥ १०.०३०.०१
pra de̍va̱trā brahma̍ṇe gā̱ture̍tva̱po acchā̱ mana̍so̱ na prayu̍kti .
ma̱hīṃ mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya dhā̱siṃ pṛ̍thu̱jraya̍se rīradhā suvṛ̱ktim .. 10.030.01
1. As twere with swift exertion of the spirit, let the priest speed to the celestial Waters,
The glorious food of Varuṇa and Mitra. To him who spreadeth far this laud I offer.
Sloka : 10.30.2
अध्व॑र्यवो ह॒विष्म॑न्तो॒ हि भू॒ताच्छा॒प इ॑तोश॒तीरु॑शन्तः ।
अव॒ याश्चष्टे॑ अरु॒णः सु॑प॒र्णस्तमास्य॑ध्वमू॒र्मिम॒द्या सु॑हस्ताः ॥ १०.०३०.०२
adhva̍ryavo ha̱viṣma̍nto̱ hi bhū̱tācchā̱pa i̍tośa̱tīru̍śantaḥ .
ava̱ yāścaṣṭe̍ aru̱ṇaḥ su̍pa̱rṇastamāsya̍dhvamū̱rmima̱dyā su̍hastāḥ .. 10.030.02
2 Adhvaryus, he ye ready with oblations,, and come with longing to the longing Waters,
Down on which looks the. purple-tinted Eagle. Pour ye that flowing wave this day, deft-handed.
Sloka : 10.30.3
अध्व॑र्यवो॒ऽप इ॑ता समु॒द्रम॒पां नपा॑तं ह॒विषा॑ यजध्वम् ।
स वो॑ दददू॒र्मिम॒द्या सुपू॑तं॒ तस्मै॒ सोमं॒ मधु॑मन्तं सुनोत ॥ १०.०३०.०३
adhva̍ryavo̱'pa i̍tā samu̱drama̱pāṃ napā̍taṃ ha̱viṣā̍ yajadhvam .
sa vo̍ dadadū̱rmima̱dyā supū̍ta̱ṃ tasmai̱ soma̱ṃ madhu̍mantaṃ sunota .. 10.030.03
3 Go to the reservoir, O ye Adhvaryus worship the Waters Child with your oblations.
A consecrated wave he now will give you, so press for him the Soma rich in sweetness.
Sloka : 10.30.4
यो अ॑नि॒ध्मो दीद॑यद॒प्स्व१॒॑न्तर्यं विप्रा॑स॒ ईळ॑ते अध्व॒रेषु॑ ।
अपां॑ नपा॒न्मधु॑मतीर॒पो दा॒ याभि॒रिन्द्रो॑ वावृ॒धे वी॒र्या॑य ॥ १०.०३०.०४
yo a̍ni̱dhmo dīda̍yada̱psva1̱̍ntaryaṃ viprā̍sa̱ īl̤a̍te adhva̱reṣu̍ .
apā̍ṃ napā̱nmadhu̍matīra̱po dā̱ yābhi̱rindro̍ vāvṛ̱dhe vī̱ryā̍ya .. 10.030.04
4 He who shines bright in floods, unfed with fuel, whom sages worship at their sacrifices:-
Give waters rich in sweets, Child of the Waters, even those which gave heroic might to Indra:-
Sloka : 10.30.5
याभिः॒ सोमो॒ मोद॑ते॒ हर्ष॑ते च कल्या॒णीभि॑र्युव॒तिभि॒र्न मर्यः॑ ।
ता अ॑ध्वर्यो अ॒पो अच्छा॒ परे॑हि॒ यदा॑सि॒ञ्चा ओष॑धीभिः पुनीतात् ॥ १०.०३०.०५
yābhi̱ḥ somo̱ moda̍te̱ harṣa̍te ca kalyā̱ṇībhi̍ryuva̱tibhi̱rna marya̍ḥ .
tā a̍dhvaryo a̱po acchā̱ pare̍hi̱ yadā̍si̱ñcā oṣa̍dhībhiḥ punītāt .. 10.030.05
5 Those in which Soma joys and is delighted, as a young man with fair and pleasant damsels.
Go thou unto those Waters, O Adhvaryu, and purify with herbs what thou infusest.
Sloka : 10.30.6
ए॒वेद्यूने॑ युव॒तयो॑ नमन्त॒ यदी॑मु॒शन्नु॑श॒तीरेत्यच्छ॑ ।
सं जा॑नते॒ मन॑सा॒ सं चि॑कित्रेऽध्व॒र्यवो॑ धि॒षणाप॑श्च दे॒वीः ॥ १०.०३०.०६
e̱vedyūne̍ yuva̱tayo̍ namanta̱ yadī̍mu̱śannu̍śa̱tīretyaccha̍ .
saṃ jā̍nate̱ mana̍sā̱ saṃ ci̍kitre'dhva̱ryavo̍ dhi̱ṣaṇāpa̍śca de̱vīḥ .. 10.030.06
6 So maidens bow before the youthful gallant who comes with love to them who yearn to meet him.
In heart accordant and in wish one-minded are the Adhvaryus and the heavenly Waters.
Sloka : 10.30.7
यो वो॑ वृ॒ताभ्यो॒ अकृ॑णोदु लो॒कं यो वो॑ म॒ह्या अ॒भिश॑स्ते॒रमु॑ञ्चत् ।
तस्मा॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ मधु॑मन्तमू॒र्मिं दे॑व॒माद॑नं॒ प्र हि॑णोतनापः ॥ १०.०३०.०७
yo vo̍ vṛ̱tābhyo̱ akṛ̍ṇodu lo̱kaṃ yo vo̍ ma̱hyā a̱bhiśa̍ste̱ramu̍ñcat .
tasmā̱ indrā̍ya̱ madhu̍mantamū̱rmiṃ de̍va̱māda̍na̱ṃ pra hi̍ṇotanāpaḥ .. 10.030.07
7 He who made room for you when fast imprisoned, who freed you from the mighty imprecation,
Even to that Indra send the meath-rich current, the wave that gratifies the Gods, O Waters.
Sloka : 10.30.8
प्रास्मै॑ हिनोत॒ मधु॑मन्तमू॒र्मिं गर्भो॒ यो वः॑ सिन्धवो॒ मध्व॒ उत्सः॑ ।
घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठ॒मीड्य॑मध्व॒रेष्वापो॑ रेवतीः शृणु॒ता हवं॑ मे ॥ १०.०३०.०८
prāsmai̍ hinota̱ madhu̍mantamū̱rmiṃ garbho̱ yo va̍ḥ sindhavo̱ madhva̱ utsa̍ḥ .
ghṛ̱tapṛ̍ṣṭha̱mīḍya̍madhva̱reṣvāpo̍ revatīḥ śṛṇu̱tā hava̍ṃ me .. 10.030.08
8 Send forth to him the meath-rich wave, O Rivers, which is your offspring and a well of sweetness,
Oil-balmed, to be implored at sacrifices. Ye wealthy Waters, hear mine invocation.
Sloka : 10.30.9
तं सि॑न्धवो मत्स॒रमि॑न्द्र॒पान॑मू॒र्मिं प्र हे॑त॒ य उ॒भे इय॑र्ति ।
म॒द॒च्युत॑मौशा॒नं न॑भो॒जां परि॑ त्रि॒तन्तुं॑ वि॒चर॑न्त॒मुत्स॑म् ॥ १०.०३०.०९
taṃ si̍ndhavo matsa̱rami̍ndra̱pāna̍mū̱rmiṃ pra he̍ta̱ ya u̱bhe iya̍rti .
ma̱da̱cyuta̍mauśā̱naṃ na̍bho̱jāṃ pari̍ tri̱tantu̍ṃ vi̱cara̍nta̱mutsa̍m .. 10.030.09
9 Send forth the rapture-giving wave, O Rivers, which Indra drinks, which sets the Twain in motion;
The well that springeth from the clouds, desirous, that wandereth triple-formed, distilling transport.
Sloka : 10.30.10
आ॒वर्वृ॑तती॒रध॒ नु द्वि॒धारा॑ गोषु॒युधो॒ न नि॑य॒वं चर॑न्तीः ।
ऋषे॒ जनि॑त्री॒र्भुव॑नस्य॒ पत्नी॑र॒पो व॑न्दस्व स॒वृधः॒ सयो॑नीः ॥ १०.०३०.१०
ā̱varvṛ̍tatī̱radha̱ nu dvi̱dhārā̍ goṣu̱yudho̱ na ni̍ya̱vaṃ cara̍ntīḥ .
ṛṣe̱ jani̍trī̱rbhuva̍nasya̱ patnī̍ra̱po va̍ndasva sa̱vṛdha̱ḥ sayo̍nīḥ .. 10.030.10
10 These winding Streams which with their double current, like cattle-raiders, seek the lower pastures,
Waters which dwell together, thrive together, Queens, Mothers of the world, these, Ṛṣi, honour.
Sloka : 10.30.11
हि॒नोता॑ नो अध्व॒रं दे॑वय॒ज्या हि॒नोत॒ ब्रह्म॑ स॒नये॒ धना॑नाम् ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ योगे॒ वि ष्य॑ध्व॒मूधः॑ श्रुष्टी॒वरी॑र्भूतना॒स्मभ्य॑मापः ॥ १०.०३०.११
hi̱notā̍ no adhva̱raṃ de̍vaya̱jyā hi̱nota̱ brahma̍ sa̱naye̱ dhanā̍nām .
ṛ̱tasya̱ yoge̱ vi ṣya̍dhva̱mūdha̍ḥ śruṣṭī̱varī̍rbhūtanā̱smabhya̍māpaḥ .. 10.030.11
11 Send forth our sacrifice with holy worship send forth the hymn and prayer for gain of riches.
For need of sacrifice disclose the udder. Give gracious hearing to our call, O Waters.
Sloka : 10.30.12
आपो॑ रेवतीः॒ क्षय॑था॒ हि वस्वः॒ क्रतुं॑ च भ॒द्रं बि॑भृ॒थामृतं॑ च ।
रा॒यश्च॒ स्थ स्व॑प॒त्यस्य॒ पत्नीः॒ सर॑स्वती॒ तद्गृ॑ण॒ते वयो॑ धात् ॥ १०.०३०.१२
āpo̍ revatī̱ḥ kṣaya̍thā̱ hi vasva̱ḥ kratu̍ṃ ca bha̱draṃ bi̍bhṛ̱thāmṛta̍ṃ ca .
rā̱yaśca̱ stha sva̍pa̱tyasya̱ patnī̱ḥ sara̍svatī̱ tadgṛ̍ṇa̱te vayo̍ dhāt .. 10.030.12
12 For, wealthy Waters, ye control all treasures:- ye bring auspicious intellect and Amṛta.
Ye are the Queens of independent riches Sarasvatī give full life to the singer!
Sloka : 10.30.13
प्रति॒ यदापो॒ अदृ॑श्रमाय॒तीर्घृ॒तं पयां॑सि॒ बिभ्र॑ती॒र्मधू॑नि ।
अ॒ध्व॒र्युभि॒र्मन॑सा संविदा॒ना इन्द्रा॑य॒ सोमं॒ सुषु॑तं॒ भर॑न्तीः ॥ १०.०३०.१३
prati̱ yadāpo̱ adṛ̍śramāya̱tīrghṛ̱taṃ payā̍ṃsi̱ bibhra̍tī̱rmadhū̍ni .
a̱dhva̱ryubhi̱rmana̍sā saṃvidā̱nā indrā̍ya̱ soma̱ṃ suṣu̍ta̱ṃ bhara̍ntīḥ .. 10.030.13
13 When I behold the Waters coming hither, carrying with them milk and mcath and butter,
Bearing the well-pressed Soma juice to Indra, they harmonize in spirit with Adhvaryus.
Sloka : 10.30.14
एमा अ॑ग्मन्रे॒वती॑र्जी॒वध॑न्या॒ अध्व॑र्यवः सा॒दय॑ता सखायः ।
नि ब॒र्हिषि॑ धत्तन सोम्यासो॒ऽपां नप्त्रा॑ संविदा॒नास॑ एनाः ॥ १०.०३०.१४
emā a̍gmanre̱vatī̍rjī̱vadha̍nyā̱ adhva̍ryavaḥ sā̱daya̍tā sakhāyaḥ .
ni ba̱rhiṣi̍ dhattana somyāso̱'pāṃ naptrā̍ saṃvidā̱nāsa̍ enāḥ .. 10.030.14
14 Rich, they are come with wealth for living beings, O friends, Adhvaryus, seat them in their places.
Seat them on holy grass, ye Soma-bringers in harmony with the Offspring of the Waters.
Sloka : 10.30.15
आग्म॒न्नाप॑ उश॒तीर्ब॒र्हिरेदं न्य॑ध्व॒रे अ॑सदन्देव॒यन्तीः॑ ।
अध्व॑र्यवः सुनु॒तेन्द्रा॑य॒ सोम॒मभू॑दु वः सु॒शका॑ देवय॒ज्या ॥ १०.०३०.१५
āgma̱nnāpa̍ uśa̱tīrba̱rhiredaṃ nya̍dhva̱re a̍sadandeva̱yantī̍ḥ .
adhva̍ryavaḥ sunu̱tendrā̍ya̱ soma̱mabhū̍du vaḥ su̱śakā̍ devaya̱jyā .. 10.030.15
15 Now to this grass are come the longing Waters:- the Pious Ones are seated at our worship.
Adbvaryus, press the Soma juice for Indra so will the service of the Gods be easy.
Sloka : 10.31.1
आ नो॑ दे॒वाना॒मुप॑ वेतु॒ शंसो॒ विश्वे॑भिस्तु॒रैरव॑से॒ यज॑त्रः ।
तेभि॑र्व॒यं सु॑ष॒खायो॑ भवेम॒ तर॑न्तो॒ विश्वा॑ दुरि॒ता स्या॑म ॥ १०.०३१.०१
ā no̍ de̱vānā̱mupa̍ vetu̱ śaṃso̱ viśve̍bhistu̱rairava̍se̱ yaja̍traḥ .
tebhi̍rva̱yaṃ su̍ṣa̱khāyo̍ bhavema̱ tara̍nto̱ viśvā̍ duri̱tā syā̍ma .. 10.031.01
1. MAY benediction of the Gods approach us, holy, to aid us with all rapid succours.
Therewith may we be happily befriended, and pass triumphant over all our troubles.
Sloka : 10.31.2
परि॑ चि॒न्मर्तो॒ द्रवि॑णं ममन्यादृ॒तस्य॑ प॒था नम॒सा वि॑वासेत् ।
उ॒त स्वेन॒ क्रतु॑ना॒ सं व॑देत॒ श्रेयां॑सं॒ दक्षं॒ मन॑सा जगृभ्यात् ॥ १०.०३१.०२
pari̍ ci̱nmarto̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ mamanyādṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱thā nama̱sā vi̍vāset .
u̱ta svena̱ kratu̍nā̱ saṃ va̍deta̱ śreyā̍ṃsa̱ṃ dakṣa̱ṃ mana̍sā jagṛbhyāt .. 10.031.02
2 A man should think on wealth and strive to win it by adoration on the path of Order,
Counsel himself with his own mental insight, and grasp still nobler vigour with his spirit.
Sloka : 10.31.3
अधा॑यि धी॒तिरस॑सृग्र॒मंशा॑स्ती॒र्थे न द॒स्ममुप॑ य॒न्त्यूमाः॑ ।
अ॒भ्या॑नश्म सुवि॒तस्य॑ शू॒षं नवे॑दसो अ॒मृता॑नामभूम ॥ १०.०३१.०३
adhā̍yi dhī̱tirasa̍sṛgra̱maṃśā̍stī̱rthe na da̱smamupa̍ ya̱ntyūmā̍ḥ .
a̱bhyā̍naśma suvi̱tasya̍ śū̱ṣaṃ nave̍daso a̱mṛtā̍nāmabhūma .. 10.031.03
3 The hymn is formed, poured are the allotted portions:- as to a ford friends come unto the Wondrous.
We have obtained the power of case and comfort, we haVe become acquainted, with Immortals.
Sloka : 10.31.4
नित्य॑श्चाकन्या॒त्स्वप॑ति॒र्दमू॑ना॒ यस्मा॑ उ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता ज॒जान॑ ।
भगो॑ वा॒ गोभि॑रर्य॒मेम॑नज्या॒त्सो अ॑स्मै॒ चारु॑श्छदयदु॒त स्या॑त् ॥ १०.०३१.०४
nitya̍ścākanyā̱tsvapa̍ti̱rdamū̍nā̱ yasmā̍ u de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā ja̱jāna̍ .
bhago̍ vā̱ gobhi̍rarya̱mema̍najyā̱tso a̍smai̱ cāru̍śchadayadu̱ta syā̍t .. 10.031.04
4 Pleased be the Eternal Lord who loves the household with this man whom God Savitar created.
May Bhaga Aryaman grace him with cattle:- may he appear to him, and be, delightful.
Sloka : 10.31.5
इ॒यं सा भू॑या उ॒षसा॑मिव॒ क्षा यद्ध॑ क्षु॒मन्तः॒ शव॑सा स॒माय॑न् ।
अ॒स्य स्तु॒तिं ज॑रि॒तुर्भिक्ष॑माणा॒ आ नः॑ श॒ग्मास॒ उप॑ यन्तु॒ वाजाः॑ ॥ १०.०३१.०५
i̱yaṃ sā bhū̍yā u̱ṣasā̍miva̱ kṣā yaddha̍ kṣu̱manta̱ḥ śava̍sā sa̱māya̍n .
a̱sya stu̱tiṃ ja̍ri̱turbhikṣa̍māṇā̱ ā na̍ḥ śa̱gmāsa̱ upa̍ yantu̱ vājā̍ḥ .. 10.031.05
5 Like the Dawns' dwelling-place be this assembly, where in their might men rich in food have gathered.
Striving to share the praises of this singer. To us come strengthening and effectual riches!
Sloka : 10.31.6
अ॒स्येदे॒षा सु॑म॒तिः प॑प्रथा॒नाभ॑वत्पू॒र्व्या भूम॑ना॒ गौः ।
अ॒स्य सनी॑ळा॒ असु॑रस्य॒ योनौ॑ समा॒न आ भर॑णे॒ बिभ्र॑माणाः ॥ १०.०३१.०६
a̱syede̱ṣā su̍ma̱tiḥ pa̍prathā̱nābha̍vatpū̱rvyā bhūma̍nā̱ gauḥ .
a̱sya sanī̍l̤ā̱ asu̍rasya̱ yonau̍ samā̱na ā bhara̍ṇe̱ bibhra̍māṇāḥ .. 10.031.06
6 This Bull's most gracious far-extended favour existed first of all in full abundance.
By his support they are maintained in common who in the Asura's mansion dwell together.
Sloka : 10.31.7
किं स्वि॒द्वनं॒ क उ॒ स वृ॒क्ष आ॑स॒ यतो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी नि॑ष्टत॒क्षुः ।
सं॒त॒स्था॒ने अ॒जरे॑ इ॒तऊ॑ती॒ अहा॑नि पू॒र्वीरु॒षसो॑ जरन्त ॥ १०.०३१.०७
kiṃ svi̱dvana̱ṃ ka u̱ sa vṛ̱kṣa ā̍sa̱ yato̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ni̍ṣṭata̱kṣuḥ .
sa̱ṃta̱sthā̱ne a̱jare̍ i̱taū̍tī̱ ahā̍ni pū̱rvīru̱ṣaso̍ jaranta .. 10.031.07
7 What was the tree, what wood, in sooth, produced it, from which they fashioned forth the Earth and Heaven?
These Twain stand fast and wax not old for ever:- these have sung praise to many a day and morning.
Sloka : 10.31.8
नैताव॑दे॒ना प॒रो अ॒न्यद॑स्त्यु॒क्षा स द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी बि॑भर्ति ।
त्वचं॑ प॒वित्रं॑ कृणुत स्व॒धावा॒न्यदीं॒ सूर्यं॒ न ह॒रितो॒ वह॑न्ति ॥ १०.०३१.०८
naitāva̍de̱nā pa̱ro a̱nyada̍styu̱kṣā sa dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī bi̍bharti .
tvaca̍ṃ pa̱vitra̍ṃ kṛṇuta sva̱dhāvā̱nyadī̱ṃ sūrya̱ṃ na ha̱rito̱ vaha̍nti .. 10.031.08
8 Not only here is this:- more is beyond us. He is the Bull, the Heaven's and Earth's supporter.
With power divine he makes his skin a filter, when the Bay Coursers bear him on as Sūrya.
Sloka : 10.31.9
स्ते॒गो न क्षामत्ये॑ति पृ॒थ्वीं मिहं॒ न वातो॒ वि ह॑ वाति॒ भूम॑ ।
मि॒त्रो यत्र॒ वरु॑णो अ॒ज्यमा॑नो॒ऽग्निर्वने॒ न व्यसृ॑ष्ट॒ शोक॑म् ॥ १०.०३१.०९
ste̱go na kṣāmatye̍ti pṛ̱thvīṃ miha̱ṃ na vāto̱ vi ha̍ vāti̱ bhūma̍ .
mi̱tro yatra̱ varu̍ṇo a̱jyamā̍no̱'gnirvane̱ na vyasṛ̍ṣṭa̱ śoka̍m .. 10.031.09
9 He passes oer the broad earth like a Stega:- he penetrates the world as Wind the mist-cloud.
He, balmed with oil, near Varuṇa and Mitra, like Agni in the wood, hath shot forth splendour.
Sloka : 10.31.10
स्त॒रीर्यत्सूत॑ स॒द्यो अ॒ज्यमा॑ना॒ व्यथि॑रव्य॒थीः कृ॑णुत॒ स्वगो॑पा ।
पु॒त्रो यत्पूर्वः॑ पि॒त्रोर्जनि॑ष्ट श॒म्यां गौर्ज॑गार॒ यद्ध॑ पृ॒च्छान् ॥ १०.०३१.१०
sta̱rīryatsūta̍ sa̱dyo a̱jyamā̍nā̱ vyathi̍ravya̱thīḥ kṛ̍ṇuta̱ svago̍pā .
pu̱tro yatpūrva̍ḥ pi̱trorjani̍ṣṭa śa̱myāṃ gaurja̍gāra̱ yaddha̍ pṛ̱cchān .. 10.031.10
10 When suddenly called the cow that erst was barren, she, self-protected, ended all her troubles.
Earth, when the first son sprang from sire and mother, cast up the gami, that which men were seeking.
Sloka : 10.31.11
उ॒त कण्वं॑ नृ॒षदः॑ पु॒त्रमा॑हुरु॒त श्या॒वो धन॒माद॑त्त वा॒जी ।
प्र कृ॒ष्णाय॒ रुश॑दपिन्व॒तोध॑रृ॒तमत्र॒ नकि॑रस्मा अपीपेत् ॥ १०.०३१.११
u̱ta kaṇva̍ṃ nṛ̱ṣada̍ḥ pu̱tramā̍huru̱ta śyā̱vo dhana̱māda̍tta vā̱jī .
pra kṛ̱ṣṇāya̱ ruśa̍dapinva̱todha̍rṛ̱tamatra̱ naki̍rasmā apīpet .. 10.031.11
11 To Nṛṣad's son they gave the name of Kainva, and he the brown-hued courser won the treasure.
For him dark-coloured streamed the shining udder:- none made it swell for him. Thus Order willed it.
Sloka : 10.32.1
प्र सु ग्मन्ता॑ धियसा॒नस्य॑ स॒क्षणि॑ व॒रेभि॑र्व॒राँ अ॒भि षु प्र॒सीद॑तः ।
अ॒स्माक॒मिन्द्र॑ उ॒भयं॑ जुजोषति॒ यत्सो॒म्यस्यान्ध॑सो॒ बुबो॑धति ॥ १०.०३२.०१
pra su gmantā̍ dhiyasā̱nasya̍ sa̱kṣaṇi̍ va̱rebhi̍rva̱rām̐ a̱bhi ṣu pra̱sīda̍taḥ .
a̱smāka̱mindra̍ u̱bhaya̍ṃ jujoṣati̱ yatso̱myasyāndha̍so̱ bubo̍dhati .. 10.032.01
1. FORTH speed the Pair to bring the meditating God, benevolent with boons sent in return for boons.
May Indra graciously accept both gifts from us, when he hath knowledge of the flowing Soma juice.
Sloka : 10.32.2
वी॑न्द्र यासि दि॒व्यानि॑ रोच॒ना वि पार्थि॑वानि॒ रज॑सा पुरुष्टुत ।
ये त्वा॒ वह॑न्ति॒ मुहु॑रध्व॒राँ उप॒ ते सु व॑न्वन्तु वग्व॒नाँ अ॑रा॒धसः॑ ॥ १०.०३२.०२
vī̍ndra yāsi di̱vyāni̍ roca̱nā vi pārthi̍vāni̱ raja̍sā puruṣṭuta .
ye tvā̱ vaha̍nti̱ muhu̍radhva̱rām̐ upa̱ te su va̍nvantu vagva̱nām̐ a̍rā̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 10.032.02
2 Thou wanderest far, O Indra, through the spheres of light and realms of earth, the region, thou whom many praise!
Let those who often bring their solemn rites conquer the noisy babblers who present no gifts.
Sloka : 10.32.3
तदिन्मे॑ छन्त्स॒द्वपु॑षो॒ वपु॑ष्टरं पु॒त्रो यज्जानं॑ पि॒त्रोर॒धीय॑ति ।
जा॒या पतिं॑ वहति व॒ग्नुना॑ सु॒मत्पुं॒स इद्भ॒द्रो व॑ह॒तुः परि॑ष्कृतः ॥ १०.०३२.०३
tadinme̍ chantsa̱dvapu̍ṣo̱ vapu̍ṣṭaraṃ pu̱tro yajjāna̍ṃ pi̱trora̱dhīya̍ti .
jā̱yā pati̍ṃ vahati va̱gnunā̍ su̱matpu̱ṃsa idbha̱dro va̍ha̱tuḥ pari̍ṣkṛtaḥ .. 10.032.03
3 More beautiful than beauty must this seem to me, when the son duly careth for his parents' line.
The wife attracts the husband:- with a shout of joy the man's auspicious marriage is performed aright.
Sloka : 10.32.4
तदित्स॒धस्थ॑म॒भि चारु॑ दीधय॒ गावो॒ यच्छास॑न्वह॒तुं न धे॒नवः॑ ।
मा॒ता यन्मन्तु॑र्यू॒थस्य॑ पू॒र्व्याभि वा॒णस्य॑ स॒प्तधा॑तु॒रिज्जनः॑ ॥ १०.०३२.०४
taditsa̱dhastha̍ma̱bhi cāru̍ dīdhaya̱ gāvo̱ yacchāsa̍nvaha̱tuṃ na dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
mā̱tā yanmantu̍ryū̱thasya̍ pū̱rvyābhi vā̱ṇasya̍ sa̱ptadhā̍tu̱rijjana̍ḥ .. 10.032.04
4 This beauteous place of meeting have I looked upon, where, like milch-cows, the kine order the marriage train;
Where the Herd's Mother counts as first and best of all, and round her are the seven-toned people of the choir.
Sloka : 10.32.5
प्र वोऽच्छा॑ रिरिचे देव॒युष्प॒दमेको॑ रु॒द्रेभि॑र्याति तु॒र्वणिः॑ ।
ज॒रा वा॒ येष्व॒मृते॑षु दा॒वने॒ परि॑ व॒ ऊमे॑भ्यः सिञ्चता॒ मधु॑ ॥ १०.०३२.०५
pra vo'cchā̍ ririce deva̱yuṣpa̱dameko̍ ru̱drebhi̍ryāti tu̱rvaṇi̍ḥ .
ja̱rā vā̱ yeṣva̱mṛte̍ṣu dā̱vane̱ pari̍ va̱ ūme̍bhyaḥ siñcatā̱ madhu̍ .. 10.032.05
5 The Pious One hath reached your place before the rest:- One only moves victorious with the Rudras' band.
To these your helpers pour our meath, Immortal Gods, with whom your song of praise hath power to win their gifts.
Sloka : 10.32.6
नि॒धी॒यमा॑न॒मप॑गूळ्हम॒प्सु प्र मे॑ दे॒वानां॑ व्रत॒पा उ॑वाच ।
इन्द्रो॑ वि॒द्वाँ अनु॒ हि त्वा॑ च॒चक्ष॒ तेना॒हम॑ग्ने॒ अनु॑शिष्ट॒ आगा॑म् ॥ १०.०३२.०६
ni̱dhī̱yamā̍na̱mapa̍gūl̤hama̱psu pra me̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ vrata̱pā u̍vāca .
indro̍ vi̱dvām̐ anu̱ hi tvā̍ ca̱cakṣa̱ tenā̱hama̍gne̱ anu̍śiṣṭa̱ āgā̍m .. 10.032.06
6 He who maintains the Laws of God informed me that thou wast lying hidden in the waters.
Indra, who knoweth well, beheld and showed thee. By him instructed am I come, O Agni.
Sloka : 10.32.7
अक्षे॑त्रवित्क्षेत्र॒विदं॒ ह्यप्रा॒ट् स प्रैति॑ क्षेत्र॒विदानु॑शिष्टः ।
ए॒तद्वै भ॒द्रम॑नु॒शास॑नस्यो॒त स्रु॒तिं वि॑न्दत्यञ्ज॒सीना॑म् ॥ १०.०३२.०७
akṣe̍travitkṣetra̱vida̱ṃ hyaprā̱ṭ sa praiti̍ kṣetra̱vidānu̍śiṣṭaḥ .
e̱tadvai bha̱drama̍nu̱śāsa̍nasyo̱ta sru̱tiṃ vi̍ndatyañja̱sīnā̍m .. 10.032.07
7 The stranger asks the way of him who knows it:- taught by the skilful guide he travels onward.
This is, in truth, the blessing of instruction:- he finds the path that leads directly forward.
Sloka : 10.32.8
अ॒द्येदु॒ प्राणी॒दम॑मन्नि॒माहापी॑वृतो अधयन्मा॒तुरूधः॑ ।
एमे॑नमाप जरि॒मा युवा॑न॒महे॑ळ॒न्वसुः॑ सु॒मना॑ बभूव ॥ १०.०३२.०८
a̱dyedu̱ prāṇī̱dama̍manni̱māhāpī̍vṛto adhayanmā̱turūdha̍ḥ .
eme̍namāpa jari̱mā yuvā̍na̱mahe̍l̤a̱nvasu̍ḥ su̱manā̍ babhūva .. 10.032.08
8 Even now he breathed:- these days hath he remembered. Concealed, he sucked the bosom of his Mother.
Yet in his youth old age hath come upon him:- he hath grown gracious, good, and free from anger.
Sloka : 10.32.9
ए॒तानि॑ भ॒द्रा क॑लश क्रियाम॒ कुरु॑श्रवण॒ दद॑तो म॒घानि॑ ।
दा॒न इद्वो॑ मघवानः॒ सो अ॑स्त्व॒यं च॒ सोमो॑ हृ॒दि यं बिभ॑र्मि ॥ १०.०३२.०९
e̱tāni̍ bha̱drā ka̍laśa kriyāma̱ kuru̍śravaṇa̱ dada̍to ma̱ghāni̍ .
dā̱na idvo̍ maghavāna̱ḥ so a̍stva̱yaṃ ca̱ somo̍ hṛ̱di yaṃ bibha̍rmi .. 10.032.09
9 O Kalasa, all these blessings will we bring them, O Kurusravana, who give rich presents.
May he, O wealthy princes, and this Soma which I am bearing in my heart, reward you.
Sloka : 10.33.1
प्र मा॑ युयुज्रे प्र॒युजो॒ जना॑नां॒ वहा॑मि स्म पू॒षण॒मन्त॑रेण ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॒ अध॒ माम॑रक्षन्दुः॒शासु॒रागा॒दिति॒ घोष॑ आसीत् ॥ १०.०३३.०१
pra mā̍ yuyujre pra̱yujo̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ vahā̍mi sma pū̱ṣaṇa̱manta̍reṇa .
viśve̍ de̱vāso̱ adha̱ māma̍rakṣandu̱ḥśāsu̱rāgā̱diti̱ ghoṣa̍ āsīt .. 10.033.01
1. THE urgings of the people have impelled me, and by,the nearest way I bring you Pūṣan.
The Universal Gods have brought me safely. The cry was heard, Behold, Dubsasu cometh!
Sloka : 10.33.2
सं मा॑ तपन्त्य॒भितः॑ स॒पत्नी॑रिव॒ पर्श॑वः ।
नि बा॑धते॒ अम॑तिर्न॒ग्नता॒ जसु॒र्वेर्न वे॑वीयते म॒तिः ॥ १०.०३३.०२
saṃ mā̍ tapantya̱bhita̍ḥ sa̱patnī̍riva̱ parśa̍vaḥ .
ni bā̍dhate̱ ama̍tirna̱gnatā̱ jasu̱rverna ve̍vīyate ma̱tiḥ .. 10.033.02
2 The ribs that compass me give pain and trouble me like rival wives.
Indigence, nakedness, exhaustion press me sore:- my mind is fluttering like a bird's.
Sloka : 10.33.3
मूषो॒ न शि॒श्ना व्य॑दन्ति मा॒ध्यः॑ स्तो॒तारं॑ ते शतक्रतो ।
स॒कृत्सु नो॑ मघवन्निन्द्र मृळ॒याधा॑ पि॒तेव॑ नो भव ॥ १०.०३३.०३
mūṣo̱ na śi̱śnā vya̍danti mā̱dhya̍ḥ sto̱tāra̍ṃ te śatakrato .
sa̱kṛtsu no̍ maghavannindra mṛl̤a̱yādhā̍ pi̱teva̍ no bhava .. 10.033.03
3 As rats eat weavers' threads, cares are consuming me, thy singer, gatakratu, me.
Have mercy on us once, O Indra, Bounteous Lord:- be thou a Father unto us.
Sloka : 10.33.4
कु॒रु॒श्रव॑णमावृणि॒ राजा॑नं॒ त्रास॑दस्यवम् ।
मंहि॑ष्ठं वा॒घता॒मृषिः॑ ॥ १०.०३३.०४
ku̱ru̱śrava̍ṇamāvṛṇi̱ rājā̍na̱ṃ trāsa̍dasyavam .
maṃhi̍ṣṭhaṃ vā̱ghatā̱mṛṣi̍ḥ .. 10.033.04
4 I the priests' Ṛṣi chose as prince most liberal Kurusravana,
The son of Trasadasyu's son,
Sloka : 10.33.5
यस्य॑ मा ह॒रितो॒ रथे॑ ति॒स्रो वह॑न्ति साधु॒या ।
स्तवै॑ स॒हस्र॑दक्षिणे ॥ १०.०३३.०५
yasya̍ mā ha̱rito̱ rathe̍ ti̱sro vaha̍nti sādhu̱yā .
stavai̍ sa̱hasra̍dakṣiṇe .. 10.033.05
5 Whose three bays harnessed to the car bear me straight onward:- I will laud
The giver of a thousand meeds,
Sloka : 10.33.6
यस्य॒ प्रस्वा॑दसो॒ गिर॑ उप॒मश्र॑वसः पि॒तुः ।
क्षेत्रं॒ न र॒ण्वमू॒चुषे॑ ॥ १०.०३३.०६
yasya̱ prasvā̍daso̱ gira̍ upa̱maśra̍vasaḥ pi̱tuḥ .
kṣetra̱ṃ na ra̱ṇvamū̱cuṣe̍ .. 10.033.06
6 The sire of Upamasravas, even him whose words were passing sweet,
As a fair field is to its lord.
Sloka : 10.33.7
अधि॑ पुत्रोपमश्रवो॒ नपा॑न्मित्रातिथेरिहि ।
पि॒तुष्टे॑ अस्मि वन्दि॒ता ॥ १०.०३३.०७
adhi̍ putropamaśravo̱ napā̍nmitrātitherihi .
pi̱tuṣṭe̍ asmi vandi̱tā .. 10.033.07
7 Mark, Upamasravas, his son, mark, grandson of Mitratithi:-
I am thy father's eulogist.
Sloka : 10.33.8
यदीशी॑या॒मृता॑नामु॒त वा॒ मर्त्या॑नाम् ।
जीवे॒दिन्म॒घवा॒ मम॑ ॥ १०.०३३.०८
yadīśī̍yā̱mṛtā̍nāmu̱ta vā̱ martyā̍nām .
jīve̱dinma̱ghavā̱ mama̍ .. 10.033.08
8 If I controlled Immortal Gods, yea, even were I Lord of men,
My liberal prince were living still.
Sloka : 10.33.9
न दे॒वाना॒मति॑ व्र॒तं श॒तात्मा॑ च॒न जी॑वति ।
तथा॑ यु॒जा वि वा॑वृते ॥ १०.०३३.०९
na de̱vānā̱mati̍ vra̱taṃ śa̱tātmā̍ ca̱na jī̍vati .
tathā̍ yu̱jā vi vā̍vṛte .. 10.033.09
9 None lives, even had he hundred lives, beyond the statute of the Gods
So am I parted from my friend.
Sloka : 10.34.1
प्रा॒वे॒पा मा॑ बृह॒तो मा॑दयन्ति प्रवाते॒जा इरि॑णे॒ वर्वृ॑तानाः ।
सोम॑स्येव मौजव॒तस्य॑ भ॒क्षो वि॒भीद॑को॒ जागृ॑वि॒र्मह्य॑मच्छान् ॥ १०.०३४.०१
prā̱ve̱pā mā̍ bṛha̱to mā̍dayanti pravāte̱jā iri̍ṇe̱ varvṛ̍tānāḥ .
soma̍syeva maujava̱tasya̍ bha̱kṣo vi̱bhīda̍ko̱ jāgṛ̍vi̱rmahya̍macchān .. 10.034.01
1. SPRUNG from tall trees on windy heights, these rollers transport me as they turn upon the table.
Dearer to me the die that never slumbers than the deep draught of Mujavan's own Soma.
Sloka : 10.34.2
न मा॑ मिमेथ॒ न जि॑हीळ ए॒षा शि॒वा सखि॑भ्य उ॒त मह्य॑मासीत् ।
अ॒क्षस्या॒हमे॑कप॒रस्य॑ हे॒तोरनु॑व्रता॒मप॑ जा॒याम॑रोधम् ॥ १०.०३४.०२
na mā̍ mimetha̱ na ji̍hīl̤a e̱ṣā śi̱vā sakhi̍bhya u̱ta mahya̍māsīt .
a̱kṣasyā̱hame̍kapa̱rasya̍ he̱toranu̍vratā̱mapa̍ jā̱yāma̍rodham .. 10.034.02
2 She never vexed me nor was angry with me, but to my friends and me was ever gracious.
For the die's sake, whose single point is final, mine own devoted wife I alienated.
Sloka : 10.34.3
द्वेष्टि॑ श्व॒श्रूरप॑ जा॒या रु॑णद्धि॒ न ना॑थि॒तो वि॑न्दते मर्डि॒तार॑म् ।
अश्व॑स्येव॒ जर॑तो॒ वस्न्य॑स्य॒ नाहं वि॑न्दामि कित॒वस्य॒ भोग॑म् ॥ १०.०३४.०३
dveṣṭi̍ śva̱śrūrapa̍ jā̱yā ru̍ṇaddhi̱ na nā̍thi̱to vi̍ndate marḍi̱tāra̍m .
aśva̍syeva̱ jara̍to̱ vasnya̍sya̱ nāhaṃ vi̍ndāmi kita̱vasya̱ bhoga̍m .. 10.034.03
3 My wife holds me aloof, her mother hates me:- the wretched man finds none to give him comfort.
As of a costly horse grown old and feeble, I find not any profit of the gamester.
Sloka : 10.34.4
अ॒न्ये जा॒यां परि॑ मृशन्त्यस्य॒ यस्यागृ॑ध॒द्वेद॑ने वा॒ज्य१॒॑क्षः ।
पि॒ता मा॒ता भ्रात॑र एनमाहु॒र्न जा॑नीमो॒ नय॑ता ब॒द्धमे॒तम् ॥ १०.०३४.०४
a̱nye jā̱yāṃ pari̍ mṛśantyasya̱ yasyāgṛ̍dha̱dveda̍ne vā̱jya1̱̍kṣaḥ .
pi̱tā mā̱tā bhrāta̍ra enamāhu̱rna jā̍nīmo̱ naya̍tā ba̱ddhame̱tam .. 10.034.04
4 Others caress the wife of him whose riches the die hath coveted, that rapid courser:-
Of him speak father, mother, brothers saying, We know him not:- bind him and take him with you.
Sloka : 10.34.5
यदा॒दीध्ये॒ न द॑विषाण्येभिः परा॒यद्भ्योऽव॑ हीये॒ सखि॑भ्यः ।
न्यु॑प्ताश्च ब॒भ्रवो॒ वाच॒मक्र॑त॒ँ एमीदे॑षां निष्कृ॒तं जा॒रिणी॑व ॥ १०.०३४.०५
yadā̱dīdhye̱ na da̍viṣāṇyebhiḥ parā̱yadbhyo'va̍ hīye̱ sakhi̍bhyaḥ .
nyu̍ptāśca ba̱bhravo̱ vāca̱makra̍ta̱m̐ emīde̍ṣāṃ niṣkṛ̱taṃ jā̱riṇī̍va .. 10.034.05
5 When I resolve to play with these no longer, my friends depart from me and leave me lonely.
When the brown dice, thrown on the board, have rattled, like a fond girl I seek the place of meeting.
Sloka : 10.34.6
स॒भामे॑ति कित॒वः पृ॒च्छमा॑नो जे॒ष्यामीति॑ त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ शूशु॑जानः ।
अ॒क्षासो॑ अस्य॒ वि ति॑रन्ति॒ कामं॑ प्रति॒दीव्ने॒ दध॑त॒ आ कृ॒तानि॑ ॥ १०.०३४.०६
sa̱bhāme̍ti kita̱vaḥ pṛ̱cchamā̍no je̱ṣyāmīti̍ ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ śūśu̍jānaḥ .
a̱kṣāso̍ asya̱ vi ti̍ranti̱ kāma̍ṃ prati̱dīvne̱ dadha̍ta̱ ā kṛ̱tāni̍ .. 10.034.06
6 The gamester seeks the gambling-house, and wonders, his body all afire, Shall I be lucky?
Still do the dice extend his eager longing, staking his gains against his adversary.
Sloka : 10.34.7
अ॒क्षास॒ इद॑ङ्कु॒शिनो॑ नितो॒दिनो॑ नि॒कृत्वा॑न॒स्तप॑नास्तापयि॒ष्णवः॑ ।
कु॒मा॒रदे॑ष्णा॒ जय॑तः पुन॒र्हणो॒ मध्वा॒ सम्पृ॑क्ताः कित॒वस्य॑ ब॒र्हणा॑ ॥ १०.०३४.०७
a̱kṣāsa̱ ida̍ṅku̱śino̍ nito̱dino̍ ni̱kṛtvā̍na̱stapa̍nāstāpayi̱ṣṇava̍ḥ .
ku̱mā̱rade̍ṣṇā̱ jaya̍taḥ puna̱rhaṇo̱ madhvā̱ sampṛ̍ktāḥ kita̱vasya̍ ba̱rhaṇā̍ .. 10.034.07
7 Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe.
They give frail gifts and then destroy the man who wins, thickly anointed with the player's fairest good.
Sloka : 10.34.8
त्रि॒प॒ञ्चा॒शः क्री॑ळति॒ व्रात॑ एषां दे॒व इ॑व सवि॒ता स॒त्यध॑र्मा ।
उ॒ग्रस्य॑ चिन्म॒न्यवे॒ ना न॑मन्ते॒ राजा॑ चिदेभ्यो॒ नम॒ इत्कृ॑णोति ॥ १०.०३४.०८
tri̱pa̱ñcā̱śaḥ krī̍l̤ati̱ vrāta̍ eṣāṃ de̱va i̍va savi̱tā sa̱tyadha̍rmā .
u̱grasya̍ cinma̱nyave̱ nā na̍mante̱ rājā̍ cidebhyo̱ nama̱ itkṛ̍ṇoti .. 10.034.08
8 Merrily sports their troop, the three-and-fifty, like Savitar the God whose ways are faithful.
They bend not even to the mighty's anger:- the King himself pays homage and reveres them.
Sloka : 10.34.9
नी॒चा व॑र्तन्त उ॒परि॑ स्फुरन्त्यह॒स्तासो॒ हस्त॑वन्तं सहन्ते ।
दि॒व्या अङ्गा॑रा॒ इरि॑णे॒ न्यु॑प्ताः शी॒ताः सन्तो॒ हृद॑यं॒ निर्द॑हन्ति ॥ १०.०३४.०९
nī̱cā va̍rtanta u̱pari̍ sphurantyaha̱stāso̱ hasta̍vantaṃ sahante .
di̱vyā aṅgā̍rā̱ iri̍ṇe̱ nyu̍ptāḥ śī̱tāḥ santo̱ hṛda̍ya̱ṃ nirda̍hanti .. 10.034.09
9 Downward they roll, and then spring quickly upward, and, handless, force the man with hands to serve them.
Cast on the board, like lumps of magic charcoal, though cold themselves they burn the heart to ashes.
Sloka : 10.34.10
जा॒या त॑प्यते कित॒वस्य॑ ही॒ना मा॒ता पु॒त्रस्य॒ चर॑तः॒ क्व॑ स्वित् ।
ऋ॒णा॒वा बिभ्य॒द्धन॑मि॒च्छमा॑नो॒ऽन्येषा॒मस्त॒मुप॒ नक्त॑मेति ॥ १०.०३४.१०
jā̱yā ta̍pyate kita̱vasya̍ hī̱nā mā̱tā pu̱trasya̱ cara̍ta̱ḥ kva̍ svit .
ṛ̱ṇā̱vā bibhya̱ddhana̍mi̱cchamā̍no̱'nyeṣā̱masta̱mupa̱ nakta̍meti .. 10.034.10
10 The gambler's wife is left forlorn and wretched:- the mother mourns the son who wanders homeless.
In constant fear, in debt, and seeking riches, he goes by night unto the home of others.
Sloka : 10.34.11
स्त्रियं॑ दृ॒ष्ट्वाय॑ कित॒वं त॑तापा॒न्येषां॑ जा॒यां सुकृ॑तं च॒ योनि॑म् ।
पू॒र्वा॒ह्णे अश्वा॑न्युयु॒जे हि ब॒भ्रून्सो अ॒ग्नेरन्ते॑ वृष॒लः प॑पाद ॥ १०.०३४.११
striya̍ṃ dṛ̱ṣṭvāya̍ kita̱vaṃ ta̍tāpā̱nyeṣā̍ṃ jā̱yāṃ sukṛ̍taṃ ca̱ yoni̍m .
pū̱rvā̱hṇe aśvā̍nyuyu̱je hi ba̱bhrūnso a̱gnerante̍ vṛṣa̱laḥ pa̍pāda .. 10.034.11
11 Sad is the gambler when he sees a matron, another's wife, and his well-ordered dwelling.
He yokes the brown steeds in the early morning, and when the fire is cold sinks down an outcast.
Sloka : 10.34.12
यो वः॑ सेना॒नीर्म॑ह॒तो ग॒णस्य॒ राजा॒ व्रात॑स्य प्रथ॒मो ब॒भूव॑ ।
तस्मै॑ कृणोमि॒ न धना॑ रुणध्मि॒ दशा॒हं प्राची॒स्तदृ॒तं व॑दामि ॥ १०.०३४.१२
yo va̍ḥ senā̱nīrma̍ha̱to ga̱ṇasya̱ rājā̱ vrāta̍sya pratha̱mo ba̱bhūva̍ .
tasmai̍ kṛṇomi̱ na dhanā̍ ruṇadhmi̱ daśā̱haṃ prācī̱stadṛ̱taṃ va̍dāmi .. 10.034.12
12 To the great captain of your mighty army, who hath become the host's imperial leader,
To him I show my ten extended fingers:- I speak the truth. No wealth am I withholding.
Sloka : 10.34.13
अ॒क्षैर्मा दी॑व्यः कृ॒षिमित्कृ॑षस्व वि॒त्ते र॑मस्व ब॒हु मन्य॑मानः ।
तत्र॒ गावः॑ कितव॒ तत्र॑ जा॒या तन्मे॒ वि च॑ष्टे सवि॒तायम॒र्यः ॥ १०.०३४.१३
a̱kṣairmā dī̍vyaḥ kṛ̱ṣimitkṛ̍ṣasva vi̱tte ra̍masva ba̱hu manya̍mānaḥ .
tatra̱ gāva̍ḥ kitava̱ tatra̍ jā̱yā tanme̱ vi ca̍ṣṭe savi̱tāyama̱ryaḥ .. 10.034.13
13 Play not with dice:- no, cultivate thy corn-land. Enjoy the gain, and deem that wealth sufficient.
There are thy cattle there thy wife, O gambler. So this good Savitar himself hath told me.
Sloka : 10.34.14
मि॒त्रं कृ॑णुध्वं॒ खलु॑ मृ॒ळता॑ नो॒ मा नो॑ घो॒रेण॑ चरता॒भि धृ॒ष्णु ।
नि वो॒ नु म॒न्युर्वि॑शता॒मरा॑तिर॒न्यो ब॑भ्रू॒णां प्रसि॑तौ॒ न्व॑स्तु ॥ १०.०३४.१४
mi̱traṃ kṛ̍ṇudhva̱ṃ khalu̍ mṛ̱l̤atā̍ no̱ mā no̍ gho̱reṇa̍ caratā̱bhi dhṛ̱ṣṇu .
ni vo̱ nu ma̱nyurvi̍śatā̱marā̍tira̱nyo ba̍bhrū̱ṇāṃ prasi̍tau̱ nva̍stu .. 10.034.14
14 Make me your friend:- show us some little mercy. Assail us not with your terrific fierceness.
Appeased be your malignity and anger, and let the brown dice snare some other captive.
Sloka : 10.35.1
अबु॑ध्रमु॒ त्य इन्द्र॑वन्तो अ॒ग्नयो॒ ज्योति॒र्भर॑न्त उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टिषु ।
म॒ही द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी चे॑तता॒मपो॒ऽद्या दे॒वाना॒मव॒ आ वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३५.०१
abu̍dhramu̱ tya indra̍vanto a̱gnayo̱ jyoti̱rbhara̍nta u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭiṣu .
ma̱hī dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ce̍tatā̱mapo̱'dyā de̱vānā̱mava̱ ā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.035.01
1. THESE fires associate with Indra are awake, bringing their light when first the Dawn begins to shine.
May Heaven and Earth, great Pair, observe our holy work. We claim for us this day the favour of the Gods.
Sloka : 10.35.2
दि॒वस्पृ॑थि॒व्योरव॒ आ वृ॑णीमहे मा॒तॄन्सिन्धू॒न्पर्व॑ताञ्छर्य॒णाव॑तः ।
अ॒ना॒गा॒स्त्वं सूर्य॑मु॒षास॑मीमहे भ॒द्रं सोमः॑ सुवा॒नो अ॒द्या कृ॑णोतु नः ॥ १०.०३५.०२
di̱vaspṛ̍thi̱vyorava̱ ā vṛ̍ṇīmahe mā̱tṝnsindhū̱nparva̍tāñcharya̱ṇāva̍taḥ .
a̱nā̱gā̱stvaṃ sūrya̍mu̱ṣāsa̍mīmahe bha̱draṃ soma̍ḥ suvā̱no a̱dyā kṛ̍ṇotu naḥ .. 10.035.02
2 Yea, for ourselves we claim the grace of Heaven and Earth, of Śaryaṇāvān, of the Hills and Mother Streams.
For innocence we pray to Sūrya and to Dawn. So may the flowing Soma bring us bliss to-day.
Sloka : 10.35.3
द्यावा॑ नो अ॒द्य पृ॑थि॒वी अना॑गसो म॒ही त्रा॑येतां सुवि॒ताय॑ मा॒तरा॑ ।
उ॒षा उ॒च्छन्त्यप॑ बाधताम॒घं स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०३
dyāvā̍ no a̱dya pṛ̍thi̱vī anā̍gaso ma̱hī trā̍yetāṃ suvi̱tāya̍ mā̱tarā̍ .
u̱ṣā u̱cchantyapa̍ bādhatāma̱ghaṃ sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.03
3 May the great Twain, the Mothers, Heaven and Earth, this day preserve us free from sin for peace and happiness.
May Morning sending forth her light drive sin afar. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.4
इ॒यं न॑ उ॒स्रा प्र॑थ॒मा सु॑दे॒व्यं॑ रे॒वत्स॒निभ्यो॑ रे॒वती॒ व्यु॑च्छतु ।
आ॒रे म॒न्युं दु॑र्वि॒दत्र॑स्य धीमहि स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०४
i̱yaṃ na̍ u̱srā pra̍tha̱mā su̍de̱vya̍ṃ re̱vatsa̱nibhyo̍ re̱vatī̱ vyu̍cchatu .
ā̱re ma̱nyuṃ du̍rvi̱datra̍sya dhīmahi sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.04
4 May this first Dawn bring us the host of gracious Gods:- rich, may it richly shine for us who strive for wealth.
The wrath of the malignant may we keep afar. We pray to kindled Agni for feilicity.
Sloka : 10.35.5
प्र याः सिस्र॑ते॒ सूर्य॑स्य र॒श्मिभि॒र्ज्योति॒र्भर॑न्तीरु॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टिषु ।
भ॒द्रा नो॑ अ॒द्य श्रव॑से॒ व्यु॑च्छत स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०५
pra yāḥ sisra̍te̱ sūrya̍sya ra̱śmibhi̱rjyoti̱rbhara̍ntīru̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭiṣu .
bha̱drā no̍ a̱dya śrava̍se̱ vyu̍cchata sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.05
5 Dawns, who come forward with the bright beams of the Sun, and at your earliest flushing bring to us the light,
Shine ye on us to-day auspicious, for renown. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.6
अ॒न॒मी॒वा उ॒षस॒ आ च॑रन्तु न॒ उद॒ग्नयो॑ जिहतां॒ ज्योति॑षा बृ॒हत् ।
आयु॑क्षाताम॒श्विना॒ तूतु॑जिं॒ रथं॑ स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०६
a̱na̱mī̱vā u̱ṣasa̱ ā ca̍rantu na̱ uda̱gnayo̍ jihatā̱ṃ jyoti̍ṣā bṛ̱hat .
āyu̍kṣātāma̱śvinā̱ tūtu̍ji̱ṃ ratha̍ṃ sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.06
6 Free from all sickness may the Mornings come to us, and let our fires mount upward with a lofty blaze.
The Aśvin Pair have harnessed their swift-moving car. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.7
श्रेष्ठं॑ नो अ॒द्य स॑वित॒र्वरे॑ण्यं भा॒गमा सु॑व॒ स हि र॑त्न॒धा असि॑ ।
रा॒यो जनि॑त्रीं धि॒षणा॒मुप॑ ब्रुवे स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०७
śreṣṭha̍ṃ no a̱dya sa̍vita̱rvare̍ṇyaṃ bhā̱gamā su̍va̱ sa hi ra̍tna̱dhā asi̍ .
rā̱yo jani̍trīṃ dhi̱ṣaṇā̱mupa̍ bruve sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.07
7 Send us to-day a portion choice and excellent, O Savitar, for thou art he who dealeth wealth.
I cry to Dhiṣaṇā, Mother of opulence. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.8
पिप॑र्तु मा॒ तदृ॒तस्य॑ प्र॒वाच॑नं दे॒वानां॒ यन्म॑नु॒ष्या॒३॒॑ अम॑न्महि ।
विश्वा॒ इदु॒स्राः स्पळुदे॑ति॒ सूर्यः॑ स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०८
pipa̍rtu mā̱ tadṛ̱tasya̍ pra̱vāca̍naṃ de̱vānā̱ṃ yanma̍nu̱ṣyā̱3̱̍ ama̍nmahi .
viśvā̱ idu̱srāḥ spal̤ude̍ti̱ sūrya̍ḥ sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.08
8 Further me this declaring of Eternal Law, the Law of Gods, as we mortals acknowledge it!
The Sun goes up beholding all the rays of morn. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.9
अ॒द्वे॒षो अ॒द्य ब॒र्हिषः॒ स्तरी॑मणि॒ ग्राव्णां॒ योगे॒ मन्म॑नः॒ साध॑ ईमहे ।
आ॒दि॒त्यानां॒ शर्म॑णि॒ स्था भु॑रण्यसि स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.०९
a̱dve̱ṣo a̱dya ba̱rhiṣa̱ḥ starī̍maṇi̱ grāvṇā̱ṃ yoge̱ manma̍na̱ḥ sādha̍ īmahe .
ā̱di̱tyānā̱ṃ śarma̍ṇi̱ sthā bhu̍raṇyasi sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.09
9 This day we pray with innocence in strewing grass, adjusting pressing-stones, and perfecting the hymn.
Thou in the Ādityas keeping movest restlessly. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.10
आ नो॑ ब॒र्हिः स॑ध॒मादे॑ बृ॒हद्दि॒वि दे॒वाँ ई॑ळे सा॒दया॑ स॒प्त होतॄ॑न् ।
इन्द्रं॑ मि॒त्रं वरु॑णं सा॒तये॒ भगं॑ स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.१०
ā no̍ ba̱rhiḥ sa̍dha̱māde̍ bṛ̱haddi̱vi de̱vām̐ ī̍l̤e sā̱dayā̍ sa̱pta hotṝ̍n .
indra̍ṃ mi̱traṃ varu̍ṇaṃ sā̱taye̱ bhaga̍ṃ sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.10
10 To our great holy grass I bid the Gods at morn to banquet, and will seat them as the seven priests,
Varuṇa, Indra, Mitra, Bhaga for our gain. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.11
त आ॑दित्या॒ आ ग॑ता स॒र्वता॑तये वृ॒धे नो॑ य॒ज्ञम॑वता सजोषसः ।
बृह॒स्पतिं॑ पू॒षण॑म॒श्विना॒ भगं॑ स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.११
ta ā̍dityā̱ ā ga̍tā sa̱rvatā̍taye vṛ̱dhe no̍ ya̱jñama̍vatā sajoṣasaḥ .
bṛha̱spati̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̍ma̱śvinā̱ bhaga̍ṃ sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.11
11 Come hither, O Ādityas, for our perfect weal:- accordant help our sacrifice that we may thrive.
Pūṣan, Bṛhaspati, Bhaga, both Aśvins, and enkindled Agni we implore for happiness.
Sloka : 10.35.12
तन्नो॑ देवा यच्छत सुप्रवाच॒नं छ॒र्दिरा॑दित्याः सु॒भरं॑ नृ॒पाय्य॑म् ।
पश्वे॑ तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय जी॒वसे॑ स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑ग्निं स॑मिधा॒नमी॑महे ॥ १०.०३५.१२
tanno̍ devā yacchata supravāca̱naṃ cha̱rdirā̍dityāḥ su̱bhara̍ṃ nṛ̱pāyya̍m .
paśve̍ to̱kāya̱ tana̍yāya jī̱vase̍ sva̱stya1̱̍gniṃ sa̍midhā̱namī̍mahe .. 10.035.12
12 Ādityas, Gods, vouchsafe that this our home may be praise-worthy, prosperous, our heroes' sure defence,
For cattle, for our sons, for progeny, for life. We pray to kindled Agni for felicity.
Sloka : 10.35.13
विश्वे॑ अ॒द्य म॒रुतो॒ विश्व॑ ऊ॒ती विश्वे॑ भवन्त्व॒ग्नयः॒ समि॑द्धाः ।
विश्वे॑ नो दे॒वा अव॒सा ग॑मन्तु॒ विश्व॑मस्तु॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ वाजो॑ अ॒स्मे ॥ १०.०३५.१३
viśve̍ a̱dya ma̱ruto̱ viśva̍ ū̱tī viśve̍ bhavantva̱gnaya̱ḥ sami̍ddhāḥ .
viśve̍ no de̱vā ava̱sā ga̍mantu̱ viśva̍mastu̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ vājo̍ a̱sme .. 10.035.13
13 This day may all the Maruts, all he near us with aid:- may all our fires be well enkindled.
May all Gods come to us with gracious favour. May spoil and wealth he ours, and all possessions.
Sloka : 10.35.14
यं दे॑वा॒सोऽव॑थ॒ वाज॑सातौ॒ यं त्राय॑ध्वे॒ यं पि॑पृ॒थात्यंहः॑ ।
यो वो॑ गोपी॒थे न भ॒यस्य॒ वेद॒ ते स्या॑म दे॒ववी॑तये तुरासः ॥ १०.०३५.१४
yaṃ de̍vā̱so'va̍tha̱ vāja̍sātau̱ yaṃ trāya̍dhve̱ yaṃ pi̍pṛ̱thātyaṃha̍ḥ .
yo vo̍ gopī̱the na bha̱yasya̱ veda̱ te syā̍ma de̱vavī̍taye turāsaḥ .. 10.035.14
14 He whom ye aid, O Deities, in battle, whom ye protect and rescue from affliction,
Who fears no danger at your milk-libation, -such may we be to feast the Gods, ye Mighty.
Sloka : 10.36.1
उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ बृह॒ती सु॒पेश॑सा॒ द्यावा॒क्षामा॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
इन्द्रं॑ हुवे म॒रुतः॒ पर्व॑ताँ अ॒प आ॑दि॒त्यान्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॒पः स्वः॑ ॥ १०.०३६.०१
u̱ṣāsā̱naktā̍ bṛha̱tī su̱peśa̍sā̱ dyāvā̱kṣāmā̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
indra̍ṃ huve ma̱ruta̱ḥ parva̍tām̐ a̱pa ā̍di̱tyāndyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̱paḥ sva̍ḥ .. 10.036.01
1. THERE are the Dawn and Night, the grand and beauteous Pair, Earth, Heaven, and Varuṇa, Mitra, and Aryaman.
Indra I call, the Maruts, Mountains, and the Floods, Ādityas, Heaven and Earth, the Waters, and the Sky.
Sloka : 10.36.2
द्यौश्च॑ नः पृथि॒वी च॒ प्रचे॑तस ऋ॒ताव॑री रक्षता॒मंह॑सो रि॒षः ।
मा दु॑र्वि॒दत्रा॒ निरृ॑तिर्न ईशत॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०२
dyauśca̍ naḥ pṛthi̱vī ca̱ prace̍tasa ṛ̱tāva̍rī rakṣatā̱maṃha̍so ri̱ṣaḥ .
mā du̍rvi̱datrā̱ nirṛ̍tirna īśata̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.02
2 May Dyaus and Prthivi, wise, true to Holy Law, keep us in safety from distress and injury.
Let not malignant Nirrti rule over us. We crave to-day this gracious favour of the Gods.
Sloka : 10.36.3
विश्व॑स्मान्नो॒ अदि॑तिः पा॒त्वंह॑सो मा॒ता मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य रे॒वतः॑ ।
स्व॑र्व॒ज्ज्योति॑रवृ॒कं न॑शीमहि॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०३
viśva̍smānno̱ adi̍tiḥ pā̱tvaṃha̍so mā̱tā mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya re̱vata̍ḥ .
sva̍rva̱jjyoti̍ravṛ̱kaṃ na̍śīmahi̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.03
3 Mother of Mitra and of opulent Varuṇa, may Aditi preserve us safe from all distress.
May we obtain the light of heaven without a foe. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.4
ग्रावा॒ वद॒न्नप॒ रक्षां॑सि सेधतु दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॒ निरृ॑तिं॒ विश्व॑म॒त्रिण॑म् ।
आ॒दि॒त्यं शर्म॑ म॒रुता॑मशीमहि॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०४
grāvā̱ vada̱nnapa̱ rakṣā̍ṃsi sedhatu du̱ṣṣvapnya̱ṃ nirṛ̍ti̱ṃ viśva̍ma̱triṇa̍m .
ā̱di̱tyaṃ śarma̍ ma̱rutā̍maśīmahi̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.04
4 May ringing press-stones keep the Rākṣasas afar, ill dream, and Nirrti, and each voracious fiend.
May the Ādityas and the Maruts shelter us. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.5
एन्द्रो॑ ब॒र्हिः सीद॑तु॒ पिन्व॑ता॒मिळा॒ बृह॒स्पतिः॒ साम॑भिरृ॒क्वो अ॑र्चतु ।
सु॒प्र॒के॒तं जी॒वसे॒ मन्म॑ धीमहि॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०५
endro̍ ba̱rhiḥ sīda̍tu̱ pinva̍tā̱mil̤ā̱ bṛha̱spati̱ḥ sāma̍bhirṛ̱kvo a̍rcatu .
su̱pra̱ke̱taṃ jī̱vase̱ manma̍ dhīmahi̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.05
5 Full flow libations; on our grass let Indra sit; Bṛhaspati the singer laud with Sāma hymns!
Wise be our hearts' imaginings that we may live. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.6
दि॒वि॒स्पृशं॑ य॒ज्ञम॒स्माक॑मश्विना जी॒राध्व॑रं कृणुतं सु॒म्नमि॒ष्टये॑ ।
प्रा॒चीन॑रश्मि॒माहु॑तं घृ॒तेन॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०६
di̱vi̱spṛśa̍ṃ ya̱jñama̱smāka̍maśvinā jī̱rādhva̍raṃ kṛṇutaṃ su̱mnami̱ṣṭaye̍ .
prā̱cīna̍raśmi̱māhu̍taṃ ghṛ̱tena̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.06
6 Ye Aśvins, make our sacrifice ascend to heaven, and animate the rite that it may send us bliss,
Offered with holy oil, with forward-speeding rein. We crave the gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.7
उप॑ ह्वये सु॒हवं॒ मारु॑तं ग॒णं पा॑व॒कमृ॒ष्वं स॒ख्याय॑ श॒म्भुव॑म् ।
रा॒यस्पोषं॑ सौश्रव॒साय॑ धीमहि॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०७
upa̍ hvaye su̱hava̱ṃ māru̍taṃ ga̱ṇaṃ pā̍va̱kamṛ̱ṣvaṃ sa̱khyāya̍ śa̱mbhuva̍m .
rā̱yaspoṣa̍ṃ sauśrava̱sāya̍ dhīmahi̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.07
7 Hither I call the band of Maruts, swift to hear, great, purifying, bringing bliss, to he our Friends.
May we increase our wealth to glorify our name. We crave this graciousfavour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.8
अ॒पां पेरुं॑ जी॒वध॑न्यं भरामहे देवा॒व्यं॑ सु॒हव॑मध्वर॒श्रिय॑म् ।
सु॒र॒श्मिं सोम॑मिन्द्रि॒यं य॑मीमहि॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०८
a̱pāṃ peru̍ṃ jī̱vadha̍nyaṃ bharāmahe devā̱vya̍ṃ su̱hava̍madhvara̱śriya̍m .
su̱ra̱śmiṃ soma̍mindri̱yaṃ ya̍mīmahi̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.08
8 We bring the Stay of Life, who makes the waters swell, swift-hearing, Friend of Gods, who waits on sacrifice.
May we control that Power, Soma whose rays are bright. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.9
स॒नेम॒ तत्सु॑स॒निता॑ स॒नित्व॑भिर्व॒यं जी॒वा जी॒वपु॑त्रा॒ अना॑गसः ।
ब्र॒ह्म॒द्विषो॒ विष्व॒गेनो॑ भरेरत॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.०९
sa̱nema̱ tatsu̍sa̱nitā̍ sa̱nitva̍bhirva̱yaṃ jī̱vā jī̱vapu̍trā̱ anā̍gasaḥ .
bra̱hma̱dviṣo̱ viṣva̱geno̍ bharerata̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.09
9 Alive ourselves, with living sons, devoid of guilt, may we win this with winners by fair means to win.
Let the prayer-haters bear our sin to every side. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.10
ये स्था मनो॑र्य॒ज्ञिया॒स्ते शृ॑णोतन॒ यद्वो॑ देवा॒ ईम॑हे॒ तद्द॑दातन ।
जैत्रं॒ क्रतुं॑ रयि॒मद्वी॒रव॒द्यश॒स्तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.१०
ye sthā mano̍rya̱jñiyā̱ste śṛ̍ṇotana̱ yadvo̍ devā̱ īma̍he̱ tadda̍dātana .
jaitra̱ṃ kratu̍ṃ rayi̱madvī̱rava̱dyaśa̱stadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.10
10 Hear us, O ye who claim the worship of mankind, and give us, O ye Gods, the gift for which we pray,
Victorious wisdom, fame with heroes and with wealth. We crave to-day this gracious favour of the Gods.
Sloka : 10.36.11
म॒हद॒द्य म॑ह॒तामा वृ॑णीम॒हेऽवो॑ दे॒वानां॑ बृह॒ताम॑न॒र्वणा॑म् ।
यथा॒ वसु॑ वी॒रजा॑तं॒ नशा॑महै॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.११
ma̱hada̱dya ma̍ha̱tāmā vṛ̍ṇīma̱he'vo̍ de̱vānā̍ṃ bṛha̱tāma̍na̱rvaṇā̍m .
yathā̱ vasu̍ vī̱rajā̍ta̱ṃ naśā̍mahai̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.11
11 We crave the gracious favour of the Gods to-day, great favour of great Gods, sublime and free from foes,
That we may gain rich treasure sprung from hero sons. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.12
म॒हो अ॒ग्नेः स॑मिधा॒नस्य॒ शर्म॒ण्यना॑गा मि॒त्रे वरु॑णे स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
श्रेष्ठे॑ स्याम सवि॒तुः सवी॑मनि॒ तद्दे॒वाना॒मवो॑ अ॒द्या वृ॑णीमहे ॥ १०.०३६.१२
ma̱ho a̱gneḥ sa̍midhā̱nasya̱ śarma̱ṇyanā̍gā mi̱tre varu̍ṇe sva̱staye̍ .
śreṣṭhe̍ syāma savi̱tuḥ savī̍mani̱ tadde̱vānā̱mavo̍ a̱dyā vṛ̍ṇīmahe .. 10.036.12
12 In great enkindled Agni's keeping, and, for bliss, free from all sin before Mitra and Varuṇa.
May we share Savitar's best animating help. We crave this gracious favour of the Gods to-day.
Sloka : 10.36.13
ये स॑वि॒तुः स॒त्यस॑वस्य॒ विश्वे॑ मि॒त्रस्य॑ व्र॒ते वरु॑णस्य दे॒वाः ।
ते सौभ॑गं वी॒रव॒द्गोम॒दप्नो॒ दधा॑तन॒ द्रवि॑णं चि॒त्रम॒स्मे ॥ १०.०३६.१३
ye sa̍vi̱tuḥ sa̱tyasa̍vasya̱ viśve̍ mi̱trasya̍ vra̱te varu̍ṇasya de̱vāḥ .
te saubha̍gaṃ vī̱rava̱dgoma̱dapno̱ dadhā̍tana̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ ci̱trama̱sme .. 10.036.13
13 All ye, the Gods whom Savitar the Father of truth, and Varuṇa and Mitra govern,
Give us prosperity with hero children, and opulence in kine and various treasure.
Sloka : 10.36.14
स॒वि॒ता प॒श्चाता॑त्सवि॒ता पु॒रस्ता॑त्सवि॒तोत्त॒रात्ता॑त्सवि॒ताध॒रात्ता॑त् ।
स॒वि॒ता नः॑ सुवतु स॒र्वता॑तिं सवि॒ता नो॑ रासतां दी॒र्घमायुः॑ ॥ १०.०३६.१४
sa̱vi̱tā pa̱ścātā̍tsavi̱tā pu̱rastā̍tsavi̱totta̱rāttā̍tsavi̱tādha̱rāttā̍t .
sa̱vi̱tā na̍ḥ suvatu sa̱rvatā̍tiṃ savi̱tā no̍ rāsatāṃ dī̱rghamāyu̍ḥ .. 10.036.14
14 Savitar, Savitar from cast and westward, Savitar, Savitar from north and southward,
Savitar send us perfect health and comfort, Savitar let our days of life be lengthened!
Sloka : 10.37.1
नमो॑ मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ चक्ष॑से म॒हो दे॒वाय॒ तदृ॒तं स॑पर्यत ।
दू॒रे॒दृशे॑ दे॒वजा॑ताय के॒तवे॑ दि॒वस्पु॒त्राय॒ सूर्या॑य शंसत ॥ १०.०३७.०१
namo̍ mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ cakṣa̍se ma̱ho de̱vāya̱ tadṛ̱taṃ sa̍paryata .
dū̱re̱dṛśe̍ de̱vajā̍tāya ke̱tave̍ di̱vaspu̱trāya̱ sūryā̍ya śaṃsata .. 10.037.01
1. Do homage unto Varuṇa's and Mitra's Eye:- offer this solemn worship to the Mighty God,
Who seeth far away, the Ensign, born of Gods. Sing praises unto Sūrya, to the Son of Dyaus.
Sloka : 10.37.2
सा मा॑ स॒त्योक्तिः॒ परि॑ पातु वि॒श्वतो॒ द्यावा॑ च॒ यत्र॑ त॒तन॒न्नहा॑नि च ।
विश्व॑म॒न्यन्नि वि॑शते॒ यदेज॑ति वि॒श्वाहापो॑ वि॒श्वाहोदे॑ति॒ सूर्यः॑ ॥ १०.०३७.०२
sā mā̍ sa̱tyokti̱ḥ pari̍ pātu vi̱śvato̱ dyāvā̍ ca̱ yatra̍ ta̱tana̱nnahā̍ni ca .
viśva̍ma̱nyanni vi̍śate̱ yadeja̍ti vi̱śvāhāpo̍ vi̱śvāhode̍ti̱ sūrya̍ḥ .. 10.037.02
2 May this my truthful speech guard me on every side wherever heaven and earth and days are spread abroad.
All else that is in motion finds a place of rest:- the waters ever flow and ever mounts the Sun.
Sloka : 10.37.3
न ते॒ अदे॑वः प्र॒दिवो॒ नि वा॑सते॒ यदे॑त॒शेभिः॑ पत॒रै र॑थ॒र्यसि॑ ।
प्रा॒चीन॑म॒न्यदनु॑ वर्तते॒ रज॒ उद॒न्येन॒ ज्योति॑षा यासि सूर्य ॥ १०.०३७.०३
na te̱ ade̍vaḥ pra̱divo̱ ni vā̍sate̱ yade̍ta̱śebhi̍ḥ pata̱rai ra̍tha̱ryasi̍ .
prā̱cīna̍ma̱nyadanu̍ vartate̱ raja̱ uda̱nyena̱ jyoti̍ṣā yāsi sūrya .. 10.037.03
3 No godless man from time remotest draws thee down when thou art driving forth with winged dappled Steeds.
One lustre waits upon thee moving to the cast, and, Sūrya, thou arisest with a different light.
Sloka : 10.37.4
येन॑ सूर्य॒ ज्योति॑षा॒ बाध॑से॒ तमो॒ जग॑च्च॒ विश्व॑मुदि॒यर्षि॑ भा॒नुना॑ ।
तेना॒स्मद्विश्वा॒मनि॑रा॒मना॑हुति॒मपामी॑वा॒मप॑ दु॒ष्ष्वप्न्यं॑ सुव ॥ १०.०३७.०४
yena̍ sūrya̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱ bādha̍se̱ tamo̱ jaga̍cca̱ viśva̍mudi̱yarṣi̍ bhā̱nunā̍ .
tenā̱smadviśvā̱mani̍rā̱manā̍huti̱mapāmī̍vā̱mapa̍ du̱ṣṣvapnya̍ṃ suva .. 10.037.04
4 O Sūrya, with the light whereby thou scatterest gloom, and with thy ray impellest every moving thing,
Keep far from us all feeble, worthless sacrifice, and drive away disease and every evil dream.
Sloka : 10.37.5
विश्व॑स्य॒ हि प्रेषि॑तो॒ रक्ष॑सि व्र॒तमहे॑ळयन्नु॒च्चर॑सि स्व॒धा अनु॑ ।
यद॒द्य त्वा॑ सूर्योप॒ब्रवा॑महै॒ तं नो॑ दे॒वा अनु॑ मंसीरत॒ क्रतु॑म् ॥ १०.०३७.०५
viśva̍sya̱ hi preṣi̍to̱ rakṣa̍si vra̱tamahe̍l̤ayannu̱ccara̍si sva̱dhā anu̍ .
yada̱dya tvā̍ sūryopa̱bravā̍mahai̱ taṃ no̍ de̱vā anu̍ maṃsīrata̱ kratu̍m .. 10.037.05
5 Sent forth thou guardest well the Universe's law, and in thy wonted way arisest free from wrath.
When Sūrya, we address our prayers to thee to-day, may the Gods favour this our purpose and desire.
Sloka : 10.37.6
तं नो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी तन्न॒ आप॒ इन्द्रः॑ शृण्वन्तु म॒रुतो॒ हवं॒ वचः॑ ।
मा शूने॑ भूम॒ सूर्य॑स्य सं॒दृशि॑ भ॒द्रं जीव॑न्तो जर॒णाम॑शीमहि ॥ १०.०३७.०६
taṃ no̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī tanna̱ āpa̱ indra̍ḥ śṛṇvantu ma̱ruto̱ hava̱ṃ vaca̍ḥ .
mā śūne̍ bhūma̱ sūrya̍sya sa̱ṃdṛśi̍ bha̱draṃ jīva̍nto jara̱ṇāma̍śīmahi .. 10.037.06
6 This invocation, these our words may Heaven and Earth, and Indra and the Waters and the Maruts hear.
Neer may we suffer want in presence of the Sun, and, living happy lives, may we attain old age.
Sloka : 10.37.7
वि॒श्वाहा॑ त्वा सु॒मन॑सः सु॒चक्ष॑सः प्र॒जाव॑न्तो अनमी॒वा अना॑गसः ।
उ॒द्यन्तं॑ त्वा मित्रमहो दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ ज्योग्जी॒वाः प्रति॑ पश्येम सूर्य ॥ १०.०३७.०७
vi̱śvāhā̍ tvā su̱mana̍saḥ su̱cakṣa̍saḥ pra̱jāva̍nto anamī̱vā anā̍gasaḥ .
u̱dyanta̍ṃ tvā mitramaho di̱vedi̍ve̱ jyogjī̱vāḥ prati̍ paśyema sūrya .. 10.037.07
7 Cheerful in spirit, evermore, and keen of sight, with store of children, free from sickness and from sin,
Long-living, may we look, O Sūrya, upon thee uprising day by day, thou great as Mitra is!
Sloka : 10.37.8
महि॒ ज्योति॒र्बिभ्र॑तं त्वा विचक्षण॒ भास्व॑न्तं॒ चक्षु॑षेचक्षुषे॒ मयः॑ ।
आ॒रोह॑न्तं बृह॒तः पाज॑स॒स्परि॑ व॒यं जी॒वाः प्रति॑ पश्येम सूर्य ॥ १०.०३७.०८
mahi̱ jyoti̱rbibhra̍taṃ tvā vicakṣaṇa̱ bhāsva̍nta̱ṃ cakṣu̍ṣecakṣuṣe̱ maya̍ḥ .
ā̱roha̍ntaṃ bṛha̱taḥ pāja̍sa̱spari̍ va̱yaṃ jī̱vāḥ prati̍ paśyema sūrya .. 10.037.08
8 Sūrya, may we live long and look upon thee still, thee, O Far-seeing One, bringing the glorious light,
The radiant God, the spring of joy to every eye, as thou art mounting up oer the high shining flood.
Sloka : 10.37.9
यस्य॑ ते॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि के॒तुना॒ प्र चेर॑ते॒ नि च॑ वि॒शन्ते॑ अ॒क्तुभिः॑ ।
अ॒ना॒गा॒स्त्वेन॑ हरिकेश सू॒र्याह्ना॑ह्ना नो॒ वस्य॑सावस्य॒सोदि॑हि ॥ १०.०३७.०९
yasya̍ te̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni ke̱tunā̱ pra cera̍te̱ ni ca̍ vi̱śante̍ a̱ktubhi̍ḥ .
a̱nā̱gā̱stvena̍ harikeśa sū̱ryāhnā̍hnā no̱ vasya̍sāvasya̱sodi̍hi .. 10.037.09
9 Thou by whose lustre all the world of life comes forth, and by thy beams again returns unto its rest,
O Sūrya with the golden hair, ascend for us day after day, still bringing purer innocence.
Sloka : 10.37.10
शं नो॑ भव॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ शं नो॒ अह्ना॒ शं भा॒नुना॒ शं हि॒मा शं घृ॒णेन॑ ।
यथा॒ शमध्व॒ञ्छमस॑द्दुरो॒णे तत्सू॑र्य॒ द्रवि॑णं धेहि चि॒त्रम् ॥ १०.०३७.१०
śaṃ no̍ bhava̱ cakṣa̍sā̱ śaṃ no̱ ahnā̱ śaṃ bhā̱nunā̱ śaṃ hi̱mā śaṃ ghṛ̱ṇena̍ .
yathā̱ śamadhva̱ñchamasa̍dduro̱ṇe tatsū̍rya̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ dhehi ci̱tram .. 10.037.10
10 Bless us with shine, bless us with perfect daylight, bless us with cold, with fervent heat and lustre.
Bestow on us, O Sūrya, varied riches, to bless us in our home and when we travel.
Sloka : 10.37.11
अ॒स्माकं॑ देवा उ॒भया॑य॒ जन्म॑ने॒ शर्म॑ यच्छत द्वि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे ।
अ॒दत्पिब॑दू॒र्जय॑मान॒माशि॑तं॒ तद॒स्मे शं योर॑र॒पो द॑धातन ॥ १०.०३७.११
a̱smāka̍ṃ devā u̱bhayā̍ya̱ janma̍ne̱ śarma̍ yacchata dvi̱pade̱ catu̍ṣpade .
a̱datpiba̍dū̱rjaya̍māna̱māśi̍ta̱ṃ tada̱sme śaṃ yora̍ra̱po da̍dhātana .. 10.037.11
11 Gods, to our living creatures of both kinds vouchsafe protection, both to bipeds and to quadrupeds,
That they may drink and eat invigorating food. So grant us health and strength and perfect innocence.
Sloka : 10.37.12
यद्वो॑ देवाश्चकृ॒म जि॒ह्वया॑ गु॒रु मन॑सो वा॒ प्रयु॑ती देव॒हेळ॑नम् ।
अरा॑वा॒ यो नो॑ अ॒भि दु॑च्छुना॒यते॒ तस्मि॒न्तदेनो॑ वसवो॒ नि धे॑तन ॥ १०.०३७.१२
yadvo̍ devāścakṛ̱ma ji̱hvayā̍ gu̱ru mana̍so vā̱ prayu̍tī deva̱hel̤a̍nam .
arā̍vā̱ yo no̍ a̱bhi du̍cchunā̱yate̱ tasmi̱ntadeno̍ vasavo̱ ni dhe̍tana .. 10.037.12
12 If by some grievous sin we have provoked the Gods, O Deities, with the tongue or thoughtlessness of heart,
That guilt, O Vasus, lay upon the Evil One, on him who ever leads us into deep distress.
Sloka : 10.38.1
अ॒स्मिन्न॑ इन्द्र पृत्सु॒तौ यश॑स्वति॒ शिमी॑वति॒ क्रन्द॑सि॒ प्राव॑ सा॒तये॑ ।
यत्र॒ गोषा॑ता धृषि॒तेषु॑ खा॒दिषु॒ विष्व॒क्पत॑न्ति दि॒द्यवो॑ नृ॒षाह्ये॑ ॥ १०.०३८.०१
a̱sminna̍ indra pṛtsu̱tau yaśa̍svati̱ śimī̍vati̱ kranda̍si̱ prāva̍ sā̱taye̍ .
yatra̱ goṣā̍tā dhṛṣi̱teṣu̍ khā̱diṣu̱ viṣva̱kpata̍nti di̱dyavo̍ nṛ̱ṣāhye̍ .. 10.038.01
1. O INDRA, in this battle great and glorious, in this loud din of war help us to victory,
Where in the strife for kine among bold ring-decked men arrows fly all around and heroes are subdued.
Sloka : 10.38.2
स नः॑ क्षु॒मन्तं॒ सद॑ने॒ व्यू॑र्णुहि॒ गोअ॑र्णसं र॒यिमि॑न्द्र श्र॒वाय्य॑म् ।
स्याम॑ ते॒ जय॑तः शक्र मे॒दिनो॒ यथा॑ व॒यमु॒श्मसि॒ तद्व॑सो कृधि ॥ १०.०३८.०२
sa na̍ḥ kṣu̱manta̱ṃ sada̍ne̱ vyū̍rṇuhi̱ goa̍rṇasaṃ ra̱yimi̍ndra śra̱vāyya̍m .
syāma̍ te̱ jaya̍taḥ śakra me̱dino̱ yathā̍ va̱yamu̱śmasi̱ tadva̍so kṛdhi .. 10.038.02
2 At home disclose to us opulence rich in food, streaming with milk, O Indra, meet to be renowned.
Śakra, may we be thine, the friendly Conqueror's:- even as we desire, O Vasu, so do thou.
Sloka : 10.38.3
यो नो॒ दास॒ आर्यो॑ वा पुरुष्टु॒तादे॑व इन्द्र यु॒धये॒ चिके॑तति ।
अ॒स्माभि॑ष्टे सु॒षहाः॑ सन्तु॒ शत्र॑व॒स्त्वया॑ व॒यं तान्व॑नुयाम संग॒मे ॥ १०.०३८.०३
yo no̱ dāsa̱ āryo̍ vā puruṣṭu̱tāde̍va indra yu̱dhaye̱ cike̍tati .
a̱smābhi̍ṣṭe su̱ṣahā̍ḥ santu̱ śatra̍va̱stvayā̍ va̱yaṃ tānva̍nuyāma saṃga̱me .. 10.038.03
3 The godless man, much-lauded Indra, whether he be Dāsa or be Ārya, who would war with us,
Easy to conquer he for thee, with us, these foes:- with thee may we subdue them in the clash of fight.
Sloka : 10.38.4
यो द॒भ्रेभि॒र्हव्यो॒ यश्च॒ भूरि॑भि॒र्यो अ॒भीके॑ वरिवो॒विन्नृ॒षाह्ये॑ ।
तं वि॑खा॒दे सस्नि॑म॒द्य श्रु॒तं नर॑म॒र्वाञ्च॒मिन्द्र॒मव॑से करामहे ॥ १०.०३८.०४
yo da̱bhrebhi̱rhavyo̱ yaśca̱ bhūri̍bhi̱ryo a̱bhīke̍ varivo̱vinnṛ̱ṣāhye̍ .
taṃ vi̍khā̱de sasni̍ma̱dya śru̱taṃ nara̍ma̱rvāñca̱mindra̱mava̍se karāmahe .. 10.038.04
4 Him who must be invoked by many and by few, who standeth nigh with comfort in the war of men,
Indra, famed Hero, winner in the deadly strife, let us bring hitherward to-day to favour us.
Sloka : 10.38.5
स्व॒वृजं॒ हि त्वाम॒हमि॑न्द्र शु॒श्रवा॑नानु॒दं वृ॑षभ रध्र॒चोद॑नम् ।
प्र मु॑ञ्चस्व॒ परि॒ कुत्सा॑दि॒हा ग॑हि॒ किमु॒ त्वावा॑न्मु॒ष्कयो॑र्ब॒द्ध आ॑सते ॥ १०.०३८.०५
sva̱vṛja̱ṃ hi tvāma̱hami̍ndra śu̱śravā̍nānu̱daṃ vṛ̍ṣabha radhra̱coda̍nam .
pra mu̍ñcasva̱ pari̱ kutsā̍di̱hā ga̍hi̱ kimu̱ tvāvā̍nmu̱ṣkayo̍rba̱ddha ā̍sate .. 10.038.05
5 For, Indra, I have heard thee called Self. capturer, One, Steer! who never yields, who urges even the churl.
Release thyself from Kutsa and come hither. How shall one like thee sit still bound that he may not move?
Sloka : 10.39.1
यो वां॒ परि॑ज्मा सु॒वृद॑श्विना॒ रथो॑ दो॒षामु॒षासो॒ हव्यो॑ ह॒विष्म॑ता ।
श॒श्व॒त्त॒मास॒स्तमु॑ वामि॒दं व॒यं पि॒तुर्न नाम॑ सु॒हवं॑ हवामहे ॥ १०.०३९.०१
yo vā̱ṃ pari̍jmā su̱vṛda̍śvinā̱ ratho̍ do̱ṣāmu̱ṣāso̱ havyo̍ ha̱viṣma̍tā .
śa̱śva̱tta̱māsa̱stamu̍ vāmi̱daṃ va̱yaṃ pi̱turna nāma̍ su̱hava̍ṃ havāmahe .. 10.039.01
1. As twere the name of father, easy to invoke, we all assembled here invoke this Car of yours,
Aśvins, your swiftly-rolling circumambient Car which he who worships must invoke at eve and dawn.
Sloka : 10.39.2
चो॒दय॑तं सू॒नृताः॒ पिन्व॑तं॒ धिय॒ उत्पुरं॑धीरीरयतं॒ तदु॑श्मसि ।
य॒शसं॑ भा॒गं कृ॑णुतं नो अश्विना॒ सोमं॒ न चारुं॑ म॒घव॑त्सु नस्कृतम् ॥ १०.०३९.०२
co̱daya̍taṃ sū̱nṛtā̱ḥ pinva̍ta̱ṃ dhiya̱ utpura̍ṃdhīrīrayata̱ṃ tadu̍śmasi .
ya̱śasa̍ṃ bhā̱gaṃ kṛ̍ṇutaṃ no aśvinā̱ soma̱ṃ na cāru̍ṃ ma̱ghava̍tsu naskṛtam .. 10.039.02
2 Awake all pleasant strains and let the hymns flow forth:- raise up abundant fulness:- this is our desire.
Aśvins, bestow on us a glorious heritage, and give our princes treasure fair as Soma is.
Sloka : 10.39.3
अ॒मा॒जुर॑श्चिद्भवथो यु॒वं भगो॑ऽना॒शोश्चि॑दवि॒तारा॑प॒मस्य॑ चित् ।
अ॒न्धस्य॑ चिन्नासत्या कृ॒शस्य॑ चिद्यु॒वामिदा॑हुर्भि॒षजा॑ रु॒तस्य॑ चित् ॥ १०.०३९.०३
a̱mā̱jura̍ścidbhavatho yu̱vaṃ bhago̎nā̱śości̍davi̱tārā̍pa̱masya̍ cit .
a̱ndhasya̍ cinnāsatyā kṛ̱śasya̍ cidyu̱vāmidā̍hurbhi̱ṣajā̍ ru̱tasya̍ cit .. 10.039.03
3 Ye are the bliss of her who groweth old at home, and helpers of the slow although he linger last.
Men call you too, Nāsatyas, healers of the blind, the thin and feeble, and the man with broken bones.
Sloka : 10.39.4
यु॒वं च्यवा॑नं स॒नयं॒ यथा॒ रथं॒ पुन॒र्युवा॑नं च॒रथा॑य तक्षथुः ।
निष्टौ॒ग्र्यमू॑हथुर॒द्भ्यस्परि॒ विश्वेत्ता वां॒ सव॑नेषु प्र॒वाच्या॑ ॥ १०.०३९.०४
yu̱vaṃ cyavā̍naṃ sa̱naya̱ṃ yathā̱ ratha̱ṃ puna̱ryuvā̍naṃ ca̱rathā̍ya takṣathuḥ .
niṣṭau̱gryamū̍hathura̱dbhyaspari̱ viśvettā vā̱ṃ sava̍neṣu pra̱vācyā̍ .. 10.039.04
4 Ye made Cyavāna, weak and worn with length of days, young again, like a car, that he had power to move.
Ye lifted up the son of Tugra from the floods. At our libations must all these your acts be praised.
Sloka : 10.39.5
पु॒रा॒णा वां॑ वी॒र्या॒३॒॑ प्र ब्र॑वा॒ जनेऽथो॑ हासथुर्भि॒षजा॑ मयो॒भुवा॑ ।
ता वां॒ नु नव्या॒वव॑से करामहे॒ऽयं ना॑सत्या॒ श्रद॒रिर्यथा॒ दध॑त् ॥ १०.०३९.०५
pu̱rā̱ṇā vā̍ṃ vī̱ryā̱3̱̍ pra bra̍vā̱ jane'tho̍ hāsathurbhi̱ṣajā̍ mayo̱bhuvā̍ .
tā vā̱ṃ nu navyā̱vava̍se karāmahe̱'yaṃ nā̍satyā̱ śrada̱riryathā̱ dadha̍t .. 10.039.05
5 We will declare among the folk your ancient deeds heroic; yea, ye were Physicians bringing health.
You, you who must be lauded, will we bring for aid, so that this foe of ours, O Aśvins, may believe.
Sloka : 10.39.6
इ॒यं वा॑मह्वे शृणु॒तं मे॑ अश्विना पु॒त्राये॑व पि॒तरा॒ मह्यं॑ शिक्षतम् ।
अना॑पि॒रज्ञा॑ असजा॒त्याम॑तिः पु॒रा तस्या॑ अ॒भिश॑स्ते॒रव॑ स्पृतम् ॥ १०.०३९.०६
i̱yaṃ vā̍mahve śṛṇu̱taṃ me̍ aśvinā pu̱trāye̍va pi̱tarā̱ mahya̍ṃ śikṣatam .
anā̍pi̱rajñā̍ asajā̱tyāma̍tiḥ pu̱rā tasyā̍ a̱bhiśa̍ste̱rava̍ spṛtam .. 10.039.06
6 Listen to me, O Aśvins; I have cried to you. Give me-your aid as sire and mother aid their son.
Poor, without kin or friend or ties of blood am I. Save me before it be too late, from this my curse.
Sloka : 10.39.7
यु॒वं रथे॑न विम॒दाय॑ शु॒न्ध्युवं॒ न्यू॑हथुः पुरुमि॒त्रस्य॒ योष॑णाम् ।
यु॒वं हवं॑ वध्रिम॒त्या अ॑गच्छतं यु॒वं सुषु॑तिं चक्रथुः॒ पुरं॑धये ॥ १०.०३९.०७
yu̱vaṃ rathe̍na vima̱dāya̍ śu̱ndhyuva̱ṃ nyū̍hathuḥ purumi̱trasya̱ yoṣa̍ṇām .
yu̱vaṃ hava̍ṃ vadhrima̱tyā a̍gacchataṃ yu̱vaṃ suṣu̍tiṃ cakrathu̱ḥ pura̍ṃdhaye .. 10.039.07
7 Ye, mounted on your chariot brought to Vimada the comely maid of Purumitra as a bride.
Ye, came unto the calling of the weakling's dame, and granted noble offspring to the happy wife.
Sloka : 10.39.8
यु॒वं विप्र॑स्य जर॒णामु॑पे॒युषः॒ पुनः॑ क॒लेर॑कृणुतं॒ युव॒द्वयः॑ ।
यु॒वं वन्द॑नमृश्य॒दादुदू॑पथुर्यु॒वं स॒द्यो वि॒श्पला॒मेत॑वे कृथः ॥ १०.०३९.०८
yu̱vaṃ vipra̍sya jara̱ṇāmu̍pe̱yuṣa̱ḥ puna̍ḥ ka̱lera̍kṛṇuta̱ṃ yuva̱dvaya̍ḥ .
yu̱vaṃ vanda̍namṛśya̱dādudū̍pathuryu̱vaṃ sa̱dyo vi̱śpalā̱meta̍ve kṛthaḥ .. 10.039.08
8 Ye gave a ain the vigour of his youthful life to tge sage Kali when old age was coming nigh.
Ye rescued Vandana and raised him from the pit, and in a moment gave Viśpalā power to move.
Sloka : 10.39.9
यु॒वं ह॑ रे॒भं वृ॑षणा॒ गुहा॑ हि॒तमुदै॑रयतं ममृ॒वांस॑मश्विना ।
यु॒वमृ॒बीस॑मु॒त त॒प्तमत्र॑य॒ ओम॑न्वन्तं चक्रथुः स॒प्तव॑ध्रये ॥ १०.०३९.०९
yu̱vaṃ ha̍ re̱bhaṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇā̱ guhā̍ hi̱tamudai̍rayataṃ mamṛ̱vāṃsa̍maśvinā .
yu̱vamṛ̱bīsa̍mu̱ta ta̱ptamatra̍ya̱ oma̍nvantaṃ cakrathuḥ sa̱ptava̍dhraye .. 10.039.09
9 Ye Aśvins Twain, endowed with manly strength, brought forth Reblia when hidden in the cave and well-nigh dead,
Freed Saptavadliri, and for Atri caused the pit heated with fire to be a pleasant resting-place.
Sloka : 10.39.10
यु॒वं श्वे॒तं पे॒दवे॑ऽश्वि॒नाश्वं॑ न॒वभि॒र्वाजै॑र्नव॒ती च॑ वा॒जिन॑म् ।
च॒र्कृत्यं॑ ददथुर्द्राव॒यत्स॑खं॒ भगं॒ न नृभ्यो॒ हव्यं॑ मयो॒भुव॑म् ॥ १०.०३९.१०
yu̱vaṃ śve̱taṃ pe̱dave̎śvi̱nāśva̍ṃ na̱vabhi̱rvājai̍rnava̱tī ca̍ vā̱jina̍m .
ca̱rkṛtya̍ṃ dadathurdrāva̱yatsa̍kha̱ṃ bhaga̱ṃ na nṛbhyo̱ havya̍ṃ mayo̱bhuva̍m .. 10.039.10
10 On Pedu ye bestowed, Aśvins, a courser white, mighty with nine-and-ninety varied gifts of strength,
A horse to be renowned, who bore his friend at speed, joy-giving, Bhaga-like to be invoked of men.
Sloka : 10.39.11
न तं रा॑जानावदिते॒ कुत॑श्च॒न नांहो॑ अश्नोति दुरि॒तं नकि॑र्भ॒यम् ।
यम॑श्विना सुहवा रुद्रवर्तनी पुरोर॒थं कृ॑णु॒थः पत्न्या॑ स॒ह ॥ १०.०३९.११
na taṃ rā̍jānāvadite̱ kuta̍śca̱na nāṃho̍ aśnoti duri̱taṃ naki̍rbha̱yam .
yama̍śvinā suhavā rudravartanī purora̱thaṃ kṛ̍ṇu̱thaḥ patnyā̍ sa̱ha .. 10.039.11
11 From no side, ye Two Kings whom none may check or stay, doth grief, distress, or danger come u on the man
Whom, Aśvins swift to hear, borne on your glowing path, ye with your Consort make the foremost in the race.
Sloka : 10.39.12
आ तेन॑ यातं॒ मन॑सो॒ जवी॑यसा॒ रथं॒ यं वा॑मृ॒भव॑श्च॒क्रुर॑श्विना ।
यस्य॒ योगे॑ दुहि॒ता जाय॑ते दि॒व उ॒भे अह॑नी सु॒दिने॑ वि॒वस्व॑तः ॥ १०.०३९.१२
ā tena̍ yāta̱ṃ mana̍so̱ javī̍yasā̱ ratha̱ṃ yaṃ vā̍mṛ̱bhava̍śca̱krura̍śvinā .
yasya̱ yoge̍ duhi̱tā jāya̍te di̱va u̱bhe aha̍nī su̱dine̍ vi̱vasva̍taḥ .. 10.039.12
12 Come on that Chariot which the Ṛbhus wrought for you, the Chariot, Aśvins, that is speedier than thought,
At harnessing whereof Heaven's Daughter springs to birth, and from Vivasvān come auspicious Night and Day.
Sloka : 10.39.13
ता व॒र्तिर्या॑तं ज॒युषा॒ वि पर्व॑त॒मपि॑न्वतं श॒यवे॑ धे॒नुम॑श्विना ।
वृक॑स्य चि॒द्वर्ति॑काम॒न्तरा॒स्या॑द्यु॒वं शची॑भिर्ग्रसि॒ताम॑मुञ्चतम् ॥ १०.०३९.१३
tā va̱rtiryā̍taṃ ja̱yuṣā̱ vi parva̍ta̱mapi̍nvataṃ śa̱yave̍ dhe̱numa̍śvinā .
vṛka̍sya ci̱dvarti̍kāma̱ntarā̱syā̍dyu̱vaṃ śacī̍bhirgrasi̱tāma̍muñcatam .. 10.039.13
13 Come, Conquerors of the sundered mountain, to our home, Aśvins who made the cow stream milk for Śayu's sake,
Ye who delivered even from the wolf's deep throat and set again at liberty the swallowed quail.
Sloka : 10.39.14
ए॒तं वां॒ स्तोम॑मश्विनावक॒र्मात॑क्षाम॒ भृग॑वो॒ न रथ॑म् ।
न्य॑मृक्षाम॒ योष॑णां॒ न मर्ये॒ नित्यं॒ न सू॒नुं तन॑यं॒ दधा॑नाः ॥ १०.०३९.१४
e̱taṃ vā̱ṃ stoma̍maśvināvaka̱rmāta̍kṣāma̱ bhṛga̍vo̱ na ratha̍m .
nya̍mṛkṣāma̱ yoṣa̍ṇā̱ṃ na marye̱ nitya̱ṃ na sū̱nuṃ tana̍ya̱ṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .. 10.039.14
14 We have prepared this laud for you, O Aśvins, and, like the Bhṛgus, as a car have framed it,
Have decked it as a maid to meet the bridegroom, and brought it as a son, our stay for ever.
Sloka : 10.40.1
रथं॒ यान्तं॒ कुह॒ को ह॑ वां नरा॒ प्रति॑ द्यु॒मन्तं॑ सुवि॒ताय॑ भूषति ।
प्रा॒त॒र्यावा॑णं वि॒भ्वं॑ वि॒शेवि॑शे॒ वस्तो॑र्वस्तो॒र्वह॑मानं धि॒या शमि॑ ॥ १०.०४०.०१
ratha̱ṃ yānta̱ṃ kuha̱ ko ha̍ vāṃ narā̱ prati̍ dyu̱manta̍ṃ suvi̱tāya̍ bhūṣati .
prā̱ta̱ryāvā̍ṇaṃ vi̱bhva̍ṃ vi̱śevi̍śe̱ vasto̍rvasto̱rvaha̍mānaṃ dhi̱yā śami̍ .. 10.040.01
1. YOUR radiant Chariot-whither goes it on its way?-who decks it for you, Heroes, for its happy course,
Starting at daybreak, visiting each morning every house, borne hitherward through prayer unto the sacrifice?
Sloka : 10.40.2
कुह॑ स्विद्दो॒षा कुह॒ वस्तो॑र॒श्विना॒ कुहा॑भिपि॒त्वं क॑रतः॒ कुहो॑षतुः ।
को वां॑ शयु॒त्रा वि॒धवे॑व दे॒वरं॒ मर्यं॒ न योषा॑ कृणुते स॒धस्थ॒ आ ॥ १०.०४०.०२
kuha̍ sviddo̱ṣā kuha̱ vasto̍ra̱śvinā̱ kuhā̍bhipi̱tvaṃ ka̍rata̱ḥ kuho̍ṣatuḥ .
ko vā̍ṃ śayu̱trā vi̱dhave̍va de̱vara̱ṃ marya̱ṃ na yoṣā̍ kṛṇute sa̱dhastha̱ ā .. 10.040.02
2 Where are ye, Aśvins, in the evening, where at morn? Where is your haltingplace, where rest ye for the night?
Who brings you homeward, as the widow bedward draws her husband's brother, as the bride attracts the groom?
Sloka : 10.40.3
प्रा॒तर्ज॑रेथे जर॒णेव॒ काप॑या॒ वस्तो॑र्वस्तोर्यज॒ता ग॑च्छथो गृ॒हम् ।
कस्य॑ ध्व॒स्रा भ॑वथः॒ कस्य॑ वा नरा राजपु॒त्रेव॒ सव॒नाव॑ गच्छथः ॥ १०.०४०.०३
prā̱tarja̍rethe jara̱ṇeva̱ kāpa̍yā̱ vasto̍rvastoryaja̱tā ga̍cchatho gṛ̱ham .
kasya̍ dhva̱srā bha̍vatha̱ḥ kasya̍ vā narā rājapu̱treva̱ sava̱nāva̍ gacchathaḥ .. 10.040.03
3 Early ye sing forth praise as with a herald's voice, and, meet for worship, go each morning to the house.
Whom do ye ever bring to ruin? Unto whose libations come ye, Heroes, like two Sons of Kings?
Sloka : 10.40.4
यु॒वां मृ॒गेव॑ वार॒णा मृ॑ग॒ण्यवो॑ दो॒षा वस्तो॑र्ह॒विषा॒ नि ह्व॑यामहे ।
यु॒वं होत्रा॑मृतु॒था जुह्व॑ते न॒रेषं॒ जना॑य वहथः शुभस्पती ॥ १०.०४०.०४
yu̱vāṃ mṛ̱geva̍ vāra̱ṇā mṛ̍ga̱ṇyavo̍ do̱ṣā vasto̍rha̱viṣā̱ ni hva̍yāmahe .
yu̱vaṃ hotrā̍mṛtu̱thā juhva̍te na̱reṣa̱ṃ janā̍ya vahathaḥ śubhaspatī .. 10.040.04
4 Even as hunters follow two wild elephants, we with oblations call you down at morn and eve.
To folk who pay you offierings at appointed times, Chiefs, Lords of splendour, ye bring food to strengthen them.
Sloka : 10.40.5
यु॒वां ह॒ घोषा॒ पर्य॑श्विना य॒ती राज्ञ॑ ऊचे दुहि॒ता पृ॒च्छे वां॑ नरा ।
भू॒तं मे॒ अह्न॑ उ॒त भू॑तम॒क्तवेऽश्वा॑वते र॒थिने॑ शक्त॒मर्व॑ते ॥ १०.०४०.०५
yu̱vāṃ ha̱ ghoṣā̱ parya̍śvinā ya̱tī rājña̍ ūce duhi̱tā pṛ̱cche vā̍ṃ narā .
bhū̱taṃ me̱ ahna̍ u̱ta bhū̍tama̱ktave'śvā̍vate ra̱thine̍ śakta̱marva̍te .. 10.040.05
5 To you, O Aśvins, came the daughter of a King, Ghoṣā, and said, O Heroes, this I beg of you:-
Be near me in the day, he near me in the night:- help me to gain a car-borne chieftain rich in steeds.
Sloka : 10.40.6
यु॒वं क॒वी ष्ठः॒ पर्य॑श्विना॒ रथं॒ विशो॒ न कुत्सो॑ जरि॒तुर्न॑शायथः ।
यु॒वोर्ह॒ मक्षा॒ पर्य॑श्विना॒ मध्वा॒सा भ॑रत निष्कृ॒तं न योष॑णा ॥ १०.०४०.०६
yu̱vaṃ ka̱vī ṣṭha̱ḥ parya̍śvinā̱ ratha̱ṃ viśo̱ na kutso̍ jari̱turna̍śāyathaḥ .
yu̱vorha̱ makṣā̱ parya̍śvinā̱ madhvā̱sā bha̍rata niṣkṛ̱taṃ na yoṣa̍ṇā .. 10.040.06
6 O Aśvins, ye are wise:- as Kutsa comes to men, bring your car nigh the folk of him who sings your praise.
The bee, O Aśvins, bears your honey in her mouth, as the maid carries it purified in her hand.
Sloka : 10.40.7
यु॒वं ह॑ भु॒ज्युं यु॒वम॑श्विना॒ वशं॑ यु॒वं शि॒ञ्जार॑मु॒शना॒मुपा॑रथुः ।
यु॒वो ररा॑वा॒ परि॑ स॒ख्यमा॑सते यु॒वोर॒हमव॑सा सु॒म्नमा च॑के ॥ १०.०४०.०७
yu̱vaṃ ha̍ bhu̱jyuṃ yu̱vama̍śvinā̱ vaśa̍ṃ yu̱vaṃ śi̱ñjāra̍mu̱śanā̱mupā̍rathuḥ .
yu̱vo rarā̍vā̱ pari̍ sa̱khyamā̍sate yu̱vora̱hamava̍sā su̱mnamā ca̍ke .. 10.040.07
7 To Bhujyu and to Vaśa ye come near with help, O Aśvins, to Sinjara and to Uśanā.
Your worshipper secures your friendship for himself. Through your protection I desire felicity.
Sloka : 10.40.8
यु॒वं ह॑ कृ॒शं यु॒वम॑श्विना श॒युं यु॒वं वि॒धन्तं॑ वि॒धवा॑मुरुष्यथः ।
यु॒वं स॒निभ्यः॑ स्त॒नय॑न्तमश्वि॒नाप॑ व्र॒जमू॑र्णुथः स॒प्तास्य॑म् ॥ १०.०४०.०८
yu̱vaṃ ha̍ kṛ̱śaṃ yu̱vama̍śvinā śa̱yuṃ yu̱vaṃ vi̱dhanta̍ṃ vi̱dhavā̍muruṣyathaḥ .
yu̱vaṃ sa̱nibhya̍ḥ sta̱naya̍ntamaśvi̱nāpa̍ vra̱jamū̍rṇuthaḥ sa̱ptāsya̍m .. 10.040.08
8 Krsa and Śayu ye protect, ye Aśvins Twain:- ye Two assist the widow and the worshipper;
And ye throw open, Aśvins, unto those who win the cattle-stall that thunders with its serenfold mouth.
Sloka : 10.40.9
जनि॑ष्ट॒ योषा॑ प॒तय॑त्कनीन॒को वि चारु॑हन्वी॒रुधो॑ दं॒सना॒ अनु॑ ।
आस्मै॑ रीयन्ते निव॒नेव॒ सिन्ध॑वो॒ऽस्मा अह्ने॑ भवति॒ तत्प॑तित्व॒नम् ॥ १०.०४०.०९
jani̍ṣṭa̱ yoṣā̍ pa̱taya̍tkanīna̱ko vi cāru̍hanvī̱rudho̍ da̱ṃsanā̱ anu̍ .
āsmai̍ rīyante niva̱neva̱ sindha̍vo̱'smā ahne̍ bhavati̱ tatpa̍titva̱nam .. 10.040.09
9 The Woman hath brought forth, the Infant hath appeared, the plants of wondrous beauty straightway have sprung up.
To him the rivers run as down a deep descent, and he this day becomes their master and their lord.
Sloka : 10.40.10
जी॒वं रु॑दन्ति॒ वि म॑यन्ते अध्व॒रे दी॒र्घामनु॒ प्रसि॑तिं दीधियु॒र्नरः॑ ।
वा॒मं पि॒तृभ्यो॒ य इ॒दं स॑मेरि॒रे मयः॒ पति॑भ्यो॒ जन॑यः परि॒ष्वजे॑ ॥ १०.०४०.१०
jī̱vaṃ ru̍danti̱ vi ma̍yante adhva̱re dī̱rghāmanu̱ prasi̍tiṃ dīdhiyu̱rnara̍ḥ .
vā̱maṃ pi̱tṛbhyo̱ ya i̱daṃ sa̍meri̱re maya̱ḥ pati̍bhyo̱ jana̍yaḥ pari̱ṣvaje̍ .. 10.040.10
10 They mourn the living, cry aloud, at sacrifice:- the men have set their thoughts upon a distant cast.
A lovely thing for fathers who have gathered here,a joy to husbands,are the wives their arms shall clasp
Sloka : 10.40.11
न तस्य॑ विद्म॒ तदु॒ षु प्र वो॑चत॒ युवा॑ ह॒ यद्यु॑व॒त्याः क्षेति॒ योनि॑षु ।
प्रि॒योस्रि॑यस्य वृष॒भस्य॑ रे॒तिनो॑ गृ॒हं ग॑मेमाश्विना॒ तदु॑श्मसि ॥ १०.०४०.११
na tasya̍ vidma̱ tadu̱ ṣu pra vo̍cata̱ yuvā̍ ha̱ yadyu̍va̱tyāḥ kṣeti̱ yoni̍ṣu .
pri̱yosri̍yasya vṛṣa̱bhasya̍ re̱tino̍ gṛ̱haṃ ga̍memāśvinā̱ tadu̍śmasi .. 10.040.11
11 Of this we have no knowledge. Tall it forth to us, now the youth rests within the chambers of the bride.
Fain would we reach the dwelling of the vigorous Steer who loves the kine, O Aśvins:- this is our desire.
Sloka : 10.40.12
आ वा॑मगन्सुम॒तिर्वा॑जिनीवसू॒ न्य॑श्विना हृ॒त्सु कामा॑ अयंसत ।
अभू॑तं गो॒पा मि॑थु॒ना शु॑भस्पती प्रि॒या अ॑र्य॒म्णो दुर्या॑ँ अशीमहि ॥ १०.०४०.१२
ā vā̍magansuma̱tirvā̍jinīvasū̱ nya̍śvinā hṛ̱tsu kāmā̍ ayaṃsata .
abhū̍taṃ go̱pā mi̍thu̱nā śu̍bhaspatī pri̱yā a̍rya̱mṇo duryā̍m̐ aśīmahi .. 10.040.12
12 Your favouring grace hath come, ye Lords of ample wealth:- Aśvins, our longings are stored up within your hearts.
Ye, Lords of splendour, have become our twofold guard:- may we as welcome friends reach Aryaman's abode.
Sloka : 10.40.13
ता म॑न्दसा॒ना मनु॑षो दुरो॒ण आ ध॒त्तं र॒यिं स॒हवी॑रं वच॒स्यवे॑ ।
कृ॒तं ती॒र्थं सु॑प्रपा॒णं शु॑भस्पती स्था॒णुं प॑थे॒ष्ठामप॑ दुर्म॒तिं ह॑तम् ॥ १०.०४०.१३
tā ma̍ndasā̱nā manu̍ṣo duro̱ṇa ā dha̱ttaṃ ra̱yiṃ sa̱havī̍raṃ vaca̱syave̍ .
kṛ̱taṃ tī̱rthaṃ su̍prapā̱ṇaṃ śu̍bhaspatī sthā̱ṇuṃ pa̍the̱ṣṭhāmapa̍ durma̱tiṃ ha̍tam .. 10.040.13
13 Even so, rejoicing in the dwelling-place of man, give hero sons and riches to the eloquent.
Make a ford, Lords of splendour, where men well may drink:- remove the spiteful tree-stump standing in the path.
Sloka : 10.40.14
क्व॑ स्विद॒द्य क॑त॒मास्व॒श्विना॑ वि॒क्षु द॒स्रा मा॑दयेते शु॒भस्पती॑ ।
क ईं॒ नि ये॑मे कत॒मस्य॑ जग्मतु॒र्विप्र॑स्य वा॒ यज॑मानस्य वा गृ॒हम् ॥ १०.०४०.१४
kva̍ svida̱dya ka̍ta̱māsva̱śvinā̍ vi̱kṣu da̱srā mā̍dayete śu̱bhaspatī̍ .
ka ī̱ṃ ni ye̍me kata̱masya̍ jagmatu̱rvipra̍sya vā̱ yaja̍mānasya vā gṛ̱ham .. 10.040.14
14 O Aśvins, Wonder-Workers, Lords of lustre, where and with what folk do ye delight yourselves to-day?
Who hath detained them with him? Whither are they gone? Unto what sage's or what worshipper's abode?
Sloka : 10.41.1
स॒मा॒नमु॒ त्यं पु॑रुहू॒तमु॒क्थ्यं१॒॑ रथं॑ त्रिच॒क्रं सव॑ना॒ गनि॑ग्मतम् ।
परि॑ज्मानं विद॒थ्यं॑ सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑र्व॒यं व्यु॑ष्टा उ॒षसो॑ हवामहे ॥ १०.०४१.०१
sa̱mā̱namu̱ tyaṃ pu̍ruhū̱tamu̱kthyaṃ1̱̍ ratha̍ṃ trica̱kraṃ sava̍nā̱ gani̍gmatam .
pari̍jmānaṃ vida̱thya̍ṃ suvṛ̱ktibhi̍rva̱yaṃ vyu̍ṣṭā u̱ṣaso̍ havāmahe .. 10.041.01
1. THAT general Car of yours, invoked by many a man, that comes to our libations, three-wheeled, meet for lauds,
That circumambient Car, worthy of sacrifice, we call with our pure hymns at earliest flush of dawn.
Sloka : 10.41.2
प्रा॒त॒र्युजं॑ नास॒त्याधि॑ तिष्ठथः प्रात॒र्यावा॑णं मधु॒वाह॑नं॒ रथ॑म् ।
विशो॒ येन॒ गच्छ॑थो॒ यज्व॑रीर्नरा की॒रेश्चि॑द्य॒ज्ञं होतृ॑मन्तमश्विना ॥ १०.०४१.०२
prā̱ta̱ryuja̍ṃ nāsa̱tyādhi̍ tiṣṭhathaḥ prāta̱ryāvā̍ṇaṃ madhu̱vāha̍na̱ṃ ratha̍m .
viśo̱ yena̱ gaccha̍tho̱ yajva̍rīrnarā kī̱reści̍dya̱jñaṃ hotṛ̍mantamaśvinā .. 10.041.02
2 Ye, O Nāsatyas, mount that early-harnessed Car, that travels early, laden with its freight of balm,
Wherewith ye, Heroes, visit clans who sacrifice, even the poor man's worship where the priest attends.
Sloka : 10.41.3
अ॒ध्व॒र्युं वा॒ मधु॑पाणिं सु॒हस्त्य॑म॒ग्निधं॑ वा धृ॒तद॑क्षं॒ दमू॑नसम् ।
विप्र॑स्य वा॒ यत्सव॑नानि॒ गच्छ॒थोऽत॒ आ या॑तं मधु॒पेय॑मश्विना ॥ १०.०४१.०३
a̱dhva̱ryuṃ vā̱ madhu̍pāṇiṃ su̱hastya̍ma̱gnidha̍ṃ vā dhṛ̱tada̍kṣa̱ṃ damū̍nasam .
vipra̍sya vā̱ yatsava̍nāni̱ gaccha̱tho'ta̱ ā yā̍taṃ madhu̱peya̍maśvinā .. 10.041.03
3 If to the deft Adhvaryu with the meath in hand, or to the Kindler firm in strength, the household friend,
Or to the sage's poured libations ye approach, come thence, O Aśvins, now to drink the offered meath.
Sloka : 10.42.1
अस्ते॑व॒ सु प्र॑त॒रं लाय॒मस्य॒न्भूष॑न्निव॒ प्र भ॑रा॒ स्तोम॑मस्मै ।
वा॒चा वि॑प्रास्तरत॒ वाच॑म॒र्यो नि रा॑मय जरितः॒ सोम॒ इन्द्र॑म् ॥ १०.०४२.०१
aste̍va̱ su pra̍ta̱raṃ lāya̱masya̱nbhūṣa̍nniva̱ pra bha̍rā̱ stoma̍masmai .
vā̱cā vi̍prāstarata̱ vāca̍ma̱ryo ni rā̍maya jarita̱ḥ soma̱ indra̍m .. 10.042.01
1. EVEN as an archer shoots afar his arrow, offer the laud to him with meet adornment.
Quell with your voice the wicked's voice, O sages. Singer, make Indra rest beside the Soma.
Sloka : 10.42.2
दोहे॑न॒ गामुप॑ शिक्षा॒ सखा॑यं॒ प्र बो॑धय जरितर्जा॒रमिन्द्र॑म् ।
कोशं॒ न पू॒र्णं वसु॑ना॒ न्यृ॑ष्ट॒मा च्या॑वय मघ॒देया॑य॒ शूर॑म् ॥ १०.०४२.०२
dohe̍na̱ gāmupa̍ śikṣā̱ sakhā̍ya̱ṃ pra bo̍dhaya jaritarjā̱ramindra̍m .
kośa̱ṃ na pū̱rṇaṃ vasu̍nā̱ nyṛ̍ṣṭa̱mā cyā̍vaya magha̱deyā̍ya̱ śūra̍m .. 10.042.02
2 Draw thy Friend to thee like a cow at milking:- O Singer, wake up Indra as a lover.
Make thou the Hero haste to give us riches even as a vessel filled brimful with treasure.
Sloka : 10.42.3
किम॒ङ्ग त्वा॑ मघवन्भो॒जमा॑हुः शिशी॒हि मा॑ शिश॒यं त्वा॑ शृणोमि ।
अप्न॑स्वती॒ मम॒ धीर॑स्तु शक्र वसु॒विदं॒ भग॑मि॒न्द्रा भ॑रा नः ॥ १०.०४२.०३
kima̱ṅga tvā̍ maghavanbho̱jamā̍huḥ śiśī̱hi mā̍ śiśa̱yaṃ tvā̍ śṛṇomi .
apna̍svatī̱ mama̱ dhīra̍stu śakra vasu̱vida̱ṃ bhaga̍mi̱ndrā bha̍rā naḥ .. 10.042.03
3 Why, Maghavan, do they call thee Bounteous; Giver? Quicken me:- thou, I hear, art he who quickens.
Śakra, let my intelligence be active, and bring us luck that finds great wealth, O Indra.
Sloka : 10.42.4
त्वां जना॑ ममस॒त्येष्वि॑न्द्र संतस्था॒ना वि ह्व॑यन्ते समी॒के ।
अत्रा॒ युजं॑ कृणुते॒ यो ह॒विष्मा॒न्नासु॑न्वता स॒ख्यं व॑ष्टि॒ शूरः॑ ॥ १०.०४२.०४
tvāṃ janā̍ mamasa̱tyeṣvi̍ndra saṃtasthā̱nā vi hva̍yante samī̱ke .
atrā̱ yuja̍ṃ kṛṇute̱ yo ha̱viṣmā̱nnāsu̍nvatā sa̱khyaṃ va̍ṣṭi̱ śūra̍ḥ .. 10.042.04
4 Standing, in battle for their rights, together, the people, Indra, in the fray invoke thee.
Him who brings gifts the Hero makes his comrade:- with him who pours no juice he seeks not friendship.
Sloka : 10.42.5
धनं॒ न स्य॒न्द्रं ब॑हु॒लं यो अ॑स्मै ती॒व्रान्सोमा॑ँ आसु॒नोति॒ प्रय॑स्वान् ।
तस्मै॒ शत्रू॑न्सु॒तुका॑न्प्रा॒तरह्नो॒ नि स्वष्ट्रा॑न्यु॒वति॒ हन्ति॑ वृ॒त्रम् ॥ १०.०४२.०५
dhana̱ṃ na sya̱ndraṃ ba̍hu̱laṃ yo a̍smai tī̱vrānsomā̍m̐ āsu̱noti̱ praya̍svān .
tasmai̱ śatrū̍nsu̱tukā̍nprā̱tarahno̱ ni svaṣṭrā̍nyu̱vati̱ hanti̍ vṛ̱tram .. 10.042.05
5 Whoso with plenteous food for him expresses strong Somas as much quickly-coming treasure,
For him he overthrows in early morning his swift well-weaponed foes, and slays the tyrant.
Sloka : 10.42.6
यस्मि॑न्व॒यं द॑धि॒मा शंस॒मिन्द्रे॒ यः शि॒श्राय॑ म॒घवा॒ काम॑म॒स्मे ।
आ॒राच्चि॒त्सन्भ॑यतामस्य॒ शत्रु॒र्न्य॑स्मै द्यु॒म्ना जन्या॑ नमन्ताम् ॥ १०.०४२.०६
yasmi̍nva̱yaṃ da̍dhi̱mā śaṃsa̱mindre̱ yaḥ śi̱śrāya̍ ma̱ghavā̱ kāma̍ma̱sme .
ā̱rācci̱tsanbha̍yatāmasya̱ śatru̱rnya̍smai dyu̱mnā janyā̍ namantām .. 10.042.06
6 He unto whom we offer praises, Indra, Maghavan, who hath joined to ours his wishes,
Before him even afar the foe must tremble:- low before him must bow all human glories.
Sloka : 10.42.7
आ॒राच्छत्रु॒मप॑ बाधस्व दू॒रमु॒ग्रो यः शम्बः॑ पुरुहूत॒ तेन॑ ।
अ॒स्मे धे॑हि॒ यव॑म॒द्गोम॑दिन्द्र कृ॒धी धियं॑ जरि॒त्रे वाज॑रत्नाम् ॥ १०.०४२.०७
ā̱rācchatru̱mapa̍ bādhasva dū̱ramu̱gro yaḥ śamba̍ḥ puruhūta̱ tena̍ .
a̱sme dhe̍hi̱ yava̍ma̱dgoma̍dindra kṛ̱dhī dhiya̍ṃ jari̱tre vāja̍ratnām .. 10.042.07
7 With thy fierce bolt, O God invoked of many, drive to a distance from afar the foeman.
O Indra, give us wealth in corn and cattle, and make thy singer's prayer gain strength and riches.
Sloka : 10.42.8
प्र यम॒न्तर्वृ॑षस॒वासो॒ अग्म॑न्ती॒व्राः सोमा॑ बहु॒लान्ता॑स॒ इन्द्र॑म् ।
नाह॑ दा॒मानं॑ म॒घवा॒ नि यं॑स॒न्नि सु॑न्व॒ते व॑हति॒ भूरि॑ वा॒मम् ॥ १०.०४२.०८
pra yama̱ntarvṛ̍ṣasa̱vāso̱ agma̍ntī̱vrāḥ somā̍ bahu̱lāntā̍sa̱ indra̍m .
nāha̍ dā̱māna̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̱ ni ya̍ṃsa̱nni su̍nva̱te va̍hati̱ bhūri̍ vā̱mam .. 10.042.08
8 Indra, the swallower of strong libations rich in the boons they bring, the potent Somas,
He, Maghavan, will not restrict his bounty he brings much wealth unto the Soma-presser.
Sloka : 10.42.9
उ॒त प्र॒हाम॑ति॒दीव्या॑ जयाति कृ॒तं यच्छ्व॒घ्नी वि॑चि॒नोति॑ का॒ले ।
यो दे॒वका॑मो॒ न धना॑ रुणद्धि॒ समित्तं रा॒या सृ॑जति स्व॒धावा॑न् ॥ १०.०४२.०९
u̱ta pra̱hāma̍ti̱dīvyā̍ jayāti kṛ̱taṃ yacchva̱ghnī vi̍ci̱noti̍ kā̱le .
yo de̱vakā̍mo̱ na dhanā̍ ruṇaddhi̱ samittaṃ rā̱yā sṛ̍jati sva̱dhāvā̍n .. 10.042.09
9 Yea, by superior play he wins advantage, when he, a gambler, piles his gains in season.
Celestial-natured, he oerwhelms with riches the devotee who keeps not back his treasure.
Sloka : 10.42.10
गोभि॑ष्टरे॒माम॑तिं दु॒रेवां॒ यवे॑न॒ क्षुधं॑ पुरुहूत॒ विश्वा॑म् ।
व॒यं राज॑भिः प्रथ॒मा धना॑न्य॒स्माके॑न वृ॒जने॑ना जयेम ॥ १०.०४२.१०
gobhi̍ṣṭare̱māma̍tiṃ du̱revā̱ṃ yave̍na̱ kṣudha̍ṃ puruhūta̱ viśvā̍m .
va̱yaṃ rāja̍bhiḥ pratha̱mā dhanā̍nya̱smāke̍na vṛ̱jane̍nā jayema .. 10.042.10
10 O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes obtain possessions by our own exertion.
Sloka : 10.42.11
बृह॒स्पति॑र्नः॒ परि॑ पातु प॒श्चादु॒तोत्त॑रस्मा॒दध॑रादघा॒योः ।
इन्द्रः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑दु॒त म॑ध्य॒तो नः॒ सखा॒ सखि॑भ्यो॒ वरि॑वः कृणोतु ॥ १०.०४२.११
bṛha̱spati̍rna̱ḥ pari̍ pātu pa̱ścādu̱totta̍rasmā̱dadha̍rādaghā̱yoḥ .
indra̍ḥ pu̱rastā̍du̱ta ma̍dhya̱to na̱ḥ sakhā̱ sakhi̍bhyo̱ vari̍vaḥ kṛṇotu .. 10.042.11
11 Bṛhaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and from below, from sinners!
May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.
Sloka : 10.43.1
अच्छा॑ म॒ इन्द्रं॑ म॒तयः॑ स्व॒र्विदः॑ स॒ध्रीची॒र्विश्वा॑ उश॒तीर॑नूषत ।
परि॑ ष्वजन्ते॒ जन॑यो॒ यथा॒ पतिं॒ मर्यं॒ न शु॒न्ध्युं म॒घवा॑नमू॒तये॑ ॥ १०.०४३.०१
acchā̍ ma̱ indra̍ṃ ma̱taya̍ḥ sva̱rvida̍ḥ sa̱dhrīcī̱rviśvā̍ uśa̱tīra̍nūṣata .
pari̍ ṣvajante̱ jana̍yo̱ yathā̱ pati̱ṃ marya̱ṃ na śu̱ndhyuṃ ma̱ghavā̍namū̱taye̍ .. 10.043.01
1. IN perfect unison all yearning hymns of mine that find the light of heaven have sung forth Indra's praise.
As wives embrace their lord, the comely bridegroom, so they compass Maghavan about that he may help.
Sloka : 10.43.2
न घा॑ त्व॒द्रिगप॑ वेति मे॒ मन॒स्त्वे इत्कामं॑ पुरुहूत शिश्रय ।
राजे॑व दस्म॒ नि ष॒दोऽधि॑ ब॒र्हिष्य॒स्मिन्सु सोमे॑ऽव॒पान॑मस्तु ते ॥ १०.०४३.०२
na ghā̍ tva̱drigapa̍ veti me̱ mana̱stve itkāma̍ṃ puruhūta śiśraya .
rāje̍va dasma̱ ni ṣa̱do'dhi̍ ba̱rhiṣya̱sminsu some̎va̱pāna̍mastu te .. 10.043.02
2 Directed unto thee my spirit never strays, for I have set my hopes on thee, O Much-invoked!
Sit, Wonderful! as King upon the sacred grass, and let thy drinking-place be by the Soma juice.
Sloka : 10.43.3
वि॒षू॒वृदिन्द्रो॒ अम॑तेरु॒त क्षु॒धः स इद्रा॒यो म॒घवा॒ वस्व॑ ईशते ।
तस्येदि॒मे प्र॑व॒णे स॒प्त सिन्ध॑वो॒ वयो॑ वर्धन्ति वृष॒भस्य॑ शु॒ष्मिणः॑ ॥ १०.०४३.०३
vi̱ṣū̱vṛdindro̱ ama̍teru̱ta kṣu̱dhaḥ sa idrā̱yo ma̱ghavā̱ vasva̍ īśate .
tasyedi̱me pra̍va̱ṇe sa̱pta sindha̍vo̱ vayo̍ vardhanti vṛṣa̱bhasya̍ śu̱ṣmiṇa̍ḥ .. 10.043.03
3 From indigence and hunger Indra turns away:- Maghavan hath dominion over precious wealth.
These the Seven Rivers flowing on their downward path increase the vital vigour of the potent Steer.
Sloka : 10.43.4
वयो॒ न वृ॒क्षं सु॑पला॒शमास॑द॒न्सोमा॑स॒ इन्द्रं॑ म॒न्दिन॑श्चमू॒षदः॑ ।
प्रैषा॒मनी॑कं॒ शव॑सा॒ दवि॑द्युतद्वि॒दत्स्व१॒॑र्मन॑वे॒ ज्योति॒रार्य॑म् ॥ १०.०४३.०४
vayo̱ na vṛ̱kṣaṃ su̍palā̱śamāsa̍da̱nsomā̍sa̱ indra̍ṃ ma̱ndina̍ścamū̱ṣada̍ḥ .
praiṣā̱manī̍ka̱ṃ śava̍sā̱ davi̍dyutadvi̱datsva1̱̍rmana̍ve̱ jyoti̱rārya̍m .. 10.043.04
4 As on the fair-leafed tree rest birds, to Indra flow the gladdening Soma juices that the bowls contain.
Their face that glows with splendour through their mighty power hath found the shine of heaven for man, the Āryas' light.
Sloka : 10.43.5
कृ॒तं न श्व॒घ्नी वि चि॑नोति॒ देव॑ने सं॒वर्गं॒ यन्म॒घवा॒ सूर्यं॒ जय॑त् ।
न तत्ते॑ अ॒न्यो अनु॑ वी॒र्यं॑ शक॒न्न पु॑रा॒णो म॑घव॒न्नोत नूत॑नः ॥ १०.०४३.०५
kṛ̱taṃ na śva̱ghnī vi ci̍noti̱ deva̍ne sa̱ṃvarga̱ṃ yanma̱ghavā̱ sūrya̱ṃ jaya̍t .
na tatte̍ a̱nyo anu̍ vī̱rya̍ṃ śaka̱nna pu̍rā̱ṇo ma̍ghava̱nnota nūta̍naḥ .. 10.043.05
5 As in the game a gambler piles his winnings, so Maghavan, sweeping all together, gained the Sun
This mighty deed of thine none other could achieve, none, Maghavan, before thee, none in recent time.
Sloka : 10.43.6
विशं॑विशं म॒घवा॒ पर्य॑शायत॒ जना॑नां॒ धेना॑ अव॒चाक॑श॒द्वृषा॑ ।
यस्याह॑ श॒क्रः सव॑नेषु॒ रण्य॑ति॒ स ती॒व्रैः सोमैः॑ सहते पृतन्य॒तः ॥ १०.०४३.०६
viśa̍ṃviśaṃ ma̱ghavā̱ parya̍śāyata̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ dhenā̍ ava̱cāka̍śa̱dvṛṣā̍ .
yasyāha̍ śa̱kraḥ sava̍neṣu̱ raṇya̍ti̱ sa tī̱vraiḥ somai̍ḥ sahate pṛtanya̱taḥ .. 10.043.06
6 Maghavan came by turns to all the tribes of men:- the Steer took notice of the people's songs of praise.
The man in whose libations Śakra hath delight by means of potent Somas vanquisheth his foes.
Sloka : 10.43.7
आपो॒ न सिन्धु॑म॒भि यत्स॒मक्ष॑र॒न्सोमा॑स॒ इन्द्रं॑ कु॒ल्या इ॑व ह्र॒दम् ।
वर्ध॑न्ति॒ विप्रा॒ महो॑ अस्य॒ साद॑ने॒ यवं॒ न वृ॒ष्टिर्दि॒व्येन॒ दानु॑ना ॥ १०.०४३.०७
āpo̱ na sindhu̍ma̱bhi yatsa̱makṣa̍ra̱nsomā̍sa̱ indra̍ṃ ku̱lyā i̍va hra̱dam .
vardha̍nti̱ viprā̱ maho̍ asya̱ sāda̍ne̱ yava̱ṃ na vṛ̱ṣṭirdi̱vyena̱ dānu̍nā .. 10.043.07
7 When Soma streams together unto Indra flow like waters to the river, rivulets to the lake,
In place of sacrifice sages exalt his might, as the rain swells the corn by moisture sent from heaven.
Sloka : 10.43.8
वृषा॒ न क्रु॒द्धः प॑तय॒द्रज॒स्स्वा यो अ॒र्यप॑त्नी॒रकृ॑णोदि॒मा अ॒पः ।
स सु॑न्व॒ते म॒घवा॑ जी॒रदा॑न॒वेऽवि॑न्द॒ज्ज्योति॒र्मन॑वे ह॒विष्म॑ते ॥ १०.०४३.०८
vṛṣā̱ na kru̱ddhaḥ pa̍taya̱draja̱ssvā yo a̱ryapa̍tnī̱rakṛ̍ṇodi̱mā a̱paḥ .
sa su̍nva̱te ma̱ghavā̍ jī̱radā̍na̱ve'vi̍nda̱jjyoti̱rmana̍ve ha̱viṣma̍te .. 10.043.08
8 He rushes through the region like a furious Bull, he who hath made these floods the dames of worthy lords.
This Maghavan hath found light for the man who brings oblation, sheds the juice, and promptly pours his gifts.
Sloka : 10.43.9
उज्जा॑यतां पर॒शुर्ज्योति॑षा स॒ह भू॒या ऋ॒तस्य॑ सु॒दुघा॑ पुराण॒वत् ।
वि रो॑चतामरु॒षो भा॒नुना॒ शुचिः॒ स्व१॒॑र्ण शु॒क्रं शु॑शुचीत॒ सत्प॑तिः ॥ १०.०४३.०९
ujjā̍yatāṃ para̱śurjyoti̍ṣā sa̱ha bhū̱yā ṛ̱tasya̍ su̱dughā̍ purāṇa̱vat .
vi ro̍catāmaru̱ṣo bhā̱nunā̱ śuci̱ḥ sva1̱̍rṇa śu̱kraṃ śu̍śucīta̱ satpa̍tiḥ .. 10.043.09
9 Let the keen axe come forth together with the light:- here be,.as erst, the teeming cow of sacrifice.
Let the Red God shine bright with his refulgent ray, and let the Lord of heroes glow like heaven's clear sheen.
Sloka : 10.43.10
गोभि॑ष्टरे॒माम॑तिं दु॒रेवां॒ यवे॑न॒ क्षुधं॑ पुरुहूत॒ विश्वा॑म् ।
व॒यं राज॑भिः प्रथ॒मा धना॑न्य॒स्माके॑न वृ॒जने॑ना जयेम ॥ १०.०४३.१०
gobhi̍ṣṭare̱māma̍tiṃ du̱revā̱ṃ yave̍na̱ kṣudha̍ṃ puruhūta̱ viśvā̍m .
va̱yaṃ rāja̍bhiḥ pratha̱mā dhanā̍nya̱smāke̍na vṛ̱jane̍nā jayema .. 10.043.10
10 O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes obtain possessions by our own exertion.
Sloka : 10.43.11
बृह॒स्पति॑र्नः॒ परि॑ पातु प॒श्चादु॒तोत्त॑रस्मा॒दध॑रादघा॒योः ।
इन्द्रः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑दु॒त म॑ध्य॒तो नः॒ सखा॒ सखि॑भ्यो॒ वरि॑वः कृणोतु ॥ १०.०४३.११
bṛha̱spati̍rna̱ḥ pari̍ pātu pa̱ścādu̱totta̍rasmā̱dadha̍rādaghā̱yoḥ .
indra̍ḥ pu̱rastā̍du̱ta ma̍dhya̱to na̱ḥ sakhā̱ sakhi̍bhyo̱ vari̍vaḥ kṛṇotu .. 10.043.11
11 Bṛhaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and from below, from sinners.
May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.
Sloka : 10.44.1
आ या॒त्विन्द्रः॒ स्वप॑ति॒र्मदा॑य॒ यो धर्म॑णा तूतुजा॒नस्तुवि॑ष्मान् ।
प्र॒त्व॒क्षा॒णो अति॒ विश्वा॒ सहां॑स्यपा॒रेण॑ मह॒ता वृष्ण्ये॑न ॥ १०.०४४.०१
ā yā̱tvindra̱ḥ svapa̍ti̱rmadā̍ya̱ yo dharma̍ṇā tūtujā̱nastuvi̍ṣmān .
pra̱tva̱kṣā̱ṇo ati̱ viśvā̱ sahā̍ṃsyapā̱reṇa̍ maha̱tā vṛṣṇye̍na .. 10.044.01
1. MAY Sovran Indra come to the carousal, he who by Holy Law is strong and active,
The overcomer of all conquering forces with his great steer-like power that hath no limit.
Sloka : 10.44.2
सु॒ष्ठामा॒ रथः॑ सु॒यमा॒ हरी॑ ते मि॒म्यक्ष॒ वज्रो॑ नृपते॒ गभ॑स्तौ ।
शीभं॑ राजन्सु॒पथा या॑ह्य॒र्वाङ्वर्धा॑म ते प॒पुषो॒ वृष्ण्या॑नि ॥ १०.०४४.०२
su̱ṣṭhāmā̱ ratha̍ḥ su̱yamā̱ harī̍ te mi̱myakṣa̱ vajro̍ nṛpate̱ gabha̍stau .
śībha̍ṃ rājansu̱pathā yā̍hya̱rvāṅvardhā̍ma te pa̱puṣo̱ vṛṣṇyā̍ni .. 10.044.02
2 Firm-seated is thy car, thy Steeds are docile; thy hand, O King, holds, firmly grasped, the thunder.
On thy fair path, O Lord of men, come quickly:- we will increase thy powers when thou hast drunken.
Sloka : 10.44.3
एन्द्र॒वाहो॑ नृ॒पतिं॒ वज्र॑बाहुमु॒ग्रमु॒ग्रास॑स्तवि॒षास॑ एनम् ।
प्रत्व॑क्षसं वृष॒भं स॒त्यशु॑ष्म॒मेम॑स्म॒त्रा स॑ध॒मादो॑ वहन्तु ॥ १०.०४४.०३
endra̱vāho̍ nṛ̱pati̱ṃ vajra̍bāhumu̱gramu̱grāsa̍stavi̱ṣāsa̍ enam .
pratva̍kṣasaṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ sa̱tyaśu̍ṣma̱mema̍sma̱trā sa̍dha̱mādo̍ vahantu .. 10.044.03
3 Let strong and mighty Steeds who bear this Mighty Indra, the Lord of men, whose arm wields thunder,
Bring unto us, as sharers of our banquet, the Steer of conquering might, of real vigour.
Sloka : 10.44.4
ए॒वा पतिं॑ द्रोण॒साचं॒ सचे॑तसमू॒र्जः स्क॒म्भं ध॒रुण॒ आ वृ॑षायसे ।
ओजः॑ कृष्व॒ सं गृ॑भाय॒ त्वे अप्यसो॒ यथा॑ केनि॒पाना॑मि॒नो वृ॒धे ॥ १०.०४४.०४
e̱vā pati̍ṃ droṇa̱sāca̱ṃ sace̍tasamū̱rjaḥ ska̱mbhaṃ dha̱ruṇa̱ ā vṛ̍ṣāyase .
oja̍ḥ kṛṣva̱ saṃ gṛ̍bhāya̱ tve apyaso̱ yathā̍ keni̱pānā̍mi̱no vṛ̱dhe .. 10.044.04
4 So like a Bull thou rushest to the Lord who loves the trough, the Sage, the prop of vigour, in the vat,
Prepare thine energies, collect them in thyself:- be for our profit as the Master of the wise.
Sloka : 10.44.5
गम॑न्न॒स्मे वसू॒न्या हि शंसि॑षं स्वा॒शिषं॒ भर॒मा या॑हि सो॒मिनः॑ ।
त्वमी॑शिषे॒ सास्मिन्ना स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिष्य॑नाधृ॒ष्या तव॒ पात्रा॑णि॒ धर्म॑णा ॥ १०.०४४.०५
gama̍nna̱sme vasū̱nyā hi śaṃsi̍ṣaṃ svā̱śiṣa̱ṃ bhara̱mā yā̍hi so̱mina̍ḥ .
tvamī̍śiṣe̱ sāsminnā sa̍tsi ba̱rhiṣya̍nādhṛ̱ṣyā tava̱ pātrā̍ṇi̱ dharma̍ṇā .. 10.044.05
5 May precious treasures come to us-so will I pray. Come to the votary's gift offered with beauteous laud.
Thou art the Lord, as such sit on this holy grass:- thy vessels are inviolate as Law commands.
Sloka : 10.44.6
पृथ॒क्प्राय॑न्प्रथ॒मा दे॒वहू॑त॒योऽकृ॑ण्वत श्रव॒स्या॑नि दु॒ष्टरा॑ ।
न ये शे॒कुर्य॒ज्ञियां॒ नाव॑मा॒रुह॑मी॒र्मैव ते न्य॑विशन्त॒ केप॑यः ॥ १०.०४४.०६
pṛtha̱kprāya̍npratha̱mā de̱vahū̍ta̱yo'kṛ̍ṇvata śrava̱syā̍ni du̱ṣṭarā̍ .
na ye śe̱kurya̱jñiyā̱ṃ nāva̍mā̱ruha̍mī̱rmaiva te nya̍viśanta̱ kepa̍yaḥ .. 10.044.06
6 Far went our earlist invocation of the Gods, and won us glories that can never be surpassed.
They who could not ascend the ship of sacrifice, sink down in desolation, trembling with alarm.
Sloka : 10.44.7
ए॒वैवापा॒गप॑रे सन्तु दू॒ढ्योऽश्वा॒ येषां॑ दु॒र्युज॑ आयुयु॒ज्रे ।
इ॒त्था ये प्रागुप॑रे॒ सन्ति॑ दा॒वने॑ पु॒रूणि॒ यत्र॑ व॒युना॑नि॒ भोज॑ना ॥ १०.०४४.०७
e̱vaivāpā̱gapa̍re santu dū̱ḍhyo'śvā̱ yeṣā̍ṃ du̱ryuja̍ āyuyu̱jre .
i̱tthā ye prāgupa̍re̱ santi̍ dā̱vane̍ pu̱rūṇi̱ yatra̍ va̱yunā̍ni̱ bhoja̍nā .. 10.044.07
7 So be the others, evil-hearted, far away, whose horses, difficult to harness, have been yoked.
Here in advance men stand anear to offer gifts, by whom full many a work that brings reward is done.
Sloka : 10.44.8
गि॒रीँरज्रा॒न्रेज॑मानाँ अधारय॒द्द्यौः क्र॑न्दद॒न्तरि॑क्षाणि कोपयत् ।
स॒मी॒ची॒ने धि॒षणे॒ वि ष्क॑भायति॒ वृष्णः॑ पी॒त्वा मद॑ उ॒क्थानि॑ शंसति ॥ १०.०४४.०८
gi̱rīm̐rajrā̱nreja̍mānām̐ adhāraya̱ddyauḥ kra̍ndada̱ntari̍kṣāṇi kopayat .
sa̱mī̱cī̱ne dhi̱ṣaṇe̱ vi ṣka̍bhāyati̱ vṛṣṇa̍ḥ pī̱tvā mada̍ u̱kthāni̍ śaṃsati .. 10.044.08
8 He firmly fixed the plains and mountains as they shook. Dyaus thundered forth and made the air's mid-region quake.
He stays apart the two confronting bowls; he sings lauds in the potent Soma's joy when he hath drunk.
Sloka : 10.44.9
इ॒मं बि॑भर्मि॒ सुकृ॑तं ते अङ्कु॒शं येना॑रु॒जासि॑ मघवञ्छफा॒रुजः॑ ।
अ॒स्मिन्सु ते॒ सव॑ने अस्त्वो॒क्यं॑ सु॒त इ॒ष्टौ म॑घवन्बो॒ध्याभ॑गः ॥ १०.०४४.०९
i̱maṃ bi̍bharmi̱ sukṛ̍taṃ te aṅku̱śaṃ yenā̍ru̱jāsi̍ maghavañchaphā̱ruja̍ḥ .
a̱sminsu te̱ sava̍ne astvo̱kya̍ṃ su̱ta i̱ṣṭau ma̍ghavanbo̱dhyābha̍gaḥ .. 10.044.09
9 I bear this deftly-fashioned goad of thine, wherewith thou, Maghavan, shalt break the strikers with the hoof.
At this libation mayst thou be well satisfied. Partake the juice, partake the worship, Maghavan.
Sloka : 10.44.10
गोभि॑ष्टरे॒माम॑तिं दु॒रेवां॒ यवे॑न॒ क्षुधं॑ पुरुहूत॒ विश्वा॑म् ।
व॒यं राज॑भिः प्रथ॒मा धना॑न्य॒स्माके॑न वृ॒जने॑ना जयेम ॥ १०.०४४.१०
gobhi̍ṣṭare̱māma̍tiṃ du̱revā̱ṃ yave̍na̱ kṣudha̍ṃ puruhūta̱ viśvā̍m .
va̱yaṃ rāja̍bhiḥ pratha̱mā dhanā̍nya̱smāke̍na vṛ̱jane̍nā jayema .. 10.044.10
10 O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes obtain possessions by our own exertion.
Sloka : 10.44.11
बृह॒स्पति॑र्नः॒ परि॑ पातु प॒श्चादु॒तोत्त॑रस्मा॒दध॑रादघा॒योः ।
इन्द्रः॑ पु॒रस्ता॑दु॒त म॑ध्य॒तो नः॒ सखा॒ सखि॑भ्यो॒ वरि॑वः कृणोतु ॥ १०.०४४.११
bṛha̱spati̍rna̱ḥ pari̍ pātu pa̱ścādu̱totta̍rasmā̱dadha̍rādaghā̱yoḥ .
indra̍ḥ pu̱rastā̍du̱ta ma̍dhya̱to na̱ḥ sakhā̱ sakhi̍bhyo̱ vari̍vaḥ kṛṇotu .. 10.044.11
11 Bṛhaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and from below, from sinners.
May Indra from the front and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.
Sloka : 10.45.1
दि॒वस्परि॑ प्रथ॒मं ज॑ज्ञे अ॒ग्निर॒स्मद्द्वि॒तीयं॒ परि॑ जा॒तवे॑दाः ।
तृ॒तीय॑म॒प्सु नृ॒मणा॒ अज॑स्र॒मिन्धा॑न एनं जरते स्वा॒धीः ॥ १०.०४५.०१
di̱vaspari̍ pratha̱maṃ ja̍jñe a̱gnira̱smaddvi̱tīya̱ṃ pari̍ jā̱tave̍dāḥ .
tṛ̱tīya̍ma̱psu nṛ̱maṇā̱ aja̍sra̱mindhā̍na enaṃ jarate svā̱dhīḥ .. 10.045.01
1. FIRST Agni sprang to life from out of Heaven:- the second time from us came Jātavedas.
Thirdly the Manly-souled was in the waters. The pious lauds and kindles him the Eternal.
Sloka : 10.45.2
वि॒द्मा ते॑ अग्ने त्रे॒धा त्र॒याणि॑ वि॒द्मा ते॒ धाम॒ विभृ॑ता पुरु॒त्रा ।
वि॒द्मा ते॒ नाम॑ पर॒मं गुहा॒ यद्वि॒द्मा तमुत्सं॒ यत॑ आज॒गन्थ॑ ॥ १०.०४५.०२
vi̱dmā te̍ agne tre̱dhā tra̱yāṇi̍ vi̱dmā te̱ dhāma̱ vibhṛ̍tā puru̱trā .
vi̱dmā te̱ nāma̍ para̱maṃ guhā̱ yadvi̱dmā tamutsa̱ṃ yata̍ āja̱gantha̍ .. 10.045.02
2 Agni, we know thy three powers in three stations, we know thy forms in many a place divided.
We know what name supreme thou hast in secret:- we know the source from which thou hast proceeded.
Sloka : 10.45.3
स॒मु॒द्रे त्वा॑ नृ॒मणा॑ अ॒प्स्व१॒॑न्तर्नृ॒चक्षा॑ ईधे दि॒वो अ॑ग्न॒ ऊध॑न् ।
तृ॒तीये॑ त्वा॒ रज॑सि तस्थि॒वांस॑म॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ महि॒षा अ॑वर्धन् ॥ १०.०४५.०३
sa̱mu̱dre tvā̍ nṛ̱maṇā̍ a̱psva1̱̍ntarnṛ̱cakṣā̍ īdhe di̱vo a̍gna̱ ūdha̍n .
tṛ̱tīye̍ tvā̱ raja̍si tasthi̱vāṃsa̍ma̱pāmu̱pasthe̍ mahi̱ṣā a̍vardhan .. 10.045.03
3 The Manly-souled lit thee in sea and waters, man's Viewer lit thee in the breast of heaven,
There as thou stoodest in the third high region the Steers increased thee in the water's bosom.
Sloka : 10.45.4
अक्र॑न्दद॒ग्निः स्त॒नय॑न्निव॒ द्यौः क्षामा॒ रेरि॑हद्वी॒रुधः॑ सम॒ञ्जन् ।
स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो वि हीमि॒द्धो अख्य॒दा रोद॑सी भा॒नुना॑ भात्य॒न्तः ॥ १०.०४५.०४
akra̍ndada̱gniḥ sta̱naya̍nniva̱ dyauḥ kṣāmā̱ reri̍hadvī̱rudha̍ḥ sama̱ñjan .
sa̱dyo ja̍jñā̱no vi hīmi̱ddho akhya̱dā roda̍sī bhā̱nunā̍ bhātya̱ntaḥ .. 10.045.04
4 Agni roared out, like Dyaus what time he thunders:- he licked the ground about the plants he flickered.
At once, when born, he looked around enkindled, and lightened heaven and earth within with splendour.
Sloka : 10.45.5
श्री॒णामु॑दा॒रो ध॒रुणो॑ रयी॒णां म॑नी॒षाणां॒ प्रार्प॑णः॒ सोम॑गोपाः ।
वसुः॑ सू॒नुः सह॑सो अ॒प्सु राजा॒ वि भा॒त्यग्र॑ उ॒षसा॑मिधा॒नः ॥ १०.०४५.०५
śrī̱ṇāmu̍dā̱ro dha̱ruṇo̍ rayī̱ṇāṃ ma̍nī̱ṣāṇā̱ṃ prārpa̍ṇa̱ḥ soma̍gopāḥ .
vasu̍ḥ sū̱nuḥ saha̍so a̱psu rājā̱ vi bhā̱tyagra̍ u̱ṣasā̍midhā̱naḥ .. 10.045.05
5 The spring of glories and support of riches, rouser of thoughts and guardian of the Soma,
Good Son of Strength, a King amid the waters, in forefront of the Dawns he shines enkindled.
Sloka : 10.45.6
विश्व॑स्य के॒तुर्भुव॑नस्य॒ गर्भ॒ आ रोद॑सी अपृणा॒ज्जाय॑मानः ।
वी॒ळुं चि॒दद्रि॑मभिनत्परा॒यञ्जना॒ यद॒ग्निमय॑जन्त॒ पञ्च॑ ॥ १०.०४५.०६
viśva̍sya ke̱turbhuva̍nasya̱ garbha̱ ā roda̍sī apṛṇā̱jjāya̍mānaḥ .
vī̱l̤uṃ ci̱dadri̍mabhinatparā̱yañjanā̱ yada̱gnimaya̍janta̱ pañca̍ .. 10.045.06
6 Germ of the world, ensign of all creation, be sprang to life and filled the earth and heavens.
Even the firm rock he cleft when passing over, when the Five Tribes brought sacrifice to Agni.
Sloka : 10.45.7
उ॒शिक्पा॑व॒को अ॑र॒तिः सु॑मे॒धा मर्ते॑ष्व॒ग्निर॒मृतो॒ नि धा॑यि ।
इय॑र्ति धू॒मम॑रु॒षं भरि॑भ्र॒दुच्छु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॒ द्यामिन॑क्षन् ॥ १०.०४५.०७
u̱śikpā̍va̱ko a̍ra̱tiḥ su̍me̱dhā marte̍ṣva̱gnira̱mṛto̱ ni dhā̍yi .
iya̍rti dhū̱mama̍ru̱ṣaṃ bhari̍bhra̱ducchu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̱ dyāmina̍kṣan .. 10.045.07
7 So among mortals was Immortal Agni stablished as holy wise and willing envoy.
He waves the red smoke that he lifts above him, striving to reach the heavens with radiant lustre.
Sloka : 10.45.8
दृ॒शा॒नो रु॒क्म उ॑र्वि॒या व्य॑द्यौद्दु॒र्मर्ष॒मायुः॑ श्रि॒ये रु॑चा॒नः ।
अ॒ग्निर॒मृतो॑ अभव॒द्वयो॑भि॒र्यदे॑नं॒ द्यौर्ज॒नय॑त्सु॒रेताः॑ ॥ १०.०४५.०८
dṛ̱śā̱no ru̱kma u̍rvi̱yā vya̍dyauddu̱rmarṣa̱māyu̍ḥ śri̱ye ru̍cā̱naḥ .
a̱gnira̱mṛto̍ abhava̱dvayo̍bhi̱ryade̍na̱ṃ dyaurja̱naya̍tsu̱retā̍ḥ .. 10.045.08
8 Like gold to look on, far he shone refulgent, beaming imperishable life for glory,
Agni by vital powers became immortal when his prolific Father Dyaus begat him.
Sloka : 10.45.9
यस्ते॑ अ॒द्य कृ॒णव॑द्भद्रशोचेऽपू॒पं दे॑व घृ॒तव॑न्तमग्ने ।
प्र तं न॑य प्रत॒रं वस्यो॒ अच्छा॒भि सु॒म्नं दे॒वभ॑क्तं यविष्ठ ॥ १०.०४५.०९
yaste̍ a̱dya kṛ̱ṇava̍dbhadraśoce'pū̱paṃ de̍va ghṛ̱tava̍ntamagne .
pra taṃ na̍ya prata̱raṃ vasyo̱ acchā̱bhi su̱mnaṃ de̱vabha̍ktaṃ yaviṣṭha .. 10.045.09
9 Whoso this day, O God whose flames are lovely, prepares a cake, O Agni, mixt with butter,
Lead thou and further him to higher fortune, to bliss bestowed by Gods, O thou Most Youthful.
Sloka : 10.45.10
आ तं भ॑ज सौश्रव॒सेष्व॑ग्न उ॒क्थौ॑क्थ॒ आ भ॑ज श॒स्यमा॑ने ।
प्रि॒यः सूर्ये॑ प्रि॒यो अ॒ग्ना भ॑वा॒त्युज्जा॒तेन॑ भि॒नद॒दुज्जनि॑त्वैः ॥ १०.०४५.१०
ā taṃ bha̍ja sauśrava̱seṣva̍gna u̱kthau̍ktha̱ ā bha̍ja śa̱syamā̍ne .
pri̱yaḥ sūrye̍ pri̱yo a̱gnā bha̍vā̱tyujjā̱tena̍ bhi̱nada̱dujjani̍tvaiḥ .. 10.045.10
10 Endow him, Agni, with a share of glory, at every song of praise sung forth enrich him.
Dear let him be to Sūrya, dear to Agni, preeminent with son and children's children.
Sloka : 10.45.11
त्वाम॑ग्ने॒ यज॑माना॒ अनु॒ द्यून्विश्वा॒ वसु॑ दधिरे॒ वार्या॑णि ।
त्वया॑ स॒ह द्रवि॑णमि॒च्छमा॑ना व्र॒जं गोम॑न्तमु॒शिजो॒ वि व॑व्रुः ॥ १०.०४५.११
tvāma̍gne̱ yaja̍mānā̱ anu̱ dyūnviśvā̱ vasu̍ dadhire̱ vāryā̍ṇi .
tvayā̍ sa̱ha dravi̍ṇami̱cchamā̍nā vra̱jaṃ goma̍ntamu̱śijo̱ vi va̍vruḥ .. 10.045.11
11 While, Agni, day by day men pay thee worship they win themselves all treasures worth the wishing.
Allied with thee, eager and craving riches, they have disclosed the stable filled with cattle.
Sloka : 10.45.12
अस्ता॑व्य॒ग्निर्न॒रां सु॒शेवो॑ वैश्वान॒र ऋषि॑भिः॒ सोम॑गोपाः ।
अ॒द्वे॒षे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी हु॑वेम॒ देवा॑ ध॒त्त र॒यिम॒स्मे सु॒वीर॑म् ॥ १०.०४५.१२
astā̍vya̱gnirna̱rāṃ su̱śevo̍ vaiśvāna̱ra ṛṣi̍bhi̱ḥ soma̍gopāḥ .
a̱dve̱ṣe dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī hu̍vema̱ devā̍ dha̱tta ra̱yima̱sme su̱vīra̍m .. 10.045.12
12 Agni, the Friend of men, the Soma's keeper, Vaiśvānara, hath been lauded by the Ṛṣis.
We will invoke benignant Earth and Heaven:- ye Deities, give us wealth with hero children.
Sloka : 10.46.1
प्र होता॑ जा॒तो म॒हान्न॑भो॒विन्नृ॒षद्वा॑ सीदद॒पामु॒पस्थे॑ ।
दधि॒र्यो धायि॒ स ते॒ वयां॑सि य॒न्ता वसू॑नि विध॒ते त॑नू॒पाः ॥ १०.०४६.०१
pra hotā̍ jā̱to ma̱hānna̍bho̱vinnṛ̱ṣadvā̍ sīdada̱pāmu̱pasthe̍ .
dadhi̱ryo dhāyi̱ sa te̱ vayā̍ṃsi ya̱ntā vasū̍ni vidha̱te ta̍nū̱pāḥ .. 10.046.01
1. STABLISHED for thee, to lend thee vital forces, Giver of wealth, Guard of his servant's body.
The Great Priest, born, who knows the clouds, Abider with men, is seated in the lap of waters.
Sloka : 10.46.2
इ॒मं वि॒धन्तो॑ अ॒पां स॒धस्थे॑ प॒शुं न न॒ष्टं प॒दैरनु॑ ग्मन् ।
गुहा॒ चत॑न्तमु॒शिजो॒ नमो॑भिरि॒च्छन्तो॒ धीरा॒ भृग॑वोऽविन्दन् ॥ १०.०४६.०२
i̱maṃ vi̱dhanto̍ a̱pāṃ sa̱dhasthe̍ pa̱śuṃ na na̱ṣṭaṃ pa̱dairanu̍ gman .
guhā̱ cata̍ntamu̱śijo̱ namo̍bhiri̱cchanto̱ dhīrā̱ bhṛga̍vo'vindan .. 10.046.02
2 Worshipping, seeking him with adoration like some lost creature followed by its footprints,
Wise Bhṛgus, yearning in their hearts, pursued him, and found him lurking where the floods are gathered.
Sloka : 10.46.3
इ॒मं त्रि॒तो भूर्य॑विन्ददि॒च्छन्वै॑भूव॒सो मू॒र्धन्यघ्न्या॑याः ।
स शेवृ॑धो जा॒त आ ह॒र्म्येषु॒ नाभि॒र्युवा॑ भवति रोच॒नस्य॑ ॥ १०.०४६.०३
i̱maṃ tri̱to bhūrya̍vindadi̱cchanvai̍bhūva̱so mū̱rdhanyaghnyā̍yāḥ .
sa śevṛ̍dho jā̱ta ā ha̱rmyeṣu̱ nābhi̱ryuvā̍ bhavati roca̱nasya̍ .. 10.046.03
3 On the Cow's forehead, with laborious searching, Trita, the offspring of Vibhiavas, found him.
Born in our houses, Youthful, joy-bestower, he now becomes the central point of brightness.
Sloka : 10.46.4
म॒न्द्रं होता॑रमु॒शिजो॒ नमो॑भिः॒ प्राञ्चं॑ य॒ज्ञं ने॒तार॑मध्व॒राणा॑म् ।
वि॒शाम॑कृण्वन्नर॒तिं पा॑व॒कं ह॑व्य॒वाहं॒ दध॑तो॒ मानु॑षेषु ॥ १०.०४६.०४
ma̱ndraṃ hotā̍ramu̱śijo̱ namo̍bhi̱ḥ prāñca̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ ne̱tāra̍madhva̱rāṇā̍m .
vi̱śāma̍kṛṇvannara̱tiṃ pā̍va̱kaṃ ha̍vya̱vāha̱ṃ dadha̍to̱ mānu̍ṣeṣu .. 10.046.04
4 Yearning, with homage, they have set and made him blithe Priest among mankind, oblation-bearer,
Leader of rites and Purifier, envoy of men, as sacrifice that still advances.
Sloka : 10.46.5
प्र भू॒र्जय॑न्तं म॒हां वि॑पो॒धां मू॒रा अमू॑रं पु॒रां द॒र्माण॑म् ।
नय॑न्तो॒ गर्भं॑ व॒नां धियं॑ धु॒र्हिरि॑श्मश्रुं॒ नार्वा॑णं॒ धन॑र्चम् ॥ १०.०४६.०५
pra bhū̱rjaya̍ntaṃ ma̱hāṃ vi̍po̱dhāṃ mū̱rā amū̍raṃ pu̱rāṃ da̱rmāṇa̍m .
naya̍nto̱ garbha̍ṃ va̱nāṃ dhiya̍ṃ dhu̱rhiri̍śmaśru̱ṃ nārvā̍ṇa̱ṃ dhana̍rcam .. 10.046.05
5 The foolish brought the neer-bewildered forward, great, Victor, Song-inspirer, Fort-destroyer.
Leading the Youth gold-bearded, like a courser gleaming with wealth, they turned their hymn to profit.
Sloka : 10.46.6
नि प॒स्त्या॑सु त्रि॒तः स्त॑भू॒यन्परि॑वीतो॒ योनौ॑ सीदद॒न्तः ।
अतः॑ सं॒गृभ्या॑ वि॒शां दमू॑ना॒ विध॑र्मणाय॒न्त्रैरी॑यते॒ नॄन् ॥ १०.०४६.०६
ni pa̱styā̍su tri̱taḥ sta̍bhū̱yanpari̍vīto̱ yonau̍ sīdada̱ntaḥ .
ata̍ḥ sa̱ṃgṛbhyā̍ vi̱śāṃ damū̍nā̱ vidha̍rmaṇāya̱ntrairī̍yate̱ nṝn .. 10.046.06
6 Holding his station firmly in the houses, Trita sat down within his home surrounded
Thence, as Law bids, departs the Tribes' Companion having collected men with no compulsion.
Sloka : 10.46.7
अ॒स्याजरा॑सो द॒माम॒रित्रा॑ अ॒र्चद्धू॑मासो अ॒ग्नयः॑ पाव॒काः ।
श्वि॒ती॒चयः॑ श्वा॒त्रासो॑ भुर॒ण्यवो॑ वन॒र्षदो॑ वा॒यवो॒ न सोमाः॑ ॥ १०.०४६.०७
a̱syājarā̍so da̱māma̱ritrā̍ a̱rcaddhū̍māso a̱gnaya̍ḥ pāva̱kāḥ .
śvi̱tī̱caya̍ḥ śvā̱trāso̍ bhura̱ṇyavo̍ vana̱rṣado̍ vā̱yavo̱ na somā̍ḥ .. 10.046.07
7 His are the fires, eternal, purifying, that make the houses move, whose smoke is shining,
White, waxing in their strength, for ever stirring, and sitting in the wood; like winds are Somas.
Sloka : 10.46.8
प्र जि॒ह्वया॑ भरते॒ वेपो॑ अ॒ग्निः प्र व॒युना॑नि॒ चेत॑सा पृथि॒व्याः ।
तमा॒यवः॑ शु॒चय॑न्तं पाव॒कं म॒न्द्रं होता॑रं दधिरे॒ यजि॑ष्ठम् ॥ १०.०४६.०८
pra ji̱hvayā̍ bharate̱ vepo̍ a̱gniḥ pra va̱yunā̍ni̱ ceta̍sā pṛthi̱vyāḥ .
tamā̱yava̍ḥ śu̱caya̍ntaṃ pāva̱kaṃ ma̱ndraṃ hotā̍raṃ dadhire̱ yaji̍ṣṭham .. 10.046.08
8 The tongue of Agni bears away the praisesong, and, through his care for Earth, her operations.
Him, bright and radiant, living men have stablished as their blithe Priest, the Chief of Sacrificers.
Sloka : 10.46.9
द्यावा॒ यम॒ग्निं पृ॑थि॒वी जनि॑ष्टा॒माप॒स्त्वष्टा॒ भृग॑वो॒ यं सहो॑भिः ।
ई॒ळेन्यं॑ प्रथ॒मं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑ दे॒वास्त॑तक्षु॒र्मन॑वे॒ यज॑त्रम् ॥ १०.०४६.०९
dyāvā̱ yama̱gniṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī jani̍ṣṭā̱māpa̱stvaṣṭā̱ bhṛga̍vo̱ yaṃ saho̍bhiḥ .
ī̱l̤enya̍ṃ pratha̱maṃ mā̍ta̱riśvā̍ de̱vāsta̍takṣu̱rmana̍ve̱ yaja̍tram .. 10.046.09
9 That Agni, him whom Heaven and Earth engendered, the Waters. Tvaṣṭar, and with might, the Bhṛgus,
Him Mātariśvan and the Gods have fashioned holy for man and first to be entreated.
Sloka : 10.46.10
यं त्वा॑ दे॒वा द॑धि॒रे ह॑व्य॒वाहं॑ पुरु॒स्पृहो॒ मानु॑षासो॒ यज॑त्रम् ।
स याम॑न्नग्ने स्तुव॒ते वयो॑ धाः॒ प्र दे॑व॒यन्य॒शसः॒ सं हि पू॒र्वीः ॥ १०.०४६.१०
yaṃ tvā̍ de̱vā da̍dhi̱re ha̍vya̱vāha̍ṃ puru̱spṛho̱ mānu̍ṣāso̱ yaja̍tram .
sa yāma̍nnagne stuva̱te vayo̍ dhā̱ḥ pra de̍va̱yanya̱śasa̱ḥ saṃ hi pū̱rvīḥ .. 10.046.10
10 Agni, whom Gods have made oblationbearer, and much-desiring men regard as holy,
Give life to him who lauds thee when he worships, and then shall glorious men in troops adore thee.
Sloka : 10.47.1
ज॒गृ॒भ्मा ते॒ दक्षि॑णमिन्द्र॒ हस्तं॑ वसू॒यवो॑ वसुपते॒ वसू॑नाम् ।
वि॒द्मा हि त्वा॒ गोप॑तिं शूर॒ गोना॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०१
ja̱gṛ̱bhmā te̱ dakṣi̍ṇamindra̱ hasta̍ṃ vasū̱yavo̍ vasupate̱ vasū̍nām .
vi̱dmā hi tvā̱ gopa̍tiṃ śūra̱ gonā̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.01
1. THY right hand have we grasped in ours, O Indra, longing for treasure, Treasure-Lord of treasures!
Because we know thee, Hero, Lord of cattle:- vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.2
स्वा॒यु॒धं स्वव॑सं सुनी॒थं चतुः॑समुद्रं ध॒रुणं॑ रयी॒णाम् ।
च॒र्कृत्यं॒ शंस्यं॒ भूरि॑वारम॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०२
svā̱yu̱dhaṃ svava̍saṃ sunī̱thaṃ catu̍ḥsamudraṃ dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ rayī̱ṇām .
ca̱rkṛtya̱ṃ śaṃsya̱ṃ bhūri̍vārama̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.02
2 Wealth, fully armed, good guard and kind protector, sprung from four seas, the prop and stay of treasures,
Fraught with great bounties, meet for praise and glory; vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.3
सु॒ब्रह्मा॑णं दे॒वव॑न्तं बृ॒हन्त॑मु॒रुं ग॑भी॒रं पृ॒थुबु॑ध्नमिन्द्र ।
श्रु॒तऋ॑षिमु॒ग्रम॑भिमाति॒षाह॑म॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०३
su̱brahmā̍ṇaṃ de̱vava̍ntaṃ bṛ̱hanta̍mu̱ruṃ ga̍bhī̱raṃ pṛ̱thubu̍dhnamindra .
śru̱taṛ̍ṣimu̱grama̍bhimāti̱ṣāha̍ma̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.03
3 Wealth, with good Brahmans, Indra! God-attended, high, wide, and deep, arid based on broad foundations,
Strong, with famed Ṛṣis, conquering our foemen:- vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.4
स॒नद्वा॑जं॒ विप्र॑वीरं॒ तरु॑त्रं धन॒स्पृतं॑ शूशु॒वांसं॑ सु॒दक्ष॑म् ।
द॒स्यु॒हनं॑ पू॒र्भिद॑मिन्द्र स॒त्यम॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०४
sa̱nadvā̍ja̱ṃ vipra̍vīra̱ṃ taru̍traṃ dhana̱spṛta̍ṃ śūśu̱vāṃsa̍ṃ su̱dakṣa̍m .
da̱syu̱hana̍ṃ pū̱rbhida̍mindra sa̱tyama̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.04
4 Victorious, winning strength, with hero sages, confirmed in power, most useful, wealth-attracting,
True, Indra! crushing forts and slaying Dasyus:- vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.5
अश्वा॑वन्तं र॒थिनं॑ वी॒रव॑न्तं सह॒स्रिणं॑ श॒तिनं॒ वाज॑मिन्द्र ।
भ॒द्रव्रा॑तं॒ विप्र॑वीरं स्व॒र्षाम॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०५
aśvā̍vantaṃ ra̱thina̍ṃ vī̱rava̍ntaṃ saha̱sriṇa̍ṃ śa̱tina̱ṃ vāja̍mindra .
bha̱dravrā̍ta̱ṃ vipra̍vīraṃ sva̱rṣāma̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.05
5 Wealthy in heroes and in cars and horses, strength hundredfold and thousandfold, O Indra,
With manly sages, happy troops, Iight-winning:- vouchsafe us mighty and resplentdent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.6
प्र स॒प्तगु॑मृ॒तधी॑तिं सुमे॒धां बृह॒स्पतिं॑ म॒तिरच्छा॑ जिगाति ।
य आ॑ङ्गिर॒सो नम॑सोप॒सद्यो॒ऽस्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०६
pra sa̱ptagu̍mṛ̱tadhī̍tiṃ sume̱dhāṃ bṛha̱spati̍ṃ ma̱tiracchā̍ jigāti .
ya ā̍ṅgira̱so nama̍sopa̱sadyo̱'smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.06
6 To Saptagu the sage, the holy-minded, to him, Bṛhaspati, the song approaches,
Aṅgiras' Son who must be met with homage:- vouchsafe us mighty and reslendent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.7
वनी॑वानो॒ मम॑ दू॒तास॒ इन्द्रं॒ स्तोमा॑श्चरन्ति सुम॒तीरि॑या॒नाः ।
हृ॒दि॒स्पृशो॒ मन॑सा व॒च्यमा॑ना अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०७
vanī̍vāno̱ mama̍ dū̱tāsa̱ indra̱ṃ stomā̍ścaranti suma̱tīri̍yā̱nāḥ .
hṛ̱di̱spṛśo̱ mana̍sā va̱cyamā̍nā a̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.07
7 My lauds, like envoys, craving loving-kindness, go forth to Indra with their strong entreaty,
Moving his heart and uttered by my spirit:- vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches.
Sloka : 10.47.8
यत्त्वा॒ यामि॑ द॒द्धि तन्न॑ इन्द्र बृ॒हन्तं॒ क्षय॒मस॑मं॒ जना॑नाम् ।
अ॒भि तद्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी गृ॑णीताम॒स्मभ्यं॑ चि॒त्रं वृष॑णं र॒यिं दाः॑ ॥ १०.०४७.०८
yattvā̱ yāmi̍ da̱ddhi tanna̍ indra bṛ̱hanta̱ṃ kṣaya̱masa̍ma̱ṃ janā̍nām .
a̱bhi taddyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī gṛ̍ṇītāma̱smabhya̍ṃ ci̱traṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ ra̱yiṃ dā̍ḥ .. 10.047.08
8 Grant us the boon for which I pray, O Indra, a spacious home unmatched among the people.
To this may Heaven and Earth accord approval:- vouchsafe us mighty and resplendent riches.
Sloka : 10.48.1
अ॒हं भु॑वं॒ वसु॑नः पू॒र्व्यस्पति॑र॒हं धना॑नि॒ सं ज॑यामि॒ शश्व॑तः ।
मां ह॑वन्ते पि॒तरं॒ न ज॒न्तवो॒ऽहं दा॒शुषे॒ वि भ॑जामि॒ भोज॑नम् ॥ १०.०४८.०१
a̱haṃ bhu̍va̱ṃ vasu̍naḥ pū̱rvyaspati̍ra̱haṃ dhanā̍ni̱ saṃ ja̍yāmi̱ śaśva̍taḥ .
māṃ ha̍vante pi̱tara̱ṃ na ja̱ntavo̱'haṃ dā̱śuṣe̱ vi bha̍jāmi̱ bhoja̍nam .. 10.048.01
1. I WAS the first possessor of all precious gear:- the wealth of every man I win and gather up.
On me as on a Father living creatures call; I deal enjoyment to tho. man who offers gifts.
Sloka : 10.48.2
अ॒हमिन्द्रो॒ रोधो॒ वक्षो॒ अथ॑र्वणस्त्रि॒ताय॒ गा अ॑जनय॒महे॒रधि॑ ।
अ॒हं दस्यु॑भ्यः॒ परि॑ नृ॒म्णमा द॑दे गो॒त्रा शिक्ष॑न्दधी॒चे मा॑त॒रिश्व॑ने ॥ १०.०४८.०२
a̱hamindro̱ rodho̱ vakṣo̱ atha̍rvaṇastri̱tāya̱ gā a̍janaya̱mahe̱radhi̍ .
a̱haṃ dasyu̍bhya̱ḥ pari̍ nṛ̱mṇamā da̍de go̱trā śikṣa̍ndadhī̱ce mā̍ta̱riśva̍ne .. 10.048.02
2 I, Indra, am Atharvan's stay and firm support:- I brought forth kine to Trita from the Dragon's grasp.
I stripped the Dasyus of their manly might, and gave the cattle-stalls to Matarigvan and Dadhyac.
Sloka : 10.48.3
मह्यं॒ त्वष्टा॒ वज्र॑मतक्षदाय॒सं मयि॑ दे॒वासो॑ऽवृज॒न्नपि॒ क्रतु॑म् ।
ममानी॑कं॒ सूर्य॑स्येव दु॒ष्टरं॒ मामार्य॑न्ति कृ॒तेन॒ कर्त्वे॑न च ॥ १०.०४८.०३
mahya̱ṃ tvaṣṭā̱ vajra̍matakṣadāya̱saṃ mayi̍ de̱vāso̎vṛja̱nnapi̱ kratu̍m .
mamānī̍ka̱ṃ sūrya̍syeva du̱ṣṭara̱ṃ māmārya̍nti kṛ̱tena̱ kartve̍na ca .. 10.048.03
3 For me hath Tvaṣṭar forged the iron thunderbolt:- in me the Gods have centred intellectual power.
My sheen is like the Sun's insufferably bright:- men honour me as Lord for past and future deeds.
Sloka : 10.48.4
अ॒हमे॒तं ग॒व्यय॒मश्व्यं॑ प॒शुं पु॑री॒षिणं॒ साय॑केना हिर॒ण्यय॑म् ।
पु॒रू स॒हस्रा॒ नि शि॑शामि दा॒शुषे॒ यन्मा॒ सोमा॑स उ॒क्थिनो॒ अम॑न्दिषुः ॥ १०.०४८.०४
a̱hame̱taṃ ga̱vyaya̱maśvya̍ṃ pa̱śuṃ pu̍rī̱ṣiṇa̱ṃ sāya̍kenā hira̱ṇyaya̍m .
pu̱rū sa̱hasrā̱ ni śi̍śāmi dā̱śuṣe̱ yanmā̱ somā̍sa u̱kthino̱ ama̍ndiṣuḥ .. 10.048.04
4 I won myself these herdi of cattle, steeds and kine, and gold in ample store, with my destructive bolt.
I give full many a thousand to the worshipper, what time the Somas and the lauds have made me glad.
Sloka : 10.48.5
अ॒हमिन्द्रो॒ न परा॑ जिग्य॒ इद्धनं॒ न मृ॒त्यवेऽव॑ तस्थे॒ कदा॑ च॒न ।
सोम॒मिन्मा॑ सु॒न्वन्तो॑ याचता॒ वसु॒ न मे॑ पूरवः स॒ख्ये रि॑षाथन ॥ १०.०४८.०५
a̱hamindro̱ na parā̍ jigya̱ iddhana̱ṃ na mṛ̱tyave'va̍ tasthe̱ kadā̍ ca̱na .
soma̱minmā̍ su̱nvanto̍ yācatā̱ vasu̱ na me̍ pūravaḥ sa̱khye ri̍ṣāthana .. 10.048.05
5 Indra am I none ever wins my wealth from me never at any time am I a thrall to death.
Pressing the Soma, ask riches from me alone:- ye, Pūrus, in my friendship shall not suffer harm.
Sloka : 10.48.6
अ॒हमे॒ताञ्छाश्व॑सतो॒ द्वाद्वेन्द्रं॒ ये वज्रं॑ यु॒धयेऽकृ॑ण्वत ।
आ॒ह्वय॑माना॒ँ अव॒ हन्म॑नाहनं दृ॒ळ्हा वद॒न्नन॑मस्युर्नम॒स्विनः॑ ॥ १०.०४८.०६
a̱hame̱tāñchāśva̍sato̱ dvādvendra̱ṃ ye vajra̍ṃ yu̱dhaye'kṛ̍ṇvata .
ā̱hvaya̍mānā̱m̐ ava̱ hanma̍nāhanaṃ dṛ̱l̤hā vada̱nnana̍masyurnama̱svina̍ḥ .. 10.048.06
6 These, breathing loud in fury, two and two, who caused Indra to bring his bolt of thunder to the fray,
The challengers, I struck with deadly weapon down:- firm stand what words the God speaks to his worshippers.
This One by stronger might I conquered singly; yea, also two:- shall three prevail against me?
Like many sheaves upon the floor I thrash them. How can my foes, the Indraless, revile me?
Sloka : 10.48.7
अ॒भी॒३॒॑दमेक॒मेको॑ अस्मि नि॒ष्षाळ॒भी द्वा किमु॒ त्रयः॑ करन्ति ।
खले॒ न प॒र्षान्प्रति॑ हन्मि॒ भूरि॒ किं मा॑ निन्दन्ति॒ शत्र॑वोऽनि॒न्द्राः ॥ १०.०४८.०७
a̱bhī̱3̱̍dameka̱meko̍ asmi ni̱ṣṣāl̤a̱bhī dvā kimu̱ traya̍ḥ karanti .
khale̱ na pa̱rṣānprati̍ hanmi̱ bhūri̱ kiṃ mā̍ nindanti̱ śatra̍vo'ni̱ndrāḥ .. 10.048.07
Sloka : 10.48.8
अ॒हं गु॒ङ्गुभ्यो॑ अतिथि॒ग्वमिष्क॑र॒मिषं॒ न वृ॑त्र॒तुरं॑ वि॒क्षु धा॑रयम् ।
यत्प॑र्णय॒घ्न उ॒त वा॑ करञ्ज॒हे प्राहं म॒हे वृ॑त्र॒हत्ये॒ अशु॑श्रवि ॥ १०.०४८.०८
a̱haṃ gu̱ṅgubhyo̍ atithi̱gvamiṣka̍ra̱miṣa̱ṃ na vṛ̍tra̱tura̍ṃ vi̱kṣu dhā̍rayam .
yatpa̍rṇaya̱ghna u̱ta vā̍ karañja̱he prāhaṃ ma̱he vṛ̍tra̱hatye̱ aśu̍śravi .. 10.048.08
8 Against the Gungus I made Atithigva strong, and kept him mid the folk like Vṛtra-conquering strength,
When I won glory in the great foe-slaying fight, in battle where Karanja fell, and Parṇaya.
Sloka : 10.48.9
प्र मे॒ नमी॑ सा॒प्य इ॒षे भु॒जे भू॒द्गवा॒मेषे॑ स॒ख्या कृ॑णुत द्वि॒ता ।
दि॒द्युं यद॑स्य समि॒थेषु॑ मं॒हय॒मादिदे॑नं॒ शंस्य॑मु॒क्थ्यं॑ करम् ॥ १०.०४८.०९
pra me̱ namī̍ sā̱pya i̱ṣe bhu̱je bhū̱dgavā̱meṣe̍ sa̱khyā kṛ̍ṇuta dvi̱tā .
di̱dyuṃ yada̍sya sami̱theṣu̍ ma̱ṃhaya̱mādide̍na̱ṃ śaṃsya̍mu̱kthya̍ṃ karam .. 10.048.09
9 With food for mine enjoyment Sapya Nami came:- he joined me as a friend of old in search of kine.
As I bestowed on him an arrow for the fight I made him worthy of the song apd hymn of praise.
Sloka : 10.48.10
प्र नेम॑स्मिन्ददृशे॒ सोमो॑ अ॒न्तर्गो॒पा नेम॑मा॒विर॒स्था कृ॑णोति ।
स ति॒ग्मशृ॑ङ्गं वृष॒भं युयु॑त्सन्द्रु॒हस्त॑स्थौ बहु॒ले ब॒द्धो अ॒न्तः ॥ १०.०४८.१०
pra nema̍smindadṛśe̱ somo̍ a̱ntargo̱pā nema̍mā̱vira̱sthā kṛ̍ṇoti .
sa ti̱gmaśṛ̍ṅgaṃ vṛṣa̱bhaṃ yuyu̍tsandru̱hasta̍sthau bahu̱le ba̱ddho a̱ntaḥ .. 10.048.10
10 One of the two hath Soma, seen within it; the Herdsman with the bone shows forth the other.
He, fain to fight the Bull whose horns were sharpened, stood fettered in the demon's ample region.
Sloka : 10.48.11
आ॒दि॒त्यानां॒ वसू॑नां रु॒द्रिया॑णां दे॒वो दे॒वानां॒ न मि॑नामि॒ धाम॑ ।
ते मा॑ भ॒द्राय॒ शव॑से ततक्षु॒रप॑राजित॒मस्तृ॑त॒मषा॑ळ्हम् ॥ १०.०४८.११
ā̱di̱tyānā̱ṃ vasū̍nāṃ ru̱driyā̍ṇāṃ de̱vo de̱vānā̱ṃ na mi̍nāmi̱ dhāma̍ .
te mā̍ bha̱drāya̱ śava̍se tatakṣu̱rapa̍rājita̱mastṛ̍ta̱maṣā̍l̤ham .. 10.048.11
11 I, as a God, neer violate the statutes of Gods, of Vasus, Rudriyas, Ādityas.
These Gods have formed me for auspicious vigour, unconquered and invincible for ever.
Sloka : 10.49.1
अ॒हं दां॑ गृण॒ते पूर्व्यं॒ वस्व॒हं ब्रह्म॑ कृणवं॒ मह्यं॒ वर्ध॑नम् ।
अ॒हं भु॑वं॒ यज॑मानस्य चोदि॒ताय॑ज्वनः साक्षि॒ विश्व॑स्मि॒न्भरे॑ ॥ १०.०४९.०१
a̱haṃ dā̍ṃ gṛṇa̱te pūrvya̱ṃ vasva̱haṃ brahma̍ kṛṇava̱ṃ mahya̱ṃ vardha̍nam .
a̱haṃ bhu̍va̱ṃ yaja̍mānasya codi̱tāya̍jvanaḥ sākṣi̱ viśva̍smi̱nbhare̍ .. 10.049.01
1. I HAVE enriched the singer with surpassing wealth; I have allowed the holy hymn to strengthen me.
I, furtherer of him who offers sacrifice, have conquered in each fight the men who worship not.
Sloka : 10.49.2
मां धु॒रिन्द्रं॒ नाम॑ दे॒वता॑ दि॒वश्च॒ ग्मश्चा॒पां च॑ ज॒न्तवः॑ ।
अ॒हं हरी॒ वृष॑णा॒ विव्र॑ता र॒घू अ॒हं वज्रं॒ शव॑से धृ॒ष्ण्वा द॑दे ॥ १०.०४९.०२
māṃ dhu̱rindra̱ṃ nāma̍ de̱vatā̍ di̱vaśca̱ gmaścā̱pāṃ ca̍ ja̱ntava̍ḥ .
a̱haṃ harī̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ vivra̍tā ra̱ghū a̱haṃ vajra̱ṃ śava̍se dhṛ̱ṣṇvā da̍de .. 10.049.02
2 The People of the heavens, the waters, and the earth have stablished me among the Gods with Indra's name.
I took unto myself the two swift vigorous Bays that speed on divers paths, and the fierce bolt for strength.
Sloka : 10.49.3
अ॒हमत्कं॑ क॒वये॑ शिश्नथं॒ हथै॑र॒हं कुत्स॑मावमा॒भिरू॒तिभिः॑ ।
अ॒हं शुष्ण॑स्य॒ श्नथि॑ता॒ वध॑र्यमं॒ न यो र॒र आर्यं॒ नाम॒ दस्य॑वे ॥ १०.०४९.०३
a̱hamatka̍ṃ ka̱vaye̍ śiśnatha̱ṃ hathai̍ra̱haṃ kutsa̍māvamā̱bhirū̱tibhi̍ḥ .
a̱haṃ śuṣṇa̍sya̱ śnathi̍tā̱ vadha̍ryama̱ṃ na yo ra̱ra ārya̱ṃ nāma̱ dasya̍ve .. 10.049.03
3 With deadly blows I smote Atka for Kavi's sake; I guarded Kutsa well with these saving helps.
As Śuṣṇa's slayer I brandished the dart of death:- I gave not up the Āryan name to Dasyu foes.
Sloka : 10.49.4
अ॒हं पि॒तेव॑ वेत॒सूँर॒भिष्ट॑ये॒ तुग्रं॒ कुत्सा॑य॒ स्मदि॑भं च रन्धयम् ।
अ॒हं भु॑वं॒ यज॑मानस्य रा॒जनि॒ प्र यद्भरे॒ तुज॑ये॒ न प्रि॒याधृषे॑ ॥ १०.०४९.०४
a̱haṃ pi̱teva̍ veta̱sūm̐ra̱bhiṣṭa̍ye̱ tugra̱ṃ kutsā̍ya̱ smadi̍bhaṃ ca randhayam .
a̱haṃ bhu̍va̱ṃ yaja̍mānasya rā̱jani̱ pra yadbhare̱ tuja̍ye̱ na pri̱yādhṛṣe̍ .. 10.049.04
4 Smadibha, Tugra, and the Vetasus I gave as prey to Kutsa, father-like, to succour him.
I was a worthy King to rule the worshipper, when I gave Tuji dear inviolable gifts.
Sloka : 10.49.5
अ॒हं र॑न्धयं॒ मृग॑यं श्रु॒तर्व॑णे॒ यन्माजि॑हीत व॒युना॑ च॒नानु॒षक् ।
अ॒हं वे॒शं न॒म्रमा॒यवे॑ऽकरम॒हं सव्या॑य॒ पड्गृ॑भिमरन्धयम् ॥ १०.०४९.०५
a̱haṃ ra̍ndhaya̱ṃ mṛga̍yaṃ śru̱tarva̍ṇe̱ yanmāji̍hīta va̱yunā̍ ca̱nānu̱ṣak .
a̱haṃ ve̱śaṃ na̱mramā̱yave̎karama̱haṃ savyā̍ya̱ paḍgṛ̍bhimarandhayam .. 10.049.05
5 I gave up Mṛgaya to Srutarvan as his prey because he ever followed me and kept my laws.
For Āyu's sake I caused Veta to bend and bow, and into Savya's hand delivered Padgrbhi.
Sloka : 10.49.6
अ॒हं स यो नव॑वास्त्वं बृ॒हद्र॑थं॒ सं वृ॒त्रेव॒ दासं॑ वृत्र॒हारु॑जम् ।
यद्व॒र्धय॑न्तं प्र॒थय॑न्तमानु॒षग्दू॒रे पा॒रे रज॑सो रोच॒नाक॑रम् ॥ १०.०४९.०६
a̱haṃ sa yo nava̍vāstvaṃ bṛ̱hadra̍tha̱ṃ saṃ vṛ̱treva̱ dāsa̍ṃ vṛtra̱hāru̍jam .
yadva̱rdhaya̍ntaṃ pra̱thaya̍ntamānu̱ṣagdū̱re pā̱re raja̍so roca̱nāka̍ram .. 10.049.06
6 1, I crushed Navavāstva of the lofty car, the Dāsa, as the Vṛtra-slayer kills the fiends;
When straightway on the region's farthest edge I brought the God who makes the lights to broaden and increase.
Sloka : 10.49.7
अ॒हं सूर्य॑स्य॒ परि॑ याम्या॒शुभिः॒ प्रैत॒शेभि॒र्वह॑मान॒ ओज॑सा ।
यन्मा॑ सा॒वो मनु॑ष॒ आह॑ नि॒र्णिज॒ ऋध॑क्कृषे॒ दासं॒ कृत्व्यं॒ हथैः॑ ॥ १०.०४९.०७
a̱haṃ sūrya̍sya̱ pari̍ yāmyā̱śubhi̱ḥ praita̱śebhi̱rvaha̍māna̱ oja̍sā .
yanmā̍ sā̱vo manu̍ṣa̱ āha̍ ni̱rṇija̱ ṛdha̍kkṛṣe̱ dāsa̱ṃ kṛtvya̱ṃ hathai̍ḥ .. 10.049.07
7 I travel round about borne onward in my might by the fleet-footed dappled Horses of the Sun.
When man's libation calls me to the robe of state I soon repel the powerful Dasyu with my blows.
Sloka : 10.49.8
अ॒हं स॑प्त॒हा नहु॑षो॒ नहु॑ष्टरः॒ प्राश्रा॑वयं॒ शव॑सा तु॒र्वशं॒ यदु॑म् ।
अ॒हं न्य१॒॑न्यं सह॑सा॒ सह॑स्करं॒ नव॒ व्राध॑तो नव॒तिं च॑ वक्षयम् ॥ १०.०४९.०८
a̱haṃ sa̍pta̱hā nahu̍ṣo̱ nahu̍ṣṭara̱ḥ prāśrā̍vaya̱ṃ śava̍sā tu̱rvaśa̱ṃ yadu̍m .
a̱haṃ nya1̱̍nyaṃ saha̍sā̱ saha̍skara̱ṃ nava̱ vrādha̍to nava̱tiṃ ca̍ vakṣayam .. 10.049.08
8 Stronger am I than Nabus, I who slew the seven:- I glorified with might Yadu and Turvaga.
I brought another low, with strength I bent his strength:- I let the mighty nine-and-ninety wax in power.
Sloka : 10.49.9
अ॒हं स॒प्त स्र॒वतो॑ धारयं॒ वृषा॑ द्रवि॒त्न्वः॑ पृथि॒व्यां सी॒रा अधि॑ ।
अ॒हमर्णां॑सि॒ वि ति॑रामि सु॒क्रतु॑र्यु॒धा वि॑दं॒ मन॑वे गा॒तुमि॒ष्टये॑ ॥ १०.०४९.०९
a̱haṃ sa̱pta sra̱vato̍ dhāraya̱ṃ vṛṣā̍ dravi̱tnva̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyāṃ sī̱rā adhi̍ .
a̱hamarṇā̍ṃsi̱ vi ti̍rāmi su̱kratu̍ryu̱dhā vi̍da̱ṃ mana̍ve gā̱tumi̱ṣṭaye̍ .. 10.049.09
9 Bull over all the streams that flow along the earth, I took the Seven Rivers as mine own domain.
I, gifted with great wisdom, spread the floods abroad:- by war I found for man the way to high success.
Sloka : 10.49.10
अ॒हं तदा॑सु धारयं॒ यदा॑सु॒ न दे॒वश्च॒न त्वष्टाधा॑रय॒द्रुश॑त् ।
स्पा॒र्हं गवा॒मूध॑स्सु व॒क्षणा॒स्वा मधो॒र्मधु॒ श्वात्र्यं॒ सोम॑मा॒शिर॑म् ॥ १०.०४९.१०
a̱haṃ tadā̍su dhāraya̱ṃ yadā̍su̱ na de̱vaśca̱na tvaṣṭādhā̍raya̱druśa̍t .
spā̱rhaṃ gavā̱mūdha̍ssu va̱kṣaṇā̱svā madho̱rmadhu̱ śvātrya̱ṃ soma̍mā̱śira̍m .. 10.049.10
10 I set within these cows the white milk which no God, not even Tvaṣṭar's self, had there deposited,
Much-longed-for, in the breasts, the udders of the kine, the savoury sweets of meath, the milk and Soma juice.
Sloka : 10.49.11
ए॒वा दे॒वाँ इन्द्रो॑ विव्ये॒ नॄन्प्र च्यौ॒त्नेन॑ म॒घवा॑ स॒त्यरा॑धाः ।
विश्वेत्ता ते॑ हरिवः शचीवो॒ऽभि तु॒रासः॑ स्वयशो गृणन्ति ॥ १०.०४९.११
e̱vā de̱vām̐ indro̍ vivye̱ nṝnpra cyau̱tnena̍ ma̱ghavā̍ sa̱tyarā̍dhāḥ .
viśvettā te̍ harivaḥ śacīvo̱'bhi tu̱rāsa̍ḥ svayaśo gṛṇanti .. 10.049.11
11 Even thus hath Indra Maghavan, truly bounteous, sped Gods and men with mighty operation.
The pious glorify all these thine exploits, Lord of Bay Coursers, Strong, and Selfresplendent.
Sloka : 10.50.1
प्र वो॑ म॒हे मन्द॑माना॒यान्ध॒सोऽर्चा॑ वि॒श्वान॑राय विश्वा॒भुवे॑ ।
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ यस्य॒ सुम॑खं॒ सहो॒ महि॒ श्रवो॑ नृ॒म्णं च॒ रोद॑सी सप॒र्यतः॑ ॥ १०.०५०.०१
pra vo̍ ma̱he manda̍mānā̱yāndha̱so'rcā̍ vi̱śvāna̍rāya viśvā̱bhuve̍ .
indra̍sya̱ yasya̱ suma̍kha̱ṃ saho̱ mahi̱ śravo̍ nṛ̱mṇaṃ ca̱ roda̍sī sapa̱ryata̍ḥ .. 10.050.01
1. I LAUD your Mighty One who joyeth in the juice, him who is shared by all men, who created all;
Indra, whose conquering strength is powerful in war, whose fame and manly vigour Heaven and Earth revere.
Sloka : 10.50.2
सो चि॒न्नु सख्या॒ नर्य॑ इ॒नः स्तु॒तश्च॒र्कृत्य॒ इन्द्रो॒ माव॑ते॒ नरे॑ ।
विश्वा॑सु धू॒र्षु वा॑ज॒कृत्ये॑षु सत्पते वृ॒त्रे वा॒प्स्व१॒॑भि शू॑र मन्दसे ॥ १०.०५०.०२
so ci̱nnu sakhyā̱ narya̍ i̱naḥ stu̱taśca̱rkṛtya̱ indro̱ māva̍te̱ nare̍ .
viśvā̍su dhū̱rṣu vā̍ja̱kṛtye̍ṣu satpate vṛ̱tre vā̱psva1̱̍bhi śū̍ra mandase .. 10.050.02
2 He with his friend is active, lauded, good to man, Indra who must be glorified by one like me.
Hero, Lord of the brave, all cars are thy delight, warring with Vṛtra, or for waters, or for spoil.
Sloka : 10.50.3
के ते नर॑ इन्द्र॒ ये त॑ इ॒षे ये ते॑ सु॒म्नं स॑ध॒न्य१॒॑मिय॑क्षान् ।
के ते॒ वाजा॑यासु॒र्या॑य हिन्विरे॒ के अ॒प्सु स्वासू॒र्वरा॑सु॒ पौंस्ये॑ ॥ १०.०५०.०३
ke te nara̍ indra̱ ye ta̍ i̱ṣe ye te̍ su̱mnaṃ sa̍dha̱nya1̱̍miya̍kṣān .
ke te̱ vājā̍yāsu̱ryā̍ya hinvire̱ ke a̱psu svāsū̱rvarā̍su̱ pauṃsye̍ .. 10.050.03
3 Who are the men whom thou wilt further, Indra, who strive to win thy bliss allied with riches?
Who urged thee forward to exert thy power divine, to valour, in the war for waters on their fields?
Sloka : 10.50.4
भुव॒स्त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ ब्रह्म॑णा म॒हान्भुवो॒ विश्वे॑षु॒ सव॑नेषु य॒ज्ञियः॑ ।
भुवो॒ नॄँश्च्यौ॒त्नो विश्व॑स्मि॒न्भरे॒ ज्येष्ठ॑श्च॒ मन्त्रो॑ विश्वचर्षणे ॥ १०.०५०.०४
bhuva̱stvami̍ndra̱ brahma̍ṇā ma̱hānbhuvo̱ viśve̍ṣu̱ sava̍neṣu ya̱jñiya̍ḥ .
bhuvo̱ nṝm̐ścyau̱tno viśva̍smi̱nbhare̱ jyeṣṭha̍śca̱ mantro̍ viśvacarṣaṇe .. 10.050.04
4 Thou, Indra, through the holy prayer art mighty, worthy of sacrifice at all libations.
In every fight thou castest heroes on the ground:- thou art the noblest song, O Lord of all the folk.
Sloka : 10.50.5
अवा॒ नु कं॒ ज्याया॑न्य॒ज्ञव॑नसो म॒हीं त॒ ओमा॑त्रां कृ॒ष्टयो॑ विदुः ।
असो॒ नु क॑म॒जरो॒ वर्धा॑श्च॒ विश्वेदे॒ता सव॑ना तूतु॒मा कृ॑षे ॥ १०.०५०.०५
avā̱ nu ka̱ṃ jyāyā̍nya̱jñava̍naso ma̱hīṃ ta̱ omā̍trāṃ kṛ̱ṣṭayo̍ viduḥ .
aso̱ nu ka̍ma̱jaro̱ vardhā̍śca̱ viśvede̱tā sava̍nā tūtu̱mā kṛ̍ṣe .. 10.050.05
5 Help now, as Highest, those who toil at sacrifice:- well do the people know thy great protecting might.
Thou shalt be Everlasing, Giver of success yea, on all these libations thou bestowest strength.
Sloka : 10.50.6
ए॒ता विश्वा॒ सव॑ना तूतु॒मा कृ॑षे स्व॒यं सू॑नो सहसो॒ यानि॑ दधि॒षे ।
वरा॑य ते॒ पात्रं॒ धर्म॑णे॒ तना॑ य॒ज्ञो मन्त्रो॒ ब्रह्मोद्य॑तं॒ वचः॑ ॥ १०.०५०.०६
e̱tā viśvā̱ sava̍nā tūtu̱mā kṛ̍ṣe sva̱yaṃ sū̍no sahaso̱ yāni̍ dadhi̱ṣe .
varā̍ya te̱ pātra̱ṃ dharma̍ṇe̱ tanā̍ ya̱jño mantro̱ brahmodya̍ta̱ṃ vaca̍ḥ .. 10.050.06
6 All these libations thou makest effectual, of which thou art thyself supporter, Son of Power.
Therefore thy vessel is to be esteemed the best, sacrifice, holy text, prayer, and exalted speech.
Sloka : 10.50.7
ये ते॑ विप्र ब्रह्म॒कृतः॑ सु॒ते सचा॒ वसू॑नां च॒ वसु॑नश्च दा॒वने॑ ।
प्र ते सु॒म्नस्य॒ मन॑सा प॒था भु॑व॒न्मदे॑ सु॒तस्य॑ सो॒म्यस्यान्ध॑सः ॥ १०.०५०.०७
ye te̍ vipra brahma̱kṛta̍ḥ su̱te sacā̱ vasū̍nāṃ ca̱ vasu̍naśca dā̱vane̍ .
pra te su̱mnasya̱ mana̍sā pa̱thā bhu̍va̱nmade̍ su̱tasya̍ so̱myasyāndha̍saḥ .. 10.050.07
7 They who with flowing Soma pray to thee, O Sage, to pour on them thy gifts of opulence and wealth,
May they come forward, through their spirit, on the path of bliss, in the wild joy of Soma juice effused.
Sloka : 10.51.1
म॒हत्तदुल्बं॒ स्थवि॑रं॒ तदा॑सी॒द्येनावि॑ष्टितः प्रवि॒वेशि॑था॒पः ।
विश्वा॑ अपश्यद्बहु॒धा ते॑ अग्ने॒ जात॑वेदस्त॒न्वो॑ दे॒व एकः॑ ॥ १०.०५१.०१
ma̱hattadulba̱ṃ sthavi̍ra̱ṃ tadā̍sī̱dyenāvi̍ṣṭitaḥ pravi̱veśi̍thā̱paḥ .
viśvā̍ apaśyadbahu̱dhā te̍ agne̱ jāta̍vedasta̱nvo̍ de̱va eka̍ḥ .. 10.051.01
1. LARGE was that covering, and firm of texture, folded wherein thou enteredst the waters.
One Deity alone, O Jātavedas Agni, saw all thy forms in sundry places.
Sloka : 10.51.2
को मा॑ ददर्श कत॒मः स दे॒वो यो मे॑ त॒न्वो॑ बहु॒धा प॒र्यप॑श्यत् ।
क्वाह॑ मित्रावरुणा क्षियन्त्य॒ग्नेर्विश्वाः॑ स॒मिधो॑ देव॒यानीः॑ ॥ १०.०५१.०२
ko mā̍ dadarśa kata̱maḥ sa de̱vo yo me̍ ta̱nvo̍ bahu̱dhā pa̱ryapa̍śyat .
kvāha̍ mitrāvaruṇā kṣiyantya̱gnerviśvā̍ḥ sa̱midho̍ deva̱yānī̍ḥ .. 10.051.02
2 What God hath seen me? Who of all their number clearly beheld my forms in many places?
Where lie, then, all the sacred logs of Agni that lead him God-ward, Varuṇa and Mitra?
Sloka : 10.51.3
ऐच्छा॑म त्वा बहु॒धा जा॑तवेदः॒ प्रवि॑ष्टमग्ने अ॒प्स्वोष॑धीषु ।
तं त्वा॑ य॒मो अ॑चिकेच्चित्रभानो दशान्तरु॒ष्याद॑ति॒रोच॑मानम् ॥ १०.०५१.०३
aicchā̍ma tvā bahu̱dhā jā̍taveda̱ḥ pravi̍ṣṭamagne a̱psvoṣa̍dhīṣu .
taṃ tvā̍ ya̱mo a̍cikeccitrabhāno daśāntaru̱ṣyāda̍ti̱roca̍mānam .. 10.051.03
3 In many places, Agni Jātavedas, we sought thee hidden in the plants and waters.
Then Yama marked thee, God of wondrous splendour! effulgent from thy tenfold secret dwelling,
Sloka : 10.51.4
हो॒त्राद॒हं व॑रुण॒ बिभ्य॑दायं॒ नेदे॒व मा॑ यु॒नज॒न्नत्र॑ दे॒वाः ।
तस्य॑ मे त॒न्वो॑ बहु॒धा निवि॑ष्टा ए॒तमर्थं॒ न चि॑केता॒हम॒ग्निः ॥ १०.०५१.०४
ho̱trāda̱haṃ va̍ruṇa̱ bibhya̍dāya̱ṃ nede̱va mā̍ yu̱naja̱nnatra̍ de̱vāḥ .
tasya̍ me ta̱nvo̍ bahu̱dhā nivi̍ṣṭā e̱tamartha̱ṃ na ci̍ketā̱hama̱gniḥ .. 10.051.04
4 I fled in fear from sacrificial worship, Varuṇa, lest the Gods should thus engage me.
Thus were my forms laid down in many places. This, as my goal, I Agni saw before me.
Sloka : 10.51.5
एहि॒ मनु॑र्देव॒युर्य॒ज्ञका॑मोऽरं॒कृत्या॒ तम॑सि क्षेष्यग्ने ।
सु॒गान्प॒थः कृ॑णुहि देव॒याना॒न्वह॑ ह॒व्यानि॑ सुमन॒स्यमा॑नः ॥ १०.०५१.०५
ehi̱ manu̍rdeva̱yurya̱jñakā̍mo'ra̱ṃkṛtyā̱ tama̍si kṣeṣyagne .
su̱gānpa̱thaḥ kṛ̍ṇuhi deva̱yānā̱nvaha̍ ha̱vyāni̍ sumana̱syamā̍naḥ .. 10.051.05
5 Come; man is pious and would fain do worship, he waits prepared:- in gloom thou, Agni, dwellest.
Make pathways leading God-ward clear and easy, and bear oblations with a kindly spirit.
Sloka : 10.51.6
अ॒ग्नेः पूर्वे॒ भ्रात॑रो॒ अर्थ॑मे॒तं र॒थीवाध्वा॑न॒मन्वाव॑रीवुः ।
तस्मा॑द्भि॒या व॑रुण दू॒रमा॑यं गौ॒रो न क्षे॒प्नोर॑विजे॒ ज्यायाः॑ ॥ १०.०५१.०६
a̱gneḥ pūrve̱ bhrāta̍ro̱ artha̍me̱taṃ ra̱thīvādhvā̍na̱manvāva̍rīvuḥ .
tasmā̍dbhi̱yā va̍ruṇa dū̱ramā̍yaṃ gau̱ro na kṣe̱pnora̍vije̱ jyāyā̍ḥ .. 10.051.06
6 This goal mine elder brothers erst selected, as he who drives a car the way to travel.
So,Varuṇa, I fled afar through terror, as flies the wild-bull from an archer's bowstring.
Sloka : 10.51.7
कु॒र्मस्त॒ आयु॑र॒जरं॒ यद॑ग्ने॒ यथा॑ यु॒क्तो जा॑तवेदो॒ न रिष्याः॑ ।
अथा॑ वहासि सुमन॒स्यमा॑नो भा॒गं दे॒वेभ्यो॑ ह॒विषः॑ सुजात ॥ १०.०५१.०७
ku̱rmasta̱ āyu̍ra̱jara̱ṃ yada̍gne̱ yathā̍ yu̱kto jā̍tavedo̱ na riṣyā̍ḥ .
athā̍ vahāsi sumana̱syamā̍no bhā̱gaṃ de̱vebhyo̍ ha̱viṣa̍ḥ sujāta .. 10.051.07
7 We give thee life unwasting, Jātavedas, so that, employed, thou never shalt be injured.
So, nobly born! shalt thou with kindly spirit bear to the Gods their share of men's oblations.
Sloka : 10.51.8
प्र॒या॒जान्मे॑ अनुया॒जाँश्च॒ केव॑ला॒नूर्ज॑स्वन्तं ह॒विषो॑ दत्त भा॒गम् ।
घृ॒तं चा॒पां पुरु॑षं॒ चौष॑धीनाम॒ग्नेश्च॑ दी॒र्घमायु॑रस्तु देवाः ॥ १०.०५१.०८
pra̱yā̱jānme̍ anuyā̱jām̐śca̱ keva̍lā̱nūrja̍svantaṃ ha̱viṣo̍ datta bhā̱gam .
ghṛ̱taṃ cā̱pāṃ puru̍ṣa̱ṃ cauṣa̍dhīnāma̱gneśca̍ dī̱rghamāyu̍rastu devāḥ .. 10.051.08
8 Grant me the first oblations and the latter, entire, my forceful shares of holy presents,
The soul of plants, the fatness of the waters, and let there be long life, ye Gods, to Agni.
Sloka : 10.51.9
तव॑ प्रया॒जा अ॑नुया॒जाश्च॒ केव॑ल॒ ऊर्ज॑स्वन्तो ह॒विषः॑ सन्तु भा॒गाः ।
तवा॑ग्ने य॒ज्ञो॒३॒॑ऽयम॑स्तु॒ सर्व॒स्तुभ्यं॑ नमन्तां प्र॒दिश॒श्चत॑स्रः ॥ १०.०५१.०९
tava̍ prayā̱jā a̍nuyā̱jāśca̱ keva̍la̱ ūrja̍svanto ha̱viṣa̍ḥ santu bhā̱gāḥ .
tavā̍gne ya̱jño̱3̱̎yama̍stu̱ sarva̱stubhya̍ṃ namantāṃ pra̱diśa̱ścata̍sraḥ .. 10.051.09
9 Thine be the first oblations and the latter, entire, thy forceful shares of holy presents.
Let all this sacrifice be thine, O Agni, and let the world's four regions how before thee.
Sloka : 10.52.1
विश्वे॑ देवाः शा॒स्तन॑ मा॒ यथे॒ह होता॑ वृ॒तो म॒नवै॒ यन्नि॒षद्य॑ ।
प्र मे॑ ब्रूत भाग॒धेयं॒ यथा॑ वो॒ येन॑ प॒था ह॒व्यमा वो॒ वहा॑नि ॥ १०.०५२.०१
viśve̍ devāḥ śā̱stana̍ mā̱ yathe̱ha hotā̍ vṛ̱to ma̱navai̱ yanni̱ṣadya̍ .
pra me̍ brūta bhāga̱dheya̱ṃ yathā̍ vo̱ yena̍ pa̱thā ha̱vyamā vo̱ vahā̍ni .. 10.052.01
1. INSTRUCT me, all ye Gods, how I, elected your Priest, must seat me here, and how address you.
Instruct me how to deal to each his portion, and by what ' path to bring you man's oblation.
Sloka : 10.52.2
अ॒हं होता॒ न्य॑सीदं॒ यजी॑या॒न्विश्वे॑ दे॒वा म॒रुतो॑ मा जुनन्ति ।
अह॑रहरश्वि॒नाध्व॑र्यवं वां ब्र॒ह्मा स॒मिद्भ॑वति॒ साहु॑तिर्वाम् ॥ १०.०५२.०२
a̱haṃ hotā̱ nya̍sīda̱ṃ yajī̍yā̱nviśve̍ de̱vā ma̱ruto̍ mā junanti .
aha̍raharaśvi̱nādhva̍ryavaṃ vāṃ bra̱hmā sa̱midbha̍vati̱ sāhu̍tirvām .. 10.052.02
2 I sit as Priest most skilled in sacrificing:- the Maruts and all Deities impel me.
Aśvins, each day yours is the Adhvaryu's duty:- Brahman and wood are here:- tis yours to offer.
Sloka : 10.52.3
अ॒यं यो होता॒ किरु॒ स य॒मस्य॒ कमप्यू॑हे॒ यत्स॑म॒ञ्जन्ति॑ दे॒वाः ।
अह॑रहर्जायते मा॒सिमा॒स्यथा॑ दे॒वा द॑धिरे हव्य॒वाह॑म् ॥ १०.०५२.०३
a̱yaṃ yo hotā̱ kiru̱ sa ya̱masya̱ kamapyū̍he̱ yatsa̍ma̱ñjanti̍ de̱vāḥ .
aha̍raharjāyate mā̱simā̱syathā̍ de̱vā da̍dhire havya̱vāha̍m .. 10.052.03
3 Who is the Priest? Is he the Priest of Yama? On whom is thrust this God-appointed honour?
He springs to life each month, each day that passes; so Gods have made him their oblation-bearer.
Sloka : 10.52.4
मां दे॒वा द॑धिरे हव्य॒वाह॒मप॑म्लुक्तं ब॒हु कृ॒च्छ्रा चर॑न्तम् ।
अ॒ग्निर्वि॒द्वान्य॒ज्ञं नः॑ कल्पयाति॒ पञ्च॑यामं त्रि॒वृतं॑ स॒प्तत॑न्तुम् ॥ १०.०५२.०४
māṃ de̱vā da̍dhire havya̱vāha̱mapa̍mluktaṃ ba̱hu kṛ̱cchrā cara̍ntam .
a̱gnirvi̱dvānya̱jñaṃ na̍ḥ kalpayāti̱ pañca̍yāmaṃ tri̱vṛta̍ṃ sa̱ptata̍ntum .. 10.052.04
4 The Gods have made me bearer of oblations, who slipped away and passed through many troubles.
Wise Agni shall ordain for us the worship, whether five-wayed, threefold, or seven-threaded.
Sloka : 10.52.5
आ वो॑ यक्ष्यमृत॒त्वं सु॒वीरं॒ यथा॑ वो देवा॒ वरि॑वः॒ करा॑णि ।
आ बा॒ह्वोर्वज्र॒मिन्द्र॑स्य धेया॒मथे॒मा विश्वाः॒ पृत॑ना जयाति ॥ १०.०५२.०५
ā vo̍ yakṣyamṛta̱tvaṃ su̱vīra̱ṃ yathā̍ vo devā̱ vari̍va̱ḥ karā̍ṇi .
ā bā̱hvorvajra̱mindra̍sya dheyā̱mathe̱mā viśvā̱ḥ pṛta̍nā jayāti .. 10.052.05
5 So will I win you strength and life for ever. O Gods, that I may give you room and freedom.
To Indra's arms would I consign the thunder; in all these battles shall he then be victor.
Sloka : 10.52.6
त्रीणि॑ श॒ता त्री स॒हस्रा॑ण्य॒ग्निं त्रिं॒शच्च॑ दे॒वा नव॑ चासपर्यन् ।
औक्ष॑न्घृ॒तैरस्तृ॑णन्ब॒र्हिर॑स्मा॒ आदिद्धोता॑रं॒ न्य॑सादयन्त ॥ १०.०५२.०६
trīṇi̍ śa̱tā trī sa̱hasrā̍ṇya̱gniṃ tri̱ṃśacca̍ de̱vā nava̍ cāsaparyan .
aukṣa̍nghṛ̱tairastṛ̍ṇanba̱rhira̍smā̱ ādiddhotā̍ra̱ṃ nya̍sādayanta .. 10.052.06
6 The Deities three hundred and thirty-nine, have served and honoured Agni,
Strewn sacred grass, anointed him with butter, and seated him as Priest, the Gods Invoker.
Sloka : 10.53.1
यमैच्छा॑म॒ मन॑सा॒ सो॒३॒॑ऽयमागा॑द्य॒ज्ञस्य॑ वि॒द्वान्परु॑षश्चिकि॒त्वान् ।
स नो॑ यक्षद्दे॒वता॑ता॒ यजी॑या॒न्नि हि षत्स॒दन्त॑रः॒ पूर्वो॑ अ॒स्मत् ॥ १०.०५३.०१
yamaicchā̍ma̱ mana̍sā̱ so̱3̱̎yamāgā̍dya̱jñasya̍ vi̱dvānparu̍ṣaściki̱tvān .
sa no̍ yakṣadde̱vatā̍tā̱ yajī̍yā̱nni hi ṣatsa̱danta̍ra̱ḥ pūrvo̍ a̱smat .. 10.053.01
1. HE hath arrived, he whom we sought with longing, who skilled in sacrifice well knows its courses.
Let him discharge his sacrificial duties:- let him sit down as Friend who was before
Sloka : 10.53.2
अरा॑धि॒ होता॑ नि॒षदा॒ यजी॑यान॒भि प्रयां॑सि॒ सुधि॑तानि॒ हि ख्यत् ।
यजा॑महै य॒ज्ञिया॒न्हन्त॑ दे॒वाँ ईळा॑महा॒ ईड्या॒ँ आज्ये॑न ॥ १०.०५३.०२
arā̍dhi̱ hotā̍ ni̱ṣadā̱ yajī̍yāna̱bhi prayā̍ṃsi̱ sudhi̍tāni̱ hi khyat .
yajā̍mahai ya̱jñiyā̱nhanta̍ de̱vām̐ īl̤ā̍mahā̱ īḍyā̱m̐ ājye̍na .. 10.053.02
2 Best Priest, he hath been won by being seated, for he hath looked on the well-ordered viands.
Come, let usworship Gods who must be worshipped, and pouring oil, laud those who should be lauded.
Sloka : 10.53.3
सा॒ध्वीम॑कर्दे॒ववी॑तिं नो अ॒द्य य॒ज्ञस्य॑ जि॒ह्वाम॑विदाम॒ गुह्या॑म् ।
स आयु॒रागा॑त्सुर॒भिर्वसा॑नो भ॒द्राम॑कर्दे॒वहू॑तिं नो अ॒द्य ॥ १०.०५३.०३
sā̱dhvīma̍karde̱vavī̍tiṃ no a̱dya ya̱jñasya̍ ji̱hvāma̍vidāma̱ guhyā̍m .
sa āyu̱rāgā̍tsura̱bhirvasā̍no bha̱drāma̍karde̱vahū̍tiṃ no a̱dya .. 10.053.03
3 Now hath he made the feast of Gods effective:- now have we found the secret tongue of worship.
Now hath he come, sweet, robed in vital vigour, and made our calling on the Gods effective.
Sloka : 10.53.4
तद॒द्य वा॒चः प्र॑थ॒मं म॑सीय॒ येनासु॑राँ अ॒भि दे॒वा असा॑म ।
ऊर्जा॑द उ॒त य॑ज्ञियासः॒ पञ्च॑ जना॒ मम॑ हो॒त्रं जु॑षध्वम् ॥ १०.०५३.०४
tada̱dya vā̱caḥ pra̍tha̱maṃ ma̍sīya̱ yenāsu̍rām̐ a̱bhi de̱vā asā̍ma .
ūrjā̍da u̱ta ya̍jñiyāsa̱ḥ pañca̍ janā̱ mama̍ ho̱traṃ ju̍ṣadhvam .. 10.053.04
4 This prelude of my speech I now will utter, whereby we Gods may quell our Asura foemen.
Eaters of strengthening food who merit worship, O ye Five Tribes, be pleased with mine oblation.
Sloka : 10.53.5
पञ्च॒ जना॒ मम॑ हो॒त्रं जु॑षन्तां॒ गोजा॑ता उ॒त ये य॒ज्ञिया॑सः ।
पृ॒थि॒वी नः॒ पार्थि॑वात्पा॒त्वंह॑सो॒ऽन्तरि॑क्षं दि॒व्यात्पा॑त्व॒स्मान् ॥ १०.०५३.०५
pañca̱ janā̱ mama̍ ho̱traṃ ju̍ṣantā̱ṃ gojā̍tā u̱ta ye ya̱jñiyā̍saḥ .
pṛ̱thi̱vī na̱ḥ pārthi̍vātpā̱tvaṃha̍so̱'ntari̍kṣaṃ di̱vyātpā̍tva̱smān .. 10.053.05
5 May the Five Tribes be pleased with mine oblation, and the Cow's Sons and all who merit worship.
From earthly trouble may the earth protect us, and air's mid realm from woe that comes from heaven.
Sloka : 10.53.6
तन्तुं॑ त॒न्वन्रज॑सो भा॒नुमन्वि॑हि॒ ज्योति॑ष्मतः प॒थो र॑क्ष धि॒या कृ॒तान् ।
अ॒नु॒ल्ब॒णं व॑यत॒ जोगु॑वा॒मपो॒ मनु॑र्भव ज॒नया॒ दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ॥ १०.०५३.०६
tantu̍ṃ ta̱nvanraja̍so bhā̱numanvi̍hi̱ jyoti̍ṣmataḥ pa̱tho ra̍kṣa dhi̱yā kṛ̱tān .
a̱nu̱lba̱ṇaṃ va̍yata̱ jogu̍vā̱mapo̱ manu̍rbhava ja̱nayā̱ daivya̱ṃ jana̍m .. 10.053.06
6 Spinning the thread, follow the region's splendid light:- guard thou the path ways well which wisdom hath prepared.
Weave ye the knotless labour of the bards who sing:- be Manu thou, and bring the Heavenly People forth.
Sloka : 10.53.7
अ॒क्षा॒नहो॑ नह्यतनो॒त सो॑म्या॒ इष्कृ॑णुध्वं रश॒ना ओत पिं॑शत ।
अ॒ष्टाव॑न्धुरं वहता॒भितो॒ रथं॒ येन॑ दे॒वासो॒ अन॑यन्न॒भि प्रि॒यम् ॥ १०.०५३.०७
a̱kṣā̱naho̍ nahyatano̱ta so̍myā̱ iṣkṛ̍ṇudhvaṃ raśa̱nā ota pi̍ṃśata .
a̱ṣṭāva̍ndhuraṃ vahatā̱bhito̱ ratha̱ṃ yena̍ de̱vāso̱ ana̍yanna̱bhi pri̱yam .. 10.053.07
7 Lovers of Soma, bind the chariot traces fast:- set ye the reins in order and embellish them.
Bring hitherward the car with seats where eight may sit, whereon the Gods have brought the treasure that we love.
Sloka : 10.53.8
अश्म॑न्वती रीयते॒ सं र॑भध्व॒मुत्ति॑ष्ठत॒ प्र त॑रता सखायः ।
अत्रा॑ जहाम॒ ये अस॒न्नशे॑वाः शि॒वान्व॒यमुत्त॑रेमा॒भि वाजा॑न् ॥ १०.०५३.०८
aśma̍nvatī rīyate̱ saṃ ra̍bhadhva̱mutti̍ṣṭhata̱ pra ta̍ratā sakhāyaḥ .
atrā̍ jahāma̱ ye asa̱nnaśe̍vāḥ śi̱vānva̱yamutta̍remā̱bhi vājā̍n .. 10.053.08
8 Here flows Asmanvati:- hold fast each other, keep yourselves up, and pass, my friends, the river.
There let us leave the Powers that brought no profit, and cross the flood to Powers that are auspicious.
Sloka : 10.53.9
त्वष्टा॑ मा॒या वे॑द॒पसा॑म॒पस्त॑मो॒ बिभ्र॒त्पात्रा॑ देव॒पाना॑नि॒ शंत॑मा ।
शिशी॑ते नू॒नं प॑र॒शुं स्वा॑य॒सं येन॑ वृ॒श्चादेत॑शो॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ १०.०५३.०९
tvaṣṭā̍ mā̱yā ve̍da̱pasā̍ma̱pasta̍mo̱ bibhra̱tpātrā̍ deva̱pānā̍ni̱ śaṃta̍mā .
śiśī̍te nū̱naṃ pa̍ra̱śuṃ svā̍ya̱saṃ yena̍ vṛ̱ścādeta̍śo̱ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍ḥ .. 10.053.09
9 Tvaṣṭar, most deft of workmen, knew each magic art, bringing most blessed bowls that hold the drink of Gods.
His axe, wrought of good metal, he is sharpening now, wherewith the radiant Brahmaṇaspati will cut.
Sloka : 10.53.10
स॒तो नू॒नं क॑वयः॒ सं शि॑शीत॒ वाशी॑भि॒र्याभि॑र॒मृता॑य॒ तक्ष॑थ ।
वि॒द्वांसः॑ प॒दा गुह्या॑नि कर्तन॒ येन॑ दे॒वासो॑ अमृत॒त्वमा॑न॒शुः ॥ १०.०५३.१०
sa̱to nū̱naṃ ka̍vaya̱ḥ saṃ śi̍śīta̱ vāśī̍bhi̱ryābhi̍ra̱mṛtā̍ya̱ takṣa̍tha .
vi̱dvāṃsa̍ḥ pa̱dā guhyā̍ni kartana̱ yena̍ de̱vāso̍ amṛta̱tvamā̍na̱śuḥ .. 10.053.10
10 Now, O ye Sapient Ones, make ye the axes sharp wherewith ye fashion bowls to hold the Amṛta.
Knowing the secret places make ye ready that whereby the Gods have gotten immortality.
Sloka : 10.53.11
गर्भे॒ योषा॒मद॑धुर्व॒त्समा॒सन्य॑पी॒च्ये॑न॒ मन॑सो॒त जि॒ह्वया॑ ।
स वि॒श्वाहा॑ सु॒मना॑ यो॒ग्या अ॒भि सि॑षा॒सनि॑र्वनते का॒र इज्जिति॑म् ॥ १०.०५३.११
garbhe̱ yoṣā̱mada̍dhurva̱tsamā̱sanya̍pī̱cye̍na̱ mana̍so̱ta ji̱hvayā̍ .
sa vi̱śvāhā̍ su̱manā̍ yo̱gyā a̱bhi si̍ṣā̱sani̍rvanate kā̱ra ijjiti̍m .. 10.053.11
11 Ye with a secret tongue and dark intention laid the maiden deep within, the calf within the mouth.
They evermore are near us with their gracious help:- successful is the song that strives for victory.
Sloka : 10.54.1
तां सु ते॑ की॒र्तिं म॑घवन्महि॒त्वा यत्त्वा॑ भी॒ते रोद॑सी॒ अह्व॑येताम् ।
प्रावो॑ दे॒वाँ आति॑रो॒ दास॒मोजः॑ प्र॒जायै॑ त्वस्यै॒ यदशि॑क्ष इन्द्र ॥ १०.०५४.०१
tāṃ su te̍ kī̱rtiṃ ma̍ghavanmahi̱tvā yattvā̍ bhī̱te roda̍sī̱ ahva̍yetām .
prāvo̍ de̱vām̐ āti̍ro̱ dāsa̱moja̍ḥ pra̱jāyai̍ tvasyai̱ yadaśi̍kṣa indra .. 10.054.01
1. I SING thy fame that, Maghavan, through thy Greatness the heavens and earth invoked thee in their terror,
Thou, aiding Gods, didst quell the power of Dāsas, what time thou holpest many a race, O Indra.
Sloka : 10.54.2
यदच॑रस्त॒न्वा॑ वावृधा॒नो बला॑नीन्द्र प्रब्रुवा॒णो जने॑षु ।
मा॒येत्सा ते॒ यानि॑ यु॒द्धान्या॒हुर्नाद्य शत्रुं॑ न॒नु पु॒रा वि॑वित्से ॥ १०.०५४.०२
yadaca̍rasta̱nvā̍ vāvṛdhā̱no balā̍nīndra prabruvā̱ṇo jane̍ṣu .
mā̱yetsā te̱ yāni̍ yu̱ddhānyā̱hurnādya śatru̍ṃ na̱nu pu̱rā vi̍vitse .. 10.054.02
2 When thou wast roaming, waxen strong in body, telling thy might, Indra, among the people,
All that men called thy battles was illusion:- no foe hast thou to-day, nor erst hast found one.
Sloka : 10.54.3
क उ॒ नु ते॑ महि॒मनः॑ समस्या॒स्मत्पूर्व॒ ऋष॒योऽन्त॑मापुः ।
यन्मा॒तरं॑ च पि॒तरं॑ च सा॒कमज॑नयथास्त॒न्व१॒ः॑ स्वायाः॑ ॥ १०.०५४.०३
ka u̱ nu te̍ mahi̱mana̍ḥ samasyā̱smatpūrva̱ ṛṣa̱yo'nta̍māpuḥ .
yanmā̱tara̍ṃ ca pi̱tara̍ṃ ca sā̱kamaja̍nayathāsta̱nva1̱̍ḥ svāyā̍ḥ .. 10.054.03
3 Who are the Ṛṣis, then, who comprehended before our time the bounds of all thy greatness?
For from thy body thou hast generated at the same time the Mother and the Father.
Sloka : 10.54.4
च॒त्वारि॑ ते असु॒र्या॑णि॒ नामादा॑भ्यानि महि॒षस्य॑ सन्ति ।
त्वम॒ङ्ग तानि॒ विश्वा॑नि वित्से॒ येभिः॒ कर्मा॑णि मघवञ्च॒कर्थ॑ ॥ १०.०५४.०४
ca̱tvāri̍ te asu̱ryā̍ṇi̱ nāmādā̍bhyāni mahi̱ṣasya̍ santi .
tvama̱ṅga tāni̱ viśvā̍ni vitse̱ yebhi̱ḥ karmā̍ṇi maghavañca̱kartha̍ .. 10.054.04
4 Thou, Mighty Steer, hast four supremest natures, Asura natures that may neer be injured.
All these, O Maghavan, thou surely knowest, wherewith thou hast performed thy great achievements.
Sloka : 10.54.5
त्वं विश्वा॑ दधिषे॒ केव॑लानि॒ यान्या॒विर्या च॒ गुहा॒ वसू॑नि ।
काम॒मिन्मे॑ मघव॒न्मा वि ता॑री॒स्त्वमा॑ज्ञा॒ता त्वमि॑न्द्रासि दा॒ता ॥ १०.०५४.०५
tvaṃ viśvā̍ dadhiṣe̱ keva̍lāni̱ yānyā̱viryā ca̱ guhā̱ vasū̍ni .
kāma̱minme̍ maghava̱nmā vi tā̍rī̱stvamā̍jñā̱tā tvami̍ndrāsi dā̱tā .. 10.054.05
5 Thou hast all treasures in thy sole possession, treasures made manifest and treasures hidden.
Defer not thou, O Maghavan, my longing:- thou, art Director, Indra, thou art Giver.
Sloka : 10.54.6
यो अद॑धा॒ज्ज्योति॑षि॒ ज्योति॑र॒न्तर्यो असृ॑ज॒न्मधु॑ना॒ सं मधू॑नि ।
अध॑ प्रि॒यं शू॒षमिन्द्रा॑य॒ मन्म॑ ब्रह्म॒कृतो॑ बृ॒हदु॑क्थादवाचि ॥ १०.०५४.०६
yo ada̍dhā̱jjyoti̍ṣi̱ jyoti̍ra̱ntaryo asṛ̍ja̱nmadhu̍nā̱ saṃ madhū̍ni .
adha̍ pri̱yaṃ śū̱ṣamindrā̍ya̱ manma̍ brahma̱kṛto̍ bṛ̱hadu̍kthādavāci .. 10.054.06
6 To him who set the light in things of splendour, and with all sweetness blent essential sweetness,
To Indra hath this welcome hymn that strengthens been uttered by the votary Bṛhaduktha.
Sloka : 10.55.1
दू॒रे तन्नाम॒ गुह्यं॑ परा॒चैर्यत्त्वा॑ भी॒ते अह्व॑येतां वयो॒धै ।
उद॑स्तभ्नाः पृथि॒वीं द्याम॒भीके॒ भ्रातुः॑ पु॒त्रान्म॑घवन्तित्विषा॒णः ॥ १०.०५५.०१
dū̱re tannāma̱ guhya̍ṃ parā̱cairyattvā̍ bhī̱te ahva̍yetāṃ vayo̱dhai .
uda̍stabhnāḥ pṛthi̱vīṃ dyāma̱bhīke̱ bhrātu̍ḥ pu̱trānma̍ghavantitviṣā̱ṇaḥ .. 10.055.01
1. FAR is that secret name by which, in terror, the worlds invoked thee and thou gavest vigour
The earth and heaven thou settest near each other, and Maghavan, madest bright thy Brother's Children.
Sloka : 10.55.2
म॒हत्तन्नाम॒ गुह्यं॑ पुरु॒स्पृग्येन॑ भू॒तं ज॒नयो॒ येन॒ भव्य॑म् ।
प्र॒त्नं जा॒तं ज्योति॒र्यद॑स्य प्रि॒यं प्रि॒याः सम॑विशन्त॒ पञ्च॑ ॥ १०.०५५.०२
ma̱hattannāma̱ guhya̍ṃ puru̱spṛgyena̍ bhū̱taṃ ja̱nayo̱ yena̱ bhavya̍m .
pra̱tnaṃ jā̱taṃ jyoti̱ryada̍sya pri̱yaṃ pri̱yāḥ sama̍viśanta̱ pañca̍ .. 10.055.02
2 Great is that secret name and far-extending, whereby thou madest all that is and shall be.
The Five Tribes whom he loveth well have entered the light he loveth that was made aforetime.
Sloka : 10.55.3
आ रोद॑सी अपृणा॒दोत मध्यं॒ पञ्च॑ दे॒वाँ ऋ॑तु॒शः स॒प्तस॑प्त ।
चतु॑स्त्रिंशता पुरु॒धा वि च॑ष्टे॒ सरू॑पेण॒ ज्योति॑षा॒ विव्र॑तेन ॥ १०.०५५.०३
ā roda̍sī apṛṇā̱dota madhya̱ṃ pañca̍ de̱vām̐ ṛ̍tu̱śaḥ sa̱ptasa̍pta .
catu̍striṃśatā puru̱dhā vi ca̍ṣṭe̱ sarū̍peṇa̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱ vivra̍tena .. 10.055.03
3 He filled the heaven and earth and all between them, Gods five times sevenfold in their proper seasons.
With four-and-thirty lights he looks around him, lights of one colour though their ways are divers.
Sloka : 10.55.4
यदु॑ष॒ औच्छः॑ प्रथ॒मा वि॒भाना॒मज॑नयो॒ येन॑ पु॒ष्टस्य॑ पु॒ष्टम् ।
यत्ते॑ जामि॒त्वमव॑रं॒ पर॑स्या म॒हन्म॑ह॒त्या अ॑सुर॒त्वमेक॑म् ॥ १०.०५५.०४
yadu̍ṣa̱ auccha̍ḥ pratha̱mā vi̱bhānā̱maja̍nayo̱ yena̍ pu̱ṣṭasya̍ pu̱ṣṭam .
yatte̍ jāmi̱tvamava̍ra̱ṃ para̍syā ma̱hanma̍ha̱tyā a̍sura̱tvameka̍m .. 10.055.04
4 As first among the lights, O Dawn, thou shonest, whereby thou broughtest forth the Stay of Increase,
Great art thou, matchless is thine Asura nature, who, high above, art kin to those beneath thee.
Sloka : 10.55.5
वि॒धुं द॑द्रा॒णं सम॑ने बहू॒नां युवा॑नं॒ सन्तं॑ पलि॒तो ज॑गार ।
दे॒वस्य॑ पश्य॒ काव्यं॑ महि॒त्वाद्या म॒मार॒ स ह्यः समा॑न ॥ १०.०५५.०५
vi̱dhuṃ da̍drā̱ṇaṃ sama̍ne bahū̱nāṃ yuvā̍na̱ṃ santa̍ṃ pali̱to ja̍gāra .
de̱vasya̍ paśya̱ kāvya̍ṃ mahi̱tvādyā ma̱māra̱ sa hyaḥ samā̍na .. 10.055.05
5 The old hath waked the young Moon from his slumber who runs his circling course with many round him.
Behold the Gods high wisdom in its greatness:- he who died yesterday to-day is living.
Sloka : 10.55.6
शाक्म॑ना शा॒को अ॑रु॒णः सु॑प॒र्ण आ यो म॒हः शूरः॑ स॒नादनी॑ळः ।
यच्चि॒केत॑ स॒त्यमित्तन्न मोघं॒ वसु॑ स्पा॒र्हमु॒त जेतो॒त दाता॑ ॥ १०.०५५.०६
śākma̍nā śā̱ko a̍ru̱ṇaḥ su̍pa̱rṇa ā yo ma̱haḥ śūra̍ḥ sa̱nādanī̍l̤aḥ .
yacci̱keta̍ sa̱tyamittanna mogha̱ṃ vasu̍ spā̱rhamu̱ta jeto̱ta dātā̍ .. 10.055.06
6 Strong is the Red Bird in his strength, great Hero, who from of old hath had no nest to dwell in.
That which he knows is truth and never idle:- he wins and gives the wealth desired of many.
Sloka : 10.55.7
ऐभि॑र्ददे॒ वृष्ण्या॒ पौंस्या॑नि॒ येभि॒रौक्ष॑द्वृत्र॒हत्या॑य व॒ज्री ।
ये कर्म॑णः क्रि॒यमा॑णस्य म॒ह्न ऋ॑तेक॒र्ममु॒दजा॑यन्त दे॒वाः ॥ १०.०५५.०७
aibhi̍rdade̱ vṛṣṇyā̱ pauṃsyā̍ni̱ yebhi̱raukṣa̍dvṛtra̱hatyā̍ya va̱jrī .
ye karma̍ṇaḥ kri̱yamā̍ṇasya ma̱hna ṛ̍teka̱rmamu̱dajā̍yanta de̱vāḥ .. 10.055.07
7 Through these the Thunderer gained strong manly vigour, through whom he waxed in power to smite down Vṛtra,
Who through the might of Indra's operation came forth as Gods in course of Law and Order.
Sloka : 10.55.8
यु॒जा कर्मा॑णि ज॒नय॑न्वि॒श्वौजा॑ अशस्ति॒हा वि॒श्वम॑नास्तुरा॒षाट् ।
पी॒त्वी सोम॑स्य दि॒व आ वृ॑धा॒नः शूरो॒ निर्यु॒धाध॑म॒द्दस्यू॑न् ॥ १०.०५५.०८
yu̱jā karmā̍ṇi ja̱naya̍nvi̱śvaujā̍ aśasti̱hā vi̱śvama̍nāsturā̱ṣāṭ .
pī̱tvī soma̍sya di̱va ā vṛ̍dhā̱naḥ śūro̱ niryu̱dhādha̍ma̱ddasyū̍n .. 10.055.08
8 All-strong, performing works with his companion, All-marking, rapid Victor, Curse-averter,
The Hero, waxing, after draughts of Soma, blew far from heaven the Dasyus with his weapon.
Sloka : 10.56.1
इ॒दं त॒ एकं॑ प॒र ऊ॑ त॒ एकं॑ तृ॒तीये॑न॒ ज्योति॑षा॒ सं वि॑शस्व ।
सं॒वेश॑ने त॒न्व१॒॑श्चारु॑रेधि प्रि॒यो दे॒वानां॑ पर॒मे ज॒नित्रे॑ ॥ १०.०५६.०१
i̱daṃ ta̱ eka̍ṃ pa̱ra ū̍ ta̱ eka̍ṃ tṛ̱tīye̍na̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱ saṃ vi̍śasva .
sa̱ṃveśa̍ne ta̱nva1̱̍ścāru̍redhi pri̱yo de̱vānā̍ṃ para̱me ja̱nitre̍ .. 10.056.01
1. HERE is one light for thee, another yonder:- enter the third and he therewith united.
Uniting with a body be thou welcome, dear to the Gods in their sublimest birthplace.
Sloka : 10.56.2
त॒नूष्टे॑ वाजिन्त॒न्वं१॒॑ नय॑न्ती वा॒मम॒स्मभ्यं॒ धातु॒ शर्म॒ तुभ्य॑म् ।
अह्रु॑तो म॒हो ध॒रुणा॑य दे॒वान्दि॒वी॑व॒ ज्योतिः॒ स्वमा मि॑मीयाः ॥ १०.०५६.०२
ta̱nūṣṭe̍ vājinta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ naya̍ntī vā̱mama̱smabhya̱ṃ dhātu̱ śarma̱ tubhya̍m .
ahru̍to ma̱ho dha̱ruṇā̍ya de̱vāndi̱vī̍va̱ jyoti̱ḥ svamā mi̍mīyāḥ .. 10.056.02
2 Bearing thy body, Vajin, may thy body afford us blessing and thyself protection.
Unswerving, stablish as it were in heaven thine own light as the mighty God's supporter.
Sloka : 10.56.3
वा॒ज्य॑सि॒ वाजि॑नेना सुवे॒नीः सु॑वि॒तः स्तोमं॑ सुवि॒तो दिवं॑ गाः ।
सु॒वि॒तो धर्म॑ प्रथ॒मानु॑ स॒त्या सु॑वि॒तो दे॒वान्सु॑वि॒तोऽनु॒ पत्म॑ ॥ १०.०५६.०३
vā̱jya̍si̱ vāji̍nenā suve̱nīḥ su̍vi̱taḥ stoma̍ṃ suvi̱to diva̍ṃ gāḥ .
su̱vi̱to dharma̍ pratha̱mānu̍ sa̱tyā su̍vi̱to de̱vānsu̍vi̱to'nu̱ patma̍ .. 10.056.03
3 Strong Steed art thou:- go to the yearning Maidens with vigour, happily go to heaven and praises:-
Fly happily to the Gods with easy passage, according to the first and faithful statutes.
Sloka : 10.56.4
म॒हि॒म्न ए॑षां पि॒तर॑श्च॒नेशि॑रे दे॒वा दे॒वेष्व॑दधु॒रपि॒ क्रतु॑म् ।
सम॑विव्यचुरु॒त यान्यत्वि॑षु॒रैषां॑ त॒नूषु॒ नि वि॑विशुः॒ पुनः॑ ॥ १०.०५६.०४
ma̱hi̱mna e̍ṣāṃ pi̱tara̍śca̱neśi̍re de̱vā de̱veṣva̍dadhu̱rapi̱ kratu̍m .
sama̍vivyacuru̱ta yānyatvi̍ṣu̱raiṣā̍ṃ ta̱nūṣu̱ ni vi̍viśu̱ḥ puna̍ḥ .. 10.056.04
4 Part of their grandeur have the Fathers also gained:- the Gods have seated mental power in them as Gods.
They have embraced within themselves all energies, which, issuing forth, again into their bodies pass.
Sloka : 10.56.5
सहो॑भि॒र्विश्वं॒ परि॑ चक्रमू॒ रजः॒ पूर्वा॒ धामा॒न्यमि॑ता॒ मिमा॑नाः ।
त॒नूषु॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒ नि ये॑मिरे॒ प्रासा॑रयन्त पुरु॒ध प्र॒जा अनु॑ ॥ १०.०५६.०५
saho̍bhi̱rviśva̱ṃ pari̍ cakramū̱ raja̱ḥ pūrvā̱ dhāmā̱nyami̍tā̱ mimā̍nāḥ .
ta̱nūṣu̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱ ni ye̍mire̱ prāsā̍rayanta puru̱dha pra̱jā anu̍ .. 10.056.05
5 They strode through all the region with victorious might, establishing the old immeasurable laws.
They compassed in their bodies all existing things, and streamed forth offipring in many successive forms.
Sloka : 10.56.6
द्विधा॑ सू॒नवोऽसु॑रं स्व॒र्विद॒मास्था॑पयन्त तृ॒तीये॑न॒ कर्म॑णा ।
स्वां प्र॒जां पि॒तरः॒ पित्र्यं॒ सह॒ आव॑रेष्वदधु॒स्तन्तु॒मात॑तम् ॥ १०.०५६.०६
dvidhā̍ sū̱navo'su̍raṃ sva̱rvida̱māsthā̍payanta tṛ̱tīye̍na̱ karma̍ṇā .
svāṃ pra̱jāṃ pi̱tara̱ḥ pitrya̱ṃ saha̱ āva̍reṣvadadhu̱stantu̱māta̍tam .. 10.056.06
6 In two ways have the sons established in his place the Asura who finds the light, by the third act,
As fathers, they have set their heritage on earth, their offspring, as a thread continuously spun out.
Sloka : 10.56.7
ना॒वा न क्षोदः॑ प्र॒दिशः॑ पृथि॒व्याः स्व॒स्तिभि॒रति॑ दु॒र्गाणि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
स्वां प्र॒जां बृ॒हदु॑क्थो महि॒त्वाव॑रेष्वदधा॒दा परे॑षु ॥ १०.०५६.०७
nā̱vā na kṣoda̍ḥ pra̱diśa̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyāḥ sva̱stibhi̱rati̍ du̱rgāṇi̱ viśvā̍ .
svāṃ pra̱jāṃ bṛ̱hadu̍ktho mahi̱tvāva̍reṣvadadhā̱dā pare̍ṣu .. 10.056.07
7 As in a ship through billows, so through regions of air, with blessings, through toils and troubles
Hath Bṛhaduktha brought his seed with glory, and placed it here and in the realms beyond us.
Sloka : 10.57.1
मा प्र गा॑म प॒थो व॒यं मा य॒ज्ञादि॑न्द्र सो॒मिनः॑ ।
मान्तः स्थु॑र्नो॒ अरा॑तयः ॥ १०.०५७.०१
mā pra gā̍ma pa̱tho va̱yaṃ mā ya̱jñādi̍ndra so̱mina̍ḥ .
māntaḥ sthu̍rno̱ arā̍tayaḥ .. 10.057.01
1. LET us not, Indra, leave the path, the Soma-presser's sacrifice:-
Let no malignity dwell with us.
Sloka : 10.57.2
यो य॒ज्ञस्य॑ प्र॒साध॑न॒स्तन्तु॑र्दे॒वेष्वात॑तः ।
तमाहु॑तं नशीमहि ॥ १०.०५७.०२
yo ya̱jñasya̍ pra̱sādha̍na̱stantu̍rde̱veṣvāta̍taḥ .
tamāhu̍taṃ naśīmahi .. 10.057.02
2 May we obtain, completely wrought, the thread spun out to reach the Gods,
That perfecteth the sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.57.3
मनो॒ न्वा हु॑वामहे नाराशं॒सेन॒ सोमे॑न ।
पि॒तॄ॒णां च॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ १०.०५७.०३
mano̱ nvā hu̍vāmahe nārāśa̱ṃsena̱ some̍na .
pi̱tṝ̱ṇāṃ ca̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 10.057.03
3 We call the spirit hither with the Soma of our parted sires,
Yea, with the Fathers' holy hymns.
Sloka : 10.57.4
आ त॑ एतु॒ मनः॒ पुनः॒ क्रत्वे॒ दक्षा॑य जी॒वसे॑ ।
ज्योक्च॒ सूर्यं॑ दृ॒शे ॥ १०.०५७.०४
ā ta̍ etu̱ mana̱ḥ puna̱ḥ kratve̱ dakṣā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .
jyokca̱ sūrya̍ṃ dṛ̱śe .. 10.057.04
4 Thy spirit come to thee again for wisdom, energy, and lire,
That thou mayst long behold the sun!
Sloka : 10.57.5
पुन॑र्नः पितरो॒ मनो॒ ददा॑तु॒ दैव्यो॒ जनः॑ ।
जी॒वं व्रातं॑ सचेमहि ॥ १०.०५७.०५
puna̍rnaḥ pitaro̱ mano̱ dadā̍tu̱ daivyo̱ jana̍ḥ .
jī̱vaṃ vrāta̍ṃ sacemahi .. 10.057.05
5 O Fathers, may the Heavenly Folk give us our spirit once again,
That we may be with those who live.
Sloka : 10.57.6
व॒यं सो॑म व्र॒ते तव॒ मन॑स्त॒नूषु॒ बिभ्र॑तः ।
प्र॒जाव॑न्तः सचेमहि ॥ १०.०५७.०६
va̱yaṃ so̍ma vra̱te tava̱ mana̍sta̱nūṣu̱ bibhra̍taḥ .
pra̱jāva̍ntaḥ sacemahi .. 10.057.06
6 O Soma with the spirit still within us, blest with progeny,
May we be busied in the law.
Sloka : 10.58.1
यत्ते॑ य॒मं वै॑वस्व॒तं मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०१
yatte̍ ya̱maṃ vai̍vasva̱taṃ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.01
1. THY spirit, that went far away to Yama to Vivasvān's Son,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.2
यत्ते॒ दिवं॒ यत्पृ॑थि॒वीं मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०२
yatte̱ diva̱ṃ yatpṛ̍thi̱vīṃ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.02
2 Thy spirit, that went far away, that passed away to earth and heaven,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.3
यत्ते॒ भूमिं॒ चतु॑र्भृष्टिं॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०३
yatte̱ bhūmi̱ṃ catu̍rbhṛṣṭi̱ṃ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.03
3 Thy spirit, that went far away, away to the four-cornered earth,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.4
यत्ते॒ चत॑स्रः प्र॒दिशो॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०४
yatte̱ cata̍sraḥ pra̱diśo̱ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.04
4 Thy spirit, that went far away to the four quarters of the world,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.5
यत्ते॑ समु॒द्रम॑र्ण॒वं मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०५
yatte̍ samu̱drama̍rṇa̱vaṃ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.05
5 Thy spirit, that went far away, away unto the billowy sea,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.6
यत्ते॒ मरी॑चीः प्र॒वतो॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०६
yatte̱ marī̍cīḥ pra̱vato̱ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.06
6 Thy spirit, that went far away to beams of light that flash and flow,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.7
यत्ते॑ अ॒पो यदोष॑धी॒र्मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०७
yatte̍ a̱po yadoṣa̍dhī̱rmano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.07
7 Thy spirit, that went far away, went to the waters and the plants,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.8
यत्ते॒ सूर्यं॒ यदु॒षसं॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०८
yatte̱ sūrya̱ṃ yadu̱ṣasa̱ṃ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.08
8 Thy spirit, that went far away, that visited the Sun and Dawn.
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.9
यत्ते॒ पर्व॑तान्बृह॒तो मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.०९
yatte̱ parva̍tānbṛha̱to mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.09
9 Thy spirit, that went far away, away to lofty mountain heights,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.10
यत्ते॒ विश्व॑मि॒दं जग॒न्मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.१०
yatte̱ viśva̍mi̱daṃ jaga̱nmano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.10
10 Thy spirit, that went far away into this All, that lives and moves,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.11
यत्ते॒ पराः॑ परा॒वतो॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.११
yatte̱ parā̍ḥ parā̱vato̱ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.11
11 Thy spirit, that went far away to distant realms beyond our ken,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn here.
Sloka : 10.58.12
यत्ते॑ भू॒तं च॒ भव्यं॑ च॒ मनो॑ ज॒गाम॑ दूर॒कम् ।
तत्त॒ आ व॑र्तयामसी॒ह क्षया॑य जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.०५८.१२
yatte̍ bhū̱taṃ ca̱ bhavya̍ṃ ca̱ mano̍ ja̱gāma̍ dūra̱kam .
tatta̱ ā va̍rtayāmasī̱ha kṣayā̍ya jī̱vase̍ .. 10.058.12
12 Thy spirit, that went far away to all that is and is to be,
We cause to come to thee again that thou mayst live and sojourn heie.
Sloka : 10.59.1
प्र ता॒र्यायुः॑ प्रत॒रं नवी॑यः॒ स्थाता॑रेव॒ क्रतु॑मता॒ रथ॑स्य ।
अध॒ च्यवा॑न॒ उत्त॑वी॒त्यर्थं॑ परात॒रं सु निरृ॑तिर्जिहीताम् ॥ १०.०५९.०१
pra tā̱ryāyu̍ḥ prata̱raṃ navī̍ya̱ḥ sthātā̍reva̱ kratu̍matā̱ ratha̍sya .
adha̱ cyavā̍na̱ utta̍vī̱tyartha̍ṃ parāta̱raṃ su nirṛ̍tirjihītām .. 10.059.01
1. His life hath been renewed and carried forward as two men, car-borne, by the skilful driver.
One falls, then seeks the goal with quickened vigour. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
Sloka : 10.59.2
साम॒न्नु रा॒ये नि॑धि॒मन्न्वन्नं॒ करा॑महे॒ सु पु॑रु॒ध श्रवां॑सि ।
ता नो॒ विश्वा॑नि जरि॒ता म॑मत्तु परात॒रं सु निरृ॑तिर्जिहीताम् ॥ १०.०५९.०२
sāma̱nnu rā̱ye ni̍dhi̱mannvanna̱ṃ karā̍mahe̱ su pu̍ru̱dha śravā̍ṃsi .
tā no̱ viśvā̍ni jari̱tā ma̍mattu parāta̱raṃ su nirṛ̍tirjihītām .. 10.059.02
2 Here is the psalm for wealth, and food, in plenty:- let us do many deeds to bring us glory.
All these our doings shall delight the singer. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
Sloka : 10.59.3
अ॒भी ष्व१॒॑र्यः पौंस्यै॑र्भवेम॒ द्यौर्न भूमिं॑ गि॒रयो॒ नाज्रा॑न् ।
ता नो॒ विश्वा॑नि जरि॒ता चि॑केत परात॒रं सु निरृ॑तिर्जिहीताम् ॥ १०.०५९.०३
a̱bhī ṣva1̱̍ryaḥ pauṃsyai̍rbhavema̱ dyaurna bhūmi̍ṃ gi̱rayo̱ nājrā̍n .
tā no̱ viśvā̍ni jari̱tā ci̍keta parāta̱raṃ su nirṛ̍tirjihītām .. 10.059.03
3 May we oercome our foes with acts of valour, as heaven is over earth, hills over lowlands.
All these our deeds the singer hath considered. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
Sloka : 10.59.4
मो षु णः॑ सोम मृ॒त्यवे॒ परा॑ दाः॒ पश्ये॑म॒ नु सूर्य॑मु॒च्चर॑न्तम् ।
द्युभि॑र्हि॒तो ज॑रि॒मा सू नो॑ अस्तु परात॒रं सु निरृ॑तिर्जिहीताम् ॥ १०.०५९.०४
mo ṣu ṇa̍ḥ soma mṛ̱tyave̱ parā̍ dā̱ḥ paśye̍ma̱ nu sūrya̍mu̱ccara̍ntam .
dyubhi̍rhi̱to ja̍ri̱mā sū no̍ astu parāta̱raṃ su nirṛ̍tirjihītām .. 10.059.04
4 Give us not up as prey to death, O Soma still let us look upon the Sun arising.
Let our old age with passing days be kindly. Let Nirrti depart to distant places.
Sloka : 10.59.5
असु॑नीते॒ मनो॑ अ॒स्मासु॑ धारय जी॒वात॑वे॒ सु प्र ति॑रा न॒ आयुः॑ ।
रा॒र॒न्धि नः॒ सूर्य॑स्य सं॒दृशि॑ घृ॒तेन॒ त्वं त॒न्वं॑ वर्धयस्व ॥ १०.०५९.०५
asu̍nīte̱ mano̍ a̱smāsu̍ dhāraya jī̱vāta̍ve̱ su pra ti̍rā na̱ āyu̍ḥ .
rā̱ra̱ndhi na̱ḥ sūrya̍sya sa̱ṃdṛśi̍ ghṛ̱tena̱ tvaṃ ta̱nva̍ṃ vardhayasva .. 10.059.05
5 O Asuniti, keep the soul within us, and make the days we have to live yet longer.
Grant that we still may look upon the sunlight:- strengthen thy body with the oil we bring thee.
Sloka : 10.59.6
असु॑नीते॒ पुन॑र॒स्मासु॒ चक्षुः॒ पुनः॑ प्रा॒णमि॒ह नो॑ धेहि॒ भोग॑म् ।
ज्योक्प॑श्येम॒ सूर्य॑मु॒च्चर॑न्त॒मनु॑मते मृ॒ळया॑ नः स्व॒स्ति ॥ १०.०५९.०६
asu̍nīte̱ puna̍ra̱smāsu̱ cakṣu̱ḥ puna̍ḥ prā̱ṇami̱ha no̍ dhehi̱ bhoga̍m .
jyokpa̍śyema̱ sūrya̍mu̱ccara̍nta̱manu̍mate mṛ̱l̤ayā̍ naḥ sva̱sti .. 10.059.06
6 Give us our sight again, O Asuniti, give us again our breath and our enjoyment.
Long may we look upon the Sun uprising; O Anumati, favour thou and bless us.
Sloka : 10.59.7
पुन॑र्नो॒ असुं॑ पृथि॒वी द॑दातु॒ पुन॒र्द्यौर्दे॒वी पुन॑र॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ।
पुन॑र्नः॒ सोम॑स्त॒न्वं॑ ददातु॒ पुनः॑ पू॒षा प॒थ्यां॒३॒॑ या स्व॒स्तिः ॥ १०.०५९.०७
puna̍rno̱ asu̍ṃ pṛthi̱vī da̍dātu̱ puna̱rdyaurde̱vī puna̍ra̱ntari̍kṣam .
puna̍rna̱ḥ soma̍sta̱nva̍ṃ dadātu̱ puna̍ḥ pū̱ṣā pa̱thyā̱ṃ3̱̍ yā sva̱stiḥ .. 10.059.07
7 May Earth restore to us our vital spirit, may Heaven the Goddess and mid-air restore it.
May Soma give us once again our body, and Pūṣan show the Path of peace and comfort.
Sloka : 10.59.8
शं रोद॑सी सु॒बन्ध॑वे य॒ह्वी ऋ॒तस्य॑ मा॒तरा॑ ।
भर॑ता॒मप॒ यद्रपो॒ द्यौः पृ॑थिवि क्ष॒मा रपो॒ मो षु ते॒ किं च॒नाम॑मत् ॥ १०.०५९.०८
śaṃ roda̍sī su̱bandha̍ve ya̱hvī ṛ̱tasya̍ mā̱tarā̍ .
bhara̍tā̱mapa̱ yadrapo̱ dyauḥ pṛ̍thivi kṣa̱mā rapo̱ mo ṣu te̱ kiṃ ca̱nāma̍mat .. 10.059.08
8 May both Worlds bless Subandhu, young Mothers of everlasting Law.
May Heaven and Earth uproot and sweep iniquity and shame away:- nor sin nor sorrow trouble thee.
Sloka : 10.59.9
अव॑ द्व॒के अव॑ त्रि॒का दि॒वश्च॑रन्ति भेष॒जा ।
क्ष॒मा च॑रि॒ष्ण्वे॑क॒कं भर॑ता॒मप॒ यद्रपो॒ द्यौः पृ॑थिवि क्ष॒मा रपो॒ मो षु ते॒ किं च॒नाम॑मत् ॥ १०.०५९.०९
ava̍ dva̱ke ava̍ tri̱kā di̱vaśca̍ranti bheṣa̱jā .
kṣa̱mā ca̍ri̱ṣṇve̍ka̱kaṃ bhara̍tā̱mapa̱ yadrapo̱ dyauḥ pṛ̍thivi kṣa̱mā rapo̱ mo ṣu te̱ kiṃ ca̱nāma̍mat .. 10.059.09
9 Health-giving medicines descend sent down from heaven in twos and threes,
Or wandering singly on the earth. May Heaven and Earth uproot and sweep iniquity and shame away:- nor sin nor sorrow trouble thee.
Sloka : 10.59.10
समि॑न्द्रेरय॒ गाम॑न॒ड्वाहं॒ य आव॑हदुशी॒नरा॑ण्या॒ अनः॑ ।
भर॑ता॒मप॒ यद्रपो॒ द्यौः पृ॑थिवि क्ष॒मा रपो॒ मो षु ते॒ किं च॒नाम॑मत् ॥ १०.०५९.१०
sami̍ndreraya̱ gāma̍na̱ḍvāha̱ṃ ya āva̍haduśī̱narā̍ṇyā̱ ana̍ḥ .
bhara̍tā̱mapa̱ yadrapo̱ dyauḥ pṛ̍thivi kṣa̱mā rapo̱ mo ṣu te̱ kiṃ ca̱nāma̍mat .. 10.059.10
10 Drive forward thou the wagon-ox, O Indra, which brought Usinarani's wagon hither.
May Heaven and Earth uproot and sweep iniquity and shame away:- nor sin nor sorrow trouble thee.
Sloka : 10.60.1
आ जनं॑ त्वे॒षसं॑दृशं॒ माही॑नाना॒मुप॑स्तुतम् ।
अग॑न्म॒ बिभ्र॑तो॒ नमः॑ ॥ १०.०६०.०१
ā jana̍ṃ tve̱ṣasa̍ṃdṛśa̱ṃ māhī̍nānā̱mupa̍stutam .
aga̍nma̱ bibhra̍to̱ nama̍ḥ .. 10.060.01
1. BRINGING our homage we have come to one magnificent in look.
Glorified of the mighty Gods
Sloka : 10.60.2
अस॑मातिं नि॒तोश॑नं त्वे॒षं नि॑य॒यिनं॒ रथ॑म् ।
भ॒जेर॑थस्य॒ सत्प॑तिम् ॥ १०.०६०.०२
asa̍mātiṃ ni̱tośa̍naṃ tve̱ṣaṃ ni̍ya̱yina̱ṃ ratha̍m .
bha̱jera̍thasya̱ satpa̍tim .. 10.060.02
2 To Asamati, spring of gifts, lord of the brave, a radiant car,
The conqueror of Bhajeratha
Sloka : 10.60.3
यो जना॑न्महि॒षाँ इ॑वातित॒स्थौ पवी॑रवान् ।
उ॒ताप॑वीरवान्यु॒धा ॥ १०.०६०.०३
yo janā̍nmahi̱ṣām̐ i̍vātita̱sthau pavī̍ravān .
u̱tāpa̍vīravānyu̱dhā .. 10.060.03
3 Who, when the spear hath armed his hand, or even weaponless oerthrows
Men strong as buffaloes in fight;
Sloka : 10.60.4
यस्ये॑क्ष्वा॒कुरुप॑ व्र॒ते रे॒वान्म॑रा॒य्येध॑ते ।
दि॒वी॑व॒ पञ्च॑ कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ॥ १०.०६०.०४
yasye̍kṣvā̱kurupa̍ vra̱te re̱vānma̍rā̱yyedha̍te .
di̱vī̍va̱ pañca̍ kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .. 10.060.04
4 Him in whose service flourishes Iksvaku, rich and dazzling-bright.
As the Five Tribes that are in heaven.
Sloka : 10.60.5
इन्द्र॑ क्ष॒त्रास॑मातिषु॒ रथ॑प्रोष्ठेषु धारय ।
दि॒वी॑व॒ सूर्यं॑ दृ॒शे ॥ १०.०६०.०५
indra̍ kṣa̱trāsa̍mātiṣu̱ ratha̍proṣṭheṣu dhāraya .
di̱vī̍va̱ sūrya̍ṃ dṛ̱śe .. 10.060.05
5 Indra, support the princely power of Rathaprosthas matched by none,
Even as the Sun for all to see.
Sloka : 10.60.6
अ॒गस्त्य॑स्य॒ नद्भ्यः॒ सप्ती॑ युनक्षि॒ रोहि॑ता ।
प॒णीन्न्य॑क्रमीर॒भि विश्वा॑न्राजन्नरा॒धसः॑ ॥ १०.०६०.०६
a̱gastya̍sya̱ nadbhya̱ḥ saptī̍ yunakṣi̱ rohi̍tā .
pa̱ṇīnnya̍kramīra̱bhi viśvā̍nrājannarā̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 10.060.06
6 Thou for Agastya's sister's sons yokest thy pair of ruddy steeds.
Thou troddest niggards under foot, all those, O King, who brought no gifts.
Sloka : 10.60.7
अ॒यं मा॒तायं पि॒तायं जी॒वातु॒राग॑मत् ।
इ॒दं तव॑ प्र॒सर्प॑णं॒ सुब॑न्ध॒वेहि॒ निरि॑हि ॥ १०.०६०.०७
a̱yaṃ mā̱tāyaṃ pi̱tāyaṃ jī̱vātu̱rāga̍mat .
i̱daṃ tava̍ pra̱sarpa̍ṇa̱ṃ suba̍ndha̱vehi̱ niri̍hi .. 10.060.07
7 This is the mother, this the sire, this one hath come to be thy life.
What brings thee forth is even this. Now come, Subandhu, get thee forth.
Sloka : 10.60.8
यथा॑ यु॒गं व॑र॒त्रया॒ नह्य॑न्ति ध॒रुणा॑य॒ कम् ।
ए॒वा दा॑धार ते॒ मनो॑ जी॒वात॑वे॒ न मृ॒त्यवेऽथो॑ अरि॒ष्टता॑तये ॥ १०.०६०.०८
yathā̍ yu̱gaṃ va̍ra̱trayā̱ nahya̍nti dha̱ruṇā̍ya̱ kam .
e̱vā dā̍dhāra te̱ mano̍ jī̱vāta̍ve̱ na mṛ̱tyave'tho̍ ari̱ṣṭatā̍taye .. 10.060.08
8 As with the leather thong they bind the chariot yoke to hold it fast,
So have I held thy spirit fast, held it for life and not for death, held it for thy security.
Sloka : 10.60.9
यथे॒यं पृ॑थि॒वी म॒ही दा॒धारे॒मान्वन॒स्पती॑न् ।
ए॒वा दा॑धार ते॒ मनो॑ जी॒वात॑वे॒ न मृ॒त्यवेऽथो॑ अरि॒ष्टता॑तये ॥ १०.०६०.०९
yathe̱yaṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī ma̱hī dā̱dhāre̱mānvana̱spatī̍n .
e̱vā dā̍dhāra te̱ mano̍ jī̱vāta̍ve̱ na mṛ̱tyave'tho̍ ari̱ṣṭatā̍taye .. 10.060.09
9 Even as this earth, the mighty earth, holds fast the monarchs of the wood.
So have I held thy spirit fast, held it for life and not for death, held it for thy security.
Sloka : 10.60.10
य॒माद॒हं वै॑वस्व॒तात्सु॒बन्धो॒र्मन॒ आभ॑रम् ।
जी॒वात॑वे॒ न मृ॒त्यवेऽथो॑ अरि॒ष्टता॑तये ॥ १०.०६०.१०
ya̱māda̱haṃ vai̍vasva̱tātsu̱bandho̱rmana̱ ābha̍ram .
jī̱vāta̍ve̱ na mṛ̱tyave'tho̍ ari̱ṣṭatā̍taye .. 10.060.10
10 Subandlin's spirit I have brought from Yarna, from Vivasvān's Son,
Brought it for life and not for death, yea, brought it for security.
Sloka : 10.60.11
न्य१॒॑ग्वातोऽव॑ वाति॒ न्य॑क्तपति॒ सूर्यः॑ ।
नी॒चीन॑म॒घ्न्या दु॑हे॒ न्य॑ग्भवतु ते॒ रपः॑ ॥ १०.०६०.११
nya1̱̍gvāto'va̍ vāti̱ nya̍ktapati̱ sūrya̍ḥ .
nī̱cīna̍ma̱ghnyā du̍he̱ nya̍gbhavatu te̱ rapa̍ḥ .. 10.060.11
11 The wind blows downward from on high, downward the Sun-God sends his heat,
Downward the milch-cow pours her milk:- so downward go thy pain and grief.
Sloka : 10.60.12
अ॒यं मे॒ हस्तो॒ भग॑वान॒यं मे॒ भग॑वत्तरः ।
अ॒यं मे॑ वि॒श्वभे॑षजो॒ऽयं शि॒वाभि॑मर्शनः ॥ १०.०६०.१२
a̱yaṃ me̱ hasto̱ bhaga̍vāna̱yaṃ me̱ bhaga̍vattaraḥ .
a̱yaṃ me̍ vi̱śvabhe̍ṣajo̱'yaṃ śi̱vābhi̍marśanaḥ .. 10.060.12
12 Felicitous is this mine hand, yet more felicitous is this.
This hand contains all healing balms, and this makes whole with gentle touch.
Sloka : 10.61.1
इ॒दमि॒त्था रौद्रं॑ गू॒र्तव॑चा॒ ब्रह्म॒ क्रत्वा॒ शच्या॑म॒न्तरा॒जौ ।
क्रा॒णा यद॑स्य पि॒तरा॑ मंहने॒ष्ठाः पर्ष॑त्प॒क्थे अह॒न्ना स॒प्त होतॄ॑न् ॥ १०.०६१.०१
i̱dami̱tthā raudra̍ṃ gū̱rtava̍cā̱ brahma̱ kratvā̱ śacyā̍ma̱ntarā̱jau .
krā̱ṇā yada̍sya pi̱tarā̍ maṃhane̱ṣṭhāḥ parṣa̍tpa̱kthe aha̱nnā sa̱pta hotṝ̍n .. 10.061.01
1. THE welcome speaker in the storm of battle uttered with might this prayer to win the Aśvins,
When the most liberal God, for Paktha, rescued his parents, and assailed the seven Hotras.
Sloka : 10.61.2
स इद्दा॒नाय॒ दभ्या॑य व॒न्वञ्च्यवा॑नः॒ सूदै॑रमिमीत॒ वेदि॑म् ।
तूर्व॑याणो गू॒र्तव॑चस्तमः॒ क्षोदो॒ न रेत॑ इ॒तऊ॑ति सिञ्चत् ॥ १०.०६१.०२
sa iddā̱nāya̱ dabhyā̍ya va̱nvañcyavā̍na̱ḥ sūdai̍ramimīta̱ vedi̍m .
tūrva̍yāṇo gū̱rtava̍castama̱ḥ kṣodo̱ na reta̍ i̱taū̍ti siñcat .. 10.061.02
2 Cyavāna, purposing deceptive presents, with all ingredients, made the altar ready.
Most sweet-voiced Tūrvayāṇa poured oblations like floods of widely fertilizing water.
Sloka : 10.61.3
मनो॒ न येषु॒ हव॑नेषु ति॒ग्मं विपः॒ शच्या॑ वनु॒थो द्रव॑न्ता ।
आ यः शर्या॑भिस्तुविनृ॒म्णो अ॒स्याश्री॑णीता॒दिशं॒ गभ॑स्तौ ॥ १०.०६१.०३
mano̱ na yeṣu̱ hava̍neṣu ti̱gmaṃ vipa̱ḥ śacyā̍ vanu̱tho drava̍ntā .
ā yaḥ śaryā̍bhistuvinṛ̱mṇo a̱syāśrī̍ṇītā̱diśa̱ṃ gabha̍stau .. 10.061.03
3 To his oblations, swift as thought, ye hurried, and welcomed eagerly the prayers he offered.
With arrows in his hand the Very Mighty forced from him all obedience of a servant.
Sloka : 10.61.4
कृ॒ष्णा यद्गोष्व॑रु॒णीषु॒ सीद॑द्दि॒वो नपा॑ताश्विना हुवे वाम् ।
वी॒तं मे॑ य॒ज्ञमा ग॑तं मे॒ अन्नं॑ वव॒न्वांसा॒ नेष॒मस्मृ॑तध्रू ॥ १०.०६१.०४
kṛ̱ṣṇā yadgoṣva̍ru̱ṇīṣu̱ sīda̍ddi̱vo napā̍tāśvinā huve vām .
vī̱taṃ me̍ ya̱jñamā ga̍taṃ me̱ anna̍ṃ vava̱nvāṃsā̱ neṣa̱masmṛ̍tadhrū .. 10.061.04
4 I call on you the Sons of Dyaus, the Aśvins, that a dark cow to my red kine be added.
Enjoy my sacrifice, come to my viands contented, not deceiving expectation. '
Sloka : 10.61.5
प्रथि॑ष्ट॒ यस्य॑ वी॒रक॑र्ममि॒ष्णदनु॑ष्ठितं॒ नु नर्यो॒ अपौ॑हत् ।
पुन॒स्तदा वृ॑हति॒ यत्क॒नाया॑ दुहि॒तुरा अनु॑भृतमन॒र्वा ॥ १०.०६१.०५
prathi̍ṣṭa̱ yasya̍ vī̱raka̍rmami̱ṣṇadanu̍ṣṭhita̱ṃ nu naryo̱ apau̍hat .
puna̱stadā vṛ̍hati̱ yatka̱nāyā̍ duhi̱turā anu̍bhṛtamana̱rvā .. 10.061.05
5 Membrum suum virile, quod vrotentum fuerat, mas ille retraxit. Rursus illud quod in juvenem filiam sublatum fuerat, non aggressurus, ad se rerahit.
Sloka : 10.61.6
म॒ध्या यत्कर्त्व॒मभ॑वद॒भीके॒ कामं॑ कृण्वा॒ने पि॒तरि॑ युव॒त्याम् ।
म॒ना॒नग्रेतो॑ जहतुर्वि॒यन्ता॒ सानौ॒ निषि॑क्तं सुकृ॒तस्य॒ योनौ॑ ॥ १०.०६१.०६
ma̱dhyā yatkartva̱mabha̍vada̱bhīke̱ kāma̍ṃ kṛṇvā̱ne pi̱tari̍ yuva̱tyām .
ma̱nā̱nagreto̍ jahaturvi̱yantā̱ sānau̱ niṣi̍ktaṃ sukṛ̱tasya̱ yonau̍ .. 10.061.06
6 Quum jam in medio connessu, semiperfecto opere, amorem in puellam pater impleverat, ambo discedentes seminis paulum in terrae superficiem sacrorum sede effusum emiserunt.
Sloka : 10.61.7
पि॒ता यत्स्वां दु॑हि॒तर॑मधि॒ष्कन्क्ष्म॒या रेतः॑ संजग्मा॒नो नि षि॑ञ्चत् ।
स्वा॒ध्यो॑ऽजनय॒न्ब्रह्म॑ दे॒वा वास्तो॒ष्पतिं॑ व्रत॒पां निर॑तक्षन् ॥ १०.०६१.०७
pi̱tā yatsvāṃ du̍hi̱tara̍madhi̱ṣkankṣma̱yā reta̍ḥ saṃjagmā̱no ni ṣi̍ñcat .
svā̱dhyo̎janaya̱nbrahma̍ de̱vā vāsto̱ṣpati̍ṃ vrata̱pāṃ nira̍takṣan .. 10.061.07
7 Quum pater suam nilam adiverat, cum eā congressus suum semen supra viram effudit. Tum Dii benigni precem (brahma) progenuerunt, et Vastoshpatim, legum sacrarum custodem, formaverunt.
Sloka : 10.61.8
स ईं॒ वृषा॒ न फेन॑मस्यदा॒जौ स्मदा परै॒दप॑ द॒भ्रचे॑ताः ।
सर॑त्प॒दा न दक्षि॑णा परा॒वृङ्न ता नु मे॑ पृश॒न्यो॑ जगृभ्रे ॥ १०.०६१.०८
sa ī̱ṃ vṛṣā̱ na phena̍masyadā̱jau smadā parai̱dapa̍ da̱bhrace̍tāḥ .
sara̍tpa̱dā na dakṣi̍ṇā parā̱vṛṅna tā nu me̍ pṛśa̱nyo̍ jagṛbhre .. 10.061.08
8 Ille tauro similis spumam in certamine jactavit, tunc discedens pusillaximis huc profectus est. Quasi dextro pede claudus processit, "inutiles fuerunt illi mei complexus," ita locutus.
Sloka : 10.61.9
म॒क्षू न वह्निः॑ प्र॒जाया॑ उप॒ब्दिर॒ग्निं न न॒ग्न उप॑ सीद॒दूधः॑ ।
सनि॑ते॒ध्मं सनि॑तो॒त वाजं॒ स ध॒र्ता ज॑ज्ञे॒ सह॑सा यवी॒युत् ॥ १०.०६१.०९
ma̱kṣū na vahni̍ḥ pra̱jāyā̍ upa̱bdira̱gniṃ na na̱gna upa̍ sīda̱dūdha̍ḥ .
sani̍te̱dhmaṃ sani̍to̱ta vāja̱ṃ sa dha̱rtā ja̍jñe̱ saha̍sā yavī̱yut .. 10.061.09
9 'The fire, burning the people, does not approach quickly (by day):- the naked (Rākṣasas approach) not Agni by night; the giver of fuel, and the giver of food, he, the upholder (of the rite), is born, overcoming enemies by his might.'
Sloka : 10.61.10
म॒क्षू क॒नायाः॑ स॒ख्यं नव॑ग्वा ऋ॒तं वद॑न्त ऋ॒तयु॑क्तिमग्मन् ।
द्वि॒बर्ह॑सो॒ य उप॑ गो॒पमागु॑रदक्षि॒णासो॒ अच्यु॑ता दुदुक्षन् ॥ १०.०६१.१०
ma̱kṣū ka̱nāyā̍ḥ sa̱khyaṃ nava̍gvā ṛ̱taṃ vada̍nta ṛ̱tayu̍ktimagman .
dvi̱barha̍so̱ ya upa̍ go̱pamāgu̍radakṣi̱ṇāso̱ acyu̍tā dudukṣan .. 10.061.10
10 Uttering praise to suit the rite Navagvas came speedily to win the damsel's friendship.
They who approached the twice-strong stable's keeper, meedless would milk the rocks that naught had shaken.
Sloka : 10.61.11
म॒क्षू क॒नायाः॑ स॒ख्यं नवी॑यो॒ राधो॒ न रेत॑ ऋ॒तमित्तु॑रण्यन् ।
शुचि॒ यत्ते॒ रेक्ण॒ आय॑जन्त सब॒र्दुघा॑याः॒ पय॑ उ॒स्रिया॑याः ॥ १०.०६१.११
ma̱kṣū ka̱nāyā̍ḥ sa̱khyaṃ navī̍yo̱ rādho̱ na reta̍ ṛ̱tamittu̍raṇyan .
śuci̱ yatte̱ rekṇa̱ āya̍janta saba̱rdughā̍yā̱ḥ paya̍ u̱sriyā̍yāḥ .. 10.061.11
11 Swift was new friendship with the maid they quickly accepted it as genuine seed and bounty.
Milk which the cow Sabardughā had yielded was the bright heritage which to thee they offered.
Sloka : 10.61.12
प॒श्वा यत्प॒श्चा वियु॑ता बु॒धन्तेति॑ ब्रवीति व॒क्तरी॒ ररा॑णः ।
वसो॑र्वसु॒त्वा का॒रवो॑ऽने॒हा विश्वं॑ विवेष्टि॒ द्रवि॑ण॒मुप॒ क्षु ॥ १०.०६१.१२
pa̱śvā yatpa̱ścā viyu̍tā bu̱dhanteti̍ bravīti va̱ktarī̱ rarā̍ṇaḥ .
vaso̍rvasu̱tvā kā̱ravo̎ne̱hā viśva̍ṃ viveṣṭi̱ dravi̍ṇa̱mupa̱ kṣu .. 10.061.12
12 When afterwards they woke and missed the cattle, the speaker thus in joyful mood addressed them:-
Matchless are singers through the Vasu's nature; he bringeth them all food and all possessions.
Sloka : 10.61.13
तदिन्न्व॑स्य परि॒षद्वा॑नो अग्मन्पु॒रू सद॑न्तो नार्ष॒दं बि॑भित्सन् ।
वि शुष्ण॑स्य॒ संग्र॑थितमन॒र्वा वि॒दत्पु॑रुप्रजा॒तस्य॒ गुहा॒ यत् ॥ १०.०६१.१३
tadinnva̍sya pari̱ṣadvā̍no agmanpu̱rū sada̍nto nārṣa̱daṃ bi̍bhitsan .
vi śuṣṇa̍sya̱ saṃgra̍thitamana̱rvā vi̱datpu̍ruprajā̱tasya̱ guhā̱ yat .. 10.061.13
13 His followers then who dwelt in sundry places came and desired too slay the son of Nṛṣad.
Resistless foe, be found the hidden treasure of Śuṣṇa multiplied in numerous offspring.
Sloka : 10.61.14
भर्गो॑ ह॒ नामो॒त यस्य॑ दे॒वाः स्व१॒॑र्ण ये त्रि॑षध॒स्थे नि॑षे॒दुः ।
अ॒ग्निर्ह॒ नामो॒त जा॒तवे॑दाः श्रु॒धी नो॑ होतरृ॒तस्य॒ होता॒ध्रुक् ॥ १०.०६१.१४
bhargo̍ ha̱ nāmo̱ta yasya̍ de̱vāḥ sva1̱̍rṇa ye tri̍ṣadha̱sthe ni̍ṣe̱duḥ .
a̱gnirha̱ nāmo̱ta jā̱tave̍dāḥ śru̱dhī no̍ hotarṛ̱tasya̱ hotā̱dhruk .. 10.061.14
14 Thou, called Effulgence, in whose threefold dwelling, as in the light of heaven, the Gods are sitting,
Thou who art called Agni or Jātavedas, Priest, hear us, guileless Priest of holy worship.
Sloka : 10.61.15
उ॒त त्या मे॒ रौद्रा॑वर्चि॒मन्ता॒ नास॑त्याविन्द्र गू॒र्तये॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
म॒नु॒ष्वद्वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषे॒ ररा॑णा म॒न्दू हि॒तप्र॑यसा वि॒क्षु यज्यू॑ ॥ १०.०६१.१५
u̱ta tyā me̱ raudrā̍varci̱mantā̱ nāsa̍tyāvindra gū̱rtaye̱ yaja̍dhyai .
ma̱nu̱ṣvadvṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣe̱ rarā̍ṇā ma̱ndū hi̱tapra̍yasā vi̱kṣu yajyū̍ .. 10.061.15
15 And, Indra, bring, that I may laud and serve them, those Two resplendent glorious Nāsatyas,
Blithe, bounteous, man-like, to the sacrificer, honoured among our men with offered viands.
Sloka : 10.61.16
अ॒यं स्तु॒तो राजा॑ वन्दि वे॒धा अ॒पश्च॒ विप्र॑स्तरति॒ स्वसे॑तुः ।
स क॒क्षीव॑न्तं रेजय॒त्सो अ॒ग्निं ने॒मिं न च॒क्रमर्व॑तो रघु॒द्रु ॥ १०.०६१.१६
a̱yaṃ stu̱to rājā̍ vandi ve̱dhā a̱paśca̱ vipra̍starati̱ svase̍tuḥ .
sa ka̱kṣīva̍ntaṃ rejaya̱tso a̱gniṃ ne̱miṃ na ca̱kramarva̍to raghu̱dru .. 10.061.16
16 This King is praised and honoured as Ordainer:- himself the bridge, the Sage speeds oer the waters.
He hath stirred up Kakṣīvān, stirred up Agni, as the steed's swift wheel drives the felly onward.
Sloka : 10.61.17
स द्वि॒बन्धु॑र्वैतर॒णो यष्टा॑ सब॒र्धुं धे॒नुम॒स्वं॑ दु॒हध्यै॑ ।
सं यन्मि॒त्रावरु॑णा वृ॒ञ्ज उ॒क्थैर्ज्येष्ठे॑भिरर्य॒मणं॒ वरू॑थैः ॥ १०.०६१.१७
sa dvi̱bandhu̍rvaitara̱ṇo yaṣṭā̍ saba̱rdhuṃ dhe̱numa̱sva̍ṃ du̱hadhyai̍ .
saṃ yanmi̱trāvaru̍ṇā vṛ̱ñja u̱kthairjyeṣṭhe̍bhirarya̱maṇa̱ṃ varū̍thaiḥ .. 10.061.17
17 Vaitarana, doubly kinsman, sacrificer, shall milk the cow who neer hath calved, Sabardhu,
When I encompass Varuṇa and Mitra with lauds, and Aryaman in safest shelter.
Sloka : 10.61.18
तद्ब॑न्धुः सू॒रिर्दि॒वि ते॑ धियं॒धा नाभा॒नेदि॑ष्ठो रपति॒ प्र वेन॑न् ।
सा नो॒ नाभिः॑ पर॒मास्य वा॑ घा॒हं तत्प॒श्चा क॑ति॒थश्चि॑दास ॥ १०.०६१.१८
tadba̍ndhuḥ sū̱rirdi̱vi te̍ dhiya̱ṃdhā nābhā̱nedi̍ṣṭho rapati̱ pra vena̍n .
sā no̱ nābhi̍ḥ para̱māsya vā̍ ghā̱haṃ tatpa̱ścā ka̍ti̱thaści̍dāsa .. 10.061.18
18 Their kin, the Prince in heaven, thy nearest kinsman, turning his thought to thee thus speaks in kindness:-
This is our highest bond:- I am his offspring. How many others came ere I succeeded?
Sloka : 10.61.19
इ॒यं मे॒ नाभि॑रि॒ह मे॑ स॒धस्थ॑मि॒मे मे॑ दे॒वा अ॒यम॑स्मि॒ सर्वः॑ ।
द्वि॒जा अह॑ प्रथम॒जा ऋ॒तस्ये॒दं धे॒नुर॑दुह॒ज्जाय॑माना ॥ १०.०६१.१९
i̱yaṃ me̱ nābhi̍ri̱ha me̍ sa̱dhastha̍mi̱me me̍ de̱vā a̱yama̍smi̱ sarva̍ḥ .
dvi̱jā aha̍ prathama̱jā ṛ̱tasye̱daṃ dhe̱nura̍duha̱jjāya̍mānā .. 10.061.19
19 Here is my kinship, here the place I dwell in:- these are my Gods; I in full strength am present.
Twice-born am I, the first-born Son of Order:- the Cow milked this when first she had her being.
Sloka : 10.61.20
अधा॑सु म॒न्द्रो अ॑र॒तिर्वि॒भावाव॑ स्यति द्विवर्त॒निर्व॑ने॒षाट् ।
ऊ॒र्ध्वा यच्छ्रेणि॒र्न शिशु॒र्दन्म॒क्षू स्थि॒रं शे॑वृ॒धं सू॑त मा॒ता ॥ १०.०६१.२०
adhā̍su ma̱ndro a̍ra̱tirvi̱bhāvāva̍ syati dvivarta̱nirva̍ne̱ṣāṭ .
ū̱rdhvā yacchreṇi̱rna śiśu̱rdanma̱kṣū sthi̱raṃ śe̍vṛ̱dhaṃ sū̍ta mā̱tā .. 10.061.20
20 So mid these tribes he rests, the friendly envoy, borne on two paths, refulgent Lord of fuel.
When, like a line, the Babe springs up erectly, his Mother straight hath borne him strong to bless us.
Sloka : 10.61.21
अधा॒ गाव॒ उप॑मातिं क॒नाया॒ अनु॑ श्वा॒न्तस्य॒ कस्य॑ चि॒त्परे॑युः ।
श्रु॒धि त्वं सु॑द्रविणो न॒स्त्वं या॑ळाश्व॒घ्नस्य॑ वावृधे सू॒नृता॑भिः ॥ १०.०६१.२१
adhā̱ gāva̱ upa̍mātiṃ ka̱nāyā̱ anu̍ śvā̱ntasya̱ kasya̍ ci̱tpare̍yuḥ .
śru̱dhi tvaṃ su̍draviṇo na̱stvaṃ yā̍l̤āśva̱ghnasya̍ vāvṛdhe sū̱nṛtā̍bhiḥ .. 10.061.21
21 Then went the milch-kine forth to please the damsel, and for the good of every man that liveth.
Hear us, O wealthy Lord; begin our worship. Thou hast grown mighty through Āśvaghna's virtues.
Sloka : 10.61.22
अध॒ त्वमि॑न्द्र वि॒द्ध्य१॒॑स्मान्म॒हो रा॒ये नृ॑पते॒ वज्र॑बाहुः ।
रक्षा॑ च नो म॒घोनः॑ पा॒हि सू॒रीन॑ने॒हस॑स्ते हरिवो अ॒भिष्टौ॑ ॥ १०.०६१.२२
adha̱ tvami̍ndra vi̱ddhya1̱̍smānma̱ho rā̱ye nṛ̍pate̱ vajra̍bāhuḥ .
rakṣā̍ ca no ma̱ghona̍ḥ pā̱hi sū̱rīna̍ne̱hasa̍ste harivo a̱bhiṣṭau̍ .. 10.061.22
22 And take thou notice of us also, Indra, for ample riches, King whose arm wields thunder!
Protect our wealthy nobles, guard our princes unmenaced near thee, Lord of Tawny Coursers.
Sloka : 10.61.23
अध॒ यद्रा॑जाना॒ गवि॑ष्टौ॒ सर॑त्सर॒ण्युः का॒रवे॑ जर॒ण्युः ।
विप्रः॒ प्रेष्ठः॒ स ह्ये॑षां ब॒भूव॒ परा॑ च॒ वक्ष॑दु॒त प॑र्षदेनान् ॥ १०.०६१.२३
adha̱ yadrā̍jānā̱ gavi̍ṣṭau̱ sara̍tsara̱ṇyuḥ kā̱rave̍ jara̱ṇyuḥ .
vipra̱ḥ preṣṭha̱ḥ sa hye̍ṣāṃ ba̱bhūva̱ parā̍ ca̱ vakṣa̍du̱ta pa̍rṣadenān .. 10.061.23
23 When he goes forth, ye Pair of Kings, for booty, speeding to war and praise to please the singer,
I was the dearest sage of those about him,let him lead these away and bring them safely.
Sloka : 10.61.24
अधा॒ न्व॑स्य॒ जेन्य॑स्य पु॒ष्टौ वृथा॒ रेभ॑न्त ईमहे॒ तदू॒ नु ।
स॒र॒ण्युर॑स्य सू॒नुरश्वो॒ विप्र॑श्चासि॒ श्रव॑सश्च सा॒तौ ॥ १०.०६१.२४
adhā̱ nva̍sya̱ jenya̍sya pu̱ṣṭau vṛthā̱ rebha̍nta īmahe̱ tadū̱ nu .
sa̱ra̱ṇyura̍sya sū̱nuraśvo̱ vipra̍ścāsi̱ śrava̍saśca sā̱tau .. 10.061.24
24 Now for this noble man's support and comfort, singing with easy voice we thus implore thee:-
Impetuous be his son and fleet his courser:- and may I be his priest to win him glory.
Sloka : 10.61.25
यु॒वोर्यदि॑ स॒ख्याया॒स्मे शर्धा॑य॒ स्तोमं॑ जुजु॒षे नम॑स्वान् ।
वि॒श्वत्र॒ यस्मि॒न्ना गिरः॑ समी॒चीः पू॒र्वीव॑ गा॒तुर्दाश॑त्सू॒नृता॑यै ॥ १०.०६१.२५
yu̱voryadi̍ sa̱khyāyā̱sme śardhā̍ya̱ stoma̍ṃ juju̱ṣe nama̍svān .
vi̱śvatra̱ yasmi̱nnā gira̍ḥ samī̱cīḥ pū̱rvīva̍ gā̱turdāśa̍tsū̱nṛtā̍yai .. 10.061.25
25 If, for our strength, the priest with adoration to win your friendship made the laud accepted,
That laud shall be a branching road to virtue for every one to whom the songs are suited.
Sloka : 10.61.26
स गृ॑णा॒नो अ॒द्भिर्दे॒ववा॒निति॑ सु॒बन्धु॒र्नम॑सा सू॒क्तैः ।
वर्ध॑दु॒क्थैर्वचो॑भि॒रा हि नू॒नं व्यध्वै॑ति॒ पय॑स उ॒स्रिया॑याः ॥ १०.०६१.२६
sa gṛ̍ṇā̱no a̱dbhirde̱vavā̱niti̍ su̱bandhu̱rnama̍sā sū̱ktaiḥ .
vardha̍du̱kthairvaco̍bhi̱rā hi nū̱naṃ vyadhvai̍ti̱ paya̍sa u̱sriyā̍yāḥ .. 10.061.26
26 Glorified thus, with holy hymns and homage:-Of noble race, with Waters, God-attended
May he enrich us for our prayers and praises:- now can the cow be milked; the path is open.
Sloka : 10.61.27
त ऊ॒ षु णो॑ म॒हो य॑जत्रा भू॒त दे॑वास ऊ॒तये॑ स॒जोषाः॑ ।
ये वाजा॒ँ अन॑यता वि॒यन्तो॒ ये स्था नि॑चे॒तारो॒ अमू॑राः ॥ १०.०६१.२७
ta ū̱ ṣu ṇo̍ ma̱ho ya̍jatrā bhū̱ta de̍vāsa ū̱taye̍ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .
ye vājā̱m̐ ana̍yatā vi̱yanto̱ ye sthā ni̍ce̱tāro̱ amū̍rāḥ .. 10.061.27
27 Be to us, then, ye Gods who merit worship, be ye of one accord our strong protection,
Who went on various ways and brought us vigour, ye who are undeceivable explorers.
Sloka : 10.62.1
ये य॒ज्ञेन॒ दक्षि॑णया॒ सम॑क्ता॒ इन्द्र॑स्य स॒ख्यम॑मृत॒त्वमा॑न॒श ।
तेभ्यो॑ भ॒द्रम॑ङ्गिरसो वो अस्तु॒ प्रति॑ गृभ्णीत मान॒वं सु॑मेधसः ॥ १०.०६२.०१
ye ya̱jñena̱ dakṣi̍ṇayā̱ sama̍ktā̱ indra̍sya sa̱khyama̍mṛta̱tvamā̍na̱śa .
tebhyo̍ bha̱drama̍ṅgiraso vo astu̱ prati̍ gṛbhṇīta māna̱vaṃ su̍medhasaḥ .. 10.062.01
1. YE, who, adorned with guerdon through the sacrifice, have won you Indra's friendship and eternal life,
Even to you be happiness, Aṅgirases. Welcome the son of Manu, ye who are most wise.
Sloka : 10.62.2
य उ॒दाज॑न्पि॒तरो॑ गो॒मयं॒ वस्वृ॒तेनाभि॑न्दन्परिवत्स॒रे व॒लम् ।
दी॒र्घा॒यु॒त्वम॑ङ्गिरसो वो अस्तु॒ प्रति॑ गृभ्णीत मान॒वं सु॑मेधसः ॥ १०.०६२.०२
ya u̱dāja̍npi̱taro̍ go̱maya̱ṃ vasvṛ̱tenābhi̍ndanparivatsa̱re va̱lam .
dī̱rghā̱yu̱tvama̍ṅgiraso vo astu̱ prati̍ gṛbhṇīta māna̱vaṃ su̍medhasaḥ .. 10.062.02
2 The Fathers, who drave forth the wealth in cattle, have in the year's courses cleft Vala by Eternal Law:-
A lengthened life be yours, O ye Aṅgirases. Welcome the son of Manu, ye who are most wise.
Sloka : 10.62.3
य ऋ॒तेन॒ सूर्य॒मारो॑हयन्दि॒व्यप्र॑थयन्पृथि॒वीं मा॒तरं॒ वि ।
सु॒प्र॒जा॒स्त्वम॑ङ्गिरसो वो अस्तु॒ प्रति॑ गृभ्णीत मान॒वं सु॑मेधसः ॥ १०.०६२.०३
ya ṛ̱tena̱ sūrya̱māro̍hayandi̱vyapra̍thayanpṛthi̱vīṃ mā̱tara̱ṃ vi .
su̱pra̱jā̱stvama̍ṅgiraso vo astu̱ prati̍ gṛbhṇīta māna̱vaṃ su̍medhasaḥ .. 10.062.03
3 Ye raised the Sun to heaven by everlasting Law, and spread broad earth, the Mother, out on every side.
Fair wealth of progeny be yours, Aṅgirases. Welcome the son of Manu, ye who are most wise.
Sloka : 10.62.4
अ॒यं नाभा॑ वदति व॒ल्गु वो॑ गृ॒हे देव॑पुत्रा ऋषय॒स्तच्छृ॑णोतन ।
सु॒ब्र॒ह्म॒ण्यम॑ङ्गिरसो वो अस्तु॒ प्रति॑ गृभ्णीत मान॒वं सु॑मेधसः ॥ १०.०६२.०४
a̱yaṃ nābhā̍ vadati va̱lgu vo̍ gṛ̱he deva̍putrā ṛṣaya̱stacchṛ̍ṇotana .
su̱bra̱hma̱ṇyama̍ṅgiraso vo astu̱ prati̍ gṛbhṇīta māna̱vaṃ su̍medhasaḥ .. 10.062.04
4 This kinsman in your dwellingplace speaks pleasant words:- give car to this, ye Ṛṣis, children of the Gods.
High Brahman dignity be yours, Aṅgirases. Welcome the son of Manu, ye who are most wise.
Sloka : 10.62.5
विरू॑पास॒ इदृष॑य॒स्त इद्ग॑म्भी॒रवे॑पसः ।
ते अङ्गि॑रसः सू॒नव॒स्ते अ॒ग्नेः परि॑ जज्ञिरे ॥ १०.०६२.०५
virū̍pāsa̱ idṛṣa̍ya̱sta idga̍mbhī̱rave̍pasaḥ .
te aṅgi̍rasaḥ sū̱nava̱ste a̱gneḥ pari̍ jajñire .. 10.062.05
5 Distinguished by their varied form, these Ṛṣis have been deeply moved.
These are the sons of Aṅgirases:- from Agni have they sprung to life.
Sloka : 10.62.6
ये अ॒ग्नेः परि॑ जज्ञि॒रे विरू॑पासो दि॒वस्परि॑ ।
नव॑ग्वो॒ नु दश॑ग्वो॒ अङ्गि॑रस्तमो॒ सचा॑ दे॒वेषु॑ मंहते ॥ १०.०६२.०६
ye a̱gneḥ pari̍ jajñi̱re virū̍pāso di̱vaspari̍ .
nava̍gvo̱ nu daśa̍gvo̱ aṅgi̍rastamo̱ sacā̍ de̱veṣu̍ maṃhate .. 10.062.06
6 Distinguished by their varied form, they sprang from Agni, from the sky.
Navagva and Daśagva, noblest Aṅgiras, he giveth bounty with the Gods.
Sloka : 10.62.7
इन्द्रे॑ण यु॒जा निः सृ॑जन्त वा॒घतो॑ व्र॒जं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विन॑म् ।
स॒हस्रं॑ मे॒ दद॑तो अष्टक॒र्ण्य१॒ः॑ श्रवो॑ दे॒वेष्व॑क्रत ॥ १०.०६२.०७
indre̍ṇa yu̱jā niḥ sṛ̍janta vā̱ghato̍ vra̱jaṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̍m .
sa̱hasra̍ṃ me̱ dada̍to aṣṭaka̱rṇya1̱̍ḥ śravo̍ de̱veṣva̍krata .. 10.062.07
7 With Indra for associate the priests have cleared the stable full of steeds and kine,
Giving to me a thousand with their eightmarked cars, they gained renown among the Gods.
Sloka : 10.62.8
प्र नू॒नं जा॑यताम॒यं मनु॒स्तोक्मे॑व रोहतु ।
यः स॒हस्रं॑ श॒ताश्वं॑ स॒द्यो दा॒नाय॒ मंह॑ते ॥ १०.०६२.०८
pra nū̱naṃ jā̍yatāma̱yaṃ manu̱stokme̍va rohatu .
yaḥ sa̱hasra̍ṃ śa̱tāśva̍ṃ sa̱dyo dā̱nāya̱ maṃha̍te .. 10.062.08
8 May this man's sons be multiplied; like springing corn may Manu grow,
Who gives at once in bounteous gift a thousand kine, a hundred steeds.
Sloka : 10.62.9
न तम॑श्नोति॒ कश्च॒न दि॒व इ॑व॒ सान्वा॒रभ॑म् ।
सा॒व॒र्ण्यस्य॒ दक्षि॑णा॒ वि सिन्धु॑रिव पप्रथे ॥ १०.०६२.०९
na tama̍śnoti̱ kaśca̱na di̱va i̍va̱ sānvā̱rabha̍m .
sā̱va̱rṇyasya̱ dakṣi̍ṇā̱ vi sindhu̍riva paprathe .. 10.062.09
9 No one attains to him, as though a man would grasp the heights of heaven.
Savarnya's sacrificial meed hath broadened like an ample flood.
Sloka : 10.62.10
उ॒त दा॒सा प॑रि॒विषे॒ स्मद्दि॑ष्टी॒ गोप॑रीणसा ।
यदु॑स्तु॒र्वश्च॑ मामहे ॥ १०.०६२.१०
u̱ta dā̱sā pa̍ri̱viṣe̱ smaddi̍ṣṭī̱ gopa̍rīṇasā .
yadu̍stu̱rvaśca̍ māmahe .. 10.062.10
10 Yadu and Turva, too, have given two Dāsas, well-disposed, to serve,
Together with great store of kine.
Sloka : 10.62.11
स॒ह॒स्र॒दा ग्रा॑म॒णीर्मा रि॑ष॒न्मनुः॒ सूर्ये॑णास्य॒ यत॑मानैतु॒ दक्षि॑णा ।
साव॑र्णेर्दे॒वाः प्र ति॑र॒न्त्वायु॒र्यस्मि॒न्नश्रा॑न्ता॒ अस॑नाम॒ वाज॑म् ॥ १०.०६२.११
sa̱ha̱sra̱dā grā̍ma̱ṇīrmā ri̍ṣa̱nmanu̱ḥ sūrye̍ṇāsya̱ yata̍mānaitu̱ dakṣi̍ṇā .
sāva̍rṇerde̱vāḥ pra ti̍ra̱ntvāyu̱ryasmi̱nnaśrā̍ntā̱ asa̍nāma̱ vāja̍m .. 10.062.11
11 Blest be the hamlet's chief, most liberal Manu, and may his bounty rival that of Sūrya.
May the God let Ssvarni's life be leng
thened, with whom, unwearied, we have lived and prospered.
Sloka : 10.63.1
प॒रा॒वतो॒ ये दिधि॑षन्त॒ आप्यं॒ मनु॑प्रीतासो॒ जनि॑मा वि॒वस्व॑तः ।
य॒याते॒र्ये न॑हु॒ष्य॑स्य ब॒र्हिषि॑ दे॒वा आस॑ते॒ ते अधि॑ ब्रुवन्तु नः ॥ १०.०६३.०१
pa̱rā̱vato̱ ye didhi̍ṣanta̱ āpya̱ṃ manu̍prītāso̱ jani̍mā vi̱vasva̍taḥ .
ya̱yāte̱rye na̍hu̱ṣya̍sya ba̱rhiṣi̍ de̱vā āsa̍te̱ te adhi̍ bruvantu naḥ .. 10.063.01
1. MAY they who would assume kinship from far away, Vivasvān's generations, dearly loved of men,
Even the Gods who sit upon the sacred grass of Nahuṣa's son Yayāti, bless and comfort us.
Sloka : 10.63.2
विश्वा॒ हि वो॑ नम॒स्या॑नि॒ वन्द्या॒ नामा॑नि देवा उ॒त य॒ज्ञिया॑नि वः ।
ये स्थ जा॒ता अदि॑तेर॒द्भ्यस्परि॒ ये पृ॑थि॒व्यास्ते म॑ इ॒ह श्रु॑ता॒ हव॑म् ॥ १०.०६३.०२
viśvā̱ hi vo̍ nama̱syā̍ni̱ vandyā̱ nāmā̍ni devā u̱ta ya̱jñiyā̍ni vaḥ .
ye stha jā̱tā adi̍tera̱dbhyaspari̱ ye pṛ̍thi̱vyāste ma̍ i̱ha śru̍tā̱ hava̍m .. 10.063.02
2 For worthy of obeisance, Gods, are all your names, worthy of adoration and of sacrifice.
Ye who were born from waters, and from Aditi, and from the earth, do ye here listen to my call.
Sloka : 10.63.3
येभ्यो॑ मा॒ता मधु॑म॒त्पिन्व॑ते॒ पयः॑ पी॒यूषं॒ द्यौरदि॑ति॒रद्रि॑बर्हाः ।
उ॒क्थशु॑ष्मान्वृषभ॒रान्स्वप्न॑स॒स्ताँ आ॑दि॒त्याँ अनु॑ मदा स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०३
yebhyo̍ mā̱tā madhu̍ma̱tpinva̍te̱ paya̍ḥ pī̱yūṣa̱ṃ dyauradi̍ti̱radri̍barhāḥ .
u̱kthaśu̍ṣmānvṛṣabha̱rānsvapna̍sa̱stām̐ ā̍di̱tyām̐ anu̍ madā sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.03
3 I will rejoice in these Ādityas for my weal, for whom the Mother pours forth water rich in balm,
And Dyaus the Infinite, firm as a rock, sweet milk,Gods active, strong through lauds, whose might the Bull upholds.
Sloka : 10.63.4
नृ॒चक्ष॑सो॒ अनि॑मिषन्तो अ॒र्हणा॑ बृ॒हद्दे॒वासो॑ अमृत॒त्वमा॑नशुः ।
ज्यो॒तीर॑था॒ अहि॑माया॒ अना॑गसो दि॒वो व॒र्ष्माणं॑ वसते स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०४
nṛ̱cakṣa̍so̱ ani̍miṣanto a̱rhaṇā̍ bṛ̱hadde̱vāso̍ amṛta̱tvamā̍naśuḥ .
jyo̱tīra̍thā̱ ahi̍māyā̱ anā̍gaso di̱vo va̱rṣmāṇa̍ṃ vasate sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.04
4 Looking on men, neer slumbering, they by their deserts attained as Gods to lofty immortality.
Borne on refulgent cars, sinless, with serpents' powers, they robe them, for our welfare, in the height of heaven.
Sloka : 10.63.5
स॒म्राजो॒ ये सु॒वृधो॑ य॒ज्ञमा॑य॒युरप॑रिह्वृता दधि॒रे दि॒वि क्षय॑म् ।
ताँ आ वि॑वास॒ नम॑सा सुवृ॒क्तिभि॑र्म॒हो आ॑दि॒त्याँ अदि॑तिं स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०५
sa̱mrājo̱ ye su̱vṛdho̍ ya̱jñamā̍ya̱yurapa̍rihvṛtā dadhi̱re di̱vi kṣaya̍m .
tām̐ ā vi̍vāsa̱ nama̍sā suvṛ̱ktibhi̍rma̱ho ā̍di̱tyām̐ adi̍tiṃ sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.05
5 Great Kings who bless us, who have come to sacrifice, who, neer assailed, have set their mansion in the sky,
These I invite with adoration and with hymns, mighty Ādityas, Aditi, for happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.6
को वः॒ स्तोमं॑ राधति॒ यं जुजो॑षथ॒ विश्वे॑ देवासो मनुषो॒ यति॒ ष्ठन॑ ।
को वो॑ऽध्व॒रं तु॑विजाता॒ अरं॑ कर॒द्यो नः॒ पर्ष॒दत्यंहः॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०६
ko va̱ḥ stoma̍ṃ rādhati̱ yaṃ jujo̍ṣatha̱ viśve̍ devāso manuṣo̱ yati̱ ṣṭhana̍ .
ko vo̎dhva̱raṃ tu̍vijātā̱ ara̍ṃ kara̱dyo na̱ḥ parṣa̱datyaṃha̍ḥ sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.06
6 Who offereth to you the laud that ye accept, O ye All-Gods of Manu, many as ye are?
Who, Mighty Ones, will prepare for you the sacrifice to bear us over trouble to felicity?
Sloka : 10.63.7
येभ्यो॒ होत्रां॑ प्रथ॒मामा॑ये॒जे मनुः॒ समि॑द्धाग्नि॒र्मन॑सा स॒प्त होतृ॑भिः ।
त आ॑दित्या॒ अभ॑यं॒ शर्म॑ यच्छत सु॒गा नः॑ कर्त सु॒पथा॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०७
yebhyo̱ hotrā̍ṃ pratha̱māmā̍ye̱je manu̱ḥ sami̍ddhāgni̱rmana̍sā sa̱pta hotṛ̍bhiḥ .
ta ā̍dityā̱ abha̍ya̱ṃ śarma̍ yacchata su̱gā na̍ḥ karta su̱pathā̍ sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.07
7 Ye to whom Manu, by seven priests, with kindled fire, offered the first oblation with his heart and soul,
Vouchsafe us, ye Ādityas, sheitcr free from fear, and make us good and easy paths to happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.8
य ईशि॑रे॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसो॒ विश्व॑स्य स्था॒तुर्जग॑तश्च॒ मन्त॑वः ।
ते नः॑ कृ॒तादकृ॑ता॒देन॑स॒स्पर्य॒द्या दे॑वासः पिपृता स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०८
ya īśi̍re̱ bhuva̍nasya̱ prace̍taso̱ viśva̍sya sthā̱turjaga̍taśca̱ manta̍vaḥ .
te na̍ḥ kṛ̱tādakṛ̍tā̱dena̍sa̱sparya̱dyā de̍vāsaḥ pipṛtā sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.08
8 Wise Deities, who have dominion oer the world, ye thinkers over all that moves not and that moves,
Save us from uncommitted and committed sin, preserve us from all sin to-day for happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.9
भरे॒ष्विन्द्रं॑ सु॒हवं॑ हवामहेंऽहो॒मुचं॑ सु॒कृतं॒ दैव्यं॒ जन॑म् ।
अ॒ग्निं मि॒त्रं वरु॑णं सा॒तये॒ भगं॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी म॒रुतः॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.०९
bhare̱ṣvindra̍ṃ su̱hava̍ṃ havāmaheṃ'ho̱muca̍ṃ su̱kṛta̱ṃ daivya̱ṃ jana̍m .
a̱gniṃ mi̱traṃ varu̍ṇaṃ sā̱taye̱ bhaga̱ṃ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ma̱ruta̍ḥ sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.09
9 In battles we invoke Indra still swift to hear, and all the holy Host of Heaven who banish grief,
Agni, Mitra, and Varuṇa that we may gain, Dyays, Bhaga, Maruts, Prthivi for happiness:-
Sloka : 10.63.10
सु॒त्रामा॑णं पृथि॒वीं द्याम॑ने॒हसं॑ सु॒शर्मा॑ण॒मदि॑तिं सु॒प्रणी॑तिम् ।
दैवीं॒ नावं॑ स्वरि॒त्रामना॑गस॒मस्र॑वन्ती॒मा रु॑हेमा स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.१०
su̱trāmā̍ṇaṃ pṛthi̱vīṃ dyāma̍ne̱hasa̍ṃ su̱śarmā̍ṇa̱madi̍tiṃ su̱praṇī̍tim .
daivī̱ṃ nāva̍ṃ svari̱trāmanā̍gasa̱masra̍vantī̱mā ru̍hemā sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.10
10 Mightily-saving Earth, incomparable Heaven the good guide Aditi who gives secure defence
The well-oared heavenly Ship that lets no waters in, free from defect, will we ascend for happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.11
विश्वे॑ यजत्रा॒ अधि॑ वोचतो॒तये॒ त्राय॑ध्वं नो दु॒रेवा॑या अभि॒ह्रुतः॑ ।
स॒त्यया॑ वो दे॒वहू॑त्या हुवेम शृण्व॒तो दे॑वा॒ अव॑से स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.११
viśve̍ yajatrā̱ adhi̍ vocato̱taye̱ trāya̍dhvaṃ no du̱revā̍yā abhi̱hruta̍ḥ .
sa̱tyayā̍ vo de̱vahū̍tyā huvema śṛṇva̱to de̍vā̱ ava̍se sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.11
11 Bless us, all Holy Ones, that we may have your help, guard and protect us from malignant injury.
With fruitful invocation may we call on you, Gods, who give ear to us for grace, for happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.12
अपामी॑वा॒मप॒ विश्वा॒मना॑हुति॒मपारा॑तिं दुर्वि॒दत्रा॑मघाय॒तः ।
आ॒रे दे॑वा॒ द्वेषो॑ अ॒स्मद्यु॑योतनो॒रु णः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छता स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.१२
apāmī̍vā̱mapa̱ viśvā̱manā̍huti̱mapārā̍tiṃ durvi̱datrā̍maghāya̱taḥ .
ā̱re de̍vā̱ dveṣo̍ a̱smadyu̍yotano̱ru ṇa̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchatā sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.12
12 Keep all disease afar and sordid sacrifice, keep off the wicked man's malicious enmity.
Keep far away from us all hatred, O ye Gods, and give us ample shelter for our happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.13
अरि॑ष्टः॒ स मर्तो॒ विश्व॑ एधते॒ प्र प्र॒जाभि॑र्जायते॒ धर्म॑ण॒स्परि॑ ।
यमा॑दित्यासो॒ नय॑था सुनी॒तिभि॒रति॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.१३
ari̍ṣṭa̱ḥ sa marto̱ viśva̍ edhate̱ pra pra̱jābhi̍rjāyate̱ dharma̍ṇa̱spari̍ .
yamā̍dityāso̱ naya̍thā sunī̱tibhi̱rati̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tā sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.13
13 Untouched by any evil, every mortal thrives, and, following the Law, spreads in his progeny.
Whom ye with your good guidance, O Ādityas, lead safely through all his pain and grief to happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.14
यं दे॑वा॒सोऽव॑थ॒ वाज॑सातौ॒ यं शूर॑साता मरुतो हि॒ते धने॑ ।
प्रा॒त॒र्यावा॑णं॒ रथ॑मिन्द्र सान॒सिमरि॑ष्यन्त॒मा रु॑हेमा स्व॒स्तये॑ ॥ १०.०६३.१४
yaṃ de̍vā̱so'va̍tha̱ vāja̍sātau̱ yaṃ śūra̍sātā maruto hi̱te dhane̍ .
prā̱ta̱ryāvā̍ṇa̱ṃ ratha̍mindra sāna̱simari̍ṣyanta̱mā ru̍hemā sva̱staye̍ .. 10.063.14
14 That which ye guard and grace in battle, O ye Gods, ye Maruts, where the prize is wealth, where heroes win,
That conquering Car, O Indra, that sets forth at dawn, that never breaks, may we ascend for happiness.
Sloka : 10.63.15
स्व॒स्ति नः॑ प॒थ्या॑सु॒ धन्व॑सु स्व॒स्त्य१॒॑प्सु वृ॒जने॒ स्व॑र्वति ।
स्व॒स्ति नः॑ पुत्रकृ॒थेषु॒ योनि॑षु स्व॒स्ति रा॒ये म॑रुतो दधातन ॥ १०.०६३.१५
sva̱sti na̍ḥ pa̱thyā̍su̱ dhanva̍su sva̱stya1̱̍psu vṛ̱jane̱ sva̍rvati .
sva̱sti na̍ḥ putrakṛ̱theṣu̱ yoni̍ṣu sva̱sti rā̱ye ma̍ruto dadhātana .. 10.063.15
15 Vouchsafe us blessing in our paths and desert tracts, blessing in waters and in battle, for the light;
Blessing upon the wombs that bring male children forth, and blessing, O ye Maruts, for the gain of wealth.
Sloka : 10.63.16
स्व॒स्तिरिद्धि प्रप॑थे॒ श्रेष्ठा॒ रेक्ण॑स्वत्य॒भि या वा॒ममेति॑ ।
सा नो॑ अ॒मा सो अर॑णे॒ नि पा॑तु स्वावे॒शा भ॑वतु दे॒वगो॑पा ॥ १०.०६३.१६
sva̱stiriddhi prapa̍the̱ śreṣṭhā̱ rekṇa̍svatya̱bhi yā vā̱mameti̍ .
sā no̍ a̱mā so ara̍ṇe̱ ni pā̍tu svāve̱śā bha̍vatu de̱vago̍pā .. 10.063.16
16 The noblest Svasti with abundant riches, who comes to what is good by distant pathway,
May she at home and far away preserve us, and dwell with us under the Gods protection
Sloka : 10.63.17
ए॒वा प्ल॒तेः सू॒नुर॑वीवृधद्वो॒ विश्व॑ आदित्या अदिते मनी॒षी ।
ई॒शा॒नासो॒ नरो॒ अम॑र्त्ये॒नास्ता॑वि॒ जनो॑ दि॒व्यो गये॑न ॥ १०.०६३.१७
e̱vā pla̱teḥ sū̱nura̍vīvṛdhadvo̱ viśva̍ ādityā adite manī̱ṣī .
ī̱śā̱nāso̱ naro̱ ama̍rtye̱nāstā̍vi̱ jano̍ di̱vyo gaye̍na .. 10.063.17
17 Thus hatb the thoughtful sage, the son of Plati, praised you, O Aditi and all Ādityas,
Men are made rich by those who are Immortal:- the Heavenly Folk have been extolled by Gaya.
Sloka : 10.64.1
क॒था दे॒वानां॑ कत॒मस्य॒ याम॑नि सु॒मन्तु॒ नाम॑ शृण्व॒तां म॑नामहे ।
को मृ॑ळाति कत॒मो नो॒ मय॑स्करत्कत॒म ऊ॒ती अ॒भ्या व॑वर्तति ॥ १०.०६४.०१
ka̱thā de̱vānā̍ṃ kata̱masya̱ yāma̍ni su̱mantu̱ nāma̍ śṛṇva̱tāṃ ma̍nāmahe .
ko mṛ̍l̤āti kata̱mo no̱ maya̍skaratkata̱ma ū̱tī a̱bhyā va̍vartati .. 10.064.01
1. WHAT God, of those who hear, is he whose well-praised name we may record in this our sacrifice; and how?
Who will be gracious? Who of many give us bliss? Who out of all the Host will come to lend us aid?
Sloka : 10.64.2
क्र॒तू॒यन्ति॒ क्रत॑वो हृ॒त्सु धी॒तयो॒ वेन॑न्ति वे॒नाः प॒तय॒न्त्या दिशः॑ ।
न म॑र्डि॒ता वि॑द्यते अ॒न्य ए॑भ्यो दे॒वेषु॑ मे॒ अधि॒ कामा॑ अयंसत ॥ १०.०६४.०२
kra̱tū̱yanti̱ krata̍vo hṛ̱tsu dhī̱tayo̱ vena̍nti ve̱nāḥ pa̱taya̱ntyā diśa̍ḥ .
na ma̍rḍi̱tā vi̍dyate a̱nya e̍bhyo de̱veṣu̍ me̱ adhi̱ kāmā̍ ayaṃsata .. 10.064.02
2 The will and thoughts within my breast exert their power:- they yearn with love, and fly to all the regions round.
None other comforter is found save only these:- my longings and my hopes are fixt upon the Gods.
Sloka : 10.64.3
नरा॑ वा॒ शंसं॑ पू॒षण॒मगो॑ह्यम॒ग्निं दे॒वेद्ध॑म॒भ्य॑र्चसे गि॒रा ।
सूर्या॒मासा॑ च॒न्द्रम॑सा य॒मं दि॒वि त्रि॒तं वात॑मु॒षस॑म॒क्तुम॒श्विना॑ ॥ १०.०६४.०३
narā̍ vā̱ śaṃsa̍ṃ pū̱ṣaṇa̱mago̍hyama̱gniṃ de̱veddha̍ma̱bhya̍rcase gi̱rā .
sūryā̱māsā̍ ca̱ndrama̍sā ya̱maṃ di̱vi tri̱taṃ vāta̍mu̱ṣasa̍ma̱ktuma̱śvinā̍ .. 10.064.03
3 To Narāśaṁsa and to Pūṣan I sing forth, unconcealable Agni kindied by the Gods.
To Sun and Moon, two Moons, to Yama in the heaven, to Trita, Vāta, Dawn, Night, and the Atvins Twain.
Sloka : 10.64.4
क॒था क॒विस्तु॑वी॒रवा॒न्कया॑ गि॒रा बृह॒स्पति॑र्वावृधते सुवृ॒क्तिभिः॑ ।
अ॒ज एक॑पात्सु॒हवे॑भि॒रृक्व॑भि॒रहिः॑ शृणोतु बु॒ध्न्यो॒३॒॑ हवी॑मनि ॥ १०.०६४.०४
ka̱thā ka̱vistu̍vī̱ravā̱nkayā̍ gi̱rā bṛha̱spati̍rvāvṛdhate suvṛ̱ktibhi̍ḥ .
a̱ja eka̍pātsu̱have̍bhi̱rṛkva̍bhi̱rahi̍ḥ śṛṇotu bu̱dhnyo̱3̱̍ havī̍mani .. 10.064.04
4 How is the Sage extolled whom the loud singers praise? What voice, what hymn is used to laud Bṛhaspati?
May Aja-Ekapād with Rkvans swift to hear, and Ahi of the Deep listen unto our call.
Sloka : 10.64.5
दक्ष॑स्य वादिते॒ जन्म॑नि व्र॒ते राजा॑ना मि॒त्रावरु॒णा वि॑वाससि ।
अतू॑र्तपन्थाः पुरु॒रथो॑ अर्य॒मा स॒प्तहो॑ता॒ विषु॑रूपेषु॒ जन्म॑सु ॥ १०.०६४.०५
dakṣa̍sya vādite̱ janma̍ni vra̱te rājā̍nā mi̱trāvaru̱ṇā vi̍vāsasi .
atū̍rtapanthāḥ puru̱ratho̍ arya̱mā sa̱ptaho̍tā̱ viṣu̍rūpeṣu̱ janma̍su .. 10.064.05
5 Aditi, to the birth of Dakṣa and the vow thou summonest the Kings Mitra and Varuṇa.
With course unchecked, with many chariots Aryaman comes with the seven priests to tribes of varied sort.
Sloka : 10.64.6
ते नो॒ अर्व॑न्तो हवन॒श्रुतो॒ हवं॒ विश्वे॑ शृण्वन्तु वा॒जिनो॑ मि॒तद्र॑वः ।
स॒ह॒स्र॒सा मे॒धसा॑ताविव॒ त्मना॑ म॒हो ये धनं॑ समि॒थेषु॑ जभ्रि॒रे ॥ १०.०६४.०६
te no̱ arva̍nto havana̱śruto̱ hava̱ṃ viśve̍ śṛṇvantu vā̱jino̍ mi̱tadra̍vaḥ .
sa̱ha̱sra̱sā me̱dhasā̍tāviva̱ tmanā̍ ma̱ho ye dhana̍ṃ sami̱theṣu̍ jabhri̱re .. 10.064.06
6 May all those vigorous Coursers listen to our cry, hearers of invocation, speeding on their way;
Winners of thousands where the priestly meed is won, who gather of themselves great wealth in every race.
Sloka : 10.64.7
प्र वो॑ वा॒युं र॑थ॒युजं॒ पुरं॑धिं॒ स्तोमैः॑ कृणुध्वं स॒ख्याय॑ पू॒षण॑म् ।
ते हि दे॒वस्य॑ सवि॒तुः सवी॑मनि॒ क्रतुं॒ सच॑न्ते स॒चितः॒ सचे॑तसः ॥ १०.०६४.०७
pra vo̍ vā̱yuṃ ra̍tha̱yuja̱ṃ pura̍ṃdhi̱ṃ stomai̍ḥ kṛṇudhvaṃ sa̱khyāya̍ pū̱ṣaṇa̍m .
te hi de̱vasya̍ savi̱tuḥ savī̍mani̱ kratu̱ṃ saca̍nte sa̱cita̱ḥ sace̍tasaḥ .. 10.064.07
7 Bring ye Purandbi, bring Vāyu who yokes his steeds, for friendship bring ye Pūṣan with your songs of praise:-
They with one mind, one thought attend the sacrifice, urged by the favouring aid of Savitar the God.
Sloka : 10.64.8
त्रिः स॒प्त स॒स्रा न॒द्यो॑ म॒हीर॒पो वन॒स्पती॒न्पर्व॑ताँ अ॒ग्निमू॒तये॑ ।
कृ॒शानु॒मस्तॄ॑न्ति॒ष्यं॑ स॒धस्थ॒ आ रु॒द्रं रु॒द्रेषु॑ रु॒द्रियं॑ हवामहे ॥ १०.०६४.०८
triḥ sa̱pta sa̱srā na̱dyo̍ ma̱hīra̱po vana̱spatī̱nparva̍tām̐ a̱gnimū̱taye̍ .
kṛ̱śānu̱mastṝ̍nti̱ṣya̍ṃ sa̱dhastha̱ ā ru̱draṃ ru̱dreṣu̍ ru̱driya̍ṃ havāmahe .. 10.064.08
8 The thrice-seven wandering Rivers, yea, the mighty floods, the forest trees, the mountains, Agni to our aid,
Kṛśānu, Tisya, archers to our gathering-place, and Rudra strong amid the Rudras we invoke.
Sloka : 10.64.9
सर॑स्वती स॒रयुः॒ सिन्धु॑रू॒र्मिभि॑र्म॒हो म॒हीरव॒सा य॑न्तु॒ वक्ष॑णीः ।
दे॒वीरापो॑ मा॒तरः॑ सूदयि॒त्न्वो॑ घृ॒तव॒त्पयो॒ मधु॑मन्नो अर्चत ॥ १०.०६४.०९
sara̍svatī sa̱rayu̱ḥ sindhu̍rū̱rmibhi̍rma̱ho ma̱hīrava̱sā ya̍ntu̱ vakṣa̍ṇīḥ .
de̱vīrāpo̍ mā̱tara̍ḥ sūdayi̱tnvo̍ ghṛ̱tava̱tpayo̱ madhu̍manno arcata .. 10.064.09
9 Let the great Streams come hither with their mighty help, Sindhu, Sarasvatī, and Sarayu with waves.
Ye Goddess Floods, ye Mothers, animating all, promise us water rich in fatness and in balm.
Sloka : 10.64.10
उ॒त मा॒ता बृ॑हद्दि॒वा शृ॑णोतु न॒स्त्वष्टा॑ दे॒वेभि॒र्जनि॑भिः पि॒ता वचः॑ ।
ऋ॒भु॒क्षा वाजो॒ रथ॒स्पति॒र्भगो॑ र॒ण्वः शंसः॑ शशमा॒नस्य॑ पातु नः ॥ १०.०६४.१०
u̱ta mā̱tā bṛ̍haddi̱vā śṛ̍ṇotu na̱stvaṣṭā̍ de̱vebhi̱rjani̍bhiḥ pi̱tā vaca̍ḥ .
ṛ̱bhu̱kṣā vājo̱ ratha̱spati̱rbhago̍ ra̱ṇvaḥ śaṃsa̍ḥ śaśamā̱nasya̍ pātu naḥ .. 10.064.10
10 And let Brhaddiva, the Mother, hear our call, and Tvaṣṭar, Father, with the Goddesses and Dames.
Ṛbhukṣan, Vāja, Bhaga, and Rathaspati, and the sweet speech of him who labours guard us well!
Sloka : 10.64.11
र॒ण्वः संदृ॑ष्टौ पितु॒माँ इ॑व॒ क्षयो॑ भ॒द्रा रु॒द्राणां॑ म॒रुता॒मुप॑स्तुतिः ।
गोभिः॑ ष्याम य॒शसो॒ जने॒ष्वा सदा॑ देवास॒ इळ॑या सचेमहि ॥ १०.०६४.११
ra̱ṇvaḥ saṃdṛ̍ṣṭau pitu̱mām̐ i̍va̱ kṣayo̍ bha̱drā ru̱drāṇā̍ṃ ma̱rutā̱mupa̍stutiḥ .
gobhi̍ḥ ṣyāma ya̱śaso̱ jane̱ṣvā sadā̍ devāsa̱ il̤a̍yā sacemahi .. 10.064.11
11 Pleasant to look on as a dwelling rich in food is the blest favour of the Maruts, Rudra's Sons.
May we be famed among the folk for wealth in kine. and ever come to you, ye Gods, with sacred food.
Sloka : 10.64.12
यां मे॒ धियं॒ मरु॑त॒ इन्द्र॒ देवा॒ अद॑दात वरुण मित्र यू॒यम् ।
तां पी॑पयत॒ पय॑सेव धे॒नुं कु॒विद्गिरो॒ अधि॒ रथे॒ वहा॑थ ॥ १०.०६४.१२
yāṃ me̱ dhiya̱ṃ maru̍ta̱ indra̱ devā̱ ada̍dāta varuṇa mitra yū̱yam .
tāṃ pī̍payata̱ paya̍seva dhe̱nuṃ ku̱vidgiro̱ adhi̱ rathe̱ vahā̍tha .. 10.064.12
12 The thought which ye, O Maruts, Indra and ye Gods have given to me, and ye, Mitra and Varuṇa,
Cause this to grow and swell like a milchcow with milk. Will ye not bear away my songs upon your car?
Sloka : 10.64.13
कु॒विद॒ङ्ग प्रति॒ यथा॑ चिद॒स्य नः॑ सजा॒त्य॑स्य मरुतो॒ बुबो॑धथ ।
नाभा॒ यत्र॑ प्रथ॒मं सं॒नसा॑महे॒ तत्र॑ जामि॒त्वमदि॑तिर्दधातु नः ॥ १०.०६४.१३
ku̱vida̱ṅga prati̱ yathā̍ cida̱sya na̍ḥ sajā̱tya̍sya maruto̱ bubo̍dhatha .
nābhā̱ yatra̍ pratha̱maṃ sa̱ṃnasā̍mahe̱ tatra̍ jāmi̱tvamadi̍tirdadhātu naḥ .. 10.064.13
13 O Maruts, do ye never, never recollect and call again to mind this our relationship?
When next we meet together at the central point, even there shall Aditi confirm our brotherhood.
Sloka : 10.64.14
ते हि द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी मा॒तरा॑ म॒ही दे॒वी दे॒वाञ्जन्म॑ना य॒ज्ञिये॑ इ॒तः ।
उ॒भे बि॑भृत उ॒भयं॒ भरी॑मभिः पु॒रू रेतां॑सि पि॒तृभि॑श्च सिञ्चतः ॥ १०.०६४.१४
te hi dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī mā̱tarā̍ ma̱hī de̱vī de̱vāñjanma̍nā ya̱jñiye̍ i̱taḥ .
u̱bhe bi̍bhṛta u̱bhaya̱ṃ bharī̍mabhiḥ pu̱rū retā̍ṃsi pi̱tṛbhi̍śca siñcataḥ .. 10.064.14
14 The Mothers, Heaven and Earth, those mighty Goddesses, worthy of sacrifice, ecune with the race of Gods.
These Two with their support uphold both Gods and men, and with the Fathers pour the copious genial stream.
Sloka : 10.64.15
वि षा होत्रा॒ विश्व॑मश्नोति॒ वार्यं॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र॒रम॑तिः॒ पनी॑यसी ।
ग्रावा॒ यत्र॑ मधु॒षुदु॒च्यते॑ बृ॒हदवी॑वशन्त म॒तिभि॑र्मनी॒षिणः॑ ॥ १०.०६४.१५
vi ṣā hotrā̱ viśva̍maśnoti̱ vārya̱ṃ bṛha̱spati̍ra̱rama̍ti̱ḥ panī̍yasī .
grāvā̱ yatra̍ madhu̱ṣudu̱cyate̍ bṛ̱hadavī̍vaśanta ma̱tibhi̍rmanī̱ṣiṇa̍ḥ .. 10.064.15
15 This invocation wins all good that we desire Bṛhaspati, highly-praised Aramati, are here,
Even where the stone that presses meath rings loudly out, and where the sages make their voices heard with hymns.
Sloka : 10.64.16
ए॒वा क॒विस्तु॑वी॒रवा॑ँ ऋत॒ज्ञा द्र॑विण॒स्युर्द्रवि॑णसश्चका॒नः ।
उ॒क्थेभि॒रत्र॑ म॒तिभि॑श्च॒ विप्रोऽपी॑पय॒द्गयो॑ दि॒व्यानि॒ जन्म॑ ॥ १०.०६४.१६
e̱vā ka̱vistu̍vī̱ravā̍m̐ ṛta̱jñā dra̍viṇa̱syurdravi̍ṇasaścakā̱naḥ .
u̱kthebhi̱ratra̍ ma̱tibhi̍śca̱ vipro'pī̍paya̱dgayo̍ di̱vyāni̱ janma̍ .. 10.064.16
16 Thus hath the sage, skilled in loud singers' duties, desiring riches, yearning after treasure,
Gaya, the priestly singer, with his praises and hymns contented the Celestial people.
Sloka : 10.64.17
ए॒वा प्ल॒तेः सू॒नुर॑वीवृधद्वो॒ विश्व॑ आदित्या अदिते मनी॒षी ।
ई॒शा॒नासो॒ नरो॒ अम॑र्त्ये॒नास्ता॑वि॒ जनो॑ दि॒व्यो गये॑न ॥ १०.०६४.१७
e̱vā pla̱teḥ sū̱nura̍vīvṛdhadvo̱ viśva̍ ādityā adite manī̱ṣī .
ī̱śā̱nāso̱ naro̱ ama̍rtye̱nāstā̍vi̱ jano̍ di̱vyo gaye̍na .. 10.064.17
17 Thus hath the thoughtful sage the son of Plati, praised you, O Aaiti and all Ādityas.
Men are made rich by those who are Immortal:- the Heavenly Folk have been extolled by Gaya.
Sloka : 10.65.1
अ॒ग्निरिन्द्रो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा वा॒युः पू॒षा सर॑स्वती स॒जोष॑सः ।
आ॒दि॒त्या विष्णु॑र्म॒रुतः॒ स्व॑र्बृ॒हत्सोमो॑ रु॒द्रो अदि॑ति॒र्ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ १०.०६५.०१
a̱gnirindro̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā vā̱yuḥ pū̱ṣā sara̍svatī sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .
ā̱di̱tyā viṣṇu̍rma̱ruta̱ḥ sva̍rbṛ̱hatsomo̍ ru̱dro adi̍ti̱rbrahma̍ṇa̱spati̍ḥ .. 10.065.01
1. MAY Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa consent, Aryaman, Vāyu, Pūṣan, and Sarasvatī,
Ādityas, Maruts, Viṣṇu, Soma, lofty Sky, Rudra and Aditi, and Brahmaṇaspati.
Sloka : 10.65.2
इ॒न्द्रा॒ग्नी वृ॑त्र॒हत्ये॑षु॒ सत्प॑ती मि॒थो हि॑न्वा॒ना त॒न्वा॒३॒॑ समो॑कसा ।
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ मह्या प॑प्रु॒रोज॑सा॒ सोमो॑ घृत॒श्रीर्म॑हि॒मान॑मी॒रय॑न् ॥ १०.०६५.०२
i̱ndrā̱gnī vṛ̍tra̱hatye̍ṣu̱ satpa̍tī mi̱tho hi̍nvā̱nā ta̱nvā̱3̱̍ samo̍kasā .
a̱ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ mahyā pa̍pru̱roja̍sā̱ somo̍ ghṛta̱śrīrma̍hi̱māna̍mī̱raya̍n .. 10.065.02
2 Indra and Agni, Hero-lords when Vṛtra fell, dwelling together, speeding emulously on,
And Soma blent with oil, putting his greatness forth, have with their power filled full the mighty firmament.
Sloka : 10.65.3
तेषां॒ हि म॒ह्ना म॑ह॒ताम॑न॒र्वणां॒ स्तोमा॒ँ इय॑र्म्यृत॒ज्ञा ऋ॑ता॒वृधा॑म् ।
ये अ॑प्स॒वम॑र्ण॒वं चि॒त्ररा॑धस॒स्ते नो॑ रासन्तां म॒हये॑ सुमि॒त्र्याः ॥ १०.०६५.०३
teṣā̱ṃ hi ma̱hnā ma̍ha̱tāma̍na̱rvaṇā̱ṃ stomā̱m̐ iya̍rmyṛta̱jñā ṛ̍tā̱vṛdhā̍m .
ye a̍psa̱vama̍rṇa̱vaṃ ci̱trarā̍dhasa̱ste no̍ rāsantāṃ ma̱haye̍ sumi̱tryāḥ .. 10.065.03
3 Skilled in the Law I lift the hymn of praise to these, Law-strengtheners, unassailed, and great in majesty.
These in their wondrous bounty send the watery sea:- may they as kindly Friends send gifts to make us great.
Sloka : 10.65.4
स्व॑र्णरम॒न्तरि॑क्षाणि रोच॒ना द्यावा॒भूमी॑ पृथि॒वीं स्क॑म्भु॒रोज॑सा ।
पृ॒क्षा इ॑व म॒हय॑न्तः सुरा॒तयो॑ दे॒वाः स्त॑वन्ते॒ मनु॑षाय सू॒रयः॑ ॥ १०.०६५.०४
sva̍rṇarama̱ntari̍kṣāṇi roca̱nā dyāvā̱bhūmī̍ pṛthi̱vīṃ ska̍mbhu̱roja̍sā .
pṛ̱kṣā i̍va ma̱haya̍ntaḥ surā̱tayo̍ de̱vāḥ sta̍vante̱ manu̍ṣāya sū̱raya̍ḥ .. 10.065.04
4 They with their might have stayed Heaven, Earth, and Prthivi, the Lord of Light, the firmament, -the lustrous spheres.
Even as fleet-foot steeds who make their masters glad, the princely Gods are praised, most bountiful to man.
Sloka : 10.65.5
मि॒त्राय॑ शिक्ष॒ वरु॑णाय दा॒शुषे॒ या स॒म्राजा॒ मन॑सा॒ न प्र॒युच्छ॑तः ।
ययो॒र्धाम॒ धर्म॑णा॒ रोच॑ते बृ॒हद्ययो॑रु॒भे रोद॑सी॒ नाध॑सी॒ वृतौ॑ ॥ १०.०६५.०५
mi̱trāya̍ śikṣa̱ varu̍ṇāya dā̱śuṣe̱ yā sa̱mrājā̱ mana̍sā̱ na pra̱yuccha̍taḥ .
yayo̱rdhāma̱ dharma̍ṇā̱ roca̍te bṛ̱hadyayo̍ru̱bhe roda̍sī̱ nādha̍sī̱ vṛtau̍ .. 10.065.05
5 Bring gifts to Mitra and to Varuṇa who, Lords of all, in spirit never fail the worshipper,
Whose statute shines on high through everlasting Law, whose places of sure refuge are the heavens and earth.
Sloka : 10.65.6
या गौर्व॑र्त॒निं प॒र्येति॑ निष्कृ॒तं पयो॒ दुहा॑ना व्रत॒नीर॑वा॒रतः॑ ।
सा प्र॑ब्रुवा॒णा वरु॑णाय दा॒शुषे॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ दाशद्ध॒विषा॑ वि॒वस्व॑ते ॥ १०.०६५.०६
yā gaurva̍rta̱niṃ pa̱ryeti̍ niṣkṛ̱taṃ payo̱ duhā̍nā vrata̱nīra̍vā̱rata̍ḥ .
sā pra̍bruvā̱ṇā varu̍ṇāya dā̱śuṣe̍ de̱vebhyo̍ dāśaddha̱viṣā̍ vi̱vasva̍te .. 10.065.06
6 The cow who yielding milk goes her appointed way hither to us as leader of holy rites,
Speaking aloud to Varuṇa and the worshipper, shall with oblation serve Vivasvān and the Gods.
Sloka : 10.65.7
दि॒वक्ष॑सो अग्निजि॒ह्वा ऋ॑ता॒वृध॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ योनिं॑ विमृ॒शन्त॑ आसते ।
द्यां स्क॑भि॒त्व्य१॒॑प आ च॑क्रु॒रोज॑सा य॒ज्ञं ज॑नि॒त्वी त॒न्वी॒३॒॑ नि मा॑मृजुः ॥ १०.०६५.०७
di̱vakṣa̍so agniji̱hvā ṛ̍tā̱vṛdha̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̍ṃ vimṛ̱śanta̍ āsate .
dyāṃ ska̍bhi̱tvya1̱̍pa ā ca̍kru̱roja̍sā ya̱jñaṃ ja̍ni̱tvī ta̱nvī̱3̱̍ ni mā̍mṛjuḥ .. 10.065.07
7 The Gods whose tongue is Agni dwell in heaven, and sit, aiders of Law, reflecting, in the seat of Law.
They propped up heaven and then brought waters with their might, got sacrifice and in a body made it fair.
Sloka : 10.65.8
प॒रि॒क्षिता॑ पि॒तरा॑ पूर्व॒जाव॑री ऋ॒तस्य॒ योना॑ क्षयतः॒ समो॑कसा ।
द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी वरु॑णाय॒ सव्र॑ते घृ॒तव॒त्पयो॑ महि॒षाय॑ पिन्वतः ॥ १०.०६५.०८
pa̱ri̱kṣitā̍ pi̱tarā̍ pūrva̱jāva̍rī ṛ̱tasya̱ yonā̍ kṣayata̱ḥ samo̍kasā .
dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī varu̍ṇāya̱ savra̍te ghṛ̱tava̱tpayo̍ mahi̱ṣāya̍ pinvataḥ .. 10.065.08
8 Born in the oldest time, the Parents dwelling round are sharers of one mansion in the home of Law.
Bound by their common vow Dyaus, Prthivi stream forth the moisture rich in oil to Varuṇa the Steer.
Sloka : 10.65.9
प॒र्जन्या॒वाता॑ वृष॒भा पु॑री॒षिणे॑न्द्रवा॒यू वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
दे॒वाँ आ॑दि॒त्याँ अदि॑तिं हवामहे॒ ये पार्थि॑वासो दि॒व्यासो॑ अ॒प्सु ये ॥ १०.०६५.०९
pa̱rjanyā̱vātā̍ vṛṣa̱bhā pu̍rī̱ṣiṇe̍ndravā̱yū varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
de̱vām̐ ā̍di̱tyām̐ adi̍tiṃ havāmahe̱ ye pārthi̍vāso di̱vyāso̍ a̱psu ye .. 10.065.09
9 Parjanya, Vāta, mighty, senders of the rain, Indra and Vāyu, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:-
We call on Aditi, Ādityas, and the Gods, those who are on the earth, in waters, and in heaven.
Sloka : 10.65.10
त्वष्टा॑रं वा॒युमृ॑भवो॒ य ओह॑ते॒ दैव्या॒ होता॑रा उ॒षसं॑ स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
बृह॒स्पतिं॑ वृत्रखा॒दं सु॑मे॒धस॑मिन्द्रि॒यं सोमं॑ धन॒सा उ॑ ईमहे ॥ १०.०६५.१०
tvaṣṭā̍raṃ vā̱yumṛ̍bhavo̱ ya oha̍te̱ daivyā̱ hotā̍rā u̱ṣasa̍ṃ sva̱staye̍ .
bṛha̱spati̍ṃ vṛtrakhā̱daṃ su̍me̱dhasa̍mindri̱yaṃ soma̍ṃ dhana̱sā u̍ īmahe .. 10.065.10
10 Tvaṣṭar and Vāyu, those who count as Ṛbhus, both celestial Hotar-priests, and Dawn for happiness,
Winners of wealth, we call, and wise Bṛhaspati, destroyer of our foes, and Soma Indra's Friend.
Sloka : 10.65.11
ब्रह्म॒ गामश्वं॑ ज॒नय॑न्त॒ ओष॑धी॒र्वन॒स्पती॑न्पृथि॒वीं पर्व॑ताँ अ॒पः ।
सूर्यं॑ दि॒वि रो॒हय॑न्तः सु॒दान॑व॒ आर्या॑ व्र॒ता वि॑सृ॒जन्तो॒ अधि॒ क्षमि॑ ॥ १०.०६५.११
brahma̱ gāmaśva̍ṃ ja̱naya̍nta̱ oṣa̍dhī̱rvana̱spatī̍npṛthi̱vīṃ parva̍tām̐ a̱paḥ .
sūrya̍ṃ di̱vi ro̱haya̍ntaḥ su̱dāna̍va̱ āryā̍ vra̱tā vi̍sṛ̱janto̱ adhi̱ kṣami̍ .. 10.065.11
11 They generated prayer, the cow, the horse, the plants, the forest trees, the earth, the waters, and the hills.
These very bounteous Gods made the Sun mount to heaven, and spread the righteous laws of Āryas oer the land.
Sloka : 10.65.12
भु॒ज्युमंह॑सः पिपृथो॒ निर॑श्विना॒ श्यावं॑ पु॒त्रं व॑ध्रिम॒त्या अ॑जिन्वतम् ।
क॒म॒द्युवं॑ विम॒दायो॑हथुर्यु॒वं वि॑ष्णा॒प्वं१॒॑ विश्व॑का॒याव॑ सृजथः ॥ १०.०६५.१२
bhu̱jyumaṃha̍saḥ pipṛtho̱ nira̍śvinā̱ śyāva̍ṃ pu̱traṃ va̍dhrima̱tyā a̍jinvatam .
ka̱ma̱dyuva̍ṃ vima̱dāyo̍hathuryu̱vaṃ vi̍ṣṇā̱pvaṃ1̱̍ viśva̍kā̱yāva̍ sṛjathaḥ .. 10.065.12
12 O Aśvins, ye delivered Bhujyu from distress, ye animated Śyāva, Vadhrmati's son.
To Vimada ye brought his consort Kamadyu, and gave his lost Viṣṇāpū back to Viśvaka.
Sloka : 10.65.13
पावी॑रवी तन्य॒तुरेक॑पाद॒जो दि॒वो ध॒र्ता सिन्धु॒रापः॑ समु॒द्रियः॑ ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वासः॑ शृणव॒न्वचां॑सि मे॒ सर॑स्वती स॒ह धी॒भिः पुरं॑ध्या ॥ १०.०६५.१३
pāvī̍ravī tanya̱tureka̍pāda̱jo di̱vo dha̱rtā sindhu̱rāpa̍ḥ samu̱driya̍ḥ .
viśve̍ de̱vāsa̍ḥ śṛṇava̱nvacā̍ṃsi me̱ sara̍svatī sa̱ha dhī̱bhiḥ pura̍ṃdhyā .. 10.065.13
13 Thunder, the lightning's daughter, Aja-Ekapād, heaven's bearer, Sindhu, and the waters of the sea:-
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvatī give ear together with Purandhi and with Holy Thoughts.
Sloka : 10.65.14
विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः स॒ह धी॒भिः पुरं॑ध्या॒ मनो॒र्यज॑त्रा अ॒मृता॑ ऋत॒ज्ञाः ।
रा॒ति॒षाचो॑ अभि॒षाचः॑ स्व॒र्विदः॒ स्व१॒॑र्गिरो॒ ब्रह्म॑ सू॒क्तं जु॑षेरत ॥ १०.०६५.१४
viśve̍ de̱vāḥ sa̱ha dhī̱bhiḥ pura̍ṃdhyā̱ mano̱ryaja̍trā a̱mṛtā̍ ṛta̱jñāḥ .
rā̱ti̱ṣāco̍ abhi̱ṣāca̍ḥ sva̱rvida̱ḥ sva1̱̍rgiro̱ brahma̍ sū̱ktaṃ ju̍ṣerata .. 10.065.14
14 With Holy Thoughts and with Purandhi may all Gods, knowing the Law immortal, Manu's Holy Ones,
Boon-givers, favourers, finders of light, and Heaven, with gracious love accept my songs, my prayer, my hymn.
Sloka : 10.65.15
दे॒वान्वसि॑ष्ठो अ॒मृता॑न्ववन्दे॒ ये विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒भि प्र॑त॒स्थुः ।
ते नो॑ रासन्तामुरुगा॒यम॒द्य यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ १०.०६५.१५
de̱vānvasi̍ṣṭho a̱mṛtā̍nvavande̱ ye viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱bhi pra̍ta̱sthuḥ .
te no̍ rāsantāmurugā̱yama̱dya yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 10.065.15
15 Immortal Gods have I, Vasiṣṭha, lauded, Gods set on high above all other beings.
May they this day grant us wide space and freedom:- ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 10.66.1
दे॒वान्हु॑वे बृ॒हच्छ्र॑वसः स्व॒स्तये॑ ज्योति॒ष्कृतो॑ अध्व॒रस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसः ।
ये वा॑वृ॒धुः प्र॑त॒रं वि॒श्ववे॑दस॒ इन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठासो अ॒मृता॑ ऋता॒वृधः॑ ॥ १०.०६६.०१
de̱vānhu̍ve bṛ̱hacchra̍vasaḥ sva̱staye̍ jyoti̱ṣkṛto̍ adhva̱rasya̱ prace̍tasaḥ .
ye vā̍vṛ̱dhuḥ pra̍ta̱raṃ vi̱śvave̍dasa̱ indra̍jyeṣṭhāso a̱mṛtā̍ ṛtā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .. 10.066.01
1. I CALL the Gods of lofty glory for our weal, the makers of the light, well-skilled in sacrifice;
Those who have waxen mightily, Masters of all wealth, Immortal, strengthening Law, the Gods whom Indra leads.
Sloka : 10.66.2
इन्द्र॑प्रसूता॒ वरु॑णप्रशिष्टा॒ ये सूर्य॑स्य॒ ज्योति॑षो भा॒गमा॑न॒शुः ।
म॒रुद्ग॑णे वृ॒जने॒ मन्म॑ धीमहि॒ माघो॑ने य॒ज्ञं ज॑नयन्त सू॒रयः॑ ॥ १०.०६६.०२
indra̍prasūtā̱ varu̍ṇapraśiṣṭā̱ ye sūrya̍sya̱ jyoti̍ṣo bhā̱gamā̍na̱śuḥ .
ma̱rudga̍ṇe vṛ̱jane̱ manma̍ dhīmahi̱ māgho̍ne ya̱jñaṃ ja̍nayanta sū̱raya̍ḥ .. 10.066.02
2 For the strong band of Maruts will we frame a hymn:- the chiefs shall bring forth sacrifice for Indra's troop,
Who, sent by Indra and advised by Varuṇa, have gotten for themselves a share of Sūrya's light
Sloka : 10.66.3
इन्द्रो॒ वसु॑भिः॒ परि॑ पातु नो॒ गय॑मादि॒त्यैर्नो॒ अदि॑तिः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतु ।
रु॒द्रो रु॒द्रेभि॑र्दे॒वो मृ॑ळयाति न॒स्त्वष्टा॑ नो॒ ग्नाभिः॑ सुवि॒ताय॑ जिन्वतु ॥ १०.०६६.०३
indro̱ vasu̍bhi̱ḥ pari̍ pātu no̱ gaya̍mādi̱tyairno̱ adi̍ti̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchatu .
ru̱dro ru̱drebhi̍rde̱vo mṛ̍l̤ayāti na̱stvaṣṭā̍ no̱ gnābhi̍ḥ suvi̱tāya̍ jinvatu .. 10.066.03
3 May Indra with the Vasus keep our dwelling safe, and Aditi with Ādityas lend us sure defence.
May the God Rudra with the Rudras favour us, and Tvaṣṭar with the Dames further us to success.
Sloka : 10.66.4
अदि॑ति॒र्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी ऋ॒तं म॒हदिन्द्रा॒विष्णू॑ म॒रुतः॒ स्व॑र्बृ॒हत् ।
दे॒वाँ आ॑दि॒त्याँ अव॑से हवामहे॒ वसू॑न्रु॒द्रान्स॑वि॒तारं॑ सु॒दंस॑सम् ॥ १०.०६६.०४
adi̍ti̱rdyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ṛ̱taṃ ma̱hadindrā̱viṣṇū̍ ma̱ruta̱ḥ sva̍rbṛ̱hat .
de̱vām̐ ā̍di̱tyām̐ ava̍se havāmahe̱ vasū̍nru̱drānsa̍vi̱tāra̍ṃ su̱daṃsa̍sam .. 10.066.04
4 Aditi, Heaven and Earth, the great eternal Law, Indra, Viṣṇu, the Maruts, and the lofty Sky.
We call upon Ādityas, on the Gods, for help, on Vasus, Rudras, Savitar of wondrous deeds.
Sloka : 10.66.5
सर॑स्वान्धी॒भिर्वरु॑णो धृ॒तव्र॑तः पू॒षा विष्णु॑र्महि॒मा वा॒युर॒श्विना॑ ।
ब्र॒ह्म॒कृतो॑ अ॒मृता॑ वि॒श्ववे॑दसः॒ शर्म॑ नो यंसन्त्रि॒वरू॑थ॒मंह॑सः ॥ १०.०६६.०५
sara̍svāndhī̱bhirvaru̍ṇo dhṛ̱tavra̍taḥ pū̱ṣā viṣṇu̍rmahi̱mā vā̱yura̱śvinā̍ .
bra̱hma̱kṛto̍ a̱mṛtā̍ vi̱śvave̍dasa̱ḥ śarma̍ no yaṃsantri̱varū̍tha̱maṃha̍saḥ .. 10.066.05
5 With Holy Thoughts Sarasvān, firm-lawed Varuṇa, great Vāyu, Pūṣan, Viṣṇu, and the Aśvins Twain,
Lords of all wealth, Immortal, furtherers of prayer, grant us a triply-guarding refuge from distress.
Sloka : 10.66.6
वृषा॑ य॒ज्ञो वृष॑णः सन्तु य॒ज्ञिया॒ वृष॑णो दे॒वा वृष॑णो हवि॒ष्कृतः॑ ।
वृष॑णा॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी ऋ॒ताव॑री॒ वृषा॑ प॒र्जन्यो॒ वृष॑णो वृष॒स्तुभः॑ ॥ १०.०६६.०६
vṛṣā̍ ya̱jño vṛṣa̍ṇaḥ santu ya̱jñiyā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo de̱vā vṛṣa̍ṇo havi̱ṣkṛta̍ḥ .
vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ṛ̱tāva̍rī̱ vṛṣā̍ pa̱rjanyo̱ vṛṣa̍ṇo vṛṣa̱stubha̍ḥ .. 10.066.06
6 Strong be the sacrifice, strong be the Holy Ones, strong the preparers of oblation, strong the Gods.
Mighty be Heaven and Earth, true to eternal Law, strong be Parjanya, strong be they who laud the Strong.
Sloka : 10.66.7
अ॒ग्नीषोमा॒ वृष॑णा॒ वाज॑सातये पुरुप्रश॒स्ता वृष॑णा॒ उप॑ ब्रुवे ।
यावी॑जि॒रे वृष॑णो देवय॒ज्यया॒ ता नः॒ शर्म॑ त्रि॒वरू॑थं॒ वि यं॑सतः ॥ १०.०६६.०७
a̱gnīṣomā̱ vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ vāja̍sātaye purupraśa̱stā vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ upa̍ bruve .
yāvī̍ji̱re vṛṣa̍ṇo devaya̱jyayā̱ tā na̱ḥ śarma̍ tri̱varū̍tha̱ṃ vi ya̍ṃsataḥ .. 10.066.07
7 To win us strength I glorify the Mighty Twain, Agni and Soma, Mighty Ones whom many laud.
May these vouchsafe us shelter with a triple guard, these whom the strong have served in worship of the Gods.
Sloka : 10.66.8
धृ॒तव्र॑ताः क्ष॒त्रिया॑ यज्ञनि॒ष्कृतो॑ बृहद्दि॒वा अ॑ध्व॒राणा॑मभि॒श्रियः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निहो॑तार ऋत॒सापो॑ अ॒द्रुहो॒ऽपो अ॑सृज॒न्ननु॑ वृत्र॒तूर्ये॑ ॥ १०.०६६.०८
dhṛ̱tavra̍tāḥ kṣa̱triyā̍ yajñani̱ṣkṛto̍ bṛhaddi̱vā a̍dhva̱rāṇā̍mabhi̱śriya̍ḥ .
a̱gniho̍tāra ṛta̱sāpo̍ a̱druho̱'po a̍sṛja̱nnanu̍ vṛtra̱tūrye̍ .. 10.066.08
8 Potent, with firm-fixt laws, arranging sacrifice, visiting solemn rites in splendour of the day,
Obeying Order, these whose priest is Agni, free from falsehood, poured the waters out when Vṛtra died.
Sloka : 10.66.9
द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी ज॑नयन्न॒भि व्र॒ताप॒ ओष॑धीर्व॒निना॑नि य॒ज्ञिया॑ ।
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षं॒ स्व१॒॑रा प॑प्रुरू॒तये॒ वशं॑ दे॒वास॑स्त॒न्वी॒३॒॑ नि मा॑मृजुः ॥ १०.०६६.०९
dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ja̍nayanna̱bhi vra̱tāpa̱ oṣa̍dhīrva̱ninā̍ni ya̱jñiyā̍ .
a̱ntari̍kṣa̱ṃ sva1̱̍rā pa̍prurū̱taye̱ vaśa̍ṃ de̱vāsa̍sta̱nvī̱3̱̍ ni mā̍mṛjuḥ .. 10.066.09
9 The Holy Ones engendered, for their several laws, the heavens and earth, the waters, and the plants and trees.
They filled the firmament with heavenly light for help:- the Gods embodied Wish and made it beautiful.
Sloka : 10.66.10
ध॒र्तारो॑ दि॒व ऋ॒भवः॑ सु॒हस्ता॑ वातापर्ज॒न्या म॑हि॒षस्य॑ तन्य॒तोः ।
आप॒ ओष॑धीः॒ प्र ति॑रन्तु नो॒ गिरो॒ भगो॑ रा॒तिर्वा॒जिनो॑ यन्तु मे॒ हव॑म् ॥ १०.०६६.१०
dha̱rtāro̍ di̱va ṛ̱bhava̍ḥ su̱hastā̍ vātāparja̱nyā ma̍hi̱ṣasya̍ tanya̱toḥ .
āpa̱ oṣa̍dhī̱ḥ pra ti̍rantu no̱ giro̱ bhago̍ rā̱tirvā̱jino̍ yantu me̱ hava̍m .. 10.066.10
10 May they who bear up heaven, the Ṛbhus deft of hand, and Vāta and Parjanya of the thundering Bull,
The waters and the plants, promote the songs we sing:- come Bhaga, Rati, and the Vaijns to my call.
Sloka : 10.66.11
स॒मु॒द्रः सिन्धू॒ रजो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षम॒ज एक॑पात्तनयि॒त्नुर॑र्ण॒वः ।
अहि॑र्बु॒ध्न्यः॑ शृणव॒द्वचां॑सि मे॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वास॑ उ॒त सू॒रयो॒ मम॑ ॥ १०.०६६.११
sa̱mu̱draḥ sindhū̱ rajo̍ a̱ntari̍kṣama̱ja eka̍pāttanayi̱tnura̍rṇa̱vaḥ .
ahi̍rbu̱dhnya̍ḥ śṛṇava̱dvacā̍ṃsi me̱ viśve̍ de̱vāsa̍ u̱ta sū̱rayo̱ mama̍ .. 10.066.11
11 Sindhu, the sea, the region, and the firmament, the thunder, and the ocean, Aja-Ekapād,
The Dragon of the Deep, shall listen to my words, and all the Deities and Princes shall give ear.
Sloka : 10.66.12
स्याम॑ वो॒ मन॑वो दे॒ववी॑तये॒ प्राञ्चं॑ नो य॒ज्ञं प्र ण॑यत साधु॒या ।
आदि॑त्या॒ रुद्रा॒ वस॑वः॒ सुदा॑नव इ॒मा ब्रह्म॑ श॒स्यमा॑नानि जिन्वत ॥ १०.०६६.१२
syāma̍ vo̱ mana̍vo de̱vavī̍taye̱ prāñca̍ṃ no ya̱jñaṃ pra ṇa̍yata sādhu̱yā .
ādi̍tyā̱ rudrā̱ vasa̍va̱ḥ sudā̍nava i̱mā brahma̍ śa̱syamā̍nāni jinvata .. 10.066.12
12 May we, be yours, we men, to entertain the Gods:- further our sacrifice and give it full success.
Ādityas, Rudras, Vasus, givers of good gifts, quicken the holy hymns which we are singing now
Sloka : 10.66.13
दैव्या॒ होता॑रा प्रथ॒मा पु॒रोहि॑त ऋ॒तस्य॒ पन्था॒मन्वे॑मि साधु॒या ।
क्षेत्र॑स्य॒ पतिं॒ प्रति॑वेशमीमहे॒ विश्वा॑न्दे॒वाँ अ॒मृता॒ँ अप्र॑युच्छतः ॥ १०.०६६.१३
daivyā̱ hotā̍rā pratha̱mā pu̱rohi̍ta ṛ̱tasya̱ panthā̱manve̍mi sādhu̱yā .
kṣetra̍sya̱ pati̱ṃ prati̍veśamīmahe̱ viśvā̍nde̱vām̐ a̱mṛtā̱m̐ apra̍yucchataḥ .. 10.066.13
13 I follow with success upon the path of Law the two celestial Hotars, Priests of oldest time.
We pray to him who dwelleth near, Guard of the Field, to all Immortal Gods who never are remiss.
Sloka : 10.66.14
वसि॑ष्ठासः पितृ॒वद्वाच॑मक्रत दे॒वाँ ईळा॑ना ऋषि॒वत्स्व॒स्तये॑ ।
प्री॒ता इ॑व ज्ञा॒तयः॒ काम॒मेत्या॒स्मे दे॑वा॒सोऽव॑ धूनुता॒ वसु॑ ॥ १०.०६६.१४
vasi̍ṣṭhāsaḥ pitṛ̱vadvāca̍makrata de̱vām̐ īl̤ā̍nā ṛṣi̱vatsva̱staye̍ .
prī̱tā i̍va jñā̱taya̱ḥ kāma̱metyā̱sme de̍vā̱so'va̍ dhūnutā̱ vasu̍ .. 10.066.14
14 Vasiṣṭha's sons have raised their voices, like their sire. Ṛṣi-like praying to the Gods for happiness.
Like friendly-minded kinsmen, come at our desire, O Gods, and shake down treasures on us from above.
Sloka : 10.66.15
दे॒वान्वसि॑ष्ठो अ॒मृता॑न्ववन्दे॒ ये विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒भि प्र॑त॒स्थुः ।
ते नो॑ रासन्तामुरुगा॒यम॒द्य यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ १०.०६६.१५
de̱vānvasi̍ṣṭho a̱mṛtā̍nvavande̱ ye viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱bhi pra̍ta̱sthuḥ .
te no̍ rāsantāmurugā̱yama̱dya yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 10.066.15
15 Immortal Gods have I, Vasiṣṭha, lauded, Gods set on high above all other beings.
May they this day grant us wide space and freedom:- ye Gods, preserve us evermore with blessings.
Sloka : 10.67.1
इ॒मां धियं॑ स॒प्तशी॑र्ष्णीं पि॒ता न॑ ऋ॒तप्र॑जातां बृह॒तीम॑विन्दत् ।
तु॒रीयं॑ स्विज्जनयद्वि॒श्वज॑न्यो॒ऽयास्य॑ उ॒क्थमिन्द्रा॑य॒ शंस॑न् ॥ १०.०६७.०१
i̱māṃ dhiya̍ṃ sa̱ptaśī̍rṣṇīṃ pi̱tā na̍ ṛ̱tapra̍jātāṃ bṛha̱tīma̍vindat .
tu̱rīya̍ṃ svijjanayadvi̱śvaja̍nyo̱'yāsya̍ u̱kthamindrā̍ya̱ śaṃsa̍n .. 10.067.01
1. THIS holy hymn, sublime and sevenheaded, sprung from eternal Law, our sire discovered.
Ayasya, friend of all men, hath engendered the fourth hymn as he sang his laud to Indra.
Sloka : 10.67.2
ऋ॒तं शंस॑न्त ऋ॒जु दीध्या॑ना दि॒वस्पु॒त्रासो॒ असु॑रस्य वी॒राः ।
विप्रं॑ प॒दमङ्गि॑रसो॒ दधा॑ना य॒ज्ञस्य॒ धाम॑ प्रथ॒मं म॑नन्त ॥ १०.०६७.०२
ṛ̱taṃ śaṃsa̍nta ṛ̱ju dīdhyā̍nā di̱vaspu̱trāso̱ asu̍rasya vī̱rāḥ .
vipra̍ṃ pa̱damaṅgi̍raso̱ dadhā̍nā ya̱jñasya̱ dhāma̍ pratha̱maṃ ma̍nanta .. 10.067.02
2 Thinking aright, praising eternal Order, the sons of Dyaus the Asura, those heroes,
Aṅgirases, holding the rank of sages, first honoured sacrifice's holy statute.
Sloka : 10.67.3
हं॒सैरि॑व॒ सखि॑भि॒र्वाव॑दद्भिरश्म॒न्मया॑नि॒ नह॑ना॒ व्यस्य॑न् ।
बृह॒स्पति॑रभि॒कनि॑क्रद॒द्गा उ॒त प्रास्तौ॒दुच्च॑ वि॒द्वाँ अ॑गायत् ॥ १०.०६७.०३
ha̱ṃsairi̍va̱ sakhi̍bhi̱rvāva̍dadbhiraśma̱nmayā̍ni̱ naha̍nā̱ vyasya̍n .
bṛha̱spati̍rabhi̱kani̍krada̱dgā u̱ta prāstau̱ducca̍ vi̱dvām̐ a̍gāyat .. 10.067.03
3 Girt by his friends who cried with swanlike voices, bursting the stony barriers of the prison,
Bṛhaspati spake in thunder to the cattle, and uttered praise and song when he had found them.
Sloka : 10.67.4
अ॒वो द्वाभ्यां॑ प॒र एक॑या॒ गा गुहा॒ तिष्ठ॑न्ती॒रनृ॑तस्य॒ सेतौ॑ ।
बृह॒स्पति॒स्तम॑सि॒ ज्योति॑रि॒च्छन्नुदु॒स्रा आक॒र्वि हि ति॒स्र आवः॑ ॥ १०.०६७.०४
a̱vo dvābhyā̍ṃ pa̱ra eka̍yā̱ gā guhā̱ tiṣṭha̍ntī̱ranṛ̍tasya̱ setau̍ .
bṛha̱spati̱stama̍si̱ jyoti̍ri̱cchannudu̱srā āka̱rvi hi ti̱sra āva̍ḥ .. 10.067.04
4 Apart from one, away from two above him, he drave the kine that stood in bonds of falsehood.
Bṛhaspati, seeking light amid the darkness, drave forth the bright cows:- three he made apparent.
Sloka : 10.67.5
वि॒भिद्या॒ पुरं॑ श॒यथे॒मपा॑चीं॒ निस्त्रीणि॑ सा॒कमु॑द॒धेर॑कृन्तत् ।
बृह॒स्पति॑रु॒षसं॒ सूर्यं॒ गाम॒र्कं वि॑वेद स्त॒नय॑न्निव॒ द्यौः ॥ १०.०६७.०५
vi̱bhidyā̱ pura̍ṃ śa̱yathe̱mapā̍cī̱ṃ nistrīṇi̍ sā̱kamu̍da̱dhera̍kṛntat .
bṛha̱spati̍ru̱ṣasa̱ṃ sūrya̱ṃ gāma̱rkaṃ vi̍veda sta̱naya̍nniva̱ dyauḥ .. 10.067.05
5 When he had cleft the lairs and western castle, he cut off three from him who held the waters.
Bṛhaspati discovered, while he thundered like Dyaus, the dawn, the Sun, the cow, the lightning.
Sloka : 10.67.6
इन्द्रो॑ व॒लं र॑क्षि॒तारं॒ दुघा॑नां क॒रेणे॑व॒ वि च॑कर्ता॒ रवे॑ण ।
स्वेदा॑ञ्जिभिरा॒शिर॑मि॒च्छमा॒नोऽरो॑दयत्प॒णिमा गा अ॑मुष्णात् ॥ १०.०६७.०६
indro̍ va̱laṃ ra̍kṣi̱tāra̱ṃ dughā̍nāṃ ka̱reṇe̍va̱ vi ca̍kartā̱ rave̍ṇa .
svedā̍ñjibhirā̱śira̍mi̱cchamā̱no'ro̍dayatpa̱ṇimā gā a̍muṣṇāt .. 10.067.06
6 As with a hand, so with his roaring Indra cleft Vala through, the guardian of the cattle.
Seeking the milk-draught with sweatshining comrades he stole the Paṇi's kine and left him weeping.
Sloka : 10.67.7
स ईं॑ स॒त्येभिः॒ सखि॑भिः शु॒चद्भि॒र्गोधा॑यसं॒ वि ध॑न॒सैर॑दर्दः ।
ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पति॒र्वृष॑भिर्व॒राहै॑र्घ॒र्मस्वे॑देभि॒र्द्रवि॑णं॒ व्या॑नट् ॥ १०.०६७.०७
sa ī̍ṃ sa̱tyebhi̱ḥ sakhi̍bhiḥ śu̱cadbhi̱rgodhā̍yasa̱ṃ vi dha̍na̱saira̍dardaḥ .
brahma̍ṇa̱spati̱rvṛṣa̍bhirva̱rāhai̍rgha̱rmasve̍debhi̱rdravi̍ṇa̱ṃ vyā̍naṭ .. 10.067.07
7 He with bright faithful Friends, winners of booty, hath rent the milker of the cows asunder.
Bṛhaspati with wild boars strong and mighty, sweating with heat, hath gained a rich possession.
Sloka : 10.67.8
ते स॒त्येन॒ मन॑सा॒ गोप॑तिं॒ गा इ॑या॒नास॑ इषणयन्त धी॒भिः ।
बृह॒स्पति॑र्मि॒थोअ॑वद्यपेभि॒रुदु॒स्रिया॑ असृजत स्व॒युग्भिः॑ ॥ १०.०६७.०८
te sa̱tyena̱ mana̍sā̱ gopa̍ti̱ṃ gā i̍yā̱nāsa̍ iṣaṇayanta dhī̱bhiḥ .
bṛha̱spati̍rmi̱thoa̍vadyapebhi̱rudu̱sriyā̍ asṛjata sva̱yugbhi̍ḥ .. 10.067.08
8 They, longing for the kine, with faithful spirit incited with their hymns the Lord of cattle.
Bṛhaspati freed the radiant cows with comrades self-yoked, averting shame from one another.
Sloka : 10.67.9
तं व॒र्धय॑न्तो म॒तिभिः॑ शि॒वाभिः॑ सिं॒हमि॑व॒ नान॑दतं स॒धस्थे॑ ।
बृह॒स्पतिं॒ वृष॑णं॒ शूर॑सातौ॒ भरे॑भरे॒ अनु॑ मदेम जि॒ष्णुम् ॥ १०.०६७.०९
taṃ va̱rdhaya̍nto ma̱tibhi̍ḥ śi̱vābhi̍ḥ si̱ṃhami̍va̱ nāna̍dataṃ sa̱dhasthe̍ .
bṛha̱spati̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇa̱ṃ śūra̍sātau̱ bhare̍bhare̱ anu̍ madema ji̱ṣṇum .. 10.067.09
9 In our assembly with auspicious praises exalting him who roareth like a lion,
Maywe, in every fight where heroes conquer, rejoice in strong Bṛhaspati the Victor.
Sloka : 10.67.10
य॒दा वाज॒मस॑नद्वि॒श्वरू॑प॒मा द्यामरु॑क्ष॒दुत्त॑राणि॒ सद्म॑ ।
बृह॒स्पतिं॒ वृष॑णं व॒र्धय॑न्तो॒ नाना॒ सन्तो॒ बिभ्र॑तो॒ ज्योति॑रा॒सा ॥ १०.०६७.१०
ya̱dā vāja̱masa̍nadvi̱śvarū̍pa̱mā dyāmaru̍kṣa̱dutta̍rāṇi̱ sadma̍ .
bṛha̱spati̱ṃ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ va̱rdhaya̍nto̱ nānā̱ santo̱ bibhra̍to̱ jyoti̍rā̱sā .. 10.067.10
10 When he had won him every sort of booty and gone to heaven and its most lofty mansions,
Men praised Bṛhaspati the Mighty, bringing the light within their mouths from sundry places.
Sloka : 10.67.11
स॒त्यामा॒शिषं॑ कृणुता वयो॒धै की॒रिं चि॒द्ध्यव॑थ॒ स्वेभि॒रेवैः॑ ।
प॒श्चा मृधो॒ अप॑ भवन्तु॒ विश्वा॒स्तद्रो॑दसी शृणुतं विश्वमि॒न्वे ॥ १०.०६७.११
sa̱tyāmā̱śiṣa̍ṃ kṛṇutā vayo̱dhai kī̱riṃ ci̱ddhyava̍tha̱ svebhi̱revai̍ḥ .
pa̱ścā mṛdho̱ apa̍ bhavantu̱ viśvā̱stadro̍dasī śṛṇutaṃ viśvami̱nve .. 10.067.11
11 Fulfil the prayer that begs for vital vigour:- aid in your wonted manner even the humble.
Let all our foes be turned and driven backward. Hear this, O Heaven and Earth, ye All-producers.
Sloka : 10.67.12
इन्द्रो॑ म॒ह्ना म॑ह॒तो अ॑र्ण॒वस्य॒ वि मू॒र्धान॑मभिनदर्बु॒दस्य॑ ।
अह॒न्नहि॒मरि॑णात्स॒प्त सिन्धू॑न्दे॒वैर्द्या॑वापृथिवी॒ प्राव॑तं नः ॥ १०.०६७.१२
indro̍ ma̱hnā ma̍ha̱to a̍rṇa̱vasya̱ vi mū̱rdhāna̍mabhinadarbu̱dasya̍ .
aha̱nnahi̱mari̍ṇātsa̱pta sindhū̍nde̱vairdyā̍vāpṛthivī̱ prāva̍taṃ naḥ .. 10.067.12
12 Indra with mighty strength cleft asunder the head of Arbuda the watery monster,
Slain Ahi, and set free the Seven Rivers. O Heaven and Earth, with all the Gods protect us.
Sloka : 10.68.1
उ॒द॒प्रुतो॒ न वयो॒ रक्ष॑माणा॒ वाव॑दतो अ॒भ्रिय॑स्येव॒ घोषाः॑ ।
गि॒रि॒भ्रजो॒ नोर्मयो॒ मद॑न्तो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑म॒भ्य१॒॑र्का अ॑नावन् ॥ १०.०६८.०१
u̱da̱pruto̱ na vayo̱ rakṣa̍māṇā̱ vāva̍dato a̱bhriya̍syeva̱ ghoṣā̍ḥ .
gi̱ri̱bhrajo̱ normayo̱ mada̍nto̱ bṛha̱spati̍ma̱bhya1̱̍rkā a̍nāvan .. 10.068.01
1. LIKE birds who keep their watch, plashing in water, like the loud voices of the thundering rain-cloud,
Like merry streamlets bursting from the mountain, thus to Bṛhaspati our hymns have sounded.
Sloka : 10.68.2
सं गोभि॑राङ्गिर॒सो नक्ष॑माणो॒ भग॑ इ॒वेद॑र्य॒मणं॑ निनाय ।
जने॑ मि॒त्रो न दम्प॑ती अनक्ति॒ बृह॑स्पते वा॒जया॒शूँरि॑वा॒जौ ॥ १०.०६८.०२
saṃ gobhi̍rāṅgira̱so nakṣa̍māṇo̱ bhaga̍ i̱veda̍rya̱maṇa̍ṃ nināya .
jane̍ mi̱tro na dampa̍tī anakti̱ bṛha̍spate vā̱jayā̱śūm̐ri̍vā̱jau .. 10.068.02
2 The Son of Aṅgirases, meeting the cattle, as Bhaga, brought in Aryaman among us.
As Friend of men he decks the wife and husband:- as for the race, Bṛhaspati, nerve our coursers.
Sloka : 10.68.3
सा॒ध्व॒र्या अ॑ति॒थिनी॑रिषि॒राः स्पा॒र्हाः सु॒वर्णा॑ अनव॒द्यरू॑पाः ।
बृह॒स्पतिः॒ पर्व॑तेभ्यो वि॒तूर्या॒ निर्गा ऊ॑पे॒ यव॑मिव स्थि॒विभ्यः॑ ॥ १०.०६८.०३
sā̱dhva̱ryā a̍ti̱thinī̍riṣi̱rāḥ spā̱rhāḥ su̱varṇā̍ anava̱dyarū̍pāḥ .
bṛha̱spati̱ḥ parva̍tebhyo vi̱tūryā̱ nirgā ū̍pe̱ yava̍miva sthi̱vibhya̍ḥ .. 10.068.03
3 Bṛhaspati, having won them from the mountains, strewed down, like barley out of winnowing- baskets,
The vigorous, wandering cows who aid the pious, desired of all, of blameless form, well-coloured.
Sloka : 10.68.4
आ॒प्रु॒षा॒यन्मधु॑न ऋ॒तस्य॒ योनि॑मवक्षि॒पन्न॒र्क उ॒ल्कामि॑व॒ द्योः ।
बृह॒स्पति॑रु॒द्धर॒न्नश्म॑नो॒ गा भूम्या॑ उ॒द्नेव॒ वि त्वचं॑ बिभेद ॥ १०.०६८.०४
ā̱pru̱ṣā̱yanmadhu̍na ṛ̱tasya̱ yoni̍mavakṣi̱panna̱rka u̱lkāmi̍va̱ dyoḥ .
bṛha̱spati̍ru̱ddhara̱nnaśma̍no̱ gā bhūmyā̍ u̱dneva̱ vi tvaca̍ṃ bibheda .. 10.068.04
4 As the Sun dews with meath the seat of Order, and casts a flaming meteor down from heaven.
So from the rock Bṛhaspati forced the cattle, and cleft the earth's skin as it were with water.
Sloka : 10.68.5
अप॒ ज्योति॑षा॒ तमो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षादु॒द्नः शीपा॑लमिव॒ वात॑ आजत् ।
बृह॒स्पति॑रनु॒मृश्या॑ व॒लस्या॒भ्रमि॑व॒ वात॒ आ च॑क्र॒ आ गाः ॥ १०.०६८.०५
apa̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱ tamo̍ a̱ntari̍kṣādu̱dnaḥ śīpā̍lamiva̱ vāta̍ ājat .
bṛha̱spati̍ranu̱mṛśyā̍ va̱lasyā̱bhrami̍va̱ vāta̱ ā ca̍kra̱ ā gāḥ .. 10.068.05
5 Forth from mid air with light he dravc the darkness, as the gale blows a lily from the fiver.
Like the wind grasping at the cloud of Vala, Bṛhaspati gathered to himself the cattle,
Sloka : 10.68.6
य॒दा व॒लस्य॒ पीय॑तो॒ जसुं॒ भेद्बृह॒स्पति॑रग्नि॒तपो॑भिर॒र्कैः ।
द॒द्भिर्न जि॒ह्वा परि॑विष्ट॒माद॑दा॒विर्नि॒धीँर॑कृणोदु॒स्रिया॑णाम् ॥ १०.०६८.०६
ya̱dā va̱lasya̱ pīya̍to̱ jasu̱ṃ bhedbṛha̱spati̍ragni̱tapo̍bhira̱rkaiḥ .
da̱dbhirna ji̱hvā pari̍viṣṭa̱māda̍dā̱virni̱dhīm̐ra̍kṛṇodu̱sriyā̍ṇām .. 10.068.06
6 Bṛhaspati, when he with fiery lightnings cleft through the weapon of reviling Vala,
Consumedḥim as tongues cat what teeth have compassed:- he threw the prisons of the red cows open.
Sloka : 10.68.7
बृह॒स्पति॒रम॑त॒ हि त्यदा॑सां॒ नाम॑ स्व॒रीणां॒ सद॑ने॒ गुहा॒ यत् ।
आ॒ण्डेव॑ भि॒त्त्वा श॑कु॒नस्य॒ गर्भ॒मुदु॒स्रियाः॒ पर्व॑तस्य॒ त्मना॑जत् ॥ १०.०६८.०७
bṛha̱spati̱rama̍ta̱ hi tyadā̍sā̱ṃ nāma̍ sva̱rīṇā̱ṃ sada̍ne̱ guhā̱ yat .
ā̱ṇḍeva̍ bhi̱ttvā śa̍ku̱nasya̱ garbha̱mudu̱sriyā̱ḥ parva̍tasya̱ tmanā̍jat .. 10.068.07
7 That secret name borne by the lowing cattle within the cave Bṛhaspati discovered,
And drave, himself, the bright kine from the mountain, like a bird's young after the egg's disclosure.
Sloka : 10.68.8
अश्नापि॑नद्धं॒ मधु॒ पर्य॑पश्य॒न्मत्स्यं॒ न दी॒न उ॒दनि॑ क्षि॒यन्त॑म् ।
निष्टज्ज॑भार चम॒सं न वृ॒क्षाद्बृह॒स्पति॑र्विर॒वेणा॑ वि॒कृत्य॑ ॥ १०.०६८.०८
aśnāpi̍naddha̱ṃ madhu̱ parya̍paśya̱nmatsya̱ṃ na dī̱na u̱dani̍ kṣi̱yanta̍m .
niṣṭajja̍bhāra cama̱saṃ na vṛ̱kṣādbṛha̱spati̍rvira̱veṇā̍ vi̱kṛtya̍ .. 10.068.08
8 He looked around on rock-imprisoned sweetness as one who eyes a fish in scanty water.
Bṛhaspati, cleaving through with varied clamour, brought it forth like a bowl from out the timber.
Sloka : 10.68.9
सोषाम॑विन्द॒त्स स्व१॒ः॑ सो अ॒ग्निं सो अ॒र्केण॒ वि ब॑बाधे॒ तमां॑सि ।
बृह॒स्पति॒र्गोव॑पुषो व॒लस्य॒ निर्म॒ज्जानं॒ न पर्व॑णो जभार ॥ १०.०६८.०९
soṣāma̍vinda̱tsa sva1̱̍ḥ so a̱gniṃ so a̱rkeṇa̱ vi ba̍bādhe̱ tamā̍ṃsi .
bṛha̱spati̱rgova̍puṣo va̱lasya̱ nirma̱jjāna̱ṃ na parva̍ṇo jabhāra .. 10.068.09
9 He found the light of heaven, and fire, and Morning:- with lucid rays he forced apart the darkness.
As from a joint, Bṛhaspati took the marrow of Vala as he gloried in his cattle.
Sloka : 10.68.10
हि॒मेव॑ प॒र्णा मु॑षि॒ता वना॑नि॒ बृह॒स्पति॑नाकृपयद्व॒लो गाः ।
अ॒ना॒नु॒कृ॒त्यम॑पु॒नश्च॑कार॒ यात्सूर्या॒मासा॑ मि॒थ उ॒च्चरा॑तः ॥ १०.०६८.१०
hi̱meva̍ pa̱rṇā mu̍ṣi̱tā vanā̍ni̱ bṛha̱spati̍nākṛpayadva̱lo gāḥ .
a̱nā̱nu̱kṛ̱tyama̍pu̱naśca̍kāra̱ yātsūryā̱māsā̍ mi̱tha u̱ccarā̍taḥ .. 10.068.10
10 As trees for foliage robbed by winter, Vala mourned for the cows Bṛhaspati had taken.
He did a deed neer done, neer to be equalled, whereby the Sun and Moon ascend alternate.
Sloka : 10.68.11
अ॒भि श्या॒वं न कृश॑नेभि॒रश्वं॒ नक्ष॑त्रेभिः पि॒तरो॒ द्याम॑पिंशन् ।
रात्र्यां॒ तमो॒ अद॑धु॒र्ज्योति॒रह॒न्बृह॒स्पति॑र्भि॒नदद्रिं॑ वि॒दद्गाः ॥ १०.०६८.११
a̱bhi śyā̱vaṃ na kṛśa̍nebhi̱raśva̱ṃ nakṣa̍trebhiḥ pi̱taro̱ dyāma̍piṃśan .
rātryā̱ṃ tamo̱ ada̍dhu̱rjyoti̱raha̱nbṛha̱spati̍rbhi̱nadadri̍ṃ vi̱dadgāḥ .. 10.068.11
11 Like a dark steed adorned with pearl, the Fathers have decorated heaven With constellations.
They set the light in day, in night the darkness. Bṛhaspati cleft the rock and found the cattle.
Sloka : 10.68.12
इ॒दम॑कर्म॒ नमो॑ अभ्रि॒याय॒ यः पू॒र्वीरन्वा॒नोन॑वीति ।
बृह॒स्पतिः॒ स हि गोभिः॒ सो अश्वैः॒ स वी॒रेभिः॒ स नृभि॑र्नो॒ वयो॑ धात् ॥ १०.०६८.१२
i̱dama̍karma̱ namo̍ abhri̱yāya̱ yaḥ pū̱rvīranvā̱nona̍vīti .
bṛha̱spati̱ḥ sa hi gobhi̱ḥ so aśvai̱ḥ sa vī̱rebhi̱ḥ sa nṛbhi̍rno̱ vayo̍ dhāt .. 10.068.12
12 This homage have we.offered to the Cloud God who thunders out to many in succession.
May this Bṛhaspati vouchsafe us fulness of life with kine and horses, men, and heroes.
Sloka : 10.69.1
भ॒द्रा अ॒ग्नेर्व॑ध्र्य॒श्वस्य॑ सं॒दृशो॑ वा॒मी प्रणी॑तिः सु॒रणा॒ उपे॑तयः ।
यदीं॑ सुमि॒त्रा विशो॒ अग्र॑ इ॒न्धते॑ घृ॒तेनाहु॑तो जरते॒ दवि॑द्युतत् ॥ १०.०६९.०१
bha̱drā a̱gnerva̍dhrya̱śvasya̍ sa̱ṃdṛśo̍ vā̱mī praṇī̍tiḥ su̱raṇā̱ upe̍tayaḥ .
yadī̍ṃ sumi̱trā viśo̱ agra̍ i̱ndhate̍ ghṛ̱tenāhu̍to jarate̱ davi̍dyutat .. 10.069.01
1. Auspicious is the aspect of Vadhryasva's fire good is its guidance, pleasant are its visitings.
When first the people Of Sumitra kindle it, with butter poured thercon it crackles and shines bright.
Sloka : 10.69.2
घृ॒तम॒ग्नेर्व॑ध्र्य॒श्वस्य॒ वर्ध॑नं घृ॒तमन्नं॑ घृ॒तम्व॑स्य॒ मेद॑नम् ।
घृ॒तेनाहु॑त उर्वि॒या वि प॑प्रथे॒ सूर्य॑ इव रोचते स॒र्पिरा॑सुतिः ॥ १०.०६९.०२
ghṛ̱tama̱gnerva̍dhrya̱śvasya̱ vardha̍naṃ ghṛ̱tamanna̍ṃ ghṛ̱tamva̍sya̱ meda̍nam .
ghṛ̱tenāhu̍ta urvi̱yā vi pa̍prathe̱ sūrya̍ iva rocate sa̱rpirā̍sutiḥ .. 10.069.02
2 Butter is that which makes Vadhryaiva's fire growstrong:- the butter is its food, the butter makes it fat.
It spreads abroad when butter hath been offered it, and balmed with streams of butter shines forth like the Sun.
Sloka : 10.69.3
यत्ते॒ मनु॒र्यदनी॑कं सुमि॒त्रः स॑मी॒धे अ॑ग्ने॒ तदि॒दं नवी॑यः ।
स रे॒वच्छो॑च॒ स गिरो॑ जुषस्व॒ स वाजं॑ दर्षि॒ स इ॒ह श्रवो॑ धाः ॥ १०.०६९.०३
yatte̱ manu̱ryadanī̍kaṃ sumi̱traḥ sa̍mī̱dhe a̍gne̱ tadi̱daṃ navī̍yaḥ .
sa re̱vaccho̍ca̱ sa giro̍ juṣasva̱ sa vāja̍ṃ darṣi̱ sa i̱ha śravo̍ dhāḥ .. 10.069.03
3 Still newest is this face of thine, O Agni, which Manu and Sumitra have enkindled.
So richly shine, accept our songs with favour, so give us strengthening food, so send us glory.
Sloka : 10.69.4
यं त्वा॒ पूर्व॑मीळि॒तो व॑ध्र्य॒श्वः स॑मी॒धे अ॑ग्ने॒ स इ॒दं जु॑षस्व ।
स नः॑ स्ति॒पा उ॒त भ॑वा तनू॒पा दा॒त्रं र॑क्षस्व॒ यदि॒दं ते॑ अ॒स्मे ॥ १०.०६९.०४
yaṃ tvā̱ pūrva̍mīl̤i̱to va̍dhrya̱śvaḥ sa̍mī̱dhe a̍gne̱ sa i̱daṃ ju̍ṣasva .
sa na̍ḥ sti̱pā u̱ta bha̍vā tanū̱pā dā̱traṃ ra̍kṣasva̱ yadi̱daṃ te̍ a̱sme .. 10.069.04
4 Accept this offering, Agni, whom aforetime Vadhryasva, hath entreated and enkindled.
Guard well our homes and ople, guard our bodies, protect thy girt to us which thou hast granted.
Sloka : 10.69.5
भवा॑ द्यु॒म्नी वा॑ध्र्यश्वो॒त गो॒पा मा त्वा॑ तारीद॒भिमा॑ति॒र्जना॑नाम् ।
शूर॑ इव धृ॒ष्णुश्च्यव॑नः सुमि॒त्रः प्र नु वो॑चं॒ वाध्र्य॑श्वस्य॒ नाम॑ ॥ १०.०६९.०५
bhavā̍ dyu̱mnī vā̍dhryaśvo̱ta go̱pā mā tvā̍ tārīda̱bhimā̍ti̱rjanā̍nām .
śūra̍ iva dhṛ̱ṣṇuścyava̍naḥ sumi̱traḥ pra nu vo̍ca̱ṃ vādhrya̍śvasya̱ nāma̍ .. 10.069.05
5 Be splendid, guard us Kinsman of Vadhryasva:- let not the enmity of men oercome thee,
Like the bold hero Cyavāna, I Sumitra tell forth the title of Vadhryaiva's Kinsman.
Sloka : 10.69.6
सम॒ज्र्या॑ पर्व॒त्या॒३॒॑ वसू॑नि॒ दासा॑ वृ॒त्राण्यार्या॑ जिगेथ ।
शूर॑ इव धृ॒ष्णुश्च्यव॑नो॒ जना॑नां॒ त्वम॑ग्ने पृतना॒यूँर॒भि ष्याः॑ ॥ १०.०६९.०६
sama̱jryā̍ parva̱tyā̱3̱̍ vasū̍ni̱ dāsā̍ vṛ̱trāṇyāryā̍ jigetha .
śūra̍ iva dhṛ̱ṣṇuścyava̍no̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ tvama̍gne pṛtanā̱yūm̐ra̱bhi ṣyā̍ḥ .. 10.069.06
6 All treasures hast thou won, of plains and mountains, and quelled the Dāsas' and Āryas' hatred.
Like the bold hero Cyavāna, O Agni, mayst thou subdue the men who long for battle.
Sloka : 10.69.7
दी॒र्घत॑न्तुर्बृ॒हदु॑क्षा॒यम॒ग्निः स॒हस्र॑स्तरीः श॒तनी॑थ॒ ऋभ्वा॑ ।
द्यु॒मान्द्यु॒मत्सु॒ नृभि॑र्मृ॒ज्यमा॑नः सुमि॒त्रेषु॑ दीदयो देव॒यत्सु॑ ॥ १०.०६९.०७
dī̱rghata̍nturbṛ̱hadu̍kṣā̱yama̱gniḥ sa̱hasra̍starīḥ śa̱tanī̍tha̱ ṛbhvā̍ .
dyu̱māndyu̱matsu̱ nṛbhi̍rmṛ̱jyamā̍naḥ sumi̱treṣu̍ dīdayo deva̱yatsu̍ .. 10.069.07
7 Deft Agni hath a lengthened thread, tall oxen, a thousand heifers, numberless devices.
Decked by the men, splendid among the splendid, shine brightly forth amid devout Sumitras.
Sloka : 10.69.8
त्वे धे॒नुः सु॒दुघा॑ जातवेदोऽस॒श्चते॑व सम॒ना स॑ब॒र्धुक् ।
त्वं नृभि॒र्दक्षि॑णावद्भिरग्ने सुमि॒त्रेभि॑रिध्यसे देव॒यद्भिः॑ ॥ १०.०६९.०८
tve dhe̱nuḥ su̱dughā̍ jātavedo'sa̱ścate̍va sama̱nā sa̍ba̱rdhuk .
tvaṃ nṛbhi̱rdakṣi̍ṇāvadbhiragne sumi̱trebhi̍ridhyase deva̱yadbhi̍ḥ .. 10.069.08
8 Thine is the teeming cow, O Jātavedas, who pours at once her ceaseless flow, Sabardhuk,
Thou. art lit up by men enriched with guerdon, O Agni, by the pious-souled Sumitras.
Sloka : 10.69.9
दे॒वाश्चि॑त्ते अ॒मृता॑ जातवेदो महि॒मानं॑ वाध्र्यश्व॒ प्र वो॑चन् ।
यत्स॒म्पृच्छं॒ मानु॑षी॒र्विश॒ आय॒न्त्वं नृभि॑रजय॒स्त्वावृ॑धेभिः ॥ १०.०६९.०९
de̱vāści̍tte a̱mṛtā̍ jātavedo mahi̱māna̍ṃ vādhryaśva̱ pra vo̍can .
yatsa̱mpṛccha̱ṃ mānu̍ṣī̱rviśa̱ āya̱ntvaṃ nṛbhi̍rajaya̱stvāvṛ̍dhebhiḥ .. 10.069.09
9 Even Immortal Gods, O Jātavedas, Vadhryasva's Kinsman, have declared thy grandeur.
When human tribes drew near with supplication thou conqueredst with men whom thou hadst strengthened.
Sloka : 10.69.10
पि॒तेव॑ पु॒त्रम॑बिभरु॒पस्थे॒ त्वाम॑ग्ने वध्र्य॒श्वः स॑प॒र्यन् ।
जु॒षा॒णो अ॑स्य स॒मिधं॑ यविष्ठो॒त पूर्वा॑ँ अवनो॒र्व्राध॑तश्चित् ॥ १०.०६९.१०
pi̱teva̍ pu̱trama̍bibharu̱pasthe̱ tvāma̍gne vadhrya̱śvaḥ sa̍pa̱ryan .
ju̱ṣā̱ṇo a̍sya sa̱midha̍ṃ yaviṣṭho̱ta pūrvā̍m̐ avano̱rvrādha̍taścit .. 10.069.10
10 Like as a father bears his son, O Agni, Vadhryasva bare thee in his lap and served thee.
Thou, Youngest God, having enjoyed his fuel, didst vanquish those of old though they were mighty.
Sloka : 10.69.11
शश्व॑द॒ग्निर्व॑ध्र्य॒श्वस्य॒ शत्रू॒न्नृभि॑र्जिगाय सु॒तसो॑मवद्भिः ।
सम॑नं चिददहश्चित्रभा॒नोऽव॒ व्राध॑न्तमभिनद्वृ॒धश्चि॑त् ॥ १०.०६९.११
śaśva̍da̱gnirva̍dhrya̱śvasya̱ śatrū̱nnṛbhi̍rjigāya su̱taso̍mavadbhiḥ .
sama̍naṃ cidadahaścitrabhā̱no'va̱ vrādha̍ntamabhinadvṛ̱dhaści̍t .. 10.069.11
11 Vadhryasva's Agni evermore hath vanquished his foes with heroes who had pressed the Soma.
Lord of bright rays, thou burntest up the battle, subduing, as our help, een mighty foemen.
Sloka : 10.69.12
अ॒यम॒ग्निर्व॑ध्र्य॒श्वस्य॑ वृत्र॒हा स॑न॒कात्प्रेद्धो॒ नम॑सोपवा॒क्यः॑ ।
स नो॒ अजा॑मीँरु॒त वा॒ विजा॑मीन॒भि ति॑ष्ठ॒ शर्ध॑तो वाध्र्यश्व ॥ १०.०६९.१२
a̱yama̱gnirva̍dhrya̱śvasya̍ vṛtra̱hā sa̍na̱kātpreddho̱ nama̍sopavā̱kya̍ḥ .
sa no̱ ajā̍mīm̐ru̱ta vā̱ vijā̍mīna̱bhi ti̍ṣṭha̱ śardha̍to vādhryaśva .. 10.069.12
12 This Agni of Vadhryasva, Vṛtra-slayer, lit from of old, must be invoked with homage.
As such assail our enemies, Vadhryasva, whether the foes be strangers or be kinsmen.
Sloka : 10.70.1
इ॒मां मे॑ अग्ने स॒मिधं॑ जुषस्वे॒ळस्प॒दे प्रति॑ हर्या घृ॒ताची॑म् ।
वर्ष्म॑न्पृथि॒व्याः सु॑दिन॒त्वे अह्ना॑मू॒र्ध्वो भ॑व सुक्रतो देवय॒ज्या ॥ १०.०७०.०१
i̱māṃ me̍ agne sa̱midha̍ṃ juṣasve̱l̤aspa̱de prati̍ haryā ghṛ̱tācī̍m .
varṣma̍npṛthi̱vyāḥ su̍dina̱tve ahnā̍mū̱rdhvo bha̍va sukrato devaya̱jyā .. 10.070.01
1. ENJOY, O Agni, this my Fuel, welcome the oil-filled ladle where we pour libation.
Rise up for worship of the Gods, wise Agni, on the earth's height, while days are bright with beauty.
Sloka : 10.70.2
आ दे॒वाना॑मग्र॒यावे॒ह या॑तु॒ नरा॒शंसो॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पेभि॒रश्वैः॑ ।
ऋ॒तस्य॑ प॒था नम॑सा मि॒येधो॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ दे॒वत॑मः सुषूदत् ॥ १०.०७०.०२
ā de̱vānā̍magra̱yāve̱ha yā̍tu̱ narā̱śaṃso̍ vi̱śvarū̍pebhi̱raśvai̍ḥ .
ṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱thā nama̍sā mi̱yedho̍ de̱vebhyo̍ de̱vata̍maḥ suṣūdat .. 10.070.02
2 May he who goes before the Gods come hither with steeds whose shapes are varied, Narasarhsa.
May he, most Godlike, speed our offered viands with homage God-ward on the path of Order.
Sloka : 10.70.3
श॒श्व॒त्त॒ममी॑ळते दू॒त्या॑य ह॒विष्म॑न्तो मनु॒ष्या॑सो अ॒ग्निम् ।
वहि॑ष्ठै॒रश्वैः॑ सु॒वृता॒ रथे॒ना दे॒वान्व॑क्षि॒ नि ष॑दे॒ह होता॑ ॥ १०.०७०.०३
śa̱śva̱tta̱mamī̍l̤ate dū̱tyā̍ya ha̱viṣma̍nto manu̱ṣyā̍so a̱gnim .
vahi̍ṣṭhai̱raśvai̍ḥ su̱vṛtā̱ rathe̱nā de̱vānva̍kṣi̱ ni ṣa̍de̱ha hotā̍ .. 10.070.03
3 Men with oblations laud most constant Agni, and pray him to perform an envoy's duty.
With lightly-rolling car and best draught-horses, bring the Gods hither and sit down as Hotar.
Sloka : 10.70.4
वि प्र॑थतां दे॒वजु॑ष्टं तिर॒श्चा दी॒र्घं द्रा॒घ्मा सु॑र॒भि भू॑त्व॒स्मे ।
अहे॑ळता॒ मन॑सा देव बर्हि॒रिन्द्र॑ज्येष्ठाँ उश॒तो य॑क्षि दे॒वान् ॥ १०.०७०.०४
vi pra̍thatāṃ de̱vaju̍ṣṭaṃ tira̱ścā dī̱rghaṃ drā̱ghmā su̍ra̱bhi bhū̍tva̱sme .
ahe̍l̤atā̱ mana̍sā deva barhi̱rindra̍jyeṣṭhām̐ uśa̱to ya̍kṣi de̱vān .. 10.070.04
4 May the delight of Gods spread out transversely:- may it be with us long in length and fragrant.
O Holy Grass divine, with friendly spirit bring thou the willing Gods whose Chief is Indra.
Sloka : 10.70.5
दि॒वो वा॒ सानु॑ स्पृ॒शता॒ वरी॑यः पृथि॒व्या वा॒ मात्र॑या॒ वि श्र॑यध्वम् ।
उ॒श॒तीर्द्वा॑रो महि॒ना म॒हद्भि॑र्दे॒वं रथं॑ रथ॒युर्धा॑रयध्वम् ॥ १०.०७०.०५
di̱vo vā̱ sānu̍ spṛ̱śatā̱ varī̍yaḥ pṛthi̱vyā vā̱ mātra̍yā̱ vi śra̍yadhvam .
u̱śa̱tīrdvā̍ro mahi̱nā ma̱hadbhi̍rde̱vaṃ ratha̍ṃ ratha̱yurdhā̍rayadhvam .. 10.070.05
5 Touch ye the far-extending height of heaven or spring apart to suit the wide earth's measure.
Yearning, ye Doors, with those sublime in greatness, seize eagerly the heavenly Car that cometh.
Sloka : 10.70.6
दे॒वी दि॒वो दु॑हि॒तरा॑ सुशि॒ल्पे उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ सदतां॒ नि योनौ॑ ।
आ वां॑ दे॒वास॑ उशती उ॒शन्त॑ उ॒रौ सी॑दन्तु सुभगे उ॒पस्थे॑ ॥ १०.०७०.०६
de̱vī di̱vo du̍hi̱tarā̍ suśi̱lpe u̱ṣāsā̱naktā̍ sadatā̱ṃ ni yonau̍ .
ā vā̍ṃ de̱vāsa̍ uśatī u̱śanta̍ u̱rau sī̍dantu subhage u̱pasthe̍ .. 10.070.06
6 Here in this shrine may Dawn and Night, the Daughters of Heaven, the skilful Goddesses, be seated.
In your wide lap, auspicious, willing Ladies may the Gods seat them with a willing spirit.
Sloka : 10.70.7
ऊ॒र्ध्वो ग्रावा॑ बृ॒हद॒ग्निः समि॑द्धः प्रि॒या धामा॒न्यदि॑तेरु॒पस्थे॑ ।
पु॒रोहि॑तावृत्विजा य॒ज्ञे अ॒स्मिन्वि॒दुष्ट॑रा॒ द्रवि॑ण॒मा य॑जेथाम् ॥ १०.०७०.०७
ū̱rdhvo grāvā̍ bṛ̱hada̱gniḥ sami̍ddhaḥ pri̱yā dhāmā̱nyadi̍teru̱pasthe̍ .
pu̱rohi̍tāvṛtvijā ya̱jñe a̱sminvi̱duṣṭa̍rā̱ dravi̍ṇa̱mā ya̍jethām .. 10.070.07
7 Up stands the stone, high burns the fire enkindled:- Aditi's lap contains the Friendly Natures
Ye Two Chief Priests who serve at this our worship, may ye, more skilled, win for us rich possessions.
Sloka : 10.70.8
तिस्रो॑ देवीर्ब॒र्हिरि॒दं वरी॑य॒ आ सी॑दत चकृ॒मा वः॑ स्यो॒नम् ।
म॒नु॒ष्वद्य॒ज्ञं सुधि॑ता ह॒वींषीळा॑ दे॒वी घृ॒तप॑दी जुषन्त ॥ १०.०७०.०८
tisro̍ devīrba̱rhiri̱daṃ varī̍ya̱ ā sī̍data cakṛ̱mā va̍ḥ syo̱nam .
ma̱nu̱ṣvadya̱jñaṃ sudhi̍tā ha̱vīṃṣīl̤ā̍ de̱vī ghṛ̱tapa̍dī juṣanta .. 10.070.08
8 On our wide grass, Three Goddesses be seated:- for you have we prepared and made it pleasant.
May Iḷā, she whose foot drops oil, the Goddess, taste, man-like, sacrifice and well-set presents.
Sloka : 10.70.9
देव॑ त्वष्ट॒र्यद्ध॑ चारु॒त्वमान॒ड्यदङ्गि॑रसा॒मभ॑वः सचा॒भूः ।
स दे॒वानां॒ पाथ॒ उप॒ प्र वि॒द्वाँ उ॒शन्य॑क्षि द्रविणोदः सु॒रत्नः॑ ॥ १०.०७०.०९
deva̍ tvaṣṭa̱ryaddha̍ cāru̱tvamāna̱ḍyadaṅgi̍rasā̱mabha̍vaḥ sacā̱bhūḥ .
sa de̱vānā̱ṃ pātha̱ upa̱ pra vi̱dvām̐ u̱śanya̍kṣi draviṇodaḥ su̱ratna̍ḥ .. 10.070.09
9 Since thou, God Tvaṣṭar, hast made beauty perfect, since hou hast been the Aṅgirases' Companion,
Willing, most wealthy, Giver of possessions, grant us the Gods assembly, thou who knowest.
Sloka : 10.70.10
वन॑स्पते रश॒नया॑ नि॒यूया॑ दे॒वानां॒ पाथ॒ उप॑ वक्षि वि॒द्वान् ।
स्वदा॑ति दे॒वः कृ॒णव॑द्ध॒वींष्यव॑तां॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी हवं॑ मे ॥ १०.०७०.१०
vana̍spate raśa̱nayā̍ ni̱yūyā̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ pātha̱ upa̍ vakṣi vi̱dvān .
svadā̍ti de̱vaḥ kṛ̱ṇava̍ddha̱vīṃṣyava̍tā̱ṃ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī hava̍ṃ me .. 10.070.10
10 Well-knowing, binding with thy cord, bring hither, Lord of the Wood, the Deities' assembly.
The God prepare and season our oblations may Heaven and Earth be gracious to my calling.
Sloka : 10.70.11
आग्ने॑ वह॒ वरु॑णमि॒ष्टये॑ न॒ इन्द्रं॑ दि॒वो म॒रुतो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षात् ।
सीद॑न्तु ब॒र्हिर्विश्व॒ आ यज॑त्राः॒ स्वाहा॑ दे॒वा अ॒मृता॑ मादयन्ताम् ॥ १०.०७०.११
āgne̍ vaha̱ varu̍ṇami̱ṣṭaye̍ na̱ indra̍ṃ di̱vo ma̱ruto̍ a̱ntari̍kṣāt .
sīda̍ntu ba̱rhirviśva̱ ā yaja̍trā̱ḥ svāhā̍ de̱vā a̱mṛtā̍ mādayantām .. 10.070.11
11 Agni, bring hither Varuṇa to help us, Indra from heaven, from air's mid-realm the Maruts.
On sacred grass all Holy ones be seated and let the Immortal Gods rejoice in Svāhā.
Sloka : 10.71.1
बृह॑स्पते प्रथ॒मं वा॒चो अग्रं॒ यत्प्रैर॑त नाम॒धेयं॒ दधा॑नाः ।
यदे॑षां॒ श्रेष्ठं॒ यद॑रि॒प्रमासी॑त्प्रे॒णा तदे॑षां॒ निहि॑तं॒ गुहा॒विः ॥ १०.०७१.०१
bṛha̍spate pratha̱maṃ vā̱co agra̱ṃ yatpraira̍ta nāma̱dheya̱ṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .
yade̍ṣā̱ṃ śreṣṭha̱ṃ yada̍ri̱pramāsī̍tpre̱ṇā tade̍ṣā̱ṃ nihi̍ta̱ṃ guhā̱viḥ .. 10.071.01
1. WHEN-men, Bṛhaspati, giving names to objects, sent out Vāk's first and earliest utterances,
All that was excellent and spotless, treasured within them, was disclosed through their affection.
Sloka : 10.71.2
सक्तु॑मिव॒ तित॑उना पु॒नन्तो॒ यत्र॒ धीरा॒ मन॑सा॒ वाच॒मक्र॑त ।
अत्रा॒ सखा॑यः स॒ख्यानि॑ जानते भ॒द्रैषां॑ ल॒क्ष्मीर्निहि॒ताधि॑ वा॒चि ॥ १०.०७१.०२
saktu̍miva̱ tita̍unā pu̱nanto̱ yatra̱ dhīrā̱ mana̍sā̱ vāca̱makra̍ta .
atrā̱ sakhā̍yaḥ sa̱khyāni̍ jānate bha̱draiṣā̍ṃ la̱kṣmīrnihi̱tādhi̍ vā̱ci .. 10.071.02
2 Where, like men cleansing corn-flour in a cribble, the wise in spirit have created language,
Friends see and recognize the marks of friendship:- their speech retains the blessed sign imprinted.
Sloka : 10.71.3
य॒ज्ञेन॑ वा॒चः प॑द॒वीय॑माय॒न्तामन्व॑विन्द॒न्नृषि॑षु॒ प्रवि॑ष्टाम् ।
तामा॒भृत्या॒ व्य॑दधुः पुरु॒त्रा तां स॒प्त रे॒भा अ॒भि सं न॑वन्ते ॥ १०.०७१.०३
ya̱jñena̍ vā̱caḥ pa̍da̱vīya̍māya̱ntāmanva̍vinda̱nnṛṣi̍ṣu̱ pravi̍ṣṭām .
tāmā̱bhṛtyā̱ vya̍dadhuḥ puru̱trā tāṃ sa̱pta re̱bhā a̱bhi saṃ na̍vante .. 10.071.03
3 With sacrifice the trace of Vāk they foIlowed, and found her harbouring within the Ṛṣis.
They brought her, dealt her forth in many places:- seven singers make her tones resound in concert.
Sloka : 10.71.4
उ॒त त्वः॒ पश्य॒न्न द॑दर्श॒ वाच॑मु॒त त्वः॑ शृ॒ण्वन्न शृ॑णोत्येनाम् ।
उ॒तो त्व॑स्मै त॒न्वं१॒॑ वि स॑स्रे जा॒येव॒ पत्य॑ उश॒ती सु॒वासाः॑ ॥ १०.०७१.०४
u̱ta tva̱ḥ paśya̱nna da̍darśa̱ vāca̍mu̱ta tva̍ḥ śṛ̱ṇvanna śṛ̍ṇotyenām .
u̱to tva̍smai ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ vi sa̍sre jā̱yeva̱ patya̍ uśa̱tī su̱vāsā̍ḥ .. 10.071.04
4 One man hath neer seen Vāk, and yet he seeth:- one man hath hearing but hath never heard her.
But to another hath she shown her beauty as a fond well-dressed woman to her husband.
Sloka : 10.71.5
उ॒त त्वं॑ स॒ख्ये स्थि॒रपी॑तमाहु॒र्नैनं॑ हिन्व॒न्त्यपि॒ वाजि॑नेषु ।
अधे॑न्वा चरति मा॒ययै॒ष वाचं॑ शुश्रु॒वाँ अ॑फ॒लाम॑पु॒ष्पाम् ॥ १०.०७१.०५
u̱ta tva̍ṃ sa̱khye sthi̱rapī̍tamāhu̱rnaina̍ṃ hinva̱ntyapi̱ vāji̍neṣu .
adhe̍nvā carati mā̱yayai̱ṣa vāca̍ṃ śuśru̱vām̐ a̍pha̱lāma̍pu̱ṣpām .. 10.071.05
5 One man they call a laggard, dull in friendship:- they never urge him on to deeds of valour.
He wanders on in profitless illusion:- the Voice he heard yields neither fruit,nor blossom.
Sloka : 10.71.6
यस्ति॒त्याज॑ सचि॒विदं॒ सखा॑यं॒ न तस्य॑ वा॒च्यपि॑ भा॒गो अ॑स्ति ।
यदीं॑ शृ॒णोत्यल॑कं शृणोति न॒हि प्र॒वेद॑ सुकृ॒तस्य॒ पन्था॑म् ॥ १०.०७१.०६
yasti̱tyāja̍ saci̱vida̱ṃ sakhā̍ya̱ṃ na tasya̍ vā̱cyapi̍ bhā̱go a̍sti .
yadī̍ṃ śṛ̱ṇotyala̍kaṃ śṛṇoti na̱hi pra̱veda̍ sukṛ̱tasya̱ panthā̍m .. 10.071.06
6 No part in Vāk hath he who hath abandoned his own dear friend who knows the truth of friendship.
Even if he hears her still in vain he listens:- naught knows he of the path of righteous action.
Sloka : 10.71.7
अ॒क्ष॒ण्वन्तः॒ कर्ण॑वन्तः॒ सखा॑यो मनोज॒वेष्वस॑मा बभूवुः ।
आ॒द॒घ्नास॑ उपक॒क्षास॑ उ त्वे ह्र॒दा इ॑व॒ स्नात्वा॑ उ त्वे ददृश्रे ॥ १०.०७१.०७
a̱kṣa̱ṇvanta̱ḥ karṇa̍vanta̱ḥ sakhā̍yo manoja̱veṣvasa̍mā babhūvuḥ .
ā̱da̱ghnāsa̍ upaka̱kṣāsa̍ u tve hra̱dā i̍va̱ snātvā̍ u tve dadṛśare .. 10.071.07
7 Unequal in the quickness of their spirit are friends endowed alike with eyes and hearing.
Some look like tanks that reach the mouth or shoulder, others like pools of water fit to bathe in.
Sloka : 10.71.8
हृ॒दा त॒ष्टेषु॒ मन॑सो ज॒वेषु॒ यद्ब्रा॑ह्म॒णाः सं॒यज॑न्ते॒ सखा॑यः ।
अत्राह॑ त्वं॒ वि ज॑हुर्वे॒द्याभि॒रोह॑ब्रह्माणो॒ वि च॑रन्त्यु त्वे ॥ १०.०७१.०८
hṛ̱dā ta̱ṣṭeṣu̱ mana̍so ja̱veṣu̱ yadbrā̍hma̱ṇāḥ sa̱ṃyaja̍nte̱ sakhā̍yaḥ .
atrāha̍ tva̱ṃ vi ja̍hurve̱dyābhi̱roha̍brahmāṇo̱ vi ca̍rantyu tve .. 10.071.08
8 When friendly Brahmans sacrifice together with mental impulse which the heart hath fashioned,
They leave one far behind through their attainments, and some who count as Brahmans wander elsewhere.
Sloka : 10.71.9
इ॒मे ये नार्वाङ्न प॒रश्चर॑न्ति॒ न ब्रा॑ह्म॒णासो॒ न सु॒तेक॑रासः ।
त ए॒ते वाच॑मभि॒पद्य॑ पा॒पया॑ सि॒रीस्तन्त्रं॑ तन्वते॒ अप्र॑जज्ञयः ॥ १०.०७१.०९
i̱me ye nārvāṅna pa̱raścara̍nti̱ na brā̍hma̱ṇāso̱ na su̱teka̍rāsaḥ .
ta e̱te vāca̍mabhi̱padya̍ pā̱payā̍ si̱rīstantra̍ṃ tanvate̱ apra̍jajñayaḥ .. 10.071.09
9 Those men who step not back and move not forward, nor Brahmans nor preparers of libations,
Having attained to Vāk in sinful fashion spin out their thread in ignorance like spinsters.
Sloka : 10.71.10
सर्वे॑ नन्दन्ति य॒शसाग॑तेन सभासा॒हेन॒ सख्या॒ सखा॑यः ।
कि॒ल्बि॒ष॒स्पृत्पि॑तु॒षणि॒र्ह्ये॑षा॒मरं॑ हि॒तो भव॑ति॒ वाजि॑नाय ॥ १०.०७१.१०
sarve̍ nandanti ya̱śasāga̍tena sabhāsā̱hena̱ sakhyā̱ sakhā̍yaḥ .
ki̱lbi̱ṣa̱spṛtpi̍tu̱ṣaṇi̱rhye̍ṣā̱mara̍ṃ hi̱to bhava̍ti̱ vāji̍nāya .. 10.071.10
10 All friends are joyful in the friend who cometh in triumph, having conquered in assembly.
He is their blame-averter, food-provider prepared is he and fit for deed of vigour.
Sloka : 10.71.11
ऋ॒चां त्वः॒ पोष॑मास्ते पुपु॒ष्वान्गा॑य॒त्रं त्वो॑ गायति॒ शक्व॑रीषु ।
ब्र॒ह्मा त्वो॒ वद॑ति जातवि॒द्यां य॒ज्ञस्य॒ मात्रां॒ वि मि॑मीत उ त्वः ॥ १०.०७१.११
ṛ̱cāṃ tva̱ḥ poṣa̍māste pupu̱ṣvāngā̍ya̱traṃ tvo̍ gāyati̱ śakva̍rīṣu .
bra̱hmā tvo̱ vada̍ti jātavi̱dyāṃ ya̱jñasya̱ mātrā̱ṃ vi mi̍mīta u tvaḥ .. 10.071.11
11 One plies his constant task reciting verses. one sings the holy psalm in Sakvari measures.
One more, the Brahman, tells the lore of being, and one lays down the rules of sacrificing.
Sloka : 10.72.1
दे॒वानां॒ नु व॒यं जाना॒ प्र वो॑चाम विप॒न्यया॑ ।
उ॒क्थेषु॑ श॒स्यमा॑नेषु॒ यः पश्या॒दुत्त॑रे यु॒गे ॥ १०.०७२.०१
de̱vānā̱ṃ nu va̱yaṃ jānā̱ pra vo̍cāma vipa̱nyayā̍ .
u̱ktheṣu̍ śa̱syamā̍neṣu̱ yaḥ paśyā̱dutta̍re yu̱ge .. 10.072.01
1. LET US with tuneful skill proclaim these generations of the Gods,
That one may see them when these hymns are chanted in a future age.
Sloka : 10.72.2
ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पति॑रे॒ता सं क॒र्मार॑ इवाधमत् ।
दे॒वानां॑ पू॒र्व्ये यु॒गेऽस॑तः॒ सद॑जायत ॥ १०.०७२.०२
brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍re̱tā saṃ ka̱rmāra̍ ivādhamat .
de̱vānā̍ṃ pū̱rvye yu̱ge'sa̍ta̱ḥ sada̍jāyata .. 10.072.02
2 These Brahmaṇaspati produced with blast and smelting, like a Smith,
Existence, in an earlier age of Gods, from Non-existence sprang.
Sloka : 10.72.3
दे॒वानां॑ यु॒गे प्र॑थ॒मेऽस॑तः॒ सद॑जायत ।
तदाशा॒ अन्व॑जायन्त॒ तदु॑त्ता॒नप॑द॒स्परि॑ ॥ १०.०७२.०३
de̱vānā̍ṃ yu̱ge pra̍tha̱me'sa̍ta̱ḥ sada̍jāyata .
tadāśā̱ anva̍jāyanta̱ tadu̍ttā̱napa̍da̱spari̍ .. 10.072.03
3 Existence, in the earliest age of Gods, from Non-existence sprang.
Thereafter were the regions born. This sprang from the Productive Power.
Sloka : 10.72.4
भूर्ज॑ज्ञ उत्ता॒नप॑दो भु॒व आशा॑ अजायन्त ।
अदि॑ते॒र्दक्षो॑ अजायत॒ दक्षा॒द्वदि॑तिः॒ परि॑ ॥ १०.०७२.०४
bhūrja̍jña uttā̱napa̍do bhu̱va āśā̍ ajāyanta .
adi̍te̱rdakṣo̍ ajāyata̱ dakṣā̱dvadi̍ti̱ḥ pari̍ .. 10.072.04
4 Earth sprang from the Productive Power the regions from the earth were born.
Dakṣa was born of Aditi, and Aditi was Dakṣa's Child.
Sloka : 10.72.5
अदि॑ति॒र्ह्यज॑निष्ट॒ दक्ष॒ या दु॑हि॒ता तव॑ ।
तां दे॒वा अन्व॑जायन्त भ॒द्रा अ॒मृत॑बन्धवः ॥ १०.०७२.०५
adi̍ti̱rhyaja̍niṣṭa̱ dakṣa̱ yā du̍hi̱tā tava̍ .
tāṃ de̱vā anva̍jāyanta bha̱drā a̱mṛta̍bandhavaḥ .. 10.072.05
5 For Aditi, O Dakṣa, she who is thy Daughter, was brought forth.
After her were the blessed Gods born sharers of immortal life.
Sloka : 10.72.6
यद्दे॑वा अ॒दः स॑लि॒ले सुसं॑रब्धा॒ अति॑ष्ठत ।
अत्रा॑ वो॒ नृत्य॑तामिव ती॒व्रो रे॒णुरपा॑यत ॥ १०.०७२.०६
yadde̍vā a̱daḥ sa̍li̱le susa̍ṃrabdhā̱ ati̍ṣṭhata .
atrā̍ vo̱ nṛtya̍tāmiva tī̱vro re̱ṇurapā̍yata .. 10.072.06
6 When ye, O Gods, in yonder deep closeclasping one another stood,
Thence, as of dancers, from your feet a thickening cloud of dust arose.
Sloka : 10.72.7
यद्दे॑वा॒ यत॑यो यथा॒ भुव॑ना॒न्यपि॑न्वत ।
अत्रा॑ समु॒द्र आ गू॒ळ्हमा सूर्य॑मजभर्तन ॥ १०.०७२.०७
yadde̍vā̱ yata̍yo yathā̱ bhuva̍nā̱nyapi̍nvata .
atrā̍ samu̱dra ā gū̱l̤hamā sūrya̍majabhartana .. 10.072.07
7 When, O ye Gods, like Yatis, ye caused all existing things to grow,
Then ye brought Sūrya forward who was lying hidden in the sea.
Sloka : 10.72.8
अ॒ष्टौ पु॒त्रासो॒ अदि॑ते॒र्ये जा॒तास्त॒न्व१॒॑स्परि॑ ।
दे॒वाँ उप॒ प्रैत्स॒प्तभिः॒ परा॑ मार्ता॒ण्डमा॑स्यत् ॥ १०.०७२.०८
a̱ṣṭau pu̱trāso̱ adi̍te̱rye jā̱tāsta̱nva1̱̍spari̍ .
de̱vām̐ upa̱ praitsa̱ptabhi̱ḥ parā̍ mārtā̱ṇḍamā̍syat .. 10.072.08
8 Eight are the Sons of Adid who from her body sprang to life.
With seven she went to meet the Gods she cast Martanda far away.
Sloka : 10.72.9
स॒प्तभिः॑ पु॒त्रैरदि॑ति॒रुप॒ प्रैत्पू॒र्व्यं यु॒गम् ।
प्र॒जायै॑ मृ॒त्यवे॑ त्व॒त्पुन॑र्मार्ता॒ण्डमाभ॑रत् ॥ १०.०७२.०९
sa̱ptabhi̍ḥ pu̱trairadi̍ti̱rupa̱ praitpū̱rvyaṃ yu̱gam .
pra̱jāyai̍ mṛ̱tyave̍ tva̱tpuna̍rmārtā̱ṇḍamābha̍rat .. 10.072.09
9 So with her Seven Sons Aditi went forth to meet the earlier age.
She brought Martanda thitherward to spring to life and die again.
Sloka : 10.73.1
जनि॑ष्ठा उ॒ग्रः सह॑से तु॒राय॑ म॒न्द्र ओजि॑ष्ठो बहु॒लाभि॑मानः ।
अव॑र्ध॒न्निन्द्रं॑ म॒रुत॑श्चि॒दत्र॑ मा॒ता यद्वी॒रं द॒धन॒द्धनि॑ष्ठा ॥ १०.०७३.०१
jani̍ṣṭhā u̱graḥ saha̍se tu̱rāya̍ ma̱ndra oji̍ṣṭho bahu̱lābhi̍mānaḥ .
ava̍rdha̱nnindra̍ṃ ma̱ruta̍ści̱datra̍ mā̱tā yadvī̱raṃ da̱dhana̱ddhani̍ṣṭhā .. 10.073.01
1. THOU wast born mighty for victorious valour, exulting, strongest, full of pride and courage.
There, even there, the Maruts strengthened Indra when. his most rapid Mother stirred the Hero.
Sloka : 10.73.2
द्रु॒हो निष॑त्ता पृश॒नी चि॒देवैः॑ पु॒रू शंसे॑न वावृधु॒ष्ट इन्द्र॑म् ।
अ॒भीवृ॑तेव॒ ता म॑हाप॒देन॑ ध्वा॒न्तात्प्र॑पि॒त्वादुद॑रन्त॒ गर्भाः॑ ॥ १०.०७३.०२
dru̱ho niṣa̍ttā pṛśa̱nī ci̱devai̍ḥ pu̱rū śaṃse̍na vāvṛdhu̱ṣṭa indra̍m .
a̱bhīvṛ̍teva̱ tā ma̍hāpa̱dena̍ dhvā̱ntātpra̍pi̱tvāduda̍ranta̱ garbhā̍ḥ .. 10.073.02
2 There with fiend's ways een Pṛśni was seated:- with much laudation they exalted Indra.
As if encompassed by the Mighty-footed, from darkness, near at hand, forth came the Children.
Sloka : 10.73.3
ऋ॒ष्वा ते॒ पादा॒ प्र यज्जिगा॒स्यव॑र्ध॒न्वाजा॑ उ॒त ये चि॒दत्र॑ ।
त्वमि॑न्द्र सालावृ॒कान्स॒हस्र॑मा॒सन्द॑धिषे अ॒श्विना व॑वृत्याः ॥ १०.०७३.०३
ṛ̱ṣvā te̱ pādā̱ pra yajjigā̱syava̍rdha̱nvājā̍ u̱ta ye ci̱datra̍ .
tvami̍ndra sālāvṛ̱kānsa̱hasra̍mā̱sanda̍dhiṣe a̱śvinā va̍vṛtyāḥ .. 10.073.03
3 High are thy feet when on thy way thou goest:- the strength thou foundest here hath lent thee vigour.
Thousand hyenas in thy mouth thou holdest. O Indra, mayst thou turn the Aśvins hither.
Sloka : 10.73.4
स॒म॒ना तूर्णि॒रुप॑ यासि य॒ज्ञमा नास॑त्या स॒ख्याय॑ वक्षि ।
व॒साव्या॑मिन्द्र धारयः स॒हस्रा॒श्विना॑ शूर ददतुर्म॒घानि॑ ॥ १०.०७३.०४
sa̱ma̱nā tūrṇi̱rupa̍ yāsi ya̱jñamā nāsa̍tyā sa̱khyāya̍ vakṣi .
va̱sāvyā̍mindra dhārayaḥ sa̱hasrā̱śvinā̍ śūra dadaturma̱ghāni̍ .. 10.073.04
4 Speeding at once to sacrifice thou comest for friendship thou art bringing both Nāsatyas.
Thou hadst a thousand treasures in possession. The Aśvins, O thou Hero, gave thee riches.
Sloka : 10.73.5
मन्द॑मान ऋ॒तादधि॑ प्र॒जायै॒ सखि॑भि॒रिन्द्र॑ इषि॒रेभि॒रर्थ॑म् ।
आभि॒र्हि मा॒या उप॒ दस्यु॒मागा॒न्मिहः॒ प्र त॒म्रा अ॑वप॒त्तमां॑सि ॥ १०.०७३.०५
manda̍māna ṛ̱tādadhi̍ pra̱jāyai̱ sakhi̍bhi̱rindra̍ iṣi̱rebhi̱rartha̍m .
ābhi̱rhi mā̱yā upa̱ dasyu̱māgā̱nmiha̱ḥ pra ta̱mrā a̍vapa̱ttamā̍ṃsi .. 10.073.05
5 Glad, for the race that rests on holy Order, with friends who hasten to their goal, hath Indra
With these his magic powers assailed the Dasyu:- he cast away the gloomy mists, the darkness.
Sloka : 10.73.6
सना॑माना चिद्ध्वसयो॒ न्य॑स्मा॒ अवा॑ह॒न्निन्द्र॑ उ॒षसो॒ यथानः॑ ।
ऋ॒ष्वैर॑गच्छः॒ सखि॑भि॒र्निका॑मैः सा॒कं प्र॑ति॒ष्ठा हृद्या॑ जघन्थ ॥ १०.०७३.०६
sanā̍mānā ciddhvasayo̱ nya̍smā̱ avā̍ha̱nnindra̍ u̱ṣaso̱ yathāna̍ḥ .
ṛ̱ṣvaira̍gaccha̱ḥ sakhi̍bhi̱rnikā̍maiḥ sā̱kaṃ pra̍ti̱ṣṭhā hṛdyā̍ jaghantha .. 10.073.06
6 Two of like name for him didst thou demolish, as Indra striking down the car of Uṣas.
With thy beloved lofty Friends thou camest, and with the assurance of thine heart thou slewest.
Sloka : 10.73.7
त्वं ज॑घन्थ॒ नमु॑चिं मख॒स्युं दासं॑ कृण्वा॒न ऋष॑ये॒ विमा॑यम् ।
त्वं च॑कर्थ॒ मन॑वे स्यो॒नान्प॒थो दे॑व॒त्राञ्ज॑सेव॒ याना॑न् ॥ १०.०७३.०७
tvaṃ ja̍ghantha̱ namu̍ciṃ makha̱syuṃ dāsa̍ṃ kṛṇvā̱na ṛṣa̍ye̱ vimā̍yam .
tvaṃ ca̍kartha̱ mana̍ve syo̱nānpa̱tho de̍va̱trāñja̍seva̱ yānā̍n .. 10.073.07
7 War-loving Namuci thou smotest, robbing the Dāsa of his magic for the Ṛṣi.
For man thou madest ready pleasant pathways, paths leading as it were directly God-ward.
Sloka : 10.73.8
त्वमे॒तानि॑ पप्रिषे॒ वि नामेशा॑न इन्द्र दधिषे॒ गभ॑स्तौ ।
अनु॑ त्वा दे॒वाः शव॑सा मदन्त्यु॒परि॑बुध्नान्व॒निन॑श्चकर्थ ॥ १०.०७३.०८
tvame̱tāni̍ papriṣe̱ vi nāmeśā̍na indra dadhiṣe̱ gabha̍stau .
anu̍ tvā de̱vāḥ śava̍sā madantyu̱pari̍budhnānva̱nina̍ścakartha .. 10.073.08
8 These names of thine thou hast fulfilled completely:- as Lord, thou boldest in thine arm, O Indra.
In thee, through thy great might, the Gods are joyful:- the roots of trees hast thou directed upward.
Sloka : 10.73.9
च॒क्रं यद॑स्या॒प्स्वा निष॑त्तमु॒तो तद॑स्मै॒ मध्विच्च॑च्छद्यात् ।
पृ॒थि॒व्यामति॑षितं॒ यदूधः॒ पयो॒ गोष्वद॑धा॒ ओष॑धीषु ॥ १०.०७३.०९
ca̱kraṃ yada̍syā̱psvā niṣa̍ttamu̱to tada̍smai̱ madhvicca̍cchadyāt .
pṛ̱thi̱vyāmati̍ṣita̱ṃ yadūdha̱ḥ payo̱ goṣvada̍dhā̱ oṣa̍dhīṣu .. 10.073.09
9 May the sweet Soma juices make him happy to cast his quoit that lies in depth of waters.
Thou from the udder which oer earth is fastened hast poured the milk into the kine and herbage.
Sloka : 10.73.10
अश्वा॑दिया॒येति॒ यद्वद॒न्त्योज॑सो जा॒तमु॒त म॑न्य एनम् ।
म॒न्योरि॑याय ह॒र्म्येषु॑ तस्थौ॒ यतः॑ प्रज॒ज्ञ इन्द्रो॑ अस्य वेद ॥ १०.०७३.१०
aśvā̍diyā̱yeti̱ yadvada̱ntyoja̍so jā̱tamu̱ta ma̍nya enam .
ma̱nyori̍yāya ha̱rmyeṣu̍ tasthau̱ yata̍ḥ praja̱jña indro̍ asya veda .. 10.073.10
10 When others call him offspring of the Courser, my meaning is that Mighty Power produced him.
He came from Manyu and remained in houses:- whence he hath sprung is known to Indra only.
Sloka : 10.73.11
वयः॑ सुप॒र्णा उप॑ सेदु॒रिन्द्रं॑ प्रि॒यमे॑धा॒ ऋष॑यो॒ नाध॑मानाः ।
अप॑ ध्वा॒न्तमू॑र्णु॒हि पू॒र्धि चक्षु॑र्मुमु॒ग्ध्य१॒॑स्मान्नि॒धये॑व ब॒द्धान् ॥ १०.०७३.११
vaya̍ḥ supa̱rṇā upa̍ sedu̱rindra̍ṃ pri̱yame̍dhā̱ ṛṣa̍yo̱ nādha̍mānāḥ .
apa̍ dhvā̱ntamū̍rṇu̱hi pū̱rdhi cakṣu̍rmumu̱gdhya1̱̍smānni̱dhaye̍va ba̱ddhān .. 10.073.11
11 Like birds of beauteous wing the Priyamedhas, Ṛṣis, imploring, have come nigh to Indra:-
Dispel the darkness and fill full our vision deliver us as men whom snares entangle.
Sloka : 10.74.1
वसू॑नां वा चर्कृष॒ इय॑क्षन्धि॒या वा॑ य॒ज्ञैर्वा॒ रोद॑स्योः ।
अर्व॑न्तो वा॒ ये र॑यि॒मन्तः॑ सा॒तौ व॒नुं वा॒ ये सु॒श्रुणं॑ सु॒श्रुतो॒ धुः ॥ १०.०७४.०१
vasū̍nāṃ vā carkṛṣa̱ iya̍kṣandhi̱yā vā̍ ya̱jñairvā̱ roda̍syoḥ .
arva̍nto vā̱ ye ra̍yi̱manta̍ḥ sā̱tau va̱nuṃ vā̱ ye su̱śruṇa̍ṃ su̱śruto̱ dhuḥ .. 10.074.01
1. I AM prepared to laud with song or worship the Noble Ones who are in earth and heaven,
Or Coursers who have triumphed in, the contest, or those who famed, have won the prize with glory.
Sloka : 10.74.2
हव॑ एषा॒मसु॑रो नक्षत॒ द्यां श्र॑वस्य॒ता मन॑सा निंसत॒ क्षाम् ।
चक्षा॑णा॒ यत्र॑ सुवि॒ताय॑ दे॒वा द्यौर्न वारे॑भिः कृ॒णव॑न्त॒ स्वैः ॥ १०.०७४.०२
hava̍ eṣā̱masu̍ro nakṣata̱ dyāṃ śra̍vasya̱tā mana̍sā niṃsata̱ kṣām .
cakṣā̍ṇā̱ yatra̍ suvi̱tāya̍ de̱vā dyaurna vāre̍bhiḥ kṛ̱ṇava̍nta̱ svaiḥ .. 10.074.02
2 Their call, the call of Gods, went up to heaven:- they kissed the ground with glory-seeking spirit,
There where the Gods look on for happy fortune, and like the kindly heavens bestow their bounties.
Sloka : 10.74.3
इ॒यमे॑षाम॒मृता॑नां॒ गीः स॒र्वता॑ता॒ ये कृ॒पण॑न्त॒ रत्न॑म् ।
धियं॑ च य॒ज्ञं च॒ साध॑न्त॒स्ते नो॑ धान्तु वस॒व्य१॒॑मसा॑मि ॥ १०.०७४.०३
i̱yame̍ṣāma̱mṛtā̍nā̱ṃ gīḥ sa̱rvatā̍tā̱ ye kṛ̱paṇa̍nta̱ ratna̍m .
dhiya̍ṃ ca ya̱jñaṃ ca̱ sādha̍nta̱ste no̍ dhāntu vasa̱vya1̱̍masā̍mi .. 10.074.03
3 This is the song of those Immortal Beings who long for treasures in their full perfection.
May these, completing prayers and sacrifices, bestow upon us wealth where naught is wanting.
Sloka : 10.74.4
आ तत्त॑ इन्द्रा॒यवः॑ पनन्ता॒भि य ऊ॒र्वं गोम॑न्तं॒ तितृ॑त्सान् ।
स॒कृ॒त्स्वं१॒॑ ये पु॑रुपु॒त्रां म॒हीं स॒हस्र॑धारां बृह॒तीं दुदु॑क्षन् ॥ १०.०७४.०४
ā tatta̍ indrā̱yava̍ḥ panantā̱bhi ya ū̱rvaṃ goma̍nta̱ṃ titṛ̍tsān .
sa̱kṛ̱tsvaṃ1̱̍ ye pu̍rupu̱trāṃ ma̱hīṃ sa̱hasra̍dhārāṃ bṛha̱tīṃ dudu̍kṣan .. 10.074.04
4 Those living men extolled thy deed, O Indra, those who would fain burst through the stall of cattle,
Fain to milk her who bare but once, great, lofty, whose Sons are many and her streams past number.
Sloka : 10.74.5
शची॑व॒ इन्द्र॒मव॑से कृणुध्व॒मना॑नतं द॒मय॑न्तं पृत॒न्यून् ।
ऋ॒भु॒क्षणं॑ म॒घवा॑नं सुवृ॒क्तिं भर्ता॒ यो वज्रं॒ नर्यं॑ पुरु॒क्षुः ॥ १०.०७४.०५
śacī̍va̱ indra̱mava̍se kṛṇudhva̱manā̍nataṃ da̱maya̍ntaṃ pṛta̱nyūn .
ṛ̱bhu̱kṣaṇa̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̍naṃ suvṛ̱ktiṃ bhartā̱ yo vajra̱ṃ narya̍ṃ puru̱kṣuḥ .. 10.074.05
5 Sacivan, win to your assistance Indra who never bends, who overcomes his foemen.
Ṛbhukṣan, Maghavan, the hymn's upholder, who, rich in food, bears man's kind friend, the thunder.
Sloka : 10.74.6
यद्वा॒वान॑ पुरु॒तमं॑ पुरा॒षाळा वृ॑त्र॒हेन्द्रो॒ नामा॑न्यप्राः ।
अचे॑ति प्रा॒सह॒स्पति॒स्तुवि॑ष्मा॒न्यदी॑मु॒श्मसि॒ कर्त॑वे॒ कर॒त्तत् ॥ १०.०७४.०६
yadvā̱vāna̍ puru̱tama̍ṃ purā̱ṣāl̤ā vṛ̍tra̱hendro̱ nāmā̍nyaprāḥ .
ace̍ti prā̱saha̱spati̱stuvi̍ṣmā̱nyadī̍mu̱śmasi̱ karta̍ve̱ kara̱ttat .. 10.074.06
6 Since he who won of old anew hath triumphed, Indra hath earned his name of Vṛtra-slaycr.
He hath appeared, the mighty Lord of Conquest. What we would have him do let him accomplish.
Sloka : 10.75.1
प्र सु व॑ आपो महि॒मान॑मुत्त॒मं का॒रुर्वो॑चाति॒ सद॑ने वि॒वस्व॑तः ।
प्र स॒प्तस॑प्त त्रे॒धा हि च॑क्र॒मुः प्र सृत्व॑रीणा॒मति॒ सिन्धु॒रोज॑सा ॥ १०.०७५.०१
pra su va̍ āpo mahi̱māna̍mutta̱maṃ kā̱rurvo̍cāti̱ sada̍ne vi̱vasva̍taḥ .
pra sa̱ptasa̍pta tre̱dhā hi ca̍kra̱muḥ pra sṛtva̍rīṇā̱mati̱ sindhu̱roja̍sā .. 10.075.01
1. THE singer, O ye Waters in Vivasvān's place, shall tell your grandeur forth that is beyond compare.
The Rivers have come forward triply, seven and seven. Sindhu in might surpasses all the streams that flow.
Sloka : 10.75.2
प्र ते॑ऽरद॒द्वरु॑णो॒ यात॑वे प॒थः सिन्धो॒ यद्वाजा॑ँ अ॒भ्यद्र॑व॒स्त्वम् ।
भूम्या॒ अधि॑ प्र॒वता॑ यासि॒ सानु॑ना॒ यदे॑षा॒मग्रं॒ जग॑तामिर॒ज्यसि॑ ॥ १०.०७५.०२
pra te̎rada̱dvaru̍ṇo̱ yāta̍ve pa̱thaḥ sindho̱ yadvājā̍m̐ a̱bhyadra̍va̱stvam .
bhūmyā̱ adhi̍ pra̱vatā̍ yāsi̱ sānu̍nā̱ yade̍ṣā̱magra̱ṃ jaga̍tāmira̱jyasi̍ .. 10.075.02
2 Varuṇa cut the channels for thy forward course, O Sindhu, when thou rannest on to win the race.
Thou speedest oer precipitous ridges of the earth, when thou art Lord and Leader of these moving floods.
Sloka : 10.75.3
दि॒वि स्व॒नो य॑तते॒ भूम्यो॒पर्य॑न॒न्तं शुष्म॒मुदि॑यर्ति भा॒नुना॑ ।
अ॒भ्रादि॑व॒ प्र स्त॑नयन्ति वृ॒ष्टयः॒ सिन्धु॒र्यदेति॑ वृष॒भो न रोरु॑वत् ॥ १०.०७५.०३
di̱vi sva̱no ya̍tate̱ bhūmyo̱parya̍na̱ntaṃ śuṣma̱mudi̍yarti bhā̱nunā̍ .
a̱bhrādi̍va̱ pra sta̍nayanti vṛ̱ṣṭaya̱ḥ sindhu̱ryadeti̍ vṛṣa̱bho na roru̍vat .. 10.075.03
3 His roar is lifted up to heaven above the earth:- he puts forth endless vigour with a flash of light.
Like floods of rain that fall in thunder from the cloud, so Sindhu rushes on bellowing like a bull.
Sloka : 10.75.4
अ॒भि त्वा॑ सिन्धो॒ शिशु॒मिन्न मा॒तरो॑ वा॒श्रा अ॑र्षन्ति॒ पय॑सेव धे॒नवः॑ ।
राजे॑व॒ युध्वा॑ नयसि॒ त्वमित्सिचौ॒ यदा॑सा॒मग्रं॑ प्र॒वता॒मिन॑क्षसि ॥ १०.०७५.०४
a̱bhi tvā̍ sindho̱ śiśu̱minna mā̱taro̍ vā̱śrā a̍rṣanti̱ paya̍seva dhe̱nava̍ḥ .
rāje̍va̱ yudhvā̍ nayasi̱ tvamitsicau̱ yadā̍sā̱magra̍ṃ pra̱vatā̱mina̍kṣasi .. 10.075.04
4 Like mothers to their calves, like milch kine with their milk, so, Sindhu, unto thee the roaring rivers run.
Thou leadest as a warrior king thine army's wings what time thou comest in the van of these swift streams.
Sloka : 10.75.5
इ॒मं मे॑ गङ्गे यमुने सरस्वति॒ शुतु॑द्रि॒ स्तोमं॑ सचता॒ परु॒ष्ण्या ।
अ॒सि॒क्न्या म॑रुद्वृधे वि॒तस्त॒यार्जी॑कीये शृणु॒ह्या सु॒षोम॑या ॥ १०.०७५.०५
i̱maṃ me̍ gaṅge yamune sarasvati̱ śutu̍dri̱ stoma̍ṃ sacatā̱ paru̱ṣṇyā .
a̱si̱knyā ma̍rudvṛdhe vi̱tasta̱yārjī̍kīye śṛṇu̱hyā su̱ṣoma̍yā .. 10.075.05
5 Favour ye this my laud, O Gan!gā, Yamunā, O Sutudri, Paruṣṇī and Sarasvatī:-
With Asikni, Vitasta, O Marudvrdha, O Ārjīkīya with Susoma hear my call.
Sloka : 10.75.6
तृ॒ष्टाम॑या प्रथ॒मं यात॑वे स॒जूः सु॒सर्त्वा॑ र॒सया॑ श्वे॒त्या त्या ।
त्वं सि॑न्धो॒ कुभ॑या गोम॒तीं क्रुमुं॑ मेह॒त्न्वा स॒रथं॒ याभि॒रीय॑से ॥ १०.०७५.०६
tṛ̱ṣṭāma̍yā pratha̱maṃ yāta̍ve sa̱jūḥ su̱sartvā̍ ra̱sayā̍ śve̱tyā tyā .
tvaṃ si̍ndho̱ kubha̍yā goma̱tīṃ krumu̍ṃ meha̱tnvā sa̱ratha̱ṃ yābhi̱rīya̍se .. 10.075.06
6 First with Trstama thou art eager to flow forth, with Rasā, and Susartu, and with Svetya here,
With Kubha; and with these, Sindhu and Mehatnu, thou seekest in thy course Krumu and Gomati.
Sloka : 10.75.7
ऋजी॒त्येनी॒ रुश॑ती महि॒त्वा परि॒ ज्रयां॑सि भरते॒ रजां॑सि ।
अद॑ब्धा॒ सिन्धु॑र॒पसा॑म॒पस्त॒माश्वा॒ न चि॒त्रा वपु॑षीव दर्श॒ता ॥ १०.०७५.०७
ṛjī̱tyenī̱ ruśa̍tī mahi̱tvā pari̱ jrayā̍ṃsi bharate̱ rajā̍ṃsi .
ada̍bdhā̱ sindhu̍ra̱pasā̍ma̱pasta̱māśvā̱ na ci̱trā vapu̍ṣīva darśa̱tā .. 10.075.07
7 Flashing and whitely-gleaming in her mightiness, she moves along her ample volumes through the realms,
Most active of the active, Sindhu unrestrained, like to a dappled mare, beautiful, fair to see.
Sloka : 10.75.8
स्वश्वा॒ सिन्धुः॑ सु॒रथा॑ सु॒वासा॑ हिर॒ण्ययी॒ सुकृ॑ता वा॒जिनी॑वती ।
ऊर्णा॑वती युव॒तिः सी॒लमा॑वत्यु॒ताधि॑ वस्ते सु॒भगा॑ मधु॒वृध॑म् ॥ १०.०७५.०८
svaśvā̱ sindhu̍ḥ su̱rathā̍ su̱vāsā̍ hira̱ṇyayī̱ sukṛ̍tā vā̱jinī̍vatī .
ūrṇā̍vatī yuva̱tiḥ sī̱lamā̍vatyu̱tādhi̍ vaste su̱bhagā̍ madhu̱vṛdha̍m .. 10.075.08
8 Rich in good steeds is Sindhu, rich in cars and robes, rich in gold, nobly-fashioned, rich in ample wealth.
Blest Silamavati and young Urnavati invest themselves with raiment rich in store of sweets.
Sloka : 10.75.9
सु॒खं रथं॑ युयुजे॒ सिन्धु॑र॒श्विनं॒ तेन॒ वाजं॑ सनिषद॒स्मिन्ना॒जौ ।
म॒हान्ह्य॑स्य महि॒मा प॑न॒स्यतेऽद॑ब्धस्य॒ स्वय॑शसो विर॒प्शिनः॑ ॥ १०.०७५.०९
su̱khaṃ ratha̍ṃ yuyuje̱ sindhu̍ra̱śvina̱ṃ tena̱ vāja̍ṃ saniṣada̱sminnā̱jau .
ma̱hānhya̍sya mahi̱mā pa̍na̱syate'da̍bdhasya̱ svaya̍śaso vira̱pśina̍ḥ .. 10.075.09
9 Sindhu hath yoked her car, light-rolling, drawn by steeds, and with that car shall she win booty in this fight.
So have I praised its power, mighty and unrestrained, of independent glory, roaring as it runs.
Sloka : 10.76.1
आ व॑ ऋञ्जस ऊ॒र्जां व्यु॑ष्टि॒ष्विन्द्रं॑ म॒रुतो॒ रोद॑सी अनक्तन ।
उ॒भे यथा॑ नो॒ अह॑नी सचा॒भुवा॒ सदः॑सदो वरिव॒स्यात॑ उ॒द्भिदा॑ ॥ १०.०७६.०१
ā va̍ ṛñjasa ū̱rjāṃ vyu̍ṣṭi̱ṣvindra̍ṃ ma̱ruto̱ roda̍sī anaktana .
u̱bhe yathā̍ no̱ aha̍nī sacā̱bhuvā̱ sada̍ḥsado variva̱syāta̍ u̱dbhidā̍ .. 10.076.01
1. I GRASP at you when power and strength begin to dawn:- bedew ye, Indra and the Maruts, Heaven and Earth,
That Day and Night, in every hall of sacrifice, may wait on us and bless us when they first spring forth.
Sloka : 10.76.2
तदु॒ श्रेष्ठं॒ सव॑नं सुनोत॒नात्यो॒ न हस्त॑यतो॒ अद्रिः॑ सो॒तरि॑ ।
वि॒दद्ध्य१॒॑र्यो अ॒भिभू॑ति॒ पौंस्यं॑ म॒हो रा॒ये चि॑त्तरुते॒ यदर्व॑तः ॥ १०.०७६.०२
tadu̱ śreṣṭha̱ṃ sava̍naṃ sunota̱nātyo̱ na hasta̍yato̱ adri̍ḥ so̱tari̍ .
vi̱daddhya1̱̍ryo a̱bhibhū̍ti̱ pauṃsya̍ṃ ma̱ho rā̱ye ci̍ttarute̱ yadarva̍taḥ .. 10.076.02
2 Press the libation out, most excellent of all:- the Pressing-stone is grasped like a hand-guided steed.
So let it win the valour that subdues the foe, and the fleet courser's might that speeds to ample wealth.
Sloka : 10.76.3
तदिद्ध्य॑स्य॒ सव॑नं वि॒वेर॒पो यथा॑ पु॒रा मन॑वे गा॒तुमश्रे॑त् ।
गोअ॑र्णसि त्वा॒ष्ट्रे अश्व॑निर्णिजि॒ प्रेम॑ध्व॒रेष्व॑ध्व॒राँ अ॑शिश्रयुः ॥ १०.०७६.०३
tadiddhya̍sya̱ sava̍naṃ vi̱vera̱po yathā̍ pu̱rā mana̍ve gā̱tumaśre̍t .
goa̍rṇasi tvā̱ṣṭre aśva̍nirṇiji̱ prema̍dhva̱reṣva̍dhva̱rām̐ a̍śiśrayuḥ .. 10.076.03
3 Juice that this Stone pours out removes defect of ours, as in old time it brought prosperity to man.
At sacrifices they established holy rites on Tvaṣṭar's milk-blent juice bright with the hue of steeds.
Sloka : 10.76.4
अप॑ हत र॒क्षसो॑ भङ्गु॒राव॑तः स्कभा॒यत॒ निरृ॑तिं॒ सेध॒ताम॑तिम् ।
आ नो॑ र॒यिं सर्व॑वीरं सुनोतन देवा॒व्यं॑ भरत॒ श्लोक॑मद्रयः ॥ १०.०७६.०४
apa̍ hata ra̱kṣaso̍ bhaṅgu̱rāva̍taḥ skabhā̱yata̱ nirṛ̍ti̱ṃ sedha̱tāma̍tim .
ā no̍ ra̱yiṃ sarva̍vīraṃ sunotana devā̱vya̍ṃ bharata̱ śloka̍madrayaḥ .. 10.076.04
4 Drive ye the treacherous demons far away from us:- keep Nirrti afar and banish Penury.
Pour riches forth for us with troops of hero sons, and bear ye up, O Stones, the song that visits Gods.
Sloka : 10.76.5
दि॒वश्चि॒दा वोऽम॑वत्तरेभ्यो वि॒भ्वना॑ चिदा॒श्व॑पस्तरेभ्यः ।
वा॒योश्चि॒दा सोम॑रभस्तरेभ्यो॒ऽग्नेश्चि॑दर्च पितु॒कृत्त॑रेभ्यः ॥ १०.०७६.०५
di̱vaści̱dā vo'ma̍vattarebhyo vi̱bhvanā̍ cidā̱śva̍pastarebhyaḥ .
vā̱yości̱dā soma̍rabhastarebhyo̱'gneści̍darca pitu̱kṛtta̍rebhyaḥ .. 10.076.05
5 To you who are more mighty than the heavens themselves, who, finishing your task with more than Vibhvan's speed,
More rapidly than Vāyu seize the Soma juice, better than Agni give us food, to you I sing.
Sloka : 10.76.6
भु॒रन्तु॑ नो य॒शसः॒ सोत्वन्ध॑सो॒ ग्रावा॑णो वा॒चा दि॒विता॑ दि॒वित्म॑ता ।
नरो॒ यत्र॑ दुह॒ते काम्यं॒ मध्वा॑घो॒षय॑न्तो अ॒भितो॑ मिथ॒स्तुरः॑ ॥ १०.०७६.०६
bhu̱rantu̍ no ya̱śasa̱ḥ sotvandha̍so̱ grāvā̍ṇo vā̱cā di̱vitā̍ di̱vitma̍tā .
naro̱ yatra̍ duha̱te kāmya̱ṃ madhvā̍gho̱ṣaya̍nto a̱bhito̍ mitha̱stura̍ḥ .. 10.076.06
6 Stirred be the glorious Stones:- let it press out the juice, the Stone with heavenly song that reaches up to heaven,
There where the men draw forth the meath for which they long, sending their voice around in rivalry of speed.
Sloka : 10.76.7
सु॒न्वन्ति॒ सोमं॑ रथि॒रासो॒ अद्र॑यो॒ निर॑स्य॒ रसं॑ ग॒विषो॑ दुहन्ति॒ ते ।
दु॒हन्त्यूध॑रुप॒सेच॑नाय॒ कं नरो॑ ह॒व्या न म॑र्जयन्त आ॒सभिः॑ ॥ १०.०७६.०७
su̱nvanti̱ soma̍ṃ rathi̱rāso̱ adra̍yo̱ nira̍sya̱ rasa̍ṃ ga̱viṣo̍ duhanti̱ te .
du̱hantyūdha̍rupa̱seca̍nāya̱ kaṃ naro̍ ha̱vyā na ma̍rjayanta ā̱sabhi̍ḥ .. 10.076.07
7 The Stones press out the Soma, swift as car-borne men, and, eager for the spoil, drain forth the sap thereof
To fill the beaker, they exhaust the udder's store, as the men purify oblations with their lips.
Sloka : 10.76.8
ए॒ते न॑रः॒ स्वप॑सो अभूतन॒ य इन्द्रा॑य सुनु॒थ सोम॑मद्रयः ।
वा॒मंवा॑मं वो दि॒व्याय॒ धाम्ने॒ वसु॑वसु वः॒ पार्थि॑वाय सुन्व॒ते ॥ १०.०७६.०८
e̱te na̍ra̱ḥ svapa̍so abhūtana̱ ya indrā̍ya sunu̱tha soma̍madrayaḥ .
vā̱maṃvā̍maṃ vo di̱vyāya̱ dhāmne̱ vasu̍vasu va̱ḥ pārthi̍vāya sunva̱te .. 10.076.08
8 Ye, present men, have been most skilful in your work, even ye, O Stones who pressed Soma for Indra's drink.
May all ye have of fair go to the Heavenly Race, and all your treasure to the earthly worshipper.
Sloka : 10.77.1
अ॒भ्र॒प्रुषो॒ न वा॒चा प्रु॑षा॒ वसु॑ ह॒विष्म॑न्तो॒ न य॒ज्ञा वि॑जा॒नुषः॑ ।
सु॒मारु॑तं॒ न ब्र॒ह्माण॑म॒र्हसे॑ ग॒णम॑स्तोष्येषां॒ न शो॒भसे॑ ॥ १०.०७७.०१
a̱bhra̱pruṣo̱ na vā̱cā pru̍ṣā̱ vasu̍ ha̱viṣma̍nto̱ na ya̱jñā vi̍jā̱nuṣa̍ḥ .
su̱māru̍ta̱ṃ na bra̱hmāṇa̍ma̱rhase̍ ga̱ṇama̍stoṣyeṣā̱ṃ na śo̱bhase̍ .. 10.077.01
1. As with their voice from cloud they sprinkle treasure so are the wise man's liberal sacrifices.
I praise their Company that merits worship as the good Martits' priest to pay them honour.
Sloka : 10.77.2
श्रि॒ये मर्या॑सो अ॒ञ्जीँर॑कृण्वत सु॒मारु॑तं॒ न पू॒र्वीरति॒ क्षपः॑ ।
दि॒वस्पु॒त्रास॒ एता॒ न ये॑तिर आदि॒त्यास॒स्ते अ॒क्रा न वा॑वृधुः ॥ १०.०७७.०२
śri̱ye maryā̍so a̱ñjīm̐ra̍kṛṇvata su̱māru̍ta̱ṃ na pū̱rvīrati̱ kṣapa̍ḥ .
di̱vaspu̱trāsa̱ etā̱ na ye̍tira ādi̱tyāsa̱ste a̱krā na vā̍vṛdhuḥ .. 10.077.02
2 The youths have wrought their ornaments for glory through many nights,this noble band of Maruts.
Like stags the Sons of Dyatis have striven onward, the Sons of Aditi grown strong like pillars.
Sloka : 10.77.3
प्र ये दि॒वः पृ॑थि॒व्या न ब॒र्हणा॒ त्मना॑ रिरि॒च्रे अ॒भ्रान्न सूर्यः॑ ।
पाज॑स्वन्तो॒ न वी॒राः प॑न॒स्यवो॑ रि॒शाद॑सो॒ न मर्या॑ अ॒भिद्य॑वः ॥ १०.०७७.०३
pra ye di̱vaḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyā na ba̱rhaṇā̱ tmanā̍ riri̱cre a̱bhrānna sūrya̍ḥ .
pāja̍svanto̱ na vī̱rāḥ pa̍na̱syavo̍ ri̱śāda̍so̱ na maryā̍ a̱bhidya̍vaḥ .. 10.077.03
3 They who extend beyond the earth and heaven, by their own mass, as from the cloud spreads Sūrya;
Like mighty Heroes covetous of glory, like heavenly gallants who destroy the wicked.
Sloka : 10.77.4
यु॒ष्माकं॑ बु॒ध्ने अ॒पां न याम॑नि विथु॒र्यति॒ न म॒ही श्र॑थ॒र्यति॑ ।
वि॒श्वप्सु॑र्य॒ज्ञो अ॒र्वाग॒यं सु वः॒ प्रय॑स्वन्तो॒ न स॒त्राच॒ आ ग॑त ॥ १०.०७७.०४
yu̱ṣmāka̍ṃ bu̱dhne a̱pāṃ na yāma̍ni vithu̱ryati̱ na ma̱hī śra̍tha̱ryati̍ .
vi̱śvapsu̍rya̱jño a̱rvāga̱yaṃ su va̱ḥ praya̍svanto̱ na sa̱trāca̱ ā ga̍ta .. 10.077.04
4 When ye come nigh, as in the depth of waters, the earth is loosened, as it were, and shaken.
This your all-feedin sacrifice approaches:- come all united, fraught, as twere with viands.
Sloka : 10.77.5
यू॒यं धू॒र्षु प्र॒युजो॒ न र॒श्मिभि॒र्ज्योति॑ष्मन्तो॒ न भा॒सा व्यु॑ष्टिषु ।
श्ये॒नासो॒ न स्वय॑शसो रि॒शाद॑सः प्र॒वासो॒ न प्रसि॑तासः परि॒प्रुषः॑ ॥ १०.०७७.०५
yū̱yaṃ dhū̱rṣu pra̱yujo̱ na ra̱śmibhi̱rjyoti̍ṣmanto̱ na bhā̱sā vyu̍ṣṭiṣu .
śye̱nāso̱ na svaya̍śaso ri̱śāda̍saḥ pra̱vāso̱ na prasi̍tāsaḥ pari̱pruṣa̍ḥ .. 10.077.05
5 Ye are like horses fastened to the chariot poles, luminous with your beams, with splendour as at dawn;
Like self-bright falcons, punishers of wicked men, like hovering birds urged forward, scattering rain around.
Sloka : 10.77.6
प्र यद्वह॑ध्वे मरुतः परा॒काद्यू॒यं म॒हः सं॒वर॑णस्य॒ वस्वः॑ ।
वि॒दा॒नासो॑ वसवो॒ राध्य॑स्या॒राच्चि॒द्द्वेषः॑ सनु॒तर्यु॑योत ॥ १०.०७७.०६
pra yadvaha̍dhve marutaḥ parā̱kādyū̱yaṃ ma̱haḥ sa̱ṃvara̍ṇasya̱ vasva̍ḥ .
vi̱dā̱nāso̍ vasavo̱ rādhya̍syā̱rācci̱ddveṣa̍ḥ sanu̱taryu̍yota .. 10.077.06
6 When ye come forth, O Maruts, from the distance, from the great treasury of rich possessions,
Knowing, O Vasus, boons that should be granted, even from afar drive back the men who hate us.
Sloka : 10.77.7
य उ॒दृचि॑ य॒ज्ञे अ॑ध्वरे॒ष्ठा म॒रुद्भ्यो॒ न मानु॑षो॒ ददा॑शत् ।
रे॒वत्स वयो॑ दधते सु॒वीरं॒ स दे॒वाना॒मपि॑ गोपी॒थे अ॑स्तु ॥ १०.०७७.०७
ya u̱dṛci̍ ya̱jñe a̍dhvare̱ṣṭhā ma̱rudbhyo̱ na mānu̍ṣo̱ dadā̍śat .
re̱vatsa vayo̍ dadhate su̱vīra̱ṃ sa de̱vānā̱mapi̍ gopī̱the a̍stu .. 10.077.07
7 He who, engaged in the rite's final duty brings, as a man, oblation to the Maruts,
Wins him life's wealthy fulness, blest with heroes:- he shall be present, too, where Gods drink Soma.
Sloka : 10.77.8
ते हि य॒ज्ञेषु॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑स॒ ऊमा॑ आदि॒त्येन॒ नाम्ना॒ शम्भ॑विष्ठाः ।
ते नो॑ऽवन्तु रथ॒तूर्म॑नी॒षां म॒हश्च॒ याम॑न्नध्व॒रे च॑का॒नाः ॥ १०.०७७.०८
te hi ya̱jñeṣu̍ ya̱jñiyā̍sa̱ ūmā̍ ādi̱tyena̱ nāmnā̱ śambha̍viṣṭhāḥ .
te no̎vantu ratha̱tūrma̍nī̱ṣāṃ ma̱haśca̱ yāma̍nnadhva̱re ca̍kā̱nāḥ .. 10.077.08
8 For these are helps adored at sacrifices, bringing good fortune by their name Ādityas.
Speeding on cars let them protect our praises, delighting in our sacrifice and worship.
Sloka : 10.78.1
विप्रा॑सो॒ न मन्म॑भिः स्वा॒ध्यो॑ देवा॒व्यो॒३॒॑ न य॒ज्ञैः स्वप्न॑सः ।
राजा॑नो॒ न चि॒त्राः सु॑सं॒दृशः॑ क्षिती॒नां न मर्या॑ अरे॒पसः॑ ॥ १०.०७८.०१
viprā̍so̱ na manma̍bhiḥ svā̱dhyo̍ devā̱vyo̱3̱̍ na ya̱jñaiḥ svapna̍saḥ .
rājā̍no̱ na ci̱trāḥ su̍sa̱ṃdṛśa̍ḥ kṣitī̱nāṃ na maryā̍ are̱pasa̍ḥ .. 10.078.01
1. Ye by your hymns are like high-thoughted singers, skilful, inviting Gods with sacrifices;
Fair to behold, like Kings, with bright adornment, like spotless gallants, leaders of the people:-
Sloka : 10.78.2
अ॒ग्निर्न ये भ्राज॑सा रु॒क्मव॑क्षसो॒ वाता॑सो॒ न स्व॒युजः॑ स॒द्यऊ॑तयः ।
प्र॒ज्ञा॒तारो॒ न ज्येष्ठाः॑ सुनी॒तयः॑ सु॒शर्मा॑णो॒ न सोमा॑ ऋ॒तं य॒ते ॥ १०.०७८.०२
a̱gnirna ye bhrāja̍sā ru̱kmava̍kṣaso̱ vātā̍so̱ na sva̱yuja̍ḥ sa̱dyaū̍tayaḥ .
pra̱jñā̱tāro̱ na jyeṣṭhā̍ḥ sunī̱taya̍ḥ su̱śarmā̍ṇo̱ na somā̍ ṛ̱taṃ ya̱te .. 10.078.02
2 Like fire with flashing flame, breast-bound with chains of gold, like tempest-blasts, self-moving, swift to lend your aid;
As best of all foreknowers, excellent to guide, like Somas, good to guard the man who follows Law.
Sloka : 10.78.3
वाता॑सो॒ न ये धुन॑यो जिग॒त्नवो॑ऽग्नी॒नां न जि॒ह्वा वि॑रो॒किणः॑ ।
वर्म॑ण्वन्तो॒ न यो॒धाः शिमी॑वन्तः पितॄ॒णां न शंसाः॑ सुरा॒तयः॑ ॥ १०.०७८.०३
vātā̍so̱ na ye dhuna̍yo jiga̱tnavo̎gnī̱nāṃ na ji̱hvā vi̍ro̱kiṇa̍ḥ .
varma̍ṇvanto̱ na yo̱dhāḥ śimī̍vantaḥ pitṝ̱ṇāṃ na śaṃsā̍ḥ surā̱taya̍ḥ .. 10.078.03
3 Shakers of all, like gales of wind they travel, like tongues of burning fires in their effulgence.
Mighty are they as warriors clad in armour, and, like the Fathers' prayers, Most Bounteous Givers.
Sloka : 10.78.4
रथा॑नां॒ न ये॒३॒॑ऽराः सना॑भयो जिगी॒वांसो॒ न शूरा॑ अ॒भिद्य॑वः ।
व॒रे॒यवो॒ न मर्या॑ घृत॒प्रुषो॑ऽभिस्व॒र्तारो॑ अ॒र्कं न सु॒ष्टुभः॑ ॥ १०.०७८.०४
rathā̍nā̱ṃ na ye̱3̱̎rāḥ sanā̍bhayo jigī̱vāṃso̱ na śūrā̍ a̱bhidya̍vaḥ .
va̱re̱yavo̱ na maryā̍ ghṛta̱pruṣo̎bhisva̱rtāro̍ a̱rkaṃ na su̱ṣṭubha̍ḥ .. 10.078.04
4 Like spokes of car-wheels in one nave united, ever victorious like heavenly Heroes,
Shedding their precious balm like youthful suitors, they raise their voice and chant their psalm as singers.
Sloka : 10.78.5
अश्वा॑सो॒ न ये ज्येष्ठा॑स आ॒शवो॑ दिधि॒षवो॒ न र॒थ्यः॑ सु॒दान॑वः ।
आपो॒ न नि॒म्नैरु॒दभि॑र्जिग॒त्नवो॑ वि॒श्वरू॑पा॒ अङ्गि॑रसो॒ न साम॑भिः ॥ १०.०७८.०५
aśvā̍so̱ na ye jyeṣṭhā̍sa ā̱śavo̍ didhi̱ṣavo̱ na ra̱thya̍ḥ su̱dāna̍vaḥ .
āpo̱ na ni̱mnairu̱dabhi̍rjiga̱tnavo̍ vi̱śvarū̍pā̱ aṅgi̍raso̱ na sāma̍bhiḥ .. 10.078.05
5 They who are fleet to travel like the noblest steeds, long to obtain the prize like bounteous charioteers,
Like waters speeding on with their precipitous floods, like omniform Aṅgirases with Sāma-hymns.
Sloka : 10.78.6
ग्रावा॑णो॒ न सू॒रयः॒ सिन्धु॑मातर आदर्दि॒रासो॒ अद्र॑यो॒ न वि॒श्वहा॑ ।
शि॒शूला॒ न क्री॒ळयः॑ सुमा॒तरो॑ महाग्रा॒मो न याम॑न्नु॒त त्वि॒षा ॥ १०.०७८.०६
grāvā̍ṇo̱ na sū̱raya̱ḥ sindhu̍mātara ādardi̱rāso̱ adra̍yo̱ na vi̱śvahā̍ .
śi̱śūlā̱ na krī̱l̤aya̍ḥ sumā̱taro̍ mahāgrā̱mo na yāma̍nnu̱ta tvi̱ṣā .. 10.078.06
6 Born from the stream, like press-stones are the Princes, for ever like the stones that crush in pieces;
Sons of a beauteous Dame, like playful children, like a great host upon the march with splendour.
Sloka : 10.78.7
उ॒षसां॒ न के॒तवो॑ऽध्वर॒श्रियः॑ शुभं॒यवो॒ नाञ्जिभि॒र्व्य॑श्वितन् ।
सिन्ध॑वो॒ न य॒यियो॒ भ्राज॑दृष्टयः परा॒वतो॒ न योज॑नानि ममिरे ॥ १०.०७८.०७
u̱ṣasā̱ṃ na ke̱tavo̎dhvara̱śriya̍ḥ śubha̱ṃyavo̱ nāñjibhi̱rvya̍śvitan .
sindha̍vo̱ na ya̱yiyo̱ bhrāja̍dṛṣṭayaḥ parā̱vato̱ na yoja̍nāni mamire .. 10.078.07
7 Like rays of Dawn, the visitors of sacrifice, they shine with ornaments as eager to be bright.
Like rivers hasting on, glittering with their spears, from far away they measure out the distances.
Sloka : 10.78.8
सु॒भा॒गान्नो॑ देवाः कृणुता सु॒रत्ना॑न॒स्मान्स्तो॒तॄन्म॑रुतो वावृधा॒नाः ।
अधि॑ स्तो॒त्रस्य॑ स॒ख्यस्य॑ गात स॒नाद्धि वो॑ रत्न॒धेया॑नि॒ सन्ति॑ ॥ १०.०७८.०८
su̱bhā̱gānno̍ devāḥ kṛṇutā su̱ratnā̍na̱smānsto̱tṝnma̍ruto vāvṛdhā̱nāḥ .
adhi̍ sto̱trasya̍ sa̱khyasya̍ gāta sa̱nāddhi vo̍ ratna̱dheyā̍ni̱ santi̍ .. 10.078.08
8 Gods, send us happiness and make us wealthy, letting us singers prosper, O ye Maruts.
Bethink you of our praise and of our friendship:- ye from of old have riches to vouchsafe us.
Sloka : 10.79.1
अप॑श्यमस्य मह॒तो म॑हि॒त्वमम॑र्त्यस्य॒ मर्त्या॑सु वि॒क्षु ।
नाना॒ हनू॒ विभृ॑ते॒ सं भ॑रेते॒ असि॑न्वती॒ बप्स॑ती॒ भूर्य॑त्तः ॥ १०.०७९.०१
apa̍śyamasya maha̱to ma̍hi̱tvamama̍rtyasya̱ martyā̍su vi̱kṣu .
nānā̱ hanū̱ vibhṛ̍te̱ saṃ bha̍rete̱ asi̍nvatī̱ bapsa̍tī̱ bhūrya̍ttaḥ .. 10.079.01
1. I HAVE beheld the might of this Great Being. Immortal in the midst of tribes of mortals.
His jaws now open and now shut together:- much they devour, insatiately chewing.
Sloka : 10.79.2
गुहा॒ शिरो॒ निहि॑त॒मृध॑ग॒क्षी असि॑न्वन्नत्ति जि॒ह्वया॒ वना॑नि ।
अत्रा॑ण्यस्मै प॒ड्भिः सं भ॑रन्त्युत्ता॒नह॑स्ता॒ नम॒साधि॑ वि॒क्षु ॥ १०.०७९.०२
guhā̱ śiro̱ nihi̍ta̱mṛdha̍ga̱kṣī asi̍nvannatti ji̱hvayā̱ vanā̍ni .
atrā̍ṇyasmai pa̱ḍbhiḥ saṃ bha̍rantyuttā̱naha̍stā̱ nama̱sādhi̍ vi̱kṣu .. 10.079.02
2 His eyes are turned away, his head is hidden:- unsated with his tongue he eats the fuel.
With hands upraised, with reverence in the houses, for him they quickly bring his food together.
Sloka : 10.79.3
प्र मा॒तुः प्र॑त॒रं गुह्य॑मि॒च्छन्कु॑मा॒रो न वी॒रुधः॑ सर्पदु॒र्वीः ।
स॒सं न प॒क्वम॑विदच्छु॒चन्तं॑ रिरि॒ह्वांसं॑ रि॒प उ॒पस्थे॑ अ॒न्तः ॥ १०.०७९.०३
pra mā̱tuḥ pra̍ta̱raṃ guhya̍mi̱cchanku̍mā̱ro na vī̱rudha̍ḥ sarpadu̱rvīḥ .
sa̱saṃ na pa̱kvama̍vidacchu̱canta̍ṃ riri̱hvāṃsa̍ṃ ri̱pa u̱pasthe̍ a̱ntaḥ .. 10.079.03
3 Seeking, as twere, his Mother's secret bosom, he, like a child, creeps on through wide-spread bushes.
One he finds glowing like hot food made ready, and kissing deep within the earth's recmes.
Sloka : 10.79.4
तद्वा॑मृ॒तं रो॑दसी॒ प्र ब्र॑वीमि॒ जाय॑मानो मा॒तरा॒ गर्भो॑ अत्ति ।
नाहं दे॒वस्य॒ मर्त्य॑श्चिकेता॒ग्निर॒ङ्ग विचे॑ताः॒ स प्रचे॑ताः ॥ १०.०७९.०४
tadvā̍mṛ̱taṃ ro̍dasī̱ pra bra̍vīmi̱ jāya̍māno mā̱tarā̱ garbho̍ atti .
nāhaṃ de̱vasya̱ martya̍ściketā̱gnira̱ṅga vice̍tā̱ḥ sa prace̍tāḥ .. 10.079.04
4 This holy Law I tell you, Earth and Heaven:- the Infant at his birth dovours his Parents.
No knowledge of the God have I, a mortal. Yea, Agni knoweth best, for he hath wisdom.
Sloka : 10.79.5
यो अ॑स्मा॒ अन्नं॑ तृ॒ष्वा॒३॒॑दधा॒त्याज्यै॑र्घृ॒तैर्जु॒होति॒ पुष्य॑ति ।
तस्मै॑ स॒हस्र॑म॒क्षभि॒र्वि च॒क्षेऽग्ने॑ वि॒श्वतः॑ प्र॒त्यङ्ङ॑सि॒ त्वम् ॥ १०.०७९.०५
yo a̍smā̱ anna̍ṃ tṛ̱ṣvā̱3̱̍dadhā̱tyājyai̍rghṛ̱tairju̱hoti̱ puṣya̍ti .
tasmai̍ sa̱hasra̍ma̱kṣabhi̱rvi ca̱kṣe'gne̍ vi̱śvata̍ḥ pra̱tyaṅṅa̍si̱ tvam .. 10.079.05
5 This man who quickly gives him food, who offers his gifts of oil and butter and supports him, -
Him with his thousand eyes he closely looks on:- thou showest him thy face from all sides, Agni.
Sloka : 10.79.6
किं दे॒वेषु॒ त्यज॒ एन॑श्चक॒र्थाग्ने॑ पृ॒च्छामि॒ नु त्वामवि॑द्वान् ।
अक्री॑ळ॒न्क्रीळ॒न्हरि॒रत्त॑वे॒ऽदन्वि प॑र्व॒शश्च॑कर्त॒ गामि॑वा॒सिः ॥ १०.०७९.०६
kiṃ de̱veṣu̱ tyaja̱ ena̍ścaka̱rthāgne̍ pṛ̱cchāmi̱ nu tvāmavi̍dvān .
akrī̍l̤a̱nkrīl̤a̱nhari̱ratta̍ve̱'danvi pa̍rva̱śaśca̍karta̱ gāmi̍vā̱siḥ .. 10.079.06
6 Agni, hast thou committed sin or treason among the Gods? In ignorance I ask thee.
Playing, not playing, he gold-hued and toothless, hath cut his food up as the knife a victim.
Sloka : 10.79.7
विषू॑चो॒ अश्वा॑न्युयुजे वने॒जा ऋजी॑तिभी रश॒नाभि॑र्गृभी॒तान् ।
च॒क्ष॒दे मि॒त्रो वसु॑भिः॒ सुजा॑तः॒ समा॑नृधे॒ पर्व॑भिर्वावृधा॒नः ॥ १०.०७९.०७
viṣū̍co̱ aśvā̍nyuyuje vane̱jā ṛjī̍tibhī raśa̱nābhi̍rgṛbhī̱tān .
ca̱kṣa̱de mi̱tro vasu̍bhi̱ḥ sujā̍ta̱ḥ samā̍nṛdhe̱ parva̍bhirvāvṛdhā̱naḥ .. 10.079.07
7 He born in wood hath yoked his horses rushing in all directions, held with reins that glitter.
The well-born friend hath carved his food with Vasus:- in all his limbs he hath increased and prospered.
Sloka : 10.80.1
अ॒ग्निः सप्तिं॑ वाजम्भ॒रं द॑दात्य॒ग्निर्वी॒रं श्रुत्यं॑ कर्मनिः॒ष्ठाम् ।
अ॒ग्नी रोद॑सी॒ वि च॑रत्सम॒ञ्जन्न॒ग्निर्नारीं॑ वी॒रकु॑क्षिं॒ पुरं॑धिम् ॥ १०.०८०.०१
a̱gniḥ sapti̍ṃ vājambha̱raṃ da̍dātya̱gnirvī̱raṃ śrutya̍ṃ karmani̱ḥṣṭhām .
a̱gnī roda̍sī̱ vi ca̍ratsama̱ñjanna̱gnirnārī̍ṃ vī̱raku̍kṣi̱ṃ pura̍ṃdhim .. 10.080.01
1. AGNI bestows the fleet prize-winning courser:- Agni, the hero famed and firm in duty.
Agni pervades and decks the earth and heaven, and fills the fruitful dame who teems with heroes.
Sloka : 10.80.2
अ॒ग्नेरप्न॑सः स॒मिद॑स्तु भ॒द्राग्निर्म॒ही रोद॑सी॒ आ वि॑वेश ।
अ॒ग्निरेकं॑ चोदयत्स॒मत्स्व॒ग्निर्वृ॒त्राणि॑ दयते पु॒रूणि॑ ॥ १०.०८०.०२
a̱gnerapna̍saḥ sa̱mida̍stu bha̱drāgnirma̱hī roda̍sī̱ ā vi̍veśa .
a̱gnireka̍ṃ codayatsa̱matsva̱gnirvṛ̱trāṇi̍ dayate pu̱rūṇi̍ .. 10.080.02
2 Blest be the wood that feeds the active Agni:- within the two great worlds hath Agni entered.
Agni impels a single man to battle, and with him rends in pieces many a foeman.
Sloka : 10.80.3
अ॒ग्निर्ह॒ त्यं जर॑तः॒ कर्ण॑मावा॒ग्निर॒द्भ्यो निर॑दह॒ज्जरू॑थम् ।
अ॒ग्निरत्रिं॑ घ॒र्म उ॑रुष्यद॒न्तर॒ग्निर्नृ॒मेधं॑ प्र॒जया॑सृज॒त्सम् ॥ १०.०८०.०३
a̱gnirha̱ tyaṃ jara̍ta̱ḥ karṇa̍māvā̱gnira̱dbhyo nira̍daha̱jjarū̍tham .
a̱gniratri̍ṃ gha̱rma u̍ruṣyada̱ntara̱gnirnṛ̱medha̍ṃ pra̱jayā̍sṛja̱tsam .. 10.080.03
3 Agni rejoiced the car of him who praised lim, and from the waters burnt away jarutha.
Agni saved Atri in the fiery cavem, and made Nrmedha rich with troops of children.
Sloka : 10.80.4
अ॒ग्निर्दा॒द्द्रवि॑णं वी॒रपे॑शा अ॒ग्निरृषिं॒ यः स॒हस्रा॑ स॒नोति॑ ।
अ॒ग्निर्दि॒वि ह॒व्यमा त॑ताना॒ग्नेर्धामा॑नि॒ विभृ॑ता पुरु॒त्रा ॥ १०.०८०.०४
a̱gnirdā̱ddravi̍ṇaṃ vī̱rape̍śā a̱gnirṛṣi̱ṃ yaḥ sa̱hasrā̍ sa̱noti̍ .
a̱gnirdi̱vi ha̱vyamā ta̍tānā̱gnerdhāmā̍ni̱ vibhṛ̍tā puru̱trā .. 10.080.04
4 Agni hath granted wealth that decks the hero, and sent the sage who wins a thousand cattle.
Agni hath made oblations rise to heaven:- to every place are Agni's laws extended.
Sloka : 10.80.5
अ॒ग्निमु॒क्थैरृष॑यो॒ वि ह्व॑यन्ते॒ऽग्निं नरो॒ याम॑नि बाधि॒तासः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निं वयो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ पत॑न्तो॒ऽग्निः स॒हस्रा॒ परि॑ याति॒ गोना॑म् ॥ १०.०८०.०५
a̱gnimu̱kthairṛṣa̍yo̱ vi hva̍yante̱'gniṃ naro̱ yāma̍ni bādhi̱tāsa̍ḥ .
a̱gniṃ vayo̍ a̱ntari̍kṣe̱ pata̍nto̱'gniḥ sa̱hasrā̱ pari̍ yāti̱ gonā̍m .. 10.080.05
5 With songs of praise the Ṛṣis call on Agni; on Agni, heroes worsted in the foray.
Birds flying in the region call on Agni around a thousand cattle Agni wanders.
Sloka : 10.80.6
अ॒ग्निं विश॑ ईळते॒ मानु॑षी॒र्या अ॒ग्निं मनु॑षो॒ नहु॑षो॒ वि जा॒ताः ।
अ॒ग्निर्गान्ध॑र्वीं प॒थ्या॑मृ॒तस्या॒ग्नेर्गव्यू॑तिर्घृ॒त आ निष॑त्ता ॥ १०.०८०.०६
a̱gniṃ viśa̍ īl̤ate̱ mānu̍ṣī̱ryā a̱gniṃ manu̍ṣo̱ nahu̍ṣo̱ vi jā̱tāḥ .
a̱gnirgāndha̍rvīṃ pa̱thyā̍mṛ̱tasyā̱gnergavyū̍tirghṛ̱ta ā niṣa̍ttā .. 10.080.06
6 Races of human birth pay Agni worship, men who have sprung from Nahus' line adore him.
Stablished in holy oil is Agni's pasture, on the Gandharva path of Law and Order.
Sloka : 10.80.7
अ॒ग्नये॒ ब्रह्म॑ ऋ॒भव॑स्ततक्षुर॒ग्निं म॒हाम॑वोचामा सुवृ॒क्तिम् ।
अग्ने॒ प्राव॑ जरि॒तारं॑ यवि॒ष्ठाग्ने॒ महि॒ द्रवि॑ण॒मा य॑जस्व ॥ १०.०८०.०७
a̱gnaye̱ brahma̍ ṛ̱bhava̍statakṣura̱gniṃ ma̱hāma̍vocāmā suvṛ̱ktim .
agne̱ prāva̍ jari̱tāra̍ṃ yavi̱ṣṭhāgne̱ mahi̱ dravi̍ṇa̱mā ya̍jasva .. 10.080.07
7 The Ṛbhus fabricated prayer for Agni, and we with mighty hymns have called on Agni.
Agni, Most Youthful God, protect the singer:- win us by worship, Agni, great possessions.
Sloka : 10.81.1
य इ॒मा विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि॒ जुह्व॒दृषि॒र्होता॒ न्यसी॑दत्पि॒ता नः॑ ।
स आ॒शिषा॒ द्रवि॑णमि॒च्छमा॑नः प्रथम॒च्छदव॑रा॒ँ आ वि॑वेश ॥ १०.०८१.०१
ya i̱mā viśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ juhva̱dṛṣi̱rhotā̱ nyasī̍datpi̱tā na̍ḥ .
sa ā̱śiṣā̱ dravi̍ṇami̱cchamā̍naḥ prathama̱cchadava̍rā̱m̐ ā vi̍veśa .. 10.081.01
1. HE who sate down as Hotar-priest, the Ṛṣi, our Father, offering up all things existing,
He, seeking through his wish a great possession, came among men on earth as archetypal.
Sloka : 10.81.2
किं स्वि॑दासीदधि॒ष्ठान॑मा॒रम्भ॑णं कत॒मत्स्वि॑त्क॒थासी॑त् ।
यतो॒ भूमिं॑ ज॒नय॑न्वि॒श्वक॑र्मा॒ वि द्यामौर्णो॑न्महि॒ना वि॒श्वच॑क्षाः ॥ १०.०८१.०२
kiṃ svi̍dāsīdadhi̱ṣṭhāna̍mā̱rambha̍ṇaṃ kata̱matsvi̍tka̱thāsī̍t .
yato̱ bhūmi̍ṃ ja̱naya̍nvi̱śvaka̍rmā̱ vi dyāmaurṇo̍nmahi̱nā vi̱śvaca̍kṣāḥ .. 10.081.02
2 What was the place whereon he took his station? What was it that supported him? How was it?
Whence Visvakarman, seeing all, producing the earth, with mighty power disclosed the heavens.
Sloka : 10.81.3
वि॒श्वत॑श्चक्षुरु॒त वि॒श्वतो॑मुखो वि॒श्वतो॑बाहुरु॒त वि॒श्वत॑स्पात् ।
सं बा॒हुभ्यां॒ धम॑ति॒ सं पत॑त्रै॒र्द्यावा॒भूमी॑ ज॒नय॑न्दे॒व एकः॑ ॥ १०.०८१.०३
vi̱śvata̍ścakṣuru̱ta vi̱śvato̍mukho vi̱śvato̍bāhuru̱ta vi̱śvata̍spāt .
saṃ bā̱hubhyā̱ṃ dhama̍ti̱ saṃ pata̍trai̱rdyāvā̱bhūmī̍ ja̱naya̍nde̱va eka̍ḥ .. 10.081.03
3 He who hath eyes on all sides round about him, a mouth on all sides, arms and feet on all sides,
He, the Sole God, producing earth and heaven, weldeth them, with his arms as wings, together.
Sloka : 10.81.4
किं स्वि॒द्वनं॒ क उ॒ स वृ॒क्ष आ॑स॒ यतो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी नि॑ष्टत॒क्षुः ।
मनी॑षिणो॒ मन॑सा पृ॒च्छतेदु॒ तद्यद॒ध्यति॑ष्ठ॒द्भुव॑नानि धा॒रय॑न् ॥ १०.०८१.०४
kiṃ svi̱dvana̱ṃ ka u̱ sa vṛ̱kṣa ā̍sa̱ yato̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ni̍ṣṭata̱kṣuḥ .
manī̍ṣiṇo̱ mana̍sā pṛ̱cchatedu̱ tadyada̱dhyati̍ṣṭha̱dbhuva̍nāni dhā̱raya̍n .. 10.081.04
4 What was the tree, what wood in sooth produced it, from which they fashioned out the earth and heaven?
Ye thoughtful men inquire within your spirit whereon he stood when he established all things.
Sloka : 10.81.5
या ते॒ धामा॑नि पर॒माणि॒ याव॒मा या म॑ध्य॒मा वि॑श्वकर्मन्नु॒तेमा ।
शिक्षा॒ सखि॑भ्यो ह॒विषि॑ स्वधावः स्व॒यं य॑जस्व त॒न्वं॑ वृधा॒नः ॥ १०.०८१.०५
yā te̱ dhāmā̍ni para̱māṇi̱ yāva̱mā yā ma̍dhya̱mā vi̍śvakarmannu̱temā .
śikṣā̱ sakhi̍bhyo ha̱viṣi̍ svadhāvaḥ sva̱yaṃ ya̍jasva ta̱nva̍ṃ vṛdhā̱naḥ .. 10.081.05
5 Nine highest, lowest, sacrificial natures, and these thy mid-most here, O Visvakarman,
Teach thou thy friends at sacrifice, O Blessed, and come thyself, exalted, to our worship.
Sloka : 10.81.6
विश्व॑कर्मन्ह॒विषा॑ वावृधा॒नः स्व॒यं य॑जस्व पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्याम् ।
मुह्य॑न्त्व॒न्ये अ॒भितो॒ जना॑स इ॒हास्माकं॑ म॒घवा॑ सू॒रिर॑स्तु ॥ १०.०८१.०६
viśva̍karmanha̱viṣā̍ vāvṛdhā̱naḥ sva̱yaṃ ya̍jasva pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyām .
muhya̍ntva̱nye a̱bhito̱ janā̍sa i̱hāsmāka̍ṃ ma̱ghavā̍ sū̱rira̍stu .. 10.081.06
6 Bring thou thyself, exalted with oblation, O Visvakarman, Earth and Heaven to worship.
Let other men around us live in folly here let us have a rich and liberal patron.
Sloka : 10.81.7
वा॒चस्पतिं॑ वि॒श्वक॑र्माणमू॒तये॑ मनो॒जुवं॒ वाजे॑ अ॒द्या हु॑वेम ।
स नो॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ हव॑नानि जोषद्वि॒श्वश॑म्भू॒रव॑से सा॒धुक॑र्मा ॥ १०.०८१.०७
vā̱caspati̍ṃ vi̱śvaka̍rmāṇamū̱taye̍ mano̱juva̱ṃ vāje̍ a̱dyā hu̍vema .
sa no̱ viśvā̍ni̱ hava̍nāni joṣadvi̱śvaśa̍mbhū̱rava̍se sā̱dhuka̍rmā .. 10.081.07
7 Let us invoke to-day, to aid our labour, the Lord of Speech, the thought-swift Visvakarman.
May he hear kindly all our invocations who gives all bliss for aid, whose works are righteous.
Sloka : 10.82.1
चक्षु॑षः पि॒ता मन॑सा॒ हि धीरो॑ घृ॒तमे॑ने अजन॒न्नन्न॑माने ।
य॒देदन्ता॒ अद॑दृहन्त॒ पूर्व॒ आदिद्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॑प्रथेताम् ॥ १०.०८२.०१
cakṣu̍ṣaḥ pi̱tā mana̍sā̱ hi dhīro̍ ghṛ̱tame̍ne ajana̱nnanna̍māne .
ya̱dedantā̱ ada̍dṛhanta̱ pūrva̱ ādiddyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̍prathetām .. 10.082.01
1. THE Father of the eye, the Wise in spirit, created both these worlds submerged in fatness.
Then when the eastern ends were firmly fastened, the heavens and the earth were far extended.
Sloka : 10.82.2
वि॒श्वक॑र्मा॒ विम॑ना॒ आद्विहा॑या धा॒ता वि॑धा॒ता प॑र॒मोत सं॒दृक् ।
तेषा॑मि॒ष्टानि॒ समि॒षा म॑दन्ति॒ यत्रा॑ सप्तऋ॒षीन्प॒र एक॑मा॒हुः ॥ १०.०८२.०२
vi̱śvaka̍rmā̱ vima̍nā̱ ādvihā̍yā dhā̱tā vi̍dhā̱tā pa̍ra̱mota sa̱ṃdṛk .
teṣā̍mi̱ṣṭāni̱ sami̱ṣā ma̍danti̱ yatrā̍ saptaṛ̱ṣīnpa̱ra eka̍mā̱huḥ .. 10.082.02
2 Mighty in mind and power is Visvakarman, Maker, Disposer, and most lofty Presence.
Their offerings joy in rich juice where they value One, only One, beyond the Seven Ṛṣis.
Sloka : 10.82.3
यो नः॑ पि॒ता ज॑नि॒ता यो वि॑धा॒ता धामा॑नि॒ वेद॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
यो दे॒वानां॑ नाम॒धा एक॑ ए॒व तं स॑म्प्र॒श्नं भुव॑ना यन्त्य॒न्या ॥ १०.०८२.०३
yo na̍ḥ pi̱tā ja̍ni̱tā yo vi̍dhā̱tā dhāmā̍ni̱ veda̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .
yo de̱vānā̍ṃ nāma̱dhā eka̍ e̱va taṃ sa̍mpra̱śnaṃ bhuva̍nā yantya̱nyā .. 10.082.03
3 Father who made us, he who, as Disposer, knoweth all races and all things existing,
Even he alone, the Deities' narne-giver,him other beings seek for information.
Sloka : 10.82.4
त आय॑जन्त॒ द्रवि॑णं॒ सम॑स्मा॒ ऋष॑यः॒ पूर्वे॑ जरि॒तारो॒ न भू॒ना ।
अ॒सूर्ते॒ सूर्ते॒ रज॑सि निष॒त्ते ये भू॒तानि॑ स॒मकृ॑ण्वन्नि॒मानि॑ ॥ १०.०८२.०४
ta āya̍janta̱ dravi̍ṇa̱ṃ sama̍smā̱ ṛṣa̍ya̱ḥ pūrve̍ jari̱tāro̱ na bhū̱nā .
a̱sūrte̱ sūrte̱ raja̍si niṣa̱tte ye bhū̱tāni̍ sa̱makṛ̍ṇvanni̱māni̍ .. 10.082.04
4 To him in sacrifice they offered treasures,Ṛṣis of old, in numerous troops, as singers,
Who, in the distant, near, and lower region, made ready all these things that have existence.
Sloka : 10.82.5
प॒रो दि॒वा प॒र ए॒ना पृ॑थि॒व्या प॒रो दे॒वेभि॒रसु॑रै॒र्यदस्ति॑ ।
कं स्वि॒द्गर्भं॑ प्रथ॒मं द॑ध्र॒ आपो॒ यत्र॑ दे॒वाः स॒मप॑श्यन्त॒ विश्वे॑ ॥ १०.०८२.०५
pa̱ro di̱vā pa̱ra e̱nā pṛ̍thi̱vyā pa̱ro de̱vebhi̱rasu̍rai̱ryadasti̍ .
kaṃ svi̱dgarbha̍ṃ pratha̱maṃ da̍dhra̱ āpo̱ yatra̍ de̱vāḥ sa̱mapa̍śyanta̱ viśve̍ .. 10.082.05
5 That which is earlier than this earth and heaven, before the Asuras and Gods had being,
What was the germ primeval which the waters received where all the Gods were seen together?
Sloka : 10.82.6
तमिद्गर्भं॑ प्रथ॒मं द॑ध्र॒ आपो॒ यत्र॑ दे॒वाः स॒मग॑च्छन्त॒ विश्वे॑ ।
अ॒जस्य॒ नाभा॒वध्येक॒मर्पि॑तं॒ यस्मि॒न्विश्वा॑नि॒ भुव॑नानि त॒स्थुः ॥ १०.०८२.०६
tamidgarbha̍ṃ pratha̱maṃ da̍dhra̱ āpo̱ yatra̍ de̱vāḥ sa̱maga̍cchanta̱ viśve̍ .
a̱jasya̱ nābhā̱vadhyeka̱marpi̍ta̱ṃ yasmi̱nviśvā̍ni̱ bhuva̍nāni ta̱sthuḥ .. 10.082.06
6 The waters, they received that germ primeval wherein the Gods were gathefed all together.
It rested set upon the Unborn's navel, that One wherein abide all things existing.
Sloka : 10.82.7
न तं वि॑दाथ॒ य इ॒मा ज॒जाना॒न्यद्यु॒ष्माक॒मन्त॑रं बभूव ।
नी॒हा॒रेण॒ प्रावृ॑ता॒ जल्प्या॑ चासु॒तृप॑ उक्थ॒शास॑श्चरन्ति ॥ १०.०८२.०७
na taṃ vi̍dātha̱ ya i̱mā ja̱jānā̱nyadyu̱ṣmāka̱manta̍raṃ babhūva .
nī̱hā̱reṇa̱ prāvṛ̍tā̱ jalpyā̍ cāsu̱tṛpa̍ uktha̱śāsa̍ścaranti .. 10.082.07
7 Ye will not find him who produced these creatures:- another thing hath risen up among you.
Enwrapt in misty cloud, with lips that stammer, hymn-chanters wander and are discontented.
Sloka : 10.83.1
यस्ते॑ म॒न्योऽवि॑धद्वज्र सायक॒ सह॒ ओजः॑ पुष्यति॒ विश्व॑मानु॒षक् ।
सा॒ह्याम॒ दास॒मार्यं॒ त्वया॑ यु॒जा सह॑स्कृतेन॒ सह॑सा॒ सह॑स्वता ॥ १०.०८३.०१
yaste̍ ma̱nyo'vi̍dhadvajra sāyaka̱ saha̱ oja̍ḥ puṣyati̱ viśva̍mānu̱ṣak .
sā̱hyāma̱ dāsa̱mārya̱ṃ tvayā̍ yu̱jā saha̍skṛtena̱ saha̍sā̱ saha̍svatā .. 10.083.01
1. HE who hath reverenced thee, Manyu, destructive bolt, breeds for himself forthwith all conquering energy.
Ārya and Dāsa will we conquer with thine aid, with thee the Conqueror, with conquest conquest-sped.
Sloka : 10.83.2
म॒न्युरिन्द्रो॑ म॒न्युरे॒वास॑ दे॒वो म॒न्युर्होता॒ वरु॑णो जा॒तवे॑दाः ।
म॒न्युं विश॑ ईळते॒ मानु॑षी॒र्याः पा॒हि नो॑ मन्यो॒ तप॑सा स॒जोषाः॑ ॥ १०.०८३.०२
ma̱nyurindro̍ ma̱nyure̱vāsa̍ de̱vo ma̱nyurhotā̱ varu̍ṇo jā̱tave̍dāḥ .
ma̱nyuṃ viśa̍ īl̤ate̱ mānu̍ṣī̱ryāḥ pā̱hi no̍ manyo̱ tapa̍sā sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .. 10.083.02
2 Manyu was Indra, yea, the God, was Manyu, Manyu was Hotar, Varuṇa, Jātavedas.
The tribes of human lineage worship Manyu. Accordant with thy fervour, Manyu, guard us.
Sloka : 10.83.3
अ॒भी॑हि मन्यो त॒वस॒स्तवी॑या॒न्तप॑सा यु॒जा वि ज॑हि॒ शत्रू॑न् ।
अ॒मि॒त्र॒हा वृ॑त्र॒हा द॑स्यु॒हा च॒ विश्वा॒ वसू॒न्या भ॑रा॒ त्वं नः॑ ॥ १०.०८३.०३
a̱bhī̍hi manyo ta̱vasa̱stavī̍yā̱ntapa̍sā yu̱jā vi ja̍hi̱ śatrū̍n .
a̱mi̱tra̱hā vṛ̍tra̱hā da̍syu̱hā ca̱ viśvā̱ vasū̱nyā bha̍rā̱ tvaṃ na̍ḥ .. 10.083.03
3 Come hither, Manyu, mightier tham the mighty; chase, with thy fervour for ally, our foemen.
Slayer of foes, of Vṛtra, and of Dasyu, bring thou to us all kinds of wealth and treasure.
Sloka : 10.83.4
त्वं हि म॑न्यो अ॒भिभू॑त्योजाः स्वय॒म्भूर्भामो॑ अभिमातिषा॒हः ।
वि॒श्वच॑र्षणिः॒ सहु॑रिः॒ सहा॑वान॒स्मास्वोजः॒ पृत॑नासु धेहि ॥ १०.०८३.०४
tvaṃ hi ma̍nyo a̱bhibhū̍tyojāḥ svaya̱mbhūrbhāmo̍ abhimātiṣā̱haḥ .
vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇi̱ḥ sahu̍ri̱ḥ sahā̍vāna̱smāsvoja̱ḥ pṛta̍nāsu dhehi .. 10.083.04
4 For thou art, Manyu, of surpassing vigour, fierce, queller of the foe, and self-existent,
Shared by all men, victorious, subduer:- vouchsafe to us superior strengith in battles.
Sloka : 10.83.5
अ॒भा॒गः सन्नप॒ परे॑तो अस्मि॒ तव॒ क्रत्वा॑ तवि॒षस्य॑ प्रचेतः ।
तं त्वा॑ मन्यो अक्र॒तुर्जि॑हीळा॒हं स्वा त॒नूर्ब॑ल॒देया॑य॒ मेहि॑ ॥ १०.०८३.०५
a̱bhā̱gaḥ sannapa̱ pare̍to asmi̱ tava̱ kratvā̍ tavi̱ṣasya̍ pracetaḥ .
taṃ tvā̍ manyo akra̱turji̍hīl̤ā̱haṃ svā ta̱nūrba̍la̱deyā̍ya̱ mehi̍ .. 10.083.05
5 I have departed, still without a portion, wise God! according to thy will, the Mighty.
I, feeble man, was wroth thee, O Manyu I am myself; come thou to give me vigour.
Sloka : 10.83.6
अ॒यं ते॑ अ॒स्म्युप॒ मेह्य॒र्वाङ्प्र॑तीची॒नः स॑हुरे विश्वधायः ।
मन्यो॑ वज्रिन्न॒भि मामा व॑वृत्स्व॒ हना॑व॒ दस्यू॑ँरु॒त बो॑ध्या॒पेः ॥ १०.०८३.०६
a̱yaṃ te̍ a̱smyupa̱ mehya̱rvāṅpra̍tīcī̱naḥ sa̍hure viśvadhāyaḥ .
manyo̍ vajrinna̱bhi māmā va̍vṛtsva̱ hanā̍va̱ dasyū̍m̐ru̱ta bo̍dhyā̱peḥ .. 10.083.06
6 Come hither. I am all thine own; advancing turn thou to me, Victorious, All-supporter!
Come to me, Manyu, Wielder of the Thunder:- bethink thee of thy friend, and slay the Dasyus.
Sloka : 10.83.7
अ॒भि प्रेहि॑ दक्षिण॒तो भ॑वा॒ मेऽधा॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ जङ्घनाव॒ भूरि॑ ।
जु॒होमि॑ ते ध॒रुणं॒ मध्वो॒ अग्र॑मु॒भा उ॑पां॒शु प्र॑थ॒मा पि॑बाव ॥ १०.०८३.०७
a̱bhi prehi̍ dakṣiṇa̱to bha̍vā̱ me'dhā̍ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ jaṅghanāva̱ bhūri̍ .
ju̱homi̍ te dha̱ruṇa̱ṃ madhvo̱ agra̍mu̱bhā u̍pā̱ṃśu pra̍tha̱mā pi̍bāva .. 10.083.07
7 Approach, and on my right hand hold thy station:- so shall we slay a multitude of foemen.
The best of meath I offer to support thee:- may we be first to drink thereof in quiet.
Sloka : 10.84.1
त्वया॑ मन्यो स॒रथ॑मारु॒जन्तो॒ हर्ष॑माणासो धृषि॒ता म॑रुत्वः ।
ति॒ग्मेष॑व॒ आयु॑धा सं॒शिशा॑ना अ॒भि प्र य॑न्तु॒ नरो॑ अ॒ग्निरू॑पाः ॥ १०.०८४.०१
tvayā̍ manyo sa̱ratha̍māru̱janto̱ harṣa̍māṇāso dhṛṣi̱tā ma̍rutvaḥ .
ti̱gmeṣa̍va̱ āyu̍dhā sa̱ṃśiśā̍nā a̱bhi pra ya̍ntu̱ naro̍ a̱gnirū̍pāḥ .. 10.084.01
1. BORNE on with thee, O Manyu girt by Maruts, let our brave men, impetuous, bursting forward,
March on, like flames of fire in form, exulting, with pointed arrows, sharpening their weapons.
Sloka : 10.84.2
अ॒ग्निरि॑व मन्यो त्विषि॒तः स॑हस्व सेना॒नीर्नः॑ सहुरे हू॒त ए॑धि ।
ह॒त्वाय॒ शत्रू॒न्वि भ॑जस्व॒ वेद॒ ओजो॒ मिमा॑नो॒ वि मृधो॑ नुदस्व ॥ १०.०८४.०२
a̱gniri̍va manyo tviṣi̱taḥ sa̍hasva senā̱nīrna̍ḥ sahure hū̱ta e̍dhi .
ha̱tvāya̱ śatrū̱nvi bha̍jasva̱ veda̱ ojo̱ mimā̍no̱ vi mṛdho̍ nudasva .. 10.084.02
2 Flashing like fire, be thou, O conquering Manyu, invoked, O Victor, as our army's leader.
Slay thou our foes, distribute their possessions:- show forth thy vigour, scatter those who hate us.
Sloka : 10.84.3
सह॑स्व मन्यो अ॒भिमा॑तिम॒स्मे रु॒जन्मृ॒णन्प्र॑मृ॒णन्प्रेहि॒ शत्रू॑न् ।
उ॒ग्रं ते॒ पाजो॑ न॒न्वा रु॑रुध्रे व॒शी वशं॑ नयस एकज॒ त्वम् ॥ १०.०८४.०३
saha̍sva manyo a̱bhimā̍tima̱sme ru̱janmṛ̱ṇanpra̍mṛ̱ṇanprehi̱ śatrū̍n .
u̱graṃ te̱ pājo̍ na̱nvā ru̍rudhre va̱śī vaśa̍ṃ nayasa ekaja̱ tvam .. 10.084.03
3 O Manyu, overcome thou our assailant on! breaking, slaying, crushing down the foemen.
They have not hindered thine impetuous vigour:- Mighty, Sole born! thou makest them thy subjects.
Sloka : 10.84.4
एको॑ बहू॒नाम॑सि मन्यवीळि॒तो विशं॑विशं यु॒धये॒ सं शि॑शाधि ।
अकृ॑त्तरु॒क्त्वया॑ यु॒जा व॒यं द्यु॒मन्तं॒ घोषं॑ विज॒याय॑ कृण्महे ॥ १०.०८४.०४
eko̍ bahū̱nāma̍si manyavīl̤i̱to viśa̍ṃviśaṃ yu̱dhaye̱ saṃ śi̍śādhi .
akṛ̍ttaru̱ktvayā̍ yu̱jā va̱yaṃ dyu̱manta̱ṃ ghoṣa̍ṃ vija̱yāya̍ kṛṇmahe .. 10.084.04
4 Alone or many thou art worshipped, Manyu:- sharpen the spirit of each clan for battle.
With thee to aid, O thou of perfect splendour, we will uplift the glorious shout for conquest.
Sloka : 10.84.5
वि॒जे॒ष॒कृदिन्द्र॑ इवानवब्र॒वो॒३॒॑ऽस्माकं॑ मन्यो अधि॒पा भ॑वे॒ह ।
प्रि॒यं ते॒ नाम॑ सहुरे गृणीमसि वि॒द्मा तमुत्सं॒ यत॑ आब॒भूथ॑ ॥ १०.०८४.०५
vi̱je̱ṣa̱kṛdindra̍ ivānavabra̱vo̱3̱̎smāka̍ṃ manyo adhi̱pā bha̍ve̱ha .
pri̱yaṃ te̱ nāma̍ sahure gṛṇīmasi vi̱dmā tamutsa̱ṃ yata̍ āba̱bhūtha̍ .. 10.084.05
5 Unyielding bringing victory like Indra, O Manyu, be thou here our Sovran Ruler.
To thy dear name, O Victor, we sing praises:- we know the spring from which thou art come hither.
Sloka : 10.84.6
आभू॑त्या सह॒जा व॑ज्र सायक॒ सहो॑ बिभर्ष्यभिभूत॒ उत्त॑रम् ।
क्रत्वा॑ नो मन्यो स॒ह मे॒द्ये॑धि महाध॒नस्य॑ पुरुहूत सं॒सृजि॑ ॥ १०.०८४.०६
ābhū̍tyā saha̱jā va̍jra sāyaka̱ saho̍ bibharṣyabhibhūta̱ utta̍ram .
kratvā̍ no manyo sa̱ha me̱dye̍dhi mahādha̱nasya̍ puruhūta sa̱ṃsṛji̍ .. 10.084.06
6 Twin-born with power, destructive bolt of thunder, the highest conquering might is thine, Subduer!
Be friendly to its in thy spirit, Manyu, O Much-invoked, in shock of mighty battle.
Sloka : 10.84.7
संसृ॑ष्टं॒ धन॑मु॒भयं॑ स॒माकृ॑तम॒स्मभ्यं॑ दत्तां॒ वरु॑णश्च म॒न्युः ।
भियं॒ दधा॑ना॒ हृद॑येषु॒ शत्र॑वः॒ परा॑जितासो॒ अप॒ नि ल॑यन्ताम् ॥ १०.०८४.०७
saṃsṛ̍ṣṭa̱ṃ dhana̍mu̱bhaya̍ṃ sa̱mākṛ̍tama̱smabhya̍ṃ dattā̱ṃ varu̍ṇaśca ma̱nyuḥ .
bhiya̱ṃ dadhā̍nā̱ hṛda̍yeṣu̱ śatra̍va̱ḥ parā̍jitāso̱ apa̱ ni la̍yantām .. 10.084.07
7 For spoil let Varuṇa and Manyu give us the wealth of both sides gathered and collected;
And let our enemies with stricken spirits, oerwhelmed with terror, slink away defeated.
Sloka : 10.85.1
स॒त्येनोत्त॑भिता॒ भूमिः॒ सूर्ये॒णोत्त॑भिता॒ द्यौः ।
ऋ॒तेना॑दि॒त्यास्ति॑ष्ठन्ति दि॒वि सोमो॒ अधि॑ श्रि॒तः ॥ १०.०८५.०१
sa̱tyenotta̍bhitā̱ bhūmi̱ḥ sūrye̱ṇotta̍bhitā̱ dyauḥ .
ṛ̱tenā̍di̱tyāsti̍ṣṭhanti di̱vi somo̱ adhi̍ śri̱taḥ .. 10.085.01
1. TRUTH is the base that bears the earth; by Sūrya are the heavens sustained.
By Law the Ādityas stand secure, and Soma holds his place in heaven.
Sloka : 10.85.2
सोमे॑नादि॒त्या ब॒लिनः॒ सोमे॑न पृथि॒वी म॒ही ।
अथो॒ नक्ष॑त्राणामे॒षामु॒पस्थे॒ सोम॒ आहि॑तः ॥ १०.०८५.०२
some̍nādi̱tyā ba̱lina̱ḥ some̍na pṛthi̱vī ma̱hī .
atho̱ nakṣa̍trāṇāme̱ṣāmu̱pasthe̱ soma̱ āhi̍taḥ .. 10.085.02
2 By Soma are the Ādityas strong, by Soma mighty is the earth.
Thus Soma in the midst of all these constellations hath his place.
Sloka : 10.85.3
सोमं॑ मन्यते पपि॒वान्यत्स॑म्पिं॒षन्त्योष॑धिम् ।
सोमं॒ यं ब्र॒ह्माणो॑ वि॒दुर्न तस्या॑श्नाति॒ कश्च॒न ॥ १०.०८५.०३
soma̍ṃ manyate papi̱vānyatsa̍mpi̱ṃṣantyoṣa̍dhim .
soma̱ṃ yaṃ bra̱hmāṇo̍ vi̱durna tasyā̍śnāti̱ kaśca̱na .. 10.085.03
3 One thinks, when they have brayed the plant, that he hath drunk the Soma's juice;
Of him whom Brahmans truly know as Soma no one ever tastes.
Sloka : 10.85.4
आ॒च्छद्वि॑धानैर्गुपि॒तो बार्ह॑तैः सोम रक्षि॒तः ।
ग्राव्णा॒मिच्छृ॒ण्वन्ति॑ष्ठसि॒ न ते॑ अश्नाति॒ पार्थि॑वः ॥ १०.०८५.०४
ā̱cchadvi̍dhānairgupi̱to bārha̍taiḥ soma rakṣi̱taḥ .
grāvṇā̱micchṛ̱ṇvanti̍ṣṭhasi̱ na te̍ aśnāti̱ pārthi̍vaḥ .. 10.085.04
4 Soma, secured by sheltering rules, guarded by hymns in Brhati,
Thou standest listening to the stones none tastes of thee who dwells on earth.
Sloka : 10.85.5
यत्त्वा॑ देव प्र॒पिब॑न्ति॒ तत॒ आ प्या॑यसे॒ पुनः॑ ।
वा॒युः सोम॑स्य रक्षि॒ता समा॑नां॒ मास॒ आकृ॑तिः ॥ १०.०८५.०५
yattvā̍ deva pra̱piba̍nti̱ tata̱ ā pyā̍yase̱ puna̍ḥ .
vā̱yuḥ soma̍sya rakṣi̱tā samā̍nā̱ṃ māsa̱ ākṛ̍tiḥ .. 10.085.05
5 When they begin to drink thee then, O God, thou swellest out again.
Vāyu is Soma's guardian God. The Moon is that which shapes the years.
Sloka : 10.85.6
रैभ्या॑सीदनु॒देयी॑ नाराशं॒सी न्योच॑नी ।
सू॒र्याया॑ भ॒द्रमिद्वासो॒ गाथ॑यैति॒ परि॑ष्कृतम् ॥ १०.०८५.०६
raibhyā̍sīdanu̱deyī̍ nārāśa̱ṃsī nyoca̍nī .
sū̱ryāyā̍ bha̱dramidvāso̱ gātha̍yaiti̱ pari̍ṣkṛtam .. 10.085.06
6 Raibhi was her dear bridal friend, and Narasamsi led her home.
Lovely was Sūrya's robe:- she came to that which Gatha had adorned.
Sloka : 10.85.7
चित्ति॑रा उप॒बर्ह॑णं॒ चक्षु॑रा अ॒भ्यञ्ज॑नम् ।
द्यौर्भूमिः॒ कोश॑ आसी॒द्यदया॑त्सू॒र्या पति॑म् ॥ १०.०८५.०७
citti̍rā upa̱barha̍ṇa̱ṃ cakṣu̍rā a̱bhyañja̍nam .
dyaurbhūmi̱ḥ kośa̍ āsī̱dyadayā̍tsū̱ryā pati̍m .. 10.085.07
7 Thought was the pillow of her couch, sight was the unguent for her eyes:-
Her treasury was earth and heaven.ẉhen Sūrya went unto her Lord.
Sloka : 10.85.8
स्तोमा॑ आसन्प्रति॒धयः॑ कु॒रीरं॒ छन्द॑ ओप॒शः ।
सू॒र्याया॑ अ॒श्विना॑ व॒राग्निरा॑सीत्पुरोग॒वः ॥ १०.०८५.०८
stomā̍ āsanprati̱dhaya̍ḥ ku̱rīra̱ṃ chanda̍ opa̱śaḥ .
sū̱ryāyā̍ a̱śvinā̍ va̱rāgnirā̍sītpuroga̱vaḥ .. 10.085.08
8 Hymns were the cross-bars of the pole, Kurira-metre decked the car:-
The bridesmen were the Aśvin Pair Agni was leader of the train.
Sloka : 10.85.9
सोमो॑ वधू॒युर॑भवद॒श्विना॑स्तामु॒भा व॒रा ।
सू॒र्यां यत्पत्ये॒ शंस॑न्तीं॒ मन॑सा सवि॒ताद॑दात् ॥ १०.०८५.०९
somo̍ vadhū̱yura̍bhavada̱śvinā̍stāmu̱bhā va̱rā .
sū̱ryāṃ yatpatye̱ śaṃsa̍ntī̱ṃ mana̍sā savi̱tāda̍dāt .. 10.085.09
9 Soma was he who wooed the maid:- the groomsmen were both Aśvins, when
The Sun-God Savitar bestowed his willing Sūrya on her Lord.
Sloka : 10.85.10
मनो॑ अस्या॒ अन॑ आसी॒द्द्यौरा॑सीदु॒त च्छ॒दिः ।
शु॒क्राव॑न॒ड्वाहा॑वास्तां॒ यदया॑त्सू॒र्या गृ॒हम् ॥ १०.०८५.१०
mano̍ asyā̱ ana̍ āsī̱ddyaurā̍sīdu̱ta ccha̱diḥ .
śu̱krāva̍na̱ḍvāhā̍vāstā̱ṃ yadayā̍tsū̱ryā gṛ̱ham .. 10.085.10
10 Her spirit was the bridal car; the covering thereof was heaven:-
Bright were both Steers that drew it when Sūrya approached her husband's, home.
Sloka : 10.85.11
ऋ॒क्सा॒माभ्या॑म॒भिहि॑तौ॒ गावौ॑ ते साम॒नावि॑तः ।
श्रोत्रं॑ ते च॒क्रे आ॑स्तां दि॒वि पन्था॑श्चराचा॒रः ॥ १०.०८५.११
ṛ̱ksā̱mābhyā̍ma̱bhihi̍tau̱ gāvau̍ te sāma̱nāvi̍taḥ .
śrotra̍ṃ te ca̱kre ā̍stāṃ di̱vi panthā̍ścarācā̱raḥ .. 10.085.11
11 Thy Steers were steady, kept in place by holy verse and Sāma-hymn:-
All car were thy two chariot wheels:- thy path was tremulous in the sky,
Sloka : 10.85.12
शुची॑ ते च॒क्रे या॒त्या व्या॒नो अक्ष॒ आह॑तः ।
अनो॑ मन॒स्मयं॑ सू॒र्यारो॑हत्प्रय॒ती पति॑म् ॥ १०.०८५.१२
śucī̍ te ca̱kre yā̱tyā vyā̱no akṣa̱ āha̍taḥ .
ano̍ mana̱smaya̍ṃ sū̱ryāro̍hatpraya̱tī pati̍m .. 10.085.12
12 Clean, as thou wentest, were thy wheels wind, was the axle fastened there.
Sūrya, proceeding to her Lord, mounted a spirit-fashioried car.
Sloka : 10.85.13
सू॒र्याया॑ वह॒तुः प्रागा॑त्सवि॒ता यम॒वासृ॑जत् ।
अ॒घासु॑ हन्यन्ते॒ गावोऽर्जु॑न्योः॒ पर्यु॑ह्यते ॥ १०.०८५.१३
sū̱ryāyā̍ vaha̱tuḥ prāgā̍tsavi̱tā yama̱vāsṛ̍jat .
a̱ghāsu̍ hanyante̱ gāvo'rju̍nyo̱ḥ paryu̍hyate .. 10.085.13
13 The bridal pomp of Sūrya, which Savitar started, moved along.
In Magha days are oxen slain, in Arjuris they wed the bride.
Sloka : 10.85.14
यद॑श्विना पृ॒च्छमा॑ना॒वया॑तं त्रिच॒क्रेण॑ वह॒तुं सू॒र्यायाः॑ ।
विश्वे॑ दे॒वा अनु॒ तद्वा॑मजानन्पु॒त्रः पि॒तरा॑ववृणीत पू॒षा ॥ १०.०८५.१४
yada̍śvinā pṛ̱cchamā̍nā̱vayā̍taṃ trica̱kreṇa̍ vaha̱tuṃ sū̱ryāyā̍ḥ .
viśve̍ de̱vā anu̱ tadvā̍majānanpu̱traḥ pi̱tarā̍vavṛṇīta pū̱ṣā .. 10.085.14
14 When on your three-wheeled chariot, O Aśvins, ye came as wooers unto Sūrya's bridal,
Then all the Gods agreed to your proposal Pūṣan as Son elected you as Fathers.
Sloka : 10.85.15
यदया॑तं शुभस्पती वरे॒यं सू॒र्यामुप॑ ।
क्वैकं॑ च॒क्रं वा॑मासी॒त्क्व॑ दे॒ष्ट्राय॑ तस्थथुः ॥ १०.०८५.१५
yadayā̍taṃ śubhaspatī vare̱yaṃ sū̱ryāmupa̍ .
kvaika̍ṃ ca̱kraṃ vā̍māsī̱tkva̍ de̱ṣṭrāya̍ tasthathuḥ .. 10.085.15
15 O ye Two Lords of lustre, then when ye to Sūrya's wooing came,
Where was one chariot wheel of yours? Where stood ye for die Sire's command?
Sloka : 10.85.16
द्वे ते॑ च॒क्रे सू॑र्ये ब्र॒ह्माण॑ ऋतु॒था वि॑दुः ।
अथैकं॑ च॒क्रं यद्गुहा॒ तद॑द्धा॒तय॒ इद्वि॑दुः ॥ १०.०८५.१६
dve te̍ ca̱kre sū̍rye bra̱hmāṇa̍ ṛtu̱thā vi̍duḥ .
athaika̍ṃ ca̱kraṃ yadguhā̱ tada̍ddhā̱taya̱ idvi̍duḥ .. 10.085.16
16 The Brahmans, by their seasons, know, O Sūrya, those two wheels of thine:-
One kept concealed, those only who are skilled in highest truths have learned.
Sloka : 10.85.17
सू॒र्यायै॑ दे॒वेभ्यो॑ मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय च ।
ये भू॒तस्य॒ प्रचे॑तस इ॒दं तेभ्यो॑ऽकरं॒ नमः॑ ॥ १०.०८५.१७
sū̱ryāyai̍ de̱vebhyo̍ mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya ca .
ye bhū̱tasya̱ prace̍tasa i̱daṃ tebhyo̎kara̱ṃ nama̍ḥ .. 10.085.17
17 To Sūrya and the Deities, to Mitra and to Varuṇa.
Who know aright the thing that is, this adoration have I paid.
Sloka : 10.85.18
पू॒र्वा॒प॒रं च॑रतो मा॒ययै॒तौ शिशू॒ क्रीळ॑न्तौ॒ परि॑ यातो अध्व॒रम् ।
विश्वा॑न्य॒न्यो भुव॑नाभि॒चष्ट॑ ऋ॒तूँर॒न्यो वि॒दध॑ज्जायते॒ पुनः॑ ॥ १०.०८५.१८
pū̱rvā̱pa̱raṃ ca̍rato mā̱yayai̱tau śiśū̱ krīl̤a̍ntau̱ pari̍ yāto adhva̱ram .
viśvā̍nya̱nyo bhuva̍nābhi̱caṣṭa̍ ṛ̱tūm̐ra̱nyo vi̱dadha̍jjāyate̱ puna̍ḥ .. 10.085.18
18 By their own power these Twain in close succession move;
They go as playing children round the sacrifice.
One of the Pair beholdeth all existing things; the other ordereth seasons and is born again.
Sloka : 10.85.19
नवो॑नवो भवति॒ जाय॑मा॒नोऽह्नां॑ के॒तुरु॒षसा॑मे॒त्यग्र॑म् ।
भा॒गं दे॒वेभ्यो॒ वि द॑धात्या॒यन्प्र च॒न्द्रमा॑स्तिरते दी॒र्घमायुः॑ ॥ १०.०८५.१९
navo̍navo bhavati̱ jāya̍mā̱no'hnā̍ṃ ke̱turu̱ṣasā̍me̱tyagra̍m .
bhā̱gaṃ de̱vebhyo̱ vi da̍dhātyā̱yanpra ca̱ndramā̍stirate dī̱rghamāyu̍ḥ .. 10.085.19
19 He, born afresh, is new and new for ever ensign of days he goes before the Mornings
Coming, he orders f6r the Gods their portion. The Moon prolongs the days of our existence.
Sloka : 10.85.20
सु॒किं॒शु॒कं श॑ल्म॒लिं वि॒श्वरू॑पं॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्णं सु॒वृतं॑ सुच॒क्रम् ।
आ रो॑ह सूर्ये अ॒मृत॑स्य लो॒कं स्यो॒नं पत्ये॑ वह॒तुं कृ॑णुष्व ॥ १०.०८५.२०
su̱ki̱ṃśu̱kaṃ śa̍lma̱liṃ vi̱śvarū̍pa̱ṃ hira̍ṇyavarṇaṃ su̱vṛta̍ṃ suca̱kram .
ā ro̍ha sūrye a̱mṛta̍sya lo̱kaṃ syo̱naṃ patye̍ vaha̱tuṃ kṛ̍ṇuṣva .. 10.085.20
20 Mount this, all-shaped, gold-hued, with strong wheels, fashioned of Kimsuka and Salmali, light-rolling,
Bound for the world of life immortal, Sūrya:- make for thy lord a happy bridal journey.
Sloka : 10.85.21
उदी॒र्ष्वातः॒ पति॑वती॒ ह्ये॒३॒॑षा वि॒श्वाव॑सुं॒ नम॑सा गी॒र्भिरी॑ळे ।
अ॒न्यामि॑च्छ पितृ॒षदं॒ व्य॑क्तां॒ स ते॑ भा॒गो ज॒नुषा॒ तस्य॑ विद्धि ॥ १०.०८५.२१
udī̱rṣvāta̱ḥ pati̍vatī̱ hye̱3̱̍ṣā vi̱śvāva̍su̱ṃ nama̍sā gī̱rbhirī̍l̤e .
a̱nyāmi̍ccha pitṛ̱ṣada̱ṃ vya̍ktā̱ṃ sa te̍ bhā̱go ja̱nuṣā̱ tasya̍ viddhi .. 10.085.21
21 Rise up from hence:- this maiden hath a husband. I laud Visvavasu with hymns and homage.
Seek in her father's home another fair one, and find the portion from of old assigned thee.
Sloka : 10.85.22
उदी॒र्ष्वातो॑ विश्वावसो॒ नम॑सेळा महे त्वा ।
अ॒न्यामि॑च्छ प्रफ॒र्व्यं१॒॑ सं जा॒यां पत्या॑ सृज ॥ १०.०८५.२२
udī̱rṣvāto̍ viśvāvaso̱ nama̍sel̤ā mahe tvā .
a̱nyāmi̍ccha prapha̱rvyaṃ1̱̍ saṃ jā̱yāṃ patyā̍ sṛja .. 10.085.22
22 Rise up from hence, Visvavasu:- with reverence we worship thee.
Seek thou another willing maid, and with her husband leave the bride.
Sloka : 10.85.23
अ॒नृ॒क्ष॒रा ऋ॒जवः॑ सन्तु॒ पन्था॒ येभिः॒ सखा॑यो॒ यन्ति॑ नो वरे॒यम् ।
सम॑र्य॒मा सं भगो॑ नो निनीया॒त्सं जा॑स्प॒त्यं सु॒यम॑मस्तु देवाः ॥ १०.०८५.२३
a̱nṛ̱kṣa̱rā ṛ̱java̍ḥ santu̱ panthā̱ yebhi̱ḥ sakhā̍yo̱ yanti̍ no vare̱yam .
sama̍rya̱mā saṃ bhago̍ no ninīyā̱tsaṃ jā̍spa̱tyaṃ su̱yama̍mastu devāḥ .. 10.085.23
23 Straight in direction be the path:-s, and thornless, whereon our fellows travel to the wooing.
Let Aryaman and Bhaga lead us:- perfect, O Gods, the union of the wife and husband.
Sloka : 10.85.24
प्र त्वा॑ मुञ्चामि॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ पाशा॒द्येन॒ त्वाब॑ध्नात्सवि॒ता सु॒शेवः॑ ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ योनौ॑ सुकृ॒तस्य॑ लो॒केऽरि॑ष्टां त्वा स॒ह पत्या॑ दधामि ॥ १०.०८५.२४
pra tvā̍ muñcāmi̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ pāśā̱dyena̱ tvāba̍dhnātsavi̱tā su̱śeva̍ḥ .
ṛ̱tasya̱ yonau̍ sukṛ̱tasya̍ lo̱ke'ri̍ṣṭāṃ tvā sa̱ha patyā̍ dadhāmi .. 10.085.24
24 Now from the noose of Varuṇa I free thee, wherewith Most Blessed Savitar hath bound thee.
In Law's seat, to the world of virtuous action, I give thee up uninjured with thy consort.
Sloka : 10.85.25
प्रेतो मु॒ञ्चामि॒ नामुतः॑ सुब॒द्धाम॒मुत॑स्करम् ।
यथे॒यमि॑न्द्र मीढ्वः सुपु॒त्रा सु॒भगास॑ति ॥ १०.०८५.२५
preto mu̱ñcāmi̱ nāmuta̍ḥ suba̱ddhāma̱muta̍skaram .
yathe̱yami̍ndra mīḍhvaḥ supu̱trā su̱bhagāsa̍ti .. 10.085.25
25 Hence, and not thence, I send these free. I make thee softly fettered there.
That, Bounteous Indra, she may live blest in her fortune and her sons.
Sloka : 10.85.26
पू॒षा त्वे॒तो न॑यतु हस्त॒गृह्या॒श्विना॑ त्वा॒ प्र व॑हतां॒ रथे॑न ।
गृ॒हान्ग॑च्छ गृ॒हप॑त्नी॒ यथासो॑ व॒शिनी॒ त्वं वि॒दथ॒मा व॑दासि ॥ १०.०८५.२६
pū̱ṣā tve̱to na̍yatu hasta̱gṛhyā̱śvinā̍ tvā̱ pra va̍hatā̱ṃ rathe̍na .
gṛ̱hānga̍ccha gṛ̱hapa̍tnī̱ yathāso̍ va̱śinī̱ tvaṃ vi̱datha̱mā va̍dāsi .. 10.085.26
26 Let Pūṣan take thy hand and hence conduct thee; may the two Aśvins on their car transport thee.
Go to the house to be the household's mistress and speak as lady ito thy gathered people.
Sloka : 10.85.27
इ॒ह प्रि॒यं प्र॒जया॑ ते॒ समृ॑ध्यताम॒स्मिन्गृ॒हे गार्ह॑पत्याय जागृहि ।
ए॒ना पत्या॑ त॒न्वं१॒॑ सं सृ॑ज॒स्वाधा॒ जिव्री॑ वि॒दथ॒मा व॑दाथः ॥ १०.०८५.२७
i̱ha pri̱yaṃ pra̱jayā̍ te̱ samṛ̍dhyatāma̱smingṛ̱he gārha̍patyāya jāgṛhi .
e̱nā patyā̍ ta̱nvaṃ1̱̍ saṃ sṛ̍ja̱svādhā̱ jivrī̍ vi̱datha̱mā va̍dāthaḥ .. 10.085.27
27 Happy be thou and prosper witlh thy children here:- be vigilant to rule thy household in this home.
Closely unite thy body with this; man, thy lord. So shall ye, full of years, address your company.
Sloka : 10.85.28
नी॒ल॒लो॒हि॒तं भ॑वति कृ॒त्यास॒क्तिर्व्य॑ज्यते ।
एध॑न्ते अस्या ज्ञा॒तयः॒ पति॑र्ब॒न्धेषु॑ बध्यते ॥ १०.०८५.२८
nī̱la̱lo̱hi̱taṃ bha̍vati kṛ̱tyāsa̱ktirvya̍jyate .
edha̍nte asyā jñā̱taya̱ḥ pati̍rba̱ndheṣu̍ badhyate .. 10.085.28
28 Her hue is blue and red:- the fienod who clingeth close is driven off.
Well thrive the kinsmen of this bride the husband is bourid fast in bonds.
Sloka : 10.85.29
परा॑ देहि शामु॒ल्यं॑ ब्र॒ह्मभ्यो॒ वि भ॑जा॒ वसु॑ ।
कृ॒त्यैषा प॒द्वती॑ भू॒त्व्या जा॒या वि॑शते॒ पति॑म् ॥ १०.०८५.२९
parā̍ dehi śāmu̱lya̍ṃ bra̱hmabhyo̱ vi bha̍jā̱ vasu̍ .
kṛ̱tyaiṣā pa̱dvatī̍ bhū̱tvyā jā̱yā vi̍śate̱ pati̍m .. 10.085.29
29 Give thou the woollen robe away:- deal treasure to the Brahman priests.
This female fiend hath got her feet, and as a wife attends her lord.
Sloka : 10.85.30
अ॒श्री॒रा त॒नूर्भ॑वति॒ रुश॑ती पा॒पया॑मु॒या ।
पति॒र्यद्व॒ध्वो॒३॒॑ वास॑सा॒ स्वमङ्ग॑मभि॒धित्स॑ते ॥ १०.०८५.३०
a̱śrī̱rā ta̱nūrbha̍vati̱ ruśa̍tī pā̱payā̍mu̱yā .
pati̱ryadva̱dhvo̱3̱̍ vāsa̍sā̱ svamaṅga̍mabhi̱dhitsa̍te .. 10.085.30
30 Unlovely is his body when it glistens with this wicked fiend,
What time the husband wraps about his limbs the garment of his wife.
Sloka : 10.85.31
ये व॒ध्व॑श्च॒न्द्रं व॑ह॒तुं यक्ष्मा॒ यन्ति॒ जना॒दनु॑ ।
पुन॒स्तान्य॒ज्ञिया॑ दे॒वा नय॑न्तु॒ यत॒ आग॑ताः ॥ १०.०८५.३१
ye va̱dhva̍śca̱ndraṃ va̍ha̱tuṃ yakṣmā̱ yanti̱ janā̱danu̍ .
puna̱stānya̱jñiyā̍ de̱vā naya̍ntu̱ yata̱ āga̍tāḥ .. 10.085.31
31 Consumptions, from her people, which follow the bride's resplendent train,
These let the Holy Gods again bear to the place from which they came.
Sloka : 10.85.32
मा वि॑दन्परिप॒न्थिनो॒ य आ॒सीद॑न्ति॒ दम्प॑ती ।
सु॒गेभि॑र्दु॒र्गमती॑ता॒मप॑ द्रा॒न्त्वरा॑तयः ॥ १०.०८५.३२
mā vi̍danparipa̱nthino̱ ya ā̱sīda̍nti̱ dampa̍tī .
su̱gebhi̍rdu̱rgamatī̍tā̱mapa̍ drā̱ntvarā̍tayaḥ .. 10.085.32
32 Let not the highway thieves who lie in ambush find the wedded pair.
By pleasant ways let them escape the danger, and let foes depart.
Sloka : 10.85.33
सु॒म॒ङ्ग॒लीरि॒यं व॒धूरि॒मां स॒मेत॒ पश्य॑त ।
सौभा॑ग्यमस्यै द॒त्त्वायाथास्तं॒ वि परे॑तन ॥ १०.०८५.३३
su̱ma̱ṅga̱līri̱yaṃ va̱dhūri̱māṃ sa̱meta̱ paśya̍ta .
saubhā̍gyamasyai da̱ttvāyāthāsta̱ṃ vi pare̍tana .. 10.085.33
33 Signs of good fortune mark the bride come all of you and look at her.
Wish her prosperity, and then return unto your homes again.
Sloka : 10.85.34
तृ॒ष्टमे॒तत्कटु॑कमे॒तद॑पा॒ष्ठव॑द्वि॒षव॒न्नैतदत्त॑वे ।
सू॒र्यां यो ब्र॒ह्मा वि॒द्यात्स इद्वाधू॑यमर्हति ॥ १०.०८५.३४
tṛ̱ṣṭame̱tatkaṭu̍kame̱tada̍pā̱ṣṭhava̍dvi̱ṣava̱nnaitadatta̍ve .
sū̱ryāṃ yo bra̱hmā vi̱dyātsa idvādhū̍yamarhati .. 10.085.34
34 Pungent is this, and bitter this, filled, as it were, with arrow-barbs, Empoisoned andṇot fit for use.
The Brahman who knows Sūrya well deserves the garment of the bride.
Sloka : 10.85.35
आ॒शस॑नं वि॒शस॑न॒मथो॑ अधिवि॒कर्त॑नम् ।
सू॒र्यायाः॑ पश्य रू॒पाणि॒ तानि॑ ब्र॒ह्मा तु शु॑न्धति ॥ १०.०८५.३५
ā̱śasa̍naṃ vi̱śasa̍na̱matho̍ adhivi̱karta̍nam .
sū̱ryāyā̍ḥ paśya rū̱pāṇi̱ tāni̍ bra̱hmā tu śu̍ndhati .. 10.085.35
35 The fringe, the cloth that decks her head, and then the triply parted robe,
Behold the hues which Sūrya wears these doth the Brahman purify.
Sloka : 10.85.36
गृ॒भ्णामि॑ ते सौभग॒त्वाय॒ हस्तं॒ मया॒ पत्या॑ ज॒रद॑ष्टि॒र्यथासः॑ ।
भगो॑ अर्य॒मा स॑वि॒ता पुरं॑धि॒र्मह्यं॑ त्वादु॒र्गार्ह॑पत्याय दे॒वाः ॥ १०.०८५.३६
gṛ̱bhṇāmi̍ te saubhaga̱tvāya̱ hasta̱ṃ mayā̱ patyā̍ ja̱rada̍ṣṭi̱ryathāsa̍ḥ .
bhago̍ arya̱mā sa̍vi̱tā pura̍ṃdhi̱rmahya̍ṃ tvādu̱rgārha̍patyāya de̱vāḥ .. 10.085.36
36 I take thy hand in mine for happy fortune that thou mayst reach old age with me thy husband.
Gods, Aryaman, Bhaga, Savitar, Purandhi, have given thee to be my household's mistress.
Sloka : 10.85.37
तां पू॑षञ्छि॒वत॑मा॒मेर॑यस्व॒ यस्यां॒ बीजं॑ मनु॒ष्या॒३॒॑ वप॑न्ति ।
या न॑ ऊ॒रू उ॑श॒ती वि॒श्रया॑ते॒ यस्या॑मु॒शन्तः॑ प्र॒हरा॑म॒ शेप॑म् ॥ १०.०८५.३७
tāṃ pū̍ṣañchi̱vata̍mā̱mera̍yasva̱ yasyā̱ṃ bīja̍ṃ manu̱ṣyā̱3̱̍ vapa̍nti .
yā na̍ ū̱rū u̍śa̱tī vi̱śrayā̍te̱ yasyā̍mu̱śanta̍ḥ pra̱harā̍ma̱ śepa̍m .. 10.085.37
37 O Pūṣan, send her on as most auspicious, her who shall be the sharer of my pleasures;
Her who shall twine her loving arms about me, and welcome all my love and mine embraces.
Sloka : 10.85.38
तुभ्य॒मग्रे॒ पर्य॑वहन्सू॒र्यां व॑ह॒तुना॑ स॒ह ।
पुनः॒ पति॑भ्यो जा॒यां दा अ॑ग्ने प्र॒जया॑ स॒ह ॥ १०.०८५.३८
tubhya̱magre̱ parya̍vahansū̱ryāṃ va̍ha̱tunā̍ sa̱ha .
puna̱ḥ pati̍bhyo jā̱yāṃ dā a̍gne pra̱jayā̍ sa̱ha .. 10.085.38
38 For thee, with bridal train, they, first, escorted Sūrya to her home.
Give to the husband in return, Agni, the wife with progeny.
Sloka : 10.85.39
पुनः॒ पत्नी॑म॒ग्निर॑दा॒दायु॑षा स॒ह वर्च॑सा ।
दी॒र्घायु॑रस्या॒ यः पति॒र्जीवा॑ति श॒रदः॑ श॒तम् ॥ १०.०८५.३९
puna̱ḥ patnī̍ma̱gnira̍dā̱dāyu̍ṣā sa̱ha varca̍sā .
dī̱rghāyu̍rasyā̱ yaḥ pati̱rjīvā̍ti śa̱rada̍ḥ śa̱tam .. 10.085.39
39 Agni hath given the bride again with splendour and with ample life.
Long lived be he who is her lord; a hundred autumns let him live.
Sloka : 10.85.40
सोमः॑ प्रथ॒मो वि॑विदे गन्ध॒र्वो वि॑विद॒ उत्त॑रः ।
तृ॒तीयो॑ अ॒ग्निष्टे॒ पति॑स्तु॒रीय॑स्ते मनुष्य॒जाः ॥ १०.०८५.४०
soma̍ḥ pratha̱mo vi̍vide gandha̱rvo vi̍vida̱ utta̍raḥ .
tṛ̱tīyo̍ a̱gniṣṭe̱ pati̍stu̱rīya̍ste manuṣya̱jāḥ .. 10.085.40
40 Soma obtained her first of all; next the Gandharva was her lord.
Agai was thy third husband:- now one bornof woman is thy fourth.
Sloka : 10.85.41
सोमो॑ ददद्गन्ध॒र्वाय॑ गन्ध॒र्वो द॑दद॒ग्नये॑ ।
र॒यिं च॑ पु॒त्राँश्चा॑दाद॒ग्निर्मह्य॒मथो॑ इ॒माम् ॥ १०.०८५.४१
somo̍ dadadgandha̱rvāya̍ gandha̱rvo da̍dada̱gnaye̍ .
ra̱yiṃ ca̍ pu̱trām̐ścā̍dāda̱gnirmahya̱matho̍ i̱mām .. 10.085.41
41 Soma to the Gandharva, and to Agni the Gandharva gave:-
And Agni hath bestowed on me riches and sons and this my spouse.
Sloka : 10.85.42
इ॒हैव स्तं॒ मा वि यौ॑ष्टं॒ विश्व॒मायु॒र्व्य॑श्नुतम् ।
क्रीळ॑न्तौ पु॒त्रैर्नप्तृ॑भि॒र्मोद॑मानौ॒ स्वे गृ॒हे ॥ १०.०८५.४२
i̱haiva sta̱ṃ mā vi yau̍ṣṭa̱ṃ viśva̱māyu̱rvya̍śnutam .
krīl̤a̍ntau pu̱trairnaptṛ̍bhi̱rmoda̍mānau̱ sve gṛ̱he .. 10.085.42
42 Be ye not parted; dwell ye here reach the full time of human life.
With sons and grandsons sport and play, rejoicing in your own abode.
Sloka : 10.85.43
आ नः॑ प्र॒जां ज॑नयतु प्र॒जाप॑तिराजर॒साय॒ सम॑नक्त्वर्य॒मा ।
अदु॑र्मङ्गलीः पतिलो॒कमा वि॑श॒ शं नो॑ भव द्वि॒पदे॒ शं चतु॑ष्पदे ॥ १०.०८५.४३
ā na̍ḥ pra̱jāṃ ja̍nayatu pra̱jāpa̍tirājara̱sāya̱ sama̍naktvarya̱mā .
adu̍rmaṅgalīḥ patilo̱kamā vi̍śa̱ śaṃ no̍ bhava dvi̱pade̱ śaṃ catu̍ṣpade .. 10.085.43
43 So may Prajāpati bring children forth to us; may Aryaman adorn us till old age come nigh.
Not inauspicious enter thou thy husband's house:- bring blessing to our bipeds and our quadrupeds.
Sloka : 10.85.44
अघो॑रचक्षु॒रप॑तिघ्न्येधि शि॒वा प॒शुभ्यः॑ सु॒मनाः॑ सु॒वर्चाः॑ ।
वी॒र॒सूर्दे॒वका॑मा स्यो॒ना शं नो॑ भव द्वि॒पदे॒ शं चतु॑ष्पदे ॥ १०.०८५.४४
agho̍racakṣu̱rapa̍tighnyedhi śi̱vā pa̱śubhya̍ḥ su̱manā̍ḥ su̱varcā̍ḥ .
vī̱ra̱sūrde̱vakā̍mā syo̱nā śaṃ no̍ bhava dvi̱pade̱ śaṃ catu̍ṣpade .. 10.085.44
44 Not evil-eyed, no slayer of thy husband, bring weal to cattle, radiant, gentlehearted;
Loving the Gods, delightful, bearing heroes, bring blessing to our quadrupeds and bipeds.
Sloka : 10.85.45
इ॒मां त्वमि॑न्द्र मीढ्वः सुपु॒त्रां सु॒भगां॑ कृणु ।
दशा॑स्यां पु॒त्राना धे॑हि॒ पति॑मेकाद॒शं कृ॑धि ॥ १०.०८५.४५
i̱māṃ tvami̍ndra mīḍhvaḥ supu̱trāṃ su̱bhagā̍ṃ kṛṇu .
daśā̍syāṃ pu̱trānā dhe̍hi̱ pati̍mekāda̱śaṃ kṛ̍dhi .. 10.085.45
45 O Bounteous Indra, make this bride blest in her sons and fortunate.
Vouchsafe to her ten sons, and make her husband the eleventh man.
Sloka : 10.85.46
स॒म्राज्ञी॒ श्वशु॑रे भव स॒म्राज्ञी॑ श्व॒श्र्वां भ॑व ।
नना॑न्दरि स॒म्राज्ञी॑ भव स॒म्राज्ञी॒ अधि॑ दे॒वृषु॑ ॥ १०.०८५.४६
sa̱mrājñī̱ śvaśu̍re bhava sa̱mrājñī̍ śva̱śrvāṃ bha̍va .
nanā̍ndari sa̱mrājñī̍ bhava sa̱mrājñī̱ adhi̍ de̱vṛṣu̍ .. 10.085.46
46 Over thy husband's father and thy husband's mother bear full sway.
Over the sister of thy lord, over his brothers rule supreme.
Sloka : 10.85.47
सम॑ञ्जन्तु॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः समापो॒ हृद॑यानि नौ ।
सं मा॑त॒रिश्वा॒ सं धा॒ता समु॒ देष्ट्री॑ दधातु नौ ॥ १०.०८५.४७
sama̍ñjantu̱ viśve̍ de̱vāḥ samāpo̱ hṛda̍yāni nau .
saṃ mā̍ta̱riśvā̱ saṃ dhā̱tā samu̱ deṣṭrī̍ dadhātu nau .. 10.085.47
47 So may the Universal Gods, so may the Waters join our hearts.
May Mātariśvan, Dhātar, and Destri together bind us close.
Sloka : 10.86.1
वि हि सोतो॒रसृ॑क्षत॒ नेन्द्रं॑ दे॒वम॑मंसत ।
यत्राम॑दद्वृ॒षाक॑पिर॒र्यः पु॒ष्टेषु॒ मत्स॑खा॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०१
vi hi soto̱rasṛ̍kṣata̱ nendra̍ṃ de̱vama̍maṃsata .
yatrāma̍dadvṛ̱ṣāka̍pira̱ryaḥ pu̱ṣṭeṣu̱ matsa̍khā̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.01
1. MEN have abstained from pouring juice they count not Indra as a God.
Where at the votary's store my friend Vrsakapi hath drunk his fill. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.2
परा॒ ही॑न्द्र॒ धाव॑सि वृ॒षाक॑पे॒रति॒ व्यथिः॑ ।
नो अह॒ प्र वि॑न्दस्य॒न्यत्र॒ सोम॑पीतये॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०२
parā̱ hī̍ndra̱ dhāva̍si vṛ̱ṣāka̍pe̱rati̱ vyathi̍ḥ .
no aha̱ pra vi̍ndasya̱nyatra̱ soma̍pītaye̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.02
2 Thou, Indra, heedless passest by the ill Vrsakapi hath wrought;
Yet nowhere else thou findest place wherein to drink the Soma juice. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.3
किम॒यं त्वां वृ॒षाक॑पिश्च॒कार॒ हरि॑तो मृ॒गः ।
यस्मा॑ इर॒स्यसीदु॒ न्व१॒॑र्यो वा॑ पुष्टि॒मद्वसु॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०३
kima̱yaṃ tvāṃ vṛ̱ṣāka̍piśca̱kāra̱ hari̍to mṛ̱gaḥ .
yasmā̍ ira̱syasīdu̱ nva1̱̍ryo vā̍ puṣṭi̱madvasu̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.03
3 What hath he done to injure thee, this tawny beast Vrsakapi,
With whom thou art so angry now? What is the votary's foodful store? Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.4
यमि॒मं त्वं वृ॒षाक॑पिं प्रि॒यमि॑न्द्राभि॒रक्ष॑सि ।
श्वा न्व॑स्य जम्भिष॒दपि॒ कर्णे॑ वराह॒युर्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०४
yami̱maṃ tvaṃ vṛ̱ṣāka̍piṃ pri̱yami̍ndrābhi̱rakṣa̍si .
śvā nva̍sya jambhiṣa̱dapi̱ karṇe̍ varāha̱yurviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.04
4 Soon may the hound who hunts the boar seize him and bite him in the car,
O Indra, that Vrsakapi whom thou protectest as a friend, Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.5
प्रि॒या त॒ष्टानि॑ मे क॒पिर्व्य॑क्ता॒ व्य॑दूदुषत् ।
शिरो॒ न्व॑स्य राविषं॒ न सु॒गं दु॒ष्कृते॑ भुवं॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०५
pri̱yā ta̱ṣṭāni̍ me ka̱pirvya̍ktā̱ vya̍dūduṣat .
śiro̱ nva̍sya rāviṣa̱ṃ na su̱gaṃ du̱ṣkṛte̍ bhuva̱ṃ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.05
5 Kapi hath marred the beauteous things, all deftly wrought, that were my joy.
In pieces will I rend his head; the sinner's portion sball be woo. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.6
न मत्स्त्री सु॑भ॒सत्त॑रा॒ न सु॒याशु॑तरा भुवत् ।
न मत्प्रति॑च्यवीयसी॒ न सक्थ्युद्य॑मीयसी॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०६
na matstrī su̍bha̱satta̍rā̱ na su̱yāśu̍tarā bhuvat .
na matprati̍cyavīyasī̱ na sakthyudya̍mīyasī̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.06
6 No Dame hath ampler charms than 1, or greater wealth of love's delights.
None with more ardour offers all her beauty to her lord's embrace. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.7
उ॒वे अ॑म्ब सुलाभिके॒ यथे॑वा॒ङ्ग भ॑वि॒ष्यति॑ ।
भ॒सन्मे॑ अम्ब॒ सक्थि॑ मे॒ शिरो॑ मे॒ वी॑व हृष्यति॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०७
u̱ve a̍mba sulābhike̱ yathe̍vā̱ṅga bha̍vi̱ṣyati̍ .
bha̱sanme̍ amba̱ sakthi̍ me̱ śiro̍ me̱ vī̍va hṛṣyati̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.07
7 Mother whose love is quickly wibn, I say what verily will be.
My,breast, O Mother, and my head and both my hips seem quivering. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.8
किं सु॑बाहो स्वङ्गुरे॒ पृथु॑ष्टो॒ पृथु॑जाघने ।
किं शू॑रपत्नि न॒स्त्वम॒भ्य॑मीषि वृ॒षाक॑पिं॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०८
kiṃ su̍bāho svaṅgure̱ pṛthu̍ṣṭo̱ pṛthu̍jāghane .
kiṃ śū̍rapatni na̱stvama̱bhya̍mīṣi vṛ̱ṣāka̍pi̱ṃ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.08
8 Dame with the lovely hands and arms, with broad hair-plaits add ample hips,
Why, O thou Hero's wife, art thou angry with our Vrsakapi? Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.9
अ॒वीरा॑मिव॒ माम॒यं श॒रारु॑र॒भि म॑न्यते ।
उ॒ताहम॑स्मि वी॒रिणीन्द्र॑पत्नी म॒रुत्स॑खा॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.०९
a̱vīrā̍miva̱ māma̱yaṃ śa̱rāru̍ra̱bhi ma̍nyate .
u̱tāhama̍smi vī̱riṇīndra̍patnī ma̱rutsa̍khā̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.09
9 This noxious creature looks on me as one bereft of hero's love,
Yet Heroes for my sons have I, the Maruts Friend and Indra's Queen. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.10
सं॒हो॒त्रं स्म॑ पु॒रा नारी॒ सम॑नं॒ वाव॑ गच्छति ।
वे॒धा ऋ॒तस्य॑ वी॒रिणीन्द्र॑पत्नी महीयते॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१०
sa̱ṃho̱traṃ sma̍ pu̱rā nārī̱ sama̍na̱ṃ vāva̍ gacchati .
ve̱dhā ṛ̱tasya̍ vī̱riṇīndra̍patnī mahīyate̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.10
10 From olden time the matron goes to feast and general sacrifice.
Mother of Heroes, Indra's Queen, the rite's ordainer is extolled. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.11
इ॒न्द्रा॒णीमा॒सु नारि॑षु सु॒भगा॑म॒हम॑श्रवम् ।
न॒ह्य॑स्या अप॒रं च॒न ज॒रसा॒ मर॑ते॒ पति॒र्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.११
i̱ndrā̱ṇīmā̱su nāri̍ṣu su̱bhagā̍ma̱hama̍śravam .
na̱hya̍syā apa̱raṃ ca̱na ja̱rasā̱ mara̍te̱ pati̱rviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.11
11 So have I heard Indrāṇī called most fortunate among these Dames,
For never shall her Consort die in future time through length of days. Supreme is Indra overall.
Sloka : 10.86.12
नाहमि॑न्द्राणि रारण॒ सख्यु॑र्वृ॒षाक॑पेरृ॒ते ।
यस्ये॒दमप्यं॑ ह॒विः प्रि॒यं दे॒वेषु॒ गच्छ॑ति॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१२
nāhami̍ndrāṇi rāraṇa̱ sakhyu̍rvṛ̱ṣāka̍perṛ̱te .
yasye̱damapya̍ṃ ha̱viḥ pri̱yaṃ de̱veṣu̱ gaccha̍ti̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.12
12 Never, Indralni, have I joyed without my friend Vrsakapi,
Whose welcome offering here, made pure with water, goeth to the Gods. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.13
वृषा॑कपायि॒ रेव॑ति॒ सुपु॑त्र॒ आदु॒ सुस्नु॑षे ।
घस॑त्त॒ इन्द्र॑ उ॒क्षणः॑ प्रि॒यं का॑चित्क॒रं ह॒विर्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१३
vṛṣā̍kapāyi̱ reva̍ti̱ supu̍tra̱ ādu̱ susnu̍ṣe .
ghasa̍tta̱ indra̍ u̱kṣaṇa̍ḥ pri̱yaṃ kā̍citka̱raṃ ha̱virviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.13
13 Wealthy Vrsakapayi, blest with sons and consorts of thy sons,
Indra will eat thy bulls, thy dear oblation that effecteth much. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.14
उ॒क्ष्णो हि मे॒ पञ्च॑दश सा॒कं पच॑न्ति विंश॒तिम् ।
उ॒ताहम॑द्मि॒ पीव॒ इदु॒भा कु॒क्षी पृ॑णन्ति मे॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१४
u̱kṣṇo hi me̱ pañca̍daśa sā̱kaṃ paca̍nti viṃśa̱tim .
u̱tāhama̍dmi̱ pīva̱ idu̱bhā ku̱kṣī pṛ̍ṇanti me̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.14
14 Fifteen in number, then, for me a score of bullocks they prepare,
And I devour the fat thereof:- they fill my belly full with food. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.15
वृ॒ष॒भो न ति॒ग्मशृ॑ङ्गो॒ऽन्तर्यू॒थेषु॒ रोरु॑वत् ।
म॒न्थस्त॑ इन्द्र॒ शं हृ॒दे यं ते॑ सु॒नोति॑ भाव॒युर्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१५
vṛ̱ṣa̱bho na ti̱gmaśṛ̍ṅgo̱'ntaryū̱theṣu̱ roru̍vat .
ma̱nthasta̍ indra̱ śaṃ hṛ̱de yaṃ te̍ su̱noti̍ bhāva̱yurviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.15
15 Like as a bull with pointed horn, loud bellowing amid the herds,
Sweet to thine heart, O Indra, is the brew which she who tends thee pours. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.16
न सेशे॒ यस्य॒ रम्ब॑तेऽन्त॒रा स॒क्थ्या॒३॒॑ कपृ॑त् ।
सेदी॑शे॒ यस्य॑ रोम॒शं नि॑षे॒दुषो॑ वि॒जृम्भ॑ते॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१६
na seśe̱ yasya̱ ramba̍te'nta̱rā sa̱kthyā̱3̱̍ kapṛ̍t .
sedī̍śe̱ yasya̍ roma̱śaṃ ni̍ṣe̱duṣo̍ vi̱jṛmbha̍te̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.16
Sloka : 10.86.17
न सेशे॒ यस्य॑ रोम॒शं नि॑षे॒दुषो॑ वि॒जृम्भ॑ते ।
सेदी॑शे॒ यस्य॒ रम्ब॑तेऽन्त॒रा स॒क्थ्या॒३॒॑ कपृ॒द्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१७
na seśe̱ yasya̍ roma̱śaṃ ni̍ṣe̱duṣo̍ vi̱jṛmbha̍te .
sedī̍śe̱ yasya̱ ramba̍te'nta̱rā sa̱kthyā̱3̱̍ kapṛ̱dviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.17
Sloka : 10.86.18
अ॒यमि॑न्द्र वृ॒षाक॑पिः॒ पर॑स्वन्तं ह॒तं वि॑दत् ।
अ॒सिं सू॒नां नवं॑ च॒रुमादेध॒स्यान॒ आचि॑तं॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१८
a̱yami̍ndra vṛ̱ṣāka̍pi̱ḥ para̍svantaṃ ha̱taṃ vi̍dat .
a̱siṃ sū̱nāṃ nava̍ṃ ca̱rumādedha̱syāna̱ āci̍ta̱ṃ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.18
18 O Indra this Vrsakapi hath found a slain wild animal,
Dresser, and new-made pan, and knife, and wagon with a load of wood. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.19
अ॒यमे॑मि वि॒चाक॑शद्विचि॒न्वन्दास॒मार्य॑म् ।
पिबा॑मि पाक॒सुत्व॑नो॒ऽभि धीर॑मचाकशं॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.१९
a̱yame̍mi vi̱cāka̍śadvici̱nvandāsa̱mārya̍m .
pibā̍mi pāka̱sutva̍no̱'bhi dhīra̍macākaśa̱ṃ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.19
19 Distinguishing the Dāsa and the Ārya, viewing all, I go.
I look upon the wise, and drink the simple votary's Soma juice. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.20
धन्व॑ च॒ यत्कृ॒न्तत्रं॑ च॒ कति॑ स्वि॒त्ता वि योज॑ना ।
नेदी॑यसो वृषाक॒पेऽस्त॒मेहि॑ गृ॒हाँ उप॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.२०
dhanva̍ ca̱ yatkṛ̱ntatra̍ṃ ca̱ kati̍ svi̱ttā vi yoja̍nā .
nedī̍yaso vṛṣāka̱pe'sta̱mehi̍ gṛ̱hām̐ upa̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.20
20 The desert plains and steep descents, how many leagues in length they spread!
Go to the nearest houses, go unto thine home, Vrsakapi. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.21
पुन॒रेहि॑ वृषाकपे सुवि॒ता क॑ल्पयावहै ।
य ए॒ष स्व॑प्न॒नंश॒नोऽस्त॒मेषि॑ प॒था पुन॒र्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.२१
puna̱rehi̍ vṛṣākape suvi̱tā ka̍lpayāvahai .
ya e̱ṣa sva̍pna̱naṃśa̱no'sta̱meṣi̍ pa̱thā puna̱rviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.21
21 Turn thee again Vrsakapi:- we twain will bring thee happiness.
Thou goest homeward on thy way along this path which leads to sleep. Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.22
यदुद॑ञ्चो वृषाकपे गृ॒हमि॒न्द्राज॑गन्तन ।
क्व१॒॑ स्य पु॑ल्व॒घो मृ॒गः कम॑गञ्जन॒योप॑नो॒ विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.२२
yaduda̍ñco vṛṣākape gṛ̱hami̱ndrāja̍gantana .
kva1̱̍ sya pu̍lva̱gho mṛ̱gaḥ kama̍gañjana̱yopa̍no̱ viśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.22
22 When, Indra and Vrsakapi, ye travelled upward to your home,
Where was that noisome beast, to whom went it, the beast that troubles man? Supreme is Indra over all.
Sloka : 10.86.23
पर्शु॑र्ह॒ नाम॑ मान॒वी सा॒कं स॑सूव विंश॒तिम् ।
भ॒द्रं भ॑ल॒ त्यस्या॑ अभू॒द्यस्या॑ उ॒दर॒माम॑य॒द्विश्व॑स्मा॒दिन्द्र॒ उत्त॑रः ॥ १०.०८६.२३
parśu̍rha̱ nāma̍ māna̱vī sā̱kaṃ sa̍sūva viṃśa̱tim .
bha̱draṃ bha̍la̱ tyasyā̍ abhū̱dyasyā̍ u̱dara̱māma̍ya̱dviśva̍smā̱dindra̱ utta̍raḥ .. 10.086.23
23 Daughter of Manu, Parsu bare a score of children at a birth.
Her portion verily was bliss although her burthen caused her grief.
Sloka : 10.87.1
र॒क्षो॒हणं॑ वा॒जिन॒मा जि॑घर्मि मि॒त्रं प्रथि॑ष्ठ॒मुप॑ यामि॒ शर्म॑ ।
शिशा॑नो अ॒ग्निः क्रतु॑भिः॒ समि॑द्धः॒ स नो॒ दिवा॒ स रि॒षः पा॑तु॒ नक्त॑म् ॥ १०.०८७.०१
ra̱kṣo̱haṇa̍ṃ vā̱jina̱mā ji̍gharmi mi̱traṃ prathi̍ṣṭha̱mupa̍ yāmi̱ śarma̍ .
śiśā̍no a̱gniḥ kratu̍bhi̱ḥ sami̍ddha̱ḥ sa no̱ divā̱ sa ri̱ṣaḥ pā̍tu̱ nakta̍m .. 10.087.01
1. I BALM with oil the mighty Rakṣas-slayer; to the most famous Friend I come for shelter
Enkindled, sharpened by our rites, may Agni protect us in the day and night from evil.
Sloka : 10.87.2
अयो॑दंष्ट्रो अ॒र्चिषा॑ यातु॒धाना॒नुप॑ स्पृश जातवेदः॒ समि॑द्धः ।
आ जि॒ह्वया॒ मूर॑देवान्रभस्व क्र॒व्यादो॑ वृ॒क्त्व्यपि॑ धत्स्वा॒सन् ॥ १०.०८७.०२
ayo̍daṃṣṭro a̱rciṣā̍ yātu̱dhānā̱nupa̍ spṛśa jātaveda̱ḥ sami̍ddhaḥ .
ā ji̱hvayā̱ mūra̍devānrabhasva kra̱vyādo̍ vṛ̱ktvyapi̍ dhatsvā̱san .. 10.087.02
2 O Jātavedas with the teeth of iron, enkindled with thy flame attack the demons.
Seize with thy longue the foolish gods' adorers:- rend, put within thy mouth the raw-flesh caters.
Sloka : 10.87.3
उ॒भोभ॑यावि॒न्नुप॑ धेहि॒ दंष्ट्रा॑ हिं॒स्रः शिशा॒नोऽव॑रं॒ परं॑ च ।
उ॒तान्तरि॑क्षे॒ परि॑ याहि राज॒ञ्जम्भैः॒ सं धे॑ह्य॒भि या॑तु॒धाना॑न् ॥ १०.०८७.०३
u̱bhobha̍yāvi̱nnupa̍ dhehi̱ daṃṣṭrā̍ hi̱ṃsraḥ śiśā̱no'va̍ra̱ṃ para̍ṃ ca .
u̱tāntari̍kṣe̱ pari̍ yāhi rāja̱ñjambhai̱ḥ saṃ dhe̍hya̱bhi yā̍tu̱dhānā̍n .. 10.087.03
3 Apply thy teeth, the upper and the lower, thou who hast both, enkindled and destroying.
Roam also in the air, O King, around us, and with thy jaws assail the wicked spirits.
Sloka : 10.87.4
य॒ज्ञैरिषूः॑ सं॒नम॑मानो अग्ने वा॒चा श॒ल्याँ अ॒शनि॑भिर्दिहा॒नः ।
ताभि॑र्विध्य॒ हृद॑ये यातु॒धाना॑न्प्रती॒चो बा॒हून्प्रति॑ भङ्ध्येषाम् ॥ १०.०८७.०४
ya̱jñairiṣū̍ḥ sa̱ṃnama̍māno agne vā̱cā śa̱lyām̐ a̱śani̍bhirdihā̱naḥ .
tābhi̍rvidhya̱ hṛda̍ye yātu̱dhānā̍npratī̱co bā̱hūnprati̍ bhaṅdhyeṣām .. 10.087.04
4 Bending thy shafts through sacrifices, Agni, whetting their points with song as if with whetstones,
Pierce to the heart therewith the Yātudhānas, and break their arms uplifed to attack thee.
Sloka : 10.87.5
अग्ने॒ त्वचं॑ यातु॒धान॑स्य भिन्धि हिं॒स्राशनि॒र्हर॑सा हन्त्वेनम् ।
प्र पर्वा॑णि जातवेदः शृणीहि क्र॒व्यात्क्र॑वि॒ष्णुर्वि चि॑नोतु वृ॒क्णम् ॥ १०.०८७.०५
agne̱ tvaca̍ṃ yātu̱dhāna̍sya bhindhi hi̱ṃsrāśani̱rhara̍sā hantvenam .
pra parvā̍ṇi jātavedaḥ śṛṇīhi kra̱vyātkra̍vi̱ṣṇurvi ci̍notu vṛ̱kṇam .. 10.087.05
5 Pierce through the Yātudhāna's skin, O Agni; let the destroying dart with fire consume him.
Rend his joints, Jātavedas, let the cater of flesh, flesh-seeking, track his mangled body.
Sloka : 10.87.6
यत्रे॒दानीं॒ पश्य॑सि जातवेद॒स्तिष्ठ॑न्तमग्न उ॒त वा॒ चर॑न्तम् ।
यद्वा॒न्तरि॑क्षे प॒थिभिः॒ पत॑न्तं॒ तमस्ता॑ विध्य॒ शर्वा॒ शिशा॑नः ॥ १०.०८७.०६
yatre̱dānī̱ṃ paśya̍si jātaveda̱stiṣṭha̍ntamagna u̱ta vā̱ cara̍ntam .
yadvā̱ntari̍kṣe pa̱thibhi̱ḥ pata̍nta̱ṃ tamastā̍ vidhya̱ śarvā̱ śiśā̍naḥ .. 10.087.06
6 Where now thou seest Agni Jātavedas, one of these demons standing still or roaming,
Or flying on those paths in air's midregion, sharpen the shaft and as an archer pierce him.
Sloka : 10.87.7
उ॒ताल॑ब्धं स्पृणुहि जातवेद आलेभा॒नादृ॒ष्टिभि॑र्यातु॒धाना॑त् ।
अग्ने॒ पूर्वो॒ नि ज॑हि॒ शोशु॑चान आ॒मादः॒ क्ष्विङ्का॒स्तम॑द॒न्त्वेनीः॑ ॥ १०.०८७.०७
u̱tāla̍bdhaṃ spṛṇuhi jātaveda ālebhā̱nādṛ̱ṣṭibhi̍ryātu̱dhānā̍t .
agne̱ pūrvo̱ ni ja̍hi̱ śośu̍cāna ā̱māda̱ḥ kṣviṅkā̱stama̍da̱ntvenī̍ḥ .. 10.087.07
7 Tear from the evil spirit, Jātavedas, what he hath seized and with his spears hath captured.
Blazing before him strike him down, O Agni; let spotted carrion-eating kites devour him.
Sloka : 10.87.8
इ॒ह प्र ब्रू॑हि यत॒मः सो अ॑ग्ने॒ यो या॑तु॒धानो॒ य इ॒दं कृ॒णोति॑ ।
तमा र॑भस्व स॒मिधा॑ यविष्ठ नृ॒चक्ष॑स॒श्चक्षु॑षे रन्धयैनम् ॥ १०.०८७.०८
i̱ha pra brū̍hi yata̱maḥ so a̍gne̱ yo yā̍tu̱dhāno̱ ya i̱daṃ kṛ̱ṇoti̍ .
tamā ra̍bhasva sa̱midhā̍ yaviṣṭha nṛ̱cakṣa̍sa̱ścakṣu̍ṣe randhayainam .. 10.087.08
8 Here tell this forth, O Agni:- whosoever is, he himself, or acteth as, a demon,
Him grasp, O thou Most Youthful, with thy fuel. to the Mati-seer's eye give him as booty.
Sloka : 10.87.9
ती॒क्ष्णेना॑ग्ने॒ चक्षु॑षा रक्ष य॒ज्ञं प्राञ्चं॒ वसु॑भ्यः॒ प्र ण॑य प्रचेतः ।
हिं॒स्रं रक्षां॑स्य॒भि शोशु॑चानं॒ मा त्वा॑ दभन्यातु॒धाना॑ नृचक्षः ॥ १०.०८७.०९
tī̱kṣṇenā̍gne̱ cakṣu̍ṣā rakṣa ya̱jñaṃ prāñca̱ṃ vasu̍bhya̱ḥ pra ṇa̍ya pracetaḥ .
hi̱ṃsraṃ rakṣā̍ṃsya̱bhi śośu̍cāna̱ṃ mā tvā̍ dabhanyātu̱dhānā̍ nṛcakṣaḥ .. 10.087.09
9 With keen glance guard the sacrifice, O Agni:- thou Sage, conduct it onward to the Vasus.
Let not the fiends, O Man-beholder, harm thee burning against the Rākṣasas to slay them.
Sloka : 10.87.10
नृ॒चक्षा॒ रक्षः॒ परि॑ पश्य वि॒क्षु तस्य॒ त्रीणि॒ प्रति॑ शृणी॒ह्यग्रा॑ ।
तस्या॑ग्ने पृ॒ष्टीर्हर॑सा शृणीहि त्रे॒धा मूलं॑ यातु॒धान॑स्य वृश्च ॥ १०.०८७.१०
nṛ̱cakṣā̱ rakṣa̱ḥ pari̍ paśya vi̱kṣu tasya̱ trīṇi̱ prati̍ śṛṇī̱hyagrā̍ .
tasyā̍gne pṛ̱ṣṭīrhara̍sā śṛṇīhi tre̱dhā mūla̍ṃ yātu̱dhāna̍sya vṛśca .. 10.087.10
10 Look on the fiend mid men, as Man-beholder:- rend thou his three extremities in pieces.
Demolish with thy flame his ribs, O Agni, the Yātudhāna's root destroy thou triply.
Sloka : 10.87.11
त्रिर्या॑तु॒धानः॒ प्रसि॑तिं त एत्वृ॒तं यो अ॑ग्ने॒ अनृ॑तेन॒ हन्ति॑ ।
तम॒र्चिषा॑ स्फू॒र्जय॑ञ्जातवेदः सम॒क्षमे॑नं गृण॒ते नि वृ॑ङ्धि ॥ १०.०८७.११
triryā̍tu̱dhāna̱ḥ prasi̍tiṃ ta etvṛ̱taṃ yo a̍gne̱ anṛ̍tena̱ hanti̍ .
tama̱rciṣā̍ sphū̱rjaya̍ñjātavedaḥ sama̱kṣame̍naṃ gṛṇa̱te ni vṛ̍ṅdhi .. 10.087.11
11 Thrice, Agni, let thy noose surround the demon who with his falsehood injures Holy Order.
Loud roaring with thy flame, O Jātavedas, crush him and cast him down before the singer.
Sloka : 10.87.12
तद॑ग्ने॒ चक्षुः॒ प्रति॑ धेहि रे॒भे श॑फा॒रुजं॒ येन॒ पश्य॑सि यातु॒धान॑म् ।
अ॒थ॒र्व॒वज्ज्योति॑षा॒ दैव्ये॑न स॒त्यं धूर्व॑न्तम॒चितं॒ न्यो॑ष ॥ १०.०८७.१२
tada̍gne̱ cakṣu̱ḥ prati̍ dhehi re̱bhe śa̍phā̱ruja̱ṃ yena̱ paśya̍si yātu̱dhāna̍m .
a̱tha̱rva̱vajjyoti̍ṣā̱ daivye̍na sa̱tyaṃ dhūrva̍ntama̱cita̱ṃ nyo̍ṣa .. 10.087.12
12 Lead thou the worshipper that eye, O Agni, wherewith thou lookest on the hoof-armed demon.
With light celestial in Atharvan's manner burn up the foot who ruins truth with falsehood.
Sloka : 10.87.13
यद॑ग्ने अ॒द्य मि॑थु॒ना शपा॑तो॒ यद्वा॒चस्तृ॒ष्टं ज॒नय॑न्त रे॒भाः ।
म॒न्योर्मन॑सः शर॒व्या॒३॒॑ जाय॑ते॒ या तया॑ विध्य॒ हृद॑ये यातु॒धाना॑न् ॥ १०.०८७.१३
yada̍gne a̱dya mi̍thu̱nā śapā̍to̱ yadvā̱castṛ̱ṣṭaṃ ja̱naya̍nta re̱bhāḥ .
ma̱nyormana̍saḥ śara̱vyā̱3̱̍ jāya̍te̱ yā tayā̍ vidhya̱ hṛda̍ye yātu̱dhānā̍n .. 10.087.13
13 Agni, what curse the pair this day have uttered, what heated word the worshippers have spoken,
Each arrowy taunt sped from the angry spirit,pierce to the heart therewith the Yātudhānas.
Sloka : 10.87.14
परा॑ शृणीहि॒ तप॑सा यातु॒धाना॒न्परा॑ग्ने॒ रक्षो॒ हर॑सा शृणीहि ।
परा॒र्चिषा॒ मूर॑देवाञ्छृणीहि॒ परा॑सु॒तृपो॑ अ॒भि शोशु॑चानः ॥ १०.०८७.१४
parā̍ śṛṇīhi̱ tapa̍sā yātu̱dhānā̱nparā̍gne̱ rakṣo̱ hara̍sā śṛṇīhi .
parā̱rciṣā̱ mūra̍devāñchṛṇīhi̱ parā̍su̱tṛpo̍ a̱bhi śośu̍cānaḥ .. 10.087.14
14 With fervent heat exterminate the demons; destroy the fiends with burning flame, O Agni.
Destroy with fire the foolish gods' adorers; blaze and destrepy the insatiable monsters.
Sloka : 10.87.15
परा॒द्य दे॒वा वृ॑जि॒नं शृ॑णन्तु प्र॒त्यगे॑नं श॒पथा॑ यन्तु तृ॒ष्टाः ।
वा॒चास्ते॑नं॒ शर॑व ऋच्छन्तु॒ मर्म॒न्विश्व॑स्यैतु॒ प्रसि॑तिं यातु॒धानः॑ ॥ १०.०८७.१५
parā̱dya de̱vā vṛ̍ji̱naṃ śṛ̍ṇantu pra̱tyage̍naṃ śa̱pathā̍ yantu tṛ̱ṣṭāḥ .
vā̱cāste̍na̱ṃ śara̍va ṛcchantu̱ marma̱nviśva̍syaitu̱ prasi̍tiṃ yātu̱dhāna̍ḥ .. 10.087.15
15 May Gods destroy this day the evil-doer may each hot curse of his return and blast him.
Let arrows pierce the liar in his vitals, and Visva's net enclose the Yātudhāna.
Sloka : 10.87.16
यः पौरु॑षेयेण क्र॒विषा॑ सम॒ङ्क्ते यो अश्व्ये॑न प॒शुना॑ यातु॒धानः॑ ।
यो अ॒घ्न्याया॒ भर॑ति क्षी॒रम॑ग्ने॒ तेषां॑ शी॒र्षाणि॒ हर॒सापि॑ वृश्च ॥ १०.०८७.१६
yaḥ pauru̍ṣeyeṇa kra̱viṣā̍ sama̱ṅkte yo aśvye̍na pa̱śunā̍ yātu̱dhāna̍ḥ .
yo a̱ghnyāyā̱ bhara̍ti kṣī̱rama̍gne̱ teṣā̍ṃ śī̱rṣāṇi̱ hara̱sāpi̍ vṛśca .. 10.087.16
16 The fiend who smears himself with flesh of cattle, with flesh of horses and of human bodies,
Who steals the milch-cow's milk away, O Agni,tear off the heads of such with fiery fury.
Sloka : 10.87.17
सं॒व॒त्स॒रीणं॒ पय॑ उ॒स्रिया॑या॒स्तस्य॒ माशी॑द्यातु॒धानो॑ नृचक्षः ।
पी॒यूष॑मग्ने यत॒मस्तितृ॑प्सा॒त्तं प्र॒त्यञ्च॑म॒र्चिषा॑ विध्य॒ मर्म॑न् ॥ १०.०८७.१७
sa̱ṃva̱tsa̱rīṇa̱ṃ paya̍ u̱sriyā̍yā̱stasya̱ māśī̍dyātu̱dhāno̍ nṛcakṣaḥ .
pī̱yūṣa̍magne yata̱mastitṛ̍psā̱ttaṃ pra̱tyañca̍ma̱rciṣā̍ vidhya̱ marma̍n .. 10.087.17
17 The cow gives milk each year, O Man-regarder:- let not the Yātudhāna ever taste it.
If one would glut him with the biesting, Agni, pierce with thy flame his vitals as he meets thee.
Sloka : 10.87.18
वि॒षं गवां॑ यातु॒धानाः॑ पिब॒न्त्वा वृ॑श्च्यन्ता॒मदि॑तये दु॒रेवाः॑ ।
परै॑नान्दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता द॑दातु॒ परा॑ भा॒गमोष॑धीनां जयन्ताम् ॥ १०.०८७.१८
vi̱ṣaṃ gavā̍ṃ yātu̱dhānā̍ḥ piba̱ntvā vṛ̍ścyantā̱madi̍taye du̱revā̍ḥ .
parai̍nānde̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā da̍dātu̱ parā̍ bhā̱gamoṣa̍dhīnāṃ jayantām .. 10.087.18
18 Let the fiends drink the poison of the cattle; may Aditi cast off the evildoers.
May the God Savitar give them up to ruin, and be their share of plants and herbs denied them.
Sloka : 10.87.19
स॒नाद॑ग्ने मृणसि यातु॒धाना॒न्न त्वा॒ रक्षां॑सि॒ पृत॑नासु जिग्युः ।
अनु॑ दह स॒हमू॑रान्क्र॒व्यादो॒ मा ते॑ हे॒त्या मु॑क्षत॒ दैव्या॑याः ॥ १०.०८७.१९
sa̱nāda̍gne mṛṇasi yātu̱dhānā̱nna tvā̱ rakṣā̍ṃsi̱ pṛta̍nāsu jigyuḥ .
anu̍ daha sa̱hamū̍rānkra̱vyādo̱ mā te̍ he̱tyā mu̍kṣata̱ daivyā̍yāḥ .. 10.087.19
19 Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons:- never shall Rākṣasas in fight oercome thee.
Burn up the foolish ones, the flesh-devourers:- let none of them escape thine heavenly arrow.
Sloka : 10.87.20
त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अध॒रादुद॑क्ता॒त्त्वं प॒श्चादु॒त र॑क्षा पु॒रस्ता॑त् ।
प्रति॒ ते ते॑ अ॒जरा॑स॒स्तपि॑ष्ठा अ॒घशं॑सं॒ शोशु॑चतो दहन्तु ॥ १०.०८७.२०
tvaṃ no̍ agne adha̱rāduda̍ktā̱ttvaṃ pa̱ścādu̱ta ra̍kṣā pu̱rastā̍t .
prati̱ te te̍ a̱jarā̍sa̱stapi̍ṣṭhā a̱ghaśa̍ṃsa̱ṃ śośu̍cato dahantu .. 10.087.20
20 Guard us, O Agni, from above and under, protect us fl-om behind us and before us;
And may thy flames, most fierce and never wasting, glowing with fervent heat, consume the sinner.
Sloka : 10.87.21
प॒श्चात्पु॒रस्ता॑दध॒रादुद॑क्तात्क॒विः काव्ये॑न॒ परि॑ पाहि राजन् ।
सखे॒ सखा॑यम॒जरो॑ जरि॒म्णेऽग्ने॒ मर्ता॒ँ अम॑र्त्य॒स्त्वं नः॑ ॥ १०.०८७.२१
pa̱ścātpu̱rastā̍dadha̱rāduda̍ktātka̱viḥ kāvye̍na̱ pari̍ pāhi rājan .
sakhe̱ sakhā̍yama̱jaro̍ jari̱mṇe'gne̱ martā̱m̐ ama̍rtya̱stvaṃ na̍ḥ .. 10.087.21
21 From rear, from front, from under, from above us, O King, protect us as a Sage with wisdom.
Guard to old age thy friend, O Friend, Eternal:- O Agni, as Immortal, guard us mortals.
Sloka : 10.87.22
परि॑ त्वाग्ने॒ पुरं॑ व॒यं विप्रं॑ सहस्य धीमहि ।
धृ॒षद्व॑र्णं दि॒वेदि॑वे ह॒न्तारं॑ भङ्गु॒राव॑ताम् ॥ १०.०८७.२२
pari̍ tvāgne̱ pura̍ṃ va̱yaṃ vipra̍ṃ sahasya dhīmahi .
dhṛ̱ṣadva̍rṇaṃ di̱vedi̍ve ha̱ntāra̍ṃ bhaṅgu̱rāva̍tām .. 10.087.22
22 We set thee round us as a fort, victorious Agni, thee a Sage,
Of hero lineage, day by day, destroyer of our treacherous foes.
Sloka : 10.87.23
वि॒षेण॑ भङ्गु॒राव॑तः॒ प्रति॑ ष्म र॒क्षसो॑ दह ।
अग्ने॑ ति॒ग्मेन॑ शो॒चिषा॒ तपु॑रग्राभिरृ॒ष्टिभिः॑ ॥ १०.०८७.२३
vi̱ṣeṇa̍ bhaṅgu̱rāva̍ta̱ḥ prati̍ ṣma ra̱kṣaso̍ daha .
agne̍ ti̱gmena̍ śo̱ciṣā̱ tapu̍ragrābhirṛ̱ṣṭibhi̍ḥ .. 10.087.23
23 Burn with thy poison turned against the treacherous brood of Rākṣasas,
O Agni, with thy sharpened glow, with lances armed with points of flame.
Sloka : 10.87.24
प्रत्य॑ग्ने मिथु॒ना द॑ह यातु॒धाना॑ किमी॒दिना॑ ।
सं त्वा॑ शिशामि जागृ॒ह्यद॑ब्धं विप्र॒ मन्म॑भिः ॥ १०.०८७.२४
pratya̍gne mithu̱nā da̍ha yātu̱dhānā̍ kimī̱dinā̍ .
saṃ tvā̍ śiśāmi jāgṛ̱hyada̍bdhaṃ vipra̱ manma̍bhiḥ .. 10.087.24
24 Burn thou the paired Kimīdins, brun, Agni, the Yātudhāna pairs.
I sharpen thee, Infallible, with hymns. O Sage, be vigilant.
Sloka : 10.87.25
प्रत्य॑ग्ने॒ हर॑सा॒ हरः॑ शृणी॒हि वि॒श्वतः॒ प्रति॑ ।
या॒तु॒धान॑स्य र॒क्षसो॒ बलं॒ वि रु॑ज वी॒र्य॑म् ॥ १०.०८७.२५
pratya̍gne̱ hara̍sā̱ hara̍ḥ śṛṇī̱hi vi̱śvata̱ḥ prati̍ .
yā̱tu̱dhāna̍sya ra̱kṣaso̱ bala̱ṃ vi ru̍ja vī̱rya̍m .. 10.087.25
25 Shoot forth, O Agni, with thy flame demolish them on every side.
Break thou the Yātudhāna's strength, the vigour of the Rākṣasa.
Sloka : 10.88.1
ह॒विष्पान्त॑म॒जरं॑ स्व॒र्विदि॑ दिवि॒स्पृश्याहु॑तं॒ जुष्ट॑म॒ग्नौ ।
तस्य॒ भर्म॑णे॒ भुव॑नाय दे॒वा धर्म॑णे॒ कं स्व॒धया॑ पप्रथन्त ॥ १०.०८८.०१
ha̱viṣpānta̍ma̱jara̍ṃ sva̱rvidi̍ divi̱spṛśyāhu̍ta̱ṃ juṣṭa̍ma̱gnau .
tasya̱ bharma̍ṇe̱ bhuva̍nāya de̱vā dharma̍ṇe̱ kaṃ sva̱dhayā̍ paprathanta .. 10.088.01
1. DEAR, ageless sacrificial drink is offered in light-discovering, heaven-pervading Agni.
The Gods spread forth through his Celestial Nature, that he might bear the world up and sustain it.
Sloka : 10.88.2
गी॒र्णं भुव॑नं॒ तम॒साप॑गूळ्हमा॒विः स्व॑रभवज्जा॒ते अ॒ग्नौ ।
तस्य॑ दे॒वाः पृ॑थि॒वी द्यौरु॒तापोऽर॑णय॒न्नोष॑धीः स॒ख्ये अ॑स्य ॥ १०.०८८.०२
gī̱rṇaṃ bhuva̍na̱ṃ tama̱sāpa̍gūl̤hamā̱viḥ sva̍rabhavajjā̱te a̱gnau .
tasya̍ de̱vāḥ pṛ̍thi̱vī dyauru̱tāpo'ra̍ṇaya̱nnoṣa̍dhīḥ sa̱khye a̍sya .. 10.088.02
2 The world was swallowed and concealed in darkness:- Agni was born, and light became apparent.
The Deities, the broad earth, and the heavens, and plants, and waters gloried in his friendship.
Sloka : 10.88.3
दे॒वेभि॒र्न्वि॑षि॒तो य॒ज्ञिये॑भिर॒ग्निं स्तो॑षाण्य॒जरं॑ बृ॒हन्त॑म् ।
यो भा॒नुना॑ पृथि॒वीं द्यामु॒तेमामा॑त॒तान॒ रोद॑सी अ॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ॥ १०.०८८.०३
de̱vebhi̱rnvi̍ṣi̱to ya̱jñiye̍bhira̱gniṃ sto̍ṣāṇya̱jara̍ṃ bṛ̱hanta̍m .
yo bhā̱nunā̍ pṛthi̱vīṃ dyāmu̱temāmā̍ta̱tāna̱ roda̍sī a̱ntari̍kṣam .. 10.088.03
3 Inspired by Gods who claim our adoration, I now will laud Eternal Lofty Agni,
Him who hath spread abroad the earth with lustre, this heaven, and both the worlds, and air's mid-region.
Sloka : 10.88.4
यो होतासी॑त्प्रथ॒मो दे॒वजु॑ष्टो॒ यं स॒माञ्ज॒न्नाज्ये॑ना वृणा॒नाः ।
स प॑त॒त्री॑त्व॒रं स्था जग॒द्यच्छ्वा॒त्रम॒ग्निर॑कृणोज्जा॒तवे॑दाः ॥ १०.०८८.०४
yo hotāsī̍tpratha̱mo de̱vaju̍ṣṭo̱ yaṃ sa̱māñja̱nnājye̍nā vṛṇā̱nāḥ .
sa pa̍ta̱trī̍tva̱raṃ sthā jaga̱dyacchvā̱trama̱gnira̍kṛṇojjā̱tave̍dāḥ .. 10.088.04
4 Earliest Priest whom all the Gods accepted, and chose him, and anointed him with butter,
He swiftly made all things that fly, stand, travel, all that hath motion, Agni Jātavedas.
Sloka : 10.88.5
यज्जा॑तवेदो॒ भुव॑नस्य मू॒र्धन्नति॑ष्ठो अग्ने स॒ह रो॑च॒नेन॑ ।
तं त्वा॑हेम म॒तिभि॑र्गी॒र्भिरु॒क्थैः स य॒ज्ञियो॑ अभवो रोदसि॒प्राः ॥ १०.०८८.०५
yajjā̍tavedo̱ bhuva̍nasya mū̱rdhannati̍ṣṭho agne sa̱ha ro̍ca̱nena̍ .
taṃ tvā̍hema ma̱tibhi̍rgī̱rbhiru̱kthaiḥ sa ya̱jñiyo̍ abhavo rodasi̱prāḥ .. 10.088.05
5 Because thou, Agni, Jātavedas, stoodest at the world's head with thy refulgent splendour,
We sent thee forth with hymns and songs and praises:- thou filledst heaven and earth, God meet for worship.
Sloka : 10.88.6
मू॒र्धा भु॒वो भ॑वति॒ नक्त॑म॒ग्निस्ततः॒ सूर्यो॑ जायते प्रा॒तरु॒द्यन् ।
मा॒यामू॒ तु य॒ज्ञिया॑नामे॒तामपो॒ यत्तूर्णि॒श्चर॑ति प्रजा॒नन् ॥ १०.०८८.०६
mū̱rdhā bhu̱vo bha̍vati̱ nakta̍ma̱gnistata̱ḥ sūryo̍ jāyate prā̱taru̱dyan .
mā̱yāmū̱ tu ya̱jñiyā̍nāme̱tāmapo̱ yattūrṇi̱ścara̍ti prajā̱nan .. 10.088.06
6 Head of the world is Agni in the night-time; then, as the Sun, at morn springs up and rises.
Then to his task goes the prompt Priest foreknowing the wondrous power of Gods who must be honoured.
Sloka : 10.88.7
दृ॒शेन्यो॒ यो म॑हि॒ना समि॒द्धोऽरो॑चत दि॒वियो॑निर्वि॒भावा॑ ।
तस्मि॑न्न॒ग्नौ सू॑क्तवा॒केन॑ दे॒वा ह॒विर्विश्व॒ आजु॑हवुस्तनू॒पाः ॥ १०.०८८.०७
dṛ̱śenyo̱ yo ma̍hi̱nā sami̱ddho'ro̍cata di̱viyo̍nirvi̱bhāvā̍ .
tasmi̍nna̱gnau sū̍ktavā̱kena̍ de̱vā ha̱virviśva̱ āju̍havustanū̱pāḥ .. 10.088.07
7 Lovely is he who, kindled in his greatness, hath shone forth, seated in the heavens, refulgent.
With resonant hymns all Gods who guard our bodies have offered up oblation in this Agni.
Sloka : 10.88.8
सू॒क्त॒वा॒कं प्र॑थ॒ममादिद॒ग्निमादिद्ध॒विर॑जनयन्त दे॒वाः ।
स ए॑षां य॒ज्ञो अ॑भवत्तनू॒पास्तं द्यौर्वे॑द॒ तं पृ॑थि॒वी तमापः॑ ॥ १०.०८८.०८
sū̱kta̱vā̱kaṃ pra̍tha̱mamādida̱gnimādiddha̱vira̍janayanta de̱vāḥ .
sa e̍ṣāṃ ya̱jño a̍bhavattanū̱pāstaṃ dyaurve̍da̱ taṃ pṛ̍thi̱vī tamāpa̍ḥ .. 10.088.08
8 First the Gods brought the hymnal into being; then they engendered Agni, then oblation.
He was their sacrifice that guards our bodies:- him the heavens know, the earth, the waters know him.
Sloka : 10.88.9
यं दे॒वासोऽज॑नयन्ता॒ग्निं यस्मि॒न्नाजु॑हवु॒र्भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
सो अ॒र्चिषा॑ पृथि॒वीं द्यामु॒तेमामृ॑जू॒यमा॑नो अतपन्महि॒त्वा ॥ १०.०८८.०९
yaṃ de̱vāso'ja̍nayantā̱gniṃ yasmi̱nnāju̍havu̱rbhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .
so a̱rciṣā̍ pṛthi̱vīṃ dyāmu̱temāmṛ̍jū̱yamā̍no atapanmahi̱tvā .. 10.088.09
9 He, Agni, whom the Gods have generated, in whom they offered up all worlds and creatures,
He with his bright glow heated earth and heaven, urging himself right onward in his grandeur.
Sloka : 10.88.10
स्तोमे॑न॒ हि दि॒वि दे॒वासो॑ अ॒ग्निमजी॑जन॒ञ्छक्ति॑भी रोदसि॒प्राम् ।
तमू॑ अकृण्वन्त्रे॒धा भु॒वे कं स ओष॑धीः पचति वि॒श्वरू॑पाः ॥ १०.०८८.१०
stome̍na̱ hi di̱vi de̱vāso̍ a̱gnimajī̍jana̱ñchakti̍bhī rodasi̱prām .
tamū̍ akṛṇvantre̱dhā bhu̱ve kaṃ sa oṣa̍dhīḥ pacati vi̱śvarū̍pāḥ .. 10.088.10
10 Then by the laud the Gods engendered Agni in heaven, who fills both worlds through strength and vigour.
They made him to appear in threefold essence:- he ripens plants of every form and nature.
Sloka : 10.88.11
य॒देदे॑न॒मद॑धुर्य॒ज्ञिया॑सो दि॒वि दे॒वाः सूर्य॑मादिते॒यम् ।
य॒दा च॑रि॒ष्णू मि॑थु॒नावभू॑ता॒मादित्प्राप॑श्य॒न्भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ॥ १०.०८८.११
ya̱dede̍na̱mada̍dhurya̱jñiyā̍so di̱vi de̱vāḥ sūrya̍mādite̱yam .
ya̱dā ca̍ri̱ṣṇū mi̍thu̱nāvabhū̍tā̱māditprāpa̍śya̱nbhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .. 10.088.11
11 What time the Gods, whose due is worship, set him as Sūrya, Son of Aditi, in heaven,
When the Pair, ever wandering, sprang to being, all creatures that existed looked upon them.
Sloka : 10.88.12
विश्व॑स्मा अ॒ग्निं भुव॑नाय दे॒वा वै॑श्वान॒रं के॒तुमह्ना॑मकृण्वन् ।
आ यस्त॒तानो॒षसो॑ विभा॒तीरपो॑ ऊर्णोति॒ तमो॑ अ॒र्चिषा॒ यन् ॥ १०.०८८.१२
viśva̍smā a̱gniṃ bhuva̍nāya de̱vā vai̍śvāna̱raṃ ke̱tumahnā̍makṛṇvan .
ā yasta̱tāno̱ṣaso̍ vibhā̱tīrapo̍ ūrṇoti̱ tamo̍ a̱rciṣā̱ yan .. 10.088.12
12 For all the world of life the Gods made Agni Vaiśvānara to be the days' bright Banner,
Him who hath spread abroad the radiant Mornings, and, coming with his light, unveils the darkness.
Sloka : 10.88.13
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रं क॒वयो॑ य॒ज्ञिया॑सो॒ऽग्निं दे॒वा अ॑जनयन्नजु॒र्यम् ।
नक्ष॑त्रं प्र॒त्नममि॑नच्चरि॒ष्णु य॒क्षस्याध्य॑क्षं तवि॒षं बृ॒हन्त॑म् ॥ १०.०८८.१३
vai̱śvā̱na̱raṃ ka̱vayo̍ ya̱jñiyā̍so̱'gniṃ de̱vā a̍janayannaju̱ryam .
nakṣa̍traṃ pra̱tnamami̍naccari̱ṣṇu ya̱kṣasyādhya̍kṣaṃ tavi̱ṣaṃ bṛ̱hanta̍m .. 10.088.13
13 The wise and holy Deities engendered Agni Vaiśvānara whom age neer touches.
The Ancient Star that wanders on for ever, lofty and. strong, Lord of the Living Being.
Sloka : 10.88.14
वै॒श्वा॒न॒रं वि॒श्वहा॑ दीदि॒वांसं॒ मन्त्रै॑र॒ग्निं क॒विमच्छा॑ वदामः ।
यो म॑हि॒म्ना प॑रिब॒भूवो॒र्वी उ॒तावस्ता॑दु॒त दे॒वः प॒रस्ता॑त् ॥ १०.०८८.१४
vai̱śvā̱na̱raṃ vi̱śvahā̍ dīdi̱vāṃsa̱ṃ mantrai̍ra̱gniṃ ka̱vimacchā̍ vadāmaḥ .
yo ma̍hi̱mnā pa̍riba̱bhūvo̱rvī u̱tāvastā̍du̱ta de̱vaḥ pa̱rastā̍t .. 10.088.14
14 We call upon the Sage with holy verses, Agni Vaiśvānara the ever-beaming,
Who hath surpassed both heaven and earth in greatness:- he is a God below, a God above us.
Sloka : 10.88.15
द्वे स्रु॒ती अ॑शृणवं पितॄ॒णाम॒हं दे॒वाना॑मु॒त मर्त्या॑नाम् ।
ताभ्या॑मि॒दं विश्व॒मेज॒त्समे॑ति॒ यद॑न्त॒रा पि॒तरं॑ मा॒तरं॑ च ॥ १०.०८८.१५
dve sru̱tī a̍śṛṇavaṃ pitṝ̱ṇāma̱haṃ de̱vānā̍mu̱ta martyā̍nām .
tābhyā̍mi̱daṃ viśva̱meja̱tsame̍ti̱ yada̍nta̱rā pi̱tara̍ṃ mā̱tara̍ṃ ca .. 10.088.15
15 I have heard mention of two several pathways, ways of the Fathers and of Gods and mortals.
On these two paths each moving creature travels, each thing between the Father and the Mother.
Sloka : 10.88.16
द्वे स॑मी॒ची बि॑भृत॒श्चर॑न्तं शीर्ष॒तो जा॒तं मन॑सा॒ विमृ॑ष्टम् ।
स प्र॒त्यङ्विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि तस्था॒वप्र॑युच्छन्त॒रणि॒र्भ्राज॑मानः ॥ १०.०८८.१६
dve sa̍mī̱cī bi̍bhṛta̱ścara̍ntaṃ śīrṣa̱to jā̱taṃ mana̍sā̱ vimṛ̍ṣṭam .
sa pra̱tyaṅviśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni tasthā̱vapra̍yucchanta̱raṇi̱rbhrāja̍mānaḥ .. 10.088.16
16 These two united paths bear him who journeys born from the head and pondered with the spirit
He stands directed to all things existing, hasting, unresting in his fiery splendour.
Sloka : 10.88.17
यत्रा॒ वदे॑ते॒ अव॑रः॒ पर॑श्च यज्ञ॒न्योः॑ कत॒रो नौ॒ वि वे॑द ।
आ शे॑कु॒रित्स॑ध॒मादं॒ सखा॑यो॒ नक्ष॑न्त य॒ज्ञं क इ॒दं वि वो॑चत् ॥ १०.०८८.१७
yatrā̱ vade̍te̱ ava̍ra̱ḥ para̍śca yajña̱nyo̍ḥ kata̱ro nau̱ vi ve̍da .
ā śe̍ku̱ritsa̍dha̱māda̱ṃ sakhā̍yo̱ nakṣa̍nta ya̱jñaṃ ka i̱daṃ vi vo̍cat .. 10.088.17
17 Which of us twain knows where they speak together, upper and lower of the two rite-leaders?
Our friends have helped to gather our assembly. They came to sacrifice; who will announce it?
Sloka : 10.88.18
कत्य॒ग्नयः॒ कति॒ सूर्या॑सः॒ कत्यु॒षासः॒ कत्यु॑ स्वि॒दापः॑ ।
नोप॒स्पिजं॑ वः पितरो वदामि पृ॒च्छामि॑ वः कवयो वि॒द्मने॒ कम् ॥ १०.०८८.१८
katya̱gnaya̱ḥ kati̱ sūryā̍sa̱ḥ katyu̱ṣāsa̱ḥ katyu̍ svi̱dāpa̍ḥ .
nopa̱spija̍ṃ vaḥ pitaro vadāmi pṛ̱cchāmi̍ vaḥ kavayo vi̱dmane̱ kam .. 10.088.18
18 How many are the Fires and Suns in number? What is the number of the Dawns and Waters?
Not jestingly I speak to you, O Fathers. Sages, I ask you this for information.
Sloka : 10.88.19
या॒व॒न्मा॒त्रमु॒षसो॒ न प्रती॑कं सुप॒र्ण्यो॒३॒॑ वस॑ते मातरिश्वः ।
ताव॑द्दधा॒त्युप॑ य॒ज्ञमा॒यन्ब्रा॑ह्म॒णो होतु॒रव॑रो नि॒षीद॑न् ॥ १०.०८८.१९
yā̱va̱nmā̱tramu̱ṣaso̱ na pratī̍kaṃ supa̱rṇyo̱3̱̍ vasa̍te mātariśvaḥ .
tāva̍ddadhā̱tyupa̍ ya̱jñamā̱yanbrā̍hma̱ṇo hotu̱rava̍ro ni̱ṣīda̍n .. 10.088.19
19 As great as is the fair-winged Morning's presence to him who dwells beside us, Mātariśvan!
Is what the Brahman does when he approaches to sacrifice and sits below the Hotar.
Sloka : 10.89.1
इन्द्रं॑ स्तवा॒ नृत॑मं॒ यस्य॑ म॒ह्ना वि॑बबा॒धे रो॑च॒ना वि ज्मो अन्ता॑न् ।
आ यः प॒प्रौ च॑र्षणी॒धृद्वरो॑भिः॒ प्र सिन्धु॑भ्यो रिरिचा॒नो म॑हि॒त्वा ॥ १०.०८९.०१
indra̍ṃ stavā̱ nṛta̍ma̱ṃ yasya̍ ma̱hnā vi̍babā̱dhe ro̍ca̱nā vi jmo antā̍n .
ā yaḥ pa̱prau ca̍rṣaṇī̱dhṛdvaro̍bhi̱ḥ pra sindhu̍bhyo riricā̱no ma̍hi̱tvā .. 10.089.01
1. I WILL extol the most heroic Indra who with his might forced earth and sky asunder;
Who hath filled all with width as man's Upholder, surpassing floods and rivers in his greatness.
Sloka : 10.89.2
स सूर्यः॒ पर्यु॒रू वरां॒स्येन्द्रो॑ ववृत्या॒द्रथ्ये॑व च॒क्रा ।
अति॑ष्ठन्तमप॒स्यं१॒॑ न सर्गं॑ कृ॒ष्णा तमां॑सि॒ त्विष्या॑ जघान ॥ १०.०८९.०२
sa sūrya̱ḥ paryu̱rū varā̱ṃsyendro̍ vavṛtyā̱drathye̍va ca̱krā .
ati̍ṣṭhantamapa̱syaṃ1̱̍ na sarga̍ṃ kṛ̱ṣṇā tamā̍ṃsi̱ tviṣyā̍ jaghāna .. 10.089.02
2 Sūrya is he:- throughout the wide expanses shall Indra turn him, swift as car-wheels, hither,
Like a stream resting not but ever active he hath destroyed, with light, the black-hued darkness.
Sloka : 10.89.3
स॒मा॒नम॑स्मा॒ अन॑पावृदर्च क्ष्म॒या दि॒वो अस॑मं॒ ब्रह्म॒ नव्य॑म् ।
वि यः पृ॒ष्ठेव॒ जनि॑मान्य॒र्य इन्द्र॑श्चि॒काय॒ न सखा॑यमी॒षे ॥ १०.०८९.०३
sa̱mā̱nama̍smā̱ ana̍pāvṛdarca kṣma̱yā di̱vo asa̍ma̱ṃ brahma̱ navya̍m .
vi yaḥ pṛ̱ṣṭheva̱ jani̍mānya̱rya indra̍ści̱kāya̱ na sakhā̍yamī̱ṣe .. 10.089.03
3 To him I sing a holy prayer, incessant new, matchless, common to the earth and heaven,
Who marks, as they were backs, all living creatures:- neer doth he fail a friend, the noble Indra.
Sloka : 10.89.4
इन्द्रा॑य॒ गिरो॒ अनि॑शितसर्गा अ॒पः प्रेर॑यं॒ सग॑रस्य बु॒ध्नात् ।
यो अक्षे॑णेव च॒क्रिया॒ शची॑भि॒र्विष्व॑क्त॒स्तम्भ॑ पृथि॒वीमु॒त द्याम् ॥ १०.०८९.०४
indrā̍ya̱ giro̱ ani̍śitasargā a̱paḥ prera̍ya̱ṃ saga̍rasya bu̱dhnāt .
yo akṣe̍ṇeva ca̱kriyā̱ śacī̍bhi̱rviṣva̍kta̱stambha̍ pṛthi̱vīmu̱ta dyām .. 10.089.04
4 I will send forth my songs in flow unceasing, like water from the ocean's depth, to Indra.
Who to his car on both its sides securely hath fixed the earth and heaven as with an axle.
Sloka : 10.89.5
आपा॑न्तमन्युस्तृ॒पल॑प्रभर्मा॒ धुनिः॒ शिमी॑वा॒ञ्छरु॑माँ ऋजी॒षी ।
सोमो॒ विश्वा॑न्यत॒सा वना॑नि॒ नार्वागिन्द्रं॑ प्रति॒माना॑नि देभुः ॥ १०.०८९.०५
āpā̍ntamanyustṛ̱pala̍prabharmā̱ dhuni̱ḥ śimī̍vā̱ñcharu̍mām̐ ṛjī̱ṣī .
somo̱ viśvā̍nyata̱sā vanā̍ni̱ nārvāgindra̍ṃ prati̱mānā̍ni debhuḥ .. 10.089.05
5 Rousing with draughts, the Shaker, rushing onward, impetuous, very strong, armed as with arrows
Is Soma; forest trees and all the bushes deceive not Indra with their offered likeness.
Sloka : 10.89.6
न यस्य॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी न धन्व॒ नान्तरि॑क्षं॒ नाद्र॑यः॒ सोमो॑ अक्षाः ।
यद॑स्य म॒न्युर॑धिनी॒यमा॑नः शृ॒णाति॑ वी॒ळु रु॒जति॑ स्थि॒राणि॑ ॥ १०.०८९.०६
na yasya̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī na dhanva̱ nāntari̍kṣa̱ṃ nādra̍ya̱ḥ somo̍ akṣāḥ .
yada̍sya ma̱nyura̍dhinī̱yamā̍naḥ śṛ̱ṇāti̍ vī̱l̤u ru̱jati̍ sthi̱rāṇi̍ .. 10.089.06
6 Soma hath flowed to him whom naught can equal, the earth, the heavens, the firmament, the mountains,
When heightened in his ire his indignation shatters the firm and breaks the strong in pieces.
Sloka : 10.89.7
ज॒घान॑ वृ॒त्रं स्वधि॑ति॒र्वने॑व रु॒रोज॒ पुरो॒ अर॑द॒न्न सिन्धू॑न् ।
बि॒भेद॑ गि॒रिं नव॒मिन्न कु॒म्भमा गा इन्द्रो॑ अकृणुत स्व॒युग्भिः॑ ॥ १०.०८९.०७
ja̱ghāna̍ vṛ̱traṃ svadhi̍ti̱rvane̍va ru̱roja̱ puro̱ ara̍da̱nna sindhū̍n .
bi̱bheda̍ gi̱riṃ nava̱minna ku̱mbhamā gā indro̍ akṛṇuta sva̱yugbhi̍ḥ .. 10.089.07
7 As an axe fells the tree so be slew Vṛtra, brake down the strongholds and dug out the rivers.
He cleft the mountain like a new-made pitcher. Indra brought forth the kine with his Companions.
Sloka : 10.89.8
त्वं ह॒ त्यदृ॑ण॒या इ॑न्द्र॒ धीरो॒ऽसिर्न पर्व॑ वृजि॒ना शृ॑णासि ।
प्र ये मि॒त्रस्य॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धाम॒ युजं॒ न जना॑ मि॒नन्ति॑ मि॒त्रम् ॥ १०.०८९.०८
tvaṃ ha̱ tyadṛ̍ṇa̱yā i̍ndra̱ dhīro̱'sirna parva̍ vṛji̱nā śṛ̍ṇāsi .
pra ye mi̱trasya̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ dhāma̱ yuja̱ṃ na janā̍ mi̱nanti̍ mi̱tram .. 10.089.08
8 Wise art thou, Punisher of guilt, O Indra. The sword lops limbs, thou smitest down the sinner,
The men who injure, as it were a comrade, the lofty Law of Varuṇa and Mitra.
Sloka : 10.89.9
प्र ये मि॒त्रं प्रार्य॒मणं॑ दु॒रेवाः॒ प्र सं॒गिरः॒ प्र वरु॑णं मि॒नन्ति॑ ।
न्य१॒॑मित्रे॑षु व॒धमि॑न्द्र॒ तुम्रं॒ वृष॒न्वृषा॑णमरु॒षं शि॑शीहि ॥ १०.०८९.०९
pra ye mi̱traṃ prārya̱maṇa̍ṃ du̱revā̱ḥ pra sa̱ṃgira̱ḥ pra varu̍ṇaṃ mi̱nanti̍ .
nya1̱̍mitre̍ṣu va̱dhami̍ndra̱ tumra̱ṃ vṛṣa̱nvṛṣā̍ṇamaru̱ṣaṃ śi̍śīhi .. 10.089.09
9 Men who lead evil lives, who break agreements, and injure Varuṇa, Aryaman and Mitra,
Against these foes, O Mighty Indra, sharpen, as furious death, thy Bull of fiery colour.
Sloka : 10.89.10
इन्द्रो॑ दि॒व इन्द्र॑ ईशे पृथि॒व्या इन्द्रो॑ अ॒पामिन्द्र॒ इत्पर्व॑तानाम् ।
इन्द्रो॑ वृ॒धामिन्द्र॒ इन्मेधि॑राणा॒मिन्द्रः॒ क्षेमे॒ योगे॒ हव्य॒ इन्द्रः॑ ॥ १०.०८९.१०
indro̍ di̱va indra̍ īśe pṛthi̱vyā indro̍ a̱pāmindra̱ itparva̍tānām .
indro̍ vṛ̱dhāmindra̱ inmedhi̍rāṇā̱mindra̱ḥ kṣeme̱ yoge̱ havya̱ indra̍ḥ .. 10.089.10
10 Indra is Sovran Lord of Earth and Heaven, Indra is Lord of waters and of mountains.
Indra is Lord of prosperers and sages Indra must be invoked in rest and effort.
Sloka : 10.89.11
प्राक्तुभ्य॒ इन्द्रः॒ प्र वृ॒धो अह॑भ्यः॒ प्रान्तरि॑क्षा॒त्प्र स॑मु॒द्रस्य॑ धा॒सेः ।
प्र वात॑स्य॒ प्रथ॑सः॒ प्र ज्मो अन्ता॒त्प्र सिन्धु॑भ्यो रिरिचे॒ प्र क्षि॒तिभ्यः॑ ॥ १०.०८९.११
prāktubhya̱ indra̱ḥ pra vṛ̱dho aha̍bhya̱ḥ prāntari̍kṣā̱tpra sa̍mu̱drasya̍ dhā̱seḥ .
pra vāta̍sya̱ pratha̍sa̱ḥ pra jmo antā̱tpra sindhu̍bhyo ririce̱ pra kṣi̱tibhya̍ḥ .. 10.089.11
11 Vaster than days and nights, Giver of increase, vaster than firmament and flood of ocean,
Vaster than bounds of earth and wind's extension, vaster than rivers and our lands is Indra.
Sloka : 10.89.12
प्र शोशु॑चत्या उ॒षसो॒ न के॒तुर॑सि॒न्वा ते॑ वर्ततामिन्द्र हे॒तिः ।
अश्मे॑व विध्य दि॒व आ सृ॑जा॒नस्तपि॑ष्ठेन॒ हेष॑सा॒ द्रोघ॑मित्रान् ॥ १०.०८९.१२
pra śośu̍catyā u̱ṣaso̱ na ke̱tura̍si̱nvā te̍ vartatāmindra he̱tiḥ .
aśme̍va vidhya di̱va ā sṛ̍jā̱nastapi̍ṣṭhena̱ heṣa̍sā̱ drogha̍mitrān .. 10.089.12
12 Forward, as herald of refulgent Morning, let thine insatiate arrow fly, O Indra.
And pierce, as twere a stone launched forth from heaven, with hottest blaze the men who love deception.
Sloka : 10.89.13
अन्वह॒ मासा॒ अन्विद्वना॒न्यन्वोष॑धी॒रनु॒ पर्व॑तासः ।
अन्विन्द्रं॒ रोद॑सी वावशा॒ने अन्वापो॑ अजिहत॒ जाय॑मानम् ॥ १०.०८९.१३
anvaha̱ māsā̱ anvidvanā̱nyanvoṣa̍dhī̱ranu̱ parva̍tāsaḥ .
anvindra̱ṃ roda̍sī vāvaśā̱ne anvāpo̍ ajihata̱ jāya̍mānam .. 10.089.13
13 Him, verily, the moons, the mountains followed, the tall trees followed and the plants and herbage.
Yearning with love both Worlds approached, the Waters waited on Indra when he first had being.
Sloka : 10.89.14
कर्हि॑ स्वि॒त्सा त॑ इन्द्र चे॒त्यास॑द॒घस्य॒ यद्भि॒नदो॒ रक्ष॒ एष॑त् ।
मि॒त्र॒क्रुवो॒ यच्छस॑ने॒ न गावः॑ पृथि॒व्या आ॒पृग॑मु॒या शय॑न्ते ॥ १०.०८९.१४
karhi̍ svi̱tsā ta̍ indra ce̱tyāsa̍da̱ghasya̱ yadbhi̱nado̱ rakṣa̱ eṣa̍t .
mi̱tra̱kruvo̱ yacchasa̍ne̱ na gāva̍ḥ pṛthi̱vyā ā̱pṛga̍mu̱yā śaya̍nte .. 10.089.14
14 Where was the vengeful dart when thou, O Indra, clavest the demon ever beat on outrage?
When fiends lay there upon the ground extended like cattle in the place of immolation?
Sloka : 10.89.15
श॒त्रू॒यन्तो॑ अ॒भि ये न॑स्तत॒स्रे महि॒ व्राध॑न्त ओग॒णास॑ इन्द्र ।
अ॒न्धेना॒मित्रा॒स्तम॑सा सचन्तां सुज्यो॒तिषो॑ अ॒क्तव॒स्ताँ अ॒भि ष्युः॑ ॥ १०.०८९.१५
śa̱trū̱yanto̍ a̱bhi ye na̍stata̱sre mahi̱ vrādha̍nta oga̱ṇāsa̍ indra .
a̱ndhenā̱mitrā̱stama̍sā sacantāṃ sujyo̱tiṣo̍ a̱ktava̱stām̐ a̱bhi ṣyu̍ḥ .. 10.089.15
15 Those who are set in enmity against us, the Ogaṇas, O Indra, waxen mighty,
Let blinding darkness follow those our foemen, while these shall have bright shining nights to light them.
Sloka : 10.89.16
पु॒रूणि॒ हि त्वा॒ सव॑ना॒ जना॑नां॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि॒ मन्द॑न्गृण॒तामृषी॑णाम् ।
इ॒मामा॒घोष॒न्नव॑सा॒ सहू॑तिं ति॒रो विश्वा॒ँ अर्च॑तो याह्य॒र्वाङ् ॥ १०.०८९.१६
pu̱rūṇi̱ hi tvā̱ sava̍nā̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ brahmā̍ṇi̱ manda̍ngṛṇa̱tāmṛṣī̍ṇām .
i̱māmā̱ghoṣa̱nnava̍sā̱ sahū̍tiṃ ti̱ro viśvā̱m̐ arca̍to yāhya̱rvāṅ .. 10.089.16
16 May plentiful libations of the people, and singing Ṛṣis holy prayers rejoice thee.
Hearing with love this common invocation, come unto us, pass by all those who praise thee.
Sloka : 10.89.17
ए॒वा ते॑ व॒यमि॑न्द्र भुञ्जती॒नां वि॒द्याम॑ सुमती॒नां नवा॑नाम् ।
वि॒द्याम॒ वस्तो॒रव॑सा गृ॒णन्तो॑ वि॒श्वामि॑त्रा उ॒त त॑ इन्द्र नू॒नम् ॥ १०.०८९.१७
e̱vā te̍ va̱yami̍ndra bhuñjatī̱nāṃ vi̱dyāma̍ sumatī̱nāṃ navā̍nām .
vi̱dyāma̱ vasto̱rava̍sā gṛ̱ṇanto̍ vi̱śvāmi̍trā u̱ta ta̍ indra nū̱nam .. 10.089.17
17 O Indra, thus may we be made partakers of thy new favours that shall bring us profit.
Singing with love, may we the Viśvāmitras win daylight even now through thee, O Indra.
Sloka : 10.89.18
शु॒नं हु॑वेम म॒घवा॑न॒मिन्द्र॑म॒स्मिन्भरे॒ नृत॑मं॒ वाज॑सातौ ।
शृ॒ण्वन्त॑मु॒ग्रमू॒तये॑ स॒मत्सु॒ घ्नन्तं॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ सं॒जितं॒ धना॑नाम् ॥ १०.०८९.१८
śu̱naṃ hu̍vema ma̱ghavā̍na̱mindra̍ma̱sminbhare̱ nṛta̍ma̱ṃ vāja̍sātau .
śṛ̱ṇvanta̍mu̱gramū̱taye̍ sa̱matsu̱ ghnanta̍ṃ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ sa̱ṃjita̱ṃ dhanā̍nām .. 10.089.18
18 Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra, best hero in the fight where spoil is gathered,
The Strong who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vṛtras, wins and gathers riches.
Sloka : 10.90.1
स॒हस्र॑शीर्षा॒ पुरु॑षः सहस्रा॒क्षः स॒हस्र॑पात् ।
स भूमिं॑ वि॒श्वतो॑ वृ॒त्वात्य॑तिष्ठद्दशाङ्गु॒लम् ॥ १०.०९०.०१
sa̱hasra̍śīrṣā̱ puru̍ṣaḥ sahasrā̱kṣaḥ sa̱hasra̍pāt .
sa bhūmi̍ṃ vi̱śvato̍ vṛ̱tvātya̍tiṣṭhaddaśāṅgu̱lam .. 10.090.01
1. A THOUSAND heads hath Puruṣa, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet.
On every side pervading earth he fills a space ten fingers wide.
Sloka : 10.90.2
पुरु॑ष ए॒वेदं सर्वं॒ यद्भू॒तं यच्च॒ भव्य॑म् ।
उ॒तामृ॑त॒त्वस्येशा॑नो॒ यदन्ने॑नाति॒रोह॑ति ॥ १०.०९०.०२
puru̍ṣa e̱vedaṃ sarva̱ṃ yadbhū̱taṃ yacca̱ bhavya̍m .
u̱tāmṛ̍ta̱tvasyeśā̍no̱ yadanne̍nāti̱roha̍ti .. 10.090.02
2 This Puruṣa is all that yet hath been and all that is to be;
The Lord of Immortality which waxes greater still by food.
Sloka : 10.90.3
ए॒तावा॑नस्य महि॒मातो॒ ज्याया॑ँश्च॒ पूरु॑षः ।
पादो॑ऽस्य॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॑ त्रि॒पाद॑स्या॒मृतं॑ दि॒वि ॥ १०.०९०.०३
e̱tāvā̍nasya mahi̱māto̱ jyāyā̍m̐śca̱ pūru̍ṣaḥ .
pādo̎sya̱ viśvā̍ bhū̱tāni̍ tri̱pāda̍syā̱mṛta̍ṃ di̱vi .. 10.090.03
3 So mighty is his greatness; yea, greater than this is Puruṣa.
All creatures are one-fourth of him, three-fourths eternal life in heaven.
Sloka : 10.90.4
त्रि॒पादू॒र्ध्व उदै॒त्पुरु॑षः॒ पादो॑ऽस्ये॒हाभ॑व॒त्पुनः॑ ।
ततो॒ विष्व॒ङ्व्य॑क्रामत्साशनानश॒ने अ॒भि ॥ १०.०९०.०४
tri̱pādū̱rdhva udai̱tpuru̍ṣa̱ḥ pādo̎sye̱hābha̍va̱tpuna̍ḥ .
tato̱ viṣva̱ṅvya̍krāmatsāśanānaśa̱ne a̱bhi .. 10.090.04
4 With three-fourths Puruṣa went up:- one-fourth of him again was here.
Thence he strode out to every side over what cats not and what cats.
Sloka : 10.90.5
तस्मा॑द्वि॒राळ॑जायत वि॒राजो॒ अधि॒ पूरु॑षः ।
स जा॒तो अत्य॑रिच्यत प॒श्चाद्भूमि॒मथो॑ पु॒रः ॥ १०.०९०.०५
tasmā̍dvi̱rāl̤a̍jāyata vi̱rājo̱ adhi̱ pūru̍ṣaḥ .
sa jā̱to atya̍ricyata pa̱ścādbhūmi̱matho̍ pu̱raḥ .. 10.090.05
5 From him Virāj was born; again Puruṣa from Virāj was born.
As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward oer the earth.
Sloka : 10.90.6
यत्पुरु॑षेण ह॒विषा॑ दे॒वा य॒ज्ञमत॑न्वत ।
व॒स॒न्तो अ॑स्यासी॒दाज्यं॑ ग्री॒ष्म इ॒ध्मः श॒रद्ध॒विः ॥ १०.०९०.०६
yatpuru̍ṣeṇa ha̱viṣā̍ de̱vā ya̱jñamata̍nvata .
va̱sa̱nto a̍syāsī̱dājya̍ṃ grī̱ṣma i̱dhmaḥ śa̱raddha̱viḥ .. 10.090.06
6 When Gods prepared the sacrifice with Puruṣa as their offering,
Its oil was spring, the holy gift was autumn; summer was the wood.
Sloka : 10.90.7
तं य॒ज्ञं ब॒र्हिषि॒ प्रौक्ष॒न्पुरु॑षं जा॒तम॑ग्र॒तः ।
तेन॑ दे॒वा अ॑यजन्त सा॒ध्या ऋष॑यश्च॒ ये ॥ १०.०९०.०७
taṃ ya̱jñaṃ ba̱rhiṣi̱ praukṣa̱npuru̍ṣaṃ jā̱tama̍gra̱taḥ .
tena̍ de̱vā a̍yajanta sā̱dhyā ṛṣa̍yaśca̱ ye .. 10.090.07
7 They balmed as victim on the grass Puruṣa born in earliest time.
With him the Deities and all Sādhyas and Ṛṣis sacrificed.
Sloka : 10.90.8
तस्मा॑द्य॒ज्ञात्स॑र्व॒हुतः॒ सम्भृ॑तं पृषदा॒ज्यम् ।
प॒शून्ताँश्च॑क्रे वाय॒व्या॑नार॒ण्यान्ग्रा॒म्याश्च॒ ये ॥ १०.०९०.०८
tasmā̍dya̱jñātsa̍rva̱huta̱ḥ sambhṛ̍taṃ pṛṣadā̱jyam .
pa̱śūntām̐śca̍kre vāya̱vyā̍nāra̱ṇyāngrā̱myāśca̱ ye .. 10.090.08
8 From that great general sacrifice the dripping fat was gathered up.
He formed the creatures of-the air, and animals both wild and tame.
Sloka : 10.90.9
तस्मा॑द्य॒ज्ञात्स॑र्व॒हुत॒ ऋचः॒ सामा॑नि जज्ञिरे ।
छन्दां॑सि जज्ञिरे॒ तस्मा॒द्यजु॒स्तस्मा॑दजायत ॥ १०.०९०.०९
tasmā̍dya̱jñātsa̍rva̱huta̱ ṛca̱ḥ sāmā̍ni jajñire .
chandā̍ṃsi jajñire̱ tasmā̱dyaju̱stasmā̍dajāyata .. 10.090.09
9 From that great general sacrifice Ṛcas and Sāma-hymns were born:-
Therefrom were spells and charms produced; the Yajus had its birth from it.
Sloka : 10.90.10
तस्मा॒दश्वा॑ अजायन्त॒ ये के चो॑भ॒याद॑तः ।
गावो॑ ह जज्ञिरे॒ तस्मा॒त्तस्मा॑ज्जा॒ता अ॑जा॒वयः॑ ॥ १०.०९०.१०
tasmā̱daśvā̍ ajāyanta̱ ye ke co̍bha̱yāda̍taḥ .
gāvo̍ ha jajñire̱ tasmā̱ttasmā̍jjā̱tā a̍jā̱vaya̍ḥ .. 10.090.10
10 From it were horses born, from it all cattle with two rows of teeth:-
From it were generated kine, from it the goats and sheep were born.
Sloka : 10.90.11
यत्पुरु॑षं॒ व्यद॑धुः कति॒धा व्य॑कल्पयन् ।
मुखं॒ किम॑स्य॒ कौ बा॒हू का ऊ॒रू पादा॑ उच्येते ॥ १०.०९०.११
yatpuru̍ṣa̱ṃ vyada̍dhuḥ kati̱dhā vya̍kalpayan .
mukha̱ṃ kima̍sya̱ kau bā̱hū kā ū̱rū pādā̍ ucyete .. 10.090.11
11 When they divided Puruṣa how many portions did they make?
What do they call his mouth, his arms? What do they call his thighs and feet?
Sloka : 10.90.12
ब्रा॒ह्म॒णो॑ऽस्य॒ मुख॑मासीद्बा॒हू रा॑ज॒न्यः॑ कृ॒तः ।
ऊ॒रू तद॑स्य॒ यद्वैश्यः॑ प॒द्भ्यां शू॒द्रो अ॑जायत ॥ १०.०९०.१२
brā̱hma̱ṇo̎sya̱ mukha̍māsīdbā̱hū rā̍ja̱nya̍ḥ kṛ̱taḥ .
ū̱rū tada̍sya̱ yadvaiśya̍ḥ pa̱dbhyāṃ śū̱dro a̍jāyata .. 10.090.12
12 The Brahman was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rājanya made.
His thighs became the Vaiśya, from his feet the Śūdra was produced.
Sloka : 10.90.13
च॒न्द्रमा॒ मन॑सो जा॒तश्चक्षोः॒ सूर्यो॑ अजायत ।
मुखा॒दिन्द्र॑श्चा॒ग्निश्च॑ प्रा॒णाद्वा॒युर॑जायत ॥ १०.०९०.१३
ca̱ndramā̱ mana̍so jā̱taścakṣo̱ḥ sūryo̍ ajāyata .
mukhā̱dindra̍ścā̱gniśca̍ prā̱ṇādvā̱yura̍jāyata .. 10.090.13
13 The Moon was gendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth;
Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vāyu from his breath.
Sloka : 10.90.14
नाभ्या॑ आसीद॒न्तरि॑क्षं शी॒र्ष्णो द्यौः सम॑वर्तत ।
प॒द्भ्यां भूमि॒र्दिशः॒ श्रोत्रा॒त्तथा॑ लो॒काँ अ॑कल्पयन् ॥ १०.०९०.१४
nābhyā̍ āsīda̱ntari̍kṣaṃ śī̱rṣṇo dyauḥ sama̍vartata .
pa̱dbhyāṃ bhūmi̱rdiśa̱ḥ śrotrā̱ttathā̍ lo̱kām̐ a̍kalpayan .. 10.090.14
14 Forth from his navel came mid-air the sky was fashioned from his head
Earth from his feet, and from his car the regions. Thus they formed the worlds.
Sloka : 10.90.15
स॒प्तास्या॑सन्परि॒धय॒स्त्रिः स॒प्त स॒मिधः॑ कृ॒ताः ।
दे॒वा यद्य॒ज्ञं त॑न्वा॒ना अब॑ध्न॒न्पुरु॑षं प॒शुम् ॥ १०.०९०.१५
sa̱ptāsyā̍sanpari̱dhaya̱striḥ sa̱pta sa̱midha̍ḥ kṛ̱tāḥ .
de̱vā yadya̱jñaṃ ta̍nvā̱nā aba̍dhna̱npuru̍ṣaṃ pa̱śum .. 10.090.15
15 Seven fencing-sticks had he, thrice seven layers of fuel were prepared,
When the Gods, offering sacrifice, bound, as their victim, Puruṣa.
Sloka : 10.90.16
य॒ज्ञेन॑ य॒ज्ञम॑यजन्त दे॒वास्तानि॒ धर्मा॑णि प्रथ॒मान्या॑सन् ।
ते ह॒ नाकं॑ महि॒मानः॑ सचन्त॒ यत्र॒ पूर्वे॑ सा॒ध्याः सन्ति॑ दे॒वाः ॥ १०.०९०.१६
ya̱jñena̍ ya̱jñama̍yajanta de̱vāstāni̱ dharmā̍ṇi pratha̱mānyā̍san .
te ha̱ nāka̍ṃ mahi̱māna̍ḥ sacanta̱ yatra̱ pūrve̍ sā̱dhyāḥ santi̍ de̱vāḥ .. 10.090.16
16 Gods, sacrificing, sacrificed the victim these were the earliest holy ordinances.
The Mighty Ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sādhyas, Gods of old, are dwelling.
Sloka : 10.91.1
सं जा॑गृ॒वद्भि॒र्जर॑माण इध्यते॒ दमे॒ दमू॑ना इ॒षय॑न्नि॒ळस्प॒दे ।
विश्व॑स्य॒ होता॑ ह॒विषो॒ वरे॑ण्यो वि॒भुर्वि॒भावा॑ सु॒षखा॑ सखीय॒ते ॥ १०.०९१.०१
saṃ jā̍gṛ̱vadbhi̱rjara̍māṇa idhyate̱ dame̱ damū̍nā i̱ṣaya̍nni̱l̤aspa̱de .
viśva̍sya̱ hotā̍ ha̱viṣo̱ vare̍ṇyo vi̱bhurvi̱bhāvā̍ su̱ṣakhā̍ sakhīya̱te .. 10.091.01
1. BRISK, at the place of Iḷā, hymned by men who wake, our own familiar Friend is kindled in the house;
Hotar of all oblation, worthy of our choice, Lord, beaming, trusty friend to one who loveth him.
Sloka : 10.91.2
स द॑र्शत॒श्रीरति॑थिर्गृ॒हेगृ॑हे॒ वने॑वने शिश्रिये तक्व॒वीरि॑व ।
जनं॑जनं॒ जन्यो॒ नाति॑ मन्यते॒ विश॒ आ क्षे॑ति वि॒श्यो॒३॒॑ विशं॑विशम् ॥ १०.०९१.०२
sa da̍rśata̱śrīrati̍thirgṛ̱hegṛ̍he̱ vane̍vane śiśriye takva̱vīri̍va .
jana̍ṃjana̱ṃ janyo̱ nāti̍ manyate̱ viśa̱ ā kṣe̍ti vi̱śyo̱3̱̍ viśa̍ṃviśam .. 10.091.02
2 He, excellent in glory, guest in every house, finds like a swift-winged bird a home in every tree.
Benevolent to men, he scorns no living man:- Friend to the tribes of men he dwells with every tribe.
Sloka : 10.91.3
सु॒दक्षो॒ दक्षैः॒ क्रतु॑नासि सु॒क्रतु॒रग्ने॑ क॒विः काव्ये॑नासि विश्व॒वित् ।
वसु॒र्वसू॑नां क्षयसि॒ त्वमेक॒ इद्द्यावा॑ च॒ यानि॑ पृथि॒वी च॒ पुष्य॑तः ॥ १०.०९१.०३
su̱dakṣo̱ dakṣai̱ḥ kratu̍nāsi su̱kratu̱ragne̍ ka̱viḥ kāvye̍nāsi viśva̱vit .
vasu̱rvasū̍nāṃ kṣayasi̱ tvameka̱ iddyāvā̍ ca̱ yāni̍ pṛthi̱vī ca̱ puṣya̍taḥ .. 10.091.03
3 Most sage with insight, passing skilful with thy powers art thou, O Agni, wise with wisdom, knowing all.
As Vasu, thou alone art Lord of all good things, of all the treasures that the heavens and earth produce.
Sloka : 10.91.4
प्र॒जा॒नन्न॑ग्ने॒ तव॒ योनि॑मृ॒त्विय॒मिळा॑यास्प॒दे घृ॒तव॑न्त॒मास॑दः ।
आ ते॑ चिकित्र उ॒षसा॑मि॒वेत॑योऽरे॒पसः॒ सूर्य॑स्येव र॒श्मयः॑ ॥ १०.०९१.०४
pra̱jā̱nanna̍gne̱ tava̱ yoni̍mṛ̱tviya̱mil̤ā̍yāspa̱de ghṛ̱tava̍nta̱māsa̍daḥ .
ā te̍ cikitra u̱ṣasā̍mi̱veta̍yo're̱pasa̱ḥ sūrya̍syeva ra̱śmaya̍ḥ .. 10.091.04
4 Foreknowing well, O Agni, thou in Iḷā's place hast occupied thy regular station balmed with oil.
Marked are thy comings like the comings of the Dawns, the rays of him who shineth spotless as the Sun.
Sloka : 10.91.5
तव॒ श्रियो॑ व॒र्ष्य॑स्येव वि॒द्युत॑श्चि॒त्राश्चि॑कित्र उ॒षसां॒ न के॒तवः॑ ।
यदोष॑धीर॒भिसृ॑ष्टो॒ वना॑नि च॒ परि॑ स्व॒यं चि॑नु॒षे अन्न॑मा॒स्ये॑ ॥ १०.०९१.०५
tava̱ śriyo̍ va̱rṣya̍syeva vi̱dyuta̍ści̱trāści̍kitra u̱ṣasā̱ṃ na ke̱tava̍ḥ .
yadoṣa̍dhīra̱bhisṛ̍ṣṭo̱ vanā̍ni ca̱ pari̍ sva̱yaṃ ci̍nu̱ṣe anna̍mā̱sye̍ .. 10.091.05
5 Thy glories are, as lightnings from the rainy cloud, marked, many-hued, like heralds of the Dawns approach,
When, loosed to wander over plants and forest trees, thou crammest by thyself thy food into thy mouth.
Sloka : 10.91.6
तमोष॑धीर्दधिरे॒ गर्भ॑मृ॒त्वियं॒ तमापो॑ अ॒ग्निं ज॑नयन्त मा॒तरः॑ ।
तमित्स॑मा॒नं व॒निन॑श्च वी॒रुधो॒ऽन्तर्व॑तीश्च॒ सुव॑ते च वि॒श्वहा॑ ॥ १०.०९१.०६
tamoṣa̍dhīrdadhire̱ garbha̍mṛ̱tviya̱ṃ tamāpo̍ a̱gniṃ ja̍nayanta mā̱tara̍ḥ .
tamitsa̍mā̱naṃ va̱nina̍śca vī̱rudho̱'ntarva̍tīśca̱ suva̍te ca vi̱śvahā̍ .. 10.091.06
6 Him, duly coming as their germ, have plants received:- this Agni have maternal Waters brought to life.
So in like manner do the forest trees and plants bear him within them and produce him evermore.
Sloka : 10.91.7
वातो॑पधूत इषि॒तो वशा॒ँ अनु॑ तृ॒षु यदन्ना॒ वेवि॑षद्वि॒तिष्ठ॑से ।
आ ते॑ यतन्ते र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ यथा॒ पृथ॒क्छर्धां॑स्यग्ने अ॒जरा॑णि॒ धक्ष॑तः ॥ १०.०९१.०७
vāto̍padhūta iṣi̱to vaśā̱m̐ anu̍ tṛ̱ṣu yadannā̱ vevi̍ṣadvi̱tiṣṭha̍se .
ā te̍ yatante ra̱thyo̱3̱̍ yathā̱ pṛtha̱kchardhā̍ṃsyagne a̱jarā̍ṇi̱ dhakṣa̍taḥ .. 10.091.07
7 When, sped and urged by wind, thou spreadest thee abroad, swift piercing through thy food according to thy will,
Thy never-ceasing blazes, longing to consume, like men on chariots, Agni, strive on every side.
Sloka : 10.91.8
मे॒धा॒का॒रं वि॒दथ॑स्य प्र॒साध॑नम॒ग्निं होता॑रं परि॒भूत॑मं म॒तिम् ।
तमिदर्भे॑ ह॒विष्या स॑मा॒नमित्तमिन्म॒हे वृ॑णते॒ नान्यं त्वत् ॥ १०.०९१.०८
me̱dhā̱kā̱raṃ vi̱datha̍sya pra̱sādha̍nama̱gniṃ hotā̍raṃ pari̱bhūta̍maṃ ma̱tim .
tamidarbhe̍ ha̱viṣyā sa̍mā̱namittaminma̱he vṛ̍ṇate̱ nānyaṃ tvat .. 10.091.08
8 Agni, the Hotar-priest who fills the assembly full, Waker of knowledge, chief Controller of the thought,
Him, yea, none other than thyself, doth man elect at sacrificial offerings great and small alike.
Sloka : 10.91.9
त्वामिदत्र॑ वृणते त्वा॒यवो॒ होता॑रमग्ने वि॒दथे॑षु वे॒धसः॑ ।
यद्दे॑व॒यन्तो॒ दध॑ति॒ प्रयां॑सि ते ह॒विष्म॑न्तो॒ मन॑वो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषः ॥ १०.०९१.०९
tvāmidatra̍ vṛṇate tvā̱yavo̱ hotā̍ramagne vi̱dathe̍ṣu ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
yadde̍va̱yanto̱ dadha̍ti̱ prayā̍ṃsi te ha̱viṣma̍nto̱ mana̍vo vṛ̱ktaba̍rhiṣaḥ .. 10.091.09
9 Here, Agni, the arrangers, those attached to thee, elect thee as their Priest in sacred gatherings,
When men with strewn clipt grass and sacrificial gifts offer thee entertainment, piously inclined.
Sloka : 10.91.10
तवा॑ग्ने हो॒त्रं तव॑ पो॒त्रमृ॒त्वियं॒ तव॑ ने॒ष्ट्रं त्वम॒ग्निदृ॑ताय॒तः ।
तव॑ प्रशा॒स्त्रं त्वम॑ध्वरीयसि ब्र॒ह्मा चासि॑ गृ॒हप॑तिश्च नो॒ दमे॑ ॥ १०.०९१.१०
tavā̍gne ho̱traṃ tava̍ po̱tramṛ̱tviya̱ṃ tava̍ ne̱ṣṭraṃ tvama̱gnidṛ̍tāya̱taḥ .
tava̍ praśā̱straṃ tvama̍dhvarīyasi bra̱hmā cāsi̍ gṛ̱hapa̍tiśca no̱ dame̍ .. 10.091.10
10 Thine is the Herald's task and Cleanser's duly timed; Leader art thou, and Kindler for the pious man.
Thou art Director, thou the ministering Priest:- thou art the Brahman, Lord and Master in our home.
Sloka : 10.91.11
यस्तुभ्य॑मग्ने अ॒मृता॑य॒ मर्त्यः॑ स॒मिधा॒ दाश॑दु॒त वा॑ ह॒विष्कृ॑ति ।
तस्य॒ होता॑ भवसि॒ यासि॑ दू॒त्य१॒॑मुप॑ ब्रूषे॒ यज॑स्यध्वरी॒यसि॑ ॥ १०.०९१.११
yastubhya̍magne a̱mṛtā̍ya̱ martya̍ḥ sa̱midhā̱ dāśa̍du̱ta vā̍ ha̱viṣkṛ̍ti .
tasya̱ hotā̍ bhavasi̱ yāsi̍ dū̱tya1̱̍mupa̍ brūṣe̱ yaja̍syadhvarī̱yasi̍ .. 10.091.11
11 When mortal man presents to thee Immortal God, Agni, his fuel or his sacrificial gift,
Then thou art his Adhvaryu, Hotar, messenger, callest the Gods and orderest the sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.91.12
इ॒मा अ॑स्मै म॒तयो॒ वाचो॑ अ॒स्मदाँ ऋचो॒ गिरः॑ सुष्टु॒तयः॒ सम॑ग्मत ।
व॒सू॒यवो॒ वस॑वे जा॒तवे॑दसे वृ॒द्धासु॑ चि॒द्वर्ध॑नो॒ यासु॑ चा॒कन॑त् ॥ १०.०९१.१२
i̱mā a̍smai ma̱tayo̱ vāco̍ a̱smadām̐ ṛco̱ gira̍ḥ suṣṭu̱taya̱ḥ sama̍gmata .
va̱sū̱yavo̱ vasa̍ve jā̱tave̍dase vṛ̱ddhāsu̍ ci̱dvardha̍no̱ yāsu̍ cā̱kana̍t .. 10.091.12
12 From us these hymns in concert have gone forth to him, these. holy words, these Ṛcas, songs and eulogies,
Eager for wealth, to Jātavedas fain for wealth:- when they have waxen strong they please their Strengthener.
Sloka : 10.91.13
इ॒मां प्र॒त्नाय॑ सुष्टु॒तिं नवी॑यसीं वो॒चेय॑मस्मा उश॒ते शृ॒णोतु॑ नः ।
भू॒या अन्त॑रा हृ॒द्य॑स्य नि॒स्पृशे॑ जा॒येव॒ पत्य॑ उश॒ती सु॒वासाः॑ ॥ १०.०९१.१३
i̱māṃ pra̱tnāya̍ suṣṭu̱tiṃ navī̍yasīṃ vo̱ceya̍masmā uśa̱te śṛ̱ṇotu̍ naḥ .
bhū̱yā anta̍rā hṛ̱dya̍sya ni̱spṛśe̍ jā̱yeva̱ patya̍ uśa̱tī su̱vāsā̍ḥ .. 10.091.13
13 This newest eulogy will I speak forth to him, the Ancient One who loves it. May he hear our voice.
May it come near his heart and make it stir with love, as a fond well-dressed matron clings about her lord.
Sloka : 10.91.14
यस्मि॒न्नश्वा॑स ऋष॒भास॑ उ॒क्षणो॑ व॒शा मे॒षा अ॑वसृ॒ष्टास॒ आहु॑ताः ।
की॒ला॒ल॒पे सोम॑पृष्ठाय वे॒धसे॑ हृ॒दा म॒तिं ज॑नये॒ चारु॑म॒ग्नये॑ ॥ १०.०९१.१४
yasmi̱nnaśvā̍sa ṛṣa̱bhāsa̍ u̱kṣaṇo̍ va̱śā me̱ṣā a̍vasṛ̱ṣṭāsa̱ āhu̍tāḥ .
kī̱lā̱la̱pe soma̍pṛṣṭhāya ve̱dhase̍ hṛ̱dā ma̱tiṃ ja̍naye̱ cāru̍ma̱gnaye̍ .. 10.091.14
14 He in whom horses, bulls, oxen, and barren cows, and rams, when duly set apart, are offered up,
To Agni, Soma-sprinkled, drinker of sweet juice, Disposer, with my heart I bring a fair hymn forth.
Sloka : 10.91.15
अहा॑व्यग्ने ह॒विरा॒स्ये॑ ते स्रु॒ची॑व घृ॒तं च॒म्वी॑व॒ सोमः॑ ।
वा॒ज॒सनिं॑ र॒यिम॒स्मे सु॒वीरं॑ प्रश॒स्तं धे॑हि य॒शसं॑ बृ॒हन्त॑म् ॥ १०.०९१.१५
ahā̍vyagne ha̱virā̱sye̍ te sru̱cī̍va ghṛ̱taṃ ca̱mvī̍va̱ soma̍ḥ .
vā̱ja̱sani̍ṃ ra̱yima̱sme su̱vīra̍ṃ praśa̱staṃ dhe̍hi ya̱śasa̍ṃ bṛ̱hanta̍m .. 10.091.15
15 Into thy mouth is poured the offering, Agni, as Soma into cup, oil into ladle.
Vouchsafe us wealth. strength-winning, blest with heroes, wealth lofty, praised by men, and full of splendour.
Sloka : 10.92.1
य॒ज्ञस्य॑ वो र॒थ्यं॑ वि॒श्पतिं॑ वि॒शां होता॑रम॒क्तोरति॑थिं वि॒भाव॑सुम् ।
शोच॒ञ्छुष्का॑सु॒ हरि॑णीषु॒ जर्भु॑र॒द्वृषा॑ के॒तुर्य॑ज॒तो द्याम॑शायत ॥ १०.०९२.०१
ya̱jñasya̍ vo ra̱thya̍ṃ vi̱śpati̍ṃ vi̱śāṃ hotā̍rama̱ktorati̍thiṃ vi̱bhāva̍sum .
śoca̱ñchuṣkā̍su̱ hari̍ṇīṣu̱ jarbhu̍ra̱dvṛṣā̍ ke̱turya̍ja̱to dyāma̍śāyata .. 10.092.01
1. I PRAISE your Charioteer of sacrifice, the Lord of men, Priest of the tribes, refulgent, Guest of night.
Blazing amid dry plants, snatching amid the green, the Strong, the Holy Herald hath attained to heaven.
Sloka : 10.92.2
इ॒मम॑ञ्ज॒स्पामु॒भये॑ अकृण्वत ध॒र्माण॑म॒ग्निं वि॒दथ॑स्य॒ साध॑नम् ।
अ॒क्तुं न य॒ह्वमु॒षसः॑ पु॒रोहि॑तं॒ तनू॒नपा॑तमरु॒षस्य॑ निंसते ॥ १०.०९२.०२
i̱mama̍ñja̱spāmu̱bhaye̍ akṛṇvata dha̱rmāṇa̍ma̱gniṃ vi̱datha̍sya̱ sādha̍nam .
a̱ktuṃ na ya̱hvamu̱ṣasa̍ḥ pu̱rohi̍ta̱ṃ tanū̱napā̍tamaru̱ṣasya̍ niṃsate .. 10.092.02
2 Him, Agni, Gods and men have made their chief support, who drinks the fatness and completes the sacrifice.
With kisses they caress the Grandson of the Red, like the swift ray of light, the Household Priest of Dawn.
Sloka : 10.92.3
बळ॑स्य नी॒था वि प॒णेश्च॑ मन्महे व॒या अ॑स्य॒ प्रहु॑ता आसु॒रत्त॑वे ।
य॒दा घो॒रासो॑ अमृत॒त्वमाश॒तादिज्जन॑स्य॒ दैव्य॑स्य चर्किरन् ॥ १०.०९२.०३
bal̤a̍sya nī̱thā vi pa̱ṇeśca̍ manmahe va̱yā a̍sya̱ prahu̍tā āsu̱ratta̍ve .
ya̱dā gho̱rāso̍ amṛta̱tvamāśa̱tādijjana̍sya̱ daivya̍sya carkiran .. 10.092.03
3 Yea, we discriminate his and the niggard's ways:- his branches evermore are sent forth to consume.
When his terrific flames have reached the Immortal's world, then men remember and extol the Heavenly Folk.
Sloka : 10.92.4
ऋ॒तस्य॒ हि प्रसि॑ति॒र्द्यौरु॒रु व्यचो॒ नमो॑ म॒ह्य१॒॑रम॑तिः॒ पनी॑यसी ।
इन्द्रो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णः॒ सं चि॑कित्रि॒रेऽथो॒ भगः॑ सवि॒ता पू॒तद॑क्षसः ॥ १०.०९२.०४
ṛ̱tasya̱ hi prasi̍ti̱rdyauru̱ru vyaco̱ namo̍ ma̱hya1̱̍rama̍ti̱ḥ panī̍yasī .
indro̍ mi̱tro varu̍ṇa̱ḥ saṃ ci̍kitri̱re'tho̱ bhaga̍ḥ savi̱tā pū̱tada̍kṣasaḥ .. 10.092.04
4 For then the net of Law, Dyaus, and the wide expanse, Earth, Worship, and Devotion meet for highest praise,
Varuṇa, Indra, Mitra were of one accord, and Savitar and Bhaga, Lords of holy might.
Sloka : 10.92.5
प्र रु॒द्रेण॑ य॒यिना॑ यन्ति॒ सिन्ध॑वस्ति॒रो म॒हीम॒रम॑तिं दधन्विरे ।
येभिः॒ परि॑ज्मा परि॒यन्नु॒रु ज्रयो॒ वि रोरु॑वज्ज॒ठरे॒ विश्व॑मु॒क्षते॑ ॥ १०.०९२.०५
pra ru̱dreṇa̍ ya̱yinā̍ yanti̱ sindha̍vasti̱ro ma̱hīma̱rama̍tiṃ dadhanvire .
yebhi̱ḥ pari̍jmā pari̱yannu̱ru jrayo̱ vi roru̍vajja̱ṭhare̱ viśva̍mu̱kṣate̍ .. 10.092.05
5 Onward, with ever-roaming Rudra, speed the floods:- over Aramati the Mighty have they run.
With them Parijman, moving round his vast domain, loud bellowing, bedews all things that are within.
Sloka : 10.92.6
क्रा॒णा रु॒द्रा म॒रुतो॑ वि॒श्वकृ॑ष्टयो दि॒वः श्ये॒नासो॒ असु॑रस्य नी॒ळयः॑ ।
तेभि॑श्चष्टे॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मेन्द्रो॑ दे॒वेभि॑रर्व॒शेभि॒रर्व॑शः ॥ १०.०९२.०६
krā̱ṇā ru̱drā ma̱ruto̍ vi̱śvakṛ̍ṣṭayo di̱vaḥ śye̱nāso̱ asu̍rasya nī̱l̤aya̍ḥ .
tebhi̍ścaṣṭe̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mendro̍ de̱vebhi̍rarva̱śebhi̱rarva̍śaḥ .. 10.092.06
6 Straightway the Rudras, Maruts visiting all men, Falcons of Dyaus, home-dwellers with the Asura,
Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman look on with these, and the swift-moving Indra with swift-moving Gods.
Sloka : 10.92.7
इन्द्रे॒ भुजं॑ शशमा॒नास॑ आशत॒ सूरो॒ दृशी॑के॒ वृष॑णश्च॒ पौंस्ये॑ ।
प्र ये न्व॑स्या॒र्हणा॑ ततक्षि॒रे युजं॒ वज्रं॑ नृ॒षद॑नेषु का॒रवः॑ ॥ १०.०९२.०७
indre̱ bhuja̍ṃ śaśamā̱nāsa̍ āśata̱ sūro̱ dṛśī̍ke̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaśca̱ pauṃsye̍ .
pra ye nva̍syā̱rhaṇā̍ tatakṣi̱re yuja̱ṃ vajra̍ṃ nṛ̱ṣada̍neṣu kā̱rava̍ḥ .. 10.092.07
7 With Indra have they found enjoyment, they who toil, in the light's beauty, in the very Strong One's strength;
The singers who in men's assemblies forged for him, according to his due, his friend the thunderbolt.
Sloka : 10.92.8
सूर॑श्चि॒दा ह॒रितो॑ अस्य रीरम॒दिन्द्रा॒दा कश्चि॑द्भयते॒ तवी॑यसः ।
भी॒मस्य॒ वृष्णो॑ ज॒ठरा॑दभि॒श्वसो॑ दि॒वेदि॑वे॒ सहु॑रिः स्त॒न्नबा॑धितः ॥ १०.०९२.०८
sūra̍ści̱dā ha̱rito̍ asya rīrama̱dindrā̱dā kaści̍dbhayate̱ tavī̍yasaḥ .
bhī̱masya̱ vṛṣṇo̍ ja̱ṭharā̍dabhi̱śvaso̍ di̱vedi̍ve̱ sahu̍riḥ sta̱nnabā̍dhitaḥ .. 10.092.08
8 Even the Sun's Bay Coursers hath lie held in check:- each one fears Indra as the mightiest of all.
Unhindered, from the air's vault thunders day by day the loud triumphant breathing of the fearful Bull.
Sloka : 10.92.9
स्तोमं॑ वो अ॒द्य रु॒द्राय॒ शिक्व॑से क्ष॒यद्वी॑राय॒ नम॑सा दिदिष्टन ।
येभिः॑ शि॒वः स्ववा॑ँ एव॒याव॑भिर्दि॒वः सिष॑क्ति॒ स्वय॑शा॒ निका॑मभिः ॥ १०.०९२.०९
stoma̍ṃ vo a̱dya ru̱drāya̱ śikva̍se kṣa̱yadvī̍rāya̱ nama̍sā didiṣṭana .
yebhi̍ḥ śi̱vaḥ svavā̍m̐ eva̱yāva̍bhirdi̱vaḥ siṣa̍kti̱ svaya̍śā̱ nikā̍mabhiḥ .. 10.092.09
9 With humble adoration show this day your song of praise to mighty Rudra, Ruler of the brave:-
With whom, the Eager Ones, going their ordered course, he comes from heaven Self-bright, auspicious, strong to guard.
Sloka : 10.92.10
ते हि प्र॒जाया॒ अभ॑रन्त॒ वि श्रवो॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्वृष॒भः सोम॑जामयः ।
य॒ज्ञैरथ॑र्वा प्रथ॒मो वि धा॑रयद्दे॒वा दक्षै॒र्भृग॑वः॒ सं चि॑कित्रिरे ॥ १०.०९२.१०
te hi pra̱jāyā̱ abha̍ranta̱ vi śravo̱ bṛha̱spati̍rvṛṣa̱bhaḥ soma̍jāmayaḥ .
ya̱jñairatha̍rvā pratha̱mo vi dhā̍rayadde̱vā dakṣai̱rbhṛga̍va̱ḥ saṃ ci̍kitrire .. 10.092.10
10 For these have spread abroad the fame of human kind, the Bull Bṛhaspati and Soma's brotherhood.
Atharvan first by sacrifices made men sure:- through skill the Bhṛgus were esteemed of all as Gods.
Sloka : 10.92.11
ते हि द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी भूरि॑रेतसा॒ नरा॒शंस॒श्चतु॑रङ्गो य॒मोऽदि॑तिः ।
दे॒वस्त्वष्टा॑ द्रविणो॒दा ऋ॑भु॒क्षणः॒ प्र रो॑द॒सी म॒रुतो॒ विष्णु॑रर्हिरे ॥ १०.०९२.११
te hi dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī bhūri̍retasā̱ narā̱śaṃsa̱ścatu̍raṅgo ya̱mo'di̍tiḥ .
de̱vastvaṣṭā̍ draviṇo̱dā ṛ̍bhu̱kṣaṇa̱ḥ pra ro̍da̱sī ma̱ruto̱ viṣṇu̍rarhire .. 10.092.11
11 For these, the Earth and Heaven with their abundant seed, four-bodied Narāśaṁsa, Yama, Aditi,
God Tvaṣṭar Wealth-bestower, the Ṛbhukṣaṇas, Rodasī, Maruts, Viṣṇu, claim and merit praise.
Sloka : 10.92.12
उ॒त स्य न॑ उ॒शिजा॑मुर्वि॒या क॒विरहिः॑ शृणोतु बु॒ध्न्यो॒३॒॑ हवी॑मनि ।
सूर्या॒मासा॑ वि॒चर॑न्ता दिवि॒क्षिता॑ धि॒या श॑मीनहुषी अ॒स्य बो॑धतम् ॥ १०.०९२.१२
u̱ta sya na̍ u̱śijā̍murvi̱yā ka̱virahi̍ḥ śṛṇotu bu̱dhnyo̱3̱̍ havī̍mani .
sūryā̱māsā̍ vi̱cara̍ntā divi̱kṣitā̍ dhi̱yā śa̍mīnahuṣī a̱sya bo̍dhatam .. 10.092.12
12 And may he too give car, the Sage, from far away, the Dragon of the Deep, to this our yearning call.
Ye Sun and Moon who dwell in heaven and move in turn, and with your thought, O Earth and Sky, observe this well.
Sloka : 10.92.13
प्र नः॑ पू॒षा च॒रथं॑ वि॒श्वदे॑व्यो॒ऽपां नपा॑दवतु वा॒युरि॒ष्टये॑ ।
आ॒त्मानं॒ वस्यो॑ अ॒भि वात॑मर्चत॒ तद॑श्विना सुहवा॒ याम॑नि श्रुतम् ॥ १०.०९२.१३
pra na̍ḥ pū̱ṣā ca̱ratha̍ṃ vi̱śvade̍vyo̱'pāṃ napā̍davatu vā̱yuri̱ṣṭaye̍ .
ā̱tmāna̱ṃ vasyo̍ a̱bhi vāta̍marcata̱ tada̍śvinā suhavā̱ yāma̍ni śrutam .. 10.092.13
13 Dear to all Gods, may Pūṣan guard the ways we go, the Waters child and Vāyu help us to success.
Sing lauds for your great bliss to Wind, the breath of all:- ye Aśvins prompt to hear, hear this upon your way.
Sloka : 10.92.14
वि॒शामा॒सामभ॑यानामधि॒क्षितं॑ गी॒र्भिरु॒ स्वय॑शसं गृणीमसि ।
ग्नाभि॒र्विश्वा॑भि॒रदि॑तिमन॒र्वण॑म॒क्तोर्युवा॑नं नृ॒मणा॒ अधा॒ पति॑म् ॥ १०.०९२.१४
vi̱śāmā̱sāmabha̍yānāmadhi̱kṣita̍ṃ gī̱rbhiru̱ svaya̍śasaṃ gṛṇīmasi .
gnābhi̱rviśvā̍bhi̱radi̍timana̱rvaṇa̍ma̱ktoryuvā̍naṃ nṛ̱maṇā̱ adhā̱ pati̍m .. 10.092.14
14 With hymns of praise we sing him who is throned as Lord over these fearless tribes, the Self-resplendent One.
We praise Night's youthful Lord benevolent to men, the foeless One, the free, with all celestial Dames.
Sloka : 10.92.15
रेभ॒दत्र॑ ज॒नुषा॒ पूर्वो॒ अङ्गि॑रा॒ ग्रावा॑ण ऊ॒र्ध्वा अ॒भि च॑क्षुरध्व॒रम् ।
येभि॒र्विहा॑या॒ अभ॑वद्विचक्ष॒णः पाथः॑ सु॒मेकं॒ स्वधि॑ति॒र्वन॑न्वति ॥ १०.०९२.१५
rebha̱datra̍ ja̱nuṣā̱ pūrvo̱ aṅgi̍rā̱ grāvā̍ṇa ū̱rdhvā a̱bhi ca̍kṣuradhva̱ram .
yebhi̱rvihā̍yā̱ abha̍vadvicakṣa̱ṇaḥ pātha̍ḥ su̱meka̱ṃ svadhi̍ti̱rvana̍nvati .. 10.092.15
15 By reason of his birth here Aṅgiras first sang:- the pressing-stones upraised beheld the sacrifice-
The stones through which the Sage became exceeding vast, and the sharp axe obtains in fight the beauteous place.
Sloka : 10.93.1
महि॑ द्यावापृथिवी भूतमु॒र्वी नारी॑ य॒ह्वी न रोद॑सी॒ सदं॑ नः ।
तेभि॑र्नः पातं॒ सह्य॑स ए॒भिर्नः॑ पातं शू॒षणि॑ ॥ १०.०९३.०१
mahi̍ dyāvāpṛthivī bhūtamu̱rvī nārī̍ ya̱hvī na roda̍sī̱ sada̍ṃ naḥ .
tebhi̍rnaḥ pāta̱ṃ sahya̍sa e̱bhirna̍ḥ pātaṃ śū̱ṣaṇi̍ .. 10.093.01
1. MIGHTY are ye, and far-extended, Heaven and Earth:- both Worlds are evermore to us like two young Dames.
Guard us thereby from stronger foe; guard us hereby to give us strength.
Sloka : 10.93.2
य॒ज्ञेय॑ज्ञे॒ स मर्त्यो॑ दे॒वान्स॑पर्यति ।
यः सु॒म्नैर्दी॑र्घ॒श्रुत्त॑म आ॒विवा॑सत्येनान् ॥ १०.०९३.०२
ya̱jñeya̍jñe̱ sa martyo̍ de̱vānsa̍paryati .
yaḥ su̱mnairdī̍rgha̱śrutta̍ma ā̱vivā̍satyenān .. 10.093.02
2 In each succeeding sacrifice that mortal honoureth the Gods,
He who, most widely known and famed for happiness, inviteth them.
Sloka : 10.93.3
विश्वे॑षामिरज्यवो दे॒वानां॒ वार्म॒हः ।
विश्वे॒ हि वि॒श्वम॑हसो॒ विश्वे॑ य॒ज्ञेषु॑ य॒ज्ञियाः॑ ॥ १०.०९३.०३
viśve̍ṣāmirajyavo de̱vānā̱ṃ vārma̱haḥ .
viśve̱ hi vi̱śvama̍haso̱ viśve̍ ya̱jñeṣu̍ ya̱jñiyā̍ḥ .. 10.093.03
3 Ye who are Rulers over all, great is your sovran power as Gods.
Ye all possess all majesty:- all must be served in sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.93.4
ते घा॒ राजा॑नो अ॒मृत॑स्य म॒न्द्रा अ॑र्य॒मा मि॒त्रो वरु॑णः॒ परि॑ज्मा ।
कद्रु॒द्रो नृ॒णां स्तु॒तो म॒रुतः॑ पू॒षणो॒ भगः॑ ॥ १०.०९३.०४
te ghā̱ rājā̍no a̱mṛta̍sya ma̱ndrā a̍rya̱mā mi̱tro varu̍ṇa̱ḥ pari̍jmā .
kadru̱dro nṛ̱ṇāṃ stu̱to ma̱ruta̍ḥ pū̱ṣaṇo̱ bhaga̍ḥ .. 10.093.04
4 These are the joyous Kings of Immortality, Parijman, Mitra, Aryaman, and Varuṇa.
What else is Rudra, praised of men? the Maruts, Bhaga, Pūṣaṇa?
Sloka : 10.93.5
उ॒त नो॒ नक्त॑म॒पां वृ॑षण्वसू॒ सूर्या॒मासा॒ सद॑नाय सध॒न्या॑ ।
सचा॒ यत्साद्ये॑षा॒महि॑र्बु॒ध्नेषु॑ बु॒ध्न्यः॑ ॥ १०.०९३.०५
u̱ta no̱ nakta̍ma̱pāṃ vṛ̍ṣaṇvasū̱ sūryā̱māsā̱ sada̍nāya sadha̱nyā̍ .
sacā̱ yatsādye̍ṣā̱mahi̍rbu̱dhneṣu̍ bu̱dhnya̍ḥ .. 10.093.05
5 Come also to our dwelling, Lords of ample wealth, common partakers of our waters, Sun and Moon,
When the great Dragon of the Deep hath settled down upon their floors.
Sloka : 10.93.6
उ॒त नो॑ दे॒वाव॒श्विना॑ शु॒भस्पती॒ धाम॑भिर्मि॒त्रावरु॑णा उरुष्यताम् ।
म॒हः स रा॒य एष॒तेऽति॒ धन्वे॑व दुरि॒ता ॥ १०.०९३.०६
u̱ta no̍ de̱vāva̱śvinā̍ śu̱bhaspatī̱ dhāma̍bhirmi̱trāvaru̍ṇā uruṣyatām .
ma̱haḥ sa rā̱ya eṣa̱te'ti̱ dhanve̍va duri̱tā .. 10.093.06
6 And let the Aśvins, Lords of splendour, set us free,both Gods, and, with their Laws, Mitra and Varuṇa.
Through woes, as over desert lands, he speeds to ample opulence.
Sloka : 10.93.7
उ॒त नो॑ रु॒द्रा चि॑न्मृळताम॒श्विना॒ विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॒ रथ॒स्पति॒र्भगः॑ ।
ऋ॒भुर्वाज॑ ऋभुक्षणः॒ परि॑ज्मा विश्ववेदसः ॥ १०.०९३.०७
u̱ta no̍ ru̱drā ci̍nmṛl̤atāma̱śvinā̱ viśve̍ de̱vāso̱ ratha̱spati̱rbhaga̍ḥ .
ṛ̱bhurvāja̍ ṛbhukṣaṇa̱ḥ pari̍jmā viśvavedasaḥ .. 10.093.07
7 Yea, let the Aśvins Twain he gracious unto us, even Rudras, and all Gods, Bhaga, Rathaspati;
Parijman, Ṛbhu, Vāja, O Lords of all wealth Ṛbhukṣaṇas.
Sloka : 10.93.8
ऋ॒भुरृ॑भु॒क्षा ऋ॒भुर्वि॑ध॒तो मद॒ आ ते॒ हरी॑ जूजुवा॒नस्य॑ वा॒जिना॑ ।
दु॒ष्टरं॒ यस्य॒ साम॑ चि॒दृध॑ग्य॒ज्ञो न मानु॑षः ॥ १०.०९३.०८
ṛ̱bhurṛ̍bhu̱kṣā ṛ̱bhurvi̍dha̱to mada̱ ā te̱ harī̍ jūjuvā̱nasya̍ vā̱jinā̍ .
du̱ṣṭara̱ṃ yasya̱ sāma̍ ci̱dṛdha̍gya̱jño na mānu̍ṣaḥ .. 10.093.08
8 Prompt is Ṛbhukṣan, prompt the worshipper's strong drink:- may thy fleet Bay Steeds, thine who speedest on, approach.
Not mans but God's is sacrifice whose psalm is unassailable.
Sloka : 10.93.9
कृ॒धी नो॒ अह्र॑यो देव सवितः॒ स च॑ स्तुषे म॒घोना॑म् ।
स॒हो न॒ इन्द्रो॒ वह्नि॑भि॒र्न्ये॑षां चर्षणी॒नां च॒क्रं र॒श्मिं न यो॑युवे ॥ १०.०९३.०९
kṛ̱dhī no̱ ahra̍yo deva savita̱ḥ sa ca̍ stuṣe ma̱ghonā̍m .
sa̱ho na̱ indro̱ vahni̍bhi̱rnye̍ṣāṃ carṣaṇī̱nāṃ ca̱kraṃ ra̱śmiṃ na yo̍yuve .. 10.093.09
9 O God Savitar, harmed by none, lauded, give us a place among wealthy princes.
With his Car-steeds at once 'hath our Indra guided the reins and the car of these men.
Sloka : 10.93.10
ऐषु॑ द्यावापृथिवी धातं म॒हद॒स्मे वी॒रेषु॑ वि॒श्वच॑र्षणि॒ श्रवः॑ ।
पृ॒क्षं वाज॑स्य सा॒तये॑ पृ॒क्षं रा॒योत तु॒र्वणे॑ ॥ १०.०९३.१०
aiṣu̍ dyāvāpṛthivī dhātaṃ ma̱hada̱sme vī̱reṣu̍ vi̱śvaca̍rṣaṇi̱ śrava̍ḥ .
pṛ̱kṣaṃ vāja̍sya sā̱taye̍ pṛ̱kṣaṃ rā̱yota tu̱rvaṇe̍ .. 10.093.10
10 To these men present here, O Heaven and Earth, to us grant lofty fame extending over all mankind.
Give us a steed to win us strength, a steed with wealth for victory.
Sloka : 10.93.11
ए॒तं शंस॑मिन्द्रास्म॒युष्ट्वं कूचि॒त्सन्तं॑ सहसावन्न॒भिष्ट॑ये ।
सदा॑ पाह्य॒भिष्ट॑ये मे॒दतां॑ वे॒दता॑ वसो ॥ १०.०९३.११
e̱taṃ śaṃsa̍mindrāsma̱yuṣṭvaṃ kūci̱tsanta̍ṃ sahasāvanna̱bhiṣṭa̍ye .
sadā̍ pāhya̱bhiṣṭa̍ye me̱datā̍ṃ ve̱datā̍ vaso .. 10.093.11
11 This speaker, Indrafor thou art our Friendwherever he may be, guard thou, Victor! for help, ever for help
Thy wisdom, Vasu! prosper him.
Sloka : 10.93.12
ए॒तं मे॒ स्तोमं॑ त॒ना न सूर्ये॑ द्यु॒तद्या॑मानं वावृधन्त नृ॒णाम् ।
सं॒वन॑नं॒ नाश्व्यं॒ तष्टे॒वान॑पच्युतम् ॥ १०.०९३.१२
e̱taṃ me̱ stoma̍ṃ ta̱nā na sūrye̍ dyu̱tadyā̍mānaṃ vāvṛdhanta nṛ̱ṇām .
sa̱ṃvana̍na̱ṃ nāśvya̱ṃ taṣṭe̱vāna̍pacyutam .. 10.093.12
12 So have they strengthened this mine hymn which seems to take its bright path to the Sun, and reconciles the men:-
Thus forms a carpenter the yoke of horses, not to be displaced.
Sloka : 10.93.13
वा॒वर्त॒ येषां॑ रा॒या यु॒क्तैषां॑ हिर॒ण्ययी॑ ।
ने॒मधि॑ता॒ न पौंस्या॒ वृथे॑व वि॒ष्टान्ता॑ ॥ १०.०९३.१३
vā̱varta̱ yeṣā̍ṃ rā̱yā yu̱ktaiṣā̍ṃ hira̱ṇyayī̍ .
ne̱madhi̍tā̱ na pauṃsyā̱ vṛthe̍va vi̱ṣṭāntā̍ .. 10.093.13
13 Whose chariot-seat hath come again laden with wealth and bright with gold,
Lightly, with piercing ends, as twere two ranks of heroes ranged for fight.
Sloka : 10.93.14
प्र तद्दुः॒शीमे॒ पृथ॑वाने वे॒ने प्र रा॒मे वो॑च॒मसु॑रे म॒घव॑त्सु ।
ये यु॒क्त्वाय॒ पञ्च॑ श॒तास्म॒यु प॒था वि॒श्राव्ये॑षाम् ॥ १०.०९३.१४
pra taddu̱ḥśīme̱ pṛtha̍vāne ve̱ne pra rā̱me vo̍ca̱masu̍re ma̱ghava̍tsu .
ye yu̱ktvāya̱ pañca̍ śa̱tāsma̱yu pa̱thā vi̱śrāvye̍ṣām .. 10.093.14
14 This to Duḥśīma Pṛthavāna have I sung, to Vena, Rama, to the nobles, and the King.
They yoked five hundred, and their love of us was famed upon their way.
Sloka : 10.93.15
अधीन्न्वत्र॑ सप्त॒तिं च॑ स॒प्त च॑ ।
स॒द्यो दि॑दिष्ट॒ तान्वः॑ स॒द्यो दि॑दिष्ट पा॒र्थ्यः स॒द्यो दि॑दिष्ट माय॒वः ॥ १०.०९३.१५
adhīnnvatra̍ sapta̱tiṃ ca̍ sa̱pta ca̍ .
sa̱dyo di̍diṣṭa̱ tānva̍ḥ sa̱dyo di̍diṣṭa pā̱rthyaḥ sa̱dyo di̍diṣṭa māya̱vaḥ .. 10.093.15
15 Besides, they showed us seven-and-seventy horses here.
Tānva at once displayed his gift, Pārthya at once displayed his gift; and straightway Māyava showed his.
Sloka : 10.94.1
प्रैते व॑दन्तु॒ प्र व॒यं व॑दाम॒ ग्राव॑भ्यो॒ वाचं॑ वदता॒ वद॑द्भ्यः ।
यद॑द्रयः पर्वताः सा॒कमा॒शवः॒ श्लोकं॒ घोषं॒ भर॒थेन्द्रा॑य सो॒मिनः॑ ॥ १०.०९४.०१
praite va̍dantu̱ pra va̱yaṃ va̍dāma̱ grāva̍bhyo̱ vāca̍ṃ vadatā̱ vada̍dbhyaḥ .
yada̍drayaḥ parvatāḥ sā̱kamā̱śava̱ḥ śloka̱ṃ ghoṣa̱ṃ bhara̱thendrā̍ya so̱mina̍ḥ .. 10.094.01
1. LET these speak loudly forth; let us speak out aloud:- to the loud speaking Pressing-stones address the speech;
When, rich with Soma juice, Stones of the mountain, ye, united, swift to Indra bring the sound of praise.
Sloka : 10.94.2
ए॒ते व॑दन्ति श॒तव॑त्स॒हस्र॑वद॒भि क्र॑न्दन्ति॒ हरि॑तेभिरा॒सभिः॑ ।
वि॒ष्ट्वी ग्रावा॑णः सु॒कृतः॑ सुकृ॒त्यया॒ होतु॑श्चि॒त्पूर्वे॑ हवि॒रद्य॑माशत ॥ १०.०९४.०२
e̱te va̍danti śa̱tava̍tsa̱hasra̍vada̱bhi kra̍ndanti̱ hari̍tebhirā̱sabhi̍ḥ .
vi̱ṣṭvī grāvā̍ṇaḥ su̱kṛta̍ḥ sukṛ̱tyayā̱ hotu̍ści̱tpūrve̍ havi̱radya̍māśata .. 10.094.02
2 They speak out like a hundred, like a thousand men:- they cry aloud to us with their green-tinted mouths,
While, pious Stones, they ply their task with piety, and, even before the Hotar, taste the offered food.
Sloka : 10.94.3
ए॒ते व॑द॒न्त्यवि॑दन्न॒ना मधु॒ न्यू॑ङ्खयन्ते॒ अधि॑ प॒क्व आमि॑षि ।
वृ॒क्षस्य॒ शाखा॑मरु॒णस्य॒ बप्स॑त॒स्ते सूभ॑र्वा वृष॒भाः प्रेम॑राविषुः ॥ १०.०९४.०३
e̱te va̍da̱ntyavi̍danna̱nā madhu̱ nyū̍ṅkhayante̱ adhi̍ pa̱kva āmi̍ṣi .
vṛ̱kṣasya̱ śākhā̍maru̱ṇasya̱ bapsa̍ta̱ste sūbha̍rvā vṛṣa̱bhāḥ prema̍rāviṣuḥ .. 10.094.03
3 Loudly they speak, for they have found the savoury meath:- they make a humming sound over the meat prepared.
As they devour the branch of the Red-coloured Tree, these, the well-pastured Bulls, have uttered bellowings.
Sloka : 10.94.4
बृ॒हद्व॑दन्ति मदि॒रेण॑ म॒न्दिनेन्द्रं॒ क्रोश॑न्तोऽविदन्न॒ना मधु॑ ।
सं॒रभ्या॒ धीराः॒ स्वसृ॑भिरनर्तिषुराघो॒षय॑न्तः पृथि॒वीमु॑प॒ब्दिभिः॑ ॥ १०.०९४.०४
bṛ̱hadva̍danti madi̱reṇa̍ ma̱ndinendra̱ṃ krośa̍nto'vidanna̱nā madhu̍ .
sa̱ṃrabhyā̱ dhīrā̱ḥ svasṛ̍bhiranartiṣurāgho̱ṣaya̍ntaḥ pṛthi̱vīmu̍pa̱bdibhi̍ḥ .. 10.094.04
4 They cry aloud, with strong exhilarating drink, calling on Indra now, for they have found the meath.
Bold, with the sisters they have danced, embraced by them, making the earth reecho with their ringing sound.
Sloka : 10.94.5
सु॒प॒र्णा वाच॑मक्र॒तोप॒ द्यव्या॑ख॒रे कृष्णा॑ इषि॒रा अ॑नर्तिषुः ।
न्य१॒॑ङ्नि य॒न्त्युप॑रस्य निष्कृ॒तं पु॒रू रेतो॑ दधिरे सूर्य॒श्वितः॑ ॥ १०.०९४.०५
su̱pa̱rṇā vāca̍makra̱topa̱ dyavyā̍kha̱re kṛṣṇā̍ iṣi̱rā a̍nartiṣuḥ .
nya1̱̍ṅni ya̱ntyupa̍rasya niṣkṛ̱taṃ pu̱rū reto̍ dadhire sūrya̱śvita̍ḥ .. 10.094.05
5 The Eagles have sent forth their cry aloft in heaven; in the sky's vault the dark impetuous ones have danced.
Then downward to the nether stone's fixt place they sink, and, splendid as the Sun, effuse their copious stream.
Sloka : 10.94.6
उ॒ग्रा इ॑व प्र॒वह॑न्तः स॒माय॑मुः सा॒कं यु॒क्ता वृष॑णो॒ बिभ्र॑तो॒ धुरः॑ ।
यच्छ्व॒सन्तो॑ जग्रसा॒ना अरा॑विषुः शृ॒ण्व ए॑षां प्रो॒थथो॒ अर्व॑तामिव ॥ १०.०९४.०६
u̱grā i̍va pra̱vaha̍ntaḥ sa̱māya̍muḥ sā̱kaṃ yu̱ktā vṛṣa̍ṇo̱ bibhra̍to̱ dhura̍ḥ .
yacchva̱santo̍ jagrasā̱nā arā̍viṣuḥ śṛ̱ṇva e̍ṣāṃ pro̱thatho̱ arva̍tāmiva .. 10.094.06
6 Like strong ones drawing, they have put forth all their strength:- the Bulls, harnessed together, bear the chariot-poles.
When they have bellowed, panting, swallowing their food, the sound of their loud snorting is like that of steeds.
Sloka : 10.94.7
दशा॑वनिभ्यो॒ दश॑कक्ष्येभ्यो॒ दश॑योक्त्रेभ्यो॒ दश॑योजनेभ्यः ।
दशा॑भीशुभ्यो अर्चता॒जरे॑भ्यो॒ दश॒ धुरो॒ दश॑ यु॒क्ता वह॑द्भ्यः ॥ १०.०९४.०७
daśā̍vanibhyo̱ daśa̍kakṣyebhyo̱ daśa̍yoktrebhyo̱ daśa̍yojanebhyaḥ .
daśā̍bhīśubhyo arcatā̱jare̍bhyo̱ daśa̱ dhuro̱ daśa̍ yu̱ktā vaha̍dbhyaḥ .. 10.094.07
7 To these who have ten workers and a tenfold girth, to these who have ten yoke-straps and ten binding thongs,
To these who bear ten reins, the eternal, sing ye praise, to these who bear ten car-poles, ten when they are yoked.
Sloka : 10.94.8
ते अद्र॑यो॒ दश॑यन्त्रास आ॒शव॒स्तेषा॑मा॒धानं॒ पर्ये॑ति हर्य॒तम् ।
त ऊ॑ सु॒तस्य॑ सो॒म्यस्यान्ध॑सों॒ऽशोः पी॒यूषं॑ प्रथ॒मस्य॑ भेजिरे ॥ १०.०९४.०८
te adra̍yo̱ daśa̍yantrāsa ā̱śava̱steṣā̍mā̱dhāna̱ṃ parye̍ti harya̱tam .
ta ū̍ su̱tasya̍ so̱myasyāndha̍so̱ṃ'śoḥ pī̱yūṣa̍ṃ pratha̱masya̍ bhejire .. 10.094.08
8 These Stones with ten conductors, rapid in their course, with lovely revolution travel round and round.
They have been first to drink the flowing Soma juice, first to enjoy the milky fluid of the stalk.
Sloka : 10.94.9
ते सो॒मादो॒ हरी॒ इन्द्र॑स्य निंसतें॒ऽशुं दु॒हन्तो॒ अध्या॑सते॒ गवि॑ ।
तेभि॑र्दु॒ग्धं प॑पि॒वान्सो॒म्यं मध्विन्द्रो॑ वर्धते॒ प्रथ॑ते वृषा॒यते॑ ॥ १०.०९४.०९
te so̱mādo̱ harī̱ indra̍sya niṃsate̱ṃ'śuṃ du̱hanto̱ adhyā̍sate̱ gavi̍ .
tebhi̍rdu̱gdhaṃ pa̍pi̱vānso̱myaṃ madhvindro̍ vardhate̱ pratha̍te vṛṣā̱yate̍ .. 10.094.09
9 These Soma-eaters kiss Indra's Bay-coloured Steeds:- draining. the stalk they sit upon the ox's hide.
Indra, when he hath drunk Soma-meath drawn by them, waxes in strength, is famed, is mighty as a Bull.
Sloka : 10.94.10
वृषा॑ वो अं॒शुर्न किला॑ रिषाथ॒नेळा॑वन्तः॒ सद॒मित्स्थ॒नाशि॑ताः ।
रै॒व॒त्येव॒ मह॑सा॒ चार॑वः स्थन॒ यस्य॑ ग्रावाणो॒ अजु॑षध्वमध्व॒रम् ॥ १०.०९४.१०
vṛṣā̍ vo a̱ṃśurna kilā̍ riṣātha̱nel̤ā̍vanta̱ḥ sada̱mitstha̱nāśi̍tāḥ .
rai̱va̱tyeva̱ maha̍sā̱ cāra̍vaḥ sthana̱ yasya̍ grāvāṇo̱ aju̍ṣadhvamadhva̱ram .. 10.094.10
10. Strong is your stalk; ye, verily, never shall be harmed; ye have refreshment, ye are ever satisfied.
Fair are ye, as it were, through splendour of his wealth, his in whose sacrifice, O Stones, ye find delight.
Sloka : 10.94.11
तृ॒दि॒ला अतृ॑दिलासो॒ अद्र॑योऽश्रम॒णा अशृ॑थिता॒ अमृ॑त्यवः ।
अ॒ना॒तु॒रा अ॒जराः॒ स्थाम॑विष्णवः सुपी॒वसो॒ अतृ॑षिता॒ अतृ॑ष्णजः ॥ १०.०९४.११
tṛ̱di̱lā atṛ̍dilāso̱ adra̍yo'śrama̱ṇā aśṛ̍thitā̱ amṛ̍tyavaḥ .
a̱nā̱tu̱rā a̱jarā̱ḥ sthāma̍viṣṇavaḥ supī̱vaso̱ atṛ̍ṣitā̱ atṛ̍ṣṇajaḥ .. 10.094.11
11 Bored deep, but not pierced through with holes, are ye, O Stones, not loosened, never weary, and exempt from death,
Eternal, undiseased, moving in sundry ways, unthirsting, full of fatness, void of all desire.
Sloka : 10.94.12
ध्रु॒वा ए॒व वः॑ पि॒तरो॑ यु॒गेयु॑गे॒ क्षेम॑कामासः॒ सद॑सो॒ न यु॑ञ्जते ।
अ॒जु॒र्यासो॑ हरि॒षाचो॑ ह॒रिद्र॑व॒ आ द्यां रवे॑ण पृथि॒वीम॑शुश्रवुः ॥ १०.०९४.१२
dhru̱vā e̱va va̍ḥ pi̱taro̍ yu̱geyu̍ge̱ kṣema̍kāmāsa̱ḥ sada̍so̱ na yu̍ñjate .
a̱ju̱ryāso̍ hari̱ṣāco̍ ha̱ridra̍va̱ ā dyāṃ rave̍ṇa pṛthi̱vīma̍śuśravuḥ .. 10.094.12
12 Your fathers, verily, stand firm from age to age:- they, loving rest, are not dissevered from their seat.
Untouched by time, neer lacking green plants and green trees, they with their voice have caused the heavens and earth to hear.
Sloka : 10.94.13
तदिद्व॑द॒न्त्यद्र॑यो वि॒मोच॑ने॒ याम॑न्नञ्ज॒स्पा इ॑व॒ घेदु॑प॒ब्दिभिः॑ ।
वप॑न्तो॒ बीज॑मिव धान्या॒कृतः॑ पृ॒ञ्चन्ति॒ सोमं॒ न मि॑नन्ति॒ बप्स॑तः ॥ १०.०९४.१३
tadidva̍da̱ntyadra̍yo vi̱moca̍ne̱ yāma̍nnañja̱spā i̍va̱ ghedu̍pa̱bdibhi̍ḥ .
vapa̍nto̱ bīja̍miva dhānyā̱kṛta̍ḥ pṛ̱ñcanti̱ soma̱ṃ na mi̍nanti̱ bapsa̍taḥ .. 10.094.13
13 This, this the Stones proclaim, what time they are disjoined, and when with ringing sounds they move and drink the balm.
Like tillers of the ground when they are sowing seed, they mix the Soma, nor, devouring, minish it.
Sloka : 10.94.14
सु॒ते अ॑ध्व॒रे अधि॒ वाच॑मक्र॒ता क्री॒ळयो॒ न मा॒तरं॑ तु॒दन्तः॑ ।
वि षू मु॑ञ्चा सुषु॒वुषो॑ मनी॒षां वि व॑र्तन्ता॒मद्र॑य॒श्चाय॑मानाः ॥ १०.०९४.१४
su̱te a̍dhva̱re adhi̱ vāca̍makra̱tā krī̱l̤ayo̱ na mā̱tara̍ṃ tu̱danta̍ḥ .
vi ṣū mu̍ñcā suṣu̱vuṣo̍ manī̱ṣāṃ vi va̍rtantā̱madra̍ya̱ścāya̍mānāḥ .. 10.094.14
14 They have raised high their voice for juice, for sacrifice, striking the Mother earth as though they danced thereon.
So loose thou too his thought who hath effused the sap, and let the Stones which we are honouring be disjoined.
Sloka : 10.95.1
ह॒ये जाये॒ मन॑सा॒ तिष्ठ॑ घोरे॒ वचां॑सि मि॒श्रा कृ॑णवावहै॒ नु ।
न नौ॒ मन्त्रा॒ अनु॑दितास ए॒ते मय॑स्कर॒न्पर॑तरे च॒नाह॑न् ॥ १०.०९५.०१
ha̱ye jāye̱ mana̍sā̱ tiṣṭha̍ ghore̱ vacā̍ṃsi mi̱śrā kṛ̍ṇavāvahai̱ nu .
na nau̱ mantrā̱ anu̍ditāsa e̱te maya̍skara̱npara̍tare ca̱nāha̍n .. 10.095.01
1. Ho there, my consort! Stay, thou fierce-souled lady, and let us reason for a while together.
Such thoughts as these of ours, while yet unspoken in days gone by have never brought us comfort.
Sloka : 10.95.2
किमे॒ता वा॒चा कृ॑णवा॒ तवा॒हं प्राक्र॑मिषमु॒षसा॑मग्रि॒येव॑ ।
पुरू॑रवः॒ पुन॒रस्तं॒ परे॑हि दुराप॒ना वात॑ इवा॒हम॑स्मि ॥ १०.०९५.०२
kime̱tā vā̱cā kṛ̍ṇavā̱ tavā̱haṃ prākra̍miṣamu̱ṣasā̍magri̱yeva̍ .
purū̍rava̱ḥ puna̱rasta̱ṃ pare̍hi durāpa̱nā vāta̍ ivā̱hama̍smi .. 10.095.02
2 What am I now to do with this thy saying? I have gone from thee like the first of Mornings.
Purūravas, return thou to thy dwelling:- I, like the wind, am difficult to capture.
Sloka : 10.95.3
इषु॒र्न श्रि॒य इ॑षु॒धेर॑स॒ना गो॒षाः श॑त॒सा न रंहिः॑ ।
अ॒वीरे॒ क्रतौ॒ वि द॑विद्युत॒न्नोरा॒ न मा॒युं चि॑तयन्त॒ धुन॑यः ॥ १०.०९५.०३
iṣu̱rna śri̱ya i̍ṣu̱dhera̍sa̱nā go̱ṣāḥ śa̍ta̱sā na raṃhi̍ḥ .
a̱vīre̱ kratau̱ vi da̍vidyuta̱nnorā̱ na mā̱yuṃ ci̍tayanta̱ dhuna̍yaḥ .. 10.095.03
3 Like a shaft sent for glory from the quiver, or swift-steed winning cattle winning hundreds.
The lightning seemed to flash, as cowards planned it. The minstrels bleated like a lamb in trouble.
Sloka : 10.95.4
सा वसु॒ दध॑ती॒ श्वशु॑राय॒ वय॒ उषो॒ यदि॒ वष्ट्यन्ति॑गृहात् ।
अस्तं॑ ननक्षे॒ यस्मि॑ञ्चा॒कन्दिवा॒ नक्तं॑ श्नथि॒ता वै॑त॒सेन॑ ॥ १०.०९५.०४
sā vasu̱ dadha̍tī̱ śvaśu̍rāya̱ vaya̱ uṣo̱ yadi̱ vaṣṭyanti̍gṛhāt .
asta̍ṃ nanakṣe̱ yasmi̍ñcā̱kandivā̱ nakta̍ṃ śnathi̱tā vai̍ta̱sena̍ .. 10.095.04
4 Giving her husband's father life and riches, from the near dwelling, when her lover craved her,
She sought the home wherein she found her pleasure, accepting day and night her lord's embraces.
Sloka : 10.95.5
त्रिः स्म॒ माह्नः॑ श्नथयो वैत॒सेनो॒त स्म॒ मेऽव्य॑त्यै पृणासि ।
पुरू॑र॒वोऽनु॑ ते॒ केत॑मायं॒ राजा॑ मे वीर त॒न्व१॒॑स्तदा॑सीः ॥ १०.०९५.०५
triḥ sma̱ māhna̍ḥ śnathayo vaita̱seno̱ta sma̱ me'vya̍tyai pṛṇāsi .
purū̍ra̱vo'nu̍ te̱ keta̍māya̱ṃ rājā̍ me vīra ta̱nva1̱̍stadā̍sīḥ .. 10.095.05
5 Thrice in the day didst thou embrace thy consort, though coldly she received thy fond caresses.
To thy desires, Purūravas, I yielded:- so wast thou king, O hero, of my body.
Sloka : 10.95.6
या सु॑जू॒र्णिः श्रेणिः॑ सु॒म्नआ॑पिर्ह्र॒देच॑क्षु॒र्न ग्र॒न्थिनी॑ चर॒ण्युः ।
ता अ॒ञ्जयो॑ऽरु॒णयो॒ न स॑स्रुः श्रि॒ये गावो॒ न धे॒नवो॑ऽनवन्त ॥ १०.०९५.०६
yā su̍jū̱rṇiḥ śreṇi̍ḥ su̱mnaā̍pirhra̱deca̍kṣu̱rna gra̱nthinī̍ cara̱ṇyuḥ .
tā a̱ñjayo̎ru̱ṇayo̱ na sa̍sruḥ śri̱ye gāvo̱ na dhe̱navo̎navanta .. 10.095.06
6 The maids Sujirni, Sreni, Sumne-api, Charanyu, Granthini, and Hradecaksus,
These like red kine have hastened forth, the bright ones, and like milch-cows have lowed in emulation.
Sloka : 10.95.7
सम॑स्मि॒ञ्जाय॑मान आसत॒ ग्ना उ॒तेम॑वर्धन्न॒द्य१॒ः॑ स्वगू॑र्ताः ।
म॒हे यत्त्वा॑ पुरूरवो॒ रणा॒याव॑र्धयन्दस्यु॒हत्या॑य दे॒वाः ॥ १०.०९५.०७
sama̍smi̱ñjāya̍māna āsata̱ gnā u̱tema̍vardhanna̱dya1̱̍ḥ svagū̍rtāḥ .
ma̱he yattvā̍ purūravo̱ raṇā̱yāva̍rdhayandasyu̱hatyā̍ya de̱vāḥ .. 10.095.07
7 While he was born the Dames sate down together, the Rivers with free kindness gave him nurture;
And then, Purūravas, the Gods increased thee for mighty battle, to destroy the Dasyus.
Sloka : 10.95.8
सचा॒ यदा॑सु॒ जह॑ती॒ष्वत्क॒ममा॑नुषीषु॒ मानु॑षो नि॒षेवे॑ ।
अप॑ स्म॒ मत्त॒रस॑न्ती॒ न भु॒ज्युस्ता अ॑त्रसन्रथ॒स्पृशो॒ नाश्वाः॑ ॥ १०.०९५.०८
sacā̱ yadā̍su̱ jaha̍tī̱ṣvatka̱mamā̍nuṣīṣu̱ mānu̍ṣo ni̱ṣeve̍ .
apa̍ sma̱ matta̱rasa̍ntī̱ na bhu̱jyustā a̍trasanratha̱spṛśo̱ nāśvā̍ḥ .. 10.095.08
8 When I, a mortal, wooed to mine embraces these heavenly nymphs who laid aside their raiment,
Like a scared snake they fled from me in terror, like chariot horses when the car has touched them.
Sloka : 10.95.9
यदा॑सु॒ मर्तो॑ अ॒मृता॑सु नि॒स्पृक्सं क्षो॒णीभिः॒ क्रतु॑भि॒र्न पृ॒ङ्क्ते ।
ता आ॒तयो॒ न त॒न्वः॑ शुम्भत॒ स्वा अश्वा॑सो॒ न क्री॒ळयो॒ दन्द॑शानाः ॥ १०.०९५.०९
yadā̍su̱ marto̍ a̱mṛtā̍su ni̱spṛksaṃ kṣo̱ṇībhi̱ḥ kratu̍bhi̱rna pṛ̱ṅkte .
tā ā̱tayo̱ na ta̱nva̍ḥ śumbhata̱ svā aśvā̍so̱ na krī̱l̤ayo̱ danda̍śānāḥ .. 10.095.09
9 When, loving these Immortal Ones, the mortal hath converse with the nymphs as they allow him.
Like swans they show the beauty of their bodies, like horses in their play they bite and nibble.
Sloka : 10.95.10
वि॒द्युन्न या पत॑न्ती॒ दवि॑द्यो॒द्भर॑न्ती मे॒ अप्या॒ काम्या॑नि ।
जनि॑ष्टो अ॒पो नर्यः॒ सुजा॑तः॒ प्रोर्वशी॑ तिरत दी॒र्घमायुः॑ ॥ १०.०९५.१०
vi̱dyunna yā pata̍ntī̱ davi̍dyo̱dbhara̍ntī me̱ apyā̱ kāmyā̍ni .
jani̍ṣṭo a̱po narya̱ḥ sujā̍ta̱ḥ prorvaśī̍ tirata dī̱rghamāyu̍ḥ .. 10.095.10
10 She who flashed brilliant as the falling lightning brought me delicious presents from the waters.
Now from the flood be born a strong young hero May Uruvasi prolong her life for ever
Sloka : 10.95.11
ज॒ज्ञि॒ष इ॒त्था गो॒पीथ्या॑य॒ हि द॒धाथ॒ तत्पु॑रूरवो म॒ ओजः॑ ।
अशा॑सं त्वा वि॒दुषी॒ सस्मि॒न्नह॒न्न म॒ आशृ॑णोः॒ किम॒भुग्व॑दासि ॥ १०.०९५.११
ja̱jñi̱ṣa i̱tthā go̱pīthyā̍ya̱ hi da̱dhātha̱ tatpu̍rūravo ma̱ oja̍ḥ .
aśā̍saṃ tvā vi̱duṣī̱ sasmi̱nnaha̱nna ma̱ āśṛ̍ṇo̱ḥ kima̱bhugva̍dāsi .. 10.095.11
11 Thy birth hath made me drink from earthly milch-kine:- this power, Purūravas, hast thou vouchsafed me.
I knew, and, warned thee, on that day. Thou wouldst not hear me. What sayest thou, when naught avails thee?
Sloka : 10.95.12
क॒दा सू॒नुः पि॒तरं॑ जा॒त इ॑च्छाच्च॒क्रन्नाश्रु॑ वर्तयद्विजा॒नन् ।
को दम्प॑ती॒ सम॑नसा॒ वि यू॑यो॒दध॒ यद॒ग्निः श्वशु॑रेषु॒ दीद॑यत् ॥ १०.०९५.१२
ka̱dā sū̱nuḥ pi̱tara̍ṃ jā̱ta i̍cchācca̱krannāśru̍ vartayadvijā̱nan .
ko dampa̍tī̱ sama̍nasā̱ vi yū̍yo̱dadha̱ yada̱gniḥ śvaśu̍reṣu̱ dīda̍yat .. 10.095.12
12 When will the son be born and seek his father? Mourner-like, will he weep when first he knows him?
Who shall divide the accordant wife and husband, while fire is shining with thy consort's parents?
Sloka : 10.95.13
प्रति॑ ब्रवाणि व॒र्तय॑ते॒ अश्रु॑ च॒क्रन्न क्र॑न्ददा॒ध्ये॑ शि॒वायै॑ ।
प्र तत्ते॑ हिनवा॒ यत्ते॑ अ॒स्मे परे॒ह्यस्तं॑ न॒हि मू॑र॒ मापः॑ ॥ १०.०९५.१३
prati̍ bravāṇi va̱rtaya̍te̱ aśru̍ ca̱kranna kra̍ndadā̱dhye̍ śi̱vāyai̍ .
pra tatte̍ hinavā̱ yatte̍ a̱sme pare̱hyasta̍ṃ na̱hi mū̍ra̱ māpa̍ḥ .. 10.095.13
13 I will console him when his tears are falling:- he shall not weep and cry for care that blesses.
That which is thine, between us, will I send thee. Go home again, thou fool;ṭhou hast not won me.
Sloka : 10.95.14
सु॒दे॒वो अ॒द्य प्र॒पते॒दना॑वृत्परा॒वतं॑ पर॒मां गन्त॒वा उ॑ ।
अधा॒ शयी॑त॒ निरृ॑तेरु॒पस्थेऽधै॑नं॒ वृका॑ रभ॒सासो॑ अ॒द्युः ॥ १०.०९५.१४
su̱de̱vo a̱dya pra̱pate̱danā̍vṛtparā̱vata̍ṃ para̱māṃ ganta̱vā u̍ .
adhā̱ śayī̍ta̱ nirṛ̍teru̱pasthe'dhai̍na̱ṃ vṛkā̍ rabha̱sāso̍ a̱dyuḥ .. 10.095.14
14 Thy lover shall flee forth this day for ever, to seek, without return, the farthest distance.
Then let his bed be in Destruction's bosom, and there let fierce rapacious wolves devour him.
Sloka : 10.95.15
पुरू॑रवो॒ मा मृ॑था॒ मा प्र प॑प्तो॒ मा त्वा॒ वृका॑सो॒ अशि॑वास उ क्षन् ।
न वै स्त्रैणा॑नि स॒ख्यानि॑ सन्ति सालावृ॒काणां॒ हृद॑यान्ये॒ता ॥ १०.०९५.१५
purū̍ravo̱ mā mṛ̍thā̱ mā pra pa̍pto̱ mā tvā̱ vṛkā̍so̱ aśi̍vāsa u kṣan .
na vai straiṇā̍ni sa̱khyāni̍ santi sālāvṛ̱kāṇā̱ṃ hṛda̍yānye̱tā .. 10.095.15
15 Nay, do not die, Purūravas, nor vanish:- let not the evil-omened wolves devour thee.
With women there can be no lasting friendship:- hearts of hyenas are the hearts of women.
Sloka : 10.95.16
यद्विरू॒पाच॑रं॒ मर्त्ये॒ष्वव॑सं॒ रात्रीः॑ श॒रद॒श्चत॑स्रः ।
घृ॒तस्य॑ स्तो॒कं स॒कृदह्न॑ आश्नां॒ तादे॒वेदं ता॑तृपा॒णा च॑रामि ॥ १०.०९५.१६
yadvirū̱pāca̍ra̱ṃ martye̱ṣvava̍sa̱ṃ rātrī̍ḥ śa̱rada̱ścata̍sraḥ .
ghṛ̱tasya̍ sto̱kaṃ sa̱kṛdahna̍ āśnā̱ṃ tāde̱vedaṃ tā̍tṛpā̱ṇā ca̍rāmi .. 10.095.16
16 When amid men in altered shape I sojourned, and through four autumns spent the nights among them,
I tasted once a day a drop of butter; and even now with that am I am contented.
Sloka : 10.95.17
अ॒न्त॒रि॒क्ष॒प्रां रज॑सो वि॒मानी॒मुप॑ शिक्षाम्यु॒र्वशीं॒ वसि॑ष्ठः ।
उप॑ त्वा रा॒तिः सु॑कृ॒तस्य॒ तिष्ठा॒न्नि व॑र्तस्व॒ हृद॑यं तप्यते मे ॥ १०.०९५.१७
a̱nta̱ri̱kṣa̱prāṃ raja̍so vi̱mānī̱mupa̍ śikṣāmyu̱rvaśī̱ṃ vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .
upa̍ tvā rā̱tiḥ su̍kṛ̱tasya̱ tiṣṭhā̱nni va̍rtasva̱ hṛda̍yaṃ tapyate me .. 10.095.17
17 I, her best love, call Urvasi to meet me, her who fills air and measures out the region.
Let the gift brought by piety approach thee. Turn thou to me again:- my heart is troubled.
Sloka : 10.95.18
इति॑ त्वा दे॒वा इ॒म आ॑हुरैळ॒ यथे॑मे॒तद्भव॑सि मृ॒त्युब॑न्धुः ।
प्र॒जा ते॑ दे॒वान्ह॒विषा॑ यजाति स्व॒र्ग उ॒ त्वमपि॑ मादयासे ॥ १०.०९५.१८
iti̍ tvā de̱vā i̱ma ā̍hurail̤a̱ yathe̍me̱tadbhava̍si mṛ̱tyuba̍ndhuḥ .
pra̱jā te̍ de̱vānha̱viṣā̍ yajāti sva̱rga u̱ tvamapi̍ mādayāse .. 10.095.18
18 Thus speak these Gods to thee, O son of Iḷā:- As death hath verily got thee for his subject,
Thy sons shall serve the Gods with their oblation, and thou, moreover, shalt rejoice in Svarga.
Sloka : 10.96.1
प्र ते॑ म॒हे वि॒दथे॑ शंसिषं॒ हरी॒ प्र ते॑ वन्वे व॒नुषो॑ हर्य॒तं मद॑म् ।
घृ॒तं न यो हरि॑भि॒श्चारु॒ सेच॑त॒ आ त्वा॑ विशन्तु॒ हरि॑वर्पसं॒ गिरः॑ ॥ १०.०९६.०१
pra te̍ ma̱he vi̱dathe̍ śaṃsiṣa̱ṃ harī̱ pra te̍ vanve va̱nuṣo̍ harya̱taṃ mada̍m .
ghṛ̱taṃ na yo hari̍bhi̱ścāru̱ seca̍ta̱ ā tvā̍ viśantu̱ hari̍varpasa̱ṃ gira̍ḥ .. 10.096.01
1 In the great synod will I laud thy two Bay Steeds:- I prize the sweet strong drink of thee the Warrior-God,
His who pours lovely oil as twere with yellow drops. Let my songs enter thee whose form hath golden tints.
Sloka : 10.96.2
हरिं॒ हि योनि॑म॒भि ये स॒मस्व॑रन्हि॒न्वन्तो॒ हरी॑ दि॒व्यं यथा॒ सदः॑ ।
आ यं पृ॒णन्ति॒ हरि॑भि॒र्न धे॒नव॒ इन्द्रा॑य शू॒षं हरि॑वन्तमर्चत ॥ १०.०९६.०२
hari̱ṃ hi yoni̍ma̱bhi ye sa̱masva̍ranhi̱nvanto̱ harī̍ di̱vyaṃ yathā̱ sada̍ḥ .
ā yaṃ pṛ̱ṇanti̱ hari̍bhi̱rna dhe̱nava̱ indrā̍ya śū̱ṣaṃ hari̍vantamarcata .. 10.096.02
2 Ye who in concert sing unto the goldhued place, like Bay Steeds driving onward to the heavenly seat,
For Indra laud ye strength allied with Tawny Steeds, laud him whom cows content as twere with yellow drops.
Sloka : 10.96.3
सो अ॑स्य॒ वज्रो॒ हरि॑तो॒ य आ॑य॒सो हरि॒र्निका॑मो॒ हरि॒रा गभ॑स्त्योः ।
द्यु॒म्नी सु॑शि॒प्रो हरि॑मन्युसायक॒ इन्द्रे॒ नि रू॒पा हरि॑ता मिमिक्षिरे ॥ १०.०९६.०३
so a̍sya̱ vajro̱ hari̍to̱ ya ā̍ya̱so hari̱rnikā̍mo̱ hari̱rā gabha̍styoḥ .
dyu̱mnī su̍śi̱pro hari̍manyusāyaka̱ indre̱ ni rū̱pā hari̍tā mimikṣire .. 10.096.03
3 His is that thunderbolt, of iron, goldenhued, gold-coloured, very dear, and yellow in his arms;
Bright with strong teeth, destroying with its tawny rage. In Indra are set fast all forms of golden hue.
Sloka : 10.96.4
दि॒वि न के॒तुरधि॑ धायि हर्य॒तो वि॒व्यच॒द्वज्रो॒ हरि॑तो॒ न रंह्या॑ ।
तु॒ददहिं॒ हरि॑शिप्रो॒ य आ॑य॒सः स॒हस्र॑शोका अभवद्धरिम्भ॒रः ॥ १०.०९६.०४
di̱vi na ke̱turadhi̍ dhāyi harya̱to vi̱vyaca̱dvajro̱ hari̍to̱ na raṃhyā̍ .
tu̱dadahi̱ṃ hari̍śipro̱ ya ā̍ya̱saḥ sa̱hasra̍śokā abhavaddharimbha̱raḥ .. 10.096.04
4 As if a lovely ray were laid upon the sky, the golden thunderbolt spread out as in a race.
That iron bolt with yellow jaw smote Ahi down. A thousand flames had he who bore the tawny-hued.
Sloka : 10.96.5
त्वंत्व॑महर्यथा॒ उप॑स्तुतः॒ पूर्वे॑भिरिन्द्र हरिकेश॒ यज्व॑भिः ।
त्वं ह॑र्यसि॒ तव॒ विश्व॑मु॒क्थ्य१॒॑मसा॑मि॒ राधो॑ हरिजात हर्य॒तम् ॥ १०.०९६.०५
tvaṃtva̍maharyathā̱ upa̍stuta̱ḥ pūrve̍bhirindra harikeśa̱ yajva̍bhiḥ .
tvaṃ ha̍ryasi̱ tava̱ viśva̍mu̱kthya1̱̍masā̍mi̱ rādho̍ harijāta harya̱tam .. 10.096.05
5 Thou, thou, when praised by men who sacrificed of old. hadst pleasure in their lauds, O Indra golden-haired.
All that befits thy song of praise thou welcornest, the perfect pleasant gift, O Golden-hued from birth.
Sloka : 10.96.6
ता व॒ज्रिणं॑ म॒न्दिनं॒ स्तोम्यं॒ मद॒ इन्द्रं॒ रथे॑ वहतो हर्य॒ता हरी॑ ।
पु॒रूण्य॑स्मै॒ सव॑नानि॒ हर्य॑त॒ इन्द्रा॑य॒ सोमा॒ हर॑यो दधन्विरे ॥ १०.०९६.०६
tā va̱jriṇa̍ṃ ma̱ndina̱ṃ stomya̱ṃ mada̱ indra̱ṃ rathe̍ vahato harya̱tā harī̍ .
pu̱rūṇya̍smai̱ sava̍nāni̱ harya̍ta̱ indrā̍ya̱ somā̱ hara̍yo dadhanvire .. 10.096.06
6 These two dear Bays bring hither Indra on his car, Thunder-armed, joyous, meet for laud, to drink his fill.
Many libations flow for him who loveth them:- to Indra have the gold-hued Soma juices run.
Sloka : 10.96.7
अरं॒ कामा॑य॒ हर॑यो दधन्विरे स्थि॒राय॑ हिन्व॒न्हर॑यो॒ हरी॑ तु॒रा ।
अर्व॑द्भि॒र्यो हरि॑भि॒र्जोष॒मीय॑ते॒ सो अ॑स्य॒ कामं॒ हरि॑वन्तमानशे ॥ १०.०९६.०७
ara̱ṃ kāmā̍ya̱ hara̍yo dadhanvire sthi̱rāya̍ hinva̱nhara̍yo̱ harī̍ tu̱rā .
arva̍dbhi̱ryo hari̍bhi̱rjoṣa̱mīya̍te̱ so a̍sya̱ kāma̱ṃ hari̍vantamānaśe .. 10.096.07
7 Tle gold-hued drops have flowed to gratify his wish:- the yellow dro s have urged the swift Bays to the Strong.
He who speeds on with Bay Steeds even as he lists hath satisfied his longing for the golden drops.
Sloka : 10.96.8
हरि॑श्मशारु॒र्हरि॑केश आय॒सस्तु॑र॒स्पेये॒ यो ह॑रि॒पा अव॑र्धत ।
अर्व॑द्भि॒र्यो हरि॑भिर्वा॒जिनी॑वसु॒रति॒ विश्वा॑ दुरि॒ता पारि॑ष॒द्धरी॑ ॥ १०.०९६.०८
hari̍śmaśāru̱rhari̍keśa āya̱sastu̍ra̱speye̱ yo ha̍ri̱pā ava̍rdhata .
arva̍dbhi̱ryo hari̍bhirvā̱jinī̍vasu̱rati̱ viśvā̍ duri̱tā pāri̍ṣa̱ddharī̍ .. 10.096.08
8 At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair.
He, Lord of Tawny Coursers, Lord of fleet-foot Mares, will bear his Bay Steeds safely over all distress.
Sloka : 10.96.9
स्रुवे॑व॒ यस्य॒ हरि॑णी विपे॒ततुः॒ शिप्रे॒ वाजा॑य॒ हरि॑णी॒ दवि॑ध्वतः ।
प्र यत्कृ॒ते च॑म॒से मर्मृ॑ज॒द्धरी॑ पी॒त्वा मद॑स्य हर्य॒तस्यान्ध॑सः ॥ १०.०९६.०९
sruve̍va̱ yasya̱ hari̍ṇī vipe̱tatu̱ḥ śipre̱ vājā̍ya̱ hari̍ṇī̱ davi̍dhvataḥ .
pra yatkṛ̱te ca̍ma̱se marmṛ̍ja̱ddharī̍ pī̱tvā mada̍sya harya̱tasyāndha̍saḥ .. 10.096.09
9 His yellow-coloured jaws, like ladles move apart, what time, for strength, he makes the yellow-tinted stir,
When, while the bowl stands there, he grooms his Tawny Steeds, when he hath drunk strong drink, the sweet juice that he loves.
Sloka : 10.96.10
उ॒त स्म॒ सद्म॑ हर्य॒तस्य॑ प॒स्त्यो॒३॒॑रत्यो॒ न वाजं॒ हरि॑वाँ अचिक्रदत् ।
म॒ही चि॒द्धि धि॒षणाह॑र्य॒दोज॑सा बृ॒हद्वयो॑ दधिषे हर्य॒तश्चि॒दा ॥ १०.०९६.१०
u̱ta sma̱ sadma̍ harya̱tasya̍ pa̱styo̱3̱̍ratyo̱ na vāja̱ṃ hari̍vām̐ acikradat .
ma̱hī ci̱ddhi dhi̱ṣaṇāha̍rya̱doja̍sā bṛ̱hadvayo̍ dadhiṣe harya̱taści̱dā .. 10.096.10
10 Yea, to the Dear One's seat in homes of heaven and earth the Bay Steeds' Lord hath whinnied like a horse for food.
Then the great wish hath seized upon him mightily, and the Beloved One hath gained high power of life,
Sloka : 10.96.11
आ रोद॑सी॒ हर्य॑माणो महि॒त्वा नव्यं॑नव्यं हर्यसि॒ मन्म॒ नु प्रि॒यम् ।
प्र प॒स्त्य॑मसुर हर्य॒तं गोरा॒विष्कृ॑धि॒ हर॑ये॒ सूर्या॑य ॥ १०.०९६.११
ā roda̍sī̱ harya̍māṇo mahi̱tvā navya̍ṃnavyaṃ haryasi̱ manma̱ nu pri̱yam .
pra pa̱stya̍masura harya̱taṃ gorā̱viṣkṛ̍dhi̱ hara̍ye̱ sūryā̍ya .. 10.096.11
11 Thou, comprehending with thy might the earth and heaven, acceptest the dear hymn for ever new and new.
O Asura, disclose thou and make visible the Cow's beloved home to the bright golden Sun.
Sloka : 10.96.12
आ त्वा॑ ह॒र्यन्तं॑ प्र॒युजो॒ जना॑नां॒ रथे॑ वहन्तु॒ हरि॑शिप्रमिन्द्र ।
पिबा॒ यथा॒ प्रति॑भृतस्य॒ मध्वो॒ हर्य॑न्य॒ज्ञं स॑ध॒मादे॒ दशो॑णिम् ॥ १०.०९६.१२
ā tvā̍ ha̱ryanta̍ṃ pra̱yujo̱ janā̍nā̱ṃ rathe̍ vahantu̱ hari̍śipramindra .
pibā̱ yathā̱ prati̍bhṛtasya̱ madhvo̱ harya̍nya̱jñaṃ sa̍dha̱māde̱ daśo̍ṇim .. 10.096.12
12 O Indra, let the eager wishes of the folk bring thee, delightful, golden-visored, on thy car,
That, pleased with sacrifice wherein ten fingers toil, thou mayest, at the feast, drink of our offered meath.
Sloka : 10.96.13
अपाः॒ पूर्वे॑षां हरिवः सु॒ताना॒मथो॑ इ॒दं सव॑नं॒ केव॑लं ते ।
म॒म॒द्धि सोमं॒ मधु॑मन्तमिन्द्र स॒त्रा वृ॑षञ्ज॒ठर॒ आ वृ॑षस्व ॥ १०.०९६.१३
apā̱ḥ pūrve̍ṣāṃ harivaḥ su̱tānā̱matho̍ i̱daṃ sava̍na̱ṃ keva̍laṃ te .
ma̱ma̱ddhi soma̱ṃ madhu̍mantamindra sa̱trā vṛ̍ṣañja̱ṭhara̱ ā vṛ̍ṣasva .. 10.096.13
13 Juices aforetime, Lord of Bays, thou drankest; and thine especially is this libation.
Gladden thee, Indra, with the meath-rich Soma:- pour it down ever, Mighty One! within thee.
Sloka : 10.97.1
या ओष॑धीः॒ पूर्वा॑ जा॒ता दे॒वेभ्य॑स्त्रियु॒गं पु॒रा ।
मनै॒ नु ब॒भ्रूणा॑म॒हं श॒तं धामा॑नि स॒प्त च॑ ॥ १०.०९७.०१
yā oṣa̍dhī̱ḥ pūrvā̍ jā̱tā de̱vebhya̍striyu̱gaṃ pu̱rā .
manai̱ nu ba̱bhrūṇā̍ma̱haṃ śa̱taṃ dhāmā̍ni sa̱pta ca̍ .. 10.097.01
1. HERBS that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods,
Of these, whose hue is brown, will I declare the hundred powers and seven.
Sloka : 10.97.2
श॒तं वो॑ अम्ब॒ धामा॑नि स॒हस्र॑मु॒त वो॒ रुहः॑ ।
अधा॑ शतक्रत्वो यू॒यमि॒मं मे॑ अग॒दं कृ॑त ॥ १०.०९७.०२
śa̱taṃ vo̍ amba̱ dhāmā̍ni sa̱hasra̍mu̱ta vo̱ ruha̍ḥ .
adhā̍ śatakratvo yū̱yami̱maṃ me̍ aga̱daṃ kṛ̍ta .. 10.097.02
2 Ye, Mothers, have a hundred homes, yea, and a thousand are your growths.
Do ye who have a thousand powers free this my patient from disease.
Sloka : 10.97.3
ओष॑धीः॒ प्रति॑ मोदध्वं॒ पुष्प॑वतीः प्र॒सूव॑रीः ।
अश्वा॑ इव स॒जित्व॑रीर्वी॒रुधः॑ पारयि॒ष्ण्वः॑ ॥ १०.०९७.०३
oṣa̍dhī̱ḥ prati̍ modadhva̱ṃ puṣpa̍vatīḥ pra̱sūva̍rīḥ .
aśvā̍ iva sa̱jitva̍rīrvī̱rudha̍ḥ pārayi̱ṣṇva̍ḥ .. 10.097.03
3 Be glad and joyful in the Plants, both blossoming and bearing fruit,
Plants that will lead us to success like mares who conquer in the race.
Sloka : 10.97.4
ओष॑धी॒रिति॑ मातर॒स्तद्वो॑ देवी॒रुप॑ ब्रुवे ।
स॒नेय॒मश्वं॒ गां वास॑ आ॒त्मानं॒ तव॑ पूरुष ॥ १०.०९७.०४
oṣa̍dhī̱riti̍ mātara̱stadvo̍ devī̱rupa̍ bruve .
sa̱neya̱maśva̱ṃ gāṃ vāsa̍ ā̱tmāna̱ṃ tava̍ pūruṣa .. 10.097.04
4 Plants, by this name I speak to you, Mothers, to you the Goddesses:-
Steed, cow, and garment may I win, win back thy very self, O man.
Sloka : 10.97.5
अ॒श्व॒त्थे वो॑ नि॒षद॑नं प॒र्णे वो॑ वस॒तिष्कृ॒ता ।
गो॒भाज॒ इत्किला॑सथ॒ यत्स॒नव॑थ॒ पूरु॑षम् ॥ १०.०९७.०५
a̱śva̱tthe vo̍ ni̱ṣada̍naṃ pa̱rṇe vo̍ vasa̱tiṣkṛ̱tā .
go̱bhāja̱ itkilā̍satha̱ yatsa̱nava̍tha̱ pūru̍ṣam .. 10.097.05
5 The Holy Fig tree is your home, your mansion is the Parna tree:-
Winners of cattle shali ye be if ye regain for me this man.
Sloka : 10.97.6
यत्रौष॑धीः स॒मग्म॑त॒ राजा॑नः॒ समि॑ताविव ।
विप्रः॒ स उ॑च्यते भि॒षग्र॑क्षो॒हामी॑व॒चात॑नः ॥ १०.०९७.०६
yatrauṣa̍dhīḥ sa̱magma̍ta̱ rājā̍na̱ḥ sami̍tāviva .
vipra̱ḥ sa u̍cyate bhi̱ṣagra̍kṣo̱hāmī̍va̱cāta̍naḥ .. 10.097.06
6 He who hath store of Herbs at hand like Kings amid a crowd of men,
Physician is that sage's name, fiend-slayer, chaser of disease.
Sloka : 10.97.7
अ॒श्वा॒व॒तीं सो॑माव॒तीमू॒र्जय॑न्ती॒मुदो॑जसम् ।
आवि॑त्सि॒ सर्वा॒ ओष॑धीर॒स्मा अ॑रि॒ष्टता॑तये ॥ १०.०९७.०७
a̱śvā̱va̱tīṃ so̍māva̱tīmū̱rjaya̍ntī̱mudo̍jasam .
āvi̍tsi̱ sarvā̱ oṣa̍dhīra̱smā a̍ri̱ṣṭatā̍taye .. 10.097.07
7 Herbs rich in Soma, rich in steeds, in nourishments, in strengthening power,
All these have I provided here, that this man may be whole again.
Sloka : 10.97.8
उच्छुष्मा॒ ओष॑धीनां॒ गावो॑ गो॒ष्ठादि॑वेरते ।
धनं॑ सनि॒ष्यन्ती॑नामा॒त्मानं॒ तव॑ पूरुष ॥ १०.०९७.०८
ucchuṣmā̱ oṣa̍dhīnā̱ṃ gāvo̍ go̱ṣṭhādi̍verate .
dhana̍ṃ sani̱ṣyantī̍nāmā̱tmāna̱ṃ tava̍ pūruṣa .. 10.097.08
8 The healing virtues of the Plants stream forth like cattle from the stall,
Plants that shall win me store of wealth, and save thy vital breath, O man.
Sloka : 10.97.9
इष्कृ॑ति॒र्नाम॑ वो मा॒ताथो॑ यू॒यं स्थ॒ निष्कृ॑तीः ।
सी॒राः प॑त॒त्रिणीः॑ स्थन॒ यदा॒मय॑ति॒ निष्कृ॑थ ॥ १०.०९७.०९
iṣkṛ̍ti̱rnāma̍ vo mā̱tātho̍ yū̱yaṃ stha̱ niṣkṛ̍tīḥ .
sī̱rāḥ pa̍ta̱triṇī̍ḥ sthana̱ yadā̱maya̍ti̱ niṣkṛ̍tha .. 10.097.09
9 Reliever is your mother's name, and hence Restorers are ye called.
Rivers are ye with wings that fly:- keep far whatever brings disease.
Sloka : 10.97.10
अति॒ विश्वाः॑ परि॒ष्ठाः स्ते॒न इ॑व व्र॒जम॑क्रमुः ।
ओष॑धीः॒ प्राचु॑च्यवु॒र्यत्किं च॑ त॒न्वो॒३॒॑ रपः॑ ॥ १०.०९७.१०
ati̱ viśvā̍ḥ pari̱ṣṭhāḥ ste̱na i̍va vra̱jama̍kramuḥ .
oṣa̍dhī̱ḥ prācu̍cyavu̱ryatkiṃ ca̍ ta̱nvo̱3̱̍ rapa̍ḥ .. 10.097.10
10 Over all fences have they passed, as steals a thief into the fold.
The Plants have driven from the frame whatever malady was there.
Sloka : 10.97.11
यदि॒मा वा॒जय॑न्न॒हमोष॑धी॒र्हस्त॑ आद॒धे ।
आ॒त्मा यक्ष्म॑स्य नश्यति पु॒रा जी॑व॒गृभो॑ यथा ॥ १०.०९७.११
yadi̱mā vā̱jaya̍nna̱hamoṣa̍dhī̱rhasta̍ āda̱dhe .
ā̱tmā yakṣma̍sya naśyati pu̱rā jī̍va̱gṛbho̍ yathā .. 10.097.11
11 When, bringing back the vanished strength, I hold these herbs within my hand,
The spirit of disease departs ere he can seize upon the life.
Sloka : 10.97.12
यस्यौ॑षधीः प्र॒सर्प॒थाङ्ग॑मङ्गं॒ परु॑ष्परुः ।
ततो॒ यक्ष्मं॒ वि बा॑धध्व उ॒ग्रो म॑ध्यम॒शीरि॑व ॥ १०.०९७.१२
yasyau̍ṣadhīḥ pra̱sarpa̱thāṅga̍maṅga̱ṃ paru̍ṣparuḥ .
tato̱ yakṣma̱ṃ vi bā̍dhadhva u̱gro ma̍dhyama̱śīri̍va .. 10.097.12
12 He through whose frame, O Plants, ye creep member by member, joint by joint,
From him ye drive away disease like some strong arbiter of strife.
Sloka : 10.97.13
सा॒कं य॑क्ष्म॒ प्र प॑त॒ चाषे॑ण किकिदी॒विना॑ ।
सा॒कं वात॑स्य॒ ध्राज्या॑ सा॒कं न॑श्य नि॒हाक॑या ॥ १०.०९७.१३
sā̱kaṃ ya̍kṣma̱ pra pa̍ta̱ cāṣe̍ṇa kikidī̱vinā̍ .
sā̱kaṃ vāta̍sya̱ dhrājyā̍ sā̱kaṃ na̍śya ni̱hāka̍yā .. 10.097.13
13 Fly, Spirit of Disease, begone, with the blue jay and kingfisher.
Fly with the wind's impetuousspeed, vanish together with the storm.
Sloka : 10.97.14
अ॒न्या वो॑ अ॒न्याम॑वत्व॒न्यान्यस्या॒ उपा॑वत ।
ताः सर्वाः॑ संविदा॒ना इ॒दं मे॒ प्राव॑ता॒ वचः॑ ॥ १०.०९७.१४
a̱nyā vo̍ a̱nyāma̍vatva̱nyānyasyā̱ upā̍vata .
tāḥ sarvā̍ḥ saṃvidā̱nā i̱daṃ me̱ prāva̍tā̱ vaca̍ḥ .. 10.097.14
14 Help every one the other, lend assistance each of you to each,
All of you be accordant, give furtherance to this speech of mine.
Sloka : 10.97.15
याः फ॒लिनी॒र्या अ॑फ॒ला अ॑पु॒ष्पा याश्च॑ पु॒ष्पिणीः॑ ।
बृह॒स्पति॑प्रसूता॒स्ता नो॑ मुञ्च॒न्त्वंह॑सः ॥ १०.०९७.१५
yāḥ pha̱linī̱ryā a̍pha̱lā a̍pu̱ṣpā yāśca̍ pu̱ṣpiṇī̍ḥ .
bṛha̱spati̍prasūtā̱stā no̍ muñca̱ntvaṃha̍saḥ .. 10.097.15
15 Let fruitful Plants, and fruitless, those that blossom, and the blossomless,
Urged onward by Bṛhaspati, release us from our pain and grief;
Sloka : 10.97.16
मु॒ञ्चन्तु॑ मा शप॒थ्या॒३॒॑दथो॑ वरु॒ण्या॑दु॒त ।
अथो॑ य॒मस्य॒ पड्बी॑शा॒त्सर्व॑स्माद्देवकिल्बि॒षात् ॥ १०.०९७.१६
mu̱ñcantu̍ mā śapa̱thyā̱3̱̍datho̍ varu̱ṇyā̍du̱ta .
atho̍ ya̱masya̱ paḍbī̍śā̱tsarva̍smāddevakilbi̱ṣāt .. 10.097.16
16 Release me from the curse's plague and woe that comes from Varuṇa;
Free me from Yama's fetter, from sin and offence against the Gods.
Sloka : 10.97.17
अ॒व॒पत॑न्तीरवदन्दि॒व ओष॑धय॒स्परि॑ ।
यं जी॒वम॒श्नवा॑महै॒ न स रि॑ष्याति॒ पूरु॑षः ॥ १०.०९७.१७
a̱va̱pata̍ntīravadandi̱va oṣa̍dhaya̱spari̍ .
yaṃ jī̱vama̱śnavā̍mahai̱ na sa ri̍ṣyāti̱ pūru̍ṣaḥ .. 10.097.17
17 What time, descending from the sky, the Plants flew earthward, thus they spake:-
No evil shall befall the man whom while he liveth we pervade,
Sloka : 10.97.18
या ओष॑धीः॒ सोम॑राज्ञीर्ब॒ह्वीः श॒तवि॑चक्षणाः ।
तासां॒ त्वम॑स्युत्त॒मारं॒ कामा॑य॒ शं हृ॒दे ॥ १०.०९७.१८
yā oṣa̍dhī̱ḥ soma̍rājñīrba̱hvīḥ śa̱tavi̍cakṣaṇāḥ .
tāsā̱ṃ tvama̍syutta̱māra̱ṃ kāmā̍ya̱ śaṃ hṛ̱de .. 10.097.18
18 Of all the many Plants whose King is, Soma, Plants of hundred forms,
Thou art the Plant most excellent, prompt to the wish, sweet to the heart.
Sloka : 10.97.19
या ओष॑धीः॒ सोम॑राज्ञी॒र्विष्ठि॑ताः पृथि॒वीमनु॑ ।
बृह॒स्पति॑प्रसूता अ॒स्यै सं द॑त्त वी॒र्य॑म् ॥ १०.०९७.१९
yā oṣa̍dhī̱ḥ soma̍rājñī̱rviṣṭhi̍tāḥ pṛthi̱vīmanu̍ .
bṛha̱spati̍prasūtā a̱syai saṃ da̍tta vī̱rya̍m .. 10.097.19
19 O all ye various Herbs whose King is Soma, that oerspread the earth,
Urged onward by Bṛhaspati, combine your virtue in this Plant.
Sloka : 10.97.20
मा वो॑ रिषत्खनि॒ता यस्मै॑ चा॒हं खना॑मि वः ।
द्वि॒पच्चतु॑ष्पद॒स्माकं॒ सर्व॑मस्त्वनातु॒रम् ॥ १०.०९७.२०
mā vo̍ riṣatkhani̱tā yasmai̍ cā̱haṃ khanā̍mi vaḥ .
dvi̱paccatu̍ṣpada̱smāka̱ṃ sarva̍mastvanātu̱ram .. 10.097.20
20 Unharmed be he who digs you up, unharmed the man for whom I dig:-
And let no malady attack biped or quadruped of ours.
Sloka : 10.97.21
याश्चे॒दमु॑पशृ॒ण्वन्ति॒ याश्च॑ दू॒रं परा॑गताः ।
सर्वाः॑ सं॒गत्य॑ वीरुधो॒ऽस्यै सं द॑त्त वी॒र्य॑म् ॥ १०.०९७.२१
yāśce̱damu̍paśṛ̱ṇvanti̱ yāśca̍ dū̱raṃ parā̍gatāḥ .
sarvā̍ḥ sa̱ṃgatya̍ vīrudho̱'syai saṃ da̍tta vī̱rya̍m .. 10.097.21
21 All Plants that hear this speech, and those that have departed far away,
Come all assembled and confer your healing power upon this Herb.
Sloka : 10.97.22
ओष॑धयः॒ सं व॑दन्ते॒ सोमे॑न स॒ह राज्ञा॑ ।
यस्मै॑ कृ॒णोति॑ ब्राह्म॒णस्तं रा॑जन्पारयामसि ॥ १०.०९७.२२
oṣa̍dhaya̱ḥ saṃ va̍dante̱ some̍na sa̱ha rājñā̍ .
yasmai̍ kṛ̱ṇoti̍ brāhma̱ṇastaṃ rā̍janpārayāmasi .. 10.097.22
22 With Soma as their Sovran Lord the Plants hold colloquy and say:-
O King, we save from death the man whose cure a Brahman undertakes.
Sloka : 10.97.23
त्वमु॑त्त॒मास्यो॑षधे॒ तव॑ वृ॒क्षा उप॑स्तयः ।
उप॑स्तिरस्तु॒ सो॒३॒॑ऽस्माकं॒ यो अ॒स्माँ अ॑भि॒दास॑ति ॥ १०.०९७.२३
tvamu̍tta̱māsyo̍ṣadhe̱ tava̍ vṛ̱kṣā upa̍stayaḥ .
upa̍stirastu̱ so̱3̱̎smāka̱ṃ yo a̱smām̐ a̍bhi̱dāsa̍ti .. 10.097.23
23 Most excellent of all art thou, O Plant thy vassals are the trees.
Let him be subject to our power, the man who seeks to injure us.
Sloka : 10.98.1
बृह॑स्पते॒ प्रति॑ मे दे॒वता॑मिहि मि॒त्रो वा॒ यद्वरु॑णो॒ वासि॑ पू॒षा ।
आ॒दि॒त्यैर्वा॒ यद्वसु॑भिर्म॒रुत्वा॒न्स प॒र्जन्यं॒ शंत॑नवे वृषाय ॥ १०.०९८.०१
bṛha̍spate̱ prati̍ me de̱vatā̍mihi mi̱tro vā̱ yadvaru̍ṇo̱ vāsi̍ pū̱ṣā .
ā̱di̱tyairvā̱ yadvasu̍bhirma̱rutvā̱nsa pa̱rjanya̱ṃ śaṃta̍nave vṛṣāya .. 10.098.01
1. COME, be thou Mitra, Varuṇa, or Pūṣan, come, O Bṛhaspati, to mine oblation:-
With Maruts, Vasus, or Ādityas, make thou Parjanya pour for Santanu his rain-drops.
Sloka : 10.98.2
आ दे॒वो दू॒तो अ॑जि॒रश्चि॑कि॒त्वान्त्वद्दे॑वापे अ॒भि माम॑गच्छत् ।
प्र॒ती॒ची॒नः प्रति॒ मामा व॑वृत्स्व॒ दधा॑मि ते द्यु॒मतीं॒ वाच॑मा॒सन् ॥ १०.०९८.०२
ā de̱vo dū̱to a̍ji̱raści̍ki̱tvāntvadde̍vāpe a̱bhi māma̍gacchat .
pra̱tī̱cī̱naḥ prati̱ māmā va̍vṛtsva̱ dadhā̍mi te dyu̱matī̱ṃ vāca̍mā̱san .. 10.098.02
2 The God, intelligent, the speedy envoy whom thou hast sent hath come to me, Devapi:-
Address thyself to me and turn thee hither within thy lips will I put brilliant language.
Sloka : 10.98.3
अ॒स्मे धे॑हि द्यु॒मतीं॒ वाच॑मा॒सन्बृह॑स्पते अनमी॒वामि॑षि॒राम् ।
यया॑ वृ॒ष्टिं शंत॑नवे॒ वना॑व दि॒वो द्र॒प्सो मधु॑मा॒ँ आ वि॑वेश ॥ १०.०९८.०३
a̱sme dhe̍hi dyu̱matī̱ṃ vāca̍mā̱sanbṛha̍spate anamī̱vāmi̍ṣi̱rām .
yayā̍ vṛ̱ṣṭiṃ śaṃta̍nave̱ vanā̍va di̱vo dra̱pso madhu̍mā̱m̐ ā vi̍veśa .. 10.098.03
3 Within my mouth, Bṛhaspati, deposit speech lucid, vigorous, and free from weakness,
Thereby to win for Santanu the rain-fall. The meath-rich drop from heaven hath passed within it.
Sloka : 10.98.4
आ नो॑ द्र॒प्सा मधु॑मन्तो विश॒न्त्विन्द्र॑ दे॒ह्यधि॑रथं स॒हस्र॑म् ।
नि षी॑द हो॒त्रमृ॑तु॒था य॑जस्व दे॒वान्दे॑वापे ह॒विषा॑ सपर्य ॥ १०.०९८.०४
ā no̍ dra̱psā madhu̍manto viśa̱ntvindra̍ de̱hyadhi̍rathaṃ sa̱hasra̍m .
ni ṣī̍da ho̱tramṛ̍tu̱thā ya̍jasva de̱vānde̍vāpe ha̱viṣā̍ saparya .. 10.098.04
4 Let the sweet drops descend on us, O Indra:- give us enough to lade a thousand wagons.
Sit to thy Hotar task; pay worship duly, and serve the Gods, Devapi, with oblation.
Sloka : 10.98.5
आ॒र्ष्टि॒षे॒णो हो॒त्रमृषि॑र्नि॒षीद॑न्दे॒वापि॑र्देवसुम॒तिं चि॑कि॒त्वान् ।
स उत्त॑रस्मा॒दध॑रं समु॒द्रम॒पो दि॒व्या अ॑सृजद्व॒र्ष्या॑ अ॒भि ॥ १०.०९८.०५
ā̱rṣṭi̱ṣe̱ṇo ho̱tramṛṣi̍rni̱ṣīda̍nde̱vāpi̍rdevasuma̱tiṃ ci̍ki̱tvān .
sa utta̍rasmā̱dadha̍raṃ samu̱drama̱po di̱vyā a̍sṛjadva̱rṣyā̍ a̱bhi .. 10.098.05
5 Knowing the God's good-will, Devapi, Ṛṣi, the son of Rstisena, sate as Hotar.
He hath brought down from heaven's most lofty summit the ocean of the rain, celestial waters.
Sloka : 10.98.6
अ॒स्मिन्स॑मु॒द्रे अध्युत्त॑रस्मि॒न्नापो॑ दे॒वेभि॒र्निवृ॑ता अतिष्ठन् ।
ता अ॑द्रवन्नार्ष्टिषे॒णेन॑ सृ॒ष्टा दे॒वापि॑ना॒ प्रेषि॑ता मृ॒क्षिणी॑षु ॥ १०.०९८.०६
a̱sminsa̍mu̱dre adhyutta̍rasmi̱nnāpo̍ de̱vebhi̱rnivṛ̍tā atiṣṭhan .
tā a̍dravannārṣṭiṣe̱ṇena̍ sṛ̱ṣṭā de̱vāpi̍nā̱ preṣi̍tā mṛ̱kṣiṇī̍ṣu .. 10.098.06
6 Gathered together in that highest ocean, the waters stood by deities obstructed.
They burried down set free by Arstisena, in gaping clefts, urged onward by Devapi.
Sloka : 10.98.7
यद्दे॒वापिः॒ शंत॑नवे पु॒रोहि॑तो हो॒त्राय॑ वृ॒तः कृ॒पय॒न्नदी॑धेत् ।
दे॒व॒श्रुतं॑ वृष्टि॒वनिं॒ ररा॑णो॒ बृह॒स्पति॒र्वाच॑मस्मा अयच्छत् ॥ १०.०९८.०७
yadde̱vāpi̱ḥ śaṃta̍nave pu̱rohi̍to ho̱trāya̍ vṛ̱taḥ kṛ̱paya̱nnadī̍dhet .
de̱va̱śruta̍ṃ vṛṣṭi̱vani̱ṃ rarā̍ṇo̱ bṛha̱spati̱rvāca̍masmā ayacchat .. 10.098.07
7 When as chief priest for Santanu, Devapi, chosen for Hotar's duty, prayed beseeching,
Graciously pleased Bṛhaspati vouchsafed him a voice that reached the Gods and won the waters.
Sloka : 10.98.8
यं त्वा॑ दे॒वापिः॑ शुशुचा॒नो अ॑ग्न आर्ष्टिषे॒णो म॑नु॒ष्यः॑ समी॒धे ।
विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वैर॑नुम॒द्यमा॑नः॒ प्र प॒र्जन्य॑मीरया वृष्टि॒मन्त॑म् ॥ १०.०९८.०८
yaṃ tvā̍ de̱vāpi̍ḥ śuśucā̱no a̍gna ārṣṭiṣe̱ṇo ma̍nu̱ṣya̍ḥ samī̱dhe .
viśve̍bhirde̱vaira̍numa̱dyamā̍na̱ḥ pra pa̱rjanya̍mīrayā vṛṣṭi̱manta̍m .. 10.098.08
8 O Agni whom Devapi Arstisena, the mortal man, hath kindled in his glory,
Joying in him with all the Gods together, urge on the sender of the rain, Parjanya.
Sloka : 10.98.9
त्वां पूर्व॒ ऋष॑यो गी॒र्भिरा॑य॒न्त्वाम॑ध्व॒रेषु॑ पुरुहूत॒ विश्वे॑ ।
स॒हस्रा॒ण्यधि॑रथान्य॒स्मे आ नो॑ य॒ज्ञं रो॑हिद॒श्वोप॑ याहि ॥ १०.०९८.०९
tvāṃ pūrva̱ ṛṣa̍yo gī̱rbhirā̍ya̱ntvāma̍dhva̱reṣu̍ puruhūta̱ viśve̍ .
sa̱hasrā̱ṇyadhi̍rathānya̱sme ā no̍ ya̱jñaṃ ro̍hida̱śvopa̍ yāhi .. 10.098.09
9 All ancient Ṛṣis with their songs approached thee, even thee, O Much-invoked, at sacrifices.
We have provided wagon-loads in thousands:- come to the solemn rite, Lord of Red Horses.
Sloka : 10.98.10
ए॒तान्य॑ग्ने नव॒तिर्नव॒ त्वे आहु॑ता॒न्यधि॑रथा स॒हस्रा॑ ।
तेभि॑र्वर्धस्व त॒न्वः॑ शूर पू॒र्वीर्दि॒वो नो॑ वृ॒ष्टिमि॑षि॒तो रि॑रीहि ॥ १०.०९८.१०
e̱tānya̍gne nava̱tirnava̱ tve āhu̍tā̱nyadhi̍rathā sa̱hasrā̍ .
tebhi̍rvardhasva ta̱nva̍ḥ śūra pū̱rvīrdi̱vo no̍ vṛ̱ṣṭimi̍ṣi̱to ri̍rīhi .. 10.098.10
10 The wagon-loads, the nine-and-ninety thousand, these have been offered up to thee, O Agni.
Hero, with these increase thy many bodies, and, stimulated, send us rain from heaven.
Sloka : 10.98.11
ए॒तान्य॑ग्ने नव॒तिं स॒हस्रा॒ सं प्र य॑च्छ॒ वृष्ण॒ इन्द्रा॑य भा॒गम् ।
वि॒द्वान्प॒थ ऋ॑तु॒शो दे॑व॒याना॒नप्यौ॑ला॒नं दि॒वि दे॒वेषु॑ धेहि ॥ १०.०९८.११
e̱tānya̍gne nava̱tiṃ sa̱hasrā̱ saṃ pra ya̍ccha̱ vṛṣṇa̱ indrā̍ya bhā̱gam .
vi̱dvānpa̱tha ṛ̍tu̱śo de̍va̱yānā̱napyau̍lā̱naṃ di̱vi de̱veṣu̍ dhehi .. 10.098.11
11 Give thou these ninety thousand loads, O Agni, to Indra, to the Bull, to be his portion.
Knowing the paths which Deities duly travel, set mid the Gods in heaven Aulana also.
Sloka : 10.98.12
अग्ने॒ बाध॑स्व॒ वि मृधो॒ वि दु॒र्गहापामी॑वा॒मप॒ रक्षां॑सि सेध ।
अ॒स्मात्स॑मु॒द्राद्बृ॑ह॒तो दि॒वो नो॒ऽपां भू॒मान॒मुप॑ नः सृजे॒ह ॥ १०.०९८.१२
agne̱ bādha̍sva̱ vi mṛdho̱ vi du̱rgahāpāmī̍vā̱mapa̱ rakṣā̍ṃsi sedha .
a̱smātsa̍mu̱drādbṛ̍ha̱to di̱vo no̱'pāṃ bhū̱māna̱mupa̍ naḥ sṛje̱ha .. 10.098.12
12 O Agni, drive afar our foes, our troubles chase malady away and wicked demons.
From this air-ocean, from the lofty heavens, send down on us a mighty flood of waters.
Sloka : 10.99.1
कं न॑श्चि॒त्रमि॑षण्यसि चिकि॒त्वान्पृ॑थु॒ग्मानं॑ वा॒श्रं वा॑वृ॒धध्यै॑ ।
कत्तस्य॒ दातु॒ शव॑सो॒ व्यु॑ष्टौ॒ तक्ष॒द्वज्रं॑ वृत्र॒तुर॒मपि॑न्वत् ॥ १०.०९९.०१
kaṃ na̍ści̱trami̍ṣaṇyasi ciki̱tvānpṛ̍thu̱gmāna̍ṃ vā̱śraṃ vā̍vṛ̱dhadhyai̍ .
kattasya̱ dātu̱ śava̍so̱ vyu̍ṣṭau̱ takṣa̱dvajra̍ṃ vṛtra̱tura̱mapi̍nvat .. 10.099.01
1. WHAT Splendid One, Loud-voiced, Farstriding, dost thou, well knowing, urge us to exalt with praises?
What give we him? When his might dawned, he fashioned the Vṛtra-slaying bolt, and sent us waters.
Sloka : 10.99.2
स हि द्यु॒ता वि॒द्युता॒ वेति॒ साम॑ पृ॒थुं योनि॑मसुर॒त्वा स॑साद ।
स सनी॑ळेभिः प्रसहा॒नो अ॑स्य॒ भ्रातु॒र्न ऋ॒ते स॒प्तथ॑स्य मा॒याः ॥ १०.०९९.०२
sa hi dyu̱tā vi̱dyutā̱ veti̱ sāma̍ pṛ̱thuṃ yoni̍masura̱tvā sa̍sāda .
sa sanī̍l̤ebhiḥ prasahā̱no a̍sya̱ bhrātu̱rna ṛ̱te sa̱ptatha̍sya mā̱yāḥ .. 10.099.02
2 He goes to end his work with lightning flashes:- wide is the seat his Asura glory gives him.
With his Companions, not without his Brother, he quells Saptatha's magic devices.
Sloka : 10.99.3
स वाजं॒ याताप॑दुष्पदा॒ यन्स्व॑र्षाता॒ परि॑ षदत्सनि॒ष्यन् ।
अ॒न॒र्वा यच्छ॒तदु॑रस्य॒ वेदो॒ घ्नञ्छि॒श्नदे॑वाँ अ॒भि वर्प॑सा॒ भूत् ॥ १०.०९९.०३
sa vāja̱ṃ yātāpa̍duṣpadā̱ yansva̍rṣātā̱ pari̍ ṣadatsani̱ṣyan .
a̱na̱rvā yaccha̱tadu̍rasya̱ vedo̱ ghnañchi̱śnade̍vām̐ a̱bhi varpa̍sā̱ bhūt .. 10.099.03
3 On most auspicious path he goes to battle he toiled to win heaven's light, full fain to gain it;
He seized the hundred-gated castle's treasure by craft, unchecked, and slew the lustful demons.
Sloka : 10.99.4
स य॒ह्व्यो॒३॒॑ऽवनी॒र्गोष्वर्वा जु॑होति प्रध॒न्या॑सु॒ सस्रिः॑ ।
अ॒पादो॒ यत्र॒ युज्या॑सोऽर॒था द्रो॒ण्य॑श्वास॒ ईर॑ते घृ॒तं वाः ॥ १०.०९९.०४
sa ya̱hvyo̱3̱̎vanī̱rgoṣvarvā ju̍hoti pradha̱nyā̍su̱ sasri̍ḥ .
a̱pādo̱ yatra̱ yujyā̍so'ra̱thā dro̱ṇya̍śvāsa̱ īra̍te ghṛ̱taṃ vāḥ .. 10.099.04
4 Fighting for kine, the prize of war, and I roaming among the berd be brings the young streams hither,
Where, footless, joined, without a car to bear them, with jars for steeds, they pour their flood like butter.
Sloka : 10.99.5
स रु॒द्रेभि॒रश॑स्तवार॒ ऋभ्वा॑ हि॒त्वी गय॑मा॒रेअ॑वद्य॒ आगा॑त् ।
व॒म्रस्य॑ मन्ये मिथु॒ना विव॑व्री॒ अन्न॑म॒भीत्या॑रोदयन्मुषा॒यन् ॥ १०.०९९.०५
sa ru̱drebhi̱raśa̍stavāra̱ ṛbhvā̍ hi̱tvī gaya̍mā̱rea̍vadya̱ āgā̍t .
va̱mrasya̍ manye mithu̱nā viva̍vrī̱ anna̍ma̱bhītyā̍rodayanmuṣā̱yan .. 10.099.05
5 Bold, unsolicited for wealth, with Rudras he came, the Blameless, having left his dwelling,
Came, seized the food of Vamra and his consort, and left the couple weeping and unsheltered.
Sloka : 10.99.6
स इद्दासं॑ तुवी॒रवं॒ पति॒र्दन्ष॑ळ॒क्षं त्रि॑शी॒र्षाणं॑ दमन्यत् ।
अ॒स्य त्रि॒तो न्वोज॑सा वृधा॒नो वि॒पा व॑रा॒हमयो॑अग्रया हन् ॥ १०.०९९.०६
sa iddāsa̍ṃ tuvī̱rava̱ṃ pati̱rdanṣa̍l̤a̱kṣaṃ tri̍śī̱rṣāṇa̍ṃ damanyat .
a̱sya tri̱to nvoja̍sā vṛdhā̱no vi̱pā va̍rā̱hamayo̍agrayā han .. 10.099.06
6 Lord of the dwelling, he subdued the demon who roared aloud, six-eyed and triple-headed.
Tṛta, made stronger by the might he lent him, struck down the boar with shaft whose point was iron.
Sloka : 10.99.7
स द्रुह्व॑णे॒ मनु॑ष ऊर्ध्वसा॒न आ सा॑विषदर्शसा॒नाय॒ शरु॑म् ।
स नृत॑मो॒ नहु॑षो॒ऽस्मत्सुजा॑तः॒ पुरो॑ऽभिन॒दर्ह॑न्दस्यु॒हत्ये॑ ॥ १०.०९९.०७
sa druhva̍ṇe̱ manu̍ṣa ūrdhvasā̱na ā sā̍viṣadarśasā̱nāya̱ śaru̍m .
sa nṛta̍mo̱ nahu̍ṣo̱'smatsujā̍ta̱ḥ puro̎bhina̱darha̍ndasyu̱hatye̍ .. 10.099.07
7 He raised himself on high and shot his arrow against the guileful and oppressive foeman.
Strong, glorious, manliest, for us he shattered the forts of Nabus when he slew the Dasyus.
Sloka : 10.99.8
सो अ॒भ्रियो॒ न यव॑स उद॒न्यन्क्षया॑य गा॒तुं वि॒दन्नो॑ अ॒स्मे ।
उप॒ यत्सीद॒दिन्दुं॒ शरी॑रैः श्ये॒नोऽयो॑पाष्टिर्हन्ति॒ दस्यू॑न् ॥ १०.०९९.०८
so a̱bhriyo̱ na yava̍sa uda̱nyankṣayā̍ya gā̱tuṃ vi̱danno̍ a̱sme .
upa̱ yatsīda̱dindu̱ṃ śarī̍raiḥ śye̱no'yo̍pāṣṭirhanti̱ dasyū̍n .. 10.099.08
8 He, like a cloud that rains upon the pasture, hath found for us the way to dwell in safety.
When the Hawk comes in body to the Soma, armed with his iron claws he slays the Dasyus.
Sloka : 10.99.9
स व्राध॑तः शवसा॒नेभि॑रस्य॒ कुत्सा॑य॒ शुष्णं॑ कृ॒पणे॒ परा॑दात् ।
अ॒यं क॒विम॑नयच्छ॒स्यमा॑न॒मत्कं॒ यो अ॑स्य॒ सनि॑तो॒त नृ॒णाम् ॥ १०.०९९.०९
sa vrādha̍taḥ śavasā̱nebhi̍rasya̱ kutsā̍ya̱ śuṣṇa̍ṃ kṛ̱paṇe̱ parā̍dāt .
a̱yaṃ ka̱vima̍nayaccha̱syamā̍na̱matka̱ṃ yo a̍sya̱ sani̍to̱ta nṛ̱ṇām .. 10.099.09
9 He with his potent Friends gave up the mighty, gave gusnia up to Kutsa for affliction.
He led the lauded Kavi, he delivered Atka as prey to him and to his heroes.
Sloka : 10.99.10
अ॒यं द॑श॒स्यन्नर्ये॑भिरस्य द॒स्मो दे॒वेभि॒र्वरु॑णो॒ न मा॒यी ।
अ॒यं क॒नीन॑ ऋतु॒पा अ॑वे॒द्यमि॑मीता॒ररुं॒ यश्चतु॑ष्पात् ॥ १०.०९९.१०
a̱yaṃ da̍śa̱syannarye̍bhirasya da̱smo de̱vebhi̱rvaru̍ṇo̱ na mā̱yī .
a̱yaṃ ka̱nīna̍ ṛtu̱pā a̍ve̱dyami̍mītā̱raru̱ṃ yaścatu̍ṣpāt .. 10.099.10
10 He, with his Gods who love mankind, the Wondrous, giving like Varuṇa who works with magic,
Was known, yet young as guardian of the seasons; and he quelled Araru, four-footed dernon.
Sloka : 10.99.11
अ॒स्य स्तोमे॑भिरौशि॒ज ऋ॒जिश्वा॑ व्र॒जं द॑रयद्वृष॒भेण॒ पिप्रोः॑ ।
सुत्वा॒ यद्य॑ज॒तो दी॒दय॒द्गीः पुर॑ इया॒नो अ॒भि वर्प॑सा॒ भूत् ॥ १०.०९९.११
a̱sya stome̍bhirauśi̱ja ṛ̱jiśvā̍ vra̱jaṃ da̍rayadvṛṣa̱bheṇa̱ pipro̍ḥ .
sutvā̱ yadya̍ja̱to dī̱daya̱dgīḥ pura̍ iyā̱no a̱bhi varpa̍sā̱ bhūt .. 10.099.11
11 Through lauds of him hath Auśija Ṛjiśvan burst, with the Mighty's aid, the stall of Pipru.
When the saint pressed the juice and shone as singer, he seized the forts and with his craft subdued them.
Sloka : 10.99.12
ए॒वा म॒हो अ॑सुर व॒क्षथा॑य वम्र॒कः प॒ड्भिरुप॑ सर्प॒दिन्द्र॑म् ।
स इ॑या॒नः क॑रति स्व॒स्तिम॑स्मा॒ इष॒मूर्जं॑ सुक्षि॒तिं विश्व॒माभाः॑ ॥ १०.०९९.१२
e̱vā ma̱ho a̍sura va̱kṣathā̍ya vamra̱kaḥ pa̱ḍbhirupa̍ sarpa̱dindra̍m .
sa i̍yā̱naḥ ka̍rati sva̱stima̍smā̱ iṣa̱mūrja̍ṃ sukṣi̱tiṃ viśva̱mābhā̍ḥ .. 10.099.12
12 So, swiftly Asura, for exaltation, hath the great Vamraka come nigh to Indra.
He will, when supplicated, bring him blessing:- he hath brought all, food, strength, a happy dwelling.
Sloka : 10.100.1
इन्द्र॒ दृह्य॑ मघव॒न्त्वाव॒दिद्भु॒ज इ॒ह स्तु॒तः सु॑त॒पा बो॑धि नो वृ॒धे ।
दे॒वेभि॑र्नः सवि॒ता प्राव॑तु श्रु॒तमा स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०१
indra̱ dṛhya̍ maghava̱ntvāva̱didbhu̱ja i̱ha stu̱taḥ su̍ta̱pā bo̍dhi no vṛ̱dhe .
de̱vebhi̍rnaḥ savi̱tā prāva̍tu śru̱tamā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.01
1. Be, like thyself, O Indra, strong for our delight:- here lauded, aid us, Maghavan, drinker of the juice.
Savitar with the Gods protect us:- hear ye Twain. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.2
भरा॑य॒ सु भ॑रत भा॒गमृ॒त्वियं॒ प्र वा॒यवे॑ शुचि॒पे क्र॒न्ददि॑ष्टये ।
गौ॒रस्य॒ यः पय॑सः पी॒तिमा॑न॒श आ स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०२
bharā̍ya̱ su bha̍rata bhā̱gamṛ̱tviya̱ṃ pra vā̱yave̍ śuci̱pe kra̱ndadi̍ṣṭaye .
gau̱rasya̱ yaḥ paya̍saḥ pī̱timā̍na̱śa ā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.02
2 Bring swift, for offering, the snare that suits the time, to the pure-drinker Vāyu, roaring as he goes,
To him who hath approached the draught of shining milk. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.3
आ नो॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता सा॑विष॒द्वय॑ ऋजूय॒ते यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ।
यथा॑ दे॒वान्प्र॑ति॒भूषे॑म पाक॒वदा स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०३
ā no̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā sā̍viṣa̱dvaya̍ ṛjūya̱te yaja̍mānāya sunva̱te .
yathā̍ de̱vānpra̍ti̱bhūṣe̍ma pāka̱vadā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.03
3 May Savitar the God send us full life, to each who sacrifices, lives aright and pours the juice
That we with simple hearts may wait upon the Gods. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.4
इन्द्रो॑ अ॒स्मे सु॒मना॑ अस्तु वि॒श्वहा॒ राजा॒ सोमः॑ सुवि॒तस्याध्ये॑तु नः ।
यथा॑यथा मि॒त्रधि॑तानि संद॒धुरा स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०४
indro̍ a̱sme su̱manā̍ astu vi̱śvahā̱ rājā̱ soma̍ḥ suvi̱tasyādhye̍tu naḥ .
yathā̍yathā mi̱tradhi̍tāni saṃda̱dhurā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.04
4 May Indra evermore be gracious unto us, and may King Soma meditate our happiness,
Even as men secure the comfort of a friend. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.5
इन्द्र॑ उ॒क्थेन॒ शव॑सा॒ परु॑र्दधे॒ बृह॑स्पते प्रतरी॒तास्यायु॑षः ।
य॒ज्ञो मनुः॒ प्रम॑तिर्नः पि॒ता हि क॒मा स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०५
indra̍ u̱kthena̱ śava̍sā̱ paru̍rdadhe̱ bṛha̍spate pratarī̱tāsyāyu̍ṣaḥ .
ya̱jño manu̱ḥ prama̍tirnaḥ pi̱tā hi ka̱mā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.05
5 Indra hath given the body with its song and strength:- Bṛhaspati, thou art the lengthener of life.
The sacrifice is Manu, Providence, our Sire. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.6
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ नु सुकृ॑तं॒ दैव्यं॒ सहो॒ऽग्निर्गृ॒हे ज॑रि॒ता मेधि॑रः क॒विः ।
य॒ज्ञश्च॑ भूद्वि॒दथे॒ चारु॒रन्त॑म॒ आ स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०६
indra̍sya̱ nu sukṛ̍ta̱ṃ daivya̱ṃ saho̱'gnirgṛ̱he ja̍ri̱tā medhi̍raḥ ka̱viḥ .
ya̱jñaśca̍ bhūdvi̱dathe̱ cāru̱ranta̍ma̱ ā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.06
6 Indra possesseth might celestial nobly formed:- the singer in the house is Agni, prudent Sage.
He is the sacrifice in synod, fair, most near. We ask for freedom and complete felicity,
Sloka : 10.100.7
न वो॒ गुहा॑ चकृम॒ भूरि॑ दुष्कृ॒तं नाविष्ट्यं॑ वसवो देव॒हेळ॑नम् ।
माकि॑र्नो देवा॒ अनृ॑तस्य॒ वर्प॑स॒ आ स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०७
na vo̱ guhā̍ cakṛma̱ bhūri̍ duṣkṛ̱taṃ nāviṣṭya̍ṃ vasavo deva̱hel̤a̍nam .
māki̍rno devā̱ anṛ̍tasya̱ varpa̍sa̱ ā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.07
7 Not often have we sinned against you secretly, nor, Vasus, have we openly provoked the Gods.
Not one of its, ye Gods, hath worn an alien shape. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.8
अपामी॑वां सवि॒ता सा॑विष॒न्न्य१॒॑ग्वरी॑य॒ इदप॑ सेध॒न्त्वद्र॑यः ।
ग्रावा॒ यत्र॑ मधु॒षुदु॒च्यते॑ बृ॒हदा स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०८
apāmī̍vāṃ savi̱tā sā̍viṣa̱nnya1̱̍gvarī̍ya̱ idapa̍ sedha̱ntvadra̍yaḥ .
grāvā̱ yatra̍ madhu̱ṣudu̱cyate̍ bṛ̱hadā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.08
8 May Savitar remove from us our malady, and may the Mountains keep it far away from where
The press-stone as it sheds the meath rings loudly forth. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.9
ऊ॒र्ध्वो ग्रावा॑ वसवोऽस्तु सो॒तरि॒ विश्वा॒ द्वेषां॑सि सनु॒तर्यु॑योत ।
स नो॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता पा॒युरीड्य॒ आ स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.०९
ū̱rdhvo grāvā̍ vasavo'stu so̱tari̱ viśvā̱ dveṣā̍ṃsi sanu̱taryu̍yota .
sa no̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā pā̱yurīḍya̱ ā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.09
9 Ye Vasus, let the stone, the presser stand erect:- avert all enmities and keep them far remote.
Our guard to be adored is Savitar this God. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.10
ऊर्जं॑ गावो॒ यव॑से॒ पीवो॑ अत्तन ऋ॒तस्य॒ याः सद॑ने॒ कोशे॑ अ॒ङ्ग्ध्वे ।
त॒नूरे॒व त॒न्वो॑ अस्तु भेष॒जमा स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.१०
ūrja̍ṃ gāvo̱ yava̍se̱ pīvo̍ attana ṛ̱tasya̱ yāḥ sada̍ne̱ kośe̍ a̱ṅgdhve .
ta̱nūre̱va ta̱nvo̍ astu bheṣa̱jamā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.10
10 Eat strength and fatness in the pasture, kine, who are balmed at the reservoir and at the seat of Law.
So let your body be our body's medicine. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.11
क्र॒तु॒प्रावा॑ जरि॒ता शश्व॑ता॒मव॒ इन्द्र॒ इद्भ॒द्रा प्रम॑तिः सु॒ताव॑ताम् ।
पू॒र्णमूध॑र्दि॒व्यं यस्य॑ सि॒क्तय॒ आ स॒र्वता॑ति॒मदि॑तिं वृणीमहे ॥ १०.१००.११
kra̱tu̱prāvā̍ jari̱tā śaśva̍tā̱mava̱ indra̱ idbha̱drā prama̍tiḥ su̱tāva̍tām .
pū̱rṇamūdha̍rdi̱vyaṃ yasya̍ si̱ktaya̱ ā sa̱rvatā̍ti̱madi̍tiṃ vṛṇīmahe .. 10.100.11
11 The singer fills the spirit:- all mens, love hath he. Indra takes kindly care of those who pour the juice.
For his libation is the heavenly udder full. We ask for freedom and complete felicity.
Sloka : 10.100.12
चि॒त्रस्ते॑ भा॒नुः क्र॑तु॒प्रा अ॑भि॒ष्टिः सन्ति॒ स्पृधो॑ जरणि॒प्रा अधृ॑ष्टाः ।
रजि॑ष्ठया॒ रज्या॑ प॒श्व आ गोस्तूतू॑र्षति॒ पर्यग्रं॑ दुव॒स्युः ॥ १०.१००.१२
ci̱traste̍ bhā̱nuḥ kra̍tu̱prā a̍bhi̱ṣṭiḥ santi̱ spṛdho̍ jaraṇi̱prā adhṛ̍ṣṭāḥ .
raji̍ṣṭhayā̱ rajyā̍ pa̱śva ā gostūtū̍rṣati̱ paryagra̍ṃ duva̱syuḥ .. 10.100.12
12 Wondrous thy spirit-filling light, triumpliant; thy hosts save from decay and are resistless.
The pious votary by straightest pathway speeds to possess the best of all the cattle.
Sloka : 10.101.1
उद्बु॑ध्यध्वं॒ सम॑नसः सखायः॒ सम॒ग्निमि॑न्ध्वं ब॒हवः॒ सनी॑ळाः ।
द॒धि॒क्राम॒ग्निमु॒षसं॑ च दे॒वीमिन्द्रा॑व॒तोऽव॑से॒ नि ह्व॑ये वः ॥ १०.१०१.०१
udbu̍dhyadhva̱ṃ sama̍nasaḥ sakhāya̱ḥ sama̱gnimi̍ndhvaṃ ba̱hava̱ḥ sanī̍l̤āḥ .
da̱dhi̱krāma̱gnimu̱ṣasa̍ṃ ca de̱vīmindrā̍va̱to'va̍se̱ ni hva̍ye vaḥ .. 10.101.01
1. WAKE with one mind, my friends, and kindle Agni, ye who are many and who dwell together.
Agni and Dadhikrās and Dawn the Goddess, you, Gods with Indra, I call down to help us.
Sloka : 10.101.2
म॒न्द्रा कृ॑णुध्वं॒ धिय॒ आ त॑नुध्वं॒ नाव॑मरित्र॒पर॑णीं कृणुध्वम् ।
इष्कृ॑णुध्व॒मायु॒धारं॑ कृणुध्वं॒ प्राञ्चं॑ य॒ज्ञं प्र ण॑यता सखायः ॥ १०.१०१.०२
ma̱ndrā kṛ̍ṇudhva̱ṃ dhiya̱ ā ta̍nudhva̱ṃ nāva̍maritra̱para̍ṇīṃ kṛṇudhvam .
iṣkṛ̍ṇudhva̱māyu̱dhāra̍ṃ kṛṇudhva̱ṃ prāñca̍ṃ ya̱jñaṃ pra ṇa̍yatā sakhāyaḥ .. 10.101.02
2 Make pleasant hymns, spin out your songs and praises:- build ye a ship equipped with oars for transport.
Prepare the implements, make all things ready, and let the sacrifice, my friends, go forward.
Sloka : 10.101.3
यु॒नक्त॒ सीरा॒ वि यु॒गा त॑नुध्वं कृ॒ते योनौ॑ वपते॒ह बीज॑म् ।
गि॒रा च॑ श्रु॒ष्टिः सभ॑रा॒ अस॑न्नो॒ नेदी॑य॒ इत्सृ॒ण्यः॑ प॒क्वमेया॑त् ॥ १०.१०१.०३
yu̱nakta̱ sīrā̱ vi yu̱gā ta̍nudhvaṃ kṛ̱te yonau̍ vapate̱ha bīja̍m .
gi̱rā ca̍ śru̱ṣṭiḥ sabha̍rā̱ asa̍nno̱ nedī̍ya̱ itsṛ̱ṇya̍ḥ pa̱kvameyā̍t .. 10.101.03
3 Lay on the yokes, and fasten well the traces:- formed is the furrow, sow the seed within it.
Through song may we find bearing fraught with plenty:- near to the ripened grain approach the sickle.
Sloka : 10.101.4
सीरा॑ युञ्जन्ति क॒वयो॑ यु॒गा वि त॑न्वते॒ पृथ॑क् ।
धीरा॑ दे॒वेषु॑ सुम्न॒या ॥ १०.१०१.०४
sīrā̍ yuñjanti ka̱vayo̍ yu̱gā vi ta̍nvate̱ pṛtha̍k .
dhīrā̍ de̱veṣu̍ sumna̱yā .. 10.101.04
4 Wise, through desire of bliss from Gods, the skilful bind the traces fast, And lay the yokes on either side.
Sloka : 10.101.5
निरा॑हा॒वान्कृ॑णोतन॒ सं व॑र॒त्रा द॑धातन ।
सि॒ञ्चाम॑हा अव॒तमु॒द्रिणं॑ व॒यं सु॒षेक॒मनु॑पक्षितम् ॥ १०.१०१.०५
nirā̍hā̱vānkṛ̍ṇotana̱ saṃ va̍ra̱trā da̍dhātana .
si̱ñcāma̍hā ava̱tamu̱driṇa̍ṃ va̱yaṃ su̱ṣeka̱manu̍pakṣitam .. 10.101.05
5 Arrange the buckets in their place securely fasten on the straps.
We will pour forth the well that hath a copious stream, fair-flowing well that never fails.
Sloka : 10.101.6
इष्कृ॑ताहावमव॒तं सु॑वर॒त्रं सु॑षेच॒नम् ।
उ॒द्रिणं॑ सिञ्चे॒ अक्षि॑तम् ॥ १०.१०१.०६
iṣkṛ̍tāhāvamava̱taṃ su̍vara̱traṃ su̍ṣeca̱nam .
u̱driṇa̍ṃ siñce̱ akṣi̍tam .. 10.101.06
6 I pour the water from the well with pails prepared and goodly straps,
Unfailing, full, with plenteous stream.
Sloka : 10.101.7
प्री॒णी॒ताश्वा॑न्हि॒तं ज॑याथ स्वस्ति॒वाहं॒ रथ॒मित्कृ॑णुध्वम् ।
द्रोणा॑हावमव॒तमश्म॑चक्र॒मंस॑त्रकोशं सिञ्चता नृ॒पाण॑म् ॥ १०.१०१.०७
prī̱ṇī̱tāśvā̍nhi̱taṃ ja̍yātha svasti̱vāha̱ṃ ratha̱mitkṛ̍ṇudhvam .
droṇā̍hāvamava̱tamaśma̍cakra̱maṃsa̍trakośaṃ siñcatā nṛ̱pāṇa̍m .. 10.101.07
7 Refresh the horses, win the prize before you:- equip a chariot fraught with happy fortune.
Pour forth the well with stone wheel, wooden buckets, the drink of heroes, with the trough for armour.
Sloka : 10.101.8
व्र॒जं कृ॑णुध्वं॒ स हि वो॑ नृ॒पाणो॒ वर्म॑ सीव्यध्वं बहु॒ला पृ॒थूनि॑ ।
पुरः॑ कृणुध्व॒माय॑सी॒रधृ॑ष्टा॒ मा वः॑ सुस्रोच्चम॒सो दृंह॑ता॒ तम् ॥ १०.१०१.०८
vra̱jaṃ kṛ̍ṇudhva̱ṃ sa hi vo̍ nṛ̱pāṇo̱ varma̍ sīvyadhvaṃ bahu̱lā pṛ̱thūni̍ .
pura̍ḥ kṛṇudhva̱māya̍sī̱radhṛ̍ṣṭā̱ mā va̍ḥ susroccama̱so dṛṃha̍tā̱ tam .. 10.101.08
8 Prepare the cow-stall, for there drink your heroes:- stitch ye the coats of armour, wide and many.
Make iron forts, secure from all assailants let not your pitcher leak:- stay it securely.
Sloka : 10.101.9
आ वो॒ धियं॑ य॒ज्ञियां॑ वर्त ऊ॒तये॒ देवा॑ दे॒वीं य॑ज॒तां य॒ज्ञिया॑मि॒ह ।
सा नो॑ दुहीय॒द्यव॑सेव ग॒त्वी स॒हस्र॑धारा॒ पय॑सा म॒ही गौः ॥ १०.१०१.०९
ā vo̱ dhiya̍ṃ ya̱jñiyā̍ṃ varta ū̱taye̱ devā̍ de̱vīṃ ya̍ja̱tāṃ ya̱jñiyā̍mi̱ha .
sā no̍ duhīya̱dyava̍seva ga̱tvī sa̱hasra̍dhārā̱ paya̍sā ma̱hī gauḥ .. 10.101.09
9 Hither, for help, I turn the holy heavenly mind of you the Holy Gods, that longs for sacrifice.
May it pour milk for us, even as a stately cow who, having sought the pasture, yields a thousand streams.
Sloka : 10.101.10
आ तू षि॑ञ्च॒ हरि॑मीं॒ द्रोरु॒पस्थे॒ वाशी॑भिस्तक्षताश्म॒न्मयी॑भिः ।
परि॑ ष्वजध्वं॒ दश॑ क॒क्ष्या॑भिरु॒भे धुरौ॒ प्रति॒ वह्निं॑ युनक्त ॥ १०.१०१.१०
ā tū ṣi̍ñca̱ hari̍mī̱ṃ droru̱pasthe̱ vāśī̍bhistakṣatāśma̱nmayī̍bhiḥ .
pari̍ ṣvajadhva̱ṃ daśa̍ ka̱kṣyā̍bhiru̱bhe dhurau̱ prati̱ vahni̍ṃ yunakta .. 10.101.10
10 Pour golden juice within the wooden vessel:- with stone-made axes fashion ye and form it.
Embrace and compass it with tenfold girdle, and to both chariot-poles attach the car-horse.
Sloka : 10.101.11
उ॒भे धुरौ॒ वह्नि॑रा॒पिब्द॑मानो॒ऽन्तर्योने॑व चरति द्वि॒जानिः॑ ।
वन॒स्पतिं॒ वन॒ आस्था॑पयध्वं॒ नि षू द॑धिध्व॒मख॑नन्त॒ उत्स॑म् ॥ १०.१०१.११
u̱bhe dhurau̱ vahni̍rā̱pibda̍māno̱'ntaryone̍va carati dvi̱jāni̍ḥ .
vana̱spati̱ṃ vana̱ āsthā̍payadhva̱ṃ ni ṣū da̍dhidhva̱makha̍nanta̱ utsa̍m .. 10.101.11
11 Between both poles the car-horse goes pressed closely, as in his dwelling moves the doubly-wedded.
Lay in the wood the Soviran of the Forest, and sink the well although ye do not dig it.
Sloka : 10.101.12
कपृ॑न्नरः कपृ॒थमुद्द॑धातन चो॒दय॑त खु॒दत॒ वाज॑सातये ।
नि॒ष्टि॒ग्र्यः॑ पु॒त्रमा च्या॑वयो॒तय॒ इन्द्रं॑ स॒बाध॑ इ॒ह सोम॑पीतये ॥ १०.१०१.१२
kapṛ̍nnaraḥ kapṛ̱thamudda̍dhātana co̱daya̍ta khu̱data̱ vāja̍sātaye .
ni̱ṣṭi̱grya̍ḥ pu̱tramā cyā̍vayo̱taya̱ indra̍ṃ sa̱bādha̍ i̱ha soma̍pītaye .. 10.101.12
12 Indra is he, O men, who gives us happiness:- sport, urge the giver of delight to win us strength
Bring quickly down, O priests, hither to give us aid, to drink the Soma, Indra Son of Nistigri.
Sloka : 10.102.1
प्र ते॒ रथं॑ मिथू॒कृत॒मिन्द्रो॑ऽवतु धृष्णु॒या ।
अ॒स्मिन्ना॒जौ पु॑रुहूत श्र॒वाय्ये॑ धनभ॒क्षेषु॑ नोऽव ॥ १०.१०२.०१
pra te̱ ratha̍ṃ mithū̱kṛta̱mindro̎vatu dhṛṣṇu̱yā .
a̱sminnā̱jau pu̍ruhūta śra̱vāyye̍ dhanabha̱kṣeṣu̍ no'va .. 10.102.01
1. FOR thee may Indra boldly speed the car that works on either side.
Favour us, Much-invoked! in this most glorious fight against the raiders of our wealth.
Sloka : 10.102.2
उत्स्म॒ वातो॑ वहति॒ वासो॑ऽस्या॒ अधि॑रथं॒ यदज॑यत्स॒हस्र॑म् ।
र॒थीर॑भून्मुद्ग॒लानी॒ गवि॑ष्टौ॒ भरे॑ कृ॒तं व्य॑चेदिन्द्रसे॒ना ॥ १०.१०२.०२
utsma̱ vāto̍ vahati̱ vāso̎syā̱ adhi̍ratha̱ṃ yadaja̍yatsa̱hasra̍m .
ra̱thīra̍bhūnmudga̱lānī̱ gavi̍ṣṭau̱ bhare̍ kṛ̱taṃ vya̍cedindrase̱nā .. 10.102.02
2 Loose in the wind the woman's robe was streaming what time she won a car-load worth a thousand.
The charioteer in fight was Mudgalani:- she Indra's dart, heaped up the prize of battle.
Sloka : 10.102.3
अ॒न्तर्य॑च्छ॒ जिघां॑सतो॒ वज्र॑मिन्द्राभि॒दास॑तः ।
दास॑स्य वा मघव॒न्नार्य॑स्य वा सनु॒तर्य॑वया व॒धम् ॥ १०.१०२.०३
a̱ntarya̍ccha̱ jighā̍ṃsato̱ vajra̍mindrābhi̱dāsa̍taḥ .
dāsa̍sya vā maghava̱nnārya̍sya vā sanu̱tarya̍vayā va̱dham .. 10.102.03
3 O Indra, cast thy bolt among assailants who would slaughter us:-
The weapon both of Dāsa and of Ārya foe keep far away, O Maghavan.
Sloka : 10.102.4
उ॒द्नो ह्र॒दम॑पिब॒ज्जर्हृ॑षाणः॒ कूटं॑ स्म तृं॒हद॒भिमा॑तिमेति ।
प्र मु॒ष्कभा॑रः॒ श्रव॑ इ॒च्छमा॑नोऽजि॒रं बा॒हू अ॑भर॒त्सिषा॑सन् ॥ १०.१०२.०४
u̱dno hra̱dama̍piba̱jjarhṛ̍ṣāṇa̱ḥ kūṭa̍ṃ sma tṛ̱ṃhada̱bhimā̍timeti .
pra mu̱ṣkabhā̍ra̱ḥ śrava̍ i̱cchamā̍no'ji̱raṃ bā̱hū a̍bhara̱tsiṣā̍san .. 10.102.04
4 The bull in joy had drunk a lake of water. His shattering horn encountered an opponent.
Swiftly, in vigorous strength, eager for glory, he stretched his forefeet, fain to win and triumph.
Sloka : 10.102.5
न्य॑क्रन्दयन्नुप॒यन्त॑ एन॒ममे॑हयन्वृष॒भं मध्य॑ आ॒जेः ।
तेन॒ सूभ॑र्वं श॒तव॑त्स॒हस्रं॒ गवां॒ मुद्ग॑लः प्र॒धने॑ जिगाय ॥ १०.१०२.०५
nya̍krandayannupa̱yanta̍ ena̱mame̍hayanvṛṣa̱bhaṃ madhya̍ ā̱jeḥ .
tena̱ sūbha̍rvaṃ śa̱tava̍tsa̱hasra̱ṃ gavā̱ṃ mudga̍laḥ pra̱dhane̍ jigāya .. 10.102.05
5 They came anear the bull; they made him thunder, made him pour rain down ere the fight was ended.
And Mudgala thereby won in the contest well-pastured kine in hundreds and in thousands.
Sloka : 10.102.6
क॒कर्द॑वे वृष॒भो यु॒क्त आ॑सी॒दवा॑वची॒त्सार॑थिरस्य के॒शी ।
दुधे॑र्यु॒क्तस्य॒ द्रव॑तः स॒हान॑स ऋ॒च्छन्ति॑ ष्मा नि॒ष्पदो॑ मुद्ग॒लानी॑म् ॥ १०.१०२.०६
ka̱karda̍ve vṛṣa̱bho yu̱kta ā̍sī̱davā̍vacī̱tsāra̍thirasya ke̱śī .
dudhe̍ryu̱ktasya̱ drava̍taḥ sa̱hāna̍sa ṛ̱cchanti̍ ṣmā ni̱ṣpado̍ mudga̱lānī̍m .. 10.102.06
6 In hope of victory that bull was harnessed:- Kesi the driver urged him on with shouting.
As he ran swiftly with the car behind him his lifted heels pressed close on Mudgalani.
Sloka : 10.102.7
उ॒त प्र॒धिमुद॑हन्नस्य वि॒द्वानुपा॑युन॒ग्वंस॑ग॒मत्र॒ शिक्ष॑न् ।
इन्द्र॒ उदा॑व॒त्पति॒मघ्न्या॑ना॒मरं॑हत॒ पद्या॑भिः क॒कुद्मा॑न् ॥ १०.१०२.०७
u̱ta pra̱dhimuda̍hannasya vi̱dvānupā̍yuna̱gvaṃsa̍ga̱matra̱ śikṣa̍n .
indra̱ udā̍va̱tpati̱maghnyā̍nā̱mara̍ṃhata̱ padyā̍bhiḥ ka̱kudmā̍n .. 10.102.07
7 Deftly for him he stretched the car-pole forward, guided the bull thereto and firmly yoked him.
Indra vouchsafed the lord of cows his favour:- with mighty steps the buffalo ran onward.
Sloka : 10.102.8
शु॒नम॑ष्ट्रा॒व्य॑चरत्कप॒र्दी व॑र॒त्रायां॒ दार्वा॒नह्य॑मानः ।
नृ॒म्णानि॑ कृ॒ण्वन्ब॒हवे॒ जना॑य॒ गाः प॑स्पशा॒नस्तवि॑षीरधत्त ॥ १०.१०२.०८
śu̱nama̍ṣṭrā̱vya̍caratkapa̱rdī va̍ra̱trāyā̱ṃ dārvā̱nahya̍mānaḥ .
nṛ̱mṇāni̍ kṛ̱ṇvanba̱have̱ janā̍ya̱ gāḥ pa̍spaśā̱nastavi̍ṣīradhatta .. 10.102.08
8 Touched by the goad the shaggy beast went nobly, bound to the pole by the yoke's thong of leather.
Performing deeds of might for many people, he, looking on the cows, gained strength and vigour.
Sloka : 10.102.9
इ॒मं तं प॑श्य वृष॒भस्य॒ युञ्जं॒ काष्ठा॑या॒ मध्ये॑ द्रुघ॒णं शया॑नम् ।
येन॑ जि॒गाय॑ श॒तव॑त्स॒हस्रं॒ गवां॒ मुद्ग॑लः पृत॒नाज्ये॑षु ॥ १०.१०२.०९
i̱maṃ taṃ pa̍śya vṛṣa̱bhasya̱ yuñja̱ṃ kāṣṭhā̍yā̱ madhye̍ drugha̱ṇaṃ śayā̍nam .
yena̍ ji̱gāya̍ śa̱tava̍tsa̱hasra̱ṃ gavā̱ṃ mudga̍laḥ pṛta̱nājye̍ṣu .. 10.102.09
9 Here look upon this mace, this bull's companion, now lying midway on the field of battle.
Therewith hath Mudgala in ordered contest won for cattle for himself, a hundred thousand.
Sloka : 10.102.10
आ॒रे अ॒घा को न्वि१॒॑त्था द॑दर्श॒ यं यु॒ञ्जन्ति॒ तम्वा स्था॑पयन्ति ।
नास्मै॒ तृणं॒ नोद॒कमा भ॑र॒न्त्युत्त॑रो धु॒रो व॑हति प्र॒देदि॑शत् ॥ १०.१०२.१०
ā̱re a̱ghā ko nvi1̱̍tthā da̍darśa̱ yaṃ yu̱ñjanti̱ tamvā sthā̍payanti .
nāsmai̱ tṛṇa̱ṃ noda̱kamā bha̍ra̱ntyutta̍ro dhu̱ro va̍hati pra̱dedi̍śat .. 10.102.10
10 Far is the evil:- who hath here beheld it? Hither they bring the bull whom they are yoking..
To this they give not either food or water. Reaching beyond the pole it gives directions.
Sloka : 10.102.11
प॒रि॒वृ॒क्तेव॑ पति॒विद्य॑मान॒ट् पीप्या॑ना॒ कूच॑क्रेणेव सि॒ञ्चन् ।
ए॒षै॒ष्या॑ चिद्र॒थ्या॑ जयेम सुम॒ङ्गलं॒ सिन॑वदस्तु सा॒तम् ॥ १०.१०२.११
pa̱ri̱vṛ̱kteva̍ pati̱vidya̍māna̱ṭ pīpyā̍nā̱ kūca̍kreṇeva si̱ñcan .
e̱ṣai̱ṣyā̍ cidra̱thyā̍ jayema suma̱ṅgala̱ṃ sina̍vadastu sā̱tam .. 10.102.11
11 Like one forsaken, she hath found a husband, and teemed as if her breast were full and flowing.
With swiftly-racing chariot may we conquer, and rich and blessed be our gains in battle.
Sloka : 10.102.12
त्वं विश्व॑स्य॒ जग॑त॒श्चक्षु॑रिन्द्रासि॒ चक्षु॑षः ।
वृषा॒ यदा॒जिं वृष॑णा॒ सिषा॑ससि चो॒दय॒न्वध्रि॑णा यु॒जा ॥ १०.१०२.१२
tvaṃ viśva̍sya̱ jaga̍ta̱ścakṣu̍rindrāsi̱ cakṣu̍ṣaḥ .
vṛṣā̱ yadā̱jiṃ vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ siṣā̍sasi co̱daya̱nvadhri̍ṇā yu̱jā .. 10.102.12
12 Thou, Indra, art the mark whereon the eyes of all life rest, when thou,
A Bull who drivest with thy bull, wilt win the race together with thy weakling friend.
Sloka : 10.103.1
आ॒शुः शिशा॑नो वृष॒भो न भी॒मो घ॑नाघ॒नः क्षोभ॑णश्चर्षणी॒नाम् ।
सं॒क्रन्द॑नोऽनिमि॒ष ए॑कवी॒रः श॒तं सेना॑ अजयत्सा॒कमिन्द्रः॑ ॥ १०.१०३.०१
ā̱śuḥ śiśā̍no vṛṣa̱bho na bhī̱mo gha̍nāgha̱naḥ kṣobha̍ṇaścarṣaṇī̱nām .
sa̱ṃkranda̍no'nimi̱ṣa e̍kavī̱raḥ śa̱taṃ senā̍ ajayatsā̱kamindra̍ḥ .. 10.103.01
1. SWIFT, rapidly striking, like a bull who sharpens his horns, terrific, stirring up the people,
With eyes that close not, bellowing, Sole Hero, Indra. subdued at once a hundred armies.
Sloka : 10.103.2
सं॒क्रन्द॑नेनानिमि॒षेण॑ जि॒ष्णुना॑ युत्का॒रेण॑ दुश्च्यव॒नेन॑ धृ॒ष्णुना॑ ।
तदिन्द्रे॑ण जयत॒ तत्स॑हध्वं॒ युधो॑ नर॒ इषु॑हस्तेन॒ वृष्णा॑ ॥ १०.१०३.०२
sa̱ṃkranda̍nenānimi̱ṣeṇa̍ ji̱ṣṇunā̍ yutkā̱reṇa̍ duścyava̱nena̍ dhṛ̱ṣṇunā̍ .
tadindre̍ṇa jayata̱ tatsa̍hadhva̱ṃ yudho̍ nara̱ iṣu̍hastena̱ vṛṣṇā̍ .. 10.103.02
2 With him loud-roaring, ever watchful, Victor, bold, hard to overthrow, Rouser of battle,
Indra. the Strong, whose hand bears arrows, conquer, ye warriors, now, now vanquish in the combat.
Sloka : 10.103.3
स इषु॑हस्तैः॒ स नि॑ष॒ङ्गिभि॑र्व॒शी संस्र॑ष्टा॒ स युध॒ इन्द्रो॑ ग॒णेन॑ ।
सं॒सृ॒ष्ट॒जित्सो॑म॒पा बा॑हुश॒र्ध्यु१॒॑ग्रध॑न्वा॒ प्रति॑हिताभि॒रस्ता॑ ॥ १०.१०३.०३
sa iṣu̍hastai̱ḥ sa ni̍ṣa̱ṅgibhi̍rva̱śī saṃsra̍ṣṭā̱ sa yudha̱ indro̍ ga̱ṇena̍ .
sa̱ṃsṛ̱ṣṭa̱jitso̍ma̱pā bā̍huśa̱rdhyu1̱̍gradha̍nvā̱ prati̍hitābhi̱rastā̍ .. 10.103.03
3 He rules with those who carry shafts and quivers, Indra who with his band rings hosts together,
Foe-conquering, strong of arm, the Soma-drinker, with mighty bow, shooting with well-laid arrows.
Sloka : 10.103.4
बृह॑स्पते॒ परि॑ दीया॒ रथे॑न रक्षो॒हामित्रा॑ँ अप॒बाध॑मानः ।
प्र॒भ॒ञ्जन्सेनाः॑ प्रमृ॒णो यु॒धा जय॑न्न॒स्माक॑मेध्यवि॒ता रथा॑नाम् ॥ १०.१०३.०४
bṛha̍spate̱ pari̍ dīyā̱ rathe̍na rakṣo̱hāmitrā̍m̐ apa̱bādha̍mānaḥ .
pra̱bha̱ñjansenā̍ḥ pramṛ̱ṇo yu̱dhā jaya̍nna̱smāka̍medhyavi̱tā rathā̍nām .. 10.103.04
4 Bṛhaspati, fly with thy chariot hither, slayer of demons, driving off our foemen.
Be thou protector of our cars, destroyer, victor in battle, breaker-up of armies.
Sloka : 10.103.5
ब॒ल॒वि॒ज्ञा॒यः स्थवि॑रः॒ प्रवी॑रः॒ सह॑स्वान्वा॒जी सह॑मान उ॒ग्रः ।
अ॒भिवी॑रो अ॒भिस॑त्वा सहो॒जा जैत्र॑मिन्द्र॒ रथ॒मा ति॑ष्ठ गो॒वित् ॥ १०.१०३.०५
ba̱la̱vi̱jñā̱yaḥ sthavi̍ra̱ḥ pravī̍ra̱ḥ saha̍svānvā̱jī saha̍māna u̱graḥ .
a̱bhivī̍ro a̱bhisa̍tvā saho̱jā jaitra̍mindra̱ ratha̱mā ti̍ṣṭha go̱vit .. 10.103.05
5 Conspicuous by thy strength, firm, foremost fighter, mighty and fierce, victorious, all-subduing,
The Son of Conquest, passing men and heroes, kine-winner, mount thy conquering car, O Indra.
Sloka : 10.103.6
गो॒त्र॒भिदं॑ गो॒विदं॒ वज्र॑बाहुं॒ जय॑न्त॒मज्म॑ प्रमृ॒णन्त॒मोज॑सा ।
इ॒मं स॑जाता॒ अनु॑ वीरयध्व॒मिन्द्रं॑ सखायो॒ अनु॒ सं र॑भध्वम् ॥ १०.१०३.०६
go̱tra̱bhida̍ṃ go̱vida̱ṃ vajra̍bāhu̱ṃ jaya̍nta̱majma̍ pramṛ̱ṇanta̱moja̍sā .
i̱maṃ sa̍jātā̱ anu̍ vīrayadhva̱mindra̍ṃ sakhāyo̱ anu̱ saṃ ra̍bhadhvam .. 10.103.06
6 Cleaver of stalls, kine-winner, armed with thunder, who quells an army and with might destroys it.-
Follow him, brothers! quit yourselves like heroes, and like this Indra show your zeal and courage.
Sloka : 10.103.7
अ॒भि गो॒त्राणि॒ सह॑सा॒ गाह॑मानोऽद॒यो वी॒रः श॒तम॑न्यु॒रिन्द्रः॑ ।
दु॒श्च्य॒व॒नः पृ॑तना॒षाळ॑यु॒ध्यो॒३॒॑ऽस्माकं॒ सेना॑ अवतु॒ प्र यु॒त्सु ॥ १०.१०३.०७
a̱bhi go̱trāṇi̱ saha̍sā̱ gāha̍māno'da̱yo vī̱raḥ śa̱tama̍nyu̱rindra̍ḥ .
du̱ścya̱va̱naḥ pṛ̍tanā̱ṣāl̤a̍yu̱dhyo̱3̱̎smāka̱ṃ senā̍ avatu̱ pra yu̱tsu .. 10.103.07
7 Piercing the cow-stalls with surpassing vigour, Indra, the pitiless Hero, wild with anger,
Victor in fight, unshaken and resistless,may he protect our armies in our battles.
Sloka : 10.103.8
इन्द्र॑ आसां ने॒ता बृह॒स्पति॒र्दक्षि॑णा य॒ज्ञः पु॒र ए॑तु॒ सोमः॑ ।
दे॒व॒से॒नाना॑मभिभञ्जती॒नां जय॑न्तीनां म॒रुतो॑ य॒न्त्वग्र॑म् ॥ १०.१०३.०८
indra̍ āsāṃ ne̱tā bṛha̱spati̱rdakṣi̍ṇā ya̱jñaḥ pu̱ra e̍tu̱ soma̍ḥ .
de̱va̱se̱nānā̍mabhibhañajatī̱nāṃ jaya̍ntīnāṃ ma̱ruto̍ ya̱ntvagra̍m .. 10.103.08
8 Indra guide these:- Bṛhaspati precede them, the guerdon, and the sacrifice, and Soma;
And let the banded Maruts march in forefront of heavenly hosts that conquer and demolish.
Sloka : 10.103.9
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ वृष्णो॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ राज्ञ॑ आदि॒त्यानां॑ म॒रुतां॒ शर्ध॑ उ॒ग्रम् ।
म॒हाम॑नसां भुवनच्य॒वानां॒ घोषो॑ दे॒वानां॒ जय॑ता॒मुद॑स्थात् ॥ १०.१०३.०९
indra̍sya̱ vṛṣṇo̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ rājña̍ ādi̱tyānā̍ṃ ma̱rutā̱ṃ śardha̍ u̱gram .
ma̱hāma̍nasāṃ bhuvanacya̱vānā̱ṃ ghoṣo̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ jaya̍tā̱muda̍sthāt .. 10.103.09
9 Ours be the potent host of mighty Indra, King Varuṇa, and Maruts, and Ādityas.
Uplifted is the shout of Gods who conquer high-minded Gods who cause the worlds to tremble.
Sloka : 10.103.10
उद्ध॑र्षय मघव॒न्नायु॑धा॒न्युत्सत्व॑नां माम॒कानां॒ मनां॑सि ।
उद्वृ॑त्रहन्वा॒जिनां॒ वाजि॑ना॒न्युद्रथा॑नां॒ जय॑तां यन्तु॒ घोषाः॑ ॥ १०.१०३.१०
uddha̍rṣaya maghava̱nnāyu̍dhā̱nyutsatva̍nāṃ māma̱kānā̱ṃ manā̍ṃsi .
udvṛ̍trahanvā̱jinā̱ṃ vāji̍nā̱nyudrathā̍nā̱ṃ jaya̍tāṃ yantu̱ ghoṣā̍ḥ .. 10.103.10
10 Bristle thou up, O Maghavan, our weapons:- excite the spirits of my warring heroes.
Urge on the strong steeds' might, O Vṛtra-slayer, and let the din of conquering cars go upward.
Sloka : 10.103.11
अ॒स्माक॒मिन्द्रः॒ समृ॑तेषु ध्व॒जेष्व॒स्माकं॒ या इष॑व॒स्ता ज॑यन्तु ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ वी॒रा उत्त॑रे भवन्त्व॒स्माँ उ॑ देवा अवता॒ हवे॑षु ॥ १०.१०३.११
a̱smāka̱mindra̱ḥ samṛ̍teṣu dhva̱jeṣva̱smāka̱ṃ yā iṣa̍va̱stā ja̍yantu .
a̱smāka̍ṃ vī̱rā utta̍re bhavantva̱smām̐ u̍ devā avatā̱ have̍ṣu .. 10.103.11
11 May Indra aid us when our flags are gathered:- victorious be the arrows of our army.
May our brave men of war prevail in battle. Ye Gods, protect us in the shout of onset.
Sloka : 10.103.12
अ॒मीषां॑ चि॒त्तं प्र॑तिलो॒भय॑न्ती गृहा॒णाङ्गा॑न्यप्वे॒ परे॑हि ।
अ॒भि प्रेहि॒ निर्द॑ह हृ॒त्सु शोकै॑र॒न्धेना॒मित्रा॒स्तम॑सा सचन्ताम् ॥ १०.१०३.१२
a̱mīṣā̍ṃ ci̱ttaṃ pra̍tilo̱bhaya̍ntī gṛhā̱ṇāṅgā̍nyapve̱ pare̍hi .
a̱bhi prehi̱ nirda̍ha hṛ̱tsu śokai̍ra̱ndhenā̱mitrā̱stama̍sā sacantām .. 10.103.12
12 Bewildering the senses of our foemen, seize thou their bodies and depart, O Apva.
Attack them, set their hearts on fire and burn them:- so let our foes abide in utter darkness.
Sloka : 10.103.13
प्रेता॒ जय॑ता नर॒ इन्द्रो॑ वः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छतु ।
उ॒ग्रा वः॑ सन्तु बा॒हवो॑ऽनाधृ॒ष्या यथास॑थ ॥ १०.१०३.१३
pretā̱ jaya̍tā nara̱ indro̍ va̱ḥ śarma̍ yacchatu .
u̱grā va̍ḥ santu bā̱havo̎nādhṛ̱ṣyā yathāsa̍tha .. 10.103.13
13 Advance, O heroes, win the day. May Indra be your sure defence.
Exceeding mighty be your arms, that none may wound or injure you.
Sloka : 10.104.1
असा॑वि॒ सोमः॑ पुरुहूत॒ तुभ्यं॒ हरि॑भ्यां य॒ज्ञमुप॑ याहि॒ तूय॑म् ।
तुभ्यं॒ गिरो॒ विप्र॑वीरा इया॒ना द॑धन्वि॒र इ॑न्द्र॒ पिबा॑ सु॒तस्य॑ ॥ १०.१०४.०१
asā̍vi̱ soma̍ḥ puruhūta̱ tubhya̱ṃ hari̍bhyāṃ ya̱jñamupa̍ yāhi̱ tūya̍m .
tubhya̱ṃ giro̱ vipra̍vīrā iyā̱nā da̍dhanvi̱ra i̍ndra̱ pibā̍ su̱tasya̍ .. 10.104.01
1. Soma hath flowed for thee, Invoked of mat Speed to our sacrifice with both thy Coursers.
To thee have streameld the songs or mighty singers, imploring, Indra, drink of our libation.
Sloka : 10.104.2
अ॒प्सु धू॒तस्य॑ हरिवः॒ पिबे॒ह नृभिः॑ सु॒तस्य॑ ज॒ठरं॑ पृणस्व ।
मि॒मि॒क्षुर्यमद्र॑य इन्द्र॒ तुभ्यं॒ तेभि॑र्वर्धस्व॒ मद॑मुक्थवाहः ॥ १०.१०४.०२
a̱psu dhū̱tasya̍ hariva̱ḥ pibe̱ha nṛbhi̍ḥ su̱tasya̍ ja̱ṭhara̍ṃ pṛṇasva .
mi̱mi̱kṣuryamadra̍ya indra̱ tubhya̱ṃ tebhi̍rvardhasva̱ mada̍mukthavāhaḥ .. 10.104.02
2 Drink of the juice which men have washed in waters, and fill thee full, O Lord of Tawny Horses.
O Indra, hearer of the laud, with Soma which stones have mixed for thee enhance thy rapture.
Sloka : 10.104.3
प्रोग्रां पी॒तिं वृष्ण॑ इयर्मि स॒त्यां प्र॒यै सु॒तस्य॑ हर्यश्व॒ तुभ्य॑म् ।
इन्द्र॒ धेना॑भिरि॒ह मा॑दयस्व धी॒भिर्विश्वा॑भिः॒ शच्या॑ गृणा॒नः ॥ १०.१०४.०३
progrāṃ pī̱tiṃ vṛṣṇa̍ iyarmi sa̱tyāṃ pra̱yai su̱tasya̍ haryaśva̱ tubhya̍m .
indra̱ dhenā̍bhiri̱ha mā̍dayasva dhī̱bhirviśvā̍bhi̱ḥ śacyā̍ gṛṇā̱naḥ .. 10.104.03
3 To make thee start, a strong true draught I offer to thee, the Bull, O thou whom Bay Steeds carry.
Here take delight, O Indra, in our voices while thou art hymned with power and all our spirit.
Sloka : 10.104.4
ऊ॒ती श॑चीव॒स्तव॑ वी॒र्ये॑ण॒ वयो॒ दधा॑ना उ॒शिज॑ ऋत॒ज्ञाः ।
प्र॒जाव॑दिन्द्र॒ मनु॑षो दुरो॒णे त॒स्थुर्गृ॒णन्तः॑ सध॒माद्या॑सः ॥ १०.१०४.०४
ū̱tī śa̍cīva̱stava̍ vī̱rye̍ṇa̱ vayo̱ dadhā̍nā u̱śija̍ ṛta̱jñāḥ .
pra̱jāva̍dindra̱ manu̍ṣo duro̱ṇe ta̱sthurgṛ̱ṇanta̍ḥ sadha̱mādyā̍saḥ .. 10.104.04
4 O Mighty Indra, through thine aid, thy prowess, obtaining life, zealous, and skilled in Order,
Men in the house who share the sacred banquet stand singing praise that brings them store of children.
Sloka : 10.104.5
प्रणी॑तिभिष्टे हर्यश्व सु॒ष्टोः सु॑षु॒म्नस्य॑ पुरु॒रुचो॒ जना॑सः ।
मंहि॑ष्ठामू॒तिं वि॒तिरे॒ दधा॑नाः स्तो॒तार॑ इन्द्र॒ तव॑ सू॒नृता॑भिः ॥ १०.१०४.०५
praṇī̍tibhiṣṭe haryaśva su̱ṣṭoḥ su̍ṣu̱mnasya̍ puru̱ruco̱ janā̍saḥ .
maṃhi̍ṣṭhāmū̱tiṃ vi̱tire̱ dadhā̍nāḥ sto̱tāra̍ indra̱ tava̍ sū̱nṛtā̍bhiḥ .. 10.104.05
5 Through thy directions, Lord of Tawny Coursers, thine who art firm, splendid, and blest, the people
Obtain most liberal aid for their salvation, and praise thee, Indra, through thine excellencies.
Sloka : 10.104.6
उप॒ ब्रह्मा॑णि हरिवो॒ हरि॑भ्यां॒ सोम॑स्य याहि पी॒तये॑ सु॒तस्य॑ ।
इन्द्र॑ त्वा य॒ज्ञः क्षम॑माणमानड्दा॒श्वाँ अ॑स्यध्व॒रस्य॑ प्रके॒तः ॥ १०.१०४.०६
upa̱ brahmā̍ṇi harivo̱ hari̍bhyā̱ṃ soma̍sya yāhi pī̱taye̍ su̱tasya̍ .
indra̍ tvā ya̱jñaḥ kṣama̍māṇamānaḍdā̱śvām̐ a̍syadhva̱rasya̍ prake̱taḥ .. 10.104.06
6 Lord of the Bays, come with thy two Bay Horses, come to our prayers, to drink the juice of Soma.
To thee comes sacrifice which thou acceptest:- thou, skilled in holy rites, art he who giveth.
Sloka : 10.104.7
स॒हस्र॑वाजमभिमाति॒षाहं॑ सु॒तेर॑णं म॒घवा॑नं सुवृ॒क्तिम् ।
उप॑ भूषन्ति॒ गिरो॒ अप्र॑तीत॒मिन्द्रं॑ नम॒स्या ज॑रि॒तुः प॑नन्त ॥ १०.१०४.०७
sa̱hasra̍vājamabhimāti̱ṣāha̍ṃ su̱tera̍ṇaṃ ma̱ghavā̍naṃ suvṛ̱ktim .
upa̍ bhūṣanti̱ giro̱ apra̍tīta̱mindra̍ṃ nama̱syā ja̍ri̱tuḥ pa̍nanta .. 10.104.07
7 Him of a thousand powers, subduing foemen, Maghavan praised with hymns and pleased with Soma,
Even him our songs approach, resistless Indra:- the adorations of the singer laud him.
Sloka : 10.104.8
स॒प्तापो॑ दे॒वीः सु॒रणा॒ अमृ॑क्ता॒ याभिः॒ सिन्धु॒मत॑र इन्द्र पू॒र्भित् ।
न॒व॒तिं स्रो॒त्या नव॑ च॒ स्रव॑न्तीर्दे॒वेभ्यो॑ गा॒तुं मनु॑षे च विन्दः ॥ १०.१०४.०८
sa̱ptāpo̍ de̱vīḥ su̱raṇā̱ amṛ̍ktā̱ yābhi̱ḥ sindhu̱mata̍ra indra pū̱rbhit .
na̱va̱tiṃ sro̱tyā nava̍ ca̱ srava̍ntīrde̱vebhyo̍ gā̱tuṃ manu̍ṣe ca vindaḥ .. 10.104.08
8 The way to bliss for Gods and man thou foundest, Indra, seven lovely floods, divine, untroubled,
Wherewith thou, rending forts, didst move the ocean, and nine-and-ninety flowing streams of water.
Sloka : 10.104.9
अ॒पो म॒हीर॒भिश॑स्तेरमु॒ञ्चोऽजा॑गरा॒स्वधि॑ दे॒व एकः॑ ।
इन्द्र॒ यास्त्वं वृ॑त्र॒तूर्ये॑ च॒कर्थ॒ ताभि॑र्वि॒श्वायु॑स्त॒न्वं॑ पुपुष्याः ॥ १०.१०४.०९
a̱po ma̱hīra̱bhiśa̍steramu̱ñco'jā̍garā̱svadhi̍ de̱va eka̍ḥ .
indra̱ yāstvaṃ vṛ̍tra̱tūrye̍ ca̱kartha̱ tābhi̍rvi̱śvāyu̍sta̱nva̍ṃ pupuṣyāḥ .. 10.104.09
9 Thou from the curse didst free the mighty Waters, and as their only God didst watch and guard them.
O Indra, cherish evermore thy body with those which thou hast won in quelling Vṛtra.
Sloka : 10.104.10
वी॒रेण्यः॒ क्रतु॒रिन्द्रः॑ सुश॒स्तिरु॒तापि॒ धेना॑ पुरुहू॒तमी॑ट्टे ।
आर्द॑यद्वृ॒त्रमकृ॑णोदु लो॒कं स॑सा॒हे श॒क्रः पृत॑ना अभि॒ष्टिः ॥ १०.१०४.१०
vī̱reṇya̱ḥ kratu̱rindra̍ḥ suśa̱stiru̱tāpi̱ dhenā̍ puruhū̱tamī̍ṭṭe .
ārda̍yadvṛ̱tramakṛ̍ṇodu lo̱kaṃ sa̍sā̱he śa̱kraḥ pṛta̍nā abhi̱ṣṭiḥ .. 10.104.10
10 Heroic power and noble praise is Indra yea, the song worships him invoked of many.
Vṛtra he quelled, and gave men room and freedom:- gakra, victorious, hath conquered armies.
Sloka : 10.104.11
शु॒नं हु॑वेम म॒घवा॑न॒मिन्द्र॑म॒स्मिन्भरे॒ नृत॑मं॒ वाज॑सातौ ।
शृ॒ण्वन्त॑मु॒ग्रमू॒तये॑ स॒मत्सु॒ घ्नन्तं॑ वृ॒त्राणि॑ सं॒जितं॒ धना॑नाम् ॥ १०.१०४.११
śu̱naṃ hu̍vema ma̱ghavā̍na̱mindra̍ma̱sminbhare̱ nṛta̍ma̱ṃ vāja̍sātau .
śṛ̱ṇvanta̍mu̱gramū̱taye̍ sa̱matsu̱ ghnanta̍ṃ vṛ̱trāṇi̍ sa̱ṃjita̱ṃ dhanā̍nām .. 10.104.11
11 Call we on Maghayan, auspicious Indra. best Hero in this fight where spoil is gathered,
The Strong, who listens, who gives aid in battles, who slays the Vṛtras, wins and gathers riches.
Sloka : 10.105.1
क॒दा व॑सो स्तो॒त्रं हर्य॑त॒ आव॑ श्म॒शा रु॑ध॒द्वाः ।
दी॒र्घं सु॒तं वा॒ताप्या॑य ॥ १०.१०५.०१
ka̱dā va̍so sto̱traṃ harya̍ta̱ āva̍ śma̱śā ru̍dha̱dvāḥ .
dī̱rghaṃ su̱taṃ vā̱tāpyā̍ya .. 10.105.01
1. WHEN, Vasu, wilt thou love the laud? Now let the channel bring the stream.
The juice is ready to ferment.
Sloka : 10.105.2
हरी॒ यस्य॑ सु॒युजा॒ विव्र॑ता॒ वेरर्व॒न्तानु॒ शेपा॑ ।
उ॒भा र॒जी न के॒शिना॒ पति॒र्दन् ॥ १०.१०५.०२
harī̱ yasya̍ su̱yujā̱ vivra̍tā̱ verarva̱ntānu̱ śepā̍ .
u̱bhā ra̱jī na ke̱śinā̱ pati̱rdan .. 10.105.02
2 He whose two Bay Steeds harnessed well, swerving, pursue the Bird's tail-plumes,
With Rowing manes, like heaven and earth, he is the Lord with power to give.
Sloka : 10.105.3
अप॒ योरिन्द्रः॒ पाप॑ज॒ आ मर्तो॒ न श॑श्रमा॒णो बि॑भी॒वान् ।
शु॒भे यद्यु॑यु॒जे तवि॑षीवान् ॥ १०.१०५.०३
apa̱ yorindra̱ḥ pāpa̍ja̱ ā marto̱ na śa̍śramā̱ṇo bi̍bhī̱vān .
śu̱bhe yadyu̍yu̱je tavi̍ṣīvān .. 10.105.03
3 Bereft of skill is Indra, if, like some outwearied man he fears
The sinner, when the Mighty hath prepared himself for victory.
Sloka : 10.105.4
सचा॒योरिन्द्र॒श्चर्कृ॑ष॒ आँ उ॑पान॒सः स॑प॒र्यन् ।
न॒दयो॒र्विव्र॑तयोः॒ शूर॒ इन्द्रः॑ ॥ १०.१०५.०४
sacā̱yorindra̱ścarkṛ̍ṣa̱ ām̐ u̍pāna̱saḥ sa̍pa̱ryan .
na̱dayo̱rvivra̍tayo̱ḥ śūra̱ indra̍ḥ .. 10.105.04
4 Indra with these drives round, until he meets with one to worship him:-
Indra is Master of the pair who snort and swerve upon their way.
Sloka : 10.105.5
अधि॒ यस्त॒स्थौ केश॑वन्ता॒ व्यच॑स्वन्ता॒ न पु॒ष्ट्यै ।
व॒नोति॒ शिप्रा॑भ्यां शि॒प्रिणी॑वान् ॥ १०.१०५.०५
adhi̱ yasta̱sthau keśa̍vantā̱ vyaca̍svantā̱ na pu̱ṣṭyai .
va̱noti̱ śiprā̍bhyāṃ śi̱priṇī̍vān .. 10.105.05
5 Borne onward by the long-maned Steeds who stretch themselves as twere for food,
The God who wears the helm defends them with his jaws.
Sloka : 10.105.6
प्रास्तौ॑दृ॒ष्वौजा॑ ऋ॒ष्वेभि॑स्त॒तक्ष॒ शूरः॒ शव॑सा ।
ऋ॒भुर्न क्रतु॑भिर्मात॒रिश्वा॑ ॥ १०.१०५.०६
prāstau̍dṛ̱ṣvaujā̍ ṛ̱ṣvebhi̍sta̱takṣa̱ śūra̱ḥ śava̍sā .
ṛ̱bhurna kratu̍bhirmāta̱riśvā̍ .. 10.105.06
6 The Mighty sang with Lofty Ones:- the Hero fashioned with his strength,
Like skilful Mātariśvan with his power and might,
Sloka : 10.105.7
वज्रं॒ यश्च॒क्रे सु॒हना॑य॒ दस्य॑वे हिरीम॒शो हिरी॑मान् ।
अरु॑तहनु॒रद्भु॑तं॒ न रजः॑ ॥ १०.१०५.०७
vajra̱ṃ yaśca̱kre su̱hanā̍ya̱ dasya̍ve hirīma̱śo hirī̍mān .
aru̍tahanu̱radbhu̍ta̱ṃ na raja̍ḥ .. 10.105.07
7 The bolt, which pierced at once the vitals of the Dasyu easy to be slain,
With jaw uninjured like the wondrous firmament.
Sloka : 10.105.8
अव॑ नो वृजि॒ना शि॑शीह्यृ॒चा व॑नेमा॒नृचः॑ ।
नाब्र॑ह्मा य॒ज्ञ ऋध॒ग्जोष॑ति॒ त्वे ॥ १०.१०५.०८
ava̍ no vṛji̱nā śi̍śīhyṛ̱cā va̍nemā̱nṛca̍ḥ .
nābra̍hmā ya̱jña ṛdha̱gjoṣa̍ti̱ tve .. 10.105.08
8 Grind off our sins:- with song will we conquer the men who sing no hymns:-
Not easily art thou pleased with prayerless sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.105.9
ऊ॒र्ध्वा यत्ते॑ त्रे॒तिनी॒ भूद्य॒ज्ञस्य॑ धू॒र्षु सद्म॑न् ।
स॒जूर्नावं॒ स्वय॑शसं॒ सचा॒योः ॥ १०.१०५.०९
ū̱rdhvā yatte̍ tre̱tinī̱ bhūdya̱jñasya̍ dhū̱rṣu sadma̍n .
sa̱jūrnāva̱ṃ svaya̍śasa̱ṃ sacā̱yoḥ .. 10.105.09
9 When threefold flame burns high for thee, to rest on poles of sacrifice,
Thou with the living joyest in the self-bright Ship.
Sloka : 10.105.10
श्रि॒ये ते॒ पृश्नि॑रुप॒सेच॑नी भूच्छ्रि॒ये दर्वि॑ररे॒पाः ।
यया॒ स्वे पात्रे॑ सि॒ञ्चस॒ उत् ॥ १०.१०५.१०
śri̱ye te̱ pṛśni̍rupa̱seca̍nī bhūcchri̱ye darvi̍rare̱pāḥ .
yayā̱ sve pātre̍ si̱ñcasa̱ ut .. 10.105.10
10 Thy glory was the speckled cup, thy glory was the flawless scoop.
Wherewith thou pourest into thy receptacle.
Sloka : 10.105.11
श॒तं वा॒ यद॑सुर्य॒ प्रति॑ त्वा सुमि॒त्र इ॒त्थास्तौ॑द्दुर्मि॒त्र इ॒त्थास्तौ॑त् ।
आवो॒ यद्द॑स्यु॒हत्ये॑ कुत्सपु॒त्रं प्रावो॒ यद्द॑स्यु॒हत्ये॑ कुत्सव॒त्सम् ॥ १०.१०५.११
śa̱taṃ vā̱ yada̍surya̱ prati̍ tvā sumi̱tra i̱tthāstau̍ddurmi̱tra i̱tthāstau̍t .
āvo̱ yadda̍syu̱hatye̍ kutsapu̱traṃ prāvo̱ yadda̍syu̱hatye̍ kutsava̱tsam .. 10.105.11
11 As hundreds, O Immortal God, have sung to thee, so hath Sumitra, yea, Durmitra praised thee here,
What time thou holpest Kutsa's son, when Dasyus fell, yea, holpest Kutsa's darling when the Dasyus died.
Sloka : 10.106.1
उ॒भा उ॑ नू॒नं तदिद॑र्थयेथे॒ वि त॑न्वाथे॒ धियो॒ वस्त्रा॒पसे॑व ।
स॒ध्री॒ची॒ना यात॑वे॒ प्रेम॑जीगः सु॒दिने॑व॒ पृक्ष॒ आ तं॑सयेथे ॥ १०.१०६.०१
u̱bhā u̍ nū̱naṃ tadida̍rthayethe̱ vi ta̍nvāthe̱ dhiyo̱ vastrā̱pase̍va .
sa̱dhrī̱cī̱nā yāta̍ve̱ prema̍jīgaḥ su̱dine̍va̱ pṛkṣa̱ ā ta̍ṃsayethe .. 10.106.01
1. THIS very thing ye Twain hold as your object:- ye weave your songs as skilful men weave garments.
That ye may come united have I waked you:- ye spread out food like days of lovely weather.
Sloka : 10.106.2
उ॒ष्टारे॑व॒ फर्व॑रेषु श्रयेथे प्रायो॒गेव॒ श्वात्र्या॒ शासु॒रेथः॑ ।
दू॒तेव॒ हि ष्ठो य॒शसा॒ जने॑षु॒ माप॑ स्थातं महि॒षेवा॑व॒पाना॑त् ॥ १०.१०६.०२
u̱ṣṭāre̍va̱ pharva̍reṣu śrayethe prāyo̱geva̱ śvātryā̱ śāsu̱retha̍ḥ .
dū̱teva̱ hi ṣṭho ya̱śasā̱ jane̍ṣu̱ māpa̍ sthātaṃ mahi̱ṣevā̍va̱pānā̍t .. 10.106.02
2 Like two plough-bulls ye move along in traces, and seek like eager guests your bidder's banquet.
Ye are like glorious envoys mid the people:- like bulls, approach the place where ye are watered.
Sloka : 10.106.3
सा॒कं॒युजा॑ शकु॒नस्ये॑व प॒क्षा प॒श्वेव॑ चि॒त्रा यजु॒रा ग॑मिष्टम् ।
अ॒ग्निरि॑व देव॒योर्दी॑दि॒वांसा॒ परि॑ज्मानेव यजथः पुरु॒त्रा ॥ १०.१०६.०३
sā̱ka̱ṃyujā̍ śaku̱nasye̍va pa̱kṣā pa̱śveva̍ ci̱trā yaju̱rā ga̍miṣṭam .
a̱gniri̍va deva̱yordī̍di̱vāṃsā̱ pari̍jmāneva yajathaḥ puru̱trā .. 10.106.03
3 Like the two pinions of a bird, connected, like two choice animals, ye have sought our worship.
Bright as the fire the votary hath kindled, ye sacrifice in many a spot as roamers.
Sloka : 10.106.4
आ॒पी वो॑ अ॒स्मे पि॒तरे॑व पु॒त्रोग्रेव॑ रु॒चा नृ॒पती॑व तु॒र्यै ।
इर्ये॑व पु॒ष्ट्यै कि॒रणे॑व भु॒ज्यै श्रु॑ष्टी॒वाने॑व॒ हव॒मा ग॑मिष्टम् ॥ १०.१०६.०४
ā̱pī vo̍ a̱sme pi̱tare̍va pu̱trogreva̍ ru̱cā nṛ̱patī̍va tu̱ryai .
irye̍va pu̱ṣṭyai ki̱raṇe̍va bhu̱jyai śru̍ṣṭī̱vāne̍va̱ hava̱mā ga̍miṣṭam .. 10.106.04
4 Ye are our kinsmen, like two sons, two fathers, strong in your splendour and like kings for conquest;
Like rays for our enjoyment, Lords to feed us, ye, like quick bearers, have obeyed our calling.
Sloka : 10.106.5
वंस॑गेव पूष॒र्या॑ शि॒म्बाता॑ मि॒त्रेव॑ ऋ॒ता श॒तरा॒ शात॑पन्ता ।
वाजे॑वो॒च्चा वय॑सा घर्म्ये॒ष्ठा मेषे॑वे॒षा स॑प॒र्या॒३॒॑ पुरी॑षा ॥ १०.१०६.०५
vaṃsa̍geva pūṣa̱ryā̍ śi̱mbātā̍ mi̱treva̍ ṛ̱tā śa̱tarā̱ śāta̍pantā .
vāje̍vo̱ccā vaya̍sā gharmye̱ṣṭhā meṣe̍ve̱ṣā sa̍pa̱ryā̱3̱̍ purī̍ṣā .. 10.106.05
5 You are like two pleasantly moving well-fed (hills) like Mitra and Varuṇa, the two bestowers of felicity, veracious, possessors of infinite wealth, happy, like two horses plump with fodder, abiding in the firmament, like two rams (are you) to be nourished with sacrificial food, to be cherished (with oblations).
Sloka : 10.106.6
सृ॒ण्ये॑व ज॒र्भरी॑ तु॒र्फरी॑तू नैतो॒शेव॑ तु॒र्फरी॑ पर्फ॒रीका॑ ।
उ॒द॒न्य॒जेव॒ जेम॑ना मदे॒रू ता मे॑ ज॒राय्व॒जरं॑ म॒रायु॑ ॥ १०.१०६.०६
sṛ̱ṇye̍va ja̱rbharī̍ tu̱rpharī̍tū naito̱śeva̍ tu̱rpharī̍ parpha̱rīkā̍ .
u̱da̱nya̱jeva̱ jema̍nā made̱rū tā me̍ ja̱rāyva̱jara̍ṃ ma̱rāyu̍ .. 10.106.06
6 You are like two mad elephants bending their forequarters and smiting the foe, like the two sons of Nitosa destroying (foes), and cherishing (friends); you are bright as two water-born (jewels), do you, who are victorious, (render) my decaying mortal body free from decay.
Sloka : 10.106.7
प॒ज्रेव॒ चर्च॑रं॒ जारं॑ म॒रायु॒ क्षद्मे॒वार्थे॑षु तर्तरीथ उग्रा ।
ऋ॒भू नाप॑त्खरम॒ज्रा ख॒रज्रु॑र्वा॒युर्न प॑र्फरत्क्षयद्रयी॒णाम् ॥ १०.१०६.०७
pa̱jreva̱ carca̍ra̱ṃ jāra̍ṃ ma̱rāyu̱ kṣadme̱vārthe̍ṣu tartarītha ugrā .
ṛ̱bhū nāpa̍tkharama̱jrā kha̱rajru̍rvā̱yurna pa̍rpharatkṣayadrayī̱ṇām .. 10.106.07
7 Fierce (Aśvins), like two powerful (heroes), you enable this moving, perishable mortal (frame) to cross over to the objects (of its destination) as over water; extremely strong, like the Ṛbhus, your chariot, attained its destination swift as the wind, it pervaded (everywhere), it dispensed riches.
Sloka : 10.106.8
घ॒र्मेव॒ मधु॑ ज॒ठरे॑ स॒नेरू॒ भगे॑विता तु॒र्फरी॒ फारि॒वार॑म् ।
प॒त॒रेव॑ चच॒रा च॒न्द्रनि॑र्णि॒ङ्मन॑ऋङ्गा मन॒न्या॒३॒॑ न जग्मी॑ ॥ १०.१०६.०८
gha̱rmeva̱ madhu̍ ja̱ṭhare̍ sa̱nerū̱ bhage̍vitā tu̱rpharī̱ phāri̱vāra̍m .
pa̱ta̱reva̍ caca̱rā ca̱ndrani̍rṇi̱ṅmana̍ṛṅgā mana̱nyā̱3̱̍ na jagmī̍ .. 10.106.08
8 With your bellies full of the Soma, like two saucepans, preservers of wealth, destroyers of enemies. (you are) armed with hatchets, moving like two flying (birds) with forms like the moon, attaining success through the mind, like two laudable beings, (you are) approaching (the sacrifice).
Sloka : 10.106.9
बृ॒हन्ते॑व ग॒म्भरे॑षु प्रति॒ष्ठां पादे॑व गा॒धं तर॑ते विदाथः ।
कर्णे॑व॒ शासु॒रनु॒ हि स्मरा॒थोंऽशे॑व नो भजतं चि॒त्रमप्नः॑ ॥ १०.१०६.०९
bṛ̱hante̍va ga̱mbhare̍ṣu prati̱ṣṭhāṃ pāde̍va gā̱dhaṃ tara̍te vidāthaḥ .
karṇe̍va̱ śāsu̱ranu̱ hi smarā̱thoṃ'śe̍va no bhajataṃ ci̱tramapna̍ḥ .. 10.106.09
9 Like giants, ye will find firm ground to stand on in depths, like feet for one who fords a shallow.
Like cars ye will attend to him who orders:- ye Two enjoy our wondrous work as sharers.
Sloka : 10.106.10
आ॒र॒ङ्ग॒रेव॒ मध्वेर॑येथे सार॒घेव॒ गवि॑ नी॒चीन॑बारे ।
की॒नारे॑व॒ स्वेद॑मासिष्विदा॒ना क्षामे॑वो॒र्जा सू॑यव॒सात्स॑चेथे ॥ १०.१०६.१०
ā̱ra̱ṅga̱reva̱ madhvera̍yethe sāra̱gheva̱ gavi̍ nī̱cīna̍bāre .
kī̱nāre̍va̱ sveda̍māsiṣvidā̱nā kṣāme̍vo̱rjā sū̍yava̱sātsa̍cethe .. 10.106.10
10 Like toiling bees ye bring to us your honey, as bees into the hide that opens downward.
Sloka : 10.106.11
ऋ॒ध्याम॒ स्तोमं॑ सनु॒याम॒ वाज॒मा नो॒ मन्त्रं॑ स॒रथे॒होप॑ यातम् ।
यशो॒ न प॒क्वं मधु॒ गोष्व॒न्तरा भू॒तांशो॑ अ॒श्विनोः॒ काम॑मप्राः ॥ १०.१०६.११
ṛ̱dhyāma̱ stoma̍ṃ sanu̱yāma̱ vāja̱mā no̱ mantra̍ṃ sa̱rathe̱hopa̍ yātam .
yaśo̱ na pa̱kvaṃ madhu̱ goṣva̱ntarā bhū̱tāṃśo̍ a̱śvino̱ḥ kāma̍maprāḥ .. 10.106.11
11 May we increase the laud and gain us vigour:- come to our song, ye whom one chariot carries.
Filled be our kine with ripened meath like glory:- Bhutamsa hath fulfilled the Aśvins' longing.
Sloka : 10.107.1
आ॒विर॑भू॒न्महि॒ माघो॑नमेषां॒ विश्वं॑ जी॒वं तम॑सो॒ निर॑मोचि ।
महि॒ ज्योतिः॑ पि॒तृभि॑र्द॒त्तमागा॑दु॒रुः पन्था॒ दक्षि॑णाया अदर्शि ॥ १०.१०७.०१
ā̱vira̍bhū̱nmahi̱ māgho̍nameṣā̱ṃ viśva̍ṃ jī̱vaṃ tama̍so̱ nira̍moci .
mahi̱ jyoti̍ḥ pi̱tṛbhi̍rda̱ttamāgā̍du̱ruḥ panthā̱ dakṣi̍ṇāyā adarśi .. 10.107.01
1. THESE men's great bounty hath been manifested, and the whole world of life set free from darkness.
Great light hath come, vouchsafed us by the Fathers:- apparent is the spacious path of Guerdon.
Sloka : 10.107.2
उ॒च्चा दि॒वि दक्षि॑णावन्तो अस्थु॒र्ये अ॑श्व॒दाः स॒ह ते सूर्ये॑ण ।
हि॒र॒ण्य॒दा अ॑मृत॒त्वं भ॑जन्ते वासो॒दाः सो॑म॒ प्र ति॑रन्त॒ आयुः॑ ॥ १०.१०७.०२
u̱ccā di̱vi dakṣi̍ṇāvanto asthu̱rye a̍śva̱dāḥ sa̱ha te sūrye̍ṇa .
hi̱ra̱ṇya̱dā a̍mṛta̱tvaṃ bha̍jante vāso̱dāḥ so̍ma̱ pra ti̍ranta̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 10.107.02
2 High up in heaven abide the Guerdon-givers:- they who give steeds dwell with the Sun for ever.
They who give gold are blest with life eternal. they who give robes prolong their lives, O Soma.
Sloka : 10.107.3
दैवी॑ पू॒र्तिर्दक्षि॑णा देवय॒ज्या न क॑वा॒रिभ्यो॑ न॒हि ते पृ॒णन्ति॑ ।
अथा॒ नरः॒ प्रय॑तदक्षिणासोऽवद्यभि॒या ब॒हवः॑ पृणन्ति ॥ १०.१०७.०३
daivī̍ pū̱rtirdakṣi̍ṇā devaya̱jyā na ka̍vā̱ribhyo̍ na̱hi te pṛ̱ṇanti̍ .
athā̱ nara̱ḥ praya̍tadakṣiṇāso'vadyabhi̱yā ba̱hava̍ḥ pṛṇanti .. 10.107.03
3 Not from the niggards-for they give not fireely-comes Meed at sacrifice, Gods satisfaction:-
Yea, many men with hands stretched out with Guerdon present their gifts because they dread dishonour.
Sloka : 10.107.4
श॒तधा॑रं वा॒युम॒र्कं स्व॒र्विदं॑ नृ॒चक्ष॑स॒स्ते अ॒भि च॑क्षते ह॒विः ।
ये पृ॒णन्ति॒ प्र च॒ यच्छ॑न्ति संग॒मे ते दक्षि॑णां दुहते स॒प्तमा॑तरम् ॥ १०.१०७.०४
śa̱tadhā̍raṃ vā̱yuma̱rkaṃ sva̱rvida̍ṃ nṛ̱cakṣa̍sa̱ste a̱bhi ca̍kṣate ha̱viḥ .
ye pṛ̱ṇanti̱ pra ca̱ yaccha̍nti saṃga̱me te dakṣi̍ṇāṃ duhate sa̱ptamā̍taram .. 10.107.04
4 These who observe mankind regard oblation as streamy Vāyu and light-finding Arka.
They satisfy and give their gifts in synod, and pour in streams the seven-mothered Guerdon.
Sloka : 10.107.5
दक्षि॑णावान्प्रथ॒मो हू॒त ए॑ति॒ दक्षि॑णावान्ग्राम॒णीरग्र॑मेति ।
तमे॒व म॑न्ये नृ॒पतिं॒ जना॑नां॒ यः प्र॑थ॒मो दक्षि॑णामावि॒वाय॑ ॥ १०.१०७.०५
dakṣi̍ṇāvānpratha̱mo hū̱ta e̍ti̱ dakṣi̍ṇāvāngrāma̱ṇīragra̍meti .
tame̱va ma̍nye nṛ̱pati̱ṃ janā̍nā̱ṃ yaḥ pra̍tha̱mo dakṣi̍ṇāmāvi̱vāya̍ .. 10.107.05
5 He who brings Guerdon comes as first invited:- chief of the hamlet comes the Guerdon-bearer.
Him I account the ruler of the people who was the first to introduce the Guerdon.
Sloka : 10.107.6
तमे॒व ऋषिं॒ तमु॑ ब्र॒ह्माण॑माहुर्यज्ञ॒न्यं॑ साम॒गामु॑क्थ॒शास॑म् ।
स शु॒क्रस्य॑ त॒न्वो॑ वेद ति॒स्रो यः प्र॑थ॒मो दक्षि॑णया र॒राध॑ ॥ १०.१०७.०६
tame̱va ṛṣi̱ṃ tamu̍ bra̱hmāṇa̍māhuryajña̱nya̍ṃ sāma̱gāmu̍ktha̱śāsa̍m .
sa śu̱krasya̍ ta̱nvo̍ veda ti̱sro yaḥ pra̍tha̱mo dakṣi̍ṇayā ra̱rādha̍ .. 10.107.06
6 They call him Ṛṣi, Brahman, Sāma-chanter, reciter of the laud, leader of worship.
The brightly-shining God's three forms he knoweth who first bestowed the sacrificial Guerdon.
Sloka : 10.107.7
दक्षि॒णाश्वं॒ दक्षि॑णा॒ गां द॑दाति॒ दक्षि॑णा च॒न्द्रमु॒त यद्धिर॑ण्यम् ।
दक्षि॒णान्नं॑ वनुते॒ यो न॑ आ॒त्मा दक्षि॑णां॒ वर्म॑ कृणुते विजा॒नन् ॥ १०.१०७.०७
dakṣi̱ṇāśva̱ṃ dakṣi̍ṇā̱ gāṃ da̍dāti̱ dakṣi̍ṇā ca̱ndramu̱ta yaddhira̍ṇyam .
dakṣi̱ṇānna̍ṃ vanute̱ yo na̍ ā̱tmā dakṣi̍ṇā̱ṃ varma̍ kṛṇute vijā̱nan .. 10.107.07
7 Guerdon bestows the horse, bestows the bullock, Guerdon bestows, moreover, gold that Rsisters.
Guerdon gives food which is our life and spirit. He who is wise takes Guerdon for his armour.
Sloka : 10.107.8
न भो॒जा म॑म्रु॒र्न न्य॒र्थमी॑यु॒र्न रि॑ष्यन्ति॒ न व्य॑थन्ते ह भो॒जाः ।
इ॒दं यद्विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं॒ स्व॑श्चै॒तत्सर्वं॒ दक्षि॑णैभ्यो ददाति ॥ १०.१०७.०८
na bho̱jā ma̍mru̱rna nya̱rthamī̍yu̱rna ri̍ṣyanti̱ na vya̍thante ha bho̱jāḥ .
i̱daṃ yadviśva̱ṃ bhuva̍na̱ṃ sva̍ścai̱tatsarva̱ṃ dakṣi̍ṇaibhyo dadāti .. 10.107.08
8 The liberal die not, never are they ruined:- the liberal suffer neither harm nor trouble.
The light of heaven, the universe about us,all this doth sacrificial Guerdon give them.
Sloka : 10.107.9
भो॒जा जि॑ग्युः सुर॒भिं योनि॒मग्रे॑ भो॒जा जि॑ग्युर्व॒ध्वं१॒॑ या सु॒वासाः॑ ।
भो॒जा जि॑ग्युरन्तः॒पेयं॒ सुरा॑या भो॒जा जि॑ग्यु॒र्ये अहू॑ताः प्र॒यन्ति॑ ॥ १०.१०७.०९
bho̱jā ji̍gyuḥ sura̱bhiṃ yoni̱magre̍ bho̱jā ji̍gyurva̱dhvaṃ1̱̍ yā su̱vāsā̍ḥ .
bho̱jā ji̍gyuranta̱ḥpeya̱ṃ surā̍yā bho̱jā ji̍gyu̱rye ahū̍tāḥ pra̱yanti̍ .. 10.107.09
9 First have the liberal gained a fragrant dwelling, and got themselves a bride in fair apparel.
The liberal have obtained their draught of liquor, and conquered those who, unprovoked, assailed them.
Sloka : 10.107.10
भो॒जायाश्वं॒ सं मृ॑जन्त्या॒शुं भो॒जाया॑स्ते क॒न्या॒३॒॑ शुम्भ॑माना ।
भो॒जस्ये॒दं पु॑ष्क॒रिणी॑व॒ वेश्म॒ परि॑ष्कृतं देवमा॒नेव॑ चि॒त्रम् ॥ १०.१०७.१०
bho̱jāyāśva̱ṃ saṃ mṛ̍jantyā̱śuṃ bho̱jāyā̍ste ka̱nyā̱3̱̍ śumbha̍mānā .
bho̱jasye̱daṃ pu̍ṣka̱riṇī̍va̱ veśma̱ pari̍ṣkṛtaṃ devamā̱neva̍ ci̱tram .. 10.107.10
10 They deck the fleet steed for the bounteous giver:- the maid adorns herself and waits to meet him.
His home is like a lake with lotus blossoms, like the Gods palaces adorned and splendid.
Sloka : 10.107.11
भो॒जमश्वाः॑ सुष्ठु॒वाहो॑ वहन्ति सु॒वृद्रथो॑ वर्तते॒ दक्षि॑णायाः ।
भो॒जं दे॑वासोऽवता॒ भरे॑षु भो॒जः शत्रू॑न्समनी॒केषु॒ जेता॑ ॥ १०.१०७.११
bho̱jamaśvā̍ḥ suṣṭhu̱vāho̍ vahanti su̱vṛdratho̍ vartate̱ dakṣi̍ṇāyāḥ .
bho̱jaṃ de̍vāso'vatā̱ bhare̍ṣu bho̱jaḥ śatrū̍nsamanī̱keṣu̱ jetā̍ .. 10.107.11
11 Steeds good at draught convey the liberal giver, and lightly rolling moves the car of Guerdon.
Assist, ye Gods, the liberal man in battles:- the liberal giver conquers foes in combat.
Sloka : 10.108.1
किमि॒च्छन्ती॑ स॒रमा॒ प्रेदमा॑नड्दू॒रे ह्यध्वा॒ जगु॑रिः परा॒चैः ।
कास्मेहि॑तिः॒ का परि॑तक्म्यासीत्क॒थं र॒साया॑ अतरः॒ पयां॑सि ॥ १०.१०८.०१
kimi̱cchantī̍ sa̱ramā̱ predamā̍naḍdū̱re hyadhvā̱ jagu̍riḥ parā̱caiḥ .
kāsmehi̍ti̱ḥ kā pari̍takmyāsītka̱thaṃ ra̱sāyā̍ atara̱ḥ payā̍ṃsi .. 10.108.01
1. WHAT wish of Saramā hath brought her hither? The path leads far away to distant places.
What charge hast thou for us? Where turns thy journey? How hast thou made thy way oer Rasā's waters.
Sloka : 10.108.2
इन्द्र॑स्य दू॒तीरि॑षि॒ता च॑रामि म॒ह इ॒च्छन्ती॑ पणयो नि॒धीन्वः॑ ।
अ॒ति॒ष्कदो॑ भि॒यसा॒ तन्न॑ आव॒त्तथा॑ र॒साया॑ अतरं॒ पयां॑सि ॥ १०.१०८.०२
indra̍sya dū̱tīri̍ṣi̱tā ca̍rāmi ma̱ha i̱cchantī̍ paṇayo ni̱dhīnva̍ḥ .
a̱ti̱ṣkado̍ bhi̱yasā̱ tanna̍ āva̱ttathā̍ ra̱sāyā̍ atara̱ṃ payā̍ṃsi .. 10.108.02
2 I come appointed messenger of Indra, seeking your ample stores of wealth, O Paṇis.
This hath preserved me from the fear of crossing:- thus have I made my way oer Rasā's waters.
Sloka : 10.108.3
की॒दृङ्ङिन्द्रः॑ सरमे॒ का दृ॑शी॒का यस्ये॒दं दू॒तीरस॑रः परा॒कात् ।
आ च॒ गच्छा॑न्मि॒त्रमे॑ना दधा॒माथा॒ गवां॒ गोप॑तिर्नो भवाति ॥ १०.१०८.०३
kī̱dṛṅṅindra̍ḥ sarame̱ kā dṛ̍śī̱kā yasye̱daṃ dū̱tīrasa̍raḥ parā̱kāt .
ā ca̱ gacchā̍nmi̱trame̍nā dadhā̱māthā̱ gavā̱ṃ gopa̍tirno bhavāti .. 10.108.03
3 What is that Indra like, what is his aspect whose envoy, Saramā, from afar thou comest?
Let him approach, and we will show him friendship:- he shall be made the herdsman of our cattle.
Sloka : 10.108.4
नाहं तं वे॑द॒ दभ्यं॒ दभ॒त्स यस्ये॒दं दू॒तीरस॑रं परा॒कात् ।
न तं गू॑हन्ति स्र॒वतो॑ गभी॒रा ह॒ता इन्द्रे॑ण पणयः शयध्वे ॥ १०.१०८.०४
nāhaṃ taṃ ve̍da̱ dabhya̱ṃ dabha̱tsa yasye̱daṃ dū̱tīrasa̍raṃ parā̱kāt .
na taṃ gū̍hanti sra̱vato̍ gabhī̱rā ha̱tā indre̍ṇa paṇayaḥ śayadhve .. 10.108.04
4 I know him safe from harm:- but he can punish who sent me hither from afar as envoy.
Him rivers flowing with deep waters bide not. Low will ye be, O Paṇis, slain by Indra.
Sloka : 10.108.5
इ॒मा गावः॑ सरमे॒ या ऐच्छः॒ परि॑ दि॒वो अन्ता॑न्सुभगे॒ पत॑न्ती ।
कस्त॑ एना॒ अव॑ सृजा॒दयु॑ध्व्यु॒तास्माक॒मायु॑धा सन्ति ति॒ग्मा ॥ १०.१०८.०५
i̱mā gāva̍ḥ sarame̱ yā aiccha̱ḥ pari̍ di̱vo antā̍nsubhage̱ pata̍ntī .
kasta̍ enā̱ ava̍ sṛjā̱dayu̍dhvyu̱tāsmāka̱māyu̍dhā santi ti̱gmā .. 10.108.05
5 These are the kine which, Saramā, thou seekest, flying, O Blest One, to the ends of heaven.
Who will loose these for thee without a battle? Yea, and sharp-pointed are our warlike weapons.
Sloka : 10.108.6
अ॒से॒न्या वः॑ पणयो॒ वचां॑स्यनिष॒व्यास्त॒न्वः॑ सन्तु पा॒पीः ।
अधृ॑ष्टो व॒ एत॒वा अ॑स्तु॒ पन्था॒ बृह॒स्पति॑र्व उभ॒या न मृ॑ळात् ॥ १०.१०८.०६
a̱se̱nyā va̍ḥ paṇayo̱ vacā̍ṃsyaniṣa̱vyāsta̱nva̍ḥ santu pā̱pīḥ .
adhṛ̍ṣṭo va̱ eta̱vā a̍stu̱ panthā̱ bṛha̱spati̍rva ubha̱yā na mṛ̍l̤āt .. 10.108.06
6 Even if your wicked bodies, O ye Paṇis, were arrow-proof, your words are weak for wounding;
And were the path to you as yet unmastered, Bṛhaspati in neither case will spare you.
Sloka : 10.108.7
अ॒यं नि॒धिः स॑रमे॒ अद्रि॑बुध्नो॒ गोभि॒रश्वे॑भि॒र्वसु॑भि॒र्न्यृ॑ष्टः ।
रक्ष॑न्ति॒ तं प॒णयो॒ ये सु॑गो॒पा रेकु॑ प॒दमल॑क॒मा ज॑गन्थ ॥ १०.१०८.०७
a̱yaṃ ni̱dhiḥ sa̍rame̱ adri̍budhno̱ gobhi̱raśve̍bhi̱rvasu̍bhi̱rnyṛ̍ṣṭaḥ .
rakṣa̍nti̱ taṃ pa̱ṇayo̱ ye su̍go̱pā reku̍ pa̱damala̍ka̱mā ja̍gantha .. 10.108.07
7 Paved with the rock is this our treasure-chamber; filled full of precious things, of kine, and horses.
These Paṇis who are watchful keepers guard it. In vain hast thou approached this lonely station.
Sloka : 10.108.8
एह ग॑म॒न्नृष॑यः॒ सोम॑शिता अ॒यास्यो॒ अङ्गि॑रसो॒ नव॑ग्वाः ।
त ए॒तमू॒र्वं वि भ॑जन्त॒ गोना॒मथै॒तद्वचः॑ प॒णयो॒ वम॒न्नित् ॥ १०.१०८.०८
eha ga̍ma̱nnṛṣa̍ya̱ḥ soma̍śitā a̱yāsyo̱ aṅgi̍raso̱ nava̍gvāḥ .
ta e̱tamū̱rvaṃ vi bha̍janta̱ gonā̱mathai̱tadvaca̍ḥ pa̱ṇayo̱ vama̱nnit .. 10.108.08
8 Ṛṣis will come inspirited with Soma, Aṅgirases unwearied, and Navagvas.
This stall of cattle will they part among them:- then will the Paṇis wish these words unspoken.
Sloka : 10.108.9
ए॒वा च॒ त्वं स॑रम आज॒गन्थ॒ प्रबा॑धिता॒ सह॑सा॒ दैव्ये॑न ।
स्वसा॑रं त्वा कृणवै॒ मा पुन॑र्गा॒ अप॑ ते॒ गवां॑ सुभगे भजाम ॥ १०.१०८.०९
e̱vā ca̱ tvaṃ sa̍rama āja̱gantha̱ prabā̍dhitā̱ saha̍sā̱ daivye̍na .
svasā̍raṃ tvā kṛṇavai̱ mā puna̍rgā̱ apa̍ te̱ gavā̍ṃ subhage bhajāma .. 10.108.09
9 Even thus, O Saramā, hast thou come hither, forced by celestial might to make the journey.
Turn thee not back, for thou shalt be our sister:- O Blest One, we will give thee of the cattle.
Sloka : 10.108.10
नाहं वे॑द भ्रातृ॒त्वं नो स्व॑सृ॒त्वमिन्द्रो॑ विदु॒रङ्गि॑रसश्च घो॒राः ।
गोका॑मा मे अच्छदय॒न्यदाय॒मपात॑ इत पणयो॒ वरी॑यः ॥ १०.१०८.१०
nāhaṃ ve̍da bhrātṛ̱tvaṃ no sva̍sṛ̱tvamindro̍ vidu̱raṅgi̍rasaśca gho̱rāḥ .
gokā̍mā me acchadaya̱nyadāya̱mapāta̍ ita paṇayo̱ varī̍yaḥ .. 10.108.10
10 Brotherhood, sisterhood, I know not either:- the dread Aṅgirases and Indra know them.
They seemed to long for kine when I departed. Hence, into distance, be ye gone, O Paṇis.
Sloka : 10.108.11
दू॒रमि॑त पणयो॒ वरी॑य॒ उद्गावो॑ यन्तु मिन॒तीरृ॒तेन॑ ।
बृह॒स्पति॒र्या अवि॑न्द॒न्निगू॑ळ्हाः॒ सोमो॒ ग्रावा॑ण॒ ऋष॑यश्च॒ विप्राः॑ ॥ १०.१०८.११
dū̱rami̍ta paṇayo̱ varī̍ya̱ udgāvo̍ yantu mina̱tīrṛ̱tena̍ .
bṛha̱spati̱ryā avi̍nda̱nnigū̍l̤hā̱ḥ somo̱ grāvā̍ṇa̱ ṛṣa̍yaśca̱ viprā̍ḥ .. 10.108.11
11 Hence, far away, ye Paṇis! Let the cattle lowing come forth as holy Law commandeth,
Kine which Bṛhaspati, and Soma, Ṛṣis, sages, and pressing-stones have found when hidden.
Sloka : 10.109.1
ते॑ऽवदन्प्रथ॒मा ब्र॑ह्मकिल्बि॒षेऽकू॑पारः सलि॒लो मा॑त॒रिश्वा॑ ।
वी॒ळुह॑रा॒स्तप॑ उ॒ग्रो म॑यो॒भूरापो॑ दे॒वीः प्र॑थम॒जा ऋ॒तेन॑ ॥ १०.१०९.०१
te̎vadanpratha̱mā bra̍hmakilbi̱ṣe'kū̍pāraḥ sali̱lo mā̍ta̱riśvā̍ .
vī̱l̤uha̍rā̱stapa̍ u̱gro ma̍yo̱bhūrāpo̍ de̱vīḥ pra̍thama̱jā ṛ̱tena̍ .. 10.109.01
1. THESE first, the boundless Sea, and Mātariśvan, fierce-glowing Fire, the Strong, the Bliss-bestower.
And heavenly Floods, first-born by holy Order, exclaimed against the outrage on a Brahman.
Sloka : 10.109.2
सोमो॒ राजा॑ प्रथ॒मो ब्र॑ह्मजा॒यां पुनः॒ प्राय॑च्छ॒दहृ॑णीयमानः ।
अ॒न्व॒र्ति॒ता वरु॑णो मि॒त्र आ॑सीद॒ग्निर्होता॑ हस्त॒गृह्या नि॑नाय ॥ १०.१०९.०२
somo̱ rājā̍ pratha̱mo bra̍hmajā̱yāṃ puna̱ḥ prāya̍ccha̱dahṛ̍ṇīyamānaḥ .
a̱nva̱rti̱tā varu̍ṇo mi̱tra ā̍sīda̱gnirhotā̍ hasta̱gṛhyā ni̍nāya .. 10.109.02
2 King Soma first of all, without reluctance, made restitution of the Brahman's consort.
Mitra and Varuṇa were the inviters:- Agni as Hota; took her hand and led her.
Sloka : 10.109.3
हस्ते॑नै॒व ग्रा॒ह्य॑ आ॒धिर॑स्या ब्रह्मजा॒येयमिति॒ चेदवो॑चन् ।
न दू॒ताय॑ प्र॒ह्ये॑ तस्थ ए॒षा तथा॑ रा॒ष्ट्रं गु॑पि॒तं क्ष॒त्रिय॑स्य ॥ १०.१०९.०३
haste̍nai̱va grā̱hya̍ ā̱dhira̍syā brahmajā̱yeyamiti̱ cedavo̍can .
na dū̱tāya̍ pra̱hye̍ tastha e̱ṣā tathā̍ rā̱ṣṭraṃ gu̍pi̱taṃ kṣa̱triya̍sya .. 10.109.03
3 The man, her pledge, must by her hand be taken when they have cried, She is a Brahman's consort.
She stayed not for a herald to conduct her:- thus is the kingdom of a ruler guarded.
Sloka : 10.109.4
दे॒वा ए॒तस्या॑मवदन्त॒ पूर्वे॑ सप्तऋ॒षय॒स्तप॑से॒ ये नि॑षे॒दुः ।
भी॒मा जा॒या ब्रा॑ह्म॒णस्योप॑नीता दु॒र्धां द॑धाति पर॒मे व्यो॑मन् ॥ १०.१०९.०४
de̱vā e̱tasyā̍mavadanta̱ pūrve̍ saptaṛ̱ṣaya̱stapa̍se̱ ye ni̍ṣe̱duḥ .
bhī̱mā jā̱yā brā̍hma̱ṇasyopa̍nītā du̱rdhāṃ da̍dhāti para̱me vyo̍man .. 10.109.04
4 Thus spake of her those Gods of old, Seven Ṛṣis who sate them down to their austere devotion:-
Dire is a Brahman's wife led home by others:- in the supremest heaven she plants confusion.
Sloka : 10.109.5
ब्र॒ह्म॒चा॒री च॑रति॒ वेवि॑ष॒द्विषः॒ स दे॒वानां॑ भव॒त्येक॒मङ्ग॑म् ।
तेन॑ जा॒यामन्व॑विन्द॒द्बृह॒स्पतिः॒ सोमे॑न नी॒तां जु॒ह्वं१॒॑ न दे॑वाः ॥ १०.१०९.०५
bra̱hma̱cā̱rī ca̍rati̱ vevi̍ṣa̱dviṣa̱ḥ sa de̱vānā̍ṃ bhava̱tyeka̱maṅga̍m .
tena̍ jā̱yāmanva̍vinda̱dbṛha̱spati̱ḥ some̍na nī̱tāṃ ju̱hvaṃ1̱̍ na de̍vāḥ .. 10.109.05
5 The Brahmacari goes engaged in duty:- he is a member of the Gods own body.
Through him Bṛhaspati obtained his consort, as the Gods gained the ladle brought by Soma.
Sloka : 10.109.6
पुन॒र्वै दे॒वा अ॑ददुः॒ पुन॑र्मनु॒ष्या॑ उ॒त ।
राजा॑नः स॒त्यं कृ॑ण्वा॒ना ब्र॑ह्मजा॒यां पुन॑र्ददुः ॥ १०.१०९.०६
puna̱rvai de̱vā a̍dadu̱ḥ puna̍rmanu̱ṣyā̍ u̱ta .
rājā̍naḥ sa̱tyaṃ kṛ̍ṇvā̱nā bra̍hmajā̱yāṃ puna̍rdaduḥ .. 10.109.06
6 So then the Gods restored her, so men gave the woman back again.
The Kings who kept their promises restored the Brahman's wedded wife,
Sloka : 10.109.7
पु॒न॒र्दाय॑ ब्रह्मजा॒यां कृ॒त्वी दे॒वैर्नि॑किल्बि॒षम् ।
ऊर्जं॑ पृथि॒व्या भ॒क्त्वायो॑रुगा॒यमुपा॑सते ॥ १०.१०९.०७
pu̱na̱rdāya̍ brahmajā̱yāṃ kṛ̱tvī de̱vairni̍kilbi̱ṣam .
ūrja̍ṃ pṛthi̱vyā bha̱ktvāyo̍rugā̱yamupā̍sate .. 10.109.07
7 Having restored the Brahman's wife, and freed them, with Gods aid, from sin,
They shared the fulness of the earth, and won themselves extended sway.
Sloka : 10.110.1
समि॑द्धो अ॒द्य मनु॑षो दुरो॒णे दे॒वो दे॒वान्य॑जसि जातवेदः ।
आ च॒ वह॑ मित्रमहश्चिकि॒त्वान्त्वं दू॒तः क॒विर॑सि॒ प्रचे॑ताः ॥ १०.११०.०१
sami̍ddho a̱dya manu̍ṣo duro̱ṇe de̱vo de̱vānya̍jasi jātavedaḥ .
ā ca̱ vaha̍ mitramahaściki̱tvāntvaṃ dū̱taḥ ka̱vira̍si̱ prace̍tāḥ .. 10.110.01
1. THOU in the house of man this day enkindled worshippest Gods as God, O Jātavedas.
Observant, bright as Mitra, bring them hither:- thou art a sapient and foreknowing envoy.
Sloka : 10.110.2
तनू॑नपात्प॒थ ऋ॒तस्य॒ याना॒न्मध्वा॑ सम॒ञ्जन्स्व॑दया सुजिह्व ।
मन्मा॑नि धी॒भिरु॒त य॒ज्ञमृ॒न्धन्दे॑व॒त्रा च॑ कृणुह्यध्व॒रं नः॑ ॥ १०.११०.०२
tanū̍napātpa̱tha ṛ̱tasya̱ yānā̱nmadhvā̍ sama̱ñjansva̍dayā sujihva .
manmā̍ni dhī̱bhiru̱ta ya̱jñamṛ̱ndhande̍va̱trā ca̍ kṛṇuhyadhva̱raṃ na̍ḥ .. 10.110.02
2 Tanūnapāt, fair-tongued, with sweet meath balming the paths and waysof Order, make them pleasant.
Convey our sacrifice to heaven, exalting with holy thoughts ourhymns of praise and worship.
Sloka : 10.110.3
आ॒जुह्वा॑न॒ ईड्यो॒ वन्द्य॒श्चा या॑ह्यग्ने॒ वसु॑भिः स॒जोषाः॑ ।
त्वं दे॒वाना॑मसि यह्व॒ होता॒ स ए॑नान्यक्षीषि॒तो यजी॑यान् ॥ १०.११०.०३
ā̱juhvā̍na̱ īḍyo̱ vandya̱ścā yā̍hyagne̱ vasu̍bhiḥ sa̱joṣā̍ḥ .
tvaṃ de̱vānā̍masi yahva̱ hotā̱ sa e̍nānyakṣīṣi̱to yajī̍yān .. 10.110.03
3 Invoked, deserving prayer and adoration, O Agni, come accordant with the Vasus.
Thou art, O Youthful Lord, the Gods Invoker, so, best of Sacrificers, bring them quickly.
Sloka : 10.110.4
प्रा॒चीनं॑ ब॒र्हिः प्र॒दिशा॑ पृथि॒व्या वस्तो॑र॒स्या वृ॑ज्यते॒ अग्रे॒ अह्ना॑म् ।
व्यु॑ प्रथते वित॒रं वरी॑यो दे॒वेभ्यो॒ अदि॑तये स्यो॒नम् ॥ १०.११०.०४
prā̱cīna̍ṃ ba̱rhiḥ pra̱diśā̍ pṛthi̱vyā vasto̍ra̱syā vṛ̍jyate̱ agre̱ ahnā̍m .
vyu̍ prathate vita̱raṃ varī̍yo de̱vebhyo̱ adi̍taye syo̱nam .. 10.110.04
4 By rule the Sacred Grass is scattered eastward, a robe to clothe this earth when dawns are breaking.
Widely it spreads around and far-extended, fair for the Gods and bringing peace and freedom.
Sloka : 10.110.5
व्यच॑स्वतीरुर्वि॒या वि श्र॑यन्तां॒ पति॑भ्यो॒ न जन॑यः॒ शुम्भ॑मानाः ।
देवी॑र्द्वारो बृहतीर्विश्वमिन्वा दे॒वेभ्यो॑ भवत सुप्राय॒णाः ॥ १०.११०.०५
vyaca̍svatīrurvi̱yā vi śra̍yantā̱ṃ pati̍bhyo̱ na jana̍ya̱ḥ śumbha̍mānāḥ .
devī̍rdvāro bṛhatīrviśvaminvā de̱vebhyo̍ bhavata suprāya̱ṇāḥ .. 10.110.05
5 Let the expansive Doors be widely opened, like wives who deck their beauty for their husbands.
Lofty, celestial, all-impelling Portals, admit the Gods and give them easy entrance.
Sloka : 10.110.6
आ सु॒ष्वय॑न्ती यज॒ते उपा॑के उ॒षासा॒नक्ता॑ सदतां॒ नि योनौ॑ ।
दि॒व्ये योष॑णे बृह॒ती सु॑रु॒क्मे अधि॒ श्रियं॑ शुक्र॒पिशं॒ दधा॑ने ॥ १०.११०.०६
ā su̱ṣvaya̍ntī yaja̱te upā̍ke u̱ṣāsā̱naktā̍ sadatā̱ṃ ni yonau̍ .
di̱vye yoṣa̍ṇe bṛha̱tī su̍ru̱kme adhi̱ śriya̍ṃ śukra̱piśa̱ṃ dadhā̍ne .. 10.110.06
6 Pouring sweet dews let holy Night and Morning, each close to each, he seated at their station,
Lofty, celestial Dames with gold to deck them. assuming all their fair and radiant beauty.
Sloka : 10.110.7
दैव्या॒ होता॑रा प्रथ॒मा सु॒वाचा॒ मिमा॑ना य॒ज्ञं मनु॑षो॒ यज॑ध्यै ।
प्र॒चो॒दय॑न्ता वि॒दथे॑षु का॒रू प्रा॒चीनं॒ ज्योतिः॑ प्र॒दिशा॑ दि॒शन्ता॑ ॥ १०.११०.०७
daivyā̱ hotā̍rā pratha̱mā su̱vācā̱ mimā̍nā ya̱jñaṃ manu̍ṣo̱ yaja̍dhyai .
pra̱co̱daya̍ntā vi̱dathe̍ṣu kā̱rū prā̱cīna̱ṃ jyoti̍ḥ pra̱diśā̍ di̱śantā̍ .. 10.110.07
7 Come the two first celestial sweet-voiced Hotars, arranging sacrifice for man to worship
As singers who inspire us in assemblies, showing the eastward light with their direction.
Sloka : 10.110.8
आ नो॑ य॒ज्ञं भार॑ती॒ तूय॑मे॒त्विळा॑ मनु॒ष्वदि॒ह चे॒तय॑न्ती ।
ति॒स्रो दे॒वीर्ब॒र्हिरेदं स्यो॒नं सर॑स्वती॒ स्वप॑सः सदन्तु ॥ १०.११०.०८
ā no̍ ya̱jñaṃ bhāra̍tī̱ tūya̍me̱tvil̤ā̍ manu̱ṣvadi̱ha ce̱taya̍ntī .
ti̱sro de̱vīrba̱rhiredaṃ syo̱naṃ sara̍svatī̱ svapa̍saḥ sadantu .. 10.110.08
8 Let Bhāratī come quickly to our worship, and Iḷā showing like a human being.
So let Sarasvatī and both her fellows, deft Goddesses, on this fair grass be seated.
Sloka : 10.110.9
य इ॒मे द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी जनि॑त्री रू॒पैरपिं॑श॒द्भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
तम॒द्य हो॑तरिषि॒तो यजी॑यान्दे॒वं त्वष्टा॑रमि॒ह य॑क्षि वि॒द्वान् ॥ १०.११०.०९
ya i̱me dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī jani̍trī rū̱pairapi̍ṃśa̱dbhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .
tama̱dya ho̍tariṣi̱to yajī̍yānde̱vaṃ tvaṣṭā̍rami̱ha ya̍kṣi vi̱dvān .. 10.110.09
9 Hotar more skilled in sacrifice, bring hither with speed to-day God Tvaṣṭar, thou who knowest.
Even him who formed these two, the Earth and Heaven the Parents, with their forms, and every creature.
Sloka : 10.110.10
उ॒पाव॑सृज॒ त्मन्या॑ सम॒ञ्जन्दे॒वानां॒ पाथ॑ ऋतु॒था ह॒वींषि॑ ।
वन॒स्पतिः॑ शमि॒ता दे॒वो अ॒ग्निः स्वद॑न्तु ह॒व्यं मधु॑ना घृ॒तेन॑ ॥ १०.११०.१०
u̱pāva̍sṛja̱ tmanyā̍ sama̱ñjande̱vānā̱ṃ pātha̍ ṛtu̱thā ha̱vīṃṣi̍ .
vana̱spati̍ḥ śami̱tā de̱vo a̱gniḥ svada̍ntu ha̱vyaṃ madhu̍nā ghṛ̱tena̍ .. 10.110.10
10 Send to our offerings which thyself thou balmest the Companies of Gods in ordered season.
Agni, Vanaspati the Immolator sweeten our offered gift with meath and butter.
Sloka : 10.110.11
स॒द्यो जा॒तो व्य॑मिमीत य॒ज्ञम॒ग्निर्दे॒वाना॑मभवत्पुरो॒गाः ।
अ॒स्य होतुः॑ प्र॒दिश्यृ॒तस्य॑ वा॒चि स्वाहा॑कृतं ह॒विर॑दन्तु दे॒वाः ॥ १०.११०.११
sa̱dyo jā̱to vya̍mimīta ya̱jñama̱gnirde̱vānā̍mabhavatpuro̱gāḥ .
a̱sya hotu̍ḥ pra̱diśyṛ̱tasya̍ vā̱ci svāhā̍kṛtaṃ ha̱vira̍dantu de̱vāḥ .. 10.110.11
11 Agni, as soon as he was born, made ready the sacrifice, and was the Gods preceder.
May the Gods cat our offering consecrated according to this true Priest's voice and guidance.
Sloka : 10.111.1
मनी॑षिणः॒ प्र भ॑रध्वं मनी॒षां यथा॑यथा म॒तयः॒ सन्ति॑ नृ॒णाम् ।
इन्द्रं॑ स॒त्यैरेर॑यामा कृ॒तेभिः॒ स हि वी॒रो गि॑र्वण॒स्युर्विदा॑नः ॥ १०.१११.०१
manī̍ṣiṇa̱ḥ pra bha̍radhvaṃ manī̱ṣāṃ yathā̍yathā ma̱taya̱ḥ santi̍ nṛ̱ṇām .
indra̍ṃ sa̱tyairera̍yāmā kṛ̱tebhi̱ḥ sa hi vī̱ro gi̍rvaṇa̱syurvidā̍naḥ .. 10.111.01
1. BRING forth your sacred song ye prudent singers, even as are the thoughts of human beings.
Let us draw Indra with true deeds anear us:- he loves our songs, the Hero, and is potent.
Sloka : 10.111.2
ऋ॒तस्य॒ हि सद॑सो धी॒तिरद्यौ॒त्सं गा॑र्ष्टे॒यो वृ॑ष॒भो गोभि॑रानट् ।
उद॑तिष्ठत्तवि॒षेणा॒ रवे॑ण म॒हान्ति॑ चि॒त्सं वि॑व्याचा॒ रजां॑सि ॥ १०.१११.०२
ṛ̱tasya̱ hi sada̍so dhī̱tiradyau̱tsaṃ gā̍rṣṭe̱yo vṛ̍ṣa̱bho gobhi̍rānaṭ .
uda̍tiṣṭhattavi̱ṣeṇā̱ rave̍ṇa ma̱hānti̍ ci̱tsaṃ vi̍vyācā̱ rajā̍ṃsi .. 10.111.02
2 The hymn shone brightly from the seat of worship:- to the kine came the Bull, the Heifer's Offipring
With mighty bellowing hath he arisen, and hath pervaded even the spacious regions.
Sloka : 10.111.3
इन्द्रः॒ किल॒ श्रुत्या॑ अ॒स्य वे॑द॒ स हि जि॒ष्णुः प॑थि॒कृत्सूर्या॑य ।
आन्मेनां॑ कृ॒ण्वन्नच्यु॑तो॒ भुव॒द्गोः पति॑र्दि॒वः स॑न॒जा अप्र॑तीतः ॥ १०.१११.०३
indra̱ḥ kila̱ śrutyā̍ a̱sya ve̍da̱ sa hi ji̱ṣṇuḥ pa̍thi̱kṛtsūryā̍ya .
ānmenā̍ṃ kṛ̱ṇvannacyu̍to̱ bhuva̱dgoḥ pati̍rdi̱vaḥ sa̍na̱jā apra̍tītaḥ .. 10.111.03
3 Indra knows, verily, how to hear our singing, for he, victorious, made a path for Sūrya.
He made the Cow, and be became the Sovran of Heaven, primeval, matchless, and unshaken.
Sloka : 10.111.4
इन्द्रो॑ म॒ह्ना म॑ह॒तो अ॑र्ण॒वस्य॑ व्र॒तामि॑ना॒दङ्गि॑रोभिर्गृणा॒नः ।
पु॒रूणि॑ चि॒न्नि त॑ताना॒ रजां॑सि दा॒धार॒ यो ध॒रुणं॑ स॒त्यता॑ता ॥ १०.१११.०४
indro̍ ma̱hnā ma̍ha̱to a̍rṇa̱vasya̍ vra̱tāmi̍nā̱daṅgi̍robhirgṛṇā̱naḥ .
pu̱rūṇi̍ ci̱nni ta̍tānā̱ rajā̍ṃsi dā̱dhāra̱ yo dha̱ruṇa̍ṃ sa̱tyatā̍tā .. 10.111.04
4 Praised by Aṅgirases, Indra demolished with might the works of the great watery monster
Full many regions, too, hath he pervaded, and by his truth supported earth's foundation.
Sloka : 10.111.5
इन्द्रो॑ दि॒वः प्र॑ति॒मानं॑ पृथि॒व्या विश्वा॑ वेद॒ सव॑ना॒ हन्ति॒ शुष्ण॑म् ।
म॒हीं चि॒द्द्यामात॑नो॒त्सूर्ये॑ण चा॒स्कम्भ॑ चि॒त्कम्भ॑नेन॒ स्कभी॑यान् ॥ १०.१११.०५
indro̍ di̱vaḥ pra̍ti̱māna̍ṃ pṛthi̱vyā viśvā̍ veda̱ sava̍nā̱ hanti̱ śuṣṇa̍m .
ma̱hīṃ ci̱ddyāmāta̍no̱tsūrye̍ṇa cā̱skambha̍ ci̱tkambha̍nena̱ skabhī̍yān .. 10.111.05
5 The counterpart of heaven and earth is Indra:- he knoweth all libations, slayeth Śuṣṇa.
The vast sky with the Sun hath he extended, and, best otpillars, stayed it with a pillar.
Sloka : 10.111.6
वज्रे॑ण॒ हि वृ॑त्र॒हा वृ॒त्रमस्त॒रदे॑वस्य॒ शूशु॑वानस्य मा॒याः ।
वि धृ॑ष्णो॒ अत्र॑ धृष॒ता ज॑घ॒न्थाथा॑भवो मघवन्बा॒ह्वो॑जाः ॥ १०.१११.०६
vajre̍ṇa̱ hi vṛ̍tra̱hā vṛ̱tramasta̱rade̍vasya̱ śūśu̍vānasya mā̱yāḥ .
vi dhṛ̍ṣṇo̱ atra̍ dhṛṣa̱tā ja̍gha̱nthāthā̍bhavo maghavanbā̱hvo̍jāḥ .. 10.111.06
6 The Vṛtra-slaver with his bolt felled Vṛtra:- the magic of the godless, waxen mighty,
Here hast thou, Bold Assailant, boldly conquered. Yea, then thine arms, O Maghavan, were potent.
Sloka : 10.111.7
सच॑न्त॒ यदु॒षसः॒ सूर्ये॑ण चि॒त्राम॑स्य के॒तवो॒ राम॑विन्दन् ।
आ यन्नक्ष॑त्रं॒ ददृ॑शे दि॒वो न पुन॑र्य॒तो नकि॑र॒द्धा नु वे॑द ॥ १०.१११.०७
saca̍nta̱ yadu̱ṣasa̱ḥ sūrye̍ṇa ci̱trāma̍sya ke̱tavo̱ rāma̍vindan .
ā yannakṣa̍tra̱ṃ dadṛ̍śe di̱vo na puna̍rya̱to naki̍ra̱ddhā nu ve̍da .. 10.111.07
7 When the Dawns come attendant upon Sūrya their rays discover wealth of divers colours.
The Star of heaven is seen as twere approaching:- none knoweth aught of it as it departeth.
Sloka : 10.111.8
दू॒रं किल॑ प्रथ॒मा ज॑ग्मुरासा॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ याः प्र॑स॒वे स॒स्रुरापः॑ ।
क्व॑ स्वि॒दग्रं॒ क्व॑ बु॒ध्न आ॑सा॒मापो॒ मध्यं॒ क्व॑ वो नू॒नमन्तः॑ ॥ १०.१११.०८
dū̱raṃ kila̍ pratha̱mā ja̍gmurāsā̱mindra̍sya̱ yāḥ pra̍sa̱ve sa̱srurāpa̍ḥ .
kva̍ svi̱dagra̱ṃ kva̍ bu̱dhna ā̍sā̱māpo̱ madhya̱ṃ kva̍ vo nū̱namanta̍ḥ .. 10.111.08
8 Far have they gone, the first of all these waters, the waters that flowed forth when Indra sent them.
Where is their spring, and where is their foundation? Where now, ye Waters, is your inmost centre?
Sloka : 10.111.9
सृ॒जः सिन्धू॒ँरहि॑ना जग्रसा॒नाँ आदिदे॒ताः प्र वि॑विज्रे ज॒वेन॑ ।
मुमु॑क्षमाणा उ॒त या मु॑मु॒च्रेऽधेदे॒ता न र॑मन्ते॒ निति॑क्ताः ॥ १०.१११.०९
sṛ̱jaḥ sindhū̱m̐rahi̍nā jagrasā̱nām̐ ādide̱tāḥ pra vi̍vijre ja̱vena̍ .
mumu̍kṣamāṇā u̱ta yā mu̍mu̱cre'dhede̱tā na ra̍mante̱ niti̍ktāḥ .. 10.111.09
9 Thou didst free rivers swallowed by the Dragon; and rapidly they set themselves in motion,
Those that were loosed and those that longed for freedom. Excited now to speed they run unresting.
Sloka : 10.111.10
स॒ध्रीचीः॒ सिन्धु॑मुश॒तीरि॑वायन्स॒नाज्जा॒र आ॑रि॒तः पू॒र्भिदा॑साम् ।
अस्त॒मा ते॒ पार्थि॑वा॒ वसू॑न्य॒स्मे ज॑ग्मुः सू॒नृता॑ इन्द्र पू॒र्वीः ॥ १०.१११.१०
sa̱dhrīcī̱ḥ sindhu̍muśa̱tīri̍vāyansa̱nājjā̱ra ā̍ri̱taḥ pū̱rbhidā̍sām .
asta̱mā te̱ pārthi̍vā̱ vasū̍nya̱sme ja̍gmuḥ sū̱nṛtā̍ indra pū̱rvīḥ .. 10.111.10
10 Yearning together they have sped to Sindhu:- the Fort-destroyer, praised, of old, hath loved them.
Indra, may thy terrestrial treasures reach us, and our full songs of joy approach thy dwelling.
Sloka : 10.112.1
इन्द्र॒ पिब॑ प्रतिका॒मं सु॒तस्य॑ प्रातःसा॒वस्तव॒ हि पू॒र्वपी॑तिः ।
हर्ष॑स्व॒ हन्त॑वे शूर॒ शत्रू॑नु॒क्थेभि॑ष्टे वी॒र्या॒३॒॑ प्र ब्र॑वाम ॥ १०.११२.०१
indra̱ piba̍ pratikā̱maṃ su̱tasya̍ prātaḥsā̱vastava̱ hi pū̱rvapī̍tiḥ .
harṣa̍sva̱ hanta̍ve śūra̱ śatrū̍nu̱kthebhi̍ṣṭe vī̱ryā̱3̱̍ pra bra̍vāma .. 10.112.01
1. DRINK of the juice, O Indra, at thy plea. sure, for thy first draught is early morn's libation.
Rejoice, that thou mayst slay our foes, O Hero, and we with lauds will tell thy mighty exploits.
Sloka : 10.112.2
यस्ते॒ रथो॒ मन॑सो॒ जवी॑या॒नेन्द्र॒ तेन॑ सोम॒पेया॑य याहि ।
तूय॒मा ते॒ हर॑यः॒ प्र द्र॑वन्तु॒ येभि॒र्यासि॒ वृष॑भि॒र्मन्द॑मानः ॥ १०.११२.०२
yaste̱ ratho̱ mana̍so̱ javī̍yā̱nendra̱ tena̍ soma̱peyā̍ya yāhi .
tūya̱mā te̱ hara̍ya̱ḥ pra dra̍vantu̱ yebhi̱ryāsi̱ vṛṣa̍bhi̱rmanda̍mānaḥ .. 10.112.02
2 Thou hast a car more swift than thought, O Indra; thercon come hither, come to drink the Soma.
Let thy Bay Steeds, thy Stallions, hasten hither, with whom thou cornest nigh and art delighted.
Sloka : 10.112.3
हरि॑त्वता॒ वर्च॑सा॒ सूर्य॑स्य॒ श्रेष्ठै॑ रू॒पैस्त॒न्वं॑ स्पर्शयस्व ।
अ॒स्माभि॑रिन्द्र॒ सखि॑भिर्हुवा॒नः स॑ध्रीची॒नो मा॑दयस्वा नि॒षद्य॑ ॥ १०.११२.०३
hari̍tvatā̱ varca̍sā̱ sūrya̍sya̱ śreṣṭhai̍ rū̱paista̱nva̍ṃ sparśayasva .
a̱smābhi̍rindra̱ sakhi̍bhirhuvā̱naḥ sa̍dhrīcī̱no mā̍dayasvā ni̱ṣadya̍ .. 10.112.03
3 Deck out thy body with the fairest colours, with golden splendour of the Sun adorn it.
O Indra, turn thee hitherward invited by us thy friends; be seated and be joyful.
Sloka : 10.112.4
यस्य॒ त्यत्ते॑ महि॒मानं॒ मदे॑ष्वि॒मे म॒ही रोद॑सी॒ नावि॑विक्ताम् ।
तदोक॒ आ हरि॑भिरिन्द्र यु॒क्तैः प्रि॒येभि॑र्याहि प्रि॒यमन्न॒मच्छ॑ ॥ १०.११२.०४
yasya̱ tyatte̍ mahi̱māna̱ṃ made̍ṣvi̱me ma̱hī roda̍sī̱ nāvi̍viktām .
tadoka̱ ā hari̍bhirindra yu̱ktaiḥ pri̱yebhi̍ryāhi pri̱yamanna̱maccha̍ .. 10.112.04
4 O thou whose grandeur in thy festive transports not even these two great worlds have comprehended.
Come, Indra, with thy dear Bay Horses harnessed, come to our dwelling and the food thou lovest.
Sloka : 10.112.5
यस्य॒ शश्व॑त्पपि॒वाँ इ॑न्द्र॒ शत्रू॑ननानुकृ॒त्या रण्या॑ च॒कर्थ॑ ।
स ते॒ पुरं॑धिं॒ तवि॑षीमियर्ति॒ स ते॒ मदा॑य सु॒त इ॑न्द्र॒ सोमः॑ ॥ १०.११२.०५
yasya̱ śaśva̍tpapi̱vām̐ i̍ndra̱ śatrū̍nanānukṛ̱tyā raṇyā̍ ca̱kartha̍ .
sa te̱ pura̍ṃdhi̱ṃ tavi̍ṣīmiyarti̱ sa te̱ madā̍ya su̱ta i̍ndra̱ soma̍ḥ .. 10.112.05
5 Pressed for thy joyous banquet is the Soma, Soma whereof thou, Indra, ever drinking,
Hast waged unequalled battles with thy foemen, which prompts the mighty flow of thine abundance.
Sloka : 10.112.6
इ॒दं ते॒ पात्रं॒ सन॑वित्तमिन्द्र॒ पिबा॒ सोम॑मे॒ना श॑तक्रतो ।
पू॒र्ण आ॑हा॒वो म॑दि॒रस्य॒ मध्वो॒ यं विश्व॒ इद॑भि॒हर्य॑न्ति दे॒वाः ॥ १०.११२.०६
i̱daṃ te̱ pātra̱ṃ sana̍vittamindra̱ pibā̱ soma̍me̱nā śa̍takrato .
pū̱rṇa ā̍hā̱vo ma̍di̱rasya̱ madhvo̱ yaṃ viśva̱ ida̍bhi̱harya̍nti de̱vāḥ .. 10.112.06
6 Found from of old is this thy cup, O Indra:- Śatakratu, drink therefrom the Soma.
Filled is the beaker with the meath that gladdens, the beaker which all Deities delight in.
Sloka : 10.112.7
वि हि त्वामि॑न्द्र पुरु॒धा जना॑सो हि॒तप्र॑यसो वृषभ॒ ह्वय॑न्ते ।
अ॒स्माकं॑ ते॒ मधु॑मत्तमानी॒मा भु॑व॒न्सव॑ना॒ तेषु॑ हर्य ॥ १०.११२.०७
vi hi tvāmi̍ndra puru̱dhā janā̍so hi̱tapra̍yaso vṛṣabha̱ hvaya̍nte .
a̱smāka̍ṃ te̱ madhu̍mattamānī̱mā bhu̍va̱nsava̍nā̱ teṣu̍ harya .. 10.112.07
7 From many a side with proffered entertainment the folk are calling thee, O Mighty Indra.
These our libations shall for thee be richest in sweet meath:- dvink thereof and find them pleasant.
Sloka : 10.112.8
प्र त॑ इन्द्र पू॒र्व्याणि॒ प्र नू॒नं वी॒र्या॑ वोचं प्रथ॒मा कृ॒तानि॑ ।
स॒ती॒नम॑न्युरश्रथायो॒ अद्रिं॑ सुवेद॒नाम॑कृणो॒र्ब्रह्म॑णे॒ गाम् ॥ १०.११२.०८
pra ta̍ indra pū̱rvyāṇi̱ pra nū̱naṃ vī̱ryā̍ vocaṃ pratha̱mā kṛ̱tāni̍ .
sa̱tī̱nama̍nyuraśrathāyo̱ adri̍ṃ suveda̱nāma̍kṛṇo̱rbrahma̍ṇe̱ gām .. 10.112.08
8 I will declare thy deeds of old, O Indra, the mighty acts which thou hast first accomplished.
In genuine wrath thou loosenedst the mountain so that the Brahman easily found the cattle.
Sloka : 10.112.9
नि षु सी॑द गणपते ग॒णेषु॒ त्वामा॑हु॒र्विप्र॑तमं कवी॒नाम् ।
न ऋ॒ते त्वत्क्रि॑यते॒ किं च॒नारे म॒हाम॒र्कं म॑घवञ्चि॒त्रम॑र्च ॥ १०.११२.०९
ni ṣu sī̍da gaṇapate ga̱ṇeṣu̱ tvāmā̍hu̱rvipra̍tamaṃ kavī̱nām .
na ṛ̱te tvatkri̍yate̱ kiṃ ca̱nāre ma̱hāma̱rkaṃ ma̍ghavañci̱trama̍rca .. 10.112.09
9 Lord of the hosts, amid our bands be seated:- they call thee greatest Sage among the sages.
Nothing is done, even far away, without thee:- great, wondrous, Maghavan, is the hymn I sing thee.
Sloka : 10.112.10
अ॒भि॒ख्या नो॑ मघव॒न्नाध॑माना॒न्सखे॑ बो॒धि व॑सुपते॒ सखी॑नाम् ।
रणं॑ कृधि रणकृत्सत्यशु॒ष्माभ॑क्ते चि॒दा भ॑जा रा॒ये अ॒स्मान् ॥ १०.११२.१०
a̱bhi̱khyā no̍ maghava̱nnādha̍mānā̱nsakhe̍ bo̱dhi va̍supate̱ sakhī̍nām .
raṇa̍ṃ kṛdhi raṇakṛtsatyaśu̱ṣmābha̍kte ci̱dā bha̍jā rā̱ye a̱smān .. 10.112.10
10 Aim of our eyes be thou, for we implore thee, O Maghavan, Friend of friends and Lord of treasures.
Fight, Warrior strong in truth, fight thou the battle:- give us our share of undivided riches.
Sloka : 10.113.1
तम॑स्य॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी सचे॑तसा॒ विश्वे॑भिर्दे॒वैरनु॒ शुष्म॑मावताम् ।
यदैत्कृ॑ण्वा॒नो म॑हि॒मान॑मिन्द्रि॒यं पी॒त्वी सोम॑स्य॒ क्रतु॑माँ अवर्धत ॥ १०.११३.०१
tama̍sya̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī sace̍tasā̱ viśve̍bhirde̱vairanu̱ śuṣma̍māvatām .
yadaitkṛ̍ṇvā̱no ma̍hi̱māna̍mindri̱yaṃ pī̱tvī soma̍sya̱ kratu̍mām̐ avardhata .. 10.113.01
1. THE Heavens and the Earth accordant with all Gods encouraged graciously that vigorous might of his.
When he came showing forth his majesty and power, he drank of Soma juice and waxed exceeding strong.
Sloka : 10.113.2
तम॑स्य॒ विष्णु॑र्महि॒मान॒मोज॑सां॒शुं द॑ध॒न्वान्मधु॑नो॒ वि र॑प्शते ।
दे॒वेभि॒रिन्द्रो॑ म॒घवा॑ स॒याव॑भिर्वृ॒त्रं ज॑घ॒न्वाँ अ॑भव॒द्वरे॑ण्यः ॥ १०.११३.०२
tama̍sya̱ viṣṇu̍rmahi̱māna̱moja̍sā̱ṃśuṃ da̍dha̱nvānmadhu̍no̱ vi ra̍pśate .
de̱vebhi̱rindro̍ ma̱ghavā̍ sa̱yāva̍bhirvṛ̱traṃ ja̍gha̱nvām̐ a̍bhava̱dvare̍ṇyaḥ .. 10.113.02
2 This majesty of his Viṣṇu extols and lauds, making the stalCthat gives the meath flow forth with inight.
When Indra Maghavan with those who followed him had smitten Vṛtra he deserved the choice of Gods.
Sloka : 10.113.3
वृ॒त्रेण॒ यदहि॑ना॒ बिभ्र॒दायु॑धा स॒मस्थि॑था यु॒धये॒ शंस॑मा॒विदे॑ ।
विश्वे॑ ते॒ अत्र॑ म॒रुतः॑ स॒ह त्मनाव॑र्धन्नुग्र महि॒मान॑मिन्द्रि॒यम् ॥ १०.११३.०३
vṛ̱treṇa̱ yadahi̍nā̱ bibhra̱dāyu̍dhā sa̱masthi̍thā yu̱dhaye̱ śaṃsa̍mā̱vide̍ .
viśve̍ te̱ atra̍ ma̱ruta̍ḥ sa̱ha tmanāva̍rdhannugra mahi̱māna̍mindri̱yam .. 10.113.03
3 When, bearing warlike weapons, fain to win thee praise, thou mettest Vṛtra, yea, the Dragon, for the fight,
Then all the Maruts who were gathered with dice there extolled, O Mighty One, thy powerful majesty.
Sloka : 10.113.4
ज॒ज्ञा॒न ए॒व व्य॑बाधत॒ स्पृधः॒ प्राप॑श्यद्वी॒रो अ॒भि पौंस्यं॒ रण॑म् ।
अवृ॑श्च॒दद्रि॒मव॑ स॒स्यदः॑ सृज॒दस्त॑भ्ना॒न्नाकं॑ स्वप॒स्यया॑ पृ॒थुम् ॥ १०.११३.०४
ja̱jñā̱na e̱va vya̍bādhata̱ spṛdha̱ḥ prāpa̍śyadvī̱ro a̱bhi pauṃsya̱ṃ raṇa̍m .
avṛ̍śca̱dadri̱mava̍ sa̱syada̍ḥ sṛja̱dasta̍bhnā̱nnāka̍ṃ svapa̱syayā̍ pṛ̱thum .. 10.113.04
4 Soon as he sprang to life he forced asun. der hosts:- forward the Hero looked to manly deed and war.
He cleft the rock, he let concurrent streams flow forth, and with his skilful art stablished the heavens' wide vault.
Sloka : 10.113.5
आदिन्द्रः॑ स॒त्रा तवि॑षीरपत्यत॒ वरी॑यो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॑बाधत ।
अवा॑भरद्धृषि॒तो वज्र॑माय॒सं शेवं॑ मि॒त्राय॒ वरु॑णाय दा॒शुषे॑ ॥ १०.११३.०५
ādindra̍ḥ sa̱trā tavi̍ṣīrapatyata̱ varī̍yo̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̍bādhata .
avā̍bharaddhṛṣi̱to vajra̍māya̱saṃ śeva̍ṃ mi̱trāya̱ varu̍ṇāya dā̱śuṣe̍ .. 10.113.05
5 Indra hath evermore possessed surpassing power:- he forced, far from each other, heaven and earth apart.
He hurled impetuous down his iron thunderbolt, a joy to Varuṇa's and Mitra's worshipper.
Sloka : 10.113.6
इन्द्र॒स्यात्र॒ तवि॑षीभ्यो विर॒प्शिन॑ ऋघाय॒तो अ॑रंहयन्त म॒न्यवे॑ ।
वृ॒त्रं यदु॒ग्रो व्यवृ॑श्च॒दोज॑सा॒पो बिभ्र॑तं॒ तम॑सा॒ परी॑वृतम् ॥ १०.११३.०६
indra̱syātra̱ tavi̍ṣībhyo vira̱pśina̍ ṛghāya̱to a̍raṃhayanta ma̱nyave̍ .
vṛ̱traṃ yadu̱gro vyavṛ̍śca̱doja̍sā̱po bibhra̍ta̱ṃ tama̍sā̱ parī̍vṛtam .. 10.113.06
6 Then to the mighty powers of Indra, to his wrath, his the fierce Stormer, loud of voice, they came with speed;
What time the Potent One rent Vṛtra with his strength, who held the waters back, whom darkness compassed round.
Sloka : 10.113.7
या वी॒र्या॑णि प्रथ॒मानि॒ कर्त्वा॑ महि॒त्वेभि॒र्यत॑मानौ समी॒यतुः॑ ।
ध्वा॒न्तं तमोऽव॑ दध्वसे ह॒त इन्द्रो॑ म॒ह्ना पू॒र्वहू॑तावपत्यत ॥ १०.११३.०७
yā vī̱ryā̍ṇi pratha̱māni̱ kartvā̍ mahi̱tvebhi̱ryata̍mānau samī̱yatu̍ḥ .
dhvā̱ntaṃ tamo'va̍ dadhvase ha̱ta indro̍ ma̱hnā pū̱rvahū̍tāvapatyata .. 10.113.07
7 Even in the first of those heroic acts which they who strove together came with might to execute,
Deep darkness fell upon the slain, and Indra won by victory the right of being first invoked.
Sloka : 10.113.8
विश्वे॑ दे॒वासो॒ अध॒ वृष्ण्या॑नि॒ तेऽव॑र्धय॒न्सोम॑वत्या वच॒स्यया॑ ।
र॒द्धं वृ॒त्रमहि॒मिन्द्र॑स्य॒ हन्म॑ना॒ग्निर्न जम्भै॑स्तृ॒ष्वन्न॑मावयत् ॥ १०.११३.०८
viśve̍ de̱vāso̱ adha̱ vṛṣṇyā̍ni̱ te'va̍rdhaya̱nsoma̍vatyā vaca̱syayā̍ .
ra̱ddhaṃ vṛ̱tramahi̱mindra̍sya̱ hanma̍nā̱gnirna jambhai̍stṛ̱ṣvanna̍māvayat .. 10.113.08
8 Then all the Gods extolled, with eloquence inspired by draughts of Soma juice, thy deeds of manly might.
As Agni eats the dry food with his tcetlv, he ate Vṛtra, the Dragon, maimed by Indra's deadly dart.
Sloka : 10.113.9
भूरि॒ दक्षे॑भिर्वच॒नेभि॒रृक्व॑भिः स॒ख्येभिः॑ स॒ख्यानि॒ प्र वो॑चत ।
इन्द्रो॒ धुनिं॑ च॒ चुमु॑रिं च द॒म्भय॑ञ्छ्रद्धामन॒स्या शृ॑णुते द॒भीत॑ये ॥ १०.११३.०९
bhūri̱ dakṣe̍bhirvaca̱nebhi̱rṛkva̍bhiḥ sa̱khyebhi̍ḥ sa̱khyāni̱ pra vo̍cata .
indro̱ dhuni̍ṃ ca̱ cumu̍riṃ ca da̱mbhaya̍ñchraddhāmana̱syā śṛ̍ṇute da̱bhīta̍ye .. 10.113.09
9 Proclaim his many friendships, met with friendship, made with singers, with the skilful and the eloquent.
Indra, when he subdues Dhuni and Cumuri, lists to Dabhīti for his faithful spirit's sake.
Sloka : 10.113.10
त्वं पु॒रूण्या भ॑रा॒ स्वश्व्या॒ येभि॒र्मंसै॑ नि॒वच॑नानि॒ शंस॑न् ।
सु॒गेभि॒र्विश्वा॑ दुरि॒ता त॑रेम वि॒दो षु ण॑ उर्वि॒या गा॒धम॒द्य ॥ १०.११३.१०
tvaṃ pu̱rūṇyā bha̍rā̱ svaśvyā̱ yebhi̱rmaṃsai̍ ni̱vaca̍nāni̱ śaṃsa̍n .
su̱gebhi̱rviśvā̍ duri̱tā ta̍rema vi̱do ṣu ṇa̍ urvi̱yā gā̱dhama̱dya .. 10.113.10
10 Give riches manifold with noble horses, to be remembered while my songs address thee.
May we by easy paths pass all our troubles:- find us this day a ford wide and extensive.
Sloka : 10.114.1
घ॒र्मा सम॑न्ता त्रि॒वृतं॒ व्या॑पतु॒स्तयो॒र्जुष्टिं॑ मात॒रिश्वा॑ जगाम ।
दि॒वस्पयो॒ दिधि॑षाणा अवेषन्वि॒दुर्दे॒वाः स॒हसा॑मानम॒र्कम् ॥ १०.११४.०१
gha̱rmā sama̍ntā tri̱vṛta̱ṃ vyā̍patu̱stayo̱rjuṣṭi̍ṃ māta̱riśvā̍ jagāma .
di̱vaspayo̱ didhi̍ṣāṇā aveṣanvi̱durde̱vāḥ sa̱hasā̍mānama̱rkam .. 10.114.01
1. Two perfect springs of heat pervade the Threefold, and come for their delight is Mātariśvan.
Craving the milk of heaven the Gods are present:- well do they know the praisesong and the Sāman.
Sloka : 10.114.2
ति॒स्रो दे॒ष्ट्राय॒ निरृ॑ती॒रुपा॑सते दीर्घ॒श्रुतो॒ वि हि जा॒नन्ति॒ वह्न॑यः ।
तासां॒ नि चि॑क्युः क॒वयो॑ नि॒दानं॒ परे॑षु॒ या गुह्ये॑षु व्र॒तेषु॑ ॥ १०.११४.०२
ti̱sro de̱ṣṭrāya̱ nirṛ̍tī̱rupā̍sate dīrgha̱śruto̱ vi hi jā̱nanti̱ vahna̍yaḥ .
tāsā̱ṃ ni ci̍kyuḥ ka̱vayo̍ ni̱dāna̱ṃ pare̍ṣu̱ yā guhye̍ṣu vra̱teṣu̍ .. 10.114.02
2 The priests beard far away, as they are ordered, serve the three Nirrtis, for well they know them.
Sages have traced the cause that first produced them, dwelling in distant and mysterious chambers.
Sloka : 10.114.3
चतु॑ष्कपर्दा युव॒तिः सु॒पेशा॑ घृ॒तप्र॑तीका व॒युना॑नि वस्ते ।
तस्यां॑ सुप॒र्णा वृष॑णा॒ नि षे॑दतु॒र्यत्र॑ दे॒वा द॑धि॒रे भा॑ग॒धेय॑म् ॥ १०.११४.०३
catu̍ṣkapardā yuva̱tiḥ su̱peśā̍ ghṛ̱tapra̍tīkā va̱yunā̍ni vaste .
tasyā̍ṃ supa̱rṇā vṛṣa̍ṇā̱ ni ṣe̍datu̱ryatra̍ de̱vā da̍dhi̱re bhā̍ga̱dheya̍m .. 10.114.03
3 The Youthful One, well-shaped, with four locks braided, brightened with oil, puts on the ordinances.
Two Birds of mighty power are seated near her, there where the Deities receive their portion.
Sloka : 10.114.4
एकः॑ सुप॒र्णः स स॑मु॒द्रमा वि॑वेश॒ स इ॒दं विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं॒ वि च॑ष्टे ।
तं पाके॑न॒ मन॑सापश्य॒मन्ति॑त॒स्तं मा॒ता रे॑ळ्हि॒ स उ॑ रेळ्हि मा॒तर॑म् ॥ १०.११४.०४
eka̍ḥ supa̱rṇaḥ sa sa̍mu̱dramā vi̍veśa̱ sa i̱daṃ viśva̱ṃ bhuva̍na̱ṃ vi ca̍ṣṭe .
taṃ pāke̍na̱ mana̍sāpaśya̱manti̍ta̱staṃ mā̱tā re̍l̤hi̱ sa u̍ rel̤hi mā̱tara̍m .. 10.114.04
4 One of these Birds hath passed into the sea of air:- thence he looks round and views this universal world.
With simple heart I have beheld him from anear:- his Mother kisses him and he returns her kiss.
Sloka : 10.114.5
सु॒प॒र्णं विप्राः॑ क॒वयो॒ वचो॑भि॒रेकं॒ सन्तं॑ बहु॒धा क॑ल्पयन्ति ।
छन्दां॑सि च॒ दध॑तो अध्व॒रेषु॒ ग्रहा॒न्सोम॑स्य मिमते॒ द्वाद॑श ॥ १०.११४.०५
su̱pa̱rṇaṃ viprā̍ḥ ka̱vayo̱ vaco̍bhi̱reka̱ṃ santa̍ṃ bahu̱dhā ka̍lpayanti .
chandā̍ṃsi ca̱ dadha̍to adhva̱reṣu̱ grahā̱nsoma̍sya mimate̱ dvāda̍śa .. 10.114.05
5 Him with fair wings though only One in nature, wise singers shape, with songs, in many figures.
While they at sacrifices fix the metres, they measure out twelve chalices of Soma.
Sloka : 10.114.6
ष॒ट्त्रिं॒शाँश्च॑ च॒तुरः॑ क॒ल्पय॑न्त॒श्छन्दां॑सि च॒ दध॑त आद्वाद॒शम् ।
य॒ज्ञं वि॒माय॑ क॒वयो॑ मनी॒ष ऋ॑क्सा॒माभ्यां॒ प्र रथं॑ वर्तयन्ति ॥ १०.११४.०६
ṣa̱ṭtri̱ṃśām̐śca̍ ca̱tura̍ḥ ka̱lpaya̍nta̱śchandā̍ṃsi ca̱ dadha̍ta ādvāda̱śam .
ya̱jñaṃ vi̱māya̍ ka̱vayo̍ manī̱ṣa ṛ̍ksā̱mābhyā̱ṃ pra ratha̍ṃ vartayanti .. 10.114.06
6 While they arrange the four and six-and-thirty, and duly order, up to twelve, the measures,
Having disposed the sacrifice thoughtful sages send the Car forward with the Rc and Sāman.
Sloka : 10.114.7
चतु॑र्दशा॒न्ये म॑हि॒मानो॑ अस्य॒ तं धीरा॑ वा॒चा प्र ण॑यन्ति स॒प्त ।
आप्ना॑नं ती॒र्थं क इ॒ह प्र वो॑च॒द्येन॑ प॒था प्र॒पिब॑न्ते सु॒तस्य॑ ॥ १०.११४.०७
catu̍rdaśā̱nye ma̍hi̱māno̍ asya̱ taṃ dhīrā̍ vā̱cā pra ṇa̍yanti sa̱pta .
āpnā̍naṃ tī̱rthaṃ ka i̱ha pra vo̍ca̱dyena̍ pa̱thā pra̱piba̍nte su̱tasya̍ .. 10.114.07
7 The Chariot's majesties are fourteen others:- seven sages lead it onward with their Voices.
Who will declare to us the ford Apnana, the path whereby they drink first draughts of Soma?
Sloka : 10.114.8
स॒ह॒स्र॒धा प॑ञ्चद॒शान्यु॒क्था याव॒द्द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी ताव॒दित्तत् ।
स॒ह॒स्र॒धा म॑हि॒मानः॑ स॒हस्रं॒ याव॒द्ब्रह्म॒ विष्ठि॑तं॒ ताव॑ती॒ वाक् ॥ १०.११४.०८
sa̱ha̱sra̱dhā pa̍ñcada̱śānyu̱kthā yāva̱ddyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī tāva̱dittat .
sa̱ha̱sra̱dhā ma̍hi̱māna̍ḥ sa̱hasra̱ṃ yāva̱dbrahma̱ viṣṭhi̍ta̱ṃ tāva̍tī̱ vāk .. 10.114.08
8 The fifteen lauds are in a thousand places that is as vast as heaven and earth in measure.
A thousand spots contain the mighty thousand. Vāk spreadeth forth as far as Prayer extendeth.
Sloka : 10.114.9
कश्छन्द॑सां॒ योग॒मा वे॑द॒ धीरः॒ को धिष्ण्यां॒ प्रति॒ वाचं॑ पपाद ।
कमृ॒त्विजा॑मष्ट॒मं शूर॑माहु॒र्हरी॒ इन्द्र॑स्य॒ नि चि॑काय॒ कः स्वि॑त् ॥ १०.११४.०९
kaśchanda̍sā̱ṃ yoga̱mā ve̍da̱ dhīra̱ḥ ko dhiṣṇyā̱ṃ prati̱ vāca̍ṃ papāda .
kamṛ̱tvijā̍maṣṭa̱maṃ śūra̍māhu̱rharī̱ indra̍sya̱ ni ci̍kāya̱ kaḥ svi̍t .. 10.114.09
9 What sage hath learned the metres' application? Who hath gained Vāk, the spirit's aim and object?
Which ministering priest is called eighth Hero? Who then hath tracked the two Bay Steeds of Indra?
Sloka : 10.114.10
भूम्या॒ अन्तं॒ पर्येके॑ चरन्ति॒ रथ॑स्य धू॒र्षु यु॒क्तासो॑ अस्थुः ।
श्रम॑स्य दा॒यं वि भ॑जन्त्येभ्यो य॒दा य॒मो भव॑ति ह॒र्म्ये हि॒तः ॥ १०.११४.१०
bhūmyā̱ anta̱ṃ paryeke̍ caranti̱ ratha̍sya dhū̱rṣu yu̱ktāso̍ asthuḥ .
śrama̍sya dā̱yaṃ vi bha̍jantyebhyo ya̱dā ya̱mo bhava̍ti ha̱rmye hi̱taḥ .. 10.114.10
10 Yoked to his chariot-pole there stood the Coursers:- they only travel round earth's farthest limits.
These, when their driver in his home is settled, receive the allotted meed of their exertion.
Sloka : 10.115.1
चि॒त्र इच्छिशो॒स्तरु॑णस्य व॒क्षथो॒ न यो मा॒तरा॑व॒प्येति॒ धात॑वे ।
अ॒नू॒धा यदि॒ जीज॑न॒दधा॑ च॒ नु व॒वक्ष॑ स॒द्यो महि॑ दू॒त्यं१॒॑ चर॑न् ॥ १०.११५.०१
ci̱tra icchiśo̱staru̍ṇasya va̱kṣatho̱ na yo mā̱tarā̍va̱pyeti̱ dhāta̍ve .
a̱nū̱dhā yadi̱ jīja̍na̱dadhā̍ ca̱ nu va̱vakṣa̍ sa̱dyo mahi̍ dū̱tyaṃ1̱̍ cara̍n .. 10.115.01
1. VERILY wondrous is the tender Youngling's growth who never draweth nigh to drink his Mothers' milk.
As soon as she who hath no udder bore him, he, faring on his great errand, suddenly grew strong.
Sloka : 10.115.2
अ॒ग्निर्ह॒ नाम॑ धायि॒ दन्न॒पस्त॑मः॒ सं यो वना॑ यु॒वते॒ भस्म॑ना द॒ता ।
अ॒भि॒प्र॒मुरा॑ जु॒ह्वा॑ स्वध्व॒र इ॒नो न प्रोथ॑मानो॒ यव॑से॒ वृषा॑ ॥ १०.११५.०२
a̱gnirha̱ nāma̍ dhāyi̱ danna̱pasta̍ma̱ḥ saṃ yo vanā̍ yu̱vate̱ bhasma̍nā da̱tā .
a̱bhi̱pra̱murā̍ ju̱hvā̍ svadhva̱ra i̱no na protha̍māno̱ yava̍se̱ vṛṣā̍ .. 10.115.02
2 Then Agni was his name, most active to bestow, gathering up the trees with his consuming tooth;
Skilled in fair sacrifice, armed with destroying tongue, impetuous as a bull that snorteth in the mead.
Sloka : 10.115.3
तं वो॒ विं न द्रु॒षदं॑ दे॒वमन्ध॑स॒ इन्दुं॒ प्रोथ॑न्तं प्र॒वप॑न्तमर्ण॒वम् ।
आ॒सा वह्निं॒ न शो॒चिषा॑ विर॒प्शिनं॒ महि॑व्रतं॒ न स॒रज॑न्त॒मध्व॑नः ॥ १०.११५.०३
taṃ vo̱ viṃ na dru̱ṣada̍ṃ de̱vamandha̍sa̱ indu̱ṃ protha̍ntaṃ pra̱vapa̍ntamarṇa̱vam .
ā̱sā vahni̱ṃ na śo̱ciṣā̍ vira̱pśina̱ṃ mahi̍vrata̱ṃ na sa̱raja̍nta̱madhva̍naḥ .. 10.115.03
3 Praise him, yourGod who, bird-like, rests upon a tree, scattering drops of juice and pouring forth his flood,
Speaking aloud with flame as with his lips a priest, and broadening his paths like one of high command.
Sloka : 10.115.4
वि यस्य॑ ते ज्रयसा॒नस्या॑जर॒ धक्षो॒र्न वाताः॒ परि॒ सन्त्यच्यु॑ताः ।
आ र॒ण्वासो॒ युयु॑धयो॒ न स॑त्व॒नं त्रि॒तं न॑शन्त॒ प्र शि॒षन्त॑ इ॒ष्टये॑ ॥ १०.११५.०४
vi yasya̍ te jrayasā̱nasyā̍jara̱ dhakṣo̱rna vātā̱ḥ pari̱ santyacyu̍tāḥ .
ā ra̱ṇvāso̱ yuyu̍dhayo̱ na sa̍tva̱naṃ tri̱taṃ na̍śanta̱ pra śi̱ṣanta̍ i̱ṣṭaye̍ .. 10.115.04
4 Thou Everlasting, whom, far-striding fain to burn, the winds, uninterrupted, never overcome,
They have approached, as warriors eager for the fight, heroic Trita, guiding him to gain his wish.
Sloka : 10.115.5
स इद॒ग्निः कण्व॑तमः॒ कण्व॑सखा॒र्यः पर॒स्यान्त॑रस्य॒ तरु॑षः ।
अ॒ग्निः पा॑तु गृण॒तो अ॒ग्निः सू॒रीन॒ग्निर्द॑दातु॒ तेषा॒मवो॑ नः ॥ १०.११५.०५
sa ida̱gniḥ kaṇva̍tama̱ḥ kaṇva̍sakhā̱ryaḥ para̱syānta̍rasya̱ taru̍ṣaḥ .
a̱gniḥ pā̍tu gṛṇa̱to a̱gniḥ sū̱rīna̱gnirda̍dātu̱ teṣā̱mavo̍ naḥ .. 10.115.05
5 This Agni is the best of Kaṇvas, Kaṇvas' Friend, Conqueror of the foe whether afar or near.
May Agni guard the singers, guard the princes well:- may Agni grant to us our princes' gracious help.
Sloka : 10.115.6
वा॒जिन्त॑माय॒ सह्य॑से सुपित्र्य तृ॒षु च्यवा॑नो॒ अनु॑ जा॒तवे॑दसे ।
अ॒नु॒द्रे चि॒द्यो धृ॑ष॒ता वरं॑ स॒ते म॒हिन्त॑माय॒ धन्व॒नेद॑विष्य॒ते ॥ १०.११५.०६
vā̱jinta̍māya̱ sahya̍se supitrya tṛ̱ṣu cyavā̍no̱ anu̍ jā̱tave̍dase .
a̱nu̱dre ci̱dyo dhṛ̍ṣa̱tā vara̍ṃ sa̱te ma̱hinta̍māya̱ dhanva̱neda̍viṣya̱te .. 10.115.06
6 Do thou, Supitrya, swiftly following, make thyself the lord of Jātavedas, mightiest of all,
Who surely gives a boon even in thirsty land most powerful, prepared to aid us in the wilds.
Sloka : 10.115.7
ए॒वाग्निर्मर्तैः॑ स॒ह सू॒रिभि॒र्वसुः॑ ष्टवे॒ सह॑सः सू॒नरो॒ नृभिः॑ ।
मि॒त्रासो॒ न ये सुधि॑ता ऋता॒यवो॒ द्यावो॒ न द्यु॒म्नैर॒भि सन्ति॒ मानु॑षान् ॥ १०.११५.०७
e̱vāgnirmartai̍ḥ sa̱ha sū̱ribhi̱rvasu̍ḥ ṣṭave̱ saha̍saḥ sū̱naro̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .
mi̱trāso̱ na ye sudhi̍tā ṛtā̱yavo̱ dyāvo̱ na dyu̱mnaira̱bhi santi̱ mānu̍ṣān .. 10.115.07
7 Thus noble Agni with princes and mortal men is lauded, excellent for conquering strength with chiefs,
Men who are well-disposed as friends and true to Law, even as the heavens in majesty surpass mankind.
Sloka : 10.115.8
ऊर्जो॑ नपात्सहसाव॒न्निति॑ त्वोपस्तु॒तस्य॑ वन्दते॒ वृषा॒ वाक् ।
त्वां स्तो॑षाम॒ त्वया॑ सु॒वीरा॒ द्राघी॑य॒ आयुः॑ प्रत॒रं दधा॑नाः ॥ १०.११५.०८
ūrjo̍ napātsahasāva̱nniti̍ tvopastu̱tasya̍ vandate̱ vṛṣā̱ vāk .
tvāṃ sto̍ṣāma̱ tvayā̍ su̱vīrā̱ drāghī̍ya̱ āyu̍ḥ prata̱raṃ dadhā̍nāḥ .. 10.115.08
8 O Son of Strength, Victorious, with this title Upastuta's most potent voice reveres thee.
Blest with brave sons by thee we will extol thee, and lengthen out the days of our existence.
Sloka : 10.115.9
इति॑ त्वाग्ने वृष्टि॒हव्य॑स्य पु॒त्रा उ॑पस्तु॒तास॒ ऋष॑योऽवोचन् ।
ताँश्च॑ पा॒हि गृ॑ण॒तश्च॑ सू॒रीन्वष॒ड्वष॒ळित्यू॒र्ध्वासो॑ अनक्ष॒न्नमो॒ नम॒ इत्यू॒र्ध्वासो॑ अनक्षन् ॥ १०.११५.०९
iti̍ tvāgne vṛṣṭi̱havya̍sya pu̱trā u̍pastu̱tāsa̱ ṛṣa̍yo'vocan .
tām̐śca̍ pā̱hi gṛ̍ṇa̱taśca̍ sū̱rīnvaṣa̱ḍvaṣa̱l̤ityū̱rdhvāso̍ anakṣa̱nnamo̱ nama̱ ityū̱rdhvāso̍ anakṣan .. 10.115.09
9 Thus, Agni, have the sons of Vrstihavya, the Ṛṣis, the Upastutas invoked thee.
Protect them, guard the singers and the princes. With Vaṣaṭ! have they come, with hands uplifted, with their uplifted hands and cries of Glory!
Sloka : 10.116.1
पिबा॒ सोमं॑ मह॒त इ॑न्द्रि॒याय॒ पिबा॑ वृ॒त्राय॒ हन्त॑वे शविष्ठ ।
पिब॑ रा॒ये शव॑से हू॒यमा॑नः॒ पिब॒ मध्व॑स्तृ॒पदि॒न्द्रा वृ॑षस्व ॥ १०.११६.०१
pibā̱ soma̍ṃ maha̱ta i̍ndri̱yāya̱ pibā̍ vṛ̱trāya̱ hanta̍ve śaviṣṭha .
piba̍ rā̱ye śava̍se hū̱yamā̍na̱ḥ piba̱ madhva̍stṛ̱padi̱ndrā vṛ̍ṣasva .. 10.116.01
1. DRINK Soma juice for mighty power and vigour, drink, Strongest One, that thou mayst smite down Vṛtra.
Drink thou, invoked, for strength, and riches:- drink thou thy fill of meath and pour it down, O Indra.
Sloka : 10.116.2
अ॒स्य पि॑ब क्षु॒मतः॒ प्रस्थि॑त॒स्येन्द्र॒ सोम॑स्य॒ वर॒मा सु॒तस्य॑ ।
स्व॒स्ति॒दा मन॑सा मादयस्वार्वाची॒नो रे॒वते॒ सौभ॑गाय ॥ १०.११६.०२
a̱sya pi̍ba kṣu̱mata̱ḥ prasthi̍ta̱syendra̱ soma̍sya̱ vara̱mā su̱tasya̍ .
sva̱sti̱dā mana̍sā mādayasvārvācī̱no re̱vate̱ saubha̍gāya .. 10.116.02
2 Drink of the foodful juice stirred into motion, drink what thou choosest of the flowing Soma.
Giver of weal, be joyful in thy spirit, and turn thee hitherward to bless and prosper.
Sloka : 10.116.3
म॒मत्तु॑ त्वा दि॒व्यः सोम॑ इन्द्र म॒मत्तु॒ यः सू॒यते॒ पार्थि॑वेषु ।
म॒मत्तु॒ येन॒ वरि॑वश्च॒कर्थ॑ म॒मत्तु॒ येन॑ निरि॒णासि॒ शत्रू॑न् ॥ १०.११६.०३
ma̱mattu̍ tvā di̱vyaḥ soma̍ indra ma̱mattu̱ yaḥ sū̱yate̱ pārthi̍veṣu .
ma̱mattu̱ yena̱ vari̍vaśca̱kartha̍ ma̱mattu̱ yena̍ niri̱ṇāsi̱ śatrū̍n .. 10.116.03
3 Let heavenly Soma gladden thee, O Indra, let that effused among mankind delight thee.
Rejoice in that whereby thou gavest freedom, and that whereby thou conquerest thy foemen.
Sloka : 10.116.4
आ द्वि॒बर्हा॑ अमि॒नो या॒त्विन्द्रो॒ वृषा॒ हरि॑भ्यां॒ परि॑षिक्त॒मन्धः॑ ।
गव्या सु॒तस्य॒ प्रभृ॑तस्य॒ मध्वः॑ स॒त्रा खेदा॑मरुश॒हा वृ॑षस्व ॥ १०.११६.०४
ā dvi̱barhā̍ ami̱no yā̱tvindro̱ vṛṣā̱ hari̍bhyā̱ṃ pari̍ṣikta̱mandha̍ḥ .
gavyā su̱tasya̱ prabhṛ̍tasya̱ madhva̍ḥ sa̱trā khedā̍maruśa̱hā vṛ̍ṣasva .. 10.116.04
4 Let Indra come, impetuous, doubly mighty, to the poured juice, the Bull, with two Bay Coursers.
With juices pressed in milk, with meath presented, glut evermore thy bolt, O Foe-destroyer.
Sloka : 10.116.5
नि ति॒ग्मानि॑ भ्रा॒शय॒न्भ्राश्या॒न्यव॑ स्थि॒रा त॑नुहि यातु॒जूना॑म् ।
उ॒ग्राय॑ ते॒ सहो॒ बलं॑ ददामि प्र॒तीत्या॒ शत्रू॑न्विग॒देषु॑ वृश्च ॥ १०.११६.०५
ni ti̱gmāni̍ bhrā̱śaya̱nbhrāśyā̱nyava̍ sthi̱rā ta̍nuhi yātu̱jūnā̍m .
u̱grāya̍ te̱ saho̱ bala̍ṃ dadāmi pra̱tītyā̱ śatrū̍nviga̱deṣu̍ vṛśca .. 10.116.05
5 Dash down, outffaming their sharp flaming weapons, the strong-holds of the men urged on by demons.
I give thee, Mighty One, great strength and conquest:- go, meet thy foes and rend them in the battle.
Sloka : 10.116.6
व्य१॒॑र्य इ॑न्द्र तनुहि॒ श्रवां॒स्योजः॑ स्थि॒रेव॒ धन्व॑नो॒ऽभिमा॑तीः ।
अ॒स्म॒द्र्य॑ग्वावृधा॒नः सहो॑भि॒रनि॑भृष्टस्त॒न्वं॑ वावृधस्व ॥ १०.११६.०६
vya1̱̍rya i̍ndra tanuhi̱ śravā̱ṃsyoja̍ḥ sthi̱reva̱ dhanva̍no̱'bhimā̍tīḥ .
a̱sma̱drya̍gvāvṛdhā̱naḥ saho̍bhi̱rani̍bhṛṣṭasta̱nva̍ṃ vāvṛdhasva .. 10.116.06
6 Extend afar the votary's fame and glory, as the firm archer's strength drives off the foeman.
Ranged on our side, grown strong in might that conquers, never defeated, still increase thy body.
Sloka : 10.116.7
इ॒दं ह॒विर्म॑घव॒न्तुभ्यं॑ रा॒तं प्रति॑ सम्रा॒ळहृ॑णानो गृभाय ।
तुभ्यं॑ सु॒तो म॑घव॒न्तुभ्यं॑ प॒क्वो॒३॒॑ऽद्धी॑न्द्र॒ पिब॑ च॒ प्रस्थि॑तस्य ॥ १०.११६.०७
i̱daṃ ha̱virma̍ghava̱ntubhya̍ṃ rā̱taṃ prati̍ samrā̱l̤ahṛ̍ṇāno gṛbhāya .
tubhya̍ṃ su̱to ma̍ghava̱ntubhya̍ṃ pa̱kvo̱3̱̎ddhī̍ndra̱ piba̍ ca̱ prasthi̍tasya .. 10.116.07
7 To thee have we presented this oblation:- accept it, Sovran Ruler, free from anger.
Juice, Maghavan, for thee is pressed and ripened:- eat, Indra, drink of that which stirs to meet thee.
Sloka : 10.116.8
अ॒द्धीदि॑न्द्र॒ प्रस्थि॑ते॒मा ह॒वींषि॒ चनो॑ दधिष्व पच॒तोत सोम॑म् ।
प्रय॑स्वन्तः॒ प्रति॑ हर्यामसि त्वा स॒त्याः स॑न्तु॒ यज॑मानस्य॒ कामाः॑ ॥ १०.११६.०८
a̱ddhīdi̍ndra̱ prasthi̍te̱mā ha̱vīṃṣi̱ cano̍ dadhiṣva paca̱tota soma̍m .
praya̍svanta̱ḥ prati̍ haryāmasi tvā sa̱tyāḥ sa̍ntu̱ yaja̍mānasya̱ kāmā̍ḥ .. 10.116.08
8 Eat, Indra, these oblations which approach thee:- be pleased with food made ready and with Soma.
With entertainment we receive thee friendly:- effectual be the sacrificer's wishes.
Sloka : 10.116.9
प्रेन्द्रा॒ग्निभ्यां॑ सुवच॒स्यामि॑यर्मि॒ सिन्धा॑विव॒ प्रेर॑यं॒ नाव॑म॒र्कैः ।
अया॑ इव॒ परि॑ चरन्ति दे॒वा ये अ॒स्मभ्यं॑ धन॒दा उ॒द्भिद॑श्च ॥ १०.११६.०९
prendrā̱gnibhyā̍ṃ suvaca̱syāmi̍yarmi̱ sindhā̍viva̱ prera̍ya̱ṃ nāva̍ma̱rkaiḥ .
ayā̍ iva̱ pari̍ caranti de̱vā ye a̱smabhya̍ṃ dhana̱dā u̱dbhida̍śca .. 10.116.09
9 I send sweet speech to Indra and to Agni:- with hymns I speed it like a boat through waters.
Even thus, the Gods seem moving round about me, the fountains and bestowers of our riches.
Sloka : 10.117.1
न वा उ॑ दे॒वाः क्षुध॒मिद्व॒धं द॑दुरु॒ताशि॑त॒मुप॑ गच्छन्ति मृ॒त्यवः॑ ।
उ॒तो र॒यिः पृ॑ण॒तो नोप॑ दस्यत्यु॒तापृ॑णन्मर्डि॒तारं॒ न वि॑न्दते ॥ १०.११७.०१
na vā u̍ de̱vāḥ kṣudha̱midva̱dhaṃ da̍duru̱tāśi̍ta̱mupa̍ gacchanti mṛ̱tyava̍ḥ .
u̱to ra̱yiḥ pṛ̍ṇa̱to nopa̍ dasyatyu̱tāpṛ̍ṇanmarḍi̱tāra̱ṃ na vi̍ndate .. 10.117.01
1. THE Gods have not ordained hunger to be our death:- even to the well-fed man comes death in varied shape.
The riches of the liberal never waste away, while he who will not give finds none to comfort him.
Sloka : 10.117.2
य आ॒ध्राय॑ चकमा॒नाय॑ पि॒त्वोऽन्न॑वा॒न्सन्र॑फि॒तायो॑पज॒ग्मुषे॑ ।
स्थि॒रं मनः॑ कृणु॒ते सेव॑ते पु॒रोतो चि॒त्स म॑र्डि॒तारं॒ न वि॑न्दते ॥ १०.११७.०२
ya ā̱dhrāya̍ cakamā̱nāya̍ pi̱tvo'nna̍vā̱nsanra̍phi̱tāyo̍paja̱gmuṣe̍ .
sthi̱raṃ mana̍ḥ kṛṇu̱te seva̍te pu̱roto ci̱tsa ma̍rḍi̱tāra̱ṃ na vi̍ndate .. 10.117.02
2 The man with food in store who, when the needy comes in miserable case begging for bread to eat,
Hardens his heart against him-even when of old he did him service-finds not one to comfort him.
Sloka : 10.117.3
स इद्भो॒जो यो गृ॒हवे॒ ददा॒त्यन्न॑कामाय॒ चर॑ते कृ॒शाय॑ ।
अर॑मस्मै भवति॒ याम॑हूता उ॒ताप॒रीषु॑ कृणुते॒ सखा॑यम् ॥ १०.११७.०३
sa idbho̱jo yo gṛ̱have̱ dadā̱tyanna̍kāmāya̱ cara̍te kṛ̱śāya̍ .
ara̍masmai bhavati̱ yāma̍hūtā u̱tāpa̱rīṣu̍ kṛṇute̱ sakhā̍yam .. 10.117.03
3 Bounteous is he who gives unto the beggar who comes to him in want of food and feeble.
Success attends him in the shout of battle. He makes a friend of him in future troubles.
Sloka : 10.117.4
न स सखा॒ यो न ददा॑ति॒ सख्ये॑ सचा॒भुवे॒ सच॑मानाय पि॒त्वः ।
अपा॑स्मा॒त्प्रेया॒न्न तदोको॑ अस्ति पृ॒णन्त॑म॒न्यमर॑णं चिदिच्छेत् ॥ १०.११७.०४
na sa sakhā̱ yo na dadā̍ti̱ sakhye̍ sacā̱bhuve̱ saca̍mānāya pi̱tvaḥ .
apā̍smā̱tpreyā̱nna tadoko̍ asti pṛ̱ṇanta̍ma̱nyamara̍ṇaṃ cidicchet .. 10.117.04
4 No friend is he who to his friend and comrade who comes imploring food, will offer nothing.
Let him depart-no home is that to rest in-, and rather seek a stranger to support him.
Sloka : 10.117.5
पृ॒णी॒यादिन्नाध॑मानाय॒ तव्या॒न्द्राघी॑यांस॒मनु॑ पश्येत॒ पन्था॑म् ।
ओ हि वर्त॑न्ते॒ रथ्ये॑व च॒क्रान्यम॑न्य॒मुप॑ तिष्ठन्त॒ रायः॑ ॥ १०.११७.०५
pṛ̱ṇī̱yādinnādha̍mānāya̱ tavyā̱ndrāghī̍yāṃsa̱manu̍ paśyeta̱ panthā̍m .
o hi varta̍nte̱ rathye̍va ca̱krānyama̍nya̱mupa̍ tiṣṭhanta̱ rāya̍ḥ .. 10.117.05
5 Let the rich satisfy the poor implorer, and bend his eye upon a longer pathway.
Riches come now to one, now to another, and like the wheels of cars are ever rolling.
Sloka : 10.117.6
मोघ॒मन्नं॑ विन्दते॒ अप्र॑चेताः स॒त्यं ब्र॑वीमि व॒ध इत्स तस्य॑ ।
नार्य॒मणं॒ पुष्य॑ति॒ नो सखा॑यं॒ केव॑लाघो भवति केवला॒दी ॥ १०.११७.०६
mogha̱manna̍ṃ vindate̱ apra̍cetāḥ sa̱tyaṃ bra̍vīmi va̱dha itsa tasya̍ .
nārya̱maṇa̱ṃ puṣya̍ti̱ no sakhā̍ya̱ṃ keva̍lāgho bhavati kevalā̱dī .. 10.117.06
6 The foolish man wins food with fruitless labour:- that food -I speak the truth- shall be his ruin.
He feeds no trusty friend, no man to love him. All guilt is he who eats with no partaker.
Sloka : 10.117.7
कृ॒षन्नित्फाल॒ आशि॑तं कृणोति॒ यन्नध्वा॑न॒मप॑ वृङ्क्ते च॒रित्रैः॑ ।
वद॑न्ब्र॒ह्माव॑दतो॒ वनी॑यान्पृ॒णन्ना॒पिरपृ॑णन्तम॒भि ष्या॑त् ॥ १०.११७.०७
kṛ̱ṣannitphāla̱ āśi̍taṃ kṛṇoti̱ yannadhvā̍na̱mapa̍ vṛṅkte ca̱ritrai̍ḥ .
vada̍nbra̱hmāva̍dato̱ vanī̍yānpṛ̱ṇannā̱pirapṛ̍ṇantama̱bhi ṣyā̍t .. 10.117.07
7 The ploughshare ploughing makes the food that feeds us, and with its feet cuts through the path it follows.
Better the speaking than the silent Brahman:- the liberal friend outyalues him who gives not.
Sloka : 10.117.8
एक॑पा॒द्भूयो॑ द्वि॒पदो॒ वि च॑क्रमे द्वि॒पात्त्रि॒पाद॑म॒भ्ये॑ति प॒श्चात् ।
चतु॑ष्पादेति द्वि॒पदा॑मभिस्व॒रे स॒म्पश्य॑न्प॒ङ्क्तीरु॑प॒तिष्ठ॑मानः ॥ १०.११७.०८
eka̍pā̱dbhūyo̍ dvi̱pado̱ vi ca̍krame dvi̱pāttri̱pāda̍ma̱bhye̍ti pa̱ścāt .
catu̍ṣpādeti dvi̱padā̍mabhisva̱re sa̱mpaśya̍npa̱ṅktīru̍pa̱tiṣṭha̍mānaḥ .. 10.117.08
8 He with one foot hath far outrun the biped, and the two-footed catches the three-footed.
Four-footed creatures come when bipeds call them, and stand and look where five are met together.
Sloka : 10.117.9
स॒मौ चि॒द्धस्तौ॒ न स॒मं वि॑विष्टः सम्मा॒तरा॑ चि॒न्न स॒मं दु॑हाते ।
य॒मयो॑श्चि॒न्न स॒मा वी॒र्या॑णि ज्ञा॒ती चि॒त्सन्तौ॒ न स॒मं पृ॑णीतः ॥ १०.११७.०९
sa̱mau ci̱ddhastau̱ na sa̱maṃ vi̍viṣṭaḥ sammā̱tarā̍ ci̱nna sa̱maṃ du̍hāte .
ya̱mayo̍ści̱nna sa̱mā vī̱ryā̍ṇi jñā̱tī ci̱tsantau̱ na sa̱maṃ pṛ̍ṇītaḥ .. 10.117.09
9 The hands are both alike:- their labour differs. The yield of sister milch-kine is unequal.
Twins even diffier in their strength and vigour:- two, even kinsmen, differ in their bounty.
Sloka : 10.118.1
अग्ने॒ हंसि॒ न्य१॒॑त्रिणं॒ दीद्य॒न्मर्त्ये॒ष्वा ।
स्वे क्षये॑ शुचिव्रत ॥ १०.११८.०१
agne̱ haṃsi̱ nya1̱̍triṇa̱ṃ dīdya̱nmartye̱ṣvā .
sve kṣaye̍ śucivrata .. 10.118.01
1. AGNI, refulgent among men thou slayest the devouring fiend,
Bright Ruler in thine own abode.
Sloka : 10.118.2
उत्ति॑ष्ठसि॒ स्वा॑हुतो घृ॒तानि॒ प्रति॑ मोदसे ।
यत्त्वा॒ स्रुचः॑ स॒मस्थि॑रन् ॥ १०.११८.०२
utti̍ṣṭhasi̱ svā̍huto ghṛ̱tāni̱ prati̍ modase .
yattvā̱ sruca̍ḥ sa̱masthi̍ran .. 10.118.02
2 Thou springest up when worshipped well the drops of butter are thy joy
When ladies are brought near to thee.
Sloka : 10.118.3
स आहु॑तो॒ वि रो॑चते॒ऽग्निरी॒ळेन्यो॑ गि॒रा ।
स्रु॒चा प्रती॑कमज्यते ॥ १०.११८.०३
sa āhu̍to̱ vi ro̍cate̱'gnirī̱l̤enyo̍ gi̱rā .
sru̱cā pratī̍kamajyate .. 10.118.03
3 Honoured with gifts he shines afar, Agni adorable with song:-
The dripping ladle balms his face.
Sloka : 10.118.4
घृ॒तेना॒ग्निः सम॑ज्यते॒ मधु॑प्रतीक॒ आहु॑तः ।
रोच॑मानो वि॒भाव॑सुः ॥ १०.११८.०४
ghṛ̱tenā̱gniḥ sama̍jyate̱ madhu̍pratīka̱ āhu̍taḥ .
roca̍māno vi̱bhāva̍suḥ .. 10.118.04
4 Agni with honey in his mouth, honoured with gifts, is balmed with oil,
Refulgent in his wealth of light.
Sloka : 10.118.5
जर॑माणः॒ समि॑ध्यसे दे॒वेभ्यो॑ हव्यवाहन ।
तं त्वा॑ हवन्त॒ मर्त्याः॑ ॥ १०.११८.०५
jara̍māṇa̱ḥ sami̍dhyase de̱vebhyo̍ havyavāhana .
taṃ tvā̍ havanta̱ martyā̍ḥ .. 10.118.05
5 Praised by our hymns thou kindlest thee, Oblation-bearer, for the Gods
As such do mortals call on thee.
Sloka : 10.118.6
तं म॑र्ता॒ अम॑र्त्यं घृ॒तेना॒ग्निं स॑पर्यत ।
अदा॑भ्यं गृ॒हप॑तिम् ॥ १०.११८.०६
taṃ ma̍rtā̱ ama̍rtyaṃ ghṛ̱tenā̱gniṃ sa̍paryata .
adā̍bhyaṃ gṛ̱hapa̍tim .. 10.118.06
6 To that Immortal Agni pay worship with oil, ye mortal men,
Lord of the house, whom none deceives.
Sloka : 10.118.7
अदा॑भ्येन शो॒चिषाग्ने॒ रक्ष॒स्त्वं द॑ह ।
गो॒पा ऋ॒तस्य॑ दीदिहि ॥ १०.११८.०७
adā̍bhyena śo̱ciṣāgne̱ rakṣa̱stvaṃ da̍ha .
go̱pā ṛ̱tasya̍ dīdihi .. 10.118.07
7 O Agni, burn the Rākṣasas with thine unconquerable flame
Shine guardian of Eternal Law.
Sloka : 10.118.8
स त्वम॑ग्ने॒ प्रती॑केन॒ प्रत्यो॑ष यातुधा॒न्यः॑ ।
उ॒रु॒क्षये॑षु॒ दीद्य॑त् ॥ १०.११८.०८
sa tvama̍gne̱ pratī̍kena̱ pratyo̍ṣa yātudhā̱nya̍ḥ .
u̱ru̱kṣaye̍ṣu̱ dīdya̍t .. 10.118.08
8 So, Agni, with thy glowing face burn fierce against the female fiends,
Shining among Uruksayas.
Sloka : 10.118.9
तं त्वा॑ गी॒र्भिरु॑रु॒क्षया॑ हव्य॒वाहं॒ समी॑धिरे ।
यजि॑ष्ठं॒ मानु॑षे॒ जने॑ ॥ १०.११८.०९
taṃ tvā̍ gī̱rbhiru̍ru̱kṣayā̍ havya̱vāha̱ṃ samī̍dhire .
yaji̍ṣṭha̱ṃ mānu̍ṣe̱ jane̍ .. 10.118.09
9 Uruksayas have kindled thee, Oblation-bearer, thee, with hymns.
Best Worshipper among mankind.
Sloka : 10.119.1
इति॒ वा इति॑ मे॒ मनो॒ गामश्वं॑ सनुया॒मिति॑ ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०१
iti̱ vā iti̍ me̱ mano̱ gāmaśva̍ṃ sanuyā̱miti̍ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.01
1. THIS, even this was my resolve, to win a cow, to win a steed:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.2
प्र वाता॑ इव॒ दोध॑त॒ उन्मा॑ पी॒ता अ॑यंसत ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०२
pra vātā̍ iva̱ dodha̍ta̱ unmā̍ pī̱tā a̍yaṃsata .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.02
2 Like violent gusts of wind the draughts that I have drunk have lifted me
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.3
उन्मा॑ पी॒ता अ॑यंसत॒ रथ॒मश्वा॑ इवा॒शवः॑ ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०३
unmā̍ pī̱tā a̍yaṃsata̱ ratha̱maśvā̍ ivā̱śava̍ḥ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.03
3 The draughts I drank have borne me up, as fleet-foot horses draw a car:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.4
उप॑ मा म॒तिर॑स्थित वा॒श्रा पु॒त्रमि॑व प्रि॒यम् ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०४
upa̍ mā ma̱tira̍sthita vā̱śrā pu̱trami̍va pri̱yam .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.04
4 The hymn hath reached me, like a cow who lows to meet her darling calf:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.5
अ॒हं तष्टे॑व व॒न्धुरं॒ पर्य॑चामि हृ॒दा म॒तिम् ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०५
a̱haṃ taṣṭe̍va va̱ndhura̱ṃ parya̍cāmi hṛ̱dā ma̱tim .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.05
5 As a wright bends a chariot-seat so round my heart I bend the hymn:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.6
न॒हि मे॑ अक्षि॒पच्च॒नाच्छा॑न्त्सुः॒ पञ्च॑ कृ॒ष्टयः॑ ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०६
na̱hi me̍ akṣi̱pacca̱nācchā̍ntsu̱ḥ pañca̍ kṛ̱ṣṭaya̍ḥ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.06
6 Not as a mote within the eye count the Five Tribes of men with me:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.7
न॒हि मे॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे अ॒न्यं प॒क्षं च॒न प्रति॑ ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०७
na̱hi me̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe a̱nyaṃ pa̱kṣaṃ ca̱na prati̍ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.07
7 The heavens and earth themselves have not grown equal to one half of me
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.8
अ॒भि द्यां म॑हि॒ना भु॑वम॒भी॒३॒॑मां पृ॑थि॒वीं म॒हीम् ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०८
a̱bhi dyāṃ ma̍hi̱nā bhu̍vama̱bhī̱3̱̍māṃ pṛ̍thi̱vīṃ ma̱hīm .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.08
8 I in my grandeur have surpassed the heavens and all this spacious earth
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.9
हन्ता॒हं पृ॑थि॒वीमि॒मां नि द॑धानी॒ह वे॒ह वा॑ ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.०९
hantā̱haṃ pṛ̍thi̱vīmi̱māṃ ni da̍dhānī̱ha ve̱ha vā̍ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.09
9 Aha! this spacious earth will I deposit either here or there
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.10
ओ॒षमित्पृ॑थि॒वीम॒हं ज॒ङ्घना॑नी॒ह वे॒ह वा॑ ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.१०
o̱ṣamitpṛ̍thi̱vīma̱haṃ ja̱ṅghanā̍nī̱ha ve̱ha vā̍ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.10
10 In one short moment will I smite the earth in fury here or there:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.11
दि॒वि मे॑ अ॒न्यः प॒क्षो॒३॒॑ऽधो अ॒न्यम॑चीकृषम् ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.११
di̱vi me̍ a̱nyaḥ pa̱kṣo̱3̱̎dho a̱nyama̍cīkṛṣam .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.11
11 One of my flanks is in the sky; I let the other trail below:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.12
अ॒हम॑स्मि महाम॒हो॑ऽभिन॒भ्यमुदी॑षितः ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.१२
a̱hama̍smi mahāma̱ho̎bhina̱bhyamudī̍ṣitaḥ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.12
12 1, greatest of the Mighty Ones, am lifted to the firmament:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.119.13
गृ॒हो या॒म्यरं॑कृतो दे॒वेभ्यो॑ हव्य॒वाह॑नः ।
कु॒वित्सोम॒स्यापा॒मिति॑ ॥ १०.११९.१३
gṛ̱ho yā̱myara̍ṃkṛto de̱vebhyo̍ havya̱vāha̍naḥ .
ku̱vitsoma̱syāpā̱miti̍ .. 10.119.13
13 I seek the worshipper's abode; oblation-bearer to the Gods:-
Have I not drunk of Soma juice?
Sloka : 10.120.1
तदिदा॑स॒ भुव॑नेषु॒ ज्येष्ठं॒ यतो॑ ज॒ज्ञ उ॒ग्रस्त्वे॒षनृ॑म्णः ।
स॒द्यो ज॑ज्ञा॒नो नि रि॑णाति॒ शत्रू॒ननु॒ यं विश्वे॒ मद॒न्त्यूमाः॑ ॥ १०.१२०.०१
tadidā̍sa̱ bhuva̍neṣu̱ jyeṣṭha̱ṃ yato̍ ja̱jña u̱grastve̱ṣanṛ̍mṇaḥ .
sa̱dyo ja̍jñā̱no ni ri̍ṇāti̱ śatrū̱nanu̱ yaṃ viśve̱ mada̱ntyūmā̍ḥ .. 10.120.01
1. IN all the worlds That was the Best and Highest whence sprang the Mighty Gods, of splendid valour.
As soon as born he overcomes his foemen, be in whom all who lend him aid are joyful.
Sloka : 10.120.2
वा॒वृ॒धा॒नः शव॑सा॒ भूर्यो॑जाः॒ शत्रु॑र्दा॒साय॑ भि॒यसं॑ दधाति ।
अव्य॑नच्च व्य॒नच्च॒ सस्नि॒ सं ते॑ नवन्त॒ प्रभृ॑ता॒ मदे॑षु ॥ १०.१२०.०२
vā̱vṛ̱dhā̱naḥ śava̍sā̱ bhūryo̍jā̱ḥ śatru̍rdā̱sāya̍ bhi̱yasa̍ṃ dadhāti .
avya̍nacca vya̱nacca̱ sasni̱ saṃ te̍ navanta̱ prabhṛ̍tā̱ made̍ṣu .. 10.120.02
2 Grown mighty in his strength, with ample vigour, he as a foe strikes fear into the Dāsa,
Eager to win the breathing and the breathless. All sang thy praise at banquet and oblation.
Sloka : 10.120.3
त्वे क्रतु॒मपि॑ वृञ्जन्ति॒ विश्वे॒ द्विर्यदे॒ते त्रिर्भव॒न्त्यूमाः॑ ।
स्वा॒दोः स्वादी॑यः स्वा॒दुना॑ सृजा॒ सम॒दः सु मधु॒ मधु॑ना॒भि यो॑धीः ॥ १०.१२०.०३
tve kratu̱mapi̍ vṛñjanti̱ viśve̱ dviryade̱te trirbhava̱ntyūmā̍ḥ .
svā̱doḥ svādī̍yaḥ svā̱dunā̍ sṛjā̱ sama̱daḥ su madhu̱ madhu̍nā̱bhi yo̍dhīḥ .. 10.120.03
3 All concentrate on thee their mental vigour, what time these, twice or thrice, are thine assistants.
Blend what is sweeter than the sweet with sweetness:- win. quickly with our meath that meath in battle.
Sloka : 10.120.4
इति॑ चि॒द्धि त्वा॒ धना॒ जय॑न्तं॒ मदे॑मदे अनु॒मद॑न्ति॒ विप्राः॑ ।
ओजी॑यो धृष्णो स्थि॒रमा त॑नुष्व॒ मा त्वा॑ दभन्यातु॒धाना॑ दु॒रेवाः॑ ॥ १०.१२०.०४
iti̍ ci̱ddhi tvā̱ dhanā̱ jaya̍nta̱ṃ made̍made anu̱mada̍nti̱ viprā̍ḥ .
ojī̍yo dhṛṣṇo sthi̱ramā ta̍nuṣva̱ mā tvā̍ dabhanyātu̱dhānā̍ du̱revā̍ḥ .. 10.120.04
4 Therefore in thee too, thou who winnest riches, at every banquet are the sages joyful.
With mightier power, Bold God, extend thy firmness:- let not malignant Yātudhānas harm thee.
Sloka : 10.120.5
त्वया॑ व॒यं शा॑शद्महे॒ रणे॑षु प्र॒पश्य॑न्तो यु॒धेन्या॑नि॒ भूरि॑ ।
चो॒दया॑मि त॒ आयु॑धा॒ वचो॑भिः॒ सं ते॑ शिशामि॒ ब्रह्म॑णा॒ वयां॑सि ॥ १०.१२०.०५
tvayā̍ va̱yaṃ śā̍śadmahe̱ raṇe̍ṣu pra̱paśya̍nto yu̱dhenyā̍ni̱ bhūri̍ .
co̱dayā̍mi ta̱ āyu̍dhā̱ vaco̍bhi̱ḥ saṃ te̍ śiśāmi̱ brahma̍ṇā̱ vayā̍ṃsi .. 10.120.05
5 Proudly we put our trust in thee in battles, when we behold great wealth the prize of combat.
I with my words impel thy weapons onward, and sharpen with my prayer thy vital vigour.
Sloka : 10.120.6
स्तु॒षेय्यं॑ पुरु॒वर्प॑स॒मृभ्व॑मि॒नत॑ममा॒प्त्यमा॒प्त्याना॑म् ।
आ द॑र्षते॒ शव॑सा स॒प्त दानू॒न्प्र सा॑क्षते प्रति॒माना॑नि॒ भूरि॑ ॥ १०.१२०.०६
stu̱ṣeyya̍ṃ puru̱varpa̍sa̱mṛbhva̍mi̱nata̍mamā̱ptyamā̱ptyānā̍m .
ā da̍rṣate̱ śava̍sā sa̱pta dānū̱npra sā̍kṣate prati̱mānā̍ni̱ bhūri̍ .. 10.120.06
6 Worthy of praises, many-shaped, most skilful, most energetic, Āptya of the Aptyas:-
He with his might destroys the seven Danus, subduing many who were deemed his equals.
Sloka : 10.120.7
नि तद्द॑धि॒षेऽव॑रं॒ परं॑ च॒ यस्मि॒न्नावि॒थाव॑सा दुरो॒णे ।
आ मा॒तरा॑ स्थापयसे जिग॒त्नू अत॑ इनोषि॒ कर्व॑रा पु॒रूणि॑ ॥ १०.१२०.०७
ni tadda̍dhi̱ṣe'va̍ra̱ṃ para̍ṃ ca̱ yasmi̱nnāvi̱thāva̍sā duro̱ṇe .
ā mā̱tarā̍ sthāpayase jiga̱tnū ata̍ inoṣi̱ karva̍rā pu̱rūṇi̍ .. 10.120.07
7 Thou in that house which thy protection guardeth bestowest wealth, the higher and the lower.
Thou stablishest the two much-wandering Mothers, and bringest many deeds to their completion.
Sloka : 10.120.8
इ॒मा ब्रह्म॑ बृ॒हद्दि॑वो विव॒क्तीन्द्रा॑य शू॒षम॑ग्रि॒यः स्व॒र्षाः ।
म॒हो गो॒त्रस्य॑ क्षयति स्व॒राजो॒ दुर॑श्च॒ विश्वा॑ अवृणो॒दप॒ स्वाः ॥ १०.१२०.०८
i̱mā brahma̍ bṛ̱haddi̍vo viva̱ktīndrā̍ya śū̱ṣama̍gri̱yaḥ sva̱rṣāḥ .
ma̱ho go̱trasya̍ kṣayati sva̱rājo̱ dura̍śca̱ viśvā̍ avṛṇo̱dapa̱ svāḥ .. 10.120.08
8 Brhaddiva, the foremost of light-winners, repeats these holy prayers, this strength of Indra.
He rules the great self-luminous fold of cattle, and all the doors of light hath he thrown open.
Sloka : 10.120.9
ए॒वा म॒हान्बृ॒हद्दि॑वो॒ अथ॒र्वावो॑च॒त्स्वां त॒न्व१॒॑मिन्द्र॑मे॒व ।
स्वसा॑रो मात॒रिभ्व॑रीररि॒प्रा हि॒न्वन्ति॑ च॒ शव॑सा व॒र्धय॑न्ति च ॥ १०.१२०.०९
e̱vā ma̱hānbṛ̱haddi̍vo̱ atha̱rvāvo̍ca̱tsvāṃ ta̱nva1̱̍mindra̍me̱va .
svasā̍ro māta̱ribhva̍rīrari̱prā hi̱nvanti̍ ca̱ śava̍sā va̱rdhaya̍nti ca .. 10.120.09
9 Thus hath Brhaddiva, the great Atharvan, spoken to Indra as himself in person.
The spotless Sisters, they who are his Mothers, with power exalt him and impel him onward.
Sloka : 10.121.1
हि॒र॒ण्य॒ग॒र्भः सम॑वर्त॒ताग्रे॑ भू॒तस्य॑ जा॒तः पति॒रेक॑ आसीत् ।
स दा॑धार पृथि॒वीं द्यामु॒तेमां कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०१
hi̱ra̱ṇya̱ga̱rbhaḥ sama̍varta̱tāgre̍ bhū̱tasya̍ jā̱taḥ pati̱reka̍ āsīt .
sa dā̍dhāra pṛthi̱vīṃ dyāmu̱temāṃ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.01
1. IN the beginning rose Hiranyagarbha, born Only Lord of all created beings.
He fixed and holdeth up this earth and heaven. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.2
य आ॑त्म॒दा ब॑ल॒दा यस्य॒ विश्व॑ उ॒पास॑ते प्र॒शिषं॒ यस्य॑ दे॒वाः ।
यस्य॑ छा॒यामृतं॒ यस्य॑ मृ॒त्युः कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०२
ya ā̍tma̱dā ba̍la̱dā yasya̱ viśva̍ u̱pāsa̍te pra̱śiṣa̱ṃ yasya̍ de̱vāḥ .
yasya̍ chā̱yāmṛta̱ṃ yasya̍ mṛ̱tyuḥ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.02
2 Giver of vital breath, of power and vigour, he whose commandments all the Gods acknowledge -.
The Lord of death, whose shade is life immortal. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.3
यः प्रा॑ण॒तो नि॑मिष॒तो म॑हि॒त्वैक॒ इद्राजा॒ जग॑तो ब॒भूव॑ ।
य ईशे॑ अ॒स्य द्वि॒पद॒श्चतु॑ष्पदः॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०३
yaḥ prā̍ṇa̱to ni̍miṣa̱to ma̍hi̱tvaika̱ idrājā̱ jaga̍to ba̱bhūva̍ .
ya īśe̍ a̱sya dvi̱pada̱ścatu̍ṣpada̱ḥ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.03
3 Who by his grandeur hath become Sole Ruler of all the moving world that breathes and slumbers;
He who is Loord of men and Lord of cattle. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.4
यस्ये॒मे हि॒मव॑न्तो महि॒त्वा यस्य॑ समु॒द्रं र॒सया॑ स॒हाहुः ।
यस्ये॒माः प्र॒दिशो॒ यस्य॑ बा॒हू कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०४
yasye̱me hi̱mava̍nto mahi̱tvā yasya̍ samu̱draṃ ra̱sayā̍ sa̱hāhuḥ .
yasye̱māḥ pra̱diśo̱ yasya̍ bā̱hū kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.04
4 His, through his might, are these snow-covered mountains, and men call sea and Rasā his possession:-
His arms are these, his are these heavenly regions. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.5
येन॒ द्यौरु॒ग्रा पृ॑थि॒वी च॑ दृ॒ळ्हा येन॒ स्वः॑ स्तभि॒तं येन॒ नाकः॑ ।
यो अ॒न्तरि॑क्षे॒ रज॑सो वि॒मानः॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०५
yena̱ dyauru̱grā pṛ̍thi̱vī ca̍ dṛ̱l̤hā yena̱ sva̍ḥ stabhi̱taṃ yena̱ nāka̍ḥ .
yo a̱ntari̍kṣe̱ raja̍so vi̱māna̱ḥ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.05
5 By him the heavens are strong and earth is stedfast, by him light's realm and sky-vault are supported:-
By him the regions in mid-air were measured. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.6
यं क्रन्द॑सी॒ अव॑सा तस्तभा॒ने अ॒भ्यैक्षे॑तां॒ मन॑सा॒ रेज॑माने ।
यत्राधि॒ सूर॒ उदि॑तो वि॒भाति॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०६
yaṃ kranda̍sī̱ ava̍sā tastabhā̱ne a̱bhyaikṣe̍tā̱ṃ mana̍sā̱ reja̍māne .
yatrādhi̱ sūra̱ udi̍to vi̱bhāti̱ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.06
6 To him, supported by his help, two armies embattled look while trembling in their spirit,
When over them the risen Sun is shining. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.7
आपो॑ ह॒ यद्बृ॑ह॒तीर्विश्व॒माय॒न्गर्भं॒ दधा॑ना ज॒नय॑न्तीर॒ग्निम् ।
ततो॑ दे॒वानां॒ सम॑वर्त॒तासु॒रेकः॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०७
āpo̍ ha̱ yadbṛ̍ha̱tīrviśva̱māya̱ngarbha̱ṃ dadhā̍nā ja̱naya̍ntīra̱gnim .
tato̍ de̱vānā̱ṃ sama̍varta̱tāsu̱reka̱ḥ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.07
7 What time the mighty waters came, containing the universal germ, producing Agni,
Thence sprang the Gods one spirit into being. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.8
यश्चि॒दापो॑ महि॒ना प॒र्यप॑श्य॒द्दक्षं॒ दधा॑ना ज॒नय॑न्तीर्य॒ज्ञम् ।
यो दे॒वेष्वधि॑ दे॒व एक॒ आसी॒त्कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०८
yaści̱dāpo̍ mahi̱nā pa̱ryapa̍śya̱ddakṣa̱ṃ dadhā̍nā ja̱naya̍ntīrya̱jñam .
yo de̱veṣvadhi̍ de̱va eka̱ āsī̱tkasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.08
8 He in his might surveyed the floods containing productive force and generating Worship.
He is the God of gods, and none beside him. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.9
मा नो॑ हिंसीज्जनि॒ता यः पृ॑थि॒व्या यो वा॒ दिवं॑ स॒त्यध॑र्मा ज॒जान॑ ।
यश्चा॒पश्च॒न्द्रा बृ॑ह॒तीर्ज॒जान॒ कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१२१.०९
mā no̍ hiṃsījjani̱tā yaḥ pṛ̍thi̱vyā yo vā̱ diva̍ṃ sa̱tyadha̍rmā ja̱jāna̍ .
yaścā̱paśca̱ndrā bṛ̍ha̱tīrja̱jāna̱ kasmai̍ de̱vāya̍ ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.121.09
9 Neer may he harm us who is earth's Begetter, nor he whose laws are sure, the heavens' Creator,
He who brought forth the great and lucid waters. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
Sloka : 10.121.10
प्रजा॑पते॒ न त्वदे॒तान्य॒न्यो विश्वा॑ जा॒तानि॒ परि॒ ता ब॑भूव ।
यत्का॑मास्ते जुहु॒मस्तन्नो॑ अस्तु व॒यं स्या॑म॒ पत॑यो रयी॒णाम् ॥ १०.१२१.१०
prajā̍pate̱ na tvade̱tānya̱nyo viśvā̍ jā̱tāni̱ pari̱ tā ba̍bhūva .
yatkā̍māste juhu̱mastanno̍ astu va̱yaṃ syā̍ma̱ pata̍yo rayī̱ṇām .. 10.121.10
10 Prajāpati! thou only comprehendest all these created things, and none beside thee.
Grant us our hearts' desire when we invoke thee:- may we have store of riches in possession.
Sloka : 10.122.1
वसुं॒ न चि॒त्रम॑हसं गृणीषे वा॒मं शेव॒मति॑थिमद्विषे॒ण्यम् ।
स रा॑सते शु॒रुधो॑ वि॒श्वधा॑यसो॒ऽग्निर्होता॑ गृ॒हप॑तिः सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ १०.१२२.०१
vasu̱ṃ na ci̱trama̍hasaṃ gṛṇīṣe vā̱maṃ śeva̱mati̍thimadviṣe̱ṇyam .
sa rā̍sate śu̱rudho̍ vi̱śvadhā̍yaso̱'gnirhotā̍ gṛ̱hapa̍tiḥ su̱vīrya̍m .. 10.122.01
1. I PRAISE the God of wondrous might like Indra, the lovely pleasant Guest whom all must welcome.
May Agni, Priest and Master of the household, give hero strength and all-sustaining riches.
Sloka : 10.122.2
जु॒षा॒णो अ॑ग्ने॒ प्रति॑ हर्य मे॒ वचो॒ विश्वा॑नि वि॒द्वान्व॒युना॑नि सुक्रतो ।
घृत॑निर्णि॒ग्ब्रह्म॑णे गा॒तुमेर॑य॒ तव॑ दे॒वा अ॑जनय॒न्ननु॑ व्र॒तम् ॥ १०.१२२.०२
ju̱ṣā̱ṇo a̍gne̱ prati̍ harya me̱ vaco̱ viśvā̍ni vi̱dvānva̱yunā̍ni sukrato .
ghṛta̍nirṇi̱gbrahma̍ṇe gā̱tumera̍ya̱ tava̍ de̱vā a̍janaya̱nnanu̍ vra̱tam .. 10.122.02
2 O Agni, graciously accept this song of mine, thou passing-wise who knowest every ordinance.
Enwrapped in holy oil further the course of prayer:- the Gods bestow according to thy holy law.
Sloka : 10.122.3
स॒प्त धामा॑नि परि॒यन्नम॑र्त्यो॒ दाश॑द्दा॒शुषे॑ सु॒कृते॑ मामहस्व ।
सु॒वीरे॑ण र॒यिणा॑ग्ने स्वा॒भुवा॒ यस्त॒ आन॑ट् स॒मिधा॒ तं जु॑षस्व ॥ १०.१२२.०३
sa̱pta dhāmā̍ni pari̱yannama̍rtyo̱ dāśa̍ddā̱śuṣe̍ su̱kṛte̍ māmahasva .
su̱vīre̍ṇa ra̱yiṇā̍gne svā̱bhuvā̱ yasta̱ āna̍ṭ sa̱midhā̱ taṃ ju̍ṣasva .. 10.122.03
3 Immortal, wandering round the seven stations, give, a liberal Giver, to the pious worshipper,
Wealth, Agni, with brave sons and ready for his use:- welcome the man who comes with fuel unto thee.
Sloka : 10.122.4
य॒ज्ञस्य॑ के॒तुं प्र॑थ॒मं पु॒रोहि॑तं ह॒विष्म॑न्त ईळते स॒प्त वा॒जिन॑म् ।
शृ॒ण्वन्त॑म॒ग्निं घृ॒तपृ॑ष्ठमु॒क्षणं॑ पृ॒णन्तं॑ दे॒वं पृ॑ण॒ते सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ १०.१२२.०४
ya̱jñasya̍ ke̱tuṃ pra̍tha̱maṃ pu̱rohi̍taṃ ha̱viṣma̍nta īl̤ate sa̱pta vā̱jina̍m .
śṛ̱ṇvanta̍ma̱gniṃ ghṛ̱tapṛ̍ṣṭhamu̱kṣaṇa̍ṃ pṛ̱ṇanta̍ṃ de̱vaṃ pṛ̍ṇa̱te su̱vīrya̍m .. 10.122.04
4 The seven who bring oblations worship thee, the Strong, the first, the Great Chief Priest, Ensign of sacrifice,
The oil-anointed Bull, Agni who hears, who sends as God full hero strength to him who freely gives.
Sloka : 10.122.5
त्वं दू॒तः प्र॑थ॒मो वरे॑ण्यः॒ स हू॒यमा॑नो अ॒मृता॑य मत्स्व ।
त्वां म॑र्जयन्म॒रुतो॑ दा॒शुषो॑ गृ॒हे त्वां स्तोमे॑भि॒र्भृग॑वो॒ वि रु॑रुचुः ॥ १०.१२२.०५
tvaṃ dū̱taḥ pra̍tha̱mo vare̍ṇya̱ḥ sa hū̱yamā̍no a̱mṛtā̍ya matsva .
tvāṃ ma̍rjayanma̱ruto̍ dā̱śuṣo̍ gṛ̱he tvāṃ stome̍bhi̱rbhṛga̍vo̱ vi ru̍rucuḥ .. 10.122.05
5 First messenger art thou, meet for election:- drink thou thy fill invited to the Anirta,
The Maruts in the votary's house adorned thee; with lauds the Bhṛgus gave thee light and glory.
Sloka : 10.122.6
इषं॑ दु॒हन्सु॒दुघां॑ वि॒श्वधा॑यसं यज्ञ॒प्रिये॒ यज॑मानाय सुक्रतो ।
अग्ने॑ घृ॒तस्नु॒स्त्रिरृ॒तानि॒ दीद्य॑द्व॒र्तिर्य॒ज्ञं प॑रि॒यन्सु॑क्रतूयसे ॥ १०.१२२.०६
iṣa̍ṃ du̱hansu̱dughā̍ṃ vi̱śvadhā̍yasaṃ yajña̱priye̱ yaja̍mānāya sukrato .
agne̍ ghṛ̱tasnu̱strirṛ̱tāni̱ dīdya̍dva̱rtirya̱jñaṃ pa̍ri̱yansu̍kratūyase .. 10.122.06
6 Milking the teeming Cow for all-sustaining food. O Wise One, for the worship-loving worshipper,
Thou, Agni, dropping oil, thrice lighting works of Law, showest thy wisdom circling home and sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.122.7
त्वामिद॒स्या उ॒षसो॒ व्यु॑ष्टिषु दू॒तं कृ॑ण्वा॒ना अ॑यजन्त॒ मानु॑षाः ।
त्वां दे॒वा म॑ह॒याय्या॑य वावृधु॒राज्य॑मग्ने निमृ॒जन्तो॑ अध्व॒रे ॥ १०.१२२.०७
tvāmida̱syā u̱ṣaso̱ vyu̍ṣṭiṣu dū̱taṃ kṛ̍ṇvā̱nā a̍yajanta̱ mānu̍ṣāḥ .
tvāṃ de̱vā ma̍ha̱yāyyā̍ya vāvṛdhu̱rājya̍magne nimṛ̱janto̍ adhva̱re .. 10.122.07
7 They who at flushing of this dawn appointed thee their messenger, these men have paid thee reverence.
Gods strengthened thee for work that must be glorified, Agni, while they made butter pure for sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.122.8
नि त्वा॒ वसि॑ष्ठा अह्वन्त वा॒जिनं॑ गृ॒णन्तो॑ अग्ने वि॒दथे॑षु वे॒धसः॑ ।
रा॒यस्पोषं॒ यज॑मानेषु धारय यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभिः॒ सदा॑ नः ॥ १०.१२२.०८
ni tvā̱ vasi̍ṣṭhā ahvanta vā̱jina̍ṃ gṛ̱ṇanto̍ agne vi̱dathe̍ṣu ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .
rā̱yaspoṣa̱ṃ yaja̍māneṣu dhāraya yū̱yaṃ pā̍ta sva̱stibhi̱ḥ sadā̍ naḥ .. 10.122.08
8 Arrangers in our synods, Agni, while they sang Vasisistha s sons have called thee down, the Potent One.
Maintain the growth of wealth with men who sacrifice. Ye Gods, preserve us with your blessings evermore.
Sloka : 10.123.1
अ॒यं वे॒नश्चो॑दय॒त्पृश्नि॑गर्भा॒ ज्योति॑र्जरायू॒ रज॑सो वि॒माने॑ ।
इ॒मम॒पां सं॑ग॒मे सूर्य॑स्य॒ शिशुं॒ न विप्रा॑ म॒तिभी॑ रिहन्ति ॥ १०.१२३.०१
a̱yaṃ ve̱naśco̍daya̱tpṛśni̍garbhā̱ jyoti̍rjarāyū̱ raja̍so vi̱māne̍ .
i̱mama̱pāṃ sa̍ṃga̱me sūrya̍sya̱ śiśu̱ṃ na viprā̍ ma̱tibhī̍ rihanti .. 10.123.01
1. SEE, Vena, born in light, hath driven hither, on chariot of the air, the Calves of Pṛśni.
Singers with hymns caress him as an infant there where the waters and the sunlight mingle.
Sloka : 10.123.2
स॒मु॒द्रादू॒र्मिमुदि॑यर्ति वे॒नो न॑भो॒जाः पृ॒ष्ठं ह॑र्य॒तस्य॑ दर्शि ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ साना॒वधि॑ वि॒ष्टपि॒ भ्राट् स॑मा॒नं योनि॑म॒भ्य॑नूषत॒ व्राः ॥ १०.१२३.०२
sa̱mu̱drādū̱rmimudi̍yarti ve̱no na̍bho̱jāḥ pṛ̱ṣṭhaṃ ha̍rya̱tasya̍ darśi .
ṛ̱tasya̱ sānā̱vadhi̍ vi̱ṣṭapi̱ bhrāṭ sa̍mā̱naṃ yoni̍ma̱bhya̍nūṣata̱ vrāḥ .. 10.123.02
2 Vena draws up his wave from out the ocean. mist-born, the fair one's back is made apparent,
Brightly he shone aloft on Order's summit:- the hosts sang glory to their common birthplace.
Sloka : 10.123.3
स॒मा॒नं पू॒र्वीर॒भि वा॑वशा॒नास्तिष्ठ॑न्व॒त्सस्य॑ मा॒तरः॒ सनी॑ळाः ।
ऋ॒तस्य॒ साना॒वधि॑ चक्रमा॒णा रि॒हन्ति॒ मध्वो॑ अ॒मृत॑स्य॒ वाणीः॑ ॥ १०.१२३.०३
sa̱mā̱naṃ pū̱rvīra̱bhi vā̍vaśā̱nāstiṣṭha̍nva̱tsasya̍ mā̱tara̱ḥ sanī̍l̤āḥ .
ṛ̱tasya̱ sānā̱vadhi̍ cakramā̱ṇā ri̱hanti̱ madhvo̍ a̱mṛta̍sya̱ vāṇī̍ḥ .. 10.123.03
3 Full many, lowing to their joint-possession, dwelling together stood the Darling's Mothers.
Ascending to the lofty height of Order, the bands of singers 'sip the sweets of Amṛta.
Sloka : 10.123.4
जा॒नन्तो॑ रू॒पम॑कृपन्त॒ विप्रा॑ मृ॒गस्य॒ घोषं॑ महि॒षस्य॒ हि ग्मन् ।
ऋ॒तेन॒ यन्तो॒ अधि॒ सिन्धु॑मस्थुर्वि॒दद्ग॑न्ध॒र्वो अ॒मृता॑नि॒ नाम॑ ॥ १०.१२३.०४
jā̱nanto̍ rū̱pama̍kṛpanta̱ viprā̍ mṛ̱gasya̱ ghoṣa̍ṃ mahi̱ṣasya̱ hi gman .
ṛ̱tena̱ yanto̱ adhi̱ sindhu̍masthurvi̱dadga̍ndha̱rvo a̱mṛtā̍ni̱ nāma̍ .. 10.123.04
4 Knowing his form, the sages yearned to meet him:- they have come nigh to hear the wild Bull's bellow.
Performing sacrifice they reached the river:- for the Gandharva found the immortal waters.
Sloka : 10.123.5
अ॒प्स॒रा जा॒रमु॑पसिष्मिया॒णा योषा॑ बिभर्ति पर॒मे व्यो॑मन् ।
चर॑त्प्रि॒यस्य॒ योनि॑षु प्रि॒यः सन्सीद॑त्प॒क्षे हि॑र॒ण्यये॒ स वे॒नः ॥ १०.१२३.०५
a̱psa̱rā jā̱ramu̍pasiṣmiyā̱ṇā yoṣā̍ bibharti para̱me vyo̍man .
cara̍tpri̱yasya̱ yoni̍ṣu pri̱yaḥ sansīda̍tpa̱kṣe hi̍ra̱ṇyaye̱ sa ve̱naḥ .. 10.123.05
5 The Apsaras, the Lady, sweetly smiling, supports her Lover in sublimest heaven.
In his Friend's dwelling as a Friend he wanders:- he, Vena, rests him on his golden pinion.
Sloka : 10.123.6
नाके॑ सुप॒र्णमुप॒ यत्पत॑न्तं हृ॒दा वेन॑न्तो अ॒भ्यच॑क्षत त्वा ।
हिर॑ण्यपक्षं॒ वरु॑णस्य दू॒तं य॒मस्य॒ योनौ॑ शकु॒नं भु॑र॒ण्युम् ॥ १०.१२३.०६
nāke̍ supa̱rṇamupa̱ yatpata̍ntaṃ hṛ̱dā vena̍nto a̱bhyaca̍kṣata tvā .
hira̍ṇyapakṣa̱ṃ varu̍ṇasya dū̱taṃ ya̱masya̱ yonau̍ śaku̱naṃ bhu̍ra̱ṇyum .. 10.123.06
6 They gaze on thee with longing in their spirit, as on a strong-winged bird that mounteth sky-ward;
On thee with wings of gold, Varuṇa's envoy, the Bird that hasteneth to the home of Yama.
Sloka : 10.123.7
ऊ॒र्ध्वो ग॑न्ध॒र्वो अधि॒ नाके॑ अस्थात्प्र॒त्यङ्चि॒त्रा बिभ्र॑द॒स्यायु॑धानि ।
वसा॑नो॒ अत्कं॑ सुर॒भिं दृ॒शे कं स्व१॒॑र्ण नाम॑ जनत प्रि॒याणि॑ ॥ १०.१२३.०७
ū̱rdhvo ga̍ndha̱rvo adhi̱ nāke̍ asthātpra̱tyaṅci̱trā bibhra̍da̱syāyu̍dhāni .
vasā̍no̱ atka̍ṃ sura̱bhiṃ dṛ̱śe kaṃ sva1̱̍rṇa nāma̍ janata pri̱yāṇi̍ .. 10.123.07
7 Erect, to heaven hath the Gandharva mounted, pointing at us his many-coloured weapons;
Clad in sweet raiment beautiful to look on, for he, as light, produceth forms that please us.
Sloka : 10.123.8
द्र॒प्सः स॑मु॒द्रम॒भि यज्जिगा॑ति॒ पश्य॒न्गृध्र॑स्य॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ विध॑र्मन् ।
भा॒नुः शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॑ चका॒नस्तृ॒तीये॑ चक्रे॒ रज॑सि प्रि॒याणि॑ ॥ १०.१२३.०८
dra̱psaḥ sa̍mu̱drama̱bhi yajjigā̍ti̱ paśya̱ngṛdhra̍sya̱ cakṣa̍sā̱ vidha̍rman .
bhā̱nuḥ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̍ cakā̱nastṛ̱tīye̍ cakre̱ raja̍si pri̱yāṇi̍ .. 10.123.08
8 When as a spark he cometh near the ocean, still looking with a vulture's eye to heaven,
His lustre, joying in its own bright splendour, maketh dear glories in the lowest region.
Sloka : 10.124.1
इ॒मं नो॑ अग्न॒ उप॑ य॒ज्ञमेहि॒ पञ्च॑यामं त्रि॒वृतं॑ स॒प्तत॑न्तुम् ।
असो॑ हव्य॒वाळु॒त नः॑ पुरो॒गा ज्योगे॒व दी॒र्घं तम॒ आश॑यिष्ठाः ॥ १०.१२४.०१
i̱maṃ no̍ agna̱ upa̍ ya̱jñamehi̱ pañca̍yāmaṃ tri̱vṛta̍ṃ sa̱ptata̍ntum .
aso̍ havya̱vāl̤u̱ta na̍ḥ puro̱gā jyoge̱va dī̱rghaṃ tama̱ āśa̍yiṣṭhāḥ .. 10.124.01
1. COME to this sacrifice of ours, O Agni, threefold, with seven threads and five divisions.
Be our oblation-bearer and preceder:- thou hast lain long enough in during darkness.
Sloka : 10.124.2
अदे॑वाद्दे॒वः प्र॒चता॒ गुहा॒ यन्प्र॒पश्य॑मानो अमृत॒त्वमे॑मि ।
शि॒वं यत्सन्त॒मशि॑वो॒ जहा॑मि॒ स्वात्स॒ख्यादर॑णीं॒ नाभि॑मेमि ॥ १०.१२४.०२
ade̍vādde̱vaḥ pra̱catā̱ guhā̱ yanpra̱paśya̍māno amṛta̱tvame̍mi .
śi̱vaṃ yatsanta̱maśi̍vo̱ jahā̍mi̱ svātsa̱khyādara̍ṇī̱ṃ nābhi̍memi .. 10.124.02
2 I come a God foreseeing from the godless to immortality by secret pathways,
While I, ungracious one, desert the gracious, leave mine own friends and seek the kin of strangers.
Sloka : 10.124.3
पश्य॑न्न॒न्यस्या॒ अति॑थिं व॒याया॑ ऋ॒तस्य॒ धाम॒ वि मि॑मे पु॒रूणि॑ ।
शंसा॑मि पि॒त्रे असु॑राय॒ शेव॑मयज्ञि॒याद्य॒ज्ञियं॑ भा॒गमे॑मि ॥ १०.१२४.०३
paśya̍nna̱nyasyā̱ ati̍thiṃ va̱yāyā̍ ṛ̱tasya̱ dhāma̱ vi mi̍me pu̱rūṇi̍ .
śaṃsā̍mi pi̱tre asu̍rāya̱ śeva̍mayajñi̱yādya̱jñiya̍ṃ bhā̱game̍mi .. 10.124.03
3 1, looking to the guest of other lineage, have founded many a rule of Law and Order.
I bid farewell to the Great God, the Father, and, for neglect, obtain my share of worship.
Sloka : 10.124.4
ब॒ह्वीः समा॑ अकरम॒न्तर॑स्मि॒न्निन्द्रं॑ वृणा॒नः पि॒तरं॑ जहामि ।
अ॒ग्निः सोमो॒ वरु॑ण॒स्ते च्य॑वन्ते प॒र्याव॑र्द्रा॒ष्ट्रं तद॑वाम्या॒यन् ॥ १०.१२४.०४
ba̱hvīḥ samā̍ akarama̱ntara̍smi̱nnindra̍ṃ vṛṇā̱naḥ pi̱tara̍ṃ jahāmi .
a̱gniḥ somo̱ varu̍ṇa̱ste cya̍vante pa̱ryāva̍rdrā̱ṣṭraṃ tada̍vāmyā̱yan .. 10.124.04
4 I tarried many a year within this altar:- I leave the Father, for my choice is Indra.
Away pass Agni, Varuṇa and Soma. Rule ever changes:- this I come to favour.
Sloka : 10.124.5
निर्मा॑या उ॒ त्ये असु॑रा अभूव॒न्त्वं च॑ मा वरुण का॒मया॑से ।
ऋ॒तेन॑ राज॒न्ननृ॑तं विवि॒ञ्चन्मम॑ रा॒ष्ट्रस्याधि॑पत्य॒मेहि॑ ॥ १०.१२४.०५
nirmā̍yā u̱ tye asu̍rā abhūva̱ntvaṃ ca̍ mā varuṇa kā̱mayā̍se .
ṛ̱tena̍ rāja̱nnanṛ̍taṃ vivi̱ñcanmama̍ rā̱ṣṭrasyādhi̍patya̱mehi̍ .. 10.124.05
5 These Asuras have lost their powers of magic. But thou, O Varuṇa, if thou dost love me,
O King, discerning truth and right from falsehood, come and be Lord and Ruler of my kingdom.
Sloka : 10.124.6
इ॒दं स्व॑रि॒दमिदा॑स वा॒मम॒यं प्र॑का॒श उ॒र्व१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षम् ।
हना॑व वृ॒त्रं नि॒रेहि॑ सोम ह॒विष्ट्वा॒ सन्तं॑ ह॒विषा॑ यजाम ॥ १०.१२४.०६
i̱daṃ sva̍ri̱damidā̍sa vā̱mama̱yaṃ pra̍kā̱śa u̱rva1̱̍ntari̍kṣam .
hanā̍va vṛ̱traṃ ni̱rehi̍ soma ha̱viṣṭvā̱ santa̍ṃ ha̱viṣā̍ yajāma .. 10.124.06
6 Here is the light of heaven, here allis lovely; here there is radiance, here is air's wide region.
Let us two slaughter Vṛtra. Forth, O Soma! Thou art oblation:- we therewith will serve thee.
Sloka : 10.124.7
क॒विः क॑वि॒त्वा दि॒वि रू॒पमास॑ज॒दप्र॑भूती॒ वरु॑णो॒ निर॒पः सृ॑जत् ।
क्षेमं॑ कृण्वा॒ना जन॑यो॒ न सिन्ध॑व॒स्ता अ॑स्य॒ वर्णं॒ शुच॑यो भरिभ्रति ॥ १०.१२४.०७
ka̱viḥ ka̍vi̱tvā di̱vi rū̱pamāsa̍ja̱dapra̍bhūtī̱ varu̍ṇo̱ nira̱paḥ sṛ̍jat .
kṣema̍ṃ kṛṇvā̱nā jana̍yo̱ na sindha̍va̱stā a̍sya̱ varṇa̱ṃ śuca̍yo bharibhrati .. 10.124.07
7 The Sage hath fixed his form by wisdom in the heavens:- Varuṇa with no violence let the waters flow.
Like women-folk, the floods that bring prosperity have eau lit his hue and colour as they gleamed and shone.
Sloka : 10.124.8
ता अ॑स्य॒ ज्येष्ठ॑मिन्द्रि॒यं स॑चन्ते॒ ता ई॒मा क्षे॑ति स्व॒धया॒ मद॑न्तीः ।
ता ईं॒ विशो॒ न राजा॑नं वृणा॒ना बी॑भ॒त्सुवो॒ अप॑ वृ॒त्राद॑तिष्ठन् ॥ १०.१२४.०८
tā a̍sya̱ jyeṣṭha̍mindri̱yaṃ sa̍cante̱ tā ī̱mā kṣe̍ti sva̱dhayā̱ mada̍ntīḥ .
tā ī̱ṃ viśo̱ na rājā̍naṃ vṛṇā̱nā bī̍bha̱tsuvo̱ apa̍ vṛ̱trāda̍tiṣṭhan .. 10.124.08
8 These wait upon his loftiest power and vigour:- he dwells in these who triumph in their Godhead;
And they, like people who elect their ruler, have in abhorrence turned away from Vṛtra.
Sloka : 10.124.9
बी॒भ॒त्सूनां॑ स॒युजं॑ हं॒समा॑हुर॒पां दि॒व्यानां॑ स॒ख्ये चर॑न्तम् ।
अ॒नु॒ष्टुभ॒मनु॑ चर्चू॒र्यमा॑ण॒मिन्द्रं॒ नि चि॑क्युः क॒वयो॑ मनी॒षा ॥ १०.१२४.०९
bī̱bha̱tsūnā̍ṃ sa̱yuja̍ṃ ha̱ṃsamā̍hura̱pāṃ di̱vyānā̍ṃ sa̱khye cara̍ntam .
a̱nu̱ṣṭubha̱manu̍ carcū̱ryamā̍ṇa̱mindra̱ṃ ni ci̍kyuḥ ka̱vayo̍ manī̱ṣā .. 10.124.09
9 They call him Swan, the abhorrent floods' Companion, moving in friendship with celestial Waters.
The poets in their thought have looked on Indra swiftly approaching when Anustup calls him.
Sloka : 10.125.1
अ॒हं रु॒द्रेभि॒र्वसु॑भिश्चराम्य॒हमा॑दि॒त्यैरु॒त वि॒श्वदे॑वैः ।
अ॒हं मि॒त्रावरु॑णो॒भा बि॑भर्म्य॒हमि॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी अ॒हम॒श्विनो॒भा ॥ १०.१२५.०१
a̱haṃ ru̱drebhi̱rvasu̍bhiścarāmya̱hamā̍di̱tyairu̱ta vi̱śvade̍vaiḥ .
a̱haṃ mi̱trāvaru̍ṇo̱bhā bi̍bharmya̱hami̍ndrā̱gnī a̱hama̱śvino̱bhā .. 10.125.01
1. I TRAVEL with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Ādityas and All-Gods I wander.
I hold aloft both Varuṇa and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Aśvins.
Sloka : 10.125.2
अ॒हं सोम॑माह॒नसं॑ बिभर्म्य॒हं त्वष्टा॑रमु॒त पू॒षणं॒ भग॑म् ।
अ॒हं द॑धामि॒ द्रवि॑णं ह॒विष्म॑ते सुप्रा॒व्ये॒३॒॑ यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ॥ १०.१२५.०२
a̱haṃ soma̍māha̱nasa̍ṃ bibharmya̱haṃ tvaṣṭā̍ramu̱ta pū̱ṣaṇa̱ṃ bhaga̍m .
a̱haṃ da̍dhāmi̱ dravi̍ṇaṃ ha̱viṣma̍te suprā̱vye̱3̱̍ yaja̍mānāya sunva̱te .. 10.125.02
2 I cherish and sustain high-swelling Soma, and Tvaṣṭar I support, Pūṣan, and Bhaga.
I load with wealth the zealous sdcrificer who pours the juice and offers his oblation
Sloka : 10.125.3
अ॒हं राष्ट्री॑ सं॒गम॑नी॒ वसू॑नां चिकि॒तुषी॑ प्रथ॒मा य॒ज्ञिया॑नाम् ।
तां मा॑ दे॒वा व्य॑दधुः पुरु॒त्रा भूरि॑स्थात्रां॒ भूर्या॑वे॒शय॑न्तीम् ॥ १०.१२५.०३
a̱haṃ rāṣṭrī̍ sa̱ṃgama̍nī̱ vasū̍nāṃ ciki̱tuṣī̍ pratha̱mā ya̱jñiyā̍nām .
tāṃ mā̍ de̱vā vya̍dadhuḥ puru̱trā bhūri̍sthātrā̱ṃ bhūryā̍ve̱śaya̍ntīm .. 10.125.03
3 I am the Queen, the gatherer-up of treasures, most thoughtful, first of those who merit worship.
Thus Gods have stablished me in many places with many homes to enter and abide in.
Sloka : 10.125.4
मया॒ सो अन्न॑मत्ति॒ यो वि॒पश्य॑ति॒ यः प्राणि॑ति॒ य ईं॑ शृ॒णोत्यु॒क्तम् ।
अ॒म॒न्तवो॒ मां त उप॑ क्षियन्ति श्रु॒धि श्रु॑त श्रद्धि॒वं ते॑ वदामि ॥ १०.१२५.०४
mayā̱ so anna̍matti̱ yo vi̱paśya̍ti̱ yaḥ prāṇi̍ti̱ ya ī̍ṃ śṛ̱ṇotyu̱ktam .
a̱ma̱ntavo̱ māṃ ta upa̍ kṣiyanti śru̱dhi śru̍ta śraddhi̱vaṃ te̍ vadāmi .. 10.125.04
4 Through me alone all eat the food that feeds them,each man who sees, brewhes, hears the word outspoken
They know it not, but yet they dwell beside me. Hear, one and all, the truth as I declare it.
Sloka : 10.125.5
अ॒हमे॒व स्व॒यमि॒दं व॑दामि॒ जुष्टं॑ दे॒वेभि॑रु॒त मानु॑षेभिः ।
यं का॒मये॒ तंत॑मु॒ग्रं कृ॑णोमि॒ तं ब्र॒ह्माणं॒ तमृषिं॒ तं सु॑मे॒धाम् ॥ १०.१२५.०५
a̱hame̱va sva̱yami̱daṃ va̍dāmi̱ juṣṭa̍ṃ de̱vebhi̍ru̱ta mānu̍ṣebhiḥ .
yaṃ kā̱maye̱ taṃta̍mu̱graṃ kṛ̍ṇomi̱ taṃ bra̱hmāṇa̱ṃ tamṛṣi̱ṃ taṃ su̍me̱dhām .. 10.125.05
5 1, verily, myself announce and utter the word that Gods and men alike shall welcome.
I make the man I love exceeding mighty, make him a sage, a Ṛṣi, and a Brahman.
Sloka : 10.125.6
अ॒हं रु॒द्राय॒ धनु॒रा त॑नोमि ब्रह्म॒द्विषे॒ शर॑वे॒ हन्त॒वा उ॑ ।
अ॒हं जना॑य स॒मदं॑ कृणोम्य॒हं द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी आ वि॑वेश ॥ १०.१२५.०६
a̱haṃ ru̱drāya̱ dhanu̱rā ta̍nomi brahma̱dviṣe̱ śara̍ve̱ hanta̱vā u̍ .
a̱haṃ janā̍ya sa̱mada̍ṃ kṛṇomya̱haṃ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī ā vi̍veśa .. 10.125.06
6 I bend the bow for Rudra that his arrow may strike and slay the hater of devotion.
I rouse and order battle for the people, and I have penetrated Earth and Heaven.
Sloka : 10.125.7
अ॒हं सु॑वे पि॒तर॑मस्य मू॒र्धन्मम॒ योनि॑र॒प्स्व१॒॑न्तः स॑मु॒द्रे ।
ततो॒ वि ति॑ष्ठे॒ भुव॒नानु॒ विश्वो॒तामूं द्यां व॒र्ष्मणोप॑ स्पृशामि ॥ १०.१२५.०७
a̱haṃ su̍ve pi̱tara̍masya mū̱rdhanmama̱ yoni̍ra̱psva1̱̍ntaḥ sa̍mu̱dre .
tato̱ vi ti̍ṣṭhe̱ bhuva̱nānu̱ viśvo̱tāmūṃ dyāṃ va̱rṣmaṇopa̍ spṛśāmi .. 10.125.07
7 On the world's summit I bring forth the Father:- my home is in the waters, in the ocean.
Thence I extend oer all existing creatures, and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.
Sloka : 10.125.8
अ॒हमे॒व वात॑ इव॒ प्र वा॑म्या॒रभ॑माणा॒ भुव॑नानि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
प॒रो दि॒वा प॒र ए॒ना पृ॑थि॒व्यैताव॑ती महि॒ना सं ब॑भूव ॥ १०.१२५.०८
a̱hame̱va vāta̍ iva̱ pra vā̍myā̱rabha̍māṇā̱ bhuva̍nāni̱ viśvā̍ .
pa̱ro di̱vā pa̱ra e̱nā pṛ̍thi̱vyaitāva̍tī mahi̱nā saṃ ba̍bhūva .. 10.125.08
8 I breathe a strong breath like the wind and tempest, the while I hold together all existence.
Beyond this wide earth and beyond the heavens I have become so mighty in my grandeur.
Sloka : 10.126.1
न तमंहो॒ न दु॑रि॒तं देवा॑सो अष्ट॒ मर्त्य॑म् ।
स॒जोष॑सो॒ यम॑र्य॒मा मि॒त्रो नय॑न्ति॒ वरु॑णो॒ अति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०१
na tamaṃho̱ na du̍ri̱taṃ devā̍so aṣṭa̱ martya̍m .
sa̱joṣa̍so̱ yama̍rya̱mā mi̱tro naya̍nti̱ varu̍ṇo̱ ati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.01
1. No peril, no severe distress, ye Gods, affects the mortal man,
Whom Aryaman and Mitra lead, and Varima, of one accord, beyond his foes.
Sloka : 10.126.2
तद्धि व॒यं वृ॑णी॒महे॒ वरु॑ण॒ मित्रार्य॑मन् ।
येना॒ निरंह॑सो यू॒यं पा॒थ ने॒था च॒ मर्त्य॒मति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०२
taddhi va̱yaṃ vṛ̍ṇī̱mahe̱ varu̍ṇa̱ mitrārya̍man .
yenā̱ niraṃha̍so yū̱yaṃ pā̱tha ne̱thā ca̱ martya̱mati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.02
2 This very thing do we desire, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
Whereby ye guhrd the mortal man from sore distress, and lead him safe beyond his foes.
Sloka : 10.126.3
ते नू॒नं नो॒ऽयमू॒तये॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
नयि॑ष्ठा उ नो ने॒षणि॒ पर्षि॑ष्ठा उ नः प॒र्षण्यति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०३
te nū̱naṃ no̱'yamū̱taye̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
nayi̍ṣṭhā u no ne̱ṣaṇi̱ parṣi̍ṣṭhā u naḥ pa̱rṣaṇyati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.03
3 These are, each one, our present helps, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman.
Best leaders, best deliverers to lead us on and bear as safe beyond our foes.
Sloka : 10.126.4
यू॒यं विश्वं॒ परि॑ पाथ॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
यु॒ष्माकं॒ शर्म॑णि प्रि॒ये स्याम॑ सुप्रणीत॒योऽति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०४
yū̱yaṃ viśva̱ṃ pari̍ pātha̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
yu̱ṣmāka̱ṃ śarma̍ṇi pri̱ye syāma̍ supraṇīta̱yo'ti̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.04
4 Ye compass round and guard each man, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:-
In your dear keeping may we be, ye who are excellent as guides beyond our foes.
Sloka : 10.126.5
आ॒दि॒त्यासो॒ अति॒ स्रिधो॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
उ॒ग्रं म॒रुद्भी॑ रु॒द्रं हु॑वे॒मेन्द्र॑म॒ग्निं स्व॒स्तयेऽति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०५
ā̱di̱tyāso̱ ati̱ sridho̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
u̱graṃ ma̱rudbhī̍ ru̱draṃ hu̍ve̱mendra̍ma̱gniṃ sva̱staye'ti̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.05
5 Ādityas are beyond all foes,Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:-
Strong Rudra with the Marut host, Indra, Agni let us call for weal beyond our foes.
Sloka : 10.126.6
नेता॑र ऊ॒ षु ण॑स्ति॒रो वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
अति॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता राजा॑नश्चर्षणी॒नामति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०६
netā̍ra ū̱ ṣu ṇa̍sti̱ro varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
ati̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tā rājā̍naścarṣaṇī̱nāmati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.06
6 These lead us safely over all, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
These who are Kings of living men, over all troubles far away beyond our foes.
Sloka : 10.126.7
शु॒नम॒स्मभ्य॑मू॒तये॒ वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा ।
शर्म॑ यच्छन्तु स॒प्रथ॑ आदि॒त्यासो॒ यदीम॑हे॒ अति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०७
śu̱nama̱smabhya̍mū̱taye̱ varu̍ṇo mi̱tro a̍rya̱mā .
śarma̍ yacchantu sa̱pratha̍ ādi̱tyāso̱ yadīma̍he̱ ati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.126.07
7 May they give bliss to aid us well, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman:-
May the Ādityas, when we pray, grant us wide shelter and defence beyond our foes.
Sloka : 10.126.8
यथा॑ ह॒ त्यद्व॑सवो गौ॒र्यं॑ चित्प॒दि षि॒ताममु॑ञ्चता यजत्राः ।
ए॒वो ष्व१॒॑स्मन्मु॑ञ्चता॒ व्यंहः॒ प्र ता॑र्यग्ने प्रत॒रं न॒ आयुः॑ ॥ १०.१२६.०८
yathā̍ ha̱ tyadva̍savo gau̱rya̍ṃ citpa̱di ṣi̱tāmamu̍ñcatā yajatrāḥ .
e̱vo ṣva1̱̍smanmu̍ñcatā̱ vyaṃha̱ḥ pra tā̍ryagne prata̱raṃ na̱ āyu̍ḥ .. 10.126.08
8 As in this place, O Holy Ones, ye Vasus freed even the Gaud when her feet were fettered.
So free us now from trouble and affliction:- and let our life be lengthened still, O Api.
Sloka : 10.127.1
रात्री॒ व्य॑ख्यदाय॒ती पु॑रु॒त्रा दे॒व्य१॒॑क्षभिः॑ ।
विश्वा॒ अधि॒ श्रियो॑ऽधित ॥ १०.१२७.०१
rātrī̱ vya̍khyadāya̱tī pu̍ru̱trā de̱vya1̱̍kṣabhi̍ḥ .
viśvā̱ adhi̱ śriyo̎dhita .. 10.127.01
1. WITH all her eyes the Goddess Night looks forth approaching many a spot:-
She hath put all her glories on.
Sloka : 10.127.2
ओर्व॑प्रा॒ अम॑र्त्या नि॒वतो॑ दे॒व्यु१॒॑द्वतः॑ ।
ज्योति॑षा बाधते॒ तमः॑ ॥ १०.१२७.०२
orva̍prā̱ ama̍rtyā ni̱vato̍ de̱vyu1̱̍dvata̍ḥ .
jyoti̍ṣā bādhate̱ tama̍ḥ .. 10.127.02
2 Immortal. she hath filled the waste, the Goddess hath filled height and depth:-
She conquers darkness with her light.
Sloka : 10.127.3
निरु॒ स्वसा॑रमस्कृतो॒षसं॑ दे॒व्या॑य॒ती ।
अपेदु॑ हासते॒ तमः॑ ॥ १०.१२७.०३
niru̱ svasā̍ramaskṛto̱ṣasa̍ṃ de̱vyā̍ya̱tī .
apedu̍ hāsate̱ tama̍ḥ .. 10.127.03
3 The Goddess as she comes hath set the Dawn her Sister in her place:-
And then the darkness vanishes.
Sloka : 10.127.4
सा नो॑ अ॒द्य यस्या॑ व॒यं नि ते॒ याम॒न्नवि॑क्ष्महि ।
वृ॒क्षे न व॑स॒तिं वयः॑ ॥ १०.१२७.०४
sā no̍ a̱dya yasyā̍ va̱yaṃ ni te̱ yāma̱nnavi̍kṣmahi .
vṛ̱kṣe na va̍sa̱tiṃ vaya̍ḥ .. 10.127.04
4 So favour us this night, O thou whose pathways we have visited
As birds their nest upon the tree.
Sloka : 10.127.5
नि ग्रामा॑सो अविक्षत॒ नि प॒द्वन्तो॒ नि प॒क्षिणः॑ ।
नि श्ये॒नास॑श्चिद॒र्थिनः॑ ॥ १०.१२७.०५
ni grāmā̍so avikṣata̱ ni pa̱dvanto̱ ni pa̱kṣiṇa̍ḥ .
ni śye̱nāsa̍ścida̱rthina̍ḥ .. 10.127.05
5 The villagers have sought their homes, and all that walks and all that flies,
Even the falcons fain for prey.
Sloka : 10.127.6
या॒वया॑ वृ॒क्यं१॒॑ वृकं॑ य॒वय॑ स्ते॒नमू॑र्म्ये ।
अथा॑ नः सु॒तरा॑ भव ॥ १०.१२७.०६
yā̱vayā̍ vṛ̱kyaṃ1̱̍ vṛka̍ṃ ya̱vaya̍ ste̱namū̍rmye .
athā̍ naḥ su̱tarā̍ bhava .. 10.127.06
6 Keep off the she-wolf and the wolf, O Urmya, keep the thief away;
Easy be thou for us to pass.
Sloka : 10.127.7
उप॑ मा॒ पेपि॑श॒त्तमः॑ कृ॒ष्णं व्य॑क्तमस्थित ।
उष॑ ऋ॒णेव॑ यातय ॥ १०.१२७.०७
upa̍ mā̱ pepi̍śa̱ttama̍ḥ kṛ̱ṣṇaṃ vya̍ktamasthita .
uṣa̍ ṛ̱ṇeva̍ yātaya .. 10.127.07
7 Clearly hath she come nigh to me who decks the dark with richest hues:-
O Morning, cancel it like debts.
Sloka : 10.127.8
उप॑ ते॒ गा इ॒वाक॑रं वृणी॒ष्व दु॑हितर्दिवः ।
रात्रि॒ स्तोमं॒ न जि॒ग्युषे॑ ॥ १०.१२७.०८
upa̍ te̱ gā i̱vāka̍raṃ vṛṇī̱ṣva du̍hitardivaḥ .
rātri̱ stoma̱ṃ na ji̱gyuṣe̍ .. 10.127.08
8 These have I brought to thee like kine. O Night, thou Child of Heaven, accept
This laud as for a conqueror.
Sloka : 10.128.1
ममा॑ग्ने॒ वर्चो॑ विह॒वेष्व॑स्तु व॒यं त्वेन्धा॑नास्त॒न्वं॑ पुषेम ।
मह्यं॑ नमन्तां प्र॒दिश॒श्चत॑स्र॒स्त्वयाध्य॑क्षेण॒ पृत॑ना जयेम ॥ १०.१२८.०१
mamā̍gne̱ varco̍ viha̱veṣva̍stu va̱yaṃ tvendhā̍nāsta̱nva̍ṃ puṣema .
mahya̍ṃ namantāṃ pra̱diśa̱ścata̍sra̱stvayādhya̍kṣeṇa̱ pṛta̍nā jayema .. 10.128.01
1. LET me win glory, Agni, in our battles:- enkindling thee, may we support our bodies.
May the four regions bend and bow before me:- with thee for guardian may we win in combat.
Sloka : 10.128.2
मम॑ दे॒वा वि॑ह॒वे स॑न्तु॒ सर्व॒ इन्द्र॑वन्तो म॒रुतो॒ विष्णु॑र॒ग्निः ।
ममा॒न्तरि॑क्षमु॒रुलो॑कमस्तु॒ मह्यं॒ वातः॑ पवतां॒ कामे॑ अ॒स्मिन् ॥ १०.१२८.०२
mama̍ de̱vā vi̍ha̱ve sa̍ntu̱ sarva̱ indra̍vanto ma̱ruto̱ viṣṇu̍ra̱gniḥ .
mamā̱ntari̍kṣamu̱rulo̍kamastu̱ mahya̱ṃ vāta̍ḥ pavatā̱ṃ kāme̍ a̱smin .. 10.128.02
2 May all the Gods be on my side in battle, the Maruts led by Indra, Viṣṇu, Agni.
Mine be the middle air's extended region, and may the wind blow favouring these my wishes.
Sloka : 10.128.3
मयि॑ दे॒वा द्रवि॑ण॒मा य॑जन्तां॒ मय्या॒शीर॑स्तु॒ मयि॑ दे॒वहू॑तिः ।
दैव्या॒ होता॑रो वनुषन्त॒ पूर्वेऽरि॑ष्टाः स्याम त॒न्वा॑ सु॒वीराः॑ ॥ १०.१२८.०३
mayi̍ de̱vā dravi̍ṇa̱mā ya̍jantā̱ṃ mayyā̱śīra̍stu̱ mayi̍ de̱vahū̍tiḥ .
daivyā̱ hotā̍ro vanuṣanta̱ pūrve'ri̍ṣṭāḥ syāma ta̱nvā̍ su̱vīrā̍ḥ .. 10.128.03
3 May the Gods grant me riches; may the blessing and invocation of the Gods assist me.
Foremost in fight be the divine Invokers:- may we, unwounded, have brave heroes round us.
Sloka : 10.128.4
मह्यं॑ यजन्तु॒ मम॒ यानि॑ ह॒व्याकू॑तिः स॒त्या मन॑सो मे अस्तु ।
एनो॒ मा नि गां॑ कत॒मच्च॒नाहं विश्वे॑ देवासो॒ अधि॑ वोचता नः ॥ १०.१२८.०४
mahya̍ṃ yajantu̱ mama̱ yāni̍ ha̱vyākū̍tiḥ sa̱tyā mana̍so me astu .
eno̱ mā ni gā̍ṃ kata̱macca̱nāhaṃ viśve̍ devāso̱ adhi̍ vocatā naḥ .. 10.128.04
4 For me let them present all mine oblations, and let my mind's intention be accomplished.
May I he guiltless of the least transgression:- and, all ye Gods, do ye combine to bless us.
Sloka : 10.128.5
देवीः॑ षळुर्वीरु॒रु नः॑ कृणोत॒ विश्वे॑ देवास इ॒ह वी॑रयध्वम् ।
मा हा॑स्महि प्र॒जया॒ मा त॒नूभि॒र्मा र॑धाम द्विष॒ते सो॑म राजन् ॥ १०.१२८.०५
devī̍ḥ ṣal̤urvīru̱ru na̍ḥ kṛṇota̱ viśve̍ devāsa i̱ha vī̍rayadhvam .
mā hā̍smahi pra̱jayā̱ mā ta̱nūbhi̱rmā ra̍dhāma dviṣa̱te so̍ma rājan .. 10.128.05
5 Ye six divine Expanses, grant us freedom:- here, all ye Gods, acquit yourselves like heroes.
Let us not lose our children or our bodies:- let us not benefit the foe, King Soma!
Sloka : 10.128.6
अग्ने॑ म॒न्युं प्र॑तिनु॒दन्परे॑षा॒मद॑ब्धो गो॒पाः परि॑ पाहि न॒स्त्वम् ।
प्र॒त्यञ्चो॑ यन्तु नि॒गुतः॒ पुन॒स्ते॒३॒॑ऽमैषां॑ चि॒त्तं प्र॒बुधां॒ वि ने॑शत् ॥ १०.१२८.०६
agne̍ ma̱nyuṃ pra̍tinu̱danpare̍ṣā̱mada̍bdho go̱pāḥ pari̍ pāhi na̱stvam .
pra̱tyañco̍ yantu ni̱guta̱ḥ puna̱ste̱3̱̎maiṣā̍ṃ ci̱ttaṃ pra̱budhā̱ṃ vi ne̍śat .. 10.128.06
6 Baffling the wrath of our opponents, Agni, guard us as our infallible Protector.
Let these thy foes turn back and seek their houses, and let their thought who watch at home be ruined.
Sloka : 10.128.7
धा॒ता धा॑तॄ॒णां भुव॑नस्य॒ यस्पति॑र्दे॒वं त्रा॒तार॑मभिमातिषा॒हम् ।
इ॒मं य॒ज्ञम॒श्विनो॒भा बृह॒स्पति॑र्दे॒वाः पा॑न्तु॒ यज॑मानं न्य॒र्थात् ॥ १०.१२८.०७
dhā̱tā dhā̍tṝ̱ṇāṃ bhuva̍nasya̱ yaspati̍rde̱vaṃ trā̱tāra̍mabhimātiṣā̱ham .
i̱maṃ ya̱jñama̱śvino̱bhā bṛha̱spati̍rde̱vāḥ pā̍ntu̱ yaja̍mānaṃ nya̱rthāt .. 10.128.07
7 Lord of the world, Creator of creators the saviour God who overcomes the foeman.
May Gods, Bṛhaspati, both Aśvins shelter from ill this sacrifice and sacrificer.
Sloka : 10.128.8
उ॒रु॒व्यचा॑ नो महि॒षः शर्म॑ यंसद॒स्मिन्हवे॑ पुरुहू॒तः पु॑रु॒क्षुः ।
स नः॑ प्र॒जायै॑ हर्यश्व मृळ॒येन्द्र॒ मा नो॑ रीरिषो॒ मा परा॑ दाः ॥ १०.१२८.०८
u̱ru̱vyacā̍ no mahi̱ṣaḥ śarma̍ yaṃsada̱sminhave̍ puruhū̱taḥ pu̍ru̱kṣuḥ .
sa na̍ḥ pra̱jāyai̍ haryaśva mṛl̤a̱yendra̱ mā no̍ rīriṣo̱ mā parā̍ dāḥ .. 10.128.08
8 Foodful, and much-invoked, at this our calling may the great Bull vouchsafe us wide protection.
Lord of Bay Coursers, Indra, blew our children:- harm us not, give us not as prey to others.
Sloka : 10.128.9
ये नः॑ स॒पत्ना॒ अप॒ ते भ॑वन्त्विन्द्रा॒ग्निभ्या॒मव॑ बाधामहे॒ तान् ।
वस॑वो रु॒द्रा आ॑दि॒त्या उ॑परि॒स्पृशं॑ मो॒ग्रं चेत्ता॑रमधिरा॒जम॑क्रन् ॥ १०.१२८.०९
ye na̍ḥ sa̱patnā̱ apa̱ te bha̍vantvindrā̱gnibhyā̱mava̍ bādhāmahe̱ tān .
vasa̍vo ru̱drā ā̍di̱tyā u̍pari̱spṛśa̍ṃ mo̱graṃ cettā̍ramadhirā̱jama̍kran .. 10.128.09
9 Let those who are our foemen stay. afar from us:- with Indra and with Agni we will drive them off.
Vasus, Ādityas, Rudras have exalted me, made me far-reaching, mighty, thinker, sovran lord.
Sloka : 10.129.1
नास॑दासी॒न्नो सदा॑सीत्त॒दानीं॒ नासी॒द्रजो॒ नो व्यो॑मा प॒रो यत् ।
किमाव॑रीवः॒ कुह॒ कस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नम्भः॒ किमा॑सी॒द्गह॑नं गभी॒रम् ॥ १०.१२९.०१
nāsa̍dāsī̱nno sadā̍sītta̱dānī̱ṃ nāsī̱drajo̱ no vyo̍mā pa̱ro yat .
kimāva̍rīva̱ḥ kuha̱ kasya̱ śarma̱nnambha̱ḥ kimā̍sī̱dgaha̍naṃ gabhī̱ram .. 10.129.01
1. THEN was not non-existent nor existent:- there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it.
What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water?
Sloka : 10.129.2
न मृ॒त्युरा॑सीद॒मृतं॒ न तर्हि॒ न रात्र्या॒ अह्न॑ आसीत्प्रके॒तः ।
आनी॑दवा॒तं स्व॒धया॒ तदेकं॒ तस्मा॑द्धा॒न्यन्न प॒रः किं च॒नास॑ ॥ १०.१२९.०२
na mṛ̱tyurā̍sīda̱mṛta̱ṃ na tarhi̱ na rātryā̱ ahna̍ āsītprake̱taḥ .
ānī̍davā̱taṃ sva̱dhayā̱ tadeka̱ṃ tasmā̍ddhā̱nyanna pa̱raḥ kiṃ ca̱nāsa̍ .. 10.129.02
2 Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal:- no sign was there, the day's and night's divider.
That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature:- apart from it was nothing whatsoever.
Sloka : 10.129.3
तम॑ आसी॒त्तम॑सा गू॒ळ्हमग्रे॑ऽप्रके॒तं स॑लि॒लं सर्व॑मा इ॒दम् ।
तु॒च्छ्येना॒भ्वपि॑हितं॒ यदासी॒त्तप॑स॒स्तन्म॑हि॒नाजा॑य॒तैक॑म् ॥ १०.१२९.०३
tama̍ āsī̱ttama̍sā gū̱l̤hamagre̎prake̱taṃ sa̍li̱laṃ sarva̍mā i̱dam .
tu̱cchyenā̱bhvapi̍hita̱ṃ yadāsī̱ttapa̍sa̱stanma̍hi̱nājā̍ya̱taika̍m .. 10.129.03
3 Darkness there was:- at first concealed in darkness this All was indiscriminated chaos.
All that existed then was void and form less:- by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit.
Sloka : 10.129.4
काम॒स्तदग्रे॒ सम॑वर्त॒ताधि॒ मन॑सो॒ रेतः॑ प्रथ॒मं यदासी॑त् ।
स॒तो बन्धु॒मस॑ति॒ निर॑विन्दन्हृ॒दि प्र॒तीष्या॑ क॒वयो॑ मनी॒षा ॥ १०.१२९.०४
kāma̱stadagre̱ sama̍varta̱tādhi̱ mana̍so̱ reta̍ḥ pratha̱maṃ yadāsī̍t .
sa̱to bandhu̱masa̍ti̱ nira̍vindanhṛ̱di pra̱tīṣyā̍ ka̱vayo̍ manī̱ṣā .. 10.129.04
4 Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit.
Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered the existent's kinship in the non-existent.
Sloka : 10.129.5
ति॒र॒श्चीनो॒ वित॑तो र॒श्मिरे॑षाम॒धः स्वि॑दा॒सी३दु॒परि॑ स्विदासी३त् ।
रे॒तो॒धा आ॑सन्महि॒मान॑ आसन्स्व॒धा अ॒वस्ता॒त्प्रय॑तिः प॒रस्ता॑त् ॥ १०.१२९.०५
ti̱ra̱ścīno̱ vita̍to ra̱śmire̍ṣāma̱dhaḥ svi̍dā̱sī3du̱pari̍ svidāsī3t .
re̱to̱dhā ā̍sanmahi̱māna̍ āsansva̱dhā a̱vastā̱tpraya̍tiḥ pa̱rastā̍t .. 10.129.05
5 Transversely was their severing line extended:- what was above it then, and what below it?
There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here and energy up yonder
Sloka : 10.129.6
को अ॒द्धा वे॑द॒ क इ॒ह प्र वो॑च॒त्कुत॒ आजा॑ता॒ कुत॑ इ॒यं विसृ॑ष्टिः ।
अ॒र्वाग्दे॒वा अ॒स्य वि॒सर्ज॑ने॒नाथा॒ को वे॑द॒ यत॑ आब॒भूव॑ ॥ १०.१२९.०६
ko a̱ddhā ve̍da̱ ka i̱ha pra vo̍ca̱tkuta̱ ājā̍tā̱ kuta̍ i̱yaṃ visṛ̍ṣṭiḥ .
a̱rvāgde̱vā a̱sya vi̱sarja̍ne̱nāthā̱ ko ve̍da̱ yata̍ āba̱bhūva̍ .. 10.129.06
6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation?
The Gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first came into being?
Sloka : 10.129.7
इ॒यं विसृ॑ष्टि॒र्यत॑ आब॒भूव॒ यदि॑ वा द॒धे यदि॑ वा॒ न ।
यो अ॒स्याध्य॑क्षः पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न्सो अ॒ङ्ग वे॑द॒ यदि॑ वा॒ न वेद॑ ॥ १०.१२९.०७
i̱yaṃ visṛ̍ṣṭi̱ryata̍ āba̱bhūva̱ yadi̍ vā da̱dhe yadi̍ vā̱ na .
yo a̱syādhya̍kṣaḥ para̱me vyo̍ma̱nso a̱ṅga ve̍da̱ yadi̍ vā̱ na veda̍ .. 10.129.07
7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.
Sloka : 10.130.1
यो य॒ज्ञो वि॒श्वत॒स्तन्तु॑भिस्त॒त एक॑शतं देवक॒र्मेभि॒राय॑तः ।
इ॒मे व॑यन्ति पि॒तरो॒ य आ॑य॒युः प्र व॒याप॑ व॒येत्या॑सते त॒ते ॥ १०.१३०.०१
yo ya̱jño vi̱śvata̱stantu̍bhista̱ta eka̍śataṃ devaka̱rmebhi̱rāya̍taḥ .
i̱me va̍yanti pi̱taro̱ ya ā̍ya̱yuḥ pra va̱yāpa̍ va̱yetyā̍sate ta̱te .. 10.130.01
1. THE sacrifice drawn out with threads on every side, stretched by a hundred sacred ministers and one,
This do these Fathers weave who hitherward are come:- they sit beside the warp and cry, Weave forth, weave back.
Sloka : 10.130.2
पुमा॑ँ एनं तनुत॒ उत्कृ॑णत्ति॒ पुमा॒न्वि त॑त्ने॒ अधि॒ नाके॑ अ॒स्मिन् ।
इ॒मे म॒यूखा॒ उप॑ सेदुरू॒ सदः॒ सामा॑नि चक्रु॒स्तस॑रा॒ण्योत॑वे ॥ १०.१३०.०२
pumā̍m̐ enaṃ tanuta̱ utkṛ̍ṇatti̱ pumā̱nvi ta̍tne̱ adhi̱ nāke̍ a̱smin .
i̱me ma̱yūkhā̱ upa̍ sedurū̱ sada̱ḥ sāmā̍ni cakru̱stasa̍rā̱ṇyota̍ve .. 10.130.02
2 The Man extends it and the Man unbinds it:- even to this vault of heaven hath he outspun, it.
These pegs are fastened to the seat of worship:- they made the Sāma-hymns their weaving shuttles.
Sloka : 10.130.3
कासी॑त्प्र॒मा प्र॑ति॒मा किं नि॒दान॒माज्यं॒ किमा॑सीत्परि॒धिः क आ॑सीत् ।
छन्दः॒ किमा॑सी॒त्प्रउ॑गं॒ किमु॒क्थं यद्दे॒वा दे॒वमय॑जन्त॒ विश्वे॑ ॥ १०.१३०.०३
kāsī̍tpra̱mā pra̍ti̱mā kiṃ ni̱dāna̱mājya̱ṃ kimā̍sītpari̱dhiḥ ka ā̍sīt .
chanda̱ḥ kimā̍sī̱tpraü̍ga̱ṃ kimu̱kthaṃ yadde̱vā de̱vamaya̍janta̱ viśve̍ .. 10.130.03
3 What were the rule, the order and the model? What were the wooden fender and the butter?
What were the hymn, the chant, the recitation, when to the God all Deities paid worship?
Sloka : 10.130.4
अ॒ग्नेर्गा॑य॒त्र्य॑भवत्स॒युग्वो॒ष्णिह॑या सवि॒ता सं ब॑भूव ।
अ॒नु॒ष्टुभा॒ सोम॑ उ॒क्थैर्मह॑स्वा॒न्बृह॒स्पते॑र्बृह॒ती वाच॑मावत् ॥ १०.१३०.०४
a̱gnergā̍ya̱trya̍bhavatsa̱yugvo̱ṣṇiha̍yā savi̱tā saṃ ba̍bhūva .
a̱nu̱ṣṭubhā̱ soma̍ u̱kthairmaha̍svā̱nbṛha̱spate̍rbṛha̱tī vāca̍māvat .. 10.130.04
4 Closely was Gāyatrī conjoined with Agni, and closely Savitar combined with Usnih.
Brilliant with Ukthas, Soma joined Anustup:- Bṛhaspati's voice by Brhati was aided.
Sloka : 10.130.5
वि॒राण्मि॒त्रावरु॑णयोरभि॒श्रीरिन्द्र॑स्य त्रि॒ष्टुबि॒ह भा॒गो अह्नः॑ ।
विश्वा॑न्दे॒वाञ्जग॒त्या वि॑वेश॒ तेन॑ चाकॢप्र॒ ऋष॑यो मनु॒ष्याः॑ ॥ १०.१३०.०५
vi̱rāṇmi̱trāvaru̍ṇayorabhi̱śrīrindra̍sya tri̱ṣṭubi̱ha bhā̱go ahna̍ḥ .
viśvā̍nde̱vāñjaga̱tyā vi̍veśa̱ tena̍ cākḷpra̱ ṛṣa̍yo manu̱ṣyā̍ḥ .. 10.130.05
5 Virāj adhered to Varuṇa and Mitra:- here Triṣṭup day by day was Indra's portion.
Jagatī entered all the Gods together:- so by this knowledge men were raised to Ṛṣis.
Sloka : 10.130.6
चा॒कॢ॒प्रे तेन॒ ऋष॑यो मनु॒ष्या॑ य॒ज्ञे जा॒ते पि॒तरो॑ नः पुरा॒णे ।
पश्य॑न्मन्ये॒ मन॑सा॒ चक्ष॑सा॒ तान्य इ॒मं य॒ज्ञमय॑जन्त॒ पूर्वे॑ ॥ १०.१३०.०६
cā̱kḷ̱pre tena̱ ṛṣa̍yo manu̱ṣyā̍ ya̱jñe jā̱te pi̱taro̍ naḥ purā̱ṇe .
paśya̍nmanye̱ mana̍sā̱ cakṣa̍sā̱ tānya i̱maṃ ya̱jñamaya̍janta̱ pūrve̍ .. 10.130.06
6 So by this knowledge men were raised to Ṛṣis, when ancient sacrifice sprang up, our Fathers.
With the mind's eye I think that I behold them who first performed this sacrificial worship.
Sloka : 10.130.7
स॒हस्तो॑माः स॒हछ॑न्दस आ॒वृतः॑ स॒हप्र॑मा॒ ऋष॑यः स॒प्त दैव्याः॑ ।
पूर्वे॑षां॒ पन्था॑मनु॒दृश्य॒ धीरा॑ अ॒न्वाले॑भिरे र॒थ्यो॒३॒॑ न र॒श्मीन् ॥ १०.१३०.०७
sa̱hasto̍māḥ sa̱hacha̍ndasa ā̱vṛta̍ḥ sa̱hapra̍mā̱ ṛṣa̍yaḥ sa̱pta daivyā̍ḥ .
pūrve̍ṣā̱ṃ panthā̍manu̱dṛśya̱ dhīrā̍ a̱nvāle̍bhire ra̱thyo̱3̱̍ na ra̱śmīn .. 10.130.07
7 They who were versed in ritual and metre, in hymns and rules, were the Seven Godlike Ṛṣis.
Viewing the path of those of old, the sages have taken up the reins like chariot-drivers.
Sloka : 10.131.1
अप॒ प्राच॑ इन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑ँ अ॒मित्रा॒नपापा॑चो अभिभूते नुदस्व ।
अपोदी॑चो॒ अप॑ शूराध॒राच॑ उ॒रौ यथा॒ तव॒ शर्म॒न्मदे॑म ॥ १०.१३१.०१
apa̱ prāca̍ indra̱ viśvā̍m̐ a̱mitrā̱napāpā̍co abhibhūte nudasva .
apodī̍co̱ apa̍ śūrādha̱rāca̍ u̱rau yathā̱ tava̱ śarma̱nmade̍ma .. 10.131.01
1. DRIVE all our enemies away, O Indra, the western, mighty Conqueror, and the eastern.
Hero, drive off our northern foes and southern, that we in thy wide shelter may be joyful.
Sloka : 10.131.2
कु॒विद॒ङ्ग यव॑मन्तो॒ यवं॑ चि॒द्यथा॒ दान्त्य॑नुपू॒र्वं वि॒यूय॑ ।
इ॒हेहै॑षां कृणुहि॒ भोज॑नानि॒ ये ब॒र्हिषो॒ नमो॑वृक्तिं॒ न ज॒ग्मुः ॥ १०.१३१.०२
ku̱vida̱ṅga yava̍manto̱ yava̍ṃ ci̱dyathā̱ dāntya̍nupū̱rvaṃ vi̱yūya̍ .
i̱hehai̍ṣāṃ kṛṇuhi̱ bhoja̍nāni̱ ye ba̱rhiṣo̱ namo̍vṛkti̱ṃ na ja̱gmuḥ .. 10.131.02
2 What then? As men whose fields are full of barley reap the ripe corn removing it in order,
So bring the food of those men, bring it hither, who went not to prepare the grass for worship.
Sloka : 10.131.3
न॒हि स्थूर्यृ॑तु॒था या॒तमस्ति॒ नोत श्रवो॑ विविदे संग॒मेषु॑ ।
ग॒व्यन्त॒ इन्द्रं॑ स॒ख्याय॒ विप्रा॑ अश्वा॒यन्तो॒ वृष॑णं वा॒जय॑न्तः ॥ १०.१३१.०३
na̱hi sthūryṛ̍tu̱thā yā̱tamasti̱ nota śravo̍ vivide saṃga̱meṣu̍ .
ga̱vyanta̱ indra̍ṃ sa̱khyāya̱ viprā̍ aśvā̱yanto̱ vṛṣa̍ṇaṃ vā̱jaya̍ntaḥ .. 10.131.03
3 Men come not with one horse at sacred seasons; thus they obtain no honour in assemblies.
Sages desiring herds of kine and horses strengthen the mighty Indra for his friendship.
Sloka : 10.131.4
यु॒वं सु॒राम॑मश्विना॒ नमु॑चावासु॒रे सचा॑ ।
वि॒पि॒पा॒ना शु॑भस्पती॒ इन्द्रं॒ कर्म॑स्वावतम् ॥ १०.१३१.०४
yu̱vaṃ su̱rāma̍maśvinā̱ namu̍cāvāsu̱re sacā̍ .
vi̱pi̱pā̱nā śu̍bhaspatī̱ indra̱ṃ karma̍svāvatam .. 10.131.04
4 Ye, Aśvins, Lords of Splendour, drank full draughts of grateful Soma juice,
And aided Indra in his work with Namuci of Asura birth.
Sloka : 10.131.5
पु॒त्रमि॑व पि॒तरा॑व॒श्विनो॒भेन्द्रा॒वथुः॒ काव्यै॑र्दं॒सना॑भिः ।
यत्सु॒रामं॒ व्यपि॑बः॒ शची॑भिः॒ सर॑स्वती त्वा मघवन्नभिष्णक् ॥ १०.१३१.०५
pu̱trami̍va pi̱tarā̍va̱śvino̱bhendrā̱vathu̱ḥ kāvyai̍rda̱ṃsanā̍bhiḥ .
yatsu̱rāma̱ṃ vyapi̍ba̱ḥ śacī̍bhi̱ḥ sara̍svatī tvā maghavannabhiṣṇak .. 10.131.05
5 As parents aid a son, both Aśvins, Indra, aided thee with their wondrous Powers and wisdom.
When thou, with might. hadst drunk the draught that gladdens, Sarasvatī, O Maghavan, refreshed thee.
Sloka : 10.131.6
इन्द्रः॑ सु॒त्रामा॒ स्ववा॒ँ अवो॑भिः सुमृळी॒को भ॑वतु वि॒श्ववे॑दाः ।
बाध॑तां॒ द्वेषो॒ अभ॑यं कृणोतु सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ पत॑यः स्याम ॥ १०.१३१.०६
indra̍ḥ su̱trāmā̱ svavā̱m̐ avo̍bhiḥ sumṛl̤ī̱ko bha̍vatu vi̱śvave̍dāḥ .
bādha̍tā̱ṃ dveṣo̱ abha̍yaṃ kṛṇotu su̱vīrya̍sya̱ pata̍yaḥ syāma .. 10.131.06
6 Indra is strong to save, rich in assistance may he, possessing all, be kind and gracious.
May he disperse our foes and give us safety, and may we be the lords of hero vigou r.
Sloka : 10.131.7
तस्य॑ व॒यं सु॑म॒तौ य॒ज्ञिय॒स्यापि॑ भ॒द्रे सौ॑मन॒से स्या॑म ।
स सु॒त्रामा॒ स्ववा॒ँ इन्द्रो॑ अ॒स्मे आ॒राच्चि॒द्द्वेषः॑ सनु॒तर्यु॑योतु ॥ १०.१३१.०७
tasya̍ va̱yaṃ su̍ma̱tau ya̱jñiya̱syāpi̍ bha̱dre sau̍mana̱se syā̍ma .
sa su̱trāmā̱ svavā̱m̐ indro̍ a̱sme ā̱rācci̱ddveṣa̍ḥ sanu̱taryu̍yotu .. 10.131.07
7 May we enjoy his favour, his the Holy may we enjoy his blessed loving kindness.
May this rich Indra, as our good Protector, drive off and keep afar all those who hate us.
Sloka : 10.132.1
ई॒जा॒नमिद्द्यौर्गू॒र्ताव॑सुरीजा॒नं भूमि॑र॒भि प्र॑भू॒षणि॑ ।
ई॒जा॒नं दे॒वाव॒श्विना॑व॒भि सु॒म्नैर॑वर्धताम् ॥ १०.१३२.०१
ī̱jā̱namiddyaurgū̱rtāva̍surījā̱naṃ bhūmi̍ra̱bhi pra̍bhū̱ṣaṇi̍ .
ī̱jā̱naṃ de̱vāva̱śvinā̍va̱bhi su̱mnaira̍vardhatām .. 10.132.01
1. MAY Dyaus the Lord of lauded wealth, and Earth stand by the man who offers sacrifice,
And may the Aśvins, both the Gods, strengthen the worshipper with bliss.
Sloka : 10.132.2
ता वां॑ मित्रावरुणा धार॒यत्क्षि॑ती सुषु॒म्नेषि॑त॒त्वता॑ यजामसि ।
यु॒वोः क्रा॒णाय॑ स॒ख्यैर॒भि ष्या॑म र॒क्षसः॑ ॥ १०.१३२.०२
tā vā̍ṃ mitrāvaruṇā dhāra̱yatkṣi̍tī suṣu̱mneṣi̍ta̱tvatā̍ yajāmasi .
yu̱voḥ krā̱ṇāya̍ sa̱khyaira̱bhi ṣyā̍ma ra̱kṣasa̍ḥ .. 10.132.02
2 As such we honour you, Mitra and Varuṇa, with hasty zeal, most blest, you who sustain the folk.
So may we, through your friendship for the worshipper, subdue the fiends.
Sloka : 10.132.3
अधा॑ चि॒न्नु यद्दिधि॑षामहे वाम॒भि प्रि॒यं रेक्णः॒ पत्य॑मानाः ।
द॒द्वाँ वा॒ यत्पुष्य॑ति॒ रेक्णः॒ सम्वा॑र॒न्नकि॑रस्य म॒घानि॑ ॥ १०.१३२.०३
adhā̍ ci̱nnu yaddidhi̍ṣāmahe vāma̱bhi pri̱yaṃ rekṇa̱ḥ patya̍mānāḥ .
da̱dvām̐ vā̱ yatpuṣya̍ti̱ rekṇa̱ḥ samvā̍ra̱nnaki̍rasya ma̱ghāni̍ .. 10.132.03
3 And when we seek to win your love and friendship, weẉho have precious wealth in our possession,
Or when the worshipper augments his riches let not his treasures be shut up
Sloka : 10.132.4
अ॒साव॒न्यो अ॑सुर सूयत॒ द्यौस्त्वं विश्वे॑षां वरुणासि॒ राजा॑ ।
मू॒र्धा रथ॑स्य चाक॒न्नैताव॒तैन॑सान्तक॒ध्रुक् ॥ १०.१३२.०४
a̱sāva̱nyo a̍sura sūyata̱ dyaustvaṃ viśve̍ṣāṃ varuṇāsi̱ rājā̍ .
mū̱rdhā ratha̍sya cāka̱nnaitāva̱taina̍sāntaka̱dhruk .. 10.132.04
4 That other, Asura! too was born of Heaven. thou art, O Varuṇa, the King of all men.
The chariot's Lord was well content, forbearing to anger Death by sin so great.
This sin hath Sakaputa here committed. Heroes who fled to their dear friend he slayeth,
When the Steed bringeth down your grace and favour in bodies dear and worshipful.
Sloka : 10.132.5
अ॒स्मिन्स्वे॒३॒॑तच्छक॑पूत॒ एनो॑ हि॒ते मि॒त्रे निग॑तान्हन्ति वी॒रान् ।
अ॒वोर्वा॒ यद्धात्त॒नूष्ववः॑ प्रि॒यासु॑ य॒ज्ञिया॒स्वर्वा॑ ॥ १०.१३२.०५
a̱sminsve̱3̱̍tacchaka̍pūta̱ eno̍ hi̱te mi̱tre niga̍tānhanti vī̱rān .
a̱vorvā̱ yaddhātta̱nūṣvava̍ḥ pri̱yāsu̍ ya̱jñiyā̱svarvā̍ .. 10.132.05
Sloka : 10.132.6
यु॒वोर्हि मा॒तादि॑तिर्विचेतसा॒ द्यौर्न भूमिः॒ पय॑सा पुपू॒तनि॑ ।
अव॑ प्रि॒या दि॑दिष्टन॒ सूरो॑ निनिक्त र॒श्मिभिः॑ ॥ १०.१३२.०६
yu̱vorhi mā̱tādi̍tirvicetasā̱ dyaurna bhūmi̱ḥ paya̍sā pupū̱tani̍ .
ava̍ pri̱yā di̍diṣṭana̱ sūro̍ ninikta ra̱śmibhi̍ḥ .. 10.132.06
6 Your Mother Aditi, ye wise, was purified with water even as earth is purified from heaven.
Show love and kindness here below:- wash her in rays of heavenly light.
Sloka : 10.132.7
यु॒वं ह्य॑प्न॒राजा॒वसी॑दतं॒ तिष्ठ॒द्रथं॒ न धू॒र्षदं॑ वन॒र्षद॑म् ।
ता नः॑ कणूक॒यन्ती॑र्नृ॒मेध॑स्तत्रे॒ अंह॑सः सु॒मेध॑स्तत्रे॒ अंह॑सः ॥ १०.१३२.०७
yu̱vaṃ hya̍pna̱rājā̱vasī̍data̱ṃ tiṣṭha̱dratha̱ṃ na dhū̱rṣada̍ṃ vana̱rṣada̍m .
tā na̍ḥ kaṇūka̱yantī̍rnṛ̱medha̍statre̱ aṃha̍saḥ su̱medha̍statre̱ aṃha̍saḥ .. 10.132.07
7 Ye Twain have seated you as Lords of Wealth, as one who mounts a car to him who sits upon the pole, upon the wood.
These our disheartened tribes Nrmedhas saved from woe, Sumedhas saved from Woe.
Sloka : 10.133.1
प्रो ष्व॑स्मै पुरोर॒थमिन्द्रा॑य शू॒षम॑र्चत ।
अ॒भीके॑ चिदु लोक॒कृत्सं॒गे स॒मत्सु॑ वृत्र॒हास्माकं॑ बोधि चोदि॒ता नभ॑न्तामन्य॒केषां॑ ज्या॒का अधि॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ १०.१३३.०१
pro ṣva̍smai purora̱thamindrā̍ya śū̱ṣama̍rcata .
a̱bhīke̍ cidu loka̱kṛtsa̱ṃge sa̱matsu̍ vṛtra̱hāsmāka̍ṃ bodhi codi̱tā nabha̍ntāmanya̱keṣā̍ṃ jyā̱kā adhi̱ dhanva̍su .. 10.133.01
1. SING strength to Indra that shall set his chariot in the foremost place.
Giver of room in closest fight, slayer of foes in shock of war, be thou our great encourager. Let the weak bowstrings break upon the bows of feeble enemies.
Sloka : 10.133.2
त्वं सिन्धू॒ँरवा॑सृजोऽध॒राचो॒ अह॒न्नहि॑म् ।
अ॒श॒त्रुरि॑न्द्र जज्ञिषे॒ विश्वं॑ पुष्यसि॒ वार्यं॒ तं त्वा॒ परि॑ ष्वजामहे॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒केषां॑ ज्या॒का अधि॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ १०.१३३.०२
tvaṃ sindhū̱m̐ravā̍sṛjo'dha̱rāco̱ aha̱nnahi̍m .
a̱śa̱truri̍ndra jajñiṣe̱ viśva̍ṃ puṣyasi̱ vārya̱ṃ taṃ tvā̱ pari̍ ṣvajāmahe̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱keṣā̍ṃ jyā̱kā adhi̱ dhanva̍su .. 10.133.02
2 Thou didst destroy the Dragon:- thou sentest the rivers down to earth.
Foeless, O Indra, wast thou born. Thou tendest well each choicest thing. Therefore we draw us close to thee. Let the weak bowstrings break upon the bows of feeble enemies.
Sloka : 10.133.3
वि षु विश्वा॒ अरा॑तयो॒ऽर्यो न॑शन्त नो॒ धियः॑ ।
अस्ता॑सि॒ शत्र॑वे व॒धं यो न॑ इन्द्र॒ जिघां॑सति॒ या ते॑ रा॒तिर्द॒दिर्वसु॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒केषां॑ ज्या॒का अधि॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ १०.१३३.०३
vi ṣu viśvā̱ arā̍tayo̱'ryo na̍śanta no̱ dhiya̍ḥ .
astā̍si̱ śatra̍ve va̱dhaṃ yo na̍ indra̱ jighā̍ṃsati̱ yā te̍ rā̱tirda̱dirvasu̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱keṣā̍ṃ jyā̱kā adhi̱ dhanva̍su .. 10.133.03
3 Destroyed be all malignities and all our enemy's designs.
Thy bolt thou castest, at the foe, O Indra, who would srnite us dead:- thy liberal bounty gives us wealth.
Sloka : 10.133.4
यो न॑ इन्द्रा॒भितो॒ जनो॑ वृका॒युरा॒दिदे॑शति ।
अ॒ध॒स्प॒दं तमीं॑ कृधि विबा॒धो अ॑सि सास॒हिर्नभ॑न्तामन्य॒केषां॑ ज्या॒का अधि॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ १०.१३३.०४
yo na̍ indrā̱bhito̱ jano̍ vṛkā̱yurā̱dide̍śati .
a̱dha̱spa̱daṃ tamī̍ṃ kṛdhi vibā̱dho a̍si sāsa̱hirnabha̍ntāmanya̱keṣā̍ṃ jyā̱kā adhi̱ dhanva̍su .. 10.133.04
4 The robber people round about, Indra, who watch and aim at us,
Trample them down beneath thy foot; a conquering scatterer art thou.
Sloka : 10.133.5
यो न॑ इन्द्राभि॒दास॑ति॒ सना॑भि॒र्यश्च॒ निष्ट्यः॑ ।
अव॒ तस्य॒ बलं॑ तिर म॒हीव॒ द्यौरध॒ त्मना॒ नभ॑न्तामन्य॒केषां॑ ज्या॒का अधि॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ १०.१३३.०५
yo na̍ indrābhi̱dāsa̍ti̱ sanā̍bhi̱ryaśca̱ niṣṭya̍ḥ .
ava̱ tasya̱ bala̍ṃ tira ma̱hīva̱ dyauradha̱ tmanā̱ nabha̍ntāmanya̱keṣā̍ṃ jyā̱kā adhi̱ dhanva̍su .. 10.133.05
5 Whoso assails us, Indra, be the man a stranger or akin,
Bring down, thyself, his strength although it be as vast as are the heavens.
Sloka : 10.133.6
व॒यमि॑न्द्र त्वा॒यवः॑ सखि॒त्वमा र॑भामहे ।
ऋ॒तस्य॑ नः प॒था न॒याति॒ विश्वा॑नि दुरि॒ता नभ॑न्तामन्य॒केषां॑ ज्या॒का अधि॒ धन्व॑सु ॥ १०.१३३.०६
va̱yami̍ndra tvā̱yava̍ḥ sakhi̱tvamā ra̍bhāmahe .
ṛ̱tasya̍ naḥ pa̱thā na̱yāti̱ viśvā̍ni duri̱tā nabha̍ntāmanya̱keṣā̍ṃ jyā̱kā adhi̱ dhanva̍su .. 10.133.06
6 Close to thy friendship do we cling, O Indra, and depend, or, thee.
Lead us beyond all pain and grief along the path of holy Law.
Sloka : 10.133.7
अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ सु त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ तां शि॑क्ष॒ या दोह॑ते॒ प्रति॒ वरं॑ जरि॒त्रे ।
अच्छि॑द्रोध्नी पी॒पय॒द्यथा॑ नः स॒हस्र॑धारा॒ पय॑सा म॒ही गौः ॥ १०.१३३.०७
a̱smabhya̱ṃ su tvami̍ndra̱ tāṃ śi̍kṣa̱ yā doha̍te̱ prati̱ vara̍ṃ jari̱tre .
acchi̍drodhnī pī̱paya̱dyathā̍ naḥ sa̱hasra̍dhārā̱ paya̍sā ma̱hī gauḥ .. 10.133.07
7 Do thou bestow upon us her, O Indra, who yields according to the singer's longing,
That the great Cow may, with exhaustless udder, pouring a thousand streams, give milk to feed us.
Sloka : 10.134.1
उ॒भे यदि॑न्द्र॒ रोद॑सी आप॒प्राथो॒षा इ॑व ।
म॒हान्तं॑ त्वा म॒हीनां॑ स॒म्राजं॑ चर्षणी॒नां दे॒वी जनि॑त्र्यजीजनद्भ॒द्रा जनि॑त्र्यजीजनत् ॥ १०.१३४.०१
u̱bhe yadi̍ndra̱ roda̍sī āpa̱prātho̱ṣā i̍va .
ma̱hānta̍ṃ tvā ma̱hīnā̍ṃ sa̱mrāja̍ṃ carṣaṇī̱nāṃ de̱vī jani̍tryajījanadbha̱drā jani̍tryajījanat .. 10.134.01
1. As, like the Morning, thou hast filled, O Indra, both the earth and heaven.
So as the Mighty One, great King of all the mighty world of men, the Goddess Mother brought thee forth, the Blessed Mother gave thee life.
Sloka : 10.134.2
अव॑ स्म दुर्हणाय॒तो मर्त॑स्य तनुहि स्थि॒रम् ।
अ॒ध॒स्प॒दं तमीं॑ कृधि॒ यो अ॒स्माँ आ॒दिदे॑शति दे॒वी जनि॑त्र्यजीजनद्भ॒द्रा जनि॑त्र्यजीजनत् ॥ १०.१३४.०२
ava̍ sma durhaṇāya̱to marta̍sya tanuhi sthi̱ram .
a̱dha̱spa̱daṃ tamī̍ṃ kṛdhi̱ yo a̱smām̐ ā̱dide̍śati de̱vī jani̍tryajījanadbha̱drā jani̍tryajījanat .. 10.134.02
2 Relax that mortal's stubborn strength whose heart is bent on wickedness.
Trample him down beneath thy feet who watches for and aims at us. The Goddess Mother brought thee forth, the Blessed Mother gave thee life.
Sloka : 10.134.3
अव॒ त्या बृ॑ह॒तीरिषो॑ वि॒श्वश्च॑न्द्रा अमित्रहन् ।
शची॑भिः शक्र धूनु॒हीन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑भिरू॒तिभि॑र्दे॒वी जनि॑त्र्यजीजनद्भ॒द्रा जनि॑त्र्यजीजनत् ॥ १०.१३४.०३
ava̱ tyā bṛ̍ha̱tīriṣo̍ vi̱śvaśca̍ndrā amitrahan .
śacī̍bhiḥ śakra dhūnu̱hīndra̱ viśvā̍bhirū̱tibhi̍rde̱vī jani̍tryajījanadbha̱drā jani̍tryajījanat .. 10.134.03
3 Shake down, O Slayer of the foe, those great all splendid enemies.
With all thy powers, O Śakra, all thine helps, O Indra, shake them down:-
Sloka : 10.134.4
अव॒ यत्त्वं श॑तक्रत॒विन्द्र॒ विश्वा॑नि धूनु॒षे ।
र॒यिं न सु॑न्व॒ते सचा॑ सह॒स्रिणी॑भिरू॒तिभि॑र्दे॒वी जनि॑त्र्यजीजनद्भ॒द्रा जनि॑त्र्यजीजनत् ॥ १०.१३४.०४
ava̱ yattvaṃ śa̍takrata̱vindra̱ viśvā̍ni dhūnu̱ṣe .
ra̱yiṃ na su̍nva̱te sacā̍ saha̱sriṇī̍bhirū̱tibhi̍rde̱vī jani̍tryajījanadbha̱drā jani̍tryajījanat .. 10.134.04
4 As thou, O Śatakratu, thou, O Indrv, shakest all things down
As wealth for him who sheds the juice, with thine assistance thousandfold.
Sloka : 10.134.5
अव॒ स्वेदा॑ इवा॒भितो॒ विष्व॑क्पतन्तु दि॒द्यवः॑ ।
दूर्वा॑या इव॒ तन्त॑वो॒ व्य१॒॑स्मदे॑तु दुर्म॒तिर्दे॒वी जनि॑त्र्यजीजनद्भ॒द्रा जनि॑त्र्यजीजनत् ॥ १०.१३४.०५
ava̱ svedā̍ ivā̱bhito̱ viṣva̍kpatantu di̱dyava̍ḥ .
dūrvā̍yā iva̱ tanta̍vo̱ vya1̱̍smade̍tu durma̱tirde̱vī jani̍tryajījanadbha̱drā jani̍tryajījanat .. 10.134.05
5 Around, on every side like drops of sweat let lightning-flashes fall.
Let all malevolence pass away from us like threads of Darva grass.
Sloka : 10.134.6
दी॒र्घं ह्य॑ङ्कु॒शं य॑था॒ शक्तिं॒ बिभ॑र्षि मन्तुमः ।
पूर्वे॑ण मघवन्प॒दाजो व॒यां यथा॑ यमो दे॒वी जनि॑त्र्यजीजनद्भ॒द्रा जनि॑त्र्यजीजनत् ॥ १०.१३४.०६
dī̱rghaṃ hya̍ṅku̱śaṃ ya̍thā̱ śakti̱ṃ bibha̍rṣi mantumaḥ .
pūrve̍ṇa maghavanpa̱dājo va̱yāṃ yathā̍ yamo de̱vī jani̍tryajījanadbha̱drā jani̍tryajījanat .. 10.134.06
6 Thou bearest in thine hand a lance like a long hook, great Counsellor!
As with his foremost foot a goat, draw down the branch, O Maghavan.
Sloka : 10.134.7
नकि॑र्देवा मिनीमसि॒ नकि॒रा यो॑पयामसि मन्त्र॒श्रुत्यं॑ चरामसि ।
प॒क्षेभि॑रपिक॒क्षेभि॒रत्रा॒भि सं र॑भामहे ॥ १०.१३४.०७
naki̍rdevā minīmasi̱ naki̱rā yo̍payāmasi mantra̱śrutya̍ṃ carāmasi .
pa̱kṣebhi̍rapika̱kṣebhi̱ratrā̱bhi saṃ ra̍bhāmahe .. 10.134.07
7 Never, O Gods, do we offend, nor are we ever obstinate:- we walk as holy texts command.
Closely we clasp and cling to you, cling to your sides, beneath your arms.
Sloka : 10.135.1
यस्मि॑न्वृ॒क्षे सु॑पला॒शे दे॒वैः स॒म्पिब॑ते य॒मः ।
अत्रा॑ नो वि॒श्पतिः॑ पि॒ता पु॑रा॒णाँ अनु॑ वेनति ॥ १०.१३५.०१
yasmi̍nvṛ̱kṣe su̍palā̱śe de̱vaiḥ sa̱mpiba̍te ya̱maḥ .
atrā̍ no vi̱śpati̍ḥ pi̱tā pu̍rā̱ṇām̐ anu̍ venati .. 10.135.01
1. IN the Tree clothed with goodly leaves where Yama drinketh with the Gods,
The Father, Master of the house, tendeth with love our ancient Sires.
Sloka : 10.135.2
पु॒रा॒णाँ अ॑नु॒वेन॑न्तं॒ चर॑न्तं पा॒पया॑मु॒या ।
अ॒सू॒यन्न॒भ्य॑चाकशं॒ तस्मा॑ अस्पृहयं॒ पुनः॑ ॥ १०.१३५.०२
pu̱rā̱ṇām̐ a̍nu̱vena̍nta̱ṃ cara̍ntaṃ pā̱payā̍mu̱yā .
a̱sū̱yanna̱bhya̍cākaśa̱ṃ tasmā̍ aspṛhaya̱ṃ puna̍ḥ .. 10.135.02
2 I looked reluctantly on him who cherishes those men of old,
On him who treads that evil path, and then I yearned for this again.
Sloka : 10.135.3
यं कु॑मार॒ नवं॒ रथ॑मच॒क्रं मन॒साकृ॑णोः ।
एके॑षं वि॒श्वतः॒ प्राञ्च॒मप॑श्य॒न्नधि॑ तिष्ठसि ॥ १०.१३५.०३
yaṃ ku̍māra̱ nava̱ṃ ratha̍maca̱kraṃ mana̱sākṛ̍ṇoḥ .
eke̍ṣaṃ vi̱śvata̱ḥ prāñca̱mapa̍śya̱nnadhi̍ tiṣṭhasi .. 10.135.03
3 Thou mountest, though thou dost not see, O Child, the new and wheel-less car
Which thou hast fashioned mentally, onepoled but turning every way.
Sloka : 10.135.4
यं कु॑मार॒ प्राव॑र्तयो॒ रथं॒ विप्रे॑भ्य॒स्परि॑ ।
तं सामानु॒ प्राव॑र्तत॒ समि॒तो ना॒व्याहि॑तम् ॥ १०.१३५.०४
yaṃ ku̍māra̱ prāva̍rtayo̱ ratha̱ṃ vipre̍bhya̱spari̍ .
taṃ sāmānu̱ prāva̍rtata̱ sami̱to nā̱vyāhi̍tam .. 10.135.04
4 The car which thou hast made to roll hitherward from the Sages, Child!
This hath the Sāman followed close, hence, laid together on a ship.
Sloka : 10.135.5
कः कु॑मा॒रम॑जनय॒द्रथं॒ को निर॑वर्तयत् ।
कः स्वि॒त्तद॒द्य नो॑ ब्रूयादनु॒देयी॒ यथाभ॑वत् ॥ १०.१३५.०५
kaḥ ku̍mā̱rama̍janaya̱dratha̱ṃ ko nira̍vartayat .
kaḥ svi̱ttada̱dya no̍ brūyādanu̱deyī̱ yathābha̍vat .. 10.135.05
5 Who was the father of the child? Who made the chariot roll away?
Who will this day declare to us how the funeral gift was made?
Sloka : 10.135.6
यथाभ॑वदनु॒देयी॒ ततो॒ अग्र॑मजायत ।
पु॒रस्ता॑द्बु॒ध्न आत॑तः प॒श्चान्नि॒रय॑णं कृ॒तम् ॥ १०.१३५.०६
yathābha̍vadanu̱deyī̱ tato̱ agra̍majāyata .
pu̱rastā̍dbu̱dhna āta̍taḥ pa̱ścānni̱raya̍ṇaṃ kṛ̱tam .. 10.135.06
6 When the funeral gift was placed, straightway the point of flame appeared.
A depth extended in the front:- a passage out was made behind.
Sloka : 10.135.7
इ॒दं य॒मस्य॒ साद॑नं देवमा॒नं यदु॒च्यते॑ ।
इ॒यम॑स्य धम्यते ना॒ळीर॒यं गी॒र्भिः परि॑ष्कृतः ॥ १०.१३५.०७
i̱daṃ ya̱masya̱ sāda̍naṃ devamā̱naṃ yadu̱cyate̍ .
i̱yama̍sya dhamyate nā̱l̤īra̱yaṃ gī̱rbhiḥ pari̍ṣkṛtaḥ .. 10.135.07
7 Here is the seat where Yama dwells, that which is called the Home of Gods:-
Here minstrels blow the flute for him here he is glorified with songs.
Sloka : 10.136.1
के॒श्य१॒॑ग्निं के॒शी वि॒षं के॒शी बि॑भर्ति॒ रोद॑सी ।
के॒शी विश्वं॒ स्व॑र्दृ॒शे के॒शीदं ज्योति॑रुच्यते ॥ १०.१३६.०१
ke̱śya1̱̍gniṃ ke̱śī vi̱ṣaṃ ke̱śī bi̍bharti̱ roda̍sī .
ke̱śī viśva̱ṃ sva̍rdṛ̱śe ke̱śīdaṃ jyoti̍rucyate .. 10.136.01
1. HE with the long loose locks supports Agni, and moisture, heaven, and earth:-
He is all sky to look upon:- he with long hair is called this light.
Sloka : 10.136.2
मुन॑यो॒ वात॑रशनाः पि॒शङ्गा॑ वसते॒ मला॑ ।
वात॒स्यानु॒ ध्राजिं॑ यन्ति॒ यद्दे॒वासो॒ अवि॑क्षत ॥ १०.१३६.०२
muna̍yo̱ vāta̍raśanāḥ pi̱śaṅgā̍ vasate̱ malā̍ .
vāta̱syānu̱ dhrāji̍ṃ yanti̱ yadde̱vāso̱ avi̍kṣata .. 10.136.02
2 The Munis, girdled with the wind, wear garments soiled of yellow hue.
They, following the wind's swift course go where the Gods have gone before.
Sloka : 10.136.3
उन्म॑दिता॒ मौने॑येन॒ वाता॒ँ आ त॑स्थिमा व॒यम् ।
शरी॒रेद॒स्माकं॑ यू॒यं मर्ता॑सो अ॒भि प॑श्यथ ॥ १०.१३६.०३
unma̍ditā̱ maune̍yena̱ vātā̱m̐ ā ta̍sthimā va̱yam .
śarī̱reda̱smāka̍ṃ yū̱yaṃ martā̍so a̱bhi pa̍śyatha .. 10.136.03
3 Transported with our Munihood we have pressed on into the winds:-
You therefore, mortal men. behold our natural bodies and no more.
Sloka : 10.136.4
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षेण पतति॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒पाव॒चाक॑शत् ।
मुनि॑र्दे॒वस्य॑देवस्य॒ सौकृ॑त्याय॒ सखा॑ हि॒तः ॥ १०.१३६.०४
a̱ntari̍kṣeṇa patati̱ viśvā̍ rū̱pāva̱cāka̍śat .
muni̍rde̱vasya̍devasya̱ saukṛ̍tyāya̱ sakhā̍ hi̱taḥ .. 10.136.04
4 The Muni, made associate in the holy work of every God,
Looking upon all varied forms flies through the region of the air.
Sloka : 10.136.5
वात॒स्याश्वो॑ वा॒योः सखाथो॑ दे॒वेषि॑तो॒ मुनिः॑ ।
उ॒भौ स॑मु॒द्रावा क्षे॑ति॒ यश्च॒ पूर्व॑ उ॒ताप॑रः ॥ १०.१३६.०५
vāta̱syāśvo̍ vā̱yoḥ sakhātho̍ de̱veṣi̍to̱ muni̍ḥ .
u̱bhau sa̍mu̱drāvā kṣe̍ti̱ yaśca̱ pūrva̍ u̱tāpa̍raḥ .. 10.136.05
5 The Steed of Vāta, Vāyu's friend, the Muni, by the Gods impelled,
In both the oceans hath his home, in eastern and in western sea.
Sloka : 10.136.6
अ॒प्स॒रसां॑ गन्ध॒र्वाणां॑ मृ॒गाणां॒ चर॑णे॒ चर॑न् ।
के॒शी केत॑स्य वि॒द्वान्सखा॑ स्वा॒दुर्म॒दिन्त॑मः ॥ १०.१३६.०६
a̱psa̱rasā̍ṃ gandha̱rvāṇā̍ṃ mṛ̱gāṇā̱ṃ cara̍ṇe̱ cara̍n .
ke̱śī keta̍sya vi̱dvānsakhā̍ svā̱durma̱dinta̍maḥ .. 10.136.06
6 Treading the path of sylvan beasts, Gandharvas, and Apsarases,
He with long locks, who knows the wish, is a sweet most delightful friend
Sloka : 10.136.7
वा॒युर॑स्मा॒ उपा॑मन्थत्पि॒नष्टि॑ स्मा कुनन्न॒मा ।
के॒शी वि॒षस्य॒ पात्रे॑ण॒ यद्रु॒द्रेणापि॑बत्स॒ह ॥ १०.१३६.०७
vā̱yura̍smā̱ upā̍manthatpi̱naṣṭi̍ smā kunanna̱mā .
ke̱śī vi̱ṣasya̱ pātre̍ṇa̱ yadru̱dreṇāpi̍batsa̱ha .. 10.136.07
7 Vāyu hath churned for him:- for him he poundeth things most hard to bend,
When he with long loose locks hath drunk, with Rudra, water from the cup.
Sloka : 10.137.1
उ॒त दे॑वा॒ अव॑हितं॒ देवा॒ उन्न॑यथा॒ पुनः॑ ।
उ॒ताग॑श्च॒क्रुषं॑ देवा॒ देवा॑ जी॒वय॑था॒ पुनः॑ ॥ १०.१३७.०१
u̱ta de̍vā̱ ava̍hita̱ṃ devā̱ unna̍yathā̱ puna̍ḥ .
u̱tāga̍śca̱kruṣa̍ṃ devā̱ devā̍ jī̱vaya̍thā̱ puna̍ḥ .. 10.137.01
1. YE Gods, raise up once more the man whom ye have humbled and brought low.
O Gods, restore to life again the man who hatb committed sin.
Sloka : 10.137.2
द्वावि॒मौ वातौ॑ वात॒ आ सिन्धो॒रा प॑रा॒वतः॑ ।
दक्षं॑ ते अ॒न्य आ वा॑तु॒ परा॒न्यो वा॑तु॒ यद्रपः॑ ॥ १०.१३७.०२
dvāvi̱mau vātau̍ vāta̱ ā sindho̱rā pa̍rā̱vata̍ḥ .
dakṣa̍ṃ te a̱nya ā vā̍tu̱ parā̱nyo vā̍tu̱ yadrapa̍ḥ .. 10.137.02
2 Two several winds are blowing here, from Sindhu, from a distant land.
May one breathe energy to thee, the other blow disease away.
Sloka : 10.137.3
आ वा॑त वाहि भेष॒जं वि वा॑त वाहि॒ यद्रपः॑ ।
त्वं हि वि॒श्वभे॑षजो दे॒वानां॑ दू॒त ईय॑से ॥ १०.१३७.०३
ā vā̍ta vāhi bheṣa̱jaṃ vi vā̍ta vāhi̱ yadrapa̍ḥ .
tvaṃ hi vi̱śvabhe̍ṣajo de̱vānā̍ṃ dū̱ta īya̍se .. 10.137.03
3 Hither, O Wind, blow healing balm, blow all disease away, thou Wind;
For thou who hast all medicine comest as envoy of the Gods.
Sloka : 10.137.4
आ त्वा॑गमं॒ शंता॑तिभि॒रथो॑ अरि॒ष्टता॑तिभिः ।
दक्षं॑ ते भ॒द्रमाभा॑र्षं॒ परा॒ यक्ष्मं॑ सुवामि ते ॥ १०.१३७.०४
ā tvā̍gama̱ṃ śaṃtā̍tibhi̱ratho̍ ari̱ṣṭatā̍tibhiḥ .
dakṣa̍ṃ te bha̱dramābhā̍rṣa̱ṃ parā̱ yakṣma̍ṃ suvāmi te .. 10.137.04
4 I am come nigh to thee with balms to give thee rest and keep thee safe.
I bring thee blessed strength, I drive thy weakening malady away.
Sloka : 10.137.5
त्राय॑न्तामि॒ह दे॒वास्त्राय॑तां म॒रुतां॑ ग॒णः ।
त्राय॑न्तां॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॒ यथा॒यम॑र॒पा अस॑त् ॥ १०.१३७.०५
trāya̍ntāmi̱ha de̱vāstrāya̍tāṃ ma̱rutā̍ṃ ga̱ṇaḥ .
trāya̍ntā̱ṃ viśvā̍ bhū̱tāni̱ yathā̱yama̍ra̱pā asa̍t .. 10.137.05
5 Here let the Gods deliver him, the Maruts band deliver him:-
All things that be deliver him that he be freed from his disease.
Sloka : 10.137.6
आप॒ इद्वा उ॑ भेष॒जीरापो॑ अमीव॒चात॑नीः ।
आपः॒ सर्व॑स्य भेष॒जीस्तास्ते॑ कृण्वन्तु भेष॒जम् ॥ १०.१३७.०६
āpa̱ idvā u̍ bheṣa̱jīrāpo̍ amīva̱cāta̍nīḥ .
āpa̱ḥ sarva̍sya bheṣa̱jīstāste̍ kṛṇvantu bheṣa̱jam .. 10.137.06
6 The Waters have their healing power, the Waters drive disease away.
The Waters have a balm for all:- let them make medicine for thee.
Sloka : 10.137.7
हस्ता॑भ्यां॒ दश॑शाखाभ्यां जि॒ह्वा वा॒चः पु॑रोग॒वी ।
अ॒ना॒म॒यि॒त्नुभ्यां॑ त्वा॒ ताभ्यां॒ त्वोप॑ स्पृशामसि ॥ १०.१३७.०७
hastā̍bhyā̱ṃ daśa̍śākhābhyāṃ ji̱hvā vā̱caḥ pu̍roga̱vī .
a̱nā̱ma̱yi̱tnubhyā̍ṃ tvā̱ tābhyā̱ṃ tvopa̍ spṛśāmasi .. 10.137.07
7 The tongue that leads the voice precedes. Then with our ten-fold branching hands,
With these two chasers of disease we stroke thee with a gentle touch.
Sloka : 10.138.1
तव॒ त्य इ॑न्द्र स॒ख्येषु॒ वह्न॑य ऋ॒तं म॑न्वा॒ना व्य॑दर्दिरुर्व॒लम् ।
यत्रा॑ दश॒स्यन्नु॒षसो॑ रि॒णन्न॒पः कुत्सा॑य॒ मन्म॑न्न॒ह्य॑श्च दं॒सयः॑ ॥ १०.१३८.०१
tava̱ tya i̍ndra sa̱khyeṣu̱ vahna̍ya ṛ̱taṃ ma̍nvā̱nā vya̍dardirurva̱lam .
yatrā̍ daśa̱syannu̱ṣaso̍ ri̱ṇanna̱paḥ kutsā̍ya̱ manma̍nna̱hya̍śca da̱ṃsaya̍ḥ .. 10.138.01
1. ALLIED with thee in friendship, Indra, these, thy priests, remembering Holy Law, rent Vṛtra limb from limb,
When they bestowed the Dawns and let the waters flow, and when thou didst chastise dragons at Kutsa's call.
Sloka : 10.138.2
अवा॑सृजः प्र॒स्वः॑ श्व॒ञ्चयो॑ गि॒रीनुदा॑ज उ॒स्रा अपि॑बो॒ मधु॑ प्रि॒यम् ।
अव॑र्धयो व॒निनो॑ अस्य॒ दंस॑सा शु॒शोच॒ सूर्य॑ ऋ॒तजा॑तया गि॒रा ॥ १०.१३८.०२
avā̍sṛjaḥ pra̱sva̍ḥ śva̱ñcayo̍ gi̱rīnudā̍ja u̱srā api̍bo̱ madhu̍ pri̱yam .
ava̍rdhayo va̱nino̍ asya̱ daṃsa̍sā śu̱śoca̱ sūrya̍ ṛ̱tajā̍tayā gi̱rā .. 10.138.02
2 Thou sentest forth productive powers, clavest the hills, thou dravest forth the kine, thou drankest pleasant meath.
Thou gavest increase through this Tree's surpassing might. The Sun shone by the hymn that sprang from Holy Law.
Sloka : 10.138.3
वि सूर्यो॒ मध्ये॑ अमुच॒द्रथं॑ दि॒वो वि॒दद्दा॒साय॑ प्रति॒मान॒मार्यः॑ ।
दृ॒ळ्हानि॒ पिप्रो॒रसु॑रस्य मा॒यिन॒ इन्द्रो॒ व्या॑स्यच्चकृ॒वाँ ऋ॒जिश्व॑ना ॥ १०.१३८.०३
vi sūryo̱ madhye̍ amuca̱dratha̍ṃ di̱vo vi̱daddā̱sāya̍ prati̱māna̱mārya̍ḥ .
dṛ̱l̤hāni̱ pipro̱rasu̍rasya mā̱yina̱ indro̱ vyā̍syaccakṛ̱vām̐ ṛ̱jiśva̍nā .. 10.138.03
3 In the mid-way of heaven the Sun unyoked his car:- the Ārya found a match to meet his Dam foe.
Associate with Ṛjiśvan Indra overthrew the solid forts of Pipru, conjuring Asura.
Sloka : 10.138.4
अना॑धृष्टानि धृषि॒तो व्या॑स्यन्नि॒धीँरदे॑वाँ अमृणद॒यास्यः॑ ।
मा॒सेव॒ सूर्यो॒ वसु॒ पुर्य॒मा द॑दे गृणा॒नः शत्रू॑ँरशृणाद्वि॒रुक्म॑ता ॥ १०.१३८.०४
anā̍dhṛṣṭāni dhṛṣi̱to vyā̍syanni̱dhīm̐rade̍vām̐ amṛṇada̱yāsya̍ḥ .
mā̱seva̱ sūryo̱ vasu̱ purya̱mā da̍de gṛṇā̱naḥ śatrū̍m̐raśṛṇādvi̱rukma̍tā .. 10.138.04
4 He boldly cast down forts which none had eer assailed:- unwearied he destroycd the godless treasure-stores.
Like Sun and Moon he took the stronghold's wealth away, and, praised in song, demolished foes with flashing dart.
Sloka : 10.138.5
अयु॑द्धसेनो वि॒भ्वा॑ विभिन्द॒ता दाश॑द्वृत्र॒हा तुज्या॑नि तेजते ।
इन्द्र॑स्य॒ वज्रा॑दबिभेदभि॒श्नथः॒ प्राक्रा॑मच्छु॒न्ध्यूरज॑हादु॒षा अनः॑ ॥ १०.१३८.०५
ayu̍ddhaseno vi̱bhvā̍ vibhinda̱tā dāśa̍dvṛtra̱hā tujyā̍ni tejate .
indra̍sya̱ vajrā̍dabibhedabhi̱śnatha̱ḥ prākrā̍macchu̱ndhyūraja̍hādu̱ṣā ana̍ḥ .. 10.138.05
5 Armed with resistless weapons, with vast power to cleave, the Vṛtra-slayer whets his darts and deals fordi wounds.
Bright Uṣas was afraid of Indra's slaughtering bolt:- she went upon her way and left her chariot there.
Sloka : 10.138.6
ए॒ता त्या ते॒ श्रुत्या॑नि॒ केव॑ला॒ यदेक॒ एक॒मकृ॑णोरय॒ज्ञम् ।
मा॒सां वि॒धान॑मदधा॒ अधि॒ द्यवि॒ त्वया॒ विभि॑न्नं भरति प्र॒धिं पि॒ता ॥ १०.१३८.०६
e̱tā tyā te̱ śrutyā̍ni̱ keva̍lā̱ yadeka̱ eka̱makṛ̍ṇoraya̱jñam .
mā̱sāṃ vi̱dhāna̍madadhā̱ adhi̱ dyavi̱ tvayā̱ vibhi̍nnaṃ bharati pra̱dhiṃ pi̱tā .. 10.138.06
6 These are thy famous exploits, only thine, when thou alone hast left the other reft of sacrifice.
Thou in the heavens hast set the ordering of the Moons:- the Father bears the felly portioned out by thee.
Sloka : 10.139.1
सूर्य॑रश्मि॒र्हरि॑केशः पु॒रस्ता॑त्सवि॒ता ज्योति॒रुद॑या॒ँ अज॑स्रम् ।
तस्य॑ पू॒षा प्र॑स॒वे या॑ति वि॒द्वान्स॒म्पश्य॒न्विश्वा॒ भुव॑नानि गो॒पाः ॥ १०.१३९.०१
sūrya̍raśmi̱rhari̍keśaḥ pu̱rastā̍tsavi̱tā jyoti̱ruda̍yā̱m̐ aja̍sram .
tasya̍ pū̱ṣā pra̍sa̱ve yā̍ti vi̱dvānsa̱mpaśya̱nviśvā̱ bhuva̍nāni go̱pāḥ .. 10.139.01
1. SAVITAR, golden-haired, hath lifted eastward, bright With the sunbeams, his eternal lustre;
He in whose energy wise Pūṣan marches, surveying all existence like a herdsman.
Sloka : 10.139.2
नृ॒चक्षा॑ ए॒ष दि॒वो मध्य॑ आस्त आपप्रि॒वान्रोद॑सी अ॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ।
स वि॒श्वाची॑र॒भि च॑ष्टे घृ॒ताची॑रन्त॒रा पूर्व॒मप॑रं च के॒तुम् ॥ १०.१३९.०२
nṛ̱cakṣā̍ e̱ṣa di̱vo madhya̍ āsta āpapri̱vānroda̍sī a̱ntari̍kṣam .
sa vi̱śvācī̍ra̱bhi ca̍ṣṭe ghṛ̱tācī̍ranta̱rā pūrva̱mapa̍raṃ ca ke̱tum .. 10.139.02
2 Beholding men he sits amid the heaven filling the two world-halves and air's wide region.
He looks upon the rich far-spreading pastures between the eastern and the western limit.
Sloka : 10.139.3
रा॒यो बु॒ध्नः सं॒गम॑नो॒ वसू॑नां॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒पाभि च॑ष्टे॒ शची॑भिः ।
दे॒व इ॑व सवि॒ता स॒त्यध॒र्मेन्द्रो॒ न त॑स्थौ सम॒रे धना॑नाम् ॥ १०.१३९.०३
rā̱yo bu̱dhnaḥ sa̱ṃgama̍no̱ vasū̍nā̱ṃ viśvā̍ rū̱pābhi ca̍ṣṭe̱ śacī̍bhiḥ .
de̱va i̍va savi̱tā sa̱tyadha̱rmendro̱ na ta̍sthau sama̱re dhanā̍nām .. 10.139.03
3 He, root of wealth, the gatherer-up of treasures, looks with his might on every form and figure.
Savitar, like a Godẉhose Law is constant, stands in the battle for the spoil like Indra.
Sloka : 10.139.4
वि॒श्वाव॑सुं सोम गन्ध॒र्वमापो॑ ददृ॒शुषी॒स्तदृ॒तेना॒ व्या॑यन् ।
तद॒न्ववै॒दिन्द्रो॑ रारहा॒ण आ॑सां॒ परि॒ सूर्य॑स्य परि॒धीँर॑पश्यत् ॥ १०.१३९.०४
vi̱śvāva̍suṃ soma gandha̱rvamāpo̍ dadṛ̱śuṣī̱stadṛ̱tenā̱ vyā̍yan .
tada̱nvavai̱dindro̍ rārahā̱ṇa ā̍sā̱ṃ pari̱ sūrya̍sya pari̱dhīm̐ra̍paśyat .. 10.139.04
4 Waters from sacrifice came to the Gandharva Visvavasu, O Soma, when they saw him.
Indra, approaching quickly, marked their going, and looked around upon the Sun's enclosures.
Sloka : 10.139.5
वि॒श्वाव॑सुर॒भि तन्नो॑ गृणातु दि॒व्यो ग॑न्ध॒र्वो रज॑सो वि॒मानः॑ ।
यद्वा॑ घा स॒त्यमु॒त यन्न वि॒द्म धियो॑ हिन्वा॒नो धिय॒ इन्नो॑ अव्याः ॥ १०.१३९.०५
vi̱śvāva̍sura̱bhi tanno̍ gṛṇātu di̱vyo ga̍ndha̱rvo raja̍so vi̱māna̍ḥ .
yadvā̍ ghā sa̱tyamu̱ta yanna vi̱dma dhiyo̍ hinvā̱no dhiya̱ inno̍ avyāḥ .. 10.139.05
5 This song Visvavasu shall sing us, meter of air's mid-realm celestial Gandharva,
That we may know aright both truth and falsehood:- may he inspire our thoughts and help our praises.
Sloka : 10.139.6
सस्नि॑मविन्द॒च्चर॑णे न॒दीना॒मपा॑वृणो॒द्दुरो॒ अश्म॑व्रजानाम् ।
प्रासां॑ गन्ध॒र्वो अ॒मृता॑नि वोच॒दिन्द्रो॒ दक्षं॒ परि॑ जानाद॒हीना॑म् ॥ १०.१३९.०६
sasni̍mavinda̱ccara̍ṇe na̱dīnā̱mapā̍vṛṇo̱dduro̱ aśma̍vrajānām .
prāsā̍ṃ gandha̱rvo a̱mṛtā̍ni voca̱dindro̱ dakṣa̱ṃ pari̍ jānāda̱hīnā̍m .. 10.139.06
6 In the floods' track he found the bootyseeker:- the rocky cow-pen's doors he threw wide open.
These, the Gandharva told him, Rowed with Amṛta. Indra knew well the puissancc of the dragons.
Sloka : 10.140.1
अग्ने॒ तव॒ श्रवो॒ वयो॒ महि॑ भ्राजन्ते अ॒र्चयो॑ विभावसो ।
बृह॑द्भानो॒ शव॑सा॒ वाज॑मु॒क्थ्यं१॒॑ दधा॑सि दा॒शुषे॑ कवे ॥ १०.१४०.०१
agne̱ tava̱ śravo̱ vayo̱ mahi̍ bhrājante a̱rcayo̍ vibhāvaso .
bṛha̍dbhāno̱ śava̍sā̱ vāja̍mu̱kthyaṃ1̱̍ dadhā̍si dā̱śuṣe̍ kave .. 10.140.01
1. AGNI, life-power and fame are thine:- thy fires blaze mightily, thou rich in wealth of beams!
Sage, passing bright, thou givest to the worshipper, with strength, the food that merits laud.
Sloka : 10.140.2
पा॒व॒कव॑र्चाः शु॒क्रव॑र्चा॒ अनू॑नवर्चा॒ उदि॑यर्षि भा॒नुना॑ ।
पु॒त्रो मा॒तरा॑ वि॒चर॒न्नुपा॑वसि पृ॒णक्षि॒ रोद॑सी उ॒भे ॥ १०.१४०.०२
pā̱va̱kava̍rcāḥ śu̱krava̍rcā̱ anū̍navarcā̱ udi̍yarṣi bhā̱nunā̍ .
pu̱tro mā̱tarā̍ vi̱cara̱nnupā̍vasi pṛ̱ṇakṣi̱ roda̍sī u̱bhe .. 10.140.02
2 With brilliant, purifying sheen, with perfect sheen thou liftest up thyself in light.
Thou, visiting both thy Mothers, aidest them as Son:- thou joinest close the earth and heaven.
Sloka : 10.140.3
ऊर्जो॑ नपाज्जातवेदः सुश॒स्तिभि॒र्मन्द॑स्व धी॒तिभि॑र्हि॒तः ।
त्वे इषः॒ सं द॑धु॒र्भूरि॑वर्पसश्चि॒त्रोत॑यो वा॒मजा॑ताः ॥ १०.१४०.०३
ūrjo̍ napājjātavedaḥ suśa̱stibhi̱rmanda̍sva dhī̱tibhi̍rhi̱taḥ .
tve iṣa̱ḥ saṃ da̍dhu̱rbhūri̍varpasaści̱trota̍yo vā̱majā̍tāḥ .. 10.140.03
3 O Jātavedas, Son of Strength, rejoice ihyself, gracious, in our fair hymns and songs.
In thee are treasured various forms of strengthening food, born nobly and of wondrous help.
Sloka : 10.140.4
इ॒र॒ज्यन्न॑ग्ने प्रथयस्व ज॒न्तुभि॑र॒स्मे रायो॑ अमर्त्य ।
स द॑र्श॒तस्य॒ वपु॑षो॒ वि रा॑जसि पृ॒णक्षि॑ सान॒सिं क्रतु॑म् ॥ १०.१४०.०४
i̱ra̱jyanna̍gne prathayasva ja̱ntubhi̍ra̱sme rāyo̍ amartya .
sa da̍rśa̱tasya̱ vapu̍ṣo̱ vi rā̍jasi pṛ̱ṇakṣi̍ sāna̱siṃ kratu̍m .. 10.140.04
4 Agni, spread forth, as Ruler, over living things:- give wealth to us, Immortal God.
Thou shinest out from beauty fair to look upon:- thou leadest us to conquering power.
Sloka : 10.140.5
इ॒ष्क॒र्तार॑मध्व॒रस्य॒ प्रचे॑तसं॒ क्षय॑न्तं॒ राध॑सो म॒हः ।
रा॒तिं वा॒मस्य॑ सु॒भगां॑ म॒हीमिषं॒ दधा॑सि सान॒सिं र॒यिम् ॥ १०.१४०.०५
i̱ṣka̱rtāra̍madhva̱rasya̱ prace̍tasa̱ṃ kṣaya̍nta̱ṃ rādha̍so ma̱haḥ .
rā̱tiṃ vā̱masya̍ su̱bhagā̍ṃ ma̱hīmiṣa̱ṃ dadhā̍si sāna̱siṃ ra̱yim .. 10.140.05
5 To him, the wise, who orders sacrifice, who hath great riches un der his control,
Thou givest blest award of good, and plenteous food, givest him wealth that conquers all.
Sloka : 10.140.6
ऋ॒तावा॑नं महि॒षं वि॒श्वद॑र्शतम॒ग्निं सु॒म्नाय॑ दधिरे पु॒रो जनाः॑ ।
श्रुत्क॑र्णं स॒प्रथ॑स्तमं त्वा गि॒रा दैव्यं॒ मानु॑षा यु॒गा ॥ १०.१४०.०६
ṛ̱tāvā̍naṃ mahi̱ṣaṃ vi̱śvada̍rśatama̱gniṃ su̱mnāya̍ dadhire pu̱ro janā̍ḥ .
śrutka̍rṇaṃ sa̱pratha̍stamaṃ tvā gi̱rā daivya̱ṃ mānu̍ṣā yu̱gā .. 10.140.06
6 The men have set before them them for their welfare Agni, strong, visible to all, the Holy.
Thee, Godlike One, with ears to hear, most famous, men's generations magnify with praise-songs.
Sloka : 10.141.1
अग्ने॒ अच्छा॑ वदे॒ह नः॑ प्र॒त्यङ्नः॑ सु॒मना॑ भव ।
प्र नो॑ यच्छ विशस्पते धन॒दा अ॑सि न॒स्त्वम् ॥ १०.१४१.०१
agne̱ acchā̍ vade̱ha na̍ḥ pra̱tyaṅna̍ḥ su̱manā̍ bhava .
pra no̍ yaccha viśaspate dhana̱dā a̍si na̱stvam .. 10.141.01
1. TURN hither, Agni, speak to us:- come to us with a gracious mind.
Enrich us, Master of the house:- thou art the Giver of our wealth.
Sloka : 10.141.2
प्र नो॑ यच्छत्वर्य॒मा प्र भगः॒ प्र बृह॒स्पतिः॑ ।
प्र दे॒वाः प्रोत सू॒नृता॑ रा॒यो दे॒वी द॑दातु नः ॥ १०.१४१.०२
pra no̍ yacchatvarya̱mā pra bhaga̱ḥ pra bṛha̱spati̍ḥ .
pra de̱vāḥ prota sū̱nṛtā̍ rā̱yo de̱vī da̍dātu naḥ .. 10.141.02
2 Let Aryarnan vouchsafe us wealth, and Bhaga, and Bṛhaspati.
Let the Gods give their gifts, and let Sūnṛtā, Goddess, grant us wealth.
Sloka : 10.141.3
सोमं॒ राजा॑न॒मव॑से॒ऽग्निं गी॒र्भिर्ह॑वामहे ।
आ॒दि॒त्यान्विष्णुं॒ सूर्यं॑ ब्र॒ह्माणं॑ च॒ बृह॒स्पति॑म् ॥ १०.१४१.०३
soma̱ṃ rājā̍na̱mava̍se̱'gniṃ gī̱rbhirha̍vāmahe .
ā̱di̱tyānviṣṇu̱ṃ sūrya̍ṃ bra̱hmāṇa̍ṃ ca̱ bṛha̱spati̍m .. 10.141.03
3 We call King Soma to our aid, and Agni with our songs and hymns,
Ādityas, Viṣṇu, Sūrya, and the Brahman Priest Bṛhaspati.
Sloka : 10.141.4
इ॒न्द्र॒वा॒यू बृह॒स्पतिं॑ सु॒हवे॒ह ह॑वामहे ।
यथा॑ नः॒ सर्व॒ इज्जनः॒ संग॑त्यां सु॒मना॒ अस॑त् ॥ १०.१४१.०४
i̱ndra̱vā̱yū bṛha̱spati̍ṃ su̱have̱ha ha̍vāmahe .
yathā̍ na̱ḥ sarva̱ ijjana̱ḥ saṃga̍tyāṃ su̱manā̱ asa̍t .. 10.141.04
4 Indra, Vāyu, Bṛhaspati, Gods swift to listen, we invoke,
That in the synod all the folk may be benevolent to us.
Sloka : 10.141.5
अ॒र्य॒मणं॒ बृह॒स्पति॒मिन्द्रं॒ दाना॑य चोदय ।
वातं॒ विष्णुं॒ सर॑स्वतीं सवि॒तारं॑ च वा॒जिन॑म् ॥ १०.१४१.०५
a̱rya̱maṇa̱ṃ bṛha̱spati̱mindra̱ṃ dānā̍ya codaya .
vāta̱ṃ viṣṇu̱ṃ sara̍svatīṃ savi̱tāra̍ṃ ca vā̱jina̍m .. 10.141.05
5 Urge Aryaman to send us gifts, and Indra, and Bṛhaspati,
Vāta, Viṣṇu, Sarasvatī and the Strong Courser Savitar.
Sloka : 10.141.6
त्वं नो॑ अग्ने अ॒ग्निभि॒र्ब्रह्म॑ य॒ज्ञं च॑ वर्धय ।
त्वं नो॑ दे॒वता॑तये रा॒यो दाना॑य चोदय ॥ १०.१४१.०६
tvaṃ no̍ agne a̱gnibhi̱rbrahma̍ ya̱jñaṃ ca̍ vardhaya .
tvaṃ no̍ de̱vatā̍taye rā̱yo dānā̍ya codaya .. 10.141.06
6 Do thou, O Agni, with thy fires strengthen our prayer and sacrifice:-
Urge givers to bestow their wealth to aid our service of the Gods.
Sloka : 10.142.1
अ॒यम॑ग्ने जरि॒ता त्वे अ॑भू॒दपि॒ सह॑सः सूनो न॒ह्य१॒॑न्यदस्त्याप्य॑म् ।
भ॒द्रं हि शर्म॑ त्रि॒वरू॑थ॒मस्ति॑ त आ॒रे हिंसा॑ना॒मप॑ दि॒द्युमा कृ॑धि ॥ १०.१४२.०१
a̱yama̍gne jari̱tā tve a̍bhū̱dapi̱ saha̍saḥ sūno na̱hya1̱̍nyadastyāpya̍m .
bha̱draṃ hi śarma̍ tri̱varū̍tha̱masti̍ ta ā̱re hiṃsā̍nā̱mapa̍ di̱dyumā kṛ̍dhi .. 10.142.01
1. WITH thee, O Agni, was this singer of the laud:- he hath no other kinship, O thou Son of Strength.
Thou givest blessed shelter with a triple guard. Keep the destructive lightning far away from us.
Sloka : 10.142.2
प्र॒वत्ते॑ अग्ने॒ जनि॑मा पितूय॒तः सा॒चीव॒ विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒ न्यृ॑ञ्जसे ।
प्र सप्त॑यः॒ प्र स॑निषन्त नो॒ धियः॑ पु॒रश्च॑रन्ति पशु॒पा इ॑व॒ त्मना॑ ॥ १०.१४२.०२
pra̱vatte̍ agne̱ jani̍mā pitūya̱taḥ sā̱cīva̱ viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱ nyṛ̍ñjase .
pra sapta̍ya̱ḥ pra sa̍niṣanta no̱ dhiya̍ḥ pu̱raśca̍ranti paśu̱pā i̍va̱ tmanā̍ .. 10.142.02
2 Thy birth who seekest food is in the falling flood, Agni:- as Comrade thou winnest all living things.
Our coursers and our songs shall be victorious:- they of themselves advance like one who guards the herd.
Sloka : 10.142.3
उ॒त वा उ॒ परि॑ वृणक्षि॒ बप्स॑द्ब॒होर॑ग्न॒ उल॑पस्य स्वधावः ।
उ॒त खि॒ल्या उ॒र्वरा॑णां भवन्ति॒ मा ते॑ हे॒तिं तवि॑षीं चुक्रुधाम ॥ १०.१४२.०३
u̱ta vā u̱ pari̍ vṛṇakṣi̱ bapsa̍dba̱hora̍gna̱ ula̍pasya svadhāvaḥ .
u̱ta khi̱lyā u̱rvarā̍ṇāṃ bhavanti̱ mā te̍ he̱tiṃ tavi̍ṣīṃ cukrudhāma .. 10.142.03
3 And thou, O Agni, thou of Godlike nature, sparest the stones, while caring up the brushwood.
Then are thy tracks like deserts in the corn-lands. Let us not stir to wrath thy mighty arrow.
Sloka : 10.142.4
यदु॒द्वतो॑ नि॒वतो॒ यासि॒ बप्स॒त्पृथ॑गेषि प्रग॒र्धिनी॑व॒ सेना॑ ।
य॒दा ते॒ वातो॑ अनु॒वाति॑ शो॒चिर्वप्ते॑व॒ श्मश्रु॑ वपसि॒ प्र भूम॑ ॥ १०.१४२.०४
yadu̱dvato̍ ni̱vato̱ yāsi̱ bapsa̱tpṛtha̍geṣi praga̱rdhinī̍va̱ senā̍ .
ya̱dā te̱ vāto̍ anu̱vāti̍ śo̱cirvapte̍va̱ śmaśru̍ vapasi̱ pra bhūma̍ .. 10.142.04
4 O'er hills through vales devouring as thou goest, thou partest like an army fain for booty
As when a barber shaves a beard, thou shavest earth when the wind blows on thy flame and fans it.
Sloka : 10.142.5
प्रत्य॑स्य॒ श्रेण॑यो ददृश्र॒ एकं॑ नि॒यानं॑ ब॒हवो॒ रथा॑सः ।
बा॒हू यद॑ग्ने अनु॒मर्मृ॑जानो॒ न्य॑ङ्ङुत्ता॒नाम॒न्वेषि॒ भूमि॑म् ॥ १०.१४२.०५
pratya̍sya̱ śreṇa̍yo dadṛśra̱ eka̍ṃ ni̱yāna̍ṃ ba̱havo̱ rathā̍saḥ .
bā̱hū yada̍gne anu̱marmṛ̍jāno̱ nya̍ṅṅuttā̱nāma̱nveṣi̱ bhūmi̍m .. 10.142.05
5 Apparent are his lines as he approaches the course is single, but the cars are many,
When, Agni, thou, making thine arms resplendent, advancest oer the land spread out beneath thee.
Sloka : 10.142.6
उत्ते॒ शुष्मा॑ जिहता॒मुत्ते॑ अ॒र्चिरुत्ते॑ अग्ने शशमा॒नस्य॒ वाजाः॑ ।
उच्छ्व॑ञ्चस्व॒ नि न॑म॒ वर्ध॑मान॒ आ त्वा॒द्य विश्वे॒ वस॑वः सदन्तु ॥ १०.१४२.०६
utte̱ śuṣmā̍ jihatā̱mutte̍ a̱rcirutte̍ agne śaśamā̱nasya̱ vājā̍ḥ .
ucchva̍ñcasva̱ ni na̍ma̱ vardha̍māna̱ ā tvā̱dya viśve̱ vasa̍vaḥ sadantu .. 10.142.06
6 Now let thy strength, thy burning flames fly upward, thine energies, O Agni, as thou toilest.
Gape widely, bend thee, waxing in thy vigour:- let all the Vasus sit this day beside thee.
Sloka : 10.142.7
अ॒पामि॒दं न्यय॑नं समु॒द्रस्य॑ नि॒वेश॑नम् ।
अ॒न्यं कृ॑णुष्वे॒तः पन्थां॒ तेन॑ याहि॒ वशा॒ँ अनु॑ ॥ १०.१४२.०७
a̱pāmi̱daṃ nyaya̍naṃ samu̱drasya̍ ni̱veśa̍nam .
a̱nyaṃ kṛ̍ṇuṣve̱taḥ panthā̱ṃ tena̍ yāhi̱ vaśā̱m̐ anu̍ .. 10.142.07
7 This is the waters' reservoir, the great abode of gathered streams.
Take thou another path than this, and as thou listest walk thereon.
Sloka : 10.142.8
आय॑ने ते प॒राय॑णे॒ दूर्वा॑ रोहन्तु पु॒ष्पिणीः॑ ।
ह्र॒दाश्च॑ पु॒ण्डरी॑काणि समु॒द्रस्य॑ गृ॒हा इ॒मे ॥ १०.१४२.०८
āya̍ne te pa̱rāya̍ṇe̱ dūrvā̍ rohantu pu̱ṣpiṇī̍ḥ .
hra̱dāśca̍ pu̱ṇḍarī̍kāṇi samu̱drasya̍ gṛ̱hā i̱me .. 10.142.08
8 On thy way hitherward and hence let flowery Durva grass spring up
Let there be lakes with lotus blooms. These are the mansions of the flood.
Sloka : 10.143.1
त्यं चि॒दत्रि॑मृत॒जुर॒मर्थ॒मश्वं॒ न यात॑वे ।
क॒क्षीव॑न्तं॒ यदी॒ पुना॒ रथं॒ न कृ॑णु॒थो नव॑म् ॥ १०.१४३.०१
tyaṃ ci̱datri̍mṛta̱jura̱martha̱maśva̱ṃ na yāta̍ve .
ka̱kṣīva̍nta̱ṃ yadī̱ punā̱ ratha̱ṃ na kṛ̍ṇu̱tho nava̍m .. 10.143.01
1. YE made that Atri, worn with eld, free as a horse to win the goal.
When ye restored to youth and strength Kakṣīvān like a car renewed,
Sloka : 10.143.2
त्यं चि॒दश्वं॒ न वा॒जिन॑मरे॒णवो॒ यमत्न॑त ।
दृ॒ळ्हं ग्र॒न्थिं न वि ष्य॑त॒मत्रिं॒ यवि॑ष्ठ॒मा रजः॑ ॥ १०.१४३.०२
tyaṃ ci̱daśva̱ṃ na vā̱jina̍mare̱ṇavo̱ yamatna̍ta .
dṛ̱l̤haṃ gra̱nthiṃ na vi ṣya̍ta̱matri̱ṃ yavi̍ṣṭha̱mā raja̍ḥ .. 10.143.02
2 Ye freed that Atri like a horse, and brought him newly-born to earth.
Ye loosed him like a firm-tied knot which Gods unsoiled by dust had bound.
Sloka : 10.143.3
नरा॒ दंसि॑ष्ठा॒वत्र॑ये॒ शुभ्रा॒ सिषा॑सतं॒ धियः॑ ।
अथा॒ हि वां॑ दि॒वो न॑रा॒ पुनः॒ स्तोमो॒ न वि॒शसे॑ ॥ १०.१४३.०३
narā̱ daṃsi̍ṣṭhā̱vatra̍ye̱ śubhrā̱ siṣā̍sata̱ṃ dhiya̍ḥ .
athā̱ hi vā̍ṃ di̱vo na̍rā̱ puna̱ḥ stomo̱ na vi̱śase̍ .. 10.143.03
3 Heroes who showed most wondrous power to Atri, strive to win fair songs;
For then, O Heroes of the sky, your hymn of praise shall cease no more.
Sloka : 10.143.4
चि॒ते तद्वां॑ सुराधसा रा॒तिः सु॑म॒तिर॑श्विना ।
आ यन्नः॒ सद॑ने पृ॒थौ सम॑ने॒ पर्ष॑थो नरा ॥ १०.१४३.०४
ci̱te tadvā̍ṃ surādhasā rā̱tiḥ su̍ma̱tira̍śvinā .
ā yanna̱ḥ sada̍ne pṛ̱thau sama̍ne̱ parṣa̍tho narā .. 10.143.04
4 This claims your notice, Bounteous Gods! - oblation, Aśvins! and our love,
That ye, O Heroes, in the fight may bring us safe to ample room.
Sloka : 10.143.5
यु॒वं भु॒ज्युं स॑मु॒द्र आ रज॑सः पा॒र ई॑ङ्खि॒तम् ।
या॒तमच्छा॑ पत॒त्रिभि॒र्नास॑त्या सा॒तये॑ कृतम् ॥ १०.१४३.०५
yu̱vaṃ bhu̱jyuṃ sa̍mu̱dra ā raja̍saḥ pā̱ra ī̍ṅkhi̱tam .
yā̱tamacchā̍ pata̱tribhi̱rnāsa̍tyā sā̱taye̍ kṛtam .. 10.143.05
5 Ye Twain to Bhujyu tossed about in ocean at the region's end,
Nāsatyas, with your winged sterds came nigh, and gave him strength to win.
Sloka : 10.143.6
आ वां॑ सु॒म्नैः शं॒यू इ॑व॒ मंहि॑ष्ठा॒ विश्व॑वेदसा ।
सम॒स्मे भू॑षतं न॒रोत्सं॒ न पि॒प्युषी॒रिषः॑ ॥ १०.१४३.०६
ā vā̍ṃ su̱mnaiḥ śa̱ṃyū i̍va̱ maṃhi̍ṣṭhā̱ viśva̍vedasā .
sama̱sme bhū̍ṣataṃ na̱rotsa̱ṃ na pi̱pyuṣī̱riṣa̍ḥ .. 10.143.06
6 Come with your joys, most liberal Gods, Lords of all treasures, bringing weal.
Like fresh full waters to a well, so, Heroes come and be with us.
Sloka : 10.144.1
अ॒यं हि ते॒ अम॑र्त्य॒ इन्दु॒रत्यो॒ न पत्य॑ते ।
दक्षो॑ वि॒श्वायु॑र्वे॒धसे॑ ॥ १०.१४४.०१
a̱yaṃ hi te̱ ama̍rtya̱ indu̱ratyo̱ na patya̍te .
dakṣo̍ vi̱śvāyu̍rve̱dhase̍ .. 10.144.01
1. THIS deathless Indu, like a steed, strong and of full vitality,
Belongs to thee, the Orderer.
Sloka : 10.144.2
अ॒यम॒स्मासु॒ काव्य॑ ऋ॒भुर्वज्रो॒ दास्व॑ते ।
अ॒यं बि॑भर्त्यू॒र्ध्वकृ॑शनं॒ मद॑मृ॒भुर्न कृत्व्यं॒ मद॑म् ॥ १०.१४४.०२
a̱yama̱smāsu̱ kāvya̍ ṛ̱bhurvajro̱ dāsva̍te .
a̱yaṃ bi̍bhartyū̱rdhvakṛ̍śana̱ṃ mada̍mṛ̱bhurna kṛtvya̱ṃ mada̍m .. 10.144.02
2 Here, by us, for the worshipper, is the wise bolt that works with skill.
It brings the bubbling beverage as a dexterous man brings the effectual strong drink.
Sloka : 10.144.3
घृषुः॑ श्ये॒नाय॒ कृत्व॑न आ॒सु स्वासु॒ वंस॑गः ।
अव॑ दीधेदही॒शुवः॑ ॥ १०.१४४.०३
ghṛṣu̍ḥ śye̱nāya̱ kṛtva̍na ā̱su svāsu̱ vaṃsa̍gaḥ .
ava̍ dīdhedahī̱śuva̍ḥ .. 10.144.03
3 Impetuous Ahīśuva, a bull among cows of his,
looked down upon the restless Hawk.
Sloka : 10.144.4
यं सु॑प॒र्णः प॑रा॒वतः॑ श्ये॒नस्य॑ पु॒त्र आभ॑रत् ।
श॒तच॑क्रं॒ यो॒३॒॑ऽह्यो॑ वर्त॒निः ॥ १०.१४४.०४
yaṃ su̍pa̱rṇaḥ pa̍rā̱vata̍ḥ śye̱nasya̍ pu̱tra ābha̍rat .
śa̱taca̍kra̱ṃ yo̱3̱̎hyo̍ varta̱niḥ .. 10.144.04
4 That the strong-pinioned Bird hath brought, Child of the Falcon, from afar,
What moves upon a hundred wheels along the female Dragon's path.
Sloka : 10.144.5
यं ते॑ श्ये॒नश्चारु॑मवृ॒कं प॒दाभ॑रदरु॒णं मा॒नमन्ध॑सः ।
ए॒ना वयो॒ वि ता॒र्यायु॑र्जी॒वस॑ ए॒ना जा॑गार ब॒न्धुता॑ ॥ १०.१४४.०५
yaṃ te̍ śye̱naścāru̍mavṛ̱kaṃ pa̱dābha̍radaru̱ṇaṃ mā̱namandha̍saḥ .
e̱nā vayo̱ vi tā̱ryāyu̍rjī̱vasa̍ e̱nā jā̍gāra ba̱ndhutā̍ .. 10.144.05
5 Which, fair, unrobbed, the Falcon brought thee in his foot, the red-hued dwelling of the juice;
Through this came vital power which lengthens out our days, and kinship through its help awoke.
Sloka : 10.144.6
ए॒वा तदिन्द्र॒ इन्दु॑ना दे॒वेषु॑ चिद्धारयाते॒ महि॒ त्यजः॑ ।
क्रत्वा॒ वयो॒ वि ता॒र्यायुः॑ सुक्रतो॒ क्रत्वा॒यम॒स्मदा सु॒तः ॥ १०.१४४.०६
e̱vā tadindra̱ indu̍nā de̱veṣu̍ ciddhārayāte̱ mahi̱ tyaja̍ḥ .
kratvā̱ vayo̱ vi tā̱ryāyu̍ḥ sukrato̱ kratvā̱yama̱smadā su̱taḥ .. 10.144.06
6 So Indra is by lndu's power; een among Gods will it repel great treachery.
Wisdom, Most Sapient One, brings force that lengthens life. May wisdom bring the juice to us.
Sloka : 10.145.1
इ॒मां ख॑ना॒म्योष॑धिं वी॒रुधं॒ बल॑वत्तमाम् ।
यया॑ स॒पत्नीं॒ बाध॑ते॒ यया॑ संवि॒न्दते॒ पति॑म् ॥ १०.१४५.०१
i̱māṃ kha̍nā̱myoṣa̍dhiṃ vī̱rudha̱ṃ bala̍vattamām .
yayā̍ sa̱patnī̱ṃ bādha̍te̱ yayā̍ saṃvi̱ndate̱ pati̍m .. 10.145.01
1. FROM out the earth I dig this plant, a herb of most effectual power,
Wherewith one quells the rival wife and gains the husband for oneself.
Sloka : 10.145.2
उत्ता॑नपर्णे॒ सुभ॑गे॒ देव॑जूते॒ सह॑स्वति ।
स॒पत्नीं॑ मे॒ परा॑ धम॒ पतिं॑ मे॒ केव॑लं कुरु ॥ १०.१४५.०२
uttā̍naparṇe̱ subha̍ge̱ deva̍jūte̱ saha̍svati .
sa̱patnī̍ṃ me̱ parā̍ dhama̱ pati̍ṃ me̱ keva̍laṃ kuru .. 10.145.02
2 Auspicious, with expanded leaves, sent by the Gods, victorious plant,
Blow thou the rival wife away, and make my husband only mine.
Sloka : 10.145.3
उत्त॑रा॒हमु॑त्तर॒ उत्त॒रेदुत्त॑राभ्यः ।
अथा॑ स॒पत्नी॒ या ममाध॑रा॒ साध॑राभ्यः ॥ १०.१४५.०३
utta̍rā̱hamu̍ttara̱ utta̱redutta̍rābhyaḥ .
athā̍ sa̱patnī̱ yā mamādha̍rā̱ sādha̍rābhyaḥ .. 10.145.03
3 Stronger am 1, O Stronger One, yea, mightier than the mightier;
And she who is my rival wife is lower than the lowest dames.
Sloka : 10.145.4
न॒ह्य॑स्या॒ नाम॑ गृ॒भ्णामि॒ नो अ॒स्मिन्र॑मते॒ जने॑ ।
परा॑मे॒व प॑रा॒वतं॑ स॒पत्नीं॑ गमयामसि ॥ १०.१४५.०४
na̱hya̍syā̱ nāma̍ gṛ̱bhṇāmi̱ no a̱sminra̍mate̱ jane̍ .
parā̍me̱va pa̍rā̱vata̍ṃ sa̱patnī̍ṃ gamayāmasi .. 10.145.04
4 Her very name I utter not:- she takes no pleasure in this man.
Far into distance most remote drive we the rival wife away.
Sloka : 10.145.5
अ॒हम॑स्मि॒ सह॑मा॒नाथ॒ त्वम॑सि सास॒हिः ।
उ॒भे सह॑स्वती भू॒त्वी स॒पत्नीं॑ मे सहावहै ॥ १०.१४५.०५
a̱hama̍smi̱ saha̍mā̱nātha̱ tvama̍si sāsa̱hiḥ .
u̱bhe saha̍svatī bhū̱tvī sa̱patnī̍ṃ me sahāvahai .. 10.145.05
5 I am the conqueror, and thou, thou also act victorious:-
As victory attends us both we will subdue my fellow-wife.
Sloka : 10.145.6
उप॑ तेऽधां॒ सह॑मानाम॒भि त्वा॑धां॒ सही॑यसा ।
मामनु॒ प्र ते॒ मनो॑ व॒त्सं गौरि॑व धावतु प॒था वारि॑व धावतु ॥ १०.१४५.०६
upa̍ te'dhā̱ṃ saha̍mānāma̱bhi tvā̍dhā̱ṃ sahī̍yasā .
māmanu̱ pra te̱ mano̍ va̱tsaṃ gauri̍va dhāvatu pa̱thā vāri̍va dhāvatu .. 10.145.06
6 I have gained thee for vanquisher, have grasped thee with a stronger spell.
As a cow hastens to her calf, so let thy spirit speed te me, hasten like water on its way.
Sloka : 10.146.1
अर॑ण्या॒न्यर॑ण्यान्य॒सौ या प्रेव॒ नश्य॑सि ।
क॒था ग्रामं॒ न पृ॑च्छसि॒ न त्वा॒ भीरि॑व विन्दती३ँ ॥ १०.१४६.०१
ara̍ṇyā̱nyara̍ṇyānya̱sau yā preva̱ naśya̍si .
ka̱thā grāma̱ṃ na pṛ̍cchasi̱ na tvā̱ bhīri̍va vindatī3m̐ .. 10.146.01
1. GODDESS of wild and forest who seemest to vanish from the sight.
How is it that thou seekest not the village? Art thou not afraid?
Sloka : 10.146.2
वृ॒षा॒र॒वाय॒ वद॑ते॒ यदु॒पाव॑ति चिच्चि॒कः ।
आ॒घा॒टिभि॑रिव धा॒वय॑न्नरण्या॒निर्म॑हीयते ॥ १०.१४६.०२
vṛ̱ṣā̱ra̱vāya̱ vada̍te̱ yadu̱pāva̍ti cicci̱kaḥ .
ā̱ghā̱ṭibhi̍riva dhā̱vaya̍nnaraṇyā̱nirma̍hīyate .. 10.146.02
2 What time the grasshopper replies and swells the shrill cicala's voice,
Seeming to sound with tinkling bells, the Lady of the Wood exults.
Sloka : 10.146.3
उ॒त गाव॑ इवादन्त्यु॒त वेश्मे॑व दृश्यते ।
उ॒तो अ॑रण्या॒निः सा॒यं श॑क॒टीरि॑व सर्जति ॥ १०.१४६.०३
u̱ta gāva̍ ivādantyu̱ta veśme̍va dṛśyate .
u̱to a̍raṇyā̱niḥ sā̱yaṃ śa̍ka̱ṭīri̍va sarjati .. 10.146.03
3 And, yonder, cattle seem to graze, what seems a dwelling-place appears:-
Or else at eve the Lady of the Forest seems to free the wains.
Sloka : 10.146.4
गाम॒ङ्गैष आ ह्व॑यति॒ दार्व॒ङ्गैषो अपा॑वधीत् ।
वस॑न्नरण्या॒न्यां सा॒यमक्रु॑क्ष॒दिति॑ मन्यते ॥ १०.१४६.०४
gāma̱ṅgaiṣa ā hva̍yati̱ dārva̱ṅgaiṣo apā̍vadhīt .
vasa̍nnaraṇyā̱nyāṃ sā̱yamakru̍kṣa̱diti̍ manyate .. 10.146.04
4 Here one is calling to his cow, another there hath felled a tree:-
At eve the dweller in the wood fancies that somebody hath screamed.
Sloka : 10.146.5
न वा अ॑रण्या॒निर्ह॑न्त्य॒न्यश्चेन्नाभि॒गच्छ॑ति ।
स्वा॒दोः फल॑स्य ज॒ग्ध्वाय॑ यथा॒कामं॒ नि प॑द्यते ॥ १०.१४६.०५
na vā a̍raṇyā̱nirha̍ntya̱nyaścennābhi̱gaccha̍ti .
svā̱doḥ phala̍sya ja̱gdhvāya̍ yathā̱kāma̱ṃ ni pa̍dyate .. 10.146.05
5 The Goddess never slays, unless some murderous enemy approach.
Man eats of savoury fruit and then takes, even as he wills, his rest.
Sloka : 10.146.6
आञ्ज॑नगन्धिं सुर॒भिं ब॑ह्व॒न्नामकृ॑षीवलाम् ।
प्राहं मृ॒गाणां॑ मा॒तर॑मरण्या॒निम॑शंसिषम् ॥ १०.१४६.०६
āñja̍nagandhiṃ sura̱bhiṃ ba̍hva̱nnāmakṛ̍ṣīvalām .
prāhaṃ mṛ̱gāṇā̍ṃ mā̱tara̍maraṇyā̱nima̍śaṃsiṣam .. 10.146.06
6 Now have I praised the Forest Queen, sweet-scented, redolent of balm,
The Mother of all sylvan things, who tills not but hath stores of food.
Sloka : 10.147.1
श्रत्ते॑ दधामि प्रथ॒माय॑ म॒न्यवेऽह॒न्यद्वृ॒त्रं नर्यं॑ वि॒वेर॒पः ।
उ॒भे यत्त्वा॒ भव॑तो॒ रोद॑सी॒ अनु॒ रेज॑ते॒ शुष्मा॑त्पृथि॒वी चि॑दद्रिवः ॥ १०.१४७.०१
śratte̍ dadhāmi pratha̱māya̍ ma̱nyave'ha̱nyadvṛ̱traṃ narya̍ṃ vi̱vera̱paḥ .
u̱bhe yattvā̱ bhava̍to̱ roda̍sī̱ anu̱ reja̍te̱ śuṣmā̍tpṛthi̱vī ci̍dadrivaḥ .. 10.147.01
1. I TRUST in thy first wrathful deed, O Indra, when thou slewest Vṛtra and didst work to profit man;
What time the two world-halves fell short of thee in might, and the earth trembled at thy force, O Thunder-anned.
Sloka : 10.147.2
त्वं मा॒याभि॑रनवद्य मा॒यिनं॑ श्रवस्य॒ता मन॑सा वृ॒त्रम॑र्दयः ।
त्वामिन्नरो॑ वृणते॒ गवि॑ष्टिषु॒ त्वां विश्वा॑सु॒ हव्या॒स्विष्टि॑षु ॥ १०.१४७.०२
tvaṃ mā̱yābhi̍ranavadya mā̱yina̍ṃ śravasya̱tā mana̍sā vṛ̱trama̍rdayaḥ .
tvāminnaro̍ vṛṇate̱ gavi̍ṣṭiṣu̱ tvāṃ viśvā̍su̱ havyā̱sviṣṭi̍ṣu .. 10.147.02
2 Thou with thy magic powers didst rend the conjurer Vṛtra, O Blameless One, with heart that longed for fame.
Heroes elect thee when they battle for the prey, thee in all sacrifices worthy of renown.
Sloka : 10.147.3
ऐषु॑ चाकन्धि पुरुहूत सू॒रिषु॑ वृ॒धासो॒ ये म॑घवन्नान॒शुर्म॒घम् ।
अर्च॑न्ति तो॒के तन॑ये॒ परि॑ष्टिषु मे॒धसा॑ता वा॒जिन॒मह्र॑ये॒ धने॑ ॥ १०.१४७.०३
aiṣu̍ cākandhi puruhūta sū̱riṣu̍ vṛ̱dhāso̱ ye ma̍ghavannāna̱śurma̱gham .
arca̍nti to̱ke tana̍ye̱ pari̍ṣṭiṣu me̱dhasā̍tā vā̱jina̱mahra̍ye̱ dhane̍ .. 10.147.03
3 God Much-invoked, take pleasure in these princes here, who, thine exalters, Maghavan, have come to wealth.
In synods, when the rite succeeds, they hymn the Strong for sons and progeny and riches undisturbed.
Sloka : 10.147.4
स इन्नु रा॒यः सुभृ॑तस्य चाकन॒न्मदं॒ यो अ॑स्य॒ रंह्यं॒ चिके॑तति ।
त्वावृ॑धो मघवन्दा॒श्व॑ध्वरो म॒क्षू स वाजं॑ भरते॒ धना॒ नृभिः॑ ॥ १०.१४७.०४
sa innu rā̱yaḥ subhṛ̍tasya cākana̱nmada̱ṃ yo a̍sya̱ raṃhya̱ṃ cike̍tati .
tvāvṛ̍dho maghavandā̱śva̍dhvaro ma̱kṣū sa vāja̍ṃ bharate̱ dhanā̱ nṛbhi̍ḥ .. 10.147.04
4 That man shall find delight in well-protected wealth whose care provides for him the quick-sought joyous draught.
Bringing oblations, strengthened Maghavan, by thee, he swiftly wins the spoil with heroes in the fight.
Sloka : 10.147.5
त्वं शर्धा॑य महि॒ना गृ॑णा॒न उ॒रु कृ॑धि मघवञ्छ॒ग्धि रा॒यः ।
त्वं नो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो॒ न मा॒यी पि॒त्वो न द॑स्म दयसे विभ॒क्ता ॥ १०.१४७.०५
tvaṃ śardhā̍ya mahi̱nā gṛ̍ṇā̱na u̱ru kṛ̍dhi maghavañcha̱gdhi rā̱yaḥ .
tvaṃ no̍ mi̱tro varu̍ṇo̱ na mā̱yī pi̱tvo na da̍sma dayase vibha̱ktā .. 10.147.05
5 Now for our band, O Maghavan, when lauded, make ample room with might, and grant us riches.
Magician thou, our Varuṇa and Mitra, deal food to us, O Wondrous, as Dispenser.
Sloka : 10.148.1
सु॒ष्वा॒णास॑ इन्द्र स्तु॒मसि॑ त्वा सस॒वांस॑श्च तुविनृम्ण॒ वाज॑म् ।
आ नो॑ भर सुवि॒तं यस्य॑ चा॒कन्त्मना॒ तना॑ सनुयाम॒ त्वोताः॑ ॥ १०.१४८.०१
su̱ṣvā̱ṇāsa̍ indra stu̱masi̍ tvā sasa̱vāṃsa̍śca tuvinṛmṇa̱ vāja̍m .
ā no̍ bhara suvi̱taṃ yasya̍ cā̱kantmanā̱ tanā̍ sanuyāma̱ tvotā̍ḥ .. 10.148.01
1. WHEN we have pressed the juice we laud thee, Indra, and when, Most Valorous we have won the booty.
Bring us prosperity, as each desires it under thine own protection may we conquer.
Sloka : 10.148.2
ऋ॒ष्वस्त्वमि॑न्द्र शूर जा॒तो दासी॒र्विशः॒ सूर्ये॑ण सह्याः ।
गुहा॑ हि॒तं गुह्यं॑ गू॒ळ्हम॒प्सु बि॑भृ॒मसि॑ प्र॒स्रव॑णे॒ न सोम॑म् ॥ १०.१४८.०२
ṛ̱ṣvastvami̍ndra śūra jā̱to dāsī̱rviśa̱ḥ sūrye̍ṇa sahyāḥ .
guhā̍ hi̱taṃ guhya̍ṃ gū̱l̤hama̱psu bi̍bhṛ̱masi̍ pra̱srava̍ṇe̱ na soma̍m .. 10.148.02
2 Sublime from birth, mayst thou O Indra, Hero, with Sūrya overcome the Dāsa races.
As by a fountain's side, we bring the Soma that lay concealed, close-hidden in the waters.
Sloka : 10.148.3
अ॒र्यो वा॒ गिरो॑ अ॒भ्य॑र्च वि॒द्वानृषी॑णां॒ विप्रः॑ सुम॒तिं च॑का॒नः ।
ते स्या॑म॒ ये र॒णय॑न्त॒ सोमै॑रे॒नोत तुभ्यं॑ रथोळ्ह भ॒क्षैः ॥ १०.१४८.०३
a̱ryo vā̱ giro̍ a̱bhya̍rca vi̱dvānṛṣī̍ṇā̱ṃ vipra̍ḥ suma̱tiṃ ca̍kā̱naḥ .
te syā̍ma̱ ye ra̱ṇaya̍nta̱ somai̍re̱nota tubhya̍ṃ rathol̤ha bha̱kṣaiḥ .. 10.148.03
3 Answer the votary's hymns, for these thou knowest, craving the Ṛṣis prayer, thyself a Singer
May we be they who take delight in Somas:- these with sweet food for thee, O Chariot-rider.
Sloka : 10.148.4
इ॒मा ब्रह्मे॑न्द्र॒ तुभ्यं॑ शंसि॒ दा नृभ्यो॑ नृ॒णां शू॑र॒ शवः॑ ।
तेभि॑र्भव॒ सक्र॑तु॒र्येषु॑ चा॒कन्नु॒त त्रा॑यस्व गृण॒त उ॒त स्तीन् ॥ १०.१४८.०४
i̱mā brahme̍ndra̱ tubhaya̍ṃ śaṃsi̱ dā nṛbhyo̍ nṛ̱ṇāṃ śū̍ra̱ śava̍ḥ .
tebhi̍rbhava̱ sakra̍tu̱ryeṣu̍ cā̱kannu̱ta trā̍yasva gṛṇa̱ta u̱ta stīn .. 10.148.04
4 These holy prayers, O Indra, have I sung thee:- grant to the men the strength of men, thou Hero.
Be of one mind with those in whom thou joyest:- keep thou the singers safe and their companions.
Sloka : 10.148.5
श्रु॒धी हव॑मिन्द्र शूर॒ पृथ्या॑ उ॒त स्त॑वसे वे॒न्यस्या॒र्कैः ।
आ यस्ते॒ योनिं॑ घृ॒तव॑न्त॒मस्वा॑रू॒र्मिर्न निम्नैर्द्र॑वयन्त॒ वक्वाः॑ ॥ १०.१४८.०५
śru̱dhī hava̍mindra śūra̱ pṛthyā̍ u̱ta sta̍vase ve̱nyasyā̱rkaiḥ .
ā yaste̱ yoni̍ṃ ghṛ̱tava̍nta̱masvā̍rū̱rmirna nimnairdra̍vayanta̱ vakvā̍ḥ .. 10.148.05
5 Listen to Pṛthi's call, heroic Indra, and be thou lauded by the hymns of Venya,
Him who hath sung thee to thine oil-rich dwelling, whose rolling songs have sped thee like a torrent.
Sloka : 10.149.1
स॒वि॒ता य॒न्त्रैः पृ॑थि॒वीम॑रम्णादस्कम्भ॒ने स॑वि॒ता द्याम॑दृंहत् ।
अश्व॑मिवाधुक्ष॒द्धुनि॑म॒न्तरि॑क्षम॒तूर्ते॑ ब॒द्धं स॑वि॒ता स॑मु॒द्रम् ॥ १०.१४९.०१
sa̱vi̱tā ya̱ntraiḥ pṛ̍thi̱vīma̍ramṇādaskambha̱ne sa̍vi̱tā dyāma̍dṛṃhat .
aśva̍mivādhukṣa̱ddhuni̍ma̱ntari̍kṣama̱tūrte̍ ba̱ddhaṃ sa̍vi̱tā sa̍mu̱dram .. 10.149.01
1. SAVITAR fixed the earth with bands to bind it, and made heaven stedfast where no prop supported.
Savitar milked, as twere a restless courser, air, sea bound fast to what no foot had trodden.
Sloka : 10.149.2
यत्रा॑ समु॒द्रः स्क॑भि॒तो व्यौन॒दपां॑ नपात्सवि॒ता तस्य॑ वेद ।
अतो॒ भूरत॑ आ॒ उत्थि॑तं॒ रजोऽतो॒ द्यावा॑पृथि॒वी अ॑प्रथेताम् ॥ १०.१४९.०२
yatrā̍ samu̱draḥ ska̍bhi̱to vyauna̱dapā̍ṃ napātsavi̱tā tasya̍ veda .
ato̱ bhūrata̍ ā̱ utthi̍ta̱ṃ rajo'to̱ dyāvā̍pṛthi̱vī a̍prathetām .. 10.149.02
2 Well knoweth Savitar, O Child of Waters, where ocean, firmly fixt, oerflowed its limit.
Thence sprang the world, from that uprose the region:- thence heaven spread out and the wide earth expanded.
Sloka : 10.149.3
प॒श्चेदम॒न्यद॑भव॒द्यज॑त्र॒मम॑र्त्यस्य॒ भुव॑नस्य भू॒ना ।
सु॒प॒र्णो अ॒ङ्ग स॑वि॒तुर्ग॒रुत्मा॒न्पूर्वो॑ जा॒तः स उ॑ अ॒स्यानु॒ धर्म॑ ॥ १०.१४९.०३
pa̱ścedama̱nyada̍bhava̱dyaja̍tra̱mama̍rtyasya̱ bhuva̍nasya bhū̱nā .
su̱pa̱rṇo a̱ṅga sa̍vi̱turga̱rutmā̱npūrvo̍ jā̱taḥ sa u̍ a̱syānu̱ dharma̍ .. 10.149.03
3 Then, with a full crowd of Immortal Beings, this other realm came later, high and holy.
First, verily, Savitar's strong-pinioned Eagle was born:- and he obeys his law for ever.
Sloka : 10.149.4
गाव॑ इव॒ ग्रामं॒ यूयु॑धिरि॒वाश्वा॑न्वा॒श्रेव॑ व॒त्सं सु॒मना॒ दुहा॑ना ।
पति॑रिव जा॒याम॒भि नो॒ न्ये॑तु ध॒र्ता दि॒वः स॑वि॒ता वि॒श्ववा॑रः ॥ १०.१४९.०४
gāva̍ iva̱ grāma̱ṃ yūyu̍dhiri̱vāśvā̍nvā̱śreva̍ va̱tsaṃ su̱manā̱ duhā̍nā .
pati̍riva jā̱yāma̱bhi no̱ nye̍tu dha̱rtā di̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā vi̱śvavā̍raḥ .. 10.149.04
4 As warriors to their steeds, kine to their village, as fond milk giving cows approach their youngling,
As man to wife, let Savitar come downward to us, heaven's bearer, Lord of every blessing.
Sloka : 10.149.5
हिर॑ण्यस्तूपः सवित॒र्यथा॑ त्वाङ्गिर॒सो जु॒ह्वे वाजे॑ अ॒स्मिन् ।
ए॒वा त्वार्च॒न्नव॑से॒ वन्द॑मानः॒ सोम॑स्येवां॒शुं प्रति॑ जागरा॒हम् ॥ १०.१४९.०५
hira̍ṇyastūpaḥ savita̱ryathā̍ tvāṅgira̱so ju̱hve vāje̍ a̱smin .
e̱vā tvārca̱nnava̍se̱ vanda̍māna̱ḥ soma̍syevā̱ṃśuṃ prati̍ jāgarā̱ham .. 10.149.05
5 Like the Aṅgirasa Hiranvastupa, I call thee, Savitar, to this achievement:-
So worshipping and lauding thee for favour I watch for thee as for the stalk of Soma.
Sloka : 10.150.1
समि॑द्धश्चि॒त्समि॑ध्यसे दे॒वेभ्यो॑ हव्यवाहन ।
आ॒दि॒त्यै रु॒द्रैर्वसु॑भिर्न॒ आ ग॑हि मृळी॒काय॑ न॒ आ ग॑हि ॥ १०.१५०.०१
sami̍ddhaści̱tsami̍dhyase de̱vebhyo̍ havyavāhana .
ā̱di̱tyai ru̱drairvasu̍bhirna̱ ā ga̍hi mṛl̤ī̱kāya̍ na̱ ā ga̍hi .. 10.150.01
1. THOU, bearer of oblations, though kindled, art kindled for the Gods.
With the Ādityas, Rudras, Vasus, come to us:- to show us favour come to us.
Sloka : 10.150.2
इ॒मं य॒ज्ञमि॒दं वचो॑ जुजुषा॒ण उ॒पाग॑हि ।
मर्ता॑सस्त्वा समिधान हवामहे मृळी॒काय॑ हवामहे ॥ १०.१५०.०२
i̱maṃ ya̱jñami̱daṃ vaco̍ jujuṣā̱ṇa u̱pāga̍hi .
martā̍sastvā samidhāna havāmahe mṛl̤ī̱kāya̍ havāmahe .. 10.150.02
2 Come hither and accept with joy this sacrifice and hymn of ours.
O kindled God, we mortals are invoking thee, calling on thee to show us grace.
Sloka : 10.150.3
त्वामु॑ जा॒तवे॑दसं वि॒श्ववा॑रं गृणे धि॒या ।
अग्ने॑ दे॒वाँ आ व॑ह नः प्रि॒यव्र॑तान्मृळी॒काय॑ प्रि॒यव्र॑तान् ॥ १०.१५०.०३
tvāmu̍ jā̱tave̍dasaṃ vi̱śvavā̍raṃ gṛṇe dhi̱yā .
agne̍ de̱vām̐ ā va̍ha naḥ pri̱yavra̍tānmṛl̤ī̱kāya̍ pri̱yavra̍tān .. 10.150.03
3 I laud thee Jātavedas, thee Lord of all blessings, with my song.
Agni, bring hitherward the Gods whose Laws we love, whose laws we love, to show us grace.
Sloka : 10.150.4
अ॒ग्निर्दे॒वो दे॒वाना॑मभवत्पु॒रोहि॑तो॒ऽग्निं म॑नु॒ष्या॒३॒॑ ऋष॑यः॒ समी॑धिरे ।
अ॒ग्निं म॒हो धन॑साताव॒हं हु॑वे मृळी॒कं धन॑सातये ॥ १०.१५०.०४
a̱gnirde̱vo de̱vānā̍mabhavatpu̱rohi̍to̱'gniṃ ma̍nu̱ṣyā̱3̱̍ ṛṣa̍ya̱ḥ samī̍dhire .
a̱gniṃ ma̱ho dhana̍sātāva̱haṃ hu̍ve mṛl̤ī̱kaṃ dhana̍sātaye .. 10.150.04
4 Agni the God was made the great High-Priest of Gods, Ṛṣis have kindled Agni, men of mortal mould.
Agni I invocate for winning ample wealth. kindly disposed for winning wealth.
Sloka : 10.150.5
अ॒ग्निरत्रिं॑ भ॒रद्वा॑जं॒ गवि॑ष्ठिरं॒ प्राव॑न्नः॒ कण्वं॑ त्र॒सद॑स्युमाह॒वे ।
अ॒ग्निं वसि॑ष्ठो हवते पु॒रोहि॑तो मृळी॒काय॑ पु॒रोहि॑तः ॥ १०.१५०.०५
a̱gniratri̍ṃ bha̱radvā̍ja̱ṃ gavi̍ṣṭhira̱ṃ prāva̍nna̱ḥ kaṇva̍ṃ tra̱sada̍syumāha̱ve .
a̱gniṃ vasi̍ṣṭho havate pu̱rohi̍to mṛl̤ī̱kāya̍ pu̱rohi̍taḥ .. 10.150.05
5 Atri and Bharadvāja and Gavisthira, Kaṇva and Trasadasyu, in our fight he helped.
On Agni calls Vasiṣṭha, even the household priest, the household priest to win his grace.
Sloka : 10.151.1
श्र॒द्धया॒ग्निः समि॑ध्यते श्र॒द्धया॑ हूयते ह॒विः ।
श्र॒द्धां भग॑स्य मू॒र्धनि॒ वच॒सा वे॑दयामसि ॥ १०.१५१.०१
śra̱ddhayā̱gniḥ sami̍dhyate śra̱ddhayā̍ hūyate ha̱viḥ .
śra̱ddhāṃ bhaga̍sya mū̱rdhani̱ vaca̱sā ve̍dayāmasi .. 10.151.01
1. By Faith is Agni kindled, through Faith is oblation offered up.
We celebrate with praises Faith upon the height of happiness.
Sloka : 10.151.2
प्रि॒यं श्र॑द्धे॒ दद॑तः प्रि॒यं श्र॑द्धे॒ दिदा॑सतः ।
प्रि॒यं भो॒जेषु॒ यज्व॑स्वि॒दं म॑ उदि॒तं कृ॑धि ॥ १०.१५१.०२
pri̱yaṃ śra̍ddhe̱ dada̍taḥ pri̱yaṃ śra̍ddhe̱ didā̍sataḥ .
pri̱yaṃ bho̱jeṣu̱ yajva̍svi̱daṃ ma̍ udi̱taṃ kṛ̍dhi .. 10.151.02
2 Bless thou the man who gives, O Faith; Faith, bless the man who fain would give.
Bless thou the liberal worshippers:- bless thou the word that I have said.
Sloka : 10.151.3
यथा॑ दे॒वा असु॑रेषु श्र॒द्धामु॒ग्रेषु॑ चक्रि॒रे ।
ए॒वं भो॒जेषु॒ यज्व॑स्व॒स्माक॑मुदि॒तं कृ॑धि ॥ १०.१५१.०३
yathā̍ de̱vā asu̍reṣu śra̱ddhāmu̱greṣu̍ cakri̱re .
e̱vaṃ bho̱jeṣu̱ yajva̍sva̱smāka̍mudi̱taṃ kṛ̍dhi .. 10.151.03
3 Even as the Deities maintained Faith in the mighty Asuras,
So make this uttered wish of mine true for the liberal worshippers.
Sloka : 10.151.4
श्र॒द्धां दे॒वा यज॑माना वा॒युगो॑पा॒ उपा॑सते ।
श्र॒द्धां हृ॑द॒य्य१॒॑याकू॑त्या श्र॒द्धया॑ विन्दते॒ वसु॑ ॥ १०.१५१.०४
śra̱ddhāṃ de̱vā yaja̍mānā vā̱yugo̍pā̱ upā̍sate .
śra̱ddhāṃ hṛ̍da̱yya1̱̍yākū̍tyā śra̱ddhayā̍ vindate̱ vasu̍ .. 10.151.04
4 Guarded by Vāyu, Gods and men who sacrifice draw near to Faith.
Man winneth Faith by yearnings of the heart, and opulence by Faith.
Sloka : 10.151.5
श्र॒द्धां प्रा॒तर्ह॑वामहे श्र॒द्धां म॒ध्यंदि॑नं॒ परि॑ ।
श्र॒द्धां सूर्य॑स्य नि॒म्रुचि॒ श्रद्धे॒ श्रद्धा॑पये॒ह नः॑ ॥ १०.१५१.०५
śra̱ddhāṃ prā̱tarha̍vāmahe śra̱ddhāṃ ma̱dhyaṃdi̍na̱ṃ pari̍ .
śra̱ddhāṃ sūrya̍sya ni̱mruci̱ śraddhe̱ śraddhā̍paye̱ha na̍ḥ .. 10.151.05
5 Faith in the early morning, Faith at noonday will we invocate,
Faith at the setting of the Sun. O Faith, endow us with belief.
Sloka : 10.152.1
शा॒स इ॒त्था म॒हाँ अ॑स्यमित्रखा॒दो अद्भु॑तः ।
न यस्य॑ ह॒न्यते॒ सखा॒ न जीय॑ते॒ कदा॑ च॒न ॥ १०.१५२.०१
śā̱sa i̱tthā ma̱hām̐ a̍syamitrakhā̱do adbhu̍taḥ .
na yasya̍ ha̱nyate̱ sakhā̱ na jīya̍te̱ kadā̍ ca̱na .. 10.152.01
1. A MIGHTY Governor art thou, Wondrous, Destroyer of the foe,
Whose friend is never done to death, and never, never overcome.
Sloka : 10.152.2
स्व॒स्ति॒दा वि॒शस्पति॑र्वृत्र॒हा वि॑मृ॒धो व॒शी ।
वृषेन्द्रः॑ पु॒र ए॑तु नः सोम॒पा अ॑भयंक॒रः ॥ १०.१५२.०२
sva̱sti̱dā vi̱śaspati̍rvṛtra̱hā vi̍mṛ̱dho va̱śī .
vṛṣendra̍ḥ pu̱ra e̍tu naḥ soma̱pā a̍bhayaṃka̱raḥ .. 10.152.02
2 Lord of the clan, who brings us bliss, Strong, Warrior, Slayer of the fiend,
May India, Soma-drinker, go before us, Bull who gives us peace.
Sloka : 10.152.3
वि रक्षो॒ वि मृधो॑ जहि॒ वि वृ॒त्रस्य॒ हनू॑ रुज ।
वि म॒न्युमि॑न्द्र वृत्रहन्न॒मित्र॑स्याभि॒दास॑तः ॥ १०.१५२.०३
vi rakṣo̱ vi mṛdho̍ jahi̱ vi vṛ̱trasya̱ hanū̍ ruja .
vi ma̱nyumi̍ndra vṛtrahanna̱mitra̍syābhi̱dāsa̍taḥ .. 10.152.03
3 Drive Rākṣasas and foes away, break thou in pieces Vṛtra'sjaws:-
O Vṛtra-slaying Indra, quell the foeman's wrath who threatens us.
Sloka : 10.152.4
वि न॑ इन्द्र॒ मृधो॑ जहि नी॒चा य॑च्छ पृतन्य॒तः ।
यो अ॒स्माँ अ॑भि॒दास॒त्यध॑रं गमया॒ तमः॑ ॥ १०.१५२.०४
vi na̍ indra̱ mṛdho̍ jahi nī̱cā ya̍ccha pṛtanya̱taḥ .
yo a̱smām̐ a̍bhi̱dāsa̱tyadha̍raṃ gamayā̱ tama̍ḥ .. 10.152.04
4 O Indra, beat our foes away, humble the men who challenge us:-
Send down to nether darkness him who seeks to do us injury.
Sloka : 10.152.5
अपे॑न्द्र द्विष॒तो मनोऽप॒ जिज्या॑सतो व॒धम् ।
वि म॒न्योः शर्म॑ यच्छ॒ वरी॑यो यवया व॒धम् ॥ १०.१५२.०५
ape̍ndra dviṣa̱to mano'pa̱ jijyā̍sato va̱dham .
vi ma̱nyoḥ śarma̍ yaccha̱ varī̍yo yavayā va̱dham .. 10.152.05
5 Baffle the foeman's plan, ward off his weapon who would conquer us.
Give shelter from his furious wrath, and keep his murdering dart afar.
Sloka : 10.153.1
ई॒ङ्खय॑न्तीरप॒स्युव॒ इन्द्रं॑ जा॒तमुपा॑सते ।
भे॒जा॒नासः॑ सु॒वीर्य॑म् ॥ १०.१५३.०१
ī̱ṅkhaya̍ntīrapa̱syuva̱ indra̍ṃ jā̱tamupā̍sate .
bhe̱jā̱nāsa̍ḥ su̱vīrya̍m .. 10.153.01
1. SWAYING about, the Active Ones came nigh to Indra at his birth,
And shared his great heroic might.
Sloka : 10.153.2
त्वमि॑न्द्र॒ बला॒दधि॒ सह॑सो जा॒त ओज॑सः ।
त्वं वृ॑ष॒न्वृषेद॑सि ॥ १०.१५३.०२
tvami̍ndra̱ balā̱dadhi̱ saha̍so jā̱ta oja̍saḥ .
tvaṃ vṛ̍ṣa̱nvṛṣeda̍si .. 10.153.02
2 Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra is thy birth:-
Thou, Mighty One, art strong indeed.
Sloka : 10.153.3
त्वमि॑न्द्रासि वृत्र॒हा व्य१॒॑न्तरि॑क्षमतिरः ।
उद्द्याम॑स्तभ्ना॒ ओज॑सा ॥ १०.१५३.०३
tvami̍ndrāsi vṛtra̱hā vya1̱̍ntari̍kṣamatiraḥ .
uddyāma̍stabhnā̱ oja̍sā .. 10.153.03
3 Thou art the Vṛtra-slayer, thou, Indra, hast spread the firmament:-
Thou hast with might upheld the heavens.
Sloka : 10.153.4
त्वमि॑न्द्र स॒जोष॑सम॒र्कं बि॑भर्षि बा॒ह्वोः ।
वज्रं॒ शिशा॑न॒ ओज॑सा ॥ १०.१५३.०४
tvami̍ndra sa̱joṣa̍sama̱rkaṃ bi̍bharṣi bā̱hvoḥ .
vajra̱ṃ śiśā̍na̱ oja̍sā .. 10.153.04
4 Thou, Indra, bearest in thine arms the lightning that accords with thee,
Whetting thy thunderbolt with might.
Sloka : 10.153.5
त्वमि॑न्द्राभि॒भूर॑सि॒ विश्वा॑ जा॒तान्योज॑सा ।
स विश्वा॒ भुव॒ आभ॑वः ॥ १०.१५३.०५
tvami̍ndrābhi̱bhūra̍si̱ viśvā̍ jā̱tānyoja̍sā .
sa viśvā̱ bhuva̱ ābha̍vaḥ .. 10.153.05
5 Thou, Indra, art preeminent over all creatures in thy might:-
Thou hast pervaded every place.
Sloka : 10.154.1
सोम॒ एके॑भ्यः पवते घृ॒तमेक॒ उपा॑सते ।
येभ्यो॒ मधु॑ प्र॒धाव॑ति॒ ताँश्चि॑दे॒वापि॑ गच्छतात् ॥ १०.१५४.०१
soma̱ eke̍bhyaḥ pavate ghṛ̱tameka̱ upā̍sate .
yebhyo̱ madhu̍ pra̱dhāva̍ti̱ tām̐ści̍de̱vāpi̍ gacchatāt .. 10.154.01
1. FOR some is Soma purified, some sit by sacrificial oil:-
To those for whom the meath flows forth, even to those let him depart.
Sloka : 10.154.2
तप॑सा॒ ये अ॑नाधृ॒ष्यास्तप॑सा॒ ये स्व॑र्य॒युः ।
तपो॒ ये च॑क्रि॒रे मह॒स्ताँश्चि॑दे॒वापि॑ गच्छतात् ॥ १०.१५४.०२
tapa̍sā̱ ye a̍nādhṛ̱ṣyāstapa̍sā̱ ye sva̍rya̱yuḥ .
tapo̱ ye ca̍kri̱re maha̱stām̐ści̍de̱vāpi̍ gacchatāt .. 10.154.02
2 Invincible through Fervour, those whom Fervour hath advanced to heaven,
Who showed great Fervour in their lives, -even to those let him depart.
Sloka : 10.154.3
ये युध्य॑न्ते प्र॒धने॑षु॒ शूरा॑सो॒ ये त॑नू॒त्यजः॑ ।
ये वा॑ स॒हस्र॑दक्षिणा॒स्ताँश्चि॑दे॒वापि॑ गच्छतात् ॥ १०.१५४.०३
ye yudhya̍nte pra̱dhane̍ṣu̱ śūrā̍so̱ ye ta̍nū̱tyaja̍ḥ .
ye vā̍ sa̱hasra̍dakṣiṇā̱stām̐ści̍de̱vāpi̍ gacchatāt .. 10.154.03
3 The heroes who contend in war and boldly cast their lives away,
Or who give guerdon thousandfold, -even to those let him depart.
Sloka : 10.154.4
ये चि॒त्पूर्व॑ ऋत॒साप॑ ऋ॒तावा॑न ऋता॒वृधः॑ ।
पि॒तॄन्तप॑स्वतो यम॒ ताँश्चि॑दे॒वापि॑ गच्छतात् ॥ १०.१५४.०४
ye ci̱tpūrva̍ ṛta̱sāpa̍ ṛ̱tāvā̍na ṛtā̱vṛdha̍ḥ .
pi̱tṝntapa̍svato yama̱ tām̐ści̍de̱vāpi̍ gacchatāt .. 10.154.04
4 Yea, the first followers of Law, Law's pure and holy strengtheners,
The Fathers, Yama! Fervour-moved,even to those let him depart.
Sloka : 10.154.5
स॒हस्र॑णीथाः क॒वयो॒ ये गो॑पा॒यन्ति॒ सूर्य॑म् ।
ऋषी॒न्तप॑स्वतो यम तपो॒जाँ अपि॑ गच्छतात् ॥ १०.१५४.०५
sa̱hasra̍ṇīthāḥ ka̱vayo̱ ye go̍pā̱yanti̱ sūrya̍m .
ṛṣī̱ntapa̍svato yama tapo̱jām̐ api̍ gacchatāt .. 10.154.05
5 Skilled in a thousand ways and means, the sages who protect the Sun,
The Ṛṣis, Yama! Fervour-moved,even to those let him depart.
Sloka : 10.155.1
अरा॑यि॒ काणे॒ विक॑टे गि॒रिं ग॑च्छ सदान्वे ।
शि॒रिम्बि॑ठस्य॒ सत्व॑भि॒स्तेभि॑ष्ट्वा चातयामसि ॥ १०.१५५.०१
arā̍yi̱ kāṇe̱ vika̍ṭe gi̱riṃ ga̍ccha sadānve .
śi̱rimbi̍ṭhasya̱ satva̍bhi̱stebhi̍ṣṭvā cātayāmasi .. 10.155.01
1. ARAYI, one-eyed limping hag, fly, ever-screeching, to the hill.
We frighten thee away with these, the heroes of Sirimbitha.
Sloka : 10.155.2
च॒त्तो इ॒तश्च॒त्तामुतः॒ सर्वा॑ भ्रू॒णान्या॒रुषी॑ ।
अ॒रा॒य्यं॑ ब्रह्मणस्पते॒ तीक्ष्ण॑शृण्गोदृ॒षन्नि॑हि ॥ १०.१५५.०२
ca̱tto i̱taśca̱ttāmuta̱ḥ sarvā̍ bhrū̱ṇānyā̱ruṣī̍ .
a̱rā̱yya̍ṃ brahmaṇaspate̱ tīkṣṇa̍śṛṇgodṛ̱ṣanni̍hi .. 10.155.02
2 Scared from this place and that is she, destroyer of each germ unborn.
Go, sharp-horned Brāhmaṇaspti and drive Arayi far away.
Sloka : 10.155.3
अ॒दो यद्दारु॒ प्लव॑ते॒ सिन्धोः॑ पा॒रे अ॑पूरु॒षम् ।
तदा र॑भस्व दुर्हणो॒ तेन॑ गच्छ परस्त॒रम् ॥ १०.१५५.०३
a̱do yaddāru̱ plava̍te̱ sindho̍ḥ pā̱re a̍pūru̱ṣam .
tadā ra̍bhasva durhaṇo̱ tena̍ gaccha parasta̱ram .. 10.155.03
3 Yon log that floats without a man to guide it on the river's edge,
Seize it, thou thing with hideous jaws, and go thou far away thereon.
Sloka : 10.155.4
यद्ध॒ प्राची॒रज॑ग॒न्तोरो॑ मण्डूरधाणिकीः ।
ह॒ता इन्द्र॑स्य॒ शत्र॑वः॒ सर्वे॑ बुद्बु॒दया॑शवः ॥ १०.१५५.०४
yaddha̱ prācī̱raja̍ga̱ntoro̍ maṇḍūradhāṇikīḥ .
ha̱tā indra̍sya̱ śatra̍va̱ḥ sarve̍ budbu̱dayā̍śavaḥ .. 10.155.04
4 When, foul with secret stain and spot, ye hastened onward to the breast,
All Indra's enemies were slain and passed away like froth and foam.
Sloka : 10.155.5
परी॒मे गाम॑नेषत॒ पर्य॒ग्निम॑हृषत ।
दे॒वेष्व॑क्रत॒ श्रवः॒ क इ॒माँ आ द॑धर्षति ॥ १०.१५५.०५
parī̱me gāma̍neṣata̱ parya̱gnima̍hṛṣata .
de̱veṣva̍krata̱ śrava̱ḥ ka i̱mām̐ ā da̍dharṣati .. 10.155.05
5 These men have led about the cow, have duly carried Agni round,
And raised their glory tg the Gods. Who will attack them with success?
Sloka : 10.156.1
अ॒ग्निं हि॑न्वन्तु नो॒ धियः॒ सप्ति॑मा॒शुमि॑वा॒जिषु॑ ।
तेन॑ जेष्म॒ धनं॑धनम् ॥ १०.१५६.०१
a̱gniṃ hi̍nvantu no̱ dhiya̱ḥ sapti̍mā̱śumi̍vā̱jiṣu̍ .
tena̍ jeṣma̱ dhana̍ṃdhanam .. 10.156.01
1. LET songs of ours speed Agni forth like a fleet courser in the race,
And we will win each prize through him.
Sloka : 10.156.2
यया॒ गा आ॒करा॑महे॒ सेन॑याग्ने॒ तवो॒त्या ।
तां नो॑ हिन्व म॒घत्त॑ये ॥ १०.१५६.०२
yayā̱ gā ā̱karā̍mahe̱ sena̍yāgne̱ tavo̱tyā .
tāṃ no̍ hinva ma̱ghatta̍ye .. 10.156.02
2 Agni the dart whereby we gain kine for ourselves with help from thee,
That send us for the gain of wealth.
Sloka : 10.156.3
आग्ने॑ स्थू॒रं र॒यिं भ॑र पृ॒थुं गोम॑न्तम॒श्विन॑म् ।
अ॒ङ्धि खं व॒र्तया॑ प॒णिम् ॥ १०.१५६.०३
āgne̍ sthū̱raṃ ra̱yiṃ bha̍ra pṛ̱thuṃ goma̍ntama̱śvina̍m .
a̱ṅdhi khaṃ va̱rtayā̍ pa̱ṇim .. 10.156.03
3 O Agni, bring us wealth secure, vast wealth in horses and in kine:-
Oil thou the socket, turn the wheel.
Sloka : 10.156.4
अग्ने॒ नक्ष॑त्रम॒जर॒मा सूर्यं॑ रोहयो दि॒वि ।
दध॒ज्ज्योति॒र्जने॑भ्यः ॥ १०.१५६.०४
agne̱ nakṣa̍trama̱jara̱mā sūrya̍ṃ rohayo di̱vi .
dadha̱jjyoti̱rjane̍bhyaḥ .. 10.156.04
4 O Agni, thou hast made the Sun, Eternal Star, to mount the sky,
Bestowing light on living men.
Sloka : 10.156.5
अग्ने॑ के॒तुर्वि॒शाम॑सि॒ प्रेष्ठः॒ श्रेष्ठ॑ उपस्थ॒सत् ।
बोधा॑ स्तो॒त्रे वयो॒ दध॑त् ॥ १०.१५६.०५
agne̍ ke̱turvi̱śāma̍si̱ preṣṭha̱ḥ śreṣṭha̍ upastha̱sat .
bodhā̍ sto̱tre vayo̱ dadha̍t .. 10.156.05
5 Thou, Agni, art the people's light, best, dearest, seated in thy shrine:-
Watch for the singer, give him life.
Sloka : 10.157.1
इ॒मा नु कं॒ भुव॑ना सीषधा॒मेन्द्र॑श्च॒ विश्वे॑ च दे॒वाः ॥ १०.१५७.०१
i̱mā nu ka̱ṃ bhuva̍nā sīṣadhā̱mendra̍śca̱ viśve̍ ca de̱vāḥ .. 10.157.01
1. WE will, with Indra and all Gods to aid us, bring these existing worlds into subjection.
Sloka : 10.157.2
य॒ज्ञं च॑ नस्त॒न्वं॑ च प्र॒जां चा॑दि॒त्यैरिन्द्रः॑ स॒ह ची॑कॢपाति ॥ १०.१५७.०२
ya̱jñaṃ ca̍ nasta̱nva̍ṃ ca pra̱jāṃ cā̍di̱tyairindra̍ḥ sa̱ha cī̍kḷpāti .. 10.157.02
2 Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspr. let Indra form together with Ādityas.
Sloka : 10.157.3
आ॒दि॒त्यैरिन्द्रः॒ सग॑णो म॒रुद्भि॑र॒स्माकं॑ भूत्ववि॒ता त॒नूना॑म् ॥ १०.१५७.०३
ā̱di̱tyairindra̱ḥ saga̍ṇo ma̱rudbhi̍ra̱smāka̍ṃ bhūtvavi̱tā ta̱nūnā̍m .. 10.157.03
3 With the Ādityas, with the band of Maruts, may Indra be Protector of our bodies.
Sloka : 10.157.4
ह॒त्वाय॑ दे॒वा असु॑रा॒न्यदाय॑न्दे॒वा दे॑व॒त्वम॑भि॒रक्ष॑माणाः ॥ १०.१५७.०४
ha̱tvāya̍ de̱vā asu̍rā̱nyadāya̍nde̱vā de̍va̱tvama̍bhi̱rakṣa̍māṇāḥ .. 10.157.04
4 As when the Gods came, after they had slaughtered the Asuras, keeping safe their Godlike nature,
Sloka : 10.157.5
प्र॒त्यञ्च॑म॒र्कम॑नय॒ञ्छची॑भि॒रादित्स्व॒धामि॑षि॒रां पर्य॑पश्यन् ॥ १०.१५७.०५
pra̱tyañca̍ma̱rkama̍naya̱ñchacī̍bhi̱rāditsva̱dhāmi̍ṣi̱rāṃ parya̍paśyan .. 10.157.05
5 Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked about them on their vigorous Godhead.
Sloka : 10.158.1
सूर्यो॑ नो दि॒वस्पा॑तु॒ वातो॑ अ॒न्तरि॑क्षात् ।
अ॒ग्निर्नः॒ पार्थि॑वेभ्यः ॥ १०.१५८.०१
sūryo̍ no di̱vaspā̍tu̱ vāto̍ a̱ntari̍kṣāt .
a̱gnirna̱ḥ pārthi̍vebhyaḥ .. 10.158.01
1. MAY Sūrya guard us out of heaven, and Vāta from the firmament,
And Agni from terrestrial spots.
Sloka : 10.158.2
जोषा॑ सवित॒र्यस्य॑ ते॒ हरः॑ श॒तं स॒वाँ अर्ह॑ति ।
पा॒हि नो॑ दि॒द्युतः॒ पत॑न्त्याः ॥ १०.१५८.०२
joṣā̍ savita̱ryasya̍ te̱ hara̍ḥ śa̱taṃ sa̱vām̐ arha̍ti .
pā̱hi no̍ di̱dyuta̱ḥ pata̍ntyāḥ .. 10.158.02
2 Thou Savitar whose flame deserves hundred libations, be thou pleased:-
From failing lightning keep us safe.
Sloka : 10.158.3
चक्षु॑र्नो दे॒वः स॑वि॒ता चक्षु॑र्न उ॒त पर्व॑तः ।
चक्षु॑र्धा॒ता द॑धातु नः ॥ १०.१५८.०३
cakṣu̍rno de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tā cakṣu̍rna u̱ta parva̍taḥ .
cakṣu̍rdhā̱tā da̍dhātu naḥ .. 10.158.03
3 May Savitar the God, and may Parvata also give us sight;
May the Creator give us sight.
Sloka : 10.158.4
चक्षु॑र्नो धेहि॒ चक्षु॑षे॒ चक्षु॑र्वि॒ख्यै त॒नूभ्यः॑ ।
सं चे॒दं वि च॑ पश्येम ॥ १०.१५८.०४
cakṣu̍rno dhehi̱ cakṣu̍ṣe̱ cakṣu̍rvi̱khyai ta̱nūbhya̍ḥ .
saṃ ce̱daṃ vi ca̍ paśyema .. 10.158.04
4 Give sight unto our eye, give thou our bodies sight that they may see:-
May we survey, discern this world.
Sloka : 10.158.5
सु॒सं॒दृशं॑ त्वा व॒यं प्रति॑ पश्येम सूर्य ।
वि प॑श्येम नृ॒चक्ष॑सः ॥ १०.१५८.०५
su̱sa̱ṃdṛśa̍ṃ tvā va̱yaṃ prati̍ paśyema sūrya .
vi pa̍śyema nṛ̱cakṣa̍saḥ .. 10.158.05
5 Thus, Sūrya, may we look on thee, on thee most lovely to behold,
See clearly with the eyes of men.
Sloka : 10.159.1
उद॒सौ सूर्यो॑ अगा॒दुद॒यं मा॑म॒को भगः॑ ।
अ॒हं तद्वि॑द्व॒ला पति॑म॒भ्य॑साक्षि विषास॒हिः ॥ १०.१५९.०१
uda̱sau sūryo̍ agā̱duda̱yaṃ mā̍ma̱ko bhaga̍ḥ .
a̱haṃ tadvi̍dva̱lā pati̍ma̱bhya̍sākṣi viṣāsa̱hiḥ .. 10.159.01
1. YON Sun hath mounted up, and this my happy fate hate mounted high.
I knowing this, as conqueror have won my husband for mine own.
Sloka : 10.159.2
अ॒हं के॒तुर॒हं मू॒र्धाहमु॒ग्रा वि॒वाच॑नी ।
ममेदनु॒ क्रतुं॒ पतिः॑ सेहा॒नाया॑ उ॒पाच॑रेत् ॥ १०.१५९.०२
a̱haṃ ke̱tura̱haṃ mū̱rdhāhamu̱grā vi̱vāca̍nī .
mamedanu̱ kratu̱ṃ pati̍ḥ sehā̱nāyā̍ u̱pāca̍ret .. 10.159.02
2 I am the banner and the head, a mighty arbitress am I:-
I am victorious, and my Lord shall be submissive to my will.
Sloka : 10.159.3
मम॑ पु॒त्राः श॑त्रु॒हणोऽथो॑ मे दुहि॒ता वि॒राट् ।
उ॒ताहम॑स्मि संज॒या पत्यौ॑ मे॒ श्लोक॑ उत्त॒मः ॥ १०.१५९.०३
mama̍ pu̱trāḥ śa̍tru̱haṇo'tho̍ me duhi̱tā vi̱rāṭ .
u̱tāhama̍smi saṃja̱yā patyau̍ me̱ śloka̍ utta̱maḥ .. 10.159.03
3 My Sons are slayers of the foe, my Daughter is a ruling Queen:-
I am victorious:- oer my Lord my song of triumph is supreme.
Sloka : 10.159.4
येनेन्द्रो॑ ह॒विषा॑ कृ॒त्व्यभ॑वद्द्यु॒म्न्यु॑त्त॒मः ।
इ॒दं तद॑क्रि देवा असप॒त्ना किला॑भुवम् ॥ १०.१५९.०४
yenendro̍ ha̱viṣā̍ kṛ̱tvyabha̍vaddyu̱mnyu̍tta̱maḥ .
i̱daṃ tada̍kri devā asapa̱tnā kilā̍bhuvam .. 10.159.04
4 Oblation, that which Indra gave and thus grew glorious and most high,
This have I offered, O ye Gods, and rid me of each rival wife.
Sloka : 10.159.5
अ॒स॒प॒त्ना स॑पत्न॒घ्नी जय॑न्त्यभि॒भूव॑री ।
आवृ॑क्षम॒न्यासां॒ वर्चो॒ राधो॒ अस्थे॑यसामिव ॥ १०.१५९.०५
a̱sa̱pa̱tnā sa̍patna̱ghnī jaya̍ntyabhi̱bhūva̍rī .
āvṛ̍kṣama̱nyāsā̱ṃ varco̱ rādho̱ asthe̍yasāmiva .. 10.159.05
5 Destroyer of the rival wife, Sole Spouse, victorious, conqueror,
The others' glory have I seized as twere the wealth of weaker Dames.
Sloka : 10.159.6
सम॑जैषमि॒मा अ॒हं स॒पत्नी॑रभि॒भूव॑री ।
यथा॒हम॒स्य वी॒रस्य॑ वि॒राजा॑नि॒ जन॑स्य च ॥ १०.१५९.०६
sama̍jaiṣami̱mā a̱haṃ sa̱patnī̍rabhi̱bhūva̍rī .
yathā̱hama̱sya vī̱rasya̍ vi̱rājā̍ni̱ jana̍sya ca .. 10.159.06
6 I have subdued as conqueror these rivals, these my fellow-wives,
That I may hold imperial sway over this Hero and the folk.
Sloka : 10.160.1
ती॒व्रस्या॒भिव॑यसो अ॒स्य पा॑हि सर्वर॒था वि हरी॑ इ॒ह मु॑ञ्च ।
इन्द्र॒ मा त्वा॒ यज॑मानासो अ॒न्ये नि री॑रम॒न्तुभ्य॑मि॒मे सु॒तासः॑ ॥ १०.१६०.०१
tī̱vrasyā̱bhiva̍yaso a̱sya pā̍hi sarvara̱thā vi harī̍ i̱ha mu̍ñca .
indra̱ mā tvā̱ yaja̍mānāso a̱nye ni rī̍rama̱ntubhya̍mi̱me su̱tāsa̍ḥ .. 10.160.01
1. TASTE this strong draught enriched with offered viands:- with all thy chariot here unyoke thy Coursers.
Let not those other sacrificers stay thee, Indra:- these juices shed for thee are ready.
Sloka : 10.160.2
तुभ्यं॑ सु॒तास्तुभ्य॑मु॒ सोत्वा॑स॒स्त्वां गिरः॒ श्वात्र्या॒ आ ह्व॑यन्ति ।
इन्द्रे॒दम॒द्य सव॑नं जुषा॒णो विश्व॑स्य वि॒द्वाँ इ॒ह पा॑हि॒ सोम॑म् ॥ १०.१६०.०२
tubhya̍ṃ su̱tāstubhya̍mu̱ sotvā̍sa̱stvāṃ gira̱ḥ śvātryā̱ ā hva̍yanti .
indre̱dama̱dya sava̍naṃ juṣā̱ṇo viśva̍sya vi̱dvām̐ i̱ha pā̍hi̱ soma̍m .. 10.160.02
2 Thine is the juice effused, thine are the juices yet to be pressed:- our resonant songs invite thee.
O Indra, pleased to-day with this libation, come, thou who knowest all and drink the Soma.
Sloka : 10.160.3
य उ॑श॒ता मन॑सा॒ सोम॑मस्मै सर्वहृ॒दा दे॒वका॑मः सु॒नोति॑ ।
न गा इन्द्र॒स्तस्य॒ परा॑ ददाति प्रश॒स्तमिच्चारु॑मस्मै कृणोति ॥ १०.१६०.०३
ya u̍śa̱tā mana̍sā̱ soma̍masmai sarvahṛ̱dā de̱vakā̍maḥ su̱noti̍ .
na gā indra̱stasya̱ parā̍ dadāti praśa̱stamiccāru̍masmai kṛṇoti .. 10.160.03
3 Whoso, devoted to the God, effuses Soma for him with yearning heart and spirit,
Never doth Indra give away his cattle:- for him he makes the lovely Soma famous.
Sloka : 10.160.4
अनु॑स्पष्टो भवत्ये॒षो अ॑स्य॒ यो अ॑स्मै रे॒वान्न सु॒नोति॒ सोम॑म् ।
निर॑र॒त्नौ म॒घवा॒ तं द॑धाति ब्रह्म॒द्विषो॑ ह॒न्त्यना॑नुदिष्टः ॥ १०.१६०.०४
anu̍spaṣṭo bhavatye̱ṣo a̍sya̱ yo a̍smai re̱vānna su̱noti̱ soma̍m .
nira̍ra̱tnau ma̱ghavā̱ taṃ da̍dhāti brahma̱dviṣo̍ ha̱ntyanā̍nudiṣṭaḥ .. 10.160.04
4 He looks with Ioving favour on the mortal who, like a rich man, pours for him the Soma.
Maghavan in his bended arm supports him:- he slays, unasked, the men who hate devotion.
Sloka : 10.160.5
अ॒श्वा॒यन्तो॑ ग॒व्यन्तो॑ वा॒जय॑न्तो॒ हवा॑महे॒ त्वोप॑गन्त॒वा उ॑ ।
आ॒भूष॑न्तस्ते सुम॒तौ नवा॑यां व॒यमि॑न्द्र त्वा शु॒नं हु॑वेम ॥ १०.१६०.०५
a̱śvā̱yanto̍ ga̱vyanto̍ vā̱jaya̍nto̱ havā̍mahe̱ tvopa̍ganta̱vā u̍ .
ā̱bhūṣa̍ntaste suma̱tau navā̍yāṃ va̱yami̍ndra tvā śu̱naṃ hu̍vema .. 10.160.05
5 We call on thee to come to us, desirous of goods and spoil, of cattle, and of horses.
For thy new love and favour are we present:- let us invoke thee, Indra, as our welfare.
Sloka : 10.161.1
मु॒ञ्चामि॑ त्वा ह॒विषा॒ जीव॑नाय॒ कम॑ज्ञातय॒क्ष्मादु॒त रा॑जय॒क्ष्मात् ।
ग्राहि॑र्ज॒ग्राह॒ यदि॑ वै॒तदे॑नं॒ तस्या॑ इन्द्राग्नी॒ प्र मु॑मुक्तमेनम् ॥ १०.१६१.०१
mu̱ñcāmi̍ tvā ha̱viṣā̱ jīva̍nāya̱ kama̍jñātaya̱kṣmādu̱ta rā̍jaya̱kṣmāt .
grāhi̍rja̱grāha̱ yadi̍ vai̱tade̍na̱ṃ tasyā̍ indrāgnī̱ pra mu̍muktamenam .. 10.161.01
1. FOR life I set thee free by this oblation from the unknown decline and from Consumption;
Or, if the grasping demon have possessed him, free him from her, O Indra, thou and Agni.
Sloka : 10.161.2
यदि॑ क्षि॒तायु॒र्यदि॑ वा॒ परे॑तो॒ यदि॑ मृ॒त्योर॑न्ति॒कं नी॑त ए॒व ।
तमा ह॑रामि॒ निरृ॑तेरु॒पस्था॒दस्पा॑र्षमेनं श॒तशा॑रदाय ॥ १०.१६१.०२
yadi̍ kṣi̱tāyu̱ryadi̍ vā̱ pare̍to̱ yadi̍ mṛ̱tyora̍nti̱kaṃ nī̍ta e̱va .
tamā ha̍rāmi̱ nirṛ̍teru̱pasthā̱daspā̍rṣamenaṃ śa̱taśā̍radāya .. 10.161.02
2 Be his days ended, be he now departed, be he brought very near to death already,
Out of Destruction's lap again I bring him, save him for life to last a hundred autumns.
Sloka : 10.161.3
स॒ह॒स्रा॒क्षेण॑ श॒तशा॑रदेन श॒तायु॑षा ह॒विषाहा॑र्षमेनम् ।
श॒तं यथे॒मं श॒रदो॒ नया॒तीन्द्रो॒ विश्व॑स्य दुरि॒तस्य॑ पा॒रम् ॥ १०.१६१.०३
sa̱ha̱srā̱kṣeṇa̍ śa̱taśā̍radena śa̱tāyu̍ṣā ha̱viṣāhā̍rṣamenam .
śa̱taṃ yathe̱maṃ śa̱rado̱ nayā̱tīndro̱ viśva̍sya duri̱tasya̍ pā̱ram .. 10.161.03
3 With hundred-eyed oblation, hundred-autumned, bringing a hundred lives, have I restored him,
That Indra for a hundred years may lead him safe to the farther shore of all misfortune.
Sloka : 10.161.4
श॒तं जी॑व श॒रदो॒ वर्ध॑मानः श॒तं हे॑म॒न्ताञ्छ॒तमु॑ वस॒न्तान् ।
श॒तमि॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी स॑वि॒ता बृह॒स्पतिः॑ श॒तायु॑षा ह॒विषे॒मं पुन॑र्दुः ॥ १०.१६१.०४
śa̱taṃ jī̍va śa̱rado̱ vardha̍mānaḥ śa̱taṃ he̍ma̱ntāñcha̱tamu̍ vasa̱ntān .
śa̱tami̍ndrā̱gnī sa̍vi̱tā bṛha̱spati̍ḥ śa̱tāyu̍ṣā ha̱viṣe̱maṃ puna̍rduḥ .. 10.161.04
4 Live, waxing in thy strength, a hundred autumns, live through a hundred springs, a hundred winters.
Through hundred-lived oblation Indra, Agni, Bṛhaspati, Savitar yield him for a hundred!
Sloka : 10.161.5
आहा॑र्षं॒ त्वावि॑दं त्वा॒ पुन॒रागाः॑ पुनर्नव ।
सर्वा॑ङ्ग॒ सर्वं॑ ते॒ चक्षुः॒ सर्व॒मायु॑श्च तेऽविदम् ॥ १०.१६१.०५
āhā̍rṣa̱ṃ tvāvi̍daṃ tvā̱ puna̱rāgā̍ḥ punarnava .
sarvā̍ṅga̱ sarva̍ṃ te̱ cakṣu̱ḥ sarva̱māyu̍śca te'vidam .. 10.161.05
5 So have I found and rescued thee thou hast returned with youth renewed.
Whole in thy members! I have found thy sight and all thy life for thee.
Sloka : 10.162.1
ब्रह्म॑णा॒ग्निः सं॑विदा॒नो र॑क्षो॒हा बा॑धतामि॒तः ।
अमी॑वा॒ यस्ते॒ गर्भं॑ दु॒र्णामा॒ योनि॑मा॒शये॑ ॥ १०.१६२.०१
brahma̍ṇā̱gniḥ sa̍ṃvidā̱no ra̍kṣo̱hā bā̍dhatāmi̱taḥ .
amī̍vā̱ yaste̱ garbha̍ṃ du̱rṇāmā̱ yoni̍mā̱śaye̍ .. 10.162.01
1. MAY Agni, yielding to our prayer, the Rakṣas-slayer, drive away
The malady of evil name that hath beset thy labouring womb.
Sloka : 10.162.2
यस्ते॒ गर्भ॒ममी॑वा दु॒र्णामा॒ योनि॑मा॒शये॑ ।
अ॒ग्निष्टं ब्रह्म॑णा स॒ह निष्क्र॒व्याद॑मनीनशत् ॥ १०.१६२.०२
yaste̱ garbha̱mamī̍vā du̱rṇāmā̱ yoni̍mā̱śaye̍ .
a̱gniṣṭaṃ brahma̍ṇā sa̱ha niṣkra̱vyāda̍manīnaśat .. 10.162.02
2 Agni, concurring in the prayer, drive off the eater of the flesh,
The malady of evil name that hath attacked thy babe and womb.
Sloka : 10.162.3
यस्ते॒ हन्ति॑ प॒तय॑न्तं निष॒त्स्नुं यः स॑रीसृ॒पम् ।
जा॒तं यस्ते॒ जिघां॑सति॒ तमि॒तो ना॑शयामसि ॥ १०.१६२.०३
yaste̱ hanti̍ pa̱taya̍ntaṃ niṣa̱tsnuṃ yaḥ sa̍rīsṛ̱pam .
jā̱taṃ yaste̱ jighā̍ṃsati̱ tami̱to nā̍śayāmasi .. 10.162.03
3 That which destroys the sinking germ, the settled, moving embryo,
That which will kill the babe at birth,even this will we drive far away.
Sloka : 10.162.4
यस्त॑ ऊ॒रू वि॒हर॑त्यन्त॒रा दम्प॑ती॒ शये॑ ।
योनिं॒ यो अ॒न्तरा॒रेळ्हि॒ तमि॒तो ना॑शयामसि ॥ १०.१६२.०४
yasta̍ ū̱rū vi̱hara̍tyanta̱rā dampa̍tī̱ śaye̍ .
yoni̱ṃ yo a̱ntarā̱rel̤hi̱ tami̱to nā̍śayāmasi .. 10.162.04
4 That which divides thy legs that it may lie between the married pair,
That penetrates and licks thy side,even this will we exterminate.
Sloka : 10.162.5
यस्त्वा॒ भ्राता॒ पति॑र्भू॒त्वा जा॒रो भू॒त्वा नि॒पद्य॑ते ।
प्र॒जां यस्ते॒ जिघां॑सति॒ तमि॒तो ना॑शयामसि ॥ १०.१६२.०५
yastvā̱ bhrātā̱ pati̍rbhū̱tvā jā̱ro bhū̱tvā ni̱padya̍te .
pra̱jāṃ yaste̱ jighā̍ṃsati̱ tami̱to nā̍śayāmasi .. 10.162.05
5 What rests by thee in borrowed form of brother, lover, or of lord,
And would destroy thy Progeny,even this will we exterminate.
Sloka : 10.162.6
यस्त्वा॒ स्वप्ने॑न॒ तम॑सा मोहयि॒त्वा नि॒पद्य॑ते ।
प्र॒जां यस्ते॒ जिघां॑सति॒ तमि॒तो ना॑शयामसि ॥ १०.१६२.०६
yastvā̱ svapne̍na̱ tama̍sā mohayi̱tvā ni̱padya̍te .
pra̱jāṃ yaste̱ jighā̍ṃsati̱ tami̱to nā̍śayāmasi .. 10.162.06
6 That which through sleep or darkness hath deceived thee and lies down by thee,
And will destroy thy progeny,even this will we exterminate.
Sloka : 10.163.1
अ॒क्षीभ्यां॑ ते॒ नासि॑काभ्यां॒ कर्णा॑भ्यां॒ छुबु॑का॒दधि॑ ।
यक्ष्मं॑ शीर्ष॒ण्यं॑ म॒स्तिष्का॑ज्जि॒ह्वाया॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ १०.१६३.०१
a̱kṣībhyā̍ṃ te̱ nāsi̍kābhyā̱ṃ karṇā̍bhyā̱ṃ chubu̍kā̱dadhi̍ .
yakṣma̍ṃ śīrṣa̱ṇya̍ṃ ma̱stiṣkā̍jji̱hvāyā̱ vi vṛ̍hāmi te .. 10.163.01
1. FROM both thy nostrils, from thine eyes, from both thine ears and from thy chin,
Forth from thy head and brain and tongue I drive thy malady away.
Sloka : 10.163.2
ग्री॒वाभ्य॑स्त उ॒ष्णिहा॑भ्यः॒ कीक॑साभ्यो अनू॒क्या॑त् ।
यक्ष्मं॑ दोष॒ण्य१॒॑मंसा॑भ्यां बा॒हुभ्यां॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ १०.१६३.०२
grī̱vābhya̍sta u̱ṣṇihā̍bhya̱ḥ kīka̍sābhyo anū̱kyā̍t .
yakṣma̍ṃ doṣa̱ṇya1̱̍maṃsā̍bhyāṃ bā̱hubhyā̱ṃ vi vṛ̍hāmi te .. 10.163.02
2 From the neck-tendons and the neck, from the breast-bones and from the spine,
From shoulders, upper, lower arms, I drive thy malady away.
Sloka : 10.163.3
आ॒न्त्रेभ्य॑स्ते॒ गुदा॑भ्यो वनि॒ष्ठोर्हृद॑या॒दधि॑ ।
यक्ष्मं॒ मत॑स्नाभ्यां य॒क्नः प्ला॒शिभ्यो॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ १०.१६३.०३
ā̱ntrebhya̍ste̱ gudā̍bhyo vani̱ṣṭhorhṛda̍yā̱dadhi̍ .
yakṣma̱ṃ mata̍snābhyāṃ ya̱knaḥ plā̱śibhyo̱ vi vṛ̍hāmi te .. 10.163.03
3 From viscera and all within, forth from the rectum, from the heart,
From kidneys, liver, and from spleen, I drive thy malady away.
Sloka : 10.163.4
ऊ॒रुभ्यां॑ ते अष्ठी॒वद्भ्यां॒ पार्ष्णि॑भ्यां॒ प्रप॑दाभ्याम् ।
यक्ष्मं॒ श्रोणि॑भ्यां॒ भास॑दा॒द्भंस॑सो॒ वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ १०.१६३.०४
ū̱rubhyā̍ṃ te aṣṭhī̱vadbhyā̱ṃ pārṣṇi̍bhyā̱ṃ prapa̍dābhyām .
yakṣma̱ṃ śroṇi̍bhyā̱ṃ bhāsa̍dā̱dbhaṃsa̍so̱ vi vṛ̍hāmi te .. 10.163.04
4 From thighs, from knee-caps, and from heels, and from the forepart of the feet,
From hips from stomach, and from groin I drive thy malady away.
Sloka : 10.163.5
मेह॑नाद्वनं॒कर॑णा॒ल्लोम॑भ्यस्ते न॒खेभ्यः॑ ।
यक्ष्मं॒ सर्व॑स्मादा॒त्मन॒स्तमि॒दं वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ १०.१६३.०५
meha̍nādvana̱ṃkara̍ṇā̱lloma̍bhyaste na̱khebhya̍ḥ .
yakṣma̱ṃ sarva̍smādā̱tmana̱stami̱daṃ vi vṛ̍hāmi te .. 10.163.05
5 From what is voided from within, and from thy hair, and from they nails,
From all thyself from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
Sloka : 10.163.6
अङ्गा॑दङ्गा॒ल्लोम्नो॑लोम्नो जा॒तं पर्व॑णिपर्वणि ।
यक्ष्मं॒ सर्व॑स्मादा॒त्मन॒स्तमि॒दं वि वृ॑हामि ते ॥ १०.१६३.०६
aṅgā̍daṅgā̱llomno̍lomno jā̱taṃ parva̍ṇiparvaṇi .
yakṣma̱ṃ sarva̍smādā̱tmana̱stami̱daṃ vi vṛ̍hāmi te .. 10.163.06
6 From every member, every hair, disease that comes in every joint,
From all thyself, from top to toe, I drive thy malady away.
Sloka : 10.164.1
अपे॑हि मनसस्प॒तेऽप॑ क्राम प॒रश्च॑र ।
प॒रो निरृ॑त्या॒ आ च॑क्ष्व बहु॒धा जीव॑तो॒ मनः॑ ॥ १०.१६४.०१
ape̍hi manasaspa̱te'pa̍ krāma pa̱raśca̍ra .
pa̱ro nirṛ̍tyā̱ ā ca̍kṣva bahu̱dhā jīva̍to̱ mana̍ḥ .. 10.164.01
1. AVAUNT, thou Master of the mind Depart, and vanish far away.
Look on Destruction far from hence. The live man's mind is manifold.
Sloka : 10.164.2
भ॒द्रं वै वरं॑ वृणते भ॒द्रं यु॑ञ्जन्ति॒ दक्षि॑णम् ।
भ॒द्रं वै॑वस्व॒ते चक्षु॑र्बहु॒त्रा जीव॑तो॒ मनः॑ ॥ १०.१६४.०२
bha̱draṃ vai vara̍ṃ vṛṇate bha̱draṃ yu̍ñjanti̱ dakṣi̍ṇam .
bha̱draṃ vai̍vasva̱te cakṣu̍rbahu̱trā jīva̍to̱ mana̍ḥ .. 10.164.02
2 A happy boon do men elect, a mighty blessing they obtain.
Bliss with Vaivasvata they see. The live man's mind seeks many a place.
Sloka : 10.164.3
यदा॒शसा॑ निः॒शसा॑भि॒शसो॑पारि॒म जाग्र॑तो॒ यत्स्व॒पन्तः॑ ।
अ॒ग्निर्विश्वा॒न्यप॑ दुष्कृ॒तान्यजु॑ष्टान्या॒रे अ॒स्मद्द॑धातु ॥ १०.१६४.०३
yadā̱śasā̍ ni̱ḥśasā̍bhi̱śaso̍pāri̱ma jāgra̍to̱ yatsva̱panta̍ḥ .
a̱gnirviśvā̱nyapa̍ duṣkṛ̱tānyaju̍ṣṭānyā̱re a̱smadda̍dhātu .. 10.164.03
3 If by address, by blame, by imprecation we have committed sin, awake or sleeping,
All hateful acts of ours, all evil doings may Agni bear away to distant places.
Sloka : 10.164.4
यदि॑न्द्र ब्रह्मणस्पतेऽभिद्रो॒हं चरा॑मसि ।
प्रचे॑ता न आङ्गिर॒सो द्वि॑ष॒तां पा॒त्वंह॑सः ॥ १०.१६४.०४
yadi̍ndra brahmaṇaspate'bhidro̱haṃ carā̍masi .
prace̍tā na āṅgira̱so dvi̍ṣa̱tāṃ pā̱tvaṃha̍saḥ .. 10.164.04
4 When, Indra, Brahmaṇaspati, our deeds are wrongful and unjust,
May provident Aṅgirasa prevent our foes from troubling, us.
Sloka : 10.164.5
अजै॑ष्मा॒द्यास॑नाम॒ चाभू॒माना॑गसो व॒यम् ।
जा॒ग्र॒त्स्व॒प्नः सं॑क॒ल्पः पा॒पो यं द्वि॒ष्मस्तं स ऋ॑च्छतु॒ यो नो॒ द्वेष्टि॒ तमृ॑च्छतु ॥ १०.१६४.०५
ajai̍ṣmā̱dyāsa̍nāma̱ cābhū̱mānā̍gaso va̱yam .
jā̱gra̱tsva̱pnaḥ sa̍ṃka̱lpaḥ pā̱po yaṃ dvi̱ṣmastaṃ sa ṛ̍cchatu̱ yo no̱ dveṣṭi̱ tamṛ̍cchatu .. 10.164.05
5 We have prevailed this day and won:- we are made free from sin and guilt.
Ill thoughts, that visit us awake or sleeping, seize the man we hate, yea, seize the man who hateth us.
Sloka : 10.165.1
देवाः॑ क॒पोत॑ इषि॒तो यदि॒च्छन्दू॒तो निरृ॑त्या इ॒दमा॑ज॒गाम॑ ।
तस्मा॑ अर्चाम कृ॒णवा॑म॒ निष्कृ॑तिं॒ शं नो॑ अस्तु द्वि॒पदे॒ शं चतु॑ष्पदे ॥ १०.१६५.०१
devā̍ḥ ka̱pota̍ iṣi̱to yadi̱cchandū̱to nirṛ̍tyā i̱damā̍ja̱gāma̍ .
tasmā̍ arcāma kṛ̱ṇavā̍ma̱ niṣkṛ̍ti̱ṃ śaṃ no̍ astu dvi̱pade̱ śaṃ catu̍ṣpade .. 10.165.01
1. GODS, whatsoeer the Dove came hither seeking, sent to us as the envoy of Destruction,
For that let us sing hymns and make atonement. Well be it with our quadrupeds and bipeds.
Sloka : 10.165.2
शि॒वः क॒पोत॑ इषि॒तो नो॑ अस्त्वना॒गा दे॑वाः शकु॒नो गृ॒हेषु॑ ।
अ॒ग्निर्हि विप्रो॑ जु॒षतां॑ ह॒विर्नः॒ परि॑ हे॒तिः प॒क्षिणी॑ नो वृणक्तु ॥ १०.१६५.०२
śi̱vaḥ ka̱pota̍ iṣi̱to no̍ astvanā̱gā de̍vāḥ śaku̱no gṛ̱heṣu̍ .
a̱gnirhi vipro̍ ju̱ṣatā̍ṃ ha̱virna̱ḥ pari̍ he̱tiḥ pa̱kṣiṇī̍ no vṛṇaktu .. 10.165.02
2 Auspicious be the Dove that hath been sent us, a harmless bird, ye Gods, within our dwelling.
May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our oblation, and may the Missile borne on wings avoid us.
Sloka : 10.165.3
हे॒तिः प॒क्षिणी॒ न द॑भात्य॒स्माना॒ष्ट्र्यां प॒दं कृ॑णुते अग्नि॒धाने॑ ।
शं नो॒ गोभ्य॑श्च॒ पुरु॑षेभ्यश्चास्तु॒ मा नो॑ हिंसीदि॒ह दे॑वाः क॒पोतः॑ ॥ १०.१६५.०३
he̱tiḥ pa̱kṣiṇī̱ na da̍bhātya̱smānā̱ṣṭryāṃ pa̱daṃ kṛ̍ṇute agni̱dhāne̍ .
śaṃ no̱ gobhya̍śca̱ puru̍ṣebhyaścāstu̱ mā no̍ hiṃsīdi̱ha de̍vāḥ ka̱pota̍ḥ .. 10.165.03
3 Let not the Arrow that hath wings distract us:- beside the fire-place, on the hearth it settles.
May, it bring welfare to our men and cattle:- here let the Dove, ye Gods, forbear to harm us.
Sloka : 10.165.4
यदुलू॑को॒ वद॑ति मो॒घमे॒तद्यत्क॒पोतः॑ प॒दम॒ग्नौ कृ॒णोति॑ ।
यस्य॑ दू॒तः प्रहि॑त ए॒ष ए॒तत्तस्मै॑ य॒माय॒ नमो॑ अस्तु मृ॒त्यवे॑ ॥ १०.१६५.०४
yadulū̍ko̱ vada̍ti mo̱ghame̱tadyatka̱pota̍ḥ pa̱dama̱gnau kṛ̱ṇoti̍ .
yasya̍ dū̱taḥ prahi̍ta e̱ṣa e̱tattasmai̍ ya̱māya̱ namo̍ astu mṛ̱tyave̍ .. 10.165.04
4 The screeching of the owl is ineffective and when beside the fire the Dove hath settled,
To him who sent it hither as an envoy, to him be reverence paid, to Death, to Yama.
Sloka : 10.165.5
ऋ॒चा क॒पोतं॑ नुदत प्र॒णोद॒मिषं॒ मद॑न्तः॒ परि॒ गां न॑यध्वम् ।
सं॒यो॒पय॑न्तो दुरि॒तानि॒ विश्वा॑ हि॒त्वा न॒ ऊर्जं॒ प्र प॑ता॒त्पति॑ष्ठः ॥ १०.१६५.०५
ṛ̱cā ka̱pota̍ṃ nudata pra̱ṇoda̱miṣa̱ṃ mada̍nta̱ḥ pari̱ gāṃ na̍yadhvam .
sa̱ṃyo̱paya̍nto duri̱tāni̱ viśvā̍ hi̱tvā na̱ ūrja̱ṃ pra pa̍tā̱tpati̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 10.165.05
5 Drive forth the Dove, chase it with holy verses:- rejoicing, bring ye hither food and cattle,
Barring the way against all grief and trouble. Let the swift bird fly forth and leave us vigour.
Sloka : 10.166.1
ऋ॒ष॒भं मा॑ समा॒नानां॑ स॒पत्ना॑नां विषास॒हिम् ।
ह॒न्तारं॒ शत्रू॑णां कृधि वि॒राजं॒ गोप॑तिं॒ गवा॑म् ॥ १०.१६६.०१
ṛ̱ṣa̱bhaṃ mā̍ samā̱nānā̍ṃ sa̱patnā̍nāṃ viṣāsa̱him .
ha̱ntāra̱ṃ śatrū̍ṇāṃ kṛdhi vi̱rāja̱ṃ gopa̍ti̱ṃ gavā̍m .. 10.166.01
1. MAKE me a bull among my peers, make me my rivals, conqueror:-
Make me the slayer of my foes, a sovran ruler, lord of kine
Sloka : 10.166.2
अ॒हम॑स्मि सपत्न॒हेन्द्र॑ इ॒वारि॑ष्टो॒ अक्ष॑तः ।
अ॒धः स॒पत्ना॑ मे प॒दोरि॒मे सर्वे॑ अ॒भिष्ठि॑ताः ॥ १०.१६६.०२
a̱hama̍smi sapatna̱hendra̍ i̱vāri̍ṣṭo̱ akṣa̍taḥ .
a̱dhaḥ sa̱patnā̍ me pa̱dori̱me sarve̍ a̱bhiṣṭhi̍tāḥ .. 10.166.02
2 I am my rivals slayer, like Indra unwounded and unhurt,
And all these enemies of mine are vanquished and beneath my feet.
Sloka : 10.166.3
अत्रै॒व वोऽपि॑ नह्याम्यु॒भे आर्त्नी॑ इव॒ ज्यया॑ ।
वाच॑स्पते॒ नि षे॑धे॒मान्यथा॒ मदध॑रं॒ वदा॑न् ॥ १०.१६६.०३
atrai̱va vo'pi̍ nahyāmyu̱bhe ārtnī̍ iva̱ jyayā̍ .
vāca̍spate̱ ni ṣe̍dhe̱mānyathā̱ madadha̍ra̱ṃ vadā̍n .. 10.166.03
3 Here, verily, I bind you fast, as the two bow-ends with the string.
Press down these men, O Lord of Speech, that they may humbly speak to me.
Sloka : 10.166.4
अ॒भि॒भूर॒हमाग॑मं वि॒श्वक॑र्मेण॒ धाम्ना॑ ।
आ व॑श्चि॒त्तमा वो॑ व्र॒तमा वो॒ऽहं समि॑तिं ददे ॥ १०.१६६.०४
a̱bhi̱bhūra̱hamāga̍maṃ vi̱śvaka̍rmeṇa̱ dhāmnā̍ .
ā va̍ści̱ttamā vo̍ vra̱tamā vo̱'haṃ sami̍tiṃ dade .. 10.166.04
4 Hither I came as conqueror with mighty all-effecting power,
And I have mastered all your thought, your synod, and your holy work.
Sloka : 10.166.5
यो॒ग॒क्षे॒मं व॑ आ॒दाया॒हं भू॑यासमुत्त॒म आ वो॑ मू॒र्धान॑मक्रमीम् ।
अ॒ध॒स्प॒दान्म॒ उद्व॑दत म॒ण्डूका॑ इवोद॒कान्म॒ण्डूका॑ उद॒कादि॑व ॥ १०.१६६.०५
yo̱ga̱kṣe̱maṃ va̍ ā̱dāyā̱haṃ bhū̍yāsamutta̱ma ā vo̍ mū̱rdhāna̍makramīm .
a̱dha̱spa̱dānma̱ udva̍data ma̱ṇḍūkā̍ ivoda̱kānma̱ṇḍūkā̍ uda̱kādi̍va .. 10.166.05
5 May I be highest, having gained your strength in war, your skill in peace
my feet have trodden on your heads.
Speak to me from beneath my feet, as frogs from out the water croak, as frogs from out the water croak.
Sloka : 10.167.1
तुभ्ये॒दमि॑न्द्र॒ परि॑ षिच्यते॒ मधु॒ त्वं सु॒तस्य॑ क॒लश॑स्य राजसि ।
त्वं र॒यिं पु॑रु॒वीरा॑मु नस्कृधि॒ त्वं तपः॑ परि॒तप्या॑जयः॒ स्वः॑ ॥ १०.१६७.०१
tubhye̱dami̍ndra̱ pari̍ ṣicyate̱ madhu̱ tvaṃ su̱tasya̍ ka̱laśa̍sya rājasi .
tvaṃ ra̱yiṃ pu̍ru̱vīrā̍mu naskṛdhi̱ tvaṃ tapa̍ḥ pari̱tapyā̍jaya̱ḥ sva̍ḥ .. 10.167.01
1. THIS pleasant meath, O Indra, is effused for thee:- thou art the ruling Lord of beaker and of juice.
Bestow upon us wealth with many hero sons:- thou, having glowed with Fervour, wonnest heavenly light.
Sloka : 10.167.2
स्व॒र्जितं॒ महि॑ मन्दा॒नमन्ध॑सो॒ हवा॑महे॒ परि॑ श॒क्रं सु॒ताँ उप॑ ।
इ॒मं नो॑ य॒ज्ञमि॒ह बो॒ध्या ग॑हि॒ स्पृधो॒ जय॑न्तं म॒घवा॑नमीमहे ॥ १०.१६७.०२
sva̱rjita̱ṃ mahi̍ mandā̱namandha̍so̱ havā̍mahe̱ pari̍ śa̱kraṃ su̱tām̐ upa̍ .
i̱maṃ no̍ ya̱jñami̱ha bo̱dhyā ga̍hi̱ spṛdho̱ jaya̍ntaṃ ma̱ghavā̍namīmahe .. 10.167.02
2 Let us call Śakra to libations here effused, winner of light who joyeth in the potent juice.
Mark well this sacrifice of ours and come to us:- we pray to Maghavan the Vanquisher of hosts.
Sloka : 10.167.3
सोम॑स्य॒ राज्ञो॒ वरु॑णस्य॒ धर्म॑णि॒ बृह॒स्पते॒रनु॑मत्या उ॒ शर्म॑णि ।
तवा॒हम॒द्य म॑घव॒न्नुप॑स्तुतौ॒ धात॒र्विधा॑तः क॒लशा॑ँ अभक्षयम् ॥ १०.१६७.०३
soma̍sya̱ rājño̱ varu̍ṇasya̱ dharma̍ṇi̱ bṛha̱spate̱ranu̍matyā u̱ śarma̍ṇi .
tavā̱hama̱dya ma̍ghava̱nnupa̍stutau̱ dhāta̱rvidhā̍taḥ ka̱laśā̍m̐ abhakṣayam .. 10.167.03
3 By royal Soma's and by Varuṇa's decree, under Bṛhaspati's and Anumati's guard,
This day by thine authority, O Maghavan, Maker, Disposer thou! have I enjoyed the jars.
Sloka : 10.167.4
प्रसू॑तो भ॒क्षम॑करं च॒रावपि॒ स्तोमं॑ चे॒मं प्र॑थ॒मः सू॒रिरुन्मृ॑जे ।
सु॒ते सा॒तेन॒ यद्याग॑मं वां॒ प्रति॑ विश्वामित्रजमदग्नी॒ दमे॑ ॥ १०.१६७.०४
prasū̍to bha̱kṣama̍karaṃ ca̱rāvapi̱ stoma̍ṃ ce̱maṃ pra̍tha̱maḥ sū̱rirunmṛ̍je .
su̱te sā̱tena̱ yadyāga̍maṃ vā̱ṃ prati̍ viśvāmitrajamadagnī̱ dame̍ .. 10.167.04
4 1, too, urged on, have had my portion, in the bowl, and as first Prince I drew forth this my hymn of praise,
When with the prize I came unto the flowing juice, O Viśvāmitra, Jamadagni, to your home.
Sloka : 10.168.1
वात॑स्य॒ नु म॑हि॒मानं॒ रथ॑स्य रु॒जन्ने॑ति स्त॒नय॑न्नस्य॒ घोषः॑ ।
दि॒वि॒स्पृग्या॑त्यरु॒णानि॑ कृ॒ण्वन्नु॒तो ए॑ति पृथि॒व्या रे॒णुमस्य॑न् ॥ १०.१६८.०१
vāta̍sya̱ nu ma̍hi̱māna̱ṃ ratha̍sya ru̱janne̍ti sta̱naya̍nnasya̱ ghoṣa̍ḥ .
di̱vi̱spṛgyā̍tyaru̱ṇāni̍ kṛ̱ṇvannu̱to e̍ti pṛthi̱vyā re̱ṇumasya̍n .. 10.168.01
1. O THE Wind's chariot, O its power and glory! Crashing it goes and hath a voice of thunder.
It makes the regions red and touches heaven, and as it moves the dust of earth is scattered.
Sloka : 10.168.2
सं प्रेर॑ते॒ अनु॒ वात॑स्य वि॒ष्ठा ऐनं॑ गच्छन्ति॒ सम॑नं॒ न योषाः॑ ।
ताभिः॑ स॒युक्स॒रथं॑ दे॒व ई॑यते॒ऽस्य विश्व॑स्य॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ राजा॑ ॥ १०.१६८.०२
saṃ prera̍te̱ anu̱ vāta̍sya vi̱ṣṭhā aina̍ṃ gacchanti̱ sama̍na̱ṃ na yoṣā̍ḥ .
tābhi̍ḥ sa̱yuksa̱ratha̍ṃ de̱va ī̍yate̱'sya viśva̍sya̱ bhuva̍nasya̱ rājā̍ .. 10.168.02
2 Along the traces of the Wind they hurry, they come to him as dames to an assembly.
Borne on his car with these for his attendants, the God speeds forth, the universe's Monarch.
Sloka : 10.168.3
अ॒न्तरि॑क्षे प॒थिभि॒रीय॑मानो॒ न नि वि॑शते कत॒मच्च॒नाहः॑ ।
अ॒पां सखा॑ प्रथम॒जा ऋ॒तावा॒ क्व॑ स्विज्जा॒तः कुत॒ आ ब॑भूव ॥ १०.१६८.०३
a̱ntari̍kṣe pa̱thibhi̱rīya̍māno̱ na ni vi̍śate kata̱macca̱nāha̍ḥ .
a̱pāṃ sakhā̍ prathama̱jā ṛ̱tāvā̱ kva̍ svijjā̱taḥ kuta̱ ā ba̍bhūva .. 10.168.03
3 Travelling on the paths of air's mid-region, no single day doth he take rest or slumber.
Holy and earliest-born, Friend of the waters, where did he spring and from what region came he?
Sloka : 10.168.4
आ॒त्मा दे॒वानां॒ भुव॑नस्य॒ गर्भो॑ यथाव॒शं च॑रति दे॒व ए॒षः ।
घोषा॒ इद॑स्य शृण्विरे॒ न रू॒पं तस्मै॒ वाता॑य ह॒विषा॑ विधेम ॥ १०.१६८.०४
ā̱tmā de̱vānā̱ṃ bhuva̍nasya̱ garbho̍ yathāva̱śaṃ ca̍rati de̱va e̱ṣaḥ .
ghoṣā̱ ida̍sya śṛṇvire̱ na rū̱paṃ tasmai̱ vātā̍ya ha̱viṣā̍ vidhema .. 10.168.04
4 Germ of the world, the Deities vital spirit, this God moves ever as his will inclines him.
His voice is heard, his shape is ever viewless. Let us adore this Wind with our oblation.
Sloka : 10.169.1
म॒यो॒भूर्वातो॑ अ॒भि वा॑तू॒स्रा ऊर्ज॑स्वती॒रोष॑धी॒रा रि॑शन्ताम् ।
पीव॑स्वतीर्जी॒वध॑न्याः पिबन्त्वव॒साय॑ प॒द्वते॑ रुद्र मृळ ॥ १०.१६९.०१
ma̱yo̱bhūrvāto̍ a̱bhi vā̍tū̱srā ūrja̍svatī̱roṣa̍dhī̱rā ri̍śantām .
pīva̍svatīrjī̱vadha̍nyāḥ pibantvava̱sāya̍ pa̱dvate̍ rudra mṛl̤a .. 10.169.01
1. MAY the wind blow upon our Cows with healing:- may they eat herbage full of vigorous juices.
May they drink waters rich in life and fatness:- to food that moves on feet be gracious, Rudra.
Sloka : 10.169.2
याः सरू॑पा॒ विरू॑पा॒ एक॑रूपा॒ यासा॑म॒ग्निरिष्ट्या॒ नामा॑नि॒ वेद॑ ।
या अङ्गि॑रस॒स्तप॑से॒ह च॒क्रुस्ताभ्यः॑ पर्जन्य॒ महि॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ ॥ १०.१६९.०२
yāḥ sarū̍pā̱ virū̍pā̱ eka̍rūpā̱ yāsā̍ma̱gniriṣṭyā̱ nāmā̍ni̱ veda̍ .
yā aṅgi̍rasa̱stapa̍se̱ha ca̱krustābhya̍ḥ parjanya̱ mahi̱ śarma̍ yaccha .. 10.169.02
2 Like-coloured, various-hued, or single-coloured, whose names through sacrifice are known to Agni,
Whom the Aṅgirases produced by Fervour,vouchsafe to these, Parjanya, great protection.
Sloka : 10.169.3
या दे॒वेषु॑ त॒न्व१॒॑मैर॑यन्त॒ यासां॒ सोमो॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒पाणि॒ वेद॑ ।
ता अ॒स्मभ्यं॒ पय॑सा॒ पिन्व॑मानाः प्र॒जाव॑तीरिन्द्र गो॒ष्ठे रि॑रीहि ॥ १०.१६९.०३
yā de̱veṣu̍ ta̱nva1̱̍maira̍yanta̱ yāsā̱ṃ somo̱ viśvā̍ rū̱pāṇi̱ veda̍ .
tā a̱smabhya̱ṃ paya̍sā̱ pinva̍mānāḥ pra̱jāva̍tīrindra go̱ṣṭhe ri̍rīhi .. 10.169.03
3 Those who have offered to the Gods their bodies, whose varied forms are all well known to Soma,
Those grant us in our cattle-pen, O Indra, with their full streams of milk and plenteous offspring.
Sloka : 10.169.4
प्र॒जाप॑ति॒र्मह्य॑मे॒ता ररा॑णो॒ विश्वै॑र्दे॒वैः पि॒तृभिः॑ संविदा॒नः ।
शि॒वाः स॒तीरुप॑ नो गो॒ष्ठमाक॒स्तासां॑ व॒यं प्र॒जया॒ सं स॑देम ॥ १०.१६९.०४
pra̱jāpa̍ti̱rmahya̍me̱tā rarā̍ṇo̱ viśvai̍rde̱vaiḥ pi̱tṛbhi̍ḥ saṃvidā̱naḥ .
śi̱vāḥ sa̱tīrupa̍ no go̱ṣṭhamāka̱stāsā̍ṃ va̱yaṃ pra̱jayā̱ saṃ sa̍dema .. 10.169.04
4 Prajāpati, bestowing these upon me, one-minded with all Gods and with the Fathers,
Hath to our cow-pen brought auspicious cattle:- so may we own the offspring they will bear us.
Sloka : 10.170.1
वि॒भ्राड्बृ॒हत्पि॑बतु सो॒म्यं मध्वायु॒र्दध॑द्य॒ज्ञप॑ता॒ववि॑ह्रुतम् ।
वात॑जूतो॒ यो अ॑भि॒रक्ष॑ति॒ त्मना॑ प्र॒जाः पु॑पोष पुरु॒धा वि रा॑जति ॥ १०.१७०.०१
vi̱bhrāḍbṛ̱hatpi̍batu so̱myaṃ madhvāyu̱rdadha̍dya̱jñapa̍tā̱vavi̍hrutam .
vāta̍jūto̱ yo a̍bhi̱rakṣa̍ti̱ tmanā̍ pra̱jāḥ pu̍poṣa puru̱dhā vi rā̍jati .. 10.170.01
1. MAY the Bright God drink glorious Soma-mingled meath, giving the sacrifice's lord uninjured life;
He who, wind-urged, in person guards our offspring well, hath nourished them with food and shines oer many a land.
Sloka : 10.170.2
वि॒भ्राड्बृ॒हत्सुभृ॑तं वाज॒सात॑मं॒ धर्म॑न्दि॒वो ध॒रुणे॑ स॒त्यमर्पि॑तम् ।
अ॒मि॒त्र॒हा वृ॑त्र॒हा द॑स्यु॒हन्त॑मं॒ ज्योति॑र्जज्ञे असुर॒हा स॑पत्न॒हा ॥ १०.१७०.०२
vi̱bhrāḍbṛ̱hatsubhṛ̍taṃ vāja̱sāta̍ma̱ṃ dharma̍ndi̱vo dha̱ruṇe̍ sa̱tyamarpi̍tam .
a̱mi̱tra̱hā vṛ̍tra̱hā da̍syu̱hanta̍ma̱ṃ jyoti̍rjajñe asura̱hā sa̍patna̱hā .. 10.170.02
2 Radiant, as high Truth, cherished, best at winning strength, Truth based upon the statute that supports the heavens,
He rose, a light, that kills Vṛtras and enemies, best slayer of the Dasyus, Asuras, and foes.
Sloka : 10.170.3
इ॒दं श्रेष्ठं॒ ज्योति॑षां॒ ज्योति॑रुत्त॒मं वि॑श्व॒जिद्ध॑न॒जिदु॑च्यते बृ॒हत् ।
वि॒श्व॒भ्राड्भ्रा॒जो महि॒ सूर्यो॑ दृ॒श उ॒रु प॑प्रथे॒ सह॒ ओजो॒ अच्यु॑तम् ॥ १०.१७०.०३
i̱daṃ śreṣṭha̱ṃ jyoti̍ṣā̱ṃ jyoti̍rutta̱maṃ vi̍śva̱jiddha̍na̱jidu̍cyate bṛ̱hat .
vi̱śva̱bhrāḍbhrā̱jo mahi̱ sūryo̍ dṛ̱śa u̱ru pa̍prathe̱ saha̱ ojo̱ acyu̍tam .. 10.170.03
3 This light, the best of lights, supreme, all-conquering, winner of riches, is exalted with high laud.
All-lighting, radiant, mighty as the Sun to see, he spreadeth wide unfailing victory and strength.
Sloka : 10.170.4
वि॒भ्राज॒ञ्ज्योति॑षा॒ स्व१॒॑रग॑च्छो रोच॒नं दि॒वः ।
येने॒मा विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना॒न्याभृ॑ता वि॒श्वक॑र्मणा वि॒श्वदे॑व्यावता ॥ १०.१७०.०४
vi̱bhrāja̱ñjyoti̍ṣā̱ sva1̱̍raga̍ccho roca̱naṃ di̱vaḥ .
yene̱mā viśvā̱ bhuva̍nā̱nyābhṛ̍tā vi̱śvaka̍rmaṇā vi̱śvade̍vyāvatā .. 10.170.04
4 Beaming forth splendour with thy light, thou hast attained heaven's lustrous realm.
By thee were brought together all existing things, possessor of all Godhead, All-effecting God.
Sloka : 10.171.1
त्वं त्यमि॒टतो॒ रथ॒मिन्द्र॒ प्रावः॑ सु॒ताव॑तः ।
अशृ॑णोः सो॒मिनो॒ हव॑म् ॥ १०.१७१.०१
tvaṃ tyami̱ṭato̱ ratha̱mindra̱ prāva̍ḥ su̱tāva̍taḥ .
aśṛ̍ṇoḥ so̱mino̱ hava̍m .. 10.171.01
1. FOR Iṭa's sake who pressed the juice, thou, Indra, didst protect his car,
And hear the Soma-giver's call.
Sloka : 10.171.2
त्वं म॒खस्य॒ दोध॑तः॒ शिरोऽव॑ त्व॒चो भ॑रः ।
अग॑च्छः सो॒मिनो॑ गृ॒हम् ॥ १०.१७१.०२
tvaṃ ma̱khasya̱ dodha̍ta̱ḥ śiro'va̍ tva̱co bha̍raḥ .
aga̍cchaḥ so̱mino̍ gṛ̱ham .. 10.171.02
2 Thou from his skin hast borne the head of the swift-moving combatant,
And sought the Soma-pourer's home.
Sloka : 10.171.3
त्वं त्यमि॑न्द्र॒ मर्त्य॑मास्त्रबु॒ध्नाय॑ वे॒न्यम् ।
मुहुः॑ श्रथ्ना मन॒स्यवे॑ ॥ १०.१७१.०३
tvaṃ tyami̍ndra̱ martya̍māstrabu̱dhnāya̍ ve̱nyam .
muhu̍ḥ śrathnā mana̱syave̍ .. 10.171.03
3 Venya, that mortal man, hast thou, for Āstrabudhna the devout,
O Indra, many a time set free.
Sloka : 10.171.4
त्वं त्यमि॑न्द्र॒ सूर्यं॑ प॒श्चा सन्तं॑ पु॒रस्कृ॑धि ।
दे॒वानां॑ चित्ति॒रो वश॑म् ॥ १०.१७१.०४
tvaṃ tyami̍ndra̱ sūrya̍ṃ pa̱ścā santa̍ṃ pu̱raskṛ̍dhi .
de̱vānā̍ṃ citti̱ro vaśa̍m .. 10.171.04
4 Bring, Indra, to the east again that Sun who now is in the west,
Even against the will of Gods.
Sloka : 10.172.1
आ या॑हि॒ वन॑सा स॒ह गावः॑ सचन्त वर्त॒निं यदूध॑भिः ॥ १०.१७२.०१
ā yā̍hi̱ vana̍sā sa̱ha gāva̍ḥ sacanta varta̱niṃ yadūdha̍bhiḥ .. 10.172.01
1. WITH all thy beauty come:- the kine approaching with full udders follow on thy path.
Sloka : 10.172.2
आ या॑हि॒ वस्व्या॑ धि॒या मंहि॑ष्ठो जार॒यन्म॑खः सु॒दानु॑भिः ॥ १०.१७२.०२
ā yā̍hi̱ vasvyā̍ dhi̱yā maṃhi̍ṣṭho jāra̱yanma̍khaḥ su̱dānu̍bhiḥ .. 10.172.02
2 Come with kind thoughts, most liberal, rousing the warrior's hymn of praise, with bounteous ones,
Sloka : 10.172.3
पि॒तु॒भृतो॒ न तन्तु॒मित्सु॒दान॑वः॒ प्रति॑ दध्मो॒ यजा॑मसि ॥ १०.१७२.०३
pi̱tu̱bhṛto̱ na tantu̱mitsu̱dāna̍va̱ḥ prati̍ dadhmo̱ yajā̍masi .. 10.172.03
3 As nourishers we tie the thread, and, liberal with our bounty, offer sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.172.4
उ॒षा अप॒ स्वसु॒स्तमः॒ सं व॑र्तयति वर्त॒निं सु॑जा॒तता॑ ॥ १०.१७२.०४
u̱ṣā apa̱ svasu̱stama̱ḥ saṃ va̍rtayati varta̱niṃ su̍jā̱tatā̍ .. 10.172.04
4 Dawn drives away her Sister's gloom, and, through her excellence, makes her retrace her path.
Sloka : 10.173.1
आ त्वा॑हार्षम॒न्तरे॑धि ध्रु॒वस्ति॒ष्ठावि॑चाचलिः ।
विश॑स्त्वा॒ सर्वा॑ वाञ्छन्तु॒ मा त्वद्रा॒ष्ट्रमधि॑ भ्रशत् ॥ १०.१७३.०१
ā tvā̍hārṣama̱ntare̍dhi dhru̱vasti̱ṣṭhāvi̍cācaliḥ .
viśa̍stvā̱ sarvā̍ vāñchantu̱ mā tvadrā̱ṣṭramadhi̍ bhraśat .. 10.173.01
1. BE with us; I have chosen thee:- stand stedfast and immovable.
Let all the people wish for thee let not thy kingship fall away.
Sloka : 10.173.2
इ॒हैवैधि॒ माप॑ च्योष्ठाः॒ पर्व॑त इ॒वावि॑चाचलिः ।
इन्द्र॑ इवे॒ह ध्रु॒वस्ति॑ष्ठे॒ह रा॒ष्ट्रमु॑ धारय ॥ १०.१७३.०२
i̱haivaidhi̱ māpa̍ cyoṣṭhā̱ḥ parva̍ta i̱vāvi̍cācaliḥ .
indra̍ ive̱ha dhru̱vasti̍ṣṭhe̱ha rā̱ṣṭramu̍ dhāraya .. 10.173.02
2 Be even here; fall not away be like a mountain unremoved.
Stand stedfast here like Indra's self, and hold the kingship in the grasp.
Sloka : 10.173.3
इ॒ममिन्द्रो॑ अदीधरद्ध्रु॒वं ध्रु॒वेण॑ ह॒विषा॑ ।
तस्मै॒ सोमो॒ अधि॑ ब्रव॒त्तस्मा॑ उ॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिः॑ ॥ १०.१७३.०३
i̱mamindro̍ adīdharaddhru̱vaṃ dhru̱veṇa̍ ha̱viṣā̍ .
tasmai̱ somo̱ adhi̍ brava̱ttasmā̍ u̱ brahma̍ṇa̱spati̍ḥ .. 10.173.03
3 This man hath Indra stablished, made secure by strong oblation's power.
May Soma speak a benison, and Brahmaṇaspati, on him.
Sloka : 10.173.4
ध्रु॒वा द्यौर्ध्रु॒वा पृ॑थि॒वी ध्रु॒वासः॒ पर्व॑ता इ॒मे ।
ध्रु॒वं विश्व॑मि॒दं जग॑द्ध्रु॒वो राजा॑ वि॒शाम॒यम् ॥ १०.१७३.०४
dhru̱vā dyaurdhru̱vā pṛ̍thi̱vī dhru̱vāsa̱ḥ parva̍tā i̱me .
dhru̱vaṃ viśva̍mi̱daṃ jaga̍ddhru̱vo rājā̍ vi̱śāma̱yam .. 10.173.04
4 Firm is the sky and firm the earth, and stedfast also are these hills.
Stedfast is all this living world, and stedfast is this King of men.
Sloka : 10.173.5
ध्रु॒वं ते॒ राजा॒ वरु॑णो ध्रु॒वं दे॒वो बृह॒स्पतिः॑ ।
ध्रु॒वं त॒ इन्द्र॑श्चा॒ग्निश्च॑ रा॒ष्ट्रं धा॑रयतां ध्रु॒वम् ॥ १०.१७३.०५
dhru̱vaṃ te̱ rājā̱ varu̍ṇo dhru̱vaṃ de̱vo bṛha̱spati̍ḥ .
dhru̱vaṃ ta̱ indra̍ścā̱gniśca̍ rā̱ṣṭraṃ dhā̍rayatāṃ dhru̱vam .. 10.173.05
5 Stedfast, may Varuṇa the King, stedfast, the God Bṛhaspati,
Stedfast, may Indra, stedfast too, may Agni keep thy stedfast reign.
Sloka : 10.173.6
ध्रु॒वं ध्रु॒वेण॑ ह॒विषा॒भि सोमं॑ मृशामसि ।
अथो॑ त॒ इन्द्रः॒ केव॑ली॒र्विशो॑ बलि॒हृत॑स्करत् ॥ १०.१७३.०६
dhru̱vaṃ dhru̱veṇa̍ ha̱viṣā̱bhi soma̍ṃ mṛśāmasi .
atho̍ ta̱ indra̱ḥ keva̍lī̱rviśo̍ bali̱hṛta̍skarat .. 10.173.06
6 On constant Soma let us think with constant sacrificial gift
And then may Indra make the clans bring tribute unto thee alone.
Sloka : 10.174.1
अ॒भी॒व॒र्तेन॑ ह॒विषा॒ येनेन्द्रो॑ अभिवावृ॒ते ।
तेना॒स्मान्ब्र॑ह्मणस्पते॒ऽभि रा॒ष्ट्राय॑ वर्तय ॥ १०.१७४.०१
a̱bhī̱va̱rtena̍ ha̱viṣā̱ yenendro̍ abhivāvṛ̱te .
tenā̱smānbra̍hmaṇaspate̱'bhi rā̱ṣṭrāya̍ vartaya .. 10.174.01
1. WITH offering for success in fight whence Indra was victorious.
With this, O Brahmaṇaspati, let us attain to royal sway.
Sloka : 10.174.2
अ॒भि॒वृत्य॑ स॒पत्ना॑न॒भि या नो॒ अरा॑तयः ।
अ॒भि पृ॑त॒न्यन्तं॑ तिष्ठा॒भि यो न॑ इर॒स्यति॑ ॥ १०.१७४.०२
a̱bhi̱vṛtya̍ sa̱patnā̍na̱bhi yā no̱ arā̍tayaḥ .
a̱bhi pṛ̍ta̱nyanta̍ṃ tiṣṭhā̱bhi yo na̍ ira̱syati̍ .. 10.174.02
2 Subduing those who rival us, subduing all malignities,
Withstand the man who menaces, withstand the man who angers us.
Sloka : 10.174.3
अ॒भि त्वा॑ दे॒वः स॑वि॒ताभि सोमो॑ अवीवृतत् ।
अ॒भि त्वा॒ विश्वा॑ भू॒तान्य॑भीव॒र्तो यथास॑सि ॥ १०.१७४.०३
a̱bhi tvā̍ de̱vaḥ sa̍vi̱tābhi somo̍ avīvṛtat .
a̱bhi tvā̱ viśvā̍ bhū̱tānya̍bhīva̱rto yathāsa̍si .. 10.174.03
3 Soma and Savitar the God have made thee a victorious King
All elements have aided thee, to make thee general conqueror.
Sloka : 10.174.4
येनेन्द्रो॑ ह॒विषा॑ कृ॒त्व्यभ॑वद्द्यु॒म्न्यु॑त्त॒मः ।
इ॒दं तद॑क्रि देवा असप॒त्नः किला॑भुवम् ॥ १०.१७४.०४
yenendro̍ ha̱viṣā̍ kṛ̱tvyabha̍vaddyu̱mnyu̍tta̱maḥ .
i̱daṃ tada̍kri devā asapa̱tnaḥ kilā̍bhuvam .. 10.174.04
4 Oblation, that which Indra. gave and thus grew glorious and most high,
This have I offered, Gods! and hence now, verily, am rivalless.
Sloka : 10.174.5
अ॒स॒प॒त्नः स॑पत्न॒हाभिरा॑ष्ट्रो विषास॒हिः ।
यथा॒हमे॑षां भू॒तानां॑ वि॒राजा॑नि॒ जन॑स्य च ॥ १०.१७४.०५
a̱sa̱pa̱tnaḥ sa̍patna̱hābhirā̍ṣṭro viṣāsa̱hiḥ .
yathā̱hame̍ṣāṃ bhū̱tānā̍ṃ vi̱rājā̍ni̱ jana̍sya ca .. 10.174.05
5 Slayer of rivals, rivalless, victorious, with royal sway,
Over these beings may I rule, may I be Sovran of the folk.
Sloka : 10.175.1
प्र वो॑ ग्रावाणः सवि॒ता दे॒वः सु॑वतु॒ धर्म॑णा ।
धू॒र्षु यु॑ज्यध्वं सुनु॒त ॥ १०.१७५.०१
pra vo̍ grāvāṇaḥ savi̱tā de̱vaḥ su̍vatu̱ dharma̍ṇā .
dhū̱rṣu yu̍jyadhvaṃ sunu̱ta .. 10.175.01
1. MAY Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you according to the Law:-
Be harnessed to the shafts, and press.
Sloka : 10.175.2
ग्रावा॑णो॒ अप॑ दु॒च्छुना॒मप॑ सेधत दुर्म॒तिम् ।
उ॒स्राः क॑र्तन भेष॒जम् ॥ १०.१७५.०२
grāvā̍ṇo̱ apa̍ du̱cchunā̱mapa̍ sedhata durma̱tim .
u̱srāḥ ka̍rtana bheṣa̱jam .. 10.175.02
2 Stones, drive calamity away, drive ye away malevolence:-
Make ye the Cows our medicine.
Sloka : 10.175.3
ग्रावा॑ण॒ उप॑रे॒ष्वा म॑ही॒यन्ते॑ स॒जोष॑सः ।
वृष्णे॒ दध॑तो॒ वृष्ण्य॑म् ॥ १०.१७५.०३
grāvā̍ṇa̱ upa̍re̱ṣvā ma̍hī̱yante̍ sa̱joṣa̍saḥ .
vṛṣṇe̱ dadha̍to̱ vṛṣṇya̍m .. 10.175.03
3 Of one accord the upper Stones, giving the Bull his bull-like strength,
Look down with pride on those below.
Sloka : 10.175.4
ग्रावा॑णः सवि॒ता नु वो॑ दे॒वः सु॑वतु॒ धर्म॑णा ।
यज॑मानाय सुन्व॒ते ॥ १०.१७५.०४
grāvā̍ṇaḥ savi̱tā nu vo̍ de̱vaḥ su̍vatu̱ dharma̍ṇā .
yaja̍mānāya sunva̱te .. 10.175.04
4 May Savitar the God, O Stones, stir you as Law commands for him
Who sacrifices, pouring juice.
Sloka : 10.176.1
प्र सू॒नव॑ ऋभू॒णां बृ॒हन्न॑वन्त वृ॒जना॑ ।
क्षामा॒ ये वि॒श्वधा॑य॒सोऽश्न॑न्धे॒नुं न मा॒तर॑म् ॥ १०.१७६.०१
pra sū̱nava̍ ṛbhū̱ṇāṃ bṛ̱hanna̍vanta vṛ̱janā̍ .
kṣāmā̱ ye vi̱śvadhā̍ya̱so'śna̍ndhe̱nuṃ na mā̱tara̍m .. 10.176.01
1. WITH hymns of praise their sons have told aloud the Ṛbhus' mighty deeds.
Who, all-supporting, have enjoyed the earth as, twere a mother cow.
Sloka : 10.176.2
प्र दे॒वं दे॒व्या धि॒या भर॑ता जा॒तवे॑दसम् ।
ह॒व्या नो॑ वक्षदानु॒षक् ॥ १०.१७६.०२
pra de̱vaṃ de̱vyā dhi̱yā bhara̍tā jā̱tave̍dasam .
ha̱vyā no̍ vakṣadānu̱ṣak .. 10.176.02
2 Bring forth the God with song divine, being Jātavedas hitherward,
To bear our gifts at once to heaven.
Sloka : 10.176.3
अ॒यमु॒ ष्य प्र दे॑व॒युर्होता॑ य॒ज्ञाय॑ नीयते ।
रथो॒ न योर॒भीवृ॑तो॒ घृणी॑वाञ्चेतति॒ त्मना॑ ॥ १०.१७६.०३
a̱yamu̱ ṣya pra de̍va̱yurhotā̍ ya̱jñāya̍ nīyate .
ratho̱ na yora̱bhīvṛ̍to̱ ghṛṇī̍vāñcetati̱ tmanā̍ .. 10.176.03
3 He here, a God-devoted Priest, led forward comes to sacrifice.
Like a car covered for the road, he, glowing, knows, himself, the way.
Sloka : 10.176.4
अ॒यम॒ग्निरु॑रुष्यत्य॒मृता॑दिव॒ जन्म॑नः ।
सह॑सश्चि॒त्सही॑यान्दे॒वो जी॒वात॑वे कृ॒तः ॥ १०.१७६.०४
a̱yama̱gniru̍ruṣyatya̱mṛtā̍diva̱ janma̍naḥ .
saha̍saści̱tsahī̍yānde̱vo jī̱vāta̍ve kṛ̱taḥ .. 10.176.04
4 This Agni rescues from distress, as twere from the Immortal Race,
A God yet mightier than strength, a God who hath been made for life.
Sloka : 10.177.1
प॒तं॒गम॒क्तमसु॑रस्य मा॒यया॑ हृ॒दा प॑श्यन्ति॒ मन॑सा विप॒श्चितः॑ ।
स॒मु॒द्रे अ॒न्तः क॒वयो॒ वि च॑क्षते॒ मरी॑चीनां प॒दमि॑च्छन्ति वे॒धसः॑ ॥ १०.१७७.०१
pa̱ta̱ṃgama̱ktamasu̍rasya mā̱yayā̍ hṛ̱dā pa̍śyanti̱ mana̍sā vipa̱ścita̍ḥ .
sa̱mu̱dre a̱ntaḥ ka̱vayo̱ vi ca̍kṣate̱ marī̍cīnāṃ pa̱dami̍cchanti ve̱dhasa̍ḥ .. 10.177.01
1. THE sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the Bird adorned with all an Asura's magic might.
Sages observe him in the ocean's inmost depth:- the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.
Sloka : 10.177.2
प॒तं॒गो वाचं॒ मन॑सा बिभर्ति॒ तां ग॑न्ध॒र्वो॑ऽवद॒द्गर्भे॑ अ॒न्तः ।
तां द्योत॑मानां स्व॒र्यं॑ मनी॒षामृ॒तस्य॑ प॒दे क॒वयो॒ नि पा॑न्ति ॥ १०.१७७.०२
pa̱ta̱ṃgo vāca̱ṃ mana̍sā bibharti̱ tāṃ ga̍ndha̱rvo̎vada̱dgarbhe̍ a̱ntaḥ .
tāṃ dyota̍mānāṃ sva̱rya̍ṃ manī̱ṣāmṛ̱tasya̍ pa̱de ka̱vayo̱ ni pā̍nti .. 10.177.02
2 The flying Bird bears Speech within his spirit:- erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it:-
And at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish this radiant, heavenly-bright invention.
Sloka : 10.177.3
अप॑श्यं गो॒पामनि॑पद्यमान॒मा च॒ परा॑ च प॒थिभि॒श्चर॑न्तम् ।
स स॒ध्रीचीः॒ स विषू॑ची॒र्वसा॑न॒ आ व॑रीवर्ति॒ भुव॑नेष्व॒न्तः ॥ १०.१७७.०३
apa̍śyaṃ go̱pāmani̍padyamāna̱mā ca̱ parā̍ ca pa̱thibhi̱ścara̍ntam .
sa sa̱dhrīcī̱ḥ sa viṣū̍cī̱rvasā̍na̱ ā va̍rīvarti̱ bhuva̍neṣva̱ntaḥ .. 10.177.03
3 I saw the Herdsman, him who never resteth, approaching and departing on his pathways.
He, clothed in gathered and diffusive splendour, within the worlds continually travels.
Sloka : 10.178.1
त्यमू॒ षु वा॒जिनं॑ दे॒वजू॑तं स॒हावा॑नं तरु॒तारं॒ रथा॑नाम् ।
अरि॑ष्टनेमिं पृत॒नाज॑मा॒शुं स्व॒स्तये॒ तार्क्ष्य॑मि॒हा हु॑वेम ॥ १०.१७८.०१
tyamū̱ ṣu vā̱jina̍ṃ de̱vajū̍taṃ sa̱hāvā̍naṃ taru̱tāra̱ṃ rathā̍nām .
ari̍ṣṭanemiṃ pṛta̱nāja̍mā̱śuṃ sva̱staye̱ tārkṣya̍mi̱hā hu̍vema .. 10.178.01
1. THIS very mighty one whom Gods commission, the Conqueror of cars, ever triumphant,
Swift, fleet to battle, with uninjured fellies, even Tārkṣya for our weal will we call hither.
Sloka : 10.178.2
इन्द्र॑स्येव रा॒तिमा॒जोहु॑वानाः स्व॒स्तये॒ नाव॑मि॒वा रु॑हेम ।
उर्वी॒ न पृथ्वी॒ बहु॑ले॒ गभी॑रे॒ मा वा॒मेतौ॒ मा परे॑तौ रिषाम ॥ १०.१७८.०२
indra̍syeva rā̱timā̱johu̍vānāḥ sva̱staye̱ nāva̍mi̱vā ru̍hema .
urvī̱ na pṛthvī̱ bahu̍le̱ gabhī̍re̱ mā vā̱metau̱ mā pare̍tau riṣāma .. 10.178.02
2 As though we offered up our gifts to Indra, may we ascend. him as a ship. for safety.
Like the two wide worlds, broad, deep far-extended, may we be safe both when he comes and leaves you.
Sloka : 10.178.3
स॒द्यश्चि॒द्यः शव॑सा॒ पञ्च॑ कृ॒ष्टीः सूर्य॑ इव॒ ज्योति॑षा॒पस्त॒तान॑ ।
स॒ह॒स्र॒साः श॑त॒सा अ॑स्य॒ रंहि॒र्न स्मा॑ वरन्ते युव॒तिं न शर्या॑म् ॥ १०.१७८.०३
sa̱dyaści̱dyaḥ śava̍sā̱ pañca̍ kṛ̱ṣṭīḥ sūrya̍ iva̱ jyoti̍ṣā̱pasta̱tāna̍ .
sa̱ha̱sra̱sāḥ śa̍ta̱sā a̍sya̱ raṃhi̱rna smā̍ varante yuva̱tiṃ na śaryā̍m .. 10.178.03
3 He who with might the Five Lands hath pervaded, like Sūrya with his lustre, and the waters
His strength wins hundreds, thousands none avert it, as the young maid repelleth not her lover.
Sloka : 10.179.1
उत्ति॑ष्ठ॒ताव॑ पश्य॒तेन्द्र॑स्य भा॒गमृ॒त्विय॑म् ।
यदि॑ श्रा॒तो जु॒होत॑न॒ यद्यश्रा॑तो मम॒त्तन॑ ॥ १०.१७९.०१
utti̍ṣṭha̱tāva̍ paśya̱tendra̍sya bhā̱gamṛ̱tviya̍m .
yadi̍ śrā̱to ju̱hota̍na̱ yadyaśrā̍to mama̱ttana̍ .. 10.179.01
1. Now lift ye up yourselves and look on Indra's seasonable share.
If it be ready, offer it; unready, ye have been remise.
Sloka : 10.179.2
श्रा॒तं ह॒विरो ष्वि॑न्द्र॒ प्र या॑हि ज॒गाम॒ सूरो॒ अध्व॑नो॒ विम॑ध्यम् ।
परि॑ त्वासते नि॒धिभिः॒ सखा॑यः कुल॒पा न व्रा॒जप॑तिं॒ चर॑न्तम् ॥ १०.१७९.०२
śrā̱taṃ ha̱viro ṣvi̍ndra̱ pra yā̍hi ja̱gāma̱ sūro̱ adhva̍no̱ vima̍dhyam .
pari̍ tvāsate ni̱dhibhi̱ḥ sakhā̍yaḥ kula̱pā na vrā̱japa̍ti̱ṃ cara̍ntam .. 10.179.02
2 Oblation is prepared:- come to us, Indra; the Sun hath travelled over half his journey.
Friends with their stores are sitting round thee waiting like lords of clans for the tribe's wandering chieftain.
Sloka : 10.179.3
श्रा॒तं म॑न्य॒ ऊध॑नि श्रा॒तम॒ग्नौ सुश्रा॑तं मन्ये॒ तदृ॒तं नवी॑यः ।
माध्यं॑दिनस्य॒ सव॑नस्य द॒ध्नः पिबे॑न्द्र वज्रिन्पुरुकृज्जुषा॒णः ॥ १०.१७९.०३
śrā̱taṃ ma̍nya̱ ūdha̍ni śrā̱tama̱gnau suśrā̍taṃ manye̱ tadṛ̱taṃ navī̍yaḥ .
mādhya̍ṃdinasya̱ sava̍nasya da̱dhnaḥ pibe̍ndra vajrinpurukṛjjuṣā̱ṇaḥ .. 10.179.03
3 Dressed in the udder and on fire, I fancy; well-dressed, I fancy, is this recent present.
Drink, Indra, of the curd of noon's libation with favour, Thunderer, thou whose deeds are mighty.
Sloka : 10.180.1
प्र स॑साहिषे पुरुहूत॒ शत्रू॒ञ्ज्येष्ठ॑स्ते॒ शुष्म॑ इ॒ह रा॒तिर॑स्तु ।
इन्द्रा भ॑र॒ दक्षि॑णेना॒ वसू॑नि॒ पतिः॒ सिन्धू॑नामसि रे॒वती॑नाम् ॥ १०.१८०.०१
pra sa̍sāhiṣe puruhūta̱ śatrū̱ñjyeṣṭha̍ste̱ śuṣma̍ i̱ha rā̱tira̍stu .
indrā bha̍ra̱ dakṣi̍ṇenā̱ vasū̍ni̱ pati̱ḥ sindhū̍nāmasi re̱vatī̍nām .. 10.180.01
1. O MUCH-INVOKED, thou hast subdued thy foemen:- thy might is loftiest; here display thy bounty.
In thy right hand, O Indra, bring us treasures:- thou art the Lord of rivers filled with riches.
Sloka : 10.180.2
मृ॒गो न भी॒मः कु॑च॒रो गि॑रि॒ष्ठाः प॑रा॒वत॒ आ ज॑गन्था॒ पर॑स्याः ।
सृ॒कं सं॒शाय॑ प॒विमि॑न्द्र ति॒ग्मं वि शत्रू॑न्ताळ्हि॒ वि मृधो॑ नुदस्व ॥ १०.१८०.०२
mṛ̱go na bhī̱maḥ ku̍ca̱ro gi̍ri̱ṣṭhāḥ pa̍rā̱vata̱ ā ja̍ganthā̱ para̍syāḥ .
sṛ̱kaṃ sa̱ṃśāya̍ pa̱vimi̍ndra ti̱gmaṃ vi śatrū̍ntāl̤hi̱ vi mṛdho̍ nudasva .. 10.180.02
2 Like a dread wild beast roaming on the mountain thou hast approached us from the farthest distance.
Whetting thy bold and thy sharp blade, O Indra, crush thou the foe and scatter those who hate us.
Sloka : 10.180.3
इन्द्र॑ क्ष॒त्रम॒भि वा॒ममोजोऽजा॑यथा वृषभ चर्षणी॒नाम् ।
अपा॑नुदो॒ जन॑ममित्र॒यन्त॑मु॒रुं दे॒वेभ्यो॑ अकृणोरु लो॒कम् ॥ १०.१८०.०३
indra̍ kṣa̱trama̱bhi vā̱mamojo'jā̍yathā vṛṣabha carṣaṇī̱nām .
apā̍nudo̱ jana̍mamitra̱yanta̍mu̱ruṃ de̱vebhyo̍ akṛṇoru lo̱kam .. 10.180.03
3 Thou, mighty Indra, sprangest into being as strength for lovely lordship oer the people.
Thou drovest off the folk who were unfriendly, and to the Gods thou gavest room and freedom.
Sloka : 10.181.1
प्रथ॑श्च॒ यस्य॑ स॒प्रथ॑श्च॒ नामानु॑ष्टुभस्य ह॒विषो॑ ह॒विर्यत् ।
धा॒तुर्द्युता॑नात्सवि॒तुश्च॒ विष्णो॑ रथंत॒रमा ज॑भारा॒ वसि॑ष्ठः ॥ १०.१८१.०१
pratha̍śca̱ yasya̍ sa̱pratha̍śca̱ nāmānu̍ṣṭubhasya ha̱viṣo̍ ha̱viryat .
dhā̱turdyutā̍nātsavi̱tuśca̱ viṣṇo̍ rathaṃta̱ramā ja̍bhārā̱ vasi̍ṣṭhaḥ .. 10.181.01
1. VASIṢṬHA mastered the Rathantara, took it from radiant Dhātar, Savitar, and Viṣṇu,
Oblation, portion of fourfold oblation, known by the names of Saprathas and Prathas.
Sloka : 10.181.2
अवि॑न्द॒न्ते अति॑हितं॒ यदासी॑द्य॒ज्ञस्य॒ धाम॑ पर॒मं गुहा॒ यत् ।
धा॒तुर्द्युता॑नात्सवि॒तुश्च॒ विष्णो॑र्भ॒रद्वा॑जो बृ॒हदा च॑क्रे अ॒ग्नेः ॥ १०.१८१.०२
avi̍nda̱nte ati̍hita̱ṃ yadāsī̍dya̱jñasya̱ dhāma̍ para̱maṃ guhā̱ yat .
dhā̱turdyutā̍nātsavi̱tuśca̱ viṣṇo̍rbha̱radvā̍jo bṛ̱hadā ca̍kre a̱gneḥ .. 10.181.02
2. These sages found what lay remote and hidden, the sacrifice's loftiest secret essence.
From radiant Dhātar, Savitar, and Viṣṇu, from Agni, Bharadvāja brought the Brhat.
Sloka : 10.181.3
ते॑ऽविन्द॒न्मन॑सा॒ दीध्या॑ना॒ यजुः॑ ष्क॒न्नं प्र॑थ॒मं दे॑व॒यान॑म् ।
धा॒तुर्द्युता॑नात्सवि॒तुश्च॒ विष्णो॒रा सूर्या॑दभरन्घ॒र्ममे॒ते ॥ १०.१८१.०३
te̎vinda̱nmana̍sā̱ dīdhyā̍nā̱ yaju̍ḥ ṣka̱nnaṃ pra̍tha̱maṃ de̍va̱yāna̍m .
dhā̱turdyutā̍nātsavi̱tuśca̱ viṣṇo̱rā sūryā̍dabharangha̱rmame̱te .. 10.181.03
3 They found with mental eyes the earliest Yajus, a pathway to the Gods, that had descended.
From radiant Dhātar, Savitar, and Viṣṇu, from Sūrya did these sages bring the Gharma.
Sloka : 10.182.1
बृह॒स्पति॑र्नयतु दु॒र्गहा॑ ति॒रः पुन॑र्नेषद॒घशं॑साय॒ मन्म॑ ।
क्षि॒पदश॑स्ति॒मप॑ दुर्म॒तिं ह॒न्नथा॑ कर॒द्यज॑मानाय॒ शं योः ॥ १०.१८२.०१
bṛha̱spati̍rnayatu du̱rgahā̍ ti̱raḥ puna̍rneṣada̱ghaśa̍ṃsāya̱ manma̍ .
kṣi̱padaśa̍sti̱mapa̍ durma̱tiṃ ha̱nnathā̍ kara̱dyaja̍mānāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ .. 10.182.01
1. BṚHASPATI lead us safely over troubles and turn his evil thought against the sinner;
Repel the curse, and drive away ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort!
Sloka : 10.182.2
नरा॒शंसो॑ नोऽवतु प्रया॒जे शं नो॑ अस्त्वनुया॒जो हवे॑षु ।
क्षि॒पदश॑स्ति॒मप॑ दुर्म॒तिं ह॒न्नथा॑ कर॒द्यज॑मानाय॒ शं योः ॥ १०.१८२.०२
narā̱śaṃso̍ no'vatu prayā̱je śaṃ no̍ astvanuyā̱jo have̍ṣu .
kṣi̱padaśa̍sti̱mapa̍ durma̱tiṃ ha̱nnathā̍ kara̱dyaja̍mānāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ .. 10.182.02
2 May Narāśaṁsa aid us at Prayāja:- blest be our Anuyāja at invokings.
May he repel the curse, and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort.
Sloka : 10.182.3
तपु॑र्मूर्धा तपतु र॒क्षसो॒ ये ब्र॑ह्म॒द्विषः॒ शर॑वे॒ हन्त॒वा उ॑ ।
क्षि॒पदश॑स्ति॒मप॑ दुर्म॒तिं ह॒न्नथा॑ कर॒द्यज॑मानाय॒ शं योः ॥ १०.१८२.०३
tapu̍rmūrdhā tapatu ra̱kṣaso̱ ye bra̍hma̱dviṣa̱ḥ śara̍ve̱ hanta̱vā u̍ .
kṣi̱padaśa̍sti̱mapa̍ durma̱tiṃ ha̱nnathā̍ kara̱dyaja̍mānāya̱ śaṃ yoḥ .. 10.182.03
3 May he whose head is flaming burn the demons, haters of prayer, so that the arrow slay them.
May he repel the curse and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort.
Sloka : 10.183.1
अप॑श्यं त्वा॒ मन॑सा॒ चेकि॑तानं॒ तप॑सो जा॒तं तप॑सो॒ विभू॑तम् ।
इ॒ह प्र॒जामि॒ह र॒यिं ररा॑णः॒ प्र जा॑यस्व प्र॒जया॑ पुत्रकाम ॥ १०.१८३.०१
apa̍śyaṃ tvā̱ mana̍sā̱ ceki̍tāna̱ṃ tapa̍so jā̱taṃ tapa̍so̱ vibhū̍tam .
i̱ha pra̱jāmi̱ha ra̱yiṃ rarā̍ṇa̱ḥ pra jā̍yasva pra̱jayā̍ putrakāma .. 10.183.01
1. I SAW thee meditating in thy spirit what sprang from Fervour and hath thence developed.
Bestowing offspring here, bestowing riches, spread in thine offspring, thou who cravest children.
Sloka : 10.183.2
अप॑श्यं त्वा॒ मन॑सा॒ दीध्या॑नां॒ स्वायां॑ त॒नू ऋत्व्ये॒ नाध॑मानाम् ।
उप॒ मामु॒च्चा यु॑व॒तिर्ब॑भूयाः॒ प्र जा॑यस्व प्र॒जया॑ पुत्रकामे ॥ १०.१८३.०२
apa̍śyaṃ tvā̱ mana̍sā̱ dīdhyā̍nā̱ṃ svāyā̍ṃ ta̱nū ṛtvye̱ nādha̍mānām .
upa̱ māmu̱ccā yu̍va̱tirba̍bhūyā̱ḥ pra jā̍yasva pra̱jayā̍ putrakāme .. 10.183.02
2 I saw thee pondering in thine heart, and praying that in due time thy body might be fruitful.
Come as a youthful woman, rise to meet me:- spread in thine offspring, thou who cravest children.
Sloka : 10.183.3
अ॒हं गर्भ॑मदधा॒मोष॑धीष्व॒हं विश्वे॑षु॒ भुव॑नेष्व॒न्तः ।
अ॒हं प्र॒जा अ॑जनयं पृथि॒व्याम॒हं जनि॑भ्यो अप॒रीषु॑ पु॒त्रान् ॥ १०.१८३.०३
a̱haṃ garbha̍madadhā̱moṣa̍dhīṣva̱haṃ viśve̍ṣu̱ bhuva̍neṣva̱ntaḥ .
a̱haṃ pra̱jā a̍janayaṃ pṛthi̱vyāma̱haṃ jani̍bhyo apa̱rīṣu̍ pu̱trān .. 10.183.03
3 In plants and herbs, in all existent beings I have deposited the germ of increase.
All progeny on earth have I engendered, and sons in women who will be hereafter.
Sloka : 10.184.1
विष्णु॒र्योनिं॑ कल्पयतु॒ त्वष्टा॑ रू॒पाणि॑ पिंशतु ।
आ सि॑ञ्चतु प्र॒जाप॑तिर्धा॒ता गर्भं॑ दधातु ते ॥ १०.१८४.०१
viṣṇu̱ryoni̍ṃ kalpayatu̱ tvaṣṭā̍ rū̱pāṇi̍ piṃśatu .
ā si̍ñcatu pra̱jāpa̍tirdhā̱tā garbha̍ṃ dadhātu te .. 10.184.01
1. MAY Viṣṇu form and mould the womb, may Tvaṣṭar duly shape the forms,
Prajāpati infuse the stream, and Dhātar lay the germ for thee.
Sloka : 10.184.2
गर्भं॑ धेहि सिनीवालि॒ गर्भं॑ धेहि सरस्वति ।
गर्भं॑ ते अ॒श्विनौ॑ दे॒वावा ध॑त्तां॒ पुष्क॑रस्रजा ॥ १०.१८४.०२
garbha̍ṃ dhehi sinīvāli̱ garbha̍ṃ dhehi sarasvati .
garbha̍ṃ te a̱śvinau̍ de̱vāvā dha̍ttā̱ṃ puṣka̍rasrajā .. 10.184.02
2 O Sinīvālī, set the germ, set thou the germ, Sarasvatī:-
May the Twain Gods bestow the germ, the Aśvins crowned with lotuses.
Sloka : 10.184.3
हि॒र॒ण्ययी॑ अ॒रणी॒ यं नि॒र्मन्थ॑तो अ॒श्विना॑ ।
तं ते॒ गर्भं॑ हवामहे दश॒मे मा॒सि सूत॑वे ॥ १०.१८४.०३
hi̱ra̱ṇyayī̍ a̱raṇī̱ yaṃ ni̱rmantha̍to a̱śvinā̍ .
taṃ te̱ garbha̍ṃ havāmahe daśa̱me mā̱si sūta̍ve .. 10.184.03
3 That which the Aśvins Twain rub forth with the attrition-sticks of gold,
That germ of thine we invocate, that in the tenth month thou mayst bear.
Sloka : 10.185.1
महि॑ त्री॒णामवो॑ऽस्तु द्यु॒क्षं मि॒त्रस्या॑र्य॒म्णः ।
दु॒रा॒धर्षं॒ वरु॑णस्य ॥ १०.१८५.०१
mahi̍ trī̱ṇāmavo̎stu dyu̱kṣaṃ mi̱trasyā̍rya̱mṇaḥ .
du̱rā̱dharṣa̱ṃ varu̍ṇasya .. 10.185.01
1. GREAT, unassailable must he the heavenly favour of Three Gods,
Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman.
Sloka : 10.185.2
न॒हि तेषा॑म॒मा च॒न नाध्व॑सु वार॒णेषु॑ ।
ईशे॑ रि॒पुर॒घशं॑सः ॥ १०.१८५.०२
na̱hi teṣā̍ma̱mā ca̱na nādhva̍su vāra̱ṇeṣu̍ .
īśe̍ ri̱pura̱ghaśa̍ṃsaḥ .. 10.185.02
2 O'er these, neither at home nor yet abroad or pathways that are Strange,
The evil-minded foe hath power
Sloka : 10.185.3
यस्मै॑ पु॒त्रासो॒ अदि॑तेः॒ प्र जी॒वसे॒ मर्त्या॑य ।
ज्योति॒र्यच्छ॒न्त्यज॑स्रम् ॥ १०.१८५.०३
yasmai̍ pu̱trāso̱ adi̍te̱ḥ pra jī̱vase̱ martyā̍ya .
jyoti̱ryaccha̱ntyaja̍sram .. 10.185.03
3 Nor over him,. the man on whom the Sons of Aditi bestow Eternal light that he may live.
Sloka : 10.186.1
वात॒ आ वा॑तु भेष॒जं श॒म्भु म॑यो॒भु नो॑ हृ॒दे ।
प्र ण॒ आयूं॑षि तारिषत् ॥ १०.१८६.०१
vāta̱ ā vā̍tu bheṣa̱jaṃ śa̱mbhu ma̍yo̱bhu no̍ hṛ̱de .
pra ṇa̱ āyū̍ṃṣi tāriṣat .. 10.186.01
1. FILLING our hearts with health and joy, may Vāta breathe his balm on us
May he prolong our days of life.
Sloka : 10.186.2
उ॒त वा॑त पि॒तासि॑ न उ॒त भ्रातो॒त नः॒ सखा॑ ।
स नो॑ जी॒वात॑वे कृधि ॥ १०.१८६.०२
u̱ta vā̍ta pi̱tāsi̍ na u̱ta bhrāto̱ta na̱ḥ sakhā̍ .
sa no̍ jī̱vāta̍ve kṛdhi .. 10.186.02
2 Thou art our Father, Vāta, yea, thou art a Brother and a friend,
So give us strength that we may live.
Sloka : 10.186.3
यद॒दो वा॑त ते गृ॒हे॒३॒॑ऽमृत॑स्य नि॒धिर्हि॒तः ।
ततो॑ नो देहि जी॒वसे॑ ॥ १०.१८६.०३
yada̱do vā̍ta te gṛ̱he̱3̱̎mṛta̍sya ni̱dhirhi̱taḥ .
tato̍ no dehi jī̱vase̍ .. 10.186.03
3 The store of Amṛta laid away yonder, O Vāta, in thine home,
Give us thereof that we may live.
Sloka : 10.187.1
प्राग्नये॒ वाच॑मीरय वृष॒भाय॑ क्षिती॒नाम् ।
स नः॑ पर्ष॒दति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१८७.०१
prāgnaye̱ vāca̍mīraya vṛṣa̱bhāya̍ kṣitī̱nām .
sa na̍ḥ parṣa̱dati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.187.01
1. To Agni send I forth my song, to him the Bull of all the folk:-
So may he bear us past our foes.
Sloka : 10.187.2
यः पर॑स्याः परा॒वत॑स्ति॒रो धन्वा॑ति॒रोच॑ते ।
स नः॑ पर्ष॒दति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१८७.०२
yaḥ para̍syāḥ parā̱vata̍sti̱ro dhanvā̍ti̱roca̍te .
sa na̍ḥ parṣa̱dati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.187.02
2 Who from the distance far away shines brilliantly across the wastes:-
So may he bear us past our foes.
Sloka : 10.187.3
यो रक्षां॑सि नि॒जूर्व॑ति॒ वृषा॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॑ ।
स नः॑ पर्ष॒दति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१८७.०३
yo rakṣā̍ṃsi ni̱jūrva̍ti̱ vṛṣā̍ śu̱kreṇa̍ śo̱ciṣā̍ .
sa na̍ḥ parṣa̱dati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.187.03
3 The Bull with brightly-gleaming flame who utterly consumes the fiends
So may he bear us past our foes.
Sloka : 10.187.4
यो विश्वा॒भि वि॒पश्य॑ति॒ भुव॑ना॒ सं च॒ पश्य॑ति ।
स नः॑ पर्ष॒दति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१८७.०४
yo viśvā̱bhi vi̱paśya̍ti̱ bhuva̍nā̱ saṃ ca̱ paśya̍ti .
sa na̍ḥ parṣa̱dati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.187.04
4 Who looks on all existing things and comprehends them with his view:-
So may he bear us past our foes.
Sloka : 10.187.5
यो अ॒स्य पा॒रे रज॑सः शु॒क्रो अ॒ग्निरजा॑यत ।
स नः॑ पर्ष॒दति॒ द्विषः॑ ॥ १०.१८७.०५
yo a̱sya pā̱re raja̍saḥ śu̱kro a̱gnirajā̍yata .
sa na̍ḥ parṣa̱dati̱ dviṣa̍ḥ .. 10.187.05
5 Resplendent Agni, who was born in farthest region of the air:-
So may he bear us past our foes.
Sloka : 10.188.1
प्र नू॒नं जा॒तवे॑दस॒मश्वं॑ हिनोत वा॒जिन॑म् ।
इ॒दं नो॑ ब॒र्हिरा॒सदे॑ ॥ १०.१८८.०१
pra nū̱naṃ jā̱tave̍dasa̱maśva̍ṃ hinota vā̱jina̍m .
i̱daṃ no̍ ba̱rhirā̱sade̍ .. 10.188.01
1. Now send ye Jātavedas forth, send hitherward the vigorous Steed
To seat him on our sacred grass.
Sloka : 10.188.2
अ॒स्य प्र जा॒तवे॑दसो॒ विप्र॑वीरस्य मी॒ळ्हुषः॑ ।
म॒हीमि॑यर्मि सुष्टु॒तिम् ॥ १०.१८८.०२
a̱sya pra jā̱tave̍daso̱ vipra̍vīrasya mī̱l̤huṣa̍ḥ .
ma̱hīmi̍yarmi suṣṭu̱tim .. 10.188.02
2. I raise the lofty eulogy of Jātavedas, raining boons,
With sages for his hero band.
Sloka : 10.188.3
या रुचो॑ जा॒तवे॑दसो देव॒त्रा ह॑व्य॒वाह॑नीः ।
ताभि॑र्नो य॒ज्ञमि॑न्वतु ॥ १०.१८८.०३
yā ruco̍ jā̱tave̍daso deva̱trā ha̍vya̱vāha̍nīḥ .
tābhi̍rno ya̱jñami̍nvatu .. 10.188.03
3 With flames of Jātavedas which carry oblation to the Gods,
May he promote our sacrifice.
Sloka : 10.189.1
आयं गौः पृश्नि॑रक्रमी॒दस॑दन्मा॒तरं॑ पु॒रः ।
पि॒तरं॑ च प्र॒यन्स्वः॑ ॥ १०.१८९.०१
āyaṃ gauḥ pṛśni̍rakramī̱dasa̍danmā̱tara̍ṃ pu̱raḥ .
pi̱tara̍ṃ ca pra̱yansva̍ḥ .. 10.189.01
1. THIS spotted Bull hath come, and sat before the Mother in the east,
Advancing to his Father heaven.
Sloka : 10.189.2
अ॒न्तश्च॑रति रोच॒नास्य प्रा॒णाद॑पान॒ती ।
व्य॑ख्यन्महि॒षो दिव॑म् ॥ १०.१८९.०२
a̱ntaśca̍rati roca̱nāsya prā̱ṇāda̍pāna̱tī .
vya̍khyanmahi̱ṣo diva̍m .. 10.189.02
2 Expiring when he draws his breath, she moves along the lucid spheres:-
The Bull shines out through all the sky.
Sloka : 10.189.3
त्रिं॒शद्धाम॒ वि रा॑जति॒ वाक्प॑तं॒गाय॑ धीयते ।
प्रति॒ वस्तो॒रह॒ द्युभिः॑ ॥ १०.१८९.०३
tri̱ṃśaddhāma̱ vi rā̍jati̱ vākpa̍ta̱ṃgāya̍ dhīyate .
prati̱ vasto̱raha̱ dyubhi̍ḥ .. 10.189.03
3 Song is bestowed upon the Bird:- it rules supreme through thirty realms
Throughout the days at break of morn.
Sloka : 10.190.1
ऋ॒तं च॑ स॒त्यं चा॒भी॑द्धा॒त्तप॒सोऽध्य॑जायत ।
ततो॒ रात्र्य॑जायत॒ ततः॑ समु॒द्रो अ॑र्ण॒वः ॥ १०.१९०.०१
ṛ̱taṃ ca̍ sa̱tyaṃ cā̱bhī̍ddhā̱ttapa̱so'dhya̍jāyata .
tato̱ rātrya̍jāyata̱ tata̍ḥ samu̱dro a̍rṇa̱vaḥ .. 10.190.01
1. FROM Fervour kindled to its height Eternal Law and Truth were born:-
Thence was the Night produced, and thence the billowy flood of sea arose.
Sloka : 10.190.2
स॒मु॒द्राद॑र्ण॒वादधि॑ संवत्स॒रो अ॑जायत ।
अ॒हो॒रा॒त्राणि॑ वि॒दध॒द्विश्व॑स्य मिष॒तो व॒शी ॥ १०.१९०.०२
sa̱mu̱drāda̍rṇa̱vādadhi̍ saṃvatsa̱ro a̍jāyata .
a̱ho̱rā̱trāṇi̍ vi̱dadha̱dviśva̍sya miṣa̱to va̱śī .. 10.190.02
2 From that same billowy flood of sea the Year was afterwards produced,
Ordainer of the days nights, Lord over all who close the eye.
Sloka : 10.190.3
सू॒र्या॒च॒न्द्र॒मसौ॑ धा॒ता य॑थापू॒र्वम॑कल्पयत् ।
दिवं॑ च पृथि॒वीं चा॒न्तरि॑क्ष॒मथो॒ स्वः॑ ॥ १०.१९०.०३
sū̱ryā̱ca̱ndra̱masau̍ dhā̱tā ya̍thāpū̱rvama̍kalpayat .
diva̍ṃ ca pṛthi̱vīṃ cā̱ntari̍kṣa̱matho̱ sva̍ḥ .. 10.190.03
3 Dhātar, the great Creator, then formed in due order Sun and Moon.
He formed in order Heaven and Earth, the regions of the air, and light.
Sloka : 10.191.1
संस॒मिद्यु॑वसे वृष॒न्नग्ने॒ विश्वा॑न्य॒र्य आ ।
इ॒ळस्प॒दे समि॑ध्यसे॒ स नो॒ वसू॒न्या भ॑र ॥ १०.१९१.०१
saṃsa̱midyu̍vase vṛṣa̱nnagne̱ viśvā̍nya̱rya ā .
i̱l̤aspa̱de sami̍dhyase̱ sa no̱ vasū̱nyā bha̍ra .. 10.191.01
1. THOU, mighty Agni, gatherest up all that is precious for thy friend.
Bring us all treasures as thou art enkindled in libation's place
Sloka : 10.191.2
सं ग॑च्छध्वं॒ सं व॑दध्वं॒ सं वो॒ मनां॑सि जानताम् ।
दे॒वा भा॒गं यथा॒ पूर्वे॑ संजाना॒ना उ॒पास॑ते ॥ १०.१९१.०२
saṃ ga̍cchadhva̱ṃ saṃ va̍dadhva̱ṃ saṃ vo̱ manā̍ṃsi jānatām .
de̱vā bhā̱gaṃ yathā̱ pūrve̍ saṃjānā̱nā u̱pāsa̍te .. 10.191.02
2 Assemble, speak together:- let your minds be all of one accord,
As ancient Gods unanimous sit down to their appointed share.
Sloka : 10.191.3
स॒मा॒नो मन्त्रः॒ समि॑तिः समा॒नी स॑मा॒नं मनः॑ स॒ह चि॒त्तमे॑षाम् ।
स॒मा॒नं मन्त्र॑म॒भि म॑न्त्रये वः समा॒नेन॑ वो ह॒विषा॑ जुहोमि ॥ १०.१९१.०३
sa̱mā̱no mantra̱ḥ sami̍tiḥ samā̱nī sa̍mā̱naṃ mana̍ḥ sa̱ha ci̱ttame̍ṣām .
sa̱mā̱naṃ mantra̍ma̱bhi ma̍ntraye vaḥ samā̱nena̍ vo ha̱viṣā̍ juhomi .. 10.191.03
3 The place is common, common the assembly, common the mind, so be their thought united.
A common purpose do I lay before you, and worship with your general oblation.
Sloka : 10.191.4
स॒मा॒नी व॒ आकू॑तिः समा॒ना हृद॑यानि वः ।
स॒मा॒नम॑स्तु वो॒ मनो॒ यथा॑ वः॒ सुस॒हास॑ति ॥ १०.१९१.०४
sa̱mā̱nī va̱ ākū̍tiḥ samā̱nā hṛda̍yāni vaḥ .
sa̱mā̱nama̍stu vo̱ mano̱ yathā̍ va̱ḥ susa̱hāsa̍ti .. 10.191.04
4 One and the same be your resolve, and be your minds of one accord.
United be the thoughts of all that all may happily agree.
Shanti Mantra (END)
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
oṃ śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ | śāntiḥ ||